Cover Letter Examples for Sales and Marketing Jobs

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How to Write a Sales Cover Letter

Personalize your cover letter.

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  • Sample Sales Cover Letter

Sample Marketing Cover Letter

  • More Sales, Marketing, & PR Letters

When you are writing a cover letter for a position in sales, marketing, or public relations, it's particularly important to do a stellar job of selling yourself. That's because potential employers will very likely see your ability to sell yourself in this letter as a preview for how you'd sell the company (and its products) if you should land the job.

Here are tips for how to write a strong sales, marketing, or public relations cover letter and what you should include, with examples and a template to download.

Quantify Your Past Achievements

Take the time to make sure your letter includes quantifiable achievements. For instance, you can mention sales volume achieved or surpassed, responses to marketing email blasts, churn ratios optimized, or other measurable successes. Numbers are a great way to show your value. 

Make Your Achievements Visually “Pop” on the Page

The best way to make your quantifiable achievements catch an employer’s eye on a cover letter is to set these unique accomplishments off from the text with bullets. It is also highly effective to boldface sales numbers or percentages. For example:

  • Consistently growing YOY sales by 20% each year for the last five years;
  • Introducing new website SEO strategies that heightened monthly page views from 10,000 to 50,000 within one month.
  • Designing and launching a dynamic referral program that increased customer referrals by 60%.

Show Employers How You Would Offer an Advantage

Make it easy for potential employers to see why you would be a good candidate for their team. What are your skills? What would you bring to the company? This is your chance to pitch yourself and make a strong argument for your candidacy.

You can discuss achievements in previous positions, as well as mentioning specific markets you would target and goals you would establish if you got the job. 

Share Details on Skills

Discuss the skills and credentials that are specifically related to what the employer is seeking in a candidate. Learn what marketing skills and sales skills employers are looking for.

But aim to discuss your skills in the context of previous achievements. Rather than just saying "I'm results driven," give a specific example that demonstrates how you’ve triggered sales growth or increased your client base.

Make It Easy to Read

Avoid long strings of adjectives. If your paragraphs are growing lengthy, consider breaking them up with bullet points to make them easier to scan.

You wouldn't give the same sales pitch to two different advertisers, right? And, similarly, your marketing strategy would be different if you were targeting millennials or going after baby boomers.

Make sure your pitch in the cover letter is calibrated to your audience—write a letter that targets the company and its needs. 

Your objective is to write a compelling cover letter that highlights your sales achievements, qualifications, and experience.

Review Letter Examples & Templates

Review the examples of sales- and marketing-related cover letters below to get ideas for your own letters, then customize your letters for each job application, explaining how you are the best-qualified candidate.

Sample Cover Letter for a Sales Position

This is an example of a cover letter for a sales position.  Download the letter template  (compatible with Google Docs and Word Online) or see below for more examples.

Sample Sales Cover Letter (Text Version)

Tina Applicant 123 Main Street Anytown, CA 12345 555-555-5555

July 20, 2020

Alcore Pharmaceuticals 123 Business Rd. Business City, NY 54321

Dear Sales Team Leader,

I was excited to find your website posting for a new pharmaceutical sales representative. I recently graduated from Marybore University with a degree in microbiology, and I meet all of your requirements for an entry level sales position.

I believe I would be a great fit with Alcore Pharmaceuticals because, in addition to my background in chemistry and microbiology, I’ve acquired many skills necessary to perform as a successful sales professional. I have:

  • Strong presentation skills from my minor in mass communications
  • Knowledge of pharmacology and medical terminology
  • Proficiency with word processing and spreadsheet software
  • The ability to function independently while also being a team player
  • A driver's license and flexible schedule

Thank you so much for taking the time to review this introduction. I’ve included my resume for your review. My cell phone number is 555-555-5555 and my email is

Tina Applicant

Marketing Cover Letter Email

Subject: Marketing Specialist Position - Your Name

Dear Marketing Team Leader,

I was excited to find the posting for a Marketing Specialist on the careers page of the Fairfield Credit Union website. I meet all of your requirements and I am confident I would be a valuable addition to your marketing team.

I am adept at all forms of marketing, with an expertise in digital platforms. At my current position, I'm in charge of several advertising campaigns that have increased company revenue by 25 percent in the past year alone.

With more than five years of relevant experience, I can bring to Fairfield Credit Union:

  • Creativity and imagination
  • Interpersonal and corporate communication skills
  • Strong analytical skills
  • Effective copywriting
  • An ability to identify and reach out to stakeholders and influencers

I’ve included my resume for your review. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 555-555-5555 or by email, Thank you for taking the time to read this introduction and to review my application. I am truly excited about this opportunity.

More Cover Letter Examples for Sales, Marketing, & PR Jobs

  • Administrative Assistant
  • Entry Level Marketing
  • Event Planner
  • Market Research Analyst
  • Pharmaceutical Sales
  • Public Relations
  • Retail Management
  • Sales Associate
  • Summer Cashier

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Sales Cover Letter Writing Templates & Tips to Help You Stand Out from the Crowd

Sales Cover Letter

A sales cover letter is a chance to sell yourself. It’s an opportunity to personalize your job application and explain why you’re the best person for the sales job you want.

Moreover, it gives you a chance to prove that you have the selling skills necessary to succeed in a role. Research shows that 72% of recruiters expect a cover letter even when they are “optional” with 77% of the recruiters giving preference to candidates who include one. Additionally, 83% of hiring managers and HR professionals say that cover letters can boost your chances of getting an interview.

Further, Jobvite’s 2021 recruiter study showed cover letters are becoming increasingly important to recruiters with 26% considering them very important for candidate evaluation (up from just 8% in 2017).

Whether you are in the market for a business development, customer success or a sales representative position, a cover letter, in addition to a professional resume can help you land a job interview.

In this article, we’re going to explain why sales position cover letters matter, what sales managers look for in an ideal candidate and some cover letter tips to make your application stand out. We’ll also share some cover letter examples sales reps can use to help craft your own.

Why do sales cover letters matter?

Similarly, in a professional cover letter, you must position yourself as the answer to their hiring needs. Think of a cover letter your sales pitch to a prospective customer where you position yourself as the solution to their problem (i.e. a salesperson that will help them reach their goals, whether that’s to close more deals, increase revenue, grow into new markets, etc.).

A great cover letter goes beyond showcasing your sales skills and track record. You’re competing in a saturated market during your job search and many applicants have similar skills and sales experience to your own. Your cover letter can give you the edge over the competition and complement your sales resume – especially if you’re writing a cover letter for sales positions that have plenty of suitors.

Use the cover letter to not only showcase your skills but to sell yourself, explaining exactly why and how your past work experience will help you deliver results.

Take this time to show that you care not only about landing the sales position but also the company you’re applying to. Conduct thorough research and tie your own personal experiences to the company’s values.

For example, if you’re applying for a job at an email marketing SaaS company and have used their platform before, mention it. Talk about how their software helped you in a previous job or endeavor and relay your passion for the tools and their features.

A touch of personalization like this can go a long way. Personalization is key in sales because it humanizes the customer journey and selling process. Using it in your sales position cover letter has the same outcome. It gives you the chance to expand beyond simply a name on a piece of paper and helps to bring your application to life.

It also proves that you’ve done your due diligence with their products and have found a way to tie that into your unique narrative and background. This shows that you can replicate this process with your future leads, prospect’s and customers if hired.

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Sales cover letter candidate

What do sales managers look for in an ideal sales candidate?

There are many types of sales methodologies and each one requires varying degrees of skill.

However, sales superstars share basic strengths and qualities that help them go above and beyond.

These include:

  • Responsibility. Elite sales reps take ownership and accountability for their performance. They don’t blame anybody else for their shortcomings and set high goals for themselves.
  • Coachability. They pick up processes and operations quickly and easily in order to perform at a high standard. As sales associates must continually learn about new products, features, tools, trends and techniques, they need to be adept at understanding and showcasing this knowledge on a regular basis.
  • Goal orientation. Successful reps constantly set and surpass their targets and objectives. They go beyond what is expected and are eager to learn in order to level-up their skillset and performance.
  • High motivation, willpower or grit. Reps need to be motivated and ready to convert prospects into customers, every single day. Furthermore, they need to handle rejection well and press on. Seasoned reps understand that rejection is part of the game, push through rejection and persevere.
  • Product knowledge. Superstar reps have a deep understanding of the products they are selling. This allows them to portray tremendous confidence and enables them to have more meaningful conversations with their leads and prospects. They don’t stop at simply understanding a product; they become experts on the solutions they’re selling.
  • Customer connection. They take the time to understand their customer’s pain points and needs in order to help solve their problems. They go beyond simply trying to sell a product or service and are genuinely interested in improving their prospects’ day-to-day. By perfecting listening skills, they can ask pointed questions to allow the prospect to come to their own conclusions about why they need their products.
  • Sales process conformity or adaptability. They adhere to the sales process that their company and managers have set forth. Simultaneously, they creatively adapt their approach based on any changes or setbacks they encounter (both environmental and customer-based). They are consistently prospecting, following up and closing deals.
  • Time management. The best reps are exceptionally talented at managing their time. They are able to categorize prospects and capitalize on the opportunities that generate high-value for the business. When they aren’t selling, they’re upskilling and prospecting .

Highlighting superstar traits in a sales cover letter

Knowing what sales managers look for in an ideal sales candidate equips you to position your own strengths in a way that makes them stand out in your cover letter.

Therefore, highlight your achievements in a way that aligns with one of these ideal rep qualities.

For example, say that in a previous role you alone increased company-wide customer referrals by 30%. While very impressive, rather than simply listing this as a standalone statistic, tie it into the customer connection quality from the sales superstar list.

The end product may look like this:

  • Through excellent listening and conversational skills, I built meaningful customer relationships that stimulated a 30% increase in customer referrals

Here’s a sales cover letter example from an account executive applicant :

  • Awarded Top Sales Consultant in the territory for two straight quarters and numerous other recognition for helping drive the business, with over $70,000 worth of merchandise sold in the top-performing quarter at Best Buy.
  • Exceptional academic qualifications, including a forthcoming Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance from The George Washington University School of Business.
  • Successfully automated and maintained an innovative metrics reporting process for the team's monthly capitalization rates, dramatically increasing capitalization opportunities on a per-project basis at Royal Bank of Canada.
  • Effectively prepared a variety of business and personal tax returns for clients using Syntax, filing more than 84 tax returns a day resulting in an additional 34 new clients during the taxation season at MA Consulting.
  • Provided expert assistance in auditing and organizing information regarding tax returns.
  • Assisted specialists in verifying data and communicating with customers to maintain documentation, running and preparing support documents at Mariner Finance.

He seamlessly intertwines his own achievements with the attributes that make up a top sales performer.

If we take a closer look at the first bullet point, which contains his achievements:

Awarded Top Sales Consultant in the territory for two straight quarters and numerous other recognition for helping drive the business.

Sales superstar strengths:

  • Driving business growth through high motivation, willpower and grit. To win Top Sales Consultant two quarters in a row takes serious determination and a will to succeed
  • Goal-orientedness. In order to drive sales to such a high level, he must have set exceedingly high goals for himself and made a valiant effort to achieve them

Keeping what hiring managers are looking for front-of-mind can help you tailor your cover letter in a way that lands you an interview.

Pro-tip : Ensure that your cover letter is congruent with your profile on LinkedIn in case the hiring manager examines your credentials further. As LinkedIn’s platform is designed to blend the traditional resume and cover letter (and resume examples) via bios and job experience, it should synchronize with your application.

Sales cover letter examples

Sales cover letter examples: How to stand out

When it comes to cover letter examples, sales representatives should consider both quality and format.

There are three essential tactics to follow when creating a cover letter for a sales position:

  • Top. Explain why you’re the best candidate for the job (as discussed in the first section)
  • Middle. Format your achievements with bullet points to make them pop
  • Bottom. Finish strong with a CTA (your contact details with a few words encouraging them to get in touch)

Let’s run through each section in detail with some sales cover letter samples to boot.

Top of the cover letter

Start with a targeted message. Explain why you are the best candidate for this specific position. The more details the better. Avoid sounding overly broad.

If you can find the hiring manager’s name via research, include it. Addressing your cover letter to a specific person adds a personal touch that can pique interest.

The goal is to capture the hiring manager’s attention and convey that you are astutely familiar with the company and brand that you’re applying to work for.

Here’s a cover letter template for the start of your letter:

Dear [NAME], I’m so excited to apply for this job because I’ve followed your company for years. I am very familiar with the mindset required to excel as a sales representative for your brand. I respect your values, mission and goals when it comes to making a global social impact through a meaningful, value-driven platform. I’m incredibly excited about the work that your company does and I believe my previous experience gives me the competitive edge you’re looking for in a rep. As a rep for [PREVIOUS COMPANY], I acquired a dynamic skill set that aligns with your company’s needs. I’m ready to pursue my ultimate dream career and blend my unique skills and accomplishments with something that aligns with my preeminent personal passions.

In this example, the applicant begins with a personalized opener and highlights a specific interest in the company they’re applying to work for.

By showing a specific interest in the company and role, you significantly boost your chances of landing an interview. That’s because personalization helps to bridge the gap between anonymous applicant and cultural fit.

Middle of the cover letter

Transition into your specific achievements and accomplishments in previous positions. As discussed above, align your skills with the strengths and qualities that hiring managers are looking for.

Quantify your achievements and detail specific examples of what you’ve done. Did you hit your sales goals for three consecutive years? Were you awarded the top inside sales rep for two quarters? Now is the time to say it. Use bullet points to make them pop. Go beyond what’s listed in your sales representative resume and add value bombs where applicable.

Here’s a template for the middle of your sales representative cover letter:

Closed deals at a rate 2x higher than company set targets by asking pointed questions based on actively listening to prospects’ needs

Grew customer base by 15% through driven and motivated networking, outreach and follow-ups

Awarded Top Sales Representative for 5 out of the 8 quarters I was employed

Designed a first-rate internal communications strategy that directly boosted pipeline growth by 10% in one year

Consistently drove aggressive YOY sales by 20% over the last 2 years

Created an internal communication skills course for entry-level reps which resulted in an 18% increase in quota attainment

Bolding your numeric achievements is an effective visual strategy. The hiring manager will most likely scan your cover letter and, if impressed by your achievements, will re-read in full.

Bottom of the sales cover letter

Finish with a short paragraph that indicates how you will offer an advantage if hired.

Now is the time to dictate specifically how you will use your aforementioned passion, excitement and achievements to better the company you’re applying to. Again, do your research before applying so that you can align this section with the company’s needs.

The best place to learn about what the company wants from you is the job description itself. The job description should set clear expectations of what the role entails, the daily activities and required experience. It will also tell you a bit about the company.

Allude to the themes in the job description in your final paragraph. This shows that you:

  • Read the job description in full
  • Conducted follow up research
  • Are capable of selling yourself based on the criteria you’ve been given

Here’s a template for the end of your cover letter:

Through working on projects in local communities, I’ve developed a keen interest in connecting with the front-line workers who utilized my [PREVIOUS COMPANY’S] products and services. I’m eager to transfer the critical knowledge I’ve retained from these meaningful experiences to a more global level. Your company has grown at an impressive rate and your business strategy keeps community health and effective global leadership front of mind—two things I respect at the highest of levels. As part of the Sales Team at [YOUR COMPANY], I look forward to learning more about your product, joining a highly motivated and talented team and contributing to your overall growth.

Here, the applicant uses personalization to highlight their company-knowledge, work experience and future goals. They clearly state how they’ll contribute to the company’s growth and help them scale meaningfully. It’s obvious that they’re passionate about what the company does and are ready to take the next step in their career.

Here’s a template for the CTA with easily accessible contact information, which will make it easy for the hiring manager to reach out immediately without wasting valuable time:

Please feel free to contact me if you have any additional questions at [phone number] or [email]. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Kind regards,

[Your Name]

Make sure to end your cover letter with a professional signoff. Match your voice and tone with the company’s style, which you can find in the job description and throughout your research.

For example, if the tone is highly professional use any of the following signatures in your cover letter:

  • Best regards
  • Kind regards
  • Respectfully
  • Yours sincerely (if you know the name of the recipient and you open with their name)
  • Yours faithfully (if you don’t know their name and you open with “dear sir/madam”)
  • If the company’s tone is more laid back, you can use:
  • Thank you for your consideration

Avoid using casual phrasing. As a cover letter is a formal correspondence and an opportunity to make a great first impression, casual phrasing can come across as overly friendly and unprofessional.

Do NOT use any of the following signatures in your cover letter:

  • Affectionately
  • Warm regards
  • Take it easy
  • Have a great day

The complete cover letter for sales associate

Combining all the sections above, this is what a complete cover letter for sales associate positions could look like.

Dear [NAME], I’m so excited to apply for this job because I’ve followed your company for years. I am very familiar with the mindset required to excel as a sales representative for your brand. I respect your values, mission and goals when it comes to making a global social impact through a meaningful, value-driven platform. I’m incredibly excited about the work that your company does and I believe my previous experience gives me the competitive edge you’re looking for in a rep. As a rep for [PREVIOUS COMPANY], I acquired a dynamic skill set that aligns with your company’s needs. I’m ready to pursue my ultimate dream career and blend my unique skills and accomplishments with something that aligns with my preeminent personal passions. Through working on projects in local communities, I’ve developed a keen interest in connecting with the front-line workers who utilized my [PREVIOUS COMPANY’S] products and services. I’m eager to transfer the critical knowledge I’ve retained from these meaningful experiences to a more global level. Your company has grown at an impressive rate and your business strategy keeps community health and effective global leadership front of mind—two things I respect at the highest of levels. As part of the Sales Team at [YOUR COMPANY], I look forward to learning more about your product, joining a highly motivated and talented team and contributing to your overall growth. Please feel free to contact me if you have any additional questions at [phone number] or [email]. Thank you for your time and consideration. Kind regards, [Your Name]

Final Thoughts

Regardless of the sales position, cover letters that follow the example shown by those above can help you rise above the crowd. A great sales cover letter offers an opportunity to connect with the hiring manager at the company you’re applying to. It’s a chance to stand out from the crowd, showcase your talents and your selling skills.

Use it as a sales platform to sell yourself. Format it in a way that helps the reader easily find your accomplishments and wow them by aligning past achievements with ideal candidate qualities.

Personalize it by researching the company and showcasing excitement for the specific role. Avoid generalizations and discuss details. Read the job description in full, reference its themes throughout and explain exactly why and how you are the right candidate for the job.

While not every hiring manager reads cover letters, you should always put your best effort into writing them. You never know when it will be the breakthrough you need to land an interview and eventually get the job.

cover letter for a sales and marketing position

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Sales Cover Letter Tips, Templates, & Examples to Land Your Ideal Role

Aja Frost

Published: April 20, 2022

A strong sales cover letter can do a lot for you as an applicant — like demonstrate effective communication skills, show you're invested in the opportunity, and give you room to add some color to your application.

cover letter for a sales and marketing position

That said, stringing cover letters together is often one of the more grating, monotonous tasks job seekers have to put up with — but while putting a sound sales cover letter together can be a chore , it doesn't necessarily have to be a challenge . There are some key tips, strategies, and structures you can fold into your letters to make them as compelling as possible.

Let's take a look at some of those tricks, review how to arrange your sales cover letter, and see an example of what a solid one looks like in practice.

→ Click here to access 5 free cover letter templates [Free Download]

Sales Cover Letter Tips

Keep it concise..

You should aim to keep your cover letter between three to five paragraphs, and under no circumstances should it be more than one page. Employers fielding a high volume of applications could be leafing through hundreds of cover letters every day. If you're too long-winded — stringing together a multi-page history of your entire professional life — you're going to get overlooked.

Use a professional font.

A cover letter is a professional document, so it warrants a professional presentation. Don't get too cute with your font selection or colors. Go with something like Times New Roman, Arial, or Calibri — and always have the text be black.

Avoid flowery language without sacrificing flow.

You're not writing an English essay or preparing for a poetry slam here. Again, you want to keep things professional. Avoid flowery phrases like, " At your leisure " or " Please find attached herewith. ” That said, you want your letter to flow and sound natural, so try not to come off too stiff.

Highlight relevant skills.

Pore over the listing for the role you're applying for. What is the company in question looking for? What specific skills and qualities do they call out in the job description? Once you have those questions squared away, try to find ways to include those elements in your cover letter.

Reference quantifiable achievements.

In most cases, employers won't look at the skills you highlight and just take you at your word — you need to point to hard, quantifiable results that demonstrate you're the real deal.

How to Write a Sales Cover Letter

If you’re applying to a conservative company or work in a formal industry — like finance, healthcare, or law — include a full heading: Your name and address, followed by a space, the date, followed by another space, and the company name and address.

But if you’re applying to a less formal place, you can probably get away with simply writing your name and email address — followed by a space and the company's name and email address.

Maybe you’re not sure who will be reading your cover letter — but don’t write " To whom it may concern, " " Dear hiring manager, " or any other generic title. With a little research, you can usually find the hiring manager’s name.

Let’s say you’re applying for the SMB Account Executive role at Joyfull. Google "SMB sales manager Joyfull" and see if you can find the team’s leader on LinkedIn. When applying to a conservative company, write “Dear Mr./Ms. [Last name].” When applying to a startup or relatively relaxed organization, write “Dear [First name] [Last name].”

Your intro paragraph should highlight why you’re a great fit. It’s a high-level overview, rather than an in-depth exploration of your work history and qualifications, so keep it under four sentences.

The standard cover letter opening line is something along the lines of:

"I’m interested in becoming a sales representative on your SMB team " or " I'm excited for the opportunity to apply for the SMB sales representative role. "

While these sentences might not kill your chances of getting the job, they generally don’t help. You want to grab the reader’s attention and sell yourself from the very start — so don't be reluctant to try a personalized, compelling line that will draw the hiring manager in and make them want to read more.

Here are a few examples:

" I love working with small businesses — in fact, I’ve helped more than 300 in the past year at my current job — which is why I’m so excited about the chance to help SMBs discover Joyfull. "

" Every week, I write a blog post about a common SMB challenge. Helping SMBs overcome this obstacle isn’t just rewarding -- it’s also a great lead gen strategy. My passion for this type of work led me to your SMB Account Executive position. "

Do you know a current or former employee who speaks positively about the company? Mention them in your intro. In some cases, you might have their referral — either by submitting your application or connecting you with the hiring manager — but even if you don't, you can still drop their name.

For instance, you might say something like, "As a self-starter who thrives in autonomous, results-oriented environments, I’m drawn to the BDR role at Red Shelf. I’ve heard great things about the culture and learning opportunities from Sarah Grossman, who started as a BDR and now works on your L&D team."

First Body Paragraph

In this paragraph, choose a relevant work experience. What does "relevant" mean? You’re trying to show your existing abilities and knowledge map well to the role you’re applying for, so if you currently work in retail and you want to become a business development rep, you might write:

" As a floor associate for Wilson & Co., I help 60-plus customers every day with questions about brands, fit, quality, and more. This experience has taught me how to provide a positive customer experience and be helpful while driving sales — both skills I’d use as a HubSpot BDR. Finally, it’s made me comfortable approaching strangers and acting as a product expert, which would be invaluable when reaching out to inbound leads. "

Second Body Paragraph

The second body paragraph follows the same structure as the first. Take another relevant work or educational experience, and connect the dots to the role you’re applying for. Imagine you’re currently an AE applying for a manager position. Your second section could read:

“ In the past 16 months on the Pacific West team, I’ve taken several opportunities to grow my leadership abilities. I started a mentorship program for new reps, pairing them with salespeople who have been at the company for at least two years. This program has been a huge success — the half-year retention is 20% higher for participants versus those without mentors. As a sales manager, I’d continue to look for ways to support, mentor, and train my salespeople so they can maximize their potential. "

Third Body Paragraph

If you have another relevant experience, discuss it here. But you don’t have to add a third paragraph just for the sake of adding one — a lot of the time, a shorter cover letter is better, provided you can convey an appropriate amount of relevant information.

Let’s suppose you’re applying for a sales engineer role — a highly technical and demanding job that likely warrants a three-paragraph cover letter. You could say something like:

"After spending two years in customer support, I’m in my element when answering product-related questions. There’s nothing I enjoy more than getting a challenging ticket I can dig into — and there’s nothing more satisfying than finally solving it. As a sales engineer for HubSpot, I’d get the chance to talk to customers about the product on a daily basis and answer their most complex questions. In addition, I could use the communication skills I’ve honed as a support rep."

This section doesn’t need to be long or flowery. Many people end with unnecessary statements like, "Please let me know if I can provide any more information” or "Thank you for your consideration."

The problem with these? A hiring manager can safely assume you’ll give more info if asked and are appreciative of their time. You’ll seem like every other applicant who’s grabbed a generic template from the internet — which, okay, you might be doing, but they don’t need to know that.

Instead, reiterate your interest with a strong summary line like:

“The best days at work are usually the longest and most demanding — because I go home knowing I’ve helped multiple owners dramatically change the course of their businesses. Your hyper-loyal user base suggests being a Joyfull AE comes with even more opportunities to help young and growing organizations.”

Sales Cover Letter Template

Dear Jane Doe,

I’m passionate about [helping X type of customer, solving Y goal, working in Z industry] — which is how I found the [open position] at [company name]. The more I learned about [company’s] mission to [insert mission here, i.e. “improve the remote working experience,” “make personal finance easy”], the more excited I became. My [applicable skill #1 and applicable skill #2], as well as experience in [field] and knowledge of [related topic], would make me an asset to the [department, i.e. “Customer Development”] team.

As a [title] at [current employer or skill], I’m responsible for [doing X and Y]. This has helped me develop [ability] -- in fact, [insert proof of your skill, e.g. “my boss recently said I was one of the most resourceful employees he’s ever had” or “I’m known for my ability to stay collected and take the lead during high-pressure situations.”] I’d use [X skill] as your [job title] to [achieve main objective].

I’m also [skilled in X/possess Y and Z positive traits], which comes from my [previous work or extracurricular experience]. [In that role, on that team], I developed a knack for [skill/traits]. This was instrumental in [hitting specific milestones/exceeding expectations]. You’re looking for someone with [X skill/character traits], and I believe I’m a good fit.

Over the past [number of years], [company] has [accomplished X goal, such as “become a leader in the CRM space” or “used creative marketing and social media campaigns to become a household name in Colorado.”] It looks like you have ambitious goals for the future -- I hope I get the opportunity to contribute.

[Your name]

Sales Cover Letter Example

an effective sales cover letter example

Why It Works

This cover letter is effective for a few reasons. For one, it speaks directly to how the applicant's hard, quantifiable achievements align with both the role's required technical acumen and the more abstract qualities needed to thrive in it.

By alluding to the fact that they're familiar with the vertical the role serves, the applicant establishes the relevance of their experience — and by touching on elements like their experience with mentorship, they're demonstrating their growth potential within the role.

If you're in the middle of a job hunt, odds are you're going to write your fair share of cover letters — so knowing how to put a compelling one together is in your best interest. It might be the difference between ultimately landing a sales role and not even popping up on an employer's radar.

Professional Cover Letter Templates

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Five fill-in-the-blank cover letter templates to help you impress recruiters.

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cover letter for a sales and marketing position

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cover letter for a sales and marketing position

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5 Marketing Cover Letter Examples That Worked in 2024

Stephen Greet

  • Marketing Cover Letter
  • Marketing Coordinator
  • Marketing Intern
  • Marketing Assistant
  • Marketing Director
  • Write Your Marketing Cover Letter

You’re a promotional wiz. Target markets are identified, sales campaigns are created, and conversion rates are increased successfully with you on the job. 

But does your cover letter complement your marketing resume and help you convert job leads into interviews?

You thrive when writing promotional copy, so all you need is a push in the right direction when writing a great cover letter and really grab a hiring manager’s attention. You can use our marketing cover letter examples as templates or our free cover letter builder for success in your job hunt.

cover letter for a sales and marketing position

Marketing Cover Letter Example


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Block Format

Marketing cover letter example

Why this cover letter works

  • Your marketing cover letter will be successful when you show how your experience with web content optimization, email marketing campaigns, and social media targeting addresses the requirements associated with a media publication role.

Level up your cover letter game

Relax! We’ll do the heavy lifting to write your cover letter in seconds.

Marketing Coordinator Cover Letter Example

Marketing coordinator cover letter example

  • Harness the power of metrics in your cover letter to further illustrate your tangible success as a marketing coordinator skilled in tools like CMS platforms, Joomla, and SEO.

Marketing Intern Cover Letter Example

Marketing intern cover letter example

  • Can you connect personal passion (think: passion for sustainable energy practices) with a company’s mission (think: Chevron’s mission of sustainability)?
  • Reinforce this connection in your closer to reaffirm alignment with the company’s mission and eagerness to contribute to its goals.

Marketing Assistant Cover Letter Example

Marketing assistant cover letter template

  • Notice how Leo highlights his past interaction with Blue Diamond Growers during their Homegrown Goodness Tour? Why not use such associated memories or personal experiences with the hiring company’s products or initiatives to add a unique twist to your masterpiece?

Marketing Director Cover Letter Example

Marketing director cover letter template

  • Did you lead a marketing team to spend less yet reap more? Do you recount that workplace where you nurtured marketing rookies into champions? Turn these episodes of success into a compelling tale that will have the hiring manager root for you, envisioning you replicating the success in their company.

Related cover letter examples

  • Business analyst
  • Social media manager
  • Data analyst
  • Product manager

Harness Your Skills for the Perfect Marketing Cover Letter

Job seeker stands with hands in air, questioning how to fill out job materials

When creating a marketing campaign, you understand the importance of tailoring your message to the brand’s target market. The same is true for your cover letter. 

Every company markets its products and services in varying ways. One company may focus on social media marketing, whereas another wants to boost its email marketing efforts. Therefore, the skills and values you emphasize here should be customized for each company.

cover letter for a sales and marketing position

Engage employers instantly with your greeting and intro 

You’re used to grabbing attention in ads within the first few sentences to get readers interested in your offer. The same is true for your cover letter. You want to grab attention right away. 

First, you want to address someone by name, if possible. Some companies will list a contact person in the job description , or you could try to find the hiring manager’s name on the company website or LinkedIn. It’s the same as how using someone’s name in an email marketing subject line makes it feel more personal and engaging. Otherwise, “Dear [name of company] hiring team,” can work well too.

The next step is connecting with the company’s mission or needs, just like you’d connect with a customer’s pain points or ideals in promotional content. For instance, if the company emphasizes environmentally-friendly products or team culture, you could try to highlight those aspects. 

Just like customers don’t like generic ads with irrelevant information, hiring managers won’t like your opening if it reads like the one below. 

You’re not selling your skills with this one!

I’m writing to apply for the marketing position at your company. I have a few years of experience in marketing and have been quite good at it. The position appeals to me and is one I’d like to fill, and your company sounds like a pleasant place to work.

A better idea is to connect with the company and make your opening feel specific to their needs, just like you’d do for everyone in your marketing campaign’s target audience. The example below perfectly connects with GoDaddy’s focus on customer-centric innovation and cutting-edge web services. 

Use an opener aligned with the company’s vision! 

Dear Ms. Sharma,

As an admirer of GoDaddy’s impressive achievements in empowering entrepreneurs and businesses through cutting-edge web services, I’m thrilled to apply for the marketing coordinator position. GoDaddy’s commitment to customer-centric innovation resonates deeply with me.

cover letter for a sales and marketing position

Emphasize achievements in your marketing cover letter body

In any marketing message, you know it’s essential to share the facts about what a product or service can help a customer achieve. You want to do the same with your abilities in a cover letter. 

Leaning on marketing metrics from previous achievements is a great way to stand out. Consider metrics like engagement or click-through rates that many companies will focus on. 

Additionally, tailor what you put in the body to the company’s needs to better connect with each specific marketing role. For instance, if you’ll be focused on SEO, sharing how you boosted organic traffic by 59% using keyword research tools like Semrush would be a great idea.

A good body paragraph optimized with relevant marketing metrics

With over 6 years of experience in digital marketing, I have honed my skills in connecting with audiences and optimizing web content. While working as a marketing coordinator at Carvana, I led a social media campaign that increased our follower base by 44% within six months and boosted engagement rates by 32%. 

cover letter for a sales and marketing position

Seal the deal with a strong closing for your marketing cover letter

As you end your cover letter, think about how you would close out a sales call. You’d want to summarize the key information you covered and end with a CTA. 

Do the same for your cover letter, but remember you’re not going for a hard sell. A light CTA like “I look forward to hearing from you soon” is the right level of persuasion to aim for here. 

Additionally, just like you’d want to thank a customer for their time, saying thank you somewhere in the closing or sign-off is a good idea. 

What you don’t want to do is have a closer like the one below that shares the wrong personal information and doesn’t relate to the company or specifics of the marketing position at all.

Providing the wrong information here! 

Thanks for considering my application.

I can start immediately since I’m currently unemployed and I’m really keen to get this job. I hope you choose me for the marketing position.

Instead, aim for a closer like the one below that reconnects with GoDaddy’s mission of providing excellent web services and finishes with a nice CTA, as you would do with any of your marketing messages. 

A CTA-infused closer for success!

I am excited about the opportunity to leverage my skills to further GoDaddy’s mission of providing excellent web services. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to discussing how I can be a valuable asset to the GoDaddy team. 


Luna Torres

Marketing Cover Letter Mistakes to Avoid

  • The last thing you want to spotlight in your marketing cover letter is a poor knowledge of market trends! Demonstrate key knowledge about your target market (the company you’re applying to) by appealing to their vision. You can find more info on their organizational values or how you can help solve current obstacles by doing some research. Find their website, and definitely revisit the original job listing to see what the role emphasizes so you know what to reflect in your marketing cover letter.
  • This tip goes hand-in-hand with staying on top of trends and lingo that apply to your dream job’s target market. Right now, your target audience is the recruiter or hiring manager who’s reading your cover letter! So seize the chance to appeal to them by name—not the dreaded sir or madam —you’ll make a much better impression.
  • While writing your cover letter, demonstrate your marketing knowledge by getting super specific about company needs. (This will be your job once you nail that interview, after all!) You want to offer up key examples of how you can better the organization and contribute to their team. For instance, discuss specific SEO tools, such as Ahrefs or SEO Testing, to provide memorable context for accomplishments that align with the company’s current goals.
  • You don’t want to send out a promotional email or make a social media post only to discover a typo you previously overlooked! And you definitely don’t want to do this with your cover letter, either. It’s well worth your time to proofread, especially if you used ChatGPT for your cover letter , just in case you left out a comma or misspelled an important keyword.
  • Marketing is all about results! How are your customer acquisition and retention rates? Has your work resulted in a measurable increase in star ratings on Google Reviews? Look for numerical, quantifiable metrics for the positive impact you’ve made with your knowledge of Adobe software and Google Suite.

Your cover letter shouldn’t go over one page. The optimal word count is somewhere between 300-500 words. This allows you enough room to provide details about your market analysis and campaign strategizing abilities while keeping it highly specific to each job’s needs. 

Candidates without much experience will want to pull from what they gained through education, transferable skills like customer service, and passion for each position. For instance, you could talk about your passion for creating a great customer experience and how your consumer behavior courses provided you with the skills needed to achieve that. 

Choosing the right tone is similar to choosing your brand’s voice for a specific target market. Analyze how the company speaks in the job description and try to match their levels of energy and formality as best as possible. 

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Resume Pilots

Sales and Marketing Cover Letter Sample [6 Reasons It Works]

cover letter for a sales and marketing position

Analyze this cover letter for a Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing to see what makes it effective

When crafting a cover letter, don't simply restate what is already on your resume.

Your cover needs to make the strongest case possible for why you are the right fit for the position, which requires going above and beyond the content of your resume.

If you are debating whether to include a cover letter at all, we argue that it is well worth the time investment, as it is will:

  • Demonstrate that you seriously considering the position
  • Differentiate you from applicants who didn't include one
  • Allow you to explain special circumstances (such as why you are looking to switch careers or that you will be moving to a new city)

Sales and Marketing Cover Letter Sample - Resume Pilots

The cover letter above allows the applicant to accomplish the following goals:

1) Express her interest in the position and company

She explains why she is interested specifically in the Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing role at Mindful Chef.

She also mentions how she became familiar with the company and the fact that she is "impressed by the company's fast growth and commitment to developing strong relationships with suppliers."

This strategy is effective because it:

  • Shows she has conducted her research
  • Reveals that she was intentional in her application and wasn't just sending out her resume to as many companies as possible

2) Provide an outline of the transferable skills she will discuss

In the second paragraph, she states that she has a "successful track record of driving customer engagement, improving marketing results, and organizing promotional events for new brands."

  • Gives the reader a preview of the characteristics to be discussed in more detail
  • Demonstrates that she possesses skills that are directly applicable to the role

3) Explain what she is responsible for in her current role

In explaining her role at Ralph Lauren, she quickly summarizes the position without going into significant detail.

She says that she is "responsible for increasing customer engagement across all channels, with a specific focus on eCommerce."

  • Gives the reader an understanding of what she was doing day-to-day
  • Avoids repeating information that is already on her resume

4) Provide concrete examples of the value that she was able to drive

She leverages statistics regarding decreasing Google Ads CPC by 10% and increasing conversion rates by 200% to prove exactly how she succeeds at "improving marketing results."

For sales and marketing roles, providing detailed metrics such as how much you increased revenue or grew web traffic is essential.

  • Makes her claims more believable, building her credibility
  • Demonstrates the magnitude of the impact she made

5) Tie previous experiences into the requirements of the target role

She not only provides an outline of her professional background and achievements but also ties these elements back to her target role.

For example, she says, "I would similarly combine my expert knowledge of eCommerce, retail, and in-person marketing to grow Mindful Chef's brand recognition."

  • Keeps the focus on how the company will benefit from hiring her
  • Shows that she has the relevant skills to immediately start making an impact in the position

6) Address the reader directly and says thank you

Instead of addressing the letter "To Whom It May Concern" or "Dear Hiring Manager," she addresses it to the Managing Director.

  • Is more personalized
  • Shows that she made the effort to find out who she would be working for or who would be making the hiring decision

While tailoring your cover letter for each position can be time-consuming, it can reap great rewards.

By crafting your cover letter using an approach like the one discussed and sticking to one concise page , you will be able to maximize your chances of getting invited for an interview.

About Resume Pilots

Resume Pilots is an award-winning executive resume writing firm and a proud member of the Professional Association of Resume Writers and Career Coaches. Our previous clients include CEOs and senior executives at the world's leading companies.

As a professional services firm, we take your reputation seriously. We are committed to delivering writing excellence and superior service while operating with integrity and discretion. Recruitment firms we partner with also trust us to consistently deliver quality documents for their clients.

Our writers have studied in the Ivy League and other top-tier universities and have strong writing backgrounds coupled with industry experience.

Here's how we can help you:

Resume, Cover Letter, and LinkedIn Writing Services : If you are looking for end-to-end support, hire one of our professional resume writers to rewrite your documents from the ground up.

Executive Resume Template Downloads : If you plan to prepare your own resume, consider using one of our classic, ATS-friendly resume templates for Microsoft Word.

To learn more about our services, book an introductory call with our founder here or email [email protected] .

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cover letter for a sales and marketing position

About the Author Matt Glodz

Matt Glodz is the Founder and Managing Partner of Resume Pilots and a Certified Professional Resume Writer. After studying business communication at Cornell University, Matt worked within Fortune 500 companies, where he noted that qualified candidates were frequently denied interview opportunities due to poorly written documents. At Resume Pilots, Matt combines his business and writing background - which includes prior work for a Chicago Tribune publication - to craft resumes that give his clients the best chance of landing interviews. He works with clients ranging from CEOs to recent graduates and has been writing resumes for over 10 years. He has been quoted on numerous business and career-related topics in outlets including Business Insider, CNBC, Fortune, Glassdoor, The Ladders, and Thrive Global.

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cover letter for a sales and marketing position

Professional Sales And Marketing Manager Cover Letter Examples for 2024

Your sales and marketing manager cover letter must showcase your ability to lead and inspire a team. Demonstrate a proven track record in driving growth and meeting targets. Highlight your expertise in developing strategies and your capacity to analyze market trends. Show them innovative approaches you've used to capture new business opportunities.

Cover Letter Guide

Sales And Marketing Manager Cover Letter Sample

Cover Letter Format

Cover Letter Salutation

Cover Letter Introduction

Cover Letter Body

Cover Letter Closing

No Experience Sales And Marketing Manager Cover Letter

Key Takeaways

Sales And Marketing Manager cover letter

Embarking on your job hunt, you've probably realized a sales and marketing manager cover letter is your golden ticket to standing out. It's tempting to regurgitate your resume, but your cover letter should weave a compelling narrative around your proudest professional moment instead. Striking a balance between formality and originality, all while avoiding overused clichés, can be tricky. And remember, brevity is key—your impactful story must fit on one page. Let's learn how to craft a cover letter that captivates without overwhelming.

  • Introduce your profile to catch recruiters' attention;
  • Use professional templates and examples to make sure your sales and marketing manager cover letter follows the best industry standards;
  • Settle on your most story-worthy achievement to shine a light on what makes your application unique;
  • Write a sales and marketing manager cover letter, even when you lack professional experience.

Ready to start with the basics: upload your resume to Enhancv's AI, below, to see the sales and marketing manager cover letter it would write for you.

If the sales and marketing manager isn't exactly the one you're looking for we have a plethora of cover letter examples for jobs like this one:

  • Sales Marketing Manager resume guide and example
  • Sales Associate cover letter example
  • Account Manager cover letter example
  • Sales Development Manager cover letter example
  • Sales Lead cover letter example
  • Walmart cover letter example
  • Furniture Sales cover letter example
  • Clothing Store cover letter example
  • Sales Advisor cover letter example
  • Pharmaceutical Sales cover letter example
  • Travel Consultant cover letter example

Sales And Marketing Manager cover letter example

Olivia Davis

New York City, NY


[email protected]

  • Highlighting specific, quantifiable achievements in previous roles, such as the "150% uplift" in lead generation, which provides concrete evidence of success and capabilities.
  • Aligning past experience with the prospective company's vision and values, such as innovation in payment solutions, to show how past work directly correlates with the future goals of the new company.
  • Demonstrating leadership by mentioning the lead of a robust team, which is crucial for a managerial position as it showcases the ability to drive performance and motivate a team.
  • Expressing knowledge and analysis of market trends, which is important in sales roles to tailor campaigns and increase market share.

Structuring and formatting your sales and marketing manager cover letter

Here's what the structure of your sales and marketing manager cover letter should include:

  • Header (with your name, the position you're applying for, and the date);
  • Salutation (or greeting);
  • Introductory paragraph (or your opening statement);
  • Body paragraph (or further proof of your experience);
  • Closing paragraph (with a call to action);
  • Signature (that is optional).

Use the same font for your sales and marketing manager resume and cover letter - modern fonts like Lato and Rubik would help you stand out.

Your sales and marketing manager cover letter should be single-spaced and have a one-inch margins - this format is automatically set up in our cover letter templates and our cover letter builder .

When submitting your cover letter, always ensure it's in PDF, as this format keeps the information intact (and the quality of your document stays the same).

On one final note - the Applicant Tracker System (ATS or the software that is sometimes used to initially assess your application) won't read your sales and marketing manager cover letter.

The top sections on a sales and marketing manager cover letter

  • Header: Include your name, professional contact information, and the date to ensure the recruiter knows who you are and how to reach you, as well as providing the context of timing for your application.
  • Greeting: Address the hiring manager by name if possible, to personalize your application and demonstrate your attention to detail, which is crucial in sales and marketing roles.
  • Opening Paragraph: Start with a strong hook and clearly state the position you're applying for, highlighting your enthusiasm for the role and the company to show that you're a motivated candidate who has done their research.
  • Body: In one or two paragraphs, outline your relevant experience, key achievements in previous sales and marketing roles, and specific skills that align with the job description, using metrics when possible to quantify your success.
  • Closing: Conclude with a call to action encouraging the recruiter to contact you for an interview, reiterate your excitement about the opportunity, and thank them for considering your application, which reflects good sales etiquette by effectively 'closing the deal'.

Key qualities recruiters search for in a candidate’s cover letter

  • Strong strategic thinking: To identify market trends and craft effective sales strategies.
  • Proven track record in sales: Demonstrates the ability to convert leads into customers and meet targets.
  • Excellent communication skills: To articulate value propositions and negotiate deals effectively.
  • Leadership and team management: To inspire and guide sales teams towards achieving goals.
  • In-depth knowledge of marketing principles and digital marketing tools: To optimize campaigns and create synergy between sales and marketing efforts.
  • Analytical skills to interpret sales data and market research: To make informed decisions and improve sales performance.

How to greet recruiters in your sales and marketing manager cover letter salutation

As the saying goes, "You never get a second chance to make a first impression."

Write your sales and marketing manager cover letter salutation to be more personalized to the actual hiring manager, who is set to assess your profile by:

  • greeting them on a first-name basis, if you have previously communicated with them (e.g. "Dear Sam,");
  • using their last name, if you have more formal communication or haven't spoken to them (e.g. "Dear Mr. Harrows" or "Dear Ms. Marshall");
  • writing "Dear HR Team" or "Dear Hiring Manager", if you have no clue about who's recruiting for the role.

Search on LinkedIn, Google, or the company website to find information as to the recruiter's name.

In any case, avoid the impersonal "Dear Sir or Madam".

List of salutations you can use

  • Dear Hiring Manager,
  • Dear [Company Name] Team,
  • Dear [Department Name] Director,
  • Dear Mr./Ms. [Last Name],
  • Dear [Job Title] Search Committee,
  • Dear [First Name] [Last Name],

Introducing your profile to catch recruiters' attention in no more than two sentences

The introduction of your sales and marketing manager cover letter is a whole Catch 22 .

You have an allocated space of no more than just a paragraph (of up to two sentences). With your introduction, you have to stand out and show why you're the best candidate out there.

Set out on a journey with your sales and marketing manager cover letter by focusing on why you're passionate about the job. Match your personal skills and interests to the role.

Another option for your sales and marketing manager cover letter introduction is to show you're the ideal candidate. Write about how your achievements and skills are precisely what the company is looking for.

However you decide to start your sales and marketing manager cover letter, always remember to write about the value you'd bring about. Making it both tangible (with your metrics of success) and highly sought out.

The middle or body of your sales and marketing manager cover letter body: a great instrument to tell a story

Now that you've set the right tone with the greeting and introduction of your sales and marketing manager cover letter, it's time to get down to business .

Hear us out, the body of your sales and marketing manager cover letter is the best storytelling instrument you have, in your job-hunting arsenal.

Writing the next three to six paragraphs, take the time to reassess the advert to discover job-crucial requirements.

Next, choose one accomplishment that covers those key skills and talents.

Use precisely that achievement to tell an exciting story of how you match the ideal candidate profile.

In the undertones of your story or sales and marketing manager cover letter body, hint at the difference you'd make and sell your application as the perfect one for the job.

Finishing off your sales and marketing manager cover letter with what matters most

So far, you've done a fantastic job in tailoring your sales and marketing manager cover letter for the role and recruiter.

Your final opportunity to make a good impression is your closing paragraph.

And, no, a "Sincerely yours" just won't do, as it sounds too vague and impersonal.

End your sales and marketing manager cover letter with the future in mind.

So, if you get this opportunity, what do you plan to achieve? Be as specific, as possible, of what value you'd bring to the organization.

You could also thank recruiters for their interest in your profile and prompt for follow-up actions (and organizing your first interview).

Lacking experience: here's how to write your sales and marketing manager cover letter

As a candidate with no experience, it's important to be honest from the get-go of your application .

Use your sales and marketing manager cover letter to sell your unique talents. Choose an accomplishment from your academic background or your volunteer work to show the skills that are relevant to the role.

Focus on your career objectives and how you see the job to align with them. Be specific and, at the same time, realistic about where you picture yourself in five years.

Key takeaways

We hope this sales and marketing manager cover letter writing guide has shown you how to:

  • Format your sales and marketing manager cover letter with the mandatory sections (e.g. header, greeting, intro, body, and closing) and select the right font (P.S. It should be the same as the one you've used for your resume);
  • Substitute your lack of professional experience with your most noteworthy achievement, outside of work, or your dreams and passions;
  • Ensure recruiters have a more personalized experience by tailoring your cover letter not just to the role, but to them (e.g. writing their first/last name in the salutation, etc.);
  • Introducing your biggest achievement and the skills it has taught you in your sales and marketing manager cover letter body;
  • Write no more than two sentences in your sales and marketing manager cover letter introduction to set the right tone from the get-go.

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Cover letter examples by industry

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AI cover letter writer, powered by ChatGPT

Enhancv harnesses the capabilities of ChatGPT to provide a streamlined interface designed specifically focused on composing a compelling cover letter without the hassle of thinking about formatting and wording.

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  • ChatGPT model specifically trained by Enhancv
  • Lightning-fast responses

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How to Write a Job Inquiry Email That Will Get You Noticed [Templates Included]

How to make a resume that stands out in 2024: a guide that stands out, cover letter salutation that entices the recruiter to learn more about you, resume headings to stand out in 2024, the 11 tools you should use to create your personal brand, describe your greatest challenge - interview question (+answers).

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Sales And Marketing Manager Cover Letter Examples

Use these Sales And Marketing Manager cover letter examples to help you write a powerful cover letter that will separate you from the competition.

cover letter for a sales and marketing position

Sales and marketing managers are responsible for developing and executing marketing plans and sales strategies. They need to be able to think strategically and be able to motivate and manage a team of salespeople.

When you’re applying for a sales and marketing manager position, your cover letter is a great opportunity to highlight your skills and experience.

Check out these examples to learn how to write a sales and marketing manager cover letter that will get you the job.

Formal/Professional Writing Style Example

With a Bachelor’s degree in Sales and Marketing and over five years of experience in various management roles, I am confident in my ability to make a significant impact at your company.

Throughout my professional career, I have demonstrated a strong ability to develop and implement effective marketing strategies, initiating revenue growth and increasing customer satisfaction. I have a proven track record of leading high-performing sales teams, identifying new marketing opportunities, and leveraging my strategic and analytical skills to drive sales growth. In my previous role as a Sales and Marketing Manager, I was responsible for increasing the customer base by 30% and revenue growth by 25% within a two-year period.

My experience has also endowed me with exceptional communication and interpersonal skills, enabling me to establish and maintain relationships with both internal and external stakeholders. I am adept at collaborating with cross-functional teams, ensuring alignment between marketing and sales efforts.

Additionally, I am proficient in CRM systems, digital marketing tools, and data analysis, which allows me to make data-driven decisions and stay current with the latest industry trends. My ability to stay adaptable and manage my time effectively enables me to manage multiple projects simultaneously, consistently delivering results.

I am thrilled about the opportunity to contribute my skills and grow as a Sales and Marketing Manager at your prestigious company. I believe that my strong background and passion for sales and marketing make me an excellent fit for this role.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss my suitability for this position in more detail.

[Your Name]

Entry-Level Writing Style Example

As a recent graduate from the University of State with a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, specializing in Marketing, I believe I have the necessary skills and passion to succeed in this role and contribute to the growth and success of your organization.

During my time at university, I have had the opportunity to develop and hone my marketing, sales, and leadership skills through various internships and extracurricular activities. In my most recent internship at XYZ Company, I contributed to the marketing team by assisting with the development of marketing campaigns, generating leads, and conducting market research. This experience allowed me to gain valuable insight into the world of sales and marketing, and further fueled my desire to pursue a career in this field.

In addition to my formal education, I have also developed strong interpersonal and communication skills through various leadership roles on campus. As Vice President of the Marketing Club, I led initiatives to increase club membership and organized successful events that fostered collaboration and professional growth among our members.

I am highly motivated, eager to learn, and possess a strong work ethic, which I believe would make me a great fit for this position. I am excited about the opportunity to join your team and contribute to the future success of your company. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to speak with you further about my qualifications and experiences.

Yours sincerely,

Networking/Referral Writing Style Example

I was referred to this opportunity by Jane Smith, your current Marketing Specialist, who spoke highly of your company culture and growth potential. Jane and I previously worked together at XYZ Corporation, where we collaborated on numerous successful marketing and sales campaigns. Our close working relationship allowed her to gain insight into my abilities and strengths, making me confident that her recommendation highlights my suitability for the role.

Having spent over seven years in various sales and marketing roles, I possess extensive experience in developing and executing innovative marketing strategies that drive positive results. As a proven leader, I excel at motivating and coaching sales teams to exceed performance targets. Furthermore, my exceptional interpersonal and negotiation skills allow me to forge long-lasting relationships with clients and partners.

I firmly believe that my experience, combined with my passion for driving business growth, makes me an ideal candidate for the Sales and Marketing Manager position at your company. I am confident that my proven track record of exceeding sales targets and my strong collaboration skills would make a valuable contribution to your team.

I am excited about the possibility of joining your company and contributing to its continued success. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to further discuss how my skills and experience align with your organization’s needs.

Enthusiastic/Passionate Writing Style Example

As an avid fan of your company’s innovative products and cutting-edge marketing strategies, I am eager to contribute my extensive experience and dynamic skillset to drive the continued growth and success of your business.

In my previous role as a Sales and Marketing Executive, I not only achieved a remarkable 35% increase in sales revenue within the first year, but also spearheaded a comprehensive digital marketing campaign that transformed our online presence, garnering praise from both clients and industry professionals alike. My unique blend of creativity, analytical acumen, and team management abilities allow me to inspire and motivate others, delivering exceptional results in the face of any challenge.

I strongly believe in the importance of maintaining a customer-centric approach and building long-lasting relationships, both of which are central to my vision as a Sales and Marketing Manager. I am particularly excited about your organization’s commitment to sustainability and social responsibility, as these are values I deeply admire and hope to further promote through innovative marketing campaigns and strategic partnerships.

Joining your organization would be an incredible opportunity, a chance to not only excel in a role I am passionate about, but also to contribute to a company I truly believe in. I am confident that my ambitious drive, desire to learn, and unwavering passion would make me a valuable addition to your team.

Thank you for considering my application. I would be absolutely thrilled to discuss how my experience and enthusiasm align with your needs, and I am looking forward to the opportunity to impress you further in an interview.

Problem-Solving Writing Style Example

I recently came across a LinkedIn article detailing the challenges your company is facing in the rapidly evolving and competitive landscape of [industry]. The article highlighted the need for a strong leader in the Sales and Marketing department to leverage the company’s strengths and drive improvements in market share, customer acquisition, and overall brand perception. As a results-driven individual with a proven track record in sales and marketing management, I am confident that my skills and experiences will help address these challenges and contribute to the continued growth of your company.

During my tenure at [Previous Company], I led the sales and marketing division to growth of over 20% YoY for three consecutive years. This accomplishment was only made possible through establishing a robust sales strategy, efficient market research, and a strong focus on targeting high-ROI customer segments. My ability to analyze market trends and proactively respond to them has enabled me to revitalize struggling product lines and bring new solutions to the forefront.

Moreover, I am an adept and dynamic leader who thrives in fast-paced environments. At [Previous Company], I built and aligned cross-functional teams to ensure seamless communication, and created a culture driven by innovation, teamwork, and accountability. Under my leadership, the team consistently exceeded sales goals, launched multiple successful marketing campaigns, and elevated the company’s brand profile within the industry.

In addition to my sales and marketing expertise, I hold a strong technical background that will allow me to deeply understand the products and services your company offers. This level of understanding will enable me to advocate for and sell your innovations to clients in a compelling and genuine manner.

I am excited about the opportunity to join your organization and contribute to its success by overcoming the challenges currently facing your sales and marketing department. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of an interview to further discuss my suitability for this role.

Storytelling/Narrative Writing Style Example

As I sat in a small café in Paris, sipping on my café au lait, I couldn’t help but notice the exquisite display of pastries before me. The arrangement, the colors, the aroma – everything about it was inviting, and it reminded me of the power of presentation. It was in that moment that I realized the true value of marketing and the impact it has on driving sales. This epiphany led me to a successful career in sales and marketing, and I am thrilled at the opportunity to continue this journey with your company.

Over the last eight years, I have honed my skills in sales and marketing, successfully driving growth for various companies. At my previous position as a Sales and Marketing Coordinator, I implemented a social media strategy that increased our online presence by 50% and ultimately boosted sales by 35%. Additionally, I played a pivotal role in collaborating with the design team to revamp our company’s branding, resulting in a 15% increase in customer engagement.

As a Sales and Marketing Manager, I am confident in my ability to create and execute effective strategies that align with your company’s vision and goals. My strong communication skills, both written and verbal, allow me to effectively collaborate with cross-functional teams and build lasting relationships with clients. I believe my passion for storytelling and my ability to think outside the box will bring a fresh perspective to your organization.

Thank you for considering my application. I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to your company’s growth and success, and I am confident that my experience and passion for sales and marketing make me the perfect fit for this role. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss my qualifications further.

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Jobscan > Cover Letter Writing Guide

How To Write A Cover Letter in 2024 (Expert Tips and Examples)

Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to write a cover letter that will get you noticed by recruiters.

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A survey revealed that 77% of recruiters prefer candidates who send in a cover letter, even if submitting it is optional. Additionally, 90% of executives consider cover letters invaluable when assessing job candidates.

So, if you think cover letters are no longer important and necessary in 2024, think again.

Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you write a cover letter that effectively sells your skills and professional experience, increases your chances of getting interviews, and gets your foot in the door.

Table of Contents

What is a cover letter and do you still need one in 2024?

A cover letter is a letter of introduction accompanying your resume that paints why you are the best person for the job, what you bring to the table, and how you can help move the company forward.

Is the cover letter dead? No! In fact, a recent study by ResumeLab revealed that 64% of job vacancies still require that you include a cover letter in your application and 83% of HR pros said that cover letters are important for their hiring decision.

The bottom line is that a cover letter is still a valuable piece of your job search collateral. Nail your cover letter and you could end up getting that dream job.

So what exactly do you need to accomplish in your cover letter?

What is the purpose of a cover letter?

According to 49% of HR managers , your cover letter is the second best way to call attention to your resume and distinguish yourself from other applicants.

So the main purpose of your cover letter is to compel the recruiter to read more about you on your resume and move you to the next part of the hiring process.

Further, according to award-winning resume expert Melanie Denny , your cover letter is your value proposition letter. It proves why you are the best candidate to address the company’s needs with the professional skills and qualifications to succeed in the job.

Here’s an example of a great cover letter:


Now let’s get into the details of what your cover letter needs to include.

Cover Letter Structure Checklist

Here’s a quick rundown of what you need to include in your cover letter.

  • Contact Details Name Address (or City, State with zip code) Phone number Email address
  • Greeting Whenever possible, address the hiring manager by name.
  • Opening Who are you? What are your relevant skills and accomplishments?
  • Body (1-2 paragraphs) What do you know about the company? Why are you applying for this job? What value can you bring to the company? Include measurable results when possible.
  • Closing Reiterate your interest. Add a Call to Action. Mention any attachments. Use a professional sign-off like “Best” or “Sincerely” before your full name.

Here’s an example for the visual learners out there:


Now that you know the basics of what to include in your cover letter, let’s go through the process from start to finish to see how you can write a cover letter that will make you stand out from the rest of the candidates.

How to write a cover letter in 9 steps

It can be intimidating to try to parse down all your best qualities into a few quick paragraphs for your cover letter.

Here are 9 steps you can take to make sure you’re headed in the right direction:

Step 1. Do your research

Before writing your cover letter, thoroughly read the job description and the requirements for the job.

Melanie Denny , award-winning resume expert, likens the job description to your cover letter cheat sheet. And when checking the job description, she says you need to consider the following:

  • What are the company’s priorities?
  • What are their goals for the role?
  • What outcomes and accomplishments in your previous roles match the goals?
  • What are the key phrases and verbiage the company uses?

This will help you customize your cover letter, angle yourself and your narrative to fit the role better, and impress the hiring manager.

Try reaching out to the recruiter, hiring manager, or someone working in the company if you want more in-depth information about the company and the position you are applying for.

Step 2. Customize your cover letter for every job

Make sure your cover letter matches the job you are applying for. Writing a generic cover letter is a missed opportunity as this will not appeal to the recruiter or hiring manager. According to research from ResumeGo , 81% of HR professionals value job-specific cover letters over generic ones. Jobseekers who had tailored cover letters received a 53% higher callback rate compared to those who had no cover letter.

Remember, your cover letter is your chance to prove that you are passionate about working for a given company, so take the time to write a tailored cover letter for each position . You can do this by mentioning your skills and experience that are directly related to what’s mentioned in the job description. If you’re applying for a data analyst role that requires expertise in Microsoft Power BI, cite an example of a Power BI dashboard you built and how it helped the company.

Read our full guide: How to Optimize Your Cover Letter

Step 3. Include all of your contact info

You should make it easy for the hiring manager to reach you. In your cover letter, list these three things:

  • Address (including zip code– for ATS purposes )
  • Phone number with area code
  • Email address
  • Name of the Hiring Manager
  • Name of the Company
  • Address of the Company

Traditionally, your contact information is included in the upper left corner of your cover letter if you’re writing in a document. If you’re writing an email, this can be included beneath your signature at the end of the message.

Cover Letter Header Example:

Jane Jobscan Seattle, WA 98101 (555) 555-5555 • [email protected]

February 25, 2024

Lavinia Smith Hiring Manager Media Raven, Inc. Plantersville, MS 38862

Step 4. Address your cover letter to a real person

According to Melanie Denny, resume expert and President of Resume-Evolution, addressing your cover letter to a real person and addressing them by their name feels more personal and shows recruiters and hiring managers that you took time and did the research.

You can usually find the hiring manager’s name by searching the company website or LinkedIn profile, or by calling the company and asking which hiring manager is assigned to the particular position.

Once you learn the name, a simple greeting of “John” or “Hello John” is all you need.

If you can’t find the hiring manager’s name, you can use any of the following:

  • Dear Hiring Manager
  • Dear (Department) Team
  • To whom it may concern

Read our full guide: How to Address a Cover Letter

Step 5. Write a strong opening statement

Melanie Denny suggests that you start your cover letter with a bang. This will hook the hiring manager’s interest and show them how you can be a valuable addition to the team.

Here are things you can do:

  • Open with a thought-provoking question
  • Make a big claim about what you can do for the company
  • Say something relevant and specific to the company

For example,

“I want to bring the marketing department of Media Raven Inc. to the next level and help the company exceed goals and reach more customers as Marketing Manager.”

Step 6. Prove how your professional background and skills help the company in the body of your cover letter

Take advantage of this real estate and prove to the prospective employer how your background, values, and professional experiences position you as the best fit for what the role requires.

This is especially important if you are switching careers. Highlight your relevant accomplishments in your cover letter, showcase your transferable skills, and explain how you can help the company address its challenges and succeed.

For example:

“As the Director of Marketing at ABC Company since 2018, I directed all phases of both the creative and technical elements of marketing initiatives, including data mining, brand creation, print/web collateral development, lead generation, channel partner cultivation, customer segmentation/profiling, as well as CRM and acquisition strategies.

Perhaps most importantly, I offer a history of proven results, as evidenced by the following marketing accomplishments for my current employer:

  • Captured a 28% expansion in customer base since 2018, achieved during a period of overall decline in the retail industry.
  • Led national marketing campaign (comprised of trade shows, media, and PR initiatives) for my company’s newly launched technology services division
  • Developed and executed SEO strategy that achieved and sustained top 3 rankings on Google (organic, nonpaid results) for key product search terms.
  • Oversaw the creation of a new company logo and rebranded 100+ products to cement a cohesive corporate identity and support new company direction.”

Just like when writing a resume, your cover letter should only include the most relevant and positive information about you. To home in on the right skills and qualifications to mention, try scanning your cover letter .

Read our full guide: What Do You Put in a Cover Letter?

Step 7. Write a strong closing statement and a call to action

Use the closing of your cover letter to:

  • Thank the hiring manager for their time
  • Mention any attachments (resume, portfolio, samples)
  • Invite to schedule an interview
  • Let the hiring manager know that you will follow up

Keep the closing professional and try not to sound too eager since that can come off as desperate. You must also keep in mind the tone and personality of the company you’re communicating with.

“Given the opportunity, I’m confident I can achieve similar groundbreaking marketing results for Media Raven, Inc.

Ms. Smith, I would welcome the chance to discuss your marketing objectives and how I can help you attain them. Feel free to call me at (555) 555-5555 or email me at [email protected] to arrange a meeting. I look forward to speaking with you.”

Read our full guide: How to End a Cover Letter With a Call to Action

Step 8. End with a professional closing salutation

To finish out the closing , use a formal signature. You can use “Sincerely,” “Best,” “Regards,” “Yours,” or any other professional signoff.

Use your first and last name as your signature. If you’re sending your cover letter in the body of an email, make sure it’s your personal email account that does not list your current work signature beneath the email. Your other option is to write the cover letter in a word document, save it as a PDF, and attach it to your email.

Step 9. Optimize your cover letter for the ATS

The Applicant Tracking System or the ATS is a software that companies use to screen applications and shrink their pool of applicants. Through the ATS database, a recruiter or hiring manager can just search for specific skills and keywords and the ATS will return a list of the top candidates who match the search criteria.

To optimize your cover letter for ATS, you need to:

  • Carefully read the job description
  • Take note of skills and resume keywords frequently mentioned
  • Incorporate these keywords into your cover letter

Read our full guide: How to Optimize Your Cover Letter to Beat the ATS

Does your cover letter pass the test?

Scan your cover letter to see how well it matches the job you're applying for. Optimize your cover letter and resume with Jobscan to get more interviews.

Computer with resume

How to Format Your Cover Letter

A cover letter is a letter, but that doesn’t mean you should just plop everything onto the page in a stream-of-consciousness flow. After all, cover letter formats determine the order in which the hiring manager learns about you, which can significantly influence their first impression. Use the format order below as a guideline for building the structure of your cover letter.


Notice how the topics flow like a conversation? When you first meet someone, you introduce yourself, tell them your name and a little about yourself, and then leave the conversation open for future meetings.

Your cover letter is just a like having a conversation with someone for the first time. Keeping that in mind will help you to keep things simple and focus on the right information.

Below are some examples of how to format your cover letter for different types of applications.

How to format your cover letter for a job

  • State your name
  • Explain your work history
  • Tell them what you can do for their company
  • Say goodbye

How to format your cover letter for an internship

  • Explain your coursework history and education
  • Explain what you can gain professionally

How to format your cover letter with no experience

  • Explain your skillset and character qualities that make you well-suited for the role
  • Outline entry-level achievements

You can also check out our cover letter templates to help you as you write your own cover letter.

Do you want to save time and receive instant feedback on your cover letter? Check out Jobscan’s cover letter tool .

Read more : How to Write a Resume for Today’s Job Market

Cover Letter Examples

Here are some examples to help you create a cover letter that will make you stand out and give a strong first impression.

1. Internship Cover Letter Example


2. Career Change Cover Letter Example


3. Operations Manager Cover Letter Example


4. Communications Professional Cover Letter Example


5. Software Engineer Cover Letter Example


Cover Letter Do’s and Don’ts

Aside from the basic steps of how to write a cover letter, there are some things you definitely need to make sure you avoid – and things you can’t skip! Follow these do’s and don’ts for writing a cover letter, and you’ll end up with a much better result.

  • Use a cover letter unless one was requested.
  • Attach a cover letter directly to your resume unless requested to do so.
  • Use the same boilerplate cover letter for multiple job applications.
  • Over-explain your work history, employment gaps, or qualifications – save it for the interview.
  • Badmouth any of your past employers.
  • Use the cover letter to complain or tell about your job search journey.
  • Use non-standard formatting like tables, columns, or graphics. (ATS can’t read those and your cover letter copy might not be scannable by the system.)
  • Use long paragraphs.
  • Customize a cover letter for every job application that asks for one.
  • Incorporate the top skills or keywords from the job description in your cover letter.
  • Include the company name and address, the job title, and point of contact’s name on your cover letter.
  • Incorporate relevant and compelling measurable results in your cover letter.
  • Explain, briefly, any dramatic shifts in a career (i.e. you are changing industries or job titles).
  • Use company information to relate your interest in the job.
  • Keep your cover letter concise.
  • Convey WHY you are right for the position.

More Cover Letter Tips

  • When emailing your cover letter, be strategic with your subject line. Never leave the subject line blank, and double-check for specific instructions in the job posting. If possible, use the email subject line to sell yourself. For example: “Experienced Software Engineer Seeks Senior Level Mobile Position.”
  • Keep your cover letter brief and to the point. The hiring manager will be reading many cover letters. By carefully selecting your words and experiences to include, you can stand out from the crowd of applicants.
  • Be confident. Let the hiring manager know the reasons why you deserve this position, and make yourself believe them too!
  • Your cover letter should not be simply a rephrasing of your resume. Let your personality show and go into further detail about your most valuable skills and experiences.
  • Do your research on the company and position before writing the cover letter. It should be customized to that specific company’s values and needs. Hiring managers can spot a generic resume from a mile away.
  • Use the job posting as your guide for what topics, skills, and experience to focus on.
  • The best cover letters include keywords from the job posting. Applicant tracking systems may scan your cover letter along with your resume and will be using these keywords to sort through the applicants.
  • Check for spelling and grammar errors.
  • Send your cover letter as a PDF to avoid readability issues and to present the most professional application package.
  • Scan Your Cover Letter with Jobscan to make sure you’re checking all the boxes.

Optimize Your Cover Letter with Jobscan’s Cover Letter Scanner

In addition to resume scans, Jobscan Premium users can also scan their cover letters against a job description.

This generates a report of the top hard skills and soft skills found in the job description that should be included in your cover letter, plus additional checks for optimal length, contact information, measurable results, and more.

Here’s how it works:

Key Takeaways

Your cover letter gives recruiters, hiring managers, and prospective employers an overview of your professional qualifications and relevant accomplishments that position you as the best candidate for the job.

So you have to make your cover letter powerful and interesting enough to make the recruiter or hiring manager read your resume and move you to the next step of the hiring process.

Here are key pointers when writing your cover letter.

  • Make sure you’ve read the job description and done your research about the company.
  • Get to know the name of the recruiter or hiring manager so you can address your cover letter properly.
  • Include relevant and measurable accomplishments in the body of your cover letter to prove to the hiring manager that you have what it takes to succeed in the job.
  • Keep your cover letter short and concise.
  • Your cover letter is not a substitute for your resume so don’t just copy and paste whatever is in your resume into your cover letter.

One last important reminder!

Having a strong cover letter is not enough. You also need to create a killer resume to make sure you stand out and land job interviews.

Learn more about writing a cover letter

How to Address a Cover Letter-block

How to Address a Cover Letter

10 Tips for Writing a Cover Letter-block

10 Tips for Writing a Cover Letter

The Career Change Cover Letter: How to Get it Right-block

The Career Change Cover Letter: How to Get it Right

What Do You Put in a Cover Letter?-block

What Do You Put in a Cover Letter?

Is Your Cover Letter Robot-Approved?-block

Is Your Cover Letter Robot-Approved?

How to End a Cover Letter with a Call to Action-block

How to End a Cover Letter with a Call to Action

Frequently asked questions, what are the different types of cover letters.

There are four types of cover letters.

  • Application cover letter An application cover letter is what you send to the recruiter or hiring manager along with your resume.
  • Prospecting cover letter You send this when you want to inquire prospective employers about open positions in their company or put yourself top-of-mind when they do decide to hire.
  • Networking cover letter You will send this to professionals in your network in hopes of getting referrals, introductions, job search advice, and job opportunities.
  • Career change cover letter This is what you send when you are switching careers or industries.

What tense should I use when writing a cover letter?

It can be appropriate to change tenses throughout your cover letter.

For example, you can explain who you are in the present tense and explain important aspects of your work history in the past tense. You can switch to future perfect tense when discussing the ways you would perform if given the position.

Think of it like this, “I am ABC, I did XYZ previously, and I look forward to doing EFG in this position.”

What to include in a cover letter

Our cover letter guidelines above explain how to write a cover letter more deeply, but in summary, you should always include your name, relevant work experience, and reasons why you are right for the job in your cover letter.

When not to include a cover letter

  • When the job posting clearly states not to include a cover letter
  • When you don’t have the time and energy to customize your cover letter. It’s better not to send a cover letter than to send a half-baked and mediocre one.
  • When you are applying online and there is no field to upload your cover letter.
  • When your cover letter has a lot of typos and errors.

What should you send first: a cover letter or a resume?

Typically, your cover letter and resume will be sent as a pair, but your cover letter is meant to be an introduction to your resume. If it is an email, use the cover letter in the body and attach your resume, otherwise, attach both.

Pro Tip: Be sure to review all instructions in the job description to follow the hiring manager’s requests.

How long should a cover letter be?

According to 70% of recruiters, a cover letter should not exceed 250 to 300 words.

Although there is no hard and fast rule about this, the ideal cover letter length should be around half a page to one full page in length to keep your message concise, clear, and easy to digest.

Should a cover letter be sent as a file attachment?

If it is not specified in the job posting, a cover letter can be sent either as an attachment (PDF is best) or in the body of an application email with your resume attached.

How to share a cover letter with a potential employer

There are several methods of sharing a cover letter with potential employers, depending on their application process.

Cover letters can be written on a document and turned into a PDF to be uploaded to a job application website or attached to an email along with your resume.

In other cases, your cover letter can simply be written in the email message to a hiring manager, with your resume attached.

How to title and save your cover letter

The key in every aspect of job applications is to make yourself an easy “yes” for your potential employer. That means making it easy for the hiring manager to keep track of your application materials for later review. With this in mind, make sure your full name and the phrase “cover letter” are included in the file label. Other helpful details might include the job title you’re applying for or the year of your application.

Here are a few examples:

  • Your Name_Cover Letter_Job Title.pdf
  • Cover Letter_Your Name_Job Title.pdf
  • Job Title_Your Name_Cover Letter.pdf
  • Your Name_Cover Letter_2024.pdf
  • Cover Letter_Your Name_2024.pdf

Explore more cover letter resources


Cover Letter Formats


ATS-Optimized Cover Letter


Cover Letter Templates

Generate a personalized cover letter in as little as 5 seconds

Say goodbye to the stress of writing a cover letter from scratch. Our AI-powered cover letter generator uses GPT-4 technology to create a personalized and ATS-friendly cover letter in one click. Stand out from the competition and land more job interviews.

Computer with resume

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How To Write A Cover Letter For A Job In 2023 (With Examples)

  • How To Write A Cover Letter
  • When Is A Cover Letter Necessary
  • Free Cover Letter Templates
  • Cover Letter Mistakes To Avoid
  • Cover Letter Tips
  • How To Sell Yourself In A Cover Letter

Find a Job You Really Want In

Cover letters aren’t required with every application, but the majority of managers pay more attention to a candidate who includes a cover letter. This is especially so if you make an effort to tailor your letter to the specific position. It’s important not to just change the names and job positions, but also to show how your professional experience fits with the job.

A good cover letter greatly increases your chance of getting an interview. If you’re looking to write a cover letter, rework a letter that you have, or just want to know what’s involved in the job application process, then keep reading.

Key Takeaways:

A cover letter should be a maximum of one page long, with three to five paragraphs.

Before writing your cover letter, it’s important to reread the job description and include keywords from it.

Do research to figure out who you are addressing, and make sure to keep your greeting gender neutral if you don’t know.

Tailoring your resume to each job can help you stand out from other candidates.

How To Write A Cover Letter For A Job in 2022 (With Examples)

What is a cover letter?

Why cover letters are important, how to write a cover letter, cover letter examples, cover letter template, do’s and don’ts in a cover letter, cover letter faq, expert opinion.

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A cover letter is a one-page document that describes your professional background, fitness for the role, and interest in the company. Cover letters are a way of introducing yourself to hiring managers in a more engaging way than resumes can.

While your resume spells out the “who, what, where, when” of your relevant experience, a cover letter fills in the “why” and “how.” A good cover letter not only expands on your resume’s accomplishments but also highlights the soft skills that make you an excellent person to work alongside.

While there are no official formatting guidelines for cover letters, hiring managers and recruiters do have certain expectations regarding structure, length, and content.

Writing a good cover letter is important because it is your chance to stand out from other potential candidates. Showing your personality while also matching the tone of the company will help recruiters to visualize how you could fit into the role.

Simply submitting a cover letter isn’t enough though. Each cover letter you write should be specifically tailored to the job you’re applying for (just like resumes). It’s essential that you show the reader that you’ve done your homework and understand exactly what function you’d be serving if hired. You do that by providing examples of past work experiences that directly relate to the responsibilities of the new job.

Cover letters are inherently unique based on who’s writing them and for what position. However, as a cover letter is a business letter, it has an expected format that it should follow. This is important because you want the hiring manager to be able to look over your cover letter quickly and understand your qualifications and interest in the position.

Here’s the standard way that a cover letter should be formatted and what to include:

The header. The header of your letter is where you should input all of the contact information for yourself and the hiring manager . Do you best to address it directly to the person who’ll be reading the letter — typically either the hiring manager or HR manager.

Traditionally, you should include both your name and address and the employer’s name and address. However, as the majority of applications are online, the employer’s address is often omitted. But a traditional cover letter’s heading would look like this:

Page Roman 444 Frog Rd. Marigold, TX, 10987 August 27th, 2021 Chris Morgan Marketing Manager New Media Company 833 Rune Rd. Marigold, TX, 10987

If you’re emailing your cover letter, you can simply include your name, telephone number, email address, and fewer address details (just your city and state will suffice). You can also include a zip code if you live in a big city with multiple zip codes.

Jessica Dancer jessica. dancer | (555)-444-3333 | Colombus, OH 43110

Be sure to use a professional-sounding email address that’s not associated with your current or past employer. It’s disrespectful to both your current employer and the company you’re applying to, and will likely hurt your chances of being invited for an interview.

The greeting or salutation. Traditionally, the best salutation would be to use Dear Mr./Ms. [Last Name]. Make sure that you know the person’s gender when doing this, however, as you don’t want to misgender the hiring manager. Using “Dear [First Name] [Last Name]” is becoming more popular for this reason, patriotically among younger workers.

Dear Mr. Morgan, Dear Mrs. Smith Dear Ms. Conner

Avoid using generic greetings such as “To whom it may concern” as it’ll look like you didn’t bother to personalize the letter (even if you did.) That particular phrase has become somewhat controversial as well, so if you need to put a generic address — if you can’t find the hiring manager’s name, for instance — use something else, such as:

Dear Hiring Manager Dear [Department] Manager Dear [Title of the Person You’d Report to if Hired] Dear [Department] Hiring Team

Opening paragraph. The opening of your professional cover letter should instantly grab the attention of your reader . Try to lead off with one of your most relevant and impressive accomplishments.

Open strong . Open with a statement other than your name or stating your interest in the position. Lead with an interesting experience or achievement that directly relates to the new position.

Convey your personal value. There are always other qualified applicants with similar skills, so it is key to express why you personally would bring value to the organization. Give specific details as to the value you brought in a previous position, and how that could transfer to the new role.

Show your enthusiasm. Recruiters want to hire candidates who are excited about the position. Express enthusiasm and convey why you are passionate about the role. This is another opportunity to share a quick personal anecdote related to the job.

Keep it short. All of these points in your opening paragraph shouldn’t be more than a sentence or two each. You don’t want your introduction to be too long, as you want the reader to be able to quickly go through your cover letter.

As a Content Writer with a passion for travel and literature, I was thrilled to see the Senior Content Writer position open up at BookFly. My past experience driving organic traffic by 23% YoY to the travel website, XTravel, would translate perfectly into the position’s stated goals from the job description.

First body paragraph. Here is where you should really sell yourself across several areas. Showcase how your personality traits, such as being honest or having the ability to work under pressure, make you a good fit.

Emphasize transferable skills. Explain how the skills you’ve cultivated make you the perfect fit for the role. This can include collaborative work you’ve done in the past, a leadership role you had that drove results, or interpersonal skills.

Revisit the job description. Make sure to pull relevant skills from the job description and put them in your cover letter. If the hiring manager spent the time to list those skills, they’re going to be looking for candidates that have them.

It also helps with applicant tracking systems that may sift through cover letters looking for keywords.

Don’t skimp on personality traits. These are especially important if you don’t have a lot of experience. Desirable skills such as ambition, dedication, and getting work done on time are good for both entry-level positions and if you’re making a career change.

I have a passion for content creation and a deep understanding of the content cycle, from ideation to promotion. My years in the digital publishing world have crafted my ability to drive killer CTR and resonate with an audience. Not only did CTR jump by 2.1% in the months after I was brought on board, but it had a knock-on effect on social media engagement, which rose by 8% in the same time frame. I believe good content has its roots in good data. This is why while at Media Company I created a content-marketing dashboard to highlight KPIs like those mentioned above. The dashboard allowed us to take advantage of wins more rapidly and avoid repeating losses.

Second body paragraph. Just as an employer wants to know why you’d want the role, they also want to know why you’d want to work at their company. Do your research and learn more about the core values of the company. Discuss how they align with your own.

Check the company’s website but also start to explore LinkedIn for greater insights. Employers want to make sure that you fit into the overall culture, and this is also something you should consider for yourself. However you feel you fit into the work culture, explain to the recruiter why. Paint a picture of how you’ll be better from the company, and how the company will also benefit.

I thrive in a fast-paced environment and excel at creating structures from scratch. I spearheaded our SEO efforts, developing workflows and systems to ramp up content production from zero. BookFly’s commitment to core values of “collaboration and imagination” aligns with my own preferred approach to tackling projects and dreaming of big ideas.

Closing. The closing of your letter is your final impression to the hiring manager, and therefore should clearly express your eagerness to take on the position. You don’t need to rehash all of the accomplishments and skills highlighted in previous sections. Consider this more of a statement of intent.

First, express gratitude that they took the time to consider you for the job by making it all the way through your letter. Then, quickly remind them of the benefits that you can bring to the role and company.

Finally, your closing should state a clear call-to-action (CTA) for the recruiter to take next, such as calling you to schedule an interview. Being confident and direct at the end of your cover letter helps to close the deal.

I look forward to learning more about how the Senior Content Writer operates within BookFly and the current content process. Thank you for taking the time to consider my application. Sincerely, Jessica Dancer

With thousands of cover letter templates on the internet, you want to make sure you choose the right one. Here’s a basic format of what a good cover letter will contain:

Jessica Dancer [email protected] | (555)-444-3333 | Colombus, OH 43110 Dear Mr. Morgan, As a Content Writer with a passion for travel and literature, I was thrilled to see the Senior Content Writer position open up at BookFly. My past experience driving organic traffic by 23% YoY to the travel website, XTravel, would translate perfectly into the position’s stated goals from the job description. I have a passion for content creation and a deep understanding of the content cycle, from ideation to promotion. My years in the digital publishing world have crafted my ability to drive killer CTR and resonate with an audience. Not only did CTR jump by 2.1% in the months after I was brought on board, but it had a knock-on effect on social media engagement, which rose by 8% in the same time frame. I believe good content has its roots in good data. This is why while at Media Company I created a content-marketing dashboard to highlight KPIs like those mentioned above. The dashboard allowed us to take advantage of wins more rapidly and avoid repeating losses. I thrive in a fast-paced environment and excel at creating structures from scratch. I spearheaded our SEO efforts, developing workflows and systems to ramp up content production from zero. BookFly’s commitment to core values of “collaboration and imagination” aligns with my own preferred approach to tackling projects and dreaming of big ideas. I look forward to learning more about how the Senior Content Writer operates within BookFly and the current content process. Thank you for taking the time to consider my application. Sincerely, Jessica Dancer

If you’re putting the cover letter in an email, you can omit putting the contact information at the top and instead include it below your signature. You want to make sure to include your name, phone number, and LinkedIn link, as well as a professional portfolio , if applicable.

Dear hiring manager: I am writing about the position of veterinary receptionist at Pet Care Clinic posted on I am a certified dog trainer with both Petsmart and Petco, allowing me insight into animal behavior. I’m also an aspiring novelist , making me a fast, experienced typist as well as adept with Microsoft Word and Apple Pages. Since I’ve worked at pet stores for several years, I am familiar with different kinds of animal and animal care, as well as building a rapport with pet owners. While I enjoy working with animals and my coworkers, I would like to move into a business where I can continue to learn and build on my experience. I would also like to work for a smaller business. Veterinary medicine has always interested me, and I very much enjoy learning new things. I’m eager to learn more about it in order to help customers make the best choices for their pets. I’ve always enjoyed working with animals, even before I was able to get a job that allowed me to. I grew up with dogs and cats, so I’m comfortable and familiar with their behavior. Being a pet owner myself, I’m able to understand what customers are looking for in a veterinary clinic and tailor the experience to their needs. Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Michelle Bolivar Email: [email protected] Phone: (555) 545-9706
[your contact information] [date] Dear [Hiring Manager], I’m writing to apply for the open [position] at [company] that you posted [place job ad was found]. I believe that my [relevant experience] would be an excellent fit with [company name]. I have long been interested in [specific industry/department], and particularly your company because [why you’re interested in the company/awards they have won/accomplishments]. That experience and [relevant skills] that I’ve cultivated as a [current position] for [time worked in position or industry] will be an asset to the company as it’ll make me effective [at the job/particular aspect of the job]. The [responsibilities required in the job description] will be a [challenge/interesting task] and I look forward to making use of my [relevant skills]. I excel at [working with a team/working alone] and I want to use my expertise to further [company’s] success. I am excited about the possibilities this position holds, and I believe that my qualifications ensure I’d be an asset to your team. I look forward to being able to further discuss the details of the position and my qualifications with you in an interview. Please let me know if you require further information from me. Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, [Your name] [Your contact information (if it’s an email)

Knowing the proper format of a cover letter is the most important factor, of course, but there are some additional dos and don’ts that if you follow can make your cover letter better. It’s during the editing process, it’s important to go over and make sure that you haven’t made any common mistakes that’ll hurt your chances.

Here are 10 dos and don’ts for writing a good cover letter:


Do start by scanning the original job posting for keywords you can include in your letter.

Do be proud of your accomplishments and make sure to highlight them.

Do clearly express why you would be an asset to the organization.

Do tailor your cover letter to every hiring manager and position that you apply for.

Do try to find unique experiences, but make sure to always discuss measurable and relevant results.


Don’t feel the need to lie about your skills or accomplishments. One of the worst mistakes to make is being caught in a lie.

Don’t copy and paste a template and only change your name and job titles. Recruiters will not see the value in a plug-in-play cover letter that has been used by multiple applicants.

Don’t forget to be direct and include a call to action.

Don’t make your cover letter too long. Similar to your resume, you want the reader to sum up who you are and get a quick explanation of why you’re a good fit.

Don’t forget to proofread. Grammatical errors on a cover letter and resume are a quick way to get your packet in the “no pile”.

What do you write in a cover letter?

In a cover letter, you should mostly write about impressive accomplishments from past jobs or academic experiences that relate to the job you’re applying for.

What is the purpose of cover letter?

The purpose of a cover letter is to help a hiring manager see why your background makes you suitable for the role in question. While a resume lists achievements, educational background , and skills , it doesn’t give the reader an idea of your actual expertise or personality.

A cover letter allows you to share your approach to work, as well as your ability to communicate your value effectively. A good cover letter makes it easy for a reader to think “I could imagine this person working for us.”

How do you write a simple cover letter?

To write a simple cover letter, start with the header and greeting we outlined above. Next, state your interest in the position (give the exact job title as listed in the job description) and mention your years of industry/job experience.

To keep your cover letter simple, you can now briefly mention in 1-2 sentences or 3-4 bullet points what parts of your background are most important for the hiring manager.

Finally, thank the reader for considering your application, and sign off as usual (e.g., “Sincerely, [full name]”).

What is the best way to start a cover letter?

The best way to start a cover letter is with an accomplishment that speaks directly to your ability to provide value for the company. Other good strategies include describing your long-standing passion for the field, mentioning an important reference at the company, or referring specifically to challenges the company is currently facing.

Do you introduce yourself in a cover letter?

No, you do not introduce yourself in a cover letter. By that we mean you do not say “My name is so-and-so” — you simply jump into your background and why you’re interested in the position.

Your name can be found at the bottom of the cover letter, as well as the header, your email address, and your resume, so there’s no need to force it awkwardly into your cover letter’s opening.

How do you end a cover letter?

To end a cover letter, thank the reader for their time and/or consideration, express enthusiasm for further correspondence and conversation, and sign off with a standard closing like “Sincerely.”

How long should a cover letter be?

A cover letter should be a maximum of one page long, with three to five paragraphs. Half a page is the shortest that your cover letter should be.

Harvard Business Review — How to Write a Cover Letter

University of Washington — Writing the Cover Letter

What’s a quick cover letter tip?

cover letter for a sales and marketing position

Michael Akbar Vice President Certified Professional Career Coach

Use your six seconds to show the employer in a tailored cover letter and resume that you understand their pain and will make their lives better if put in the position.

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Chris Kolmar is a co-founder of Zippia and the editor-in-chief of the Zippia career advice blog. He has hired over 50 people in his career, been hired five times, and wants to help you land your next job. His research has been featured on the New York Times, Thrillist, VOX, The Atlantic, and a host of local news. More recently, he's been quoted on USA Today, BusinessInsider, and CNBC.

Matt Warzel a President of a resume writing firm (MJW Careers, LLC) with 15+ years of recruitment, outplacement, career coaching and resume writing experience. Matt is also a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW) and Certified Internet Recruiter (CIR) with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (Marketing Focus) from John Carroll University.

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