Obesity Essay

Last updated on: Feb 9, 2023

Obesity Essay: A Complete Guide and Topics

By: Nova A.

11 min read

Reviewed By: Jacklyn H.

Published on: Aug 31, 2021

Obesity Essay

Are you assigned to write an essay about obesity? The first step is to define obesity.

The obesity epidemic is a major issue facing our country right now. It's complicated- it could be genetic or due to your environment, but either way, there are ways that you can fix it!

Learn all about what causes weight gain and get tips on how you can get healthy again.

Obesity Essay

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What is Obesity

What is obesity? Obesity and BMI (body mass index) are both tools of measurement that are used by doctors to assess body fat according to the height, age, and gender of a person. If the BMI is between 25 to 29.9, that means the person has excess weight and body fat.

If the BMI exceeds 30, that means the person is obese. Obesity is a condition that increases the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure, and other medical conditions like metabolic syndrome, arthritis, and even some types of cancer.

Obesity Definition

Obesity is defined by the World Health Organization as an accumulation of abnormal and excess body fat that comes with several risk factors. It is measured by the body mass index BMI, body weight (in kilograms) divided by the square of a person’s height (in meters).

Obesity in America

Obesity is on the verge of becoming an epidemic as 1 in every 3 Americans can be categorized as overweight and obese. Currently, America is an obese country, and it continues to get worse.

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Causes of obesity

Do you see any obese or overweight people around you?

You likely do.

This is because fast-food chains are becoming more and more common, people are less active, and fruits and vegetables are more expensive than processed foods, thus making them less available to the majority of society. These are the primary causes of obesity.

Obesity is a disease that affects all age groups, including children and elderly people.

Now that you are familiar with the topic of obesity, writing an essay won’t be that difficult for you.

How to Write an Obesity Essay

The format of an obesity essay is similar to writing any other essay. If you need help regarding how to write an obesity essay, it is the same as writing any other essay.

Obesity Essay Introduction

The trick is to start your essay with an interesting and catchy sentence. This will help attract the reader's attention and motivate them to read further. You don’t want to lose the reader’s interest in the beginning and leave a bad impression, especially if the reader is your teacher.

A hook sentence is usually used to open the introductory paragraph of an essay in order to make it interesting. When writing an essay on obesity, the hook sentence can be in the form of an interesting fact or statistic.

Head on to this detailed article on hook examples to get a better idea.

Once you have hooked the reader, the next step is to provide them with relevant background information about the topic. Don’t give away too much at this stage or bombard them with excess information that the reader ends up getting bored with. Only share information that is necessary for the reader to understand your topic.

Next, write a strong thesis statement at the end of your essay, be sure that your thesis identifies the purpose of your essay in a clear and concise manner. Also, keep in mind that the thesis statement should be easy to justify as the body of your essay will revolve around it.

Body Paragraphs

The details related to your topic are to be included in the body paragraphs of your essay. You can use statistics, facts, and figures related to obesity to reinforce your thesis throughout your essay.

If you are writing a cause-and-effect obesity essay, you can mention different causes of obesity and how it can affect a person’s overall health. The number of body paragraphs can increase depending on the parameters of the assignment as set forth by your instructor.

Start each body paragraph with a topic sentence that is the crux of its content. It is necessary to write an engaging topic sentence as it helps grab the reader’s interest. Check out this detailed blog on writing a topic sentence to further understand it.

End your essay with a conclusion by restating your research and tying it to your thesis statement. You can also propose possible solutions to control obesity in your conclusion. Make sure that your conclusion is short yet powerful.

Obesity Essay Examples

Essay about Obesity (PDF)

Childhood Obesity Essay (PDF)

Obesity in America Essay (PDF)

Essay about Obesity Cause and Effects (PDF)

Satire Essay on Obesity (PDF) 

Obesity Argumentative Essay (PDF)

Obesity Essay Topics

Choosing a topic might seem an overwhelming task as you may have many ideas for your assignment. Brainstorm different ideas and narrow them down to one, quality topic.

If you need some examples to help you with your essay topic related to obesity, dive into this article and choose from the list of obesity essay topics.

Childhood Obesity

As mentioned earlier, obesity can affect any age group, including children. Obesity can cause several future health problems as children age.

Here are a few topics you can choose from and discuss for your childhood obesity essay:

  • What are the causes of increasing obesity in children?
  • Obese parents may be at risk for having children with obesity.
  • What is the ratio of obesity between adults and children?
  • What are the possible treatments for obese children?
  • Are there any social programs that can help children with combating obesity?
  • Has technology boosted the rate of obesity in children?
  • Are children spending more time on gadgets instead of playing outside?
  • Schools should encourage regular exercises and sports for children.
  • How can sports and other physical activities protect children from becoming obese?
  • Can childhood abuse be a cause of obesity among children?
  • What is the relationship between neglect in childhood and obesity in adulthood?
  • Does obesity have any effect on the psychological condition and well-being of a child?
  • Are electronic medical records effective in diagnosing obesity among children?
  • Obesity can affect the academic performance of your child.
  • Do you believe that children who are raised by a single parent can be vulnerable to obesity?
  • You can promote interesting exercises to encourage children.
  • What is the main cause of obesity, and why is it increasing with every passing day?
  • Schools and colleges should work harder to develop methodologies to decrease childhood obesity.
  • The government should not allow schools and colleges to include sweet or fatty snacks as a part of their lunch.
  • If a mother is obese, can it affect the health of the child?
  • Children who gain weight frequently can develop chronic diseases.

Obesity Argumentative Essay Topics

Do you want to write an argumentative essay on the topic of obesity?

The following list can help you with that!

Here are some examples you can choose from for your argumentative essay about obesity:

  • Can vegetables and fruits decrease the chances of obesity?
  • Should you go for surgery to overcome obesity?
  • Are there any harmful side effects?
  • Can obesity be related to the mental condition of an individual?
  • Are parents responsible for controlling obesity in childhood?
  • What are the most effective measures to prevent the increase in the obesity rate?
  • Why is the obesity rate increasing in the United States?
  • Can the lifestyle of a person be a cause of obesity?
  • Does the economic situation of a country affect the obesity rate?
  • How is obesity considered an international health issue?
  • Can technology and gadgets affect obesity rates?
  • What can be the possible reasons for obesity in a school?
  • How can we address the issue of obesity?
  • Is obesity a chronic disease?
  • Is obesity a major cause of heart attacks?
  • Are the junk food chains causing an increase in obesity?
  • Do nutritional programs help in reducing the obesity rate?
  • How can the right type of diet help with obesity?
  • Why should we encourage sports activities in schools and colleges?
  • Can obesity affect a person’s behavior?

Health Related Topics for Research Paper

If you are writing a research paper, you can explain the cause and effect of obesity.

Here are a few topics that link to the cause and effects of obesity.Review the literature of previous articles related to obesity. Describe the ideas presented in the previous papers.

  • Can family history cause obesity in future generations?
  • Can we predict obesity through genetic testing?
  • What is the cause of the increasing obesity rate?
  • Do you think the increase in fast-food restaurants is a cause of the rising obesity rate?
  • Is the ratio of obese women greater than obese men?
  • Why are women more prone to be obese as compared to men?
  • Stress can be a cause of obesity. Mention the reasons how mental health can be related to physical health.
  • Is urban life a cause of the increasing obesity rate?
  • People from cities are prone to be obese as compared to people from the countryside.
  • How obesity affects the life expectancy of people? What are possible solutions to decrease the obesity rate?
  • Do family eating habits affect or trigger obesity?
  • How do eating habits affect the health of an individual?
  • How can obesity affect the future of a child?
  • Obese children are more prone to get bullied in high school and college.
  • Why should schools encourage more sports and exercise for children?

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Topics for Essay on Obesity as a Problem

Do you think a rise in obesity rate can affect the economy of a country?

Here are some topics for your assistance regarding your economics related obesity essay.

  • Does socioeconomic status affect the possibility of obesity in an individual?
  • Analyze the film and write a review on “Fed Up” – an obesity epidemic.
  • Share your reviews on the movie “The Weight of The Nation.”
  • Should we increase the prices of fast food and decrease the prices of fruits and vegetables to decrease obesity?
  • Do you think healthy food prices can be a cause of obesity?
  • Describe what measures other countries have taken in order to control obesity?
  • The government should play an important role in controlling obesity. What precautions should they take?
  • Do you think obesity can be one of the reasons children get bullied?
  • Do obese people experience any sort of discrimination or inappropriate behavior due to their weight?
  • Are there any legal protections for people who suffer from discrimination due to their weight?
  • Which communities have a higher percentage of obesity in the United States?
  • Discuss the side effects of the fast-food industry and their advertisements on children.
  • Describe how the increasing obesity rate has affected the economic condition of the United States.
  • What is the current percentage of obesity all over the world? Is the obesity rate increasing with every passing day?
  • Why is the obesity rate higher in the United States as compared to other countries?
  • Do Asians have a greater percentage of obese people as compared to Europe?
  • Does the cultural difference affect the eating habits of an individual?
  • Obesity and body shaming.
  • Why is a skinny body considered to be ideal? Is it an effective way to reduce the obesity rate?

Obesity Solution Essay Topics

With all the developments in medicine and technology, we still don’t have exact measures to treat obesity.

Here are some insights you can discuss in your essay:

  • How do obese people suffer from metabolic complications?
  • Describe the fat distribution in obese people.
  • Is type 2 diabetes related to obesity?
  • Are obese people more prone to suffer from diabetes in the future?
  • How are cardiac diseases related to obesity?
  • Can obesity affect a woman’s childbearing time phase?
  • Describe the digestive diseases related to obesity.
  • Obesity may be genetic.
  • Obesity can cause a higher risk of suffering a heart attack.
  • What are the causes of obesity? What health problems can be caused if an individual suffers from obesity?
  • What are the side effects of surgery to overcome obesity?
  • Which drugs are effective when it comes to the treatment of obesity?
  • Is there a difference between being obese and overweight?
  • Can obesity affect the sociological perspective of an individual?
  • Explain how an obesity treatment works.
  • How can the government help people to lose weight and improve public health?

Writing an essay is a challenging yet rewarding task. All you need is to be organized and clear when it comes to academic writing.

  • Choose a topic you would like to write on.
  • Organize your thoughts.
  • Pen down your ideas.
  • Compose a perfect essay that will help you ace your subject.
  • Proofread and revise your paper.

Were the topics useful for you? We hope so!

However, if you are still struggling to write your paper, you can pick any of the topics from this list, and our essay writer will help you craft a perfect essay.

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All you have to do is contact us. We will get started on your paper while you can sit back and relax.

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Nova A.

Marketing, Thesis

As a Digital Content Strategist, Nova Allison has eight years of experience in writing both technical and scientific content. With a focus on developing online content plans that engage audiences, Nova strives to write pieces that are not only informative but captivating as well.

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470 Obesity Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Looking for obesity essay topics? Being a serious problem, obesity is definitely worth writing about.

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Essay on Obesity

List of essays on obesity, essay on obesity – short essay (essay 1 – 150 words), essay on obesity (essay 2 – 250 words), essay on obesity – written in english (essay 3 – 300 words), essay on obesity – for school students (class 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 standard) (essay 4 – 400 words), essay on obesity – for college students (essay 5 – 500 words), essay on obesity – with causes and treatment (essay 6 – 600 words), essay on obesity – for science students (essay 7 – 750 words), essay on obesity – long essay for medical students (essay 8 – 1000 words).

Obesity is a chronic health condition in which the body fat reaches abnormal level. Obesity occurs when we consume much more amount of food than our body really needs on a daily basis. In other words, when the intake of calories is greater than the calories we burn out, it gives rise to obesity.

Audience: The below given essays are exclusively written for school students (Class 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 Standard), college, science and medical students.


Obesity means being excessively fat. A person would be said to be obese if his or her body mass index is beyond 30. Such a person has a body fat rate that is disproportionate to his body mass.

Obesity and the Body Mass Index:

The body mass index is calculated considering the weight and height of a person. Thus, it is a scientific way of determining the appropriate weight of any person. When the body mass index of a person indicates that he or she is obese, it exposes the person to make health risk.

Stopping Obesity:

There are two major ways to get the body mass index of a person to a moderate rate. The first is to maintain a strict diet. The second is to engage in regular physical exercise. These two approaches are aimed at reducing the amount of fat in the body.


Obesity can lead to sudden death, heart attack, diabetes and may unwanted illnesses. Stop it by making healthy choices.

Obesity has become a big concern for the youth of today’s generation. Obesity is defined as a medical condition in which an individual gains excessive body fat. When the Body Mass Index (BMI) of a person is over 30, he/ she is termed as obese.

Obesity can be a genetic problem or a disorder that is caused due to unhealthy lifestyle habits of a person. Physical inactivity and the environment in which an individual lives, are also the factors that leads to obesity. It is also seen that when some individuals are in stress or depression, they start cultivating unhealthy eating habits which eventually leads to obesity. Medications like steroids is yet another reason for obesity.

Obesity has several serious health issues associated with it. Some of the impacts of obesity are diabetes, increase of cholesterol level, high blood pressure, etc. Social impacts of obesity includes loss of confidence in an individual, lowering of self-esteem, etc.

The risks of obesity needs to be prevented. This can be done by adopting healthy eating habits, doing some physical exercise regularly, avoiding stress, etc. Individuals should work on weight reduction in order to avoid obesity.

Obesity is indeed a health concern and needs to be prioritized. The management of obesity revolves around healthy eating habits and physical activity. Obesity, if not controlled in its initial stage can cause many severe health issues. So it is wiser to exercise daily and maintain a healthy lifestyle rather than being the victim of obesity.

Obesity can be defined as the clinical condition where accumulation of excessive fat takes place in the adipose tissue leading to worsening of health condition. Usually, the fat is deposited around the trunk and also the waist of the body or even around the periphery.

Obesity is actually a disease that has been spreading far and wide. It is preventable and certain measures are to be taken to curb it to a greater extend. Both in the developing and developed countries, obesity has been growing far and wide affecting the young and the old equally.

The alarming increase in obesity has resulted in stimulated death rate and health issues among the people. There are several methods adopted to lose weight and they include different diet types, physical activity and certain changes in the current lifestyle. Many of the companies are into minting money with the concept of inviting people to fight obesity.

In patients associated with increased risk factor related to obesity, there are certain drug therapies and other procedures adopted to lose weight. There are certain cost effective ways introduced by several companies to enable clinic-based weight loss programs.

Obesity can lead to premature death and even cause Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Cardiovascular diseases have also become the part and parcel of obese people. It includes stroke, hypertension, gall bladder disease, coronary heart disease and even cancers like breast cancer, prostate cancer, endometrial cancer and colon cancer. Other less severe arising due to obesity includes osteoarthritis, gastro-esophageal reflux disease and even infertility.

Hence, serious measures are to be taken to fight against this dreadful phenomenon that is spreading its wings far and wide. Giving proper education on benefits of staying fit and mindful eating is as important as curbing this issue. Utmost importance must be given to healthy eating habits right from the small age so that they follow the same until the end of their life.

Obesity is majorly a lifestyle disease attributed to the extra accumulation of fat in the body leading to negative health effects on a person. Ironically, although prevalent at a large scale in many countries, including India, it is one of the most neglect health problems. It is more often ignored even if told by the doctor that the person is obese. Only when people start acquiring other health issues such as heart disease, blood pressure or diabetes, they start taking the problem of obesity seriously.

Obesity Statistics in India:

As per a report, India happens to figure as the third country in the world with the most obese people. This should be a troubling fact for India. However, we are yet to see concrete measures being adopted by the people to remain fit.

Causes of Obesity:

Sedentary lifestyle, alcohol, junk food, medications and some diseases such as hypothyroidism are considered as the factors which lead to obesity. Even children seem to be glued to televisions, laptops and video games which have taken away the urge for physical activities from them. Adding to this, the consumption of junk food has further aggravated the growing problem of obesity in children.

In the case of adults, most of the professions of today make use of computers which again makes people sit for long hours in one place. Also, the hectic lifestyle of today makes it difficult for people to spare time for physical activities and people usually remain stressed most of the times. All this has contributed significantly to the rise of obesity in India.

Obesity and BMI:

Body Mass Index (BMI) is the measure which allows a person to calculate how to fit he or she is. In other words, the BMI tells you if you are obese or not. BMI is calculated by dividing the weight of a person in kg with the square of his / her height in metres. The number thus obtained is called the BMI. A BMI of less than 25 is considered optimal. However, if a person has a BMI over 30 he/she is termed as obese.

What is a matter of concern is that with growing urbanisation there has been a rapid increase of obese people in India? It is of utmost importance to consider this health issue a serious threat to the future of our country as a healthy body is important for a healthy soul. We should all be mindful of what we eat and what effect it has on our body. It is our utmost duty to educate not just ourselves but others as well about this serious health hazard.

Obesity can be defined as a condition (medical) that is the accumulation of body fat to an extent that the excess fat begins to have a lot of negative effects on the health of the individual. Obesity is determined by examining the body mass index (BMI) of the person. The BMI is gotten by dividing the weight of the person in kilogram by the height of the person squared.

When the BMI of a person is more than 30, the person is classified as being obese, when the BMI falls between 25 and 30, the person is said to be overweight. In a few countries in East Asia, lower values for the BMI are used. Obesity has been proven to influence the likelihood and risk of many conditions and disease, most especially diabetes of type 2, cardiovascular diseases, sleeplessness that is obstructive, depression, osteoarthritis and some cancer types.

In most cases, obesity is caused through a combination of genetic susceptibility, a lack of or inadequate physical activity, excessive intake of food. Some cases of obesity are primarily caused by mental disorder, medications, endocrine disorders or genes. There is no medical data to support the fact that people suffering from obesity eat very little but gain a lot of weight because of slower metabolism. It has been discovered that an obese person usually expends much more energy than other people as a result of the required energy that is needed to maintain a body mass that is increased.

It is very possible to prevent obesity with a combination of personal choices and social changes. The major treatments are exercising and a change in diet. We can improve the quality of our diet by reducing our consumption of foods that are energy-dense like those that are high in sugars or fat and by trying to increase our dietary fibre intake.

We can also accompany the appropriate diet with the use of medications to help in reducing appetite and decreasing the absorption of fat. If medication, exercise and diet are not yielding any positive results, surgery or gastric balloon can also be carried out to decrease the volume of the stomach and also reduce the intestines’ length which leads to the feel of the person get full early or a reduction in the ability to get and absorb different nutrients from a food.

Obesity is the leading cause of ill-health and death all over the world that is preventable. The rate of obesity in children and adults has drastically increased. In 2015, a whopping 12 percent of adults which is about 600 million and about 100 million children all around the world were found to be obese.

It has also been discovered that women are more obese than men. A lot of government and private institutions and bodies have stated that obesity is top of the list of the most difficult and serious problems of public health that we have in the world today. In the world we live today, there is a lot of stigmatisation of obese people.

We all know how troubling the problem of obesity truly is. It is mainly a form of a medical condition wherein the body tends to accumulate excessive fat which in turn has negative repercussions on the health of an individual.

Given the current lifestyle and dietary style, it has become more common than ever. More and more people are being diagnosed with obesity. Such is its prevalence that it has been termed as an epidemic in the USA. Those who suffer from obesity are at a much higher risk of diabetes, heart diseases and even cancer.

In order to gain a deeper understanding of obesity, it is important to learn what the key causes of obesity are. In a layman term, if your calorie consumption exceeds what you burn because of daily activities and exercises, it is likely to lead to obesity. It is caused over a prolonged period of time when your calorie intake keeps exceeding the calories burned.

Here are some of the key causes which are known to be the driving factors for obesity.

If your diet tends to be rich in fat and contains massive calorie intake, you are all set to suffer from obesity.

Sedentary Lifestyle:

With most people sticking to their desk jobs and living a sedentary lifestyle, the body tends to get obese easily.

Of course, the genetic framework has a lot to do with obesity. If your parents are obese, the chance of you being obese is quite high.

The weight which women gain during their pregnancy can be very hard to shed and this is often one of the top causes of obesity.

Sleep Cycle:

If you are not getting an adequate amount of sleep, it can have an impact on the hormones which might trigger hunger signals. Overall, these linked events tend to make you obese.

Hormonal Disorder:

There are several hormonal changes which are known to be direct causes of obesity. The imbalance of the thyroid stimulating hormone, for instance, is one of the key factors when it comes to obesity.

Now that we know the key causes, let us look at the possible ways by which you can handle it.

Treatment for Obesity:

As strange as it may sound, the treatment for obesity is really simple. All you need to do is follow the right diet and back it with an adequate amount of exercise. If you can succeed in doing so, it will give you the perfect head-start into your journey of getting in shape and bidding goodbye to obesity.

There are a lot of different kinds and styles of diet plans for obesity which are available. You can choose the one which you deem fit. We recommend not opting for crash dieting as it is known to have several repercussions and can make your body terribly weak.

The key here is to stick to a balanced diet which can help you retain the essential nutrients, minerals, and, vitamins and shed the unwanted fat and carbs.

Just like the diet, there are several workout plans for obesity which are available. It is upon you to find out which of the workout plan seems to be apt for you. Choose cardio exercises and dance routines like Zumba to shed the unwanted body weight. Yoga is yet another method to get rid of obesity.

So, follow a blend of these and you will be able to deal with the trouble of obesity in no time. We believe that following these tips will help you get rid of obesity and stay in shape.

Obesity and overweight is a top health concern in the world due to the impact it has on the lives of individuals. Obesity is defined as a condition in which an individual has excessive body fat and is measured using the body mass index (BMI) such that, when an individual’s BMI is above 30, he or she is termed obese. The BMI is calculated using body weight and height and it is different for all individuals.

Obesity has been determined as a risk factor for many diseases. It results from dietary habits, genetics, and lifestyle habits including physical inactivity. Obesity can be prevented so that individuals do not end up having serious complications and health problems. Chronic illnesses like diabetes, heart diseases and relate to obesity in terms of causes and complications.

Factors Influencing Obesity:

Obesity is not only as a result of lifestyle habits as most people put it. There are other important factors that influence obesity. Genetics is one of those factors. A person could be born with genes that predispose them to obesity and they will also have difficulty in losing weight because it is an inborn factor.

The environment also influences obesity because the diet is similar in certain environs. In certain environments, like school, the food available is fast foods and the chances of getting healthy foods is very low, leading to obesity. Also, physical inactivity is an environmental factor for obesity because some places have no fields or tracks where people can jog or maybe the place is very unsafe and people rarely go out to exercise.

Mental health affects the eating habits of individuals. There is a habit of stress eating when a person is depressed and it could result in overweight or obesity if the person remains unhealthy for long period of time.

The overall health of individuals also matter. If a person is unwell and is prescribed with steroids, they may end up being obese. Steroidal medications enable weight gain as a side effect.

Complications of Obesity:

Obesity is a health concern because its complications are severe. Significant social and health problems are experienced by obese people. Socially, they will be bullied and their self-esteem will be low as they will perceive themselves as unworthy.

Chronic illnesses like diabetes results from obesity. Diabetes type 2 has been directly linked to obesity. This condition involves the increased blood sugars in the body and body cells are not responding to insulin as they should. The insulin in the body could also be inadequate due to decreased production. High blood sugar concentrations result in symptoms like frequent hunger, thirst and urination. The symptoms of complicated stages of diabetes type 2 include loss of vision, renal failure and heart failure and eventually death. The importance of having a normal BMI is the ability of the body to control blood sugars.

Another complication is the heightened blood pressures. Obesity has been defined as excessive body fat. The body fat accumulates in blood vessels making them narrow. Narrow blood vessels cause the blood pressures to rise. Increased blood pressure causes the heart to start failing in its physiological functions. Heart failure is the end result in this condition of increased blood pressures.

There is a significant increase in cholesterol in blood of people who are obese. High blood cholesterol levels causes the deposition of fats in various parts of the body and organs. Deposition of fats in the heart and blood vessels result in heart diseases. There are other conditions that result from hypercholesterolemia.

Other chronic illnesses like cancer can also arise from obesity because inflammation of body cells and tissues occurs in order to store fats in obese people. This could result in abnormal growths and alteration of cell morphology. The abnormal growths could be cancerous.

Management of Obesity:

For the people at risk of developing obesity, prevention methods can be implemented. Prevention included a healthy diet and physical activity. The diet and physical activity patterns should be regular and realizable to avoid strains that could result in complications.

Some risk factors for obesity are non-modifiable for example genetics. When a person in genetically predisposed, the lifestyle modifications may be have help.

For the individuals who are already obese, they can work on weight reduction through healthy diets and physical exercises.

In conclusion, obesity is indeed a major health concern because the health complications are very serious. Factors influencing obesity are both modifiable and non-modifiable. The management of obesity revolves around diet and physical activity and so it is important to remain fit.

In olden days, obesity used to affect only adults. However, in the present time, obesity has become a worldwide problem that hits the kids as well. Let’s find out the most prevalent causes of obesity.

Factors Causing Obesity:

Obesity can be due to genetic factors. If a person’s family has a history of obesity, chances are high that he/ she would also be affected by obesity, sooner or later in life.

The second reason is having a poor lifestyle. Now, there are a variety of factors that fall under the category of poor lifestyle. An excessive diet, i.e., eating more than you need is a definite way to attain the stage of obesity. Needless to say, the extra calories are changed into fat and cause obesity.

Junk foods, fried foods, refined foods with high fats and sugar are also responsible for causing obesity in both adults and kids. Lack of physical activity prevents the burning of extra calories, again, leading us all to the path of obesity.

But sometimes, there may also be some indirect causes of obesity. The secondary reasons could be related to our mental and psychological health. Depression, anxiety, stress, and emotional troubles are well-known factors of obesity.

Physical ailments such as hypothyroidism, ovarian cysts, and diabetes often complicate the physical condition and play a massive role in abnormal weight gain.

Moreover, certain medications, such as steroids, antidepressants, and contraceptive pills, have been seen interfering with the metabolic activities of the body. As a result, the long-term use of such drugs can cause obesity. Adding to that, regular consumption of alcohol and smoking are also connected to the condition of obesity.

Harmful Effects of Obesity:

On the surface, obesity may look like a single problem. But, in reality, it is the mother of several major health issues. Obesity simply means excessive fat depositing into our body including the arteries. The drastic consequence of such high cholesterol levels shows up in the form of heart attacks and other life-threatening cardiac troubles.

The fat deposition also hampers the elasticity of the arteries. That means obesity can cause havoc in our body by altering the blood pressure to an abnormal range. And this is just the tip of the iceberg. Obesity is known to create an endless list of problems.

In extreme cases, this disorder gives birth to acute diseases like diabetes and cancer. The weight gain due to obesity puts a lot of pressure on the bones of the body, especially of the legs. This, in turn, makes our bones weak and disturbs their smooth movement. A person suffering from obesity also has higher chances of developing infertility issues and sleep troubles.

Many obese people are seen to be struggling with breathing problems too. In the chronic form, the condition can grow into asthma. The psychological effects of obesity are another serious topic. You can say that obesity and depression form a loop. The more a person is obese, the worse is his/ her depression stage.

How to Control and Treat Obesity:

The simplest and most effective way, to begin with, is changing our diet. There are two factors to consider in the diet plan. First is what and what not to eat. Second is how much to eat.

If you really want to get rid of obesity, include more and more green vegetables in your diet. Spinach, beans, kale, broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, etc., have enough vitamins and minerals and quite low calories. Other healthier options are mushrooms, pumpkin, beetroots, and sweet potatoes, etc.

Opt for fresh fruits, especially citrus fruits, and berries. Oranges, grapes, pomegranate, pineapple, cherries, strawberries, lime, and cranberries are good for the body. They have low sugar content and are also helpful in strengthening our immune system. Eating the whole fruits is a more preferable way in comparison to gulping the fruit juices. Fruits, when eaten whole, have more fibers and less sugar.

Consuming a big bowl of salad is also great for dealing with the obesity problem. A salad that includes fibrous foods such as carrots, radish, lettuce, tomatoes, works better at satiating the hunger pangs without the risk of weight gain.

A high protein diet of eggs, fish, lean meats, etc., is an excellent choice to get rid of obesity. Take enough of omega fatty acids. Remember to drink plenty of water. Keeping yourself hydrated is a smart way to avoid overeating. Water also helps in removing the toxins and excess fat from the body.

As much as possible, avoid fats, sugars, refined flours, and oily foods to keep the weight in control. Control your portion size. Replace the three heavy meals with small and frequent meals during the day. Snacking on sugarless smoothies, dry fruits, etc., is much recommended.

Regular exercise plays an indispensable role in tackling the obesity problem. Whenever possible, walk to the market, take stairs instead of a lift. Physical activity can be in any other form. It could be a favorite hobby like swimming, cycling, lawn tennis, or light jogging.

Meditation and yoga are quite powerful practices to drive away the stress, depression and thus, obesity. But in more serious cases, meeting a physician is the most appropriate strategy. Sometimes, the right medicines and surgical procedures are necessary to control the health condition.

Obesity is spreading like an epidemic, haunting both the adults and the kids. Although genetic factors and other physical ailments play a role, the problem is mostly caused by a reckless lifestyle.

By changing our way of living, we can surely take control of our health. In other words, it would be possible to eliminate the condition of obesity from our lives completely by leading a healthy lifestyle.

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School Obesity Prevention Recommendations: Complete List


The foundation for lifelong good health is laid in childhood. And outside of home life, nothing provides more of an immersive experience for children than the time they spend in school. This means schools have a rich opportunity to improve youth health and tackle obesity at the ideal point in time-before problems take hold.

One of the main avenues that schools can use to positively affect health is also one most directly in line with every school’s mission: educating students. Nutrition and physical activity lessons can be woven into the curriculum-in core classroom subjects, physical education, and after-school programs-to teach skills that help students choose and maintain healthy lifestyles. In addition to teaching evidence-based nutrition and activity messages, school physical education should focus on getting students engaged in high-quality and regular activity.

Schools can also promote health outside of the classroom, by surrounding students with opportunities to eat healthy and stay active. To improve nutrition, schools can include healthier food offerings in the cafeteria and eliminate marketing of unhealthy foods. To improve activity, schools can develop safe walking and biking routes to school, and can promote active recess time.

Wellness programs for faculty and staff can also be integral to improving the school environment, not only serving to boost faculty and staff health but also building school-wide enthusiasm for student-focused programs.

Additionally, schools can serve as important data sources on student health. Anonymous, school-level information on markers like students’ body mass index (BMI) can help educators and policy-makers assess success of current programs and decide the direction of future programs.

With good evidence that school-based prevention programs can successfully-and without many added resources-help students to eat better, be more active, and achieve healthier weights, schools are poised to become an integral part of the fight against the obesity epidemic. As with education in general, the sooner we act, the better.

This section of The Obesity Prevention Source summarizes obesity prevention recommendations for the school setting, based on a review of expert guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Institute of Medicine, the Alliance for a Healthier Generation, the World Health Organization, and others. For more detailed guidance on these recommendations and ideas for putting them into practice, explore the source list on each page, as well as the links to useful toolkits and other resources.

School Meals, Competitive Foods, and the School Food Environment

Serving healthy choices in the lunch room, limiting availability and marketing of unhealthful foods and sugary drinks, and making water available to students throughout the day are some of the ways that schools can help prevent obesity. Making these types of changes in the school food environment will be no easy task, however. In the U.S., for example, the Department of Agriculture recently finalized comprehensive new school meal guidelines that will increase vegetables, fruit, and whole grains and curb sodium, saturated fat, and trans fat. ( 1 ) But due to political pressures, the agency was not able to fully implement the meal guidelines recommended by an expert panel at the Institute of Medicine. ( 2 ) (Read more about the political battles over school lunch, on The Nutrition Source website.)

Now that the new nutrition standards are on the books, will schools actually be able to meet them? It may be difficult to answer that question, since compliance is not strictly monitored week to week. And schools and face many other challenges to creating a food environment where the healthy choice is the default choice. Among the obstacles: budgeting for the higher costs of purchasing and preparing more healthful foods; coaxing children to accept the more healthful options; and addressing the multitude of ways that unhealthful foods and drinks are sold or served outside of school meals, from classroom birthday parties to school-wide bake sales and sporting events.

Here is a summary of obesity prevention recommendations for school meals and the school food environment, based on a review of expert guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Institute of Medicine, the World Health Organization, the School Nutrition Association, the American Heart Association, and others. For more detailed guidance on these recommendations and ideas for putting them into practice, explore the source list and the links to other resources.

School Meal Programs

Encourage students to participate in breakfast, lunch, and after-school snack programs ( 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 )

Offer meals that meet national nutritional standards, such as the U.S. Dietary Guidelines ( 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 )

Set minimum and maximum calorie levels for school breakfast and lunch, for each age group ( 9 )

Invest in cafeteria facilities to store, prepare, and display healthy foods, such as salad bars ( 7 , 10 )

Avoid stigmatizing children who participate in free/reduced price school meal programs ( 3 , 7 )

Give students adequate time to eat ( 1 , 2 , 10 )

Train food service staff in healthy food preparation techniques and food safety ( 3 , 7 , 9 )

Incorporate nutrition education into school meal programs ( 1 , 3 , 10 )

Increase financial support for school meal programs from federal, state, and local governments ( 7 , 10 )

Foods Sold or Served Outside of School Meals (Competitive Foods )

School soda bans, promising policy.

Boston banned sugary drink sales in public schools in 2004, and a new study from Harvard School of Public Health finds that after the ban, city students cut back on sugary drink consumption.

Ensure competitive foods meet healthy nutrition standards that are consistent with those of the school meal program ( 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 11 )

Eliminate sugar-sweetened beverages in the school environment or limit access to them ( 2 , 3 , 4 , 10 , 12 )

Ensure that food served at classroom parties and school functions, including fundraisers, meets competitive food standards ( 3 , 4 , 10 )

Never use food as a reward or punishment ( 3 , 10 , 12 )

School Food Environment

Water access in schools.

A study in a large California school district finds that students may not have adequate access to water during the school day.

Make drinking water freely available to students in dining areas and throughout the day ( 1 , 3 , 8 , 10 , 12 )

Offer pleasant, clean, and safe cafeterias ( 1 , 2 , 7 )

Market healthy food choices ( 7 , 8 , 10 )

Limit marketing of unhealthy foods ( 10 )

  • Bar commercial food marketing outside of dining areas; ( 3 )
  • Bar marketing of foods that do not meet competitive food guidelines or other nutrition standards; ( 2 , 3 ) or
  • Bar all food advertising in schools ( 6 )

Create and support school gardens ( 2 , 7 )

Encourage staff to model healthy eating ( 1 )

School Meals, Competitive Foods, and the School Food Environment-Source List

1. Pekruhn C. Preventing Childhood Obesity: A School Health Policy Guide . Arlington, VA: Center for Safe and Healthy Schools, National Association of State Boards of Education; 2009.

2. Lagarde F, LeBlanc CMA, McKenna M, et al. School policy framework: implementation of the WHO global strategy on diet, physical activity and health . Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization; 2008.

3. Alliance for a Healthier Generation. Healthy Schools Program Framework . 2009. Accessed July 11, 2011.

4. School Nutrition Association. National Nutrition Standards Recommendations . Alexandria, VA: School Nutrition Association; 2008.

5. Wechsler H, McKenna ML, Lee SM, Dietz WH. The Role of Schools in Preventing Childhood Obesity . The State Education Standard . 2004.

6. Institute of Medicine. Preventing Childhood Obesity: Health in the Balance . Washington, D.C.: Institute of Medicine; 2005.

7. White House Task Force on Childhood Obesity. Solving the Problem of Childhood Obesity within a Generation: White House Task Force on Childhood Obesity Report to the President . 2010. Accessed July 11, 2011.

8. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The Surgeon General’s Vision for a Healthy and Fit Nation . 2010. Accessed May 1, 2012.

9. Institute of Medicine. School Meals: Building Blocks for Healthy Children . Washington, D.C.: Institute of Medicine; 2010.

10. American Heart Association. Policy Position Statement on School Nutrition . 2008. Accessed July 11, 2011.

11. American Heart Association. Policy Position Statement on Body Mass Index (BMI) Surveillance and Assessment in Schools . 2008. Accessed July 11, 2011.

12. Institute of Medicine. Nutrition Standards for Foods in Schools: Leading the Way Toward Healthier Youth . Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press; 2007.

Staying Active throughout the School Day

Children require at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity each day. Schools can help prevent obesity by offering higher quality and more active physical education-for all grades, every day-and by promoting physical activity throughout the school day. But according to the U.S. Government Accounting Office, which reviewed the most recent national data, physical education instruction time has decreased in the U.S., and only 4 percent of elementary schools, 8 percent of middle schools, and 2 percent of high schools in the U.S. offered daily physical education (or its equivalent) in 2006. ( 1 ) Though more and more schools have instituted physical education requirements, many schools still do not require students to take physical education, especially at the high school level: In 2006, only 1 in 5 schools nationwide had a physical education requirement for students in grades 11 and 12.

Here is a summary of school physical activity and physical education obesity prevention recommendations, based on a review of expert guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Institute of Medicine, the World Health Organization, the American Heart Association, and others. For more detailed guidance on these recommendations and ideas for putting them into practice, explore the source list and the links to other resources.

Physical Education

  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Physical Education Curriculum Analysis Tool (PECAT)
  • National Center for Safe Routes to School : SafeRoutesInfo.org
  • Partnership for Prevention: School-Based Physical Education: Working with Schools to Increase Physical Activity Among Children and Adolescents in Physical Education Classes-An Action Guide
  • School Nutrition
  • School Health Education & Wellness
  • School BMI Assessment

Provide daily physical education (PE) to children in grades K-12 ( 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 )

Provide a total of 150 minutes of PE per week in elementary school and 225 minutes per week in middle and high school ( 2 , 3 , 5 )

Ensure that children spend most of their PE time being physically active ( 3 , 4 , 5 , 7 )

Base PE on national standards ( 3 , 5 )

Adapt PE curricula for children with disabilities or special needs ( 1 , 3 , 4 , 7 )

Hire licensed PE teachers and offer them ongoing training ( 3 , 4 , 5 )

Limit PE class sizes so that they are similar to academic class sizes ( 3 , 4 )

Promote enjoyable activities and lifelong physical activity in PE ( 4 , 7 )

Assess student learning in PE and include in school report cards ( 3 , 5 )

Make sure that PE requirements are not waived for other physical or academic activities ( 3 , 5 , 7 )

Physical Activity During School and Out-of-School Time

Joint use agreements, obesity prevention resource.

Public Health Law and Policy, a California-based non-profit, offers a toolkit for Opening School Grounds to the Community After Hours and Model Joint-Use Agreements .

Provide all students an opportunity for daily physical activity ( 3 , 8 )

Give elementary school students daily recess, and schedule recess before lunch ( 1 , 2 , 3 , 6 , 7 )

Avoid withholding or mandating physical activity for disciplinary or academic reasons ( 1 , 7 )

Develop active transit plans (bike, walk to school), working with local government and community groups ( 1 , 2 , 3 , 7 , 8 )

Offer children physical activity opportunities before and after school, including competitive sports and noncompetitive activities ( 1 , 2 , 3 , 7 , 8 , 9 )

Collaborate with communities to maximize use of school and community spaces for physical activity during and outside school hours ( 2 , 3 , 7 , 8 )

Monitor physical activity space and equipment for safety ( 3 , 7 )

Offer staff opportunities for physical activity ( 1 )

Staying Active throughout the School Day-Source List

1. Pekruhn C. Preventing Childhood Obesity: A School Health Policy Guide Arlington, VA: Center for Safe and Healthy Schools, National Association of State Boards of Education; 2009.

2. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The Surgeon General’s Vision for a Healthy and Fit Nation . 2010. Accessed May 1, 2012.

3. Alliance for a Healthier Generation. Healthy Schools Program Framework 2009. Accessed July 11, 2011.

4. Wechsler H, McKenna ML, Lee SM, Dietz WH. The Role of Schools in Preventing Childhood Obesity The State Education Standard . 2004.

5. American Heart Association. Policy Position Statement on Physical Education in Schools . 2008. Accessed May 1, 2012.

6. American Heart Association. Policy Position Statement on School Nutrition . 2008. Accessed May 1, 2012.

7. Lagarde F, LeBlanc CMA, McKenna M, et al. School policy framework : implementation of the WHO global strategy on diet, physical activity and health Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization; 2008.

8. Institute of Medicine. Preventing Childhood Obesity: Health in the Balance Washington, D.C.: Institute of Medicine; 2005.

9. White House Task Force on Childhood Obesity. Solving the Problem of Childhood Obesity within a Generation: White House Task Force on Childhood Obesity Report to the President . 2010. Accessed July 11, 2011.

Health Education and School Wellness

It’s essential to incorporate nutrition and physical activity into a school’s health education curriculum. Nutrition and physical activity themes can be also woven into other areas of the curriculum-in core classroom subjects, physical education, and after-school programming. School district wellness policies should also address nutrition and physical activity and encompass staff wellness, not just student wellness.

Here is a summary of health education and school wellness obesity prevention recommendations, based on a review of expert guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Institute of Medicine, the Alliance for a Healthier Generation, and others. For more detailed guidance on these recommendations and ideas for putting them into practice, explore the source list and the links to other resources.

Health Education

  • Directors of Health Promotion and Education: School Employee Wellness Guide
  • Harvard School of Public Health: Eat Well & Keep Moving | Planet Health
  • Yale Rudd Center for Food Policy & Obesity: Wellness School Assessment Tool

Address nutrition and physical activity in health education programs ( 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 )

Align health education with national standards ( 1 , 4 )

Incorporate healthy eating and physical activity themes into other subject areas ( 1 )

Offer teachers ongoing health education training ( 1 , 2 , 5 )

Assess student learning in health education classes and report on school report cards ( 1 )

School Wellness

  • School Physical Activity

Implement, fund, and monitor a comprehensive school wellness policy that addresses nutrition, physical activity, and school food, among other topics ( 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 )

Provide wellness programming for school staff ( 1 , 3 , 5 )

Health Education and School Wellness-Source List

1. Alliance for a Healthier Generation. Healthy Schools Program Framework . 2009. Accessed July 11, 2011.

2. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The Surgeon General’s Vision for a Healthy and Fit Nation . 2010. Accessed July 11, 2011.

3. Wechsler H, McKenna ML, Lee SM, Dietz WH. The Role of Schools in Preventing Childhood Obesity . The State Education Standard . 2004.

4. White House Task Force on Childhood Obesity. Solving the Problem of Childhood Obesity within a Generation: White House Task Force on Childhood Obesity Report to the President . 2010. Accessed July 11, 2011.

5. American Heart Association. School Nutrition Policy Recommendations . 2008. Accessed July 11, 2011.

6. Lagarde F, LeBlanc CMA, McKenna M, et al. School policy framework : implementation of the WHO global strategy on diet, physical activity and health . Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization; 2008.

7. Pekruhn C. Preventing Childhood Obesity: A School Health Policy Guide . Arlington, VA: Center for Safe and Healthy Schools, National Association of State Boards of Education; 2009.

8. Institute of Medicine. Preventing Childhood Obesity: Health in the Balance . Washington, D.C.: Institute of Medicine; 2005.

Body Mass Index (BMI) Assessment at School

Gathering students’ BMIs, in the aggregate, can help schools monitor the success of obesity prevention efforts; screening students’ BMIs for individual health assessment purposes is more controversial and requires schools to address privacy and parent communication, among other issues.

Here is a summary of BMI assessment recommendations for schools, based on a review of expert guidance from the the Institute of Medicine, the World Health Organization, and others. For more detailed guidance on these recommendations and ideas for putting them into practice, explore the source list and the links to other resources.

  • Alliance for a Healthier Generation: Toolkit: Collecting Student BMI
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Children’s BMI Tool for Schools

Assess students’ BMIs, confidentially and in aggregate, to track the prevalence of obesity and evaluate the success of obesity prevention programs ( 1 , 2 )

If students’ BMI’s are screened for individual health assessment purposes, ensure that schools address the following: ( 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 )

  • student privacy
  • student safety and support
  • staff training
  • accuracy of data collection
  • sensitive and informative parent/guardian communication
  • referral to community resources for follow-up, as needed
  • healthy eating and physical activity promotion, using science-based strategies

BMI Assessment at School-Source List

2. American Heart Association. Policy Position Statement on Body Mass Index (BMI) Surveillance and Assessment in Schools . 2008. Accessed July 11, 2011.

3. Pekruhn C. Preventing Childhood Obesity: A School Health Policy Guide . Arlington, VA: Center for Safe and Healthy Schools, National Association of State Boards of Education; 2009.

4. Lagarde F, LeBlanc CMA, McKenna M, et al. School policy framework: implementation of the WHO global strategy on diet, physical activity and health . Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization; 2008.

5. Institute of Medicine. Preventing Childhood Obesity: Health in the Balance . Washington, D.C.: Institute of Medicine; 2005.

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Deli meat, dried ramen noodles, sliced cheese, two hot dogs and hot dog buns in front of a gray background.

How Bad Are Ultraprocessed Foods, Really?

They’re clearly linked to poor health. But scientists are only beginning to understand why.

Credit... Casey Zhang for The New York Times

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Alice Callahan

By Alice Callahan

  • Published May 6, 2024 Updated May 8, 2024

In the mid-1990s, Carlos Monteiro, a nutritional epidemiologist in Brazil, noticed something alarming: Obesity rates among children in his country were rising rapidly.

To understand why, he and his colleagues at the University of São Paulo scrutinized data on the food buying patterns of Brazilian households to see if they had changed in recent years. The researchers found that people were purchasing less sugar, salt, cooking oils and staples like rice and beans, and more processed foods like sodas, sausages, instant noodles, packaged breads and cookies.

To describe that second category of food, Dr. Monteiro said, the team introduced a new term into the scientific literature — ultraprocessed foods, or UPFs — and defined it. They would later link UPFs to weight gain in children and adults in Brazil.

Since then, scientists have found associations between UPFs and a range of health conditions , including heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, obesity, gastrointestinal diseases and depression, as well as earlier death.

That’s concerning, experts say , since ultraprocessed foods have become a major part of people’s diets worldwide. They account for 67 percent of the calories consumed by children and teenagers in the United States, for example.

But many questions remain. What are ultraprocessed foods, exactly? And how strong is the evidence that they’re harmful? We asked experts to answer these and other questions.

What are ultraprocessed foods?

In order to study foods based on how they were processed, Dr. Monteiro and his colleagues developed a food classification system called Nova, named after the Portuguese and Latin words for “new.” It has since been adopted by researchers across the world.

The Nova system sorts foods into four categories :

Unprocessed or minimally processed foods , like fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables, beans, lentils, meat, poultry, fish, eggs, milk, plain yogurt, rice, pasta, corn meal, flour, coffee, tea and herbs and spices.

Processed culinary ingredients , such as cooking oils, butter, sugar, honey, vinegar and salt.

Processed foods made by combining foods from Category 1 with the ingredients of Category 2 and preserving or modifying them with relatively simple methods like canning, bottling, fermentation and baking. This group includes freshly baked bread, most cheeses and canned vegetables, beans and fish. These foods may contain preservatives that extend shelf life.

Ultraprocessed foods made using industrial methods and ingredients you wouldn’t typically find in grocery stores — like high-fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated oils and concentrated proteins like soy isolate. They often contain additives like flavorings, colorings or emulsifiers to make them appear more attractive and palatable. Think sodas and energy drinks, chips, candies, flavored yogurts, margarine, chicken nuggets, hot dogs, sausages, lunch meats, boxed macaroni and cheese, infant formulas and most packaged breads, plant milks, meat substitutes and breakfast cereals.

“If you look at the ingredient list and you see things that you wouldn’t use in home cooking, then that’s probably an ultraprocessed food,” said Brenda Davy, a nutrition professor at Virginia Tech.

A crushed aluminum can, a stack of chocolate sandwich cream cookies, a cream-filled yellow cake and black cake in front of a gray background.

The Nova system notably doesn’t classify foods based on nutrients like fat, fiber, vitamins or minerals. It’s “agnostic to nutrition,” said Maya Vadiveloo, an associate professor of nutrition at the University of Rhode Island.

That has led to debate among nutrition experts about whether it’s useful for describing the healthfulness of a food, partly since many UPFs — like whole grain breads, flavored yogurts and infant formulas — can provide valuable nutrients, Dr. Vadiveloo said.

Are ultraprocessed foods harmful?

Most research linking UPFs to poor health is based on observational studies, in which researchers ask people about their diets and then track their health over many years. In a large review of studies that was published in 2024, scientists reported that consuming UPFs was associated with 32 health problems, with the most convincing evidence for heart disease-related deaths, Type 2 diabetes and common mental health issues like anxiety and depression.

Such studies are valuable, because they can look at large groups of people — the 2024 review included results from nearly 10 million — over the many years it can take for chronic health conditions to develop, said Josiemer Mattei, an associate professor of nutrition at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. She added that the consistency of the link between UPFs and health issues increased her confidence that there was a real problem with the foods.

But the observational studies also have limitations, said Lauren O’Connor, a nutrition scientist and epidemiologist who formerly worked at the Department of Agriculture and the National Institutes of Health. It’s true that there is a correlation between these foods and chronic diseases, she said, but that doesn’t mean that UPFs directly cause poor health.

Dr. O’Connor questioned whether it’s helpful to group such “starkly different” foods — like Twinkies and breakfast cereals — into one category. Certain types of ultraprocessed foods, like sodas and processed meats , are more clearly harmful than others. UPFs like flavored yogurts and whole grain breads , on the other hand, have been associated with a reduced risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.

Clinical trials are needed to test if UPFs directly cause health problems, Dr. O’Connor said. Only one such study, which was small and had some limitations, has been done, she said.

In that study , published in 2019, 20 adults with a range of body sizes lived in a research hospital at the National Institutes of Health for four weeks. For two weeks, they ate mainly unprocessed or minimally processed foods, and for another two weeks, they ate mainly UPFs. The diets had similar amounts of calories and nutrients, and the participants could eat as much as they wanted at each meal.

During their two weeks on the ultraprocessed diet, participants gained an average of two pounds and consumed about 500 calories more per day than they did on the unprocessed diet. During their time on the unprocessed diet, they lost about two pounds.

That finding might help explain the link between UPFs, obesity and other metabolic conditions, said Kevin Hall, a nutrition and metabolism researcher at the National Institutes of Health, who led the trial. But the study needs to be replicated, which Dr. Hall is in the process of doing now.

Why might UPFs be harmful?

There are many “strong opinions” about why ultraprocessed foods are unhealthy, Dr. Hall said. “But there’s actually not a lot of rigorous science” on what those mechanisms are, he added.

Because UPFs are often cheap, convenient and accessible, they’re probably displacing healthier foods from our diets, Dr. Hall said.

But he and other scientists think that the foods could be having more direct effects on health. They can be easy to overeat — maybe because they contain hard-to-resist combinations of carbohydrates, sugars, fats and salt , are high-calorie and easy to chew. It’s also possible that resulting blood sugar spikes may damage arteries or ramp up inflammation , or that certain food additives or chemicals may interfere with hormones, cause a “ leaky” intestine or disrupt the gut microbiome.

Researchers, including Dr. Hall and Dr. Davy, are beginning to conduct small clinical trials that will test some of these theories. Such studies may help identify the most harmful UPFs and even suggest how they may be made healthier, Dr. Hall said.

But most researchers think there are various ways the foods are causing harm. “Rarely in nutrition is there a single factor that fully explains the relationship between foods and some health outcome,” Dr. Vadiveloo said.

What should we do about ultraprocessed foods?

In 2014, Dr. Monteiro helped write new dietary guidelines for Brazil that advised people to avoid ultraprocessed foods.

Other countries like Mexico , Israel and Canada have also explicitly recommended avoiding or limiting UPFs or “highly processed foods.” The U.S. dietary guidelines contain no such advice, but an advisory committee is currently looking into the evidence on how UPFs may affect weight gain, which could influence the 2025 guidelines.

It’s difficult to know what to do about UPFs in the United States, where so much food is already ultraprocessed and people with lower incomes can be especially dependent on them, Dr. Hall said.

“At the end of the day, they are an important source of food, and food is food,” Dr. Mattei added. “We really cannot vilify them,” she said.

While research continues, expert opinions differ on how people should approach UPFs. Dr. Monteiro said that the safest course is to avoid them altogether — to swap flavored yogurt for plain yogurt with fruit, for example, or to buy a fresh loaf from a local bakery instead of packaged bread, if you can afford to do so.

Dr. Vadiveloo suggested a more moderate strategy, focusing on limiting UPFs that don’t provide valuable nutrients, like soda and cookies. She also recommended eating more fruits, vegetables, whole grains (ultraprocessed or not), legumes, nuts and seeds.

Cook at home as much as you can, using minimally processed foods, Dr. Davy said. “We can’t really say a whole lot beyond that at this point.”

Alice Callahan is a Times reporter covering nutrition and health. She has a Ph.D. in nutrition from the University of California, Davis. More about Alice Callahan

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Patients were told for years that cutting calories would ease the symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome. But research suggests dieting may not help at all .


obesity essay high school

| World Cup 2018 Moscow

With a population of as many as 15 million, making it among the largest cities on Earth, and a place where bars, restaurants, supermarkets, and traffic jams run 24 hours a day, Moscow is a pretty full-on experience for first-time visitors. The Russian capital is a riotous metropolis where Orthodox churches vie for attention alongside neon-drenched skyscrapers straight out of Blade Runner . Embrace the madness, load up on caffeine, and maybe pack a pair of earplugs.

map of Moscow

The One Must-See Thing

Every Tom, Dick, and Harry is going to pitch up at Red Square this summer, to gawp at Lenin’s embalmed corpse in his mausoleum and then bag a selfie in front of the onion domes of St Basil’s Cathedral. For something a little more off the beaten path, check out the Fallen Monument Park , the final resting place for hundreds of statues of stern-looking Soviet apparatchiks that were removed from public spaces following the collapse of the USSR.

The Stadium

The 81,000-seat Luzhniki national stadium, built originally for the 1980 Olympics, has been completely renovated in the lead-up to the World Cup, removing the old running track, which is great for sight lines, but does mean any flares and firecrackers thrown by fans may actually end up on the field.

Spartak Stadium, Moscow’s second venue, opened in 2014, and though around half the size of Luzhniki, it’s regarded as one of the best-equipped and most atmospheric arenas in Russia.

Where to Watch

John Donne on Nikitsky Bulvar is about as close to an English pub as you can get in Russia. Go for the faint smell of stale Newcastle Brown ale, the tattooed barmen, and the soccer-loving crowd that regularly gathers there for live matches.

  • June 14 Russia vs. Saudi Arabia Group A
  • June 16 Argentina vs. Iceland Group D
  • June 17 Germany vs. Mexico Group F
  • June 19 Poland vs. Senegal Group H
  • June 20 Morocco vs. Portugal Group B
  • June 23 Belgium vs. Tunisia Group G
  • June 26 Denmark vs. France Group C
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obesity essay high school

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Three high school students receive scholarships from Kansas Department of Insurance

Three high school students received scholarships for a financial literacy essay contest from...

TOPEKA, Kan. (WIBW) - Three high school students received scholarships for a financial literacy essay contest from the Kansas Department of Insurance.

Kansas Insurance Commissioner Vicki Schmidt announced on Thursday, May 9, the overall winner of the financial literacy essay contest sponsored by the Securities Division of the Kansas Department of Insurance.

According to the Kansas Department of Insurance , earlier this year, the Department granted $10,000 each to three organizations for a financial literacy essay contest. Jobs for America’s Graduates Kansas (JAG-K), Junior Achievement of Kansas and the Kansas Council for Economic Education each entered a selection of essays from Kansas students who participated in their financial literacy programs offered in over 200 high schools across Kansas. The students with the top three essays from each organization were awarded a share of $10,000 in scholarships. The first-place essay from each organization then advanced to compete for an overall contest winner and a share of an additional $10,000.

The contest finalists and their awards are:

  • 1st Place: $5000 – Morgan Allen, (Kansas Council for Economic Education), Centralia High School
  • 2nd Place: $3000 – Maggie Lesmeister, (Junior Achievement of Kansas), Seaman High School
  • 3rd Place: $2,000 – Steven Nguyen, (Jobs for America’s Graduates Kansas), Wichita Southeast High School

“This year’s winners demonstrated the ability to make an investment plan that builds upon their personal goals while evaluating risk and the threat of fraud,” said Schmidt. “Congratulations to all the winners this year, and I encourage them to apply their financial knowledge as they further their education.”

Kansas Department of Insurance said the winning students receive their scholarships in addition to the $5,000 scholarship they won in the first round of the contest. The students receive the award money in the form of a 529 savings account to use for the advancement of their education.

Kansas Department of Insurance previously announced winners from each participating organization can be found online at insurance.kansas.gov/news . For more information about the Kansas Insurance Department or to learn more about making smart investment decisions, visit insurance.kansas.gov and SmartInvestKS.com .

Copyright 2024 WIBW. All rights reserved.

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Home — Essay Samples — Nursing & Health — Obesity — Obesity in America


Obesity in America

  • Categories: Childhood Obesity Obesity

About this sample


Words: 704 |

Published: Jan 30, 2024

Words: 704 | Pages: 2 | 4 min read

Table of contents

Introduction, historical context and causes of obesity, health impacts of obesity, economic and social impacts of obesity, government policies and interventions, role of education and media in addressing obesity.

  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2020, June 29). Adult Obesity Facts. https://www.cdc.gov/obesity/data/adult.html
  • Alpert, J. (2018, July 18). The Policy and Politics of Obesity Prevention. Health Affairs. https://www.healthaffairs.org/do/10.1377/hblog20180712.613083/full/
  • Swinburn, B. A., Sacks, G., Hall, K. D., McPherson, K., Finegood, D. T., Moodie, M. L., & Gortmaker, S. L. (2011). The global obesity pandemic: shaped by global drivers and local environments. The Lancet, 378(9793), 804-814. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(11)60813-1
  • Cohen, D. A., & Babey, S. H. (2012). Contextual influences on eating behaviours: heuristic processing and dietary choices. Obesity Reviews, 13(9), 766-779. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-789X.2012.01001.x

Image of Alex Wood

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The BackPackers

How to get free WiFi in Moscow

Moscow is the largest city of Russia and holds a prominent place in the country as the main economic, cultural, political andresearch centre.

There couldn’t be a better spot to spend your vacations than the artful city of Moscow; the reasons being many but the major one for being among one of the cities where free WiFi connections are blessed. The city being vastly connected to the World through various international airports and railways has an amazingly extensive internet connection around the city for the tourists who might want an access to the media zone as well as to their social network, but would appreciate to cut back on those awful internet charges, while delighting in the beauties of this city like Moscow Kremlin orIntourist Hotel Volgograd.

Moscow had been ranked as one an alpha global city streaming with countless tourists all-round the year, hencefinding free WiFi is not as difficult as it might sound. The capital of Russia has been conveniently blessed with 1178 free WiFi hotspots including various restaurants, coffeehouses, pubs, hotels; and quite surprisingly yet delightfully enough, these free WiFi connections are in access to public transportation, parklands, Moscow metro buses and many such open places where tourists and locals alike, pass through frequently and would want to enjoy their meals or coffees while posting check ins and photos for their Facebook circle!

Mosscow wifi train

The main internet service provider within the entire city is Beeline, Megafon and MTS. If curious about the connection’s security with respect to your personal details, for that is quite natural, have a look at the related websites and find out the best tariffs.

However, in the historical Moscow city, free wireless connections is operative only through the Beeline which is readily spread in many areas of the city. The only effort you need to put in is connect to the internet by the name of “Beeline WiFi” or “Beeline WiFi WPA “and experiment around a bit like putting up your laptop on the window-sill for a few minutes, orswinging around the mobile phone in blank airuntil you start getting a stable reception; and you’re all good to go. Beeline WiFi is the only service provider if you are travelling a bus or a trolleybus, which is quite common in Russia. Moreover, 300 routers providing free internet access have been allocated on public transportation. Another free WiFi arrangement could be leisurely enjoyed while moving in and out of the city through Moscow’s underground Metro system.As of now, MTS has taken the initiative to equip four out of fourteen  Moscow metro stations in the city, erasing off all that weariness of a subway, and what’s more; the data transfer is estimated to be more than 100Mb/s per train!

Fortunately, there are various places in Moscow covered soundly with commercial WiFi network, where you could freely relax, sipping on those savory Mors with your laptop connecting you to the social webs or checking up on your mails and letting you keep track of this fast-paced modern world that would definitely help in easily recording and creating a memorable travelogue.

  • Contributed to TheBackpackers by ‘StagHorn’; contact him here .


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    Moreover, 300 routers providing free internet access have been allocated on public transportation. Another free WiFi arrangement could be leisurely enjoyed while moving in and out of the city through Moscow's underground Metro system.As of now, MTS has taken the initiative to equip four out of fourteen Moscow metro stations in the city ...

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