INF4300 - Digital Image Analysis

Exercise 8 - support vector machines.

Show that the criterion

Given a binary data set:

Plot the points. Sketch the support vectors and the decision boundary for a linear SVM classifier with maximum margin for this data set.

Given the binary classification problem:

Sketch the points in a scatterplot (preferably with different colors for the different classes).

What is the error rate of the Gaussian classifier on the training data set?

Sketch on the plot the decision boundary you would get using a SVM with linear kernel and a high cost of misclassifying training data. Indicate the support vectors and the decision boundary on the plot.

What is the error rate of the linear SVM on the training data set?

Download the two datasets mynormaldistdataset.mat and mybananadataset.mat .

You can use a library for SVM, e.g. scikit-learn in python.

Familiarize yourself with the data sets by studying scatterplots.

Rerun the experiments a couple of times, and visualize the data using something like the following:

How does the support vectors and the boundary change with the parameter?

Try to remove some of the non-support-vectors and rerun. Does the solution change?

In the lecture we defined the rbf kernel as

Make sure you know why we now get non-lenear decision boundaries.

You can for example use the parameter ranges suggested in the lecture slides:

An Introduction to Machine Learning

E solutions ch. 6 - support vector machines.

Solutions to exercises of chapter 6 .

E.1 Exercise 1

Load required libraries

Define a radial SVM using the e1071 library

Setup parallel processing

Extract predictors from segmentationData

Partition data

Set seeds for reproducibility (optional). We will be trying 9 values of the tuning parameter with 5 repeats of 10 fold cross-validation, so we need the following list of seeds.

We will pass the twoClassSummary function into model training through trainControl . Additionally we would like the model to predict class probabilities so that we can calculate the ROC curve, so we use the classProbs option.

Tune SVM over the cost parameter. The default grid of cost parameters start at 0.25 and double at each iteration. Choosing tuneLength = 9 will give us cost parameters of 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 and 64. The train function will calculate an appropriate value of sigma (the kernel parameter) from the data.

SVM accuracy profile

SVM accuracy profile.

SVM accuracy profile.

Test set results

Get predicted class probabilities

Build a ROC curve

Plot ROC curve.

SVM ROC curve for cell segmentation data set.

SVM ROC curve for cell segmentation data set.

Calculate area under ROC curve

Solving SVM problems

Aurellem ☉.

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1 Question: How do you find \(\vec{w}\), \(b\), and the α's?

You should take a look at the class notes, for starters:

You can also take a look at the next section to see an example of (part of) a worked problem.

When solving SVM problems, there are some useful equations to keep in mind:

  • \(\vec{w}\cdot \vec{x} + b = 0\) defines the boundary, and in particular \(\vec{w}\cdot \vec{x} + b \geq 0\) defines the positive side of the boundary.
  • \(\vec{w}\cdot \vec{x} + b = \pm 1\) defines the positive and negative gutters.
  • The distance between the gutters (the width of the margin) is \(\text{margin-width} = \frac{2}{||\vec{w}||} = \frac{2}{\sqrt{\vec{w}\cdot \vec{w}}}\)
  • \(\sum_{\text{training data}} y_i \alpha_i = 0\)
  • \(\sum_{\text{training data}} y_i \alpha_i \vec{x}_i = \vec{w}\)

The last two equations involve the “supportiveness” parameters \(\alpha_i\). Look at equation (5) and notice what would happen if some \(\alpha_j\) were zero: the corresponding term in the sum would be zero, and hence that training point wouldn't contribute to \(\vec{w}\), and hence wouldn't affect where the boundary was drawn. In fact, notice that in this case you could delete \(\vec{x}_j\) altogether and the boundary would still be drawn in the same place.

Support vector guideline 1 : To see if a point \(\vec{x}_j\) is a support vector, imagine deleting it and see if you would draw a different SVM boundary. If you would draw a different SVM boundary, the point is a support vector (\(\alpha_j > 0\)). If you would draw the same boundary, even if the point were deleted, the point isn't a support vector (\(\alpha_j = 0\)).
Support vector guideline 2 : Only points on the gutter can be support vectors; if a point isn't on the gutter, it's not a support vector. If a point is on the gutter, it might or might not be a support vector—you can determine whether it is using Support vector guideline 1.
Support vector guideline 3 : You may find it useful to think of the \(\alpha_i\) as measuring “supportiveness”. This means, for example, that: \(\alpha_i\) is zero for non-support vectors, i.e. training points that do not determine the boundary, and which would not affect the placement of the boundary if deleted. When you compare two separate SVM problems, where the first has support vectors that are far from the boundary, and the second has support vectors very close to the boundary, the latter support vectors have comparatively higher \(\alpha_i\) values.

1.1 Can α be zero for support vectors?

No, α is zero for a point if and only if it's not a support vector. You can see this because in equation (5), just the points with nonzero alphas contribute to \(\vec{w}\).

1.2 Are all points on the gutter support vectors? How do you tell whether a point is a support vector?

Not all points on the gutter are support vectors. To tell if a training point is a support vector, imagine what would happen if you deleted it — would the decision boundary be different? If it would, the point is a support vector. If it wouldn't, the point isn't a support vector.

2 2011 Q4 Part A

The equation for the line you drew in part A is \(y = 0\), and points will be classified as positive if \(y\geq 0\).

Now in general, the equation for the decision boundary is \(\vec{w}\cdot \vec{x} + b = 0\), and points \(\vec{x}\) are classified as positive if \(\vec{w}\cdot \vec{x} + b \geq 0\). To solve for \(\vec{w}\) and \(b\), you just manipulate your inequation for the boundary into this form:

And so we have:

…which is almost right. The trouble is that we can multiply this inequation by any positive constant \(c>0\) and it will still be true — so, the right answer might not be the \(\vec{w}\) and \(b\) we found above, but instead a multiple of them. To fix this, we multiply the inequation by \(c>0\), and solve for \(c\):

One formula that you can use to solve for \(c\) is the margin-width formula; by examining the lines you drew, you see that the margin width is 4 . Now, in general, the equation for margin width is

So, for the second time, we use the technique of setting the quantity you can see (margin width = 4) equal to the general formula (margin width = 2/||w||) and solving for the parameters in the general formula:

(This uses the expression for \(\vec{w}\) we got after we multiplied by \(c\) above.)

Returning to our inequality, we have

And this is truly the right answer, now that we have solved for \(c\).

3 What's the use of gutters?

The gutters are the regions where you have no hard data supporting your classification, but the decision boundary is, as its name implies, the cutoff for making a decision between the two classifications. As such, you would likely have lower confidence in any decision within the gutters, but a classifier needs to make a decision one way or the other for all possible test data (there's no reason not to do so, as making no decision means you're automatically wrong in all cases, whereas even a lousy classifier will get some of them right).

Here are two more ways to look at it. First of all, and simplest, SVMs are supposed to find the boundary with the widest margin. The width of the margin is just the perpendicular distance between the gutters, so the gutters are important for that reason.

Second of all, if you attempt to define the SVM problem geometrically, i.e. put it into a form that can be solved by a computer, it looks something like the following.

Find a boundary — which is defined by a normal vector \(\vec{w}\) and an offset \(b\) — such that: The boundary “ \(\vec{w}\cdot \vec{x} + b = 0\) ” separates the positive and negative points The width of the margin is as large as possible. Remember, the margin width is twice the distance between the boundary and the training point that is closest to the boundary; in other words, $$\text{margin-width} = \min_{\text{training data}} 2 y_i (\vec{w}\cdot \vec{x}_i + b)$$

Unfortunately, the problem as stated has no unique solution, since if you find a satisfactory pair \(\langle \vec{w}, b \rangle\) , then the pair \(\langle 3\vec{w}, 3b\rangle\) (for example) defines the same boundary but has a larger margin. The problem is that any multiple of a satisfactory pair yields another satisfactory pair. In essence, we're just changing the units of measurement without materially affecting the boundary.

We can remove this additional degree of freedom by adding another constraint to the problem which establishes a sense of scale. For example, we could require \(\vec{w}\) to be a unit normal vector, i.e. we could require that \(||\vec{w}|| = 1\). This fixes the problem and gives SVMs a unique solution.

In 6.034, and elsewhere, we use an alternate constraint; we impose the gutter conditions :

\(\vec{w}\cdot \vec{x_+} + b = + 1\) for positive training points \(\vec{x_+}\).

\(\vec{w}\cdot \vec{x_-} + b = -1\) for negative training points \(\vec{x_-}\).

which we often combine into a single inequality: \(y_i (\vec{w}\cdot \vec{x}_i + b) \geqslant 1\) for all training points \(\langle \vec{x}_i, y_i\rangle\).

This constraint is enough to eliminate the extra degree of freedom and give SVMs a unique solution. Moreover, you get a nice formula for the margin width by requiring that it holds:

\(\text{margin-width} = \frac{2}{||\vec{w}||}\) because the gutter conditions are enforced.

That's why gutters are important.

Date: 2013-11-06T01:14-0500

Author: Dylan Holmes

Org version 7.9.3f with Emacs version 24

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My assignment solutions for CS231n - Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition


Folders and files, repository files navigation, cs231n: convolutional neural networks for visual recognition - assignment solutions.

This repository contains my solutions to the assignments of the CS231n course offered by Stanford University (Spring 2018).

Find course notes and assignments here and be sure to check out the video lectures for Winter 2016 and Spring 2017 !

Assignments using Tensorflow are completed, those using Pytorch will be implemented in the future.

Assignment 1:

  • Q1 : k-Nearest Neighbor classifier. ( Done )
  • Q2 : Training a Support Vector Machine. ( Done )
  • Q3 : Implement a Softmax classifier. ( Done )
  • Q4 : Two-Layer Neural Network. ( Done )
  • Q5 : Higher Level Representations: Image Features. ( Done )

Assignment 2:

  • Q1 : Fully-connected Neural Network. ( Done )
  • Q2 : Batch Normalization. ( Done )
  • Q3 : Dropout. ( Done )
  • Q4 : Convolutional Networks. ( Done )
  • Q5 : PyTorch / TensorFlow on CIFAR-10. ( Done )

Assignment 3:

  • Q1 : Image Captioning with Vanilla RNNs. ( Done )
  • Q2 : Image Captioning with LSTMs. ( Done )
  • Q3 : Network Visualization: Saliency maps, Class Visualization, and Fooling Images. ( Done )
  • Q4 : Style Transfer. ( Done )
  • Q5 : Generative Adversarial Networks. ( Done )
  • Jupyter Notebook 98.5%
  • Python 1.5%


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  18. GitHub

    This repository contains my solutions to the assignments of the CS231n course offered by Stanford University (Spring 2018).. Find course notes and assignments here and be sure to check out the video lectures for Winter 2016 and Spring 2017!. Assignments using Tensorflow are completed, those using Pytorch will be implemented in the future.

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