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Possible careers for phds in biomedical sciences.

Posted by Kim Petrie on Friday, December 11, 2020 in Path to Career Resources .

Sometimes it’s just nice to have a list of possibilities. Here’s a terrific list of career paths for PhDs in the biomedical sciences, compiled by Lauren Easterling at Indiana University School of Medicine. It’s nicely arranged by broad theme. See something you’re not familiar with? Check out our Beyond the Lab video and podcast series to see if we have recorded an episode with an alumnus who has pursued that career.


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Should You Get a Master’s or a PhD in Biotechnology?

Should You Get a Master’s or a PhD in Biotechnology?

Industry Advice Science & Mathematics

The job outlook for biotechnology professionals is very positive, with 2020 salaries averaging between $80,000 and $90,00 per year. As a result, many individuals are pursuing advanced degrees in biotechnology in hopes of acquiring the training and experience needed to land a role in this lucrative field.

Luckily, those with an undergraduate degree have the benefit of tailoring their graduate education by choosing to enroll in either a biotech master’s or a PhD program. Read on to explore how these two programs differ and what the five key aspects you should consider when deciding which is the right fit for you.

Masters or PhD in Biotechnology

Choosing a Master’s vs. a PhD in Biotechnology: What to Consider 

1. your career goals.

Perhaps the most significant question you can ask yourself when picking between a master’s and a PhD is, “What do I intend to do with my degree?”

For example, because PhDs require an extensive time commitment and provide students the chance to explore the academic side of the field, individuals who want to pursue research are best suited for this degree.

“If you want to be an academic, you absolutely have to get a PhD,” says Jared Auclair, director of the biotechnology and bioinformatics programs at Northeastern. Conversely, he explains, “if you want to go work the industry, a master’s is the way to go.” 

A master’s degree is designed to transition students seamlessly from the classroom into the workforce. These programs tend to be shorter, and they provide chances for hands-on learning within real-world organizations. In short, they are developed in a way that allows students to begin shaping their careers in biotech before they even graduate.

“Because a master’s degree takes less time schooling-wise, you can go out and work in the industry sooner, get hands-on experience, and then move up in the chain of command,” Auclair says. 

Learn More: Industry vs. Academia: Which is Right for You?

PhD candidates considering work in industry (versus academia) are not as easily set up for success. This is because, while a PhD candidate is spending years in a classroom, professionals with master’s degrees are already out in the field collecting valuable real-world experiences that will help prepare them to advance within an organization.

And while there are still some companies that might value a PhD applicant’s extensive study over a master’s degree applicant’s time in the workforce, Auclair explains that, in most cases, a master’s is really all a hiring manager is looking for among applicants.

“In most of the job postings I see…companies are looking for those with master’s [degrees], not PhDs,” he says, noting that there are only a few situations where, in C-level leadership roles specifically, a PhD candidate might have an edge. 

2. Curriculum

“A master’s program and a PhD program in biotechnology will have similar coursework,” Auclair says.  Both are designed to provide students with an expansive understanding of the field, including the tools, practices, and trends that define it today.

In a PhD program, however, students will have the opportunity to specialize in a specific area of practice within the larger biotechnology field. “A master’s offers a broader depth of training…[whereas] PhDs are trained to do something very specific,” he continues.

As a result, master’s students may end up taking more classes and leaving with a much broader and holistic understanding of the field than their PhD counterparts. 

3. Program Length

A master’s program is designed to be completed quickly so that students can explore opportunities within the industry earlier in their careers. At Northeastern, for example, the master’s in biotechnology program can take anywhere from two to three years to complete, depending on whether a student pursues it in a full-time or part-time capacity.

A PhD, on the other hand, requires a much longer time commitment. After completing core classes, PhD students complete a three- to five-year research project with the faculty of their program, effectively delaying their release into the workforce.

4. Experiential Learning Opportunities

The experiential component of a student’s education is perhaps the biggest differentiator in the structures of PhD and master’s programs.

Students who pursue their master’s at Northeastern, for example, have unparalleled opportunities to practice their skills hands-on at organizations in the industry before ever entering the workforce.

“Our master program has a mandatory co-op , which is 12 weeks to six months of experience in the industry,” Auclair says. This paid and credited work provides students with the chance to explore the trends of the industry first-hand, network with leaders in the field, and begin to develop working relationships with organizations they may hope to be employed by after they graduate.

Just as industry experience prepares master’s students to thrive in the field, many PhD programs provide experiential learning opportunities for their students that expose them to the types of research and academia they can expect to pursue post-graduation.

“After you do your mandatory coursework for your PhD, you’re going to do a research project with a faculty,” Auclair says. “And that’s not industry experience, it’s academic research experience, which is completely different.”

This academic research gives students a chance to become comfortable in a lab or research setting, gain exposure to some of the technology and tools they will use in practice, and begin developing working relationships with professors and other university faculty.

5. Demands of the Industry

Some professionals considering an advanced degree do so knowing exactly what they want to do with their careers. For these individuals, the process of deciding between a master’s and a PhD may stop after consideration of their career goals.

However, some individuals embark on advanced education not to fulfill a specific career objective, but to simply pursue their passion for biotechnology. These individuals should think about not only what career opportunities each program might lead to, but which degree will best set them up to meet the current demands of the industry.

For example, the COVID-19 pandemic has created a plethora of lucrative possibilities for those in the biotechnology sector. Between a need for expedited vaccine development, a rethinking of telemedicine, and much more, Auclair notes there will be many new and exciting opportunities for those hoping to get involved.

“With COVID…sciences and new technologies are going to evolve rapidly,” he says. “The master’s degree sets you up to be more nimble and flexible [in order] to adapt to those [changes] and to really have a broader impact.”

Though there are opportunities for PhD holders to carve out a place for themselves in the industry, Auclair explains that the depth and type of training required at their level don’t as easily translate.

“Traditionally a person with a PhD is very specialized in one specific technique or aspect of the sciences, whereas somebody with a master’s is [better] able to adapt to the evolution of where the science is going to go. I’m not saying that PhDs can’t do that, but it’s typically not as easy for them.”

Weighing Your Options

If you’re considering a career in biotechnology, an advanced degree provides a perfect opportunity to gain the training and hands-on experience necessary to thrive within this ever-evolving field.

The Master of Science in Biotechnology at Northeastern, for example, has been designed with the input of industry experts and is constantly evolving to best prepare its students to meet the changing needs of the field.

“Part of my mission is to develop all of our programs in collaboration with industry,” Auclair says. “[We] monitor the trends and evolve and adapt as the trends evolve and adapt so that we’re producing people who are ready to work in the business of today or tomorrow, and not of yesterday.”

Northeastern has also taken steps to create opportunities for students who want both the industry exposure of a master’s degree with the cumulative title of a PhD.

The Experiential PhD is a unique program that allows students to work toward their PhD while simultaneously holding a full-time position within the industry. While this degree can be applied to any field, it’s particularly relevant to master’s degree holders who later realize they want to specialize their knowledge or to pivot their career toward research.

Northeastern’s master’s in biotechnology is designed to effectively complement this degree, as well. The Experiential PhD allows students to build off the holistic understanding of the industry obtained at the master’s level, preventing them from repeating much of the same coursework over again as they would in pursuit of a different science-based PhD.

The way it works, Auclair explains, is that “when you have your master’s…and you’re working at a company, you find a mentor in that company and a mentor at the university, and you [choose and then] work on a project that’s interesting to all three of you.”

This type of industry-applicable PhD is ideal for those who have already spent time working within organizations in the field. It allows you to advance your education while still continuing to function as an employee at your company. “You get all the benefits and the money and the salary and everything, but you’re still getting your PhD and it [only takes] three years,” Auclair says.

Take the Next Step

No matter which program you choose, pursuing an advanced degree in biotechnology is sure to be a positive step toward success in this field.  If you’re still struggling to determine which path is right for you, consult with an expert in the field. Whether that person is someone in your network that works in biotech or an enrollment coach at Northeastern, (who are well-versed in Northeastern’s variety of programs), gaining some outside perspective can help you make this important career choice.

Explore the master’s in biotechnology at Northeastern on our program page then download our free e-Book to learn more about how you can advance your career in biotechnology.

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Master of Science in Biotechnology

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Best Doctorates in Biotechnology: Top PhD Programs, Career Paths, and Salaries

Biotechnology companies are among the most profitable businesses in the modern era, contributing to the development of several widely used products. The best PhDs in Biotechnology allow graduate students to take part in this global biotech revolution.

Biotechnology is a very in-demand field. However, several people doubt whether a doctorate in this broad field is the best choice. This article clearly explains everything you need to know about a Biotechnology PhD. It also shares important information on the best biotechnology jobs and the average PhD in Biotechnology salary.

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What is a phd in biotechnology.

A PhD in Biotechnology is an advanced degree that helps students further understand how to take advantage of biological processes to create products for various industries. Biotechnology PhD degrees are usually research-intensive and include a lot of lab work.

How to Get Into a Biotechnology PhD Program: Admission Requirements

The requirements to get into a biotechnology PhD program are dependent on the specific institution you are applying to. However, most universities have similar admission requirements for their biotechnology doctorate degree programs.

Usually, before you are accepted into a biotechnology PhD program, you must have at least a Bachelor’s Degree in Biology, Chemistry, or any related life science major. In addition, you will be required to submit your transcripts, personal statement, letters of recommendation, and resume. Finally, if you are an international student, you will need to take an English proficiency test.

PhD in Biotechnology Admission Requirements

  • Official transcripts
  • Letters of recommendation
  • Personal statement
  • Proof of English proficiency (for international students)

Biotechnology PhD Acceptance Rates: How Hard Is It to Get Into a PhD Program in Biotechnology?

It is very hard to get into a PhD program in Biotechnology. Biotechnology is a competitive field and most schools only accept a handful of students who apply to these in-demand PhD programs. For example, in the 2020-2021 session, Stanford University only accepted 4.6 percent of the total number of applicants into its Bioengineering PhD program.

How to Get Into the Best Universities

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Best PhDs in Biotechnology: In Brief

School Program Online Option
Arizona State University PhD in Molecular/Cellular Biology No
Brown University PhD in Biotechnology No
Harvard University PhD in Molecular and Cellular Biology No
Pennsylvania State University PhD in Biomedical Engineering No
Stanford University PhD in Bioengineering No
Syracuse University PhD in Bioengineering No
Tufts University PhD in Biotechnology Engineering No
University of California, Berkeley PhD in Molecular and Cell Biology No
University of Pennsylvania PhD in Bioengineering No
University of Texas San Antonio PhD in Cell and Molecular Biology No

Best Universities for Biotechnology PhDs: Where to Get a PhD in Biotechnology

The best universities in biotechnology are well-equipped with modern equipment. They also have experienced faculty members to guide you through your academic journey. If you are wondering where to get a PhD in Biotechnology, check out the top schools listed below.

Arizona State University , founded in 1885, is one of the best-rated universities in the United States for PhD programs. This public university currently has 139 doctoral programs available in various areas such as life sciences, arts, and business.

PhD in Molecular/Cellular Biology

Arizona State University's PhD in Molecular/Cellular Biology program is an 84-credit degree that teaches students how to understand biological activity from a cellular level. This program also covers topics in genetics and provides several electives for students to choose from, including a course on bionanotechnology.

PhD in Molecular/Cellular Biology Overview

  • Program Length: 4 - 5 years
  • Acceptance Rate: N/A
  • Tuition and Fees: $837/credit hour (in state); $1,308/credit hour (out of state)
  • PhD Funding Opportunities: Research fellowships, teaching assistantships

PhD in Molecular/Cellular Biology Admission Requirements

  • Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree in Biochemistry, Biological Sciences, or related field
  • Completed online application
  • Undergraduate applicants must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 on a 4-point scale in the last 60 hours of their degree program
  • Graduate applicants must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 on a 4-point scale
  • Transcripts
  • Three letters of recommendation
  • Proof of English language proficiency
  • Non-refundable $70 application fee; $115 for international students

Brown University is a research-focused university that trains students to create innovative solutions to complex global problems. It was founded in 1764 and offers 51 PhD programs in fields such as art and history, life science, and social science disciplines. 

PhD in Biotechnology

The PhD in Biotechnology is offered by the Department of Molecular Pharmacology, Physiology, and Pharmacology at Brown University. This degree is a 24-tuition unit course and covers several concepts applied in industry jobs such as drug delivery and diagnostics. Graduates of this program will be able to work in diverse roles in the biomedical industry and academia. 

PhD in Biotechnology Overview

  • Program Length: 3 years
  • Acceptance Rate: 10.5%
  • Tuition and Fees: $7,835/course per year
  • PhD Funding Opportunities: Teaching assistantship, research assistantship, fellowship, proctorship
  • Bachelor's Degree in Biology, Physics, Biochemistry, Engineering, or Chemistry
  • Online application form
  • $75 application fee 
  • Proof of English proficiency (international non-native English-speaking applicants)

Founded in 1636, Harvard University is one of the oldest and most reputable learning colleges in the US. This private university has 14 schools and provides graduate education in several topics, including bioinformatics, applied physics, and architecture. 

PhD in Molecular and Cellular Biology

Students enrolled in Harvard University's Molecular and Cellular Biology course will attend lectures spanning various biomedical science topics such as biochemistry, genetics, cellular biology, and microbiology. Upon graduation from this doctorate program, you will also be equipped with practical skills to enable you to work in diverse roles.

PhD in Molecular and Cellular Biology Overview

  • Program Length: 5 years
  • Tuition and Fees: $50,928 for first 2 years
  • PhD Funding Opportunities: Grants, stipends, teaching fellowships, research assistantships

PhD in Molecular and Cellular Biology Admission Requirements

  • Prior educational knowledge of chemistry, physics, biology, and mathematics
  • Graduate School of Arts and Sciences online application form
  • $105 application fee
  • Statement of purpose with a maximum length of 1000 words
  • Three letters of recommendation with at least one from a faculty member at previous university
  • TOEFL Internet-based test score of 80 or more for international students

Pennsylvania State University was established in 1855. It is a public university with over 20 campuses located in different areas of Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania State University delivers top-notch graduate programs in biomedical engineering and other life science-based disciplines. It also provides courses in the arts and social sciences. 

PhD in Biomedical Engineering

This 29-credit doctorate degree program helps to prepare students to work in research institutions, academia, and industry roles. Students enrolled in the PhD in Biomedical Engineering program will study topics like bioimaging, drug delivery, and computational techniques for understanding biological systems. 

PhD in Biomedical Engineering Overview

  • Tuition and Fees: $11,541/semester (in state); $19,624/semester (out of state)
  • PhD Funding Opportunities: Graduate assistantships, fellowships

PhD in Biomedical Engineering Admission Requirements

  • Bachelor's Degree in Engineering, Physics, or any life science discipline
  • Online application form via Pennsylvania State University's graduate school online application portal
  • $65 application fee
  • Score of at least 80 (TOEFL) or 6.5 (IELTS) for international students as proof of English proficiency
  • Statement of purpose
  • Resume (optional)

Stanford University was established in 1885 and has consistently ranked among the top colleges in the US for graduate students. Stanford University provides PhD programs in cancer biology, biochemistry, genetics, and several in-demand medical science fields. It also delivers top-quality education in engineering, business, and law-based topics. 

PhD in Bioengineering

This five to six-year doctorate program is designed to provide students with a well-rounded educational experience in bioengineering. Participants will be allowed to rotate between three labs in their first year before deciding on their dissertation advisor. This program also includes in-demand courses such as systems biology and computational protein modeling.

PhD in Bioengineering Overview

  • Program Length: 5 - 6 years
  • Acceptance Rate: 4.6%
  • Tuition and Fees: $11,770/quarter consisting of 8 - 10 units
  • PhD Funding Opportunities: Fellowships, research assistantships, teaching assistantships, graduate student loans

PhD in Bioengineering Admission Requirements

  • Bachelor's degree from a related field
  • Scanned copy of academic transcripts via the application portal
  • Two-three page statement of purpose
  • TOEFL scores (international applicants from non-native English speaking countries)
  • Non-refundable $125 application fee

Syracuse University is a multidisciplinary private school founded in 1870. This university has 13 colleges and schools, including Visual and Performing Arts, Architecture, Engineering, and Computer Science, which offer reputable graduate programs.  

The PhD in Bioengineering is a rigorous 42-credit hour program that usually takes about five years to complete. Students enrolled in this doctorate degree program will be allowed to choose from one of 10 currently available research areas, including molecular biotechnology, catalysis and reaction engineering, and metabolic engineering. 

  • Tuition and Fees: $32,436/academic year 
  • PhD Funding Opportunities: Fellowship, research assistantships, graduate assistantships, scholarships
  • Online application form on Syracuse University's graduate application portal
  • 500-word personal statement
  • Proof of English language proficiency (for international applicants)
  • Financial documents, including proof of financial support (international students)
  • $75 application fee

Tufts University was established in 1852 to solve complex global problems through research. This private college has over 370,699 square feet of lab space spread across its four campuses. It offers graduate programs covering public policy, public health, business, and technology.

PhD in Biotechnology Engineering

Tufts University's PhD in Biotechnology Engineering program is provided by the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering. This doctorate program is structured to allow individuals from different academic backgrounds to participate. It includes courses on protein purification, microbe cultivation, and cellular engineering. 

PhD in Biotechnology Engineering Overview

  • Program Length: 4 years
  • Tuition and Fees: Covered by tuition scholarship
  • PhD Funding Opportunities: Teaching assistantships, research assistantships

PhD in Biotechnology Engineering Admission Requirements

  • Bachelor's degree in Biology, Biotechnology, Biochemistry, or Chemical Engineering
  • Online application
  • Non-refundable $85 application fee
  • Minimum TOEFL score of 90, an IELTS score of 6.5, or a Duolingo score of 110 (international applicants from non-native English speaking countries)

University of California, Berkeley has 14 schools and colleges and offers over 100 graduate programs for prospective students. Since its inception in 1868, the University of California has become a leading destination for graduate students due to its hands-on approach to learning and research. 

PhD in Molecular and Cell Biology

The University of California, Berkeley's PhD in Molecular and Cellular Biology provides a deep dive into the structure and function of cells. It covers several essential aspects of medical and life sciences, including structural biology, genetics, computational biology, and immunology.

PhD in Molecular and Cell Biology Overview

  • Program Length: 3 - 5 years
  • Tuition and Fees: $5,721/semester
  • PhD Funding Opportunities: Fellowships, stipend

PhD in Molecular and Cell Biology Admission Requirements

  • Completed at least one year of chemistry, calculus, physics, and general biology in your undergraduate program
  • Completed advanced coursework in microbiology, cell biology, biochemistry, or other similar subjects
  • Graduated with a minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4-point scale
  • Laboratory research experience
  • Submit TOEFL scores of 570+ (written test), 233 (computer-based test), or 90 (Internet-based test) for international applicants
  • Unofficial transcripts
  • GRE scores (optional)

The University of Pennsylvania , founded in 1740, delivers many top-rated graduate degree programs via its 12 graduate and professional schools. The University of Pennsylvania is one of the most popular public schools for graduate students, with over 16,000 students currently pursuing post-graduate education on its campus. 

The Penn Bioengineering PhD was the first-ever doctorate bioengineering program in the US. This graduate degree program has a comprehensive curriculum to equip students with the technical skills to land the best jobs at biotech companies . 

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  • Acceptance Rate: 15%
  • Tuition and Fees: $39,838/year
  • PhD Funding Opportunities: Fellowships, grants
  • Online graduate application form
  • Bachelor's degree in Engineering or a physical science, natural science, or math major
  • Submit TOEFL scores of 600+ (written test), 250 (computer-based test), or 100 (Internet-based test) for international applicants

Founded in 1969, the University of Texas, San Antonio has been recognized by Times Higher Education as one of the best young universities in the US . This public college has seven colleges and offers several highly-rated graduate degree programs.

PhD in Cell and Molecular Biology

Cellular and molecular medicine is one of the top new trends in pharmacological sciences for the future . This graduate degree program helps prepare students to play a significant role in this burgeoning industry. The PhD in Cell and Molecular Biology program also offers specialized tracks in Stem Cell, Molecular Microbiology, and Immunology.

PhD in Cell and Molecular Biology Overview

  • Tuition and Fees: $247.53/credit-hour (in state); $428.63/credit-hour (out of state)
  • PhD Funding Opportunities: Fully funded through internal grants

PhD in Cell and Molecular Biology Admission Requirements

  • Bachelor's degree in Biology or any similar field
  • Non-refundable $50 application fee; $90 international applicants
  • Students from non-native English speaking countries must score a minimum of 6.5 on the IELTS test, 79 on the internet-based TOEFL test, or 60 on the paper-based TOEFL test
  • International applicants must submit English proficiency scores of 6.5 (IELTS), 79 (Internet-based TOEFL) test, 60 (paper-based TOEFL)

Can You Get a PhD in Biotechnology Online?

No, you cannot get a PhD in Biotechnology online. Biotechnology PhDs usually involve hours of lab work and other technical aspects that can only be taught via an on-campus program. At the moment, if you are considering getting a biotechnology doctorate degree, you can only do so via an in-person program.

How Long Does It Take to Get a PhD in Biotechnology?

It takes three to five years to get a PhD in Biotechnology. Before you are considered eligible for a biotechnology PhD degree, you must have completed at least two years of coursework in various core topics. You will also need to carry out original research and present your findings in a dissertation.

Is a PhD in Biotechnology Hard?

Yes, earning a PhD in Biotechnology is hard. Biotechnology PhD students are required to carry out a lot of research and spend hours on lab work. However, you can earn your degree in the stipulated amount of time with commitment and effort.

How Much Does It Cost to Get a PhD in Biotechnology?

It costs $19,314 per year to get a PhD in Biotechnology , according to the most recent data released by the National Center for Education Statistics. However, your tuition costs can vary depending on the reputation of the school and the nature of your program.

For example, a PhD in Biotechnology costs about $25,929 per year for private institutions. Public universities, however, are much cheaper. The average yearly tuition cost for a PhD program at a public university in the US is $12,171.

How to Pay for a PhD in Biotechnology: PhD Funding Options

The PhD funding options that students can use to pay for a biotechnology doctorate program include teaching assistantships, research assistantships, and fellowships. Most universities provide incoming biotechnology PhD students with one or more of these options to reduce the cost of their tuition.

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What Is the Difference Between a Biotechnology Master’s Degree and PhD?

The difference between a biotechnology master’s degree and a PhD is that a PhD program usually involves more intensive research and takes at least three years to complete. PhD degrees are typically pursued by individuals with a strong desire to contribute to existing knowledge in the biotechnology space. Master’s programs typically take two years to complete.

Master’s degree students spend a year or two on coursework and finish their program with a capstone project or thesis. Biotechnology PhD students spend at least two years on coursework and possibly longer on research before working on and submitting their dissertations.

Master’s vs PhD in Biotechnology Job Outlook

For job roles such as food scientist that are available to master’s degree graduates, the job outlook is 9 percent between 2020 and 2030, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. In comparison, biotechnology PhD jobs such as medical scientist roles are expected to grow by 17 percent in this same period.

Difference in Salary for Biotechnology Master’s vs PhD

According to PayScale, the average salary for professionals with a PhD in Biotechnology is $112,000 annually. However, in comparison, the average salary for master’s degree holders is $75,000 per year.

Graduates with a PhD degree have more experience and can command a higher salary and function in senior industry roles. Although a master’s degree is excellent for improving your career options, a PhD is better for landing the highest-paying job roles.

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Why You Should Get a PhD in Biotechnology

You should get a PhD in Biotechnology because it can help you achieve your maximum potential in academia and propel the field further through your research. Biotechnology is a competitive field which means obtaining a PhD allows you to distinguish yourself from other candidates and increase your career options within the field of biotechnology.

Reasons for Getting a PhD in Biotechnology

  • Higher salaries. A PhD in Biotechnology will help you gather rare and specialized skills which usually translates to higher-paying jobs. You will become qualified for many senior industry positions and significantly increase your earning potential by obtaining an advanced degree.
  • Research opportunities. PhDs are research-focused degrees. So, if you are passionate about contributing to pre-existing scientific knowledge in the biological science space, a PhD in Biotechnology is an excellent way to add to your quota.
  • Networking opportunities. A PhD program is an easy way to connect with other specialists in biotechnology and build potentially beneficial academic or business relationships. You will also be meeting faculty members who have years of experience and can provide you with mentorship.
  • Boost your reputation. Getting a PhD is very useful for individuals seeking to establish themselves as an authority within the biotechnology space. PhD programs provide you with the necessary knowledge and research experience to become a leading voice in your industry.

Getting a PhD in Biotechnology: Biotechnology PhD Coursework

A biotechnologist working with test tubes in a lab environment

Getting a PhD in Biotechnology demands that you complete your course requirements as specified by your academic institution. The majority of PhD programs in biotechnology cover similar courses. Biotechnology PhD coursework usually spans cell biology, chemical engineering, and other scientific areas listed below.

Molecular Biology

In this course, PhD students in biotechnology will examine the mechanisms of biological activity from a molecular perspective. Graduate students taking a molecular biology course will be taught the structure and function of biological molecules. They will also learn the underlying scientific principles behind molecular interactions.

Introduction to Proteomics

Most advanced degree programs in biotechnology usually include an in-depth study of protein structure and function. Proteins are an essential component of cells and a pillar of several biological processes. Introduction to Proteomics teaches students about protein-protein interactions and relevant techniques for modifying proteins.

Bioengineering Fundamentals

Biological engineering is one of the most essential subjects for students pursuing an advanced degree in biotechnology. As a PhD candidate enrolled in a biotechnology program, you will learn scientific techniques for creating valuable products from biological systems. This course is helpful, especially for individuals seeking the best tech jobs at pharmaceutical tech companies .

Cell and Microbial Cultivation

Biotechnology specialists routinely carry out experiments with microbes. A cell and microbial cultivation course teaches students modern and relevant principles for culturing microorganisms in biotechnology labs. The technical skills obtained in this course will enable students to land a job with any of the leading biotechnology companies.

Introduction to Genomics

Genomics is a field of study in biological sciences that examines gene structure, function, and expression. In this course, students will be taught about concepts such as gene mapping, editing, and mutations. This course aims to provide students with the needed academic background to improve the quality of life in society through scientific interventions.

Best Master’s Degrees

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How to Get a PhD in Biotechnology: Doctoral Program Requirements

Unlike a Bachelor of Science in Biotechnology degree, doctoral program requirements are slightly more stringent. If you are interested in getting a PhD in Biotechnology, the requirements are outlined below.

Regardless of your university, each PhD program in biotechnology has a specified number of credit hours that graduate students must complete to be deemed qualified to receive a PhD certificate in biotechnology. 

For most biotechnology PhD programs, you will be required to maintain a minimum passing grade of B, which is equivalent to a 3.0 GPA on a 4-point scale. Each school usually states its GPA requirements on its program page or catalog.

Seminars allow graduate students to demonstrate their knowledge of specific biotechnology topics. Attendance and participation in seminars organized by your university's biotechnology department is a vital requirement for obtaining a PhD in Biotechnology.

After carrying out a research project and gathering your findings, you will need to present your work to your faculty and other department members. A strong performance in your oral defense is mandatory for you to be eligible to receive your doctoral degree.

A thesis is one of the most essential requirements for students carrying out their doctoral studies in biotechnology. Your thesis is a write-up containing your findings from an original research project. For the duration of your thesis, you will be working closely with a supervisor who will provide guidance and instruction for your research efforts.  

Potential Careers With a Biotechnology Degree

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PhD in Biotechnology Salary and Job Outlook

Biotechnology is an interdisciplinary field whose relevance cuts across several sectors. As a result, biotechnology jobs will continue to be in high demand. For example, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the job outlook for principal medical scientists is expected to increase by 17 percent through to 2030.

What Can You Do With a PhD in Biotechnology?

With a PhD in Biotechnology, you can work in academia, research institutes, and biopharmaceutical companies. There are several high-paying career options for biotechnology PhD graduates. Some of these jobs are listed below.

Best Jobs with a PhD in Biotechnology

  • Industrial production manager
  • Senior biochemical engineer
  • Principal medical scientist
  • Biotechnology lecturer

What Is the Average Salary for a PhD in Biotechnology?

The average salary for a PhD in Biotechnology is $112,000 per year, according to PayScale. Obtaining a PhD in Biotechnology also significantly increases your earning potential. Compared to bachelor’s and master’s degree graduates, PhD holders earn considerably higher salaries and are eligible to work in the most challenging biotechnology roles.

Highest-Paying Biotechnology Jobs for PhD Grads

Biotechnology PhD Jobs Average Salary
Senior biomedical engineer
Principal medical scientist
Biotechnology lecturer
Food scientist

Best Biotechnology Jobs with a Doctorate

The best biotechnology jobs with a doctorate enable graduates to make notable contributions to fields such as healthcare, agriculture, and education. They also provide attractive salaries and require the application of biotechnology principles to solve complex problems.

Biochemists can typically be found in universities, research firms, or pharmaceutical companies. They must study biological processes and apply bioengineering principles to produce beneficial products. Most biochemists work as part of a team in a laboratory environment.

  • Salary with a Biotechnology PhD: $102,270
  • Job Outlook: 5% job growth from 2020 to 2030
  • Number of Jobs: 34,800
  • Highest-Paying States: Massachusetts, Virginia, Colorado, New Jersey, Oregon

Senior biomedical engineers work with scientists and other healthcare professionals in the clinical setting. Their responsibility is to carry out comprehensive biological systems research and create medical inventions based on their studies. They also gather data and write technical reports.

  • Salary with a Biotechnology PhD: $97,410
  • Job Outlook: 6% job growth from 2020 to 2030
  • Number of Jobs: 19,300
  • Highest-Paying States: New Mexico, Arizona, Minnesota, Connecticut, Massachusetts  

A principal medical scientist conducts thorough studies on various biological phenomena. As a principal medical scientist, you will be required to design your research methods, gather data, and propose a hypothesis. 

  • Salary with a Biotechnology PhD: $95,310
  • Job Outlook: 17% job growth from 2020 to 2030
  • Number of Jobs: 133,900
  • Highest-Paying States: Connecticut, Maine, Delaware, New Jersey, Tennessee  

Biotechnology lecturers can be found in universities. They work as part of their academic institution's biotechnology department to carry out research and train students in modern biotechnology applications. 

  • Salary with a Biotechnology PhD: $79,640
  • Job Outlook: 12% job growth from 2020 to 2030
  • Number of Jobs: 47,690
  • Highest-Paying States: Arkansas, California, New Hampshire, California, New York

Food scientists are research-oriented professionals. They use their knowledge of biology and chemistry to improve the quality of food products and devise safe and effective food processing methods. As a food scientist, you will be working predominantly in the laboratory as part of a research team.

  • Salary with a Biotechnology PhD: $74,160
  • Job Outlook: 9% job growth from 2020 to 2030
  • Number of Jobs: 37,400
  • Highest-Paying States: Colorado, Kansas, Connecticut, Ohio, Minnesota  

Is a PhD in Biotechnology Worth It?

Yes, a PhD in Biotechnology is worth it. Biotechnology is a vast field with several highly profitable industry jobs. Therefore, individuals with expert knowledge of biological processes and how to create valuable products using bioengineering techniques are in high demand.

With a PhD in Biotechnology, you can work in pharmaceutical, cosmetic, agricultural, food processing, and medical diagnostic companies. Although graduates with a bachelor’s or master’s degree can still get a very high-paying job within these fields, a PhD will increase your pool of choices and enable you to land senior roles which attract the best salaries.

Additional Reading About Biotechnology


PhD in Biotechnology FAQ

The academic background needed for a biotechnology PhD includes a Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree in Biology, Chemistry, Microbiology, or any other life science discipline. Individuals with art or social science backgrounds will not be eligible for admission into a biotechnology PhD program.

Yes, a biotechnology graduate can work in the agricultural sector. Several companies that manufacture agricultural products have research teams that investigate potential methods to improve the quality of their produce. PhD holders in biotechnology can easily find jobs in any of these organizations.

Yes, biotechnology is a very interesting field. If you are intrigued by biology or chemistry and want to know how you can translate your knowledge of life science concepts into innovative solutions to complex problems, then you will enjoy participating in a biotechnology doctorate program.

Yes, there are many good jobs for biotechnology PhD graduates. Biotechnology offers an abundance of career opportunities in academia and the biotechnology industry. Through a PhD program, you can acquire rare and in-demand skills, which will help you land a fantastic job.

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Everything you need to know about studying a PhD in Biotechnology

Part of natural sciences & mathematics.

Biotechnology refers to various techniques and technologies used in the bio-industrial production or bio-genetic controlled processes involving vegetal, animal or human organisms. Genetic manipulation is the most common form of using living organisms and bimolecular processes for the creation or modification of the physical properties of various types of products. Example of biotech products or practices include antibiotics, biofuels and genetically modified foods. An important medical application of biotechnology includes genetic processes that lead to organ regeneration.

Biotechnology contributes to developments in areas like agriculture, food production and security, climate control and medicine. Biotechnology can also help with solving some of the most pressing environmental issues, like oil spills, pesticide side effects or polluted water, contributing to the health of the natural environment.

Biotechnology degrees include blended curricula with a mixture of lectures in Biology, Chemistry and Mathematics, combined with laboratory work, computer applications and research and even ethical case studies. Biotechnology degrees provide solid grounding in biochemistry, molecular biology, genomic, bioinformatics, drug design and development, nanotechnology or innovation management, as well as in-depth IT skills.

Biotechnology graduates develop careers in a wide range of fields such as the chemical, pharmaceutical, food and environmental industries, in genetics and regenerative medicine, in process control, or in research and development. Example roles include bio-informatician, biophysicist, quality control analyst, biomedical engineer, pharmaceutical sales representative, or crime lab technician.

View all PhDs in Biotechnology . Keep in mind you can also study an online PhDs in Biotechnology .

Interesting programmes for you

Best universities for biotechnology on phdportal.

  • Ranking (2017)
Universities Location Shanghai Jiao Tong University Ranking (2017)
Cambridge, United States 1
Cambridge, United States 2
Berkeley, United States 3
Hangzhou, China 4
Stanford, United States 5
Ithaca, United States 6
Saint Lucia, Australia 7
Copenhagen, Denmark 8
Pickering, Canada 9
Seattle, United States 10
Anyang, South Korea 11
San Diego, United States 12
Wageningen, Netherlands 13
Baltimore, United States 14
Singapore, Singapore 15
Davis, United States 16
Gainesville, United States 17
Madison, United States 18
Minneapolis, United States 19
Ledeberg, Belgium 20
Cambridge, United Kingdom 21
Copenhagen, Denmark 22
Upper Arlington, United States 23
Beijing, China 24
Tokyo, Japan 25
Philadelphia, United States 26
Oxford, United Kingdom 27
London, United Kingdom 28
Shanghai, China 29
Harbin, China 30
Urbana, United States 31
Los Angeles, United States 32
State College, United States 33
Wuhan, China 34
Vancouver, Canada 34
Helsinki, Finland 36
Edinburgh, United Kingdom 37
Ann Arbor, United States 38
São Paulo, Brazil 39
San Francisco, United States 40
East Lansing, United States 41
Saint Louis, United States 42
New Haven, United States 43
Athens, United States 44
London, United Kingdom 45
Chapel Hill, United States 46
Uppsala, Sweden 46
Jinan, China 48
Houston, United States 49
Brussels, Belgium 50
Aarhus, Denmark 101
Tempe, United States 101
Bielefeld, Germany 101
Boston, United States 101
Göteborg, Sweden 101
New York City, United States 101
Delft, Netherlands 101
Atlanta, United States 101
Berlin Steglitz, Germany 101
Wuhan, China 101
Berlin, Germany 101
Changde, China 101
London, United Kingdom 101
Stockholm, Sweden 101
Leiden, Netherlands 101
Nanjing, China 101
Xi'an, China 101
Ås, Norway 101
Corvallis, United States 101
Osaka-shi, Japan 101
Toulouse, France 101
Nijmegen, Netherlands 101
Chongqing, China 101
Stockholm, Sweden 101
Guangzhou, China 101
Tel Aviv Yaffo, Israel 101
Glasgow, United Kingdom 101
Hong Kong, Hong Kong (SAR) 101
Sydney, Australia 101
Austin, United States 101
Tianjin, China 101
Sendai-shi, Japan 101
Cork, Ireland 101
Edmonton, Canada 101
The University of Arizona Tucson, United States 101
Bologna, Italy 101
Riverside, United States 101
Storrs, United States 101
Genève, Switzerland 101
Groningen, Netherlands 101
Jinan, China 101
Lausanne, Switzerland 101
Baltimore, United States 101
Columbia, United States 101
Montpellier, France 101
Naples, Italy 101
Vienna, Austria 101
Pittsburgh, United States 101
Zürich, Switzerland 101
Nashville, United States 101
Paris, France 151
Changsha, China 151
Berlin, Germany 151
Villeurbanne, France 151
Dalian, China 151
Rotterdam, Netherlands 151
Fuzhou, China 151
Sapporo, Japan 151
Bloomington, United States 151
Changchun, China 151
Manhattan, United States 151
Thuwal, Saudi Arabia 151
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 151
Kobe, Japan 151
Québec, Canada 151
Tianjin, China 151
Coyoacán, Mexico 151
Galway, Ireland 151
Lisbon, Portugal 151
Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom 151
Evanston, United States 151
Portland, United States 151
Chengdu, China 151
Uppsala, Sweden 151
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne Lausanne, Switzerland 151
Canberra, Australia 151
Adelaide, Australia 151
Auckland, New Zealand 151
Amsterdam, Netherlands 151
Basel, Switzerland 151
Newark, United States 151
Freiburg, Germany 151
Göttingen, Germany 151
Sesto San Giovanni, Italy 151
Braga, Portugal 151
Montréal, Canada 151
Münster, Germany 151
Lincoln, United States 151
Nottingham, United Kingdom 151
Oslo, Norway 151
Padua, Italy 151
Hefei, China 151
Sydney, Australia 151
Sydney, Australia 151
Tübingen, Germany 151
Vienna, Austria 151
Brussels, Belgium 151
Amsterdam, Netherlands 151
Wuhan, China 151
Seoul, South Korea 151
Helsinki, Finland 201
Auburn, United States 201
Alcobendas, Spain 201
Beijing, China 201
Providence, United States 201
Cardiff, United Kingdom 201
Pittsburgh, United States 201
Cleveland, United States 201
Chungbuk National University Wanju, South Korea 201
Gwangju, South Korea 201
Clemson, United States 201
Fort Collins, United States 201
Hanover, United States 201
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 201
Hannover, Germany 201
Seoul, South Korea 201
Manhattan, United States 201
Indianapolis, United States 201
Ramonville-Saint-Agne, France 201
Kuri, South Korea 201
Seoul, South Korea 201
Fukuoka, Japan 201
Baton Rouge, United States 201
Palmerston North, New Zealand 201
Hamilton, Canada 201
Starkville, United States 201
Nanjing, China 201
Taichung, Taiwan 201
Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse Toulouse, France 201
Taipei, Taiwan 201
New York City, United States 201
Qingdao, China 201
Stillwater, United States 201
Enjitsu, South Korea 201
Yangsan, South Korea 201
Qingdao, China 201
London, United Kingdom 201
Roma, Italy 201
Shanghai, China 201
Nanjing, China 201
Seoul, South Korea 201
Braunschweig, Germany 201
Haifa, Israel 201
Shatin, Hong Kong (SAR) 201
University of Calgary Calgary, Canada 201
Sheffield, United Kingdom 201
Houston, United States 201
Perth, Australia 201
Dublin, Ireland 201
Dresden, Germany 201
Buffalo, United States 201
Buffalo, United States 201
Dublin, Ireland 201
Birmingham, United States 201
Bari, Italy 201
Birmingham, United Kingdom 201
Bonn, Germany 201
Bristol, United Kingdom 201
Irvine, United States 201
Campinas, Brazil 201
Cincinnati, United States 201
Köln, Germany 201
Düsseldorf, Germany 201
Norwich, United Kingdom 201
Frankfurt am Main, Germany 201
Gießen, Germany 201
Göteborg, Sweden 201
Guelph, Canada 201
Hamburg, Germany 201
Ostfildern, Germany 201
Iowa City, United States 201
Jena, Germany 201
Leeds, United Kingdom 201
Leipzig, Germany 201
Lisbon, Portugal 201
Liverpool, United Kingdom 201
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 201
Amherst, United States 201
Nantes, France 201
Norman, United States 201
Ottawa, Canada 201
University of Paris Sud Orsay, France 201
Porto, Portugal 201
Santiago de Compostela, Spain 201
Saskatoon, Canada 201
George Town, Malaysia 201
Southampton, United Kingdom 201
Strasbourg, France 201
Naka, Japan 201
Turin, Italy 201
Ulm, Germany 201
Salt Lake City, United States 201
Valencia, Spain 201
Coventry, United Kingdom 201
Paris Diderot University Paris, France 201
Kampong Baharu Balakong, Malaysia 201
Verona, Italy 201
Rehovot, Israel 201
University of Western Ontario London, Canada 201
Xiamen, China 201
Beijing, China 51
Durham, United States 51
Shangyu, China 51
Ames, United States 51
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia 51
Daejeon, South Korea 51
Xiaolingwei, China 51
Singapore, Singapore 51
Taipei, Taiwan 51
Raleigh, United States 51
Beijing, China 51
Barcelona, Spain 51
Guangzhou, China 51
Zürich, Switzerland 51
College Station, United States 51
Melbourne, Australia 51
Shanghai, China 51
Barcelona, Spain 51
Chicago, United States 51
Boulder, United States 51
College Park, United States 51
Worcester, United States 51
Los Angeles, United States 51
Utrecht, Netherlands 51
Pullman, United States 51
Marseille, France 76
Barcelona, Spain 76
Shanghai, China 76
Atlanta, United States 76
Heidelberg, Germany 76
Wuhan, China 76
Karlsruhe, Germany 76
Stockholm, Sweden 76
Seoul, South Korea 76
Kyoto, Japan 76
Lund, Sweden 76
Montréal, Canada 76
Clayton, Australia 76
Tainan, Taiwan 76
Paris, France 76
West Lafayette, United States 76
New Brunswick, United States 76
Aachen, Germany 76
München, Germany 76
Jerusalem, Israel 76
Manchester, United Kingdom 76
München, Germany 76
Knoxville, United States 76
Charlottesville, United States 76
Blacksburg, United States 76

Specialisations within the field of Natural Sciences & Mathematics

  • Mathematics
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  • Biotechnology
  • Natural Sciences
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  • Microbiology
  • Molecular Sciences
  • Neuroscience
  • Bioinformatics & Biostatistics
  • Biochemistry
  • Pharmacology
  • Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
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How to Turn Your PhD into a Career in Biotech

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For those with scientific training, there are a diverse array of exciting and rewarding career paths outside of academia. In this webinar hosted by the American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB), Drs. Christine Genge and Nicole Quinn from STEMCELL Technologies share their personal experiences in academic research and how they applied their passion and skills to develop purpose-driven careers in biotech.

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what can i do after phd in biotechnology

  • Doing a PhD in Biotechnology

The general aim of a PhD in Biotechnology is to train top-level researchers in various areas of Biotechnology with a solid theoretical and methodological background, with a balance between basic and applied research that will enable them to tackle innovation problems in a multidisciplinary manner, with special emphasis on the bases and applications of biotechnology, so that graduates can work in industrial sectors, biotechnology companies, service companies, in the area of health, in public or private research centres, or as academics in universities.

What does a PhD in Biotech Involve?

The aim of a university PhD programme in Biotechnology is to prepare you to start and complete theoretical, methodological and research training in the multidisciplinary field of biotechnology, which takes the form of the preparation and defence of an innovative doctoral thesis.

Examples of topics you could investigate as part of your PhD research project include:

  • Biomedicine: a field of study that focuses on understanding the cellular and molecular biology processes and their applications. It focuses on finding cures for diseases such as Alzheimer’s, cancer, etc.
  • Plant biotechnology : area of study oriented towards fundamental and applied research in plant physiology and cell biology, functional genomics and plant-pathogen interaction.
  • Bioinformatics: related to programming and data analysis in health issues and nanotechnology and computational modelling of biological systems. Research in nanoparticle biogenesis, microscopy, bioprocess engineering, systems biology and molecular modelling.
  • Aquaculture biotechnology: a combination of science and practical skill in fish farming. The primary objective is to generate knowledge that can increase the productivity of aquaculture.
  • Microbial biotechnology: focuses on both fundamental and applied research into the functioning of biological systems such as bacteria, viruses and yeasts for the generation of value-added products such as nanoparticles, proteins, biopolymers and probiotics.

A doctorate training programme in biotechnology aims to train PhD students to:

  • Independently, with capacities, knowledge and skills to identify opportunities, develop and direct relevant research projects to develop biotechnological.
  • Recognised for their ability to create knowledge and provide technological solutions in biotechnology for research centres, productive, educational and social sectors.
  • Capable of linking up with the private sector so that the research is translated into improved technologies, processes and products that drive a country’s development.
  • Ability to create, disseminate and ethically impart knowledge with a strong sense of responsibility and social duty.

Browse PhDs in Biotechnology

A next-generation genetic technology to identify biotechnologically-valuable enzymes and transporters, ubiquitin-dependent signalling pathways in ageing, exploring the impact of microplastic-bacterial complexes on animal health and the gut microbiome, energy dissipation in human soft tissue during impacts, micro-manufacturing of surface textures for enhanced electrosurgery, how long does it take to get a phd in biotechnology.

A Biotechnology PhD in the UK commonly takes between three and four years to complete if studying full-time, including a year for writing up your thesis , and between five and seven years if studying part-time or as distance learning.

What are the typical application requirements for a Biotech PhD?

The entry profile of a PhD candidate for a Biotechnology degree is a prospective student with an undergraduate degree, typically a 2:1 Master’s degree, in a field related to Biotechnology, Microbiology, Biochemistry, Food Science and Technology, Veterinary Medicine, Chemistry and Engineering. A background in biology is particularly favourable.

In addition to this, candidates will be expected to have:

  • Excellent academic background and have a vocation for a graduate research area in one of the fields of knowledge promoted by the doctoral programme.
  • Good written and oral communication skills in English.
  • If you’re an international student, you must meet the university’s minimum English language requirement. This will typically be through an IELTS (Academic) or TOEFL examination.

How much does a PhD in Biotechnology cost?

Annual fees will depend on whether you’re a home or international student and the specific university you study within. However, annual tuition fees typically range between £4,407 – £15,607 for full-time study, and £2,203 – £7,803 for part-time study.

Career in Biotechnology for PhD Holders

PhD in Biotechnology salary

Not everyone knows there are many career options available with an advanced degree in biotechnology , especially at a doctorate level. As such, biotechnology graduates do not strictly need to pursue a career as a scientist at a medical company.

Those who possess a higher education doctorate in biotechnology will be capable of working in the academic, scientific and industrial fields, both in the application and generation of knowledge. Research degree holders will have excellent communication skills and the capacity for critical analysis and scientific reasoning, which allows them to formulate complex problems and propose innovative solutions to them, leading groups of applied research in laboratories of public and/or private institutions.

Because of this, biotech PhD postgraduates can take up an opportunity from a range of industries, including:

  • Quality Assurance and Control
  • Manufacturing industry
  • Clinical research
  • Government policymaking
  • Research & Development
  • Software engineering
  • Chemistry, biological science, and agriculture
  • Business and Project management
  • Biomedical science and Engineering

As well as undertaking a range of positions, biotech PhD holders can also work in a range of environments such as for government agencies, private companies, regulatory bodies, or clinical laboratories. People in biotech jobs range from small start-ups to big pharma companies to national departments such as UKRI.

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PhD in Biotechnology


  • Updated on  
  • Apr 25, 2023

PhD in Biotechnology

Biotechnology or the art of modern science is concerned with the manipulation, alteration, and cloning of genes are done to produce cost-friendly products for the benefit of society. It is a rapidly growing industry in the world with a bunch of fascinating career opportunities. In the rising field of biotechnology, more and more candidates are now stepping into establishing a career in biotechnology and trying their hands on core research. If you are eager to learn about this exciting field of study, then, pursuing a Ph.D. in Biotechnology will be one of the best options. Read through the blog and know about the details of the program. 

Full-FormDoctor of Philosophy Biotechnology
Average Course FeeINR 10,000 to INR 1,50,000
Duration3-5 years
Average SalaryINR 4,00,000 to INR 20,00,000.
Best Institute in IndiaStella Maris College

This Blog Includes:

Phd in biotechnology overview, eligibility criteria , subjects covered in phd in biotechnology , top universities for phd in biotechnology abroad, top colleges for phd in biotechnology in india, phd in biotechnology in usa, phd in biotechnology in canada, phd in biotechnology in germany, career and job prospects after phd in biotechnology, scope of phd in biotechnology.

PhD in Biotechnology is designed to teach students cutting-edge bioengineering techniques to alter genes to produce valuable goods and products beneficial for the population. The course structure mainly consists of studying research methodology, scientific process, and recent trends in biotechnology and bioinformatics to complete the thesis. It is a doctorate-level course that takes 3-5 years to complete the program. Some universities also demand candidates to undergo crucial examinations to prove their supremacy in the domain chosen. 

If you are planning to pursue a PhD in Biotechnology, you should be familiar with the eligibility criteria for this course. Doctorate degrees in biotechnology expect a candidate to have relevant background in the respective field from a certified school or college. The basic eligibility criteria for admission in PhD in biotechnology are listed below-

  • A recognized bachelor’s degree like BTech Biotechnology , BSc Biotechnology or in some other related field
  • Candidates must have a master’s degree biotechnology or bioinformatics like MSc Biotechnology  from any recognized university
  • Minimum prescribed score in GRE  
  • A good score in English proficiency tests like IELTS , TOEFL , etc 
  • SOP and LOR are required to be eligible for admission 

As the course name suggests, most of the subjects covered under PhD in biotechnology are centered on the scientific disciplines of Biology and engineering. Arising from this, there are many interdisciplinary subjects, like Hormone Biochemistry, genetic engineering Molecular Biology and Biochemical Techniques. Here are some of the commonly offered subjects in Ph.D. biotechnology:

Molecular BiologyBioinformatics and BiostatisticsStatistics and Probability Theory 
Protein BiotechnologyElectrophoresis and DNA SequencingGenomics
Bioprocessing TechniqueMolecular BiologyCellular Biotechnology
BiosciencesEnvironmental MicrobiologyBioinformatics

Also Read: Medical Science Courses

Being a doctorate course, PhD in biotechnology is offered across numerous leading universities across the world. As Biotechnology is interdisciplinary and technical, the quality of education offered at a prospective university impacts the student’s overall learning experience, thus you must carefully choose amongst the top universities in the world that are offering this degree. Make sure you do not forget to research the scholarships for fundings available especially for PhD students as they prove to be really advantageous during the course. Here are some of the top universities offering PhD biotechnology: 


There are various colleges in India that offer PhD in Biotechnology with a number of research opportunities and resources. Here are the top colleges in India that cater to courses for Doctor of Philosophy Biotechnology. 

  • St. Xavier’s College
  • Stella Maris College 
  • Women’s Christian College 
  • Kishinchand Chellaram College 
  • Maharani Lakshmi Ammanni College for Women 
  • Ramaniranjan jhunjhunwala College
  • Jaipur National University
  • DAV College 
  • Mount Carmel College

With ample global universities providing excellent training and research opportunities, the USA ranks among the top countries for pursuing a PhD In Biotechnology. Here are the top universities for pursuing PhD in Biotechnology in the USA.

  • Harvard University
  • Stanford University
  • University of California – Davis
  • The University of Pittsburgh
  • Tufts University
  • University of California – Berkeley
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Clarkson University
  • The University of Alabama in Huntsville
  • Texas A and M University-College Station

Canada is another top country for pursuing PhD in Biotechnology with a variety of courses and many research fields to choose from. Here are the top universities for PhD in Biotechnology n Canada.

  • University of Ottawa
  • Brock University
  • Lakehead University
  • University of Toronto
  • Simon Fraser University
  • The University of British Columbia
  • The University of Calgary
  • McGill University
  • University of Alberta
  • McMaster University

Germany has progressed into becoming the best country for technology and its related courses. The country has many leading universities with numerous biotechnology-focused companies and research institutions. Here are the top universities in Germany for PhD in Biotechnology.

  • University of Freiburg
  • University of Wuerzburg
  • Technical University Munich
  • Free University of Berlin
  • University of Bonn
  • Heidelberg University
  • University of Muenster
  • Technical University Dresden

Earning a PhD in Biotechnology in the advancing field of study, there are a plethora of opportunities that arise for students after they finish the course. You can find a variety of professional profiles in various employment areas such as Bioinformatics, the medical field, the education sector, agriculture and pharmaceutical companies, etc. But majorly candidates go on to pursue their research projects. Some of the selected career  sectors and job profiles are listed below:

  • Biomedical Engineer
  • Medical Scientist
  • Microbiologist
  • Process Development Scientist
  • Biomanufacturing Specialist
  • Product Strategist

Biotechnology is a very diverse subject with increasing scope in the industry and has also connected many MNCs. With many discoveries and progress in medicine, the medical field has advanced in clinical testing and introduced novel practices and the production of pharmaceutical products. These are a few sectors that have increased requirements for students who have completed their PhD in Biotechnology in India.

  • Bio-processing industries
  • Agricultural Sciences
  • Environment Control
  • Public Funded Laboratories
  • Energy Management
  • Food Processing
  • Dairy Technology
  • Waste Management
  • Drug and Pharmaceutical Research

With a number of career options in Biotechnology, there is a vast scope for students to cover. However, before pursuing their PhD, it is important that students make up their minds about whether they want to complete research or make a career. The average salary for a Doctor of Philosophy Biotechnology in India is ₹607k per year. Given below are a few jobs and their salary after PhD in Biotechnology.

The average starting salary for PhD in Biotechnology is INR 607k p.a.

If you have an inclination towards medicine, biology, technology, or pharmacy, Biotechnology is a suitable option for you with increasing demand in government organizations, private sectors, or clinical laboratories which are expected to increase in future.

USA, UK and Australia are among the top countries for pursuing PhD Biotechnology courses.

You must complete your MSc Biotechnology with a minimum of 50%- 55% and clear the entrance exams.

Thus, we hope this blog was helpful in guiding you about the PhD in Biotechnology. If you are planning to pursue a PhD in Biotechnology but are unsure about selecting the right university, our Leverage Edu experts are just a click away. Sign up for a free career counselling session with us and we will help you explore the best universities as per your preferences and interests! 

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MS/MBA Biotechnology: Life Sciences

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A joint degree that blends science, business & ethics

A joint degree with the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. Students are affiliated with Harvard Medical School through the Harvard Department of Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology.

The 21st Century will be the century of transformational discoveries in the life sciences. To bring these discoveries to patients, the world needs business leaders working at the intersection of science and society, with deep understanding of biotechnology, life sciences, and management. To meet this need, the MS/MBA Biotechnology: Life Sciences Program at Harvard University builds upon students’ existing biotech and life sciences knowledge and equips them with the latest business and scientific insights. This empowers them to lead transformative organizations that will advance new drug discoveries and therapeutics.

The curriculum emphasizes developing effective business models in the life-sciences, leading life sciences companies, understanding the ethical implications of new therapeutics, and the importance of equitable access to these discoveries. It leverages the entire resources of Harvard University and works closely with the Greater Boston area, one of the largest biotech clusters in the world.

Key organizations comprising the Harvard health and life science community include, the HBS Health Care Initiative (HCI), HBS Blavatnik Fellowship in Life Science Entrepreneurship, the Harvard Biotech Club, the HBS Health Care Club (HCC), the Harvard Health Innovation Network (HHIN), and the Pagliuca Harvard Life lab, among many others. Watch this webinar to learn more about the joint degree program.


Curriculum  , faculty & advisors  , admissions & financial aid  , frequently asked questions  .

The MS/MBA Biotech program is part of a larger community of health care interested students, faculty and alumni at HBS; around the University; and in the greater Boston area, which is one of the largest biotech clusters in the world. Through courses like the Life Sciences, Ethics, and Management seminar, students interact with industry leaders, who discuss challenges they have faced in their various roles.

Key organizations comprising the health and life science community at Harvard include:

  • HBS Health Care Initiative (HCI) – The Initiative fosters and promotes faculty research, supports the development of high-impact educational programs and creates an interconnected HBS health care community.
  • HBS Blavatnik Fellowship in Life Science Entrepreneurship - The Fellowship offers HBS alumni and Harvard-affiliated postdocs the opportunity to create new ventures around promising life science technologies while developing their leadership talents.
  • Harvard Biotech Club – This student organization is on a mission to bridge the gap between industry and academia and provide the education, skills, and network for students to become future leaders in biotech.
  • HBS Health Care Club (HCC) – One of the largest student clubs at HBS, the HCC plans an annual conference and numerous networking events for students interested in all industries in this sector.
  • Harvard Health Innovation Network (HHIN ) – HHIN’s mission is to promote health care innovation and entrepreneurship across the Harvard ecosystem including its schools and hospitals.
  • Harvard i-Lab and Pagliuca Harvard Life Lab – Harvard i-Labs are part of an innovation ecosystem that exists to support Harvard students and select alumni in their quest to explore the world of game-changing entrepreneurship.
  • HBS Health Alumni Association (HBS HAA) – The equivalent of the HCC, but for alumni, the HBS HAA has regional programing around the world to help alums stay connected with the school and each other.

Prospective students should be fascinated by the intersection of biotech, pharma, and business. Successful candidates for the program will hold an undergraduate degree in biology (or another life science) and/or have significant workplace experience in biotechnology or life sciences. Candidates with advanced degrees such as an MS, MD, or PhD are warmly welcomed to apply.

If you are unsure whether your background has prepared you sufficiently, consider your familiarity with the topics covered in Molecular Biology of the Cell by Alberts et al. Students are expected to be knowledgeable with that level of material. Additionally, students should be comfortable engaging with primary scientific literature.

MS/MBA News  

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PhD Biotechnology Jobs, Scope, Salary in India

Surobhi Chatterjee

PhD Biotechnology jobs are available in both the public sector and as well as in the private sector. There are a lot of career options after PhD Biotechnology, they can work as a Professor, Assistant Researcher, Biochemist, Microbiologist, Medical Scientist, Biomedical Engineer, Product Strategies, etc. Thus, the PhD Biotechnology scope has increased in demand.

Career Prospects and Job Scope for PhD in Biotechnology

Career prospects for a doctorate degree holder in biotechnology may vary greatly. PhD Biotechnology jobs in India depend on the respective specialization and demand. Job opportunities for PhD Biotechnology are diversified into different sectors. PhD Biotechnology course is a research-based doctoral course that revolves around topics like Biological Chemistry, Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Analytical Techniques and Bioinformatics.

The most common PhD Biotechnology jobs that hire scholars are:

  • Microbiologist
  • Medical Scientist
  • Biomedical Engineer
  • Product Strategies

Areas of Recruitment for PhD in Biotechnology

PhD Biotechnology course scope offers a degree-based education that can help to set up a career in various areas of biotechnology. The course is mainly a specialization course for those aspiring to study the theory and roots of Biotechnology and also practice it for its true value. Thus, the scope after PhD in Biotechnology is continuously rising.

  • Colleges & Universities
  • Medical Research Centers
  • Agriculture Sector
  • Pharmaceutical Industry
  • Medical Firms
  • Education Departments
  • Local Research Centers

Salary Packages for PhD Biotechnology

According to PayScale, a PhD Biotechnology salary in India is around INR 3 - 15 LPA. The salary of the scholars depends upon the level of education, grades and skills acquired.

Job Roles

Average Annual Salary

Highest Salary INR 7 LPA
Average Salary  INR 5 LPA
Lowest Salary INR 3.5 LPA

Some of the common job profiles with average salaries are:

Job Roles

Average Annual Salary

Lecturer or Professor INR 3 - 5 LPA
Medical Scientist INR 7.9 LPA
Biochemist INR 3 - 4 LPA
Microbiologist INR 3 - 4 LPA
Project Manager INR 5 - 6 LPA

Source: PayScale

PhD Biotechnology Salary Abroad

Graduates of the programme can choose from a variety of jobs that come with competitive pay and benefits from multinational corporations. These offers range from lodging advantages to travel outside of the pay package. Several of the roles and responsibilities, as well as the compensation packages, are listed below:

Source: Payscale
PhD Biotechnology Role Salary Packages
Senior Research Scientist USD 108,824
Research Scientist USD 90,909
Research Associate USD 61, 552
Biotechnologist USD 51,204
Quality Control Analyst USD 65,000

Career Scope of PhD Biotechnology 

After completing the PhD biotechnology programme, candidates can choose from a range of professions. Students have the option of finding employment or continuing their education after finishing the course. The scope of the PhD Biotechnology programme is rapidly growing and will most likely keep growing in the near future. PhD Biotechnology graduates are qualified to work in a variety of fields in both the public and private sectors.

Career Options after PhD Biotechnology

An advanced degree in biotechnology opens up a wide range of opportunities and career paths. Students have the option of working or continuing their education. It all depends on the student's goals for the future, including whether they want to pursue employment or more education. Students have the capacity to choose based on their interests and knowledge. Some of the most popular post-Ph.D. career options in education include the ones listed below:

  • Research Scientist: Research scientists are in charge of planning, carrying out, and analysing data from carefully monitored laboratory investigations, experiments, and trials.
  • Research Associate: A research associate gathers, arranges, and synthesises data for decision-makers in the company's sales and trading function at an investment bank, asset management company, or other financial services company.
  • Quality Control Analyst: To ensure that the final product of a manufacturing process satisfies predetermined quality or safety standards, quality control (QC) analysts inspect or test it. The conclusion of this quality check guarantees that the finished item is secure for distribution or sale.
  • Biotechnologists: In order to create new technologies, procedures, and products that will tackle some of the most pressing societal issues, biotechnologists will research the chemical, genetic, and physical characteristics of cells, tissues, and organisms.

Government Jobs for PhD in Biotechnology Scholars

PhD in Biotechnology career scope even extends into the government sector in different departments. According to PayScale, the salary of Biotechnology scholars in India ranges around INR 3 - 15 LPA. Some government jobs with salaries are:

Job Roles

Average Annual Salary

Project Manager INR 5.67 LPA
Research Scientist INR 7 LPA
Lecturer or Professor INR 5 LPA
Clinical Trial Assistant INR 3 LPA
Manufacturing Scientist INR 11.8 LPA

Private Jobs for PhD Biotechnology Scholars

PhD Biotechnology scope in India extends job opportunities in the private sector for scholars. The average salary according to Glassdoor is around INR 3.5 LPA.

Job Roles

Average Annual Salary

Professor INR 3.6 LPA
Marketing Executive INR 5 LPA
Research Scientist INR 10 LPA
Lecturer INR 4 LPA
Scientific Campaign Executive INR 3 LPA

Source: Glassdoor

Job Opportunities Abroad for PhD in Biotechnology Scholars

The jobs for PhD Biotechnology Scholars are not just available in India but are also available abroad. Scholars might not have to go for higher education to increase their chances of getting a job abroad. They can find jobs in areas like the Education Department, Medical Research Centers, Biology Labs, Pharmaceutical Industry, Agriculture Sector, etc.

Top Companies For Graduates

Check the list below for the top recruiters that hire scholars:

  • Colleges and Universities
  • Medical Labs
  • Pharmaceutical Companies
  • Agricultural Companies

Best Countries For Graduates

Below is the list of top countries offering job opportunities to scholars:

  • Netherlands
  • New Zealand

Various Career Designations Abroad for Scholars

Job profiles that attract graduates to work abroad:

  • Product Strategy Manager
  • Drug Designer
  • Medical Coder

Famous PhD Biotechnology Scholars

PhD in Biotechnology courses are for those aspirants who are passionate about Science and want to take up Biotechnology professionally in the future. The course offers a degree-based education that helps them set up a career in various areas of Biotechnology. Some famous professors around the world are:

  • David S. Adams
  • Kari L. Clase
  • Thomas Koval
  • Stephen Miller
  • Pamela Weathers

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What Next After PhD? Decoding Your Life After a PhD

what can i do after phd in biotechnology

Acquiring a doctoral degree is undoubtedly a momentous occasion worthy of celebrations—students can relax, unwind, and let go of the many stresses associated with the past few years of hard work. But soon, these celebrations are followed by questions on the steps needed to grow professionally after a PhD. In this post, I hope to guide you toward finding an answer to the question “What comes after a PhD?”

So what does life after a PhD look like? It is inevitable that your PhD will leave you with an array of skills that are transferable across different sectors. These could be technical skills that are domain-specific and, more importantly, broad skills such as project management, data analysis, and effective communication. Often, it takes a while after a PhD for students to acknowledge that they are indeed equipped with these skills. Hence, it is a good idea to create a portfolio, mapping different skills to the projects and tasks that were undertaken during and after your PhD.

Choosing the next step in your career and life after PhD would then trickle down to your personal preferences and leveraging your skills tactfully. If you’ve felt stuck with the question of what to do after a PhD, here are some career options to consider:

  • Postdoctoral fellowship. After a PhD, if you are keen to continue doing research, you can pursue a postdoctoral fellowship in an academic institution and then work toward securing a tenure-track professorship. And while this path surely has its perks, especially if you want to set up your own research lab, it may be helpful to know that this is not the only worthwhile career path in life after a PhD.
  • Industry research. If you are not keen on research in academia after a PhD, you can opt to join the industry directly or after a few years of academic or industrial postdoctoral fellowship. If you choose this life after a PhD, you may need to invest additional time and energy in understanding the differences in work ethic and culture between industry and academia. However, orientation to these aspects is usually part of the training that you might receive as a new employee. Upon entering the industry, you can expand your portfolio by exploring sales and marketing, product development, and business development options.
  • Publication support. If you envision your life after PhD to be closely associated with research, but not directly involved in it, you can opt for careers in publication support, and work with publishers/journals or organizations specializing in scholarly communications.
  • Science journalism and social outreach. If after a PhD, you are keen to explore your communication skills and contribute to filling the gap between science and society, you can opt for a career in science journalism/communication and can look for organizations that are involved in science outreach and social engagement.

what can i do after phd in biotechnology

If you have wondered about your career after a PhD, by now it may be clear that what comes after PhD is not a question you should stress about as there is no dearth of career options. However, here are a few additional points to consider helping you shape your life after PhD and to ensure that your career choice aligns well with your personal preferences.

  • Financial aspirations. Financial perks vary drastically across the above-mentioned career options, and it is important to understand your personal financial goals before deciding what to do after PhD. Choosing an option that will help you grow both professionally and financially will keep you happier in the long run.
  • Working in a team vs. working solo. As a PhD student, you may be used to working on your own and taking complete ownership of your projects and ideas. You may not always have this option in your life after PhD. It is important to acknowledge your preference regarding the change that might occur in an organization where you are expected to engage in teamwork and share credit for your ideas.
  • Fixed work hours vs. flexible work hours . The doctoral journey is filled with unpredictability and you might have started getting used to the flexible work hours. However, after a PhD if you are planning to work in an organization where fixed work hours are a norm, then you might want to relook at your preferences and reconsider what to do after a PhD.
  • Hierarchical vs. non-hierarchical work environment. This can be an important point to consider when assessing where you can thrive the most in your life after a PhD. A structured work environment, like an established company with a defined hierarchy may provide you security, stability, and opportunities for a steady rise up the career ladder. On the other hand, working in a non-hierarchical or non-structured environment like a start-up may require you to perform a variety of roles simultaneously, give you the flexibility and chance to explore new domains and acquire new skills regularly, and could be rewarding in its own way after a PhD.

Through this article, we hope you found an answer to the common conundrum of what’s next after a PhD. Ultimately, for a happy and satisfying life after PhD, adopting a growth mindset will take you far in your career, no matter which direction you choose.

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Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Biotechnology Colleges, Admission, Syllabus, Jobs, Salary 2024

what can i do after phd in biotechnology

Waqar Niyazi

Content Curator

Ph.D. Biotechnology is a Doctorate course in Biotechnology that generally takes 3-5 years to complete. In this course, students would have to study subjects like Research Methodology, Scientific Communication, Recent Trends in Biotechnology, etc.

Check the top Biotechnology Colleges in India .

A student who has completed Post Graduation in Biotechnology from a recognized University with minimum aggregate marks of 55% (for the general category) or 50% (for SC, ST and OBC candidates) is eligible for this course.

Admission process for Ph.D. Biotechnology is based on entrance exams like CSIR-UGC NET, UGC NET, GATE , etc. The colleges also conduct a group discussion and personal interview round after the entrance exams for the final shortlisting of candidates.

The average fees for pursuing PhD Biotechnology is INR 50,000 to INR 4,00,000 and the fees may vary from college to college.

Many top colleges offer this course. Some of the top PhD Biotechnology colleges have been tabulated in the table below.

During this course, the candidates will have to perform research in one of the major Biotechnology topics which include Molecular Biology, Bioinformatics and Biostatistics, Protein Biotechnology, Genomics, etc.


The job roles available after completing PhD in Biotechnology are Assistant Professor in Biotechnology, Biochemist, Medical Scientist, Microbiologist, Biomanufacturing Specialist, Product manager, Medical Communication Specialist, etc.The average starting salary for PhD Biotechnology candidates is INR 4,00,000 - 20,00,000.

After Phd in Biotechnology, the candidates can do research work, or they can be recruited as a professor in many prestigious institutes like IITs, NITs & others. They can also earn a DSc   degree in related fields after completing a minimum research period of 4-5 years.


PhD Biotechnology Course Highlights

Course Level Doctorate
Full-form Doctorate of Philosophy in Biotechnology 
Duration 3-5 years
Eligibility Postgraduate degree in Biotechnology or Bioinformatics
Admission Process On the basis of Entrance test.
Course Fee INR 10,000 to INR 1,50,000
Average Salary INR 3 LPA - INR 15 LPA
Job Positions Professor, Biotechnical Researcher, Medical Coder, Associate Research Scientists, Biochemist, Medical Scientist, Microbiologist, Biomanufacturing Specialist, Product manager, Medical Communication Specialist, etc. 
Top Recruiting Areas Colleges & Universities, Medical Research Centres, Agriculture Sector, Pharmaceutical Industry, Research Centres, etc.
Top Companies Wipro, Reliance, Ocimumbio, Jubilant Biosys, Tata Consultancy Services, IBM Life Sciences, Accelrys, BioMed Informatics

PhD Biotechnology: What is it About?

  • This course is a research-based doctoral course that revolves around topics like Biological Chemistry, Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Analytical Techniques and Bioinformatics.
  • Through this course, students learn and conduct research on how to produce new organic products by processing the pre-existing products through bioprocessing.
  • This course will also train the students in biological techniques like cross-breeding, embryology, etc and their applications in real life.
  • They can choose to work in various sectors like Medical Sector, Government Labs, Pharmaceutical Companies, Chemical Factories, Agricultural companies and many allied industries.
  • The candidates will have to complete a research thesis on any of the relevant topics of their choice and submit it at the end of the course.

Why Should You Study PhD Biotechnology?

  • The possibilities in Biotechnology are immense . Whether it is in the medical field or agriculture, this technology has developed a lot in the coming time.
  • Biotechnology has applications in many industries. Professions can choose to work for a variety of organizations, including government agencies, private companies, regulatory bodies, or clinical laboratories.
  • The scope of this field is expected to increase in future . Just as there will be development in technology, there will be many employment opportunities in this field.
  • The candidates will have multiple career options . Besides pursuing a career in Biotechnology, students can also make a career in the IT industry.
  • The candidates can also turn entrepreneurs. This course gives you the ability to start your own research lab, you can become a professor in the universities and can become a research scientist as well.

Why PhD Biotechnology?

PhD Biotechnology Admission Process

  • Admission to the PhD Biotechnology will be done according to the marks scored in the entrance examination.
  • Some of the most popular PhD Biotechnology Entrance Exams are UGC NET, CSIR UGC NET, etc.
  • GATE/ GPAT   qualified candidates will also be considered for admission to the course. They will not have to appear for any entrance exam.

The stepwise admission process is briefly discussed below:

  • Step 1: Application : The first step of the admission process is filling up the application form. Once you have successfully submitted the application form, you may proceed with the further steps of the admission process.
  • Step 2: Entrance Exam : Most of the universities accept students based on the marks scored by them in the entrance test. The cut-off for the entrance test is determined by the college authorities.
  • Step 3: Group Discussion and Personal Interview : Some colleges also conduct a personal interview. The candidates will be shortlisted based on their performance in the interview.
  • Step 4: Enrollment : The final stage of the admission process is getting admitted to the college. For that, they need to submit all the required documents and pay the admission charges.

PhD Biotechnology Admission Process

Check the full list of PhD entrance exams in India .

PhD Biotechnology Eligibility Criteria

  • The candidates must complete their post-graduation in Biotechnology or Bioinformatics or any other relevant discipline from a recognized board or university.
  • Minimum 50% - 55% aggregate marks or 6.75 CGPA on a 10 point scale should be scored at the Post Graduation level to be eligible for this course.
  • They should also clear the entrance exam like CSIR- UGC – NET, DBI JRF, ICMR JRF, etc.
  • The candidate should be currently employed in the relevant field with a research experience of minimum 2 years.

PhD Biotechnology Entrance Exams

Some important dates regarding these entrance exams are summarised in the table below:

Entrance Exam Registration Date Exam Date
CSIR UGC NET 2nd week of March – 2nd week of April 2024 3rd week of June 2024
UGC NET December 2023 – January 2024 February 2024 – March 2024
September 5, 2023 – October 25, 2023 (Extended) February 11, 2024
March 2024 April 2024
March 2024 April 2024

How to Prepare for the PhD Biotechnology entrance exam?

  • Initially, you need to know the exact syllabus & pattern of the exam, and the syllabus is huge so try to start preparing yourself for the exam a few months before.
  • You should make a list of subjects and prioritize them based on the marks allocated to them and after that create a timetable with the distribution of subjects and study the subjects according to the marks.
  • You should follow a few good reference books for the preparation process. And after completing the syllabus of reference books you can solve maximum mock test papers to check whether your preparation is touching the optimum mark or not.
  • At last, try to solve as many as PhD entrance exams of previous years as it will give you a clear idea about the difficulty level and how many times you should allot to the particular type of questions.

Some of the good reference books that can be used to prepare for these entrance exams are listed in the table below.

Book  Author 
Biochemistry & Molecular Biology of plants  Buchanan 
Concepts & Experiments Karp
Cell proliferation and apoptosis Hughes & Mehnet
Molecular Cell Biology  Lodish 
Cell & Molecular Biology D. Robertis

How to get Admission in a Good PhD Biotechnology College?

These are a few important tips that you must keep in mind if you wish to be a part of a really good college:

  • You should have a very good GPA or a very good percentage in your post-graduation that will help you to get admitted to a college of your choice.
  • Be well-prepared for the entrance test. Try to attempt at least 70-80% questions correctly to be able to qualify the exam.
  • If your university conducts an interview, then be prepared with the questions that you might face during the interview.
  • Make sure that your application form does not have any mistakes. Otherwise, your application may get rejected during document verification.
  • Keep an eye on the official website of the university for regular updates regarding the admission process.

PhD Biotechnology Syllabus

During this course, the candidate will have to conduct research in any one of the subtopics given below.

Paper  Subjects/Activities  Description 

Paper 1
Molecular Biology  Studying and researching the structure of Proteins, DNA, RNA and other Macro-Biomolecules. The researchers may also look to discover a new kind of biomolecule through this study. 
Bioinformatics and Biostatistics  This field involves the application of Information Technology and Data Science in order to properly analyse various genetic molecules. This branch is also used for genetic analysis. 
Statistics and Probability Theory  This is a bit of Mathematical field involving all the important theories of Statistics and Probability and their applications in the field of Biotechnology. 
Protein Biotechnology  Studying the structure, types, function, and everything related to proteins in detail. 
Electrophoresis and DNA Sequencing  Researchers will gain a hand-on experience in Gel Electrophoresis, DNA Extraction and DNA Sequencing. 
Genomics This field will revolve around the study of types of genes present in different organisms, their mapping, and the Human Genome Project. 

Paper 2
Critical Review on the Research Conducted  The University authorities and faculty members will review the Research conducted by the researchers. The researchers will have to present their research in detail in front of them. 
A Research Review Report After the critical review, a research review report will be prepared by the researcher which needs to be submitted at the end of the course. 
Viva - Voce The researchers will have to appear for Viva-Voce on the research conducted by them. 

PhD Biotechnology Top Colleges

Many reputed colleges in India provide PhD Biotechnology courses. The top colleges providing this course according to India Today Ranking Survey 2019 have been given in the table below.

College Name  Location  Average Annual Fees 
Chennai, Tamil Nadu  INR 2,000
  Chennai, Tamil Nadu  INR 48,200
Bangalore, Karnataka NA
Ahmedabad, Gujarat  INR 80,000
  Mumbai, Maharashtra  NA
  Chandigarh  INR 9,425
  Bangalore, Karnataka  INR 44,000
  Tiruchirappalli, Kerala  INR 30,000
Mumbai, Maharashtra INR 12,000
Jaipur, Rajasthan  INR 1,26,000

Average Annual Fees

Source: College Websites

College Comparison

The three most reputed universities offering this course have been compared in the table below.

Parameters Chandigarh University Jaipur National University Barkatullah University
Overview  Chandigarh University is one of the youngest universities to be ranked consistently by the NIRF Ranking surveys. The university is a private deemed university providing undergraduate, postgraduate and doctorate level courses in both classroom and distance mode.  Jaipur National University was established in 2007. The University offers interdisciplinary programs in both traditional and distance mode. The University was ranked among the top institutes in India in 2019 by India Today group.  Originally known as the University of Bhopal and more informally as Bhopal University, it was renamed in 1988 after the great freedom fighter Prof. Barkatullah, who was born in the area. It is the main university of the capital city and provides degrees to most of the non-technical colleges in and around Bhopal
Location  Chandigarh Jaipur Bhopal, MP
Admission Process  Entrance based Merit based and Interview Merit and Entrance
Average Annual Fees  INR 85,000 INR 1,08,000 INR 30,000
Average Annual Salary  INR 7 LPA  INR 4 LPA  INR 4 LPA 
Top Recruiters  HP, Samsung, ITC, JSW, Videocon, ICICI, Bajaj, Wipro, Wipro, SAP, Oberois Group, Patanjali, Intecons, Bosch Ltd.  DRDO, NTPC, Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited. 

Chandigarh University Vs Jaipur National University

PhD Biotechnology Distance Education

  • The duration for the distance learning of PhD Biotechnology is 2-3 years.
  • The candidate seeking admission to the course should be Post Graduate in Biotechnology.
  • Top recruiting companies of Distance learning colleges are SAMSUNG, Intel, Flipkart, Cisco, Microsoft, TATA Motors, Wipro, NIIT etc.

Some of the top colleges providing this course in distance mode are given in the table below.

College Name  Location  Average Course Fees  Duration 
New Delhi INR 20,000-40,000 2 years
Jalandhar INR 2,32,000 2 years
New Delhi INR 90,000 3 years

Check the Admission process of LPU   in detail.

PhD Biotechnology vs PhD Microbiology

Both Biotechnology and Microbiology are very similar streams which deal with experimentation with genomes and microorganisms. The main differences between PhD Biotechnology and PhD Microbiology   have been discussed in the table below.

Parameters  PhD Biotechnology  PhD Microbiology
Overview  Biotechnology involves topics like Human Genome Project, Biostatistics, DNA Sequencing etc. During this course, the candidates try to produce a new and improved product using biotechnological techniques.  PhD Microbiology deals with topics like in-vitro fertilisation, embryology, study of bacteria, protozoa and other microbes. It mainly involves the study of microorganisms to know about some new characters of these organisms. 
Eligibility  Minimum 50% - 55% aggregate marks or 6.75 CGPA on a 10 point scale should be scored at the Post Graduation level to be eligible for this course.  Minimum 50% - 55% aggregate marks should be scored at the Post Graduation level to be eligible for this course. 
Admission Process  Entrance Based  Entrance Based 
Average Annual Fees  INR 10,000 to INR 1,50,000 INR 20,000 to INR 1,50,000
Job Roles  Biotechnologist, Biochemist, Biochemical Researcher, etc.  Microbiologists, Embryologist, Bacterial Researchers, Pharmaceutical Researchers, etc. 
Average Placement Package  INR 4 - 20 LPA  INR 3 - 15 LPA 
Recruiting Areas  Automobiles, Ecommerce, FMCG, Healthcare, Insurance, Oil & Gas, Infrastructure, Aviation, Agriculture and Allied industries, Steel, Textiles, Roads, etc. Food, Beverage industry, Chemical, Aromatic amino acids and Pharmaceutical industries etc.

Also, check the full list of top PhD Microbiology Colleges in India .

PhD Biotechnology Vs PhD Microbiology

PhD Biotechnology Job Profiles and Career Prospects

The candidates after completing PhD in Biotechnology generally work as Assistant Professor in Biotechnology, Biochemist, Medical Scientist, Microbiologist, Biomanufacturing Specialist, Product manager, Medical Communication Specialist, etc.

Some of the top job profiles have been described in the table below.

Job Profile Job Description  Average Salary 
Business Development Manager Business development managers provide detailed market analysis and help with competitive intelligence to help biotechnology companies formulate and execute growth and investment strategies. INR 6,01,685
Process Development Scientists Process development scientists oversee the manufacturing process in an organization’s lab, looking for ways to increase quality and efficiency. INR 3,56,967
Biochemist Biochemists study the chemical properties of living things and biological processes, such as cell development, cell growth etc. they conduct complex research projects. They also research the effects of oranges, hormones, biological processes to develop products and processes that may improve human health. INR 4,80,000
Biological/ Clinical Technician These technicians use lab instruments, advanced robotics, specialized computer software, and automed equipment to collect, analyze, and model experiment data. INR 4,58,600
Microbiologist Microbiologists study microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, algae, fungi, and some type of parasites. They try to understand how these organisms live, grow and interact with their environment. INR 3,11,461

Average Annual Salary Vs Job Profiles

Source: Payscale

PhD Biotechnology Future Scope

  • Biotechnology is a multidisciplinary pursuit that has emerged as a demanding industry during the recent past.
  • Besides being a branch of advanced biological sciences, it has attracted many multinational companies.
  • Nowadays there are various scopes after PhD Biotechnology like improvement of clinical testing and diagnostic tools, production of novel varieties of crop plants and animals, production of pharmaceutical products for the cure or control of many human diseases.
  • PhD in Biotechnology students may teach in private or government schools and colleges. They may also become a part of the government and private research labs.
  • If the candidates wish to go for further study, then they can go for a DSc degree in relevant disciplines. But, to be eligible for DSc, the candidates will have to do further research even after completing their PhD.

Check the full list of top DSc Colleges in India .

PhD Biotechnology FAQs

Ques. What is the eligibility for PhD Biotechnology?

Ans. Minimum 50%- 55% or 6.75 CGPA on a 10 point scale marks should be scored in Biotechnology or another relevant field at the Post Graduation level from a recognized university. And should clear the entrance exam like CSIR- UGC – NET, DBI JRF, ICMR JRF etc, conducted by the colleges.

Ques. What is the average salary of PhD Biotechnology?

Ans. The average starting salary you may get after completing PhD in Biotechnology is INR 4 to 20 L per annum.

Ques. Why should you choose Biotechnology as a career option?

Ans. Biotechnology has immense scope and its demands are expected to increase in future. Professions can choose to work for a variety of organizations, including government agencies, private companies, regulatory bodies, or clinical laboratories.

Ques. What kinds of jobs are available in the field of Biotechnology?

Ans. Some of the job profiles available for these candidates are:

  • Business development manager
  • Director of Product Strategy/ Commercialization
  • Process development scientists
  • Biomanufacturing specialists
  • Biological/ Clinical technician
  • Microbiologist
  • Medical Scientist

Ques. How can I do a PhD in Biotechnology abroad?

Ans. There are many good universities, especially in the US and UK, which provide this course. But, to study this course abroad, you must qualify in English Proficiency tests like TOEFL and IELTS.

Ques. What kind of questions are asked in a PhD Biotechnology interview?

Ans. The interviewer will try to assess your research idea. So, have a clear idea about the research topic that you select, so that you can explain your research idea clearly.

Ques. Which countries will be best for studying PhD in Biotechnology?

Ans. USA, UK and Australia have many reputed colleges which provide PhD Biotechnology courses.

Ques. Will I have to qualify in any English Proficiency exam to study PhD Biotechnology abroad?

Ans. Yes, English Proficiency tests like IELTS, TOEFL, etc are compulsory for getting admission in good colleges abroad.

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24 Reviews found

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Campus life :.

The annual fest is Technorazz which happens every year in the month of September for 3 consecutive days. Several competitions also takes place between inter college . The librabries is very rich with books , the student can issue 2 books on each id card. The classroom are provided with ducts . The practical laboratory are well equipted with instruments. There are various sports activities takes place , there is sports day for 3 days .

Placement Experience :

In PHD from the 1 year the student gets placements and internships. The various companies that come for campus placements are Aculife , pharma related . The students also gets placement in AIIMS and some foreign universities. The average package provided is 6-7 lakhs per annum. If the students have cleared jrf the chances for placements increases.

Insights of Amity University

The campus placement is good. companies like GDRC, Mediception, Acadecraft etc have visited the campus for placements. After completing my PhD I would also like to opt for any professor job. Almost every student who sits in placement gets it and all this depends upon the type, of course, they have studied.

Loan/ Scholarship Provisions :

The fees structure of Amity University for PhD biotechnology is 50000 per semester. If scholars have qualified for any national level examination then they can apply for scholarships and financial assistantships also. They prefer NET, DBT, ICMR, DST etc.

Prestigious institution

A wide range of co-curricular activities are conducted in our Institution. Our Institute provides equal chances to both male and female students. We have our cultural cell where we witness various plays. There is no discrimination and any kind of violence on campus.

Course Curriculum Overview :

I have a very well planned course curriculum. My syllabus perfectly fits the daily routine. Overall, I have 22 classes a week, which include, theory as well as practical classes. Exams are conducted at the end of each semester. Sometimes we also have monthly exams.

Good autonomous institute for life science

Occasions are the fundamental piece of an understudy's life and college is dealing with it quite well. They continue sorting out the occasions with the goal that the understudies ought to get increasingly more information from those occasions or have a fabulous time as well. The cultural events in this college are the vibe establisher.

Admission :

Admission to PHD students is only possible when they will qualify the entrance test which is followed by an in person interview round. No specific age limit is there for the phd course. The application can either be filled on the official portal or in the institutional office.

Pranayeeni Pradhan's Review On Institute Of Life Sciences - [ILS], Bhubaneswar

students should have passed their M.Sc./ M.Tech./ M.Pharm./ M.V.Sc. or equivalent qualification in life sciences and allied subjects (Biochemistry/ Biotechnology/ Bioinformatics/ Biophysics/ Chemistry/ Microbiology, etc.) with a minimum of 60% marks (or equivalent grade point). Candidates awaiting final results may also apply, however, if shortlisted, they have to produce their final mark sheet on the date of the interview, failing which they will not be interviewed. Or Students should have also qualified in CSIR/UGC-JRF or DBT-JRF or DBT-BINC-JRF or UGC-RGNF or ICMR-JRF or DST-INSPIRE or GATE or GPAT. If the original certificate is not available, the candidate has to provide a photocopy of the original admit card and the particular result page highlighting their roll number, along with the application.

It has all the facilities like Library,Computer labs ,Auditorium MedicalCafeteria etc . Library is one of the great place here. It has a huge amount of books and journals. I loved spending time in this place . It has other research facilities like Instrumentation, Animal House Facility and Bioinformatics Facility.

college review

The school gives E-learning office, Wi-Fi office, however there are no climate control systems. The library is astounding, which contains an enormous assortment of law books, diaries, digital books and lawful database. There is no consideration given to the upkeep of the kid's lodging. There is no position to deal with the inn tidiness. The Rector doesn't visit the lodging for the entire semester. Restrooms and latrines of the inn are the most terrible that anybody will discover in any inn in the state. There are no entryways in the latrines and taps are broken. The inn was painted as of late on the grounds that the NAAC panel was going to visit the school for assessment.

Very nearly 50-60% of the understudies got put. The most significant pay offered is Rs. 90,000 every month, the most minimal compensation offered is Rs. 30,000 every month, the normal compensation offered is Rs. 45,000 every month. ICICI, HDFC, Syska, and so on., are the top selecting organizations. Lawful partner, paralegal, research partner, and so forth., are the top enrolling organizations. The most significant compensation bundle offered is 9 LPA, the least pay bundle offered is 4 LPA, the normal pay bundle offered ranges between 5 LPA - 6 LPA. Very nearly 70-80% of the understudies in our course get entry level position openings in numerous organizations.

The college is good, but the hostel needs a huge amount of maintenance.

There are numerous grounds arrangement openings that are accessible. It likewise has pre-position exercises like meetings, talks, and composed test and gathering conversation. Numerous organizations come and select the understudies themselves. There are openings in the grounds itself for an examination partner or a specialized colleague.

Looking for admission to the establishment an understudy must qualify any M.Sc (any part of science). The understudies who have given tests like GATE, DBT-BINC, or some other in that capacity, such understudies are additionally able to apply for the course. I had done my degree so get confirmation for me was simple.

Alok Ranjan Saha's Review On Institute Of Life Sciences - [ILS], Bhubaneswar

It is mandatory that candidates should have passed their M.Sc. / M.Tech. / M.Pharm./ M.V.Sc. or equivalent qualification in life sciences and allied subjects (Biochemistry/ Biotechnology/ Bioinformatics/ Biophysics/ Chemistry/ Microbiology, etc.) with minimum of 60% marks (or equivalent grade point). Programming/scripting experience would be a plus for candidates interested in Bioinformatics. Candidates awaiting final results may also apply, however, if shortlisted, they have to produce their final mark sheet on the date of the interview, failing which they will not be interviewed. Candidates should have also qualified in CSIR/UGC-JRF or DBT-JRF or DBT-BINC-JRF or UGC-RGNF or ICMR-JRF or DST-INSPIRE or GATE or GPAT. If the original certificate is not available, the candidate has to provide a photocopy of the original admit card and the particular result page highlighting their roll number, along with the application.

The university has all the mandatory facilities like Library,Computer labs ,Auditorium Medical clinic , Cafeteria etc . I find Library the one of the unique place here. It has a huge collection of books and journals. I have spent a lot of time in this place . It has other research facilities like Instrumentation, Animal House Facility and Bioinformatics Facility.

Swatismita Priyadarsini's Review On Institute Of Life Sciences - [ILS], Bhubaneswar

There are many campus placement opportunities that are available. It also has pre-placement activities like interviews, talks, and written-test and group discussion. Many companies come and recruit the students themselves. There are opportunities in the campus itself for a research associate or a technical assistant.

Many events are conducted throughout the year. Workshops are also there which helps us to get information about various things. The workshops are organized within the campus itself and great speakers come to these workshops. Such exposure helps us to have detailed knowledge about our specialized course.

Satisfactory experience

The insititute organizes awareness programs for Rabies and its prevention. The institute also organized a workshop to form guidelines for taking forward the prevailing situation of Rabies. Every year a rally is organized to promote awareness and prevention of the Rabies.

The staff and teachers of the institute are very helpful. They give individual attention to each student and are available all the time to clear our doubts. They are well knowledgeable and their interest in the subjects makes us understand things in a good way.

Archana Samal's Review On Institute Of Life Sciences - [ILS], Bhubaneswar

We many events which happen throughout the year, many competitions take place during the year. Many cultural activities also happen like dancing, literary events, etc. The library is one the attraction for the college as it has frontier are journals and books. The library is connected to many online journals and publishers through DeLCon.

The institute is one of the premier science research institute. It has a highly competent faculty with it. These faculty are working in frontier areas in multidisciplinary research. Not only that they are among the best teachers any institute could have. They teach all the aspects of the subjects.

All the applicants will have to give the entrance examination finalized by the college authorities then the selected candidates will have to go through the interview which will be undertaken at the campus of the college. You can fill out the application form by taking it from the office at the college campus. The eligibility criteria for the Ph.D course is that the applicant must have passed M.Sc./M.Tech./M.Pharma./M.V.Sc. or equivalent qualification with a minimum of 60% marks. Candidates that have qualified in CSIR/UGC-JRF or CSIR/UGC-lectureship or ICMR-JRF or DBT-category I/II or DST-INSPIRE or DBT-BINC or GATE will be given preferences.

The course curriculum is highly inclined towards the practical knowledge. There are regular cutting-edge research activities. The laboratories are well equipped with several high-end equipments such as electron microscope, confocal microscope, atomic force microscope, fluorescence activated cell analyzer/sorter, microarray system, mass spectrophotometer, etc. Overall the course curriculum is well equipped with practical sessions. The overall day at the institution is very interesting.

Shailesh Singh's Review On Institute Of Life Sciences - [ILS], Hyderabad

This is one of the most prestigious institute of the country. And to get admission here a student needs to follow the procedure of filling an online form that is published by the college every year. Thereafter, an entrance test will be conducted by NTA to get admission to M.phil or PhD program. Then the authorities of the college decide to conduct the interview and on the basis of merit list, a student can get admission easily.

The college is full of recreational, extracurricular and enthusiastic activities that boost up the talent and confidence of the students. A Student can indulge in different activities of singing, dancing, quizzes, debates, seminars, speeches etc. Both academic and cultural fest are celebrated with great enthusiasm.

College best for Ph.D

Many activities are held at the college campus for students to enjoy and relax as well as to improve their skills and grow from their experience workshops are held for learning and many events like food contest,dance, singing sports tournament etc.

College is quite decent to study giving positive vibes and a studious environment helping students to move forward and learn more about the their area field .College have a good infrastructure provides all the best facilities a student needs.


Almost all the lectures have done post doctoral in their respective area. With a exception of few every professor are suitable for the course work and research purposes. The course work for PhD have approximately 20 lectures per subject. The lectures does not have any relevant industry experience certificates.

College Events :

There are many cultural, technical and management festivals hold throughout the year. Students from every department and every course are welcomed to join in the programs. There are 2 big grounds where all the functions are held. The college management also help the students.

Overall all it was a good experience

They make us focus on the course very well, which makes it easy for us in exams. The faculty is strict but that helps you to be a better person. They help with any questions that you may have regarding work. I had my famous professor who always helped me in my comp, edition of course, and was always available.

Fee Structure And Facilities :

The average fee charged by the college for my course. They have made the fee structure in such a manner that middle-class people can easily afford it without any strain and many do not have to take loans. We are also given extra time to pay the fee to incase a student is facing some financial issues.

Akshay's Review On Institute Of Life Sciences - [ILS], Bhubaneswar

My college has so many events starting from dance, singing, culture to sports. Loads of events are organized and many of us participate in it. The labs are so huge and very well maintained bu the university. Beautiful infrastructure and the college are beautifully decorated whenever there is an event or conference.

The course is very difficult and we have to work very hard to attain the desired results. The course is very well designed and divided, it makes you go step by step. With each passing year, the course gets tougher and so the number of hours we have to put in also increases.

Entrance preview

Here both genders are treated equal we have 50-50 ratio of students in both gender and the compus life is fantastic. You have freedom to enjoy with regulated rules. Laboratory equipments are updated with latest technology regularly, sports kits are purchased annually and every year our college will win atleast 2-3 zonal prizes in sports.

The minimum eligibility criteria for applying in any of the Ph.D courses is, the candidate should have done Master? in M.Sc./ M.Tech./ M.Pharma./M.V.Sc. or equivalent qualification with min. 60% marks in Life Sciences. Admission to Ph.D. will be granted to the students who will clear the Entrance Exam followed by Interview.

Review about NIPER

College helps students in getting placements. Companies pay a decent package to them. Also, Internship opportunities are also given to students. Also,if you don't get a placement, then the course structure is designed in such a manner that you can hang out your shingle.

Admission in Ph.D. Programme is based on the entrance exam (NIPER JEE) and interview. A merit list is prepared which is followed by Interview of the eligible candidates. I chose this course because it provides us a centric and systematic pharmaceutical education.

The course structure is descriptive with educational tours and programs are additionally included in the educational plan which is the best piece of our degree. It is likewise truly learned and an extraordinary chance to visit different well-known research organizations of the nation.

The expense structure is affordable with no hidden charges when contrasted with different schools. The college has different grant programs that help the understudies to have some decrease in expenses. The expense for a P.H.D course for two scholastic years is INR 1.20 LAKHS.

Ph.D. (Chemistry)

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5 Career options after having a degree in Biotechnology

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If we define Biotechnology in its simplest form, then it is the compound form of Biology & technology. It helps in developing modern technology & powerful equipment on the basis of cellular and biomolecular processes. Biological processes of microorganisms have been being used for the production of food & various dairy products. For example, we have bread and cheese, the daily used product.

Know in details for : Biotechnology Engineering

Qualification Required for Biotechnology:

The eligibility criteria to pursue Biotechnology as a degree course varies as per the institutions. However, if we take an average assumption, the minimum qualification required is 10+2 or equivalent education. In addition to that, the candidates must have qualified their last education with a minimum score of 45% - 50% (Varies as per institutions & reserved categories). The candidates must have Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology as mandatory subjects. The rest of the criteria such as age limit, nationality etc will always differ.

Top 5 Career Options for Biotechnology

When we speak of a career in biotechnology, a person in a lab coat working with test tubes and some chemicals in a lab comes to our mind. However, scientist & lab researcher are not the only options for a biotechnology graduate. With advanced technology & exciting discoveries, career opportunity for biotechnology professionals is expanding. Here are some of the best options to build a career after A Degree in Biotechnology.

1. PhD in Biotech in India or Abroad:

If you want to secure a higher position in society with your intellectual ability, then you can go for a PhD in Biotech. To pursue a PhD, you have to clear CSIR NET/GATE in the first place. After that, you can go for PhD in Biotech or Master’s Degree (MS) in Technology. Many Indian universities, as well as foreign institutes, provide massive opportunities for Biotech professionals. If you’re looking for abroad education, then Singapore will be great suggestion which has a thriving career option.

2. Lectureship in different Organization/University:

If you’re looking forward to nurturing young minds for a better future, then Teaching is the career you’re looking for. With a degree in Biotechnology, you can opt for a teaching job. This profession attracts many candidates due to its longevity, job security, and low pressures. However, teaching is all about passion. If you think that you’re not passionate about this profession, then you shouldn’t waste more time thinking about it. To get a lectureship job, you have to clear NET-LS (National Eligibility Test – Lectureship) in the first step. Those who’ll secure a remarkable score will be selected by prominent universities with a high pay scale.

3. Entrepreneurship:

If you want to work under your convenience, without a fixed schedule & work pressure from someone else, then entrepreneurship is the word you’re looking for. In today’s market, entrepreneurship has been recognised as a promising path for the new generation. Before proceeding with the idea, make sure that you have a business mind for the current market. To be unique, you have to do something different than others. Make yourself visible in the competition with your exceptional work. With new policies, the govt of India is also helping startups to grow their business.

4. Government Sector Jobs:

If you study the word ‘Biotechnology’, then you’ll see that it has health, technology, and life sciences in itself. Government sectors have plenty of opportunities for these 3 categories. After a degree in Biotech, you can look for various career options under the Indian Govt. The biotech department in India is managed by the Ministry of Science and Technology. Candidates can apply for part-time as well as full-time jobs in these industries. The main perk in these job is that it has a lifetime security.

5. Intellectual Property Research and Patenting

This is a subject that you must have read in your college days. However, very less students know about this profession. Some says that this field is boring. But it is one of the most promising path with a little competitive environment. In this sector, you’ll be working closely with legal stuffs whcih will also give you a wide look of the Indian legal rules. You can start with a small organisation and slowly grow to a large & established organisation.

So, these are the 5 best options after a degree in biotechnology. You have a long way to live your life comfortably. Choose your career path wisely and get the benefits. Good luck ahead!!!

Read also :  Biotechnology as a career after 12th with PCM


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