Parts of Speech

  • What is a noun?
  • A noun is a person, place, thing or idea
  • What are some examples of nouns?
  • Dancer (person)
  • Street (place)
  • Lamp (thing)
  • Freedom (idea)
  • How is a proper noun different?
  • A proper noun is a noun that is specific to one person, place, thing or idea. In short, a proper noun is a name.
  • Mrs. Etter (person)
  • Winnetka (place)
  • Snuggie (thing)
  • What is a pronoun?
  • A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun in a sentence.
  • What are some examples of pronouns?
  • What does that look like in a sentence?
  • Mrs. Etter went to lunch.
  • She went to lunch.
  • What is a verb?
  • A verb is a word that identifies an action, movement or state of being.
  • What are some examples of verbs?
  • What about the forms of “to be”? Example: is, was, were & are.
  • Yes, these are verbs. They all describe a state of being and are therefore verbs
  • Example: Sam is nice
  • What about odd ones like “will”, “shall”, “could”, “would”, “must”, “may”, “might”, etc?
  • Yes, these are also verbs. They are called “modal verbs” and are usually seen helping another verb along.
  • Example: I think we will go to the party.
  • What are the verbs in this sentence?
  • What is an adjective?
  • An adjective is a word that modifies or describes a noun. In other words, it is a word that makes a noun more specific.
  • What are some examples of adjectives?
  • Which of the following words are adjectives?
  • The dancing, purple dog sat beside his house
  • What is an adverb?
  • An adverb is a word that is used to modify (further describe) a verb, adjective or other adverb.
  • What are some examples of adverbs?
  • Which of the following words are adverbs?
  • The sun often rises above the extremely green horizon, very rapidly casting an orange glow over the world.
  • What is a preposition?
  • Shows a relationship, often physical, spatial or concerning time, between two nouns or pronouns in a sentence.
  • What are some examples of prepositions?
  • Which of the following words are prepositions?
  • The cat went to the store. The store was past the park. He passed over the bridge on his way.


  • What is a conjunction?
  • A word that is used to join words, phrases or clauses.
  • What are some examples of conjunctions?
  • Which of the following words are conjunctions?
  • The hunter and his friend went camping because they enjoy the outdoors. They paid for the campsite ahead of time so that they could reserve it. It was either that or just show up and hope for the best.


  • What is an interjection?
  • An interjection is a single word that is used to express emotion. It is usually separated from the sentence by an exclamation point or a comma.
  • What are some examples of interjections?
  • Which of the following words are interjections?
  • Ow! You stepped on my toe!
  • Eek! I saw a mouse!
  • Hey, do you know when class starts tomorrow?


  • What is an article?
  • An article is a word that identifies or specifies a noun. It proceeds the noun in a sentence.
  • What are some examples of articles?
  • There are only three articles:
  • Which of the following words are articles?
  • The cat sat beside a river and caught a fish.

Identify each word in the sentence by its correct part of speech

The cat ran quickly down the stairs

Article noun verb adverb preposition article noun

What parts of speech do we have here?

Beside the lake sat the beautiful princess.

Preposition article noun verb article adjective noun

Carol and Lisa were laughing at his haircut.

Proper noun conjunction proper noun verb verb preposition adjective noun

Ugh! You are so mean!

Interjection Pronoun verb adverb adjective

The very angry teacher slammed her books on the table.

Article adverb adjective noun verb adjective noun preposition article noun

Who was spreading that rumor?

Pronoun verb verb adjective noun

Everyone went to the party but me.

Pronoun verb preposition article noun conjunction pronoun.

My house is between the slowly flowing river and the school.

Adjective noun verb preposition article adverb adjective noun conjunction article noun

Someone was calling your phone.

The black car was somewhat noisy and old.

Article adjective noun verb adverb adjective conjunction adjective.

She was standing against the wall.

Pronoun verb verb preposition article noun

What are we having for dinner?

Pronoun verb pronoun verb preposition noun

They always arrive before noon.

Pronoun adverb verb preposition noun

She and I went to the store on Tuesday.

Pronoun conjunction pronoun verb preposition article noun preposition Proper noun

I had a very scary dream about you.

Pronoun verb article adverb adjective noun preposition pronoun

Jenny nor Sally could come to the dance.

Proper noun conjunction proper noun verb verb preposition article noun.

We sometimes go there after school.

Pronoun adverb verb noun preposition noun

parts of speech

Parts of Speech

Oct 09, 2014

16.67k likes | 35.81k Views

Parts of Speech. Grammar Review/ Introduction. 8 parts of speech. Noun Pronoun Verb Adjective Adverb Conjunction Preposition Interjection. What are parts of speech?. Definition: words that label the various kinds of words in a sentence

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Presentation Transcript

Parts of Speech Grammar Review/ Introduction

8 parts of speech • Noun • Pronoun • Verb • Adjective • Adverb • Conjunction • Preposition • Interjection

What are parts of speech? • Definition: words that label the various kinds of words in a sentence • A word’s meaning & position in a sentence determine what part of speech it is. • Some words change depending on the context. Ex: ridecan be a verb or a noun.

Nouns FUNCTION EXAMPLES • Words that name persons, animals, places, things, or ideas • Proper nouns name particular people, animals, places, or things—they are almost always capitalized • Singular or plural form (#) • Woman, desk, teacher, student, bear, mountain, personality, religion, city, country, happiness • Ms. Schonhar, Greer Middle College, California, Mt. Everest, Furman University, etc. • Girl (singular) vs. girls (plural)

NOUN PRACTICE Circle the nouns (and determine whether singular—S—or plural—P) and underline the proper nouns. Charlie was so excited to go to school at Greer Middle College this August. He had planned for weeks to wear his snazzy blue shirt and Nike shoes. While he was enthusiastic about school, his sister was not. Susie did everything she could to avoid getting into the car that morning. She even hid under the covers and hoped her mom wouldn’t find her. That was a bad plan. Eventually, the siblings went to school and everything was fine! Who needs to worry about such things as school?

PRONOUNS FUNCTION EXAMPLES • A substitute for a noun (or for another pronoun). The word that the pronoun replaces it called its antecedent. • If the assignment is long, it will require some planning. • Here, it is the pronoun, and assignment is its antecedent. • Personal—I, me, we, us, you, she, he, him, they, it, etc. • Demonstrative— this, these, that, those • Interrogative—which, who, whose, etc. • Indefinite— each, many, none, one, some, both, anyone, neither, everything, etc. • Possessive—his, her, my, our, your, their, its

PRONOUN PRACTICE Highlight the pronouns and draw an arrow to their antecedents (if applicable). Also, write P if the pronoun is personal, D if it is demonstrative, INT if it is interrogative, IND if it is indefinite, and POS if it is possessive. Charlie was so excited to go to school at Greer Middle College this August. He had planned for weeks to wear his snazzy blue shirt and Nike shoes. While he was enthusiastic about school, his sister was not. Susie did everything she could to avoid getting into the car that morning. She even hid under the covers and hoped her mom wouldn’t find her. That was a bad plan. Eventually, the siblings went to school and everything was fine! Who needs to worry about such things as school?

VERBS FUNCTION EXAMPLES Describes an action or state of being Tenses—example Present Past Progressive Perfect Future • Changes to show: • Person=who did it (i.e. I writevs She writes) • Number= one or more? (i.e. he singsvs They sing) • Tense= when it happens (i.e. She arguesvs She argued) • Voice= acting or acted upon (i.e. She paid the bill vs The bill was paid) • Mood= speaker’s stance toward action (i.e. I am awesome vs If I were awesome)

VERB PRACTICE In the following paragraph, circle the verbs. Also, indicate if the verb is past, present, progressive, or perfect. Sarah participates well in class. While she disliked middle school, she truly enjoys high school. Sarah’s favorite thing about high school is the lunch; she loves Zaxby’s! Her friend Ruby is running cross country for GMC, and she has practiced every day with the team for a few weeks now. Sarah is not a fan of running, but she likes to exercise. Maybe Sarah will go to tryouts for golf, if her mom approves.

ADJECTIVES FUNCTION EXAMPLES • Adjectives modify (limit the meaning of) nouns and pronouns • They describe, identify, or quantify (#) these words • **Adjectives usually come before the words they modify, though they may follow verbs • ***Articles (a, an, the) are also adjectives • Thegreen Jeep ran off the road. • That Jeep has a flat tire. • I saw several Jeeps drive by. • Thedefective car was in the shop. • The car was defective. • I saw the car drive by.

ADJECTIVE PRACTICE Circle the adjectives and draw arrows to the nouns/pronouns they modify. 1. Stephen seemed angry after he finished the new book. 2. Martin’s diligent studying has made the difference in his grade. 3. Before the next meeting, the president will meet with the marketing staff. 4. Alabama’s governor replied quickly to the blunt question. 5. Their old dog has stopped retrieving the daily newspaper. 6. The painted dresser, which looked blue last evening, has green highlights. 7. The conductor was completely delighted with our strong performance. 8. Professor Dumbledore made a surprise announcement: Harry would compete in the upcoming tournament. 9. They answered the challenging questions but missed the easy ones. 10. Ted’s father generously provided him a weekly allowance.

ADVERBS FUNCTION EXAMPLES • Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, other adverbs, or entire clauses. Many adverbs end in –ly, though some don’t (always, never, very, well, etc.). • Tell how, when, or, where something happens • John recently visited his father in Greer. • It was unexpectedly exciting. • He verysoon discovered Jones Gap. • Frankly, he would have stayed another month.

ADVERB PRACTICE Underline the verb(s). Circle the adverb(s) in the sentences below. Be sure to find adverbs modifying adjectives/entire clauses as well. 1. Scott carefully completed his obnoxiously lengthy homework. 2. We’re going to the store today. 3. The sad dog ran away. 4. Noisily, the helicopter flew in the sky. 5. We often eat dinner with our family. 6. My parents are happily married. 7. He quickly closed the door. 8. Later, we will have an expertly prepared dinner. 9. Before their wedding, the happily engaged couple saved their money.


CONJUNCTIONS FUNCTION EXAMPLES Conjunctionsconnect words or groups of words to each other and tell something about the relationships between these words. Coordinating Conjunctions join equal structures (i.e. two or more nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, phrases, or clauses) Correlative Conjunctions join equal elements in pairs Subordinating Conjunctions show the relationship between an adverb clause (usually dependent) and another clause (independent) Coordinating Conjunctions: For And Nor But Or Yet So FANBOYS Correlative Conjunctions: Both/And Neither/ Nor Either/Or Not only/But also Just as/So Whether/Or Subordinating Conjunctions: Sweat ran down my face while I searched for my child. After, although, as, as if, because, before, even though, if, in order that, once, since, so that, than, though, unless, until, when, where, whether, while

Conjunction practice #1 Circle the conjunctions, and try to identify which type of conjunction each is. 1. I like apples and bananas. 2. You can come to the meeting as long as you don’t say anything. 3. We are losing now, but I think our team will win in the long run. 4. Both Jeremy and Joshua have red hair. 5. Keep your hand on the wound until the nurse tells you to remove it. 6. I didn’t study, so I will probably fail this quiz. 7. I am not only a daughter, but also a friend. 8. If it rains on Sunday, I will not be able to drive. 9. Neither my mother nor my father will be able to attend the parent-teacher conference.

Conjunction practice #2 Write your own sentences using the type of conjunction listed. Underline the conjunction used. 10. Coordinating 11. Correlative 12. Subordinating 13. Your choice! Label it.


Prepositions FUNCTION EXAMPLES Prepositions express relationships (in time, space, or other senses) between nouns or pronouns and other words in a sentence. Common Prepositions: About ByNear Above Between On Across DuringThrough At In Over Behind Into With We did not want to leave during the game. The contestants waited nervously for the announcement. Drive across the bridge, and go down the avenue past three stoplights.

PREPOSITIONS PRACTICE Circle or highlight all of the prepositions you can find. Feel free to just highlight the preposition at the beginning of the phrase. Francis Macomber had, half an hour before, been carried to his tent from the edge of the camp in triumph on the arms and shoulders of the cook, the personal boys, the skinner and the porters. The gun-bearers had taken no part in the demonstration. When the native boys put him down at the door of his tent, he had shaken all their hands, received their congratulations, and then gone into the tent and sat on the bed until his wife came in. She did not speak to him when she came in and he left the tent at once to wash his face and hands in the portable wash basin outside and go over to the dining tent to sit in a comfortable canvas chair in the breeze and the shade.

Prepositions practice answers Francis Macomber had, half an hour before, been carried to his tent from the edge of the camp in triumph on the arms and shoulders of the cook, the personal boys, the skinner and the porters. The gun-bearers had taken no part in the demonstration. When the native boys put him down at the door of his tent, he had shaken all their hands, received their congratulations, and then gone into the tent and sat on the bed until his wife came in. She did not speak to him when she came in and he left the tent at once to wash his face and hands in the portable wash basin outside and go over to the dining tent to sit in a comfortable canvas chair in the breeze and the shade.


INTERJECTIONS FUNCTION EXAMPLES Interjections express surprise or emotion—oh, ouch, ah, hey, etc.They often stand alone as fragments, and even when interjections are part of a sentence, they do not relate grammatically to the rest of the sentence. Hey, no one said life would be easy. Whoa! Chill out, brother. Yikes! That test was difficult. Wow, I didn’t know you were going to say that. Ouch, that hurt! I don’t know but, goodness, that experience was crazy!

INTERJECTIONS PRACTICE Circle the interjections in the sentences below. 1. Hey! Keep your hands off that camera. 2. Darn, Alice is late again. 3. Gee, I really thought I would have won. 4. I think I, uh, forgot your name. Write your own sentences with interjections, expressing the following emotions: 5. Surprise 6. Hesitation 7. Pain 8. Impatience

Interjections practice answers 1. Hey! Keep your hands off that camera. 2. Darn, Alice is late again. 3. Gee, I really thought I would have won. 4. I think I, uh, forgot your name.

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Topic outline

Part of speech / the parts of speech.

The Parts Of Speech

In a sentence, words can be considered as the smallest components that have unique meanings. We can categorize words into several types or parts of speech based on their use and functions. An individual word can function as more than one part of speech when used in different circumstances. Therefore, understanding parts of speech is essential for determining the correct meaning of a word.

There are eight parts of speech in the English language: noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb, preposition, conjunction, and interjection.

ppt on parts of speech for class 6

1. The Noun

This part of a speech refers to words that are used to name persons, places, things, events or ideas. All nouns are naming words.

Example: Ravi, woman, boy (person); elephant, rabbit, tiger (animal); parrot, crow, sparrow (bird); Delhi, Mumbai, India (place); computer, mobile, pencil (thing); honesty, courage (idea), etc. Whatever we can see, feel or think and have names are considered nouns.

Sample Sentences:

      1.    Rita lives in India .

      2.    Mina uses an ink pen for writing.

      3.    Tina is very flexible.

      4.    Diva is looking very pretty.

      5.    Today is Harry ’s birthday.

      6.    My brother is shifting to Calcutta .

2. The Pronoun

This part of a speech refers to a word that replaces a noun. They eliminate the need for repetition. A pronoun is usually substituted for a specific noun, which is called its antecedent.

Example: I, you, he, she, we, ours, mine, yours, his, her, him, hers, they, them, theirs, it, etc.

      1.    Jia is a very determined child. She always focuses on her goal.

      2.    The largest share is mine .

      3.    We are Indian.

      4.    The teacher gave all of them punishment.

      5.    Tina gave her bicycle to Rina.

      6.    His car is bigger than ours .

3. The Adjective

This part of a speech refers to a word that modifies, describes or gives more information about a noun or pronoun. Adjectives are describing words and normally come before the nouns.

Example: fast, quiet, useful, much, pretty, old, blue, smart, beautiful, big, sad, red, young, fun, crazy, three etc.

      1.    The little boy had a blue umbrella.

      2.    The hardworking student received "A" grade.

      3.    I have two cars.

      4.    Wow! That cake is delicious .

      5.    She is a young woman.

      6.    Tom is a wise man.

4. The Verb

This part of a speech refers to a word that tells us what the subject does, or what happens to it, or what state it is in, or what possesses.

Examples: am, is, was, are, were, have, has, had, do, does, did, be, am, is, are, was, were, being, been, should, could, will, would, might, can, may, must, shall, ought (to), go, speak, run, eat, play, live, walk, like etc.

Sample Sentences :

      1.    They are always ready for any disaster.

      2.    Ria is charming.

      3.    Tia runs every morning.

      4.    I like vanilla ice-cream.

      5.    We had a healthy breakfast.

      6.    I think that she is right.

5. The Adverb

This part of a speech refers to a word that modifies a verb, an adjective or another adverb. Adverbs tell us how, when, where, how often and to what degree (extent) something happens or takes place. Adverbs often end in -ly.

Examples: gently, quickly, extremely, carefully, well, slowly, quietly, very, always, never, too, tomorrow, here etc.

Sample sentences:

      1.    He ate his pie quickly .

      2.    The teacher carefully corrected the exam copy.

      3.    Ravi was extremely excited about his adventure camp.

      4.    She danced gracefully .

      5.    We are going tomorrow .

      6.    He looked everywhere for his sunglasses.

6. The Preposition

This part of a speech refers to a word or a group of words that shows its relation with another noun or pronoun or a verb. Therefore it can also be called as a ‘relation’ word and comes before a noun or a pronoun in a sentence. They are used to indicate time, place, direction or relationship.

Example: in, on, into, at, by, upon, across, beside, between, of, out of, for, above, below, throughout, outside, before, near etc.

      1.    Rita’s act is lying under the bed.

      2.    She left her purse on the table.

      3.    He sat on the carpet.

      4.    Let's go into the cave.

      5.    They will gather at 5 o’ clock in the evening.

      6.    Look under the pillow.

7. The Conjunction (Connectors or Linking Words)

This part of a speech refers to a word that joins two or more words, phrases, or clauses. . There are three kinds of conjunctions:

1.    Coordinating Conjunctions: These are the words that join words, phrases, and clauses of equal grammatical importance in the sentence. Example: and, but, or, so, nor, for, yet.

2.    Correlative Conjunctions: These are the words that join equally important ideas, but they work in pairs. Example: either...or, both...and, not only...but also, neither…nor, whether…or, either…or

3.    Subordinating Conjunctions: These are the words that join words, phrases, and clauses that are not equal. Example: because, although, while, since, after, as, as if, before, even if, even though, if, so that, though, unless, until, when, whenever, where, wherever, whether.

      1.    He wants to go, but he can't.

      2.    She is honest and hardworking.

      3.    Would you like a cup of tea or a coffee?

      4.    He didn't clear the test because he was not prepared.

      5.    We were thirsty, so we ordered cold drinks.

      6.    I was exhausted but I still finished my assignment.

8. The Interjection

This part of a speech refers to a word or phrase that states strong, sudden emotions. It expresses strong feelings of joy, sadness, surprise, appreciation, condemnation, etc. Since interjections are commonly used to convey strong emotions, they are usually followed by an exclamation mark but in case of mild interjections we place comma after the interjection.

Example: Ouch!, Alas!, Oh!, Bravo!, Fantastic!, Gorgeous!, Wow!, Hurrah!, Pooh!, Pshaw!, Fie!, Gosh!

      1.    Ouch! I got hurt.

      2.    Hurray! Tomorrow is a holiday.

      3.    Hey! You are wrong.

      4.    Oh, we’re late for the party.

      5.    Oh! I’m late for my office.

      6.    Wow! I cleared my IIT entrance exam.

Note 1: Articles and determiners like a, an, the, some, any, etc. are also adjectives but they are studied separately due to their importance in modifying the meaning of the word they qualify.

Note 2: Same Word – Several Parts of Speech

There are words that can be used in more than one way. This implies that a word can function as several different parts of speech. The function of a word in a sentence decides to which part of speech it belongs.

Note the highlighted words in the following sentences.

       1.    She like to watch plays on T.V. (noun)

       2.    He plays cricket during his vacation. (verb)

       3.    I would like a drink . (noun)

       4.    They drink too much alcohol. (verb)

       5.    Rima bought a new sofa for her house. (noun)

       6.    She is planning to buy a sofa bed for her living room. (adjective)


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Parts Of Speech Exercises for Class 6 Format, Examples, Samples

English grammar has hundred of thousands of words. Everyone can be placed into at least one of eight groups or classifications. The system of classifying words based on their function is known as parts of speech. Noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb, preposition, conjunction, interjection are the eight parts of speech.

Parts Of Speech Exercises for Class 6 Format, Examples, Samples PDf

Looking for an easy way to Learning of new elementary english grammar and composition for class 6 answers, Solutions. You have to learn basic English Grammar  topics like Tenses Verbs, Nouns, etc… In this article, we will review the best English Grammer Topics and compare them against each other.

I.  The Noun

A Noun is a word used as the name of a person, place, or thing. Examples:

Ashoka was a great king. The rose smells sweet. The sun shines bright. I sit on the chair . This is my pen . India is a vast country. Mount Everest is the highest peak. Ramesh is my brother. I always speak the truth . Honesty is the best policy .

All the words in italics are nouns. The definition of noun includes: (a)    all objects that we can see, hear, taste, touch or smell. ( b)     something that we can think of, but cannot perceive by the senses.

II.  The Pronoun

A Pronoun is a word, which is used instead of or in place of a noun. ‘ Examples:

Rita did not come as she was unwell. The books are where you left them . Umesh failed because he was careless. The dress is on the table where I put it . This is the cow, which gives us milk.

All the words in italics are pronouns.

III.  The Adjective

An Adjective is a word used to add something to the meaning of a noun or a pronoun. Examples:

Yuvraj is a brave boy. My uncle gave me an expensive gift. Reena is a good girl. India is a great country. Partho is an intelligent student. She is poor but happy .

All the words in italics are adjectives.

IV.    The Verb

A Verb is a word used to express an action, performance or state. Examples:

I bought a new book yesterday. Nikhil goes to school daily. Mumbai is a big city. The sun rises in the east. I saw an elephant yesterday.

All the words in italics are verbs.

V.    The Adverb

An Adverb is a word used to add something to the meaning of a verb, an adjective or another adverb. Examples:

He is a very good student. She plays well . He worked the sum quickly . Surely you are mistaken. Cut it lengthwise .

All the words in italics are adverbs.

VI.    The Preposition

The Preposition is a word or group of words used with a noun or pronoun to show how the person or thing denoted by the noun or pronoun stands in relation to something else.

I had gone to Mumbai. The book is on the table. The cow sits under a tree. He is fond of tea. The boy ran across the road.

All the words in italics are prepositions.

VII.    The Conjunction

A Conjunction is a word which joins two words, sentences or clauses. Examples:

Partho and Sharan came to our house. Mohan is poor but honest. She must weep or she will go mad. Either take it or leave it. It is neither useful nor ornamental.

All the words in italics are conjunctions.

VIII.    The Interjection

An Interjection is a word which expresses some sentiment or sudden feeling. Examples:

Hurrah! we have won the match. Alas! my uncle is dead. Oh! it is you. Bravo! you have done well.

All the words in italics are interjections.

Parts Of Speech Practice Exercises for Class 6 CBSE

A. Answer the following questions from the story above. 1. How much was the doctor’s fee? _____________ 2. How much money was there in the wallet? _____________ 3. Why did doctor not ready to accept fee in kind? _____________

B. Identify the parts of speech in the story above. Noun _____________ Pronoun _____________ Verb _____________ Adjective _____________ Adverb _____________ Preposition _____________ Conjunction _____________ Interjection _____________

A. Choose the correct option to describe the part of speech in bold in the sentence. 1. They each found the books they wanted to buy. a) noun () b) verb () c) pronoun () d) adjective ()

2. She quickly completed her experiment.

3. Nitin solved the equation on paper.

4. Rohit works best in his office.

a) conjunction () b) noun () c) interjection () d) adverb ()

B. Write whether the word in bold works as a verb or a noun in the sentence.

C. A word is missing in each sentence. Use the part of speech given in brackets to complete each sentence.

D. Look at the word in bold. Which part of speech is it?

1. I like ice-cream. ____________ 2. Deepak is moving to France. ____________ 3. The cat keeps fighting with the dog. ____________ 4. Hey, this is mine! ____________ 5. He bought a new hat and a new shirt. ____________ 6. She handled it very smoothly. ____________ 7. This is the most beautiful view I have ever seen. ____________ 8. You should be able to fix it. ____________ 9. Obviously, you will not be alone. ____________ 10. Hi, it’s good to see you. ____________ 11. Reading is important. ____________ 12. This is for you. ____________ 13. He is the best in the area. ____________ 14. He probably hates himself now. ____________ 15. He is good looking, but is he smart? ____________ 16. I am ready. ____________

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Parts of speech worksheet for class 6 CBSE

by Manjusha · July 16, 2015

1. Alas ! We have lost.   ——————————

2. The lion is in the cage. ——————————

3. We are waiting for them. ——————————

4. Raju is my best friend. ——————————

5. He could not attend the conference. ——————————

6. She was anxious to leave. ——————————

7. Susie asked me if I wanted to join her. ——————————

8. The teacher asked him to leave the class because he misbehaving. ——————————

9. I don’t know what I am supposed to do with this. ——————————

10. Karan wants to become an astronomer. ——————————

11. My sister can speak English well . ——————————

12. Are there any good restaurants in this town? ——————————

13. As he had not prepared for the examination, he could not answer any questions. ——————————

14. What are you doing in the garage? ——————————

15. Do you know his name ? ——————————

16. He ran as fast as he could. ——————————

17. She finished her meal quickly . ——————————

18. I have never been to the US. ——————————

19. He has always wanted to be a millionaire. ——————————

20. I am not happy with my results. ——————————

1. Alas ! We have lost.   (Alas – interjection)

2. The lion is in the cage. (In – preposition)

3. We are waiting for them. (We – pronoun)

4. Raju is my best friend. (Best – adjective)

5. He could not attend the conference. (Attend – verb)

6. She was anxious to leave. (Anxious – adjective)

7. Susie asked me if I wanted to join her. (If – conjunction)

8. The teacher asked him to leave the class because he was misbehaving. (Because – conjunction)

9. I don’t know what I am supposed to do with this. (With – preposition)

10. Karan wants to become an astronomer. (Wants – verb)

11. My sister can speak English well . (Well – adverb)

12. Are there any good restaurants in this town? (Restaurants – noun)

13. As he had not prepared for the examination, he could not answer any questions. (As – conjunction)

14. What are you doing in the garage? (You – pronoun)

15. Do you know his name ? (Name – noun)

16. He ran as fast as he could. (Fast – adverb)

17. She finished her meal quickly . (Quickly – adverb)

18. I have never been to the US. (Never – adverb)

19. He has always wanted to be a millionaire. (Always – adverb)

20. I am not happy with my results. (Happy – adjective)

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Parts of speech (Grade 6)

A part is highlighted in each statement. Mention which part of speech the highlighted word/phrase is:

  • A priest called Theodar founded a hospital.
  • This was the first real nursing school in the world.
  • Many of these soldiers were injured in the battles .
  • They should be clever and have strong character.
  • People called her the ‘lady with a lamp’.
  • Women did not consider nursing as a career.
  • The participants should have confidence in themselves .
  • Soon the death rate came down.
  • She believed that nurses were very special people.
  • They collected money to buy clothes and medicines.
  • They died not from their wounds but from neglect.
  • Nursing became a favorite profession among women.

Click here to download and print:  Parts of speech (Grade 6)

  • adverb of place
  • preposition
  • noun (gerund)
  • reflexive pronoun
  • adverb of time
  • adverb of degree
  • conjunction
  • possessive pronoun

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Free Printable Parts of Speech Worksheets for 6th Grade

"Parts of Speech: Discover a collection of free printable worksheets for Reading & Writing teachers, focusing on enhancing Grade 6 students' understanding and mastery of various parts of speech."


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Explore printable Parts of Speech worksheets for 6th Grade

Parts of Speech worksheets for Grade 6 are an essential tool for teachers who aim to improve their students' reading, writing, grammar, and mechanics skills. These worksheets provide a comprehensive and engaging approach to teaching the different components of language, such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, and more. By incorporating a variety of exercises and activities, teachers can ensure that their students develop a strong foundation in grammar and mechanics, which will ultimately enhance their reading and writing abilities. Furthermore, these worksheets are specifically designed for Grade 6 students, ensuring that the content is age-appropriate and aligned with the curriculum. With the help of Parts of Speech worksheets for Grade 6, teachers can effectively guide their students towards becoming proficient and confident in their language skills.

Quizizz is an excellent platform for teachers to access a wide range of resources, including Parts of Speech worksheets for Grade 6, to enhance their students' learning experience. This platform offers a variety of interactive and engaging activities, such as quizzes, games, and challenges, which can be easily integrated into the classroom setting. By utilizing Quizizz, teachers can not only access high-quality worksheets for teaching grammar and mechanics but also monitor their students' progress and provide personalized feedback. Additionally, Quizizz offers resources for other subjects, such as math, science, and social studies, making it a one-stop solution for all educational needs. In summary, Quizizz is an invaluable tool for teachers who want to provide their Grade 6 students with the best possible learning experience in reading, writing, grammar, and mechanics.


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  3. Part of speech 6th grade

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  4. PPT: The Parts of Speech

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    Adjective required as you will come to each page as you progress 4. Verb through the PowerPoint. 5. Adverb 6. Conjunction 7. Preposition 8. Interjection. 4. A noun is a person, place, The bakery has thing, or idea. fresh baked goods. Nouns are the subject of a sentence. Kylie is a pro-golfer.

  6. "Parts of speech presentation for class 6"

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  8. Parts of Speech PPT for 6th

    This Parts of Speech PPT is suitable for 6th - 8th Grade. Nouns, verbs, pronouns...they're all covered here! This presentation gives a detailed look at each part of speech, but know that you cannott skip slides or start at any slide except for the first. Create a guide to keep your class focused and on track with the somewhat lengthy slide show. .

  9. Parts of Speech Teaching Resources for 6th Grade

    Take your class on an educational adventure over multiple lessons. Widgets. ... Interactive PowerPoint presentation allowing students to learn and review grammar by highlighting paragraphs. PowerPoint ... Everyday Grammar Parts of Speech Warm-Ups - Grades 5 and 6

  10. Parts of Speech Exercises For Class 6 With Answers CBSE

    5. Adverb 6. Preposition 7. Conjunction 8. Interjection. On the basis of these eight parts, words of English are classified. A word that names a person, a place or a thing. A word that is used instead of a noun. A word that describes a person or thing.

  11. Everyday Grammar Parts of Speech Warm-Ups

    A 39-slide editable PowerPoint to use when reviewing parts of speech with your students. This interactive PowerPoint is a perfect warm-up activity for students. Use these parts of speech warm-up questions when teaching students the correct use of: nouns (common, proper, pronoun, and collective) verbs. coordinating conjunctions.

  12. 6th Grade Parts of Speech

    Defining Parts of Speech Quiz. Quiz students about parts of speech with this printable. Students are asked to match each grammatical term with its… Subjects: Parts of Speech. Vocabulary. Grammar. Download. Add to Favorites. Add to Folder; creative writing: children's book: activities: classroom tools:

  13. PDF Parts of speech (Grade 6)

    Parts of speech (Grade 6) A part is highlighted in each statement. Mention which part of speech the highlighted word/phrase is: 1. A priest called Theodar founded a hospital. _____ 2. This was the first real nursing school in the world. _____ 3. Many of these soldiers were injured in the battles.

  14. Topic: Part of Speech / The Parts of Speech

    Therefore, understanding parts of speech is essential for determining the correct meaning of a word. There are eight parts of speech in the English language: noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb, preposition, conjunction, and interjection. 1. The Noun. This part of a speech refers to words that are used to name persons, places, things, events ...

  15. Presentation of english (parts of speech)

    Modifies or describes. A. The preposition. Some Common Prepositions. Conjunction A conjunction. Interjection It is. MADE BY :-. Presentation of english (parts of speech) - Download as a PDF or view online for free.

  16. Parts Of Speech Exercises for Class 6 Format, Examples, Samples

    Everyone can be placed into at least one of eight groups or classifications. The system of classifying words based on their function is known as parts of speech. Noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb, preposition, conjunction, interjection are the eight parts of speech. Parts Of Speech Exercises for Class 6 Format, Examples, Samples PDf

  17. Parts of Speech: Form Classes and Structure Classes

    Parts of Speech: Form Classes and Structure Classes A different approach to understanding the parts of speech To print or download this file, click the link below:

  18. 33 Parts of Speech (aka word classes, e.g. nouns, verbs, adj…

    This is best filled in as a class, with the teacher prompting what part of speech is needed next. It can also be printed out and given to students as a challenge to fill in ... 585 uses. A selection of English ESL parts of speech (aka word classes, e.g. nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs) ppt slides.

  19. The 8 Parts of Speech

    A part of speech (also called a word class) is a category that describes the role a word plays in a sentence.Understanding the different parts of speech can help you analyze how words function in a sentence and improve your writing. The parts of speech are classified differently in different grammars, but most traditional grammars list eight parts of speech in English: nouns, pronouns, verbs ...

  20. Free Printable Parts of Speech Worksheets for 6th Class

    Explore printable Parts of Speech worksheets for 6th Class. Parts of Speech worksheets for Class 6 are an essential tool for teachers who aim to improve their students' reading, writing, grammar, and mechanics skills. These worksheets provide a comprehensive and engaging approach to teaching the different components of language, such as nouns ...

  21. Parts of speech worksheet for class 6 CBSE

    6. She was anxious to leave. (Anxious - adjective) 7. Susie asked me if I wanted to join her. (If - conjunction) 8. The teacher asked him to leave the class because he was misbehaving. (Because - conjunction) 9.

  22. Parts of speech (Grade 6)

    Parts of speech (Grade 6) A part is highlighted in each statement. Mention which part of speech the highlighted word/phrase is: A priest called Theodar founded a hospital. This was the first real nursing school in the world. Many of these soldiers were injured in the battles. They should be clever and have strong character.

  23. Free Printable Parts of Speech Worksheets for 6th Grade

    Explore printable Parts of Speech worksheets for 6th Grade. Parts of Speech worksheets for Grade 6 are an essential tool for teachers who aim to improve their students' reading, writing, grammar, and mechanics skills. These worksheets provide a comprehensive and engaging approach to teaching the different components of language, such as nouns ...