Environmental Protection Essay

The environmental protection essay is a great way to assist the little ones in understanding how to protect the environment. Environmental protection has emerged as one of the major challenges in the world for centuries and has always been important to humans. As of late, it has seen a dramatic change in environmental policy, primarily through the use of the law. One way that law is used to protect the environment is by enacting government regulations on pollution and preventing environmental degradation.

Environmental protection is an integral part of today’s society, but many people lack even basic knowledge on what they can do to help protect our environment. The destruction of the environment and the depletion of natural resources are significant issues that are ever-present. In this essay, there will be a list of ideas for participating in the fight against these problems. This essay on environmental protection describes the meaning and importance of environmental protection and also teaches the right method to preserve the environment.

Environmental Protection Essay

How to Protect the Environment Essay

Environmental protection is the practice of protecting the natural environment against various human activities that degrade, destroy, or otherwise reduce its quality for future generations. Environmental protection has become a widespread issue in recent decades as human pressures on the environment have increased exponentially.

There are many ways to protect the environment. One way to protect the environment is by recycling – a way to reduce the carbon footprint and conserve natural resources. It also decreases the amount of waste that goes into landfills, which causes less pollution to water bodies. Another way is to use eco-friendly products in your life. This can contribute to a healthier environment by reducing the number of harmful chemicals and toxins in the air, ground, and water.

To protect the environment, we should be conscious of what we consume and how we consume it. Many factors affect the quality of our air, water, and land, but it is best to start small by always considering its impact on the environment.

Afforestation and tree plantation help protect our environment by reducing global warming, soil erosion, etc. We can reduce our carbon footprint through carpooling instead of driving, which is cheaper and reduces our energy usage and emissions.

For more essays similar to the environmental protection essay, visit BYJU’S website. You can also find more exciting kids’ learning resources, such as poems, stories, worksheets, etc., on the website.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is environmental protection.

Environmental protection is the practice of protecting the natural environment by maintaining the quality of air, water, land or ecosystem. The effects that humans have on their environment create issues for the natural environment. This can include air pollution, water pollution, and degradation of land. Governments and people are involved with environmental protection through policies and regulations.

How to protect the environment?

Environmental protection has seen a dramatic change, especially through environmental laws. These laws call for reducing pollution and environmental degradation.

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Protecting the Environment Argumentative Essay

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  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
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Protecting the environment is the act of taking care of natural resources and using them rationally to prevent annihilation and pollution. It also involves the use of comprehensive management measures that can create an environment that supports human activities and life.

Protecting the environment creates sustainable development in an economy. An attractive, natural environment encourages both domestic, and international tourism and this create revenue for the country.

Tourism also contributes to the economic growth of a nation as it leads to the creation of jobs for many people (Holden 177). Some people work as tour guides and agents while others work in food and accommodation sector.

Protecting the environment also attracts many foreign investors into the country. Foreign investors invest their money and introduce industries in other nations, thus promoting economic growth (Goodstein 26).

If a country has a terrible environment, investors will avoid making businesses there, and this reduces economic development in a country.

Another way that protecting the environment creates sustainable development is through preservation of natural resources. Most development activities make use of natural resources, and if the environment lacks protection, such resources may become depleted, thus, making further developments impossible.

Also, environmental protection causes sustainable development as governments cut the money spent on health-care costs. A good natural environment protects human beings from diseases like skin cancer, cataracts and other illnesses that arise due to environmental pollution. This, in turn, makes governments cut down on health costs.

Protecting the environment enhances welfare of human beings. People suffer from health-related issues in areas where the environment gets stressed (Frumkin et al. 4). A harmful environment is accountable for almost a quarter of the worldwide disease problem.

In emerging nations, use of incompetent wood-burning stoves to make food causes illnesses. A rising figure of cleaner and more competent stoves, which cut down both the amount of biomass that needs collection to fuel the stove and domestic airborne particulates, are becoming obtainable.

Proper environmental management can lessen the risk of malaria through destroying mosquito habitats, breeding mosquitoes that are resistant to the malaria parasite as well as reducing populations of mosquitoes.

This fact also relates with the concept of sustainable development as health is a vital element in sustainable development. Sick families cannot meet their daily needs, a mother with respiratory tract infections could be unable to take proper care of the family and a sick child is likely to miss school, or underperform in academics.

Protecting the environment enhances continuity of life. The world has limited resources, and rapid consumption of these resources by humans has led to severe environmental degradation. Failure to protect the environment is a crime as it means that we do not care about future generations.

Therefore, we must attach significance to protection of the environment so that we can give future generations a better living space.

As a result of failing to protect the environment, we continue experiencing much retribution from nature. For instance, there is scarcity in land resources due to expansion of towns and industrial development (Rubio 9).

Besides, there is pollution in lakes and rivers due to the large waste that factories emit. The number of deserts has also increased due to continuous cutting of trees. Toxic gas and liquid air have also caused pollution of water supplies.

Protecting the environment secures both plant and animal lives through preventing ozone depletion. The most common causes of ozone depletion are releasing harmful gases into the atmosphere and cutting down of trees. Depletion of ozone makes higher levels of ultra violet rays to hit into the earth’s surface (McMichael 61).

These rays may cause skin cancer and cataracts among human beings. Equally, ultra violet rays affect growth of plants and aquatic food systems. These rays affect nutrient distribution in plants as well as secondary metabolism, thus causing disease in plants.

Besides, ultra violet rays affect the euphotic zone, which limits productivity of phytoplankton. The euphotic zone is the top cover of water column where there is adequate light to promote net productivity.

Although most phytoplankton can move actively to enhance their efficiency and, thus, their continued existence, contact with ultra violet rays from the sun affects survival rates of phytoplankton. Also, ultra violet rays from the sun affect early developmental phases of shrimp, fish, amphibians and crabs.

Other dangerous effects of ultra violet rays to aquatic life include decreased reproductive ability and weakened development of larvae (McMichael 63).

Considering present levels, solar radiation is a restrictive feature, and small raises in ultra violet exposure could cause noteworthy decrease in the number of animals that feed on these minor organisms.

In conclusion, protecting the environment is essential for enhanced human and plant life, continuity of life, sustainable development of an economy as well as economic enhancement. Natural resources are essential for life on earth, and thus they need protection. Failure to protect the environment may affect future generations of both plants and animals.

Works Cited

Frumkin, Howard, Richard Jackson, and Christine Coussens. Health and the Environment in the Southeastern United States , Washington, D.C: National Academy Press, 2002. Print.

Goodstein, Eban. Economics and the Environment, Hoboken, N.J: John Wiley and Sons, 2011. Print.

Holden, Andrew. Environment and Tourism , New York, NY: Routledge, 2008. Print.

McMichael, Asunta. Climate Change and Human Health: Risks and Responses , Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization, 2003. Print.

Rubio, Jose. Water scarcity, Land Degradation and Desertification in the Mediterranean Region Environmental and Security Aspects , Dordrecht, MA: Springer, 2009. Print.

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IvyPanda. (2019, June 18). Protecting the Environment. https://ivypanda.com/essays/protecting-the-environment/

"Protecting the Environment." IvyPanda , 18 June 2019, ivypanda.com/essays/protecting-the-environment/.

IvyPanda . (2019) 'Protecting the Environment'. 18 June.

IvyPanda . 2019. "Protecting the Environment." June 18, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/protecting-the-environment/.

1. IvyPanda . "Protecting the Environment." June 18, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/protecting-the-environment/.


IvyPanda . "Protecting the Environment." June 18, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/protecting-the-environment/.

Conserving Earth

Earth’s natural resources include air, water, soil, minerals, plants, and animals. Conservation is the practice of caring for these resources so all living things can benefit from them now and in the future.

Biology, Ecology, Earth Science, Geography, Geology, Conservation

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Earth ’s natural resources include air , water , soil , minerals , fuels , plants, and animals. Conservation is the practice of caring for these resources so all living things can benefit from them now and in the future. All the things we need to survive , such as food , water, air, and shelter , come from natural resources. Some of these resources, like small plants, can be replaced quickly after they are used. Others, like large trees, take a long time to replace. These are renewable resources . Other resources, such as fossil fuels , cannot be replaced at all. Once they are used up, they are gone f orever . These are nonrenewable resources . People often waste natural resources. Animals are overhunted . Forests are cleared, exposing land to wind and water damage. Fertile soil is exhausted and lost to erosion because of poor farming practices. Fuel supplies are depleted . Water and air are polluted . If resources are carelessly managed, many will be used up. If used wisely and efficiently , however, renewable resources will last much longer. Through conservation, people can reduce waste and manage natural resources wisely. The population of human beings has grown enormously in the past two centuries. Billions of people use up resources quickly as they eat food, build houses, produce goods, and burn fuel for transportation and electricity . The continuation of life as we know it depends on the careful use of natural resources. The need to conserve resources often conflicts with other needs. For some people, a wooded area may be a good place to put a farm. A timber company may want to harvest the area’s trees for construction materials. A business may want to build a factory or shopping mall on the land. All these needs are valid, but sometimes the plants and animals that live in the area are forgotten. The benefits of development need to be weighed against the harm to animals that may be forced to find new habitats , the depletion of resources we may want in the future (such as water or timber), or damage to resources we use today. Development and conservation can coexist in harmony. When we use the environment in ways that ensure we have resources for the future, it is called sustainable development . There are many different resources we need to conserve in order to live sustainably. Forests A forest is a large area covered with trees grouped so their foliage shades the ground. Every continent except Antarctica has forests, from the evergreen -filled boreal forests of the north to mangrove forests in tropical wetlands . Forests are home to more than two-thirds of all known land species . Tropical rainforests are especially rich in biodiversity . Forests provide habitats for animals and plants. They store carbon , helping reduce global warming . They protect soil by reducing runoff . They add nutrients to the soil through leaf litter . They provide people with lumber and firewood. Deforestation is the process of clearing away forests by cutting them down or burning them. People clear forests to use the wood, or to make way for farming or development. Each year, Earth loses about 14.6 million hectares (36 million acres) of forest to deforestation—an area about the size of the U.S. state of New York. Deforestation destroys wildlife habitats and increases soil erosion. It also releases greenhouse gases into the atmosphere , contributing to global warming. Deforestation accounts for 15 percent of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions. Deforestation also harms the people who rely on forests for their survival, hunting and gathering, harvesting forest products, or using the timber for firewood. About half of all the forests on Earth are in the tropics —an area that circles the globe near the Equator . Although tropical forests cover fewer than 6 percent of the world’s land area, they are home to about 80 percent of the world’s documented species. For example, more than 500 different species of trees live in the forests on the small U.S. island of Puerto Rico in the Caribbean Sea. Tropical forests give us many valuable products, including woods like mahogany and teak , rubber , fruits, nuts, and flowers. Many of the medicines we use today come from plants found only in tropical rainforests. These include quinine , a malaria drug; curare , an anesthetic used in surgery; and rosy periwinkle , which is used to treat certain types of cancer . Sustainable forestry practices are critical for ensuring we have these resources well into the future. One of these practices is leaving some trees to die and decay naturally in the forest. This “ deadwood ” builds up soil. Other sustainable forestry methods include using low-impact logging practices, harvesting with natural regeneration in mind, and avoiding certain logging techniques , such as removing all the high-value trees or all the largest trees from a forest. Trees can also be conserved if consumers recycle . People in China and Mexico, for example, reuse much of their wastepaper, including writing paper, wrapping paper, and cardboard. If half the world’s paper were recycled, much of the worldwide demand for new paper would be fulfilled, saving many of Earth’s trees. We can also replace some wood products with alternatives like bamboo , which is actually a type of grass. Soil Soil is vital to food production. We need high-quality soil to grow the crops that we eat and feed to livestock . Soil is also important to plants that grow in the wild. Many other types of conservation efforts, such as plant conservation and animal conservation, depend on soil conservation. Poor farming methods, such as repeatedly planting the same crop in the same place, called monoculture , deplete nutrients in the soil. Soil erosion by water and wind increases when farmers plow up and down hills. One soil conservation method is called contour strip cropping . Several crops, such as corn, wheat, and clover , are planted in alternating strips across a slope or across the path of the prevailing wind . Different crops, with different root systems and leaves, help slow erosion.

Harvesting all the trees from a large area, a practice called clearcutting , increases the chances of losing productive topsoil to wind and water erosion. Selective harvesting —the practice of removing individual trees or small groups of trees—leaves other trees standing to anchor the soil. Biodiversity Biodiversity is the variety of living things that populate Earth. The products and benefits we get from nature rely on biodiversity. We need a rich mixture of living things to provide foods, building materials, and medicines, as well as to maintain a clean and healthy landscape . When a species becomes extinct , it is lost to the world forever. Scientists estimate that the current rate of extinction is 1,000 times the natural rate. Through hunting, pollution , habitat destruction, and contribution to global warming, people are speeding up the loss of biodiversity at an alarming rate. It’s hard to know how many species are going extinct because the total number of species is unknown. Scientists discover thousands of new species every year. For example, after looking at just 19 trees in Panama, scientists found 1,200 different species of beetles—80 percent of them unknown to science at the time. Based on various estimates of the number of species on Earth, we could be losing anywhere from 200 to 100,000 species each year. We need to protect biodiversity to ensure we have plentiful and varied food sources. This is true even if we don’t eat a species threatened with extinction because something we do eat may depend on that species for survival. Some predators are useful for keeping the populations of other animals at manageable levels. The extinction of a major predator might mean there are more herbivores looking for food in people’s gardens and farms. Biodiversity is important for more than just food. For instance, we use between 50,000 to 70,000 plant species for medicines worldwide. The Great Barrier Reef , a coral reef off the coast of northeastern Australia, contributes about $6 billion to the nation’s economy through commercial fishing , tourism , and other recreational activities. If the coral reef dies, many of the fish, shellfish , marine mammals , and plants will die, too. Some governments have established parks and preserves to protect wildlife and their habitats. They are also working to abolish hunting and fishing practices that may cause the extinction of some species. Fossil Fuels Fossil fuels are fuels produced from the remains of ancient plants and animals. They include coal , petroleum (oil), and natural gas . People rely on fossil fuels to power vehicles like cars and airplanes, to produce electricity, and to cook and provide heat. In addition, many of the products we use today are made from petroleum. These include plastics , synthetic rubber, fabrics like nylon , medicines, cosmetics , waxes, cleaning products, medical devices, and even bubblegum.

Fossil fuels formed over millions of years. Once we use them up, we cannot replace them. Fossil fuels are a nonrenewable resource. We need to conserve fossil fuels so we don’t run out. However, there are other good reasons to limit our fossil fuel use. These fuels pollute the air when they are burned. Burning fossil fuels also releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, contributing to global warming. Global warming is changing ecosystems . The oceans are becoming warmer and more acidic , which threatens sea life. Sea levels are rising, posing risks to coastal communities. Many areas are experiencing more droughts , while others suffer from flooding . Scientists are exploring alternatives to fossil fuels. They are trying to produce renewable biofuels to power cars and trucks. They are looking to produce electricity using the sun, wind, water, and geothermal energy — Earth’s natural heat. Everyone can help conserve fossil fuels by using them carefully. Turn off lights and other electronics when you are not using them. Purchase energy-efficient appliances and weatherproof your home. Walk, ride a bike, carpool , and use public transportation whenever possible. Minerals Earth’s supply of raw mineral resources is in danger. Many mineral deposits that have been located and mapped have been depleted. As the ores for minerals like aluminum and iron become harder to find and extract , their prices skyrocket . This makes tools and machinery more expensive to purchase and operate. Many mining methods, such as mountaintop removal mining (MTR) , devastate the environment. They destroy soil, plants, and animal habitats. Many mining methods also pollute water and air, as toxic chemicals leak into the surrounding ecosystem. Conservation efforts in areas like Chile and the Appalachian Mountains in the eastern United States often promote more sustainable mining methods. Less wasteful mining methods and the recycling of materials will help conserve mineral resources. In Japan, for example, car manufacturers recycle many raw materials used in making automobiles. In the United States, nearly one-third of the iron produced comes from recycled automobiles. Electronic devices present a big problem for conservation because technology changes so quickly. For example, consumers typically replace their cell phones every 18 months. Computers, televisions, and mp3 players are other products contributing to “ e-waste .” The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that Americans generated more than three million tons of e-waste in 2007. Electronic products contain minerals as well as petroleum-based plastics. Many of them also contain hazardous materials that can leach out of landfills into the soil and water supply. Many governments are passing laws requiring manufacturers to recycle used electronics. Recycling not only keeps materials out of landfills, but it also reduces the energy used to produce new products. For instance, recycling aluminum saves 90 percent of the energy that would be required to mine new aluminum.

Water Water is a renewable resource. We will not run out of water the way we might run out of fossil fuels. The amount of water on Earth always remains the same. However, most of the planet’s water is unavailable for human use. While more than 70 percent of Earth’s surface is covered by water, only 2.5 percent of it is freshwater . Out of that freshwater, almost 70 percent is permanently frozen in the ice caps covering Antarctica and Greenland. Only about 1 percent of the freshwater on Earth is available for people to use for drinking, bathing, and irrigating crops. People in many regions of the world suffer water shortages . These are caused by depletion of underground water sources known as aquifers , a lack of rainfall due to drought, or pollution of water supplies. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 2.6 billion people lack adequate water sanitation . More than five million people die each year from diseases caused by using polluted water for drinking, cooking, or washing. About one-third of Earth’s population lives in areas that are experiencing water stress . Most of these areas are in developing countries. Polluted water hurts the environment as well as people. For instance, agricultural runoff—the water that runs off of farmland—can contain fertilizers and pesticides . When this water gets into streams , rivers , and oceans, it can harm the organisms that live in or drink from those water sources. People can conserve and protect water supplies in many ways. Individuals can limit water use by fixing leaky faucets, taking shorter showers, planting drought-resistant plants, and buying low-water-use appliances. Governments, businesses, and nonprofit organizations can help developing countries build sanitation facilities. Farmers can change some of their practices to reduce polluted runoff. This includes limiting overgrazing , avoiding over-irrigation, and using alternatives to chemical pesticides whenever possible. Conservation Groups Businesses, international organizations , and some governments are involved in conservation efforts. The United Nations (UN) encourages the creation of national parks around the world. The UN also established World Water Day, an event to raise awareness and promote water conservation. Governments enact laws defining how land should be used and which areas should be set aside as parks and wildlife preserves. Governments also enforce laws designed to protect the environment from pollution, such as requiring factories to install pollution-control devices. Finally, governments often provide incentives for conserving resources, using clean technologies, and recycling used goods. Many international organizations are dedicated to conservation. Members support causes such as saving rain forests, protecting threatened animals, and cleaning up the air. The International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) is an alliance of governments and private groups founded in 1948. The IUCN works to protect wildlife and habitats. In 1980, the group proposed a world conservation strategy . Many governments have used the IUCN model to develop their own conservation plans. In addition, the IUCN monitors the status of endangered wildlife, threatened national parks and preserves, and other environments around the world. Zoos and botanical gardens also work to protect wildlife. Many zoos raise and breed endangered animals to increase their populations. They conduct research and help educate the public about endangered species . For instance, the San Diego Zoo in the U.S. state of California runs a variety of research programs on topics ranging from disease control in amphibians to heart-healthy diets for gorillas. Scientists at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, in London, England, work to protect plant life around the world. Kew’s Millennium Seed Bank , for example, works with partners in 54 countries to protect biodiversity through seed collection. Kew researchers are also exploring how DNA technology can help restore damaged habitats. Individuals can do many things to help conserve resources. Turning off lights, repairing leaky faucets, and recycling paper, aluminum cans, glass, and plastic are just a few examples. Riding bikes, walking, carpooling, and using public transportation all help conserve fuel and reduce the amount of pollutants released into the environment. Individuals can plant trees to create homes for birds and squirrels. At grocery stores, people can bring their own reusable bags. And people can carry reusable water bottles and coffee mugs rather than using disposable containers. If each of us would conserve in small ways, the result would be a major conservation effort.

Tree Huggers The Chipko Movement, which is dedicated to saving trees, was started by villagers in Uttar Pradesh, India. Chipko means hold fast or embrace. The villagers flung their arms around trees to keep loggers from cutting them down. The villagers won, and Uttar Pradesh banned the felling of trees in the Himalayan foothills. The movement has since expanded to other parts of India.

Thirsty Food People require about 2 to 4 liters of drinking water each day. However, a day's worth of food requires 2,000 to 5,000 liters of water to produce. It takes more water to produce meat than to produce plant-based foods.

Tiger, Tiger Tigers are dangerous animals, but they have more to fear from us than we have to fear from them. Today there are only about 3,200 tigers living in the wild. Three tiger subspecies the Bali, Caspian, and Javan tigers have gone extinct in the past century. Many organizations are working hard to protect the remaining tigers from illegal hunting and habitat loss.

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Essay on Environment: Examples & Tips

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  • Updated on  
  • May 30, 2022

Essay on Environment

In the 21st century, the Environmental crisis is one of the biggest issues. The world has been potentially impacted by the resulting hindrance in the environmental balance, due to the rising in industrialization and urbanization. This led to several natural calamities which creates an everlasting severe impact on the environment for years. To familiarize students with the importance environment, the subject ‘Environmental Studies’ is part of the curriculum in primary, secondary as well as higher school education. To test the knowledge of the students related to Environment, a question related to the topic in the form of essay or article writing is included in the exam. This blog aims to focus on providing details to students on the way, they can draft a well-written essay on Environment.

This Blog Includes:

Overview on environment, tips on writing an effective essay, format (150 words), sample essay on environment, environment essay (100 words), essay on environment (200-250 words), environment essay (300 words), world environment day.

To begin the essay on Environment, students must know what it is all about. Biotic (plants, animals, and microorganisms) and abiotic (non-living physical factors) components in our surroundings fall under the terminology of the environment. Everything that surrounds us is a part of the environment and facilitates our existence on the planet.

Before writing an effective essay on Environment, another thing students need to ensure is to get familiarised with the structure of essay writing. The major tips which students need to keep in mind, while drafting the essay are:

  • Research on the given topic thoroughly : The students must research the topic given in the essay, for example: while drafting an essay on the environment, students must mention the recent events, so to provide the reader with a view into their understanding of this concept.
  • Jot down the important points: When the students research the topic, students must note down the points which need to be included in the essay.
  • Quote down the important examples: Students must quote the important examples in the introductory paragraphs and the subsequent paragraphs as well.
  • Revise the Essay: The student after finishing writing students must revise the content to locate any grammatical errors as well as other mistakes.

Essay on Environment: Format & Samples

Now that you are aware of the key elements of drafting an essay on Environment, take a look at the format of essay writing first:


The student must begin the essay by, detailing an overview of the topic in a very simple way in around 30-40 words. In the introduction of the essay on Environment, the student can make it interesting by recent instances or adding questions.

Body of Content

The content after the introduction can be explained in around 80 words, on a given topic in detail. This part must contain maximum detail in this part of the Essay. For the Environment essay, students can describe ways the environment is hampered and different ways to prevent and protect it.

In the essay on Environment, students can focus on summing the essay in 30-40 words, by writing its aim, types, and purposes briefly. This section must swaddle up all the details which are explained in the body of the content.

Below is a sample of an Essay on Environment to give you an idea of the way to write one:

The natural surroundings that enable life to thrive, nurture, and destroy on our planet called earth are referred to as an environment. The natural environment is vital to the survival of life on Earth, allowing humans, animals, and other living things to thrive and evolve naturally. However, our ecosystem is being harmed as a result of certain wicked and selfish human actions. It is the most essential issue, and everyone should understand how to safeguard our environment and maintain the natural balance on this planet for life to continue to exist.

Nature provides an environment that nourishes life on the planet. The environment encompasses everything humans need to live, including water, air, sunshine, land, plants, animals, forests, and other natural resources. Our surroundings play a critical role in enabling the existence of healthy life on the planet. However, due to man-made technical advancements in the current period, our environment is deteriorating day by day. As a result, environmental contamination has risen to the top of our priority list.

Environmental pollution has a detrimental impact on our everyday lives in a variety of ways, including socially, physically, economically, emotionally, and cognitively. Contamination of the environment causes a variety of ailments that can last a person’s entire life. It is not a problem of a neighborhood or a city; it is a global issue that cannot be handled by a single person’s efforts. It has the potential to end life in a day if it is not appropriately handled. Every ordinary citizen should participate in the government’s environmental protection effort.

Between June 5 and June 16, World Environment Day is commemorated to raise awareness about the environment and to educate people about its importance. On this day, awareness initiatives are held in a variety of locations.

The environment is made up of plants, animals, birds, reptiles, insects, water bodies, fish, humans, trees, microbes, and many other things. Furthermore, they all contribute to the ecosystem.

The physical, social, and cultural environments are the three categories of environments. Besides, various scientists have defined different types and numbers of environments.

1. Do not leave rubbish in public areas. 2. Minimize the use of plastic 3. Items should be reduced, reused, and recycled. 4. Prevent water and soil contamination

Hope the blog has given you an idea of how to write an essay on the Environment. If you are planning to study abroad and want help in writing your essays, then let Leverage Edu be your helping hand. Our experts will assist you in writing an excellent SOP for your study abroad consultant application. 

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Sonal is a creative, enthusiastic writer and editor who has worked extensively for the Study Abroad domain. She splits her time between shooting fun insta reels and learning new tools for content marketing. If she is missing from her desk, you can find her with a group of people cracking silly jokes or petting neighbourhood dogs.

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  • Environment Essay


Essay on Understanding and Nurturing Our Environment

The environment is everything that surrounds us – the air we breathe, the water we drink, the soil beneath our feet, and the diverse flora and fauna that inhabit our planet. It's not just a backdrop to our lives; it's the very essence of our existence. In this essay, we'll explore the importance of our environment, the challenges it faces, and what we can do to ensure a sustainable and thriving world for generations to come.

Our environment is a complex and interconnected web of life. Every living organism, from the tiniest microbe to the largest mammal, plays a crucial role in maintaining the balance of ecosystems. This delicate balance ensures the survival of species, including humans. For instance, bees pollinate plants, which produce the oxygen we breathe. Nature is a masterpiece that has evolved over millions of years, and we are just one small part of this intricate tapestry.

Importance of Environment  

The environment is crucial for keeping living things healthy.

It helps balance ecosystems.

The environment provides everything necessary for humans, like food, shelter, and air.

It's also a source of natural beauty that is essential for our physical and mental health.

The Threats to Our Environment:

Unfortunately, our actions have disrupted this delicate balance. The rapid industrialization, deforestation, pollution, and over-exploitation of natural resources have led to severe environmental degradation. Climate change, driven by the increase in greenhouse gas emissions, is altering weather patterns, causing extreme events like floods, droughts, and storms. The loss of biodiversity is another alarming concern – species are disappearing at an unprecedented rate due to habitat destruction and pollution.

Impact of Human Activities on the Environment

Human activities like pollution, deforestation, and waste disposal are causing environmental problems like acid rain, climate change, and global warming. The environment has living (biotic) and non-living (abiotic) components. Biotic components include plants, animals, and microorganisms, while abiotic components include things like temperature, light, and soil.

In the living environment, there are producers (like plants), consumers (like animals), and decomposers (like bacteria). Producers use sunlight to make energy, forming the base of the food web. Consumers get their energy by eating other organisms, creating a chain of energy transfer. Decomposers break down waste and dead organisms, recycling nutrients in the soil.

The non-living environment includes climatic factors (like rain and temperature) and edaphic factors (like soil and minerals). Climatic factors affect the water cycle, while edaphic factors provide nutrients and a place for organisms to grow.

The environment includes everything from the air we breathe to the ecosystems we live in. It's crucial to keep it clean for a healthy life. All components of the environment are affected by its condition, so a clean environment is essential for a healthy ecosystem.

Sustainable Practices:

Adopting sustainable practices is a key step towards mitigating environmental degradation. This includes reducing our carbon footprint by using renewable energy, practicing responsible consumption, and minimizing waste. Conservation of natural resources, such as water and forests, is essential. Supporting local and global initiatives that aim to protect the environment, like reforestation projects and wildlife conservation efforts, can make a significant impact.

Education and Awareness:

Creating a sustainable future requires a collective effort, and education is a powerful tool in this regard. Raising awareness about environmental issues, the consequences of our actions, and the importance of conservation is crucial. Education empowers individuals to make informed choices and encourages sustainable practices at both personal and community levels.

Why is a Clean Environment Necessary?

To have a happy and thriving community and country, we really need a clean and safe environment. It's like the basic necessity for life on Earth. Let me break down why having a clean environment is so crucial.

First off, any living thing—whether it's plants, animals, or people—can't survive in a dirty environment. We all need a good and healthy place to live. When things get polluted, it messes up the balance of nature and can even cause diseases. If we keep using up our natural resources too quickly, life on Earth becomes a real struggle.

So, what's causing all this environmental trouble? Well, one big reason is that there are just so many people around, and we're using up a lot of stuff like land, food, water, air, and even fossil fuels and minerals. Cutting down a bunch of trees (we call it deforestation) is also a big problem because it messes up the whole ecosystem.

Then there's pollution—air, water, and soil pollution. It's like throwing a wrench into the gears of nature, making everything go wonky. And you've probably heard about things like the ozone layer getting thinner, global warming, weird weather, and glaciers melting. These are all signs that our environment is in trouble.

But don't worry, we can do things to make it better:

Plant more trees—they're like nature's superheroes, helping balance everything out.

Follow the 3 R's: Reuse stuff, reduce waste, and recycle. It's like giving our planet a high-five.

Ditch the plastic bags—they're not great for our landscapes.

Think about how many people there are and try to slow down the population growth.

By doing these things, we're basically giving our planet a little TLC (tender loving care), and that's how we can keep our environment clean and healthy for everyone.

Policy and Regulation:

Governments and institutions play a vital role in shaping environmental policies and regulations. Strong and enforceable laws are essential to curb activities that harm the environment. This includes regulations on emissions, waste disposal, and protection of natural habitats. International cooperation is also crucial to address global environmental challenges, as issues like climate change know no borders.

The Role of Technology:

Technology can be a double-edged sword in environmental conservation. While some technological advancements contribute to environmental degradation, others offer solutions. Innovative technologies in renewable energy, waste management, and sustainable agriculture can significantly reduce our impact on the environment. Embracing and investing in eco-friendly technologies is a step towards a greener and more sustainable future.


Our environment is not just a collection of trees, rivers, and animals; it's the foundation of our existence. Understanding the interconnectedness of all living things and recognizing our responsibility as stewards of the Earth is essential. By adopting sustainable practices, fostering education and awareness, implementing effective policies, and embracing eco-friendly technologies, we can work towards healing our planet. The choices we make today will determine the world we leave for future generations – a world that can either flourish in its natural beauty or struggle under the weight of environmental degradation. It's our collective responsibility to ensure that it's the former.


FAQs on Environment Essay

1. What is the Environment?

The environment constitutes the entire ecosystem that includes plants, animals and microorganisms, sunlight, air, rain, temperature, humidity, and other climatic factors. It is basically the surroundings where we live. The environment regulates the life of all living beings on Earth.

2. What are the Three Kinds of Environments?

Biotic Environment: It includes all biotic factors or living forms like plants, animals, and microorganisms.

Abiotic Environment: It includes non-living factors like temperature, light, rainfall, soil, minerals, etc. It comprises the atmosphere, lithosphere, and hydrosphere.

Built Environment: It includes buildings, streets, houses, industries, etc. 

3. What are the Major Factors that Lead to the Degradation of the Environment?

The factors that lead to the degradation of the environment are:

The rapid increase in the population.

Growth of industrialization and urbanization.

Deforestation is making the soil infertile (soil that provides nutrients and home to millions of organisms).

Over-consumption of natural resources.

Ozone depletion, global warming, and the greenhouse effect.

4. How do we Save Our Environment?

We must save our environment by maintaining a balanced and healthy ecosystem. We should plant more trees. We should reduce our consumption and reuse and recycle stuff. We should check on the increase in population. We should scarcely use our natural and precious resources. Industries and factories should take precautionary measures before dumping their wastes into the water bodies.

5. How can we protect Mother Earth?

Ways to save Mother Earth include planting more and more trees, using renewable sources of energy, reducing the wastage of water, saving electricity, reducing the use of plastic, conservation of non-renewable resources, conserving the different flora and faunas, taking steps to reduce pollution, etc.

6. What are some ways that humans impact their environment?

Humans have influenced the physical environment in many ways like overpopulation, pollution, burning fossil fuels, and deforestation. Changes like these have generated climate change, soil erosion, poor air quality, and undrinkable water. These negative impacts can affect human behavior and can prompt mass migrations or battles over clean water.  

7. Why is the environment of social importance?

Human beings are social animals by nature. They spend a good amount of time in social environments. Their responsibility towards the environment is certainly important because these social environments might support human beings in both personal development goals as well as career development goals.

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How Can We All Help Conserve Nature?

how can we protect our environment essay

When we speak about conserving nature, we are really talking about taking care of our future, because nature provides essential resources for our survival and enjoyment. We asked an international group of scientists working on different environmental issues worldwide to identify important practical actions that we can all do to help conserve nature. We obtained nearly 100 responses and grouped them into three main categories: (1) Actions to reduce our ecological footprint; (2) Actions to conserve nature; and (3) Actions that help us connect with nature. We briefly explain actions that can be performed daily to reduce our impact on nature, and provide some useful links for further reading.

Protecting Nature to Ensure Our Future

We often forget how much humans depend on nature . Even city-dwellers living in modern skyscrapers need air to breathe, water to drink, and food to eat, all of which are provided by nature. True, you can buy bottled water and ready-to-eat meals in supermarkets, but they were not produced there. Some fruits and vegetables, for example, only grow in tropical countries and cross the globe in refrigerated ship containers, to arrive just ripe to your local supermarket. All drinking water ultimately comes from a natural source, since we still do not have the technology to manufacture large amounts of water in the laboratory [ 1 ]. The same applies to the air we breathe, which is purified and oxygenated by plants [ 2 ]. So, when we speak about preserving nature, we are really also talking about preserving ourselves.

Whereas nature encompasses the natural environment as a whole, the term biodiversity [ 3 ] is used to refer to all living organisms. Biodiversity is ultimately responsible for the services we receive from nature, which are also called Ecosystem Services [ 4 ] or Nature's Contribution to People [ 5 ]. For example, forests containing many different bee species provide pollination services to nearby crop fields. In places where natural forests have been cut down, beekeepers must bring in artificial beehives to guarantee that enough pollinators visit crop flowers to produce fruit [ 6 ]. Other wild organisms, like wasps and birds, act as pest-control agents for agricultural crops, reducing the population of pests that damage those crops, and resulting in higher crop yields.

You are probably thinking that you already knew about this, and that there is not much you can do to preserve air, water, or fruit trees. But even if you live in a big city, far away from oxygen-producing forests, natural water springs, or crop fields, your daily actions can have a strong impact on these natural resources. Spilling a single drop of cooking oil while cleaning the dishes contaminates a million drops of water. Traveling in a vehicle powered by fossil fuels contributes to air pollution and global climate change [ 7 ]. Buying certain processed food ingredients, like palm oil, can contribute to massive deforestation in the tropics, as farmers clear land to grow these crops for money. All these impacts together make up what is called our ecological footprint on nature [ 8 ], which is a measure to quantify our daily life's impact on nature.

We will now share with you some important practical actions that we can all do to help conserve nature, to preserve our own well-being, and to guarantee that natural resources are available for future generations.

What Actions Can We Take to Help Conserve Nature?

We asked an international group of scientists, working on various environmental issues, to provide ideas on what young people can do to help conserve nature. We obtained nearly 100 responses and then organized all of the ideas by grouping them into three main categories: (1) Actions to reduce our ecological footprint ( Figure 1 ); (2) Actions to conserve nature ( Figure 2 ); and (3) Actions to connect with nature ( Figure 3 ). Below we explain each.

Figure 1 - Word cloud showing the key actions that can be taken to reduce our ecological footprint.

  • Figure 1 - Word cloud showing the key actions that can be taken to reduce our ecological footprint.

Figure 2 - Word cloud showing the key actions that can be taken to conserve nature.

  • Figure 2 - Word cloud showing the key actions that can be taken to conserve nature.

Figure 3 - Word cloud showing the key actions that can be taken to connect with nature.

  • Figure 3 - Word cloud showing the key actions that can be taken to connect with nature.

Reduce our ecological footprint: Reducing our ecological footprint means placing less demand on nature (read here about the 3Rs—reduce, reuse and recycle; and get some ideas here on how you can help nature). Here are some ways that you can do this:

  • Recycle your rubbish and participate in or help organize recycling campaigns.
  • Avoid littering and participate in or help organize litter clean-ups ( here you can link to a website for volunteering or starting your own beach clean-up).
  • Use less plastic by, for example, carrying a reusable water bottle, saying no to disposable straws and cutlery, avoiding plastic toys, and bringing your own shopping bags (for further ideas on a plastic-free life take a look here ).
  • Swap toys, movies, and books instead of buying new ones.
  • Donate, recycle, and repair electronic devices (see how here ).
  • Use less water when brushing teeth, taking a shower, or washing the dishes.
  • Use less electricity by turning off lights and electronic devices when not in use, using energy-saving light bulbs, and hanging clothes to dry.
  • Use public transport, share a journey with friends (e.g., car-sharing), cycle, or walk when possible.
  • Use less paper by not printing unnecessary things and reading e-books.
  • Turn down the air conditioning when it is hot and use fans if you are still hot-they use much less power.
  • Turn down the heat when it is cold and use sweaters, blankets, and socks to keep warm.
  • Do not waste food and try to buy food that is grown locally and in season.
  • Eat more non-meat proteins (like beans), less dairy, more vegetables, and more organic food when possible.
  • Buy products that do not cause damage to the environment and that have certified labels (such as Rainforest Alliance and Animal Welfare ).
  • Refuse to buy what you do not need, because every item you do not buy reduces the demand for the production of that item. For example, if everyone stopped buying plastic bags, super markets would stop selling them.

Conserve nature: Conserving nature means to protect, preserve and restore biodiversity. Here are some ways that you can do this:

  • Try to prevent your pets from killing/harming wildlife (for some specific advice to help your local birds, see this ).
  • Do not touch or take home wild animals or plants (see some advice here ).
  • Plant native wildflowers, fruit trees, and pollinator-friendly plants in your garden or yard (for some related gardening tips, check out this ).
  • Make compost to improve soil quality and to help insects (check out a guide to composting here ).
  • Build and place bat houses, bird houses, and “bee hotels” in your garden, school grounds, and local green spaces ( here you can learn how make and manage a Bee hotel).
  • Do not buy/keep wild pets at home (such as parrots, song birds, wild cats, or reptiles), in order to avoid supporting illegal trafficking of animals ( here you can find more info about illegal wildlife trade).
  • Be aware of wild animals crossing the road and respect their paths ( here is some further information about the importance of wildlife crossings).

Connect with nature: Connecting with nature means setting aside time to interact with the natural environment. Here are some ways that you can do this:

  • Play outside and spend more time in nature (read this link to find out why this is so important).
  • Organize trips to explore the national parks/nature reserves close to you.
  • Join conservation programs or eco-clubs (see how here ).
  • Participate in nature-focused citizen science initiatives (learn more about citizen science here and see actual projects you can join here and here ).
  • Use books or apps to identify the plants and animals around you (check out a cool app here ).
  • Play games to learn more about nature (check out some fun examples here and here ).
  • Use websites, blogs or social media to help raise awareness on the importance of conserving nature and share all these ideas).

Understanding the importance of nature and biodiversity for our own well-being can really help us to help nature. In this article, we have provided some practical ideas that we can all try to reduce our ecological footprint, conserve nature, and connect with nature. We encourage you to put these ideas into practice and share these actions with your family and friends.

Nature : ↑ The term that encompasses living organisms and the forces responsible for the physical world, such as the weather, mountains, oceans, and landscapes.

Biodiversity : ↑ The word biodiversity means the variety of all living organisms on Earth, and includes different levels of organization—from genes, species, and communities through to entire ecosystems.

Ecosystem Services : ↑ The many benefits that people get from natural ecosystems. These services can be broken down into provisioning (e.g., food and wood), supporting (e.g., soil formation and nutrient cycling), regulating (e.g., clean air and water purification), and cultural (e.g., recreation and eco-tourism).

Climate Change : ↑ Change in global or regional climate patterns, most due to increased levels of greenhouse gases produced by the burning of fossil fuels. Greenhouse gases, like carbon dioxide, act like a blanket, trapping heat near the Earth's surface, and raising the temperature.

Ecological Footprint : ↑ This is a measure of how much people take from nature, which is then compared to what natural resources are available to provide for people.

Conflict of Interest Statement

The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

[1] ↑ Ernst, C., Gullick, R., and Nixon, K. 2004. Conserving forests to protect water. Opflow 30:1–7. doi: 10.1002/j.1551-8701.2004.tb01752.x

[2] ↑ Nowak, D. J., Hirabayashi, S., Bodine, A., and Greenfield, E. 2014. Tree and forest effects on air quality and human health in the United States. Environ. Pollut. 193:119–29. doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2014.05.028

[3] ↑ Carrington, D. 2018. What is Biodiversity and Why Does it Matter to Us? Guard. Available online at: https://www.theguardian.com/news/2018/mar/12/what-is-biodiversity-and-why-does-it-matter-to-us

[4] ↑ Millennium Ecosystem Assessment 2005. Ecosystems and Human Well-being: Synthesis . Washington, DC: Island Press. Available online at: http://www.millenniumassessment.org/documents/document.356.aspx.pdf

[5] ↑ Daz, S., Pascual, U., Stenseke, M., Martn-López, B., Watson, R. T., Molnár, Z., et al. 2018. Assessing nature's contributions to people. Science 359:270–2. doi: 10.1126/science.aap8826

[6] ↑ Potts, S. G., Imperatriz-Fonseca, V. L., and Thompson, H. M. (Eds.). 2016. The Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services on Pollinators, Pollination and Food Production . Bonn: Secretariat of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. Available online at: https://www.ipbes.net/assessment-reports/pollinators

[7] ↑ Center for Climate and Energy Solutions. Climate Basics for Kids . Available online at: https://www.c2es.org/content/climate-basics-for-kids/ (accessed June, 2019).

[8] ↑ Global Footprint Network. Ecological Footprint . Available online at: https://www.footprintnetwork.org/our-work/ecological-footprint/ (accessed June, 2019).


Essay on How Can We Save Our Environment

Students are often asked to write an essay on How Can We Save Our Environment in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look

100 Words Essay on How Can We Save Our Environment

Why save the environment.

Our environment is crucial for our survival. It provides us with clean air, water, food, and shelter. However, human activities are damaging it.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

To save our environment, we can practice the 3Rs: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. This means using less, reusing items, and recycling waste.

Plant More Trees

Trees absorb harmful gases and produce oxygen. Planting more trees can help clean the air.

Water is a precious resource. We should avoid wasting it by turning off taps when not in use.

By doing these small things, we can make a big difference in saving our environment.

250 Words Essay on How Can We Save Our Environment

The imperative of environmental conservation.

We live in an era where our environment is under significant threat from various factors such as pollution, deforestation, and climate change. It is crucial for us to understand that the environment is not just an entity that exists for our exploitation, but a fundamental component of our existence.

Reducing Pollution

The first step towards saving our environment is reducing pollution. This can be achieved through the promotion of cleaner and renewable energy sources to limit the release of harmful gases and particulates. Additionally, recycling and waste management practices can significantly reduce the amount of waste that ends up in our oceans and landfills.

Preserving Natural Habitats

Deforestation is another major issue that needs to be addressed. Forests are not only home to countless species but also play a critical role in regulating the Earth’s climate by absorbing carbon dioxide. Implementing stricter regulations on logging and promoting sustainable forestry practices can help preserve these vital ecosystems.

Climate Change Mitigation

Lastly, tackling climate change requires a global effort. We must strive to reduce our carbon footprint through lifestyle changes such as reducing meat consumption and embracing public transportation or cycling. Moreover, advocating for policies that limit greenhouse gas emissions is crucial.

In conclusion, saving our environment is a collective responsibility that requires conscious efforts at individual, community, and global levels. By adopting sustainable practices, we can ensure a healthier and more sustainable future for generations to come.

500 Words Essay on How Can We Save Our Environment

Our environment is under threat, with climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution posing significant challenges. The degradation of our environment not only affects the health of the planet but also impacts human well-being and prosperity. As such, it is crucial to explore ways we can save our environment, focusing on sustainable practices, education, and policy changes.

Adopting Sustainable Practices

The first step towards saving our environment is adopting sustainable practices in our daily lives. This involves reducing our carbon footprint by using renewable energy sources, minimizing waste, and promoting recycling. For instance, we can switch to solar or wind energy, use public transportation or bicycles instead of personal cars, and purchase products with less packaging. Additionally, we can contribute to the circular economy by reusing, recycling, and composting waste.

Environmental Education and Awareness

Environmental education plays a pivotal role in saving our environment. By understanding the intricacies of our environment and the impact of our actions, we can make informed decisions that benefit the planet. This can be achieved through formal education, community outreach programs, and media campaigns. Moreover, fostering a culture of sustainability in schools, universities, and workplaces can drive behavioral changes and inspire innovative solutions.

Policy Changes and Corporate Responsibility

Policy changes are vital in steering societies towards sustainability. Governments can enforce laws and regulations that limit pollution, protect natural habitats, and promote renewable energy. For example, implementing carbon pricing can incentivize businesses to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions.

Furthermore, corporations have a significant role to play in environmental conservation. They can adopt sustainable business models, invest in green technologies, and uphold corporate social responsibility. This not only reduces their environmental impact but also creates value for their stakeholders.

Scientific Research and Technological Innovation

Scientific research and technological innovation are key to addressing environmental challenges. Breakthroughs in fields such as climate science, conservation biology, and clean technology can provide insights into the state of our environment and offer potential solutions. For instance, technologies like carbon capture and storage, bioengineering, and precision agriculture can help mitigate climate change and promote sustainable development.

In conclusion, saving our environment requires a collective effort that combines sustainable practices, education, policy changes, and technological innovation. By taking action today, we can safeguard our planet for future generations and ensure a sustainable and prosperous future for all. As college students, we are in a unique position to drive this change, through our choices, our studies, and our influence on society. Let us seize this opportunity and do our part in saving our environment.

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how can we protect our environment essay

Essay on Environment for Students and Children

500+ words essay on environment.

Essay on Environment – All living things that live on this earth comes under the environment. Whether they live on land or water they are part of the environment. The environment also includes air, water, sunlight, plants, animals, etc.

Moreover, the earth is considered the only planet in the universe that supports life. The environment can be understood as a blanket that keeps life on the planet sage and sound.

Essay on Environment

Importance of Environment

We truly cannot understand the real worth of the environment. But we can estimate some of its importance that can help us understand its importance. It plays a vital role in keeping living things healthy in the environment.

Likewise, it maintains the ecological balance that will keep check of life on earth. It provides food, shelter, air, and fulfills all the human needs whether big or small.

Moreover, the entire life support of humans depends wholly on the environmental factors. In addition, it also helps in maintaining various life cycles on earth.

Most importantly, our environment is the source of natural beauty and is necessary for maintaining physical and mental health.

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Benefits of the Environment

The environment gives us countless benefits that we can’t repay our entire life. As they are connected with the forest, trees, animals, water, and air. The forest and trees filter the air and absorb harmful gases. Plants purify water, reduce the chances of flood maintain natural balance and many others.

Moreover, the environment keeps a close check on the environment and its functioning, It regulates the vital systems that are essential for the ecosystem. Besides, it maintains the culture and quality of life on earth.

The environment regulates various natural cycles that happen daily. These cycles help in maintaining the natural balance between living things and the environment. Disturbance of these things can ultimately affect the life cycle of humans and other living beings.

The environment has helped us and other living beings to flourish and grow from thousands of years. The environment provides us fertile land, water, air, livestock and many essential things for survival.

Cause of Environmental Degradation

Human activities are the major cause of environmental degradation because most of the activities humans do harm the environment in some way. The activities of humans that causes environmental degradation is pollution, defective environmental policies, chemicals, greenhouse gases, global warming, ozone depletion, etc.

All these affect the environment badly. Besides, these the overuse of natural resources will create a situation in the future there will be no resources for consumption. And the most basic necessity of living air will get so polluted that humans have to use bottled oxygen for breathing.

how can we protect our environment essay

Above all, increasing human activity is exerting more pressure on the surface of the earth which is causing many disasters in an unnatural form. Also, we are using the natural resources at a pace that within a few years they will vanish from the earth. To conclude, we can say that it is the environment that is keeping us alive. Without the blanket of environment, we won’t be able to survive.

Moreover, the environment’s contribution to life cannot be repaid. Besides, still what the environment has done for us, in return we only have damaged and degraded it.

FAQs about Essay on Environment

Q.1 What is the true meaning of the environment?

A.1 The ecosystem that includes all the plants, animals, birds, reptiles, insects, water bodies, fishes, human beings, trees, microorganisms and many more are part of the environment. Besides, all these constitute the environment.

Q.2 What is the three types of the environment?

A.2 The three types of environment includes the physical, social, and cultural environment. Besides, various scientists have defined different types and numbers of environment.

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Essay on How to Protect the Environment

Everything that surrounds us is defined as the environment; therefore, the natural resource around us on earth is our environment. It sustains life on the planet and provides abundance of resources.

Short and Long Essay on How to Protect the Environment in English

I have given below three essays of varying word lengths of 100 – 120 Words, 250 Words, 400 Words, 500 Words and 600 Words on the theme – ‘How to protect the environment’. Let’s start reading and getting one of yours:

How to Protect the Environment Essay 10 Lines (100 – 150 Words)

1) We can protect the environment by reducing the usage of plastics.

2) Saving natural resources is a way to save the environment.

3) Choosing organic fertilizers instead of chemical pesticides will also be helpful.

4) Banning deforestation is a way to save our environment.

5) Opting bicycles in place of vehicles that produce air pollution.

6) Proper garbage and sewage treatment will be helpful for a good environment.

7) By campaigning and generating awareness among people, you can save the environment.

8) You can save the environment by opting 3Rs that are Recycle, Reduce, and Recycle.

9) Make use of renewable resources instead of limited resources.

10) Save electricity by switching off lights and choosing electric saver bulbs.

Essay 1 (250 Words) – How to Protect the Environment


It is very essential for our environment to stay clean and life-sustaining. Unfortunately, this is not the case. The environment we live in is being damaged by our own deeds. There is an urgent need to take proactive measures for environmental protection and involve the younger generation in it.

Steps for Environmental Protection

Below listed are some vital points to ensure that our environment stays out of harm’s way –

  • Ban the use of plastic bags and products.
  • Ensure that your household waste is disposed through proper channel.
  • Stop littering and also encourage others to stop the same.
  • Don’t use chemical fertilizers and pesticides, rather go for organic ones.
  • Minimize vehicle use as exhaust gases are the greatest pollutants of air.
  • Save forests and plant trees because they are the lungs of the environment.
  • Minimize the use of groundwater or surface water.

Role of Students in Environment Protection

Students play a very significant role in environmental protection. They are sensitive, receptive, and take any advice, suggestion, generously. There are several schools that actively take participate in cleanliness campaigns.

Students are filled with energy and enthusiasm and their contribution to such campaigns is incomparable. Also, a student who understands the value of the environment will teach the same to younger and elders in his/her family.

It is very important that we keep our environment safe and free from pollution. Roping in young students for the same will work wonders for the cause.

Essay 2 (400 Words) – How to Improve Environmental Health

Everything that surrounds us is described as our environment. Going by this definition, our natural environment consists of – air, soil, water, forests, plants, hills, oceans, water bodies, etc. It is therefore in our own interest to protect the environment. In this essay, we will discuss on ways to improve the environment and the role of students in environmental protection.

How to Improve Environmental Health

There are many ways to improve the condition of the environment, but the most important ones are listed below –

  • Recycle and Reuse

A lot of waste that pollutes the environment consists of dumped household materials that are no longer in use, like – plastic and glass bottles, tin cans, broken computers, or other plastic items, clothes, etc. These waste materials reach the soil and water and could stay there for years, polluting them and reducing their quality. If we just take a simple step of recycling the waste instead of throwing it into the environment, we would be doing a great job of saving the environment.

Trees are the lungs of the planet; therefore, very essential members of the environment. They act as filters too and keep the air quality index of a place high. They consume carbon dioxide and emit life-essential oxygen. No need to mention the millions of life forms that the trees sustain – birds, insects, reptiles, etc. The more threes we save, we would be doing a great deal towards improving environmental health.

  • Don’t Litter

How many of you have noticed plastic bags, bottles, food packages, etc. littered around at places like beaches, monuments, and market places. The litter is the most damaging to the environment for it simply rots and pollutes it. The best we can do to save the environment is to not litter. Make it a habit to dispose of the waste properly in a dust bin. If you don’t see one around you then wait until you see one.

  • Educate and Inspire

We should educate and make others aware of the environment and how can it be preserved. Special stress should be given on teaching the youngsters and the children. When young children are taught about the value of the environment, they will acknowledge its significance when they grow up. We should also inspire others by planting trees and organizing cleanliness campaigns.

The protection of the environment is in the hands of humans. Only humans can take initiative and save the environment, thereby saving lives on the planet.

Essay on How to Protect the Environment

Essay 3 (500 – 600 Words) – Reasons and Ways to Protect the Environment

In simple words, the environment refers to everything that surrounds us. The trees, plants, forests, rivers, and all are our natural environment. Unfortunately, this natural environment of ours is under threat due to human activities. Humans are damaging the environment on a daily basis, pressing the need for its protection. In this essay, we will discuss on why in the first place we need to protect the environment and the ways we can do so.

Why do we Need to Protect the Environment?

The environment is our home. This is where we live. In fact, it is the most essential requirement for life. Below listed are some main reasons of why should we protect the environment.

  • Gives us food

Our environment is the prime source of food that we eat. Everything from grains, cereals to fruits, vegetables, etc. is produced in the environment. Will it be possible for such a huge population to survive without such an abundant food supply? By damaging the environment we are only impeding our own food supply.

  • Supplies Essential Life Elements (Natural Resources)

The environment gives us the two very essential elements, necessary for life – air and water. We all need air to live, be it animals, plants, or even aquatic animals need oxygen and fresh air. Water is another basic life-sustaining element. If we damage our environment, we are cutting our own supplies of clean air and water.

  • Sustains Livelihood

Billions of people throughout the globe depend on the environment for their livelihood. They have taken up business out of so many resources that the environment provides. Farmers, fruit sellers, fishermen, etc., all depend on the environment for a living.

  • Supports the Complete Eco-System

A balanced and non-damaged environment supports the complete ecosystem in such a way that the planet becomes supportive of life. With a balanced ecosystem, life flourishes, and species expand.

How can we Protect the Environment – 5 Simple Ways?

Below we will go through five simple ways to protect the environment –

  • Control Waste

Improper disposal of waste is the main problem that threatens the environment today. The waste just spreads into the environment, getting into the soil, water, and air and polluting them. Proper waste disposal techniques must be employed to reduce environmental damage.

  • Rain Water Harvesting

Water, either surface or underground water, is an essential resource that impacts the overall health of the environment. If the water runs dry, so would the environment. Rainwater harvesting is a good option to save water and the environment as well.

  • Become Eco-Friendly

It would be in the best interest of the environment, for us to become environment savvy. We can do that by using bio-degradable carry bags instead of plastic, using paper bags, planting trees, taking part in cleanliness campaigns, and a lot more.

  • Stay Away from Chemicals

Avoid the use of chemicals as far as possible, primarily in the agriculture sector. If it cannot be avoided then at least make sure that no chemical reaches the environment and is neutralized after use.

  • Walk More Drive Less

Vehicles today have become the main source of environmental pollution. The exhaust emits poisonous and harmful gases into the environment. If we chose to use vehicles only when it is unavoidable, then we would be helping the environment become clean and healthy.

The environment is the place where we live in and making it dirty would be the last thing you would like to do. It is our duty to keep the environment clean and safe for life – not our own but also of other living species as well.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions on How to Protect the Environment

Ans . World Environment Day was established by United Nations Assembly in 1972.

Ans . Sunderlal Bahuguna was the starter of the Chipko movement to impose a ban on the cutting of trees.

Ans . Wangari Maathai was the founder of the Green Belt movement in Africa.

Ans . Rainforests absorb carbon dioxide that is a greenhouse gas and thus helps in reducing climate change.

Ans . Kenya is the country that has imposed the toughest law against using plastic bags.

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A Long Term Strategy for People and the Planet

The Earth is at a tipping point. Here are 3 actions global leaders must take now.

Last updated January 10, 2024

Aerial view of timber cutting in Brazil showing clear cut land next to a forest.

Our planet faces the interconnected crises of rapid climate change and biodiversity loss. We have years, not decades, to address these existential threats.

Global Insights Newsletter

We explore the top sustainability issues and their solutions—in a 5-minute read or less.

In 2023, a new word was born to describe interacting current and future risks with potentially catastrophic consequences: polycrisis.

Another word is about to enter our collective dictionaries: permacrisis. Will this be our fate, or will 2024 be a time for resolution, resilience and recovery? This is a pivotal moment for global leaders attending the World Economic Forum annual meeting in Davos, where they will develop a long-term strategy to prepare for and respond to these risks.

What we do between now and 2030 will determine whether we slow warming to 1.5° Celsius while also conserving enough land and water to fix biodiversity loss. The good news is there is much that global leaders can do now to keep the polycrisis from becoming a permacrisis.

Two people walk on a trail in the direction of steep mountains with a forest at the base.

3 Things We Must Do To Save The Planet

Solutions to climate change and biodiversity loss won't come from any one sector: they'll come from governments, finance, business and civil society. We can achieve a nature-positive world by 2050 while providing affordable, secure and inclusive access to energy, food and water.

Here are three ways we need to up-end “business as usual” and act boldly to advance conservation.

1. Produce more food on less land.

Today’s version of large-scale agriculture is the biggest source of land conversion, drives deforestation that worsens climate change, uses 70% of the world’s freshwater supply and relies on fertilizer practices that pollute our waters. As the need to feed a billion more people increases, agricultural expansion could devastate habitats, release even more carbon into the atmosphere, and dry up rivers.

Transitioning to Regenerative Food Systems

Our global food system can help us achieve our climate and biodiversity goals.

How to fix it:

Produce food where it’s most likely to thrive, which will use less water and less land.

How we’re taking action right now:

We’re analyzing satellite images and local yield potential to pinpoint where soy farming and cattle ranching can expand without destroying nature. This approach is especially vital in Brazil’s Cerrado region, where half of all natural habitat has already been converted to cropland and pasture. Cooperating with farmers on sustainable practices can help save what’s left of the Cerrado’s rich savanna.

2. Increase clean energy.

Climate change is the single most serious threat facing our planet today. We must reduce carbon emissions to, or below, levels agreed to in the Paris Climate Agreement to prevent catastrophic harm. And with global energy demand expected to increase 56% over the next couple decades, it will be impossible to meet those emissions targets if we stick primarily with traditional fossil fuels.

Benefits of Solar Energy on Former Mine Sites

An affordable path to repurposing former mines into clean energy hubs.

Shift 85% of the world’s energy supply to non-fossil fuel sources and invest in strategies like reforestation that capture carbon dioxide.

We’re championing regulations that allow former mining lands to be repurposed for solar and wind energy. Tens of thousands of acres of degraded mine sites in Nevada’s Great Basin are now available for renewable energy development. By targeting already-disturbed land, new turbines and solar panels won’t need to destroy more natural habitat.

There is much that global leaders can do right now to build a better future for people and the planet. Our newsletter explores potential solutions to our top challenges, all in a five-minute read or less.

Aerial view of a winding river lined with green bushes and surrounded by rocky areas.

3. Get $700 billion to finance nature.

Our economies depend on healthy, supportive natural systems. In fact, around half of the gross world product is dependent on nature. Globally, we're already spending up to $143 billion USD each year on activities that benefit nature, but we need more. A lot more. We need to spend at least $722 billion (and as much as $967 billion) USD every year, putting the nature finance gap at $579-824 billion USD.

A Finance Plan for the Planet

Here's how we get $700 billion each year to reverse the biodiversity crisis.

We need to close the funding gap—and spend at least $700 billion USD on nature every year—to reverse the decline in biodiversity by 2030. Fortunately, this number is only 1% of annual gross global product, or about what the world spends on soft drinks.

Through our Nature Bonds program, we’re taking a holistic approach to leverage debt refinancing for effective, durable conservation and climate action. We work with governments to help them refinance debt and generate new funding to invest in conservation, and in climate mitigation and adaptation measures. Like in Barbados, where we worked with the government, partners from the financial and conservation sectors, and local communities to develop a set of commitments for durable conservation that is tailored to meet the country’s specific needs.

We truly do have the power to build a future in which nature and people can thrive together.

A more sustainable path is possible. But we need to rally individuals, governments, companies and communities around the world to take action with us over the next decade. When we’re at the table with leaders around the world, it gives us great strength to show how many people are with us.

Solutions with Impact

Workers clear undergrowth with machetes in shade-grown coffee crops in Guatemala.

Regenerative Food Systems

Together we can turn one of today’s biggest challenges into our greatest opportunity—a food system that goes beyond sustainable and creates positive growth for communities, economies and the planet.

In this view from under and above water, two people in wetsuits harvest seaweed from the waters of Belize.

Nature Bonds Program: Unlocking Funds for Conservation and Climate Action

TNC’s Nature Bonds Program combines debt refinancing, science, planning and policy to help countries protect ecosystems and support communities.

View of several wind turbines on a West Virginia ridge.

Renewable Energy Transition

We no longer need to choose between abundant energy and a cleaner environment. A renewable energy revolution is happening across the globe.

How students can help protect the environment

how can we protect our environment essay

Author: Dee Lawlor

Dee is an expert on all things living and breathing and has spent many years studying and working abroad. She has a BSc in Zoology from the University of Aberdeen (UK) and an MSc in Imaging & Microscopy from University College Dublin (Ireland), as well as a Diploma in Counselling Studies from Dublin Business School. She is the author of “Introduction to Light Microscopy” (Springer).

University of Helsinki

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How to Save the Environment: 17 Easy & Helpful Things You Can Do at Home

Last Updated: April 24, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by One Tree Planted and by wikiHow staff writer, Glenn Carreau . One Tree Planted is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit on a mission to make it simple for anyone to help the environment by planting trees. Their projects span the globe and are done in partnership with local communities and knowledgeable experts to benefit nature, people, and wildlife. Since 2014, One Tree Planted has planted over 40 million trees across the globe. There are 13 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 2,867,347 times.

Saving the environment might seem like a tall order, but living an environmentally friendly life is actually quite easy. With just a few small lifestyle changes, you can protect the planet while creating a healthier life for yourself and future generations. A single household or individual can make a big difference: the more people become environmentally conscious, the healthier our planet will be. Read on for a comprehensive list of tips on how you can save the environment at home.

Things You Should Know

  • Follow the 3 Rs: reduce, reuse, and recycle! Upcycle things you don’t need in fun creative projects, shop secondhand, and compost scraps too.
  • Eat locally-grown foods, cut back on meat and dairy, and shop at farmer’s markets. Make an effort to conserve water and electricity around the house.
  • Walk or bike rather than drive a car when possible. Volunteer your time to clean up the community and advocate for environmental awareness.

Plant a tree in your yard.

Trees save energy and release oxygen that keeps the air clean.

  • You can also plant other plants in your yard that are native to your area in order to support local ecosystems and wildlife.
  • If you don’t have a yard of your own, you could always support organizations that aim to plant more trees, like the Nature Conservancy’s Plant a Billion Trees campaign, or One Tree Planted .

Cut back on driving.

Find alternate forms of transportation that consume less (or no) gasoline.

  • Combine multiple errands into one trip to minimize the distance traveled and fuel consumed.
  • If you need to use a car, choose fuel-efficient models or hybrid/electric vehicles. Regularly maintain your vehicle to ensure optimal fuel efficiency.
  • Carpooling will also enable you to take a highway's High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lane, usually saving time and money on gasoline.
  • Many bus systems in major cities operate diesel-electric hybrid buses, reducing harmful emissions.

Volunteer to clean up your community.

Volunteer work has a direct positive impact on your area’s environment.

  • If you prefer to be part of a group, volunteer with friends, your class, a church group, or anyone else.

Recycle items properly.

Recycling lowers the amount of environmental waste you produce.

  • Check the rules and regulations in your area to ensure you recycle properly. For instance, some places may not accept glass, while others might require you to separate the different materials.
  • It’s important to know what is and is not recyclable in your area because if you dispose of something improperly, the whole load will likely be rejected and end up in a landfill.

Upcycle items.

Creatively repurpose unwanted items to put less trash into the world.

  • You might turn glass jars into windchimes or create lanterns with them. You could turn an old metal dish rack into hanging wall storage or use old newspapers to line a garden path before covering it with pebbles.
  • Upcycling can be as simple as refinishing or repainting a piece of furniture rather than replacing it outright!
  • If you aren’t going to reuse something yourself, donate it. This ensures that nothing is wasted, and someone in need can use your old items.

Compost your food scraps and yard waste.

Composting keeps trash out of the waste stream and creates rich soil.

  • Food scraps that can go in the compost pile include fruits and veggies, egg shells, coffee grounds, nut shells, and tea bags.
  • You can compost plant matter like yard trimmings, grass clippings, leaves, houseplants, sawdust, and wood chips.
  • Other biodegradable materials include shredded newspapers, cardboard, hair and fur, and even fireplace ashes.
  • If you don’t plan to use your compost, check and see if garbage removal services in your area can pick up organic waste as well as trash and recycling.

Cut back on product consumption.

When you buy less, you also stop more trash from piling up in landfills.

  • Avoid purchasing products with excess packaging. Often, food companies spend just as much energy creating the packaging for food products as they do producing the actual food.
  • When you do buy something, look for durable products that will last you a long time.
  • Borrow or rent items you need only for brief or occasional use.

Shop at second-hand stores.

Save energy and natural resources by buying secondhand clothes.

  • This philosophy also applies to bigger purchases, like cars. Buying a secondhand car can help the environment and impacts your wallet less.
  • If you have family members or friends looking to give away some clothing, consider doing a swap with them. You can refresh your wardrobe without buying anything at all.

Alena Le Blanc

Alena Le Blanc

Invest in well-made garments that are eco-friendly. Look for natural, sustainable fabrics like organic cotton or recycled synthetics. Look for durable denim with a high cotton content (around 98-99%). Prioritize quality over quantity to extend your closet's lifespan and reduce your environmental footprint.

Choose reusable items over single-use plastic.

Plastic items often end up polluting the environment and hurting wildlife.

  • Next time you need batteries, consider investing in rechargeable ones. Most batteries can now be thrown out with the regular trash—thanks to reduced chemical use—but they still take up space in landfills.

Reduce the amount of paper you print and use.

Paper production emits greenhouse gasses that harm the environment.

  • Try using a washable cloth or sponge for most of your cleanup if possible.

Buy locally-sourced foods.

Eating fresh, local food consumes less fuel and packaging materials.

  • If you’re in the US, look for CSAs using the Department of Agriculture’s directory . Otherwise, do an online search for CSA produce boxes. Local foods are fresher, so they’re higher in nutrient value!
  • Avoid waste by planning your meals ahead of time so you don’t cook more than you’ll eat. Store leftovers and use them for one of your meals over the next few days.
  • Buy from local artisans, clothing makers, and retailers too. Avoid ordering things online to be shipped to you whenever possible. The more locally-sourced products you buy, the better.

Cut back on eating meat and dairy.

Avoiding meat and dairy will also lessen your environmental impact.

  • You don’t have to go fully vegetarian or vegan, especially if you have dietary restrictions that would make it difficult. The most important thing is to cut back on meat and dairy as much as your dietary needs allow.
  • Meat and dairy are also typically more expensive, so cutting back and eating vegetarian meals can help your wallet!
  • Eat more seafood as well. Seafood (and seafood fishing) is much more sustainable than producing vast amounts of meat and dairy, and it’s a great source of protein in your diet.

Conserve water around the house.

Reducing your water use saves energy and helps the ecosystem.

  • Consider investing in a high-efficiency washing machine in the future.
  • Fix leaky faucets and pipes as soon as possible to avoid wasting water.
  • Install efficient shower heads and low-flow faucets in your kitchen and bathrooms to reduce water consumption further.
  • Use a pool cover if you have an outdoor swimming pool. This will prevent water from evaporating, so you don’t need to refill the pool as often.

Use fewer chemicals in your daily life.

Some chemicals have harmful long-term effects on the environment.

  • When you have hazardous materials to throw away—like fluorescent light bulbs, cleaning products, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, automotive fluids, and paint—be sure you dispose of it properly .
  • Harmful chemicals and materials should never end up in a landfill, sanitary sewer, or storm drain! Contact your local waste management office for proper disposal options.
  • Avoid blowing up helium balloons, too. Fill them up with regular air instead.

Conserve electricity at home.

Saving electricity is critical to reducing air and water pollution.

  • When you buy new appliances, be sure to choose Energy Star-certified products.
  • Air-dry your clothes on a clothesline rather than turning on a dryer.
  • Cut back on your heating and air conditioning use by ensuring your home is properly insulated and sealing air leaks around doors and windows.
  • If nothing else, you can always throw on a sweater when it’s cold or turn on a fan when it’s hot, rather than using energy-consuming air conditioning or heating.

Donate to environmental causes.

Your support can help organizations that are trying to save the planet.

  • For example, you could host a Facebook fundraiser on your birthday and ask people to donate to an organization you support.
  • Check out organizations working to save the environment like the Rainforest Alliance , Earthjustice , the Ocean Conservancy , or the World Wildlife Fund .

Encourage others to help save the environment.

Advocacy and education allow more people to create a positive impact.

  • Visit https://www.usa.gov/elected-officials to find local representatives in the United States.
  • If a friend or family member asks for tips, be sure to educate them about what they can do to save the environment and encourage them to get involved, too!

Community Q&A

Community Answer

Reader Videos

  • Stay up-to-date on environmental issues, using reliable sources of information. This way, you'll be able to share helpful information if someone asks for tips on how they can save the environment. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

Tips from our Readers

  • If you have old clothes, donate them to a secondhand store or take them to a shelter so someone else can wear them.
  • Before you start a new school year, look through last year's materials. Many supplies can be reused or recycled.

how can we protect our environment essay

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  • ↑ https://www.nature.org/en-us/what-we-do/our-priorities/build-healthy-cities/cities-stories/benefits-of-trees-forests/
  • ↑ https://www.onegreenplanet.org/environment/awesome-hands-on-ways-you-can-volunteer-to-help-the-environment/
  • ↑ https://www.epa.gov/recycle/frequent-questions-recycling
  • ↑ https://upcyclemystuff.com/what-is-upcycling/
  • ↑ https://www.epa.gov/recycle/composting-home
  • ↑ https://habitatbroward.org/blog/benefits-of-buying-things-second-hand/
  • ↑ https://www.epa.gov/recycle/reducing-and-reusing-basics
  • ↑ https://sustainability.uic.edu/green-campus/recycling/paper-waste-reduction/
  • ↑ http://www.gogreen.org/blog/the-environmental-benefits-of-buying-locally
  • ↑ https://www.epa.gov/watersense/start-saving
  • ↑ https://www.epa.gov/greenchemistry/benefits-green-chemistry
  • ↑ https://www.electricalsafetyfirst.org.uk//guidance/safety-around-the-home/energy-saving-tips/
  • ↑ https://www.nrdc.org/stories/how-call-congress

About This Article

One Tree Planted

You can help save the environment by turning off things that use electricity when you're not using them and unplugging devices when they're not in use. You can conserve water by taking shorter showers, turning off the faucet when you're brushing your teeth, and doing laundry less frequently. Also, try walking or riding your bike instead of driving, which will help reduce carbon emissions. Buying your food locally also helps lower carbon emissions since the food doesn't have to be shipped from far away! If you want to learn more, like how to recycle or reuse materials, keep reading the article! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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    Wetlands remediation at a former oil refinery is just one example of environmental protection. Environmental protection is the practice of protecting the natural environment by individuals, groups and governments. Its objectives are to conserve natural resources and the existing natural environment and, where it is possible, to repair damage and reverse trends.

  23. Seven ways to restore land, halt desertification and combat drought

    Here are seven ways to get involved in ecosystem restoration on World Environment Day as outlined in the practical guide We Are #Generation Restoration. 1. Make agriculture sustainable. UNEP/Duncan Moore. Globally, at least 2 billion people, particularly from rural and poorer areas, depend on agriculture for their livelihoods.

  24. Why Environmental Protection is a Global Imperative

    Why Environmental Protection is a Global Imperative. This is why do we need to protect our environment essay in which the author will briefly answer this question. Environment is the nature and its resources that surrounds us and since we depend on it in our daily life to keep our existance and so, if we want and to keep on development to build ...

  25. The environmental impacts and sustainable pathways of the global

    We analyze the environmental impact heterogeneities and the associated driving factors across the major diamond production countries identified by our DEIE framework. In addition, we find that lab-grown diamonds can reduce annual GHG emissions, mineral waste, and water usage by 9.58 Mt, 421.06 Mt, and 66.70 million m^3 in 2100.


    Burning Issues ( ( ( LIVE ) ) ) on Ghana's no.1 radio station Adom 106.3 FM with Akua Boakyewaa Yiadom. Topic: THE AMBULANCE CASE AND MATTERS...