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How to write a thank you speech

With example speeches and a printable planner

By:  Susan Dugdale  | Last modified: 04-22-2022

A thank you speech or appreciation speech prepared and given with sincerity means a lot to those you acknowledge.

Dive right in. There's all the assistance you need on this page to write an excellent speech of thanks.

What you'll find on this page

  • the types of occasions it could be good to have a thank you speech ready to give
  • best practice and content suggestions to guide you step by step through writing a short thank you speech
  • a sample thank you speech for an award (and a link to an example thank you speech for a 18th birthday party)
  • a printable thank you speech planner to download
  • links to thank you quotations you may like to use
  • notes covering rehearsal and delivery   

how to write a thank you speech for wedding

'No man is an island'

When we achieve, we usually do so because others have helped. Your speech of appreciation is the gift or acknowledgment you give in return for what was given you.

When is a thank you speech appropriate?

Any time is good to say thank you! However, a more formal speech of thanks could fit any of these occasions.

  • for coming to my graduation, farewell, birthday, or retirement party
  • for the promotion
  • for the award
  • for coming to our wedding and your gifts, our engagement party, our 50th wedding anniversary
  • for coming to the opening of my new business...

Be prepared! Best practice guidelines

Generally the decision to leap to your feet and give a thank you speech is not spontaneous. You will likely have some forewarning and time to consider exactly what you want to say and who you want to mention.

Deciding on the content

Cover these three content areas and you'll be fine.

  • WHO are you thanking? Note their names in ranking order- the most important first.
  • WHAT are you thanking them for? Be specific rather than general. Naming what you are grateful for gives your thanks more meaning.
  • WHAT did their gift of time, expertise, encouragement, money... mean to you? Again, be specific. This is your chance to publicly give credit where it's due, to compliment, to praise. Take it.

Writing your speech

When you've sorted out who you wish to mention and what for, you are ready to begin writing.

Like any other form of speech you need 3 parts:- an opening, the body or middle where you put all your acknowledgments, and a conclusion.

1. Introduction/opening

In your introduction or opening give the reason for the occasion and why it is you're going to thank everyone. What you say, and how you say it, will set the tone for the remainder of the speech.

Depending on the number of people on your 'thank you/appreciation' list and the amount of time you have, consider including a small story about the lead-up making this event possible. A well-chosen personal anecdote will always go down well because it lets those listening share your experience more deeply.

Check out this page on story telling in speeches for more information.

In the body of your speech, start at the top of your list of people to thank and work your way through it. Take care to give the most important people the most time.

For those whom you want to mention but don't have enough time to make individual acknowledgments consider grouping them according to function.

Example: "To Alex, Mary, Judy and Sam, thank you for making me remember to laugh. You helped me keep my sanity and perspective when the going was tough."

3. Conclusion

In the conclusion, summarize your main points and finish.

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Sample thank you speech for receiving an award 

Here's a short sample thank you speech for you to see how it could be done. There are many ways covering the required content. This is one.

The person giving this speech is thanking an organization for giving him an award. 

It is 374 words long. When spoken it will take approximately 2 minutes + to deliver. That's about the right length. It's brief and covers everything needed.

As you read it through imagine hearing it out loud. 

Speech text

"Who's considered the incredible power of thank you?  Those two words express gratitude, humility, understanding, as well as acknowledgement.

I am here with you: my family, many of my friends and colleagues because I need to say all of that, and then some more.

Thank you for coming to share my being given the Fred Smith Award for Community Service. It's very humbling.

There's a phrase I'm sure you know: it takes a village to raise a child. In this case it's not a child that's been raised but awareness and a long needed community resource -  the  Parksville Community Literacy Center.  The village behind it and me, is you.

In particular thank you to my wife Marlene who has always understood and shared my conviction that communities are healthiest when its resources are equally shared, and that the ability to read underpins long term social and economic well being.

I know the hours I spent after work helping to establish our new Center tested her, especially when I was home late, again.

Remarkably she continues to support, and love me.  For that I will always be grateful.

Mary Hill, Catherine Beech and Matthew Fall from the Fred Smith Foundation – thank you for sharing the vision of an integrated community and for being so incredibly supportive. You understood what we were trying to achieve and helped make it possible. Your generous gifts of time, expertise and funds are deeply appreciated.

This award may have my name on it, but in truth it belongs to everybody who has worked to make the center a reality. Have you got a spare day or two? If I called out all those people we'd be here for quite some time! Instead, I'll simply say thank you. You know who you are.

The time and effort you've given ensures that the Parksville people who want it will have access to effective literacy programs and resources. That is a priceless gift.  As Nobel Peace Prize winner former UN Secretary General, Kofi Annan said “Literacy is a bridge from misery to hope.”

Thank you for the award and thank you on behalf of all those who will cross that bridge to a brighter future." 

how to write a thank you speech for wedding

Here's another example. This one is a thank you speech for a birthday . The speaker is thanking his parents and guests for the celebration in honor of his 18th birthday. 

Thanks but NO thanks!

What I really need is a Thanksgiving Speech!

Image: - a string of autumn leaves. Text: Thanksgiving - a time to say thanks for life, family, friends and food, in a speech.

And it's here. Choose a theme. Complete the template. And give your Thanksgiving Speech with confidence.

Get a printable thank you speech planner

Regardless of whether you are preparing a thank you speech for the guests who came to your wedding, engagement, retirement, farewell, graduation or birthday party, the steps are the same.

This printable planner will guide you through the four needed. Each one is fully explained with an example.

Completing it will make writing your speech so much easier.

Either click the link or the image below to: download a printable thank you speech planner .

Banner: Download a printable thank you speech planner

Use a quotation to help show your gratitude

Image: blue forgetmenots. Text: Silent gratitude isn't much use to anyone. GB Stern

Before you finalize the content, check out these 'thank you quotations' .

They offer different ways of expressing your gratitude. You could find just what you need to spark your creativity and provide the thread/theme to unite your speech. It can be so much more than a long string of thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you ...

Tips to help you get your thank you speech right

Rehearsal, practice and feedback.

Image: Black and white photo of a young man standing on a stage. Text: About rehearsing a speech.

Many people make the assumption that once they've got the words of their speech sorted, they're set to go.

That's not true! Practice completes the process.

Giving yourself several  rehearsals, firstly by yourself and then in front of  friends or family, will help enormously. Click the link for detailed information about  how to rehearse effectively .

For the condensed and shortened version covering good rehearsal practice follow the points below.

1. Content check

Before investing too much time and energy into rehearsing your speech say it through in front of a few trusted friends or colleagues.  It is much, much easier to change text prior to practicing it than after you've begun working with it. Ask them to listen:

  • to make sure you've included everyone you should, in the right order and thanked them for the right things.
  • for tone. Does the vocabulary fit the occasion? Are the stories right? Is the speech positive? Is it inclusive?

Edit as needed, and then have your test audience listen again. 

Getting the timing right is an essential part of making it a success. Go on too long and people stop listening. Be too brief and there's a danger you've missed things out.

The only way to find out how long your speech is, is to time yourself as you say it out loud at a normal speaking rate. If it's too long, look for areas you can cut. Maybe you need to group a few  more people together or perhaps you need to shorten some of the specific examples about why it is you're thanking someone.  If it's too short, add more detail.  Repeat until you get the length right.

If you'd like to check the number of words you have in your speech against how many minutes it will take to say them go to: how many words per minute are there in a speech .

3. Use cue cards

If you're at all worried about forgetting things, losing your place or muddling what you want to say, use cue cards. They'll take the anxiety away.

Write the main points of your thank you speech on cue cards. Good notes will keep you on track while ensuring you cover everything you want to like, for instance, the name of every person you want to thank and why.

(Click the link if you don't know about using or how to make cue cards . Cue cards are preferable to reading your speech.

However sometimes you just have to read because...for all sorts of reasons. If that's you, do it well. Find out how to read a speech effectively .)

how to write a thank you speech for wedding

*About  The Speech Builder  - this is an app that "builds" personalized speeches.  If you're needing a speech to say thank you for an award of any sort; academic, sporting, civic, or artistic,  the speech builder can help.

how to write a thank you speech for wedding

Are you sweating over a business thank you speech?

One thanking your colleagues for a job well done?

speaking out loud 

Subscribe for  FREE weekly alerts about what's new For more see  speaking out loud  

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how to write a thank you speech for wedding


The Best Ways To Conclude A Wedding Speech

Table of Contents:

To conclude your toast, you ask everyone to raise their glasses and say something endearing, humorous, or heartfelt aloud for everyone to repeat. Typically, you would end it with “to the bride and groom/happy couple/newlyweds” or use their names, and the wedding party would repeat it back to you.

How to end a wedding toast examples

How do you wrap up a wedding speech?

According to Chertoff, “the conclusion of a wedding speech should summarize the feeling of the speech and the occasion.”. “The speaker might ask everyone to raise a glass in toast to the couple, or they might just want to end by expressing their love for the newlyweds. It’s actually that easy. CachedSimilar.

In the past, guests at weddings would raise their glasses to their gods. Giving a speech (or toast) in honor of the newlyweds is still a significant component of wedding celebrations today.

According to Allyson Joseph, an event producer at Bob Gail Events in Los Angeles, California, wedding speeches are typically given by the newlyweds’ parents, one member of each side of the wedding party (the best man and maid of honor), and the newlyweds themselves.

Given that they frequently host this event, the father and mother of the groom typically make a toast at the rehearsal dinner, whereas the bride’s family typically does so at the wedding.

Funny ways to end a wedding speech

What phrases are used to conclude a wedding toast?

Please lift your glasses in honor of the bride and groom. These are some common closing statements for the maid of honor speech. Join me in congratulating the bride and groom on their marriage! Here’s to you, bride and groom, with love and happiness! Cheers to the joyful newlyweds!

Amy has a B and has worked in a variety of fields. A. to coordinate events like weddings, which is why communication skills are so important.

Making sure the bride and groom will remember and find the maid of honor’s toast meaningful is crucial. Unlike other maid of honor duties that are done “behind the scenes,” the maid of honor toast is one responsibility that will put you in the spotlight. You can make the perfect toast with the help of a few useful writing and speaking hints, as well as fantastic examples of speech endings.

Some people may find it difficult to write a toast. Even if you are the bride’s sister or her best friend and the maid of honor, you might struggle to find the right words to use during the toast. When writing your essay, try to keep these suggestions in mind.

Best man speech ending examples

How do you make a toast?

If you frequently attend formal dinners, it can be a good idea to memorize one or two go-to toasts, whether heartfelt (“May your house always be too small to hold all our.

If you came across this page after frantically searching for “how to give a wedding toast when you just got asked to be the maid of honor and you’re terrified of public speaking,” welcome. You’ve found yourself in the middle of a book about public speaking. We’ll do our best to educate you.

When we consider public speaking situations, wedding toasts frequently loom large in our minds. This perception may arise from the fact that wedding toasts combine several of the distinctive (and potentially intimidating) aspects of public speaking that we have practiced throughout this course. The components of public speaking for a toast at a wedding are:

Of course, most weddings will deviate from this trend, particularly considering that all of the speakers on the aforementioned list are male. More importantly, every family and every couple is unique. What happens if there are two brides or grooms, a female best man, the couple pays for their own wedding, etc.? The main benefit of the “traditional” toasting order at weddings is that it makes sure that everyone is acknowledged and thanked. Find out if there is anyone or anything at the wedding that you should specifically mention in your toast before beginning to prepare your speech.

How to end a wedding speech bride

What should a thank-you speech’s final words be?

Thank you for your time today, tonight, or this morning. That concludes our discussion. I appreciate you giving me your time and attention today. I greatly appreciate your interest and focus.

Do you have anything in mind for your audience to do or consider after your presentation? Give your audience clear instructions on what to do by using a Call to Action if you want them to take action.

Please take two minutes to leave a comment about your experience with presentations after you have finished the lesson for today. The comments section at the bottom of this lesson is the ideal place to join a discussion on this subject; feel free to add your ideas or pose questions there.

Here are a few helpful phrases to use when introducing your CTA:

Best man toast examples

How do you toast at the conclusion of a speech?

The Customary Toast “Please join me in raising a glass to the happy couple, (NAME) and (NAME).” “I’d like you all to join me in wishing the new Mr. and Mrs. (NAME) all the wealth, health, and happiness in the world.” Greetings from the new Mr. and Mrs. or Mr. and Mrs. (NAME) to my best friend and his lovely bride or groom.

Making a toast to the happy couple is a requirement for the best man speech; here are 22 toasts to get you started.

Give a best man toast to the newlyweds as part of your best man speech preparation. You’ll need to ask everyone to raise their glasses in celebration of the happy couple and their future together.

The best man’s wedding toast is the traditional way to conclude a best man’s speech, but if you need some inspiration for a memorable conclusion, check out these great best man speech toast examples.

Awesome wedding toasts

What is a suitable way to conclude a speech?

The simplest way to conclude a speech after delivering the content is to say, “Thank you,” to the audience. That has the advantage of being widely accepted. Anyone can use it to tell the crowd that it’s time to applaud and then go home.

The beginning and ending of your presentation are the most important. You must capture the audience’s interest at the outset of your speech if you want them to pay attention for the duration of it. Your opportunity to leave a memorable impression that listeners will carry with them is at the conclusion.

According to studies, people perform best at the beginning and end of recall tasks. It’s therefore essential that you leave an impact with your closing statement. A compelling conclusion inspires action, empowers the audience, and motivates readers.

We frequently use the rule of three in both written and verbal communication because it is a straightforward yet effective method of communication. The audience is more likely to remember information when it is presented in groups of three.

How to end a wedding speech groom

How do you toast the bride and groom at the end of a speech?

Congratulate the happy couple. Tell them how excited you are that they are getting married and how much it means to you to be there. Say hello. dot. A story should be told. dot. Address each partner separately. dot. Choose the favorites of the crowd. dot. Raise your glass for a toast.

Trying to figure out how to write a wedding toast can be a very nerve-wracking and intimidating task. Wedding toasts can go one of two ways: they’re either hilarious, memorable, and totally sweet, or they’re a train wreck waiting to happen and a moment guests dread. Every couple hopes the speeches at the reception fall into the first category, but there is no assurance—until now.

To combat those awful speeches, Marisa Polansky and Kristine Keller founded Speech Tank, offering completely custom, one-of-a-kind toasts for any occasion. And what better reason to turn to the experts than for your best friend’s wedding? We sat down with Polansky and Keller to get the inside scoop on writing a totally killer speech. With their help, your audience will be begging for an encore!

Your toast should be heartfelt but brief. An introduction, middle, and conclusion should all be included.

What particular speech pattern is a closing toast known for? .

What particular speech pattern is a closing toast known for?

To conclude a toast, simply say something like, “Please join me in recognizing Joan for her achievement” and lift your glass. When you lift your glass, this will signal to others to do the same, and then you can all take a drink, which is the end of your speech.

Many entertaining speeches fall under the category of special-occasion speeches. All the speeches in this category are given to mark the significance of particular events. Common events include weddings, bar mitzvahs, award ceremonies, funerals, and political events. On each of these different occasions, speakers are asked to deliver speeches relating to the event. For purposes of simplicity, we’ve broken special-occasion speeches into two groups: ceremonial speaking and inspirational speaking.

Ceremonial speeches are speeches given during a ceremony or a ritual marked by the observance of formality or etiquette. are speeches given during a ceremony or a ritual marked by the observance of formality or etiquette. It shouldn’t be surprising that these ceremonies provide platforms for speeches because they are typically very special for the participants. Let’s examine each of the eight types of ceremonial speaking: introductions, presentations, acceptances, dedications, toasts, roasts, eulogies, and farewells.

The first type of speech is called the speech of introduction. Speech given by the host of a ceremony that introduces another speaker and his or her speech. to introduce another speaker and his or her speech, which is a brief speech delivered by the host of a ceremony. There are few things worse than when the speaker or introducer stands up and announces, “This is Joe Smith; he will talk about stress.” While we did learn the speaker’s name and the topic, the introduction falls flat. The audience won’t be the least bit excited about listening to Joe’s speech.

What is a good sentence to end a speech? .

What is a good sentence to end a speech?

Once you’ve finished presenting your content, thanking the audience is the easiest way to conclude a speech. Everyone will be able to understand that, so that is a plus. Anyone can use it to tell the crowd that it’s time to applaud and then go home.

The most crucial parts of your presentation are the beginning and conclusion. The beginning is where you grab the audience’s attention and ensure they listen to the rest of your speech. The conclusion gives you a chance to leave a lasting impression that listeners take away with them.

According to studies, people perform at their peak during the beginning and end of recall tasks. You must make sure your closing statement has impact. People are inspired, empowered, and motivated to take action by a strong conclusion.

We frequently employ the rule of three, a straightforward but effective communication technique, in both written and spoken communication. Information that is presented in groups of three helps the audience remember it better.

How do you end a speech sentence? .

How do you end a speech sentence?

Here are some options for ending your speech: Close with an inspirational quotation. Find a short quote that captures the feeling you want the audience to have. Include a call to action. Tell a story. Describe the impact of what happens if the audience does what you ask. Transition to Q+A Match the opening sentence.

This month’s topic addresses a special request from one of our readers. Jon writes, “I was wondering if… you could cover dynamic closings in speeches. My team and I work very hard on that aspect of our presentations, and any advice you could give us would be extremely helpful.

Absolutely! In fact, the opening and closing sentences are the two most important parts of any speech or presentation.

Every speech is an opportunity to influence people’s behaviors, beliefs, or actions. That’s an incredible opportunity and a deep responsibility to make your speech matter. One of the ways to do that is through writing a powerful conclusion.

How do you say thank you at the end of a speech? .

How do you say thank you at the end of a speech?

And the most basic one you can give is whether you can say is. Thank you for being here today. I really appreciate that you took the time to be here and listen to my presentation.

How do you end a wedding speech, maid of honor? .

How do you end a wedding speech, maid of honor?

How do you end a maid of honor speech? A maid of honor speech should end on a sincere and happy note. Celebrate the couple and how they make each other better, share your love for the bride, offer pearls of wisdom for a happy life together, or recite a meaningful quote.

One of the most challenging maid of honor duties can be giving a speech at the reception or wedding ceremony.

Although the MOH is typically someone who knows the bride well as either a best friend, sister, or other family member, public speaking is one of the most common phobias, and the pressure to come up with the right words to describe the bride and groom can leave maids of honor not knowing where to begin.

To give maids and matrons of honor a good starting point for their wedding toast, we’ve pulled together some helpful tips for making your speech memorable.

What is an example of a good closing speech? .

What is an example of a good closing speech?

Formal Closing Remarks It’s been a pleasure being with all of you today; thank you. Thank you all for your patience. I wish you all a very good evening. Good Bye. It’s been an honor to be among such accomplished individuals and to be able to present my perspective before you all. Thank you and have a good evening or day.

Two aspects of a speech or presentation hold immense importance to ensure that you are able to leave a lasting impact on your audience, i.e., the opening and closing remarks. Using the right words can help you leave on a high note, and needless to say, failing to do so can make your presentation forgettable and, in some cases, regrettable.

The type of closing remarks you add to your presentation will depend upon the environment, the topic of the speech, and the kind of audience you are addressing. Let’s take a look at some sample closing remarks that you can use, along with some basic tips for concluding your presentation in an appropriate manner.

You might want to end your presentation formally with comments like these:

The Best Ways To Conclude A Wedding Speech

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30 Wedding Thank You Message Templates And Free Examples

thank you message

Jennifer Skulski

Published: Jan 24, 2022

Last Updated: Oct 13, 2023

Get The Best Wedding Hashtags From Professional Writers

After unwrapping and receiving all your wedding day gifts and checking items off your registry list , you’ll need to start writing your wedding thank you messages. Sending thank you cards is the proper etiquette to share your appreciation to your family, friends, and guests.

Now’s your chance to thank your guests for their support and attendance in celebrating your big day while also expressing your gratitude for any gifts they may have gotten you.

Finding the right wedding thank-you wording for your cards can be both challenging and overwhelming, especially if you have a lengthy guest list to thank.

In this guide, we’ll be sharing the top tips for writing wedding thank you messages with 30 wedding thank you wording templates that you and your partner can use for yourself.

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How To Prepare For Your Wedding Thank You Messages

wedding thank you message

Decide Between Digital, Typed, Or Handwritten

Before you decide what to write on each card, you’ll need to decide how you want your wedding thank you messages to be written and delivered. No one option is better than the other. It all comes down to personal preference.

Handwritten cards offer a personal touch and maybe more plausible for those having a small wedding . Typed and printed cards can be fun to design and deliver for those interested in tangible notes. Finally, digital wedding thank-you messages are a great option if you’re looking to go green or save money on printing, stamps, and mailing.

If you’re looking for a digital thank-you option, we recommend checking out Greenvelope !

how to write a thank you speech for wedding

Image Source: Greenvelope

Get Your Guest Address List Together

Likely, you probably have your guests’ mailing details on hand from when you sent out your wedding invitations . However, if any addresses need to be changed or added, be sure to update your list and have it ready for when you send out your wedding thank-you notes.

Keep A List Of What Each Guest Gave You As A Wedding Gift

This step is one of the most important. You’ll want to stay as organized as possible when you open your wedding gifts in order to keep track of who gave you what.

You’ll want your wedding thank you wording to be heartfelt and personal by specifically mentioning the gift each guest gave you. Even if a guest gave you money, gift cards, or an item from your honeymoon registry, you’ll need to keep track of it all.

In order to be able to showcase your appreciation for each individual, adding a personalized mention is highly appreciated, therefore, knowing the exact wedding gifts you received will make everything easier.

Decide What You Want To Say

wedding thank you note

Top Tips For Writing Wedding Thank You Cards

1. be as specific and personal as possible.

Make your wedding thank you messages feel authentic by referencing your guest or the household personally and what they mean to you. Include a wedding day memory if possible, and be sure to thank them for the specific gift they gave.

Now’s your opportunity to deliver shout-outs to the people who mean the most to you, so be sure to do just that.

2. Explain how their presence was important to the wedding

In order to craft a personal thank you card, you’ll want to explain how each guest’s attendance specifically helped to make your wedding day shine brighter. Thank them for their support and for taking the time to celebrate you and your spouse’s big day. 

3. Acknowledge the sacrifice

When you thank your guests for showing up to your ceremony, take the opportunity to mention the sacrifices they made to attend whether that be in regards to traveling, taking off from work, staying for the weekend, helping to set up, or other arrangements they made to help be there for you during your big celebration.

4. If they gave you a wedding gift, make sure to include it in the thank you card

Your guests spent their precious time and money to find a personal wedding gift for you and your partner as you start your lives together. To authentically show your gratitude, you’ll want your wedding thank you messages to be specific and personal.

Discuss the exact gift your guest gave to you, and exactly how you’re using it, enjoying it, or planning to use it in the future.

30 Wedding Thank You Templates And Examples

Thank you for attending our wedding templates.

wedding thank you message

1. Wedding Thank You Messages From The Bride And Groom

Send a generic card from both you and your spouse to thank each guest for attending your big day. You can use the template below as a guide.

Dear [Guest],

Words cannot begin to express how delighted we were for you to join us on our wedding day. It meant the world to see your smiling face in the crowd as we recited our vows. Thank you for helping make our wedding truly a day to remember. We appreciate you traveling all that way to celebrate with us.

All the best,

[Your Names]

2. Wedding Thank You Message To Family

When it comes to writing a thank you card to your family, you’ll probably want to be a bit more personal and expressive. Here’s an example of the wedding thank you wording for that.

Dear [Family Member’s Name],

Over the years you’ve done nothing but support us. We’re so thankful to have had your love and support with us on our wedding day. We wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. Thank you for playing a big part in our big day and helping ensure everything went so smoothly. It truly was the happiest day of our lives and in part we without a doubt have you to thank for that.

All our love,

3. Wedding Thank You Messages To Friends

Similar to family, our friends can also play a major role in our lives and in our weddings. Use this template as inspiration on how to thank your friends.

Dear [Friend’s Name],

From our playground days to today, you’ve always been there for me, and it meant so much to have you right by my side on our wedding day. Thank you so much for all your help and support leading up to the wedding. You truly brightened up our big day and helped it to become everything we always imagined it to be.

4. Wedding Thank You Wording Ideas

When it comes to the wedding thank you wording, you’ll want to make your note as personal and sincere as possible. Here’s a way to do just that.

This isn’t just a note to thank you for coming. It’s a note to thank you for being there and supporting us. Your presence at our wedding meant more than you know. We are grateful to have friends like you who will drop everything to celebrate our union. Thank you for traveling all the way from Missouri to join us. We loved having you around for our special weekend.

5. Wedding Thank You For Those Who Didn’t Give A Gift

For those who didn’t get you a gift, try focusing on your appreciation for their attendance and support. Leave out the mention of a gift altogether and thank them for being there such as in the example below.

We were so glad to have you join us for the weekend to celebrate our wedding day. It was fantastic seeing you again and we hope you had as amazing of a time as we did. You truly helped make our special day that much more special and we thank you for that.

6. Wedding Thank You To A Plus One

Writing a thank you note to a close guest’s plus one may prove to be more challenging than writing notes for those you know well, but by following the template below, you can easily express your gratitude to a plus one.

Dear [Plus One’s Name],

It was lovely meeting you the other day. [Guest] had told us so much about you, and it was wonderful to put a face to the name. We were so glad that you and [Guest] were able to attend our wedding ceremony. Thank you kindly for sharing this special moment with us.

7. Thank-You Card Wording For Someone You Don’t Know Well

Making wedding thank you messages specific and personal for someone you aren’t too familiar with is another challenge, yet can be accomplished with the right wording.

Thank you for joining us to celebrate our wedding day. It was wonderful to see you and have you there during this special milestone in our lives. We hope to see you again soon.

8. Funny Thank-You Card Message

Your wedding thank you wording doesn’t have to be too serious. Have some fun with it by crafting a humorous thank you card for your close friend.

We can’t believe you actually made it to the ceremony. And on time too. That’s quite the feat. But in all seriousness, we are so thankful that you could come be by our side as we said our ‘I do’s. Can’t wait for the next ceremony so we can do this all again.

9. Short And Sweet Wedding Thank You Message

Keeping your message short and to the point can be an effective way to convey your gratitude.

Having your bright, joyous self by our side on our wedding day was all we could have asked for. Thank you very much for joining us to witness the start of our newest chapter.

10. Simple Wedding Thank You Message

A simple wedding needs a simple thank you message. Here’s a simple template for inspiration.

It was so kind of you to come share in the joy of our big day. Thank you for helping make our wedding day a special one. It was lovely to have you celebrate with us, and we hope to see you again soon.

Wedding Thank You Message Templates For Those Who Played A Role

thank you card

11. Wedding Thank You Message Template To Bridesmaids 

Your bridal party plays a pivotal role in your big day and the planning process leading up to it all. Thank them accordingly by showing your sincere appreciation for their help, love, and support.

Dear [Bridesmaid’s Name],

From our years of friendship, I’ve known you are someone I can also count on. You flawlessly assumed the role of my bridesmaid and I am forever grateful to have had you by my side through it all. Thank you for your love and support on our wedding day and for your humor and guidance leading up to it. The wedding would not have been the same without you.

[Your Name]

12. Wedding Thank You Message Template To Groomsmen

Now it’s time to heartily thank the groomsmen for their dedication and support throughout your wedding day.

Dear [Groomsman’s Name],

There were only a handful of people I imagined by my side during my wedding, and you, my friend, were always one of them. Thank you for being a big part of this memorable milestone. I appreciate you always being there for me to lend a helping hand and offer your wise words of wisdom. Hope you know I’d do the same for you, too. 

Many thanks,

13. Wedding Thank You Message To The Maid of Honor

Show your appreciation for all the hard work your maid of honor put into helping and supporting you through the wedding planning process and beyond.

Dear [Maid of Honor],

When I asked you to be my maid of honor, I already knew what an incredible job you would do in helping me throughout this process. I’m immensely grateful for our friendship and admire your dedication to everything you put your heart into. Thank you for being my go-to consultant as we were planning our big day and for supporting me through it all when things got stressful. Our wedding celebration wouldn’t have been as lovely if you weren’t there to lend your helping hand and ensure everything was as organized and as special as possible.

14. Wedding Thank You Message For The Best Man

Your best man is the person the Groom counts on the most when your wedding day rolls around. Show how much his role meant to you through a nicely worded thank you note.

Dear [Best Man],

Where would I be without you? Through thick and thin you’ve been there to support me when I needed it most. At the drop of a dime, I knew I could count on you if there was anything I needed to get done. Your speech was incredibly heartfelt with stories I didn’t even know I needed to hear. It was a great trip down memory lane and truly made our day that much more special. Thank you for your friendship; you truly are a brother to me.

15. Thank You Example For The Parents Of The Bride

Aside from the wedding party, you’ll need to thank both sets of parents. Thank them for all that they’ve done for you and all that they’ll continue to do. If a monetary contribution was made to help pay for the wedding, be sure to thank them for that too.

Dear Mom and Dad,

We couldn’t be happier to both be able to call you our parents. Your support throughout our relationship has meant the world to us. From that first meeting at the diner when we just began dating to you both delivering a lovely toast to us at our wedding, we greatly appreciate how you love us both like your own. Helping us rent out the wedding venue was of course a gracious gift. It was a beautiful space that will be forever ingrained in our minds, full of love and memories.

16. Thank You Example For The Parents Of The Groom

Of course, you also have the groom’s parents to thank. Take a moment to make this message just as personal by thanking them for their love, support, and any specific assistance or contributions that made to make your wedding date possible.

In starting this new chapter in both our lives, we are thrilled to share parents like you. We admire the strength of your marriage, and we’d be blessed if over the years our relationship could be half as inspiring. Thank you for your endless encouragement, your wise advice, and your overt support. We also greatly appreciate you connecting us with the caterers. The meal was superb and something we’ll never forget. Thank you for being by our sides and helping us create the wedding of our dreams.

17. Wedding Thank You For The Officiant

Whether you spent weeks researching and interviewing wedding officiants , asked a priest or religious figure you already had a connection with or had a close friend or family member be your officiant, you’ll need to write them a card to thank them for the service.

Dear [Officiant],

Thank you kindly for officiating our union. Your insightful words and prayers truly helped to make our wedding ceremony meaningful and memorable. We appreciate you taking the time to conduct the service and make our relationship official as we now begin our lives as a married couple.

Wedding Thank You Card For Vendors

wedding thank you message idea

18. Thank-You Wording For Bar Staff

Every vendor you hire also plays an important role in transforming your wedding day vision into a reality. Here’s an example of how to thank the bar staff.

Dear [Vendor Name],

Thank you so much for helping our wedding day run as smoothly as possible. We appreciate the bartenders being so courteous to each guest’s requests and helping ensure everyone was hydrated and enjoying themselves. It was so nice to work with you and your team.

19. Thank You Message For Dining Vendors

The catering team that helped your dining dreams come true could also use a kind shout-out. Use this template as an example of a message for the dining vendors.

Your team truly delivered a remarkable meal that we simply cannot get off our mind ever since. Both the chicken and vegetarian dishes have been the talk of the town among all of our guests. We thank you for helping turn our culinary requests into a reality. It was a sincere pleasure working and interacting with everyone on your catering crew.

20. Thank You Wording Example For Dessert Vendors

For all the wedding day desserts and sweets you ordered, you’ll want to write a sweet thank you note to show your gratitude. 

It truly is no exaggeration to say we were blown away by the final result of our wedding cake. It was everything we hoped for and then some. Thank you for working so closely with us and listening to our requests when it came to flavor and design. Working with your team was a pleasure and the end result speaks for itself.

21. Thank You Wording For The Wedding Planner

Hiring a professional wedding planner can be a wonderful way to ensure the planning and logistics of your wedding day go off without a hitch. Here’s how to thank them.

Dear [Wedding Planner],

Thank you so much for taking the time to work with us and bring our wedding day dreams to life. You without a doubt are a miracle worker as you helped make our big moment a day to remember. We greatly appreciate your patience in answering all our questions as well as your creativity in putting ideas into motion. Thank you for playing a big role in our big day.

22. Thank You Message For The Florist

Wedding floral arrangements can easily transform your venue and wedding decor into something out of a fairytale. Here’s a template example for thanking your wedding florist. 

Thank you kindly for brightening our big day with your spectacular floral arrangements. From the bouquets and the boutonnieres to the floral table centerpieces, each arrangement was meticulously put together to complement our color scheme and pull together the venue decor. It was a pleasure working with you, and we thank you for your help in making our wedding day a special one.

23. Thank You Message For The Venue

In writing your wedding thank you messages to your vendors, you’ll also want to thank the venue for hosting your celebration. Be sure to thank them for anything they offered beyond renting out the space such as if they supplied tables, furniture, setup help, or anything else.

Dear [Venue Name],

Your beautiful space truly helped bring our wedding day celebration to life. Thank you for hosting our big day as we celebrated this milestone with our friends and family. Working with your staff was an absolute pleasure and we thank you and your team for helping us set up all our seating arrangements and decor to transform the venue into an intimate gathering. It was a lovely and picturesque venue to host such a meaningful day for us. 

Wedding Thank You Message Templates For Wedding Gifts

wedding thank you message template

24. Thank You Template For A Registry Gift

Many couples create a wedding registry at one or more locations in order to specifically highlight the gifts they’re looking for and how many they need. Here’s a thank you template for when you receive a gift from your registry.

Thank you so much for those lovely ceramic seafoam dinner plates. We now have a complete matching dining set, and we can’t wait to get years of use out of these beautiful place settings. 

25. Thank You Template For A Honeymoon Registry Gift

A honeymoon registry is for couples interested in creating a registry based on experiences or excursions you’re looking forward to on your honeymoon. This can result in guests pitching in for specific honeymoon experiences like paying for the hotel room, a dinner at a restaurant, or an activity like zip-lining. Guests may also choose to contribute a generic monetary contribution directly to your honeymoon fund. This template will help you find the wedding thank you wording for guests who pitched in for your honeymoon.

We very much appreciate your generous contribution to our honeymoon registry. We cannot wait for our upcoming trip to the Bahamas together, and thanks to you we’ll be making a once-in-a-lifetime memory with this dolphin swimming excursion. Thanks again, and we’ll be sure to send along pictures once we’re down there.

Gift Yourself Your Dream Honeymoon

Sign up and register today for a free honeymoon registry!

26. Thank You Wording For A Cash Gift

In contemplating what to say to thank guests who gave you a cash gift, you may want to reference what you plan or hope to use the money for and how this will help you and your spouse start building your future together.

Thank you kindly for your very gracious wedding gift. We want you to know that you are helping fund our future as we are putting all that money aside to save up for the down payment on our first house. We cannot wait to invite you over one day once our dream becomes a reality. Thank you for helping us become one step closer to our goal.

27. Thank You Message For A Gift Card

Similar to a cash gift, you’ll want to reference what you plan on using the gift card towards and why the specific gift card will be of great use to you and your partner.

We greatly appreciate your generous wedding gift. We already know exactly how we plan to use the Bed Bath & Beyond gift card. We have had our eye on this beautiful area rug for quite some time now and thanks to your gift, we will finally be able to purchase it.

28. Thank You Wording For A Charity Donation

If you and your partner love the idea of using your special day as a platform to do some good and spread awareness about a charity important to you, you may consider encouraging your guests to donate to a charity for your wedding gift. Here’s how you can write your wedding thank you messages for a charity registry donation .

It truly meant a lot to see your gracious contribution to [Charity]. This organization is one near and dear to our hearts. We know that the funds contributed will be put to excellent use. Thank you for this meaningful gesture in our honor. We greatly appreciate it.

29. Thank You Wording For A Group Gift

For more expensive items on your wedding registry, a whole group of people may pitch in to help pay for it. If this is the case, be sure to write individual wedding thank you messages to each member who contributed.

Thank you so very much for the beautiful cast iron Dutch oven. It truly is a gift that will last for generations. We simply cannot wait to start using it for our pot roasts, and we’ll be sure to invite you and the rest of the gang over for dinner one night so we can properly show it off.

30. Thank You Message For A Gift You Don’t Like

This probably goes without saying, but leave out the part about not liking the gift. Instead, thank them for their thoughtfulness and mention the ways you could put it to good use.

Thank you kindly for the porcelain tea set. It makes for a lovely addition to our dining room. Next time you’re in town, we’ll without a doubt have to have you over for some tea.

A Million Ways To Say Thank You!

We hope that these 30 examples covering a wide array of guests and gift situations helped you with your own wedding thank-you messages. Feel free to use any combination from this list as a template as you begin the thank you card writing process.

Remember, there are millions of ways to say ‘thank you.’ Get creative with your cards by coming up with personal and heartfelt wedding thank you messages for each one of your guests.

It’s the polite and proper way to show your guests how much they mean to you for celebrating you and your partner’s relationship.


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Find a local wedding supplier, how to write the perfect thank you speech.

Modern Wedding Posted: November 23, 2018

Your big day wouldn't be anywhere near as special without your friends and family celebrating alongside you. A thank you speech is one more way to thank everyone who made the event memorable. Check out these tips for how to write the perfect thank you speech.

how to write a thank you speech for wedding

Check out more from Christina and Nick's wedding here

Give the Speech Together

Traditionally the groom gives the thank you speech on behalf of himself and the bride. However, it is increasingly popular for this speech to be a joint effort, with both partners speaking. A joint speech is particularly effective if one of you is not a confident public speaker.

how to write a thank you speech for wedding

Click here for more of Aiden and Anna's wedding

Don't Just Wing It

It may be tempting to make a speech up on the spot. However, it is also easy to get caught up in the moment and forget something important. With so many other things to organise for your big day, taking the time to plan your speech in advance will make sure you say everything you want to. Having a planned speech is also the best way to beat public speaking nerves.

how to write a thank you speech for wedding

See more of Ben and Kate's wedding here

Who To Thank

When it comes to who to thank there are two main options - keeping it vague or getting specific. While some people, like the bride and groom's parents, need to be thanked specifically, not every person you hired needs to be individually thanked. Thanking them as a group is more time effective and equally thoughtful. Write a list of the people who you are thanking to keep you on track and make sure you don't forget anyone. It is also a sweet gesture to thank each other, after all neither of you would be at the wedding without the other.

how to write a thank you speech for wedding

Via Amanda Douglas Events

Keep It Short

This is one of many speeches that will occur during your wedding. Keep it short and sweet to keep your guests attention. We recommend sticking to a 3 minute time limit, regardless of whether it is a joint speech or only one of you in speaking.

how to write a thank you speech for wedding

Via Modern Wedding

A little bit of humour can go a long way in your speech. Make sure any humour is family friendly, especially if their are children in attendance. Similarly, avoid inside jokes as you want your speech to appeal to all of your guests. While we all might be tempted by a little "dutch courage" every once in a while, staying sober enough to present you speech as planned will help avoid any inappropriate slip ups.

how to write a thank you speech for wedding

Via Feathered Arrow Events

When To Give Your Speech

There is a traditional order of speeches. Usually, the toast to the bride or groom comes first, followed by the grooms reply, in other words, the thank you speech, and then the best man's speech. Ultimately, it is your wedding and the choice of when to give your speech is up to you. If you are having a sit down meal, it is best to give your thank you speech, along with all other speeches, while guests are sitting down.

how to write a thank you speech for wedding

Via Mamamia

Practice Makes Perfect

Once you've written your speech, make sure to practice it a few times before you have to present. While you don't have to memorise it word for word, a few practice runs will make you and your partner far more comfortable. It also allows you to make eye contact with your guests, making the speech that little bit more meaningful.

how to write a thank you speech for wedding

Via Social and Personal Weddings

Public speaking can be daunting. Writing and practicing your speech in advance can help curb some of those pesky nerves. If you're still scared to give your speech, try some deep breathing exercise a few minutes before your speech to try and remain calm. Take your time with the speech and remember that you are speaking from the heart and all the guests are there because they love and support you. If it is still too much, a brief thank you  is appropriate and your guests will understand the lack of formal speech.

how to write a thank you speech for wedding

Looking for other ways to thank extra special members of your wedding? Check out ways to thank your bridal party here and here .

how to write a thank you speech for wedding

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How to Write a Wedding Speech (with Examples)

by Ryan Hart | Updated on September 22, 2023 | Post may contain affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.

Writing a wedding speech can be a nerve-wracking experience, especially if you’ve never given one before. You want to make sure you honor the couple, entertain the guests, and avoid any embarrassing mishaps.

But don’t worry, with a little guidance , you can write a memorable wedding speech that will leave everyone feeling touched and inspired.

In this article, we’ll provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to write a wedding speech, along with examples to help you get started.

Whether you’re the best man, maid of honor, or a close friend or family member, we’ve got you covered. We’ll cover everything from how to structure your speech, to what to include, and even tips on how to deliver it with confidence.

Person giving a wedding speech

What is a Wedding Speech?

A wedding speech is a way for family members and friends to honor the newly married couple, share their thoughts and memories, and wish them a happy future together.

It is a chance to express your gratitude for being part of their special day and to thank them for inviting you to share in their joy.

Wedding speeches are typically given at the rehearsal dinner , the day before the wedding, and toward the end of the reception dinner on the wedding day.

The best wedding speeches are heartfelt, sincere, and personal. They should reflect your relationship with the couple and your feelings towards them. A good wedding speech should be short, sweet, and to the point. It should not be too long, as it may become boring and lose the attention of the audience.

Knowing Your Role

When it comes to writing a wedding speech, it’s important to know your role in the wedding party. Here are some tips on how to approach writing your speech depending on your role:

Father of the Bride’s Speech

As the father of the bride , your speech should be heartfelt and emotional. Share stories about your daughter and the joy she has brought into your life. Welcome the groom into your family and express your love and support for the newlyweds.

Maid of Honor’s Speech

As the maid of honor, your speech should focus on the bride and your relationship with her. Share some funny stories or heartfelt moments that highlight her best qualities. Be sure to also thank the groom and his family for welcoming you into their lives.

Best Man’s Speech

As the best man, your speech should focus on the groom and your relationship with him. Share some funny anecdotes or stories that highlight his best qualities. Be sure to also thank the bride and her family for welcoming you into their lives.

Mother of the Bride’s Speech

As the mother of the bride, your speech should be heartfelt and emotional. Share stories about your daughter and the joy she has brought into your life. Welcome the groom into your family and express your love and support for the newlyweds.

Father of the Groom’s Speech

As the father of the groom, your speech should focus on the groom and your relationship with him. Share some funny anecdotes or stories that highlight his best qualities. Be sure to also thank the bride and her family for welcoming you into their lives.

Mother of the Groom’s Speech

As the mother of the groom, your speech should be heartfelt and emotional. Share stories about your son and the joy he has brought into your life. Welcome the bride into your family and express your love and support for the newlyweds.

Structuring Your Speech

When it comes to giving a wedding speech, structuring it properly is key. This will help you stay on track and deliver a memorable speech that hits all the right notes. Here are some tips on how to structure your wedding speech:

The opening of your speech is crucial as it sets the tone for the rest of your speech. Start by introducing yourself and your relationship to the couple. You can also thank the couple for inviting you to be a part of their special day.

If you’re nervous, it’s okay to start with a joke or a light-hearted anecdote to break the ice. Just make sure it’s appropriate for the occasion and doesn’t offend anyone.

The body of your speech is where you can share your thoughts and feelings about the couple. This is where you can tell a story or anecdote about the couple that highlights their love for each other.

You can also offer some words of wisdom or advice for the couple as they embark on this new journey together. This can be a great opportunity to share a quote or a poem that resonates with you.

The closing of your speech should be short and sweet. You can end with a final thought or sentiment about the couple and their future together. You can also thank the couple and their families for including you in their special day.

If you’re giving a toast , make sure to raise your glass and offer a heartfelt congratulations to the couple.

Example Wedding Speeches

Maid of honor speech example:.

Hello, everyone! I’m beyond thrilled to be here today as the Maid of Honor for these two incredible people. You know, when [Bride’s Name] asked me to be her Maid of Honor, my first thought was, ‘Does she really know me? Is she sure about this?’ But here I am, and I couldn’t be happier!

[Bride’s Name] and I have shared so many laughs, tears, and unforgettable moments over the years. We’ve been through thick and thin together. And when she introduced us to [Groom’s Name], it was like the missing piece of the puzzle just clicked into place.

Now, [Groom’s Name], I have to say, you’ve really brought out the best in [Bride’s Name]. You’ve filled her life with so much love, laughter, and joy. And I can’t thank you enough for that.

To the newlyweds, may your love continue to grow stronger with each passing day. May your journey together be filled with adventure, kindness, and endless inside jokes that only you two understand. And may your love story be as beautiful and inspiring as the two of you are.

So let’s raise our glasses to [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name], to love, laughter, and a lifetime of happiness! Cheers!"

Best Man Speech Example:

Hey, everyone, I’m honored to be up here as the Best Man for this fantastic couple. Now, when [Groom’s Name] asked me to be his Best Man, I was like, ‘Really? Me?’ But then I remembered all the adventures, mishaps, and laughter we’ve shared over the years, and I thought, ‘Yep, I’m the guy for this job!’

[Groom’s Name] and [Bride’s Name], you two are a perfect match. I’ve watched your love story unfold, and it’s been a privilege to witness the love and respect you have for each other.

[Groom’s Name], you’ve always been there for me through thick and thin, and I have no doubt you’ll be there for [Bride’s Name] in the same way. And [Bride’s Name], you’re not just gaining a husband today, you’re gaining the best partner in crime you could ever ask for.

So, here’s to [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name], to a lifetime of adventure, love, and laughter. May your journey together be filled with joy, shared secrets, and lots and lots of dancing. Cheers!"

Best Friend Speech Example:

“Hello, everyone! Wow, what a beautiful day to celebrate the love between [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name]. I’m not the Maid of Honor or the Best Man, but I am a close friend, and I’ve been lucky enough to witness the magic of their love story from the beginning.

[Bride’s Name], we’ve been through so much together – from school crushes to college shenanigans. And when you introduced me to [Groom’s Name], I knew he was something special. He brings out the best in you, and together, you make an incredible team.

[Groom’s Name], you’re not just gaining a wife today; you’re gaining an amazing friend and confidant in [Bride’s Name]. You two complement each other in the most beautiful ways.

So, here’s to [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name], to a love that’s as strong as it is genuine. May your journey together be filled with laughter, support, and all the adventures you can dream of. Cheers!”

Family Member Speech Example:

Good evening, everyone! My name is [Your Name], and I am [Your relation to the bride and groom]. I’m thrilled to be here tonight to celebrate the love and commitment of [Couple’s names].

When they asked me to give a speech tonight, I was a little nervous. I mean, what do you say about two people who are so perfect for each other? But then I remembered something that [Bride’s name] once told me: “ Love isn’t about being perfect , it’s about being perfectly imperfect together.”

And that’s exactly what these two are. They’re imperfect in all the right ways, and that’s what makes them so perfect for each other. So here’s to [Couple’s names], two imperfect people who are perfect for each other. Congratulations, you two!

Close Friend Speech Example:

Hello, everyone! My name is [Your Name], and I am [Your relation to the bride and groom]. I’m honored to be here tonight to celebrate the wedding of [Couple’s names].

When I first met [Bride’s name], I knew she was something special. And when she introduced me to [groom’s name], I knew he was the one for her. These two have been through thick and thin together, and they’ve always come out stronger on the other side.

And that’s what love is all about, isn’t it? It’s about being there for each other through the good times and the bad. So here’s to [Couple’s names], a couple who knows that love isn’t just a feeling, it’s a commitment.

Incorporating Personal Touches

When it comes to giving a wedding speech, it’s important to make it personal and meaningful. After all, you’re speaking in front of the couple’s nearest and dearest, and you want to make sure that your words come straight from the heart.

One way to do this is to incorporate personal touches into your speech. This can be anything from a funny story about the couple to a heartfelt message about your own relationship with them.

When choosing what to include in your speech, think about what makes the couple special. What are their unique qualities and what do you love about them? What are some of the key moments in their relationship that have brought them to this point?

Once you have some ideas, consider how you can weave them into your speech in a way that feels natural and authentic. Here are a few tips to get you started:

  • Keep it short and sweet: While it can be tempting to go on and on about how much you love the couple, it’s important to keep your speech concise. Aim for around 3-5 minutes, and focus on the most meaningful moments and messages.
  • Use specific examples: Instead of making general statements about the couple, try to use specific examples that illustrate their qualities and personalities. This will make your speech more engaging and memorable.
  • Get personal: Don’t be afraid to share your own experiences and feelings about the couple. Whether it’s a funny story about how you first met or a heartfelt message about what they mean to you, your personal touch will make your speech more meaningful.
  • Practice, practice, practice: Finally, make sure to practice your speech ahead of time. This will help you feel more confident and comfortable on the day, and ensure that your words come across as genuine and heartfelt.

Addressing the Audience

When it comes to giving a wedding speech, one of the most important things to keep in mind is your audience. After all, you are speaking to a room full of people who are there to celebrate the happy couple, so it’s important to make sure your speech is engaging, entertaining, and appropriate for the occasion.

First and foremost, you want to make sure your speech is inclusive of everyone in the audience.

While you may have a close relationship with the bride or groom, it’s important to remember that there are likely guests in attendance who may not know you or the couple as well. Make sure to introduce yourself and provide some context for your relationship with the couple.

It’s also important to consider the tone of your speech. While it’s okay to inject some humor and lightheartedness into your speech, you want to make sure it’s appropriate for the occasion.

Avoid making any jokes or comments that could be perceived as offensive or inappropriate.

If you’re addressing parents or family members in your speech, make sure to acknowledge their role in the couple’s lives and express your gratitude for their support.

Similarly, if you’re speaking as the best friend of the bride or groom, take some time to reflect on your friendship and share some heartfelt memories or anecdotes.

Keep in mind that you’re speaking to a room full of people who are there to celebrate the happy couple, so make sure your speech is a reflection of that joy and excitement.

Delivering the Speech

Now that you’ve written your wedding speech, it’s time to deliver it. Public speaking can be nerve-wracking, but with a little preparation, you’ll be able to deliver your speech with confidence. Here are some tips to help you deliver your speech like a pro:

  • Practice, practice, practice. Rehearsing your speech will help you feel more comfortable with the material and reduce your nervousness. Practice in front of a mirror or with a friend to get feedback on your delivery.
  • Take deep breaths. If you feel nervous before your speech, take a few deep breaths to calm your nerves. This will help you relax and deliver your speech more effectively.
  • Speak slowly and clearly. When you’re nervous, it’s easy to speak too quickly or mumble your words. Make a conscious effort to speak slowly and clearly so that everyone can hear you.
  • Make eye contact. Look at your audience as you deliver your speech. This will help you connect with them and keep their attention.
  • Use body language. Gesturing and moving around can help you convey your message more effectively. Just be sure to avoid any distracting movements.
  • Don’t be afraid to pause. If you need a moment to collect your thoughts or take a breath, don’t be afraid to pause. This will help you deliver your speech more effectively and give your audience time to absorb your message.

With a little preparation and practice, you’ll be able to deliver a wedding speech that will be remembered for years to come.

Dealing with Nervousness

It’s completely normal to experience nervousness when giving a wedding speech. After all, you want to do your best and make a positive impact on the happy couple and their guests. Here are a few tips to help you manage your nerves and deliver a memorable speech:

  • Practice, practice, practice : The more you practice your speech, the more comfortable you’ll feel delivering it. Practice in front of a mirror, with friends or family, or even record yourself and listen back to it.
  • Focus on the positive : Instead of dwelling on your nerves, focus on the positive aspects of the experience. You have the opportunity to share your love and well-wishes with the couple, and that’s something to be proud of.
  • Breathe deeply : Deep breathing can help calm your nerves and give you the energy you need to deliver your speech. Take a few deep breaths before you begin, and continue to breathe deeply throughout your speech.
  • Visualize success : Visualize yourself delivering a successful speech. Imagine the audience laughing at your jokes, nodding in agreement with your sentiments, and giving you a standing ovation at the end.
  • Project confidence : Even if you don’t feel confident, projecting confidence through your body language can help you appear more confident to your audience. Stand up straight, make eye contact, and speak clearly and slowly.

By following these tips, you can overcome your nervousness and deliver a wedding speech that you and the happy couple will remember for years to come.

Tips for a Memorable Speech

Writing a wedding speech can be intimidating, but with the right tips and tricks, you can deliver a memorable speech that will leave a lasting impression on the newlyweds and guests. Here are some tips to help you get started:

Tell the Couple’s Story

The most memorable speeches are the ones that tell a story. Start by brainstorming some memories or anecdotes about the couple that you can weave into your speech.

Think about the moments that defined their relationship, the challenges they’ve overcome, and the things that make them unique. By sharing these details with the audience, you’ll create a speech that feels personal and heartfelt.

Keep it Short and Sweet

While it’s tempting to share every detail about the couple, it’s important to keep your speech short and sweet. Aim for a speech that’s no longer than five minutes. This will give you enough time to share your message without losing the audience’s attention.

Practice Makes Perfect

The key to delivering a great speech is practice. Start by writing down your speech and then practice delivering it in front of a mirror or with a friend. This will help you get comfortable with the material and ensure that you’re able to deliver it confidently on the big day.

Focus on Friendship and Happiness

Weddings are all about celebrating love, friendship, and happiness. Make sure your speech reflects these themes by focusing on the positive aspects of the couple’s relationship.

Share stories that highlight their love for each other, their friendship, and the happiness they bring to each other’s lives.

Use Humor Wisely

Humor can be a great way to lighten the mood and engage the audience, but use it wisely. Make sure your jokes are appropriate for the occasion and that they don’t overshadow the message of your speech. Remember, the goal is to celebrate the couple and their love, not to steal the show.

Now that you’ve learned the basics of writing a wedding speech, it’s a good idea to read some real speeches to see how it all comes together.

Look for examples of speeches online or in books. Watching or reading other people’s speeches can give you inspiration and a better understanding of how to make your speech unique and special.

You might also want to check out books or articles about public speaking and storytelling, as they can help you improve your delivery and engagement skills.

And remember, it’s always a good idea to review some tips on wedding etiquette to make sure your speech is respectful and fitting for the occasion.

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The Groom Speech: Here's What to Write, Say & Do

Groom giving speech during wedding reception.

  • Jessica contributes wedding planning, wedding etiquette and relationship content to The Knot.
  • She also covers lifestyle and wellness topics for print and digital publications such Refinery29, Bustle, Well + Good, Cosmopolitan, Byrdie, The Zoe Report, The Cut and more.
  • Jessica has a journalism degree from Cal State University, Northridge and is certified as a life and success coach.

Traditionally, the father of the bride, the best man, and maid of honor are the ones who take the mic during the wedding reception to share a few words and toast the newlyweds as they embark on their new life together. These days, however, grooms are also opting to stand up and give a speech to welcome guests and thank them for being there to celebrate the special day. Writing and delivering a memorable wedding speech is no easy feat, though, especially if it's your first time. It requires preparation, creativity, and a hefty dose of confidence. To help ensure you give a great groom speech on your wedding day, we chatted with wedding vow and speech writer Alexis Dent of XO Juliet . Ahead, learn how to write a heartfelt, entertaining groom's speech and speech tips on how to deliver it with confidence on the big day.

How Long Should a Groom Speech Be?

Grooms speeches typically take place during the wedding reception. In general, it's best to keep wedding speeches relatively short, especially if there will be multiple speeches such as the father of the bride speech, the best man speech, and the maid of honor speech. You don't want the speeches to cut into the dinner and dancing portion of the wedding reception. According to Dent, about three minutes is the sweet spot for a groom's speech. That would equate to about 300-400 written words, depending on how quickly you speak.

How to Write a Groom Speech

A groom speech template.

Every groom's speech will be unique and different depending on their personality, what they'd like to share, and who they want to thank. But, in case you need some guidance, here's an outline of a structure Dent recommends following as you write your groom's speech. Whatever you do, Dent adds, ensure that you tap into your emotions and write your groom toast from the heart.

Thank your new spouse. First and foremost, start by thanking your new spouse and say a few words about how much this new phase of your relationship means to you.

Thank VIPs in your life. This could be your own parents, mother and father in-law, friends, family members, your wedding party (bridesmaids and groomsmen), or anyone else who made the wedding day possible.

Share a story. Next, follow the thank yous with a story. Dent suggests a positive anecdote that illustrates the road you and your new spouse had to travel to make it to this milestone.

End with a toast. And last but not least, Dent recommends concluding the groom speech with a toast to your forever partner and a lifetime of love together.

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Who does the groom thank in his speech.

"Grooms should thank everyone that made an impact not only on their wedding day but on their relationship as a whole," Dent says. "Most grooms thank both families and members of the wedding party." Be sure to include a thank you to anyone else who is particularly special and those who traveled far as well, she adds. You can also throw in a quick thank you to your wedding vendors (wedding planner, photographers, staff, etc.) for making the wedding day possible.

That said, ensure you keep the focus of your speech on your significant other. "While it's important to thank the people in attendance and the people who made this day possible, at the end of the day, it comes down to you and your new spouse — and your speech should reflect that," Dent says.

How to Give a Groom Speech

Groom speech jokes.

For jokes in a groom speech, Dent's best piece of advice is to know your audience. For instance, a dirty joke may be funny at an adults-only wedding reception but not appropriate if kids are in attendance. Use your best judgment on whether a joke will be well received. Also, Dent recommends avoiding inside jokes as only a handful of guests would understand them and can make things feel awkward if the joke doesn't land. If you're unsure of what joke to include, Dent's fail-proof groom's speech joke is to mention how guests are here for dinner drinks and not to listen to long speeches like these.

Wedding planner puts finishing touches on ceremony arch.

Groom Speech Example

Got writer's block? No worries. Below Dent shares a fully written groom's speech you can use as inspiration.

"Good evening everyone!

I know everyone is probably dreading one of my infamous and long-winded stories right now, but I promise to keep it short so we can all hit the dance floor.

I wanted to take a few moments to express my appreciation for all the support we've received; it has made this day and evening one to remember. There are too many people that I am utterly indebted to for helping our wedding go off without a hitch, but I want to shout out our photographer, our wedding party, and our parents in particular. To all of our guests, who traveled from both near and far, I appreciate each and every one of you for taking the time out of your lives to celebrate Alex and me. This day would not be nearly as magical without you all here, and I'm incredibly grateful for your presence.

Quite a few of you are involved in our love story and have played an integral role in us making it to this amazing milestone in life. I want to give special thanks to Alex's family in particular. You have accepted me entirely, you treat me as if I was your own, and you have really helped Alex and me over the years when times were tough. I have felt such a level of acceptance from all of you in a way that I never could have expected. Marie and Dan, you have truly raised a wonderful human, and all she is is because of you.

Now for my own family! Mom and Dad, thank you for the unwavering emotional support you have shown me throughout the years. You have given me more grace than I deserve and have loved Sam like she's your own. I aspire to have a marriage half as strong and a love half as unrelenting as yours.

Once again, thank you Trina, Kari, Tom, and Rick for helping us make it down the aisle. You guys are the best friends and most epic entourage that a guy could ask for.

Last of all, thank you, Alex. I still cannot believe how lucky I am.

Let's raise a glass to each other, to love, and to happily ever after.

How to End the Groom Speech

The end of any speech tends to be the most memorable as it's the last thing your guests will hear so you really want to make it count. Don't let this stress you out though. Dent says keeping the groom speech close super simple is best. She recommends simply raising a glass to your new spouse and toasting to many happy years of marriage. Classic, short, and to the point—you can't go wrong.

Write the groom speech on paper.

Although it may be tempting to just read your speech off your phone, Dent advices writing it on paper or printing it out instead. "Reading from a piece of paper is much more visually appealing, and it'll look much more timeless when you look back at your photos," she says.

Practice, practice, practice.

Preparing for public speaking requires repetition. Even though you'll be reading it off the paper and don't need to memorize it, be sure to still practice reciting it a few times before the wedding day so you feel confident in your delivery and can maintain a nice rhythm and eye contact. Dent suggests practicing in front of close friends and family as well who can provide feedback on the content and the delivery. "You want to be sure that they are happy with the speech and that it is reflective of both partners," Dent says.

What NOT to Say in a Groom Speech

When it comes to what not to say in a groom's speech, negativity is definitely at the top of the list. "Focus on the amazing wedding day and the joy it has brought — even if everything about the wedding has not gone as planned," Dent says. Also, she adds, avoid sharing embarrassing stories about your new spouse in your speech, unless, of course, you've discussed it with them and it's an interesting or funny anecdote that would entertain your guests.

Groom and groom's parents walking down the aisle

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Wedding thank-you messages: what to write in a wedding thank-you note.


Got a big stack of wedding thank-you notes to write? Congratulations, newlywed! It means you’ve got a lot of people who care about you. It’s a good problem to have.

Getting started can be daunting, but don’t sweat it. The honeymoon doesn’t have to end just because you have your note-writing work cut out for you. Keep reading for inspiration and message ideas from Hallmark writers to help take you from “dreading it” to “did it”!

Inspired? Create and share by tagging @Hallmark .

  • Thank You for Wedding Gift
  • Thank You For Wedding Shower Gift
  • Thank You for Money or Gift Card
  • Thank You For Attending the Wedding
  • Thank You For Being in the Wedding
  • Thank You For Helping Make the Wedding Day Amazing
  • Thank You to Parent(s)
  • Beyond “Thank You”

Why Wedding Thank-You Notes Matter  

While weddings themselves might not be the traditional affairs they once were, wedding thank-you notes are timelessly thoughtful, classy, and just as meaningful as ever. At a bare minimum, a wedding thank you acknowledges that you received a gift or kindness, and reflects the time and thought that went into giving it with some corresponding effort of its own. That all by itself is important.

But at their best, wedding thank-you notes can remind a friend or loved one how much they mean to you and thank them, not only for adding to your big day, but for being part of your life. And that’s more than important—it’s essential. It’s taking good care of the people who mean the most.

Thank You for Wedding Gift  

A good general plan for a wedding gift thank you is to 1) acknowledge the gift, 2) elaborate on why you like it or how you’ll use it, 3) compliment the giver and make a personal connection, and 4) say thanks again. Like so:

Dear Dave and Joanne, Thank you so much for the terrific cutlery set you gave us for our wedding! It’s already coming in handy with meal prep, and the knife block looks sharp on our kitchen counter. We’re touched by your thoughtfulness, and thrilled that you were able to make it to the wedding, too. Having you there to share our special day with us meant so much to us. Thank you again! Warmly, Heather and Ethan

Dear Jim and Alice, Thank you so much for the towels. Now we no longer have to drip dry. It was very kind of you to buy us a present. We’ll think of you every time we’re in the bathroom! (Okay, maybe not every time.) Gratefully, Joe and Tina

Writing-tip: Here are a few questions to help you say more than just “Thanks for the toaster!”:

  • How did you feel when you opened the gift?
  • What plans do you have for it?
  • Why is this a good choice for the two of you?
  • How will the gift make some part of your life easier, prettier, or better?

Thank You For Wedding Shower Gift  

The main difference here is calling out the shower as the occasion for the gift. If you can possibly manage it, get your shower thank-you notes written before the wedding. Your future married self will thank you!

Dear Gabi, Just writing to tell you how much I appreciate your fabulous shower gift! I was so excited when I opened the essential oils and diffuser—and the way you pulled it all together in the gift basket was so creative! You’re amazing. It was great catching up with you at the shower. Thanks for being there and making it so special! Gratefully, Elena

Hi, Ella and Tom! Thank you for chipping in on the group gift for our couples shower! We can hardly wait to try out the new lawnmower. You guys are great friends! Warmest thanks, Meg and Terrence

Writing-tip: Need a good word to describe the gift? How about one of these: thoughtful, wonderful, beautiful, gorgeous, fabulous, fantastic, perfect, generous, awesome, amazing, touching, heartwarming, one-of-a-kind, unique, creative, handy, much-needed, practical

Thank You for Money or Gift Card  

With an open-ended gift like this, it’s a nice touch to mention your general plans for it, but not absolutely necessary. Rather than stating the specific amount of money given, you can just refer to the generous gift or gift card.

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Greenlee, Trey and I are so grateful for the generous hardware store gift card. We’re moving into a bit of a fixer-upper, and this will help us so much. It means a lot to know you’re thinking of us and wishing us well as we start out together. Thank you again for your thoughtfulness! Sincerely, Annabelle Daniels

Dear Aunt Mary, Thanks so much for the very thoughtful wedding gift. Couples can always use a little help getting started on their new life together, and we’re no exception.  Your caring means a lot to us. And so do you. Love, John and Katie

Writing-tip: Double-check that you’re using the correct form and spelling of your recipients’ names. When in doubt about what level of formality to use, opt for your recipient’s last name with the correct title (Mr., Mrs. Miss, Dr.).

Thank You For Attending the Wedding  

Sometimes a guest’s presence is the wedding present, and that’s worth a thank you, especially when they’ve traveled or made a special effort to be there for you.

Dear Caroline, From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for going out of your way to be at our wedding. It meant so much to look out and see your smiling face in the pews, and to have a chance to talk and catch up at the reception. We can’t tell you how much we appreciate it. Our big day was even more unforgettable because you were there to celebrate it with us. Lots of love, Chris and Jill

Dear Hannah, Wow! Our wedding day went by way too fast. It was so fun to celebrate with all of our friends and family. We hope you had fun and we want you to know how grateful we are that you were a part of this day that was so important to us. Fondly, Kate and Taylor

Writing-tip: A warm closing is the perfect finishing touch for any thank-you note. Create your own, or choose from these favorites:

  • Thankfully,
  • Gratefully,
  • Yours truly,
  • Warmest thanks,
  • With heartfelt thanks,
  • Lots of love,
  • Love always,
  • All our love,…

Thank You For Being in the Wedding  

Taking part in a wedding can mean a big investment of time, energy, and support. That’s why bridesmaids , groomsmen , ushers, attendants, and other helpers deserve a warm thank-you note.

Dear Janae, Having you in our wedding means so much to us.  Your smiles, your words, your hugs—they all made our magical day even better. We loved having you there to share in the celebration. Everything about the wedding was better because of you. Thanks for being an important part of our special day, and the best maid of honor ever! Love always, Michelle

Dear Cody, What a great wedding day we had! But it wouldn’t have been complete without you—our usher extraordinaire! Thank you for all the big and small ways you helped out, and for all the laughter and energy you shared. You’ll always be an especially fun part of our wedding memories. Love, Cathy and Brian

Writing-tip: Wedding thank-you notes don’t need to be stiff or formal, especially for people you know well. If you use humor and casual language to communicate with your recipient in everyday life, then feel free to do the same when write them a wedding thank you.

Thank You For Helping Make the Wedding Day Amazing  

These wedding thank-notes might go to friends or family who helped manage the little glitches and big moments of the day, or to the photographer, stylist, or other wedding pro went above and beyond for you.

Dear Pete, Thank you for all your help at the wedding! We loved having you there standing by us and sharing in the celebration. (And your last-minute pep talk to our ring bearer really saved the day!) Joel and I are really lucky to you in our lives, and happy we can both call you family now. Thanks for being an unforgettable part of our day. Lots of love, Anne

Dear Miss Kelly, I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for your expertise in planning and pulling our wedding day together! It went absolutely beautifully, down to the littlest details. It was a dream-come-true day for Zach and me, and I know it wouldn’t have been possible without you. Thank you for going above and beyond for us! Sincerely, Teresa Gray

Writing-tip: For a wedding professional, a glowing public review and promise to recommend them couldn’t hurt either.

Thank You to Parent(s)  

“Thanks, Mom/Dad.” You’ve probably said it to them in person already, but for an occasion this special, it’s worth putting in writing, too.

Example #1:

Dear Mom and Dad, I can’t fully express what your support, encouragement, and advice has meant to me these past few months! It was such a comfort to know that no matter what happened, you two were always there for us.

Our wedding was a day that Marco and I will never forget, and a big part of that was having you by our sides: walking down the aisle, toasting with us, celebrating with us. Sure, a wedding is about two people who love each other, but it’s also about everyone who loves those two people. We are two lucky people to have parents like you with us on this ride called life. Thanks again, from the bottom of our hearts, for everything! Love always, Yolanda

Writing-Tip: If you can include a specific wedding moment or memory your mom or dad made special, your thank you note will mean even more (e.g., “I’ll always remember our first dance together, Daddy. I’m so glad I had you to lean on and keep me smiling!)

Beyond “Thank You”  

Getting bored with the phrase “thank you”? Here are some other ways to say it:

  • “We really appreciate…”;
  • “[Brett] and I are so grateful for…”;
  • “Your wedding gift means so much to us”;
  • “We’re deeply thankful for…”
  • “You really blessed us [by coming to the wedding/with your wonderful gift]”
  • “Wow! The [crystal vase] you sent is just gorgeous!”
  • “It really warmed our hearts when we [opened the wedding photo book]”;
  • “We were both touched by your thoughtful gift.”
  • “You really outdid yourself!”
  • “You couldn’t have picked a better gift for us.”
  • “We’ll always cherish [the framed recipes handwritten by Nana].”
  • “We’re blown away by your generosity!”
  • “The [painting] is perfect! Do you know us or what?”
  • “We love the [blender]! We’ll think of you every time we [make Margaritas].”
  • greeting card messages

Shop Thank You Notes

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Wedding Planning Blog

Bride giving wedding day speech

Helpful writing tips and bride speech examples for your wedding day

24 April 2023

Settle the nerves around writing and delivering your wedding day speech with these easy-to-follow and confidence-building tips.

Weddings are one of the most important events in our lives. They bring together family and friends to celebrate love and commitment. As a bride, giving a speech at your wedding reception can be daunting. You may be nervous about public speaking or need clarification on what you want to say or how to say it. The great news is that with some preparation and practice, you can deliver a heartfelt and memorable speech that will be cherished by all who hear it.

In this article, we will guide you through writing a bride's speech. We'll cover everything from choosing a theme to confidently delivering the speech. We'll also provide some great examples, including some clips from real weddings, to inspire you.

Bride looking at groom giving speech

Before you begin there are few things to consider

Before you start writing your speech, there are several things you need to consider.

First , you need to decide on the tone and theme. For example, do you want to deliver a formal or informal speech? Do you want your speech to be humorous or sentimental? Understanding the tone and theme of your speech will help you decide on the content and structure.

Second , you need to decide on the length of your speech. A bride's speech should typically be between three to five minutes long. Anything longer than that may become tedious for the audience, or the significance may be lost.

Third , you need to decide on the content of your speech. What do you want to say? Who would you like to thank? Would you like to share any personal anecdotes or stories?

Bride giving speech

To help give a general overview of the speech writing process and where you'll need to start and where you'll want to end, we've divided the process into five easy and manageable steps:

1. Understanding the Purpose of Your Speech

Before you start writing, it's essential to understand the purpose of your speech. A bridal address is an opportunity to express your gratitude and appreciation to your family and friends, who have supported you on your journey to your wedding day. It's also a chance to express your love and commitment to your partner. Your speech should be sincere and heartfelt, reflecting your personality and relationship you share with your partner. You should aim to make your guests feel appreciated and included, and you should also aim to inspire and uplift them with your words.

2. Brainstorm Ideas and Themes

Once you understand the purpose of your speech, it's time to start brainstorming ideas and themes. Start by reflecting on your relationship with your partner and your shared experiences. Think about the moments meaningful to you, the challenges you've overcome, and your hopes for your future together. You can also reflect on your relationship with your family and friends. Think about the people who have supported you and helped you become who you are today. Consider how their love and guidance have impacted your life and how much you appreciate their presence on your special day.

3. Choose a Structure and Tone

Once you have some ideas, it's time to start thinking about the structure and tone of your speech. Your speech should have a clear beginning, middle, and end and flow smoothly from one section to the next. Consider using a narrative structure that tells a story, such as starting with the beginning of your relationship and ending with your hopes for the future. You can also use a thematic structure that focuses on different aspects of your relationship, such as your shared values or interests. In terms of tone, your speech should be sincere, but it should also be appropriate for the occasion. Like your wedding vows you can add humour and light-hearted moments, but be mindful of your audience, avoid making inappropriate jokes or comments, and avoid the temptation to ad-lib.

4. Draft Your Speech

With your ideas, structure, and tone in mind, it's time to start drafting your speech. Start by writing an outline that includes the main points you want to make and the stories or anecdotes you want to share. Once you have an outline, start fleshing out your speech by writing in complete sentences and paragraphs. Use descriptive language and vivid imagery to bring your stories to life, and be sure to include specific details that will make your speech memorable and meaningful.

5. Edit and Refine Your Speech

After you've finished your first draft, it's time to start editing and refining your speech, consider using an editing tool to fine-tune the process. First, read through your speech aloud and note any sections that don't flow smoothly or don't sound right. Next, consider cutting areas that don't add value or that are too long, and be sure to check for grammar and spelling errors.

Bride giving speech

Putting pen to paper...here is some inspiration to get the words flowing:

Now that you've grasped the process, it's time to put pen to paper. Below are key components to include in your speech, along with examples to get your creative process and writing flowing.

Start with a heartfelt thank you

Begin your speech by thanking your guests for attending your wedding and their love and support. Acknowledge the efforts of your family and friends who have helped make your wedding day a success.

' I want to express my heartfelt gratitude for being here with us today to celebrate this special occasion. Your presence has made this day even more memorable and meaningful. Thank you for taking the time out of your busy lives to travel from near and far to join us on our wedding day. Your love and support mean the world to us, and we feel so blessed to have you here to share in this joyous occasion. We are honoured to have you as our guests, and we hope you have enjoyed the festivities as much as we have. Thank you again for being a part of our special day and making it even more unforgettable with your presence.'

' I am expressing my deepest gratitude to all of you for being here today to celebrate our wedding. Your presence means the world to us, and we are so grateful that you took the time to join us on this special day. As we stand here surrounded by our loved ones, we are reminded of the incredible support and love that we have in our lives. We are truly blessed to have each of you here to share in this joyous occasion. Thank you for your warm wishes, kind words, and generous gifts. We are so fortunate to have such wonderful people in our lives, and we look forward to creating many more happy memories together. Once again, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for participating in our wedding day. Your love and support mean more to us than words can express.'

Bride giving speech

Share a personal anecdote or story

Sharing the story of how you first met can add a personal touch to your speech and make it more engaging for the audience. Choose a story relevant to your wedding day that reflects your relationship with your partner.

'I still remember the day I met (partner's name) like it was yesterday. We were both at a friend's party, and I couldn't take my eyes off him. We spent the entire night talking and laughing, and from that moment on, I knew that he was the one for me.'

' I will never forget the day I met my spouse. We were at a mutual friend's party, and I was immediately drawn to their infectious smile and kind heart. We talked for hours that night, and I knew right then and there that there was something special about them. Fast forward a few years, and here we are, getting married in front of our loved ones. I am so grateful for every moment we have shared, and I know we have a lifetime of happiness ahead of us.'

' Good evening, everyone! Today is such a special day for us, and I'm thrilled to be standing here as a wife to the most amazing man I know. When we first met, I was immediately drawn to his sense of humor and his kind heart. One particular memory that always stands out to me was when we went on our first date. He had planned this elaborate surprise, and I was completely blown away. But as we were walking down the street, he suddenly tripped and fell flat on his face! I was so worried and rushed to his side, but he looked up at me with that same mischievous grin and said, 'Well, I guess I've fallen for you already.' That moment encapsulates everything I love about him - his ability to laugh at himself, his unwavering optimism, and his endless love for me. I'm so grateful to have him by my side, and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with him. Thank you all for being here to celebrate with us!'

Bride giving speech

Thank your parents and family

It is essential to acknowledge the efforts of your parents and family members who have supported you throughout your life and on your wedding day. Express your gratitude and appreciation for their love and support.

'I want to take this opportunity to thank my parents for everything they have done for me. They have always been my pillars of strength, and I wouldn't be the person I am today without their love and guidance.'

' I would like to take a moment to thank a few special people who have played a significant role in our relationship. To my mother and father, thank you for your unwavering love and support. You have been my rock throughout my entire life, and I couldn't be more grateful. To my spouse's parents, thank you for welcoming me into your family with open arms. I am so lucky to have such wonderful in-laws. To our friends, thank you for your love and support. You have been there for us through thick and thin, and we are so lucky to have you in our lives.'

' I want to start by thanking my amazing family for their love and support throughout my life. Mom and Dad, you have always been my biggest cheerleaders and I cannot thank you enough for everything you have done for me. To my siblings, thank you for being my lifelong friends and always being there when I needed you. I love you all and feel incredibly blessed to have you as my family.'

' I am so grateful to my family for being here today to celebrate this special moment with me. Mom and Dad, you have always been my rock and I cannot thank you enough for your guidance and love. To my grandparents, thank you for your wisdom and for being a constant source of inspiration to me. To my aunts, uncles, and cousins, thank you for your love and support over the years. I am truly blessed to have such an amazing family.'

Bride and mother giving speech

Thank your partner

Express your love and gratitude for your partner and acknowledge their role in your life. Share a few words about your journey together and what they mean to you.

'Today has been a dream come true for me, and I couldn't be happier to be standing here as a newlywed. First, I want to take a moment to thank my husband, (name), for making this day so special. I knew that (name) was the one for me from the moment we met. He has been my rock, support, and best friend throughout our relationship. He has always been there for me, through the good times and the bad, and I feel so grateful to have him in my life.'

'Today, I want to thank (name) for being the most loving and caring partner I could have ever asked for. You have made me feel loved, cherished, and appreciated every day, and I am so grateful for your presence in my life. I look forward to spending the rest of my life with you, and I can't wait to see what the future holds for us. Thank you for being my husband, soulmate, and forever partner. I love you always and forever, (name)'

' Dear friends and family, I just want to take a moment to express my gratitude to my incredible husband. From the moment we met, I knew you were the one for me. You have been my rock, my partner, and my best friend. Today, on our wedding day, I feel so lucky to be standing beside you as your wife. You have shown me what true love and commitment look like, and I promise to cherish and honour you for the rest of my life. Thank you for loving me unconditionally, always supporting me, and being my constant source of joy and laughter. I am so excited to start this new chapter of our lives together, and I know that anything is possible with you by my side. So, to my amazing husband, thank you for being my everything. I love you more than words can express, and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you.'

Bride giving speech

Toast to your future

Finally, it's time to toast to your future with your partner. Express your hopes and dreams for your future together. Share what you are looking forward to most about your life together and how you plan to navigate any challenges that may arise. This is an excellent opportunity to express your love and commitment to your partner and celebrate your life's beginning together.

' I am so excited to start this new chapter of our lives together. I cannot wait to see what the future holds and to experience all the joys and challenges that come with it. With you by my side, I know we face any trial and build the beautiful life we both dreamed of. Before we raise our glasses, I just want to take a moment to express my gratitude to all of you who have joined us here today. Your love and support mean the world to us; we are so blessed to have you in our lives. As I stand here as a bride, I can't help but feel overwhelmed with emotion. Today is not just about our love for each other, but it's also about the promise of our future together. So, I want to propose a toast to our future. May it be filled with love, laughter, and endless possibilities. May we continue to grow and evolve together, and may our love only deepen with each passing year. As we embark on this journey together, I know that there will be challenges and obstacles that we will face. But I also know that with each other's support, we can conquer anything that comes our way. So, let's raise our glasses to our future together. Here's to love, here's to laughter, and here's to a lifetime of happiness. Cheers!'

'Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to take a moment to propose a toast to our future. Today, I am standing here with the love of my life, surrounded by our friends and family, and I couldn't be happier. As we embark on this new journey together, I want to reflect on the love and support that has brought us to this day. From the first moment I met my husband, I knew that he was someone special. He has been my partner, confidant, and biggest cheerleader through life's ups and downs. Today, we are not just celebrating our wedding, but we are celebrating our future—a future filled with love, joy, and endless possibilities. I am so excited to see where life takes us, and I know that anything is possible with my husband by my side. So, for our future, I propose a toast. May it be filled with love, laughter, and all the happiness we deserve. Here's to a lifetime of love, adventure, and the memories we will create together. Cheers!'

Bride and groom speech

Words of Wisdom

As a bride, you have a unique perspective on love and relationships. You can share your wisdom and advice with your guests and offer them some words of encouragement for their own relationships or reflect on some of the things you have learned along the way.

' As I stand here today, as a newlywed bride, I would like to share some wisdom I have gained through planning a wedding and preparing for marriage. First and foremost, I have learned that communication is key. Communicating openly and honestly with your partner about your thoughts, feelings, and expectations is essential. Communication helps build a strong foundation for your relationship and ensures you are always on the same page. Secondly, I have learned that compromise is vital. Marriage is about two people coming together and learning to work as a team. Sometimes that means making sacrifices and compromises for your partner's and your relationship's sake. But remember, compromising does not mean giving up your wants and needs. Instead, it means finding a balance that works for both of you. Thirdly, I have learned that love is a choice. It's not just a feeling but a decision you make every day to prioritize your partner, show them kindness, and work towards a common goal. Finally, love requires effort, commitment, and a willingness to grow and change together. Finally, I have learned that it's important to never take your partner for granted. Instead, celebrate the small things, appreciate each other's quirks and differences, and never forget why you fell in love in the first place. So to my new husband, I promise to communicate openly, to compromise when necessary, to choose love every day, and always to appreciate and cherish you. Thank you all for being a part of our special day, and for the love and support that you have shown us throughout our journey.’

' As I stand here today, a blushing bride with my heart full of love and gratitude, I cannot help but reflect on the journey that has led me to this moment. Throughout the ups and downs of planning this wedding, I have learned so much about myself and my partner. And as I look into the eyes of my new spouse, I am filled with a deep sense of joy and peace, knowing that we are embarking on a new adventure together. But as much as this day is about us, it is also about all of you who have come here to celebrate with us. And so, I want to share a few words of wisdom that I have gained along the way, hoping that they might inspire and encourage you as well. Firstly, I have learned that love is not just a feeling, but a choice. It's a decision to put someone else's needs before your own, to forgive and seek forgiveness, to work through the tough times together, and to cherish the beautiful moments. Secondly, I have realized that relationships take effort. They require time, patience, and a willingness to listen and learn from each other. And while it's not always easy, the rewards of a deep, meaningful connection are immeasurable. Lastly, I have come to understand the importance of community. None of us can go through life alone, and having a supportive network of family and friends is truly priceless. So let us all remember to love and cherish those around us, and to build each other up in every way possible. Thank you for being here with us today and being part of our lives. We are so grateful for each of you, and we look forward to many more years of laughter, love, and growth together. Cheers to the start of a beautiful journey.'

Bride and groom giving speech

All important preparation pointers

Now that you have put pen to paper and written your speech, it is time to prepare further to share it on your wedding day. To help navigate the nerves and to further prepare, follow these final six practical and straightforward steps:

Practice reading your speech out loud: This will help you become more familiar with the content and flow of your speech. You can also use this opportunity to time yourself to ensure your speech is within the allotted time.

Rehearse in front of a mirror: Practicing in front of a mirror will allow you to observe your body language and facial expressions. You can adjust your tone, pace, and gestures to convey the intended emotions.

Get feedback from others: Share your speech with a trusted friend or family member and ask for their feedback. They can provide valuable insight into the clarity and impact of your speech.

Prepare for any technical issues: Make sure that the microphone, audio, and visual aids are working correctly, and test them before the event starts.

Relax and enjoy the moment: Remember that you're surrounded by friends and family who love and support you. Take a deep breath, smile, and deliver your speech with confidence and authenticity.

Bring a copy of your speech: A printed copy of your speech can help you stay on track and avoid any potential issues with technology.

Bride and groom giving speech

Delivering a speech on your wedding day is one of the most important moments of your celebration. It allows you to express your gratitude to those who have supported you both throughout your life and in the lead-up to your special day. It also allows you to share your thoughts and feelings about your wedding day and your partner. Giving a speech as the bride can be empowering and provides a different perspective on the wedding day that may not have been shared in other speeches. Overall, your speech will be a meaningful and memorable addition to the wedding celebrations that can help make the day even more special for your partner, loved ones and guests.

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Bride’s Speech Examples

March 5, 2017 By Kate

bride's speech examples

While bride speeches are not necessarily traditional at weddings, there is no reason why the star of the show cannot give her own speech in front of all the people that are near and dear to her. If you are a bride and are not shy or feel like you have something important to express, then you will want to deliver a speech that is sincere and heartfelt.

Since bride speeches are not traditional, there are many things that you can talk about. You can talk about the Groom and how you met. You might decide to thank your parents and about how their marriage inspired you.

If someone you love could not make it to your wedding, you can make them the focus of your speech. If someone close to you recently passed away, then you can talk about them as well.

More than anything, your guests will love to hear you talk about your romance. What was your first impression of the groom? How did you know that he was the one? What are your most favorite things about him?

Brides can also be stereotypically known for being Bridezillas, which is a term for brides who are way too demanding when it comes to planning their weddings. If you like, you can make it a point in your speech to thank your bridesmaids for all the help they have given you while you planned for your wedding

You can also thank your bridesmaids for their unfaltering emotional support and for any other help they may have given to you while you prepared for your big wedding day. Being a bridesmaid can be very demanding and stressful and they might appreciate the shout out and the show of appreciation.

Below are a variety of bride speech ideas that you can use for your own speech at your wedding. Whether you want to talk about your groom, feel like thanking your bridal party, or want to honor someone special, there are many ways for you to craft your wedding speech. Let the bride speech quotes below inspire you to make your own unique and touching speech for your wedding.

As the bride, all eyes will be on you and people will want to hear what you have to say. So make it entertaining, romantic, and if you want and if it is appropriate, you can even use some humor as well. And last of all, do not forget to thank all of your guests for coming to witness your wedding and support you and your husband on your big day.

1. I know that a bride giving a speech at her wedding is a little out of the box, but I have always been the type of person to march to the beat of my own drum. I want to thank my husband, my bridesmaids, and the rest of our family and friends for being so supportive of us. Thank you for showering us with your love and thank you for embracing our weirdness.

2. I will be the first person in this room to admit that I was never the type of girl to dream about her wedding day. A big, romantic wedding was just never something that I thought all that much about. I was not even sure if I would ever get married. But when you meet the right person, you just know, and I am so grateful that I met [groom] and that I get to be his wife. I could not ask for a better husband.

3. Growing up, I was always a little bit skeptical of everything. I never wanted to believe in things that were too good to be true. But sometimes good things just happen. I learned that when I met [groom.] When I met him he was a breath of fresh air and since then he has become much more than that.

What started out as a good friendship blossomed into a wonderful relationship with someone who is truly amazing. I believe in angels and miracles now, because [groom] is my angel, he is my miracle.

4. When I was just a little girl, I used to dream about my wedding day. I would think about the beautiful white dress, the gorgeous flowers, and the delicious cake. And I have to admit all of those things have been nice things about my wedding. At the same time, none of it would mean anything without my wonderful groom, our lovely friends, and our amazing families. All the material stuff is extra, but it is the people you love that make a special day like this so meaningful.

5. This wedding has been a whirlwind of love and happy moments with all of the people that I love the most. But most of all, it is the day that I got to marry the love of my life. [Groom,] thank you for being my husband. I love you with every fiber of my being. Thank you for being my husband.

6. The first day that [groom] and met, I will admit that I thought he was cute and that he was interesting. I wanted to get to know him better. But never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined what our future would hold. Every now and then I think to myself, how lucky I am that I got to meet and marry such a wonderful person.

7. [Groom,] I never knew what my wildest dreams were until I met you. You have made me feel immeasurably happy, loved, and content and I know this is only the beginning of our journey together as a married couple.

8. [Groom,] having you in my life has been an absolute blessing. First as a friend, then as boyfriend and girlfriend. Then we became engaged and decided to get married. And as of today, we are husband and wife and I could not be more excited.

9. Hi everyone. Are you all having fun or what? I sure hope you are all having a great time because I sure am. I have to say that I am having the time of my life today.

I want to thank all of you for coming here to witness [groom] and I’s special day. It goes without saying that this day is obviously about the love that [groom] and I share, but there are two other people in this room that I especially want to thank. These are two people who I would not be here without. And these special people of course, are my mom and dad.

My mom and dad did what all good parents do. They always nurtured me, protected me, and loved me. But they also loved each other and I got to witness their love for one another every day when I was growing up. Whether intentional or not, that love that the two of them shared had a deeply profound impact on me, even as a little girl. Because of my parents, I know what real love is.

And now that I’m a lot older and am married, I cannot wait to share my whole entire life with this one person who is so special and means so much to me. Thank you mom and dad, for always showering love on me. I love you both with all of my heart and thank you [groom,] for being my husband.

10. Some of you here know that we have been planning this wedding for some time now. During the whole planning process, I have learned quite a lot about weddings, but most of all, I learned a lot about [groom] and I.

We all know that planning a wedding takes a lot of work and now that the wedding day is finally today, I know that now more than ever. This day could not have been possible without so many people but I especially want to thank the love of my life [groom,] our bridal party, and our parents. You have all provided us with so much support and love throughout the whole wedding planning process and we are thrilled to be celebrating our special day with all of you by our side.

11. If I look overcome with emotion, it is because I am. I never knew life could be like this and that I could be so happy. And I have [groom] to thank for that. Thank you, [groom] for filling my days with joy and filling my heart with love. And thank you for becoming my husband today and letting me be your wife.

12. I would like to give a special and heartfelt thank you to all of my bridesmaids for helping me with this wedding. Not only did you lovely ladies help me with the planning, you sat there through some of my bridezilla moments and did not run away screaming. Thank you for being so patient with me and for being there for me especially on today, which is such an important day to [groom] and I. I love all of you so much.

13. I would first and foremost like to thank the handsome and charming [groom,] who I am now lucky enough to call my husband. Just saying that feels weird, but it also feels so right.

Thank you, [groom] for loving me for me and for standing up with me at the altar so we could exchange our vows. This is not the happy ending to our love story because this day is only just the beginning of a new and more exciting adventure that we get to experience together. We have a lifetime ahead of us and I for one cannot wait to see what lies ahead.

14. All my life, I have always been a very spiritual person and I truly believe that everything happens for a reason. So I have never thought that my meeting [groom] was ever a coincidence. I think that we were meant to be together and that God was saving you for me.

15. Thank you to everyone for coming to our wedding. [Groom] and I are truly blessed to have all of you in our lives. And I have to say that for me, [groom] has been my biggest blessing of all. To be able to find someone to share a married life with is something that I can only attribute to God’s grace and I want to thank God for everything that has been given to me and [groom.] We could not be happier.

16. In life, there are so many things for us to constantly think about. Sometimes it can be easy to feel like you can never be sure of anything. In fact, I have often found myself feeling that way. Unsure about some of the choices I have made, about the career I’ve chosen or the home I live in. And sometimes I have even been unsure about the people I surround myself with.

But over time, you learn how to tackle that uncertainty, though you will still find times where you are not always sure about everything. That is just how life is.

When I met [groom] though, I was sure. Of what I was sure of, I didn’t exactly know. But I knew that he was someone special. I was sure that I wanted to know this person and get to know everything about him. I didn’t know at the time whether that meant as a friend or something more, but all I knew was that I wanted to be in his life.

As [groom] and I got to know each other more and more, that certainty only grew stronger. And not only was I sure about him, but having him around made me more sure of other aspects of my life as well. When you are with someone that you are that sure about, you feel much more confident and more sure of things.

[Groom,] thank you for being here with me today and deciding to become my husband. I know without a doubt, that we have a very bright future ahead of us. I know not everything will be easy or perfect, but we will have each other and that is more than enough for me.

17. Most of you probably know that [groom] and I are religious. And for me, my spirituality has often been about taking a leap of faith. My faith has gotten me through so many good times and some not so good times as well. And how did I know that [groom] was the one? I didn’t know right away, it wasn’t exactly love at first sight. But when I took that leap of faith, everything clicked and I am glad we took a chance on each other. Without my faith and without [groom,] my world would not be as bright and as happy.

18. As I look at all of you in this room, I am overcome with emotions. Joy, love, and gratitude just to name a few. Thank you all so much for being here. Whether you were part of the wedding or traveled near and far to see [groom] and I get married today, it means more to me than words can adequately explain.

Check out our other article on Wedding Vows for Him or Her.

19. While this night is about me and [groom,] I just want to take a moment to thank the other two most important people in my life: my mom and dad. Mom and dad, you both have taught me so much. Dad, you are the first guy I ever loved and you have always taken care of our family. You and Mom have always made me feel so safe and so loved.

Mom, you are everything that I always wanted to be. Watching you and Dad, I always wanted to find a love that was as strong as yours. I am so happy that I found that perfect person. Thank you both for teaching me the meaning of love and for preparing me for the world.

20. What can I say about [groom?] You all know that he is smart, hardworking, and funny. And he is pretty handsome as well. But there is a lot more to him than meets the eye. Over the years, I have gotten to know the real [groom.]

[Groom] is a romantic. He has always been thoughtful from day one. And I don’t even mean the gifts. Romance is also about the little things. Saying “I love you” every morning when you wake up and every night when you go to bed.

And [groom] is also the most patient, nicest person I know. He has seen me through a lot of hard times and while he has seen me at my very best, he has also seen me at my worst.

[Groom] is fearless. And with him, I am fearless as well. I know that together, we can explore the world as husband and wife. Together, we will have many adventures together.

21. [Groom,] I just want you to know that you have my heart today and always. I cannot wait to go to bed with you next to me every night and to wake up every morning with you by my side. You are an absolute blessing in my life and I am so happy to be the new Mrs. ____________.

22. When two people decide to get married, there is a lot of talk about the wedding. The couple sits down and goes crazy trying to find a venue, set a date, get together a bridal party, and book a caterer, DJ, and florist among many other countless vendors. You also have to find the perfect dress for the bride and the right dresses for the bridesmaids. Down to every little detail, weddings are something that are discussed and planned in great detail.

But there is a lot more to a marriage, isn’t there? After the fun wedding, when the music is gone and the food and cake has been eaten, when the guests have danced their hearts out, and the newlyweds have driven off together, what is left?

After the wedding, what is left is the marriage itself. And while marriage is certainly not a big party every day, it is something that [groom] and I talked about a lot and in great detail. Who would pay the bills? Who would do the laundry, the cooking, the cleaning? Did we want kids? How many? What would our home look like?

And even then, when all of those questions have been discussed, there is still a lot more to a marriage. How much are two people willing to fight for each other and listen to each other? Will they be strong for each other? So [groom] and I sat down and we talked and talked and talked about the wedding, about what marriage meant to us, and what our future together would look like.

What we realized more and more is how right it all felt. We won’t always have the perfect answer to everything that comes our way, but what we do have is each other. We have our love, our patience, and determination and with that in mind, I am so happy to now be married to [groom.]

You may also enjoy our Groom’s Speech Examples.

23. As many of you know, my grandma and I were close. My grandma was the sweetest lady that ever existed. She was a loving, nurturing, and kind soul and she was adored by everyone who knew her. We had a lot of good memories together, both in my childhood and even as an adult. I still remember her hugs and the soothing sound of her voice. She has had a profound impression on me throughout the years.

So as I celebrate my wedding day, I cannot help but remember my dear grandma. While I would have loved for her to be here today, I know that she is smiling down on us from heaven. And I know that she would have loved [groom] and that she would be over the moon for the two of us. Grandma, I love and miss you.


how to write a thank you speech for wedding

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How to thank your parents in your wedding speech.

By Tansey Tang

how to write a thank you speech for wedding

You’ll be expressing your appreciation for all of your guests at your wedding, and there are some very special people you shouldn’t miss out. Here’s how to properly thank your parents in your wedding speech!

Y our wedding day is finally here, and all the months of hard work and planning have paid off when you see the loving and excited faces gathered to celebrate you and your milestone. Your heart is so full and bursting with appreciation for the dear ones surrounding you, and your wedding speech is the perfect opportunity to express your thankfulness for their presence and their help. Besides thanking the people who cried with you, laughed with you, and worked through the night DIY-ing with you, you’ll also want to set aside a few minutes to honour your parents and in-laws.

Saying thank you to your parents at your wedding isn’t just about thanking them for any financial or logistical help with your wedding; it’s about publicly expressing your gratitude for all they’ve done for you. Thanking your new in-laws is also a respectful way to address them for the first time. Being from our typically reticent Asian culture, you may feel uncomfortable expressing your appreciation to your parents, especially when you’ll be doing so on stage. We put together some tips and sample ways to say thank you to your parents and in-laws during your wedding speech.

how to write a thank you speech for wedding

How Long Should the Thank You Speech Be?

Your thank you speech to your parents will likely be part of your wedding speech, where you have many special people to appreciate, such as your guests, your bridal party, your siblings, and anyone who has played a part in putting your wedding together. To avoid losing attention, you’ll want to keep your speech concise—about 5-8 minutes long each if the both of you are taking turns to speak. Your thank-yous to your parents is a key component of your speech, but probably won’t take very long.

What Should You Include in Your Thank-You Speech to Your Parents?

Your wedding is a big milestone, where you officially leave the household to form a new family of your own. You’ll want to thank your parents for all they’ve done in bringing you to this new chapter. You could express your gratitude for their unconditional love and support, acknowledge their hard work or appreciate their cooking, mention some values they’ve taught you to live by, or reminisce about some childhood memories that you’ll cherish. You could also talk about their role model characters or their example as a loving married couple, and how you hope to follow in their footsteps. If they contributed financially to your wedding, be sure to thank them as well, and appreciate any help they offered through the planning.

How Should You Thank Your In-Laws in Your Wedding Speech?

Your wedding speech is a great opportunity to let your new in-laws know how happy you are to be marrying their son or daughter. Thank them for raising a wonderful person, sliding in compliments about your partner, and win bonus points if you can relate them back to your in-laws. Express your appreciation at their efforts to welcome you into their family, and acknowledge any contribution your parents-in-law made to your wedding, whether it was financial or with the planning and organisation. Tell them how much you look forward to being part of their family.

how to write a thank you speech for wedding

Parent Thank-You Speech Examples

Writing a speech isn’t an easy thing to do, but you don’t need to be completely original! Here are some wedding thank-speech examples you can draw inspiration from.

To your parents:

Mum, Dad, thank you for your love and support through the years. You’ve done everything you could to give us a memorable childhood, and always guided and supported us in achieving our dreams. From you, I learned that failure is simply an opportunity to learn and try again, that being kind to people matters more than being right, and that love means forgiveness and selflessness. Growing up, you’ve shown us a beautiful example of what a great marriage looks like, and Liz and I can only hope to follow in your footsteps as we begin our new chapter together.

To my parents, thank you for working so hard to bring us up. All the home-cooked meals, the weekend family time, and even the time you spent tutoring us over our homework—I appreciate everything you’ve done to give Jie and I such a wonderful childhood. As we grew older, you never failed to lend a listening ear, cheer us on, or give us sound advice as we navigated forks in our life paths. As I celebrate this milestone today, I want to thank you for your love and support that led me here.

To your in-laws:

Pa, Ma, thank you for raising such a fine young man that today, I am proud to call my husband. Daniel is so smart, caring, hardworking, and thoughtful, and that can only be a reflection of how you’ve brought him up. Thank you for always inviting me over for such delicious meals, and for welcoming me so warmly into your lives. I’m so excited to officially become part of your family.

To my new mum and dad, thank you for welcoming me into your family. Thank you for entrusting your beautiful daughter into my care. Liz is truly the ideal woman—she’s patient, supportive, strong, and so talented at what she does. I will everything in my power to give her the happiness she deserves. As we begin building our new life together, we couldn’t be more grateful to have your love and support.

Wedding Thank You Speech Tips

Now that you’ve overcome the challenge of finding the right words to say, it’s time to make sure you deliver your wedding speech well. Familiarise yourself with your speech, then practise delivering it in front of your mirror or friends, or record yourself, to see if there are areas in which you could improve your delivery. While it’s perfectly fine to read off a script, practising your speech beforehand will help you sound more natural on stage. Speak more slowly than you normally would, and make eye contact with your audience as much as you can. The most important tip? Speak from the heart!

Credits: Feature image from Ming Tong and Daryl’s Sustainable Wedding with Gold Accents at Botanico at The Garage by Bottled Groove Photography

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Published on: 4 July 2022

Category: Weddings 101

Tagged in: Wedding Speeches

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How to Write the Perfect Father of the Bride Speech, in 7 Easy Steps

Here are some tips for how to floor your daughter (and the wedding guests!) with your father of the bride speech.

Nora Shepard

Vitaly M Photography

Your daughter is getting married. It’s a monumental day for not only her, but also for you, her father. She’s asked you to present a father of the bride speech (on of the traditional  father of the bride duties ), and you’re probably honored, but also a bit apprehensive. You want this father of the bride toast to floor her, like she’s floored you so many times in her life. Traditionally, father of the bride speeches either starts off or concludes the wedding reception toasts , so you’ll have everybody’s attention. You, as the father, have a unique perspective on this woman standing in front of everyone. Whether you're bursting with ideas or have a serious case of writer's block, it can be tricky to sit down and figure out how to write a father of the bride speech. 

It’s time to write the father of the bride speech you’ve always dreamed of giving. We’re here to help.

1. start your father of the bride speech with a few thank-yous..

As with any wedding toast, it's extra important that you kick off your father of the bride speech by introducing yourself and thanking whoever needs to be thanked in your early sentences. Many father of the bride speeches thank the guests for attending, as well as those who were instrumental in planning the big day (this may include your spouse). Introduce yourself as the father of the bride and feel free to make a joke about yourself. You can make a “dad joke,” or a pun, if that’s your style.

2. Mention any loved ones who you are remembering. 

If it feels right to you, mention any family members who aren't physically present at the wedding in your father of the bride toast. “I keep thinking of your mom, who would have absolutely loved to be here.” You can keep this sweet and simple. You don’t have to include it at all, but it could be a nice tribute to loved ones .

The Secret Garden at Rancho Santa Fe

3. Share any special memories of your child. 

Unless her older sibling or mother presents a speech, you have a plethora of memories to include in your father of the bride speech from a time in her life that no one else has tucked away. People love hearing stories from childhood, and you should capitalize on that . It can be sentimental or embarrassing – though, not too embarrassing. It is her day, after all.

Recall the day you brought her home from the hospital, and what you were thinking and feeling. Remember the time she brought a wounded bird into your house and demanded, through tears, that you two nursed it back to health? That was one moment out of many that you realized just how caring and generous your daughter has always been. Bring up the time she broke a bone (for the sixth time), because she was always so incredibly adventurous. You’ve always worried about her, but you know she can take care of herself. Our favorite father of the bride speech examples are ones where the giver uses an anecdote to share something about the bride's personality or his relationship with her. 

4. Talk about your new in-law.

Your daughter is the light of your life, but you have a new “child” in your life now. It would be nice to address her partner directly in your father of the bride speech, and thank them for making your daughter so incredibly happy. However you feel appropriate doing this, depending on your relationship with your new in-law , is up to you.

Use your father of the bride speech reminisce about the time when you first met him/her. If you’re particularly close with your daughter, maybe she called you after their first date – what were you thinking? Has there been a time you were particularly glad to have them around? This can be sentimental or funny, but it should be genuine – regardless of your true feelings. Maybe, on a family vacation, the car broke down, and her partner’s handy skills in a crisis made you really appreciate their presence. This is a funnier story, but can lead into a genuine appreciation. Most importantly, they have made your daughter incredibly happy, so definitely make sure to express gratitude and a warm welcome to the family.

Christy Renee Photography

5. Give some advice in your father of the bride speech.

You are older and wiser, so if it makes sense for you, give the new couple a piece of advice toward a happy marriage — or just happiness in general — in your father of the bride speech. Whether you’re married, divorced, or happily single doesn't matter. If you don’t feel equipped to offer advice, then don't force it. But, considering how many dads love to offer unsolicited advice to their children, this is a great opportunity.

If you are married, offer your secret . It can be real or a joke. But try to avoid sexist tropes, if you can. Jokes like, “Married men always have the same boss,” are tired and overused. More importantly than that, it presents an image of marriage to the new couple that isn’t ideal. If you do have genuine advice, though, feel free to offer it – even if you aren’t married. Don't joke about the divorce rate, though. It will only succeed in ensuing awkwardness for everyone present.

6. Use a quote, but don't force it.

This won't necessarily work for all father of the bride speeches. But, if it feels natural to work a quote that particularly speaks to you in your toast, you shouldn't feel like you have to shy away from it. It can be a sweet way to end your speech. Also, it doesn't have to be some profound quote — and this is what I mean about not forcing it. Don't use a quote just for the sake of using one. But, if there’s a quote that speaks to you on a personal level, it can be great. It doesn’t have to be serious. If you and your daughter have a special bond over something, like, The Simpsons , a comedic quote can be great provided you deliver it with confidence.

7. End with a toast.

If you're unsure of how to end your father of the bride speech, a toast is a crowd-pleaser. Offer up your congratulations and invite everyone to toast to the happy couple. Remind your daughter that you are proud of her, that you love her, and that you're so happy for her that she found someone who treats her well. Welcome your new in law to the family one last time, take a sip of your drink, and go hug your daughter – who may very well be crying .

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Wedding Welcome Speech: Tips for Expressing Gratitude and Joy

Natalia Bayeva


Being mandated with the duty to give wedding welcoming speeches is an honor. It means you share a stronger bond with the couple than many others present. But the anxiety and subtle confusion that comes with giving a welcome speech almost take out the fun.


To help calm your nerves and slay to perfection in this important event of your life, we’ve brought tips. In this post, you’ll find guides on how to start and give speeches to inspire you.

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Wedding Welcome Speeches Examples

There are different kinds of wedding ceremony speech samples. This is because although the bride’s father is traditionally the host, things are changing. The maid of honor, the best man, the groom himself, very close buddies, and anyone, can give the introduction to wedding welcoming speeches. And you’ll find beautifully crafted speech samples online.

“Hi, I’m (name) and it’s time for me to do this speech I scribbled down about an hour before the ceremony started.”
“My name is (name) and it’s an honour to be here today as (groom)’s best man.”
“Thank you for joining us today on such a wonderful occasion.”
“Welcome to _____ & _____ wedding reception! I am (name). Please take your seats so we can officially welcome our guests of honor.”
“Friends and Family of the _____ and _____, welcome and thank you for being here on this important day. We are gathered together to celebrate the very special love between _____ and _____, by joining them in marriage.”
“Good evening, welcome to this most important moment in the lives of this couple. We invite you to leave behind the worries and concerns of every day life and join us in the celebration of their marriage.”
“Today is a celebration. A celebration of love, of commitment, of friendship, of family, and of two people who are in it for forever.”
“We have been invited here today to witness and celebrate the uniting in marriage of _____ and _____. They are taking the first step of their new beginning; their new life together.”
“Hello and welcome! May your hearts be glad and your spirits be light. For every thing there is a season and a time for every purpose under Heaven. Now is the time for a wedding.”
“Hello everyone and welcome. Thank you for joining us on this day of gladness and good fortune. _____ and _____ are coming together to publicly proclaim their undying love through the celebration of their marriage. So we are all here to learn about loving and being loved, and to watch the miracle of love exchanged enriches every one of us.”
“Hi! My name is _____. We have come together – families and friends – to witness _____ and _____ as they exchange their vows of marriage. “We share with them their delight in finding love with each other, and support their decision to be together from now until the end of time.

Done! You’ve got the best wedding welcome speech! But wait, there’s more!

Wedding Reception Welcome Speech

Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining us on this magical day. Your presence makes this celebration truly special. Here’s to love, laughter, and unforgettable moments. Let the festivities begin! Cheers!
Friends and family, your smiles light up the room. Thank you for sharing in our joy. Today is a celebration of love, laughter, and cherished moments. Let’s make memories that last a lifetime. Cheers to all of you!
To our dear guests, your presence fills our hearts with happiness. Thank you for being part of our love story. As we gather for this reception, let’s savor the joy, create memories, and dance the night away. Cheers to love and togetherness!

Wedding Welcome Speech Tips

Wedding introduction speeches can make even the boldest person nervous. So nervous that you either forget your lines or don’t know how to start. Below are a few tips to help you start great wedding welcoming speeches.

  • Introduce yourself

Don’t step on stage with the false pride that everyone knows you. Because there are lots of guests who need a fresh reminder of who you are. Always introduce yourself and keep it short. Don’t go on and on, it could get boring. You may also start with witty one-liners. They are ice breakers.

Crafting warm and inviting opening lines to engage the audience. Importance of expressing gratitude and acknowledging the guests’ presence.

As we gather on this joyous occasion, let the warmth of our shared smiles illuminate the room. In the embrace of love, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to each one of you, dear guests, for gracing us with your presence today. Your smiles are the most beautiful decorations, and your presence adds a unique melody to this celebration of love. Let us embark on this journey of joy and togetherness, united by the bonds of love and friendship. Welcome, and thank you for being a part of this extraordinary moment.
  • Make eye contact

Making eye contact signifies confidence. Don’t look to the ground when giving a welcome speech. Look in the audience instead as it helps you comment. Roam around with your eyes and keep contact with specific persons for a few seconds. It makes everyone feel included.

  • Go with notes or cue cards

At the time of giving the speech, you may be quite stressed out or have your mind on other things. While it’s beautiful to say your speech off heart, the brains could play a trick on you. So always have a paper on hand. If you don’t want to write it out flat, then go with cue cards that act as reminders for your next line or paragraph.

  • Skip drinks

If possible, skip the drinks until after the welcome speech is over. You have enough time to celebrate. In other cases, it could be some Dutch courage you’re seeking. Still, skip the drink and use a mock audience backstage instead. Filling your head with drinks just before a speech will mess everything up for you. From incoherence to uncoordinated acts and possible misbehavior.

You could say all the funny jokes and witty one-liners. But if you’re not genuine, there’s no way of hiding it. Put some heart in your speech. Don’t give the welcome speech like an obligation. Do it as something you’re delighted at doing for someone who means the world to you.

  • Keep it short

Remember you’re giving the first speech out of many. There are still other activities on the program which must fly. So keep it short, straight the point and informative. It should last 10 minutes at the maximum. This sums up to about 1,000 words when written.

  • Mention the spouse

Don’t focus only on your half of the couple. Mention their spouse and praise them.

  • Closing Remark

Encouraging other speakers to follow with their toasts or speeches.Emphasizing the importance of creating a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere.

As we conclude this welcome speech, let us extend a warm invitation to other speakers to share their toasts and speeches. Each word spoken contributes to the tapestry of this celebration. Remember, the key is to create a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere, where every expression of love and joy finds a place. Let us build on the warmth and camaraderie, making this wedding a truly memorable and inclusive experience for all. Cheers to love, laughter, and beautiful moments ahead!

Crafting the Perfect Wedding Welcome Speech Guide

Welcome to our guide on crafting an exceptional wedding welcome speech! In this guide, we’ll explore the importance of a welcome speech, who traditionally delivers it, and the ideal moment to present this warm introduction.

Is a Wedding Welcome Speech Necessary?

A wedding welcome speech is more than just a formality—it sets the tone for the entire celebration. It expresses gratitude to guests, creating a warm atmosphere and enhancing the overall experience. It’s a thoughtful touch that makes everyone feel valued.

Who Does the Wedding Welcome Speech?

Typically, the honor of delivering the welcome speech falls to a key figure such as the bride’s or groom’s parents, the master of ceremonies, or a close friend or family member. Whoever takes the stage should be someone who can convey warmth, gratitude, and excitement.

When Should You Give a Wedding Welcome Speech?

The wedding welcome speech is ideally delivered at the beginning of the reception, just before the festivities kick off. It ensures that everyone feels welcomed and sets a positive vibe for the rest of the celebration. This opportune moment allows guests to settle in, creating a seamless transition into the joyous occasion.

How To Deliver A Wedding Welcome Speech?

There’s really no ‘one size fits all’ to delivering welcome wedding speeches. But there are some “holy grails” that must never be quite neglected. Follow these tips and you’d deliver a welcome wedding speech no one will forget.

  • Start with something funny

The truth is weddings are solemn and the guests may not be over the ceremony yet. It might take an effort for them to listen to you. Their ears were not made for you after all. So if you want to get them interested, start with something funny.

  • Harvest the good memories

Do you have some personal experience with the couple? Then narrate it. If you’re closer to one of them, share sweet memories. The guests will be well delighted to know a little more about the couple they’ve come to celebrate.

  • Give well wishes and advice

The good memories are in the past and they’re about building a future together. So why not give them some bricks in the form of advice? Also, encourage and cheer them up.

  • Say thank you

Best Welcome Speech for Wedding

“Ladies and gentlemen, family and friends, welcome to this beautiful celebration of love. Your presence here makes this day even more special, and we’re thrilled to share these joyous moments with you.”

What to Say to Welcome at a Wedding

“Good [morning/afternoon/evening], everyone! On behalf of [Couple’s Names], I extend a warm welcome to each of you. Thank you for gracing us with your presence on this joyous occasion.”

Best Opening Line for a Wedding Speech

“As we gather here today to celebrate the union of two incredible souls, let us embark on a journey of love, laughter, and cherished memories. Welcome, and let the festivities begin!”

Wedding speeches are as interesting as you make them. These are wedding welcoming speeches that could make guests howl with laughter or shed a tear. Regardless of who gives the wedding welcome speeches, there are guides to help you pull it off. Thus, we’ve rounded off tips and samples to keep you inspired as you prepare your wedding welcome speech .

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The Wedding Speech Order You Should Follow at Your Reception

We outline traditional and modern approaches so you can choose the flow that works best for you.

Getty Images / KristianGjorgjiev

In This Article

When you think about it, wedding speeches are to the reception what vows are to the ceremony. They inject emotion, joy, and personality into your event—and give all guests a chance to know the couple (and the people closest to them) a bit better. Since these special toasts are arguably one of the most important parts of your party, you likely want to do all you can to ensure they go off without a hitch, from timing them right to observing the correct flow.

As with most big-day details, there is a traditional order of wedding speeches to follow. While this age-old format makes a lot of sense—it gives your wedding's biggest VIPs (your parents!) the opportunity to speak first—it isn't mandatory; in fact, there are plenty of ways to adjust the wedding speech order at your celebration so that it better reflects your family or your priorities. “Nowadays, couples have their choice of following whatever order they’d like—or doing away with speeches altogether,” says wedding planners Bianca Hall and Erica Vanco of Estera Events . “Weddings only need to follow the rules and values that are important to you as a couple.”

Meet the Expert

  • Bianca Hall and Erica Vanco are the co-owners and lead planners of Estera Events , a firm based in Chicago. 
  • Bree Swartz is the owner and creative director of Blossom Events , a Brooklyn-based full-service boutique design and planning company.
  • Kelly McWilliams , the founder of her eponymous wedding planning business in southwest Florida, has been in the industry since 2002.
  • A wedding and event planner and the founder of Rachel Behar Events , Rachel Behar is based in Brooklyn.

It's important to remember that while wedding speeches hold deep value, one size doesn't necessarily fit all. To help you navigate both the traditional and modern wedding speech order, we tapped Hall, Vanco, and a mix of other wedding planners for their best advice.

When Should Wedding Speeches Happen During the Reception?

Before we get into the order of wedding speeches, it's important to first determine when they should take place. Should the slate of toasts happen before or after the meal? According to our experts, there's a sweet spot: It's best to start speeches when food service begins. You have a few options. You can time a few speeches at the start of the meal, during the salad course, or begin during the main one, which often takes a little longer to get through. Another option is to hold off on speeches until dinner is just about finished; this allows satiated attendees to digest before getting back up for a full—and uninterrupted—night of dancing.

Wedding planner Kelly McWilliams, who has it down to a science, recommends the following reception timeline, with speeches peppered in strategically:

  • Introductions
  • First dance
  • Parent speeches
  • First course
  • Best man or maid of honor speech
  • Best man or maid of honor speech (the better speaker always goes last!)
  • Cake cutting
  • Second course
  • Parent dances
  • Couple speech
  • Dance floor opens

The Traditional Order of Wedding Speeches

The traditional wedding speech order is a little old-school. “It originated as a way to reflect the dynamics of the families involved and symbolize them blending together on this special occasion—beginning with the bride’s parents, then the groom’s parents, followed by the groom and the best man,” say Hall and Vanco. “The curated sequence was also meant to conclude the formalities with lighthearted anecdotes and camaraderie, leading into the rest of the celebration.”

Below, you'll find the traditional order of wedding speeches, which is as follows: the father (or parents) of the bride, the father (or parents) of the groom, the groom (or couple), the maid of honor, and finally, the best man. 

1. The Father of the Bride or Parents of the Bride's Speech

Historically, the bride's father —or both of her parents—take the first speech of the night. “This is typically the way it was done because the parents of the bride would traditionally pay for the wedding, and having them kick off the toasts indicates to guests that they were the hosts,” say Hall and Vanco. 

2. The Father of the Groom or Parents of the Groom's Speech

The father or parents of the bride are usually followed by the father or parents of the groom. This formality gives a nod of respect to another essential couple of the evening. “Having the parents of the couple kick off the celebration is highly recommended. They are full of love, joy, and gratitude, and really sets the tone for the evening,” says Bree Swartz, a wedding and event planner.

3. The Groom or Couple's Speech

Tradition indicates that the groom (or both the bride and the groom!) make a brief speech next as a way of thanking everyone for gathering to celebrate. “Having the bride and groom toast next keeps the energy up—and they can express their gratitude to their parents and guests,” says Swartz. (This may be the traditional approach, but many couples give their toasts first or last—as always, do what's best for you).

4. The Best Man and Maid of Honor's Speeches

Though the traditional wedding order would jump straight to the best man's speech, these days the maid of honor typically always says a few words, too. The best man’s speech is usually saved for last.

It is typical for these wedding party VIPs to come at the end of the speech portion of the evening—and their remarks do typically follow the parents'. “Having the best man and maid of honor raise a glass towards the end of dinner helps kick off those party vibes that guests are looking for when it's time to hit the dance floor,” says Swartz. 

Getty Images / Anchiy

How to Switch Up Your Wedding Speech Order

While the traditional wedding speech order does provide a blueprint (and offers a good model for honoring your wedding's VIPs), it certainly isn’t set in stone. “The speech order may change based on various factors such as family dynamics, cultural traditions, or personal preferences,” Hall and Vanco say. And it's possible—probably, even—that you won't do all speeches at once. All of our planners champion couples to make their own decisions that align with their vision. “The only 'wrong' wedding speech order is one that doesn’t represent your style or feel right for you,” says Swartz. There are plenty of ways couples can shake up wedding speeches however they see fit.

Reduce the Number of Speakers

Many couples choose to shorten the length of their ceremony, and they can take the same approach during the speech portion of the reception to improve its overall flow. “We like keeping this to three speech-givers maximum,” says wedding planner Rachel Behar. “We’ve all seen them drag on and everyone just wants to get to dancing!” 

Space the Speeches Out

If having a full suite of speeches is important to you, but you want to keep everyone's energy up, take a brief pause; this can have the same impact as curtailing the total number of toasts. “We usually recommend a break in toasts before inviting the best man and maid of honor up. This gives guests a breather, and they are more likely to stay present when taking in two to three speeches at a time,” says Swartz. 

Stick to the Rehearsal Dinner Only

It’s quite common to hear speeches at rehearsal dinners these days. In fact, “some couples may choose to do all speeches the night before at the rehearsal dinner, rather than having any on the wedding day,” say Hall and Vanco. This will definitely encourage a simpler, tighter reception, and allow those preparing speeches to relax and enjoy the main event—but this certainly isn't for everyone.

Let the Most Nervous Person Go First

For couples unconcerned with the traditional order of wedding speeches, allowing the most anxious speaker to take the mic first is a compassionate choice. “If anyone is naturally nervous, have them go first,” affirms Behar. Remeber that “weddings need only follow the rules and values that are important to you as a couple,” Hall and Vanco say, so if ensuring that everyone stays as comfortable as possible during your party is a priority, this might be the right option for you.

Include Other Speakers

If the couple has a very important person in their life who isn’t necessarily a parent, maid of honor, or best man, there is no reason why they shouldn’t make a speech. “The only requirement is that this person be meaningful to the couple and should be a leading force in their lives, and that it feels natural and special,” says Behar. Hall and Vanco agree: “While each speaker contributes to the celebration, no one speaker is essential, allowing flexibility for couples to tailor the order as they see fit.”

Tips for Writing a Memorable Wedding Speech 

A great wedding speech is sweet, succinct, and best expressed when memorized—though Hall and Vanco say printing it off is fine. Here are some of our experts' best tips for writing a wedding speech that knocks it out of the park.

Speak from the Heart

Sure, we live in the era of AI—but your wedding toast should't be penned by a robot. "We recommend writing from the heart,” says Swartz. All of our experts agree that writing honestly about your connection to the couple and their best qualities makes for the best possible toast.

Follow an Outline 

Adhering to a loose structure, though, will help you stay on track, and there are plenty of online templates to lean on. “Go for an engaging opening, share meaningful anecdotes or memories, and offer well-wishes for their future together, while maintaining a balance of sincerity and humor throughout,” Hall and Vanco suggest as a framework. McWilliams echos the importance of nailing the opening, so be sure to focus on this part as you build out your toast: "Wedding speeches that resonate most start with a story and not an introduction," says McWilliams.

Thinking about the best way to open your toast? Skip the obvious first line, “For those who don’t know me...” and lead with a story, instead. "The truth is that nobody cares who you are until you tell a story that attaches you to the couple," advises McWilliams.

Consider the Audience 

If you’ve grown up with the bride or groom, there’s a good chance you have some colorful stories to share. However, the ability to read the room is key. “Consider the audience and tailor your content to resonate both with both the couple and their guests,” say Hall and Vanco. Save those crazy college stories for the bachelorette party. "Stories that contain anything that could embarrass the couple or anyone in the room should not be included," adds McWilliams.

Keeping your speech concise is also crucial for keeping your audience engaged. “No more than five minutes,” confirm Hall and Vanco.

Focus on the Couple

Sure, you should (at some point) introduce yourself—but remember who the speech is about. Focus on stories about the couple; you should be a secondary character, not the main one. “Give insight to the couple from when they were younger, to their school years, to now. Shine a light on who they were and who they have become,” says Behar. You can then parlay your observations. “Share the moment you knew this time was different for these two love birds or when you knew they were the one for each other,” offers Swartz. 

Offer Advice 

If you’re in a long-term, committed relationship, a wedding speech can be an ideal time to offer sage advice. “Find words of wisdom or draw from your own experience on what it takes to build a lasting partnership, and raise a glass as you share your wishes for this next step in their journey together,” says Swartz. If you don't have the personal experience to back these sentiments up, stick to warm words, instead. "I think including your personal hopes for their future is very thoughtful," says McWilliams, who suggests saying something like, "My hope for you, and I think all of us here, is that you have a lifetime of the love and happiness that you have always shown us and that you are feeling here today."

Tips for Delivering a Memorable Wedding Speech

Crafting a great speech is important, but delivery is everything. Set yourself up for success with some of these public speaking tips.

Print It Out (and Use a Large Font)

To avoid looking disengaged and oddly lit, our experts recommend not reading off your phone. Instead, print or write out your speech in a large typeface. “It is typically dark in the room and if there are lights, they are very bright,” says Behar. “The larger the font, the easier it will be for you to read.” 

Remember That Practice Makes Perfect 

Familiarizing yourself with your material is so important—we cannot overstate this. “Practice your speech beforehand to build confidence and ensure a smooth delivery,” Hall and Vanco say. If possible, read your speech out loud for another person you trust to gauge the audience’s reaction and get comfortable with flow.

Speak Slowly

Though you might be nervous, giving a speech isn’t like completing a race—faster is not better. Speak slowly and clearly while focusing on the couple. “Making eye contact with the couple can help you focus on the gift you’re giving them versus focusing on the crowd of people,” says Swartz. 

Taking space to breath will also keep your pace where it needs to be: “Embrace the moment with enthusiasm and sincerity, and remember to breathe and take pauses as needed,” Hall and Vanco suggest. If you’ve built in some laughs or tearful reactions, give them time to play out. 

Above all else, take control of the moment and stay calm. “Remember why this is meaningful to you,” says Behar. Additionally, Swartz suggests taking deep inhales and even slower exhales to help you feel grounded. “I’ve seen some ladies take off their heels before they toast so they feel extra grounded, and I’m here for it,” she says.

Ultimately, those giving speeches should practice and speak sincerely. And when it comes to the order of those speeches? Couples should do whatever they want. “This is your night to celebrate your love in your own way, and you should be nothing but excited to have your chosen loved ones raise a glass to you,” says Swartz.

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Michael Cohen and Rosie O’Donnell: A Love Story

For years, Donald J. Trump hurled insults her way. Now, she is BFF with his former enforcer.

By Jacob Bernstein

The text came through on Michael D. Cohen’s iPhone on Monday morning, shortly before he took the stand in a Manhattan courtroom as the star witness in the criminal case against his former boss, Donald J. Trump: “breathe - relax - tell the truth - u got this - i love u.”

An hour later, another text came in from the same person: “Ur doing great.”

“Thank you and truly love you,” Mr. Cohen wrote back to the sender, who was not his wife, either of his children or another family member, but the comedian and actress Rosie O’Donnell.

Politics, the cliché goes, makes strange bedfellows. But few relationships seem as unlikely as the intense bond that has developed between Mr. Cohen and Ms. O’Donnell, two Long Island natives of the same generation who were pulled into Mr. Trump’s force field in vastly different ways years ago, and who connected as they surveyed the damage afterward.

It is not lost on Ms. O’Donnell, 62, that Mr. Cohen, 57, once helped carry out Mr. Trump’s campaign of insults against her, tormenting her for her looks and her weight and calling her “wacko.”

The story of their friendship is one of New York celebrity and Long Island aspirations, blustery personalities and oversize egos. It involves a prison visit, Barbara Walters, Twitter insults, forgiveness and a kind of shared world-weariness.

“We talk and communicate on a regular basis,” Ms. O’Donnell said in a long phone conversation on Monday. “I know this has been a tumultuous time, so I check in. It’s a big thing to be in a position to be able to change the whole country in some way.”

An Unlikely Pairing

To understand this story, you must first understand Ms. O’Donnell’s distaste for Mr. Trump, which stretches back three decades. In 1991, she got her big break in “A League of Their Own,” the film about a female baseball team during World War II.

One of her co-stars was Madonna, whom she read during filming had been on a date with Mr. Trump. When Ms. O’Donnell made a joke about it to Madonna, the singer responded that nothing of the sort had taken place, that Mr. Trump had simply made up the story for publicity.

In 1993, Ms. O’Donnell was cast in a Broadway revival of “Grease.” When a member of the cast was invited to Mr. Trump’s wedding to Marla Maples at the Plaza Hotel, Ms. O’Donnell attended as a plus one. She was not impressed with the groom.

“He walked down the aisle and shook the celebrities’ hands,” Ms. O’Donnell said on Monday.

Things escalated in 2006, when Ms. O’Donnell joined ABC’s “The View,” the chat fest co-created by the anchorwoman Barbara Walters.

Shortly before Christmas that year, news broke that the recently crowned Miss USA, Tara Conner, was caught doing cocaine in a New York nightclub.

Barbara Walters and Ms. O’Donnell sit side by side on a blue couch in a studio onstage.

Mr. Trump, who owned the Miss USA pageant, announced that Ms. Conner would be forgiven if she went to rehab. The media coverage he received for this was largely positive.

On “The View,” Ms. O’Donnell, who felt Mr. Trump was capitalizing on a young woman’s drug problem, veered from conventional wisdom. She flipped her hair over her face and did a withering impersonation of Mr. Trump, and she questioned his role as moral arbiter and successful businessman.

“He inherited a lot of money and he’s been bankrupt so many times,” she exclaimed, adding that “the people beneath him, who he owed money to, got shorted out of the money.” (Mr. Trump had never personally declared bankruptcy, though his businesses had.)

Mr. Trump threatened to sue “The View” and Ms. Walters personally. Ms. Walters got on the phone with him to smooth things over. Soon enough, Mr. Trump was appearing all over cable news calling Ms. O’Donnell “wacko” and “fat,” and he said Ms. Walters personally told him that she regretted hiring Ms. O’Donnell.

The year after, despite soaring ratings, Ms. O’Donnell left the show. But her feud with Mr. Trump never ended. She became a fixture and a punchline in the supermarket tabloids, which she always suspected, without being able to prove, was the work of Mr. Trump and of the man who was always at his side, Mr. Cohen.

The Letter to an Inmate

Ms. O’Donnell has long had what her friends sometimes call a rescuer complex. On her own talk show, she occasionally hired the most down-and-out stand-ups to work in the writers’ room. And despite what Ms. Walters reportedly said about her, Ms. O’Donnell accompanied her to the theater when, toward the end of her life, she was in failing health.

As a comic, Ms. O’Donnell is bighearted and pugnacious, with a desire both to lift people and to land a blow. So she was well suited, in a way, to become friends with a man who went from being the dedicated foot servant of her tormentor to his most dangerous defector.

On Dec. 18, 2019, she watched the House impeach Mr. Trump for the first time. She found herself thinking of his loyal fixer, Mr. Cohen, who had been sent upstate to prison that month, after pleading guilty to tax evasion and campaign finance violations. (The campaign finance charges are at the heart of the criminal case now being tried against Mr. Trump, who prosecutors say used Mr. Cohen to help cover up a story about his involvement with Stormy Daniels, a pornographic film actress. Mr. Trump has pleaded not guilty and denounced Mr. Cohen as a “rat” and a liar.)

Ms. O’Donnell felt Mr. Cohen was paying the price for Mr. Trump’s sins. And Mr. Cohen, with his heavy Nassau County accent, reminded her of the boys she knew growing up in Commack, on Long Island. “He was every guy I went to high school with,” she said. (Mr. Cohen grew up in Lawrence, about 30 minutes from Commack.)

Mr. Cohen was sent to Otisville, 86 miles north of New York City, as part of a three-year sentence. Ms. O’Donnell found him. “I got his inmate number and I sent him a letter,” she said. It was six pages long.

In the letter, Ms. O’Donnell said she believed that Mr. Cohen had helped Mr. Trump wage his campaign to discredit her. Nevertheless, she said, she was grateful to him, and viewed his decision to turn on his boss as an act of heroism. She believed in redemption and wanted Mr. Cohen to know that she forgave him for everything that had transpired between her and Mr. Trump.

“When someone is in a relationship that unhealthy and breaks free, it’s a very lonely time,” she said on Monday, adding that she did not necessarily expect to hear back from Mr. Cohen. She also realized he might not be seeking her forgiveness.

But Inmate No. 86067-054 soon wrote back.

“He asked me to come visit him,” Ms. O’Donnell said. The last person she visited in prison, in 2004, was her friend Martha Stewart, who was serving five months in a federal penitentiary on charges related to insider trading.

To visit Ms. Stewart, Ms. O’Donnell had to fly to Alderson, W. Va. To see Mr. Cohen, Ms. O’Donnell simply got in a car and had her driver take her to Otisville.

She thought she would be with Mr. Cohen for an hour. Instead, they spent more than six hours talking. He apologized to her for the role he played in Mr. Trump’s attacks, Ms. O’Donnell said.

They discussed the state of the republic, they discussed Mr. Trump, and they discussed being parents and growing up on Long Island. At one point, they held hands, she said. Over the course of the afternoon, Mr. Cohen showed some of his old traits — a grandiosity and a boost in his self-esteem from being close to celebrity.

“Michael was sort of proudly introducing me to people, the friends he had met there,” Ms. O’Donnell said. Yet he also displayed signs of being “quiet,” inquisitive and self-reflective, she said.

Mr. Cohen’s character is a focus of Mr. Trump’s trial. Even as prosecutors present Mr. Cohen as the key witness against his former boss, they describe him as a liar and a jerk and suggest he can be trusted only sparingly.

Ms. O’Donnell, however, believes Mr. Cohen has been trying to sort out how his need for attention and the proximity of a celebrity led him to get “caught in the swirl and undertow” of a toxic relationship, as she put it in the interview on Monday.

Staying in Touch

After 13 months in Otisville, Mr. Cohen was released in May 2020 and permitted to serve the rest of his sentence from his Park Avenue apartment.

That September, Simon & Schuster published “Disloyal: A Memoir,” Mr. Cohen’s account of his life with Mr. Trump.

In it, Mr. Cohen described his own involvement in the smearing of Ms. O’Donnell, and how he had winced when Mr. Trump’s comments about her came up during a presidential debate moderated by Megyn Kelly in 2015. Ms. Kelly asked Mr. Trump about his verbal tirades against women, whom he called “fat pigs,” “dogs,” “slobs” and “disgusting animals.”

“Only Rosie O’Donnell,” Mr. Trump replied.

“The O’Donnell feud had indeed been one of the lowest of his many Twitter lows,” Mr. Cohen wrote in the memoir. “My knowledge was firsthand, because I had access to Trump’s Twitter account and permission to post on his behalf, one of only two people with that privilege. I’d been part of the brain trust coming up with juvenile taunts to O’Donnell and so I was acutely aware of the childish impulse behind the insults.”

With the book’s rollout came a podcast hosted by Mr. Cohen, “Mea Culpa,” whose first guest was Ms. O’Donnell. “I can’t say enough about her as a person, other than that the woman is truly a mensch,” he said to introduce her.

Mr. Cohen said the letter she sent him about his work for Mr. Trump was a “kick to the gut” that helped him realize “how much I had helped him to hurt people, yourself included.”

“Here was a woman I helped attack and vilify on behalf of Donald J. Trump and she reached out to me out of kindness and empathy,” he added. “I saw a better way forward.”

Since then, they have stayed in touch. In December, they had dinner at a restaurant in New York, the name of which eludes her.

“Some very fancy place on Park Avenue that’s popular with bankers,” she said by phone on Monday afternoon from her home in Los Angeles, as she packed for a trip to New York, where she will be filming scenes on “And Just Like That,” the “Sex and the City” revival.

“We had a steak,” she said.

Ms. O’Donnell said on Monday that it had not always been easy helping Mr. Cohen navigate his public profile. “He has a hard time taking suggestions.”

Last week, the judge overseeing the Trump trial made it clear to prosecutors that Mr. Cohen’s conduct, including his TikTok appearances taunting and disparaging Mr. Trump, was causing problems.

But Ms. O’Donnell’s assessment of what he did in court on Monday was unambiguous.

“A home run,” she texted him. “Day one done and u killed it.”

His response? “I’m beyond tired.”

Jacob Bernstein is a reporter for the Styles desk. In addition to writing profiles of fashion designers, artists and celebrities, he has focused much of his attention on L.G.B.T. issues, philanthropy and the world of furniture design. More about Jacob Bernstein

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    In terms of tone, your speech should be sincere, but it should also be appropriate for the occasion. Like your wedding vows you can add humour and light-hearted moments, but be mindful of your audience, avoid making inappropriate jokes or comments, and avoid the temptation to ad-lib. 4. Draft Your Speech.

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