fraction homework year 6

Fractions in Year 6 (age 10–11)

In Year 6, your child will solve lots of problems involving fractions, decimals, and percentages. They will simplify fractions using common factors and will practise multiplying fractions.

What your child will learn

Use common factors to simplify fractions.


Compare and order fractions

Your child will compare fractions and put them in size order.

They will be able to do this with proper fractions (i.e. fractions less than one) and fractions that are greater than one (i.e. improper fractions or mixed numbers ). For example:

 is greater than   is greater than 

Calculate with mixed numbers and fractions with different denominators

Your child will learn to add and subtract fractions with different denominators  (bottom numbers). They will do this by finding equivalent fractions that have the same denominator. For example:

 +   =   +   = 


They will use objects, diagrams, and symbols to solve problems with mixed numbers and fractions, and to explain how they have solved a problem.

Multiply and simplify proper fractions

Your child will be able to multiply pairs of proper fractions (i.e. fractions smaller than 1) together, and then write the answer in its simplest form.

 ×   =   = 

Your child will use objects, diagrams, and symbols in their calculations.

Divide proper fractions by whole numbers

Proper fractions are fractions with a value of less than 1. Your child will be able to divide these kinds of fractions by whole numbers. For example:

Your child will do this using objects, diagrams, and symbols.

Understand the link between fractions, division, and decimals

To find    of 36cm, you would divide 36 by 4 (36cm ÷ 4 = 9 cm).   If you know  of an unknown length is 36cm and you want to find the whole length, you would multiply 36 by 4 (36cm × 4 = 144cm).


Use numbers with 3 decimal places

Your child will understand the value of each digit in numbers with 3 decimal places. They will also be able to multiply and divide numbers by 10, 100, and 1000, giving answers up to 3 decimal places. For example:

9 ÷ 1000 = 0.009   0·734 × 100 = 73.4

Your child will divide decimal numbers by 1-digit whole numbers. At first, they will learn this in practical contexts involving measures and money (for example, 0.65m ÷ 5 = 0.13m).

Multiply numbers with decimal places

Your child will learn to multiply 1-digit numbers with up to 2 decimal places by whole numbers. For example:

2.75 × 2 = 5.5

They will start with simple examples, such as 0.4 × 2 = 0.8, in practical contexts such as using money.

Use written division methods where appropriate

Your child will use written division methods (like long division and short division) in cases where the answer has up to 2 decimal places. You can find out more about these methods on our YouTube channel: see How to do long division and How to do short division .

Round numbers to estimate answers

Your child will round numbers and estimate answers to check their answers to decimal calculations. For example:

2.56 × 5.3 ≈ 2.5 × 5 = 12.5   So, when your child works out the question exactly, they will expect their result to be roughly 12.5. If they get an answer like 1350, they will know something has gone wrong!

Use equivalences between simple fractions, decimals, and percentages


How to help at home

There are lots of ways you can help your child to understand fractions. Here are just a few ideas.

1. Help your child calculate with fractions


They could separate the whole numbers and the fractional parts:

First, add the whole numbers: 3 + 2 = 5.   Then, add the fractional parts:  +   =  .   Finally, add the whole number and fractional parts together to create a mixed number: 5 .

They could turn each mixed number into an improper fraction, then add the improper fractions together, and finally convert the answer back into a mixed number:

First, convert 3   into an improper fraction:  .   Then, convert 2   into an improper fraction:  .   Then, add the improper fractions together:    +      =   .   Finally, turn the answer back into a mixed number:    = 5   .

The same strategies can be applied to subtracting fractions using mixed numbers.

2. Multiply and divide with fractions


In this example, the half is shown on the left by splitting the shape vertically into two equal pieces. The same shape will then be drawn to represent quarters , this time split horizontally into four equal pieces. The diagrams will then be added together to divide the shape into eighths:

fraction homework year 6

The answer can be found where the half and the quarter overlap to make one eighth :

fraction homework year 6

Fraction Calculations in School

Pizza fractions

3. Calculate with decimals

Your child will continue to practise adding and subtracting with decimal numbers up to 3 decimal places. They will have to understand the effect of multiplying and dividing decimal numbers by 10, 100, 1000, and so on.

Place value charts are a great way to visualise these changes:

fraction homework year 6

Help your child to understand that dividing by 10 means getting ten times smaller, dividing by 100 means getting a hundred times smaller, and so on. The same concept applies to multiplication, but the other way around.

Calculate with numbers that have 3 decimal places in the real world. For example, when you fill the car with petrol, ask your child to tell you what the number is by explaining how many tenths, hundredths, or thousandths it has. Can they round the total price or the total amount of petrol to the nearest whole number, tenth, or hundredth? For example:

If you have 56.784 litres of petrol, you could round to the nearest litre (57L), tenth (56.8L), or hundredth (56.78L).

Money and measures are great for practising using numbers with 2 decimal places. You could show your child your shopping receipt with the total hidden. Ask your child to work out the total cost of the shopping receipt. How much change you would be given if you paid using, for instance, a £10 note?

4. Link fractions, decimals, and percentages

It is important your child understands that decimals and percentages are just other ways to show fractions.

Fraction, Decimal, and Percentage Treasure Hunt

fraction homework year 6

Practise matching percentages, decimals, and fractions on a fun treasure hunt.

5. Multiply fractions and mixed numbers by whole numbers

Your child will multiply proper fractions and mixed numbers by whole numbers.


6. Percentages

Your child will continue to work with percentages. Talk about how ‘percent’ means ‘number of parts per hundred’.


Sales at the shops can provide great real-life opportunities to work with percentages. For example, you could ask your child to help you work out the sale price of an item. If there is 30% off a T-shirt and the full price is £9.99, what is 30% of the full price and what is the sale price?

  • Age 3–4 (Early Years)
  • Age 4–5 (Reception)
  • Age 5–6 (Year 1)
  • Age 6–7 (Year 2)
  • Age 7–8 (Year 3)
  • Age 8–9 (Year 4)
  • Age 9–10 (Year 5)
  • Age 10–11 (Year 6)
  • Year 1 (age 5–6)
  • Year 2 (age 6–7)
  • Year 3 (age 7–8)
  • Year 4 (age 8–9)
  • Year 5 (age 9–10)
  • Year 6 (age 10–11)
  • Help with times tables
  • Ratio & proportion
  • Learning to tell the time
  • Numicon parent guide
  • MyMaths parent guide
  • Maths activity books

Fraction and Decimal Worksheets for Year 6 (age 10-11)

In Year 6 there is even more work on equivalent fractions and using common factors to simplify fractions, often called cancelling.

Perhaps the biggest step is that by the end of Year 6 children will be expected to add and subtract fractions with different denominators and mixed numbers. A really sound understanding of how to do this is needed and many children will find this very difficult. We have a vast selection of addition and subtraction of fractions worksheets, increasing in difficulty, to meet all the challenges set by the Programme of Study.

More is also expected with multiplying fractions using simple proper fractions (e.g. a quarter multiplied by a half is an eighth). Some children find it hard to grasp that when multiplying a whole number by a proper fraction the answer will be smaller than the starting number; very unlike their normal multiplying experience with whole numbers. Replace multiply with the term ‘lots of’ can help with this (e.g. two lots of four is eight; a quarter lot of four is one). We have some excellent sets of worksheets getting progressively harder on multiplying fractions. Answers are expected to be written in their simplest form.

Dividing fractions is also introduced, but only dividing proper fractions by whole numbers.

Once again children should be encouraged to associate a fraction with division as well as working with decimal fractions up to three decimal places (e.g. three eighths as 0.375). More work is also done on percentages, a favourite topic in the KS2 SATs.

An important part of all this work with decimals and fractions is that children should develop their skills of rounding and estimating as a way of predicting and checking that their answers are sensible.

Whilst the Key Stage 2 SAT Papers are in May this leaves quite a short year to fit in all that is needed to be successful.

Understanding and ordering fractions

Understand equivalent fractions, compare and order fractions.

Preview of worksheet Revise ordering fractions

Tricky ordering of fractions on a number line.

Preview of worksheet Revise finding fractions of numbers

Finding fractions of numbers. Some of these only require one step to reach the answer. Others require two steps.

Preview of worksheet Revise fractions: reasoning about equivalence (1)

Lecnac is the opposite to cancel? There's no other word for it!

Preview of worksheet Revise fractions: reasoning about equivalence (2)

More revision on equivalence.

Preview of worksheet Solving fraction word problems (bar models)

Using bar models to help clarify fraction word problems.

Preview of worksheet Equivalent fractions

More on equivalent fractions and simplifying fractions.

Preview of worksheet Reasoning about equivalence

Using knowledge of equivalence to complete the fractions.

Preview of worksheet  Fractions between other fractions

Finding a fraction between two other fractions shows a really good understanding of equivalence.

Preview of worksheet Order fractions (1)

Ordering fractions with the help of a blank number line. Again, equivalent fractions need to be understood to successfully complete these pages.

Preview of worksheet Order fractions (2)

Tricky ordering of fractions.

Preview of worksheet Order fractions (3)

More ordering fractions.

Preview of worksheet Simplifying fractions: highest common factor

Simplify fractions using the highest common factor.

Preview of worksheet  Improper fractions and mixed numbers

Changing mixed numbers to improper fractions and vice versa. Cancelling fractions.

Preview of worksheet Fraction word problems

Fraction word problems. Don't forget fractions are really division calculations in disguise!

Addition and subtraction of fractions

Add and subtract fractions, including fractions with different denominators and mixed numbers.

Preview of worksheet Addition of fractions

Adding fractions which all have the same denominator.

Preview of worksheet Harder adding fractions (1)

Adding simple fractions with different denominators.

Preview of worksheet Harder adding fractions (2)

More addition of fractions with different denominators.

Preview of worksheet Adding mixed numbers (easier)

Adding mixed numbers where the denominators are the same.

Preview of worksheet Adding mixed numbers

Adding mixed numbers.

Preview of worksheet Subtract fractions from whole numbers

Subtracting fractions from whole numbers.

Preview of worksheet Nifty subtracting mixed numbers

A quick and easy way to subtract mixed numbers.

Preview of worksheet Subtracting mixed numbers (easier)

Subtracting mixed numbers; denominators the same.

Preview of worksheet Subtracting mixed numbers

Subtracting mixed numbers.

Preview of worksheet Harder subtracting fractions (1)

Subtracting fractions practice.

Preview of worksheet Harder subtracting fractions (2)

More on subtracting fractions.

Preview of worksheet More subtract a fraction from a mixed number

Subtracting a fraction from a mixed number.

Multiplying and dividing fractions

Multiplying simple pairs of proper fractions and dividing proper fractions by whole numbers.

Preview of worksheet Understand multiplying fractions

A look at what happens when two fractions are multiplied together.

Preview of worksheet Multiplying fractions by whole numbers

An introduction to multiplying fractions by whole numbers.

Preview of worksheet Multiplying fractions

Multiplying simple fractions.

Preview of worksheet Multiplying mixed numbers with bar model

Use bar models to illustrate how to multiply mixed numbers by a whole number.

Preview of worksheet Multiply mixed numbers 1

Multiplying mixed numbers by a whole number.

Preview of worksheet Understanding division of fractions (1)

A first look at dividing a fraction by a whole number.

Preview of worksheet Understanding division of fractions (2)

A further look at dividing a fraction by a whole number.

Preview of worksheet Dividing fractions by whole numbers

Dividing simple fractions by a whole number.

Decimals and fractions

Decimal fractions and understanding the relationship between decimals and fractions

Preview of worksheet Revise understanding decimals

Working with numbers to three decimal places; recognising tenths, hundredths and thousandths.

Preview of worksheet Understanding hundredths and thousandths

A look at decimals and fractions using hundredths and thousandths.

Preview of worksheet Place value and partitioning (decimals)

Looking at place value with decimals up to thousandths.

Preview of worksheet Decimal place value and multiplying by 10, 100, 1000

Using place value charts and multiplying decimals by 10, 100 and 1000.

Preview of worksheet Decimal place value and dividing by 10 and 100

Dividing decimals by 10 and 100, working to 3 decimal places.

Preview of worksheet  Decimals and fractions

Write the fractions as decimals. Where necessary go to two decimal places.

Preview of worksheet Convert fractions to decimals using a calculator

Using a calculator, changing fractions to decimals, including looking at patterns such as ninths and sevenths.

Preview of worksheet Converting decimals to fractions

More on converting fractions and mixed numbers to decimals.

Preview of worksheet Converting fractions to decimals (2)

More converting fractions to decimals.

Preview of worksheet  Order decimal fractions

Ordering decimal fractions. Sounds easy, but can be quite tricky.

Preview of worksheet Ordering decimals

Hints and tips on ordering decimals.

Preview of worksheet Ordering fractions and decimals

Some of these really are quite hard! Comparing fractions and decimal fractions.

Multiplying and dividing decimals

Multiplying and dividing decimals. More can be found in our Year 6 Multiplication and Division categories as well as KS2 SAT Booster pages.

Preview of worksheet Multiply decimals by 10, 100 and 1,000

Multiplying decimals up to 3 decimal places by 10, 100 and 1,000.

Preview of worksheet Multiply decimals by whole numbers (1)

Multiplying decimals by a 1-digit whole number.

Preview of worksheet Word problems involving multiplying decimals

Word problems involving multiplying decimals.

Preview of worksheet Divide decimals by 10, 100 and  1,000

Dividing decimals by 10, 100 or 1,000 by moving each digit to the right.

Preview of worksheet Divide decimals by 2-digit numbers

Use the long division method to divide decimals by 2-digit numbers.

Preview of worksheet Word problems involving dividing decimals

Word problems involving division of decimals.

Rounding decimal fractions

Rounding fractions including rounding to the nearest tenth and hundredth.

Preview of worksheet  Round decimals (1)

Rounding decimals to the nearest whole one, including rounding to kilograms and kilometres.

Preview of worksheet  Round decimals (2)

Rounding decimals to the nearest tenth, including rounding metres and kilometres.

Preview of worksheet Rounding decimals: money (1)

Rounding money to the nearest £1 and £10.

Preview of worksheet Rounding decimals: money (2)

Rounding money to the nearest £1 and £10: harder examples.

Preview of worksheet Rounding decimals: tenths and hundredths (1)

Rounding decimals: tenths and hundredths.

Preview of worksheet Rounding decimals: tenths and hundredths (2)

Rounding decimals including the use of a calculator.


Find percentages and solve problems involving the calculation of percentages.

Preview of worksheet Understanding simple percentages

Great set of questions using bar models to help understand percentages.

Preview of worksheet Solving percentage word problems (bar models)

Using bar models to solve tricky percentage word problems.

Preview of worksheet Decimals, fractions and percentages

Converting and ordering decimals, fractions and percentages.

Preview of worksheet  Problems about percentages

Finding percentages of numbers and money. Word problems using percentages.

Preview of worksheet More percentage problems

Word problems involving working out percentages.

Preview of worksheet Find percentages 1 (6R2)

Finding percentages of numbers.

Preview of worksheet Find percentages 2 (6R2)

More on finding percentages of whole numbers.

Preview of worksheet Percentages: extension 1

Harder percentage questions.

Preview of worksheet Percentages: extension 2

More tricky percentage questions.

Preview of worksheet Percentages and pie charts

Interpreting pie charts.

Further fraction work

More on fractions.

Preview of worksheet  Fractions and calculators

Using a calculator to decide the size of fractions and some more converting fractions to decimal fractions.

Preview of worksheet  Decimal fractions and calculators

Using only the multiplication or division calculator keys change one decimal fraction to another.

Preview of worksheet Programme of Study: Year 6 Fractions

The statutory requirements for Fractions in Year 6, including decimals and percentages.

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Free Year 6 Maths Worksheets And SATs Revision Worksheets: Download, Print Or View Online

Sophie Bessemer

Here you’ll find all our free Year 6 maths worksheets and Year 6 SATs revision workshee t s that you can download and use straight away.

Inevitably, many of these have been designed originally to be Year 6 SATs revision worksheets for pupils preparing for their end of primary school KS2 SATs but whether they are sitting their SATs or not, they still need to know the content, and you still want them ready for Year 7 maths next year at secondary school.

If you’re a parent looking for more advice, try our  home learning hub full of home learning packs , tips and teaching ideas for Year 6 Maths at Home and maths homework and more about the KS2 SATs which take place in May every year for Year 6.

If you’re a teacher or school leader who is interested in improving maths attainment in your school or classroom, then this whole website is for you. Third Space Learning is dedicated to improving outcomes in maths with our online tutoring programme of maths interventions , together with maths resources and CPD.

A note on the Year 6 maths worksheets provided

All the Third Space Learning Year 6, KS2 maths worksheets and SATs revision worksheets are printable; most are in pdf format, some are designed as slides, but if you don’t want to print for whatever reason all the worksheets can be viewed online too. 

We always include answers in our maths resource packs but for any teachers wanting to delve further into any of these topics take a look at our KS2 Maths teaching guides which cover everything from long division to pie charts. And if you’re after something a bit more lighthearted in the run up to SATs, our collection of maths games , in particular the KS2 maths games are always popular.

How we’ve selected the Year 6 maths worksheets

We are providing here a selection of the pdf Year 6 maths worksheets and, Year 6 maths tests that we believe can be used with minimal support by 10 or 11 year olds as part of their home learning.

The focus here is on retrieval practice . This means working on skills and knowledge a Year 6 should already have been taught (even if they can’t remember it yet!) and supporting them with strategies to approach SATs questions rather than teaching them new content.

Inevitably there’s a focus at this stage on ensuring pupils core number work is really sound, and on the topics that lend themselves well to Year 6 maths worksheets. There’s nothing here for example on identifying shapes or properties of shapes such as parallelograms or quadrilaterals because you can find these easily online already.

Primary National Curriculum guidance and links to other support is given where relevant alongside the maths worksheets.

Free Year 6 Maths Worksheets and Tests

Free Year 6 Maths Worksheets and Tests

A collection of free Year 6 maths activities and worksheets from the Third Space Maths Hub. You need to register to download (but it's free). Use Google Chrome.

Year 6 Place Value Worksheets

Year 6 addition and subtraction worksheets, year 6 multiplication and division worksheets, year 6 four operations worksheets, year 6 fractions worksheets, year 6 percentages worksheets, year 6 decimals worksheets, year 6 algebra worksheets, year 6 fluency, reasoning and problem solving skills practice, year 6 sats tests and revision resources, year 6 maths worksheets on place value: all kinds of word problems.

These Year 6 number and place value worksheets give lots of practice on two-step and three-step word problems to strengthen children’s understanding of place value and ordering numbers.

Download the free Year 6 Number and Place Value worksheets

Year 6 SATs Revision Worksheets on place value: SATs Revision Packs

If you find a Year 6 child is struggling with the place value word problems, then you might want to try some more refresher place value questions and activities with them.

If giving as homework encourage parents to read our explainer What is Place Value and then work through these SATs Revision packs on place value, which cover basic number facts all the way to decimal numbers, designed to for use in the final year of primary school.

Topics covered include: Ordering and Comparing Numbers to 10 Million, Ordering and Comparing Numbers to 3 Decimal Places, Rounding Whole Numbers and Decimals.

Download the free SATs Revision Packs on Place Value

Year 6 Maths Worksheets on addition and subtraction: Gap Plugging Pack

These lessons are what we use during our online maths interventions. The year 6 addition and subtraction worksheets include lots of addition and subtraction questions for children to follow along with. As they are intended to be used by a tutor teaching and supporting a child through their Year 6 addition and subtraction understanding, parents may need to be prepared to step in occasionally. 

Download the free Year 6 Addition & Subtraction worksheets or check out or full collection of addition and subtraction worksheets for even more!

Year 6 Maths Worksheets on multiplication and division: Gap Plugging Pack

More examples of Year 6 maths slides from our online maths tuition, this time on multiplication and division.

year 6 maths worksheets multiplication and division

Download the free Year 6 Multiplication & Division worksheets

Year 6 SATs Revision Worksheets: Times Tables Tests

It’s essential that children become proficient and quick at their times tables and schools really need parents support in this. By Year 6 children should know all their multiplication facts up to the 12 times table and beyond (i.e 10 times bigger and smaller than 12 too) and be able to identify common multiples, and common factors.

Here are some quick Year 6 maths tests that they can mark themselves to identify any gaps in their multiplication tables and track their progress.

Download the free Year 6 Times Tables Tests

Year 6 Maths Worksheets on long multiplication

These upper KS2 worksheets provide over 45 long multiplication questions that progress from multiplying 2-digit by 2-digit numbers to 4-digit by 2-digit word problems of the sort Year 6 pupils are likely to encounter in SATs.

Download the free Year 6 Long Multiplication worksheets

Year 6 Maths Worksheets on division

By Year 6 children should have moved their understanding of division on to the formal long division method and they will be ready tackle these long division worksheets.

The questions start with short division so a child can progress from 1-digit number division to 2-digit and 3-digit division using division facts and multiples. 

Download the free Year 6 Long Division worksheets

Year 6 Maths Worksheet on the four operations: All Kinds of Word Problems

Mastering BODMAS and the order of operations is key in Year 6 as they start working with indices, square numbers and brackets as well as the standard four operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. This set of KS2 maths worksheets gives 40 word problems of increasing levels of difficulty; if a child struggles with the year 6 four operations questions, then suggest they look at the Year 3, 4 or 5 maths problems instead.

Download the free Year 6 Four Operations worksheet

Year 6 Maths Worksheet on the four operations: Code Crackers

While most pupils will be confident when tackling the four operations, it always helps to have a worksheet that provides some maths revision. This entertaining maths activity not only recaps the four operations through number problems but also when the answers are correctly found, they create the punchline to a joke. 

Download Year 6 Maths Worksheet on the four operations: Code Crackers

Year 6 Maths Worksheet on the four operations: Worked Examples

In Year 6, children will recap previous learning in the four operations but they will also learn long division and focus on BODMAS. There will always be children who will have gathered and maintained misconceptions throughout their schooling or recently found themselves making common mistakes. This worked example worksheet is a perfect way to discuss common errors children make. 

Download Year 6 Maths Worksheet on the four operations: Worked Examples

Year 6 Maths Worksheets on adding and subtracting fractions: Gap Plugging Pack

Year 6 adding and subtracting fractions questions from our online maths lessons

Download the free Year 6 Adding and Subtracting Fractions worksheets

Year 6 Maths Worksheets on multiplying and dividing fractions : Gap Plugging Pack

Year 6 multiplying and dividing fractions questions from our online maths lessons .

Download the free Year 6 Multiplying and Dividing Fractions worksheets

Year 6 Maths Worksheet on fractions: All Kinds of Word Problems

This free year 6 fractions worksheet is a collection of word problems that enable 11 year olds to see a variety of different ways that fraction problems can be constructed, including adding and subtracting fractions, working out equivalent fractions and simplifying fractions

Download the free Year 6 Fractions worksheet

year 6 maths worksheets fractions

Year 6 Maths Worksheet on fractions: Code Crackers

When children are in Year 6, there are a lot of different elements to fractions that they need to remember. This worksheet provides a fun recap of everything they will have been taught throughout the Year 6 fractions block while they find the answer to a silly joke. The fractions questions include adding fractions with different denominators, multiplying proper fractions by integers and multiplying two proper fractions. 

Download Year 6 Maths Worksheet on fractions: Code Crackers

Year 6 Maths Worksheet on fractions: Worked Examples

This worksheet involves a set of fractions questions that have been solved but not all have been correctly solved. The pupils will need to ‘become the teacher’ to mark the work presented to them and edit any incorrect answers they find. The focus of this resource is mainly on identifying and explaining errors to develop reasoning skills. 

Download Year 6 Maths Worksheet on fractions: Worked Examples

Year 6 Maths Worksheets on percentages: Code Crackers

Revision for 10 and 11 year olds on a perennially tricky SATs topic – Year 6 percentages – all in a fun format that allows Year 6 children the satisfaction of cracking a topical code at the end.

Download the free Year 6 percentages worksheets

Year 6 Maths Worksheets on percentages: Worked Examples

This worksheet encourages children to convert between percentages, fractions and decimals as well as finding equivalents to a given percentage and using percentages in context (in money). There is an added challenge of the questions being solved, ready for the children to check the answers for errors. 

Download Year 6 Maths Worksheets on percentages: Worked Examples

Year 6 Maths Worksheets on decimals: Code Crackers

Recap Year 6 decimals knowledge in order to crack the code .

Download the free Year 6 decimals worksheets

Year 6 Maths Worksheets on decimals: Worked Examples

This worked example worksheet focuses on common eros made within this topic, for example multiplying a decimal number by 100 and multiplying an integer by a decimal number. 

Download Year 6 Maths Worksheets on decimals: Worked Examples

Third Space Learning's slide for multiplying decimals by 100 for Year 6s

Year 6 Maths Worksheets on algebra: Code Crackers

Recap Year 6 algebra knowledge in order to crack the code.

Download the free Year 6 algebra worksheets

Year 6 Maths Worksheets on algebra: Worked Examples 

Algebra is a new topic for Year 6, although children will have experienced it under different names (for example, missing number problems). This worksheet focuses on the common errors that are made then using function machines, finding possible values and using formula. 

Download Year 6 Maths Worksheets on algebra: Worked Examples 

Year 6 Maths Worksheets on algebra and measures: Independent Recap

These quick worksheets are our newest resource, aimed at being tasks children can work through with minimal support from parents or teachers. This pack contains four worksheets focused on forming and solving two step equations, and converting metric measurements – a double helping of key SATs topics.

Download the Year 6 Algebra and Measures Independent Recap Worksheets Pack

Year 6 Maths Worksheets for improving mental maths, arithmetic and fluency: Fluent in Five

We recommend every primary school child starts their day with Fluent in Five. It’s 5-10 minutes of daily arithmetic questions; in Year 6 children have to answer up to 7 quick mental arithmetic questions a day using either a written or mental method. It’s a fantastic way to develop children’s numeracy and build up their speed in preparation for the KS2 SATs Arithmetic paper.

Download the free Year 6 Arithmetic Worksheets

Year 6 Maths Worksheets for problem solving and reasoning: Rapid Reasoning

Children often struggle with maths reasoning at KS2 , e specially in lower Key Stage 2. This set of more than 120 maths reasoning questions includes modelled answers and step by step guidance to support pupils through solving them. Each Year 6 reasoning worksheet has approximately 4 questions on it.

Download the free Year 6 Reasoning Worksheets

Year 6 SATs Tests and Year 6 Maths Papers

Of course one of the skills the SATs papers test is identifying exactly what the question is asking for, and which maths operation to undertake. The following practice Year 6 maths sats papers or Year 6 SATs tests provide a range of question types and topics, requiring children to switch between multiplication and division to 2D shapes and 3D shapes from one question to the next. They all include answer sheets so children can self mark as required.

Download 6 free KS2 SATs Papers

Download your free Year 6 maths test

Year 6 SATs Revision Worksheets: Worked Examples

This pack contains a series of SATs style arithmetic and reasoning questions that have already been solved, although the answers may not be correct. Each year 6 sats revision worksheet encourages pupils to find and explain errors, not just focus on finding the correct answer. Again the topics are all mixed up, so the first step is in finding what is being tested.

Download free Year 6 Maths Worked Examples

Year 6 SATs Reasoning Questions

Central to the new maths mastery approach to teaching maths at primary school is the idea that all children of all abilities should be able to solve multi step word problems in maths and reason well. This is why two of the three KS2 SATs papers are SATs reasoning papers.

While these aren’t on a SATs revision worksheet, there are plenty of examples here to help 10 and 11 year olds to practise these kind of questions.

35 Free Year 6 Maths Reasoning Questions

If you have pupils who need a boost for SATs next year, talk to one of our schools team about the results you can expect from our one to one SATs revision lessons . We’ve also collected the best SATs revision resources if you’re planning your own SATs intervention, including a breakdown of the topics and order that we believe is most effective in giving pupils a firm grasp of maths and enabling them to achieve 100 in SATs .

Also in this series…

  • Year 2 Maths Curriculum Toolkit for 6 & 7 Year Olds
  • Year 2 Maths Worksheets
  • Year 3 Maths Curriculum Toolkit for 7 & 8 Year Olds
  • Year 3 Maths Worksheets
  • Year 4 Maths  Curriculum Toolkit for 8 & 9 Year Olds
  • Year 4 Maths Worksheets
  • Year 5 Maths Curriculum Toolkit for 9 & 10 Year Olds
  • Year 5 Maths Worksheets


Every week Third Space Learning’s maths specialist tutors support thousands of students across hundreds of schools with weekly primary school tuition designed to plug gaps and boost progress.

Since 2013 these personalised one to one lessons have helped over 150,000 primary and secondary students become more confident, able mathematicians.

Learn about the year 6 programme or request a personalised quote for your school to speak to us about your school’s needs and how we can help.

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Easy to implement daily arithmetic questions to build number fluency and confidence in 5 minutes a day.

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Fraction Worksheets

Conversion :: Addition :: Subtraction :: Multiplication :: Division


Fractions - addition, fractions - subtraction, fractions - multiplication, fractions - division.

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Unit 1: Ratios

Unit 2: arithmetic with rational numbers, unit 3: rates and percentages, unit 4: exponents and order of operations, unit 5: negative numbers, unit 6: variables & expressions, unit 7: equations & inequalities, unit 8: plane figures, unit 9: coordinate plane, unit 10: 3d figures, unit 11: data and statistics.


Reading & Math for K-5

  • Kindergarten
  • Learning numbers
  • Comparing numbers
  • Place Value
  • Roman numerals
  • Subtraction
  • Multiplication
  • Order of operations
  • Drills & practice
  • Measurement
  • Factoring & prime factors
  • Proportions
  • Shape & geometry
  • Data & graphing
  • Word problems
  • Children's stories
  • Leveled Stories
  • Context clues
  • Cause & effect
  • Compare & contrast
  • Fact vs. fiction
  • Fact vs. opinion
  • Main idea & details
  • Story elements
  • Conclusions & inferences
  • Sounds & phonics
  • Words & vocabulary
  • Reading comprehension
  • Early writing
  • Numbers & counting
  • Simple math
  • Social skills
  • Other activities
  • Dolch sight words
  • Fry sight words
  • Multiple meaning words
  • Prefixes & suffixes
  • Vocabulary cards
  • Other parts of speech
  • Punctuation
  • Capitalization
  • Narrative writing
  • Opinion writing
  • Informative writing
  • Cursive alphabet
  • Cursive letters
  • Cursive letter joins
  • Cursive words
  • Cursive sentences
  • Cursive passages
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Fractions Worksheets

Fraction worksheets for grades 1 through 6.

Our fraction worksheets start with the introduction of the concepts of " equal parts ", "parts of a whole" and "fractions of a group or set"; and proceed to operations on fractions and mixed numbers.  

Choose your grade / topic:

Grade 1 fraction worksheets, grade 2 fraction worksheets, grade 3 fraction worksheets.

Fraction worksheets

Fractions to decimals

Fraction addition and subtraction

Fraction multiplication and division

Converting fractions, equivalent fractions, simplifying fractions

Fraction to / from decimals 

Fraction addition and subtraction 

Fraction multiplication and division worksheets

Fraction to / from decimals

Topics include:

  • Identifying "equal parts"
  • Dividing shapes into "equal parts"
  • Parts of a whole
  • Fractions in words
  • Coloring shapes to make fractions
  • Writing fractions
  • Fractions of a group or set
  • Word problems: write the fraction from the story
  • Equal parts
  • Numerators and denominators of a fraction
  • Writing fractions from a numerator and denominator
  • Reading fractions and matching to their words
  • Writing fractions in words
  • Identifying common fractions (matching, coloring, etc)
  • Fractions as part of a set or group (identifying, writing, coloring, etc)
  • Using fractions to describe a set
  • Comparing fractions with pie charts (parts of whole, same denominator)
  • Comparing fractions with pie charts (same numerator, different denominators)
  • Comparing fractions with pictures (parts of sets)
  • Comparing fractions with block diagrams
  • Understanding fractions word problems
  • Writing and comparing fractions word problems
  • Identifying fractions
  • Fractional part of a set
  • Identifying equivalent fractions
  • Equivalent fractions - missing numerators, denominators
  • 3 Equivalent fractions
  • Comparing fractions with pie charts (same denominator)
  • Comparing proper fractions with pie charts
  • Comparing proper or improper fractions with pie charts
  • Compare mixed numbers with pie charts
  • Comparing fractions (like, unlike denominators)
  • Compare improper fractions, mixed numbers
  • Simplifying fractions (proper, improper)
  • Adding like fractions
  • Adding mixed numbers
  • Completing whole numbers
  • Subtracting like fractions
  • Subtracting a fraction from a whole number or mixed number
  • Subtracting mixed numbers
  • Converting fractions to / from mixed numbers
  • Converting mixed numbers and fractions to / from decimals
  • Fractions word problems

Grade 4 fraction worksheets

  • Adding like fractions (denominators 2-12)
  • Adding like fractions (all denominators)
  • Adding fractions and mixed numbers (like denominators)
  • Subtracting like fractions (denominators 2-12)
  • Subtracting fractions from whole numbers, mixed numbers
  • Subtracting mixed numbers from mixed numbers or whole numbers
  • Comparing improper fractions and mixed numbers with pie charts
  • Comparing proper and improper fractions
  • Ordering 3 fractions
  • Identifying equivalent fractions (pie charts)
  • Writing equivalent fractions (pie charts)
  • Equivalent fractions with missing numerators or denominators

Grade 4 fractions to decimals worksheets

  • Convert decimals to fractions (tenths, hundredths)
  • Convert decimals to mixed numbers (tenths, hundredths)
  • Convert fractions to decimals (denominator of 10 or 100)
  • Convert mixed numbers to decimals (denominator of 10 or 100)

Grade 5 addition and subtraction of fractions worksheets

  • Adding like fractions (denominators 2-25)
  • Adding mixed numbers and / or fractions (like denominators)
  • Adding unlike fractions & mixed numbers
  • Subtracting fractions from whole numbers and mixed numbers (same denominators)
  • Subtracting mixed numbers with missing subtrahend or minuend)
  • Subtracting unlike fractions
  • Subtracting mixed numbers (unlike denominators)
  • Word problems on adding and subtracting fractions

Grade 5 fraction multiplication and division worksheets

  • Multiply fractions by whole numbers
  • Multiply fractions by fractions
  • Multiply improper fractions
  • Multiply fractions by mixed numbers
  • Multiply mixed numbers by mixed numbers
  • Missing factor questions
  • Divide whole numbers by fractions (answers are whole numbers)
  • Divide a fraction by a whole number and vice versa
  • Divide mixed numbers by fractions
  • Divide fractions by fractions
  • Mixed numbers divided by mixed numbers
  • Word problems on multiplying and dividing fractions
  • Mixed operations with fractions word problems

Grade 5 converting, simplifying & equivalent fractions

  • Converting improper fractions to / from mixed numbers
  • Simplifying proper fractions
  • Simplifying proper and improper fractions
  • Equivalent fractions (2 fractions)
  • Equivalent fractions (3 fractions)

Grade 5 fraction to / from decimals worksheets

  • Convert decimals to fractions (tenths, hundredths), no simplification
  • Convert decimals to fractions (tenths, hundredths), with simplification
  • Convert decimals to mixed numbers
  • Convert fractions to decimals (denominators of 10 or 100)
  • Convert mixed numbers to decimals (denominators of 10 or 100)
  • Convert mixed numbers to decimals (denominators of 10, 100 or 1000)
  • Convert fractions to decimals (common denominators of 2, 4, 5, ...)
  • Convert mixed numbers to decimals (common denominators of 2, 4, 5, ...)
  • Convert fractions to decimals, some with repeating decimals

Grade 6 addition and subtraction of fractions worksheets

  • Adding unlike fractions
  • Adding  fractions and mixed numbers
  • Adding mixed numbers (unlike denominators)
  • Subtract unlike fractions
  • Subtract mixed numbers (unlike denominators)

Grade 6 fraction multiplication and division worksheets

  • Fractions multiplied by whole numbers
  • Fractions multiplied by fractions
  • Mixed numbers multiplied by fractions
  • Mixed numbers multiplied by mixed numbers
  • Whole numbers divided by fractions
  • Fractions divided by fractions
  • Mixed numbers divided by mixed nuymbers
  • Mixed multiplication or division practice

Grade 6 converting, simplifying and equivalent fractions worksheets

  • Convert improper fractions to / from mixed numbers
  • Simplify proper fractions
  • Simplify proper and improper fractions
  • Equivalent fractions (4 fractions)

Grade 6 fraction to / from decimals worksheets

  • Convert decimals to fractions, with simplification
  • Convert decimals to mixed numbers, with simplification
  • Convert fractions to decimals (denominators are 10 or 100)
  • Convert fractions to decimals (various denominators)
  • Convert mixed numbers to decimals (various denominators)

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fraction homework year 6

Sample Fractions Worksheet

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Equivalent Fractions

Equivalent Fractions

Subject: Mathematics

Age range: 11-14

Resource type: Worksheet/Activity

Dee Garcia

Last updated

11 December 2017

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pdf, 125.62 KB

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