The Art Assignment

Make a book with meat (or other atypical materials).

Artist and designer Ben Denzer shares an assignment to make an ATYPICAL BOOK. He’s made books from meat, toilet paper, ketchup packets, and lottery tickets, among much else. Your challenge: 1) Make a book that is atypical in terms of its form or material + 2) Share it on Instagram or Twitter with #youareanartist.

Make a Book with Meat (or other atypical materials): asset-mezzanine-16x9

S6 E32 - 5m 28s

The Definition of Art: asset-mezzanine-16x9

The Definition of Art

S6 E31 - 13m 4s

What is art? How do we define art? In this episode, we explore some of the many ways that artists and writers and thinkers have defined and understood this thing we call art.

Art That Was Never Finished: asset-mezzanine-16x9

Art That Was Never Finished

S6 E29 - 9m 32s

Artists have abandoned artworks for many reasons throughout history. Guest host John Green shares some of his favorite unfinished artworks and explains why they resonate with him so deeply. Featuring work by Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Edgar Degas, Alice Neel, Kerry James Marshall, and very many presidential portraits.

Make a Cut-Out with Cécile McLorin Salvant: asset-mezzanine-16x9

Make a Cut-Out with Cécile McLorin Salvant

S6 E28 - 6m 50s

Cécile McLorin Salvant is a visual artist and Grammy Award-winning jazz singer, and she shares with us an art assignment on creating your own Theme and Variation Cut-Out.

Art Made in Adversity: asset-mezzanine-16x9

Art Made in Adversity

S6 E27 - 6m 14s

Artist and educator Allison Smith shares her thoughts and library of books about art made in adverse circumstances. Featured are Vladimir Arkhipov's project Home-Made, archiving Russian artifacts made during Perestroika, and Trench Art, or art and objects made during armed conflict, highlighting works from Trench Art: An Illustrated History by Jane A Kimball.

Art That Brings Me Comfort: asset-mezzanine-16x9

Art That Brings Me Comfort

S6 E26 - 11m 38s

What art that brings you comfort right now? What art do you want to be thinking about? In this episode, we make a book of art by Alec Soth, Miyoko Ito, Giorgio Morandi, Vija Celmins, Sam Gilliam, Sheila Hicks, and Wayne Thiebaud.

Creativity is Overrated: asset-mezzanine-16x9

Creativity is Overrated

S6 E25 - 9m 55s

You don't need to be creative or inspired to make art, but you may need the advice of artists, and perhaps a prompt!

What This Painting Tells Us About Frida Kahlo: asset-mezzanine-16x9

What This Painting Tells Us About Frida Kahlo

S6 E24 - 9m 26s

The artist Frida Kahlo is a larger-than-life icon, known for the masterful self-portraits she made during her turbulent life (1907 - 1954). We take a close look at her painting The Two Fridas (Las Dos Fridas), and consider what it tells us (and doesn't) about her as a person and her wider body of work.

What Makes a Masterpiece?: asset-mezzanine-16x9

What Makes a Masterpiece?

S6 E23 - 12m 35s

What do we mean when we call an artwork a MASTERPIECE? Who decides which art becomes one? And what artists make them?

The Case for Video Games: asset-mezzanine-16x9

The Case for Video Games

S6 E22 - 12m 45s

Video Games are fun, but are they art? Heck yes. We explore the history and present of video games and what sets them apart as a means of artistic expression.

Having a Coke with Frank O'Hara: asset-mezzanine-16x9

Having a Coke with Frank O'Hara

S6 E17 - 15m 29s

Frank O'Hara is best known for his poetry, but in this Art Cooking we explore his life as a poet as well as an art curator at MoMA.

Art Therapize Yourself: asset-mezzanine-16x9

Art Therapize Yourself

S6 E21 - 12m 1s

What is Art Therapy? How can you use aspects of it in your next art encounter? We explore these questions at the Sidney and Lois Eskenazi Museum of Art with art therapist Lauren Daugherty.

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27 Art Activities and Lessons to Try at Home

artwork assignment

Art Education and the Coronavirus (COVID-19)

In the current situation of the widespread transmission of COVID-19 , the hands of educators are tied. Knowing schools could be the first places to shut down, we’re waiting to see what’s expected of us. Will schools close? What happens if my school closes? Do I need to prepare for virtual learning? What if my students don’t have access to the internet or technology? How do I teach when students have limited access to art materials at home?

These are all questions that have probably been on the top of your mind in recent weeks. We don’t have the answers to all of these things, but we do know that trying to keep some normalcy in the routines of the art room at home is going to be a challenge.

The approach to this situation is not going to be one-size-fits-all. Every single art teacher has a unique situation and different student body they are trying to reach. Keeping that in mind, you, as the educator, will have to develop ways to plan and facilitate learning in a way that meets your specific situation. To help ease the pain of trying to figure out what to teach to your students at home, we’ve created a list of ideas to help inspire your planning. As you look at these ideas, keep in mind the circumstances of your students, and make adaptations to serve your students best.

Have all your curriculum resources available from anywhere: FLEX Curriculum

Alternate Paint Ideas

artwork assignment

Unfortunately, many students will not have access to paint at home. Consider using this as a time for exploration to introduce students to new types of paint. Challenge students to think about what natural materials they might have, much like the people creating cave art might have used.  Try some of these homemade paint options:

  • Painting with Coffee
  • Fruit and Vegetable Paint
  • Paint Made with Spices
  • Food Coloring Watercolors

Found Object Ideas

artwork assignment

Found object artmaking is a medium that has been explored by artists throughout the ages. Let your students’ creativity flow by creating with the objects they have around them.

Here is a list of found objects that might help inspire your students. Try one of these found object ideas:

  • Found Object Color Wheel: Using the objects found throughout one’s home, have students collect as many colored objects as they can to create a color wheel. It will become a fun challenge to see how many different objects in different hues one can find at their home.
  • Andy Goldsworthy Found Object Nature Ideas
  • Found Object Cityscape Printmaking Lesson Plan

3-D Lesson Ideas

artwork assignment

Planning activities and lessons for 3-D classes like ceramics and sculpture might present an extra challenge. It won’t be very easy to truly emulate the happenings of a ceramics class without clay at home. Maybe, you’ll get lucky, and you can send each student home with a pound of clay, but this won’t be the case for everyone. Instead, get creative and keep it simple. Here are some ideas to consider.

  • Create temporary sculptures with household items. Have your students photograph them, and use them as a drawing inspiration. When you eventually get back to the classroom, students can recreate their sculptures with other materials.
  • Have your students create stop-motion videos using clay-like material. This can be done with clay, play-doh, or even cookie dough.
  • Paper Pottery
  • Cardboard Sculptures

Here are some additional clay recipes your students can try to make their own homemade clay:

  • Baking Soda Clay

Lessons with Limited Supplies

When it comes to limited supplies, drawing is going to be the best way to have our students find success. They can simply draw with the materials they have, any type of mark-making and paper will do the trick.

Use these drawing prompts to continue your students’ drawing skills.

  • 100 Silly Drawing Prompts
  • 100 Sketchbook Prompts eBook
  • 100 Sketchbook Prompts
  • Finish the Picture Prompts

artwork assignment

Observational Drawing

Now is the perfect time to refine observational drawing skills. To encourage your students to take note of the world around them, encourage them to participate in the “ View From My Day ” drawing challenge.

Other Drawing Activities:

  • Turn Your Markers into Paint
  • Stuffed Animal Drawings
  • Drawing the Human Form
  • Digital Drawing Ideas
  • Visual Journaling Ideas
  • Line Drawing Lessons

Additional Art Challenges to Engage Your Students

Use and adapt these art challenges to fit the needs of your students.

  • Summer Art Challenge
  • Supply Challenge
  • Snow Day Challenge

These lists are just a few ideas to help you create lessons or art from home. Just as in times of uncertainty, there are no silver bullets or definitive answers, but there are often options. As art educators, you do have options at your fingertips; at AOEU, we are here to help you find them. 

What are your go-to options when schools close? 

How do your students respond with a variety or lack of options? 

Magazine articles and podcasts are opinions of professional education contributors and do not necessarily represent the position of the Art of Education University (AOEU) or its academic offerings. Contributors use terms in the way they are most often talked about in the scope of their educational experiences.

artwork assignment

Abby Schukei

Abby Schukei, a middle school art educator and AOEU’s Social Media Manager, is a former AOEU Writer. She focuses on creating meaningful experiences for her students through technology integration, innovation, and creativity.

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5 Art Activities to Unwind After Testing and Portfolio Submissions 


  • 50+ Creative Art Project Ideas For College Students

By: Author The GenTwenty Team

Posted on Last updated: December 13, 2023

Categories College

Art class in college is a time to expand your palette and try new techniques! Here are well over 50 creative art project ideas.

Embarking on  art projects  is not just a way to fill the time between college lectures and exams; it’s a crucial element of personal and educational growth for  college students . Creativity thrives when minds are given the freedom to explore, and art projects offer a unique avenue for this exploration.

As part of art education, art teachers love making projects as part of their lesson plans, whether for college or high school students. It’s a fun way for art students to show what they have learned and express themselves.

Engaging in various  creative projects , whether a passion project or a calling, can enhance an individual’s ability to think laterally, solve problems imaginatively, and express complex ideas visually. These artistic endeavors are not limited to the tangible benefits of improved  artistic skills  but extend to bolstering academic performance and personal well-being.

As the canvas of college life stretches out, students are encouraged to paint their paths with broad strokes, dabbling in a medley of  art ideas  from traditional  painting techniques  to digital expressions in  graphic design . Every student has the opportunity to craft a unique  art portfolio , develop a rich tapestry of skills, and weave their narrative through  creative expression .

In this blog post, we will cover a plethora creative art project ideas for college students to try. Make note of what speaks to you!

art project ideas for college

50 Creative Art Project Ideas For College Students

Here are 50 creative art project ideas suitable for college-level students:

  • Create a self-portrait using abstract shapes, colors, and textures to represent different aspects of your personality. Use white paper and oil pastels or acrylic paint or do something more creative and use only materials from the natural world on black paper. The options are endless.
  • Gather random objects and create a sculpture by assembling them in a unique and interesting way.
  • Create a collage using photographs, combining and layering images to tell a visual story.
  • Utilize 3D printing technology to produce a sculpture or object that explores form and structure.
  • Design an installation that engages viewers and encourages them to interact with the artwork.
  • Experiment with digital painting using software like Adobe Photoshop or Procreate. Create a virtual bulletin board for a collaborative art project.
  • Transform old books into works of art by cutting, folding, and adding your own illustrations.
  • Build a sculpture that incorporates movement or responds to external stimuli.
  • Create a stop-motion animation using objects, drawings, or clay figures.
  • Combine traditional artwork with augmented reality elements using AR apps.
  • Construct an art installation using recycled materials to highlight sustainability.
  • Experiment with body painting and use the human form as a canvas for photography.
  • Design a mosaic using tiles, glass, or other materials to create a visually stunning piece. Take a field trip to local spots and gather materials.
  • Explore alternative printmaking techniques like monoprinting, cyanotype, or linocut.
  • Use projection mapping to transform the surfaces of objects or buildings with dynamic visuals.
  • Create a large-scale installation using ceramic pieces to explore form and texture.
  • Craft a sculpture using natural materials like branches, leaves, and stones.
  • Experiment with creating a sculpture by making a cast of a part of the human body.
  • Keep an art journal documenting your creative process, thoughts, and visual ideas.
  • Design an artwork using typography as the primary visual element.
  • Develop a virtual reality art experience that immerses viewers in a digital environment. This is a creative way to blend technology and art.
  • Create an art installation that involves auditory elements and explores the relationship between sound and visual art.
  • Build a detailed miniature world inside a box or container.
  • Create poetry by selecting and rearranging words from existing texts, newspapers, or books.
  • Stage a live art performance, incorporating elements of theater, dance, or music.
  • Experiment with graffiti art techniques, either on canvas or an approved outdoor space.
  • Use wire to create intricate sculptures that play with form and negative space.
  • Develop a series of fashion illustrations that showcase your unique style.
  • Explore the art of glassblowing to create intricate glass sculptures or vessels.
  • Combine various materials like fabric, paper, and found objects to create a mixed media collage.
  • Experiment with long-exposure photography and light sources to create dynamic and abstract images.
  • Create an installation using textiles and fabric to explore texture, color, and form.
  • Develop a project that focuses on conveying a conceptual idea through various mediums.
  • Take your sketchbook to the streets and create drawings or paintings of urban scenes.
  • Collect sounds from your environment and compose a piece of music or an audio installation.
  • Create a performance art piece and document it through video. Video project require another set of skills as well but video is highly profitable skill in today’s world.
  • Build a shadow box that tells a story or explores a theme using three-dimensional objects.
  • Develop a series of landscape paintings exploring different techniques and styles.
  • Use augmented reality apps to enhance street art and create interactive experiences.
  • Use your body’s movement to create drawings or paintings, capturing the essence of motion.
  • Create maps that illustrate personal experiences, emotions, or imaginary worlds.
  • Produce an experimental short film that incorporates unconventional storytelling techniques.
  • Experiment with fabric dyeing techniques, such as tie-dye or shibori, and create printed patterns.
  • Weld or manipulate metal to create sculptures that explore form, balance, and structure. You could even make cookie cutters and then make cookies from what you’ve created for your college art project.
  • Design and illustrate your own book, exploring both the narrative and visual aspects.
  • Develop a photography series that explores a specific concept or theme.
  • Create temporary art installations in natural settings using materials found on-site.
  • Design and print your own textiles, exploring pattern and color.
  • Create artworks that explore personal or societal views on body image and self-perception.
  • Develop an art project with therapeutic goals , addressing personal or social issues through creative expression.

These art project ideas are diverse and can be adapted based on your interests, preferred mediums, and artistic style. Feel free to combine or modify these ideas to create unique and meaningful art projects for your college-level coursework.

art project ideas for college

Unlocking Your Creativity

College serves as an expansive canvas for young artists, offering an environment brimming with new experiences, diverse perspectives, and stimulating challenges that are tailor-made to fuel the creative fires.

It is in this unique academic setting that  college students  can harness their life experiences and academic learning as sources of inspiration to funnel into their art.

To tap into this wellspring of creativity, students are encouraged to maintain an open mind, engage in campus activities outside their comfort zone, and utilize their coursework as a muse for their artistic endeavors. Trying new mediums and techniques, such as  digital art ,  sculpture , or  printmaking , not only broadens their artistic repertoire, but also cultivates adaptability and innovation in their creative expression.

Embracing the variety of art supplies and  art workshops  available on campus can further expand their horizons and augment their artistic skills, pushing the boundaries of their usual creative processes. By immersing themselves in college’s vast pool of opportunities, students open the doors to discovering fresh  art ideas  and new ways of  creative expression , setting the stage for a rich and vibrant artistic path.

Budget-Friendly Art Ideas

Embarking on creative endeavors in college need not drain your finances. A thrifty approach to art can involve  recycled materials , such as repurposed cardboard, discarded magazines, and reclaimed fabrics, to not only save on costs but also add unique textures to your projects.

Scouring  thrift stores and yard sales  can unearth affordable art supplies and unexpected materials. Additionally, many art stores offer  student discounts , allowing you to access quality resources without the hefty price tag. Be on the lookout for community  art swaps or exchanges  where you can trade materials with peers.

Embracing a DIY ethos can also inspire you to create your own supplies, for instance, mixing your own paint colors or crafting sketchbooks from recycled paper. The university’s art department may have resources like  free workshops  or a reuse center, offering an economical gateway to expand your artistic repertoire.

Here Are Some Art Projects for Beginners:

  • DIY Canvas Painting:  Experiment with simple paint techniques like sponging or finger painting to create abstract designs on canvas. This is a relaxing way to start with painting while learning color theory and composition.
  • Papier-Mâché Sculpture:  Create sculptures using recycled newspaper and glue. It’s an accessible project for beginners and helps understand three-dimensional forms.
  • Basic Printmaking:  Use everyday objects such as leaves or cut potatoes to practice printmaking. This teaches pattern-making and the basics of ink application.
  • Recycled Art:  Reuse materials to build an eco-friendly art piece. It’s a great way to learn about sustainability in art and can involve anything from plastic bottles to old clothing.
  • Photography Project:  Start with a smartphone or a basic camera and capture themes like ‘A Day in the Life’ or ‘Urban Landscapes’. It helps beginners understand framing and lighting.
  • Sketching and Drawing:  Begin with pencil sketches focusing on still life or outdoor scenes to hone observation and hand-eye coordination.
  • Basic Digital Art:  Utilize free digital drawing tools to create artwork on a computer or tablet. It’s an important skill set for modern art practices and encourages understanding of digital mediums.
  • Mural Painting:  Collaborate on a group mural project utilizing simple shapes and colors to contribute to a larger piece. This helps with planning and executing larger scale works.

art project ideas for college

Here are Examples of More Advanced Art Project Challenges:

  • Large-Scale Mural Painting:  Tackle the grandeur of public art by engaging in a mural project that requires planning, collaboration, and a mastery of painting techniques.
  • Interactive Sculpture:  Challenge both technical and conceptual skills by creating sculptures that require viewer participation or integrate mechanical elements.
  • Advanced Printmaking Series:  Delve into the complexities of printmaking with a series of related prints that explore advanced techniques such as intaglio or lithography.
  • Complex Mixed Media Installations:  Push the envelope with an installation that combines various media and engages with the exhibition space in immersive ways.
  • Conceptual Photography Project:  Develop a photography project with a strong thematic focus, requiring in-depth research and a sophisticated approach to visual storytelling.

Another Idea: Collaborative Pieces and Group Projects

Working together on a collaborative art piece  can significantly enhance the experience of creating and learning for college students. Such projects not only merge diverse perspectives and artistic skills but also foster a spirit of community and cooperation.

For instance, a  mural painting  involving multiple student artists can transform a bland campus wall into a vibrant tapestry of collective expression. Similarly,  sculpture installations  made from recycled materials encourage students to discuss environmental themes and develop problem-solving skills as a team.

Another inspiring group project could be the creation of a large-scale  mixed media piece , where each participant contributes a segment that reflects personal narratives or cultural backgrounds, ultimately weaving a story that is bigger than its parts.

By participating in such endeavors, students learn the vital role of teamwork and shared creativity in accomplishing artistic visions and projects.

Displaying Your Artwork

Once you’ve poured your heart into a piece, finding the right platform to share it can be just as rewarding. An excellent starting point is a  digital portfolio , where you can curate and display your work professionally. Websites like Behance or your personal site can serve as a great showcase for potential employers or art schools.

Students should also take advantage of  college exhibitions , which not only provide a legitimate space for your artwork but also offer a chance to receive feedback and network. Additionally, social media platforms have become indispensable for artists today, offering a broad audience and engagement opportunities.

Don’t overlook local coffee shops, libraries, or community centers either; they often have space dedicated to local artists. Remember, the act of presenting your art to the public is crucial – it’s a bold statement of your creativity and a significant step in your artistic journey.

art project ideas for college

Digital Art and Tech Integration

The intersection of art and technology opens up a new realm of possibilities for college students eager to expand their creative toolkit. Digital art tools and software, such as Adobe Photoshop for photo manipulation, Illustrator for vector graphics, and Procreate for digital painting on tablets, provide students with the means to push the boundaries of traditional art forms.

Blender can be used for 3D modeling and animation, while Unity offers an introduction to the world of game design and art. Encouraging the integration of technology in art not only enhances the creative process but also prepares student artists for a digital-centric professional landscape.

By blending traditional painting techniques with graphic design, or incorporating digital elements into sculpture and printmaking, students can create mixed media masterpieces that are unique and innovative. Embracing the digital dimension in art projects allows for endless experimentation and growth in both artistic skills and technological proficiency.

Reflections Through the Canvas

Art projects during college not only serve as a form of creative expression but also play a significant role in personal and professional growth. As you embark on various art endeavors, taking the time to reflect on your artistic journey can be incredibly rewarding.

Documenting your progress through journals, blogs, or visual portfolios allows you to witness your evolution as an artist. This practice isn’t just about preserving memories; it’s a proactive approach to developing your artistic skills and creating a body of work that can be instrumental in your portfolio development.

Such a portfolio can open doors to future opportunities and serve as a testament to your dedication and talent. So, continue to push boundaries, experiment with new techniques, and most importantly, keep creating. Remember, every piece you create is a step towards mastering your craft and cementing your unique artistic voice.

More Resourceful College Posts:

  • 20 Comfortable College Dorm Ideas for Guys
  • 9 Most Affordable Clothing Stores For College Students
  • The Best College Classes You Should Choose To Take
  • 10 Stand-Out Tips for Emailing Your College Professor
  • 7 Things That You Can Try At A College Party
  • 70 Hard Words to Spell for College Students
  • 20 Effective, Good Study Habits For College Students To Develop
  • The Ultimate College Bucket List – What To Do Before You Graduate
  • 40 Activities To Put On Your Activities Resume For College
  • 100 College Graduation Cap Ideas
  • 100 Epic College Event Ideas for Students on Campus
  • How to Throw a College Dorm Party
  • The Best Router For a College Apartment and Dorm
  • 75 Must-Try Virtual Event Ideas For College Students
  • 75 Sorority Event Ideas For Sisterhood Activities

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The Art Assignment is a weekly PBS Digital Studios production hosted by curator Sarah Green. We take you around the U.S. to meet working artists and solicit assignments from them that we can all complete.

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  • The Art Assignment Season 6
  • The Art Assignment Season 5
  • The Art Assignment Season 4
  • The Art Assignment Season 3
  • The Art Assignment Season 2
  • The Art Assignment Season 1

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Art Lesson Plans

The home of quality art lesson plans.

This is just a small snapshot of the hundreds of art lesson plans available on The Arty Teacher website.  Each section highlights some of the best-selling art lessons for that theme. Remember, you don’t have to pay for these resources individually as with a subscription you can download 10 resources a month.

Exciting Techniques and Processes

Experimenting with different media is an essential part of a broad art curriculum.  Many of my resources explore exciting media; the three featured below have been very popular.

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Complete Units of Work

These complete units of work are each an entire project. It’s wonderful to be able to teach new projects and to not have to spend hours and hours planning. There are many more complete art units on The Arty Teacher.

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Popular Resources

I never know what resources are going to be popular.  The selection below all have received great reviews!

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Art lesson plans for teaching portraits.

Most art teachers teach portrait lessons at some point in the year.  Students really seem to love this topic even though it’s really difficult.  Below are three best selling portrait resources.  Click an image to learn more, or click here to see all  art lesson plans about portraits.

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Art Lesson Plans for Teaching Colour Theory

Color theory is easy to teach with these resources to help you.  Every resource has the different spelling of ‘color’ and ‘colour’ to keep art teachers around the globe happy!  As well as the best selling resources below, there are more  color theory art resources  on The Arty Teacher.  This includes resources that help teach about harmonious, analogous and complementary colours.

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Engage Boys in Art Lessons

Art teachers have told me that boys have really engaged with the resources below. Of course, many girls would enjoy them too.

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Art Lesson Plans – Art Literacy

The Arty Teacher is particularly hot on literacy resources because art literacy is integral to most art curriculum’s.  On The Arty Teacher there are resources to do this through discussion, analysis and written tasks.  Click an image below or  browse Art Literacy resources .  You may be interested in art resources that incorporate  Blooms Taxonomy .

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Art Assessment Resources

We all have to spend a lot time marking and assessing art work.  Many of the art assessment resources on The Arty Teacher are designed to save you time.  Click the images below or here for all  Art Assessment Resources .

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Art Sub and Cover Lessons

The Arty Teacher prides itself in having helped hundreds of art teachers access sub/cover lessons when they need them the most.  You’ll find many of them will fit in with what you are teaching and will continue to teach your students the skills they need.  3 popular sub lessons are below or you can find lots of  art sub lessons  here.

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Zentangles worksheets really seems to engage students.  These three resources are all on the zentangle theme.  Click on the images below, or there are more  Zentangle Art Resources  on The Arty Teacher.

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Hands-on and Minds-curious Art Learning

Art Printables, Worksheets, and PowerPoints

Inside: A collection of printable art worksheets, PowerPoints, and lesson plans to use in art class. (Most of them are FREE!)

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Art class should be about more than just making art! Art lessons should introduce students to a variety of works of art and allow them to explore the process, the history, and their own personal connections to the artworks they encounter.

Keeping a class full of students engaged while looking at art takes practice, confidence, inventive activities , and a variety of approaches. But most of us weren’t taught how to talk about art with kids . That’s why I’ve gathered some of my best printable art worksheets and downloads in one place! Most of these art lesson plans can be used for any grade level and there’s enough variety to keep elementary, middle, and high school students interested and intrigued.

Free Art Worksheets Bundle-FB

Free Printable Art Worksheets

My favorite go-to art lessons come from the Art Appreciation Worksheet Bundle .

It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3! 1. Pick an artwork 2. Print one of the Art Appreciation Worksheets 3. Watch with joy as your students connect with and interpret art

The bundle includes 25 printable art worksheets, but everyone who signs up for Your Weekly Art Break , my email newsletter full of art inspiration, gets six FREE art appreciation worksheets . Fill out the form below to receive your free art worksheets and weekly art inspiration.

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Free Worksheets!

Art Appreciation Worksheets

In this free bundle of art worksheets, you receive six ready-to-use art worksheets with looking activities designed to work with almost any work of art.

Below, you’ll find a collection of the Art Class Curator posts that include art printables and downloads. These brains-on art activities will jump-start students’ critical thinking skills and breath new life into their  art projects . All of these art lesson plans are all free unless otherwise marked. Most are printable PDFs, but the ones containing PowerPoints are marked.

Free Elements and Principles Printable Pack

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This pack of printables was designed to work in a variety of ways in your classroom when teaching the elements and principles of art. You can print and hang in your classroom as posters/anchor charts or you can cut each element and principle of art in its own individual card to use as a lesson manipulative. Click here to download the Elements and Principles Printable Pack.

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Free Resource!

Elements & Principles Printable Pack

The Elements & Principles of Art are the foundation of every artwork, but teaching them can be a bore. Wake your students up and engage them with full color artworks, easy to understand definitions, and thought-provoking higher level thinking questions. This versatile resource can be hung in the classroom or used as an art manipulative.

Art Appreciation Printables

  • Free Art Appreciation Printable Worksheet Bundle
  • Art Appreciation Worksheet Bundle 25-Pack  
  • I am… Dorothea Lange: Exploring Empathy
  • Character Analysis Art Activity: Twitter Perspectives
  • Haikus about Art
  • I See, I Think, I Wonder
  • “I Feel” Word Wheel: Learning Emotional Literacy in Art Education

Art Appreciation Activities & Art Appreciation Lessons

  • Art Description and Drawing Activity
  • Virtual Art Museum Field Trip
  • Complete the Picture: An Easy Art Appreciation Game for Kids
  • Interpreting the Power of the Kongo Nkisi N’Kondi

Artworks Printables

art class activities

Artworks Worksheets & Artworks Activities

  • Art, Horror, and The Sublime: Symbolism in Pablo Picasso’s Guernica
  • Kollwitz & Cassatt: Two Views of Motherhood in Art
  • Rosa Rolanda Jigsaw Art Learning Activity

Artworks Lessons

  • Elements of Art Examples & Definitions
  • Principles of Design Examples & Definitions
  • Frida Kahlo’s The Two Fridas  Art Discussion Lesson
  • Art Analysis Activity for John Gast’s American Progress
  • Art Around the World in 30 Days – China
  • Masterpiece Monday: Manifest Destiny Art

Art Criticism Printables

Art criticism worksheets.

  • SPARK: 5 Art Criticism Steps for Inspired Art Connections and Conversations
  • Art History Student Study Guide Worksheets

Art Criticism Activities

  • 82 Questions to Ask About Art
  • Photograph Analysis Learning Activities

Art Criticism Lessons

  • 4 Steps of Art Criticism Lesson
  • What is Art? – Aesthetics Lesson Bundle
  • Classical Sculpture Analysis Lesson  
  • Decoding Style: How to Teach Students to Read an Artwork  

Puzzles About Art Printables

art puzzles

Teaching students about  art and aesthetics  is a great way to make them think about art in a new way. Aesthetics puzzles ignite exciting, meaningful classroom art discussions  and flex students’ philosophical and critical thinking skills.

  • Puzzles About Art: The Chimpanzee Painter
  • Puzzles About Art: Call it Driftwood

More Art Printables

You can find more art lesson plans in the Art Class Curator store and on Teachers Pay Teachers . Sign up for  Your Weekly Art Break   to get six free art art worksheets and weekly art inspiration delivered to your inbox!

artwork assignment

Get Art Inspiration To Your Inbox!

*free bundle of art appreciation worksheets*.


  1. Assignments

    Assignments. SINCE 2013, The Art Assignment has been gathering assignments from a wide range of artists, Each commissioned to create a prompt based on their own way of working. you don't need to have special skills or training in order to do them, and The only materials you'll need are ones you probably already have or can source for free.

  2. The Art Assignment

    The Art Assignment is a book! New assignments, along with a selection gathered during the course of making the series, is available for sale in the usual places books are sold. If your favorite local book shop or library doesn't have it in stock, ask for it! You Are an Artist includes over 50 assignments from some of the most innovative ...

  3. The Art Assignment

    The Art Assignment is an educational video series hosted by curator Sarah Urist Green. We explore art and art history through the lens of things happening today.

  4. I Could Do That

    Pre-order our book YOU ARE AN ARTIST (which includes new assignments!) here: So you look at a work of art and think to yourself, I coul...

  5. About

    The Art Assignment is an educational video series that introduces you to innovative artists, presents you with assignments, and explores art history through the lens of the present. The series premiered in 2014 as a co-production of PBS Digital Studios and Complexly, with episodes featuring emerging and established artists who share assignments ...

  6. The Art Assignment

    Join the Art Assignment community for projects with great American contemporary artists.

  7. The Art Assignment

    The Art Assignment is a weekly PBS Digital Studios production hosted by curator Sarah Green. We take you around the U.S. to meet working artists and solicit assignments from them that we can all complete. Make a Book with Meat (or other atypical materials) 5m 28s.

  8. 27 Art Activities and Lessons to Try at Home

    Have your students create stop-motion videos using clay-like material. This can be done with clay, play-doh, or even cookie dough. Paper Pottery. Cardboard Sculptures. Here are some additional clay recipes your students can try to make their own homemade clay: Paper Clay. Salt Dough. Baking Soda Clay.

  9. The Art Assignment

    The Art Assignment is a PBS Digital Studios webseries focused on contemporary art that debuted in February 2014. The Art Assignment is hosted by Sarah Urist Green who was a curator of contemporary art for the Indianapolis Museum of Art from 2007 to 2013.. Green's goal for this web series is to demystify the art making process and educate people on contemporary art and how it can be ...

  10. 50+ Creative Art Project Ideas For College Students

    Art class in college is a time to expand your palette and try new techniques! Here are well over 50 creative art project ideas. Embarking on art projects is not just a way to fill the time between college lectures and exams; it's a crucial element of personal and educational growth for college students.Creativity thrives when minds are given the freedom to explore, and art projects offer a ...

  11. How to Critique

    Pre-order our book YOU ARE AN ARTIST (which includes new assignments!) here: Today we discuss the conventions of art critique and explo...

  12. The Art Assignment

    The Art Assignment is a weekly PBS Digital Studios production hosted by curator Sarah Green. We take you around the U.S. to meet working artists and solicit assignments from them that we can all complete.

  13. Cases for Political Art

    Pre-order our book YOU ARE AN ARTIST (which includes new assignments!) here: week we explore some of the most powerful artworks eve...

  14. The Art Assignment

    Join curator Sarah Green as she interviews some of today's most inspiring artists and offers a historical exploration behind their methods and techniques. Whether it's transforming materials to help people look at the changing environment with new eyes, or taking classic artistic trends and adding a modern twist, The Art Assignment shows that ...

  15. Assignments

    Assignments. In the first three years of the video series, we gathered sixty assignments from artists working in a wide range of places and with an even wider range of approaches to art making. In these episodes, we introduce you to an artist who presents you with an assignment and contextualize the activity with relevant works from history ...

  16. Art Lesson Plans for Busy Art Teachers

    The Home of Quality Art Lesson Plans. This is just a small snapshot of the hundreds of art lesson plans available on The Arty Teacher website. Each section highlights some of the best-selling art lessons for that theme. Remember, you don't have to pay for these resources individually as with a subscription you can download 10 resources a month.

  17. 10 Artworks Perfect for an Art Criticism Lesson

    The Four Steps of Art Criticism lesson teaches students how to analyze art through the art criticism steps of description, analysis, interpretation, and evaluation. This resource includes a lesson outline (pdf), a PowerPoint, a written assignment instructions handout (pdf and editable .doc), a quiz (pdf and editable .doc), and a list of ...

  18. Art Printables, Worksheets, and PowerPoints

    The pack includes 15 no-mess, ready-to-go art connection activities (with PowerPoints!) featuring our best worksheets that are paired with 5 perfectly curated artworks each (75 total artworks!). The worksheets are ready to print. The PowerPoints are ready to show. Just open the files, pass out the worksheet, and you're ready to go!

  19. PBS

    The Art Assignment is a production of Complexly. Complexly is the production company for Crash Course, SciShow, and a dozen other education video channels and podcasts. Founded in 2012 by Hank and John Green, Complexly has a worldwide audience of 20 million subscribers and 2.4 billion views on YouTube, making it one of the largest global online ...

  20. Basic Art Sketchbook Assignments

    Drawing&Painting: Sketchbook Assignment 6, Due Friday 10/28. Page 1: Make 15-20 gesture drawings on one page, but only take one minute per drawing. Sketch 2: Set up a still life of 3 or more objects and draw them using shading and value. Try to draw them to scale and with the proportions correct.

  21. Writing and the Art: Trajectory 1 Syllabus and Assignments Sheets

    Answers Cloud Migration. Answers will be down for a scheduled migration starting June 21st, 2024 at 4:00 PM, and will be accessed via the new cloud instance when it comes back up on June 24th, 2024.Click to see cloud differences.To learn more about the migration, please visit the Answers FAQ page.

  22. The Case for Abstraction

    Pre-order our book YOU ARE AN ARTIST (which includes new assignments!) here: much of human history, people made art by trying to rep...

  23. The Case for Surrealism

    Pre-order our book YOU ARE AN ARTIST (which includes new assignments!) here:"Surrealism" has become shorthand for the bizarre, the irra...

  24. Special Topics

    Special Topics. We make a wide range of videos about art that we post to our YouTube channel, responding to events in the world and ideas that arise in the comments of our videos. We explore challenging subjects and common conceptions and misconceptions about art, with the goal of making the worlds of art and art history more open and accessible.