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Operations Management Dissertation Topics

Published by Alvin Nicolas at January 9th, 2023 , Revised On May 17, 2024


Selecting an appropriate topic is   perhaps the most important aspect of the dissertation module. Students spend months and years (in the case of a PhD) on their dissertation projects. Therefore, it is critical to choose an interesting but manageable topic of research. Selecting the right topic can also help complete the paper to the highest quality and within the allocated deadline framework.

This article aims to provide comprehensive support in the selection of a suitable operations management dissertation topic. All the topics presented in this piece are carefully short-listed on the basis of the following important factors;

  • A topic must have a recent research interest/popularity in academics
  • Data must be available to analyse the recent research to develop a case of research in the form of a step forward (contribution factor)
  • The topic must be manageable with respect to the availability of time and resources
  • The chosen topic should encourage the students to explore and investigate to further the research in their preferred area

Writer’s suggestion : Before selecting a topic, outline the type of research you intend to undertake given the available time and monetary resources; such as whether to perform primary or secondary and qualitative or quantitative. For example, you might not be able to conduct a cross-national survey based on primary research, as it can turn out to be a difficult and unmanageable task.

Therefore, it is important to select a topic which you can manage within the given resources; to produce high-quality results that would eventually lead to a high academic score. The following topics are much emphasised in today’s academic world, and you can rely on these topics with utmost trust.

Some of these topics can also include primary research, which may include conducting interviews and/or questionnaires with industry practitioners to suggest the most efficient systems and to present the pros and cons of each system based on the data obtained through primary research.

These operations management dissertation topics have been developed by PhD-qualified writers of our team , so you can trust to use these topics for drafting your dissertation.

You may also want to start your dissertation by requesting a brief research proposal from our writers on any of these topics, which includes an introduction to the topic, research question, aim and objectives, literature review, and the proposed methodology of research to be conducted. Let us know  if you need any help in getting started.

Check our  dissertation examples  to get an idea of  how to structure your dissertation .

Review the full list of  dissertation topics here.

  • International Development Dissertation Topics
  • Cooperate Governance Dissertation Topics
  • Business Intelligence Dissertation Topics
  • Business Information Technology Dissertation Topics
  • International Business Dissertation Topics
  • Business Management Dissertation Topics
  • Business Psychology Dissertation Topics
  • Business Law Dissertation Topics
  • Project Management Dissertation Topics
  • Business Dissertation Topics
  • HRM Dissertation Topics
  • Management Dissertation Topics

Operations and Management Research Topics

Topic 1: investigating the risks associated with green technology in the chinese construction industry..

Research Aim: This research study aims to investigate the challenges that project managers face while managing Chinese green technology construction projects and the risks associated with it. This study will also examine the relationship between the challenges related to green construction and its impact on its success and will also find improvement in the development of green technology.

Topic 2: Analysing the operational risk in outsourcing software projects for international companies.

Research Aim: The concept of outsourcing is a trending topic nowadays. This research study aims to find the operational risk perceived in the process of outsourcing software projects in international companies and how they eliminate operational risks during the process.

A conceptual framework will be used to investigate the risks for strategic IT system development outsourcing projects.

Topic 3: How do the merger and acquisition of a company affect the performance of its employees? An exploratory study identifying the factors that affect employee's performance. A case study of (Any company or companies can be studied)

Research Aim: This research aims to find the impact of the merger and acquisition of a company on its employees’ performance. This research will use a company or companies as a case study that went through a merger and acquisition. To identify different factors that affect the performance of employees during and after merger and acquisition. And after identifying those factors and their impact on the performance of employees. The research will also recommend possible ways to minimise the impacts of those factors on employees’ performance.

Topic 4: Impact of strategic management on the financial performance of companies

Research Aim: This research aims to find the impact of companies’ strategic management on their financial performance. This study will use indicators suggested by extensive literature in strategic management to gauge the strategic planning done by these companies. The study will then identify to what extent those indicators affect the companies’ financial performance under observation. Based on the results, the study will recommend improvement in the areas that can improve the strategic management of those companies. That, in consequence, will improve the financial performance of those companies.

Topic 5: Analysing the operational risks associated with the manufacturing of automobiles and the role of plant managers in reducing these risks.

Research Aim: This research study aims to identify and analyse the risks that businesses face during the manufacturing of automobiles and vehicles. And how plant managers proposed effective strategies to reduce these risks.  In this study, a conceptual framework of the operational model of management will help increase the overall effectiveness of automobile industries.

Topic 6: An assessment of the Company's tradeoff between innovation and uniformity- A case study of UK IT sector.

Research Aim: The primary goal of this study is to conduct an analysis of a company’s tradeoff between innovation and uniformity. This study will explore different components of the United Kingdom’s IT sector. It will give us an understanding of the importance of innovation and uniformity from a theoretical perspective and also examine the risk factors involved in the United Kingdom’s IT sector.

Topic 7: Operation Management- Comparison between different forecast approaches.

Research Aim: The main goal of this study is to examine various forecasting methodologies used in operation management.   Furthermore, this research offers insight into product operation management and what contributes to making it more effective. In addition, this study will look at the aspects and effects of various approaches utilised in product operation management.

Topic 8: An examination of the Effectiveness of RBT in strategic operation management in the UK manufacturing industry.

Research Aim: The study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of RBT in strategic operation management in the United Kingdom’s manufacturing industry. This study highlights the effectiveness and also discusses the benefits and drawbacks of strategic operation management in the UK manufacturing industry. Furthermore, it also highlights the importance of RBT in the UK manufacturing industry.

Topic 9: Humanitarian operation management- A review of Literature

Research Aim: In this study, we will analyse different previous studies on humanitarian operation management to find its importance. This study will also look at different methodologies used in humanitarian operations. Different scientific advancements and technologies will also be covered in this study.

Topic 10: A study to Determine if Operations Management Solutions Effectively Meet the Needs of Home Care Organisations- An International Perspective.

Research Aim: The main goal of this research is to perform a comprehensive analysis of operational management activities in order to properly comprehend and evaluate them in order to determine the efficiency of various regularly employed strategies. It will also identify key methods utilised in operational management activities, how these solutions are implemented worldwide by home care companies, and how these methods will have an impact on home care organizations, and determine if they will have a favourable or bad impact.

Topic 11: A Study to Understand the Role of Data Analytics in Improving Operational Decision-Making

Research Aim: This research investigates the impact and significance of data analytics on improving operational decision-making processes. It will examine various methodologies, tools, and applications of data analytics and understand the role of data analytics in optimizing operational efficiencies and enhancing overall performance across diverse industries.

Topic 12: Analysing the Effects of Lean Six Sigma Methodologies on Reducing Patient Wait Times in Different Healthcare Settings

Research Aim: To investigate the effectiveness of Lean Six Sigma methodologies in reducing patient wait times within various healthcare settings. Through a comprehensive analysis of case studies, statistical data, and qualitative research methods, this study aims to evaluate the impact of Lean Six Sigma principles on improving operational efficiency and patient satisfaction. 

COVID-19 Operations and Management Research Topics

Topic 1: impacts of coronavirus on global supply chains.

Research Aim: The coronavirus outbreak has resulted in a shortage of essential supplies, including safety equipment and diagnostic and clinical management. WHO (World Health Organisation) has organised a supply chain task force team (COVID supply chain system). This study will identify the details of this supply chain system and discuss how it works.

Topic 2: Intelligent operation management during COVID-19

Research Aim: As a result of COVID-19, industries are facing a lack of resources and staff. This situation calls for intelligent operation management to ensure the continuity of the operation during this challenging situation. This study will analyse how Intelligent operation management works during COVID-19, discussing its advantages, challenges, and possible solutions to improve it.

Topic 1: Impact of JIT on improving supply chain efficiency of large retail outlets

Research Aim: This research aims to identify the impact of JIT on improving the supply chain efficiency of large retail outlets

Topic 2: Operation management strategies B2B and B2C business model

Research Aim: This research aims to assess and compare the operation management strategies B2B and B2C business model

Topic 3: The role of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) in SCM (Supply Chain Management)

Research Aim: This research aims to identify the role of Information and Communication Technology in Supply Chain Management.

Topic 4: TQM (Total Quality Management) as a competitive advantage

Research Aim: This research aims to identify the role of total quality management as a competitive advantage.

Topic 5: A Big Data Approach to Optimizing Last-Mile Delivery in Online Retail

Research Aim: This research aims to identify the role of big data in optimizing last-mile delivery in online retail. 

Original Operations Management Dissertation Topics

Topic 1: analysing the impact of enterprise resource planning (erp) on improving business operations of multinational companies..

Research Aim: The main purpose of this research will be to highlight the major benefits of ERP, which can facilitate multinational organisations to help in conducting business operations productively and effectively. The researcher will identify major factors of ERP that can be related to the effective execution of business operations while increasing the overall productivity and efficiency of the business.

Topic 2: Impact of Just-in-time (JIT) inventory on improving supply chain efficiency of large retail outlets

Research Aim: The researcher will identify the major advantages as well as disadvantages of using Just-in-time (JIT) inventory in the supply chain operations of the major retail outlets. In this study, the researcher will highlight major factors of Just-in-time (JIT) inventory that may directly or indirectly influence the effectiveness of the supply chain of large retail outlets while proposing recommendations to retail companies to increase the effectiveness and productivity of the company.

Topic 3: Analysing the pros and cons of outsourcing logistic operation activities in the construction industry of the UK

Research Aim: The main purpose of this qualitative-natured study will be to identify the major advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing logistic operation activities while focusing on its implementation in the UK construction industry.

Topic 4: Assessing and comparing the operations management strategies of B2B and B2C business models

Research Aim: The researcher aims to discover prompt operations management strategies that are being utilised by major B2B and B2C companies while taking examples of major key players in each of the business models. After identification, the researcher will compare those strategies and recommend the best strategies and practices that can be utilised by each of the business models discussed in the study.

Topic 5: Analysing the operational risks involved in the manufacturing of automobiles and how can minimise these risks

Research Aim: The main aim of this study will be to identify and analyse the major risks that can be experienced by companies during the manufacturing of automobiles and vehicles while proposing effective strategies that can be used by plant managers to reduce these risks. In this study, the researcher will use a conceptual model of operational management, which helps increase the overall effectiveness of automobile industries.

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Supply Chain Management Dissertation Topics

The supply chain is considered one of the most important aspects of business in any organisation, as optimum management in the supply chain leads to successful business operations. Therefore, it is pivotal for organisations to constantly enhance processes and techniques of the supply chain, which involve control, measurements, troubleshooting, adaptability, and innovation of new solutions. The following research topics are suggested for dissertation writing in the field of supply chain management;

  • Supply chain management and the related legal frameworks; Investigating the practices of the UK’s industrial sector
  • The strengths and weaknesses of the supply chain are large and diversified business organisations.
  • The role of supply chain in manufacturing industry of the UK: A comprehensive study to evaluate the impact of supply chain management
  • Influence of state-of-the-art technology-aided systems on supply chain management.
  • Impact of information technology on supply chain management
  • Case study of Dell, IMB and other supply chain control management systems being employed worldwide by large-scale organizations
  • Supply chain management and e-commerce
  • The role of ICT in supply chain management

Lean Manufacturing Dissertation Topics

The lean concepts are still young and in the stage of steady development. New concepts are coming into practice as the efficacy of the old ones continues to diminish. Research ideas that have been much emphasised in recent research studies include Total Quality Control (TQC), Total Quality Management (TQM), Just in Time (JIT), and Total productivity maintenance (TPM). Some interesting topics on this subject are listed below;

  • The influence of lean manufacturing techniques in operations management
  • Analyses of lean manufacturing techniques; Review of the most influential techniques currently being employed in the UK manufacturing Industry; an inside perspective (This may include primary research in which the actual users of different techniques will be requested to provide their views on the impact of different techniques and to recommend which of the techniques can be best used to enhance industry productivity and performance)
  • Total quality management as a competitive advantage: A case study of the UK’s industry (Dell/HP/Other)
  • The relationship between quality management and client Satisfaction: A case of the UK’s construction/manufacturing Industry (This can also include primary research from the perspective of clients/buyers who can be questioned regarding their experience of the construction quality they obtained. The data could then be used to provide key recommendations for quality management)
  • Practical implementation of lean manufacturing techniques: A review of how business organisations have successfully adopted various techniques
  • Influence of new technology on lean manufacturing techniques, such as the use of Business Information Modeling (BIM), SAP, and other tools for enhancement of quality and productivity
  • Evolution of quality from the perspective of the development of lean manufacturing techniques: A study on how industries have been shaped by lean concepts in the past and visualizing the future SOPs

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Inventory Management Dissertation Topics

Inventory Management is another important component of supply Chain Management. A considerable amount of research has been conducted in this field of study in recent times, which highlights the need to establish effective processing techniques and systems so that business organisations can effectively measure/manage the operations of their respective industries.

Optimum inventory management enables control of costs, time, productivity, and delivery, which are considered to be the pillars of any industry. The following topics are presented for dissertation writing on inventory management:

  • The influence of optimum inventory management on supply chain management: A study on how effective inventory management systems can help to establish high-performing supply management systems in an industry
  • Analyses of inventory management systems being employed in the UK industries
  • The impact of latest technological developments on inventory management systems; A case study of the UK’s manufacturing Industry
  • Inventory management systems in the manufacturing industry: Methods, benefits, challenges and opportunities
  • Case study on inventory management in retail; A case study of ASDA/TESCO/SAINSBURURY. (Primary research-based: Data from different stores can be collected and compared)
  • The impact of Just in Time (JIT) on the UK’s inventory management systems
  • Adaptability of JIT inventory management in the UK
  • E-commerce inventory management systems

Product Development Dissertation Topics

New Product Development (NPD) and the role of Research and Development (R&D) in the process of product development have remained a focus of research and a trigger for intense academic debate in the last many years.

The most notable elements of product development include new concept developments, new product designs, product engineering, and market analyses and research.

Many organisations continually strive to develop new products and add these to their product pipelines to earn additional profits. From the consumer perspective, NPD enhances the brand image and provides a research and development edge to business organisations.

  • Evaluating the process of product development: The need and implications
  • Strategies of Product Development and the Product Mix
  • Strategies of product development in various Industries – A case study of a company of your choice. This can also include primary research where different systems can be compared and data analysed.
  • The role of latest technological advancements and computer-aided systems in product development; A case study of the UK’s research and development industry

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Production Planning / Scheduling Dissertation Topics

Production planning and scheduling are considered one of the most crucial aspects of the manufacturing industry because it helps to maintain optimum levels of productivity in accordance with the production plans.

Moreover, Production scheduling has a direct influence on the production business, as it impacts the fundamental elements of production and services, such as production lead times, quality maintenance, and maintenance of supply & demand, and overall client satisfaction. Therefore, research in the field of production planning has been prioritised in modern times, and efforts have been made to develop integrated systems that incorporate various variables and elements of the production plan. Following are some of the selected topics that can be chosen for further research and dissertations;

  • Production Scheduling Analysis: A review of techniques employed in the UK’s Manufacturing Industry
  • Analyses of Production Scheduling/Planning Techniques in Different Manufacturing Industries (Car Industry/Process industry/Steel Industry/Cement Industry)
  • Production Scheduling/Planning Techniques and Profitability of Different Manufacturing Industries (Car Industry/Process industry/Steel Industry/Cement Industry)
  • The Role of Latest Technological Advancements and Computer Aided Systems in Production Scheduling
  • The Role of Information Technology and Innovation in Production Scheduling

Supply Chain Management and Manufacturing Strategy Dissertation Topics

Supply Chain Management (SCM) is a systematic operation that facilitates the manufacturing of a product from raw materials. The manufacturing strategy includes the methods of producing goods and is designed in accordance with the business objectives. Some of the latest supply chain management and manufacturing strategy dissertation topics are given below;

  • Manufacturing strategy: Investigating the importance of optimised manufacturing strategy for successful business operations
  • Review the manufacturing strategies of the UK’s automobile industry/ process industry/ manufacturing industry / any other industry of your choice.
  • The impact of new technologies on the development of optimised manufacturing strategies and techniques
  • Supply chain management: Investigating the importance of optimised supply chain management techniques for successful business operations
  • Examining supply chain management strategies of the UK’s automobile industry/process industry/manufacturing Industry / Any other industry of your choice
  • Use of latest technologies for efficient supply chain management over the last decade (This may include primary research where data would be obtained from the practitioners of manufacturing/other industries via e-mail, interviews and/or questionnaire)

Risk Management Dissertation Topics

Industrial risk management is one of the most researched topics of recent times. Almost every engineering or financial activity involves risks in terms of their consequences and probabilities. The course of the future cannot be fully predicted. Of course, however, various actions can be undertaken to manage/mitigate these risks.

Analysis of various factors that can contribute to the risks, such as political influence, oil prices and exchange rates, equipment performance characteristics, availability of resources, local conditions/environment, etc., can lead to the development of optimised risk management systems for improved project performance.

  • Investigating the risk management systems of the construction industry/automobile Industry/pharma Industry/banking Industry / retail Industry
  • Risk management in the construction industry: How the construction industry can mitigate different types of risks
  • Analyses of factors that contribute to risk in industrial operations; Developing guidelines/best practices to manage industrial risks
  • Risk management and the use of advanced technological tools: Is technology really helping to mitigate risks? (This may include the Use of primary data to find out if the use of computer-aided tools has helped the industry mitigate risks)
  • Risk management methodologies: A review of different methods of risk management employed in the UK
  • Risk Management for Contractors in the Saudi Arabian Construction Industry
  • Examining risks associated with Green technology in the Chinese construction industry
  • Managing Environmental risks in Chinese construction industry

Service Design Dissertation Topics

The efficient management of infrastructures, communications systems, components, materials, and human resources holds the key to improved quality of services. Therefore, it is extremely important to optimise service planning because it can ensure profitability as well as productivity for the service provider. Following are some service design dissertation topics that may concern the students;

  • The impact of future technology on service design
  • Service design analyses of Dell/HP/Other
  • Service design analyses of the UK’s food chain Industry
  • E-commerce web services design and implications
  • Service organisation’s fundamental design requirements & marketing strategies
  • Innovative solutions in service design

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Logistics Dissertation Topics

Logistics is a critical operations management system that helps to manage the flow of goods or services from start to end. Logistics involves operations such as supply chain management, procurement, transportation, inventory, material handling, packaging, and integration of information between different teams. Some interesting topics for Logistics dissertations are listed below:

  • Logistics operations: An evaluation of the logistics management systems in the UK’s construction/manufacturing / another sector of your choice
  • Impact of intermodal international logistics on the operation of the UK’s construction/manufacturing / another sector of your choice
  • Review of logistic management principles and practices employed by the UK‘s industrial sector
  • Optimization of logistics management systems; A review of best practices and procedures
  • Case study analyses: A review of the Logistics Management in TESCO/ASDA/Sainsbury/Other; Is there a competitive advantage?
  • Impact of the latest technology on logistics management

Other Popular Topics in Operations Management

  • Analyses of different methods of procurement systems
  • The Role of government in the development of sustainable operations management
  • The key to Success: Analyses of vision 2030 and vision 2050 with respect to operations management practices of the future
  • Comparison of operations management techniques used in both developed and developing countries; Lesson learnt from the past
  • The role of operations management in the successful completion of projects
  • How BIM has influenced the modern operations management systems in the construction industry

Important Notes:

As a student of operations management looking to get good grades, it is essential to develop new ideas and experiment with existing operations management theories – i.e., to add value and interest to your research topic.

The field of operations management is vast and interrelated to so many other academic disciplines like business , management , marketing , project management , and more. That is why it is imperative to create an operations management dissertation topic that is particular and sound and actually solves a practical problem that may be rampant in the field.

We can’t stress how important it is to develop a logical research topic; it is the basis of your entire research. There are several significant downfalls to getting your topic wrong: your supervisor may not be interested in working on it, the topic has no academic creditability, the research may not make logical sense, and there is a possibility that the study is not viable.

This impacts your time and efforts in writing your dissertation as you may end up in a cycle of rejection at the very initial stage of the dissertation. That is why we recommend reviewing existing research to develop a topic, taking advice from your supervisor, and even asking for help in this particular stage of your dissertation.

Keeping our advice in mind while developing a research topic will allow you to pick one of the best operations management dissertation topics that not only fulfill your requirement of writing a research paper but also add to the body of knowledge.

Therefore, it is recommended that when finalizing your dissertation topic, you read recently published literature to identify gaps in the research that you may help fill.

Remember- dissertation topics need to be unique, solve an identified problem, be logical, and can also be practically implemented. Take a look at some of our sample operations management dissertation topics to get an idea for your own dissertation.

How to Structure Your Operations Management Dissertation

A well-structured dissertation can help students to achieve a high overall academic grade.

  • A Title Page
  • Acknowledgements
  • Declaration
  • Abstract: A summary of the research completed
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction : This chapter includes the project rationale, research background, key research aims and objectives, and the research problems to be addressed. An outline of the structure of a dissertation can also be added to this chapter.
  • Literature Review : This chapter presents relevant theories and frameworks by analysing published and unpublished literature available on the chosen research topic in light of the research questions to be addressed. The purpose is to highlight and discuss the relative weaknesses and strengths of the selected research area whilst identifying any research gaps. A breakdown of the topic and key terms can have a positive impact on your dissertation and your tutor.
  • Methodology : The data collection and analysis methods and techniques employed by the researcher are presented in the Methodology chapter, which usually includes research design , research philosophy, research limitations, code of conduct, ethical consideration, data collection methods, and data analysis strategy .
  • Findings and Analysis : The findings of the research are analysed in detail under the Findings and Analysis chapter. All key findings/results are outlined in this chapter without interpreting the data or drawing any conclusions. It can be useful to include graphs, charts, and tables in this chapter to identify meaningful trends and relationships.
  • Discussion and Conclusion : The researcher presents his interpretation of the results in this chapter and states whether the research hypothesis has been verified or not. An essential aspect of this section of the paper is to draw a linkage between the results and evidence from the literature. Recommendations with regard to the implications of the findings and directions for the future may also be provided. Finally, a summary of the overall research, along with final judgments, opinions, and comments, must be included in the form of suggestions for improvement.
  • References : This should be completed in accordance with your University’s requirements
  • Bibliography
  • Appendices : Any additional information, diagrams, or graphs that were used to complete the dissertation but not part of the dissertation should be included in the Appendices chapter. Essentially, the purpose is to expand the information/data.

About ResearchProspect Ltd

ResearchProspect is a UK-based academic writing service that provides help with Dissertation Proposal Writing , PhD Proposal Writing , Dissertation Writing , Dissertation Editing, and Improvement .

Our team of writers is highly qualified. They are experts in their respective fields. They have been working in the industry for a long time and thus are aware of the issues and trends of the industry they are working in.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How to find dissertation topics about operations management.

To find operations management dissertation topics:

  • Study recent industry challenges.
  • Investigate supply chain innovations.
  • Examine technology’s impact.
  • Explore lean management strategies.
  • Analyse sustainability in operations.
  • Select a topic aligning with your expertise and research interests.

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200+ Subject-Wise MBA Dissertation Topics to Check Out This Year

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Master Your Degree with These Top MBA Dissertation Topics of 2024

Research, Discuss, Dissert

Feeling the dissertation pressure mounting? Don't let writer's block turn your thesis into a 'to-do' list!  Here’s a list of 200+ MBA dissertation topics that go beyond the usual suspects.  From unique tech trends to the future of sustainability, we've got ideas to start your research passion and impress the professors. So, forget the generic, and let's craft MBA dissertation ideas that make your thesis stand out!

3 Key Considerations when Selecting MBA Dissertation Topics

Picking an MBA dissertation idea isn't everyone's favourite task, but knowing how to select the best MBA research topics is crucial. Three key things to remember when searching for MBA dissertation ideas are:

1. Choosing Unique MBA Dissertation Topics

Selecting MBA dissertation ideas may seem daunting, but don't fret if they've been explored before. The key lies in infusing your unique perspective into existing topics. Be innovative in your research approach to stand out.

2. Ensuring Availability of Secondary Data

Avoid last-minute topic changes by ensuring ample secondary data for your chosen MBA thesis topics. Don't delay the search for secondary data; confirm its availability during topic selection to streamline your research process.

3. Inculcating Quantitative Study

While textual analysis is appealing, integrating quantitative study enhances the depth of your MBA thesis topics. Numbers provide credibility and engage readers effectively. Strike a balance between theory and numerical analysis for impactful research.

Pursuing an MBA will help you advance your career in the business world. Many of the top universities and colleges in the world offer MBA programs in various fields. 

Subject-Wise Best Research Topics for MBA Students

The possibilities for MBA thesis topics are vast, covering all facets of business administration. To narrow down options, consider various subjects. Despite constraints, here's a list of excellent research topics for MBA students for your research and exploration.

dissertation project for mba operations


1. Investigating the influence of industry and public knowledge on market share index fluctuations

2. Assessing the significance of auditing for large corporations

3. Analysing the country’s tax scheme

4. Factors to consider when investing in financial markets

5. Evaluating risk-taking in companies from an accounting perspective

6. Providing recommendations for circular debt management in business firms

7. Exploring the differences and similarities between external and internal auditors

8. Examining the challenges faced by external audits due to equal value calculations

9. Analysing taxation as a human rights policy and supporting it with evidence

10. Understanding the impact of the current tax structure on lower-income individuals

Operations Management Dissertation Topics

1. Defining the concept of ‘Legality’ in supply chain design

2. Exploring the role of virtual supply chains in facilitating short-term business collaborations

3. Assessing the feasibility and effectiveness of self-driving cars in supply chain management

4. Impact of big data analytics on efficient inventory management

5. Significance of RFID in Toyota's inventory management

6. E-commerce inventory management strategies

7. Production scheduling strategies in manufacturing environments

8. Production scheduling strategies in the automobile industry

9. Case study: Toyota's production scheduling strategies in the UK

10. Utilising AI for quality control: A case study of Amazon.com

Business Management Dissertation Topics

1. Strategies for supporting gender equity in traditionally male-dominated industries

2. Impact of management's socio-cultural background on leadership relationships

3. The effect of employment benefits on employee and company productivity

4. Adaptation of small business strategies to globalisation

5. Role of feedback in cultural shifts within multinational corporations

6. Assessing team performance in multinational corporations

7. Examining small business strategies in the context of globalisation

8. Analysing team performance in multinational corporations

9. Human resource management and policies in non-profit organisations

10. Role of foreign direct investment in the economy of developing countries

Finance Dissertation Topics

1. Exploring the swift expansion of international microfinance

2. Investigating the growth of microfinance within the UK banking sector

3. Analysing the impact of microfinance on emerging economies

4. Assessing the role of credit and financial services in investment

5. Examining microfinance's contribution to poverty alleviation and economic growth

6. Contrasting FDI strategies between Europe and Asia

7. Studying emerging market stock synchronicity and analyst coverage

8. Evaluating the influence of foreign direct investment on developing nations

9. Assessing the effects of European financial regulations on cross-border investments

10. Scrutinising ongoing banking sector reforms in emerging economies: the Brazilian case

We also have a list of different finance dissertation topics in brief. You can also check out these topics for more information.

Marketing Dissertation Topics

1. Evaluating the significance of personalization in digital relationship marketing during the COVID-19 era

2. A case study on UK fitness brands building customer loyalty through high-value content

3. Analysing obstacles facing Tesco’s loyalty card scheme in today's market dynamics

4. Leveraging social media for customer acquisition through relationship marketing

5. Investigating the impact of product quality on consumer satisfaction

6. Assessing consumer understanding of brand values through a Starbucks vs. McDonald’s case study

7. Using digital methods to enhance brand salience: a case study approach

8. Exploring the impact of product availability on SME brand image

9. Transitioning a brand's reputation across industries: lessons from Virgin Cola

10. Assessing beauty brands' direct marketing efficacy using YouTube

Information Technology Management Dissertation Topics

1. Predicting the future impact of information technology on global business

2. Assessing the pace of technological advancement in meeting global financial system demands

3. Analysing the impact of the Sony hack on international market transactions

4. Exploring how technological advancements enhance global trade

5. Investigating the influence of religion on IT adoption in Yemeni universities

6. Assessing the impact of mobile technology on international students in British universities

7. Examining online discussions' role in promoting interaction and collaboration in blended learning environments

8. Applying instructional techniques to improve problem-solving abilities

9. Evaluating the effectiveness of automated tools in literature reviews for students

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Strategic Risk Management Dissertation Topics

1. Exploring the Influence of Current Global Supply Chain Trends on Risk Management Strategies

2. Investigating Social Risks' Impact on Multinational Corporations and Shareholder Value

3. Assessing Liquidity and Credit Risk Management in Financial Markets

4. Best Practices in Operational Risk Management for Warehousing

5. Comparative Analysis of Risk Management in Financial Sectors

7. Critical Factors for Operational Management Success in Financial Services

8. Analysis and Mitigation of Social Risks

9. Overcoming Obstacles in Operational Risk Management

10. Utilising Risk Assessment to Manage Medical Errors

11. Long-term Risk Management in the Banking Sector

Entrepreneurship Dissertation Topics

1. Consequences of Chronic Unemployment in Major Economies

2. Government Bailouts vs. Corporate Responsibility

3. Profit Dynamics of Insurance Firms

4. Subsidised Loans and Business Practice Ethics

5. Risk and Reward in High-Risk Investments

6. Tactics for Long-term Financial Security in Small Companies

7. Real Estate Investment Risks and Myths

8. Investment Opportunities During Economic Downturns

9. Strategies for Risk-free Profits in the Stock Market

10. Factors Influencing Business Bankruptcy Probability

11. Human Resource Management Dissertation Topics

Implementing HR Philosophies in the Workplace

1. Collaboration Between Corporate Management and HR

2. Choosing Interpersonal Skills: Soft vs. Hard

3. Objectivity vs. Subjectivity in Employee Appraisal

4. Employee Engagement and Incentive Impact

5. HR Departments' Role in Organisational Change

6. Performance Improvement Strategies for Employee Evaluation

7. Employee Perspectives on Performance Reviews

8. Impact of Motivation Programs on Productivity

9. Enhancing the Employee Selection Process

E-Commerce Dissertation Topics

1. Investigating New Businesses' E-Commerce Strategies

2. Analysing Traditional Businesses' E-Commerce Migration

3. E-Commerce Strategies: Serendipity or Strategy?

4. Components of a Successful E-Commerce Strategy

5. Examining Payment Processing Models

6. Evaluating Social Media's Role in E-Commerce

7. Strengthening Customer Relationships through E-Commerce Tactics

8. The Significance of Unique Selling Points in E-Commerce Growth

9. E-Commerce Marketing Mix: Online vs. Hybrid Presence

10. Comparing Pay-Per-Click and Pay-Per-Click Advertising

Economics Dissertation Topics

1. Impact of Market Competition on Corporate Growth Strategies

2. COVID-19's Influence on Corporate Market Entry

3. Non-Profit Financing Models and Long-Term Viability

4. Privatisation's Economic Policy Ramifications

5. Challenges Posed by Digitalization in Industries

6. Brexit's Effects on UK Industrial Policies

7. COVID-19's Impact on the Entertainment Industry

8. Global Perspectives on Alternative Energy Markets

9. Shifting Consumer Preferences Over Two Decades

10. Cultural Influence on Entrepreneurial Behavior and Business Initiatives

Health Care Management Dissertation Topics

1. Examining Mid-Level Providers' Role in Healthcare

2. Telemedicine's Impact on Healthcare Administration

3. Addressing the Opioid Crisis in Healthcare

4. Growth and Consequences of Urgent Care Clinics

5. Supporting Families Caring for Dementia Patients

6. Health Literacy's Influence on Prostate Cancer Outcomes

7. Governance and Ethics in Patient Portal Use by Guardians

8. Employee Turnover Due to Tuition Reimbursement Programs

9. Follow-Up Procedures After Medical Errors

10. State Legislation's Effects on Medical Malpractice Insurance

International Business Dissertation Topics

1. Investigating the Success of Global Business Teams in Multinational Companies: Testing an Interfering Process Model.

2. Exploring Corporate Governance's Role in Globalization and Firm Performance.

3. Assessing Brexit's Impact on British SMEs: An Examination of Likely Effects.

4. Analysing Business-Government Relations: Contingency Theory Perspective.

5. Understanding Globalization's Method and Impact on Business Collaboration.

6. Retail Management Dissertation Topics

7. The Contribution of Visual Merchandising to Clothing Brand Income in UK Malls.

8. Management's Role in Revenue Generation in Automotive Retail.

9. Evaluating Store Location Effects on Apparel Brand Sales in UK Malls.

10. Assessing the Impact of Retail Promotions on Inventory Turnover.

11. Applied Retail Analysis in B2B Industries: Optimal Store Placement.

Rural Management Dissertation Topics

1. Examining Media Influence on Rural Development.

2. Rural Development and Community Health Administration: Exploring Roles.

3. Cooperative Societies' Impact on Rural Development.

4. Community Banks' Contribution to Rural Development.

5. Identifying Socioeconomic Barriers to Rural Growth.

Change Management on Dissertation Topics

1. Dissertation Topics on Managing Change

2. Incorporating Change Management Education in Universities

3. Identification of Tools and Techniques for Change Management in Construction Projects

4. Critical Analysis of Organisational Change Management in UK-based Companies

5. Impact of Change Management Processes on Performance in Mega Programme Projects

6. Change Management Perspectives among Veterinary Nurses

7. Inter-organisational System Performance and Change Management

8. Examining Africa's Change Management Approaches: The Ubuntu Values

9. The Influence of Business and IT Functions on Organisational Change Management

10. Evolution of Change Management Perspectives over Time

11. Change Management and Cultural Revitalisation Movements in Organisations

12. Change Management in Healthcare Nursing: A Comprehensive Review

13. Hexagonal vs. Pentagonal Models in Change Management

14. Significance of Grounded Theory Approach in Change Management

15. Ethics, Values, and Leadership in Change Management

1. Entrepreneurship Trends: A Recent Boom

2. Impact of Increasing Entrepreneurs on the UK Economy

3. Entrepreneurial Adoption of Cloud Technology for Quality Control and Cost Savings

4. Scope of Entrepreneurship in the UK: Implications for Competition and Productivity

5. Technological Developments and Entrepreneurship Effects

6. Gender Dynamics in Developing Entrepreneurial Skills

7. Government Policy Influence on Entrepreneurship

8. Entrepreneurial Role in Economic Development

9. Factors Influencing Entrepreneurial Creativity

10. Entrepreneurship Education's Impact on Skill Development

11. Public Support for Technology-based Ventures

12. Factors Affecting New Ventures' Growth

13. Legislative and Fiscal Policies Encouraging Entrepreneurship

14. Alternative Marketing Tactics for Small-scale Food Entrepreneurs

15. Crowdsourcing: Definition and Functionality

Logistics and Supply Chain Management Dissertation Topics

1.  Investigating the Importance of Supply Chain Management in Company Outsourcing

2. Assessing Risks within a Supply Chain

3. Analysis of Technology's Role in Present Supply Chain Structures

4. Examining the Connections Between Supply Chain and Company Logistics

5. Investigating Tax Evasion in Car Supply Chains and Its Impact on Procurement Costs

6. Challenges to Implementing an Effective Supply Management System

7. Evaluation of Information Dissemination and Sharing Among Supply Chain Intermediaries

8. Evaluating Cost Reduction Measures in China's Car Exports and Imports

9. Importance of Logistics Management in UK Clothing Reorders

10. Coping with Supply Chain and Logistics Changes: A Study on UK Businesses

So, there you have it! A diverse buffet of MBA dissertation topics to tantalise your intellectual taste buds. Remember, choosing the right one is key. Don't be afraid to get creative and explore uncharted territory. After all, your dissertation is your chance to shine, showcase your expertise, and leave a lasting mark on the business world. Dive in, research, analyse, and remember, the perfect MBA dissertation idea awaits!

Frequently Asked Questions

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Top 50 Operations Management Dissertation Topics Trending in the Year 2021

  • July 9, 2021 July 15, 2021

Operations management is the field of management that is concerned with the blueprint designing, production at the assembly line and control of the whole process. The process of the production as well as the redesigning of the business operations is done in accordance with the changing supply and demand ratio of the goods and services as well as the projected growth plan.

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It is the branch of management that is dedicated to the planning, controlling and supervision of the manufacturing, production process and service delivery. It is the stream of a business that is responsible for effective management of the manpower and materials to supervise and control the production of the goods and services as per the set pattern of deadline. The practice is the backbone of any functional business unit and safeguard the production cycle from deviating its actual objectives.

dissertation project for mba operations


The success as well as the survival of an organization is directly dependent on its efficiency and output. Meeting the periodically set goals within the organization charter is the passport to sustain in a ruthlessly competitive environment. The management of all the business operations would administer a practice that ignite the strategy to match the highest level of efficiency. The conversion of the quality raw materials and pain and sweat of the labour in the desired number of quality-based goods and services could create an environment full of zeal and competence. When the profit of the organization is rightfully achieved, all the stakeholders could earn their rightful stake. Moreover, it promotes a sense of belongingness in the employees and bestow them with the opportunities to hone their skills time and again.

Operations management is one of the pivotal subjects in management that constantly feature dissertations and case studies in their semester curriculum. These assignments help students to realise the practicality of the subject and help them understand how things materialise on the ground apart from inculcation of the bookish concepts.

The assignment help provided by the experts could help in the completion of the given homework tasks as per the expected standards on time. Here, we are sharing the list of top 50 dissertation topics that can be chosen from absolutely for free. If you are keen to let the professionals choose the topic and get the complete assignment done on your behalf, then also assignment writing services from the best in business could get the job done.

The Levels of Operations Management Implementation

The management of the operations is primarily done at the following three levels –

  • Strategic Level: Work on the broader terms, where the goals of the company are defined, and the operations managers are assigned the task to develop the strategies accordingly. For example, if we try to define all the three levels with respect to an organization engaged in furniture business, then the strategic level of operations management would include the preparation of blueprint for the location and the layout of the furniture factory.
  • Tactical Level:  The tactics are used by the employees at the managerial level to accomplish those strategies step by step. These include the tasks or the steps that are defined to successfully implement the strategies. The tactical level shall incorporate the hiring and training of the workforce to function as per the strategic needs and set the roadmap of executing the third level. 
  • Operations Level: The final level where all the components of production are brought together and materialised. These include the purchase of wood and fabric, the availability of raw materials and cutting tools and all the other fabrication equipment. It is widely regarded and practised as the final level of operations management before the final product or service gets its final shape.

The students who frequently reach us for dissertation help are assigned with the operations management homework somehow revolving around these three levels only. When experts having real-life practical understanding of the things get involved in the assignment writing process, it reflects in the submitted work word-by-word.

Working hard, yet failing to achieve an ‘A’ in your dissertation assignment? Read the below article to cover all loopholes to make your next submission catchy to the eyeballs!!

Must read: all you need to know about how to get an ‘a’ in your next dissertation submission, what are we expecting to achieve out of the recommended list of topics.

We are surely not expecting the students to submit a miracle of an assignment homework once they go through the provided set of dissertation topics below. The quality of the work still be dependent upon the consistency with the language, syntax proficiency, delivery of citation in instructed referencing style, and conducting plethora of concrete research to back each argument. Not to mention, crisp editing chops and seamless proofreading of the final draft is also somehow not related to the selection of the topic.

But what we are expecting out of this whole effort is to ensure that our students do have a wide range of pertinent topics to pick from. Our efforts are directed to the fact that our students pick a topic that is trending in the contemporary age and does make sense in the eyes of the evaluator.

Additionally, our prima-facie motto is to help our management students to save time, energy, and resources. The most complex dilemma faced by our students is the exploration and selection of the right topic. What, and why? Most of the students fight these conundrums to reach the most suited topic selection and spend an exhaustive amount of time and research. Exploring the topic at the personal level of the student could be a relevant choice in case he or she have months at disposal before the final submission of work. It is the privilege accessible to the scholars submitting their paper or thesis for research purpose only.

Management students following a conventional curriculum are required to submit their homework assignments with a stringent deadline. That is the point where not only days, even the hours count! Here, the accessibility to strong dissertation topics, and that too for free could become a real game-changer for the students. Besides, their request for online assignment help is served on priority right from topic selection to the dispatch of purely refined final homework draft.

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Must read: essay writing tips that have earned thousands of students the passport to their dream college. read now.

Operations Management Online Assignment Help

Top 50 Operations Management Dissertation Topics for your Next Assignment Reference

We have classified the operations management dissertation topics into 10 sub-categories to make the search of the students much easier. Let us look at the list derived by the experts for the convenience of operations management students worldwide hereunder –

  • Supply Chain Control and Design Dissertation Topic
  • Understanding virtual supply chain and its role in shaping the short-term business partnerships
  • Blockchain technology and its impact on the supply chain in the UK: Issues and challenges
  • The influence of information technology on the manufacturing firms in Canada
  • Big data and its function in revolutionising the operations management for online retailers
  • I Robot: The utility of robotic automation and picking by Alibaba and its impact on the supply chain efficiencies
  • Inventory Management Operations Dissertation Topics
  • Inventory management is the backbone of supply chain management: Discuss
  • The significance of RFID in the inventory management at the unit of Toyota UK
  • Conduct an assessment of the inventory management in an organization from car manufacturing sector
  • Inventory management featuring multiple procurement modes: A US case study
  • The function of AI resulting in precise stock decisions at eBay.com
  • Production Scheduling Dissertation Topics
  • Production scheduling techniques in a pharma manufacturing unit in India
  • Production scheduling pattern in steel industry: A Mittal Steel case study
  • How AI is improving quality control? An Amazon.com case study
  • How real time communication is significant in operations management amidst multi-site manufacturers?
  • How productivity and employee motivation can be increased through cross-employee communication and integrated production planning?
  • Product Development Dissertation Topics
  • How do they get it done? A critical analysis of the NPD strategy and process at Apple
  • How 3D printing technology is transforming the NPD process and what is its scope for small scale businesses?
  • Product life cycles and the digital age: Is the need for a new approach inevitable?
  • Product development strategy: A Microsoft case study
  • New product development through crowd funding: How people are empowering innovation?
  • Service Design Dissertation Topics
  • How big data analytics result in effective service design?
  • How the dynamic technological change in the future could impact service design?
  • Customer empathy is the new service mantra, or is it merely the new bottles and old wine?
  • Sequencing the journey of customers to enhance the service design experience
  • Customer service journey at Tesla Motors: Partnerships and alliances
  • Dynamic Pricing Dissertation Topics
  • How price guarantees an integral part of dynamic pricing strategies?
  • Competition-oriented dynamic pricing in the e-commerce industry
  • Dynamic pricing in B2B environment in the United States
  • Dynamic pricing in airline and retail sector: A comparative study
  • The significance of dynamic pricing in ‘the auctioning’
  • Industry Risk Management Dissertation Topics
  • Risk management in the construction industry in Australia: A case study
  • How risk management in banking is unique in comparison of other sectors?
  • Industrial risk management: The influence of internal and external factors
  • How the impact of risk could hamper the production decisions?
  • Discuss industrial risk management by distinguishing the rural from the urban part in India
  • Logistics Dissertation Topics
  • Discuss the vehicle route optimisation in the city of London
  • Discuss last mile logistics in the successful delivery of fresh vegetables and fruits across the cities
  • How to optimise third part logistics with the help of Big Data?
  • How value chain strategy is impacting the logistic industry in Canada?
  • Logistics management delivering a competitive edge: An Asda and Tesco case analysis
  • Manufacturing Dissertation Topics
  • Human rights abuses in the automobile manufacturing sector in China
  • The manufacturing strategy of Boeing: An analysis
  • Bringing manufacturing assembly line management with respect to environmental management: A BMW case study
  • ERP: Is it a boon to the supply chain strategy?
  • Improving the manufacturing strategy and standard with the help of the Cloud
  • Total Quality Management (TQM) Dissertation Topics
  • What is the influence of TQM on the modern innovation?
  • How quality evolved over a period of time? First 50 years of the production and the operations management in the United Kingdom
  • Total Quality Management (TQM) and customer satisfaction in the homebuilding operations
  • Discuss the setbacks associated with the EFQM (European Foundation for Quality Management) Model
  • To what extension and limitation can the implementation of TQM be done in the public sector?

Dissertation Help

Wish to come across top 50 best organizational behaviour topics to choose from? Visit the below article  to make your next OB dissertation submission worth every word!

Must read: top 50 organizational behaviour dissertation topics trending in 2021.

Well, with that we conclude our list of the latest dissertation topics dedicated to the assignments related to operations management. The best part is that these titles can be customised to suit the assignment writing formats other than dissertations. The requirements of the management students related to case study help , essay help , research paper writing help or thesis help . If you have already chosen your desired topic but struggling to move ahead, then you can always hire the experts for paid assignment help to get the assignment done as per the instructions on your behalf.

Operations management is widely regarded as one of the most complex yet interesting subjects that a b-school aspirant could pursue. The dissertations and case studies associated with the subject do have a touch of finance, mathematics, and information systems to deliver a combined package of knowledge. It is one of the few major subjects in the field of management that do have ground-level, practical implication to begin with. The assignments related to the subject are not only pivotal in terms of quality grades to pass-out with, but also fetch the lessons that can turn out to be productive in the entire lifetime of their careers.

Visit operations management assignment help at Thoughtful Minds to come across the services of the management academicians turned writers serving students for the last 15 years. Get in touch with the service representative and avail the finest online homework help at the most reasonable prices ever!

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Research Topics & Ideas: Business

50+ Management Research Topic Ideas To Fast-Track Your Project

Business/management/MBA research topics

Finding and choosing a strong research topic is the critical first step when it comes to crafting a high-quality dissertation, thesis or research project. If you’ve landed on this post, chances are you’re looking for a business/management-related research topic , but aren’t sure where to start. Here, we’ll explore a variety of  research ideas and topic thought-starters for management-related research degrees (MBAs/DBAs, etc.). These research topics span management strategy, HR, finance, operations, international business and leadership.

NB – This is just the start…

The topic ideation and evaluation process has multiple steps . In this post, we’ll kickstart the process by sharing some research topic ideas within the management domain. This is the starting point, but to develop a well-defined research topic, you’ll need to identify a clear and convincing research gap , along with a well-justified plan of action to fill that gap.

If you’re new to the oftentimes perplexing world of research, or if this is your first time undertaking a formal academic research project, be sure to check out our free dissertation mini-course. In it, we cover the process of writing a dissertation or thesis from start to end. Be sure to also sign up for our free webinar that explores how to find a high-quality research topic. 

Overview: Business Research Topics

  • Business /management strategy
  • Human resources (HR) and industrial psychology
  • Finance and accounting
  • Operations management
  • International business
  • Actual business dissertations & theses

Strategy-Related Research Topics

  • An analysis of the impact of digital transformation on business strategy in consulting firms
  • The role of innovation in transportation practices for creating a competitive advantage within the agricultural sector
  • Exploring the effect of globalisation on strategic decision-making practices for multinational Fashion brands.
  • An evaluation of corporate social responsibility in shaping business strategy, a case study of power utilities in Nigeria
  • Analysing the relationship between corporate culture and business strategy in the new digital era, exploring the role of remote working.
  • Assessing the impact of sustainability practices on business strategy and performance in the motor vehicle manufacturing industry
  • An analysis of the effect of social media on strategic partnerships and alliances development in the insurance industry
  • Exploring the role of data-driven decision-making in business strategy developments following supply-chain disruptions in the agricultural sector
  • Developing a conceptual framework for assessing the influence of market orientation on business strategy and performance in the video game publishing industry
  • A review of strategic cost management best practices in the healthcare sector of Indonesia
  • Identification of key strategic considerations required for the effective implementation of Industry 4.0 to develop a circular economy
  • Reviewing how Globalisation has affected business model innovation strategies in the education sector
  • A comparison of merger and acquisition strategies’ effects on novel product development in the Pharmaceutical industry
  • An analysis of market strategy performance during recessions, a retrospective review of the luxury goods market in the US
  • Comparing the performance of digital stakeholder engagement strategies and their contribution towards meeting SDGs in the mining sector

Research topic idea mega list

Topics & Ideas: Human Resources (HR)

  • Exploring the impact of digital employee engagement practices on organizational performance in SMEs
  • The role of diversity and inclusion in the workplace
  • An evaluation of remote employee training and development programs efficacy in the e-commerce sector
  • Comparing the effect of flexible work arrangements on employee satisfaction and productivity across generational divides
  • Assessing the relationship between gender-focused employee empowerment programs and job satisfaction in the UAE
  • A review of the impact of technology and digitisation on human resource management practices in the construction industry
  • An analysis of the role of human resource management in talent acquisition and retention in response to globalisation and crisis, a case study of the South African power utility
  • The influence of leadership style on remote working employee motivation and performance in the education sector.
  • A comparison of performance appraisal systems for managing employee performance in the luxury retail fashion industry
  • An examination of the relationship between work-life balance and job satisfaction in blue-collar workplaces, A systematic review
  • Exploring HR personnel’s experiences managing digital workplace bullying in multinational corporations
  • Assessing the success of HR team integration following merger and acquisition on employee engagement and performance
  • Exploring HR green practices and their effects on retention of millennial talent in the fintech industry
  • Assessing the impact of human resources analytics in successfully navigating digital transformation within the healthcare sector
  • Exploring the role of HR staff in the development and maintenance of ethical business practices in fintech SMEs
  • An analysis of employee perceptions of current HRM practices in a fully remote IT workspace

Research topic evaluator

Topics & Ideas: Finance & Accounting

  • An analysis of the effect of employee financial literacy on decision-making in manufacturing start-ups in Ghana
  • Assessing the impact of corporate green innovation on financial performance in listed companies in Estonia
  • Assessing the effect of corporate governance on financial performance in the mining industry in Papua New Guinea
  • An evaluation of financial risk management practices in the construction industry of Saudi Arabia
  • Exploring the role of leadership financial literacy in the transition from start-up to scale-up in the retail e-commerce industry.
  • A review of influential macroeconomic factors on the adoption of cryptocurrencies as legal tender
  • An examination of the use of financial derivatives in risk management
  • Exploring the impact of the cryptocurrency disruption on stock trading practices in the EU
  • An analysis of the relationship between corporate social responsibility and financial performance in academic publishing houses
  • A comparison of financial ratios performance in evaluating E-commerce startups in South Korea.
  • An evaluation of the role of government policies in facilitating manufacturing companies’ successful transitioning from start-up to scale-ups in Denmark
  • Assessing the financial value associated with industry 4.0 transitions in the Indian pharmaceutical industry
  • Exploring the role of effective e-leadership on financial performance in the Nigerian fintech industry
  • A review of digital disruptions in CRM practices and their associated financial impact on listed companies during the Covid-19 pandemic
  • Exploring the importance of Sharia-based business practices on SME financial performance in multicultural countries

Free Webinar: How To Find A Dissertation Research Topic

Ideas: Operations Management

  • An assessment of the impact of blockchain technology on operations management practices in the transport industry of Estonia
  • An evaluation of supply chain disruption management strategies and their impact on business performance in Lithuania
  • Exploring the role of lean manufacturing in the automotive industry of Malaysia and its effects on improving operational efficiency
  • A critical review of optimal operations management strategies in luxury goods manufacturing for ensuring supply chain resilience
  • Exploring the role of globalization on Supply chain diversification, a pre/post analysis of the COVID-19 pandemic
  • An analysis of the relationship between quality management and customer satisfaction in subscription-based business models
  • Assessing the cost of sustainable sourcing practices on operations management and supply chain resilience in the Cocao industry.
  • An examination of the adoption of behavioural predictive analytics in operations management practices, a case study of the
  • Italian automotive industry
  • Exploring the effect of operational complexity on business performance following digital transformation
  • An evaluation of barriers to the implementation of agile methods in project management within governmental institutions
  • Assessing how the relationship between operational processes and business strategy change as companies transition from start-ups to scale-ups
  • Exploring the relationship between operational management and innovative business models, lessons from the fintech industry
  • A review of best practices for operations management facilitating the transition towards a circular economy in the fast food industry
  • Exploring the viability of lean manufacturing practices in Vietnam’s plastics industry
  • Assessing engagement in cybersecurity considerations associated with operations management practices in industry 4.0 manufacturing

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Topics & Ideas: International Business

  • The impact of cultural differences in communication on international business relationships
  • An evaluation of the role of government import and export policies in shaping international business practices
  • The effect of global shipping conditions on international business strategies
  • An analysis of the challenges of managing multinational corporations: branch management
  • The influence of social media marketing on international business operations
  • The role of international trade agreements on business activities in developing countries
  • An examination of the impact of currency fluctuations on international business and cost competitiveness
  • The relationship between international business and sustainable development: perspectives and benefits
  • An evaluation of the challenges and opportunities of doing business in emerging markets such as the renewable energy industry
  • An analysis of the role of internationalisation via strategic alliances in international business
  • The impact of cross-cultural management on international business performance
  • The effect of political instability on international business operations: A case study of Russia
  • An analysis of the role of intellectual property rights in an international technology company’s business strategies
  • The relationship between corporate social responsibility and international business strategy: a comparative study of different industries
  • The impact of technology on international business in the fashion industry

Topics & Ideas: Leadership

  • A comparative study of the impact of different leadership styles on organizational performance
  • An evaluation of transformational leadership in today’s non-profit organizations
  • The role of emotional intelligence in effective leadership and productivity
  • An analysis of the relationship between leadership style and employee motivation
  • The influence of diversity and inclusion on leadership practices in South Africa
  • The impact of Artificial Intelligence technology on leadership in the digital age
  • An examination of the challenges of leadership in a rapidly changing business environment: examples from the finance industry
  • The relationship between leadership and corporate culture and job satisfaction
  • An evaluation of the role of transformational leadership in strategic decision-making
  • The use of leadership development programs in enhancing leadership effectiveness in multinational organisations
  • The impact of ethical leadership on organizational trust and reputation: an empirical study
  • An analysis of the relationship between various leadership styles and employee well-being in healthcare organizations
  • The role of leadership in promoting good work-life balance and job satisfaction in the age of remote work
  • The influence of leadership on knowledge sharing and innovation in the technology industry
  • An investigation of the impact of cultural intelligence on cross-cultural leadership effectiveness in global organizations

Business/Management Dissertation & Theses

While the ideas we’ve presented above are a decent starting point for finding a business-related research topic, they are fairly generic and non-specific. So, it helps to look at actual dissertations and theses to see how this all comes together.

Below, we’ve included a selection of research projects from various management-related degree programs (e.g., MBAs, DBAs, etc.) to help refine your thinking. These are actual dissertations and theses, written as part of Master’s and PhD-level programs, so they can provide some useful insight as to what a research topic looks like in practice.

  • Sustaining Microbreweries Beyond 5 Years (Yanez, 2022)
  • Perceived Stakeholder and Stockholder Views: A Comparison Among Accounting Students, Non-Accounting Business Students And Non-Business Students (Shajan, 2020)
  • Attitudes Toward Corporate Social Responsibility and the New Ecological Paradigm among Business Students in Southern California (Barullas, 2020)
  • Entrepreneurial opportunity alertness in small business: a narrative research study exploring established small business founders’ experience with opportunity alertness in an evolving economic landscape in the Southeastern United States (Hughes, 2019)
  • Work-Integrated Learning in Closing Skills Gap in Public Procurement: A Qualitative Phenomenological Study (Culver, 2021)
  • Analyzing the Drivers and Barriers to Green Business Practices for Small and Medium Enterprises in Ohio (Purwandani, 2020)
  • The Role of Executive Business Travel in a Virtual World (Gale, 2022)
  • Outsourcing Security and International Corporate Responsibility: A Critical Analysis of Private Military Companies (PMCs) and Human Rights Violations (Hawkins, 2022)
  • Lean-excellence business management for small and medium-sized manufacturing companies in Kurdistan region of Iraq (Mohammad, 2021)
  • Science Data Sharing: Applying a Disruptive Technology Platform Business Model (Edwards, 2022)
  • Impact of Hurricanes on Small Construction Business and Their Recovery (Sahu, 2022)

Looking at these titles, you can probably pick up that the research topics here are quite specific and narrowly-focused , compared to the generic ones presented earlier. This is an important thing to keep in mind as you develop your own research topic. That is to say, to create a top-notch research topic, you must be precise and target a specific context with specific variables of interest . In other words, you need to identify a clear, well-justified research gap.

Fast-Track Your Topic Ideation

If you’d like hands-on help to speed up your topic ideation process and ensure that you develop a rock-solid research topic, check our our Topic Kickstarter service below.

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Great help. thanks


Hi, Your work is very educative, it has widened my knowledge. Thank you so much.


Thank you so much for helping me understand how to craft a research topic. I’m pursuing a PGDE. Thank you


Effect of Leadership, computerized accounting systems, risk management and monitoring on the quality of financial Reports among listed banks

Denford Chimboza

May you assist on a possible PhD topic on analyzing economic behaviours within environmental, climate and energy domains, from a gender perspective. I seek to further investigate if/to which extent policies in these domains can be deemed economically unfair from a gender perspective, and whether the effectiveness of the policies can be increased while striving for inequalities not being perpetuated.

Negessa Abdisa

healthy work environment and employee diversity, technological innovations and their role in management practices, cultural difference affecting advertising, honesty as a company policy, an analysis of the relationships between quality management and customer satisfaction in subscription based business model,business corruption cases. That I was selected from the above topics.

Ngam Leke

Research topic accounting

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Top 150 Project Management Dissertation Topics [Updated]

Project Management Dissertation Topics

Project management is like the conductor of an orchestra, harmonizing various elements to achieve a masterpiece. Dissertation topics in this field are crucial as they delve into the heart of managing projects effectively. Whether you’re a budding project manager or a seasoned professional looking to deepen your understanding, choosing the right project management dissertation topic is paramount. Let’s embark on a journey to explore some intriguing project management dissertation topics that could spark your interest and contribute to this dynamic field.

How To Pick A Dissertation Topic?

Table of Contents

Picking what you’ll study for your big research project (dissertation) is a really important choice. Take your time and think about it carefully. Here are some steps to help you pick the right topic:

  • Reflect on your interests: Consider topics that genuinely interest you and align with your passion and expertise. Your enthusiasm will sustain you through the research process.
  • Review existing literature: Conduct a thorough review of literature in your field to identify gaps, unanswered questions, or emerging trends that could form the basis of your research.
  • Consider practical relevance: Choose a topic that has practical relevance and real-world implications for your field, industry, or community. Aim to address pressing issues or challenges faced by practitioners or organizations.
  • Consult with advisors and peers: Seek feedback from your academic advisors, mentors, or peers to get their perspectives on potential topics. They can give you good advice and assist you in making your ideas better.
  • Narrow down your focus: Once you have a broad topic in mind, narrow it down to a specific research question or area of investigation. Make sure your topic is manageable within the scope of your dissertation and aligns with the available resources and timeline.
  • Evaluate feasibility: Figure out if your topic is doable by checking if you can find enough information, if you have the right tools to study it, if it’s morally okay, and if there are any real-life limits that might get in the way. Ensure that you have access to the necessary resources and support to conduct your research effectively.
  • Stay flexible: Stay ready to change or improve your topic as you learn more during your research and find out new things. Your dissertation topic might change as you go, so it’s important to be open to that and be able to adjust along the way.
  • Consider your long-term goals: Think about how your dissertation topic aligns with your long-term academic or career goals. Choose a topic that will allow you to develop valuable skills, make meaningful contributions to your field, and position yourself for future opportunities.

150 Project Management Dissertation Topics: Category Wise

Traditional vs. agile methodologies.

  • A comparative analysis of traditional waterfall and agile project management methodologies.
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of agile methodologies in software development projects.
  • Implementing agile practices in non-IT industries: challenges and opportunities.
  • The role of project management maturity models in transitioning from traditional to agile methodologies.
  • Agile project management in dynamic and uncertain environments: case studies from various industries.
  • Integrating hybrid project management approaches: combining elements of traditional and agile methodologies.
  • Assessing the impact of agile project management on team dynamics and collaboration.
  • Agile project management in large-scale and complex projects: lessons learned and best practices.
  • Overcoming resistance to agile adoption: strategies for organizational change management.
  • The future of project management: trends and innovations in agile methodologies.

Project Management Tools and Software

  • Evaluating the effectiveness of project management software in improving project outcomes.
  • Adoption and implementation of project management tools: a case study approach.
  • Comparing different project management software solutions: features, benefits, and limitations.
  • Customization vs. out-of-the-box implementation: factors influencing the choice of project management software.
  • The impact of cloud-based project management tools on remote team collaboration.
  • Enhancing project management efficiency through the integration of collaboration platforms and project management software.
  • Project management software usability and user experience: implications for adoption and usage.
  • Assessing the security and data privacy risks associated with project management software.
  • Trends in project management software development: artificial intelligence, automation, and predictive analytics.
  • The role of project management software vendors in driving innovation and industry standards.

Project Risk Management

  • Identifying and prioritizing project risks: a systematic approach.
  • Quantitative vs. qualitative risk analysis: comparing methods and outcomes.
  • Risk management strategies for high-risk industries: construction, aerospace, and defense.
  • The role of project risk management in achieving project success: evidence from case studies.
  • Incorporating risk management into project planning and decision-making processes.
  • Stakeholder engagement in project risk management: challenges and best practices.
  • Resilience and adaptability: building a risk-aware project culture.
  • Emerging risks in project management: cybersecurity threats, geopolitical instability, and climate change.
  • Risk management in agile projects: adapting traditional approaches to dynamic environments.
  • The future of project risk management: predictive analytics, big data, and machine learning.

Project Scheduling and Planning

  • Critical path analysis and its applications in project scheduling.
  • Resource leveling techniques for optimizing project schedules and resource allocation.
  • The role of project management offices (PMOs) in project scheduling and planning.
  • Earned value management (EVM) as a performance measurement tool in project scheduling.
  • Lean project management principles: minimizing waste and maximizing efficiency in project schedules.
  • Agile project planning techniques: iterative planning, sprint planning, and release planning.
  • Time management strategies for project managers: prioritization, delegation, and timeboxing.
  • The impact of schedule compression techniques on project duration and cost.
  • Project scheduling under uncertainty: probabilistic scheduling models and Monte Carlo simulation.
  • Real-time scheduling and adaptive planning: harnessing technology for dynamic project environments.

Leadership and Team Management

  • Transformational leadership in project management: inspiring vision and empowering teams.
  • The role of emotional intelligence in project leadership and team performance.
  • Cross-cultural leadership in multinational project teams: challenges and strategies.
  • Building high-performing project teams: recruitment, training, and team development.
  • Distributed leadership in virtual project teams: fostering collaboration and trust.
  • Conflict resolution strategies for project managers: mediation, negotiation, and arbitration.
  • Motivating project teams: rewards, recognition, and intrinsic motivation.
  • The impact of leadership styles on project outcomes: autocratic, democratic, and laissez-faire.
  • Gender diversity in project teams: implications for leadership and team dynamics.
  • Team resilience and psychological safety: creating a supportive and inclusive project environment.

Project Governance and Stakeholder Management

  • Project governance frameworks: roles, responsibilities, and decision-making structures.
  • Stakeholder identification and analysis: mapping stakeholder interests, influence, and expectations.
  • Effective communication strategies for project stakeholders: stakeholder engagement plans and communication channels.
  • Managing stakeholder conflicts and competing interests in projects.
  • Make sure companies do good things for the community and talk to the people affected by their projects.
  • Look at how the big bosses of a project make decisions and handle the people involved.
  • Accountability and transparency in project governance: reporting mechanisms and performance metrics.
  • Regulatory compliance in project management: legal requirements and industry standards.
  • Balancing stakeholder interests in project decision-making: ethical considerations and social responsibility.
  • Continuous improvement in project governance: lessons learned and best practices.

Project Finance and Cost Management

  • Project budgeting and cost estimation techniques: top-down vs. bottom-up approaches.
  • Cost-benefit analysis and return on investment (ROI) in project decision-making.
  • Earned value management (EVM) as a cost control tool in project management.
  • Managing project financial risks: budget overruns, resource constraints, and market fluctuations.
  • Project procurement and contract management: negotiating contracts, vendor selection, and performance monitoring.
  • Life cycle costing in project evaluation: considering long-term costs and benefits.
  • Value engineering and value management: optimizing project value while minimizing costs.
  • Financial modeling and scenario analysis in project finance: assessing project feasibility and viability.
  • Funding sources for project financing: equity, debt, grants, and public-private partnerships.
  • Project finance in emerging markets: challenges and opportunities for investment.

Project Quality Management

  • Total quality management (TQM) principles in project management: continuous improvement and customer focus.
  • Quality planning and assurance processes: setting quality objectives and quality standards.
  • Quality control techniques in project management: inspection, testing, and quality audits.
  • Six Sigma methodology and its applications in project quality management.
  • Lean principles in project management: eliminating waste and optimizing processes.
  • Measuring project quality performance: key performance indicators (KPIs) and quality metrics.
  • Building a culture of quality excellence in project teams: training, empowerment, and recognition.
  • Supplier quality management in project procurement: ensuring supplier compliance and performance.
  • Benchmarking and best practices in project quality management.
  • Continuous improvement in project quality: feedback loops, lessons learned, and process optimization.

Project Stakeholder Engagement and Communication

  • Stakeholder engagement strategies in project management: stakeholder analysis, mapping, and engagement plans.
  • Effective communication techniques for project managers: verbal, written, and nonverbal communication.
  • Managing virtual project teams: communication tools, technologies, and best practices.
  • Conflict resolution strategies for project stakeholders: negotiation, mediation, and collaboration.
  • Stakeholder communication in crisis situations: managing stakeholder expectations and maintaining trust.
  • Building trust and credibility with project stakeholders: transparency, integrity, and responsiveness.
  • Cultural sensitivity and communication in multicultural project teams.
  • The role of project managers as communication facilitators and mediators.
  • Communication challenges in cross-functional project teams: aligning diverse perspectives and priorities.
  • Measuring stakeholder satisfaction and feedback: surveys, interviews, and feedback mechanisms.

Project Human Resource Management

  • Human resource planning in project management: resource allocation, skills assessment, and capacity planning.
  • Talent management strategies for project teams: recruitment, training, and career development.
  • Team-building techniques for project managers: icebreakers, team-building exercises, and bonding activities.
  • Performance management in project teams: setting objectives, providing feedback, and evaluating performance.
  • Conflict resolution strategies for project managers: negotiation, mediation, and conflict coaching.
  • Diversity and inclusion in project teams: fostering a culture of equity, diversity, and inclusion.
  • Leadership development in project management: training, coaching, and mentorship programs.
  • Managing virtual project teams: communication, collaboration, and team cohesion.
  • Building resilience and well-being in project teams: managing stress, burnout, and work-life balance.

Project Procurement and Contract Management

  • Procurement planning and strategy development: make-or-buy decisions, sourcing options, and procurement methods.
  • Contract types and structures in project procurement: fixed-price, cost-reimbursable, and time-and-material contracts.
  • Supplier selection criteria and evaluation methods: vendor qualifications, bid evaluation, and supplier performance metrics.
  • Negotiation techniques for project managers: win-win negotiation, BATNA analysis, and concessions management.
  • Managing contracts and contractor relationships: contract administration, performance monitoring, and dispute resolution.
  • Outsourcing and offshoring in project procurement: risks, benefits, and best practices.
  • Legal and regulatory considerations in project procurement: compliance with procurement laws, standards, and regulations.
  • Contractual risk management: mitigating contract risks through indemnification clauses, insurance, and contingency planning.
  • Ethical considerations in project procurement: fairness, transparency, and integrity in procurement processes.
  • Continuous improvement in procurement and contract management: lessons learned, process optimization, and supplier feedback.

Project Sustainability and Social Responsibility

  • Integrating sustainability principles into project management: environmental stewardship, social equity, and economic viability.
  • Sustainable project planning and design: minimizing environmental impacts, maximizing resource efficiency, and promoting resilience.
  • Social impact assessment in project management: stakeholder engagement, community consultation, and social license to operate.
  • Sustainable procurement practices: ethical sourcing, fair trade, and supply chain transparency.
  • Green project management: reducing carbon emissions, conserving natural resources, and promoting renewable energy.
  • Corporate social responsibility (CSR) in project management: philanthropy, community development, and stakeholder engagement.
  • Sustainable infrastructure development: green buildings, sustainable transportation, and eco-friendly urban planning.
  • Environmental risk management in projects: assessing and mitigating environmental impacts and regulatory compliance.
  • Sustainable project financing: green bonds, impact investing, and sustainable finance mechanisms.
  • Sustainability reporting and disclosure: communicating project sustainability performance to stakeholders.

Project Innovation and Technology Management

  • Innovation management in project-based organizations: fostering a culture of creativity, experimentation, and learning.
  • Technology adoption and diffusion in project management: factors influencing technology acceptance and implementation.
  • Managing innovation projects: from ideation to commercialization, stage-gate processes, and innovation ecosystems.
  • Open innovation and collaborative project management: partnerships, co-creation, and knowledge sharing.
  • Digital transformation in project management: leveraging emerging technologies for project delivery and collaboration.
  • Artificial intelligence and machine learning in project management: predictive analytics, automation, and decision support systems.
  • Blockchain technology in project management: decentralized project governance, smart contracts, and supply chain transparency.
  • Virtual reality and augmented reality in project management: immersive training, visualization, and virtual collaboration.
  • Internet of Things (IoT) applications in project management: real-time monitoring, predictive maintenance, and asset tracking.
  • Data-driven project management: leveraging big data, analytics, and business intelligence for project insights and decision-making.

Project Governance and Compliance

  • Regulatory compliance in project management: legal requirements, industry standards, and certification programs.
  • Ethics and integrity in project governance: code of conduct, conflict of interest policies, and whistleblowing mechanisms.
  • Corporate governance and project management: alignment with organizational objectives, risk management, and performance oversight.
  • Internal controls and assurance mechanisms in project governance: auditing, monitoring, and accountability.
  • Project portfolio governance: prioritization, resource allocation, and strategic alignment.
  • Regulatory reporting and disclosure requirements: compliance with regulatory agencies, stakeholders, and investors.
  • Project audits and reviews: evaluating project performance, compliance, and lessons learned.
  • Governance of public-private partnerships (PPPs): contractual arrangements, risk allocation, and stakeholder engagement.
  • Continuous improvement in project governance: feedback loops, lessons learned, and process optimization.

Project Resilience and Change Management

  • Building project resilience: risk management, contingency planning, and adaptive strategies.
  • Change management in project management: managing resistance, communication, and stakeholder engagement.
  • Organizational resilience and project management: lessons from crisis management, business continuity planning, and disaster recovery.
  • Agile project management and organizational agility: responsiveness to change, iterative planning, and adaptive leadership.
  • Innovation and creativity in project management: fostering a culture of experimentation, learning, and adaptation.
  • Anticipatory project management: scenario planning, risk assessment, and proactive decision-making.
  • Crisis leadership and project management: decision-making under pressure, communication, and stakeholder management .
  • Change readiness assessment in project management: organizational culture, capacity building, and change champions.
  • Learning from failure: post-mortem analysis, root cause analysis, and continuous improvement.
  • Resilience in project teams: psychological safety, emotional intelligence, and well-being.

In conclusion, selecting the right project management dissertation topics is essential for exploring new frontiers, addressing pressing challenges, and making meaningful contributions to the field. By choosing a topic that aligns with your interests, expertise, and aspirations, you can embark on a rewarding journey of discovery and innovation in project management.

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MBA Dissertation Topics: 40+ Ideas to Get You Started

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An MBA dissertation is a six-part assignment that requires dedication and attention to details. You have to choose the best title from a list of topics, conduct in-depth research, develop a structure, write in stages, proofread your work, and attend dissertation defense .

Sadly, brainstorming for topics takes so much time that it might take from an afternoon to several days to find an idea worth exploring.

To help you with topic selection, and make the ideation phase less strenuous altogether, we’ve put a list of 50+ MBA topic ideas that you can explore in your dissertation project.  

Key Takeaways

  • You should pick a topic that fascinates you or one that falls within a theme that you’ve always wanted to explore.
  • Ensure the topic you choose has sufficient research data so that you have an easy time writing.   
  • An MBA dissertation is scientific in form. Thus, you need to develop a hypothesis and collect evidence to support or disapprove the hypothesis.

If you’ve already chosen a topic but don’t have enough time to research and write the dissertation, our team is help. You can hire a dissertation writer from College Assignment Lab and benefit from the convenience of our writing. We focus on in-depth research, custom writing, and timely delivery.

40+ MBA Dissertation Topics

MBA, or Management in Business Administration, is a diverse course with many areas to explore. The topics options range from economics, marketing to information technology and accounting.

Here are some ideas to get you started:

Accounting Topic Ideas

An MBA in accounting is an advanced program that builds on your current accounting knowledge and skills. Graduating with an MBA in this area gets you ready for a career in different positions, including accounting manager, auditor, budget analyst, environmental green accountant, credit analysis, and budget director.

You’ll have to write a dissertation in accounting if you want to graduate with an MBA. So here are some topics to consider if you haven’t looked for one already:

  • Assessing the impact of the current tax structure on individuals with low income
  • Comparative analysis of external and internal auditors: distinctions and commonalities
  • Exploring the significance of auditing in the context of large corporations
  • Examining the influence of industry dynamics and public information on market share index fluctuations
  • A comprehensive analysis of the challenges faced by external auditors in the context of fair value calculations

Strategic Risk Management Topics

An MBA in strategic management is a program that equips you with the knowledge to identify factors likely to harm a business and the skills to find the most relevant solutions. You will learn how to prioritize goals and determine whether the negative outcomes on a business are more than the positive impact.

Then, you’ll write a dissertation in this area to demonstrate a clear understanding of strategic risk management . Here are some topic ideas to get you started:

  • Optimal approaches and protocols in the management of operational risks in warehousing
  • A comparative examination of risk management frameworks across diverse financial sectors
  • Influence of contemporary global supply chain management trends on the evolution of risk mitigation strategies within supply chains
  • A comprehensive analysis of social risks as a pervasive challenge for multinational corporations and their implications on shareholder value
  • Essential determinants of success for financial services organizations implementing an order management system
  • The imperative of long-term risk management in the banking sector
  • Evaluating the significance of liquidity risk management and credit supply within financial markets

Business Management Topic Ideas

  • Investigating cultural dynamics: analyzing the role of feedback mechanisms within multinational/international corporations
  • Significance of foreign direct investment in the economic advancement of developing nations
  • Fostering gender equality in professional environments: exploring management approaches for empowering women in traditionally male-dominated sectors
  • The sociocultural context of management: influence on leadership dynamics
  • Dissecting the impact of job benefits on employee and corporate productivity

Information Technology Management Topic

Information technology management focuses on how individuals and teams contribute to the optimal performance of information systems. It covers broad areas such as virtualization, application development, business intelligence, cloud computing, sourcing, and infrastructure management.

IT management is a broad area that presents hundreds of potential dissertation topics, including the following:

  • Impact of data processing, information and communication technologies, and school-level decision-making on student achievement
  • The pace of technological advancement and its alignment with the needs of the global financial system
  • Exploring the influence of mobile technology on international students enrolled in British higher education institutions
  • Technological advancements and their role in shaping the global trading process
  • Leveraging instructional strategies for the cultivation of problem-solving proficiency
  • Evaluating the efficacy of automated systems in facilitating literature review processes for students
  • Analyzing the ramifications of the recent Sony data breach on international market transactions and trade
  • The interplay between religion and information technology adoption in Yemeni universities

Operations Management Topics

An MBA in operations management teaches planning, organization, development, supervision, and delivery of products and services. The course covers the conceptual frameworks and analytical tools required to make and optimize decisions linked to designing and managing the operations process.

Your dissertation project can explore different areas such as real options, risk analysis, supply chain management, price optimization, and service management. Here are some topics to get you started: 

  • The promotional role of the virtual supply chain in facilitating short-term commercial alliances
  • Unpacking the notion of “legality” in the context of supply chain design
  • Self-driving cars in supply chain management: viability and effectiveness assessment
  • Examining Toyota’s production scheduling strategies in the united kingdom: a case study
  • Enhancing quality control through artificial intelligence: a case study of amazon.com
  • The impact of big data analytics on streamlining inventory management efficiency
  • Strategies for production scheduling in an industrial environment

MBA Finance Dissertation Topics

  • Investigating the influence of microfinance on emerging economies
  • Exploring the significance of credit and other financial services in economic development and investment
  • The ascending profile of microfinance in the United Kingdom banking sector
  • A comprehensive examination of ongoing reforms within the banking sector of a dynamic economy
  • The transnational implications of European financial regulations on financial investment
  • Synchronized stock price movements in emerging markets and analytical oversight
  • Assessing the effects of microfinance on alleviating poverty and stimulating economic growth

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MBA dissertation help: How to choose a topic, plan, and write your dissertation

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MBA dissertations and consultancy projects are the final modules on most MBA programmes . Our participants can opt for either a traditional dissertation (with a theoretical focus) or a hands-on project, which will see you consulting for a real organisation alongside a team of peers.  

Whether you choose a dissertation or consultancy project, you will still be required to submit a written exploration of a research question that is relevant to the world of business as part of the module. This guide offers MBA dissertation help that remains applicable whichever route you take on your Full-time MBA.

Read on to learn about the early stages of the process, choosing a topic, planning out your workload, and how to write an MBA dissertation or individual consulting report. Written by the MBA team here at Warwick Business School (WBS), this article also features some helpful first-hand advice from one of our MBA graduates, Kristen Rossi who studied our Full-time MBA.

An introduction to MBA dissertations and consultancy projects

Completing either an MBA dissertation or consultancy project is a requirement on Full-time MBA courses ; alternatively, participants at WBS can opt for an internship to satisfy the Capstone module .

Although this work will be completed towards the end of your programme, it’s worth getting ahead of the game. Given that your dissertation or project will contribute significantly towards your final result, we recommend learning about the requirements and how the process works even before you apply for an MBA.

As Full-time Warwick MBA graduate, Kristen Rossi, puts it: 

From the second the MBA started, there was talk of “The Project & Dissertation” – the part of the MBA that is worth the most credit, which will probably involve an outside company, and (gasp) that you will do alone!

Unless you take part in an internship in place of the module, your first port of call is to choose between an MBA dissertation or a consultancy project. Seem like a daunting decision to make? We’ve outlined the key points of difference to help you get off on the right track.

What is an MBA dissertation?

An MBA dissertation is an independent, yet supervised, research project. It is designed to demonstrate that you have assimilated your learning throughout the MBA course and that you can explore a business issue thoroughly, considering multiple perspectives on the subject.

The output from an MBA dissertation is a piece of written work that explores a research question relevant to the world of business. You could explore any one of a wide range of different topics as part of the dissertation, but your writing should have an academic focus with a strong grounding in theory and your own independent research.

At WBS, you may also choose to focus on Entrepreneurship as part of your MBA dissertation, which is a requirement if you choose the Entrepreneurship Specialism. This allows you to take a deep dive into a new business idea, tackle an existing issue, or use the opportunity to help launch your own venture.

What is a strategic consultancy project?

A strategic consultancy project provides you with hands-on experience of consulting on behalf of a real organisation and investigating a specific business challenge that it faces. Taking place for 10 to 12 weeks over the summer period, you’ll work alongside a group of your peers at the same organisation.

WBS participants can choose their own groups and, as Kristen comments, are given support in sourcing a project: 

The consultancy project and dissertation is usually supported by a client who has a topic or question that they would like to know more about. WBS provides specific, mandatory careers sessions dedicated to the consultancy project and dissertation.

The Business School has partnered with many global industry leaders as part of the consultancy projects, from Barclays to Sony and Microsoft. 

Once you’ve chosen a group and organisation, each participant selects their own distinct research question. The deliverable is then an individual consulting report addressing this question.

You can find out more about consultancy projects from Antonia in the film below:

The differences between an MBA dissertation and consultancy project

A consultancy project still requires you to produce an extended piece of written work in the form of your individual consulting report, but it differs from an MBA dissertation in a number of ways:

  • A strategic consultancy project is hands-on, requiring you to engage with a business issue faced by a real organisation, whereas an MBA dissertation is more theoretical.
  • The scope of the issue you explore as part of a project will typically be much narrower and more focused than a dissertation, which can investigate a much broader topic area.
  • An MBA dissertation should aim to further the academic community’s understanding of a particular area of business; a consultancy project is geared towards solving a real-world business problem for a specific organisation or group of organisations.

How will a dissertation or project benefit you?

This final phase of your MBA course gives you the opportunity to explore a particular topic in great depth, enhancing your academic or practical understanding of an area of business. 

For many participants the dissertation or project is a formative experience that has a tangible impact on their future career paths, supporting their professional ambitions.

But don’t just take it from us. What does Kristen have to say?

“I can only speak for myself, but with the project and dissertation, I gained three things. Firstly, slightly superficial, I now have a fabulous new brand on my CV, Aston Martin Lagonda. 

“Secondly, through the interviews I conducted for my primary research I had the privilege to learn a lot about the luxury automotive sector, which I would otherwise have not had the opportunity to learn as much about. Writing to and setting up a conversation with the CMO of a major firm is made easier when you have WBS and the justification of a dissertation, and the information they share is priceless. 

“Thirdly, although tedious, I had the opportunity to deep-dive into a particular topic – marketing ROI best practices. This really helped me to understand the challenges and remedies of this topic in depth and will certainly help me as I make my career jump in the coming months.”

Choosing an MBA dissertation topic

Like many participants, you may feel nervous about the thought of choosing a suitable MBA dissertation topic. In reality, however, this is nothing to worry about.

As you progress through the early stages of your MBA programme, you’ll undoubtedly find yourself drawn to a particular area of study or type of business problem. The direction you take is also likely to be influenced by your pre-existing career goals and professional experience. 

On this point, Kristen recommends that you make the project work for you:

When choosing your client project and dissertation, try to focus on an industry and topic that you hope to transition into. If you are looking to move into finance, work on a project that will provide you with the knowledge to help you land the job!

It’s also worth noting that you’ll be given extensive support when it comes to picking a research question or sourcing a project. You’ll attend sessions dedicated to selecting the right topic in the run-up to the start of the dissertation or project module — and there is always additional help available at WBS.

How to write an MBA dissertation

Once you’ve chosen a topic for your MBA dissertation or project, your work on the module can begin in earnest.

As a Warwick Business School participant, you’ll be guided through the process from the outset. But if you’re still at the stage of wondering whether this is something you’d want to pursue in the first place, here’s a brief overview packed with MBA dissertation advice from one of our graduates.

Making contact with your supervisor

Kristen’s top tip for writing an MBA dissertation is not to wait to be assigned a supervisor:

“Once your project applications have been whittled down to interviews (early May for the Full-time MBA), look at the topics and seek out an academic in the school whose knowledge (and personality) you think would match the project and you. The sooner you do this the better.

“I had finalised my supervisor by the beginning of June and this head start was extremely beneficial. It allowed me to better project manage the different chapters of the dissertation and be more in control of the process.”

The planning phase

Delivering a successful MBA dissertation or consulting report is an exercise in sound project management; just one of the many ways in which it sets you up well for later working life. And it’s universally acknowledged that the best approach to take with any large-scale project is to break it down into bite-size chunks.

Kristen suggests seeking support to divide up the dissertation into smaller components, from the draft of your first chapter through to the final submission:

With the help of your supervisor, work backwards and set up a timeline to tackle each section of the dissertation. Include milestones where you will check-in with your supervisor (face-to-face is recommended) as well.

Preparing your literature review

The literature review is the all-important foundation of any dissertation – MBA-level or otherwise. 

Kristen’s experience speaks to the value of starting your research early and keeping a record of all the papers and publications you encounter along the way:

“Once you roughly know the topic of your project and dissertation, start researching. Do not wait until you have a supervisor or until your elective modules are finished. Start immediately! I recommend this for three reasons.

“Firstly, the initial articles you find will most likely not be the gems you hope them to be and it will take a lot of speed-reading and trial and error before you uncover the wisdom that will actually inform your research. 

“Secondly, once you find relevant research, it will take time to read it and most academic literature is not a page-turning detective novel (I can attest to falling asleep mid-read on several occasions). 

“Finally, I am a believer that to truly understand and process new material, you need time. Give yourself the time to read, step away and think, and come back to it. In the end, you will be grateful that you did.

Further to this point, when reading journal publications look at the references the author cites. Seek out these additional authors and their publications.”

Communicating with your client contact on a consulting project

Should you opt for a strategic consulting project, the way you manage the relationship with your client organisation is just as important as the write-up of the final report. Kristen offers this final piece of advice:

“If you are not going to their office, then from the beginning of your relationship set in place weekly 30-minute Skype sessions to keep the client up-to-date with what you are doing. This will allow you to build a relationship with them and will help you to address any hiccups along the way. 

“Sometimes after starting your research, you may find that the client’s initial request is too broad. This is okay, but you will need to bring it up and negotiate a more realistic deliverable. The weekly updates are also beneficial. As you research, you may find yourself going off in the wrong direction. Checking in with your client on a weekly basis will help you stay on track.”


MBA programmes at Warwick Business School

Are you looking to develop yourself into a global leader who makes an immediate impact in business? You'll discover new thinking, access global networks, and invest in your future when you choose to study your MBA with us.

There are a variety of different ways to achieve your Warwick MBA. The best route for you depends on your current level of experience, life circumstances and career goals. Whether full-time or part-time, online or in person at Warwick or The Shard – study the Warwick MBA your way.

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Estela Carmona Cejudo, participant of the Global Online MBA Programme, offers valuable advice and suggestions for the application process.

Full-time MBA participant Sebastian shares the tools and techniques that have helped him to stay on top of his mental health throughout his year at Warwick Business School.

Online MBA participant, Aidan Munday, shares how the CareersPlus team supported his MBA journey. 

  • MBA Projects
  • Operations Management Project Topics

Published on Sep 18, 2019

Top Projects

1. Logistic And Supply Chain Management of Rastriya Chemicals & Fertilizers Ltd (RCF)

2. Logistics Project on DHL

3. Key Operational Challenges in the BPO-ITES Industry

4. Opertaions project on albert david company

5. Project Report on Indian Call Center

6. Report on export process and documentation.

7. STRATEGY ANALYSIS of ARPAC Storage Systems Corporation (ARPAC).

8. Study on quality function deployment

9. Supply Chain Management - a project on Mc Donald

10. TCS Mapping Six-Sigma in clients' process

11. Replenishing routing under vendor managed inventory systems

12. Material handling at Volvo Construction Equipment Braas

13. Inventory effect on supply chain

14. A Structured Methodology For Identifying Performance Metrics And Monitoring Maintenance Effectiveness

15. Project: Demand Forecasting at Alfa Laval

16. On Logistics in the Strategy of the Firm

17. Evaluation the Supply Chain of Plymovent AB

18. Packaging effects on logistics activities: A study at ROL International

19. Logistics Collaboration in Supply Chains: A Survey of Swedish Manufacturing Companies

20. Project Management and PRINCE2 Methodology

21. Merge in Transit, a distribution method in the industrial environment

22. Management information systems in process-oriented healthcare organisations

23. BUSINESS PLAN: Import, Export and Car Trading Company

24. Managing Media Supply Chains in European Publishing Companies: Strategic issues, values and partnerships

25. Sustainable Supply Chain Management

26. Nokia cell phones project report

27. Strategic Partnership within Supply Chain

28. An Analysis of Success and Failure Factors for ERP Systems in Engineering and Construction Firms

29. Simulation and Optimization of Production Control for Lean Manufacturing Transition


31. Solving continuous replenishment inventory routing problems

32. Utilization of Enterprise Resource Planning Tools by Small to Medium Size Construction Organizations: A Decision-making Model

33. Test Laboratory Amalgamation Layout

34. Internal communication of the purchasing process

35. A Study of Four Network Problems in Transportation, Telecommunications, and Supply Chain Management



38. Effect of Transaction Cost and Coordination Mechanisms on the Length of the Supply Chain

39. Coordinating Demand Fulfillment With Supply Across A Dynamic Supply Chain

40. Supply Chain Strategy and the Benefits of Information Exchange


42. Joint Replenishment and Supply Chain Actions in the Retail Grocery Industry

43. The Influence of National Culture on Buyer-Supplier trust and Commitment



46. Determinants of customer partnering behavior in logistics outsourcing relationships: a relationship marketing perspective

47. Direct delivery: a case study on the loading efficiency at the foreign SCA terminals

48. Logistics services in the German metal processing industry: a market assessment for SKF Logistics Services

49. Changing from a reactive to a proactive maintenance culture: implementation of OEE

50. Cost-reduction of complaints regarding distribution: a case study at Iggesund Paperboard

51. Forecast design at GE Healthcare Europe: design of the process for the unit production forecast

52. Solving linear optimization problems using a simplex like boundary point method in dual space

53. Developing a strategic procurement process: a case study at Boliden AB

54. A flow cost model: a case study at Volvo Trucks Corporation

55. Improvement study of engine finish facility at Perkins Engines

56. E-business Logistics: case studies of collaborative supply chain management within companies in Hong Kong

57. Performance measurement at DHL Solutions: towards an improved perfromance measurement system consisting of relevant and well-designed measures

58. Evaluation of RCM implementation process in Vattenfall Service and Vattenfall, Hydropower organizations: a study and analysis of its current status

59. Ordering System at Sandvik Information Technology: Survey and Proposal of Improvement

60. Investigation of the R&D management process for incorporating short- and long-term interests in the selection of advanced engineering tasks: a case study at Volvo Cars Corporation

61. How to improve the delivery accuracy in the cargo handling

62. E-procurement in atuomotive supply chain of Iran

63. Utilizing e-logistics: case studies in Sweden and China

64. Data warehouse maintenance: improving data warehouse perfomance through efficient maintenance

65. The factors for designers of computerised information systems for small organisations

66. Maintenance and reliability with focus on aircraft maintenance and spares provisioning

67. RCM-based maintenance plans for different operational conditions

68. Customer knowledge management (CKM) in the e-business environment: cases from Swedish banks

69. The role of network marketing in international logistic companies' business development; an analysis of manager's perceptions

70. Impact of information technology on productivity

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MBA Reports Guru

Latest free mba operation project topics, latest mba operations report topics list.

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  • Total Quality Management – manufacturing Sector (MBA Operation)
  • The Success Of Supply Chain Management In FMCG Sector In India
  • Supply Chain in Building a Competitive Advantage In Organized Retail Shoppers Stop
  • Study & Training in Production Department Steel Industry
  • study-on-impact-of-implementation-on-it-based-services-mba-operation/
  • Six Sigma – An Implementation for Saving In Power Consumption at Healthcare Sector (MBA Operation Project)
  • Olympic Torch Relay Operation Management & Advertising
  • International Operations -Indian pharmaceutical companies(MBA Operation Report)
  • Quantitative Techniques (QT) on Inventory Management
  • Quality Practices & Procedures followed by Indian Companies
  • Promoting Reproductive Rights for Women’s Empowerment(MBA Operation Project)
  • Study of Production Management in Company
  • Study on Material Management in Company (MBA Operation Project)
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  • operational Risk Management in Logistic Sector
  • Operational Aspects Of Dietary Services in Healthcare Sector
  • Operation Management Locations for IT Industries in India Production
  • Operation Management Production & Operation Management (MBA Operation Projects)
  • Analytical Study of Material Warehousing Norms – MBA Report
  • Inventory Classification Techniques for Effective Store Management(MBA Operation Projects)
  • Material Management– FMCG Sector Project Management
  • Manufacturing and Quality enhancement practices-Indian Electronic Era
  • Logistics business proposition for the Logistics Park
  • Inventory Management Genpact (MBA Operation)
  • A Study on Warehousing
  • Study of Operation Management in Company (MBA Operation)
  • Global Trends in Operation Management
  • Study of Quality Management System (MBA Operation Projects)
  • ESCM in the FMCG Sector the Present & the Future
  • ERP Evolution Of Technology Factors behind the Successful Implementation of ERP Systems
  • MBA Operation Project on ECRM Strategies of Indian Companies
  • Critical Success Factors of Six Sigma Implementation in an Organisation
  • Study on Project Scheduling (MBA Operation)
  • Operation Management in Textile Industry
  • Concepts of Operations Management & Measures of Productivity in DaburPharma Operations Management (MBA Operation Projects)
  • Competitive Advantage through Lean Supply Chain Management
  • Study Of Operations at Retail Industry (MBA Operation Projects)
  • Study of Logistic Management in indian Companies(MBA Operation)
  • A Critical Review On Supply Chain Practices
  • Application of Six Sigma in Training and Development (MBA Operation)
  • Study On Productivity And Efficiency Management – Online education System
  • A Study on TQM in Organization (MBA Operation Project)
  • Study Of Supply Chain Management at a Company (MBA Operation)
  • Rail transportation vs. Road transportation- a comparison on feasibility
  • Impact of Just in Time (JIT) on supply chain efficiency of large scale retail outlets
  • Criteria for Qualifying and Short listing Suppliers (MBA Operation Project)
  • Study of Sourcing and Procurement of Laptops in American Express
  • Achieving Operational Efficiency in the Process of Technique (MBA Operation Project)
  • Green Growth Strategies for Oil And Natural Gas Sector in India
  • Study on Effects of IT on Inventory Management in Healthcare Organizations
  • Study of Lean Manufacturing-Concept, Application, Limitations
  • Study of Distribution & Logistic Management in Consumer Healthcare
  • Comparative Analysis of Tools and Processes as used in Six Sigma(MBA Operation Projects)
  • Impact of E-Commerce on Supply Chain Management of Retail Malls in Nagpur
  • Impact of Online Electronic Seller on Local Organized Electronic Retailers
  • Impact of e-supply chain on supply chain optimization of Retail Malls in Nagpur Region
  • A study on Supply chain management of Big Bazaar (MBA Operation Project)
  • Impact of e-procurement on Supply Chain Management of retail shops in Nagpur
  • A Study On Revenue And Utilization
  • A study on Inventory control, procurement, distribution and their interrelationships in India
  • A Study on Material Handling and Inventory Management
  • MBA Operations Project on Issues in distribution of perishable products
  • Study of Distribution Channel of Print Media(MBA Operation Projects)
  • MBA Operation Project on Raw Material Assistance Scheme to Small Scale Industry
  • How To Smoothing the Process of Production, Through Planning and Better Supervision (MBA Operation Project)
  • MBA Operation Projects on Evolution of Technology Factors Behind the Successful Implementation Of ERP Systems
  • MBA Operation Project on Distribution and Logistics
  • Study on Agile Project Management with Reference to IT Company
  • Effects of Information Technology on Inventory Management in Healthcare Organizations in India (MBA Operation)
  • Study on Integrated Logistics and Value Chain Management(MBA Operation Project)
  • The Impact of E-Commerce on Supply Chain Management in Delhi Region
  • Study on Implementation of Total Productivity Maintenance in India
  • MBA Operation Project on Performance Measurement in a Warehouse
  • Study of six Sigma Implementation in Organization (MBA Operations)
  • MBA Operations Project on Production Planning
  • Study of Material Management (MBA Operation Projects)
  • A Study On Total Quality Management In Company
  • A Study On Warehousing (MBA Operation)
  • Analysis of Total Quality Management Implementation in an Organization
  • Ethical Issues In Operations Management (MBA Operation)
  • Study of Inventory Management
  • A Study on Container Corporation of India
  • Supply Chain Management & Operation in the Retail Sector
  • Designing & Analysing Materials Database & Giving Recommendations for Optimal Utilization of Resources
  • Critical Chain Project Management approach to Multiple Projects
  • Importance of Supply Chain Management in the Cement Industry
  • Merchandising of Brand Line Exchange
  • Infrastructure & Logistics Issues in BPO Sector
  • Operational Research for Cabs Operation in BPO
  • A Study on Store Management System – MBA Operation
  • The Effect of Inventory on Supply Chain Management
  • Production Planning & Control Activities in Auto Industry
  • Study on Impact of Implementation on IT-Based Services (MBA Operation)

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MBA Operations Management Project Topics

Latest mba project topics for operations.

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MBA Operations Management Project

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  • Supply chain management in ABC Company - (Synopsis + Report)
  • Inventory management & budgetary in ABC Company - (Synopsis + Report)
  • Analysis and optimization of ABC Company - (Synopsis + Report)
  • Material management of ABC Company - (Synopsis + Report)
  • A study on inventory management system in company (MBA Operations)
  • Study on manufacturing strategy (MBA Operations)
  • Study on Waste Management and its practices
  • Operation Projects on Evolution of Technology Factors Behind the Successful Implementation Of ERP Systems
  • Quality Management Philosophies - Origins and Aspects: An Overview (MBA Operations)
  • MBA Project on Production Planning
  • Study on Project Management in Manufacturing/Operations
  • Global Trends in Operation Management
  • CRM Planning and Implementation - Procedures and Practices - An Overview (MBA Operations)
  • A Study on Revenue and Utilization
  • Study of Supply Chain Management at a Company
  • Study on Production Planning and Control and its implementation
  • Quality issues related to enhancing customer satisfaction (both internal and external) to ensure long-term customer loyalty
  • ERP Evolution of Technology Factors behind the Successful Implementation of ERP Systems
  • Study of Quality Management System (MBA Operation Project
  • Investigation into computerized production technology
  • A study on Production and inventory control, procurement, distribution, and their interrelationships
  • ESCM in the FMCG Sector the Present & the Future
  • A study on Total Quality Management, human resources, finance and accounting, information systems, and their interrelationships
  • Study on Work Study and Method Study and its implementation
  • Study of Inventory Management
  • Ethical Issues in Operations Management
  • Critical Success Factors of Six Sigma Implementation in an Organization
  • Analysis of Total Quality Management Implementation in an Organization
  • A Study on Warehousing
  • Study of Operations at Retail Industry
  • A Study on Total Quality Management in Company
  • Study of Material Management (MBA Operation Projects)
  • Study of Six Sigma Implementation in Organization
  • Study of Logistic Management in Company
  • MBA Project on Performance Measurement in a Warehouse
  • Study on Implementation of Total Productivity Maintenance in Exedy India
  • Study on Integrated Logistics and Value Chain Management
  • Operation Project on Raw Material Assistance Scheme to Small Scale Industry
  • Study of Distribution Channel of Print Media(MBA Operation Projects)
  • Operations Project on Issues in distribution of perishable products
  • A study on Inventory control, procurement, distribution, and their interrelationships at Gedore India ( Operation Project)
  • A Study on Material Handling and Inventory Management
  • How To Smoothing the Process of Production, Through Planning and Better Supervision
  • Impact of e-supply chain on supply chain optimization of Retail Malls
  • A study on Supply chain management of Big Bazaar (Operation Project)
  • Study of Distribution & Logistic Management in GSK Consumer Healthcare
  • Study of Lean Manufacturing-Concept, Application, Limitations
  • The Impact of E-Commerce on Supply Chain Management
  • Latest Six Sigma Concept at Larsen & Tourbo Limited (Operation Project)
  • Comparative Analysis of Tools and Processes as used in Six Sigma
  • Impact of E-Commerce on Supply Chain Management of Retail Malls
  • Logistics business proposition for the Logistics Park at Palwal, Haryana taking into account HTPL
  • Implementation of TQM and Six Sigma in Jat Metal Pressing Pvt Ltd
  • Concepts of Operations Management & Measures of Productivity in Dabur Pharma Operations Management (MBA Operation Projects)
  • Analysis of Inventory Management in Neetee clothing Pvt. Ltd
  • Study of Logistic Management in Company(MBA Operation)
  • Study on Project Scheduling
  • A Critical Review on Supply Chain Practices
  • Application of Six Sigma in Training and Development (MBA Operation)
  • Study of Operations at Retail Industry (MBA Operation Projects)
  • ERP Evolution Of Technology Factors behind the Successful Implementation of ERP Systems
  • Study of Quality Management System (MBA Operation Projects)
  • Study on Productivity And Efficiency Management In Gradeup
  • Achieving Operational Efficiency in the Process of Technique (Operation Project)
  • Impact of Online Electronic Seller on Local Organized Electronic Retailers
  • Impact of e-procurement on Supply Chain Management of retail shops
  • Study on Agile Project Management with Reference to IT Company Operation Project on Distribution and Logistics
  • Effects of Information Technology on Inventory Management in Healthcare Organizations
  • Impact of Just in Time (JIT) on supply chain efficiency of large scale retail outlets
  • A Study on TQM in Organization (MBA Operation Project)
  • Rail transportation vs. Road transportation- a comparison on feasibility
  • Criteria for Qualifying and Short listing Suppliers (Operation Project)
  • Study of Sourcing and Procurement of Laptops in American Express
  • Green Growth Strategies for Oil And Natural Gas Sector in India
  • Study on Effects of IT on Inventory Management in Healthcare Organizations
  • Operation Management in Textile Industry of Kirloskar
  • Critical Success Factors of Six Sigma Implementation in an Organisation Operation Project on ECRM Strategies of LG India
  • HCL Six Sigma HCL Study of Six Sigma with Respect to HCL Technology Ltd
  • Study of Operation Management in Company (MBA Operation)
  • Competitive Advantage through Lean Supply Chain Management
  • Infrastructure & Logistics Issues in BPO sector a Study on Barclays Shared Services
  • Critical Chain Project Management approach to Multiple Projects at TIMES Of INDIA
  • Quality Patterns in Dolphin Apparels (MBA Operation Project)
  • Supply Chain Management in Jay Ushin Ltd (MBA Operation Project)
  • A Study on Store Management System of TNT India Pvt Ltd
  • The effect of inventory on Supply Chain management in Infibeam
  • Supply Chain Management at Varuna Integrated Logistics Pvt Ltd
  • Production Planning & Control Activities in Lumax Auto Industries Limited Project
  • The Success Of Supply Chain Management In FMCG Sector In India
  • Supply Chain Management & Operation at Pantaloon Retail India Ltd
  • Supply Chain Management at Philips India Limited
  • Supply Chain Management In NTPC
  • Promoting Reproductive Rights for Women’s Empowerment Ford Foundation-Annual (MBA Operation Project)
  • Production Planning & Control Activities In Lumax Auto Industries Limited
  • Study on Material Management in Company
  • Study of Production Management in Company
  • Operation Management Production & Operation Management (MBA Operation Projects)
  • Manufacturing and Quality enhancement practices at LGEIL & SIEL Samsung India Electronic NEW (MBA Operation Projects)
  • Material Management– FMCG Sector Project Management
  • Analytical Study of the Material Warehousing Norms at Om Logistics Ltd
  • Operation Management Locations for IT Industries in India Production
  • Operational Risk Management at Roadrunner Logistic
  • Study on impact of implementation on IT Based Services
  • A Study on Container Corporation of India Limited (A Public Sector Enterprise of the Railways)
  • Whirlpool Feasibility Report of In house Manufacturing of Air Conditioners in Whirlpool of India (MBA Operation Projects)
  • Impact of Private Container Trains Operation & ware Housing on India’s Logistics Industries
  • Total Quality Management –Luxor
  • Inventory Classification Techniques for Effective Store Management at Milma, Palakkad Dairy (MBA Operation Projects)
  • Operational Aspects of Dietary Services at Jaipur Golden Hospital
  • Quantitative Techniques (QT) on Inventory Management
  • Six Sigma – Implementation and Impact
  • Pantaloon Retail India Ltd supply chain management &operation at pantaloon Retail India Ltd (MBA Operation Projects)
  • Supply Chain in Building a Competitive Advantage In Organized Retail Shoppers Stop
  • Six Sigma in American Express (MBA Operation Projects)
  • Study & Training in Production Department Steel Industry
  • Six Sigma – An Implementation for Saving In Power Consumption at Max Healthcare Institute Limited
  • Importance of Supply Chain Management in Cement Industry With Special Focus on Ultra Tech Cement (MBA Operation Projects)
  • Designing & Analysing Materials Database & Giving Recommendations for Optimal Utilization of Resources (MBA Operation Projects)
  • Madison Media Consumption Habit for Madison
  • Quality Practices & Procedures followed by Mahindra Tractors
  • Samsung Olympic Torch Relay even Operation Management & Advertising
  • A Renaissance through Six Sigma Max New York Marketing Operations in Max New York Life Insurance (Recruitment Selling Careers) (MBA Operation Projects)
  • Ranbaxy International Operations (MBA Operation Project)
  • Merchandising of Brand Line Armani Exchange
  • Supply Chain Management in “Nestle” In India (MBA Operation Project)
  • Application of Six Sigma in Training a Case Study of Genpact
  • Operational Research for Cabs Operation in Convergys BPO in NCR Delhi
  • Material Management in Perfetti Van Melle
  • A Study of Six Sigma with Respect to Matrix Cellular (International) Services Ltda

MBA Operations Project

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Operations management project for MBA

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Final Year Dissertation Report FMS MBA(FT), Batch of 2014 Faculty of Management Studies

Profile image of Abhishek Singh

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MBA Dissertation Topic list provided here consists of project reports for ms mba students. Students can use these projects as reference for dissertation projects.

Impact of Integrated Inventory Management Strategies on the Effectiveness of Business Performance


The scope of study is divided into two different aspects, firstly the geographical scope and second is the conceptual scope. The geographical scope of the study confines to the Inventory Management mechanisms in Hyderabad business environment and conceptually it confines to the Integrated Inventory Management and their impact on Vendor satisfaction.  Geographical scope further confines to Pharmaceutical Companies in Hyderabad.


The main research objectives are defined as under:

  • To understand the impact of Integrated Inventory Management strategies on the effectiveness of Business performance with special reference to Pharmaceutical Companies
  • To assess the impact of Integrated Inventory Management on the satisfaction levels of Vendors of Engineering items in   Pharmaceutical Companies
  • To explore the concepts and practices associated to Inventory Management at Pharmaceutical Companies.
  • To understand the relevance of theoretical aspects to practical implementation in improvising the productivity in an organization with regard to Inventory Management.


Hypothesis 1:

Null Hypothesis H0: inventory Management has a direct implication to business organizations in enhancing their operational efficiency

Alternative Hypothesis H1: inventory Management has no implication to business organizations in enhancing their operational efficiency

Here, null hypothesis is accepted.

All the variables show a significance association with overall satisfaction with Inventory management strategy and its impact on Business performance. Hence we can conclude that there is a direct implication of inventory Management on the business organization in enhancing its operational efficiency.  

Research Question

On the basis of the research objectives developed above, the main research question of this research study is developed. The research question is drafted as to what extent the Integrated Inventory Management has been supportive to enhance the operational efficiency of business organisation . The research study also seeks to provide answers to the following sub-research questions:

This research question is well defined and useful to provide a clear, direct path to the research work in order to achieve its aim and objectives in the most successful way.

Research Hypothesis

In this context, the main hypothesis for the following research study is defined and developed as under:

Null Hypothesis H0:  Integrated Inventory Management has a direct implication to business organizations in enhancing their operational efficiency

Alternative Hypothesis H1: Integrated Inventory Management has no implication to business organizations in enhancing their operational efficiency  


Primary Data: The primary data is collected from among the staff working in Inventory Management divisions at Pharmaceutical Companies Hyderabad with the help of questionnaire using 5 point Likert scale.

Secondary Data: The secondary data is collected from selected texts and Journals.


  The Research design used for this study is partly descriptive in nature using secondary data and partly Exploratory in the form of primary data.


a) Sampling Technique

Random Sampling technique and Area sampling was used for collecting data related to Integrated Inventory Management from   among the staff working in logistics and procurement division of engineering instruments in Pharmaceutical Companies.

b) Sample Size: Sample size is limited to 100 from among the employees working in Pharmaceutical Companies

c) Sample units: The staff involved in Inventory Management activities of Pharmaceutical Companies form part of the sample units.

 The staff working in Procurement department of five selected Pharmaceutical Companies such as Dr Reddy’s Lab, Mylan Pharma,Hetero Drugs, Aurbindo Pharma & MNS Laboratories Pvt Ltd  formed part of the Sampling units.

d) Sampling frame: The sampling frame is taken from Hyderabad based Pharmaceutical Companies Company.

A study on Equity Analysis with reference to Selected IT Companies


The study covers all the information related to the Equities it also covers the risk and returns in IT industry. The study is confined only one Sector i.e IT industry and the entire study is based upon their Stock prices for a period of last two years. The present study attempts to analyze the risk and return in the IT industry in the current scenario and attempts to give a well understanding to the investors regarding the investment in this industry.


  • To observe the rate of fluctuations in equity share prices of IT industry.
  • To determine the amount of risk & returns involved in the securities of IT industry.
  • To observe the degree of volatility in IT industry.
  • To understand the price fluctuations & the factors influencing the fluctuations of IT industry.  

The Scope of the study confines to the risk and return analysis and price fluctuations in respect of the equity share prices of the major IT companies traded in the stock exchange for a one year period. The study aims to find out the factors influencing prices of the IT stocks.

The Study on Risk and Return Analysis of equity shares in IT industries was undertaken with an objective of getting an insight into the concept of investments, the risks and the returns involved. The study aims to determine the risk involved in the investments and the factors affecting the risk. The other objectives of the study are to observe the rate of fluctuations and the degree of volatility of the selected industries.

The study is confined to the IT sector and analyzed four companies – TCS, WIPRO, HCL INFOSYSTEMS and INFOSYS. The data of the only one sector – TCS, WIPRO, HCL INFOSYSTEMS and INFOSYS are collected.  

Business Analysis Report of Health Medical Insurance Company

Evaluation of company analysis is deals with financial performance and the status of the selected company by analyzing the stare prices, assets, liabilities etc., which shall enable investors to take decision on investing in shares of the particular company. In this Study the Health Medical Insurance Company is the organization which has been taken for evaluation and analysis of the company. 2018-19, 2019-20 & 2020-21 financial statements and stock movement in share market is been considered for analysis in this assignment.

Objectives of the Study:

  • To understand the concept of Company analysis with respect to financials.
  • To Analyze the Financial position of Health Medical Insurance Company .
  • To do data analysis & Interpretation which shall enable investors to take decision on investing opportunities.

Need of the Study:

Now a days the Investments in companies through stock markets has become prominent and individuals are investing their hard owned in stock markets and there are many cases of break even, loss gain etc., as the share market prices are not stable, and they fluctuate hence this type of analysis helps investors to take better decisions at the time of Investments. Hence there is need for this type of company evaluation and analysis.

Scope of the study:

The scope of the study is confined to Health Medical Insurance Company and there is no comparative study with any other company. The data from 31 st December 2018 to 31 st December 2021 is been taken for analysis. The financial and non financial data taken from their website and the scope was limited as the capital budgeting, expansion or diversifications, budget allocations after 31 st December 2021 is not in the scope. The scope is all about financial and company related data available on website and other resources .

  Evaluation Methodology: 

Primary Data: The primary data is been collected from the company website, articles and journals etc., which are relevant for the study.

Secondary Data: The secondary data is been collected from Australian stock exchange and through other sources which are essential for data analysis and interpretation.

Review of Literature: There are multiple aspects involved in this study, they are financial and accounting concepts like ratio analysis, Share price fluctuations, WACC calculation, Capital structure, etc., and the other side evaluation techniques, Company profile, analyzing the data etc., needs conceptual knowledge and in literature review all concepts which shall help in finalizing the study were covered in this chapter.

Data Analysis & Interpretation: The Financial data of Health Medical Insurance Company is been analyzed by using accounting principles and the formulas which shall enable to do findings and the same shall lead to recommendations and conclusion and the same is been done under this chapter.

Findings: After data analysis there will be few points which outcomes of the analysis are Included in this chapter.

Recommendations: After identifying gaps or the findings, proposing the recommendations based on analysis and findings are covered in this chapter

Conclusion: This chapter contains a small brief about the study and its outcome and whether it is a right decision to invest in Health Medical Insurance Company or not and the current position of Health Medical Insurance Company and future scope of Health Medical Insurance Company are covered in this chapter.


In websites and financial statements which they publish are only consolidated ones where as detailed transactions of cash flows, funds flows, fixed assets and their values, variable assets and their values cannot be studied in detail to have further better understanding of the financial position of the Health Medical Insurance Company .

New Business Model for Diamond Jewelry Segment

Executive summary.

This society is diversified in all aspects. The Income levels of the people of India is been increasing which is enabling to increase in the buying capacity. The tastes and preferences are changing. The maximum individuals especially the women of India spend most of their money on shopping whereas the major spending goes into buying Jewelry.

The money spent on buying Jewelry can be treated in two ways and is social status and the second one is an investment. There are so many players who are in this business. This industry is been recording consistent growth of 5% every year. The government of India has identified the future boom for this segment and they have come up with wide range of initiatives like tax exemptions, liberalization of taxes etc., As foreign direct Investment has opened doors for the foreign players to invest their money in India.

There are different types of business models that came into the picture. Earlier there was only a traditional way of business where they will have fixed customers and Even the traditional customers if they have any function they prefer the only vendor whom they know but now a days the tastes and preferences are changing and traditional these traditional players could not cope up with changing environments. Now the trend is the retail business.

There are national and International players who are into this business. Every company has got its own business strategy, business plans, and models. In this study, I have gone through the various business models which are being adopted by various companies and there are a few players who are not coping with the change and they are getting into losses. In this study, I have proposed a  new business model which will help the existing players to cope with this and even it will help the new entrants of business people who want to enter into this diamond Jewelry business.


India once is called the golden bird where we used to have a tremendous wealth of diamonds and Jewelers. India was a land for precious gems, diamonds, etc., world’s famous Kohinoor diamond was also born in India. Nowadays diamond jewelry has become fashionable and it is being considered a Prestige symbol and status signature. This trend is seen across the globe in almost all parts of the world. The increase in GDP and the Income levels of population of has created an urge to spend money towards luxury and the major contribution is from investing on diamond jewelry.

The economy of India has created a wide range of markets for diamond jewelry which leads to competition. There are so many national and international players who came into the business in India with huge Investments, new designs, and Models with sophisticated research & Development teams. The brand ambassadors of this segment are being paid huge.

This business in India is being done in two ways first is the old and traditional way where they have fixed customers and they do it in a disciplined way on a small scale where as when it comes the second model is a modern way where they educate customers on how to check the quality of the diamond etc., they invest huge amount of ambiance, quality staff, research, and development, etc., where they have to reap returns in this heavy competitive environment. There is an upcoming trend that is recording 5% consistent growth is the online purchasing of diamond jewelry.  

The rationale of the Study:

The way of doing business in the diamond jewelry segment is dynamic in nature in current business competition and the environment. Diamond jewelry is one of the segments which is playing important role in the Indian economy by contributing 7% of India’s GDP. The government of India has identified this segment as fastest growing segment in India and it has liberalized regulations in Imports and exports. We believe or not there are more than 500000 diamond jewelry players are there in India.

The gross exports of Diamonds and gems from India to different parts of the world are worth US$ 3.23 Billion. It is been estimated that there will be consistent growth of 16% per Annum consistently till 2022 in India. In spite of having available resources except for quality human resources, there are few players who are getting into losses and there are players who are game changers who work on strategies and they are being successful. Keeping in mind the facts and figures of the diamond jewelry market in India, I have chosen the topic: Business Plan for Diamond Jewelry. This has to help and it should be like a ready reckoner for new entrants as well as for the players who could not cope with the competition.

  • The major objective of the study is to identify, analyze and plan a competent business model which suits the Indian market
  • The Business Model should help traditional diamond jewelry businessmen to compete with the corporate brands
  • This Business Model has to help and it should be like a guide for new companies who want to step into the diamond jewelry business.
  • The Business model should be competent where it has to consider the fluctuations of the markets, season and un season with respect to different parts of India, customer buying behaviors of a particular location, changing customer preferences, etc.,
  • The key attributes which make the diamond jewelry business success

Scope of the Study:

The Scope of the Study is in India. The study consists of considering the existing models of business which are being adopted by corporates, traditional business men and the upcoming and successful retailers, online vendors, etc., The functional scope consists of considering almost all aspects of the business.

For retail business the scope covers the ambience, designs, models, staff, amenities, discounts, prices, events, etc., for online model it covers technical aspects and for traditional diamond jewelry business segment the current model which they are doing and the identification of gaps. The scope is huge as the objective is to prepare a competent business model which has to suit maximum number of entrants who are there in this business and who want to enter into this business.


The Methodology consists of Qualitative and Quantitative methods. The first one is a questionnaire-based model where the responses will be collected from the customers who buy diamond jewelry. This is a quantitative technique that I would be using in the project. The Qualitative technique is to observe the current business plans and the models of existing players.

The primary data will be collected from the different organizations that are in this business. The data will be collected from Corporates, senior leaders of the corporates, the traditional businessmen who are in diamond jewelry business. I’ll collect the data in a sequential way with a predefined questions which will be shared in final draft as it is tend to change from company to company and from person to person.

There will be additions and deletions in this set of questionnaires. The objective here is to understand exactly the mode of operations, business strategy existing and future etc., There is another set of questionnaire where the responses will be collected from the customers who buy diamond jewelry through various modes or at various stores or at various defined places or locations.

The secondary data will be collected through data analytics and statistics. The data will be collected from magazines, books, journals, and our academic concepts, etc., the secondary data mainly focuses on the strategies, theoretical knowledge, facts, and figures of the market and its analysis, etc.,

The Data Analysis part will be done by using statistical tools, and percentage methods for questionnaires from customers, and the final business plan will be derived based on responses collected from the business heads and representatives of different organizations and they will be compiled in line with the secondary data and finally, the business model or the Business Plan will be derived. This will be derived from the findings and conclusion as a part of the result of the Study.

Expected outcome:

The expected outcome is a Diamond Jewelry business model which is competent and which has to suit the Indian market which is domestic. In this project, I will not consider exports. This Model will be focusing on the domestic market which is a plan which has to help retailers, and traditional businessmen and coping up with online sales which is an alternative.

Project Report on Marketing Strategy for Launching Technical Writing Company

The market entry strategy of any new companies or products encompasses marketing services that are put together when a product is entering into a consumer market. These services can be delivered separately depending on the consumers’ or customers’ needs and stage in the globalization process. By using the proven market entry strategy framework assess whether companies should enter a market or not, why, and how?

Today customers we will look at how could be affected by the threat of new entrants in the market and how can use barriers to entry to deter new competitors. This is one of the forces in Michael Porter’s Five Forces model of industry analysis.

Any indication that a market is growing, under-served or predominantly profitable will generate interest from an industrialist who believes that there is money to be made from the market. Where the existing business is making good profits, an entrepreneur will see this as an opportunity too good to miss. So before ordering Porsche and move house to a ten bedroom mansion, we need to think what these signs of success are saying to the competitors.

Objectives of research

  • To study about the market entry strategies for technical writing and publications
  • To investigate potential target markets in India.
  • To analyze which types of people exactly needed for the new business.
  • To investigate competition among local companies and marketers

This Project is meant for Identifying the Potential of technical Publication Market in India and mapping the Marketing Strategy for Running or launching the Technical Publications Company in India. 

Problem Statement:

As we explore this topic in more details, it would be interesting to know what experienced technical writing professionals in the Indian industry think about the Indian market, when equipped with the necessary information about the Indian outsourcing market as was discussed earlier in this study. As it is an outsourced Business form from US, UK and European continent there will always be a fluctuation which needs to be considered while proposing a Marketing Strategy.


The empirical data and analysis have shown an understandable market strategy for a new company to enter into India it may the foreign player starting business in Indian an Indian starting technical writing or publishing company in India . (The project is about a startup to be launched in India. It is not about a foreign company setting up a new company in India.) It is clear that technical writing companies are highly interested to enter the market where there is market demand and presently,  increasing human resource and technical efficiency light has a potential demand in developing countries.

To enter the market, technical writing companies prefer to get the govt. support, better business infrastructure, like if the company is started in IT special economic zone the company will get free infrastructure like power, transportation etc., along with service tax exemptions etc., and they can even get the quality human resporces. better market opportunity and customer demand of their product. Product price, labour cost, potential business partner and market demand are the key strategic objectives what technical writing companies should focus on.

Joint venturelike getting tie up with the established foreign technical writing companies where they can give works continuously as they will have the good client base is the most popular and safest entry mode when company wants to enter into developing market. To monitor the distribution channel and transaction cost should be done before entering into developing country. It is always best to know the market as much as possible and find out how major players conduct their business so that technical writing companies can take the competitive advantages after entering into the market. Finally, market evaluation is very important for technical writing companies to know what mistakes they have done so that in future company cannot make that mistake again.

The result of this research has discussed new theories and important knowledge which can be used by companies to choose the right market entry strategy and to reduce the risk in the future. However, our project is not the end of this study. We would call it as just the beginning of the further studies which should be done to establish the emerging theories and minimize the gap.

Recruitment & Selection Procedures at Staffing Firm

Statement of the problem:.

The purpose of the study was to understand the behaviors as well as the techniques used in hiring candidates. Observations and suggestions were made so as to enhance the quality of the effort taken. Attrition and recruitment are directly proportional to each other whereas retention and recruitment are inversely proportionate. In the same manner, the cost of the company and attrition are directly linked with each other. The higher the attrition rate higher would be the recruitment rate in turn increasing the company`s cost. This problem will be analyzed during the course of the project

Objectives of the study:

1. To study and understand the methods and procedures used for recruitment & selection. 2. To understand the objective of the recruitment policy which is to be used to resource the best talent through internal and external sources to achieve the business objectives and goals of the Company. 3. To learn what the process of recruitment and selection should be followed. 4. To develop recommendations to overcome the barriers to the recruitment & selection procedures. 5. To get practical knowledge in employee hiring in the organization. 6. To give suggestions on the basis of the observations made during the course of project work

Explanation of the Method:

The methodology used to collate data will be primary as well as secondary.


Primary data information on a first-hand basis will be taken. Personal contact will be made with the hires as well as with the candidates. The contact can be in all forms of communication viz. email, telephonic conversations as well as direct contact. The resumes will be handled and screened with the help of the project guide. This will give an in-depth knowledge of screening, reviewing, and sorting of resumes. Further with the help of various sources, the resumes will be taken into consideration for recruitment.


Data will be collected from websites, going through the records of the organization. This will be the data that has been collected by the individuals for purpose other than those of my particular research study. Surveys will be done internally and externally to collect both primary as well as secondary data.


Q.1) Organization clearly define the position objectives, requirements, and candidate specifications in the recruitment process? Q. 2) Organization doing timeliness recruitment and Selection process? Q.3) HR provides an adequate pool of quality applicants? Q.4) HR team acts as a consultant to enhance the quality of the applicant pre-screening process Q.5) Organization use effective process for the interview and other selection instruments, such as testing Q.6) HR trains hiring employees to make the best hiring decisions Q.7) HR finds good candidates from non-traditional sources when Necessary Q.8) HR department’s performance in recruitment and selection Q.9) HR Department is efficient in the Recruitment & Selection Policy of the employees Q.10) HR maintains an adequate pool of quality “protected class” applicants  Q. 11) The needs of the organization’s affirmative action, clarified and supported in the selection process

Study on Best Human Resource HR Practices in Software Services Company


This study is conducted in Software services and it contributes to our understanding of human resource (HR) practice’s impact on organizational effectiveness.


  • To study the effectiveness of current hr practices in Software Services Company
  • To compare past and present HR practices in Software Services Company
  • To analyze if any new improvement is made in the new HR practices
  • To give proper suggestions for HR practices in Software Services Company
  • To analyze Software Services Companies to achieve their goals through best HR practices


  • Accuracy may not be possible (to compare the overall population, the sample size is less)
  • Mumbai branch alone is considered for the survey for Software Services Company.
  • The main limitation of the study is the lack of time.
  • Due to time constraints, the sample size taken for the study is small.


The topic for the research study is trends in HR and the nature of the topic is theoretical and descriptive. So the conduct the research study the type of research suitable is descriptive research only. The data are collected from company records, employees, and customers of the companies performing in IT and other sectors. The descriptive research has met the requirement of the research study.


  • The company should not consider political, economic, or social factors for recruiting employees. Hence the company will not lose talent.
  • The company can provide more motivational activities for the employees. This may improve the performance of the employees.
  • The company can recruit more women employees, as there are only a few women employed in the company.
  • More relevant training programs should be given to the employees, as it helps in the performance of the employees.
  • The career development of each & every employee could be monitored. Each employee can also be given counseling individually, as it may help in the career development of the employees.


The project study in “Best Human Resource Practice” at Software Services Company was to determine the Human resource practices of the organization.

Software Services Company provides the best performance appraisal for the employees which helps to improve the performance of the employee. The health and safety measures provided by the organization to the employees are found to be good for the organization.

The study provides valuable information about the Human Resource Practices of the company. From the study, it came to know that the human resource practices of the company are carried out in the best way.

The Impact of Compensation Management Practices on Job Motivation

Project Title:

“ The Impact of Compensation Management Practices on Job Motivation with respect to Private Bank Employees in Mumbai City-A Study.”


The study on compensation management gives brief information about employee compensation in the organization and explains the employee reward system and which determines the performance of employees in their work. The Rationale for the study is to design a suitable compensation package for employees that is Cost Effective and at the same time provides Job Motivation to Employees.

The study focuses on compensation management in Private Banks in Mumbai. It gives detailed information on employee compensation based on their performance and employee levels in Private Banks.

This project is to study compensation management strategies & to evaluate the behavior & performance of employees in their work


  • To Study the impact of compensation management on the performance level of Private bank employees in Mumbai.
  • To know the various types of compensation provided by the company.
  • To identify the satisfaction level of employees with their compensation.
  • To Study the problems related to Compensation faced by Bank Employees and bring out suitable measures to solve them


Research Design: The Method of Research Design will be is both an Exploratory and Descriptive Study in Nature.

  • Sampling frame: The sample frame will be taken from among the Employees working in Private Banks in Mumbai
  • Sample size: The sample  size will be around 100 Private bank employees
  • Sampling Procedure: The Sampling Procedure to be used is Random sampling since the Employees working in private banks will be chosen randomly.
  • Sample Units: The Bank employees of HDFC, ICICI, AXIS, and Kotak Mahindra Bank will form part of 100 Sample units
  • Period of the study: The duration of the project may be limited to 40 -50 days approximately

Data Collection Methods:

  • Primary data: Under Descriptive research design primary data will be collected using a well-structured questionnaire that contains questions satisfying the objective of the Study.
  • Secondary data: Under Exploratory Research, Secondary Data will be collected from among the following:

  HRM Journals, Textbooks, Journal on Labour relations, Websites Newspaper Articles, and other Published Materials.

Data Analysis:

Cross Tabulation, Graphs, charts, Percentages, and other suitable Statistical Tools such as Chi-Square may be used for Analysis


  • The study will be undertaken among respondents residing in Mumbai city only.
  • The Study will be undertaken for a period of 40-50 days
  • The sample size is Limited to 100 only.
  • The opinion of the Respondents may change during the post Research period


The compensation level decision may be considered the most important one for individuals. In terms of both employee attraction and cost considerations, it is often considered by most managers as a primary consideration. Hence, this research has huge future scope to extend the benefits of Compensation to Bank employees. The Banking Companies by adopting suitable Compensation Management practices will help the employees to be motivated to perform better.

A Study on impact of HRM Practices in Selected Construction Companies in Chandigarh

“A Study on impact of HRM Practices in Selected Construction Companies in Chandigarh.”


Employees are encouraged to take more responsibility, communicate more effectively, act creatively, and innovate HRM links remuneration to customer satisfaction metrics. This study helps the importance of Quality circles and its impact on employees productivity which in turn help the Construction Companies to achieve its goals.

  • To find the degree of HRM Practices implemented in the Construction Companies in Chandigarh
  • To study the level of commitment of employees towards their work in Construction Companies of Chandigarh
  • To analyse the techniques used for maintaining quality of work in Construction Companies in Chandigarh
  • To study the impact of HRM practices on employee performance in the Construction Companies.


  • Sampling Procedure: The Employees will be randomly selected from the Construction Companies.
  • Sample units: Employees of five selected companies such as L&T, Consort Builders, S.S Constructions, ATS office, Ansal housing having branches in Chandigarh will be part of 100 sampling units.
  • Sample size: The sample size of about 100 employees will be taken for the Study dividing equally among five Construction Companies.
  • Data Collection :

Data will be collected from employee from different departments in an Organization.

  • Primary Data:

The primary data will be collected through questionnaire. About 100 employees would be taken from four selected Construction Companies for the Study.

  • Secondary Data:

The secondary data will be collected from HRM journals, magazines, text books on Management, websites and other publications.

  • Data analysis
  • Statistical tool such as Cross tabulation, charts, graphs, percentages and other suitable tools may be used to analyse the collected Data.

Period of the study:  about 50 days


  • The study is confined to HRM practices in Construction companies in Chandigarh only.
  • The study is Limited to 100 employees working in Construction Companies
  • The study is limited to for a period of 50 days only.
  • The opinions and respondents may change over the period of time.
  • The Data collected may become out-dated in future as new HRM practices may be implemented in future.

A Study on Green accounting practices with reference to Indian Companies


  •   To make studying the significance and utility of Green accounting and reporting in Indian Companies
  • To examine and identify the shortcoming in the existing legal and accounting framework for Green accounting and reporting in India.
  • To critically examine the Green accounting and reporting practices adopted by public and private sector Indian companies with special emphasis on post economic liberalization era.
  • To find out the difference of opinions between public and private sector Indian companies relating to environmental challenges, protection, and management.
  • To compare and contrast the accounting and managerial attitudes towards the nature and periodicity of disclosure, cost, and audit of Green accounting and reporting among Indian public and private sector companies.
  • To suggest measures to streamline the existing Green accounting and reporting and to identify the future prospects of Green accounting and reporting in India in a fast-changing Industrial environment.


Public and private sector companies that play a vital role in the social responsibility of multifarious nature both have been included in this study. The present study covers only accounting and reporting on environmental aspects since the liberalization of the economy.

The method adopted to solve out the problems is based on the primary data. Primary data for this research work will be collected through questionnaires from the employees of public and private companies in India. There is little use of Secondary data gathered from government reports, journals, newspapers, magazines, and websites. The data so collected will properly be classified, tabulated, and analyzed according to the objectives of the study using the Percentage Method.

  The period for the study for doing the project work is one month.


In recent years, Environmental pollution becomes severe and the stakeholders are considerably worried about the issue which paved the way for the growing concern about the implementation of green accounting. In this paper, an attempt is made to discuss the theoretical foundation of green accounting and reporting practices with special reference to India. Green accounting and awareness have given more important as it is the need of the day.

Objectives of Green Accounting

The objectives of green accounting and reporting are as follows:

  • To help in the negotiation of the concept of environment and to determine the enterprise’s relationship with society as a whole and the green pressure group in particular.
  • To segregate and collaborate all Environmental related flows and stocks of resources.
  • To minimize green impacts through improved product and process design.
  • To ensure effective and efficient management of natural resources.


  • To make studying the significance and utility of Green accounting and reporting in Indian Companies
  • To find out the difference of opinions between public and private sector Indian companies relating to green challenges, protection, and management.

Research Design:

Public and private sector companies that play a vital role in the social responsibility of multifarious nature both have been included in this study. The present study covers only accounting and reporting on green aspects since the liberalization of the economy.

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Top 15 MBA Project Ideas & Topics in 2023 [For Freshers]

Top 15 MBA Project Ideas & Topics in 2023 [For Freshers]

In this article, you will learn the Top 15 MBA Project Ideas & Topics. Take a glimpse below.

  • A study on sustainable business models across the consumer internet startups in India.
  • A study on various investment options available in India, their popularity, advantages, disadvantages, and growth of these investment options in the last decade
  • A study on risk management and portfolio management of investors in the equity segment
  • Analysis of working capital management at high cash burn startups in the food tech space
  • Impact of GST on the fast-moving consumer goods sector in India
  • Analysis of the satisfaction level of employees in the Banking and financial services sector
  • A study on the various employee welfare schemes at Hindustan Unilever
  • Analysis of employee training needs in State Bank of India
  • Comparative Study & Analysis Of NPA(Non-Performing Asset) In Indian Banks and Financial Institutions
  • Analysis of financial statements of ICICI Bank for the last 5 Years

Read the entire article to learn all the topic ideas.


The best part about going ahead for an MBA is the practical learning experience it provides in the form of projects and case studies that enhance your overall learning experience. The projects may be individual projects or group projects where you learn how to analyze case studies, understand the project topic, work in teams, and complete projects within a timeline. 

We take a look at some of the best and unique project topics that you can select during your MBA program across Marketing, HR, Finance, Analytics, Operations, etc. The article also highlights some of the top business analytics projects for MBA students and innovative MBA IT project topics.

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What is an MBA?

The Master of Business Administration (MBA) is a prestigious and versatile postgraduate degree that equips students with a comprehensive understanding of various aspects of business management. The program prepares individuals for leadership roles in various industries and sectors. With its emphasis on developing critical thinking, strategic planning, and effective communication skills, an MBA can significantly enhance career prospects and open doors to various opportunities.

What are the benefits of doing an MBA in any field?

1. knowledge and skill enrichment.

MBA programs cover various subjects such as finance, marketing, operations, human resources, entrepreneurship, and more. This holistic curriculum equips students with a well-rounded understanding of how different business functions interconnect.

Case studies, real-world projects, and interactive classroom discussions provide practical insights, fostering problem-solving and analytical skills.

2. Leadership and Management Acumen

MBA programs emphasize leadership development and nurturing skills to effectively manage teams, projects, and organizations.

Students learn about decision-making, conflict resolution, negotiation, and organizational behavior, which are crucial for successful leadership roles.

3. Networking Opportunities

MBA programs often have a diverse student body with professionals from various industries, cultures, and backgrounds. This creates a fertile ground for networking.

Interaction with peers, alums, faculty, and guest speakers can lead to valuable connections that can benefit one’s career.

4. Career Advancement

An MBA can accelerate career growth by opening doors to higher-level positions and greater responsibilities.

Graduates are better equipped to navigate the complexities of the business world, making them attractive candidates for promotions and leadership roles.

5. Entrepreneurial Spirit

Many MBA programs offer specialized tracks or courses in entrepreneurship, providing aspiring business owners with the skills needed to launch and manage their ventures.

Exposure to real-world business challenges and opportunities encourages innovative thinking and risk-taking.

6. Global Perspective

In an increasingly interconnected world, MBA programs often include international business components that expose students to global market trends, cultural nuances, and international business strategies.

7. Personal Development

The rigorous demands of an MBA program foster time management, discipline, and the ability to handle high-pressure situations.

Students often gain a deeper understanding of their strengths, weaknesses, and areas for personal growth.

8. Enhanced Earning Potential

On average, MBA graduates earn higher salaries than those with only undergraduate degrees.

The specialized knowledge and leadership skills gained during the program contribute to increased marketability and value in the job market.

9. Career Switching and Flexibility

An MBA can serve as a bridge for professionals looking to switch industries or career paths.

The broad skill set acquired during the program enables graduates to pivot and adapt to different sectors.

10. Credibility and Prestige

An MBA from a reputable institution carries weight and prestige in the business world.

Employers often perceive MBA holders as dedicated, knowledgeable, and committed individuals due to the intensive nature of the program.

11. Access to Resources

Many MBA programs provide access to extensive resources such as libraries, research centers, industry partnerships, and career services, which can aid academic and professional pursuits.

12. Lifelong Learning and Growth

The learning mindset cultivated during an MBA often continues beyond graduation. Many professionals engage in continuous learning, staying updated with evolving business trends.

Pursuing an MBA offers students a transformative educational experience beyond theoretical learning. It equips them with the skills, knowledge, and networks needed to excel in the competitive business. The benefits encompass personal growth, career advancement, entrepreneurship, and the ability to make a meaningful impact in various industries. However, it’s important for prospective students to carefully consider their career goals, program options, and the reputation of institutions before embarking on this enriching journey of business education.

Read: Check out the Scope of MBA for IT professionals.

Top MBA Project Ideas

Currently, there are various general mba research project topics available in the market. Choosing the best one can seem to be quite a tedious process. Therefore, we have selected some of the best general mini project ideas for mba students highlighted in the list below.

Before delving into the different general mba project title, it is important to remember you, as a student, need to choose the topic that is closest to your specialization.

Internet Startups are known to burn cash to transform business at scale while also creating a habit in people, however many of them incur heavy losses because their business models are not sustainable.

There are lots of investment options available from mutual funds, stocks, physical gold, digital gold, bonds, etc but very few of these are popular except physical cold. Each of these investment options has their own advantages & advantages. Have they grown in the last 10 years?  

Get  online MBA certifications  from the World’s top Universities. Earn Masters, Executive PGP, or Advanced Certificate Programs to fast-track your career.

The equity segment is known to carry a high risk, how do investors manage this risk? Portfolio management is also crucial and helps investors avoid losses and increase their gains  

  • Analysis of working capital management at high cash burn startups in the food tech space. 

  Working capital is the liquidity required to meet daily needs. In startups in the food-tech space where there is a lot of cash burn, how is working capital management done?

The Goods and Services tax bill has had a huge impact on many sectors. What has been the impact of GST on the FMCG sector which is one of the largest consumer-oriented sectors in India?  

Read: Best MBA Online Courses  

  • Analysis of the satisfaction level of employees in the Banking and financial services sector.

Banking & financial services is a crucial sector employing lakhs of employees. The work environments are known to be stressful and the work is tedious. So what is the satisfaction level of employees in this sector?  

Hindustan Unilever is one of India’s biggest and most famous brands in the FMCG sector. They employ hundreds of people and they are known to be employee-friendly with a lot of employee-friendly policies & welfare schemes.  

Our learners also read: MBA job opportunities !

  • Analysis of employee training needs in State Bank of India.

SBI is one of the largest banks in India and employee lakhs of people. This also means all the employees need to be trained at regular intervals. What would be the employee training needs in the banking industry?  

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India’s NPA ratio is one the highest in the world and it may increase further at the end of the current fiscal year 2021-22. What has contributed to this and what is the comparative situation among Indian banks & financial institutions?  

ICICI bank is one of the top private sector banks in India. What does the analysis of ICICI bank financial statements for the last 5 years tell you about the company and its performance?  

  • Study on consumer behavioral pattern in the FMCG category of toothpaste in the case of Colgate & Patanjali. 

Colgate is one of the top brands in the category of toothpaste and Patanjali  Dant Kanti has been a recent challenger with a focus on ayurvedic products. What are the consumer behaviour patterns driving this toothpaste category?

  • Study of marketing promotions & strategy in the luxury retail market for Louis Vuitton

Luxury marketing communications & strategy are very different compared to a non luxury brand. Louis Vuitton is one of the most famous luxury brands in India. What kind of marketing promotions and strategies did Louis Vuitton use?  

  • Analysis of YouTube ads in digital marketing to reach mass audiences and its comparative effectiveness compared to TV adverting in FMCG industry

Youtube has quickly emerged as a powerful medium for brand marketing and its adoption has accelerated in the last 2-3 years. But is it more effective than TV in order to reach a brand’s target audiences?  

Explore our Popular MBA Courses

  • Analysis of Total Quality Management Implementation at Marico. 

Marico is one of India’s well known and top brands with respect to quality. How has Total Quality management helped them achieve high consumer satisfaction?  

Also Read: Top Paying Cities for MBA in India  

  • A Study of Six Sigma Implementation Process at a manufacturing company. 

Six sigma is a set of techniques and tools that help to improve business processes in an organization. How has the implementation process been at a manufacturing company?  

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Best Business Analytics Project Topics For MBA 

Here are the best social relevance project topics for mba for candidates which are different from general project topics for MBA students, and significantly offer greater value!

In this today’s technology-driven world, business analytics is one of the most sought-after fields. Almost all big enterprises and organizations rely on business analytics for well-informed decisions and planning. This has led to such an increased demand for this field that many universities from all around India are offering various lucrative Business Analytics courses to their students. We have prepared some of the best business analytics project topics for MBA that are mentioned below. 

  • Sales Conversion Optimization

Companies rely heavily on traditional and digital marketing and campaigns to drive their sales and attract new customers. Email and social media marketing are two of the widely used methods in this regard. 

  • A Study On Predicting Sales Of A Supermarket During Festival Season

A supermarket consists of various departments, and each is responsible for stocking up its items in a regulated manner. However, while doing so, it is important to check that it does not have any excessive stock, which can ultimately lead to a potential loss for the business. This is where forecasting sales come into play. Predicting the demand for particular goods during festive seasons can help to generate profit and avoid loss for a business. 

  • Understanding Employee Attrition And Performance

Various factors can lead to employee attrition. A detailed understanding of all the factors will help companies retain their employees’ loyalty more efficiently. Furthermore, companies can also then make changes in their business environments so that they can hold on to their best employees. 

These are some of the best topics currently available for business analytics projects for MBA students . Working on a good project not only adds that extra spark to a person’s resume but also helps boost your technical skills and highlights your maturity. 

Innovative Product Ideas For MBA Students

One of the most challenging tasks every entrepreneur faces is deciding what to sell. Whether it is a completely new product or starting a new business with different related products, it can sometimes be difficult to come up with something new and innovative. If you are facing any of these challenges, don’t worry. We are here to help you with the same. The mentioned below list contains some of the latest innovative product ideas for MBA students. 

  • At-home fitness equipment

Following the onset of lockdown during this pandemic, many gyms and other workout facilities had to shut down their offices to comply with government protocols. During this time, at-home fitness equipment witnessed a drastic bloom and became hugely popular among the mass. Some of the most popular at-home fitness equipment include yoga mats, stationary bikes, and resistance bands. 

  • Mobile Phone Accessories

India currently has 1.2 billion smartphone users. This means that these 1.2 billion users are your potential customers when you sell smartphone accessories. The most popular phone accessories are designed to increase your cellphones’ efficiency and usefulness and make them less breakable. 

  • Internet Of Thing Devices

With the evolution of technology, more and more products are slowly transitioning into IoT devices. To put it simply, IoT devices are referred to as those that are equipped with various software and sensors to connect with other systems and devices over the Internet easily. Some examples of these devices are smartwatches, smart light bulbs, and smart cars, among others. 

MBA Programs in India

You can consider some of these world class MBA programs offered by top institutions. One of the top MBA learning platforms in India, upGrad can help you apply for an MBA from Liverpool Business School with specialization in marketing.

u pGrad also offers individual mentoring sessions with industry leaders from various domains. You will also get 360-degree career support and placement assistance throughout the MBA program that will help you apply for a job with some of the top brands. upGrad expert mentors will guide you and help you build, review your resume and help you apply for various marketing & business roles across various brands.

Check out Liverpool Business School & upGrad’  Global MBA program  which helps you to transform your career. The program provides 1-on-1 mentorship from industry leaders, 1-week immersion program at University campus, dual credentials (MBA from LBS & PGPM from IMT), network with peers at offline basecamps and more.


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MBA Skills to Master

  • MBA in Finance Courses
  • MBA in HR Courses
  • MBA in Marketing Courses
  • Introduction to FinTech Courses
  • MBA in Agriculture Courses
  • MBA in Operations Management Courses
  • MBA in International Business Courses
  • MBA in IT Management Courses
  • MBA In Healthcare Management Courses
  • MBA in General Management Courses
  • MBA Supply Chain Management Courses
  • MBA in Entrepreneurship Courses
  • MBA in Project Management Courses

Our Trending MBA Courses

  • MBA (Global) Deakin Business School & IMT
  • Global MBA Liverpool Business School
  • NMIMS MBA Executive with Specialisation in Business Analytics
  • MBA From Golden Gate University
  • Job-linked Advanced General Management from IMT Ghaziabad
  • MBA (Global) Deakin Business School

Our Popular MBA Course


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

To successfully complete an MBA program, doing an MBA project is important. This will also help you in the real world when you’re looking for jobs. However, the project topic you choose should be something that aligns with your goals and future objectives. Here are a few tips that will help you select a good topic – spend ample time researching on the internet, speak to your seniors and get ideas from them, discuss your shortlisted topics with mentors and professors, choose a topic that matches your future career aspirations, and lastly the topic you choose should be of interest to you.

When you do an MBA program from upGrad, there are many benefits. Besides training students in various subjects, it also offers end-to-end career assistance. Every student gets personalised career counselling from experts, specific inputs on resume structure and content, interview preparation tips by industry mentors and assured job placement offered by 300+ companies partnered with upGrad. The main agenda of every program is offering students unparalleled guidance from teaching assistants and one-on-one feedback on submissions.

MBA graduates are known to earn handsome salaries. The salary earned by MBA passouts in India is primarily based on their overall work or industry experience and their qualifications. That being said, their salary also depends on their MBA specialisation. Usually, those who opt for specialisations such as HR, finance, marketing, and business analytics, are observed to bag jobs with the highest compensation packages. Securing a seat in any of the premier MBA colleges in the country is a bonus since the top business schools offer exceptional placement opportunities with lucrative salaries; the numbers can range from INR 4-14 lakhs an annum for freshers to INR 25 lakhs a year for experienced professionals.

While all of us respect and envy the brilliant career paths of MBA graduates, we often tend to overlook the level of extreme hard work they have had to put in before bagging that dream job. If you ask MBA graduates, you will come to know that studying MBA is indeed taxing. You need to flourish in a highly competitive environment and have to give your best performance all-round, be it practical projects or academics. And the tremendous volume of things that need to be completed, along with the sheer lack of time for self-preparation, studies, or even family, can pose as reasons for enormous stress throughout the study.

HR managers have to deal with employee layoffs, organisational policy violations, payrolls, and company-wide communications. The basic job of the HR manager is to oversee and look after employee life-cycle management, including onboarding, recruitment, training, employee termination, and of course, employee benefits. Basically, human resources managers are responsible for supporting the employees by updating company policies, maintaining records of employees and supporting their career aspirations and growth, facilitating employee education, training and supporting managers, ensuring employee wellbeing and welfare, and enforcing disciplinary action in an unbiased and prudent manner.

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