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Expository Essay on Reading as a Hobby

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Recreation is the best thing that can happen to a person from childhood. Put, leisure time is the regular activity of one’s leisure time for recreation and entertainment. We, like children, can have a wide range of hobbies that can be taken for granted – reading, stamp collection, painting, sports, instruments and music, gardening, sewing and even cooking. It is also said that sometimes a person can work in one of these hobbies.

Reading as a hobby

Reading is my hobby. I love reading books in my free time. Harry Potter series written by J.K.Rowling is also one of my favorite. I have read other books such as Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, The Wonder Wizard of Oz; Peter’s Tale Rabbit; Winnie-the-Pooh; The Adventures of Rusty and the days of Malgudi.

Besides novels and books, I also read children’s magazines like Champak, Tinkle, Wisdom, Cha-cha Choudhury etc.

Benefits of reading books

I believe that reading books has many benefits. A few of them are:

It gives you information:  Reading is the best way to spend your time alone or even on the go. You find good information about people, places and other activities in books. Even reading novels and novels gives you a sense of purpose.

It’s a great way to expand your vocabulary: Reading is considered a good practice. It also helps to increase vocabulary and grammar knowledge and brings fluency. Speaking fluently using grammar correctly makes you look educated and gentle.

One can get information from others: Learning helps you to gain knowledge and knowledge from others.

It makes you think more:  While reading books and stories, one is often moved to a different world, the author’s world. This helps to increase the student’s ability to think. One can also improve his visual images of the situation while reading a book. Such a thing is impossible while watching TV.

Helps you to understand people and situations: Reading helps you to understand people and situations and tends to deal with them more intelligently. Biographies and autobiographies or even simple reading books often tell us about people and places.

Refreshment:  Reading relaxes and refreshes the mind. I often spend time reading the magazines after I get home from school. It helps me relax my mind before I start my homework and studies.

It helps to pass the time during the journey:  Learning is the best source of time travel during the journey. One can sit on a bus, a train, a car, or an aeroplane with a book in hand.

It is a peaceful pastime and can be done quietly at home. Reading keeps you busy without making you feel lonely or distracted. With the advent of technology, it has become an inexpensive hobby and can be enjoyed by anyone who loves to read. And it is a way to exercise self-control.

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  • Importance Of Reading Essay

Importance of Reading Essay

500+ words essay on reading.

Reading is a key to learning. It’s a skill that everyone should develop in their life. The ability to read enables us to discover new facts and opens the door to a new world of ideas, stories and opportunities. We can gather ample information and use it in the right direction to perform various tasks in our life. The habit of reading also increases our knowledge and makes us more intellectual and sensible. With the help of this essay on the Importance of Reading, we will help you know the benefits of reading and its various advantages in our life. Students must go through this essay in detail, as it will help them to create their own essay based on this topic.

Importance of Reading

Reading is one of the best hobbies that one can have. It’s fun to read different types of books. By reading the books, we get to know the people of different areas around the world, different cultures, traditions and much more. There is so much to explore by reading different books. They are the abundance of knowledge and are best friends of human beings. We get to know about every field and area by reading books related to it. There are various types of books available in the market, such as science and technology books, fictitious books, cultural books, historical events and wars related books etc. Also, there are many magazines and novels which people can read anytime and anywhere while travelling to utilise their time effectively.

Benefits of Reading for Students

Reading plays an important role in academics and has an impactful influence on learning. Researchers have highlighted the value of developing reading skills and the benefits of reading to children at an early age. Children who cannot read well at the end of primary school are less likely to succeed in secondary school and, in adulthood, are likely to earn less than their peers. Therefore, the focus is given to encouraging students to develop reading habits.

Reading is an indispensable skill. It is fundamentally interrelated to the process of education and to students achieving educational success. Reading helps students to learn how to use language to make sense of words. It improves their vocabulary, information-processing skills and comprehension. Discussions generated by reading in the classroom can be used to encourage students to construct meanings and connect ideas and experiences across texts. They can use their knowledge to clear their doubts and understand the topic in a better way. The development of good reading habits and skills improves students’ ability to write.

In today’s world of the modern age and digital era, people can easily access resources online for reading. The online books and availability of ebooks in the form of pdf have made reading much easier. So, everyone should build this habit of reading and devote at least 30 minutes daily. If someone is a beginner, then they can start reading the books based on the area of their interest. By doing so, they will gradually build up a habit of reading and start enjoying it.

Frequently Asked Questions on the Importance of Reading Essay

What is the importance of reading.

1. Improves general knowledge 2. Expands attention span/vocabulary 3. Helps in focusing better 4. Enhances language proficiency

What is the power of reading?

1. Develop inference 2. Improves comprehension skills 3. Cohesive learning 4. Broadens knowledge of various topics

How can reading change a student’s life?

1. Empathy towards others 2. Acquisition of qualities like kindness, courtesy

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How to Write an Expository Essay Better, Faster, and In a More Satisfying Manner

expository essay

Mark Bradford

What Is an Expository Essay?

If you find yourself here, it's likely because you've recently received an assignment for an expository essay, or perhaps you're drawn to exploring ideas beyond the surface level. Whatever the reason, we're here to guide you through the expository essay definition, its outline, and examples.

Let's start by understanding what an expository essay is and its purpose. In simple terms, an expository essay provides information on a particular topic, elucidating aspects of a situation, person, idea, or event and conveying knowledge to the reader. Unlike persuasive writing, it doesn't seek to sway the audience's opinion but relies on facts to inform and educate about the subject. 

From sharing personal experiences to outlining work assignments, expository writing covers a broad spectrum of questions, making it arguably the most prevalent form of writing worldwide. If at any point you feel overburdened with assignments, use our essay writing services to relax and wrap up your homework faster.

an expository essay on reading as hobby

Why Students Have to Write Expository Essays?

Expository writing serves a distinct purpose – to impart knowledge to the reader. While it may offer entertainment or persuasion as secondary benefits, these are not the primary objectives of the author. A well-crafted piece of expository writing showcases the author's expertise on the subject and often reveals their journey of acquiring knowledge.

For instance, consider the task of crafting an essay about a mock trial your class conducted. In an expository essay, you would begin by introducing the assignment and detailing the case your class tackled during the trial. Subsequent body sections would systematically elaborate on each stage of the mock trial process – covering discovery, opening statements, cross-examination, closing statements, jury deliberation, and the final verdict – illustrating how your class navigated through each phase. Concluding the essay, you would present the verdict reached by your class and the judge's ruling.

Crucially, your expository essay on the mock trial does not take a stance on whether the ruling was right or wrong. Instead, it elucidates the procedural intricacies your class followed, offering a comprehensive understanding of how real court cases progress through the legal system. In essence, your essay is a presentation of facts and processes rather than expressing personal opinion or commentary.

Types of Expository Essays

As previously noted, expository essays manifest in various forms. These encompass the following types:


In the realm of classification essays, you delve into various subjects within a single category, examining the distinctive characteristics of each subject while highlighting the traits that connect them to others in the same category. For instance, a classification essay on herding dogs could commence with a thesis statement elucidating the differences between herding breeds from other dog categories. Subsequent paragraphs would then delve into specific herding breeds, such as corgis, collies, heelers, and more.

A definition essay elucidates its subject by presenting factual data. To illustrate, your definition essay might challenge prevalent myths surrounding a historical event by offering firsthand accounts from primary sources. It would also delve into relevant social, political, and economic trends that influenced the event, shaping perceptions of it. We’d also like to recommend you read our guide on how to write a descriptive essay .

A process essay guides the reviewer through the steps required to complete a task akin to a recipe. The opening passage of a process essay outlines the covered process and the anticipated result. Each body chapter corresponds to a step in the process, leading to a conclusion that explains what the reader should have accomplished by following each step.

Compare and Contrast

In a compare-and-contrast essay, your key statement is substantiated by examining the differences and similarities between cited sources. For instance, an essay comparing and contrasting school dress codes might scrutinize variations in allowed clothing items and the precision of language in each policy. It could also explore the degree of ambiguity present in the rules of each dress code.

Cause and Effect 

True to its name, a cause-and-effect essay delves into how specific events or actions trigger subsequent occurrences. These essays often trace chains of events to comprehend the reasons behind current circumstances. An example could be a cause-and-effect essay tracking the influence of shifting market trends on regional industries over the past few decades, ultimately shaping the present local economy. Our guide on writing a narrative essay could also help increase your knowledge and skills.

Expository Essay Structure

Structuring an expository essay follows the familiar format applicable to any essay assignment: an introduction, a main body for elaboration and support, and a concluding section that reinforces your thesis and restates key points. While there's no strict word count requirement unless specified by your instructor, your essay should comprehensively express your ideas, maintaining a logical and accurate flow. Adhering to the following format, with the flexibility to adjust the number of sections based on supporting points, will effectively guide your expository essay:

Expository essay outline


In this opening section, you introduce your essay topic, present your thesis statement, and aim to engage the reader with captivating facts. Providing the necessary context and introducing supporting evidence help your audience grasp the essence of your focal sentence.

First Body Paragraph

Dedicate a separate passage for each supporting point you make. While the traditional five-paragraph structure is often considered standard, you may require more subsections to convey your thesis statement thoroughly.

Second Body Paragraph

Write smooth transitions between verses using appropriate transition words and sentences. These transitional elements convey the relationships between subparagraphs, clarifying the purpose of each point and its contribution to your overall argument.

Third Body Paragraph

As you approach the final writing clause, focus on transitioning to your conclusion. Avoid premature summarization; instead, offer insightful details comparable to your earlier items.

In the concluding section, restate your thesis statement and succinctly recap the key points covered in your body. Ensure a cohesive closure, addressing any remaining questions your professor might have and tying up loose ends neatly.

Expository Essay Writing Tips

While you now have a solid understanding of the expository essay format, there are additional considerations to bear in mind. This section will guide you through specific steps to take when tackling the task of writing an expository essay.

How to write an expository essay

Do Your Research

Start by thoroughly reviewing the assignment guidelines to ensure a clear understanding of requirements, including potential topic restrictions and word counts. Consider writing down different concepts aligned with the types of expository essays and gauge which type best suits your chosen theme. Reflect on class discussions, teacher expectations, and personal interests to generate a list of potential questions. Conduct preliminary research on each topic to evaluate the availability of reputable sources and deepen your understanding, leading to a well-informed and engaging expository essay subject.

Create an Outline

Once you've selected a topic, initiate research with a focus on developing body paragraphs, considering three main ways to explain the topic. While researching, contemplate potential thesis statements, allowing them to evolve organically with the accumulation of evidence. Develop an expository essay outline, organizing information under the relevant chapters to streamline the writing process. Writing a preliminary thesis statement by the end of the planning stage provides a clear direction for your research and writing.

Prepare the First Draft

Now is the time to translate your outline into full sentences. It is often useful to leave the introduction till the end because after writing the central paragraphs, you will have a better idea of what to say in an introduction, but make sure that you write down your thesis statement. Use the information you have found to create a cohesive analysis of the topic in each paragraph. Make sure that the information you present is on point and connects to the other facts around it. Think about what the purpose of each body section is and question whether the info you are presenting fits that purpose or not. Make sure to use transition words within the paragraph and transition sentences between paragraphs to improve overall comprehensibility and flow.

Finish the Draft

Go over the first draft of the expository essay and focus on whether the different paragraphs make sense or not. Don't be afraid of writing sections over or completely getting rid of some pieces of information. As you write your draft, new ways of expressing the testimony that will make the overall text more powerful can come to mind. Make sure that you are not trying to make a persuasive argument and that you are using facts rather than opinions as evidence. 

Check each sentence to make sure that it is clear and that it fits the purpose of the paragraph it is in. Look at the details you have included and ensure they are useful and enhance your understanding of the topic. It is better to have less information than more if the supporting data is distracting or does not add anything to the expository essay. Try to read the paper as if it is the first time you are coming across the subject matter to see if it makes sense or not. Congratulations, you are just one step away from writing and submitting an A-grade expository paper!

Revise the Document

As the writing stage is over, scan through the final draft of your expository essay to check for formatting errors, grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, etc., and make sure that it complies with all the guidelines of the assignment. Finally, ask a friend or relative to go over the paper to do the last check. If you feel like you still need to make a lot of changes, don't be disheartened, spend the extra time to consult our persuasive essay guide for more insights. 

Expository Essay Example

In this section, we’d like to present an example of an expository essay written by one of our writers. Check it out, get inspired, and you’ll be able to write a composition of your own!

an expository essay on reading as hobby

FAQs About Expository Essays

What is the purpose of an expository essay, how to start an expository essay, how to write a thesis for an expository essay, how to write a conclusion for an expository essay, how are a persuasive essay and an expository essay different.

Mark Bradford , a passionate and talented artist, utilizes his innovative spirit to support academic pursuits. In partnering with EssayHub, he leverages his artistic insights to assist students as a professional essay writer, helping them navigate and complete their academic assignments at every level of difficulty.

an expository essay on reading as hobby

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How to Write Excellent Expository Essays

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An Expository essay ‘exposes’ information to the reader to describe or explain a particular topic logically and concisely.

The purpose of expository writing is to educate or inform the reader first and foremost.

Though the term is sometimes used to include persuasive writing , which exposes us to new ways of thinking, a true expository text does not allow the writer’s personal opinion to intrude into the text and should not be confused.

Expository Writing follows a structured format with an introduction, body paragraphs presenting information and examples, and a conclusion summarising key points and reinforcing the thesis. Common expository essays include process, comparison/contrast, cause and effect, and informative essays.


TEXT ORGANIZATION Organize your thoughts before writing.

CLARITY Use clear and concise wording. There is no room for banter.

THESIS STATEMENT State position in direct terms.

TOPIC SENTENCE Open each paragraph with a topic sentence.

SUPPORTING DETAIL Support the topic sentence with further explanation and evidence.

LINK End each body paragraph by linking to the next.


PROCESS Tell your audience how to achieve something, such as how to bake a cake.

CAUSE & EFFECT Explore relationships between subjects, such as climate change and its impact.

PROBLEM & SOLUTION Explain how to solve a problem, such as improving physical fitness.

COMPARE & CONTRAST Compare and contrast two or more items, such as life in China life vs life in the United States or Australia.

DEFINITION Provides a detailed definition of a word or phrase, such as self-confidence.

CLASSIFICATION Organizes things into categories or groups, such as types of music.


While there are many types of expository essays, the basic underlying structure is the same. The Hamburger or 5-Paragraph Essay structure is an excellent scaffold for students to build their articles. Let’s explore the expository essay outline.


This is the top bun of the burger, and here the student introduces the exposition topic. This usually consists of a general statement on the subject, providing an essay overview. It may also preview each significant section, indicating what aspects of the subject will be covered in the text. These sections will likely relate to the headings and subheadings identified at the planning stage.

If the introduction is the top bun of the burger, then each body paragraph is a beef patty. Self-contained in some regards, each patty forms an integral part of the whole.


Each body paragraph deals with one idea or piece of information. More complex topics may be grouped under a common heading, and the number of paragraphs will depend on the complexity of the topic. For example, an expository text on wolves may include a series of paragraphs under headings such as habitat, breeding habits, what they eat, etc.

Each paragraph should open with a topic sentence indicating to the reader what the paragraph is about. The following sentences should further illuminate this main idea through discussion and/or explanation. Encourage students to use evidence and examples here, whether statistical or anecdotal. Remind students to keep things factual – this is not an editorial piece for a newspaper!

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Expository writing is usually not the place for flowery flourishes of figurative imagery! Students should be encouraged to select a straightforward language that is easy for the reader to understand. After all, the aim here is to inform and explain, and this is best achieved with explicit language.

As we’ve seen, several variations of the expository essay exist, but the following are the most common features students must include.

The title should be functional. It should instantly inform the reader what they will learn about in the text. This is not the place for opaque poetry!

A table of contents in long essays will help the reader locate helpful information quickly. Usually, the page numbers found here will be linked to headings and subheadings to be found in the text.


These assist the reader in finding information by summarizing the content in their wording.

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Usually listed alphabetically, the glossary defines unusual or topic-specific vocabulary and is sometimes accompanied by pictures, illustrations etc.

The index lets the reader identify where to find specific information in longer texts. An index is much more detailed than a table of contents.


Expository essays sometimes support the text with visuals, such as:

  • Pictures / Illustrations / Photographs:

These can be used to present a central idea or concept within the text and are often accompanied by a caption explaining what the image shows. Photographs can offer a broad overview or a close-up of essential details.

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Diagrams are a great way to convey complex information quickly. They should be labelled clearly to ensure the reader knows what they are looking at.

  • Charts and Graphs:

These are extremely useful for showing data and statistics in an easy-to-read manner. They should be labelled clearly and correspond to the information in the nearby text.

Maps may be used to explain where something is or was located. 


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Types of expository essay

There are many different types of expository texts (e.g. encyclopaedias, travel guides, information reports , etc.), but there are also various expository essays, with the most common being.

  • Process Essays
  • Cause and Effect Essays
  • Problem and Solution Essays
  • Compare and Contrast Essays
  • Definition Essays
  • Classification Essays

We will examine each of these in greater detail in the remainder of this article, as they have slight nuances and differences that make them unique. The graphic below explains the general structure for all text types from the expository writing family.


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This how-to essay often takes the form of a set of instructions. Also known as a procedural text , the process essay has very specific features that guide the reader on how to do or make something.

To learn more about this type of writing, check out our information-packed article here .

Features of a process essay

Some of the main features of the process essay include:

  • ‘How to’ title
  • Numbered or bullet points
  • Time connectives
  • Imperatives (bossy words)
  • List of resources

Example Expository Process Essay:

The cause and effect essay.

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The purpose of a cause-and-effect essay is to explore the causal relationships between things. Essays like this often bring the focus back to a single cause. These essays frequently have a historical focus.

The text should focus on facts rather than assumptions as an expository essay. However, cause-and-effect essays sometimes explore hypothetical situations too.

There are two main ways to structure a cause-and-effect essay.

The Block Structure presents all the causes first. The writer then focuses on the effects of these causes in the second half of the essay.

The Chain Structure presents each cause and then immediately follows with the effects it created.

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Example Expository Cause and Effect Essay:

The problem and solution essay.

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In this type of essay, the writer first identifies a problem and then explores the topic from various angles to ultimately propose a solution. It is similar to the cause-and-effect essay.

While the problem and solution essay can use the block and chain structures as outlined above – substitute cause with problem and effect with a solution – it will also usually work through the following elements:

  • Identifies a problem
  • Contains a clear thesis statement
  • Each paragraph has a topic sentence
  • Supports with facts, examples, evidence
  • The conclusion summarizes the main points

Suggested Title: What Can Be Done to Prevent Bullying in Schools?

Example Expository Problem and Solution Essay:

The compare and contrast essay.

expository essays | expository essay types6 | How to Write Excellent Expository Essays |

In this type of essay, students evaluate the similarities and differences between two or more things, ideas, people, etc. Usually, the subjects will belong to the same category.

The compare-and-contrast expository essay can be organized in several different ways. Three of these are outlined below.

In the three structures outlined, it is assumed that two subjects are being compared and contrasted. Of course, the precise number of paragraphs required in the text will depend on the number of points the student wishes to make and the number of subjects being compared and contrasted.

Suggested Title: In-Class or Remote Learning: Which Is Best?

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expository essays | expository essay types2 | How to Write Excellent Expository Essays |

This type of essay provides a detailed description and definition of a word or phrase. It can be a concrete term, such as car or glass, or a more abstract concept, such as love or fear .

A definition essay comprehensively explains a term’s purpose and meaning. It will frequently contain some or all of the following elements:

  • A definition of the term
  • An analysis of its meaning
  • The etymology of the term
  • A comparison to related terms
  • Examples to illustrate the meaning
  • A summary of the main points

Example Expository Definition Essay:


expository essays | expository essay types3 | How to Write Excellent Expository Essays |

Like definition essays, a classification essay sorts or organizes things into various groups or categories and explains each group or category in detail.

Classification essays focus on:

  • Sorting things into functional categories
  • Ensuring each category follows a common organizing principle
  • Provides examples that illustrate each category.

Example Expository Classification Essay:

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One of the best ways to understand the different features of expository essays is to see them in action. The sample essay below is a definition essay but shares many features with other expository essays.

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Examples of Expository Essay Titles

 Expository essay prompts are usually pretty easy to spot.

 They typically contain keywords that ask the student to explain something, such as “define,” “outline,” “describe,” or, most directly of all, “explain.”

 This article will examine the purpose of an expository essay and its structure. It will also examine the primary language and stylistic features of this vital text type.

 After this, we’ll explore five distinct tips for helping your students get the most out of writing their expository essays.

Expository Essays vs Argumentative Essays

 Expository essays are often confused with their close cousin, the argumentative essay. Still, it’s easy to help students distinguish between the two by quickly examining their similarities and differences.

 In an expository essay, students will attempt to write about a thing or a concept neutrally and objectively, unlike an argumentative essay where the writer’s opinions permeate the text throughout. Simple as it sounds, this may take some doing for some students as it requires the writer to refine their personal voice almost out of existence!

 Luckily, choosing the correct viewpoint from which to write the essay can go a long way to helping students achieve the desired objectivity. Generally, students should write their expository essays from the third-person perspective.

Contrastingly, argumentative essays are subjective in nature and will usually be written from the first-person perspective as a result.

 In an expository essay, the text’s prime focus is the topic rather than the writer’s feelings on that topic. For the writer, disassociating their personal feelings on a topic is much easier when they’re a step removed from the narration by using the third-person POV rather than the first-person POV.

Expository Essay Tips

Follow these top tips from the experts to craft an amazing expository essay.

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 Tip #1: Choose the Right Tool for the Job


Surprising as it may seem, not all expository essays are created equal.

 In fact, there are several different types of expository essays, and our students must learn to recognize each and choose the correct one for their specific needs when producing their own expository essays.

 To do this, students will need to know the 5 types of expository essays:

  • The Cause and Effect Essay : This type of essay requires that the writer explain why something happened and what occurred due to that event and subsequent events. It explores the relationship between people, ideas, events, or things and other people, ideas, events, or things.
  • The Compare and Contrast Essay: In a compare and contrast essay, the writer examines the similarities and differences between two subjects or ideas throughout the body of the piece and usually brings things together in an analysis at the end .
  • The Descriptive Essay: This is a very straightforward expository essay with a detailed description or explanation of a topic. The topic may be an event, place, person, object, or experience. This essay’s direct style is balanced with the freedom of the writer can inject some of their creativity into the description.
  • The Problem and Solution Essay : In this expository essay, the student will work to find valid solutions to a specific problem or problem.
  • The Process Essay : Also called a how-to essay, this essay type is similar to instruction writing, except in essay form. It provides a step-by-step procedure breakdown to teach the reader how to do something.

 When choosing a specific topic to write about, students should consider several factors:

 ●      Do they know the topic well enough to explain the ins and outs of the subject to an unfamiliar audience?

 ●      Do they have enough interest in this topic to sustain thorough research and writing about it?

 ●      Is enough relevant information and credible sources available to fuel the student’s writing on this topic?

Tip # 2: Research the Topic Thoroughly

Regardless of which type of expository essay your students are working on, they must approach the research stage of the writing process with diligence and focus. The more thorough they are at the research stage, the smoother the remainder of the writing process will be.

A common problem for students while researching is that sometimes they don’t have a clear understanding of the objective of their research. They lack a clear focus on their efforts.

Research is not mindlessly scanning documents and scrawling occasional notes. As with any part of the writing process, it begins with determining clear objectives.

Often, students will start the research process with a broad focus, and as they continue researching, they will naturally narrow their focus as they learn more about the topic.

Take the time to help students understand that writing isn’t only about expressing what we think; it’s also about discovering what we think.

When researching, students should direct their efforts to the following:

REad our complete guide to researching here

  • Gather Supporting Evidence : The research process is not only for uncovering the points to be made within the essay but also the evidence to support those points. The aim here is to provide an objective description or analysis of the topic; therefore, the student will need to gather relevant supporting evidence, such as facts and statistics, to bolster their writing. Usually, each paragraph will open with a topic sentence, and subsequent sentences in the paragraph will focus on providing a factual, statistical, and logical analysis of the paragraph’s main point.
  • Cite Sources : It’s an essential academic skill to be able to cite sources accurately. There are several accepted methods of doing this, and you must choose a citation style appropriate to your student’s age, abilities, and context. However, whatever style you choose, students should get used to citing any sources they use in their essays, either in the form of embedded quotations, endnotes, or bibliography – or all three!
  • Use Credible Sources: The Internet has profoundly impacted knowledge sharing as the Gutenberg Press did almost 600 years ago. It has provided unparalleled access to the sum total of human knowledge as never before, with each student having a dizzying number of sources available at their fingertips. However, we must ensure our students understand that not all sources are created equal. Encourage students to seek credible sources in their research and filter out the more dubious sources. Some questions students can ask themselves to help determine a source’s credibility include:

●      Have I searched thoroughly enough to find the most relevant sources for my topic?

●      Has this source been published recently? Is it still relevant?

●      Has the source been peer-reviewed? Have other sources confirmed this source?

●      What is the publication’s reputation?

●      Is the author an expert in their field?

●      Is the source fact-based or opinion-based?

Tip #3: Sketch an Outline

Every kid knows you can’t find the pirate treasure without a map, which is true of essay writing. Using their knowledge of the essay’s structure, students start whipping their research notes into shape by creating an outline for their essay.

The 5-paragraph essay or ‘Hamburger’ essay provides a perfect template for this.

Students start by mapping out an appealing introduction built around the main idea of their essay. Then, from their mound of research, they’ll extract their most vital ideas to assign to the various body paragraphs of their text.

Finally, they’ll sketch out their conclusion, summarize their essay’s main points, and, where appropriate, make their final statement on the topic.

Tip #4: Write a Draft

Title chosen? Check! Topic researched? Check! Outline sketched? Check!

Well, then, it’s time for the student to begin writing in earnest by completing the first draft of their essay.

They’ll already have a clear idea of the shape their essay will take from their research and outlining processes, but ensure your students allow themselves some leeway to adapt as the writing process throws up new ideas and problems.

That said, students will find it helpful to refer back to their thesis statement and outline to help ensure they stay on track as they work their way through the writing process towards their conclusions.

As students work through their drafts, encourage them to use transition words and phrases to help them move smoothly through the different sections of their essays.

Sometimes, students work directly from an outline as if on a checklist. This can sometimes be seen as the finished essay resembling Frankenstein. That is an incongruous series of disparate body parts crudely stitched together.

Learning to use transitions effectively will help students create an essay that is all of a whole, with all the joins and seams sanded and smoothed from view.

Tip #5: Edit with a Fresh Pair of Eyes


Once the draft is complete, students enter the final crucial editing stage.

But, not so hasty! Students must pencil in some time to let their drafts ‘rest’. If the editing process occurs immediately after the student finishes writing their draft, they’ll likely overlook much.

Editing is best done when students have time to gain a fresh perspective on their work. Ideally, this means leaving the essay overnight or over a few nights. However, practically, this isn’t always possible. Usually, though, it will be possible for students to put aside their writing for a few hours.

With the perspective that only time gives, when returning to their work, students can identify areas for improvement that they may have missed. Some important areas for students to look at in the editing process include:

  • Bias : Students need to remember the purpose of this essay is to present a balanced and objective description of the topic. They need to ensure they haven’t let their own personal bias slip through during the writing process – an all too easy thing to do!
  • Clarity : Clarity is as much a function of structure as language. Students must ensure their paragraphs are well organized and express their ideas clearly. Where necessary, some restructuring and rewriting may be required.
  • Proofread: With stylistic and structural matters taken care of, it’s now time for the student to shift their focus onto matters of spelling , vocabulary choice, grammar, and punctuation. This final proofread represents the last run-through of the editing process. It’s the students’ final chance to catch mistakes and errors that may bias the assessor (aka You! ) against the effectiveness of the piece of writing. Where the text has been word-processed, the student can enlist inbuilt spelling and grammar checkers to help. Still, they should also take the time to go through each line word by word. Automatic checkers are a helpful tool, but they are a long way from infallible, and the final judgement on a text should employ the writer’s own judgement.

Expository essays are relatively straightforward pieces of writing. By following the guidelines mentioned above and practising them regularly, students can learn to produce well-written expository essays quickly and competently.

Explaining and describing events and processes objectively and clearly is a useful skill that students can add to their repertoire. Although it may seem challenging at first, with practice, it will become natural.

To write a good expository essay, students need a good understanding of its basic features and a firm grasp of the hamburger essay structure. As with any writing genre, prewriting is essential, particularly for expository writing.

Since expository writing is designed primarily to inform the reader, sound research and note-taking are essential for students to produce a well-written text. Developing these critical skills is an excellent opportunity for students through expository writing, which will be helpful to them as they continue their education.

Redrafting and editing are also crucial for producing a well-written expository essay. Students should double-check facts and statistics, and the language should be edited tightly for concision.

And, while grading their efforts, we might even learn a thing or two ourselves!

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5 Expository Essay Examples (Full Text with Citations)

  • Video Overview
  • Quick Example
  • Formatting Guide

An expository essay attempts to explain a topic in-depth, demonstrating expert knowledge and understanding.

This form of essay is structured around the clear, factual presentation of information, devoid of the writer’s personal opinions or arguments.

The primary goal is to inform or explain rather than persuade.

Unlike an argumentative essay, which is built around defending a particular point of view with evidence and persuasion, an expository essay maintains a neutral stance, focusing on delivering straightforward facts and explanations.

An example of expository writing could be an article explaining the process of photosynthesis.

The article would systematically describe each stage of how plants convert sunlight into energy, detailing the role of sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide.

It would explain the sequence of reactions – first, second, third, fourth, fifth – that occur and the importance of each step in supporting the life of the plant.

An expository essay generally follows this essay format:

expository essay format and structure template

  • A) To persuade the reader to adopt a particular viewpoint
  • B) To inform or explain a topic clearly
  • C) To present the writer’s personal opinions and arguments
  • D) To entertain the reader with creative writing
  • A) An expository essay uses creative storytelling techniques
  • B) An expository essay remains neutral and avoids personal opinions
  • C) An expository essay focuses on persuading the reader with evidence
  • D) An expository essay prioritizes the writer’s personal experiences

Expository Essay Examples

#1 impacts of technology on education.

955 words | 4 Pages | 15 References

impact of technology on education essay

Thesis Statement: “The integration of technology in education represents a complex and critical area of study crucial for understanding and shaping the future of educational practices.”

#2 Impacts of Globalization on Education

1450 words | 5 Pages | 9 References

impacts of globalization on education essay

Thesis Statement: “This essay examines the profound and multifaceted effects of globalization on education, exploring how technological advancements and policy reforms have transformed access to, delivery of, and perceptions of education.”

#3 The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Interpersonal Relationships

1211 Words | 5 Pages | 22 References

emotional intelligence essay

Thesis Statement: “The central thesis is that EI, defined as the ability to perceive, understand, and manage emotions, is a crucial determinant of success and well-being.”

#4 The Future of Renewable Energy Sources and Their Impact

870 words | 4 Pages | 20 References

renewable energy essay

Thesis Statement: “The essay posits that although renewable energy sources hold immense promise for a sustainable future, their full integration into the global energy grid presents significant challenges that must be addressed through technological innovation, economic investment, and policy initiatives.”

#5 The Psychology Behind Consumer Behavior

1053 words | 4 Pages | 17 References

consumer behavior essay

Thesis Statement: “The thesis of this essay is that consumer behavior is not merely a product of rational decision-making; it is deeply rooted in psychological processes, both conscious and subconscious, that drive consumers’ choices and actions.”

How to Write an Expository Essay

expository essay definition and features, explained below

Unlike argumentative or persuasive essays, expository essays do not aim to convince the reader of a particular point of view.

Instead, they focus on providing a balanced and thorough explanation of a subject.

Key characteristics of an expository essay include:

  • Clarity and Conciseness
  • Structured Organization (Introduction, Body, Conclusion)
  • Objective Tone
  • Evidence-Based (Cite academic sources in every body paragraph)
  • Objective thesis statement (see below)
  • Informative purpose (Not argumentative)

You can follow my expository essay templates with AI prompts to help guide you through the expository essay writing process:

Expository Essay Paragraph Guide

How to write a Thesis Statement for an Expository Essay

An expository thesis statement doesn’t make an argument or try to persuade. It uses ‘is’ rather than ‘ought’ statements.

Take these comparisons  below. Note how the expository thesis statements don’t prosecute an argument or attempt to persuade, while the argumentative thesis statements clearly take a side on an issue:

💡 AI Prompt for Generating Sample Expository Thesis Statements An expository essay’s thesis statement should be objective rather than argumentative. Write me five broad expository thesis statement ideas on the topic “[TOPIC]”.

Go Deeper: 101 Thesis Statement Examples

Differences Between Expository and Argumentative Essays

Expository and argumentative essays are both common writing styles in academic and professional contexts, but they serve different purposes and follow different structures.

Here are the key differences between them:

  • Expository Essay : The primary purpose is to explain, describe, or inform about a topic. It focuses on clarifying a subject or process, providing understanding and insight.
  • Argumentative Essay : The goal is to persuade the reader to accept a particular point of view or to take a specific action. It’s about presenting a stance and supporting it with evidence and logic.
  • Expository Essay : It maintains a neutral and objective tone. The writer presents information factually and impartially, without expressing personal opinions or biases.
  • Argumentative Essay : It often adopts a more assertive, persuasive, and subjective tone. The writer takes a clear position and argues in favor of it, using persuasive language.
  • Expository Essay : The reader is expected to gain knowledge, understand a process, or become informed about a topic. There’s no expectation for the reader to agree or disagree.
  • Argumentative Essay : The reader is encouraged to consider the writer’s viewpoint, evaluate arguments, and possibly be persuaded to adopt a new perspective or take action.

Go Deeper: Expository vs Argumentative Essays

Ready to Write your Essay?

Expository Essay Template

Take action! Choose one of the following options to start writing your expository essay now:

Read Next: Process Essay Examples


Chris Drew (PhD)

Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]

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  • Chris Drew (PhD) Social-Emotional Learning (Definition, Examples, Pros & Cons)
  • Chris Drew (PhD) What is Educational Psychology?

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Essay on My Hobby Reading Books

Students are often asked to write an essay on My Hobby Reading Books in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on My Hobby Reading Books


Reading books is my favorite hobby. It gives me a chance to explore different worlds, learn new things and broaden my perspective.

Why I Love Reading

Books provide a wealth of knowledge and a window into other cultures and lifestyles. They help me to understand and appreciate the world around me.

The Joy of Reading

Each book I read takes me on a new adventure. It’s exciting to discover new characters, places, and stories.

In conclusion, reading books is a hobby that enriches my life. It’s a journey of learning and growing that I deeply enjoy.

250 Words Essay on My Hobby Reading Books

Reading books is not merely a pastime but a profound engagement that enlightens and enriches the mind. It is my hobby, my refuge, and my passion. Books are not just a source of knowledge but a gateway to diverse cultures, ideologies, and perspectives.

The Power of Reading

Reading books is akin to embarking on a journey through the minds of others. It fosters empathy, broadens our understanding of the world, and cultivates critical thinking skills. Each book is a treasure trove of knowledge, offering insights into various subjects, from philosophy and psychology to history and science.

Exploration and Growth

Books are the vessels of human imagination. They transport us to different realms, enabling us to live a thousand lives and experience a myriad of emotions. They stimulate creativity, ignite curiosity, and inspire us to question and explore. Reading nurtures intellectual growth and personal development, shaping our worldview and character.

Books as Silent Mentors

Books are silent mentors, guiding us through life’s complexities. They offer timeless wisdom, life lessons, and moral values. They help us navigate through our struggles, providing comfort, motivation, and resilience.

In a world of digital distractions, reading books is a hobby that encourages introspection, patience, and focus. It is a meditative process that reconnects us with our inner selves and enhances our understanding of the world. My hobby of reading books is an enriching and rewarding journey that continually expands my horizon and enriches my life.

500 Words Essay on My Hobby Reading Books

Reading books has always been a fascinating hobby for many. It is not just a pastime but a gateway to unexplored worlds, ideas, and perspectives. Being an avid reader, I find an ineffable sense of satisfaction and pleasure in reading books. This essay will delve into my hobby, reading books, and the profound impact it has on my life.

Why Reading?

Why choose reading as a hobby? The answer lies in the infinite potential it offers. Reading is not just about flipping pages; it’s about diving deep into the ocean of knowledge, wisdom, and imagination. It helps in mental stimulation, stress reduction, and expanding vocabulary. It’s a hobby that doesn’t demand a specific time or place; it only requires a book and the willingness to read.

The Journey of Reading

My journey with books began in my childhood. The fascinating stories of adventure and fantasy in children’s books intrigued me. As I grew older, I started exploring diverse genres like fiction, non-fiction, biographies, philosophy, and science. Each book, unique in its way, broadened my horizon and enriched my understanding of the world.

Impact of Reading

Reading has a profound impact on my life. It enhances my critical thinking skills, fosters empathy, and cultivates a lifelong learning attitude. When I read, I delve into the author’s mind, understanding their viewpoint, and often, challenging my own beliefs and assumptions. This process of questioning and learning has helped me develop a more balanced and informed perspective on various issues.

Reading and Empathy

Reading fiction, particularly, has played a significant role in enhancing my emotional intelligence. It allows me to experience life from different characters’ perspectives, fostering empathy and understanding. It has taught me to appreciate diversity and understand that there are multiple ways of seeing and experiencing the world.

Reading as a Lifelong Learning Process

Reading is a continuous journey of learning. Each book offers new insights, ideas, or knowledge. It has instilled in me a deep love for learning and ignited my curiosity. It encourages me to seek knowledge, not just in books but in everyday life experiences.

In conclusion, reading books is a hobby that offers immense benefits. It is a journey of exploration, understanding, and growth. It shapes our mind, enriches our soul, and provides a refuge from the mundane realities of life. As Gustave Flaubert rightly said, “Do not read, as children do, to amuse yourself, or like the ambitious, for the purpose of instruction. No, read in order to live.” Reading, for me, is not just a hobby; it’s a way of life.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

  • Essay on My Hobby Drawing
  • Essay on My Hobby Dancing
  • Essay on My Family Doctor

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

Happy studying!

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an expository essay on reading as hobby

English Compositions

Essay on My Hobby Reading Book [With PDF]

Book reading is one of the most prevalent hobbies among children. That’s why this topic has a certain reputation to come in as an essay writing topic in various types of examinations. But I have noticed that students of different classes face a few issues while writing essays on this very topic. Therefore I have decided to come up with a session explaining the very method of writing an essay on my hobby reading book most specifically for the students from class 6 to 9.

Feature image of Essay on My Hobby Reading Book

Essay on My Hobby Reading Book within 100 Words

 My Hobby Reading Book

All my school friends have chosen something as their hobby while promoted to high school from the primary standard. I also chose book reading as my hobby. I love to read different kinds of books since my early childhood. I still remember that my mother used to tell me stories at night when I was a child.

Probably my passion for reading storybooks got developed from that time. I prefer reading detective as well as ghost stories. One of my teachers has asked me to read travel stories by Bibhutibhushan Bandyopadhyay. I have read the book Chander Pahar written by him. The character Shankar from the novel Chander Pahar has become very close to my heart.

Essay on My Hobby Reading Book within 200 Words

My Hobby Reading Book

Everybody in their life pursues something as a hobby. A hobby is something that any person is passionate about. People spend their leisure time pursuing a hobby. Like other people, I have chosen reading books as my hobby. This hobby of mine is not about reading regular academic books. Rather I love to read books on different topics and incidents happening all around the world.

Especially, I love to read books on real travel stories as well as adventures. My habit of reading books developed since I was a child. We had no television or mobile phone in our house but a lot of books. I used to read from them whatever I wanted to. Most of those I hardly understood. I still remember those days when my father used to buy me monthly child magazines like Anandamela and Suktara.

I still love reading comics from those magazines. My favorite comics are Tintin, Chacha Chowdhury as well as Nonte-Fonte. I have recently read a book named Aranyak written by Bibhutibhushan Bandyopadhyay. It is all about the life experience of the author in a remote rural location of India. In this book, the description of nature is so vivid that any passionate reader will get lost in an amazing experience. All my teachers as well as my parents appreciate this hobby.

Essay on My Hobby Reading Book within 300 Words

A hobby is something that a person pursues to take a break from the same monotonous regular routine. That’s why everyone chooses something as a hobby that they love. Because as wise men say that love can be the ultimate motivation to do something.

So, we all need to choose something as our hobby that we are passionate about. Without passion, all our efforts to do something creative go into the vein. Our hobbies necessarily can enrich us both physically and mentally. That’s why my father says that hobbies are needed to be chosen wisely and very carefully for proper utilization of both time and effort. 

Hobbies can be of many different types. Many of my classmates have chosen singing, gardening, painting as their hobbies. My best friend Piyush chose stamps collection as his hobby. These all hobbies bring refreshment to them. Like my friends, I have also chosen reading books as my hobby. I enjoy my hobby the most.

I love to read about everything no matter what topic it is. Since my early childhood, I developed a passion for reading. My parents used to gift me so many books since then. Every year, I go to the Kolkata International Book Fair with my parents. Moreover, After getting promoted to high school from primary, I got exclusive student access to my school library.

Nowadays, I borrow more books from the library than buying them. Not only the school library but my father has also helped me to get a membership of the district library Khardah.

I love reading all kinds of books. But especially I am passionate about reading historical fiction. For this reason, Bengali writer Sharadindu Bandyopadhyay is one of my most favorite writers. Besides these, I also love to read adventure fiction as well as mythologies.

Essay on My Hobby Reading Book within 500 Words

What is a hobby? What a person should choose as a hobby? Before going deep into the discussion of my hobby, let’s talk about the hobby itself. A hobby is something that people do especially in their leisure time mostly for enjoyment. We do not expect to get paid for our hobbies.

These are some habits that come from inside us due to our natural internal tendency as well as passion. Hobbies include a wide range of activities. It can be collecting something like coins or stamps or leaves, fine arts activities like painting, dancing,  Creative works like gardening, writing poetry, etc. Or it can simply be reading books, like what I have chosen as my hobby of life. 

At the very beginning, I want to say that I literally admire my hobby, and one of my playschool teachers inspired me to fall in love with reading books when I was at my very early age. I still remember she used to bring me many kinds of colorful interesting books full of amazing stories as well as pictures.

At that age, I fond of those kinds of books. Later on, I came to know that those books are known as comics. I have read so many comics since my early childhood. Tintin, Phantom, Dennis the Menace, Hada Bhoda, Nonte-Phonte is a few among them. My parents always appreciate my hobby of reading books. For me, reading any book is the way of my utmost relaxation.

When I get tremendously bored of my regular monotonous life, at that point my storybooks help me to travel in some dream location being a part of some exciting adventure of imagination. After going to high school, I got exclusive access to my school’s students’ library and a different world opened there for me. From then, I borrow books so many kinds of books from my school library and read them thoroughly.

Here, I would like to mention my school librarian sir Mr. Paresh Pathak who helps me to choose the proper book according to my age and reading tendency. From my school library, I have read many works of great authors like Guru Rabindranath Tagore, Sharadindu Bandyopadhyay, Satyajit Ray, and many more.

Recently, I have developed a special interest in magic realism. Very recently, I was reading a work of the great Nobel laureate Gabriel Garcia Marquez. The name of the book is very famous One Hundred Years of Solitude. It is an amazing work that led me to a different fantasy world along with the dark humorous touch of eternal truth.

I’ve also read some works of Franz Kafka. His famous work The Metamorphosis will be very close to my heart always. For these also all credit goes my school librarian sir. He first suggested me to read something unconventional out of the box.

I got the first book of Gabriel Garcia Marquez from him. Moreover, I learned about magic realism from him as well. I believe that no matter what happens with human beings, but books, stories, and realization are eternal. They will never abandon me in my entire life.

That was all about essay writing on my hobby reading books. Here in the session, I have tried to write some essays on the very topic following every method and all possible perspectives. Moreover, I have also tried to write them for students of different classes. Besides, I maintained the word limit relevant for various examinations.

Hope you found this session helpful as per your requirement. Let us know your valuable opinion as well as suggestions for this session in the comment section below. Thank you; see you again very soon.

The Hobbyts

Your Hobby Guide

Jan 11 2017

Why Reading Is A Good Hobby – Reasons To Start Reading

People often ask the question: Is reading a hobby? Let me tell you that it is! Here you will find the ultimate list of reasons why reading is a good hobby!

To answer the question whether reading is a hobby, we first need to understand what a hobby really is .

A hobby can be defined as any activity that is done regularly, mostly in your free time and for enjoyment.

So, is reading a hobby? You can read books and magazines whenever and wherever you want, in your free time. You can also decide yourself what you want to read, so you can select books and magazines that you actually enjoy reading. So Reading does meet all of the criteria, and we can conclude that reading definitely can be seen as a hobby !

Reading Is a Good Hobby! And One Worth Spending Your Time On

Of course, you also want to know if it is a hobby that is worth spending your time on. Let me tell you that you should consider making it a habit to read regularly. Regular reading has many advantages, reading is a good hobby that can increase your overall knowledge level and help you improve various skills. Of course, it will also just allow you to have fun and escape the everyday life!

Below we have listed the main benefits of reading and all the reasons why reading is a good hobby that is worth spending your time on.

“Sleep is good, he said, and books are better” — from A Clash of Kings, by George R.R. Martin.

Reading Helps You to Relax

One of the most important reasons why people decide to read is because they want to relax. You simply grab a good book and find a quiet location and you are all set. What is more relaxing than spending a few hours getting lost in a novel or reading about your favorite nonfiction topic?

For a while, you forget everything around you – work, school, all the bad news in the world – you will definitely feel more relaxed afterward. Of course, if you read a horror story this might not be the case, but at least your daily problems will feel less important afterward.

You Can Read Anywhere and Anytime

Reading is a good hobby that everyone can do. All you need to read is a book that you actually want to read. You can read your book almost everywhere, of course, I would not advise you to read while driving your car or your bike.

Some of the most common places where people read are in public places such as coffee shops and libraries, relaxed on the couch or in bed, on the bus or train while going to work, or while taking a long bath.

It does Not Cost a Lot of Money

Reading definitely does not need to cost a lot of money. You can find reasonably priced books online in all of the very well-known online bookstores. You can also reduce the average cost of your books if you mainly buy paperbacks, which are considerably cheaper than hardcovers.

Another way to save money and spend less on reading is by buying books in second-hand bookstores.

Reading Reduces Your Stress Level

Because reading makes you feel relaxed and you often read in quiet places where you like spending time, reading will reduce your overall stress level.

Various scientific studies have shown that reading a good book effectively helps you to avoid stress. A recent study by consultancy Mindlab International at the University of Sussex shows that even reading for just six minutes can be enough to reduce the stress levels by more than two-thirds (68 %). You can read an article about this study in the Telegraph .

Reading Makes You Sleep Better

Recent sleep studies show that you will more easily fall asleep after reading a good book. You will also experience a deeper sleep and wake up feeling more energized. In addition, you will feel more satisfied as you have used your time productively. At least you did not spend hours checking Facebook or Twitter.

Reading requires your mind to think, to imagine the life of the character in the book or to try and understand the more complex topics in a scientific book. This will consume your energy if you read at night. In the end, you will get tired and ready to fall asleep.

What does not help you to sleep better is watching TV or checking your phone right before going to bed. So when you read a good book instead you will not be tempted stare at a screen right before bedtime. You will be set for a good night’s sleep.

Plenty of Books to Choose From

There are so many books in the world that you will never be able to read all of them. This means that you have plenty of books to choose from. Everyone can read and everyone can choose which books he or she really wants to read.

“Read the best books first, or you may not have a chance to read them at all “ –Henry David Thoreau

So reading definitely does not have to be boring! Reading is a good hobby and there is a book available for every taste or interest. Are you fascinated by a certain person and you would like to know more about his or her life-story? Then why not read that person’s biography or memoirs? Or do you prefer to read a thriller where you will have an adrenaline rush just after the first page? Then I am sure that you will find the right book – in the Action and Adventure Fiction section on Amazon alone you will find over 200,000 books!

Improve Your Vocabulary

Reading is a good hobby that will definitely improve your vocabulary. Unconsciously, you will remember words that you never heard before. You will see how you can use them in phrases and what they mean in different contexts.

Also, you will improve your grammar, as you learn how to build phrases, where to use punctuation and how to structure entire paragraphs.

Reading Improves Your Knowledge

Obviously, you will improve your knowledge if you read non-fiction books. Whether you read about arts, photography, history, cooking or a famous person, every book will uncover new insights. Every book will make you think about facts you did not think of before. In general, readers are more aware of how things work, why things happened in the past or who famous people really were.

Reading a book will give you the chance to process a lot of information and research in a relatively short amount of time. It is more efficient and probably also cheaper to read a book on a topic than to take a class or follow a course.

“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” ― Mahatma Gandhi

But even if you read a lot of fiction you will increase your overall knowledge and gather new information. Are you reading a story that takes place in a country that you have not been to? Or does the main character in the book have a profession or hobby that you had not heard about before? All examples of ways in which reading will provide you with new knowledge.

Reading Makes You Look Smart

When you read a lot of books it gives a good impression and makes you look smart. Additionally, you will be able to join much more conversations as you will have much more to say about a broader range of topics. You will be better at expressing how you feel and getting your point across.

“Always read something that will make you look good if you die in the middle of it” –P.J. O’Rourke

As reading also improves your vocabulary, you will use difficult, intelligent words more often… This will definitely make you look and sound smart!

It Makes You Look…Sexy

This is particularly applicable for men that like to read. Studies have shown that intelligence if one of the main characteristics that women look for in a man. So if reading improves your overall knowledge and makes you look smart, then it even makes you look sexy!

Reading Increases Your Tolerance

When you read a lot of books, you will learn about people in different situations, with different opinions, beliefs, and lifestyles. This will not necessarily mean that you will agree with everything that you read or learn about. But you will be able to better understand the situations of others and show more empathy. You will learn not to judge without understanding or knowing the story behind certain behaviors and opinions. In this way, reading can and will increase your tolerance in daily life.

Reading will also let you experience a lot of emotions – happiness, fear, excitement, sadness, and so on. By living these emotions while reading and learning from the stories that you read, you will be able to better handle these emotions in your daily life.

Improve Your Memory and Concentration

When you read regularly, you will improve your concentration. Once a story caught your attention and you cannot keep yourself from turning page after page, you will practice focus and concentration. This will be of great benefit in your daily life and activities.

Reading a book is not like reading a short article or an online blog post. A book requires your full attention for a longer period of time. You need to focus on the story and the main characters to fully immerse yourself in it. As the story unfolds, you will soon forget about everything else and keep your thoughts in focus. Unconsciously you are practicing your memory and increasing your attention span.

Reading Reduces the Risk of Alzheimer’s and Dementia

I recently read an article by the Fisher Centre for Alzheimer’s Research Foundation that explains how reading can reduce the risk of Dementia. It states that reading books and magazines can help to keep memory and thinking skills intact and preserve brain health.

The study the Centre refers to shows that people who perform mentally challenging activities most often had a slower rate of decline in memory.

Improve Your Imagination – Escape The Daily Routine

Most books do not have a lot of images and pictures. You can only read descriptions of what the main character looks like, the places that he visits or where he or she lives. You can only use your own imagination to creating the corresponding images in your mind.

Reading is a good hobby that will not only improve your imagination but also allows you to escape your daily routine. When you read a good book you can really get lost in the story. A book gives you the chance to escape your daily reality and experience a whole new world!

Reading a book gives you the opportunity to live experiences that you are not used to. You can really immerse yourself in the story and live the life of the main character in the book. Escape your daily life and get into a whole new one. Be the king of a mighty empire for a day, or feel the rush of investigating a murder case that seems impossible to solve. Feel what the character is feeling, understand his problems and concerns, think outside of your own world.

Reading is Fun and Addictive

Of course, reading is a good hobby and has all the above-mentioned benefits. But the most important reason to start reading or to read more regularly is simply that reading is fun.

Reading is not only fun and has a high entertainment value, you will also discover that it is very addictive. Once you finished a good book and turned the last page, you will soon be thinking of the next book you want to read. If that happens, definitely keep reading. You will have lots of fun while improving lots of skills.

You Can Even Make Some Money

If you love reading and reviewing books, then you might even make some money while doing so. Writing book reviews can get you free copies of books to read and review, or even get you a fee for each review. If you want to know more about this, make sure to check our list of hobbies that allow you to make some money by doing what you love .

April 3, 2019 at 2:42 pm

Reading is literally the best way for me to explore the world and ‘meat new friends ‘😘

September 11, 2019 at 2:58 pm

May 5, 2019 at 11:21 am

Good. I like it.

I like all kind of book.I read everything that I can found

April 21, 2020 at 3:01 pm

Reading a good book is like making friendship with the book and its wrirter. It makes reader perfect, mature, intelligent, a guide, a person with logic, full of understanding, compassion, wit, wisdom and belief in self. There are good books and bad books. So, the reader Must strive to find a good book. Bad book will have a negative impact. Good book will give positive energy. A person with good books in his room will have no theft in his house. Thiefs want to steal money and costly items, not books . The books make great gifts. Every one appreciates a gift of a book. Read a book and become rich in experience and knowledge. You will have good command on language, good manners, good expression, good personality and respect all over.

May 4, 2020 at 1:14 pm

Indeed nicely written… 😊👌

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Expository Essays: Overview

What is exposition writing.

Exposition can be either oral or written. It is used to explain, interpret, inform, or describe. An expository writer must assume that the audience has no prior knowledge regarding the topic being discussed. So the topic must be written in a clear manner explaining how things work (you can however, leave out  common knowledge –you probably are not writing for first graders). Exposition reaches beyond the obvious. Its underlying purpose in explaining, interpreting, informing, or describing is to reveal aspects of substance. Exposition does not simply provide a definition of the term “fake news”; it explores the inherent danger in using a terms that grossly oversimplifies the true nature of news. In an essay one would explore how the term “fake news” should but often does not refer to unreliable news sources, rumor mills, and blogs or social media sites that purposely spread unsourced stories to fulfill a political or personal agenda. One might also write that “fake news” is a term applied to news that is sourced but that someone simply choices to openly discredit.

black pencil shavings

As most academic terms, exposition can acquire various definitions depending on the context in which a writer is using the word. The HarperCollins Collins English Dictionary defines exposition in seven different disciplinary contexts.

  • Within the Communication Arts / Journalism & Publishing discipline exposition is defined as: a systematic, usually written statement about, commentary on, or explanation of a specific subject
  • The act of expounding of setting forth information or a viewpoint
  • (Business / Commerce) of a large public exhibition, especially of industrial products or arts and crafts
  • The act of exposing or the state of being exposed
  • (Performing Arts / Theatre) the part of a play, novel, etc., in which the theme and main characters are introduced.
  • (Music / Classical Music) Music the first statement of the subjects or themes of a movement in sonata form or a fugue
  • (Christianity / Roman Catholic Church) RC Church the exhibiting of the consecrated Eucharistic Host or a relic for public veneration (Harper Collins Dictionary)


  • Description  – The author explains a particular topic by showing characteristics, features, and examples.
  • Comparison  – The author shows how two or more topics are alike.
  • Contrast  – The author shows how two or more topics are different.
  • Cause and Effect  – The author demonstrates the cause while showing the effects of the cause.
  • Problem and Solution  – The author explains a problem, then explores possible solutions.
  • Analytical  – The author evaluates a topic or argument revealing its strengths and weaknesses.
  • Classification  – The author sorts things into useful categories, makes sure all the categories follow a single organizing principle, and gives examples that fit into each category.
  • Sequence  – The author lists items or events in numerical or chronological order.


First you must find a specific aspect of a topic that would interest you. This means you will and must read about the topic. You will have to research the topic extensively so that you can explain it—what exposition is all about. Research your topic extensively if necessary. You will probably have to spend quite a bit of time, but remember that the researching can be exciting. The general initial researching may even provide some valuable information that you want to explain. Researching is like exercising: at first it hurts, but with time you become stronger and it’s easier to flex your researching muscles. After you have decided upon a topic, you can create a thesis.

When you read, read critically and actively as was discussed in the previous chapter. Question the author’s points, consider conflicting viewpoints and support evidence. Analysis and exposition is built upon disagreement. Don’t avoid it; explore it with an open mind.

Like reading and writing, writing and talking work in unison. Teachers often observe classes that actively read and then discuss what they have read are often much stronger writers. Moreover, some students find that discussion is an important step in articulating their ideas and galvanizing their viewpoints on a topic.

An expositional paper is most easily written when you have a “tight” thesis. This means that the focus of your topic is extremely specific. When your thesis is concise, you can write at length because you know exactly what you should be writing about. But when you have a sloppy, vague thesis, you can become lost and your writing reflects this. This goes back to choosing a topic focus that deals with something specific, and not overly general. A thesis makes a claim regarding your focus and is supported by details and facts. It is written in one or two complete sentences. An example of a thesis would be: “Gardening can be a rewarding hobby because of the creativity involved, the variety of plants, and the many uses of plants.”

Create a Sketchy Outline

After you write your thesis, create a sketchy outline so that you have a game plan for your paper. Your outline should have information that you want to include for each part of your thesis. For our thesis example, we could find lots of information that could support the different parts of gardening. Notice the word  could –just because we have the information doesn’t mean we must use it in the paper. This is a rough outline after all.

Start Writing

Too often we don’t begin writing because we are stuck—don’t be, just start writing. You can begin anywhere. Start writing where you feel the most comfortable. When you have your outline, as sketchy as it may be, it reminds you of ideas that you want to include in your paper. Remember though that readers are interested in what YOU have to say—they don’t want to read regurgitated quotes and opinions of others, so make sure that your point is being heard.


The structure of an expository piece consists of first an introduction that contains the most crucial element—the thesis—the main point you wish to convey. After the introduction is the body, in which you clarify the different aspects of the thesis in great detail. The final piece, the conclusion, restates and rephrases (using different words) the thesis and ties up any “loose ends”.

Thesis Statements

A thesis statement is one of the most important elements of any successful expository essay. A thesis statement controls the subject matter of the essay and states something significant to the reader. It is the one statement that summarizes the main point of the essay and states why the essay is important and worth reading. An essay that lacks a strong thesis will have broad scope and lack focus.

The following are qualities of a well-crafted thesis statement:

  • A thesis statement should identify a specific purpose for the essay.
  • A thesis statement should assert something about the essay, and it should be something with which others can reasonably disagree.
  • A thesis statement should be clear and easily identifiable by a reader.
  • A thesis statement generally comes toward the end of the introduction and is usually the final sentence.
  • A well-focused thesis statement, key to organizing an essay, contains two elements: a clear subject and a clear perspective on the topic.
  • o Vague – Ecological disasters are a major concern today.
  • o Precise – Pollution of underground water supplies threatens cities on the American West Coast.

A thesis should have the following characteristics:

  • *It should be simple or complex,  BUT  never compound.
  • *It should be stated positively.
  • *It should be restricted, precise, and unified.
  • *It should not contain figurative language.


The very first part of your introduction should have an attention-grabbing device (a hook) to engage your readers. Hooks can be statistics, facts, questions, or unusual details. Don’t make general statements such as “it is clear that…” because you are trying to explain something that perhaps your reader doesn’t know, so it would not be clear to them. Instead be informative. The introduction will also contain your thesis. Good topic referring to Rhetoric. One can check it at the essays writing companies and already written essays accomplished by writing service writers.

Be creative in your introduction: use an anecdote, a provocative statement, a surprising or insightful quote, or even a shocking statistic. Bring the audience up to speed on the broader aspects of the subject on which you are basing your essay.

Consider starting with a criticism. For example, in Malcolm Gladwell’s book  Outliers , people view his research as a key to unlocking human potential, but that’s an overstatement. One might consider challenging the more common and popular interpretations of the book as being a “self-help” book.

Consider starting with praise. The book  Outliers  is the first widely read and very honest discussion of the commonly held belief that success in America is only a matter of hard work. The reader is confronted with the reality that even in America, privilege provides opportunities poverty cannot. Such an introduction establishes a viewpoint while introducing an important element of the book.

Now that you have your specific thesis, along with your sketchy outline, you must support your thesis claim by using concrete evidence and examples. You should exfoliate your thesis. Remember that expositional writing assumes that your readers have no prior knowledge regarding your topic, so you must explain things very clearly. Parallelism can be very important in your paper. It can give the readers a feeling of structure and importance. Pick a method of organization and stick with it.

In our example, we would explain in detail how much creativity is involved in gardening. We could write about the style of impressive European or Oriental gardens. Next, we would show how there are a variety of plants. We could write about plants found in different climates. Finally, we would explain the many uses of plants. We could write about floral bouquets and vegetables.

Because exposition’s purpose is to inform, you will want to establish common ground with your readers. You should write objectively, which will fulfill the purpose of explaining things.

Topic Sentence:

It may help to use a topic sentence to focus each paragraph and to keep the writer and the reader on point. This is a statement of the point you’ll make usually in the introductory paragraph.

Support should always come from the articles you found in your research, your author research, and through passages from the text. BE SPECIFIC when you refer to any text.  Paraphrase with detail, and use direct quotes when necessary. This is very, very important.

Developing Paragraphs:

To develop paragraphs, consider one of the following forms of support for your point of view:

  • Use examples and illustrations (exemplification)
  • Cite data (facts, statistics, evidence, details, and others)
  • Examine testimony or authoritative statements and published passages (what other people say such as quotes and paraphrases)
  • Use an anecdote or story (narrative)
  • Define terms in the paragraph. These terms should be important to the topic under discussion.
  • Compare and contrast (describe and explain the characteristics of two objects or ideas to draw attention to similarities and differences)
  • Evaluate causes and reasons for the occurrences of an issue or condition in the world. What do you or others believe causes anything from car accidents or racism or juvenile diabetes.
  • Examine effects and consequences of a particular action or state of being
  • Analyze the topic, supporting texts or common beliefs about some aspect of your topic. For examples, tackle a stereotype or a common belief about the topic.

In each paragraph, explain what you believe the support means. Many of you were already doing this in your paragraphs.

A conclusion wraps up your paper by recalling your main points, but do not use the identical words that you used in your introduction. Conclusions and introductions are like frames, they should tie your whole paper together. You should explain your main points briefly and freshly. Don’t be sloppy–this is the last impression you are making.

Some combination of the following is always helpful:

  • Refer back to your thesis.
  • Tell us what you ultimately think about the topic under discussion.
  • Tell us what readers can and should take from this discussion in terms of how we view the world, our families, specific populations, etc. Consider addressing these questions: What would you like us to learn from your discussion on the book? What points should we remember? What particular insights on the subject were most important?
  • How can you make your reader remember this essay?

Sources Used to Create this Chapter

The majority of the content for this section has been adapted from the following OER Material:

  • Let’s Get Writing by Elizabeth Browning et. al., which was published under a CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.
  • English Composition by Ann Inoshita et. al., which was published under a CC-BY 4.0 license.
  • Expression and Inquiry    by Sally Pierce and Melissa Lucken, which was published under a CC-BY 4.0 license.

Starting the Journey: An Intro to College Writing Copyright © by Leonard Owens III; Tim Bishop; and Scott Ortolano is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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Essay on My Hobby for Students and Children

500+ words essay on my hobby.

Hobbies play a very important role in our lives. They occupy our minds when we are free and also make us happy. Hobbies are our escape from the real world that makes us forget our worries. Moreover, they make our lives interesting and enjoyable. If we look at it, all our hobbies are very useful for us. They teach us a lot of things about different stuff. They also help in expanding our knowledge.

Benefits of Having a Hobby

In today’s fast and competitive world, we often get time for ourselves. Over time, our schedule gets very dull and monotonous. That is why we need to indulge in something in between to keep our minds fresh and active. What’s better than a hobby for this? One of the main benefits of having a hobby is that it is a major stress-buster. You actually enjoy doing it and it satisfies your soul.

Essay on My Hobby

In other words, without a hobby, your life becomes an unhealthy cycle lacking any excitement or spark. Hobbies offer you a great opportunity to take a break and forget the worries of your life. They allow you to explore yourself and realize your potential in different areas.

Moreover, hobbies can also be a source of extra income. For instance, if you like painting, you can actually sell your art to make some extra money. Likewise, if you have a knack for dancing, you may teach dance classes to people on your holidays. This way your hobby a benefit you both spiritually and financially as well.

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My Favourite Hobby

If I were to pick one favourite hobby of mine out of the many I have, I will definitely pick gardening. I developed a taste for dancing when I was very young. The way my feet moved to the rhythm of the music convinced my parents that I was a born dancer. Dancing is very uplifting as well as economical.

I have always had a love for music and dance. However, I never realized the utter joy they bring to humans. Dancing gives us a lot of exercises. It teaches us to move our body rhythmically and feel the beat of every song. This kind of physical exercise is extremely delightful and enjoyable.

Moreover, dance also taught me how to stay strong and push my limits. I have had many injuries while dancing, too many bruises and cuts but that didn’t stop me from pursuing it further. In fact, it pushes me to do my best and realize my potential more than ever.

I have enrolled in dancing classes because I wish to make my hobby my career. I feel we all should do things which we enjoy doing. Everyone is running after money and in this race, they give up their likings and preferences. I have learned from this race and decided to not take part in it. I wish to take the road less traveled by and take on challenges most people don’t dare to.

In short, my hobby of dancing makes me feel alive and well. It is the only thing I look forward the most to. Thus, I hope to achieve my dream of being a professional dancer and making way for people who wish to make careers out of their hobbies.

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