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PhD Schools and Programmes

Doctorates are the highest qualifications awarded by the Italian university system.

They provide doctoral students with the skills and knowledge they need to conduct high level research in public and private organizations or develop a professional career, while contributing to the creation of the European area of higher education and of the European research area. Doctoral programmes are open to students with a Master’s degree (in Italian, "laurea magistrale, specialistica o vecchio ordinamento") or an equivalent foreign degree.

Doctoral programmes for a.y. 2024-2025 (cycle 40) at the University of Trento are listed below.

Science and Technology

PhD programme status deadline
call closed May 15th, 2024
call closed May 7th, 2024
call closed May 13th, 2024
call open August 1st, 2024
call closed June 10th, 2024
call closed May 24th, 2024
call closed May 28th, 2024
call closed June 17th, 2024
PhD programme status deadline
call closed May 21th, 2024
call closed April 23rd, 2024
call closed May 30th, 2024
call closed May 14th, 2024
call closed May 30th, 2024
call closed May 8th, 2024
call closed May 7th, 2024

Cognitive sciences

PhD programme status deadline
call closed June 24th, 2024
call closed June 3rd, 2024

Availability within the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP)

Additional scholarships cycle 40: call open Updates on the page https://www.unitn.it/en/phd-nrrp-calls

National Doctoral Programmes and Inter-university Doctoral Programmes

PhD programme status deadline
call open July 16th, 2024

Doctoral Programme in  in  partnership with  the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, activated from academic year 2023-2024 (39th Cycle)

call published by the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano


The University of Trento participates to the:

  • National PhD programme in  Sustainable Development and Climate Change , which has its administrative seat at the Istituto Universitario di Studi Superiori di Pavia
  • National PhD programme in  Artificial Intelligence , Society Area, coordinated by CNR and Università degli Studi di Pisa
  • National PhD programme in  Learning Sciences and Digital Technologies , with administrative seat at the University of Foggia
  • National PhD programme in  Scientific,Technological and Social Methods Enabling Circular Economy , with administrative seat at the University of Padua
  • National PhD programme in   Autonomous Systems (Dausy)  with administrative seat at the Politecnico di Bari
  • National PhD programme in  Photovoltaics  with administrative seat at the University of Salerno
  • National PhD programme in  Robotica e macchine intelligenti (DRIM)  with administrative seat at the University of Genova
  • National PhD programme in  Medicina dei Sistemi   with administrative seat at the University of Milano
  • National PhD programme in  Cybersicurezza  with administrative seat at the IMT-Lucca.

National operational programme (NOP) on research and innovation 2014-2020

The call is available at https://www.unitn.it/en/nop-call (call closed).

Doctoral Programmes offered jointly with foreign Universities:

see https://www.unitn.it/en/ateneo/80149/h2020-msca-projects

PhD programmes will be discontinued (after already enrolled students have graduated):

  • Economics and Management - last intake academic year 2022/2023
  • International Research Doctoral Course “Forms of cultural exchange ” - last intake academic year 2021/2022 

Useful links

  • Who are we?
  • Edition 2016-2017
  • Edition 2015-2016
  • Edition 2014-2015
  • Edition 2013-2014
  • Edition 2012-2013
  • Edition 2011-2012
  • Edition 2010-2011
  • Edition 2009-2010
  • Edition 2008-2009

Photo contest

Social Events

  • Doctoral School in Physics
  • Physics Department
  • Doctoral School in Mathematics
  • Mathematics Department

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Physics PhD Workshop 2011-2012

Opening of the academic year, of the phd school, look at the photos of the event, 29th february 2012.

The PhD workshop is a scientific meeting organized by PhD students and strongly supported by the PhD School in Physics. Purposes of this initiative are:

  • having the possibility of meet each other;
  • presenting our research activity to the academic staff and to the students attending the Master in Physics.

Moreover, the workshop will coincide with the opening of the academic year of the PhD School in Physics, with a Lectio Magistralis given by a former student of the school.

' title=

  • Lectio magistralis
  • Social Dinner
  • Organizing Comittee

' title=

Doctoral School in Physics | Doctoral School in Mathematics Physics Department | Mathematics Department University of Trento via Sommarive, 14 - 38123 Povo (TN) Italy

Physics PhD Workshop 2020

The PhD workshop is a scientific meeting organized by PhD students at University of Trento.

Investigation CO2 plasma fundamentals for a clean future

phd workshop unitn

The transition of the global economy to renewable energy over fossil fuels has been gaining momentum in recent years. More and more countries as well as businesses are pledging to abolish fossil fuel based hydrocarbons in their energy supply [1, 2]. The intermittent nature of renewable energy techniques such as solar and wind power does however pose new challenges to the electrical grid, which is not designed to cope with either large transient surplus or deficit. To keep the transition from stagnating, there is a clear demand for new and improved energy storage methods like battery cell technology, hydrogen synthesis and fuel cell technology, but also hydrocarbon usage!

Nobel prize winner George Olah highlighted in 2011 in a seminal paper [3] the incredible use fulness of hydrocarbons and argued for a shift in their provenance, rather than a complete transition away from their usage. The societal and environmental issues caused by the anthropogenic emission of CO2 stem from the fact that there is no balance with nature’s ability to capture it, an imbalance that can be solved by increasing the rate of CO2 capture to close the carbon cycle. By using a transient surplus of renewable energy to capture CO2 in the form of hydrocarbons rather than simply storing it we gain access to a ‘new’ form of energy storage medium: CO2-neutral, ‘green’ hydrocarbons. A medium with an abundance of use cases and already existing global infrastructure.

To realize this promising prospect it is necessary to develop economically viable, competitive carbon conversion technologies. One such a technique is the plasma catalytic conversion in non-thermal plasmas, which in some instances can already surpass the viability threshold of 60% energy efficiency [4] albeit at a limited conversion of 20%. One facet of research to improve these figures focusses on deepening the understanding of fundamental processes in these non equilibrium plasmas. The challenge herein lies in that some of the most interesting plasmas are pulsed plasmas that are strongly transient in nature and highly confined in space, which requires fast diagnostics with high spatial resolution. Techniques such as optical emission spectroscopy and laser induced fluorescence can fulfill this role and provide important insights into parameters such as the electron density, gas temperature and the CO2 conversion factor inside or shortly after a plasma pulse.

Download slides


Thi s project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No.  813393.

[1] Google. Google Environmental Report 2019. Tech. rep. Google Inc., 2019. url: http:// services.google.com/fh/files/misc/google_2019-environmental-report.pdf.

[2] Karel Beckman and Jilles van den Beukel. The great Dutch gas transition. Tech. rep. Oxford Energy Institute, 2019. url: https://www.oxfordenergy.org/wpcms/wp-content/uploads/ 2019/07/The-great-Dutch-gas-transition-54.pdf.

[3] George A. Olah, G. K. Surya Prakash, and Alain Goeppert. “Anthropogenic Chemical Carbon Cycle for a Sustainable Future.” In: Journal of the American Chemical Society 133.33 (Aug. 2011), pp. 12881–12898. issn: 0002-7863. doi: 10.1021/ja202642y. url: https: //doi.org/10.1021/ja202642y.

[4] Ramses Snoeckx and Annemie Bogaerts. “Plasma technology – a novel solution for CO2 conversion?” In: Chem. Soc. Rev. 46 (19 2017), pp. 5805–5863. doi: 10.1039/C6CS00066E. url: http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/C6CS00066E.

Web pages of R. Bernardi at UniTN

Supervision activities

Msc students supervised on their internship or msc thesis work ^, phd students supervised ^, research assistants and postdoctoral fellows ^, international external examiner ^.

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  • curriculum vitae
  • fellowships and projects
  • supervision activities
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external links

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  • European Masters Program in LCT at UniTN
  • LCT Colloquia

Cybo The Global Business Directory

  • Moscow Oblast
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  • Elektrostal

State Housing Inspectorate of the Moscow Region

Phone 8 (496) 575-02-20 8 (496) 575-02-20

Phone 8 (496) 511-20-80 8 (496) 511-20-80

Public administration near State Housing Inspectorate of the Moscow Region

phd workshop unitn

Polo Ferrari: Povo2

The event will be held at Polo Ferrari, Povo 2 in Room B107 .

More information are reported below.

How to reach us

At the FS station in Trento, take the regional train for Bassano del Grappa.

Get off at the fourth stop of the train (Povo-Mesiano station);

Walk 600 m up via dei Valoni, until you reach the intersection with via Sommarive.

For more details, see the schedule .

F rom Piazza Dante (FS station) or Trento center, you have two options:

Take line 5 towards Povo-Oltrecastello;

Get off at the "Povo-Facoltà di Scienze" stop (about 15 minutes from the FS station);

Walk towards the roundabout (where the bus arrived), cross it and take via Sommarive.

Take line 13 towards S. Rocco-Povo;

Get off at the "Povo-piazza Manci" stop (about 25 minutes);

Walk down via Don T. Dallafior until you reach the intersection with via Sommarive (roundabout), turn right.

(Schempre dritto...)

Logo UniTrento

Department of Psychology and Cognitive Science

Hands-on workshop on Experience-Sampling (ESM)

Department of Psychology and Cognitive Sciences PhD Workshop Logo

Vai alla mappa

Versione stampabile

Doctoral Course in Cognitive Science - PhD Workshop

Within the MIUR programme framework “ Dipartimenti di Eccellenza ”

  • Wilhelm Hofmann  - Ruhr-Universität Bochum (Germany)

Scientific coordinator:  Maria Paola Paladino

This course is a hands-on workshop on Experience-Sampling (ESM), often also referred to as Ecological Momentary Assessment. The workshop consists of five sessions detailing the background and pros and cons of the ESM methodology, a state-of-the-art overview of considerations involved in ESM protocol/survey construction, study design, data collection. In addition, it will introduce participants to current tools in visualizing and in analyzing ESM data using multilevel regression models (in R). The workshop offers a combination of lectures and direct, hands-on experience in designing, collecting, and analyzing ESM data through interactive practical sessions. The target audience consists of researchers with no or limited experience in ESM methods. The goal is to prepare interested researchers with a solid toolbox to conduct their own ESM work.

Development Policy Research Unit

  • About the DPRU
  • Staff Profiles
  • Prof. Haroon Bhorat - profile
  • Social Responsiblity
  • Publications Overview
  • Working Papers
  • Policy Briefs
  • Fact Sheets
  • Other Publications
  • Research Overview
  • Brookings Africa Growth Initiative
  • Minimum Wages
  • COVID-19: Labour Markets & Social Assistance
  • INSETA Research Chair
  • merSETA: Economic Complexity
  • Towards Resilient Futures: CoP phase 2
  • EPP Phase III: Research, Projects & Outputs
  • ELLA: Experiences and Learning from Latin America
  • First IZA / WB / NJD Conference on Jobs & Development
  • China’s Impact on African Employment: What Do We Know and Where are the Gaps?
  • Africa's Lions
  • Building economic complexity in Africa
  • Towards Resilient Futures: CoP phase 1
  • Multimedia Overview
  • Media Clippings
  • Current News
  • Archived News

In the media: "Watts happening to work? The labour market effects of loadshedding"

power cuts

Expanded access to electricity has been a boon to development in many low- and middle-income countries, including South Africa, but erratic supply has proved a major constraint to economic growth. Now, in the first study on the effects of load-shedding on employment, Tim Köhler and Prof. Haroon Bhorat of the DPRU find that prolonged and regular power outages are significantly and negatively associated with job retention, working hours, and earnings.

Their recently published research paper “ Watts happening to work? The labour market effects of loadshedding ” considers the labour market effects of ongoing power outages (loadshedding) in South Africa.

The research has also been disseminated via 3 blog/OpEd articles, published by:

  • The Conversation on 29th May: https://theconversation.com/power-cuts-have-hit-south-africas-labour-market-hard-the-biggest-toll-has-been-on-jobs-new-research-230793
  • SA-TIED in May: https://sa-tied.wider.unu.edu/article/watts-happening-to-work-the-labour-market-effects-of-south-africas-electricity-crisis-0
  • Econ3X3 on 24th June: https://www.econ3x3.org/article/watts-happening-work-labour-market-effects-loadshedding

UCT also published a press release on the 30th May, titled: High levels of loadshedding are costly for SA’s labour market – report finds

Press/media clippings include:

  • How power cuts have affected employment , BusinessLive -  3 June 2024
  • How load shedding killed jobs and salaries in South Africa , BusinessTech -  2 June 2024
  • Power cuts have hit SAs labour market hard… , Moneyweb -  2 June 2024
  • Power cuts have hit South Africa’s labour market hard: the biggest toll has been on jobs — new research, TimesLive -  30 May 2024

As well as two radio interviews/podcasts :

  • 4 June 2024: Hot Business: Expert: Impact of loadshedding on jobs
  • 5 June 2024: " The Impact of Load Shedding on Labour Market Outcomes "; episode of  “The Economics Minute” podcast; 7 May 2024.


  1. Physics PhD Workshop 2020

    phd workshop unitn

  2. Physics PhD Workshop 2020

    phd workshop unitn

  3. PhD Workshop Series

    phd workshop unitn

  4. PhD Students Website

    phd workshop unitn

  5. IICRR holds PhD research workshop

    phd workshop unitn

  6. PhD Workshop in Physics e inaugurazione a.a. 2021-2022

    phd workshop unitn


  1. PhD Bootcamp Workshop 1: “Introduction and Types of PhD”

  2. Comment “PhD” to sign up for my PhD admissions workshop on June 29 🧡

  3. Upgrading of Registration from MPhil to PhD Workshop

  4. PhD Workshop

  5. Incorporating #firstnations perspectives into your #classroom for #naidocweek. #shorts

  6. IIHS PhD Workshop 2024


  1. Physics PhD Workshop 22/23

    2022/2023. University of Trento, Polo Ferrari Povo2. The Physics PhD Workshop (PPW) is an annual scientific event held at the University of Trento. During this event, second year PhD students from various fields can come together to share their work and discuss the latest developments in their respective areas of research; the PPW will feature ...

  2. PhD Workshop in Physics and Opening of the a.y. 2023-2024

    Programme 9:00 Opening Workshop Gianluca Lattanzi, Head of the Department of Physics Raffaello Potestio, Head of the Doctoral Programme in Physics 9:15-10:30: Lectio Magistralis "On Knowing What to Look for" Achille Varzi 10:40 coffe break 11:10-12:35 Morning session 12:35 Lunch 14:00 - 15:00: Afternoon session (first part) 15:30: Coffee break 16:00 - 17:30: Afternoon session

  3. Physics PhD Workshop 22/23

    First-year students (38th cycle) will be free to present their master thesis work/other ongoing projects with a poster during a poster session.. Second-year students (37th cycle) will be required to present their work with a 15 minutes-long slot (12 mins. talk + 3 mins. of questions).. Second-year students (37th cycle) enrolled in the Q@TN transdisciplinary program are exempted from the talk ...

  4. Physics PhD Workshop

    Physics PhD Workshop - UNITN. 53 likes. The PhD workshop is a scientific meeting organized by PhD students at University of Trento. This is

  5. PhD Workshop in Physics and Opening of the a.y. 2022-2023

    Program 9:00 - 9:45: Opening Franco Dalfovo, Head of the Department of Physics; Chiara La Tessa, Head of the Doctoral Programme in Physics; 9:40- 10:45: Lectio Magistralis "Inside-out the comfort Zone"Antigone Marino (Researcher at CNR-ISASI) 10:45: Coffee break. 11:15 - 12:45: Morning session

  6. Physics PhD Workshop 2020

    The PhD workshop is a scientific meeting organized by physics PhD students at the University of Trento and strongly supported by the PhD School in Physics. Due to the worsening of the Covid-19 situation and to the provisions taken by the Italian Government, the workshop will be held online. But still this event represents a […]

  7. Physics PhD Workshop 22/23

    The Organizers of the PhD workshop. 09: 40 - 10: 40. Lectio Magistralis. Speaker: Dr. Antigone Marino. Title: Inside-out the comfort zone. 10:45 - 11:15. Coffee Break. 11:15 - 11:30. Vittorio Chiavegato. Supervisor: Prof. William Joseph Weber. Title: Investigating acceleration noise sources for the future LISA gravitational wave observatory.

  8. PhD Schools and Programmes

    Ateneo | PhD Schools and Programmes | Doctorates are the highest qualifications awarded by the Italian university system. ... [email protected]. Office opening hours: Tuesday and Thursday,10:00-12:00 a.m. Humanities and Cognitive Sciences Area - PhD Office. Via Tommaso Gar, 16/2 - 38122 Trento. Ph. +39 0461 28 2193 - 2188 -1753 - 2377. phd ...

  9. Instructions for speakers

    Physics PhD workshop 2020 . December 2, 2020 09:00 The PhD workshop is a scientific meeting organized by PhD students at University of Trento. Instructions for speakers ... For any other information, don't hesitate to contact us at [email protected].

  10. PhD Workshop in Physics and Opening of the a.y. 2023-2024

    Programma 9:00 Opening Workshop Gianluca Lattanzi, Head of the Department of Physics Raffaello Potestio, Head of the Doctoral Programme in Physics 9:15-10:30: Lectio Magistralis "On Knowing What to Look for" Achille Varzi 10:40 coffe break 11:10-12:35 Morning session 12:35 Lunch 14:00 - 15:00: Afternoon session (first part) 15:30: Coffee break 16:00 - 17:30: Afternoon session

  11. PhD Students Website

    UniTN; Have fun! Contacts. Help edit SideBar. Physics PhD Workshop 2011-2012 and Opening of the Academic Year of the PhD School. Look at the photos of the event. 29th February 2012. The PhD workshop is a scientific meeting organized by PhD students and strongly supported by the PhD School in Physics. Purposes of this initiative are:

  12. Physics PhD Workshop 22/23

    I started a PhD with the LISA group after my Master's studies here in Trento, during which I focused on fundamental interactions and experimental physics. I found in the LISA mission a nice way to reconcile my passion for General Relativity with my desire to work in the laboratory. I am now mainly working with a torsion pendulum, used to test the LISA technology.

  13. Investigation CO2 plasma fundamentals for a clean future

    The PhD workshop is a scientific meeting organized by PhD students at University of Trento. Investigation CO2 plasma fundamentals for a clean future Antoine Salden PhD student /University of Trento

  14. PhD Workshop in Physics e inaugurazione anno accademico 2022-2023

    Programma 9:00: Opening workshop. Franco Dalfovo, Head of the Department of Physics; 9:15: Opening of the academic year 2022-23. Chiara La Tessa, Head of the Doctoral Programme in Physics; 9:40- 10:45: Lectio Magistralis "Inside-out the comfort Zone"Antigone Marino (Researcher at CNR-ISASI) 10:45: Coffee break

  15. Physics PhD Workshop 2015-2016

    UniTN; Have fun! Contacts. Help edit SideBar. Physics PhD Workshop 2015-2016 February 18th, 2015 - Room B107, Povo2. Flyer : Complete program: Why the Ph.D. workshop? The PhD workshop is a scientific meeting organized by PhD students and strongly supported by the PhD School in Physics.

  16. Raffaella Bernardi

    PhD Students | Postdoctoral Fellows | International external examiner MSc students supervised on their internship or MSc Thesis work^ (A partial list) Filippo Merlo, Intern (2023-2024) Leonardo Bertolazzi, Intern (2022-2023) Michael W. Hanna (2021-2022), Intern; Federico Pedeni (2021-2022), Intern and MSc Thesis; Emma Zanoli (2020-2021), MSc Thesis

  17. Medvedkovo Map

    Medvedkovo is a Moscow Metro station in Severnoye Medvedkovo District, North-Eastern Administrative Okrug, Moscow. Mapcarta, the open map.

  18. State Housing Inspectorate of the Moscow Region

    State Housing Inspectorate of the Moscow Region Elektrostal postal code 144009. See Google profile, Hours, Phone, Website and more for this business. 2.0 Cybo Score. Review on Cybo.

  19. Physics PhD Workshop 22/23

    Physics PhD Workshop 22/23. Home. Timetable. Speakers. Lectio Magistralis. Location. Instructions. More. Location. Polo Ferrari: Povo2. The event will be held at Polo Ferrari, Povo 2 in Room B107. More information are reported below. How to reach us. Train . At the FS station in Trento, take the regional train for Bassano del Grappa. ...

  20. Physics PhD Workshop 2019-2020

    [email protected]. Venue: Fondazione Bruno Kessler, via Sommarive 18 (Povo ... PhD Physics Workshop and Ceremony for the Opening of the Academic Year 2019-2020 of the Doctoral Programme in Physics with the Lectio Magistralis of Dr. Grazia Salerno (postdoctoral position at the Université Libre de Bruxelles) Program. 08.45-9.00 ...

  21. Elektrostal

    In 1938, it was granted town status. [citation needed]Administrative and municipal status. Within the framework of administrative divisions, it is incorporated as Elektrostal City Under Oblast Jurisdiction—an administrative unit with the status equal to that of the districts. As a municipal division, Elektrostal City Under Oblast Jurisdiction is incorporated as Elektrostal Urban Okrug.

  22. City Organization and Land Use

    The Moscow oblast is the most highly developed and most populated region in Russia. There was a legend that Moscow was built upon seven hills, just like Rome, was exaggerated, and the truth is that there are a only few small hills in and around the city center. In the southwest corner of the city, there is an upland region, called the ...

  23. Hands-on workshop on Experience-Sampling (ESM)

    This course is a hands-on workshop on Experience-Sampling (ESM), often also referred to as Ecological Momentary Assessment. The workshop consists of five sessions detailing the background and pros and cons of the ESM methodology, a state-of-the-art overview of considerations involved in ESM protocol/survey construction, study design, data ...

  24. In the media: "Watts happening to work? The labour market effects of

    Workshop: The Just Transition in South Africa - Size, Shape and Determinants 13 Nov 2023. Visiting PhD Fellow from UNU-MERIT: Rafael de la Vega 22 Oct 2023. Contact Us. Tel: +27 (0)21 650 5022. Development Policy Research Unit (DPRU) University of Cape Town Private Bag X3 Rondebosch 7701