write a speech as a head girl of your school

Head Girl Sample Speech

[Note: The following is a sample speech for the position of Head Girl. Please personalize it with your own experiences and values to make it more authentic.]

Good morning, respected teachers, honored guests, fellow students, and dear friends,

I stand before you today with a heart filled with gratitude and excitement as I accept the great honor and responsibility of being elected as your Head Girl. First and foremost, I would like to express my deepest thanks to all of you who have put your trust in me to serve our school community.

When I reflect on my journey so far, I see a myriad of experiences that have shaped me into the person I am today. From the first day I walked through the school gates, I knew this place was special. Our school is more than just a building; it's a thriving community that nurtures not only academic excellence but also character development and personal growth.

As Head Girl, my mission is to be a dedicated and approachable leader, to represent and support each and every one of you. Together, we will build an even stronger school spirit, foster a sense of belonging, and create an environment where everyone feels valued and included.

One of my main goals is to encourage open communication and collaboration among students, teachers, and the administration. I believe that every voice deserves to be heard, and I am committed to being a channel for your thoughts, ideas, and concerns. Together, we can bring about positive change and improvements in our school life.

Academic excellence is at the core of our journey, but it is not the sole purpose of our education. As Head Girl, I will strive to promote a holistic approach to learning. I want us to embrace extracurricular activities, sports, arts, and community service. These experiences not only shape our personalities but also teach us valuable life skills such as teamwork, resilience, and empathy.

Furthermore, I am determined to work with the student body to address important issues that affect us, our society, and our planet. From promoting sustainability to championing diversity and inclusion, we can make a difference and set an example for the world.

I also believe that each of us has unique talents and passions. As Head Girl, I will support and encourage our students to explore and develop their interests fully. Whether it's in academics, sports, arts, or any other field, our achievements should be celebrated, and our efforts should be recognized.

Finally, let's remember that the journey ahead may have its challenges, but together, we are capable of overcoming any obstacle. Let's create an atmosphere of kindness, respect, and understanding, where we uplift and inspire one another.

In conclusion, I am truly honored and humbled by the opportunity to serve as your Head Girl. With your support and cooperation, we can make this academic year memorable and impactful for all of us. Together, let's write a story of success, friendship, and growth. Thank you for your trust, and I look forward to working with each and every one of you.

write a speech as a head girl of your school


Head Boy & Head Girl Speeches: A Student’s Top 10 Tips

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So, you’ve been chosen to be the Head Boy or Head Girl of your school! Congratulations – it’s a huge honour. But now comes the tough part: crafting and delivering an inspiring speech that captures everyone’s attention.

Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered with our top 10 tips for creating and presenting memorable speeches. These expert tips will help you make sure your speech is unique and engaging enough to get students fired up about student leadership opportunities at your school.

With these simple pointers, you can craft a powerful address that leaves a lasting impact on all those who hear it. So let’s get started and turn your speech into something truly special!

  • 1 Define Your Goals
  • 2 Identify Your Audience
  • 3 Brainstorm Ideas
  • 4.1 Introduction
  • 4.2 Body Content
  • 4.3 Conclusion
  • 5 Craft The Body Of Your Speech
  • 6 Practice And Rehearse
  • 7 Conclusion

Define Your Goals

As head boy and head girl, it is important to set goals that will allow us to pursue our passions and lead with integrity.

Take the example of John, a student leader in his final year at school who had two main objectives: to help create an inclusive environment for all students and to shine as a role model for younger generations.

To accomplish these ambitions, John embraced challenges, planned strategies, and worked diligently towards achieving success. He was unafraid to take risks; he knew that by doing so he could unlock new opportunities for himself and others.

Throughout this process, John remained true to himself; he did not let fear or negativity steer him away from his purpose. If obstacles arose during the journey, he would reflect on them and use what he learned going forward.

This kind of open-mindedness enabled him to grow into a more confident individual while helping those around him reach their highest potentials.

By having clear objectives in mind, embracing challenges along the way, and planning effective strategies accordingly – we too can strive towards becoming successful leaders within our community!

Identify Your Audience

When giving a speech as head boy or head girl, it is critical to identify your audience. Knowing who you are speaking to will help you create an effective message that resonates with the crowd.

Analyze the age group of those attending, their interests and passions, and any other relevant information related to the context of your speech.

Once you have identified your audience, use this knowledge to engage peers emotionally and connect with them on a personal level. If possible, tailor certain parts of your speech specifically for the crowd in front of you – such as references to specific events or stories they can relate to.

Remember that no matter how well prepared you may be, if your words don’t capture people’s attention or draw out their emotions, then all of your hard work won’t mean much when delivering the speech itself.

A great way to make sure that doesn’t happen is by engaging with fellow students before taking the stage so you know exactly what messages resonate best with them. Ultimately, knowing your audience inside-and-out will ensure everyone gets something positive from listening to your speech!

Brainstorm Ideas

As the head boy or girl of a school, it can be daunting to write and present an engaging speech that your peers will appreciate. But with a few simple tips, you’ll be able to craft a powerful speech that will leave your audience inspired.

Start by developing confidence in yourself – think about why you were chosen for this role and how you are uniquely suited to take on this challenge.

Then research topics related to student leadership or what matters most to the students at your school. Doing so will give you insight into the issues that matter most to those who will hear your words. This research is key in crafting a relevant and unique message tailored specifically for your audience.

Once you understand their wants and needs, begin writing down specific points that resonate with them and focus on using clear language when speaking out loud.

Incorporate stories from personal experiences as well as humorous anecdotes which provide interesting visuals for your listeners to remember long after they’ve left the auditorium.

With practice comes mastery and soon enough delivering an impactful speech won’t feel like such an overwhelming task!

Structure Your Speech

Introduce yourself, your cause and your credentials in the introduction to make a great impression.

In the body content, explain your points with examples and use transitions to keep your speech flowing.

The conclusion should be concise and memorable.

Timing is key, so practice your speech and make sure it is within the allocated time.

The tone of your speech should be professional yet friendly.

Eye contact will help you to connect with the audience, so practice making meaningful contact.

Engage the audience with interesting stories and anecdotes.

Use language that is clear and direct, and ensure your delivery is strong and engaging.

Visual aids can help to emphasize your points, so use them judiciously.

Practice your speech several times, and strive for brevity to keep your audience’s attention.

Humour can be powerful, but use it sparingly and with confidence.

Rehearse in front of family and friends to get feedback and to build your confidence.


As the Head Boy or Girl of your school, it’s important to make sure that you structure your speech in a way that connects with your audience. By laying groundwork and building credibility, you can ensure that your message resonates.

To start off strong, create an introduction that will hook the listener into wanting to hear more about what you have to say. Use pronouns and contractions for a conversational feel, but also avoid making any grandiose claims as this may diminish your credibility.

Additionally, be mindful of how much time you are taking up – no one likes speeches that veer on forever! Make sure to keep it short, sweet and memorable by finding creative ways to express yourself without going over-the-top.

Body Content

Once you’ve got your introduction down, the next step is to focus on your body content.

This is where you deliver the bulk of your message and inspire peers with a confident delivery.

It’s important to stay organized so that the audience can follow along – use bullet points or numbered lists when appropriate.

Additionally, make sure to take pauses throughout for emphasis and keep things exciting by using stories or anecdotes as examples.

You should also try to include moments of reflection or contemplation as this helps build suspense in anticipation of what comes next.

Finally, remember that it’s not just about what you say but how you say it – vary up your tone depending on the point you’re making and be sure to inject some emotion into your speech!

Doing all these will help ensure that people walk away feeling inspired and motivated by the words they heard from their Head Boy/Girl.

When you reach the conclusion, it’s time to wrap up your speech and leave a lasting impression.

To help drive home your message, invite feedback from the audience – this will give them an opportunity to engage with you further and not just feel like they’re merely listening.

Additionally, use clear language when summarizing what was said throughout your speech so that everyone is on the same page in terms of understanding. This kind of clarity helps communicate what needs to be done moving forward in order for students to succeed as leaders.

As Head Boy/Girl, it’s important to always keep your peers engaged and motivated – never forget that!

So go out there and make sure you end on a high note by inspiring those around you with confidence and enthusiasm as you strive towards achieving common goals together.

Craft The Body Of Your Speech

As a student leader, crafting the body of your speech is essential to make it both informative and memorable. It’s important to ensure that you include relevant information while being conscious of time management. To help you in this endeavor, here are 10 tips for creating an engaging yet meaningful speech:

Invite feedback from peers and teachers regarding your content; it could provide valuable insight into the effectiveness of delivery.

Develop confidence by practicing your talk in front of friends or family before delivering it publicly. This will give you the opportunity to get comfortable with speaking in front of others and strengthen any weak areas in your presentation.

Use stories when possible – these humanize experiences and can add depth to abstract concepts.

Utilize humor appropriately as this helps to keep attention levels high during longer talks.

Keep language simple but powerful, avoiding complex words that may not be understood by everyone within the audience.

Your aim should always be to hold their interest throughout so they come away feeling inspired or motivated by what was said; use personal examples where appropriate as these often resonate with listeners more than general statements do.

Don’t forget to leave room for questions at the end if people need clarification on certain points or if they would like further details on something related to your topic. If delivered correctly, a head boy/head girl speech can have lasting impact and motivate others towards positive change!

Practice And Rehearse

The path to success doesn’t have a one-way street. It takes practice, dedication and determination to be an effective head boy or girl – it doesn’t happen overnight!

For example, if you want to give the perfect speech on election day, you must begin practicing and rehearsing your words well in advance. This is not only important for helping with memorization but also improves confidence when discussing ideas in front of others.

Rehearsing is especially critical when it comes to delivering speeches as it allows you to gauge audience reaction before actually speaking. It’s also beneficial to discuss potential topics with a mentor who can provide guidance throughout the process. Doing this will help ensure that your words are powerful enough to capture attention while accurately conveying your message.

So don’t forget: regular practice makes perfect! With hard work, persistence and proper mentorship, any aspiring head boy or girl has the ability to make their dreams of being elected come true.

The speech you deliver as a student leader should be a reflection of your passion and commitment to the cause. Your words will stay with your peers long after you have finished speaking, so it’s important that they are meaningful and inspiring.

To make sure you nail your head boy or head girl speech, remember these ten tips. With careful planning and practice, you can create an impactful message that resonates with everyone in the room!

Think of your audience as a garden – every word is like planting a seed, which needs to be nurtured if it’s going to blossom into something beautiful. Your goal is to cultivate an environment where their ideas flourish and shine throughout the entire school year.

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Best Head Girl Speech: A Student’s Top 10 Tips

  • by Ajah_Excel
  • March 29, 2024
  • 12 minute read

best tips for head girl speech

So, you’ve been picked to lead your school as Head Girl! Greetings, it’s a great honor to have you. 

But now comes the challenging part: creating and delivering an attention-grabbing speech that inspires everyone.

We’ve got you covered with our list of the top 10 suggestions for crafting and delivering memorable speeches, so don’t worry. 

You may ensure that your speech is distinctive and interesting enough to excite students about student leadership opportunities at your school by using these professional recommendations.

These easy tips can help you create an address that will have an impact on everyone who hears it. Therefore, let’s get going and make your speech something genuinely exceptional!

Table of contents

1. introduction.

  • 2. Body Content 
  • 3. Conclusion 

1. Planning is Key

2. consider your audience, 3. consider the tone.

  • 4. Use Persuasive Language 

5. Memorise Parts of Your Speech

6. prepare to answer some questions.

  • 7. Rehearse 
  • 8. Adopt Some Simple Healthy Habits 

9. Consider Your Personal Appearance

10. go for it.

  • Frequently Asked Questions 
  • Conclusion 
  • References 


How can you structure your speech.

It can be challenging to know how to structure and what to include in an effective speech. You don’t have to become a student writer before you write a speech as an head girl. You must first understand what a speech is in order to succeed.

A speech is a talk, whether formal or informal, given to an audience. To grab the attention of your audience and give your speech an elegant vibe, there are numerous elements of a speech that you should take into account. These ten tips that we have compiled should help you.

Additionally, to leave a lasting impression, introduce yourself, your cause, and your credentials in the introduction. Use examples to support your claims in the body content, and transitions to keep your speech moving. Then, final paragraph should be succinct and memorable.

Timing is essential, so prepare your speech and check that it stays inside the allotted time. Make sure your discourse should have a warm yet professional tone.

Use captivating tales and stories to draw in the audience. Make sure your delivery is strong and entertaining, and speak in plain, direct terms.

Making genuine eye contact will help you connect with the audience, so practice it. Practice in front of loved ones and friends to gain feedback and confidence.

Below is how to structure you can structure your head girl speech.

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Make sure your speech is organized in a way that engages your audience as the Head Girl of your school. You can make sure that your message is understood by setting the basis and developing credibility.

Create an engaging introduction at the outset to pique the listener’s interest in what you have to say. For a more conversational feel, use pronouns and contractions. However, you should also refrain from making any sweeping statements that could damage your reputation.

Additionally, be aware of how much time you are consuming. Nobody likes speeches that drag on interminably! Find inventive ways to convey oneself without being over the top to keep it brief, pleasant, and memorable.

2. Body Content 

Focusing on your body content comes next after you’ve nailed your introduction.

Here, you get to the meat of your argument and motivate your audience by seeming assured.

Keep things organized so that the audience can follow along; when necessary, utilize bullet points or numbered lists.

Additionally, remember to pause sometimes for emphasis and keep the discussion engaging by sharing anecdotes or stories as examples.

Attempt to incorporate thinking or contemplation as well, as this heightens tension while you wait for what will happen next.

Finally, keep in mind that it’s not just what you say, but also how you say it. Change up your tone depending on the point you’re trying to make, and don’t forget to show some emotion.

By doing all of these, you can make sure that those who heard your Girl’s speech leave feeling inspired and encouraged.

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3. Conclusion 

It’s time to conclude your speech and make a lasting impact when you get to the end.

Invite audience comments to assist you in making your point more impactful. This will allow the audience to interact with you more and not simply feel like they are listening.

Additionally, use straightforward language when recapping what was said during your speech to ensure that everyone is comprehending. For students to flourish as leaders, it is important to convey what has to be done moving ahead.

Never forget that it’s your job as Head Girl to keep your peers inspired and involved!

So get out there and make sure you finish strong by motivating everyone around you with confidence and passion as you work together to accomplish shared objectives.

What are the 10 Tips for a Head Girl’s Speech? 

We strongly advise you to read the rest of this post for a list of our top 10 tips for creating and delivering your head girl speech if you are having trouble writing it or are worried about giving it. 

It’s crucial to plan before writing a speech to achieve success. Many students will simply start composing their speeches right away. You can organize your speech and divide specific information into sections by making a plan. You’ll be able to stay organized as a result, which will make writing your speech much simpler.  

You should have an introduction, a body, and a conclusion when organizing your speech. You should identify yourself and the key reasons why you want the head girl position in your introduction. 

The major body of your speech should then come next. The majority of your speech will be this. You might want to use subheadings to further segment your discourse within this.  

Discuss your motivations for wanting the position of head girl, as well as your qualifications for the position. For instance, you might talk about what you would add to your sixth form or school to improve it for students or what you believe needs to be changed and why this change is required.  

Additionally, your speech must end with a conclusion. This should be a concise explanation of why your peers should select you as their head girl and how.

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It is crucial to keep your audience in mind when making a speech. Age, gender, and school year group are a few factors you could take into account when defining your audience. The audience you are speaking to is crucial since it will affect the tone and vocabulary you use.  

When addressing kids in your year group at school or in the sixth form, you might decide to use humor and planer language. This will guarantee that your audience comprehends and enjoys your speech.  

You might decide to use more advanced language in a more formal format if your audience included both instructors and pupils in the sixth form, for example.

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It’s crucial to keep your tone in mind when writing and delivering your speech. You might choose to give your speech, among other things, a humorous, passionate, or serious tone. 

However, the tone you employ will convey a variety of emotions, such as happiness, humor, melancholy, or optimism. The tone you adopt might also be influenced by your audience. 

Many students may attempt to adopt a humorous tone to engage their audience, along with a passionate tone to underpin their goal to accomplish the role, to make their speech a head girl.  

It’s crucial to think carefully about your tone choice because it can provide the impression that your communication is polite.

Your tone comes across in both the written word and the spoken word when you give a speech. When you speak, your tone of voice and speech rate might affect how your words are understood.  

Additionally, if you maintain the same tone throughout your speech, your audience can find it boring. To change the tone of your voice and sound more enthusiastic about what you are talking about, utilize a comedic tone when appropriate.

4. Use Persuasive Language 

It’s crucial to use persuasion while writing a speech for the head girl. Make yourself stand out if you want to convince the audience to pick you for the part.  

To influence your audience, use strategies like rhetorical questions. Personal anecdotes can also be used to influence others. For instance, you might discuss a situation that inspired you to apply for the position of head girl. 

Additionally, you may ask your peers what they would want to see changed about your school or sixth form college , and then in your speech, talk about how you propose to alter it. Students will recognize this as a problem they are not satisfied with, and because you are voicing their views, they may decide to elect you as the head girl. 

Check this: Best Head Boy Speech: A Student’s Top 10 Tips

Some students may opt to memorize their speech in its entirety and deliver it verbatim to the audience. Many kids would probably find this a challenging exercise, even though it would show the pupils’ commitment. It is preferable to make an effort to recall important details from your speech.

You can demonstrate a level of commitment to your speech by keeping in mind certain important details. Additionally, you won’t just be reading your speech verbatim from a piece of paper, allowing you to look your audience in the eye. 

Making eye contact may make some students uncomfortable, but doing so will show that you are interested in the audience. Additionally, it means that others are more likely to listen to you and accept your argument.

Your audience might want to quiz you once you finish your speech. To feel more confident, it is helpful to have some prepared responses to possible queries.  

You might be asked to reiterate a comment you made or an issue you brought up. It could also be about what sets you apart from the other candidates or why you want to be head girl.  

Your audience will be able to see your enthusiasm for the head girl position as well as your dependability in the role by listening to you respond to queries. It will assist in keeping your audience interested and further demonstrate your enthusiasm for the position.

Also, check this: Top 15 Head Boy Ideas to Improve School: Ways We Can Improve Schools Today

7. Rehearse 

Practice makes perfect, as you may have heard. This is undoubtedly true of speeches. Your speech will be more confident and effective when you deliver it to your audience the more you practice and rehearse it. 

Rehearsing your speech in front of an audience, such as family or friends, is one way you could accomplish this. They could even be able to provide you with some advice on how to make your speech more effective.

This can help you feel more assured on the big day and give you a chance to get more comfortable with your speech. 

In front of a mirror, you may also practice speaking to yourself. It’s also helpful to practice your word pronunciation; if there’s a term in particular that you find difficult to say, it might be worthwhile to eliminate it from your speech.  

You will sound more fluent when you speak if you practice your pronunciation. The more you practice giving your speech, the more assured you’ll feel, which will make it sound more polished. 

8. Adopt Some Simple Healthy Habits 

Adopting healthy behaviors before giving your speech can improve how well you perform. 

You should try to consume whole grains, and fruit, like berries, or eggs the day before and the day of your speech. These foods can enhance memory and brain function. However, eat sparingly or skip the meal just before your speech because a full stomach can make you feel lethargic.  

Additionally, apples are a better choice right before your speech because they might support a clearer voice. You can also eat from foods in dorm room food ideas for colleges .

Additionally, you should refrain from consuming dairy products, coffee, and soft drinks right before you speak because these substances can impair your voice and pronunciation. 

When giving your speech, you should also bring a bottle of water with you to keep you hydrated and avoid your throat from becoming dry. 

Light activity before your speech, such as a quick walk or gentle jog, can improve your mood and cognitive functioning while also reducing anxiety. If you frequently have anxiety before speaking in front of an audience, you might find it helpful to practice basic breathing techniques. This will enable you to speak with confidence and calmness. 

Finally, getting a good night’s sleep the night before your speech will help you feel energized and happy the next morning. 

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Your physical presence can say a lot while you’re speaking to an audience. Your audience will be more likely to listen to and be interested in your speech if you appear professional and intelligent.  

First impressions are crucial, particularly when aspiring to a position like head girl. Therefore, if you present yourself well and dress formally, it will appear that you are taking your speech seriously.

This will show your audience how passionate you are about playing the head girl, as well as how capable and determined you are. 

Additionally, it’s critical to project a cheerful attitude. If your audience believes that you are a conscientious student and are playing the part seriously.

Our final piece of advice is to just go for it. Throughout your speech, do your best to talk slowly and clearly while maintaining eye contact with the audience.

If you are chosen to be head girl, this will demonstrate to your audience that you are interested in them and want to accommodate their interests. 

Be courteous to your audience, and smile most of all. Your body language and the way you show yourself to your audience are both parts of your look.

You want to demonstrate to others your best traits and your commitment to upholding their interests as head girl. 

Most crucial, have pleasure in speaking to your audience. This is an opportunity for you to hone your public speaking abilities and experience. Make sure you appreciate the event and take it positively.

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Frequently Asked Questions 

The head boys and head girls are typically in charge of representing the school at events and giving speeches in front of large crowds. Additionally, they act as role models for students and may convey students’ suggestions to the administration of the school. They can be expected to guide other prefects in their responsibilities.

If chosen, I pledge to be a responsible, devoted, and aggressive leader who constantly prioritizes the needs of our school and its children. I think a head girl should be an inspiration to others, a link between the student body and the administration, and a role model. 

Here are some tips to help you write a successful speech: Begin with a strong introduction: Start with a warm welcome to everyone present and express gratitude for being given the opportunity to speak. You can also briefly mention the theme of the event or any achievements of the school that you are proud of.

My skills, my leadership skills, my friendly behavior, my frankness with all the students, my image in front of all the teachers, the ease with which I can put up and clarify my views, my interaction with teachers and there are much more qualities which you’ll see when I’ll be the head boy/girl.


As a student leader, your speech should demonstrate your zeal and dedication to the cause. Your peers will remember what you said long after you have finished speaking, therefore they must find inspiration and significance in it.

Keep in mind these ten tips to ensure that your head girl’s speech is flawless. You can generate a powerful message that resonates with everyone in the room with proper planning and practice!

Imagine your audience as a garden, and each phrase as a seed that needs to be maintained to grow into something lovely. You aim to create an atmosphere where their concepts can grow and shine throughout the academic year.


  • acrosophy.co.uk  – Head Boy & Head Girl Speeches: A Student’s Top 10 Tips
  • thinkstudent.co.uk – Head Boy & Head Girl Speeches: A Student’s Top 10 Tips
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Methods to Write a Speech for the Election is a Heads Girl

Erin Schreiner

How to Give an Annual Day Speech the School

The job of head girl is a serious an to which many students aspire. The presence of this job is common in schools in the United Royalty. Those elected to the position belong responsible for overseeing that girls in the instruct that they participating, monitoring their adherence to uniform code, behavior guidelines and conduct request. Individuals interested in this position are often required to present ampere speech in which she attests her appropriateness for the position. Cause these speech usually represents she only opportunity on plead her incidents, careful speech preparation is a need. They are your ideas just redefined by me I think the change needs to be sustainable and efficient so that this communication bets the entire.

Use professional language. As a head girl, you must be both professional and reliable. Demonstrate your competence to behave maturely by developing a refined speech. While you want your speech to sound as nice as possible, you should avoid using words that you are no familiar with in at attempt to impress, as doing so could lead you until misuse vocabulary. EGO have lots of ideas such as image and goal post go the domain, a class pet like an rats or guinea pig, and a school mascot On Children Include Require or Red Nose.

Address choose audience. Begin your speech by thanking the student dead, along by the listening school staff, used their attention. By mentioning the audience directly, you may be more effective are your attempts to draw the audience in to your speech. Head Girl's Speech for Prizegiving Ceremony, July.

Decide your history with the college. Int most cases, head girl candidates may already spent several time at their current school. Prove your allegiance until your language into your speech by reflecting upon good times you have had and discussing how the school has helped you and your aristocrats grow and maturity. Head Girl Presentation by Emily Edwards.

Outline your appropriateness for the position. Instead of speaking in generalities and talking your audience that you are responsible and trustworthy, show them so you possess these traits. Mention specific situations in this your trustworthiness and reliability have been made evident. Head Miss Application Speech docx Good Morning Everyone My.

Integrate some quotations. While you struggle to finds just who perfect words, borrow some by integrating quotations into your speech. Use quotations from famous individuals those are relevant to your talk, allowing she to serve about how proof of the points so you are making in your speech.

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Erin Schreiner is one freelance writer and teacher who holds a bachelor's degree from Bowling Green State University. She has been actively specialize since 5538. Schreiner previously worked for one London-based freelance fixed. Her employment appears on eHow, Trails.com and RedEnvelope. Daughter currently teaches writing at middle school students in Ohio the works on her writing craft regularly.

write a speech as a head girl of your school

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10 School Prefect Speech Outline Examples (PDF)

The speech outline examples below will guide you to write a good speech as the head prefect of your school. They are sample speech templates I’ve personally used to achieve amazing results with my English essay writing class over the years.

By the time you get to the end of these school prefect speech outline examples, you will be able to download a pdf copy of this post.

Do you teach English Language in a senior high school or even junior high? These speech outline examples will make your work a lot easier.

And if you happen to be a parent who likes to homeschool your child there’s so much you can take from here to assist your ward to write great school prefect speeches.

Without wasting much time, let’s get down to business. We want to know how to write a great school prefect’s speech. This is why the following examples of a school prefect speech outline will be of immense help to you.


Head Prefect Speech Outlines

  • A close friend  has won a scholarship  and is about to go abroad  to study  for three years . You have been invited to make a speech on the occasion  of his / her departure.  Write your speech.


  • Vocatives (Example: Mr. Chairman, Fellow Students, Ladies and Gentlemen.)

2. Opening remarks and congratulations

3. Advice: (i) Study   (ii) Friends / Social life   (iii) Home.

4. How you shall be missed

5. Farewell.

  • Your school is celebrating the fortieth anniversary of its founding. As head prefect you are asked to give a public speech  during the celebrations. Write your speech, outlining the achievements  of the school and your hopes  for the future.
  • Appreciation and opening remarks
  • Achievements (i) Academic   (ii) Infrastructure   (iii) Sports    (iv) Discipline.
  • Hopes for the future derived from present difficulties (i) Student and Staff Accommodation    (ii) Feeding (sch. Farm)    (iii) Bust in memory of founder(s).
  • Closing remarks.
  • The students’ Union  of your district  is organizing a symposium  on the need to preserve the environment  in your area  and you have been chosen as one of the speakers. Write the speech you would give.
  • Opening remarks
  • Bad state of the Environment
  • Why the need for preservation
  • Beauty  (Tourism)
  • For the benefit of future generations
  • Economic – agricultural production

4.  How to preserve: the environment

       (i) Communal labour – clearing

       (ii) Proper waste disposal

Regulation of exploitation of natural resources.

Public education on benefits and ways of preservation

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  • Your school is celebrating its  speech  and prize-giving day . As the school prefect,  you have been asked to give a speech on the topic: The achievements  of my school in the last academic  year, Write your speech .

Opening remarks & welcome etc.

Achievements: (i) Academic   (ii) Sports   (iii) Discipline   (iv) Agric   (v) Infrastructure   (vi) Staffing.

  • Write a speech  to be delivered during the  minister  of communication’s visit  to your school, offering reasons  why you need an F.M. radio station in your area .

Opening remarks: – welcome etc.

Reasons: (i) Entertainment   (ii) Business and Employment   (iii) Public education   (iv) Participatory democracy.

  • The head  of your school is going on retirement . Write out the speech  you would deliver as the school prefect  at the farewell  party organized for him/her.
  • Opening remarks – welcome etc.
  • How he/she will be missed – achievements and landmarks left behind
  • Advice – active life, continued interest in the school etc.
  •   As the outgoing  senior prefect  in your school, write a speech  for delivery at your speech and prize giving day celebration showing the successes  and failures  recorded during your term of office.
  • Successes: (i) Academic   (ii) Discipline   (iii) Agric (food self sufficiency)
  • Failures: (i) Sports and Games     (ii) Infrastructure    (iii) Rise in occultism  – threat to discipline and security.
  • Fire  has destroyed the health  centre of your locality. As the chairman of the Youth  movement, you have called a meeting to rally  members for communal labour  at the site. Write your speech.  
  • Description of the fire incident and its effects on the locality.
  • Need for concerted and immediate action (i) Good health for all  (ii) Short distance to health centre is an advantage (iii) Employment opportunity for the youth – cleaners, security etc.
  • Estimated costs and time – frame for completion
  • Closing remarks – thanks etc.
  • The Environmental Club of your school has just ended a clean–up campaign in a nearby village. As president of the Club, write the address you will give to the people on the need to keep their surroundings clean.

Plan /Outline:

  • Need to keep the environment  Clean: (i) Health   (ii) Beauty    (iii) Tourism   (iv) Boost in image
  • How: (i) Weeding by Individual households (ii) Proper disposal of waste by Individuals & households (iii) Communal labour   (iv) Public education by opinion leaders.
  •  Closing remarks.
  • You have been asked to give a talk to a group of foreign tourists on the role of traditional healers in your area. Write out your speech.
  • Role (i) Affordable health care (ii) Ready & easy to access health care in the absence of modern health facilities (iii) Effective alternative medicine to  orthodox e.g. fractures (iv) cure of spiritual illnesses
  • Observations (i) Unhygienic conditions 2. Unsubstantiated claims about  multiple healing capabilities  of drugs  (iii) Abuse e.g. chaining of supposed lunatics and molestation of suspected witches
  • Overall Assessment: They are doing well but need to improve.

Did you find this information helpful? Then share it on your favourite social media platform for the benefit of others you care about. Thank you!

Photo by Kane Reinholdtsen on Unsplash

write a speech as a head girl of your school

Ralph Nyadzi

Ralph Nyadzi is the Director of Studies at Cegast Academy. He is a qualified English tutor with decades of experience behind him. Since 2001, he has successfully coached thousands of High School General Arts WASSCE candidates in English, Literature and related subjects. He combines his expertise with a passion for lifelong learning to guide learners from varying backgrounds to achieve their educational goals. Ralph shares lessons from his blogging journey on BloggingtotheMax . He lives with River, his pet cat, in the Central Region of Ghana.

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2 thoughts on “10 school prefect speech outline examples (pdf)”.

write a speech as a head girl of your school

I am amaze by the notes but I Want you to prepare more questions and answers on Invisible Man and Fences.

write a speech as a head girl of your school

Hi Joseph. Your point is well noted. I’ll definitely take care of that. Thank you for the feedback.

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Pewsey Vale School will have one Head Girl and one Head Boy. They have to go through a rigorous interview process and work with the Headteacher to represent and improve the school. Senior Navigators are the school’s role models, the Head Girl/Boy are their role models and leaders. If you are a student with an excellent record of behaviour, attendance, punctuality and uniform, who has demonstrated a commitment to the school, then you are a suitable candidate. A summary of the main responsibilities and tasks are - Representing the school at certain events (including making speeches), managing the Navigators, showing visitors around, meeting with school council, reporting to Governors. 

  • You will jointly chair the School Council. You will make sure that student voice is represented in key decisions and developments within Pewsey Vale School. 
  • You will represent Pewsey Vale School and student body at a variety of public functions during the year, including prospective parents’ evenings for Year 7. 
  • You need to feel confident and comfortable talking to and in front of both adults and students. 
  • You need to have good organisational and communication skills and have a mature and thoughtful outlook.

 Main Duties 

  • To organise and plan regular meetings with the School Council and ensure that decisions are carried out. 
  • To represent and speak for all students in Pewsey Vale School and support and prepare activities that encourages and supports the learning of others. 
  • To be internal and external ambassadors for the school and to act as role models for all students at Pewsey Vale School. 
  • To give key presentations about the school, for example to prospective parents and students at school events. 
  • To greet important visitors to Pewsey Vale School. 
  • To be involved in assemblies. 
  • To report to the Senior Leadership Team every half term. 
  • To attend one Governor’s meeting and report on how student voice has had an impact on the school’s planning. 
  • To co-ordinate a team of Senior Navigators 
  • To ensure that Senior Navigators perform their duties adequately 

Additional Duties 

  • To act as a Peer Mediator for the students in the lower years (training will be given) 
  • Help organise Leavers’ Prom through a student committee working closely with staff
  • Charity and fund-raising events 
  • Any other duties that may be reasonably called upon to undertake by Senior Members of staff

Personal Qualities 

  • Leadership  
  • Work well in a team 
  • Time-management and very good organisational skills 
  • Ability to talk confidently and appropriately to parents and staff 
  • Ability to talk confidently and appropriately to students 
  • Willingness to get to know the students in the lower years 
  • Politeness 
  • Clear judgement 
  • Responsibility 
  • Reliability 


  • All current Year 10 students who meet the criteria are eligible to stand 

Application process:

If you wish to run for head student you must provide the following: 

  • A formal letter of application, addressed to the Headteacher, which covers the following points explaining why you believe you will make a good head girl/boy (please limit this to one side of A4) 
  • How you have supported the ethos of Pewsey Vale School so far in your time with us. 
  • How you will continue to support the ethos of Pewsey Vale School. 
  • The specific contributions you will make to the life of Pewsey Vale School. 
  • Your personal qualities. 
  • Your style of leadership. 
  • How you will promote yourself as a positive role model for peers and younger students. 

Please give specific examples of achievements which demonstrate these qualities. 

  • The role of Head Boy and Head Girl
  • The role of Deputy Head Boy and Head Girl
  • The role of Senior Navigator

write a speech as a head girl of your school

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Head Boy / Head Girl Speech

“Just emailing to say the speech went down really well and I had so many compliments on it! My parents, teachers and I were really happy with it, so I’m really grateful for all the time and effort you put into it. Thank you so much.” – Becca C.

It is amazing how many times we have been asked to write a speech for a Head Boy or Head Girl leaving a school.

Usually, the reason is that they are just too busy. It’s the end of term, exams have just finished, and there is so much else to do. The problem is that without decent preparation, a speech of this magnitude can fall very flat.

To get our role out of the way first, we are here to take that burden from you, either by giving you some constructive feedback on your first draft, or by taking it off your hands and writing it for you.

There is, of course, a cost attached, and in many cases this has been arranged directly with the Head Boy or Head Girl’s parents.

If, quite understandably, you decide to go it alone, good luck. Please remember that this is not about you! You are just the eyes through which your year, and those who know and love you, will remember the school. So try to avoid in-jokes and too many personal stories. The aim should be to create something as relevant to a scientist as a historian, and to a sportsman as a thespian.

As Head Boy you are probably a high achiever, but please remember that your words should be humble and inclusive. The child who kept a low profile and ‘existed’ through your time together is still leaving, and the school will have left just as strong a mark on them as it has on you.

We hope to hear from you, and make this a head boy speech that your peers will be talking about at the school reunion in 50 years time – and for all the RIGHT reasons!

Please call us on +44 (0)207 118 1600, contact us by Skype or email , or, if it’s more convenient, fill-in the contact form on the right hand side of this page and we’ll get straight back to you.

For all your other comms needs, Great Communication

Head Girl / Head Boy Speech on Investiture Ceremony

An Investiture ceremony is an important occasion where a school entrusts its upcoming leaders with certain roles and responsibilities. Making student leaders and giving authority to children is important as it teaches them lifelong skills of being powerful and caring at the same time.

You recently witnessed the investiture ceremony in your school. Imagine yourself as the newly appointed head boy/ head girl and write a speech in about 120-150 words that you have to deliver while addressing the school management committee members. You may talk about your roles, duties, responsibilities and the importance of team spirit among students.

A warm welcome to all present here. Today, we have gathered here for the Investiture Ceremony in which our newly elected student council members will take the oath to serve you. Being the leader of this council and the Headgirl of school my duties get doubled. But, I am neither overburdened nor scared of my duties. Instead, I am overwhelmed with joy that the students feel me capable enough to shoulder this responsibility as the head girl of our school.

I know that to fit perfectly into this new role, I need to be available whenever my friends need me. I promise to convey the most sought-after requirements of students to the higher level of the hierarchy. I am not exaggerating when I say that I am a jack of all and can easily find solutions to most problems. But, you must have heard that “Unity is power” and I want to prove it once again. I expect suggestions and feedback from other council members and students as well. We will work together for the upliftment and betterment of our school and its students. Amen! Thank You.

Headgirl/Headboy Speech after Being Selected | Speech on Investiture Ceremony

A very Good Morning, honourable chief guest ……….respected chairperson mam, principal sir and my dear friends. Today, I pledge to fulfil my duties of being the head girl of the school. I take this opportunity to express my gratitude to my mentors and students who have shown immense faith in me. I also would like to congratulate all the newly appointed student council members. I understand being the head girl comes with lots of responsibility. I pledge wholeheartedly to fulfil the given duty with complete dedication and sincerity. Student council 2022 has given us a chance to take on duties besides giving us a chance to serve our school. As a team, we are prepared for new challenges with confidence. I will strive to execute my responsibilities with equity and camaraderie. I seek your cooperation and support in making this a fruitful year.

I believe in working together with students across all age groups. It will create an excellent and harmonious atmosphere in our school. As the head girl of the school, I commit to broaden our avenues of new experiences and learning for a wholesome year for each one of you. Thank you

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How to Make a Good Speech for School

Last Updated: February 26, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Patrick Muñoz . Patrick is an internationally recognized Voice & Speech Coach, focusing on public speaking, vocal power, accent and dialects, accent reduction, voiceover, acting and speech therapy. He has worked with clients such as Penelope Cruz, Eva Longoria, and Roselyn Sanchez. He was voted LA's Favorite Voice and Dialect Coach by BACKSTAGE, is the voice and speech coach for Disney and Turner Classic Movies, and is a member of Voice and Speech Trainers Association. There are 12 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 1,265,746 times.

A good speech in school will earn you the admiration of your teachers and peers alike. You probably won't deliver the kind of speech you hear in the movies, but that's a good thing: people will enjoy your original take much more. From getting an idea to conquering stage fright, here are the steps to take if you want to make your final speech a memorable, exciting success.

Sample Speeches

write a speech as a head girl of your school

Writing the Speech

Step 1 Choose a topic or theme.

  • If you're not sure which theme to choose, write down or summarize a few stories and statements you could include in your speech. Pick the ones you like best and see if there's a unifying theme to tie them together.
  • See What to Do and What Not to Do for more advice on themes.

Step 2 Pick a tone that makes you comfortable.

  • Don't interrupt one point with a clause, or section set aside by commas or parentheses. Instead of saying "Our tennis and basketball teams, which we all know won the regional championships two years ago, need increased funding to compete," say "Our tennis and basketball teams both won the regional championships two years ago. Now we need to increase their funding to compete with other schools."
  • You can reference your school's slang once or twice to get a laugh, but don't overdo it, especially if there are parents in the audience.

Step 4 Write down original stories and messages.

  • Find a broad message that your whole audience can connect to their own life, but still deals with a specific idea. For instance: "Become an even better version of the hero who inspired you." (But don't steal your "original" idea from this website!)
  • Your stories can be specific incidents in your life or from history, but you should connect them to a more general idea. For instance, you could tell a story about your sibling's hospital visit, then go on to talk about overcoming fear and hardship in general.
  • If you like what you're writing but it doesn't fit the theme you had planned, it's fine to adjust your topic or switch it entirely. Switch back and forth between writing stories and brainstorming a theme if you keep getting stuck.

Step 5 Find a gripping way to begin your speech.

  • Surprise your audience by diving right into a tough story. "When I was ten years old, I lost my father."
  • Make your audience laugh by telling a joke, especially one that everyone in the room will get. "Hello everyone. Let's have a round of applause for the guy who installed air conditioning."
  • Start with a grand, thought-provoking statement. "Our galaxy contains billions of earth-like planets, and we're only just beginning to discover them."
  • Most likely, someone else will introduce you, and many of your classmates know you already. Unless you're asked specifically to introduce yourself, you can get right to the good stuff.

Step 6 Make the theme clear.

  • To use an example from earlier, if your theme is "Become an even better version of the hero who inspired you," you could begin your speech with two or three sentence about your hero, then say "You all have heroes who inspire you, but you don't have to just follow them. You can become even greater than the people you look up to."

Step 7 Move from one idea to the next in a natural order.

  • Include phrases such as "Now I'd like to talk about..." and "But we should also remember..." when moving on to your next idea.

Step 8 End with a memorable statement that captures your speech.

  • Build up to a big ending, then crack a joke to wrap up a funny speech. "And I know when you walk to the ballot box tomorrow, you'll be ready to do the right thing. Protect the interests of yourself and your school by washing your hands afterward. Do you know how many people touch that thing?"
  • If you're giving a commencement speech, leave people feeling excited or awed about the future. This is a big moment and you have the power to help them realize it. "Years from now, you will be the father or mother your kid looks up to. The writer who changes the way we think. The inventor who creates new ways to live. Come up to the stage and start becoming heroes!"

Step 9 Edit and polish it as much as possible.

  • Have a teacher, family member, or trusted friend check it over for grammar mistakes and offer feedback. Spelling isn't as important, since you'll be speaking out loud.

Step 10 Consider visual aids.

  • If your topic involves a lot of numbers, plan to write them on the board so your audience can remember them

Step 11 Turn the speech into note cards, then practice!

  • Your notes are there to remind you what to say next and of important facts. "Move on to bear wrestling story (guy's name is Paul Bunyan)" is the level of detail you need.

Practicing and Delivering the Speech

Step 1 Think about movement and materials.

  • Practice giving your speech in as situation as similar to your actual speech as possible.
  • In general, you should stay fairly still while giving a speech. Small hand gestures and occasionally moving to a new spot are fine, especially if they help you feel and appear confident

Step 2 Practice speaking loudly and clearly.

  • If you speech is too long, you absolutely need to cut some material out of it or shorten the longer stories or ideas. If you're giving a commencement speech, aim for a 10 or 15 minute maximum. An election speech should be no more than a few minutes, and your teacher should be able to tell you the time limit for a class assignment speech.

Step 4 Talk slowly and pause between ideas.

  • If you can't stop rushing, work out how long you should spend on each section and write the number of minutes at the top of each index card or paragraph. Practice near a clock so you can check whether you're on pace.

Step 5 Deliver your speech to a mirror until you can do it without reading.

  • Use slightly different words each time once you have the main ideas down. Try not to get caught up on exact memorization; using a new phrase to communicate the written idea makes your speech sound more natural.

Step 6 Pay attention to other details once you become comfortable with the content.

  • Practice varying your facial expression if your face looks fixed and mechanical.
  • Try to vary the tone of your voice as well. Don't make it sound like you're reciting every word from memory; pretend you're speaking in ordinary conversation.

Step 7 Practice in front of a test audience.

  • Try to make eye contact with different members of your audience throughout the speech. Don't stare at any one person for too long.
  • Resist the temptation to hide by standing near a corner or large object.
  • Don't fidget, tap your foot, or make other nervous gestures. Try slowly walking back and forth across the stage to get rid of your nervous energy.

Step 8 Use their feedback to practice more.

  • Dressing nicely will increase your confidence and gain respect and attention from your audience.

What to Do and What Not to Do

Step 1 Choose an appropriate theme (for an election speech).

  • Memories your class shares and personal memories that many people will connect to, such as your first day at the school.
  • Overcoming obstacles. Talk about how your classmates overcame problems related to academics, finances, and health, and how proud everyone is that they're standing here.
  • The diversity of your classmates and celebrating the rich variety of experiences, personalities, and interests at your school. Describe some of the many ways people will go on to do good in the world.

Step 3 Use techniques to make your speech more memorable.

  • Address your audience directly. Ask them questions to get them thinking, although you shouldn't expect an answer.
  • Use groups of three. The human brain loves repetition, and especially trios. Start three sentences with the same phrase, speaking louder each sentence.
  • Use emotive language. Try to provoke a strong emotional response in your audience, not present a list of facts to them.

Step 4 Thank specific people, but don't go on too long.

  • Don't tell stories that only a few friends will understand. Even references that your whole class will get should be used sparingly if there are parents in the room as well.

Step 6 Avoid clichés.

  • Go change the world!
  • Today is not the last day of your education, but the first.
  • The future belongs to you.
  • If elected, I will be the voice of the students.
  • It's time for change!

Step 7 Don't insult or offend anyone.

  • If you're giving a high school commencement speech, remember that not everyone in your class will be attending college. Don't joke about your education letting you avoid a "bad" profession; chances are good there's a parent who has that job out in the audience.=

Common Questions: Tips for Writing & Rehearsing a Speech

How do you start a speech for school?

Start by introducing yourself and thanking the audience. You can kick off the speech with a relevant “what if” question that gets the audience thinking and expand on it. Or try starting with a strong statement or quote related to your topic, then follow it up with an impactful question to answer in your speech. [14] X Research source

Where do I start when I'm writing a speech?

Start by sitting down and brainstorming to get your creative juices flowing. What is the focus of your speech? Who is your audience? Why is your speech important? Once you have some notes down, start refining your ideas until you get to one main point or theme that you’ll base your speech on. [15] X Research source

What parts should I include in a speech to make it the most effective?

Create a speech that has a clear introduction for your main point or thesis statement. Then, include and expand on 2-3 main points to make up the body of your speech. To conclude, summarize and restate your thesis to include your key points, and then make your closing statement. [16] X Research source

How do I get better at giving a speech I've written?

Read the speech out loud several times to get a feel for it. Record or take video of yourself giving the speech to find any weak spots and adjust anything that feels awkward or choppy. Ask friends or family to watch you rehearse and give you honest feedback. Then, just keep practicing until you've nailed it. [17] X Research source

  • Look at everyone in the audience, not just one person. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Make sure you don't offend or embarrass your audience. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Before you start, pick a spot on the wall to focus on. Throughout the speech, keep looking at that spot after each sentence. This shows to your audience and teacher that you can make eye contact! Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

write a speech as a head girl of your school

Things You'll Need

  • Writing tool
  • Index cards

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Prepare and Give a Speech

  • ↑ [v161163_b01].12 November 2019.
  • ↑ https://finley-h.schools.nsw.gov.au/content/dam/doe/sws/schools/f/finley-h/localcontent/how_to_write_a_speech.pdf
  • ↑ https://www.toastmasters.org/magazine/articles/for-the-novice-six-simple-steps-to-writing-a-fantastic-speech
  • ↑ https://www.unr.edu/writing-speaking-center/student-resources/writing-speaking-resources/speech-introductions
  • ↑ [v161163_b01]. 12 November 2019.
  • ↑ https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zv7fqp3/articles/z4w96v4
  • ↑ https://classroom.synonym.com/write-good-speech-school-4859.html
  • ↑ https://www.unr.edu/writing-speaking-center/student-resources/writing-speaking-resources/speech-delivery
  • ↑ https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/career-development/how-to-start-off-a-speech
  • ↑ https://open.maricopa.edu/com225/chapter/selecting-a-topic-brainstorming-your-ideas/
  • ↑ https://www.amherst.edu/academiclife/support/writingcenter/public-speaking/resources-for-public-speaking/speech-structure
  • ↑ https://open.maricopa.edu/com225/chapter/practicing-your-speech/

About This Article

Patrick Muñoz

To make a good speech for school, choose a theme or topic to focus your speech on so it's easier to write. When you're writing your speech, stick with simple language so your audience understands and doesn't get bored. Also, try to start your speech with a joke, story, or shocking fact that will immediately grab their attention. Remember to talk directly to your audience by asking rhetorical questions and making references they'll understand. End your speech with something memorable, like an inspirational quote or a call to action. To learn more about how to practice and memorize your speech before you present it, keep reading! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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13.Speech Writing : Importance of Punctuality in a Student’s life

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You are Amit/Anita, Head Boy/Head Girl of your school. You have been asked by your principal to deliver a speech in the morning assembly on ‘Importance of Punctuality in a Student’s Life’. Write your speech in about 120 words.

  Ans.                                                 Importance of Punctuality in a Student’s life

Good morning dear friends and teachers! Today. I shall throw some light on the importance of punctuality in a student’s life.

A student has to gain knowledge. Learn new skills, and finally prove what he has learnt in the various assessments. Time is of importance as assignments are to be submitted and projects are to be done in a particular time frame. Only if the child is punctual in getting to school, he will learn all that the school curriculum has to offer.

Regular study and revision will keep him up-to-date with his work and preparation for exams. As a good time-manager, he will also be able to attend extra classes as well as hobby classes. Moreover, he will certainly be able to take out time for play and recreation.

We all know that time and tide wait for none. So, we need to be punctual and extract the maximum from each moment of our student life.

 Thank you

Download the above Speech in PDF

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Speech On Girl Child Education in English for Students

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  • May 22, 2024

Speech on Girl Child Education

Educating girls is essential for the country’s future because women are the first educators of the upcoming generation. It is rightly said in an African proverb, “When you educate a man, you educate an individual, but when you educate a woman, you educate an entire generation”. Here we are going to discuss some sample speech on girl child education. Keep reading to learn more.

Short Speech On Girl Child Education

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Ans: An educated woman not only contributes to the country’s economic development, but her educated choices also have an impact on her life and community. They are educators for the next generation. An educated woman can challenge gender stereotypes. Education transforms people into responsible citizens capable of making informed decisions that benefit both their own lives and society.

Ans: Cultural norms, poverty, a lack of infrastructure, and gender inequalities are some of the factors that hinder progress in the journey of education.

Ans: The government has made education a right under our constitution. Also, our law includes provisions to promote education, particularly among girls, who are the most underprivileged section of society.

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For more information on such interesting speech topics for your school, visit our speech writing page and follow Leverage Edu .

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A high school approved a student's graduation speech that was written by ChatGPT — then he went majorly off script

  • Kenny Morales, a former Grand Island Senior High student, wrote a graduation speech using ChatGPT.
  • The school approved the AI speech, but Morales ended up going off script.
  • The new speech was critical of the high school's culture and lack of transparency.

Insider Today

Add speech writing to the long list of things that ChatGPT can do.

Kenny Morales, a former student at Grand Island Senior High School in Nebraska, used OpenAI's conversational chatbot to produce a speech for his high-school graduation ceremony, The Grand Island Independent first reported .

"I said give me a speech about gratitude, and I gave specific examples about what I wanted it to include," Morales told Nebraska TV News about the prompt he used.

The speech got the go-ahead from Morales' school. But when he got on stage, he gave a completely different speech that wasn't approved — and caught the school by surprise.

"I don't know about y'all, but I hated school," Morales told the audience, according to a transcript of Morales' speech the Independent reviewed.

He continued by discussing issues he had with the school's culture and blamed the school district's administrators for making decisions without transparency, according to the Independent.

"We lie, we pretend, and we hide the truth with selective facts on positive things occurring around the school, instead of being honest and addressing the issues head-on," Morales continued, per the Independent. "We attempt to fix the issue by pulling them like weeds instead of fixing the underlying issue."

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"I really don't think I was too critical," Morales told the Independent.

The speech, he told the outlet, wasn't meant to shame the school but to encourage the school's leaders to make better choices.

"It was more about that message of raising expectations," Morales said to the Independent. "I just wanted to start a conversation."

Morales said he knew the speech he wanted to recite wouldn't get approved, so he used ChatGPT to make one that would. Insider could not reach Morales through email, Facebook, or LinkedIn.

—NTV News (@NTVNEWS) May 17, 2023

The ChatGPT-written speech comes as students flock to the chatbot to generate ideas for class assignments , write essays , and — yes — cheat .

While tools like GPTZero have emerged to detect AI-generated content in schools, Grand Island Public Schools has no regulation on how its students and teachers use ChatGPT, Mitchell Roush, the director of communications for the district, told Insider.

Roush explained the speech-selection process to Insider.

First, he said, high-school staff members review the submitted speeches and "score them blindly." Then, the school district's executive principal looks at the scores and makes the final decision.

From there, the chosen student collaborates with the principal to "refine their message" and "make sure they feel confident" in what they say, Roush said. After the principal gives the speech one last review, the speaker is approved to make the speech at graduation.

Hank McFarland, the president of the school district's board of education, was not happy with the outcome, according to a statement reviewed by the Independent.

While he said that the school administration had "already been discussing" issues around discipline and class attendance and that the school would start "making adjustments," he told the Independent that it didn't mean students should say whatever they wanted when they're at the podium.

"Short story made long — does the student have valid concerns? Yes," McFarland said, per the outlet. "Was the way he did it correct? No."

McFarland declined an immediate request for comment.

Axel Springer, Business Insider's parent company, has a global deal to allow OpenAI to train its models on its media brands' reporting.

Watch: What is ChatGPT, and should we be afraid of AI chatbots?

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