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Is a PhD a Doctor? [The full guide]

The term “Dr” is very prestigious and projects expertise and respect in those who use it. There is a long and complicated history with the doctor title and who should (and shouldn’t) use it. Medical doctors, lecturers, and other medical professionals use it, but where did it come from and is a PhD a doctor?

Yes, a person with a PhD is a Doctor and use the “Dr” title before their name. This is not to be confused with a medical doctor. There is a complex history with this term but is currently accepted for people who hold a PhD as well as a wide range of other professions.

I have a PhD in chemistry and I call myself Doctor Stapleton in professional settings and when I want to let certain entities know that I have been awarded a PhD. In my experience, other PhD holders mainly use their titles in a similar way.

This article will cover everything you need to know about the Dr title and who can and cannot use it.

There have been people who have argued that the term doctor should be reserved for people who have studied and are practising medicine so that there is little confusion about the people suitably qualified to make health care decisions for you.

However, as you will see through this article the doctor title has a very long history that has nothing to do with the medical field at all.

Where the term Doctor comes from

For those that love a little bit of word history:

is a PhD a doctor

The word doctor comes from the Latin verb ”docere” which means to teach or is used to refer to a scholar.

In history the doctor title was invented to signify that a person was an imminent scholar. The doctorates date as far back as the 1300s and those who were able to get the doctor title in front of their name were rewarded with a lot of respect and prestige.

These people were often the lecturers of their day and would therefore teach many students in their areas of expertise.

Therefore, I think it is reasonable to conclude that the original intended use of doctor was for academics and scholars.

As time went on, the doctor title was awarded to other professions that wanted to elicit the same level of respect and prestige.

Health professionals receive an undergraduate degree in medicine and can call themselves doctor. However, these are professional degrees (undergraduate qualifications) and not really considered doctorates in the true sense of the word – it is more of an honorary title.

I don’t think that anyone with a PhD really cares about who is using it and accept that the majority of the public think that anyone with a doctor title has a medical degree.

I know that I was very excited to receive my doctor title but the excitement soon wears off when you realise that it doesn’t really matter in everyday life – but it still makes you and your parents proud.

These days, the doctor title is used by a variety of non-academic professions and it can get a little bit confusing.

So let’s have a look at who can actually use the doctor title and where it came from.

Who can use “doctor”

Even though the original use of the doctor title was for imminent scholars, nowadays there are several different professional qualifications that can use the doctor title.

It’s no surprise that more professional qualifications want to use the doctor title as it indicates many years of study, status and makes parents very proud.

A 2016 peer-reviewed publication submitted to the Canadian Medical Association Journal asks who is entitled to the title of Doctor?

Exactly who can use this term is starting to get a little bit confusing for the public.

There are many honorific doctor titles, including those found in the table below.

The use of the doctor term for many healthcare-related qualifications can cause a fair bit of confusion about what qualification the person has achieved.

That is why the title of a person is only the second most important thing to look at.

If in doubt, have a look at the letters after their name to really understand what the doctor title is referring to.

There are some interesting deviations in the doctor title and interestingly, in the UK, surgeons do not refer to themselves as doctor but rather use the term Mr/Miss/Mrs/Ms etc. I had a family friend who was a brain surgeon who was a medical doctor and, after becoming a surgeon, changed back to Mr – a prestigious indicator in the medical field.

It’s strange to me how each field has its own customs to denote prestige.

There are arguments that in a professional and medical setting that the term doctor should be reserved for those who are medical doctors.

This can be difficult as many other healthcare professionals have also received doctorates in their specialisation and would want recognition for that effort and achievement.

In a 2011 article in the New York Times , physicians said that they were worried about losing control over the title of doctor because it could lead to a loss of control over the perception of the medical profession itself.

Anything that makes it more difficult for patients to make an informed decision about their healthcare could be very dangerous.

However, the fact that they are using this doctor title at all is a deviation from its original intention. Here is why the doctor title really is only meant for holders of a Doctor of Philosophy.

PhDs – the original doctors(?)

PhD stands for Doctor of Philosophy and, arguably, accounts for the only true use of the doctor title.

Being awarded a PhD means that you have completed postgraduate original and/or applied research that adds a significant contribution to the knowledge in a particular field.

It could be a PhD gained at a university or a professional doctorate but should signify that the owner of the title has completed the highest qualification obtainable in their field.

I talk about this in my short YouTube video:

You don’t necessarily have to use your doctor title after you have your PhD.

I know that there are many people who only use their Dr title in professional settings or as a way to stand out in other settings.

I only use my PhD title when I am in a setting where it is traditionally used. For example, I use my doctor title if I am giving a talk at a university or I am applying for funding within my field of expertise.

Some PhD holders find it a little bit awkward using their Dr title in everyday life whilst others use it on everything from rental applications to restaurant bookings.

How people use their Dr title once they have one is completely up to personal and individual choice. Initially, I was very excited to use my doctor title in as many situations as possible but quickly became wary of using it when it wasn’t required.

However, one of my guilty pleasures is seeing my doctor title on a plane ticket – I’m not quite sure why that is!

What you should call a PhD holder/your lecturers

One of the most common questions that I get asked when I am lecturing at a university is what students should call their lecturers.

Students can get confused with all of the formalities – especially if they have never been in a university before.

Professors, associate professors, doctors, lecturers, researchers – what does it all mean and how should you refer to academics?

Ultimately, it depends on the person.

Some PhD holders who lecture in a university want to be called by their official title and surname during every interaction.

Other lecturers and PhD holders are happy with students calling them by their first name. I certainly didn’t mind people calling me Andy during my workshops or lectures.

Also, some cultures are much more formal than others and wish to show respect by always using the official title of an academic.

Feel free to use whichever mode of interaction you wish – but, as a general rule, always err on the side of caution and use the more formal term for safety. Quite often, I have seen academics prompt students to use their first name as they also feel a little bit awkward being called their professional titles.

Doctor vs professor

When you graduate from a PhD you are entitled to call yourself by the doctor title.

All PhD holders are called Doctor in their professional setting. This can be on business cards, newsletters, websites, and other official documentation.

Universities in some countries also have a graduated career progression title system which denotes the expertise and seniority of the academic.

For example, in Australia the academic system is graduated like this:

  • Senior lecturer
  • Associate Professor

Therefore, in Australia it is not always appropriate to call someone in a university professor. Even if they are teaching your subject.

Professor is reserved for those who have achieved demonstrated expertise and outcomes in a variety of academic areas such as administration, teaching, research, and community outreach.

In other countries, however, you are automatically deemed a professor if you are teaching at a university. For example, in America your students will refer to you as a professor no matter your seniority in your university.

One of the first things you should do if you want to talk to your lecturer in a university setting is ask what their preference would be to be called.

Ask your lecturer about their preference

Whenever I gave a lecture, I would always start by saying that people can call me by my name (Andy), or they can choose to use Dr Stapleton if they feel that is more appropriate.

In my experience, most academics will not mind if you call them by their first name and, in countries like Australia, it seems to be the most common way for students to interact with their teachers.

It is not uncommon for the opposite to be true – and, like I have mentioned above, always start with the formal interactions. It is likely that you will be invited to call the PhD holder by their first name.

Outside of a formal setting most PhD holders really don’t mind how you talk to them.

The things a PhD student needs to do to become a doctor

The reason a PhD can call themselves doctor is because they have been awarded the highest qualification possible in their field.

A PhD requires you to perform research and produce a thesis or dissertation. The new information must contribute significantly to the field and report novel and new findings.

The PhD thesis is examined by other experts in the field (known as peers) and these other experts are responsible for telling the university whether or not you have satisfied the criteria to become a PhD.

There are other, more modern, ways of reporting your findings including peer-reviewed journals and professional doctoral reports.

Either way, admission to a PhD requires many years of hard work and dedication to answering a unique and unanswered question in your field.

I think that this satisfies the original use of the term doctor and is a great accomplishment for anyone.

It’s hard work but with the right guidance and dedication it is achievable by almost anyone.

Wrapping up

This article has covered everything you need to know about whether a PhD is a doctor.

The original term was introduced in the 1300s to denote an imminent scholar. This scholar would teach and pass on information to their students.

In modern times, the term doctor has been used as an honorary title for other professional careers in recognition of the hard work that they have put in to achieve their position.

However, there are fears that the doctor title is slowly becoming used for too many health professional areas leading to confusion around who is a medical doctor and who has other health-related qualifications such as dentistry, naturopathy, and others.

Nonetheless, people without an understanding of the convention can still get confused between medical doctors and holders of a higher degree PhD.

phd to doctor

Dr Andrew Stapleton has a Masters and PhD in Chemistry from the UK and Australia. He has many years of research experience and has worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow and Associate at a number of Universities. Although having secured funding for his own research, he left academia to help others with his YouTube channel all about the inner workings of academia and how to make it work for you.

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phd to doctor

Is a PhD a Doctor? Demystifying Academic Titles

As you’ve thought about going back to school to earn a PhD degree, you might have wondered, “Is a PhD a doctor?”

Is a PhD a Doctor? Demystifying Academic Titles

It’s worth exploring the answer to this question, because a PhD is a doctor, but not in the way some might think.

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As you learn more about what it means to hold a PhD, you’ll also discover facts about what this degree entails and where it may take you in life. In the process, you can find out whether getting a PhD is the right choice for you!

Is a PhD a Doctor?

scientific researchers with PhD in Biochemistry

Yes, a PhD is a doctor. That’s because this degree is also called a Doctor of Philosophy. Having a PhD demonstrates that you are an expert who can contribute new research to your field.

Despite the “doctor” title, having a PhD doesn’t mean that you can practice medicine. It’s entirely different from being a medical doctor (MD). To understand what a PhD is, it helps to know what’s involved.

To earn a PhD, you’ll take a series of courses. You’ll also complete a huge research and writing project called a dissertation. This project will focus on a specific niche within your subject area. There may be comprehensive examinations involved as well.

Examples of PhD degrees include:

  • PhD in Biochemistry
  • PhD in Computer Science
  • PhD in Chemical Engineering
  • PhD in Economics
  • PhD in History
  • PhD in Management

In a PhD program, you’ll explore the theoretical side of your field. You might produce new research that can contribute to people’s understanding of your subject area and can help guide how practitioners carry out their work.

Generally, someone who earns a PhD doesn’t intend to be a practitioner. For example, a person getting a PhD in Management may not plan to become a business manager. Rather, that student wants to explore management theories that can improve organizational and business practices. This sets PhD degrees apart from another type of doctoral degree—the applied or professional doctorate.

People who earn professional doctorates want an expert-level education that they can apply to the work that they do in their field. For example, for a person who plans to be a business manager, a Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) could be fitting.

A person with a PhD, on the other hand, often intends to become a scientific researcher or a professor. It’s a degree focused on academia. Regardless of the distinctions between these degrees, people with PhDs, applied doctorates, and MD degrees can all be called “doctor” in most contexts.

What Is a PhD?

student pursuing a PhD degree

A Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) is an advanced degree that involves expert-level research and learning. In most fields, a PhD represents the highest level of learning available, so it’s often known as a terminal degree. This type of doctoral degree is research oriented.

In addition to taking classes, students undertake a major research project that contributes new ideas or theories to their field. This project involves writing a sizable paper known as a dissertation. Getting a PhD sets many students on the path toward a career in academia as an educator or a researcher.

Do You Need a PhD to Be a Professor?

College professor discussing with students

The requirements for becoming a professor can vary greatly from one college to another, but a PhD is not always necessary. It can certainly help, though, especially if you’re seeking a full-time tenured position at a major university. Many schools accept other terminal degrees, such as professional doctorates, as well.

Do professors need a PhD ? In some cases, a doctoral degree may not be essential. A master’s degree and professional experience may suffice for technical instructors, such as those in allied health fields. Also, some schools require only a master’s degree for teaching lower-level courses. Community colleges are a prime example.

What’s the Difference Between an MD vs. PhD Degree?

Although you can call someone with a PhD “doctor,” it’s not the same as being a healthcare provider. It’s essential to understand this distinction when asking, “Are PhD doctors?”

So, if you have a PhD are you a doctor? Yes, that will be your title, but it won’t qualify you to practice medicine.

What’s the Difference Between a Professional Doctorate vs. PhD?

Many fields include two options for terminal degrees: professional doctorate degrees and PhDs. Your goals can help you determine which is best for you.

When considering the differences between a PhD vs. doctorate degree, neither of these degrees is “higher” than the other in terms of education level.

Getting Your PhD Degree Online

student getting PhD Degree online

Now that you have an answer to the question “Does a PhD make you a doctor?” you may be ready to enroll in a PhD program and earn your doctoral degree. A number of universities now offer one year online doctoral programs .

In addition to granting you the title of “doctor,” this type of degree program can also benefit your career and provide personal fulfillment. Perhaps you’ll become a researcher, a professor, or a leader in your industry. You could also have the pride and satisfaction of knowing you’ve accomplished a huge undertaking.

You can earn your PhD through online study with an accredited university. You can start exploring top schools for online PhD programs today.

phd to doctor

phd to doctor

What is a PhD?

  • Types of Doctorates
  • A Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) is the highest globally recognized postgraduate degree that higher education institutions can award.
  • PhDs are awarded to candidates who undertake original and extensive research in a particular field of study.
  • Full time PhD programmes typically last three to four years, whilst part time PhD programmes typically last six to seven years.
  • A PhD can lead to an academia teaching role or a career in research. A PhD can also equip you with skills suitable for a wide range of jobs unrelated to your research topic or academia.

Definition of a PhD – A Doctor of Philosophy (commonly abbreviated to PhD , Ph.D or a DPhil ) is a university research degree awarded from across a broad range of academic disciplines; in most countries, it is a terminal degree, i.e. the highest academic degree possible.

PhDs differ from undergraduate and master’s degrees in that PhDs are entirely research-based rather than involving taught modules (although doctoral training centres (DTCs) offer programmes that start with a year of lecture-based teaching to help develop your research skills prior to starting your project).

In most English-speaking countries, those that complete a PhD use the title “Doctor” (typically abbreviated to Dr) in front of their names and are referred to as such within academic and/or research settings. Those that work in fields outside of academia may decide not to use the formal doctor title but use post-nominal letters (e.g. John Smith PhD); it’s unusual though for someone to use both the Doctor title and post-nominal letters in their name.

PhD vs Doctorate

A PhD and a professional doctorate are both research-based terminal degrees.

However, where a PhD focuses on original research mostly around theoretical concepts, a professional doctorate focuses on examining existing knowledge to solve real-life, practical problems.

While there is much crossover between the two, a PhD is generally better suited for an individual to wants to advance the knowledge and understanding in their field, and a professional doctorate degree is better suited to a working professional who wants to better be able to apply knowledge and understanding to their field.

What Are the Entry Requirements for a PhD?

To be accepted on to a PhD programme, students usually need to hold at least a high ( 2:1 and above ) undergraduate degree that is related to the field of research that they want to pursue. A PhD candidate may also be expected to hold a Master’s degree , however, this does not mean you must have one, as it is still possible to enrol into a PhD without a Master’s .

Self-funded courses may sometimes be more relaxed in relation to entry requirements. It may be possible to be accepted onto a self-funded PhD programme with lower grades, though these students typically demonstrate their suitability for the role through professional work experience.

Whilst a distance learning project is possible , most PhD candidates will carry out their research over at least three years based at their university, with regular contact with two academic supervisors (primary and secondary). This is particularly the case for lab-based projects, however, some PhD projects require spending time on-site away from university (e.g. at a specialist research lab or at a collaborating institution abroad).

How Long Does a PhD Take?

Typically, full-time PhDs last 3-4 years and part-time PhDs last 6-7 years. However, at the discretion of the university, the thesis writing-up period can be extended by up to four years.

Although most doctoral programmes start in September or October, they are generally much more flexible than taught-courses and can start at any time of the year.

How Much Does a PhD Cost?

Tuition fees for UK and EU students vary between £3,000 and £6,000 per year, with the average tuition fee of £4,712 per year for 2023/24 programmes.

Tuition fees increase considerably for international students, varying between £16,000 to £25,000 per year, with an average tuition fee of £19,600 per year .

Nonetheless, most students will secure PhD funding in the form of studentships, scholarships and bursaries to help pay for these fees. These funding opportunities can either be partial, which cover tuition fees only, or full, which cover both tuition fees and living expenses.

UK national students can also apply for Doctoral Loans from Student Finance England if they are unable to secure funding.

Finding a PhD has never been this easy – search for a PhD by keyword, location or academic area of interest.

What Does a PhD Involve?

To be awarded a PhD, a doctoral student is required to produce a substantial body of work that adds new knowledge to their chosen field.

A PhD programme will typically involve four key stages:

Stage 1: Literature Review

The first year of a PhD involves attending regular meetings with your supervisors and carrying out a search on previously published work in your subject area. This search will be used to produce a literature review which should set the context of the project by explaining the foundation of what is currently known within the field of research, what recent developments have occurred, and where the gaps in knowledge are. In most cases, this will be an extension of your research proposal should you have produced one as part of your application. The literature review should conclude by outlining the overarching aims and objectives of the research project. This stage of setting achievable goals which are original and contribute to the field of research is an essential first step in a successful PhD.

The supervisor is the main point of contact through the duration of a PhD – but remember: they are there to mentor, not to teach, or do it for you . It will be your responsibility to plan, execute and monitor your own work as well as to identify gaps in your own knowledge and address them.

Stage 2: Research

The second year (and prehapse some of your third year) is when you work on your research. Having identified novel research questions from your review of the literature, this is where you collect your data to help answer these questions. How you do this will depend on the nature of your doctoral research: for example, you may design and run experiments in a lab alongside other PhD students or visit excavation sites in remote regions of the world. You should check in regularly with your supervisors to update them and run any ideas or issues past them.

Have the structure and chapters of your thesis in mind as you develop and tackle your research questions. Working with a view of publishing your work will be very valuable later on.

Stage 3: Write up of Thesis

The next key stage of a PhD is writing a doctoral thesis , which typically takes from anywhere between three months to one year. A thesis is a substantial body of work that describes the work and outcomes of the research over the previous two to three years. It should tell a detailed story of the PhD project – focusing on:

  • The motivations for the research questions identified from the literature review.
  • The methodologies used, results obtained, and a comprehensive analysis and discussion of the findings.
  • A detailed discussion of the key findings with an emphasis on the original contributions made to your field of research and how this has been impactful.

There is no universal rule for the length of a PhD thesis, but general guidelines set the word count between 80,000 to 100,000 words.

For your thesis to be successful, it needs to adequately defend your argument and provide a unique or increased insight into your field that was not previously available.

Stage 4: Attending the Viva

A viva voce , most commonly referred to as just a ‘ viva ‘, is an interview-style examination where the PhD student is required to engage in a critical appraisal of their work and defend their thesis against at least two examiners. The examiners will ask questions to check the PhD student has an in-depth understanding of the ideas and theories proposed in their thesis, and whether they have developed the research skills that would be expected of them.

The viva is one of the final steps in achieving a PhD, and typically lasts at least two hours, but this duration can vary depending on the examiners, the university and the PhD project itself.

Once you have done the viva – you’re on the home stretch. You will typically be asked to make some amendments to your thesis based on the examiner’s feedback. You are then ready to submit your final thesis for either:

  • PhD – If you pass the requirements you will be awarded a PhD degree (most common outcome),
  • MPhil – If you failed to meet requirements for a PhD, you may be downgraded to an MPhil degree (uncommon outcome),
  • Fail – No award is given, typically for cases of plagiarism (extremely uncommon outcome).

What Is It Like to Undertake a PhD?

We’re often asked what it is like to undertake a PhD study. Unfortunately, this isn’t a simple answer to this question as every research project is different.

To help give insight into the life of a PhD student, we’ve interviewed PhD students at various stages of their programmes and put together a series of PhD Student Interviews . Check out the link to find out what a PhD is like and what advice they have to offer you.

What Are the Benefits of A PhD?

A PhD is the highest globally recognised postgraduate degree that higher education institutions can award. The degree, which is awarded to candidates who demonstrate original and independent research in a particular field of study, is not only invaluable in itself, but sets you up with invaluable skills and traits.

Career Opportunities

First, a PhD prepares you for a career in academia if you wish to continue in this area. This takes form as a career in the Higher Education sector, typically as a lecturer working their way to becoming a professor leading research on the subject you’ve studied and trained in.

Second, a PhD also enables the opportunity for landing a job in a research & development role outside of the academic environment. Examples of this include laboratory work for a private or third sector company, a governmental role and research for commercial and industrial applications.

Transferable Skills

Finally, in possessing a PhD degree, you can show to employers that you have vital skills that make you an asset to any company. Three examples of the transferable skills that you gain through a PhD are effective communication, time management, and report writing.

  • Communication – presenting your work in written and oral forms using journal papers and podium presentations, shows your ability to share complex ideas effectively and to those with less background knowledge than you. Communication is key in the professional environment, regardless of the job.
  • Time management – The ability to prioritise and organise tasks is a tremendous asset in the professional industry. A PhD holder can use their qualification to demonstrate that they are able to manage their time, arrange and follow a plan, and stick to deadlines.
  • Report writing – Condensing three years of work into a thesis demonstrates your ability to filter through massive amounts of information, identify the key points, and get these points across to the reader. The ability to ‘cut out the waffle’ or ‘get to the point’ is a huge asset in the professional industry.

Aside from the above, you also get to refer to yourself as a Doctor and add fancy initials after your name!

What Can I Do After a PhD?

One of the most desirable postdoctoral fields is working within independent Research and Development (R&D) labs and new emerging companies. Both industries, especially R&D labs, have dedicated groups of PhD graduates who lead research activities, design new products and take part in crucial strategic meetings. Not only is this a stimulating line of work, but the average salaries in R&D labs and emerging start-ups are lucrative. In comparison, an undergraduate with five years of experience within their given field will, on average, likely earn less than a new PhD graduate taking on a R&D position.

It’s a common misunderstanding that PhDs only opens the door for an academic career such as university lecturers and training providers. Although obtaining a PhD opens these doors, the opportunities extend far beyond educational roles. In fact, recent data from the UK’s Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) indicates only 23% of PhD graduates take a position in educational roles . This low percentage is primarily because PhD graduates have a wide range of skills that make them suitable for a broad spectrum of roles. This is being seen first hand by the increasing number of PhD graduates who are entering alternative roles such as research, writing, law and investment banking.

How Do I Find a PhD?

We appreciate that finding a PhD programme to undertake can be a relatively daunting process. According to Higher Education Student Statistics , over 22,000 PhDs were awarded in 2016/17 within the United Kingdom alone. Clearly there are a huge number of PhD programmes available. This can sometimes be confusing for prospective doctorates, particularly when different programmes are advertised in different places. Often, it is difficult to know where to look or where to even start. We’ve put together a list of useful sources to find the latest PhD programmes:

  • A great place to start is with our comprehensive and up-to-date database of available PhD positions .
  • Assuming you are still at university, speak to an existing PhD supervisor within your department.
  • Attend as many postgraduate open days as you can. Whilst there, speak to current PhD students and career advisors to get an awareness of what PhDs are on offer.
  • Visit the postgraduate section of university websites and the PhD Research Council section of the UKRI website.

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How to Become a Doctor: A Step-by Step Guide

Becoming a physician is a lengthy process that requires years of hard work and tremendous patience.

How to Become a Doctor: A Guide

A group of research doctors gatherred around a monitor looking at a patients data.

Getty Images

A young person who dreams of becoming a doctor should investigate the profession as much as possible before embarking on this arduous career path.

There are few professions with higher stakes than the field of medicine. The consequences of a doctor's decisions can be enormous, leading to either marvelous or disastrous results.

Premeds and Compassion in Medicine

Ali Lotfi, M.D. Nov. 17, 2020

Doctor or nurse consoling patient

Becoming a physician in the U.S. is a time-consuming endeavor , and anyone who intends to pursue a medical career in this country should expect medical training to last at least seven years beyond college.

Doctors are typically well compensated. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median salary among U.S. doctors in May 2019 exceeded $200,000.

Here is a list of the rungs on the ladder into the U.S. medical profession.

  • Explore your options.
  • Take premed classes and earn good grades.
  • Participate in meaningful extracurricular activities.
  • Prep for the MCAT and ace it.
  • Prepare applications to multiple medical schools.
  • Impress med school interviewers and get at least one acceptance letter.
  • Enroll in the right type of medical school for you.
  • Pass the first two portions of the allopathic or osteopathic national medical licensing exam.
  • Apply for and match with a residency program.
  • Graduate from medical school.
  • Start your residency and get a general medical license.
  • Achieve board certification within your medical specialty or subspecialty.

Step 1: Explore Your Options

A young person who dreams of becoming a doctor should investigate the profession as much as possible before embarking on this arduous career path, experts say. Aspiring physicians should conduct informational interviews with doctors and gain some clinical experience so they can gauge whether they would excel at and enjoy the practice of medicine.

Potential doctors should also take demanding science classes to assess their personal affinity for technical fields of study, since those academic disciplines aren't right for everybody, experts say.

College hopefuls who are contemplating a career in medicine should look for undergraduate institutions with high-quality premedical student advisers and significant student research options. High school juniors and seniors who are determined to become doctors should investigate baccalaureate-M.D. programs , which can allow them to earn both a college degree and medical degree within seven years, experts suggest.

Step 2: Take Premed Classes and Earn Good Grades

Because medical schools have a significant number of academic prerequisites , premeds need to consult with their academic advisers to ensure that they take all of the necessary undergraduate courses, according to experts. Individuals who discover their desire to become doctors after they receive their college degree may opt to enroll in a post-baccalaureate premed program so that they can complete all of the required premed classes.

Petros Minasi Jr., senior director of premed programs at Kaplan, says a college's premed or prehealth adviser should be able to tell a premed precisely which undergraduate courses he or she needs to take. Premeds should not overload themselves with multiple extremely difficult classes in a single semester, Minasi warns, but they should take challenging classes as a general rule.

Solid academic performance in premed coursework is the norm among competitive med school applicants, and a stellar undergraduate GPA is a big plus.

Step 3: Participate in Meaningful Extracurricular Activities

A premed who does well in his or her courses but does nothing else is unlikely to get noticed by and admitted into top medical schools. So it's important that prospective med students do something besides study, experts say.

However, the quality of a person's activities outside the classroom matters much more than either the quantity of activities or the number of hours devoted to those activities.

Substantive scholarly research or a job as either a medical scribe or a medical assistant tends to be viewed positively in the admissions process, med school admissions officers say. They also suggest that accomplishments in nonscientific or nonmedical endeavors such as music or athletics are an asset, since they make a candidate appear to be well-rounded and suggest that he or she is an interesting person.

Dr. Mark Rosenberg, vice dean for education and academic affairs at the University of Minnesota Medical School , says that premeds should not focus on maximizing the amount of extracurricular experience they possess, since what really counts is the valuable lessons from extracurricular activities.

Rosenberg, a professor of medicine and a nephrologist, says that his med school looks for evidence of an inclination toward serving others, "socio-cultural humility" and reliability.

Dr. Megan Boysen Osborn, associate dean for students at the University of California—Irvine School of Medicine , emphasizes that it is OK to take a break between college and medical school, since that extra time can allow premeds to gain additional research and clinical experience beyond what they could get as an undergraduate.

Step 4: Prep for the MCAT and Ace It

The Medical College Admission Test is one tool that med schools use to screen applicants, so it is important for premeds to perform well on this exam. The multihour test requires extensive content knowledge; it is not a test that anyone should attempt to cram for, experts warn.

Perfect MCAT scores are rare, since the test is very hard. Premeds should research the median MCAT scores at the med schools they are most interested in, and they should take the MCAT only when they are consistently capable of reaching their target score on practice exams, experts recommend.

Step 5: Prepare Applications to Multiple Medical Schools

Because medical schools generally have lofty standards, prospective med students should take extreme care when crafting their personal statement and when drafting their secondary, school-specific application essays , according to med school admissions officials.

Osborn, an emergency medicine physician, warns med school hopefuls not to rush through the completion of their secondary application forms, since the information that med schools request is often pivotal during the selection process.

Premeds should think strategically about which extracurricular activities they include in their application and how they describe those activities, since admissions officers will scrutinize the activities list , experts suggest. Also, given the low acceptance rates at most medical schools, premeds should plan on applying to numerous schools to increase their odds of admission, experts warn, noting that it is better to err on the side of excess rather than restraint.

Step 6: Impress Med School Interviewers and Get at Least 1 Acceptance Letter

Candidates who look good on paper will be invited to medical school interviews so that admissions committees can gauge if the person is truly as outstanding as they appear on paper, so it is important to thoroughly prepare for those interviews, experts suggest.

Anyone who receives an interview invitation should bear in mind that this is a positive sign about their candidacy, experts say.

Step 7: Enroll in the Right Type of Medical School for You

Aspiring physicians can elect to attend either a research-oriented academic institution or at a school that focuses on primary care .

They also have a choice between two types of medical degrees : the Medical Doctor, or M.D., degree and the Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine, or D.O., degree. Both programs involve a mix of medical science courses and clinical rotations. However, one key difference is that D.O. schools teach numerous hands-on healing techniques that are distinctive to the practice of osteopathic medicine.

Step 8: Pass the First 2 Portions of the Allopathic or Osteopathic National Medical Licensing Exam

Allopathic and osteopathic medical students at U.S. medical schools typically take two of the three parts of their national licensing examinations during medical school, experts say. M.D. students take the United States Medical Licensing Examination, or USMLE, while D.O. students are required to take the Comprehensive Osteopathic Medical Licensing Examination of the United States, or COMLEX-USA. D.O. students may elect to take the USMLE in addition to the COMLEX-USA.

Dr. Chris Cimino, a vice president with Kaplan Medical – the unit of Kaplan that prepares aspiring doctors for the USMLE licensing exams – says the vast majority of U.S. medical students pass the licensing exams they take during med school.

Step 9: Apply for and Match With a Residency Program

Fourth-year medical students generally attempt to match with a residency program within the medical specialty they find most interesting. Most medical students participate in the National Resident Matching Program, though some get involved with specialty-specific matching programs such as those for aspiring urologists and ophthalmologists. Some medical specialties, such as orthopedic surgery , are highly competive so usually only the highest-achieving medical students are able to match.

Step 10: Graduate From Medical School

Once someone has earned a medical degree and graduated from medical school, he or she is officially a doctor. However, even after a person obtains a medical degree, he or she typically needs to complete a medical residency within a particular medical specialty, such as pediatrics or radiology , in order to practice medicine independently in his or her community.

There are some regions of the U.S. where med school grads who have not obtained residencies can work as health care providers, such as Missouri, Utah and Arkansas. The intention behind this accommodation for individuals with a medical degree but without a residency is to address doctor shortages.

Step 11: Start Your Residency and Get a General Medical License

Medical residencies vary in length, usually ranging from three to seven years depending on the specialty. Residencies allow medical school grads to learn the art and science of a particular area of medicine, whether it is obstetrics-gynecology or dermatology .

Toward the beginning of their residency, medical residents take the last part of either the USMLE or the COMLEX-USA, which makes them eligible for a general medical license that allows someone to practice medicine without being supervised by another doctor.

However, they still need to apply for a medical license in their jurisdiction, since medical licensing boards not only evaluate licensing exam scores but also conduct background checks. Licensure candidates should plan on submitting their curriculum vitae or resume to their licensing board, since one reason for the licensure procedure is to ensure that candidates are technically qualified.

Residents who want to develop extraordinary expertise within a particular niche of medicine, such as cardiology or hand surgery , may opt to pursue a medical fellowship within that field.

Step 12: Achieve Board Certification Within Your Medical Specialty or Subspecialty

After someone has completed the necessary residency and fellowship training, they must pass the applicable board exam. Then they can apply for board certification within their discipline through the American Board of Medical Specialties.

What to Consider Before Trying to Become a Doctor

Since it takes many years to become a board-certified doctor, it's foolish to pursue a career in medicine solely out of desire for prestige or money, experts say. Medicine is a demanding profession, so once someone becomes a doctor, the struggle isn't over.

Employment as a physician often requires irregular hours and sometimes involves significant stress, according to experts, and it often necessitates a degree of selflessness since there are numerous inconveniences involved in health care professions. However, there is something exhilarating about helping patients through dark times in their lives, doctors say, adding that they take pride in their work and receive gratification from improving the well-being of others.

"It's a long journey and it's a hard journey," Osborn says to aspiring doctors, "and so I hope that you enjoy each step."

Searching for a medical school? Get our complete rankings of Best Medical Schools.

Should You Become a Doctor?

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Tags: medical school , education , graduate schools , students , medicine

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Should All Ph.D.'s Be Called 'Doctor'? Female Academics Say Yes

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On the first day of class, Debbie Gale Mitchell, a chemistry professor at the University of Denver, introduced herself to her students, telling them about her Ph.D. and her research. She told her students they could call her either “Dr. Mitchell” or “Debbie.” A male colleague had told her that he went by his first name and that students were friendlier as a result, so Mitchell decided to try it. Many students chose to call her “Debbie.”

Then one day a student asked if she thought she’d ever get a Ph.D.

“I discovered that for me, the use of my title is VITAL to remind students that I am qualified to be their professor,” Mitchell wrote on Twitter.

Mitchell’s story was just one among hundreds shared last summer on social media calling attention to the way gender affects how professionals are addressed, especially those who hold a doctorate.

The discussion comes at a time when research studies into gender bias are increasingly confirming that how a person is addressed is linked to perceptions of their status.

The Twitter conversation branched from multiple roots. On June 7, Eric Kelderman, reporter for the Chronicle of Higher Education, sent out a critical tweet of a female academic who responded to his media inquiry by suggesting that he should have used “Professor” or “Doctor” (the tweet has since been deleted). The next day, a doctor from the U.K., David Naumann, criticized doctors, medical or otherwise, who use their title in a nonprofessional setting. And a few days later the Globe and Mail, a Canadian newspaper, announced revised style guidelines wherein only medical doctors would be referred to using “Dr.”, a convention that is already used most of the time by the Associated Press and news outlets that follow AP Style  (including KQED). What followed was an explosion of opinions and experiences revolving around titles, expertise, and gender and racial bias.

Many Ph.D. holders are fine with reserving the title for medical doctors in common parlance, viewing insistence on the title as arrogant and elitist, and do not use their titles even in a scholarly setting. But for women and people of color, an academic title can be a tool to remind others of their expertise in a world that often undermines it.

Some Ph.D. holders who insist on titles say that they actually prefer their first names. But given the discrepancy in usage, some women feel they must use and defend their titles, especially where the alternative is a gendered title like “Ms.”, “Mrs.”, or “Miss”. Fern Riddell, a Ph.D.-holding historian, wrote:

My title is Dr Fern Riddell, not Ms or Miss Riddell. I have it because I am an expert, and my life and career consist of being that expert in as many different ways as possible. I worked hard to earned my authority, and I will not give it up to anyone. — Dr Fern Riddell (@FernRiddell) June 13, 2018

Following backlash to the tweet, which described her as “arrogant” and “immodest,” Riddell coined the hashtag #ImmodestWomen, encouraging hundreds of women to change their Twitter handles to include “Dr.” or share experiences of bias. Riddell later wrote about the rationale behind the hashtag, saying that “we define women by their ability to be well behaved.” #ImmodestWomen was “retaliation.”

The tweets show “Dr.” is preferred by many women because it is both unrelated to marital status and gender-neutral, unlike “Mrs.”, “Miss”, or “Ms”. Several tweets described situations where a woman’s husband or colleague was referred to as “Dr.” (whether or not he actually had a doctorate) while she got “Mrs.” or a first name.

My pastor has her PhD. She was interviewed by a local newspaper along with another male member of clergy, NOT a PhD.. HE was referred to as “Reverend Smith”, SHE was called “Paula”. Seriously. — Head To Toe Organizers (@HTTOrganizers) June 11, 2018

In other anecdotes, female doctors (M.D. and Ph.D. alike) were met with utter confusion when they answered the phone to a caller looking for “Dr.”, or presented an airline ticket bearing the title. Even in 2018, with women making up 34 percent of active physicians and more than half of medical school matriculants and doctorate recipients , many people assume that “Dr.” refers to a man.

Bias in forms of address and use of titles is not limited to gender, many participants in the Twitter discussion pointed out. People of color with doctorates are also often not given the courtesy of their title, which echoes a long history of racially biased uses of titles. History professor Charles W. McKinney wrote:

Wanna know why my students will always call me “Dr. McKinney”? Because one day in 1980 I went to the store with my 75 yr old Grandmother Melida Thomas. Clerk greeted two 20 yr old, white women in front of us with “Mrs” and said “Well, hello Melida” to my Grandmother. That’s why. — Charles W. McKinney (@kmt188) June 10, 2018

The bias reflected in these stories is backed up by data. Last year, a study from the Mayo Clinic found that female doctors were introduced by their first names, rather than a professional title, much more often than male doctors. And on June 25, researchers from Cornell University published results showing that female professionals are half as likely as their male colleagues to be referred to by their last names, a practice that is associated in the study with lower status.

“The way that we speak about others influences and is influenced by the way that we think about them,” wrote Stav Atir and Melissa J. Ferguson, authors of the recent paper.

Atir and Ferguson described eight different studies, covering forms of address in professor evaluations, talk radio and under experimental conditions. Across the board, female professionals were less likely to be referred to solely by their last name. They even found that fictional researchers who were described with last name only were perceived as better known, more eminent, higher status, and more deserving of awards.

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The researchers proposed several explanations for their results. It may be more culturally common to refer to men by their last names because they are thought to be more permanent, since women may change their last names when they marry. Alternatively, it could be that speakers use first names to identify a subject’s gender, and this is more common for women in male-dominated professions, where male is the assumed default. This type of bias could even result from attempts to highlight women’s participation by identifying their gender using first names.

“The consequences may be ironic,” wrote Atir and Ferguson, “leading to lower judgments of eminence, status, and deservingness.”

As Mitchell, the chemistry professor from the University of Denver, and other academics related on Twitter, one way of fighting this type of bias is to insist upon the title “Dr.”

But other Ph.D. holders question whether insisting on titles is the best strategy. Meena Kandasamy, a poet and writer with a Ph.D. in sociolinguistics, rarely uses her title and did not change her Twitter handle. She questioned the practice of elevating those who earned doctorates over those who have not had the opportunity to do so:

For every one of us who has managed to float up and breathe from that cesspool with a doctorate degree above our heads–we must remember our sisters sent home, their dreams crushed, their futures messed up, academia behaving like one petty thug-gang to have the backs of a few men — meena kandasamy (@meenakandasamy) June 14, 2018

Critics argue that titles do not necessarily reflect how hard one has worked or even level of expertise, and that the most equal solution is fewer titles, not more. But supporters say that claiming the titles is the best choice under the present circumstances. Elissa Harbert, a musicologist, wrote:

I support #ImmodestWomen . As a PhD and professor, I currently use Dr. as my title professionally. My relationships with students improved when I switched to Dr., even though in a perfect world I’d use my first name. It’s not a perfect world. — Dr. Elissa Harbert (@KyrieElissa) June 14, 2018

In some instances, women are less likely to exhibit bias in form of address. The Mayo Clinic study found female medical doctors introduced both men and women with a title more than 95 percent of the time. Men introduced their female colleagues with a title 49 percent of time, compared with 72 percent of the time for a male colleague. In the Atir and Ferguson study, male speakers on talk radio referred to women by last name less than half as often as they did for men, while female speakers did not have such a strong contrast. In other research on gender bias in academia and medicine, women were just as likely to treat men and women differently. As research epidemiologist Chelsea Polis related, implicit bias can extend to usage of titles for speakers and writers of any gender:

I was once quoted in a story where all men w/PhDs were “Dr. X” & all women w/PhDs were untitled. Writer (a woman) was mortified when I pointed it out. Claiming our titles publicly raises consciousness than women can/do have these credentials. I want young girls/women to see that. — Chelsea Polis, PhD (@cbpolis) June 10, 2018

While the evidence points to persistent bias in professional forms of address, the solution is not so clear. Highlighting women with doctorates, medical or otherwise, may provide an important reminder that woman are now earning nearly half of medical and research-based doctoral degrees. But bias in use of doctoral titles is just one example of the larger issue of gender bias, as Atir and Ferguson’s study demonstrates.

“We find evidence of a gender bias in the way that we speak about professionals in a variety of domains,” wrote Atir and Ferguson. Addressing the problem may require attention to bias in all arenas, from the classroom to the boardroom.

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Doctor of Philosophy

The PhD programs advance scientific discovery by training and supporting students doing in-depth research that solves the world’s biggest public health challenges. At the forefront of efforts to benefit the health of people worldwide, the School offers students the opportunity to join in shaping new ideas in public health and implementing them effectively. PhD students benefit from collaborations across public health disciplines and a broad range of academic fields through connections with other Harvard faculties.

All PhD students conduct research through a dissertation, in addition to other avenues of discovery. All PhD programs at Harvard University are administered by the Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (GSAS), and applications are processed through the GSAS online application system . Choose from one of four PhD programs offered collaboratively between Harvard Chan School and GSAS.

  • Abbreviation : PhD
  • Degree format : On campus  
  • Time commitment : Full-time  
  • Average program length : Varies between 4 to 7 years based on program

When applying to the PhD, applicants must choose one of the following specialized fields of study. Eligibility requirements vary by program and field of study.  

  • Biological Sciences in Public Health
  • Biostatistics
  • Health Policy
  • Environmental health
  • Epidemiology
  • Global health and population
  • Social and behavioral sciences

Career outcomes vary based on field of study and research, but in general, PhD graduates will be prepared for a career in academia, health policy, government agencies, consulting, the pharmaceutical or biomedical industry, and generally improving lives through qualitative and quantitative research.

Admission information

Like all PhD (doctor of philosophy) programs at the School—and the University—the PhD in health policy is offered under the aegis of the Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (GSAS). Applications are processed through the GSAS online application system located at .

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  • October 11, 2023
  • Education Advice

Ph.D. vs. Doctorate: What are the Differences?

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For those who have a deep-seated attitude, pursuing a doctoral degree can be a tough yet beneficial journey. Currently enrolled in a doctorate program means that a person has already scooched over college admissions, went through high stake tests and exams, and finished all those research papers and long hours spent in university libraries hitting the books. While studying for a doctorate entails asserting oneself to an extensive amount of quality time and money , its significance and purpose usually pave the way to a lucrative end.

After having finished the Master’s Degree , students begin to think about their next step in their academic career. Then, paradoxically, while navigating through academia, they find themselves baffled by the immense terms and terminologies used to label specific degrees. Because the terms “Doctorate” and “Ph.D.” are somehow interlocked and overlap, and because “PhD” is sometimes used inconsistently, it can lead to considerable confusion. Ph.D. vs. Doctorate? You might wonder what their difference is, and why they are important. E xplaining what each of these terms stands for, the difference between them, and why they are valuable, can help you steer yourself down the right path from the outset.

Doctorate Degree vs. Ph.D.


At first glance, it is pretty easy to confuse these two terms. But it is important for everyone to be able to make a distinction between the two. In this article, we will discuss the difference between Ph.D. and Doctorate in detail in order to get rid of any confusion you may have. In the academic world, the terms Doctorate and Ph.D. are currently used interchangeably. Both of them are the top cap of the ladder. However, a doctorate is mostly used as an umbrella term covering many fields ranging from professional degrees, humanities, and scientific disciplines.

A Ph.D. or Doctor of Philosophy, on the other hand, is a subcategory of a doctoral degree, it is much more distinct and clear-cut and is usually narrower in nature encompassing only humanities and scientific fields. In plain English, when someone says they are enrolling on a doctoral degree, it means they are doing a Ph.D. in a specific field. So, technically, in common parlance, there is no difference between the two terms.

But at the other end of the spectrum, one should be careful not to confuse a professional doctoral degree with a Ph.D. The former is more practical and is designed to prepare students to apply existing knowledge to find solutions to real-life problems and has a direct application to a particular profession.

A Ph.D. is theoretical by nature and is more academic and research-focused. it is often fixed on disseminating knowledge by conducting authentic research which means reviewing and identifying gaps in current literature and evaluating the relevance of existing and emerging theories within a particular field.

What Is a Ph.D. Degree and Why Should You Go for It?

Students who acquire a Ph.D. are justly proud — they wear it as a badge of identity in the academic elite. Traditionally, a Ph.D. was associated with teaching, which from Latin licentia docendi meant “license to teach”. However, the concept of Ph.D. has been on shifting sands nowadays and has become a more general term that isn’t necessarily confined to teaching only.

The Value of a PhD


Obtaining a Ph.D. helps you capitalize on the emerging academic opportunities making you more easily identifiable to employers or businesses seeking to fill professional, higher-level job positions. Many of these career options, conversely, are not available to those who do not belong to the Ph.D. club. While pursuing a Ph.D. requires devoting a tremendous effort and time and making significant personal sacrifices pushing the boundaries of knowledge, it’s all in service of the area of study you’re most passionate and zealous about. Ultimately, once you’ve attained your Ph.D., you will have achieved the pinnacle of education— something not too many people have or are able to accomplish.


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A Guide to Choosing and Applying to Ph.D. Programs

Learn everything you need to know about selecting and applying to Ph.D. programs. Learn tips and tricks for a successful application and find your ideal program today!

What Is a Doctorate Degree?

A doctoral or doctorate degree is usually the most advanced degree one can earn in an academic discipline. Many pursue a doctorate degree to increase their professional credibility, be acknowledged as an expert in a specific field, and improve their resume.

A doctorate degree is a graduate-level credential that is usually earned after multiple years of graduate school. Earning a doctoral degree requires a significant level of research and work. In order to get this degree, one has to research a subject thoroughly, conduct new research and analysis, and provide a solution or interpretation into the field. But what types of doctoral degrees are available?

Types of Doctorate Degrees

There are two categories of doctorate degrees: an academic degree and a professional doctorate degree. An academic degree focuses on research, data analysis, and the evaluation of theory. A professional doctorate degree, on the other hand, is considered a terminal degree, which means that one has achieved the most advanced degree in the field. This degree is specifically designed for working professionals who want to grow in their careers.

Professional Doctorate Degrees

A professional doctorate is designed for working professionals who have experience in the field and want to increase their knowledge, improve their credibility, and advance their careers. This degree focuses on applying research to practical issues, coming up with interpretation and solutions, as well as designing effective professional practices within a particular field.

Professional doctoral degrees include:

Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)

The DBA degree is ideal for students who already have a general business background and are interested in delving deeper into the practical and theoretical aspects that underpin business education. More to the point, in DBA you will develop the ability to solve real-life problems, discover the relevant expertise to innovate and uphold complex business issues and so much more. Upon completion, DBA students will possess enhanced leadership and strategic skills as well as the tools to propel their careers in today’s marketplace. The Business Administration industry is keen on finding such graduates with business skills and this is indicated by the immense job positions currently available.

Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)

If you are interested in setting your eyes on creating lifelong learning among your students, making a positive influence in educational culture, contributing to the growing body of research in the education realm , or just enhancing your subject matter expertise, the Doctor of Education program ticks all the boxes. This degree maintains a rigorous approach in academic education that prepares graduates to showcase the skills and expertise to devise solutions in tackling the challenges in contemporary education practice and become transformational leaders in the industry.

Doctor of Computer Science (DCS)

The demand for computer scientists has reached its peak and it is among the most sought-after positions nowadays. With a degree in DCS, you will have the opportunity to design, apply innovative experiments, predict trends and, ultimately, develop a richer understanding and contribute to your area of expertise. After all, who doesn’t want an exciting and financially stable career?

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Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)

The Doctor of Medicine degree is designed to prepare you for various medical challenges in different settings nationally and internationally. This program will further develop your critical thinking and clinical reasoning skills required for safe, high-quality medical practices. It will also improve your leadership, communication, and teamwork skills for collaborative patient care.

Doctor of Optometry (O.D.)

This professional degree typically requires four years of study. It focuses on basic biological sciences such as anatomy and physiology, microbiology, neuroanatomy, and so on. This doctoral degree will prepare, educate, and train professionals to practice at the highest level of proficiency, professionalism, and integrity.

Doctor of Psychology (PsyD)

The Doctoral of Psychology degree concentrates on the clinical and applied aspects of psychology. This type of doctorate prepares students for professional practice and clinical placement. This degree will be highly beneficial when working directly with patients who need psychology services. In addition, this degree allows doctors of psychology to confidently function as researchers and clinicians.

How to Choose a Ph.D. Program?

Choosing a Ph.D. program can be pretty challenging; it is a big academic decision and investment that requires commitment and perseverance. But how can you pick the right Ph.D. program for you? Well, there are some tips to help you choose the best fit for your goals and preferences:

  • Think about the reasons why you want a Ph.D., what you expect to gain from it, and whether it is compatible with your professional goals.
  • Consider your research environment.
  • Take your time to research, compare, and consider multiple opportunities carefully.
  • Pick a subject that interests and motivates you but is also practical.
  • Ask your professors and other scholars in the field for advice.

All in all, the terms “Doctorate’’ and “Ph.D.” are in essence the same, which means all Ph.D. students are Doctoral students as well. On the other hand, earning a Ph.D. degree is no joke. If anything, Ph.D. students have the tenacity, patience, persistence, and years of hard work that you can vouch for. Ultimately, deciding what type of doctoral degree you should hop on, depends on your career goals, what you are passionate about and how you are going to achieve it.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between a doctorate and a ph.d..

In academic contexts, the terms “Doctorate” and “Ph.D.” are often used interchangeably, but there is a distinction. A Doctorate is an umbrella term covering a wide range of fields, including professional degrees, humanities, and scientific disciplines. A Ph.D., or Doctor of Philosophy, is a specific type of doctoral degree, typically focused on research and academic pursuits in the humanities and scientific fields.

Why should I pursue a Ph.D.?

Pursuing a Ph.D. can be a valuable endeavor, as it opens up academic and research opportunities, enhances your expertise in a specific field, and makes you more attractive to employers seeking candidates for high-level positions. It’s a chance to push the boundaries of knowledge and become an expert in your chosen study area.

What are the benefits of a professional doctorate?

Professional doctorate degrees, such as Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) or Doctor of Education (Ed.D.), are designed for working professionals who want to apply research to practical issues in their field. These degrees can enhance your career prospects, leadership skills, and problem-solving abilities within your profession.

How do I choose the right Ph.D. program?

To choose the right Ph.D. program, consider your career goals, research environment, and personal interests. Take your time to research and compare programs, seek advice from professors and experts in your field, and ensure that the program aligns with your professional aspirations.

What are the main differences between academic and professional doctorate degrees?

Academic doctorate degrees focus on research, theory evaluation, and data analysis, often leading to careers in academia or research. Professional doctorate degrees are more practical, designed for working professionals, and concentrate on applying research to real-world problems within a specific field.

Can I earn a Ph.D. in any field?

Ph.D. programs are available in various fields, including humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, engineering, and more. However, the specific availability of Ph.D. programs may vary by field and university.

Is a Ph.D. a challenging journey?

Yes, pursuing a Ph.D. can be a challenging journey that requires dedication, patience, and years of hard work. It involves conducting original research, writing a dissertation, and often teaching or assisting in courses. It’s a significant commitment, but it can be highly rewarding.

What are the potential career opportunities after earning a Ph.D.?

With a Ph.D., you can pursue careers in academia as a professor or researcher, work in research and development roles in various industries, or take on leadership positions in organizations. The specific career path will depend on your field of study and personal interests.

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Doctor of Philosophy in Education

Ph.D. Commencement robing Martin West and Christopher Cleveland

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The Harvard Ph.D. in Education trains cutting-edge researchers who work across disciplines to generate knowledge and translate discoveries into transformative policy and practice.

Offered jointly by the Harvard Graduate School of Education and the Harvard Kenneth C. Griffin Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, the Ph.D. in Education provides you with full access to the extraordinary resources of Harvard University and prepares you to assume meaningful roles as university faculty, researchers, senior-level education leaders, and policymakers.

As a Ph.D. candidate, you will collaborate with scholars across all Harvard graduate schools on original interdisciplinary research. In the process, you will help forge new fields of inquiry that will impact the way we teach and learn. The program’s required coursework will develop your knowledge of education and your expertise in a range of quantitative and qualitative methods needed to conduct high-quality research. Guided by the goal of making a transformative impact on education research, policy, and practice, you will focus on independent research in various domains, including human development, learning and teaching, policy analysis and evaluation, institutions and society, and instructional practice.   

Curriculum Information

The Ph.D. in Education requires five years of full-time study to complete. You will choose your individual coursework and design your original research in close consultation with your HGSE faculty adviser and dissertation committee. The requirements listed below include the three Ph.D. concentrations: Culture, Institutions, and Society; Education Policy and Program Evaluation; and Human Development, Learning and Teaching . 

We invite you to review an example course list, which is provided in two formats — one as the full list by course number and one by broad course category . These lists are subject to modification. 

Ph.D. Concentrations and Examples

Summary of Ph.D. Program

Doctoral Colloquia  In year one and two you are required to attend. The colloquia convenes weekly and features presentations of work-in-progress and completed work by Harvard faculty, faculty and researchers from outside Harvard, and Harvard doctoral students. Ph.D. students present once in the colloquia over the course of their career.

Research Apprenticeship The Research Apprenticeship is designed to provide ongoing training and mentoring to develop your research skills throughout the entire program.

Teaching Fellowships The Teaching Fellowship is an opportunity to enhance students' teaching skills, promote learning consolidation, and provide opportunities to collaborate with faculty on pedagogical development.

Comprehensive Exams  The Written Exam (year 2, spring) tests you on both general and concentration-specific knowledge. The Oral Exam (year 3, fall/winter) tests your command of your chosen field of study and your ability to design, develop, and implement an original research project.

Dissertation  Based on your original research, the dissertation process consists of three parts: the Dissertation Proposal, the writing, and an oral defense before the members of your dissertation committee.

Culture, Institutions, and Society (CIS) Concentration

In CIS, you will examine the broader cultural, institutional, organizational, and social contexts relevant to education across the lifespan. What is the value and purpose of education? How do cultural, institutional, and social factors shape educational processes and outcomes? How effective are social movements and community action in education reform? How do we measure stratification and institutional inequality? In CIS, your work will be informed by theories and methods from sociology, history, political science, organizational behavior and management, philosophy, and anthropology. You can examine contexts as diverse as classrooms, families, neighborhoods, schools, colleges and universities, religious institutions, nonprofits, government agencies, and more.

Education Policy and Program Evaluation (EPPE) Concentration

In EPPE, you will research the design, implementation, and evaluation of education policy affecting early childhood, K–12, and postsecondary education in the U.S. and internationally. You will evaluate and assess individual programs and policies related to critical issues like access to education, teacher effectiveness, school finance, testing and accountability systems, school choice, financial aid, college enrollment and persistence, and more. Your work will be informed by theories and methods from economics, political science, public policy, and sociology, history, philosophy, and statistics. This concentration shares some themes with CIS, but your work with EPPE will focus on public policy and large-scale reforms.

Human Development, Learning and Teaching (HDLT) Concentration

In HDLT, you will work to advance the role of scientific research in education policy, reform, and practice. New discoveries in the science of learning and development — the integration of biological, cognitive, and social processes; the relationships between technology and learning; or the factors that influence individual variations in learning — are transforming the practice of teaching and learning in both formal and informal settings. Whether studying behavioral, cognitive, or social-emotional development in children or the design of learning technologies to maximize understanding, you will gain a strong background in human development, the science of learning, and sociocultural factors that explain variation in learning and developmental pathways. Your research will be informed by theories and methods from psychology, cognitive science, sociology and linguistics, philosophy, the biological sciences and mathematics, and organizational behavior.

Program Faculty

The most remarkable thing about the Ph.D. in Education is open access to faculty from all Harvard graduate and professional schools, including the Harvard Graduate School of Education, the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, the Harvard Kennedy School, the Harvard Law School, Harvard Medical School, and the Harvard School of Public Health. Learn about the full Ph.D. Faculty.

Jarvis Givens

Jarvis R. Givens

Jarvis Givens studies the history of American education, African American history, and the relationship between race and power in schools.

Paul Harris

Paul L. Harris

Paul Harris is interested in the early development of cognition, emotion, and imagination in children.

Meira Levinson

Meira Levinson

Meira Levinson is a normative political philosopher who works at the intersection of civic education, youth empowerment, racial justice, and educational ethics. 

Luke Miratrix

Luke W. Miratrix

Luke Miratrix is a statistician who explores how to best use modern statistical methods in applied social science contexts.

phd to doctor

Eric Taylor

Eric Taylor studies the economics of education, with a particular interest in employer-employee interactions between schools and teachers — hiring and firing decisions, job design, training, and performance evaluation.

Paola Uccelli

Paola Uccelli

Paola Ucelli studies socio-cultural and individual differences in the language development of multilingual and monolingual students.

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View Ph.D. Faculty


The following is a complete listing of successful Ph.D. in Education dissertations to-date. Dissertations from November 2014 onward are publicly available in the Digital Access to Scholarship at Harvard (DASH) , the online repository for Harvard scholarship.

  • 2022 Graduate Dissertations (265 KB pdf)
  • 2021 Graduate Dissertations (177 KB pdf)
  • 2020 Graduate Dissertations (121 KB pdf)
  • 2019 Graduate Dissertations (68.3 KB pdf)

Student Directory

An opt-in listing of current Ph.D. students with information about their interests, research, personal web pages, and contact information:

Doctor of Philosophy in Education Student Directory

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Program Highlights

Explore examples of the Doctor of Philosophy in Education experience and the impact its community is making on the field:

Callie Sung

The Human Element of Data and AI

Gahyun Callie Sung's journey to HGSE and the LIT Lab is reflected in her research into data and using AI to improve student outcomes. 

Mary Laski

Improving the Teacher Workforce

With her research work, doctoral marshal Mary Laski, Ph.D.'24, is trying to make teaching in K–12 schools more sustainable and attractive

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She Just Earned Her Doctorate at 17. Now, She’ll Go to the Prom.

Dorothy Jean Tillman II of Chicago made history as the youngest person to earn a doctoral degree in integrated behavioral health at Arizona State University.

Dorothy Jean Tillman II stands at a lectern wearing a black cap and gown at Arizona State University’s commencement.

By Alexandra E. Petri

When Dorothy Jean Tillman II successfully defended her dissertation in November 2023 to earn her doctoral degree from Arizona State University, she couldn’t wait to share the news with her best friend.

“It was a surreal moment,” Dr. Tillman said, “because it was crazy I was doing it in the first place.”

Dr. Tillman, at only 17, became the youngest person to earn a doctoral degree in integrated behavioral health from Arizona State’s College of Health Solutions, all before she was eligible to vote. Earlier this month, Dr. Tillman, now 18, took part in Arizona State’s commencement ceremony and delivered remarks as the outstanding 2024 graduate at the College of Health Solution’s convocation.

Lesley Manson, program director for the doctorate of behavioral health at Arizona State and Dr. Tillman’s doctoral chair, said Dr. Tillman displayed extraordinary perseverance, hard work and dedication for her young age, tackling every challenge head-on.

“She can serve as a real role model,” Ms. Manson said.

Dr. Tillman, called D.J. by her family and friends, was an early bloomer. She grew up in Chicago and was home-schooled from a young age, first in a group setting through online classes, and then by her mother, Jimalita Tillman, a single parent with a background in community theater.

Dr. Tillman was part of a gifted program before transitioning to home-schooling. Jimalita Tillman continued her daughter on an accelerated track: By the time she was 8, she was taking high school classes. While most 9-year-olds were learning math and reading, Dr. Tillman was starting college online.

At the time, they lived with Jimalita Tillman’s mother, Dorothy Wright Tillman, a civil rights activist who worked alongside the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and was a Chicago alderman. Dr. Tillman is her grandmother’s namesake (hence the II at the end of Dr. Tillman’s name).

During her early college days, Dr. Tillman’s classroom was often a Starbucks in Chicago, and her days began as soon it opened, she said. Her go-to order was an iced peach green tea with lemonade.

“Around the time when kids went to lunch, we’d be closing the computer,” said Dr. Tillman, who said her discipline and focus come from her grandmother.

Because of her age, Dr. Tillman lived at home while pursuing her higher education, and most of her coursework was online — a challenge for a self-described social butterfly. “I do love meeting new people and talking to people and understanding them and how their brains work,” she said. She found other ways to stay connected with friends through after-school activities.

At 10, she earned her associate degree in psychology at the College of Lake County in Illinois. At 12, she received her Bachelor of Science in humanities at Excelsior College in New York, and at 14, she earned a Master of Science from Unity College in Maine. She chose those fields because they can help scientists “understand why people treat the environment the way they do,” she told Time for Kids in a July 2020 interview.

Ellen Winner, a professor of psychology at Boston College and the author of “Gifted Children: Myths and Realities,” said that children like Dr. Tillman have a motivational intensity she calls a “rage to master.”

“One of the reasons they push themselves is they have a high, innate ability of some kind, and so learning, in whatever they are gifted in, comes easily to them and it’s very pleasurable,” she said. Schools are often not equipped for such gifted children, she added, which may lead parents to home-school their children. The trade-off, she and some experts say, is missing out on socialization and learning with children their age.

“There’s no perfect solution to kids like this,” Ms. Winner said.

Jimalita Tillman said she was sure her daughter was finished with higher education after earning her master’s degree. Dr. Tillman had just launched an organization to support Black youth in Chicago interested in STEM and the arts called the Dorothy Jeanius STEAM Leadership Institute. It was 2020, just after the beginning of the pandemic.

She was surprised when her daughter said she wanted to pursue her doctorate, and even tried to dissuade Dr. Tillman. But Dr. Tillman wanted to help young people with their mental health. She told her mother to trust her.

“I had to follow her lead,” Jimalita Tillman, 42, said.

Dr. Tillman was accepted into the management concentration at Arizona State’s College of Health Solutions, an online doctorate program. Her thesis on developing programs to reduce the stigma for college students seeking mental health services was based on a study she conducted for an in-person internship at the Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago. Dr. Tillman hopes her story resonates with girls who are talkative, outgoing “out-there kind of girls who are trying to figure themselves out but are very smart.”

“I want them to see someone who has taken that energy, sparkle and excitement and packaged it in a way that is classy and beautiful,” she said.

Dr. Tillman may now have her doctorate, but she’s also excited about teenage things — like attending a prom. On Saturday, she going as her best friend’s date to his senior dance. They’re taking an Escalade outfitted with stars on the ceiling, she said, a feature she requested and that her mother made happen.

Dr. Tillman has been focused on school and her professional pursuits, and she plans to host her institute’s summer camp again. Then, she said, she plans to take a beat and have a “fun teenage summer,” doing things she loves, discovering new hobbies and figuring herself out in the process.

“I want to focus on who I am,” she said.


How to develop a researcher mindset as a PhD student

Entering the postgraduate sphere is a whole new ball game. Shaif Uddin Ahammed shows how to hone a PhD mindset

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Shaif Uddin Ahammed

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Life as a PhD student is challenging – and one of the most testing aspects of it is the change in mindset it requires. 

You switch from being a consumer of knowledge to a producer of knowledge. In other words, you transition from passively absorbing information to actively generating new insights through original research. To do that, you have to develop the mindset of a researcher. Here, I’ll reflect on my own academic journey and experiences of supervising others, to share my thoughts on how to do just that.

Have a career plan

A PhD can be long and the prospect of writing a thesis is daunting. It can even be distracting, because you’re leaving the very idea of long-term goals on the back burner.

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That’s exactly why it’s worth having a career plan. It will remind you why you’re doing all of this and carry you through the more draining aspects of your studies and research. Trust me, this will help. 

But there’s a difference between simply having goals and having a plan. A plan involves steps to help you achieve the goals you’re aiming towards and gives you boxes to tick. For example, your plan could involve attending conferences, publishing articles and teaching and supporting students. It should also identify skills gaps and outline plans to address them. 

Make sure your targets are realistic and achievable, and discuss them with your supervisor, who will guide you accordingly. Having a well-considered plan will help to motivate you and provide a map to help you chart your progress. Aside from anything else, this is important in helping you maintain a healthy work-life balance. 

Take every opportunity that you can to learn

If you’re studying towards a PhD, you have already demonstrated a desire to learn. Make sure you now take every opportunity to do so and that you learn from sources beyond your supervisor or supervisory team. 

Postgraduate research students can attend regular events and workshops organised by the academic skills teams and career advisors within their universities. By leveraging these resources, you can develop the knowledge and skills required to complete your doctoral degree and also learn about the skills required to secure a job with potential employers. 

It is particularly important to attend workshops organised by the university’s doctoral school. I would strongly urge you not to ignore these sessions. Some students choose to select only those workshops they believe will be beneficial, but attending all workshops – particularly in the early stages of your degree – will help you to develop skills and knowledge that could prove vital in the future. 

For instance, if you are a qualitative researcher, you might choose only to attend workshops related to qualitative research. However, in a future job you might need to teach quantitative methodology or be involved in research using quantitative methods. So it’s good practice not to be selective and to attend all workshops, allowing you to gain wider knowledge and develop networks with individuals from diverse backgrounds.

Involve yourself in academic activities

In research-related careers, applicants are generally expected to have experience of teaching, so it’s hugely important to actively seek teaching and supervisory opportunities both within your university and outside of it. You should also engage in grant applications with others, including your supervisory team – this will provide hands-on experience of the daily challenges faced by academics. 

Many PhD students – and even some supervisors – think these activities could delay the completion of a doctoral degree, but they really do help you to acquire the skills you will need going forward. Supervising undergraduate and postgraduate students will offer insight into mentoring and managing expectations, including those of your supervisor. Involvement with teaching and assessments will give you an intuition when it comes to academic life, and the opportunity to directly apply new skills with the students you work with. This will foster the mindset that you are not only a PhD student but also an active academic. 

Attend conferences and engage with journals

Seek out opportunities to publish in academic journals and attend relevant conferences. If you don’t, your work might not have the desired impact, regardless of its merit. 

Conferences offer a platform for feedback, peer review opportunities, research visibility and invaluable networking. Similarly, involvement in publications and conferences can inspire new ideas and perspectives for research.

The PhD journey is never an easy one, given the number of commitments involved. Remind yourself that you are a researcher and an academic, and that your work has the potential to shape knowledge and understanding for years to come. Research is challenging – but if you’re in a position to study for a PhD, that means you already have the tools to overcome them. 

Shaif Uddin Ahammed is programme leader of MSc International Management and lecturer in strategy and leadership at the University of the West of Scotland. 

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Feature Stories 2024: Nursing PhD Alumni Series: Dr. Rayna Letourneau, PhD '17, RN

Trailblazer in nursing workforce development

Dr. Rayna Letourneau, a 2017 graduate of UMass Dartmouth's College of Nursing & Health Sciences PhD program, is an experienced nurse educator and a trailblazer in nursing workforce development.

She previously taught at UMass Dartmouth and is now an assistant professor at the University of South Florida School of Nursing while also serving as executive director for the Florida Center for Nursing. Letourneau highlights how her PhD education has allowed for the expansion and success of her current work, shared the projects she has initiated that have had a national and global impact, and offers helpful advice for those considering pursuing a PhD in nursing.

Realizing the scope of one's impact

UMass Dartmouth's PhD program in nursing prepares graduates to become successful nurse educators and scientists. Letourneau notes that the potential opportunities for graduates of this program are far-reaching. During her time as a PhD student, Letourneau recognized the impact that nursing education has on workforce development and the nursing workforce. She stated that her nursing PhD "poised me to be able to do all of the work that I do now for the Florida Center for Nursing, the scholarship related to nursing workforce development, and continue in the role of teaching."

In speaking about her program of research, Letourneau stated, "Being prepared as a teacher and a nurse educator has allowed me to recognize what the needs are for workforce development. What is the need for recruitment, what does a pipeline look like, and what type of resources need to be implemented and utilized to be able to have an appropriate, robust pipeline of nurses into our workforce?

"And it doesn't stop there. Once we’ve established that pipeline and we put people through our nursing education programs, whether that's prelicensure or post-licensure, what are the resources they need to transition to their new role? After we prepare them and transition them into the workforce, our work is not done. We need to continue to support them, we need to continue to develop them, we need to encourage healthy work environments, and determine what systematic changes need to happen to be able to retain our nursing workforce and those experts, and then help those experts give back to the new nurses coming in."

Creative initiatives for nurses and PhD students 

Letourneau’s work has focused on The Future of Nursing 2020-2030 report. "If the goal is to increase capacity and competence of the nursing workforce, the projects that I work on align with that goal," she said.

One project she created is the Frontline Nursing program, a continuing education program with the goal of increasing the capacity and competence of frontline nurses caring for COVID-19 patients during the pandemic. This program reached an international audience and offered continuing education units (CEUs). In recalling the importance of this work, Letourneau said there was a focus on "the unique needs for nurses to be able to continue to flourish in their role at the bedside, how to advocate for themselves, and how to be empowered."

Additionally, in 2021, Letourneau founded WIRES (Wellness, Innovation, Resources, Education, and Support) for the Healthcare Workforce. "The purpose of WIRES is focused on the recruitment, retention, and the wellbeing of the workforce, starting with nurses but able to transcend our work to all of the healthcare professions," she stated. 

She highlighted one of the program’s major successes, their Preceptorship-to-Hire program. "We partner with hospitals in our region to purposely place our senior-level, final semester preceptorship students with a preceptor in a hospital system in which the student wants to work post-graduation. Looking at this program, it's a purposeful match because we know that teaching and learning is a bidirectional process: the learner, the student, has needs and the preceptor has needs too, so we’re looking at how we can make that a good match," she said. Letourneau shared that the end goal is to decrease one-year turnover rates at these organizations.

Reflecting on these initiatives, Letourneau emphasized how her PhD education helped her be part of the solutions for problems related to workforce development. She noted that nurse scientists have a duty to enact these solutions. "We can’t stop at just making some recommendations or developing strategic plans; implementing those strategies and testing them to see what’s effective and then being able to scale them nationally and globally will help make an impact."

Recommendations for pursuing a PhD

Letourneau offers valuable advice for current and future PhD students: "Find a mentor who can help you determine your goals and the best path to meet those goals."

Regarding her choice to pursue her PhD, Letourneau states, "I recommend it 100%. I am so glad that I was able to participate in the PhD program at UMass Dartmouth because it really did meet my career goals. The programmatic outcomes, the faculty—everything aligned with what I want to do."

Editors Note: The Nursing PhD Alumni Series will feature interviews with graduates from UMass Dartmouth's PhD program and exemplifies a vast array of opportunities one can pursue with a nursing PhD education.

This story was written by Danielle DeGonge, a PhD student in the College of Nursing & Health Sciences.

"I am so glad that I was able to participate in the PhD program at UMass Dartmouth because it really did meet my career goals. The programmatic outcomes, the faculty—everything aligned with what I want to do." Dr. Rayna Letourneau, PhD '17

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When the PhD path leads to career struggles

A bird flew past a rainbow on the horizon, as viewed from Morrissey Boulevard in Dorchester.

A doctoral degree is a major commitment. Think carefully.

I appreciated reading Kara Miller’s The Big Idea column “PhD: Pretty heavily disappointed” (Business, May 22), about people with doctoral degrees struggling to build careers in academia. It made me think back to a conversation I had when I was about to graduate from high school.

I happened to run into a former track coach of mine, and as we were reminiscing he asked me what I planned as a major in college. “History,” I responded. He said, “Why don’t you take some computer classes also? It never hurts to be able to do something useful.”

I did not reflect on his motivation at the time, but my track coach was a young guy, and he was probably giving me advice straight from his own life, as a parent trying to raise his own young children. I did take computer classes in college and ultimately received a PhD in chemical engineering. I always remember that conversation as being a kind of turning point.

Earning a doctoral degree is a life commitment of great proportion. It can take, as Miller notes, between four and seven years. If we think of working life as roughly between the ages of 22 and 65, then a PhD requires more than 10 percent of a person’s working life. People need to think carefully about that investment.


Two powerful arguments in favor of the path of science, technology, engineering, and math are that there tend to be more STEM jobs for PhDs, and many universities’ STEM departments are generous in covering their PhD students’ tuition and cost of studies, including a stipend toward food, rent, and other expenses.

Stuart Gallant

Not much has changed in 30 years

As I prepared to graduate in 1995 with a doctor of education degree from the Harvard Graduate School of Education, my mother memorably said to me, “Of my four children, you are the one with the most education and the smallest salary.” Apparently not much has changed in 30 years.

I must congratulate these students, however, on following their passion rather than following the money. I can’t help but think that their lives, though stressful, may contain greater happiness.

Peggy Clark

Lawyers & electricians & philosophers, oh my!

Kara Miller’s column on the career challenges for people with doctoral degrees generated more than 260 comments on The following is an edited sample of readers’ reactions:

Lots of law school grads are underemployed as well. (PL)

So true, PL. The market in Massachusetts is flooded with talented lawyers seeking work. (Roforma)

Supply and demand, the market at work. (guk)

Investing in education and research in all fields is the hallmark of a society with staying power. Disinvesting from these endeavors signals decline and decay. (Massachusetts citizen)

Electricians, plumbers, mechanics, and other skilled technical professions have no problems getting $100k jobs with great benefits. (ramsen)

Not enough turnover from tenured professors, leaving little space for new faculty. Although the tenured, well-established professors are needed, it’s the junior faculty who are hungry and with new ideas that help build new programs. The whole graduate program model is a bad model. I worked two jobs, had my tuition and some type of minimal student health insurance and could barely cover the rent with my stipend, and the second job paid for everything else. Though I was working on many faculty projects, it was the faculty who said this would be good for me. Never did they say it was also good for them. (TravelerofNJ2)

I just retired from a tenured faculty position in science. I’m in my early 70s. I have colleagues who are still doing what they do well into their 70s, a couple approaching 80. There is no active incentive from the university to move the older faculty on, to make way for a new generation. (Lola-lola)

The next step is for adjuncts to go on strike across the nation and hold colleges and universities accountable. The current system is completely absurd. (Wordsmith2358)

Universities should be required to release disclosure data about the fate of their PhD graduates. (davidman820)

I knew an attorney who managed a Cheesecake Factory. She had worked in food services through school. As an attorney, she really did not make that much money and was not doing the field of law of her choice. How many real estate closings can you do without dying of boredom? She went into management in the food industry and makes the same salary. (Antietem)

It was always a question and puzzling to me why people study philosophy. (Blazer27)

phd to doctor

Globe Opinion

Shihuan Kuang, PhD, Joins Duke Ortho as the Director of Orthopaedic Stem Cell Research

Shihuan Kuang phd

Shihuan Kuang, PhD , has joined the Duke Orthopaedic Surgery research division as an instructor of orthopaedic surgery. Dr. Kuang earned his PhD at the University of Alberta and completed his post-doc studies at Washington University in St Louis.

His research interests include skeletal muscles – the muscles attached to bones by tendons – form the basis of all animal mobility. One of our lab's primary interests is developing and regenerating the skeletal muscles. Specifically, his lab investigates the molecular signaling that regulates the stem cells responsible for forming muscles during development and repairing muscles after injury. In addition, we are interested in other cells that interact with these muscle stem cells to improve their function. For example, the muscle's fat cells (adipocytes) have two key roles. Firstly, from a biological perspective, adipocytes regulate muscle stem cell function and contribute to overall muscle health. Secondly, from an agricultural perspective, adipocytes are instrumental to the quality traits of skeletal muscle-derived meat. As a result of the applications of our research to both human health and the animal production industry, his research has been funded by the NIH, USDA, and industry sponsors.

  Welcome, Dr. Kuang!


Q&A with Dr. Kuang

Q: What brings you joy? A: Hiking or skiing with family and friends

Q: Why did you choose the field? A: Scientific curiosity 

Q: What excites you about this role at Duke? A: I am excited to bring my muscle and adipose stem cell expertise to the musculoskeletal research and exercise physiology divisions in the orthopaedic surgery department. 

Q: Where did you grow up? A: I grew up in a mountain village in southern China. I completed most of my education, up to the master’s degree level, in China. I moved to Canada to complete a PhD in the Department of Biological Sciences at the University of Alberta and consider Edmonton my second hometown. 

Q: Where do you see your specialty in the next five years? A: Looking forward, I'd like to focus my next 5-10 years on investigating how cellular metabolism influences the function and pathogenesis of stem cells in the musculoskeletal system. We have some exciting ongoing work demonstrating how lipid droplets and mitochondria play a key role in skeletal muscle and adipose stem cells, including sarcoma stem cells. 

At the Forefront - UChicago Medicine

The University of Chicago's PhD graduates receive divisional and program awards during 2024 convocation

Rockefeller Chapel

During the May 2024 convocation ceremonies at the University of Chicago Medicine, 14 PhD graduates received divisional and program awards for their research projects and scientific presentations.

The PhD Program award winners are:

· Megan Kennedy , Award for Best Dissertation in the Biological Sciences, Interdisciplinary Scientist Training Program: Ecology and Evolution, “Temporal mechanisms of population- and community-level microbial adaptation to shifting resource landscapes” (Advisors: Eugene Chang and Joy Bergelson)

· Juan José Ápiz Saab , Cancer Biology, “Characterizing metabolic adaptations of pancreatic cancer to tumor nutrient stress” (Alexander Muir)

· Katherine Aracena , Human Genetics, “Unraveling the genetic and epigenetic basis of inter-individual variation in immune response to influenza infection” (Luis Barreiro)

· Emily Fogarty , Microbiology, “Revealing the ecological interactions, evolutionary histories and niche boundaries of prevalent human gut plasmids” (A. Murat Eren)

· Soo Ji Hur , Development, Regeneration, and Stem Cell Biology, “Quantitative insights into the role of RTK/MAPK signaling pathway on developmental cell state transitions” (Ilaria Rebay)

· David Klawon , Immunology, “Role of regulatory T cell antigen specificity in T cell tolerance, autoimmunity, and self-nonself discrimination” (Peter Savage)

· Szymon Kordon , Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics, “Conformational and functional coupling between extracellular and transmembrane regions define adhesion GPCR latrophilin-3 signaling” (Demet Arac-Ozkan)

· Xiaoxuan Lin , Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics, “Hydrogen exchange/mass spectrometry elucidates dynamics of membrane proteins both in vitro and in vivo” (Tobin Sosnick)

· Mira M. Liu , Medical Physics, “Use, optimization, and expansion of quantitative magnetic resonance perfusion imaging in cerebrovascular disease” (Timothy Carroll)

· Victor Mendoza , Molecular Metabolism and Nutrition, “Macrophage inflammation and lipid metabolism in atherosclerosis” (Lev Becker)

· Elizaveta Okorokova , Computational Neuroscience, “Unraveling the neural basis of prehension to build better bionic hands” (Sliman Bensmaia)

· Shivang Sullere , Neurobiology, “Discovery of a cholinergic circuit that relieves pain, despite opioid tolerance” (Daniel McGehee)

· Audrey Williams , Cell and Molecular Biology, “Organization of a planar signaling system that orchestrates collective epithelial cell migration in Drosophila” (Sally Horne-Badovinac)

· Xingruo (Summer) Zhang , Public Health Sciences, “Obtaining more information from location scale models for intensive longitudinal data: Effects sizes, diagnostics, and latent classes” (Donald Hedecker)

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Meet EPA Wetland Ecologist Amanda M. Nahlik, Ph.D.

Amanda Nahlik

EPA researcher Dr. Amanda Nahlik works on understanding how anthropogenic disturbances, including climate change, affect wetland biogeochemistry across regional and national scales. She is the Office of Research and Development’s Technical Lead for the National Aquatic Resource Surveys (NARS) program , under which annual, field-based condition assessments of the nation’s aquatic resources are conducted in lakes, rivers and streams, coasts and estuaries, and wetlands on a rotating schedule. Over her career, Dr. Nahlik’s research has spanned many different aspects of wetland and aquatic ecology – including water quality improvement, carbon storage, greenhouse gas emissions, ecosystem services, and development of indicators and metrics of aquatic ecosystem condition.

What are you working on right now?

I have many concurrent projects, all of which utilize data produced through the National Aquatic Resource Surveys (NARS). The wealth of data produced through NARS since its inception in 2007 provides unparalleled opportunities to answer questions about our aquatic ecosystems at national and regional scales. One of the most exciting questions I’m currently investigating relate to carbon storage in wetlands across the conterminous United States . Wetlands can be incredible carbon sinks, but changes to our landscape, changes in policies, and changing climates can have impacts on stored carbon, resulting in transformation of stored carbon into the atmosphere as potent greenhouse gases (e.g., carbon dioxide, methane). Understanding how much carbon we currently have stored in our nation’s wetlands and temporal changes to carbon stores is important for protecting and managing wetlands across the nation, especially in consideration of climate change mitigation.

What is your education/science background?

As an undergraduate, I studied biology and environmental studies at Kenyon College, a small but renowned liberal arts school in Gambier, Ohio.  I conducted several years of independent wetland research during my summers with Dr. M. Siobhan Fennessy , who greatly influenced my life under her mentorship through her contagious enthusiasm for wetlands. After graduating with my B.A. in 2002, there was no question I would continue onto graduate school. I studied wetland ecology and biogeochemistry under Dr. William J. Mitsch at The Ohio State University in Columbus for both my M.S. (2005) and my Ph.D. (2009). During my doctorate research, I spent several years in Costa Rica, studying greenhouse gas emissions (methane in particular) and carbon cycling in tropical wetlands.  Dr. Mitsch made great efforts to introduce me to other influential scientists. One of those influential scientists was Dr. Mary Kentula , a wetland ecologist at EPA’s Pacific Ecological Systems Division (PESD) in Corvallis, Oregon, with whom I worked as an EPA Post Doctoral Fellow from 2009-2013. Under Dr. Kentula’s mentorship at PESD, I helped to plan and analyze the first National Wetland Condition Assessment (NWCA) in 2011. For a few years, I continued to work on NWCA research under a Cooperative Agreement as a Research Associate at Kenyon College until I was hired permanently at PESD in 2016. I assumed the role of the Office of Research and Development’s Technical Lead for the NARS program in 2023.

When did you first know you wanted to work in environmental science?

I was one of those five-year-olds that knew what they really, truly wanted to “be” when they grew up.  The natural world, and later ecology, always interested me. My parents fostered my curiosity as a young child through frequent outings to the many zoos, museums, and botanical gardens that Chicago has to offer. Throughout my early teens, I spent many summers and evenings taking ecology and field biology classes and even traveled to Belize as part of an intensive marine biology course in high school.

What do you like most about your job?

My job is not a job – it is my passion. At EPA, I am encouraged to be curious, to investigate scientific questions that have long gone unanswered, and to reach managers and policymakers to make real-world impacts on our environment and for the public. NARS, is an amazing program to be part of because of the unparalleled quality, quantity, and longevity of the data, but also because of the amazing team of scientists with which I collaborate. They inspire me every day.

How does your science matter?

The NARS program is crucial to meeting Clean Water Act (CWA) goals to “restore and maintain the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of the Nations’ waters” (CWA§101(a)). NARS is the only program in the United States that produces aquatic ecosystem data using a national-scale survey design and consistent, field-based methods. The NARS program provides critical information about the state of our aquatic resources, but perhaps even more importantly, the cyclic nature of NARS allows us to track trends in ecosystem condition over time to assess whether the nation is meeting objectives of the CWA to maintain or improve the integrity of our water resources. The datasets produced through the NARS program support myriad of research, both within EPA (e.g., in the Office of Research and Development, Office of Science and Technology, Regions) and outside EPA (e.g., in state agencies academia, non-governmental organizations).

Despite the many critical functions wetlands provide on the landscape, such as flood amelioration, climate change mitigation through carbon storage, groundwater recharge, nutrient storage and transformation, and wildlife habitat, wetland loss across the United States is occurring at substantial rates, with net losses increasing over 50% over the two decades ( Lang et al. 2024 ). The National Wetland Condition Assessment (NWCA) is arguably the most comprehensive wetland dataset that exists for the United States, with data collected from approximately 1,000 sites every five years that span from nutrient concentrations in the water column, to plant species lists and abundances, to human-mediated physical alterations, to soil profiles and soil chemistry. Understanding the how wetland condition and wetland functions are affected by stressors, such as anthropogenic disturbance, climate change, and nutrient inputs, is important for protecting and managing wetlands across the nation.

If you weren’t a scientist, what would you be doing?

I can’t imagine not being a scientist – it is so engrained in who I am. But when I’m not actively working on research, I love to read (I’m currently on a science fiction kick), knit, and hike. I spend lots of time outdoors – especially at wetlands – with my two young children, who are just as curious about the world as I was at their age!

What advice would you give a student interested in a career in science?

I have gotten to where I am through a lot of hard work, persistence, and adaptability, but most of all, through connecting with already-established professionals in the field I wanted to pursue. In some cases, that meant a simple email to a lead author on a journal article I read.  In other cases, it meant volunteering for an event or a short internship. Setting yourself apart in your prospective field as early as possible – by introducing yourself and getting your name out to others – will help gain you recognition that makes it easier to find your path. Lastly, it’s important to recognize that the path isn’t always clear; after my undergraduate degree, it took a year of working at bookshops and answering phones at an office before I decided what I specifically wanted to study in graduate school. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t have all the answers right away!

If you could have dinner with any scientist, past or present, who would you choose and what would you talk about?

I would love to have dinner (or even better, a field trip) with Dr. Henry Chandler Cowles, a botanist, conservationist, and one of the founders of modern ecology. In a lot of ways, it was specifically his theories that ignited my interest in ecology; in third grade, I took a dunes ecology class at the Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore, where my interest in ecology was ignited by the same ecosystems that inspired his publications on succession. I would ask Dr. Cowles about his strategies for convincing a seemingly intractable public to preserve natural systems.  I imagine we could talk about changes in ecology and succession in response to anthropogenic disturbances and climate change for hours!

You are stranded on a desert island; how do you use science to survive? 

I lived on a tropical island for about six months to conduct coral reef surveys! Granted, I was not stranded and had many modern amenities, but water was always a primary concern as we received less than 20 inches of rainfall per year. Every drop of water that reached the rooftops was captured in a cistern and saved for drinking and cooking. So, the first thing I would do if I was stranded on a desert island would be to set up a system to catch rainwater and/or a simple system to evaporate and desalinate water. Even though much of our U.S. population is fortunate enough to not have to think about clean drinking water on a daily basis, it wasn’t all that long ago that our water quality in some areas of the U.S. was so poor that rivers were catching fire . Clean drinking water is still humanity’s most basic need, and under the Clean Water Act, EPA and states are responsible for ensuring that we have drinkable, fishable, swimmable waters now and into the future.

Editor's Note:  The opinions expressed herein are those of the researcher alone. EPA does not endorse the opinions or positions expressed.  

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