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NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English Grammar

class 8 assignment solution english

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English Grammar all chapters, revised and modified, are given here with suitable examples and explanation. All the chapters contain illustrations of grammar topic, so that students can understand easily. The explanation of Class 8 English Grammar includes topics sentences, Conjunctions, order of words, Interjection, Subject and Predicate, Articles, Noun and their kinds, Punctuation and Capital letters, Pronoun, Active and Passive voice, Verbs, Direct and Indirect, Adjective, Comprehension, Adverb, Story Writing, Tense, Letter Writing, Preposition and Essay writing.

Chapter Wise Class 8 English Grammar Chapter 1. The Sentence Chapter 2. Order of Words Chapter 3. Subject and Predicate Chapter 4. The Noun Chapter 5. The Pronoun Chapter 6. The Verb Chapter 7. The Adjective Chapter 8. The Adverb Chapter 9. The Tense Chapter 10. The Preposition Chapter 11. Conjunctions Chapter 12. Interjections Chapter 13. The Article Chapter 14. Punctuation and Capital Letters Chapter 15. Active and Passive Voice Chapter 16. Direct and Indirect Speech Chapter 17. Comprehension Chapter 18. Story Writing Chapter 19. Letter Writing Chapter 20. Essay Writing

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Tiwari Academy deserves sincere praise for its outstanding contribution to Class 8 English grammar education. This online platform has consistently demonstrated a commitment to facilitating effective learning experiences for students, and its efforts in the realm of English grammar are particularly commendable.

English grammar is of paramount importance for students in Class 8, as it serves as the foundation for effective communication, academic success, and future career opportunities. A strong grasp of English grammar is crucial for effective communication. Class 8 is a stage where students start to express themselves more comprehensively, both in written assignments and oral presentations.

Tiwari Academy provides well-structured lessons on various English grammar topics. These lessons are often presented in a clear and organized manner, making it easier for students to follow along and learn at their own pace. The explanations are typically written in a student-friendly language, which simplifies complex grammar rules and concepts.

Class 8 English Grammar Chapters

Chapter wise Main Points of Class 8 English Grammar

  • Chapter 1. The Sentence What is a sentence and how to write a correct sentence? Making right to a wrong sentence. Kinds of sentence like Interrogative, Command, Exclamatory sentences etc.
  • Chapter 2. Order of Words Proper placement of verb and subject in a sentence. Important points to be learnt like when the Subject is an Interrogative Pronoun, it comes before the verb.
  • Chapter 3. Subject and Predicate Proper use of subject and predicate. What are subjects and their identification same for predicate also. The correct order of subject and predicate. Structure of simple sentence using suitable subject and predicate.
  • Chapter 4. The Noun– Kinds of Noun Definition and kinds of noun. Examples of all five kinds of noun using suitable sentence. Conversion of verb to noun and noun to verb. Formation of nouns from adjectives, synonyms and antonyms, singular and plural, etc.
  • Chapter 5. The Pronoun Definition and kinds of pronoun with suitable examples of each type. Use of pronoun as Nominative case, Objective or Accusative case, Possessive case, Vocative case, etc.

Proper grammar ensures clarity in communication and helps students convey their thoughts and ideas accurately. This skill is essential not only in academic settings but also in everyday life, where effective communication is key to building relationships and resolving conflicts.

Tiwari Academy includes practice exercises and worksheets alongside their grammar lessons. These exercises are crucial for reinforcing what students have learned. Regular practice is key to mastering English grammar , and Tiwari Academy offers a wealth of exercises to help students apply their knowledge, identify areas of improvement, and practice until they are confident in their skills.

Class 8 English grammar is a foundational skill for standardized tests and future career prospects. Many standardized tests, such as SAT, ACT, or various entrance exams, include grammar and writing sections. A strong foundation in grammar can significantly boost a student’s performance on these exams. In the professional world, regardless of the field, effective written and oral communication is highly regarded. Job applications, resumes, emails, and reports must be free from grammatical errors to make a positive impression.

Tiwari Academy’s online accessibility makes it convenient for students to access English Grammar resources from anywhere with an internet connection. This flexibility allows students to study at their own pace and revisit materials as needed, catering to individual learning styles and needs.

Topic wise Class 8 English Grammar all Chapters

  • Chapter 6. The Verb Definition and types of verbs. Finite and non-finite verbs with examples. Transitive, intransitive and auxiliary verbs. Difference Between Primary and Modal Auxiliaries, etc.
  • Chapter 7. The Adjective Adjective with examples and explanation. Attributive and predicative use of adjectives. Kinds of adjectives like Proper, descriptive, Quantitative, Numeral, Demonstrative, Distributive, Interrogative, Exclamatory, Possessive and Emphasising adjectives.
  • Chapter 8. The Adverb Example sentences of Adverb and its modification to a phase or sentence. Kinds of adverbs like simple, Interrogative and Relative Adverbs.
  • Chapter 9. The Tense Kinds of tenses and examples of each kind. Present, past and future tense with its further subdivision like simple tense, continuous tense, perfect tense or perfect continuous tense.
  • Chapter 10. The Preposition Definition and examples of preposition. Examples based on such sentences where there is confusion in words of preposition. Use of prepositions in suitable sentences.

English grammar plays a vital role in academic success. In Class 8, students often encounter more complex texts and assignments that require advanced writing and reading skills. Proper grammar is essential for writing essays, reports, and research papers, where clarity and coherence are highly valued. A good command of grammar also aids in understanding complex texts, allowing students to comprehend and analyze literature and academic materials more effectively.

Tiwari Academy offers sample papers and solutions for Class 8 English Grammar . These resources can be particularly valuable as students prepare for exams and assessments. Practicing with sample papers allows students to become familiar with the types of questions they may encounter in exams and refine their grammar skills accordingly.

Class 8 English Grammar Book

Important Point of the chapters of 8th English Grammar

  • Chapter 11. Conjunctions Conjunctions and its types like coordinate and subordinate conjunctions. Kinds of Coordinate conjunctions like Cumulative, Adversative, Alternative and Illustrative conjunctions.
  • Chapter 12. Interjection What are interjection words and how to use it? Examples and words used on interjections or exclamatory sentences.
  • Chapter 13. The Article How to use articles in proper manner? Use of a, an and the in sentences. Examples of indefinite and definite articles.
  • Chapter 14. Punctuation and Capital Letters Punctuations provide the correct manner to read the sentence or a paragraph. Various examples based on Comma, Semicolon, Colon, Full stop, Mark of interrogation or Exclamation, Inverted Commas, Apostrophe, etc.
  • Chapter 15. Active and Passive Voice Examples of active to passive voice or passive to active voice. Rules for the change of voice. Application of active and passive voice in different tenses like present, past and future tense.

In simple words, English grammar is incredibly important for Class 8 students, as it not only facilitates effective communication but also contributes significantly to academic success and future career prospects. A solid understanding of grammar empowers students to express themselves clearly, excel in their studies, and thrive in their future endeavours. Tiwari Academy is immensely helpful for Class 8 students studying English Grammar. This educational platform offers a range of resources and support that can enhance a student’s understanding of grammar concepts.

Tiwari Academy is a valuable resource for Class 8 students studying English Grammar. It provides well-structured lessons, practice exercises, sample papers, and online accessibility, all of which contribute to a comprehensive and effective learning experience for students aiming to improve their grammar skills and excel in their English studies.

Writing and Speech section of Grade 8 English Grammar

  • Chapter 16. Direct and Indirect Sentences based on direct speech and indirect speech. Identification of reported speech and reporting verb. Conversion of direct speech to indirect speech. Rules for changing direct to indirect speech.
  • Chapter 17. Comprehension Comprehension of a passage helps to improve our reading skills. Here, we will learn how to find the answers of questions based on comprehension.
  • Chapter 18. Story Writing Story writing is always an interesting work for students of standard 8. Here, we will learn how to write a story taking the help of instructions given for the story.
  • Chapter 19. Letter Writing Letter writing can be classified into three kinds as social letters, business letters and official letters. The format of all three kinds of letter are given in simplest form.
  • Chapter 20. Essays Writing Essay writing consists of mainly three parts, introduction of the topic, body part which contains almost all the detail about the topic and last part conclusion.

Tiwari Academy’s dedication to simplifying complex grammar concepts is truly praiseworthy. The platform has a knack for breaking down intricate rules and principles into easily digestible lessons. By presenting grammar topics in a clear and straightforward manner, Tiwari Academy empowers students to grasp these concepts with confidence. This approach makes a significant difference in helping students build a strong foundation in English grammar.

Furthermore, Tiwari Academy’s inclusion of comprehensive practice materials is highly beneficial. The provision of worksheets, exercises, and sample papers allows students to apply what they have learned and refine their grammar skills. This hands-on practice is crucial for solidifying knowledge and preparing students for exams and real-world communication.

The platform’s accessibility is another noteworthy aspect. Tiwari Academy’s online presence ensures that students can access their English grammar resources from anywhere, making learning convenient and flexible. This accessibility aligns with modern education trends, catering to the diverse needs and preferences of today’s learners.

Tiwari Academy deserves accolades for its commitment to enhancing Class 8 English grammar education. Through its user-friendly approach, comprehensive practice materials, and online accessibility, the platform empowers students to excel in English grammar, thereby fostering better communication skills and academic success. This dedication to quality education is a valuable asset to students, teachers, and parents alike.

Why It’s Important to study English Grammar in Class 8?

English grammar is really important for 8th grade students. It helps them to communicate well, do well in school, and have better job opportunities in the future.

  • Communication : Good grammar helps students talk and write clearly so people understand them easily.
  • School Work : It helps students write essays and understand their reading assignments in school.
  • Future : Doing well in grammar can help students get good scores on important tests and look professional in future jobs.

How Tiwari Academy Helps in Class 8 English Grammar?

Tiwari Academy is doing a great job helping students with English grammar in 8th grade. They make hard grammar topics easy to understand, give students practice materials, and let them learn online anytime. They deserve a big thanks for helping students do better in English at school and in the future.

  • Lessons : The academy offers easy-to-understand lessons on different grammar topics.
  • Practice : They give students exercises and worksheets to practice what they learned.
  • Exam Help : They provide sample papers to help students prepare for their exams.
  • Online Access : Students can learn whenever they want because it’s all online.

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NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English | Syllabus, Online Tuition… and more

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Class 8 English: In the modern era English has become a fundamental requirement for all. It involves learning grammar, vocabulary, and comprehension skills. In the initial phase of every student's life, it is essential that every student understand all the rules and fundamentals to build a strong base. Students must follow the CBSE English syllabus for class 8 thoroughly and check the NCERT solutions for class 8 English to gain familiarity and prepare accordingly. 

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*Career Launcher, a single-step solution for a comprehensive tuition program for all grades.

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class 8 assignment solution english

Table of Contents

Go through the article thoroughly, and get to know the detailed English syllabus, exam pattern, NCERT solutions for class 8 English, Class 8 English grammar, preparation tips, the importance of building a strong foundation, and much more. With comprehensive awareness, begin your customized Class 8 English online tuition journey with us !

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  • FREE resources
  • Thorough guidance
  • Experienced faculty

Class 8 English Overview

In the table below, we have mentioned a short overview of Class 8 English. Students interested in exploring, in brief, can navigate to the official website of NCERT from here.

The curriculum designed and schedules that are being followed by different Boards like CBSE, ICSE, or any other might not be similar and differ a bit from one another, but one thing that is common among all the Boards or schools is that they follow the same NCERT English syllabus for class 8.

Class 8 English Syllabus

The class 8 English syllabus is divided into 3 broad sections, each divided into different units and subunits. Namely -

Main textbook: Honeydew

Supplementary textbook: It So Happened

English as a subject in class 8 involves understanding basic class 8 English grammar rules, comprehending the various stories and poems, and developing fundamental comprehension skills. Students must practice thoroughly by going through the detailed NCERT solutions for class 8 English, and understand all the concepts and fundamentals to kick-start their preparation with customized online tuition for class 8.

Check the detailed CBSE class 8 English syllabus in the tables below:

There are a total of 8 units in the main book for the class 8 English syllabus, which includes 8 stories and 5 poems. Those are mentioned below -

There are a total of 8 units in the supplementary reading for class 8 English syllabus. Those are mentioned below -

Class 8 English grammar

There are 10 brief topics which cover the whole class 8 English grammar syllabus. Those are mentioned in the table below -

Class 8 English Composition syllabus

This section is meant to test your writing skills in English. The English Composition syllabus for Class 8 includes the following topics -

  • Formal and Informal Letters
  • Diary Entry

Class 8 English Exam Pattern

The exam pattern for Class 8 English is the detailed guidelines for marks distribution in the exam. Similar to the other subjects, the English exam pattern is broadly divided into two parts:

  • Theory (Term I & II)
  • Periodic Assessment

The theory paper consists of 80 marks, and the question pattern for the same is as follows:

  • 12 questions of 1 mark = 12
  • 12 questions of 2 marks = 24
  • 8 questions of 3 marks = 24
  • 4 questions of 5 marks = 20

*The question pattern might vary from Board to Board or school to school.

The internal assessment or periodic assessment consists of 20 marks in total, for this various assignments & classroom tests are conducted by different Boards & Schools.

The total mark for the class 8 English exam is 100 [Theory (80) + Periodic Assessment (20)].

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English

The NCERT book for any subject always provides immense and in-depth knowledge for each chapter and unit. Therefore, at the end of each chapter, NCERT lists a few questions with the aim of giving the students some hands-on with the concepts and rules they just learned. This helps the students in progressing in an organized manner and revise simultaneously.

Check and download the detailed chapter-wise NCERT solutions for class 8 English in the tables below.

NCERT Solution for Class 8 English Honeydew

NCERT Solution for Class 8 English It So Happened

Class 8 English Preparation Tips

Irrespective of the standard you are in, English is always relevant and is very fundamental for all your learning. In English, if your grammar rules and fundamental comprehension skills are well developed in the earlier stage of your academics then it would go on to serve you well for long. Therefore, strategizing a suitable preparation plan and following it with discipline will lead you to build a very strong base in the subject.

Given below are some important preparation tips suggested by subject experts, which students can adhere to and prepare for the class 8 English exam:

  • You can begin preparing for any subject by checking their syllabus. While preparing for the class 8 English exam, thorough knowledge of the syllabus will enable you to identify important, easy, and challenging topics before kickstarting your preparation.
  • This should be followed by preparing an appropriate timetable that will complement your strengths and weaknesses. You need to stick to it with discipline. (Enrolling in a curated tuition program will help in this aspect as they analyze your strengths & preparedness and guide you through a comprehensive tuition plan)
  • The most important thing is, students must follow the NCERT test book for class 8 English for their preparation.
  • Another source of practice could be by solving the sample paper and chapter-wise important questions. This helps students to understand the exam pattern in a better manner.
  • One must not ever forget to take things easy and slow. Take short breaks, eat, and sleep properly, this will keep your mind fresh.
  • Additional things that you could do to prepare wholesomely for class 8 English by doing the following -
  • Read the passages and poems in the syllabus and out of the syllabus as well (from newspapers, magazines, and storybooks). This will improve your vocabulary and enhance your comprehension skills.
  • Understand the grammar rule with reference to daily life examples (this will help you retain the ideas and concepts).
  • Practice whatever you learn. Try speaking in front of the mirror or having a light conversation with someone.

Enroll in a customized tuition program curated to meet your requirements to prepare in a comprehensive manner for class 8 English. Moreover, tuition programs offer various modern-age facilities like Progress maps, worksheets, performance analysis, AI tools, and many more to enable you to learn efficiently and compete with your peers.

Class 8 English Sample Paper & Notes

Following the NCERT book and solving the practice problems provided at the end of each chapter is the first step toward preparation. This checks & ensures your understanding and conceptual clarity of the ideas conveyed in the chapter. However, to gain expertise in the subject and excel in it you need to follow various class 8 English sample papers, mocks, class 8 English chapter-wise important questions, etc. This will shape your understanding by exploring various varied concepts and logic related to the same topic.

Explore our Tuitions FREEZONE, a free platform that is full of useful resources to help students explore, practice, and attain excellence in class 8 English.

CL, a trusted partner of your kid for over 27+ years, leading them toward a brighter future and excellence. Enroll in our customized tuition program specifically designed to cater to the needs of every specific student.

Let’s work together towards efficient learning and better understanding for a brighter future.

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FAQs on Class 8 English

How to study and prepare for english class 8.

Class 8 English can be prepared by following the steps mentioned below -

  • Solving the NCERT Textbook questions and going through their solutions
  • Attempting various/multiple Practice tests
  • Getting to know important topics and preparation tips for each Chapter
  • Revising all that you have learned in you free/extra time
  • Align your preparation with a curated coaching program

What are the main chapters of English class 8?

One should not prioritize one chapter over another. All the class 8 English chapters are equally important and should be prepared accordingly. Still, if you want to prioritize beginning your preparation, then you can begin with the chapters with a higher weightage of marks or the grammar section.

Is Class 8 important for board exams?

Classes 8 & 9 are the foundation for your higher studies. Though there is no direct similarity with the content of the syllabus, every class is a bridge to the next. If you miss out or skip anything then there will remain a gap and it will be very difficult to fill later.

How to be a topper in class 8 English?

You can adhere to the following steps to increase your chance of being a topper in class 8 English -

  • Understanding the syllabus and conceptual clarity
  • Revise regularly, as practice makes a man perfect
  • Attending the classes regularly - don’t miss any
  • Solve sample question papers & mocks
  • Best is to enroll in any curated tuition program

How many chapters are there in class 8 English?

There are 28 chapters in class 8 English (CBSE Syllabus).

Where can one download NCERT solutions for class 8 English, Class 8 English important questions, sample papers, and more?

To prepare for any subject it is important to have the right resources at your disposal. Explore and download NCERT solutions for class 8 English and many other free resources from the Class 8 Freezone of Career Launcher.

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NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English

Ncert solutions for class 8 english free pdf download.

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English Honeydew

  • NCERT Solutions for Chapter 1 The Best Christmas Present in the World
  • NCERT Solutions for Chapter 2 The Tsunami
  • NCERT Solutions for Chapter 3 Glimpses of the Past
  • NCERT Solutions for Chapter 4 Bepin Choudhury’s Lapse of Memory
  • NCERT Solutions for Chapter 5 The Summit Within
  • NCERT Solutions for Chapter 6 This is Jody’s Fawn
  • NCERT Solutions for Chapter 7 A Visit to Cambridge
  • NCERT Solutions for Chapter 8 A Short Monsoon Diary
  • NCERT Solutions for Chapter 9 The Great Stone Face–I
  • NCERT Solutions for Chapter 10 The Great Stone Face–II
  • NCERT Solutions for The Ant and the Cricket
  • NCERT Solutions for Geography Lesson
  • NCERT Solutions for Macavity: The Mystery Cat
  • NCERT Solutions for The Last Bargain
  • NCERT Solutions for The School Boy
  • NCERT Solutions for The Duck and the Kangaroo
  • NCERT Solutions for When I set out for Lyonnesse
  • NCERT Solutions for On the Grasshopper and Cricket

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English It So Happened

  • NCERT Solutions for Chapter 1 How The Camel Got His Hump
  • NCERT Solutions for Chapter 2 Children at Work
  • NCERT Solutions for Chapter 3 The Selfish Giant
  • NCERT Solutions for Chapter 4 The Treasure Within
  • NCERT Solutions for Chapter 5 Princess September
  • NCERT Solutions for Chapter 6 The Fight
  • NCERT Solutions for Chapter 7 The Open Window
  • NCERT Solutions for Chapter 8 Jalebis
  • NCERT Solutions for Chapter 9 The Comet - I
  • NCERT Solutions for Chapter 10 The Comet - II

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CBSE NCERT Solutions

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Class 8 English Assignments

We have provided below free printable Class 8 English Assignments for Download in PDF. The Assignments have been designed based on the latest NCERT Book for Class 8 English . These Assignments for Grade 8 English cover all important topics which can come in your standard 8 tests and examinations. Free printable Assignments for CBSE Class 8 English , school and class assignments, and practice test papers have been designed by our highly experienced class 8 faculty. You can free download CBSE NCERT printable Assignments for English Class 8 with solutions and answers. All Assignments and test sheets have been prepared by expert teachers as per the latest Syllabus in English Class 8. Students can click on the links below and download all Pdf Assignments for English class 8 for free. All latest Kendriya Vidyalaya Class 8 English Assignments with Answers and test papers are given below.

English Class 8 Assignments Pdf Download

We have provided below the biggest collection of free CBSE NCERT KVS Assignments for Class 8 English . Students and teachers can download and save all free English assignments in Pdf for grade 8th. Our expert faculty have covered Class 8 important questions and answers for English as per the latest syllabus for the current academic year. All test papers and question banks for Class 8 English and CBSE Assignments for English Class 8 will be really helpful for standard 8th students to prepare for the class tests and school examinations. Class 8th students can easily free download in Pdf all printable practice worksheets given below.

Topicwise Assignments for Class 8 English Download in Pdf

Class 8 English Assignments

Advantages of Class 8 English Assignments

  • As we have the best and largest collection of English assignments for Grade 8, you will be able to easily get full list of solved important questions which can come in your examinations.
  • Students will be able to go through all important and critical topics given in your CBSE English textbooks for Class 8 .
  • All English assignments for Class 8 have been designed with answers. Students should solve them yourself and then compare with the solutions provided by us.
  • Class 8 Students studying in per CBSE, NCERT and KVS schools will be able to free download all English chapter wise worksheets and assignments for free in Pdf
  • Class 8 English question bank will help to improve subject understanding which will help to get better rank in exams

Frequently Asked Questions by Class 8 English students

At, we have provided the biggest database of free assignments for English Class 8 which you can download in Pdf

We provide here Standard 8 English chapter-wise assignments which can be easily downloaded in Pdf format for free.

You can click on the links above and get assignments for English in Grade 8, all topic-wise question banks with solutions have been provided here. You can click on the links to download in Pdf.

We have provided here topic-wise English Grade 8 question banks, revision notes and questions for all difficult topics, and other study material.

We have provided the best collection of question bank and practice tests for Class 8 for all subjects. You can download them all and use them offline without the internet.

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  • NCERT Solutions
  • NCERT Class 8

NCERT Solutions for Class 8

Ncert solutions for class 8 – download pdfs.

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 is a very crucial study material as it is responsible for laying a strong foundation for your higher classes. However, there is no need to get too stressed or overwhelmed. The best study material any Class 8 student can use is NCERT Books . The textbook explains all the concepts that have to be learned by a Class 8 student neatly and efficiently.

Class 8 students should have a firm grip on the answers to the questions given in the NCERT textbook. The NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths and Science are given here for you to refer to. These solutions provided at BYJU’S are incredibly accurate and offer detailed solutions for every question present in each chapter of Maths and Science. These comprehensive explanations, along with the answers, are designed by expert subject teachers after extensive research to produce an authentic and appropriate source of NCERT Solutions for you. The solutions for Class 8 NCERT Science and Maths will help you clear your doubts instantly and understand the concepts quickly. These NCERT Solutions, if studied meticulously, can help you get rid of all your doubts.

Maths and science are subjects of extreme importance in the curriculum of a student. Hence, emphasizing practising the questions and solutions to understand any concepts in the given chapters is of utmost importance to secure good marks and advance in your desired career. For more practice, you can check out NCERT Books for Class 8 and practise the questions and answers based on the CBSE Syllabus for Class 8 .

NCERT Class 8 Solutions comprises chapter-wise solutions, providing you with the key to unlocking your problem-solving skills. Choosing the right learning strategy will make a profound impact on your academic career. These solutions will help you solve the questions as well as cross-verify your answers simultaneously. The prime motto of providing the perfect NCERT Solutions is to help you understand the topics and concepts comprehensively. This understanding helps you in building a strong foundation for higher grades.

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths

BYJU’S provides NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths Chapters 1 to 16, prepared by our expert faculty, to help you in your exam preparations. Download NCERT Class 8 Maths Solutions of all chapter-wise PDFs to find a better approach to solving the questions in the book. These solutions will also help you have a deeper understanding of concepts covered in NCERT Class 8 Maths Textbook . Practising the textbook questions will help you analyse your level of preparation and knowledge of concepts in the book.

The chapter-wise answers to all the questions present in the 16 chapters of NCERT Class 8 Maths, written in a precise and lucid manner, are provided here. You can refer to the PDFs of Class 8 Maths NCERT Solutions as your additional references and study materials to help you learn the essence faster. Practising textbook exercises will surely help you to prepare efficiently for your examination.

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science

BYJU’S brings you Science NCERT Class 8 Solutions framed by our subject experts to facilitate a practical and smooth understanding of the concepts related to physics, chemistry and biology. These CBSE 8 Science NCERT Solutions can be accessed anytime and anywhere, at your convenience, to understand the concepts in a better way. These Class 8 Science NCERT Solutions are explained beautifully using a step-by-step approach for all the questions given in the textbooks. It acts as an essential tool for you in your exam preparation.

We have also provided NCERT Solutions Class 8 Science PDFs in an easily accessible format to help you prepare adequately. You can download and practise these NCERT Science Solutions for Class 8 to get a thorough knowledge of the concepts covered in the NCERT Books for Class 8 Science .

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Social Science

BYJU’S brings you Social Science NCERT Class 8 Solutions framed by our subject experts to facilitate a practical and smooth understanding of the concepts related to History, Geography and Civics. These CBSE 8 Social Science NCERT Solutions can be accessed anytime and anywhere, at your convenience, to understand the concepts in a better way. These Class 8 Social Science NCERT Solutions are elaborately explained for all the questions given in the textbooks. It acts as an essential tool for you in your exam preparation. Also, access the NCERT Solutions of Class 8 History, Geography and Political Science (Civics) from the links provided below:

We have also provided NCERT Solutions Class 8 Social Science PDFs in an easily accessible format to help you prepare adequately. You can download and practise these NCERT Social Science Solutions for Class 8 to get a thorough knowledge of the concepts covered in the NCERT Books for Class 8 Social Science .

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English

BYJU’S brings you English NCERT Class 8 Solutions designed by our subject experts to facilitate a practical and smooth understanding of the concepts which help prepare you for the board exams. These CBSE 8 English NCERT Solutions can be accessed anytime and anywhere, at your convenience, to understand the concepts in a better way. These NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English are explained perfectly for all the questions given in the textbooks. It acts as an essential tool for you in your exam preparation. The solutions are prepared according to the latest syllabus and guidelines as it contains answers to all the questions present in the textbook, along with sample papers and practice papers.

How and When to Solve NCERT Solutions

It is often seen that the students directly jump to solving the questions present in the NCERT textbook. But is that the right way to learn? No, it is definitely not how you should learn. Here you go with the proper method of learning NCERT Solutions.

  • For theoretical subjects, like Science, the first thing you have to do is to read the NCERT textbooks thoroughly. However, just reading it without giving any attention to it will do no good to you. You should make it a habit to read the textbook by understanding the concepts. You should read the book at least three times before moving on to solving the questions present in the NCERT book.
  • In the case of numerical subjects, like Maths, you should give attention to the teachers in the class to understand the concepts. Once you get familiarised with the concept, the next thing you should do is understand the method of solving a question. To understand the problem-solving method, you should first try solving the solved examples given in the NCERT textbook. If you think that you are thorough with the examples, try solving them again without looking at the solutions given in the textbook. Compare your answers with the answers given in the textbook.
  • If you follow the steps mentioned above, by the time you are done with it, you would be having a strong knowledge of the concepts as well as the problem-solving method of the chapter you have just learnt. Now, you can go ahead and try solving all the questions in the textbook. Make sure that you try solving them yourself without referring to any solutions.
  • Once you are done with solving the questions in the exercises or at the end of the chapter, take out the NCERT Solutions provided at BYJU’S, and compare your answers with it.
  • Give yourself a pat when you find that you have answered the questions right. But, on the other hand, if you have given incorrect answers, note down the questions and understand the right way to solve them by referring to the solutions. Practise it again and again till you are thorough with the solutions, and once you feel you are proficient in them, try solving the questions again and check the answers. Repeat the step until you find yourself giving the right answers for all the questions given in the textbook.

Exam Preparation With NCERT Solutions

NCERT books & NCERT Solutions for Class 8 are more than enough to score high marks in the exam if you focus and read them with full concentration. The chances of out-of-syllabus questions being asked in the Class 8 exams are very less. Scoring high marks in the Class 8 examination is very easy. To score decent marks in the Class 8 examination, you don’t need to have an extraordinary brain. On the other hand, all you should have is a firm grip on the concepts, a logical approach and rational thinking. To score high in your Class 8 exam, a clear understanding of the basics, a command over formulae, and a sound practice regimen are all that you need. Here are some tips for using NCERT Solutions in your favour during exam preparation.

  • Early preparations: Starting your preparations early, right from the beginning of the academic year, is the best way to avoid any last-minute haste. Doing so will help you provide enough time for each subject as well as for solving the NCERT Solutions well in advance. Solving the solution well ahead of time can help you in clearing your doubts related to them at the earliest.
  • Review your syllabus: Going through your whole syllabus and highlighting the main topics to be studied is the first step towards studying right. Ensure to solve the Solutions of NCERT related to the topics you find important or difficult.
  • Know the exam pattern: It is important to understand the exam pattern approved by the Board concerned with the exam you are going to appear for. By doing so, you will get an idea of the chapter that has more weightage and can help you concentrate more on the solutions of that chapter.
  • Study regularly: Study the solutions regularly, along with the NCERT books, to be extremely familiar with the problem-solving method.
  • Revision: As the final step, revise all the NCERT Solutions as the exam date gets nearer to brush up on the concepts and keep them fresh in your mind.

Other NCERT Resources For Class 8

Ncert exemplars for class 8.

The solutions for all the questions present in the NCERT Exemplars books of Class 8 Maths and Science are given here. The NCERT Exemplars for Class 8 have been developed to help you in your academics. We at BYJU’S, are providing these NCERT Exemplar Solutions to facilitate easy learning for students. You can quickly go through the solutions and find out accurate answers. You can find the subject-wise links for Class 8 exemplar solutions in the table below.

NCERT Books For Class 8

The NCERT aims to provide qualitative education to school children in India by preparing and publishing textbooks, study materials, educational kits, etc. The core of the schooling system is NCERT Books. NCERT books for Class 8 Maths and Science are provided at BYJU’S, which can be downloaded from the links given below.

NCERT Syllabus For Class 8

The key to exam preparation is knowing the syllabus. Knowing the syllabus will help you understand the topics and concepts that will be covered in the academic session, in turn, helping you to make proper use of other NCERT resources.

NCERT Solutions and Competitive Exams

The National Talent Search Examination Syllabus consists of the topics covered in Mathematics and Science, along with other subjects of Class 8 as well. Hence, solving NCERT Solutions for Class 8 will help you understand at least a few of the concepts mentioned in the NTSE Syllabus . Similarly, in the case of Olympiads, the Class 8 NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths plays an important role in the Maths Olympiad while Class 8 NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science plays an important role in the Science Olympiad. Therefore, the more you solve the NCERT Solutions, the more familiar and thorough you get with the concepts, helping you excel in Competitive Exams like NTSE and Olympiads.

NCERT Solutions in IIT-JEE Preparation

Getting into a reputed institute to pursue engineering is a dream for many students. Yearly, lakhs and lakhs of people attempt the IIT-JEE , out of which only a few succeed in making it to the reputed institutions. This is one of the principal reasons that you are advised to start the preparation early. Starting your preparation for IIT-JEE soon will give you an edge over other students. The earlier you start, the more time you can provide JEE with. You can give yourself ample time to get your basics right and to balance between school and coaching classes. You can also dedicate your time to preparations for JEE during the weekends, still doing a great job in polishing yourself for the IIT-JEE. You can revise the subjects on a regular basis and recollect the concepts with ease, even at the time of examination.

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NCERT Solutions For Class 8

  • NCERT Solutions


NCERT Solutions for Class 8 - Free PDF Download

Till Class 8th , most of the basics are covered for the various subjects, and the students are provided with a brief idea about all the concepts and the subjects. To understand every subject briefly and be the topper of the class, it is necessary to practice all the subjects well, including the questions available in the exercises. Our expert mentors and tutors with immense knowledge of the subjects precisely design all the NCERT Solutions for Class 8 to help the students pass with outstanding results. From English and Hindi to Maths, Science and Social Studies, we provide the best Class 8 NCERT Solutions , keeping the evaluation schemes of the schools in mind. Students can have all the discretional accurate answers with examples stated (whenever necessary), for all the subjects.

Students of Class 8 need all the support and guidance that they can get so that they can perform well in their examinations. These NCERT solutions provided by the experts at Vedantu will definitely help them get the best results for sure. These solutions are provided subject-wise and chapter-wise to ensure that students are not having any trouble while going through the solutions. They can easily download the solutions for any specific subject or chapter. Download NCERT Solutions Class 8 and start the preparation for your exams. You can also download NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths and NCERT Solution for Class 8 Science to help you to revise the complete syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Detailed Overview of NCERT Solutions for Class 8

Subject wise ncert solutions for class 8.

Mentioned below in the table is the link to subject-wise NCERT solutions for Class 8. The NCERT solutions for Maths, English, Hindi, Science and Social Science are included in the table. 

NCERT Solutions for Class 8


NCERT Solutions for Class 8 in Hindi Medium


NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths, Science, English, Hindi & Social Science - Free PDF Download

NCERT solutions are highly important for the students, as from there, they can understand all the answers in detail, without much effort and money expenditures. Students can also download the NCERT solutions Class 8 free pdf of each subject through the link provided below. This pdf includes chapter-wise solutions with accurate descriptions. The solution materials are specifically designed to clear all the doubts of the students. In the PDF, apart from the NCERT Class 8 solutions , we also provide additional questions with the solution to ensure that the students do not leave anything behind while preparing for the examinations.

NCERT 8th solutions is easily available and accessible in Pdf format. The students can download the material anytime and access them on any device, whenever they wish to, without any hassles. Additionally, as the questions are stated too along with the solutions, the students do not even need to carry their books everywhere, and they can directly learn everything with perfect practice, using the Pdfs of the subject materials.

Important NCERT Class 8 Solutions For Mathematics are given below in detail

For Mathematics, we provide the complete NCERT Solutions of Class 8, including a detailed explanation of all the theorems, their real-life applications and examples, and step-wise explanations to help the students understand them well. Further, all the numerical are well explained, and we even provide multiple solutions whenever required. Some of the important chapters and their topics which are discussed in the NCERT solutions are as follows:

Rational Numbers – This is the first chapter and you have to learn a total of 4 exercises in it. The first exercise in this chapter is the properties of rational numbers . In this exercise, you have to learn all the rational number properties, such as closure, distributive, commutative, associative, etc. Practice a few examples for each and understand the concept properly. Solve the exercise questions and you can use the NCERT solutions for Class 8 as reference. In the next exercise, you will learn how to represent rational numbers on a number line, and learn the ways for both proper and improper fractions. 

Practice the steps and solve exercise examples to understand better. The last exercise is about the rational number between two rational numbers, in this exercise you have to learn how to find a rational number between two rational numbers. Practice the formulas and conditions. Solve the exercise examples and questions. You can use the NCERT Maths Solutions as a reference and for additional help.

We Cover All the Exercises in Chapter Given Below:-

Practical Geometry – This is the 4 th chapter and it is an important one. The chapter is short and quick to learn but it requires practice. There are 5 exercises in it. In the first exercise, you will be revising the basic examples and concepts. The second exercise is constructing a quadrilateral. In this exercise, you have to learn the construction of quadrilaterals when their sides, diagonals, and angles are given, learn all the steps for each set of given information such as 4 sides and 1 diagonal, 3 sides and 2 angles, etc. Practice the exercise examples and be thorough with the concepts. The last exercise is on special cases, in this exercise you have to learn about the rhombus and how to construct one. Learn and practice all the steps. You can use the NCERT solutions for extra help. 

Data Handling – In this chapter there are 3 exercises. The first exercise is looking for information. Learn this exercise properly and solve the exercise questions and examples. The second exercise is organizing data, in this exercise you have to learn how to group and organize data. Learn the process and go through the exercise examples. Use the NCERT solutions for the exercise questions. Learn about tally charts properly. The 4 th exercise is a circle graph or pie chart. 

This exercise is very important and you have to learn it properly, for additional help you can always use the NCERT solutions. Learn the steps for creating a pie chart and also learn the formulas. Solve the exercise examples and the questions. The last exercise in this exercise is chance and probability, you will learn about chance and probability of events, you will also learn the probability formula, etc. Practice all the examples before solving the exercise questions. Use the NCERT solutions as they will help you understand the topics and concepts better.

Mensuration – This chapter has 4 exercises and it is one of the salient chapters. The first important exercise is the area of a trapezium, you have to learn the definition and basic concept of a trapezium. Next, you have to learn the properties of a trapezium and the formula of area and perimeter of a trapezium. Practice examples and questions related to it. You also have to learn the derivation of area. Finally, you have to learn the applications of a trapezium. Be thorough with all the topics and solve the exercise questions. 

The next exercise is the area of general quadrilaterals. In this exercise, you have to learn the properties of a quadrilateral and the area of the quadrilateral. Solve examples and exercise questions. Another important exercise in this chapter is the area of the polygon. Learn the definition, formula, and the formula of area. Practice examples and understand the concept properly. The 7 th exercise in this chapter is the surface area of a cube, cuboid, and cylinder. In this exercise, you have to learn the formulas and practise examples to understand the concept properly. Learn the total surface area formula of a cube, cuboid, and cylinder and solve as many questions as possible related to them. The next exercise is the volume of cube, cuboid, and cylinder, in this you have to learn how to solve questions on volume. 

Practice examples and exercise questions using the Class 8 NCERT solutions for better understanding. The last exercise of this chapter is volume and capacity, in this exercise you have to learn about capacity and its formula. Solve questions related to it and be thorough. You also have to learn the difference between volume and capacity. Solve the exercise questions and practice additional questions from the NCERT solutions. 

Another basic but important chapter is the introduction to graphs. In the first exercise, you have to learn about the types of graphs, how to plot graphs, uses, examples, etc. practice all the types of line graphs and go through a few examples for each. The next exercise is the linear graph, you have to learn the linear graph equation and solve questions from the exercise. You must also be thorough with the exercise examples. The last exercise is the application of a linear graph, this exercise is fairly easy and you can finish it quickly. Solve questions based on linear graph application and practice examples before moving to exercise questions. While solving the exercise questions use the NCERT solutions for help, also the topics are excellently explained and you will find it easier to learn. 

NCERT Class 8 Solutions For Science

We provide NCERT solutions Class 8 for Science, including all the chapters under the classification of Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. With the help of these solutions, the students can learn the subject well and clear all the basics. Science is already an important subject, and Class 8 has many vital chapters that everyone must know well. To ensure an easy understanding, we provide the best NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science.

Students can access NCERT Solutions of  Class 8  Physics, Chemistry, and Biology pdf through the link below

NCERT Solutions of Class 8 Physics

In the Physics syllabus, there are 7 chapters. The NCERT solutions have covered all the topics and also provide a better explanation. Some of the important chapters and topics in the class 8 physics solutions are as follows:

Force and Pressure – In this chapter, there are 10 questions and all of them are important. Learn about the types of force, contact force, non-contact force, etc. You also have to learn what push is and what pull is, their difference, etc. Solve the questions, and be thorough. Learn about pressure, its definition, etc. You also have to learn about atmospheric pressure and pressure exerted by liquids and gases. Solve all the exercise questions and understand the concepts properly. 

Friction – In this chapter there are 10 questions. Learn about friction, factors affecting, fluid friction, its uses, etc. Practice and understand the topics. Be very thorough while studying and use the NCERT solutions for the questions, this will help you to prepare better. 

Sound – In this chapter, there are 13 questions. In this, you have to learn how sound is produced by a vibrating body. Be thorough while reading and understand the concept. In the next, you will learn how sound is produced by humans. You also have to focus on the topics like amplitude, time period, and frequency. Learn about noise and noise pollution also. Practice all the questions and revise daily. 

Some Natural Phenomena – In this chapter, you will learn about natural phenomena like lightning, transfer of charge, charging by rubbing, etc. You also have to learn about lighting safety and earthquakes. Solve the exercise questions and study the topics carefully. Maintain separate notes for revision and practice. The story of lighting is very important. You must study it thoroughly. Use the NCERT solutions for extra support and help. 

Starts and The Solar System – This is the last chapter in your physics syllabus. In this chapter, you will learn about the moon, the stars, constellations, the solar system, etc. Learn all the topics thoroughly, and practice the questions.

NCERT Solutions of Class 8 Chemistry – In the chemistry solutions there are 5 chapters. Some of the important chapters and their topics are as follows:

Synthetic Fibres and Plastics – There are 15 questions in this chapter. Learn about synthetic fibres, their types, characteristics, etc. You also have to learn about plastics, their advantages, and their disadvantages.

Coal and Petroleum – In this chapter, there are 9 questions . In this chapter, you will learn about coal, petroleum, natural gas, etc. You also have to learn their use, advantages, and disadvantages. Be thorough while solving the questions and use the NCERT solutions as a reference. 

Pollution in Air and Water – This is the last chapter and there are 11 questions . You have to learn about air pollution, the greenhouse effect, etc. study the cases, and be thorough with the chapter. You can also highlight the salient points. Next, you have to learn about water pollution, how it gets polluted, precautions and ways to minimize them, etc. Practice and revise the chapter properly. This chapter looks lengthy but it is very easy and you can score well in it. NCERT solutions provide a great explanation for all the above topics thus, you can prepare from it. 

NCERT Class 8 Solutions For Social Studies

Social Studies itself is a vast subject, and it has three sub-parts, including History, Civics, and Geography. We provide NCERT solution Class 8 for Social Studies to help the students understand all the chapters well, from all three subdivisions of the subject. The list of chapter in Social Studies for Class 8 include:

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English

Given below are the chapter-wise NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English. These solutions are provided by the English experts at Vedantu in a detailed manner. Go through these chapter-wise solutions to be thoroughly familiar with the concepts.

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi

Given below are the chapter-wise NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi. These solutions are provided by the Hindi experts at Vedantu in a detailed manner. Go through these chapter-wise solutions to be thoroughly familiar with the concepts.

NCERT Class 8 Subjects - Marks Weightage

Apart from having the best Class 8th NCERT solutions, it is also necessary to know the marks Weightage well, as it helps a lot in the preparations. Every subject carries a total of 100 marks in Class 8, and in that 20 marks are for internal assessment and 80 for the final examinations.

Significance NCERT Solutions for Class 8 All Subjects

Students of Class 8 need to complete their syllabus properly if they want to stay ahead in class and perform well in their exams. They can manage to cover the syllabus if they follow the classes regularly and study the chapters. However, in order to get some detailed insights about each subject and specific chapters, students need something more than classes. So, on that note, the Class 8 All Subject Question Answer PDF along with NCERT solutions will help the students completely dominate their syllabus and score good marks in the examination. Students can easily find the solutions to any question from the NCERT books of Class 8 . Not to mention that they can also get detailed solutions for other additional important topics that might be asked in the exams.

Regular practice of the NCERT solutions will enable students to understand the exam pattern of NCERT . Vedantu experts have taken their time to formulate these solutions according to the CBSE guidelines. Thus students can definitely get the guidance and support that they need to improve their answering skills and expand their knowledge.

Benefits of Downloading NCERT Solutions Class 8 Chapter Wise List

The experts are well-versed in every subject and have designed the solutions in such a way that students will get correct explanations of the different questions. This way, they will be able to better understand the concepts and subjects taught in class 8.

The solutions are specifically designed to make sure that the students do not miss out on anything, and get the best preparation for the examinations.

The solutions provided are systematically designed, and well supported with examples and in-depth descriptions.

Along with the solutions, the important questions are also marked, and the students are also provided real-life applications of the topics.

The NCERT solutions also carry the explanations of the lessons, ensuring that the students understand every concept briefly.

The students will be able to analyse the important questions as well as NCERT solutions to figure out the probable questions that might be asked in the examinations. So, this way they will be able to prepare themselves better for the final exams and score more.

Even if you miss out on some of your classes, you can just download NCERT solutions from Vedantu for Class 8 and study from there. These PDF files contain notes, solutions, important questions, and other study materials that will help you learn better.

Download Free NCERT Class 8 Solutions from Vedantu right now and learn about the important topics covered in Class 8 NCERT Solutions . Students will be able to boost their exam preparation strategy by downloading and studying from these important solutions. They can find out the right way to answer questions so as to score more marks in the exam. Not to mention that students will also be able to finish their revision early with the important solutions and notes and thus enhance their exam performance.

Important Related Links for NCERT Class 8

CBSE Class 8 Revision Notes

NCERT Books for Class 8

Important Questions for CBSE Class 8

NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 8

CBSE Class 8 Syllabus

CBSE Class 8 Maths Formulas


FAQs on NCERT Solutions For Class 8

1. Why is NCERT solutions Class 8 Pdf important?

Having NCERT solution of Class 8 in pdf format is very useful for the students to learn well and get the best preparation. The pdf format of the solution ensures that they can be easily downloaded anytime and anywhere, and can be easily accessed on any device. These pdf formats of the solutions also contain questions and problem statements. It ensures that the students do not need to carry the entire books everywhere. Students can secure good marks referring to them.

2. What are the advantages of having the Class 8 NCERT solution?

There are many advantages of having an NCERT solution for class 8, like:

These solutions are designed by the experts, making sure that the students get a proper understanding of them.

Having the NCERT solutions ensures that the students will not face any hurdles while preparing.

Having the NCERT solutions also makes sure that the students will get the best preparation materials and will not lag anywhere.

These solution materials also contain the explanation of the chapters, making it easier for the students to understand every concept.

In the solution pdfs, the important questions are also marked, and examples of every solution are also stated.

3. What should I do to get a good percentage in Class 8 exams? 

If you are a Class 8 student and wish to get a good percentage in exams then follow the tips given below. 

You must start preparing for the exams at an early stage right from the starting of your academic session. Doing so will enable you to complete your course on time so that you can invest your extra time in revision. 

Try to attend your school daily. 

Revise all subjects and their respective chapters at your home. 

Practice the textbook questions along with the NCERT Solutions of Class 8 to grasp the concepts. 

4. How can I make a study plan for Class 8? 

The steps for making a good study plan for Class 8 are- 

First, you should begin with knowing the faults in your current timetable. You have to rearrange your timetable and do those activities first that are important. For instance, preparing for class tests, home assignments, etc. 

Know when you like to study. Whether you like studying early in the morning or at night.  Just know the time and start studying. 

Be sure to take small breaks every 1-2 hours of studying. You can take a 5 to 10 minutes break and then resume. 

Try to give at least one hour to every subject for revising concepts. However, you can increase or decrease the time duration as per your preference and preparation. 

5. How can I download the NCERT Solutions of Class 8 for different subjects? 

Ans: Here are the steps to download the NCERT Solutions of Class 8 for different subjects. 

There will be a download link for each subject and chapter in this page.

Click on the link.

You will see a download PDF option on that page. 

Click on it to download offline for free.

6. Are subjects of Class 8 easy or difficult? 

Well, the answer to this question depends on the calibre of the student. Some students may find this class easy to clear as they are good at academics. At the same time, there are some students too, who will find this class tough as they are not good in their studies. Such students are recommended to begin with their studies at an early phase so that they can complete their syllabus on time along with understanding the concepts thoroughly. Moreover, they can refer to the NCERT Solutions for all subjects and the chapters for better comprehension. All the study material is available on the Vedantu app and the website. 

7. Why is Vedantu considered the best online learning platform to study for Class 8? 

Vedantu is considered the best online learning platform to study Class 8 due to the following reasons-

It provides different types of study materials including the NCERT Solutions of the chapters, revision notes, important questions, sample question papers, etc., so that the students can learn and understand the concepts clearly. 

These study materials are prepared by professionals who have years of experience in the field of teaching. 

The content in these study materials is easy to comprehend. 

They offer the facility of video tutorials for efficient learning. 

CBSE Class 8 Study Materials

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    There are 10 chapters in NCERT Solutions of Class 8 English Supplementary Textbook, It So Happened Solutions. Unit 1- How The Camel Got His Hump, Unit 2- Children At Work, Unit 3- The Selfish Giant, Unit 4- The Treasure Within, Unit 5- Princess September, Unit 6- The Fight, Unit 7- The Open Window, Unit 8- Jalebis, Unit 9- The Comet — I, Unit ...

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  15. NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English Chapter 7

    NCERT Class 8 English Honeydew Chapter-wise Solutions. Chapter 1 - The Best Christmas Present in the World. Chapter 2 - The Tsunami. Chapter 3 - Glimpses of the Past. Chapter 4 - Bepin Choudhury's Lapse of Memory. Chapter 5 - The Summit Within. Chapter 6 - This is Jody's Fawn. Chapter 7 - A Visit to Cambridge.

  16. NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English Honeydew Chapter 1 The Best

    Answers: Connie thought that the visitor was her own husband, Jim Macpherson. That sentence is, "you told me you'd come home by Christmas, dearest," she said, "And here you are, the best Christmas present in the world. Come closer, Jim dear, sit down. Working with the Text (Page 16)

  17. Tenses Exercises for Class 8 With Answers CBSE

    The following types of tense are given below. Present Tense. Simple Present Tense. Or. Present Indefinite Tense. When the subject is third person (i.e. other than I, we, you) and singular (i.e. only one) then we add 's' or 'es' to the main verb 1). It is used. When the time of action is not definite. e.g.

  18. NCERT Solutions For Class 8

    The content in these study materials is easy to comprehend. They offer the facility of video tutorials for efficient learning. NCERT Solutions for Class 8: Download Class 8 NCERT Solutions Chapter wise FREE PDF prepared by teachers. Get updated 2024-25 all subjects Solutions for Class 8.

  19. NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English Honeydew Chapter 7 A Visit to Cambridge

    2. The writer phoned Stephen Hawking's house. (i) From the nearest phone booth. (ii) From outside a phone booth. (iii) From inside a phone booth. 3. Every time he spoke to the scientist, the writer felt guilty because. (i) He wasn't sure what he wanted to ask. (ii) He forced the scientist to use his voice synthesiser.

  20. Class 8 BBC Compacta Solutions

    EduRev's Class 8 BBC Compacta Solutions Course for Class 8 is an all-inclusive learning package that provides comprehensive solutions to the BBC Compacta textbook. The course is meticulously designed to help students grasp complex concepts and enhance their understanding of various subjects. With this course, students can easily master the BBC Compacta syllabus and excel in their exams.