U2 Tuition

How to Write a Biomedical Science Personal Statement

Tips for starting your biomedical science personal statement.

Writing your personal statement can feel like a mammoth task and knowing where to start can be really tricky. It is important, however, to not get too wrapped up in what a perfect biomedical sciences personal statement should be and instead think about what will make you and your passion for the subject stand out .

Everyone’s personal statement will be different as there is no one way to write it, but there are some essential components that your biomed personal statement should include. Committing to a three or four year degree course at a top university is no walk in the park; you need to be invested in pursuing what you are applying to for at least the next 3/4 years, therefore showing your passion for biomedical sciences is one of the most important components of your personal statement.

But what does this mean and how do you portray this on one side of A4? Mention specific topics/ themes that you like about biomedical sciences , showcase some subject knowledge, highlight super-curriculars that you have engaged with as well as writing about any extracurriculars, personal interests and skills that you have that will make you a fantastic candidate to study biomedical sciences at a top uni.

checklist for Biomedical Science personal statement preparation

Showing My Passion for Biomedical Science?: The Importance of Super-Curriculars

Most top unis, including Oxbridge, will be less interested in your extracurricular activities and more interested in how you can prove your passion for biomedical sciences. Super-curriculars are the best pieces of evidence you can provide – they show that you have gone above and beyond your school syllabus and taken initiative to broaden your knowledge.

These may include things like reading books related to the subject, listening to podcasts, reading magazine and newspaper articles, completing MOOCs (massive online open courses), watching documentaries, attending taster days or any relevant work experience you have undertaken . By no means do you need to do all of these but having a couple of examples will be an excellent way to make your biomedical science statement standout.

Having said this, it is most important to engage with what you’re genuinely interested in rather than what you feel you should be reading, watching, listening to and so on – this way your pure interest will shine through naturally without it feeling forced. If invited to interview as well, this will make it much easier for you to talk about your personal statement as it will all be things you enjoyed.

Biomedical Science Personal Statement

Need to boost your super-curriculars?

Our co-curricular division, Minds Underground, was built out to support top students approaching university/ Oxbridge applications and looking to stretch beyond the curriculum. You could try:

Our University Prep Virtual Summer Schools (e.g. Medicine, Biology) - Each is hosted by 2 Oxbridge graduates and will provide loads of exciting content for personal statements and interviews

Online Research Experiences e.g. Research Projects with a PhD Researcher in Pharmacology & Biotechnology; AstraZeneca/ Cambridge

Medical/ STEM Extension Sessions : We run a weekly Medical and STEM Club, designed to give students exposure to exciting ‘beyond the syllabus’ topics they could mention in their personal statement

Book recommendations for Biomedical Sciences

The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot – this book tells the story of a woman who died in 1951 from cervical cancer whose legacy continues to this day with the HeLa cell line. Taken from Henrietta’s tumour while she was still alive, it was cultured in a lab and found to be immortal. Having been used in an array of biomedical research since then, the ethical issues and dilemmas raised in this book provide insight into some of the arguments and discussions that are dominant within the field of bioethics.

The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat by Oliver Sacks – this book by the neurologist Oliver Sacks provides a series of case studies of some of the most notable patients of Sacks’ career; despite this book being particularly fascinating to those interested in neuroscience and psychology, this is an interesting read for anyone entering the field of biomedical science.

The Epigenetic Revolution by Nessa Carey – epigenetics is the study of differences between genetically identical organisms which have non-identical phenotypes; this book provides a detailed and fascinating insight into the relatively new discipline of epigenetics.

Bad Science by Ben Goldacre – an engaging analysis of the current state of science; particularly recommended if you are interested in research and how science can often be “lost” behind money, media and business.

biomedical science personal statement book recommendations

Podcast Recommendations for Biomedical Sciences

New Scientist Weekly

Instant Genius

What about my extra-curriculars?

When it comes to extra-curriculars, it can be tempting to write a list of everything you’ve done to show how well-rounded you are, however, it is better to only mention a couple and relate it back to why you should be offered a place to study biomedical sciences. For example, being a prefect equips you with leadership and teamwork skills which would be useful during group project and practical classes; completing a Duke of Edinburgh award would provide you with problem solving skills, again important during practical classes and also when critically appraising primary papers.

Addressing the universities’ selection criteria

To make your whole personal statement shine even brighter you should address specific selection criteria from the course webpage on the universities’ websites. The University of Oxford’s Medical Sciences Division website says they are looking for biomed candidates who show “intellectual curiosity and enthusiasm” , as illustrated by your examples of seeking out super-curriculars for instance. Similarly, communication skills can be shown through jobs that you may have had – “I have worked in my local charity shop for 2 years, talking with customers and colleagues helped me to develop my interpersonal skills.”

How Do I Start Drafting and Structuring My Biomed Personal Statement?

You can never have too many drafts of your personal statement. It is best to start early so you have time to edit and adapt and improve. Often when you think you have a final copy you can go back and make even more improvements. Having a break and coming back with a fresh pair of eyes can help you spot gaps or errors or can even help you reduce the character count (as UCAS has a strict limit on characters so it is important to keep your paragraphs concise and to the point). Make sure to create links between each section/ paragraph to make the whole personal statement flow as one, instead of it reading like a list of what you’ve done and why you should be given a place to study biomedical sciences.

If you are struggling with the structure of the statement it is a good idea to simply write whichever paragraph you can and then come back at the end to order your paragraphs and create links. You may want to write your ending before you’ve written your introduction – there is no right or wrong way to do this, it just has to be yours.

How Do I End My Personal Statement?

Concluding your personal statement for biomedicine can feel just as hard as starting it but at this point you are almost there! If you can, it is good to conclude with a punchy sentence, something that nicely rounds up what you have been saying throughout: that you are a passionate biomedical scientist who is excited to pursue a biomedical sciences degree. You could refer back to what makes you the ideal biomed candidate and use keywords from the degree course webpages to help.

Here is an example:

In conclusion, my unwavering passion for biomedical science, coupled with my commitment to ongoing learning and contributing meaningfully to the field, drives my aspiration to embark on this transformative journey of academic growth, making me eager to bring my unique perspective, dedication, and skills to the vibrant and innovative community of biomedical researchers.

Applying to Oxford Biomed? Here's What You Should Also Do

Oxbridge and other top universities will use your personal statement as a component of their short-listing procedure. Oxford will use your personal statement to generate questions for the interview to which you may be invited. For biomed, these questions relating to your biomedical science personal statement are likely to be ice breakers as the interviewers will expect you to be comfortable talking about your personal statement and anything that you have mentioned within it. Therefore, it is important that you write your statement with the expectation that you will be asked to expand upon and explain every single sentence.

Biomedical Personal Statement Example

My fascination with the intricacies of life has propelled my journey towards understanding the complexities of the human body. The captivating narratives of Oliver Sacks' "The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat" ignited my interest in neuroscience, prompting me to explore the underlying mechanisms of neurological disorders. This curiosity laid the foundation for my journey into the field of biomedical science. As I delved into the world of biomedical science, Nessa Carey's "The Epigenetic Revolution" provided a profound insight into the dynamic interplay between genetics and the environment. This exploration sparked my curiosity about epigenetic modifications and their implications for human health. It served as a thematic link, bridging my interest in neuroscience to the broader realm of genetics and molecular biology. Eager to complement my theoretical knowledge with practical insights, I actively sought diverse experiences. I love the New Scientist weekly podcast, which offers a dynamic platform for me to stay abreast of cutting-edge discoveries and emerging trends in biomedical research. An episode titled "Decoding the Brain: Unravelling the Mysteries of Neurodegenerative Diseases" particularly resonated with me, connecting seamlessly with my earlier fascination with neuroscience and serving as a catalyst for my interest in the molecular underpinnings of neurodegenerative disorders. This exposure not only expanded my knowledge but also honed my ability to critically evaluate scientific discourse, a skill integral to navigating the ever-evolving landscape of biomedical sciences. My research experience in Dr. Smith's lab, underscored the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration in unravelling the complexities of biomedical challenges. The laboratory work, focusing on cellular signalling pathways, provided a tangible link between theoretical concepts and practical applications discussed in the podcast episode. Recognising the importance of staying at the forefront of scientific advancements, I undertook a Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) on advanced techniques in molecular biology. This experience not only deepened my understanding of molecular techniques but also acquainted me with the global community of aspiring scientists and researchers. The collaborative spirit within the online cohort mirrored the interdisciplinary approach I envision for my future in biomedical sciences, reinforcing the theme of collaboration and its pivotal role in scientific progress. Exploring topics through podcasts like "The Biomedical Odyssey" has been instrumental in contextualising classroom learning within the broader scope of real-world applications. For instance, I found a podcast episode on "CRISPR: Gene Editing and the Future of Medicine" particularly fascinating. The prospect of precise gene editing raises questions that extend beyond the laboratory into the realm of bioethics. Exploring the ethical considerations associated with CRISPR prompted me to grapple with fundamental questions about the balance between scientific progress and moral responsibility. In addition to my academic pursuits, I have actively sought opportunities to engage with the broader scientific community. Attending conferences, such as the International Conference on Biomedical Sciences, allowed me to interact with eminent researchers and gain insights into the multifaceted nature of contemporary biomedical challenges. These experiences have not only broadened my perspective but have also reinforced my commitment to contributing meaningfully to the field, connecting my academic endeavors to the broader scientific community. In conclusion, my journey in biomedical science has been marked by a relentless pursuit of knowledge, a commitment to hands-on learning, and an unwavering curiosity about the frontiers of scientific discovery. Armed with a solid foundation, a critical mindset, and an eagerness to contribute to the ever-evolving field, I am poised to embark on the next chapter of my academic journey in biomedical sciences.

The best biomedical personal statements are original and personal to you, showcasing your passion for pursuing a degree in biomedical sciences and encompassing what you are genuinely interested in.

By Evie (Biomedical Science, University of Oxford)

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Looking for a BioMed Personal Statement Tutor or Support For Your Wider Biomedical Science Application?

Biomed personal statement tutoring.

U2’s Oxbridge-educated mentors have a close insight into what admissions tutors like to see in a Biomedical personal statement, and can help students to convey their skills, motivations, and long term goals, in order to stand out from other applicants. The statement should be the candidates own work, but our mentors will provide direction and guide you through the process of content building and writing. We offer offline drafting as well as tuition sessions.

Oxford BioMed Tutoring

We also offer tutoring for students looking for support throughout the Oxford application process (book a free consultation to discuss options). We have a large team of Oxford Biomedical Science tutors including 1st Class, Master’s and PhD level graduates.

The Process:

1) We suggest an Oxford Biomed tutor and send their full CV for review. Our mentors are deeply familiar with the admissions process to study Biomed at the University of Oxford and are well-placed to guide students through biomed personal statement curation, the BMAT and the interview process. We may suggest a range of application tutors to choose from with slightly differing rates depending on qualifications and level of experience.

2) We typically suggest beginning with a 1.5 hour diagnostic session , where the tutor will informally assess the student’s current performance level for application. Following this, we issue a report with feedback, and structure a plan to best prepare.

3) U2’s approach for regular Biomedical Science application sessions: The main focus of tutorial sessions will be to explore material that can be discussed in the personal statement and at interview - this may sometimes stretch from A-Level standard to First Year Undergraduate. Mentors ensure each student refines their interests within Biomedical Science, and is exposed to a range of key themes and topics. Together, we build a case for the student, solidifying the stance and direction they will take during interview. We also provide extensive admissions test and interview preparation support.

Frequency of sessions can be decided between student and tutor. Students can take either ad hoc sessions, or we structure a full programme for preparation, which may include further co-curricular opportunities such as our research projects , Medicine or Biology Summer School and Oxbridge mock interview days . Honing the skills necessary to succeed for Oxbridge ideally requires long-term preparation and mentoring presents a wonderful opportunity to learn from some of the very best Oxbridge has produced.

Sessions from £75/h + VAT.

How to Write a Biology Personal Statement Worthy of Oxbridge!

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Medical Biosciences Personal Statement Example – Imperial College London

Home » Application Guide » Medical Biosciences Personal Statement Example – Imperial College London

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Welcome to our collection of Medicine Personal Statement Examples! We’ve searched far and wide to find personal statements from successful applicants all around the UK and asked them to analyse the strengths and weaknesses of their work for your own inspiration. Today’s subject is from Aneesha, who studies Medical Science at Imperial College London.

Aneesha had a applied to a selection of top medical schools in the UK before receiving an offer from both Imperial and King’s College London .

Of course, Aneesha chose the former, so let’s read the personal statement that got her a place at Imperial College London, or skip straight to her feedback to learn what made her personal statement a success!

Please be aware that these examples are meant purely for the sake of inspiration, and should absolutely NOT be used as a model around which to base your own personal statement. UCAS have a rather strict system that detects plagiarism .

Imperial Medicine Personal Statement Example

Whole personal statement.

Medical Science appeals to me because of its mutability. Particularly, the opportunity to continually learn and apply new innovations to help the human body function fascinates me. A teacher opened my eyes to how science is linked with all aspects of our life, prompting me to choose Biology at my A/Level. Human Biology in particular interested me. I realised how the various organ systems need to work in tandem to keep our bodies functioning.   Visiting a Surgical Intensive Care Unit opened my eyes to instances in which congenital disorders destabilised the functioning of the entire body, which I was not able to glean from my textbooks.

Seeing an ETU function highlighted how stressful a medical career can be. Often, a single doctor on shift had to prioritise among patients who had been waiting for hours, and were heckling the doctor. I was impressed by their ability to keep calm and make swift decisions based on a range of symptoms. A highlight of my work experience was being able to see a Caesarean section delivery. I saw how everyone from the nurses to the surgeons contributed towards the procedure. Observing how the team supported the mother, calmly explaining what she could expect, and holding her hand through the pain, opened my eyes to the level of empathy and reliability required in this profession.

Shadowing a consultant in a Paediatric Preliminary Care Unit, I witnessed her dismiss a child’s concerns about an abdominal pain, and spoke to the mother in medical terms which did not effectively communicate the problem to her. On the other hand, another demonstrated how good communication can work wonders in drawing a patient out, with relatively simple questions like, “Have you eaten lunch yet?” This proved to be a highly thought-provoking experience, highlighting the importance of communication in medical practice.

During a project to raise funds for a local orphanage, we visited and spent hours with the children. I realised that what made them happiest was not the items we donated, but the fact that we spent time with them. The realisation that care is more valued than material items was humbling.

I wish to study abroad as repeated closure of local universities due to student unrest is discouraging and challenging. I wish to study in England as I have previously lived in the UK for a period of 5 years, and I am acclimated to the culture and language. English is also the main language of instruction of my current school. I hence believe that England would be a solid environment to be in whilst away from home.

Ranking second in the country at my GCE O/Level and maintaining a high academic level in my A/Level years has given me the confidence that I am able to cope with the academic demands of a medical degree.

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Imperial Medicine Personal Statement Example Analysis

Now, let’s go section by section and see what Aneesha has to say about what she wrote:  



Beginning with what fascinates me about the course and including real life experience to back it up demonstrates my enthusiasm and excitement for my chosen degree, as well as an understanding of what a career in medicine could involve. An introduction needs to quickly get the point across that you have a genuine reason for joining this course and that you would be an asset to the university for this reason. This is especially true when your explanation dives deeper into actual subject knowledge rather than staying surface level. If you plan on specialising into a specific area, mention it (although you need to be careful not to come off as stuck in your ways and unable to explore new fields).

In terms of improvements, I could’ve introduced my other reason for studying medicine in my introduction. As I have chosen to write my personal statement in a narrative style, my motivation for studying medicine is laid out chronologically, however I feel that introducing these ideas earlier on could improve the overall structure of my personal statement and make me appear to be a more diverse candidate.

These two paragraphs both cover my ‘work experiences’ and generally have a similar format, so I felt it was best to discuss them together. In these paragraphs, I have reflected on my experiences in hospital and a clinical environment, which demonstrates that I am able to learn from experience. It also demonstrates a realistic understanding of a career in medicine and its challenges. A general rule of thumb is that any work experience like this needs to be discussed in-depth when writing a personal statement. It’s the most relevant and some of the most challenging work experience you can do pre-med school. It’s also good to focus more on what you learnt and witnessed compared to the work you actually did. The lessons learnt from the professionals are more valuable than any amount of assisting and busy-work you likely had to do during your time there!

The biggest flaw with this section is with the structure. I feel that these paragraphs may seem a little disjointed, as I have taken different experiences and written them without including any statement tying these experiences together. These experiences aren’t too different from each other, so it shouldn’t have been too hard to find a theme that links them together and explains how everything discussed helped me grow as a person.

In my “work in a local orphanage” paragraph, I have demonstrated that I am able to work in a professional capacity, which is always a sign of a good candidate early on ( voluntary work is always a good look as well). I have also reflected on this experience and tied it back to how this experience is of value to develop skills necessary in my career of choice. Best of all, it shows the humility that anyone needs when working in medicine, as it is primarily a human subject.

It’s a very short section though, so I could have brought in more examples of work placements and how these experiences have shaped me, and reflected further on how these experiences helped me develop my understanding of myself and my capabilities. These wouldn’t have had to have been as in-depth as my work experience discussion, but mention more examples of learning experiences will show a more well-rounded character on the page.

In my “why do I want to study abroad” paragraph, I have highlighted a few reasons why I have chosen to leave home and learn in a completely new environment. I have also demonstrated that I feel confident in being able to acclimatise myself to this new environment. This may not be the most relevant information to provide in a personal statement, although it does display a great strength of my character and the skill of perseverance.

However, I feel that I could have highlighted what about the education system and course delivery in the UK interests me, and how I feel that this academic environment would be the best place for me to complete my degree and develop my skills. One piece of advice I can definitely give is this: UK applicant’s don’t really need to add a section like this to their personal statements!

As a school prefect, dealing with my peers who faced issues such as stress, mental health concerns, and coming to terms with a horrific terrorist bombing, I was required to be an empathic listener and someone who was willing to actively help my fellow students. I understood my capacity to help, but knew my limitations. The emotional demand also taught me how to keep myself healthy whilst helping.

Music is my outlet, and I find time to play in a number of orchestras and sing chorally. Playing with the Sri Lanka Symphony Orchestra, I have been able to meet people of various social strata, ethnicities, religions and sexualities. As leader of my school orchestra, I learned the value of being organized and punctual, and how to lead a team, which I feel are transferable in my career of choice.

These paragraphs again link together fairly closely, so it’s easier to analyse them together. In this “school/extra-curricular activities” section, I have demonstrated my academic capabilities as well as the skills I have developed in teamwork, communication , leadership and resilience , all of which are invaluable . While I have not gone too in-depth into any of these, it’s not really that necessary as they are all just smaller things that combine into a larger selection of skills and life lessons.

This paragraph could have been improved if I had linked it back to my paragraph on my work experience, and how the characteristics I developed linked back to my observations and reflections of a clinical environment. Having many individual experiences only gets you so far in your personal statement, almost anyone can go and do some of these things. The strength of them come from what you learn from them and how you can use all these experiences together to become a better medical worker. There are also some areas here that aren’t strictly necessary. If I had needed more space in other areas of the statement, this would have been the first place to make cuts.

Looking for more support with your Personal Statement?

When you sign up to 6med’s Personal Statement Bundle, you’ll be getting guidance from expert Medics, alongside a tonne of insightful resources to teach you everything you need to know about personal statement writing.

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Having seen the emotional and intellectual demand associated with medicine I feel it is a career which is both stimulating and ultimately rewarding. This is why I hope to follow this discipline through my life.

In my conclusion, I have briefly summed up all of the ideas I brought out through my personal statement, which links my paragraphs together and highlights what I feel are the key aspects of this statement. This is exactly what a conclusion should do. There’s no need to add extra information or anything else in the last moments of you statement, all you need to do is reflect upon and summarise what you’ve said.

This conclusion could have been further strengthened if I had mentioned a few key areas of my statement more specifically, in order to further demonstrate my understanding of what I feel are the most important segments. The reader wants to know that you fully understand what you’ve written and are genuine about the points you’ve made. The conclusion is the perfect place to do this, so being more specific, although not overly detailed, is a good idea.

Final Thoughts

I think my personal statement is honest and reflective, and the narrative style I have written it in demonstrates my journey in arriving at the conclusion I have. I feel that I have addressed several important questions such as why I have chosen this degree, what I have done to further my understanding of my chosen career, and how my personal experiences have shaped me in a way that lead to my choices. I also feel the answers I have provided are effective and convincing, using my real world experience to prove my commitment and skill in the field of medicine.

I feel that the structure of my personal statement is a little disjointed at times, as I have written about a number of experiences without linking them together. Providing the links in your development is the best way to legitimise what you have said and make for a more believable and engaging story. This problem is highlighted in my conclusion, which could have pointed out the key points in my statement better. This would have helped round out the statement and make the important parts of what I said stick out in the reader’s mind after they finished reading.

So there you have it! This personal statement helped Aneesha get a place at imperial College London! Everyone has different experiences and abilities, so you may not be able to relate to everything that was said in this personal statement. However, the information and advice provided by Aneesha is universal and will help any applicant write a better personal statement!  

Be sure to check out more Medicine Personal Statement Analyses to see advice from all different kinds of applicants, including Ali Abdaal himself! Or if you want to get started on your own statement, check out 6med’s Personal Statement Bundle for all the support and resources you’ll ever need! If you want full support on every part of your application and a guaranteed place at med school, the Complete Bundle will be perfect for you.

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  • Aug 8, 2019

Writing Your Personal Statement: Biomedical Sciences

personal statement on biomedical sciences

Now we’ve entered August I know a lot of year 12s will be thinking about the university application process and wondering how to make their personal statement stand out, especially to the top universities. So, I thought it might be helpful to talk about the personal statement I did for Biomedical Sciences, although it will hopefully be helpful for other subjects too!

What a personal statement has to convey is how interested you are in the subject, it doesn’t have to make you look like an expert of course - that’s what university is for! As long as you show that you’re interested in your subject beyond what you learn as part of your A-levels you’re on the right track.

In my personal statement, I showed my interest by talking mostly about the EPQ I was doing (which was about gestational diabetes) and a few articles I had read for it. If you haven’t done an EPQ, other things you can talk about are books you’ve read, podcasts you’ve listened to or documentaries you’ve watched, if it inspired an interest in a topic relating to Biomed then it's relevant. If you’re stuck for ideas look at the books under ‘preparatory reading’ here:https://www.ox.ac.uk/sites/files/oxford/media_wysiwyg/Introductory_Reading_for_Biomedical_Sciences1.pdf. You’ll see a lot of these actually read like novels,so are great for introducing you to a topic you might never have looked at before like neuroscience!

It’s also important you don’t just list things you’ve read/seen/listened to: you need to talk about what you took away from it and, if you can, try to offer some critical analysis. When doing this, make sure to justify any opinions you put forward to strengthen your statement. It's probably better to only mention a few of these ‘supra-curricular’ activities so you can better develop them.

You’ll also need to talk about your A-levels, and while it may be helpful to mention a topic or two from Biology that you’re hoping to expand on at university, the main thing I spoke about in relation to my A-levels was the transferrable skills they’d developed that would help me to thrive at university. This is particularly important if one of your A-levels isn’t as relevant to your subject - for example, I did English Literature at A-level, so in my personal statement one thing I mentioned was how I’d had to work in groups and so had grown more confident and developed teamwork skills.

The most important thing, though, is to not stress too much and overthink it - if you are truly interested in your subject it will definitely shine through. Also, it’s a personal statement, so don’t try to write as someone else! This is a chance for tutors/admissions teams to get an insight into you as a person - so definitely make sure it's all your own work! Don’t stress - as long as you write truthfully (and remember to spellcheck!) your personal statement will be more than fine!

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Graduate School Personal Statement

Criteria for success.

  • Your personal statement convinces a faculty committee that you are qualified for their program.
  • It convinces them that you are a good fit for their program’s focus and goals.
  • You show a select group of skills and experiences that convey your scientific accomplishments and interests.
  • Your experiences are concrete and quantitative.
  • Your personal statement is no more than 2 pages.

Structure Diagram

The graduate school personal statement tells your story and demonstrates that you are a good match for a particular department or program. Matching goes both ways: they should be interested in you, and you should be interested in them. Your personal statement should make this match clear.

Analyze Your Audience

Your personal statement will be read by a graduate committee, a handful of faculty from your program. They’re trying to determine if you will be a successful graduate student in their department, a positive force in the department’s intellectual life, and a successful scientist after you graduate. They are therefore interested in your qualifications as a researcher, your career goals, and how your personality matches their labs and department.

The graduate committee probably reads hundreds of applications a year. To make it easy for them to figure out that you are a good fit, make direct, concrete statements about your accomplishments and qualifications. To make it easy for them to remember you, create a narrative that “brands” you.

Create a personal narrative

PhD programs invest in the professional and scientific growth of their students. Get the committee excited about investing in you by opening your essay with a brief portrait of what drives you as a scientist. What research directions are you passionate about, and why? What do you picture yourself doing in 10 years?

Close your essay with a 2-3 sentence discussion of your career interests. No one will hold you to this; this just helps your committee visualize your potential trajectory.

Describe your experiences

Experiences are the “what” of your essay. What experiences led you to develop your skill set and passions? Where have you demonstrated accomplishment, leadership, and collaboration? Include research, teaching, and relevant extracurriculars. State concrete achievements and outcomes like awards, discoveries, or publications.

Quantify your experiences to show concrete impact. How many people were on your team? How many protocols did you develop? How many people were in competition for an award? As a TA, how often did you meet with your students?

Describe actions, not just changes in your internal mental or emotional state. A personal statement is a way to make a narrative out of your CV. It is not a diary entry.

Explain the meaning of your experiences

Meaning is the “why” or “so what” of the document. Why was this experience important to your growth as a scientist? What does it say about your abilities and potential? It feels obvious to you, but you need to be explicit with your audience. Your descriptions of meaning should also act as transition statements between experiences: try to “wrap” meaning around your experiences.

Demonstrate match to your target program

Demonstrate an understanding of the program to which you’re applying and about how you will be successful in that program. To do this:

  • Read the program’s website. See what language they use to describe themselves, and echo that language in your essay. For example, MIT Biological Engineering’s website lists the department’s three objectives.
  • Get in contact with faculty (or students) in your target program. If you have had a positive discussion with someone at the department, describe how those interactions made you think that you and the department may be well-matched.
  • State which professors in the program you would plan to work with. Show how their research areas align with your background and your goals. You can even describe potential research directions or projects.

Resources and Annotated Examples

Annotated example 1.

These are selected sections from the personal statement that an MIT BE graduate student wrote in their successful application to MIT BE. 675 KB

Annotated Example 2

This is the personal statement from an MIT BE graduate student’s successful application to the MIT BE program. 11 MB

  • Offices of Medical Education >
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  • Career Advising, Mentoring & Tutoring >

Applying to Residency

Residency road map, first and second year.

Students with questions about different medical specialties and plans for their careers are encouraged to reach out to advisers designated by each department, academic staff in Office of Student and Academic Affairs (OSAA) and faculty in their respective program.

Fall-Winter Intersession : Session to introduce residency application process, CV, personal statement, MSPE (“Dean’s Letter”) discussion

Spring : Meet with Office of Student and Academic Affairs Deans to review career plans, noteworthy characteristics for MSPE

Summer : Class meetings to review residency application and Match processes

Fourth Year

Fall: Complete and submit ERAS application. Residency interviews begin (typically run from October-January)

Winter: Residency program interviews continue. Rank list due in February

Spring: Match Day mid-March

Most students will be applying to residency via the Electronic Residency Application System (ERAS).

The Office of Student and Academic Affairs provides support to students during their application to residency programs. An ERAS token will be issued to you early in your fourth year of medical school that will allow you to gain access to the ERAS.

ERAS Application Components

Medical student performance evaluation (mspe).

The MSPE, also known as a dean's letter, will be an important part of your application and will be discussed with you during spring of your third year. A meeting between you and one of the Student and Academic Affairs deans will be scheduled during the spring of your third year. There will also be time to review your MSPE before it is submitted during your fourth year (fall semester).

Noteworthy Characteristics in MSPE

Contained within the MSPE, a maximum of three characteristics highlighting your most salient noteworthy characteristics is required. This section should be presented as a bulleted list. Each characteristic should be described in 2 sentences or less. Information about any significant challenges or hardships encountered by you during medical school may be included.

Curriculum Vitae (CV)

A residency CV is an important document that is used to highlight your experience and training in a succinct, easy to understand format. You will use the information in your CV to fill out either the ERAS residency application or other matching applications. The main goal of a residency CV is to showcase your most significant academic and extracurricular achievements, leaving a lasting, positive, first impression to those who review it. Essentially, your CV should convince residency directors that you are exactly what they are looking for and are a strong match for their residency program. Not only is having an up-to-date CV important for applying to residency and crafting your personal statement, but it's also important for filling out rotation applications and when securing letters of recommendation from physicians.

Letter of Recommendation

You need at least three letters of recommendation per residency, and you can submit up to four per residency. You can check school-specific requirements on the Fellowship and Residency Electronic Interactive Database (FREIDA).

Personal Statement

The residency personal statement should include and reflect:

  • What draws you to the specialty
  • The skills or qualities that will help you succeed during the residency and as a practicing physician
  • Your long-term plans, what you hope to accomplish, your preferred setting
  • Personal attributes that make you well-suited to the specialty and training
  • What attracts you to a particular program (if you’re applying for a specific program outside of the national matching system or if you customize a personal statement within National Residency Matching Program (NRMP).

Ultimately, the combination of these elements will give program directors a sense of the kind of colleague you would be and how you would fit into their program.

ERAS is the system through which you will submit all of your residency application materials, while the NRMP is the organization that facilitates the actual matching process, once all of your documents have been submitted to your programs of interest.

Non-ERAS Residency Application

Students applying to Opthalmology, Plastic Surgery or the military match should contact/notify the Office of Student and Academic Affairs for questions/guidance and if you require components of your education record for Plastic Surgery Common Application (PSCA), San Francisco Residency and Fellowship Match Services (SF Match) or military match.

  • Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Apply Smart data
  • Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Careers in Medicine
  • American Academy of Opthalmology (AAO)
  • Electronic Residency Application System (ERAS) User Guide
  • Fellowship and Residency Electronic Interactive Database (FREIDA)
  • 3/17/23 JSMBS prior year Matches
  • National Residency Matching Program (NRMP)
  • Plastic Surgery Common Application (PSCA)
  • San Francisco Residency and Fellowship Match Services (SF Match)
  • Texas STAR (Seeking Transparency in Application to Residency)

If you have any questions please contact:  [email protected]


United States Provider Experiences with Telemedicine for Hepatitis C Treatment: A Nationwide Survey

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  • ORCID record for Shashi N Kapadia
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Background Hepatitis C virus (HCV) elimination requires treatment access expansion, especially for underserved populations. Telehealth has the potential to improve HCV treatment access, although data are limited on its incorporation into standard clinical practice.

Methods We conducted a cross-sectional, e-mail survey of 598 US HCV treatment providers who had valid email addresses and 1) were located in urban areas and had written ≥20 prescriptions for HCV treatment to US Medicare beneficiaries in 2019-20 or 2) were located in non-urban areas and wrote any HCV prescriptions in 2019-20. Through email, we notified providers of a self-administered electronic 28-item survey of clinical strategies and attitudes about telemedicine for HCV.

Results We received 86 responses (14% response rate), of which 75 used telemedicine for HCV in 2022. Of those 75, 24% were gastroenterologists/hepatologists, 23% general medicine, 17% infectious diseases, and 32% non-physicians. Most (82%) referred patients to commercial laboratories, and 85% had medications delivered directly to patients. Overwhelmingly, respondents (92%) felt that telehealth increases healthcare access, and 76% reported that it promotes or is neutral for treatment completion. Factors believed to be “extremely” or “very” important for telehealth use included patient access to technology (86%); patients’ internet access (74%); laboratory access (76%); reimbursement for video visits (74%) and audio-only visits (66%). Non-physician licensing and liability statutes were rated “extremely” or “very” important by 43% and 44%, respectively.

Conclusions Providers felt that telehealth increases HCV treatment access. Major limitations were technological requirements, reimbursement, and access to ancillary services. These findings support the importance of digital equity and literacy to achieve HCV elimination goals.

Competing Interest Statement

Dr Kapadia reports grants to his institution from Gilead Sciences Inc unrelated to the current study. Dr. Patel is part of the Speakers Bureau for Gilead Sciences. Dr. Talal reports grants to his institution from Gilead Sciences, Merck, and Abbott Laboratories. He has also served on advisory committees and as an advisor to Gilead Sciences, Novo Nordisk, and AbbVie. All other authors report no conflicts of interest.

Funding Statement

This work was supported in part by R01 DK123205 (to MS, MTW, EW, AHT), K01 DA048172 (to SNK), a Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) Award (IHS-1507-31640) (to AHT) and the Troup Fund of the Kaleida Health Foundation (to AHT). The opinions expressed in this work are those of the authors, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the funding agencies or the US Government.

Author Declarations

I confirm all relevant ethical guidelines have been followed, and any necessary IRB and/or ethics committee approvals have been obtained.

The details of the IRB/oversight body that provided approval or exemption for the research described are given below:

The IRB of the Biomedical Research Alliance of New York (BRANY) gave ethical approval for this work.

I confirm that all necessary patient/participant consent has been obtained and the appropriate institutional forms have been archived, and that any patient/participant/sample identifiers included were not known to anyone (e.g., hospital staff, patients or participants themselves) outside the research group so cannot be used to identify individuals.

I understand that all clinical trials and any other prospective interventional studies must be registered with an ICMJE-approved registry, such as ClinicalTrials.gov. I confirm that any such study reported in the manuscript has been registered and the trial registration ID is provided (note: if posting a prospective study registered retrospectively, please provide a statement in the trial ID field explaining why the study was not registered in advance).

I have followed all appropriate research reporting guidelines, such as any relevant EQUATOR Network research reporting checklist(s) and other pertinent material, if applicable.

Disclosures: Dr Kapadia reports grants to his institution from Gilead Sciences Inc unrelated to the current study. Dr. Patel is part of the Speakers Bureau for Gilead Sciences. Dr. Talal reports grants to his institution from Gilead Sciences, Merck, and Abbott Laboratories. He has also served on advisory committees and as an advisor to Gilead Sciences, Novo Nordisk, and AbbVie. All other authors report no conflicts of interest.

Funding: This work was supported in part by R01 DK123205 (to MS, MTW, EW, AHT), K01 DA048172 (to SNK), a Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) Award (IHS-1507-31640) (to AHT) and the Troup Fund of the Kaleida Health Foundation (to AHT). The statements in this work solely the responsibility of the authors, and do not necessarily represent the views of PCORI, its Board of Governors or Methodology Committee, or the US Government.

Data Availability

All data produced in the present study are available upon reasonable request to the authors

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TAMUS System News

Texas A&M System Steps Up to Stabilize Texas Energy Grid

The Texas A&M University System News Release image header. Office of Marketing Communications. 979-458-6023

BRYAN-COLLEGE STATION, Texas — The Texas A&M University System today took its first steps toward creating a peaker power network on land it owns across the state to help stabilize the Texas power grid during peak demand.

Peaker power plants, also known simply as “peakers,” are power plants typically used to provide electricity during periods of peak demand. They are an essential component of modern electricity grids, providing a reliable source of power during periods of high demand.

On Tuesday, The A&M System asked private developers to submit their proposals for building peakers on A&M System-owned property with financing through the newly-created $5 billion Texas Energy Fund.

personal statement on biomedical sciences

“This will help ensure our campuses and their local communities never go dark again, while adding power to help ensure all of Texas is protected,” said John Sharp, Chancellor of The Texas A&M University System.

Sharp said hundreds of millions of dollars’ worth of research were lost during Winter Storm Uri in 2021, when blackouts shut down power to labs and refrigerators across Texas.

Peaker power plants are designed to prevent blackouts by operating only during times of high electricity demand, such as hot summer days when air conditioning use spikes, or during major events that require significant energy consumption. They are not meant to run continuously but to be activated quickly when needed to stabilize the grid. They only run a few days each year.

Peaker plants also play a crucial role in integrating renewable energy sources into the grid. Since renewable sources like wind and solar are intermittent, peaker plants can provide backup power when these sources are not generating electricity.

The Texas Energy Fund was created after the blackouts of Winter Storm Uri made it clear to all that the Texas power grid didn’t have adequate generation capacity. It was created by Senate Bill 2627 in 2023 by legislation sponsored by Senators Charles Schwertner, Carol Alvarado, Paul Bettencourt and Representative Todd Hunter. Voters approved the constitutional amendment creating the Texas energy fund in November.

About The Texas A&M University System The Texas A&M University System is one of the largest systems of higher education in the nation, with a budget of $7.3 billion. Through a statewide network of 11 universities, a comprehensive health science center, eight state agencies, and the Texas A&M-RELLIS campus, the Texas A&M System educates more than 157,000 students and makes more than 21 million additional educational contacts through service and outreach programs each year. System-wide, research and development expenditures exceed $1 billion and help drive the state’s economy.

Contact: Laylan Copelin Vice Chancellor of Marketing and Communications (979) 458-6425 (512) 289-2782 cell [email protected]

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PERSONAL STATEMENT EXAMPLE Biomedical Science Personal Statement

Uni Logo for Swansea University

Make the most of your interest in Biology with biomedical sciences at Swansea.

Tailor your studies towards a career in research, innovation or healthcare with Swansea University's range of biomedical sciences degrees. Foundation Year, BSc and MSci available - there's a place for you at Swansea!

Biomedical Science Personal Statement

Having been born in the UK, with parents from Sri Lanka, I have experienced a lot in terms of becoming familiar with and exploring other cultures. I have constantly had to suffer the loss of loved ones throughout my life with the civil war in Sri Lanka and the severe number of other problems which existed there. Earlier this year I lost my Granddad to unnatural causes who had already been injured by the bomb that took the lives of both my Aunt and Grandmother a few years earlier. It is because of these events that I strongly wish to undertake a science/mathematics based course which will allow me to help others in the future whether this is physically, mentally or psychologically.

The Bio-medical course provides the fascinating opportunity to join a part of the industry which plays a substantial role in aiding further medical/scientific developments and creating ways to save and greatly improve the lives of others. Moreover, I wish to take this course over all the vast choices of biological courses as I personally believe this course suits my abilities and is of great interest to me, especially the lab work involving some IT. Furthermore, the course will offer great job opportunities after graduation which will revolve around aiding others and for me that is very important.

My desire and dedication to this type of course is represented through my choice of A level’s. Biology sets the typical foundation for anatomical and botany knowledge. Mathematics is fundamental when it comes to practical work involved in biology and is also important for problem solving. . I also believe History relates to this career as it has proven useful to understand how medical developments changed over time and the factors that contributed to this change. Moreover, I believe History is of great importance for developing analysis, interpretation and organisation skills.

I have studied at Dartford Grammar School for secondary school education till the end of GCSE’s and moved to Wilmington Grammar School, taking A levels over IB. I have taken part in various extracurricular activities including Chess and Cricket as well as taken part in the bronze and silver duke of Edinburgh Awards. I successfully completed my Bronze in 2013 and currently near the end of my Silver with my expedition out of the way and sections done with the certificate and badge to be received shortly. I found D of E an enjoyable experience which also helped me gain crucial teamwork and leadership skills.

Among my achievements, I completed a week’s worth of work experience at Oakfield Primary School in October 2013 and I felt I gained valuable insight of what it is like to work with young children but most importantly with other adults. I believe this work experience is useful as it may help if I am able to obtain a work experience placement or even a job in the future within the pathology labs of an NHS hospital which I’m looking to do in the future at Darent Valley, Queen Elizabeth or Lewisham Hospitals. I hope that I will be given the opportunity to prove my potential and hard-working nature, as well as to redeem my lacklustre AS results that did not clearly represent my ability to perform in many subjects.

As you can see from my references I am easy to work with and I have not had any trouble with teachers nor other students. I am up for a challenge, I am a fast learner and I am looking to do further work experience along the course of this year. This will help me to set a good foundation for use in CV’s and to help me with future prospects. I am a reliable and hard working student and I take and reflect on criticism when given. I believe that gaining these experiences will help me to understand the working environment more clearly and help me pursue possible career paths in the future.

I look forward to the challenges I will face at University and in particular I look forward to interacting with new people and lecturers that I will hopefully build strong relationships with.

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    Background Hepatitis C virus (HCV) elimination requires treatment access expansion, especially for underserved populations. Telehealth has the potential to improve HCV treatment access, although data are limited on its incorporation into standard clinical practice. Methods We conducted a cross-sectional, e-mail survey of 598 US HCV treatment providers who had valid email addresses and 1) were ...

  19. PhD Graduates Anticipate Careers of 'Benevolent Achievement'

    Hakim, who received her PhD in biological and biomedical sciences, noted that failures in research can be understood as useful pieces of information that allow people to come closer to uncovering the truth. ... Personal Journeys, Common Purpose Celebrating the accomplishments of the Class of 2024. Read More. Related News. Harvard Medical School ...

  20. Texas A&M System Steps Up to Stabilize Texas Energy Grid

    System-wide, research and development expenditures exceed $1 billion and help drive the state's economy. Contact: Laylan Copelin. Vice Chancellor of Marketing and Communications. (979) 458-6425. (512) 289-2782 cell. [email protected]. May 2024. M.

  21. Biomedical Sciences Personal Statement 21

    Biomedical Sciences Personal Statement. The field of science has always intrigued me and that is why I want to study biomedicine. Science is such a broad, interesting subject, not only does the subject encompass many specialties but from these fields I can choose from many different professions. What also pulls me towards this subject is the ...

  22. Biomedical Science Personal Statement 13

    Biomedical Science Personal Statement. Having been born in the UK, with parents from Sri Lanka, I have experienced a lot in terms of becoming familiar with and exploring other cultures. I have constantly had to suffer the loss of loved ones throughout my life with the civil war in Sri Lanka and the severe number of other problems which existed ...