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sample of acceptance speech for award

10 Inspiring Award Speech Examples for Your Next Acceptance Speech

Walking up to accept an award can feel like you’re about to battle a colossal beast, especially if the thought of public speaking sends shivers down your spine. I remember my own knees knocking together at the idea of facing a crowd until I hit my breaking point and embarked on a quest for courage.

This journey not only unveiled effective techniques but also brought me face-to-face with some of the most compelling acceptance speeches that perfectly blend gratitude, humility, and motivation .

In this blog, you’ll find reflections from my exploration in crafting speeches and takeaways from the most stirring speeches delivered across stages worldwide. Are you ready to dive into some inspiration?

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

  • Crafting an inspiring acceptance speech means being grateful, mentioning competitions graciously, and sharing success with those who helped.
  • Personal stories add depth to your speech, making it memorable and touching for the audience.
  • Preparing and rehearsing your speech makes you more confident and ensures a smooth delivery.
  • Barack Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech in 2009 focused on peace while Malala Yousafzai used her Nobel Prize Speech to advocate for education in 2014.

Understanding the Purpose of an Award Acceptance Speech

Understanding the Purpose of an Award Acceptance Speech.

An award acceptance speech serves to express gratitude, address competition, and share the glory. It inspires others by showcasing humility and pride while imparting blessings and inspiration.

Goals and Importance of an Acceptance Speech

I always say an acceptance speech serves a powerful purpose . It’s my chance to inspire others by sharing my journey and expressing gratitude. I make it heartfelt and genuine, aiming to touch the hearts of everyone listening.

Through these speeches, I also get to highlight the hard work behind my achievements, giving credit where it’s due.

An inspiring acceptance speech can motivate people to chase their dreams and never give up. I use stories from my own life to show that with dedication, anything is possible. Showing humility and appreciation makes my words more impactful, connecting me deeply with my audience.

It reminds them that success is a shared journey with mentors, peers, and supporters playing crucial roles along the way.

How an Acceptance Speech Inspires Others

Acceptance speeches inspire through purpose, humility, and emotion . They show acknowledgment and appreciation for recognition received, sparking a sense of gratitude in the audience.

These impactful speeches not only share personal stories but also motivate others to strive for excellence . As a public speaking enthusiast, I believe award ceremonies are platforms where powerful words can ignite change and inspire individuals to pursue their goals passionately.

Acceptance speeches have the potential to move hearts and souls, instilling hope and determination in those who hear them.

Key Elements of an Impactful Acceptance Speech

An impactful acceptance speech includes expressing gratitude and addressing competition. It also involves sharing the glory without boasting.

Expression of gratitude

When delivering an acceptance speech, expressing gratitude is crucial. Thanking those who supported and believed in you is important. It shows humility and appreciation for the recognition.

Acknowledging the efforts of others is essential to crafting an inspiring speech. Expressing sincere thanks to mentors or colleagues adds depth to your message. This can inspire others to value collaboration and support within their own pursuits.

Addressing competition

When addressing competition in an acceptance speech, it’s important to acknowledge the achievements of other nominees graciously. Highlighting the strength and talent of fellow competitors demonstrates humility and respect for everyone involved.

Emphasizing that the competition has elevated personal performance and contributed to a collective standard of excellence can inspire others in pursuing their own goals.

In my experience, recognizing the competitive field while expressing gratitude for being selected sets a positive tone for the speech. By showcasing appreciation for the efforts of all contenders, we elevate not only our own accomplishment but also the spirit of healthy competition within our industry or community.

Sharing the glory

When delivering an acceptance speech, it’s important to acknowledge the team and individuals who have contributed to your success. Recognizing their hard work and dedication allows everyone to share in the glory of the achievement.

This gesture of gratitude not only honors those involved but also inspires others by highlighting the collaborative effort that led to success.

In my experience, I’ve found that acknowledging the support and contributions of others during an acceptance speech creates a sense of unity and shared accomplishment. It strengthens relationships within teams or communities and fosters a spirit of collaboration , which is essential for continued success in any endeavor.

Crafting an Inspiring Acceptance Speech

Craft a compelling acceptance speech by being specific and telling a story, balancing humility and pride, preparing, and rehearsing. Ensure your speech is impactful and resonates with the audience.

Being specific and telling a story

Crafting an inspiring acceptance speech involves being specific and telling a story that resonates with your audience. Share personal anecdotes or experiences that highlight the journey leading up to receiving the award.

This adds depth and relatability to your speech, engaging the audience on an emotional level. By weaving in specific details and narratives , you create a memorable and impactful message that leaves a lasting impression.

For instance, recounting challenges faced or milestones achieved can inspire others facing similar endeavors, making your speech truly meaningful and inspirational.

Balancing humility and pride

When delivering an acceptance speech, it’s crucial to balance humility and pride. Expressing gratitude while acknowledging one’s achievements is essential to connect with the audience.

Recognizing others’ contributions also highlights humility, making the speech relatable and inspiring.

In my experience with public speaking, I’ve learned that incorporating personal stories and moments of struggle can convey humility without diminishing the significance of the award.

Preparing and rehearsing

Crafting a successful acceptance speech involves preparing and rehearsing . I believe it’s crucial to plan what you want to say , express your gratitude, and ensure that your message is clear and impactful.

This can be achieved by practicing in front of a mirror , recording yourself, or even enlisting the help of friends to give you feedback. Personally, I’ve found that rehearsing helps me feel more confident and ensures my delivery is smooth.

It’s also important to keep the rehearsal focused on staying humble and gracious while delivering your speech effectively. Using these techniques has helped me improve my public speaking skills significantly.

Inspirational Award Speech Examples

Discover the power of impactful award acceptance speeches that inspire and motivate–read on for an eye-opening journey.

Barack Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech

When Barack Obama accepted the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009, he delivered an inspiring speech emphasizing the complexity of peace and recognizing its importance. He humbly addressed criticisms for receiving the award early in his presidency.

Obama emphasized the necessity of just wars to confront evil and promote peace, acknowledging that military action is sometimes necessary in pursuit of lasting tranquility. His remarks encouraged global cooperation to tackle societal challenges , using history as a guide and fostering unity among diverse nations.

The speech demonstrated clarity and persuasion through storytelling, offering hopeful outlooks amid strife. By embracing humility while asserting consequential ideas, Obama effectively engaged audiences by balancing gratitude with purposeful calls for collective efforts towards peace .

Malala Yousafzai’s Nobel Prize Speech

Malala Yousafzai, the youngest Nobel Prize laureate, delivered an impactful speech when accepting the Nobel Peace Prize in 2014. At just 17 years old, she eloquently expressed her gratitude and used her platform to advocate for education and peace .

Malala’s courageous stance against the suppression of education for girls in her home country of Pakistan resonates with many worldwide. Her speech serves as a powerful example of using one’s voice to inspire change and stand up for what is right, regardless of age or adversity.

After learning from Malala Yousafzai’s Nobel Prize Speech, let’s move on to examples from various fields (e.g. economics, art, education) to understand how acceptance speeches can impact different areas of expertise.

Examples from various fields (e.g. economics, art, education)

In economics, award speeches often emphasize the importance of innovation and collaboration in solving global challenges. For instance, leaders in this field use their acceptance speeches to advocate for sustainable economic practices and inclusive growth models, inspiring others to drive meaningful change.

These examples serve as a testament to the impact that economic thought leaders can have on shaping a better future for all.

In the art world, acceptance speeches become platforms for celebrating creativity and diversity . From renowned painters to emerging talents, these speeches echo the power of artistic expression in challenging societal norms and fostering empathy .

They remind us that art has an unparalleled ability to ignite dialogue and provoke introspection, leaving a lasting impression on audiences worldwide.

In education, award acceptance speeches highlight the transformative role of educators in shaping young minds and nurturing future leaders. Resonating with humility and passion, these examples showcase how education serves as a catalyst for societal progress by instilling knowledge, critical thinking skills, and compassion in individuals.

Crafting an inspiring acceptance speech can seem overwhelming. Yet, with guidance from examples like Barack Obama’s and Malala Yousafzai’s speeches, it becomes manageable. These speeches teach us the power of gratitude, humility, and sharing our successes.

I spoke with Dr. Elizabeth Moreno, a professor of communication at Stanford University. With over 20 years teaching public speaking and studying great speeches around the world, Dr.

Moreno is an expert in crafting messages that resonate.

Dr. Moreno analyzed the elements that make acceptance speeches impactful . She highlighted how expressing genuine thanks and acknowledging others’ contributions makes an audience connect emotionally with the speaker.

She also emphasized ethical considerations in speaking publicly . Being transparent about struggles and failures adds depth to a speech’s authenticity.

Dr. Moreno suggested incorporating personal stories into everyday conversations as practice for bigger stages like award ceremonies.

Comparing various types of speeches revealed that while all have merit, those filled with gratitude tend to leave lasting impressions on their audiences .

Finally, Dr. Moreno affirmed that using these inspiring examples as guides can significantly improve anyone’s acceptance speech quality. They offer not just a formula but a way to deeply move listeners – making your moment on stage memorable.

sample of acceptance speech for award

Ryan Nelson is the founder of Speak2Impress, a platform dedicated to helping individuals master the art of public speaking. Despite having a crippling fear of public speaking for many years, Ryan overcame his anxiety through diligent practice and active participation in Toastmasters. Now residing in New York City, he is passionate about sharing his journey and techniques to empower others to speak with confidence and clarity.

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Written Samples

10 short acceptance speech samples.

An acceptance speech is more than a mere formality following an award or honor. It’s a unique opportunity to express gratitude, share values, and inspire others, all while acknowledging the collective effort that led to the individual achievement.

The speeches compiled here represent a range of scenarios — from industry awards to community honors, and personal achievements.

Short Acceptance Speech Samples

Each is crafted to not only express thanks but to resonate with the audience, leaving a lasting impression of the occasion and the individual honored.

Speech 1: Accepting a Lifetime Achievement Award

“a journey of persistence and passion”.

As I stand before this distinguished gathering, my heart swells with gratitude. This Lifetime Achievement Award is not just a recognition of my individual efforts but a testament to the enduring spirit of perseverance and dedication. I remember starting out in this field, fueled by nothing but a dream and an unwavering resolve. Today, as I look back at the decades of challenges and triumphs, I am reminded of the countless individuals who supported me — my mentors who believed in me, my team who stood by me, and my family who sacrificed alongside me. This award is yours as much as it is mine.

Speech 2: Accepting an Industry Innovator Award

“innovation: a collective endeavor”.

Thank you for this honor. Being recognized as an Industry Innovator is a humbling experience. Innovation is not born in a vacuum; it is the outcome of relentless questioning and collaborative problem-solving. I stand here because of a culture that values bold ideas and the freedom to pursue them. This award reflects our shared commitment to pushing boundaries and creating something truly remarkable. To all aspiring innovators, let this be a reminder: your ideas have the power to shape the future.

Speech 3: Accepting a Community Service Award

“service: the fabric of our community”.

Today, I am deeply honored to accept this Community Service Award. Service, to me, is the very fabric that holds our community together. It’s about seeing a need and responding with compassion and action. This recognition is not for me alone but for all who have worked tirelessly to uplift and support our community. From organizing local drives to advocating for change, every effort counts and reflects our collective commitment to making a difference. This award is a celebration of our united spirit of service.

Speech 4: Accepting a Courageous Leadership Award

“leading with courage and conviction”.

Receiving the Courageous Leadership Award is a profoundly humbling experience. Leadership is not about titles or accolades; it’s about making decisions that are guided by courage and conviction, especially in the face of adversity. It’s about standing up for what is right, even when it is not easy. This award is a tribute to all the unsung heroes who lead by example every day, making our world a better place. I accept this with a promise to continue leading with integrity and courage.

Speech 5: Accepting an Artistic Excellence Award

“art as a mirror of society”.

Art is not just a form of expression; it’s a mirror of society, reflecting its beauty and complexities. As an artist, I am deeply honored to receive this Artistic Excellence Award. This journey has been one of constant exploration and expression, driven by an insatiable desire to evoke emotion and provoke thought. This recognition belongs to everyone who has ever dared to dream and create. May we continue to use our art to inspire, challenge, and bring about change.

Speech 6: Accepting a Best Educator Award

“educating for a better tomorrow”.

I am truly honored to accept the Best Educator Award. Education is the cornerstone of progress, and as educators, we have the privilege and responsibility to shape minds and nurture dreams. This award is not mine alone but belongs to all the educators who spend countless hours preparing the next generation for the challenges and opportunities ahead. Together, we are building a brighter future, one student at a time.

Speech 7: Accepting a Sportsmanship Award

“the true spirit of competition”.

Today, I stand here honored to accept the Sportsmanship Award. In the realm of sports, competition is intense, but the true spirit lies in how we play the game. It’s about respect, integrity, and fairness, both on and off the field. This award is a reminder that while winning is celebrated, how we conduct ourselves is what truly defines us. To my fellow athletes, let’s continue to uplift each other and honor the true spirit of sportsmanship.

Speech 8: Accepting a Breakthrough Scientific Award

“science: a beacon of hope and innovation”.

Receiving the Breakthrough Scientific Award is a moment of great pride and responsibility. Science is our beacon of hope and innovation, guiding us towards a better understanding of the world and opening doors to new possibilities. This award is a recognition of our collective quest for knowledge and our commitment to improving lives through discovery and innovation. To the scientific community, let this fuel our continued pursuit of answers and solutions.

Speech 9: Accepting a Philanthropy Award

“philanthropy: a commitment to humanity”.

It is with a profound sense of gratitude that I accept this Philanthropy Award. Philanthropy is about more than just giving; it’s a commitment to humanity, to easing suffering and creating opportunities for those in need. This award is a testament to what we can achieve when we channel our resources and energy towards the greater good. Let us continue to work together, for together, we can build a world of hope and shared prosperity.

Speech 10: Accepting a First Responder Bravery Award

“bravery in the face of adversity”.

Accepting the First Responder Bravery Award is an honor that I share with all first responders who put their lives on the line every day. Bravery is not the absence of fear but the strength to confront it, to run towards danger when every instinct tells you to run away. This award is dedicated to the courageous men and women who face adversity with valor and determination, ensuring safety and providing hope in our most critical moments. Your bravery is an inspiration to us all.

These speeches serve as templates, each reflecting the essence of its respective award while offering a personal touch that resonates with audiences. The goal is to inspire, to celebrate, and to remind us of the values that bring us together in recognition and gratitude.

sample of acceptance speech for award

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How to Write an Acceptance Speech

Last Updated: March 21, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Lynn Kirkham and by wikiHow staff writer, Kyle Hall . Lynn Kirkham is a Professional Public Speaker and Founder of Yes You Can Speak, a San Francisco Bay Area-based public speaking educational business empowering thousands of professionals to take command of whatever stage they've been given - from job interviews, boardroom talks to TEDx and large conference platforms. Lynn was chosen as the official TEDx Berkeley speaker coach for the last four years and has worked with executives at Google, Facebook, Intuit, Genentech, Intel, VMware, and others. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 1,101,633 times.

When you win an award or honor, it's traditional to share a few words. Writing an acceptance speech can be challenging, so it helps to brainstorm and prepare in advance. You should open your speech with a brief introduction of gratitude, move on to thanking your benefactors, and conclude your speech with some inspiration and optimism. This is your time to shine, but showing humility will leave your audience feeling truly pleased for you and your success.

Brainstorming Ideas

Step 1 Make a list of reasons you're thankful for receiving the award or honor.

  • After you make an initial list of people you want to thank, walk away and come back to the list later. There might be people you forgot to include that you'll remember at a later time.
  • If you're worried about leaving someone important out of your speech, ask a close friend or coworker to help with your list. They might think of someone you forgot to include.

Step 3 Read other acceptance speeches for inspiration.

  • For example, if you're receiving an award for your volunteer work, try searching “volunteer award acceptance speeches” in a search engine. If you're referencing speeches in a physical book, try to find a book that has the speeches organized by award type.

Writing Your Speech

Step 1 Write a brief introduction.

  • For example, you could write “I am so honored to be standing here today to receive this community leadership award. Serving my community has been a joy and a privilege that I am grateful for every single day. I wouldn't be able to do it if it weren't for all the amazing people in this city."

Step 2 Write the body of your speech, focusing on the people you want to thank.

  • You don't have to say someone's name to show you're thankful for them. For example, instead of thanking all of your coworkers individually, you could say “I can't express enough how grateful I am for all of my amazing colleagues.”
  • You can thank the members of the organization giving you the award without listing off their names by saying something like “Thank you so much to the team at the New York Nonprofit Conference for recognizing me with this incredible award.”

Step 4 Be careful using your speech as a platform.

  • For example, if you're winning an award in recognition of your volunteer work with kids, you could mention how you think more work needs to be done to combat childhood illiteracy.
  • Don't use your acceptance speech as a time to rant about your political viewpoints or talk heatedly about a controversial topic (unless it's directly connected to the award you're receiving). You'll likely alienate members of the audience and upset the organization that gave you the award.

Step 5 Conclude your speech on a positive note.

Rehearsing Your Speech

Step 1 Read your speech out loud.

  • If there's someone mentioned in your speech that can't attend the event, invite them to practice with you. That way they get to hear your speech and you have someone to give you pointers.

Step 3 Record yourself reading your speech.

  • Notice how your voice sounds. Make sure you're speaking loud enough and that what you're saying is clear and understandable.

Step 4 Use a timer to monitor the length of your speech.

Writing Help

sample of acceptance speech for award

Community Q&A

Community Answer

  • Make eye contact with members of the audience to appear more engaged. [11] X Research source Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Bring a copy of your speech with you onstage. You might not need to use it, but it's helpful if you forget someone's name. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Avoid reading the copy of speech, but use notes and make sure to look up at the audience more tha you read what you write. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

sample of acceptance speech for award

  • Avoid negative or apologetic statements during your speech. They can make you seem ungrateful. Thanks Helpful 10 Not Helpful 1

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  • ↑ https://www.huffpost.com/entry/how-to-prepare-an-accepta_b_9290348
  • ↑ Lynn Kirkham. Public Speaking Coach. Expert Interview. 20 November 2019.
  • ↑ https://www.gvsu.edu/ours/oral-presentation-tips-30.htm
  • ↑ https://professional.dce.harvard.edu/blog/10-tips-for-improving-your-public-speaking-skills/
  • ↑ https://www.washington.edu/doit/presentation-tips-0

About This Article

Lynn Kirkham

To write an acceptance speech, start with a brief introduction that expresses your gratitude and makes a connection with your audience. Then, in the body of your speech, focus on the people that you want to thank. Try to avoid thanking too many people so your audience doesn't grow impatient by sticking with the people directly involved with the award and your immediate support system. Finally, conclude your acceptance speech on a brief, positive note and thank the audience one last time. To learn how to rehearse an acceptance speech, scroll down! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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Award Acceptance Speech Samples

Winning an award is quite shocking in itself, and to give an acceptance speech thereafter can fluster you thoroughly. Here, we provide some sample award acceptance speeches that will help you overcome your shock and surprise, and deliver a good speech. Take a look.

Award Acceptance Speech Samples

So you have been nominated for an award, and you think your chances of winning are high. Of course, every nominee has that thought and as much as they say that there’s no chance that they are going to win, everyone secretly practices their award speeches and their graceful acceptance of the award. While in your head your thoughts are clear and you know exactly what you are going to say, when you actually win the award, things are different. As much as you wanted to win it, you find yourself flustered, scared, shocked, and sort of numb. All those speeches you had practiced are forgotten. As much as you don’t want that to happen, and want to be that person who can crack jokes and elicit a little laugh from the audience upon giving your acceptance speech, just consider the occurrence of the aforementioned scenario likely. In any case, there are always some sample award speeches you can go through, along with some tips on keeping your cool so that you can give the acceptance speech exactly as you had imagined it.

How to Give an Award Acceptance Speech A little charm is all you want, to bedazzle your audience, when you go up to accept the award and follow it up with a speech. How do you go about doing that? Let’s take a look.

  • Start by looking good on the day. When you win an award, you will definitely be in the limelight. Whether the award is for scoring well on a subject at the year end in school, or for employee of the year, dress well.
  • When your name is called out, go and accept your award graciously. Then, head to the podium to make your award speech.
  • Your job is to make a good connection with the audience. Start by thanking the ‘jury’ for the award, followed by a thanks for everyone who has helped you win this award. This does not mean you include your pet’s name in the speech too. You can mention how shocking it is for you to receive the award, but don’t do that unless it comes from within. In some cases, it just looks forced.
  • Your speech has to be short. You cannot stretch it for anything longer than two minutes, else it will get boring. Think of how you would feel as a part of the audience, if an award winner would just not stop talking about what his award means to him.

While these were some basic tips on writing a good award speech, here are two samples that will give you an idea about giving an excellent speech.

Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen!

I am extremely honored to be receiving such an important award (mention the name of the award). I am earnestly grateful for the recognition I have received for my work, because I am very sure that every other nominee for this award was as capable if not more, of winning this award.

I have faced several challenges on my way here, but each one of them has only strengthened me to make me the person I am today; a thorough professional who knows exactly what she wants; someone who sets her eyes on a goal and does not lose sight of it, unless it is achieved. Winning this award would not have been possible without the inspiration I have received from my seniors and my colleagues, for whom I have the deepest respect, and from whom I have derived the strength to challenge myself and perform better at each stage.

I sincerely thank eachone of you (mention a few important names if you wish to) for helping me reach a stage where I can proudly hold up this award as a mark of my achievement. I also promise to only get better at my work so that you can see me here for a more such awards. Thank you!

Good Evening Everyone!

Having been a student of this university for three years now, I can safely say that I never thought I would be standing here and receiving this award for (mention award name). In the last two years, I assure you, I have tried my best to get here, but there was always someone who outdid me. In retrospect, I think it was a good thing because it made me want to only do better than I ever did. Never have I felt this intense passion to win an award or any accolade for that matter. I don’t know what changed me, but whatever it was, I’m glad that it did.

Let me tell you that it is not just my sole effort that has brought me here. I would like to make a special mention of a professor, Ms./Mr. (Name) who has been my mentor throughout my stay here. It is only her who saw the passion in me when I couldn’t see it myself. She saw my talent and honed it such that I am now standing here and talking to all of you about it. Everyone needs such a mentor in life, and I am lucky to have found mine. Thank you Ma’am for making me who I am today.

On a closing note, all I want to tell each one of you present here today, is that you should never, never, never give up, even if you are convinced that it’s all over. It’s not over unless you want it to be, and a true example of this is me, standing right here, in front of you. Thank you very much!

All in all, an award acceptance speech has to be given straight from the heart. No matter how much you read up and how much you practice, it is the flood of emotions at that particular moment that directs your speech. If you can be funny, feel free to add a dash of humor to your speech. Just don’t crack jokes that will dampen the audience’s mood. If you think you can’t be funny, keep it simple, and you will do just fine. All the best!

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How to Give an Award Acceptance Speech to Thank, Inspire and Impress

sample of acceptance speech for award

Let’s say you got nominated for an award and now you have to give an acceptance speech. It’s pretty important to give a good speech, no matter what you’re being awarded for. Looking good doesn’t hurt either!

So, how do you give a good acceptance speech for your award? First off, you should ask yourself what message you would like to convey to your audience.

Generally, an acceptance speech provides the speaker with an opportunity to not only thank the individuals who helped you win the award but also highlight ideas and issues that you care about and even inspire people to do something even bigger.

Which is why it’s important that you don’t mess up.

Writing a good speech, any kind of speech, requires a lot of time and preparation, in order to ensure that you are well prepared and have included any important details that you would prefer to not leave out.

Here are a few practical tips on how you can draw up your award acceptance speech.

What is an Award Acceptance Speech? 

This is a type of speech given by an individual who’s receiving a prize, honor or an award. It is an unwritten tradition to share gratitude to individuals who you’d like or acknowledge or thank by giving a few words.

Your audience may be made up of your family and friends but also individuals in your industry who you respect and admire, so when giving an acceptance speech, ensure you make the best of it. 


As compared to other speeches, an acceptance speech does not include a beginning , body or conclusion and doesn’t need a PowerPoint display. In addition to this, acceptance speeches aren’t allotted a lot of time as you would with a keynote speech, so you will have to make it short.

Acceptance speeches also provide you, the speaker who’s accepting the award, an opportunity to either make a great impression , no impression or a terrible one. So, you have to be careful with how you write up and give your speech.

What are the m ain Goals of an Acceptance Speech?

Your goals with regard to this speech should be to;

  • Thank the individuals who helped you in whatever you did or in your career
  • Center on one idea that you want to leave your audience with, whether it’s motivating them to work hard or inspiring them to follow their dreams
  • Make a great impression

Since you’ll only have a few minutes to give your speech, focusing on one point or one of the most important lessons you’ve learnt in life is a good way to go.

Additionally, your speech should give your audience a favorable impression about you while also letting them know that you’ve thought about what you’ve said and that you’re respectful.

How to Write a Great Acceptance Speech

Most individuals who win an award start by thanking the individuals who helped them when they accept it.

There are many different ways of thanking people, so which one is applied in this context?   Being as specific as possible when thanking individuals is the best way to go.

Therefore, you should start by:

Be Specific

Thank people by telling them exactly what they did that assisted you

You should do this in a way that is meaningful. Saying “Thank you for your support” doesn’t really mean anything.


So instead, you should look at the individuals you mention and while addressing them by their names, thank them while telling them what exactly you are thanking them for.

For instance, you can say, “Lisa, you encouraged me after being rejected by 7 different publishing houses, you were there for me.”

This will make your speech much more interesting to your audience while also appearing sincere.

Pro-Tip: Make eye contact when thanking every individual while mentioning their name, as it will not only convey respect but also sincerity.  

Tell a story

Great award acceptance speeches usually tell stories. While the time allotted to give your speech may be short, 30 seconds is enough time to give a short story.

You can either;

  • Recount an actual conversation you had with someone; be it a family member colleague or friend, about a challenge you had, how you conquered it and its relevance to the award you’re accepting.
  • Talk about an encounter that happened

Keep in mind though that if you’ll be telling a story , ensure that its relevant to the award, it’s brief and that you tell it in a way that captivates your audience.

Now that we’ve discussed how to prepare for and write your acceptance speech, we can now look into how you will deliver that speech.

How to Prepare for an Award Acceptance Speech?

Nothing is worse than having no speech prepared when you win a major award; fumbling on stage in front of an audience is not a good thing for anyone.

It also shows the individuals who nominated you that you do not respect them, so take some time and prepare.

First and foremost,

Make your speech memorable

Many of the speeches given at award shows are short, so if it isn’t memorable, it can easily be forgotten.

Good thing is you have a lot of resources at your disposal, the biggest being the internet. Thank heavens for technology! Everyone, including yourself, wants to give a great speech . Looking up great acceptance speeches on YouTube will provide you with amazing examples of great speeches.


Most of these examples are short, as acceptance speeches should be. Besides this, they also seen genuine, contain an emotional moment and are funny.

You may not have a funny bone in your body, which is okay as being funny will entirely be dependent on what you’ll be talking about in your speech. So, no pressure.

Rehearse your speech

It may sound ridiculous to practice your acceptance speech, especially considering that it’s brief. However, this is a great way to modify your speech to your liking.

You can do this by recording yourself giving your speech using your camera or phone.

Looking through the recording will help you pick out what you don’t like and what you like about it. This allows you to repeat your speech as many times as you want while implementing the changes you’d like until you feel happy and comfortable with its final form.

Once you are satisfied with your final take, know you already have it in the bag; you’re going to give a great speech!

Pro-Tip: Practicing helps get rid of the jitters and helps you feel more confident in both yourself and your speech.

How To Deliver Your Acceptance Speech

When delivering your acceptance speech, ensure that it’s at least entertaining . It doesn’t have to make the audience laugh so much that their ribs hurt. However, it also shouldn’t be so boring that people doze off or make conversation while you address them.

So, first off,

Don’t Be Boring

If your speech doesn’t have a few jokes in it or isn’t funny, at least try to include some emotion or a dramatic moment. Boring speeches make people want to gorge their eyes out and seal their ears, so they don’t have to look at you and hear you drone on. Don’t subject your audience to unnecessary torture.


Be entertaining. At the very least, say something entertaining, interesting or amusing, even if you’ll be making fun of yourself.

If you are going to show emotion, don’t go overboard

Blubbering through your speech isn’t interesting, so try to keep it together. This is where practicing your speech comes in, it helps you show just the right amount of emotion while still conveying your message to the audience.

Pro-Tip: A little emotion goes a long way, so don’t overdo it.

Using what we have so far discussed, you should be able to not only write a great speech but also present your speech to your audience in a memorable way.

Now, let’s look at a few things to avoid when giving your acceptance speech.

What to avoid in an Award Acceptance Speech

  • Do not tell your audience you don’t have a lot of time

This only uses up more time. Instead, use the time you’ve been given to the maximum advantage.

  • Do  not tell your audience that you’re nervous

Even though you might be nervous , other people may not recognize that you are. So, there’s no need to waste valuable time.

By the way, deliberately pausing or speaking slowly helps you overcome any jitters you may have. Thank me later once you try this trick of the trade.

  • Do  not thank too many people

Given that you’ll only have a few minutes to give your speech (at most), try to thank no more than five individuals.

You can send the people you didn’t thank on stage personal notes; that’s why such notes exist.

  • Do  not read your speech from a piece of paper

Not only is this devoid of sincerity, emotion and personality but it also looks scripted . Again, practicing helps you capture your main points in mind.

In conclusion, it all comes down to being genuine when thanking individuals, entertaining and leaving your audience with a good life lesson or something that inspires them. Show your audience that you, indeed, were worthy of getting that award!

sample of acceptance speech for award

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Speech Writing

Acceptance Speech

Barbara P

How to Write the Best Acceptance Speech for Your Audience?

acceptance speech

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So, you have achieved an award. Congratulations! Now you have to deliver an acceptance speech in front of an audience.

Writing an acceptance speech may not seem important initially, but it becomes challenging once you begin writing it. 

When you're in the spotlight, receiving an award or recognition, giving a great acceptance speech may seem tough. But with the right approach, it can be a rewarding experience that leaves a lasting impression on your audience.

This guide is here to help you craft an outstanding acceptance speech that conveys your gratitude and connects with your audience. 

Whether it's an award, honor, or any form of recognition, these tips will make your speech shine.

So, let’s begin!

Arrow Down

  • 1. What is an Acceptance Speech?
  • 2. How to Write an Acceptance Speech?
  • 3. Acceptance Speech Examples 
  • 4. Mistakes to Avoid When Writing An Acceptance Speech
  • 5. Phrases You Can Use in Acceptance Speech Writing
  • 6. Tips for Acceptance Speech Writing

What is an Acceptance Speech?

The main goal of writing the speech is to say thanks to those who've recognized your achievements. 

An acceptance speech is a special occasion speech that gives a chance for the recipient to express gratitude and acknowledge the people for the honor.

It's a way to share your vision with humility, showing appreciation for those who've honored you.

How to Write an Acceptance Speech?

Your words for an acceptance speech for an award should leave a lasting impression on your audience. 

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to create a memorable acceptance speech:

Immediately Start With a Thank You

Begin your speech by expressing heartfelt thanks to those who have not only supported you but also recognized your achievements. This sets a positive and appreciative tone from the very beginning, showing your gratitude for the honor.

Discuss the Organization

Take a moment to reflect on the significance of the organization that is presenting the award. Explain how this organization contributes to the community or field, and why their recognition is valuable.

Recognize Supportive People

Acknowledge the people who have played essential roles in your journey to success. This includes family members, friends, mentors, and anyone else who has provided guidance, support, or inspiration along the way.

Include Humor in Your Speech

Injecting humor into your speech can be a great way to engage your audience and make your speech more enjoyable. You can pick an entertaining speech topic to include in your speech. 

End With Impact

The conclusion of your speech is a crucial part where you can leave a lasting impression on your audience. Conclude with a statement, quote, or message that makes your speech memorable and thought-provoking.

Express Gratitude

Finally, reiterate your appreciation for the organization that presented the award and for the audience that has listened to your speech. Convey your thanks with sincerity and humility.

By considering the above-mentioned elements in your acceptance speech, you can create a memorable address that resonates with your audience and expresses your gratitude. 

Acceptance Speech Examples 

Here are some excellent speech examples for students and working professionals:

Acceptance Speech Sample

Award Acceptance Speech

Scholarship Acceptance Speech

Jennifer Coolidge Acceptance Speech

Brendan Fraser Acceptance Speech

Austin Butler Acceptance Speech

Ke Huy Quan's Acceptance Speech

Sheryl Lee Ralph's Acceptance Speech

Jamie Lee Curtis Acceptance Speech

Michelle Yeoh Acceptance Speech

Harry Styles's Acceptance Speech

Lizzo Acceptance Speech

Acceptance Speech as President of An Organization

Acceptance Speech for a Leadership Position

It is recommended to look at additional speech examples to have a better understanding of writing a speech. 

Mistakes to Avoid When Writing An Acceptance Speech

Here are some things you should avoid when writing your acceptance speech:

  • Overwhelming Thank-Yous: While expressing gratitude is crucial, don't overdo it by individually thanking every person you've ever met. Keep it concise and focus on key supporters.
  • Lack of Structure: Avoid a disorganized or lengthy speech. Structure your speech with a clear beginning, middle, and end to maintain your audience's attention.
  • Being Negative: Stay positive and avoid any negative remarks or criticisms, whether related to the award or other aspects. Maintain a gracious and optimistic tone.
  • Overusing Jargon: Use language that your audience can easily understand. Avoid excessive use of technical terms or industry-specific jargon.
  • Inappropriate Humor: Humor is excellent if used appropriately, but steer clear of offensive or overly sarcastic jokes that might alienate your audience.
  • Not Rehearsing: Practice your speech before the event. Avoid reading it for the first time on stage, which can lead to stumbling or a lack of engagement.

Phrases You Can Use in Acceptance Speech Writing

Here are some useful phrases you can use in your speech:

  • I am deeply honored to accept this award for...
  • I share this recognition with...
  • I stand here today with a profound sense of gratitude for...
  • I want to express my heartfelt thanks to...
  • This award is a testament to the hard work and dedication of...
  • I couldn't have achieved this without the unwavering support of...
  • This honor means the world to me, and it is a reflection of the incredible team I've had the privilege to work with.
  • I accept this award on behalf of all those who believed in our vision.
  • This recognition serves as a reminder that dreams can come true with perseverance and the support of loved ones.
  • As I stand here, I am humbled by the collective effort of our team.
  • I am excited to see where this award will take us in the future.
  • This honor encourages us to continue our mission and make an even greater impact.
  • I would like to acknowledge the outstanding work of my colleagues, who have been instrumental in our success.
  • It is not just my award; it's a celebration of our shared dedication and hard work.
  • Whether speaking to a few or many, your words can inspire and connect with those who respect your accomplishments.
  • I am deeply grateful for the opportunities this award brings, and I pledge to use them to make a positive difference.

You can use these phrases in your acceptance speech.

Tips for Acceptance Speech Writing

Here are some essential tips to keep in mind while crafting your acceptance speech. 

  • Start Early: Begin your speech preparations well in advance to allow time for thoughtful reflection and revisions.
  • Maintain a Respectful Tone: Use polite and respectful language throughout your speech to show gratitude and appreciation.
  • Keep It Brief: Acceptance speeches are typically short, so aim to be concise and to the point.
  • Adapt to the Occasion: Tailor your speech to the formality and theme of the event.
  • Create an Outline: Develop an outline to help you organize your speech effectively and ensure all key points are included.
  • Understand Special Requirements: Inquire about any specific requirements or guidelines set by the hosting organization.
  • Seek Inspiration: Study and learn from exceptional acceptance speeches online to gather ideas and insights.
  • Edit and Proofread: Carefully review and edit your speech, and consider seeking input from others to refine your content.

So there you have it!

Your acceptance speech is your opportunity to shine and express your gratitude. With these guidelines and tips, you can craft an acceptance speech that resonates with your audience and leaves a lasting impact. 

Whether you're addressing a small gathering or a large audience, your words can inspire and connect with those who have chosen to honor your achievements.

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Barbara P

Dr. Barbara is a highly experienced writer and author who holds a Ph.D. degree in public health from an Ivy League school. She has worked in the medical field for many years, conducting extensive research on various health topics. Her writing has been featured in several top-tier publications.

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sample of acceptance speech for award

5 Tips to Give the Perfect Award Acceptance Speech

  • James Haynes
  • September 19, 2022

Table of Contents


Congratulations! You’ve won an award. Maybe you’ve been selected for the prestigious  National Speakers Association’s Speaker Hall of Fame . Maybe you’ve been named volunteer of the year for your local service club. Whatever you’ve won, now you may be wondering: how do I give an award acceptance speech? what kind of a speech am I supposed to give? Where can I find award acceptance speech examples ? How do I make sure my speech is memorable in a good way?

Maybe you’ve never given a speech before, and after toiling for years far from the spotlight, being put on stage is a nerve-wracking prospect for you. One of the best ways to minimize those nerves is to do your homework beforehand so you know exactly where you’re going with your talk, and reading this article is a great start! (For more on managing  nerves when you speak, check out this episode of The Speaker Lab podcast .)

Even if you’re a seasoned speaker, the structure and format of an award acceptance speech may not be what you are used to. To master the shortened format and time limits you may have, you’ll need to structure your speech in a more specialized way. For more on how to do so, read on.

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Determine the goal of your speech

First of all, what is the goal of your acceptance speech? The starting point for most, if not all, acceptance speeches, should be a humble “thank you” for whatever they have received. It may also be appropriate to highlight particular experiences or individuals who helped you to get where you are. But this can be overdone; fake modesty and a long list of thank-yous to people the audience doesn’t know can cause your audience to tune out just as much as a braggy or even vindictive diatribe. How do you strike the balance?

One way to start could be watching others’ acceptance speeches, and ideally not just speeches from the Academy Awards. Award acceptance speech examples can be found on Youtube, Vimeo, and other video-sharing sites. Learn from others but don’t mimic – You’ve probably watched a lot of speakers before haven’t you? You know the things they do that work. It’s easy to want to just duplicate what you saw them do since you know it works. But don’t do that. Learn from why it worked and how you can incorporate a similar (but not copied) methodology into your own talks.

Structuring your speech

Another tip: figure out from the event organizer what the time restrictions are for your talk. You don’t want to plan a 20-minute overture when the event organizers expect you to speak for just a minute or two! This will also set the tone for your talk.

Remember that your speech is supposed to be  shorter  than your typical speech. You shouldn’t have that much to write out. Once you’ve determined a few people you’d like to thank, maybe a story you’d like to tell, and determined the overall goal or vibe of your talk, you should start structuring your speech.

Perhaps you could begin by breaking down your speech into a few sections. For example, you could structure the speech as follows: Introduction, thanking a few specific people, telling a story or an anecdote, and conclusion. This should all take no more than 3-5 minutes. And it will  fly by .

Consider telling stories

Want to tell a story in your acceptance speech? It’s a good idea. Humans relate to stories. We connect to stories. Funny stories. Sad stories. Inspirational stories. We love stories. So tell them. Lots of them. Stories will keep your audience engaged and are also easier for you to memorize.

There’s nothing wrong with telling a 3rd person story or using some case study or example. But especially for an award you’re receiving, telling a story that you lived and experienced generally makes the story better for you and the audience. For the audience, they can oftentimes find themselves in your story. For you as the speaker, it’s much easier (and more powerful) to tell a story that you lived versus one you read in a book.

What kind of story to tell

In an award acceptance speech, any such story should be short and sweet. One way to keep an eye on the length is to try timing yourself telling the story out loud. As Harriet Turk discusses in our  podcast on creating your talk , “If you practice out loud, you learn a whole lot more about what the story hits on and what parts need to be told.” Turk goes on to say that sometimes we find that we try to tell a story the way we wrote it, but authoring a story is much different than presenting a story. A story that reads well in a book may not work as well on stage.

Some examples of stories or anecdotes that you could do well to include would be about a setback you overcame in your role, or how someone helped you in a particularly meaningful way. If that person who helped you is one of those you want to thank, it would serve as an incredibly powerful testament to their character to include such a story. Of course, if something about that story is sensitive, it would be prudent to notify them in advance that you plan to tell that story. Even if not, it could be polite to give them a heads-up, particularly if they will be in the audience for your acceptance speech.

Using humor: advantages and pitfalls

You might wonder whether or not humor is appropriate in an award acceptance speech. Generally, humor is not a bad thing to include if you want to liven up your talk. However, keep in mind that you are being spotlighted as an individual accomplishing something in an award acceptance speech, and harsh joking about other people, in particular, may reflect poorly on your deserving the award. Negative jokes about the organizer, your collaborators, or others in the audience are no-nos.

On that point, as we cover in our 100 speaking tips article,  you don’t need to be crude or inappropriate just for a laugh. It’s not worth it. If you deliver a killer keynote and are flawless throughout, but you make one inappropriate remark, nobody will remember anything else you said. There’s nothing wrong with using humor or making a strong point on something, but don’t do it at the expense of crossing the line and turning people off.

On the other hand, a dash of humor, such as light self-deprecation, can be perfectly good at keeping your speech from sounding sanctimonious or stuffy. When you tell a joke or deliver a punchline, give the audience time to laugh. Sometimes speakers like to rush to the next point, but don’t do that. You need to give the audience a chance to respond to what you just said (in this case to laugh), but also if you rush on to the next thought while the room is still laughing, nobody will hear what you’re saying.

Practice makes perfect

You’re not going to have a Powerpoint. You’re probably not going to have any visual aids. So how are you going to stay focused and find cues for your award acceptance speech?

Consider writing your speech out and timing yourself to ensure you don’t go way over any time allotments you might have. And if you don’t have time limits, consider your audience – they will almost certainly tune out after 15+ minutes of seemingly-endless acknowledgments…

Remember: Professional speakers don’t just make stuff up. They don’t write a few thoughts on a notecard and then shoot from the hip for an entire presentation. They take the time to write and carefully craft their material.

As Harriet Turk discusses in our  podcast on creating your talk , bullet points can be one way to succinctly outline a talk in a way that you can rely on, even when you’re on stage and nervous. “Bullets are easy because they trigger what it is that you’re really wanting to do,” she said, “Whereas if you write it out and then you memorize it, you could have stage fright, or you’ve practiced it so much that you get to a point that you’re nervous and you forget.”

Although you shouldn’t just be reading from a page the whole time, writing out specific names of people you want to thank can help keep you from forgetting anybody.

When you’re on stage

So you’ve written, practiced, and are headed to your acceptance speech venue to give your killer talk. What should you remember when you’re standing on the stage?

As we outline in our 100 speaking tips piece,  remember that on stage, you can be an amplified version of yourself. The bigger the venue, the bigger you need to be on stage. The way you would communicate to a group of 10 people is very different than how you would need to communicate to a room of 10,000. Both should be an authentic version of you, but simply amplified to the setting. The bottom line is don’t try to be something you’re not on stage. Be you.

Keep it slow and steady. When you are talking really fast, it becomes difficult for the audience to follow. It’s hard to keep up and process. Plus the faster you talk, the harder it is to understand what you’re saying. So slow down and enunciate. Give the audience the chance to keep up with where you’re going.

Don’t be afraid of the silence. Silence, to a speaker, can feel deafening but it can be powerful. Silence shows confidence that you’re in control of the talk and the room and you’re continuing to guide them towards a common purpose. When you make a strong point, don’t rush to the next line. Stop and let it hang there. The silence is your friend.

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All in all, giving an award acceptance speech is a great opportunity to practice your speaking skills while simultaneously a big honor! Whether you’re an experienced speaker or haven’t given one for years, these tips and processes can help you conceive of, outline, and deliver an awesome acceptance speech.

If you found this piece helpful, we have a  great podcast with Grant Baldwin on how to create your talk.  He tells us how he prepares for talks, what makes a talk good versus another talk, and what types of structures you can use to organize your content. You can listen to this  podcast on creating a talk here . Want to read more about speaking tips? Take a look at our  100 tips for motivational speaking for any speaking engagement ! Happy speaking!

  • Last Updated: May 7, 2024

Picture of James Haynes

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Module 11: Speaking to Entertain and for Special Occasions

Award and acceptance speeches, learning objectives.

Define the characteristics of award speech.

Identify characteristics of an acceptance speech.

Presenting an Award

In an award speech, a speaker or emcee introduces an award and the winner. The introduction is meant to build excitement, and often the winner is not known until just before the award is to be presented.

Introduce yourself and thank the group or organization asking you to speak. Then name the award and explain briefly about the award you are presenting. Be sure to include the scope of the award, be it local, regional, national, or international.

Next explain what the winner accomplished to win this award. Did they write a paper or did they lead for a cause? Did they grow the largest pumpkin, finish first in a marathon, or bring community groups together to fight for justice? Your job is to present the facts and summarize the story behind their story.

Lastly, if there are other people in attendance who were competing with the winner, make sure to acknowledge them in the time you were allotted. Be sure to finish with the actual award presentation to the person or team, raising your voice and starting the applause after inviting them to receive their award.

Accepting an Award

An acceptance speech often follows an award speech and is given by the winner of the award.

An acceptance speech, like any other speech, should be prepared in advance. Thanking the givers of your award is your first order of business. State how much and why you are grateful for this honor, and if possible, name the people in the organization individually.

Then thank and give credit to those who helped you achieve the award including family, friends, mentors, and others who supported you in this endeavor. Include their names, their roles, and how their combined efforts made it possible for you to receive this honor. If you can’t name all the individuals, name the groups as time will allow.

Briefly share what the honor of the award means to you, and be generous with your praise and your gratitude toward your colleagues and the organizations involved. Smile and carefully look for directions on leaving the stage.

To Watch: Berta Cáceres, Goldman Prize acceptance speech

Environmental and indigenous-rights activist Berta Cáceres, co-founder of the Council of Popular and Indigenous Organizations of Honduras (COPINH), won the Goldman Prize for grassroots environmental activism is 2015 after organizing the Lenca people of Honduras to force the world’s largest dam builder to pull out of the Agua Zarca Dam project on the Río Gualcarque. Tragically, Cáceres was assassinated the following year.

You can view the transcript for “Berta Caceres acceptance speech, 2015 Goldman Prize ceremony” here (opens in new window) .

What to watch for:

In the case of winning an award for a social cause (in this case, environmental activism), it is common to focus on the severity of the problem at hand—that is, to shift the focus from yourself to the problem you are fighting against. Note how Cáceres begins by framing the cause within the belief system and worldview of the Lenca people. She then explains the mission of the organization she helped to found. Next she turns to her call to action: “¡Despertemos¡ ¡Despertemos Humanidad¡ Ya no hay tiempo.” (Let us wake up! Let us wake up, humanity! We’re out of time.) The ending of her speech reminds us that gratitude and humility are the most important elements of an acceptance speech. If thanks aren’t in line with the gravity of the topic, a dedication can serve a similar purpose: “Dedico este premio a todas las rebeldías, a mi madre, al Pueblo Lenca, a Río Blanco y a las y los mártires por la defensa de los bienes naturales.” (I dedicate this award to all the rebels, to my mother, to the Lenca People, to the Río Blanco, and to all the martyrs who gave their lives in the struggle to defend our natural resources.)

  • Berta Caceres acceptance speech, 2015 Goldman Prize ceremony. Provided by : Goldman Environmental Prize. Located at : https://youtu.be/AR1kwx8b0ms . License : Other . License Terms : Standard YouTube License
  • Award and Acceptance Speeches. Authored by : Patricia Atkinson with Lumen Learning. License : CC BY: Attribution

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Acceptance Speech Example

As a college instructor and communication expert with extensive nonfiction and educational writing experience, Mary shares tips and advice related to a wide variety of topics.

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If you receive an award that's presented at a public event or membership gathering, you will be expected to deliver a short acceptance speech. This speech is your chance to say thank you to the awarding organization or individuals and also serve as an inspiration to others who may have goals similar to yours.

Template for an Acceptance Speech

Writing an acceptance speech doesn't have to be difficult, especially if you start with this fill-in template as a foundation on which to build. Open the template by clicking the image below. If the document doesn't open right away, use the tips in this guide for printables to troubleshoot.

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After the document launches, click anywhere in the highlighted area to make text changes using your keyboard and mouse. You can change as much or as little of the wording as you like, being sure to fill in the areas between the brackets ([ ]), as they represent spots where you'll need to specify information relevant to your individual situation.

When you're finished customizing the document, use the toolbar commands to save, then print.

Acceptance Speech Writing Tips

Even though this template can give you a head start on writing your speech, the final document will have to be customized to your particular situation. Key tips to keep in mind include:

  • Before going to the award ceremony, find out if the winner will be expected to deliver a speech and ask how much time is allocated for the individual to speak. This will help you determine how long your remarks should be.
  • Be a gracious winner, acknowledging others who were nominated for the award (if you have access to that information) and saying thank you to the awarding organization and individuals who helped you along the way with whatever it is you are being recognized for.
  • Put careful thought into deciding who you need to acknowledge when delivering your remarks. It is much better to spend time up front making sure you include everyone rather than having to apologize for leaving someone out after the fact.
  • Avoid coming across as arrogant. Instead, be sure that you accept the award in a spirit of humility and gratitude.
  • End with a focus on the future, addressing what may come next for you as a result of experiencing the honor of receiving the award.

Accepting an Award With Style

Delivering a sincere, quality acceptance speech will guarantee you come across as a consummate professional who is both humble and accomplished. Practice your remarks carefully ahead of time, and take your notes with you so you have them to rely on when delivering your speech.

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sample of acceptance speech for award

How to Accept an Award

The best acceptance speeches are gracious and full of heart..

By Emily Sachs

It’s your moment of triumph. So you grab the closest pen or hairbrush and launch into an overdramatic thanking of the Academy, declaring “You like me!” and telling your kids to go to bed as the invisible orchestra drowns you out.

We’ve all played out that imaginary moment. But maybe we should stop, says San Francisco speech coach Patricia Fripp . Those famous televised award speeches are actually a “what not to do” when receiving an honor. In their brief time in the literal spotlight, most winners resort to over-the-top gushing and false modesty. Or they breeze through an uninspiring laundry list of verbal gratuities.

“Most Academy Award speeches are pathetic,” says Fripp, a frequent speaker at Toastmasters conferences and a former Toastmaster herself. “You want the emotional connection. Paint the picture. Inspire passion in others.”

If you are active in Toastmasters or your community, or are a generous philanthropist or a dedicated team member, chances are you will eventually be recognized for your time and efforts. And you might be expected to make some remarks in front of your peers when you do. Fear not, fellow Toastmaster: A good acceptance speech has the same objective as every good speech—to be gracious, powerful, and memorable—only in less time than a typical speech.

“You can have more impact with a well-crafted three- to five-minute speech than you can with 45 minutes,” Fripp says. “However, every word must count.”

Practice in Pathways

The “Deliver Social Speeches” project in the Pathways learning curriculum gives all Toastmasters the opportunity to practice receiving honors—and bestowing them—through a choice of two social occasion speeches. These are designed to be delivered in three to four minutes each. This unique project has endless real-life applications—from offering a toast at a family celebration to honoring a retiring coworker or even getting public recognition.

Pathways offers the following guidelines for award-acceptance speeches:

  • Express your gratitude and be genuine.
  • Demonstrate why you are deserving of the honor.
  • Recognize those who helped you achieve success.
  • Personalize your speech with anecdotes.
  • Respect the audience and the clock.

Fripp’s failproof approach to a winning acceptance speech is to tell a story about the organization or group giving the honor If it’s a college alumni award, for instance, talk about the awe you felt the first time you visited the campus in person. For a workplace award, speak about a manager who encouraged you to stay during a difficult period. Or, in the case of a named award, reference the namesake and describe your lifelong admiration of their achievements.

When it comes to pitfalls, Fripp says to avoid these two things: trying too hard to be funny and speaking without preparation. Even her own coaching clients, many of whom are business executives, are steered wrong by award shows. “Be profound, be wise, be gracious. But don’t try to be funny if you aren’t; otherwise, it will backfire,” she says. Even an innocent, self-deprecating remark can bomb. Declaring that you don’t deserve an award or that anyone could have done what you did is not only an insult to the other nominees, but also to the prior winners and especially to those who nominated and selected you.

Man holding up award onstage

Will Heeman knows well the careful balance required to be both funny and respectful. The “Chief Daymaker” of Heeman’s, his family’s garden and farm business in Ontario, Canada, he has accepted three business awards in the last five years at the London (Ontario) Chamber of Commerce gala, before 1,500 other community leaders. Business events can be especially dry, and he says that industry puns—“dad jokes,” if you will—can find a receptive audience at them. In 2019, he accepted the chamber’s Environmental Leadership award on the first day of spring. “We’re so excited today,” he told the audience, “that we wet our plants!” The quip hit the mark and still gets repeated.

Preparation Is Key

As for using the big event as your “Evening at the Improv,” Fripp instead suggests being “perpetually prepared” in order to be gracious in front of your peers. We all have the opportunity on a regular basis to practice publicly expressing appreciation—whether on conference calls at our jobs, in committee huddles for our community work, or at our Toastmasters meetings.

For example, if you are asked to present a status update on a project, Fripp suggests you try saying something like, “On behalf of the dedicated three-person public relations team, thank you for the opportunity to report on our progress. You will be pleased to hear that our extra hours and late-night emails enabled us to complete our website redesign two weeks ahead of schedule. This feat wouldn’t have been possible without the generous technical assistance of the treasurer, as well as your support.” If you work this type of phrasing into your everyday speaking, it won’t be difficult to do so when called up to receive formal recognition, Fripp says. It might even plant the seed that you are a leader worthy of recognition.

Of course, being prepared also means drafting a speech ahead of any awards ceremony and practicing it with others enough times that you won’t need notes. You never know if you will have your hands full with a microphone or the award or if the lectern is unwieldy. Fripp also advises confirming ahead of time if you are expected to deliver remarks. “If you know you are going to accept an award, prepare, script, and rehearse,” she says. “If you believe you may be called to accept an award, prepare in case.”

Aaron Lee of Oxford, England, was a tuxedoed finalist sitting at the 2017 Museums + Heritage Awards ceremony when he discovered that the winners were giving speeches. A few categories later, he was doubly surprised to hear his name called as a Volunteer of the Year winner. In front of a room of 350 others, the then- university student delivered his first-ever formal remarks.

“Before I was called, I had a mental idea of what I would say,” he says, “and then you get called and that goes out the window.”

Lee admitted to the audience that he hadn’t even known he was nominated until he was short-listed. His shock quickly settled and he expressed appreciation to the audience, the sponsors, his nominators, and even the event staff serving the dinner. He won the award for his work at the Museum of Oxford, a gem of a civic museum that gets overshadowed by those of neighboring Oxford University—“which are alright,” he deadpanned to the crowd representing many of the U.K.’s most notable institutions.

These award winners agree that being honored is only the beginning. Immediately after the ceremony, you will have a room full of people waiting to congratulate you, so make it easy for them. Lee says he got positive feedback after speaking and was also invited to later do a radio interview. Heeman, the Canadian awardee with the agricultural business, says that such a speech might be your only chance to make a first impression to a room of potential customers or connections.

sample of acceptance speech for award

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Mastering award acceptance speeches: winning tips, winning tips for award acceptance speeches.

Winning an award is a great feeling, but it is only half the battle. The other half is delivering an acceptance speech that resonates with your audience and makes them feel connected to you. Crafting an inspiring speech requires careful thought and planning, as well as practice and rehearsal . In this blog, we will explore the key elements of an effective award acceptance speech, including storytelling, humor, and balance. We will also discuss practical tips for delivering your speech with confidence and managing stage presence. Lastly, we will touch upon common pitfalls to avoid while giving an acceptance speech. By the end of this blog, you will have all the tools you need to write and deliver a winning award acceptance speech that leaves a lasting impression on your audience.

Understanding the Importance of an Award Acceptance Speech

An award acceptance speech, whether at the Oscars or the Golden Globes, serves as a platform to express gratitude and humility. When crafted well, it leaves a positive impact on the audience and provides an opportunity to thank specific individuals. Keeping the speech concise and impactful is key, with elements of gratitude, congratulations, and humility. Standing behind the lectern, like Oprah does, can add gravitas to your words and enhance the overall impact of your speech.

The Impact of a Well-Delivered Speech (even if you’re not Oprah or giving on at the Oscars)

Crafting an impactful award acceptance speech goes beyond words; it’s about engaging the audience on a deeper level. Maintaining consistent eye contact establishes a connection, allowing the speaker to convey sincerity and confidence. Integrating storytelling into the speech captivates the audience, leaving a memorable impression and evoking emotions. Examining speech examples from events like the Oscars and the Golden Globes exemplifies the power of a well-delivered address. Adequate preparation and practice at the lectern are essential for a compelling delivery, as demonstrated by iconic figures such as Oprah Winfrey.

The Role of an Acceptance Speech in Building Your Image and Showing Gratitude

Crafting a compelling acceptance speech is more than just a formality; it plays a significant role in shaping one’s public image. An inspiring and impactful speech has the potential to enhance an individual’s reputation and add value to their persona. These speeches are not just routine events; they are celebrated and remembered, making them crucial opportunities for personal branding. Therefore, it is essential to devote ample time to the preparation and delivery of an acceptance speech, as it holds the power to leave a lasting impression on the audience and contribute to the overall public image.

Key Elements to Crafting an Inspiring Acceptance Speech

Crafting an inspiring acceptance speech involves understanding the purpose of the address, striking a balance between gratitude and inspiration, and managing stage presence. Using humor strategically can engage the audience, leaving them on a positive note. Incorporating storytelling and maintaining eye contact establishes a connection with the audience, creating a lasting impression. Additionally, considering the impact of the speech on one’s public image is crucial, as award acceptance speeches contribute significantly to an individual’s reputation, making them memorable in events like the Golden Globes and Oscars. Standing confidently at the lectern, akin to Oprah, can enhance the overall delivery, making the speech impactful and unforgettable.

Establishing the Purpose of Your Speech

Establishing the purpose of your speech is essential. It’s about expressing gratitude sincerely and inspiring others with humility. Acknowledging the support and contributions you’ve received sets the right tone for acceptance and gratitude, leaving a lasting impression. Crafting an award acceptance speech involves understanding the significance of conveying humility and gratitude. This purpose goes beyond winning awards; it’s about recognizing the impact of others in your journey.

Using Storytelling to Engage the Audience

Incorporating personal experiences can add relatability to an acceptance speech, engaging the audience on a deeper level. By infusing storytelling with emotions, an acceptance speech becomes more heartfelt and resonates with the listeners. Employing narrative techniques not only captivates the audience but also makes the speech memorable. A well-crafted acceptance speech often revolves around a personal story, drawing the audience into the speaker’s world. Engaging storytelling has the power to capture and hold the audience’s attention, leaving a lasting impression.

Balancing Humour and Seriousness

Balancing the light-hearted with the profound is key to crafting a compelling award acceptance speech. By infusing appropriate humor, you can create an uplifting atmosphere, engaging the audience and lightening the mood. On the other hand, integrating seriousness adds depth to the speech, making it impactful and resonant. The combination of humor and seriousness makes the speech dynamic, ensuring that it strikes the right balance between gravitas and lightheartedness. This balanced approach captivates the audience, leaving a lasting impression. When delivering your speech at events like the Golden Globes or Oscars, standing behind the lectern, you can take cues from renowned speakers like Oprah to master this art of balancing and keep your audience engaged throughout.

Practical Tips for Delivering an Award Acceptance Speech

Regular practice is crucial for delivering a powerful award acceptance speech. Managing stage presence and body language holds significant importance during the delivery. Additionally, practicing confident eye contact enhances the impact of the speech. Confidence and poise play a major role in effectively delivering an award acceptance speech. It requires substantial time for preparation to ensure a polished delivery. Incorporating personal anecdotes can make an acceptance speech relatable. Balancing humor and seriousness adds depth to the speech, creating a dynamic and impactful delivery. Engaging storytelling techniques can make the speech memorable and capture the audience’s attention.

Importance of Regular Practice

Regular practice plays a significant role in boosting confidence when delivering an acceptance speech. It ensures a polished and refined delivery, reducing the risk of nervousness. Consistent practice is essential for achieving an impactful speech delivery, refining the nuances of the speech. Through regular practice, speakers become better equipped to engage with the audience effectively. The thorough rehearsal of an acceptance speech leads to a more confident and compelling delivery, enhancing the overall impact of the speech. By dedicating time to regular practice, speakers can refine their skills and master the art of delivering an award acceptance speech seamlessly.

Managing Stage Presence and Body Language

A well-delivered award acceptance speech relies heavily on effective stage presence and body language. Mastering these elements enhances the impact of the speech and creates a commanding presence on stage. Confidence in speech delivery is reflected through poised body language, conveying gratitude and confidence to the audience. It’s important to convey genuine emotions through body language and maintain a strong presence at the lectern. The ability to effectively manage stage presence and body language is essential in delivering a memorable and impactful acceptance speech.

What to Avoid While Giving an Award Acceptance Speech?

To deliver an impactful award acceptance speech, avoid rambling and keep it concise. Instead of reading a long list, make eye contact with your audience. Thank event organizers, nominators, and those who supported you. End on a positive note to leave a lasting impression.

Overcoming Common Pitfalls in Award Acceptance Speeches

Overcoming common pitfalls in award acceptance speeches involves thorough preparation and genuine delivery. Practicing acceptance speech examples is essential for readiness, while ensuring that the speech remains heartfelt and not rehearsed. Additionally, incorporating humor, when suitable, can captivate the audience’s attention and create a memorable experience. Structuring the speech with a compelling opening further engages the audience, setting the tone for the rest of the speech. Drawing inspiration from award acceptance speeches on platforms like YouTube can provide valuable insights. By implementing these strategies, speakers can navigate common pitfalls and deliver impactful award acceptance speeches.

In conclusion, delivering an award acceptance speech is an opportunity to leave a lasting impression on your audience. It is important to understand the significance of this moment and how it can contribute to building your image. A well-delivered speech has the power to inspire and engage the audience through effective storytelling and a balance of humor and seriousness. To ensure a successful speech, regular practice is key, along with managing stage presence and body language. It is also important to avoid common pitfalls such as going off-script or being overly self-centered. By following these winning tips, you can deliver an award acceptance speech that leaves a lasting impact.

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We’ve all done it—imagined giving an acceptance speech for winning gold in Olympic figure skating, Album of the Year, or a Nobel Prize. We’ve watched countless examples of award acceptance speeches that begin with I’d like to thank… Maybe you’ve even practiced this speech, teary-eyed in front of your mirror, thanking all the people who helped you get to where you are today.

While you might think that giving an acceptance speech at one of these prestigious award ceremonies is a pipe dream, it can’t hurt to be prepared. There are all kinds of organizations that put on award ceremonies to honor local businesses, changemakers, excellent students—there are even awards for safe driving. You name it, there’s a prize for it.

This article will discuss several key components of giving an award speech. These include:

  • Famous examples of award acceptance speeches
  • How to write an award acceptance speech
  • Delivering your acceptance speech

By the end of this article, you’ll be well-equipped to give a fantastic award acceptance speech in front of an audience (or just in the mirror).

Examples of Great Award Acceptance Speeches

Before you start putting together your own acceptance speech, find some that exemplify the genre of awards show speeches. These can serve as inspiration for your own acceptance speech. Here are a few from this year’s major awards shows that will go down in history as outstanding, unforgettable speeches, along with top keyword analysis courtesy of Yoodli .

Ke Huy Quan’s Acceptance Speech at the 2023 Academy Awards

Ke Huy Quan's speech after winning Best Supporting Actor is a great example of how to give an award acceptance speech.

Ke Huy Quan won Best Supporting Actor at the Oscars this year for his role in Everything Everywhere All at Once, a film that swept the awards show with seven wins in the directing, acting, and best picture categories. Quan’s most frequently used keywords, according to Yoodli’s speech analytics, include thank, brother, day, love, mom, and much .

Kim Petras’s Acceptance Speech at the 2023 Grammy Awards

On February 5th, 2023, Kim Petras made history by becoming the first transgender woman to win a Grammy. Yoodli’s AI speech coach identifies her top keywords from this speech as award, believed, transgender, hit, go, and home .

Beyoncé’s Acceptance Speech at the 2023 Grammy Awards

The 2023 Grammy Awards was a historic event across the board: on February 5th, 2023, Beyoncé made history as the most awarded artist in the history of the Grammy Awards. The Yoodli speech app identifies five top keywords from Beyoncé’s acceptance speech:  thank ,  like ,  beautiful ,  much , and  trying .

In all of these speeches, notice how top keywords reflect something about the speaker, their work, or the award they are receiving. Examining other successful speeches’ top keywords can help you when coming up with your own acceptance speech. Think about what keywords you want to feature when you accept your award.

Last but not least, there is, of course, Will Smith’s infamous award acceptance at the 2022 Oscars. This speech is not particularly noteworthy in itself—rather, it’s notorious because of what happened before Smith’s acceptance speech. We just couldn’t discuss well known award acceptances without mentioning The Slap.

How to Write an Award Acceptance Speech

How you structure your acceptance speech can differ depending on the event you’re speaking at. Some award shows have strict time limits for award acceptances. Luckily, you can avoid the embarrassment of orchestral music playing you off stage with some simple preparation. For that type of event, you need to prioritize people you want to acknowledge . Next, determine what keywords you want to feature during your speech. When writing your speech, you need to incorporate these people and keywords in as little text as possible.

Not all award ceremonies have such limited time slots, though. If you aren’t concerned about keeping your speech down to 45 seconds, you’ll have a bit more freedom in structuring your speech. Again, you should use keywords and significant people as the guideposts for structuring your script. One strategy you can use to fill the time and captivate your audience is incorporating anecdotes . One way to do this is thinking of a personal story that illustrates how someone helped you on your path to success. That person should be one of the people who contributed to your winning this award. An anecdote like this can serve both to acknowledge someone important to you and to share a more personal side of you with your audience.

The Bottom Line

Regardless of how much time you are allotted, the ability to express yourself concisely is essential when delivering a powerful speech. Tools like Yoodli ‘s AI speech coach are great resources for developing the skill of speaking as concisely as possible. Yoodli gives you automatic feedback on your use of fillers and redundant words. We often use unnecessary fillers without being conscious of them. This is why getting quantitative feedback— you used seven ums in your introduction —is a gamechanger. Minimizing repetition and filler words can not only help you deliver an excellent speech under a time crunch, but also make you a stronger speaker overall.

For most award ceremonies, you won’t need to completely memorize your speech; it’s perfectly acceptable to read from a notecard. However, memorizing a speech can help you deliver it to your fullest potential and reduce nerves. Check out our blog for advice on how to memorize a speech .

The difficulty in delivering one of these speeches is in finding the balance between confidence and humility. You need to be prepared, but not too prepared. If your speech isn’t well-structured and rehearsed, the audience might assume you don’t deserve the award. On the other hand, if your speech is too polished, you run the risk of coming off as arrogant, as if you knew you would win over the other nominees. There is a level of performance and theatricality required for this—maybe this is why great actors give such great acceptance speeches. You don’t have to be an award-winning thespian to find the balance between appearing confident and humble; all you need to do is prepare well and practice. Again, watching examples of famous award acceptance speeches is a great strategy for deciding how to deliver your speech.

A straightforward way to ensure you come across as humble is acknowledging your fellow nominees . For example, say a few words about how honored you feel to be in the same category as such inspiring people as (insert names here). However, there are many awards that only have one nominee. In this case, research the past recipients of the award. You can then express how honored you are to carry on their legacy.

Practice Makes Perfect

Once you’ve written your speech and contemplated how you want to deliver it, all that’s left to do is practice. Practicing a speech is all about becoming comfortable presenting it. The more at ease you are with your material, the more effectively you’ll be able to deliver it. The end goal is for you to feel 100% relaxed while giving your speech. While any amount of practicing will help you improve your delivery, there are three strategies you should implement to make your practice time worthwhile.

First, time your speech . You should always have a stopwatch or timer at hand during your practice sessions. This is to make sure that your speech fits into the time constraints of your award ceremony. Additionally, it helps you ensure your delivery is consistent—if your speech comes in at four and a half minutes one time you deliver it, and seven minutes the next time, something is wrong and you may have missed a section of your script. Every time you rehearse your speech, it should become more routine and feel more comfortable.

Second, you should record yourself practicing your speech. Practicing in front of a mirror is convenient, but it’s difficult to catch presentation pitfalls in the moment. This can more easily be accomplished by taking a video of yourself giving your acceptance speech and watching it back.

Third, it’s essential that you get feedback when you’re practicing. There’s only so much you can notice about your own speech patterns without getting an outside opinion. Recording your rehearsal sessions can make this process easier. If you have a video, you can send it to people in your circle and ask for their constructive criticism.

Finally, you can integrate these three strategies—timing your speech, recording yourself, and getting feedback—seamlessly into your practice time on Yoodli . Yoodli’s AI speech coach can not only time and record your speech for you, it also automatically provides a transcription. Getting feedback on a speech has never been easier: the AI-powered coach provides suggestions on your presentation, including your rate of eye contact, how concise your language is, and potential follow-up questions to your talk in a matter of seconds. Our platform also makes it easy to share recordings you make in the app with colleagues and friends to get their feedback.

In this article, we’ve discussed the ins and outs of giving an award acceptance speech. We covered famous examples of award acceptance speeches, writing a speech, and delivering it. We hope you feel prepared to graciously accept any award. Whether it’s a Pulitzer Prize or employee of the month, the next award you receive is an opportunity to dazzle the world with your elegance and humbleness. Now go out and get your EGOT.

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An award acceptance speech to inspire

In October 2009 Zambian school principal Olive Mumba traveled 10,000 miles to say thank you for being given an educational award honoring her commitment to provide schooling for children from poor families in her Lusaka community. Below is the full text of her award acceptance speech - inspired, impassioned and humble.  It was delivered at the Seattle Academy of Arts and Sciences Zambia-Seattle Partnership ‘Building Our Future’ Award/Dinner and at its end she received a standing ovation.

sample of acceptance speech for award

Olive Mumba, Principal, Birdland School, Lusaka, Zambia

"I bring you special greetings from Zambia, ‘the real Africa’ where hospitality is our second nature and where the warmth of the sun is like the smiles on every face.

I must say that I am humbled, honored, and at the same time excited to be in your midst to receive the award of  ‘Building our Future’. As I do so, I wish to recognize the presence of…..( names of special guests were inserted here ) Let me simply say I wish to recognize all the people to whom an especial reference is due and that is all of you dear ladies and gentlemen gathered tonight.

L adies and gentlemen, my acceptance and receipt of this award and honor would be not be complete without letting you walk with me along memory lane, to see where we are coming from,  and to pay tribute to the many gallant men and women who have made this milestone a reality.

I n 2001, Birdland was established to provide primary education in the Kaunda Square and surrounding communities of Lusaka. As I speak, the school has grown from 2 children in 2001 to 300 children currently and caters for children from nursery to 7th Grade. These children are served by a dedicated team of teachers and support staff whose number now stands at 23.

A s the school was growing, we realized that some of the parents and guardians were struggling to pay the minimal school fees. In order to assist them, we started a revolving fund from which the parents would borrow and start up small business ventures. This enabled them to pay the school fees and to improve their livelihood.

L adies and gentlemen, I stand here, tall and excited to let you know that this effort has resulted in the setting up of a duly registered and viable micro-finance institution whose target market has grown from what it was to now cater for the rural women who require finance to either obtain agriculture implements or to send their children to school. I am glad to report that this facility currently has a portfolio of 240 clients!

I n 2004, a partnership was forged between the Seattle Academy of Science and Arts and Birdland School. This partnership has grown and accomplished many notable things including the following:

  • The construction of an ablution block which has reached near completion with the help of  funds made available by SAAS
  • 24 laptops were donated to Birdland school resulting in increased computer literacy of the children
  • 44 school desks were procured again with the help of  funds made available by SAAS
  • At various intervals we have received an assortment of reading books
  • The donation of a book binder has enabled Birdland School to make simple books which our children use either as reading books or workbooks
  • The donation of uniforms, bedding and clothing for some of our vulnerable children has certainly put beaming smiles on the faces of many
  • The mattresses that were donated did not benefit the children alone but their parents and guardians as well
  • The burden of paying school fees for some of our vulnerable children has also been eased by the support of both past and current students of the Seattle Academy of Science and Arts.

C urrently, we are constructing a school library. It  will have a sitting capacity of 50 students and will also be used a resource center. It will not only cater for the pupils but also for the community in which the school is located.

Y ou may wish to know that there is no such facility in the entire area and the nearest library is located almost 7 kilometers away. We believe that as children have access to books and the internet, they will be able to do more research and understand the world better.

L adies and gentlemen, today we face the following challenges:

  • the ongoing development of infrastructure  
  • the construction of classroom blocks
  • teacher retention
  • as well as the urgent need to put in place a reliable water supply and sanitation system.

Y es, they are big challenges and could be overwhelming if we let them. But we will not let them! We are determined to face them and win through.

O n behalf of Management and Staff of Birdland School, allow me to pay special tribute to Don Zwiers, Sonja Nielsen, Douglas, Peter, and Nick Lew for magnifying my little efforts and making this award possible. I must also express my thanks, deep admiration, and appreciation to Melinda Mueller who took the risk of trusting a total stranger several years back when this dream was in its infancy.

M y other thanks go to all of the past and present students, parents and guardians  as well as partners for your financial and material support without which our projects would not have taken off.  Back home, my dearest friend and Husband Phillip, and my two wonderful children, Kalomba and Lomadinga also deserve my deepest expression of gratitude for their support and confidence throughout this journey.

L adies and gentlemen, if this award stands for anything, it stands for the united spirit in all of us even though it has my name on it. I achieve because we achieve and we achieve because we meet the challenges together!

A s I accept this award on behalf of you all I would like to remind everybody that what we are doing today is planting a seed for the future. Thank you so much and God bless you all!"

Background of Olive's award acceptance speech

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The Seattle Academy of Arts and Sciences (SASS) runs a partnership program with schools in Zambia. Its students take part in fundraising activities to raise money for books, desks,teaching equipment and buildings.

The school also recognizes those who have made significant contributions to enhance the lives of others. In 2009 their annual 'Building Our Future' award went to Olive Mumba, Principal and Founder of Birdland School, Lusaka, Zambia in acknowledgment of her work and ongoing tireless passionate commitment to enable the children in her community to have an education.

(Read more about the history of Birdland School )

To receive the award Olive went to Seattle. During her 3 week stay she visited the SASS classes whose students had fund raised for her school, was interviewed by local newspaper reporters, and attended the dinner where she delivered this award acceptance speech.

- Photos from the Leadership Award Dinner

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Shaina taub, suffs, best book of a musical.

Thank you so much to the American Theatre Wing. I grew up in Vermont watching the Tony’s every year with my mom on TV and dreaming of being a part of this magical community. Thank you for letting me be a part of it. Mom, I’m only here because of your unwavering love and support, thank you for teaching me the power of creativity. Thank you to my husband Matt, the love of my life for always making me laugh. Thank you to Rachel Sussman for knowing that this story needed to be told, and for changing my life by choosing me to tell it. Thank you to Jill Furman for never giving up, thank you to the creative team of my dreams, and to our phenomenal cast, crew, orchestra and team at the Music Box doing Suffs with passion and brilliance. Thank you to the Public Theater. If you are inspired by the story of the suffs, please make sure you and everyone you know are registered to vote. And vote, vote, vote this fall. 

Jonathan Tunick, Merrily We Roll Along

Best orchestrations .

I am especially proud to be receiving my first Tony Award for a Sondheim musical. So thank you Maria and thank you Steve, my old friend and teacher.

Dede Ayite, Jaja's African Hair Braiding

Best costume design of a play .

Okay, woo! Thank you so much for this acknowledgment. I want to thank my family, my brother who’s cheering me from Ghana right now. Ghana in the house! Thank you to my collaborators. Thank you to my associates because they make things happen Without them I would not be here to have this show on stage. Thank you to Jocelyn who wrote such a beautiful piece. I mean, so phenomenal. Thank you to all of the costume shops and makers who truly move the needle in terms of getting the glitz and the glam onstage. Without them, I would not be here. The show would not look as amazing as it does. I am so grateful. Thank you.

Linda Cho, The Great Gatsby

Best costume design of a musical.

I just wanted to tell you about my mom. When I was a teenager, she said “You’re a woman, you’re a minority, you will never succeed in anything artistic,” and it was out of love. It was out of protection. I think she’d be pretty amazed to know that tonight I share this nomination with 16 others who are similar to me. I believe beauty is in the journey, not just in the destination and I love what i do and the people I do it with. So this award is an embarrassment of riches, thank you. I do one part of what you see at Gatsby every night, it takes trusting collaborative partners, our director, producers, writer, an entire village of people who craft and care for the 275 costumes you see on stage every night. I’d like to acknowledge my team. And last but certainly not least, my plus one tonight, my son, Finn, and glued to their screens at home, his brother Foster, and my husband, Bryan. I am who I am because of you.   

David Zinn, Stereophonic

Best scenic design of a play .

I don’t know what turns a room into a poem, but every show I’ve been involved with this year has in some ways wrestled with that essential mystery. How does presence manifest in an empty room? How does the silence of a room hold the noise of the world? It’s grief, it’s desire, it’s joy, it’s music. What story, whose stories, whose voices stay in a room once they are gone? And by what alchemy are those voices amplified and brought back to life? The pursuit of these questions is something i am very proud and very honored to spend my life doing, and I’m doing it in incredible company. I love everything about Stereophonic. Thank you Daniel for asking me along on this journey with you 7 years ago. To our producers, especially Playwrights Horizons and John and Sue for leading with generosity in this process. Always asking us what we needed, never telling us what we couldn’t have. Personally, myself and my husband, have needed the generosity and strength of all of our colleagues this year more than ever  support and I have been truly overwhelmed by your humanity. I love what the people in this room do and I’m humbled to be in your company.   

Justin Peck, Illinoise

Best choreography .

Oh my god! Illinoise is a musical told almost entirely in the language of dance, and nobody in the world speaks that language more eloquently than this cast. These artists inspire me to enter uncharted territory and I could not have done it without them. Thank you to Sufjan Stevens for giving us this bedrock of an album to build this show on. Jackie Sibblies-Drury, thank you for being the kind of brilliant playwright who is crazy enough to say yes to writing a musical that has no dialogue in it, you’ve been the most imaginative incredible partner along the way. To Patricia Delgado, the light and the soul of this entire production, you genuinely make us all feel Illinoise. This musical started as a quiet whisper and there have been literally hundreds who have fanned the flames of this campfire. Di, Adriana, Nathan, the whole Illinoise band, Tim, Brandon, Garth, Adam, Rick, and the late Tom Gates, and our beautiful stage management team. Oren and the whole group of producers who lead with art first. There are so many more I wish I could thank, but let me end by saying that I love theater with all my heart and Ill be forever thankful to this community for embracing a musical that harnesses the profound power of dance on Broadway.   

George C. Wolfe

Lifetime achievement.

I’m glad I’m holding this Tony so my arms don’t flap all over the place like they did in that just now. When I was 15 I came to New York with my mother and we saw a bunch of musicals and plays, including a revival of West Side Story on this very stage. I knew then I was going to move to New York. I’m from Frankfort, Kentucky. I was going to move to New York. I knew that I was going to work in the theatre. I dreamed, hoped, believed that I would one day win a Tony, but I never imagined this moment and you, standing and honoring, and the career that I’ve had. So thank you, thank you very much. Thank you to my parents who not only told me I was magical, my whole family, that I was magical and special, but they also told me that I had a responsibility to honor the culture that I come from and to join other cultures and connect with them, so I could learn early on that it didn’t need to look like you to be about you. We are going through an incredibly complicated time in this country. But all of us here in this room and people who are watching…they’re watching in the second part, hopefully they’ll see this in the first part, that at one point the theatre gave all of us a piece of ourselves that we didn’t know that we had. And as we go through this incredibly complicated time, it’s very important that we approach it not with fear, not with trepidation, but knowing that we work with the dynamic of celebrating and exploring the powerful, fragile dynamic that is the human heart. So we need to do so more so, with power and command and authority and defiance, and take on the world. And those people that come to see us, see the work that we do, whether onstage or backstage, will hopefully feel empowered from experiencing the work we do. Thank you very much. I’m very honored. Thank you.

Jane Cox, Appropriate

Best lighting design of a play.

Thank you. I want to dedicate this award to all the partners and children, patient partners and children of theatremakers everywhere, especially my brilliant husband Evan Alexander and my beautiful daughter Beckett Alexander here tonight. I also want to thank all the associates on all the shows, especially Bailey Costa, Betsy Chester, and my co-pilot of 15 years, Tess James. Thank you to the amazing lighting team on our show, Mia, Kelly, Brian. And shout out to my family in Ireland, especially my niece who’s going to acting school this fall. Thank you so much Lila Branden, Second Stage, dots, the whole team, the performers. Gosh.. how lucky to be on this show, and what a gift. Thank you so much.  

Brian MacDevitt and Hana S. Kim, The Outsiders

Best lighting design of a musical.

Brian: A million thanks to Nick, David, Katie, Dan, Matt, and the gang at the theatre who put this all together for us. I’m standing here tonight because of them. I know it sounds cliche, but these people literally carried me from the entrance of the door to the finish line. When I first read the story and and heard the music for this piece, I was literally salivating. How often do we as lighting designers get to express such pain, beauty, violence, and tenderness through light. And how often do we have a director who gets what we do and pushes us to great work? And how often do we get a set design team that designs not the most scenery, but the perfect container to hold that story? And how often do we get choreography that invites us to literally smash performers in the face with light? How often? If we’re lucky, maybe once in a career.

Hana: I thought I overdressed tonight, I just wanted to dress up, but this is crazy, and I did not expect to have this much flesh out in the world. I started writing this down after Linda’s speech like, “Oh, maybe it’s a possibility,” but this is crazy. Our fearless leader Danya, team Outsiders, all the producers, Adam, Jeff, Justin, Zach, Jonathan, this is the beyond dream team. My team, and my greatest support, hubby Andy, my family. I came here 15 years ago not knowing what to expect. This community is blowing my mind. Such a generosity and patience this community had for me. Thank you.   

Cody Spencer, The Outsiders

Best sound design of a musical.

I usually don’t like to stand here. I like to be back there where you guys can’t see me. I have a speech, I’m going to do horrible at it, but I’m truly honored to be standing here. Thank you to the theatre wing. I am immensely grateful to Justin Levine and Danya Taymor, our amazing director, without them I would not be here. Their trust in me, along with everyone else on this show it just blows my mind that they knew that I could do it even in times when I didn’t believe that I could do it. A huge thank you to our cast, musicians, producers, creative team, everyone at the Jacobs Theatre. Your collaboration and creativity is inspiring. My sound team, Joe, Heather, Mike, Steven, Thomas and Taylor, for your support and for my making my crazy ideas a reality.  

Jack O'Brien

Lifetime achievement .

I have two contradictory thoughts going on in my head all the time these days. One of them, of course, is this is the most moving experience of my career, and i’m having a little trouble absorbing it. And the other one is, oh my god does this mean it’s over?! Are George and I getting the hook tonight? This is clipping right along isn’t it? I saw myself tonight on a couch, maybe having a martini and we could spend some time together. All I want to say is after what seems to be an interminable career, you pick up a couple of things, and there are things I wanted to remind you of. I don’t want you to be upset about this, what I’m about to tell you. But did it occur to you no one ever asked us to do this? We didn’t answer an ad in the New York Times that said ‘glittering theatrical types needed to save a moribund industry’ as a matter of fact I can tell right now that most of the people in this house were discouraged from being here tonight by their parents, their teachers, their lovers, their financial advisors, “Don’t do it.” But we couldn’t help it could we? There is a fragile web of belief we chase each night in these houses. It’s the only real magic accorded to us, and it doesn’t come when called. So when it doesn’t work you’ve got to do it the next night and try to be better. But when it works, it can change lives. It changed mine. And here you are.

It’s not a job, I don’t know what it is. I know that there are people who would like to make it a job, and I think that they should be encouraged to go someplace else and maybe get one. But for us it’s a privilege, its an honor, and I know this is weird, but it’s a calling. And as such, who do I thank for a lifetime like this? Many of the people, Ellis Rabb, John Houseman, Bill Ball, helped me, were gracious to me have gone. So, it’s you, my peers. My fellow artists. It’s your society that really makes it work. I am deeply honored. It’s what I want for you, a life in the theatre. Who knew? God bless you. 

Ryan Rumery, Stereophonic

Best sound design of a play .

Hey everyone. I have a couple things I wanna say. First of all, I am much more comfortable with my work being heard than me being seen. So literally I just want to try something. I want everyone to close their eyes right now. I’m serious. But… I’m up here because of the people who believed in me and I want y’all to think of the people that have believed in you. Playwrights and Wagner Johnson believed in our production and they went big when no one else did. A huge thank you to my sound team at the Golden. Phil Lojo. Craig Cassidy. John McKenna, Alex Brock, and Nora Simonson, and Luca Botticelli. Thanks to Daniel Aukin who trusts me to do what I do. That’s the greatest gift an artistic collaborator can give you. Thanks to David Adjmi for your words and ideas that I’ve never experienced in a play before and for trusting me on this eight year journey. Thanks to Will Butler for one of a kind songs, the stellar cast, and Justin Craig for your musical glue. These lines from the play of Stereophonic pretty much sum up my experience. And apologies David Adjmi for reading this, you can give me some notes later, but… Grover says, “But don’t you think this was… kind of like… a nightmare? No, but I mean, really?” And Diana says, “Honestly this is the best thing that ever happened to me.”  

CJay Philip, Founder and Creative Director of Dance & Bmore Theatre Programs in Baltimore, Maryland.

Excellence in theatre education award.

My first theatre performance was a church play. The show written by my mother later moved to albany high school where I was a student, an athlete, and certified knucklehead I cut class a lot. I was stopped by Mr. Bealy, the theatre teacher, and he invited me to read a Shakespeare monologue. He saw a light in me, and he was my first mentor and acting coach. Years later, I moved to new york to pursue Broadway, and here I gained more teachers. More mentors. And some of them here in this room influenced my journey. And I thank you. But no one has influenced me more than my mother who is here today Nell Stokes. You have taught me the value of writing my own story and walking a purposeful path. And every day I get to teach young people to do the same thing in their communities, their schools, their churches, cultural centers, and wherever stories are told. I am so blessed. I want to thank Colby, Tyra, Parvan, Lynetta, Cinya, Josh, Perry, and Lisa for your letters of encouragement. Lauren Arazzo for sharing this connective work with me. I thank my husband of 23 years Winston for your brilliant musical arrangements that give our teens the excitement of singing and rapping on the Voices of Carmen cast album. And lastly thank you to Carnegie Mellon University, the American Theatre Wing, and Broadway League for recognizing the contributions and impact of theatre educators and that they make on all of us. And the light that you’re shining on those who see the light in a young person and celebrate it. Now class, repeat after me. Let the light within you shine. Let the light within you shine. You gotta do the hands. Let the light within you shine. You shine. Yes, you do Broadway. Bravo.

Tom Scutt, Cabaret at the Kit Kat Club

 best scenic design of a musical.

Madness. Thank you so much. Thank you to the Broadway League. Thank you American Theatre Wing. Thank you to this amazing community who has been so welcoming and so warm to us. I’m so thrilled to be part of a year where design is just killing it with collectives and groups and partnerships. I find that this is for a lot of artists. This is not just one name. This is Jonathan Lyndon Chase. This is Jeremy Anderson. This is my team David Allen, Rich Henley, Anya Allin, George Sanger, Architects KGA. Other architects Charcoalblue. I want to thank Adam Speers, our amazing, amazing producer at ATG, who was mad enough to believe that we could do this. And I want to dedicate this to three very special people. To Rebecca Frecknall, our amazing director. To Julia Cheng, our choreographer, and to Jordan Fine. Thank you very much.

Jeremy Strong, An Enemy of the People

Best performance by an actor in a leading role in a play.

Thank you so much. Thank you to the American Theatre Wing. I want to thank Greg Noble, Patrick, everyone at Seaview, and 101, and Plan B. I want to thank Paul Libbin for letting us use your beautiful theatre. It is such an honor doing this play at Circle in the Square. My brilliant cast, the design team and the whole production team that worked on this play. I want to thank the ushers and front of house staff. You’ve seen me walking in every day looking like I’ve just been run over by a truck, and seen me walk out looking somehow even worse, with bits of pretzels in my hair. Linda, thank you for sewing fifty thousand buttons back onto my shirts every night. Molly Kerns, I couldn’t have done this without you, I think a lot of people in this room share that sentiment. Sam and Amy, you guys, thank you. Sam, thank you for being everything an actor could hope for in a director and for bringing new meaning to the term ice bucket challenge. Amy for your masterful work on this play. The last time I did a play of yours I met Emma, my wife, who I now have three beautiful children with, and now this play. This play is a cry from the heart to face up to the difficult truths that are staring us all down right now. It’s been a privilege to give it’s warning and it’s hope to audiences. This is for my mom and my dad who are here tonight. Mom, dad, thank you for allowing me to imagine. 

Will Brill, Stereophonic

Best performance by an actor in a featured role in a play.

Wow wow wow. Thanks guys. Okay, there’s six other people in this play. Can you stand up real quick? Just stand up. Look at these guys. Look at them. Wow wow wow, you guys! Okay. David Adjmi, and Daniel Aukin, and Justin Craig, and Will Butler took a real chance on casting a play with a bunch of nobodies. And then all the sudden Sue Wagner and John Johnson and Greg Noble were like, you know what we could put that on Broadway and that could be a nice thing, so… What the heck?! This is really nice. I just want to say I wouldn’t be here without my therapist Rachel Turney. And my bass teacher Rodney Seehack Mangano. And also I wouldn’t be doing this if Talene Monahan hadn’t told me to. So thanks Talene. I love you guys. So much. Wild. Thanks.  

Kara Young, Purlie Victorious: A Non-Confederate Romp Through the Cotton Patch

Best performance by an actress in a featured role in a play.

Happy Father’s Day, Daddy! Oh my goodness, wow! Thank you to the American Theatre Wing, thank you to the Broadway League, thank you to my team, Sam, Liana, Perry, thank you to every single person who has ever championed me, to make this moment a reality. Thank you to my ancestors, the women who I come from, the people who I come from. My great-grandmother Hazel Baptist made it a point to come to Purlie Victorious two weeks before she transitioned. Thank you to my mother. My mother went back to school with two children, and got two masters degrees from an Ivy League institution, and to my father who put my mother through school, and made it a priority to do that. Thank you so much, dad for taking us to school every day, mom for taking me to dance class, back to this one, then to a party, then back to the class… to my brother, Clay Young, your strength and resilience inspires me daily. To my partner, Biko Eisen-Martin, who I love so much, who is my spirit mate. To this incredible cast of Purlie. This incredible cast, Leslie, you make everything possible, you inspire me so much. You hold so much and you hold it like it’s weightless. Kenny Leon, you meticulously crafted this play, I don’t see anybody else doing this the way that you did it, you are singular and important. To Heather, Vanessa, Billy, Bill, J.O., Noah P, Noah R, Willa, Brandy, Donald, and Melvin, I think I said everyone. And to the great Ossie Davis who just posthumously elevated the American theatre yet again 62 years later. The legendary Ruby Dee who originated this role. The great Luttie Belle Gussie Mae Jenkins, who said ‘I’m taking a chance on my life and I’m gonna go’ and I’m gonna go because I have some life left. I have a lot of life left in me. And she deserved it, and we all do. Thank you. This to the vibration of the liberation for humanity. 

Billy Porter 

Isabelle stevenson award.

Singing: I don’t feel no ways tired. Come too far from where I’ve started from. Nobody told me that the road would be easy. Oh I don’t believe. He’s brought me this far to leave me.

Thank you to the committee for choosing me, seeing me. I am grateful, I am humbled I grew up in world where they told me that who I was was not worthy of anything. So the fact that I’m standing before you is a miracle. Toni Morrison said this is precisely the time when artists go to work. There’s no time for despair, no place for self-pity, no need for silence, no room for fear. We speak, we write, we do language. This is how civilizations heal. I was born in 1969. First-generation post-60s Civil Rights Movement. I came out as gay in 1985 when I was 16 years old and as we all know, and many of us in this room experienced, we went straight to the front lines to fight for our lives. I’d like to personally thank the Entertainment Community Fund, formerly the Actors Fund of America, and founder Tom Viola with the Broadway Cares/ Equity Fights AIDS for teaching myself and an entire generation of theatre artists how to activate. We got up in these streets and we spoke truth to power and demanded our healing medications. We got up in these streets and demanded our equal rights not just for queer people, but for all human beings everywhere. Period. And as we find ourselves at yet another crossroads in America. A moment that will decide whether democracy lives or dies, I need to remind you all of what the late John Lewis told me. “Never give up hope, never give into hate and go out there and get into some good trouble. Love always wins  It takes time, it takes grace, it takes hope, it takes patience, it takes loving kindness and compassion. And we win. When we fight, we always win. I’d like to dedicate this moment to my mother Clarinda Jean Johnson Porter Ford who we lost this past February. She believed in unconditional love and she instilled in my sister and I a purpose and love greater than ourselves. One of her favorite Bible verses was 2 Timothy 1:7: “For God hath not give us the spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” Turn to your neighbor and tell them fear not, for the change has already happened. God bless y’all.

Danya Taymor, The Outsiders

Best direction of a musical .

Thank you. It is an honor of a lifetime to be among this group of directors, especially the group of women directors, a record number this year. Directing The Outsiders changed my life. Thank you to my brothers in creation and collaboration, Adam Rapp, Justin Levine, Rick and Jeff Kuperman, John Clay, Zach Chance, thank you for trusting me. Thank you to the Araca group, Matthew, all of our producers, to the relentlessly courageous and curious cast of The Outsiders, three of whom are here tonight, Sky, Josh, Brody, and everybody in the whole company it is an honor to be your director and your collaborator. To the sickest design team in the land. Thank you for creating the ultimate memory playground, raw, gritty, elemental, and powered by bodies. Thank you to my family, mom, dad, Ari, Gab, I love you. Thank you to the great women who have lifted me up. Beverly Jenkins, Nina Essman, Angelina Jolie and Susie Hinton. Susie Hinton who at 16 years old wrote from her gut with such courage and honesty. And to all the young artists out there who want to create: What some may perceive as a weakness or a liability in you might just be your superpower, don’t be afraid to trust your gut. Artistic risk yields rewards. Thank you so much.   

Daniel Aukin, Stereophonic

Best direction of a play.

Here’s some words I wrote. A room inside a room inside a room. So I’m standing at the back of the theatre, and the silence falls. People are leaning forward in their seats, witness to this love letter to the joy and the pain of people making something together in a space that dances between what is shown and what we should not be seeing. David Adjmi’s demonically diamond writing in harmony with Will Butler’s incandescent songwriting, and a rock star cast, vibrates to its own special frequency. I can’t hold it all in words. I can feel it. Wait are they acting now, what just happened? None of this happens the way it needed to without Adam Greenfield at Playwrights Horizons. Stereophonic fam, you know who you are, thank you. Thank you to our incredible producers. Derek and Emma for ever stopping believing. Thank you American Theatre Wing. Finally, sorry Ryan, you got there first. In the play Diana says “It’s the best thing that ever happened to me.” As far as my life making theatre I have more than an inkling of what she’s talking about. Ivy and [Hayes], I’ll see you at the party.   

Kecia Lewis, Hell's Kitchen

Best performance by an actress in a featured role in a musical  .

[Looking at her phone] Lord, my phone, open, okay. People, stop texting me, Jesus. First, I would like to thank you, God, my first, my last, my everything, Thank you to the American Theatre Wing and the Broadway League and every one of the fierce, fabulous, female thespians in this category. I’d like to thank the entire cast, onstage and offstage, the crew, the front and back of house staff at the Shubert Theatre for being who they are and their hard work and support to make our show the joy that it is. I’d like to thank our creative team, Alicia Keys, Michael Greif, Kristoffer Diaz, Camille A. Brown, and all of our designers for their hard work and dedication as generals in leading the charge of our show. I’d like to thank my manager and friend of 15 years, Jed Abrahams, for truly seeing me and being my champion in an industry that is extremely challenging and often did not see me. Also, I thank Barry Bischoff for his friendship and hard work. Thank you to my ENT and friend, Dr. Linda Dahl who keeps this voce alive and well. And my vocal coach Marlon Saunders. I’d like to thank those people in my life who wouldn’t let me give up. Being in this business 40 years I wanted to give up many times. Gabriella Diaz-Goncalvees, Lisa Vidal, Daniel Koa Beaty, and my longtime friends, Adriane Lenox and LaChanze. I’d like to thank my spiritual families over the years for their training and loving me just for me without having me even open my mouth and sing a note, particularly pastors Martin and Gail Watson, Reverend Darling, Palmer, and Dr. Hart Ramsey at Hunger Church Atlanta. To my family, aunt Ruth, who indulged me but still laughs about me standing in the mirror as a kid watching myself cry to see if I looked like a wonderful actress. My parents, the late John Henry Lewis and Betty Mae Lewis, and my heart that walks outside my body, my son, Simon Evans. Lastly, 40 years ago yesterday, I walked into the Imperial Theatre to begin my Broadway career at 18 years old. I have had so many amazing experiences and some heartbreaking ones too. I took a short break from showbusiness and raised a son as a single parent while trying to build a career. This moment is the one I dreamed of for most of those 40 years. So, I say to everyone who can hear my voice ‘don’t give up!’ Thank you.   

Daniel Radcliffe, Merrily We Roll Along

Best performance by an actor in a featured role in a musical .

I’m gonna just talk fast and try not to cry. Thank you so much to the Broadway League and the American Theatre Wing for this unbelievable honor Thank you to our producers Sonia, David, Patrick, and Jeff for making this happen. Thank you to Stephen Sondheim and George Furth for writing this unbelievable show and these incredible songs that are just a gift to sing every night. Thank you to Maria, our director, for knowing the show like the back of your hand and for guiding us through it so so beautifully. And also this has been one of the best experiences of my life, thank you for thinking of me for this. This has been just unbelievable. Thank you so much to our cast. Everybody on that stage. It is an honor to be on stage with you every single night. I will miss it so much. Speaking of missing things… Jonathan, Lindsay, I will miss you so much. I don’t really have to act in this show, I just have to look at you and feel everything that I want feel. I will never have it this good again. Thank you. Thank you to our crew. The band. The stage management team. Everybody who makes the show happen every day at the Hudson theatre. You make it a dream to come to work. Thank you so so much. Thank you to Sue Latimer, my agent, who’s been with me literally my entire life. That is not a joke. Sandy Binion, my dresser. He dressed me on Equus, oh no, you didn’t dress me, we met on Equus and then dressed me on everything since. None of this would have been half as much fun without you. Thank you so much. My singing teacher Mark Malin is the only reason I sound any good in the show. Thank you Mark. My mom and dad are here somewhere. Happy Father’s Day, Dad. I love you both so much. Thanks for playing Sondheim in the car and just, you know, loving me. And my love Erin, you and our son are the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I love you so much. Thank you so much. Thank you everybody. Have a great night.

Best Original Score (Music and/or Lyrics) Written for the Theatre

I’ve had the absurd good fortune to already be up here tonight and I know I talk fast and my mentor Elizabeth Swados used to say I could run auctions because I talk so fast, but I want to talk about her and mentorship. Elizabeth Swados, I walked into her class in 2007 in college and I wrote my first song and I met my husband and she changed my life. And the mentors, the songwriters in this industry, that care about the future of the craft. Jeanine Tesori stood up here and said you have to see it to be it. Yes, Jenine and I saw it so I could be it. Thank you Jeanine. Thank you Lynn Ahrens, thank you Liz Swados. And to all of the theatre kids out there watching, especially the wild little girls. Go for it. You can do it. You are powerful. You are valuable. You are strong. If you doubt yourself, it’s okay I doubt myself all the time, but you can do it. I am rooting for you. And the epigraph on my script is a quote from the Talmud, you are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to abandon it. This is a hard year in our country, and I just hope that we can remember that when we organize and we come together we are capable of making real change and progress for this country for equality and justice. And so I hope we can all do that together. And thank you to the Suffs, thank you to my castmates. This is absolutely amazing. Oh my goodness. Thank you. I love theatre. I love you all. Thank you so much.  


Best revival of a play.

Carole Rothman: Thank you to the American Theatre Wing and to the Broadway League. It is a joy and an honor to be standing here with the family of Appropriate, the actors, the director, the designers, the stage manager and the producers. Family is at the crux of appropriate and those of us that have the love and support of our families, who encouraged us are very blessed, and we thank all of you. I thank my children, Molly and Charlie. I am so proud to have opened a door over the last 45 years to some incredible artists, and none more deserving of the acclaim than the immensely talented Branden Jacobs Jenkins. 

Branden Jacobs Jenkins: I want to thank good orderly direction, I want to thank the Tony nominators, I want to thank the Tony voters, I want to thank these amazing audiences we’ve had for giving me the opportunity to stand up here and actually say thank you to the real-life actors in my real-life family drama, starting with an amazing man who I get to share father’s day with for the rest of my life, Cheo Bourne who is is in the audience. I want to wish a happy single mother’s day to my mother Patricia Jacobs, who has been my first hero in life and art. I want to thank my brother and sister Bradley and Brittany Jacobs who have given me so much material for many plays about siblings for the rest of my life. I want to thank my father who told me early on to find something that you love in life and get someone to pay you for it. I followed that advice and I’m here right now and I’m so thankful for that. I want to thank this family behind me. I want to thank my sister from another mister, Lila Neugebauer. And I especially want to thank Carole Rothman for saying yes after years and years of being told I was too risky, I was too provocative and too not commercial enough. I really want to share my small part of this big award with the company and Ossie Davis’s family. Because the truth is, without Ossie Davis I wouldn’t be here. Without Purlie Victorious Appropriate would not be here. People come up here and say it all the time, but it’s true, if you guys want this we can have an arrangement of custody, he can haunt my bedroom, I don’t care, tell me the secrets! And for those of you are worried about Henry Gibson, he’s been dead for over 100 years and he’s already won this twice. 


David Adjmi: My agent gave me a beta blocker but it’s not working. Oh no. I have to thank the American Theatre Wing and the Broadway League for this unbelievable honor. This almost didn’t happen. This play took me 11 years to manifest in a production, and it wouldn’t have happened if it weren’t for Adam Greenfield and Playwrights Horizons, the off-Broadway theatre that gave us a world class production that we basically transferred to the Broadway stage. Thank you so much to Playwrights Horizons. Thank you so much to our incredible Broadway producers Sue Wagner and John Johnson, and all of you. Sue, when we said we were going to transfer this to Broadway, I said I don’t want to have stars in this play, and Sue said but David they are stars. And she’s right. Thank you so so much to my, I’m not going to name all of the names, but my incredible creative team, my brilliant cast. Every single person in front of house and back of house and all around the house. You guys are unbelievable. I don’t even have the words to describe how incredible this team is. This has been the best experience of my entire life. This was a very hard journey to get this play up here and I just want to say thank you to all of my friends who helped me in ways both emotionally and financially to Michael Mckeel and Fran Offenhauser, who gave me a place to live for seven years so that I could write this play and stand here and accept this award. It’s really hard to make a career in the arts. We need to fund the arts in America. It is the hallmark of a civilized society. I want to dedicate this to the artists out there, thank you so, so much, this is for us. Thank you. 

Adam Greenfield: Every play nominated in this category tonight came from an off-Broadway theatre. Playwrights Horizons stands very proudly among our peers and if a culture of risk-taking new work is important, we need the support of our city to maintain that. I want to thank everybody on staff at Playwrights Horizons, especially Carol Fishman, Natasha Sinha, Leslie Marcus. Thank you to our Board of Directors. Thank you to Sue Wagner, John Johnson, Greg Nobile and each and every producer and co-producer. Thank you to my dear friends, David Adjmi, Daniel Aukin, Ryan Rumery, Justin Craig, Will Butler, every actor, every designer, every technician, every stage manager who worked on this play. You all are so lovely. This play is about the torture of making art with other people, but god bless you. Thank you.

Merrily We Roll Along

Best revival of a musical.

Sonia Friedman, Producer: Thank you to the American Theatre Wing. Steve Sondheim and George Furth wrote this musical over 40 years ago, and I think for all of those who were there then, this is proof that what you had then was indeed a masterpiece, and I want to hand this to my sister. My sister, Maria Friedman, the great artist, the great director, she first came across the musical 30 years ago, it’s been in her life all this time. Maria found this unconventional masterpiece, found the raw emotion in the center of it, and turned into absolute gold, and Broadway is so lucky to have this work, and you. 

Maria Friedman, Director: I first of all want to say an enormous thank you for the love that we’ve all felt from the company, from you all. But, Steve, I knew him and miss him terribly. There was a line that flew out on opening night to me from the show, which is, “Musicals are popular, they’re a great way of stating important ideas, ideas that can really change the world, make a difference.” And then Frank turns to Charlie and says, “Charlie, we can change the world.” Well, Steve and George, Merrily is popular. 

Sarah Paulson, Appropriate

Best performance by an actress in a leading role in a play.

It is humbling to be included in the same breath as Amy Ryan, Rachel McAdams, Betsy Aidem, and the great Jessica Lange. I thank the American Theatre Wing and the Broadway League for this honor. An abundance of gratitude to Carole Rothman and Second Stage Theatre for giving us a home at the Hayes. To our intrepid producers who brought us to the Belasco. Kristin Caskey, Bee Carrozzini, and everyone at ATG, J.J. Abrams, everyone at Bad Robot Live, I thank you. To our front-of-house and back-of-house crews at both theatres, we could not do this without you. Hylda Queally, Joe Machota, for the wonderful gift of representation that actually encourages theatrical commitments. Thank you Alla Plotkin, my publicist in my life for 20 years. I think you wanted this for me more than anyone in this room. Lila Neugebauer, boundless gratitude for your keen eye and your sure hand. Corey, Michael, Natalie, Elle, Ella, Graham, Alyssa, Lincoln, and Everett. You astonish me nightly. You have become my family and I am never letting you go. Julia Crockett I am forever in your debt. Holland, thank you for loving me. I am standing here tonight because of the mighty talent that is Branden Jacobs Jenkins. I will never be able to convey my gratitude to you for trusting me, for letting me hold the hand of Toni Lafayette. A woman you have written who makes no apology. Who isn’t begging to be liked or approved of, but does hope to be seen. But don’t we all. As a young actress, I remember seeing Janet McTeer burst onto stage in A Doll’s House in the very theatre I am currently living in. And some nights when I’m backstage I think of the indelible impact of her. I think about the walls of theatres all over this magical town, holding the impact of each and every one of you in this room and all of those who came before, and I think, how lucky those walls are to bear witness to the relentless interrogation of human experience that we endevor to explore nightly for each other to give back to one another, with the hope of finding some shared path toward the truth about being alive. This is the heart and soul of what we do, and I am so honored to be amongst you. Thank you.  

Maleah Joi Moon, Hell's Kitchen

Best performance by an actress in a leading role in a musical.

I can’t even read my handwriting! Thank you God for this blessing, there is no gift, there is no me without you. Thank you to the American Theatre Wing, thank you to my village, my team, Sherry, Brian, Christine, and Jill Fritzo PR. My family, my best friends from Franklin, my teachers from Franklin for believing in my potential, thank you for taking care of me. Thank you to the entire community of Hell’s Kitchen Broadway and the Shubert Theatre. Our creative team, Alicia, my family down at The Public Theater, you saw something in me a few years ago and you nurtured that thing ever since. I’d like to dedicate this award to my parents, Fabia and Steve. Dad, you’ve been working all your life. Mom, you came to America at 17 and you’ve been surviving ever since. And Hell’s Kitchen is about a 17 year old on the cusp of a dream, I can’t imagine how many dreams deferred, how many sacrifices each of you made to give me the life that I have today. So, tonight all I hope is that you just get to celebrate, because this is for you and we did this together. I love you more than words. Thank you.

Jonathan Groff, Merrily We Roll Along

Best performance by an actor in a leading role in a musical.

I grew up in a house surrounded by cornfields in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. I was raised by my parents Jim and Julie Groff, and my brother David, and the three of them are sitting right there. Thank you for letting me dress up like Mary Poppins when I was three. Thank you for letting me act out scenes from I Love Lucy on my 10th birthday. Thank you for always allowing my freak flag without ever making me feel weird about it. Even if they didn’t always understand me, my family knew the life-saving power of fanning the flame of a young person’s passions without judgment. I walk through life with an open heart because you let me know that I could. Thank you. I love you. Thank you to all of my teachers back in Pennsylvania, especially Sue Fisher who told me I could do this for a living. I moved to New York exactly 20 years ago this year and I got a job waiting tables and became a volunteer for Broadway Cares / Equity Fights AIDS, and all I wanted was the be a part of this community. Thank you to everyone involved in Spring Awakening who not only made that dream come true, but also inspired me to come out of the closet when I was 23. I’m now 39 and musical theatre is still saving my soul. Maria Friedman, thank you for letting be your Franklin Shepard in this production of Merrily and allowing me the chance to accept, respect, and express both the lightest and darkest parts of myself. Daniel Radcliffe and Lindsay Mendez, you are more than old friends, you are soulmates, and I’m looking forward to watching each other change for the rest of our lives. Thank you to every member of the extraordinary cast for lifting this Merrily into the spiritual stratosphere. Thank you to everyone working inside the Hudson Theatre. Thank you New York Theater Workshop. Thank you Jim, Lonny, Ann, and the original company and creative team of Merrily. Special thank you to Sonia Friedman, Jim Carnahan, Tom Broecker, Hayley King, Joe Machota, and Jenny Tversky. Happy Birthday to Rick and Max. And finally I just want to say when I was a kid in Pennsylvania, I used to record the Tony awards on a VHS tape and watch the performances over and over again, and to actually be able to be a part of making theatre in this city, and just as much to be able to watch the work of this incredible incredible community has been the greatest gift and pleasure of my life and I thank you. And thank you so much for this honor.  

The Outsiders

Best musical .

Matthew Rego, Producer: 

On behalf of my partners at the Araca Group, my brother Michael Rego, and Hank Unger, my producing partners Zoetrope, Olympus Theatricals, In Fine Company and Angelina Jolie, as well as La Jolla Playhouse, and all of our co-producers, we thank you for this great honor. Creating The Outsiders required an extraordinary collective of unparalleled artists coming together to tell this story in service of a singular vision, and for that and so much more we thank Adam Rapp, Jonathan Clay, Zach Chance, Justin Levine, Rick Kuperman, Jeff Kuperman and Danya frickin Taymor! We thank our amazing group of designers, actors, stage managers and musicians. We thank the incredible stage crew, front of house crew, back office, management and marketing teams, and a special thank you to Bob Wankel and the entire Shubert organization. Susie Hinton wrote The Outsiders 60 years ago and she has gratefully received accolades ever since. But she often says that she still gets overwhelmed when told that The Outsiders changed someone’s life, because she’ll say “Who am I to change anyone’s life? It’s the book, it’s not the author, it’s the message, not the messenger.” Well, Susie, I am here to tell you that your story and its eternal message of love, and family, and staying gold, has forever changed all of our lives. We love you, thank you.   

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Tony Awards: Read Jonathan Groff's inspiring speech after his 1st win

Groff thanked his parents, co-stars and more in an inspiring speech on Sunday.

Broadway star Jonathan Groff notched his very first Tony award on Sunday night for his role as Franklin Shepard in the Broadway revival of "Merrily We Roll Along." In his moving acceptance speech, Groff thanked his parents for their endless support, old teachers, co-stars and more.

Groff also gave a nod to his Broadway beginnings, thanking the cast of "Spring Awakening" for inspiring him to "come out of the closet" at 23 years old.

Groff's "Merrily We Roll Along" won four Tony Awards, including Daniel Radcliffe's award for best featured actor in a musical, best revival musical, and best orchestrations.

PHOTO: Jonathan Groff accepts the award for best performance by an actor in a leading role in a musical for "Merrily We Roll Along" during the 77th Tony Awards, June 16, 2024, in New York.

"Merrily We Roll Along" first hit Broadway in 1981. The current revived version has played at Broadway's Hudson Theatre since last year and is planned to conclude in July.

Daniel Radcliffe thanks partner and child after 'Merrily We Roll Along' Tony win

Read Groff's entire acceptance speech below:

"Thank you. I grew up in a house surrounded by cornfields in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.

I was raised by my parents Jim and Julie Groff and my brother David and the three of them are sitting right there.

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Thank you for letting me dress up like Mary Poppins when I was three. Thank you for letting me act out scenes from 'I Love Lucy' on my 10th birthday. Thank you for always allowing my freak flag to fly without ever making me feel weird about it. Even if they didn't always understand me, my family knew the life-saving power of fanning the flame of a young person's passions without judgment. I walk through life with an open heart because you let me know that I could. Thank you. I love you.

Thank you to all of my teachers back in Pennsylvania, especially Sue Fisher, who told me I could do this for a living. I moved to New York exactly 20 years ago this year and I got a job waiting tables and became a volunteer for Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS. And all I wanted was to be a part of this community.

Thank you to everyone involved in 'Spring Awakening,' who not only made that dream come true but also inspired me to come out of the closet when I was 23. I'm now 39 and musical theater is still saving my soul.

Maria Friedman ----Thank you for letting me be your Franklin Shepard in this production of 'Merrily' and allowing me the chance to accept, respect and express both the lightest and darkest parts of myself. Daniel Radcliffe and Lindsay Mendez, you are more than old friends. You are soulmates. And I'm looking forward to watching each other change for the rest of our lives. Thank you to every member of the extraordinary cast for lifting this 'Merrily' into the spiritual stratosphere.

Thank you to everyone working inside the Hudson Theatre. Thank you, New York Theatre Workshop, Jim, Lonny, Ann and the original company and creative team of 'Merrily.' Special thank you to Sonia Friedman, Jim Carnahan, Tom Broecker, Hayley King, Joe Machota, and Jenny Tversky. Happy birthday to Rick and Max.

And finally, I just want to say when I was a kid in Pennsylvania, I used to record the Tony Awards on a VHS tape and watch the performances over and over again, and to actually be able to be a part of making theater in this city, and just as much, to be able to watch the work of this incredible, incredible community has been the greatest gift and pleasure of my life. And I thank you and thank you so much for this honor."

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Award Speech

Award speech generator.

sample of acceptance speech for award

You may have already seen on television or have seen it right before your eyes that when someone would give and receive an award, they would say more than just a word of thanks in front of an audience. The speech they deliver is called as an award acceptance and award presentation speech. When it is your time to receive an award, you might have a difficulty in writing your award acceptance speech and the same thing goes when you would be awarding someone. This article gives you ten award acceptance and ten awards presentation speech examples that can help you in creating your own speech for one of your most memorable moment of your life.

Award Speech

Award Acceptance Speech Sample

1 Acceptance Speech final text with photos

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Award Acceptance Speech

2 menasce michelson acceptance

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Mandela Award Recipient Speech

3 Ndume award speech

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Wilder Award Acceptance Speech

4 wilder 2015speech final

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Steps on Writing for Your Award Presentation Speech

Before the recipient of an award could receive his or her award, someone would be presenting the award first. If you are assigned to deliver an award presentation speech and that you do not know where to begin, make use of this simple steps to guide you in writing and preparing for your award presentation speech to help you get started.

1. The Introduction

In the introduction part of your speech , you can present both of the award and the recipient of the award. For the award, you can make a brief statement of the category and for the recipient of the award, you can introduce him or her in a mysterious fashion like you would be describing the person first, what he or she does that could or could not be related with the award he or she is going to receive. Make sure that you would keep the introduction part of your speech brief and simple but it would already build up the framework of your entire award presentation speech.

2. The Body of the Speech

It is in the body of the speech that you would be further describing the award and what were the requirements for achieving the ward. This is also the part where you would e introducing more in-depth information about the recipient of the award and this is finally the part where you would be mentioning the recipient of the award. You can also include mentioning the list of the other awards that the recipient has received. There are some that we call a veteran in receiving awards that he or she has a lot of awards received in his or her lifetime that mentioning their long list of awards might take up the entire awards ceremony. That is why you have to make sure that you are only choosing the significant awards that he or she has received and it is suggested that the ones worth mentioning are the awards that are similar or close to what the awardee will be receiving in the current awarding ceremony.

3. The Conclusion of the Speech

The main purpose of the conclusion of your award presentation speech should only be one thing and that is to induce a sound of applause from your audience to welcome the recipient of the award on stage.

Award Acceptance Speeches

Education award acceptance speech.


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Service Award Acceptance Speech

Service Award Acceptance Speech

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Career Award Acceptance Speech

10 FuhrmanAcceptance

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Award Presentation Speeches

Sample award presentation speech.

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Ceremony Award Presentation Speech

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Awards Ceremony Presentation Speech

13 Petrakis Awards Speech

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Enginerring Heritage Award Presentation Speech

14 EHA Presentation Speeches

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Prize Presentation Speech

15 VCs speech during the prize giving ceremony

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What to Keep in Mind When Writing for Your Award Acceptance Speech

1. list down the people you have to give thanks.

The first step in writing your award acceptance speech is to simply list down. List down the people that have to be recognized for helping you in your path to achieving the award. This might sound like it is an obligation to mention people in order to thank them but when you feel so much gratitude in your heart for winning an award, you might want to thank even the cook that made the food you bought during the times when you were still at the process of aiming the award.

2. Reminisce your struggles and mini-victories before achieving the award

It is good to reminisce all your struggles and hardships while you were still aiming for the award. You can get sentimental and you might even cry in front of the audience but be reminiscing all the things you’ve done in order to achieve one of your goals can be fulfilling. It can also inspire people to continue paving the path towards achieving their goals when they are starting to lose hope.

3.  Read other award acceptance speeches for inspiration

If you have a hard time thinking how to start your award acceptance speech, you can always get inspiration from previous award acceptance speeches that are similar to the kind of award that you will be receiving. This article provides you ten award acceptance speeches you can get inspiration from and you can also search for more on the internet.

High School Science Award Presentation Speech

16 high school science award presentation speech

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Fund Awards Presentation Speech

17 2016 3 15 Speech e NED

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Presentation Speech and Script for Emcee

18 Emcee script Level 1

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Principal’s Presentation of Award Speech to Graduates

19 2015 Prize giving Speech Principal

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Presentation of Award Speech to Parent and Learners

20 Principals Address Award Ceremony 2013

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Tips for Delivering Your Award Acceptance Speech

To be recognized for your all your hardships is the best feeling in the world but not all people are actually aiming to deliver an award acceptance speech. Here are some tips that can help you in achieving that perfect award acceptance speech delivery that your audience might think that you need another award for it.

1. Just keep it short and simple. Award acceptance speeches are not necessarily long. You just have to be straight to the point in thanking the people you need to be thinking and if there are a lot, just give them a general term like family, friends, and colleagues.

2. Just keep on practicing especially if you already knew that you would be receiving an award. It reduces stress, anxiety, and any nervous feelings.

3. Keep in mind the purpose of an award acceptance speech an that is to give appreciation for having received the award

4. You can inspire and preach in your award acceptance speech but do not go overboard that you award acceptance speech would not anymore sound like an award acceptance speech.

5. Know beforehand that time limit given for every awardee so that you would know how long your speech should be and that you would not be able to have an overtime and steal other people’s time in delivering a speech.

6. Share how the award can change your life and whether you would keep on achieving similar awards in the future.

7. Like with any speeches, always add spices to your ending. You can end it with a bang, end with a quote to live by your audience, and you can also end it with another situation that would make the audience ponder. You can end it in whatever way you want as long as you do the most important thing–make your audience remember who you are and what you are capable of.


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5 takeaways from the 2024 Tony Awards

Jennifer Vanasco

Sarah Paulson accepts the best leading actress in a play award for Appropriate, marking her halfway point to EGOT status.

Sarah Paulson is seen Sunday night accepting the best leading actress in a play award for Appropriate , marking her halfway point to EGOT status, a person who has won an Emmy, Grammy, Oscar and Tony awards. Theo Wargo/Getty Images for Tony Awards Productions hide caption

It was no surprise that Stereophonic , a play about a rock band creating a hit album, took home the most Tony Awards on Sunday night, including for the best new play. It had received the most nominations for a play ever — 13 of them.

In fact, there were very few surprises at all during this very dull 77th annual Tony Awards, except for one: Best Musical. That honor was widely expected to go to Hell’s Kitchen, a musical loosely based on Alicia Keys’ life and incorporating her music, with its 13 nominations. And then, midway through the show, the winner looked like it might instead be the original musical Suffs , which early on won Tonys for both its book and score for creator and star Shaina Taub.

But no — the final award of the night went to The Outsiders , an energetic adaptation of S.E. Hinton’s beloved YA book and a later movie. It was directed by Danya Taymor, who also won. Hell’s Kitchen won only two awards, for star Maleah Joi Moon, and Kecia Lewis, who plays her mentor.

A view of the stage before the start of the Tony Awards in 2023.

Tony Awards 2024: The complete list of winners

The Outsiders is an exciting show — and maybe excitement is what Broadway needs right now. Certainly the Tonys did, because....

1. The show was … kinda dull.

For people whose profession depends on making words sound engaging, too many fumbled with their speeches. And most of those speeches were laundry lists of thank-yous (a notable exception was Jonathan Groff’s lovely speech — for leading role in a musical — about growing up with parents who didn’t always understand him, but who encouraged him anyway).

The performances were great, but whenever anyone opened their mouths — even the normally sparkling host Ariana DeBose — it was usually lackluster.

Last year, there were no scripts because of the SAG-AFTRA strike … maybe we should go back to that.

2. Politics were (vaguely) everywhere...

This theater season had its share of political shows: Suffs is about women fighting for the right to vote, Enemy of the People is about a battle over an environmental calamity, and Patriots is about Putin’s rise to power.

Politics made an appearance on the Tony stage, too. Several presenters and winners either made a point of pleading with people to vote in this election year, talked confidently about “making change,” or both. Yet there was little that was specific — I didn’t hear anyone name check a candidate, speak out about a current issue or draw attention to something they thought was undercovered in the media.

3.  … and so were celebrities

Angelina Jolie, Hillary Clinton, Cynthia Erivo, Nick Jonas and Brooke Shields were all presenters. Jay-Z and Alicia Keys sang their anthem “Empire State of Mind,” which is the closing number in Hell’s Kitchen , though they don’t appear in the Broadway production. Pete Townshend of The Who played guitar on “Pinball Wizard” when the cast of Tommy performed (he’s not on Broadway, either). Daniel Radcliffe, Jeremy Strong and Sarah Paulson won acting awards and Eddie Redmayne performed with the cast of Cabaret .

Broadway musical Illinoise’s sound mixer and designer Garth MacAleavy does his preparation for the evening show at the St. James Theatre in New York, on Wednesday, June 12, 2024.

When you can hear every word, thank the sound mixers

Basically, if someone has both Broadway and celeb credentials, the Tony Awards tried to stuff them into the show. It probably was meant to feel cool. Instead, it felt a little desperate.

4. Plays are back. 

A “little desperate” seems to be the current Broadway vibe. And no wonder. Though there’s plenty to see (36 Tony-eligible productions opened this season, 14 in the last few weeks of April alone) the audience hasn’t yet bounced back to 2019 levels.

Musicals are usually what draw tourists, and the Tonys showcased that, running a number from each nominee. But they also added....a play. Stereophonic . (Which, to be fair, has quite a lot of music.)

That’s because Stereophonic is currently a hot ticket. It just feels fresh and new, bringing us into a recording studio, where young members of a band are fighting to create something despite their clashing personalities. It has no stars — but compelling performances, taut writing and memorable music. It’s innovative. It’s breathtaking. It’s something you just can’t see anywhere else.

That’s a lot different from the musicals situation. Musicals now cost so much money that producers seem to be hesitant to back any production that’s not based on familiar material, meaning theaters are filled with adaptations of movies, books, even albums. Though every one of this season’s shows had at least one scene that was innovative or moving or even wildly creative, as a whole musicals felt disappointingly safe this year.

Stereophonic is just one example of many. There’s also Branden Jacobs-Jenkins' Appropriate , which won Best Revival of a Play. Its intense performances, surprising set and tangled family drama make it a thrilling roller coaster ride. And so many others.

Basically, if you saw a play on Broadway this season, you almost couldn’t go wrong.

5. Making the case for theater

Most of the resonant speeches happened before the main Tonys began; the special achievement and many of the design awards were streamed on Pluto TV before the main event.

One of the best of those was from director George C. Wolfe, the winner of a special achievement Tony, who made the case for theater’s importance to society.

He said theater “doesn’t need to look like you to be about you.” And, he said, at an “incredibly complicated time in this country,” theater is “celebrating and exploring the human heart.”

Now that was a speech that would have been worth hearing in prime time.

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  • Broadway musical


‘The Outsiders’ Wins Tony Award for Best Musical, ‘Stereophonic’ Best Play

Stephen Sondheim’s “Merrily We Roll Along,” long considered a flop, was named best musical revival, and Branden Jacobs-Jenkins’s “Appropriate” won best play revival.

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A large group of people in formal wear crowds the stage at the Tony Awards.

By Michael Paulson

  • Published June 16, 2024 Updated June 18, 2024

“The Outsiders,” a muscular musical based on the classic young adult novel, was named best new musical at the Tony Awards on Sunday night, while “Stereophonic,” a behind-the music play about a band making an album, was named best new play.

Stephen Sondheim’s “Merrily We Roll Along” completed a four-decade journey from flop to hit by winning the best musical revival prize, while “Appropriate,” Branden Jacobs-Jenkins’s family drama about a trio of siblings confronting an unsettling secret, won best play revival.

Here are the highlights of the 77th Tony Awards ceremony, which took place at Lincoln Center in Manhattan and was hosted by Ariana DeBose:

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  1. 10 Award Acceptance Speech Samples

    Let these speeches guide you in sharing your story, expressing your gratitude, and celebrating your achievements with an audience who is eager to celebrate with you. 1. The Journey to Excellence. Ladies and gentlemen, I stand before you, humbled and honored to accept this prestigious award.

  2. How to Give an Award Acceptance Speech (With Examples)

    First and foremost, an acceptance speech is a chance to express your heartfelt appreciation for the honor you've received. This isn't the time to be modest or downplay your achievements. Let your emotions shine through and show how much the award means to you. Take a cue from Sandra Bullock's acceptance speech at the 2010 Oscars.

  3. 10 Inspiring Award Speech Examples for Your Next Acceptance Speech

    Discover the power of impactful award acceptance speeches that inspire and motivate-read on for an eye-opening journey. Barack Obama's Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech When Barack Obama accepted the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009, he delivered an inspiring speech emphasizing the complexity of peace and recognizing its importance.

  4. Award Acceptance Speech

    1. Opener. This part of your speech is basically your introduction. This will be your formal opening, the ice breaker or the attention-grabber for your speech. The main purpose of this part is to show your excitement, your shock and happiness to be given the award. This will also serve as your formal acknowledgement to the people present during ...

  5. 10 Short Acceptance Speech Samples

    Short Acceptance Speech Samples. Each is crafted to not only express thanks but to resonate with the audience, leaving a lasting impression of the occasion and the individual honored. ... 10 Award Acceptance Speech Samples; 10 Father of the Bride Speech Samples; 10 Student Council Speech Samples; 10 Sample Letters of Request to Use a Venue;

  6. Short Award Acceptance Speech Examples: Inspiring Examples

    A good acceptance speech acknowledges the efforts of team members and reflects gratitude. Writing an award acceptance speech that inspires others is essential, especially for CEOs and business executives. It's an opportunity to inspire hard work and sustainability while acknowledging the achievements of the company.

  7. The Best Awards Acceptance Speech Examples From 2020

    Brad Pitt at the SAG Awards. One of the best treats of last year's film awards season was Pitt's emergence as a bona fide stand-up comedian. Praising his "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood" co ...

  8. How to Write an Acceptance Speech: 12 Steps (with Pictures)

    3. Record yourself reading your speech. Use a camcorder, computer, or your phone. Make sure you're standing for the recording and set the camera far enough away that it captures your entire body. If you'll be giving your speech at a podium, find something to use as a podium for the video, like a table or a desk.

  9. Award Acceptance Speech Samples

    While these were some basic tips on writing a good award speech, here are two samples that will give you an idea about giving an excellent speech. Sample 1. Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen! I am extremely honored to be receiving such an important award (mention the name of the award). I am earnestly grateful for the recognition I have ...

  10. How to Give an Award Acceptance Speech to Thank ...

    As compared to other speeches, an acceptance speech does not include a beginning, body or conclusion and doesn't need a PowerPoint display.In addition to this, acceptance speeches aren't allotted a lot of time as you would with a keynote speech, so you will have to make it short.. Acceptance speeches also provide you, the speaker who's accepting the award, an opportunity to either make a ...

  11. How to Write an Acceptance Speech? Detailed Guide with Tips

    Lack of Structure: Avoid a disorganized or lengthy speech. Structure your speech with a clear beginning, middle, and end to maintain your audience's attention. Being Negative: Stay positive and avoid any negative remarks or criticisms, whether related to the award or other aspects. Maintain a gracious and optimistic tone.

  12. 5 Tips to Give the Perfect Award Acceptance Speech

    One way to start could be watching others' acceptance speeches, and ideally not just speeches from the Academy Awards. Award acceptance speech examples can be found on Youtube, Vimeo, and other video-sharing sites. Learn from others but don't mimic - You've probably watched a lot of speakers before haven't you? You know the things ...

  13. Acceptance Speech

    An acceptance speech is a speech with an aim to simply express gratitude after receiving a recognition or an award. 10 Tips for Writing an Award-Winning Acceptance Speech We all know that acceptance speeches are often delivered after receiving an award but it does not mean that your acceptance speech shouldn't be award-winning either.

  14. Award and Acceptance Speeches

    An acceptance speech often follows an award speech and is given by the winner of the award. An acceptance speech, like any other speech, should be prepared in advance. Thanking the givers of your award is your first order of business. State how much and why you are grateful for this honor, and if possible, name the people in the organization ...

  15. Short Award Acceptance Speech

    Outline for a Short Award Acceptance Speech. Start with a brief greeting and express sincere thanks for the award. Quickly recognize and thank those who have supported you (family, colleagues, mentors). Briefly mention what this award means to you personally or professionally. End with a final word of thanks and a positive, forward-looking ...

  16. Acceptance Speech Example

    Template for an Acceptance Speech. Writing an acceptance speech doesn't have to be difficult, especially if you start with this fill-in template as a foundation on which to build. Open the template by clicking the image below. If the document doesn't open right away, use the tips in this guide for printables to troubleshoot. Related Articles

  17. Toastmasters International

    These are designed to be delivered in three to four minutes each. This unique project has endless real-life applications—from offering a toast at a family celebration to honoring a retiring coworker or even getting public recognition. Pathways offers the following guidelines for award-acceptance speeches:

  18. The 9 Best Acceptance Speeches of 2019

    How to Give an Awards Acceptance Speech. This week, let's bid farewell to the year in awards by looking back at the best examples of fabulous acceptance speeches in 2019.

  19. Acceptance Speech Thanks Those Who Made Excellence Possible

    In these ceremonies, achievements like Best Actor, Best Supporting Actress, or Motion Picture of the Year are examples of awards given. But acceptance speeches are given in many fields for many types of achievements. Academic achievements, sports, career advancements, and even political events like the Republican or Democratic conventions, when ...

  20. Mastering Award Acceptance Speeches: Winning Tips

    Winning Tips for Award Acceptance Speeches. Winning an award is a great feeling, but it is only half the battle. The other half is delivering an acceptance speech that resonates with your audience and makes them feel connected to you. Crafting an inspiring speech requires careful thought and planning, as well as practice and rehearsal.In this blog, we will explore the key elements of an ...

  21. How to Give an Award Acceptance Speech

    Again, watching examples of famous award acceptance speeches is a great strategy for deciding how to deliver your speech. A straightforward way to ensure you come across as humble is acknowledging your fellow nominees. For example, say a few words about how honored you feel to be in the same category as such inspiring people as (insert names ...

  22. Award acceptance speech example

    Below is the full text of her award acceptance speech - inspired, impassioned and humble. It was delivered at the Seattle Academy of Arts and Sciences Zambia-Seattle Partnership 'Building Our Future' Award/Dinner and at its end she received a standing ovation. Olive Mumba, Principal, Birdland School, Lusaka, Zambia.

  23. Recap the 2024 Tony Awards Acceptance Speeches

    The 77th Annual Tony Awards have officially begun! As winners take the stage this evening, stay tuned to BroadwayWorld as we bring you full text of all of the acceptance speeches; from the ...

  24. Tony Awards: Read Jonathan Groff's inspiring speech after his 1st win

    Broadway star Jonathan Groff notched his very first Tony award on Sunday night for his role as Franklin Shepard in the Broadway revival of "Merrily We Roll Along." In his moving acceptance speech ...

  25. Award Speech

    2. Just keep on practicing especially if you already knew that you would be receiving an award. It reduces stress, anxiety, and any nervous feelings. 3. Keep in mind the purpose of an award acceptance speech an that is to give appreciation for having received the award. 4.

  26. Lancaster-born Jonathan Groff thanks teacher in his Tony Award ...

    NEW YORK — Broadway star Jonathan Groff kept tearing up during the 77th Annual Tony Awards at the Lincoln Center on Sunday night. At the end of the night, when he got onstage to accept his award ...

  27. 'Harry Potter' star wins first Tony Award, shares special message in speech

    NEW YORK, New York - Daniel Radcliffe snagged his first Tony Award and had a special message for his family during his acceptance speech Sunday evening. The 34-year-old "Harry Potter" star ...

  28. 2024 Tony Awards: Here are 5 takeaways : NPR

    There were very few surprises during Sunday's Tony Awards, except for one: best musical. The final award of the night went to The Outsiders, the adaptation of S.E. Hinton's beloved book.

  29. Angelina Jolie celebrates first Tony Award win with daughter ...

    The teen appeared to get emotional when the show's Danya Taymor won the Tony Award for best director. Taymor thanked the elder Jolie in her acceptance speech as part of a group of "great women ...

  30. 'The Outsiders' Wins Tony Award for Best Musical, 'Stereophonic' Best

    Here are the highlights of the 77th Tony Awards ceremony, which took place at Lincoln Center in Manhattan and was hosted by Ariana DeBose: ... In his acceptance speech, he had said that he spent ...