creative writing olympic games

15+ Fun Summer & Winter Olympic Writing Prompts for Middle School

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The Olympic Games are a great time to add some fun to your school days. Get writing with these Olympic writing prompts.

When the kids were little, I was focused on turning out kids that had a strong education. Too focused. And bringing in something like Olympic activities definitely didn’t meet my idea of a strong education. But over the past couple of years, I’ve really embraced a way of bringing themed learning into our homeschool in a way that works for us. ( Themed mini-units like Fat Bear Week & our recent Luca-inspired unit have been especially big hits.) And with these units, I’ve snuck in themed writing prompts . Previously, they’d stare at the screen when we tried prompts. But now? They get right to work & often ask for more time. (Thank you, Don’t Forget to Write , for helping my boys love writing!) So, with the Olympics nearly upon us, I knew prompts were going to be a must-have.

Writing Prompts: What It Looks Like

Here’s a quick overview, but, if you want to know more about how we use them, I dig into the details of how we use writing prompts over here .

“Five minutes, GO!”  I give the prompt, let them read the prompt, and maybe toss a few ideas out.  IMPORTANT:  I give a bit of thinking time before the timer begins.  The goal is that their fingers are moving as much of these five minutes as possible.   On Friday, after doing a few of these, they pick one of them to improve. I set the timer for 10-15 minutes and they work through a checklist of ways to make their writing better. While I don’t expect them to cover every item on their list, just having a list provides them a concrete way to improve their writing. 3 Servings of Popcorn  This collaborative approach is new for us.  For three minutes each, we’ll take turns building on each other’s story.  We find 1-2 rounds of this is great for non-fiction writing, but 2-3 rounds are best when we’re writing a story.  One benefit of this approach is the modeling you can do when it’s your turn.   Go Longer When I want to focus on endurance, I set the timer for 15-20 minutes and encourage their fingers to move for at least half of that time. (Fiction pieces are the easiest type of long writing for my boys.) Encourage your kiddos not to worry about errors, at least during their first go-through. These prompts are meant to help your students just get started & confidently fill those blank sheets of paper.

creative writing olympic games

Scheduling Your Olympic Writing Prompts

During the last winter games, we scheduled our writing prompts to start a week or two ahead of the games. We did a couple each week from then through the end of the Olympics. It was perfect because we had flexibility in the timing & my boys didn’t feel like we were doing the same thing every day. You can even schedule them into the Paralympics which happen the following week.

Summer Games Writing Prompts

  • Los Angeles will, once again, welcome the summer games in 2028.  In which event will you go for the gold?
  • Design a summer triathlon. (Use existing Olympic sports or use your imagination!)
  • Not for a million dollars would I want to try _______!
  • I’d be extremely nervous, but for a million dollars, I would try _________.
  • Swoosh!  Uh-oh.  One of my skis is still at the gate ________. (finish the story)
  • My favorite summer sport to watch is ________.
  • Which  Olympic mascot  is your favorite?
  • “Dear IOC, my state would be a fantastic choice for the 2030 Winter/2036 Summer Olympics. Here’s why I think you should choose us.”
  • “I’m too tired,” you sigh as you sit down at the starting line.  (finish the story)
  • Invent a new summer event.
  • “Dear IOC, my state would be a terrible choice for the 2030 Winter/2036 Summer Olympics. It would be a mistake to choose us & here’s why.”
  • Tomorrow is the big day — we fly to Paris.  What’s in your carry-on bag?
  • Pick a country and c reate a new flag for them. Explain the meanings of the colors & emblems. ( This is a great page to learn about the meaning of current flags.)
  • From AD 394 – 1896, there were no Olympic games. (Roman emperor Theodosius I banned pagan celebrations, thus ending the ancient Olympics .) But what if there had been Olympic events during the Middle Ages? Brainstorm Olympic events that would have been perfect. (Fighting windmills? Castle storming? Jousting in full knight gear?)
  • Create an A-to-Z list of 26 items you’ll bring on your family’s trip to the 2024 Paris Olympics. (Zebra-striped pants? Karate uniform in case they call an audience member up?)
  • Find a video on YouTube of your favorite summer games event from a previous year. Watch it a few times. Now, ‘tweet’ it out as if you’re watching it live. Don’t forget — tweets are only 180 characters!

Winter Games Writing Prompts

Would you like a printed list for easy offline use? Grab your writing prompts here .

  • The 2026 winter games will be in Milan & Cortina, Italy.  In which event will you go for the gold?
  • Design a winter triathlon.
  • We know the surprising stories of the first bobsled team from Jamaica, the first skier from Haiti, and the first skier from Senegal. You’re the first Winter Olympian from _______.  What are you competing in?  How did you learn about this sport?  Where did you train for it? 
  • My favorite winter sport to watch is ________.
  • “Dear IOC, my state would be a fantastic choice for the 2030 Winter/2036 Summer Olympics. Here’s why I think you should should choose us.”
  • Invent a new winter event.
  • Tomorrow is the big day — we fly to Beijing.  What did you pack in your carry-on? 

creative writing olympic games

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The Write Practice

Writing Prompt: Stories of the Olympics

by Monica M. Clark | 46 comments

It's the Olympics!

I have a theory why the Olympics are so exciting (despite all the Zika gloom and doom leading up to them). It's the stories!

Olympics Writing Prompts

The Olympics Are About Stories

So much is at stake every day of the Olympics. This year, all eyes are fixed on the veteran Olympian hoping to clinch his last medal, the refugee who went from swimming for her life to swimming for gold, the gymnast finally getting her shot on the world stage.

Olympics Writing Prompts

U.S. Swimmer Katie Ledecky breaking 800-meter freestyle record. Courtesy of The New York Times .

We're excited and invested in the outcome not because we care about the numbers on the screen, but because we care about these individual people and their stories. The journeys that bring them to the podium are as interesting and important to us as the medals hanging around their necks.

Olympics Writing Prompts

Since the Olympics provide such great material for story writing, they obviously provide great material for writing prompts. I've provided several below. Try one and see where it takes you!

What event are you most excited to watch? Which Olympian's story are you excited to follow?  Let me know in the comments .

Take fifteen minutes to try one of these Olympics-inspired writing prompts.

  • Write about a journey to the Olympics.
  • Write about a sports-related triumph.
  • Write about a sports-related defeat.
  • Write about a moment in your life—but include the word “Olympics.”
  • Write about what the Olympics means to you (if anything).

When you're done, share your practice in the comments and leave feedback for other writers.

How to Write Like Louise Penny

Monica M. Clark

Monica is a lawyer trying to knock out her first novel. She lives in D.C. but is still a New Yorker. You can follow her on her blog or on Twitter (@monicamclark).

Character Portrait: 4 Steps to Better Understand Characters



I would fall under your #5. I could care less about the Olympics. I’m a reasonably athletic person, but the only person I compete with is myself – if I don’t cheat, I always win. I see the Olympics as just another organized major merchandising campaign opportunity, not unlike Christmas and other holidays.

As a biologist, I see any large public gatherings as the ideal place to spread diseases because of the bacterial, fungal, and viral transfer proximity and the contact frequency between people is optimum for maximum disease spreading – and or the ideal beginnings of a new global pandemic.

Consequently, you would have to have a massive brain tumor in your cerebral cortex not to recognize the opportunity for terrorist strikes at the Olympics in general. Certainly there is no better opportunity anywhere/any time for bio-weapon deployments at such well attended events. The Olympics only excite me by my knowing in advance each year – that my attendance and participation isn’t mandatory.

As far as athletic competition goes and international concern over a literal level-playing field and fairness in general, until we class athletes according to their genetic gifts – not just their physical dimensions, but their metabolic chemical ones. Their performance related natural hormone levels such as testosterone, hGH, DHEA, dopamine, creatine and β-hydroxy β-methylbutyrate, and many others, then the Olympics are just as “rigged” and unfair as allowing athletes to artificially supplement their natural levels with these same naturally occurring ones. Having natural metabolic performance chemical level classes is really no different than, but an extension of having physical classes like height and weight.

Gene doping has now become another potential imbalance to in comparing the fairness of athletes performances. These gene therapies involve viral vector-mediated gene transfer of various performance enhancing human proteins. Not to worry, metabolic chemical performance classes for Olympic competition could also include classes for these genetically transferred proteins as well. Who knows, maybe one day we will examine each Olympic athletes individual genetic code – to make sure that it hasn’t been enhanced since their conception. Fair is fair.

How’s that for a writing prompt?

Jonathan Hutchison

Yikes, you said a mouthful. You offer a great perspective as a biologist. Thanks for that, I think in the fourth paragraph there may be an incomplete sentence but short of that, not a bad response to today’s prompt.

Jean Blanchard

Well, that’s another two reasons for switching the box off! With thanks to both of you for two interesting items.

Bruce Carroll

I was going to say I think you meant “I couldn’t care less about the Olympics.” After all, if you could care less, you would, right?

But reading your article shows me you do care about the Olympics. You care about the potential spread of disease, potential terrorist attacks, and the fairness (or rather, the lack thereof) of the games. This was an interesting read, just technical enough to convince me of your expertise, but not so technical it lost me. Well done.

Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh – Oops, Gold, Silver, Bronze

Every four years, athletes from around the world gather to compete in what used to be a more amateur athletic event. These days the Olympics are big business and wherever big business surfaces there is compromise and profit to be made. Hence, every four years I mourn the loss of innocence that accompanies the modern Olympics.

Some might not have such a pessimistic attitude about the Olympics, but I find it hard to consider that athletes at this level of competition are as far from Little League Fields, AYSO, Saturday mornings spent balancing on a wooden beam or organizing fund-raising bake sales to buy new team jerseys as the Milky Way galaxy is from the next nearest star system. So I watch the Olympics every four years hoping that some of the child-like innocence, the joy of competing, will still shine through.

I guess if truth be told I am angry at the sports federation (IOC) that organizes the games for allowing the Games to slide so far away from being a showcase for top amateur athletic competition. I need to interject here that I do not in any way whatsoever fault the athletes or dedication to their individual love for the sport in which they compete. They are focused on maximizing preparation for their performances. It is inspiring.

Preparing for the Olympics is almost a full time job, hence the need for athletes to acquire sponsors and participate in personal appearances and corporate marketing schemes. Once again, I don’t fault business either for trying to make a profit at its endeavors. After all, “money makes the world do ‘round in the most unusual way.” But can’t we find a better way to permit our athletes to prepare for competition than mugging for tooth paste commercials, deodorants, and rental cars?

Yikes my fifteen minutes is up. Please allow me to finish my mini-rant. I’d like to ask that corporations be taken out of the funding equation for the Olympics. Let governments sponsor their athletes. Let governments find the money. After all, more can be learned about a country by the behavior of its athletes than by being exposed what sponsoring corporations produce and sell.

It’s time to remember the sand lot pickup games that used to be played at recess or after school. Just a bunch of kids, picking teams and trying their best to win – competitive sport at its most basic level.

As one who wasn’t always picked for a team as a kid, I learned a valuable lesson – if you want to play, you have to prepare for the game. Kids got picked to play because they could hit, run, field, be a team player. No free rides. That’s the lesson I learned at eight years old and that’s the strategy I used to get my first job on Wall Street. If you want to play the game, prepare yourself, do your best, constantly grow. And most of all, don’t look for someone else to fund your growth. Just do it? Isn’t that what Nike says?

I wish my experiences as a child had taught me to prepare for the game. The lesson I learned (at the time) was that I was of no value and never would be.

I love the irony of bemoaning corporate involvement in the Olympics and the last two sentences you used. Very clever.

Thanks for the feedback. I had fun with the Olympics piece which was a surprise. Other than writing what do you do now? Or is writing your main gig?

I’m a magician, but I’m hoping to write more and “magic” less.

Now that is an unusual combination.

If you read my practice on this article, you will see I am an unusual guy. (Perhaps “unique” is better than “unusual.”)

A Small Domestic of Great Proportions – 590 words

“Now then,” April looked up from her knitting and waited.

“What are we going to watch tonight?”

It wasn’t really a question; she knew him better than that. They would watch whatever Don wanted to watch. As usual. Now, if it was her, she would flick through the channels and pick whatever she fancied. But it wasn’t her. It was him.

April kept on knitting while she watched Don noisily putting the newspaper back together again. He found the TV listings; holding the paper out in front of him he gave it a hard businesslike shake to straighten it out.

“Let’s have a look.” He hummed tunelessly.

“BBC One, 7.30, the Olympics. BBC Two, The Olympics. ITV, the Olympics. That’s it then, The Olympics. Do you want Swimming, or Gymnastics or Table Tennis?”

April was astounded that Don had even asked her what she wanted to watch. So given a rare opportunity, she shifted in the easy chair, arranged her knitting in her lap and took a deep breath.

“I don’t want to watch the Olympics, Don.”

He gave her a long hard look over the newspaper.

“We always watch the Olympics, dear. Always.” He emphasised the ‘always’.

‘No, WE don’t. YOU always watch the Olympics. It’s you who like the Olympics. Not me. I hate the Olympics.”

“No, you don’t April, you love it. We always discuss it, don’t we?”

“No, you do the talking. I don’t listen to you. I just make appropriate noises.”

“But you get excited, dear, cheering Team Britain on, and saying how proud you are every time you see the Union Jack. You do, April, you do. Go on, admit it,” he laughed.

April shook her sadly and picked up her knitting again and gave him a dirty look.

Don sat up in his chair with his hands gripping the arms, and leaning forward, demanded,

“Are you telling me that for all these 53 years you’ve been sitting there pretending to love football, cricket, swimming, marathons, the Boat Race …” he trailed off having lost his momentum. “And table tennis, because you always remark about how focussed the Japanes are ….”

“No Don. It’s you who does and says all that. I just let you get on with it. I gave up years ago when the kids were small. The TV was yours, you said. ‘Who bought the bloody thing and paid the TV licence?’ that’s what you used to shout at us. No, Don, if anything has spoiled our marriage, it’s your bloody obsession with sport on TV, not just football or cricket but all sport. Even bloody sea fishing. Of all things, sea fishing!” April was getting cross now.

Don sat back in his comfy chintz chair totally deflated. Then, all of a sudden, he got up and handed April the remote control. He’d never seen April like this before. She had even sworn and that wasn’t like her at all.

“What am I supposed to do with this?” April looked hard at him.

“You choose what we look at tonight.”

“No, no. The Olympic Games are on every channel we’ve got.” She handed the remote control back to him.

Don turned the TV off and disappeared into the kitchen. Later he returned with a tray of tea and fruit cake and set it down on a table between them. And with some old LPs stacked on the turntable, Don poured the tea and April cut the cake.

Olympics or no Olympics, Don and April spent the most contented evening they’d had since 1963.


This is a wonderful quick read.. I enjoyed the story..

Great story Jean. Very readable. I apologize for all men who are clueless. I include myself.

Phoenix James

Short and sweet. It did not feel rushed. The story flowed nicely. I was able to see the charters. I felt as if I were also in the living room with as the couple had this talk. Well written.

Lola Palooza

This is a beautiful read, and so so relatable let me tell you. Have you been spying on our house? x


Nice! It would be great see more of April’s reaction to the change, how she ate the cake, what she chose to do instead of watching sport. The only thing I spotted I might change is where you tell us April is cross- I think her words do that already. Great stuff, -Sef

A very good story. I would have liked to have seen it end more romantically. (Tea and fruitcake? I feel about fruitcake about like April feels about the Olympics.) Still, nicely done.

Reagan Colbert

I will admit, I’m not as crazily-addicted to the Olympics as everyone else is. I don’t know why, I’m just not. So tonight was actually the first time that I sat down and watched some of it, (How long has it been going on?), and I found myself intrigued. Not because of the sports (I couldn’t figure out the scoring and judging if you paid me), but because of the people. I don’t know any of the Olympic participants, except for a couple of names from the news, but today I “met” two athletes who I now love. Again, not because of the sport (I don’t know the first thing about men’s diving), but because of who they are. In particular, because on national television, they proclaimed that their identity was not in their sport, but in Christ. Those guys are my heroes. 🙂 My point it, you are 100% right. It’s about the people, the stories, what’s behind what we simply see while watching the sport. The stories and the ‘characters’ in them are what intrigue us. I’m not interested in the sports at all. But I was cheering anyway, because of who was playing.

Nice twist to this assignment. I think you discovered a terrific slant to the story. This would make a good big post.

Wow, really? I was actually just sitting here contemplating writing a Medium post about it, but wasn’t sure… I think I will! Thanks!

Minh Truong

Five minutes. Erik rubbed his hands on his shorts. Five minutes left until the second half was up. Five minutes to score. Five minutes.

The screams of the audience had already been put away in his mind. The silent nods and eye signals from his teammates were not. Gotta do it, he thought. Gotta score. The referee tossed the ball to the opposing team. The game started up again in full force, and he ran to mark number 10. The dude- Hassa, was it- had been the one to get the ball, and now he ran towards the goal of Erik’s team, dribbling the ball with a precision that made it all the harder for Erik to steal it. Hassa slowed down, raised his foot to pass the ball. Oh, no you don’t, he thought as he stole possession of the ball.

The roars of approval trailed him as he ran downwards, then passed to his teammate, Jake. Jake caught it smoothly, dodged his markers and made his way into the penalty box. Atta boy!, was his thought as he kept on running towards where Jake was. Jake took one step- c’mon- and kicked. The ball soared through the air, over the goalkeepers hands, bounced off the heading.

“ OH, what a disappointment! But wait, the ball’s still in the air-” Erik was there, the ball at an awkward angle, too high to score properly- “- Oh, what’s this! A scorpion! Johnson comes in with a scorpion kick, what a beauty- will it make it?!” The ball cut through the air, grazed the tips of the goalkeepers gloves, and finally, finally, hit the net and landed onto the green grass of the goal. “ GOOAL! Johnson scores a beautiful goal, making it 2-1 for King’s High! Oh, wait a minute, what’s this?” The referee was crossing his hands. No goal! “ It seems like both of the teams didn’t hear the whistle. What a shame for King’s High.” Eric lay, back on the ground from the scorpion flip, heaving heavily, and closed his eyes.


Lovely. I like how you didn’t give us Eric’s emotions in the last scene and communicated what he was feeling through his actions. The last paragraph would be easier to read if you separated the dialogue into paragraphs every time the announcer speaks.

I’m not familiar enough with soccer to picture what is happening in this scene. That doesn’t make it a bad piece, but it does limit your audience (which could be good or bad).

Marion Hughes

Wouldn’t it be a wonderful feeling to represent your country in the Olympics. I tried to imagine what it would be like standing on that podium with a gold medal round your neck. It was too difficult. When I was at school I would have loved to not have been the last person picked for a team at PE. I would have loved to have been able to score a goal or win a race. For one person to say to me ‘You did well’ would have been great. The remarks I received were more like: ‘Your too slow’, ‘Your too fat’ or ‘You’ve got two left feet.’

The only thing I ever won at school was a bottle of whisky in a raffle. The only problem was I didn’t have an adult and wasn’t allowed to take it. A bottle of bubble bath just wasn’t the same.

Never mind one day I would be successful, I don’t know when or at what but I will be or so I keep telling myself.

Hi Marion, a heartfelt piece! I too remember being the last kid to be picked in PE…. Watch the ‘your’ though, this should be ‘you’re’. -Sef

On the Road

The sun shone high above the churches and cafes and street vendors as Chavais watched people dance in every flounced, frilled and beautifully embellished colour of the rainbow. There were people with guitars here, trumpets there, and somewhere not too far away a steel band played as Chavais felt the almost overwhelming excitement excalate his tummy into tightly-wound knots.

Chavais may have been exhausted from the long drive in, but the sights and the smells and all the music and people – this glorious sensory overload – was so much more than worth it. He suddenly remembered his humble home and sighed. Small, but cosy, and always with just enough food for him. He had never gone without and had always felt blessed for everything he ever had – but this! Well this was just something else.

He walked proudly beside his adopted family as they made their way to the Olympic Park. Chavais knew they weren’t blood but as far as he was concerned, they were brothers. He couldn’t wait for the incredible things he would see, the things he would do, the people he’d meet… It was almost too much for a good boy from the suburbs. He knew he should at least try to be calm – he had spent years in training for crying out loud – but he just couldn’t hold back the excitement, the emotion, the overwhelming urge to… too…

Chavais cocked his leg and peed on a lamp post.

gemma feltovich

Ha! I felt that I almost knew where this was going, but I honestly laughed out loud at the last sentence there. I do like this story, and lots of good stories are told from the point of view of an animal. Something about their innocence compels you to instantly love them, you know? And you can see that something is going on between people while the dog doesn’t know, sort of like with a small child.

Thank you Gemma. I honestly didn’t know if this would be anyone’s cup of tea as I haven’t written in such a long time. It’s got to the stage where I’m terrified of my laptop. 1000 thank yous for taking the time though, you are a sweetheart.

I don’t follow the Olympics. Would agree with Jonathan that the Olympics are becoming very commercialised. Countries bid for the right to host them despite the huge hole in the budgets that will cause, just to gain some momentary reputation and tourism. On the other hand, I’m also not sure how we could host an event of international proportions without commercialising it to some degree.

It is sad that we live in a world where so much is motivated by money. In America, we are more concerned with dollars than sense.

Axis Sheppard

Yann is suddenly laughing. He just saw on a T.V. the most ridiculous sport ever: golf. It was not just random tv show program, it was the Olympique. While he was trying to handle himself, his friend, Milton, was looking at him, shocked: “Dude, what are you chortling about?,” he said to Yann, “We’ve just loosed” he continued while pointing at one of La Cage’s tv, a new restaurant that we can eat while watching tv.

Milton was angry, but Yann didn’t knew if it was because he laughed at it or because their country had loosed. “Sorry,” Yann apologized to him, “I’m just not really into it, I guess… -Why?! Isn’t it super cool to see how they play until the end? To see how they win? Don’t you feel a bit proud when our country wins?” Milton asked Yann. “It’s way to much «showing-off-to-the-world» for me,” Yann answered before Milton continued arguing: “Yeah, that’s the fun! You don’t have to move and you can just watching it at the tv. -I just think it’s a big waste of money. -It’s not! It is like, the greatest show ever! I love it and I will die for it. Why don’t you like it too?” he asked Yann.

“It’s just that I don’t care who received a medal or not. Doesn’t brings me one and that doesn’t make the winner the best athletes in the world. They just were lucky that rich people spotted them and also recruited them.” he thought. Yann really hated debates since first grade and didn’t want to fight with his partner of basket-ball. Yann grabbed his bowl of pop corn and emptied its contents directly into his mouth: “Idk” he finally answered while chewing the food.

It’s interesting to see them talking to each other, and I’m curious about the restaurant and their names. But check your grammar. “Lost” instead of “loosed”, and you almost always create a new paragraph when someone new is talking, except in a few special cases. In the case of the last paragraph, it’s unclear whether Yann is talking or thinking, since you put it in quotation marks but used “he thought”. Also, it’s okay to say “Idk” if the character said that instead of “I don’t know,” but if not, just write it out.

Thank you for helping me improving myself! I’ll update my text and considering your comments. ^^ Also, I’m usually using italic form for my readers to understand that they are thinking and not talking, but I’ll do my best to fix it. As for the restaurant, the pop corn is really good there ;p

This isn’t really an Olympics-related thing, but it’s a short short I made recently.

The sky was periwinkle blue that day, the color of hope, the color of the dress she wore on their third date and which she quickly spilled red wine on and ruined, the color of mountain flowers, the color of summer evenings spent on the porch, the color of relief when she forgave him for something he shouldn’t have been forgiven for. Periwinkle was the color of her favorite necktie of his, the color of a square of the sidewalk after she’d drawn on it with the neighborhood’s kids, the color of her happy tears, the color of her baby niece’s flip flops, the color of the tissue box on the nightstand for when the dog in the movie died. The color of her soul, or at least part of it; the other parts were yellow and orange, like vibrant dances and summer sunshine and lemonade stands and laughing when you didn’t know why. Her heart was filled with red, overflowing with it, with love. She always had too much love to give out, and sometimes he didn’t know why she gave it. She sprinkled handfuls of it on everything- old men who didn’t remember what they ate for breakfast that morning but somehow remembered the warmth of her hand, children that looked at her with adoration, the grouchy woman behind the checkout at Walmart, all dogs she laid eyes on. She loved every book she read with all her heart, loved their cheap old house with the peeling paint, loved the coffee table in all its tilty, shabby glory. Loved him. The sky was periwinkle blue the day the traffic light was green for her and red for the other guy. Periwinkle blue was the color of the ambulance driver’s glasses. Periwinkle blue was the yowl of their cat when it realized she wasn’t coming home. Periwinkle blue was the television’s static. Periwinkle blue were his heartbeats. Not hers.

Tina Seward

I wrote my first book when I was 13. Notice that I didn’t say, I published my first book when I was 13. It was about an American girl who went to the Olympics and won the gold medal in the gymnastics all-around. This was 1976, and people around at that time may remember Nadia Comaneci and the first 10 in Olympic competition. That was what inspired me.

Over the years, I’ve kept the storyline in mind, and it’s now expanded to a four-book series. Except, the girl is no longer the main character. It’s the character who wound up becoming her boyfriend, a track and field sprinter who winds up winning Olympic gold. I have the first two books drafted but they are in need of serious rewriting, and I’m working on another book right now.

The Olympics ARE about the stories!

Sounds like you need to get working on your first rewrite. Best of luck!

Making A Killing

I really appreciate your efforts to compose such a superb post.

But a novel takes more effort and time to be completed. It also took the author duo L. Hart and Olivia Rupprecht a lot of time and effort to finish the sequel to their previous masterpiece, THERE WILL BE KILLING.

INTERESTINGLY, the sequel is titled: “Making A Killing”. It is a classic blend of money and murder. Both these angles have been merged seamlessly to produce one heck of a Thriller.

The short description of the novel goes like this: The CIA’s most valuable assassin, Agent J.D. Mikel, wasn’t supposed to fall in love with anyone – especially not Kate Morningside, a woman coveted by another powerful world player. When Kate is kidnapped, J.D. is pulled into a dangerous game of cat and mouse, and one false move could cost him everything. Indeed, there are players – and then there are the masters who make the rules only to break them. It’s not an even match for those joining an epic search for Kate on a twisted dark hunt down the Mekong River in the midst of a bitterly disputed war: Izzy, a brilliant young psychiatrist assigned to the Army’s 8th Field Hospital and counting the days until he can return home; and his best friend Gregg, a gifted psychologist who served his time only to be driven back to Vietnam by his own inner demons and a rivalry with Mikel that burns as intensely as napalm.

There are other wars within wars in turbulent 1970. From the CIA to the American mafia to an International cartel helmed by a master of the sadistic, all eyes are on Southeast Asia’s Golden Triangle. And when it comes to a certain cash crop flourishing under the dominion of the mysterious Poppy King, everyone wants a piece of the action. Money talks. The currency? Heroin. It’s a spinning maze of intrigue, politics, and mind games; a hotbed where sex, drugs, and Janis Joplin aren’t always a beautiful thing. But even when no one turns out to be quite who or what they seem, one rule remains fast across the Devil’s chessboard: Winners live. Losers die.

The sequel to the national bestseller THERE WILL BE KILLING, MAKING A KILLING artfully weaves a spellbinding tapestry of dark history, psychology, and seduction – the best and worst of our humanity . . . and the hunger of our hearts.

In case you are too curious about the story, please visit the website:

Marina Cardoso

Thanks for sharing informative piece of writing! Monica you explain the great topic about Olympics writing prompts. Monica please you help with Dissertation by Expert Writers because my aim is I will write dissertation about Olympics writing.

Alyssa Elwood

I have never been much of a sports fan. Physical feats never really caught my interest. I have lived through several Olympics, but besides a passing interest in figure skating, I have never really cared about the Games. Perhaps it is because I am older and paying more attention to world events in general, that this year’s Olympic Games have carried more meaning for me than any other time.

No, I think the real reason I care is the drama. People died building the facilities. Poverty and quality of life around the area were making the news. People were ground under the heel of “the Olympics.” It is crazy to think that people and governments just let this happen. And then athletes cried about how their sinks didn’t work or how the standards were down. Seriously? What is the world coming to? Who are these horrible people that are sharing the planet with me?

Why did no one stand up and say “This is unacceptable! Where are public safety committees? Who’s in charge here?”

The Olympics (and not just 2016) to me are a sign of extravagant waste and squander. Of a society that uses and loses. In a few weeks, another Olympic arena will be abandoned. The area blighted and virtually useless. It reminds me of how people treat the planet, acting like there is always more; always taking resources and leaving messes. I am ashamed of the Olympics. I am ashamed of the Human Race.

We can be better than this. It’s not about who can bring home the most gold medals. It’s supposed to be about the world coming together. No matter what our conflicts or issues, we meet during the Olympics to do something together. We can turn this amazing, historical connection into our past into a good thing. We can come together to build a sustainable, safe program that highlights our incredible achievements without investing in a culture of greed and corruption and spoil.

My thoughts were, “We CAN, but we won’t.”

It’s been a long time since I’ve watched the Olympics. I’ve never been into sports much. I’ve only ever “watched” the Olympics with a group of people, much like I’ve “watched” the Superbowl. The latter is all about the commercials anyway. Often I don’t even know who’s playing.

As a child, I was the kid who was always picked last. I remember playing softball once and when I got up to bat, the entire opposing team sat down on the field. Except the pitcher, of course. They were that confident I would strike out. I did not surprise them.

It wasn’t just about being chosen last. I got beat up and called “sissy” and other names I won’t mention here. My lack of athletic prowess made me feel worthless. The teasing and beatings made me feel less than that.

In high school I discovered fencing. I never excelled at it, but I did enjoy it. But participation and observation are two very different things. I don’t particularly want to watch a fencing match.

As an adult, it is rather strange being me. Here I am, straight, cisgender, and yet I don’t like sports. I don’t fish. I don’t hunt. I find the whole idea of men’s groups a mystery. Why would I want to hang out with a bunch of men? I want to be where the women are.

This morning, as I was considering what I might write for this post, I mentioned I am not into cars. My friend Ron launched into a ten-minute speech about the “beaut” he saw for sale by the side of the road one day. It was a nineteen-sixty something Oldsmobile. The model sounded like government secret code words. There were numbers that I assume meant something about the engine. Very quickly Ron’s words became just sound, like a baby babbling or a bird chirping. I smiled politely and nodded from time to time. He would have gone on, but Doug interrupted, saying, “Isn’t this the kind of thing you said doesn’t interest you?”

“I’m feigning interest,” I admitted. Ron pretended to be jovial, but I could tell he was deflated.

So to those who enjoy watching sports, fishing, hunting, and talking endlessly about cars, I salute you. I’ll spend my time making love to my wife, reading good books, making the occasional gourmet meal (or failing), writing my novel (I’d better get to work!) and sometimes even enjoying a long nap.

Foil, epee or sabre ?

Yup I can relate to your story in many ways. So when did it dawn on you that you were very normal and to be congratulated for not following the crowd? I appreciate that you offer feedback to just about everyone. You are the kind of folks I hoped would be part of this writing experience. Thanks. I enjoy reading your feedback almost as much as the submissions themselves.

Why, thank you, Jonathan. I do try to give feedback, as long as I can keep it positive and there aren’t already a bunch of comments saying the same thing. I took foil fencing. Some of the class moved on to sabre and one classmate preferred epee. He was a tall guy, though I don’t know if that had any bearing on his choice. The one girl in our class stuck with foil and consistently kicked everyone’s ass, which may have had something to do with so many going over to sabre.

I do have a friend who told me once (quoting something she had heard or read, I think), “You were not made to be part of the crowd. You were meant to stand out.” I was in my forties at the time, so it took a while.

Jai Bogle

Thanks for sharing informative piece of writing! Monica you explain the informative topic about Olympics writing prompts. Monica please you help with by Expert Writers because my aim I will write dissertation about Olympics writing.

Roy J. Fischer

In the event that you have an elegantly composed paper, you will get various proposals from your mentors. Your college or school will be pleased to prescribe you anyplace you would need to go.

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Olympic Torch Writing Page

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Olympic Wreath Writing Page

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Olympics Booklet

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The Creative Penn

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10 Things The Olympics Can Teach Writers

posted on July 27, 2012

OLD POST ALERT! This is an older post and although you might find some useful tips, any technical or publishing information is likely to be out of date. Please click on Start Here on the menu bar above to find links to my most useful articles, videos and podcast. Thanks and happy writing! – Joanna Penn

(This article was originally written for the London Olympics but is just as relevant for Rio!)


But even if you're not into sport, there's still a lot writers can learn from the Olympics.

(1) Open with a hook

The opening ceremony has become a must-watch event showcasing the national pride of the host nation, as well as the march of the competitors around the main arena and the lighting of the Olympic flame.  London's event is managed by Danny Boyle, famous for directing Slumdog Millionaire and Trainspotting, among other movies. It promises to be a grand spectacular. Our books need to open in the same way. Not necessarily with a massive event, but with something that the reader wants to be part of, that drives them to buy the book and stay with us through the opening chapters. If a reader stays with us through the length of an ebook sample, they are likely to buy the book.

(2) It takes years of practice behind the scenes to make it this far

Athletes don't just wake up one day and compete in the Olympics. Many of them will have been training for this since they were children. This is not a hobby, this is a lifelong passion. It's years of practice in the cold, frosty mornings or the muggy heat of the afternoons, when your friends are still in bed or in the bar. It's practice over and over again until the body knows the moves and then you push it just a little further.

I was at Thrillerfest a few weeks ago , and I was struck by how many years the big name authors have been working to achieve the success they now have. Many of them wrote for years before they ‘made it', and before that, they worked for years to get noticed. Practice over many years will take us all that far.

Olympic airshow

(3) It also takes discipline, hard work and professional habits

I recently read an article about the professional habits of Michael Phelps, the US swimmer who takes gold repeatedly, and no doubt will continue to do so. His habits and discipline 7 days a week give him an edge over other competitors.

I also wrote recently of how Steven Pressfield's book ‘Turning Pro' challenged me with my own writing habits. Being an author is about mastery of the craft but it's also about writing the words and getting them out there – that means we have to put in the time and the hard work. How professional are your writing habits at the moment? How committed are you?

(4) Success is based on both individual effort and teamwork

Professional athletes don't work on their own, even if the sport is based on individual performance. There are coaches, team-mates, fans, support crew. Without this team, the athlete cannot compete.

In the same way, writing is (generally) an individual pursuit but we also need a team behind us to succeed . As independent authors, we need pro editors and cover designers, potentially help with formatting and we certainly need our distributors and the marketing platforms we use to spread the word. Traditionally published authors have an agent, editors and the whole team at the publisher. We all need the support of other writers, friends and family. I love to read the dedication and acknowledgements in books, because it honors the support of the team behind the writer.

(5) There will always be rivalry

Not everyone can win gold, even on the same team and so there will always be rivalry. It's hard not to look at other people's success and want it for yourself. Some people will even attack the winners and savage their success. Writers see this happen on Amazon with some awful reviews that often turn out to be from other writers.

We need to accept that there will always be some comparison, some measuring. But then we need to celebrate each others success and use it to spur our own efforts towards excellence.

(6) There will always be camaraderie

I don't think I could ever have written my first novel without the support of my writing friends on Twitter and the NaNoWriMo community. The camaraderie of other people in the same field is indispensable to being a writer or an athlete. For who else understands what we go through? Our partners, friends and family may smile and be supportive but they cannot really know why the hell we do this. Pro athletes need team-mates and so do writers. If you don't have this yet, get on with some networking!

(7) There will always be people trying to cheat and game the system, but authenticity wins through

Inevitably at the Olympics there are rumors of drug abuse and cheating. Some people will get away with it and no one will ever know, but many are caught out in the process. Everyone feels this is against the spirit of the Olympics, and fair play in general. This is not what we want as professionals.

Authenticity is far more important than trying to win by these other means. So don't bother following the latest ways to game the Amazon algorithms or get fake reviews. Ignore the hyped so-called bestseller campaigns and the promises of power-friending on the social networks. This is a long journey and a little every day will get you there eventually with your reputation intact. Understanding yourself and being authentic is the only way to make it over the long haul.

(8) There are different sports for different people

Some people want to perpetuate the myth that we are all the same, but in truth, we should celebrate our differences and how much we can all achieve at different things. At the Olympics, beautiful black men will inevitably win the running, both short and long distances (and isn't it a joy to watch Usain Bolt run?!) In the gymnastics, it will be petite girls, most likely from China or Eastern Europe. There are body types for different sports, and there are also preferences based on long term passion for the chosen arena.

It's the same for writers. Much as I'd love to write in the top-selling genre of romance/erotica, it's just not me. Perhaps you feel the same way about sci-fi or fantasy, horror or thrillers. Thankfully writing isn't based on body type, but it is about excelling within our chosen arena. Yes, some writers span multiple genres but would they win Olympic gold in all of them?

(9) Fans are the true gold

Individual effort is definitely worthwhile, but the support of fans help an athlete, or a writer, excel further. I love to get emails from people who enjoyed my books, and I love to get great reviews on the book sites. It is said that an artist can make a living with 1000 true fans , who evangelize their work and ultimately buy whatever they do. We could not pay the bills without our fans, so let's celebrate them and be grateful for them. In our turn, as fans of other writers, let's buy their books and leave reviews of books we love.

(10) The human interest story will always capture people's hearts

Who remembers the names of most of the athletes who competed, or won gold, at the Sydney Olympics? I was there and I remember only a handful. Perhaps you can name a few. But pretty much everyone who was there remembers Eric the Eel, the swimmer from Equatorial Guinea. He had never even seen an Olympic sized pool before arriving and only started swimming 8 months before the Olympics. He got in on a wildcard draw and won his heat as the others were disqualified for false starts.

The story of the underdog always captures the media attention and indeed our hearts. An easy win isn't as satisfying as an emotional loss. As writers, we need to keep this in mind for our manuscripts. No one wants to know about the nameless masses, the fistfuls of gold. They want to know about the stories behind the hype.

What are your lessons for writers based on the Olympics?

Images: Barcelona Olympic runners from BigStock, Olympic Airshow – Flickr CC by Graham IV Dynamo Kyiv team supporters from Bigstock, Olympic Torch Flick CC by Tim Garlick

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February 20, 2019 at 12:58 pm

In Class I am doing a Research Project in Writing and its about Running in the Olympics! 😈🤠🤑😜🤓😘😊😝🙃😎😙😗😛😌😉🥳😀😅😇😍😚🤪🤩😃🙂🥰😋🥳😄🙃😘😛😁☺️😉😗😝🤓😆😊😌😙😜😎

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FREE and Fun Olympic Games Printables for Kids

July 9, 2021 By Eva 1 Comment

Inside: As you’re getting ready for the Olympics, remember to print out this 20-page Olympic Games printable to help your kids stay busy while also helping them learn.

It’s that time again!

The Olympic Games are just around the corner, and if you are a sports fan, it’s sure to be one of the highlights of the summer for you. Whether you are planning to watch the games with your kids or simply looking for something to keep them busy while you’re enjoying the show, these Olympic Games printables are sure to save the day. 

They’re entertaining, engaging, and educational for a wide range of ages.

As you’re getting ready for the Olympics, remember to print out this 20-page Olympic Games printable to help your kids stay busy while also helping them learn. #Olympics #summerOlympics #kidsactivities #formoms

All About Olympic Games Printable

What do your kids know about the Olympics? Where did they start? When? And what does the flaming torch or five rings have to do with it?

The All About … series gives your kids the basic information, fun facts, vocabulary words (i.e., anthem), and historical background.

As you’re getting ready for the Olympics, remember to print out this 20-page Olympic Games printable to help your kids stay busy while also helping them learn. #Olympics #summerOlympics #kidsactivities #formoms

Olympic Games Scavenger Hunt

Can you find everything on the list while you are watching the Olympic Games?

Did you know that Visual Challenges like Scavenger Hunts help kids get better at focusing on details, improve visual perception, and develop self-confidence? Plus, learning to pick out important features is key to building a good memory of what you’ve seen or read.

As you’re getting ready for the Olympics, remember to print out this 20-page Olympic Games printable to help your kids stay busy while also helping them learn. #Olympics #summerOlympics #kidsactivities #formoms

Olympic Games Challenge

Athletes who compete at the Olympic level know how to challenge themselves to do greater things. Challenging oneself is necessary for the progress of any kind. It opens your mind and expands your limits.

Do you want to participate in The Olympic Games Challenge ? You will racewalk like an Olympian, play with water, slurp Japanese noodles, and learn to say “hello” as they say it in the host country of the current Olympics. Tick each activity off as you go, and let’s see if you can finish them all before the Olympic Games are over. 

As you’re getting ready for the Olympics, remember to print out this 20-page Olympic Games printable to help your kids stay busy while also helping them learn. #Olympics #summerOlympics #kidsactivities #formoms

Olympic-Themed Creative Writing Challenge

We live in a world of global communication. Anyone can write anything, put it on the Internet in the morning, and have people from the other side of the world commenting on it before lunch. What it really means is that we are bombarded with a ton of informational noise.

To get through the noise, we need to get our ideas across faster, better, and in an orderly way.

The reason I like to limit writing challenges to one page is that it teaches brevity.

When I take these creative writing challenges with my kids, I get super excited, and before I can catch myself, I’m writing a novel as my writing spills onto the next page (and the next…), and new twists and turns sprout by the second. So, I learned to start with the structure instead of letting my imagination guide my hand.  It’s an essential skill to practice with your kids.

What’s my main idea? What’s my rough outline? In a world where people spend about 36 seconds reading an average news article, it’s essential to know how to capture readers’ attention.

Use these Olympic-themed creative writing challenges to practice structure, planning, and priorities in your own and your kids’ writing.

By the way, do you want to make grammar grumbles a thing of the past? Try introducing grammar games into your child’s routine – it’s the secret sauce to sprucing up their sentence skills!

As you’re getting ready for the Olympics, remember to print out this 20-page Olympic Games printable to help your kids stay busy while also helping them learn. #Olympics #summerOlympics #kidsactivities #formoms

Olympic Games Art

Did you know that until 1948, The Olympic Games included an art competition? Yes, there were gold, silver, and bronze medals meted out for sports-themed paintings, sculptures, architectural designs, literary pieces (with dramatic, lyric, and epic sub-categories), and musical compositions (orchestral, instrumental, and solo divisions).

Well, now it’s your chance! Grab some paints, pencils, or markers and sketch, paint, or draw a sport-themed artwork to submit to the Olympic committee (i.e. mom and dad, or maybe grandma and grandpa?). When you are done, reward yourself with some relaxing coloring fun. The Olympic rings and flame are so much fun to color. While coloring, you will also learn that Faster, Higher, Stronger is the Olympic slogan.

As you’re getting ready for the Olympics, remember to print out this 20-page Olympic Games printable to help your kids stay busy while also helping them learn. #Olympics #summerOlympics #kidsactivities #formoms

Olympic Games Riddles

Oh my god, who doesn’t love a good riddle?! My kids can’t help it; they just need to know the answer to the riddle, even if they came up with a good guess on their own. So, whether it’s a double-digit addition or multiplication that stands in the way, my kids jump to the challenge just to find out whether or not their guess is correct.

As you’re getting ready for the Olympics, remember to print out this 20-page Olympic Games printable to help your kids stay busy while also helping them learn. #Olympics #summerOlympics #kidsactivities #formoms

Olympic-Themed Language Arts

The study of grammar, composition, and spelling is so much more fun with an engaging, relevant theme. Whether your kids are doing an Olympics crossword puzzle, Summer Olympics sports word search, or sports word scrambles, they are sure to have fun.

The answers and solutions are provided for your convenience.

As you’re getting ready for the Olympics, remember to print out this 20-page Olympic Games printable to help your kids stay busy while also helping them learn. #Olympics #summerOlympics #kidsactivities #formoms

Olympic Maze

Mazes provide a fun challenge. They feel like entertainment, but in fact, they require a ton of concentration. In a world of squirrel-sized attention spans, I welcome any opportunity to practice focus. (Did you know that scientists estimate that our attention spans have shrunk by 25% in the last few years? Insert horrified face!]

But that’s not all; mazes also allow your child to work on executive function skills (i.e., brainstorming various strategies), along with fine motor control and hand-eye coordination. I’m playing with the idea of creating a book of mazes for your kids. Let me know if a printable book of mazes would be something of interest to you, or if it’s just easier to buy it at the store…

In any case, let these printables give your family a fun and structured way to engage with this Olympic season!

As you’re getting ready for the Olympics, remember to print out this 20-page Olympic Games printable to help your kids stay busy while also helping them learn. #Olympics #summerOlympics #kidsactivities #formoms

Would you like to have all of the printables on this page? Now you can! You can find all of the activities on this page in one convenient PDF. Find it in the Subscribers-only library of resources.

As you’re getting ready for the Olympics, remember to print out this 20-page Olympic Games printable to help your kids stay busy while also helping them learn. #Olympics #summerOlympics #kidsactivities #formoms

Do you prefer an ink-saving version of this Olympic Games printable? Click the second link in my email.

As you’re getting ready for the Olympics, remember to print out this 20-page Olympic Games printable to help your kids stay busy while also helping them learn. #Olympics #summerOlympics #kidsactivities #formoms

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3 Prompts to Celebrate the Olympics

3 Prompts to Celebrate the Olympics


Celebrate the Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympics with us, happening in 2021. Here are three prompts and one BONUS prompt for your 5th-12th graders to enjoy as the festivities get underway! Some are light and fun. Others involve controversies and get your students thinking. Be sure to download the colorful worksheet in #1.

On your mark . . . get set . . .

1. Let’s Pack

You’re packing to go to Tokyo, Japan, for the 2020 Summer Olympics (that are taking place in 2021), but you can pack only 26 things. It’s a good thing there are 26 letters in the alphabet because you are going to pack one item for every letter in it. What will you pack that begins with “A”? With “B”? With “Z”???

Download this colorful worksheet to help you pack. >>

Summer Olympics

2. Let’s Tweet

You have a friend or relative in the Olympics this year whom you would like to encourage with some tweets. Write two or three to your friend, some before and some after his or her events.

Note: Tweets have to be concise because they are only 280 characters long. Every letter, punctuation mark, and space is considered a character. Stay within the limit.

3. Let’s Participate

Here’s a list of all the sports in the Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympics from the official Tokyo 2020 Olympics Website. There are over forty! Click on any of the icons to learn more about each sport and the athletes involved in it.

Answer one of the following questions in a short paragraph. Also, list five adjectives to describe the sport of your choice at the Olympics.

  • Which sport is your favorite to watch? Explain your choice.
  • If you could participate, which sport would you choose? Explain your choice.
  • Which sporting event do you think should be added to the list of sports? Explain your choice.
  • According the The Washington Post , the International Olympic Committee (IOC) seems to be warming up to the idea of esports (video game sports) such as auto racing. Do you think virtual sports should be included in the Olympics? Explain your view.

Bonus Olympics Prompt: Do you agree?

The 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo are being held in the summer of 2021. They were postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. A few days before the Olympics, Japan made the decision to bar all spectators to the games due to a resurgence of the virus. However, a minimal number of spectators are allowed along the path of the triathlon since it is an outdoor event.

This ban means that athletes will not have the support of live audiences when they compete, and families will not be able to cheer their loved ones on. This also means that athletes, visitors, and Japanese citizens will not unnecessarily be exposed to the virus’s resurgence. 

Answer one of the following questions:

  • What do you think of the audience-less competitions this year? 
  • If you had a friend or family member in the Olympics, how would you encourage him or her without actually being in the stands or even in the country?
  • Do you think spectators should have been banned? Why or why not?
  • Imagine that you are an Olympic athlete facing a competition without spectators or family present. How would you get yourself into the best mental condition to compete?
  • If you were an Olympic athlete this year, would you risk going to a country that is seeing a resurgence of a dangerous virus? Explain.
  • Do you know someone who is going to the Olympics this year? If so, write their story as you know it.
  • You are a Japanese official who has to announce to the press and to the world that spectators are banned at the Olympics. Write the announcement. 
  • Laurel Hubbard from New Zealand is a biological male who competed in men’s weightlifting events until 2013. Hubbard is now the first transgender male to compete in the Olympics in a women’s category, according to the BBC . We’re talking about weightlifting here, and the International Olympics Committee (IOC) allows “transgender athletes to compete as a woman if their testosterone levels are below a certain threshold.” Belgian weightlifter Anna Vanbellinghen believes this is not fair to women competing in women’s events. She sees that a biological male has a competitive advantage over a female. What is your view of transgender males competing in women’s sports? Is there an equitable way for transgender males to compete in sports without cutting women athletes out of competitive opportunities?

Enjoy these other prompts on the Olympics:

Read how Jesse Owens proved Hitler wrong. >>

Devise a new event! >>

Learn how a tiny tick almost stopped this champion. >>

Looking for fun middle school prompts? Follow this link. >>

Would you like engaging high school prompts. Follow this link. >>


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105 Olympic Games Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

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  • Olympic Games: Healthy Lifestyle Concepts Embodying the ideas of community of spirit, prizing the values of excellence, respect and friendship, Olympics serve as a means for uniting people of the world with the objective to build a better world through […]
  • Olympic Games in the UK: Benefits Second, it is a historical event that places a definite city and its citizens in the framework of glory and fame.
  • Should the Olympic Games in China 2008 be Boycotted? The Olympic Games was the quintessence of sporting competition among nations and embodied to a heightened extent the political potentialities inherent in sport.
  • Western Civilization: The Olympic Games’ History Ancient Greeks held strict moral and ethical codes while conducting the Olympics because it was not just a competition for them; it was a glorification of the true ideals, valor, and gallantry of an athlete. […]
  • The Effect of the 2004 Olympic Games in Greece on the Country’s Economy Even though the qualifications and skills of the author cannot be assessed, the reputation of the news agency adds to the credibility of the source.
  • The Effects of the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympic Games The city of Rio de Janeiro, the host of the 2016 Olympic Games, went through this process, but the results of the event are a topic for debate to this day.
  • The Olympic Games 2018 and Its Fans According to the survey conducted by the Center for the Digital Future, “35% of men and 32% of women” express a high level of interest in the Olympic Games.
  • London Olympic Games: Banning Reasons It now became a commonplace practice among many people to think that one of the main purposes of Olympic Games is to help the participating athletes and the spectators to embrace the spirit of apoliticalness […]
  • The 2012 Olympic Games Human Resource Planning The application of these aspects in the process of planning for the 2012 Olympic Games will play a major role in facilitating the organizing process.
  • Britain Marketing Tourism: the Olympic Games in 2012 In fact, the tourism industry is among the top ranked industries in Britain and accounts for a third of the total export the country earns.
  • London 2012 Olympic Games Marketing Specifically, 25% of the tickets are reserved for UK residents with the other parts of Europe and the world purchasing the remaining percentage of the tickets.
  • Olympic Games Benefits and Costs In the run-up to the historic London Olympic Games in 2012, the organizing committee encountered great challenges in the mechanisms of selling out the eight million tickets equitably among the twenty-six events in the games.
  • Olympic Games Contributions Given the fact that the Olympic Games are meant to increase cultural diversification, event organizers should strive to ensure that the public makes the best out of the events.
  • The London 2012 Olympic Games Purpose of the Report The general aim of this report is to assess the sustainability of the London games 2012. The use of the three sustainability indicators is in line with the legacy of the […]
  • 2012 London Olympic Games: Ticket Retailing Challenges The Olympic Games performance in the UK depends highly on the sales of the ticketing for the four main types of events and the other events.
  • The 2018 Winter Olympic Games in Munich, Germany The shareholders will include the local municipality of Garmisch-Partenkirchen, the Free State of Bavaria, the NOC, the Federal Republic of Germany and the Rural District of Berchtesgadener. The City of Munich will be the center […]
  • London Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games Marketing Practices In achieving the stated aim, the author incorporated the following as the key sections upon which the report was build on: To start with, the author tackled the introduction section that did present a review […]
  • Effectiveness of Public Relations & Relationship Marketing to the Successful Promotion of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games To conclude, it is evident from the assessment that public relations and relationship marketing are effective to the successful promotion of international events.
  • The London Olympic Games Thus the supply and demand concept is destined to have a very handsome effect on the economy of London, the strategic environment of the 2012 Olympics.
  • Past Olympic Games and London 2012 While the major goal of the IOC in awarding the Olympic Games to a city is to foster competitive sport and promote athletic development, the motivations of the host city are significantly different.
  • Economic impact of the Olympic Games This report aims: To identify the economic, social, and environmental impacts resulting from hosting of Olympic Games To give a detailed analysis of the identified economic, social, and environment effects of Olympic Games The report […]
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  • History of the Olympic Games, an Athletic Event Tradition from Ancient Greece
  • Overview of the Olympic Athlete and the Olympic Games
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IvyPanda. (2023, September 27). 105 Olympic Games Essay Topic Ideas & Examples.

"105 Olympic Games Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 27 Sept. 2023,

IvyPanda . (2023) '105 Olympic Games Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 27 September.

IvyPanda . 2023. "105 Olympic Games Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." September 27, 2023.

1. IvyPanda . "105 Olympic Games Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." September 27, 2023.


IvyPanda . "105 Olympic Games Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." September 27, 2023.

  • Olympic Games Would You Rather summer question l creative writing

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Engage your students with our fun and thought-provoking "Would You Rather Olympic Games Worksheet!" This interactive worksheet is designed to spark conversation and critical thinking about the Olympic Games, making it perfect for the classroom or at-home learning.

Worksheet Highlights:

  • Would you rather win a gold medal in swimming or in gymnastics?
  • Would you rather be a sports commentator for the Olympics or a photographer?
  • Would you rather participate in the Olympics once and win a medal or compete in multiple Olympics but never win a medal?
  • Critical Thinking: Encourages students to think critically about their choices and discuss their reasoning.
  • Engagement: Perfect for sparking engaging discussions and debates among students.
  • 15 worksheets of Would You Rather: Olympic Games
  • Congratulations page

This worksheet not only helps students learn about the Olympics but also develops their decision-making and reasoning skills.

Ideal for All Ages: Suitable for elementary to middle school students, this worksheet can be easily integrated into any lesson plan related to sports, history, or current events. Easy to Use: Simply print and distribute! This no-prep resource is ready to go, saving you valuable planning time. Educational and Fun: Combines learning with fun, making it a hit with students and educators alike.

Get your students excited about the Olympics with our "Would You Rather Olympic Games Worksheet" today!

We also have:

  • Father's day Journey & Father's Day Acrostic Poem l Fathers day questionnaire
  • Olympic Reading Comprehension l Summer Olympic 2024 l K - 2nd Grade
  • Summer Research Project Worksheets l End of the Year l Writing Activity
  • Would You Rather: Summer Break Edition Decision Making Worksheet Summer Project
  • Fathers Day Reading Comprehension l Free l K- 2nd grade
  • Olympics 2024 , Olympics creative writing , Create your own Olympics
  • Olympics Research Project l Olympics 2024 l creative writing grade 1-4 worksheet

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14 Best AI Writing Software Tools of 2024 (Expert Picks)

creative writing olympic games

Pricing: $9 per month Standout Features: AI-powered Writing Platform, Multifaceted Marketing Tool, Efficient Long-form Editor

Jasper Logo

Pricing: $69 per month Standout Features: Comprehensive AI Writing Suite, Powerful Quality Output, Advanced AI Solutions

Sudowrite Logo

Pricing: $20 per month Standout Features: Customized for Storytelling, Intuitive Suggestions Toolbar, Dynamic 'Expand' Feature

AI writing software has exploded in popularity. Every since ChatGPT, AI writing has become mainstream, with hundreds of new AI writing tools flooding the market. Almost every Saas platform includes AI writers somewhere in their feature set, and there are hundreds of standalone services with Chrome extensions and more.

The AI writing assistant software market is expected to grow at a rate (CAGR) of 26.94% from 2023 to 2030, reaching a market size of $6.464 billion by 2030. –

Since there are so many to keep track of, we will walk you through the best AI writing tools and highlight what each is best suited for. You’d be surprised how specialized some of these get.

  • 1.1 1. Rytr
  • 1.2 2. Jasper
  • 1.3 3. Sudowrite
  • 1.4 4.
  • 1.5 5. Writesonic
  • 1.6 6. WordHero
  • 1.7 7. Article Forge
  • 1.8 8.
  • 1.9 9. Surfer SEO
  • 1.10 10. Scalenut
  • 1.11 11. INK
  • 1.12 12. WriterZen
  • 1.13 13. ClosersCopy
  • 1.14 14. HubSpot AI Blog Writer
  • 2 How AI Can Help Your Writing Workflows
  • 3.1 Feature Comparison of Best AI Writers
  • 3.2 Price Comparison of AI Writing Tools
  • 4 What is the Best AI Writing Software?
  • 5 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The Best AI Writing Tools

AI can speed up virtually any writing task by selecting the right tool. We’ve done unbiased research to show you the best AI Writing Apps you can choose from today. Take a look at these AI writing tools that can eliminate writer’s block and the fear of the blank page.

The Best AI Writing Software Listed In Order

  • Article Forge
  • ClosersCopy
  • HubSpot AI Blog Writer

🥇 Best AI Writer for General Use

Rytr - Homepage - Feburary 2024

Rytr is an AI-powered writing platform with one of the largest footprints of all AI writing tools on the market. It’s an all-purpose AI tool that is handy for any diversified marketer. It has copywriting frameworks, templates for blog writing, and use cases for creating product descriptions. It also sports SEO integrations so you can write with the fullest confidence of keywords and semantic topical coverage in your work. You will never write quite the same again after using this.

Semrush Intergration with Rytr - See Keywords by Volume

Rytr uses AI technology to create high-quality content quickly and easily. Users can generate content for various applications and industries, including marketing, eCommerce, and more. The easy-to-use interface makes it easy to start, even for users without previous AI writing (or writing!) experience.

Rytr's Editor, Quick Tools, and Use Cases

They’ve also launched Rytr Chat, which allows human writers to chat back and forth with its AI to generate tailored content iteratively that can be easily added to its long-form editor.

What We Like About Rytr

  • Multilingual : AI-generated content is supported in over 30 languages, accommodating a broad user base.
  • Templates : More than 40 templates and use cases are available, eliminating the need to write detailed prompts.
  • User Interface : Features an easy-to-use interface, including a long-form editor and a dark mode option for eye comfort.
  • Chrome Browser Extension : A Chrome extension is available that integrates AI writing capabilities into favorite apps like the WordPress editor and emails.
  • SEO Integrations : It integrates with Semrush and SERPs for top content analysis to find accurate keyword research suggestions, which is beneficial with “Blog Idea” and “Blog Outline” templates.
  • Plagiarism Checker: Rytr now includes a built-in plagiarism checker to compare its output against so that its AI-generated words are guaranteed to not sound like a robot.
  • Tone of Voice Prompt: Like other top-tier AI writers, Rytr supports creating your own voice or tone settings. However, it does this via Prompt and not through uploaded sample content.

What Could Be Improved

  • Content Depth : Rytr excels in generating short-form content but can struggle with depth and detail for more complex, long-form articles. Enhancing its algorithms to produce more in-depth analyses and comprehensive pieces would be beneficial.
  • Contextual Understanding : While Rytr supports a wide range of languages and templates, improving its contextual understanding and accuracy in niche or technical subjects could make it more versatile and reliable for specialized content creators.

🥇 Why We Picked It

Rytr stands at the top of our list for a few reasons. It’s gathered millions of happy users worldwide while developing new tools and features. It is also one of the lowest-cost solutions on the market. Combining those things with its dead simple usability (not to mention its Chrome extension), Rytr doesn’t have many downsides.

Interested in learning about all Rytr has to offer? Catch our full Rytr review , where we go into every feature.

Who is Rytr Best For?

With over 7 million writers using Rytr, it’s hard to imagine someone who wouldn’t benefit from its AI writing platform. If you’ve never used an AI tool, this is one to start with—with a free plan available. It also has the cheapest starting price out of all the tools on this list. It’s the perfect tool for anyone looking to have AI improve their writing productivity. Whether you’re a freelancer, small business owner, or part of a larger team, Rytr is an essential tool for any writer looking to boost their efficiency and streamline their workflow.

Community Reviews and Ratings

People note how easy it is to use and love its price point. It is a very popular tool because it steadily adds advanced features while still keeping it simple.

G2 Logo

Rytr offers a free plan, with its starter plan costing as little as $9 per month !

🥈 Best AI Writer for Businesses

Jasper AI - Homepage - January 2024

Jasper is another wildly popular AI writing platform (originally called Jarvis AI). It is home to some of the most powerful AI tools for writing long-format content, SEO content, blog posts, sales emails, and more. It also provides training, courses, and conferences around its feature set that gets a lot of traction among AI users. Jasper is probably among the more respected brands known for constantly iterating on their world-class AI solutions.

Jasper video script

Jasper’s built for the more extensive writing operations among us. Generative content produced by Jasper is high quality, with plenty of tools that make the whole platform sparkle.

What We Like About Jasper

  • Integration : Jasper integrates with powerful tools like Surfer SEO, Chrome, and Grammarly, enhancing its functionality at every turn.
  • Support : Offers incredible documentation, support, and customer success training directly from the company.
  • AI Art Generation : Includes AI-generated art with each plan, adding visual creativity to content.
  • Collaboration : Provides advanced plans for team collaboration so multiple people can work on documents together (vital for teams).
  • Up-to-date : It has access to real-time data via the internet, enabling it to write about news events from as recently as this morning.
  • Company Knowledge: Not only can it write in your company’s brand voice, but it can save “memories” of important pieces of information that it can use while writing to have more accurate context and description of the particulars of your business.
  • Pricing : Jasper’s is undoubtedly priced to be a business tool. They do not offer a free version or even something cheaper than ChatGPT, making other ChatGPT alternatives more attractive than Jasper on that point.
  • Integration Depth : Jasper integrates with several tools for SEO and grammar, but deeper integrations, particularly with content management systems, could streamline the content creation process further. They’ve started this with Webflow , but more effort is needed for this to be a valuable enterprise tool.

🥈 Why We Picked It

Jasper has it all: a long-standing product with best-in-class features. It is widely used and has found its niche with enterprise and corporate marketing teams. It isn’t a copycat product of other popular AI writers out there, and it specializes in business use cases.

Who is Jasper Best For?

Jasper is best for businesses that need to speed up internal writing functions (like marketing, sales, support, and more). It’s relatively expensive, but you pay for its quality and simple editing workflow.

Still undecided? Take a look at our Jasper Review to see everything that it has to offer.

Besides a few mentions of it being hard to unsubscribe from, users love using Jaspers’s best-in-class features. They continually find value in the new features they release and how well done they are. Most customers are medium-to-large content or marketing operations.

No free plan with prices starting at $69 per month with a limited free trial

3. Sudowrite

🥉 best ai writer for novel & fiction writing.

Sudowrite - Homepage April 2023

Sudowrite is an AI writing software built exclusively for stories and all content that uses even a little storytelling. It does not have the recipes/templates that some other platforms have but instead focuses more on a writing workflow than the parts and pieces of a particular work.

Sudowrite gives you a draft, suggestions, and editing advice, and it is more tailored toward creative and descriptive writing. While most other AI writing software focuses on business use cases and blogs, Sudowrite goes against the grain and offers something truly unique.

What We Like About Sudowrite

  • First Draft : Sudowrite’s “First draft” feature can transform a simple prompt into 1000 words, streamlining content creation.
  • Suggestions : Offers auto-complete and styled suggestions that are easy to integrate and relevant to your writing context.
  • Enhancements : Utilizes “Describe” for adding captivating language and “Expand” for naturally extending sections of writing.
  • Built for Writers: While some AI writers aim to replace writers, Sudowrite aims to make writers more efficient in their writing processes.
  • Dialogue: Many people use AI for factual content, but Sudowrite helps with prose and narrative.
  • Character Coherence : While Sudowrite is excellent with story writing, it can be pushed a little too hard if heavily used. This is noticeable in the discontinuity of characters and histories of events throughout an entire story.
  • Credit System : Its credit system starts with a high dollar amount, where it would be better if there were entry-level plans that cost sub-$20 for hobbyists.

🥉 Why We Picked It

Writing takes many shapes, and just because you are reading an internet article right now does not mean that everything you wish to read and write is fact-based nonfiction. Sudowrites covers a massive corner of the market to help writers of fiction, poetry, and narrative with the projects they are passionate about.

Who is Sudowrite Best For?

Sudowrite is best for creative professionals in interesting brand writing positions or those crafting narrative, poetry, and other prose. It is also meant for storytellers of all kinds (poems, books, scripts) and delivers.

If you are on the fence about trying it, look at our Sudowrite review to see all its features and workflows that can help you with your creative writing adventures.

Not many reviewers have shared their experience with Sudowrite, but that makes sense for something created for creative writers. The cost can be a little high, and the writing tends to stray when the AI is forced to write too much.

No free plan with paid plans starting at $19 per month for 225,000 credits

Get Sudowrite - Homepage February 2024 is a prevalent content generator (over 6 million users) specially tailored to optimize the workflows of many sales and marketing tasks (including systems and integrations). This connects its AI-generation prowess to many different applicants that can enhance sales-enablement and go-to-market strategies. This can dramatically increase an individual’s or team’s output for specific tasks with the help of ks.

Sales Automation with AI Enrichment - Copy ai

Its API for LinkedIn, for example, can pull prospect info from a CRMeir LinkedIn profile to help create a tailored cold-outreach message that is personalized and written with copywriting principles. It also includes a ChatGPT alternative with Chat .

What We Like About

  • API & Zapier Integration :’s API/Integrations connect with CRMs, LinkedIn, and other sales/marketing tools for effective cold outreach.
  • Chat Interface : Features Chat by, a ChatGPT-like interface optimized for sales and marketing tasks with a prompt library.
  • Pricing Model : Offers a unique pricing model based on the number of fired automations (Workflows) with unlimited generatable words.
  • Brand Voice + Infobase:  Stores essential details about your business branding voice of important information that it should be aware of.
  • Lack of Native Integrations : While impressive,’s workflows primarily run based on a limited number of integrations built into the system. Instead, users must know how to work with an API or use Zapier as an expensive connection solution.

Who is Best For? is best for salespeople and marketers whether or not they work on a team. Teams stand to benefit from its Pro plan, which includes unlimited words, unlimited projects, and up to five user seats. See our article on how to use if you want more information.

Users of note its intuitive approach to content creation. The flexibility and its unique features make it well worth its time.

Offers a free plan with limited credit usage and a Pro plan starting at $49 per month .


5. Writesonic

Writesonic - Homepage - February 2024

Writesonic is an AI writing software that packs a lot of features into its platform. Its free plan gives 10,000-word access to its optimized GPT 3.5 platform, while its paid plans can be powered by GPT 4. Writesonic also has innovative products like Photosonic and Chatsonic that bring even more AI-powered tools to its customers.

Writesonic generating email through V2

Learn more about Writesonic and its AI Chatbot, Chatsonic , with our detailed reviews.

Writesonic’s advanced AI technology allows users to generate high-quality written content quickly and easily. The platform also includes various advanced editing tools, enabling users to fine-tune their content perfectly.

What We Like About Writesonic

  • AI Tools : Writesonic provides AI copywriting tools with over 100 templates for various content types, including blog posts and landing pages.
  • Collaborative Editing : Features SonicEditor for collaborative editing, allowing multiple team members to contribute to a text.
  • Landing Page Generation : Can generate and code out static landing pages along with the copy, integrating with Surfer SEO and Zapier.
  • ChatSonic : All plans include access to ChatSonic, a GPT-4-styled chat solution with current trending topics awareness (also includes Photosonic for AI art generation).
  • Brand Voice:  Stores information about the way your business speaks with its brand voice feature.
  • Cluttered UI : Writesonic packs so many features under the hood that it can be a messy and confusing platform to navigate. We wouldn’t say it’s hard to use, but it can be a lot to take in and find your way through.
  • Confusing Credit System:  Uses a crediting system where the base model used (GPT 3.5 and 4) can be toggled and those changes the amount of credits used per word.

Who is Writesonic Best For?

Writesonic is a comprehensive platform for marketers and content writers with AI tools for several writing tasks. Its fast pace of innovation means that any user needing generative AI content, images, or chat interfaces would likely benefit from the platform. It’s one of the better all-purpose AI writing websites with a free plan.

Overall, users love all the different features and sub-products available within Writesonic. Ultimately, its power as an AI writer is satisfying, and the output quality is quite good. Some have had issues dialing in their prompts, but that is an inherent challenge with any AI writer using foundation models.

Free plan with paid plans starting at $19 per month .

Get Writesonic

6. WordHero

Wordhero - Homepage April 2023

WordHero is another all-purpose AI writing tool particularly suited for business purposes. Launching on AppSumo with a lifetime deal with unlimited words, it’s quickly come into its own. WordHero suits on-the-fly content generation that you can paste into your documents of choice, like Word, a Slack channel, or a marketing campaign. Its long-form editor has come a long way and makes creating whole documents with the help of AI even easier.

WordHero Long Form Advanced Writer

There’s a dedicated and loyal user base that constantly suggests improvements that the team takes into consideration. So, it is likely the platform will continue to improve as it has over the last couple of years.

What We Like About WordHero

  • Templates : WordHero offers template-based AI outputs for immediate use or integration with its long-form editor.
  • Blog Content : Surpasses Rytr in generating compelling blog introductions and conclusions.
  • Unlimited Content : Allows for the generation of unlimited content, adhering to their fair use policy. Released “ Enhanced Mode ” which uses better AI models which may have monthly word limits.
  • Multilingual Support : Supports over a hundred languages, placing it at the top of the list for language diversity.
  • Brand Voice: WordHero has recently launched brand voice features, which have been some of the most important features for other AI writing platforms.
  • Advanced Writer: AI writing workflow for having WordHero output a coherent 2,000-word article in one fell swoop. Go from zero to the first draft in under a minute with this feature.
  • Frequent LTD Sales: WordHero has been on AppSumo multiple times and even sells lifetime subscriptions on their website currently. This is great for early adopters but is an unsustainable business model for a SaaS company with costs every time an AI request is generated. This makes the future of WordHero a little murky although a great deal for those willing to make the bet on a LTD.
  • Dark Mode: Dark mode in the editor is lovely to have, but some text displays as dark gray over the black background, making it very hard to use aspects of its UI. This is an easy fix but one we would like to see sooner rather than later.

Who is WordHero Best For?

Like Rytr and others on this list, WordHero is best for those in business or marketing. It creates excellent blog section content and does a good job with copywriting frameworks and product descriptions. It does not currently have advanced integrations, so it’s ideal if this is the only AI writing tool you expect to use in your workflow.

There are not many reviews of WordHero despite its large userbase. But take it from the frequent product updates reflected in the changelog, and you can notice they are answering many of their customer’s wishes.

No free plan, with prices starting at $49 per month .

Get WordHero

7. Article Forge

ArticleForge - Homepage April 2023

Article Forge is an AI writing software built for long-form content creation. Put in a keyword, select some basic parameters like length, and Article Forge will forge ahead with a fresh piece of generated content.

Article forge creating article

Article Forge’s power comes from its ability to create a lot of content simultaneously. That is also its sticking point, which places more responsibility on humans to read, edit, and substantiate what the AI generated. However, it’s a refreshing change of pace from other AI tools that build content sections at a time until you’re done.

What We Like About Article Forge

  • One-Click Creation : Article Forge generates high-quality, long-form content (1,500 words) with a single click, simplifying content production.
  • SEO Optimization : Features built-in SEO optimization to enhance content visibility.
  • Topic Filtering : Enables adding negative or excluded topics to refine content relevance.
  • Natural Flow : Automatically creates content and headings that naturally flow, improving readability.
  • Copy-scape Pass : Guarantees content will pass Copy-scape, ensuring originality.
  • Over-Reliance Risk: Because of the features that Article Forge markets, it’s easy to think that AI-generated content is good to publish as-is. With the recent news breaking over social sites about “SEO Heists” (stories of how companies used programmatic SEO to generate hundreds of thousands of visitors in monthly traffic with AI articles, only to have Google apply manual actions against those sites and drop visitors to mere thousands per month) users should be wary of unhelpful AI content and how it can affect your website.
  • High Cost: Article Forge employs a credit system that lets a user write up to 25,000 words for $27 per month. This is a high price since it costs more than ChatGPT while inflicting higher limits.

Who is Article Forge Best For?

Article Forge is best for more extensive content operations that want to increase their editorial output dramatically. Great for creating supporting content (clusters) in quick succession. It still takes work to edit and fact-check the output correctly, and it works even better when a human writer overhauls every paragraph. It also scores high marks on all major review sites, which tells us they are doing something right.

Many users enjoy using Article Forge since it makes it so easy to generate a long first draft. Some have noted its high price tag and others that they can’t reliably get articles longer than 750 words to generate.

No free plan with paid pricing starting at $27 per month .

Get Article Forge


Frase - Homepage April 2023 is a powerful AI writing tool that can help you with all aspects of your content creation process. It can help you create high-quality content that will engage and inform your readers, from researching topics to writing and editing your content. Whether you’re a blogger, a content marketer, or just someone who wants to write better content, Frase can help you take your content to the next level. SEO AI Assistant SERP Explorer

With Frase’s advanced AI technology, businesses can create high-quality content quickly and easily. Additionally, the advanced SEO tools ensure that the content is optimized for search engines. Frase analyzes published content and provides actionable, AI-generated next steps that save valuable time.

What We Like About Frase

  • SEO Content Briefs : Frase can create content briefs from SERP research in just “6 seconds,” including customizable templates for frequent content types.
  • Flexible Editor : Offers a long-form editor that allows for both manual writing and AI assistance at any point.
  • Advanced SEO Content Optimization : Enables content optimization for SEO with NPL topic modeling and tracks performance with Google Search Console integration to identify and address content decay.
  • Integrations : Frase offers some really nice integrations (like WordPress, Salesforce, and Google Search Console), but expanding its integration capabilities with more third-party platforms and tools could streamline users’ workflows even further.

Who is Frase Best For? is ideal for content marketers or teams who want to write quality SEO content with AI to rank well in organic search. With GSC integration included in every plan, Frase is particularly useful for large content sites that rely on content decay warnings without manually checking each post every quarter.

Frase has spectacularly good reviews, as people love its approach to creating SEO content. It gets the content writing workflow down pat, making it a breeze to work through creating something that is publishable. Some users want more file hierarchy in storing AI written materials inside the platform, but that is relatively minor.

Starts at $14.99 per month with an unlimited content generation add-on for an extra $35 per month .

9. Surfer SEO

Surfer SEO - Homepage April 2023

Surfer SEO is the premier writing AI that can help you rank #1 on Google. It does this by analyzing the top-ranking pages for your target keywords and then providing you with suggestions on how to optimize your content. This can save you a lot of time and effort and help you improve your chances of ranking higher in search engine results pages ( SERPs ). You may have noticed how many other AI writers integrate directly with Surfer—that’s a testament to what Surfer SEO can do for you and your websites.

SurferSEO Grow Flow Content Decay

Surfer SEO’s advanced AI technology allows businesses to optimize their online content for search engines quickly and easily. The platform includes various advanced SEO analysis tools, content optimization recommendations, and competitor analysis tools to help businesses improve their online presence.

What We Like About Surfer SEO

  • Content Strategy : Surfer SEO creates content briefs and outlines based on top-ranking SERP results for strategic content planning.
  • Content Score : Offers a content score based on SERP analysis, NPL, and other key ranking factors to guide content optimization.
  • Plagiarism Checker : Includes a plagiarism checker to avoid ranking penalties and maintain content integrity.
  • Integration : Integrates with top AI writing software, Google Docs, Semrush, and WordPress, enhancing content creation and publishing workflows.
  • Pricing: SurferSEO can be quite the investment, with the lowest-priced service at $89 per month. This lets users write, edit, and analyze 30 documents.

Who is Surfer SEO Best For?

Surfer SEO, right now, is the go-to AI and NPL tool for SEO content writing. Likely, you want to pair Surfer with an advanced AI writer like Jasper or Rytr. Surfer SEO is the perfect companion for these fantastic tools and helps keep your AI content in the good graces of Google and other search engines.

Another SEO AI writer that scores really well with customers is Surfer. Surfer was one of the first mega-popular SEO writers, and it shows in their mature feature set. There are some idiosyncracies, among them being the price tag, but users love using it.

No free options with paid plans starting at $89 per month .

Get SurferSEO

10. Scalenut

Scalenut - Homepage - February 2024

Scalenut is another world-class AI writing assistance created explicitly for SEO and content marketing. It does this by analyzing the top-ranking pages for your target keywords and then providing you with suggestions on how to optimize your content. It can do this for one article or an entire cluster for a full-fledged content strategy that builds topical authority.

Scalenut Article Creator from SERP Research

Using Scalenut, businesses can automate their entire content lifecycle to streamline planning, keyword research , writing, and optimization. This is great for reducing the workload on human staff and improving overall efficiency while not replacing your team.

What We Like About Scalenut

  • Content Strategy : Scalenut builds content strategies and keyword clusters swiftly using AI, streamlining the planning process.
  • Audience Analysis : Analyzes audience search intent and competitors in SERPs to devise the best plan for each content piece.
  • AI-Guided Writing : Offers AI-guided writing with real-time optimization, SERP stats, and content scoring for enhanced content quality.
  • Marketing Templates : Provides over 40 marketing task templates for creating diverse content, including product descriptions and newsletter emails.
  • Depth of Analysis : While Scalenut offers comprehensive SERP and audience intent analysis, the depth of competitor content evaluation could be enhanced to provide more nuanced insights for content differentiation.
  • Template Diversity : Although Scalenut provides a robust selection of marketing templates, expanding the range to include more varied content formats could further cater to the diverse needs of content creators and marketers.

Who is Scalenut Best For?

Scalenut is there for businesses looking to rapidly create content at scale to build topical authority and start winning in the SERPs. Lower pricing for SEO content than Surfer SEO, though with fewer integrations. It can be used by itself since it has plenty of AI content creation capabilities.

Users love Scalenut and say that its AI does a good job of writing articles. The only qualms are the high prices and the low credits available in their pricing tiers. That makes it a little less competitive, even though its feature set is top-notch.

The Essential plan starts at $39 per month for 100,000 AI-generated words.

Get Scalenut

INKforAll - Homepage April 2023

INK is an AI writing tool that can help you create high-quality content in minutes. Any paid plan allows the generation of unlimited words and images, making it an exciting platform to try out. It specializes in content for ranking well with SEO.

INK’s Content Sheild adds a lot of protection so that you can use AI responsibly without wreaking havoc by garnering penalties on your content. It scans unlimited content, finds plagiarism, and detects if common technologies will likely mark the content as written by AI. Performing these checks gives you even more peace of mind as you schedule or hit publish on your Ink-guided content.

What We Like About INK

  • Content Shield : INK protects website reputations with Content Shield, ensuring content is plagiarism-free and passes “Written by AI” detection tests.
  • AI-Generated Images : Creates AI-generated images based on text prompts, offering visuals that complement your content at affordable prices.
  • Keyword Research : Conducts keyword research, pulling search volume, trend, and CPC data to support data-backed content creation.
  • SEO Scorer: Gives an easy-to-understand content score for each article so you know it might fare in the SERPs once published.
  • Long-Form Writer : The article rewriting features and shorter content writing seems to work better than when it creates long amounts of it.
  • Integrations : While INK offers great content creation tools, it could do better at integration with more content management platforms .

Who is INK Best For?

INK is best for individuals and businesses needing unlimited content generation through 130+ marketing templates, a long-form editor, or fast paraphrasing. It’s also of great value with the addition of data-informed SEO tools and a plagiarism detector, and it generates AI images and written content.

Users enjoy INK and are glad that they’ve introduced a SaaS-based writer instead of relying on their legacy desktop application. Some do wish that its integration with WordPress was more reliable. In addition to that, more CMS integrations have commonly been asked for t o make the publication as easy as the writing.

No free plan, and INK starts at $49 per month for unlimited words, articles, and images.

12. WriterZen

Writer Zen - Homepage - February 2024

WriterZen is a powerful AI-based SEO writing tool that stands out from many other platforms because of its data-based approach. Anyone creating SEO content for websites, landing pages, and authoritative blogs should consider adding WriterZen to their workflow.

WriterZen AI writer with SEO Research

WriterZen’s AI-informed workflow helps you create content that enables you to score valuable organic traffic. Based on SERP data, WriterZen scores keywords on its “Keyword Golden Score” metric, which shows you the best ratio of keyword competition, traffic, CPC, and ranking difficulty. SEO-informed content gets a degree easier with WriterZen.

What We Like About WriterZen

  • Keyword Discovery : WriterZen finds high-traffic/low-competition keywords, aiding in targeted content creation.
  • Content Outlines : Generates content outlines using advanced NPL analysis of top search results for strategic content structuring.
  • Keyword Clusters : Identifies relevant keyword clusters from Google Keyword data and Google Suggest Database for comprehensive content coverage.
  • Plagiarism Detection : Features plagiarism and originality detection, ensuring the content’s integrity before publishing.
  • User Interface : The platform’s user interface, while functional, can be slow at times, especially when working with keywords.
  • Overcrowded Editor : The article editor could use some visual decluttering to make it an efficiency powerhouse.

Who is WriterZen Best For?

WriterZen is built for content teams and websites, pushing out a lot of SEO-optimized content. Bringing SEO tools into a writing platform speeds up content creation. It reduces the work of SEO analysis of content (though it doesn’t replace the need for skilled search specialists and SEO strategies).

Users say the learning curve for WriterZen is a little high just because of the way the UI is set up. In addition, it would be nice if they had more team and collaboration features to work with. Other than that, its performance as an AI writer pleases most users.

No free plan, but paid plans start at $23 per month .

Get WriterZen

13. ClosersCopy

Closerscopy - Homepage April 2023

ClosersCopy is one of the more celebrated general-purpose and marketing AI content writers on the market. It specializes in sales and marketing copy but is also very good for blog content using its long-form editor.

ClosersCopy’s ability to create and share frameworks means that there are even more possibilities and use cases for using AI to write niche content. Frameworks specially train ClosersCopy AI to do a particular writing task (such as AIDA copywriting or creating a product description). Most AI writing software limits users to the frameworks (often called use cases or recipes) to what is officially released by the platform. ClosersCopy gives users control over sharing their best frameworks that others can benefit from. It has put together its AI tools into a unique pricing model that many will find compelling.

What We Like About ClosersCopy

  • Frameworks : ClosersCopy boasts over 700 frameworks, including those submitted by the community, offering extensive versatility.
  • SEO Insights : Provides NPL-guided SEO insights within the text editor, leveraging live search results for optimized content creation.
  • Workflows : Enables the stringing together of various ClosersCopy frameworks into a single generative output, streamlining the content creation process (ex., Blog Title -> Blog Outline -> Blog Introduction -> Blog Conclusion, all in a single Workflow).
  • Slow Development : Some users have noticed slower development of new features. This is likely due to the developer switching priorities to a new AI writing platform called Copyspace. This has disappointed long-time users of ClosersCopy and is the reason why this product has moved down our list since our last publishing.

Who is CloserCopy Best For?

ClosersCopy is best for salespeople and marketers who need high-quality sales copy. Blog writers and affiliate marketers also benefit significantly from this software. For those looking for a more affordable option, Rytr has fewer features but a much cheaper rate.

There aren’t many reviewers for ClosersCopy, but the few that have left their opinions wish that there was more ongoing development and new features. They say that what once was an excellent AI writing platform has slipped into mediocrity a bit.

High starting price of $49.99 per month .

Get ClosersCopy

14. HubSpot AI Blog Writer

HubSpot AI Blog Writer - Landing Page - May 2024

HubSpot’s Free AI Blog Writer is an innovative solution that revolutionizes how businesses approach blog content creation. By using the power of artificial intelligence, this tool simplifies and accelerates the process of generating engaging, high-quality blog posts. It’s an integral part of HubSpot’s suite, aimed at enabling marketers, bloggers, and business owners to maintain a consistent content schedule without compromising on quality or spending excessive time on content creation.

Hubspot AI writer Prompt Screen

What We Like About HubSpot

  • AI-Powered Content Creation: This tool leverages advanced AI algorithms to generate blog post drafts, saving time and effort in the content creation process.
  • SEO Optimization: It assists in optimizing content for search engines, helping your blog posts to rank higher and reach a wider audience.
  • Tone and Style Customization: HubSpot offers options to adjust the tone and style of the generated content to match your brand’s voice.
  • Content Improvement Suggestions: Provide intelligent suggestions to improve existing blog content for readability and engagement.
  • Limited Focus: Its AI writer is focused on blog posts, so it isn’t the most valuable tool, but it excels at what it does.

Who is HubSpot Best For?

HubSpot’s Free AI Blog Writer is best suited for content creators, digital marketers, and small to medium-sized business owners who are looking to streamline their content creation process. It’s an ideal tool for those who want to consistently produce high-quality blog content but are constrained by time or lack in-house writing resources. Whether you’re looking to boost your content marketing strategy, increase your website’s SEO presence, or simply maintain an active blog with less effort, this AI-powered writer can significantly ease the content creation burden.

There are no separate reviews for HubSpot’s AI writing tool, but there are plenty of reviews for the broader HubSpot platform.

The core functionality of HubSpot’s Free AI Blog Writer is available at no cost, making it an accessible option for businesses and individuals looking to enhance their content strategy without immediate financial investment.

Get HubSpot’s AI Writer

How AI Can Help Your Writing Workflows

AI writing platforms provide various solutions, which makes sense considering all the different types of writing and writing tasks people encounter daily. For instance:

  • Faster Content Marketing: There are copywriting AI tools to help your marketing strategy by generating high-quality content faster for marketing, product descriptions, and sales copy .
  • Easy Content Updates : There are AI tools for rewriting existing content so your content remains fresh and relevant.
  • SEO Content Optimization: SEO AI tools can use Natural Language Processing (NPL) based on keywords to help create quality SEO content . All the best SEO tools already use AI to help with advanced SEO techniques .
  • Enhanced Creativity:  Story and creative AI writing software quickly generates innovative ideas and helps write illustrative content.
  • Automate Editing Tasks: There are proofreading AI tools (like Grammarly ) that offer real-time spelling, grammar, and plagiarism checks to improve your content and ensure it is fit for publishing.

Suppose you’re someone in charge of writing or editing multiple types of content (on-brand copywriting, ad copy, long-form articles, stories, PR). In that case, you’ll probably benefit from having various AI writing assistants. With that in mind, let’s explore some of the best.

Comparing the Best AI Writers

With so much AI writing software to choose from and so many details listed above, we thought we’d give you a 30,000-foot view of the products we covered in this article.

Feature Comparison of Best AI Writers

Feature coverage is an important aspect of any tool. But, the highest number of features don’t always “win”—sometimes, the right few features are all it takes. Anyway, here is a feature comparison of our top three choices of AI writers. See if any of these tools has the right mix for you.

🥇 🥈 🥉
Starting Price$9/mo$69/mo$19/mo
Free Plan Available✔️
Multilingual Support✔️✔️✔️
SEO Integrations✔️✔️
Templates and Frameworks✔️✔️✔️
Long-Form Content Generation✔️✔️✔️
Chrome Extension✔️✔️
Real-Time Content Collaboration✔️
AI Art Generation✔️✔️
Built-in Plagiarism Checker✔️✔️ (Copyscape)
Customizable Brand Voice✔️✔️
Community Rating ⭐⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Price Comparison of AI Writing Tools

AI writing tools have pricing that is all over the board. From low-cost solutions to enterprise-level products, there is everything on this list. See which ones are closest to your price range.

Best AI WritersStarting PriceFree PlanReviewsVisit
🥇 $9/mo✔️ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
🥈 $69/mo ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
🥉 $19/mo ⭐⭐⭐⭐
$49/mo✔️ ⭐⭐⭐⭐
$19/mo✔️ ⭐⭐⭐⭐
$49/mo ⭐⭐⭐⭐
$27/mo ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
$14.99/mo ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
$89/mo ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
$39/mo ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
$49/mo ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
$23/mo ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
$49.99/mo ⭐⭐⭐⭐

What is the Best AI Writing Software?

Rytr is an excellent starting point for those looking for a budget-friendly, all-purpose AI writer. Jasper (with Boss Mode) and Article Forge are worth considering if you need to produce long-format writing. For creative writing, Sudowrite is the standout tool. We’d also be remiss if we didn’t say that Surfer SEO is one of the best companions for an AI writer, and if your writer has an integration, definitely consider getting it.

Are you looking for more amazing AI tools? Take a look at the top AI tools that are changing the way we work and live.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Before we wrap up, let’s answer some of your most commonly asked questions regarding AI writing software. Did we miss one? Leave a comment below, and we’ll reply!

What is the best AI writing software?

What is the best free ai writing tool, what is the best long-form ai writing assistant, what is the best creative writing ai software, how can i detect ai-generated content, how can i avoid ai detection in writing, how much do ai writing tools cost, what are the risks associated with ai writing, can i use ai to write blog posts, what is the best ai writing software for landing pages, can i use ai writing software to make money, what is the best ai writing software for seo.

Featured Image via BestForBest /

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By Christopher Morris

Christopher Morris writes about the intersection of Marketing and Websites. He loves to help people gain the confidence to move their passions online. He can be found strolling around LinkedIn as well as the Rocky Mountains in Colorado when he is recharging.

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creative writing olympic games

Interesting article. Thank you. Any particular reason why you didn’t include Agility Writer?

creative writing olympic games

Sandra, there are just too many to cover them all. Plus, others on this list are similar in scope to the tool you mentioned. Glad it was helpful.

creative writing olympic games

Have you had any experience with Bard AI yet? I was expecting to see it on your list but maybe that’s because it hasn’t rolled out to everyone yet.

Susan, I have used Bard, but we will include that on a different post coming out in the coming weeks. Bard is solid, but it’s still early days. I like using it over ChatGPT when I need a concrete answer. I don’t like using it for any task that requires too much creativity. We’ll see how it only improves over time.

creative writing olympic games

A really useful article to read, I’ve been using the Bertha AI toolkit now for some time, before the AI world exploded. Also well worth a look!

Hey Steve, there really are so many great (and not-so-great) options out there these days. Bertha AI looks like a great AI Chatbot for WordPress. Here in a few days, we’ll have a post dedicated to chatbots. Thanks for your thoughts!

creative writing olympic games

Lol.. great article… and of course I desperately need to know how you did that “expand list” functionality in the introduction!

creative writing olympic games

What about Katteb? It is a Long-Form AI writer that aims to provide fact check information and does some more job to enhance the quality of work.

Thanks Outboxed! In the spirit of AI tech, you could consult ChatGPT and see if it can help you create something like that for your sites.

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4th Grade Olympic Games Lesson Plans

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Instant Expert: Olympic Games


  1. Winter Olympic Writing Prompts for Kids

    creative writing olympic games

  2. READY FOR RIO ? 47 Olympic Games Vocabulary Words

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  3. Olympic Games Writing Printables

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  4. Invent a Winter Olympic Sport Writing Challenge- Middle School Creative

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  5. Olympics 2021 Descriptive Writing Prompts

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  6. Olympic events writing templates by Nova Jackson

    creative writing olympic games


  1. When an Olympian artist gets inspired by esports 🎨

  2. The 1904 Olympic Marathon Debacle

  3. The Olympic Studies Centre, home of Olympic knowledge


  5. paragraph on "Olympic Game" in english //Olympic Games//paragraph writing

  6. World Cities Day 2020: The power of sport to build healthier, more sustainable urban communities


  1. 15+ Fun Summer & Winter Olympic Writing Prompts for Middle School

    Here's why I think you should choose us.". "I'm too tired," you sigh as you sit down at the starting line. (finish the story) Invent a new summer event. "Dear IOC, my state would be a terrible choice for the 2030 Winter/2036 Summer Olympics. It would be a mistake to choose us & here's why.". Tomorrow is the big day — we fly to ...

  2. Olympic Writing Ideas For Middle and Upper Primary Students

    Information Report Writing. There is so much Olympic inspiration when it comes to writing information reports. Here are some topics that you could assign to your students to research and then write about: A profile of a competing country (General information or their participation history in the Olympics) The history of the Modern Olympic Games ...

  3. Writing Prompt: Stories of the Olympics

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  4. Olympic Writing Ideas For Middle and Upper Primary Students

    Information Report Writing. There is so much Olympic inspiration when it comes to writing information reports. Here are some topics that you could assign to your students to research and then write about: A profile of a competing country (General information or their participation history in the Olympics) The history of the Modern Olympic Games ...

  5. Olympic Games Writing Printables

    The olive wreath was the prize for the winner at the ancient Olympic Games and is seen as a symbol of victory and honour. Write a creative story set at the ancient Olympic games on this writing page, or use it to record facts and research.

  6. Summer Games Writing Activities (teacher made)

    The Olympics is an exciting time and can inspire lots of fantastic learning. Why not use the Olympics to inspire some fantastic early sentence writing with your children? These Olympic activities are perfect for encouraging your children to begin writing and forming simple sentences. This writing activity provides photographs of the Olympics are a stimulus for writing. On the page there are ...

  7. 10 Things The Olympics Can Teach Writers

    Professional athletes don't work on their own, even if the sport is based on individual performance. There are coaches, team-mates, fans, support crew. Without this team, the athlete cannot compete. In the same way, writing is (generally) an individual pursuit but we also need a team behind us to succeed.

  8. Olympics Writing Prompt Teaching Resources

    This is a collection of 16 different creative writing prompts themed around the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. They can be used for class-wide writing practice or can be used for early finishers. This collection is made to be reusable. They can be printed out to place on Popsicle sticks or laminated.

  9. Olympic Writing Activities Packet

    18 pages. There are a variety of writing activities in this packet with an Olympic theme. 4 Olympic parts of speech graphic organizers that will reinforce the use and differences of nouns, verbs and adjectives. An Olympic Venn diagram comparing the ancient Olympic games with our contemporary events. An Olympic Flip For Facts file folder activity.

  10. Olympic Writing Activities & Worksheets

    56. $11.00. PDF. This Winter Games research project is a fun, hands-on, engaging way to bring research and writing about the Winter Olympics into your classroom! Through whole group research, the use of anchor charts, graphic organizers, and writing activities, students will learn all about the Olympics, the country.

  11. Olympic Games Classroom Activities, Worksheets, Lessons

    Winter Olympic Games Reading Comprehension Activity. Students will develop self-monitoring strategies and active reading methods with this activity. It reinforces the…. Subjects: Language Arts and Writing. Physical Education and Fitness. Reading Comprehension. Download. Add to Favorites.

  12. Results for olympic writing prompt

    There is a craft for each of the following seven winter olympic sports in this package: snowboarding, figure skating, ice hockey, luging (luge), skiing, bobsledding, and even a bonus topic of snowman building! This is a great writing assignment to use when your students are watching the Winter Olympics.You have lots of options.

  13. 6th Grade Olympic Games

    Creative Writing. Olympic Games. Download. Add to Favorites. Add to Folder; creative writing: children's book: activities: classroom tools: language arts and writing: vocabulary: ... Share key facts about the ancient Olympic games with your students. Learn about the Olympic festival, ancient sports,… Subjects: Social Studies and History ...

  14. FREE and Fun Olympic Games Printables for Kids

    Olympic-Themed Language Arts. The study of grammar, composition, and spelling is so much more fun with an engaging, relevant theme. Whether your kids are doing an Olympics crossword puzzle, Summer Olympics sports word search, or sports word scrambles, they are sure to have fun. The answers and solutions are provided for your convenience.

  15. Olympic Games Lesson Plans

    creative writing: children's book: activities: classroom tools: language arts and writing: vocabulary: Create new folder. CREATE NEW FOLDER. ... Give students a general introduction to the beginnings of the modern Olympic Games with these PowerPoint slides. Visit… Subjects: Social Studies and History. Ancient Greece. Olympic Games. Download ...

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  17. Summer Games Writing Activities (teacher made)

    These Summer Games activities are perfect for encouraging your children to begin writing and forming simple sentences. This writing activity provides photographs as a stimulus for writing. On the page, there are also some key words and some visual reminders of important features of a sentence, such as full stops and finger spaces.

  18. 105 Olympic Games Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

    The Effect of the 2004 Olympic Games in Greece on the Country's Economy. Even though the qualifications and skills of the author cannot be assessed, the reputation of the news agency adds to the credibility of the source. The Effects of the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympic Games. The city of Rio de Janeiro, the host of the 2016 Olympic Games, went ...

  19. Olympic Games Would You Rather summer question l creative writing

    Olympics 2024 , Olympics creative writing , Create your own Olympics; Olympic Games Would You Rather summer question l creative writing; Olympics Research Project l Olympics 2024 l creative writing grade 1-4 worksheet; Total Pages. 18 pages. Answer Key. N/A. Teaching Duration. N/A. Report this resource to TPT.

  20. NCOJ Creative Domain

    Welcome to the NCO Creative Domain - This is a space for creative, insightful, diverse, and unconventional works. An outlet to express yourself in ways different than our traditional, scholarly format. Send us your poetry or short fiction stories. Send us reviews of books, video games, movies, or television shows - send us your inspiration.

  21. 14 Best AI Writing Software Tools of 2024 (Expert Picks)

    7. Article Forge. Article Forge is an AI writing software built for long-form content creation. Put in a keyword, select some basic parameters like length, and Article Forge will forge ahead with a fresh piece of generated content. Article Forge's power comes from its ability to create a lot of content simultaneously.

  22. Letter from Franz Kafka complaining of writer's block up for auction

    The one-page letter, which is expected to sell for £70,000 to £90,000 ($89,000 to $115,000) at Sotheby's in London, is dated to spring 1920, according to the auction house.. This means it ...

  23. 4th Grade Olympic Games

    creative writing: children's book: activities: classroom tools: language arts and writing: vocabulary: Create new folder. CREATE NEW FOLDER. MAPS. ... Share key facts about the ancient Olympic games with your students. Learn about the Olympic festival, ancient sports,… Subjects: Social Studies and History. Ancient Greece. Olympic Games ...

  24. Adobe Creative Cloud for students and teachers

    Students and Teachers. Introductory Pricing Terms and Conditions Creative Cloud Introductory Pricing Eligible students 13 and older and teachers can purchase an annual membership to Adobe® Creative Cloud™ for a reduced price of for the first year. At the end of your offer term, your subscription will be automatically billed at the standard subscription rate, currently at (plus applicable ...

  25. 6th Grade Olympic Games Lesson Plans

    Creative Writing. Olympic Games. Download. Add to Favorites. Add to Folder; creative writing: children's book: activities: classroom tools: language arts and writing ... Give students a general introduction to the beginnings of the modern Olympic Games with these PowerPoint slides. Visit… Subjects: Social Studies and History. Ancient Greece ...

  26. 5th Grade Olympic Games Lesson Plans

    Creative Writing. Olympic Games. Download. Add to Favorites. Add to Folder; creative writing: children's book: activities: classroom tools: language arts and writing ... Give students a general introduction to the beginnings of the modern Olympic Games with these PowerPoint slides. Visit… Subjects: Social Studies and History. Ancient Greece ...

  27. 4th Grade Olympic Games Lesson Plans

    Creative Writing. Olympic Games. Download. Add to Favorites. Add to Folder; creative writing: children's book: activities: classroom tools: language arts and writing ... Give students a general introduction to the beginnings of the modern Olympic Games with these PowerPoint slides. Visit… Subjects: Social Studies and History. Ancient Greece ...