computer science position cover letter

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computer science position cover letter

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3 Computer Science Cover Letter Examples Built for 2024 

Stephen Greet

  • Computer Science Cover Letter
  • Computer Science Internship Cover Letter
  • Computer Science No Experience Cover Letter
  • Write Your Computer Science Cover Letter

You’re no stranger to complex algorithms and lengthy lines of code. From programming languages to system architectures and networks, you have a deep understanding of computer science that dips into many different niches.

A skill set like yours is in high demand in the job market, but do you know how to make those abilities shine? First, you’ll need a tailored computer science resume , followed with writing an effective cover letter .

We’re here to help. With our computer science cover letter examples and cover letter generator , you’ll woo companies right into giving you a job!

computer science position cover letter

Computer Science Cover Letter Example


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Computer Science cover letter example

Copy this text for your computer science cover letter!

123 Fictional Avenue Minneapolis 98101 (123) 456-7890

August 20, 2023

Olivia Taylor General Mills 123 Fictional Lane Minneapolis 98101

Dear Ms. Taylor:

My first encounter with General Mills was during a high school field trip to learn about the intricacies of food processing. Watching from a safe distance, I was fascinated by the items gliding over winding conveyer belts. I whispered to myself that I would one day work here.

Today, I express my interest for the computer science engineer position at General Mills. I have gained solid experience in implementing and improving TCP/IP protocols, ensuring seamless communication between networked devices and systems. This expertise allowed me optimize performance in my previous job, which boosted productivity by 43%.

I also used Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure to design resilient and scalable solutions for process automation and decreased multiple project timelines by an average of 12% margins. I will leverage this expertise to streamline processes and ensure cross-departmental goals are met at General Mills.

My practical experience and competencies make me a perfect computer science engineer for General Mills. Thank you for considering my application and I welcome the opportunity to discuss further how my qualifications align with General Mills’ goals during an interview.

Sofia Petrov

Enclosures: Resume Application 2 letters of recommendation Transcripts

Why this cover letter works

  • Also, blending competencies in tools such as Microsoft Azure and TCP protocols add an edge to your skills and give recruiters an idea of what you can offer.

Level up your cover letter game

Relax! We’ll do the heavy lifiting to write your cover letter in seconds.

Computer Science Internship Cover Letter Example

Computer Science Internship cover letter example

Copy this text for your computer science internship cover letter!

123 Fictional Avenue Chicago, IL 60007 (123) 456-7890

Ava Hill Accenture 123 Fictional Lane Chicago, IL 60007

Dear Ms. Hill:

IT-driven Agility has and continues to become a centerpiece in our everyday lives. With faster processes and access to data within an eye blink, the quality of modern life keeps improving. I was born in an era when the technology revolution was at its peak, and nothing would answer my curiosity more than working as a computer science intern at Accenture.

As an avid learner, I have always been fascinated by the potential of technology to revolutionize industries and enhance user experiences. In one of my projects, I created multiple HTML/CSS webpages, which scored a 94 compliance rate with Google Algorithms. I also have solid Java coding capabilities, adding diversity to my skill sets.

I am impressed by Accenture’s reputation as a leading global technology consulting firm. The company’s commitment to delivering transformative digital solutions aligns perfectly with my aspirations to make meaningful impact in the tech industry.

I am excited about joining a dynamic workplace that fosters professional growth and encourages creativity. I thrive in collaborative settings where diverse perspectives come together to solve complex problems. My ability to adapt quickly, work under pressure, and maintain a positive attitude will make me a valuable asset to the Accenture team.

I am convinced that an internship at Accenture will provide an exceptional learning experience and set the stage for a successful career in computer science. Thank you for considering my application. I welcome the opportunity to discuss how my skills align with Accenture’s vision in greater detail.

Aiden Kelly

  • Make up for your lack of real-work skills with a combination of staying abreast with industry trends and showcasing your proficiency in applications such as HTML/CSS. It’s the little things that make a huge difference.

Computer Science No Experience Cover Letter Example

Computer Science No Experience cover letter example

Copy this text for your computer science no experience cover letter!

123 Fictional Avenue El Paso, TX 79904 (123) 456-7890

James Lewis Volaris 123 Fictional Lane El Paso, TX 79904

Dear Mr. Lewis:

The point of confluence between the aviation industry and computer science is a fascinating relationship. The dependency of the former to ensure safety and provide seamless travel solutions to millions of passengers around the globe is a source of pride for humanity. To further understand the intersection of these two industries, I would like to work as a computer science assistant at Volaris.

I have gained valuable experience in data analysis and manipulation through the use of libraries such as NumPy. Leveraging my analytical mindset, I have successfully applied these tools to extract meaningful insights from complex datasets. My ability to understand data patterns and trends empowers me to make informed decisions. I am confident that this skill will be an asset in driving Volaris’ data-oriented projects.

Moreover, I am a strong advocate of continuous learning and research. I possess curiosity for exploring new technologies, algorithms, and methodologies. I actively engage in self-directed learning, which enables me to stay abreast of the latest advancements in computer science.

As a Computer Science Assistant at Volaris, I am committed to collaborating with the talented team to contribute my skills, passion, and dedication to the company’s success. I am confident that my strong work ethic, adaptability, and ability to grasp new concepts will make me a valuable addition to the team.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of becoming a part of Volaris. I am available at your convenience for an interview.

Fatima Amrani

  • Your adaptability to high-pressure situations and working well in groups would prove vital in landing you your first real-world job.

Related cover letter examples

  • Software Engineer
  • Data Scientist
  • Data Engineer
  • Data Analyst
  • Project Manager

How to Write a Computer Science Cover Letter That Gets You the Job

Salesperson pops out of computer screen to depict outselling the competition with sales cover letter

As you work on your cover letter, the one thing to keep in mind is that it needs to feel like you just wrote it for that specific job. That doesn’t mean writing a generic letter for every role; instead, write it from scratch or base it on a rough skeleton. Make it as personalized to the job as possible each time to capture the attention of recruiters.

In computer science, this is more important than in many other roles, because there’s a diverse range of duties each job may require. For instance, if the job puts a lot of emphasis on backend processes, mention how you’re a pro at Python to stand out from the crowd.

computer science position cover letter

Write a strong greeting and intro

The first paragraph can make or break your entire cover letter. No pressure, right? It’s okay—here are some ways that can help you get the reader caught in your net from the get-go.

Use your skills in research and digging through swaths of data to find the name of the hiring manager and start with a personalized greeting. If you absolutely can’t figure out the name, we recommend using “Dear Hiring Manager” or “Dear [company name] Team,” but it’s best to address a specific person.

The intro paragraph should establish a connection with the company and immediately mention why you want to work there and not elsewhere.

Think of a career-defining achievement, such as reducing cybersecurity breach attempts or deploying an e-commerce platform, and weave it in here. If you’re new to the job, pick a strength you’re proud of, such as your knowledge of networks, and mention why it makes you a great candidate. 

Take a look at this example below. This opener doesn’t explain why the applicant is worth hiring, and it sounds pretty generic—don’t do this.

I came across this job listing by chance. I like computers, so I think I’m a good fit.

Here’s a much better opener that instantly establishes a personal connection and provides some backstory as to why they want to lend their skills to this particular position.

They’ll love it!

My first encounter with General Mills was during a high school field trip to learn about the intricacies of food processing. Watching from a safe distance, I was fascinated by the items gliding over winding conveyor belts. I whispered to myself that I would one day work here. Today, I express my interest in the Computer Science Engineer position at General Mills.

computer science position cover letter

Dive into your CS expertise in the body of your cover letter

You know all about the power of data and the way a small mistake can completely ruin an otherwise perfectly good thing. Fortunately, that knowledge is what will help you craft a stellar cover letter . 

As computer science can mean anything from straight-up coding and deploying web apps to designing whole system architectures, use the job description to help you cherry-pick the best examples of your work. Support them with quantifiable metrics to show your future employer the kind of impact you may bring to the company.

For example, if the role emphasizes cloud infrastructures, mention how you led the development of a cloud-based application and the resulting 25% reduction in operational costs in AWS that followed. Even if you’re applying for an internship or your first role in CS, talk about passion projects or the things you worked on during your education.

I have gained solid experience in implementing and improving TCP/IP protocols, ensuring seamless communication between networked devices and systems. This expertise allowed me to optimize performance in my previous job, which boosted productivity by 43%.

computer science position cover letter

End your cover letter on a strong note

With one more paragraph left to go, impress the hiring manager with a final reminder of your strongest skills and explain how you will use them once you’re hired.

Read the job description carefully and determine which skill to lean into here. For example, if you know you’d be working with SQL a lot, you can mention how you hope to leverage your in-depth experience with SQL queries to optimize the company’s databases.

Don’t forget to come leave a lasting impression by thanking the reader for their consideration. Lastly,  mention the company by name and express how much you want to work there.

As far as closing paragraphs go, the below signoff is really not great. It shows that the candidate just wants to have a job and would settle for any offer.

That didn’t work…

I’ve applied to a lot of similar roles and I’m still waiting for a company to give me a chance. I believe I have the basics down and I really want to start right away.

This is a great way to end your cover letter, expressing the most important skills and an eagerness to work at that particular company.

Much better!

Lean into personal projects and relevant coursework. You can talk about a mobile productivity app you designed and deployed by yourself or the way you used Azure during a group project to migrate from a legacy system to a cloud architecture.

Treat transitioning to a new career as an opportunity to show that you’re a good fit for the role. Talk about transferable skills, such as attention to detail or knowledge of basic math and algorithms, and discuss how your background made you appreciate computer science.

Yes, it’s great to add a portfolio both to your cover letter and your computer science resume . Technical recruiters often appreciate the opportunity to peek at your code and see the kind of projects you’ve worked on in the past.

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Computer Science Cover Letter Example (W/ Templates & Tips for 2024)

Background Image

Computers have always been your hobby and lines of code were your canvas as a child. 

Your passion for computer science has now brought you to the doorstep of a promising career in the tech industry. 

But as you’re looking to land your next computer science gig, there’s one obstacle standing in your way – crafting the perfect computer science cover letter.

We don’t blame you. Tech savviness doesn’t always translate to a knack for the written word. 

Worry not - we're here to show you how to write the perfect computer science cover letter, step by step.

Here’s what we’ll cover: 

  • Exceptional Computer Science Cover Letter
  • 5 Steps to Crafting the Ultimate Computer Science Cover Letter
  • 3 Essential Cover Letter Tips Tailored for Tech Professionals 

...and much more!

So, let's debug this process together and get you closer to that dream tech job.

Computer Science Cover Letter Example

Computer Science Cover Letter Example

5 Steps for the Perfect Computer Science Cover Letter

You've just had a glimpse of what a winning cover letter should be like, and now it's your turn to craft your own . 

No worries, it's a straightforward process—all you need to do is follow these steps: 

#1. Put Contact Information in the Header

Kick off your cover letter with your contact information in the header, much like your computer science resume

Here's what you should include:

  • Full Name: Put your first and last name at the top.
  • Job Title: Use the same job title as the computer science job you want. This helps because hiring agents go through lots of applications for different roles.
  • Email Address: Use a simple and professional email, like using your name. For example, "[email protected]" is good, but "[email protected]" is not.
  • Phone Number: Give the right phone number so they can call you. If the job is in another country, add the country code before your number.
  • Location: Usually, just your city and state or country is enough. But if you can work from anywhere or move for the job, say so.
  • Relevant Links (Optional): If you have websites or profiles like LinkedIn that show your work, you can add them.

Now, let's shift our focus to including the hiring manager's information:

  • Company Name: Write the name of the company you're sending the cover letter to.
  • Hiring Manager's Name: Try to find out who the hiring person is. You can look at the job ad, the company website, or LinkedIn.
  • Hiring Manager's Title: If you know their job title (e.g. if they're the department head), use that instead of just saying "Hiring Manager."
  • Location: Write down the city and country where the company is. If you know the street address and want to be very specific, you can include it.
  • Email Address (Optional): If you find the email of the hiring person, you can add it to talk to them directly.
  • Date of Writing (Optional): If you want, include the date you wrote the letter.

#2. Address the Hiring Manager

Once you've included all your relevant contact details, it's important to address your science cover letter to the hiring manager the right way. 

Begin by doing some research. Check the job listing, the company's website, or their LinkedIn profile to identify the hiring manager for the computer science department you're applying to. This way, you can find their name and email address.

When addressing them, avoid the outdated “To Whom It May Concern.” You can use "Ms." or "Mr." followed by their last name for a professional greeting. However, if you're unsure about their gender or marital status, simply use their full name. For example:

  • Dear Mr. Patel,
  • Dear Maya Patel,

If you can't find any information about the hiring manager or head of the computer science department, you can address your letter to the department or the company in general:

  • Dear Computer Science Department,
  • Dear Computer Science Hiring Team,
  • Dear Human Resources Recruitment Team,
  • Dear Head of Computer Science,

This personalized touch will enhance your computer science cover letter and increase your chances of making a positive impression on potential employers.

#3. Write an Eye-Catching Opening Statement

Hiring managers often spend just seven seconds looking at an application before deciding whether it’s worth their time. So, needless to say, your cover letter needs to make a good first impression right from the bat.

This is where your opening paragraph comes in. 

Begin your cover letter by formally introducing yourself and expressing your enthusiasm for the job, the field, or the industry. Showing you're excited about computer science or the job can definitely catch the hiring manager’s attention.

Doing a little homework on the company also helps. The more you know about them, the better you can show you'd be a good fit culture fit. Not to mention, showing you’ve done your homework lets them know you really want this job, not just any job.

If you have professional experience in the field, you can start your cover letter by talking about a specific achievement you’re proud of or some job-related skills. 

But remember - keep this part short. You want to pique the hiring manager’s interest and get them to read the rest of your cover letter.

Check out these amazing cover letter examples to get you started with your opening statement. 

#4. Use the Cover Letter Body for the Details

The main part of your computer science cover letter is where you can talk about why you're just the right fit for the job in more detail.

However, don’t just repeat what's on your resume . Use the space on your cover letter to really show off what you can do for the company and how you can fit in with the team. You want to convince the hiring manager that you're the best pick, so, depending on your professional level, elaborate on your big achievements in computer science and your most relevant skills. 

The key here is to let the job ad guide you.

By keeping in mind the exact requirements of the job ad, you can highlight the exact skills the employer is looking for. Like, if the job is about technical skills, talk about those and not something else like your e-commerce experience.

Knowing about the company can also give you a boost. If you know their products or what they do, say so. It shows you care about the job and fit in with their values or company culture. Not to mention, it proves you want that specific job, not any job out there. 

And while you’re at it, make sure to avoid these critical cover letter mistakes ! 

#5. Wrap It Up and Sign It

Wrapping up your computer science cover letter is like fixing the last parts of a tricky code.

You want the person reading it to remember you in a good way and remove any doubts about what you can bring to the table from their minds. So, when you’re finishing your cover letter, reiterate why you're perfect for the job or give a quick summary of the most relevant computer skills that set you apart from the crowd.

Then, include a call to action, like inviting the hiring manager to call you or setting up a meeting to further discuss your application. This can help you get noticed and maybe get a chance to land that coveted interview. 

Finally, end your letter in a proper way . Pick a professional signature line, and then write your full name. Here's how to do it:

Please don't hesitate to contact me at the provided email or phone number to arrange an interview. I eagerly anticipate the opportunity to delve deeper into my application at your earliest convenience.

Sarah Johnson

And if you prefer a less common closing than "Sincerely," consider these alternatives:

  • Kind regards,
  • Respectfully yours,
  • Thank you for your consideration,

Pick the signature that best resonates with your style and the tone of your computer science cover letter.

Computer Science Cover Letter Structure

3 Essential Computer Science Cover Letter Tips

You've absorbed the basics of crafting a cover letter, and now it's time to fine-tune yours with some essential cover letter tips tailored to the computer science field:

#1. Match Your Resume

If you want to be 100 percent serious about landing your next computer science gig, it's important to keep your application looking the same all through.

This means making sure that your cover letter visually matches your resume. 

For starters, have your cover letter information sit on the page neatly and in an organized way. Use the same font and size throughout both documents, set the same margins, and make sure everything fits on one page .

If you’re using a specific color scheme or design on your resume, then use it on your cover letter, too. Paying attention to these little things can help you look more professional.

Or Use A Cover Letter Template Instead

Why start from scratch? 

Make your life easier and use our free resume builder. 

Then, pick a cover letter template that fits your resume like a glove. 

Crafted with the help of hiring managers worldwide, they're tailored to industry standards and guaranteed to complement your job application seamlessly. 

Let these templates be your shortcut to a standout cover letter!

Computer Science Cover Letter Templates

#2. Mention Skills and Keywords

Here's a valuable tip: mention those key skills and keywords from the job posting in your computer science cover letter. 

Why? Because it shows hiring managers straight to what matters most to them. It showcases you as a candidate who's in tune with their needs and gives you an edge over applicants who skip this step.

#3. Add Any Relevant Links

Don't forget this savvy move — include relevant links in your computer science cover letter, just as you would in your resume. 

Why? It makes it easy for hiring managers to quickly access your portfolio or previous work. Plus, adding a link to your LinkedIn profile or personal website can facilitate direct contact. Make it easy for them!

Key Takeaways

That's the basics for computer science cover letters! We hope you're set to get that dream computer science job soon.

Before you send your cover letter, here are some key points to remember:

  • Start your computer science cover letter by adding your contact info and the hiring manager's details. Make sure your information is correct so they can call you for a potential interview.
  • Your cover letter's first paragraph should catch the hiring manager's eye and make them want to read more.
  • In your cover letter's main part, talk about your big wins and skills that fit the computer science job you want.
  • At the end of your cover letter, ask the hiring manager in a clear way to think about calling you or planning an interview.
  • Your cover letter should look like your resume. If you're short on time, think about using our matched resume and cover letter templates to make them look alike.

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  • Cover Letter Examples

Computer Science (CS) Cover Letter Examples (Guide)

Tom Gerencer, CPRW

Our customers have been hired by:

Cracking the code to a standout computer science cover letter can feel like trying to hack into Fort Knox.

We're here to help you craft a cover letter that's more impressive than your latest algorithm. With our guidance, you'll create a cover letter with hiring managers updating your status to "hired."

This guide will show you:

  • Computer science cover letter examples better than 9 out of 10 others.
  • Proven templates to make the best computer science internship cover letter in the stack.
  • How to write a computer science cover letter step-by-step (even with no experience).
  • How to describe your experience in a cover letter for computer science internships and get any job you want.

Want to write your cover letter fast? Use our cover letter builder. Choose from  20+ professional cover letter templates  that match your resume. See actionable examples and get expert tips along the way.

Create your cover letter now

computer science resume and cover letter set

Sample cover letter for a resume— See more cover letter examples and create your cover letter here .

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This article has been reviewed by our editorial team to make sure it follows Zety's editorial guidelines . We’re committed to sharing our expertise and giving you trustworthy career advice tailored to your needs. High-quality content is what brings over 40 million readers to our site every year. But we don't stop there. Our team conducts original research to understand the job market better, and we pride ourselves on being quoted by top universities and prime media outlets from around the world.

Tom Gerencer, CPRW

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Computer Science Cover Letter Example

Cover letter examples, cover letter guidelines, how to format an computer science cover letter, cover letter header, cover letter header examples for computer science, how to make your cover letter header stand out:, cover letter greeting, cover letter greeting examples for computer science, best cover letter greetings:, cover letter introduction, cover letter intro examples for computer science, how to make your cover letter intro stand out:, cover letter body, cover letter body examples for computer science, how to make your cover letter body stand out:, cover letter closing, cover letter closing paragraph examples for computer science, how to close your cover letter in a memorable way:, pair your cover letter with a foundational resume, key cover letter faqs for computer science.

Start your Computer Science cover letter by addressing the hiring manager directly, if possible. Then, introduce yourself and state the position you're applying for. Mention where you found the job posting to show you're actively seeking opportunities in this field. Follow this with a compelling statement about why you're a good fit for the role. This could be a brief overview of your qualifications, experience, or passion for computer science. For example, "As a Computer Science graduate with a focus on software development and two years of practical experience, I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to your team." This approach shows respect, initiative, and enthusiasm right from the start.

The best way to end a cover letter for Computer Sciences is by summarizing your qualifications, expressing enthusiasm for the role, and inviting further discussion. You could say, "I am excited about the possibility of bringing my unique blend of skills in programming, data analysis, and problem-solving to your team. I am confident that my experience and passion make me a strong candidate for this role. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss how I can contribute to your team's success." This ending is effective as it reiterates your interest in the role, highlights your relevant skills, and shows eagerness to move forward in the hiring process. Always remember to thank the reader for their time and consideration.

In a cover letter for Computer Sciences, the following elements should be included: 1. Introduction: Start with a brief introduction about yourself, your current role or position, and where you found the job listing. 2. Skills and Experience: Highlight your technical skills and experiences that are relevant to the job. This could include programming languages you're proficient in, software development methodologies you're familiar with, or specific projects you've worked on. Be sure to provide examples of how you've used these skills in past roles. 3. Achievements: Mention any significant achievements or contributions you've made in your previous roles. This could be anything from developing a new software system, improving system efficiency, or solving complex technical problems. 4. Understanding of the Company: Show that you've done your research about the company and understand its mission and values. Explain why you're interested in the role and how you can contribute to the company's goals. 5. Soft Skills: While technical skills are crucial in Computer Sciences, don't forget to highlight your soft skills such as problem-solving, communication, teamwork, or leadership. These skills are often highly valued in the tech industry. 6. Conclusion: End your cover letter by expressing your interest in the role and your eagerness to discuss your qualifications further in an interview. Remember, a cover letter should complement your resume, not duplicate it. It's your chance to provide context for your resume and to tell a story about your experiences and skills that make you a great fit for the role.

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Try our AI Cover Letter Generator

computer science cover letter

StandOut CV

Computer Science cover letter examples

Andrew Fennell photo

You’re meticulous and systematic, and your technical skills are second to none, so why does showcasing all of this on your cover letter feel so hard?

Don’t worry, you’re not alone, which is exactly why we’ve created this handy step-by-step guide packed with our top writing tips.

We’ll also share some detailed computer science cover letter examples to help you write your own.

CV templates 

Computer Science cover letter example 1

Computer Science cover letter 1

Computer Science cover letter example 2

Computer Science cover letter 2

Computer Science cover letter example 3

Computer Science cover letter 3

These 3 Computer Science cover letter example s should provide you with a good steer on how to write your own cover letter, and the general structure to follow.

Our simple step-by-step guide below provides some more detailed advice on how you can craft a winning cover letter for yourself, that will ensure your CV gets opened.

How to write a Computer Science cover letter

A simple step-by-step guide to writing your very own winning cover letter.

How to write a cover letter

Write your cover letter in the body of an email/message

You should write your cover letter in the body of the email (or messaging system if sending via a job board) and never attach it as a document.

The reason for this?

You want your cover letter to start connecting with the recruiter from the moment they open your application.

If they have to open a document to read it, it will slow things down and they may not even bother to open it.

Write cover letter in body of email

Start with a friendly greeting

Cover letter address

To build an instant connection with the recruiter reading your cover letter, start with a warm greeting.

It should be friendly but not casual – keeping it professional at all times.

  • Hi, hope you’re well
  • Hi [insert recruiter name]
  • Hi [insert department/team name]

Avoid overly formal greetings like “Dear sir/madam ” unless applying to very traditional companies.

How to find the contact’s name?

Addressing the recruitment contact by name is an excellent way to start building a strong relationship. If it is not listed in the job advert, try these methods to find it.

  • Check out the company website and look at their  About page. If you see a hiring manager, HR person or internal recruiter, use their name. You could also try to figure out who would be your manager in the role and use their name.
  • Head to LinkedIn , search for the company and scan through the list of employees. Most professionals are on LinkedIn these days, so this is a good bet.

Identify the role you are applying for

After you have greeted the recruiter, it’s important to state the job you are applying to.

Recruiters are often managing multiple vacancies, so they need to know exactly which job you are referring to.

Be as specific as possible and use a reference number if you can find one.

Here are some examples you can use;

  • I am interested in applying for the role of admin assistant with your organisation.
  • I would like to apply for the role of Sales assistant (Ref: 4057393)
  • I would like to express my interest in the customer service vacancy within your retail department
  • I saw your advertisement for a trainee project manager on Reed and would like to apply for the role.

See also: CV examples – how to write a CV – CV profiles

Highlight your suitability

The main purpose of your cover letter is to excite recruiters and make them eager to open your CV. And you achieve this by quickly demonstrating your suitability to the job you are applying for.

Take a look at the job adverts you are applying for, and make note of the most important skills being asked for.

Then, when you write your cover letter, make your suitability the focal point.

Explain how you meet the candidate requirements fully, and why you are so well suited to carry out the job.

This will give recruiters all the encouragement they need to open your CV and consider your application.

Cover letter tips

Keep it short and sharp

When sending a job application to a recruiter or hiring manager, it is important to remember that they will normally be very busy and pushed for time.

Therefore, you need to get you message across to them quickly (in a matter of seconds ideally). So, keep your cover letter short and to-the-point. A long waffling cover letter will overwhelm recruiters when they are running through hundreds of emails in there inbox, but a concise one will get their attention.

So, keep your cover letter to just a few sentences long, and save the extensive detail for your CV.

Sign off professionally

To finish off your cover note, add a professional signature to the bottom, stating your important contact details and information.

This not only provides recruiters with multiple means of contacting you, but it also adds a nice professional appearance to the cover letter, which shows that you know how to conduct yourself in the workplace.

Include the following points;

  • A friendly sign off – e.g. “Warm regards”
  • Your full name
  • Phone number (one you can answer quickly)
  • Email address
  • Profession title
  • Professional social network – e.g. LinkedIn

Here is an example signature;

Warm regards,

Aaron Smith Customer service professional 075557437373 [email protected] LinkedIn

Quick tip : To save yourself from having to write your signature every time you send a job application, you can save it within your email drafts, or on a separate document that you could copy in.

Email signatures

What to include in your Computer Science cover letter

Here’s what kind of content you should include in your Computer Science cover letter…

The exact info will obviously depend on your industry and experience level, but these are the essentials.

  • Your relevant experience – Where have you worked and what type of jobs have you held?
  • Your qualifications – Let recruiters know about your highest level of qualification to show them you have the credentials for the job.
  • The impact you have made – Show how your actions have made a positive impact on previous employers; perhaps you’ve saved them money or helped them to acquire new customers?
  • Your reasons for moving – Hiring managers will want to know why you are leaving your current or previous role, so give them a brief explanation.
  • Your availability – When can you start a new job ? Recruiters will want to know how soon they can get you on board.

Don’t forget to tailor these points to the requirements of the job advert for best results.

Computer Science cover letter templates

Copy and paste these Computer Science cover letter templates to get a head start on your own.

As an innovative and analytical Computer Science graduate with 3 years of professional experience, I am thrilled to apply for the Junior Software Developer position at Microsoft.

During my time at Sanco Technology Ltd, I have played a key role in designing and developing software applications for ecommerce retail companies, resulting in a 31% increase in user engagement through the ‘Save Basket’ feature application I spearheaded in 2022. Additionally, my expertise in C# and Python coding contributed to a 28% improvement in workflow efficiency for a high-traffic ecommerce website, leading to the client’s contract renewal.

During an internship at Strike Tech in Birmingham, I honed my technical abilities, conducting complex analysis and writing effective Python, C#, and SQL code to support applications for prominent media companies like BBC, ITV, and Amazon.

I am excited to discuss my experiences and how I can add value to your development team. I am available for an interview from next week and can be reached via phone or email.

Kind regards,

Joe McCloud ¦ 07777777777 ¦ [email protected]

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to express my interest in the Systems Analyst position at Systemi Ltd. With five years of experience in systems analysis and an MA in Computer Science from UCL, I am excited about contributing to your data-driven approach.

During my tenure at Intel Ltd, I successfully led the implementation of a new data management system that streamlined data access for the entire organisation of over 400 employees. I conducted in-depth data analysis, identifying bottlenecks in the workflow, and recommended process optimisations that reduced data processing time by 30%. Additionally, in my previous role in the IT department of Guildford City Council, I collaborated with cross-functional teams to develop new data visualisation templates and procedures which were then implemented across the county.

I am confident that my analytical mindset and expertise in system integration will align well with the innovative and dynamic culture at Systemi and I am available for an interview to discuss this in further detail at your convenience.

Kindest Regards,

Jon Marlow ¦ 07777777777 ¦ [email protected]

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to apply for the position of Director of Technology at Curry’s. As a dedicated IT professional with 17 years of experience in managerial roles, I possess the skills and qualifications necessary to drive technology strategy and innovation within your enterprise.

Throughout my career at SE Electronics, I have successfully developed and implemented technology strategies that have optimised operational efficiency and driven growth. For instance, I introduced an in-house development team to develop domestic software, reducing department expenses by 18%. Additionally, I spearheaded the adoption of SaaS cloud computing solutions, resulting in a 25% reduction in infrastructure costs while improving scalability and system reliability. With an MBA from the University of Glasgow and a strong track record of managing technology departments, I have proven expertise in project management, systems integration, and cybersecurity monitoring. I am confident in my ability to leverage technology and data analysis to contribute to the success of this multinational company.

I am excited for the opportunity to discuss my qualifications and experiences further in an interview for which I am available at your earliest convenience.

Salwa Odeh ¦ 07777777777 ¦ [email protected]

Writing an impressive cover letter is a crucial step in landing a Computer Science job, so taking the time to perfect it is well worth while.

By following the tips and examples above you will be able to create an eye-catching cover letter that will wow recruiters and ensure your CV gets read – leading to more job interviews for you.

Good luck with your job search!

Computer science cover letter

View this sample cover letter for computer science, or download the computer science cover letter template in word..

As a computer science professional, you know just how important attention to detail is. To be considered for top computer science jobs, your cover letter must demonstrate your skills and experience, as well as your passion for technology. For writing tips, view this sample cover letter for computer science, or download the computer science cover letter template in Word.

Jobs for computer science professionals are projected to grow by 19% (or 5,400 jobs), which is much faster than average, from 2016 through 2026, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). You'll find the highest level of employment for this job in the following states: California , Virginia , Maryland , Texas , and Washington ; and in the following metropolitan areas: Washington D.C. ; San Jose, CA ; New York City ; Seattle ; and Los Angeles .

As a computer scientist, you can expect to earn a median wage of $114,520 per year, or $55.06 per hour, according to the BLS.

Additionally, you can learn about technology careers and look for computer science jobs on Monster. Then, take a look at our list of common computer science interview questions and answers to prepare for your job interviews.

Computer science cover letter template

Barbara Holt Sometown, NJ 55555 | (555) 555-5555 | [email protected]

October 4, 2017

Ms. Lori Hopkins VP of Information Technology ABC Corporation 245 Maple St. Sometown, NJ 55555

Dear Ms. Hopkins:

I found your posting on Monster for a network administrator and knew I wanted to apply immediately. ABC Corporation’s reputation for responsive service and proactive support differentiates your company from the rest, and I would like to be part of your dynamic team.

Since graduating from XYZ College with a BS in computer science, I have worked for three years as a network administrator for DEF Company. In this role, I am valued as a solutions-focused manager of networks, IT systems, user support functions and technology projects. I have experience in all areas covered in your job ad, including:

  • Network and Server Design and Administration
  • LAN, WAN, VPN, SAN and VoIP Infrastructure
  • Network Analysis and Optimization
  • System Security, Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Plans
  • Cloud Computing and Data Storage
  • Enterprise System and Software Implementations

Known as a keen technical trouble-shooter, I am dedicated to providing cost-effective and expedient solutions optimizing network stability and security; improving performance of systems and equipment; and resolving issues such as network crashes, system slowdowns and virus outbreaks.

At DEF Company, I provide world-class service technical support in an enterprise environment, and I am confident I would quickly become a productive network administrator at ABC Corporation. If you agree, please call me at (555) 555-5555 to set up an interview.

I look forward to your response.

Barbara Holt

Enclosure: Résumé

“Barbara is my right hand in maintaining a high-integrity network environment. Her proactive network monitoring, performance tuning and troubleshooting skills ensure that our systems operate at their full potential.” — B. Frazier, IT Director, DEF Company

See all sample cover letters on Monster.

Next step: Upgrade your resume

Cover letters are more conversational than the traditional resume, so once you complete your letter, it's time to switch gears and fine-tune the language on your resume so that your skills and experience are clearly presented. Need some help? Get a free resume evaluation today from the experts at Monster's Resume Writing Service . You'll get detailed feedback in two business days, including a review of your resume's appearance and content, and a prediction of a recruiter's first impression. You may excel at writing code, but let the experts at Monster give you a hand when it comes to resume writing.

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Professional Entry-Level Computer Science Cover Letter Examples for 2024

Your entry-level computer science cover letter should highlight your passion for technology and problem-solving. Demonstrate your ability to learn new programming languages and tools quickly. In this field, teamwork is just as crucial as individual expertise. Be sure to provide examples of collaborative projects or group coursework that showcase your communication and cooperation skills.

Cover Letter Guide

Entry-Level Computer Science Cover Letter Sample

Cover Letter Format

Cover Letter Salutation

Cover Letter Introduction

Cover Letter Body

Cover Letter Closing

No Experience Entry-Level Computer Science Cover Letter

Key Takeaways

Entry Level Computer Science cover letter

Crafting an entry-level computer science cover letter can be daunting. You've started job hunting only to find that, aside from a polished resume, a compelling cover letter is required. This isn't just about echoing your CV; it's your chance to spotlight a milestone achievement and share its story. Striking a balance between formality and originality, while steering clear of clichés, your letter should succinctly fit on a single page. Let's unpack how to create a standout narrative that showcases your professional pride.

  • Making excellent use of job-winning real-life professional cover letters;
  • Writing the first paragraphs of your entry-level computer science cover letter to get attention and connect with the recruiters - immediately;
  • Single out your most noteworthy achievement (even if it's outside your career);
  • Get a better understanding of what you must include in your entry-level computer science cover letter to land the job.

Let the power of Enhancv's AI work for you: create your entry-level computer science cover letter by uploading your resume.

If the entry-level computer science isn't exactly the one you're looking for we have a plethora of cover letter examples for jobs like this one:

  • Entry-level computer science resume guide and example
  • Game Developer cover letter example
  • Senior Network Engineer cover letter example
  • Database Developer cover letter example
  • Programmer cover letter example
  • Junior Software Developer cover letter example
  • IT Delivery Manager cover letter example
  • L2 Network Engineer cover letter example
  • Full Stack Developer cover letter example
  • Amazon cover letter example
  • AWS cover letter example

Entry-Level Computer Science cover letter example

Taylor Foster

San Francisco, CA


[email protected]

  • Highlighting relevant professional experience at a renowned company like Apple provides credibility and demonstrates the candidate's ability to work at high standards.
  • Emphasizing on leading a team and achieving a significant improvement in system performance showcases leadership qualities and a strong track record of delivering results.
  • Detailing specific technical skills (e.g., programming in Python and Java) and their impact on efficiency improvement demonstrates the applicant's hands-on capabilities and contribution value.
  • Expressing awareness and alignment with the company’s culture and values helps establish a fit for the team and indicates the candidate has done their homework on the company's background.

The visual appeal of your entry-level computer science cover letter: format, font, and structure

When using our cover letter builder , make sure to include these vital sections:

  • Header (with your name, contact details, the role, and date);
  • Greeting (that's personalized to the recruiter);
  • Introductory paragraph (to capture attention);
  • Body paragraph (to tell a story of how you've obtained your job-crucial skills);
  • Closing paragraph (ending with a nod to the future ahead);
  • Signature (that is not a must).

Our cover letter templates are already set up for you with the best entry-level computer science cover letter design with single-spaced paragraphs and a one-inch margin.

As for the font of your entry-level computer science cover letter, use the same one as you did in your resume (where modern and simple fonts, like Rubik and Bitter, take precedence over Arial and Times New Roman).

Your entry-level computer science cover letter is created with the recruiters in mind - as no Applicant Tracker System looks over this part of your profile.

When sending over your entry-level computer science cover letter, download it in PDF. This format allows your information and design to stay intact and to keep the same visual quality.

The top sections on a entry-level computer science cover letter

  • Header: This should include your contact information, the date, and the recruiter's contact details, ensuring that your cover letter looks professional and making it easy for the recruiter to reach out to you.
  • Greeting: It’s crucial to address the cover letter to a specific person if possible, as this shows you’ve done your research and you’re serious about the position.
  • Introduction: Start with a strong opening that grabs attention by briefly stating your background in computer science and your enthusiasm for the role you’re applying for.
  • Body: In one or two paragraphs, highlight specific experiences and projects relevant to computer science that showcase your skills, problem-solving abilities, and any successful collaborations or outcomes from your past.
  • Closing: End with a confident and polite conclusion, reiterating your interest in the role and indicating your eagerness to discuss how your background and passion for computer science make you an ideal candidate in a personal interview.

Key qualities recruiters search for in a candidate’s cover letter

Strong understanding of fundamental programming concepts: Recruiters look for proficiency in basic programming skills, as they are essential for any software development or technical work.

Familiarity with popular programming languages: Knowledge of languages such as Python, Java, C++, or JavaScript shows versatility and the ability to learn and adapt to different technologies.

Problem-solving skills: The ability to approach complex problems analytically and develop efficient solutions is highly valued in computer science roles.

Relevant project experience: Participation in coding projects, hackathons, or internships provides practical experience and demonstrates initiative and passion for the field.

Knowledge of software development methodologies: Understanding Agile, Scrum, or other development processes indicates readiness to work in a team environment and contribute to project life cycles.

Strong mathematical aptitude: A solid grasp of algorithms, data structures, and computational theory underpins effective programming and technical decision-making.

What greeting should you use in your entry-level computer science cover letter salutation

A simple "Hello" or "Hey" just won't work.

With your entry-level computer science cover letter salutation , you set the tone of the whole communication.

You should thus address the hiring managers by using their first (or last name) in your greeting.

But how do you find out who's recruiting for the role?

The easiest way is to look up the role on LinkedIn or the corporate website.

Alternatively, you could also contact the organization via social media or email, for more information.

Unable to still obtain the recruiter's name?

Don't go down the "To whom it may concern path". Instead, start your cover letter with a "Dear HR team".

List of salutations you can use

  • Dear Hiring Manager,
  • Dear [Specific Department] Team,
  • Dear [Company Name] Recruiter,
  • Dear Mr./Ms. [Last Name],
  • Dear [First Name] [Last Name],

The entry-level computer science cover letter introduction: focusing on your unique value, with a creative twist

You are not the only one wondering how to start your entry-level computer science cover letter. Those first two sentences introduce your profile and should be memorable.

No pressure.

When beginning your entry-level computer science cover letter , immediately point out the unique value of working with you. In other words, what you promise to bring to the role by using your past track record of success.

Start your entry-level computer science cover letter with a creative twist by telling a joke or stating something relatable. Select this type of introduction only if it aligns with the company culture.

What to write in the body of your entry-level computer science cover letter

Now that you've got your intro covered, here comes the heart and soul of your entry-level computer science cover letter.

It's time to write the middle or body paragraphs . This is the space where you talk about your relevant talent in terms of hard skills (or technologies) and soft (or people and communication) skills.

Keep in mind that the cover letter has a different purpose from your entry-level computer science resume.

Yes, you still have to be able to show recruiters what makes your experience unique (and applicable) to the role.

But, instead of just listing skills, aim to tell a story of your one, greatest accomplishment.

Select your achievement that:

  • covers job-crucial skills;
  • can be measured with tangible metrics;
  • shows you in the best light.

Use the next three to six paragraphs to detail what this success has taught you, and also to sell your profile.

Closing paragraph basics: choose between a promise and a call to action

You've done all the hard work - congratulations! You've almost reached the end of your entry-level computer science cover letter .

But how do you ensure recruiters, who have read your application this far, remember you?

Most entry-level computer science professionals end their cover letter with a promise - hinting at their potential and what they plan on achieving if they're hired.

Another option would be to include a call for follow-up, where you remind recruiters that you're very interested in the opportunity (and look forward to hearing from them, soon).

Choose to close your entry-level computer science cover letter in the way that best fits your personality.

Which story should you tell in your entry-level computer science cover letter when you have zero experience

Candidates, lacking professional experience in the field - this one is for you.

Your entry-level computer science cover letter is an exercise of integrity, honesty, and, above all, spinning a positive narrative around your strengths.

And what better way to capture recruiters' attention than with your most job-relevant achievement (this could be from your internship or volunteering experience)?

Make sure to back up your success with transferrable skills that are relevant to the job (e.g. how your year, studying abroad, has taught you to be more motivated and handle multicultural environments).

Another safe card you can bet on is your career dream: in the body of your entry-level computer science cover letter, go into the details of how your ambitions would help make the company you're applying for better.

Key takeaways

Your entry-level computer science cover letter is your best shot at standing out by showing your motivation and the unique skills you'd bring to the job:

  • Chose no more than one achievement, which you'd be talking about in the body of your entry-level computer science cover letter, by focusing on skills and outcomes;
  • Address recruiters with their first or last name, or "Dear Hiring Manager" in your entry-level computer science cover letter greeting;
  • Introduce in no more than two sentences what makes your profile unique (perhaps it's your motivation, enthusiasm, or appreciation of the company you're applying for);
  • Select the same font you have used in your resume (avoid Times New Roman and Arial, as most candidates tend to invest in them);
  • Close your entry-level computer science cover letter with a promise of how you see yourself growing in the company and the benefits you'd bring about.

Author image

Cover letter examples by industry

AI Section Background

AI cover letter writer, powered by ChatGPT

Enhancv harnesses the capabilities of ChatGPT to provide a streamlined interface designed specifically focused on composing a compelling cover letter without the hassle of thinking about formatting and wording.

  • Content tailored to the job posting you're applying for
  • ChatGPT model specifically trained by Enhancv
  • Lightning-fast responses

Cover Letter Background

How to Quantify Your Achievements on Your Resume +Examples

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Computer Science Cover Letter Sample

Getting a Computer Science job is not an impossible task if you can develop a perfect cover letter guided by an online resume and cover letter services . We have highlighted how to write a cover letter for Computer Science to land that job and start your professional career. Do you need professional cover letter writing help? Here is a  sample cover letter for a Computer Science job offer.

Cover Letter for a Computer Science (Example)

Make sure to use proper cover letter format to guarantee your cover letter looks readable and professional. 

[Your name]

[Your address]

[Your phone and email]

[Today's Date]

[Hiring Manager's Name]

[341 Company Address]

Company City, State XXXXX]


[[email protected]]

Dear [Mr./ Mrs./Miss.] [Hiring Manager's Name]

I submit my application for the [Position Name] position at [Company Name] as advertised on [Website Name]. With a BSc in Computer Science and hands-on experience in creating and testing apps for Android, I am sure that I will be a valuable member of your team.

While working as a Software Engineer at Power House, I gained substantial experience coding in Java, identifying and fixing bugs, which I feel will be helpful at [Company Name]. 

Before working at Power House, I was a programming intern at in Detroit, Michigan. I was primarily responsible for implementing UI enhancements, fixing bugs, and maintaining pages through WordPress. I also helped establish and roll out a widget that aids cyclists in finding their nearest bike lane, which is now one of's most used products.

I have attached my resume, highlighting my relevant skills, experience, and achievements. Thank you for reading this, and I hope to hear from you soon.

[Your Name]

Computer Science Cover Letter Template

Write a modern cover letter and use the following guidelines:

  • A strong introductory paragraph
  • Focus on your value
  • Show your experience
  • Maintain a friendly, professional tone
  • Be brief and concise
  • Use 3-4 paragraphs
  • Cover letter font: Georgia, Helvetica, Calibri, Trebuchet MS, or other respected fonts
  • Margins: 1 inch per edge

Ultimate Guide on How to Write a Computer Science Cover Letter

A cover letter writing guide will give you a perfect cover letter. It takes time to master writing skills, and not every Computer science specialist can write a great cover letter. But our cover letter writers do a lot of research to analyze all the information and put everything in one place, and you'll be able to make your cover letter short and simple. 

Do you need professional help to write and format a cover letter? Our writers are here to make it at a professional level and in the quickest time.

How to Format Your Cover Letter

A suitable format makes your cover letter presentable and helps a hiring manager notice your value quickly. The following is a list of cover letter formatting tips to get you to that interview:

  • Contact information
  • Salutation and Introduction
  • Body paragraphs
  • Call-to-action paragraphs

Cover Letter Heading

The cover letter title is the first thing a hiring manager sees, and a well-designed letter convinces the hiring manager of your prowess in formatting your Computer science cover letter. It's simple to use the right cover letter header design. You'll learn everything you need to know from the example below.

Cover Letter Sample for Computer Science [Heading]

The header of a traditional cover letter is horizontally positioned and indicates your contact information. Here is a sample Computer science cover letter header to use:

Ashley Thomson

903 Dubby Drive

Austin, VA, 71119 United States

(512) 440- 6423

[email protected]

Date and Company Details on Cover Letter

You should place the date, showing the application's urgency, on your computer science cover letter between the letter header and the company details. The company details include the addressee's title, company name, address, city, state zip code.

Example Cover Letter Computer Science [Date and Company Details]

Here’s the date and company details example of your Computer science cover letter:

[Today’s date]

[Hiring manager’s name]

[123 Company Address]

[Company City, State xxxx]

Cover Letter Greeting

If you know the hiring manager’s name, “Dear [Mr./Ms./Mx.] [Hiring Manager’s Surname],” is an ideal greeting. When you don’t know the name, “Dear Marketing Team” beats the impersonal “To Whom It May Concern” salutation.

Cover Letter Example for Computer Science [Greeting]

A cover letter greeting sets the tone of your job application letter. If you know the name of the hiring manager, use their name. If not, use their titles. 

Here are samples of a cover letter greeting:

"Dear Mrs. Becky Miles"

"Dear Marketing Team"

What to Include in a Computer Science Cover Letter [Body]

In two or three body paragraphs, market yourself. In a memorable introductory paragraph, mention the position and company you're applying for. Include a bulleted list of your most notable accomplishments, if possible. Finish by affirming your interest and providing your contact information, including your email address and phone number.

Computer Science Cover Letter Sample [Body]

Here is how to write the Body of your Computer Science Cover letter:

I am writing to apply for [Position] position at [Company Name] as advertised in [Website Name]. 

Having graduated with a BSc in Computer science, I believe I am the best-suited candidate. The following are experiences acquired from various companies:

  • Experience coding in Java
  • Identifying and fixing bugs

I am sharing with you my resume. Find me through [Email address] or [Phone number]. Thank you for reading this, and I hope to hear from you soon.

Learn more about computer skills .

Closing Paragraph for Cover Letter

No one likes a generic cover letter closing. Make it simple but add specific details. Optionally you can include a postscript. The key to a successful cover letter ending is to leave the reader craving more and increase your chances of getting hired. It should persuade the recruiter to set up an interview with you before another firm does.

Computer Science Cover Letter Example [Closing]

Writing an enticing ending can clinch the interview. For example:

If I'm hired for this position, I'll demonstrate the same dedication and passion that helped me grow Power House by 38 percent in just three years.

Capture Your Skills

Your cover letter should contain soft and hard skills . Ensure that you mention skills that match the job description because Applicant Track Systems function by scanning your submitted cover letter to detect keywords relevant to the job application. Soft skills include communication, organizational, leadership, and interpersonal skills, while hard skills are google drive, coding, and programming languages.

Research Cover Letter Keywords 

Use popular keywords and phrases that companies seek in a candidate when writing a cover letter to improve it. Keywords in your cover letter might help you stand out and highlight your qualifications. Additionally, using the proper action words in your cover letter will increase the likelihood of your application passing through any other applicant monitoring systems that businesses use to filter candidates, such as skills-based words and result-oriented keywords.

Are you still doubting how to write a cover letter? Turn to professional resume writers to help you stand out.

computer science position cover letter

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Computer Science Cover Letter: Free Examples & Writing Guide

I had an interview yesterday and the first thing they said on the phone was: “Wow! I love your cover letter.” Patrick I love the variety of templates. Good job guys, keep up the good work! Dylan  My previous cover letter was really weak and I used to spend hours adjusting it in Word. Now, I can introduce any changes within minutes. Absolutely wonderful! George

1. Computer Science Cover Letter Examples

Example #1: mid-level computer science candidate, example #2: entry-level candidate (computer science internship), 2. how to write a cover letter for computer science, step by step (template), 1. follow the rules of cover letter formatting, 2. use a neat cover letter header with your contact information, computer science cover letter header template, 3. make an introduction and identify the job to which you’re applying, computer science cover letter sample: introduction, 4. explain why it should be you, cover letter for computer science: middle paragraph, 5. explain why it should be them, computer science cover letter example: your motivation, 6. sign off with a clear call to action, sample cover letter for computer science: call to action & formal closing, about resumelab’s editorial approach, was it interesting here are similar articles.

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Key Skills for a CV: List of Good Examples

Key Skills for a CV: List of Good Examples

  • Online Students
  • Faculty & Staff
  • African American/Black
  • Asian, Pacific Islander & Desi American
  • DACA & Undocumented Students
  • First Generation
  • Hispanic/Latinx
  • Indigenous/Native/First Nations
  • International
  • Justice Impacted
  • Middle Eastern/North African/Arab-American
  • Neurodivergent
  • Students With Disabilities
  • Liberal Arts
  • Social Sciences
  • Create a Resume / Cover Letter
  • Earn Certifications & Badges
  • Expand Your Network / Mentor
  • Negotiate an Offer
  • Prepare for an Interview
  • Explore Your Interests / Self Assessment
  • Prepare for Graduate School
  • Explore Internships
  • Search for a Job

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How to Write a Cover Letter When You’re Changing Careers (Sample + Tips)

As a career changer, you need to help recruiters understand why you’re moving away from your former line of work and what you want to achieve in your new career path..

[Featured Image] A man in a blue button-up is sitting down in a conference room holding pieces of paper.

You will inevitably change jobs throughout your career as you seek more responsibility, growth, or even a higher salary. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average employee stays at each job for around four years [ 1 ]. However, for career changers—or those interested in exploring an entirely new path or industry—making that switch can sometimes involve unique challenges. 

Even so, making a career change has become an increasingly popular move. More than half of workers in the United States anticipated looking for a new opportunity in 2022 [ 2 ]. Changing careers can allow you to find more meaningful work, better align your career path with your larger goals, and move into a more energizing role.  

When you draft your cover letter to apply for a job in a new line of work, you must take time to explain your larger objectives. In this article, we’ll review specific information you can feature in your cover letter to help recruiters understand your goals and reasons for changing careers. 

Learn more: How to Plan for a Career Change: Step-by-Step Guide

How to write a career change cover letter

A cover letter is a chance to expand upon the bullet points outlined in your resume . It’s a space where you can explain your interest in the role and company, highlight your experience and skills, and sell a recruiter on the overall fit you’d make. 

But a career changer needs to do all of that and more. You also need to help recruiters and hiring managers understand why you’re moving away from your former line of work, what you want to achieve in your new career path, and any transferable skills that will help make your transition smooth. 

Let’s review four key pieces of information you can weave into your career change cover letter.  

1. Clarify your career change context

Explaining why you’re interested in changing careers and how the role you’re applying to fits within your larger career aspirations can preemptively contextualize your story. Plan to include a career change objective somewhere in your cover letter, much like you would a resume objective to provide a summary of a person’s experience and goals. Don’t be afraid to build a sense of personality so recruiters can better connect you with your objective.  

What this looks like: I’ve spent the last six years translating complex topics for various users as a technical writer. But in that time, I’ve realized that what drives me is the user’s experience. It’s the lightbulb moment behind my career change to UX design . I believe I’ll make a strong addition to your team because my work has largely put the user front and center, and now I’m interested in focusing on a different facet of that goal. 

2. Specify the value of your certificates, courses, or trainings

It costs over $4,000 to hire an employee, according to the Society for Human Resources Management [ 3 ]. That’s all the more reason why recruiters and hiring managers want to find the right candidate. It can be costly otherwise. Help explain what you’ve done to prepare for your career change by highlighting any professional certificates or trainings you’ve completed to prepare you for your new line of work. 

What this looks like: In order to familiarize myself with the tools and processes used in data analysis, I completed the Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate , which taught me SQL and R, and trained me to clean and visualize data. Thanks to this preparation, I feel confident that I will make a strong addition to your team from the very start.  

3. Bring attention to your transferable skills 

Transferable skills are “portable,” in that you take them from job to job. They include problem-solving, critical thinking, attention to detail, and more. Show recruiters that you have important skills to help you do the job so they can understand the unique value you’d bring to their company.  

It can also help to find out the key technical skills the job requires and spend time learning what you can, especially when it comes to important software or tools. 

What this looks like: As a software developer, I regularly relied on my problem-solving skills to think through complex issues. I’ll bring that same skill, as well as my attention to detail, listening, and decision-making, to ABC High School as the new algebra teacher. 

4. Highlight your past achievements 

Any time you can highlight what you’ve managed to accomplish in your past roles, you help a recruiter see your potential in a new role. Where possible, summarize any moments that showcase your strengths and illustrate your work ethic or character. 

What this looks like: I pride myself on being a team player and a problem-solver. As a social media manager at Company X, I identified a better program to help my team schedule content. Using that tool improved my team’s efficacy, leading to our most successful quarter. 

Why is a cover letter important when changing careers?

The idea of a career path can sometimes be rigid, suggesting that people only follow one specific track. Although that perspective is starting to shift, it’s still prevalent. You can help recruiters and hiring managers understand more about your interest in a role by explaining why you’re changing careers and what you’ve done to streamline your transition. 

It helps to align your cover letter with a resume objective, which can be especially useful for career changers. An objective on your resume is a place where you can contextualize your larger career aims, quickly summarizing what you’re hoping to achieve in your next role. Repeat that same information in your cover letter and expand on it slightly to give your application materials more cohesiveness.  

Read more: How to Use Resume Sections to Shape Your Professional Story

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Career change cover letter sample

It's common practice nowadays to submit your cover letter digitally. In that case, include some of your contact information in the top left corner so recruiters can easily see how to get in touch.

Thomas Bennett

Nashville, TN

(555) 555-1234

[email protected]

Dear Ms. Tufte,

I’m writing to apply for the project manager role at Company X. I initially began my career as a marketing coordinator and eventually moved into email marketing , where I was responsible for strategizing and developing new campaigns. But in that time, I realized how much I thrived when managing our quarterly campaigns from start to finish. That’s why I’m interested in segueing into project management. 

Knowing that, despite my experience, I still needed to learn more specifically about project management, I completed the Google Project Management Professional Certificate . Over six months, I’ve learned Agile project management as well as how to create product documentation, among other key skills. I believe this training, along with my previous experience, will help me transition to a project management role at Company X and make a big impact.   

I’m an organized problem-solver with a sharp eye for detail, all important project management skills. I believe my previous work in email marketing provided hands-on training in managing projects, albeit without the official title. I identified new tools to help my team create more effective quarterly campaigns. As a result, we increased our click-through rate (one of our key metrics) to 1.87 percent, bringing it closer to the industry standard—an immense achievement. 

I’m proud of the foundation I gained through marketing, but in realizing where my true passion lies, I’m keen to transition into a project management role with more growth opportunities. I appreciate your consideration. 

Tips for strengthening your cover letter 

Much like you would for a standard cover letter, you can strengthen your cover letter as a career changer using the following tips: 

Tailor your letter for each role.

You should tailor your resume for each role you apply to, and the same goes for your cover letter. Research the company, find out about aspects of their work that interest you, and insert those details into your cover letter. You should also tailor your experience and skills, highlighting each job's most relevant skills and accomplishments. 

Get specific.

Your cover letter should expand upon your resume rather than repeating the same information. One way to do this is by giving details about your past achievements. When possible, quantify your impact with numbers and explain how these accomplishments make you uniquely qualified for this new role.

Use action words. 

Build action words into your resume and your cover letter. Rather than more staid words that don’t capture your unique story or responsibilities, action verbs can liven up your cover letter and make it more enticing to read. Find verbs that succinctly and accurately depict your previous experience.

Start advancing your skills today

Brush up on your cover letter writing skills by taking the University of Maryland’s free course, Writing Winning Resumes and Cover Letters . Or develop important skills for an in-demand career with a Professional Certificate from industry leaders like Google, Meta, and IBM. Most certificate programs take less than seven months to complete, and you can start for free with a seven-day, all-access trial.

Article sources

US Bureau of Labor Statistics. “ Employee Tenure in 2020 ,” Accessed April 26, 2024.

CNBC. “ The Great Resignation is Likely to Continue ,” Accessed April 26, 2024.

ADP. “ Calculating the True Cost to Hire Employees ,” Accessed April 26, 2024.

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