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  • Resourcing and Talent Planning 5RST

CIPD Resourcing and Talent Planning 5RST sample unit

Resourcing and talent planning 5rst is one of the optional unit of the CIPD level 5 which is designed to educate the students of intermediate level. The core purpose of the Unit Resourcing and Talent Planning 5rst is to elaborate to the students about the function of HR in maximizing workforce mobilisation. This unit is designed to certify the attractions of the organisation at the accurate persons to carry on accurate roles of the organisation to meet the aim set. The unit Resourcing and Talent Planning 5rst elaborates on the requirement of retaining, recruiting and attracting staff members in an organisation.

The main competition of the organisation is among the talent working in their label market as well as the help of learning this unit the students can also acquire the methods utilised to certify the appropriate employee selection in the labour market. The students who take this unit must learn about the Organisation in which they are working for getting the stop member recruitment towards certifying that the growth support in the organisation is going well. Therefore students must prepare notes on this unit to certify that they have learnt accurate strategies in terms of selection and recruitment of staff members, recognise the planning of succession, and the aspects of talent management which Pay great effort in the growth of the organisation.

In Human Resource Management, talent planning and resourcing are the main parts of CIPD level 5. The development of this unit comprised the main purpose which is to teach talent management and resources. The main emphasis of this module is on force mobilization therefore the organisation may check out the required skills at a particular place and moment. The main purpose of the organisation is to certify that the organisation may attract the appropriate personnel to perform the accurate roles of the organisation to meet its aim. Students can have the great opportunity to learn a number of things regarding Talent planning and resourcing which also includes the management of employees in the phase of turnover. Unit resourcing and Talent Planning 5rst will also provide Great attention to operational and strategic aspects of talent and resourcing plans.

Objectives of unit

The main objective of the unit Resourcing and Talent Planning 5rst is to make the students able to learn the ways to recruit, attract and sustain the employees in the organisation. Apart from that the secondary objectives of the unit also cater to many significant things. The primary objectives of the unit are given below:

  • The course is designed to teach the students to introduce the approaches of strategies in an organisation to utilise position themselves as an employer.
  • To make the students learn about the techniques methods and Organisation of methods utilised to maintain, select, dismiss, plan and retire the employees of the organisation.
  • The prime aim of the unit is to make the students introduce with versatile methods of planning and recruiting ways talent.

Learning outcomes

The learning outcomes of the unit Resourcing and Talent Planning 5rst are designed to make the individuals able to recognise the approaches and the requirements to adhere employees in the organisation. Here are the learning outcomes of the unit Resourcing and Talent Planning 5rst.

LO1: Enables learners to identify the labour market in diverse countries and render are comparison of the ways of market influences the planning of the workforce.

LO2:Acquire the legal needs which professionals and HR must consider in the workforce planning of the organisation.

LO3: Stay in the position to recognise the skill needs required by the side of the workforce in generating versatile tasks of the organisation.

Lo4: acquire the potential to develop the personal specification in job description requirements for the people who are interested in the job position at a workplace., lo5: recognise the diverse recruitment and selection methods and the ways which are utilised at the time., lo6: recognise the strategies for retention development within the organisation to provide facilities in workforce planning and effective talent management., assessment criteria.

The assessment criteria of the unit Resourcing and Talent Planning 5rst is designed to make the students more recognised with the techniques of hiring and adhering the employees in an organisation. The role of HR is very crucial in such situation therefore the assessment criteria cater for the learning outcomes of the unit.

The students who are pursuing the course of 5rst must recognise the difference between the loose and tight conditions of the labour market. This is significant for determining the labour market competition nature in which the organisation indulge in choosing the appropriate candidate for the job role. Ndou and Gumata (2017) render a description which provides a contrast between the conditions of the labour market. The writer demonstrates the tight conditions of the labour market on which employees remain available for the job at minimum quantity.

LO2: Acquire the legal needs which professionals and HR must consider in the workforce planning of the organisation.

Organisations must position themselves to recognise the legal requirements and policies followed in the selection and recruitment of employees. Organisation planning in the workforce requires the practitioners to adhere to the strategies which assist in Talent attraction in the organisation.

The organisation must be related to the employees hiring who are included in the phenomena of living the goals of the organisation and this might only be possible in the scenario when the future strategies of the employees are developed. Multiple stakeholders possess the role to certify certifying that the skills of the future are met. These stakeholders include trade unions, the government, employers etc.

The information about the personal specification on the workforce planning principles includes the environment of HR with stakeholders of the Organisation in the process of workforce planning. It also determines the skills of employees in following the roles of the organisation by identifying the knowledge, competence, monitoring and skills in the process of planning to maximize the development for capital profit.

Talent planning includes the description of the job to attract innovative talent from the mushroom growth of candidates in the market. the learners of the unit also have the acquisition of the method to develop tools through explanation of the job purpose clearly with the responsibilities with individuals having an expectation to carry on after getting hired.

Students of this unit also have the expectation to recognize the downsizing of the organisation for a versatile reason and what they are stance should be when it happens. The human resource management organisation must have some talent to cope with this situation. Being professional students have to acquire the significance of communication with employees and not the reason for the downsizing of the organisation and ready them for the result. In many cases, employees got uncertain angry and anxious. The HR professionals have the responsibility to support them in such situations with great emphasis on certifying that they are promoting fairness and equity.

You can also read a sample Developing Professional Practice 5DVP .

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All the students have to deal with versatile issues when they are going to prepare the assignment on a particular unit. In addition, the unit Resourcing and Talent Planning 5rst is considered a significant unit of the CIPD level 5. Many students do not consider it a piece of cake and when they try to prepare the assignment on this they got crippled because of the difficult criteria of the assignment writing. We recognise the compulsion of the students that’s why we are rendering the best solutions for the assignment based on the learning outcomes of unit Resourcing and Talent Planning 5rst.

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CIPD 5RST Assignment Examples: Resourcing and Talent Planning Answers, UK

Resourcing and Talent Planning (5RST) is the unit of the CIPD Level 5 that provides an understanding of the HR function to enhance workforce mobilisation. This unit focuses on ensuring that HR professional should be in a position to attract, recruit and retain the right individual to carry out the organizational roles to meet their goals. In attracting the right staff members within the organisation, learners have to learn different approaches and practices. In learning this unit, students develop their skills to incorporate approaches to ensure that they can select the right employees from the labour market.

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Due to high labour market competition between the organizations, HR professionals should learn how to meet the recruitment goals to attract the right talent. Also, they have to ensure that every selected employee must support the growth of the organization. Thus, this unit teaches the right strategies towards recruitment and selection to make talented staff and provide an understanding of the succession planning for talent management to which contribute the organizational growth.

Here we are going to show some important assignment sample from each learning outcome of this unit. Students from the University of London, Manchester, Edinburgh or oxford who is pursuing CIPD level 5 will get help in academic writing from the topics discussed under each section. We will discuss only the assignment examples which assist you to choose the topic for essay writing , case study, report writing and more. Let’s take a look at the assignment sample for all activities and objectives of the unit 5RST resourcing and talent planning assignment brief.

CIPD Level 5RST Learning Outcome 1: Be able to explain the link between organisational success, performance management and motivation.

1.1 a description of the purpose of performance management and its relationship to business objectives and the organisation’s success..

Performance management is the process of ensuring that employees are meeting the organisation’s performance standards and working towards its objectives. It involves setting targets, assessing progress and giving feedback to employees. Performance management can help to improve employee motivation and productivity, and ultimately lead to better organisational success.

1.2 An explanation of the key components of performance management systems.

A performance management system (PMS) typically contains four key components:

1. Objectives and Goals – a PMS typically starts with setting objectives and goals, which are usually aligned with the company’s strategy.

2. Performance Measurement – once objectives and goals have been set, then performance needs to be measured in order to track progress and identifies areas of improvement.

3. Feedback and Coaching – providing feedback on individual performance is an important part of a PMS, as is coaching employees on how to improve their performance.

4. Recognition and Rewards – recognizing and rewarding employees for good performance is a key motivator for most people.

1.3 An explanation of how performance management processes relate to staff motivation.

Staff motivation is a key element in any organization and is essential for the success of the company. Performance management processes are put in place to ensure that all staff within an organization are meeting or exceeding set standards and objectives. Staff who meet or exceed expectations are rewarded, while those who do not may be subject to disciplinary action.

The goal of any performance management process is to motivate staff to achieve desired results. It is a way for employers to measure employee productivity and set goals that will improve performance. Staff who understand what is expected of them and how their work contributes to the overall success of the company are more likely to be motivated and productive. Conversely, employees who feel undervalued or unsupported are less likely to be productive or engaged in their work.

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CIPD Level 5RST Assignment Activity 2:Be able to explain the relationship between performance management and reward.

2.1 an explanation of the purpose of reward within a performance management system..

The purpose of rewards within a performance management system is to encourage employees to achieve the goals and objectives of the organization. Rewards can take many different forms, such as cash bonuses, gift cards, paid time off, or even public recognition. Whatever form the reward takes, it should be something that employees find meaningful and motivating.

One important thing to keep in mind is that rewards should not be given indiscriminately. They should only be given to employees who have demonstrated exceptional performance and met or exceeded expectations. This ensures that the rewards are seen as being valuable and that they are only given to those who have earned them.

2.2 An exploration of the components of an effective total reward system.

An effective total reward system should include the following key components:

1. Base pay – A fair base pay is essential to ensure employees feel valued and are able to support themselves and their families.

2. Benefits – Employees appreciate a good benefits package, which can include healthcare, dental care, vision care, 401(k) matches, paid vacation time, etc.

3. Recognition/Awards – Employee recognition programs are a great way to show appreciation for a job well done and can help boost employee morale.

4. Training & Development – Ongoing training and development opportunities allow employees to continue learning and growing in their roles.

5. Flexible Work Arrangements – Employees appreciate the ability to have a flexible work schedule, which can include telecommuting, flex time, and compressed work weeks.

6. Performance-Based Bonuses – Bonuses that are based on individual or team performance provide an incentive for employees to excel in their roles.

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5RST CIPD Level 5 Assignment Brief3: Be able to contribute to effective performance and reward management in the workplace.

3.1 an identification and explanation of at least five factors that need to be considered when managing performance..

When managing performance, it is important to consider a number of factors in order to ensure that employees are motivated and productive. These include:

  • Setting clear and achievable goals: Employees need to know what is expected of them in order to be able to meet performance expectations. Goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound.
  • Providing regular feedback: Feedback is essential in order to let employees know how they are doing and identify areas for improvement. It should be given frequently and constructively, in a way that motivates employees to continue performing at their best.
  • Encouraging employee development: Employees should be given opportunities to develop their skills and knowledge in order to improve their performance. This can be done through training, mentoring and job rotation programmes.
  • Recognising and rewarding good performance: Employees need to feel that their hard work is appreciated. Recognition can be given through verbal praise, bonuses, promotions or other forms of recognition.
  • Dealing with poor performance: It is important to address poor performance in order to maintain high standards of work. This can be done through coaching, counselling or formal disciplinary procedures.

3.2 A description of the data required by individuals that are involved within a performance and reward management process.

There are a number of data requirements for individuals involved in performance and reward management. This includes:

  • Performance data: This includes information on how individuals or teams have performed against specific goals or targets. It can be collected through observations, self-evaluations, customer feedback or other methods.
  • Reward data: This includes information on the types of rewards that have been given to employees in the past. This can be used to identify what motivates employees and what types of rewards are most effective.
  • Employee data: This includes information on individual employees, such as qualifications, experience, skills and training. This can be used to identify development needs and match employees to suitable roles.

CIPD 5RST Task 4: Be able to conduct and reflect upon a performance review.

4.1 an explanation of the frequency, purpose and process of performance reviews..

Performance reviews are an important part of any organisation’s performance management process. They provide a structured opportunity for managers and employees to discuss progress, identify development needs and set future objectives.

Reviews should be conducted regularly – typically once or twice a year – and the frequency will depend on the organisation’s culture and approach to performance management. Some organisations conduct informal reviews on a more regular basis, while others only review performance at set intervals such as annual appraisals.

The purpose of a performance review is to identify areas of strength and development need, and to agree objectives for the coming period. It is also an opportunity to discuss any wider issues that may be affecting performance.

The performance review process usually involves the following steps:

  • Preparation: Both the manager and employee prepare for the meeting, collecting any relevant information and paperwork.
  • Review: The manager and employee meet to discuss performance, identify development needs and agree objectives.
  • Feedback: The manager provides feedback to the employee on their performance.
  • Action planning: The manager and employee agree on a plan of action to address any development needs.
  • Follow-up: The manager and employee agree on a date for a follow-up meeting to review progress.

4.2 Provide short a written reflective review, outlining the strengths and weaknesses of your handling of the performance review meeting, and the learning points and actions for you when undertaking such meetings in the future.

I conducted the performance review meeting with my team member on time and as planned. I started by asking them how they felt the last quarter had gone, and what their thoughts were on their progress. I then provided feedback on their performance, both positive and negative. I was clear and concise in my feedback, and gave specific examples to illustrate my points. I ended the meeting by thanking them for their time, and asked if they had any questions or concerns.

Overall, I felt that the meeting went well. I was able to provide feedback that was both positive and negative, without coming across as overly critical. I was also able to listen to my team member’s thoughts and concerns, and address them accordingly. However, there are always areas for improvement. In the future, I will make sure to allow more time for discussion, and to ask more probing questions to get a better understanding of my team member’s thought process. I will also make sure to follow up after the meeting to ensure that any action points are being met.

Summative assessment for Resourcing and talent planning (5RST 05) : Downsizing organizations

This unit helps students to understand the different reasons for organization downsize and equip them with the right practices to resolve related issues. HR professional learn about strategies of letting the talent from an organization with the methods of communication with the employees during downsizing. Learners are able to achieve the responsibility of handling employees in worst-case scenarios. This unit develops the decision making of HR to retain the employees while promoting equity and fairness.

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5RST Resourcing and Talent Planning

Introduction to 5rst resourcing and talent planning.

Resourcing and talent planning is a level 5 CIPD unit that plays a fundamental role in Human Resource Management. The unit was developed with the sole purpose of teaching on resourcing and talent planning. The primary focus of the module is the mobilisation of the workforce to ensure than an organisation has access to the skills needed at a particular time and a given place. The unit is meant to ensure that the organisation gets to attract the right personnel to carry out the right organisational roles to meet the goals set. Learners of this unit will gain an understanding of resourcing and talent planning which involves attracting, retaining and managing employee turnover. The unit will give insights into strategic and operational activities of resourcing and talent planning.

Primary objectives of 5RST

  • To introduce students to the strategic approaches used by organisations to position themselves as employers in the labour market.
  • To introduce learners to primary operational tools, techniques and practices used by organisations to select, maintain, plan, dismiss and retire their workforce.
  • To enlighten students on the different ways of resourcing and talent planning.

Unit content

Resourcing and Talent Planning is a unit that explains the need to attract, recruit, and retain the staff members within the organisation. There are four main lessons deducted from the unit objectives that will be taught. This section will provide the indicative unit content with the expected learning outcome. It is important to understand that the content described in this section is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive but it is adequate to describe the expected learning outcome.

The first lesson covers the basic contemporary market trends and their significance for workforce planning. In this lesson, students will be taught about the tight and loose labour market conditions. The tight labour market condition is that which the employees available for the jobs are less and thus the competition is high towards getting the right candidate for the job. Loose labour market on the other hand is the condition where employees are many with fewer job opportunities. Issues of demand and supply trends, demographic profiling, talent availability and labour supply among others will be discussed. Learners will also learn about market dynamics and characteristics. Resourcing and talent planning requires that human resource practitioners understand the language of business and the necessary skills for sustainable organisation performance. The lesson further elaborates on market and stakeholder analysis and other variables that are essential for an employer’s competitive advantage and business sustainability.

The second lesson focuses on undertaking talents planning and recruiting process. In this lesson, students will be expected to analyse and interpret trends, metrics and patterns of demand and supply of skills.  This is an important lesson because the students will be able to identify the supply of skills suitable for current and future success of an organisation. Learners will also be taught on the internal and external factors that affect the selection and recruitment process. The students will learn the major recruitment methods that could be either internal or external and formal or informal. Additionally, the major selection methods ranging from application procedures to selection interviews will also be taught. The second lesson is broad because it also involves learning about the legal requirement for both local and international markets with regards to recruitment and selection process.

The third and the fourth lessons are on the maximization of employee retention and managing dismissal redundancy and retirement respectively. The most effective insights for maintaining and increasing the rate of employee retention will be covered in the lesson. Students will learn how to make a retention plan that is useful in the reduction of employee turnover. The current government legislative requirements both locally and internationally will be assessed and detailed based on the lesson. Students of these lessons will be expected to, understand international jurisdiction on issues of dismissal, redundancy and retirement. Conclusively the unit covers all aspects of resourcing and talent planning as applicable in organisations.

Unit Suitability

The unit is suitable for all persons seeking to develop a career in human resource management. All practitioners in the field of human resource management and development can also enrol for the unit to increase their knowledge and skills. All persons responsible for the implementation of HRs policies in an organisation are also eligible for the unit. Nevertheless, any person who may be interested in the process of resourcing and talent planning is eligible to enrol for the unit.

Expected learning outcome

Upon completion of this unit, learners are expected to

  • Explain the key contemporary labour market trends and their importance in workforce planning.
  • Practically undertake talent planning and recruiting activity
  • Demonstrates an understanding of suitable techniques for employee retention
  • Know how legally manage dismal, retirement and redundancy in both local and international organisations

The unit is covered in 60 hours. The hours are equally divided into guided learning and self-directed learning. Students are expected to attend all the lessons and complete the required assessments t complete the unit.

Summary and Assessment

The unit Resourcing and Talent Planning is essential for all HR practitioners and those pursuing a career in human resource management and development. Students gain an understanding of the resourcing and talent planning activities with practical examples from existing organisations. At the end of the lessons, learners are assessed on their understanding of the unit using a 4000 words assignment. The answers should demonstrate an understanding of the primary concepts that should be illustrated using viable examples. It is important to understand that the assessment seeks to tests the students’ analytical skills and critical thing. Therefore, learners should use their theoretical knowledge as learnt in class, and practical skills to answer the questions. Learners will be expected to relate academic concepts, theories and professional practices to organisational operations. The unit will require the use of various learning and research resources. The resources include books, journals, online resources, articles and websites. the specific learning resources for the guided learning will be provided by the tutors.

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5RST Resourcing and Talent Planning

  • January 13, 2022
  • Posted by: admin
  • Category: CIPD Level 5

5RST Resourcing and Talent Planning

5RST Resourcing and Talent Planning is part of the Human Resource Management CIPD unit at Level 5 . This unit was designed with the sole purpose of teaching resources and talent management. As the name implies, the primary goal of this module is to mobilise a workforce so that organisations can access the skills they need at a particular time and place. A personnel policy exists to ensure that the organisation can attract the right personnel to fulfil the necessary organisational roles to reach its goals. During this class, students will learn about resourcing and talent planning, including recruiting, retaining, and managing employees. In addition, the unit will provide insight into the strategic and operational aspects.

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Primary objectives of 5RST

  • The course will teach students how organisations position themselves as employers using strategic approaches.
  • Identifying the methods, techniques, and methods that organisations use to select, maintain, plan, dismiss, and retire their employees.
  • This course introduces students to the different techniques for recruiting and planning talent.

Unit content

Resourcing and Talent Planning are responsible for attracting, recruiting, and retaining the best talent in the organisation. A total of four main lessons will be taught based on the unit objectives. This section contains content indicative of the learning outcomes for this unit. Although the information presented in this section does not purport to be prescriptive nor exhaustive, it is adequate to describe the learning outcomes.

The first lesson will introduce students to fundamental contemporary market trends and their influence on workforce planning. Tight and loose labour market conditions will be the focus of the lesson. A tight labour market means fewer candidates are available for the job openings, which means competition is high to get the best candidate. On the other hand, many employees with fewer job opportunities are characterised by an open labour market.

Among other topics, we will discuss demand and supply trends, demographic profiling, talent availability, and the labour market. Additionally, learners will gain an understanding of market characteristics and dynamics. Human resource practitioners must understand the language of business and possess the skills necessary for sustainable organisational performance when planning resourcing and talent. Afterwards, the lesson discusses the market and stakeholder analysis and other factors contributing to an employer’s competitive advantage and business sustainability.

During the second lesson, we’ll discuss the process of hiring and planning talent. Students will analyse and interpret trends, metrics, and supply and demand patterns for skills in this lesson. Students need to recognise the available skills needed for a company’s current and future success.

Furthermore, students will gain an understanding of what influences recruitment and selection. You will learn about the most common recruitment methods, including internal, external, formal, and informal, during this course. In addition, the primary selection methods, such as application procedures and selection interviews, will be discussed. The second lesson covers the local and international recruitment and selection process, which is an extensive topic.

In the third and fourth lessons, we discuss increasing employee retention and dealing with dismissals, redundancies, and retirement. Tips for improving employee retention will be covered in the lesson. This course aims to teach students how to create a retention plan that will reduce employee turnover.

This lesson will examine and detail the current legal obligations across national and international borders. Students are expected to understand international jurisdiction regarding dismissal, redundancy and retirement issues. To conclude, this course covers both the topic of resourcing and talent management.

Unit Suitability

This unit is helpful for individuals seeking a career in human resource management. Those in human resource management and development can take this course to improve their skills and knowledge. In addition to HR practitioners, this unit is also open to people in charge of implementing HR policies. Despite this, the unit is open to any student looking to learn more about how the resourcing and talent planning process works.

Expected learning outcome

Upon completion of this unit, learners should be able to:

  • Identify critical trends that are affecting the labour market today.
  • Engage in the practice of talent planning and recruitment
  • Acquires knowledge of employee retention techniques
  • Understand redundancy, retirement, and dismal in both local and international organisations

The unit will be covered in 60 hours. Students will spend equal amounts of time on guided and self-directed learning. The student is expected to attend all lessons and complete all assessments to complete the unit.

Summary and Assessment

The unit Resourcing and Talent Planning is essential for students planning to pursue careers in human resources, talent development, and resourcing. By using examples from existing organisations, students gain a thorough understanding of resourcing and talent planning activities. A 4000-word assignment is given to each learner at the end of each lesson to assess their understanding of the unit. The answer should demonstrate a solid understanding of the concepts with examples.

An assessment is designed to measure the ability of students to analyse and think critically. Because of this, students must apply both theoretical knowledge and practical skills to answer questions. Students are expected to apply academic concepts, theories, and practices to organisational operations. Students will need to use various resources to learn and research for this unit. Resources include online sources, articles, books, journals, and websites. Tutors provide customised learning materials based on individual student needs.

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5RST Assignment Example

  • October 30, 2020
  • Posted by: Harry King
  • Category: CIPD Level 5

5RST Assignment Example

The labour market determines different factors including cost of production. The labour market affects both the private and public organizations. Organisations make a choice of the production locations based on the state of market labour. The analysis herewith is a comparison of the labour market in the UK and in Saudi Arabia.

With the employment rate continually rising, the UK currently has an unemployment rate of 4.7% (Ons.Go.UK). In regard to the working population, it is estimated that over 29 million people are working with men being 80% and 72% of the women are also working. The percentage of all working people have remained stable over the years from a rate of 70% recorded in the year 2009 to 75% recorded in 2019 (Ons.Go.UK).

Saudi Arabia has a low unemployment rate also stagnating from 4.35% to 6.4% (Aydin & Alquayid, 2019). Over the last ten years, the unemployment rate has increased from 5.0% to 6.04%, which is relatively low. On the other hand, the ratio of the females to the total working force in Saudi Arabia is 15% in the year 2019 (Aydin & Alquayid, 2019). This is a low rate compared to the UK statistic, which stands at 72%. In both countries, the trend on unemployment rate depicts that the labor market is characterized by higher wages due to the low unemployment market (Aydin & Alquayid, 2019). In addition, choice of the working with women is difficult in Saudi Arabia because only 15% of them are working.

An employer of choice is becoming an organisation that offers fantastic working environment, culture, and employee sensitive in a manner that helps to retain the best talent (Simionescu & Naroş, 2019). An employer of choice is one that is interested in the wellbeing of the employees and customers. An employer of choice exhibits appropriate characteristics that are attractive to the employee. First, the employer provides job security. In this case, employer ensures that the workers are financially empowered and that their positions are secured such that they concentrate on working. Secondly, employees are empowered and have authority when making decisions (Simionescu & Naroş, 2019). In this case, the employer gives them a chance to get involved in the strategic decision making process: goal settings, values, as well as receiving feedback from them. Employers and employees demonstrate mutual respect.

There is an opportunity for growth in the organisation and they feel encouraged to develop their skill. Employers offer performance development, appropriate career paths, training and development opportunities as well as promotional channel. An employer of choice is one who provides the needed work life balance to the employee. Some of the examples of the work life balance are flexible scheduling, allowing undistracted by the family, and minimizing the employees stress to accomplish the life changes (Simionescu & Naroş, 2019). In addition, the employer should have a good performance culture by tying the interest between the employee and employer. In this case, the organisation should have a good compensation system and performance plan. Having an employer of choice has a positive impact on the labour market. First, it makes the organisation a competitive firm in the labour market as it will attract talented employees. Secondly, it makes the organisation have a motivated workforce that acts as ambassadors for the company in retaining the best workforce (Simionescu & Naroş, 2019). The organisation creates loyal employees who do not share trade secrets and other information.

Tightness or looseness of the labour market is based on the supply and demand as influenced by unemployment levels. A tight labour market is one that is characterised by high demand of labour and low supply, leading to low unemployment rates. In a tight labour market, there are many unfiled job vacancies (Oxford Analytica). On the other hand, a loose labour market is characterised by low demand and a huge supply of the labour. In such circumstances, it is possible to hire a well-qualified workforce at a low cost. Understanding the labour market, whether loose or tight is essential for an organisation as it affects the economy and the profits. Existence of the cheap labour in a loose economy leads to low cost of labour and hence easier for the organisation to generate profits (Oxford Analytica).

In a loose labour market, due to the level of inflation and other macro-economic factors, there is an effect on the wages.  In loose labour market, due to the high demand of labour, organisations pay lower wages while in tight labour market, the cost of labour is high. In addition, a tight labour market requires that the organisation becomes more competitive by offering improved working conditions, competitive remuneration, flexibility, and other aspects (de Pedraza, Guzi & Tijdens, 2020).  In tight labour market, it is possible to have unfilled positions for an organisation due to the low supply of labour.  However, in loose labour market, due to high supply, cases of mismatch of skills are rampant

To meet the labour demand requires the input of the different stakeholders: government, employer, and trade union. The government plays a role of facilitating for the apprenticeships. An apprenticeship system is one that provides for the practitioner and professional skills through the necessary experience. Through a proper apprenticeship system, the government is able to provide licenses and accreditation for the professionals in their respective positions (Institute of Apprenticeship and Technical education). The government of the UK has facilitated an apprenticeship through the apprenticeship levy that facilitate for training needed to impart skills. The apprenticeship levy that is collected from tax on employers allows employers to offer comprehensive training. The government also helps in identifying the necessary skills gaps in the labour market (Institute of Apprenticeship and Technical education).

Employers have a role they play in ensuring that there is a continued development of skills in the labor market. Employers may provide opportunities for internships to learners for them to gain skills and experience needed for the labor market ( TUC). Through the learning and development division of the HR, employer continuously improves the skills and competence of the employee in line with the market demands. As such, employers should identify the training needs for the employers and act to bridge the gap thereby bridging the gap in the skill levels ( TUC). Employers should also give feedback on the preparedness of the tertiary institutions on the level of skills provided by the organization.

Trade unions are known for their bargaining power for the workforce. In pursuit of their objective, they also fight for employees to be well trained and provided with proper working conditions- which allow them to continually improve their skills (TUC). They also have an input on the level of education that should be offered by tertiary institutions as they prepare the workforce for the provision of labor (TUC). In particular, they liaise with such institutions to improve their delivery skills and knowledge for the preparation in labor market. Trade unions influence policy development for better working relationship.

Workforces planning are the strategies that are applied to meet the specific needs through proper employee positioning and finding the best placed people to take up the roles. Effective succession planning and management for an organisation helps in identification, development, and retention of the key skilled employees that will help to attain the business objectives (De Bruecker, 2015). Workforce planning is because an organisation requires specific labour needs and it planning helps to meet such needs.

An example of a workforce planning principle is involving top management, employees, and other stakeholders who are in development and implementation of the strategic workforce plan. Involvement of the key stakeholders is imperative in ensuring direction and goals of the management ate met based on the employment process. The top management helps in understanding the needs in the organization and based on their objectives, they can estimate the number of employees that they require later in future (De Bruecker, 2015). Having proper workforce planning is crucial as it established a communication strategy that will ensure a critical issue on timely manner. This approach enables communication of the goals and strategies that are critical in workforce planning.

There are different tools that are used in workforce planning. Workforce strategy map is a map that shows how the workforce planning activities aligns with the larger organisational goals. The board of directors sets the strategy for the organisation and it is derived from the following factors: demand and supply in the labour market; products and services the firm is already producing, and what the competition is doing (De Bruecker, 2015). Another tool is the 9 grid potential matrix, which assess the current and the future potential of the employees in ensuring that there is a proper assessment (De Bruecker, 2015). This is done to assess the current potential, which categorises into four stages: development potential; insufficient, sufficient, good or excellent state. If the performance assessment indicates low level, it necessities improvement, as part of the workforce planning.

Succession plan

The succession plan is developed to ensure that there is continuity in provision of HR services. In this case, the based on the level of qualification and experience, the HR manager succeeds the HR director due to the high level of experience and qualifications. The HR manager is succeeded by HR advisor, who can be succeeded by the HR assistant. This helps in ensuring that there is business continuity. The succession plan is attached in Appendix A.

Career Development Plan

The HR manager who is the possible successor to the position of the HR director needs to improve the skills through training. Some of the essential skills that he needs to acquire include conflict management, use of technology in HR, and policy development. The Career development plan by the manager is attached in Appendix B.

The HR department has been evolving over the years and downsizing has become a common procedure due to the changing economic times. Downsizing is the process of reducing the workforce in a company in an attempt to reduce the cost of labour (Schenkel & Teigland, 2017). Downsizing is done by the human resource department because they are aware of the performance and contribution of every employee. Downsizing is not always the best solution when the company is not performing finically well but it reduces the expenses incurred from employees that underperform. Downsizing should be conducted in a transparent manner. After the organisation has developed a list of the employees to be laid off, the next plan is to communicate the same to the affected workers (Schenkel & Teigland, 2017).  As such, the process should be transparent such that the affected employees together with the management engage in detailed communication and discussion. The management should share about the changing business needs and the possible workforce shifts. The communication should be open such that the employees are able to understand the situation and are properly prepared for the course of action that is taken by the organisation. Right from the start, the management should elaborate the criteria followed reaching the people chosen and the fairness in the process.

The process should also allow educating of the managers, employees, and the wide stakeholders. Once the case is built on a business case, it is imperative to invest time in training senior staffs such as the HR and senior management on how to communicate to the workers. For such a discussion, it is imperative to follow the prescribed legal guidelines and best practices to avoid any unnecessary controversies, which could pose a danger to the company’s image as well as the perception in the industry (Schenkel & Teigland, 2017). The management should also provide leadership by guiding even the affected employees on the new approaches to cope with life. The organisation should show how it has followed the law, maintained equality and fairness in the process (Schenkel & Teigland, 2017). The management should also maintain a managed approach. Further, HR can offer support and implement reengagement strategies after any downsizing has taken place.

The job description encompasses the detailed elaboration of the qualification of the potential candidate for a certain position. The description should explain the role of the potential candidate, the required qualification. The qualifications cut across the academic, knowledge and planning, communication, problem solving, team work, conflict management, and other necessary skulls. The job description card should also include the behavioural description to explain the kind of behaviour needed. The job description card is explained in appendix C.

Companies are required to follow a set of rules, most especially those that are compliant with relevant laws. Other laws include the minimum wage requirements, which outline the fact that organization should follow strictly the minimum set wage. The law also protects against poor working conditions and overexploitation.  Further, other laws include protection against biasness, racism, sexual harassment during working conditions. The process of recruitment and selection should be guided by legal requirements and the pieces of legislations that are stipulated in law. The legal requirement explains the obligations of both the employer and the employees. There are different legislature pieces, which cover various aspects including equity, data protection, and other issues.

The Equality Act of 2020 is an act of parliament of the UK, which was primarily formed with the purpose of consolidating, updating, and supplementing the previous regulations that prevent against discrimination. This law is a consolidation of the Equal Pay Act of 1970, Sex Discrimination of the year 1975, Race Relations Act of 1976 and the Disability Act of the year 1995 (Ross, 2018). The law elucidates against discrimination of people base on their gender, sex, age, sexual orientation, religion, or disability. As such, the law is useful in recruitment and selection because the process should be free of any form of discrimination (Ross, 2018).

Data protection Act 2018 was passed through the parliament, which explains on the need to protect the data. This law complements the national law of the European Union, which explains on the obligations of the different stakeholders, including employer on protecting personal data (Carey, 2018). The law states that the employer should have proper measures in handling and protecting against data and privacy breaches of the data. This influences the process of recruitment and selection since the organization is compelled to provide the necessary data protection measures. If the organization does not comply with the Equality Act 2010 and Data Protection Act of 2018, it attracts legal consequences including damages for breach and other legal consequences (Carey, 2018).

The process of hiring entails recruitment and selection. The process of recruitment encompasses the overall process of identifying and attracting applicants to fill a certain position.  There are different methods of recruitment including direct advertising for the position in the media, talent pool databases such as linked in; employee’s referrals; internal recruitment; and internships and apprentices (Vadeboncoeur, Foster & Townsend, 2018). Adverts are placed on different platforms include on career sites, job boards, social media, newspapers, on print and radio, and industry publications. The process of screening encompasses the process of selecting the most qualified personnel to fill the specified positions (Vadeboncoeur, Foster & Townsend, 2018). There are different methods of selection including: face to face interviews; telephone interviews; cultural fit selection; vetting; and preliminary selection. Every method of selection has its merits and drawbacks.  In person interviews are the face to face interviews where candidates are taken through a narrowed screening process where they demonstrate suitability to acquire the position of interest.

The process of placing adverts has its merits. First, it gives exposure about the employer to the world, which improves the organisation’s reputation. Secondly, it also gives the organisation an opportunity to select the best placed candidate by accessing a huge number of candidates (Patterson et al., 2016). However, on the downside, placing external advertising is an expensive method of recruitment because it requires a lot of money to place adverts on mainstream media. In addition, if the employer does not target the ads well, it could attract so many applicants while only a few are qualified. Personal interviews are conducted by panelist thereby saving time for the subsequent scrutiny (Patterson et al., 2016). In addition, the process allows for better assessment for one on one interview as candidates are given an opportunity to explain themselves. Further, there is no room for partiality when doing a panel interviews. Further, it allows for a better scrutiny of the candidate. In regard to weaknesses, the organization could lead to delays as the team gets to settle down on a single candidate. The method has a direct impact on the production and it also lead to pressure on the candidate and make him/her not exhibit quality traits on qualifications.

Dysfunctional turnover encompasses the situation where best talent for the organization leave the firm due to various reasons.  This comes with different costs. Some of the common costs that are incurred due to the dysfunctional employees include cost of advertising, selection costs, and the opportunity costs (Gong & Wang, 2019).  There is the cost of training staff due to the current skill gaps that comes with new employees. There is a danger of the indirect costs including tainted reputation and decreasing the morale of the employees and the overall productivity. The ultimate costs are great loss while understanding that recruitment and selection is time consuming and requires resources. Employees who remain in the organization are best talent encompassed of the best performers (Gong & Wang, 2019).  This happens because of various reasons that include inappropriate actions by the HR department and poor working conditions.

Employees may either stay or leave the organisation due to various reasons.  Employees may stay at the organisation due to provision of working conditions that are favourable, good remuneration, and flexibility at workplace. Indeed, employees make consideration of the work life balance to determine whether to stay or not.  Employees may therefore, decide to leave the organisation if they are not well remunerated, they have poor working conditions, or they are seeking good career growth opportunities (Gong & Wang, 2019).  Indeed, employees are motivated by the remuneration and growth opportunity. In this case, where they are provided with an opportunity to take on greater roles and responsibilities.

An organization can apply different approaches to help in staff retention and alleviate the huge cost implications that are associated with staff turnover. Some of the commonly applied methods include use of competitive compensation (salaries and benefits), staff interviews, and flexible working conditions (Jang & Kandampully, 2018).

Below is an analysis of each method with elucidation on the pros and cons in a table.

Processes of dismissal, elimination of redundancies, and retirement in an organization should be conducted in line with the law. The employer should start with a careful investigation on the underlying issues of dismissal.  The process of dismissal should be void of the aspects that amount to discrimination as outlined in Equality Act of 2010. As such, the person being dismissed should be given a fair hearing (Blackham, 2019). The process should be taken through a transparent manner. Further, some of the guidelines as outlined in ACAS include victim should be subjected through training and counseling session to ensure that they are psychologically prepared for the dismissal. Adequate notice should be given to the employees before the dismissal and the terms of engagement should not be changed without the consent of the employer.

It is recommended that the process of redundancy based on the age set. As such, the UK has a default retirement age but the Equality Act of 2010 abolished the default retirement age and this should form basis to the redundancy law (Flynn & Li, 2016). It is, therefore, recommended that the administrators in the organization realize that the legal team should be involved in the process. Organizations that have between one to 20 representatives have no commitment to counsel, however it is acceptable practice to do as such. Organizations that have between 21-99 employees are required to permit a 30 days counsel period to implement the redundancy process (Blackham, 2019). An organization with over 100 employees are allowed a period of 45 days.

Appendix B: Job Description, Specification, and Competency

Organisation x, job description, person specification, competency framework.

CIPD Intermediate Award in Human Resource Management

Reed Learning is a leading provider of HR & L&D qualifications. We offer a range of CIPD programmes delivered by highly qualified practitioners with an unrivalled level of strategic experience and professionalism in HR.

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Unit details

A CIPD Intermediate qualification in HR Management is aimed at existing and aspiring HR or Learning and Development Managers and will help you develop an understanding of how HR contributes to business success.

We have supported candidates through to successful completion at all levels of CIPD qualification since 2004. In addition, we have extensive experience in guiding candidates through various study options as well as advising on CIPD membership upgrade and providing HR consultancy services.

We consistently achieve the highest CIPD Quality Assurance rating and are one of only very few CIPD centres approved to offer competency based assessment (mixed mode) qualifications.

Boost your HR knowledge and skills to evaluate the effectiveness of different HR models and practices
The level 5 qualification, which is set at the level of a University degree is ideal for all those currently employed in advisory level roles who would like to develop HR Management skills.

Flexibility and Control of Your Learning

High quality learning at your pace, anywhere, anytime, with ongoing support from a personal adviser

Choosing the right qualification can be a bit daunting but we are here to help you select the correct path. Our expert advisers know everything there is to know about CIPD qualifications and can help every step of the way.

We work hard to ensure candidates are matched to the correct qualification and then work with you to help achieve your ultimate goal.

To support your learning, you will have 24/7 access to our Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), a comprehensive online library of quality reference materials. Created, curated and managed by experienced HR practitioners, it provides a single robust, secure and integrated platform to access a personalised learning experience.

My experience of Reed Learning is extremely positive. It is a very professional organisation and I received a high level of service. Communication is excellent and whenever I had a query or needed more information I had someone who could help me. Michael Dawkins
As soon as I started speaking to my personal adviser I realised that she knew her stuff like the back of her hand and this gave me confidence. We arranged our Skype calls every three to four weeks before an assignment when I would be squirrelling down notes but there was also communication through email when she would always respond quickly. She was totally supportive. Matt Griffiths

Choose your - Level 5 Award Modules

You are able to undertake an Intermediate Award in HR by taking one or more units, totalling 3-12 credits.

Award Modules - Credits

Developing professional practice (5DVP) – understanding of the knowledge, skills and behaviours required by human resources professionals. 4 credits

Business issues and the contexts of human resources (5CHR) – Understand developments in the business and external contexts which HR operates. 6 credits

Using information in human resources (5UIN) – Present a viable and realistic case for improvement based on work-based research and good practice. 4 credits

Managing and coordinating the HR function (5HRF) – (only mandatory for Diploma) HR’s role in the management of the employment relationship, demonstrating the value HR adds to organisations. 6 credits

Resourcing and talent planning (5RST) – Supporting sustained organisation performance through attracting, retaining and, managing employee departure. 6 credits

Reward management (5RMT) – The context that drives reward strategies and policies, including labour market, industrial, geographical and sector trends, in pay. 6 credits

Improving organisational performance (5IVP) – Involving line managers in sustained organisational performance by creating a high-performance work organisation. 6 credits

Employee engagement (5ENG) – Components of employee engagement and how high levels of engagement can be secured and sustained within an organisation. 6 credits

Contemporary developments in employee relations (5DER) – Understand developments that influence the management of the employment relationship in organisations. 6 credits

Employment law (5EML) – Introduce areas of employment legislation, the employment law system, and ways in which HR activities are subjected to regulation. 6 credits

Organisation design: implications of HR (5ODG) – Understanding how to ensure that an organisation is designed to deliver sustainable organisation performance. 3 credits

Organisational development: implications for HR (5ODT) – Exploring how to enable sustained organisation performance through the involvement of its people. 3 credits

HR service delivery (5SDL) – Understand how different HR service delivery models contribute to facilitating and supporting sustained organisational performance. 3 credits

Proven and Personalised Study Routes

Programme duration: 3 months

We offer an online delivery method for all our Awards, which is perfect for those who prefer to learn at their own pace from home, an office or even on the move while commuting. Our Virtual learning Environment (VLE) can be accessed at any time, and gives you a wide range of learning materials You will also have one to one sessions with your personal adviser over Skype or phone during the working week to provide extra support and help you with your unit and assignment.

Price: £500 + £45* + VAT

Note: The price shown above is for each unit.

*Reed Learning CIPD Registration. You will also be required to pay for CIPD student membership (contact CIPD for current pricing information).

A Typical Candidate Journey: Online Programme

Online Programme - Intermediate Award

1 webinar - An induction webinar via Skype or Zoom

2 one-to-one sessions - Live sessions with your adviser via Skype or Zoom

1 piece of written work - You will submit written work that are assessed by our experts and verified by CIPD external verifiers

0 written exams - There are no exams at Intermediate level

24/7 VLE access - To support your learning, you will have access to our comprehensive online library of quality reference materials

Typical Candidate Journey

Reed Learning Induction - Online induction with an expert tutor

One-to-one - Live meeting with your personal adviser

VLE access - Guided reading, access to the VLE throughout your programme duration

Written work - draft submission and assessment

One-to-one - Feedback from your personal adviser

Written work - Final submission and assessment

Congratulations - You've passed! CIPD will now send your Award

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Help CIPD Assignment

  • CIPD Level 3 Course
  • CIPD Level 5
  • CIPD Level 7 Courses
  • ILM Assignment Help
  • CMI Assignment Help

We provide dependable and inexpensive assignment assistance to students of all academic levels at Help CIPD Assignment. We help learners with assignments and provide them pointers on learning areas that they don’t seem to grasp readily.

Level 3 CIPD Assignment Help

  • 3CO01 Business, Culture and Change in Context  
  • 3CO02 Principles of Analytics  
  • 3CO03 Core Behaviours for People Professionals
  • 3CO04 Essentials of People Practice

Other Modules

  • Developing Yourself as an Effective HR Practitioner (4DEP)
  • Understanding Organisations and the Role of HR (3HRC)
  • Recording, Analysing and Using HR Information (3RAI)
  • Resourcing Talent (3RTO)
  • Supporting Good Practice in Managing the Employment Relationship (3MER)
  • Supporting Good Practice in Performance and Reward Management (3PRM)
  • Contributing to the process of Job Analysis (3CJA)
  • Supporting Change in Organisations (3SCO)
  • Identifying Learning and Development Needs (3LDN)
  • Designing Learning and Development Activities (3DES)
  • Delivering Learning and Development Activities (3DEL)
  • Evaluating Learning and Development Activities (3ELD)
  • Supporting Individual Learning through Coaching and Mentoring (3LCM)

Level 5 CIPD Assignment Help

Three core units.

  • 5CO01 Organisational Performance and Culture in Practice
  • 5CO02 Evidence-Based Practice  
  • 5CO03 Professional Behaviours and Valuing People 

Plus, three specialist units

  • 5HR01 Employment Relationship Management
  • 5HR02 Talent Management and Workforce Planning
  • 5HR03 Reward for Performance and Contribution 

Plus, one additional specialist unit

  • 5OS01 Specialist Employment Law 
  • 5OS02 Advances in Digital Learning and Development 
  • 5OS03 Learning and Development Essentials 
  • 5OS04 People Management in an International Context  
  • 5OS05 Diversity and Inclusion  
  • 5OS06 Leadership and Management Development
  • 5OS07 Well-Being at Work
  • 5LD01 Supporting Self-Directed and Social Learning
  • 5LD02 Learning and Development Design to Create Value
  • 5LD03 Facilitate Personalised and Performance Focused Learning
  • Developing professional practice (5DVP)
  • Business issues and the contexts of human resources (5CHR)
  • Using the information in human resources (5UIN)
  • Managing and coordinating the HR function (5HRF)
  • Resourcing and talent planning (5RST)
  • Reward management (5RMT)
  • Improving organisational performance (5IVP)
  • Employee engagement (5ENG)
  • Contemporary developments in employee relations (5DER)
  • Employment law (5EML)
  • Organisation design: implications of HR (5ODG)
  • Organisational development: implications for HR (5ODT)
  • HR service delivery (5SDL)
  • Using Facilitation Skills (5UFS)
  • Contemporary Developments in Human Resource Development (5HRD)
  • Developing and Using Consultancy Skills (5CNS)
  • 5CO01 Assignment Guideline Task Two

CIPD Level 7 Assignment Help

Four core units.

  • 7CO01 Work and Working Lives in a Changing Business Environment   
  • 7CO02 People Management and Development Strategies for Performance
  • 7CO03 Personal Effectiveness, Ethics and Business Acumen 
  • 7CO04 Business Research in People Practice  

Specialist units

  • 7HR01 Strategic Employment Relations   
  • 7HR02 Resourcing and Talent Management to Sustain Success 
  • 7HR03 Strategic Reward Management

Additional specialist unit

  • 7LD01 Organisational Design and Development  
  • 7OS01 Advanced Employment Law in Practice
  • 7OS02 Learning and Development Practice
  • 7OS03 Technology Enhanced Learning   
  • 7OS04 Advanced Diversity and Inclusion  
  • 7OS05 Managing People in an International Context   
  • 7OS06 Well-Being at Work
  • 7HRC Human Resource Management in Context
  • 7LMP Leading, Managing and Developing People
  • 7SBL Developing Skills for Business Leadership
  • 7IBI Investigating a Business Issue from a Human Resources Perspective
  • 7ODD Organisation Design and Organisation Development
  • 7LMD Leadership and Management Development
  • 7RTM Resourcing and Talent Management
  • 7PFM Performance Management
  • 7RWM Reward Management
  • 7MER Managing Employment Relations
  • 7ELW Employment Law
  • 7EEG Employee Engagement
  • 7LTD Learning and Talent Development
  • DDE Designing, Delivering and Evaluating Learning and Development Provision
  • 7KML Knowledge Management and Organisational Learning
  • 7ICM Understanding and Implementing Coaching and Mentoring

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Level 5 CIPD Assignment Samples

The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) Level 5 qualifications are designed for HR practitioners looking to enhance their skills and knowledge in the field of human resource management. These qualifications focus on developing HR professionals who can provide strategic leadership, drive change, and support the organization’s goals and objectives.

The Level 5 CIPD assignments are typically more complex and challenging than the Level 3 and Level 4 assignments, as they require candidates to demonstrate a deeper understanding of the concepts and theories of HRM. These assignments are designed to assess a candidate’s ability to apply their knowledge and skills to real-world situations and provide evidence of their learning and development.

Some sample Level 5 CIPD assignments may include topics such as:                   

Managing and Coordinating the HR Function: This assignment may require candidates to demonstrate their understanding of the key responsibilities of the HR function, such as talent management, employee engagement, and workforce planning.

Understanding Organizational Culture and Change: This assignment may require candidates to explore the role of HR in facilitating organizational change and how to create a culture that supports the organization’s goals and objectives.

Developing Leadership and Management Skills: This assignment may require candidates to demonstrate their understanding of the different leadership styles and how to develop and implement effective management strategies.

Reward Management:

This assignment may require candidates to evaluate different approaches to reward management, such as performance-based pay, bonuses, and benefits.

To successfully complete these assignments, candidates will need to conduct research, analyze data, and apply critical thinking skills. They will also need to demonstrate effective communication skills and be able to present their findings in a clear and concise manner.

In conclusion, the Level 5 CIPD assignments are challenging and require candidates to demonstrate a deep understanding of the concepts and theories of HRM. However, by successfully completing these assignments, candidates can enhance their skills and knowledge in the field of HR and advance their careers.

What is Level 5 Assignment Samples Modules Covered

The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) Level 5 qualification is designed for HR professionals looking to develop their knowledge and skills in the field of human resource management. The Level 5 CIPD assignment samples are typically more challenging than the Level 3 and Level 4 assignments as they require a deeper understanding of HRM concepts and theories. Here are some modules covered in the Level 5 CIPD assignment samples.

Managing and Coordinating the HR Function: This module is designed to provide an understanding of the key responsibilities of the HR function such as talent management, employee engagement, and workforce planning. The module helps learners to develop their skills and knowledge to manage the HR function effectively.

Understanding Organizational Culture and Change:

This module focuses on the role of HR in creating a culture that supports the organization’s goals and objectives. It covers topics such as organizational culture, change management models, and the role of HR in change management.

Developing Leadership and Management Skills:

This module provides an understanding of different leadership styles and management approaches. It aims to help learners develop and implement effective management strategies in organizations. Topics covered include leadership theory, management models, and team-building strategies.

This module covers the different approaches to reward management such as performance-based pay, bonuses, and benefits. It aims to help learners develop and implement effective reward management strategies that align with the organization’s goals and objectives.

Employment Law:

This module covers the key principles of employment law such as discrimination law, employment contracts, and termination of employment. The aim of this module is to provide learners with an understanding of the legal framework that governs the employment relationship and how to apply it in practice.

Organizational Design and Development:

This module covers the process of designing and developing organizations that are fit for purpose and align with the organization’s goals and objectives. Topics covered include organizational structure, design models, and change management.

Employee Relations:

This module focuses on the management of employee relations including the resolution of workplace disputes, employee engagement, and the development of effective employee relations policies and procedures.

Investigating a Business Issue from an HR Perspective: This module requires learners to conduct an independent research project on a business issue of their choice and present their findings in a written report. This module provides learners with an opportunity to apply their skills and knowledge to a real-world business issue.

In summary, the Level 5 CIPD assignment samples cover various modules that provide learners with the skills and knowledge they need to manage the HR function effectively. These modules cover areas such as organizational culture and change, leadership and management, reward management, employment law, organizational design and development, employee relations, and investigating a business issue from an HR perspective. To successfully complete the Level 5 CIPD assignments, learners need to apply their skills and knowledge to real-world situations, conduct research, analyze data, and develop evidence-based recommendations. Effective communication skills are also essential, as learners need to present their findings in a clear and concise manner. Overall, completing the Level 5 CIPD assignments can help HR professionals advance their careers by enhancing their skills and knowledge in the field of human resource management.

CIPD Level 5  Assignment samples  along with other Level Examples for Reference

·   5CO01 CIPD Assignment Help Examples Online

·   5CO02 CIPD Assignment Help Examples Online

·   5UIN CIPD Assignment Help Examples Online

·   5CHR CIPD Assignment Help Examples Online

·   5ODG CIPD Assignment Help Examples Online

·   5ODT CIPD Assignment Help Examples Online

·   5DVP CIPD Assignment Help Examples Online

·   5HRF CIPD Assignment Help Examples Online

·   3CO02 CIPD Assignment Help Examples Online

·   3CO03CIPD Assignment Help Examples Online

·   5HR01 CIPD Assignment Help Examples Online

You can refer our cipd assignment examples and check our quality. If you need any CIPD assignment help , please contact us on WhatsApp +1-646-948-8918 or submit your request  here .

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CIPD Level 5 is all about exploring the HR function to enhance workforce organisation and utilisation. One of its main units is Resourcing and Talent Planning (5RST). It is not that easy to compose a well-crafted paper on this topic. If you are also struggling and need 5RST assignment help, then you have fortunately landed at the right place. We will put a full stop to all your academic tumults so you can enjoy a smooth journey toward top grades. A non-professional can badly mess up your chances of scoring well because these papers require extensive knowledge about the field. We have 5RST assignment writers who are recruitment specialists, and their valuable insights can guarantee you a roaring success.

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It takes a lot of skills for a student to nail the execution of their CIPD 5RST assignments. You have to absorb a vast ocean of knowledge in your mind and present it in a compelling way that demonstrates your expertise in the human resource domain. If you want a simple way out to avoid all this hassle, just get in touch with our experts and say, “write my 5RST assignment.” We will handle the rest. Our professional writers will make sure that panic, stress, and failure vanish from your life.

Sources: 05

CIPD level 3 HR practice part A - CIPD Assignments Samples

We might have several 5RST assignment examples similar to your topic, but there is fresh research conducted for every project. Our team does not rely on previous work and starts every paper from scratch. Therefore, you and your teacher will find a strong hint of uniquenesses in your CIPD 5RST assignments, making you stand out from other students. In the end, the goal of every student is the same to outshine their competitors and leave a strong impression on their teachers. Our 5RST assignment writing service can help you achieve that.

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Sources: 12

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by admin May 20, 2024 CIPD Arrest Report 0 comments

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  8. 5RST Assessmentactivityandguidance

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  10. 5RST Resourcing and Talent Planning

    5RST Resourcing and Talent Planning is part of the Human Resource Management CIPD unit at Level 5. This unit was designed with the sole purpose of teaching resources and talent management. As the name implies, the primary goal of this module is to mobilise a workforce so that organisations can access the skills they need at a particular time ...

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  12. 5RST Assignment Example

    5RST Assignment Example will help guide you when tackling your assignment because this resourcing and talent planning assignment. ... Disclaimer: CIPD Assignment Help is a custom writing service that provides online on-demand written work for assistance purposes. All the work should be used in accordance with the appropriate policies and ...

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    The Assignment code (found on the front page of the Learer Brief) is Assessment ID / CIPD_5CO03_23_01. Thirdly and finally - The CIPD renew/revise their CORE assignments every year in June (cycle ex. 01 June 2022 to 31 May 2023). Each Learner Brief indicates the code (as I have shown above). Your 2022 brief will show Assessment ID / CIPD_5CO03 ...

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    As a Human Resources (HR) professional, you may have encountered challenges in completing CIPD assessments and assignments. The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) is a globally recognized organization that provides qualifications and training programs for HR professionals. One of the requirements for CIPD qualifications is completing assessments and assignments, which can ...

  18. CIPD HR Level 5 Awards

    Level 5. 7 credits. A CIPD Intermediate qualification in HR Management is aimed at existing and aspiring HR or Learning and Development Managers and will help you develop an understanding of how HR contributes to business success. We have supported candidates through to successful completion at all levels of CIPD qualification since 2004.

  19. Services

    Resourcing and talent planning (5RST) Reward management (5RMT) Improving organisational performance (5IVP) Employee engagement (5ENG) Contemporary developments in employee relations (5DER) ... Contact Help CIPD Assignment if you want to get A+ grades on your research papers. Before handling a research paper, our team takes the time to read it ...

  20. About CIPD Assignments

    CIPD Level 3 CIPD Level 5 CIPD Level 7 5RST Assignment Help. Login; Reviews Order Now; Order Now; About Us. Serving the students across US and UK with high quality CIPD assignments. We are a team of qualified research writers and CIPD professionals providing high quality assistance and guidance to the students for their assignments. If you are ...

  21. Level 5 CIPD Assignment Samples

    The Level 5 CIPD assignment samples are typically more challenging than the Level 3 and Level 4 assignments as they require a deeper understanding of HRM concepts and theories. Here are some modules covered in the Level 5 CIPD assignment samples. Managing and Coordinating the HR Function: This module is designed to provide an understanding of ...

  22. First time studying since school & I'm completely lost

    I am studying the level 5 diploma & attended my first workshop 5RST at the end of May; since then Ive been swallowed in the busy world of work, children & life. My first assignment is due to be submitted on 5th July & I havent even started. ... I started my 100% online CIPD Level 5 Diploma in HR Management and I have completed 2 out of the 8 ...

  23. 5rst Assignment Writing Service From UKs Top CIPD Helpers

    Tell our professional CIPD assignment writers to write the 5rst assignment and get a plagiarism-free written 5rst paper that helps to secure A+ Grades. Toggle navigation +44 138 498 1080 +44 138 498 1080

  24. CIPD Arrest Report for May 13-19, 2024

    Dinilawigi (Tribal Council) 2023-25 Committee Assignments; EBCI Boards and Committees and terms; ... CIPD Arrest Report for May 13-19, 2024. Trading Post. Bids, RFPs, etc. Classifieds;