Free Advertising Essay Examples & Topics

The advertising industry plays a critical role in modern society. We can see ads everywhere. They make us create opinions about all that we see, from food to politics. It is also the main source of income for most of the media, from newspapers to Facebook.

What can you write in an essay on advertisement?

In essence, your task is to compose an advertisement review. You have to analyze an ad or a few and explain how it promotes the product. Who does it appeal to? Tell about its aim and target audience. Then describe the main points and how it impacts people, providing your opinion. Write about the influence of advertising and your own impression.

To make it easier for you to decide on a topic for your advertising essay, our team has created a list of ideas for you. We also analyzed the structure of this type of academic paper and prepared some advertising essay examples.

Advertisement Essay Structure

When you’re writing a standard academic piece, your essay on advertising should be five paragraphs long. In the table below, we will analyze what you should describe and how to do so in detail.

  • Introduction: Describe the product and provide some background information about it. You should state what exactly you will analyze. Include your personal opinion in this part. Explain why the company needs a commercial for the product. Summarize the content of the ad.
  • Thesis Statement: Mention the main descriptive points that will appear in the body of your essay. There is no need to introduce your personal opinion in the thesis . Focus only on the vital aspects. Don’t write more than two sentences — preferably stick to one.
  • Body Paragraphs: Here, you should describe the target audience of the commercial in any essay on ads. Besides, in the paragraphs, write about the concept of the brand and advertised product. Provide a visual analysis of the ad: colors, lighting, actors, and props and their meaning. Then switch your focus to the pros and cons of the ad.
  • Conclusion: Try to keep it short and logical, covering the most significant points. Summarize the information about the targeted audience, the aim of the ad, and if they achieved it.

The structure above can serve as an outline for your argumentative essay on any chosen topic. But that’s not all. To write a successful essay, you need to take a few steps before writing:

  • Select a topic . Try to remember some ads that you have recently seen. Think of your reaction to them and choose the one that strikes you the most. You can also use one of the topics from this article instead.
  • Carry out research . Make a semiotic analysis of the ad. Search for the psychological techniques, values, and tricks used in the ad. Also, focus on the purpose of the advertisement.
  • Determine the audience. Your essay should be interesting to your readers. Make sure you highlight the aspects that are valuable for them. Avoid mentioning unsuitable details or using a wrong writing tone.

Don’t hurry.

Spend some time planning your essay and create an outline. Try to understand what the creator of the commercial is aiming to say. Think of the advertisement is successful or not and make your analysis simple and involving. Of course, highlight the positive and the negative aspects of the ad.

13 Advertising Essay Topics

As we mentioned above, choosing the right advertisement essay topic is a vital part of the job. In this section, we will provide a few ideas, among which you can find a suitable one for your assignment.

Try one of the following advertising topics:

  • Should alcohol advertisements be banned entirely?
  • Nike feminist commercials and their significance to women.
  • How Coca-Cola commercials became a symbol of Christmas.
  • The advantages and disadvantages of Internet ads.
  • What is wrong with shampoo ads?
  • Advertising strategies on social media.
  • The adverse effects of violence in the media.
  • How does advertising affect children?
  • The ethical side of the advertising industry.
  • Marketing strategies in the political advertisement.
  • How does advertising affect the economy?
  • What are the main media and advertisement techniques of Netflix?
  • Unethical aspects of using women objectification in ads.
  • Hybrid marketing model as a way of reducing costs for a company.

Thank you for reading this article! You can also find some useful advertising essay examples below. They will help you to see how to use all these tips.

436 Best Essay Examples on Advertising

Facebook should be banned essay (privacy invasion, social effects, etc.), facebook essay, facebook should be banned.

  • Words: 3209

Advantage and Disadvantage of Facebook

  • Words: 1373

McDonald’s Company: Bandwagon Technique

Coca-cola: advertisement critique.

  • Words: 1930

Sexual Imagery in Advertising

  • Words: 2885

Crest Toothpaste Advertisement’s Rhetorical Analysis

  • Words: 1201

A Rhetorical Analysis: “Chevy Commercial 2014”

  • Words: 1495

Facebook’s Negative and Positive Effects on Children

  • Words: 1207

“Open that Coca-Cola”. Advertisement Analysis

Nivea: analyzing and evaluating an advertisement, print and broadcast computer advertisements.

  • Words: 1538

Water Advertisement

Advertisement review, successful advertising in fashion.

  • Words: 4469

Coca-Cola Company’s Advertising Effectiveness

Typography in coca-cola’s advertisements.

  • Words: 1819

7Up Advertisement Campaign

The bmw advertisement analysis.

  • Words: 1739

Porsche 911 Commercial: Analysis of an Advertisement

  • Words: 1018

Feminism in Advertisements of the 1950s and Today

  • Words: 2432

PepsiCo Inc.’s Kendall Jenner Advertisement

  • Words: 2212

The Nivea Skin Care Product Advertisement

Advertisements of chanel no. 5.

  • Words: 1743

Persuasion Techniques in Dwayne Johnson’s “Got Milk?” Advertisement

  • Words: 1476

Advertising Strategy and Campaign for Hershey Kisses

  • Words: 4443

Role of Ethics in Advertising

  • Words: 1108

The iPad Air Pencil Advertising

Advertising analysis: real beauty sketches by dove.

  • Words: 1424

The Impact of Social Media on a Brand, Its Image, and Reputation

  • Words: 4023

McDonald’s, IKEA and Coca Cola Brands Advertising Analysis

  • Words: 1405

Ethics in Advertising and Its Importance

  • Words: 1153

Marlboro Cigarette Advertising Semiotic Analysis

  • Words: 2304
  • Words: 1392

Louis Vuitton: Objectives of the Advertising

Dove ad campaign for real beauty.

  • Words: 1673

“We Believe: The Best Men Can Be” Advertisement

L’oréal and lab series advertisements analysis.

  • Words: 1310

The Effects of Facebook and Other Social Media on Group Mind and Social Pressure

  • Words: 1400

Gucci Company Advertising

Propaganda techniques in the vitaminwater advertisement, visual argument analysis: kentucky fried chicken website advertisement, international advertising and its aspects.

  • Words: 5448

Location-Based Marketing and Advertising

  • Words: 1910

Television Commercial

Ban on all advertising of alcohol.

  • Words: 1238

Social Media and the Hospitality Industry

  • Words: 3093

“Moms Demand Action” Print Advertisement

Communication dilemma: johnson & johnson tylenol crisis.

  • Words: 1787

Ralph Lauren’s Printed Advertising: Semiotic Analysis

Bmw company’s advertising strategies.

  • Words: 1183

Ethical Dilemma of a 2016 TV Commercial for Milk by Juhayna

  • Words: 1425

Motion Pictures and the Media

  • Words: 1348

Alcohol and Tobacco Advertising History in the American Media

  • Words: 1176

Sexually Oriented Adverts of AXE Deodoran

  • Words: 1492

Teen Fashion Advertisement

  • Words: 1171

McDonald’s ”I’m Lovin’ It”: The Illustration

Examples of advertisements by nike, kfc and coca-cola.

  • Words: 1144

Marriott’s Advertising Campaign

Coca cola company’s communication message, advertising strategy for cartier bridal.

  • Words: 2482

Promotional and Advertising Strategies – Automotive Industry

  • Words: 1713

Advertising Campaign for Mountain Dew

Morgan spurlock’s “pom wonderful: the greatest movie ever sold”, multimodal analysis of cosmetic surgery advertising.

  • Words: 7050

Mango Juice Advertising in Mexico

Lexus car advertisement, can advertising to children be ethical.

  • Words: 1378

Representation of the Body in Advertising

Classification of facebook as a communication media, advertisement analysis: the camel cigarette, advertisement by dr. martens analysis, targeting uninformed consumers in the advertising campaign, visual analysis of the maybelline commercial, analysis of apple’s “privacy on iphone” commercial, celebrity advertising: great opportunities for brands.

  • Words: 1097

The Advertising Industry Development

  • Words: 1837

“The Heart” Movie’s Poster Analysis

  • Words: 1664

The Representation of Men and Women in Advertisements

  • Words: 2259

The “Optus” Advertising Analysis

Advertisements usage in consumer manipulations.

  • Words: 2036

Ronald Reagan Cigarette Advertisements Pics Analysis

Advertisement «refresh on the coca-cola side of life».

  • Words: 1118

Effective Electronic Advertising

  • Words: 2239

Future Trends in Advertising

  • Words: 1677

New Technology is Detrimental to the Organization

  • Words: 1360

Coca Cola Advertisement

  • Words: 1088

Cigarette Advertising

  • Words: 1082

Survey Carried Out at Tim Hortons

  • Words: 1114

Advertising to Children

  • Words: 1865

Television (TV) Ad Execution Styles

Hall’s account of how messages in the media are encoded, advertisements emotionally appealing to older adults, the camel brand: tobacco advertising.

  • Words: 1178

English Language in Coca-Cola and McDonald’s Advertising in Russia

  • Words: 4283

Ad Comparison: Domino Pizza in India and in the USA

Absolut vodka.

  • Words: 3590

2011 Super Bowl Pepsi Max Commercial

  • Words: 1397

Advertising and Branding: Product Positioning

  • Words: 1210

TV Advertisements Aimed at Children in Australian should be banned

  • Words: 1085

Quaker Oats Company Business Communications Practices and Strategies (Internal & External)

  • Words: 1265

A Semiotic Analysis of the Dove Racial Ad

  • Words: 2265

Analysis of Advertising’s Impact

Coca-cola company: multicultural advertising, 7up advertisement objective, the crisis communication in the toyota motors.

  • Words: 2170

An Analysis of Carney’s “African Rice in the Columbian Exchange”

Analysis of the starbucks uk advertising.

  • Words: 1384

Logical Fallacies in Advertising

  • Words: 1569

Click Fraud: The Dark Side of Online Advertising

Logical fallacies in advertisement, controversial advertising: producing cultural affect.

  • Words: 2573

Employment of Ethos, Pathos, and Logos

Sexist advertising and gender-oriented visuals.

  • Words: 1149

Ads Promoting L’Oreal’s Men and Women Moisturizer

  • Words: 1716

Tea for Trump Public Relation Campaign: ROPE Theory

Barbie product advertisement: rhetorical analysis, advertising’ damaging effects in society, coca-cola’s advertising: media and cultural criticism.

308 Advertising Essay Topics

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  • Nike’s “Dream Crazier” Advertisement Analysis
  • Example of Semiotic Analysis of Advertisements: Chanel 5
  • Analyzing Visual Media: “Don’t Worry Darling, You Didn’t Burn the Beer!”
  • The Perfume Advertisement Review
  • The JBL Noise-Canceling Headphones Advert: Semiotic Approach
  • Coca-Cola Advert Analysis: “Friendly Twist” Advertising Campaign
  • Like a Girl: Always Campaign Analysis
  • The Semiotics in Advertising: Decoding the Images The essay examines the nature of semiotics and semiotics analyses that enables to decode of the hidden images of certain texts and symbols.
  • Coca Cola Versus Pepsi Advertisements This paper seeks to compare and analyze two picture ads that have been used by The Coca-Cola and Pepsi companies in their advertising endeavors.
  • Olay’s #MakeSpaceForWomen Advertisement Analysis Olay unveiled its #MakeSpaceForWomen campaign at Super Bowl LIV in February 2020. The video features women exclusively, one of whom is a former astronaut.
  • The Negative Impact of Advertising on Children The major negative effect that advertising has on children is that it has shifted the reliance that children had on their parents or guardians as a source of knowledge.
  • Online Advertising in the Modern World Using control ads, allowed to isolate proper statistics which determined that 84 percent of offline sales increase came from online ads.
  • The Role of Advertisement on Nescafe Brand Performance The essence of the new advertising is that it has become an integral and active part of a comprehensive marketing system.
  • The Samsung Ad “The Next Big Thing” Analysis The Samsung Galaxy S3 advertisement is a successful ad since it adheres to a good number of the 15 basic advertisement appeals.
  • Advertising on Children and Adults Different Effects The purpose of this essay is to investigate the differences between the effects of advertising on adults and children.
  • Schlitz Brewing Company Advertisement: Visual Arguments Analysis This article analyzes the picture advertisement of Schlitz Brewing Company, with an image of a servant female who is incapable of simple tasks and an indulgent husband, a master.
  • Kentucky Fried Chicken Company’s Advertisement Kentucky Fried Chicken is a fast-food restaurant company that supplies fried chicken. Its mission statement is to become the best company that produces sweet and tasty chicken.
  • Marketing: The Power of Advertisement Numerous products are advertised to potential customers daily through various means, from billboards and magazines to online pop-ups and interstitial ads.
  • Modern Advertising, Its Role and Significance Modern advertising is going through radical changes, which makes promotion more invisible, fast, and more effective.
  • The Advertisement Effectiveness and Measurement of Its Effectiveness Studies have proved that only about 50% of all advertisements actually work, i.e. they leave a positive effect on the brand choices and purchasing activities of the consumers.
  • The Impact of Advertising on Adolescents The purpose of this paper is to study the influence of advertising on adolescents, as one of the leading groups subject to advertising tricks.
  • Online Advertising: Advantages and Disadvantages Online ads are very effective since one never searches a web page unless there is interest in it, and in so doing, he/she will come across the ad.
  • Advertisement in Soccer Overview The use of modern marketing media technologies is a compelling incentive to meet fans’ needs, which, in turn, directly influences ticket sales and clubs’ commercial success.
  • Advertising and Culture Technology continues to make the world smaller, and this offers a new business opportunity to local companies.
  • Logical Fallacies in Advertising: “Class of 2020” Honda, Rexona, Donald Trump “No More Games” Message The purpose of this paper is to describe the logical fallacies of the “Class of 2020” Honda, Rexona, Donald Trump’s “No More Games” Message.
  • Analyzing a Creative Print Advertisement of Jbl The company JBL did not only want to show the benefits of the product but also to encourage clients to be politically aware.
  • Advertising Analytics and Marketing Innovations The modern advancements in computing, communication, and analytics can provide significant benefits to any organization looking to improve its marketing strategy.
  • Sex in Advertising and Its Harmful Effects Men and women in society are unequal. The use of sex in advertising harms women by putting them at the risk of violence and being demeaned.
  • Global Forces and the Advertising Industry The aviation industry is characterized by barriers to entry (high initial and operating costs) contributing to the low level of threat.
  • “Dove Chooses Beautiful” Advertising Campaign In 2015, Dove launched its new Dove Choose Beautiful advertising campaign. Its purpose went beyond promoting commercial products and drew people’s attention to topical themes.
  • Price, Income, and Advertising Regression Analysis Regression analysis is a statistical tool that is used to develop and approximate linear relationships among various variables.
  • Toyota Highlander: Advertisement Analysis The advertising is intended not only to fulfill the function of promoting a particular company but also to present a form of art, so its analysis is a matter of specific interest.
  • Effect of Advertising on Youth The provocative images used combined with the harsh language often leave the youths at the mercy of the cruel world.
  • Deceptive and Misleading Advertisement Advertising misleading consumers is one of the violations of advertising laws and must be immediately suppressed.
  • Rhetorical Analysis of the Gillette Commercial This paper aims to convey the rhetorical analysis of the Gilette Commercial “We Believe: The Best Men Can Be” to identify how its text uses the rhetorical triangle to influence.
  • The Effect of the Internet on Advertisement The internet provides an effective model of injecting efficiency in the advertisement as a component of businesses.
  • Dove Company’s Lotion Advertisement A 2017 advertisement released by Dove through Facebook promoted racism through its misrepresentation of African American women as lacking in beauty.
  • Proactiv, Its Qualities and Advertisement Strategy Proactiv uses benzoyl peroxide as an active ingredient, which makes it effective. What Proactiv does is deep-cleanse the skin, which is why it can be suitable for some.
  • Promotion and Advertising Strategies Used by Apple and Samsung The paper will be examining the similarities and differences of the promotional strategies applied by two firms competing in the Smartphones market.
  • Rhetorical Analysis of Adidas “Break Free” Advertisement The “Break Free” advertisement is a great example of an inspiring video with an unpredictable plot. It uses original images that seem not connected to the sport.
  • Cosmetic Surgery Advertising: Multimodal Analysis The study documents the multimodal analysis of cosmetic surgery advertisements in British clinics. Specifically, flyers from three clinics have been analysed throughout this study.
  • Print Advertisement’s Semiotic Analysis The semiotic studies provide a different insight into communication by identifying the aspects that define meaning as the act of mediation.
  • The Internet’s Impact on Advertising This research highlights the effects of the Internet on advertising and argues that the Internet has revolutionized advertising due to its flexible and dynamic orientation.
  • The Amazon Company’s Ethics in Advertising This paper discusses Amazon’s approach to customer data collection, the lack of transparency in data management, and the controversies surrounding Amazon’s use of monetization.
  • Are Anti-smoking Adverts Effective? The loss of individuals due to tobacco use affects the economy of many societies. Many children in the developed world lose their guardians yearly due to smoking.
  • Gender Roles and Inequalities in Advertisement The perfume for men, Dior Sauvage, was released in 2019, and an advertising campaign supported it with Johnny Depp.
  • Healthy Food Advertising: Nutrient Content Advertising is certainly a major driver for the success of a business. It is important to mention that healthy foods correlate with overall well-being, both physical and mental.
  • “Every Leaf Traps CO2” Advertisement Leagas Delaney Advertising Agency created the ad depicturing this leaf in January 2012. Several similar leaves are explicitly made for the ecologic campaign “Plant for the Planet.”
  • Semiotics Influences in Advertisement Marketing communication has adopted the use of semiotics as an alternative approach to convey marketing information. This paper analyses the semiotics in the advertisement.
  • Internet and Interactive Media as an Advertising Tool There are 2 benefits of the use of the Internet and interactive media as an advertising tool: they are extremely cost-efficient and improve customer interaction and communication.
  • Public Relations, Marketing, and Advertising In this paper, three close concepts, which are public relations, marketing, and advertising, will be compared and contrasted to identify similarities and differences.
  • Logical Fallacies of Companies’ Advertisments The purpose of this paper is to describe the logical fallacies of Gillette: ‘We Believe’, Gucci Blackface Sweater, Burger King Chopsticks.
  • Old Spice’s “Smell Like a Man, Man” Advertisement Analysis The paper examines added to the advertisement hyperboles and cognitive biases of bizarreness effect and humor effect to make the video more influential and flashy.
  • Elle Magazine Advertising Analysis The Elle magazine is an international fashion magazine with 89 percent of its readership being women. The median age for these readers is 33.
  • Advertising Impact on Children Being more mature, advertisers create advertising messages that are appealing and captivating to children, who in all their credulousness and naivety become captive to the advertising messages.
  • The 2018 Coca-Cola Super Bowl Commercial Rhetorical Analysis The analysis argues that “The Wonder of Us” commercial of the relaxing coke experience associated with the youthful propagate the urge to get the refreshing moments with the drink.
  • Ethics in Advertising: The Importance and Benefits The importance of advertising has been on a steady rise in the past few decades with a strong social impact in modern world.
  • The Internet and Interactive Media as a New Advertising Tool Since at present advertising is one of the most active spheres of human activities, the use of the Internet and interactive media in it is ever-increasing.
  • Perfume Ads: Le Labo and Juicy Couture While both images of Le Labo and Juicy Couture promote a similar thing, some differences suggest the exact target audiences both companies are willing to satisfy.
  • Heinz and Nutrifit Advertisements: The Optical Illusions The analysis of visual advertising clarified how Heinz and Nutrifit used simple optical illusions and clear messages of health and wellness to promote their products.
  • Advertising: Patriotism and Buyer Behavior The following paper presents an overview of patriotism-oriented marketing in the Canadian market and provides an assessment of the likely consumer response to the approach based on the available data.
  • Social Media Advertising in Business With the rise of globalization and the digital revolution, social media has become a vital tool for promoting businesses.
  • Role of Gender Stereotypes in Advertising The paper states that it is of great significance to understand the reasons behind the advertisers’ attachment to socially constructed gender differences.
  • Persuasion in the 1950s Advertising with Marilyn Monroe This paper aims to analyze advertising from the 1950s that skillfully promoted an ordinary shampoo through the legendary sex icon, Marilyn Monroe.
  • Loss and Gain of Textual Meaning in Advertising Translation In order to demonstrate the process of translation, the author chose to analyze an English advertising copy translated to Chinese.
  • Emporio Armani Cologne: Advertisement Analysis Given the fact that the advertisement of Emporio Armani cologne for men heavily exploits the factor of a ”brand name appeal”, its semiotics cannot be highly logical by definition.
  • Necessity of Studying Advertisements The essay describes the necessity for companies of studying the cultural aspects of the chosen country before launching the advertisement campaigns.
  • DHL and FedEx Companies’ Advertisements DHL is committed to ensuring that the customers’ parcels are delivered as per specifications. FedEx is involved in the delivery of parcels as requested by the customers.
  • Advertisements in Terms of the Social Science The way male and female relationships are portrayed in some advertisements made me think and analyze how I see this interaction in real life.
  • Visual Rhetoric in New-Age Beauty Advertisements The purpose of this paper is to examine how the advertisement “Feeling like Glossier” combines simple design and a memorable catchphrase.
  • Commercial Script of Advertisement for TruQuest Creating a commercial script for products TruQuest that reaches the target audience and positions products at the front of the consumers’ minds.
  • Audi Car Company: The Advertising Strategy Audi uses innovative advertising methods to reach its target audience and in the past the advertisements have caused a sensation both among customers and the creative industry.
  • The Mountain Dew Zero Sugar Ad’s Analysis Mountain Dew Zero sugar ad is a minute-long video featuring famous actor Bryan Cranston and actress Tracee Ellis Ross.
  • The Value of Advertising and Branding Marketing, advertising, branding, and marketing directors play a significant role in a business, they influence a business’ public image, customer loyalty, brand image, etc.
  • Dove Advertising Campaign “Real Beauty” The purpose of this paper is to consider the campaign according to the theory of social comparison and to think over a behavior strategy in this situation.
  • Marketing for Sports Brands Using Mobile Advertising Nike and Adidas have been using mobile marketing to affect consumer intentions, and buying behavior however the findings do not suggest which company is better performing.
  • Facebook: Advertising and Its Effectiveness Facebook refers to a social network that allows people to share information online. One becomes a user after they sign up and add a personal profile.
  • Diet Pepsi Advertisement Explanation Pepsi Co. has always been trying to develop interesting and appealing advertisements that attract the attention of the audience.
  • Emotional Branding in Advertising Emotion determines loyalty and salience of brands. Process of identifying the target population is crucial since it helps determine kind of emotional approach to be used.
  • Targeted Advertising in Business Targeted advertising is based on many techniques and means, and it would be wrong to say that all of them are acceptable by definition.
  • The Ethical Implications of Cigarette Advertisement With the emergence and development of new businesses, professional competition is becoming more and more prominent in the field.
  • Effective and Ineffective Ads: Share a Coke Ad The advertisements of two rival multinational beverage corporations may be regarded as examples of effective and ineffective campaigns.
  • Persuasive Techniques in Advertisement Pathos, logos, and ethos techniques are employed in the advertisement of products as they positively impact the sales of a product.
  • Advertising to Children & Social Responsibility In recent years, the main problem highlighted by many critics is the lack of social responsibility issues and unfair practices used by advertising towards children.
  • Cigarette Advertising Ban on Television Since cigarette smoking receives a lot of publicity from the commercials on television, many health organizations are against it.
  • The Spot Fiat 500X Commercial The chosen 2014 TV commercial Spot Fiat 500X Viagra – anuncio de television advertises the new Spot Fiat 500X to potential buyers, with the ad’s setting being a town in Italy.
  • Pharmaceutical Advertising is Propaganda This paper has shown through a discussion that pharmaceutical advertising can be propaganda or informative and helpful to the life of a patient.
  • Aspects of Adidas Commercial This paper analyzes the commercial of the famous company Adidas and its signs, which reflect some key modern trends and demands in brand development.
  • Advertisement: The Elaboration Likelihood Model After determining the desired results of advertising activities, it is essential to find necessary appeals and bring them to potential buyers.
  • Advertising as a Way to Manipulate the Mind of the Target Audience The author discusses about advertising, talks about the types of advertising and the factors that make it successful.
  • Representation of Sexuality in the Media: Advertisement This paper will seek to analyze the representation of sexuality in the media. The discussion will be directed towards sexual advertisements and its influence in the people’s culture.
  • Persuasion Techniques in Aveeno Advertisement Designers often resort to the utilization of three foremost principles, upon which Aristotle’s theory of persuasion is based – namely, appeals to Logos, Ethos, and Pathos.
  • Mass Media: Stereotypes Impact on People This paper discusses of stereotyped advertisements in different media, and explain the use of this term in it.
  • Advertising Promoting Organic Food and Beverages To turn the world more organic, one has to resort to using organic supplies. Creating ads on the way people can improve environmental conditions will change the position.
  • Anti-Smoking Poster Visual Analysis in Advertising This discussion presents a visual analysis of an anti-smoking poster that explores usage of words, images, colors, settings, and layout to deliver message to the audience.
  • Advertising to Children and Social Responsibility Advertising is a device by which “artificial” tastes are created. Advertising is one of numerous elements that influence a consumer’s spending decisions.
  • Advertising: Ethical Theory and Business Advertisements, tactics, and procedures are used to put items, services, ideas, or causes in front of the public eye and convince them to take a certain action.
  • Graphic Design Used for Advertising Purposes The given paper is devoted to analyzing how graphic design is used for advertising purposes. The paper highlights the evolution of graphic design and its modern state.
  • Pepsi’s Live Louder: A Semiotic Analysis The inherent idea nurtured by Pepsi was to include those values in its advertising and develop a strong bond between the given ideals and the Pepsi Company.
  • Advertisement for an Administrative Assistant This paper provides administrative assistant’ job description, duties and responsibilities, minimum qualifications, questions to be asked and not to be asked during the interview.
  • Marginalization in Modern Advertising This piece of advertising is an example of stereotypical gender roles and sexism toward women, who, according to the stereotype, are supposed to provide services and care.
  • Helen Lansdowne Resor, Great Mind in Advertising Helen Lansdowne Resor represents one of the greatest minds in advertising career and copywriting. She is a role model to emulate.
  • How a Blender Works: Commercial Speech A blender is a beneficial kitchen tool that can speed up the process of preparing food and help in coming up with new recipes since the possibilities of its use are endless.
  • Advertising Effectiveness in International Marketing In international marketing, advertising is one of the main tools that a firm can use to gain a competitive edge over other firms.
  • The Folgers Commercial Narrative This paper seeks to analyze and explain the Folgers commercial narrative in the context of American society. The Folgers commercial is a short video narrative that advertises a coffee beverage.
  • Advertising Ethics and Truth: The Biblical Perspective The premise of truth in advertising is based on the whole and honest disclosure of any issues or risks associated with using a product.
  • Measuring Public Relations and Advertising Efforts Advertising programs should be measured primarily by the organization’s internal experts. It is because “advertising is one of the main ways companies generate business”.
  • Statistics Use in Advertising One of the primary ways to use statistics is through advertising. The paper discusses how statistics are used in fake ads and what they lead to.
  • Analysis of Advertising a Vacation Rental The paper focuses on how to join the group or create a user account in sites and explains the different websites that promote rental properties.
  • An Advice to a Client on Advertising In this paper, the author will determine whether there was a contract between Dennis and Julian. To assess this existence, various aspects will be taken into consideration in the case.
  • Analysis of the Ad “Perrier Prints: Melting” The course talks about advertising. The main message of the ad is that Perrier is the best refreshing drink, it is the refreshment itself.
  • Non-Traditional Advertising: A Skincare Campaign Non-traditional advertising aims to generate marketing interactions that unpredictably catch attention through their imagination.
  • Nike Advertising Campaign: Marketing Ways to Advertise Advertising is a crucial concept in the success of the company, its perception by the audience, and the social impact that it might have.
  • Images and Messages Patterns About Gender Given by Advertisers in Mass Media The use of gender stereotypes in advertisements by the mass media has elicited a lot of problems. Advertisements are seen as perpetrators of inequality and social prejudice.
  • International Marketing Management: Advertisement Strategies and Global Market Advertisers in the world or global market encounter limitations, which include media and products that are unique as well as the language, that are also unique in every market.
  • Changing Advertising with Wireless Technologies Advertising requires fastest and the most accurate accessibility to the targeted customers, and these latest communication technology wonders provide just that.
  • Usage of Images in the Marketing Sector Images have been used by different cultures, nations, and organizations as symbols that give them an identity. The symbols are usually unique emblems that distinguish a group from the other.
  • Modern ‘In Your Face’ Advertising Issues Advertising, especially billboards, sometimes are ‘in your face’ and out of line. Marketers have turned to out-of-home advertising to increase sales and profits.
  • The Meerkat Advertising Campaign It is clear that marketing strategies are evolving alongside the development of technology and society. Meerkat advertising can be regarded as a new approach.
  • Substance Abuse and Its Promotion in Advertisement Substance abuse is very common in the world, and lately, the general populace has perceived substance abuse mentally as one of the vital questions facing almost all countries.
  • Company G: Advertising and Marketing Plan This marketing plan develops a complex advertising strategy for company G increasing its profitability and creating a perception of the lowest-cost producer of high-quality goods.
  • Dallas Farmer’s Market Advertisement The ads of Dallas Farmer’s market conveys a message that people should purchase healthy food provided by this market. It uses a recognizable object and fills it with a new sense.
  • Visual Arguments in Advertising The current paper discussed three visual arguments, the Coca-Cola advertisement, İnci Eviner’s “Untitled” drawing, and social media.
  • Advertising in Every Aspect of America’s Life Undoubtedly, the USA, one of the first to experience all aspects of the modern market economy, was one of the oases of the formation of the PR industry.
  • Jib Fowles’ Fifteen Advertising Appeals The article by Fowles (1982) targeted 15 specific appeals to the basic human psychology that advertisers have developed to make their products marketable.
  • Advertising: Impact on the Contemporary Society Advertising feeds on people’s fear of being nothing if clients do not purchase something, supporting the concept that money is the foundation of all human ties.
  • Gender Stereotypes in Advertisements Gender-stereotyped portrayals remain perverse in ads and other promotional activities in conventional print and broadcast media and digital and social networking platforms.
  • Absolut Vodka Brand and Advertising Agency This paper is a case study analysis of Absolut Vodka in aspects of the cooperation with an advertising agency and the brand’s engagement with the creative field.
  • The Birth of American Advertising If to take a closer look at the modern patterns of advertisement worldwide, it becomes clear that the vast majority of visual content is nowadays aimed at creating an image of equity.
  • Spot Fiat 500x Advert Analisys The Fiat 500X advert features an aged couple in a home environment within the countryside. The home-based setting evokes an emotional appeal, which establishes passionate bonds.
  • Consumer Behavior and Advertising Effectiveness Commercials and advertising messages have gained a significant level of influence on potential customers, thus defining the marketing success.
  • On the Effectiveness of Advertising Posters The article is devoted to the comparison of two advertising posters for their effectiveness, their strengths and weaknesses are analyzed.
  • Hall Pass: Analysis of Advertisements This paper analyzes different advertisements, such as the US Grant–exquisite weddings autumn-winter 2009, ad for the movie “Hall Pass”, Laura Torrado dental services.
  • A Surreal Downtown Scene. Analysing the Case This graphic advertisement by Blair Bradshaw, an already famous, though reasonably new, artist at the time of this work, absolutely shows us the eclectic nature of his work.
  • Consumer Buying Behaviour and Advertising in UK Marketing communication is of essence when it comes to advertising commodities as it influences the decisions buyers make either negatively or positively.
  • Coca-Cola and Pepsi Companies: The Marketing Tricks and Advertisement Peculiarities Direct concentration of both companies on end-users and potential consumers is a core element of their activity.
  • Analysis of Olay Advertising Campaign This paper aims to make a critical analysis of the Olay advertising campaign in terms of addressing audience, purpose, and occasion issues and applying ethos, pathos, and logos rhetoric tools.
  • Natural American Spirit: Advertising Analysis The consumer society that is cultivated today rests on the idea of mass production and sales to meet all requirements people have and create the basis for the manufacturing of new goods.
  • Personalized Digital Advertising and Its Benefits A personalized approach in digital advertising simplifies the searching routine and allows people to save time and be able to find the necessary goods and services.
  • Ethical Concerns of Advertising Ethical concern regarding content of advertisement and their affect on the viewers and society has been debated upon from a long time.
  • Patriarchy Power in Soap Operas and Advertising The spirit of patriarchy imposed on society through soap operas and advertising limits both men and women in their gender and social choices.
  • Advertisement Fallacies and Wishful Thinking This paper focuses on how advertisements use wishful thinking fallacies to create a false sense of belief, specifically about women’s products.
  • Emirates Group: Advertising and Passenger Communications This is a business report on the advertising at Emirates Group. It entails the Groups strategies and activities on passenger communication, visual services and advertising.
  • “Human Change” and “Do What You Can” Posters It is possible to presume that the visual materials may largely support the contemporary initiatives for the achievement of climate sustainability.
  • Power of Advertising: Good and Bad Balance’ Importance The effects of advertising vary considerably. Advertising has to keep the balance between good and bad in order to be significant for people.
  • Power of Advertising: Importance of Balance between Good and Bad People like to use advertising as the way to communicate with the public and sell various products and services. It is hard to understand if it has only positive or negative effects on people.
  • Introduction to Communication: Advertising The main purpose that all advertisers pursue is to affect consumer’s preferences. This can be done at least in three genuinely different ways.
  • Evolution and Challenges of Modern Advertising The study aims to highlight the problems of advertising by identifying the causes, finding solutions, and evaluating the effectiveness of the solutions.
  • The “Advertising” Article in Encyclopedia Britannica The article on review is titled “Advertising” and was published by Encyclopedia Britannica in 2012. It explores the history of advertising and how that has changed over time.
  • Advertising: The Negative Impact on Women’s Lives Advertising increases the stereotype of women of all ages, resulting in sexualization of women, their low self-esteem, and various diseases, including mental health problems.
  • Family Table Restaurant’s Mass Media Advertising Television is one of the media that will be used by the advertising firm to ensure that Family Table customers know about the changes made to the usual menu.
  • Second Hand September: Advertisement Analysis In this particular advertisement, the company uses cause marketing as a way of attracting buyers. The ad displayed works as both a showcasing of the clothing being sold.
  • Brands’ Positive Impact Through Advertisements The campaign of brands, mainly the advertisement of Citi Bank, BMW, KitKat, and Mountain Dew, show how the brands can bring a positive impact through advertisements.
  • Heed Their Rising Voices Advertisement In the newspaper advertisement, “Heed Their Rising Voices,” the authors write about peaceful protests of Black people for their rights and against discrimination.
  • Billboard Advertising of Health Services Businesses, individuals, governments, and non-government organizations aim to reach their respective audiences through advertising.
  • Social Media and Internet Advertising for Brand’s Success This paper aims to investigate the impacts of social media and internet advertising on the success of a brand.
  • Creating an Advertising Website for a Jewelry Company The problem of the company is how exactly this website should be used as an advertising tool. The key recommendation would be to use the website as a platform for advertising.
  • Teens ‘Especially Vulnerable’ to Junk Food Advertising Active marketing of foods that are full of sugars, refined carbohydrates, and fats substantially contributes to the consumption level, especially among teens.
  • Sparrow Pharmaceuticals’ Advertisement Strategy Analysis Sparrow Pharmaceuticals should firstly inform its customers about the novel changes in the company. Direct advertisements can help Soothing Water to build its clientele.
  • Video Advertisement: The Efficiency of the Aristotle’s Rhetoric This essay examines the effectiveness of using Ethos, Pathos, and Logos as the persuasive tools in the “Jason Momoa Super Bowl Commercial 2020. Rocket Mortgage” advertisement.
  • Creating Artificiality: Women in Pepsi Advertising This discussion explores the role of women in advertising and how the artificiality of women is created in PepsiCo’s 2010 advertising.
  • Researching Children’s Advertising: Impact on Children’s Growth and Development This paper provides detailed information on what children’s advertising entails. It also provides detailed information on the negative influences of children’s advertising.
  • Advertising Effect on British Buying Decisions The research will be done mainly to determine the effects of advertising on United Kingdom citizens’ buying decisions.
  • Public Interest Presentation in Non-commercial Advertising This essay looks at five advertisements that target the consumers rather than benefit the advertising body, explores the ideological implications of the content.
  • Lee Valley’s Advertising Technique Analysis in Terms of Business Ethics The article discusses whether the use of Lee Valley’s advertising techniques is consistent with business ethics and whether its actions can be viewed as charity.
  • Advertising of Chocolate Using TV as a Media Tool in the UK Advertising of chocolate is based on the unique tastes and demands of consumers and requires messages and images to attract the potential target audience.
  • Advertising Ethics: Truth in Commercials When talking about the profitability of the business, tough game with a competitor or hold positions in the market, ethical factors dissolve in the netherworld.
  • Advertising and Gender Roles
  • Commercial for the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
  • Kendal Jenner PepsiCo Commercial’s Failure
  • Customer Perception towards Effectiveness of Advertisements
  • Car Industry’s Marketing: Advertising and Promotion
  • Women’s Body Image Advertising and Opposition
  • Advertising and Promotion Analysis
  • Network Effects on Digital Advertising Markets
  • The RJ Reynolds Tobacco Company: Advertising Campaign
  • Advertising’s Power: Symbols and Consumer Behavior
  • Burger King, Squarespace, Stella Artois, and Coca-Cola: Advertising Strategies
  • The Effects of PR and Advertising
  • Consumerism, Advertising and Emotional Development
  • Tobacco Advertising and Opioid Crisis
  • A Little Professional Advertising Analysis
  • Speechify’s Advertising Campaign Analysis
  • Patriarchal Domination and Aggressive Misogyny in Advertising
  • Advertising & the Obsession With Thinness
  • Graphic Design as Advertising Tool
  • Advertisement: Purchasing Habits and Marketing
  • Gender Stereotype in Advertisement
  • Woman Made: Microsoft Campaign Advertisement
  • The Slogan of South Piedmont Community College: Optimization Process
  • Online Advertisements on Facebook
  • Antique Mobile Advertisement: Rhetorical Analysis
  • Aspects of Bluestep Advertisement
  • Visual Analysis Of “The Penguins and The Whale” Ad
  • The Most Interesting Man in the World Commercial
  • Cola Wars: Strategies, Sales, Advertisement
  • Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
  • Why Governments Should Ban Ads Directed at Young People
  • Economics of Advertising in Grossman’s and Klein’s View
  • Activating People’s Unconscious Behaviors With Advertisements
  • Gender Roles in Advertisements
  • Super Bowl Advertising Analysis
  • Rhetorical Analysis of a Commercial
  • Restrictions on Media Advertising
  • Stopping the Spread of Germs: Advertisement Analysis
  • Advertisements for Microsoft Company
  • The Discrepancies in Unhealthy Food Advertising: Hispanic and Black Consumers
  • Mobile Advertising and Manipulation
  • Marketing, Advertising, and PR: Coca-Cola Example
  • The Grady College’s Internship Program Advertisement
  • Relation of Advertising and Ethics
  • Gender Stereotypes and Their Role in Advertising
  • Responsibility and Brand Advertising in the Alcoholic Beverage Market
  • Discussion on Digital Advertising Infographics
  • Marketing Approaches in Cigarette Ads
  • Gender in Advertising “Dream Crazier” by Nike
  • A Magazine Advertisement for Ford Motor Company of 1950
  • Researching of Media Advertising
  • Eating Habits, Brain’s Role and Advertising Impact Analysis
  • “Boys and Girls Club of Boston: Guitar” Campaign
  • Search-Based Advertising Market Structure
  • Advantages Which Advertisements Provide to Car Dealership Business Prosperity
  • Product Advertising Analysis
  • Relevance in the Advertising Industry
  • Vision of Gender Stratification in an Advertisement
  • Want-It-Now Rapid Delivery Service’s Advertising
  • Successful Social Media Advertising: Strategies
  • Cyberpunk, Nintendo Switch, and PS5 Advertising Survey
  • Philosophy: Political Advertisements
  • Female Empowerment in Advertising
  • Advertising and Promotion Manager as a Potential Occupation
  • Colgate, Schlage Locks, Carlsberg and Chilean Red Cross: The Advertisement
  • The Advertisement “Followers” by Miller Lite
  • The Market Researches Future
  • S.O.S. Magic Scouring Pads: Ad Analysis
  • Jerrold Amplifiers Advertisement in the 1980s
  • 4PS Marketing Approaches and Advertisement Type
  • Benefits of Advertising Your Restaurant on Soulfood Travel and Barbq Travel Websites
  • McDonald’s Advertisement Outcomes in February 2014
  • Power of Advertising: Capitalizing on Human Inattention
  • Concept of the Coors Light Beer Advertisement
  • Wonder Woman, Panorama and Suicide Squad: Advertisements Assessment
  • Media Buying for an Advertising Campaign
  • Impact of Gender and Sexuality on Advertisement
  • Samsung Mobile Gear VR Headset: Advertisement Analysis
  • Native Ads: Ethics of Native Advertising
  • Express Advertising Agency Managing Creative Project and Design
  • Marketing and Advertising Do Not Shape Our Lives
  • Ethical and Economical Repercussions of False Advertisement Claims
  • Advertisement and Target Customers
  • The M-Kesho Advert Review
  • Involvement and Sports Brand Advertising
  • Advertising and Semiotics. Advertising Tools
  • Making Fallacies by Announcements, Notices, Advertisements
  • Should Marketers Test Advertising
  • The Spannerman Press and Leaflet Campaign: An Evaluation
  • Documentary on Children and Advertising: Making a Persuasive Case
  • Public Interest/Non Profit Advertisement
  • Critique on the Revlon Mascara Campaign in Australia
  • Pepsi Max: Australian Advertising
  • Aristotle’s Ideas of Persuasion in Advertising
  • Advertisers: Family and Social Relations
  • Australian Sony Handycam’s Advertising Campaign
  • Children’s Dwindling Health: Who Is to Blame?
  • Policy, Ownership, Professionalism, and Technology
  • Music Artists and Advertising Deals
  • Design, Self, and Society: Concept of Advertising
  • Health Advertisements: “Open Your Eyes to Saturated Fat”
  • The Success of Workers’ Party Advert and Its Role in the Political Campaign
  • Marketing Mediums: Advertising Effects
  • TV and Newspaper Advertising Death
  • What Is the Role of Rhetoric in Public Relations Practice?
  • Why the Commercial Ads Lie? Anti-Tobacco Advertising Evaluation
  • Celebrity Commercials: Pure Business Perspective
  • The Daily Tribune: Advertisement, News, Collaboration
  • Importance of Testimonials Analysis
  • Advertising: Ewen’s “Captains of Consciousness”
  • Permission Marketing and Intrusive Advertising
  • Runaway Slaves: Advertisements Analysis
  • The WWF’s Environmental Advertisement on Marine and Ocean Pollution
  • Healthy Eating Advertising in Canada
  • The Power of a Print Advertisement: Inspiring People to Improve and Evolve
  • Marketing Channels and Advertising Campaigns
  • Marketing and Advertising in Online Communities
  • Visual Rhetoric in L’Oreal EverCrème Advertisement
  • Alcohol Advertisement and Its Impact on Consumption
  • Selecting a Viable Foreign Market and TV Advertising
  • Appeals in Mass Media Advertisement
  • Radio Advertising Proposal for Chicago Company
  • Starbucks Corporation’s Marketing and Advertisement
  • Media Revolution and Advertisement Interrelation
  • Digital Marketing and Advertising Landscape
  • Customer Perception of Advertisements in Organised Retail
  • Social Marketing and Political Advertising
  • Physical Beauty and Advertising Relationship
  • Signs for Creating Meaning in Advertising
  • Proactiv: Dermatological Qualities and Advertising
  • Advertising: Aviva – Saving for the Future
  • Digital/Traditional Metrics of Online Advertising
  • Advertising Influence on the Society: Negative Aspects
  • WRSX Group’s Strategic Position in Advertising Market
  • Chevrolet Equinox: Advertising and Sales Promotion
  • The Masculine Role in Advertisement
  • Media Power and Post Modernity
  • Mitsubishi Motors’ Automobile Advertising
  • The Impact of Social Media on Super Bowl Ads
  • Auto Magazine Advertisement Analysis
  • Value of Advertising and Branding

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StudyCorgi. (2023, May 18). 308 Advertising Essay Topics.

"308 Advertising Essay Topics." StudyCorgi , 18 May 2023,

StudyCorgi . (2023) '308 Advertising Essay Topics'. 18 May.

1. StudyCorgi . "308 Advertising Essay Topics." May 18, 2023.


StudyCorgi . "308 Advertising Essay Topics." May 18, 2023.

StudyCorgi . 2023. "308 Advertising Essay Topics." May 18, 2023.

These essay examples and topics on Advertising were carefully selected by the StudyCorgi editorial team. They meet our highest standards in terms of grammar, punctuation, style, and fact accuracy. Please ensure you properly reference the materials if you’re using them to write your assignment.

This essay topic collection was updated on January 5, 2024 .

Essay On Advertisement

500 words essay on advertisement.

We all are living in the age of advertisements. When you step out, just take a quick look around and you will lay eyes upon at least one advertisement in whichever form. In today’s modern world of trade and business, advertisement plays an essential role. All traders, big and small, make use of it to advertise their goods and services. Through essay on advertisement, we will go through the advantages and ways of advertisements.

essay on advertisement

The Various Ways Of Advertisement

Advertisements help people become aware of any product or service through the use of commercial methods. This kind of publicity helps to endorse a specific interest of a person for product sale.

As the world is becoming more competitive now, everyone wants to be ahead in the competition. Thus, the advertisement also comes under the same category. Advertising is done in a lot of ways.

There is an employment column which lists down job vacancies that is beneficial for unemployed candidates. Similarly, matrimonial advertisement help people find a bride or groom for marriageable prospects.

Further, advertising also happens to find lost people, shops, plots, good and more. Through this, people get to know about a nearby shop is on sale or the availability of a new tutor or coaching centre.

Nowadays, advertisements have evolved from newspapers to the internet. Earlier there were advertisements in movie theatres, magazines, building walls. But now, we have the television and internet which advertises goods and services.

As a large section of society spends a lot of time on the internet, people are targeting their ads towards it. A single ad posting on the internet reaches to millions of people within a matter of few seconds. Thus, advertising in any form is effective.

Benefits of Advertisements

As advertisements are everywhere, for some magazines and newspapers, it is their main source of income generation. It not only benefit the producer but also the consumer. It is because producers get sales and consumer gets the right product.

Moreover, the models who act in the advertisements also earn a handsome amount of money . When we look at technology, we learn that advertising is critical for establishing contact between seller and buyer.

This medium helps the customers to learn about the existence and use of such goods which are ready to avail in the market. Moreover, advertisement manages to reach the nooks and corners of the world to target their potential customers.

Therefore, it benefits a lot of people. Through advertising, people also become aware of the price difference and quality in the market. This allows them to make good choices and not fall to scams.

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Conclusion of Essay On Advertisement

All in all, advertisements are very useful but they can also be damaging. Thus, it is upon us to use them with sense and ensure they are entertaining and educative. None of us can escape advertisements as we are already at this age. But, what we can do is use our intelligence for weeding out the bad ones and benefitting from the right ones.

FAQ on Essay On Advertisement

Question 1: What is the importance of advertisement in our life?

Answer 1: Advertising is the best way to communicate with customers. It helps informs the customers about the brands available in the market and the variety of products which can be useful to them.

Question 2: What are the advantages of advertising?

Answer 2: The advantages of advertising are that firstly, it introduces a new product in the market. Thus, it helps in expanding the market. As a result, sales also increase. Consumers become aware of and receive better quality products.

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100+ Marketing Essay Topics


Crafting an outstanding marketing essay is a journey that often begins with selecting a compelling topic. At WriteOnDeadline, we understand the importance of this initial step. That’s why we’ve dedicated this post to sharing inspiring marketing essay topics that will not only ignite your passion but also appeal to your professors.

Table of Contents

What is a Marketing Essay?

A marketing essay is a unique academic document that delves into various facets of marketing analysis, strategies, concepts, and applications. It requires students to explore, critically analyze, and present arguments on marketing theories, market strategies, consumer behavior, product promotion, or other related themes. These essays not only test your knowledge of marketing principles but also your ability to research, analyze trends, and convey complex ideas succinctly.

Choosing the Right Marketing Essay Topic: A Mini Guide

Selecting a topic for your marketing essay should be a strategic process. Here’s a quick guide on how to do it:

Start by understanding the requirements for your assignment, as these will narrow down your scope. Then, brainstorm areas of interest within marketing, considering current trends, controversial issues, or gaps in research that intrigue you. Always opt for a topic that resonates with your passions but also challenges you—this balance will make your writing process enjoyable and academically rewarding. Validate your chosen topic by researching initial literature, ensuring there’s enough information available. Finally, seek feedback from peers or instructors before finalizing your topic, ensuring it’s compelling and feasible.

Exciting Marketing Essay Topics to Consider

Choosing a topic can be daunting, so we’ve compiled a diverse list of 30 engaging areas you could explore in your marketing essay.

Understanding Consumer Behavior

  • The psychological triggers behind impulsive buying
  • How cultural differences influence purchasing decisions
  • The impact of social media on consumer behavior

Digital Marketing Strategies

  • The effectiveness of influencer marketing
  • SEO tactics that dominate current digital marketing
  • Evaluating the success of email marketing

Branding and Brand Management

  • The journey of building a resilient brand image
  • Celebrity endorsements and their impact on brand perception
  • Crisis management: Reviving a tarnished brand

Ethical Considerations in Marketing

  • Exploring the effects of deceptive advertising
  • Ethical marketing: Is honesty more profitable?
  • The societal impact of marketing unhealthy food to children

Innovation in Marketing

  • How virtual reality is reshaping marketing experiences
  • The role of artificial intelligence in personalized marketing
  • Sustainable marketing: Shifting towards eco-friendly practices

Global Marketing

  • Overcoming cultural barriers in international marketing
  • Strategies for Successful Global Brand Expansion
  • Localizing products in foreign markets: Best practices

Content Marketing

  • The power of storytelling in content marketing
  • Strategies for Effective Content Marketing
  • Measuring the impact of content marketing

Challenges in Marketing

  • Combating digital ad fraud: Strategies and practices
  • Navigating marketing strategies during political unrest
  • The future of marketing in post-pandemic retail

Foundations of Marketing

  • Evolution and transformation of marketing through the ages
  • The core principles of marketing and why they matter
  • A comparative analysis of the marketing mix: 4Ps vs. 7Ps

Consumer Behavior Insights

  • Analyzing the role of emotions in buying decisions
  • Generational marketing: How baby boomers and millennials differ in their purchase behaviors
  • The increasing role of social proof in the digital age

Trends in Digital Marketing

  • The rise and implications of voice search marketing
  • Augmented reality: The next big thing in online marketing?
  • Chatbots and their effectiveness in customer engagement

Branding Dynamics

  • The science behind memorable logos and brand colors
  • Merging brands: Challenges and rewards of brand consolidation after M&As
  • The anatomy of a successful brand launch

Social Media Marketing

  • TikTok and its revolutionary impact on digital marketing strategies
  • The ongoing battle for organic reach on Facebook
  • Strategies to optimize user engagement on Instagram

Ethics and Morality in Marketing

  • The thin line between persuasion and manipulation in advertising
  • Greenwashing: Deceptive eco-friendly marketing and its consequences
  • Marketing to vulnerable populations: Ethical implications and safeguards

Marketing in the Age of Technology

  • Internet of Things (IoT) and its implications for marketers
  • Predictive analytics: Harnessing big data for targeted marketing campaigns
  • Blockchain technology and its potential uses in marketing

Relationship Marketing

  • Building brand loyalty in the era of instant gratification
  • Customer relationship management (CRM) tools and their efficacy in retaining consumers
  • The art and science of customer journey mapping

Integrated Marketing Communications

  • The role of public relations in holistic marketing strategies
  • Offline and online marketing synergy: Best practices
  • Crafting compelling brand narratives through transmedia storytelling

Niche and Guerrilla Marketing

  • The rise of pet influencers: Analyzing niche marketing strategies
  • Effective guerrilla marketing campaigns of the last decade: A case study approach
  • The balance between risk and reward in ambush marketing

Future of Marketing

  • Preparing for the metaverse: Next-generation digital marketing strategies
  • The role of biometrics in personalized marketing campaigns
  • Adapting to the post-cookie era: New strategies for online ad targeting

Retail and E-commerce Marketing

  • The resurgence of pop-up shops in the e-commerce era
  • Omnichannel marketing: Bridging the gap between offline and online retail
  • Consumer psychology behind free shipping and its impact on online sales

B2B Marketing

  • The unique challenges and rewards of B2B influencer marketing
  • Crafting compelling case studies as a B2B marketing tool
  • Account-based marketing (ABM): Tailored strategies for high-value clients

Marketing and Psychology

  • The power of color in influencing consumer choices
  • Understanding the anchoring effect in pricing strategies
  • Decoding the paradox of choice: Does more variety deter buyers?

Emerging Markets

  • Strategies for introducing a product in a newly developing market
  • Navigating marketing challenges in BRICS countries
  • The role of cultural sensitivity in marketing to emerging economies

Marketing in Healthcare

  • Ethical considerations in direct-to-consumer pharmaceutical advertising
  • Marketing strategies for telemedicine in a post-pandemic world
  • The role of content marketing in healthcare: Educating and promoting

Non-Profit Marketing

  • Challenges and strategies for marketing without a profit motive
  • The power of storytelling in non-profit marketing campaigns
  • Mobilizing social media influencers for charitable causes

Experiential Marketing

  • Crafting unforgettable brand experiences for consumers
  • Measuring the return on investment (ROI) of experiential marketing campaigns
  • The shift from product marketing to experience marketing

Marketing Analytics

  • The promise and pitfalls of marketing attribution models
  • Utilizing machine learning for predictive marketing analytics
  • Integrating qualitative insights into a data-driven marketing strategy

Sustainability in Marketing

  • Strategies for marketing eco-friendly products to skeptical consumers
  • The long-term benefits of sustainable supply chain marketing
  • Authenticity in green marketing: Beyond the buzzwords

Order Essay

Are you inspired but need that extra boost or strapped for time? Here at WriteOnDeadline, our expert writers specialize in crafting customized marketing essays designed for academic acclaim. Don’t let deadlines or academic pressure hold you back. Contact us today, and let’s turn that chosen topic into a masterpiece of insight and research excellence!

Useful References

To ensure your marketing essay is grounded in credible information, consider these authoritative sources:

  • American Marketing Association – Journals and insights from leading marketing experts.
  • Google Scholar – Access a wide range of scholarly articles on various marketing topics.
  • HBR (Harvard Business Review) – Explore articles from industry leaders and academics.
  • The Journal of Consumer Research – Find in-depth studies on consumer behavior.
  • AdAge – Stay updated on the latest trends and news in advertising and marketing.

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Essays on Advertisement

Choosing a compelling advertisement essay topic.

Choosing a compelling advertisement essay topic can be a challenging task. To find the perfect topic that stands out and captures the reader's attention, consider the following recommendations:

- Brainstorm : Begin by brainstorming ideas related to advertisements that interest you. Think about recent commercials, marketing strategies, or advertising campaigns that have caught your attention.

- Research : Once you have a few potential topics, conduct thorough research to gather relevant information. Explore different advertising techniques, psychological aspects, or industry trends to help you narrow down your options.

- Relevance : Consider the relevance of the topic in today's society. Select a topic that is current and has the potential to engage readers. This could be related to the impact of social media advertising or the ethical considerations in advertising.

- Unique Perspective : Look for an angle that offers a unique perspective on the topic. Avoid rehashing common themes and strive to present fresh insights into the chosen subject.

- Controversy : Controversial topics tend to attract attention. Choose a topic that sparks debate or raises questions, but be sure to handle it sensitively and provide balanced arguments.

- Audience Appeal : Consider the interests and preferences of your target audience. Select a topic that resonates with them, whether it's about the influence of celebrity endorsements or the role of humor in advertising.

- Personal Connection : If you have personal experiences or anecdotes related to the topic, it can enhance the authenticity and engagement of your essay. Share your insights and connect with readers on a personal level.

Remember, a good advertisement essay topic should be thought-provoking, well-researched, and relevant to the current advertising landscape.

Unlocking the Best Advertisement Essay Topics

1. The Impact of Emotional Appeals in Advertising: Explore how emotions are used to influence consumer behavior and decision-making in advertising campaigns.

2. Gender Stereotypes in Advertisements: Breaking the Mold: Analyze the portrayal of gender roles and stereotypes in advertisements and discuss efforts to challenge and break these stereotypes.

3. The Power of Storytelling in Advertising Campaigns: Examine how storytelling techniques are utilized in advertising to create emotional connections and engage consumers.

4. Subliminal Messaging: Manipulation or Effective Marketing?: Investigate the controversial practice of subliminal messaging in advertising and its potential impact on consumer behavior.

5. The Role of Humor in Advertising: Making Consumers Laugh and Buy: Discuss the effectiveness of humor as a persuasive tool in advertising and its influence on consumer attitudes and purchasing decisions.

6. The Influence of Social Media Advertising on Consumer Behavior: Explore how social media platforms have transformed advertising and examine their impact on consumer behavior and brand perception.

7. Ethical Considerations in Advertising: Balancing Profit and Responsibility: Analyze the ethical challenges faced by advertisers and discuss strategies for maintaining ethical standards in advertising.

8. Celebrity Endorsements: Enhancing Brand Image or Exploitation?: Examine the use of celebrity endorsements in advertising and evaluate their impact on brand image and consumer perception.

9. The Evolution of Advertising: From Traditional to Digital: Trace the evolution of advertising from traditional mediums to digital platforms and discuss the advantages and challenges associated with this shift.

10. Greenwashing: The Deceptive Tactics of Eco-Friendly Advertising: Investigate the phenomenon of greenwashing in advertising, where companies falsely claim to be environmentally friendly, and discuss its implications.

Engaging Advertisement Essay Questions

1. How do emotional appeals in advertising influence consumer purchasing decisions? Provide examples and discuss the psychological mechanisms behind these appeals.

2. In what ways do gender stereotypes perpetuated in advertisements affect society? Analyze the impact of gender portrayals on individuals and broader cultural perceptions.

3. How does storytelling in advertising create a stronger emotional connection with consumers? Explore the elements of storytelling and its impact on consumer engagement.

4. To what extent does subliminal messaging impact consumer behavior? Discuss the concept of subliminal messaging and its effectiveness in influencing consumer choices.

5. What are the psychological mechanisms behind the effectiveness of humor in advertising? Analyze how humor influences consumer attitudes and purchasing decisions.

Advertisement Essay Prompts to Inspire Your Writing

1. Imagine you are an advertising executive tasked with creating an ad campaign to challenge gender stereotypes. Develop a compelling concept and explain how it would influence societal perceptions.

2. Write a persuasive essay arguing for or against the use of fear as a persuasive tactic in advertising. Provide examples and evidence to support your viewpoint.

3. You have been hired to analyze the impact of social media influencers on consumer behavior. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this marketing strategy, and provide recommendations for brands.

4. Create a fictitious advertisement for a controversial product or service. Explain the underlying message and discuss the potential ethical concerns associated with promoting such an item.

5. Investigate the use of nostalgia in advertising and its impact on consumer behavior. Analyze a specific nostalgic ad campaign and discuss its effectiveness in creating a connection with consumers.

Answers to Common Questions about Writing an Advertisement Essay

Q: What is the purpose of an advertisement essay?

A: An advertisement essay aims to analyze and evaluate the effectiveness, strategies, and impact of various advertising techniques on consumers and society.

Q: How do I choose a unique advertisement essay topic?

A: Look for current and controversial topics within the advertising industry, focusing on aspects such as ethics, psychology, or cultural influences. Consider personal experiences and perspectives to add a unique touch.

Q: Can I use personal anecdotes in an advertisement essay?

A: Yes, incorporating personal anecdotes can add authenticity and engage readers on a personal level. However, ensure they are relevant and support the main argument.

Q: What should I consider when brainstorming advertisement essay topics?

A: Consider recent advertisements, marketing strategies, or advertising campaigns that have caught your attention. Reflect on the impact, cultural significance, or ethical implications of these topics.

Q: How can I make my advertisement essay stand out?

A: Offer a unique perspective, present fresh insights, and explore controversial or thought-provoking angles. Engage the reader by connecting with their interests and emotions.

Q: Are there any industry-specific advertisement essay topics?

A: Yes, you can explore advertising topics related to specific industries, such as fashion, technology, or food. Analyze the unique strategies and challenges faced by advertisers in these sectors.

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IELTS Topics: Advertising [With Speaking and Writing Sample Answers]

Posted by David S. Wills | Sep 7, 2020 | IELTS Tips | 0

IELTS Topics: Advertising [With Speaking and Writing Sample Answers]

Advertising is a fact of life for almost all humans in the twenty-first century. As such, it is also a possible IELTS topic . In this exam, you might find questions about advertising in any part – speaking, writing, listening, or reading.

Today, I am going to explain a little about advertising and IELTS . I will talk about how it could arise in the exam and what you should do to give a great answer. I will also cover some aspects of IELTS vocabulary.

Advertising Vocabulary for IELTS Students

First of all, let’s look at some useful words and phrases that might help you in your next IELTS exam. These are all related to the topic of advertising.

Here is a PPT of vocabulary related to the IELTS topic of advertising. I made this a few years ago when I was teaching IELTS in China.

Advertisement vs Advert vs Ad

Because advertisements are so common in daily life, we tend to shorten the word to make it easier to say and spell. Instead of “advertisement,” we usually say “advert” or “ad.” The meaning is the same in each case, but they are shorter and easier to use.

However, remember that for IELTS writing you should use a more formal kind of English and this means using the longer form of words. Thus, you would be better avoiding “ad” and saying “advertisement” instead.

An Important Note on Pronunciation

The word “advertisement” is pronounced differently in British and American English. In British English, we place emphasis on the second syllable, but in America they say it with an emphasis on the first. You can read more about it at the Cambridge Dictionary website .

One final note on vocabulary: The word “ad” is short for “advertisement” but “add” means to put things together, such as numbers. Also, “ad” is a noun” while “add” is a verb. These words are pronounced the same but spelled differently. Do not confuse these in your IELTS writing test!

  • Just add the milk to the flour and then mix them together. You can add the egg later.
  • I say a funny ad on TV earlier today. A gorilla was playing the drums!

essay questions on advertising

IELTS Speaking

In the IELTS speaking test, you might be asked about advertisements. This could occur in any of the three parts. For part one, it would be a pretty straightforward question about your experiences or opinions. For example:

Q: Have you ever bought something because you saw it advertised on TV or the internet? A: Yeah, sure. I think most people have. Off the top of my head, I can think of a miniature tripod that I saw online last year. I looked up some reviews and then bought it, but I wouldn’t have known about it if it weren’t for the ad.

In part two, you would be asked to describe an advertisement . There are various possible cue cards but this is one that you might encounter:

Describe an advertisement you like. You should say: – what type of advertisement it is – what product it advertises – when you first saw it and explain why you like it and think that this advertisement is effective.

You can watch this advert and then look at my sample band 9 answer below.

Sample Answer

Like most people, I have seen countless adverts in my life and many of them have stuck in my mind, but the one that I can think of now is for John West’s canned salmon. It was a TV commercial that I saw a long time ago and it was really funny so I always remembered it.

The premise of the commercial was highlighting the efforts that fishermen go to in order to bring back salmon for their customers. However, instead of showing this in a serious light the company opted to depict a fisherman comically fighting a bear! The fight is choreographed so that it is clearly fake, as though the bear understands Kungfu. In the end, the fisherman beats the bear and steals its salmon.

I really like this advert for the same reason I like many others: because they are so funny that they are memorable. I think this is a very effective method of advertising. Traditionally, companies show off the quality of the product but nowadays there is so much competition that it is better just to get your brand into people’s minds. Even if the commercial has nothing to do with the product, it could still boost sales.

Notes on my Sample Answer

This is a pretty straightforward answer and it took me 01:20 to read it, which would be fine for IELTS. There is no particularly difficult vocabulary here except the word “choreographed.” However, this word was only important for my answer and would not necessarily help you with yours.

I have switched back and forth between “commercial” and “advert(isement)” in order to vary my language but please note that they are not always interchangeable. Make sure that you only use “commercial” for TV adverts.

IELTS Essays about Advertisement

Of course, the topic of advertisements could also appear in IELTS writing. There are many possibilities for this but I think that the ethics of advertising would be the most likely to arise. This means that you would be asked about advertising to children or issues like false advertising. (These topics could also occur in IELTS speaking part 3.)

Here is an example question:

Some people say that advertising is extremely successful at persuading us to buy things. Other people think that advertising is so common that we no longer pay attention to it. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

This is a pretty simple task. You have to talk about two perspectives:

You also need to give your opinion and make it clear throughout the essay.

Here is my sample answer to this question:

Sample Band 9 Answer

Since the early twentieth century, advertising has held tremendous sway over people’s lives. Some people think that it persuades us to buy things, but others claim that it has lost its effectiveness. This essay will look at both views but ultimately conclude that advertising is still as powerful as ever.

To begin with, people argue that advertising has lost its impact because it is so prevalent, and there is certainly some basis for thinking this. It is hard to deny that most people nowadays are aware of advertising and that many of them make efforts to avoid it. When using websites or apps, it is so common to see adverts littering the page that the average person can basically ignore them, which obviously diminishes their power to some extent.

However, it should be clear that the advertisers are aware of this and constantly innovate in order to attract attention. Although people are now aware of them, adverts still have a strong influence over what people buy because the people who create them are incredibly gifted at implanting subtle messages. Data harvesting by search engines and social media sites has also made advertising much more targeted, allowing companies to pitch products to specific demographics rather than attempting to show their product to the greatest number of people. This means that even people who avoid adverts are likely to be influenced after seeing one. Advertising is a science that is developing quickly and will continue to dictate our shopping habits for years to come.

In conclusion, people are generally more aware of advertising than they used to be and many try to avoid it, but that does not mean that it has lost its power. Adverts still exert influence over our lives because they are more intelligently designed than they used to be.

Advertising Essays – Sample #2

advertisements and ielts

Here is another IELTS writing task 2 question about advertising. This one is really interesting so I wanted to include it here:

Today, the high sales of popular consumer goods reflect the power of advertising and not the real needs of the society in which they are sold. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

While our first example was very straightforward, I find that this one is much more challenging. It has some subtleties that people might overlook. We can come to a better understanding by paraphrasing it:

To what extent do you agree that people buy things because of advertising?

My personal opinion is that people buy things partially because of effective advertising. I do not believe that it is purely because of this, but I think I could write a good essay that leans towards agreement.

Remember: You can give a strong opinion, a weak opinion, or a balanced opinion . Just be consistent throughout your essay!

As globalization sweeps the world in the twenty-first century, people appear to have become more materialistic. Expensive consumer goods produced by companies like Apple and Nike are sold in all corners of the globe, and for many people they are must-have items. Some people believe that this is all down to advertising rather than actual necessity. This essay will argue in support of that position.

It should be abundantly clear that many of the popular consumer goods that dominate markets around the world are not items of objective importance, but rather ones of purely superficial appeal. People need things like food and clothing, as well as some items that enable them to work or travel, but certain products are just luxury items. Take, for example, the iPhone. There are countless other devices on the market that can fulfill the main functions of an iPhone without the jaw-dropping price tag. However, in almost every country, people want to own one of these status symbols. The reason is simply that it has been marketed well, and owning one makes a person look successful and wealthy.

If the real needs of society were reflected in sales, rather than the popularity of certain luxury items, our economies would look very different. Fashionable brands would not be as wealthy as ones making affordable, simple products. Yet it is those items that are carefully advertised on TV, on the internet, and at sports events, which captivate people and cause them to make unwise purchases or form irrational brand loyalties. Look at how Apple overtook Microsoft, or how Nike easily outsells any humble, local shoemaker.

In conclusion, it is clear that sales are dictated not by a product’s necessity, but rather by its appeal to consumers, and this appeal is created through slick advertising campaigns.

Advertising in IELTS Reading and Listening

It is pretty difficult to predict the sort of material you would encounter for these parts of the exam because the possibilities are nearly endless. However, you can prepare by going on news websites (like the BBC ) to read or listen to articles about adverts. This will help you learn new vocabulary, perfect your spelling or pronunciation, and get ideas to use in your own IELTS answers.

About The Author

David S. Wills

David S. Wills

David S. Wills is the author of Scientologist! William S. Burroughs and the 'Weird Cult' and the founder/editor of Beatdom literary journal. He lives and works in rural Cambodia and loves to travel. He has worked as an IELTS tutor since 2010, has completed both TEFL and CELTA courses, and has a certificate from Cambridge for Teaching Writing. David has worked in many different countries, and for several years designed a writing course for the University of Worcester. In 2018, he wrote the popular IELTS handbook, Grammar for IELTS Writing and he has since written two other books about IELTS. His other IELTS website is called IELTS Teaching.

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IELTS Essay, topic: Advertising

  • IELTS Essays - Band 7

Advertising is all around us, it is an unavoidable part of everyone’s life. Some people say that advertising is a positive part of our lives while others say it is a negative one. Discuss both views and include your own opinion. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. You should write at least 250 words.

essay questions on advertising

On the other hand, there are some good sides to advertising. For instance, it compares the prices of many companies which the consumer. Besides, it really see more products which we unless the TV or Radio advertised them. , it breaks our daily routine and allows us to see new faces and learn the language better with the help of the daily updates they deliver through .

In conclusion, as we can see there are many aspects to this . I feel that we gain no benefits at all from advertisement, it plays buy more things that they do not need it at all.

Your arguments are good and the paragraphs are set out well, however, you must be careful about making assertive statements, e.g. ‘ it motivates the psychological point in everyone’. How do you know that all advertisements do motivate every single person, for instance? Overall, this is a good essay, well done.

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Here is another IELTS model essay, this time from an IELTS essay question from Cambridge IELTS Book 15:

Some people say that advertising is extremely successful at persuading us to buy things. Other people think that advertising is so common that we no longer pay attention to it. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

(Cambridge IELTS Academic Book 15 Test 3)

My Model Essay

We have become increasingly surrounded by advertisements, with those seen on traditional TV channels and billboards now supplemented by paid advertising on social media, websites and within apps. But how effective is advertising at getting us to make purchases?

There are certainly strong arguments for the effectiveness of advertising. Firstly, adverts related to special offers can be quite successful, especially if they are time-limited. For example, Black Friday offers for tech products often lead to people making expensive purchases they probably otherwise would not make, in part because they need to complete the purchase before a deadline. Secondly, targeted advertising on social media often gets good results as it is based on people’s browsing habits and interests. Many companies spend a lot of money on Facebook sponsored posts because of this.

However, without targeting or special offers, a lot of advertising may be much less effective since people will see it as irrelevant or unimportant, meaning they will simply ignore it. Certainly on social media feeds, there are now so many adverts that many users just scroll past them unless they are very carefully crafted so as to immediately grab their attention. The situation is even worse on traditional TV channels, where frequent commercial breaks tend to be used as an excuse to check your phone or make a cup of tea.

Overall, I feel that when people are given a strong incentive to buy, and when it is carefully crafted and targeted, advertising can be effective. But otherwise its effect on our buying decisions is limited because its sheer volume turns it into mere background noise.

(267 words)

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Charlie is a former IELTS Examiner with 25 years' teaching experience all over the world. His courses, for both English language learners and teachers, have been taken by over 100,000 students in over 160 countries around the world.

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Model Essay for IELTS - Advertising

This essay for IELTS is on the subject of  advertising .

There are various types of questions you can get in the IELTS writing test and you'll see samples of them all over the following pages, but this one is an  agree / disagree  essay.

In these types of essays, you are presented with one opinion. Take a look at the opinion here in the question:

Some of the methods used in advertising are unethical and unacceptable in today’s society.

To what extent do you agree with this view?

Advertising Essay for IELTS

So your options are:

In the answer below, the writer agrees 100% with the opinion.

As you can see, the writers opinion is made clear in the thesis statement (the last sentence of the introduction).

Model Essay for IELTS

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience or knowledge.

Write at least 250 words.

Essay for IELTS Model Answer

The world that we live in today is dominated by advertising. Adverts are on television, on the World Wide Web, in the street and even on our mobile phones. However, many of the strategies used to sell a product or service can be considered immoral or unacceptable.

To begin with, the fact that we cannot escape from advertising is a significant cause for complaint. Constant images and signs wherever we look can be very intrusive and irritating at times. Take for example advertising on the mobile phone. With the latest technology mobile companies are now able to send advertising messages via SMS to consumers' phones whenever they choose. Although we expect adverts in numerous situations, it now seems that there are very few places we can actually avoid them.

A further aspect of advertising that I would consider unethical is the way that it encourages people to buy products they may not need or cannot afford. Children and young people in particular are influenced by adverts showing the latest toys, clothing or music and this can put enormous pressure on the parents to buy these products.

In addition, the advertising of tobacco products and alcohol has long been a controversial issue, but cigarette adverts have only recently been banned in many countries. It is quite possible that alcohol adverts encourage excessive consumption and underage drinking, yet restrictions have not been placed on this type of advertising in the same way as smoking. 

It is certainly true to say that advertising is an everyday feature of our lives. Therefore, people are constantly being encouraged to buy products or services that might be too expensive, unnecessary or even unhealthy. In conclusion, many aspects of advertising do appear to be morally wrong and are not acceptable in today's society.

(296 words)

This essay for IELTS is well organized as there are five clear paragraphs, each containing ideas that are relevant, well expressed, and related to the topic. 

Focusing on the language and structures in particular, the essay starts with an appropriate introductory sentence. Linking words are used accurately ( However, In addition, Therefore ).

Phrases that signal opinions are evident ( A further aspect of advertising that I would consider unethical . ..) backed up by reasons (... encourages people to buy products they may not need or cannot afford ) and examples ( Children and young people in particular, are influenced by adverts ).

In general, many other useful phrases are used, indicating a good control of language ( It is quite possible ...  Many people consider . ..  It is certainly true to say .. .).

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Essay Topics about Advertising

essay questions on advertising

Advertising has always made and continues to make a significant contribution to modern society . Ads pervade the Internet, television, and radio. Billboards are present on all the major roads you travel. This pervasiveness makes them a hot topic to discuss. And this is why students often look for essay topics about advertising. Writing a paper on advertising is a popular college and university assignment. About $450 billion  is spent annually on advertising   worldwide , and one-third of this alone is attributed to the USA. Consequently, this sector is an important one.

Still, it is not easy to choose a good topic. A good subject should be neither too broad nor too narrow. Also, it should be interesting to the writer and the potential reader. Moreover, it should  touch upon  the relevant aspects of the contemporary advertising area. If you cannot decide on a good topic for your paper, we offer you to check the list of the most intriguing and informative themes and essay titles, provided by our expert writers. In this article, you will also find guidelines for the overall structure of an essay and the content of its main sections.

Useful Guide to Writing an Essay On Advertising

When writing an essay about advertising, students need to remember that this should be an academic paper. Thus, the topic should be well-researched, all sources should be recent and credible while the author’s ideas should be truly original. Every idea that is taken from an article, web page, or book, should be cited properly. The student should strictly follow the rules of the citation style mentioned in the professor’s instructions. Besides, in case there is a grading rubric, the best thing you can do is check your essay against each point outlined there.

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Peculiarities of Writing an Essay on Advertising

  • Introduction with a Thesis Statement

A good essay on advertising should contain a thesis statement provided in the first section of the paper. This statement is comprised of the idea or point you plan to use as the basis for your essay’s central argument. So, make sure your thesis is concise yet detailed enough to effectively convey your paper’s key argument.

An essay’s introductory section is crucial. It needs to get the attention of the readers immediately and keep them interested enough to continue reading. This part should also outline your central argument with essential details.

Begin your introduction with a catchy hook to get the attention of your audience. This hook should appear in your paper’s first or opening sentence. Then, write a summary of the ad you plan to discuss. Let your readers know the product, brand name, and so on. Place your essay’s thesis statement in the last part of your introductory section.

  • Main Body Section

These paragraphs are used to expand your essay’s thesis statement. Use a number of additional arguments to develop your main argument. The way the main body is structured is particularly important. Begin each paragraph with a topic statement or sentence and support it with one or more pieces of evidence.

Unless otherwise directed , our experts recommend that you present between three and five paragraphs in the main body of your text. Always cite your sources when providing ideas that are not yours. Refer to the audience being targeted by the ad you are writing about and highlight the main strategies marketers have used.

  • Concluding Section

Sum up all your essay’s key points in the conclusion and reiterate the thesis statement by rephrasing it. This final section carries almost as much weight as the introductory one, so avoid just repeating your central thesis. Present it from a fresh and memorable angle.

Your paper’s summary should be concise while containing essential details. Share your thoughts on the ad with your readers and say how you think it could be better. Discuss it in a social, political, and cultural context.

  • Revise Your Essay

An essay should never be submitted the moment it is finished. It needs to be revised and any errors corrected. The experts at suggest using different grammar checking tools to identify any obvious mistakes. But these programs should not be solely relied upon. Getting your paper(s) proofread by our experts is the best option. Expert writers and editors working on our writing platform offer their proofreading and editing services that will surely make your paper stand out from the rest of student works.

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Tips on Writing an Advertising Essay

Be careful about choosing an advertisement to write about i.e. pick the one you properly understand. Familiarity with an ad and its context  will facilitate the analysis process .

It is also a good idea to select products you are familiar with.

  • Describe any aspects that caught your attention.
  • Make sure the argument you develop is interesting.
  • Create an outline before starting to write your masterpiece.

It is advisable to choose an advertisement with plenty of symbolism, novel images, and complex concepts. It is difficult to write fluently about an ad that is simple and/or generic. Seek out advertisements that have been created with the help of unique or novel strategies.

Think of any ad you choose from various viewpoints and undertake an analysis of the marketing methods behind it. Below, we have placed a list of ad analysis essay topics to help you write a successful, high-grade essay.

80 Interesting Advertisement Essay Topics

  • Coke IMC Plan: Advantages and disadvantages.
  • Discuss the role of e-commerce in the modern world.
  • Describe the changes in advertising strategies in the American hospitality industry .
  • Make a critical analysis of applying Sales Management Principles at Gateway Inc.
  • Do you believe that e-commerce will eliminate the need for physical stores? Support your rationale.
  • Advertising on pros and cons.
  • Discuss contemporary electronic marketing problems.
  • How gender affects the perception of a specific ad.
  • Make an analysis of the Savage ad campaign.
  • Write a letter to a Givenchy advertising manager.
  • Contemporary and vintage advertisement: a compare and contrast essay.
  • Analyze a new media campaign on Toblerone.
  • Critically assess the most common inconsistencies between  the way real estate  is advertised in newspapers and what it is in real life .
  • Do you agree with the statement that corporate-funded advertisements should be given higher priority over state-run ads when it comes to the electronic media area?
  • Analyze the effects of banning tobacco ads.
  • Discuss whether electronic media should be more sensible when it comes to advertising products that are meant only for adults.
  • How would you characterize the advertisements that appear in newspapers?
  • Evolution of advertising and its impact on society in the contemporary world.
  • Critically analyze the changes in women’s images in ads from the 1900s and to the 1920s.
  • Evaluate the danger of subliminal advertising.
  • Racial issues in ad campaigns.
  • Discuss the efficiency  of anti-drug ad campaigns among adolescents .
  • The exploitation of child labor in advertising.
  • Discuss the impact of mass media adverts on consumer behavior.
  • Discuss the current trends in integrated marketing communication.
  • Prepare a critical analysis of "Girl Who Was Plugged In."
  • How recession affects ad activities
  • Discuss electronic and print marketing policies of Walmart.
  • What are the favorite e-marketing techniques of the leading companies? Give examples.
  • Discuss the benefits and shortcomings of the coke IMC plan.
  • Create a marketing plan for a Ferry Company.
  • Make an analysis of Gucci's ad campaign.
  • Evaluate the impact of e-commerce on small businesses.
  • Media advertising and communication strategies in the contemporary market.
  • Prepare a detailed advertising analysis of a particular car.
  • Payment and security subsystems of e-commerce.
  • Make a rhetorical analysis of the vintage ads.
  • Discuss how the electronic and print media treat advertising. Provide examples.
  • Suggest effective network solutions for Worldwide Advertising, Inc.
  • The studies show that there exists a surge in advertising full pages in popular dailies: what is your position?
  • Discuss the strategies of targeting youth in the ad industry.
  • Prepare a critical analysis of McDonald’s corporation advertising.
  • Prepare a case study on FitnessLive.
  • Analyze the use of semiotics in Pepsi's ads.
  • Distortion of reality/photo manipulation in ads.
  • Discuss the negative influence of targeted advertising on adolescents and children.
  • Discuss the issues of nudity and sex in advertisements.
  • Discuss the effectiveness of humor in ads. Provide examples.
  • Informative vs persuasive television ads: an investigation.
  • Prepare a critical literature review on the negative impact of advertising on children and adolescents .
  • Do you believe that there is a need for a mandatory disclaimer before certain advertisements that involve stunts performed by trained athletes?
  • Analyze the specific visual elements in different advertisements. Give examples.
  • The impact of ads on child socialization.
  • Make an analysis of the Audi advertising campaign.
  • Discuss some controversial aspects of the various advertising campaigns that can be debated upon.
  • Prepare a case study on Marc Jacobs Inc.'s advertising strategy.
  • Discuss the various types of advertising used by different businesses.
  • Explain why alcohol advertising is legal whereas tobacco advertising is not. Use examples.
  • Advantages and disadvantages of modern advertising techniques.
  • Discuss the relationship between the product and celebrity endorser in advertising.
  • Make a critical analysis of ruthless exploitation of clients' desires in media technologies advertising.
  • Do you believe that the subliminal advertisement really works? Provide examples.
  • Make an analysis of Gillette's ad campaign.
  • Analyze the gender roles in contemporary ad campaigns.
  • Do you believe that the advertisements playing with people's insecurities are unethical? Support your answer.
  • How do people see themselves in advertisements? A critical analysis of fantasy and ideology in popular ads.
  • Explain whether do you believe that child-directed advertising should be banned.
  • Discuss the influence of media advertising on consumer product awareness.
  • Analyze the ethical aspect of the exploitation of infants in ad campaigns.
  • The aims and objectives of movie advertising.
  • Discuss the concept of masculinity in advertising.
  • Write a letter to a Burberry advertising manager.
  • What are the stereotypes in contemporary advertising campaigns?
  • Discuss the use of various advertising techniques in health education.
  • Analyze the history of the use of technology in adverts.
  • It is believed that real estate is the most advertised industry in both electronic and print media. Do you agree with this claim?
  • Discuss sexism in modern advertisement campaigns.
  • The use of logos, pathos, and ethos in advertisements. Provide examples.
  • Discuss the gender biases in contemporary advertisement campaigns.
  • Advertisement as an art. Give examples of brilliant advertising campaigns and analyze the reason for their success.

We do hope that our essay topics about advertising will satisfy your needs! So whenever you find it challenging to find an interesting theme for your paper, just look through our list of essay topics about advertising and choose the one that seems the most interesting to you. Of course, a good topic is not enough for writing a brilliant essay. Apart from the topic, you need to take care of the paper's organization, formatting, and other important aspects. We assure you that only by impressing your professor with a professional and creative approach you will be able to get the desired grade.

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Advertising has always made and continues to make a significant contribution to modern society. Ads pervade the Internet, television, and radio. Billboards are ...

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100 IELTS Essay Questions

Below are practice IELTS essay questions and topics for writing task 2. The 100 essay questions have been used many times over the years. The questions are organised under common topics and essay types. IELTS often use the similar topics for their essays but change the wording of the essay question.

In order to prepare well for writing task 2, you should prepare ideas for common topics and then practise applying them to the tasks given (to the essay questions). Also see model essays and tips  for writing task 2.

Below you will find:

  • Essay Questions By Topic
  • Essay Questions by Essay Type

Please also note that my new Grammar E-book is now available in my store along with my Ideas for Essay Topics E-book and Advanced Writing Lessons. To visit store, click here: Liz’s Store

1) Common IELTS Essay Questions

IELTS practice essay questions divided by topic. These topics have been reported by IELTS students in their tests. Essay questions have been recreated as accurately as possible.

  • Art   (5 essay questions)
  • Business & Money   (17 essay questions)
  • Communication & Personality   (20 essay questions)
  • Crime & Punishment   (12 essay questions)
  • Education   (17 essay questions)
  • Environment   (12 essay questions)
  • Family & Children   (8 essay questions)
  • Food & Diet (13 essay questions)
  • Government (6 essay questions)
  • Health   (9 essay questions)
  • Housing, Buildings & Urban Planning (8 essay questions)
  • Language (6 essay questions)
  • Leisure (1 essay question)
  • Media & Advertising   (12 essay questions)
  • Reading  (5 essay questions)
  • Society   (10 essay questions)
  • Space Exploration (3 questions)
  • Sport & Exercise   (6 essay questions)
  • Technology  (6 essay questions)
  • Tourism and Travel   (11 essay questions)
  • Transport  (7 essay questions)
  • Work (17 essay questions)

2) IELTS Essay Questions by Essay Type 

There are 5 main types of essay questions in IELTS writing task 2 (opinion essays, discussion essay, advantage/disadvantage essays, solution essay and direct question essays). Click on the links below to see some sample essay questions for each type.

  • Opinion Essay Questions
  • Discussion Essay Questions
  • Solution Essay Questions
  • Direct Questions Essay Titles 
  • Advantage / Disadvantage Essay Questions


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  4. 308 Advertising Essay Topics & Research Titles at StudyCorgi

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  14. Student Sample Essay: Advertising

    Also, you need to make your opinion clearer. The essay question asks if you agree or disagree but it is not clear what your opinion is. For this essay, I would delete the last sentence of the introduction and then make your opinion on the issue clearer in the conclusion. For example: "On balance, although advertising is necessary, it is clear ...

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  18. Essay Topics about Advertising from

    10695 90. Advertising has always made and continues to make a significant contribution to modern society. Ads pervade the Internet, television, and radio. Billboards are present on all the major roads you travel. This pervasiveness makes them a hot topic to discuss. And this is why students often look for essay topics about advertising.

  19. 50 Latest Advertisement IELTS Topics

    formal. Task 1 You have seen an advertisement for part-time job at a restaurant and want to apply for it. Write a letter to the manager. In your letter: -describe your experience -tell him why you are interested in the job -say why you think you would be suitable for the job. Write on this topic.

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  22. 100 IELTS Essay Questions

    Below are practice IELTS essay questions and topics for writing task 2. The 100 essay questions have been used many times over the years. ... Leisure (1 essay question) Media & Advertising (12 essay questions) Reading (5 essay questions) Society (10 essay questions) Space Exploration (3 questions) Sport & Exercise (6 essay questions)