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25 Restaurant Manager Resume Examples with Helpful Tips

resume job duties for restaurant manager

A well-crafted restaurant manager resume is critical to landing your dream job as a restaurant manager. In a competitive industry like hospitality, a standout resume can help you rise above the competition and secure the attention of hiring managers.

The purpose of this article is to provide you with 25 restaurant manager resume examples and helpful tips to help you create a winning resume. We’ll cover everything from formatting your resume to highlighting your skills and experience.

Here’s what you can expect from the article:

Section II: Resume Formatting Tips  In this section, we’ll discuss the best practices for formatting your restaurant manager resume. We’ll cover topics like font selection, section headings, and how to tailor your resume to the job description.

Section III: Essential Resume Sections  In this section, we’ll dive into the essential sections of a restaurant manager resume. We’ll discuss why each section is important and provide tips for making sure your content is top-notch.

Section IV: Resume Examples  In this section, we’ll showcase 25 restaurant manager resume examples to inspire you. We’ll provide a variety of examples, each tailored to a specific type of restaurant or job description.

Section V: Tips for Success  In this section, we’ll summarize the key takeaways from the article and provide additional tips to help you create a successful restaurant manager resume.

By the end of this article, you’ll have a comprehensive guide to crafting a winning restaurant manager resume that gets you noticed by hiring managers. So let’s get started!

Key Qualities of a Successful Restaurant Manager

A restaurant manager is responsible for ensuring that the establishment operates smoothly and efficiently. Employers look for certain qualities and skills in a restaurant manager’s resume before hiring them. Here are some essential skills and qualities to highlight in your resume:

1. Leadership Skills

Restaurant managers are responsible for leading and motivating their team to achieve the restaurant’s goals. Highlight your leadership skills in your resume by mentioning any experience you have had managing a team or leading a project. You can also mention any training or certifications you’ve received in leadership.

2. Communication Skills

Effective communication is essential for any restaurant manager. They must be able to clearly communicate with their team, customers, and vendors. In your resume, highlight any experience you have had communicating with people in different situations, such as handling customer complaints or negotiating with vendors.

3. Customer Service Skills

Customers are the lifeblood of any restaurant, and a successful restaurant manager must be skilled in customer service. In your resume, showcase any experience you have had in this area, such as handling difficult customers or implementing customer service programs.

4. Financial Management Skills

A successful restaurant manager must be able to manage the restaurant’s finances, including budgeting, forecasting, and cost control. Highlight any experience you have had in financial management, such as managing inventory or creating menu pricing strategies.

5. Problem-Solving Skills

Restaurant managers must be able to think on their feet and solve problems quickly and efficiently. Showcase any experience you have had in problem-solving, such as dealing with unexpected staffing shortages or resolving customer complaints.

6. Time Management Skills

Managing a restaurant requires excellent time management skills. In your resume, highlight any experience you have had managing time-sensitive projects or prioritizing tasks effectively.

By highlighting these essential skills and qualities in your resume, you will increase your chances of being hired as a successful restaurant manager. Remember, your resume should be tailored to the job you are applying for, so make sure to focus on the skills and experiences that are most relevant to the position.

Resume Formatting Tips

In addition to showcasing your qualifications and experience, your resume should be visually appealing and easy to read. Keep in mind that restaurant managers are often busy and have limited time to review resumes, so it’s essential to make a positive first impression with a well-formatted resume.

Here are some guidelines to follow for a visually appealing and easy-to-read resume:

Use the right fonts

When it comes to fonts, it’s essential to strike a balance between readability and style. Choose a simple font such as Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman in 10 to 12-point size. Avoid using fancy or script fonts, which can be difficult to read, and make sure your font is consistent throughout your resume.

Utilize proper margins

Leaving enough white space on your resume can help guide the reader’s eyes and make it easier to read. Set your margins to one inch on all sides to ensure a balanced layout, and use bullet points to organize information. Consider using bold or italicized text to highlight key accomplishments or skills.

Layout is key

The layout of your resume can have a significant impact on its overall look and feel. Start with a clear, concise summary or objective statement that captures your restaurant management experience. Use headings to break up sections of your resume and make it easy to scan. For example, you might have sections for education, work experience, skills, and certifications.

Final Thoughts

Creating a visually appealing and easy-to-read resume is essential for any job seeker, but it’s especially important for restaurant managers. By using the right fonts, margins, and layouts, you can help your resume stand out from the competition and make a positive first impression. Keep these tips in mind as you create your resume, and don’t be afraid to ask for feedback from others to ensure it’s polished and professional.

Restaurant Manager Resume Examples

This section of the article will provide you with 25 comprehensive examples of restaurant manager resumes. Each example will highlight different styles, focuses, and formatting techniques used in both creative and traditional styles.

Whether you are an experienced restaurant manager looking to switch up your resume or a newcomer to the field seeking inspiration, these examples will serve as a foundation to help you create a standout resume.

So sit back, study each example thoroughly, and take notes as you go. You’ll soon have the tools and tricks to create a standout resume that showcases your experience and lands you your next restaurant manager job interview.

Sections of a Restaurant Manager Resume

A well-crafted restaurant manager resume should contain the following sections:

1. Contact Information

This section should include your full name, address, phone number, and email address. Make sure the information you provide here is up-to-date and easy to find.

2. Objective Statement or Summary

An objective statement or summary can give your prospective employer a quick overview of your skills and experience, and should ideally be tailored to the position you are applying for.

3. Work Experience

The work experience section is where you showcase your relevant experience in the restaurant industry. Be sure to highlight your accomplishments, such as improved sales or customer satisfaction ratings, and quantify them when possible.

4. Education

List your highest level of education achieved, including the name of the institution and any relevant degrees or certifications.

The skills section is where you highlight any specialized knowledge or technical abilities you have that are relevant to the restaurant management position. This may include knowledge of specific software, social media marketing, or proficiency in a particular language.

6. References

It’s a good idea to have a list of references ready to provide upon request. This section can include the names and contact information of several professional references, such as former employers or colleagues.

Putting Together a Comprehensive Work Experience Section

When describing your work experience, be sure to include your job titles, the names of the restaurants you worked at, the dates of your employment, and key responsibilities and accomplishments. Use strong action verbs to describe your achievements, such as “implemented,” “oversaw,” or “increased.”

Make sure to highlight any promotions or leadership roles you held, as well as any significant contributions to the restaurant’s success. Use metrics and numbers to quantify your success, such as percentage increases in sales or customer satisfaction ratings.

Creating an Impactful Education Section

As a restaurant manager, your education may be less important than your relevant work experience. However, if you do have a degree or certification that is relevant to the job, make sure to highlight it here.

Include the name of the institution(s) you attended, your degree or certification, and your graduation date. If you graduated with honors or were a member of any relevant organizations, include that information as well.

Showcasing the Right Skills

When highlighting your relevant skills, be sure to focus on those that are most important to the restaurant management position you are applying for. This may include leadership, communication, problem-solving, time management, or financial analysis.

Use bullet points to list your skills, and be specific about how you have used them in the past. For example, “Managed a team of 10 employees,” or “Created and implemented a successful social media marketing campaign.

Sample Job Descriptions for Restaurant Manager Resumes

Restaurant managers play a crucial role in ensuring the smooth operation of restaurants. They are responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations of a restaurant and ensuring customer satisfaction. Below is a list of typical duties and responsibilities for a restaurant manager:

  • Overseeing the overall operation of the restaurant, including kitchen and front of house.
  • Hiring, training, and supervising staff members, ensuring they adhere to the restaurant’s policies and procedures.
  • Creating and maintaining work schedules for employees, ensuring there is enough staff available during peak times.
  • Ordering inventory, tracking inventory levels, and managing food and beverage costs to ensure profitability.
  • Developing marketing and promotional strategies to attract new customers and retain current ones.
  • Handling customer complaints and concerns, ensuring their satisfaction.
  • Ensuring cleanliness and sanitation standards are maintained throughout the restaurant.
  • Tracking restaurant financials, including revenue, expenses, and profits.

When creating a resume for a restaurant manager position, it’s important to tailor your job descriptions to your experience, skills, and accomplishments. Here are some tips to help match your specific qualifications to the job descriptions above:

  • Start by reviewing your experience in the restaurant industry. Have you managed a team before? Did you create schedules or order inventory? Make a list of your experience relevant to the job.
  • Next, consider your skills. Are you skilled at managing people and creating schedules? Are you good with inventory tracking and food and beverage costs? Make a list of skills that match the job requirements.
  • Finally, think about your accomplishments. What have you achieved in your previous roles that prove your ability to be a successful restaurant manager? Have you increased profits, reduced costs, or improved customer satisfaction? Include these accomplishments in your resume.

When applying for a restaurant manager position, it’s important to showcase your experience, skills, and accomplishments that align with the job description. By tailoring your resume to the specific job requirements, you increase your chances of landing the job.

Resume Writing Tips for Entry-Level Restaurant Managers

As an entry-level restaurant manager, creating a successful resume can open up a world of career opportunities. Whether you’re fresh out of college or transitioning from a front-line role in the restaurant industry, there are key elements that can make your resume stand out to potential employers.

Highlight Your Educational Qualifications

Your educational background can be a major factor in demonstrating your capabilities as an entry-level restaurant manager. Be sure to include your degree, coursework or certifications related to hospitality or business. Showcase the skills you attained from your academic background such as leadership, customer service, problem-solving, and organization. These skills are essential for a restaurant manager to possess and can help you stand out from other candidates.

Emphasize Any Internship Experience

Internships are an excellent way to gain practical experience and show your dedication to the industry. Highlight any internships you completed where you learned relevant skills such as budget management, inventory control, FOH and BOH operations, and front-line customer service. Make sure to showcase some specific examples of tasks accomplished, and how it helped you grow in your role as an entry-level restaurant manager.

Showcase Your Volunteer Experience

If you have performed any volunteer work, be sure to include it in your resume. Volunteering can display your passion for hospitality, customer service, and teamwork while you gain valuable experience. Focus on any relevant duties to an entry-level restaurant manager such as managing a team, fundraising or event planning, overseeing day-to-day operations, and customer service.

Creating a successful resume as an entry-level restaurant manager is all about emphasizing your unique strengths and accomplishments. By highlighting your educational qualifications, internships, and volunteer experience, you demonstrate your dedication to hospitality, show that you’ve gained essential skills, and that you’re ready to take the next step in your career as a restaurant manager.

Sample Objectives for Restaurant Manager Resumes

As a restaurant manager, having a well-crafted objective statement is crucial to making a strong first impression on potential employers. The objective statement is the first section of the resume that hiring managers will read, and it should highlight the applicant’s unique qualities and experience.

The primary purpose of an objective statement is to convey to the employer what the applicant can offer to their restaurant. This statement needs to be concise, clear, and tailored to the specific job posting. It should communicate what the applicant can bring to the table and what they want to achieve in their role as a restaurant manager.

The objective statement is also important because it can set the tone for the rest of the resume. It provides a snapshot of who the applicant is as a professional and where they want to go in their career.

Without a strong objective statement, a restaurant manager’s resume can fall to the wayside among other job applications. It’s crucial to take the time to craft an objective statement that’s both attention-grabbing and tailored to the job posting.

To help you get started, here are some sample career objectives for restaurant manager resumes with emphasis on unique qualities and experience.

Sample Objective Statements:

  • Dedicated restaurant manager with over 5 years of experience in the industry, seeking a management position to provide exceptional service and foster a positive customer experience. Experienced in managing teams, driving sales, and maintaining high food quality and safety standards.
  • A results-driven and dynamic restaurant manager with a proven track record of driving profits, increasing efficiency, and maximizing cost savings. Bringing expertise in sales forecasting, marketing, and staff development to lead a high-performing team and deliver exceptional dining experiences.
  • Passionate restaurant manager, leveraging over 8 years of experience in the hospitality industry, to provide customers with a high-quality dining experience. Excels in managing budgets, reducing costs, and developing new menu offerings. Seeking a career opportunity to lead a team of professionals and drive business success.

A well-crafted objective statement is essential in setting the tone for a restaurant manager’s resume. These sample career objectives highlight the unique skills and experience of the applicant and showcase their dedication to the industry. Remember to tailor the objective statement to the specific job posting to make a strong first impression on potential employers.

Sample Accomplishments for Restaurant Manager Resumes

As a restaurant manager, it is essential to highlight your past achievements to potential employers. By doing so, you can demonstrate your competency in managing operations and staff, boosting profitability, and improving customer satisfaction. When putting together your resume, consider including specific accomplishments that showcase your skills and experience. Here are some sample achievements of successful restaurant managers that can be incorporated into your resume:

Increased sales revenue by 20% through the implementation of a new menu and promotional campaigns.

Developed and implemented a training program for new hires, resulting in a 25% decrease in turnover rate and an increase in overall employee satisfaction.

Successfully managed a budget of $500,000, maintaining profitability through strategic cost controls and effective financial planning.

Improved customer satisfaction ratings by 15% through the implementation of a new reservation system and staff training program.

Successfully resolved conflicts and escalated issues between staff and customers, resulting in a 25% decrease in customer complaints.

Led a team of 20 employees, consistently achieving and exceeding performance targets by fostering a positive work environment and providing regular feedback and coaching.

These are just a few examples of the type of accomplishments you can highlight in your restaurant manager resume. Remember to be specific and quantify your achievements wherever possible, as this will help potential employers get a better sense of your abilities and experience. Keep in mind that while technical skills and experience are essential, soft skills such as leadership, communication, and problem-solving are equally important. By showcasing your past achievements and demonstrating your skills, you can position yourself as a strong candidate for any restaurant management position.

Common Mistakes to Avoid on a Restaurant Manager Resume

Your restaurant manager resume can make or break your chances of getting hired. It’s important to avoid common mistakes that can reduce your chances of being called for an interview. Here are some tips on how to avoid them:

Failure to Highlight Achievements

One of the biggest mistakes that restaurant managers make is failing to highlight their achievements. Hiring managers want to see results, whether it’s increased profits or improved customer experience. Make sure to include measurable achievements in your resume, such as percentage increase in sales or improved customer satisfaction ratings.

Lack of Keywords

Many companies now use applicant tracking systems (ATS) to scan resumes for keywords before they are even seen by a human. If your resume lacks these keywords, it may never be seen by a recruiter. Study the job listing carefully and include relevant keywords. This does not mean stuffing your resume with irrelevant words, but including those that are most important and relevant to the position you are applying for.

Including Unnecessary Information

Time is valuable in the hiring process, and managers don’t want to waste it reading irrelevant details. Avoid including unnecessary information such as your hobbies, personal interests or unrelated work experiences. They do not demonstrate your skills, abilities, or qualifications for the role. Instead, focus on providing information that highlights your relevant skills, experiences and achievements.

Poor Formatting

Your restaurant manager resume should be clear and easy to read. Using different fonts, inconsistent spacing, or colors can make it harder for hiring managers to read and process information. Keep it clean, simple, and professional. Choose a simple font, use bullet points to list information and make sure the formatting is consistent throughout the document.

Spelling and Grammar Errors

Simple spelling and grammar mistakes can make your resume look unprofessional and careless. Proofread your resume multiple times and ask someone else to read it before sending. Misspellings and errors can make you appear unqualified or careless, making it easy for hiring managers to dismiss your application.

Avoid these common mistakes on your restaurant manager resume to increase your chances of getting an interview. Include measurable achievements, use relevant keywords, avoid unnecessary information, pay attention to formatting, and check for spelling and grammar errors. Follow these tips and land your dream job!

Top Tips for a Successful Restaurant Manager Resume

Crafting a successful restaurant manager resume requires attention to detail and a focus on highlighting relevant skills and experience. A well-crafted resume can help candidates stand out and showcase their suitability for the job.

Here are some key takeaways to keep in mind when crafting a successful restaurant manager resume:

Start with a strong objective statement that highlights your career goal and what you can bring to the table.

Use specific, quantifiable examples of your achievements in previous restaurant management roles. This can include metrics like revenue growth, staff retention rates, and customer satisfaction scores.

Emphasize your leadership skills, including your ability to train and develop staff, manage budgets, and create effective systems and processes.

Highlight your experience in the restaurant industry, including any relevant certifications or training.

Use industry-specific terms and keywords to demonstrate your knowledge of the field and show that you understand the job requirements.

Keep your resume concise and easy to read, using bullet points and clear formatting.

In addition to these key takeaways, there are also bonus tips for optimizing your restaurant manager resume for job search engines:

Use industry-specific terms and keywords in your resume, as well as in your LinkedIn profile and other online profiles.

Format your resume in a way that makes it easy for search engines to find and categorize. Use clear headings and subheadings, and include relevant keywords throughout.

Customize your resume for each job application, using specific keywords from the job posting to show that you understand the job requirements.

Utilize online tools and resources, such as job description analysis tools and resume optimization services, to help you craft a resume that is optimized for search engines.

By keeping these key takeaways and bonus tips in mind, candidates can increase their chances of landing a successful restaurant manager role. With a well-crafted resume that highlights their skills and experience, candidates can showcase their suitability for the job and stand out from the competition.

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7 Restaurant Resume Examples That Worked in 2024

Stephen Greet

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  • Describe Restaurant Experience on a Resume

As a restaurant worker, you provide the foundation of success for a restaurant to survive, thrive, and nurture communities. Whether an entry-level restaurant worker or a field veteran, you’re reliable, levelheaded, and an expert at communicating. 

You shouldn’t have to become an  expert resume writer , too.

Thankfully, you don’t have to be. We’ve reviewed countless resumes from restaurant workers worldwide and have thoroughly picked them apart to decipher what did and did not help applicants land job interviews. 

We took this information and  crafted seven restaurant resume samples to help you get your next restaurant job in 2024 . At the end of each resume, you’ll find helpful tips and tricks to ensure you stand out from the crowd.

Restaurant Resume Example

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Restaurant resume example with 10 years of experience

Why this resume works

  • It can be difficult to think of valuable statistics. As a restaurant worker, list metrics for achieving or exceeding sales targets, where you boosted efficiency, customer reviews you received, employer reviews, the number of menu items you had command over, how much you increased revenue, health inspection ratings, reductions in staff turnover, the number of guests you cared for or the number of guests seated per night.
  • Avoid vague statements, and customize it for each job to which you apply. For example, your summary might detail your 10+ years of experience, front-of-house experience, communication, customer service, and levelheadedness while also mentioning the target business by name.

Restaurant Worker Resume Example

Restaurant worker resume example with 11 years of experience

  • Also, it adds a measurable achievement of increasing the levels of repeat customers. Therefore, you need to show your long-term value to a potential employer before you can be hired.

Entry-Level Restaurant Resume Example

Entry-level restaurant resume example

  • Focus on demonstrating your job skills, rather than titles, as an entry-level worker. You can even include school projects, internships, or volunteer positions.
  • This is a good time to add a  resume objective .
  • Your resume objective not only fills up space but offers a valuable snapshot of your best self when you take the time to customize it.
  • It’s also best suited for entry-level applicants or those who are changing careers. Don’t forget to customize your objective by mentioning the target business by name.
  • If you omit a skills section, your entry-level restaurant resume may pass through automated scanners and into the trash before a hiring manager ever sees it.
  • Fortunately, skills sections are really easy to include.
  • We recommend listing six to ten skills specific to restaurant work. You can even specialize your skills section for each job you apply to by carefully reading  job descriptions  and picking up on their valuable skills.
  • Important restaurant worker skills include customer service, communication, time management, organization, sales, and flexibility.

Restaurant Customer Service Resume Example

Restaurant customer service resume example with 6 years of experience

  • In particular, including the cashier experience elevates the value you’re bringing to a business that thrives on customer satisfaction.

Restaurant Server Resume Example

Restaurant server resume example with 9 years of experience

  • Your restaurant server resume should keep things short and to the point. If you have a lot of information to include, make sure you quantify your experience in numbers and break it up into concise bullet points. Bullet points should all be under 200 characters.
  • Undoubtedly, being a hiring manager and reviewing so many resumes is stressful. That’s why they typically only spend six seconds reviewing each one. If you want to grab their attention, you’ll need to quantify most of your bullet points.
  • Numbers naturally draw the eye, making employers spend more time on your resume. 

Restaurant Manager Resume Example  

Restaurant manager resume example with 15 years of experience

  • Formatting your resume  in reverse-chronological style demonstrates this best with its natural progression of work history from most recent to oldest.
  • It’s important to avoid words that take away from your ability to work independently or actively. For example, starting a bullet point with the word “helped” is much less impactful than the word “spearheaded.”
  • Your resume should include great action words like calculated, collaborated, negotiated, achieved, coordinated, crafted, supervised, built, cultivated, or outperformed.
  • If you’re having trouble structuring the perfect sentences, that’s okay. It’s not easy! That’s why we built our  resume checker .

Fast Food Restaurant Resume Example

Fast food restaurant resume example with 9 years of experience

  • Aim to have two to four work experience sections and three to six bullet points for each work experience on your fast food restaurant resume . With so little space, include metrics and active voice while avoiding unnecessary filler words.
  • This will help demonstrate growth throughout your career.
  • Additionally, only 20 percent of hiring managers say they read every single work experience. Keeping your most relevant experience toward the top will ensure employers see the most important information.
  • Finally, recruiters’ automated systems (ATS) are formatted to look through resumes written in the standard (reverse-chronological) order.

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How to Describe Restaurant Experience on a Resume

Job seeker works on blue laptop, holding hand to head in question of how to build job application

No matter your experience level, whether you’re looking for your first job or have been in the restaurant industry for years, our industry-specific  resume tips  will ensure you serve up the best application to hiring managers. 

Whether you’re looking for a restaurant management position, hoping to get your first job in the industry as a server, or somewhere in between, you won’t always have past job experience that seems directly applicable. The good news is that just about any project or seemingly irrelevant job can still demonstrate the skills and abilities you’ll need at the restaurant.

Listing retail experience can show positive customer service and sales skills. Working as a bank teller can speak to your expertise in handling money accurately. Talking about childcare can attest to creative thinking and problem-solving.

Discuss your success in the restaurant (or wherever you worked). The majority of job seekers are just going to regurgitate (isn’t that an awful word?) restaurant duties they performed day in and day out on the job. But what if you went beyond that? What if you took the time to show how you actually impacted the restaurant?

For example, did your strength as a collaborator help the restaurant manager reduce scheduling miscommunication? Did you earn higher tips than your coworkers because you consistently memorized dinner specials and took the time to personally recommend wine pairings to guests? Did you identify gaps in servers’ skills and revamp customer service training?

Remember, though, that you want to keep your bullet points to a sentence each, so if you have more to say, those details are best saved for your restaurant cover letter .

Lead your restaurant resume with active verbs, and be careful to write with an active voice through each bullet point. Active verbs like “collaborated,” “delivered,” “calculated,” “suggested,” “presented,” “exceeded,” and “operated” will help you tell your career story. And writing in an active voice means you get right to the point. You’ll know right off the bat which job description bullet point uses active voice and which one is passive: ◉ Pooled and distributed tips after shifts, encouraging management to use TipMetric for tracking, saving 7+ hours a week ◉ Tips were pooled and distributed after shifts and management was encouraged by me to use TipMetric for tracking, saving 7+ hours a week

Add dollars, percentages, and other units of measurement for serving up the best restaurant resume bullet points and writing a great cover letter . Did you: ◉ Impact the bottom line by upselling wines or cross-selling side dishes or desserts? ◉ Manage and encourage servers so that you decreased employee turnover rate? ◉ Consistently serve more tables or guests than your coworkers?

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Restaurant Manager Resume Samples

The guide to resume tailoring.

Guide the recruiter to the conclusion that you are the best candidate for the restaurant manager job. It’s actually very simple. Tailor your resume by picking relevant responsibilities from the examples below and then add your accomplishments. This way, you can position yourself in the best way to get hired.

Craft your perfect resume by picking job responsibilities written by professional recruiters

Pick from the thousands of curated job responsibilities used by the leading companies, tailor your resume & cover letter with wording that best fits for each job you apply.

Create a Resume in Minutes with Professional Resume Templates

Resume Builder

  • Develop employees by providing ongoing feedback, establishing performance expectations and by conducting performance reviews
  • Continually strives to develop staff and other assistant managers in all areas of the restaurant and for professional development
  • Training and developing Crew Members, Assistant Manager and Manager Trainee
  • Manage the development and performance of the restaurant team and work with HR and the restaurant leadership team in the hiring and training of seasonal staff
  • Communicates on a constant basis with Area Manager regarding restaurant performance and challenges; makes recommendations for improvement when necessary
  • Assist Food & Beverage Manager with establishing short and long term strategic plans for the outlets
  • Create & Nurture Culture: Develop, encourage, and model a fun, positive, family-style work environment
  • Assist in coordinating and monitoring all phases of Loss Prevention in the outlet
  • Perform other duties as requested by management
  • Work with other F&B managers and keep them informed of issues as they arise
  • Conduct staff performance reviews in accordance with Highgate Hotel standards
  • Assist in menu planning and preparation
  • Maximize efforts towards productivity, identify problem areas and assist in implementing solutions
  • Ensure compliance with SOP’s in all outlets
  • Analyzes and resolves work problems or assists employees in solving work problems
  • Manages in compliance with established company policies and procedures, along with local, state, and federal laws and regulations
  • Proactively manage sanitation, maintenance, security and prevention of injury from accidents to ensure the safety of guests and staff
  • Supervises daily shift operations in absence of Assistant Restaurant Manager
  • Accurately execute all Company initiatives and policies with improvement to quality, service and operations while ensuring employee compliance
  • Provides information to supervisors, co-workers, and subordinates by telephone, in written form, e-mail, or in person
  • Adheres to all work rules, procedures and policies established by the company, including but not limited to, those contained in the Employee Handbook
  • Excellent communication skills and a strong attention to detail
  • Strong and stable work history with wine knowledge
  • Excellent interpersonal skills and the ability to interact professionally with individuals at all levels, both internally and externally
  • Good knowledge of food & beverage
  • Highly responsible and reliable
  • Strong leadership skills, with the ability to coach and mentor others
  • You will have a good eye for detail, high standards and be clear and engaging in your communication to both staff an guests
  • Strong financial acumen with strong experience with P&Ls
  • Actively focuses others- attention on efforts that will lead to organizational growth, cost control, and profitability
  • Ability to absorb and retain information quickly

15 Restaurant Manager resume templates

Restaurant Manager Resume Sample

Read our complete resume writing guides

How to tailor your resume, how to make a resume, how to mention achievements, work experience in resume, 50+ skills to put on a resume, how and why put hobbies, top 22 fonts for your resume, 50 best resume tips, 200+ action words to use, internship resume, killer resume summary, write a resume objective, what to put on a resume, how long should a resume be, the best resume format, how to list education, cv vs. resume: the difference, include contact information, resume format pdf vs word, how to write a student resume, restaurant manager resume examples & samples.

  • Responsible for managing the labor cost of shift
  • Responsible for accurate accounting close out of special events for shifts
  • Confirm daily/shift labor hours for accounting using end of week labor report from Micros
  • Oversee staff in congruence with special events department
  • Monitor and assist with private party operations
  • 3 years supervisory experience in high volume restaurant environment
  • Working knowledge of restaurant operations
  • TABC certified
  • Entry level knowledge of state, federal and local liquor laws,computers (Microsoft Office- Word, Excel, Access and PowerPoint)
  • ENTRY LEVEL KNOWLEDGE OF: State, Federal, and Local Liquor laws, Health Code regulations
  • SKILL IN: Decision making, leadership, guest relations, interpersonal communications, organization, team building, time management, developmental skills
  • ABILITY TO: Engage in positive interaction with staff & guests, prioritize, motivate staff, problem solve, delegate, follow up, diffuse possibly volatile situations with tact, perform the following physical requirements: periods of long hours of standing and walking, lifting is limited to 40 lbs., speak and hear to interact with the guests and staff, must have visual and perceptual acuity which enables observation of activity throughout the restaurant
  • SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS (LICENSES, CERTIFICATES, PROFESSIONAL, ETC.) T.I.P.S certification or equivalentHigh School diploma required College preferred

Restaurant Manager Carrots Resume Examples & Samples

  • Supervise FOH service, BOH production and catering events as needed
  • Communicate with internal and external clients
  • Manage business to achieve expected P&L results in terms of sales, margin, COGS and labor percentages and EBIT
  • Train newly hired service staff /on-going training and refinement for existing staff
  • Monitor and maintain all scheduling and Labor Administration processes
  • Maintain superior sanitation standards in both FOH & BOH
  • 5 years of full-service restaurant or high-end retail food management experience
  • Ability to train, lead and motivate a team of FOH & BOH Foodservice Professionals
  • Strong analytical and communication skills (both verbal and written)
  • Complete understanding of P&L statements and basic business financial reporting
  • Understanding of food, supply and labor cost and controls
  • Understanding of kitchen organization and inventory systems
  • Working knowledge of a restaurant POS system (Aloha, PosiTouch, Micros, etc.)
  • Minimum 5 years hospitality experience
  • Minimum 3 years Restaurant Management / Leadership experience
  • Must have current food handler's card and alcohol service certification as required by federal/state/local law
  • Extremely strong leadership skills, interpersonal skills, verbal and written communication skills, listening skills, ability to check for understanding after direction is given (follow up,) basic math skills, strong organization skills, ability to multi-task, team builder, proven track record of increasing experience and responsibility
  • Computer based skills - Windows and Microsoft Office based management reporting, Point of Sale System, Internet/Intranet, and Outlook e-mail
  • Manages food, labor, and other controllable expenses and works to meet profit objectives
  • Ensures the execution of quality, service, and cleanliness standards
  • 1+ years of F&B supervisory experience - required
  • 2+ years of management experience - preferred
  • TIPS, Servsafe certified - preferred
  • Proficient with Microsoft Programs - required

Restaurant Manager Double Tree by Hilton Resume Examples & Samples

  • Ensures food safety procedures and guest relation policies/procedures are being executed
  • Provides proper training and development for employees
  • Assist in drink and food menu development
  • Work closely with the kitchen to ensure a high quality of food presentation and that the timing of the food is in a timely manner
  • Familiar with Micros/POS systems - preferred
  • Excellent communication skills - required
  • ENTRY LEVEL KNOWLEDGE OF:State, Federal, and Local Liquor laws, Health Code regulations
  • SKILL IN:Decision making, leadership, guest relations, interpersonal communications, organization, team building, time management, developmental skills
  • ABILITY TO:Engage in positive interaction with staff & guests, prioritize, motivate staff, problem solve, delegate, follow up, diffuse possibly volatile situations with tact, perform the following physical requirements: periods of long hours of standing and walking, lifting is limited to 40 lbs., speak and hear to interact with the guests and staff, must have visual and perceptual acuity which enables observation of activity throughout the restaurant
  • SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS (LICENSES, CERTIFICATES, PROFESSIONAL, ETC.)T.I.P.S certification or equivalentHigh School diploma required College preferred
  • SKILL IN:Decision making, leadership, guest relations, interpersonal communications, organization, team building, time management, developmental skills, problems solving, computer savvy, specifically with knowledge in Outlook and Excel
  • ABILITY TO:Engage in positive interaction with staff & guests, prioritize, motivate staff, problem solve, delegate, follow up, diffuse possibly volatile situations with tact, perform the following physical requirements: periods of long hours of standing and walking, lifting is limited to 40 lbs., speak and hear to interact with the guests and staff, must have visual and perceptual acuity which enables observation of activity throughout the restaurant, work nights, late nights, weekends, holidays etc
  • SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS (LICENSES, CERTIFICATES, PROFESSIONAL, ETC.)T.I.P.S certification or equivalent, CA Food Handlers Card, High School diploma required College preferred
  • Ensure that staff operates within accepted company and industry standards
  • Seek out new items for addition to product line
  • Oversee and maintain POS system

Restaurant Manager Forty Carrots Resume Examples & Samples

  • Oversee and ensure that all company service standards are implemented
  • Ensure open and honest communication between all co-workers including associates, corporate personnel and other managers
  • Ability to lead and motivate a team of Front-Of-The-House Foodservice Professionals
  • Working knowledge of a Micros POS system
  • Working understanding of labor cost and controls
  • Dedication to serving only the finest, on-brand product
  • Be highly organized and able to adapt quickly to changing priorities
  • Be comfortable communicating with customers everyday and ensure customers receive outstanding service
  • Ability to manage effectively in a fast-paced environment
  • Ability to lead and motivate a team of Front & Back-Of-The-House Foodservice Associates
  • Knowledge and appreciation of quick-serve counter service in an upscale environment
  • Oversees all aspects of Lodge at Vail food service including Cucina, room service, apres ski and pool bar service in season
  • Ensures that the guest experience is pleasant in regard to atmosphere, service and quality of food and beverage products by adhering to the Rock Resort brand/ performance standards
  • Delegates authority appropriately to Assistant Managers, Supervisors and staff members and follows up on all duties and issues to ensure timely completion
  • Ultimately responsible for the dining room and bar's appearance, consistency of set up, food and beverage service and quality of the experience
  • Coordinates daily pre-shift huddles to educate the staff on resort information and conduct daily training standards
  • Ensures that all employees are in proper uniform and execute their job according to the Vail/RockResorts brand performance standards
  • Creates, and adheres to, departmental budget, payroll forecasting and capital improvement budgets
  • Maintains excellent communication between different departments in the resort as well as within Cucina
  • Meets with Meeting Planners and Sales/Event Managers as needed to coordinate special menu planning and themed events
  • High School graduate. -required
  • College degree. -preferred
  • Strong computer skills; word, point of sale, Excel. -required
  • Experience with InfoGenesis POS. -preferred
  • Current Drivers License. -required
  • 3-5 years management experience in food and beverage operations. -required
  • Ability to read, write and speak English. -required
  • Bi-lingual Spanish. -preferred
  • Must be able to stand, walk and move quickly around the dining area for up to 8 hours. –required
  • Must have current TIPS certification or be able to obtain one within 30 days of hire. -required
  • Ensure that all management staff are aware of their responsibilities and duties
  • Ensure guest needs and guest expectations are met by providing an efficient and professional service
  • Liaise with Kitchen to ensure a consistently good standard of food quality, efficient profitability and creative presentation
  • Liaise with Purchasing to ensure prompt and efficient purchasing, issuing of supplies, stock control and inventory control
  • Promote the identity of the restaurant by building relations and a sense of personalized service towards guests
  • Ensure that all safety rules, emergency procedures and fire prevention regulations are enforced by employees
  • Assist in the preparation of the department Sales and Marketing plans
  • Ensure the correct scheduling of employees to maintain standard of service
  • 3+ years in a related restaurant setting with emphasis in operations, management or office administration
  • College degree or equivalent
  • Computer proficiency (MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint & Outlook)
  • Excellent communications skills both written and verbal
  • Assist the General Manager/Director of Concessions with the restaurant operations to include duties such as booking, selecting and costing menu items, pricing, equipment rental, clerical responsibilities and general office duties
  • Supervise the preparation and service of food and refreshments, as well as clean-up
  • Directly supervise employees with responsibility for hiring, discipline, performance reviews and initiating pay increases
  • Ideal candidates will possess a Bachelor's degree
  • Ability to manage in a fast-paced and diverse environment with focus on client and customer service is required
  • Previous management experience in within a convention center or sports venue is strongly preferred
  • Daily management of F&B Service Personnel
  • Assist Sales Director with banquet and event execution
  • Inspects and assists with banquet/event set-up and breakdown of tables, decorations, equipment, serving areas, and related activities in an accurate and timely manner
  • Ensure satisfaction by communicating with the members and /or client throughout the event regarding any changes, substitutions or special requests; assisting banquet staff throughout the event as needed (refilling drinks, delivering food, bussing tables, etc.); and following up with host at the conclusion of event
  • Hires, supervises, schedules and develops bartender, beverage cart driver, host/hostess, snack bar attendant and other employees in the F&B service personnel department
  • Conduct training and refresher classes for all F&B service personnel in the correct procedures
  • Uphold BCG Food and Beverage policies
  • Coordination between all departments
  • Responsible for overall guest/member satisfaction
  • Ensure all employees are conducting themselves in a professional manner
  • Create a safe work environment
  • Recruit, interview and hire qualified applicants
  • Lead, manage, develop, coach and evaluate staff
  • Ensure all team members maintain the highest level of guest service
  • Implement the opening and closing procedures of the Pioneer Grill and Coffee Cart
  • Perform basic management functions (manage staff, discipline staff, schedule employees, complete payroll etc.), scheduling staff to ensure adequate staffing levels, while adhering to budgeted guidelines
  • Hold daily Pre-Shift meetings
  • TIPS Certification
  • Manage the proper service of all beverages and all bar and lounge operations
  • Maintain the beverage cost of sales for Jackson Lake Lodge according to budget
  • Work closely with the Banquet Team and communicate any banquet beverage concerns
  • Maintain a daily report with the Food and Beverage Director regarding all aspects of the department
  • Work with the kitchen to ensure high quality and timely service of all food for the Blue Heron Lounge
  • Perform all managerial functions for bartenders, bar attendants and cocktail servers
  • Ensure prompt, accurate service with anticipation and compliance of all guests' needs
  • Conduct management functions for Blue Heron Lounge (manage staff, discipline staff, schedule employees, complete payroll, etc.)
  • Restaurant Manager
  • Restaurant Supervisor
  • Prior experience is recommended
  • Able to work holidays and weekends as needed
  • Outgoing personality is recommended
  • Someone who has the drive and ability to learn

Petrossian & Forty Carrots Restaurant Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Scheduling, attendance policy compliance, purchasing food and supplies, catering, payables and receivables, P&L plans, menu development and promotions
  • Ability to manage multiple situations simultaneously
  • Organization and planning skills

Chili s Restaurant Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Identify, and delegate responsibilities to the team
  • Ensure the cleanliness of all areas of the restaurant
  • 1+ years of restaurant supervisory experience in a fast-paced environment
  • Responsible for component menu planning, costing, and brand management
  • Ensure component compliance with sanitation and safety requirements
  • Must have minimum two-year culinary certificate from accredited school or have related experience such as apprenticeship

Restaurant Manager, Freshii & Which Wich Resume Examples & Samples

  • Create and maintain operations records like inventory, food costs, delivery receiving, and employee scheduling
  • 2+ years of restaurant management experience in a fast-paced environment
  • ServSafe certification desired
  • Experience: 5+ years quick service management experience while managing a team of 20+employees
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills to effectively communicate with all levels of the organization
  • Certifications: ServSafe, Los Angeles Food Safety, or equivalent preferred; TIPS certified preferred
  • Manage the day to day responsibilities of the restaurant
  • Ensure the customer experience
  • Develop the business in order to achieve plan
  • Manage the FOH staff
  • Performs effectively under pressure
  • Follows and enforces company policies and procedures
  • Must have at least 4 years of casual fine dining experience
  • Strong experience in FOH operations
  • Excellent food and beverage knowledge
  • Outstanding customer service
  • Flexibility in schedule and ability to rotate days, nights and weekends
  • Ability to develop and maintain a team environment
  • Manage a team of food service workers and ensure customer service standards are upheld
  • Accountable for all facets of food service, production, quality and controls. Ensure policies and procedures of the food services department are followed
  • Enforce established safety practices and ensure food quality standards are maintained
  • Accountable for all sales and operating transactions in compliance with the policies and procedures
  • Prepare food service and culinary staff schedules in accordance with forecasted business volume. Responsible to alter production and employee needs with the varying daily business volume
  • Plan for and ensure that all food service personnel, facilities and materials are in complete readiness for operation
  • Maintain food and supplies stock and complete physical inventories as required
  • Manage and monitor all direct operating expenses for the restaurant(s) of responsibility
  • Trains and develops staff in accordance with Hospitality First Service program
  • Assist with the evaluation of the a la Carte Service staff
  • Ensures that all a la Carte Service staff are well-groomed and in proper uniform (including name tags)
  • Serves as a liaison between Servers and other staff members
  • Must be fully trained and certified as both an a la Carte and Banquet Server
  • Checks on the schedule of table reservations, takes reservations and greets/seats Members and Guests
  • Assures that all side work is accomplished and that all cleaning of equipment and storage areas is completed according to the established schedule
  • Assures correct appearance, cleanliness and safety of dining room areas, equipment and fixtures
  • Checks the maintenance of all equipment in the dining room and reports and monitors deficiencies and maintenance concerns
  • Maintains an inventory (an ensures proper storage of dining room items including China, Glass & Silverware as well as coffee pots, water pitchers, salt and pepper holders, sugar bowls and linen
  • Develops and updates the Club’s policy and procedure manual
  • Handles Member and Guest complaints utilizing the Club's Service Recovery Program
  • Assumes closing or Manager on Duty (MOD) responsibilities when assigned
  • Ensures that all charges are billed correctly and forwarded to the Accounting department for billing
  • Assists with Banquet service as needed
  • Encourages teamwork and cooperation among all service personnel and Service Captains

Carrots Restaurant Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • 3 years of multi-unit full-service restaurant or high-end retail food management experience
  • Ability to manage restaurant operations independently

Restaurant Manager, Cucina Resume Examples & Samples

  • Experience in a fine dining establishment along with experience supervising and training both front and back of house staff
  • Bachelor's degree and formal culinary training through associate degree or an equivalent apprenticeship program is desired
  • The ability to work independently with professionalism while maintaining a focus on quality
  • The ability to understand and positively impact P&L statements, food costs, inventory control, and safety
  • Food Manager Certification required or completion of this certificate within first six months of employment
  • Manage the schedules in accordance to resident census and budgets
  • Communicate resident and guest food order accurately in order to avoid food waste
  • Manage the budget for such items as table linen, table setting supplies, uniforms, payroll and special events
  • Assist the Director of Culinary Services and Chef in the planning and development of menus based on resident likes and dislikes
  • Ensure that safety and security procedures are followed
  • May perform other duties as assigned or requested
  • High School Diploma or General Education Degree (GED) required along with two (2) years of experience in front of the house supervision
  • College or culinary institute degree preferred
  • Able to carry a tray with at least six (6) meals and/or beverages at any given time
  • Work closely with Director of Culinary Service and Executive Director to keep residents satisfied with food, service, and dining programs
  • Review the daily menu with residents and staff
  • Orient new residents to menus, dining room hours, and dress code for dining venue
  • Solve issues before they become problems or complaints
  • Assist with room service delivery according to company policy
  • Document and report resident attendance are for meals
  • Train and uphold Quality Enhancement standards at all times
  • Create dining staff cleaning schedules and task lists and hold staff accountable for completion of cleaning duties and tasks
  • Ensure that staff handles dishes, silverware, glassware according to company guidelines and serve safe guidelines
  • Maintain dining room in a clean, crisp, upbeat atmosphere at all times
  • Visually confirm that all tables are set according to Atria Standards
  • Ensure that dining room floors are clean and receive regular maintenance (sweeps and mops as necessary)
  • Ensure that trash/refuse containers are emptied and kept clean
  • Ensure that beverage equipment, ice cream freezer, wait staff refrigeration, food, and supply storage areas are kept clean and in good working condition
  • Verbally and visually confirms resident satisfaction through out meals
  • Ensure that the dining room side work is completed prior to the end of each shift
  • Hold staff accountable to maintain café and hospitality stations according to Atria Standards

Italian Restaurant Manager Crowne Plaza Abu Dhabi Resume Examples & Samples

  • Supervise the activities of dining room and employees engaged in providing professional and courteous service to our guests
  • Under the assistance of the F&B Manager and the Outlet Chef /Executive Chef coordinate the preparation of the menus and annual budget and work to achieve the budget by monitoring and controlling the departmental operations, considering revenue and expenditure
  • Review and plan in conjunction with the Food & Beverage Manager regarding displays, promotions, menu ideas and input
  • Set goals for the restaurant and assist in the budgetary process
  • Manage personnel related topics which will include grievance procedures, staff appraisals and misconduct procedures, with the support of the Human Resources Department
  • Ensure that delegated administration duties are completed. These will include some or more of the following: holiday forms and schedules, rotas, self declaration forms, over time requests, attendance sheets, forecasts, transfer requests, requisitions and purchase requests
  • Liaise with guests in the Restaurant ensuring at all times that guests receive the discreet and elegant service associated with our brand
  • Maintain all Drinks and Food service standards in line with the Standards Performance Manual
  • Undertake any other duties as may reasonably be required in line with the level of responsibility of the post and in order to meet the changing needs of the hotel
  • Italian native speaker and strong Italian food and wine knowledge required
  • Good understanding of the various methods of wine production as well as knowledge of the regions of Italy, their food and wine appellations, and the important regional food and wine combinations
  • Ability to teach, lead and coach our Restaurant team to successfully achieve five star level service consistently
  • Strong guest engagement skills to effectively develop guest rapport and achieve strong guest comment scores consistently above benchmark
  • Excellent cost management skills to meet restaurant outlet budget monthly
  • Innovative style to drive menu engineering, marketing, social media, and entertainment
  • Supervising & directing courteous serving of food & beverage in restaurant
  • Implementation and maintenance of brand standards
  • Driving the guest experience through service quality
  • Knowledgeable of menu, recipe and production procedure
  • Maintains customers database and utilizes effectively
  • Taking appropriate actions to resolve guests complaints
  • Being attentive to guests and anticipating their needs
  • Supervises day to day operation of restaurants, maintains high quality of service
  • Taking initiatives to generate revenue and achieve the financial targets
  • Monitoring and providing the needs of the restaurants to ensure service efficiency
  • Intermediate or equal level of qualification
  • Completion of degree or certification in Hospitality Industry
  • 3 years experience as Asst. Restaurant Manager
  • Fluent in English language and Arabic is preferable
  • Computer knowledge (MS Office and the Internet)
  • Manage the day-to-day activities and assignments of food and beverage staff, ensure proper coverage, develop and communicate departmental strategies and goals, and assign/prioritize work. Communicate and enforce policies and procedures with all staff
  • Recommend and/or initiate salary, disciplinary, or other staffing/human resources-related actions in accordance with company rules and policies. Alert General Manager of potentially serious issues
  • Ensure all staff is properly trained on quality and service standards and have the tools and equipment needed to effectively carry out their job functions
  • Achieve budgeted revenues, prepare monthly forecast, monitor and control food, beverage and labor costs, and maximize profitability, within all areas of the food and beverage department. Participate in the preparation of the annual departmental operating budget and financial plans that support the overall objectives of the hotel
  • Develop, implement, and maintain local food and beverage marketing programs for the hotel; participate in and maintain system-wide food and beverage marketing programs and promotions. Monitor local competitors and industry trends. Review and approve menu design and concepts with Executive Chef. Adhere to brand standards
  • Maintain procedures to (1) ensure the security and proper storage of food and beverage products, inventory, and equipment, (2) ensure the security of monies, credit and financial transactions, (3) replenish supplies, inventory, uniforms, etc. in a timely and efficient manner, and (4) to minimize waste and pilferage
  • Ensure that all food and beverage equipment, including but not limited to sinks, hoods, coolers, freezers, etc., are in proper operational condition and are cleaned on a regular basis. Ensure that all food and beverage facilities including banquet/convention space are cleaned, vacuumed, and properly stocked according to anticipated business volume. Notify Engineering immediately of any maintenance and repair needs
  • Promote teamwork and quality service through daily communication and coordination with other departments. Key departmental contacts include Sales and Marketing, Catering, Rooms, Housekeeping, Maintenance and Guest Services
  • Moving about the facilities
  • Supervises, monitors and participates in service operations during an assigned shift
  • Regularly interacts with guests to ensure quality experience, handle special requests, answer questions and/or resolve problems
  • Assists in managing labor and beverage costs
  • Assists in managing staff and/or restaurant manager performance through effective use of informal and formal feedback, recognition, coaching & counseling meetings, disciplinary action, annual evaluations, etc.; assists in developing restaurant managers to ensure readiness for growth/promotion
  • Implements marketing and promotion strategies as directed
  • Leads and participates in the interviewing, hiring and training of new hourly service staff; also leads and participates in the on-going training and education of existing service staff
  • May be assigned as lead manager for all beverage programs, menus and costs
  • Performs various operational/admin functions such as: opening/closing the restaurant, conducting pre-shifts and line checks, processing server checkouts, preparing staff schedules, conducting inventory, placing orders, POS/Avero usage, reporting & maintenance, etc
  • Attends various internal and/or external meetings relating to the operation of the restaurant
  • Ensures the general maintenance & upkeep of service areas, equipment and manager offices
  • 4-year Hospitality Management degree
  • 3-5 years management experience in fine dining
  • Strong wine knowledge
  • Thorough understanding of F&B and labor costs
  • Ability to demonstrate confidence and willing to assume responsibility
  • Ability to demonstrate high degree of drive and determination
  • Ability to supervise train and direct employees
  • Ability to perform job functions with attention to detail, speed and accuracy, and comprehend instructions
  • Ability to prioritize, organize, delegate work and follow through while working in a fast paced environment
  • Ability to be a clear thinker who remains calm and resolves problems using sound independent judgment
  • Ability to work under pressure of meeting production schedules and timelines for guests and colleagues
  • Ability to plan and aid in the execution of promotions
  • Ability to aid in the transportation of all work equipment and produce pertinent to job
  • Must have excellent employee relations skills and ability to motivate staff and maintain a cohesive team
  • To assist in the preparation of the department budget and forecast
  • To ensure that the outlets operational budget is in line and cost are strictly controlled maximizing profitability
  • To maximize profitability of the restaurant by increasing turnover (revenue and covers) as a first priority and controlling costs as a second priority
  • Generate and analyze appropriate reports according to business needs
  • To ensure guest needs and guest expectations are met by providing an efficient and professional service
  • To liaise with laundry & engineering to ensure a consistently high standard of cleanliness, repair and maintenance and to provide a smooth flow of linen supplies, flowers and uniforms
  • To liaise with the kitchen to ensure a consistently good standard of food quality, efficient profitability and creative presentation
  • To liaise with purchasing to ensure prompt and efficient purchasing, issuing of supplies, stock control and inventory control
  • To coordinate with the sommelier and purchasing the efficient supply and storage of beverages meeting operations’ requirements according to the par levels
  • To liaise with stewarding to ensure a high standard of cleanliness, maintenance and adequate provisions of operation equipment
  • To ensure that all safety rules, emergency procedures and fire prevention regulations are strictly enforced by employees
  • To respond to any changes in the food and beverage function as dictated by the industry, company or hotel
  • Minimum 2 years of experience in a luxury hotel environment or Michelin Star Restaurant
  • Successful candidate must possess legal work authorization in Europe
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office software: Word, Excel
  • Knowledge of Opera and Micros
  • Experience of managing a team, including payroll, training and team development
  • Experience of driving business revenue and growing customer satisfaction
  • Derive a sense of pride in work for Four Seasons

Franchised Restaurant Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Two years experience as a restaurant supervisor and experience as server, cashier, or direct sales
  • Knowledge of proper cleaning techniques, requirements, and use of equipment
  • Knowledge of proper chemical handling
  • Ability to satisfactorily communicate in English with guests, management and co-workers to their understanding
  • Ability to do basic arithmetic
  • Develops short term and long-term financial and operational plans for the restaurant, which support the overall objectives of Concord Hospitality
  • Monitors the performance of the restaurant through verification and analysis of customer satisfaction systems and financial reports. Initiates corrective action
  • Implements and maintains sales/marketing programs
  • Establishes and maintains applicable preventative maintenance programs to protect the physical assets of the restaurant
  • Implements and maintains effective two-way communication systems which reach all employees
  • Develops new programs, which result in an increased level of customer satisfaction and operational excellence
  • Suggests and implements revenue generating programs that provide maximum price value to the guest
  • Teach, implement, and reward employees in utilizing their empowerment to meet or exceed customer expectations
  • Ensures staff demonstrates technical skills conducts technical training on a regular basis
  • Updates staff on regular basis on menu highlights
  • Monitors presentation of food product and reviews areas of concern with the Sous Chefs and Line Cooks
  • Ensures that restaurant is clean and ready for customers at all times
  • Monitors service and teamwork on a regular basis and counsels associates on both aspects
  • Ensures that staff is utilizing up selling techniques while providing customer service
  • Accommodates group bookings by adhering to proper banquet techniques
  • Utilizes leadership skills and motivation techniques in order to maximize associate productivity and satisfaction of direct reports
  • Conducts effective employee meetings and counseling sessions
  • Participates in weekly staff meetings
  • Interviews, hires, orientates, and trains qualified applicants
  • Keep immediate supervisors promptly and fully informed of all problems or unusual matters of significance
  • Make business decisions based on production reports, similar facts, own experience, and personal opinion
  • Ensure a safe and sanitary work environment for all associates and guests
  • Maintain and enforce all SOP and service standards
  • Completely direct the operational efforts and strategies of all restaurant outlets
  • Provide for an effective discipline orientation for new supervisors using use records, menus, and appropriate reference manuals
  • Maintain fair and consistent counseling and/or disciplinary procedures in accordance with Concord Hospitalitys Handbook
  • Ensure forecast information is evaluated and utilized to make sound business decisions
  • Oversee development and execution of the marketing plan in each outlet
  • Continually develop innovative programs and incentives to maintain our competitive edge
  • Solicit feedback from guests and associates through personal contact and surveys
  • Ensure that all administrative functions are performed accurately and on a timely basis
  • Challenge supervisors to staff correctly based on forecasted business
  • Oversee engineering and implementation of menus to coincide with marketing plan
  • Ensure that all managers and supervisors are well versed in all legal aspects of their jobs
  • Develop local contacts in the community for public relations purposes
  • Maintains safe working conditions within department and hotel
  • Knows department fire prevention and emergency procedures
  • Evaluates staff performance on a ninety day, and annual basis
  • Conducts self to reflect the high standards of professionalism within the Concord Hospitality organization
  • Performs all duties and responsibilities in a timely and efficient manner in accordance with established company policies and procedures to achieve the overall objectives of this position

Franchised Harry Soffer Restaurant Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Ensure all pre-meal shift meetings take place
  • Track weekly labor reports to ensure productivity
  • Monitor and controlling Micros system in appliance to guest checks and hotel reports
  • Exercise quality control for both food and beverage
  • Assist with departmental forecasting and budgeting
  • Maintaining Turnberry Isle standards of service and ensure their implementation
  • A lead effort in recruiting, interviewing, and hiring team members; conducts performance appraisals, coach and counsel, progressive corrective action, motivate, develop and train
  • Interview, hire, train, resolve problems, provide open communication and recommend discipline and/or termination when appropriate
  • Ability to communicate in the English language (Second language is a plus); must be a team player
  • Knowledge of proper chemical handling, cleaning techniques and use of equipment/ machinery, ability to work flexible schedules including holidays and weekends; able to perform multiple tasks

Franchised Corsair Restaurant Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Primarily responsible for planning and day-to-day operations of the restaurant and
  • Overall supervision of meal service
  • Organize and conduct training and development for the team
  • Implement procedures to increase guest and colleague satisfaction
  • Work with the Kitchen team on menu engineering
  • Performing daily walk-through to ensure full compliance with Department of Health regulations and Turnberry Isle standards
  • Promote and maintain good employee relations between service kitchen, stewarding and dining room personnel
  • Full knowledge of industry trends
  • Responsible for receiving, processing and investigating complaints made per the existing harassment policy
  • H High school diploma or GED; 4 years experience in the food and beverage, culinary, or related professional area
  • Displays leadership in guest hospitality by exemplifying excellent customer service and creating a positive atmosphere for guest relations
  • Meets with guests on an informal basis during meals or upon departure to obtain feedback on quality of food and beverage, service levels and overall satisfaction
  • Maintains professional and technical knowledge by tracking emerging trends in the restaurant industry, attending educational workshops, reviewing professional publications, establishing personal networks, and/or benchmarking state-of-the-art practices

Assistant Chinese Restaurant Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Initiatives to aid with the continued development of the Hotels’ positioning as a leader in Food & Beverage service and as a Food and Beverage destination
  • Ongoing control and enhancement of quality standards and guest service
  • Daily supervision, coordination and direction of the outlet colleagues and leaders, anticipating and ensuring prompt, courteous service
  • Ensuring that Chinese Restaurant maintains a first class and positive visual impact including; ambiance, cleanliness, orderliness, décor and service flows
  • Working together with the Restaurant Manager and the Outlet Sous Chef, to develop new menu ideas and promotions
  • Working with the teams to create new ideas and promotions resulting in increased opportunities for Food & Beverage Sales
  • Working with the kitchen, stewarding and all restaurant leaders to ensure and promote that teamwork is a strong component of the daily service culture
  • Ensuring a safe and healthy work environment for all guests and colleagues
  • Monitoring and continued development of food & beverage controls
  • The continuous development and performance management of all colleagues and leaders in Chinese Restaurant
  • Facilitating Reach and setting goals for Chinese Restaurant leaders
  • Ensuring all training processes are set up and maintained for all leaders and colleagues
  • Minimum one year experience as Assistant Manager in a fast paced, high quality and successful F&B operation
  • Entrepreneurial thinking and analytical business thinking required
  • Must be computer literate and analytical

Wugu Restaurant Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Initiatives to aid with the continued development of the Fairmont Yangcheng Lakes’ positioning as a leader in Food & Beverage service and as a Food and Beverage destination
  • Ensuring that Yi Feng Court maintains a first class and positive visual impact including; ambiance, cleanliness, orderliness, décor and service flows
  • Assist with recruiting, staffing and scheduling ensuring an adequate balanced staff and leadership level while maintaining forecasted productivities
  • The continuous development and performance management of all colleagues and leaders in Yi Feng Court
  • Facilitating Reach and setting LEAD goals for all Yi Feng Court leaders
  • Reports suspicious people, parcels, and behaviors to Security
  • Must possess outstanding guest services skills, professional presentation and sophisticated communication skills
  • Proficient in the English language (verbal & written), second language is an asset
  • Must be able to handle a multitude of tasks in an intense, ever-changing environment
  • Responsible for managing all aspects of the Food and Beverage Operation and ensuring compliance to the Fairmont Hotel Standards in maintaining brand integrity and service standards
  • Responsible for overseeing the successful set-up and facilitation of banqueting and catering events
  • Manages and directs Food and Beverage team, provides support and direction to the F&B Operations in helping drive revenues
  • Responsible for building a service culture that is characterized by specialists, providing engaging service, creating memorable dining experiences
  • Assists with ensuring that monthly financial outlook for Food & Beverage is submitted on time, on target and accurate
  • Works closely with the Director of Operations /F&B in overseeing menu design, purchasing, staffing and food prep in all Restaurant operations
  • Ensures proper staffing levels are maintained while balancing quality and sales with daily/seasonal staffing demands by monitoring & controlling payroll
  • Responsible for ensuring a consistent, high quality food product and service for all events and restaurants
  • Assists the Director of Operations / F&B with driving innovative promotions, menus and concepts; creating a destination of choice for both Hotel and external guests
  • Analyzes Food and Beverage business trends, constantly seeking out creative ways to improve and maximize margins and enhance revenues through accurate forecasts and strategies
  • Direct and oversee recruitment and development of employees; hire, train, empower, coach and counsel, performance and salary reviews, resolving conflict through fair treatment policy
  • Develop and implement training programs tailored for the individual restaurants (i.e. wine seminar, up selling)
  • Degree in Hotel/Restaurant Management or related discipline required
  • Experience working as a Food & Beverage / Restaurant Manager in a 4/ 5 Star Restaurant
  • Strong culinary and wine knowledge required
  • Sommelier designation an asset
  • Strong leadership skills for motivating and leading staff
  • Proven record working with budgets, operating statements and payroll progress reports as needed to assist in the financial management of department
  • Exceptional interpersonal, problem solving and guest relation skills
  • Proven team-builder with outstanding coaching skills

Fountain Restaurant Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Handle guest concerns and react quickly and professionally
  • Assist in the recruitment and training of F&B Colleagues
  • Have full knowledge of all Outlet menus
  • Manage the departmental budget and assist with reforecasting business changes
  • The incumbent in the position is responsible for assisting the Chinese Restaurant Manager in managing the day to day operations of Chinese restaurant in order to meet business requirements and clients’ satisfaction whilst ensuring adherence to service standards and operating procedures
  • Supervises the day-to-day operations of the restaurant activities to ensure compliance with all policies, procedures, standards and aiming at satisfying and exceeding the clients' expectations
  • Accomplishes a set of administrative duties such as leading and attending meeting, writing reports, maintaining a logbook and other specific duties related to the job function

Speciality Restaurant Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Ensure and promote compliance with all local liquor, health and sanitation regulations
  • High School Diploma or equivalent required, College Degree in Business, Hospitality, or Related field preferred
  • Minimum of three years’ experience in overall Food and Beverage operation as well as management experience, Banquets operation is must
  • Culinary, sales and service background required
  • Licenses or Certificates:Ability to obtain and/or maintain any government required licenses, certificates or permits

Associate Restaurant Manager Burger Brothers Resume Examples & Samples

  • Must be able to lift/carry up to 50 pounds and possess the mobility and dexterity required to meet the demands incumbent to this position
  • Must be able to develop and sustain productive Guest relationships
  • Ability to train, mentor and develop team
  • Demonstrate excellent verbal and written communication skills
  • Basic knowledge of Microsoft Word, Excel, and Outlook
  • Ability to function as “self-starter”, requiring minimum supervision
  • Ability to interpret and explain company policies and procedures to others
  • Ability to accept directions and coachings from supervisors, and adjust behaviors accordingly
  • Ability to obtain support for ideas and actions from direct reports, peers, or supervisors in order to accomplish task or goal

Restaurant Manager Buffet Resume Examples & Samples

  • Strategically train and develop for succession Assistant and Associate Managers and hourly Team Members
  • Supervise all aspects of employee relations including, but not limited to, hiring, coaching, mediating, recognizing, and evaluating Assistant and Associate Managers and hourly Team Members
  • Implements, adheres, and monitors all department and property policies and procedures, including, but not limited to, standards of conduct, attendance, appearance, cash handling, confidentiality, safety, signature sequence of service, and sanitation
  • Maintain the morale of the department through open communication and teamwork by deploying targeted communication strategies that
  • Inform and build support
  • Manage all financial operating expenses including, but not limited to, budget, P&L, labor costs, controllables, and cost of good
  • Analyze and recognize any deficiencies or problem areas and provide corrective action to accomplish desired results
  • Fully Competent in Microsoft Office

Restaurant Manager Centennial Buffet Resume Examples & Samples

  • Ensure high standards of quality control of product and service within the Food outlet
  • Responsible for scheduling, assigning stations and job duties
  • Ensure that all Team Members are knowledgeable of and adhere to all Ameristar Casinos, Inc. Service Standards
  • Execute and share all food and Beverage department policies and procedures
  • Responsible for the daily operation of Fu Lu Zu Restaurant in the hotel
  • Responsible for reaching financial targets
  • Actively lead sales strategies and promotions
  • Exceed guest satisfaction goals
  • Assist in preparing and coordinating special events and functions
  • Maintain the service to high standard and quality
  • Ensure the safety of guests and associate through Sofitel food safety standards and guidelines
  • Lead all aspects of Fu Lu Zu restaurant including hiring, training, coaching, and development
  • Organize the outlet in an efficient manner to cope up with the day-to-day operation and bookings so as to minimize labor costs
  • Bachelors’ degree preferred with emphasis in business or food service management and 1-3 years direct experience a must
  • Knowledge of computers (Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook)
  • Must be eligible to work in the United States
  • We are looking for a candidate ideally with a relevant degree in hospitality or restaurant management
  • In addition we expect a work experience in a similar role in a hotel or large restaurant with good standards
  • Is a peoples manager and a natural leader, you are truly interested in your team and care about their growth
  • Has an operational mind set, 90% of your job is ensuring service is smooth and your team is trained on the job
  • An organized and enthusiastic personality would fit both the position and Hyatt´s organization culture perfectly
  • Proficiency in English is a must
  • Manages the restaurant team, helping them improve their skills and providing support for career development
  • Manages headcount and restaurant organisation for optimum performance
  • Improves sales, the quality of service and promotion of services in compliance with hygiene and security standards
  • Ensures that all products served to guests conform to standard and are of good quality
  • Is responsible for the restaurant budget, develops revenue and profit margins
  • To assist in the building of an efficient team of employees by taking an active interest in their welfare,
  • Vocational degree in hospitality or F&B studies
  • At least 2 years' professional and progressive experience
  • Language: fluent in the national language, operational English and a 3rd language would be a plus
  • Good level of general culture
  • Team leader, a natural leader
  • Well organised
  • Select, train, evaluate, lead, motivate, coach, and discipline all employees, supervisors and assistant managers in the Hotel’s Restaurant to ensure that established cultural and core standards are met long-range strategic planning for outlet operation
  • The ability to work closely with the Assistant Director of Food & Beverage, Director of Food & Beverage, Executive Chef and Sous Chefs to design an effective menu and wine list while ensuring excellent product quality at a fair price and attend regular operational meetings to ensure effective coordination and cooperation between departments
  • Comply with Four Seasons’ Category One and Category Two Work Rules and Standards of Conduct as set forth in EmPact
  • Maintain complete knowledge of, enforce and comply with all departmental policies, service procedures & standards
  • Maintain complete knowledge of selections available in the restaurant including alcoholic & food menu items, as well as their preparation, ingredients, portion size, presentation and price
  • Monitor and ensure efficient of all restaurant operations and provide optimal customer experience and implement all action plans to achieve all business objectives and maintain optimal level of customer experience
  • Be informed of daily specials and 86'ed items
  • Know dining room layout, capacity, proper table set-up, dress code, operational hours and price ranges
  • Organize all documentation for shift work on a daily basis including pre-shift reports, daily training topics, shift floor plan, requisitions for beverage, food and sundries and manage labour on a daily basis through the time management system
  • Develop menus with F&B team
  • Maintain all Micros programming for the Restaurant along with be able to complete menu engineering analysis and provide recommendations for F&B improvements within their area
  • Assist in the development of marketing initiatives, menu items, and other items to stimulate growth in sales for each outlet and a variety of latest market developments
  • Drive sales & incentivize team members to maximize sales & revenue
  • Proficiency using Point of Sale system & manual system procedures
  • Stay informed of daily house-count, arrivals/departures, V.I.P.s, in-house group activities, locations & times
  • The ability to train, develop and lead staff. Excellent time management skills with sound decision making and problem solving skills
  • Abide by departmental policies and applicable civic regulations regarding food & alcohol service
  • Set departmental objectives, schedules, budges, policies/procedures
  • Establish par levels for supplies, equipment, linens, etc., completing requisitions to replenish shortages
  • Supervise all activities and ensure compliance to all regulations and maintain high ethical standards at all times and participate in all department meetings and provide require support to office staff
  • Ensure optimum service level by checking order status and ensure delivery within designated timelines; handle guest complaints offering satisfactory resolution
  • Evaluate performance of all associates within required timeframe and provide counseling to all associates and forecast all annual budget requirements and recommend ways to maximize all profits
  • Achieves restaurant operational objectives by contributing information and recommendations to strategic plans and reviews; preparing and completing action plans; implementing production, productivity, quality, and customer-service standards; resolving problems; completing audits; identifying trends; determining system improvements; implementing change
  • Ensure there is consistency of quality and efficiency of food & beverage service
  • Interview and select job applicants as well as evaluate employee performance as required
  • Schedule employees to ensure adequate coverage of all shifts while remaining within budgetary guidelines
  • Ensure Four Seasons standard service procedures are followed at all times
  • Conduct Training sessions on a regular basis
  • Create an atmosphere within the department, through good motivational techniques, that is conducive to productivity
  • Institute and maintain proper labor levels and models
  • Oversee all quality control processes
  • Responsible for all monitoring and reporting necessary repair and maintenance of all equipment and physical plant
  • Be a motivating presence and leader to the staff to constantly improve and exceed customer expectations
  • BA or BS Degree – Hospitality or Culinary concentration preferred
  • Understanding of peak demand scheduling, floor coverage and supervision
  • Working understanding of food and supply cost and controls

Chinese Restaurant Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Ensure training is carried out on an ongoing basis
  • Exceptional communication skills
  • Degree or diploma in Hotel Management or equivalent
  • The Restaurant Manager is responsible for leading, developing and setting the direction for a high-volume, full-service restaurant team while establishing the accountabilities to deliver Guest Excellence, Cast Excellence, and optimal financial results
  • Provide overall management direction ensuring Guest, Cast and Financial success
  • Ensures Food and Beverage Operations are led through active stage management ensuring exceptional product and service
  • 4 years’ experience leading others
  • Proven strong Guest Service orientation
  • Proven success in high-volume, table service location
  • In-depth beverage knowledge
  • Computer Skills – proficient in Microsoft Office
  • Must have a thorough understanding of the health laws and sanitation codes
  • Must have an excellent understanding of P&L's and financial acumen
  • Experience in a fine dining restaurant
  • Sommelier Certification
  • Associate's Degree with 2 years Full Service leadership experience
  • Demonstrate a positive role model for MAGIC Selling
  • Supports and ensures food production following recipes and Food Division Best Practices
  • Orders food, beverage, dry and paper goods based budget and needs of the business
  • Preferred College degree and previous hospitality/food service supervisory/management experience. Safe food handling certification is required
  • Ability to read, write, and interpret instructional documents such as reports, procedure manuals and recipes. Excellent written and verbal communication skills
  • Strong leadership profile and excellent negotiation skills. Must be able to work safely and efficiently in a fast-paced environment. This position is required to use potentially hazardous restaurant equipment. Must role model and coach safe equipment use and food safety practices. Working understanding of Windows based systems
  • Develop and maintain a cross section of member relationships
  • Training of pool, bar, and cabana staf in policies and standards
  • Supervise setup and tear down of all banquet and catering functions
  • Supervise attitudes and appearance of service staff
  • Maintain productivity and staffing levels of all service staff, in all service areas
  • Handling complaints from guests and service staff
  • Readiness of all service areas including a la carte, banquet, meeting rooms and catering functions
  • Thorough knowledge of different types of food and beverage production
  • Thorough knowledge of different types of wine and spirits and their service
  • Must have five years experience in the food and beverage industry
  • Ability to schedule employees
  • Ability to train and teach employees on policies, procedures and standards
  • Ability to inventory and set up production areas
  • Must have ordering experience
  • Must have basic computer knowledge
  • Must be detail oriented and self motivated
  • Must possess a positive attitude and teamwork skills
  • Impeccable standards of appearance and footwear which is slip resistant, enclosed toe and heel

the Empress, Restaurant Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Consistently offer professional, friendly and engaging service
  • Lead and manage the F&B Outlet team in all aspects of the department and ensure service standards are followed
  • To assist in the recruitment and training of F&B Colleagues
  • Balance operational, administrative and Colleague needs
  • Conduct regularly scheduled departmental meetings
  • Maximize revenues by communicating regularly with the Food and Beverage teams to implement agreed upon strategies, practices and promotions
  • Have full knowledge of all restaurant menus
  • Manage the departmental budget
  • Follow outlet policies, procedures and service standards
  • Follow all safety and sanitation policies when handling food and beverage
  • Other duties as assigned
  • Previous Food and Beverage leadership experience required
  • Previous Point of Sale System experience required
  • Computer literate in Microsoft Window applications required
  • University/College degree in a related discipline preferred
  • Excellent communication and organizational skills
  • Strong interpersonal and problem solving abilities
  • Highly responsible & reliable
  • Ability to work well under pressure in a fast paced environment
  • Ability to work cohesively as part of a team
  • Ability to focus attention on guest needs, remaining calm and courteous at all times
  • Oversee the daily operations of the restaurant and all beach food and beverage operations while maintaining staffing and cost controls
  • Manage and lead staff including hiring, scheduling, employee counseling and commendations
  • Ensure all food and beverage areas are constantly maintained for cleanliness
  • Practice necessary sanitation methods to ensure food safety standards are followed
  • Communicate via e-mail in a professional manner and follow computer use guidelines
  • Ensure departmental and company policies are followed
  • At least 2 years of previous experience as a restaurant manager or supervisor
  • Ability to multi-task and work with minimal supervision
  • Ability to understand guest's service needs and handle problem situations with professionalism
  • Working knowledge of food and beverage cost controls
  • Supports and Manages the Hotel Restaurant Bar while working closely with the Food & Beverage Director and other hotel departments
  • A true desire to understand and anticipate the needs of others in a fast paced environment
  • Candidates should possess proven leadership skill
  • High school diploma or GED; 5 years experience in the food and beverage, or related professional area
  • Informs and/or updates peers and subordinates on relevant information in a timely manner
  • Works with the Chef and restaurant managers to develop promotions, food and wine pairings, menu items and presentations

Pete s Sunset Grille Restaurant Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Responsible for maintaining a high energy, positive, professional appearance
  • Must possess the following strengths: high energy, entrepreneurial spirit, motivational leader, effective communicator, and effective in providing exceptional customer service
  • California Food Handler's Certification required
  • Minimum of five years working in a high volume, full service dining environment
  • At least one year experience working in a fast paced casual dining environment
  • Demonstrated experience in development of management staff
  • Minimum local travel may be required
  • Valid Driver’s License required
  • Current CPR Certification required (From either Red Cross or American Heart Association)

Fine Dining Restaurant Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Maintain a thorough understanding of the Collective Bargaining Agreement and University policies and procedures
  • Respond to customer comments, concerns, and/or questions. Provide assistance with any guest issues
  • Open and close location, as necessary
  • Conduct spot checks of prepared foods for recipe compliance. Ensure recipes are carried out for accuracy. Conduct monthly inventory to ensure accuracy of cost of goods and inventory levels
  • Keep par levels accurate
  • Discover new products to stay on top of industry trends
  • Ability to ensure confidentiality of guest and hotel information
  • Must be a strong recruiter to ensure proper staffing and the finest staff in the local community
  • Planning and organization for both daily and long range goals and objectives
  • Meet with meeting planners / clients on-site inspections or in Pre-Con meetings to ensure proper understanding of program needs
  • Develop staff through progressive training and continuous review
  • Develop innovative menus and marketing strategically for the location
  • Train and develop team for out standing customer service
  • University Degree or College Diploma in Hospitality management or related field
  • Under the assistance of the senior F&B Manager co-ordinate the preparation of the Outlet annual budget and work to achieve the budget by monitoring and controlling the outlets operations, considering revenue and expenditure
  • On an ongoing basis, control and analysis departmental costs to ensure performance against budget; implementing corrective measures where necessary to produce positive business results
  • Demonstrate understanding and awareness of all company policies and procedures relating to Health, Hygiene and Fire Life Safety and ensure your direct reports do the same
  • Coach, counsel and discipline staff, providing constructive feedback to enhance performance
  • BS Degree on Hotel & Restaurant Management
  • Two years experience of Managerial position in a five star hotel
  • Competent in using IT systems relevant to Food & Beverage
  • Proven ability to instruct, train and motivate subordinates
  • Ability to prioritize tasks
  • Familiar with Health & Safety Procedures in the work place
  • Administrative skills
  • Run the restaurant operations to deliver great guest experience
  • Ensure that the restaurant achieve the target revenue set
  • Solicit guest feedback for service improvement and build the relationship with guest for loyalty

Restaurant Manager, Zaytoun Resume Examples & Samples

  • Effectively manage the restaurant by ensuring the following
  • Adhere to opening and closing procedures
  • Personally meet and farewell a minimum of 80% of your customers
  • Develop and implement Promotions Calendar for F&B products in restaurant
  • Recycle wherever possible
  • Liaise with Sales Manager during tender process to obtain new accounts; Food and Beverage specific
  • Works with superior in the preparation and management of the department’s budget. Duties include
  • Provide input for Restaurant strategy and input for budget process
  • Controls and monitors departmental costs on an on-going basis to ensure performance against budget
  • Minimum 2 years of experience in a similar role, previous experience in all day dining Restaurant preferred
  • Thorough knowledge of Food & Beverage outlet operations including foods, beverages, supervisory aspects, service techniques, and guest interaction
  • Ability to manage a large staff and apply basic supervisory skills to plan, organize, direct employees, coach, train and discipline, as necessary
  • Writing ability to compose various letters and document various reports, forms and orders, using correct grammar and appropriate vocabulary
  • Ability to walk, stands, and/or bend continuously to perform essential job functions
  • Ability to move up to 100 lbs., with wheeled assistance
  • Ability to lift up to 50 lbs., and to lift lighter objects overhead
  • Ability to manage a large team
  • Manages the staffing levels daily to ensure proper service and to control expenses
  • Creates revenue forecast and reports. Monitors restaurant budget
  • Manages department members that may include, but in not limited to: Assistant F&B Manager, Banquet manager, Food and Beverage Supervisors, Hostess, Server, and other food and beverage service staff
  • A pre-opening previous experience is preferred

Assistant of Restaurant Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • 4 All department / hotel policies, procedures, and standards
  • Retrieve and organize group agendas according to departmental standards. Make note of changes as received from conference services, post in file and communicate to staff
  • Observe guests reactions and confer frequently with staff to ensure guest satisfaction
  • To carry out official orders of his/her immediate manager
  • Assist Assistant Managers with Coaching and Counseling as well as employee reviews

Bar & Restaurant Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • To ensure the development and training of staff in new systems methods and procedures that may be introduced into department from time to time
  • To set a good example for management and staff with regard to punctuality, attendance - attitude and application to work
  • To maintain fair discipline and to foster a spirit of co-operation and pride in the daily work lives of the management and staff members throughout the restaurant operation
  • To attend management meetings as required, ensuring effective communication at all levels
  • To participate in service whenever required and to assist your staff where necessary
  • To maintain a presence in the BBar & Restaurant regardless of how few patrons are there
  • To deal with any complaints or queries in a courteous manner and to advise the Duty Manager of same
  • To create an environment which promotes employee morale and encourages the Team to have pride and commitment in their area of work
  • To maintain a harmonious work relationship with both Management and staff
  • To communicate positive attitudes, sincere interest and responsiveness to others needs and to interact in a positive way with management, staff and suppliers alike
  • Previous Food and Beverage Management or Supervisory experience of at least 2 years

Restaurant Manager, Restaurant R Evolution Resume Examples & Samples

  • Supervise day-to-day activities of one or more food and/or beverage outlets. Plan and organize work. Communicate and enforce policies and procedures
  • Ensure all staff is properly trained and certified if applicable and have the tools and equipment needed to effectively carry out their job functions. Conduct training for all current and new associates
  • Work closely with General Manager in all aspects of day to day activities
  • Achieve budgeted revenues, control expenses and labor costs, and maximize profitability within all areas of the food and beverage outlet(s)
  • Ensure that all restaurant equipment (coffee and soda machines, registers, etc.) is in proper operational condition and is cleaned on a regular basis. Ensure that all restaurant facilities are cleaned, vacuumed, and properly stocked according to anticipated business volumes. Notify Engineering immediately of any maintenance and repair needs
  • Bachelor’s degree and culinary degree or certificate preferred
  • Ability to understand and positively impact P&L statements, cost of sales, food costs, inventory control, and safety performance necessary
  • Capable of effectively managing both front and back of house operations; as a result, strong interpersonal and leadership skills are essential
  • Food Manager Certification and Liquor License required or completion of this certificate within first six months of employment
  • 3-5 years leadership experience in both front and back of house with similar restaurant dynamics preferred
  • 4 years or more of hotel F&B management experience (preferably with Hyatt)
  • Hotel/Hospitality degree an asset
  • Clear concise written and verbal communication skills
  • Supports and Manages the Hotel Outlets while working closely with the Assistant Food & Beverage Director, F&B Director and other hotel departments
  • Responsible for short and long term planning of all Outlets including the Restaurant and the Lounge
  • Full understanding of Colleague engagement
  • Prior luxury hotel experience preferred
  • Hospitality Degree preferred
  • Prior labor experience preferred
  • Management of high end, luxury Food and Beverage experience
  • Proven ability to meet financial targets
  • Previous experience in complying with Food and Beverage brand standards
  • Ensure a safe working and guest environment to reduce the risk of injury and accidents. Completes accident reports promptly in the event that a guest or employee is injured
  • Manage shifts which include: daily decision making, scheduling, planning while upholding standards, product quality and cleanliness
  • Investigate and resolve complaints concerning food quality and service
  • A Bachelor's degree in hotel/restaurant management is preferred
  • At least 3 years of supervisory or management exp. in the Food Service or Hospitality industry
  • At least 1 year experience in fine dining
  • Ability to communicate effectively with clients, client's customers, and support staff
  • Previous experience managing in union environments preferred
  • Proficient in the following dimensions of restaurant functions: sanitation, security, company policies and procedures, personnel management, recordkeeping, and preparation of reports
  • Performs all positions within the department (reference job description for each position)
  • Creates staff schedule being sure to keep overtime to a minimum and gets the operations manager’s approval. Adjusts posted schedule as needed based on business needs and adhering to the established budget
  • Retains a strong working relationship and open communication with culinary team to ensure food quality and consistency, up to date product information, and the smooth flow of products from the kitchen to the guests
  • Works with operations manager to develops plans for new ideas, procedures, or products as a way of consistently improving both the department and strengthening the team
  • Orders and maintains beer, wine, and liquor inventory for the restaurant as well as front of house supplies and service items in collaboration with the operations manager
  • Implements food and beverage controls through the use of portion controls, standardization, and minimization of waste to help track and regulate usage to help reach and set budgets as communicated by the operations manager
  • Learns MICROS POS system and helps teach team how to accurately ring in orders for food and beverages, collects payment and run reports through the system
  • Processes payments from guests, handles cash, and works with accounting make sure all sales, payments, and payroll items are recorded accurately, balance correctly, and done on time
  • Obtains a thorough knowledge and understanding of food & beverage products, as well as the preparation time for these items, and uses this knowledge to train team members in order to better serve our guests and increase sales through suggestive selling
  • Monitors and observes food and beverages for quality and consistency using judgment in whether or not it is suitable to be presented to guests
  • Plans out sections for each meal period in accordance to the team’s abilities and skill sets, based on standards set by the operations manager
  • Ensures the dining room, deck, and lobby are clean and appealing at all times
  • Checks reservations and ensures restaurant is ready to accommodate these parties along with any special needs they may have
  • Works to ensure overall guest satisfaction and observes guest behavior in the dining room, lobby, and on the deck ensuring all company policies and service standards are being met via the operations manager direction
  • Obtains a thorough understanding of alcohol policies and procedures, ensuring both self and team follows the procedures as well as enforces them
  • Ensures all departmental paperwork is completed accurately and timely as set forth by the operations manager
  • Obtains a thorough understanding of food allergies and how they are treated and is able to provide basic first aid as needed
  • Effectively communicates with team members, guests, and vendors to reach goals set by the leadership team
  • Helps moves the department forward by practicing creative solutions, innovative ideas, cultivating a team atmosphere

Restaurant Manager Steak Resume Examples & Samples

  • Ability to communicate effectively with customers, as well as all levels of employees
  • Ability to observe and direct actions of subordinates, monitor all activity within the dining room and to inspect and maintain areas for which responsible
  • Ability to review and comprehend all necessary documentation
  • Ability to lift and carry stacks of menus weighing up to 10 pounds
  • Must be at least 21years of age
  • Knowledge of food, food product, food preparation, etc
  • Must be able to obtain all necessary licenses, including gaming
  • Must be able to obtain and maintain Best & ServSafe Certificates
  • Prepares working schedules and implements in computer according to the procedures
  • Creates a healthy atmosphere in where personnel can work with Maximum productivity and happy
  • To be fair to employees
  • Makes communication meetings with the staff and forwards feed backs to the Management if necessary
  • Fills out requisition forms for necessary materials from store
  • Checks daily reservation status and take necessary actions according to the reservation details
  • Makes daily service briefings with staff and ensures that service staff information’s are correct and accurate
  • Follow ups salary advance forms, salary slips, attendance sheets, trainings participants, employee of the month competition, up selling programs etc
  • Checks set-up before service linen, table chairs, etc
  • Checks quality of food & beverage items temperature, Presentation and quantity wise
  • Attends the F&B meeting or any other meeting instructed by

Restaurant Manager Amerisports Resume Examples & Samples

  • Evaluate and oversee job performance
  • Responsible for aiding asst. managers with goal setting and development plans
  • Set schedules and jobs duties while maintaining employee’s hours for proper staffing
  • Prepare documentation for labor cost
  • Prepare documentation for food cost in conjunction with the Outlet Sous Chef
  • Coordinate departmental functions with other departments and agencies
  • Act in relation to team members, customers, and/or the general public in a manner consistent with the best interests of the restaurant
  • Insure team member safety by providing a clean, safe, healthy environment
  • Seven (7) years foodservice experience
  • Four (4) years supervisory experience
  • Two (2) year as a food service manager
  • Must have knowledge of P/L Statements, menu planning, culinary, cost control, budgeting, training, and inventory control
  • Have excellent leadership and communication skills and are able to manage a large, multinational team
  • Are passionate about providing an outstanding level of Guest service and who go out of their way to meet and exceed Guest expectations
  • Are cost conscious and capable of managing payroll and other operating costs without disrupting service levels
  • Are able to work in a team environment and contribute towards the success of the Food and Beverage department as a whole
  • Can develop and follow all outlet policies, brand and quality standards and operating procedures
  • Would work closely with the Marketing Department on marketing ideas and concepts for further business development of the outlet
  • Would liaise closely with the kitchen team on menu items and customer feedback
  • Associate Degree in F&B or Culinary Arts and/or related supervisor experience in F&B in a hotel/resort environment
  • At least 3 years of supervisory experience in beverage or an equivalent F&B supervisory position
  • Previous experience in training and mentoring of staff, knowledge of inventory management, scheduling experience
  • Ability to manage multiple tasks and remain calm in a very high paced and stressful environment
  • Excellent organizational skills with attention to detail while meeting targeted deadlines
  • Working knowledge of PC computer software programs (MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, etc.)
  • Demonstrates service attributes in accordance with industry expectations and company standards including
  • Preferably graduate of Hotel and Restaurant Management
  • Good knowledge of Microsoft Office

Chinese Restaurant Manager, Xin Cuisine Resume Examples & Samples

  • Analyze food and beverage statistics through point of sale system
  • Effectively manage the restaurant by ensuring that implementation of standards as detailed in the departmental standards and procedures manual are adhered to
  • Encourage and motivate staff to provide optimum service during all shifts
  • Perform hands-on operational work and lead by example
  • Share recommendations and guest comments to Chef and Food and Beverage Manager to reflect current customer profile
  • Anticipate market changes and review operations when necessary
  • Manage customer database and utilize effectively
  • Up-sell property facilities
  • Diploma in Hotel Management or Food and Beverage
  • At least 4 years of related experience including supervisory experience
  • Proficient in MS Office
  • Strong knowledge in Food and Beverage

Assistant Bar & Restaurant Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Able to work in all areas of Food & Beverage, primarily Bar & Restaurant
  • Stong food & drink background in a supervisory or management role
  • Team culture & development focussed
  • Commitment to delivering exeptional levels of customer service

Restaurant Manager Stadium Resume Examples & Samples

  • Ability to effectively and efficiently move around the dining room area
  • Knowledge of various positions within the restaurant, e.g., host/hostess, dining room attendant, waitperson, etc
  • Ability to link scheduling to customer flow
  • Ability to monitor and control cash flow and security of assets
  • Knowledge of service, service etiquette, and standard service practices for full-service restaurants
  • Must be able to obtain all necessary licenses; including gaming
  • Knowledge of standard safety and sanitation practices for food and beverage service
  • Drive the management of all outlets to maximise revenue
  • Assist in departmental forecasting and deliver on financial targets
  • Control all associated operational costs
  • Assist Food & Beverage Manager with establishing short and long term strategic plans for the outlets
  • Implement all operational standards of procedures, supported with on the job training
  • In conjunction with the Sales & Marketing Department develop promotional campaigns for outlets
  • Ensure and promote high standard of WPH&S in all outlets
  • Deliver a quality guest experience and food and beverage product
  • Lead, develop & mentor a small team in F&B service and knowledge
  • Experience as an Approved Manager
  • Strong F&B background with a minimum of 2 years of industry experience in fast paced Restaurants/Hotel environment
  • Experience using Micros is essential
  • Some experience working in a high volume Conference department
  • High level of organizational skills and ability to work under pressure
  • Commitment to exceeding customer expectations and requests
  • Proven ability to support, inspire and mentor our food and beverage team
  • Flexible working hours including the ability to work weekends, public holidays, morning and night shifts
  • Responsible for assisting daily operations and overall business objectives in the Restaurant/Foundation Room
  • Ensure comfortable atmosphere in rooms (lighting, temperature, music volume, cleanliness-line of sight)
  • Conduct daily pre-shift in an upbeat and motivational manner
  • Direct interaction with trainers/Blues Buster and trainees
  • Ensure that service is up to HOB standards
  • Responsible for bank and adherence to HOB cash handling policy
  • Assist other employees and departments as needed
  • Perform daily liquor pulls for bar staff
  • Assist in the counting/inputting of inventories
  • Monitor the labor cost of the shift, paying close attention to overtime
  • Provide guidance in executing outstanding guest service while following the House of Blues implemented Steps of Service
  • Conducts performance counseling and ensures discipline procedures follow all HOB guidelines
  • Recruitment and Training of hourly staff members
  • Develop strategies to generate/enhance revenue
  • 3 years supervisory experience in high volume restaurant/music hall environment

Restaurant Manager Fleming s Prime Steakhouse Resume Examples & Samples

  • Actively participates as a member of the management team
  • Sets excellent guest service and work examples
  • Minimum of 2 years of previous polished casual or fine dining experience
  • Basic computer proficiency preferred

Restaurant Manager Bonefish Grill Resume Examples & Samples

  • Ensures compliance with operational standards, company policies, federal/state/local laws, and ordinances
  • 2+ years of prior restaurant management experience
  • Awareness of state and local liquor laws

High Potential Restaurant Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Enforces safety and sanitary practices and maintenance for the entire restaurant
  • Some college level course work or degree a plus
  • Excellent communication, both written and spoken
  • Must be extremely flexible and have the ability to manage multiple projects with strong attention to detail
  • Must exhibit the highest level of professionalism in dealing with sensitive and confidential information
  • Must be is self-motivated, results driven, able to handle multiple tasks in a time sensitive environment, flexible, willingness to understand the business, and possesses proven organizational and critical thinking skills
  • Evolves working methods in line with brand philosophy
  • Develops team spirit and motivation by creating a good working atmosphere
  • Carries out annual performance appraisals on managers under his/her responsibility, sets targets and ensures

Restaurant Manager Breeze & Roasted Bean Resume Examples & Samples

  • Prepares weekly service staff schedules
  • Maintains records of team member performance and dining room food and labor costs
  • Schedules periodic team member meetings in order to update and ensure correct execution of restaurant policies and procedures
  • Works with senior management to develop and implement new service policies as required
  • Assists in the development of marketing plans to obtain long and short-term goals
  • Develops operational budgets, forecasts and capital exenditure plans
  • Reviews Shopper Brand Outlook Survey Reports with team members and management to learn how to develop a strategy to increase positive ratings
  • Manages the Food and Beverage team to include efficient staffing, team member development and training, performance management and policy enforcement
  • Five years food service management experience as a restaurant manager or assistant restaurant manager in a high volume restaurant. Experience in a multi-venue Quick Service Restaurant (QSR) preferred
  • Four years food service management experience as a high volume coffee shop outlet
  • Proficient knowledge of Microsoft Office to include Word, Excel, Access and Power Point and Microsoft Project
  • Ability to push and pull heavy items and equipment

Trio Restaurant Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Discounted parking
  • Competitive Benefits Package
  • A skilled team of best in class hospitality professionals

Restaurant Manager With Experience Resume Examples & Samples

  • Leads the Restaurant team
  • Promotes the point of sale and services to customers
  • Manages busy evenings and events
  • Is responsible for the restaurants cash holdings and scrupulously respects cash management rules
  • Is responsible and accountable for restaurant revenue, stock and staff
  • 3-5 years successful restaurant management experience with a strong knowledge of the food & beverage service process, preferably in a hotel environment
  • Proven leadership and interpersonal skills to enhance both the presentation and service standards throughout the operation
  • Solid wine knowledge with the desire to improve wine knowledge
  • Guest service oriented with exceptional communication, time management, and upselling skills
  • Strong working knowledge of POS systems
  • Must be willing to work a flexible schedule, including evening and weekends, and as necessary to meet the guests needs

Safehouse Chicago Restaurant Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Assists Manager in the direction and supervision of food servers, bus persons, host(esses), bartenders, and other staff in reference to schedules, service standards, training, motivation, and safety
  • Assists in ensuring that restaurant complies with sanitation and safety standards for guests and associates. Checks that all equipment is in working order. Visually inspects and take action to ensure that facilities in restaurant look appealing and attractive to guests. Follows up on work orders so repairs and maintenance of facility are completed on a timely basis
  • Monitors product quality and guest satisfaction in restaurant. Ensures that food quality is consistent, appealing, and prepared to guest specifications. Interacts with guests to obtain feedback on quality of service and food in outlet
  • Documents inventory forecast usage and monitors supply so that restaurants are stocked with linen, glassware, silverware, china, and condiments in order to provide service
  • Participates in marketing efforts of restaurant, creates menu ideas, surveys competition and reports food trends, and assists in preparation of specials. Interacts with customers to determine needs, satisfaction, and resolve conflicts
  • Implementing and supporting hotel policies and procedures
  • Excellent mathematical abilities in order to determine and track inventory, controls, revenue productions, and other financial statements
  • High school diploma required. College education preferred

Outlet / Restaurant Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Manage the operational in the Restaurant and Lounge also Bar
  • Manage the report for the floor operation include Scheduling, Inventory and Purchasing
  • Ready to always update to all departments for the promotion
  • Manage the employee's needs and demand
  • Manage the promotion during events

Rollercoaster Restaurant Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • A real passion for guest engagement and service standards
  • An ability to create positive guest feedback and to drive KPI feedback and Trip Adviser comments to the next level
  • You will come from a restaurant or hotel background, with experience in managing & leading a large team
  • As well as having a positive & enthusiastic attitude you will bring energy, motivation and a desire to succeed
  • You will be looking to grow and develop your career in a unique fun and fast moving UK and Merlin first environment
  • Preferably you will have experience of managing recruitment, training & developing people and will understand the pressures of managing a large team throughout a full trading year
  • You will have a good eye for detail, high standards and be clear and engaging in your communication to both staff and guests

Bars & Restaurant Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Previous experience of managing teams within a Food and Beverage environment
  • Able to work within a fast paced environment with a focus on quality
  • Commercially focussed with experience of budget management
  • New openings experience would be preferable but not essential

Restaurant Manager Starbucks Resume Examples & Samples

  • Greets and seats guests when needed, and maintains a visible presence in the room
  • Visit with guests a minimum of five minutes every hour
  • Hire, evaluate, coach team members within the restaurant outlets
  • Good verbal and written communication
  • Able to obtain and maintain a Colorado Support Gaming License

Elysian Bar-restaurant Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Efficient and effective management of the Elysian Bar & Kitchen
  • Hiring, training and scheduling of FOH staff
  • Inventory and cash management
  • Greeting/seating guests when needed
  • Running food, and general side-work

Hotel Restaurant Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Oversee all aspects of the daily operation of the outlet
  • Work with other F&B managers and keep them informed of issues as they arise
  • Be visible on the floor and assist staff as needed during each meal period
  • Understand, implement and monitor corporate promotions in outlet (if applicable), including buffet and three-meal concept standards
  • Experience working in a union environment a must
  • Must have knowledge of F&B preparation techniques, health department rules and regulations, liquor laws and regulations
  • Participate in M.O.D. coverage as required

Hi Potential Restaurant Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Ensures that the operational basics and standards are adhered to with total commitment and passion by providing direction and guidance to employees
  • Maintains current and accurate documentation as defined by company policies and procedures
  • Ensures all health inspections meet required state standards
  • Computer literate in Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
  • Must possess ability to interact with all levels, work independently, and ability to see projects through implementation

Bird & Bone Restaurant Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Develop and implement creative strategies for revenue enhancement and cost containment
  • Ability to take the initiative to run the outlets as a free standing entity
  • Candidates should possess strong food and beverage knowledge. Beverage knowledge should include wine, spirits and beer
  • Previous experience as an Assistant Restaurant Manager or a Restaurant Supervisor preferred

Asst Restaurant Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Helps staff during high volume periods as needed
  • Understands, enforces and adheres to all company policies and procedures
  • Assists in maintaining all company operations standards and compliance
  • Ensures that federal, state and local laws, regulations, and ordinances are practiced and enforced,
  • Maintains a clean facility at all times
  • Delivers consistent, high quality products daily, every shift
  • A high school diploma or G.E.D. is required
  • ServSafe® food safety training is highly recommended
  • Must have a valid driver’s license and proof of valid insurance
  • Must be able to work a minimum of 40 hours per week. Must be available to work a flexible shift including weekends
  • Knowledge of all restaurant policies, practices and operational and human resources procedures
  • Knowledge of profit and loss statements
  • Skilled in developing employees by coaching, counseling, and building strong work habits
  • Continuously working to improve customer satisfaction
  • Knowledge of recruiting and interviewing potential team members
  • Manage conflict resolution
  • Create and maintain a positive work environment

Assitant Restaurant Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Assists Restaurant General Manager (RGM) in ensuring all employees are trained
  • Assists RGM in maintaining appropriate staffing and prepares weekly schedules
  • Assists in administering all paperwork in a timely manner
  • Assists in analyzing profit and loss statements and in meeting established sales plan for unit
  • Maintains and records accurate inventory
  • Must have 1 year of supervisory experience working in the restaurant industry
  • Ability to implement policies and procedures
  • Assists with staffing level and determining which staff are assigned to each shift
  • Manages all employees to maintain high employment quality standards including hiring, development, counseling, promotion, discipline and termination, as appropriate
  • Responds to guest comments and seeking opportunity to build guest count while educating and empowering others to act in similar capacity
  • Maintains current and accurate collateral in areas in front-of-the-house

Senior Restaurant Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • A minimum of 3 years restaurant management experience in casual upscale dining preferred
  • Customer service focused and oriented
  • Must be able to work an average of 55 hours work per week
  • Skillful planner with knowledge of basic business fundamentals
  • Strong communication skills with the ability to resolve conflict
  • Outgoing personality with expertise at developing relationships and leading others
  • Infectious, positive attitude that inspires others
  • Must be able to stand and walk for periods of eight to ten hours in length, each shift
  • Must be able to reach, bend, balance and transport various objects weighing up to 30 lbs repeatedly during a shift. At times it might be necessary to lift up to 50 lbs

Gerente de Cocina Restaurant Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Majority of the time spent using independent judgment in making employment-related and business decisions, or effectively recommend such decisions including but not limited to product and department related strategies, hiring, promoting, disciplining, suspending, discharging, rewarding or otherwise engage in resolving Partner-related matters
  • Oversees the department including providing a safe work environment, training, developing and performance appraisals; customer service; ordering, display rotation, controlling shrink, product quality, sanitation, inventory control, work scheduling; receiving, pricing, stocking, and signing of merchandise; and financial results
  • Responsible for the overall direction, coordination and evaluation of the department
  • Develop and lead a retail sales team to provide customer service at the highest level in all areas
  • Effectively promote services/products to maximize sales
  • Orders product to maintain inventory
  • Monitors department budget and payroll including product, labor, and expenses
  • Builds relationships with customers and builds customer service through Partners
  • Executes merchandising programs
  • Maintains safety/sanitation of equipment and department
  • Promote marketing and store events through powerful planning, merchandising and taking advantage of traffic
  • Achieves sales goals; prepares projections/forecasts, reviews financial tracking information, addresses performance opportunities and budget discrepancies, communicates sales goals to Partners
  • Achieves gross profit budget by preparing projections/forecasts, controlling inventory, managing and reducing food costs, ensuring the accuracy of invoices, managing the conversion process for perishable shrink, reducing supply usage and managing shrink
  • May perform all duties of a representative or specialist as needed
  • 1-3 years experience
  • Proven leadership experience in a complex environment with multiple direct reports
  • Ability to oversee a high volume production team
  • Ability to demonstrate personal initiative and exceptional customer service
  • Ability to delegate, organize and plan effectively
  • Thorough understanding of retail accounting
  • Proficiency on HEB systems (XPTR, IMS, CICS2) preferred
  • Ability to supervise, train, and cross-train staff
  • Maintain sanitation standards throughout the work area

Kioku Restaurant Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Oversees all facets of the restaurant
  • Maintain and control a high level of guest service
  • Responsible for the hiring, training, supervising, and disciplining of the staff
  • Demonstrate exceptional F&B knowledge
  • Be visible in the operation, provide recognition, promote good public relations, and handle complaints, concerns or special requests for guests, clients, and group contacts
  • 2-5 years previous employment in a related position required
  • College degree preferably specializing in hotel/restaurant management
  • A working knowledge of guest service, cost control, labor control, menu writing, merchandising and accounting

Safehouse Restaurant Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Assists Manager in the direction and supervision of food servers, bus persons, host(esses), expeditors, and other staff in reference to schedules, service standards, training, motivation, and safety
  • Interview, select, train, supervise, counsel and discipline restaurant staff for the efficient operation of the outlet. Organize and conduct pre-shift and monthly departmental meetings communicating pertinent information to the staff, such as house count and menu changes. Schedule and direct staff in their work assignment
  • Maintain relationship with other departments in hotel
  • Daily tracking of emails, Q times, post shift, payroll, and administrative duties
  • Strong knowledge of Food / Beverage operations and preparation techniques
  • Knowledge of Beverage operations and wines
  • Ability to effectively deal with internal and external customers, some of whom will require high levels of patience, tact, and diplomacy to defuse anger, collect accurate information, and resolve conflicts
  • One to three years experience as a manager or assistant manager of restaurant operations

Restaurant Manager With Bakery Exp-greater Resume Examples & Samples

  • Lead all or some People aspects of a Panda Express restaurant including hiring, training, coaching, and development
  • Applies thorough knowledge of all policies, procedures and practices utilized within unit managed
  • Demonstrates knowledge of PRG operations and objectives
  • Bakery experience required, culinary experience preferred
  • Proactive – Sees life as choices and chooses to make a positive impact
  • Growth Oriented – knows that learning and growth are keys to personal and professional success and is willing and able to share learning with others
  • Results Oriented – focuses on getting results without compromising guest, people, and financial areas

Sb-haymaker Restaurant Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Three years supervisory experience in hospitality management with emphasis on F&B required
  • Point of Sale system experience required
  • RTP experience preferred
  • Proficiency with MS Office including Excel, Word, Outlook and Publisher required
  • Must have valid driver’s license without limitations or restrictions and meet company’s insurability standards (will be required to complete Motor Vehicle Record)
  • Must interact and maintain positive relationships with guests, co-workers and management consistent with SSRC’s Service Excellence standards
  • Oversee all phases of Haymaker F&B operations
  • Ability to physically participate in a fast paced environment in day to day front/back of house operations
  • Hires, trains, schedules and develops all members of the kitchen staff
  • Supervises, assigns and delegates tasks and gives direction to the kitchen staff throughout the shift
  • S/he must be able to safely operate kitchen equipment and have the ability to use knives appropriately
  • Can perform basic reading, math and measurement calculations in English

Restaurant Manager Waypost Deli Resume Examples & Samples

  • Maintains and encourages open communication between all team members in the dining room
  • Responsible for regulating and overseeing team member’s safety
  • Ensure that all Team Members are knowledgeable of and adhere to all PNK Service Standards
  • Execute and share all Food and Beverage department policies and procedures
  • Extraordinary customer service skills
  • Must be familiar with menu including drink list
  • Three (3) years supervisory experience
  • Able to maintain a valid state-issued Driver’s License and pass an MVR check
  • Motivate & Mentor: Lead, coach, and teach your team to be the best they can be
  • Drive Excellence: Deliver an amazing guest experience
  • Lead & Inspire Hospitality: Ensure guest satisfaction through unforgettable service and by living our message: “we are truly glad you are here and we will do everything we can to make you want to come back”

Lebanese Restaurant Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Supervising the levels of products and service, guest satisfaction, marketing, operating costs and hygiene
  • Coordinating and supervising the preparation, presentation and service of food and drinks to ensure the highest quality at all times
  • Attending Food and Beverage meetings relating to, but not limited to, the following: overall Food and Beverage financial results and profitability, projected business, operations results and problems, new policies, quality improvement, sales improvement and productivity improvement
  • Keeping up to date with industry trends, systems and best practice
  • Training and coaching of employees to enhance performance
  • Minimum 2 years experience in the same role in a 5* Hotel or from a reputed restaurant
  • Preferably Lebanese national
  • Excellent communication skills both written and verbal
  • Knowledge in Lebanese/Arabic cuisine

Asstistant Restaurant Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Coordinate and Market events for the bar & lounge
  • Inspect restaurant daily to ensure high quality food and food presentation and cleanliness
  • Ensure side work duties are complete and tables are set before, during and after operating hours
  • 1-2 years food service experience in a full service restaurant or similar setting preferred
  • 1-2 years supervisory experience required
  • Must be proficient in general computer knowledge, including a working knowledge of point of sale systems
  • Social Media Marketing experience preferred
  • Carrying or lifting up to 50 pounds

Restaurant Manager BR Prime Resume Examples & Samples

  • Supervise and coordinate activities of dining room staff to ensure that guests receive prompt and courteous service
  • Maintain contact with kitchen staff, serving staff, and customers to ensure that dining details are handled properly and customers' concerns are addressed
  • Responsible for Food Line Check – to constantly ensure that all ticket times and food quality meet Beau Rivage established standards
  • Determine financial and operation objectives for the department; assist in developing the budget and business plan; analyze profit and loss statements by comparing actual with forecasted performance to determine area's effectiveness
  • Manages and leads staff including hiring, scheduling, employee counseling, etc
  • Greets and seats guests when needed, and maintains a visible presence within restaurant
  • Must be able to perform all subordinate functions including Hostess, Food Server, Bus Person and Cashier
  • Performs other duties as required or assigned
  • Responsible for daily pre-shift meetings, as well as, conducting regular staff training meetings
  • Achieves all Service, Financial and Human Resource goals set forth by the Director of Restaurants
  • Must have exceptional communication, interpersonal and customer service skills
  • Must have strong leadership skills, table touching skills and be people centric
  • Must possess proficient computer skills including Word, Excel, Outlook and Access
  • Must have the ability to stay focused and set direction for team as well as follow directions
  • Must have professional appearance and demeanor
  • Must possess good recall, have people development skills to build and engage team
  • Must be creative and have the ability to speak, read and write English

Mason Street Grill Restaurant Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Maintain profitability of outlet to support hotel operations. Control payroll and equipment costs. Ensure par stock levels are maintained by calculating inventory, ordering and retrieving supplies
  • Maintain relationship with venders and fellow restaurants
  • Track all private parties
  • Track all menu abstracts for periods as well as YTD
  • Utilize POS computer to accurately charge customers and revenue reports. Input and retrieve data and change computer procedures using complex series of keypunches to program system
  • Directing and coordinating the activities of all assigned personnel and departmental responsibilities
  • Maintaining an appropriate level of community public affairs involvement
  • Assessing and reviewing the job performance of subordinates, and maintaining records of assigned employees according to policy
  • Daily tracking of emails, payroll, Q times, post shifts and other assigned duties
  • Ability to effectively deal with internal and external customers, some of whom will require high levels of patience, tact and diplomacy to defuse anger, collect accurate information and resolve
  • High school diploma required. College degree not required but equal work experience required
  • Position requires 2 years previous Food & Beverage and supervisory experience
  • Knowledge of Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint helpful, Outlook, and POS systems

Elysian Capitol Hill-restaurant Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Efficient and effective management of Elysian Cap Hill
  • Ensure quality of service of entire restaurant
  • Assist in all areas of operations related to the FOH

Assistant Glass Breakfast Restaurant Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • To maintain and promote a professional and high standard of conduct at all times within the team
  • To actively promote hotel initiatives and gain participation from team
  • To raise any areas of concern regarding team members with the Outlets Manager
  • To contribute to positive team member morale and participate, implement or create activities that enhance this
  • To ensure all necessary administration is carried out, including Kronos and daily report
  • To help maintain the presentation and cleanliness of Glass Brasserie, and ensure that team members are continually partaking in given duties and productivity is maximized
  • To monitor the completion of the cleaning roster on a weekly basis
  • To deal with any on shift problems in a professional and efficient manner ensuring that any major issues are escalated to the Outlets Manager as necessary
  • To support team members in effective complaint handling
  • To ensure the team are fully briefed on the shifts events so that they can adequately prepare
  • To run debriefs with the team after a shift
  • To manage all payroll and beverage cost effectively according to budgets and forecast
  • To monitor the correct billing and accounting of all transactions
  • To help maintain the profitability of operations and ensure that you are analysing all margins and cost prices
  • Provide the necessary leadership to ensure the WHS and IM provisions of the WHSIM system are carried out at all times and to the stated standard
  • Take the necessary management actions and make decisions, consistent with the intention of the WHS policy
  • Develop and implement plans, procedures and actions to ensure WHS policy objectives and targets are met
  • Ensure that minimum standards are established and maintained for plant, materials, equipment, product, buildings and Team member work activities
  • Discounts of up to 25% on products and services in participating Hilton outlets
  • Responsible for ensuring that all financial and personnel/payroll related administrative duties are completed accurately, on time and in accordance with company policies and procedures
  • Engage in ongoing development of management and staff while holding them accountable for performance and maintaining standards. This includes the use of new hire orientation, effective performance management and coaching and counseling to achieve desired employee behavior, consistent with company policies
  • Maintain a professional restaurant image at all times; ensure adherence to proper uniform and appearance standards
  • Continuously generate innovative new ideas and promotions to maximize and increase revenues; leverage local relationships to drives sales
  • Exhibit efficiency in completing job requirements through working with a sense of urgency, consolidating tasks, delegating and empowering others while managing their efforts
  • Ensure positive guest service in all areas. Investigate and respond to complaints, taking any and all appropriate actions to turn dissatisfied guest into return guests
  • Manage shifts which include: daily decision making, scheduling, planning while ensuring consistent high quality food preparation and service
  • Interview and hire new team members, while promoting growth and development of internal talent
  • Other duties as assigned to meet business needs

Full Service Restaurant Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Possess an understanding of offerings, instill passion in team members for menu offerings, break down knowledge barriers and educate team members so they can provide incredible service to guests
  • Implement new programs and menu items to create excitement amongst both guests and employees
  • Spend time on the dining room floor to build rapport with and assist guests, drive knowledge-based service, and create a positive and energetic atmosphere
  • Act as a knowledgeable resource on bar area operations for the bar staff; provide mentoring, training and coaching as necessary to ensure employees are exceeding the expected levels for food and service
  • 1 or more years of experience at the Team Leader level or above, or a prior supervisory/coordination role in a full-service restaurant work setting
  • Strong culinary, food and beverage knowledge
  • Managerial/ supervisory experience including but not limited to, interviewing, selection, disciplinary action, employee development and managing financials
  • Use available resources to pursue goals and challenges with the intent of achieving results, striving for continued excellence and taking appropriate risks (Managing the 5 Measures)
  • Possess strong listening skills and hear many points of view without bias, asking clarifying questions to check for understanding
  • Practice process management, organizing and coordinating activities and/ or people to get things done through execution and monitoring of recurring processes to achieve a high level of performance
  • Use personal experience and passion to act as a source of culinary knowledge to educate customers and employees while evaluating financials to ensure quality and maximize results
  • Degree in Food Service Management or Hospitality, or equivalent experience
  • Experience with providing excellence in service, having a guests first approach creating an experience in which guest want to return
  • Experience with a restaurant point of sales, inventory, system such as Micros, open table
  • Front of the house restaurant experience, including bar knowledge
  • Back of the house restaurant experience, including strong expo skills
  • Passion for food and beverage; knowledge of food and beverage pairings

Sb-bear River Restaurant Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Must have previous food and beverage experience
  • 1 years supervisory or manager experience in hospitality management (emphasis on Food and Beverage) required
  • Oversee all phases of restaurant operations, ensuring all facilities and equipment are in proper working order, maintain impeccable cleanliness standards, closely monitor opening and closing procedures for the restaurant
  • Manage employee or HR issues, for example attendance records, for front of house, culinary, cleaning staff, working closely with the Bear River’s Chefs; provide support in all staffing and scheduling requirements for Bear River and execute continued training of service standards for staff
  • Create weekly labor/revenue forecasts while working with Director on all staff payroll procedures and Kronos timekeeping and credit card tips reporting
  • Assist with Inventory of all on-site products in an accurate and timely manner and closely administer and monitor all theft prevention (shrinkage) procedures
  • Participate in food safety audits weekly and ensure that temperature checks are completed daily
  • Ensure understanding and compliance with all company policies and procedures as well as any regulatory requirements

Sb-hazie s Restaurant Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Proven guest relations and employee relation skills
  • Must have Microsoft Office proficiency to include Excel, Word, Outlook and Publisher programs
  • Oversee all phases of restaurant operations
  • Oversee all staffing/scheduling requirements
  • Oversee all employee or Human Resources issues, for example attendance records, performance reviews, for front of house, culinary, cleaning staff, working closely with the Banquet Manager and Chef
  • Implement training program of service standards for all staff
  • Create weekly labor/revenue forecasts. Manage all staff payroll procedures and Kronos timekeeping
  • Maintain accuracy of all banks, manage and audit all cashier open and close procedures
  • Perform inventory of on-site products in an accurate/timely manner; maintain beverage levels and ordering
  • Closely administer and monitor all theft prevention (shrinkage) procedures

Johnny Rockets Restaurant Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Achieves restaurant unit financial plan
  • Executes marketing plans and promotions
  • Hire and train all Johnny Rockets Team Members in accordance with company policies and procedures
  • Menu Engineering, Beverage Program management
  • Enforces and implements organization policies, goals, and federal, state, and local laws
  • Adheres to and upholds Company Policies and Procedures
  • Ability to work in a fast pace environment
  • Plan and review department work schedules
  • Make sure all locations are up to Department of Health standards are maintained at all times
  • Manages supervisors who supervise 60+ employees
  • Ensure that all requirements of the Johnny Rockets brand are maintained in day to day operations
  • 3 Years management experience in Restaurant industry
  • Exceptional work ethic and attention to detail
  • ServSafe or Food Safety Certification required
  • Must be able to lift a minimum of 25 pounds
  • Must be computer proficient
  • Knowledge of restaurant management concepts, labor management, P.O.S. systems, inventory control, safety/sanitation regulations, and labor laws
  • Must be able to work weekends, holidays, and other shifts as necessary
  • Valid Driver's License and a clear driving record
  • All other duties assigned or necessary to support the park as a whole

Restaurant Manager With International Experience Resume Examples & Samples

  • Launch new restaurant concept
  • Manage the outlet in a professional, efficient and flexible manner considering the standard of Operation
  • Strong focus on teaching and training the existing team

Restaurant Manager Trainee Resume Examples & Samples

  • Provides prompt, courteous customer service by discovering customer needs and management support
  • Manages food services in accordance with Department of Health and Company Standards
  • He/She effectively manages and grows the sales of the food service program; by directing sales, promoting, merchandising, and implementing new programs & communicating to vendors, managers, and other appropriate personal on marketing activities
  • Plans and prepares work schedules. Supervise coverage of shifts left vacant due to emergency or lack of food services personnel and fill as needed
  • Helps analyze financial data including shortage to identify business opportunities, determine proper action plan, and increase of sales
  • Monitors and ensures compliance with all contractual merchandise agreements and reports any discrepancies to management
  • Assists and supports management to promote strong sales, by focusing on the team. Assist in recruiting, hiring, training, and coaching to develop top performing team members. Ensures team members are current on product offerings and promotions
  • A minimum one year of retail, fast food, or sales management experience is required
  • Demonstrates ability to read, understand, and utilize profit or loss reports and other store reports to affect change
  • Demonstrate ability to communicate effectively with customers, team members, suppliers, vendors, and management on a daily basis
  • Ability to exercise sound judgment when receiving assignments, due dates, and general procedures
  • A substantial and successful track record in profitable food & beverage management while maintaining integrity and professional bearing
  • Possess knowledge of accounting and budgeting along with the ability to compile facts/figures and analyze information that involves data manipulation or interpretation to arrive at logical conclusions
  • Ability to anticipate and identify issues and exercise initiative to investigate, interpret and weigh alternatives to reach logical conclusions and make sound business decisions
  • Display consistent professional leadership while simultaneously handling competing and changing priorities and projects
  • Remain positive, resourceful and possess the ability to improvise while working in a fast-paced environment, sometimes under pressure
  • The ability to effectively and efficiently schedule, manage and delegate work
  • Appropriately and effectively interview, hire, motivate, develop, monitor and address staff performance matters
  • Possess excellent listening, verbal and written communication skills with professionalism, diplomacy and confidentiality

Hotel & Restaurant Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Establish all administrative and minimal human resource duties
  • Perform basic accounting, budgeting, credit policies, and complete all paperwork
  • Perform and maintain all databases for hotel ordering and inventory
  • Take a synergistic approach to procurement and shipping within the Organization Maintain all reports and correspondences
  • Cost control for: rooms, meals, employees, supplies and equipment
  • Allocate budget for all departments
  • Review all timesheets and limits over time hours for cost control and maintains work schedules
  • Maintain customer service for all guest and looks for ways to improve
  • Plans and coordinates with the Head Cook regarding restaurant and catering duties
  • Review purchases with Head Cook regarding food and supply orders
  • Take food orders in-person and over the phone
  • Maintain all advertising for restaurant and hotel
  • Oversee and/or process reservations, billing, and advance registration for private and commercial guests
  • Inspect rooms, hotel, and restaurant, grounds for safety, cleanliness, and appearance
  • Maintain and adhere to all policies and procedures
  • Carry out supervisory duties in accordance with the organization policies and applicable laws
  • Interview, hire, and train employees
  • Perform performance reviews and employee relations
  • Contribute to building a positive team
  • Other duties upon request
  • Associate’s degree in hospitality or related area (required)
  • 1-2 year’s experience in the hospitality and restaurant industry (required)
  • 1 year of supervisory and/or management skills (required)
  • Ability to work in a remote location on a 3-week rotational schedule
  • Must be able to interpret and disseminate documents such as safety, operations, maintenance, and manuals
  • Ability to calculate percentages, discounts, commissions, proportions, interests, etc
  • Interpersonal and excellent communication skills
  • Excellent customer service skills, ability to speak in front of a group
  • Must be proficient with Microsoft Suite: Word, Excel, Access, Outlook, and hotel programs
  • Must demonstrate a good attitude and ability to work as a member of a team
  • Position requires self-motivation and the ability to work effectively under a minimum of supervision
  • Must be able to multi-task efficiently, work in a fast paced environment on multiple projects, and have a strong attention for detail

Restaurant Manager Club / Starbucks Resume Examples & Samples

  • Ensures proper service
  • Extensive knowledge of restaurant operations, including menu planning, food, liquor and labor costing, budget, financial statements
  • Able to maintain a valid state-issued Driver's License and pass an MVR check
  • Must be able to pass a drug and background check

Restaurant Manager Table by Market District Resume Examples & Samples

  • Establish restaurant business plan by analyzing restaurant demand; benchmarking others in the community; identifying and evaluating competitors; preparing financial, marketing and sales projections
  • Control purchases and inventory, negotiate prices and contracts, develop preferred supplier and vendor lists, review and evaluate successes and opportunities
  • Make each guest a member of the Market District family by developing and implementing marketing, advertising, public and community outreach to make our restaurant the talk of the town! Evaluate results, and identify and track changing demands
  • Ensure that restaurant and bar quality, service and safety standards are met by recruiting, selecting, orienting, training, and coaching Restaurant team, communicating job expectations and making sure that everyone is putting their best foot forward each day!
  • Identify strengths and opportunities on the Restaurant team and think strategically when making moves and scheduling. Remember, leaders develop future leaders and we're counting on you to identify Team Members who are poised to rise through the ranks. Our people are our best asset!
  • Provide motivational leadership to an amazing team, focusing on respect, setting an exemplary example, and remembering that food is FUN! Recognition, team development and continuously raising the bar should be second nature in this role
  • Maintain professional and technical knowledge by tracking emerging trends in the restaurant industry, attending educational workshops, reviewing professional publications, establishing personal networks, and benchmarking state-of-the-art practices

Restaurant Manager Fine Dining Resume Examples & Samples

  • Extensive wine knowledge and ability to develop wine program
  • Monitor the staff levels and provide feedback to management on the assigned Associate’s performance and expertise. Assist in determining the appropriate training and/or disciplinary actions required to correct noted deficiencies for the associates within the department
  • Ensures outlet operations are run in a smooth, efficient manner to ensure customers satisfaction
  • Monitors job performances of all the associates and provides feedback on same to aid the associates in developing and enhancing skills
  • Ensure effective training is conducted with regards to pairing food with the right wine
  • Circulate through outlet and coordinate activities of service personnel to provide efficient and courteous service to guests
  • Understand financial reports and apply the information in a timely and practical fashion to improve the operation
  • Provides the highest quality of service to the customer at all times
  • Supervises and coordinates the activities of the dining room staff
  • Interprets company policies and provides a safe working environment by ensuring compliance with safety programs
  • Monitors and ensures compliance with all WHI policies and procedures
  • Ensures adherence to the Employee Conduct Policy
  • Interview applicants. Orients and trains new employees. Conducts ongoing training of all restaurant employees to increase job knowledge and skill level
  • Coaches and counsels employees to encourage positive behaviors and correct negative behaviors
  • Conducts regular department meetings to review new procedures and solicits input from all employees
  • Promotes teamwork and employee morale
  • Interprets job specifications to dining room and assigns duties
  • Initiates or suggests plans to motivate employees to achieve work-related goals
  • Monitors dining room uniform standards
  • After service training, assists in ensuring staff continues to learn the importance of excellent service
  • Inputs weekly payroll as required and properly stores previous week time cards. Completes weekly progress report and reconciles with payroll register
  • Counts bank and verifies amount
  • Prepares cash register for operation
  • Reads manager pass on log, checks schedule and calls in staff as needed
  • Unlocks all accessible areas and checks for cleanliness and operability
  • Makes assignments for shift to include extra cleaning assignments
  • Balances all credit cards at the close of the shift ensuring that each one has been approved for the appropriate amount and has been entered as a journal entry
  • Closes out register
  • Counts and locks up cash drawer
  • Makes appropriate notes in manager pass on log
  • Performs Manager on Duty activities as needed
  • Meets productivity and budgeted financial goals
  • Communication with staff and with other departments
  • Develops and implements suggestive selling programs and promotions
  • Assists staff when needed in order to best serve the guest
  • Meets with sales and food and beverage departments once a week to verify group forecast and orders any special services as needed
  • Briefs all employees at start of shift of special needs for the day or week
  • Makes sure that all liquor deliveries are put away in a timely manner
  • Assists in drawing up a master cleaning schedule, gives to each employee in writing and follows through on its procedure
  • Helps extend inventories
  • Wears proper uniform and name tag at all times in accordance with the Standards of Personal Appearance
  • Has a thorough knowledge of emergency procedures
  • Practices safety standards at all times
  • Is able to move items weighing up to 30 pounds
  • Other duties as assigned of which the employee is capable of performing

Restaurant Manager Salary Resume Examples & Samples

  • Ensure associates have current knowledge of outlet offerings, products, services, facilities, events, pricing and policies and knowledge of hotel and local area
  • Develop weekly staff work schedule, based on forecasted occupancy while monitoring labor costs in accordance with budget
  • Maintains regular attendance and is consistently on time
  • Personally demonstrates a commitment to customer service by anticipating and responding promptly to guest needs
  • Bachelor's degree (B. A.) from four-year college or university; or one to two years related experience and/or training; or equivalent combination of education and experience
  • Ability to write routine reports and correspondence
  • Ability to calculate figures and amounts such as discounts, interest, commissions, and percentages
  • Lift up to 25 lbs
  • Push / pull up to 25 pounds
  • Actively support the Theme experience
  • Company Philosophy Demonstrate knowledge of Meyer Jabaras Journey structure, its practices, culture, terminology, organizational and general structure
  • Assist in identifying and implementing a successful marketing plan for assigned outlets
  • Assume responsibility of daily operation of all assigned outlets
  • Assist in working toward positive financial results through effective use of forecast data, proper scheduling and responding to purchasing and requisition procedures, cash and credit policies and overall follow-up to issues that affect profit or loss
  • Ensuring that scheduling functions are performed accurately and on a timely basis
  • Demonstrate strong working knowledge of the department procedures
  • Portray a professional manner with regards to appearance, behavior, ethics, and compliance with policy
  • Promote effective people / supervisory skills by creating a positive and productive work environment
  • Develop associates for future promotion within the Meyer Jabara Family
  • Aid the Restaurant in completing month end inventories and menu abstracting
  • Preparing the monthly P&L Critique
  • Monthly Plans and Actions
  • Art of Hosting
  • Written/verbal communication skills
  • Highly Motivated

Miller Time Pub & Grill Restaurant Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Utilize POS system to accurately charge customers, track revenue reports and ensure timeliness of food and beverage. Input and retrieve data and change computer procedures using complex series of keypunches to program system
  • Implementing and maintaining hotel housekeeping, sanitation and cleanliness standards in all areas of the hotel
  • Maintain relationship with vendors
  • Administering sales promotion programs and employee sales incentive programs
  • Directing and coordinating the activities of all assigned personnel and departmental responsibilities in the restaurant
  • Ensuring the highest quality of food and beverage, and service related to the operation
  • Minimum two years of post high school education
  • Two+ years of full employment in a related position
  • Requires thorough knowledge of the restaurant/hotel practices and procedures in order to perform non-repetitive analytical work. May require knowledge of policies and procedures and the ability to determine course of action based on these guidelines. Supervision, management and communication skills are required
  • Requires ability to investigate and analyze current activities or information and make logical conclusions and recommendations. Ability to make decisions which are generally guided by established policy and procedures
  • Leadership skills to motivate and develop staff and to ensure accomplishment of goals
  • Able to set priorities, plan, organize, and delegate
  • Written communication skills to be concise, well organized, complete, and clear
  • Ability to work effectively under time constraints and deadlines
  • Ability to move throughout all food and beverage areas and continuously perform essential job functions
  • Command of the English language both written and verbal

Related Job Titles

resume job duties for restaurant manager

Samples › Restaurant General Manager

Restaurant General Manager Sample

Download and customize our resume template to land more interviews. Review our writing tips to learn everything you need to know for putting together the perfect resume.

Restaurant General Manager Resume Template 1

Not sure how to format your resume? Download our free guide and template .

Career advice featured in – Forbes, Glassdoor, Reader's Digest, MarketWatch, The CheatSheet

Restaurant General Managers handle many behind-the-scenes business functions. They recruit new personnel, oversee facility maintenance, build supplier relationships, set viable budgets and schedules, and monitor legal compliance, all while making sure the operation runs smoothly. In addition to their multitasking skills, general managers use top-notch leadership to motivate and align a team around shared objectives. 

Before you land your next role, you need a Restaurant General Manager resume that ticks all of the boxes. It’s about showing the hiring manager that you can do all of the above and more. So, where should you start? Get a leg up on the competition with a resume crafted by our professional writers. Read our expert writing tips and take a look at our resume example. 

How to write a resume

Looking to land a superb hospitality role? Perfecting your Restaurant General Manager resume is the answer. If it’s been a while since you last applied for a new job, don’t panic. Writing a great resume doesn’t have to be a challenge. There are some tried and true tips you can use that will help you along the way. 

Here’s the advice that you need to get ahead:

Start by doing your research 

Before you get started on your Restaurant General Manager resume, you need to do your research. It’s important that you know the company to which you are applying well. That means understanding their brand, their customers, and their vision. 

If you are applying to work at a chain – such as Olive Garden or Applebees – you can find all of this information online with ease. On the other hand, if you are applying to work at an independent restaurant, you may have to do some more sleuthing. Take a look at the business’ website, its social media accounts, and Google its name to see what comes up. 

Having a decent understanding of the business means that you can tailor your resume content to meet the hiring manager’s needs. Consider what they are looking for in a Restaurant General Manager and ensure that your resume touches on those points. 

Get the format on point 

The next step is about getting the format right. Every resume should include a header, a summary, an employment history, a skills section, and an education section. Take a look at our resume example below if you need to see how this looks on the page. You can also use the guides we have listed here to perfect every section of your next resume: 

How To Write Your Resume’s Work Experience Section

How To Write Your Resume’s Education Section

Good Skills To Put On Your Resume

You don’t want to give the hiring manager any surprises when it comes to your resume. For that reason, it’s safest to stick to a structure that they are likely to recognize. Using the above format will mean that they can easily see what skills and experience you have. 

Avoid flashy resumes!  

Think you can grab the attention of the hiring manager with a flashy resume? Think again. When you are writing your next application, using gimmicks is not the way to go. 

It’s smarter to keep things slick and professional. While certain creative resumes can help you to get ahead, it’s all too easy to get this part of the process wrong. You don’t want to fall into that trap and end up destroying your chances of landing your next job. 

Be sure to choose a template or design that is formal and plain. That way, the hiring manager can focus on the content of your resume, rather than the garish design.

Quantify your claims

Claiming that you’re the number one Restaurant General Manager in the district is all well and good… but can you prove it? Whenever you state something on your resume, look for ways that you can substantiate that claim. That may mean adding in some statistics, a timeline, or other facts. When you add evidence to your resume, it can make a world of difference. 

This is particularly important when it comes to your summary and work experience sections. In the bullet points below each job title, you should add information that is likely to impress the hiring manager. Include as much detail as you can here to win them over. 

Add in the right keywords

Many companies now use Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to help them manage a high volume of resumes. If you want to make sure your resume gets past the ATS , including the right keywords is a must. Refer to the original job posting and look out for any job-specific terms and phrases that the hiring manager has used there. Weaving these throughout the content of your resume could help you beat the bots and get past the software. 

It doesn’t end there. You also need to make sure that your resume is easy to read. Stick to the sections that we have outlined and use a structure that works well. Keep the format simple and use a font that is well-known. You don’t want to do anything that could potentially trip up the ATS software and lead to you getting an unwarranted rejection.  

Restaurant General Manager resume example 

By this point, you should have a good grasp on how to write a Restaurant General Manager resume. However, there’s one more thing that you need. So that you can perfect this art, take a look at our expertly-written resume example. You can use the below as a template when you are creating your own document. Follow the same structure and include these sections: 

City, State or Country if international

Phone | Email

LinkedIn URL


A dynamic, results-oriented Restaurant General Manager and Sales/Marketing Professional offering focused leadership to drive sales and profitability in highly competitive markets. Noted for outstanding communications skills, both with guests and staff; ability to resolve problems quickly and equitably to ensure satisfied customers and happy employees.  Consistently achieve performance goals through enthusiasm, tenacity and initiative.  Manager with the ability to motivate staff members and turn under-producing teams into record-breaking units. Well organized with a track record that demonstrates self-motivation, perseverance and the creativity to achieve both personal and corporate goals.


Cost Containment/Control

Customer Service

Facilities/Safety Management

Guest Relations

Loss Prevention

P & L Management



Quality Assurance

Restaurant Management

Staff Training

Team Building



COMPANY INC | CHICAGO, IL | 2015 to 2020


Manage operations for smooth functioning operation while maintaining a high standard of customer satisfaction

Responsible for the overall food and beverage operations by formulation of policies, business goals and exceeding revenue targets.

Focused on continuous staff training and development to ensure policies and procedures are followed

Developed close relationships with clients and analyzed their needs to develop and build menus and personalized events to ensure top level customer service, retention and referrals.

Ensure company standards for quality and service are exceeded by each team member

Effectively implemented new systems and procedures that increased sales by 20%

Responsible for the strategic marketing and advertising efforts that increase brand awareness, exposure and overall revenues by 30%

Assisted with interviewing, hiring, training, and development of qualified employees.

Managed front of house staff including servicers, bussers, hostesses and bartenders: had a record low turnover of 10% and through creative improvement initiatives, increased productivity by 40%

Managed back of house operations including food preparation, quality control and expediting: continuously achieved a 100% audit on xxx and a 98% customer service satisfaction on food quality and timing

Ensured quality and critical communication between the front and back of house: this resulted in a record number of nights with zero mistakes and increased revenues of over 130%

Created numerous in-store contests and promotions to increase sales, productivity and facilitate team building: ideas were so successful they were adopted by the corporate office and used for training purposes

Deal with customer complaints and concerns achieving record 100% customer satisfaction ratings

Worked directly with health inspectors and city officials to ensure that restaurant meets and exceeds local laws and codes: achieved a record rating of 100% for 6 audits

Created employee schedule to ensure labor hours fall within projected guidelines and accommodating numerous employee requests

COMPANY INC | CHICAGO, IL | 2012 to 2015

Provided maximum customer satisfaction and effective management of operations and supporting services by sustaining growth and quality while driving profitability.

Partnered with large booking agencies and hired local and national live acts to increase revenues and gain exposure

Responsible for controlling costs of material related to production and service

Maintained expenses below budget through accurate planning and waste reduction.

Initiated a positive approach to receiving customer feedback, satisfaction and address problems and concerns.

Achieves targets and goals resulting in an increase in sales by 30 percent.

Revitalized the Restaurant menu with financial viability in mind by developing and introducing new concepts.

Initiated a promotion by introducing a specialty cuisine attraction at the restaurant which increased foot traffic by 20%

Responsible for conducting sales calls, client visits, promotions and maintained relationships with suppliers

Ensured store stock levels were appropriate for operations and managed ordering of supplies

Hands on operator during peak hours

Trained staff on a regular basis on improving their customer service standards and Food and Beverage product knowledge, wines and spirits.

Increased annual revenues by 50% annually and took a declining market to high levels of sales within one year

Exceeded corporate and personal quotas on a consistent basis

Developed lasting relationships with contacts at which prove to be an excellent referral source

Complete School Name, City, St/Country: List Graduation Years If Within the Last Ten Years Complete Degree Name (Candidate) – Major (GPA: List if over 3.3)

R elevant Coursework List coursework taken (even include those you are planning on taking)

Awards/Honors: List any awards, honors or big achievements

Clubs/Activities: List clubs and activities in which you participated

Relevant Projects: List 2-3 projects you have worked on

Key hard & soft skills for a Restaurant General Manager 

Restaurant General Managers have to keep everything moving in the right direction. You might say that it’s a tall order. When you are writing your resume, you need to prove that you have what it takes to succeed. Including a mixture of hard and soft skills is the only option. 

Hard skills apply directly to the hospitality industry. For example, “cost containment/control” and “P&L management” are in this category. Soft skills, on the other hand, are transferable. These may include “excellent communication” or “team building”. If you’re not sure which skills to include on your Restaurant General Manager resume, here are some ideas: 

​​Budgeting & Cost Accounting

Conflict Resolution

Customer Service & Satisfaction

Employee Scheduling

Food & Beverage Operations

Guest Relations & Communications

Marketing & Advertising

Menu Development

New System Implementation

Productivity Improvement

Regulatory Compliance

Staff Training & Motivation

Supplier & Vendor Relations

Talent Recruiting & Retention

Summary & last words

Creating a Restaurant General Manager resume that lands you an interview is not easy. However, there are some ways that you make sure that you get ahead of the game. In this guide, we have shared a stellar resume example along with the tips that you need. You can use all of the above to help you when you’re writing your next application. If you want to make sure that you get ahead, you can use one of our trusted professional resume writers.

Introduction to ZipJob: Professional resume writers

Here at ZipJob, we want to empower you to take your hospitality career to new heights. Our expert team boasts a full-service resume writing offering. Over the years, we have helped 3,000+ professionals across 65 different industries reach their professional goals. Whatever your ambitions are, we will work alongside you to get you to where you want to be. If you’re ready to start investing in your professional future, there's no time like the present. We have a selection of different packages, depending on what you need. Land more interviews and get hired faster than ever now.

Why you should make use of our resume writing services to land your next Restaurant General Manager job

As a Restaurant General Manager, it’s your job to keep all of the plates spinning in sync. That’s hard enough without having to worry about writing a stellar resume that lands you interviews. If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to get ahead, trust one of our expert resume writers. We can do the hard work for you, meaning that you can focus on finding the right role for you. Our team knows the ins and outs of the hospitality world and can help you.

Resume writing service for a Restaurant General Manager: Let us write your resume

The ZipJob resume writing service is the key to your success. Our team understands the hospitality industry, and so knows what hiring managers are seeking in resumes. If you are looking for a way to get ahead of the competition, trusting us to do the work for you is the way to go. We will help you create an interview-winning Restaurant General Manager resume that converts. Regardless of what career aspirations you have, we are the perfect partner – helping you reach and even exceed your goals in the long term.

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Front of House Restaurant Manager - Fourways

Job description, similar jobs to front of house restaurant manager - fourways, related searches.

Restaurant Leader- General Manager New Location!

Job description.

Here we grow again! Raising Canes is coming to Clarkville this fall and looking for Leaders to join our team!

Starting from $65,000 annually plus monthly training incentive of $1500* *Pay is based on location, experience, and qualifications etc. *Monthly incentives after training vary and are based on restaurant profitability At Raising Cane’s Chicken Fingers® we serve only the best tasting and most craveable chicken finger meals. It’s our ONE LOVE®. Our Crew makes it happen, our Culture makes it unique and the Community makes it all worthwhile.

Every talented Crewmember in our restaurants is important to our success and a value to our rapidly growing company. We all work with a sense of purpose and focus on our chicken finger meals, customers, crew, communities and company culture. We are constantly striving to raise the bar. The future for Raising Cane’s is growth focused and we’re on the path to being one of the top ten restaurant companies in the United States.

Your Role at Raising Cane’s:

The Restaurant Leader is responsible for strategic direction for their restaurant and must maintain operations standards and drive results through people development, sales and profit growth. This role is tasked with teaching, modeling and upholding Raising Cane’s culture standards for all crewmembers, customers and partners.

The physical work environment includes working in a fast-paced kitchen and interacting with and serving customers. This requires extended periods of physical exertion such as walking, standing and lifting. It also includes working both inside and outside in varied temperatures, with and around food products and common allergens, industrial equipment, commercial cleaning products, and requires use of personal protective equipment and ergonomic activities necessary to complete the job function.

Benefits offered for all Full-time Restaurant Managers:

  • Medical, Dental, Vision & Pharmacy Benefits
  • Dependent Care & Healthcare Flexible Spending Account
  • Pet Insurance
  • 401(k) With Employer Match (age 21 & older)
  • Tuition Reimbursement
  • Short-term & Long-term Disability
  • Crewmember Assistance Program

Perks & Rewards for Restaurant Managers:

  • Weekly Pay!
  • Competitive pay + monthly bonus
  • Paid Time Off & Sick time
  • 8 paid Holidays a year
  • Early closure for company events
  • Casual Work Attire
  • Perkspot Employee Discount Program

Your Impact and Responsibilities:

  • Ensures overall financial success of the restaurant and is responsible for forecasting and budgeting
  • Ensures overall restaurant compliance to company standards, policies and laws
  • Hires and terminates management-level crewmembers including status change and payroll process
  • Creates crewmember work and training schedules
  • Develops management-level crewmembers including performance management
  • Acts as manager on duty, opens and closes the restaurant, manages cash handling
  • Monitors profit and loss statements, develops and executes strategy in all areas of financial and operational performance
  • Enforces Raising Cane’s policies and standards
  • Uses required tools, forms and logs to support shift execution, document results and take corrective action when needed
  • Deploys crewmembers during a shift and provides exemplary customer service
  • Utilizes reward and recognition program for the crewmembers in the restaurant
  • Authorizes employee functions requiring manager approval (e.g. discounts, timeclock overrides, etc.)
  • Ensures cleanliness of the restaurant and ensures the facility is in good working order
  • Achieves and maintains training restaurant status
  • Achieves “meets expectations” or better metrics in all crewmember and operations performance metrics
  • Completes other duties as assigned

Requirements for Success:

  • Detail-oriented, organized and able to manage multiple priorities that may be constantly changing
  • Self-driven, flexible, and highly energetic with strong analytical, written and verbal communication skills
  • Able to work effectively and efficiently both independently and collaboratively
  • Able to recognize and analyze problems, set goals, create plans and convert plans into action to solve problems
  • Proficient in a variety of technology systems including Microsoft Office (Excel, Word and Outlook) and ability to learn and adapt to new systems quickly
  • Able to work a variety of shifts including days, evenings and weekends and travel as needed for work-related functions and training
  • 3+ years of restaurant or retail management experience
  • New restaurant opening experience preferred
  • Must be 18 years of age or older
  • High school diploma or equivalent required, some college preferred
  • Possess a valid driver's license

Raising Cane’s appreciates & values individuality. EOE

Application Instructions

Please click on the link below to apply for this position. A new window will open and direct you to apply at our corporate careers page. We look forward to hearing from you!

Share This Page

Posted : 5/29/2024

Job Reference # : 2024107205

If you have a disability and you wish to discuss potential accommodations related to applying for employment, please contact us by calling 972-769-3100 (and ask for Crew Relations) or emailing [email protected] .

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Restaurant Globus

resume job duties for restaurant manager

RESTAURANT GLOBUS, Elektrostal - Restaurant Reviews & Photos - Tripadvisor


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  • Moscow Oblast


Elektrostal Localisation : Country Russia , Oblast Moscow Oblast . Available Information : Geographical coordinates , Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel . Nearby cities and villages : Noginsk , Pavlovsky Posad and Staraya Kupavna .


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Elektrostal Demography

Information on the people and the population of Elektrostal.

Elektrostal Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Elektrostal .

Elektrostal Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Elektrostal and the biggest cities of Russia.

Elektrostal Map

Locate simply the city of Elektrostal through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Elektrostal Nearby cities and villages

Elektrostal weather.

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Elektrostal Sunrise and sunset

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Elektrostal Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Elektrostal classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Elektrostal Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Elektrostal and its surroundings.

Elektrostal Page

Russia Flag

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  • Distance /Russian-Federation--Moscow-Oblast--Elektrostal#dist1
  • Map /Russian-Federation--Moscow-Oblast--Elektrostal#map
  • Nearby cities and villages /Russian-Federation--Moscow-Oblast--Elektrostal#dist2
  • Weather /Russian-Federation--Moscow-Oblast--Elektrostal#weather
  • Sunrise and sunset /Russian-Federation--Moscow-Oblast--Elektrostal#sun
  • Hotel /Russian-Federation--Moscow-Oblast--Elektrostal#hotel
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  • Page /Russian-Federation--Moscow-Oblast--Elektrostal#page
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Current time by city

For example, New York

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For example, Japan

Time difference

For example, London

For example, Dubai


For example, Hong Kong

For example, Delhi

For example, Sydney

Geographic coordinates of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia

City coordinates

Coordinates of Elektrostal in decimal degrees

Coordinates of elektrostal in degrees and decimal minutes, utm coordinates of elektrostal, geographic coordinate systems.

WGS 84 coordinate reference system is the latest revision of the World Geodetic System, which is used in mapping and navigation, including GPS satellite navigation system (the Global Positioning System).

Geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude) define a position on the Earth’s surface. Coordinates are angular units. The canonical form of latitude and longitude representation uses degrees (°), minutes (′), and seconds (″). GPS systems widely use coordinates in degrees and decimal minutes, or in decimal degrees.

Latitude varies from −90° to 90°. The latitude of the Equator is 0°; the latitude of the South Pole is −90°; the latitude of the North Pole is 90°. Positive latitude values correspond to the geographic locations north of the Equator (abbrev. N). Negative latitude values correspond to the geographic locations south of the Equator (abbrev. S).

Longitude is counted from the prime meridian ( IERS Reference Meridian for WGS 84) and varies from −180° to 180°. Positive longitude values correspond to the geographic locations east of the prime meridian (abbrev. E). Negative longitude values correspond to the geographic locations west of the prime meridian (abbrev. W).

UTM or Universal Transverse Mercator coordinate system divides the Earth’s surface into 60 longitudinal zones. The coordinates of a location within each zone are defined as a planar coordinate pair related to the intersection of the equator and the zone’s central meridian, and measured in meters.

Elevation above sea level is a measure of a geographic location’s height. We are using the global digital elevation model GTOPO30 .

Elektrostal , Moscow Oblast, Russia


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    Resume Examples That Worked in 2024. If not for restaurant managers, nothing would get done in the restaurant industry. You hire personnel, coordinate schedules, order supplies, facilitate a warm environment, and maintain the budget. Your job helps shape modern social relations, community, city structure, and economy.

  3. Restaurant Manager Resume Example, Job Description, & Skills

    3. Write a Great Restaurant Manager Job Description and Restaurant Manager Skills Sections. We've now come to the employment history section, the main dish of the multiple-course dinner that is the resume. And— Like any main dish, the restaurant manager job description on a resume is the largest portion and the likeliest to leave an aftertaste.

  4. Restaurant Manager Resume Examples and Template for 2024

    A restaurant manager ensures a smooth production for dining establishments. When you find a job as a restaurant manager, read the job description to help you create a resume that aligns with the employer's specific requirements. Learning the steps for writing a restaurant manager resume can help you appeal to hiring managers and give you a greater chance of getting an interview.

  5. 6 Great Restaurant Manager Resume Examples

    Good example: " Experienced restaurant manager with a proven track record of increasing customer satisfaction, reducing costs, and boosting profits. Skilled in developing and implementing efficient processes, leading teams, and creating an inviting atmosphere. Adept at training and motivating staff to provide excellent customer service and ...

  6. Restaurant Manager Job Description [+2024 TEMPLATE]

    Restaurant Manager responsibilities include maintaining the restaurant's revenue, profitability and quality goals. You will ensure efficient restaurant operation, as well as maintain high production, productivity, quality, and customer-service standards. To be successful in this role, you'll need management skills and experience in both ...

  7. Restaurant Manager Resume Examples and Templates for 2024

    Add your restaurant manager experience with compelling examples. For each past restaurant manager job, describe how you kept the facility running smoothly. List relevant duties you held, such as overseeing kitchen staff, honing restaurant systems, or ensuring diners' satisfaction with the food and service. Also, detail any improvements you made.

  8. Restaurant Manager Resume Example & Tips for Writing

    Here's an example from our restaurant manager resume that shows strong leadership abilities: Hired, trained, and coached 50+ staff members on customer service skills and food and beverage knowledge in preparation for the July 20XX restaurant grand opening.

  9. Restaurant Manager Resume Examples & Writing Tips (2024)

    The bottom 10 percent earned less than $33,880, while the top 10 percent made more than $94,770. According to Payscale, another aggregator of salary info, the median income for each job below is as follows: Statistical insight. General manager: $50,353 a year. Restaurant manager: $47,521 a year.

  10. Restaurant Manager Resume: Examples, Templates and Tips

    Using action words in your resume, such as "optimized," "enhanced," and "mentored," can emphasize your impact and enthusiasm in restaurant management. Here's an example of a strong restaurant manager work experience section: Restaurant Manager, The Urban Bistro. Los Angeles, CA. June 2017 - Present.

  11. 25 Restaurant Manager Resume Examples with Helpful Tips

    Sample Job Descriptions for Restaurant Manager Resumes. Restaurant managers play a crucial role in ensuring the smooth operation of restaurants. They are responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations of a restaurant and ensuring customer satisfaction. Below is a list of typical duties and responsibilities for a restaurant manager:

  12. Restaurant Manager Resume Guide + Tips + Example

    Chicago, IL 60018. (555) 555-5555. [email protected]. Professional Summary. Experienced restaurant manager bringing more than 11 years of food service and progressive leadership experience. Maintains budget controls and coverage needs to achieve business targets and provide high-quality operations support.

  13. 7 Restaurant Resume Examples That Worked in 2024

    7 Restaurant Resume Examples. That Worked in 2024. Stephen Greet March 7, 2024. As a restaurant worker, you provide the foundation of success for a restaurant to survive, thrive, and nurture communities. Whether an entry-level restaurant worker or a field veteran, you're reliable, levelheaded, and an expert at communicating.

  14. Restaurant Manager Resume Examples & Samples for 2024

    Restaurant Manager Resume Examples. Restaurant Managers make sure that the kitchen is running effectively, that the food is satisfactory, and that the staff is taking adequate care of the customers. Skills associated with sample resumes of Restaurant Managers include overseeing 20 employees daily on the floor of restaurant, handling all guest ...

  15. Restaurant Manager Resume Samples

    Restaurant Manager Resume Examples & Samples. Manage the day-to-day activities and assignments of food and beverage staff, ensure proper coverage, develop and communicate departmental strategies and goals, and assign/prioritize work. Communicate and enforce policies and procedures with all staff.

  16. 11 Skills To Include On Your Restaurant Manager Resume

    The following skills can be highlighted on a restaurant manager resume: 1. Verbal communication skills. As a restaurant manager, you need to be able to effectively communicate with your staff, suppliers, the restaurant owner and customers. Having great verbal communication skills can make your job easier and help your business thrive.

  17. Restaurant Manager Job Description [Updated for 2024]

    Restaurant Manager Job Duties: Recruit, interview, hire and train bar staff. Interact with customers to develop loyalty and handle customer concerns. Contribute to creating bar menus with co-manager. Ensure staff is following all food control and safety regulations. Maintain restaurant reservation system.

  18. Restaurant General Manager Resume Example, Tips, & Tricks

    Restaurant General Manager resume example By this point, you should have a good grasp on how to write a Restaurant General Manager resume. However, there's one more thing that you need. So that you can perfect this art, take a look at our expertly-written resume example. You can use the below as a template when you are creating your own document.

  19. Front of House Restaurant Manager

    Restaurant Manager - Kempton Park. 05/26/2024. Salary 15.000,00 ZAR Monthly. Johannesburg, Gauteng. Restaurant Careers. Busy Restaurant in Kempton Park is looking for a senior front of house manager. Must have experience in a busy Restaurant environment with extensive knowledge of Restaurant floor management.

  20. Restaurant Leader- General Manager New Location! job in Clarksville, TN

    Job Description. Here we grow again! Raising Canes is coming to Clarkville this fall and looking for Leaders to join our team! Starting from $65,000 annually plus monthly training incentive of $1500*. *Pay is based on location, experience, and qualifications etc. *Monthly incentives after training vary and are based on restaurant profitability.

  21. Assistant Restaurant Manager Resume Example (With How-To Guide ...

    How to write an assistant restaurant manager resume. Use these steps to help you create an assistant restaurant manager resume: 1. Provide contact information. At the top of your document, list the information that employers can use to reach out to you. This includes your full name, email address, phone number and location.

  22. Best 15 Home & House Stagers in Elektrostal', Moscow Oblast, Russia

    Search 23 Elektrostal' home & house stagers to find the best home stager for your project. See the top reviewed local home stagers in Elektrostal', Moscow Oblast, Russia on Houzz.

  23. RESTAURANT GLOBUS, Elektrostal

    Review. Share. 67 reviews. #2 of 28 Restaurants in Elektrostal $$ - $$$, European, Contemporary, Vegetarian Friendly. Fryazevskoye Hwy., 14, Elektrostal Russia. + Add phone number + Add website + Add hours Improve this listing. There aren't enough food, service, value or atmosphere ratings for Restaurant Globus yet.

  24. Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia

    Elektrostal Geography. Geographic Information regarding City of Elektrostal. Elektrostal Geographical coordinates. Latitude: 55.8, Longitude: 38.45. 55° 48′ 0″ North, 38° 27′ 0″ East. Elektrostal Area. 4,951 hectares. 49.51 km² (19.12 sq mi) Elektrostal Altitude.

  25. Department Manager Resume Example (With Tips)

    Here is a sample resume specifically tailored for department managers who have more than three years of experience: Contact Chuck Ferris. Chicago, IL | 304-555-0192 | [email protected] Summary Experienced department manager with a demonstrated track record of success in team leadership, strategic planning and operations management.

  26. Geographic coordinates of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia

    Geographic coordinates of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia in WGS 84 coordinate system which is a standard in cartography, geodesy, and navigation, including Global Positioning System (GPS). Latitude of Elektrostal, longitude of Elektrostal, elevation above sea level of Elektrostal.