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Harvey Mudd Supplemental Essays 2023-2024

harvey mudd college application essay

By Eric Eng

Harvey Mudd College signage

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on the 2023-2024 Harvey Mudd supplemental essays! If you’re a student with dreams of joining Harvey Mudd College, a place known for its rigorous academic programs and vibrant community, crafting standout supplemental essays is a crucial step in your application journey. 

These essays are your opportunity to show the admissions committee who you are beyond your grades and test scores. In this guide, we’ll delve into the specifics of the Harvey Mudd supplemental essay prompts for the 2023-2024 application cycle. Our aim is to equip you with insights and tips to help you create essays that not only resonate with your personal story but also align perfectly with Harvey Mudd’s values and expectations. Let’s get started on this exciting path to making your college dreams a reality!

How Many Supplemental Essays Does Harvey Mudd Have?

Harvey Mudd College requires two supplemental essays for its 2023-2024 application cycle. There is a main essay, which has a word limit of 500 words or less, and a shorter essay, limited to 100 words or less. 

These essays provide applicants with an opportunity to showcase their individual backgrounds, interests, and perspectives, complementing the information provided in other parts of their application. The supplemental essays are a vital element of the Harvey Mudd application. They offer a comprehensive view of the applicant beyond quantitative metrics and are instrumental in the admissions committee’s decision-making process.

What are the 2023-2024 Harvey Mudd Supplemental Essay Prompts?

The Harvey Mudd College supplemental essay prompts for the 2023-2024 application cycle are as follows:

Prompt 1: Main Essay (500 words or less)

“Scientific research is a human endeavor. The choices of topics that we research are based on our biases, our beliefs, and what we bring: our cultures and our families. The kinds of problems that people put their talents to solving depends on their values.” – Dr. Clifton Poodry .

How has your own background influenced the types of problems you want to solve, the people you want to work with, and the impact you hope your work can have?

Prompt 2 (100 words or less)

Many students choose HMC because they don’t want to give up their interests in the Humanities, Social Sciences, and the Arts – or HSA as we call it at HMC. Briefly describe what you’d like to learn about in your dream HSA class.

A student writing her essays

How to Write the Harvey Mudd Supplemental Essays

Understanding the prompt.

This essay prompt from Harvey Mudd College is fundamentally about self-reflection and understanding how your personal background shapes your scientific interests, the problems you’re passionate about solving, and the impact you aim to have through your work. It invites you to explore the intersection of your personal experiences and your academic or career aspirations. Here’s how you could approach answering this prompt:

Crafting Your Response

1. Reflect on Your Background: Start by thinking deeply about the aspects of your background that have significantly influenced you. This could include your cultural heritage, family values, personal experiences, or any challenges you’ve faced. Describe how these elements have shaped your worldview, your interests, and your goals. For example, if you grew up in a community that faced environmental challenges, you might be driven to pursue environmental science.

2. Connect Personal Experiences to Academic Interests: Explore how your background has steered your academic interests or career choices. If you’ve always been fascinated by technology because of your family’s business in tech, explain how this has fueled your passion for computer science. It’s important to draw a clear line between your personal history and your academic pursuits.

3. Identify Specific Problems You Want to Solve: Now, focus on the types of problems you are passionate about solving. These should naturally emerge from your background and interests. If your community experiences healthcare disparities, you might be motivated to work on accessible healthcare solutions. Be specific about these problems and explain why they matter to you.

4. Envision the Impact of Your Work: Discuss the impact you hope to make through your work. This should be a blend of your academic goals and personal values. Perhaps you aim to develop sustainable energy solutions to address climate change issues that affected your hometown, or you want to advance educational technology to make learning more accessible, reflecting your experiences with educational inequality.

5. Consider Collaborations and Community: Finally, think about the kind of people you want to work with and the communities you wish to serve. Your background might inspire you to collaborate with diverse teams, bring unique perspectives to your field, or serve underrepresented communities. Illustrate how your experiences have taught you the value of collaboration and inclusivity in scientific research.

Remember, the key to a successful response is authenticity and introspection. Your unique experiences and perspectives are what make your answer compelling. Reflect on these points, connect them to your aspirations, and articulate them in a way that shows your enthusiasm and readiness for the challenges and opportunities at Harvey Mudd College.

Student writing college or university application.

This essay prompt is about understanding your interests in the Humanities, Social Sciences, and the Arts (HSA). It’s designed to gauge your enthusiasm for subjects outside of Harvey Mudd’s primary focus on science and engineering. They’re looking to find out if you enjoy learning about things like literature, psychology, music, or politics, and how these interests fit into your overall educational goals.

1. Identify Your Passion in HSA: This is a crucial step. Reflect deeply on which subjects in the Humanities, Social Sciences, and the Arts genuinely captivate you. This could be anything from a profound interest in cultural anthropology, a fascination with Renaissance art, or a passion for modern political theory. 

Consider what you often read about, discuss, or explore in your free time. For instance, if you’re constantly drawn to documentaries about ancient civilizations, this could be a starting point for your dream HSA class. The goal here is to pinpoint a subject that is not just an interest but a passion, something that excites and motivates you.

2. Dream Class Concept: Imagine the structure and content of your ideal HSA class. Would it involve interactive discussions, project-based learning, field trips, or guest lectures from experts? Perhaps you envision a class where you study the psychological impact of literature, combining readings with actual psychological experiments or creative writing. This is where you can showcase your creativity and ability to think beyond traditional classroom settings. Your concept should reflect an innovative approach to learning that aligns with Harvey Mudd’s ethos of thinking outside the box.

3. Connect to Your Goals and Interests: Linking the class to your future aspirations is vital. If you’re aiming for a career in tech, but are also interested in ethical philosophy, you might propose a class that explores the ethical implications of technology. This not only shows that you have clear career goals but also that you appreciate the importance of a holistic education that integrates HSA subjects into your technical field. It demonstrates your understanding that in the real world, the challenges you will face will often require interdisciplinary solutions.

4. Personal Growth and Contribution: Discuss how this class will help you grow as a person and a professional. Will it give you a new perspective on the world? Help you develop skills like critical thinking or effective communication? Also, consider how you would contribute to the class. Perhaps your background or experiences provide a unique viewpoint that would enrich class discussions, or your skills in a particular area could contribute to group projects. This shows admissions officers that you are not just looking to take from the Harvey Mudd community but also to give back and enrich it.

5. Be Concise and Specific: Given the 100-word limit, clarity and precision are key. Start by drafting a response that captures all your ideas, then refine it to distill only the most essential and impactful elements. Each sentence should serve a purpose, whether it’s to highlight your passion, describe your dream class, or showcase your personal growth potential. Avoid filler words and generic statements. Instead, focus on concrete details and specific examples that bring your dream class to life.

Approach this prompt as an opportunity to showcase your individuality, intellectual curiosity, and how you envision integrating a broader educational perspective into your studies at Harvey Mudd . This is your chance to demonstrate that you’re not just a one-dimensional candidate but someone who values a well-rounded education.

How To Prepare For Grad School

Materials to Read Before You Start Writing Your Supplemental Essays

Before you start writing the 2023-2024 Harvey Mudd supplemental essays, it’s important to do some reading and research to help you write the best essays possible. You must be well-prepared to write thoughtful and engaging essays that resonate with Harvey Mudd College’s ethos and showcase your suitability for their unique academic environment. Here are some suggestions:

1. Harvey Mudd College Website: Begin by thoroughly exploring the Harvey Mudd College website . Focus on understanding their educational philosophy, the kind of student community they foster, and their approach to integrating Humanities, Social Sciences, and the Arts (HSA) with STEM fields. Look for information about student life, clubs, and organizations, as well as any special programs or initiatives that stand out. This research will not only give you insights into what the college values but also help you tailor your essay to reflect an understanding of the college’s unique environment. Pay attention to any recent news or developments at the college that might be relevant to your essay.

2. Course Catalog: Dive into the Harvey Mudd course catalog, paying special attention to HSA courses. Note down any courses that particularly interest you and think about why they do. Are there any interdisciplinary courses that combine, for example, technology and philosophy, or art and science? Understanding the range and depth of courses available can help you articulate what specifically attracts you to Harvey Mudd and how you see yourself engaging with the curriculum. This can be especially useful if you’re imagining your dream HSA class for the essay.

3. Current Events and News: Keeping up-to-date with current events, especially in areas related to your academic and personal interests, is crucial. This not only shows that you are an informed and engaged individual but also allows you to incorporate relevant and timely examples into your essays. This could involve reading reputable news sources, subscribing to relevant magazines or journals, and following thought leaders or organizations on social media. Being well-informed about current issues can provide a contemporary context to your essays, making them more impactful and relevant.

4. Books and Articles in Your Area of Interest: Deep dive into books and scholarly articles about your areas of interest within HSA. This will not only broaden your knowledge but also help you form more nuanced opinions and ideas. When you discuss your dream HSA class in your essay, being able to reference specific authors, theories, or artistic movements show a depth of understanding and genuine passion. It also helps in making your essay more compelling and unique.

5. Previous Successful Essays: While it’s important to maintain originality, reviewing successful essays from past applicants can provide a sense of what Harvey Mudd values in its students. These essays can serve as inspiration and give you an idea of the tone, structure, and level of detail that is well-received. Remember, the goal is not to mimic these essays but to understand what made them effective. Pay attention to how these essays showcase the writer’s personality, interests, and fit for Harvey Mudd.

6. Writing Guides and Tips: Finally, consult writing guides and resources. These can offer valuable advice on crafting a compelling narrative, structuring your essay effectively, and writing clearly and concisely. Resources like Purdue OWL or the Harvard College Writing Center offer free guides on academic writing. Additionally, consider reading up on how to write reflective and personal essays, as these styles are often well-suited for college application essays. Understanding the basics of good essay writing will help you communicate your ideas more effectively.

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Structuring Your Supplemental Essays

The structure of your supplemental essays is crucial in effectively communicating your ideas, personality, and fit for the college. A well-structured essay not only makes your writing more coherent and engaging but also demonstrates your ability to organize thoughts logically. Here are three key points on how you can structure your Harvey Mudd supplemental essays:

1. Introduction: Hook and Thesis Statement: Begin your essay with a compelling hook – a sentence or two that grabs the reader’s attention. This could be a provocative question, a brief anecdote, a surprising fact, or a bold statement related to your chosen topic. 

Following the hook, introduce your thesis statement, which is a concise summary of what your essay will discuss or argue. For instance, if your essay is about your dream HSA class at Harvey Mudd, your thesis might outline the unique aspects of the class you envision and why it excites you. This sets the stage for the rest of your essay and gives the admissions officers a glimpse of what to expect.

2. Body: Development of Ideas and Examples: The body of your essay is where you delve into the details of your topic. Organize this section into clear, coherent paragraphs, each focusing on a specific aspect of your thesis. 

For the Harvey Mudd essays, you might have one paragraph explaining your interest in a particular HSA subject, another describing how this interest aligns with Harvey Mudd’s interdisciplinary approach, and a third illustrating how this class would contribute to your personal and academic growth. Use specific examples and personal experiences to support your points. For instance, if you’re discussing a class that combines art and technology, mention any relevant projects or experiences you’ve had that illustrate your passion for this intersection.

3. Conclusion: Reinforce Your Thesis and Connect to Future Goals: Conclude your essay by revisiting your thesis statement and summarizing the key points you made in the body. This is your chance to reinforce your argument or narrative. Then, connect your discussion back to your future goals and aspirations at Harvey Mudd. 

For example, explain how the experiences or knowledge you hope to gain from your dream HSA class would be instrumental in your planned field of study or career path. This ties your essay together, showing a clear line from your interests and experiences to your potential future at Harvey Mudd College.

Remember, the structure of your essay is the framework that holds your ideas together. A well-structured essay makes it easier for the admissions officers to follow your thoughts and understand your perspective. It also showcases your ability to think logically and express yourself clearly, which are important skills in any academic setting. 

So, take the time to plan out the structure of your 2023-2024 Harvey Mudd supplemental essays before you start writing. This will help ensure that your essays are not only informative and engaging but also leave a lasting impression on the admissions committee.

How to Effectively Revise and Proofread

When you’re revising and proofreading your supplemental essays, it’s important to approach this process carefully to ensure your essays are as strong as they can be. Here are some key points to guide you:

1. Take a Break Before Revising: After you’ve written your first draft, step away from it for a day or two. This break will give you a fresh perspective when you return to your essay. When you read your essay again, you’ll be more likely to notice areas that need improvement or parts that don’t flow as well as you thought.

2. Read Aloud for Clarity and Flow: Read your essay out loud to yourself. This technique helps you catch awkward phrasing, run-on sentences, and grammatical errors that you might miss when reading silently. Pay attention to how your essay sounds — it should flow naturally and logically. If you find yourself stumbling over certain parts, that’s a sign they may need to be reworked for clarity.

3. Seek Feedback from Others: Ask a teacher, counselor, or a trusted friend to review your essay. They can provide valuable feedback on how your essay comes across to a reader. They might point out areas where your argument is unclear, where you’re being repetitive, or where you could expand on your ideas. Remember, though, while feedback is important, the essay should remain in your voice and reflect your own ideas.

4. Focus on Specificity and Detail: As you revise, look for opportunities to add specific details or examples that strengthen your points. For your Harvey Mudd essays, this could mean providing a concrete example of a project or experience that sparked your interest in a particular HSA topic. Specific details help bring your essay to life and make it more memorable to the admissions committee.

5. Proofread for Grammar and Spelling: Finally, thoroughly proofread your essay for any spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors. These mistakes can distract from the content of your essay and may give an impression of carelessness. Utilize tools like spell check, but don’t rely solely on them. Read through your essay several times, and if possible, have someone else proofread it, too. They might catch errors you’ve overlooked.

Remember, revising and proofreading are crucial steps in the writing process. They ensure that your 2023-2024 Harvey Mudd supplemental essays are clear, coherent, and free of errors, showcasing your best self to the admissions committee. Take your time with this process, as it can make a significant difference in the quality of your final essays.

University students on their way to class

Why Choose Harvey Mudd College?

Choosing Harvey Mudd College for your college experience promises a unique and highly rewarding educational journey. This institution stands out for its exceptional interdisciplinary education, combining rigorous training in science, engineering, and mathematics with a strong foundation in the humanities, social sciences, and arts (HSA). Such an educational blend is crucial in today’s complex world, wh ere challenges often necessitate solutions that draw from a diverse range of knowledge.

The quality of education at Harvey Mudd is reflected in its impressive rankings. As of 2023, it ranked No. 2 for undergraduate engineering programs at non-doctorate granting institutions in U.S. News & World Report’s Best Colleges, sharing this spot with Olin College of Engineering. In specific engineering specialties, Harvey Mudd ranked high, including No. 3 in mechanical engineering, No. 4 in computer engineering, No. 6 in civil engineering, and No. 7 in electrical engineering. 

In the computer science program ranking, it was positioned at No. 29, being the highest-ranked undergraduate-only college in this category. Additionally, the college ranked No. 15 for Undergraduate Research and No. 16 for Senior Capstone Programs, No. 19 for Most Innovative Schools, No. 36 for Best Undergraduate Teaching, and No. 29 in the overall ranking of national liberal arts colleges . 

In terms of campus ethnic diversity, Harvey Mudd had a top score, reflecting its commitment to building a diverse community. On the Best Value Schools list, Harvey Mudd was ranked at No. 89.

At Harvey Mudd, the focus extends beyond academics to real-world impact and innovation. Here, you’ll be encouraged to apply your learning to practical challenges, engage in collaborative projects, and participate in research with real-world applications. This hands-on approach prepares you for a successful career where you can make meaningful contributions to your field and society. 

Furthermore, Harvey Mudd fosters a strong community and supportive environment. The emphasis on collaboration over competition and the college’s nurturing environment ensures that each student is valued and supported throughout their academic journey.

The career opportunities for Harvey Mudd graduates are exceptional, with many alumni excelling in various fields. The college’s robust industry connections, combined with its rigorous academic programs, equip students with the necessary skills, knowledge, and networks for post-graduation success. 

Opting for Harvey Mudd means choosing an institution at the forefront of academic excellence, deeply committed to producing graduates ready to tackle modern challenges. With its blend of STEM and HSA education, impressive rankings, and focus on real-world impact, Harvey Mudd offers an educational experience that is both challenging and immensely rewarding.

How Important are Supplemental Essays in the College Admissions Process?

The importance of supplemental essays in the admissions process cannot be overstated, particularly for a school like Harvey Mudd College. These essays are a critical component that helps admissions committees understand more about you beyond your academic records.

Firstly, supplemental essays are an excellent opportunity for you to showcase your personality and diverse interests. For instance, Harvey Mudd’s essays allow you to express your enthusiasm for the Humanities, Social Sciences, and Arts, in addition to their main STEM focus. This helps the admissions team see you as a more well-rounded individual, not just another applicant with good grades.

Moreover, these essays are your chance to demonstrate how well you align with the college’s values and educational approach. A thoughtful response to Harvey Mudd’s specific prompts can highlight your understanding of and compatibility with their unique blend of STEM and HSA education. This alignment can significantly enhance your chances of being admitted.

Additionally, supplemental essays give you a platform to share unique experiences or perspectives that distinguish you from other applicants. Whether it’s a distinctive project, a personal challenge you’ve overcome, or a unique interest you’ve pursued, these details can make your application stand out in a competitive pool.

Lastly, these essays are indicative of your writing and critical thinking skills. For a college like Harvey Mudd, where effective communication is highly valued even in STEM fields, a well-written essay that is clear, coherent, and engaging can be particularly impactful.

Overall, supplemental essays provide a vital opportunity for you to present yourself as a unique and complete candidate, showcasing not just your academic prowess but also your personality, experiences, and potential to contribute positively to the campus community. Investing time and effort into crafting thoughtful, reflective essays can be a decisive factor in enhancing your prospects of admission to prestigious institutions like Harvey Mudd College .

students looking out into the university

Harvey Mudd’s Acceptance Rates, Application Deadlines, and Other Key Metrics

As you consider applying to Harvey Mudd College for the 2023-2024 academic year, it’s important to be aware of the college’s acceptance rates, application deadlines, and other key metrics like graduation and retention rates. This information can help you understand the competitive nature of the admissions process and the academic environment at Harvey Mudd .

Firstly, the acceptance rate for Harvey Mudd College is extremely selective, standing at 10%. This rate reflects the rigorous standards and high level of competition among applicants. Students admitted to Harvey Mudd typically have SAT scores between 1480- 1560 or ACT scores of 34-36, indicating a highly accomplished student body. The regular admissions application deadline for Harvey Mudd is January 5, while the early decision deadline is November 15. Understanding these deadlines is crucial for the timely and strategic planning of your application process​​.

In terms of academic outcomes, Harvey Mudd boasts impressive graduation and retention rates. The 4-year graduation rate is 86%, and the 6-year rate is 96%, which are both significantly higher than the national averages for colleges and universities in the United States. The national average graduation rate for first-time undergraduates attending classes full-time is 37.92% after four years, 46.43% after six years, and 47.82% after eight years, highlighting the exceptional performance of Harvey Mudd in ensuring student success​​​​​​​​.

These figures demonstrate Harvey Mudd’s commitment to not only attracting top talent but also fostering an environment that supports academic excellence and timely completion of degrees. The high retention rate of 92% further indicates that students are generally satisfied with their educational experience and feel supported throughout their academic journey​​.

When crafting your 2023-2024 Harvey Mudd supplemental essays, it’s beneficial to keep these statistics in mind. They reflect the college’s commitment to academic excellence and a supportive learning environment. Your essays should, therefore, align with these values, showcasing not only your academic capabilities but also your potential to thrive in and contribute to such a rigorous and nurturing academic community.

How Do Harvey Mudd’s Supplemental Essays Compare to Other Top Universities?

Harvey Mudd’s essays are distinctive because they focus heavily on how you, as a prospective student, integrate interests in Humanities, Social Sciences, and Arts (HSA) with a strong STEM background. This is a reflection of the college’s interdisciplinary approach, which contrasts with other top STEM-focused institutions like MIT or Caltech, where supplemental essays may lean more towards showcasing innovation and technical expertise.

At schools like Stanford or Harvard, supplemental essays often emphasize a broader spectrum of personal qualities and experiences. These institutions tend to ask more open-ended questions, allowing you to showcase diverse aspects of your personality, achievements, and aspirations. 

In comparison, Harvey Mudd’s supplemental essays are more targeted, asking you to specifically address how you would enrich your STEM education with HSA studies. This approach reflects Harvey Mudd’s unique educational philosophy and gives you a chance to demonstrate how you would thrive in such an environment.

Finally, when you’re crafting your supplemental essays for Harvey Mudd, it’s essential to focus on how you uniquely combine a passion for STEM with interests in other areas. This differs from universities like Princeton or Yale , where the supplemental essays might focus more on your intellectual curiosity and contribution to the campus community at large. 

The key with Harvey Mudd’s essays is to show a balanced perspective, highlighting not only your technical prowess but also your engagement with a wider range of academic disciplines. This holistic approach to education is a hallmark of Harvey Mudd and should be a central theme in your essays.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

When writing your 2023-2024 Harvey Mudd supplemental essays, there are some common pitfalls you should avoid to ensure your application stands out for the right reasons:

1. Being Too Generic: Avoid giving vague or generic answers that could apply to any college. Instead, tailor your essays specifically to Harvey Mudd. Show that you’ve done your research and understand what makes the college unique, especially its focus on integrating STEM with Humanities, Social Sciences, and Arts.

2. Ignoring the Word Limit: It is important to follow directions carefully when writing an application. This includes adhering to the word limit. Writing too much or too little can imply that you either cannot follow directions or are not putting enough effort into your application. When writing an application, it is important to focus on the key points and to be concise. This will help to make your application stand out and will show that you are a thoughtful and organized writer.

3. Repeating Your Resume: Supplemental essays are a great opportunity for you to show admissions officers who you are as a person, not just as a student. Don’t just list achievements or experiences that are already on your resume. 

Instead, use this space to share something more personal about yourself, such as a hobby you’re passionate about, a challenge you’ve overcome, or a unique perspective you have on the world. Admissions officers want to get to know the real you, so take this opportunity to let your personality shine through.

4. Overlooking the HSA Aspect: Harvey Mudd’s unique approach involves combining STEM with Humanities, Social Sciences, and Arts (HSA). It’s crucial not to overlook this aspect in your essays. Instead, take the opportunity to show your appreciation for HSA subjects. Explain how they complement your STEM interests, and provide examples of how you’ve engaged with these areas. 

By demonstrating your passion for a well-rounded education that encompasses both STEM and HSA, you align more closely with Harvey Mudd’s educational philosophy, making your application more appealing to the admissions committee. It’s a chance to showcase your versatility and commitment to embracing a broader spectrum of knowledge.

5. Not Proofreading: Simple spelling and grammar mistakes can be a red flag for admissions committees. It shows a lack of attention to detail. Always proofread your essays or have someone else review them. 

When you’re writing your college essays, it’s important to pay attention to detail. This means proofreading your work carefully to catch any errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, and capitalization. A few simple mistakes can make a big difference in the impression you make on admissions committees.

For example, a misspelled word or a grammatical error can make you seem careless or sloppy. This can give the impression that you’re not a serious student or that you don’t care about your work. Admissions committees want to admit students who are bright and motivated, so they’re looking for signs that you’re a careful and detail-oriented person.

Taking the time to proofread your essays is an important step in the admissions process. It shows that you’re a careful and conscientious student, and it can help you make a good impression on admissions committees.

Remember, these essays are an opportunity to showcase your unique personality, interests, and how you align with Harvey Mudd’s values. Avoiding these common mistakes can help your application stand out in the highly competitive admissions process.

Diverse Students wearing Cap and Gown Holding Photo Frame Studio Portrait

Final Thoughts

As you approach the 2023-2024 Harvey Mudd supplemental essays, remember that your unique story is your greatest strength. These es says are more than just formalities; they are your chance to show Harvey Mudd College who you are beyond grades and test scores. 

Be genuine in sharing how your experiences have shaped your ambitions and your worldview. Embrace this opportunity to let your personality and aspirations shine through. With thoughtful reflection and a clear vision of your future, you’re not just completing an application requirement – you’re taking a significant step toward your dream college journey. Good luck!

How AdmissionSight Can Help You With College Admissions

AdmissionSight is a college consulting firm that provides personalized assistance to students throughout the college admissions process. Here are some ways that AdmissionSight can help you:

Admissions strategy: AdmissionSight can help you develop a strategic plan for your college application process. Our professional consultants can assist with identifying schools that are a good fit for your academic, extracurricular, and personal goals and help you plan and prioritize your application strategy.

Application review: AdmissionSight can review your application and provide feedback on how to improve it. We can offer suggestions on making your application stand out and highlighting your strengths and unique qualities.

Essay coaching: AdmissionSight can help you craft compelling essays that showcase your personality, goals, and achievements. We can guide you through the essay writing process and provide feedback on your drafts to help you refine your writing.

Interview preparation: AdmissionSight can provide interview coaching to help you feel confident and prepared for college interviews. Our experts can offer tips on how to present yourself professionally and how to answer common interview questions.

Extracurricular planning: AdmissionSight can help you plan and develop your extracurricular activities to make them more impactful and meaningful. We can suggest activities that align with your interests and goals and provide guidance on demonstrating your leadership and initiative.

Overall, AdmissionSight can provide valuable guidance and support throughout the college admissions process to help you maximize your chances of getting accepted into the college of your choice .

With a high success rate of over 75%, we have built a strong network in the past decade. Book an initial consultation today, free of charge!


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harvey mudd college application essay

How to Write the Harvey Mudd College Essays 2021-2022

harvey mudd college application essay

Passionate about STEM, but unwilling to give up the humanities? Certain that you want to major in computational biology, but secretly hoping to also continue your weekly art projects? Meet Harvey Mudd, a liberal arts college in the Claremont consortium near Los Angeles, California. While there are barely more than 800 undergraduates at HMC, four other colleges and two graduate schools are right across the street, offering unparalleled resources to all Mudders. Besides the pranks and a healthy rivalry with nearby Caltech, HMC’s notable curriculum features a generous humanities requirement alongside its ten STEM majors.

The admit rate for the Class of 2024 was 13%, so don’t disregard those supplements! Keep reading to find out how to write standout essays for Harvey Mudd. Want to know your chances at Harvey Mudd? Calculate your chances for free right now.

Want to learn what HMC will actually cost you based on your income? And how long your application to the school should take?   Here’s what every student considering HMC needs to know.  

How to Write the Harvey Mudd Essays

Prompt 1: what influenced you to apply to harvey mudd college what about the hmc curriculum and community appeals to you (500 words).

While you agonize about getting into HMC, the admissions office is fretting over whether you’d actually enroll. Remember that every admitted student is a gamble on their end, too! Accordingly, this essay should convince them that there has never been a more reliable investment than yourself. 

Step one is to do your research. Start with the website─make a list of one specific class you would like to take a HMC, one club or resource you would like to take advantage of, and one aspect of campus culture that resonates with you. You can get a good sense of HMC’s culture by digging through YouTube and talking with alumni. 

Once you have a solid idea of what aspects of HMC connect with you, you can start thinking about what to write. The challenge with this prompt is that you’ll be covering a few things that stand out to you—a list, in other words, but a list is hardly an essay. The challenge becomes how creatively you present your list items and how smoothly you connect them together, with the ideal end product being a cohesive and memorable narrative. 

Remember that as with any “ Why School? ” prompt, the question you should really be answering is “Why this School and You?”. HMC already knows that HMC is amazing, so don’t pitch the college to itself. Instead, the topics you discuss in this essay should illustrate what you care about, and the reader should walk away with a better sense of who you are and why you’re interested in HMC. Make sure that your “reasons why” for attending HMC include the university’s values, academics, extracurricular activities, and social life.

The easiest approach is to begin your essay by highlighting one main theme that connects everything in your list. Here is an example:

This may sound out of the blue, but I want to build dams one day, specifically concrete-face rock-fill dams. My interest in large civil structures came from the stories my auntie told of Guyana and how her country needs better infrastructure. To most people, all of that would sound like “too much” ─ but not at Harvey Mudd College. I saw that during my campus visit, where students took the time to explain their physics equations on the workroom board when I asked. This spirit of open-mindedness is found in every aspect of Harvey Mudd, and I aspire to partake in it.

I am drawn to Harvey Mudd’s Department of Engineering in particular because its faculty includes Dr. Duron, who could mentor me in research involving field test procedures for large concrete dams. My career goal is to redesign hydroelectric dams to be more eco-friendly and efficient ─ Harvey Mudd’s open-minded and interdisciplinary engineering curriculum, combined with its strategic vision of Informed Contributions to Society, would give me the educational foundation I need to think through dam design…

“These past three years, I have received many college brochures about the magical concept of AND. This isn’t an OR place, they insist. Here, you can have pre-professionalism AND learning for learning’s sake, sports AND academics, professors who do great research AND teach you at the same time! What a steal!

The introduction sets the stage for the author to connect the HMC value of open-mindedness to each of the characteristics of HMC that appeals to them. The second paragraph shows the level of specificity required to connect your individual goals to the academic resources that HMC offers. The step beyond this part is to answer the “community” question of the prompt ─ what extracurricular activities, aspects of HMC social life, virtues of campus culture, and/or spaces on campus are a great fit for you compared to the offerings at other universities? Here is an example answer:

I value giving back through community service, and I have a particular interest in Harvey Mudd’s Mudders Making a Difference program. As a four-year volunteer math tutor and homeless shelter staffer, I hope to continue this work as a MMAD member. I am excited to collaborate with my peers to run CHAP community cafes and educate budding young scientists at the PUSD Science Fair. At Harvey Mudd, I can work with open-minded people to make a meaningful difference…

It would be a good bonus to discuss your interactions with members of the HMC community in your essay ─ this lends credence to your list items and demonstrates initiative. Think about whether you have had an enlightening conversation with an admissions officer, or maybe even a professor. Did you get a chance to visit campus, or interview with an alum? Explain what you’ve learned about HMC through these experiences, along with how they have solidified your interest in the school. 

Beware of getting too carried away with setting up context (details are good, but they can also stretch out expositions unnecessarily), and remember that everything you describe should come back to who you are—not the admissions officer/alum/professor with whom you spoke.  

Those who’d prefer to be creative, however, should do some serious brainstorming. An oft-relied on technique is writing from the perspective of a non-human or inanimate object—perhaps the sparrow that flew into your host’s room when you visited campus, or the age-old gum stuck underneath that one chair in the Sprague lab. (Best, however, would be a letter from the Caltech cannon that Mudders stole in 1986.)

Prompt 2: Many students choose HMC because they don’t want to give up their interests in the Humanities, Social Sciences and the Arts – or HSA as we call it at HMC. Tell us about your dream HSA class. Your answer might (but doesn’t have to) include projects you could do, texts you might want to read, or topics you would want to explore. (100 words)

As the prompt suggests, this is a great opportunity to showcase your interest in something non-STEM! Some expertise (or research, at the very least) will likely be necessary to write an effective essay, so if you have a specific passion or hobby in the humanities, social sciences, or arts, this is the prompt for you. 

The possibilities are endless—a pianist who especially adores Chopin, for instance, may propose a course focusing on how the composer’s life experiences influenced his musical output, or a student interested in social psychology may propose a course concentrating exclusively on theories of conformity. 

Regardless of the topic, however, those who plan to answer this prompt must take care to be very specific (as proof of genuine interest), while also keeping the essay comprehensible and relatable to the average “outsider,” i.e. the admissions officer. 

Remember that your reader may not understand the particulars of your topic as well as you do, so be sure to contextualize details and storytell rather than list. Let your passion bleed through the essay—a conversational tone mixed with a sense of wonderment and curiosity would work well. 

The essay about Chopin may look like this: 

“You see, there’s just something exquisite about Chopin’s works, a perfection and masterful simplicity to them that I’ve never seen elsewhere. While I’ve studied some of the theory, I long to better understand how he was inspired to create such masterpieces in the first place. My dream HSA course would examine the influences that made Chopin’s music into the legacy they are today, studying topics like his strong sense of nationalism, his relationship with George Sand, his circle of friends, and his own favorite composers. I’d like the course to be a sweeping overview of his life story, played leggerissimo.”

Want help with your college essays to improve your admissions chances? Sign up for your free CollegeVine account and get access to our essay guides and courses. You can also get your essay peer-reviewed and improve your own writing skills by reviewing other students’ essays.

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harvey mudd college application essay

How to Get Into Harvey Mudd Guide

How to get into harvey mudd—general information.

Harvey Mudd College is a private college in Claremont, California, and is part of the Claremont Colleges , a group of prestigious colleges that share resources and classes across campuses. Harvey Mudd, founded in 1955, is home to just over 900 undergraduate students. The college is known for its focus on STEM disciplines.

What we’ll cover in this How to Get Into Harvey Mudd guide:

  • Harvey Mudd GPA
  • Optimal Harvey Mudd SAT and ACT scores
  • Harvey Mudd acceptance rate
  • Tips for the Harvey Mudd application
  • Writing the Harvey Mudd essay
  • Details on the Harvey Mudd interview, and more.

Harvey Mudd admissions is an increasingly selective process. The college is a top-ranked liberal arts school, and with only 905 undergraduate students, precious few spots are available each year. For students wondering how to get into Harvey Mudd, it’s important to start thinking about the application as early as possible. So, you should maximize all parts of the Harvey Mudd application—including the Harvey Mudd interview, Harvey Mudd essay, your Harvey Mudd SAT scores, and more.

Figuring out how to get into Harvey Mudd takes strategy. We can help. CollegeAdvisor.com has a network of 300+ Admissions Experts and former admissions officers from top schools. Want to maximize your Harvey Mudd odds? Create your free account or schedule a free advising consultation by calling (844) 343-6272.

How do I get into Harvey Mudd?

Curious how to get into Harvey Mudd? As one of the best-known engineering and science colleges in America, Harvey Mudd attracts thousands of hopeful applicants each year. And while its place within the Claremont Consortium gives Harvey Mudd the resources of a large school, its undergraduate enrollment is just 905 students . As such, the competition is fierce.

So, research will be your best friend if you’re wondering how to get into Harvey Mudd. As a small school, Harvey Mudd prioritizes an applicant’s “fit” within campus life. This goes beyond factors like your GPA or Harvey Mudd SAT scores. Instead, it focuses on a more nuanced measure of compatibility. Essentially, Harvey Mudd admissions officers want to imagine what you’d look like as a student on their campus.

The more you research, the better your chances of understanding what it takes to succeed in Harvey Mudd admissions.

How hard is it to get into Harvey Mudd?

The 2021 Harvey Mudd admissions cycle saw 4,737 applicants vying for 473 spots. In other words, the Harvey Mudd acceptance rate was just 9.9%. This means that for every 100 students who applied, less than 10 were offered admission. In addition, the average Harvey Mudd GPA amongst accepted students was 3.96. 

What do all these numbers mean? Harvey Mudd admissions is tough, even for the strongest applicants. For the student planning how to get into Harvey Mudd, make sure you have a backup plan. 

Of course, there are things you can, and should, do to optimize your “how to get into Harvey Mudd” plan. However, the college is a “reach” school for any student. Keep these odds in mind as you apply, and make sure you build a balanced college list with “reach,” “match,” and “safety” options .

What is the required GPA for Harvey Mudd?

The Harvey Mudd GPA is an important metric. Harvey Mudd admissions uses your GPA to determine your college readiness. Specifically, the Harvey Mudd GPA—used along with the Harvey Mudd SAT scores—signals whether a student can handle the rigor of the college. 

So, what GPA do you need to get into Harvey Mudd? Luckily, there is no lower threshold you must exceed for the Harvey Mudd GPA. That said, the average GPA amongst those accepted is 3.96. This means that most successful applicants get primarily As and A+s in advanced classes—a high bar.

By the time you submit your Harvey Mudd application, you won’t actually be able to change your GPA very much. That’s why it’s vital to your “how to get into Harvey Mudd” strategy to start building the foundation for your Harvey Mudd GPA early in high school. 

Challenge yourself in your coursework and commit yourself to earning top marks from freshman year onward. This is the best way to strengthen your Harvey Mudd GPA in advance of the Harvey Mudd application deadline. 

What does the Harvey Mudd application look like?

One of the best ways to inform yourself on how to get into Harvey Mudd is to familiarize yourself with the Harvey Mudd application itself. 

The college lets applicants apply using one of two portals: the Common Application or the Coalition Application . Once you have selected your application portal, you must submit each of the following before the Harvey Mudd deadline :

  • $70 application fee or fee waiver
  • Harvey Mudd essay responses
  • School report and counselor recommendation
  • Teacher recommendation (math or science)
  • Teacher recommendation (humanities, social sciences, or arts)
  • Official high school transcript

The school also allows students to submit Harvey Mudd SAT or ACT scores. The school also offers an optional Harvey Mudd interview. 

Don’t wait until the last minute to start preparing your application—this is not how you get into Harvey Mudd. Talk to your guidance counselor and teacher recommenders early on to ensure everything is in order. Submit your Harvey Mudd SAT or ACT scores in advance of the deadline. You should also begin writing your Harvey Mudd essay responses with ample time for rewrites.

Finally, note that if you decide to participate in a Harvey Mudd interview, you must request one via Harvey Mudd’s website . 

What extracurriculars does Harvey Mudd look for?

Wondering how to get into Harvey Mudd? Students often make the mistake of thinking there is one set of extracurriculars that will help them succeed in Harvey Mudd admissions. In reality, Harvey Mudd admissions officers look for authenticity in a student’s extracurricular selection. 

So how should you choose your extracurriculars ? Spend your early high school years finding the hobbies and intellectual pursuits that most excite you. Then, find activities where you can challenge yourself and advance your passion. Finally, spend your later high school years furthering this interest, pushing yourself to take it to new levels.  

If Harvey Mudd is a fit for you, your extracurriculars should naturally match the student profile they seek—that is, they should revolve around STEM fields. Forcing this fit, however, will only make you unhappy. If STEM subjects don’t spark your interest, you might reconsider your interest in Harvey Mudd. 

What is the acceptance rate for Harvey Mudd College?

In the last cycle of Harvey Mudd admissions, the college received 4,737 applications and admitted just 473. Based on these numbers, the Harvey Mudd acceptance rate is a mere 9.9%. 

For the student strategizing how to get into Harvey Mudd, hearing the Harvey Mudd acceptance rate can be distressing—only 1 in 10 applicants gets in. However, by optimizing your “how to get into Harvey Mudd” plan, you can boost your odds.

There are three deadlines for applying to Harvey Mudd: Early Decision I, Early Decision II, and Regular Decision. If Harvey Mudd is your top choice, you might consider applying Early Decision, as the Harvey Mudd acceptance rate is slightly higher in the early rounds.

The college also offers optional application components, including Harvey Mudd SAT or ACT scores, as well as the Harvey Mudd interview. If you’re serious about optimizing your “how to get into Harvey Mudd” strategy, you should submit these materials.

To be sure, the Harvey Mudd acceptance rate is a low number. However, it is not impossible to beat the odds with enough dedication and preparation.

Want to learn more about acceptance rates? Check out our expert  guide .

Does Harvey Mudd College offer interviews?

The Harvey Mudd interview is optional. Students who want to complete the Harvey Mudd interview must do so through the school’s website in advance of the application deadline. After requesting an interview , students get matched to an alum and complete a 30-minute interview. 

For the student hoping to optimize their “how to get into Harvey Mudd” strategy, we recommend viewing the Harvey Mudd interview as mandatory. The interview lets you show your personality in a way that can be hard to do within the confines of the written Harvey Mudd application. You can discuss your accomplishments in more detail, explain parts of your background in depth, and make a connection with an alum who can vouch for you. 

If you choose to complete the Harvey Mudd interview, prepare thoroughly by researching the school and reading through the questions listed on the college’s interview page .

How do I write a Harvey Mudd supplemental essay?

Harvey Mudd requests that students write two essays. The first Harvey Mudd essay asks students why they have chosen to apply to Harvey Mudd College, with a 500-word limit. The second Harvey Mudd essay gives students 100 words to discuss their dream HSA (humanities, social sciences, and the arts) class. 

For both essays , make sure you do your research on the school before writing. This is a rare chance within the Harvey Mudd application to show your knowledge of the school. You should seek to prove first, that you understand what makes the school unique and second, that you and the school are a mutual fit for one another. 

Specificity is key in your Harvey Mudd essay responses. The more specific your responses are—specific to both the school and yourself—the more persuasive they will be. Given the low word limits, you should also stay focused. Rather than trying to discuss ten details briefly, pick the points you feel are the most powerful. Then, spend the bulk of your response discussing those.

Don’t write your Harvey Mudd essay responses at the last minute. Give yourself ample time to research, write, and rewrite. Also, ask someone else to read your essays and ensure they are effective. 

Too many students overlook the essays in their “how to get into Harvey Mudd” strategy. The Harvey Mudd essay prompts are a chance to stand out —take advantage of it!

How does Harvey Mudd review applications?

Before the application deadline, students are mostly concerned with how to get into Harvey Mudd. However, after hitting submit on their Harvey Mudd SAT scores, dotting the last i’s of the essays, and sending in the application, a lot of students wonder, what now? What happens to your Harvey Mudd application behind the scenes? 

Applications are assigned to admissions officers based on geographic territory. Harvey Mudd then uses what they refer to as a “ holistic application review ” process. The college takes into account aspects such as academic history (the Harvey Mudd GPA, Harvey Mudd SAT or ACT scores, and past classes) and extracurriculars, as well as more nuanced factors like personality and perceived fit.

Specifically, Harvey Mudd weighs a student’s academic fit, social fit, and financial fit. In other words: can a student thrive at Harvey Mudd? Will they contribute to campus life? And finally: is the college a financial fit? If the answer to all these questions is a resounding “yes,” your odds of beating the Harvey Mudd acceptance rate look good!

Will Harvey Mudd consider my social media accounts?

If you’re stressed about how to get into Harvey Mudd, you might be weighing every possible factor. This likely includes your social media accounts. This begs the question: will Harvey Mudd look at your social media?

Odds are, Harvey Mudd admissions officers are too overwhelmed with applications to look at your social media. Remember, the Harvey Mudd acceptance rate is just 9.9%—they have a whole lot of applications to get through. So, you probably don’t need to stress too much. As long as you use good judgment and avoid posting anything problematic, it’s highly unlikely that your internet presence will become a factor in Harvey Mudd admissions. 

Is Harvey Mudd a good school for me?

If you’ve been so focused on how to get into Harvey Mudd, you may have forgotten to take a step back and ask yourself if Harvey Mudd is truly the right fit for you. Of course, the college can provide a fantastic education to anyone lucky enough to get in. However, there are still qualities that might not make it the best fit for every student.

As a STEM-focused school, Harvey Mudd attracts students who want to focus primarily on a STEM education. However, Harvey Mudd notably requires students to take ten HAS (Humanities, Social Sciences, and Arts) classes. Harvey Mudd also has a Core Curriculum that’s known for being demanding but comprehensive. 

Harvey Mudd is home to just over 900 students, which fosters an incredibly intimate, hands-on environment. While some students may feel limited by the size, Harvey Mudd also offers a collaboration with the rest of the Claremont Colleges. Many students find this to be a great balance between the intimacy of a small school with the resources of a larger campus.

If this sounds great, Harvey Mudd might be the right school for you!

Additional tips to get into Harvey Mudd

In this article, we covered the many aspects of optimizing your “how to get into Harvey Mudd” plan, including:

  • Whether to send the optional Harvey Mudd SAT and ACT scores
  • Building the foundation for a strong Harvey Mudd GPA
  • Writing strong Harvey Mudd essay responses
  • Preparing for the Harvey Mudd interview, and more.

Still feeling uncertain about your odds of beating the Harvey Mudd acceptance rate? We have two last pieces of advice.

First, start early . Once you approach the deadline, it can feel like there are a hundred things on your mind. Don’t let yourself get caught up in a last-minute craze. Instead, start planning your path to college early. Then, you can take it all in stride as the deadline approaches.

Second, research far more than you think you need to . Research is the key to ensuring a school is truly a fit for you. Moreover, research is the root of strong essays and a powerful interview. 

This guide was written by Becky Weinstein. If you want to know how to get into Harvey Mudd, we’ve got you covered. CollegeAdvisor.com has a network of 300+ Admissions Experts (and former admissions officers). Create your free account or schedule a free advising consultation by calling (844) 343-6272.

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  • Contact College Advancement

Applying to FAST

Who should apply to fast.

The FAST program is open to U.S. Citizens and permanent residents who live in the United States and its territories. Interested high school seniors or other students (US citizens and permanent residents) intending to enter college in Fall 2025 are welcome to apply. The program has strong emphasis on the experiences of communities that are historically excluded from STEM, including but not limited to women, Black, Indigenous, or Latinx, students from low-income backgrounds, rural backgrounds, students with disabilities, and students who are first-generation to college.

Undocumented students are also welcome to apply to FAST although ultimately they would apply for first-year admission to HMC and need-based financial aid as international students. Please keep in mind that our funding for international student financial aid is limited. 

Application Information

Harvey Mudd is a highly selective institution and admission to FAST is reflective of this fact. Interest in engineering, math, and science, as demonstrated through your course selection, grades, test scores (if submitted) and application essay, will factor heavily into the FAST application process.

Deadline to apply for the program is Thursday, August 8th, 2024 at 11:59 PM PDT.

Required Materials

  • Online application form
  • Upload a resume OR list your extracurricular activities, honors, jobs, etc below.   Here  you can learn tips on how to write a resume from Harvey Mudd College students.
  • Unofficial high school transcripts, including final junior year grades*  (will accept screenshots or scanned copies of electronic grade books, report cards, etc.)

* Resume and transcripts should be uploaded as attachments while completing online form.  Please do NOT send these materials via email, fax, or regular mail, as we will be unable to pair them with your application. Be aware that you will be unable to save your progress on the application form – we suggest gathering these materials before you begin filling out the FAST application.

Incomplete applications will not be considered.

Important Links You Should Check Out!

Hmc resources.

  • President’s Scholars Program
  • HMC Office of Institutional Diversity
  • Division of Student Affairs Resource Guide. Opens in new tab

Claremont Consortium Resources

  • Chicano Latino Student Affairs
  • Office of Black Student Affairs
  • Office of the Chaplains
  • Queer Resource Center
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How to Respond to the 2023/2024 Harvey Mudd Supplemental Essay Prompts

harvey mudd college application essay

Cait Williams is a Content Writer at Scholarships360. Cait recently graduated from Ohio University with a degree in Journalism and Strategic Communications. During her time at OU, was active in the outdoor recreation community.

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harvey mudd college application essay

Bill Jack has over a decade of experience in college admissions and financial aid. Since 2008, he has worked at Colby College, Wesleyan University, University of Maine at Farmington, and Bates College.

harvey mudd college application essay

Maria Geiger is Director of Content at Scholarships360. She is a former online educational technology instructor and adjunct writing instructor. In addition to education reform, Maria’s interests include viewpoint diversity, blended/flipped learning, digital communication, and integrating media/web tools into the curriculum to better facilitate student engagement. Maria earned both a B.A. and an M.A. in English Literature from Monmouth University, an M. Ed. in Education from Monmouth University, and a Virtual Online Teaching Certificate (VOLT) from the University of Pennsylvania.

How to Respond to the 2023/2024 Harvey Mudd Supplemental Essay Prompts

Harvey Mudd College is a small college located in Claremont, California. While they are a premier engineering, science, and mathematics college, they actually consider themselves a liberal arts school. They believe that science, math, and engineering should not be separate endeavors from arts and humanities. The school is highly competitive, so any applicants should be sure to submit the best Harvey Mudd supplemental essays they can. Let’s break down how you can turn each prompt into a stellar essay!

Before you apply

It’s always a good idea to do some research about a school before you apply. Before you start on the Harvey Mudd supplemental essays, try reading about their history and values. Harvey Mudd’s mission is to raise up future leaders in science, engineering, and mathematics who truly understand the impact of their work. It is their emphasis on studying the humanities alongside science that sets HMC apart from other top STEM colleges.

Harvey Mudd is looking for students who take initiative with more than just their studies. They want to see that students are exploring the world around them through non-scientific avenues, in order to create well-rounded, full views of humanity. If you’re unfamiliar with the history of Harvey Mudd College , take some time before answering their application prompts to familiarize yourself with their mission and vision.  

“Scientific research is a human endeavor. The choices of topics that we research are based on our biases, our beliefs, and what we bring: our cultures and our families. The kinds of problems that people put their talents to solving depends on their values.” – Dr. Clifton Poodry HMC’s collaborative community is guided by our mission statement. Through an intentional interdisciplinary curriculum our students seek to build a skillset adaptable to society’s needs. How has your own background influenced the types of problems you want to solve, the people you want to work with, and the impact you hope your work can have? (500 words or less)

Perhaps this question does not excite you at first, as there’s a quote and three questions all in one. However, while there are multiple parts to respond to, they are not so complicated. So, let’s take it part by part and break it down!

First, let’s look at the quote that is shared. To understand why this quote is being used, you should first understand what Harvey Mudd stands for as a college. If you want more context about the quote, take a few minutes to research the speaker. Time to answer some questions! Let’s rewrite their question to make it a little clearer. 

Think about the following questions

  • How has your background influenced the types of problems you want to solve?
  • How has your background influenced the people you want to work with?
  • How has your background influenced the impact you hope your work can have?

The main thing you should be thinking about is what your influences and background have been. This is the base for every question they ask. This essay really wants to know about you and your past! So, don’t skip over this part by just talking about your future as there are a plethora of things outside of academics that influence who you are. 

Consider your background

  • What type of area did you grow up in?
  • What does your family demographic look like?
  • Where did you attend elementary, middle, and high school?
  • Have you worked or participated in any internships?
  • Have you traveled around the US or the world?

These are not all questions you need to answer, but one or two of these areas may have had a substantial impact on who you are. You can also think about some of the areas highlighted below. Are there any that you have given a significant amount of time to or that you’re particularly passionate about? 

Look for inspiration in:

  • Sports, music, technology, writing, literature
  • Jobs, internships
  • People who inspire you (whether you know them personally or not)
  • Other personal interest

This prompt gives you 500 words to answer in, which is a decent amount for a college application. Take your time to talk about topics that are meaningful to you. You don’t have to use all 500 words you’re allotted. However, if a college is giving you space to share who you are, you should always try to take full advantage of that opportunity! 

Many students choose Harvey Mudd because they don’t want to give up their interests in the Humanities, Social Sciences and the Arts – or HSA as we call it at HMC. Briefly (in 100 words or less) describe what you’d like to learn about in your dream HSA class. Your class can either be one chosen from existing classes at HMC, or you are welcome to create your own. (100 words or less)

If you still don’t know by now, Harvey Mudd is all about exploring the intersection of science and humanities. A humanities course can be about religion, history, philosophy, literature, performing arts, and more. This question is not asking you to pick a class from their catalog. They’re asking you what topic you would like to study. This could be anything! You get to be creative here!

This prompt gives you a hundred words or less to answer. So, your response needs to be concise and have a clear answer. Write out a short list of your interests and try to see where those interests intersect with each other. 

If you’re struggling to come up with class ideas, try not to research examples. Try asking friends and family what they might want to study. This question isn’t meant to be difficult, so don’t over- complicate it. Have fun, and know that HMC wants to learn more about you. And who knows, maybe one day your idea will become a real course that they offer!

Additional resources

Once you’ve finished your Harvey Mudd supplemental essays, give yourself a pat on the back. But remember, supplemental essays are just one part of the college application process. Although there is still more to do, we are here to help you through it.

If you are wondering whether or not to send your SAT/ACT scores , we can help you decide. Don’t forget to check out our other resources that might help with the college application process, such as how many colleges to apply to and how to find safety, reach, and match schools . 

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  • Stanford University (Palo Alto, CA)
  • University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA)
  • University of Southern California (Los Angeles, CA)
  • Pomona College (Claremont, CA)

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Harvey Mudd College 2021-22 Supplemental Essay Prompt Guide

Regular Decision: 

Harvey Mudd College 2021-22 Application Essay Question Explanations

The Requirements: 1 essay of 500 words, 1 short essay of 100 words

Supplemental Essay Type(s): Why , Oddball

What influenced you to apply to Harvey Mudd College? What about the HMC curriculum and community appeals to you? Please limit your response to 500 words.

In a marvelous feat of engineering, Harvey Mudd has managed to craft a Why essay prompt without ever actually using the word “why.” The two halves of this question offer you two potential points of entry: (1) The external factors that influenced your decision to apply, like your passion for trigonometry, the Mudder alums in your life, or your craving for vitamin D; and (2) The intrinsic aspects of a Harvey Mudd education that appeal to you, like the faculty in your department, the research opportunities, or access to Claremont consortium. Whether you take approach #1 or approach #2, you’ll want to set aside an hour or so to do your research. Dig through the college website to figure out how it will meet your needs or trawl for cool facts and exciting programs. The more specific and personal the details you include, the more unique and memorable your essay will be.

Many students choose HMC because they don’t want to give up their interests in the Humanities, Social Sciences and the Arts – or HSA as we call it at HMC. Briefly (in 100 words or less) describe what you’d like to learn about in your dream HSA class.

If you’ve been looking for an opportunity to geek out, then look no further! What are your favorite things and how would you want to learn about them? What’s the most interesting class you can dream up? This is your shot to not only wax poetic on your many passions, but also to show admissions how well-rounded you are. Maybe you’re passionate about environmentalism and looking #fabulous and would jump at the opportunity to take a class called Sustainability in a Fast Fashion World. How do you unite your many interests? And how would you go about drawing those connections for others? Perhaps you love to paint watercolors of the local flora and fauna and would love to take a class in which the final project was a herbology-focused picture book. Once you decide on your topic, commit to the planning process. Craft a comprehensive syllabus and try to come up with a memorable course title. In other words, take this opportunity to build your brand!

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  • Does Harvey Mudd Require an Essay to Get In? 

Final Thoughts on Getting Accepted Into Harvey Mudd College

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How To Get Into Harvey Mudd College

Located in Claremont, California, Harvey Mudd College stands as one of the most prestigious institutions in the United States for engineering, science, and mathematics. 

Renowned for its rigorous academic programs and a commitment to fostering creativity and innovation, getting into Harvey Mudd College is a goal that many aspiring students aim to achieve. However, the admission process is highly competitive, which means it is essential for prospective applicants to be well-prepared and equipped with the necessary tools to increase their chances of acceptance.

If you’re curious about the Harvey Mudd College acceptance rate and are wondering how to get accepted into the well-known university, you’re in luck. This blog post will help you understand the average Harvey Mudd acceptance rate, provide a comprehensive checklist for applying to Harvey Mudd, discuss how to ace the Harvey Mudd interview, and explore the role of essays in the admission process.

As of 2023, the Harvey Mudd College acceptance rate sits at around 14 percent, making it a highly competitive school to get into. This relatively low acceptance rate reflects the competitive nature of the institution and emphasizes the need for applicants to showcase their unique strengths and qualifications.

Checklist for Getting into Harvey Mudd College

  • Academic Excellence

Harvey Mudd College places significant emphasis on academic achievement, especially in mathematics and science. Maintain a high GPA throughout high school and challenge yourself with a rigorous course load, including Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) courses when available.

  • Standardized Testing

Submit SAT or ACT scores, as these standardized test scores play a crucial role in the admission process and helping you battle that slim Harvey Mudd College acceptance rate. While the college practices a test-optional policy, strong test scores can bolster your application and demonstrate your academic capabilities.

  • Extracurricular Involvement

Showcase your passion and dedication through participation in extracurricular activities, especially if you want to bolster your odds of making it into the Harvey Mudd acceptance rate. Seek leadership roles, engage in community service, and demonstrate your commitment to making a positive impact.

Request strong letters of recommendation from teachers, mentors, or supervisors who can attest to your academic abilities, character, and potential. This will help you get into the Harvey Mudd College acceptance rate club.

  • Personal Statement

Harvey Mudd College requires an essay as part of the admission process. They also offer a set of short-answer questions as part of their application, so you’ll have ample opportunity to showcase yourself and advocate for your spot in the Harvey Mudd College acceptance rate.

  • Demonstrated Interest

Express your genuine interest in Harvey Mudd College through campus visits, attending college fairs, and engaging with admissions representatives.

  • Special Talents and Achievements

If you possess unique talents or have received notable recognition or awards, be sure to highlight them in your application.

  • Harvey Mudd Interview (optional)

While the Harvey Mudd interview is not mandatory, it can be an excellent opportunity to demonstrate your enthusiasm and fit for the college. If you choose to interview, ensure that you are well-prepared.

harvey mudd college application essay

How to Prepare for the Harvey Mudd Interview

If you decide to opt for an interview with Harvey Mudd College, it’s essential to prepare thoroughly. The interview provides a chance for the college to get to know you beyond your application and gives you an opportunity to ask questions and learn more about the college culture. 

Here are some tips to help you ace the Harvey Mudd interview:

  • Research the College

Familiarize yourself with the college’s history, academic programs, campus culture, and any recent initiatives or events. Demonstrating knowledge about the college showcases your genuine interest.

  • Practice Common Interview Questions

Prepare answers for standard interview questions, such as your strengths and weaknesses, academic interests, extracurricular activities, and future goals. Practice with a friend or family member to gain confidence in articulating your responses.

  • Showcase Your Passion

Highlight your passions and interests in science, engineering, or mathematics. Discuss any projects, research, or personal experiences that have shaped your academic journey.

  • Be Genuine and Engaging

Be authentic and enthusiastic during the interview. Engage with the interviewer, ask questions, and demonstrate your willingness to contribute positively to the Harvey Mudd community.

  • Dress Professionally

If the Harvey Mudd interview is conducted in person, dress appropriately in business or business-casual attire to make a positive first impression.

Downtown Los Angeles

The application fee is $70, but fee waivers are available to applicants who demonstrate financial need. You can request a fee waiver through the Common Application. The platform may require your counselor to complete a fee waiver form to verify your request. Fee waivers from the ACT, College Board, and NACAC are also accepted.

Does Harvey Mudd Require an Essay to Get In? 

Yes, Harvey Mudd does require that you submit a personal essay in order to be considered for the prestigious Harvey Mudd acceptance rate .

In addition to the personal essay, applicants are required to submit an additional essay and a short answer response.

How to Best Prepare for the Harvey Mudd Essay and Short Answer Response

Preparing for college essays can significantly impact the quality of your application and increase your chances of getting into Harvey Mudd College. Here are some tips on how to best prepare for the essay and short answer response portion of the application:

  • Start Early

Don’t wait until the last minute to begin working on your essays and short answers. Give yourself plenty of time to brainstorm, draft, revise, and edit. Starting early allows you to approach the process with a clear mind and reduce the stress associated with tight deadlines.

  • Understand the Prompts

Read the essay prompts carefully and ensure you fully understand what each question is asking. Identify key themes and requirements to address in your response.

  • Brainstorm Ideas

Reflect on your experiences, values, strengths, challenges, and significant moments in your life. Brainstorm potential essay topics that align with the prompts and showcase your uniqueness.

  • Showcase Your Personality

College essays offer an opportunity to reveal your personality beyond grades and test scores. Be authentic and let your voice shine through your writing.

  • Focus on a Specific Theme

Each essay should have a clear focus and center around a specific theme or idea. Avoid trying to cover too many topics in one essay, as it may dilute your message.

  • Tell a Compelling Story

Craft your essay as a narrative that engages the reader from the beginning to the end. Use vivid details, anecdotes, and descriptive language to make your essay memorable.

Adhere to the specified word or character limit. Admissions officers read numerous essays, so being concise and impactful will make your essay stand out.

  • Use Concrete Examples

Support your ideas with specific examples and experiences from your life. Concrete examples add depth and credibility to your writing.

  • Edit and Revise

After completing your first draft, take the time to edit and revise your essay. Look for clarity, coherence, grammar, and spelling errors. Seek feedback from teachers, counselors, or trusted peers to gain different perspectives.

  • Tailor Your Essays

Customize your essays for each college you apply to. Highlight aspects of yourself and your interests that align with each college’s values and mission.

  • Avoid Clichés

Try to avoid overused phrases or clichés in your writing. Be original and find fresh ways to express your ideas.

  • Show Growth and Learning

If you experienced challenges or setbacks, demonstrate how you learned from them and grew as a result. Admissions officers value resilience and self-awareness.

  • Stay Positive

While addressing challenges is important, maintain a positive tone in your essays. Focus on how you’ve overcome obstacles and learned from experiences.

  • Proofread Thoroughly

Before submitting your essays, carefully proofread to catch any remaining errors or typos. Even a small mistake can detract from an otherwise strong essay.

  • Stay True to Yourself

Ultimately, the best college essays are a genuine reflection of who you are. Stay true to yourself and present your authentic self in your writing.

Remember that college essays offer a unique opportunity to let your personality, passions, and aspirations shine through. By following these tips and putting in effort and thought, you can create compelling and impactful essays that leave a positive impression on admissions officers. Good luck!


Clearing the Harvey Mudd acceptance rate is a challenging but rewarding endeavor. As you navigate the application process, focus on academic excellence, demonstrate passion and involvement in extracurricular activities, and prepare thoroughly for the interview if you choose to take advantage of that opportunity. 

The college values intellectual curiosity, creativity, and a genuine commitment to contributing to the world of science, engineering, and mathematics. By approaching the application process with dedication and authenticity, you can increase your chances of becoming a part of the close-knit and intellectually vibrant community at Harvey Mudd College.

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WISTEM Program Application & Decisions thread

I don’t think anyone has made thread for this yet, but if someone has, please let me know!

What did you put down when asked for a resume? An actual work resume, or scientific achievements?

I already have a resume for internships, so I’m using that but I picked out the things that it seems that they were looking for (“extracurricular achievements, positions held, and/or honors received”) and left out most of the other stuff. Not all of it is super science-y but I wanted to leave in everything I felt was significant.

(jeez I’m such a wordy person. keeping the essay down to 500 words is a real struggle xD)

Yeah, I can believe that. Harvey Mudd is such a tiny school to begin with! When I first started thinking about applying, it was just like ‘this can be practice for writing an application essay and accepting rejection’ but now I really love the program and it would be an absolute dream to get selected! At least they’re planning on getting back to us rather quickly

That’s actually a really good way to think about it, thanks for that positive perspective lol. It would be awesome if we got selected! I’ve always wanted to learn computer science but I haven’t really had the chance yet. Do you know when we will hear back from the college?

Yeah I’m kind of in the same boat with CS. I go to a specialized school for health care sciences so my curriculum is super science-heavy which is great but there isn’t a whole lot of room to explore other fields. We don’t have a lot of electives to begin with and this year I can’t even take any electives. Next year I’m planning on taking intro to video game programming which is the closest thing my school offers to a CS class that isn’t restricted to the students in the CS track

hi! I was just notified of my acceptance. Are there any other girls on here that got in as well?

I got in!! I’m so excited!!! (as evident by my annoying amount of exclamation points) My dad wants to discuss it with my mom before I fill out the registration as it’s across the country (I live in NJ) but I can’t imagine they’d say I can’t go. I’m kind of freaking out right now xD

I wonder how selective it was. Regardless, I’m sure it will be an edifying experience

Yeah, I’m not sure how selective it was. My friend also applied, but didn’t get in. They said in the FAQs that there is only room for 20 participants, but I wonder how many applied.

well I hope you go through with the program! I’m from Chicago btw (just to give you a picture of the demographics)

Hey guys! For those who applied, was your essay formal or colloquial? I’m working on my essay right now, and I was told by a peer editor that my essay was notably formal/looks like I’m trying to show off my vocab… hahaha…

For me, I’d say my essay was more colloquial? I really like writing stories so I feel like all of my essays have been more like story-telling with essay stuff written into the anecdotes. If you’d like, I can read through your essay. Just DM me

Has anyone been notified of their decision yet? Good luck to everyone who has applied!

I haven’t gotten mine either, does everyone get an email even if they were rejected?

Just got mine, I got in!! Congrats to anyone else I look forward to meeting you all!

Harvey Mudd College

harvey mudd college application essay

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Find out about requirements, fees, and deadlines

  • For students applying for Fall 2024, we will be test-optional for the SAT and the ACT.
  • One teacher recommendation from a math or science teacher. This includes but is not limited to math, biology, chemistry, computer science, engineering, and physics.
  • One teacher recommendation from a humanities, social sciences or art teacher. This includes but is not limited to English, social studies, world languages, and visual and performing arts.

Transfer admission is deeply influenced by the kinds of courses you will have completed by the time you enter Harvey Mudd College. We are looking for applicants to have completed college courses that mirror our Core Curriculum. Please see our catalog for more information.


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"Technology divorced from humanity is worse than no technology at all."

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301 Platt Blvd Claremont , CA 91711 , United States of America

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(909) 621-8011

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Common app essay anonymous, the lessons we take from obstacles we encounter can be fundamental to later success. recount an incident or time when you experienced failure. how did it affect you, and what did you learn from the experience.

At 6 AM, March 2nd, 2014, I woke up glimmering with hope. However, at 1 PM that fateful, unforgettable day, I came in second place in the Orange County Spelling Bee, lost my chance to compete at nationals. I breezed through almost every word. Although I spelled “perestroika,” “scherzo,” “schadenfreude,” and “realschule,” I eventually tripped over a seemingly easy word.“Chaplain," announced the judges. After hesitation, I spelled it after Charlie Chaplin, the only context I recognized this foreign-sounding word in.


The buzzer stung as I rushed to my chair, confused, distraught. Next, my opponent arrived to the podium, winning the grand-prize with "editorial." In the days after, I complained that my opponent’s teacher tutored him weekly while I couldn't afford tutors and studied alone. I made excuses that I didn't have chances to compete in elementary like other contestants. I justified that “the dictionary relates chaplains to churches. How unfair! I'm not Christian." Although runner-up earned three-hundred dollars and a trophy, I wanted more. I still sobbed profusely for failing to fulfill my childhood dream of appearing on television to make my friends and family proud. I couldn’t forgive myself because...

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  2. Harvey Mudd Alumni Weekend 2024

  3. Harvey Mudd College: Where Science Meets Liberal Arts for Future Leaders

  4. HOW TO GET INTO HARVARD: Application & Essay Guide (+Tips & Tricks)

  5. Jimmie Talks About Harvey Mudd College 😎📚💯

  6. Harvey Mudd College Commencement 2024


  1. First-Year Applicants

    If you use Parchment to order your college transcript(s), be sure to choose "Harvey Mudd College - Admission" as your selection. A personal essay is required within the application. $70 Application Fee or Fee Waiver . Fee waivers are available to those who demonstrate financial need. Request a fee waiver through the Common Application.

  2. How to Write the Harvey Mudd College Essays 2023-2024

    Harvey Mudd College Supplemental Essay Prompts. Prompt 1: Harvey Mudd College seeks to educate engineers, scientists, and mathematicians well versed in all of these areas and in the humanities, social sciences and the arts so that they may assume leadership in their fields with a clear understanding of the impact of their work on society.

  3. Harvey Mudd Essay Example By An Accepted Student

    Harvey Mudd Example Essay. Prompt: Many students choose HMC because they don't want to give up their interests in the Humanities, Social Sciences and the Arts - or HSA as we call it at HMC. Briefly describe what you'd like to learn about in your dream HSA class. (500 words) "Politics intruded on science.". That was the tagline of a ...

  4. Apply to Harvey Mudd

    Here, you'll find all you need to get started on your application. We've included important dates as well as tips for applying as a first-year, international or transfer student. Step. Early Decision I. Early Decision II. Regular Decision. Transfer. Application Due. Nov. 15.

  5. Application FAQ

    Admission and Financial Aid Menu. Below is a list of commonly asked questions about the application process. You may also find the following links helpful: Test Optional and Self-reported Test Scores. Applicant Hub FAQs. If you do not find the answers to your questions, please feel free to contact the Office of Admission at [email protected].

  6. How to Write the Harvey Mudd College Supplemental Essays: Examples

    How to write each prompt for Harvey Mudd College. Prompt #1: "Why us" essay. Prompt #2: "Dream class" essay. If you're hoping to pursue STEM without sacrificing your interest in history or music, Harvey Mudd College might be the perfect fit. In fact, students at Harvey Mudd are required to fulfill a concentration in humanities, social studies ...

  7. How to Get Into Harvey Mudd College: Admissions Stats + Tips

    According to their 2020-2021 Common Data Set, Harvey Mudd considers the following factors "very important" in a student's application: Course rigor. Academic GPA. Application essay. Recommendations. These factors are "important": Extracurricular activities. Character/personal qualities. These are "considered":

  8. Harvey Mudd Supplemental Essays 2023-2024

    Harvey Mudd College requires two supplemental essays for its 2023-2024 application cycle. There is a main essay, which has a word limit of 500 words or less, and a shorter essay, limited to 100 words or less. These essays provide applicants with an opportunity to showcase their individual backgrounds, interests, and perspectives, complementing ...

  9. How to Write the Harvey Mudd College Essays 2021-2022

    Meet Harvey Mudd, a liberal arts college in the Claremont consortium near Los Angeles, California. While there are barely more than 800 undergraduates at HMC, four other colleges and two graduate schools are right across the street, offering unparalleled resources to all Mudders.

  10. Harvey Mudd College 2023-24 Supplemental Essay Prompt Guide

    Harvey Mudd College 2023-24 Application Essay Question Explanations. The Requirements: 1 essay of 500 words, 1 short essay of 100 words Supplemental Essay Type(s): Why, Oddball Harvey Mudd College seeks to educate engineers, scientists, and mathematicians well versed in all of these areas and in the humanities, social sciences and the arts so that they may assume leadership in their fields ...

  11. Why Harvey Mudd Essay Guide: 2021-222

    In 2020, the Harvey Mudd acceptance rate was 18%, placing it in the "more selective" category. The average Harvey Mudd SAT score is 1490-1570, and the average ACT score was 34-35. Because the Harvey Mudd acceptance rate is so low, the Harvey Mudd supplement is a great chance to stand out. So, if your test scores or GPA are at or below this ...

  12. How to Get Into Harvey Mudd Guide

    Tips for the Harvey Mudd application; Writing the Harvey Mudd essay; Details on the Harvey Mudd interview, and more. Harvey Mudd admissions is an increasingly selective process. The college is a top-ranked liberal arts school, and with only 905 undergraduate students, precious few spots are available each year.

  13. Admission and Financial Aid

    The most recent update regarding the release of FAFSA application information to schools and Harvey Mudd's commitment to provide financial aid offers to incoming and returning students. Visit our blog post to learn more. "It's a cliche, because everyone says it is their favorite part of Mudd, but it is a cliche for a reason.

  14. Transfer Applicants

    Common Application or Coalition Application. Harvey Mudd does not have a preference between the two applications. $70 application fee or fee waiver. Fee waivers are available to those who demonstrate financial need. Request a fee waiver through the Common Application or Coalition Application. The application platform may ask your counselor to ...

  15. Applying to FAST

    Harvey Mudd is a highly selective institution and admission to FAST is reflective of this fact. Interest in engineering, math, and science, as demonstrated through your course selection, grades, test scores (if submitted) and application essay, will factor heavily into the FAST application process. Deadline to apply for the program is Thursday ...

  16. Harvey Mudd College Undergraduate College Application Essays

    Join Now to View Premium Content. GradeSaver provides access to 2361 study guide PDFs and quizzes, 11007 literature essays, 2769 sample college application essays, 926 lesson plans, and ad-free surfing in this premium content, "Members Only" section of the site! Membership includes a 10% discount on all editing orders.

  17. How to Respond to the 2023/2024 Harvey Mudd Supplemental Essay Prompts

    Prompt #1. "Scientific research is a human endeavor. The choices of topics that we research are based on our biases, our beliefs, and what we bring: our cultures and our families. The kinds of problems that people put their talents to solving depends on their values.". - Dr. Clifton Poodry.

  18. Harvey Mudd College 2021-22 Supplemental Essay Prompt Guide

    In a marvelous feat of engineering, Harvey Mudd has managed to craft a Why essay prompt without ever actually using the word "why.". The two halves of this question offer you two potential points of entry: (1) The external factors that influenced your decision to apply, like your passion for trigonometry, the Mudder alums in your life, or ...

  19. How To Get Into Harvey Mudd College

    Here are some tips to help you ace the Harvey Mudd interview: Research the College. Familiarize yourself with the college's history, academic programs, campus culture, and any recent initiatives or events. Demonstrating knowledge about the college showcases your genuine interest. Practice Common Interview Questions.

  20. WISTEM Program Application & Decisions thread

    Fangirl1999 January 20, 2016, 6:01pm 1. I don't think anyone has made thread for this yet, but if someone has, please let me know! Harvey Mudd is hosting its first Women's Introduction to Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics program (WISTEM) for HS juniors! This thread is for anyone who has applied and is waiting for a response.

  21. Apply to Harvey Mudd College

    The Harvey Mudd College Mission: To educate engineers, scientists, and mathematicians well versed in all of these areas and in the humanities and the social sciences and the arts so that they may assume leadership in their fields with a clear understanding of the impact of their work on society. HMC offers extraordinary opportunities for high-level research exclusively for undergraduate ...

  22. Scientific Goals

    GradeSaver provides access to 2313 study guide PDFs and quizzes, 10989 literature essays, 2751 sample college application essays, 911 lesson plans, and ad-free surfing in this premium content, "Members Only" section of the site! Membership includes a 10% discount on all editing orders.


    GradeSaver provides access to 2313 study guide PDFs and quizzes, 10989 literature essays, 2751 sample college application essays, 911 lesson plans, and ad-free surfing in this premium content, "Members Only" section of the site!