Durga Puja Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on durga puja.

Durga Pooja is a Hindu festival celebration of the Mother Goddess and the victory of the warrior Goddess Durga over the demon Mahisasura. The festival represents female power as ‘Shakti’ in the Universe. It is a festival of Good over Evil. Durga Pooja is one of the greatest festivals of India. In addition to being a festival for the Hindus, it is also time for a reunion of family and friends, and a ceremony of cultural values and customs.

durga puja essay

The significance of Durga Pooja

While the ceremonies bring observance of fast and devotion for ten days, the last four days of the festival namely Saptami, Ashtami, Navami, and Vijaya-Dashami are celebrated with much sparkle and magnificence in India, especially in Bengal and overseas.

The Durga Pooja celebrations differ based on the place, customs, and beliefs. Things differ to the extent that somewhere the festival is on for five days, somewhere it is for seven and somewhere it is for complete ten days. Joviality begins with ‘Shashti’ – sixth day and ends on the ‘VijayaDashmi’ – the tenth day.

Background of Durga Pooja

Goddess Durga was the daughter of Himalaya and Menka. She later became Sati to get married to Lord Shiva. It is believed that the festival of Durga pooja started since the time Lord Rama worshipped the goddess to get a grant of powers from her to kill Ravana.

Some communities, especially in Bengal the festival is celebrated by decorating a ‘pandal’ in the close regions. Some people even worship the goddess at home by making all the arrangements. On the last day, they also go for immersing the statue of the goddess into the holy river the Ganges.

We celebrate Durga Pooja to honor the victory of good over evil or light over darkness. Some believe another story behind this festival is that on this day the goddess Durga defeated the demon Mahisasura. She was called upon by the all three Lords – Shiva, Brahma, and Vishnu to eradicate the demon and save the world from his cruelty. The battle went on for ten days and finally, on the tenth day, Goddess Durga eliminated the demon. We celebrate the tenth day as Dussehra or Vijayadashami.

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Rituals Performed During Durga Pooja

The festivities begin from the time of Mahalaya, where the devotees request Goddess Durga to come to the earth. On this day, they make the eyes on the statue of the Goddess during an auspicious ceremony named Chokkhu Daan. After establishing the idol of Goddess Durga in place, they perform rituals to raise her blessed presence into the idols on Saptami.

These rituals are called ‘Pran Pratisthan’. It consists of a small banana plant known a Kola Bou (banana bride), which is taken for a bath in a nearby river or lake, outfitted in a sari, and is used as a way for carrying the Goddess’s holy energy.

During the festival, the devotees offer prayers to the Goddess and worshiped her in several different forms. After the evening aarti ritual is done on the eighth day it is a tradition for the religious folk dance which is performed in front of the Goddess in order to gratify her. This dance is performed on the musical beats of drums while holding a clay pot filled with burning coconut covering and camphor.

On the ninth day, the worship is completed with a Maha Aarti. It is symbolic of the ending of the major rituals and prayers. On the last day of the festival, Goddess Durga goes back to her husband’s dwelling and the goddess Durga’s statutes are taken for immersion in the river. The married women offer red vermillion powder to the Goddess and mark themselves with this powder.

All people celebrate and enjoy this festival irrespective of their castes and financial status. Durga Pooja is an enormously communal and theatrical celebration. Dance and cultural performances are an essential part of it. Delicious traditional food is also an enormous part of the festival. The street of Kolkata flourishes with food stalls and shops, where several locals and foreigners enjoy mouth-watering foodstuff including sweets. To celebrate Durga Pooja, all workplaces, educational institutions, and business places remain closed in West Bengal. Besides Kolkata, Durga Pooja is also celebrated in other places like Patna, Guwahati, Mumbai, Jamshedpur, Bhubaneswar, and so on. Many non-residential Bengali cultural establishments organize Durga Pooja in several places in the UK, USA, Australia, France, and other countries. Thus, the festival teaches us that good always wins over the evil and so we should always follow the right path.

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Essay on Durga Puja

Here we have shared the Essay on Durga Puja in detail so you can use it in your exam or assignment of 150, 250, 400, 500, or 1000 words.

You can use this Essay on Durga Puja in any assignment or project whether you are in school (class 10th or 12th), college, or preparing for answer writing in competitive exams. 

Topics covered in this article.

Essay on Durga Puja in 150-200 words

Essay on durga puja in 250-400 words.

  • Essay on Durga Puja in 500-1000 words

Durga Puja is one of the most important Hindu festivals celebrated in India, particularly in the state of West Bengal. It is a grand celebration dedicated to Goddess Durga, the embodiment of divine power and victory over evil. The festival usually takes place in the month of October.

Durga Puja lasts for ten days and is marked by elaborate rituals, cultural events, and vibrant decorations. The festival commemorates the victory of Goddess Durga over the buffalo demon Mahishasura. It is believed that during this time, Goddess Durga visits her parental home along with her children.

Pandals (temporary structures) are constructed in various locations, where beautifully crafted idols of the goddess and her companions are installed. These pandals are adorned with decorative lights, colorful flowers, and artistic themes. Devotees gather to offer prayers, perform rituals, and seek the blessings of Goddess Durga.

The festival is also a time for cultural performances, including music, dance, and drama. People dress in traditional attire, participate in processions, and indulge in feasts and merriment. Durga Puja is a celebration of joy, unity, and the triumph of good over evil, leaving a lasting impression on the hearts and minds of all who participate.

Durga Puja, also known as Durgotsav, is a major Hindu festival celebrated with great enthusiasm and devotion in India, especially in the state of West Bengal. It is dedicated to Goddess Durga, who symbolizes power, courage, and the triumph of good over evil. The festival usually takes place in the month of October.

Durga Puja is a ten-day extravaganza, filled with religious rituals, cultural activities, and a festive spirit. The preparations for the festival start months in advance. Skilled artisans create elaborate clay idols of Goddess Durga and her companions, meticulously sculpting and painting them. These magnificent idols are installed in beautifully decorated pandals, which are temporary structures set up across cities and towns.

The festival commences with Mahalaya, a day to invoke the presence of Goddess Durga. The main festivities start from the sixth day, known as Shashti, with the unveiling of the idols and offering prayers. Devotees throng the pandals, adorned with artistic themes and decorations. They offer flowers, incense, and sweets to the goddess, seeking her blessings and protection.

Throughout the ten days, various rituals and ceremonies take place. Priests perform the sacred rituals, chanting hymns and mantras, while devotees sing devotional songs and engage in prayer and meditation. Cultural events like dance dramas, music performances, and poetry recitations are organized in the evenings, showcasing the rich cultural heritage of Bengal.

The festival reaches its peak on the ninth day, known as Maha Navami when a grand puja (worship) is performed. Elaborate rituals are conducted, accompanied by the rhythmic beats of drums and the chanting of religious verses. On the tenth day, known as Vijayadashami or Dussehra, the idols are immersed in rivers or lakes, symbolizing the departure of Goddess Durga to her heavenly abode.

Durga Puja is not just a religious festival; it is a social and cultural extravaganza. It brings people together, transcending boundaries of caste, creed, and age. Families and friends come together to celebrate, exchange gifts, and indulge in delicious feasts. It is a time of joy, laughter, and togetherness.

In conclusion, Durga Puja is a grand celebration that showcases the rich cultural heritage of India. It is a time to honor the divine feminine power and celebrate the victory of good over evil. The festival instills a sense of unity, devotion, and reverence among people, leaving a lasting impact on their hearts and minds.

Essay on Durga Puja in 500 words

Title:  Durga Puja –  Celebrating the Triumph of Good over Evil

Introduction :

Durga Puja, also known as Durgotsav, is one of the most significant Hindu festivals celebrated in India, primarily in the state of West Bengal. This grand celebration spans over ten days and is dedicated to Goddess Durga, the epitome of divine power and the embodiment of courage, strength, and compassion. Durga Puja holds immense cultural, religious, and social importance, and it brings people together to rejoice in the victory of good over evil.

Historical and Mythological Significance

The origin of Durga Puja can be traced back to ancient mythology and legends. According to Hindu mythology, the festival commemorates the victory of Goddess Durga over the buffalo demon Mahishasura. It is believed that the demon had acquired immense power through his severe penance, and he wreaked havoc in the universe, tormenting both gods and humans. To save the world from his tyranny, the gods bestowed their powers upon Goddess Durga, who fought valiantly and vanquished Mahishasura after a fierce battle lasting nine nights and ten days. Thus, Durga Puja symbolizes the triumph of good over evil and the restoration of peace and harmony.

Rituals and Celebrations

Durga Puja is celebrated with great devotion, fervor, and meticulous rituals. The preparations for the festival begin months in advance. Skilled artisans meticulously sculpt and paint clay idols of Goddess Durga and her companions. These magnificent idols are installed in beautifully adorned pandals, temporary structures erected across cities and towns. The idols are worshipped with offerings of flowers, incense, and sweets.

The festival commences with Mahalaya, a day that marks the beginning of the Devi Paksha (fortnight of the goddess). On this day, people wake up early in the morning to listen to the enchanting recitation of Mahishasura Mardini, a devotional hymn invoking the presence of Goddess Durga.

The main festivities start on the sixth day, known as Shashti. The pandals are thronged by devotees who come to seek the blessings of the goddess. Elaborate rituals are performed by priests, involving the chanting of hymns, the offering of flowers, and the lighting of lamps. The air is filled with devotion, and the pandals come alive with the sounds of traditional music and devotional songs.

As the days progress, various rituals are conducted. The seventh day, known as Saptami, witnesses the Navapatrika Puja, where nine plants symbolizing the goddess are worshipped. The eighth day, known as Ashtami, is considered the most auspicious. A grand puja is performed, accompanied by the rhythmic beats of drums, the blowing of conch shells, and the chanting of religious verses. Devotees offer special prayers and seek the blessings of the goddess.

The ninth day, known as Maha Navami, marks the culmination of the celebrations. A Maha Aarti (grand prayer) is conducted, and devotees participate in the Sindoor Khela, where married women apply vermilion to the idols and to each other, signifying the celebration of womanhood and marital bliss.

The festival concludes on the tenth day, known as Vijayadashami or Dussehra. This day commemorates the victory of Goddess Durga over Mahishasura. The idols are taken in grand processions through the streets, accompanied by music, dance, and enthusiastic devotees. Finally, the idols are immersed in rivers or lakes, symbolizing the departure of the goddess to her heavenly abode.

Cultural Extravaganza

Durga Puja is not merely a religious festival; it is also a cultural extravaganza that showcases the rich heritage of Bengal. The festival is a time for artistic expression, creativity, and community engagement. The pandals are adorned with magnificent decorations, reflecting various themes ranging from historical events to contemporary issues. Skilled craftsmen and artisans showcase their talent through intricate artwork and intricate designs.

Cultural performances are an integral part of Durga Puja. Elaborate dance dramas, music concerts, poetry recitations, and theater performances take place in the evenings. These cultural events provide a platform for artists to showcase their talent and entertain the audience. It is also an opportunity for the younger generation to connect with their cultural roots and appreciate the artistic traditions of Bengal.

Social Significance

Durga Puja holds immense social importance as it brings people together, fostering a sense of community and unity. The festival transcends barriers of caste, creed, and age, uniting people in celebration. Families and friends come together to visit pandals, exchange gifts, and indulge in delicious feasts. The festival provides a platform for individuals to reconnect with their loved ones, strengthen bonds, and create lasting memories.

Durga Puja also plays a significant role in the economy. The festival generates employment opportunities for artisans, craftsmen, and workers involved in the preparation of pandals, idols, and decorations. It attracts tourists from all over the world, contributing to the growth of the tourism industry. The festival also acts as a catalyst for local businesses, such as food stalls, clothing stores, and souvenir shops.

Conclusion :

Durga Puja is a celebration of joy, devotion, and the victory of good over evil. It is a time when people come together to pay homage to the goddess, immerse themselves in cultural festivities, and revel in the spirit of togetherness. The festival strengthens the social fabric, preserves cultural traditions, and instills a sense of unity and harmony among individuals. Durga Puja is not merely a festival; it is an experience that leaves a lasting impact on the hearts and minds of all those who participate in its celebrations.

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Essay on Durga Puja 2023: Short Lines and Long Essay Paragraphs

Durga puja paragraph in english: this article is designed for students and teachers to get ideas on what to write in an essay on durga puja. here you will find essays on durga puja in english in 10 lines, 100, 150, and 200 words. .

Atul Rawal

Essay on Durga Puja:  Durga Puja is a famous festival celebrated in most parts of India. This occasion has a definite place in the hearts of Indians. They celebrate this festival with colourful vibes. Students and kids should also be taught about their traditions and values; thus, schools also organise competitions and other events where students are motivated to write or speak something about this festival. Students can read this article to get an essay on Durga Puja in English. Here you will find the essay on Durga Puja in 10 lines, 100, 150, and 200 words.

Durga Puja Essay in English 10 lines

  • Durga Puja is a famous Hindu festival. 
  • Durga Puja honours Goddess Durga for killing evil and saving humankind. 
  • Like Dusshera, Durga Puja also symbolises the win of good over evil. 
  • Every year, Durga Puja is celebrated in the month of Ashvina (September–October). 
  • Durga Puja is a 10-day festival.
  • On this occasion, Huge statues of Durga and other divine mothers are worshipped in pandals. 
  • People of India celebrate Durga Puja by decorating pandals, making delicious food and dancing together.
  • The main celebrations begin with Maha Shasthi, the day the beautifully crafted idols of Goddess Durga are unveiled in pandals
  • The idols are remarkably crafted with art and spirituality, depicting the Goddess's strength and beauty.
  • On the last day called Vijayadashami or Dashami, the idols are immersed in rivers.

Essay on Durga Puja in 100 Words

Essay on durga puja in 150 words.

Famous Hindu occasion Durga Puja is celebrated in India. It pays respect to the heavenly mother Goddess Durga. The event, which is the most important holiday in West Bengal, takes place in the autumn. Beautifully carved Durga idols are worshipped in pandals over the course of the ten days that make up Durga Puja. As a celebration of Goddess Durga's victory over the demonic Mahishasura, the event represents a victory of good against evil. On the final day, people immerse the idols in rivers and lakes to mark the festival's completion. Durga Puja is a time of cultural displays, delicious food, and harmony.

Essay on Durga Puja in 200 Words

Navratri, often referred to as Durga Puja, is one of India's most vivid and well-known holidays. Although it is celebrated across the nation, Bengalis have a unique attachment for it. The holy mother Goddess Durga is honoured throughout this ten-day festival, which stands for the victory of good over evil.

Mahalaya, a day on which prayers are offered to tempt the Goddess to come to Earth, marks the beginning of the celebration. Maha Shasthi, the day the wonderfully carved statues of Goddess Durga are unveiled in pandals, marks the start of the main festivities. These idols, which represent the Goddess' strength and beauty, are an amazing fusion of art and spirituality.

People from all occupations and statuses gather together during the event, bridging socioeconomic and religious barriers. The streets are decorated with bright lights, along with cultural performances happening everywhere. Traditional music, dances, and plays intensify the festive atmosphere.

The idols are submerged in rivers and lakes on the last day, known as Vijayadashami or Dashami. This rite represents the Goddess' return to her residence in the heavens. It's an emotional time that's both happy and sad.

Now you have essays on Durga Puja in English. Based on your event and choice you can choose from an essay on Durga Puja in 100, 150 and 200 words. If you want a shorter essay then refer to Durga Puja essay in English 10 lines. These Durga Puja paragraphs in english can be used directly or refer to create a new piece for yourself. You can modify the Durga Puja paragraphs based on your language and knowledge. 

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  • Why is Durga Puja celebrated? + Durga Puja highlights the victory of Goddess Durga over the demon Mahishasura, symbolising the triumph of good over evil.
  • What is Durga Puja? + Durga Puja is a major Hindu festival celebrated to honor Goddess Durga, the embodiment of power and strength.
  • When does Durga Puja occur? + Durga Puja is generally celebrated in month of Ashvina (September–October), following the lunar calendar, and lasts for ten days.
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Durga Puja Essay

500+ words essay on puja.

Durga Puja comes from the Hindu Holy Script called Markandeya Purana. Goddess Durga emerges out of the accumulated powers of the Holy Trinity – Lord Brahma, the creator; Lord Vishnu, the preserver; and Lord Shiva. She killed Mahishasura, the king of Asuras, with divine power presented in her ten arms. Thus, Durga represents female power, the epitome of “Shakti” in the universe. In this essay on Durga Puja, students will know about the significance of Durga Puja, how it is celebrated, and the mythological story behind the celebration of the festival. Students must go through this essay to get ideas on essay writing so they can create their own essay on Durga Puja in English.

Significance and Importance of Durga Puja

Durga Puja is the worship of Goddess Durga – Shakti and Power. This festival is celebrated with full enthusiasm all over India. People fast for ten days, thereby showing their devotion towards the Goddess Durga. The celebration differs from place to place based on tradition and belief. In some places, the festival is celebrated for 5 days, in some places for 7 days and in other places, it is celebrated for a complete ten days. The last five days of Durga puja: Sashthi, Saptami, Ashtami, Navami and Dashami are celebrated with full joy and exuberance in India.

In nine days of celebration, Goddess Durga is worshipped in nine different avatars.

Day one as Shailputri

Day two as Brahmacharini

Day three as Chandraghanta

Day four as Kushmanda

Day five as Skandamata

Day six as Katyayani

Day seven as Kaalratri

Day eight as Mahagauri

Day nine as Siddhidatri

Durga Puja Festival Celebration

Durga Puja is considered one of the popular Hindu festivals in Bengal. It is celebrated in Ashwin month which falls in September-October month. It begins on the same day as Navratri which is a nine-day festival celebrating the divine feminine. During the festival, pandals are decorated at various places to host the Durga Puja. These pandals are the main attraction for people and become a centre of cultural and religious activities. The recitation of scriptures, arti is performed on these pandals. Durga Puja is a great occasion for Hindu families to come together and share love in early fall every year.

The festival of Durga Puja begins with Mahalaya, in which the Hindus perform tarpana by offering water and food to their ancestors. It is believed that on this day, Goddess Durga returns to her mother’s home and stays there for four days. The next significant day is the sixth day (Sashthi), on which devotees welcome the Goddess and festive celebrations begin with full joy. On the seventh (Saptami), eighth (Ashtami) and ninth (Navami) days, the Goddess along with Lakshmi, Saraswati, Ganesha, and Kartikeya are revered and these days mark the main days of worship. The celebrations end with Vijaya Dashami (“Tenth Day of Victory”). Idols are carried to local rivers for immersion with loud chants and drum beats.

Mythological Story Behind Durga Puja Celebration

The mythological story behind the Durga Puja festival is that Durga, the Goddess with ten hands, killed the demon Mahishashur. Mahishashur meditated for years to be blessed by Brahma to become immortal. Brahma granted him the boon but said that he can only be killed by a woman. After getting immortal, Mahishashur could not believe that a woman could kill him. So, Goddess Durga took birth with the power of all Gods and Goddesses and slew Mahishasur. Durga Puja celebration marks the victory of good over evil as Goddess Durga killed demon king Mahishasur.

The festivals bring peace, happiness, and prosperity to human lives. Various forms of cultural programmes and events are performed on the eve of this festival. Durga Puja conveys the message of unity, integrity and the win of good over bad.

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Frequently asked Questions on Durga puja Essay

Who first started the durga puja festival.

Durga Puja was first started by Nabakrishna Deb in Shobhabazar Rajbari in the 1757.

What is the speciality of Durga Puja?

This festival marks the victory of Goddess Durga over Mahishasur (a demon), thereby indicating goodness winning over evil.

In which states of India Durga puja is celebrated?

Durga Puja is widely celebrated all over India, especially in West Bengal, Bihar, Assam and Odisha.

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Essay on Durga Puja: 100 to 500 Words

durga puja essay in english 150 words

  • Updated on  
  • Sep 8, 2023

Essay on Durga Puja

Essay on Durga Puja : Durga Puja is a major Hindu festival in India, celebrating the triumph of Goddess Durga over the demon Mahishasura. Lasting around ten days, the festival features elaborately crafted idols of the goddess in decorative pandals.

It combines religious fervour with cultural performances, including music, dance, and traditional rituals. The event unites communities and showcases India’s rich heritage, emphasizing the victory of good over evil and fostering a sense of togetherness among people from various backgrounds. The festival concludes with the immersion of the idols, symbolizing the goddess’s return to her divine abode.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Why is Durga Puja Celebrated?
  • 2 200 Words Essay on Durga Puja  
  • 3 400 Words Essay on Durga Puja  

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Why is Durga Puja Celebrated?

Indians celebrate Durga Puja to honour and worship Goddess Durga, a symbol of divine feminine power and strength. The festival holds immense religious significance as it commemorates the victory of Goddess Durga over the demon Mahishasura, signifying the triumph of good over evil.

Durga Puja is also a cultural extravaganza that brings communities together. It provides a platform to showcase intricate artistry, craftsmanship, and creativity through the creation of elaborate idols and beautifully decorated pandals. The festival showcases India’s rich cultural heritage, as well as its unity in diversity, as people from various backgrounds and regions participate in the celebrations.

Beyond its religious and cultural aspects, Durga Puja fosters a sense of togetherness and camaraderie. Families, friends, and neighbours come together to worship, enjoy cultural performances, and partake in festive feasts. The celebration promotes social bonding, instils a sense of community, and strengthens the fabric of society.

In summary, Durga Puja is celebrated in India to honour Goddess Durga’s valour, revere the concept of good prevailing over evil, showcase cultural richness, and foster unity among diverse communities. It’s a multifaceted festival that blends spirituality, art, culture, and social harmony into a vibrant tapestry of celebration.

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200 Words Essay on Durga Puja  

Durga Puja, a prominent Hindu festival, celebrates the victory of Goddess Durga over the demon Mahishasura. It is observed with immense fervour and enthusiasm across India, especially in West Bengal. The festival spans ten days, with the last five being the most significant. Elaborately crafted idols of Goddess Durga are worshipped in beautifully decorated pandals, temporary structures set up for the occasion. The atmosphere is filled with devotion, cultural performances, and traditional rituals.

The festival’s essence lies in the portrayal of the triumph of good over evil. It brings communities together, fostering a sense of unity and cultural heritage. Devotees dressed in traditional attire, visit pandals, offer prayers, and partake in festive feasts. The immersion of idols in water bodies symbolizes the goddess’s return to her celestial abode.

Durga Puja transcends religious boundaries, attracting people of all backgrounds. It showcases India’s rich art, culture, and craftsmanship, with intricate idols and mesmerizing decorations. The festival also has economic significance, generating employment opportunities and boosting local businesses.

In conclusion, Durga Puja is more than a religious event; it’s a cultural extravaganza that binds communities, promotes artistry, and commemorates the triumph of good over evil. It exemplifies the diversity and unity that defines India’s cultural landscape.

400 Words Essay on Durga Puja  

Durga Puja, one of the most awaited Hindu festivals, holds a special place in the hearts of millions across India and beyond. It is a celebration of the goddess Durga’s victory over the demon Mahishasura, symbolizing the triumph of good over evil. The festival’s essence lies not only in its religious significance but also in its cultural and social dimensions.

The preparation for Durga Puja begins weeks in advance. Skilled artisans meticulously craft the idols of Goddess Durga and her four children, Lakshmi, Saraswati, Ganesha, and Kartikeya. These intricately designed idols are then installed in beautifully adorned temporary structures known as pandals. Each pandal boasts a unique theme, often inspired by mythology, current events, or artistic concepts. The pandals are a feast for the eyes, displaying remarkable creativity and craftsmanship.

The festival spans ten days, with the last five days being the most significant. Elaborate rituals and ceremonies are performed, invoking the goddess’s blessings. Devotees dressed in traditional attire gather at the pandals to offer their prayers, seek blessings, and immerse themselves in the festive atmosphere. Cultural performances, including music, dance, and theatre, are organized, adding to the vibrant ambience.

Durga Puja is not limited to religious sentiments; it transcends societal boundaries. People from diverse backgrounds and communities come together to participate in the festivities. The festival promotes a sense of unity and brotherhood, fostering an environment of communal harmony. It also contributes to the local economy, generating employment opportunities and boosting businesses related to decoration, food, and clothing.

The grand finale of Durga Puja is the immersion of the idols in water bodies. This symbolizes the goddess’s return to her celestial abode, accompanied by prayers for her swift return the following year. The immersion procession, or “Visarjan,” is a sight to behold, marked by music, dance, and a mix of emotions.

In conclusion, Durga Puja is more than a religious event; it’s a cultural extravaganza that encapsulates India’s diversity, artistry, and unity. It showcases the fusion of tradition and modernity, reinforcing the importance of preserving our cultural heritage. The festival’s celebration of righteousness prevailing over wickedness and its power to unite people from all walks of life make it a truly remarkable and cherished occasion.

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Ans. Durga Puja is usually celebrated during the Hindu month of Ashwin, which corresponds to September or October in the Gregorian calendar. The festival typically spans ten days, culminating in the immersion of the idols on Vijayadashami day.

Ans. Durga Puja holds both religious and cultural significance. It honours Goddess Durga’s victory over the demon Mahishasura, symbolizing the triumph of good over evil. The festival also showcases India’s rich artistry and craftsmanship through intricately designed idols and creatively themed pandals. Beyond its religious aspects, Durga Puja fosters a sense of unity, bringing people of diverse backgrounds together to celebrate.

Ans. Durga Puja is celebrated with great enthusiasm. Elaborately crafted idols of Goddess Durga are installed in intricately decorated pandals. Devotees visit these pandals to offer prayers, seek blessings, and participate in various rituals. Cultural performances, including music, dance, and theatrical presentations, add to the festive ambience. The celebration culminates with the immersion of the idols in water bodies, accompanied by processions and celebrations.

We hope that this blog essay on Durga puja has given you some known and unknown facts and secrets about Durga puja. For more amazing daily reads that will help you build your IQ and improve your reading and writing skills, study tuned with Leverage Edu . 

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Aditi Gupta

A bachelors in Journalism and Mass Communication graduate, I am an enthusiastic writer. I love to write about impactful content which can help others. I love to binge watch and listen to music during my free time.

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Essay on Durga Puja for Students in English - Long Essay

The festive season of India is earmarked by the worshipping and celebration of Goddess Durga . It generally occurs in the month of September-October. The entire nation becomes more colourful and celebrates the fact of good’s win over evil.

Goddess Durga is considered to be the physical form of ‘Shakti’ or ‘Universal Energy’ . She was created by the Hindu Gods to annihilate the notorious demon ‘Mahisasura’. The people of India wait for a year to welcome Goddess Durga and the most fascinating time of ten days. During this time of the year, people of all ages join their hands to celebrate the victory of Maa Durga.

The significance of this celebration is so high that it has been nominated as the UNESCO World’s Heritage List for the year 2020 . Durga Puja is considered as an intangible heritage that needs to be on the map so that the entire world can find its significance.

Colourful pandals and sparkling lighting arrangements make every nook and corner of the cities and suburbs glow. From the start of Mahalaya, the day when Maa Durga was created by all the gods. Every god donated his part of the power and gifted devastating weapons to make her stand against the tyranny of Mahisasur. She has 10 hands with different things in every one of them. After ten days, the auspicious Vijaya Dashami arrives when the joviality ends, making everyone sad.

Maa Durga has different reincarnations. She was the daughter of the mighty Himalaya and Menka, the prime ‘apsara’ of Indralok or Heaven. She later became the wife of Lord Shiva. She was then reincarnated as ‘Maa Durga’ to kill the notorious demon. It was Lord Rama who started the ritual of Durga Puja to earmark his victory over Ravana in the Satya Yuga. He pleased Maa Durga and wanted her to bless him with powers.

The different communities in West Bengal celebrate Durga Puja as the prime festival of the year. In many big historical families, this puja is considered as the social glue when all the members accumulate in their ancestral houses. The puja includes many rituals and tributes that make it really hard for someone to do it alone. As per the old traditions, the rituals continue for 5 days from ‘Shashti’ or the 6 th day from Mahalaya till ‘Vijaya Dashami’ . Many believe that the rituals are designed and fabricated in such a way that every family member has to come and lend his hand to complete it and harmony is maintained.

Durga Puja is also celebrated when Maa Durga returns to her mother’s home. Every celebration needs an idol of this goddess that comprises ten hands and her sons and daughters. Mahalaya is celebrated by the idol makers by drawing eyes on the idols. This is called ‘ Chokkhu Daan’ . A banana plant is established on ‘Saptami’ beside Lord Ganesha as his wife. On this day, every idol gets life as the rituals of ‘Pran Pratishthan’ are performed.

Various types of rituals are then performed continuously for the next 4 days. Folk dances, aarti rituals, dhunuchi naach, etc . are performed by artists or locals. The special drums of Bengal roar in every pandal continuously and we all feel the chill of this puja through our spines. The Dhunuchi Naach is performed where dancers hold a clay pot containing burning dried coconut skin, incense, and camphor. People from all financial states come to the same place to enjoy the aura of Maa Durga’s visit to her place. These five days are the happiest days for every Bengali.

Celebrations Outside India

The Durga puja is not a festival that is only bound to the country of India, the festival has its presence all over the world. The Hindu community living in Bangladesh celebrates the Durga puja whole heartedly. Many Bengali Muslims also take part in the festival. The famous Dhakeshwari Temple situated in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, attracts a huge number of devotees and visitors on the days of Durga puja. In Nepal, the festival of Durga puja is celebrated in the name of Dashain. 

Beyond the Indian Subcontinent, Durga puja is also organised in the united states of america by the Bengali community living there. Bengali diaspora is spread all across the world and wherever they go they try to organise the festival of Durga Puja. Whether it will be in Hong Kong, Canada, even Japan, and also in several parts of Europe. Bengali Hindu communities both from Bangladesh and West Bengal, India are behind the organisation of Durga puja around the globe.

The Greater Toronto Area, in Canada, has a huge community of Bengali Hindus. In the city Toronto, different Bengali cultural groups such as Bangladesh Canada Hindu Cultural Society (B.C.C.H.S), Bongo Poribar Sociocultural Association, etc., book a lot of venues for the celebration of this festival and the city also got a separate temple for the goddess Durga by the name of ‘Toronto Durgabari’ .

Essay on Durga Puja - Short Essay 

Durga Puja is the biggest festival of the Hindus . This festival denotes the celebration of the victory of Mother Goddess Durga over the demon Mahishasura . This festival represents ‘Shakti’, and also signifies the win of good over evil. In this festival, friends and families come together to celebrate the ceremony of pride, cultural values, and customs. 

The festival is observed by fasting for 10 days, while in the last four days - Saptami, Ashtami, Navami, and Vijaya Dashami. The puja is celebrated with much sparkle and enjoyment. This puja is celebrated all over India, especially in West Bengal. Durga Puja is also celebrated internationally. 

In Durga Puja, every community comes together to celebrate the win of good over the evil. Pandals are lightened up with different coloured lights and decorations. Durag Puja is majorly celebrated in Kolkata. 

During this time, the streets of Kolkata are flooded with people, people hopping from one pandal to another. They wear new dresses, meet with families and friends, eat different types of sweets and dishes, dance to the beats of the ‘dhol’, and worship Goddess Durga with full devotion. Laughter, joy, sparkle in the eyes are seen in these celebrations. This is a complete pleasure to see the whole vibe around. 

Thus, Durga Puja is indeed one of the biggest festivals in India which is even recognized by UNESCO. This festival brings family and friends together, schools and colleges remain closed in Bengal to commemorate the festival here. Being in Bengal in this time of Durga Puja is an absolute pleasure, where you can see people celebrating and honouring the win of good over evil. 

Durga pooja is an enormous and communal celebration , where people celebrate and enjoy the festival of Durga puja to their full extent without the care for their caste and financial status. Traditional folk dance and existing cultural performances are an inseparable part of this festival. The streets of Kolkata are filled to the brim with the devotees of Maa Durga, there are also many food stalls and shops. Not only Kolkata, or India or even the whole Indian sub-continent, this festival is celebrated all around the world. The festival tries to teach the devotees that good always wins over evil and so they should always follow the right path.  


FAQs on Durga Puja Essay

1. Why was Maa Durga created?

Mahisasur got extremely powerful after he received a boon from Lord Brahma that no man or god will be able to kill him. Feeling invincible, he waged war against the entire clan of gods. He conquered Indralok and proceeded further. Every god was distressed and scared. It is when Maa Durga was created by the gods of gods with their indomitable power. She was neither a man or a god hence, she can kill the demon for good. The buffalo demon was not an easy opponent. The battle lasted for ten days and she finally killed the demon and freed the world from evil.

2. Why is Durga Puja a heritage of India?

Durga Puja is a huge ritual that every man in India feels thrilled to celebrate. Every Indian, especially Bengalis, waits for a year. He waits for the puja time to arrive. It has become a celebration of all ages and genders. This puja earmarks how common people can enjoy the defeat of evil by the almighty Maa Durga. All of us accumulate in the same place forgetting our differences to worship Maa Durga. This is why Durga Puja is so important for the culture and heritage of India.

Durga Puja is not only the heritage of India but of the world. Durga puja of India has also received the UNESCO world heritage tag.

3. Who started celebrating Durga Puja first and when?

The first Durga Puja was started probably by the Sabarna Roychowdhury family of Behala in the southern parts of Calcutta, in the year 1610.

4. What is the date of Durag Puja in 2022?

Durga Puja will start on 1st of October 2022 and end on 5th October 2022.

5. What happens in Mahalaya?

Mahalaya is the day when Goddess Durga is believed to have descended on earth. On this day, Bengali people wake up early in the morning to listen to the hymns of Devi Mahatmya (Chandi) scripture.

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Durga Puja Essay in English Language For Students & Children

Durga Puja Essay in English Language For Students & Children

admin October 21, 2023 Essays in English 330 Views

Durga Puja Paragraph in English:  This article is designed for students and teachers to get ideas on what to write in an essay on Durga Puja. Here you will find essays on Durga Puja in English in 10 lines, 100, 150, and 200 words.

Essay on Durga Puja: Durga Puja is a famous festival celebrated in most parts of India. Schools also organise competitions and other events where students are motivated to write or speak something about this festival. Students can read this article to get an essay on Durga Puja in English. Here you will find the essay on Durga Puja in 10 lines, 100, 150 and 200 words.

Durga puja essay in 10 lines:, durga puja essay in english 10 lines are given below. read them and prepare your own speech or essay. .

  • Durga Puja is a famous Hindu festival.
  • Durga Puja honours Goddess Durga for killing evil and saving humankind.
  • Like Dussehra , Durga Puja also symbolises the win of good over evil.
  • Every year, Durga Puja is celebrated in the month of Ashvina (September–October).
  • Durga Puja is a 10-day festival.
  • On this occasion, Huge statues of Durga and other divine mothers are worshipped in pandals.
  • People of India celebrate Durga Puja by decorating pandals, making delicious food and dancing together.
  • The main celebrations begin with Maha Shashti, the day the beautifully crafted idols of Goddess Durga are unveiled in pandals
  • The idols are remarkably crafted with art and spirituality, depicting the Goddess’s strength and beauty.
  • On the last day called Vijayadashami or Dashami, the idols are immersed in rivers.

Essay on Durga Puja in 100 Words:

We Indians celebrate numerous festivals which is one of the most unique things the whole world praises us for. Durga Puja is one of these festivals. It is a famous Indian festival celebrated among Hindus. People celebrate Durga Puja to honour and pray to the divine mother Durga. This is a 10-day festival celebrated in the month of Ashvina (September–October). People of West Bengal and other parts of the country celebrate this festival by placing huge and beautiful idols of Goddess Durga in pandals. Pandals are temporary structures decorated with lights and other decorative stuff. The festival signifies the victory of good over evil, as it commemorates Goddess Durga’s triumph over the demon Mahishasura.

Below is the essay on Durga Puja in 150 words, to describe about the festival and leave an unforgettable impact on the reader. Use this Durga Puja essay in 150 words to create your own.

Famous Hindu occasion Durga Puja is celebrated in India. It pays respect to the heavenly mother Goddess Durga. The event, which is the most important holiday in West Bengal, takes place in the autumn. Beautifully carved Durga idols are worshipped in pandals over the course of the ten days that make up Durga Puja. As a celebration of Goddess Durga’s victory over the demonic Mahishasura, the event represents a victory of good against evil. On the final day, people immerse the idols in rivers and lakes to mark the festival’s completion. Durga Puja is a time of cultural displays, delicious food, and harmony.

The streets come alive with processions, music, and dance performances. People dress in their finest clothes, visit pandals, and enjoy traditional Bengali cuisine. During the immersion of Durga idols, people pray to Mother Durga and ask for her blessings. On this positive note, the festival is complete.

Essay in 200 Words:

Here is an essay on durga puja in 200 words. this durga puja essay comprise of almost all the basic information about the festival and its importance. use this example and write your own durga puja essay..

Navratri, often referred to as Durga Puja, is one of India’s most vivid and well-known holidays. Although it is celebrated across the nation, Bengalis have a unique attachment for it. The holy mother Goddess Durga is honoured throughout this ten-day festival, which stands for the victory of good over evil.

Mahalaya, a day on which prayers are offered to tempt the Goddess to come to Earth, marks the beginning of the celebration. Maha Shashti, the day the wonderfully carved statues of Goddess Durga are unveiled in pandals, marks the start of the main festivities. These idols, which represent the Goddess’ strength and beauty, are an amazing fusion of art and spirituality.

People from all occupations and statuses gather together during the event, bridging socioeconomic and religious barriers. The streets are decorated with bright lights, along with cultural performances happening everywhere. Traditional music, dances, and plays intensify the festive atmosphere.

The idols are submerged in rivers and lakes on the last day, known as Vijayadashami or Dashami. This rite represents the Goddess’ return to her residence in the heavens. It’s an emotional time that’s both happy and sad.

Durga Puja is more than a religious celebration. It is a cultural occasion that promotes harmony, joy, and a belief that good will eventually win over evil.

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Essay on Durga Puja for Students in English [500 Words Essay]

December 10, 2020 by Sandeep

Essay on Durga Puja: Durga puja is a Hindu festival celebrating the victory of good over evil. It is celebrated over ten days by worshipping Goddess Durga. It is the part of Indian tradition & rituals accompanied by several cultural activities & delicious food. All people enjoy & celebrate this festival irrespective of their castes & financial status.

Essay on Durga Puja 500 Words in English

Below we have provided Durga Puja Essay in English, suitable for class 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 school students.

Durga Puja is celebrated by Hindus joyfully and blissfully every year. This festival is celebrated with the worship of Goddess Durga. It is dedicated to mark the end of Mahishasura. The mark of her is supposed as the symbol of the victory of good over evils. Every year, the Durga Puja festival is celebrated from the first to the tenth day of Ashwin month. Devotees start preparations at least two months before, and it is celebrated with great zeal and with different cultural dances all over India.

Maa Durga is known as the goddess of power. The idol and sculpture of Goddess Durga have ten hands, and she looks sat on a lion. The truth is, Durga Maa keeps ten types of Asra for the destruction of sinners and Asuras. Idols of Durga Maa are placed in the educational institutions and also pray of her recite to enhance the knowledge of the students. Statues of Lord Kartikeya and Ganesh are also placed near him.

Story of Durga Puja

Durga Maa is believed to be the daughter of Himachal and Maneka. Moreover, it is also believed that the incarnation of Durga Maa was born after the self-immolation of Lord Bholenath’s wife, Sati. As per the history related to Durga Puja, Sati gave the incarnation of Durga Maa. At that time, the Asura named Mahishasura began misusing his powers and strengths that caused a ruckus on Prithvi Loka and Devlok. Once Durga Maa killed the demon Mahishasura, the festival of Maa Durga started to be celebrated. She fought with Mahishasura for the entire ten days, that’s why this festival is organized by worshipping different forms of Maa Durga for nine days and immersing the idol of Mother Durga on the 10th day.

Celebration of Durga Puja

In India, people of diverse states and cultures celebrate this festival according to different stories. Due to this variation, Maa Durga’s idol is also seated in different forms and ways everywhere. On this festival, a huge statue of Maa Durga is enshrined in almost every street in a city. As per the beliefs, in some states, Maa Durga’s idol is placed or shown with Lord Shankar and two Lakshmi and Saraswati, while elsewhere, it is installed with two sons Karthikeya and Ganesh. The lion is considered to be the ride of Maa Durga; thus, one of the feet of his statue is on the lion, and the other is on the chest of Mahishasura.

During the last three days of Navratri, this festival is at its peak. Special worship of Maa Durga is done on Saptami, Ashtami and Navami, and in some places, big fairs and events are also organized. In northern India, after worshipping Maa Durga on Navami day, the girls are served food, people believe that on this day, Maa Durga herself comes to her home as a girl and dines. A group of immature girls visits different homes or neighbour wearing beautiful attires who get served with delicious meals and also honoured with beautiful gifts and money.


Durga Puja Essay

Durga Puja is one of the major Hindu festivals celebrated in the Indian sub-continent. It is celebrated with reverence to Goddess Durga, one of the most revered Hindu Deities. Hindus worship Durga as the Goddess of power and slayer of evil forces. The festival is observed in the Gregorian calendar months of September or October. Pandals (marquees) are erected at several locations in which a life size statue of Goddess Durga is installed for the devotees to venerate. The festival lasts for nine days with each day signifying a particular incarnation of the Goddess.  People visit these pandals during the day and night to get blessings from the Goddess. Durga puja concludes with the celebration of Dussehra festival.

Long and Short Essay on Durga Puja in English

We have provided below some essay on Durga Puja under various words limit in order to help students.

Now-a-days, teachers in the school or college generally follow this strategy of writing essays or paragraphs in order to enhance student’s skill and knowledge about any topic.

All the Durga Puja essay provided here are written by the professional content writer in easy and simple sentences.

Students can select any of the essays given below according to their need and requirement:

Durga Puja Essay 1 (100 words)

Durga Pooja is one of the most important festivals of Hindu. It is celebrated every year by the people of Hindu religion with great enthusiasm and belief. It is a religious festival which has various significances. It falls every year in the autumn season.

What is Special

During this festival, Goddess Durga is worshiped by the people for all nine days. At the end of festival the image goddess is immersed in the water of river or tank. Some people keep fast for all days, however some people keep fast only on first and last days. People believe that doing so will bring lots of blessings from goddess Durga. They believe that Durga mata will keep them away from all the problems and negative energy.

Durga Puja

Durga Puja Essay 2 (150 words)


Durga Puja is the religious festival of India. It is celebrated by the Hindu people all over the country with lots of happiness. Everyone perform this puja very nicely in cultural and traditional way at many places in the city or villages. It is one of the joyous occasions especially for the students as they take some relief from their hectic life because of holidays. It is celebrated wonderfully, at some places a big fair is also held.

Significance of Durga Puja

Durga Puja is a nine days long festival. Days of Durga pooja celebration varies according to the place, custom, people’s capacity and people’s belief. Some people celebrate it for five, seven or full nine days. People start worship of Durga statue on ‘Shashti’ which ends on the “Dashami”. Some people in the community or society celebrate it by decorating a ‘pandal’ in the nearby regions. In these days, all the nearby temples become full of devotees especially in the morning. Some people do worship at home with all the arrangements and go for statue immersion to the river Ganga at last day.

Durga Puja Essay 3 (200 words)

India is a land of fairs and festivals. It is so called because people of various religions live here and they all celebrate their fairs and festivals all through the year. It is a holy place on this planet where various holy rivers run and big religious festivals are celebrated. Navaratri or Durga pooja is a festival (means festival of Nine Nights) celebrated by the people especially in the Eastern India. It brings a happy festive atmosphere all over the country. People go to the temple or worship goddess Durga at home with full preparation and devotion. Devotees worship goddess Durga for their well being and prosperous life.

Durga Puja Celebration

Navaratri or Durga pooja is celebrated to tribute the victory of good over evil. It is believed by the devotees that at this day goddess Durga got victory over the bull demon Mahishasura. She was called by the God Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva to kill demon and make the world free of him. After many days of battle she finally killed that demon on the tenth day, the day is called as Dussehra. The real meaning of Navaratri is the nine days and nights of battle between goddess and devil. Durga Puja fair attracts a huge crowd of devotees and visitors including foreign tourists at one place.

Durga Puja Essay 4 (250 words)

Durga puja is one of the main Hindu festivals. It is celebrated every year with lots of preparations to honor of goddess Durga. She is the daughter of Himalaya and Menaka and a transition of sati who later got married to the Lord Shiva. It is considered that this puja was started first time when Lord Rama worshipped the Goddess Durga to get power to kill Ravana.

Why Goddess Durga is Worshipped

Goddess Durga is worshipped in Navaratri because it is considered that she killed a demon Mahishasura after 10 days and nights of battle. She has ten hands with a different weapon in each. People got relief from that asura because of the goddess Durga that’s why they worship Her with full devotion.

Goddess Durga is worshipped all nine days of the festival. However days of worship varies according to the place. Devotees of Mata Durga keep fast for all nine days or only first and last days. They decorate and worship the statue of goddess by offering Prasad, jal, kumkum, nariyal, sindoor, etc according to the capacity with great devotion. Everywhere looks very beautiful and environment becomes clean and pure. It seems that really goddess Durga makes a round to everyone home and blesses Her devotees. It is believed that worshipping Mata provides delight, prosperity, removes darkness and evil power. Generally people perform puja for three days (called as Saptami, Astami and Navami) after keeping fast for long 6, 7, and 8 days. They offer food, fruit and dakshina to the seven or nine unmarried girls in the morning in the clean manner in order to make goddess Durga happy.

Immersion of Statue

After puja, people perform immersion ceremony of the statue in the holy water. Devotees return to their homes with sad faces and pray to Mata to come next year again with lots of blessings.

Durga Puja Essay 5 (300 words)

Durga Puja is one of the main festivals of the Hindus religion. It is also known as Durgotsava or Sharadotsav of which six days are observed as Mahalaya, Shashthi, Maha Saptami, Maha Astami, Maha Navami and Vijayadashami. Goddess Durga is worshipped all through the days of this festival. It generally falls in the Hindi month of Aswin. Goddess Durga has 10 hands with different weapon in each. People worship goddess Durga to be safe from the evil power.

About Durga Pooja

Durga Puja is celebrated from sixth to ninth day of bright lunar fortnight (shukla paksha) in Ashvin. Tenth day is celebrated as Vijayadashami as at this day goddess Durga got victory over a demon. This festival marks the victory of goodness over evil power, a buffalo demon Mahishasura. People in Bengal worship Durga as Durgotinashini means a destroyer of evil as well as a protector of devotees.

It is widely celebrated at many places in India such as Assam, Tripura, Bihar, Mithila, Jharkhand, Odisha, Manipur, West Bengal, etc. At some places it becomes five-days annual holiday. It is a religious and socio-cultural event being celebrated for years with complete devotion by the devotees. A huge Durga puja fair also held in the Ram-lila ground which attracts a big crowd of people.

Environmental Impact of Durga Puja

Due to the people’s negligence, it impacts the environment to a huge level. The materials used in making and coloring (such as cement, plaster of Paris, plastic, toxic paints, etc) the sculptures of Mata Durga causes pollution to the local water resources. The immersion of the statues directly pollutes the river water at the end of festival. In order to reduce the environment impacts of this festival, there should be efforts from everyone’s end that the use of eco-friendly materials by the artisans in making statues, devotees should not immerse the statues directly in Ganga water and search out some safe ways to perform the rituals of this festival. Commercialization of the Hindu festivals in the 20 th century has created major environmental issues.

Durga Puja Essay 6 (400 words)

Durga Puja is a religious festival during which a ceremonial worship of goddess Durga is performed. It is an important festival of India. It is a traditional occasion which reunites people into the one Indian culture and customs. Varieties of rituals are performed all through the ten days of festival such as fast, feast and worship. People perform statue immersion and Kanya pujan in the last four days which car called as Saptami, Ashtami, Navami and Dashami. People worship a ten-armed goddess riding the lion with great enthusiasm, passion and devotion.

Story and Legends of Durga Puja

There are various stories and legends of Durga puja which are mentioned below:

  • It is considered as, once there was a demon king, Mahishasura, who was ready to attack on Gods of heaven. He was too powerful to defeat from God. Then an eternal power was created by the Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh which was named as Durga (a magnificent woman having ten hands with special weapons in each). She was given eternal power to destroy demon Mahishasura. Finally She killed that demon on tenth day called as Dussehra or Vijayadashami.
  • Another legend behind Durga puja is Lord Rama. According to the Ramayana, Ram had performed a chandi-puja in order to get blessings of mata Durga to kill Ravana. Rama had killed Ravana on tenth day of Durga puja called as Dussehra or Vijayadashami. So, Durga puja is the symbol of victory of goodness over evil power forever.
  • Once Kautsa (son of Devdatt) has decided to offer gurudakshina to his guru named Varatantu after completing his education however he was asked to pay 14 crore gold coins (one for each 14 sciences he studied there). In order to get the same he went to the king Raghuraj (ancestor of Rama) however he was unable because of the Vishvajit sacrifice. So, Kautsa went to Lord Indra and he again summoned Kuber (god of wealth) to rain the required gold coins over “shanu” and “apati” trees in Ayodhya. In this way, Kautsa got gold coins to offer to his guru. That event is still remembered through a custom of looting leaves of the “apati” trees. At this day, people gift these leaves to each other as a gold coin.

The festival of Navaratri or Durga puja has various significances. The meaning of Navaratri is nine nights. Tenth day is known as Vijayadashami or Dussehra. It is the day when goddess Durga got victory over a demon after nine days and nine nights long battle. Goddess Durga is worshipped by the people to get strength and blessings. Worshipping Goddess Durga helps devotees to remove negative energy and negative thoughts as well as get the peaceful life. It is celebrated to commemorate the victory of Lord Rama over evil Ravana. People celebrate this festival by burning the big statue of Ravana and fireworks at night of Dussehra.

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Essay on Durga Puja | Durga Puja Essay 10 Lines

Durga Puja Essay: Durga Puja is one of India’s most important festivals, celebrated with much enthusiasm and fanfare. The festival has both religious and moral significance. It is celebrated in honour of Goddes Durga, the principal incarnation of Goddess Mahadevi. It is celebrated to commemorate the day when Goddess Durga killed the Buffalo Demon Mahishasura in order to resurrect and protect Dharma (or righteousness). This aspect signifies the victory of the Good over the Evil, and that no matter how powerful the forces of Evil are, they will be ultimately destroyed by God.

Though the festival holds significant importance in some parts of India, it is celebrated by almost all Indians in some form or the other. Due to this fact, students are often given assignments to write an essay on Durga Puja. Thus, in this article, we provide you with a Durga Puja Essay 150 words, a Durga Puja Essay 500 words, and a Durga Puja Essay 10 lines.

Essay on Durga Puja

Durga Puja Essay 150 Words

A Durga Puja Essay 150 words is given below

God has created this world for good people and he alone takes care of it. When evil rises and becomes powerful and starts troubling the good people, God always reincarnates himself to destroy the forces of evil and prevail Dharma. Durga Puja is celebrated to commemorate the destruction of evil in the form of Mahishasura, the buffalo demon or asura, by Goddess Durga, an incarnation of Goddess Mahadevi.

Durga Puja has been a part of Indian, and especially Bengali, culture for centuries. The festival is celebrated for ten days and begins with Mahalaya during which the devotees offer food and water to their ancestors. On this day, Goddess Durga is believed to descend on Earth each year. The celebration ends with Vijayadashmi, a day when huge processions are organised to immerse her idols in water, which symbolizes her departure to the abode of his husband, Lord Shiva. 

Durga Puja Essay 500 Words

A Durga Puja Essay 500 words is as follows

Hinduism is a religion of many gods and goddesses. Consequently, it has many folk stories and epics, each depicting life of a god. However, the central idea and moral of all Indian Epics are the same: good always prevails over evil. The epic of goddess Durga also signifies the same moral. Durga Puja, also known as Durgo Pujo, is celebrated to honour the killing of Mahishasura by Goddes Durga.

Durga Puja holds a significant place in Bengali culture. It is celebrated with huge enthusiasm in India and especially in the Indian state of West Bengal. It is also celebrated in parts of Bangladesh and by the Bengali community throughout the world. 

In India, the brave act of Goddess Durga killing Mahishasura is regarded as a symbol of women’s empowerment. Goddess Durga, in fact, is portrayed as a symbol of women’s empowerment in India. Her story is a benchmark that tells that a woman is generally compassionate, but when it comes to the protection of Dharma, she can be as ferocious as any other male. She depicts a typical woman who is a motherly figure and kind but can wreak havoc on the oppressors to liberate the people who are oppressed. She also symbolizes Indian Feminism. She is often portrayed with multiple hands, with each hand carrying the weapon to slay the evil.

The festival is celebrated with great enthusiasm in India. Colourful idols of Goddess Durga are worshipped in large public gatherings that are organised by local committees. The beautiful idols are kept over the pandals. Before Durga Puja begins, young people from the neighbourhood raise money and donations, work with priests and artisans, purchase items, and assist in constructing pandals with a specific theme. Through these themes, the organisers also try to depict a social cause.

The ten-day-long festival begins with Mahalaya, a day when it is believed Goddess Durga first descended from her home in Mount Kailash after many Lords in Heaven decided to reincarnate Goddess Mahadevi so as to protect Dharma. On this day, many devotees offer food and water to their dead ancestors. However, the celebrations begin on the sixth day, when lights are lit and decorations are made on pandals. 

Though the festival is primarily about Goddess Durga, other deities such as Goddess Lakshmi, Saraswati etc. on the seventh, eighth and ninth days of the festival. On the last day, known as Vijayadashmi, worshippers go on a procession with the clay sculpture idols they have worshipped to a river or other body of water and submerge them there, signifying her return to the divine universe and her marital dwelling with Shiva in Kailash. The clay idols ensure that the aquatic ecosystem is preserved as they melt in the water without causing any harm to the aquatic life.

Durga Puja has become an integral, inseparable and essential part of Indian culture. For some people, Durga Puja has a significant impact on their way of life. Durga Puja is celebrated with a great amount of enthusiasm which is conspicuous on the streets of many Indian cities. It has gained popularity due to its moral, religious and philosophical significance.

Essay on Durga Puja

Durga Puja Essay 10 Lines

Durga Puja Essay 10 Lines is as follows

  • Durga Puja is a major Indian festival celebrated mainly in West Bengal, Tripura, Odisha, Jharkhand and parts of Bihar.
  • Durga Puja is a ten-day long festival which is celebrated to honour Goddess Durga for killing the Buffalo demon Mahishasura for oppressing the people.
  • The festival has immense moral significance. It denotes the victory of good over evil and lights over darkness.
  • The last day of Durga Puja coincides with Dussehra which also signifies the victory of good over evil.
  • The festival begins with Mahalaya when it is believed Goddess Durga descends to Earth from her abode in Mount Kailash in the Himalayas.
  • The celebrations begin on the sixth day when pandals are set up and beautifully decorated clay idols of Durga are placed over them
  • Over the years, the importance of the festival has increased. The festival is now celebrated with a theme that has social and cultural significance.
  • Though the festival is primarily celebrated to pay respect to the goddess Durga, other deities are parallelly worshipped during the festival.
  • Durga Puja holds a significant place in Bengali culture.
  • Durga is worshipped as a symbol of Indian feminism. She symbolizes a woman who can be calm and caring, but whose wrath is unmatchable when dharma is violated.

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Durga Puja Essay in English 10 Lines & 1500 Words – Read Now

Here is the Durga Puja Essay in English in 10 lines, 100 words, 500 words and 1500+ words. In this article you can see both short essay and full-length article on Durga Puja in English . We’ve provided essay on Durga Puja in English 10 Lines & 1500 Words. Durga Puja holds immense cultural and religious significance in India , particularly in West Bengal.

It’s a celebration of the goddess Durga’s victory over the demon king Mahishasura , signifying the eternal battle between good and evil. By selecting this theme, schools provide students with an opportunity to learn about mythology and its symbolic representations.

Table of Contents

Durga Puja Essay in English 10 Lines

Essay competitions encourage students to delve into research, gather information, and explore various aspects of Durga Puja. Students can explore the history, rituals, artistry, and cultural significance of the festival. This research not only enhances their knowledge but also promotes a sense of curiosity and inquiry.

  • Durga Puja, a Hindu festival, celebrates the goddess Durga’s victory over the demon Mahishasura.
  • It usually spans nine days, with the final day known as Vijaya Dashami or Dussehra.
  • Durga Puja takes place in September or October, marking the onset of autumn.
  • Artisans craft intricate clay idols of the goddess and her entourage.
  • Elaborate pandals (temporary structures) are constructed to house these idols.
  • The festival is a cultural extravaganza, with art, music, dance, and literature taking center stage.
  • Sindur Khela, on the tenth day, involves married women applying vermilion to the goddess’s idol and each other.
  • Durga Puja fosters a sense of community, bringing people together regardless of their backgrounds.
  • It symbolizes the triumph of good over evil and the power of feminine energy.
  • The festival inspires spiritual reflection and inner strength among devotees.

Durga Puja Essay in 150 words

Durga Puja , celebrated predominantly in West Bengal, is a nine-day Hindu festival honoring Goddess Durga’s victory over the demon Mahishasura. It signifies the triumph of good over evil and is marked by elaborate rituals, artistic pandals, and cultural performances. Skilled artisans craft clay idols of the goddess, and worshippers participate in prayers and aarti ceremonies. Sindur Khela, on the tenth day, involves married women applying vermilion to the goddess’s idol and each other, symbolizing marital bliss. Durga Puja fosters community bonding, cultural expression, and spiritual reflection, making it a significant and vibrant festival that transcends religious boundaries.

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Durga Puja Essay in 500 words

Participating in essay competitions sharpens students’ writing skills. It encourages them to articulate their thoughts clearly, develop structured arguments, and communicate effectively. Writing essays on a topic as diverse and rich as Durga Puja challenges students to express themselves eloquently.

Durga Puja Essay in English in 500 words

Durga Puja is not just a religious festival; it’s a cultural extravaganza. It’s an opportunity for students to appreciate the art, music, dance, and literature that are an integral part of the celebrations. Through their essays, students can convey their appreciation for the cultural diversity and artistic brilliance that Durga Puja represents.

Durga Puja: A Celebration of Divine Feminine Power

Durga Puja, also known as Sharadiya Durga Puja, stands as one of the most significant and vibrant festivals in India, particularly in the state of West Bengal. This grand celebration revolves around the worship of Goddess Durga, the embodiment of divine feminine power. Spanning nine days, this festival unites people from various walks of life in a joyful commemoration of faith, culture, art, and devotion.

Historical and Mythological Origins

The roots of Durga Puja can be traced back to ancient Hindu mythology. According to legends, the goddess Durga was created by the combined energies of various gods to combat Mahishasura, a demon king who had become invincible through his penance. This epic battle represents the eternal struggle between good and evil, where the goddess emerges victorious, symbolizing the triumph of righteousness.

Preparations and Planning

The preparations for Durga Puja commence months in advance. Local communities, known as “puja committees,” take on the responsibility of organizing and financing the festivities. Elaborate pandals, temporary decorative structures, are meticulously designed and constructed to house the idol of Goddess Durga. The idols themselves are sculpted by skilled artisans, who painstakingly craft the goddess and her divine entourage from clay.

Nine Days of Devotion: Navaratri

The festival extends over nine days, known as Navaratri, each day dedicated to different forms or manifestations of Goddess Durga. These forms include Shailaputri, Brahmacharini, Chandraghanta, Kushmanda, Skandamata, Katyayani, Kalaratri, Mahagauri, and Siddhidhatri. Each day, elaborate rituals, prayers, and aarti ceremonies are performed by priests and devotees alike.

Cultural Extravaganza

Durga Puja is not merely a religious festival; it is a cultural extravaganza. Art, music, dance, and literature take center stage during these nine days. Pandal-hopping, a cherished tradition, involves visiting different puja pandals to admire their artistic themes and decorations. These pandals often showcase a range of creative expressions, from traditional to contemporary, reflecting the cultural diversity and artistic richness of West Bengal.

Community Bonding and Togetherness

One of the most heartwarming aspects of Durga Puja is its ability to foster a sense of community and togetherness. People from all backgrounds come together to celebrate, transcending differences of caste, creed, and social status. They share meals, exchange greetings, and participate in the festivities as one large family. The spirit of unity and belonging is palpable.

Sindur Khela: A Symbolic Tradition

The tenth day of Durga Puja, known as Vijaya Dashami or Dussehra, holds a special significance. A highlight of this day is the “Sindur Khela” ceremony. Married women apply vermilion (sindur) to the goddess’s idol and to each other. This ritual symbolizes marital bliss and the hope for a long, happy married life. It is a moment of joy and camaraderie among women.

Spiritual Significance

Beyond its cultural and social dimensions, Durga Puja carries profound spiritual significance. The goddess Durga represents the divine feminine energy that resides within each individual. Her image inspires devotees to overcome inner demons, symbolizing the triumph of good over ego and ignorance. The festival encourages introspection and a quest for inner strength and purity.

Durga Puja is a celebration that transcends religious boundaries, uniting people in their reverence for the divine mother and their appreciation of art and culture. It is a testament to the cultural richness of West Bengal and a reminder of the enduring power of faith, unity, and the indomitable spirit of good over evil. Durga Puja is not merely a festival; it is an experience that leaves an indelible mark on the hearts and souls of those who partake in its celebrations. It is a beautiful ode to the divine feminine and a vibrant celebration of life itself.

Durga Puja Essay: Celebrating the Divine Mother

Essay competitions on Durga Puja encourage students to reflect on their own experiences and perspectives. They can share personal stories, memories, and interpretations of the festival. This fosters a deeper connection with their cultural heritage and traditions.


Durga Puja, the grandest and most cherished festival in West Bengal, India, is a celebration of faith, art, culture, and devotion. Also known as Sharadiya Durga Puja, this festival honors the Hindu goddess Durga, the embodiment of divine feminine power. In this essay, we will explore the significance, rituals, and cultural importance of Durga Puja, shedding light on the vibrant tapestry of this remarkable festival.

Historical and Mythological Significance

Durga Puja, which usually takes place in September or October, marks the victory of the goddess Durga over the demon king Mahishasura. According to Hindu mythology, Durga was created by the combined energies of the gods to defeat Mahishasura, a demon who had become invincible through his penance. This myth symbolizes the triumph of good over evil and the power of feminine energy.

Preparation and Planning

The preparations for Durga Puja typically begin months in advance. Local communities, known as “puja committees,” are responsible for organizing the festivities. Elaborate pandals (temporary structures) are constructed to house the idol of Durga and her entourage. The idols themselves are crafted by skilled artisans who meticulously sculpt the goddess and her divine companions out of clay.

Rituals and Celebrations

The actual festival spans nine days, known as Navaratri, with the tenth day celebrated as Vijaya Dashami or Dussehra. Each day of Navaratri is dedicated to different manifestations of Durga. Elaborate rituals, prayers, and aarti ceremonies are performed by priests and devotees.

The most significant moments of Durga Puja include the “Bodhon” or awakening of the goddess on the sixth day, and the “Sindur Khela” on the tenth day. During Sindur Khela, married women apply vermilion to the goddess’s idol and to each other, symbolizing marital bliss and the hope for a long, happy married life.

Durga Puja is not just a religious festival; it’s a cultural extravaganza. Art, music, dance, and literature take center stage during these nine days. Pandal-hopping, where people visit different puja pandals to admire the artistic themes and decorations, is a popular tradition. Cultural programs and performances are organized, showcasing the rich artistic heritage of West Bengal.

Community Bonding

Durga Puja is a time when the entire community comes together, transcending differences of caste, creed, and social status. It fosters a sense of unity and belonging. People share meals, exchange greetings, and participate in the festivities as one big family. The spirit of togetherness is truly heartwarming.

Symbolism and Spiritual Significance

Beyond its cultural and social aspects, Durga Puja carries profound spiritual significance. The goddess Durga represents the power within each individual to conquer their inner demons, symbolizing the triumph of righteousness over ego and ignorance. Her image inspires devotees to overcome obstacles and strive for inner strength and purity.

Durga Puja is a celebration that transcends religious boundaries, uniting people in their reverence for the divine mother and their appreciation of art and culture. It’s a testament to the cultural richness of West Bengal and a reminder of the enduring power of faith, unity, and the indomitable spirit of good over evil. Durga Puja is not merely a festival; it’s an experience that leaves an indelible mark on the hearts and souls of those who partake in its celebrations.

Winning or even participating in an essay competition can boost a student’s confidence. It provides them with a sense of achievement and validation of their ideas. Additionally, students often present their essays in front of an audience, honing their presentation and public speaking skills.

In conclusion, organizing essay competitions in schools on the topic of Durga Puja is an excellent way to encourage students to explore their creativity, enhance their writing skills, and deepen their cultural awareness. It instills a sense of curiosity, encourages research, and promotes reflection.

Moreover, it allows students to appreciate the richness of their cultural heritage and traditions, fostering a sense of unity and pride. Such competitions not only nurture well-rounded individuals but also inspire future leaders who are deeply connected to their cultural roots.

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Durga Puja Essay

The festival of Durga Puja is celebrated in the Ashwin month which corresponds with September-October. The nine days long festival is celebrated with extreme enthusiasm and with a high degree of reverence to the warrior goddess Durga.

Short and Long Essay on Durga Puja in English

Some short and long essays on Durga Puja are given below for students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 so that they can get some help for their studies.

Durga Puja Essay 10 Lines (100 – 150 Words)

1) Durga Puja is an Indian festival that falls in September or October.

2) During this festival, Goddess Durga is worshipped for nine consecutive days.

3) Durga puja is a festival that commemorates the victory of Durga over the demon Mahisasur.

4) For Durga Puja, large pandals are made and decorated.

5) Different idols of goddess Durga are kept in pandals and worshipped.

6) During puja, people can enjoy crowds, fairs, and amusement at different places.

7) Many people observe fast for nine days during the puja.

8) In these nine days, people recite “Durga Chalisa” at home and temple.

9) This festival holds major significance in West Bengal.

10) People eagerly wait for this festival and celebrate it with great joy.

Essay 1 (250 Words)


The festival of Durga Puja is celebrated in the month of September-October. It is a nine days long festival, worshipping goddess Durga. It is mostly celebrated in the northern part of India and the Durga Puja of West Bengal is specifically famous.

The Reverence of Mother Shakti

Durga is revered as the feminine form of Shakti. ‘Shakti’ is a Sanskrit word meaning strength. Hence Durga Puja is the reverence of mother Durga, asking her to bless her devotees with strength and velour.

Shaktism is an ancient Hindu tradition to worship the feminine form of Goddess Shakti. During ancient times the tradition was carried out by only the armies and soldiers who had to go on a battle.

Ritualistic Practices

Modern practices of Durga Puja involve worship and reverence of the Goddess in the large pandals erected specifically for this purpose. People visit these pandals and worship a large bust of goddess kept in the center.

Other rituals include fasting for all the nine days of the festival. Celebrations in the house are also simple and involve no exuberance. People recite Durga Saptashati in house, which is a collection of phrases, praising the goddess. Those who fast usually stay on the diet of fruit, vegetables, and milk products for complete nine days. On the last day, a hawan or offering to the goddess in front of a fire is performed on the last day.

The festival of Durga Puja is integral to the Hindu religion and is very important in keeping the ages hold Hindu beliefs alive in the heart of religious believers.

Essay 2 (400 Words)

Durga Puja is a Hindu festival celebrated in reverence to the Hindu warrior goddess, named Durga. Celebrated in the Hindu calendar month of Ashwin, it is a nine days festival, entailing the worship of nine different forms of the Goddess each day.

Celebration in Pandals

Pandals are an integral part of Durga Puja celebrations. These are large temporary structures made of cloth, supported by bamboo or steel frame. Pandals of different shapes and sizes are erected every few kilometers and in every locality.

These Pandals are beautifully decorated by lights and are also often made with different themes like a temple, palace, etc. A life bust of the goddess is kept at the center of the pandal, for the devotees to pay visit and worship.

These Pandals remain the centre of attraction during the Durga Puja festival for complete nine days; though, common people are allowed inside the pandal only from the sixth day. People visit with the family to pay their reverence to the goddess and the pandal is open 24/7 day and night. The celebration ends only on the tenth day when the statue of the goddess is taken out in a procession to a nearby pond or river for immersion.

The festival of Durga Puja specifically commemorates the victory of Goddess Durga over the bull demon Mahishasura. The demon king Mahishasura, at a point of time, became so powerful that he set out to conquer all the three worlds. Therefore, the three gods, Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesha (Shiva) summoned Durga to kill Mahishasura. They all gave Durga their trusted weapons, with the help of which the goddess was able to kill Mahishasura on the tenth day.

Another legend of Durga Puja is associated with Lord Rama. It is believed that before killing Ravana in a fierce battle, Lord Rama had worshipped the goddess Durga to provide strength and velour. This is the reason why the festival of Durga Puja coincides with the Dussehra festival, which commemorates the day Rama killed Ravana.

Significance of Durga Puja

The festival of Durga Puja has a grand religious as well as cultural significance. Many religious groups and local communities and people come together to celebrate the festival with zeal and fervor.

The festival signifies the victory of good over bad and evil. It also signifies the strength that a woman can endure if she has to fight against evil and injustice.

Durga Puja is a religious occasion that celebrates a warrior goddess that provides strength to the warriors and to everyone who is fighting for truth and pride.

Durga Puja Essay

Essay 3 (500 – 600 Words)

Durga Puja is a major Hindu festival celebrated in India and also in adjoining countries of Nepal and Bangladesh. In India, it is majorly celebrated in the Indian states of Odisha, Bihar, Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh, and West Bengal. Durga Puja celebration in West Bengal is renowned the world over and attract a large influx of tourists every year.

When is Durga Puja Celebrated?

Durga Puja is celebrated in the seventh month – Ashwin, of Hindu lunisolar calendar. Ashwin month corresponds to the Gregorian calendar months of September-October.

The festival of Durga Puja entails nine days celebration with the festival of Dussehra falling on the tenth day.

Durga Puja – An Ancient Festival

No concrete evidence for the beginning of the Durga Puja festival is found in the historical records; however, there are records to suggest that wealthy families and also those belonging to the royal lineage were organizing Durga Puja in community. Manuscripts from the 14th-century support this claim.

The popularity of Durga Puja suddenly increased during the rule of British rule, sometime during the late 19th or early 20th centuries, mainly in the states of Odisha and West Bengal.

Proof of an ancient festival dedicated to Goddess is found in the ancient 11th-century Jain manuscript – ‘Yasastilaka’. However, this festival was only celebrated by kings and their armies.

References to a deity named Durga or Durgi appear in the Vedic text Rigveda and Atharvaveda. Another religious text which provides clear references to the worship of Goddess Durga is Devi Mahatmya. This 400 BC text also called ‘Durga Saptashati’ is a collection of 700 verses, revering the Goddess. Durga Saptasati is the most widely recited religious text during the Durga Puja.

Worshipping Nine Forms of Durga

The festival of Durga Puja entails the worship of nine forms of Goddess Durga. The names of these forms, the days on which they are worshipped along with a brief description of each of them is provided below-

Worshipped on the first day Shailputri is the daughter of the mountains. ‘Shail’ is a mountain in Sanskrit.

  • Brahmacharini

Depicted with a rudraksha mala in one hand and a kamandala in other, this form of Goddess is worshipped on the second day.

  • Chandraghanta

Ten armed goddess riding a tiger is depicted with a crescent moon on the forehead, thereby giving her the name Chandraghanta.

Revered on the fourth day, she is believed to be the creator of the universe. ‘Ku’ –little, Ushma –‘energy’ and Amnda – ‘egg’.

Four armed deity revered on the fifth day is also called Panchami. She is depicted carrying lotus and an infant Kartikeya.

Katyayani is the warrior Goddess revered on the sixth day. She is also the most violent form of the Goddess.

Four armed, dark-colored deity, who rides a donkey with a sword in one hand. She is admired on the seventh day.

Mahagauri, a four-armed deity riding bull or white elephant, is worshipped on the eighth day. She is depicted holding a trishul and a damru.

  • Siddhidatri

Revered on the ninth day, Siddhidatriis a four-armed goddess, depicted holding a lotus, mace, and a book.

Durga Puja is a major Hindu festival and reflects Hindu culture and mythology. It also signifies the status that the Hindu religion grants to a woman. Durga is the warrior goddess blessing her worshippers with strength and vitality. Whoever worshipped her is believed to be bestowed with strength, velour and a capacity to endure pain. Durga Puja is an integral celebration of Hindu religion and mythological belief.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions on Durga Puja

Ans . We celebrate Durga pooja because on this day Maa Durga got the victory over the demon Mahishasura.

Ans . The festival of Durga pooja is celebrated in the month of September or October every year.

Ans . Durga pooja is a ten days festival that starts from the first day of Navratri.

Ans . The first day of the Durga pooja festival is called Mahalaya.

Ans . The weapons of Maa Durga are Chakra, conch, bow, arrow, sword, trishul, javelin, shield, and noose.

Ans . Red Hibiscus is the favorite flower of Maa Durga.

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Essay on Durga Puja – 500 Words

Durga Puja is a major Hindu festival celebrated annually in India and around the world. This comprehensive essay on Durga Puja explores the religious and cultural significance of the festival, its rituals, and the way it is celebrated. The essay delves into the ten-day celebration, including the Mahalaya and the elaborate pujas performed in pandals. It also highlights the cultural events, feasting, and festive atmosphere that make Durga Puja a special time of the year. Get a deeper understanding of this vibrant festival and its importance to the Hindu community with this informative essay on Durga Puja.

Durga Puja is one of the most significant and widely celebrated Hindu festivals in India and around the world. It is a ten-day festival that marks the victory of Goddess Durga over the demon king, Mahishasura. The festival is celebrated every year during the Hindu month of Ashwin (September/October) and is considered the most important festival for the Bengali community. The celebration involves traditional worship, elaborate pujas, feasts, and cultural events.

The festival starts with the Mahalaya, which marks the arrival of Durga in her mother’s home. During the festival, beautifully crafted and decorated idols of the Goddess are worshipped in pandals (temporary shelters) erected in homes, communities, and public places. The idols of Durga are accompanied by those of her children – Ganesha, Kartikeya, Lakshmi, and Saraswati. People flock to these pandals to offer prayers and seek blessings from the deity.

Incense sticks are lit, hymns and mantras are spoken, and flowers, sweets, and other offerings are presented as part of the puja rites. Priests conduct pujas, invoking the blessings of the deity through the recitation of sacred scriptures and the performance of traditional rituals. Following the pujas comes aarti, a Hindu ceremony in which a lit lamp is passed around in front of the deity and its worshippers to represent the dispelling of ignorance and darkness.

In addition to the religious aspects, Durga Puja is also celebrated with great fanfare and cultural events. There are cultural programs such as music, dance, and drama performances that are held in different parts of the city. People dress up in traditional attire and visit pandals to enjoy the colorful and festive atmosphere. The city is adorned with bright lights and decorations, creating a vibrant and lively ambiance.

Durga Puja also marks the beginning of the harvest season and is seen as a time of celebration and feasting. The festival brings people from different walks of life together, fostering a sense of unity and togetherness. Friends and family members gather together to participate in the celebration and relish the delicious traditional foods that are prepared for the festival.

In conclusion, Durga Puja is a festival of great cultural and religious significance for the Hindu community. It is a time of worship, celebration, and bonding with family and friends. The festival continues to evolve with time, embracing new cultural elements and incorporating innovative rituals, yet retaining its traditional roots. Despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, the spirit of Durga Puja lives on and brings joy, hope, and positivity to people’s lives.

English Summary

100 Words Essay on Durga Puja in English

Durga Puja, also known as Durgotsava or Sharodotsava. It is an annual Hindu festival. This festival is celebrated as it celebrates the victory of the goddess Durga over the demon king Mahishasura. This is a four day celebration. It has been celebrated since olden times, it is an old tradition of Hinduism, though its exact origins are unclear. However, according to researchersa and studies, as one takes a look at the manuscripts from the 14th century, there are slight hints that provide guidelines for Durga Puja, while historical records suggest that royalty and wealthy families were sponsoring major Durga Puja festivities since at least the 16th-century.

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