lady macbeth a level essay

Macbeth – A* / L9 Full Mark Example Essay

This is an A* / L9 full mark example essay on Macbeth completed by a 15-year-old student in timed conditions (50 mins writing, 10 mins planning).

It contained a few minor spelling and grammatical errors – but the quality of analysis overall was very high so this didn’t affect the grade. It is extremely good on form and structure, and perhaps could do with more language analysis of poetic and grammatical devices; as the quality of thought and interpretation is so high this again did not impede the overall mark. 

Thanks for reading! If you find this resource useful, you can take a look at our full online Macbeth course here . Use the code “SHAKESPEARE” to receive a 50% discount!

This course includes: 

  • A full set of video lessons on each key element of the text: summary, themes, setting, characters, context, attitudes, analysis of key quotes, essay questions, essay examples
  • Downloadable documents for each video lesson 
  • A range of example B-A* / L7-L9 grade essays, both at GCSE (ages 14-16) and A-Level (age 16+) with teacher comments and mark scheme feedback
  • A bonus Macbeth workbook designed to guide you through each scene of the play!

For more help with Macbeth and Tragedy, read our article here .


Macbeth’s ambition for status and power grows throughout the play. Shakespeare uses Macbeth as an embodiment of greed and asks the audience to question their own actions through the use of his wrongful deeds.

In the extract, Macbeth is demonstrated to possess some ambition but with overriding morals, when writing to his wife about the prophecies, Lady Macbeth uses metaphors to describe his kind hearted nature: “yet I do fear thy nature, / It is too full o’th’milk of human kindness”. Here, Shakespeare presents Macbeth as a more gentle natured being who is loyal to his king and country. However, the very act of writing the letter demonstrates his inklings of desire, and ambition to take the throne. Perhaps, Shakespeare is aiming to ask the audience about their own thoughts, and whether they would be willing to commit heinous deeds for power and control. 

Furthermore, the extract presents Macbeth’s indecisive tone when thinking of the murder – he doesn’t want to kill Duncan but knows it’s the only way to the throne. Lady Macbeth says she might need to interfere in order to persuade him; his ambition isn’t strong enough yet: “That I may pour my spirits in  thine ear / And chastise with the valour of my tongue”. Here, Shakespeare portrays Lady Macbeth as a manipulative character, conveying she will seduce him in order to “sway “ his mind into killing Duncan. The very need for her persuasion insinuates Macbeth is still weighing up the consequences in his head, his ambition equal with his morality. It would be shocking for the audience to see a female character act in this authoritative way. Lady Macbeth not only holds control of her husband in a patriarchal society but the stage too, speaking in iambic pentameter to portray her status: “To catch the nearest way. Thou wouldst be great”. It is interesting that Shakespeare uses Lady Macbeth in this way; she has more ambition for power than her husband at this part of play. 

As the play progresses, in Act 3, Macbeth’s ambition has grown and now kills with ease. He sends three murders to kill Banquo and his son, Fleance, as the witches predicted that he may have heirs to the throne which could end his reign. Macbeth is suspicious in this act, hiding his true intentions from his dearest companion and his wife: “I wish your horses swift and sure on foot” and “and make our faces vizards to our hearts”. There, we see, as an audience, Macbeth’s longing to remain King much stronger than his initial attitudes towards the throne He was toying with the idea of killing for the throne and now he is killing those that could interfere with his rule without a second thought. It is interesting that Shakespeare presents him this way, as though he is ignoring his morals or that they have been “numbed” by his ambition. Similarly to his wife in the first act, Macbeth also speaks in pentameter to illustrate his increase in power and dominance. 

In Act 4, his ambition and dependence on power has grown even more. When speaking with the witches about the three apparitions, he uses imperatives to portray his newly adopted controlling nature: “I conjure you” and “answer me”. Here, the use of his aggressive demanding demonstrates his reliance on the throne and his need for security. By the Witches showing him the apparitions and predicting his future, he gains a sense of superiority, believing he is safe and protected from everything. Shakespeare also lengthens Macbeth’s speech in front of the Witches in comparison to Act 1 to show his power and ambition has given him confidence, confidence to speak up to the “filthy nags” and expresses his desires. Although it would be easy to infer Macbeth’s greed and ambition has grown from his power-hungry nature, a more compassionate reading of Macbeth demonstrates the pressure he feels as a Jacobean man and soldier. Perhaps he feels he has to constantly strive for more to impress those around him or instead he may want to be king to feel more worthy and possibly less insecure. 

It would be unusual to see a Jacobean citizen approaching an “embodiment” of the supernatural as forming alliance with them was forbidden and frowned upon. Perhaps Shakespeare uses Macbeth to defy these stereotypical views to show that there is a supernatural, a more dark side in us all and it is up to our own decisions whereas we act on these impulses to do what is morally incorrect. 

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lady macbeth a level essay

Macbeth Essays

There are loads of ways you can approach writing an essay, but the two i favour are detailed below., the key thing to remember is that an essay should focus on the three aos:, ao1: plot and character development; ao2: language and technique; ao3: context, strategy 1 : extract / rest of play, the first strategy basically splits the essay into 3 paragraphs., the first paragraph focuses on the extract, the second focuses on the rest of the play, the third focuses on context. essentially, it's one ao per paragraph, for a really neatly organised essay., strategy 2 : a structured essay with an argument, this strategy allows you to get a much higher marks as it's structured to form an argument about the whole text. although you might think that's harder - and it's probably going to score more highly - i'd argue that it's actually easier to master. mainly because you do most of the work before the day of the exam., to see some examples of these, click on the links below:, lady macbeth as a powerful woman, macbeth as a heroic character, the key to this style is remembering this: you're going to get a question about a theme, and the extract will definitely relate to the theme., the strategy here is planning out your essays before the exam, knowing that the extract will fit into them somehow., below are some structured essays i've put together., macbeth and gender.

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AS and A Level: Macbeth

  • English Literature
  • Shakespeare

"Macbeth's ambition caused him to commit the crimes - Nobody else influenced him" - Discuss.

"Macbeth's ambition caused him to commit the crimes - Nobody else influenced him" - Discuss.

"Macbeth's ambition caused him to commit the crimes. Nobody else influenced him." Discuss. Throughout the play Macbeth commits a number of crimes. This is due to a number of reasons; some when other characters in the play influenced him, however they are only reflecting his own secret desires, and some when his "ambition caused him to commit the crimes". Macbeth is first perceived as courageous, strong and a good general. He is co-leader of Duncan's army along with Banquo. He is described as "brave Macbeth - well he deserves that name" and "Noble Macbeth" and even "Bellona's bridegroom" - a fit husband for the Roman goddess of war. All hold him in high regard. He is rewarded with the title of Thane of Cawdor, although Macbeth is unaware of this yet. In Act 1, Scene 3, the three witches meet with Macbeth for the first time, whilst Banquo accompanied him. He is initially shocked by their appearance and is stunned by their prophecies that he will become Thane of Cawdor and King of Scotland. "Second witch: All hail, Macbeth! Thane of Cawdor! Third witch: All hail, Macbeth! That shalt be king hereafter!" Macbeth questions their prophecies but the witches vanish. Soon after, Ross and Angus arrive and tell Macbeth that he has become Thane of Cawdor. He then chooses to see this as a sign that he is also destined to become king of Scotland and for the first time we see his

  • Word count: 1523
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: English

"Comment on the imagery in 'Macbeth'".

"Comment on the imagery in 'Macbeth'".

"Comment on the imagery in 'Macbeth'" In 'Macbeth', Shakespeare has produced some very powerful images that can, and definitely did, induce certain emotions in the audience. The play to an Elizabethan audience would have been both scary and horrifying. The way Shakespeare achieved this was through the use of the imagery of- clothes, light and dark, the unnatural, blood, animals and disease. The opening scene with the witches is full of imagery, such as the storm and dark weather. This is important because the opening scene is the scene that captures the imagination of the audience and persuades them to stay. One of the most obvious themes in 'Macbeth' that recurs throughout the play is the theme of clothing. Clothes are used as metaphors for positions of power, with titles and Thane-ships being described as robes- "The thane of Cawdor lives, why do you dress me in borrowed robes?" (Act 1 Scene 3) In this section of text Macbeth is basically trying to find out why the title of 'Thane of Cawdor' is being given to him if the current thane is still living, it is just that the metaphor of clothes is being used, in this case 'robes'. Just a few moments later while Macbeth is contemplating what the witches prophecy means in the light of what has happened in the last section, Banquo murmurs- "New honours come upon him like our strange garments." (Act 1 Scene 3) Yet another

  • Word count: 1011


Macbeth Coursework Lady Macbeth "Is Lady Macbeth a fiend-like Queen?" Macbeth is a play written by an author called 'William Shakespeare'. He has written very famous plays such as, 'Romeo and Juliet' and 'Hamlet'. He was born in Stafford-upon-Avon, England in 1564. Macbeth is a play about a man called ''Macbeth'; he is called the 'Thane of Glamis', in Scotland and a general in 'King Duncan's army. The play opens with Macbeth returning from a battle one day when he meets three witches. They tell him he's going to become the 'Thane of of Cowdor' and the 'King of Scotland. This seems impossible to Macbeth until he becomes 'Than of Cowdor'. Macbeth sends a letter home to 'Lady Macbeth' about what has happened to him; As soon as she receives this letter she immediately has ideas about killing 'King Duncan' so Macbeth can take his place' One of the main themes in the play is deception -things not being what they seem. "Fair is foul and foul is fair, this contradicts itself. It means good is bad and bad is good, the witches chant it in the opening scene of the play. I think this brings an interesting feel to the start of the playas it gives the audience a sense of mystery. We first see 'Lady Macbeth' appear in the play when she is reading a letter from her husband, Macbeth. He addresses her as "My dearest partner of greatness", we get the impression he is very much in love with

  • Word count: 1839

'Macbeth is full of highly dramatic scenes. Choose two scenes and explore how Shakespeare creates dramatic effects through his dialogue, setting, character and plot development.

'Macbeth is full of highly dramatic scenes. Choose two scenes and explore how Shakespeare creates dramatic effects through his dialogue, setting, character and plot development.

English coursework MACBETH. Hayley Pearcy 11Gio 'Macbeth is full of highly dramatic scenes. Choose two scenes and explore how Shakespeare creates dramatic effects through his dialogue, setting, character and plot development. I have chosen the two scenes, Act 1 scene 3 and Act 3 scene 4 to demonstrate how dramatic effects are used by Shakespeare, as I believe these scenes are the most dramatic and versatile for theatre production as they can be interpreted in spectacular ways. They are also focal scenes of the play. When William Shakespeare wrote Macbeth, in the early 17th century, England was under the reign of King James ?. This had a great effect on the content of the play. Shakespeare used certain elements that King James would have approved of such as the divine right of kings and the supernatural. These are just a few. So Macbeth has been particularly influenced by its era. During my research into the play I watched one film version produced by Roman Polanski and also a Harrogate Theatre production of the play. In Act 1 scene 3, Macbeth and Banquo are returning from battle. The weird sisters have congregated on a heath near Forres in wait of them. This is where they planned to meet earlier in the first scene of the play. Upon meeting, the witch's make prophesies as to the futures of both Macbeth and Banquo. Both characters

  • Word count: 3688

How does Shakespeare Create Sympathy for Macbeth?

How does Shakespeare Create Sympathy for Macbeth?

How does Shakespeare Create Sympathy for Macbeth? In Shakespeare's Macbeth, he uses four main techniques to create a feeling of sympathy for Macbeth. These come in the forms of; the witches, Lady Macbeth, Banquo (Macbeth's friend) and Macbeth himself. The play is set in Scotland and starts with a dramatic stormy scene featuring the witches. To create sympathy Shakespeare creates the three witches who set Macbeth upon his murderous path. They appear in the first scene, which is long enough to awaken curiosity but not to satisfy it. The practice of witchcraft was seen to subvert the established order of religion and society, and hence was not tolerated. They create a dream for Macbeth, being Thane of Glamis, then Thane of Cawdor and later the King. As Macbeth is already Thane of Glamis, he does not believe the witches straight away. However, he is then made Thane of Cawdor by the King as a reward for the braveness he showed during the battle at the beginning of the play. When he is given the title of Thane of Cawdor, he begins to believe the earlier predictions made by the witches, and starts to believe that maybe he really will be King. These witches seem to turn values upside down. They use lots of opposites; 'Not so happy, yet much happier', this allows them to cause much confusion amongst the other characters. Witches in that day caused a lot of apprehension; they were

  • Word count: 1744

Evidence that Macbeth is becoming more like the witches.

Evidence that Macbeth is becoming more like the witches.

Macbeth. Evidence that Macbeth is becoming more like the witches. Evidence that Macbeth is becoming more like the witches is that whenever Macbeth needs help he will go to the witches for help. Instead of trusting his wife. Also whenever he talks about something he talks like the witches. Also he always does whatever he can to make whatever prediction the witches make come true. As he thinks they are right about everything as they predicted that he would become king. And he has but not of natural means e.g. being next in line of the throne, but by killing this was due to what the witches had said so obviously the witches are not good for him and are not telling him what is going to happen fully. But briefly which is what made Macbeth kill Duncan in the first place. Clues that would have stopped Macbeth being tricked by the second set of predictions. Clues that would have stopped Macbeth being tricked by the second set of predictions are to that in the second set of apparitions said that 'Be bloody, bold and resolute; laugh to scorn the power of man, for none of women born shall harm Macbeth' which is saying be bloody and resolute and scorn the power of man and no one born from a women will harm Macbeth. Basically saying that in your path of leader ship kill any known threat and don't worry about it also that do so as no one can harm Macbeth. But then just before this

  • Word count: 714

How does shakespear use the character of macbeth to show the frailty of human nature.

How does shakespear use the character of macbeth to show the frailty of human nature.

How does shakespear use the character of macbeth to show the frailty of human nature. Story line: Macbeth, the main character is a brave and victorious general. he plays a key role in defeating a couple of invading armies; He is to be rewarded for this. However three witches meet him and make prophecies regarding him.: He will become thane of Cawdor and later king. Macbeth sees how the first prophecy of becoming thane becomes true, so encouraged by his wife he sets out to make the second part of the prophecy come true. In order to do this he is led on a path of multiple murder and deceit. To secure his position he eventually consults the witches again who falsely give him the impression he is invincible. This ultimately delves him to his end but not before he realises that he was tricked by the witches. The play opens with the three witches because Shakespeare is trying to draw the people's attention to the play because people at the time were interested in witchcraft. So in the opening the play with this scene he would attract their attention right away. But Shakespeare includes his own view of witch craft by making all the witches say. "Fair is foul, and foul is fair" What he is trying to say is that the witches do not distinguish between fair and foul and consider both to be accepted to achieve something. When Macbeth is first introduced to the audience it is in

  • Word count: 1250

With close reference to scenes 1 and 3 in act 1 explore the role significance of the witches in the play so far

With close reference to scenes 1 and 3 in act 1 explore the role significance of the witches in the play so far

With close reference to scenes 1 and 3 in act 1 explore the role significance of the witches in the play so far The first characters we see in the play are the witches; they are set in a desolate place, and from them we learn a great deal of the plot-that there's a battle going on "when the battles lost and won", and Macbeth is mentioned straight away "there to meet with Macbeth". From this we know that they are purposely planning to meet Macbeth, and when they do meet him in scene 3 it was planned. The Witches' also thicken the plot when the mention the prophecies to Macbeth. Although adding to the plot is one of the roles the Witches' play, there are also several others. The main role is contribution to atmosphere, and dramatic effect. Their contribution to atmosphere is how the witches link with the hurly burly/war in the play. The upset in nature (disturbance in weather) and upset in mansworld run parallel together. An example of the link is in scene 1: "In thunder, lightning, or in rain? When the hurly-burly's done, When the battle's lost, and won" The witches create dramatic effect in the play in numerous ways. An example is how the witches are supernatural. They can look into the future, as they seem to know the outcome of the battle before the battle is over "When the battle's lost and won", and also when they tell the prophecies to Macbeth and Banquo. The witches

  • Word count: 1094

The Dramatic Impact and Significance of Act 1 Scene 1 and Act 3 Scene 3 of Macbeth

The Dramatic Impact and Significance of Act 1 Scene 1 and Act 3 Scene 3 of Macbeth

The Dramatic Impact and Significance of Act 1 Scene 1 and Act 3 Scene 3 of Macbeth In this essay I am going to examine the dramatic impact and significance of Act 1 Scene 1 and Act Scene 3 of Macbeth. Shakespeare sets the opening scene on a moor where he uses pathetic fallacy to echo the mood of the witches and sets the evil mood for the play. The play begins with the witches arranging another meeting on the moor whilst a terrible storm is raging around them. As the thunder roars and the lighting crashes across the moor we begin to see the darker side of the play. We associate the witches with evil and intrigue, dirt, disease and evil. In the first scene we are given an idea of what is going to happen in the play. The witches raise questions about good and evil throughout the play. Everything about them from the way they speak to the way they look tells us how evil they are. "Fair is foul and foul is fair" this shows us that the witches have no idea of good or evil. This introduces the theme of darkness into the play. The line refers to the weather as well as the topsy-turvy atmosphere of the play. The opening scene of the play is meant to shock the audience. This first scene influences the whole of the play and makes a dramatic impact on the audience and helps to intrigue them as to what's still to come in the play. In Act 1 Scene 3 the witches give us an even truer

  • Word count: 1641

How do you think the supernatural aspects in Macbeth push him towards the decisions that he makes?

How do you think the supernatural aspects in Macbeth push him towards the decisions that he makes?

Zoe Hyett How do you think the supernatural aspects in Macbeth push him towards the decisions that he makes? The supernatural is a powerful subject running throughout Shakespeare's Macbeth. Shakespeare uses the supernatural in many scenes, and it is vital to the storyline of the play, bringing horror, tension and suspense into the play. The main tension, I think, comes from the not knowing whether or not the supernatural events are in Macbeth's mind or actually reality. In this essay I will explore the theme of the supernatural in Macbeth, how Shakespeare uses the supernatural and how it affects the play. The first major use of the supernatural is in the opening scene Act 1, Scene 1. In this scene we find three witches meeting on marshland, discussing where they plan to meet Macbeth and carrying out a holy ritual. Already we have then witnessed one of the most influential supernatural aspects in the play, as in Shakespeare's time they was a big recognition and awareness of witches and people believed them to be living amongst them in their everyday society. And for this the audience would take the play very seriously and would keep them fascinated in it. Witches were also known as the spawn of the devil, and so this scene would have been very likely to scare, and excite Shakespeare's audience. The first scene of Macbeth also helped a lot to set the whole mood of

  • Word count: 986

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Sample Gcse Essay About Lady Macbeth As A Powerful Character

Date : 03/10/2017

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Uploaded by : Rahul Uploaded on : 03/10/2017 Subject : English

This article contains a mock essay written by one of my students. When I met him, he was scoring a 3 to 4 in his mock GSCE English language and literature exams.

This resource was uploaded by: Rahul

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