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The Ultimate Guide to Creating Investor-Friendly Business Plans [Format Guide]

Business Plan Format

Are you an aspiring entrepreneur wondering what a business plan should look like and how to create one? A well-structured business plan is an essential part of any successful venture. But it may seem challenging to give shape to your business idea and not miss out on any important details.

In this blog, we’ll discuss the key elements of a business plan and provide you with a useful business plan format with sample statements to help you on your way.

Table of Contents

Business Plan: An Overview

A business plan is a detailed document that outlines the objectives, strategies, and tactics of a business. It is typically used to secure investments, financing, and other forms of support from stakeholders. The document should include information such as descriptions of the company, its products and services, its customers, its marketing and financial plans, and its operational plans. Having a business plan is crucial for any business. It can ensure that everything is taken into account and that the business is well-prepared to succeed.

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Business Plan Format with Sample Templates

Writing a business proposal can be tricky. Whether it is a small or large business, there are a few key elements you should consider when discussing a business strategy to enhance your business plan. This section provides sample templates that can help you streamline your unique business proposal.

1. Give an Executive Summary

An executive summary in a business plan is a brief overview that outlines the major points of the plan. It should be concise and engaging so that it captures the attention of potential investors or lenders. The summary should be in paragraphs with comprehensible headings and points. To write an executive summary, you should briefly answer the following questions (not necessarily all):

  • What is the mission of your business or your company/organization?
  • How did the idea of business come up?
  • Who has the highest leadership?
  • Which industry does the business belong to?
  • What is going to be the employee base?
  • What are the business’s products and services?
  • What are the competitive advantages of the business in the already existing market/industry?
  • What marketing strategy will be used?
  • How many different operational teams are going to form?
  • What is going to be the location?
  • Who are the stakeholders?
  • How will you fund the business?
  • How much money is required to set up the business?
  • What are its future financial targets?

Here is an example of an executive summary of an organic food product start-up.

“[Company Name] is a start-up business venture that specializes in the production and distribution of organic health food products. It was founded by two entrepreneurs who have 10 years of combined experience in the health food industry. The company is located in a major metropolitan area.

Our goal is to become the top provider of organic health food products in our market. We plan to do this by providing high-quality products and services and excellent customer service. We have identified some key competitive advantages that will help us succeed, including our experienced management team, our strong network of suppliers, and our commitment to innovation.”

2. Talk About the Business’s Key Products and Services

In this section, talk about the key products and services that your business plans to offer, along with their value proposition. Here, the term value proposition means why a person will care to buy your product or service. It also uncovers unexplored and potentially marketable opportunities.

Here’s a business proposal example that includes details of key products and services for an organic healthy food product start-up:

“Our business offers organic foods that are healthier and more sustainable. Our value proposition is that our customers can enjoy healthy, farm-fresh foods while feeling good about contributing to the environment. We strive to offer a wide range of products, from organic produce to organic sauces, fruit bars, and snacks.

As dietary habits have evolved, there are a significant number of people who prefer or require gluten-free products due to their health issues. We strive to produce gluten-tolerance-tested, authentic, and trustworthy gluten-free products with delivery and online ordering to make purchasing easier for our customers.”

3. Insight on Competitive Market Analysis

Business planners need to possess comprehensive knowledge of their target industry and market. Having great business analysis skills can help a business planner get a clear understanding of how to compete effectively and gain a foothold in the market. This section should cover the following information:

  • Market Size: Describe the size of the industry, the expected growth rate, and the potential earnings it offers.
  • Target Audience: Who are the perfect customers for your business? Include details like their age, where they live, and their preferences.
  • Competitors: Write about your key competitors’ strengths and weaknesses and how you plan to counter them.
  • USP (Unique Selling Point): Cite what distinguishes your product or service from the competition. What’s your marketing plan to set yourself apart from the competition?
  • Price and Profit: Share what pricing scheme your business will follow and the estimated profit margin.
  • Rules and Regulations: Specify any special rules or laws you must follow in your industry.

An example to describe the market analysis in the business proposal template for an organic healthy food product’s start-up will be like this:

“The health food industry in India is rapidly expanding, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 20% and an expected CAGR of 16% by 2026, equivalent to $30 billion. This growth is attributed to the increasing number of health-conscious individuals, who are expected to grow from 100 million to 176 million by 2026. Healthy snacking categories like cookies, fruit snacks, snack bars, and trail mixes are expected to experience significant growth.

Our products and services stand out due to our commitment to quality and reasonable prices. Our experienced management team, strong supplier network, and innovation are key competitive advantages. We aim to market our products to health-conscious consumers seeking organic alternatives to conventional foods, aiming to become the leading organic food supplier.”

4. Target Audience Selection

A business’s success is incomplete without fostering and developing its customer base. “You must know your customers and the customers must know you” – this should be the motto for your business.

After in-depth research on target customers, you can form the right marketing and sales strategies. The best way to identify customers is to understand their problems and needs. Simply put, your business’s products and services must solve their problems and fulfill their wants. Here’s an example to share about the target audience selection for an organic, healthy food product start-up:

“Our target audience is adults aged 18-40 who are health-conscious and interested in organic options. We will focus our marketing and sales efforts on this demographic, as they are likely to be more open to trying new products and more likely to embrace organic alternatives. Our goal is to become the leading organic food supplier for this demographic.”

5. Structure of the Company’s Management and Team

This section of the business plan template will discuss the teams and departments that will make the business run. Briefly outline the roles and responsibilities of a position and create a job posting to hire the right employee.

Here is one way to briefly mention your company’s management team structure:

We will have a CEO, COO, CFO, and other executive positions to manage the company’s operations. Several teams will be involved in running the business, including a customer service team, administration, human resources, sales and marketing team, finance team, operations team, and product development team. Each team would have its own set of roles and responsibilities.”

6. Marketing and Promotional Strategies

This is one of the most crucial parts of your business plan. The right marketing and promotional plans help spread the word about your product or service, increase overall brand awareness, capture market share, and thereby, increase the customer base, sales, and profits. Here is a brief overview of marketing and promotional strategies in your business proposal:

“Our marketing strategy is centered around a multi-faceted approach to engaging with our customers. We will create interesting and relevant content for social media platforms, optimize our website for search engines, collaborate with influencers, run targeted online ads, and send out email campaigns.

Our promotional efforts will include limited-time discounts, loyalty programs, and exclusive events to connect with our customers on a personal level. We plan to expand our outreach through partnerships with complementary businesses and attending industry events. To measure the effectiveness of our strategies, we will leverage analytics tools and gather customer feedback to make necessary adjustments. Our ultimate aim is to build trust and credibility in our brand.”

7. Details of Developing Sales Funnel

The growth strategy of a business depends heavily on its sales funnel strategy. This is because successful sales will lead to revenue growth and business expansion. An example to mention about the sales funnel in the business plan model is:

“Our sales funnel is designed to help our business generate more leads and close more sales. We will start by optimizing our online presence to increase visibility and attract potential customers. From there, we will create content and campaigns to nurture leads and build valuable customer relationships. We will then use analytics and other data-driven tactics to identify qualified prospects and target them with effective messaging and emails. Finally, we plan to use automated tools to manage the sales process from start to finish.”

8. Lay Out Your Financial Plan and Budget

This point of your business proposal will include details of the budget, balance sheet, revenue generation, cost reduction strategies, and other expenses. It should talk about the costs required to cover all business operations, management, and estimated future revenue projections. Here is a template of a business budget.

Business Budget Template

9. Add Appendix to Provide Additional Details

The appendix to a business proposal template includes extra documents that give more information about the proposal. You can put in any part that needs evidence, facts, or reports. Normally, the appendix can have these documents:

  • Market research with charts and data from other sources.
  • Licenses, contracts, certificates, or patent papers.
  • Maps and plans for expanding the business facility.
  • Contact details for team members, board members, and current investors.
  • Reports and statements from quality-check experts.
  • Financial documents like the balance sheet and the company’s account statements.

Every business needs a one-of-a-kind business plan format. It should contain all the necessary information and documents to give the reader, investors, and stakeholders a comprehensive overview of the proposed business. By taking the time to structure and create a detailed business plan, entrepreneurs, business planners, and analysts can create a clear and concise guide to help them achieve their goals. Executing a successful business plan, therefore, requires skilled professionals. If you are interested in the field of business management and helping businesses make valuable decisions, then look for work from home accounts jobs to contribute.

Have you ever drafted a business plan? Tell us in the comments below!

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Sandipta Banerjee has completed her Master's in English Literature and Language. She has been working in the field of editing and writing for the past five years. She started her writing journey at a very young age with her poems which have now evolved into a poetry blog. She was working as Editorial Head in a US-based publishing house before joining Internshala.

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24 of My Favorite Sample Business Plans & Examples For Your Inspiration

Clifford Chi

Published: February 06, 2024

I believe that reading sample business plans is essential when writing your own.

sample business plans and examples

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As you explore business plan examples from real companies and brands, it’s easier for you to learn how to write a good one.

But what does a good business plan look like? And how do you write one that’s both viable and convincing. I’ll walk you through the ideal business plan format along with some examples to help you get started.

Table of Contents

Business Plan Format

Business plan types, sample business plan templates, top business plan examples.

Ask any successful sports coach how they win so many games, and they’ll tell you they have a unique plan for every single game. To me, the same logic applies to business.

If you want to build a thriving company that can pull ahead of the competition, you need to prepare for battle before breaking into a market.

Business plans guide you along the rocky journey of growing a company. And if your business plan is compelling enough, it can also convince investors to give you funding.

With so much at stake, I’m sure you’re wondering where to begin.

business plans examples in india

Free Business Plan Template

The essential document for starting a business -- custom built for your needs.

  • Outline your idea.
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  • Get to work!

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Click this link to access this resource at any time.

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First, you’ll want to nail down your formatting. Most business plans include the following sections.

1. Executive Summary

I’d say the executive summary is the most important section of the entire business plan. 

Why? Essentially, it's the overview or introduction, written in a way to grab readers' attention and guide them through the rest of the business plan. This is important, because a business plan can be dozens or hundreds of pages long.

There are two main elements I’d recommend including in your executive summary:

Company Description

This is the perfect space to highlight your company’s mission statement and goals, a brief overview of your history and leadership, and your top accomplishments as a business.

Tell potential investors who you are and why what you do matters. Naturally, they’re going to want to know who they’re getting into business with up front, and this is a great opportunity to showcase your impact.

Need some extra help firming up those business goals? Check out HubSpot Academy’s free course to help you set goals that matter — I’d highly recommend it

Products and Services

To piggyback off of the company description, be sure to incorporate an overview of your offerings. This doesn’t have to be extensive — just another chance to introduce your industry and overall purpose as a business.

In addition to the items above, I recommend including some information about your financial projections and competitive advantage here too.:

Keep in mind you'll cover many of these topics in more detail later on in the business plan. So, keep the executive summary clear and brief, and only include the most important takeaways.

Executive Summary Business Plan Examples

This example was created with HubSpot’s business plan template:

business plan sample: Executive Summary Example

This executive summary is so good to me because it tells potential investors a short story while still covering all of the most important details.

Business plans examples: Executive Summary

Image Source

Tips for Writing Your Executive Summary

  • Start with a strong introduction of your company, showcase your mission and impact, and outline the products and services you provide.
  • Clearly define a problem, and explain how your product solves that problem, and show why the market needs your business.
  • Be sure to highlight your value proposition, market opportunity, and growth potential.
  • Keep it concise and support ideas with data.
  • Customize your summary to your audience. For example, emphasize finances and return on investment for venture capitalists.

Check out our tips for writing an effective executive summary for more guidance.

2. Market Opportunity

This is where you'll detail the opportunity in the market.

The main question I’d ask myself here is this: Where is the gap in the current industry, and how will my product fill that gap?

More specifically, here’s what I’d include in this section:

  • The size of the market
  • Current or potential market share
  • Trends in the industry and consumer behavior
  • Where the gap is
  • What caused the gap
  • How you intend to fill it

To get a thorough understanding of the market opportunity, you'll want to conduct a TAM, SAM, and SOM analysis and perform market research on your industry.

You may also benefit from creating a SWOT analysis to get some of the insights for this section.

Market Opportunity Business Plan Example

I like this example because it uses critical data to underline the size of the potential market and what part of that market this service hopes to capture.

Business plans examples: Market Opportunity

Tips for Writing Your Market Opportunity Section

  • Focus on demand and potential for growth.
  • Use market research, surveys, and industry trend data to support your market forecast and projections.
  • Add a review of regulation shifts, tech advances, and consumer behavior changes.
  • Refer to reliable sources.
  • Showcase how your business can make the most of this opportunity.

3. Competitive Landscape

Since we’re already speaking of market share, you'll also need to create a section that shares details on who the top competitors are.

After all, your customers likely have more than one brand to choose from, and you'll want to understand exactly why they might choose one over another.

My favorite part of performing a competitive analysis is that it can help you uncover:

  • Industry trends that other brands may not be utilizing
  • Strengths in your competition that may be obstacles to handle
  • Weaknesses in your competition that may help you develop selling points
  • The unique proposition you bring to the market that may resonate with customers

Competitive Landscape Business Plan Example

I like how the competitive landscape section of this business plan below shows a clear outline of who the top competitors are.

Business plans examples: Competitive Landscape

It also highlights specific industry knowledge and the importance of location, which shows useful experience in this specific industry. 

This can help build trust in your ability to execute your business plan.

Tips for Writing Your Competitive Landscape

  • Complete in-depth research, then emphasize your most important findings.
  • Compare your unique selling proposition (USP) to your direct and indirect competitors.
  • Show a clear and realistic plan for product and brand differentiation.
  • Look for specific advantages and barriers in the competitive landscape. Then, highlight how that information could impact your business.
  • Outline growth opportunities from a competitive perspective.
  • Add customer feedback and insights to support your competitive analysis.

4. Target Audience

Use this section to describe who your customer segments are in detail. What is the demographic and psychographic information of your audience?

If your immediate answer is "everyone," you'll need to dig deeper. Here are some questions I’d ask myself here:

  • What demographics will most likely need/buy your product or service?
  • What are the psychographics of this audience? (Desires, triggering events, etc.)
  • Why are your offerings valuable to them?

I’d also recommend building a buyer persona to get in the mindset of your ideal customers and be clear on why you're targeting them.

Target Audience Business Plan Example

I like the example below because it uses in-depth research to draw conclusions about audience priorities. It also analyzes how to create the right content for this audience.

Business plans examples: Target Audience

Tips for Writing Your Target Audience Section

  • Include details on the size and growth potential of your target audience.
  • Figure out and refine the pain points for your target audience , then show why your product is a useful solution.
  • Describe your targeted customer acquisition strategy in detail.
  • Share anticipated challenges your business may face in acquiring customers and how you plan to address them.
  • Add case studies, testimonials, and other data to support your target audience ideas.
  • Remember to consider niche audiences and segments of your target audience in your business plan.

5. Marketing Strategy

Here, you'll discuss how you'll acquire new customers with your marketing strategy. I’d suggest including information:

  • Your brand positioning vision and how you'll cultivate it
  • The goal targets you aim to achieve
  • The metrics you'll use to measure success
  • The channels and distribution tactics you'll use

I think it’s helpful to have a marketing plan built out in advance to make this part of your business plan easier.

Marketing Strategy Business Plan Example

This business plan example includes the marketing strategy for the town of Gawler.

In my opinion, it really works because it offers a comprehensive picture of how they plan to use digital marketing to promote the community.

Business plans examples: Marketing Strategy

Tips for Writing Your Marketing Strategy

  • Include a section about how you believe your brand vision will appeal to customers.
  • Add the budget and resources you'll need to put your plan in place.
  • Outline strategies for specific marketing segments.
  • Connect strategies to earlier sections like target audience and competitive analysis.
  • Review how your marketing strategy will scale with the growth of your business.
  • Cover a range of channels and tactics to highlight your ability to adapt your plan in the face of change.

6. Key Features and Benefits

At some point in your business plan, you'll need to review the key features and benefits of your products and/or services.

Laying these out can give readers an idea of how you're positioning yourself in the market and the messaging you're likely to use. It can even help them gain better insight into your business model.

Key Features and Benefits Business Plan Example

In my opinion, the example below does a great job outlining products and services for this business, along with why these qualities will attract the audience.

Business plans examples: Key Features and Benefits

Tips for Writing Your Key Features and Benefits

  • Emphasize why and how your product or service offers value to customers.
  • Use metrics and testimonials to support the ideas in this section.
  • Talk about how your products and services have the potential to scale.
  • Think about including a product roadmap.
  • Focus on customer needs, and how the features and benefits you are sharing meet those needs.
  • Offer proof of concept for your ideas, like case studies or pilot program feedback.
  • Proofread this section carefully, and remove any jargon or complex language.

7. Pricing and Revenue

This is where you'll discuss your cost structure and various revenue streams. Your pricing strategy must be solid enough to turn a profit while staying competitive in the industry. 

For this reason, here’s what I’d might outline in this section:

  • The specific pricing breakdowns per product or service
  • Why your pricing is higher or lower than your competition's
  • (If higher) Why customers would be willing to pay more
  • (If lower) How you're able to offer your products or services at a lower cost
  • When you expect to break even, what margins do you expect, etc?

Pricing and Revenue Business Plan Example

I like how this business plan example begins with an overview of the business revenue model, then shows proposed pricing for key products.

Business plans examples: Pricing and Revenue

Tips for Writing Your Pricing and Revenue Section

  • Get specific about your pricing strategy. Specifically, how you connect that strategy to customer needs and product value.
  • If you are asking a premium price, share unique features or innovations that justify that price point.
  • Show how you plan to communicate pricing to customers.
  • Create an overview of every revenue stream for your business and how each stream adds to your business model as a whole.
  • Share plans to develop new revenue streams in the future.
  • Show how and whether pricing will vary by customer segment and how pricing aligns with marketing strategies.
  • Restate your value proposition and explain how it aligns with your revenue model.

8. Financials

To me, this section is particularly informative for investors and leadership teams to figure out funding strategies, investment opportunities, and more.

 According to Forbes , you'll want to include three main things:

  • Profit/Loss Statement - This answers the question of whether your business is currently profitable.
  • Cash Flow Statement - This details exactly how much cash is incoming and outgoing to give insight into how much cash a business has on hand.
  • Balance Sheet - This outlines assets, liabilities, and equity, which gives insight into how much a business is worth.

While some business plans might include more or less information, these are the key details I’d include in this section.

Financials Business Plan Example

This balance sheet is a great example of level of detail you’ll need to include in the financials section of your business plan.

Business plans examples: Financials

Tips for Writing Your Financials Section

  • Growth potential is important in this section too. Using your data, create a forecast of financial performance in the next three to five years.
  • Include any data that supports your projections to assure investors of the credibility of your proposal.
  • Add a break-even analysis to show that your business plan is financially practical. This information can also help you pivot quickly as your business grows.
  • Consider adding a section that reviews potential risks and how sensitive your plan is to changes in the market.
  • Triple-check all financial information in your plan for accuracy.
  • Show how any proposed funding needs align with your plans for growth.

As you create your business plan, keep in mind that each of these sections will be formatted differently. Some may be in paragraph format, while others could be charts or graphs.

The formats above apply to most types of business plans. That said, the format and structure of your plan will vary by your goals for that plan. 

So, I’ve added a quick review of different business plan types. For a more detailed overview, check out this post .

1. Startups

Startup business plans are for proposing new business ideas.

If you’re planning to start a small business, preparing a business plan is crucial. The plan should include all the major factors of your business.

You can check out this guide for more detailed business plan inspiration .

2. Feasibility Studies

Feasibility business plans focus on that business's product or service. Feasibility plans are sometimes added to startup business plans. They can also be a new business plan for an already thriving organization.

3. Internal Use

You can use internal business plans to share goals, strategies, or performance updates with stakeholders. In my opinion, internal business plans are useful for alignment and building support for ambitious goals.

4. Strategic Initiatives

Another business plan that's often for sharing internally is a strategic business plan. This plan covers long-term business objectives that might not have been included in the startup business plan.

5. Business Acquisition or Repositioning

When a business is moving forward with an acquisition or repositioning, it may need extra structure and support. These types of business plans expand on a company's acquisition or repositioning strategy.

Growth sometimes just happens as a business continues operations. But more often, a business needs to create a structure with specific targets to meet set goals for expansion. This business plan type can help a business focus on short-term growth goals and align resources with those goals.

Now that you know what's included and how to format a business plan, let's review some of my favorite templates.

1. HubSpot's One-Page Business Plan

Download a free, editable one-page business plan template..

The business plan linked above was created here at HubSpot and is perfect for businesses of any size — no matter how many strategies we still have to develop.

Fields such as Company Description, Required Funding, and Implementation Timeline give this one-page business plan a framework for how to build your brand and what tasks to keep track of as you grow.

Then, as the business matures, you can expand on your original business plan with a new iteration of the above document.

Why I Like It

This one-page business plan is a fantastic choice for the new business owner who doesn’t have the time or resources to draft a full-blown business plan. It includes all the essential sections in an accessible, bullet-point-friendly format. That way, you can get the broad strokes down before honing in on the details.

2. HubSpot's Downloadable Business Plan Template

Sample business plan: hubspot free editable pdf

We also created a business plan template for entrepreneurs.

The template is designed as a guide and checklist for starting your own business. You’ll learn what to include in each section of your business plan and how to do it.

There’s also a list for you to check off when you finish each section of your business plan.

Strong game plans help coaches win games and help businesses rocket to the top of their industries. So if you dedicate the time and effort required to write a workable and convincing business plan, you’ll boost your chances of success and even dominance in your market.

This business plan kit is essential for the budding entrepreneur who needs a more extensive document to share with investors and other stakeholders.

It not only includes sections for your executive summary, product line, market analysis, marketing plan, and sales plan, but it also offers hands-on guidance for filling out those sections.

3. LiveFlow’s Financial Planning Template with built-in automation

Sample Business Plan: LiveFLow

This free template from LiveFlow aims to make it easy for businesses to create a financial plan and track their progress on a monthly basis.

The P&L Budget versus Actual format allows users to track their revenue, cost of sales, operating expenses, operating profit margin, net profit, and more.

The summary dashboard aggregates all of the data put into the financial plan sheet and will automatically update when changes are made.

Instead of wasting hours manually importing your data to your spreadsheet, LiveFlow can also help you to automatically connect your accounting and banking data directly to your spreadsheet, so your numbers are always up-to-date.

With the dashboard, you can view your runway, cash balance, burn rate, gross margins, and other metrics. Having a simple way to track everything in one place will make it easier to complete the financials section of your business plan.

This is a fantastic template to track performance and alignment internally and to create a dependable process for documenting financial information across the business. It’s highly versatile and beginner-friendly.

It’s especially useful if you don’t have an accountant on the team. (I always recommend you do, but for new businesses, having one might not be possible.)

4. ThoughtCo’s Sample Business Plan

sample business plan: ThoughtCo.

One of the more financially oriented sample business plans in this list, BPlan’s free business plan template dedicates many of its pages to your business’s financial plan and financial statements.

After filling this business plan out, your company will truly understand its financial health and the steps you need to take to maintain or improve it.

I absolutely love this business plan template because of its ease-of-use and hands-on instructions (in addition to its finance-centric components). If you feel overwhelmed by the thought of writing an entire business plan, consider using this template to help you with the process.

6. Harvard Business Review’s "How to Write a Winning Business Plan"

Most sample business plans teach you what to include in your business plan, but this Harvard Business Review article will take your business plan to the next level — it teaches you the why and how behind writing a business plan.

With the guidance of Stanley Rich and Richard Gumpert, co-authors of " Business Plans That Win: Lessons From the MIT Enterprise Forum ", you'll learn how to write a convincing business plan that emphasizes the market demand for your product or service.

You’ll also learn the financial benefits investors can reap from putting money into your venture rather than trying to sell them on how great your product or service is.

This business plan guide focuses less on the individual parts of a business plan, and more on the overarching goal of writing one. For that reason, it’s one of my favorites to supplement any template you choose to use. Harvard Business Review’s guide is instrumental for both new and seasoned business owners.

7. HubSpot’s Complete Guide to Starting a Business

If you’re an entrepreneur, you know writing a business plan is one of the most challenging first steps to starting a business.

Fortunately, with HubSpot's comprehensive guide to starting a business, you'll learn how to map out all the details by understanding what to include in your business plan and why it’s important to include them. The guide also fleshes out an entire sample business plan for you.

If you need further guidance on starting a business, HubSpot's guide can teach you how to make your business legal, choose and register your business name, and fund your business. It will also give small business tax information and includes marketing, sales, and service tips.

This comprehensive guide will walk you through the process of starting a business, in addition to writing your business plan, with a high level of exactitude and detail. So if you’re in the midst of starting your business, this is an excellent guide for you.

It also offers other resources you might need, such as market analysis templates.

8. Panda Doc’s Free Business Plan Template

sample business plan: Panda Doc

PandaDoc’s free business plan template is one of the more detailed and fleshed-out sample business plans on this list. It describes what you should include in each section, so you don't have to come up with everything from scratch.

Once you fill it out, you’ll fully understand your business’ nitty-gritty details and how all of its moving parts should work together to contribute to its success.

This template has two things I love: comprehensiveness and in-depth instructions. Plus, it’s synced with PandaDoc’s e-signature software so that you and other stakeholders can sign it with ease. For that reason, I especially love it for those starting a business with a partner or with a board of directors.

9. Small Business Administration Free Business Plan Template

sample business plan: Small Business Administration

The Small Business Administration (SBA) offers several free business plan templates that can be used to inspire your own plan.

Before you get started, you can decide what type of business plan you need — a traditional or lean start-up plan.

Then, you can review the format for both of those plans and view examples of what they might look like.

We love both of the SBA’s templates because of their versatility. You can choose between two options and use the existing content in the templates to flesh out your own plan. Plus, if needed, you can get a free business counselor to help you along the way.

I’ve compiled some completed business plan samples to help you get an idea of how to customize a plan for your business.

I chose different types of business plan ideas to expand your imagination. Some are extensive, while others are fairly simple.

Let’s take a look.

1. LiveFlow

business plan example: liveflow

One of the major business expenses is marketing. How you handle your marketing reflects your company’s revenue.

I included this business plan to show you how you can ensure your marketing team is aligned with your overall business plan to get results. The plan also shows you how to track even the smallest metrics of your campaigns, like ROI and payback periods instead of just focusing on big metrics like gross and revenue.

Fintech startup, LiveFlow, allows users to sync real-time data from its accounting services, payment platforms, and banks into custom reports. This eliminates the task of pulling reports together manually, saving teams time and helping automate workflows.

"Using this framework over a traditional marketing plan will help you set a profitable marketing strategy taking things like CAC, LTV, Payback period, and P&L into consideration," explains LiveFlow co-founder, Lasse Kalkar .

When it came to including marketing strategy in its business plan, LiveFlow created a separate marketing profit and loss statement (P&L) to track how well the company was doing with its marketing initiatives.

This is a great approach, allowing businesses to focus on where their marketing dollars are making the most impact. Having this information handy will enable you to build out your business plan’s marketing section with confidence. LiveFlow has shared the template here . You can test it for yourself.

2. Lula Body

Business plan example: Lula body

Sometimes all you need is a solid mission statement and core values to guide you on how to go about everything. You do this by creating a business plan revolving around how to fulfill your statement best.

For example, Patagonia is an eco-friendly company, so their plan discusses how to make the best environmentally friendly products without causing harm.

A good mission statement  should not only resonate with consumers but should also serve as a core value compass for employees as well.

Patagonia has one of the most compelling mission statements I’ve seen:

"Together, let’s prioritise purpose over profit and protect this wondrous planet, our only home."

It reels you in from the start, and the environmentally friendly theme continues throughout the rest of the statement.

This mission goes on to explain that they are out to "Build the best product, cause no unnecessary harm, and use business to protect nature."

Their mission statement is compelling and detailed, with each section outlining how they will accomplish their goal.

4. Vesta Home Automation

business plan example: Vesta executive summary

This executive summary for a smart home device startup is part of a business plan created by students at Mount Royal University .

While it lacks some of the sleek visuals of the templates above, its executive summary does a great job of demonstrating how invested they are in the business.

Right away, they mention they’ve invested $200,000 into the company already, which shows investors they have skin in the game and aren’t just looking for someone else to foot the bill.

This is the kind of business plan you need when applying for business funds. It clearly illustrates the expected future of the company and how the business has been coming along over the years.

5. NALB Creative Center

business plan examples: nalb creative center

This fictional business plan for an art supply store includes everything one might need in a business plan: an executive summary, a company summary, a list of services, a market analysis summary, and more.

One of its most notable sections is its market analysis summary, which includes an overview of the population growth in the business’ target geographical area, as well as a breakdown of the types of potential customers they expect to welcome at the store. 

This sort of granular insight is essential for understanding and communicating your business’s growth potential. Plus, it lays a strong foundation for creating relevant and useful buyer personas .

It’s essential to keep this information up-to-date as your market and target buyer changes. For that reason, you should carry out market research as often as possible to ensure that you’re targeting the correct audience and sharing accurate information with your investors.

Due to its comprehensiveness, it’s an excellent example to follow if you’re opening a brick-and-mortar store and need to get external funding to start your business .

6. Curriculum Companion Suites (CSS)

business plan examples: curriculum companion suites

If you’re looking for a SaaS business plan example, look no further than this business plan for a fictional educational software company called Curriculum Companion Suites. 

Like the business plan for the NALB Creative Center, it includes plenty of information for prospective investors and other key stakeholders in the business.

One of the most notable features of this business plan is the executive summary, which includes an overview of the product, market, and mission.

The first two are essential for software companies because the product offering is so often at the forefront of the company’s strategy. Without that information being immediately available to investors and executives, then you risk writing an unfocused business plan.

It’s essential to front-load your company’s mission if it explains your "Why?" and this example does just that. In other words, why do you do what you do, and why should stakeholders care? This is an important section to include if you feel that your mission will drive interest in the business and its offerings.

7. Culina Sample Business Plan

sample business plan: Culina

Culina's sample business plan is an excellent example of how to lay out your business plan so that it flows naturally, engages readers, and provides the critical information investors and stakeholders need. 

You can use this template as a guide while you're gathering important information for your own business plan. You'll have a better understanding of the data and research you need to do since Culina’s plan outlines these details so flawlessly for inspiration.

8. Plum Sample Business Plan

Sample business plan: Plum

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Didn't find what you are looking for.

The answer is simple.

It’s an informal business plan that can convince you that your idea makes sense to the outside world because you are investing your time, money, and everything into that idea.

To write a business plan, maybe you think you don’t need a step-by-step guide or a sample business plan . After all, some entrepreneurs achieved success without writing a business plan. With great timing, past business experiences, entrepreneurial ambitions, and a little luck, some entrepreneurs build successful businesses without even writing an informal business plan.

But the odds are greater than those entrepreneurs fail.

And that’s why writing a business plan will help you succeed .

The easiest way to simplify the work of writing a business plan is to start with sample business plans.

What is business plan sample?

Why you should refer a business plan example, who should use business plan examples, how to use sample business plans.

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What is Business Plan Sample?

That’s why we created business plan examples to help you get started.

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Use our 400+ business plan examples written for all industries and write your business plan in half of the time with twice the impact.

business plans examples in india

  • Guidance on what to include in each section.  If you’ve never attended business school, you might never have created a  SWOT analysis   or a balance sheet before. Business templates that give guidance — in plain language — about what to include and how to fill in each section and create a complete and effective plan.
  • A business plan is vital to get an investment.  If you’re seeking investment for your business, you’ll need to convince banks and investors why they should invest in your business . Lenders and investors will only risk their time and money if they’re certain that your business will be successful and profitable and they will get a great return on their investment.
  • A business plan can help you prioritize.  A complete, well-balanced business plan is one of the most valuable tools in assisting you to reach your long-term goals. It gives your business direction, defines your goals, outlines out strategies to reach your goals, and helps you to manage possible bumps in the way.

Who should use Business Plan Examples?

business plans examples in india

Well Everyone, who wants to write a business plan should use these sample business plans. These plans apply to almost all industries.

We have created a library of professional sample business plans from a wide variety of industries to help you start writing your business plan with minimum effort.

Use our Upmetrics — business plan software that offers step by step guide to start writing your business plan , especially if you’re writing an informal business plan to get a bank loan or outside investment.

Our extensive sample business plans library includes  business plan templates  and  business plan examples  for almost all business industries.

Make your plan in half the time & twice the impact with Upmetrics.

business plans examples in india

How to use Business Plan Examples to write your own?

Having real-life and industry-specific business plan examples by your side can be incredibly resourceful to help you write a business plan from scratch. 

A well-planned structure helps you outline your plan, while content inspiration helps you set the tone for your business document. 

Let’s dive deep and understand how to use these examples effectively to write your business plan.

1. Use examples as a guide

2. understanding the structure.

Traditional business plans generally follow a similar structure. 

It starts with an executive summary followed by a company description, market analysis, product and services, sales and marketing strategies, operational plan, management team, financial plan, and appendix.

Using an example business plan is the best way to understand the structure and outline your plan. 

3. Gaining Inspiration

Reading industry-specific business plan examples can help you gain inspiration for your plan. You can gain insights on presenting your business idea, vision, mission, and values and persuade investors to invest in your idea.

4. Learning Industry-Specific Language

There’s no universal template for business planning that fits all. An industry-specific template can help you learn and understand the business language for your industry and the best way to communicate your message to your investors.

5. Identifying Key Elements

Reading business plan examples of similar businesses can help you identify the key elements and information to include in your plan. You can keep note of these and ensure everything necessary for investors to consider is present in your final draft.

6. Crafting Financial Projections

A financial plan is a critical component of your business plan, and a good business plan example can help you better understand how they project their financials which can be incredibly helpful while forecasting yours.

7. Refining Your Executive Summary

As mentioned earlier, your executive summary is a key factor influencing potential investors and lenders to invest or lend you money. Analyzing free business plan templates can help you optimize your executive summary to make it more brief, persuasive, and attention-grabbing.

8. Realizing What Works and What Doesn’t

Analyzing industry-specific and real-life examples can help you determine what works best and what doesn’t within your industry. Understanding these factors can help you avoid many significant pitfalls.

While business plan examples can be incredibly helpful in writing a plan from scratch, ensure your plan is customized for your business and sends out a unique message. Your business plan must reflect its unique idea, vision, and target market.

Using your Business Plan as a Management Tool

It’s essential to have a business plan, but it’s also crucial to keep it up to date as your business progresses. A business plan is not merely a document that you write once and forget after you get started. It’s a business road map and vision that you should develop as your business progresses and evolves. It’s also important to update your business plan regularly as your business situation and position change.

How Business Plan Software can help you?


We have created Upmetrics — business plan software to simplify the process of business planning.

Our financial forecasting module will create all the essential reports automatically. You just need to enter numbers and the application will do all the math to generate your financial reports. Later you can embed those reports into your business plan.

After completing your business plan, you can download your business plan in PDF or DOC file using Upmetrics. Also, you can share it online with investors or with other important people just by a quick link.

Ready to take the next step?

Now that you have a business idea and you know how to write a business plan, it’s time to go for it . Our business plan software will take you through each step outlined above in more detail so there are no surprises on your journey.

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Picture of Imad Ahmed

Founder, CEO & Lead Scientist at Nanolyse Technologies

After trying Upmetrics, I wish to highly recommend this app to anyone who needs to write a business plan flexibly and to a high standard.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is sample business plan, how do i write a business plan.

In business plan writing you will need to write the following sections into your business plan. These sections include an Executive Summary, Company Overview, Problem Analysis, The Solution, Market Analysis, Customer Analysis, Competitive Analysis, SWOT Analysis, Marketing Plan, Operations Plan, and Financial Plan.

Check out our article to learn how you can write these sections in detail for your business plan.

How long should my business plan be?

The length of your business plan depends on the type of plan you choose. There are one-page business plans that offer easy and practical planning. Then you have traditional business plans that usually vary from 20 to 50 pages. It’s worth noting that the quality of your business plan matters more than its length.

Should I hire someone to write my business plan for me?

Absolutely No, You as a business owner know all about your business idea, your business goals, target market and audience, and what you want to achieve by writing your plan. Don’t hire someone who doesn’t know what your readers will want, the reason is that, if you intend to raise funds, you are the best person that understands what investors will look out for in your business plan.

Consultants or  business plan writers  definitely can write a business plan but not better than you.

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Writing a Business Plan in India

  • Writing a Business Plan in…

A Business Plan Should Replicate a Real Business Situation as Much as Possible

Writing a Business Plan in India

Plan It Realistically

When you score a business idea , you genuinely believe that it is a great idea. In your mind, it may be right. But, when you begin writing a business plan, you might be discouraged in this writing process. It is because when you ink it on paper, then only you would see the more precise picture of how the business is going to be. That is not to say that a written business plan may hamper your eagerness. But, putting things in a realistic perspective will help you mentally prepare what could come.

Moreover, in India, there are traditional beliefs that might get in the way of your business. Besides this, there could also be industry policies hindering your future business process. Nevertheless, work with a market expert before writing a business plan in India.

Assumptions Vs Ideals

There is no doubt that your original idea is the basis of your business. But if you continue with the ideals of the company, you could get raised eyebrows from potential investors. Put in place the possible assumptions of what your business would face and the available solutions for it. If you can forecast the likely the strength, weakness, opportunities and threats of your business, you could get the upper hand in convincing investors. Be as detailed as you can so that you and your team can be well prepared. These assumptions will result in financial needs to keep the company afloat.

Favourable Cash Flow

After acquiring the financial needs of your company, you can get a better insight into your cash flow. Stable cash flow sustains a company well, even during trying times. Make no mistake that this is a separate financial statement . Throughout your company’s lifetime, this vital document must be part of the business plan. If you have no financial background, get help from the experts to continue writing a business plan in India. It is best if you can sum up your possible or current cash flow into piecemeal information. Any company or corporation will welcome additional funding to expand or to stay afloat. With a healthy cash flow visual, you and investors will have a better grasp of profit and loss.

The Vital Business Plan

Now, the best part is here. Let’s get to what your business plan should comprise.

  • Official Summary : Introduction of the company; company name, legal structure, target market and management details.
  • Business outline : Explain what the company sells, where does it sell, why it sells such products or services, and the marketing details of the product.
  • Industry and market research : Complete this section including the industry policies and legalities. Carry out competitor analysis as well as your SWOT analysis .
  • Current and Future Financial Needs : This is where your assumptions will appear. It should display the financial needs for current operation and future growth.
  • Company Achievements : If it is a start-up, a compliance certification will suffice (if any).

These are some of the general section to include when writing a business plan in India. Some are straightforward; some may have technicalities. If you begin to become clueless, it is best to seek expert advice and assistance in completing your business plan.

Writing a Business Plan in India

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300+ Business Plan Examples

Below you can choose from over 300 free business plan examples within numerous industries. You’ll also learn the answers to key sample business plan questions and find tips on how to write your business plan. Finally, you’ll see a full-length business plan sample. Rest assured that you’re in good hands; over the past 20+ years, Growthink has helped over 1 million companies develop simple business plans to start and grow their businesses.  

Download our Ultimate Business Plan Template here

Quick Links to Sections On this Page:

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Answers to Key Sample Business Plan Questions

Shoutmouth business plan example, business plan examples by business category, clothing & fashion business plan templates & samples.

Clothing Store Business Plan

Embroidery Business Plan

Fashion Business Plan

Jewelry Business Plan

Construction, Interior Design & Home Services Business Plan Templates & Samples

Consumer services business plan templates & samples, business services business plan templates & samples, events business plan templates & samples.

Banquet Hall Business Plan

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Sample Event Venue Business Plan

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Music Business Plan

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Sample Non-Profit Business Plan

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Sample Nonprofit Business Plan PDF

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Property Management Business Plan

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Real Estate Business Plan PDF

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Technology Business Plan

Transportation Business Plan Templates & Samples

Travel and lodging business plan templates & samples.

Bed and Breakfast Business Plan

Campground Business Plan

Glamping Business Plan

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Mobile Home Park Business Plan

Resort Business Plan

RV Park Business Plan

Travel Agency Business Plan

1. Why is utilizing an example business plan a good idea?

Sample business plans can help you quickly and easily write a business plan for your own business. Business plans are an important tool for any business, but they can be challenging to create. Sample business plan will help you understand business plan format , how to utilize the best business plan template , and more.

Business plan examples may even help you with the different sections of a plan, including market analysis, company description, cash flow statements/business financial statements, and more. Business plans can also show you how a quality plan in your exact business plan category is organized and shows you the appropriate business communications style to use when writing your business plan.

2. Who would benefit from using an example business plan?

Any entrepreneur or business owner who has never written a business plan before can benefit from an example or sample plan. New business owners often start with business plan templates , which are helpful but are sometimes more useful after reviewing other full business plans.

A good sample plan can be a step-by-step guide as you work on your business planning and business idea. Once you have a sense for the flow, specs, and details, etc. that business plans have, utilizing a business plan template will help you pull everything together, helping you create a plan investors and other stakeholders will value. A solid plan will also help you if you need a bank loan, which may require a startup business plan.

3. How do you get started with a sample business plan and maximize its benefit?

First you should read the business plan thoroughly. Study both the type of information provided in key sections like the executive summary, target market analysis, summary, etc., as well as the format and style of the plan. As you read, you may find yourself thinking through things such as improving or evaluating your business planning process, your business idea, or reconsidering who you want to write your business plan for. This is OK and part of the process. In fact, when you start writing a business plan for the first time, it will be much easier because you’ve gone through this process.

After this initial read, outline your business plan and copy in from the sample plan sections that apply to your business. For instance, if the sample plan included public relations in their marketing strategy and sales plan, and you will also use this tactic, you can copy it into your plan and edit it as appropriate. Finally, answer the other questions answered in the sample plan in ways that reflect your unique business and potential customers.

Writing a business plan can seem daunting. Starting your business plan writing process by reviewing a plan that’s already been created can remove a lot of mental and emotional barriers while helping you craft the best plan you can.

4. When should you not use a sample business plan?

If your business is unlike any other, using a sample business plan will not be as effective. In this situation, writing a business plan from scratch utilizing a business plan template is probably your best path forward.

As an example, Facebook’s early business plan was unlike others since it was paving a new path and way of doing business. But, groundbreaking new businesses like Facebook are not the norm, and the vast majority of companies will benefit from utilizing sample business plans.

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The business plan example below is for Shoutmouth, a company that enjoyed much success in the early 2000’s and which was able to raise funding. While the plan’s premise (social networking) is not as unique now as it was then, the format and structure of this business plan still holds.

I. Executive Summary

Business Overview

Launched in late February 2007, Shoutmouth.com is the most comprehensive music news website on the Internet .

Music is one of the most searched and accessed interests on the Internet. Top music artists like Akon receive over 3 million searches each month. In addition, over 500 music artists each receive over 25,000 searches a month.

However, music fans are largely unsatisfied when it comes to the news and information they seek on the artists they love. This is because most music websites (e.g., RollingStone.com, MTV.com, Billboard.com, etc.) cover only the top eight to ten music stories each day – the stories with mass appeal. This type of generic coverage does not satisfy the needs of serious music fans. Music fans generally listen to many different artists and genres of music. By publishing over 100 music stories each day, Shoutmouth enables these fans to read news on all their favorite artists.

In addition to publishing comprehensive music news on over 1200 music artists, Shoutmouth is a social network that allows fans to meet and communicate with other fans about music, and allows them to:

  • Create personal profiles
  • Interact with other members
  • Provide comments on news stories and music videos
  • Submit news stories and videos
  • Recommend new music artists to add to the community
  • Receive customized news and email alerts on their favorite artists

Success Factors

Shoutmouth is uniquely qualified to succeed due to the following reasons:

  • Entrepreneurial track record : Shoutmouth’s CEO and team have helped launch numerous successful ventures.
  • Affiliate marketing track record : Online affiliate marketing expertise has been cited as one of MySpace’s key success factors. Over the past two years, Shoutmouth’s founders have run one of the most successful online affiliate marketing programs, having sold products to over 500,000 music customers online.
  • Key milestones completed : Shoutmouth’s founders have invested $500,000 to-date to staff the company (we currently have an 11-person full-time team), build the core technology, and launch the site. We have succeeded in gaining initial customer traction with 50,000 unique visitors in March, 100,000 unique visitors in April, and 200,000 unique visitors in May 2007.

Unique Investment Metrics

The Shoutmouth investment opportunity is very exciting due to the metrics of the business.

To begin, over the past two years, over twenty social networks have been acquired. The value in these networks is their relationships with large numbers of customers, which allow acquirers to effectively sell to this audience.

The sales price of these social networks has ranged from $25 to $137 per member. Shoutmouth has the ability to enroll members at less than $1 each, thus providing an extraordinary return on marketing expenditures. In fact, during an April 2007 test, we were able to sign-up 2,000 members to artist-specific Shoutmouth newsletters at a cost of only 43 cents per member.

While we are building Shoutmouth to last, potential acquirers include many types of companies that seek relationships with music fans such as music media/publishing (e.g., MTV, Rolling Stone), ticketing (e.g., Ticketmaster, LiveNation) and digital music sales firms (e.g., iTunes, The Orchard).

Financial Strategy, Needs and Exit Strategy

While Shoutmouth’s technological, marketing and operational infrastructure has been developed, we currently require $3 million to execute on our marketing and technology plan over the next 24 months until we hit profitability.

Shoutmouth will primarily generate revenues from selling advertising space. As technologies evolve that allow us to seamlessly integrate music sampling and purchasing on our site, sales of downloadable music are also expected to become a significant revenue source. To a lesser extent, we may sell other music-related items such as ringtones, concert tickets, and apparel.

Topline projections over the next three years are as follows:

II. Shoutmouth Overview

What is Shoutmouth?

Shoutmouth is an operating company of The Kisco Group Inc. (TKG). Since 2003, TKG has capitalized on web-based marketing opportunities via launching targeted websites and generating web-based leads. TKG revenues in 2005 exceeded $1.3 million and grew to $3.5 million in 2006. Shoutmouth is currently the sole focus of TKG; all other TKG business units have been divested.

Development of Shoutmouth began in August 2006 and the site officially launched on February 21, 2007. Shoutmouth (located at www.shoutmouth.com) is the most comprehensive music news community on the Internet. The website covers 1,200 popular bands and music artists and offers more than 100 new music articles each day. In addition to providing news, Shoutmouth is a web community. That is, Shoutmouth members can actively participate on the site, by doing things such as commenting on news stories and submitting their own stories.

The Market Size and Need for Shoutmouth

The music market is clearly vast. According to IFPI, which represents the recording industry worldwide, global music sales were $33.5 billion in 2005, with the U.S. accounting for $12.3 billion of that amount. Importantly, digitally music sales are seeing substantial growth, with IFPI reporting sales of $400 million in 2004, $1.1 billion in 2005 and $2 billion in 2006.

Online, music is the one of the most frequently searched and accessed interests. For example, according to Wordtracker, the music artist Eminem received over 1.7 million web searches in December 2006, while band Green Day received 534,000 searches.

To put these figures in perspective, top celebrities in other entertainment fields receive but a fraction of this search volume. For example, December 2006 search volumes for select sports stars and actors were as follows: Kobe Bryant, 122K; Tiger Woods, 88K; Cameron Diaz, 332K; and Tom Cruise, 82K.

Conversely, 225 music artists received over 100,000 searches in December 2006, and over 500 music artists received over 25,000 searches.

This data is corroborated by Nielsen BuzzMetrics which plots the most popular topics bloggers are posting about. The chart to the right plots September 25, 2006 to March 25, 2007 and shows how music dominates other entertainment sectors online.

When searching for music artists online, fans, which are primarily between the ages of 13 and 35, are looking for news, pictures, lyrics, videos and audio files. In addition, fans enjoy publicly voicing their opinions about music and interacting with other fans.

There is currently no website besides Shoutmouth that provides comprehensive music news. Currently, to get the latest news on their favorite artists, fans must visit the official websites or fan websites of each of the artists they like . Even then, it is unlikely that the fan will get all the news that has occurred. To solve this problem, Shoutmouth scours the web and uncovers news from thousands of web sites.

What Shoutmouth Does and Will Offer

As of May 2007, the site covers the 1,200 most popular music artists (popularity primarily based on the number of web searches over the past 12 months for each artist).

Shoutmouth currently offers members the ability to:

  • Read over 500 new music articles each week
  • Read special features such as album reviews, interviews, new album release dates, top quotes of the week and other special reports
  • Watch and rate music videos
  • Listen to select music audio clips
  • Comment on news stories and music videos
  • Submit news stories that they see/hear of elsewhere
  • Suggest new music artists to add to the site
  • View articles by music artist or by genre (current genres include Rock, Pop, Rap, R&B, Country, and Electronic)
  • Create a user profile that includes their favorite music artists, Shoutmouth friends, news stories submitted to Shoutmouth, and comments made. Members have the ability to find other members based on their favorite artists and via our search functions.
  • Receive customized news and email alerts. Members can customize their “My News” page to include only artists they specify. Likewise, they can choose to receive email alerts whenever there is a new story on one of their favorite artists.

While establishing itself as the premier music news community, Shoutmouth will embark on the more aggressive goal of becoming the premier music community online . To accomplish this, Shoutmouth will begin to offer additional content (more videos, audio, pictures, lyrics, etc.) and additional functionality (music compatibility testing (e.g., if you like this, you’ll like this), voting capabilities, member-to-member messaging, etc.). We have already begun mapping out our content and technology growths plans to achieve this goal upon financing.

Importantly, Shoutmouth expects to be able to add massive amounts of relevant content (e.g., lyrics, reviews, pictures, video files, audio files, etc.) via member submissions and moderation. This is the same way that YouTube has been able to quickly add millions of videos and Wikipedia has been able to add millions of articles. Importantly, since established music websites (e.g., MTV, RollingStone.com, Billboard.com, etc.) are not community based, they would have to hire thousands of staff members to rival the content that Shoutmouth will have.

How We Get and Publish Our News

Currently, news stories that appear on Shoutmouth are gathered from numerous online sources. Shoutmouth’s staff writers find these stories by using RSS and News feeds that cover thousands of websites. In addition, Shoutmouth community members have the ability to submit stories they find elsewhere.

Typical stories include factual information plus the insight of the author. Shoutmouth editors ensure that all stories are properly classified by artist and genre, and that duplicate articles are filtered out.

Over the past three months, Shoutmouth has developed a solid infrastructure, which we consider a core competitive advantage, that that allows us to provide comprehensive music news . This infrastructure includes:

  • Setting up hundreds of RSS feeds based on comprehensive research regarding sites from which to receive feeds
  • Training our editorial team regarding identifying a story and weeding out duplicates
  • Assigning music artists among our five-person editorial team to better manage work flow and avoid duplicate articles

We are working on a system to ensure that member-submitted articles are automatically routed to the appropriate member of Shoutmouth’s editorial team to improve our efficiencies further.

Shoutmouth’s Goal to Break News First

The majority (approximately 90%) of Shoutmouth’s articles are currently developed by our in-house editorial team, while the balance is submitted by members. In addition, virtually all of our articles are based on information gleaned from other websites. As such, we are generally not the first to publish news; however we are the first and only site to publish all the news in one easily-accessible place. The one current exception is news which is published on bands’ official MySpace pages; Shoutmouth generally publishes articles on this news 24 to 48 hours before it is reported by other news or music sites (due to our efficiencies in finding news).

Shoutmouth realizes that it will gain a key competitive advantage, and will generate significant market buzz, if it is able to report on music news stories before other media sources . To accomplish this, we have begun contacting publicity departments at record labels to gain direct access to music news. We expect these contacts to enable us to gain immediate and sometimes exclusive access to news which will help further establish Shoutmouth as the canonical source for music news. We also plan to more aggressively solicit member submissions of new, buzzworthy news events and will consider offering rewards for unique substantiated news (much the way paparazzi are compensated).

III. Competition in the Online Music Market

This section of the business plan provides a competitive analysis, which is an overview of the competitive landscape, discusses both indirect and direct competitors and then details Shoutmouth’s competitive advantages.

Because consumer demand for music on the Internet is so great, there are a vast number of music websites. In summary, we consider most sectors of the online music market (which are discussed below) to be indirect competitors and potentially partners, rather than direct competitors, because none of them focus on music news.

The reason we believe that no one focuses on music news is that it is very difficult to do. Because news is very important to music fans, most music websites offer news. However, they primarily get their news from organizations such as CNN, Reuters, the Associated Press and BBC. These large organizations only write about the music stories that have mass appeal, which traditionally amounts to 8-10 music news stories per day. However, since music fans are often zealots when it comes to their favorite artists, they are not merely interested in cover stories. For instance, a U2 fan cares about any U2 news, particularly news that a non-U2 fan might consider insignificant.

In fact, because Shoutmouth is the sole one-stop shop for getting comprehensive music news, there might be an opportunity to license our content to other music websites.

Sectors of the Online Music Market

Shoutmouth specifically comPs in the community-based music news market. While players in this market represent direct competitors, Shoutmouth faces indirect competitors in the following markets:

  • Community-Based Sites
  • Community-Based News Sites
  • Community-Based Music Sites
  • Traditional Music Websites
  • Official Artist and Fan Sites

Each of these markets is described below.

A. Community-Based Sites

Community-based sites, also known as social networking sites, are websites in which members can create profiles, leave comments throughout the site, and communicate with other members among other features.

A June 2006 report by Piper Jaffray entitled “Silk Road: Social Networking is Here to Stay” effectively sums up the power and longevity of social networking:

“We believe social networking sites have become a permanent part of the fabric of web applications and are rapidly becoming one of the most popular activities online, potentially impacting how other popular services such as email, IM, and maybe even search are accessed.

As a clear indication of the growth rate and scale of social networking, consider this: MySpace monthly page views have now surpassed MSN or AOL in the U.S. and are nearly 75% of the size of Yahoo!. Social networking has filled a gap that was left by all the existing portals and web services and it is fulfilling a very important and basic function for millions of users: allowing them to express themselves and connect with their friends, with the two functions tightly integrated.

The leading sites such as MySpace (News Corp), Facebook, and others are amassing significant power in the new landscape of the Internet and the existing Internet companies are likely to have to work with these newcomers as they may yield material control on the flow of traffic to other applications.”

Social networking sites such as MySpace.com, Facebook.com, Tagged.com, and TagWorld.com have educated consumers regarding the value of these sites and how to use them. Their success has spurred genre-specific social networks such as community-based/social networking news sites and music sites, which are discussed below.

Shoutmouth doesn’t view established social networking sites as competitors since these sites have a general focus. That is, members talk about all aspects of life, from dating to music to movies, etc. Conversely, Shoutmouth is solely focused on music.

B. Community-Based News Sites

Community-based news sites are sites in which members decide what’s newsworthy and what’s not. For instance, on Digg.com, the most prominent community-based news site, members “Digg” stories that they feel are most newsworthy. The stories that the community feels are most important rise to Digg’s homepage, while less important stories get little attention.

Digg’s one million members can submit stories, “digg” stories, and comment on stories. Digg focuses on general news with a slant towards technology, gaming and unique/sensational news. While Digg does have a Music area within its Entertainment section, this receives little focus. In fact, at the time of the writing of this plan, Digg’s music home page only includes one article submitted within the past 48 hours. Furthermore, Digg doesn’t pare down the music category into sub-categories such as Rock and individual music artists. Conversely, these sub-categories are the entire focus of Shoutmouth.

Other sites that are similar to Digg include Newsvine.com, Spotback.com and Gabbr.com. Of most relevance is the Digg-like site for music, Noisetap.com, which was launched by Ticketmaster in January 2007.

Like Digg, Noisetap.com allows members to submit and vote for music stories. Noisetap.com is organized by music genre and not by music artist. This most likely will not satisfy the needs of many music fans since they don’t have the ability to find news on the specific artists they care most about. Likewise, without a full-time staff actively researching and publishing news stories at the artist-level, Noisetap.com will never be able to offer the comprehensive news that Shoutmouth does.

While Shoutmouth is currently similar to community-based news sites in that members can submit stories and comment on the news they find most interesting, no established player in the market provides a comprehensive focus on music. In addition, Shoutmouth sees these sites as marketing partners as we have and will continue to submit our stories on them to increase our readership.

C. Community-Based Music Sites

There are many community-based music websites, although none focuses on music news such as Shoutmouth. Conversely, these sites generally give members the ability to create and listen to song play lists. The community acts to help individual members find new music and new friends based on similarities in their music tastes. Prominent sites in this genre include Last.fm, Finetune, Pandora, RadioBlogClub, MyStrands, iLike[1] and iJigg.

Last.fm is the most prominent community-based music site and is a good model with which to compare Shoutmouth. Likewise, we will benchmark our performance against Last.fm as we reach of goal of becoming the premier music news community and focus on becoming the premier music community.

According to Alexa, Last.fm is the 359th most visited site on the Internet. While Last.fm focuses on allowing members to create customized Internet stations based on their music tastes, the site has much additional content and social networking features. For instance, for each artist, Last.fm includes pictures, a bio, concert dates, discography, fans on Last.fm, and similar artists. Fans are also able to create journals and communicate with other fans. Key features that Last.fm doesn’t currently focus on include news and video.

D. Traditional Music Websites

Traditional music websites such as MTV.com, RollingStone.com, Billboard.com, NME.com, AOL Music, and Yahoo! Music tend to have many features such as news, reviews, pictures, videos and audio. While these sites are generally very well done and extremely popular, they are under-serving visitors in two core areas: music news and community .

These sites’ lack of music news stems from the difficulty in creating this news, specifically that it requires filtering through thousands of articles and websites to find relevant stories. Likewise, as discussed, these firms might wish to license our news content in the future.

Regarding community , none of the top music sites are thriving communities. Rather, either these sites offer no community features or they recently began offering select features (e.g., submitting reviews or commenting on articles). Even when available, the community features on these sites are afterthoughts and are not engrained within the core fabric of the sites.

While they haven’t been able to transform their current sites into communities, top music websites clearly understand the power of online music communities and have an appetite for them. For example, in January 2007, MTV invested in social networking website TagWorld. MTV also acquired RateMyProfessors.com and Quizilla.com (teen social network) in January 2007 and October 2006 respectively.

As mentioned previously, our vision is to build and incorporate additional technologies, and use our “army” of members to publish vast amounts of music content on Shoutmouth, in order to fully satisfy music fans and leapfrog traditional music sites in terms of their music content.

E. Official Artist and Fan Sites

Shoutmouth com’s with official music artist websites and fan websites. These sites often include news about the specific artist as well as pictures, videos and other relevant information.

On one hand, official music artist and fan websites are direct competitors to Shoutmouth. This is because some of these sites offer comprehensive news on the specific artist they cover. In addition, many offer forums, discussion boards or other ways to communicate with other fans.

However, two factors separate Shoutmouth from these types of sites: 1) breadth and 2) sophistication.

  • Breadth : Most music fans love more than one artist. As such, in order to get the news they want, they would have to visit/join multiple fan or artist websites rather than getting all of their news from Shoutmouth.
  • Sophistication : While some official music artist websites are technologically sophisticated, offering forums, networking and other worthwhile features, the majority of artist and fan websites have limited usability, functionality and networking ability. In fact, this deficiency has lead to the success of MusicToday, which provides front and back-end technology to power artist websites.

Specifically, MusicToday offers web design and hosting, develops sophisticated online stores, builds online fan clubs and offers web ticketing among other services to select top music artists such as Dave Matthews Band, Christina Aguilera, Kenny Chesney, Britney Spears and Usher. While offering sophisticated tools for select music artist websites, MusicToday offers little to no music news nor advanced social networking functions. For instance, the official Dave Matthews Band website offers less than one news story per month.

F. Direct Competitors: Community-Based Music News Sites

Shoutmouth’s direct competitors are other music news websites that have social or community features that allow users to join the site, submit articles, comment on articles, create public profiles and/or communicate with other members. Shoutmouth has identified one significant player who offers this service, AbsolutePunk.net.

AbsolutePunk.net has done a good job of building a user base (the site claims 125,000+ registered members and nearly 500,000 un-registered members). In addition, the user base is very active — the average story on their site receives approximately 20 comments. AbsolutePunk.net offers music news, reviews, pictures and interviews among other features.

On the negative side, AbsolutePunk.net’s articles are generally posted by one staff writer (as opposed to Shoutmouth’s five writers), most articles are simply one sentence posts rather than full articles, and no attempt seems to have been made to cover all news stories. In addition, the site only covers the punk music genre. Although “punk” is broadly defined on the site, the site doesn’t cater to genres such as R&B, rap and country among others, failing to satisfy the broader market.

AbsolutePunk.net is owned by Indieclick, a Los Angeles-based media company. According to the AbsolutePunk.net website, the site:

  • Has developed a loyal (72% return rate) reader base
  • 5,182,147 Posts
  • 163,535 Threads
  • 126,448 Members
  • 1,711 Artist Profiles
  • 20,774 Multimedia Files
  • Approx 76,000 visits per day.
  • Approx 276,000 pageviews per day.

Shoutmouth’s Competitive Advantage

In addition to being the first to fill the untapped market void for comprehensive music news, Shoutmouth’s competitive advantage in the market primarily includes the following:

Online Marketing Sophistication

Content Development Experience and Expertise

Shoutmouth’s team, primarily team members DL and PF, has operated an affiliate marketing business focusing on music for the past four years. Affiliate marketing is defined as a system of revenue sharing between one site (the affiliate) which features an ad or content designed to drive traffic to another site (the merchant). The affiliate receives a fee based on traffic to the merchant which converts to sales.

Our affiliate business has focused on connecting music fans, primarily aged 13 to 30, with music offers such as iPods and ringtones. Over the past two years, we have successful sold affiliated offers to over 500,000 customers. We have become a significant online advertiser, receiving Google’s “over 1 million leads” award, and are recognized as a major player among the top affiliate networks.

It is important to note that affiliate marketing success has been credited with part of MySpace’s success. This is because effective affiliate marketers understand how to drive and convert on Internet traffic.

Shoutmouth will employ its affiliate marketing techniques to drive traffic to Shoutmouth.com and enroll members. We will utilize technologies and proprietary techniques that allow us to monitor multiple metrics such as the cost per visitor, cost per member sign-up, etc., so that we can set and maintain profitable metrics.

Another venture that Shoutmouth team members, primarily PK and DL, launched was the development of over 3,000 niche websites. To create the content for these websites, we employed a virtual work force of over 90 researchers in India and 30 writers and editors in the US.

This experience taught us how to manage a large workforce, train writers to improve content quality and motivate a large group of people. These skill sets will be critical in allowing Shoutmouth to grow the content of the site, as developed by both staff and members, while maintaining quality standards.

IV. Marketing Plan

Shoutmouth’s marketing plan includes the following:

Online Advertising : Shoutmouth will initiate pay-per-click advertising campaigns on Google and Yahoo! in order to inexpensively drive traffic to the site. Specifically, Shoutmouth believes it can drive qualified traffic to the site for 20 cents per visitor and achieve a 20% member conversion rate, thus generating members at a cost of $1.00 per member.

Keys to Shoutmouth’s success in achieving this metric include:

  • Conducting thorough keyword research and advertising on appropriate keywords and keyword groups
  • Creating advertising text that maximizes click through rates
  • Creating landing pages that maximize conversions while maintaining the highest Google AdWords quality score possible
  • Closely monitoring conversions to quickly stop and/or modify unprofitable campaigns
  • Getting individuals to enter their email address to join the newsletter is much easier than getting them to join a site where they have to create a username, select a password, etc. As such, step one will be to get visitors to sign up for artist-specific newsletters.
  • Once on the newsletter distribution list, members will constantly receive messages (embedded in their daily newsletter) regarding the benefits of participating more on Shoutmouth.
  • Active Shoutmouth Membership: the constant reminders regarding Shoutmouth’s value proposition in the daily newsletters will influence members to participate more actively on the site (e.g., customize their profile, visit the site more often, etc.).

Invite-A-Friend : Shoutmouth is in the process of creating an aggressive invite-a-friend/member referral program. In doing so, we are following the lead of social movie community, Flixster, which grew to 5 million members within 10 months. It did this by encouraging members, during their initial registration process, to upload and send an invitation to multiple contacts in their email address books. The technology to develop this process is fairly complex and we expect to be completed with and to rollout this program in June 2007.

Direct Email Marketing : Shoutmouth will directly contact bloggers and prominent music fans we find online to tell them about Shoutmouth, encourage them to join, and encourage them to write about Shoutmouth on their blogs and online journals .

Creating/Distributing Buzzworthy/Viral Content : Shoutmouth plans to have several buzzworthy/viral articles (i.e., content that people would want to email to their friends since it is funny, interesting, etc.) on the site each day. With a single click, visitors will be able to send these articles to social bookmarking sites such as Digg.com or Fark.com, where these articles could receive widespread attention. In addition to our traditional news stories, Shoutmouth will also periodically create special reports/features in order to satisfy our members and visitors and to try to get widespread exposure.

An example of the power of such buzzworthy content, Shoutmouth has already succeeded in having two stories accepted by Fark and Digg, which have brought in over 50,000 unique visitors.

Super Fans/Street Team Development : Shoutmouth also plans to recruit “super fans.” Super fans are individuals who are passionate about a certain music artist/band and actively contribute articles and/or comments on Shoutmouth. We will recruit these fans, reward them with status (e.g., adding a gold Shoutmouth headphones image to their profile page) and encourage them to more aggressively promote the site by:

  • Submitting more news to Shoutmouth
  • Commenting on more articles on Shoutmouth
  • Growing the Shoutmouth community around their favorite artist(s) by actively recruiting new members to join the site (such as actively posting Shoutmouth-related comments on their MySpace pages, on other music forums, etc.)

Public Relations : Upon financing, Shoutmouth will hire a public relations firm to help us get mentions in media sources ranging from magazines, newspapers, radio, television and blogs. To date, we have developed and issued press releases via Billboard Publicity Wire which have been syndicated throughout the web. An effective PR firm will enable Shoutmouth to quickly reach a wide audience.

Widgets : Shoutmouth will create artist-specific and genre-specific music news widgets. For example, our U2 widget (see example on right) would include all of the recent U2 articles published on Shoutmouth. The widget can easily be placed on MySpace pages, blogs, etc. Each story title in the widget links to the full article on Shoutmouth.

Shoutmouth has great expectations for our widget. To begin, no such widget currently exists as there is no one place to get comprehensive news for specific music artists. Secondly, each time someone places a Shoutmouth widget on their blog or social networking page, it will effectively market Shoutmouth to a wide audience at zero cost to us.

V. Technology/Site Development Plan

This section provides a brief roadmap of the initial and future functionality of Shoutmouth.

Initial Site Functionality

The initial Shoutmouth website will include the following features:

  • Ability to submit and comment on news stories
  • Ability to suggest new music artists to add to the site
  • Ability to create user profiles
  • Ability to receive customized news and email alerts
  • Articles categorized by artist and core genre (e.g., Rock, Rap, Pop, etc.)
  • Music artist sections which includes News, Bio and Fans

Future Site Functionality

Shoutmouth will use news and basic functionality as the platform though which we will build a thriving music community. After initial launch, the Shoutmouth technology team will work on incorporating additional features such as:

  • Ability to message other members via the site (e.g., members will have an Inbox on the site)
  • Event calendars: members will receive online calendars. With the click of a button, the member will be able to add tour dates of their favorite artists/bands to their calendar.
  • Articles also categorized by sub-genre (e.g., Alternative Rock, West Coast Rap, etc.)
  • Music artist sections to also include videos, audio files, photo galleries, reviews and event calendars to which members can upload files and vote on top content.
  • Forums and member blogs
  • Music compatibility testing (suggestions on song/artists members might like)
  • Trivia quizzes
  • Music playlists

VI. Financial Plan

Revenue Model

During the first six months, Shoutmouth will not generate any revenues as it will not sell advertising space nor offer products for sale. This decision has been made to spur the growth of the Shoutmouth community. By initially positioning Shoutmouth more as a non-profit, for-the-people-by-the-people venture, members will be more prone to promote the site and invite their friends than if the site looks too commercial.

Starting in September 2007, Shoutmouth will primarily generate revenues from selling advertising space. As technologies (such as the Snocap music widget) evolve that allow us to seamlessly integrate music sampling and purchasing on our site, sales of downloadable music are also expected to be a significant revenue source. To a lesser extent, we may sell other music-related items such as ringtones, concert tickets, and apparel.

Funding To Date

To date, Shoutmouth’s founders have invested $500,000 in Shoutmouth, with which we have accomplished the following:

  • Built the site’s core technology
  • Hired and trained our core staff (we currently maintain an 11-person full-time team)
  • Populated the website with content (over 10,000 articles and 1,200 artist bios)
  • Generated brand awareness among music fans, including driving 50,000 unique visitors in March, 100,000 unique visitors in April, and 200,000 unique visitors in May 2007.

Funding Requirements/Use of Funds

Shoutmouth is currently seeking $3 million to provide funding for the next 24 months. At this point, the site will be profitable and can grow organically, or additional capital may be sought to more aggressively expand our member base.

The capital will be used as follows:

  • Execution of Marketing plan : in order for Shoutmouth to grow its visitor and member base, we need to invest dollars in online advertising and public relations. With regards to online advertising, we are confident that we can enroll members at a cost of $1 per member, which is a fraction of the value of the members to an acquirer (minimum $25 per member), thus providing a significant return on our marketing investments.
  • Execution of Technology plan : in order to build a thriving community, Shoutmouth needs to offer its visitors a “stickier” website and enhanced features. We currently maintain a vast “wish list” of features, such as members uploading and rating pictures and videos, trivia quizzes, and member-to-member messaging, that will significantly improve the site’s functionality and value proposition.
  • Staffing : In order to reach our goals, we will have to hire additional technical and operations personnel.

Financial Projections

Below is an overview of Shoutmouth’s Financial Projections for the next three years. Please see the Appendix for the full financial projections and key assumptions.

Exit Strategy / Valuation Metric

Shoutmouth’s most likely exit strategy is to be acquired by a traditional music website or property (e.g., Viacom/MTV, Ticketmaster, Rolling Stone), an entertainment/media conglomerate (e.g., Yahoo!, IAC/InterActiveCorp, NBC), or a large social networking site (e.g., News Corp/MySpace).

This strategy is supported by the significant M&A activity in the social networking market, which includes the following transactions over the past 24 months:

Regarding valuation, below are the estimated valuations of social networking companies on a per member basis upon exit:

  • Del.icio.us: $50 – $100 per member
  • MySpace: $25 per member
  • Xing (business social network): $137 per member at IPO in 10/06
  • Flickr: $56 – $130 per member
  • Grouper: $130 per member

Based on this data, not only are social networking sites a promising investment, but sites that can acquire members for less than $25 each (a conservative valuation estimate based on the figures above), should earn a solid return on investment. As discussed above, Shoutmouth’s goal is to acquire members for no more than $1 each.

In addition, per the membership projections above, Shoutmouth’s valuation at the end of 2009, at a $25 valuation per member, is expected to be $239 million. A more conservative, using a 24.4 time EBITDA multiple (the average multiple of tech M&A deals in 2006 according to The M&A Advisor), yields a $121 million valuation in 2009.

Shoutmouth’s founding team includes entrepreneurs and managers with a track record of success and a history of successfully working together.

Management Team

DL, Co-Founder and CEO

D has a history of successfully launching and growing businesses of all sizes. As president and co-founder of an entrepreneurial services firm., D has personally assisted in the launch and development of over 100 ventures.

Over the past three years, D founded and has managed The Kisco Group which includes an affiliate marketing division (2006 revenues exceeded $3 million), a search engine optimization business which includes a network of 3,000 websites (2006 revenues exceeded $500,000) and an e-commerce business (which includes TopPayingKeywords.com and ShowerHeadsEtc.com).

D earned his Bachelors degree from the University of South Carolina.

PK, Co-Founder and Vice President of Operations

For the past two years, P has managed The Kisco Group’s search engine optimization business where he hired, trained and managed nearly 100 employees and a dozen outside firms. During this time, P has honed his management skills with regards to content development, marketing and operations.

P has had a passion for music since childhood and has been a semi-professional drummer for the past 15 years.

P earned his Bachelors of Arts degree, magna cum laude, from Clemson University.

PF, Co-Founder and Vice President of Technology

For the past year, P has managed The Kisco Group’s affiliate marketing business. In addition to setting up and managing widespread marketing campaigns, P has developed sophisticated analytic techniques to precisely analyze web traffic in order to optimize profitability.

Since August 2006, P has shifted his efforts and leveraged his technology skills in developing the Shoutmouth website. P has been instrumental in selecting the Content Management Platform upon which Shoutmouth is built, and finding and managing the technology team.

P earned his Bachelor of Arts degree from Swarthmore College.

AB, Marketing Manager

A’s background in music includes being a singer, songwriter, guitarist and producer. He has also worked on the marketing side of music, having marketed Veritas Records through the development and distribution of promotional materials.

A’s career also includes psychological research and administration, having served as a Research Assistant with the Interpersonal Perception And Communication Laboratory in Cambridge, MA.

A earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from Ohio State University.

M, Lead Technology Developer

M is an experienced web programmer with expertise in web design, application development and database development among others.

M’s work experience includes serving as a Senior Developer at Spheres. M has also engaged in multiple, long term freelance projects including serving as a Database Developer Consultant with The Penn Group and a Web Developer Consultant with Volution Media Group and Allied Online Consulting Group.

M earned his Bachelors degree in Computer Science with a minor in Cognitive Science from Rutgers University.

Content Development Team

Shoutmouth’s writing team, managed by PK, includes the following members:

  • JS, Editorial Manager: former content manager and copywriter for Scholastic Inc. and Promotions.com.
  • TZ: former music intern (Virgin Records and WRRV) and author of the blog, The Tom Z Show .
  • ML: former assistant editor for Adventure Publishing; author of the blog Certified Gangsta ; and former editor-in-chief of Fordham University’s newspaper The Paper .
  • SB: former staff writer for Paste Magazine , The Clarion Ledger , and Nightclub and Bar Magazine among others.
  • CSJ: former editorial intern for Rolling Stone and Editorial Assistant for Psychology Today .

Outsourced Technology Team

Shoutmouth works very closely with 2skies, a technology firm based in Australia with staff in Australia and the United States. 2skies is run by JDN, one of the co-founding developers of XE, the platform upon which Shoutmouth is built.

XE is an extensible, Open Source web application framework written in PHP and licensed under the GNU General Public License. XE delivers the requisite infrastructure and tools to create custom web applications that include fully dynamic multi-platform Content Management Solutions (CMS).

VIII. Appendix: Shoutmouth Financial Projections   3-Year Income Statement

3-Year Balance Sheet

As of December 31

3-Year Cash Flow Statement

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This article reviews small business ideas for beginners in India .

List of Most Successful Small Scale Business Ideas in India

The most successful small scale business ideas for beginners in India are:

  • Start a Blog
  • Launch an Online Store
  • Sell Online Coaching
  • Sell Online Courses
  • Start Freelancing
  • Start Candle-making Business
  • Sell Homemade Prickles
  • Start Homemade Chocolate Business
  • Launch a Jute Bag Sales Business
  • Sell Incense Sticks or Camphors
  • Establish a TV Advertising Agency
  • Start a Pet Care Business
  • Open a Beauty Salon
  • Sell Papad and Roasted Snacks
  • Become a Photographer
  • Start Web Development
  • Start an Extracurricular Activity
  • Sell Homemade Crafts
  • Start a Product Packaging Service
  • Start a Local Delivery Service
  • Start a Catering Business
  • Become a Travel Agent
  • Sell Dry Fruits
  • Offer Child Tutoring Services
  • Start an Event Planning Business
  • Start Cooking Classes
  • Open a Computer Training Center
  • Become a Social Media Manager
  • Community Energy Supply
  • Become a Customer Service Point Agent
  • Become an Affiliate Marketer
  • Offer on Demand Service
  • Offer Multi-language Translation
  • Start a Food Truck Business
  • Start a Real Estate Agency

1. Start a Blog

When done right, blogging can be one of the best low-investment business ideas in India. The best bloggers in the world make quite a lot of money, and if things are done right, even a part-time blogger can expect to make a respectable profit. There are endless inspiring blog examples that can help kickstart your journey. Just choose your niche and keep going.

Highest Earning Blog Niches

The best thing about it is that blogging is an excellent passive income idea . With a low investment, you can spend just a few hours creating content and then continue making money off it for a very long time. All you need is a good job search site , passion for the subject, and determination to succeed.

The purpose of blogging is to spread knowledge. Writing about subjects you are passionate about will make it much easier to grow a successful blog.

Naturally, this is one of the many small business ideas for writers.

Niches with the most high traffic blogs

2. Launch An Online Store

An online store is an online shopping website or app where customers can view a selection of goods and services and make online purchases.

How to start an online store

E-commerce has gained immense popularity recently, and there’s no turning back.

It takes only a few hours for anyone with a computer to get started, and no particular technical knowledge is required. For example, with an e-commerce platform like Squarespace , you can create your online store in less than 30 minutes.

Rolling out your webstore

Before opening an online store, you must conduct in-depth research and create a business marketing strategy.

Commoditized (clothing business, organic food store, mobile payment solutions) and niche goods are the two categories of items you can offer online business owners.

3. Sell Online Coaching

An online coaching practice is where a trainer conducts client consultations remotely rather than in person. The coaching sector has had recent tremendous growth, and this upward trend is only expected to continue.

There are several online coaching niches; some of the most in-demand ones are online vocal coaches and online coaches for business, fitness, and life.

It's possible to work with clients from all over the world and have more flexible hours. A laptop with an internet connection gives you everything you need to start immediately.

Even though launching an online coaching business is straightforward—especially with online coaching platforms that make it a lot less complicated—the work itself isn't always easy. This business requires at least a marketable idea with the knowledge and abilities to implement it.

4. Sell Online Courses

An effective way to spread your abilities to a global audience and make a bigger impact and more money is to convert your knowledge and expertise into an income-generating online course. It’s one of the most successful business ideas for natural teachers.

What's great is that anyone can create and market online courses . All you need is a little knowledge, the willingness to research and learn more about the subject, and the capacity to speak passionately about a topic.

It takes time and effort to create a best-selling online course. The two most important things you can do to succeed in the e-learning sector are to thoroughly research your target audience and develop a solid course outline.

5. Start Freelancing

Freelancing involves offering your skills and abilities as a service. To do this, you must comprehend how a potential client might benefit from your expertise.

Try to imagine yourself in your ideal client's position. What issues do they have, and how can you utilize your abilities to fix them?

Top industries for freelancers

A freelancer's specialty area might range from content creation to app development to tutoring.

Some gigs are simpler to obtain without experience if you're a freelancer just entering the freelance business market. Virtual assistant, freelance writing, and social media management are some of the top freelancing opportunities for beginners.

6. Start a Candle-Making Business

Candles, especially scented candles, are becoming more and more popular. Candles are used for both religious and non-religious purposes, as well as interior home décor. Candle-making is one of the most straightforward small-scale business ideas you can start at home.

You can create fragrant candles in various sizes, shapes, and colors with a little knowledge and practice and with the help of aromatic oils.

This small business idea is a low-cost business idea that you can launch at a small business level with a very low investment of INR 20,000 – 30,000. The most crucial supplies for this type of business include wax, thread, molds, candle holders, scent, scent, and oil. This is a lucrative business idea to earn money.

7. Sell Homemade Pickles

Nearly every meal in India, particularly in the south, contains pickles. Indian households love pickles, which are a highly demanded classic culinary item.

In the past, individuals would prepare pickles at home and keep them, but in today's corporate world, where almost everyone works, it is nearly impossible to find the time to do so.

This is why pre-made pickles from stores are part of well-known small business ideas in India, and customers are happy to support home-based pickle businesses.

You need an average cost of INR 20,000 to INR 25,000 to start a small-scale pickle business at home, making this small business idea a low-investment business idea.

8. Start Homemade Chocolate Business

One of India's most popular foods among adults and children is chocolate. It is frequently consumed and most frequently purchased in bulk for special occasions.

People love to purchase homemade chocolates in various flavors, making this business idea an excellent small business idea in India. It is not a capital-intensive business, making it one of the best home-based business ideas.

The cost of buying raw materials and packaging would be between INR 40,000 and INR 50,000. The benefit of this business is that it can be run from home and is long-lasting.

9. Launch A Jute Bag Sales Business

Jute bags are among the popular small business ideas in India, particularly as plastic bags have been banned. As a result, there’s a high demand for environmentally friendly alternatives.

In addition to being necessary for shopping and storing goods, bags are valued according to their designs; the more stylish the bags, the higher the price consumers are willing to pay.

Jute bag manufacturing and sales are potentially lucrative businesses.

Starting this small-scale business might demand a relatively large investment of between INR 50,000 and INR 100,000 because of the cost of purchasing the raw materials needed to manufacture the bag. But it remains one of the most profitable business ventures you can embark on.

10. Sell Incense Sticks or Camphors

Most Indian households have a traditional and religious requirement for incense sticks and camphor, making this an excellent small business idea that anyone can start.

To succeed in this small-scale business idea, it's important to sell good quality products. If the quality of your incense sticks and camphor is acceptable, your customer base will likely increase easily.

This small business idea is one of the trending small business ideas in India that require very low investment. The initial expenditure needed to start this business is INR 50,000, which goes toward purchasing equipment for making agarbattis and camphor.

The cost may increase depending on how many products you plan to produce. It’s important to know that this business is a seasonal business that generates more revenue during festive seasons.

11. Establish A TV Advertising Agency

TV advertisements have developed into an excellent platform for both large and small businesses to advertise or introduce their goods to the public. Despite the current preference for digital marketing, it is one of the most effective methods of marketing goods and services.

The average net profit margin for an advertising agency is between 6-20%

With this good business idea, you can contact a company currently running television advertisements or approach others who don't have TV ads and persuade them to become your clients.

Green screens, studio space, cameras, and lighting effects would all be part of the initial expenditure.

12. Start A Pet Care Business

If you enjoy caring for animals, you might want to consider starting a pet care business.

As pet ownership in India is rising, this industry is gaining popularity. Pet owners can't bring their animals with them on trips or work trips. So, they search for companies or individuals who can take good care of their pets while away.

This small business is a good fit for you if you are knowledgeable and skilled in handling animals.

Understanding which licenses and permits you'll need when opening your own business is critical. While not all small businesses in the pet care space require certification, most require some training or certification.

13. Open A Beauty Salon

The beauty industry is expanding, and there has never been a better moment to open a beauty salon than now because individuals are now spending more and more money on beauty.

Before opening your salon, gaining direct experience will help you avoid many costly mistakes.

If you don't already have a job at a salon, you can volunteer at a beauty salon to get a feel of how it works. Pay attention to what others request. Get a sense of how the salon industry operates.

Before launching this creative business idea, you should focus on a few things, such as the location, hiring competent and productive staff, and choosing the best promotion or marketing approach to grow your customers and overall sales.

With a small initial cost, you can start your own business on a modest scale by renting a space.

14. Sell Home-made Papad

Papad is a thin, lentil-based cracker traditionally dried in the sun. This classic Indian dish is loved by people everywhere, and it is prepared using flour, water, and salt, then griddle-cooked.

You can make papads using various methods, so be sure to try them all until you discover the one that suits you the best.

Making papads at home is an excellent strategy to set up a business on a low budget. There are a few things you should take into account before starting your own papad-making business.

Investment is the first—although this is a low-investment business idea. You'll need to spend money on essential tools such as a griddle, rolling pins, and drying trays. If you intend to sell your papads on a commercial level, you might also want to consider buying a food dehydrator.

This is a low investment business idea that you can always implement at the small business level with little capital outlay.

15. Become A Photographer

People and companies use photographers for a variety of reasons. For brochures, businesses require images of their items. Realtors require pictures of the properties they are selling. And magazines require images that are relevant to the stories they print.

So if you are skilled at using cameras and taking great pictures, starting a photography business could be the ideal approach to build your creative skill set and begin a successful side hustle.

Tips for starting a Photography business

A good camera is the first item you need to launch a photography business. You can also use a smartphone to start.

Marketing is essential for a photography business to be successful. If no one hires you, you can't shoot images and get compensated for them.

Use your personal and professional networks to promote yourself. Participate in trade exhibits and occasions catered to your market. For instance, attend weddings if you want to specialize in wedding photography.

Another way to market yourself as a photographer is to build a website for yourself. This is not as complicated as it sounds; there are several website builders for photographers out there that make it a breeze and give you a lot of bang for your buck.

16. Start Web Development

Web developers create and maintain websites, apps, and software. Developers create every software or website we come across.

Starting a career in web development might appear difficult. There are numerous languages and tools to learn.

For a beginner, just choosing where to begin might be challenging. But in reality, it probably won't be as difficult as you imagine once you have an idea of the skills required for entry-level web development.

Surely, there are several good website builders in India . Watch a couple of Youtube videos and browse a couple of blogs. Then, complete a small test project, and you are a web developer.

You could work as a web developer for a business or agency or as a freelancer working on jobs for one-on-one clients, and you can earn money by billing clients an hourly rate or a fixed fee for your services.

Once you master web designing skills, you can approach local startups or established companies to see whether they need a new website developed or a current one modified.

17. Start An Extracurricular Activity Center

In the present day, there is a noticeable increase in public interest in dancing, acting, singing, and other performing arts due to their being prominently featured in several reality shows in the television and film industries.

India offers a rich possibility for starting an extracurricular institution to train children in these areas. Even in rural areas, individuals are willing to spend money to participate in extracurricular activities; these activities are prevalent and not just limited to metropolitan and large towns.

This is a profitable business idea to earn money and requires individuals with great teaching skills.

18. Sell Handmade Crafts

Making crafts is a wonderful way to unwind, relax, and express your creativity.

Choosing what to sell is the first step in starting a crafts business. What you choose to craft will partly rely on what you enjoy creating. But it's still important to study the local market and determine what might work for your business.

Make sure there is a market for your products if you want to establish a handmade products business. Do people love receiving your handmade goods as gifts? Have you had any offers to sell your works?

You can work with art exhibitors as a partner or target small neighborhood markets or shops to sell your crafts.

19. Start A Product Packaging Service

Just for a moment, take a look around your home. Everywhere you look, there will be little boxes and paper bags lying around, chocolate in the refrigerator, and possibly even a glass case.

What does this suggest? That packaging is all over the place.

Packaging has consistently proven to be a crucial aspect of marketing, regardless of the country—whether it's India or the United States.

In India, the demand for packaged goods is greater than ever. Companies are working to improve the dependability and appeal of their packaging.

Small and medium-sized enterprises typically don't have a specific division responsible for handling product packaging. They frequently contract with individuals or other businesses to handle it for them.

You can start a successful packaging business and get many contracts if you create a clear plan. This small-scale business is among those with low investments and big returns.

20. Start A Local Delivery Service

Numerous shipping companies have trouble getting their goods to remote, underdeveloped rural areas. You can solve this problem by offering last-mile delivery services to those shipping businesses.

You should concentrate mostly on areas that conventional shipping corporations won't venture into. You can increase your delivery service fees at these locations to generate more revenue.

You can also extend a local delivery service to local markets in small communities. Some of these markets might need home delivery services for their regular customers.

Maintenance of delivery vehicles, gasoline expenditure, and insurance premiums are the ongoing primary costs for a delivery service business.

This small-scale business requires low investment.

21. Start A Catering Business

These days, caterers are in great demand for all types of formal gatherings, including weddings and events.

A catering business can make you a respectable amount of money if you have strong people skills, the ability to manage your workers under duress, and the ability to work well under pressure.

To succeed in such services as catering, you need to have experience because there are already many prominent names in this industry.

You need to be an all-arounder to become a well-known caterer, which entails being good with staff management, knowledgeable about various serving dishes, various cuisines, and all the current culinary trends that are popular with people depending on the gathering.

In all, it’s a great business idea with great potential for massive scale.

22. Become A Travel Agent

Offering travel-related services, such as booking flights, trains, buses, hotels, tour and travel packages, import-export business, cruise packages, and many others, can bring enormous earnings.

You might need to collaborate with national hotel chains, long-distance bus services, railroads, and aviation firms.

Working with reputable travel agencies and service providers is advisable if you are unwilling to take any chances. You can earn commissions in this way for each reservation you make.

23. Sell Dry Fruits

In the Indian market, dry fruits are the one commodity that is always in demand. Dry fruit sales have been expanding in India through wholesale, home-based, retail, and online channels.

The demand for dried fruits imported from other nations, such as cashew nuts, walnuts, almonds, raisins, and dates, is rapidly growing. This makes it one of the most profitable business ideas.

You'll need the required permits, registrations, and licenses to open a dry fruit business in India. Having a conversation with a dry fruit industry expert is an excellent idea. Their advice might guide you in setting up a successful business.

You should be aware that the market for dry fruit significantly grows throughout the winter, which leads to regular price increases.

24. Offer Child Tutoring Services

The need for tutors has risen. While children are in school, most parents want to give their children the greatest possible education. Every child can benefit from having a skilled and dedicated tutor. Many students who use these services succeed academically.

If you'd like, you can also choose online tutoring. You can launch this lucrative business without financial outlay if you have a degree and some teaching experience.

25. Start A Wedding Planning Business

Whether a country's economy is flourishing or in recession, there will always be a wedding market. Additionally, weddings might be relatively private affairs or big Indian weddings.

You can access a wide selection of small business financing choices or a business loan for the initial capital investment needed for hiring, logistics, and other preparations.

Despite the low investment required to start this business, you can realize large returns if you scale the business.

26. Start Cooking Classes

In India, engaging in cooking classes is very lucrative. It is inexpensive to start when done at a small-scale level. All that is required is a kitchen setup, associated equipment, raw materials, and cooking ingredients.

Anyone confident in this business's future would only need to make a small down payment. To launch this business, you can easily access cooperative credit societies from numerous financial service providers if you need financial assistance.

Once set up, small business owners in this space can host many batches at the same location. As a result, the capital expenditure is modest, and a little working capital investment would be sufficient to run the business smoothly.

27. Open A Computer Training Center

A person’s chances of getting an employment offer are significantly higher if they understand how to operate a computer and simple applications like Word, Excel, and PowerPoint from the Microsoft Office suite.

If you are an expert in computer-related skills and are good at teaching computer skills, you can start a training center with a few PCs, a high-speed internet connection, and teaching tools like whiteboards and projectors.

28. Become A Social Media Manager

Most businesses today prefer to use their marketing funds for paid social media campaigns and digital marketing.

Suppose you are skilled in digital marketing, communications, branding, web presence management, and social media. In that case, you can launch your own venture or business to assist organizations in creating a great online business presence.

All you need to start this profitable business is your computer and stable internet.

If lack of capital is your concern, there is no need to worry because there are numerous possibilities for a small business loan to launch a web/social media agency.

This business falls in the category of online business ideas, making it among the low-cost business ideas on the market.

29. Community Energy Supply

The difficulty that utility businesses face in regularly supplying energy to citizens in India is the root of this business concept.

In this business venture, you acquire electrical generators to generate power for a small community. One could speak with the locals in Indian cities or towns to identify the organizations in need to identify their needs.

There is a significant reliance on coal, which must eventually be replaced by electricity for sustainability.

30. Become A Customer Service Point Agent

Customer Service Point (CSP) is one of the most profitable village business ideas in India . CSP is a type of commission-based labor. You have huge potential to greatly benefit from this venture because people need banking services in rural areas.

If you work hard, you can potentially make up to 100,000 INR per month. Any bank will accept you as a Business Correspondent (BC), and you can set up your CSP from home. You will need an internet connection and a laptop to start as a CSP agent for any bank.

31. Become An Affiliate Marketer

Affiliate marketing is the strategy of receiving payment (commissions) each time you advertise a business's goods or services and make sales. Like a sales agent who is compensated exclusively on commission, you are only paid when you make a sale.

The business idea of affiliate marketing is rapidly gaining popularity in India and is one of the best ways to work from home without making a significant financial commitment.

Affiliate marketing strategies may involve digital marketing, network marketing, or content marketing to promote an advertiser's items while earning a percentage of commissions.

You can endorse an advertiser's goods through social media posts, blogging, and paid web adverts.

It is a low-investment business idea with massive success potential.

32. Offer On-Demand Service

Offering high-demand services enables you to accommodate all your clients' needs. Home repair, driving, pest control, security services, wifi installation, plumbing, and carpentry are a few examples of on-demand services.

You will merely serve as a middleman, dealing with service providers on behalf of your clients. You can launch this business with almost no capital.

All you need to launch your small business are some solid connections with the local service providers and a client acquisition method.

Local search directories like sulekha.com , and local media, are options for advertising your company.

33. Offer Multi-language Translation

A translator translation services for a wide range of documents while ensuring the authenticity of their clients. They ensure that the material's spelling, grammar, and context remain consistent with the source.

Content creators nowadays want translation services to enable them to broadcast their messages and services in multiple languages.

Many foreign companies with expansion plans are looking for trustworthy translation services to promote their products in India's regional languages.

This is one of the most successful business ideas for anyone who has a strong command of an international language and a comparable understanding of regional Indian languages. It also requires a low investment, making it even more attractive.

34. Start A Food Truck Business

A food truck is a sizable automobile, like a minibus or van, where you can prepare, cook, and serve food—taking influence from food trucks or mobile restaurants in other parts of the world. This unique meal format has quickly gained popularity in India.

For business people who want to provide delicious cuisine, operating a food truck business in India is a fantastic option. Unlike when starting a restaurant, you don't need to own or rent pricey spaces. So, you only need a minimal investment to get started.

You can set up shop in one location and hire a salesperson to market your goods.

The best part of this concept is that you can implement it anywhere you like, such as near a busy intersection close to a festival, which you will experience most of the year.

35. Start A Real Estate Agency

A real estate agent is a qualified individual who coordinates real estate transactions by connecting buyers and sellers and representing them in discussions.

A real estate agent can earn money from the real estate market through commissions, which is a portion of the property's purchase price; therefore, the success of their transactions determines how much money they make.

Before starting a real estate business, you need to have a thorough understanding of the industry. You can gain useful knowledge by speaking with seasoned industry leaders.

Although there are no specific requirements to work in this industry, having strong networking and bargaining skills might be helpful. Under India's applicable regulations, you must be 18 or older to enter the real estate business industry.

What are the Best Small Business Ideas in India

As a beginner, remember that every small business has its benefits and drawbacks before starting, whether big or small.

It is not enough to have sufficient funds to invest in your chosen small business idea; you need the required expertise to guarantee its correct operation.

Before starting any new business, it is advisable to be aware of the licensing requirements and other relevant legislation.

Our top most successful and profitable small business ideas are:

  • Online Coaching
  • Online Courses
  • Freelancing

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Martin luenendonk.

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Martin loves entrepreneurship and has helped dozens of entrepreneurs by validating the business idea, finding scalable customer acquisition channels, and building a data-driven organization. During his time working in investment banking, tech startups, and industry-leading companies he gained extensive knowledge in using different software tools to optimize business processes.

This insights and his love for researching SaaS products enables him to provide in-depth, fact-based software reviews to enable software buyers make better decisions.

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Example business plan format

Before you start exploring our library of business plan examples, it's worth taking the time to understand the traditional business plan format . You'll find that the plans in this library and most investor-approved business plans will include the following sections:

Executive summary

The executive summary is an overview of your business and your plans. It comes first in your plan and is ideally only one to two pages. You should also plan to write this section last after you've written your full business plan.

Your executive summary should include a summary of the problem you are solving, a description of your product or service, an overview of your target market, a brief description of your team, a summary of your financials, and your funding requirements (if you are raising money).

Products & services

The products & services chapter of your business plan is where the real meat of your plan lives. It includes information about the problem that you're solving, your solution, and any traction that proves that it truly meets the need you identified.

This is your chance to explain why you're in business and that people care about what you offer. It needs to go beyond a simple product or service description and get to the heart of why your business works and benefits your customers.

Market analysis

Conducting a market analysis ensures that you fully understand the market that you're entering and who you'll be selling to. This section is where you will showcase all of the information about your potential customers. You'll cover your target market as well as information about the growth of your market and your industry. Focus on outlining why the market you're entering is viable and creating a realistic persona for your ideal customer base.


Part of defining your opportunity is determining what your competitive advantage may be. To do this effectively you need to get to know your competitors just as well as your target customers. Every business will have competition, if you don't then you're either in a very young industry or there's a good reason no one is pursuing this specific venture.

To succeed, you want to be sure you know who your competitors are, how they operate, necessary financial benchmarks, and how you're business will be positioned. Start by identifying who your competitors are or will be during your market research. Then leverage competitive analysis tools like the competitive matrix and positioning map to solidify where your business stands in relation to the competition.

Marketing & sales

The marketing and sales plan section of your business plan details how you plan to reach your target market segments. You'll address how you plan on selling to those target markets, what your pricing plan is, and what types of activities and partnerships you need to make your business a success.

The operations section covers the day-to-day workflows for your business to deliver your product or service. What's included here fully depends on the type of business. Typically you can expect to add details on your business location, sourcing and fulfillment, use of technology, and any partnerships or agreements that are in place.

Milestones & metrics

The milestones section is where you lay out strategic milestones to reach your business goals.

A good milestone clearly lays out the parameters of the task at hand and sets expectations for its execution. You'll want to include a description of the task, a proposed due date, who is responsible, and eventually a budget that's attached. You don't need extensive project planning in this section, just key milestones that you want to hit and when you plan to hit them.

You should also discuss key metrics, which are the numbers you will track to determine your success. Some common data points worth tracking include conversion rates, customer acquisition costs, profit, etc.

Company & team

Use this section to describe your current team and who you need to hire. If you intend to pursue funding, you'll need to highlight the relevant experience of your team members. Basically, this is where you prove that this is the right team to successfully start and grow the business. You will also need to provide a quick overview of your legal structure and history if you're already up and running.

Financial projections

Your financial plan should include a sales and revenue forecast, profit and loss statement, cash flow statement, and a balance sheet. You may not have established financials of any kind at this stage. Not to worry, rather than getting all of the details ironed out, focus on making projections and strategic forecasts for your business. You can always update your financial statements as you begin operations and start bringing in actual accounting data.

Now, if you intend to pitch to investors or submit a loan application, you'll also need a "use of funds" report in this section. This outlines how you intend to leverage any funding for your business and how much you're looking to acquire. Like the rest of your financials, this can always be updated later on.

The appendix isn't a required element of your business plan. However, it is a useful place to add any charts, tables, definitions, legal notes, or other critical information that supports your plan. These are often lengthier or out-of-place information that simply didn't work naturally into the structure of your plan. You'll notice that in these business plan examples, the appendix mainly includes extended financial statements.

Types of business plans explained

While all business plans cover similar categories, the style and function fully depend on how you intend to use your plan. To get the most out of your plan, it's best to find a format that suits your needs. Here are a few common business plan types worth considering.

Traditional business plan

The tried-and-true traditional business plan is a formal document meant to be used for external purposes. Typically this is the type of plan you'll need when applying for funding or pitching to investors. It can also be used when training or hiring employees, working with vendors, or in any other situation where the full details of your business must be understood by another individual.

Business model canvas

The business model canvas is a one-page template designed to demystify the business planning process. It removes the need for a traditional, copy-heavy business plan, in favor of a single-page outline that can help you and outside parties better explore your business idea.

The structure ditches a linear format in favor of a cell-based template. It encourages you to build connections between every element of your business. It's faster to write out and update, and much easier for you, your team, and anyone else to visualize your business operations.

One-page business plan

The true middle ground between the business model canvas and a traditional business plan is the one-page business plan . This format is a simplified version of the traditional plan that focuses on the core aspects of your business.

By starting with a one-page plan , you give yourself a minimal document to build from. You'll typically stick with bullet points and single sentences making it much easier to elaborate or expand sections into a longer-form business plan.

Growth planning

Growth planning is more than a specific type of business plan. It's a methodology. It takes the simplicity and styling of the one-page business plan and turns it into a process for you to continuously plan, forecast, review, and refine based on your performance.

It holds all of the benefits of the single-page plan, including the potential to complete it in as little as 27 minutes . However, it's even easier to convert into a more detailed plan thanks to how heavily it's tied to your financials. The overall goal of growth planning isn't to just produce documents that you use once and shelve. Instead, the growth planning process helps you build a healthier company that thrives in times of growth and remain stable through times of crisis.

It's faster, keeps your plan concise, and ensures that your plan is always up-to-date.

Download a free sample business plan template

Ready to start writing your own plan but aren't sure where to start? Download our free business plan template that's been updated for 2024.

This simple, modern, investor-approved business plan template is designed to make planning easy. It's a proven format that has helped over 1 million businesses write business plans for bank loans, funding pitches, business expansion, and even business sales. It includes additional instructions for how to write each section and is formatted to be SBA-lender approved. All you need to do is fill in the blanks.

How to use an example business plan to help you write your own

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How do you know what elements need to be included in your business plan, especially if you've never written one before? Looking at examples can help you visualize what a full, traditional plan looks like, so you know what you're aiming for before you get started. Here's how to get the most out of a sample business plan.

Choose a business plan example from a similar type of company

You don't need to find an example business plan that's an exact fit for your business. Your business location, target market, and even your particular product or service may not match up exactly with the plans in our gallery. But, you don't need an exact match for it to be helpful. Instead, look for a plan that's related to the type of business you're starting.

For example, if you want to start a vegetarian restaurant, a plan for a steakhouse can be a great match. While the specifics of your actual startup will differ, the elements you'd want to include in your restaurant's business plan are likely to be very similar.

Use a business plan example as a guide

Every startup and small business is unique, so you'll want to avoid copying an example business plan word for word. It just won't be as helpful, since each business is unique. You want your plan to be a useful tool for starting a business —and getting funding if you need it.

One of the key benefits of writing a business plan is simply going through the process. When you sit down to write, you'll naturally think through important pieces, like your startup costs, your target market , and any market analysis or research you'll need to do to be successful.

You'll also look at where you stand among your competition (and everyone has competition), and lay out your goals and the milestones you'll need to meet. Looking at an example business plan's financials section can be helpful because you can see what should be included, but take them with a grain of salt. Don't assume that financial projections for a sample company will fit your own small business.

If you're looking for more resources to help you get started, our business planning guide is a good place to start. You can also download our free business plan template .

Think of business planning as a process, instead of a document

Think about business planning as something you do often , rather than a document you create once and never look at again. If you take the time to write a plan that really fits your own company, it will be a better, more useful tool to grow your business. It should also make it easier to share your vision and strategy so everyone on your team is on the same page.

Adjust your plan regularly to use it as a business management tool

Keep in mind that businesses that use their plan as a management tool to help run their business grow 30 percent faster than those businesses that don't. For that to be true for your company, you'll think of a part of your business planning process as tracking your actual results against your financial forecast on a regular basis.

If things are going well, your plan will help you think about how you can re-invest in your business. If you find that you're not meeting goals, you might need to adjust your budgets or your sales forecast. Either way, tracking your progress compared to your plan can help you adjust quickly when you identify challenges and opportunities—it's one of the most powerful things you can do to grow your business.

Prepare to pitch your business

If you're planning to pitch your business to investors or seek out any funding, you'll need a pitch deck to accompany your business plan. A pitch deck is designed to inform people about your business. You want your pitch deck to be short and easy to follow, so it's best to keep your presentation under 20 slides.

Your pitch deck and pitch presentation are likely some of the first things that an investor will see to learn more about your company. So, you need to be informative and pique their interest. Luckily we have a round-up of real-world pitch deck examples used by successful startups that you can review and reference as you build your pitch.

For more resources, check out our full Business Pitch Guide .

Ready to get started?

Now that you know how to use an example business plan to help you write a plan for your business, it's time to find the right one.

Use the search bar below to get started and find the right match for your business idea.

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The A-Z of building a successful cloud kitchen business model in India in 2022

  • May 6, 2022

Gone are the days of restaurants and dining out being the only option to travel beyond the everyday home food and the kitchen. If you look around these days, seeing food aggregators such as Zomato and Swiggy running round the clock to deliver the freshest food right at the customer’s doorsteps, is a common sight. 

Not only has this driven a trend among consumers, but it has also left the food entrepreneurs, the small restaurant owners, and people in the food industry, gaping at the growing trend of the online ordering business. The number of users of the online food delivery system is expected to grow up to 2.9 million users by 2026. 

Now imagine a sector completely dedicated to these consumers and the online delivery system. 

That’s where cloud kitchens come in. If you’re a  foodie, a food entrepreneur, a food truck owner or someone interested in gaining revenue by tapping into the online food delivery market, this is the blog for you. 

Our team at Foaps have considered industry trends, experience and statistics to curate the ultimate guide consisting of cloud kitchen business models, plans, examples and cost of setting up a cloud kitchen in India. 

So, let’s get to the basics first. 

What is a cloud kitchen model?

A cloud kitchen or a ‘ghost kitchen’ is called so, due to the physical visibility it lacks, to the public.. Unlike restaurants that offer dine-in, cloud kitchens are devoid of all the setup. In fact, cloud kitchens require minimum equipment, such as space and kitchen equipment, compared to the lavish decor that restaurants use. 

So, how does the cloud kitchen business plan work in India? Actually, the entire concept of cloud kitchen is reliant on online delivery. The cloud kitchen is essentially the entire set-up, with no space for dine-in. Being delivery oriented, a cloud kitchen either sets up its own website for online delivery or ties up with Zomato , Swiggy or other food aggregators etc. With minimal investment, a cloud kitchen saves money, can be expanded to different outlets, utilizes technology for customized and personalized offers, and offers competitive pricing to customers.  

In short, orders come in, the chefs are informed, the food is ready, packed and placed at the hands of the delivery executive who lands it at the customer’s door. 

Starting a cloud kitchen business model in India: Types of cloud kitchen model 

The operation of a cloud kitchen is uniquely different, compared to traditional kitchens. Cloud kitchens maximize their use of technology for marketing, customer acquisition, delivery and so on. For instance, multiple restaurants can be run in the same space, as different cloud kitchens. Or, one cloud kitchen can run under multiple brand names, creating ‘virtual kitchens’. A cloud kitchen’s menu is optimized such that it is easy to prepare, and retains the best quality when it reaches the customer’s doorstep. 

As a commercial virtual kitchen that decides it’s working hours, menu and the type of customers to cater to, here are some cloud kitchen models to assess before getting started, 

1. Independent cloud kitchen

As the name suggests, behind the cloud kitchen is a single brand that is dependent on an online ordering system for their orders. With a small team of chefs, definitive operative hours and a brand name, independent cloud kitchens have a business model that is self reliant, and is hosted on different food aggregators as a means to acquire customers. 

2. Hybrid cloud kitchen 

Being a hybrid of takeaway and cloud kitchen, a hybrid cloud kitchen can be visualised as an extension of the regular cloud kitchen. Instead of being tucked away in a space with kitchen equipment, hybrid cloud kitchens also have a storefront that allows customers to receive their takeaway parcels. In short, a single brand with a single kitchen, can have multiple outlets in a hybrid cloud kitchen. The delivery is either through the in house staff or through food aggregators. 

3. Food aggregator owned cloud kitchen

If you thought the competition was tough among food entrepreneurs, in recent times, we have food aggregators entering the cloud kitchen game. Aiming at the revenue and growing popularity of cloud kitchens, there are several food aggregators that lease out or purchase a convenient kitchen space to a growing food brand or one that’s new in the market. This is a win-win situation for both, as the food brand acquires customers and has a sponsored delivery by the food aggregator. In turn, the company received business by only having invested the rent space for the cloud kitchen and avoiding all other costs. 

4. Multi brand cloud kitchen 

This cloud business model is a combination of different brands under the same kitchen. Imagine a menu with assortments from pasta to desserts, but outsourced from a single kitchen, under different brand names. This form of cloud kitchen utilizes resources effectively and keeps operational costs low. Flexibility is an important part of such multi brand cloud kitchens as they cater to the local food demand in any area and uses marketing data insights to include different type of cuisines and to maximize profits. 

5. Outsourced cloud kitchen

As the newest entry to the cloud kitchen game, this cloud kitchen business model is solely dependent on outsourcing of the food and the delivery services. A restaurant or any other business can outsource almost part or all of the menu such that the prepared product is recieved at the restaurant. The restaurant then packs the item and hands it over to the delivery personnel. The operational cost for the in-house team is greatly reduced as everything from preparation, to delivery is handled by the outsourced group. 

How to set up a cloud kitchen business model in India: 7 steps to follow 

With the right budget, the required resources, and the right marketing a cloud kitchen model can soon be bringing in profit for anyone if it is a startup. Some cloud kitchens examples in India include Faasos by Rebel Foods , Freshmenu , Behrouz Biryani and so on. 

One can gain considerable insights by assessing the journey of these cloud kitchen startups and how they managed to rise to popularity. That apart, here are the main investments, licenses, location and other aspects of a cloud kitchen model to keep in mind, while considering a cloud kitchen startup in India. 

1. Choosing the right rental space

Cloud kitchens pride themselves on the reduced budget required to set one up. The main reason for the low investment is the rental space. However, choosing the right rental space, that is, ensuring that there is proper sanitation, water supply and maintenance is very crucial. The location of the cloud kitchen matters, and is mostly based on the demographics of food ordering and the type of food the cloud kitchen caters to. Cloud kitchen startups in India are usually deployed on the basis of the demand, customer demography and the type of food produced by the cloud kitchen. In short, it is advised to choose a place with the best demand for the services your kitchen offers. 

2. Licenses and trademark registration

Licensing is a crucial part of any set up due to the legal regulations and to keep a worry free business running. Having the proper license can save the cloud kitchen model from any legal difficulties and also let customers know of the high quality of the food and sanitation offered by the cloud kitchen. Showcasing the licenses or badges on websites boosts customer trust. Some of the licenses to procure before starting out with a cloud kitchen business model include, 

  • GST registration
  • Trade license
  • Fire and safety license 
  • FSSAI (Food Safety and Standards Authority of India) license 
  • Trademark registration

Having these licenses can assure any owner that their cloud kitchen startup can sustain any legal difficulty, hence allowing them to focus more on business operations. Compared to cloud kitchens, the owners require more licenses to open a traditional restaurant . Having a trademark registration is crucial in a competitive environment, as the brand name, and logo are extremely crucial for developing customer and brand loyalty. 

3. Deciding the cuisine 

The competition among cloud kitchen startups has a huge difference with respect to traditional dine in kitchens. Often, cloud kitchen models are known for a particular type of cuisine they offer and the quality of the food. Deciding the main type of cuisine to be prepared is a crucial factor. This decision should be backed by proper analytics, resource analysis, ease of procuring raw materials, staff management and so on. 

4. Kitchen space, equipment and raw ingredients

The type of equipment required depends on the cuisine offered by the cloud kitchen. One can save costs by setting up a kitchen with the right electronic equipment for preparation, and acquiring second hand or old tables. In the case of multiple brands under the same kitchen, there could be cost saving due to shared kitchen equipment such as chimneys, burners and so on. One can even outsource a cloud kitchen with basic equipment and upgrade on the basis of needs. 

In terms of quality of food and packaging, these form the hallmark qualities that customers look for, in cloud kitchen startups. Due to the lack of in-house dining and dish presentation, packaging plays a crucial role. Invest in sturdy packaging that preserves the quality of the food and uniquely sets your brand apart. If possible, it is advised to go for eco-friendly packaging. It is also best to source local ingredients or have a separate budget for procurement of raw materials that have a good quality. Better the ingredients, better the quality and your chance of retaining customers in the cloud kitchen business model. 

5. Online Order Management System 

The majority of the business model of a cloud kitchen startup is based on food delivery aggregators like Swiggy or Zomato. It is heavily dependent on the number of orders, proper tracking and preparing and apt delivery. Imagine having to manually write down each order from a different food aggregator, and convey it to the staff. This can disrupt the smooth functioning of your cloud kitchen due to the possible errors, lack of proper information and so on. 

Before this drawback hurts your rush hours, we recommend having a restaurant online order management system that best fits your restaurant. 

Here’s how Foaps, online order management system , helps manage your business: 

  • Centralized dashboard for management of online orders- Manage, track and analyse orders from Zomato, Swiggy and other food aggregators, all in one dashboard
  • Track orders- Update the progress and delivery updates of individual orders in one click
  • Menu availability on all platforms- Update and have your menu distributed on all platforms
  • Revise pricing and update menus with one click- Inform customers of any dishes that are sold out, bestsellers of the day, and revise pricing, across different platforms with one click on the dashboard
  • Manage multiple food delivery partners- with any new food delivery service in the game, forget all the hassle of a tie up, as Foaps helps you tie-up with any food aggregator easily 

6. Staff requirements

While starting out, it is recommended to have a basic staff setup of 1-2 chefs, one person to manage the billing, any queries on telephonic calls and one for marketing. Having 1-2 people for housekeeping and maintenance of the cloud kitchen is necessary. As the profits rise, the staff can be scaled up on the basis of need. 

7. Marketing  

With a cloud kitchen business model, the only limitation lies in physical marketing, but these industries are free to tap into the potential of online marketing. There’s no fixed platform that works best for marketing and it is advised to deploy a mixture of marketing methods to find what works best for your cloud kitchen’s discovery. Some marketing methods to deploy include, 

  • Online listings- apart from the listing on food aggregator platforms, it is beneficial to have your listing on Google, Yelp and other websites that can help increase visibility
  • Social media- the target audience of this generation is mostly on social media, and is drawn towards creative, smart marketing. Ensuring your brand’s presence vocally and visually on social media guarantees a chance for brand recognition
  • SMS and email marketing- the era of personalized offers drives the competition market today, and despite having no physical location, ensure that your SMS and email marketing campaigns include online discounts, rush hour discounts and so on to boost frequency

What are the costs associated with a cloud kitchen business model in India?  

The costs of starting cloud kitchen in India can vary depending on the city chosen, the demographics, the type of cuisine offered and so on. Here’s a rough outline of the costs that might come up and a rough estimate of how much they amount to.

The resources one would have to be spending in a cloud kitchen business model include, 

  • Rent: This mainly depends on the location and the land prices. A space of 600-800 sq feet is considered sufficient for a cloud kitchen model and may range from ₹25,000-50,000 
  • Licences: The basic and necessary licenses cost around ₹15,000-20,000
  • Staff: Having a basic set of staff can cost around ₹50,000-85,000
  • Kitchen and equipment: This is solely dependent on requirement and can range from ₹5 lakh from scratch to around 8 lakh. Basic kitchens can also be outsourced. 
  • Online ordering system: Many ordering systems allow customisation on the basis of features required, and these can range from ₹4,000/year to around ₹6000
  • Customer acquisition and social media presence: Based on paid and organic marketing, this may cost around ₹40,000-80,000 per month
  • Branding and packaging: As packaging is the crucial thing with cloud kitchen startups, branding across social media, food aggregators and effective packaging can cost around ₹50,000-70,000

To go virtual or not to: Tapping into the potential of the cloud kitchen market in India 

The changes in customer food ordering trends saw a rapid rise due to the pandemic, but the trend is only projected to continue in the years to come. Cloud kitchens have their own set of advantages and disadvantages, and it is wiser to compare the pros and cons before jumping on setting up a cloud kitchen business model. 

In India, the average annual cost of setting up a restaurant is almost 3x more than the set up of a cloud kitchen, steering good entrepreneurs and food aggregators alike to jumpstart on this side of the competition. 

Regardless, it is always recommended to not follow the herd and go with the requirements your business needs to succeed. Assessing market trends, costs required, estimating the funding required, security, profitability in the long run are topics to consider before getting started on a cloud kitchen model. 

Here at Foaps, we pay attention to the most minute parts of your business to assure you an easy order management system.  With Foaps, you can manage more orders at a time from different food delivery aggregators which will make your job a lot easier, and will eventually help in increasing the revenue.

Would you like to learn more about Foaps? Start your 30-day free trial now.

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80 Best Small Business Ideas in India

Sushma Singh

  • September 21, 2023
  • 50 min read

40 Best Small Business Ideas in India for 2020

Who does not want to own a business? No matter if it is commenced as a small scale or done through huge capital investment, it is still considered a business. Even if you do not want to invest ample amount into a business you can still run a profitable small scale business. We will brief you about all the best small business ideas in India.

We understand it could be hard for beginners to find the right business idea for opening any new business. One wrong decision could ruin all your investment and time. It is therefore always suggested, to explore as many options as you can and then depending upon your current financial status, demographics, local demand in the same field, expertise, and experience, choose the viable option that matches all your needs.

The Indian business is constantly seeking growth in all a wide array of areas due to numerous factors which include government stimulus, international trade, and a strong developing and evolving economy. There are tons of business opportunities available in various sectors due to the rapid increase of youths that are rising to technology and leadership driving innovation and growth.

You can easily start a small scale business requiring low investments with the boost in technological advancement, and creativity. It is just that you need to possess some special skills for performing specific tasks. You can even operate some businesses from your home, while some of them may require you to lease or rent out small premises.

Crucial aspects to be considered before the commencement of a small business

2 significant factors should never be ignored when you are about to open your new business:

  • Business Funds- This is the most important is to arrange the funds. You can procure a loan to fund your small business idea either from the banks, community organizations, and cooperative credit societies. However, a small business can also be started up with whatever little investment you may have.
  • Planning Prior- One has to plan well for success. Failing to plan is planning to fail. Hence, it is very crucial to plan the entire business strategy in advance before the launch. Study the whole market for the product or service you are about to deal in.

Also, make a comprehensive report and get acquainted with all your competitors and their offerings. There is always a scope of improvement, so always seek advice from the people you trust. Never forget to build a complete database on the potential customers for your product or service you are offering.

80 Small business Ideas to start in India

The business ideas which we are going to talk about below have certain opportunities behind it which you need to match as per your needs, and requirements. Let’s dive in all the business ideas to check the compilation of all these opportunities in India that can be started with very low investment-

1) Content Writer and Blogging

40 Best Small Business Ideas in India (2023)

If you have a strong command over your writing style and reading skills, you can very smoothly utilize your skills to get yourself earn a decent income. It has become a profitable business not only in India but across the world. You get paid on every word you write for your clients. The best part of being a content writer is you can start is without investing a single penny as if you are confident in your writing skills, you can start your carrier as a content blogger or a writer.

2) Digital Marketing

There are ample opportunists available in digital marketing . As you can launch your own startup, do a freelance business, promote several products and earn well. Before taking any of the above steps, you need to have a robust command over your digital marketing skills, which you can learn by joining a digital marketing training center or you can do a course online.

3) Mobile Apps

As we all know the demand for mobile phones is rapidly increasing every day and so is for mobile apps. The scope of making mobile apps has a huge potential in India. For a mobile app maker you need to have technical knowledge about all the tools related to its development (tech-savvy), understand the needs of the customer and design the app accordingly. Also, ensure before it is developed whether it is serving the purpose of the potential users or not.

4) Pollution masks

With the rapid increase in pollution in all metropolitan cities especially Delhi, in upcoming years the scope of manufacturing and trading these pollution masks would be like selling hotcakes. The demand for these masks will keep on increasing due to the massive hazardous air pollution effects.

5) Network Marketing

For establishing yourself into the network marketing with less investment, you need to tie up with putative brands that offer proficient products. In order to search for the brands, you can check it on Google whose products are always in demand.

Mostly, these days people have become very conscious of nutrition, health, and supplements, beauty, and skincare products for which you can boost your marketing and networking with the distributors already dealing in this field. You can grow and expand your business by promoting your products to your relatives, friend circle, and doing online business by building a website.

6) Dropshipping

One of the best aspects of this business is that you can start this by building your own e-commerce website without even investing a considerable amount and without stocking any product. As you do not need to purchase any product until you get any order from the customer. You have an opportunity to earn a profit as high as up to 3 times the price of the seller.

There is a straightforward process that you need to follow in order to start your Dropshipping business :

  • The first thing that you need to do is that find a supplier such as Amazon, Flipkart, Snapdeal, etc and tie up with them
  • Build up your e-commerce website and prepare a list from what you want to sell from these suppliers
  • Promote your website on social media networking sites such as Facebook or Twitter, or other online marketing channels
  • Once you receive orders from the customers, place the order with suppliers and ask them to deliver the products to the address of the customer.

7) Fashion Designing

It is not a difficult industry in which you can make a career if you have a keen interest in fashion and clothing. Moreover, you will have an upper hand if you are residing in urban or semi-urban cities as you have an opportunity to be cognizant of what is in the trend. This way, you can be the trendsetter and rule this industry without investing too much.

8) loT Home/ Builder Consultant

Many latest government policies have been launched to support this opportunity for creating a startup that services in this area. If you want to commence this business, you need to existing homeowners and developers to transform their living space into what they actually want as per their liking. This way you can turn their regular home into a smart home .

This idea involves a very low investment to start as the parts for loT installations are reasonable and the best part is that you will find the clients who will pay you the upfront cost for the services they get.

9) TV Advertisement company

As you, all know TV ads have become a great platform for all the companies in order to promote or launch their products in the market. It is the best way to market your product or service. Due to the rapid increase in Advertisements, creating and managing TV Ad companies is a business idea that can be considered.

To begin with this business plan, you can approach your competitors who don’t have TV ads and convince them that they can be your client, or you can approach a company who is already running Television Ads. The initial investment would include studio space, cameras, green screens, and lighting effects.

10) Customized Gifts

You can start this business even at home. Nowadays, everyone wants to give their loved ones a memorable gift on special days or occasions. Starting the business of customized gifts can be much profitable and it even does not require much investment . You just need to buy certain gift items and accessories used for customization.

11) Blogger

40 Best Small Business Ideas in India (2023)

You can start your career and there is a wide scope in India for fashion bloggers, food bloggers, travel bloggers, music bloggers, and many related fields. If you have abundant knowledge about a certain subject like traveling and you have traveled a lot, you can share your experiences and write blogs related to it. Once you have posted the blog, all that is left is the battle of likes and shares. More your blog will be read, the more money you will make.

Also Read: What is an NGO – Non-Governmental Organization?

12) Social Media Consultant

As mass media has become a crucial aspect of marketing. Be it any business, company/organization, and authority figures, they all are pretty much concerned about their goodwill and reputation which opens up a wide scope for social media consultants.

Their goodwill and reputation can pre-dominantly be impacted (positively and negatively) by social media platforms which are handled by consultants. This way they earn a lucrative income by charging a hefty amount from the renowned companies.

13) Aquariums and Fish

This is a very low investment project in which you can start at your home as well. You just need to buy a few aquariums of various sizes and distinctive varieties of fishes. For breeding of fishes, you can keep special tanks. This way you just need to buy fishes one time, and thereafter you can multiply them by breeding.

On top of that, you can also sell fish foods, air pumps, and decorative stuff for the aquarium which will boost your profits. The only thing is you should have the knowledge and be well versed in handling different types of fishes.

14) Coins and Stamps

There is an array of non-existent Stamps and Coins. However, there are already many stamps and coins collectors around the world but not in India. There is a wide scope of this lucrative business.

In order to initiate this low investment high return stamp business, you need to register yourself with postal departments of various countries. As you need to buy the latest stamps, you have to pay some advance money to purchase those stamps. For starting up coins business, you need to take permission from a special government that runs bureaus internationally. Once you are registered with them, these departments will send you the coins and stamps which can be sold at a very good premium depending upon the buyer/client.

15) Pet Care and Pet Food

This business is becoming popular in India as everyone who is having pets, love them. Pets become like a family member for the ones who are their caretakers. When the people handling pets go on a vacation or a business tour, they are unable to take their pets along. Then they look for services that can take proper care of their pets while they are elsewhere. If you well versed and know how to handle pets, this business is an apt choice for you with low investment.

You can keep pet food as well. The people who will leave their pets may also buy their pet’s food from you which will increase your profit margin.

16) Beauty Salon

40 Best Small Business Ideas in India (2023)

It is one of the most trending retail business ideas that many people are considering to earn a spectacular income. It enhances the client’s physical appearance and provides mental relaxation due to which everyone comes to the beauty salon. The profit margin is relatively good as compared to many other businesses if you get a good clientele.

However, there are certain aspects that you should be taken care of before initiating this business such as the location, efficient and skilled manpower, and the right promotion or marketing strategy to increase your clients and the overall sales. You can take a place on rent and start this business on a small scale with not such a huge investment.

17) 3D Printing

3D printing is even replacing prototype printing technology as it has gained much popularity in India. If you are thinking and you have considerable knowledge in the digital printing industry, 3D printing is can be a kickstart for your career. You need to invest in buying 3D printing machines, which does not involve a high investment if you go for a small machine purchase.

18) Renewable Energy

Apart from making considerable money for you, this business is also good for the environment. The government is also promoting and giving subsidies to the companies that are converting themselves into alternative energy business ventures. If you are an environment lover, this business is a perfect fit for you.

With the increase in the global warming effect, many individuals are willing to try their hands in this field. They are using their empty or unused land and even their rooftops for installing solar panels which are helping the environment and also provide them an opportunity to make money.

19) Cyber Security

If you are tech-savvy with profound knowledge of hacking, programming, software, and hardware, you can start up your own cybersecurity company or provide these security services to well-reputed companies. The top-notch companies will pay a huge amount to keep their system secure and to avoid any unauthorized access to their database. Many cybersecurity companies are being launched in India and all the big corporate companies are buying their highly paid packages to ensure their data remains safe.

20) Photography

If you are well versed with the camera functioning and very good with clicking pictures, you can think of this option as to become a photographer you need to buy a professional camera. And you are all set!

These days everyone hires a professional photographer for their weddings, birthdays, events, festivals, etc. There is a huge scope of this profession at present and an optimistic business idea for the future.

21)Share Market

You can try your hand in the stock market if you are good at speculations and plentiful economic understanding. However, it is not like other businesses as it involves more risk but it can be a quick way to earn money. If you are willing enough to take the risk and you are well informed about the working of the share market, then you can go ahead and try your luck.

22) Courier Services

In order to open a courier service company on a small scale, you can tie up with other brands who are already working as a courier service provider. The need for courier service has emerged in India due to the numerous shopping online apps being launched each day. It is a low investment business if you tie up with other brands and keep your specific share as a partner.

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23) Chocolate Making

It can be a really good home-based business venture from which you can earn a lot. Candy making or chocolate business is very popular in India and many people make several types of chocolates and sell it under their own brand name.

If people can’t stop drooling when they see your homemade candies, you should get into this business. You just need to target a local market that has potential customers to buy chocolates. The other thing is to contact a dedicated team or person to deliver your chocolates.

24) Wifi Installation Company

With the evolvement of time, the need for wifi internet solutions is increasing day by day. Customers demand internet everywhere, be it their home, office, shop or even a small retail counter. Consequently, the demand for wifi installation has augmented.

You need to invest some portion of your amount in buying supplies to install wifi routers. Once you buy the routers and maintain your stock, you could begin by approaching places where there is a huge footfall such as malls, departmental stores, hygiene stores, etc. You need to talk to their owners and set up a deal to install the wifi hotspots.

25) Web Designer

Nowadays, almost all businesses have their own websites. This is has led to increasing demand for a web designer as every business is keen to create a website for their products or services they are dealing with.

The startup does not require a high investment as you would just need a computer and learn some web designing skills from a training center or an institute. You can also learn web designing online to execute. Once you know how to design websites, you can approach local new or existing businesses to check whether they are looking for building up a website or modifying an existing one.

It is also one of the lucrative businesses in India for the people who are competent in making cakes, pastries, cookies, muffins, bread, and all the other bakery items.

You can open up a bakery at an appropriate location in a market where there is huge customer traffic. Moreover, it has a wide scope of growth and expansion that too without investing a big amount. You just need to be armed with an excellent oven and require great skills in the preparation of these baked delicacies.

27) Fitness Centres

People are becoming significantly health conscious. With this increasing fitness awareness, the demand for fitness centers or gyms has seen a major hike. It has even become a part of numerous people’s lifestyles. You can buy a few low-cost equipments at the initial stage. You can buy equipment henceforth when you evaluate your profits and analyze the customer’s responsibility.

28)Extracurricular Activities Centre

Due to provided platforms of many reality shows in the Television and film industry, there has been observed a significant rise in the scope of dancing, acting, singing, etc. It has become one of the promising careers.

Launching an Extracurricular academy to train students in such fields is a lucrative opportunity in India to catch hold of. Not only in metropolitans and big cities, but even these activities are seen widespread in rural areas and people are will to spend on learning such services.

29) Restaurant and Cafe

The schedule of people is very hectic usually is busy cities. All they want is to have peace of mind along while having delicious food. Many individuals do not even get any time to preparing food for themselves. This has resulted in a constant increase in the demand of all the food chains and outlets. It’s a sure-shot business idea to start with low investment. The only thing you need to ensure is to have skilled staff primarily chefs.

30) Handicrafts

If you are creative enough to use this platform for your business, you can start manufacturing your own handicrafts. Making handicrafts is a superlative low investment business that you either do trading of. If you do not want to involve yourself in the making process, you can buy and sell them at places where it is non-existent.

Glitzy showrooms charge an exorbitant price for these handicrafts which are used for home and office decor. These showrooms purchase it from the local manufacturers and sell it to the customers at an extraordinary price. You can tie up with these showrooms or can target local market shops, and sell the customers these handicrafts directly at a reasonable price as compared to the one customers get in showrooms.

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31) Packing services

Usually small and medium-sized businesses do not have a dedicated department that deals with packing their product. They often hire individuals or outside companies who do it for them. In the case of an individual, they can often be unreliable.

So, if you open up a packing service company whose primary role is to deal with providing packaging services, you can be spotted easily and the need for this business is augmenting.

You can also tie-up with some businesses that deal with selling their products online. You just require appropriate fine quality packing material such as strapping machines, cartons, cutters, and experienced manpower. This is one of the low investment high return businesses.

32) Tutoring

40 Best Small Business Ideas in India (2023)

Every parent wants to provide the best education to their children while they are going to school. The need for a qualified and dedicated tutor for every child has become a requisite. It has led to an increase in demand for tutors. If you want you can also opt for an option of online tutoring, as many students these days are excelling in their education by availing online tutoring facilities.

If you are educated and have profound knowledge of teaching, you can start off with this business with having no capital investment.

33) Catering business

Be it any wedding, event, or any formal get together, caterers are in high demand these days. If you have excellent interpersonal skills and you can work under pressure along with managing your staff, a catering business can fetch you a decent amount of money.

However, you need to be experienced as there are many big shots already in this field. For becoming a renowned caterer, you need to be an all-rounder, that is being good in staff management, aware of different serving recipes, different cuisines, and all the trendy culinary that is being liked by people according to the gathering.

34) Make Religious Items

India is a devout country. People have faith in religious items such as pictures of deities, idols, incense sticks, holy candles, prayer beads, cotton wicks for lamps, and other paraphernalia . You can start making these items even at your home without investing much in this business. The best part is there is no lack of customers in this area as people are willing to spend on religious stuff without concerning much about the price of the product.

35) CCTV and Surveillance

Every new homeowner is demanding a security camera’s connections these days. Not only them, but even the existing or old homeowners are also becoming security-conscious and are ready to spend an additional cost on CCTV or Security cameras for ensuring safety. This has boosted the demand for CCTV and surveillance cameras that are getting installed at homes as well as commercial offices. You need not do a high-cost investment to start this business. Commencing this business has an extensive scope at present and in the future.

36) Delivery Services

Best Courier Service for Ecommerce Shipping | Shipping & logistic Solution | Cheapest Shipping India

Ample shipping companies are facing issues while delivering their products to some backward and rural places. You can sort this issue out for those shipping companies and avail the benefit of making greater profits by becoming a last-mile delivery service provider . You need to set up a warehouse (on rent) on the edge of the city where you want your distribution channel to be powerful.

With better connectivity options, you can handle the final miles of the trip. You ought to predominantly focus on the places where regular shipping companies are not willing to go. You can charge extra for your delivery service at these places and make profits.

37) Mobile Wallet Payment

Till the time online payment solution apps were not launched, people were more comfortable using cash than other payment options. But since the inauguration of these mobile payment solutions become a part of the Play Store and App Store, many people have shifted using mobile wallets instead of cash. There are many reasons why people have inclined towards its usage which are listed below-

  • No need to manage cash in your pockets
  • One-click hassle-free payments sitting at your place
  • More secure and safe as you have a record/proof that you have made the payment

An enormous portion of the population is using smartphones which help them to do research, communicate, and use it as a source of entrainment. In order to set up this business idea, you need to have complete knowledge of how programmers and coders work while processing these types of payment solutions. You can also tie-up with professional programmers and coders for making the startup costs lower and bringing down the capital investment.

38) Travel Services

Time has changed as people have started traveling often for personal and business purposes. You can make huge profits by dealing with traveling services such as booking flights, trains, bus, accommodation, entire tour and travel packages, cruise packages, many more. You need to have a tie-up with hotel chains at various destinations, long-distance bus services, railways, and flight companies.

You also have an option to collaborate with major travel agents and service providers if you want to play safe and are not willing to take any kind of risk. In this way, you can get commissions for every reservation you make.

39) Ice Cubes

Although it is not a very easy business that you might think. It requires to be asserted with specifications prescribed by FSSAI (Food Safety And Standard Authority Of India). If you have, clean water and appropriate packaging provisions, proper equipment, you can enter this big industry starting with a minimal investment. The pre-requisite before commencing this business is to get your product listed under FSSAI certification.

40) Fragrant and Regular Candles

How To Make Scented Candles | DIY Aroma Candles | Small Business Ideas Ep -1

The use of candles is not limited to illuminate houses during power cuts or religious centers, they are also used for interior decoration in restaurants, showrooms, offices, homes, weddings, and other events.

Making a candle is not difficult. With some training and experience, and with the use of fragrant oils you can make fragrant candles of various sizes, shapes, and colors. Fragrant candles are also extensively used for meditation and relaxation purposes in religious and spiritual retreats.

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41) Crowd Funding Business

One of the most sensible financing options for modern startups and rising businesses have been regarded as crowdfunding. Crowdfunding is the process of raising money for a project or company from a large group of people as opposed to just one or two significant investors. Different aspects of crowdfunding, including gift, equity, real estate, and reward-based, are all possible.

To attract a vast number of investment supporters and persuade them to invest in your project, you must have strong sales and marketing abilities to run a successful crowdfunding firm. The key advantage of a crowdfunding business is that there is very little danger to the firm’s finances and that it can be launched with very little money. read on to know more about best small business ideas in India.

42) Tailoring Shop

As far as profitable company concepts go, this one is based on a different fundamental need for survival, clothes, thus the market is, well, everyone. Tailoring and needlework have been established enterprises for many years, and the majority of them operates from homes and takes orders from tiny stores. But having a tried-and-true business model does increase the likelihood that it will succeed in the future, particularly in bigger cities where there is a huge demand for tailoring services. To increase one’s chances of success in this small company endeavor, one has to complete the necessary training and, preferably, should have adequate experience.

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43) Small Asset and Wealth Management Company

Due to their flexibility and agility, independent small wealth and asset management businesses are outpacing the big players and is easily one of the best small business ideas in India. If you have a good network and a strong financial foundation, you can establish a smaller company. You can outsource the other administrative duties because your business is small.

An investment advice service called wealth and asset management combines various financial services to meet the demands of high net worth and wealthy customers. A specialist with the financial know-how to manage an affluent client’s money holistically for a defined price is a wealth management adviser who works independently and for themselves.

44) Juice Corner

Fruit Juice corner business | StartupYo | www.startupyo.com

Fresh juices without preservatives are becoming more and more well-liked among Indians as their health consciousness increases. Due to its potential for success, the modest juice bar has been included on our list of small business ideas for India. While one is at it, expanding into similar beverages, particularly (and perhaps less healthily) summer drinks like lemonade, buttermilk, and lassi, could be beneficial for this tiny company.

Of course, one might choose to go all out and begin with a food truck that is completely loaded. As long as the food and beverages offered are of a good caliber and all necessary permissions are in place, it shouldn’t be too difficult to ensure this company idea’s success.

45) Cooking Classes

Cooking classes are an option for skilled professional cooks who do not want to toil away at a restaurant or food truck company. The creation of tasty yet nutritious food is a novel concept that is gaining popularity in India among urban and semi-urban households. Additionally, these programs may be delivered both in-person and online, or someone can start a vlog to instruct others in the finer points of culinary arts. By using the web classes, one has a far greater opportunity to reach and profit from market groups that they may not otherwise be able to. Read more to know about the best small business ideas in India.

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46) Takeaway Corner

Since food is one of the essentials for survival, it is a popular choice for individuals to enjoy and start an F&B (Food & Beverage) business. Because of this, restaurants as a small-scale company concept that will always have clients as long as they offer delicious cuisine. Of course, a new company does not always need to be a restaurant right away. One can start with only a few essential foods, such as a filling traditional breakfast with add-on snacks. Or one can create a takeaway corner for bigger meals like lunch and dinners are thalis with a pre-decided menu of the day. This will attract a lot many customers who do not have much time in their daily routine to cook or are students who need a fulfilling meal at a pocket-friendly cost.

47) Daycare or preschool Services

Pre-schools and childcare centers are booming industries in India as the country’s working population grows. Preschools have a history of producing high yields of revenue, making them one of the more lucrative industries to invest in. All you need is a well-written, comprehensive business strategy, as well as valid registration and licensing.

This is a tiny company that women may start from home or a modest location. Opening a babysitting, daycare, or preschool business requires relatively little capital and is one of the best small business ideas in India. You can invest in a few toys, cribs, and beds to get started. Include a first aid kit, several packages of disposable diapers, antibacterial creams, etc. to the daycare center too. However, if one wants to open a preschool, then one might need more facilities and more capital as well to run a successful business.

48) Ice Cream Parlor

You changed my life. Now we’re opening an ice cream store!

Even though it’s a seasonal industry, the ice cream parlor is a popular choice for small enterprises. Purchasing the franchise of any certain ice cream brand is the first investment needed to start this manufacturing business. The second investment is having a shop where the counter may be placed. One cannot ignore the fact that ice cream remains one of the most demanded desserts among folks. Keeping the parlor open late at night for those who like to grab some ice cream during hot summer nights can be a good way to create a customer base.

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49) Wedding Bureaus

Marriages are planned in heaven but are performed on earth. Wedding bureaus are more common in small cities and villages than marriage websites. Before making a decision, families think about personally meeting other families. In light of this, having a small office, 1-2 employees, a registration certificate, and contacts can help you become a successful businessperson.

Without making significant financial commitments, one can quickly expand their marriage bureau business. All that is necessary to engage in discussion with the clientele is having solid connections, local knowledge, and people skills. Read on to know about best small business ideas in India.

50) Driving School

Driving lessons can be given to individuals if one has decent driving abilities and can afford a vehicle like a car. The individual may instruct 10-15 people each month with the same car and make a respectable income with no outlay. Getting a car and a small business loan may not be that tough. It is possible to pay back the loan in part using the money the driving school makes. With the money saved, the fleet of vehicles could be increased, additional driving instructors could be employed, and the company could grow. A new automobile can also be purchased with a small company loan.

51) DJ Services

DJs are a top consideration for every occasion, whether it is a wedding or a party. The DJs’ ability to draw a crowd is wholly contingent upon the business establishment. If you run your DJ business properly, it can be quite successful. You can maximize your business revenues if you have the necessary information and abilities. To start this type of business as a full-time profession, one needs a strong vision and skills.

You must do market and geographic research. Make a list of the locations you want to target where people frequently have fun and what kind of music they enjoy. Streamline your options and draught music industry business ideas. A DJ can make money in a variety of ways, including promotions, advertisements, social media accounts, and YouTube.

52) Flower Shop

Jenny Joseph: The florist turned entrepreneur whose life blossomed in the UAE

You may start a flower shop now if you’re seeking a profitable venture that requires very little capital. This type of business is one of the best small business ideas in India and it can be launched in a variety of ways. You may sell several flower varieties by displaying them in a store and giving them a bouquet-like arrangement, or you can alternatively sell them to a major retailer too. If you’d want, you can also make money by selling flowers on specific days, perhaps by selling the same flower each day.

In addition, you can accept orders for flower arrangements for weddings and other special occasions and benefit from this company. You can either get the flowers for a flower farm or can grow flowers yourself.

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53) Real Estate Agency

You should have a sufficient understanding of the location in which you want to establish your real estate firm before you can build your small business concept. A real estate firm manages, purchases, operates, sells, or invests in land, buildings, and offices. The market for real estate is huge. There are several factors to take into account if you want to launch a profitable real estate firm. Consider what precise specialty is best for your company when beginning a new business to offer yourself an advantage over the competitors.

To prevent disappointing all of your prospective consumers, make sure you build up your real estate firm to fulfill the needs of a certain niche. You can assist individuals in finding their ideal house or piece of property as a real estate agent.

54) Computer Training Classes

There is a high need for computer knowledge and expertise in the current period. One’s chances of landing a job are significantly improved if they have a fundamental understanding of how to use a computer and simple applications like Word, Excel, and PowerPoint from the Microsoft Office suite. As a result, there is a high need for people to understand computer science, programming, and the rapidly developing fields of technology like artificial intelligence, blockchain, data analytics, the Internet of Things, etc.

If so, you can open a training facility with a few PCs, an internet connection, and teaching tools like projectors and whiteboards. Since information drives the company’s operations, ongoing investments after the initial capital outlay are minimal. Learn more about best small business ideas in India.

55) Organic Farming Business

Whether you farm or not, farming is very necessary for your survival.  Our health is negatively impacted by the pesticides and fertilizers used in agriculture.  It is getting more widely known. They recognize the value of chemical-free food.  Future years will see a significant increase in the importance of organic farming. You may do organic farming if you own a farm. You can sell them to different whole foods and grocers that focus on organic food.

56) Organic Food Store

Is Organic Food Really Worth It?

Our health is negatively impacted by the pesticides and fertilizers used in agriculture.  It is getting more widely known. People recognize the value of chemical-free food.  Future years will see a significant increase in the importance of organic farming. You can now go to different whole foods and grocers that focus on organic food. People are gradually becoming aware of it. This opens a large opportunity for those who do not want to farm organic food but has a knack for selling.

Because there is such a high demand for organic fruits and veggies, you can sell them. You have the option of starting as a small vendor. Finding a farmer who grows organic fruits and vegetables is all that is required.

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57) Medical Sample Service

Another low-investment and one of the best small business ideas in India, with explosive growth is medical sample service. It implies that you get patient samples of their blood, feces, urine, and sputum at their residences. Delivering these samples to pathological labs will allow them to be tested and provide medical reports. The consumer must get the reports at their residence. You will need a car or bike, tools for storing biohazardous material, and knowledge of how to draw blood samples. Before starting this firm, contracts with pathological labs are required.

58) Financial Consultation

You can work as a financial consultant and start one’s consultancy if you have an understanding of finance and investments and a degree or certification in the field. The majority of individuals lack basic financial and investing knowledge. They are unable to choose where to invest and where not to. People often desire to organize their finances. They want to prepare for their financial future or wish to invest their money wisely. You need to have sufficient expertise and experience to launch this business. You can gain experience by working anywhere before establishing this business.

59) Mobile Garage Service

Everybody has witnessed automobiles, scooters, and motorcycles malfunction amid crowded streets. The unlucky owners of these automobiles frequently struggle with the question of where to receive repairs. You might offer a mobile garage in such cases. It is one of the innovative and best small business ideas in India. You will need a car, a cell phone, and all the tools necessary to fix a stalled vehicle for this low-investment business. Simply head over to where the car is parked and start making repairs there.

60) Jams and Pickles Business

Local business makes jams, candy from Florida citrus

People in India regularly pair their meals with a variety of pickles, jams, and papads. People love homemade fruit jams since they don’t contain preservatives and they taste great. With the help of several organizations, you may turn this venture into a lucrative one with minimal capital. Making pickles and papads is another excellent idea for a home-based company that women have been doing for a long time.

You can launch this business either part-time or full-time, depending on your preferences. The business owner may progressively raise their supply and production capacity as the company starts to take off in terms of clients and popularity. This way one can expand their business.

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61) Address Verification Services

Customers’ reported addresses are frequently subject to physical verification by banks, credit card firms, and mobile phone providers. They take this action to avoid defaults and fraud.  This low-investment industry is once more in demand today. To visit the client addresses that banks, as well as other service providers, have supplied, however, you will need a car and perhaps additional staff to run a verification business. Learn more about best small business ideas in India.

62)T-Shirt Printing Business

Young people today choose to wear T-shirts with fresh patterns and vibrant full prints. If you want to establish a small business and make some money, you may do it by printing T-shirts. T-shirt printing has grown to be a popular business option, especially for company owners searching for a startup with a minimal startup cost.

If you sell printed t-shirts online, you do not need to get a license.  Simply contact a reputable T-shirt supplier and manufacturer, develop and approve the designs, and begin collecting orders. Minimum staffing and equipment are needed for this. This company can be operated with small capital and little space.

63) Dry Fruit Business

Everyone enjoys eating dry fruits, whether they are young or old, and everyone uses them in their homes since they are so healthy. Due to the health advantages of dry fruits, dry fruit sales have been expanding in India through wholesale, home-based, retail, and internet channels. People choose to purchase dry fruits for adding to homemade delicacies and to enjoy the health benefits. They are now frequently given as gifts during holidays, making this a very successful business.  The dessert, baking, sweets, catering, dairy and confectionery, online grocery stores, and cosmetic sectors are some examples of the target markets for your dry fruits.

You may set up this one of the best small business ideas in India as a retail store, a home-based business, or an internet store depending on the availability of your location, your capital, and the scale of your operations.

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64) Pest and Fumigation Service

Fumigation Services Pest Control | AgriTech India 2018

Pest control and fumigation services are steadily rising to the top of the metro cities’ industries. Everyone desires a healthy lifestyle free from illnesses brought on by insects and mosquitoes. Thus, the pest control industry is a viable choice in major cities where people tend to hire pest control services for their homes and offices.

Gaseous insecticides are sprayed or poured into the affected region using fumigation services to get rid of bugs. Pests in the region are poisoned by fumigants or insecticides. This allows removing pests and insects from the premise which in turn is useful in preventing diseases and pest-related issues. To operate this firm, one must have a comprehensive understanding of the chemicals utilized in the process. One can hire a few staff and invest minimally to run a small business with limited investment.

65) Laundry Shop

Everyone enjoys dressing in clean, fragrant clothing. This company is for you if you are effective at offering quality washing services. With various residential setups, you may focus on a certain neighborhood and attract a regular flow of consumers. Several laundry services may be offered, including dry cleaning and ironing. To manage the task, you may also hire a few untrained laborers.

66) Cleaning Services

One of the best small business ideas in India that one can start with a low investment requirement is cleaning services. While everyone enjoys keeping their homes tidy, not everyone can do so. There may be a variety of causes for this. Because they both work in cities, the husband and wife do not have time to tidy their home or they may have any kind of physical inability to do the cleaning. To satisfy this demand, you can launch a house cleaning business. This type of company is generating significant income for a lot of people.

You might also launch a cleaning service for corporate offices and commercial spaces. You can offer cleaning services to small businesses and manufacturing facilities in addition to offices. Every organization has a lot of everyday responsibilities and work, which makes them quite dirty. You can make big money from a cleaning service if you start one and approach the right clientele.

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67) Landscape Services

This is the most recent market and demand trend. Lawn care and landscaping can easily be on the list of successful small business ideas for startups and entrepreneurs with minimum capital investment.  Less equipment is needed for the landscape firm, which means lower costs. The majority of bungalow gardens or farmhouses focus on landscaping. They wish to have a well-planned garden on their land. Making these property owners call for professionals as and when needed.

They wish to have a well-planned garden on their land. Making them call for professionals as and when needed. Government projects also require a lawn designer. Therefore, there are many opportunities in this industry. If done correctly, running a landscaping business can be quite profitable in recent times as it is one of the best small business ideas in India.

68) Sign Boards Business

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Businesses and stores often utilize one of two types of signboards: painted or neon. Signboards are necessary for any type of commercial and small business enterprise. They play a significant role in promoting one’s company on a crowded street. The more appealing the board is, the more consumers it will draw in. There is a need for innovative, reasonably priced signboards that effectively promote the company. Creating and providing signboards of every kind to customers’ demands is a company that is in high demand all year round.

69) Mobile Phone Repair Shop

By the end of 2022, India has more than 800 million smartphone users. Furthermore, when more brands and less expensive alternatives hit the market, this number will rise tremendously shortly.   The need for stores and individuals that provide mobile phone repairs is thus anticipated to rise significantly. There will be a huge demand not only for repair work but also for the accessories for mobile phones like chargers, phone cases, headphones, etc., one can start a small business to meet this demand, which will provide complete servicing and repair along with an accessories store.

70) Tele Health and Medicine Service

Healthtech is another sector that is expanding quickly, much like finance. Since the Covid-19 outbreak, telehealth and virtual medical services, which are an essential component of health IT, have truly taken off. These services now offer comprehensive remote care services from appointments to prescriptions to drugs and follow-ups, all from a single platform. They are no longer merely limited to video conversations or video meetings between doctors and patients.

Without a doubt, this is one of the greatest and most lucrative business prospects for startups and small-scale business owners. Whatever telehealth services you choose to offer, pay close attention to compliance with laws and rules. Learn more about telemedicine regulations, and then develop a practical business strategy by taking everything into account.

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71) Horoscope and Palm Reading

It makes sense that this is one of India’s most popular low-investment enterprises. To print the horoscope, all you need is a computer with the necessary software, a printer, and beautiful paper. But in a country where superstitions are common, the demand for computerized horoscopes is still quite strong. The explanation is straightforward: People do not depend solely on computer findings. They demand a variety of horoscopes from various sources.

One can expand their business by offering palm reading services. In the practice of palm reading, a person’s destiny is foreseen by looking at his or her hands. A person with the expertise of palm reading can make a respectable income when paired with a horoscopy. Read on to know about best small business ideas in India.

72) Home Care for the Elderly

Seniors in need of care and patients in hospitals need carers. Especially when their family members are either out at work or are unable to meet their demands. In India, carer services are quickly gaining popularity. Home health care is exactly what it sounds like: a variety of medical treatments and/or services delivered from the comfort of the patient’s home rather than at a hospital bedside.

In general, home health care is less expensive and more practical, especially for elderly patients who prefer the convenience and comfort of receiving care at home. Elderly family members frequently choose to stay in their own homes but may require help due to a disability or physical limitations. This might be the elder care enterprise for you if it sounds to be something you’d like doing.

73) Interior Designing

Top 10 Interior Design Trends You Need To Know | Latest Home Ideas & Inspirations

You can work as an interior designer if you have a degree in architecture. India’s real estate market is expanding rapidly. By 2030, it’s anticipated to reach $1 trillion. Interior designers will always be in great demand in a market this young. This company might work wonderfully if you’re talented and have creative ideas for turning a house into a home. One can start small, choose more modest clients, and discover clients within their social circle as well. And over time, the firm might grow steadily.

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74) Yoga Classes

Yoga is extremely popular these days, and a profession in it might help you start a successful business with little money invested. Yoga is said to provide both physical and mental calm. These days, a large number of individuals all around the world have switched to this practice due to its health benefits. It is a technique that promotes inner calm on a mental, spiritual, and bodily level.

More and more individuals are becoming health concerned in today’s hectic environment. In recent years, yoga has become quite popular both domestically and internationally. The moment is ripe to choose this business. To become a yoga instructor, one must first learn the techniques so that one can be a teacher. In India as well as internationally, yoga instructors are highly-paid and in high demand. To establish this business, a minimal investment and a good premise to hold the classes are required.

75) Stationery Shop

As we all know, there is a great deal of public awareness nowadays about the importance of education, and most boys and girls are now attending schools and universities to further their knowledge. By taking advantage of this chance, you may open a stationery business in your community for a very minimal initial cost that can operate anywhere.

Additionally, stationery includes items other than simple notebooks, sheets, and pens. Even in the era of laptops, tablets, and smartphones, papers and pens are still widely used in schools, universities, and companies. It is still preferable to print paper-based documents like resumes and holiday cards. You can easily establish a stationary store business if you wish to make money with very little investment. All you need to do is find the right location for the store where the number of probable customers is high.

76) Alternative Therapies Centre

Everyone’s lifestyle has altered in the modern day. People are experiencing a wide range of health issues as a result of the changes in working practices. People are engaging in less physical activities, which is contributing to health issues like back discomfort, neck pain, migraines, and stomach-related illnesses. You can open a center for alternative therapies as one of the best small business ideas in India. You can provide remedies for people’s health issues.

Acupressure, Magnet Therapy, Color Therapy, Aromatherapy, Naturopathy, and Sujok are just a few examples of the many different kinds of alternative therapies. You should have the required training, education, and expertise in these Therapies to launch this business. Additionally, there are a lot of courses available. All these methods of treatment are teachable.

77) Corporate Gift Printing Service

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India has a vibrant corporate giving tradition. It goes on all year long. Pens, wallets, mugs, and a broad variety of other items are presented as corporate presents to employees and business partners.  These goods often have the name and logo of the business printed on them. You can start this business with little capital if you have access to sufficient samples and contacts.  To show them a variety of your items, you will require their samples.

78) Women’s Store

Women utilize a wide variety of items and accessories, many of which they use regularly. You may open a store selling women’s goods and accessories. This type of products has a huge market. Indian women are always looking to purchase new and distinctive goods and items. In your store, you can sell a wide range of goods, including women’s bags, women’s scarves, beauty items, hair clips, hair bands, and other hair accessories.

One can also open a business selling women’s apparel. This market is predicted to grow to 170000 Crores. This market is expanding pretty quickly as in this industry, both supply and demand are enormous. You can also open a specialty shop, such as a wedding attire shop, saree store, traditional fabric store, etc. This can be a good way to earn money.

79) Used car and bike selling business

Everyone aspires to own a bike or a car, but not everyone has the money to purchase a brand-new vehicle. However, their earnings or savings might not be sufficient to purchase a brand-new car or bike. However, because used cars and bikes are less expensive, they may purchase them. To satisfy this market need, you may launch a firm selling used motorcycles and automobiles.

All you need to do is launch your business, and people who need to sell their used vehicles will approach you. Anytime a person wishes to purchase a used motorcycle or automobile, they can contact you. You can sell the bike or get a nice commission and can also make a good profit out of this idea of best small business ideas in India.

80) Fish Aquarium

Making $45K/Yr By Farming Fish in My Apartment | Side Hustles

Yet another modest company concept for Indian businesspeople. You may also start an aquarium company, which is lucrative. Fish serve as a lucky and financial sign.  People now want to have aquariums in their homes for luck and money, while some do it out of pleasure and as a pastime.

Depending on their budget, some people choose a little arrangement while others opt for a huge, fashionable one. Folks may put a wide variety of fish in the aquarium. The sale of aquarium components is another avenue for substantial financial gain. Customers spend a lot of money on aquarium décor, including aeration equipment, substrate, tanks, decorations, and fish food. If you’re interested in starting a fish aquarium business, simply learn the ropes and talk to some experts.

Also read: Fortune 100 Best Companies to Work For

81) Game Zone

The demand for game zones is highest among children and teenagers. It is an original small business concept for up-and-coming businesspeople. The hefty cost of these games prevents parents or guardians from spending so much money. Therefore they choose to bring their kids to gaming zones where they can play the games for a few hours costing much less comparatively.

You can choose to open a gaming parlor with a large initial investment or a low first investment and still make a decent profit afterward. Before starting this business, you must research the industry and understand what is popular with children. Before you start this business, you need to keep a lot of key factors in mind, such as the type of machinery, the market, the procedure, the licensing and registration requirements, business risk, etc.

82) Common Service Centre

The Indian government offers a wide variety of services. These services are widely available online. Therefore you can set the CSC or common service center to help people complete these services. This is one of the best small business ideas in India which comes with a government backup. This is a place where you can provide a wide range of online services to other people, including Aadhar Cards, PAN Cards, train ticket booking, electricity bills, government schemes, government documents, some licenses, insurance, agricultural services, etc.

In India, this is a very lucrative low-investment business idea. At csc.gov.in, you can discover all the information you need to open a CSC center and for registration as well.

83) Manpower supplying business

Every firm needs extra workers practically every day. This is especially true for restaurants, which have significant worker attrition rates. Cooks and waiters frequently quit unexpectedly or just stop working. The proprietor of the firm is severely inconvenienced by this. On occasion, homes also need help with cleaning. With a little creativity and little capital outlay, you may assist restaurants in solving their labor issues and generate respectable revenue virtually every day.

84) Personality Development Classes

Top 10 Personality Improvement Skills | Ranveer Allahbadia

Everybody desires a positive personality. Both personally and professionally, having a positive attitude is tremendously advantageous. You can start a class for personality development. Such courses are highly sought after in the industry and hence one can say that these classes are one of the best small business ideas in India. This program will prepare you for your interview if you are looking for work. This course might be useful for business and marketing professionals as well. You can teach a variety of skills in this program, including public speaking, stage daring, and communication skills. Find a space for the classes or you can also choose online teaching mode to save more money.

Also Read: How do TV Shows Make Money? 11 Best Ways

There are several other low investment business opportunities that you might consider to start a business in India. Even plentiful investment in a small business might not be enough if your strengths and skill set do not match your criteria. After analyzing and evaluating these aspects, choose a business to run.

It is advisable to know all the legalities and licensing procedures before jumping into the pool. Always remember, a very little experience may also help.

Now that you have all the above mentioned small but high return business ideas, are you still waiting for something?

Best wishes for your new startup!

Sushma Singh

Sushma Singh

Sushma is an expert in online money-making strategies with extensive experience in business. She has spent a lot of time researching and writing about the ever-changing world of money-making games and websites, making her an expert at finding ways to make money online. Her work, largely based on research and useful information, helps both new and experienced gamers and business owners.

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4 thoughts on “80 best small business ideas in india”.

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Thanks for sharing small business ideas

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Almost all of these ideas are easy to implement and develop into a multimillion dollar business if the person develops the right attitude. Startups usually lack persistence and patience and most of them quit just a few steps from attaining results.

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Thank your sharing valuable business ideas.

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81 Top Manufacturing Business Ideas In India Under 10 Lakhs That Guarantee Profit

Manufacturing Business Ideas Under 10 Lakhs In India

Best Manufacturing Business Ideas in India: “No matter what anybody tells you, words and ideas can change the world.” So that is what we bring to you today-a curated list of manufacturing business ideas under 10 lakhs in India to choose and experiment from.

If it’s your first time, deciding which business to start will help.

2. Manufacturing Businesses based on Role

32. fashion jewellery.

business plans examples in india

What is Manufacturing Business?

Manufacturing refers to the large-scale production of goods by setting up a factory. Manufacturing means converting raw materials into finished merchandise using machines. Manufacturing is not always automated and done using machines. In fact, manufacturing also needs manual labour.

After manufacturing, the finished goods can be sold directly to consumers or to whole sellers who distribute the goods to retailers or to other companies. Briefly, the distribution or sale of manufactured goods can be done in the following formats: 1. Business-to-business (B2B) 2. Business-to-consumer (B2C)

A manufacturer refers to a person who assembles all the raw materials or goods that will be used by other manufacturers to convert them into a final product. There are three types of manufacturing production: 1. make-to-stock (MTS) 2. make-to-order (MTO) 3. make-to-assemble (MTA).

All types of manufacturing businesses involve some risk. Manufacturing too many goods leads to spare stock and wastage of money, and manufacturing too little leads to not meeting demand, which can lead to a drop in sales. So to avoid any such risk, a manufacturing business should always focus on excellent sales management and maintaining good control over production.

What are the Types of Manufacturing Industries?

There are two types of Manufacturing Industries business. This industry is divided into two parts based on the raw materials, role, and capital investment in manufacturing businesses. The types of industries in the manufacturing business are as follows:

1. Manufacturing Businesses Based on Raw Materials

The types of manufacturing businesses based on the raw materials are as follows:

  • Agro-Based Manufacturing Industries: Agro-based businesses are those where the raw materials are produced through agriculture. For example, jute, cotton, coffee, tea, rubber, sugar, etc.
  • Mineral-Based Manufacturing Business: Those businesses that are manufacturing products that are not produced by agriculture are known as mineral-based manufacturing businesses.” Some of the minerals used in the manufacturing business are steel, iron, copper, gold, etc.

Manufacturing businesses are divided into two types based on their roles, and they are:

  • Consumer Industries: Consumer industries are the industries that manufacture the products that are directly used by the customers, such as rubber, sugar, paper plates, etc.
  • Key Industries: Key industries are the industries that are supplied to companies to manufacture other products. For example, steel, iron, aluminum smelting, etc.

81 Best Manufacturing Business Ideas in India Under 10 Lakhs to Start in 2024

The 81 most profitable manufacturing businesses to start in India are listed below:

1. Hair Oil Manufacturing Business

business plans examples in india

With the internet booming with a plethora of information, people have become more aware of their health and have actively started seeking out alternatives to products that damage their bodies. Ayurvedic items such as herbal hair oil have become a must for people seeking to heal their hair. Both men, women and children use it for their personal care, hence, there is a huge demand for it, and starting an Ayurvedic hair oil business in India will only bring you profit.

Hair Oil Manufacturing Business is one of the best factory to start in india. First and foremost, you need to register your business as you cannot operate with a license. Certain types of machinery will be required to manufacture hair oil. Individuals engaged in this type of business are estimated to make between INR 25000 to INR 50000 on a weekly basis. And a thriving Ayurvedic hair oil new manufacturing business idea with medium investment will require at least a manpower of 5 to 8 employees.

2. Detergent Powder Manufacturing

business plans examples in india

Since they are a part of the FMCG business, detergent powders are frequently utilised by many people. Detergent Powder has a large market potential because it is a quick-moving product that is frequently used at homes for washing clothes, among other things. The potential for the Detergent Powder manufacturing business idea in india to become a profitable venture is wide. Indian households use a large amount of detergent every month as it is an essential ingredient for the sanitization of their clothes. The production procedure for detergent powder is fairly straightforward, which is the business’s biggest advantage. The first thing you must do when starting your business is to get it registered.

You should narrow down your targets and approach them. Some of the targets would be local shops, supermarkets, distributors, retailers and more. In a medium-sized thriving business, you can make up to 2 lakhs or more per month.

3. Womens Footwear

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Out of many manufacturing business ideas in India, women’s footwear is one of the best production business ideas. The world is evolving, and so are the choices. Women are actively seeking home-grown brands and are more than willing to try new and unique styles.

The demand for businesses that manufacture non-leather, cruelty-free, fashionable yet comfortable footwear for women is on the rise. And this is the best time to take the leap.

Here, again, social media marketing proves to be fruitful – you can start with your website/blog/page. Know more from those who are already leveraging the industry – Devika Srimals Kanabis, a Delhi-based footwear business and Chondamma Cariappas The Sole Sisters.

Interesting story – Chondamma started a Facebook album named Fetish where she would post pictures of shoes from various parts of the world that she came across while travelling.

The album turned into a blog, The Sole Sisters, and the response she received pushed her to start the footwear label.

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4. Eco-friendly Cutlery and Kitchen Items

business plans examples in india

The common denominator in all successful manufacturing businesses under 10 Lakhs in India is that they all make their customers lives easy. Eco-friendly cutlery is another growing business that does the same and known as best business under 10 lakh.

It not only saves us from the hassle of maintenance but also is the best possible alternative to plastics.

With our generation becoming more aware and environment-sensitive, therell be no dearth of customers in this business. The aesthetic appeal will serve as an added advantage.

For this, youll need to invest in cutlery making machines that will cost around INR 50,000. The best example I can think of is Narayana Peesapatys Hyderabad-based Bakeys that makes edible cutlery from nutritious food materials.

The company claims the cutlery contains no chemicals, additives, or preservatives. Bakeys claims the products have a long shelf life as they are moisture and fat-free.

5. Environment- Friendly Bags

business plans examples in india

This category encompasses Jute, canvas cloth, and paper bags that are sustainable alternatives to plastic ones. This is one business that will never fall short of customers because. Well, we are not going to stop using bags anytime soon!

Paper bags and envelopes are in high demand with large supermarkets, pharmacies and other retailers. Its raw material is inexpensive and available in abundance.

The use of biodegradable and reusable golden fibre is also at a high. And its manufacturing process is also simple. These kinds of bags serve multiple purposes.

The canvas cloth bags, on the other hand, are used by college-going students which again make them rich in demand. EcoAd is doing a great job in this context.

The paper bag making startup says – We target the elimination of polyethene from our culture and society. Every day we are getting closer to it. Closer we go more we realise the magnitude of this issue.

6. Smartphone Accessories

business plans examples in india

Out of the many manufacturing ideas under 10 Lakhs in India,   this one is obvious. With smartphones, we carry our world in our pockets, quite literally.

Theres no if and but about its demand – and the same goes with its accessories. Anyone who uses smartphones will need tempered glass, phone cases/covers, selfie sticks, and other accessories as well.

This makes the business high in terms of profit. Speaking of investment , the low capacity tempered glass making machines cost around Rs 75,000 while high capacity ones cost over Rs 1.5 lakh.

One inspiring story is that of Chirag Demla and Pawan Demlas CellBell. It’s an eCommerce platform for mobile accessories – Selfie sticks, headphones, cables, screen glass, and covers that started with an initial investment of 7 lakhs.

Recently, CellBell was selected by Amazon as a strategic account due to its consistent sales performance and was the single brand account to achieve a sales target of over Rs 12 crore.

7. Personal Care Range

business plans examples in india

In todays day and age, people are more than willing to splurge in natural/organic personal care products. The reason is simple – awareness.

The products range from facewash, face creams, lotions to lip balms and scrubs. You can choose a single product or an entire range to start your business. The returns are great and sure to come.

One such home-grown brand is Shabia Walias Mumbai-based Wild Earth. It offers natural beauty products free from sulphates and parabens.

Started with a single product, she then went on to launch her own company. It today has 17 categories of products for hair and skincare that recorded an annual turnover of Rs 1.23 crore.

8. Recyclable Apparels

business plans examples in india

What if I tell you heaps of waste can build you an empire Well, not an empire, but definitely a start-up. You can recycle waste or used clothes to produce edgy apparels out of it.

Sounds innovative It is, and start-ups are leveraging it already. A unique idea backed by innovative marketing can turn this business into a goldmine.

One such inspiration is RawPressery, a Mumbai-based food and beverage startup that has started an eco-friendly initiative called RawCycle. The used beverage bottles are first washed and chopped into flakes.

These are then melted and converted to chips before extruding the same into yarn. The yarn is woven into a fabric, stitched and dyed to make t-shirts, Raw Pressery told YourStory.

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9. Indian Handicraft Items

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Thinking of starting a social startup Heres an idea! Indian handicraft items are high in demand and bridge the gap between artisans and customers.

You can start this manufacturing business with low investment, and theres much more than monetary benefits youll earn in return.

One such story is that of Ahmedabad-based Gaatha . They use recyclable materials such as bamboo, wood, leather, fibre, and even urban waste to produce clothes, jewelry, paintings, and stationery. The products are crafted by artisans of Gujarat, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, and Kashmir.

10. Handmade Candles

Handmade candles is one of the best manufacturing business examples to start. We are a generation that strongly believes in the power of aesthetics. And that makes handmade candles a high in-demand product.

In recent years, theres been an inclination towards scented and therapeutic ones – found in restaurants, households, and hotels, spas, and spiritual places. With an initial investment of INR 20,000 to 30,000, you can expect great returns, especially in the festive season.

11. Homemade Chocolates/Cookies

Lets face the fact – Indian have a sweet tooth! And we are always looking for new and refreshing flavours. If you think you can serve pure delight on a platter, then this manufacturing business is for you.

The best part It requires an initial investment of less than INR 50,000. Also, youll have a wider target market to cater to as this is one product that will tickle the taste buds of children and adults both.

12. Garden Landscaping

There are multiple backyard/ garden landscaping ideas available online. All you need to do is come up with something similar at your place and for which you wont need to shell out a fortune as well.

For there are a number of flea markets and recycled goods stores present in major cities. You can also upcycle old furniture to come up with mix and match styles of decor. Once youre done posing across the newly landscaped backyard or garden of yours, just post it online for marketing it across. And dont go anywhere but your existing social media handles to showcase your work. When youve successfully created a buzz around your newly acquired skills, it will be time to cash things in by taking up projects.

13. Pickle-Making

Pickle making is one of the unique manufacturing business ideas to get started with. All you need for kick-starting a pickle business in India is the right workforce. Once you set your hands upon the right people to deliver the utmost, authentic taste, this venture hardly needs any more investment. Pickle making, packaging and delivery has been one of the most underrated manufacturing businesses under 10 Lakhs in India with low starter investment.

14. Dairy Production

Go local is the sentiment echoed by many when it comes to consumption of dairy products in both urban and rural areas. Dairy production does require low capital investment but the legal and compliance framework of this business can be a tough job.

Cattle and feed legal requirements are strict and tasking. Although known as the business for all seasons in India, dairy production can be an exhausting endeavour.

Other than these 14 sought-after manufacturing businesses under 10 Lakhs in India, there are several more to sample from. Dairy production is one of the bets manufacturing opportunities in India.

15. Homemade Ice Cream Production

Homemade ice cream is one of the best small food manufacturing business ideas. Many of you would have heard about Raghunandan Srinivas Kamath, the founder of Naturals Ice Cream. He was initially selling Pav Bajji’s but ended up selling only ice cream after one point of time, noticing how Indians love to end their meals with something sweet.

Taking inspiration from his business, many of the newcomers who would wish to start a business related to food manufacturing can start with ice cream manufacturing. No Indian says no to ice cream unless he/she is allergic to it. When it comes to ice cream, people of all ages love to consume it. So, if you want to start with a home-made or production business ideas in India, starting an ice cream business is the best option.

16. Homemade Jelly

Starting a homemade jelly manufacturing business requires careful planning and research. First, you will need to identify the types of jellies you want to make and source ingredients that meet your standards. You will also need to create a food safety plan, obtain necessary permits, and design labels for your products. Additionally, you will need to consider packaging, marketing and distribution options. Finally, it may also be beneficial to partner with other businesses or organizations to help spread the word about your jellies.

17. Rakhis Made at Home

Starting a rakhi manufacturing business requires research, planning and dedication. You will need to determine the types of rakhi you want to produce, and source the right materials for production. You will also have to create a business plan, and develop a marketing and distribution strategy.

18. Paper Egg Tray Manufacturing Company

In recent years, the egg tray business has been one of the most profitable manufacturing business ideas. Even egg tray companies come under the top 10 manufacturing businesses in India. The egg tray business has seen rapid growth in recent days due to increased egg consumption. As more people consume eggs, the demand for egg cartons is also increasing. To start the egg tray business, one needs to set up a pulp moulding plant that contains egg tray-making machines to manufacture egg trays.

The pulp molded inside the pulp molding plant is nothing more than a material made of waste and recycled papers used to manufacture egg trays. For these, one will have to figure out the place to install egg tray manufacturing machines, depending upon the supply, financial assistance, etc.

19. Envelope and File Production

Envelope manufacturing is one of the best manufacturing business under 10 lakh investment. Paper envelopes are still used daily in offices and schools, even in this advanced tech era. There are different types of enevelope-making machines available on the market. Choose the right machine depending on the monthly production you are planning. Once you are done with the business plan analysis, get going and start manufacturing your paper envelope business.

20. Making Hand-Made Paper & Personalized Gift Wrappers

Who doesn’t love personalised gifts Handmade customised gifts are one of the most popular and top trending businesses in recent days. If you are looking for a business that has less competition but good profits, then you can go with handmade paper and personalised gift wrappers. Since a lot of people lack creativity and patience , you can be a good player and help people give personalised gifts for their loved ones.

21. Ready-to-Eat Foods

With so many advanced technologies in the world, people are completely dependent on machines. Due to this, most people even stopped cooking and switched to online ordering. However, online ordering has its own set of advantages and disadvantages, such as inaccurate delivery, wrong food delivery, delivery charges, and so on.

Hence, most people are trying to switch to ready-to-eat meals, where they can carry them with them at any point in time and consume them wherever they want. Some of the ready-to-eat meals are cup noodles, salads, cooked meats, smoked fish, desserts, sandwiches, cheese, and other foods that need to be cooked in advance and consumed when they’re cool.

So if you have a better idea here, start manufacturing the ready-to-eat foods.

22. Cosmetic Products

One of the most popular manufacturing businesses in India is cosmetics. Who doesn’t love beauty Everyone wants to be presentable and project themselves as smart and decent.

Due to pollution, food consumption, and stress, there are various reasons why one’s skin is affected. As a result, everyone owns at least one cosmetic product in order to appear presentable.

Given this, if you can create organic cosmetic products that naturally help your customers restore the appearance of their skin, you will undoubtedly profit. Hence, manufacturing cosmetic products is a great idea to see the profits.

23. Millets Based Foods Manufacturing

The desire to be healthy is growing by the day. Millets are an important food that has been facing increasing demand due to its health benefits. Millets are a good source of calcium. About 40% of Indians face calcium deficiency, and one can take good advantage of this.

India produces sorghum and pearl millets, which are good sources of calcium. Hence, one can manufacture food or snacks using millets. The following are some of the most popular millet-based foods:

  • Bread (Ragi and Bajra)
  • Mud flour is convenient.
  • Cookies (Ragi & Bajra)
  • Decorticated ragi
  • Expanded bajra
  • Expanded ragi
  • flaked rte jowar
  • Germinated Ragi Drink Mix
  • Ragi-based instant beverage
  • Instant ragi semolina porridge
  • Jowar flakes
  • Enzyme-rich malted ragi flour
  • millet-based upma and halwa mix
  • Millet semolina (coarse and fine)
  • Muffins (Ragi and Bajra)
  • Multigrain drink mix
  • Multigrain pasta
  • Multigrain Sweet Mix (Halva)
  • Nutritious millet flour
  • Pedal-operated millet dehuller
  • Ragi flakes
  • Ragi pappad
  • Ragi vermicelli
  • Shelf-stable bajra flour
  • Shelf-stable jowar flour

Hence, with so many millet manufacturing options, choose the right product that you feel is most preferred in the market and start manufacturing the same.

Also, if you are planning to grow millets and manufacture millet-based products, think about the Government Seed Production Program in India. Under this program, people earn huge amounts of money just by producing high-quality seeds.

24. Handmade Organic & Exotic Soaps

business plans examples in india

Handmade organic and exotic soaps are one of the new manufacturing business ideas with medium investment. With more and more people opting for chemical-free alternatives, it is the perfect time to dive into the hand-made organic soap business.

You need to make an initial investment of INR 1.5 – 2 lakhs and can expect pretty exciting returns. Another favourable fact is – you wont have a hard time convincing prospects.

Why Because people are already switching to an organic lifestyle. Check out SoulPure, a Bangalore-based startup that produces not only skin-friendly but also environmental-friendly soaps, for more inspiration.

25. Bakery Products

business plans examples in india

The largest industry in the food processing sector in India is the bakery business. Products made by bakeries have gained enormous popularity nationwide. One of the most lucrative food processing business opportunities that one can start with either owned or rented premises is a bakery. 

The key to success in the bakery industry is choosing the correct product and implementing an effective marketing plan. You must select the precise products for your bakery product manufacturing based on the market and financial factors.

There are two sorts of money that you will need to secure when starting a bakery business. One is fixed capital used to set up the facility and buy equipment. Working capital is the second. Banks offer hire purchase leasing for the acquisition of machinery. 

26. Mineral Water Manufacturing

business plans examples in india

For individuals who want to start a manufacturing firm, the bottled water venture is an innovative option. This product not only has a significant potential for profitability but also a growing market demand. Due to its extreme purity and cleanliness, people now prefer purchasing mineral water over conventional drinkable water. The overall supply chain is disrupted by the growing demand for mineral water, which increases pressure on the current facility to increase production. New business owners are being drawn to India to build mineral water factories as a result of the rising demand.

27. Toy Manufacturing

business plans examples in india

Numerous advantages make the Indian toy manufacturing sector a profitable investment opportunity. For instance, it is one of the most promising industries in the nation due to the low cost of production, sizable home market, and growing global demand. The Indian toy market is thought to be worth $1.5 billion, or 0.5% of the global market. The majority of the toy producers in India are concentrated in the states of Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Karnataka, and more. The toys industry in India has the potential to grow to $2-3 billion by 2024. 

28. Sports Goods Manufacturing

business plans examples in india

India’s sports goods market is one of the largest in the world and has been in existence for about a century. Because of its success and the professional workforce that supports it, the industry is well-known for helping to boost employment rates and the national economy. Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Maharashtra, Delhi, Tamil Nadu, Jammu, and West Bengal are among the top sports goods producing states in India. India exports sporting goods to the USA, China, Australia, Germany, the UAE, the UK, Netherlands, France, South Africa, Sweden, Canada, Belgium, Brazil, Chile, Denmark, and a total of more than 200 countries.

29. Biscuit Making

Although it requires specialised knowledge and certain expensive equipment, the production of biscuits can be profitable with enough effort. In India, the biscuit market is expanding quickly and has a lot of room for expansion. Effective decision-making and strategic planning are essential in the biscuit industry when deciding how to sell, how to package products, how to set prices, etc. In the biscuit making sector, the packaging is crucial. Consider creative packaging ideas. You must offer packaging that is both appealing and waterproof. Regarding bulk supplies, pay attention to the outer carton as well.

30. Leather Products

From making leather to using it to create your products, leather production continues to be the best manufacturing business to start in India and plays a significant part in the industrial sector. Due to the growing preference for cruelty-free leather among customers and manufacturers, the leather industry can be plagued with ethical dilemmas. You can incorporate leather into almost any product you can think of. Small and medium-sized leather product manufacturing businesses can be built into successful businesses.

31. Hair Wigs and Hair Extension

Hair Wigs and extensions are also the best products to manufacture in India. The demand for hair wigs and extensions has been growing rapidly. While a few people have improper hair growth, others don’t want to grow long hair and try to prefer shorter hair according to their personalities.

Hence, people who don’t have hair will use the hair extensions if they have to attend wedding parties and style themselves using the extensions. Further, wigs and hair extensions are also used by the people in their everyday lives according to the dresses they wear.

Thus, the hair wig and hair extension manufacturing business is one of the best business ideas to start in 2023 to get profits.

You can offer bleached human hair extensions, virgin hair extensions, double-drawn extensions, and many other types of extensions. Also, depending on the client’s requirements, you can manufacture hair extensions in various colours and types, such as curly, frizzy, etc.

People are very interested in human hair because it can be styled in a variety of ways. Hence, always try to manufacture human hairs whenever possible.

business plans examples in india

When it comes to what to manufacture in India, this is one of the most profitable manufacturing business ideas under 10 lakh.

What makes it profitable Rather than hoarding on gold and diamond, modern-day women now buy jewellery that is light and pleasant and wears it to work, events, and celebrations. And fashion jewellery serves the purpose well.

These days jewellery brands leverage e-commerce and social media – Instagram and Facebook pages, for marketing. Secret tip – Influencer marketing is a great way for such brands to gain traction.

For clarity, study about Pipa+bella , brain-child of Suchi Pandya, a thriving Mumbai-based jewellery business.

Other Top 49 Manufacturing Business Ideas in India 2024

Apart from the above 32 manufacturing startup ideas in India, here are the top 49 industrial business ideas in India that you can start in the year 2024. The best part of the following manufacturing business ideas for India is that you can start all of them with as little investment as you have.

  • Automobile Parts Manufacturing
  • Computer Hardware and Networking Products Manufacturing
  • Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
  • Bottled Water Manufacturing
  • Brewery Manufacturing
  • Plastic Products Manufacturing
  • Textile Manufacturing
  • Food Processing
  • Garment Manufacturing
  • Soap Manufacturing
  • Paint Manufacturing
  • Packaging Manufacturing
  • Agarbatti (Incense Stick) Manufacturing
  • Solar Panel Manufacturing
  • Sewing Thread Manufacturing
  • Automobile Spare Parts Manufacturing
  • Solar Water Heater Manufacturing
  • Electric Wire and Cable Manufacturing 25. Rubber Products Manufacturing
  • Battery Manufacturing
  • Tractor Parts Manufacturing
  • Mosquito Repellent Manufacturing
  • Automobile Tyre Manufacturing
  • Steel Furniture Manufacturing
  • Packaged Drinking Water Manufacturing
  • Plastic Bottles Manufacturing
  • Bed Linen Manufacturing
  • Hair Oil Manufacturing
  • Coconut Oil Manufacturing
  • Groundnut Oil Manufacturing
  • Frozen Meals Manufacturing
  • Renewable Resource Manufacturing
  • Windows and Doors Manufacturing
  • Pharmaceuticals Manufacturing
  • Organic Body Soap Manufacturing
  • Organic Body Essentials Manufacturing
  • Women’s Slipper Manufacturing
  • Tissue Paper Manufacturing
  • Water Bottle Manufacturing
  • Hand Wash Manufacturing
  • Bags Manufacturing
  • Pen Manufacturing
  • Agro and Food Chemicals
  • Construction Chemicals
  • Pharma and Medical Disposable Products
  • Wood Combs, Glasses, Brushes
  • Nutraceuticals products
  • Zero Waste Products Such as Cloth bags, Cutleries
  • Pharma Chemicals
  • Dietary Supplements Manufacturing

Profit-Making Manufacturing Ideas Under 10 Lakhs in India

Starting a manufacturing business in under 10 Lakhs India is easy. Some of the profitable manufacturing business ideas under 10 lakhs in India include 3D printing services, vegetable processing, instant noodles production, soap and detergent making, digital printing, paper cup manufacturing, bag making, incense stick making, and herbal products production.

FAQs on Manufacturing Business Ideas in India 2024

The frequently asked questions on manufacturing business ideas are given below:

Which among these is the manufacturing business  A) Plastic container manufacturing B) Smartphone manufacturing C) Hairdressing business D) Candy manufacturing Plastic container making, smart phone making, and candy making businesses are manufacturing businesses.

What are a few production business ideas  Some of the production business ideas are leather and fabric production, eyeglasses and frames manufacturing, and plastic bottle manufacturing.

What is the best manufacturing business in India to start  Some of the top manufacturing business in India to get started are phone accessories, household accessories, organic snacks, and stationery items.

Is there any manufacturing business under 3 lakh  LED bulb manufacturing & soft toy manufacturing are some of the best businesses under 3 lakh that can be manufactured.

What are some of the easy manufacturing business ideas  Some of the easy to manufacture business ideas are mask making, disposable garbage bags, stationery items for kids, pet supplies, bindi making, kitchen essentials.

The fact is that the business world and its ways are reforming. And in 2023, you do not need to be another Larsen & Toubro or another Jindal steel to make a difference; you just have to be – well, you!

Entrepreneurship in the manufacturing business might seem like a fancy venture where you can dabble your way to success, earn millions, and live happily ever after. But let us burst the bubble and tell you the truth cannot be any further. It requires plans, business strategies, skills, expertise, a supportive team, and, most importantly, honest efforts to make a dent in thinking about new manufacturing business ideas. With the right idea and strategic execution, we can promise you this: it will be worth it!

Which idea are you choosing to experiment with to make 2023 a groundbreaking year 

Read More :

  • 9 Factors Thatll Help You Choose The Right Business Location
  • 11 Best Leadership Books For Every Entrepreneur & Aspiring Leader

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India Business Plans Samples For Students

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The company, Brooks Sports, Inc. came into being by, Morris Goldenberg, in 1914. SWOT analysis is the acronym of Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and Threats (David, 1995). SWOT analysis is used to analyse the external and internal environment of the organization (Daft, and Marcic, 2006).

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- Situaational Analysis (SWOT) ------------------------------------------------------------3 - What are the Influences on Purchase Process? ------------------------------------------4 - Psycho/ Situational/ Socio-Cultural-------------------------------------------------------5 - What are the Characteristics of the Industry? -------------------------------------------5 - How Clear is Your Value Proposition? --------------------------------------------------6 - Marketing Mix (Product, Promotion, Price, Place) ------------------------------------7 - Market Size and Growth Rate? -----------------------------------------------------------9 - Convincing Data on Market Characteristics---------------------------------------------10 - Clear Financial Projection for First Five Years------------------------------------------11 - Clear Sales Volume in Canadian Restaurant Industry---------------------------------12 - How Sales Volume has Changed Product Life Cycle----------------------------------15 - References------------------------------------------------------------------------------------16

Situational Analysis

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Jack Sparrow Brewing Company is going to be a high end brew pub that offers a wide variety of craft-brewed ales and lagers served with fresh, natural and healthy food at reasonable prices. The Jack Sparrow Pub will be located on the waterfront of Miami, Florida to synchronize with its old-fashioned nautical concept that features pirate flags draped on the beams and an antique nautical chart on the floor with X marks that symbolizes buried treasures complimented with fast and friendly service from bartenders and waiters dressed in pirate costumes.

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Total Medical School Enrollment in the US in 2006 According to the Association of American Medical Colleges (2012a), there were a total of 72, 898 enrollees in American medical colleges in 2006. Of these, 35, 397 were female and 37, 501 were male. These statistics did not involve the students whose degrees were revoked, who did not complete the fifth pathway, who completed the fifth pathway, who never enrolled, who were deceased, and who withdrew, were dismissed or were graduated.

A Business Enterprise Business Plan

Business is the political, economical, social, technological, environmental and legal factors that are not in the business and cannot be controlled by the business either, but they affect the operations of the business. With the developments in different sectors in the current generation, they will affect the operations of your business. These business environments are called PESTEL which stand for Political, economical, Social, Technological, Environmental and legislative factors.

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Big businesses in India - statistics and facts

It's all in the family: india’s major conglomerates, what was the impact of corporate tax cuts, the big gets listed: ipo frenzy, key insights.

Detailed statistics

World's largest conglomerates: market value 2023

Most valuable unlisted companies India 2023

Market capitalization of listed domestic companies India 2005-2022

Editor’s Picks Current statistics on this topic

Business Enterprise

Biggest wealth creating companies in India 2018-2023

Wages & Salaries

CEO salaries India FY 2023

Effective tax rate of companies India FY 2022, by profit before tax

Further recommended statistics

  • Premium Statistic World's largest conglomerates: market value 2023
  • Premium Statistic Corporate revenue in India FY 2012-FY 2024
  • Premium Statistic Share of listed and unlisted companies in corporate PAT India FY 2014-2023
  • Premium Statistic Market cap of listed domestic companies as share of GDP India 2005-2022
  • Premium Statistic Annual nifty 50 returns in India 2014-2023
  • Premium Statistic Annual performance of the Nifty 50 Index in India 2010-2023
  • Premium Statistic Most valuable unlisted companies India 2023

World's largest conglomerates: market value 2023

World's largest conglomerates as of May 5, 2023, based on market value (in billion U.S. dollars)

Corporate revenue in India FY 2012-FY 2024

Corporate revenue in India during financial year 2012 to 2022, with estimates until 2024 (in trillion Indian rupees)

Share of listed and unlisted companies in corporate PAT India FY 2014-2023

Share of listed and unlisted companies in corporate profit after tax (PAT) in India from financial year 2014 to 2023

Market cap of listed domestic companies as share of GDP India 2005-2022

Market capitalization of listed domestic companies as share of gross domestic product in India from 2005 to 2022

Annual nifty 50 returns in India 2014-2023

Annual nifty 50 returns in India from 2014 to 2023

Annual performance of the Nifty 50 Index in India 2010-2023

Average annual performance of the Nifty 50 Index in India from 2011 to 2023

Most valuable unlisted companies in India in 2023 (in billion Indian rupees)

Leading performers by key indicators

  • Premium Statistic Leading companies in India December 2023, by market capitalization
  • Premium Statistic Leading Indian companies December 2023, by net sales
  • Premium Statistic Leading companies in India 2023 by net profit
  • Premium Statistic Leading companies in India 2023, by total assets
  • Premium Statistic Leading companies in India 2024, by number of employees

Leading companies in India December 2023, by market capitalization

Leading companies in India as of December 2023, by market capitalization (in billion Indian rupees)

Leading Indian companies December 2023, by net sales

Leading companies in India as of December 2023, by net sales (in billion Indian rupees)

Leading companies in India 2023 by net profit

Leading companies in India in 2023, by profit after tax (in trillion Indian rupees)

Leading companies in India 2023, by total assets

Leading companies in India in 2023, by total assets (in trillion Indian rupees)

Leading companies in India 2024, by number of employees

Leading publicly traded companies in India as of June 2024, by number of employees (in 1,000s)

Sector-wise ranking

  • Premium Statistic Leading IT services and consulting companies in India 2023, by market capitalization
  • Premium Statistic Leading oil exploration companies in India 2024, by market capitalization
  • Premium Statistic Leading pharmaceutical and drug companies India 2023, by market capitalization
  • Premium Statistic Leading private sector banks in India 2023, by market cap
  • Premium Statistic Leading food processing companies in India 2024, by market capitalization
  • Basic Statistic Leading hotel and restaurant companies in India 2023, by market capitalization
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Leading IT services and consulting companies in India 2023, by market capitalization

Leading IT services and consulting companies in India as of November 2023, based on market capitalization (in billion Indian rupees)

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Leading pharmaceutical and drug companies India 2023, by market capitalization

Leading pharmaceutical and drug companies in India in 2023, by market capitalization (in billion Indian rupees)

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Leading private sector banks across India as of 2023, based on market capitalization (in billion Indian rupees)

Leading food processing companies in India 2024, by market capitalization

Leading food processing companies in India as of January 2024, based on market capitalization (in billion Indian rupees)

Leading hotel and restaurant companies in India 2023, by market capitalization

Leading hotel and restaurant companies in India as of 2023, based on market capitalization (in billion Indian rupees)

Leading construction companies by market capitalization India 2024

Leading construction companies by market capitalization in India in 2024 (in billion Indian rupees)

Corporate tax

  • Premium Statistic Estimated composition of taxes in gross tax revenue in India FY 2023
  • Premium Statistic Corporate tax as a share of GDP India FY 2022-2025
  • Premium Statistic Corporate tax rate in India 2014-2029
  • Premium Statistic Value of corporation tax India FY 2022-2025
  • Premium Statistic Change in corporation tax India FY 2022-2025
  • Premium Statistic Effective tax rate of leading companies India FY 2022

Estimated composition of taxes in gross tax revenue in India FY 2023

Estimated composition of taxes in gross tax revenue in India in financial year 2023

Corporate tax as a share of GDP India FY 2022-2025

Corporate tax as a share of GDP in India from financial year 2022 to 2023, with estimates until 2025 (in trillion Indian rupees)

Corporate tax rate in India 2014-2029

Corporate tax rate in India from 2014 to 2029

Value of corporation tax India FY 2022-2025

Value of corporation tax in India from financial year 2022 to 2023, with estimates until 2025 (in trillion Indian rupees)

Change in corporation tax India FY 2022-2025

Change in corporation tax collection in India from financial year 2022 to 2023, with estimates until 2025 (in trillion Indian rupees)

Effective tax rate of leading companies India FY 2022

Effective tax rate of leading companies in India in financial year 2022

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

  • Premium Statistic Corporate social responsibility (CSR) spending in India FY 2022, by company
  • Premium Statistic Corporate social responsibility (CSR) spending in India FY 2022, by company type
  • Premium Statistic Corporate social responsibility (CSR) spending in India FY 2022, by project
  • Premium Statistic Value of CSR spending of leading BSE listed companies in India FY 2015-2022
  • Premium Statistic Number of women directors on company boards in India FY 2019-2022, by type
  • Premium Statistic Share of people with disabilities employed top Nifty 50 companies India 2023
  • Premium Statistic Companies with the highest ESG score in India FY 2021

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) spending in India FY 2022, by company

Value of spending on corporate social responsibility (CSR) in India in financial year 2022, by company (in billion Indian rupees)

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) spending in India FY 2022, by company type

Value of spending on corporate social responsibility (CSR) in India in financial year 2022, by company type (in billion Indian rupees)

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) spending in India FY 2022, by project

Value of spending on corporate social responsibility (CSR) in India in financial year 2022, by project (in billion Indian rupees)

Value of CSR spending of leading BSE listed companies in India FY 2015-2022

Value of spending on corporate social responsibility (CSR) by leading companies listed at the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) in India from financial year 2015 to 2022 (in billion Indian rupees)

Number of women directors on company boards in India FY 2019-2022, by type

Number of women directors on company boards in India from financial year 2019 to 2022, by type

Share of people with disabilities employed top Nifty 50 companies India 2023

Share of people with disabilities employed in top Nifty 50 companies in India in 2023

Companies with the highest ESG score in India FY 2021

NIFTY 50 companies with the highest environmental, social and governance (ESG) composite score in India as of financial year 2021

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business plans examples in india


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  4. How to Write Business Plan PDF: Expert Advice

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  5. Free Business Plan Templates for Word

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  6. How to Start a Business: A Startup Guide for Entrepreneurs [Template

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  1. 9 Business Plan with Examples and Format (2023)

    An example to describe the market analysis in the business proposal template for an organic healthy food product's start-up will be like this: "The health food industry in India is rapidly expanding, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 20% and an expected CAGR of 16% by 2026, equivalent to $30 billion.

  2. Simple Business Plan Template (2024)

    However, many businesses still find value in traditional advertising such as local radio, television, direct mail, newspapers and magazines. You can include these advertising costs in your simple ...

  3. How to Write a Business Plan (Step-By-Step Guide)

    No matter who you're writing for, your business plan should be short and readable—generally, no longer than 15 to 20 pages. If you do have additional documents you think may be valuable to your audience and your goals, consider adding them as appendices. Keep the tone, style, and voice consistent.

  4. 7 Business Plan Examples to Inspire Your Own (2023)

    7 business plan examples: section by section. The traditional business plan examples we'll look at below follow this example template: Executive summary. An introductory overview of your business. Company description. A more in-depth and detailed description of your business and why it exists. Market analysis.

  5. 24 of My Favorite Sample Business Plans & Examples For Your Inspiration

    8. Panda Doc's Free Business Plan Template. PandaDoc's free business plan template is one of the more detailed and fleshed-out sample business plans on this list. It describes what you should include in each section, so you don't have to come up with everything from scratch.

  6. 400+ Business Plan Examples and Templates [2024 Download]

    Analyzing free business plan templates can help you optimize your executive summary to make it more brief, persuasive, and attention-grabbing. 8. Realizing What Works and What Doesn't. Analyzing industry-specific and real-life examples can help you determine what works best and what doesn't within your industry.

  7. How to Write a Business Plan

    An effective and well-written business plan is like accomplishing fifty per cent of your business goal already. An elaborate business plan will help you make. Financial Projections. Identify opportunities in revenue generation. Do a market study. Perform a competitor study. Plan for a lean period or peak season for business.

  8. Business Plan Template: A Framework to Write Your Business Plan

    Sections included in this business plan template. This free business plan template includes the following sections: Executive summary. A one-page summary of your whole plan, typically written after the rest of the plan is completed. (Tip: Refer back to this when creating your about us page template for your website.)

  9. Business Plan Template

    Then each area surrounding the theme can be addressed in that segment. Drafting a business plan with this structure would ensure that the business plan has a well-structured format and good flow of thoughts. Some of the major areas that must be addressed in the business plan are: Business Plan Template Overview. Team - Promoter Information.

  10. A Simple Guide on Writing a Business Plan in India

    Now, the best part is here. Let's get to what your business plan should comprise. Official Summary: Introduction of the company; company name, legal structure, target market and management details. Business outline: Explain what the company sells, where does it sell, why it sells such products or services, and the marketing details of the ...

  11. 300+ Free Business Plan Examples for 2024

    Shoutmouth Business Plan Example. The business plan example below is for Shoutmouth, a company that enjoyed much success in the early 2000's and which was able to raise funding. While the plan's premise (social networking) is not as unique now as it was then, the format and structure of this business plan still holds. I. Executive Summary

  12. 35 Most Successful Small Business Ideas for Beginners in India

    This small business idea is a low-cost business idea that you can launch at a small business level with a very low investment of INR 20,000 - 30,000. The most crucial supplies for this type of business include wax, thread, molds, candle holders, scent, scent, and oil. This is a lucrative business idea to earn money. 7.

  13. Business Plan Format (Plus Definition And Step-By-Step Guide)

    Follow this step-by-step guide to write a comprehensive business plan: 1. Start with an executive summary. The executive summary, or the company description, explains the business, its goals, partners and future growth plans. Start with the company's mission statement, explain the purpose of the business and provide an overview of the company's ...

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    25. Fitness Consultant. Personal fitness training business is a low-cost and a highly lucrative business idea if you yourself are a fitness enthusiastic person. Nowadays, a lot many people ...

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    List of 21 Most Successful Small Scale Business Ideas in India. 1. Breakfast Joint/Takeaway Counter. Food is one of the three basic necessities of life making it a top choice for people to indulge in and open up a business in the F&B (Food & Beverage) Industry.

  19. 30+ Unique & Innovative Business Ideas in India & Around the World

    2 Discovering Green Eating Solutions Online. Greenease is a hyperlocal app that enables you to identify restaurants that source its ingredients sustainably. Greenease is a Unique Food Business Ideas around the world-min. This app supports restaurants that offer the product as below: Free-range/pasture. Gluten-free.

  20. 80 Best Small Business Ideas in India

    1) Content Writer and Blogging. If you have a strong command over your writing style and reading skills, you can very smoothly utilize your skills to get yourself earn a decent income. It has become a profitable business not only in India but across the world. You get paid on every word you write for your clients.

  21. 105 Best Service Business Ideas In India That Guarantee Profits

    Your job consists of matching the profile and conducting interviews with the industry's best employees. You need to find a suitable person for the job and you can earn bulk fees for services. 5. Event Management. event management- service business ideas in India. This one is particularly for you if you love parties.

  22. 81 Proftitable Manufacturing Business Ideas In India under 10 Lakhs

    Some of the profitable manufacturing business ideas under 10 lakhs in India include 3D printing services, vegetable processing, instant noodles production, soap and detergent making, digital printing, paper cup manufacturing, bag making, incense stick making, and herbal products production.

  23. India Business Plan Examples That Really Inspire

    Nestle India Ltd., a subsidiary of Nestle Switzerland, is one of the largest companies in FMCG sector that provides and manufactures world class food, beverages, confectionery, prepared dishes, chocolates. Nestle India started its business in 1961 by setting up its first factory at Moga in Punjab, which has now turned ...

  24. Big businesses in India

    The Ambanis, the Adanis, the Birlas, and the Bajajs are household names in the country. One of the oldest family-owned businesses in the country, the Tata Group, is now one of the most successful ...

  25. Modi Is $20 Trillion Short on His Grand Plan for India's Economy

    Modi Is $20 Trillion Short on His Grand Plan for India's Economy. To reach developed status by 2047, the country would need a sixfold increase in GDP. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi (center ...

  26. Postpaid Plans

    Similarly, you can repeat the process via the Airtel Thanks app, wherein you need to choose the Prepaid to Postpaid option under the Postpaid tab and enter your registered mobile number and other details. You will get an OTP and you must select a postpaid plan as per your choice. Your plan will be activated in 2-3 working days.