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Importance of Muslim Unity English Essay for class 12

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Importance of MuslimUnity Essay with quotations

Importance of Muslim Unity essay for 2nd year class 12

English essay on Muslim Unity for 2nd year

1. The word "Muslim"

2. Importance of Unity

3. Unity and brotherhood in Islam

4. Unity is the need of hour

5. Suggestions

6. Conclusion

The  Muslims should become united to protect "Haram", from the bank of Nile to the land of Kashgar - Allam Iqbal (RA)
Hold firmly to the rope of Allah and be not divided (into groups and sects).
The universality of Islam is not uniformity, it is unity with diversity - Tariq Ramadan
Rise above sectional interests and private ambitions. Pass from matter to spirit. Matter is diversity; spirit is light. life and unity - Allam Muhammad Iqbal (RA)

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essay on muslim unity for class 12

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Importance of muslim unity essay | smart syllabus english.

Importance of Muslim Unity

Importance of Muslim Unity

Outline of essay, islam a religion of peace and unity.

  • Divine orders for unity
  • Sayings of the Holy Prophet(PBUH)
  • Significance of Muslim unity in the past and present

Factors behind Muslim Disunity

  • Falling away from Islam 
  • Leaving off Islamic restriction

Disadvantage of disunity

  • Loss of prestige
  • Loss of Muslim unity

Need for Muslim unity

  • To bring peace to the world
  • To improve the prestige of Islam
Islam teaches us tolerance, not hatred; universal brotherhood, not enmity; peace, and not violence
And hold fast the rope of Allah and not be divided.
My followers will not go astray if they remain a united body. Therefore, remain a united body.
If  the Muslims were a united, single fist, none can rise up against them
If Islamic brotherhood comes to the fore among Islamic countries, such will become a great power that none of the global powers will be able to cope with
Unity is strength…. when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved

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Anila Ibrahim

An educationist, web content writer, equipped with an LLB and a Master’s degree in English Literature, as well as a Master of Philosophy in Entrepreneurship. I have a comprehensive understanding of both the English language and the educational landscape. This academic background empowers Anila to deliver content that is not only informative but also thoroughly researched.

14 thoughts on “ Importance of Muslim Unity Essay | Smart Syllabus English ”

Thanks Mam g 🤩🤩🤩🤩

Thanks for this esay

Mam g what is the meaning of prestige.

Mam kindly tell the meaning of oppression.

Prestige means honor

Oppression is cruelty

Thank u mam for providing us such a useful data

Tremendous means?

What are the meaning of? Allegiance Despotism Sectarian dissensions Quagmire

Realms and ranks mean

Quagmire mean?

Quotation of this essay are very great👌

Good and written so well. But still not enough for ordinance.

Thanks a lot ma’am you are helping us in a very good way

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The word "unity" is derived from the word "unit" which means "one". Simply, we can call a nation united when all the people of that particular nation have the same beliefs, ideas, and thoughts and they work together in peace and harmony.

We all know that unity is strength ; it is one of the essential components of a strong nation. Great things can be achieved if there is unity among the people.

Similarly, the Muslims need unity . It is very important for Muslims to have unity among them. This can lift them higher. It can make them progress.

Muslims need to work together with loyalty , patriotism , and spirit of hard work so that they can make their economy strong. If Muslims trade among each other and work for welfare, this can help in building strong economy.

Apart from this, unity can save the Muslims from enemy attacks. A single person can be easily distracted or attacked. But a large group of people are hard to overcome. In the same way, Muslims must stay together with love and sympathy, they should avoid minor disputes and quarrels so that they’ll be strong and no other nation would be able to attack or overcome them.

In past, Muslims were superior and prosperous due to unity and understanding . But now they have split apart due to which other nations are overtaking them.

Unity has much significance and if Muslims unite again, work together, and ignore minor disagreements, they can regain their position.

NOTE : This essay is especially written for  class 9,  class  10,  class  11 and  class  12 . This  ESSAY ON "IMPORTANCE OF MUSLIM UNITY"  contains only  200 words .

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Towards Achieving Unity in Islam

New Muslims find Muslim society divided on many different levels leaving them confused.

They are taught how there is a brotherhood/sisterhood, but after accepting Islam, and trying to find their place in society, they can’t find it.

Muslims need to work on unity at the basic levels in order to achieve the end result.

How do we do this?

Family First

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Unity begins at home at the individual level. Everyone needs a sense of belonging, and family is the one place everyone should feel a bond with others. New Muslims usually loose this family support after accepting Islam; thus requiring them to develop a sense of family amongst their local Muslim community.

New Muslims are new brothers and sisters to us all and we should welcome them into our homes as such. Simply sharing meals with family helps bring families closer to one another. Social gatherings as well as private gatherings for meals, especially for new Muslims will help them find their place in society feeling welcomed.

Everyone wants their children and loved ones to be contributing members of society.  These basic concepts are taught to our children and they will grow into our leaders.  Help our new Muslim brothers and sisters grow to be leaders in society.

Building Strong Local Communities

“Whoever abandons the community one hand span and dies in that state has died as a person in the state of ignorance before Islam.” (Al-Bukhari and Muslim)

In the West, Islam is growing fast. New Muslims are popping up in remote areas as well as the larger communities. All great nations start small, and just as Islam is spreading in the West, the Muslim communities will grow. This doesn’t happen by itself though.

Usually a community starts with just a few Muslims who cling to each other as a support for one another. They gather for prayers in a shared location, and then their friends move to join them.

The Dallas/Ft. Worth community in Texas is an excellent example of how communities grow. They started small, grew, and then they opened a masjid for the few Muslim that resided there. Over time, while building strong networks, and developing programs and social events, they grew and grew, and now there are over 45 masjids in the surrounding area mashallah .

When I took my shahadah , the Irving community (part of the DFW area) had just built a fairly large masjid there, and in the past several years, they have had to expand and it is now double the size it was when I first became a Muslim. They have such a strong close-knit community that strives on events and lectures, and services they offer to the Muslim community. They offer classes and programs for new Muslims, and mashallah they have a high frequency of new shahadas taking place every day. New Muslims should always ask their local masjids if they offer things to help them learn and grow with the community.

I found that over time, guest lecturers were invited from all over the country to this area, and when these lecturers would visit the community, they loved it so much, that they later decided to move there as well. This is how strength builds in a community.

{The believers are but a single brotherhood.} (Al-Hujurat 49:10 )

Culture and Sectarian Division

Islam is what brings us together and should never be what tears us apart. Achieving unity is a goal that all Muslims should collectively strive for. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) stated in his Farewell Sermon that not a single person of any race or ethnicity is better than another person except in righteousness.

New Muslims face these divisions from their very first days of trying to “fit in”. New Muslims arrive at a masjid often times to find cliques that are segregated by race or ethnicity. New Muslims almost never fit the mold, feeling like an outcast. When we see a new Muslim, or even someone we are not familiar with at the masjid , we should go up to them and welcome them.

If and when they find a place to “fit in” new Muslims are then challenged with cultural barriers. They are just starting their deeper understanding of the details in Islam. They usually find people telling them a million different “versions” of Islam, or various practices leaving them confused. When they mention they were taught something different by someone else, they quickly find themselves facing division, not knowing where they should be.

Many Muslims differentiate themselves based on cultural practices as well as the proper religious practices. How is a new Muslim supposed to benefit from this?

The problem lies in the fact that Muslims believe many of their “cultural” traditions are part of Islam when they are not. They teach these cultural practices to new Muslims, and then the new Muslim turns around and teaches it to someone else. If questioned about it, they say “That is what we are taught, and everyone does it”. This is very dangerous. God tells us:

{Follow what Allah has sent down.’ They say, ‘No! We shall follow what we found our fathers following. What! Even though their fathers were void of knowledge and guidance?} (Al-Baqarah 2:170 )

This travesty causes misguidance to thrive forever. A new Muslim doesn’t usually know it is something that needs further investigation, and those who spread misguidance will be held accountable for it.

Sectarian divides cause an even wider rift amongst Muslims worldwide. We see that Muslims are killing each other in the name of Islam, all claiming to be upon the right path. Stick to the Quran and the authentic Sunnah, and you will be rightly guided.

Another aspect of unity arises amongst our political leaders. Muslim nations should have a Shura Council that legislates laws according to Islamic teachings. We are a far cry away from this in today’s current situation. We see dictatorships everywhere leaving Muslims oppressed and divided. Shura helps us implement Islamic laws into society, giving us guidelines based on the Quran and Sunnah.

Although there are various opinions on matters, they reach a collective consensus after deliberating what the strongest arguments are, and after they agree on a decision that is based on the Quran and Sunnah it is passed onto the people. Sadly, this doesn’t happen as it should because dictators overrule and don’t allow the people to be ruled by Shariah.

Most Muslim nations only implement some laws, while neglecting others. If Muslims are divided amongst themselves within a nation, and between other Muslim nations, how can we ever expect to achieve a khilafa ?

What can Muslims Learn from Malcolm X?

Malcolm Little, known today as Malcolm X, was a name he took from the tribalistic views the members of the “Nation of Islam” held, and felt he had to take a name that suited his “tribal” affiliation.

He became one of their most ardent speakers and supporters. The teachings of the Nation of Islam focused on a racial agenda to remove racism against blacks. Sounds good right? Not quite as it seems though. This group spread racism against anyone that wasn’t black, proving to be hypocritical at best.

Malcolm X had a falling out with the Nation of Islam, and then started his deeper spiritual journey that changed his life forever when he went for Hajj. While performing the hajj rituals, he observed something amazing.

He discovered the real equality of man, of all races, and ethnicities, and all social statuses. He witnesses millions of Muslims wearing the same thing, doing the same things, and observing the one and only God Almighty in unison. No one can tell who is rich or poor based on their clothes. No one had a work uniform on to show if they were a janitor or a CEO of a corporation. Everyone was at the same level.

Hajj brings people from all over the world for one purpose… to worship God. Men and women bow in prostration together, praying for the salvation of their souls as one massive unit. Congregational prayers tie the believers together as one.

Malcolm X later changed his name after accepting mainstream Islam to El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz which symbolized his journey from darkness to light after understanding the true message of Islam and unity amongst mankind. Malcolm X gave many statements about his discovery and even expressed that all Americans could find the solution to racism in the true teachings of Islam.

Behaving how we are instructed in the Quran will help us build an unbreakable bond amongst Muslims, but Muslims must do their part first on the individual level, then on the community level, national level, then on the global level. We can’t achieve global unity if we don’t start with ourselves.

Get to know your neighbors, build a community, invite others to Islam, and welcome new Muslims, and erase the views you may have about people are different from you. We were created to know one another, and to embrace one another as our brothers and sisters in Islam. We are ONE!

{O mankind we created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other. Verily the most honored of you in the sight of god is (he who is) the most righteous of you and god has full knowledge and is well acquainted (with all things).} (Al-Hujarat 49:13 )

This is the true message of unity in Islam.

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BSc BA FSc ICS FA ICom English Essay Muslim Unity

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1. Introduction

  • Divine orders for unity
  • Advantages of Muslim unity in the past and present

2. Factors behind Muslim disunity

  • Falling away from Islam
  • Leaving off Islamic restrictions

3. Disadvantages of disunity

  • Loss of prestige
  • Loss Muslim unity

4. Need for Muslim unity

  • To bring peace in the world
  • To improve the prestige of Islam

5. Conclusion

Islam means mankind’s complete submission to the will of Allah Almighty alone. It is a religion of peace, unity, brotherhood, justice, truth and purity. Being a religion of peace and unity, it has come to unite the world and delivers humanity from exploitation, oppression and injustice. The Holy Quran enjoins unity among Muslims considering all of them one nation.

“And hold fast the rope of Allah and not be divided.” (The Holy Quran)

Muslims achieved glory and success with deep faith in Allah and His last Prophet SAW. The early Muslims spread Islam with love and humanity. They contributed to all the realms of knowledge with unity in their ranks. They because the rulers, the guides, the leaders and the trendsetters. The whole humanity admitted and admired their greatness and glory. With unity in their ranks, they can again make this hollow, derailed and inhumane wasteland in earthly paradise of peace, progress and prosperity.

It is painful to admit that the Muslim Ummah is totally disunited these days. The Muslims lack unity, discipline and harmony in their ranks. They are falling away from Islam. Their pleasure in scholastic quibbles, their negligence to seek knowledge, their denial of free thought, their distrust on reason, sectarian dissensions, racial and tribal allegiances, political instability, disunity and corruption have always contributed to their downfall. Internal troubles external wars and consequences against them intensify their disunity and put them in a quagmire.

The Muslim Ummah, in spite of its rich resources, lags in every walk of life. Muslims posses no veto power. They dance to the tunes of other countries. They seem totally helpless. Other nations are exploiting and humiliating them. They are the victims of so called war against terrorism. They are considered fanatics, fundamentalists and criminals. They are watching Israeli and Indian atrocities on the Muslim as silent spectators. There is no doubt that their honour, character identity, ideology and even survival is at stake due to their disunity.

Unity of the Muslim Unity is essential to maintain its freedom, progress, stability, survival and to regain its past glory and prestige. All obstacles that stand in the way of Muslim unity should be studied and removed. Muslims must have their own financial institutions, defense production units, welfare organizations, charters, etc. Muslims are not directed against any party but they will bring peace, progress and stability in this disturbed world. With unity in their ranks, the Muslims will not only become a great nation but also remove exploitation, injustice, ignorance, cruelty, darkness and hopelessness from the world. Their unity will raise their status in the customs of nations.

“The believers in their mutual love, mercy and compassion, are like one body:

If one organ complained, the rest of the body develops a fever.”   (The Holy Prophet SAW)

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  • Unity In Diversity Essay

Unity in Diversity Essay

500+ words essay on unity in diversity.

The term “Unity in Diversity” refers to the state of togetherness or oneness in spite of the presence of huge diversity. “Unity in Diversity” is based on the concept where the individual or social differences in physical attributes, skin colour, caste, creed, cultural and religious practices, etc., are not looked upon as a conflict. Instead, these differences are looked upon as varieties that enrich society and the nation as a whole. Unity in diversity is a very important principle because we all live in a diverse world. It is crucial to respect each other and support each other no matter what our culture, background, gender, orientation, or other differences may be. With the help of this ‘Unity in Diversity’ Essay, we will help students understand how we all stand together even though there exist many differences among us. Students can also practise essays on other topics to improve their writing skills.

Unity in Diversity in Indian Society

India is a land of unity in diversity. It is a vast country with numerous variations in races, cultures, languages and even geographical features. In many countries of the world, major geographical features divide international borders, e.g. Nepal and China are separated by the Himalayas. However, in India, we have learned to live in diversity, and our geographical features further solidify this bond. The Punjab region is known for being one of the most potent agricultural lands on earth. The Northern Mountainous region has come across different people and different languages. In the Rajasthan desert, we come across Rajasthani languages and culture, all part of India, yet distinct in their culture and language. To the further south come the people of Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Kerala, and Karnataka, all distinctive languages and cuisines.

India is a plural society. Its unity and diversity characterize it. Despite several foreign invasions, Mughal rule and British rule, the nation’s unity and integrity have been maintained. It is this synthesis that has made India a unique mosaic of cultures. India fought against the British Raj as one unified entity. The existence of diverse languages, religions and cultures, foreign visitors and immigration from other parts of the world have made India’s culture tolerant. The sources of diversity in India may be traced in a variety of ways.

Post-Independent India is a nation united against several odds and obstacles. The idea of the unity of India is inherent in all historical and socio-cultural facts as well as in cultural heritage. India is a secular state, and it has a constitution providing guarantees for people belonging to diverse regions, religions, cultures and languages. It covers people belonging to all socioeconomic strata. The Five Year Plans and several other developmental schemes are geared to uplift the poor and weaker sections of society.

India has been able to project itself as a single territorial unit in the face of physical, political, social and economic contrasts. The Great Plains, which is between the Himalayan ranges on the one hand and Peninsular India on the other has a unifying role. Climatically, the monsoonal rhythm of seasons provides a strong element of uniformity. The concentration of monsoonal rainfall to a few months in a year and the associated agricultural activities occur in India. Many cultural traditions are strongly tied to the monsoons. Saints have spread the message of universal brotherhood, which has helped a great deal in uniting different sections of society in India and making the country a unified nation.

India’s vast diversity is matched by its geographical features and shows the strength of the country. The extraordinary characteristic of India is that in spite of all diversity in different fields-physical, social, linguistic, cultural and religious; there is a fundamental thread of unity.

In India, there are followers of different religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, Islam and Christianity. All religions have their sects and sub-divisions. So, there is diversity not only in regard to religious, racial compositions and linguistic distinction but also in patterns of living, occupational pursuits, land tenure systems, lifestyles, inheritance and succession law. Even the practices and rites related to birth, death, marriage and various functions are performed differently by each religion.

In the book “The Discovery of India”, Jawaharlal Nehru says that Indian unity is not something imposed from the outside but rather, “It was something deeper and within its fold, the widest tolerance of belief and custom was practised and every variety acknowledged and even encouraged.” It was Nehru who coined the phrase “Unity in Diversity” to describe India.

We hope this essay on Unity in Diversity must have helped students in improving their writing section. For more study material and the latest updates on CBSE/ICSE/State Board/Competitive exams, keep visiting BYJU’S. Also, download the BYJU’S App for interactive study videos.

Frequently asked Questions on Unity in diversity Essay

Why should students be aware of this ‘unity in diversity’ concept.

It is not only enough for students and children to be aware of unity in diversity but should also practise the same. This is one of the base concepts in our preamble.

Can essay writing preparation be done at the last minute?

Essay writing requires a detailed understanding of the topic concerned and wide knowledge of current affairs. Having a good vocabulary will be an added advantage. It also requires regular practise in structuring paragraphs and arranging ideas logically.

Why is it necessary to practise essay writing questions before the Board exam?

Essay writing requires proper structuring and framing of paragraphs. Also, the continuity of information should be sequential. Therefore, adequate and prior practice in essay writing is essential.

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Muslim unity essay , muslim unity essay a level, muslim unity essay in english for 2nd year.

importance of muslim unity essay for 12th class, importance of muslim unity essay for 2nd year pdf, importance of muslim unity essay 2nd year,

importance of muslim unity essay for class 12, importance of muslim unity essay in english with quotations

America and most of the western countries have made Islam the target  of bitter criticisms. Every Muslim is considered a terrorist. In Kashmir,  Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Bosnia, Chechnya, and many other places of the children have been made an orphan. infrastructures and the infrastructure  of these have almost been destroyed. Their economy has become so weak that they have almost been thrown back into the stone age.

All this has been most of me when most of the world is enjoying the benefits of the oil that is produced by Muslim countries.  In the modern world of science and technology oil is the biggest weapon that can be used against any country to destroy its economy despite a pity that despite being so rich in oil and have policies power of tested policies and teachings of Islam Muslims have been forced to bow and stoop before the Christians, Jews, and Hindus.

What are the reasons for this sad state of affairs? No doubt, there are several reasons behind the downfall of Muslims, but the most important  reason is their disunity. Soon after the death of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)

Muslims were divided into several sects. Each sect claimed and still  claims to be the true follower of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and the only custodian  of Islam. They started fighting with one another on trivial matters. They interpreted the teachings of Islam in a way that suited their claim. With time, their feuds went on to increase.

The enemies of Islam took full advantage of this deplorable situation. They spread ridiculous rumors against Islam and tried to widen the gap between different sects of Muslims. They sided  with some sects only to instigate them against other sects. The Muslims  helped them succeed in their nefarious designs. Today the Muslim world  is divided into two hostile groups: The Shias and The Sunni. The Shias are supported by Iran while Saudi Arabia favors the Sunnis to fight against the  Shias. This war has been going on for centuries. And there seems to be no end  to it in near future.

Many leaders of the Muslims including Jamal-u-din Afghani, Allama Iqbal, and Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto tried their best in their ways to bring all the Muslims of the world on one platfor m. But despite having one God, one Prophet, and one Holy Book they could not themselves become one. Muslims are busy quarreling on such trivial matters as how long should be one's beard. While at the same time the other part of the world is busy exploring the secrets of nature and exploiting their resources and inventing new things to change the face of the earth. They have worked day and night and developed science and technology to provide peace, pleasure, and comfort to the suffering  humanity.

Islam is the greatest messenger of peace. It enjoins upon us to love every human being irrespective of his caste, creed, color, and country.  But we have forgotten this glorious message of Islam and have indulged  ourselves in the ruthless killing of our brethren. We have fallen a victim to  worldly desires and temptation forgetting that this life is transitory and that  the life hereafter is the real and permanent life. We should prepare  ourselves for that life by fulfilling haqooq Allah and haqooq ul Abaad in this  world.

If we want to regain our past glories we will have to bring about a moral revolution in our lives. Real Islam has no sect and no caste system. Muslims are one nation, one brotherhood. So we should forget all petty differences and be united under the one umbrella of the basic teachings of Islam. We should forge unity among our ranks and learn to love others. This is not an uphill task, but it needs one hand that may gather all the Muslims together at one platform. This 'one hand can be of some Caliph. The revival of the Muslims lies in the revival of the caliphate.


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Strangers in Their Own Land: Being Muslim in Modi’s India

Families grapple with anguish and isolation as they try to raise their children in a country that increasingly questions their very identity.

Two barefoot men standing on prayer rugs in the room of a house bow in prayer.

By Mujib Mashal and Hari Kumar

Reporting from Noida and Chennai, India

It is a lonely feeling to know that your country’s leaders do not want you. To be vilified because you are a Muslim in what is now a largely Hindu-first India.

It colors everything. Friends, dear for decades, change. Neighbors hold back from neighborly gestures — no longer joining in celebrations, or knocking to inquire in moments of pain.

“It is a lifeless life,” said Ziya Us Salam, a writer who lives on the outskirts of Delhi with his wife, Uzma Ausaf, and their four daughters.

When he was a film critic for one of India’s main newspapers , Mr. Salam, 53, used to fill his time with cinema, art, music. Workdays ended with riding on the back of an older friend’s motorcycle to a favorite food stall for long chats. His wife, a fellow journalist, wrote about life, food and fashion.

Now, Mr. Salam’s routine is reduced to office and home, his thoughts occupied by heavier concerns. The constant ethnic profiling because he is “visibly Muslim” — by the bank teller, by the parking lot attendant, by fellow passengers on the train — is wearying, he said. Family conversations are darker, with both parents focused on raising their daughters in a country that increasingly questions or even tries to erase the markers of Muslims’ identity — how they dress, what they eat, even their Indianness altogether.

One of them, an impressive student-athlete, struggled so much that she needed counseling and missed months of school. The family often debates whether to stay in their mixed Hindu-Muslim neighborhood in Noida, just outside Delhi. Mariam, their oldest daughter, who is a graduate student, leans toward compromise, anything to make life bearable. She wants to move.

Anywhere but a Muslim area might be difficult. Real estate agents often ask outright if families are Muslim; landlords are reluctant to rent to them.

“I have started taking it in stride,” Mariam said.

“I refuse to,” Mr. Salam shot back. He is old enough to remember when coexistence was largely the norm in an enormously diverse India, and he does not want to add to the country’s increasing segregation.

But he is also pragmatic. He wishes Mariam would move abroad, at least while the country is like this.

Mr. Salam clings to the hope that India is in a passing phase.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi, however, is playing a long game.

His rise to national power in 2014, on a promise of rapid development, swept a decades-old Hindu nationalist movement from the margins of Indian politics firmly to the center. He has since chipped away at the secular framework and robust democracy that had long held India together despite its sometimes explosive religious and caste divisions.

Right-wing organizations began using the enormous power around Mr. Modi as a shield to try to reshape Indian society. Their members provoked sectarian clashes as the government looked away, with officials showing up later to raze Muslim homes and round up Muslim men. Emboldened vigilante groups lynched Muslims they accused of smuggling beef (cows are sacred to many Hindus). Top leaders in Mr. Modi’s party openly celebrated Hindus who committed crimes against Muslims.

On large sections of broadcast media, but particularly on social media, bigotry coursed unchecked. WhatsApp groups spread conspiracy theories about Muslim men luring Hindu women for religious conversion, or even about Muslims spitting in restaurant food. While Mr. Modi and his party officials reject claims of discrimination by pointing to welfare programs that cover Indians equally, Mr. Modi himself is now repeating anti-Muslim tropes in the election that ends early next month. He has targeted India’s 200 million Muslims more directly than ever, calling them “infiltrators” and insinuating that they have too many children.

This creeping Islamophobia is now the dominant theme of Mr. Salam’s writings. Cinema and music, life’s pleasures, feel smaller now. In one book, he chronicled the lynchings of Muslim men. In a recent follow-up, he described how India’s Muslims feel “orphaned” in their homeland.

“If I don’t pick up issues of import, and limit my energies to cinema and literature, then I won’t be able to look at myself in the mirror,” he said. “What would I tell my kids tomorrow — when my grandchildren ask me what were you doing when there was an existential crisis?”

As a child, Mr. Salam lived on a mixed street of Hindus, Sikhs and Muslims in Delhi. When the afternoon sun would grow hot, the children would move their games under the trees in the yard of a Hindu temple. The priest would come with water for all.

“I was like any other kid for him,” Mr. Salam recalled.

Those memories are one reason Mr. Salam maintains a stubborn optimism that India can restore its secular fabric. Another is that Mr. Modi’s Hindu nationalism, while sweeping large parts of the country, has been resisted by several states in the country’s more prosperous south.

Family conversations among Muslims there are very different: about college degrees, job promotions, life plans — the usual aspirations.

In the state of Tamil Nadu, often-bickering political parties are united in protecting secularism and in focusing on economic well-being. Its chief minister, M.K. Stalin, is a declared atheist.

Jan Mohammed, who lives with his family of five in Chennai, the state capital, said neighbors joined in each other’s religious celebrations. In rural areas, there is a tradition: When one community finishes building a place of worship, villagers of other faiths arrive with gifts of fruits, vegetables and flowers and stay for a meal.

“More than accommodation, there is understanding,” Mr. Mohammed said.

His family is full of overachievers — the norm in their educated state. Mr. Mohammed, with a master’s degree, is in the construction business. His wife, Rukhsana, who has an economics degree, started an online clothing business after the children grew up. One daughter, Maimoona Bushra, has two master’s degrees and now teaches at a local college as she prepares for her wedding. The youngest, Hafsa Lubna, has a master’s in commerce and within two years went from an intern at a local company to a manager of 20.

Two of the daughters had planned to continue on to Ph.D’s. The only worry was that potential grooms would be intimidated.

“The proposals go down,” Ms. Rukhsana joked.

A thousand miles north, in Delhi, Mr. Salam’s family lives in what feels like another country. A place where prejudice has become so routine that even a friendship of 26 years can be sundered as a result.

Mr. Salam had nicknamed a former editor “human mountain” for his large stature. When they rode on the editor’s motorcycle after work in the Delhi winter, he shielded Mr. Salam from the wind.

They were together often; when his friend got his driver’s license, Mr. Salam was there with him.

“I would go to my prayer every day, and he would go to the temple every day,” Mr. Salam said. “And I used to respect him for that.”

A few years ago, things began to change. The WhatsApp messages came first.

The editor started forwarding to Mr. Salam some staples of anti-Muslim misinformation: for example, that Muslims will rule India in 20 years because their women give birth every year and their men are allowed four wives.

“Initially, I said, ‘Why do you want to get into all this?’ I thought he was just an old man who was getting all these and forwarding,” Mr. Salam said. “I give him the benefit of doubt.”

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The breaking point came two years ago, when Yogi Adityanath, a Modi protégé, was re-elected as the leader of Uttar Pradesh, the populous state adjoining Delhi where the Salam family lives. Mr. Adityanath, more overtly belligerent than Mr. Modi toward Muslims, governs in the saffron robe of a Hindu monk, frequently greeting large crowds of Hindu pilgrims with flowers, while cracking down on public displays of Muslim faith.

On the day of the vote counting, the friend kept calling Mr. Salam, rejoicing at Mr. Adityanath’s lead. Just days earlier, the friend had been complaining about rising unemployment and his son’s struggle to find a job during Mr. Adityanath’s first term.

“I said, ‘You have been so happy since morning, what do you gain?’” he recalled asking the friend.

“Yogi ended namaz,” the friend responded, referring to Muslim prayer on Fridays that often spills into the streets.

“That was the day I said goodbye,” Mr. Salam said, “and he hasn’t come back into my life after that.”

Mujib Mashal is the South Asia bureau chief for The Times, helping to lead coverage of India and the diverse region around it, including Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Bhutan. More about Mujib Mashal

Hari Kumar covers India, based out of New Delhi. He has been a journalist for more than two decades. More about Hari Kumar


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