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Ultimate guide on writing an effective evaluation essay – tips, examples, and guidelines.

How to write a evaluation essay

Are you puzzled when it comes to writing an evaluation essay? In this guide, we will provide you with all the essential information you need to master the art of crafting a compelling appraisal composition. Whether you are new to this type of writing or just looking to refine your skills, this comprehensive manual will equip you with the necessary tools and techniques to excel. From understanding the purpose and structure of an evaluation essay to exploring various tips and examples, this guide has got you covered.

An evaluation essay is a piece of writing that aims to assess the value or quality of a particular subject or phenomenon. It involves analyzing a topic, presenting your judgment or opinion on it, and providing evidence or examples to support your claims. This type of essay requires critical thinking, research, and effective communication skills to present a well-balanced evaluation.

Throughout this guide, we will delve into the nitty-gritty of writing an evaluation essay. We will start by discussing the key elements that make up a successful evaluation essay, such as establishing clear criteria, conducting thorough research, and adopting a structured approach. Additionally, we will explore practical tips and strategies to help you gather relevant information, organize your thoughts, and present a persuasive argument. To illustrate these concepts, we will provide you with a range of examples covering various topics and subjects.

Tips for Writing a Top-Notch Evaluation Essay

When it comes to crafting a high-quality evaluation essay, there are several key tips to keep in mind. By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your essay stands out and effectively evaluates the subject matter at hand.

1. Be objective and unbiased: A top-notch evaluation essay should approach the topic with an unbiased and objective perspective. Avoid personal bias or overly emotional language, and instead focus on presenting an honest and well-balanced evaluation of the subject.

2. Provide clear criteria: To effectively evaluate something, it’s important to establish clear criteria or standards by which to assess it. Clearly define the criteria you will be using and explain why these specific factors are essential in evaluating the subject. This will help provide structure to your essay and ensure that your evaluation is thorough and comprehensive.

3. Support your evaluation with evidence: In order to make a convincing argument, it’s crucial to support your evaluation with solid evidence. This can include examples, statistics, expert opinions, or any other relevant information that strengthens your claims. By providing strong evidence, you can enhance the credibility of your evaluation and make it more persuasive.

4. Consider multiple perspectives: A well-rounded evaluation takes into account multiple perspectives on the subject matter. Acknowledge and address counterarguments or differing opinions, and provide thoughtful analysis and reasoning for your stance. This demonstrates critical thinking and a comprehensive evaluation of the topic.

5. Use clear and concise language: Clarity is vital in an evaluation essay. Use clear and concise language to express your thoughts and ideas, avoiding unnecessary jargon or complex vocabulary. Your essay should be accessible to a wide audience and easy to understand, allowing your evaluation to be conveyed effectively.

6. Revise and edit: Don’t neglect the importance of revising and editing your essay. Take the time to review your work and ensure that your evaluation is well-structured, coherent, and error-free. Pay attention to grammar, spelling, and punctuation, as these details can greatly impact the overall quality of your essay.

7. Conclude with a strong summary: For a top-notch evaluation essay, it’s important to conclude with a strong and concise summary of your evaluation. Restate your main points and findings, providing a clear and memorable conclusion that leaves a lasting impression on the reader.

By following these tips, you can enhance your writing skills and create a top-notch evaluation essay that effectively assesses and evaluates the subject matter at hand.

Choose a Relevant and Engaging Topic

When it comes to writing an evaluation essay, one of the most important aspects is selecting a topic that is both relevant and engaging. The topic you choose will determine the focus of your essay and greatly impact the overall quality of your writing. It is crucial to choose a topic that not only interests you but also captivates your audience.

When selecting a topic, consider the subject matter that you are knowledgeable or passionate about. This will enable you to provide a well-informed evaluation and maintain your readers’ interest throughout your essay. Additionally, choose a topic that is relevant in today’s society or has a direct impact on your target audience. This will ensure that your evaluation essay has a practical and meaningful purpose.

Furthermore, it is essential to select a topic that is controversial or debatable. This will allow you to present different perspectives and arguments to support your evaluation. By choosing a topic that sparks discussions and debates, you can engage your readers and encourage them to think critically about the subject matter.

In conclusion, choosing a relevant and engaging topic is crucial for writing an effective evaluation essay. By selecting a topic that interests you, appeals to your readers, and is relevant to society, you can ensure that your essay is engaging and impactful. Remember to choose a topic that is controversial or debatable to provide a comprehensive evaluation and encourage critical thinking among your audience.

Develop a Strong Thesis Statement

Develop a Strong Thesis Statement

Crafting an impactful thesis statement is an essential aspect of writing an evaluation essay. The thesis statement serves as the main argument or claim that you will be supporting throughout your essay. It encapsulates the central idea and sets the tone for the rest of the paper.

When developing your thesis statement, it is crucial to be clear, concise, and specific. It should provide a clear indication of your stance on the subject matter being evaluated while also highlighting the main criteria and evidence that will be discussed in the body paragraphs. A strong thesis statement should be thought-provoking and hook the reader’s attention, compelling them to continue reading.

To build a strong thesis statement, you need to engage in a careful analysis of the topic or subject being evaluated. Consider the various aspects that you will be assessing and select the most significant ones to include in your argument. Your thesis statement should be focused and arguable, allowing for a clear position on the matter.

Additionally, it is crucial to avoid vague or general statements in your thesis. Instead, aim for specificity and clarity. By clearly stating your evaluation criteria, you provide a roadmap for the reader to understand what aspects you will be analyzing and what conclusions you intend to make.

Furthermore, a strong thesis statement should be supported by evidence and examples. You should be able to provide concrete support for your evaluation through relevant facts, statistics, or expert opinions. This strengthens the credibility and persuasiveness of your argument, making your thesis statement more compelling.

In summary, developing a strong thesis statement is a critical step in writing an evaluation essay. It sets the foundation for your argument, guiding your analysis and providing a clear direction for the reader. By being clear, concise, specific, and well-supported, your thesis statement helps you create a persuasive and impactful evaluation essay.

Provide Clear and Concise Criteria for Evaluation

One of the most important aspects of writing an evaluation essay is providing clear and concise criteria for evaluation. In order to effectively evaluate a subject or topic, it is essential to establish specific standards or benchmarks that will be used to assess its performance or quality.

When establishing criteria for evaluation, it is crucial to be thorough yet succinct. Clear criteria enable the reader to understand the basis upon which the evaluation is made, while concise criteria ensure that the evaluation remains focused and impactful.

There are several strategies you can employ to provide clear and concise criteria for evaluation. One approach is to define specific attributes or characteristics that are relevant to the subject being evaluated. For example, if you are evaluating a restaurant, you might establish criteria such as the quality of the food, the level of service, and the ambience of the establishment.

Another strategy is to utilize a scoring system or rating scale to assess the subject. This can help provide a more quantitative evaluation by assigning numerical values to different aspects of the subject. For instance, a movie review might use a rating scale of 1 to 5 to evaluate the acting, plot, and cinematography of the film.

In addition to defining specific attributes or using a scoring system, it is important to provide examples or evidence to support your evaluation. This can help make your criteria more concrete and relatable to the reader. For instance, if you are evaluating a car, you could provide examples of its fuel efficiency, handling performance, and safety features.

Clear Criteria Concise Criteria
Define specific attributes Utilize a scoring system
Provide examples or evidence Ensure focus and impact

By providing clear and concise criteria for evaluation, you can effectively communicate your assessment to the reader and support your conclusions. This will help ensure that your evaluation essay is well-structured, informative, and persuasive.

Support Your Evaluation with Solid Evidence

Support Your Evaluation with Solid Evidence

When writing an evaluation essay, it is crucial to support your evaluations with solid evidence. Without proper evidence, your evaluation may appear weak and unsubstantiated. By providing strong evidence, you can convince your readers of the validity of your evaluation and make a compelling argument.

One effective way to support your evaluation is by using concrete examples. These examples can be specific instances or cases that illustrate the strengths or weaknesses of the subject being evaluated. By presenting real-life examples, you can provide tangible evidence and make your evaluation more persuasive.

Another way to support your evaluation is by referring to expert opinions or research studies. These external sources can add credibility to your evaluation and demonstrate that your assessment is based on sound knowledge and expertise. Citing respected experts or referencing reputable studies can enhance the validity of your evaluation and make it more convincing.

In addition to concrete examples and expert opinions, statistical data can also be a powerful tool for supporting your evaluation. Numbers and statistics can provide objective evidence and strengthen your evaluation by adding a quantitative dimension to your argument. By citing relevant statistics, you can add weight to your evaluations and demonstrate the magnitude of the subject’s strengths or weaknesses.

Furthermore, it is important to consider counterarguments and address them in your evaluation. By acknowledging opposing viewpoints and addressing them effectively, you can strengthen your own evaluation and demonstrate a thorough understanding of the subject. This approach shows that you have considered different perspectives and have arrived at a well-rounded evaluation.

In conclusion, supporting your evaluation with solid evidence is essential to writing a persuasive evaluation essay. By using concrete examples, expert opinions, statistical data, and addressing counterarguments, you can bolster the validity and strength of your evaluation. Remember to present your evidence clearly and logically, making your evaluation more compelling and convincing to your readers.

Use a Structured Format to Organize Your Essay

When writing an evaluation essay, it is important to use a structured format to organize your thoughts and arguments. This will help you present your ideas in a clear and logical manner, making it easier for your reader to follow along and understand your points. By using a structured format, you can ensure that your essay flows smoothly and effectively communicates your evaluation.

One effective way to structure your evaluation essay is to use a table format. This allows you to present your evaluation criteria and supporting evidence in a concise and organized manner. By using a table, you can easily compare and contrast different aspects of the subject being evaluated, making it easier for your reader to grasp the overall evaluation.

Aspect Evaluation Criteria Supporting Evidence
Plot Engaging and well-developed storyline Strong character development and unexpected plot twists
Acting Convincing and compelling performances Emotional depth and believable portrayal of characters
Visuals Stunning cinematography and visually appealing scenes Beautiful set designs and attention to detail

In addition to using a table format, you should also follow a logical structure within each section of your essay. Start with a clear introduction, where you introduce the subject you are evaluating and provide some background information. Then, present your evaluation criteria and explain why these criteria are important for assessing the subject. Next, provide specific examples and evidence to support your evaluation, using the table format as a guide. Finally, end your essay with a strong conclusion that summarizes your evaluation and reinforces your main points.

By using a structured format, you can effectively organize your evaluation essay and present your ideas in a clear and concise manner. This will make your essay more engaging and persuasive, and help your reader understand and appreciate your evaluation.

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7 Steps for How to Write an Evaluation Essay (Example & Template)

In this ultimate guide, I will explain to you exactly how to write an evaluation essay.

1. What is an Evaluation Essay?

An evaluation essay should provide a critical analysis of something.

You’re literally ‘evaluating’ the thing you’re looking up.

Here’s a couple of quick definitions of what we mean by ‘evaluate’:

  • Merriam-Webster defines evaluation as: “to determine the significance, worth, or condition of usually by careful appraisal and study”
  • Collins Dictionary says: “If you evaluate something or someone, you consider them in order to make a judgment about them, for example about how good or bad they are.”

Here’s some synonyms for ‘evaluate’:

So, we could say that an evaluation essay should carefully examine the ‘thing’ and provide an overall judgement of it.

Here’s some common things you may be asked to write an evaluation essay on:

This is by no means an exhaustive list. Really, you can evaluate just about anything!

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2. How to write an Evaluation Essay

There are two secrets to writing a strong evaluation essay. The first is to aim for objective analysis before forming an opinion. The second is to use an evaluation criteria.

Aim to Appear Objective before giving an Evaluation Argument

Your evaluation will eventually need an argument.

The evaluation argument will show your reader what you have decided is the final value of the ‘thing’ you’re evaluating.

But in order to convince your reader that your evaluative argument is sound, you need to do some leg work.

The aim will be to show that you have provided a balanced and fair assessment before coming to your conclusion.

In order to appear balanced you should:

  • Discuss both the pros and cons of the thing
  • Discuss both the strengths and weaknesses of the thing
  • Look at the thing from multiple different perspectives
  • Be both positive and critical. Don’t make it look like you’re biased towards one perspective.

In other words, give every perspective a fair hearing.

You don’t want to sound like a propagandist. You want to be seen as a fair and balanced adjudicator.

Use an Evaluation Criteria

One way to appear balanced is to use an evaluation criteria.

An evaluation criteria helps to show that you have assessed the ‘thing’ based on an objective measure.

Here’s some examples of evaluation criteria:

  • Strength under pressure
  • Longevity (ability to survive for a long time)
  • Ease of use
  • Ability to get the job done
  • Friendliness
  • Punctuality
  • Ability to predict my needs
  • Calmness under pressure
  • Attentiveness

A Bed and Breakfast

  • Breakfast options
  • Taste of food
  • Comfort of bed
  • Local attractions
  • Service from owner
  • Cleanliness

We can use evaluation criteria to frame out ability to conduct the analysis fairly.

This is especially true for if you have to evaluate multiple different ‘things’. For example, if you’re evaluating three novels, you want to be able to show that you applied the same ‘test’ on all three books!

This will show that you gave each ‘thing’ a fair chance and looked at the same elements for each.

3. How to come up with an Evaluation Argument

After you have:

  • Looked at both good and bad elements of the ‘thing’, and
  • Used an evaluation criteria

You’ll then need to develop an evaluative argument. This argument shows your own overall perspective on the ‘thing’.

Remember, you will need to show your final evaluative argument is backed by objective analysis. You need to do it in order!

Analyze first. Evaluate second.

Here’s an example.

Let’s say you’re evaluating the quality of a meal.

You might say:

  • A strength of the meal was its presentation. It was well presented and looked enticing to eat.
  • A weakness of the meal was that it was overcooked. This decreased its flavor.
  • The meal was given a low rating on ‘cost’ because it was more expensive than the other comparative meals on the menu.
  • The meal was given a high rating on ‘creativity’. It was a meal that involved a thoughtful and inventive mix of ingredients.

Now that you’ve looked at some pros and cons and measured the meal based on a few criteria points (like cost and creativity), you’ll be able to come up with a final argument:

  • Overall, the meal was good enough for a middle-tier restaurant but would not be considered a high-class meal. There is a lot of room for improvement if the chef wants to win any local cooking awards.

Evaluative terms that you might want to use for this final evaluation argument might include:

  • All things considered
  • With all key points in mind

4. Evaluation Essay Outline (with Examples)

Okay, so now you know what to do, let’s have a go at creating an outline for your evaluation essay!

Here’s what I recommend:

4.1 How to Write your Introduction

In the introduction, feel free to use my 5-Step INTRO method . It’ll be an introduction just like any other essay introduction .

And yes, feel free to explain what the final evaluation will be.

So, here it is laid out nice and simple.

Write one sentence for each point to make a 5-sentence introduction:

  • Interest: Make a statement about the ‘thing’ you’re evaluating that you think will be of interest to the reader. Make it a catchy, engaging point that draws the reader in!
  • Notify: Notify the reader of any background info on the thing you’re evaluating. This is your chance to show your depth of knowledge. What is a historical fact about the ‘thing’?
  • Translate: Re-state the essay question. For an evaluative essay, you can re-state it something like: “This essay evaluates the book/ product/ article/ etc. by looking at its strengths and weaknesses and compares it against a marking criteria”.
  • Report: Say what your final evaluation will be. For example you can say “While there are some weaknesses in this book, overall this evaluative essay will show that it helps progress knowledge about Dinosaurs.”
  • Outline: Simply give a clear overview of what will be discussed. For example, you can say: “Firstly, the essay will evaluate the product based on an objective criteria. This criteria will include its value for money, fit for purpose and ease of use. Next, the essay will show the main strengths and weaknesses of the product. Lastly, the essay will provide a final evaluative statement about the product’s overall value and worth.”

If you want more depth on how to use the INTRO method, you’ll need to go and check out our blog post on writing quality introductions.

4.2 Example Introduction

This example introduction is for the essay question: Write an Evaluation Essay on Facebook’s Impact on Society.

“Facebook is the third most visited website in the world. It was founded in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg in his college dorm. This essay evaluates the impact of Facebook on society and makes an objective judgement on its value. The essay will argue that Facebook has changed the world both for the better and worse. Firstly, it will give an overview of what Facebook is and its history. Then, it will examine Facebook on the criteria of: impact on social interactions, impact on the media landscape, and impact on politics.”

You’ll notice that each sentence in this introduction follows my 5-Step INTRO formula to create a clear, coherent 5-Step introduction.

4.3 How to Write your Body Paragraphs

The first body paragraph should give an overview of the ‘thing’ being evaluated.

Then, you should evaluate the pros and cons of the ‘thing’ being evaluated based upon the criteria you have developed for evaluating it.

Let’s take a look below.

4.4 First Body Paragraph: Overview of your Subject

This first paragraph should provide objective overview of your subject’s properties and history. You should not be doing any evaluating just yet.

The goal for this first paragraph is to ensure your reader knows what it is you’re evaluating. Secondarily, it should show your marker that you have developed some good knowledge about it.

If you need to use more than one paragraph to give an overview of the subject, that’s fine.

Similarly, if your essay word length needs to be quite long, feel free to spend several paragraphs exploring the subject’s background and objective details to show off your depth of knowledge for the marker.

4.5 First Body Paragraph Example

Sticking with the essay question: Write an Evaluation Essay on Facebook’s Impact on Society , this might be your paragraph:

“Facebook has been one of the most successful websites of all time. It is the website that dominated the ‘Web 2.0’ revolution, which was characterized by user two-way interaction with the web. Facebook allowed users to create their own personal profiles and invite their friends to follow along. Since 2004, Facebook has attracted more than one billion people to create profiles in order to share their opinions and keep in touch with their friends.”

Notice here that I haven’t yet made any evaluations of Facebook’s merits?

This first paragraph (or, if need be, several of them) should be all about showing the reader exactly what your subject is – no more, no less.

4.6 Evaluation Paragraphs: Second, Third, Forth and Fifth Body Paragraphs

Once you’re confident your reader will know what the subject that you’re evaluating is, you’ll need to move on to the actual evaluation.

For this step, you’ll need to dig up that evaluation criteria we talked about in Point 2.

For example, let’s say you’re evaluating a President of the United States.

Your evaluation criteria might be:

  • Impact on world history
  • Ability to pass legislation
  • Popularity with voters
  • Morals and ethics
  • Ability to change lives for the better

Really, you could make up any evaluation criteria you want!

Once you’ve made up the evaluation criteria, you’ve got your evaluation paragraph ideas!

Simply turn each point in your evaluation criteria into a full paragraph.

How do you do this?

Well, start with a topic sentence.

For the criteria point ‘Impact on world history’ you can say something like: “Barack Obama’s impact on world history is mixed.”

This topic sentence will show that you’ll evaluate both pros and cons of Obama’s impact on world history in the paragraph.

Then, follow it up with explanations.

“While Obama campaigned to withdraw troops from Iraq and Afghanistan, he was unable to completely achieve this objective. This is an obvious negative for his impact on the world. However, as the first black man to lead the most powerful nation on earth, he will forever be remembered as a living milestone for civil rights and progress.”

Keep going, turning each evaluation criteria into a full paragraph.

4.7 Evaluation Paragraph Example

Let’s go back to our essay question: Write an Evaluation Essay on Facebook’s Impact on Society .

I’ve decided to use the evaluation criteria below:

  • impact on social interactions;
  • impact on the media landscape;
  • impact on politics

Naturally, I’m going to write one paragraph for each point.

If you’re expected to write a longer piece, you could write two paragraphs on each point (one for pros and one for cons).

Here’s what my first evaluation paragraph might look like:

“Facebook has had a profound impact on social interactions. It has helped people to stay in touch with one another from long distances and after they have left school and college. This is obviously a great positive. However, it can also be seen as having a negative impact. For example, people may be less likely to interact face-to-face because they are ‘hanging out’ online instead. This can have negative impact on genuine one-to-one relationships.”

You might notice that this paragraph has a topic sentence, explanations and examples. It follows my perfect paragraph formula which you’re more than welcome to check out!

4.8 How to write your Conclusion

To conclude, you’ll need to come up with one final evaluative argument.

This evaluation argument provides an overall assessment. You can start with “Overall, Facebook has been…” and continue by saying that (all things considered) he was a good or bad president!

Remember, you can only come up with an overall evaluation after you’ve looked at the subject’s pros and cons based upon your evaluation criteria.

In the example below, I’m going to use my 5 C’s conclusion paragraph method . This will make sure my conclusion covers all the things a good conclusion should cover!

Like the INTRO method, the 5 C’s conclusion method should have one sentence for each point to create a 5 sentence conclusion paragraph.

The 5 C’s conclusion method is:

  • Close the loop: Return to a statement you made in the introduction.
  • Conclude: Show what your final position is.
  • Clarify: Clarify how your final position is relevant to the Essay Question.
  • Concern: Explain who should be concerned by your findings.
  • Consequences: End by noting in one final, engaging sentence why this topic is of such importance. The ‘concern’ and ‘consequences’ sentences can be combined

4.9 Concluding Argument Example Paragraph

Here’s a possible concluding argument for our essay question: Write an Evaluation Essay on Facebook’s Impact on Society .

“The introduction of this essay highlighted that Facebook has had a profound impact on society. This evaluation essay has shown that this impact has been both positive and negative. Thus, it is too soon to say whether Facebook has been an overall positive or negative for society. However, people should pay close attention to this issue because it is possible that Facebook is contributing to the undermining of truth in media and positive interpersonal relationships.”

Note here that I’ve followed the 5 C’s conclusion method for my concluding evaluative argument paragraph.

5. Evaluation Essay Example Template

Below is a template you can use for your evaluation essay , based upon the advice I gave in Section 4:


Use the to write an introduction. This introduction should clearly state what you are evaluating, the criteria that you will be using to evaluate it, and what will be.

Body Paragraph 1: Outline of the Subject

Before evaluating the subject or ‘thing’, make sure you use a paragraph or two to clearly explain what it is to the reader. This is your chance to show your depth of knowledge about the topic.

Body Paragraphs 2 – 5: Evaluate the Subject

Use the evaluation criteria you have decided upon to evaluate the subject. For each element of the criteria, write one paragraph looking at the pros and cons of the subject. You might want to use my to write your paragraphs.


Use my to write a 5-sentence conclusion. Make sure you show your final evaluative argument in the conclusion so your reader knows your final position on the issue.

6. 23+ Good Evaluation Essay Topics

Okay now that you know how to write an evaluation essay, let’s look at a few examples.

For each example I’m going to give you an evaluation essay title idea, plus a list of criteria you might want to use in your evaluation essay.

6.1 Evaluation of Impact

  • Evaluate the impact of global warming on the great barrier reef. Recommended evaluation criteria: Level of bleaching; Impact on tourism; Economic impact; Impact on lifestyles; Impact on sealife
  • Evaluate the impact of the Global Financial Crisis on poverty. Recommended evaluation criteria: Impact on jobs; Impact on childhood poverty; Impact on mental health rates; Impact on economic growth; Impact on the wealthy; Global impact
  • Evaluate the impact of having children on your lifestyle. Recommended evaluation criteria: Impact on spare time; Impact on finances; Impact on happiness; Impact on sense of wellbeing
  • Evaluate the impact of the internet on the world. Recommended evaluation criteria: Impact on connectedness; Impact on dating; Impact on business integration; Impact on globalization; Impact on media
  • Evaluate the impact of public transportation on cities. Recommended evaluation criteria: Impact on cost of living; Impact on congestion; Impact on quality of life; Impact on health; Impact on economy
  • Evaluate the impact of universal healthcare on quality of life. Recommended evaluation criteria: Impact on reducing disease rates; Impact on the poorest in society; Impact on life expectancy; Impact on happiness
  • Evaluate the impact of getting a college degree on a person’s life. Recommended evaluation criteria: Impact on debt levels; Impact on career prospects; Impact on life perspectives; Impact on relationships

6.2 Evaluation of a Scholarly Text or Theory

  • Evaluate a Textbook. Recommended evaluation criteria: clarity of explanations; relevance to a course; value for money; practical advice; depth and detail; breadth of information
  • Evaluate a Lecture Series, Podcast or Guest Lecture. Recommended evaluation criteria: clarity of speaker; engagement of attendees; appropriateness of content; value for monet
  • Evaluate a journal article. Recommended evaluation criteria: length; clarity; quality of methodology; quality of literature review ; relevance of findings for real life
  • Evaluate a Famous Scientists. Recommended evaluation criteria: contribution to scientific knowledge; impact on health and prosperity of humankind; controversies and disagreements with other scientists.
  • Evaluate a Theory. Recommended evaluation criteria: contribution to knowledge; reliability or accuracy; impact on the lives of ordinary people; controversies and contradictions with other theories.

6.3 Evaluation of Art and Literature

  • Evaluate a Novel. Recommended evaluation criteria: plot complexity; moral or social value of the message; character development; relevance to modern life
  • Evaluate a Play. Recommended evaluation criteria: plot complexity; quality of acting; moral or social value of the message; character development; relevance to modern life
  • Evaluate a Film. Recommended evaluation criteria: plot complexity; quality of acting; moral or social value of the message; character development; relevance to modern life
  • Evaluate an Artwork. Recommended evaluation criteria: impact on art theory; moral or social message; complexity or quality of composition

6.4 Evaluation of a Product or Service

  • Evaluate a Hotel or Bed and Breakfast. Recommended evaluation criteria: quality of service; flexibility of check-in and check-out times; cleanliness; location; value for money; wi-fi strength; noise levels at night; quality of meals; value for money
  • Evaluate a Restaurant. Recommended evaluation criteria: quality of service; menu choices; cleanliness; atmosphere; taste; value for money.
  • Evaluate a Car. Recommended evaluation criteria: fuel efficiency; value for money; build quality; likelihood to break down; comfort.
  • Evaluate a House. Recommended evaluation criteria: value for money; build quality; roominess; location; access to public transport; quality of neighbourhood
  • Evaluate a Doctor. Recommended evaluation criteria: Quality of service; knowledge; quality of equipment; reputation; value for money.
  • Evaluate a Course. Recommended evaluation criteria: value for money; practical advice; quality of teaching; quality of resources provided.

7. Concluding Advice

how to write an evaluation essay

Evaluation essays are common in high school, college and university.

The trick for getting good marks in an evaluation essay is to show you have looked at both the pros and cons before making a final evaluation analysis statement.

You don’t want to look biased.

That’s why it’s a good idea to use an objective evaluation criteria, and to be generous in looking at both positives and negatives of your subject.

Read Also: 39 Better Ways to Write ‘In Conclusion’ in an Essay

I recommend you use the evaluation template provided in this post to write your evaluation essay. However, if your teacher has given you a template, of course use theirs instead! You always want to follow your teacher’s advice because they’re the person who will be marking your work.

Good luck with your evaluation essay!


Chris Drew (PhD)

Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]

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2 thoughts on “7 Steps for How to Write an Evaluation Essay (Example & Template)”

' src=

What an amazing article. I am returning to studying after several years and was struggling with how to present an evaluative essay. This article has simplified the process and provided me with the confidence to tackle my subject (theoretical approaches to development and management of teams).

I just wanted to ask whether the evaluation criteria has to be supported by evidence or can it just be a list of criteria that you think of yourself to objectively measure?

Many many thanks for writing this!

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Usually we would want to see evidence, but ask your teacher for what they’re looking for as they may allow you, depending on the situation.

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Unlocking the Art of Evaluation Essays: A Comprehensive Guide

Writing an evaluation essay is an opportunity to express your critical thinking skills and provide an informed judgment on a specific subject or topic. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the concept of evaluation essays , understand what evaluation means within this context, delve into the essential components of an evaluation essay outline, and learn how to write a compelling evaluation essay that meets the necessary requirements.

evaluation essay marketing

What is an Evaluation Essay?

An evaluation essay is a type of academic writing where the writer assesses and analyzes a particular subject, product, service, or idea. The primary objective is to form a well-founded opinion and provide evidence-based reasoning to support the evaluation. In essence, an evaluation essay seeks to answer the question: “Is this good or bad, effective or ineffective, successful or unsuccessful?”

What Does Evaluation Mean in an Essay?

In the context of an essay, evaluation refers to the process of critically analyzing and assessing the chosen subject matter. It requires the writer to present a balanced judgment based on specific criteria, evidence, and supporting details. The evaluation should be objective, fair, and grounded in solid evidence to make the argument convincing to the reader.

Evaluation Essay Outline: How to Structure Your Essay

Creating a well-organized evaluation essay is essential for presenting a coherent and persuasive argument. Here is a typical outline structure:

I. Introduction:

  • Introduce the subject or item being evaluated.
  •  Provide background information and context.
  •  Present a clear thesis statement that includes your judgment and criteria.

II. Criteria for Evaluation:

  •  Identify the specific criteria on which you will base your evaluation.
  • Explain why these criteria are relevant and important in assessing the subject.

III. Evaluation Body Paragraphs:

  • Devote each body paragraph to one criterion.
  • Provide evidence and examples to support your judgment for each criterion.
  • Use facts, data, and expert opinions to strengthen your argument.

IV. Counterarguments (Optional):

  •  Address potential counterarguments to your evaluation.
  •  Refute or acknowledge opposing viewpoints with persuasive reasoning.

V. Conclusion:

  • Summarize your evaluation and restate your overall judgment.
  • Emphasize the significance of your evaluation and its implications.

How to Write a Good Evaluation Essay: Requirements

Writing a compelling evaluation essay requires adherence to specific requirements to ensure a well-structured and well-reasoned piece. Consider the following key requirements:

  • Choose a Relevant Topic: Select a subject that is timely, relevant, and interests both you and your readers. Make sure there is enough material available for evaluation.
  • Be Objective and Fair: Present a balanced evaluation by considering both the strengths and weaknesses of the subject. Avoid personal biases and base your judgment on credible evidence.
  • Use Concrete Evidence: Support your evaluation with concrete evidence, such as statistics, expert opinions, examples, and real-life situations. Reliable evidence adds credibility to your essay.
  • Follow a Logical Structure: Organize your essay using a clear and logical structure. Use a well-defined introduction, body paragraphs, and a strong conclusion to ensure coherence.

How Do You Write an Evaluation Essay?

Writing an evaluation essay can be simplified into the following steps:

  • Choose a Subject: Select a subject that you can assess objectively and for which you can establish clear criteria for evaluation.
  • Develop Criteria: Identify the specific standards or criteria on which you will base your evaluation. These criteria will form the backbone of your essay.
  •  Gather Evidence:Conduct thorough research to gather evidence that supports your evaluation. Use reliable sources to back up your claims.
  • Create an Outline: Organize your essay using the evaluation essay outline mentioned earlier. This will help maintain a coherent structure throughout your writing.
  • Write the Introduction: Introduce the subject, provide context, and present your thesis statement with the criteria you will use for evaluation.
  • Body Paragraphs: Devote each body paragraph to one criterion. Present evidence and examples to support your judgment for each criterion.
  • Address Counterarguments (Optional): If applicable, address potential counterarguments and provide strong rebuttals to strengthen your evaluation.
  • Write the Conclusion: Summarize your evaluation, restate your judgment, and emphasize the significance of your assessment.

Common Mistakes in an Evaluation Argument Essay

Avoid these common pitfalls when writing an evaluation essay:

  • Biased Evaluation. Providing a one-sided evaluation based on personal preferences or opinions without sufficient evidence.
  • Lack of Evidence. Failing to support your evaluation with concrete evidence and examples.
  • Weak Structure. Lacking a clear and logical structure, leading to a confusing and disorganized essay.
  • Overgeneralization. Making sweeping judgments without considering specific details or criteria.

Evaluation Essay Example

To better understand the elements of an evaluation essay, consider this example:

Topic: Movie Review – “The Great Gatsby”

  • Introduction. “The Great Gatsby,” directed by Baz Luhrmann, is a film adaptation of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s iconic novel. This evaluation essay aims to assess the movie’s fidelity to the source material, the effectiveness of its cinematography, and the portrayal of characters.
  • Criteria 1: Fidelity to Source Material. The movie largely stays true to the essence of Fitzgerald’s novel, maintaining the main plot and character arcs. However, certain key details are altered or omitted, detracting from the depth of the narrative.
  • Criteria 2: Cinematography and Visuals. Luhrmann’s extravagant and visually captivating style is evident throughout the film, creating a mesmerizing and immersive experience. The opulent sets and elaborate costumes add to the movie’s allure, but at times, the visual spectacle overshadows the storytelling.
  • Criteria 3: Character Portrayals. Leonardo DiCaprio delivers a standout performance as Jay Gatsby, capturing the character’s enigmatic charm. However, some supporting roles lack the depth and development needed to enhance the overall story.
  • Conclusion. “The Great Gatsby” is a visually stunning adaptation that captures the essence of the classic novel. While its extravagance may overshadow the storytelling, DiCaprio’s compelling portrayal of Gatsby remains a highlight.

Evaluation Essay Topics

Here are some thought-provoking evaluation essay topics to spark your creativity:

  • Evaluate the impact of social media on modern relationships.
  • Assess the effectiveness of online learning versus traditional classroom education.
  • Evaluate the environmental policies of a specific country or government.
  • Assess the influence of technology on the entertainment industry.
  • Evaluate the health benefits of a vegan diet compared to a traditional omnivorous diet.
  • Assess the impact of a specific book on contemporary literature.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of a recent blockbuster movie.
  • Assess the efficiency of a popular productivity app.
  • Evaluate the impact of a particular video game on youth behavior.
  • Assess the success of a recent marketing campaign by a famous brand.

 FAQ about Evaluation Essay Writing

  • Q1: Can I use first-person pronouns in an evaluation essay? A: Yes, the use of first-person pronouns is acceptable in an evaluation essay, as it allows the writer to share personal insights and experiences related to the evaluation process.
  • Q2: How do I ensure objectivity in my evaluation essay? A: To maintain objectivity, rely on credible evidence and avoid personal biases. Use a balanced approach when presenting strengths and weaknesses, and support your claims with factual information.
  • Q3: How long should an evaluation essay be? A: The length of an evaluation essay can vary depending on the assignment or guidelines. However, a typical evaluation essay is usually around 500 to 1,000 words.

Sources Used in Guide Preparation Process

The information presented in this comprehensive guide is thoroughly researched and collected from reputable sources, including academic journals, writing manuals, and educational websites. All sources have been meticulously evaluated for credibility and relevance to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information provided.

In conclusion, mastering the art of writing an evaluation essay opens the door to developing critical thinking skills and effectively presenting well-informed judgments. By following the outlined steps and adhering to the essential requirements, aspiring writers can craft compelling and persuasive evaluation essays that resonate with their readers. So, go forth and embrace the power of evaluation essays to convey your insights and opinions with clarity and conviction. Happy writing!

Note: Please ensure that you cite the appropriate sources as per your academic requirements when using information from this guide. The sources mentioned here are used as examples and may not be suitable for direct citation.

Evaluation of Marketing Strategy

Identification and assessment, market research activity in shaping marketing strategy, effectiveness of the marketing functions, structure, culture, and management, conclusions.

In this paper, I am going to check out all those features that are related to the adaptation of strategic management about have a hold over the market. The process is to have proficiency systematically in the competitive marketplace. The target of this paper is to discover the consistent approach in the field of offering the product or service to get outsells the critical competition. The process needs a proper and very much well-defined methodology to implement. The roles played by the resources and the expertise to implement these strategies are considered as an integral part of the whole system.

To evaluate the marketing strategy of a product or a service certain aspects need to be well determined. These aspects are all related to the predominant ‘generic’ strategies. The added strategies are all related to advertising, distribution, pricing, promotion, and market segmentation. All kinds of matter related to market share, demographic changes, profit margins, market penetration, capital investment, budgets, financial analysis, government actions, emerging technologies and all sorts of cultural trends are need to be well scrutinized. According to Kotler P. and Armstrong G (2006), all these aspects are an integral part of any evaluation related to the marketing strategy. Two specific components need proper speculations. These are the process to enterprise in addressing the competitive marketplace and to implement and support that gets organized in day-to-day operations.

There is the need to make research on whether the market is very attractive or just has a random demand. As the enterprise is considered as one of the best in the market there has to be liquidity in the process of investment of the best resources in support of the product or the service. However, if the market has got enough attractiveness but the enterprise is unable to meet the criteria then, it is very important to concentrate on the process of strengthening the enterprise.

Offerings of the products and the services must be considered as a step forwards towards the objective. There are possibilities that the market is not very specifically attractive, but the business enterprise is a strong contender in the market. In such phases, there is the need for an effective marketing and sales effort that can offer and generate term profits. In a situation where the market is not attractive and the enterprise is also unable to perform. Then the strategy should concentrate on promoting the offerings. This is also suggested that for a more profitable part. Or else, one needs to be determined enough to have the most cost-effective way and thereby divest the enterprise.

To have an access to the effectiveness of the marketing functions, it is here that the need to monitor the customer’s business and all the related measures needed for the costs of trying out the perspective offered. The materialization is dependent on the proceedings and the responses made by the customers. It is dependable over the act of realization of the customer about the return that has been invested. It is very dynamic to get hold of the disruptive factors that can act as the introductory matter to the offering during customer’s operations and the costs that are to be determined. Comprehensive speculation of the complexities of the offering needs to be measured well.

This measurement gets done measured by the existence of requirement for support devices, the difficulty of installation, standard interfaces, number of options, training and technical support, and the requirement for the specified complementary product interface

In case of analyzing the structure, culture, and management of a product or a service, it is very appropriate to get thoroughly familiar with the factors that are going to determine the condition and position of the offering in the market. This is a research of a very wider range. The idea is to compete with all the contenders of the same kinds of products and services. The factors that need to be considered include the investigation over the proprietary to the enterprise.

It is important to check out whether some or all of the technology for the offering is having it. It is thus very important to get the structure so that the benefits can be well synchronized as per the prospect that gets derived from the use of the offering. An analytical inspection over the extent to which the offering can be differentiated from other contenders has to be very specific.

There is also a specific demarcation to be made for the purpose to reveal common introduction problems. These need to be well avoided. Some of these specific points are related to a lack of adherence to industry standards and the unavailability of materials. Some added grievances can be poor quality control, regulatory problems, and above all the inability to explain the benefits. The potentiality of the product or the service must be kept carefully and safe from the enterprise’s commitment to product development.

It is equally important to have the absolute product’s proximity to all kinds of physical limitations. There is the structural negotiation to be done for the ongoing potential for the product or the service improvements. This is a kind of ability of the enterprise to react to technological change and for the likelihood of substitute solutions to the prospect’s needs.

Keeping all these scrutinizations under considering the matter gets all concerned about having a better scenario in the market for the offering. It is thus possible when all kinds of important research and methodological surveys are done. The system of structuring the formation is very necessary and this is the reason that there has to be proper research done before making any application over the enterprise. The market depends totally on the strategical planning of having a better condition for the supply of the product or service and it can be met only if there is a kind of proper negotiation that remains in the format of every deal that is to be done.

Kotler P. and Armstrong G (2006) Principles of Marketing, 11th edition, Pearson Prentice Hall.

Wood, J., Wallace, J. and Zeffane, R.M. (2004) organizational Behaviour: A Global Perspective (3rd Ed) Brisbane: John Wiley and Sons.

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Secrets of Writing an Excellent Evaluation Essay

05 July, 2020

14 minutes read

Author:  Elizabeth Brown

Many people prefer to check reviews on the movie or book before watching or reading it. The summary information and honest point of view on the subject matter are usually included in an evaluation essay. You just need to analyze both sides of the chosen criterion through thorough research, analysis of your thesis, and examination of your own values. To write a good evaluation essay, you should forget about your feelings and create an objective overview of the topic. That way, you will reveal the truth about the real worth of the particular subject matter.

Evaluation Essay

So, what is an evaluation essay? The answer to this question you will find out in this post.

What Is an Evaluation Essay?

An evaluation paper is a kind of essay in which you express your argumentative point of view on various topics. As a form of literary thinking, it is based on much more than just a quick judgment about a person, place, or object. The common standards of evaluation writing, such as clearance, objectivity, and coherence, are to be followed throughout the text. These standards help identify how well a subject meets up or falls short of the ideal. No wonder this kind of essay is widely used for scientific purposes when the comparison of two inventions or technologies is required. In an evaluation essay, all the arguments are delivered objectively, while your personal opinion is stated at the very end as a summary.

On the Internet, you can find lots of reviews with one sentence only: “This essay is fine.” Does it look informative to you? Can you rely on this kind of feedback? Let’s be honest, such a review can hardly provide you with a clear understanding of whether the subject is worth your attention or not. The main feature of an evaluation essay is that it contains details and evidence to support your point of view. Instead of discussing every observation, you just need to underpin your point of view with examples that will make your paper look convincing.

CJE guidelines

How to start an evaluation essay? What needs to be preconsidered? Every evaluation essay consists of three structural elements – criteria, judgement, and evidence. Let’s get deeper into details.

The criteria that you choose should evaluate a person or subject through the prism of their ideal version. What can their best features be? For instance, you would expect an interesting plot and professional acting from a movie. Once you have specific benchmarks in mind, they can be used to evaluate these points.

The judgement aspect is used to estimate whether or not the benchmarks have been met. For instance, you can start a movie evaluation from judging whether it aligns with the specific benchmark. Does it offer the quality acting you expect? Does it have gaps in the plot? These are only some of the possible options to consider.

Remember that you must develop clues to advocate your judgements. For instance, if you make the judgement that the movie quality does not meet your expectations, you should be ready to provide evidence. Without eligible evidence, your evaluation essay won’t look convincing.

When structuring your evaluation essay, it is crucial to address a different criterion in each paragraph. In that paragraph, you should reflect on each criterion, make the relevant judgements and provide supporting proofs.

How to Write an Evaluation Essay?

With this step-by-step guide, you will learn how to write an evaluation essay. Here are the major steps to be taken:

  • Choose your topic. Whatever kind of essay you are writing, you will have to take this step. Your topic can be offered by your instructor, as the case may be. But if you have to choose it yourself, you should consider a subject that you are familiar with. Thus, it will be easier for you to take an in-depth look at the subject and make a judgement on its value.
  • Create a thesis statement. This is an important element of your essay as it contains the general purpose of the evaluation. In the thesis, you need to reflect on the criteria being used to judge the subject matter and state its value. Your statement should look apparent and to the point. In the process of writing, you may revise it as your essay gets shaped.
  • Identify the criteria to be used for accessing the subject matter. Determine the benchmarks in your essay in order to make it interesting and engaging. The criteria you choose will depend on the subject of your evaluation. For instance, a movie will be judged using different points of reference than a book.
  • Find supporting evidence . Don’t forget that an essay is not just about your opinion. You will need to find some supporting information from trustworthy sources while making each judgement. Don’t think that stating the movie or book title is enough. Use some questions to find out answers that can help you collect more information. How can you evaluate the subject? What kind of readers are you focused on? Will you focus on good or bad sides of the subject?
  • Write a draft of your essay . All you need to do is to continue writing. As soon as you have something written on paper, you will rewrite or restructure it unless you are totally happy with the result.

Review, revise and rewrite. When a draft is completed, you will read over your work and make some changes if needed. You should be ready to rewrite your paper several times to get it just right.

Evaluation Essay Example

Here, you will find a well-written evaluation essay example that you can use for yourself:


Evaluation Essay VS Review

An evaluation essay is widely associated with a review paper. This is a common mistake many students make. Although the two types of paper have some similarities, there are more differences that set them apart. You can take a look at those differences in the table below.


The topic is examined thoroughly.

Evaluation of a product or service is provided.

Depth of analysis

You get engaged in in-depth analysis.

You do not need to conduct profound scientific research.


Adequate supporting evidence aims to increase the quality of the evaluation essay. You should provide only credible and scholarly evidence.

You don’t need academic evidence throughout the appraisal  process.


You provide an unbiased view on the subject.

You provide unbiased information by relying on personal consideration that analyzes the subject.


You use predefined criteria that evaluate the subject matter.

You express opinions that do not follow particular criteria.


You cover a broader scope by evaluating a particular topic and searching for adequate data that can critique the particular subject.

You cover a narrower scope by providing views focused on the particular subject.

Thesis statement

You provide a central claim as the essay’s thesis .

You do not need a thesis statement.


You follow the standard essay structure splitting the paper into sections.

You do not have to follow any specific structure in review writing.


You include  the works cited page.

You do not have to include the works cited page.

Tips on Writing an Evaluation Essay from Our Experts

Following the quick tips below, you will find it easier to write an effective evaluation argument essay:

  • Provide the right amount of details: Make sure you explain your thoughts clearly and provide sufficient information to convince the reader in the correctness of your judgment.
  • Thesis sentence should reveal your actual opinion. If you want to build up the basis for your body, you can include the main reasons for your evaluation in the thesis sentence.
  • Know your target audience. By knowing your reader, you can adjust the plot to their specific needs. Whether you write for college students or professors, you will have to apply a bit different approach in the language choice.
  • Make some notes. By using a three-column note-taking method, you can organize your thoughts. The columns of criteria, evidence, and judgment will contain the relevant information which will not let you forget or mix facts.
  • Be opinionated . By sounding passionate in your evaluation essay, you will increase your chances of catching readers’ attention. The use of vivid nouns and engaging verbs will strengthen the effect produced by your paper. You should have a strong judgment of how the particular subject is either better or worse than other subjects of the same type.
  • Back up every judgement you make. Every time you make a judgment, you should be ready to use specific, interesting, and convincing reasons to make it up. For evidence, you can describe the subject, use funny stories, or compare and contrast some notions with a similar subject.
  • Provide counter-arguments. When you disagree with what most people think about the particular subject, it makes sense to provide some counter-arguments. This will make the narration more engaging for readers.

List of 50 Evaluation Topics

Since there are many people and objects you are able to assess, an evaluation essay can be written on a wide range of topics. To evaluate something, you will need to compare it with an example within a subject you have chosen. Some possible evaluation essay topics can be found below:

  • Analyze the dissimilarity between seeing a sporting event live and watching it on ITV.
  • Create a comparative assessment of watching a sporting event in a cafe and watching it without leaving the comfort of your home.
  • Evaluate the experience of watching a sporting event on your own and with other people.
  • Evaluate how a recent drama movie portrays the tragedies of real life.
  • Evaluate a classic criminal movie and what it states about the real crime rates in the modern society.
  • Evaluate your favorite Chinese restaurant.
  • Compare two popular Chinese restaurants in your city.
  • Appraise football or basketball from the perspective of a contestant or that of a watcher.
  • Analyze the way in which football or basketball has advanced over the last decade.
  • Discuss the influence of ESPN on sporting events.
  • Evaluate the coverage of the latest Eurovision Song Contest.
  • Evaluate a fancy restaurant for how it makes the customer feel after having the meal
  • Analyze the way in which a popular horror movie depicts people’s fears.
  • Assess a classic action movie and talk about its ideas regarding the functions of men and women.
  • Explore the change that occurred in recent war movies if compared to classic war movies.
  • How do drama books affect readers?
  • Evaluate a book about war and analyze whether it addresses current concerns associated with war and peace.
  • Evaluate the effects of online educational programs on students’ performance.
  • Do historical movies encourage history learning?
  • Evaluate an Italian cafe located in your city. What is the difference between the Italian and local food?
  • What makes a traditional Italian meal great?
  • Can hamburgers be healthy? Mention some details and provide relevant arguments.
  • How mental health issues affect students’ academic performance?
  • Analyze teachers’ responsibilities in terms of elementary students’ needs.
  • Evaluate the power of verbal encouragement as a motivational factor in the educational process.
  • Critically reflect on education services provided to children experiencing difficulties in learning.
  • Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of German secondary education.
  • Evaluate teaching methods used at the American universities.
  • Ways in which online libraries affect the students’ academic performance.
  • How well the film “BraveHeart” portrays historical events?
  • Analyze a movie produced in a foreign country and discuss how it reveals its national characteristics.
  • Assess Kate Winslet’s play in “Titanic” and discuss which means this actor applies to adapt to this role.
  • Make a comparison between modern and classic drama movies.
  • Assess the distinct approaches used to transfer data from a smartphone to a PC.
  • Make comparisons between various phone plans and determine which provider has the best deals for travelers.
  • Assess current information security methods. Which one is the most efficient?
  • Assess the key characteristics of WhatsApp.
  • Compare the use of several cloud systems that can be implemented by the movie hub website.
  • Estimate the chances of Facebook as a marketing resource.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of online advertising.
  • Assess the existing approaches to using the Internet in colleges.
  • Analyze the consequences of cultural shock.
  • Assess the negative sides of overwhelming cultural diversity in the United States.
  • Discuss the development path of rap and hip-hop music.
  • What is the impact of Buddhism on Indian culture?
  • Compare two popular social media platforms in terms of their  users, features, and benefits.
  • Evaluate the latest version of your favorite smartphone and estimate the positive or negative changes that will affect the industry.
  • Compare an educational approach in the military, Christian, or classical school.
  • Evaluate the SAT versus the ACT tests.
  • Compare the foreign policies established by a few states in the US.
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Evaluation Essay Guide

Evaluation Essay

Last updated on: Feb 9, 2023

An Extensive Guide on Evaluation Essay With Examples

By: Cordon J.

Reviewed By: Jacklyn H.

Published on: Mar 15, 2022

Evaluation Essay

An evaluation essay is one of the trickiest essays. It involves evaluation, analysis, and examples from various aspects of the given topic. Usually, this type of essay is commonly used in literature and arts.

Most of the students are seen seeking help if assigned an evaluation essay. This is because it can be written in various styles. An evaluation essay is used to represent your own thoughts on a given topic.

Let’s go through the blog to know more about the evaluation essay.

Evaluation Essay

On this Page

What is an Evaluation Essay?

An evaluation essay is a kind of essay in which you offer a worthy judgment about the given topic. Here, the writer represents facts and then provides his point of view. It additionally decides the condition, worth, or importance through critical analysis of the writer.

This essay provides the writer’s viewpoint about the paper's topic, which makes an honest argument that is convincing for its readers. This type of essay is also known as controversial. They are assigned by the instructor to check your critical skills and unbiased opinions.

Elements of Evaluation Essay

There are three basic elements of an evaluation essay that must be considered before writing an essay. They are discussed below in detail.

1- Criteria

It is the ideal or the standard that needs to be defined. For example, while talking about a restaurant, we evaluate it by its ambiance, quick service, and other factors. These are the criteria for choosing a restaurant.

It may also vary according to the product we are talking about.

2- Judgment

After setting up the criteria, you talk about judgment. It is to evaluate whether the product has met the benchmark or not. For example, in the case of a restaurant, you will check:

  • Is the ambiance according to your taste?
  • Will you visit this place again or not?
  • Was the food according to your standard?

3- Evidence

When you have set up the criteria and judges about the topic under consideration. It’s time to prove your judgment with the help of strong arguments, and this is called evidence.

For example, if you say that the restaurant ambiance was not good. Then you have to justify why you do not like the ambiance, what factors cause you to think so, etc.

Purpose of Evaluation Essay

The purpose of the evaluation essay is to evaluate the provided topic and present your own thoughts against it. The writer has to explain their own viewpoint on the topic considering its conditions, worth, and significance.

A few more purposes of the evaluation essay include:

  • It helps to review or evaluate a book, thesis, or any topic.
  • It helps in the critical analysis of any book, journal, essay, or research paper.
  • It provides a critical analysis of the thesis statement .
  • It provides self-evaluation that helps in identifying strengths and loopholes.

Through an evaluation essay, a person learns to provide their own viewpoint on any topic. Along with this, it provides an opportunity to justify your objective with the help of strong arguments.

Evaluation Essay Structure

Correct structure is very important in any essay. It helps the reader to grasp the idea of the writer easily if the flow of the essay is correct. Evaluation essays have different structures. Let us explore all these structures:

  • Chronological Structure

The chronological structure is used to evaluate the effectiveness of any mechanism, process, or procedure. This evaluation can be referred to a historical context or any current event. It’s essential to use this structure while figuring out how something works.

  • Spatial Structure

In spatial structure, you do not evaluate the topic as a whole. Rather you take one stance and evaluate it with your arguments. And then, the results of this finding are used to evaluate further facts.

The spatial structure may not be easy for everyone to grasp, but it’s interesting. You start with one aspect that draws you to the next aspects on the topic.

  • Compare and Contrast Structure

This structure is used to demonstrate the similarities and differences of a topic. It is used to clarify two subjects by providing a contrast between them. The writer uses praise or critique in this structure so that readers understand how two subjects are different from each other.

  • Point by Point Structure

This structure is used when every detail is given to the reader about the topic. The writer demonstrates each quality of the subject point by point to the reader. Examples of this structure include evaluating pieces of music.

Its evaluation may include the beat used in music, instruments used, and all the other factors.

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How to Write an Evaluation Essay?

Following are the steps to draft an incredible evaluation essay:

1. Choose the Topic

Choosing an essay topic is essential. You must spend more time searching for an interesting topic. For an evaluation essay, make sure the topic must be informative as you have to evaluate some solid subject.

2. Evaluation Essay Outline

After choosing the topic, the next is to create an essay outline . Many students who miss this step and start writing directly in this way may miss many crucial points. It is advised to create an outline before writing; it will ease your writing process.

Writing an essay after creating an outline is less time taking. The outline includes all the important points of an essay. So the writer has no chance of missing out on any point.

Also, editing and proofreading become easier when you have a rough draft. You can counter-check if you have added all the information in an essay.

Let’s move to write an essay without further delay.

3. Evaluation Essay Introduction

An introductory paragraph is the first thing that a reader sees in your essay. Therefore, it should be the most interesting one. You can use different types of hooks here to grab your reader’s attention.

Some essential elements that must be included in an evaluation essay introduction example are as follows:

  • Use hook statement to grab readers attention
  • Provide brief background information about the topic. It helps the reader to understand the context better
  • Provide a strong thesis statement in the ending lines of your introduction

This information is necessary to inform your reader about the background or history of your evaluation essay title.

4. Craft the Body Section

The main section of an essay is the body section. Here it usually includes the three paragraphs that form the foundation of your essay. These three different paragraphs mean three different evaluation essay ideas on a given topic sentence of each paragraph.

In the first paragraph, you need to provide your opinion about the topic. State all the views you have about the topic and then provide strong evidence to support your viewpoint.

The second paragraph includes the comparing and contrasting of essay ideas. Here the writer has to explain the weaknesses and strengths of the subject. After this, all comparisons provide your stance on what you think about the subject.

The third paragraph also includes the arguments, evaluation criteria, and claims to support the subject.

5. Evaluation Essay Conclusion

The concluding paragraph must be strong enough so that your reader moves forward with a strong point of view. Here you have to rephrase your thesis statement from the introductory paragraph.

By quoting your thesis statement, you have to provide the most solid argument about the whole topic by summing up all the points discussed in a body paragraph. Give your opinion, and it should be very compelling that readers agree to it.

6. Proofread and Edit

The last step is to proofread and edit your essay. After writing it; takes some time and then proofread it. You have to figure out all the grammatical errors and unintentional mistakes that may become a cause to lower your grades.

Evaluation Essay Examples





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Evaluation Essay Topics

Here are some of the great essay topics to get started on your evaluative writing.

  • Evaluate the impacts of weight on the human mind
  • Evaluate your most utilized corrective item
  • Evaluate your last year scholastic execution
  • Evaluate the impacts of reusing plastic
  • Evaluate the contrast among IELTS and TOFEL
  • Evaluate the cons of utilizing cell phones to outrageous
  • Evaluate the pros and cons of teen smoking
  • Evaluate the significance of time in a people life
  • Evaluate a film you have seen last
  • Evaluate your beloved cafe

Evaluation Essay Tips

Following are some tips that you must remember while writing an evaluation essay:

  • Elaborate on every minute detail while evaluating your subject
  • Provide fact-based information
  • Strengthen your argument with a lot of supports taken from credible sources
  • Support your opinion through strong critique and concise evaluation
  • It is very important to know your audience before writing for them

Writing a perfect evaluation paper is not easy, but after reading this guide, we hope it’s been helpful. Follow these steps and craft the best evaluation essay on any of the good ideas given above.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is evaluation in essay writing.

Evaluation is to assess, and you'll require an assessment or decision concerning the degree to which it’s correct. Consequently, giving such a decision or assessment in an essay is evaluation.

How to start an evaluation essay?

Following are the steps to start an evaluation essay:

  • Start with an interesting statement
  • Introduce your subject quickly
  • Provide some background information
  • Provide the basis of your criteria
  • Write your thesis statement

Can you use I in an evaluation essay?

No, we can not use I in an evaluation essay. First-person pronouns can make the essay wordy and give it an informal tone when used inappropriately. Therefore, avoid using I.

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Marketing Plan Evaluation | Importance, Process & Examples

Peter works as a franchise and business consultant, and has a background of diverse business experience before that. He holds an MBA in Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Business from University of the Sciences in Philadelphia as well as a Bachelor of Music from West Chester University.

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Table of Contents

Marketing plan evaluation: overview, marketing plan evaluation importance, how to evaluate the effectiveness of a marketing plan, marketing plan evaluation examples, lesson summary, when should a marketing plan be evaluated.

A marketing plan should be evaluated at the end of a marketing campaign cycle. This allows for direct feedback to create the next campaign.

What are the four aspects of evaluation when discussing a marketing plan?

There are four aspects that can be used to evaluate a marketing plan. They are return on investment, market share, customer satisfaction, and brand value.

A marketing plan evaluation is essential to ensuring that a marketing strategy is working as intended. A marketing plan is a formal strategy for how a company will bring its product to market and to whom they intend to appeal to. In conducting a marketing plan evaluation, various facets of how a company has been impacted are analyzed in order to determine effectiveness. It is a practice that should happen periodically in order to ensure that any parts of the plan that are weaker can be eliminated or revised.

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  • 0:04 Marketing Plan Evaluation
  • 1:17 Return on Investment (ROI)
  • 2:12 Customer Satisfaction
  • 2:47 Brand Value
  • 3:34 Market Share
  • 4:43 Lesson Summary

Since marketing is one of the most important parts of a product's sales strategy , it is essential that companies know how their marketing plan is working. If research shows that certain channels for marketing will reach the target market for a product, but it doesn't seem like sales reflect this, evaluating the plan against different points helps to identify where to make improvements. Ensuring the success of a business requires constant evaluation of various factors affecting how the business generates revenue. Sales and marketing are a primary area where income is generated, so it needs to be evaluated periodically to keep business driving in the right direction.

There are four ways to evaluate the effectiveness of a marketing plan that will be described in the following sections. Each of these looks at a different part of a marketing plan and the internal or external impact that the plan should have for the business.

Return on Investment (ROI) Evaluation

Return on Investment is a measure of profitability based on money spent. This is a great measure for evaluating a marketing plan's effectiveness from an internal perspective because all marketing costs money. Based on the amount of marketing spend, the sales from the marketing campaign are measured against them, and a calculation is made from there.

As an example, a company spends $3,000 on a small campaign across social media channels for a clothing line. The clothing line makes $10,000 in sales within the period of that marketing campaign. To establish ROI, the sales are subtracted from the campaign spend. The difference is profit. The profit is then divided by the marketing spend to get the ROI.

10,000 - 3,000 = 7,000

3,000/7,000 = .42 or 42%

Ideally, a higher ROI is best.

Customer Satisfaction Evaluation

Customer satisfaction evaluations are surveys that can be conducted by various means and help to get a direct opinion and point of view from the intended demographic of the product. These surveys can be conducted online, via email, phone, in person, and in a variety of other ways. Direct feedback is great for marketing as they can get the customer experience of a product first-hand. However, a downside to this method of evaluation can be the accuracy of information. Depending on the method of the survey, the answers may have some bias depending on the questions asked. Therefore, questions for these evaluations must be worded carefully.

An example of this would be a soft drink company releasing a new flavor of their product and looking to see how it is being received in the market. They decide to take to social media to directly ask potential customers their thoughts. Using the polling feature on various platforms, they can effectively get an idea of whether or not the product is liked and sought after.

Brand Value Evaluation

Brand value is the perception that a company has in the market with its potential customers and competitors. The stronger and more recognizable a brand name is in the market, the higher the brand value. There are different ways to gather data for this type of evaluation, including the two previously mentioned evaluations. If the marketing campaign is reflecting a high ROI and customers have high regard for a brand, its value naturally is higher. Probably the most familiar example of brand value at its most contentious is Coca-Cola versus Pepsi. For many, there is a sharp divide in preference between the two brands, but it could be argued that Coca-Cola is the higher-value brand due to its visibility around the world.

Market Share Evaluation

Market share looks at how a company is performing in a product space in comparison to its competitors. A higher market share means that competition has to work harder to promote their own brand, so the marketing plan for the company with the larger share is most likely still quite effective. Market share can be gathered by gathering public financial information from competitors and comparing it against that of the companies to see where percentages fall between everyone. Market share can tell the story of a part of the marketing plan but shouldn't be relied upon solely.

More examples of how marketing plan evaluations could work include:

  • A mobile phone company is competing in a highly saturated space and wants to know how effective their marketing has been in promoting their latest phone. They've spent $80,000 on advertising in various channels, including broadcast TV , targeted social media, and print. At the end of the marketing campaign, they had sales totaling $300,000. Their ROI for the campaign was 36%. They then survey a number of customers who bought their phones to see how they had heard of the product and what they felt about the advertising. This helps them with refining their messaging for the next marketing campaign.
  • A high-end sushi chain is looking to increase its footprint from the state they're in into a larger region. They launch a marketing campaign to advertise their business. In order to see if they are being perceived as intended in the newer markets, they do a brand value evaluation. In order to do this, they take a survey of customers in the newer regions as well as look at their market share among other competitors.

A marketing plan evaluation allows companies to ensure their marketing plan is effective. There are four ways to evaluate a marketing plan, including customer satisfaction, brand value, ROI, and market share. Return on Investment is a good technique for evaluating how the marketing budget worked versus the profits earned. Customer satisfaction and brand value employ surveys to engage customers in feedback. When it comes to brand value, strong, recognizable names have a higher value. Finally, market share is established by using public financial data to compare market share percentages of competitors versus the company doing the evaluation.

Video Transcript

Marketing plan evaluation.

Adam is a marketer for a company that manufactures laundry detergent. Lavender is popular this year, so his boss asks him to create a marketing plan for the company's lavender-scented product line. The product line is set for a spring relaunch, so Adam creates a marketing plan that includes social media marketing, direct mail, product giveaways, print ads, and TV commercials.

When Adam finishes his launch, his boss asks him to examine the results of his spring marketing plan before he creates a new summer marketing plan for the lavender-scented products. What's Adam's next step?

What Adam needs to do is to perform a marketing plan evaluation . An evaluation reveals the overall impact of a marketing plan. A simple way to think of this is to ask yourself the following questions:

  • Did the plan produce a good profit for the company?
  • What did customers think?
  • Did the plan help the company maintain its strength in the market?
  • What was the impact on the company's brand?

These questions simply translate to the marketing evaluation process of ROI, customer satisfaction, market share, and brand value. In this lesson, you will learn the basics of how to answer these questions.

Return on Investment (ROI)

Return on investment (ROI) is used to evaluate whether a marketing budget produced a desirable profit. This is an important tool used to measure the financial performance of a marketing plan.

Now get your calculator out. To find the ROI of a marketing plan, you must subtract the cost of the marketing plan from the sales generated by the marketed products. This will reveal the profit you made on the marketing plan. Divide that number by the cost of the marketing plan, and multiply that answer by 100 to create your ROI percentage.

For example, Adam's company invested $4,000 into his spring marketing plan. The sales that resulted from that plan were $6,000. Subtract $4,000 from $6,000 to reveal a profit of $2,000. Then divide $2,000 into $4,000 and multiply the answer by 100 to reveal an ROI percentage of 50%.

Customer Satisfaction

Customers are the ones purchasing products, so their reactions to marketing campaigns matter. An effective method for understanding customer satisfaction , or how customers feel about a company's marketing strategies, can be determined by using surveys. Surveys consist of questions that gather information about individuals, and they can be conducted by phone, in person, by mail, or online. For example, Adam asked customers if they would buy the lavender-scented product line again, recommend to a friend, what they would improve, and how they felt about certain advertisements.

Brand Value

A company's brand sets it apart from other companies. This includes its name, logo, motto, product design, color scheme, and product quality, and its brand value is the strength of that company's brand against its competition. From an investor's standpoint, a strong brand name adds considerable financial value to a company.

ROI is one way to evaluate brand value, and you can also use consumer surveys. For example, Adam wants to evaluate consumers' brand value of his company against the competition, so on a scale of 1 to 10, he asked people to rate their familiarity with a group of detergent brands that included his company. He also asked consumers to rate the level of importance each brand had in their lives and to give them characteristics.

Market Share

A company's market share represents how much control a company has in the market. Evaluating a company's market share is an effective way of measuring how a company is performing against its competitors. That's why marketers should perform a market share evaluation at the end of every marketing cycle.

A market share evaluation requires different methods to understand the strength of a company. For example, Adam wants to evaluate his laundry detergent company's market share for spring, so he used the following methods.

He looked at his company's financial statements to find a total sales figure of $16,500 and a total figure of $25,000 for the industry. He then divides company sales into industry sales which gives him an answer of 0.66. He then multiplied 0.66 by 100 to reveal a market share percentage of 66% for the company.

To draw a comparison with the competition, Adam uses the public financial statements of similar companies to find their market shares. He reads industry news sources to examine how industry trends impacted market share.

Our marketer, Adam, performed a marketing plan evaluation , which reveals the overall impact of his marketing plan. He used return on investment (ROI) to evaluate whether the marketing budget produced a desirable profit. He also measured customer satisfaction , or how customers feel about a company's marketing strategies, with surveys. He examined his brand value , which is the strength of that company's brand against its competition. Finally, he reviewed market share , or how much control a company has in the market. With this knowledge in hand, Adam can prepare a stronger marketing plan for summer.

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The ultimate guide to writing an evaluation essay, carla johnson.

  • June 14, 2023
  • How to Guides

Evaluation essays are a common type of writing assignment in school. They ask students to evaluate and analyze the quality or value of something like a book, movie, product, or service. In this article, we’ll give you the most complete guide to writing an evaluation essay. We’ll talk about everything from an evaluation essay’s purpose and importance to the steps you need to take to write a good one.

An evaluation essay is a type of writing that tries to give an unbiased opinion about a topic based on a set of criteria. It’s not just a summary of the topic; it’s a critical analysis of what’s good and bad about it . The writer should give a fair assessment of the topic by pointing out both its strengths and weaknesses.

The point of an evaluation essay is to give a critical analysis of a topic so that the reader can form a well-informed opinion about it. For this kind of essay , the writer needs to know a lot about the subject, including its background, history, and effects. It is a good activity for students to do because it helps them learn how to think critically , do research, and write well.

Evaluation essays are also important in academic writing because they help students show that they can think critically and explain their ideas clearly. Because of this, evaluation essays are often given in many different classes, such as literature, film studies, business, and marketing. By learning how to write an evaluation essay, students can do better in school and improve their chances of getting jobs in their chosen fields.

An evaluation essay is a type of academic writing that asks students to give a critical analysis of a certain topic based on a set of criteria. The point of writing an evaluation essay is to give the reader an unbiased look at the topic so that they can form an opinion about it.

Lastly, evaluation essays are an important part of academic writing because they help students improve their critical thinking, research, and writing skills, all of which are important for academic success and moving up in a career. In the sections that follow, we’ll talk more about the steps you need to take to write a good evaluation essay.

What You'll Learn

Choosing a Topic for an Evaluation Essay

Choosing the right topic is crucial when it comes to writing an effective evaluation essay. A well-chosen topic will not only make the writing process easier but will also ensure that the essay is engaging and relevant to the reader. Here are some tips for selecting an evaluation essay topic:

– Choose a topic that you are interested in: It is essential to choose a topic that you are passionate about and have some knowledge of. This will make the writing process more enjoyable and will also result in a more engaging and informative essay .

– Select a topic that is relevant: Choose a subject that is current and relevant to the reader. This will ensure that your essay is informative and interesting to read.

– Narrow down your topic: It is important to select a topic that is specific and narrow. This will enable you to focus on a particular aspect of the subject and provide a more detailed evaluation.

– Consider both sides of the argument: Choose a topic that allows you to evaluate both the strengths and weaknesses of the subject. This will ensure that your essay is balanced and provides a fair evaluation .

– Use credible sources: Ensure that your topic is backed by credible sources, such as academic journals, books, and reputable websites.

Here is a list of 50 evaluation essay topics:

1. The impact of social media on modern relationships

2. The effectiveness of online learning compared to traditional classroom learning

3. The portrayal of mental health in popular media4. The impact of technology on our daily lives

5. The effectiveness of government policies on climate change

6. The quality of customer service in the hospitality industry

7. The effectiveness of performance-enhancing drugs in sports

8. The portrayal of women in the media

9. The impact of smartphones on communication skills

10. The effectiveness of gun control laws in reducing gun violence

11. The quality of healthcare services in rural areas

12. The impact of video games on children’s behavior

13. The effectiveness of alternative medicine in treating chronic illnesses

14. The portrayal of minorities in the media

15. The impact of social media on body image and self-esteem

16. The effectiveness of online dating in finding a partner

17. The quality of fast food restaurants

18. The impact of globalization on cultural diversity

19. The effectiveness of police body cameras in reducing police brutality

20. The portrayal of mental illness in popular media

21. The impact of artificial intelligence on job opportunities

22. The effectiveness of vaccination programs in preventing diseases

23. The quality of public transportation in urban areas

24. The impact of social media on political campaigns

25. The effectiveness of rehabilitation programs for prisoners

26. The portrayal of LGBTQ+ individuals in the media

27. The impact of technology on education

28. The effectiveness of animal testing in developing new drugs

29. The quality of public schools in low-income areas

30. The impact of social media onteenagers’ mental health

31. The effectiveness of renewable energy sources in reducing carbon emissions

32. The portrayal of disability in the media

33. The impact of celebrity culture on society

34. The effectiveness of anti-bullying programs in schools

35. The quality of public parks and recreation areas

36. The impact of social media on political polarization

37. The effectiveness of online therapy in treating mental illness

38. The portrayal of aging in the media

39. The impact of automation on job security

40. The effectiveness of recycling programs in reducing waste

41. The quality of public libraries

42. The impact of social media on privacy

43. The effectiveness of parenting classes in improving child behavior

44. The portrayal of mental health in the workplace

45. The impact of technology on the music industry

46. The effectiveness of drug rehabilitation programs

47. The quality of public restrooms

48. The impact of social media on activism

49. The effectiveness of sex education programs in schools

50. The portrayal of race in the media.

Understanding the Structure of an Evaluation Essay

A basic structure for an evaluation essay is an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. The purpose of the introduction is to give background information about the subject and explain how it will be judged. Based on the criteria set out in the introduction, the body paragraphs should give a detailed analysis of the topic. In the end, the conclusion should summarize the main points of the essay and give a final opinion on the subject.

Here is a breakdown of each section of an evaluation essay:

1. Introduction: The introduction should begin with an attention-grabbing hook that draws the reader in and provides some background information on the subject. This should be followed by a clear thesis statement that outlines the criteria that will be used to evaluate the subject.

2. Body Paragraphs: Each of the body paragraphs should look at a different part of the topic and judge it based on the criteria set out in the introduction. Every paragraph should start with a topic sentence that makes it clear what is being evaluated and how. The evaluation should then be backed up with evidence , such as examples, statistics, and quotes from reliable sources.

3. Conclusion: The conclusion should provide a summary of the main points made in the essay and restate the thesis statement . The writer should then provide a final evaluation of the subject based on the evidence presented in the body paragraphs. This evaluation should be balanced and fair, taking into account both the strengths and weaknesses of the subject.

An evaluation essay outline can be helpful in organizing and structuring the essay. Here is an example of an evaluation essay outline:

I. Introduction

– Hook

– Background information

– Thesis statement

II. Body Paragraphs

– Aspect 1

  – Criteria

  – Evidence

– Aspect 2

– Aspect 3


III. Conclusion

– Summary of main points

– Restate thesis statement

– Final evaluation

Understanding the structure of an evaluation essay and choosing the right topic are both critical to writing an effective evaluation essay. By following the tips provided for selecting a topic and using an evaluation essay outline, you can create a well-organized and engaging essay that provides a fair assessment of the subject.

Writing an Effective Evaluation Essay

Writing an effective evaluation essay requires careful planning and execution. Here are some tips to help you write a powerful evaluation essay:

1. Developing a thesis statement for an evaluation essay: A strong thesis statement should clearly state the criteria that will be used to evaluate the subject. It should also provide a clear indication of the writer’s stance on the subject, whether it is positive, negative, or neutral.

2. Tips for writing a powerful evaluation essay:

– Use specific criteria: Provide clear and specific criteria for evaluating the subject, and use evidence to support your evaluation.

– Use credible sources: Use credible sources to support your evaluation, such as academic journals, books, and reputable websites.

– Be objective: Provide a balanced evaluation of the subject, highlighting both its strengths and weaknesses.

– Use clear and concise language: Use clear and concise language to make your evaluation easy to understand and engaging to read.

– Use transitions: Use transitions to connect your ideas and ensure that the essay flows smoothly.

3. Common mistakes to avoid when writing an evaluation essay:

– Being too subjective: Avoid being too subjective and provide a balanced evaluation of the subject.

– Failing to provide evidence: Use evidence to support your evaluation, and avoid making unsupported claims.

– Focusing too much on summary: Avoid simply summarizing the subject and focus on providing a critical analysis of its merits and demerits.

– Failing to use credible sources: Use credible sources to support your evaluation andavoid relying solely on personal opinions or unsupported claims.

Examples of Evaluation Essays

To help you get a better understanding of how to write an effective evaluation essay, here are 10 inspiring evaluation essay examples from different fields:

1. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccine rollout strategy in the United States

2. Evaluation of the impact of the #MeToo movement on workplace culture

3. Evaluation of the nutritional value of plant-based diets compared to meat-based diets

4. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the Paris Climate Agreement in reducing global carbon emissions

5. Evaluation of the impact of social media influencers on consumer behavior

6. Evaluation of the effectiveness of mindfulness meditation in reducing stress and anxiety

7. Evaluation of the quality of customer service provided by leading airlines

8. Evaluation of the portrayal of mental illness in popular TV shows

9. Evaluation of the effectiveness of online therapy in treating depression and anxiety

10. Evaluation of the impact of video games on children’s cognitive development

Writing an effective evaluation essay involves selecting the right topic, understanding the structure of the essay, and following the tips provided to develop a powerful evaluation essay. By avoiding common mistakes and using credible sources, you can create an engaging and informative evaluation essay that provides a balanced assessment of the subject. The examples provided can also serve as a guide to help you craft a compelling evaluation essay in any field.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. what is an evaluation essay.

An evaluation essay is a type of academic writing that asks students to evaluate and analyze the quality or value of something like a book, movie, product, or service. The writer should give a fair assessment of the topic by pointing out both its strengths and weaknesses.

2. What are the elements of an evaluation essay?

An evaluation essay has three parts: an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. In the introduction, you should give some background information about the topic and explain how it will be judged. Based on the criteria set out in the introduction, the body paragraphs should give a detailed analysis of the topic. In the end, the conclusion should summarize the main points of the essay and give a final opinion on the topic .

3. How do I choose a topic for an evaluation essay?

To pick a topic for an evaluation essay, think about something you are interested in and know a little bit about. It’s also important to choose a topic that is relevant and specific. Think about both sides of the argument and back up your opinion with information from reliable sources.

4. What is the difference between an evaluation essay and a review?

The main difference between an evaluation essay and a review is that an evaluation essay has a different focus and goal. An evaluation essay tries to give a critical analysis of the subject based on a set of criteria, while a review gives a summary of the subject and often includes personal opinions.

In conclusion, writing an effective evaluation essay is an essential skill for students to master, as it helps to develop critical thinking , research, and writing abilities. To write an effective evaluation essay, it is important to choose the right topic, understand the structure of the essay, and follow the tips provided in this guide. It is also important to avoid common mistakes and use credible sources to support your evaluation.

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Evaluation Essay - Definition, Examples, and Writing Tips

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Are you unsure about what it takes to evaluate things from your perspective in an evaluation essay?

If you’re having a hard time understanding how to present a balanced assessment of the subject, worry not!  We are here to help you get through the evaluation essay writing process.

In this blog, you will learn all about evaluation essays. From the definition, writing process, topics, tips, and a lot more, you’ll learn how to write an evaluation essay effortlessly!  

Continue reading to get a better idea.

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  • 1. What is an Evaluation Essay?
  • 2. Evaluation Essay Structure
  • 3. How to Start an Evaluation Essay?
  • 4. How to Write an Evaluation Essay?
  • 5. How to Format Your Evaluation Essay?
  • 6. Evaluation Essay Examples
  • 7. Evaluation Essay Topics For College Students
  • 8. Evaluation Essay vs. Review

What is an Evaluation Essay?

Let’s first understand the evaluation essay meaning, here is the standard definition:

An evaluation essay offers a value judgment or an opinion of something. It presents an overall view of a particular subject’s quality. Moreover, it provides a critical analysis and a complete evaluation of something.

What is the Purpose of an Evaluation Essay?

The main purpose of an evaluation essay is to present an opinion and evaluate a topic critically. This type of writing determines the condition, worth, or significance by careful appraisal and study.  

This essay features the writer’s opinion, but when done correctly, it does not sound opinionated. Instead, it provides the facts and evidence to justify the opinions about the essay’s subject.

To write a good evaluation essay, you need to master critical evaluation and present the evaluation in an unbiased manner. You may also discuss both the pros and cons of the subject.

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Evaluation Essay Structure

The four different ways to format and organize the evaluation essay are as follows.

1. Chronological Structure

It is a sequential organization that could be used for evaluating historical or current events. It tells how something works and assesses the effectiveness of a mechanism, procedure, or process.

2. Spatial Structure

The spatial organization structure is used for evaluating or describing art or architecture. Here, you will define one element of the artifact and spatially move to the next. 

3. Compare and Contrast Structure

The compare and contrast structure is used to evaluate or review the culinary or music genre. Here the writer evaluates a subject by comprising and contrasting it with the known subject.

4. Point-by-Point Structure

The point-by-point structure is also used for culinary and music reviews. But, in this structure, you describe one element and then evaluate it, describe the second element and evaluate it, and so on.

After setting the criteria and collecting evidence for strengthening your judgment, you’ll start your evaluation essay. Let’s see what are the steps involved in starting an evaluation essay.

How to Start an Evaluation Essay?

When you start writing an evaluation essay, grabbing the reader’s attention is essential. For this, hook the reader from the beginning until the end to ensure that your essay’s opening follows an engaging tone. 

Step 1. Choose an Interesting Topic

Deciding the topic and evaluation essay criteria is important. Make sure it's not just compelling and interesting, but also informative so that you can find enough material for a detailed evaluation. 

Step 2. Set the Evaluation Essay Criteria

For an evaluation essay, you have to set the criteria for evaluation first. Criteria are the standards or measures by which someone assesses the quality or value of the subject. 

Some key points to establish the criteria are:

  • Identifying relevant aspects that relate to the subject 
  • Defining the criteria clearly so that it is specific and understandable for readers
  • Your criteria should be directly relevant to the nature of the subject
  • Always consider the audience’s expectations and standards while setting the criteria
  • Your thesis statement should always align with your evaluation criteria

Step 3. Collect Evidence for Your Judgment

The author’s judgment of the subject states whether the subject is good or bad. It is an overall assessment or the opinion supported by the evidence. The judgment corresponds to the benchmarks set by the author in the essay criteria. 

The evidence is a combination of supporting data and facts. Using the evidence, the author demonstrates how well the subject meets the judgment. The evidence serves as the foundation of your evaluation. 

Without providing strong and accurate evidence, you will not be able to convince the readers of your judgment. 

Step 4. Decide the Essay Structure

After that, decide on the structure that you want to follow. It can be a chronological or point-by-point structure

Step 5. Craft the Essay Outline

When you create an essay outline , evaluate what should be added and removed. If you skip this step before writing, you may lose track of what to include in your essay while you write.   

So, writing an outline for your evaluation essay is a critical step that eases your writing journey. 

Here is a sample evaluation essay outline:

Step 6. Declare Your Thesis Statement

For an evaluation essay that keeps the reader hooked from the start, opt for a catchy thesis statement . The thesis should state the main point of the evaluation. 

In the thesis statement, you should always express your stance on the subject clearly. In doing so, the readers will have a clear idea about the purpose and direction of your essay. 

Now, understand how to write an evaluation essay by following the detailed procedure mentioned below.

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How to Write an Evaluation Essay?

Here is a step-by-step guide for you to write an evaluation essay.

Step 1. Write the Introduction

The introduction is the first impression your readers will have of you, so it's crucial to make a good one. It should capture attention and excite readers, drawing them into what you have to say about this topic. 

The following are the elements that you should consider while writing the introduction:

  • Start with an interesting hook statement so that you can get the reader’s attention.
  • Provide background information about the topic for the reader to understand the subject
  • Establish the evaluation essay thesis statement. It sets out the overall purpose of the evaluation, so make sure it is apparent and to the point

Read this evaluation essay introduction example, and you’ll understand exactly what to pen down in yours:

Step 2. Draft the Body Section

The body of the essay consists of three paragraphs. Each paragraph holds different ideas related to one another and flows smoothly from start to finish, just like how a good story should be told.

Here are the important points that must be included in the body paragraphs.

  • Start with the topic sentence that presents your judgment about the topic
  • Present the supporting evidence to back up the topic sentence and your viewpoint.
  • Present a balanced evaluative argument to show impartiality
  • Compare and contrast the subject to another subject to show the strengths and weaknesses
  • Present the evaluation from multiple perspectives, while being both positive and critical
  • Always use transition words between your paragraphs to ensure a smooth and coherent flow for the reader. 

Step 3. Write the Conclusion

It is the final chance to convince your reader to agree with your point of view. You’re supposed to summarize and conclude the essay. In the conclusion , you present your final evaluation of the essay. 

Keep in mind the following aspects while writing a closing paragraph of an evaluation essay. 

  • Summarize the points and evaluative arguments that you made in the body section.
  • Justify your thesis statement.
  • Provide a concrete and secure conclusion to your argument by ultimately leaving the reader convinced by your evaluation.

Step 4. Proofread, Revise, and Edit

The final step is proofreading and editing. Always spend enough time reading your essay carefully. It will help you catch the unintentional mistakes you have made and recover them. If needed, you can also revise your essay 2–3 times.

How to Format Your Evaluation Essay?

For formatting your evaluation essay, follow the standard academic writing guidelines. You can opt for different formatting styles like APA, MLA, or Chicago. 

In general, you should stick to the below formatting guidelines: 

Font and Size:

  • Use a legible font such as Times New Roman or Arial.
  • Choose a standard font size, often 12-point.
  • Set one-inch margins on all sides of the paper.
  • Double-space the entire essay, including the title, headings, and body paragraphs.
  • Create a title for your essay that reflects the subject and purpose of the evaluation.
  • Center the title on the page.
  • Use title case (capitalize the first letter of each major word).
  • Include a header with your last name and page number in the top right corner.
  • Follow the format “Last Name Page Number” (e.g., “Smith 1”).

Citations (if applicable):

  • Include citations for any sources used in your evaluation.
  • Follow the citation style specified by your instructor or the required style guide (APA, MLA, Chicago).

Counterargument (if included):

  • Clearly label and present any counterargument.
  • Provide a well-reasoned response to the counterargument.

References or Works Cited Page (if applicable):

  • Include a separate page for references or a works cited page if your essay includes citations.
  • List all sources in the appropriate citation style.

Well, the time has come to look at some great evaluation essay examples. Getting help from sample essays is always a great way to perfect your evaluation papers.

Evaluation Essay Examples

Evaluation can be written on any topic, i.e., book, movie, music, etc. Below, we have given some evaluation essay examples for students: 

Evaluation Essay Sample PDF

Movie Evaluation Essay Example

Critical evaluation Essay Example PDF

Product Evaluation Essay PDF

Source Evaluation Essay Example PDF

Employee Self-Evaluation Essay Example

How to Start A Self-Evaluation Essay Example PDF

Evaluation Essay Topics For College Students

For writing an amazing evaluation essay, the first thing that you require is an essay topic.  Here are some incredible topic ideas for college students. You can use or mold them according to your preference. 

  • Artificial intelligence's impact on society: A double-edged sword?
  • Evaluate the online teaching and on-campus teaching styles
  • Analyze and evaluate the Real Madrid football team and their performance
  • Is media a threat to cultural cohesion or a source of enrichment?
  • Compare and evaluate recorded music and live performance
  • Evaluate how a university's football team impacts students' personalities
  • Critically evaluate a remake of an original movie you have watched recently
  • Analyze how the roles of females and males changed in recent romantic movies
  • Evaluate your favorite restaurant, its food, aroma, and everything
  • Critically evaluate gender disparities in college majors and career choices.

Evaluation Essay vs. Review

At first glance, an evaluation essay might look like a review. But, there are some notable differences between them. See this table to see how both pieces of writing differ from each other.

Assess and judge based on criteria.

Inform and express personal opinions.

Analysis, assessment, and judgment.

Personal opinions and subjective responses.

Formal and objective.

Informal and subjective.

Specific criteria for assessment.

May include personal preferences.

Concrete evidence and examples.

Personal anecdotes and impressions.

Structured with clear organization.

Can be more flexible.

Persuade based on objective analysis.

Persuade through personal opinions.

Summarize key points and overall judgment.

Summarize opinions and recommendations.

May include academic sources.

Primarily reflects personal experiences.

Varies based on subject complexity.

Varies, from short to longer, based on the platform.

To conclude, 

After reading the step-by-step guide and examples, you must have learned the art of writing a good evaluation essay. We’re confident that you’re now able to provide a balanced and effective evaluation of the topics you choose for your essay.

But writing a perfect essay is not that simple; you require a lot of practice and experience to become a good writer. That is why we are here to help you write any type of academic essay. is a writing service that offers help for all academic writing assignments. We have a team of professional writers who are experts in writing all types of essays and evaluation papers. 

So what are you waiting for? Buy custom essay online and have a sigh of relief! 

Frequently Asked Questions

1. what are the four components of an evaluation essay.

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The four components of an evaluation essay are:

  • Introduction
  • Background information

2. What are the 4 types of evaluation?

The four types of evaluation are:

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Evaluation Essay: Writing Guide, Outline & Free Samples

Evaluation Essay

Table of contents


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Are you wondering how to write an evaluation essay? We are here to inspire and let you know all the essential steps to get started. This blog post will describe what is an evaluative essay, including its purpose and elements. In addition, you will be enlightened on how to actually write evaluations - all the necessary factors and steps will be elaborated on. These steps are: deciding what to appraise, what criteria to apply, and how to develop arguments and outlines. Toward the end, you will be provided with evaluation essay samples that will enable you to put theoretical guidelines into practice. Strictly follow this blog post from our essay writer services to the end.

What Is an Evaluation Essay: Definition

The starting point of being well-versed in this from of writing is understanding its definition and purpose, as it will lay a good foundation for further work. Evaluation essay is a paper that offers evidence that helps to justify writer's opinion on different subjects by providing enough facts to convince readers. Such type of writing requires critical thinking skills when analyzing, synthesizing, and assessing given topics to avoid misleading your audience. The main purpose of this type of paper is to provide objective criticism oт various subjects and make conclusions about them. As a result, the latter helps readers to take a stance about a topic. In addition, there is an exhaustive review of fundamental characteristics, styles, and quality of subjects under discussion. The value of a particular topic is obtained through supportive and factual evidence provided. Finally, this paper helps present well-reasoned and informed judgment on particular standards, hence clearing concerning issues about a given subject.

Things You Can Write an Evaluation About

Preparing evaluative essay is a broad topic, and you need to be well-organized, or else the text will quickly lose meaning and purpose. There are various abstract categories and exact things that you can assess in writing. When you write evaluations, ensure you deeply understand your topic of discussion. Reading through an evaluation example will help you know what to do. Some evaluation essay topics and objects suitable for assessment include:

  • Experience: gaming, traveling, and shopping.
  • Music: its content, the impact, instruments played, and comparison to other works by artists.
  • Furniture: chair, desk, stool, table, etc.
  • Fruits: guava, mangoes, oranges, pineapples.
  • Trees: oak, teak, pine.
  • Sports: volleyball, table tennis, golf.
  • Clothes: casual wear, sportswear, formalwear.
  • Class: methods of teaching , challenges, type of assessments, etc.
  • Social trend: origin, overall influence, and objectives.
  • Courses: journalism, mathematics, business, and history.

Elements of an Evaluation Essay

Understanding all components of evaluation papers - three in total - is important during writing. They include:

  • Criteria In order to determine aspects you will assess about certain brands, services, or products, a proper set of standards is required. Standard helps in demonstrating expectations. During evaluative writing, it is essential to think about some good samples of similar brands, services, or products. Also, contemplate on related significant features. For instance, a house can be well-ventilated, secure, and clean, which are quite helpful benchmarks.
  • Judgment A second element in essay evaluation is judgment. This aspect helps to establish if stated standards were met. Considering the previous example of a house discussed under this criteria, you may first assess if the house is secure or not. Find out if the house meets, exceeds, or falls short of your anticipated security standards, then move on to other criteria.
  • Evidence This component focuses on providing facts supporting the judgment. For instance, in the house example, if you conclude that security level does not meet the expected standards, provide evidence to prove this judgment. When you structure an evaluation essay, ensure each paragraph discusses a different criterion. It helps you to make judgments and provide evidence under each paragraph.

What to Consider Before Writing an Evaluation

There are two factors to put into consideration before writing evaluations. One of them is ensuring that evaluation argument remains objective. Objectivity is achieved by not including personal opinions in disputes. Besides, one remains objective by supporting claims with relevant facts. Also, included references need to fully support your stand. You should know that a discourse must be balanced and fair. Secondly, deciding on evaluative standards is another important factor to consider. You need to have a deeper understanding of subjects before deciding on measures to use during this analysis. Chosen standards must adequately and appropriately represent particular subjects' features, qualities, and values. Besides, when deciding on evaluation essay criteria, ensure that you focus on defending your stated thesis. In addition, have enough evidence and details to support the chosen criterion. Finally, appropriately organize your facts and make sure you have imperative and unbiased information concerning your subjects of discussion.

Evaluation Essay Outline

A clear outline provides a map of organizing ideas when you write evaluation essay. An evaluation essay outline covers at least five structured paragraphs. The first is an introductory paragraph followed by three or more body paragraphs, and finally, an essay conclusion . Below is an evaluation paper outline example under the topic of practicing vaping.


  • An introduction presents subjects, hooks readers, and elaborates on topic of evaluation.
  • The last part of your introduction is a thesis statement, which asserts arguments, determines focus, and helps understand essays’ gist.
  • The body must contain a minimum three paragraphs.
  • Each body paragraph needs to have a criterion followed by judgment.
  • Support judgments with relevant evidence.
  • When concluding, summarize main points.
  • Give some food for thought.

Here’s how your evaluation essay outline look:

Introductory paragraph  

  • Do you know that vaping is a better alternative to smoking? How is it rated?
  • Some notable issues with vaping include its safety, cost, and utility.
  • This essay discusses vaping while focusing on safety issues, incurred costs, and utility to prove how it is preferred compared to traditional smoking.

Body part  

  • Safety: According to the British government, vaping is 95% safer when compared to cigarette smoking. Vaping is less harmful. No second-hand smoke is produced during vaping, hence the best smoking alternative.
  • Cost: Vaping is cheaper when compared to smoking. The price for a vape pen is almost $20. Coils and E-juice are inexpensive, unlike a cigarette carton, and can last twice longer.
  • Utility: From environmental health, vaping has high utility. Many places have banned cigarette smoking; thus, vaping is the best alternative. Indoors and outdoor vaping is allowed, unlike cigarette smoking, which is banned indoors.

Concluding paragraph

  • Vaping offers the best smoking alternative. It is of high quality, and people need to embrace it. Also, it is less costly, practical, and safer.

How to Start an Evaluation Essay

There are various steps that one can follow when writing an evaluation essay. These steps include:

  • Choosing a topic A topic provides credibility for opinions and gives room for a thorough analysis of essential issues. Always start an evaluation essay by choosing an appropriate subject. You must be familiar with and have in-depth knowledge of a chosen theme to avoid misleading and losing readers. Ensure it is well-engaging for both the readers and you.
  • Thesis statement development Coming up with a thesis statement is the second step, actual writing starts here. Thesis statements define main purposes of evaluative essays. Besides, they offer directions for distinguishing criteria from the examples provided. Use only relevant information when writing thesis statements.
  • Criteria determination A third step to consider when preparing evaluation is thinking about criteria. Assess if evaluating a chosen topic is difficult or easy. In case of problematic topics, subdivide them into various points to make it easier.
  • Conduct research and obtain supportive evidence You need to support your opinion with logical and physical facts, or else it will remain invalid. Your readers must make sense of your proof and have opportunities to use those facts to make their assumptions. After this step, you can start composing your essay.

How to Write an Evaluation Essay

Several steps exist that one can follow during evaluative writing. The first step in how to write an evaluation is to decide on a particular subject you wish to assess, followed by coming up with criteria you will use. Besides, develop solid arguments backed up with evidence. Also, create an outline, and start writing. Once you complete your writing, proofread your work. The steps below describe the chronological order of writing your essay.

1. Decide on What You Want to Evaluate

The first step when writing this essay is deciding on a topic you will assess. During writing to evaluate, choose a subject you understand better so that you have enough facts to support or oppose it. The chosen issue needs to be engaging to your readers, otherwise yo may lose your audience. Besides, when selecting a theme, ensure it is interesting in general to avoid boredom. Also, a chosen subject needs to be relevant to keep the readers informed about current trends and new developments. The majority of your audience must be aware of the concept. Always ensure that chosen topics are specific and not generic.

2. Find Criteria for Evaluation Essay

Once you discuss a subject, you must come up with criteria for essay evaluation. At this point, turn your opinions into assessments to help you define a chosen subject. You may use different ways to find criteria on how to do an evaluation paper. For instance, you can focus on a chosen characteristics of a topic to help you develop standards. Besides, you might assess the relevance of that topic and decide whether it is good or bad for your readers. Also, focusing on the impacts of subjects helps find standards when evaluating. Researching positive or negative impacts of the topic helps in mastering what and how to evaluate in an essay. Also, you may find criteria by focusing on the effectiveness of that subject, whether it is successful or not. Apart from that, one may focus on the morals or aesthetic standards of a particular subject to develop measures to discuss.

3. Come Up With an Evaluation Argument

Reader understands your decision by following the argument. Evaluative arguments refer to claims concerning the quality of particular subjects being assessed. This argument will always rate subjects as either negative or positive. With this rating, one can think of subjects as harmful or helpful, bad or good. An argument in evaluation essay defines and supports criteria. A judgment always elaborates and explains reasons for choosing particular standards despite controversy. Evaluation argument essay assesses subjects depending on chosen measures. Considered factors include practicability, aesthetics, and ethics. Make sure to determine which standards will convince your audience. Effective development of arguments starts by creating an evaluative thesis statement: take position, develop criteria, and find out if topic meets standards. For instance, when evaluating meal’s quality, you may say:

Meal’s strength depended on its presentation, it was enticing, and its outlook was appropriate.

Another example could be: 

Meal’s weakness was in overcooking, as its flavor became less pronounced.

Additionally, another example of a subject could be practicing vaping. In such case, an evaluation argument example will be: 

Vaping is safe, inexpensive, and highly practical when compared to cigarette smoking, and due to these reasons, it is a recommendable practice for traditional smokers who wish to break old habits.

4. Create an Evaluative Essay Outline

After choosing a discussion topic, one can create an outline for essay . Outlines start with the development of thesis statements, followed by a list of main ideas and a conclusion. For this essay type, outlines require a minimum of five paragraphs. The first paragraph of the evaluation in writing is introduction that ends with a thesis statement. An introduction is followed by at least three body paragraphs and a conclusion. Outlines are important as they form a basis for thoughtfully constructing ideas. Also, they help in organizing your points sequentially for them to remain orderly. In addition, they are useful in picking relevant information, providing steady foundation when starting to write. Thus, it is worth noting that outlines form a crucial part of these essays, and they give a sketch of writing.

5. Write an Evaluation Paper

When you write evaluative papers, ensure you follow everything stated in your outline. The sections discussed below will help you understand how to write evaluation:

  • Introduction When writing your introductory paragraph, ensure it engages you and your readers. Introduce subjects by capturing the reader’s attention. Elaborate on selected subjects, their influence, and reasons for assessing those topics. Be clear with chosen criteria you will be discussing. Generally, when writing your introductory paragraph, provide your entire subject overview.
  • Thesis statement The last sentence of an introduction is a thesis statement. It tells your readers what they should expect from evaluation essay and its purpose. Include evaluative arguments that rate subjects either positive or negative with supportive facts. A good evaluation thesis example must include all the stated parts.
  • Body A body is commonly the lengthiest part in this type of writing. You must develop a minimum of three body paragraphs in your evaluation paper. When writing body paragraphs, always use transition words while moving from a thesis statement to the first reason and other successive reasons. During evaluate writing, all body paragraphs must start with topic sentences, which inform your reader about your opinion. After stating topic sentences, write your criteria. A criterion will elaborate on the standards of a topic you are discussing. When you are done with it, provide judgments. Judgments must elaborate whether the standards of subjects were met or not. Thereafter, provide evidence supporting your argument. Following that, mention any objections about your judgment, then finalize by refuting those claims. Repeat all these steps for each body paragraph. Ensure you remain relevant in all the paragraphs to avoid losing your readers.
  • Conclusion A conclusion is the final evaluation paragraph. When concluding, start by restating your thesis statement and follow by summarizing and reflecting on major points.

6. Proofread Your Evaluation Essay

When you complete your evaluation writing, the last step is proofreading and revising your work. Reading through your work helps improve your paper's quality and remove mistakes. Besides, it enables you to locate and correct inconsistencies in your text. Also, when you edit your work, you ensure that the ideas of your paper are well-defined. Revising your work helps in assessing if the content was appropriately conveyed. Also, it guarantees that sentences are grammatically appropriate by correcting typing and spelling errors to avoid readers’ confusion. Finally, you should read through your work critically and develop better ways of improving clarity, good structure of sentences, and entire effectiveness.

Evaluative Essay Structure

There are various examples of evaluation essays format. These formats include:

  • Chronological structure It is used when describing events based on how they happened in an orderly manner, starting from the earliest to the last, like when evaluating current or historical events. Chronological essay structures are more descriptive because they are detailed.
  • Spatial structure In contrast to previous type, this one is used when presenting details of particular subjects depending on their location in space. A spatial essay form is used when describing an item like architecture or art depending on how they appear when observed. Something else that people need to understand is that it is easy to remember a spatial essay structure because physical location is used when describing subjects.
  • Compare and contrast structure Compare structure is used when exploring existing similarities between subjects, while contrast structure exists for discussing differences between items. Mostly, subjects discussed in compare and contrast papers fall under the same category; however, there may exist exceptions to this rule.
  • Point-by-point format structure This is a subtype of compare and contrast essay that provides a general view of individual items being analyzed. This essay type compares a set of subjects because paragraph arrangement depends on main points and not by topic. Each paragraph discusses the main point and include subjects as they relate to each main point.

Evaluation Essay Example

There are millions of evaluative essays samples posted online. These examples offer impressive descriptions of evaluative essays with all the key steps to follow and will help you polish your skills when writing this paper. However, not all of the examples posted online are reliable. Therefore, the only preferred evaluation essay sample that students can use must come from peer-reviewed sources. Essay types from scholarly sites are written by reputable authors who meet all required standards; moreover, you can easily find an excellent book on this subject with appropriate examples. Attached are evaluation essays samples from credible writers. 


Tips on How to Write Evaluation Essay

For one to write perfect essays, there are some helpful tips you may follow. Following these points will help you produce impressive evaluation and your readers will enjoy.  Some of those tips when writing an evaluation essay include:

  • Carefully read certain materials while making notes and analyzing content.
  • Read through each paragraph before transitioning to another section.
  • Avoid leaving out negative aspects, but try to discuss both pros and cons of your subjects.
  • When reading other’s evaluative essay, analyze each paragraph and notice the authors’ mistakes: is information helpful? what can you do better?
  • Avoid adding minor details with insufficient supportive evidence, as they will mislead you and your readers.
  • Express your thoughts concisely and clearly as you peruse the written evaluation examples.
  • Ensure that your evaluation essay thesis is anchored to your judgment.
  • Write your paper with precision and attention to details while avoiding wordiness and providing enough useful information as you keenly follow the guide.
  • Enable your readers to feel and agree with your assessment.

Bottom Line on Writing Evaluation Essays

Understanding the text’s definition and purpose is your first step toward knowing how to write a good evaluation. Thereafter, list categories and respective things you will assess during your writing. Master the three elements of an evaluative essay and use them effectively. Your argument must be objective and help clearly decide on what criteria to use. Besides, you need to understand all sections of an outline, how to start evaluative essay, and then, follow essential steps. In addition, get acquainted with the four types of essay structure. Remember that you always can increase your experience by reading some good evaluative writing examples. Keep all these tips in mind to ensure you write a proper essay.


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FAQ About Evaluation Papers

1. what are the four components of an evaluation essay.

  • Introduction is the first component of evaluation essay that hooks readers, introduces the subject, and contains thesis statement.
  • Background information is the second component; it clarifies to readers your evaluation topic.
  • Criteria is the third component, which entails standards for evaluating subjects.
  • Conclusion is the fourth component; it restates your thesis statements and summarizes main points.

2. What to write in an evaluation essay?

There are numerous things that one can consider during essay evaluations. Evaluation writing examples and their respective criteria include:

  • Movies: A plot, relationship among actors, and scenes.
  • Restaurants: Quality of food, price, and cleanliness.
  • Websites: Type of content, its design, and ease of navigating.
  • House: Overall quality, accessibility, and cost.
  • Business: Market share, its strengths and weaknesses.
  • Social trend: Origin, overall influence, and objectives.
  • Leader: Overall achievements, style of leadership, integrity.
  • University: Offered programs, number of graduates per year, online or in-person, reputation.
  • Class: Methods of teaching, challenges, type of assessments.
  • Job: Nature of work, working hours, bosses, salary, demand.
  • Advertisement: Media used when advertising, effectiveness, level of convincing, level of engagement.
  • Speech: Type of audience, main purpose, compelling.

3. What is the difference between an evaluation and review?

Despite similarities existing between an evaluation essay and a review, the two differ. An evaluative essay focuses on deeper research and analysis of certain subjects, while a review provides a general outlook of particular subjects. Evaluative essays must have criteria that judge specific subjects, and reviews do not need criteria. In addition, under certain conditions, it is mandatory to cite sources used in writing evaluative essays, while reviews do not require references.

4. What is a good evaluative thesis example?

A good evaluative thesis must inform readers what to expect and its impact and determine an essay’s focus. Also, a strong thesis must state evaluative arguments. Here is a proper evaluation essay thesis example: Vaping is highly practical, inexpensive, and safe compared to cigarette smoking, and following these reasons, it is a recommendable practice for traditional smokers wishing to leave old habits.


Daniel Howard is an Essay Writing guru. He helps students create essays that will strike a chord with the readers.

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Crafting Insightful Evaluation Essay: Tips and Techniques


Table of contents

  • 1 Defining Evaluation Essays
  • 2 Choose a Subject for Evaluation
  • 3 Develop a Clear Thesis Statement
  • 4 Gather Information and Evidence
  • 5 Establish Evaluation Criteria
  • 6 Organize Your Essay
  • 7 Write the Introduction
  • 8 Write the Body of The Essay
  • 9 Present Evidence and Examples
  • 10 Address Counterarguments
  • 11 Write The Conclusion
  • 12 Revise and Edit
  • 13.1 Easy Evaluation Essay Topics
  • 13.2 Evaluation Essay Topics on History
  • 13.3 Evaluation Essay Topics on Government and Law
  • 13.4 Evaluation Essay Topics on Technology
  • 14 Final Words & Expert Thoughts

Many students are required to write an evaluation essay during their academic career. While this task is challenging, it provides an opportunity for deeper learning. We believe that every student should understand how to write an evaluation essay to succeed with their coursework.

  • We’ll start by demystifying what an evaluation essay is. We’ll outline its purpose in academic settings, highlighting how it differs from other essay types and why it’s a valuable tool for critical thinking and analysis.
  • We’ll provide insights on how to choose a subject that is both interesting and suitable for evaluation.
  • A well-organized essay is the key to success. In our article, we will break down the structure of an evaluation essay.

Examples for Clarity: Finally, we’ll provide examples of successful evaluation essays. These samples will illustrate the principles discussed and offer practical insights into what makes an effective evaluation essay.

Defining Evaluation Essays

Evaluation essays are a type of academic writing that provides value, quality, and effectiveness of a given topic. Every student must follow set criteria and provide evidence supporting their opinion.

Furthermore, an evaluation essay should always present facts and opinions in a clear and formal tone. Of course, any student can buy a custom essay , but every student should know how to plan and write one correctly for success. The first step is to choose a subject.

When it comes to choosing a subject for an evaluation paper, students have many options to choose from.

This includes:

  • Movies & television shows
  • Performance of sports teams
  • Restaurant review
  • Comparisons

Choose a Subject for Evaluation

If you’re looking for ideas, consider pulling inspiration from your experiences or interests. You can also get ideas from current events and media.

Moreover, once you begin brainstorming ideas, you should narrow your options to choose the best topic. Ideally, you should choose a subject that’s equally interesting and suitable for evaluation. Start by reviewing topic ideas related to your main area of study.

Compare different ideas that interest you. Start asking questions that your target audience would have on your subject. Narrow your choice to what you believe would be the most interesting to study and write about.

In addition, some examples that would make an interesting evaluation subject include:

  • Learning on campus vs online learning
  • Your evaluation of the most recent movie or television show you’ve watched
  • How social media affects modern relationships
  • Availability of athletic programs in your area
  • Comparison of restaurants or coffee shops in your area

Develop a Clear Thesis Statement

Every evaluation essay needs a thesis statement. In this statement, the writer will cover evaluation criteria and an overall judgment. It’s essential that the purpose of the evaluation is clearly stated.

First, be specific by keeping the thesis statement short and sweet. It doesn’t need to be a paragraph filled with real-life information. Instead, it should be a concise sentence encouraging the reader to continue reading. Here are some excellent examples of thesis statements:

  • “This cafe brews coffee beans provided by a local source, and they became popular for having the largest selection of latte flavors in the city.”
  • “The gore and effects in the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre movie may be outdated, but the tension and horror in the film still hold up for today’s audience.”
  • “Minecraft continues to be one of the best-selling video games because players enjoy the creative freedom they have in the open world and connecting with other players online.”

Gather Information and Evidence

An important step of evaluation essays is to gather information and evidence. You will want as much information and relevant examples as possible to support your essay.

In any case, experienced writers will provide as many sources as they can find to support their argument. This helps the writer establish credibility and also helps the reader discover where they can find more information on the topic.

So, you might be wondering what type of sources you can use for crafting an evaluation paper. Students may use any of the following sources to provide evidence for their evaluation:

  • Books: choose books that have been written by experts on the subject that you’re evaluating.
  • Online resources: students can find credible information online from reputable sources and government websites.
  • Magazines and newspapers — print media is an excellent source to use for current events and opinions.
  • Interviews: you can interview an expert in the field your essay is in. This includes in-person, over-the-phone, email, or live chat interviews.
  • Opinions from credible sources: these opinions can be accessed using any of the sources listed above.

Establish Evaluation Criteria

Every writer must follow set criteria to write an interesting and well-structured essay. As mentioned above, the thesis statement is significant. This is because it’s a clear and descriptive way to present the topic.

Finally, every good evaluation essay must include the following specific criteria:

  • Assertion of the writer’s overall judgment based on supporting evidence.
  • Responses to counterarguments that a reader could make on the evaluation. The writer should introduce a balanced argument so their judgment makes sense to readers.

Organize Your Essay

Another crucial aspect of evaluation criteria is to display a well-structured essay. Before writing an evaluation essay, you should always plan the organization.

The entire  outline for the essay should remain focused. Once complete, the final evaluation paper should be organized, developed, and maintained a specific style. Every paper should include the following in a detailed evaluation essay outline:

  • Introduction: introduce your subject with a topic sentence that grabs readers’ attention and inspires them to keep reading.
  • Body: this will contain all of the key information that supports your evaluative argument and counterarguments.

Conclusion: this is where you can summarize the key points made throughout the evaluation essay and add any other relevant points.

Write the Introduction

The introduction is the first impression of your essay. Every paragraph of the essay should start with a topic sentence that introduces what the essay will be about. Always aim to write a topic sentence that’s engaging so the reader immediately establishes interest.

Basically, every student should aim to craft an attention-grabbing hook that sparks the reader’s interest. Here are a few good evaluation essay introduction example topic sentences for your evaluative essay:

  • One of the growing concerns of parents in recent years is the effects of social media on their teen’s mental health.
  • The quality of customer service a patron receives in restaurants and retail establishments is a crucial factor in their experience.
  • Older films get lost on the younger generation for outdated graphics and dialogue, but many of them address topics that are very relevant to today’s society.

Evidently, we understand that crafting a good introduction can be intimidating. The intro can make or break the reader’s interest. Some ways to make your introduction effective are by stating an exciting or unknown fact, asking a rhetorical question, or mentioning an interesting story about the subject.

Write the Body of The Essay

The body paragraphs of your evaluative essay hold the most weight. After all, this is where you will present your opinions and facts. All the information you provide in this section must be relevant to your topic.

Basically, it must be presented in a structured manner. The main body should always include proper sentence structure, have a readable flow, and include all information and examples necessary to support your final judgment. It’s also important to use language that will convey your point formally and professionally.

Present Evidence and Examples

Anyone can write an evaluated essay. If you want people to take your evaluation essay seriously, you must demonstrate evidence for every point. You can use example quotes from reputable sources or citations to reference where you found the information for your analysis.

Additionally, you must cite sources for evaluation criteria to avoid accusations of plagiarism. An excellent  tip for writing essays is to create a body paragraph that’s a block quote.

By directly quoting the author (or source), you avoid any errors that could be mistaken for plagiarism. A direct quote can also give your evaluation more value in the middle of a body paragraph, and also be used to support the writer’s opinion.

Address Counterarguments

An evaluation essay is different from an  argumentative essay . When you’re writing an evaluation essay, you will not be required to include counterarguments in the evaluative thesis of the essay. However, it is a good idea for students to acknowledge different perspectives or criticisms of their topic.

In any case, one of the best ways to approach a counterargument is to provide an example of a common critic. Then, explain why that perspective is or isn’t valid to the opinion the student covered in their essay.

Write The Conclusion

The conclusion is the final area of the evaluation essay, where students can summarize their analysis and provide additional facts supporting their judgment.

Every good evaluation argument essay will answer all the reader’s questions on the subject before they reach the final sentence. The best way to do this is to make the conclusion restate the main ideas by presenting the key takeaways and wrapping the concluding paragraph with a secure closure on the research subject.

Revise and Edit

Once you have completed the evaluative writing process, you must revise and edit it before submitting it. This is how you can ensure your paper is of good quality and your opinion is clearly stated and backed up.

But before you review your work, it’s always good to give yourself a break. If you review the paper immediately after writing it, your brain might not pick up on typos and mistakes. By giving yourself a break, you can return and proofread it in a clear frame of mind.

When you proofread the evaluation essay, there are a few aspects that are critical for revision. You should always review the sentence structure, spelling, grammar, and punctuation usage in your essay. You should also check to ensure you used appropriate font, and headers and the essay is double-spaced.

Good Evaluation Essay Topics List

These subjects will encourage college and high school students, as well as professional writers, to critically evaluate present culture. These themes not only teach students important critical thinking skills, but also demonstrate how students influence and contribute to general knowledge.

  • Race and Ethnicity in the United States
  • Hitler was influential, determined, and strategic
  • Importance of Sex Education
  • Brown v. Board: Lgal Changes in Respect to Segregation
  • Martin Luther King and the fight against racism in the US
  • Industrialization and imperialism
  • Starbucks Found in a Crisis
  • Immigration and Customs Enforcement
  • The Apparel Industry in the U.S.
  • France: New Gender Equality Obligations Established

Easy Evaluation Essay Topics

Here is a list of handpicked good literature topics that will ignite your curiosity and engage your critical thinking skills. These easy topics cover a wide range of subjects and are just a few clicks away from inspiring your next masterpiece.

  • How Do You Define Racism?
  • Homeschooling vs Public School
  • The Book is Composed of Two Sections
  • Edgar Allan Poe in Romantic Literature
  • Gerard Jones’ Biased Evaluation of Violence in Media
  • Self Evaluation and Supervision
  • Marriage in a World
  • Climate Change Training Course
  • The Importance of Evaluation in Counseling
  • Animal Welfare, Chickens: Factory or Field

Evaluation Essay Topics on History

There are several historical evaluation essay ideas to consider. They vary from major events that affected our global culture to examining the historical veracity of “saving private Ryan.” These topics will intrigue you and give plenty of writing possibilities:

  • John F. Kennedy’s Legacy
  • Barack Obama’s Inaugural Speech
  • Main Issues Of Border Wall
  • After Civil Rights: Racial Realism in the New American Workplace
  • Cold War in China, Cold War in Cuba, and Space Race
  • Progressing the Civil Rights Movement with Aristotle’s Artistic Appeals
  • China-Australia Free Trade Agreement
  • What was the Harlem Renaissance?
  • Aftershock: Beyond the Civil War Summary
  • Mark Antony’s Described Julius Caesar

Evaluation Essay Topics on Government and Law

These topics cover the key characteristics of how we interact with society and the law. They also explore government and law by examining political marketing strategies on how some particular laws affect social behavior.

  • Brown V. Board of Education and Civil Rights
  • Criminal Profiling
  • The Significance of the Gettysburg Address
  • Race Relations have Improved in America
  • Temporary Labor Migrants
  • The Electoral College and How Popular Vote Doesn’t Matter
  • Jeffersonian Democracy
  • Granada Hills Charter High School
  • Transgender Individuals in the Military
  • The Segregation of Schools in the United States

Evaluation Essay Topics on Technology

As we delve into technological evaluation essay topics, you can choose to examine the merits, drawbacks, and overall impact of technological advancements. From artificial intelligence to social media, we have a plethora of ideas to explore.

  • Social Media Marketing As A Way To Promote Business
  • Pros And Cons Of Virtual Reality Gaming.
  • Assessing Online Clothes Shop For Its Contribution To The Fashion Sector
  • Evaluation of the Process of Creating Computer-Generated Graphics In Contemporary Art.
  • Technology’s Role In Healthcare.
  • Cybersecurity Measures’ Effectiveness.
  • The Culture Wars in the Digital Age: Impact of Technology on Cultural Values.
  • Ai’s Role In Job Automation.
  • Impact Of Biometric Technology On Privacy.
  • How The Internet Changed Communication Patterns In Online Interactions.

Final Words & Expert Thoughts

This covers everything you need to know about writing an evaluation essay. The format we discussed today can help students create a detailed analysis of the subject they’re researching while providing an educated opinion. Following proper instructions for evaluation essay criteria can help you write a detailed paper that will impress your instructor (and yourself).

Additionally, if you’re not 100% sure how to start or finish your paper, look at an evaluation argument essay example online. Don’t copy the examples, but use them for inspiration to get your thoughts flowing.

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Actual Evaluation Essay Topics


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How to evaluate marketing campaigns: 5 tips to measure success.

evaluation essay marketing

With the rise of the digital landscape, businesses are finally starting to understand the importance of investing in their online presence. We're talking websites , social media , YouTube and any other digital platform you can think of.

According to Adobe , more than 76% of marketers believe that marketing has changed more over the past 2 years than it did the entire 50 years before.

The Manifest claims the same, adding that 99% of companies are planning to increase their investments in at least one online channel they use.

Launching a digital marketing campaign is a great way to boost brand awareness and gain a competitive advantage. Unfortunately, investing your time, creativity and resources are often not enough to succeed. To optimize your digital marketing campaigns and achieve desirable results, you also need to evaluate their progress regularly.

The good thing is that digital marketing campaigns are easy to measure with the right strategies in place. Here are a few things to know.

1. Set clear goals

When launching a digital campaign, you first need to set clear goals . They are like a compass to you, guiding you throughout the campaign and helping you measure its performance.

Now, digital marketing can serve a variety of purposes, so you should first determine what you want to achieve with your campaign. Do you want to raise brand awareness? Increase conversions ? Generate leads?

marketing roi calculator

Logically, each of these objectives requires specific channels to use, tactics to apply, and metrics to set. Precisely because of that, your digital marketing goals should always be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely.

2. Know your metrics

Your digital marketing KPIs are closely related to your goals and the channels you use. For example, measuring brand awareness and lead generation practices require sets of completely different metrics.

Still, there are a few fundamental metrics you should track when starting a digital marketing campaign:

  • Overall website traffic: the traffic you receive from the digital channels you use.
  • Traffic by source: tells you what the most effective digital channels are.
  • New visitors vs. returning visitors: shows the value and relevance of your content.
  • Sessions: the interactions with your website a user takes within a specified time frame. ( Google specifically measures sessions in 30-minute interactions .)
  • Average session duration: how much time visitors spend on your site. (The industry standard is 2-3 minutes .)
  • Pageviews: the number of times a certain webpage has been viewed.
  • Most visited pages: tells you what the most popular pages on your website are so you can optimize them better in the future.
  • Bounce rate: the percentage of website visitors that land on your website and ditch it immediately.
  • Conversion rate: depending on the campaign, the conversion rate may mean different things, from ebook downloads to sales. You can set up conversion goals within your analytics tool of choice.
  • Impressions: often confused with reach , impressions are the total number of times your ad is displayed, no matter if it is clicked or not.
  • Social reach: how many people have seen your ad on social.
  • Social engagement: the number of users’ interactions with your content, including their clicks, likes, shares, comments, etc.
  • Email open rate : the percentage of people that open your email campaign.
  • Click-through rate: the percentage of users that clicked on your link, compared to the total number of users that viewed your page, email, social post, or ad.
  • Cost-per-click (CPC): tells you how much you pay for each user’s click on your ad.
  • Return on investment (ROI): tells you how much you spent on your digital campaign vs. how much you earned.

You might not need to use all of these metrics. Choose the ones that are relevant to your campaign. Also, keep in mind that when viewed in isolation, many of these metrics only flatter your vanity.

For example, high traffic is nearly meaningless if your bounce rates are high and conversion rates are low.

3. Choose the right tools

Now that you have made a list of all metrics you want to focus on, it is time to find the tools that will help you capture them and monitor your results. This entirely depends on your specific needs.

For example, for website analytics and search engine optimization, you could start with Google Analytics as a solid foundation. HubSpot, Webtrends, SEMrush, Raven Tools, and Moz can are also useful tools to keep in mind.

As for social networks, there are many free and paid social media analytics tools you could use. For starters, social networks offer their own analytics features, including Facebook Insights, LinkedIn analytics , Instagram Insights, Twitter Analytics, etc.

You could also use Buffer Analyze, Hootsuite, Zoho Social, Socialbakers Analytics, Social Sprout, and Keyhole to measure your social campaign’s success.

The list goes on and on. The only problem? To measure the success of a multi-channel campaign, you will need to track a wide range of metrics using a wide range of tools and dashboards.

This is where you should consider automating your campaign analytics by using a digital marketing reporting tool. For example, if you are building an SEO campaign, you can centralize several SEO tools under one digital marketing dashboard and create an automated SEO report for your employers or clients.

4. Determine clear targets and time frames

No matter if you are building a massive, multi-channel digital marketing campaign or a strategy for a small business , you always need to determine whether it is reaching the targets you have previously set.

Getting your campaign timing right with a sense of urgency helps you understand what you have accomplished so far.

For example, if your goal was to boost conversion rates by 5% in five months. This goal is certainly specific, measurable, realistic, and timely.

Therefore, if you notice that your conversion rates have increased only 2% during the reporting period, this is a clear indicator that your tactics are not working well and that you need to reevaluate them.

Read our case study to learn about the local flower shop that used Paperform to get a conversion rate of more than 10%.

5. Bring it all together

Now that you have started your campaign performance, don’t let them collect dust on your laptop. Instead, take actionable steps to optimize campaigns and fix performance issues.

For starters, you could create a detailed digital strategy document where you can track your progress easily. This document will be your most valuable guideline, where you would enter your initial goals, metrics, campaign performance results, things that worked for you, major problems you faced, etc.

Based on your data, you need to map out the practices you are going to take to achieve the desired goals and optimize your campaigns. Preferably, you should make a long-term digital marketing plan.

This way, you will be able to build a solid timeline for your digital marketing activities, understand your objectives and communicate them easier with your team, employers, or clients.

Ready to start measuring your campaigns?

Always remember that there is no uniform approach to digital marketing. From the goals you set to the tools you use, you will always need to tailor the aforementioned tips to your specific campaign needs.

Monitoring and evaluating your digital campaigns is an immensely important step, as it lets you map out the tactics that work and build a reliable digital strategy in the long run.

I hope these tips will serve as your solid starting point.

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Definition and Examples of Evaluation Essays

  • An Introduction to Punctuation
  • Ph.D., Rhetoric and English, University of Georgia
  • M.A., Modern English and American Literature, University of Leicester
  • B.A., English, State University of New York

An evaluation essay is a  composition that offers value judgments about a particular subject according to a set of criteria. Also called  evaluative writing , evaluative essay or report , and critical evaluation essay .

An evaluation essay or report is a type of argument that provides evidence to justify a writer's opinions about a subject.

"Any kind of review is essentially a piece of evaluative writing," says Allen S. Goose. "This type of writing calls for the critical thinking skills of analysis, synthesis, and evaluation" ( 8 Kinds of Writing , 2001). 


  • "Without good reasons for liking or disliking certain things, students can never get beyond being passive receivers of marketing, fickle consumers without a basis for their opinions. Writing evaluation papers asks them to question why they feel the way they do." (Allison D. Smith, et al., Teaching in the Pop Culture Zone: Using Popular Culture in the Composition Classroom . Wadsworth, 2009)

How to Evaluate

  • "If you are evaluating a piece of writing, then you are going to need to thoroughly read the work. While you read the work, keep in mind the criteria you are using to evaluate. The evaluative aspects may be: grammar, sentence structure, spelling, content, usage of sources, style, or many other things. Other things to consider when evaluating a piece of writing is whether the writing appealed to its target audience . Was there an emotional appeal? Did the author engage the audience, or was the piece lacking something? ..."If you are evaluating anything else, use your head. You need to try, use, or test whatever thing you are evaluating. That means you should not evaluate a 2005 Chevrolet Corvette unless you have the $45,000 (or more) to buy one, or the money to rent one. You also need the know-how of driving a car of that power and a base of knowledge of other cars that you have tested to compare it to." (Joe Torres, Rhetoric and Composition Study Guide . Global Media, 2007)

Identifying Criteria for an Evaluation

  • " Make a list of prominent, widely recognized standards for judging your subject. If you do not know the standards usually used to evaluate your subject, you could do some research . For example, if you are reviewing a film, you could read a few recent film reviews online or in the library, noting the standards that reviewers typically use and the reasons that they assert for liking or disliking a film. If you are evaluating a soccer team or one winning (or losing) game, you could read a book on coaching soccer or talk to an experienced soccer coach to learn about what makes an excellent soccer team or winning game." (Rise B. Axelrod and Charles R. Cooper, Axelrod & Cooper's Concise Guide to Writing , 4th ed. Bedford/St. Martin's, 2006)

Ways of Organizing an Evaluation Essay

  • "One way to organize an  evaluation essay is point-by-point: describe one element of the subject and then evaluate it; present the next element and evaluate it; and so on. Comparison/contrast could be an organizing structure as well, in which you evaluate something by comparing (or contrasting) it to a known item. Culinary and music reviews often use this strategy.  Chronological organization can be used for evaluating an event (either current or historical). Sequential organization can be used when describing how something works and evaluating the effectiveness of the process, procedure, or mechanism. Spatial organization can be used for evaluating art or architecture in which you describe and evaluate one element of the artifact and then move spatially to the next major element to be described and evaluated." (David S. Hogsette,  Writing That Makes Sense: Critical Thinking in College Composition . Wipf and Stock, 2009)
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Dell International Marketing Evaluation

1. introduction, section one.

Brief overview of the company

Dell Inc. is an American technology company that designs, markets, refurbishes and supports computers and their miscellaneous products or services. Michael Dell founded the company in 1984 from his University of Texas dorm room. Today, Dell Technologies is a leading technology company transforming people’s lives with unique capabilities.

Dell offers a wide range of products, such as personal computers, servers, data storage devices and shop switches, software, computer peripherals, high-definition television cameras that are not printers, and electronic equipment made by other manufacturers. The company is characterized by the direct-to-customer model, enabling it to better understand its customers’ needs and offer them the most effective computing solutions.

Dell operates in nearly 180 countries worldwide about its markets. It has significant footprints in developed markets such as New York, London, and Tokyo, together with emerging market economies including India, Brazil, South Africa, China, and Ireland. Dell’s Infrastructure Solutions Group includes various companies in markets on storage, servers, converged systems, and cloud solutions. Dell fosters sustainability, promotes inclusiveness, transforms lives for the better, and maintains ethics, integrity, and privacy. The company Is confident in the power of technology to solve complex societal problems.

Dell technologies revenue worldwide from 2015-2023(in billion U.S Dollars)source(Statista, 2023)

Figure 1:Dell technologies revenue worldwide from 2015-2023(in billion U.S Dollars)source(Statista, 2023)

Analysis of the impact of macro-environmental factors in the United Kingdom and India

The macro-environment encompasses external forces like inflation, fiscal policy, and consumer spending that influence business operations but are beyond managerial control. PESTEL analysis, a strategic framework, evaluates Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental, and Legal factors impacting a firm’s environment (CIPD, 2023). This tool aids in anticipating challenges and opportunities, enabling businesses to adapt and make strategic decisions for sustained growth in a dynamic external landscape.

STEPLE Analysis in the Indian market

Figure 2:STEPLE Analysis in the Indian market

STEPLE Analysis in the United Kingdom market

Figure 3:STEPLE Analysis in the United Kingdom market


Evaluation of entry strategy

United States

Direct Exporting:  Dell’s first market entries in the U.S. were made through direct exporting, enabling it to link up directly with consumers. This plan allowed for the governance of marketing, sales, and distribution that helped develop a solid brand image within the U.S. market. However, more than over-reliance on direct exporting may limit Dell’s ability to reach and scale.

Greenfield Investments:  Dell made significant investments in operations, the supply chain, and manufacturing facilities as a greenfield approach. This strategy enabled Dell to keep high standards of quality and respond swiftly to changes in the market. Such investments are effective but require tremendous financial allocations and operational complications.

Strategic Alliances:  Dell’s partnership with suppliers demonstrated a teamwork spirit for cost-cutting and increased efficiency. According to Hill (2022), Dell developed strong relationships with its suppliers by sharing information and working closely.

Greenfield Investments:  In India, Dell made an investment strategy reflecting its decision to set up a manufacturing facility in Chennai. Local production facilitated cost reduction and met the requirements of the Indian market (Frue, 2018). On the other hand, greenfield investments demand proper guidance through regulatory environments and significant initial expenditures.

Franchising:  Dell’s latest attempt at retailing in India, focusing on S.M.B.s in smaller cities, is akin to franchising. This strategy enabled Dell to appeal to a broader audience and capitalize on emerging market trends. In this regard, franchising aims to grow Dell’s market share within India.

Joint Ventures:  Dell’s strategy of collaboration through customer contact centers staffed by local businesses is not a typical joint venture but can be defined as a partnership. This approach illustrates a localized strategy, relying on the competence of those in charge at the location (Frue, 2018). However, managing such partnerships takes work, as it requires carefully considering cultural differences and communication challenges.

Analysis of the Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning Approaches of Dell in the United States and India


Dell bases its strategic segmentation on psychographic and demographic patterns within the U.S. to tailor its products and services to customers. Dell targets tech-savvy individuals, professionals, and executives to understand the different likes in its target populace. With this segmentation approach, Dell ensures its offerings are relevant to different segments’ lifestyles and professional needs (Schlegelmilch, 2022). Dell’s approach to segment in India sheds light on a sophisticated apprehension of the layered market. Dell can dynamically cater to chanting demands among different customer categories by categorizing them into Relationship, Transaction, and Pub,lic International segments (Sharma, 2023). This segmentation strategy identifies the unique and dynamic requirements in the Indian consumer scene.

Dell specifically aims for a comprehensive and all-encompassing audience target in the U.S., including demographics such as customers’ age and income groups. Different from some companies, which may limit their focus to a specific geographical market, Dell does not, as it already acknowledges the inherently global nature of its operations. According to Schlegelmilch (2022), This generalized strategy of targeting a broad group enables Dell to cater to the different needs and tastes of consumers with this particular approach reflecting flexibility when it comes to The demands in The U.S. market in India; Dell focuses on S.M.B.s in smaller towns as its strategic target. The rationale behind this approach to targeting is the assumption that such a market sector offers excellent growth prospects and stability, especially given possible global economic downturns. According to (Sharma, 2023), Dell’s approach targeting S.M.B.s acknowledges the peculiarities of Indian market growth, understanding that paying attention to emerging business centers beyond metropolitan areas is crucial.


Dell identifies its brand based on user and benefit-based strategies, positioning itself in the U.S. market accordingly. According to (Sharma, 2023), Dell is quite distinct from other companies in the hardware and software industry due to emphasizing establishing a solid bond with customers and providing exceptional services. Customer satisfaction and reliability are then identified as critical cornerstones of Dell’s strategy, targeting a market where consumers appreciate accessible technology while demanding secure products. In India, Dell is in the market as a choice of customer P.C.s/laptops and customized services.

Therefore, in terms of its S.T.P. approach, Dell reveals adaptability and localization, which describes the diverse nature and dynamic characteristics of the Indian market. In addition, the segmentation strategy allows the company to address a broad range of consumer needs while aiming at one that specializes in a market with growth potential (Victor et al., 2018). Dell’s positioning in the Indian market is characterized by customer orientation and customization to reflect on their preferences and satisfaction derived from personal concerns. This context-specific approach, consequently, has set Dell up for success in a market characterized by its peculiarities and advantages.

Marketing Strategies(4Ps)

Dell’s marketing Strategies (4Ps) guide the organization towards its global strategy by emphasizing the U.S. and India. This section shows the whole level of strategic decisions on product development, their pricing positioning, and promotion used by Dell, such as its innovative diversification to build-to-order marketing price with direct customer engagement-focused promotion in both dynamic U.S., s well as Indian markets.

Dell in the  U.S.  has a wide range of products and services, including personal computers, PCs, server’s data storage devices, and network switches software; computer systems are also provided by this company, which offers cloud solutions among its offering. Innovation and quality are their core strengths. Victor et al. (2018) state that Dell in  India  provides customers with one of the most holistic, innovative solutions portfolios for the data age – from I.T. infrastructure to multi-cloud environments.

Dell in the  U.S . runs on a build-to-order business model with the help of Just -in the time method to distribute its products at the lowest possible prices, thereby reducing both inventory cost and delivery time. In  India , according to de Mooij (2019), just like in the  U .S. market, Dell applies a build-to-order business model and Justin Time strategy.

In the  U.S ., Dell sells its products and services directly to consumers and indirectly through other sales channels such as value-added resellers, system integrators, distributors, and retailers. On the other hand, Dell  India  began in Bangalore, providing customer support to English-speaking countries before becoming an international procurement and back office with knowledge of process outsourcing. Over 50% of these come from this type of sales (de Mooij, 2019). In India, Dell has its separate retail outlets.

The significant strategies that Dell uses to market its products in  the U.S . include television and internet advertisements, print media like magazine adverts, bundles or mailing, email broadcasts, and customer newsletters, among others (Crick & Crick, 2020). Dell’s main growth driver is the small and medium businesses (S.M.B.s)operating in smaller towns in  India . They believe that this market sector grows rapidly and hence is not exposed to global shocks, thus making it much more stable than other sectors.

This detailed analysis of the strategies and operations used by Dell Inc. in the United States and India has revealed highly complicated dynamics associated with technological developments across the globe. Dell’s progress from a dorm room startup to being one of the foremost technology empires owes to its futuristic thinking, standards, and customer orientation. The report takes us through macro-environmental factors, consumer behavior nuances, stiffer competition landscapes, and entrance strategies, enabling an all-around sense of Dell’s standard operation in these critical markets.

Dell Inc., a multinational enterprise located within the U.S. economy, faces different challenges where geopolitical tension, economic termination, and competition require firm strategic adaptation. American consumers are highly selective, mainly focusing on technological innovation, quality, and pricing. Dell positions itself strategically in India by recognizing the marketplace’s diversified and dynamic nature and wing entry strategies such as green field investments and strategic alliances. It acknowledges the unique growth dynamics of the Indian market, focusing on S.M.B.s in smaller towns.

Dell’s S.T.P. strategies reflect adaptable changes to different consumer needs, while marketing points focus more on innovative, quality-driven insights and customer approaches. This analysis serves as a helpful guide for Dell stakeholders. At the same time, it continues to steer itself through these challenging markets of top technologies, which continue evolving and changing daily.

Calkins, P. B., & Allchin, F. R. (2018). India | Facts, Culture, History, Economy, & Geography. In  Encyclopædia Britannica .

Chappelow, J. (2023, December 20).  Macro Environment . Investopedia.

CIPD. (2023, March 8).  PESTLE Analysis . CIPD.

Crick, J. M., & Crick, D. (2020). Coopetition and COVID-19: Collaborative business-to-business marketing strategies in a pandemic crisis.  Industrial Marketing Management , pp.  88 , 206–213.

De Mooij, M. (2019). Consumer Behavior and Culture: Consequences for Global Marketing and Advertising.  Consumer Behavior and Culture , pp. 1–472.

Frue, K. (2018, May 9).  PEST Analysis of Dell Technologies . PESTLE Analysis.

Hill, C. W. L. (2022). Global business today. In . McGraw-Hill.

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Sharma, D. (2023, October 27).  India vs. U.S.: Tech Market Capitalization in Focus . RationalStat.

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Starbucks Corporation’s Marketing Evaluation

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Daily, Starbucks offers coffee to customers in over 80 markets. Back in the ’80s of the 20 century, the company was a little store in Seattle. Now, the Starbucks coffee shops deliver the beverage in the airports, malls, across the city centers, and wherever it is possible. A company’s success is built on its marketing strategies and values. In this paper, the Starbucks marketing approach and its components will be contemplated.

The Starbucks Company Evaluation

The level of involvement.

Typically, the Starbucks brand is considered a high-quality coffee shop for those willing to hold a meeting in a peaceful and serene atmosphere, with a cup of coffee in their hands. The level of involvement varies by a consumer; however, in this case, it is relatively high. Unlike the low-involvement decisions, the high-involvement ones hold a risk to a customer, so the consumer needs more time to think about the purchase. Now, the Starbucks prices are slightly higher than those of the competitors, which constitutes a risk for the customer if the quality of a product or a taste does not appear satisfactory after the purchase. With Starbucks worldwide recognition, the brand may rely on the routine response behavior – the customers in most countries have already experienced its taste and quality and may be willing to seek the brand again.

Customer Decision-Making Process

Like those buying a car, a customer who purchases a coffee is also involved in the decision-making process. To meet a colleague for a work discussion, a friend working on the same project, or to have a break may be the first phase of the process – the need recognition. Having experienced the Starbucks product before or, at least, having heard of it, the consumer may take less time to complete the second stage – the information search. Evaluation pf alternatives – the third phase – includes a criterion that is important to a customer. It may be the quality of a product, its image, taste, or a place it is being served at since the coffee culture also implies enjoying the moment while slowly sipping a favorite beverage. The typical Starbucks consumer may choose the coffee shop over the others due to the high quality of all the values mentioned above. The purchase and post-purchase phases are elaborated wisely – the brand possesses many affiliates and offers diverse programs.

The Influence of the Marketing Team

The marketing team of the brand can make decision-making phases easier. First, the marketers may accelerate the need recognition; in other words, impose a necessity to buy a coffee. To achieve that, the team may promote the product via Instagram, Telegram, Facebook accounts, or participate in various ecological campaigns to promote its label to as many places as possible. The more a customer can see it, the higher the chance of purchasing the company’s product. The information search phase may be simplified significantly by brand expansion. Here, the algorithm is the same – the label’s exposure to the target market facilitates the search and ensures the consumer’s choice.

Then, the marketing team may also influence the evaluation phase. To motivate the customer to buy their product, they may highlight a value that is important to the customer – whether it is high-quality beans, low-calorie appetizers, skim milk, or recycled paper used for the cup. The purchase process is simplified in the coffee shop – any customer may pay with the card or cash, and due to the vast number of affiliates in cities, the queues can never be a problem. The post-purchase phase is handled wisely in the company. The company offers a wide discount and reward system for the customers to motivate them to seek the company’s product.

The Decision-Making Roles Evaluation

The decision-making roles while purchasing and using a product are Initiator, Influencer, Decider, Buyer, and User. While an initiator and a buyer may be the same person, an influencer might be a friend or a society as a whole. An image of the brand may positively affect the consumer’s ego by offering a widely recognizable label on the cup (Haskova, 2015). With this in mind, a buyer makes a deal with the company. Therefore, the role of the decider may also be shifted to the society or a community a person is surrounded by. In the digitalized society, with the media and rumors spanning across the globe, the role of influencer may be the most important one. The impression, opinion, or view is formed by the public’s opinion held on social media. All three elements form one’s opinion and influence their decision to purchase a product.

The Starbucks Marketing Strategy

Among different marketing strategies, the Starbucks company adheres to the differentiated one. This strategy implies targeting diverse market segments with the campaigns designed to meet these segments’ needs and requirements. The company appeals to wealthy, demanding adult consumers, by offering high-quality, healthy beverages, and a space to hold a meeting or to work in private (Haskova, 2015). The brand also appeals to young customers by providing a variety of syrups and types of coffee. The salads and bakery are cooked with no corn syrup for the consumers who care about their health. The company also claims to use 10% recycled paper and offers 10% discounts for the beverage in the customer’s cup, appealing to the environmentally aware segment.

The Assessment of the Segmentation Performance

While creating market segments, no company should make an error. Although some certain variables may be difficult to measure, the Starbucks company wisely evaluates the size, profiles, and purchasing power of its customer segments. The latter consists of a wealthy adult population, young customers that care about the environment and their health. The segment, then, is accessed via media sources – Instagram advertisement, articles circling on the Internet, outdoor advertising. The company has also created and promoted its application, with the notifications about its novelties and campaigns.

In the modern world, the middle class with an approximately equal degree of welfare is rather extended. Therefore, it constitutes a substantial segment for the company – the adult population, along with their children, can enjoy its product everywhere. Finally, with over 102 billion dollars of market capitalization and over 291 thousand of employees, the Starbucks company can offer a delivery of all necessary services and programs created. Equipment, employees, application design and promotion, commodity, or coffee plantations activity are among them.

The Value of Starbucks Brand Image

Value is the most powerful asset when building a successful business. Before the Starbucks company was established, Schultz, Starbucks chairman, conceived it as the place for a conversation and a sense of community. He wanted the coffee shop to be a place for people to meet, chat, or even work. Exponentially evolving, the world needs new opportunities to communicate and share. The sense of community is a basic psychological human need, and a value one strives for. Today, the brand image is perceived exactly the way it was intended. Customers find the coffee shops the places to spend time together, work on the new projects, and share their time and ideas. The cup of coffee with a green label on it is seen as a trustworthy and high-quality product.

The Key Criteria for Starbucks Successful Positioning

Brand positioning is one of the keys to a company’s success. It refers to the customer’s loyalty, brand equity, and the willingness to purchase its product. To achieve consumer loyalty, a brand must be favorable, credible, and different from the ones of the competitors. The successful positioning of Starbucks consists of its product, name, visual identity, communication strategy, and price (Haskova, 2015). The company claims to assume ecological and social responsibility in coffee plantations functioning and, therefore, provide a customer with a high-quality product. The company’s name is simple and captivating, making it easy to pronounce and memorize, even unconsciously. The visual aspect of the brand is clear and vivid – the green label on the white background – which captures the image in one’s memory. Having focused the communication within the well-designed place and an application, the company made the customers instantly recognize the brand. Relatively high prices emphasize the quality of the product and form the target market.

Starbucks, a worldwide known coffee shop company, was once a little store in Seattle. Today, with a wise marketing approach and deep understanding and further promotion of its most significant value – a sense of community – the company constitutes one of the industry leaders. A thoughtful and wise approach to the segmentation, customer decision-making process, and promotion offline and online make the green label recognizable across the world.

Haskova, K. (2015). Starbucks Marketing Analysis. CRIS – Bulletin of the Centre for Research and Interdisciplinary Study , 1 (1), 11-29. doi: 10.1515/cris-2015-0002.

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BusinessEssay . "Starbucks Corporation's Marketing Evaluation." December 17, 2022.

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Online marketing is critical for many industrial platforms and business applications, aiming to increase user engagement and platform revenue by identifying corresponding delivery-sensitive groups for specific incentives, such as coupons and bonuses. As the scale and complexity of features in industrial scenarios increase, deep uplift modeling (DUM) as a promising technique has attracted increased research from academia and industry, resulting in various predictive models. However, current DUM still lacks some standardized benchmarks and unified evaluation protocols, which limit the reproducibility of experimental results in existing studies and the practical value and potential impact in this direction. In this paper, we provide an open benchmark for DUM and present comparison results of existing models in a reproducible and uniform manner. To this end, we conduct extensive experiments on two representative industrial datasets with different preprocessing settings to re-evaluate 13 existing models. Surprisingly, our experimental results show that the most recent work differs less than expected from traditional work in many cases. In addition, our experiments also reveal the limitations of DUM in generalization, especially for different preprocessing and test distributions. Our benchmarking work allows researchers to evaluate the performance of new models quickly but also reasonably demonstrates fair comparison results with existing models. It also gives practitioners valuable insights into often overlooked considerations when deploying DUM. We will make this benchmarking library, evaluation protocol, and experimental setup available on GitHub.

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Call for Papers | Journal of International Marketing: Digital Platforms and Ecosystems in International Marketing

Call for Papers | Journal of International Marketing: Digital Platforms and Ecosystems in International Marketing

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The business world has witnessed the emergence of new digital technologies and business models in the past two decades. For example, the rise of digital platform business models in retail and IT services has disrupted traditional models, making firms reconsider their business strategies and creating new opportunities for marketers to create value for buyers and other stakeholders (Perren and Kozinets 2018). Digital platforms intermediate between sellers, buyers, and other stakeholders via digital architecture often manifested as mobile and web applications (e.g., sharing economy platforms; Kozlenkova et al. 2021). The platform firm decides on the extent of governance accountability it will take in the entire value-creation process. Ecosystems, of which platforms can be a part, are networks of independent but interdependent actors participating in an industry’s or economic sector’s value chain (Nambisan, Zahra, and Luo 2019). Both platforms and ecosystems create value via direct and indirect network externalities (Kumar, Nim, and Agarwal 2021; Sridhar, Mantrala, Naik, Thorson 2011; ), with value cocreation at the core of actors’ business models and strategies.

In today’s Internet Age, digital platforms have no geographic borders. Platform business models are becoming a go-to strategy for international firms across the globe. For example, retailers are increasingly considering the platformization of their brands to add more value to their core offerings (Wichmann, Wiegand, and Reinartz 2022). With the help of digital technologies, it has become easier to expand into multiple markets simultaneously without diluting the supply chain advantages and brand positioning. Consider the low-cost e-commerce firm Temu from China, operating in more than 50 global markets and developing a strong ecosystem after launching in 2022. Temu consumers get access to various global sellers, making the domestic and international markets more competitive (Deighton 2023).

At the same time, marketers with new ways to create and capture value get access to an expanded target market. For example, as an entertainment platform, Netflix has launched different product and subscription pricing strategies in markets like India to compete with Disney, Amazon, and Reliance (Sull and Turconi 2021). Crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter connect project creators and backers across the globe. Social media platforms have further amplified the reach of such retail and commerce platforms across both business and consumer markets (Gao et al. 2018). Thus, digital platforms and ecosystems can be considered a contemporary approach to internationalization and thereby are of great interest to marketing managers, policy makers, and regulators in both developed and emerging markets (Hewett et al. 2022).

However, research and knowledge of the dynamics of digital platforms and ecosystems in international marketing is still rather limited. A deeper understanding of how digital platforms can be utilized in the global marketing efforts of businesses is needed. Understanding digital platforms utilized across markets for sustainability, water conservation, health care, and other pressing issues and from the perspectives of NGOs and governments is urgently needed (Falcke, Zobel, and Comello 2024).

The purpose of this special issue, therefore, is to significantly advance research investigating the role of platforms and ecosystem business models across various facets of international marketing. Of special interest are papers focusing on the evolution and formation of digital platform-based global marketing strategies and business models, providing concepts, frameworks, theories, and empirical insights helpful for customers, firms, regulators, policy makers, and governments.

Research bearing on (but not limited to) the following questions is welcome: 

  • Different modes of platforms and ecosystems as internationalization approaches: a. How orchestrator firms build digital and nondigital architecture across different markets while entering or growing in a market. b. How these modes differ due to within and across market heterogeneity leading to different marketing strategies. c. How the consumer culture of a market complements the different modes.
  • Impact of platform and ecosystem approach on the international marketing mix: a. How stakeholders drive or impact product development and innovation processes. b. How integrating private label brands by platforms and using seller data impacts platform outcomes. c. How pricing strategies evolve and change over time with platforms and ecosystem approaches. d. How subscription and non-subscription pricing strategies evolve across various markets. e. How the supply chain and distribution network strengthens or weakens as the industry moves toward platform and ecosystem approaches. f. How the orchestrator firm develops or chooses partners for various marketing activities across and within developed and developing markets. g. How the promotion mix of the platform and ecosystem-based offering differ from traditional business models within and across industries (B2B vs. B2C) and markets. h. How culture interacts with platform and ecosystem strategies, and how this impacts firms and other stakeholders.
  • Impact on market structure, competition, and consumer and stakeholder welfare: a. Do platforms and ecosystems command higher market power, impacting the welfare of consumers and other stakeholders? b. Do platform and ecosystems approaches vary across industries (e.g., retail, energy, transportation)? How does these approaches impact the marketing mix in a market? c. Does higher platform power lead to consumer and stakeholder welfare erosion? d. How can marketers navigate the competition and coopetition to make a platform successful across various markets? e. What lessons can be learned from technology platforms like Google and Apple to navigate the tricky technological and regulatory landscape? f. What is the role of government and regulatory bodies in supporting or deterring the platform’s growth to ensure the welfare of stakeholders? g. Do dark patterns affect customer welfare? (For example, subscription pricing charges and policies that are not visible to consumers and the role of regulators.) h. Is there a loss of local livelihood that affects sellers as platforms integrate private label brands? i. What is the impact of the rise of circular platforms on sustainable value chains and stakeholders across developed and developing markets?
  • Customer attitudes and actions within and across platforms and ecosystems: a. Conceptual similarity for customer-based outcomes for platform firms and other stakeholders. b. Measurement of customer experience, satisfaction, and engagement with digital platforms and ecosystems. c. Management of failures and customer recovery in multisided platforms and ecosystems. d. Customer journey management across various digital and nondigital touchpoints in platforms and ecosystems. e. Interdependence of consumers’ relationships with and perceptions of brands or partners operating across platforms and ecosystems. f. How marketers can explore circular platforms and ecosystems to help firms be sustainable value chains and positive customer attitudes. g. Platform exploitation by customers and disintermediation.

This list of topics and questions is reflective but not exhaustive of the current state of industry and academic literature. We call for more interdisciplinary and foundational research to expand the horizons of platforms and ecosystems literature in International Marketing. We invite all types of research—qualitative, behavioral, and empirical—and encourage researchers to identify multiple sources of data and motivation for this special issue.

Submission Process

All manuscripts will be reviewed as a cohort for this special issue of the Journal of International Marketing. Manuscripts must be submitted between March 1, 2025 and May 30, 2025. All submissions will go through Journal of International Marketing ’s double-anonymized review and follow standard norms and processes. Submissions must be made via the journal’s ScholarOne site , with author guidelines available here . For any queries, feel free to reach out to the special issue editors.

Special Issue Editors

Nandini Nim, Assistant Professor of Marketing, University of Texas at El Paso (email: [email protected] )

Murali Krishna Mantrala, Ned Fleming Professor of Marketing, University of Kansas (email: [email protected] )

Ayşegül Özsomer, Professor, Koç University, and Editor in Chief, Journal of International Marketing (email: [email protected] )

Adner, Ron (2022), “Sharing Value for Ecosystem Success,”  MIT Sloan Management Review , 63 (2), 85–90.

Deighton, John (2023), “How SHEIN and Temu Conquered Fast Fashion—and Forged a New Business Model,” Harvard Business School (April 25), .

Falcke, Lukas, Ann-Kristin Zobel, and Stephen D. Comello (2024), “How Firms Realign to Tackle the Grand Challenge of Climate Change: An Innovation Ecosystems Perspective,”  Journal of Product Innovation Management , 41 (2), 403–27.

Gao, Hongzhi, Mary Tate, Hongxia Zhang, Shijiao Chen, and Bing Liang (2018). “Social Media Ties Strategy in International Branding: An Application of Resource-Based Theory.  Journal of International Marketing , 26 (3), 45–69.

Hewett, Kelly, G. Tomas M. Hult, Murali K. Mantrala, Nandini Nim, and Kiran Pedada (2022), “Cross-Border Marketing Ecosystem Orchestration: A Conceptualization of Its Determinants and Boundary Conditions,”  International Journal of Research in Marketing , 39 (2), 619–38.

Kozlenkova, Irina V., Ju-Yeon Lee, Diandian Xiang, and Robert W. Palmatier (2021), “Sharing Economy: International Marketing Strategies,”  Journal of International Business Studies , 52, 1445–73.

Kumar, V., Nandini Nim, and Amit Agarwal (2021), “Platform-Based Mobile Payments Adoption in Emerging and Developed Countries: Role of Country-Level Heterogeneity and Network Effects,”  Journal of International Business Studies , 52, 1529–58.

Nambisan, Satish, Shaker A. Zahra, and Yadong Luo (2019), “Global Platforms and Ecosystems: Implications for International Business Theories,”  Journal of International Business Studies , 50, 1464–86.

Perren, Rebeca and Robert V. Kozinets (2018), “Lateral Exchange Markets: How Social Platforms Operate in a Networked Economy,”  Journal of Marketing , 82 (1), 20–36.

Sridhar, Shrihari, Murali K. Mantrala, Prasad A. Naik, and Esther Thorson. “Dynamic marketing budgeting for platform firms: Theory, evidence, and application.”  Journal of Marketing Research  48, no. 6 (2011): 929-943.

Sull, Donald and Stefano Turconi (2021), “Netflix Goes to Bollywood,” Teacher Resources Library, MIT Sloan School of Management (February 22),

Wichmann, Julian R.K., Nico Wiegand, and Werner J. Reinartz (2022), “The Platformization of Brands,”  Journal of Marketing , 86 (1), 109–31.

Other Resources

Adner, Ron (2017). Ecosystem as Structure: An Actionable Construct for Strategy,”  Journal of Management , 43 (1), 39–58.

Akaka, Melissa A., Stephen L. Vargo, and Robert F. Lusch (2013), “The Complexity Of Context: A Service Ecosystems Approach for International Marketing,”  Journal of International Marketing , 21 (4), 1–20.

Gawer, Annabelle and Michael A. Cusumano (2014). “Industry Platforms and Ecosystem Innovation,”  Journal of Product Innovation Management , 31 (3), 417–33.

Glavas, Charmaine, Shane Mathews, and Rebekah Russell-Bennett (2019), “Knowledge Acquisition via Internet-Enabled Platforms: Examining Incrementally and Non-Incrementally Internationalizing SMEs,”  International Marketing Review , 36 (1), 74–107.

Kanuri, Vamsi K., Murali K. Mantrala, and Esther Thorson (2017), “Optimizing a Menu of Multiformat Subscription Plans for Ad-Supported Media Platforms,”  Journal of Marketing , 81 (2), 45–63.

Zhou, Qiang (Kris), B.J. Allen, Richard T. Gretz, and Mark B. Houston (2022), “Platform Exploitation: When Service Agents Defect with Customers from Online Service Platforms,”  Journal of Marketing , 86 (2), 105–25.

Go to the Journal of International Marketing

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On Tech: A.I.

Applying to college here’s how a.i. tools might hurt, or help..

ChatGPT might change the application essay forever.

evaluation essay marketing

By Natasha Singer

I spent the last week talking with university officials, teachers and high school seniors about the dreaded college admissions essay.

I cover education technology at The Times. And I’ve been thinking a lot about how artificial intelligence tools like ChatGPT, which can manufacture school essays and other texts, might reshape the college application process.

I was particularly interested to learn whether admissions officials were rejiggering their essay questions — or even reconsidering personal essays altogether.

Amid a deluge of high school transcripts and teacher recommendations, admissions officers often use students’ writing samples to identify applicants with unique voices, experiences, ideas and potential. How might that change now that many students are using A.I. chatbots to brainstorm topics, generate rough drafts and hone their essays?

To find out, I contacted admissions officials at more than a dozen large state universities, Ivy League schools and small private colleges, including Juan Espinoza , the director of undergraduate admissions at Virginia Tech.

Right now, he told me, many universities are still trying to figure out how the A.I. technologies work and what they mean for the admissions process.

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QuillBot AI Review: Everything You Need to Know (2024)

evaluation essay marketing

Artificial intelligence (AI) is evolving quickly, and new AI tools and platforms are constantly appearing. In an era where clear, concise writing is highly coveted, AI writing tools are becoming increasingly crucial. One such impressive technology is QuillBot AI . Starting as a simple paraphrasing tool, QuillBot has become a robust AI writing assistant that symbolizes a significant stride in AI content optimization. This review thoroughly explores QuillBot AI, focusing on its key features, pricing structure, and strengths and weaknesses.

  • 1 What is QuillBot AI?
  • 2 How Quillbot AI Works
  • 3.1 1. The Paraphraser
  • 3.2 2. The Grammar Checker
  • 3.3 3. Summarizer
  • 3.4 4. Citation Generator
  • 3.5 5. QuillBot Plagiarism Checker
  • 3.6 6. The Translator
  • 3.7 7. Quillbot Extensions
  • 4 QuillBot AI Pricing and Plans Review
  • 5.1 Pros of Using QuillBot AI
  • 5.2 Cons of Using QuillBot AI
  • 6 How QuillBot Compares to Other Similar Tools
  • 7 Should You Use QuillBot? (The Verdict)
  • 8 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is QuillBot AI?

quillbot AI tool

QuillBot AI is a leading AI writing companion and paraphrasing software designed to help anyone elevate the quality of their writing. At its core, it functions as one of the best AI rewriter tools to edit, rephrase, and enhance content like a professional.

It presents various features, including grammar checking, plagiarism detection, and content summarization. As such, QuillBot AI delivers substantial benefits for academics, essayists, and writers. Creating high-quality professional content can be time-consuming, and Quillbot streamlines the process using AI to improve your writing quickly, offering real-time suggestions and one-click solutions. Plus, it is an all-in-one solution that replaces the need to invest in multiple tools, making it cost-effective.

The versatility of the software caters to a diverse audience. While students can utilize its various writing tools, professional writers can efficiently collaborate and summarize lengthy text. If you want to improve your writing process, whether writing an email, an essay, or a long-form blog article, you will find Quillbot AI to be a valuable addition to your writing toolkit. It can revolutionize your writing process to produce surprising results.

How Quillbot AI Works

You can access QuillBot by visiting their online platform on their website . You don’t need to create an account; you can use a free version of QuillBot with limitations. Once you are there, you will see the available tools in the left sidebar. Click any of the tools to launch the user interface for each.

QuillBot User Interface

Each tool will have a consistent layout with different features that you can use to start refining your content. For example, when using the Grammar Checker, you can copy and paste your content into the user interface. QuillBot will readily analyze your text, pinpointing broken sentences and grammatical errors you can fix with a single click.

And the other other tools share the same easy-to-use interface and functionality. For instance, the Summarizer makes condensing long-form content or essays easy. Paste your text to generate a summary of key points. Additionally, it features a plagiarism checker, which helps identify and fix plagiarized content to ensure the originality of your content.

QuillBot’s AI functions by learning from datasets. Comprehending grammar, spelling, punctuation, tone, sentence structure, and readability, these datasets serve as knowledge accumulations. So, when users regularly disregard a specific suggestion, the AI adjusts to present more contextually relevant alternatives.

Breaking Down QuillBot AI Features

QuillBot AI offers several features for easy and effective content organization. We’ll delve into these features now.

1. The Paraphraser

QuillBot AI includes a paraphrasing tool. It empowers writers to rephrase text while preserving its central message. It’s an ideal tool for students and aspiring authors, requiring no account signup. Options for ‘Fewer Changes’ or ‘More Changes’ are available, with premium users getting maximum adjustments.

Paraphrase Modes

QuillBot AI assists users in paraphrasing and refining text. It employs seven unique modes, each tailored to specific objectives, to enhance the quality and readability of written content. Whether striving for clarity, professionalism, creativity, or conciseness, QuillBot AI offers a mode to suit your needs.

Here is an example sentence I added to the paraphraser text input area:

“It was a tough match. After three hours of immense struggle, I was able to get the job done.”

1. Standard Mode

Standard Mode serves as the default setting. It balances modifying the text for clarity and fluency while preserving the original meaning. The result is a refined text that maintains its natural flow and readability.

After clicking the Rephrase button, QuillBot swiftly provided a paraphrased output in Standard Mode. It merits noting that the level of paraphrasing hinges on the level of synonyms you set in the Synonyms bar at the right of the Modes bar above the content. The higher the level, the more liberty you give QuillBot to change the words of the original content.

The ensuing result was generated with a low Synonyms bar:

“It was a challenging game. I had to struggle for three hours before I was able to finish the task.”

quillbot ai standard mode

The following result was generated with a maximum level of Synonyms:

“It was a challenging game. I had to battle for three hours before I was able to finish the task.”

quillbot ai standard mode

With just one sentence, you can see that only one word changed, but with larger blocks of content, you will see that QuillBot will make more word changes with a higher level of synonyms.

2. Fluency Mode

In Fluency Mode, QuillBot AI ensures that the text is grammatically sound and genuinely readable. It makes minimal changes, primarily correcting grammar and providing the text sounds natural. Synonym substitutions are kept to a minimum, preserving the original meaning.

We paraphrased the same content in Fluency mode . It generated the following output:

“It was a difficult match. I completed the task after three hours of intense effort.”

quillbot ai fluency mode

3. Formal Mode

Formal Mode is the ideal choice for those working in academic or professional contexts. It transforms the text to sound more polished and professional, making it suitable for business reports, academic papers, and formal documents.

We paraphrased the same content in Formal Mode . It generated the following output:

“ It was a difficult match. After three hours of arduous effort, I was able to complete the task. ”

quillbot ai formal mode

4. Academic Mode

Then, we paraphrased the same content in Academic Mode . Unlike the other modes, it doesn’t have any Synonyms bar. Instead, it seemed to give the content more details and wording suitable for academia. It generated the following output:

“ The contest was challenging. Following a prolonged period of three hours, characterized by significant exertion and effort, I successfully completed the task at hand. ”

quillbot ai academic mode

5. Simple Mode

Simple Mode simplifies the text, making it easier to understand and more accessible to a broader audience. It is an excellent choice when clarity and straightforward communication are essential.

We paraphrased the same content in Simple Mode . It generated the following output:

“ It was a hard game. I was able to finish the job after three hours of hard work. ”

quillbot ai simple mode

6. Creative Mode

Creative Mode is the way to go if you’re looking to unleash your creativity and generate entirely unique content. This Mode substantially changes the text, potentially altering the original meaning. It’s a valuable tool for content creators seeking a fresh spin on their writing.

We paraphrased the same content in Creative Mode . It generated the following output:

“ That was one intense contest. It took me three hours of relentless effort, but I finally completed the task at hand. ”

quillbot ai creative mode

7. Expand Mode

Expand Mode is perfect for those aiming to increase the length of their text. It adds words and details while retaining the original meaning, making it valuable for projects requiring a higher word count.

We paraphrased the same content in Expand Mode . It generated the following output:

“ It was a difficult match to watch. I had to put in a lot of effort for three hours before I was finally successful in completing the task. ”

quillbot ai expand mode

Then, we produced an output with a high level of Synonyms as follows:

“The contest was a challenging one. I was able to finish the work, despite the fact that it took me three hours of intense effort.”

quillbot ai expand mode

8. Shorten Mode

Shorten Mode comes to the rescue when you need to reduce the overall word count while maintaining the essence of your text. It trims unnecessary words and phrases, delivering a concise version of your content.

Lastly, we paraphrased the same content in Shorten Mode.  It generated the following output:

“ The match was hard. I finished after three hours of intense struggle. ”

quillbot ai shorten mode

Paraphraser Statistics

The ‘Statistics’ feature offers insights into text complexity and readability. It aids writers in adjusting their style to the desired tone and audience. Premium subscribers unlock tonality analysis, which assesses reader perceptions to enhance persuasive writing.

I have used the same content as the previous one in the “Fluency” mode. It has generated the following statistics.

quillbot ai statistics

The Statistics of the generated content are based on the following aspects:

  • Average words in a sentence
  • Average Syllables in a word
  • Readability
  • Sentence Count
  • Character Count
  • Percent Change
  • Longest Unchanged Words

Paraphraser Settings

quillbot ai settings

The “Settings” feature in the Paraphraser tool provides options to control how you want your content to be paraphrased and how you want the results to be displayed on the interface. In terms of paraphrasing the content, you choose the following:

  • Paraphrase quotations
  • Use contractions
  • Prefer active voice

Under the Interface options, you can select the following:

  • Use yellow highlight
  • Show tooltips
  • Show legend
  • Show changed words
  • Show structural changes
  • Show the longest unchanged words

Overall, these settings do seem to give users more control and help them identify changes to their content much easier.

Paraphraser Compare Modes

Compare Modes is a valuable feature exclusively available to premium users, offering a comprehensive view of how a sentence is transformed across different modes within the platform. This feature enables users to evaluate and choose the most suitable rendition for their content by comparing various paraphrased versions. To access Compare Modes, locate and click on the dedicated icon in the settings bar on the right side of the page.

quillbot ai compare modes

Once activated, Compare Modes opens a sidebar on the right-hand side of the screen, displaying the original sentence before paraphrasing and the results generated by all available modes simultaneously. The system defaults to the effect produced by the Mode in which the sentence was paraphrased. You can easily click the “Select” button next to the desired text to select your preferred sentence, seamlessly replacing the paraphrased sentence in your results. Additionally, you can further modify individual sentence results by clicking on circular arrow icons or making copies of them with a simple click on the copy icon. This powerful feature empowers users to fine-tune their content according to their specific needs and preferences, streamlining the content creation process.

Paraphraser History

By accessing the history feature, you can go through all the previous content you have modified. In my case, I checked my history, and it showed the last text paraphrased. It also shares the date and time when the content was modified.

quillbot ai history

The “Tone” feature in QuillBot AI paraphraser allows users to control and tailor the emotional and stylistic tone of their paraphrased content. With this feature, users can choose from various preset tones, such as casual , unfriendly , wordy , complex , and unclear . It ensures that the paraphrased text aligns perfectly with the desired style and intent. Whether you need your content to sound professional and academic or friendly and conversational, the Tone feature empowers you to achieve the right mood for your writing.

quillbot ai paraphraser tone

Paraphrasing for Different Languages

Quillbot AI supports 23 different languages for paraphrasing purposes. Not only does this make the tool more accessible, but it also comes in handy for making tweaks to the content generator by Quillbot’s translator tool.

quillbot ai languages

2. The Grammar Checker

Quillbot AI offers a user-friendly and free Grammar-checking feature that doesn’t require signing up. When you paste your text into Quillbot’s editor, it identifies and highlights grammatical errors, including punctuation and spelling. With a convenient Fix All Errors option, you can swiftly correct multiple issues simultaneously. This Grammar Checker enhances writing precision and consistency. It quickly pinpoints potential errors in red, simplifying the editing process. This real-time underlining and instant correction feature saves writers time and improves productivity.

For instance, here is an example sentence I added to the grammar checker text input area:

“ Manchester United signed Sofyan Amrabat on a season-long loan move from Fiorentina. The Morocco midfielder has been desperate to join Erik ten Hag’s team since getting linked to the Red Devils in June. However, Manchester United’s plans differed on Deadline Day as they wanted to sign Fulham’s Joao Palhinha instead. ”

After copy-pasting the text into the Grammar Check, it will detect all the potential errors within the content. By putting your cursor on the underlined words, it will show you the errors individually.

quillbot ai grammatical errors

Once you remove all the errors, it will provide you with the correct grammatical content. It will generate the following content.

“ Manchester United signed Sofyan Amrabat on a season-long loan deal from Fiorentina. The Morocco midfielder has been desperate to join Erik ten Hag’s team since getting linked to the Red Devils in June. However, Manchester United’s plans were different on Deadline Day, as they wanted to sign Fulham’s Joao Palhinha instead. ”

quillbot ai grammar errors removed

Furthermore, it seamlessly integrates with Quillbot’s Paraphrase tool, offering a comprehensive writing experience without needing an account. Its grammar-checking feature is valuable for writers seeking error-free, professional content.

3. Summarizer

Quillbot AI provides a Summarizer tool that condenses lengthy texts or articles into concise summaries, making it invaluable for students, researchers, and professionals.

Users can choose between Short and Long summarization options to control the level of detail. The Short summarization offers a brief overview, ideal for quickly grasping the central ideas or skimming through multiple articles. In contrast, the Long outline provides a more comprehensive summary, suitable for in-depth analysis or a deeper understanding of the text.

Quillbot AI’s Summarizer utilizes natural language processing to extract critical information while preserving the original context. It offers two summarization types: Key Sentences and Paragraph modes.

For instance, I added a block of content to the summarizer text input area. Using the Key Sentences feature, the tool has created five articulate points that summarize the content.

quillbot ai key sentences short summary length

Changing the Summary Length can increase or decrease the depth of those points.

quillbot ai key sentences long summary length

Selecting the Paragraph mode will provide a summary of the content in paragraph form.

quillbot ai paragraph short summary length

Like the Key Sentences mode, the length of the summary can be changed by adjusting the Summary Length .

quillbot ai paragraph long summary length

This feature streamlines research, study, and content review processes, enhancing productivity and comprehension for users across various fields.

4. Citation Generator

quillbot ai citation book

QuillBot’s Citation Generator is a valuable tool that simplifies the often complex process of citing sources in academic and professional writing. It allows users to choose from various citation styles and formats, ensuring compliance with specific guidelines and educational requirements. This feature dramatically reduces the potential headache associated with accurate source attribution.

quillbot ai citation generator

It supports common APA, MLA, and Chicago styles, covering reference types like books and websites. With an intuitive interface, it swiftly generates in-text and complete citations, labeled and exportable to Microsoft Word. By automating this process, QuillBot’s Citation Generator saves users time and ensures proper crediting of sources, benefiting those involved in research and academic writing projects.

5. QuillBot Plagiarism Checker

Quillbot AI provides a plagiarism checker, which is a premium feature. It eliminates the need for external tools to verify content originality. Premium users can paste their content into the checker, receiving results within minutes, indicating if the content is unique or plagiarized. Premium members can scan up to 20 pages per month with this tool, making it suitable for various types of content, including research papers.

quillbot ai plagiarism results

Its plagiarism checker stands out by accommodating research paper plagiarism checks, scanning up to 20 pages (approximately 5000 words) monthly. Consequently, it proves to be a valuable resource for essayists and academic writers, ensuring the integrity of their work.

Plagiarism detection is based on identical words , minor changes , paraphrased words , and omitted words .

6. The Translator

QuillBot AI provides its users with a Translation feature, allowing them to translate text into over 30 languages, making research and writing accessible across language barriers. It offers ad-free translation of up to 5,000 characters at once, includes integrated writing tools, and provides quick and accurate translations. The best part is that it’s free, enhancing convenience and accessibility for writers and researchers.

As a test, I added a block of content in the German language. The translator automatically detected it as German.

quillbot ai translation detector

Then all you need to do is select the language you want it translated to on the right and click the Translate button.

quillbot ai translator content

7. Quillbot Extensions

The tool offers three convenient extensions and applications to enhance your writing experience across different platforms.

QuillBot Chrome Extension

Quillbot AI Chrome extension

The QuillBot Google Chrome extension is a valuable tool for online writing. It seamlessly integrates with your web browsing, allowing you to check grammar, paraphrase, and summarize online documents (Google Docs), emails, and social media posts. Moreover, it ensures your writing is polished and error-free across the internet.

QuillBot for Word

Quillbot AI Microsoft Word extension

If you’re working offline in Microsoft Word, this extension empowers you to access the full capabilities of QuillBot. It assists you in crafting high-quality documents, reports, and essays, ensuring your writing is clear and concise, even when you’re not connected to the internet.

QuillBot for macOS

Quillbot AI macOS

For Mac users, QuillBot offers a browser-free desktop application. This standalone tool simplifies the writing process, providing a smooth and efficient writing experience on your macOS device. Moreover, it’s perfect for those who prefer a dedicated desktop application for their writing needs.

QuillBot AI Pricing and Plans Review

QuillBot's Pricing Page

QuillBot AI provides three different pricing options to suit different needs and budgets.

The Basic (Free) Plan allows you to experiment with the tool before attaining its subscription. With it, you can paraphrase 125 words. It provides Standard and Fluency modes with limited use of the Synonym Slider. Moreover, you can summarize up to 1,200 words through the Summarizer mode.

The premium version of QuillBot AI allows unlimited words for the Parphraser, more writing style modes, and up to 6,000 words in the Summarizer. It also provides access to Plagiarism Checker, Paraphraser History, and Compare Modes.

You have the choice of three different payment plans for premium. The Annual Plan costs $8.33 monthly, with $99.95 billed every 12 months. The Semi-Annual Plan costs $13.33 monthly, with $79.95 billed every six months. The Monthly Plan costs $19.95 per month. By subscribing to either of these premium subscriptions, you can paraphrase unlimited words in Paraphraser. The Summarizer will allow you to summarize up to 6,000 words, and you can fully use the Synonym Slider.

Pros and Cons of QuillBot AI

As we delve deeper into our comprehensive review of QuillBot AI, it becomes imperative to assess the advantages and disadvantages of this sophisticated language processing tool. While this tool boasts various features and capabilities, no technology is without its strengths and weaknesses.

Pros of Using QuillBot AI

  • A free plan is available, and there’s no need to sign up.
  • There is a refund policy in place.
  • Extensions for Microsoft Word, Google Chrome, and macOS are readily available.
  • You can access a free Language Translator.
  • The option to upgrade makes it very affordable to access additional features.
  • An app for content summarization is available for free.
  • Additionally, there is a free Grammar Checker app provided.

Cons of Using QuillBot AI

  • Only two writing modes are available for free.
  • OpenAI GPT AI writing is unavailable.
  • There is no AI content detection feature.
  • Manual intervention is usually required.
  • Both free and paid plans have character limitations in place

How QuillBot Compares to Other Similar Tools

QuillBot AI offers valuable features for text enhancement, including effective paraphrasing and translation. Its free plan is a budget-friendly option, making it accessible to a broad audience. When compared to Grammarly , QuillBot outshines Grammarly’s ability to rephrase content. However, Quillbot’s grammar-checking capabilities fall short of Grammarly’s robust editing features.

Tools like and Rytr AI may offer more comprehensive solutions for advanced AI content generation than QuillBot. These alternatives excel in generating content from scratch, making them suitable for various writing needs.

Regarding accessibility, QuillBot stands out with extensions for Microsoft Word, Google Chrome, and macOS. This enhances its usability and integration into daily writing tasks. It also eliminates the language barrier, whereas Grammarly,, and Rytr AI primarily focus on English.

Ultimately, choosing these tools depends on your specific requirements and budget. QuillBot is a reliable option for text enhancement, while other tools may be better suited for advanced AI content generation and comprehensive grammar checking.

Should You Use QuillBot? (The Verdict)

QuillBot AI offers undeniable value as an AI writing assistant for various teams and individuals. Need an alternative version of your original article? QuillBot can generate a new and improved version swiftly. It is handy for optimizing blog posts and other content, outperforming many free and paid AI rewriter tools . Its ability to paraphrase content significantly reduces plagiarism risks for academic assignments and research papers. Although some detectors, like , may still recognize QuillBot paraphrased content in some cases. No AI content generator is 100% human. That said, thanks to its versatility and proficiency, QuillBot is a worthwhile asset for writers, students, and content creators.

Looking for more? Check out our list of top AI writing tools . And for all aspiring writers, check out these AI story generators . You can also explore more of the best overall AI tools you can use to boost your productivity in various  ways .

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Here are some common questions that may help you decide if QuillBot is right for you.

What is QuillBot?

Can quillbot be detected, how much does quillbot premium cost, how can quillbot be used as a paraphrasing tool, how can quillbot be used as a summarizer.

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Explore plans, pricing and features here. 👇

By fahad hamid.

Fahad enjoys writing about a diverse range of topics, from business and marketing to design. Alongside this, he balances his love for tennis, showing skill both on the page and on the court.

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evaluation essay marketing

Where did you get that annual price? I would love to get it. When I visited the site the price was twice as much ($99.95) if I paid the full year in advance.

evaluation essay marketing

Hi, Carlos. The pricing must have changed since writing the post. I have updated the article. Thanks for bringing it to our attention.

evaluation essay marketing

Carlos – for me, it’s showing as: USD Annual Save 58% $4.17 USD per month $49.95 billed every 12 months

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Marketing Plan Evaluation and Recommendation Research Paper

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment


Corporate strategy.

Proctor and Gamble (P&G) needs to evaluate its marketing plan to prove whether the marketing plan has addressed all the market issues, matched the market standards, and its relevance to the market. Marketing plan has to possess sound information to allow for accurate evaluation and recommendation (Luther, 2001).

This paper will discuss Procter and Gamble’s mission, vision, goals, objectives, evaluate, and recommend P&G’s marketing plan. Evaluating P&G’s marketing plan will include analyzing its macro-environment, which is the economic, political, legal, social, cultural, and technological environment.

A vision is at times called the picture of a company in the future but it is so much more than a picture (Cravens, 2009). P&G’s vision statement serves as the company’s motivation, the structure for all the calculated planning. The vision testimonial may apply to a whole company or to a solitary division of the company.

Whether for the whole firm or a section of the company, the vision testimonial answers the problem of what the company wants to achieve in the short-run and long-run. When the P&G Company is structuring a vision testimonial, it is articulating its dreams and hopes for the business. A vision statement is a constant reminder of what the company is trying to build.

A vision statement does not explain to a company on how to reach its aims but it sets the direction for the business planning (Luther, 2001). The current P&G’s marketing plan vision states that “be, and be recognized as, the best consumer products and services in the world” (Proctor & Gamble, 2003, p. 6).

A company’s mission statement defines the company in terms of its existence and its reason(s) for being (Luther, 2001). The objective of the goal offered by the firm is the definition of the primary consumers of the firm and their identification and the illustration of the geographical position of the market.

P&G’s mission states that “we will continuously carry out innovation of our products and to produce products with the utmost care, to give nothing but quality to our communities, and to continue to grow so that we can dominate the market” (Proctor & Gamble, 2003, p. 6).

A company’s goal is the observable and measurable results with one or more set objectives to be achieved in a more or less fixed period. Goals makes a company strain its resources to meet a target so that if a company misses its target, then that is termed as a failure (Cravens, 2009).

P&G’s goal for this financial period is for the firm to be the market leader in the United States and globally through offering highly competitive products to its customers at an affordable price before the beginning of the 2013 financial year (Hooley, Piercy & Nicoulau, 2008).

Corporate strategy defines the general scope and course of a company and the manner in which the company’s various production operations work jointly to achieve specific goals (Cravens, 2009). P&G’s corporate strategy is to strengthen its core values, improving productivity, and creating a cost saving culture through its upstream programs.

Through corporate strategy, the company is able to determine its unique characters of presenting its products to the customers. P&G’s corporate strategy involves the distribution strategy, promotion strategy, and the pricing strategy (Hooley, Piercy & Nicoulau, 2008).

Distribution Strategy

Distribution is the movement of merchandise from the producer using a distribution channel, down to the final consumer, and the transfer of the payments in the contrary direction up to the producer or supplier (Luther, 2001).

Through distribution channels, the company’s products get to reach the final consumer. P&G ensures that the time that a product takes to reach the targeted audience is minimised; that is increased ordering speed. In addition, P&G makes sure that there is delivery flexibility; it is easy to distribute their products in the market.

P&G uses three types of distribution that are intensive distribution, extensive distribution, and speciality distribution. P&G uses intensive distribution to distribute the convenience and necessity goods used by the customers.

In intensive distribution there is no customer brand loyalty. This has made P&G design a strong and proactive network of distribution to avoid any leakages before the products reach the target customers (Hooley, Piercy & Nicoulau, 2008).

Promotion Strategy

Promotion is the act of a company to enlightening the targeted customers on their products in order to increase the company’s sales (Cravens, 2009). For P&G to announce to their target customers on the existing products it insists on heavy advertising of their products, pull strategy advertising, creativity, and media pioneer advertising. These strategies enable P&G to effectively create awareness to the public on the existing products.

Pricing Strategy

This strategy is used by P&G in determining their targeted customer’s cost of acquiring a single unit of their product. This is one of the most crucial functions in a company; the set price determines whether the company will make profits or losses (Cravens, 2009).

Pricing strategies adopted by P&G include optional features, strategy product, line pricing cost pricing, competitive pricing and distribution pricing. Through these strategies, P&G is able to make profits in its sales activities.

Cravens, D. W. (2009). Marketing strategy. 9 edn. New York, NY: McGraw- Hill.

Hooley, G., Piercy, N. F. & Nicoulau, B. (2008). Marketing strategy and competitive positioning. 4 edn. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

Luther, W. M. (2001). The marketing plan: how to prepare and implement . 3 edn. New York, NY: Amacom.

Proctor & Gamble. (2003). Our purpose, values and principles . P& G. Retrieved from:

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IvyPanda. (2019, June 17). Marketing Plan Evaluation and Recommendation.

"Marketing Plan Evaluation and Recommendation." IvyPanda , 17 June 2019,

IvyPanda . (2019) 'Marketing Plan Evaluation and Recommendation'. 17 June.

IvyPanda . 2019. "Marketing Plan Evaluation and Recommendation." June 17, 2019.

1. IvyPanda . "Marketing Plan Evaluation and Recommendation." June 17, 2019.


IvyPanda . "Marketing Plan Evaluation and Recommendation." June 17, 2019.


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    A well-organized essay is the key to success. In our article, we will break down the structure of an evaluation essay. Examples for Clarity: Finally, we'll provide examples of successful evaluation essays. These samples will illustrate the principles discussed and offer practical insights into what makes an effective evaluation essay.

  17. How to Evaluate Marketing Campaigns: 5 Tips to Measure Success

    Here are a few things to know. 1. Set clear goals. When launching a digital campaign, you first need to set clear goals. They are like a compass to you, guiding you throughout the campaign and helping you measure its performance. Now, digital marketing can serve a variety of purposes, so you should first determine what you want to achieve with ...

  18. International Marketing Evaluation Essay Examples

    International Marketing Evaluation Essays. International Marketing Evaluation of Nestle in the UK and Bangladesh. Abstract International marketing strategies are of fundamental importance in the dynamic landscape of global business. This paper broadly assesses Nestle's international marketing efforts, explicitly focusing on its endeavours in ...

  19. Definition and Examples of Evaluation Essays

    An evaluation essay is a composition that offers value judgments about a particular subject according to a set of criteria. Also called evaluative writing, evaluative essay or report, and critical evaluation essay . An evaluation essay or report is a type of argument that provides evidence to justify a writer's opinions about a subject.

  20. Dell International Marketing Evaluation

    Dell Inc. is an American technology company that designs, markets, refurbishes and supports computers and their miscellaneous products or services. Michael Dell founded the company in 1984 from his University of Texas dorm room. Today, Dell Technologies is a leading technology company transforming people's lives with unique capabilities.

  21. Starbucks Corporation's Marketing Evaluation

    Daily, Starbucks offers coffee to customers in over 80 markets. Back in the '80s of the 20 century, the company was a little store in Seattle. Now, the Starbucks coffee shops deliver the beverage in the airports, malls, across the city centers, and wherever it is possible. A company's success is built on its marketing strategies and values.

  22. Benchmarking for Deep Uplift Modeling in Online Marketing

    Online marketing is critical for many industrial platforms and business applications, aiming to increase user engagement and platform revenue by identifying corresponding delivery-sensitive groups for specific incentives, such as coupons and bonuses. As the scale and complexity of features in industrial scenarios increase, deep uplift modeling (DUM) as a promising technique has attracted ...

  23. Evaluation Essay Examples

    McDonald's Customer Relationship Management Evaluation Essay. 5. If the relationship between the customers and the company is short-term and capricious, the chances of timely and honest communication are low. Subjects: Business Marketing.

  24. Call for Papers

    The purpose of this special issue, therefore, is to significantly advance research investigating the role of platforms and ecosystem business models across various facets of international marketing. Of special interest are papers focusing on the evolution and formation of digital platform-based global marketing strategies and business models ...

  25. Microsoft Forms

    Microsoft Forms is a web-based application that allows you to: Create and share online surveys, quizzes, polls, and forms. Collect feedback, measure satisfaction, test knowledge, and more. Easily design your forms with various question types, themes, and branching logic. Analyze your results with built-in charts and reports, or export them to ...

  26. Applying to College? Here's How A.I. Tools Might Hurt, or Help

    An applicant who submitted a chatbot-generated essay, they said, would violate the university's admissions policy. The Yale experts also argued that personal essays for college applications were ...

  27. QuillBot AI Review: Everything You Need to Know (2024)

    QuillBot AI is a leading AI writing companion and paraphrasing software designed to help anyone elevate the quality of their writing. At its core, it functions as one of the best AI rewriter tools to edit, rephrase, and enhance content like a professional. It presents various features, including grammar checking, plagiarism detection, and ...

  28. Browse journals and books

    Browse Calls for Papers beta. Browse 5,060 journals and 35,600 books. A; A Review on Diverse Neurological Disorders. Pathophysiology, Molecular Mechanisms, and Therapeutics. Book • 2024. AACE Clinical Case Reports. Journal • Open access. AASRI Procedia. Journal • Open access.

  29. Page thumbnails and bookmarks in PDFs, Adobe Acrobat

    Open the Page Thumbnails side panel. Select a page thumbnail, and choose Page Properties from the Options menu . In the Page Properties dialog, select Tab Order, and then select the tab order. Use Row Order. Moves through rows from left to right, or right to left for pages with a right-to-left binding. Use Column Order.

  30. Marketing Plan Evaluation and Recommendation Research Paper

    Marketing plan has to possess sound information to allow for accurate evaluation and recommendation (Luther, 2001). We will write a custom essay on your topic. This paper will discuss Procter and Gamble's mission, vision, goals, objectives, evaluate, and recommend P&G's marketing plan. Evaluating P&G's marketing plan will include ...