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How to Write a Perspective Essay That Will Impress Your Professor

By: Henrique Bertulino

How to Write a Perspective Essay That Will Impress Your Professor

Personal experiences make for great essays. When you use a personal experience to fuel your creativity, the writing process becomes much simpler. A perspective essay is an example of these types of essays. You're drawing on yourself, so the need to research is less. It saves you a lot of time, which a writing service, like essay or thesis help , can even help you further with.

Perspective Essay Example

Pro: concise and interesting, pro: well-structured, con: errors with sentence construction, some tips and tricks.

Everyone has different perspectives - it is just how the world works. Your subject matter will always be unique. In this article, instead of taking you step-by-step through the process of writing one, we will instead use a sample essay to show you what works and what doesn't.

Everyone has different perspectives, and sometimes it is difficult to understand another person's point of view. Many people do the things they do mainly because they feel that their point of view is the right one. Personally, sometimes people usually do not want to think about others' personal perspectives since they know that they are just wrong with their own. Put simply, some people really know what they are doing is incorrect and do not wish to fix it. In my perspective of being upset with my good friend, I was angered that my good friend, who had been staying with me for the week throughout the summer, has not been picking up after himself.

I had to clean up all of his messes to make sure that our living quarters were not in complete disorder. It angered me mainly because I had to clean up following him along with myself. I feel that he needs to have contributed at least slightly to our scenario. We were away from our homes and in the same condition, and he just depended on me to be his personal "maid." My response to this situation that I was dealing with was that I was very short-tempered, and I also did not desire to speak with my friend all the. He got the feeling that something was wrong, but he did not give any thought to what was wrong.

My spouse and I tried to merely blow off the situation and see if he was going to eventually start helping out, but nothing improved. Finally, I told him that he needed to start helping around the place. He got extremely offensive, and he mentioned, "I thought that room services was washing our space." Some people expect points in life, and my friend was one of these people. My perspective changed once I looked at just how he had grown up.

He had his father and mother and his granny do almost everything for him. From performing the dishes to taking out the trash, this kid never performed a task in his entire life. Sometimes you just have to look at the different person's personal background and look at how they had been raised.

Obviously, it was not the right way to raise a child, but I couldn't control what he was accustomed to. Problems occur in perspective-taking all the time because not everyone is brought up the same. A large number of people originate from different backgrounds and different societies.

Most of us view issues differently and based on just how we were brought up. Sometimes your own perspective may not be the agreeable one, and that is the hardest thing to change, especially if you grew up with it.

Dissecting the Essay Sample: What Works and What Doesn't

Now that you are done with the essay, let us jump right into what we can learn from it. First, the pros:

The essay is on the short side, and this isn't difficult to read. Because it is written from the first-person point of view, it drops the reader right into the middle of things. In other words, by starting the perspective essay with their own perspective, the writer brings the readers into his mind space and challenges them to understand where he is coming from.

Another thing worth noting is the anecdote. The story is relatable and simple. Most of us know at least one person like that. By being recognizable and interesting, the essay holds the reader's attention, which is the most important thing.

You may need an expert service to produce a custom paper so that they can show you the basics. Essay structure is one of the most basic and most important things you need to get right if you want to come in first place for your academic writing. And this essay gets it right.

It starts out with an introduction, setting up the premise and expectations for the whole thing. The body paragraphs deal with the story and serve to keep the readers hooked while expanding on the thesis statement. Finally, the conclusion brings it all together - the initial argument, the story - and ties it all together by contextualizing the thesis statement with implications from real life.

That about settles it as far as pros are concerned. Let us now look at what the essay was not able to achieve:

The essay was clearly written by someone not wholly proficient in English. There are a lot of oddly placed words in this essay. There is nothing wrong with writing in a language you're not wholly proficient in, but a research paper has certain standards it needs to live up to. A few rounds of proofreading would be enough to get rid of the inaccuracies, so keep an eye on that.

Drawing upon your own well of experiences will make for unique term papers, this is true, but you need to be mindful of the following:

  • Your memories are the basis for who you are today. They have significance to you, but the stories by themselves will not be able to affect change in others. You have to provide context and give explanations.
  • Tied in with the previous point, you need to realize that your experiences are your own. Many people will not be able to relate to specific cultural things that you went through that they did not. Keeping the reader's attention becomes a priority in this case.

Writing a perspective essay and writing a creative essay is a challenging and rewarding experience. If you can get it right, your paper will be a show stealer! As long as you contextualize your subjective experiences with proper evidence and explanation, you will be well on your way to success. Make sure to format it right, proofread it at least thrice, and present it with confidence. That is all it takes to come first.

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This article is great and all, but I will most likely keep outsourcing any paper on perspective writing. I write most of my papers, but I usually need a rewrite all around a great right-up.

I think this article really helps out with a lot of information about perspective essays. As a college student, I know that writing from your memory or opinions can be quite easy since opinions will always vary. However, proficiency and good grammar are still major requirements in this form of writing.

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How to Write a Perspective Essay?

example of a personal perspective essay

Understanding the Importance of Perspective Essays

A perspective essay is a powerful tool that allows individuals to express their thoughts and opinions on a particular topic from their unique standpoint. Unlike other types of essays, a perspective essay requires a deep understanding of the subject matter and the ability to convey personal experiences, observations, and beliefs effectively. By sharing different perspectives, individuals contribute to a diverse and inclusive society where ideas are valued and respected.

Choosing a Compelling Topic

When selecting a topic for your perspective essay, it's important to choose something that you are passionate about and have a strong opinion on. Whether it's a social issue, political ideology, or personal experience, your topic should resonate with your audience and make them eager to read your insights. Research the chosen topic thoroughly to ensure you have a solid foundation of knowledge to build upon.

Gathering Evidence and Conducting Research

Before diving into writing your perspective essay, it's crucial to gather relevant evidence to support your claims and arguments. Conduct thorough research using credible sources such as books, scholarly articles, and reputable websites. Take notes, highlight important information, and carefully analyze different viewpoints to strengthen your own perspective.

Structuring Your Perspective Essay

The structure of a perspective essay is similar to other types of essays. It consists of an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. The introduction should grab the reader's attention and provide a brief overview of the topic and your stance. The body paragraphs, which are the core of your essay, should present your arguments, supporting evidence, and counterarguments. Finally, the conclusion should summarize your main points and leave the reader with a thought-provoking closing statement.

Writing with Clarity and Coherence

When writing your perspective essay, aim for clarity and coherence. Use clear, concise, and precise language to articulate your ideas. Structure your paragraphs logically, ensuring a smooth flow of thoughts. Support your arguments with relevant examples, anecdotes, or statistics to engage your audience and strengthen your position. Remember to acknowledge and address opposing viewpoints respectfully, demonstrating open-mindedness and critical thinking.

Formatting and Stylistic Considerations

While the content of your perspective essay is crucial, don't overlook the importance of formatting and style. Use appropriate heading tags, such as H2 or H3, for each section and subsection to improve readability and assist search engines in understanding the structure of your content. Enhance the visual appeal of your essay by using bullet points or numbered lists to break down complex information into digestible chunks. Incorporate relevant keywords naturally throughout the text to optimize your chances of ranking higher in search engine results.

Editing and Proofreading

Once you've completed your perspective essay, take the time to review, edit, and proofread it carefully. Pay attention to grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure. Ensure your ideas flow smoothly and coherently. Remove any unnecessary repetition or tangential information. Consider seeking feedback from peers, teachers, or online communities to gain valuable insights and improve the overall quality of your essay.

Example Perspective Essay: The Power of Empathy

The following is an example of a perspective essay on the power of empathy:

Empathy, the ability to understand and share the feelings of others, is a remarkable human trait that holds immense power. In a world filled with turmoil and division, empathy acts as a bridge, fostering understanding, compassion, and connection. It enables us to step into someone else's shoes, see the world through their eyes, and recognize their struggles and challenges.

When we embrace empathy, we break down barriers and cultivate a sense of unity. It allows us to transcend our personal biases and preconceptions, opening our minds to a multitude of perspectives. Empathy promotes inclusivity and acceptance, nurturing a society where diversity is celebrated and everyone feels valued.

One powerful aspect of empathy is its ability to spark positive change. By understanding the experiences of others, we become motivated to take action and address social injustices. Through empathy, we recognize the need for equality, justice, and human rights. It fuels our determination to create a better world for ourselves and future generations.

In conclusion, writing a perspective essay is an opportunity to express your thoughts, opinions, and experiences in a unique and compelling way. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can confidently tackle the task of writing a perspective essay. Remember to choose a captivating topic, conduct thorough research, structure your essay effectively, and write with clarity and coherence. By sharing your perspectives, you contribute to the rich tapestry of ideas that shape our society.

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How to Write a Personal Perspective Paper

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One type of essay that is frequently assigned to students is the personal perspective paper. These papers give students an opportunity to voice opinions and feelings about certain topics or events, and they give teachers an opportunity to see how well students communicate and to get to know their students better. Personal perspective papers may be assigned to a specific topic, such as being instructed to write a personal perspective on school dress codes or online bullying, or they may be more open-ended, such as describing an ideal school environment or how daily life has changed since students' parents were in school.

Explore this article

  • Define the topic
  • Determine the point or thesis
  • Have a clear point of view that
  • Back up your perspective with examples
  • Organize the paper into a well-defined introduction

1 Define the topic

Define the topic of the personal perspective paper. You may have a specific topic assigned. If not, focus on a topic that you've recently given thought to or something you feel strongly about.

2 Determine the point or thesis

Determine the point or thesis for your paper. Everything that follows must come from this thesis statement so build on it.

3 Have a clear point of view that

Have a clear point of view that, while informed by reading other perspectives, is your personal view.

4 Back up your perspective with examples

Back up your perspective with examples, research, or anecdotes to clearly communicate your personal perspective on the topic.

5 Organize the paper into a well-defined introduction

Organize the paper into a well-defined introduction, body, and conclusion. The conclusion should echo or tie into the introduction. Any superfluous information should be deleted. Edit for mechanical issues and coherence.

  • 1 California State University-Northridge: The Personal Perspective Essay, Johnnie H. Scott, June 1996.
  • 2 Purdue University Online Writing Lab: Essay Writing: What is a Narrative Essay

About the Author

Katlyn Joy has been a freelance writer since 1982. She graduated from Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville with a master's degree in writing. While in school she served as graduate assistant editor of "Drumvoices Revue" magazine.

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Your chance of acceptance, your chancing factors, extracurriculars, what is a perspective essay.

Hi everyone, I just came across a term 'perspective essay.' I haven't heard of this before, so can anyone give me a quick overview of what it is and how to write one? Thanks!

Hi there! A "perspective essay" refers to a type of paper that presents the writer's viewpoint or opinion on a specific topic as a form of personal reflection. The primary goal of a perspective essay is to show your unique perspective and establish a clear argument or position on the subject matter.

To write a perspective essay, follow these steps:

1. Choose a topic: Pick something you're passionate or knowledgeable about, as it makes for a more compelling read. Make sure the topic is not too broad, and it should be something that has room for debate or discussion.

2. Develop a thesis statement: This is the central point of your essay and should clearly state your perspective on the topic. Your thesis statement should be concise, well-defined, and easy to understand.

3. Organize your thoughts: Outline the structure of your essay before you start writing. This can help you ensure that your thoughts flow seamlessly from one point to the next and prevent you from drifting off-topic.

4. Write the introduction: Engage your readers by providing some context or background information about the topic. Then, present your thesis statement, which will act as the guideline for the rest of your paper.

5. Present your arguments: Use the body paragraphs to discuss your main points or arguments that support your thesis statement. Be sure to provide evidence by citing relevant sources, examples, or personal experiences to solidify your claims.

6. Address counterarguments: It's essential to offer a balanced perspective by considering opposing viewpoints. You can either dedicate a separate paragraph for counterarguments or address them throughout your body paragraphs. This allows you to demonstrate critical thinking and shows that your opinion is well-informed and well-reasoned.

7. Write the conclusion: Sum up your main points and restate your thesis in a different way. Leave your reader with a thought-provoking statement or question that encourages further discussion and reflection.

8. Revise and edit: Carefully review your essay for grammar, spelling, punctuation, and clarity. It's always helpful to have someone else proofread your work to identify any errors or areas that could be improved.

Remember that in a perspective essay, it's not about being right or wrong — it's about presenting your viewpoint effectively and persuasively. Good luck and happy writing!

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How to Write Brown’s Perspective Essay

This article was written based on the information and opinions presented by Shane Niesen and Vinay Bhaskara i n a CollegeVine livestream. You can watch the full livestream for more info.

What’s Covered:

Why this prompt is important, avoiding admission officers’ biases, why someone else should read your essay.

The second Brown University supplemental essay asks students to respond to the following prompt:

Brown’s culture fosters a community in which students challenge the ideas of others and have their ideas challenged in return, promoting a deeper and clearer understanding of the complex issues confronting society. This active engagement in dialogue is as present outside the classroom as it is in academic spaces. Tell us about a time you were challenged by a perspective that differed from your own. How did you respond? (200-250 words) 

In this article, we discuss why this prompt is so important, how to be aware of a reader’s bias, and why having someone else proofread your essay is essential. 

Brown’s second essay is all about being challenged by a perspective different from your own. One of the trickiest parts about this essay is to avoid focusing on presenting the two perspectives and the battle between them. This is not the point of the prompt. Brown admissions officers want to read about your perspective and your thought process when challenged. 

The goal of this prompt is to demonstrate how you think about the world, address challenges, and approach conflict. There is no avoiding conflict in life—over the past few years, for example, our society has experienced a great deal of friction due to opposing perspectives—so do your best to share your thought process around conflict. Dive into how you approach being confronted with differing opinions. 

There are a few questions that you can home in on for this prompt. You can write about your perspective, who challenged you, how it felt being challenged, and if that changed your perspective. This doesn’t mean you have to write about the exact time and place when your mind changed—maybe you felt even stronger about your beliefs after being challenged. The point is that you want to demonstrate that this confrontation had some sort of impact on you. 

Don’t be afraid to step away from the broader issues in our society or politics. Try to focus on a personal situation for this prompt. This will not only make you stand out from the crowd, but it will also help you avoid the biases of the admissions officers. Of course, admissions officers are aware that they will read the essays of students who share different perspectives than their own, but by writing about a personal conflict or issue, you’re more likely to avoid this issue entirely. 

Appealing to the admissions officers is a crucial part of your essay. You want the reader to like you or at least empathize with your perspective. This is why you should check yourself and your opinions while writing. You can do this by sharing your essay with someone else and asking for feedback. If that person tells you that they didn’t like how you talked about your opinion, that’s a sign that the admission officers won’t like it either. 

Ask your reader for feedback on the structure and content of your essay. A big mistake that students make is spending too much time narrating the problem rather than reflecting on the story. Your essay will ideally contain deeply personal topics, so most of it should focus on your emotions and headspace.

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I will tell the parents that the students are expected to do their assignments which involve participating in class discussions. This helps the instructors understand how well the students are learning and how committed they are to the assignments. Class discussions also make the learning fun for students and increase their motivation to do assignments. In addition, students gain confidence when they are praised by the instructors. The purpose of school is not to make students only to memorize lessons but also to think over them and class discussions force students to think.

I will tell the parents that all children in the class participate in class discussion, just like their daughter. These discussions help all the students and by expressing herself, she benefits her fellow students just as she benefits by the ideas of others. I will also tell the parents that she is always trying to help other students with class assignments and many assignments are team based. I will also mention the fact the student’s friends often come to her for help and speak very highly of her. I will inform the students that if their daughter doesn’t speak, it will hurt other students many of whom lag behind in the class. In fact, more students come to their daughter for help because this is how they find out that she can help them. If she won’t speak, many students may never seek her help. I will also explain that a significant portion of course grade is based on teamwork and unless one does well in team assignments, he/she can’t have a good grade. So the fact that their daughter has a good grade means she does well in team assignments and get good feedback from her team members.

In a western culture, it is important that a child has confidence and self-believe. A child should not be afraid to question as well as develop critical thinking skills. This is why class-discussions are important because they teach valuable critical thinking skills to children and give them confidence. Intellectual development and self-dependency are essential skills to succeed in the real world and a child should not be afraid to question instead of blindly following everything he is taught or told.

As a teacher I would think that the Hawaiian boy must have lived in a relatively homogenous town in Hawaii with rare opportunities to interact with people of other races and, thus, must have felt overwhelmed in the new environment. In addition, he was the only Hawaiian boy in the school and must have a strong awareness of his unique position. When the black girls took liking to him and identified him as a “Brother” he might have taken the term literally which is why he didn’t hesitate to ask other people for lunch money. His behavior may have become unsettled due to his upbringing and the teachings he might have been exposed to while growing up. He came from a family that took great pride in their heritage and might have instilled in him a sense of isolation from other races who he probably viewed in competitive terms.

The boy’s family had a strong sense of pride in their heritage and might have been concerned that the young generation would lose their distinct cultural identity if they were to freely interact with other races. It may also be due to the American history as the whites did attempt to eradicate Native American cultures and assimilate them into white culture. Thus, the family might have taught the boy to maintain strong sense of identity as well the negative history of white Americans against natives. When the boy attracted attention from black girls, he might have interpreted it as their attempt to influence him to leave his cultural identity behind and blend in with the rest of the group. The family may have viewed diversity in negative terms because they believe that Hawaiians are at a disadvantage in terms of population and interaction with other races may take the young generation away from their strong sense of cultural identity. This is what they may have taught the boy, too who might have felt threatened in the school due to him being the only Hawaiian and in his mind, was only trying to preserve his unique identity by avoiding contact with other people.

A European-American would view the boy’s behavior in a negative manner and as an active attempt at remaining isolated from other cultures. He may consider the Hawaiian boy to have come from uneducated and backward family who are still clinging to traditional lifestyle and not embracing modernism. A European-American may also assume that the boy’s family is anti-social even if the boy’s family may have enjoyed an active social life in their mostly-Hawaiian community. In addition, a European-American may view boy’s family as someone who hate other races even though the family’s concerns may have been shaped by the stories they heard from their elders as well as their lack of exposure to diversified communities.

Rema came to U.S. as a 16 year old which means she got considerable education in her native country as well. It is possible that in Lebanon, the emphasis is also on the length of the answers a student write and brief answers are not the key to scoring well in tests. Thus, Rema tries to cover everything instead of just focusing on the main question to demonstrate that she has prepared well. It may also be that Rema believes it’s better to write more than what is being asked rather than less. Another reason may be that the questions probably asked for different things at Rema’s school in Lebanon and she has become used to old interpretation of the question. The fact that Rema scores well in multiple choice is because the question is quite clear in terms of answer but essay questions do not have any definite requirement in terms of an answer. Rema probably equates short answers with low scores due to her past experience which may be why she goes for long answers.

Rema’s parents may say that Rema performs poor not due to lack of preparationbut language deficiency. She knows the answers but doesn’t always understand the questions, thus, tries to cover everything. They may also say that Lebanon has different test structures and Rema still has not become used to American test structure. They may also argue that since their own English is weak, they have not been able to help Rema.

A European-American may assume that Rema doesn’t understand her lessons but instead memorize most of them which is why her analysis is confusing and she talks about everything. In addition, Rema is still used to system in Lebanon that may have emphasized memorization over understanding. It is also possible that Rema’s weak English is the problem or may be the English words are interpreted differently in Lebanon than they are in America.

I will talk to Jimmie and explain him that group assignments are divided between team members and he is not supposed to do everything by himself. I will also talk to the group and ask them to actively ask Jimmie for his opinions and ideas and communicate him his responsibilities. I will encourage the group to become friendlier with Jimmie and make him comfortable because he is not used to working in groups before. I realize that Jimmie has been home schooled and, thus, never had any school friends or worked with others. Thus, before he can work in teams, he has to become comfortable with people first.

Jimmie’s mother may think that Jimmie’s team members are lazy and may be picking on him because he comes from a different background. She may claim that as long as Jimmie does his assignment, it doesn’t matter how he does it. She may also argue that Jimmie’s teammates have personal grudge against Jimmie as they say Jimmie doesn’t do his fair share of work while Jimmie always has his work ready.

A European-American may consider Jimmie as anti-social or loner who doesn’t like to work with others. A European-American may assume that Jimmie has been bought in such a manner that he considers everyone his competitor in the class and wants to do better than them. One may even suspect Jimmie is depressed or has been bullied in the past which is why he avoids people and tries to do everything by himself. Another assumption could be that Jimmie lacks communication skills which is why he doesn’t speak much. It may also be that Jimmie doesn’t like conflicts that arise in group discussions and prefer harmony.

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Different Perspective essay

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Puerto Rico’s Road to Becoming a U.S. Territory: a Historical Perspective

This essay is about the transformation of Puerto Rico from a Spanish colony to a U.S. territory. It traces the island’s history from the arrival of Christopher Columbus in 1493, through Spanish rule, to its cession to the United States following the Spanish-American War in 1898. The narrative covers key legislative changes, such as the Foraker Act of 1900 and the Jones-Shafroth Act of 1917, which shaped Puerto Rico’s political structure and granted U.S. citizenship to its residents. It also explores the establishment of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico in 1952 and ongoing debates about the island’s political status, highlighting the complexities and challenges Puerto Rico faces as a U.S. territory.

How it works

Puerto Rico’s journey from a lush island in the Caribbean to a U.S. territory is a complex narrative involving centuries of cultural shifts, political changes, and international diplomacy. This transformation has shaped the island’s identity, politics, and society in profound ways.

The story begins with the arrival of Christopher Columbus in 1493. Claimed for Spain, Puerto Rico became a crucial part of the Spanish Empire’s expansion into the New World. For more than four centuries, it remained under Spanish control, a period marked by the exploitation of the indigenous Taíno people, the establishment of plantations, and the importation of African slaves.

Spanish influence permeated every aspect of Puerto Rican life, from its language to its architecture.

As the 19th century drew to a close, the geopolitical landscape of the Americas was shifting. The Spanish-American War of 1898 proved to be a decisive moment for Puerto Rico. This conflict, which saw the United States emerging as a new imperial power, led to the Treaty of Paris. Signed on December 10, 1898, the treaty resulted in Spain ceding Puerto Rico, along with Guam, the Philippines, and Cuba, to the United States. This transfer marked the end of Spanish rule and the beginning of American sovereignty over the island.

Puerto Rico’s transition from Spanish colony to American territory was neither smooth nor straightforward. On October 18, 1898, U.S. troops officially took control of the island. This shift introduced a new era of governance, characterized by the implementation of American laws and systems. The Foraker Act of 1900 was a significant piece of legislation during this period. Officially known as the Organic Act of 1900, it established a civilian government for Puerto Rico, complete with a governor appointed by the U.S. President and a legislative assembly. However, the island’s inhabitants were still not granted full U.S. citizenship, and many aspects of their lives continued to be controlled by decisions made in Washington, D.C.

The early 20th century was a time of political evolution for Puerto Rico. In 1917, the Jones-Shafroth Act was enacted, a milestone in the island’s history. This act conferred U.S. citizenship upon all Puerto Ricans and restructured the island’s government to include an elected Senate and House of Representatives. Despite these changes, Puerto Rico remained an unincorporated territory, which meant that it was subject to the overarching authority of the U.S. Congress without the same constitutional protections as states.

Throughout the 20th century, Puerto Rico’s political status remained a contentious issue. Various movements emerged, advocating for different futures: statehood, enhanced commonwealth status, or full independence. This period was marked by a series of plebiscites and referendums, each reflecting the diverse opinions of Puerto Ricans about their political destiny.

A significant turning point came in 1952 when Puerto Rico adopted its own constitution, establishing the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. This new status provided the island with a greater degree of self-governance while maintaining its connection to the United States. The commonwealth status allowed Puerto Ricans to elect their own governor and local legislature, yet the island remained under the jurisdiction of U.S. federal laws and congressional oversight.

Despite these advancements, the question of Puerto Rico’s political future continues to spark debate. Economic challenges and natural disasters have further complicated the island’s status. For example, the devastating impact of Hurricane Maria in 2017 brought renewed scrutiny to the island’s infrastructure, governance, and relationship with the federal government. The fiscal crisis that has plagued Puerto Rico for years has also highlighted the limitations and frustrations of its territorial status.

The island’s unique position as a U.S. territory has influenced its culture, economy, and identity in numerous ways. Puerto Ricans serve in the U.S. military, participate in presidential primaries, and are represented in Congress by a non-voting Resident Commissioner. Yet, they cannot vote in general presidential elections and face significant economic challenges, partly due to their complex political status.

In contemporary discussions about Puerto Rico, themes of colonialism, self-determination, and identity are central. The island’s relationship with the United States is a legacy of both historical conquest and modern geopolitical dynamics. While some advocate for statehood, believing it would provide greater economic stability and political representation, others argue for enhanced commonwealth status or complete independence, seeking greater autonomy and cultural preservation.

Puerto Rico’s journey from a Spanish colony to a U.S. territory is a testament to the island’s resilience and adaptability. It is a story marked by colonial legacies, political struggles, and the ongoing quest for self-determination. As the island continues to navigate its unique path, the debates over its future status will undoubtedly remain a significant part of its narrative.

In summary, the history of Puerto Rico’s transformation into a U.S. territory is rich with events and decisions that have shaped its current status. From the Treaty of Paris to the establishment of the Commonwealth, each step in this journey reflects broader themes of colonialism, identity, and self-governance. The island’s future remains uncertain, but its past offers valuable insights into the complexities of territorial status and the enduring quest for political and cultural self-determination.


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Puerto Rico's Road to Becoming a U.S. Territory: A Historical Perspective. (2024, Jun 17). Retrieved from

"Puerto Rico's Road to Becoming a U.S. Territory: A Historical Perspective." , 17 Jun 2024, (2024). Puerto Rico's Road to Becoming a U.S. Territory: A Historical Perspective . [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 21 Jun. 2024]

"Puerto Rico's Road to Becoming a U.S. Territory: A Historical Perspective.", Jun 17, 2024. Accessed June 21, 2024.

"Puerto Rico's Road to Becoming a U.S. Territory: A Historical Perspective," , 17-Jun-2024. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 21-Jun-2024] (2024). Puerto Rico's Road to Becoming a U.S. Territory: A Historical Perspective . [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 21-Jun-2024]

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The Positive Effects of Slums: a Socio-economic Perspective

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Published: Jun 13, 2024

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Urbanization and affordable housing, community formation and social capital, economic activity and informal economy, policy implications and conclusion.

Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson

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