
Website yang menyediakan materi-materi, soal, tugas-tugas bahasa Inggris di sekolah beserta jawabannya

Contoh-Contoh Soal Short Answer dan Essay Materi Introducing Self and Other Kelas 7 SMP Kurikulum 2013

Short answer questions about introducing self and other.

For number 1-5, put to be into the gaps.

My complete name ___________   (1) Asih Rahmawati. I ___________       (2) a new student in SMP Pelita Bangsa Lombok. It ___________      (3) a very big Junior High School. I have 25 classmates. We    ___________   (4) all from Lombok. My students' number   ___________   (5) B 010 25471

1.       is

2.       I am / I’m

3.       is

4.       are

5.       is

For number 6-10, fill the blanks with the suitable possessive adjectives.

6.       This is ...'s storybook. Anna bought it yesterday.

7.       Hanna and Sarah have many friends. ... friends are from everywhere in Indonesia.

8.       Danu and I like collecting stamps because ... interest is in philately.

9.       Miss Luna has a little baby. ... baby is seven months old.

10.   Those cows are fat and healthy because ... master always feed them fresh grass.

11.   The response of 'how do you do' is ....

12.   The response of 'where do you live' is ....

13.   The response of 'who is s/he' is ....

14.   Edo : ...? Deris : I was born in 1999.

15.   Febian : Dita, this is Anton, our new friend.

Dita : Hi, Anton. Nice to meet you.

Anton : Hi, Dita, . . .

6.     Anna’s

7.     their

8.     our

9.    her

11. How do you do

12. I live in . . .

13. She/he is . . .

15. nice to meet you too.

Do the following tasks

1. Write the responses for these expressions.

a. What is your name?

Answer: _______________________________________

b. Where are you from?

c. Hello, I'm Nina.

d. How do you do.

e. How do you spell your name?

2. Read about Arlin. Then write a short descriptive text about her.

Surname : Nainggolan

First Name : Arlin

Occupation : Student of SMP Permata, Medan

Address : JIn. Teratai No. 22 Medan

Phone Number : 5263537


3. Make a good dialogue between you and a friend using the words below.

• Hello

• How are you?

• Fine

• Thank you

• Nice to see you

• See you later

You                  : …………………………………………..

Your friend    : …………………………………………..

You                 : …………………………………………..

Your friend     : …………………………………………..

4. Fill in the following form. Joni Ismail is a new student in SMP Cahaya Bangsa. He wants to be a member of the library in his school. He must fill in the form that consists in this data.

1. Full name          : ………………..

2. Date of Birth     : ………………..

3. Address             : ………………..

4. Phone number : ………………..

5. Hobbies             : ………………..

6. Parents name   : ………………..

7. E-mail Address : ………………..

Denpasar, .../.../2017


(your name)

5. Make a dialogue to introduce your friend to others.

Answer the following questions based on the text!

Hi! My name is Edward. My friends call me Ed. I’m 12 years old. My Hobby is skateboarding. I want to be your friend.

1.       Who is the boy?

2.       What is Edward nickname?

3.       How old is he?

4.       What is his hobby?

5.       Why does he introduce himself?

1.       He is Edward.

2.       His nickname is Ed.

3.       He is 12 years old.

4.       His hobby is skateboarding.

5.       Because he want to be my friend.

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35 contoh soal greeting and introduction & jawaban lengkap, contoh soal greeting and introduction dan jawabannya, soal pilihan ganda (multiple choice) greeting and introduction.

Contoh Soal Greeting and Introduction Jawaban

Kunci Jawaban Soal Greeting and Introduction

14 komentar untuk "35 contoh soal greeting and introduction & jawaban lengkap".

soal essay introducing yourself

untuk jawaban pilihan ganda n0 9,10, dan 12 apakah sudah benar? saya menjawab 9 A 10 D 12 B Atau saya yang salah, mohon pencerahan

Bener kamu . Mystipo kayaknya webnya

soal essay introducing yourself

Terima kasih telah mengunjungi blog kami dan bersedia mengoreksi kunci jawaban dari kami. Untuk kunci jawaban yang kami buat memang salah.Sudah kami revisi.

Mohon ijin untuk digunakan oleh siswa saya sbgai bahan latihan..trims..semoga sukses selalu..:)

soal essay introducing yourself

mohon ijin min untuk bahan ujian siswa saya min..trims..

soal essay introducing yourself

Link downlaodnya mana ka

12. Nina : ”... is he?” Lili : He is Hendra. A. How B. Who C. What D. Where Maaf, agak memperbaiki sedikit itu no 12. Dikunci jawaban kok A. How (Bagaimana), how adalah kata tanya yang menanyakan bagaimana cara sesuatu dapat dilakukan atau digunakan untuk menanyakan penjelas deskripsi contoh : X : How does it look like? Y : It looks so cute and sweet. Kalau saya menjawab B. Who (Siapa) yang menanyakan pelaku atau seseorang.

bukannya jawabannya itu B yah?? "Who is he? "He is Hendra"

Iya kak, mohon maaf atas kesalahan dari kami. Sudah kami revisi

Terimakasih untuk latihan soal-soalny,tpi menurut saya disini ada kekurangan untuk di no 9,10 dan 12. Selain itu semuanya sudah sangat bagus,terimakasih.

Iya kak, sama-sama. Mengenai kunci jawaban sudah kami revisi kak.

Jawaban ny mana

Pembahasan dari setiap soal mana?

Silahkan berkomentar . .

Latihan Soal Self Introduction dan Kunci Jawabannya

Kamu yang lagi belajar dan cari latihan soal Self Introduction, mending baca di sini deh. Ada 10 latihan soal beserta kunci jawaban/pembahasan yang bisa kamu pakai secara gratis. Jangan asal copy paste ya, cantumkan sumber dan biasanya membaca lagi soal-soalnya. Terima kasih dan selamat belajar.

Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Lainnya Latihan Soal Common Expression
  • Peter : Excuse me; are you here for first day at this English course?

Ruth : Yes, I am.

Peter : Can I take your name, please?

Ruth : __________________________________

Peter : Good morning Ruth, my name’s Peter Smith and welcome to Ruang English Course.

A. My name is Ruth Goldilocks.

B. Your name is Ruth Goldilocks.

C. Her name is Ruth Goldilocks.

D. What is your name, Sir?

Jawaban : A


Dalam dialog di atas, Peter menanyakan nama lawan bicaranya, maka jawaban yang tepat untuk menjawab pertanyaan Peter yaitu “nama saya Ruth Goldilocks” atau “my name is Goldilocks”.

  • Sally : Hi Andrew, how are you?

Andrew : Fine, thanks. And yourself?

Sally : I’m very well, thanks. I appreciate you coming to the first meeting of English  Club today. Andrew, let me introduce you to Claire. She’s our chairperson of this amazing club.

Andrew : Pleased to meet you.

Claire : Pleased to meet you too.

The bold sentence above show us the expression of…

A. introducing yourself

B. introducing themselves

C. introducing someone

D. introducing oneself

Jawaban : C

Kalimat bercetak tebal dapat diartikan “Andrew, mari saya perkenalkan kamu dengan Claire” ini artinya Sally berusaha mengenalkan Andrew kepada Claire dan sebaliknya. Sehingga jawaban yang tepat adalah mengenalkan seseorang atau “introducing someone”.

  • Victor : Hello. My name is Victor. What’s your name?

Janet : Janet.

Victor : __________________________, Janet?

Janet : I’m from Surabaya. Where are you from?

Victor : I’m from Malang. 

A. where do you live

B. where do you come from

C. what is your name

D. where are you now

Jawaban : B


Dalam percakapan di atas, Janet menjawab bahwa ia berasal dari Surabaya. Maka pertanyaan yang tepat untuk merespon jawaban Janet adalah “darimana kamu berasal” atau “where do you come from”.

  • I feel bad. I got D for my math in the last test, so I went home and did not tell my mother about my score, because I was afraid that she would be very angry to me. However, my mom knew from my teacher, so she asked me about the reason why I got D in math. And then, I told the reason to my mom because I ……… soccer with my friends yesterday.

A. studied         

Dari cerita di atas, alasan penulis mendapat nilai buruk pada ujian Matematika yang paling logis adalah karena bermain bola.

  • Alice : Brother, what do you think about this pizza?

Peter : This pizza ……. very delicious.

A. seems               

B. looks 

Jawaban : D

“Tastes” merupakan bagian dari Intransitive Verb yang bersifat tidak diikuti oleh kata kerja, melainkan kata sifat, misalnya taste, look, seem, feel, remain, smell, become, appear, dan lainnya. Kata tastes lebih tepat karena terkait dengan kata sifat delicious yang berhubungan dengan indera pengecapan.

  • Celine : Hai Patrick! What will you do after school?

Patrick    : Hai Celine! I will …… the wall.

A. paint    

C. colorize

Dari cerita di atas, apa yang dilakukan seorang anak sekolah dengan sebuah tembok adalah mengecatnya, bukan membangun, mewarnai, atau menulis di atas tembok. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah “paint” atau mengecat.. 

  • _____ love Monday. Does _____ love it too?

A. (I, you)

B. (She, he)

C. (They, you)

D. (I, she)

Jawaban yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat pertama adalah “saya” atau “I” mengapa bukan dia atau she/he ? Karena ada kata love , jika subjeknya she/he , maka kata love berubah menjadi loves . Sedangkan jawaban yang kedua adalah dia atau she/he karena ada kata does .

  • The mechanic is my sister. So don’t disturb _____.


Dalam kalimat di atas terdapat kata kunci “my sister” yang berarti “adik perempuan saya”; maka jawaban yang tepat adalah “her” yang merupakan bagian dari Object Pronoun atau kata ganti objek.

  • Before leaving the theater, Benjamin asked himself , “Why did I waste money on this movie?”

The bold word is categorized as …

A. possessive pronoun

B. reflexive pronoun

C. subjective pronoun

D. objective pronoun

Kata “himself” dalam kalimat di atas merupakan kata pengganti dari Benjamin, di mana dalam Reflexive Pronoun kata himself merupakan objek dari verb asked .

  • They didn’t give _____________ a chance to think before beginning the competition.

The appropriate word to fill in the blank is…

A. yourselves

B. ourselves

C. themselves

Pembahasan Kata “themselves” merupakan kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi jawaban di atas karena themselves merupakan objek dari verb give yang juga menjelaskan they

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Perkenalan diri dalam bahasa Inggris

Perkenalan diri dalam bahasa Inggris nggak sekadar tentang nama, asal sekolah/universitas/kantor, dan tempat tinggal saja, guys. Jadi, apa saja dong? Yuk, ketahui beberapa contoh perkenalan bahasa Inggris yang lengkap dalam artikel ini! —  

“Tak kenal, maka tak sayang!”  

Kamu pasti sudah tidak asing dengan kalimat di atas, kan? Yap! As we know , perkenalan atau self introduction adalah langkah awal yang digunakan untuk memulai interaksi bersama orang baru atau bergabung di tempat yang baru.

Introduction itu penting, lo . Karena setelah memperkenalkan diri, kamu dan lawan bicara bisa menuju percakapan yang lebih jauh .

Kalau sudah kenal, seseorang tentu bisa menjalin hubungan yang lebih dekat. Entah itu hubungan pertemanan, partner kerja, kolega bisnis, dan lain sebagainya. Maka dari itu, perkenalan diri atau self introduction menjadi salah satu hal yang wajib kamu kuasai.

Kamu tahu nggak? Saat ini, banyak momen atau acara khusus di mana kita harus memperkenalkan diri menggunakan bahasa Inggris, seperti bertemu dengan rekan bisnis, wawancara , hingga saat proses pembelajaran di sekolah atau di kampus.

Of course , alasannya adalah karena perkenalan yang baik dapat membuat audiens atau lawan bicara tertarik denganmu. Kalau kata orang-orang, sih, namanya first impression.

Tapi pernah nggak, kamu bingung bagimana cara perkenalan alias “how to introduce myself” dalam bahasa Inggris yang baik dan benar? Atau mungkin kamu bosan dengan cara berkenalan yang hanya sekadar menyebutkan nama, umur, dan tempat tinggal saja?

Okay! English Academy bakal kasih solusi untukmu. Pada materi ini, kita akan membahas tips perkenalan diri hingga contoh-contoh self introduction dalam berbagai situasi. Yuk, langsung kita simak!

Tips Perkenalan Diri (Introduction) dalam Bahasa Inggris

Sebelum masuk ke bagian contoh teks perkenalan diri dalam bahasa Inggris, coba kita lihat dulu cara-cara dan juga tips perkenalan diri dalam bahasa Inggris yang baik dan benar berikut ini! Tenang, introduction dalam bahasa Inggris nggak sulit, kok !

Tips perkenalan diri dalam bahasa Inggris

1. Awali dengan salam dan sapaan

Saat berkenalan, nggak mungkin dong kita langsung to the point? At least , kita bisa melakukan greetings untuk menyapa lawan bicara, sama seperti yang bisa kita lakukan saat perkenalan diri dalam bahasa Indonesia. Contoh greetings yang bisa kamu gunakan:

  • Hello! (Halo!)
  • Good morning Sir and all of my friends here! (Selamat pagi Bapak dan semua teman-teman saya di sini!)
  • Hi everyone. Good afternoon! (Halo semua! Selamat siang!)
  • Hi everybody! (Halo semua!)

2. Sampaikan maksud percakapan

Sampaikan bahwa kamu membuka percakapan untuk perkenalan diri. Biasanya, step ini banyak dilakukan saat momen formal seperti meeting dengan rekan bisnis, presentasi, dan lain-lain. Mari kita lihat contoh di bawah ini:

  • Let me introduce myself… (Izinkan saya memperkenalkan diri saya…)
  • I would like to introduce myself… (Saya ingin memperkenalkan diri saya…)
  • I’m right here to introduce myself… (Saya di sini untuk memperkenalkan diri saya…)

3. Mulai dengan perkenalan identitas

Dalam sebuah perkenalan, identitas yang biasa disebutkan adalah nama lengkap, nama panggilan, asal kelahiran dan tempat tinggal, hingga background pendidikan. Namun, tentunya hal ini juga akan disesuaikan dengan situasi atau momen yang sedang kamu ikuti. Berikut contohnya:

Untuk perkenalan nama:

  • My full name is…. (Nama lengkapku adalah….)
  • My name is… (Namaku adalah….)
  • I’m…. (Saya….)
  • People usually call me..  (Orang-orang biasa memanggilku..)
  • You can call me…. (Kamu bisa memanggilku…)

Untuk menyatakan alamat tempat tinggal:

  • Currently I live in…. (Sekarang aku tinggal di…)
  • My address is… (Alamatku berada di….)
  • I come from…. (Saya datang dari….)

4. Kalimat penutup diikuti rasa terima kasih

Setelah perkenalan diri, jangan lupa untuk menutup kalimat perkenalan yang diikuti ucapan rasa terima kasih, supaya perkenalan diri kamu semakin berkesan. Berikut contohnya:

  • This is the end of my self-introduction (Inilah akhir dari perkenalan saya)
  • That’s all from me (Itu saja dari saya)
  • Thank you for your attention (Terima kasih atas perhatian Anda)
  • Pleased to meet you! (Senang berkenalan denganmu!)
  • Glad to see yo u (Senang bertemu denganmu)
  • Nice to meet you! (Senang bertemu denganmu)

5. Lakukan e ye contact dan g esture yang ramah

Setelah mengetahui cara dan tips di atas, perlu kamu ingat juga bahwa ada faktor lain yang akan membuat perkenalan diri dalam bahasa Inggris-mu semakin keren. Apalagi kalau bukan attitude ! Yap ! Dalam hal ini, kamu dapat menonjolkan attitude dengan cara eye contact dan juga melakukan gesture yang ramah. 

Misal, jika kamu sedang berkenalan secara tatap muka dengan seseorang, maka jangan lupa untuk berdiri, tatap mata lawan bicara, dan lemparkan senyum terbaikmu.

Jika kamu sedang melakukan perkenalan secara online melalui aplikasi meeting , maka usahakan untuk membuka kamera-mu dan berikan senyum yang hangat untuk peserta yang hadir. Simple , kan? Namun, justru hal-hal sederhana seperti inilah yang akan membuatmu terlihat sopan dan good attitude .

Wait, wait ! Biar praktik perkenalan diri kamu bisa lebih bagus, coba  ikutan Live Teaching kelas English Academy,  yuk !  Free  dan kamu bisa belajar langsung dengan pengajar internasional! Segera  booking jadwal-mu!

IDN CTA Blog Trial Class General English EA 2022

Contoh Teks Perkenalan diri Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya

“Gimana sih contoh perkenalan diri bahasa Inggris yang baik dan benar? Kan pasti setiap momen beda-beda?”

Kalau kamu punya pertanyaan seperti kalimat di atas, tandanya saat ini kamu sedang membaca artikel yang tepat. English Academy akan memberikan contoh-contoh teks perkenalan diri dalam bahasa inggris beserta artinya buat kamu, nih .

Beberapa referensi ini bisa menjadi acuan kamu dalam belajar perkenalan untuk membuka pembicaraan dengan orang yang baru dikenal.

1. Contoh Perkenalan Diri Bahasa Inggris Singkat dan Artinya

Perkenalan diri bahasa Inggris yang satu ini bisa kamu gunakan saat bertemu teman baru yang sebaya denganmu dalam situasi non-formal.  Yuk , langsung saja ke contoh kalimatnya:

Hi, everyone! I would like to introduce myself! My full name is Intan Aulia Husnunnisa, you can call me Intan. I live in Jakarta. Nice to meet you all. Thank you and nice to meet you all!

(Halo semuanya! Saya ingin memperkenalkan diri saya! Nama lengkap saya Intan Aulia Husnunnisa, kalian bisa panggil saya Intan. Saya tinggal di Jakarta. Senang bertemu dengan kalian semua. Terima kasih!)

Hello friends. Let me introduce myself. My name is Bella. I’m from Surabaya, East Java. Pleased to meet you. Thank you!

(Halo teman-teman. Izinkan saya memperkenalkan diri. Nama saya Bella. Saya dari Surabaya, Jawa Timur. Senang bertemu dengan kalian. Terima kasih dan senang bertemu kalian!)

2. Contoh Perkenalan Diri tentang Aktivitas saat Ini

Hi everyone, let me introduce myself. My name is Letusha Gunawan, just call me Ucha. I was born in Madura. I’m currently managing my own F&B business. Besides that, I am also focusing on writing novels to achieve my dream; become a famous writer. Wish that I can make my dream come true. That’s all I can say in this introduction. Thank you and have a nice day!

(Hai semuanya. Izinkan saya untuk perkenalkan diri saya. Nama saya Letusha Gunawan, panggil saya Ucha. Saya lahir di Madura. Saat ini saya sedang mengelola bisnis F&B milik saya sendiri. Di samping itu, saya juga sedang fokus menulis novel dalam mencapai impian saya untuk menjadi seorang penulis terkenal. Semoga impian saya dapat tercapai. Itu yang dapat saya sampaikan di perkenalan ini. Terima kasih dan semoga harimu menyenangkan!)

3. Contoh Perkenalan Diri tentang Profil Pribadi dan Artinya

Pada contoh ini, kamu bisa memperkenalkan diri dengan kalimat yang lebih panjang. Mulai dari nama, asal tempat tinggal, bahkan hingga hobi yang kamu punya. Berikut contohnya:

Good morning everyone,

To all of my friends, allow me to make an introduction to who I am. My full name is David Beckham. People usually call me David . I’m the second child in my family . I was born in Jakarta, on July 14th, 1999. Currently, I live in Tebet, South Jakarta.

I really like music and I can play some musical instruments like guitar, piano, and bass. Besides that, I am also interested in Graphic Design. Currently, I have a portfolio of professional graphic design for social media, PowerPoint, and so on. I think that’s all from me. Nice to meet you. Thank you!

(Selamat pagi semua. Untuk semua teman-teman saya, izinkan saya untuk memperkenalkan siapa saya. Nama saya David Beckham. Orang-orang biasa memanggil saya David. Saya anak kedua dalam keluarga saya. Saya lahir di Jakarta, 14 Juli 1999. Saat ini, saya tinggal di Tebet, Jakarta Selatan.

Saya sangat suka musik dan saya bisa memainkan beberapa alat musik seperti gitar, piano, dan bass. Selain itu, saya juga tertarik dengan Desain Grafis. Saat ini, saya memiliki beberapa portofolio Desain Grafis profesional untuk media sosial, power point, dan sebagainya. Saya rasa itu saja dari saya. Senang bertemu dengan kalian semua. Terima kasih!)

4. Contoh Perkenalan Diri Bahasa Inggris untuk Murid Baru dan Artinya

Kamu seorang murid baru? Jangan khawatir! Kamu bisa memperkenalkan diri pada teman-temanmu seperti contoh di bawah ini:

Hi, I would like to introduce myself. I’m Jane. I’m taking this class because Art History has always been something I’ve been fascinated by, ever since I started taking trips to art galleries as a little girl, and I’m basically just excited to learn a little more.

(Hai, saya ingin memperkenalkan diri saya. Saya Jane. Saya mengambil kelas ini karena Sejarah Seni selalu menjadi sesuatu yang membuat saya terpesona, sejak saya mulai melakukan perjalanan ke galeri seni sebagai seorang gadis kecil, dan pada dasarnya saya bersemangat untuk belajar lebih banyak hal.)

5. Contoh Perkenalan Diri Bahasa Inggris untuk Mahasiswa dan Artinya

Saat memasuki perkuliahan, sebagai seorang mahasiswa baru, biasanya kamu akan diminta untuk memperkenalkan diri. Terlebih jika kamu merupakan mahasiswa kampus internasional yang menggunakan bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa pengantar, maka perkenalan akan dilakukan dalam bahasa Inggris. Berikut contoh perkenalannya:

Hi everyone! I would like to introduce myself. My name is Jack. I was born in Bandung, West Java but currently live in Margonda, Depok. I graduated from SMAN 3 Bandung, one of favorite senior high schools in Bandung. I took this major at the University of Indonesia because I have a career plan to be a psychologist in the future. All right, that’s from me. Nice to meet you all. Thank you.

(Halo semuanya! Nama saya Jack. Saya lahir di Bandung, Jawa Barat tetapi saat ini tinggal di Margonda, Depok. Saya lulus dari SMAN 3 Bandung, salah satu SMA favorit di Bandung.  Saya mengambil jurusan ini di Universitas Indonesia karena saya memiliki rencana karir menjadi Psikolog di masa depan. Baiklah, sekian dari saya. Senang bertemu dengan kalian semua. Terima kasih.)

Kalau kamu adalah seorang mahasiswa pindahan dari kampus lain, berikut salah satu contoh perkenalannya:

Hello everyone! Let me introduce myself. My name is Anna. I am a new student at this university, I studied at another campus, previously. I came here alone to reach my dream. My parents are still in my hometown. I would love to take part in competitions as long as it relates to my hobbies. That’s all that I can tell about myself. Thank you.

(Halo semuanya! Biarkan saya memperkenalkan diri. Nama saya Anna. Saya mahasiswa baru di universitas ini, sebelumnya saya kuliah di kampus lain. Saya datang ke sini sendirian untuk mencapai impian saya. Orang tua saya masih di kampung halaman. Saya ingin mengikuti kompetisi selama itu berhubungan dengan hobi saya. Itu saja yang bisa saya ceritakan tentang diri saya. Terima kasih.)

6. Contoh Perkenalan Diri Bahasa Inggris untuk Karyawan Baru dan Artinya

Sebagai seorang karyawan baru di suatu perusahaan, tentunya kamu perlu memperkenalkan diri supaya rekan-rekan kerja dan tim dapat mengenalmu, sehingga akan tercipta lingkungan kerja yang nyaman dan juga saling support satu sama lain. Jika kamu baru bergabung di sebuah divisi perusahaan, berikut contoh perkenalan yang bisa kamu coba:

Good afternoon everyone. I would like to tell you about myself. My name is Rara Sintia. I am a new employee here. Previously, I worked in PT Berkah Jaya, Jakarta in Business Development for three years. So, I will do my best for this company so that company can make more progress and get higher profits. All right , that was my introduction. I hope we can work together as a team. Thank you so much.

(Selamat siang semuanya. Saya ingin memberitahu kalian tentang diri saya. Nama saya Rara Sintia. Saya karyawan baru disini. Sebelumnya saya bekerja di PT Berkah Jaya, Jakarta sebagai Business Development selama tiga tahun. Jadi, saya akan melakukan yang terbaik untuk perusahaan ini sehingga perusahaan dapat lebih maju dan mendapatkan keuntungan yang lebih tinggi. Baiklah, sekian perkenalan dari saya. Saya harap kita bisa bekerja sama sebagai sebuah tim. Terima kasih banyak.)

Baca Juga: Contoh Surat Resign Bahasa Inggris yang Benar serta Cara Membuatnya

7. Contoh Perkenalan Diri Bahasa Inggris untuk Menyampaikan Hobi dan Artinya

Kamu berencana untuk bergabung ke sebuah klub hobi? Atau mungkin kamu ingin bercerita pada seseorang tentang hobi yang kamu inginkan? Tenang! Kamu bisa memperkenalkan diri seperti contoh berikut:

Hello friends, I hope all is well.

I am here to introduce myself. My name is Nabila, I was born on February 9th, 2000. I came from Surabaya but now I live in Bandung and study at ITB. My address is on Jalan Ganesha, Bandung. I am currently in the 8th semester, studying school of business and Management in ITB.

I love reading books, of course. My favorite day is Saturday because that day I can be free to read my favorite books, especially fiction books. My role author is Tere Liye because I think his imagination is amazing. Normally I spend my days off in a bookstore, cafe, and my home yard. I think that’s enough. Thank you.

(Halo teman-teman, semoga semuanya baik-baik saja. Saya di sini untuk memperkenalkan diri. Nama saya Nabila, saya lahir pada tanggal 9 Februari 2000. Saya berasal dari Surabaya tetapi sekarang saya tinggal di Bandung dan kuliah di ITB. Alamat saya di Jalan Ganesha, Bandung. Saat ini saya sedang duduk di semester 8, kuliah di Sekolah Bisnis dan Manajemen di ITB.

Saya suka membaca buku, tentu saja. Hari yang paling saya suka adalah hari Sabtu karena hari itu saya bisa bebas membaca buku-buku favorit saya, terutama buku-buku fiksi. Penulis panutan saya adalah Tere Liye, karena menurut saya imajinasinya luar biasa. Biasanya saya menghabiskan hari libur saya di toko buku, kafe, dan halaman rumah saya. Saya pikir itu cukup. Terima kasih.)

8. Contoh Perkenalan Diri Bahasa Inggris untuk Menyampaikan Minat dan Artinya

Memangnya apa perbedaan hobi dan minat? Eits, tentu beda dong, guys . Hobi adalah sesuatu yang biasa kamu lakukan dalam waktu senggang. Kalau minat adalah sebuah ketertarikan, atau kecenderungan yang tinggi terhadap sesuatu. Misal, kamu hobi menonton film, tapi kamu memiliki minat yang tinggi terhadap dunia entertainment . Begini contoh perkenal diri yang bisa kamu lakukan:

Hello, my friends! In t his opportunity, I want to introduce myself. My name is Grace, I was born on August, 16th 1996. I come from Bandung, but now I live in East Jakarta and work as a scriptwriter. I have a high interest in entertainment. I hope I can become a content creator or become a film player and produce extraordinary works. That’s all from me. Thank you for your attention.

(Halo teman-teman saya! Pada kesempatan ini, saya ingin memperkenalkan diri. Nama saya Grace, saya lahir pada tanggal 16 Agustus 1996. Saya berasal dari Bandung, tetapi sekarang saya tinggal di Jakarta Timur dan bekerja sebagai penulis naskah. Saya memiliki ketertarikan yang tinggi di dunia hiburan. Semoga saya bisa menjadi content creator atau menjadi pemain film dan menghasilkan karya yang luar biasa. Itu saja dari saya. Terima kasih atas perhatiannya.)

9. Contoh Perkenalan Diri Bahasa Inggris saat Akan Presentasi dengan Rekan Bisnis

Perkenalan sebelum business meeting tentunya menjadi hal yang penting. Kamu harus mampu memberikan perkenalan yang berkesan agar presentasi bisnis dapat dilakukan dengan baik. Berikut contoh perkenalannya:

Good morning. My name is Fara, and I’m the VP of the Finance Department in PT Alam Jaya. I’ve always been passionate about finding smart ways to save money. I believe establishing money management strategies as early as possible is the key to securing your future. I began using these strategies myself as I was working through college, and I now have over $10 million in my retirement fund. That amount is growing every day, and I’m here to teach you how to set up an account like that, too. I hope we can make a good collaboration.

(Selamat pagi. Nama saya Fara dan saya adalah Wakil Presiden Administrasi dan Keuangan di PT Alam Jaya. Saya selalu bersemangat menemukan cara cerdas untuk menghemat uang. Saya percaya menetapkan strategi pengelolaan uang sedini mungkin adalah kunci untuk mengamankan masa depan Anda. Saya mulai menggunakan strategi ini sendiri saat saya bekerja di perguruan tinggi, dan sekarang saya memiliki lebih dari $10 juta dalam dana pensiun saya. Jumlah itu bertambah setiap hari, dan saya di sini untuk mengajari Anda cara membuat akun seperti itu juga. Saya harap kita dapat bekerja bersama dengan baik).

Baca Juga:  Cara Presentasi Bahasa Inggris yang Keren untuk Curi Perhatian Audiens!

10. Contoh Perkenalan Diri Bahasa Inggris saat Akan Meeting dengan Rekan Bisnis

Meeting dengan rekan bisnis harus kamu lakukan dengan sebaik mungkin untuk keberhasilan perusahaan. Nah, tentu sebelum meeting , kamu harus melakukan perkenalan diri terlebih dahulu. Apalagi kalau ternyata rekan bisnis atau investor-mu berasal dari luar negara Indonesia. Kamu bisa contoh teks berikut:

Good morning ladies and gentlemen. How are you? Thank you for coming here. I hope everyone is healthy now. I am so excited today because we are going to talk about a plan for our business partnership. Before we start the meeting, let me introduce myself and our business team. I am Nita Lukiami from North Asia Group. I’m a Sales Marketing Supervisor, and I will moderate this meeting. I’d like you to meet our Director, Mr. Johnson. He graduated from Harvard University majoring in Management of Technology. He’s experienced in the business. During his tenure, he has driven us to succeed in many partnerships with many big companies in Indonesia. I think the introduction session is very well enough. 

(Selamat pagi, Tuan dan Nyonya. Apa kabar? Terima kasih telah datang ke sini. Saya harap semua orang sehat sekarang. Saya sangat senang hari ini karena kita akan membicarakan rencana kemitraan bisnis kita. Sebelum kita memulai pertemuan, izinkan saya memperkenalkan diri dan tim bisnis kami. Saya Nita Lukiami dari North Asia Group. Saya seorang supervisor sales dan marketing, dan saya akan menjadi moderator dalam pertemuan ini. Saya ingin Anda bertemu dengan Direktur kami, Tn. Johnson. Ia lulus dari Universitas Harvard jurusan Manajemen Teknologi. Dia berpengalaman dalam bisnis. Selama masa jabatannya, beliau telah mendorong kami untuk sukses dalam banyak kemitraan dengan banyak perusahaan besar di Indonesia. Saya rasa cukup untuk perkenalannya.)

11. Contoh Perkenalan Diri dan Keluarga dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya

Saat kamu sedang menghadiri berbagai acara penting yang meilbatkan keluarga, tak jarang ada situasi di mana kamu harus memperkenalkan diri dan keluargamu pada orang-orang baru. Nggak usah khawatir, kamu bisa contek contoh perkenalannya sebagai berikut:

Hi! I want to explain myself first. My name is Oktivani. I am currently living in Jakarta and working as an auditor in one of Indonesia’s Big 4 companies. Then, allow me to introduce my family. I have a sister and a younger brother. My sister is an undergraduate student at Pelita Harapan University, and two of my old brothers are alumni of President University. My father works at a mining company and my mother is a housewife.

(Hai! Saya ingin menjelaskan tentang diri saya terlebih dahulu. Nama saya Oktivani. Saat ini saya tinggal di Jakarta dan bekerja sebagai auditor di salah satu perusahaan big four Indonesia. Kemudian, izinkan saya untuk memperkenalkan keluarga saya. Saya merupakan anak ketiga di keluarga dan saya memiliki seorang adik perempuan, juga dua kakak laki-laki. Adik perempuan saya adalah mahasiswa S1 di Universitas Pelita Harapan, dan kakak laki-laki saya keduanya adalah almuni dari Universitas Presiden. Ayah saya bekerja di sebuah perusahaan pertambangan dan ibu saya adalah seorang ibu rumah tangga.)

Baca Juga: Family Tree (Pohon Keluarga) & Family Members dalam Bahasa Inggris

12. Contoh Perkenalan Diri Bahasa Inggris untuk Menjelaskan Pekerjaan dan Artinya

Jika kamu adalah seseorang yang berasal dari professional background lalu bertemu dengan orang baru yang memiliki background pekerjaan berbeda, maka kamu dapat membuka percakapan dengan perkenalan diri yang diikuti oleh penjelasan terkait pekerjaan. Coba lihat contoh berikut:

Hello, my name is Rahma. I work as a midwife. As a midwife, what I do in my work includes: diagnosing a patient’s illness, especially in matters relating to pregnancy, and taking part in workplace safety, and health board meetings. I always provide the necessary resources for the implementation of comprehensive health services. Sure, it’s hard enough to work in the health field. But, I like it. Okay, that’s an introduction from me. Thank you very much.

Perkenalkan nama saya Rahma. Saya bekerja sebagai Bidan. Sebagai seorang Bidan, yang dilakukan dalam pekerjaan saya, meliputi hal berikut: mendiagnosis penyakit pasien, terlebih tentang hal-hal yang menyangkut kehamilan, mengambil bagian dalam pertemuan Dewan Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja. Saya senantiasa memberikan penentuan sumber daya yang diperlukan untuk pelaksanaan layanan kesehatan yang komprehensif. Baiklah, sekian perkenalan dari saya. Terima kasih banyak.

13. Contoh Perkenalan Diri sebagai Tetangga Baru dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya

Sebagai seorang tetangga baru, menunjukkan sikap sopan kepada penghuni rumah dekat rumahmu adalah suatu kewajiban. Jangan lupa untuk sapa mereka dan beritahu bahwa kamu adalah orang baru yang tinggal di lingkungan tersebut. Berikut contoh yang cocok digunakan pada saat berkenalan dengan tetangga:

Hello, Mr. Ramdani!

Please let me introduce myself. I’m Alfi. I was born in Pekalongan, but my dad has some projects in different cities. Oh ya, I live next to your house. I’m the son of Mr. Sony. I just got home from college so I didn’t get to introduce myself when I first moved in. It’s a pleasure to meet you! I hope we can have a good and harmonious life as neighbors.

(Halo, Pak Ramdani! Tolong izinkan saya memperkenalkan diri. Saya Alfi. Saya lahir di Pekalongan, tetapi ayah saya memiliki beberapa pekerjaan di berbagai kota. Saya tinggal di sebelah rumah Anda. Saya adalah putra dari Pak Sony. Saya baru saja pulang dari kuliah jadi saya tidak bisa memperkenalkan diri ketika saya pertama kali pindah. Senang bertemu dengan Anda! Saya berharap kita dapat memiliki kehidupan yang baik dan harmonis sebagai tetangga.)

14. Contoh Perkenalan Diri dalam Bahasa Inggris dengan Ajakan Pada Lawan Bicara dan Artinya

Kamu pasti pernah deh , memaksakan diri untuk berkenalan dengan teman karena membutuhkan sesuatu. Misal, kamu harus berkenalan dengan seseorang karena harus bekerja sama untuk mengerjakan tugas kelompok dalam perkuliahan yang baru dimulai. Berikut caranya:

Hi. My name is Dinda Kirana. Just call me Dinda. I am from Makassar and I came to this city because I want to study at one of the famous universities in this country, and yap that’s our campus. By the way, I often see you go to the library these days. I also like reading. How about if one day we go to the library and read a book together?

(Hai. Nama saya Dinda Kirana. Panggil saja saya Dinda. Saya dari Makassar dan saya datang ke kota ini karena saya ingin kuliah di salah satu universitas ternama di negeri ini, dan ya, itu adalah kampus kita. Ngomong-ngomong, akhir-akhir ini saya sering melihatmu pergi ke perpustakaan. Saya juga suka membaca. Bagaimana jika suatu hari kita pergi ke perpustakaan dan membaca buku bersama?)

15. Contoh Perkenalan Diri Bahasa Inggris untuk Interview Kerja (Wawancara) dan Artinya

Sebelumnya, kita juga sudah pernah membahas terkait cara menjawab pertanyaan interview kerja yang satu ini. Nah , ini salah satu contoh jawaban yang bisa kamu sampaikan juga pada HR:

Hi Sir/Mam, let me introduce myself. My name is Ruri. I’m a recent elementary education graduate from Ball State University. I’ve been working at a camp for elementary children this summer, and I’m excited to find my first teaching position for the coming school year. I have several original lesson plans I created during my teaching internship that I look forward to implementing in my own classroom. I attended Brookwood Elementary myself and believe I would be a great fit for your second-grade opening. It would be a joy for me to teach students in the same place that sparked my love of learning.

(Hai Bapak/Ibu, izinkan saya memperkenalkan diri. Nama saya Ruri. Saya lulusan Pendidikan Dasar dari Ball State University. Saya telah bekerja di sebuah kamp untuk anak-anak sekolah dasar musim panas ini, dan saya senang menemukan posisi mengajar pertama saya untuk tahun ajaran mendatang. Saya memiliki beberapa rencana pelajaran asli yang saya buat selama magang mengajar yang saya harapkan untuk diterapkan di kelas saya sendiri. Saya sendiri menghadiri Brookwood Elementary dan percaya saya akan sangat cocok untuk pembukaan kelas dua Anda. Akan sangat menyenangkan bagi saya untuk mengajar siswa di tempat yang sama yang memicu kecintaan saya untuk belajar.)

Btw, setelah wawancara kerja selesai, jangan lupa sampaikan rasa terima kasih melalui thank you letter yang caranya bisa dilihat pada artikel Cara Menulis Surat Ucapan Terima Kasih dalam Bahasa Inggris (Thank You Letter) Setelah Interview

Baca Juga: 10 Contoh CV Bahasa Inggris untuk Berbagai Posisi dan Cara Membuatnya

16. Contoh Teks Perkenalan Diri Dalam Bahasa Inggris yang Lebih Mendalam (contoh introduce my self ) dan Artinya

Sebetulnya, perkenalan ini merupakan gabungan dari berbagai contoh perkenalan bahasa Inggris di atas. Kamu bisa menyesuaikannya dengan situasi, kondisi, dan lawan tutur yang sedang kamu hadapi. Ini salah satu contohnya:

Hi, my friends. My name is Rizky Fadli. I was born on April 1st, 1993, and grew up in Yogyakarta. I am currently studying as a first-year student at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning, majoring in Architecture at Gadjah Mada University. As for my family, I have two brothers and one sister and I am the eldest among them. My father is a food and beverage business owner in Yogyakarta while my mother is a psychologist. I am a friendly and enthusiastic person, honest and flexible to work at any time. I have some hobbies like watching Netflix series and listening to music. That’s all I can tell about myself. Nice to meet you. Thank you!

(Hai teman-teman saya. Nama saya Rizky Fadli. Saya lahir pada tanggal 1 April 1993 dan besar di Yogyakarta. Saat ini saya sedang menempuh pendidikan sebagai mahasiswa tahun pertama di Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan jurusan Arsitektur di Universitas Gadjah Mada. Adapun keluarga saya, saya memiliki dua saudara laki-laki dan satu saudara perempuan sementara saya yang tertua di antara mereka. Ayah saya adalah seorang pengusaha makanan dan minuman di Yogyakarta sedangkan ibu saya adalah seorang psikolog. Saya orang yang ramah dan antusias, jujur dan fleksibel untuk bekerja setiap saat. Saya memiliki beberapa hobi seperti menonton serial netflix dan mendengarkan musik. Itu yang dapat saya ceritakan mengenai diri saya. Senang bertemu dengan kalian. Terima kasih!)

17. Contoh Perkenalan Diri dalam Bahasa Inggris untuk Mempererat Relasi/ networking dan Artinya

Perkenalan diri bahasa Inggris yang satu ini bisa kamu gunakan untuk membangun networking atau partnership . Entah itu networking dengan sebuah perusahaan, yayasan, dan lain sebagainya.

My name is Jems Fold, and I’m the marketing director at Roma Technology. We’re developing some innovative marketing campaigns designed to engage new customers right in the streets of Bloomington. I’ve been recruiting local businesses that want to get involved in these activities. I love chatting with residents around the area and learning more about what they’re looking for from their smart devices. Nice to meet you, I hope we can make a great collaboration in the future. Thank you.

(Nama saya Jems Fold dan saya direktur pemasaran di Roma Technology. Kami sedang mengembangkan beberapa kampanye pemasaran inovatif yang dirancang untuk melibatkan pelanggan baru tepat di jalan-jalan Bloomington. Saya telah merekrut bisnis lokal yang ingin terlibat dalam kegiatan ini. Saya suka mengobrol dengan penduduk di sekitar area dan belajar lebih banyak tentang apa yang mereka cari dari perangkat pintar mereka. Senang bertemu dengan Anda, saya harap kita dapat membuat kolaborasi yang hebat di masa depan. Terima kasih.)

18.  Self Introduction untuk Memulai Presentasi di Sekolah/Kampus dan Artinya

Untuk melakukan presentasi pada saat di perkuliahan, kita membutuhkan yang namanya perkenalan diri, nggak jauh berbeda dari presentasi bersama rekan bisnis. Dalam situasi ini, umumnya hanya dilakukan sebagai formalitas. Misalnya saja seperti ini:

Good morning friends. We are from group 6 will present the results of our group’s research on marketing strategies in the digital era. My name is Nuraini as the group leader. Then there are Clayton and Sasha as members. For those who have questions for discussion, you can deliver at the end after we have finished presenting the material. Thank you.

(Selamat pagi teman-teman. Kami dari Kelompok 6 akan mempresentasikan hasil penelitian kelompok saya mengenai strategi marketing di era digital. Nama saya Nuraini selaku ketua kelompok. Lalu ada Clayton dan Sasha selaku member. Bagi teman-teman yang memiliki pertanyaan untuk diskusi, boleh sampaikan di akhir setelah kami selesai menyampaikan materi. Terima kasih.)

Baca Juga: Contoh Kalimat Pembuka Presentasi Bahasa Inggris dan Tips Membuatnya

19. Contoh Self Introduction untuk Murid SD ( elementary school ) dan Artinya

Tak hanya orang dewasa, self introduction pun tak jarang dilakukan oleh mereka yang masih anak-anak, khususnya para murid SD. Berikut contoh perkenalan diri untuk anak SD:

Hi, my name is Rara Scholastika, and I am in fourth grade at Cikal Elementary School. In my free time, I enjoy playing my guitar and reading some fiction books. My favorite subject in school is English because I wanna take school abroad in the future. I have a two brothers and one sister at home, and my favorite food is noodle. Nice to meet you!

(Hai, nama saya Rara Scholastika, dan saya duduk di bangku kelas empat SD Cikal. Di waktu luang saya, saya menikmati bermain gitar dan membaca beberapa buku fiksi. Mata pelajaran favorit saya di sekolah adalah bahasa Inggris karena saya ingin sekolah di luar negeri di masa depan. Saya memiliki dua saudara laki-laki dan satu saudara perempuan di rumah, dan makanan favorit saya adalah mie. Senang bertemu denganmu!)

20. Perkenalan Diri dalam Bahasa Inggris untuk Anak TK

Nah , untuk yang masih berstatus sebagai anak TK, maka perkenalan diri-nya cukup dikemas secara  simple  saja. Misalnya seperti di bawah ini:

(Hi everyone, my name is Bunga Cantika. I am 6 years old and I am the only daughter of my parents. I like playing with my dolls. My favorite color is pink. I have a pet, his name is Alley, and I love him so much. Let’s be friends!

Hai semuanya, nama saya Bunga Cantika. Saya berusia 6 tahun dan saya adalah anak perempuan satu-satunya dari orang tua saya. Saya suka bermain dengan boneka saya. Warna favorit saya adalah merah muda. Saya punya hewan peliharaan, namanya Alley, dan saya sangat mencintainya. Mari berteman!)

21. Contoh Perkenalan Diri dalam Bahasa Inggris di Depan Kelas

Saat ingin  slef introduction di depan kelas, entah itu kelas SD, SMP, SMA, atau bahkan kuliah, contoh di bawah ini bisa jadi referensi yang bersifat general tanpa memandang usia. Coba untuk praktikkan ya!

Hello, friends. My name is Fahri Ricardo. I’m originally from Bandung and I’m currently living in Kemayoran Baru. My hobbies are diving and hiking. I’m really excited to be a part of this class and I’m looking forward to learning and growing with all of you. Thank you!

(Halo teman teman. Nama saya Fahri Ricardo. Saya berasal dari Bandung dan saat ini saya tinggal di Kemayoran Baru. Hobi saya menyelam dan hiking. Saya sangat senang menjadi bagian dari kelas ini dan saya menantikan untuk belajar dan berkembang bersama Anda semua. Terima kasih!)

Contoh Percakapan  Self Introduction atau Perkenalan dalam Bahasa Inggris

Setelah memperkenalkan nama terhadap lawan bicara, biasanya lawan bicara akan memberikan banyak pertanyaan lain. Mulai dari sekolah, hobi, atau bahkan hewan peliharaan apa yang kamu sukai.

Yha , itu semua tergantung pada dengan siapa kamu berbicara.  Nah , percakapan di bawah ini sepertinya bisa membantumu sebagai gambaran dalam meningkatkan skill untuk berkomunikasi dengan orang baru.  Yuk , cobain!

A: Hi! Are you from the marketing division? A: Hai, kamu dari divisi marketing ya?

B: Right! How about you? B: Bener! Kalau kamu?

A: We’re from the same team. Let me introduce myself. My name is Satya. I have been working for this company for 3 years. What’s your name? A: Sama, dong. Kenalin, nama saya Satya. Saya udah 3 tahun kerja di sini. Nama kamu siapa?

B: I see. Wow, seniors huh? Hehe. My name is Gracia. Finally, I got the opportunity, after being rejected by various companies. B: Oh gitu. Wah, senior dong? Hehe. Kenalin, nama saya Gracia. Akhirnya saya bisa kerja di sini, setelah ditolak berbagai perusahaan.

A: No, I’m still learning. Nice to meet you, Gracia. I see, may I know where you live? A: Nggak, aku masih belajar. Salam kenal Gracia. Oh gitu, kalau boleh tau kamu tinggalnya di mana?

B: Nice to meet you too. I live at SCBD apartment, close to this office. B: Salam kenal juga. Saya tinggal di Apartemen SCBD, dekat dari kantor.

A: I know, that’s a popular apartment. Are you addicted to music? Because your lanyard is like a guitar. A: Oh iya tau, itu apartemen yang lumayan terkenal. Kamu hobi main musik ya? Soalnya lanyard kamu bentuknya gitar.

B: Exactly, I love music so much! I have already composed 4 songs, and I hope one day can build a band. I thought it would be easy, but the fact, it’s really hard. B: Iya nih, suka banget. Kebetulan saya sudah menciptakan 4 lagu dan saya memiliki harapan untuk bikin grup band. Saya pikir itu akan mudah, ternyata sulit.

A: Wow, cool! I think you can go to the recording studio directly. So, many people can see and enjoy your songs. A: Wah, keren! Padahal, kayaknya kamu bisa banget langsung rekaman. Biar banyak orang bisa melihat dan menikmati karya kamu.

B: Yes. But it takes more funds and we must have a strong relationship. It’s important in the music industry to have a lot of relationships. B: Iya, sih. Tapi butuh dana lebih banyak serta relasi yang kuat. Penting dalam industri musik untuk punya banyak relasi.

A: A: I see. May your dreams come true, and good luck in the marketing division. A: Oh gitu. Semoga impian kamu tercapai, dan semoga betah di divisi marketing.

B: Okay, thanks for the warm welcome. B: Baik, terima kasih atas sambutan hangatnya.

A: You’re welcome, with pleasure. A: Sama-sama, dengan senang hati.

Sekarang kita sudah mempelajari perkenalan diri bahasa Inggris (how to introduce myself/self introduction), yeay! Akhirnya kita dapat mengetahui kalau berkenalan nggak hanya tentang nama dan asal tempat tinggal, kan?

Anyway, kamu pasti akan lebih mudah untuk memperkenalkan diri dalam bahasa Inggris kalau sudah menguasai part of speech . Dengan demikian, kamu akan memahami lebih dalam mengenai cara pembuatan kalimat untuk berkomunikasi secara verbal.

Oh ya, saat ingin berkenalan, jangan lupa untuk melihat terlebih dahulu siapa lawan bicaramu ya! Kalau kamu punya contoh perkenalan diri yang lain, feel free untuk berbagi pada pembaca setia blog English Academy di kolom komentar. Semoga bermanfaat!

By the way , kamu juga bisa menambah pengetahuan cara perkenalan diri dalam bahasa Inggris dari native speaker English Academy, lho . Penasaran nggak gimana asyiknya belajar langsung sama bule? Kalau penasaran, yuk , langsung aja gabung kelasnya di layanan  offline  English Academy Center terdekat di kotamu, sekarang!

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Referensi :

7esl. How to Introduce Yourself Confidently! Self-Introduction Tips & Samples. Online. Available at [Accessed 17 February 2022]

Indeed. Self-Introduction Tips and Tricks (with Examples). Online. Available at [Accessed 17 February 2022]

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Self-Introduction Essay

Self introduction essay generator.

soal essay introducing yourself

A Self Introduction Essay is a window into your personality, goals, and experiences. Our guide, supplemented with varied essay examples , offers insights into crafting a compelling narrative about yourself. Ideal for college applications, job interviews, or personal reflections, these examples demonstrate how to weave your personal story into an engaging essay. Learn to highlight your strengths, aspirations, and journey in a manner that captivates your readers, making your introduction not just informative but also memorable.

What is Self Introduction Essay? A self-introduction essay is a written piece where you describe yourself in a personal and detailed way. It’s a way to introduce who you are, including your name, background, interests, achievements, and goals. This type of essay is often used for college or job applications, allowing others to get to know you better. It’s an opportunity to showcase your personality, experiences, and what makes you unique. Writing a self-introduction essay involves talking about your educational background, professional experiences if any, personal interests, and future aspirations. It’s a chance to highlight your strengths, achievements, and to share your personal story in a way that is engaging and meaningful.

Do you still remember the first time you’ve written an essay ? I bet you don’t even know it’s called an “essay” back then. And back then you might be wondering what’s the purpose such composition, and why are you writing something instead of hanging out with your friends.

Self-Introduction Essay Bundle

Download Self-Introduction Essay Bundle

Now, you probably are already familiar with the definition of an essay, and the basics of writing one. You’re also probably aware of the purpose of writing essays and the different writing styles one may use in writing a composition. Here, we will be talking about self-introduction essay, and look into different example such as personal essay which you may refer to.

Self Introduction Essay Format


Start with a hook: Begin with an interesting fact, a question, or a compelling statement about yourself to grab the reader’s attention. State your name and a brief background: Share your name, age, and where you’re from or what you currently do (student, job role).

Educational Background

Discuss your current or most recent educational experience: Mention your school, college, or university and your major or area of study. Highlight academic achievements or interests: Share any honors, awards, or special projects that are relevant to your personality or career goals.

Professional Background

Mention your current job or professional experiences: Briefly describe your role, company, or the type of work you do. Highlight relevant skills or achievements: Share experiences that showcase your abilities and contributions to your field.

Personal Interests and Goals

Share your hobbies or interests: Briefly describe activities you enjoy or passions you pursue outside of work or school. Discuss your short-term and long-term goals: Explain what you aim to achieve in the near future and your aspirations for the long term.
Summarize your strengths and what makes you unique: Reinforce key points about your skills, achievements, or character. Close with a statement on what you hope to achieve or contribute in your next role, educational pursuit, or personal endeavor.

Example of Self Introduction Essay in English

Hello! My name is Alex Johnson, a 21-year-old Environmental Science major at Green Valley University, passionate about sustainable living and conservation efforts. Raised in the bustling city of New York, I’ve always been fascinated by the contrast between urban life and the natural world, driving me to explore how cities can become more sustainable.   Currently, in my final year at Green Valley University, I’ve dedicated my academic career to understanding the complexities of environmental science. My coursework has included in-depth studies on renewable energy sources, water conservation techniques, and sustainable agriculture. I’ve achieved Dean’s List status for three consecutive years and led a successful campus-wide recycling initiative that reduced waste by 30%.   This past summer, I interned with the City Planning Department of New York, focusing on green spaces in urban areas. I worked on a project that aimed to increase the city’s green coverage by 10% over the next five years. This hands-on experience taught me the importance of practical solutions in environmental conservation and sparked my interest in urban sustainability.   Beyond academics, I’m an avid hiker and nature photographer, believing strongly in the power of visual storytelling to raise awareness about environmental issues. My goal is to merge my passion for environmental science with my love for photography to create impactful narratives that promote conservation.   In the future, I aspire to work for an NGO that focuses on urban sustainability, contributing to projects that integrate green spaces into city planning. I am also considering further studies in environmental policy, hoping to influence positive change on a global scale.   My journey from a curious city dweller to an aspiring environmental scientist has been driven by a deep passion for understanding and protecting our natural world. With a solid educational foundation and practical experience, I am eager to contribute to meaningful environmental conservation efforts. I believe that by combining scientific knowledge with creative communication, we can inspire a more sustainable future for urban areas around the globe.

Self Introduction Essay

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What to Write in a Self-Introduction Essay

A self-introduction essay, as the name suggest, is an part of an essay containing the basic information about the writer.

In writing a self-introduction essay, the writer intends to introduce himself/herself by sharing a few personal information including the basics (e.g. name, age, hometown, etc.), his/her background information (e.g. family background, educational background, etc.), and interesting facts about him/her (e.g. hobbies, interests, etc). A self-introductory essay primarily aims to inform the readers about a few things regarding the writer. You may also see personal essay examples & samples

How to Write a Self-Introduction Essay

A self-introduction essay is, in most cases, written using the first-person point of view. As a writer, you simply need to talk about yourself and nothing more to a specific audience. You may also like  essay writing examples

A self-introduction essay can be easy to write, since all you have to do is to introduce yourself. However, one needs to avoid sounding like a robot or a person speaking in monotone. Of course, you need to make the composition interesting and engaging, instead of making it plain and bland. This is probably the main challenge of writing a self-introduction essay, and the first thing every writer needs to be aware of.

Free Essay Outline Worksheet Example

Essay Outline Worksheet Example

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Free Interesting Self Introduction for Student  Example

Self Introduction for Student

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Free Attractive Introduction Essay for Interview  Example

Introduction Essay for Interview

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Formal Self Introduction Expository  Example

Self Introduction Expository

Uses of Self Introduction Essay

  • College Applications : Many universities and colleges ask for a self-introduction essay as part of the application process. This essay allows admissions officers to learn more about your personality, background, and aspirations beyond your grades and test scores.
  • Scholarship Applications : When applying for scholarships, a self-introduction essay can help you stand out. It’s an opportunity to share your achievements, experiences, and the reasons you deserve the scholarship.
  • Job Interviews : Preparing a self-introduction essay can be useful for job interviews. It helps you articulate your professional background, skills, and career goals clearly and confidently.
  • Networking : In professional networking situations, having a polished self-introduction essay can help you quickly share relevant information about yourself with potential employers, mentors, or colleagues.
  • Personal Reflection : Writing a self-introduction essay is a valuable exercise in self-reflection. It can help you understand your own goals, strengths, and weaknesses better.
  • Online Profiles : For personal or professional websites, social media, or portfolios, a self-introduction essay provides a comprehensive overview of who you are and what you offer, attracting potential connections or opportunities.

Tips for Writing a Self-Introduction Essay

A self-introduction essay might be one of the easiest essays to start. However, one needs to learn a few things to make the composition worth reading. You might find a lot of tips online on how to write a self-introduction essay, but here are some tips which you might find useful.

1. Think of a catchy title

The first thing that attracts readers is an interesting title, so create one.

2. Introduce yourself

You can create some guide questions to answer like: Who are you? What are your interests? What is your story? Simply talk about yourself like you’re talking to someone you just met.

3. Find a focus

Your life story is too broad, so focus on something, like: What makes you unique?

4. Avoid writing plainly

For example, instead of saying: ‘I like listening to classical music’, you can say: ‘My dad gave me an album containing classical music when I was five, and after listening to it, I was really captivated. I’ve loved it since then.’ You may also check out high school essay examples & samples

5. Simplify your work

Use simple words and language. Write clearly. Describe details vividly.

6. End it with a punch

You cannot just plainly say ‘The End’ at the last part. Create a essay conclusion which would leave an impression to your readers.

7. Edit your work

After wrapping up, take time to review and improve your work. You may also see informative essay examples & samples

What is a Creative Self Introduction Essay?

1. Choose a Theme or Metaphor:

Start with a theme or metaphor that reflects your personality or the message you want to convey. For example, you could compare your life to a book, a journey, or a puzzle.

2. Engaging Hook:

Begin with an attention-grabbing hook, such as a captivating anecdote, a thought-provoking question, a quote, or a vivid description.

3. Tell a Story:

Weave your self-introduction into a narrative or story that highlights your experiences, values, or defining moments. Storytelling makes your essay relatable and memorable.

4. Use Vivid Imagery:

Employ descriptive language and vivid imagery to paint a picture of your life and character. Help the reader visualize your journey.

5. Show, Don’t Tell:

Instead of simply listing qualities or achievements, demonstrate them through your storytelling. Show your resilience, creativity, or determination through the narrative.

6. Include Personal Anecdotes:

Share personal anecdotes that showcase your character, challenges you’ve overcome, or moments of growth.

7. Express Your Passions:

Discuss your passions, interests, hobbies, or aspirations. Explain why they are important to you and how they have influenced your life.

8. Reveal Vulnerability:

Don’t be afraid to show vulnerability or share setbacks you’ve faced. It adds depth to your story and demonstrates your resilience.

9. Highlight Achievements:

Mention significant achievements, awards, or experiences that have shaped your journey. Connect them to your personal growth and values.

10. Convey Your Personality:

Use humor, wit, or elements of your personality to make your essay unique and relatable. Let your voice shine through.

11. Share Future Aspirations:

Discuss your goals, dreams, and what you hope to achieve in the future. Explain how your experiences have prepared you for your next steps.

12. Conclude with a Message:

Wrap up your essay with a meaningful message or reflection that leaves a lasting impression on the reader.

13. Revise and Edit:

After writing your initial draft, revise and edit your essay for clarity, coherence, and conciseness. Ensure it flows smoothly.

How do you write an introduction to a self essay?

1. Start with a Hook:

Begin with an engaging hook to capture the reader’s attention. This could be a personal anecdote, a thought-provoking question, a quote, or a vivid description. The hook should relate to the essay’s theme.

2. Introduce Yourself:

After the hook, introduce yourself by stating your name and any relevant background information, such as your age, place of origin, or current location. This helps provide context.

3. Establish the Purpose:

Clearly state the purpose of your self-essay. Explain why you are writing it and what you aim to convey. Are you introducing yourself for a job application, a college admission essay, or a personal blog? Make this clear.

4. Provide a Preview:

Offer a brief preview of the main points or themes you will address in the essay. This helps set expectations for the reader and gives them an overview of what to anticipate.

5. Share Your Thesis or Central Message:

In some self-essays, especially in academic or personal development contexts, you may want to state a central message or thesis about yourself. This is the core idea you’ll explore throughout the essay.

6. Express Your Voice:

Let your unique voice and personality shine through in the introduction. Write in a way that reflects your style and character. Avoid using overly formal or stilted language if it doesn’t align with your personality.

7. Be Concise:

Keep the introduction relatively concise. It should provide an overview without delving too deeply into the details. Save the in-depth discussions for the body of the essay.

8. Revise and Edit:

After writing the introduction, review it for clarity, coherence, and conciseness. Make sure it flows smoothly and leads naturally into the main body of the essay.

Here’s an example of an introduction for a self-essay:

“Standing at the threshold of my college years, I’ve often found myself reflecting on the journey that brought me here. I am [Your Name], a [Your Age]-year-old [Your Origin or Current Location], with a passion for [Your Interests]. In this self-essay, I aim to share my experiences, values, and aspirations as I enter this new chapter of my life. Through personal anecdotes and reflections, I hope to convey the lessons I’ve learned and the person I’m becoming. My central message is that [Your Central Message or Thesis]. Join me as I explore the highs and lows of my journey and what it means to [Your Purpose or Theme].”

What is a short paragraph of self introduction

“Hello, my name is [Your Name], and I am [Your Age] years old. I grew up in [Your Hometown] and am currently studying [Your Major or Grade Level] at [Your School or University]. I have always been passionate about [Your Interests or Hobbies], and I love exploring new challenges and experiences. In my free time, I enjoy [Your Activities or Hobbies], and I’m excited to be here and share my journey with all of you.”

How do I start my self introduction?

1. Greet the Audience:

Start with a warm and friendly greeting. This sets a positive tone and makes you approachable.

Example: “Good morning/afternoon/evening!”

2. State Your Name:

Clearly and confidently state your name. This is the most basic and essential part of any self-introduction.

Example: “My name is [Your Name].”

3. Provide Additional Background Information:

Depending on the context, you may want to share additional background information. Mention where you are from, your current location, or your job title, if relevant.

Example: “I’m originally from [Your Hometown], but I currently live in [Your Current Location].”

4. Express Enthusiasm:

Express your enthusiasm or eagerness to be in the situation or context where you are introducing yourself.

Example: “I’m thrilled to be here today…”

5. State the Purpose:

Clearly state the purpose of your self-introduction. Are you introducing yourself for a job interview, a social gathering, or a specific event? Make it clear why you are introducing yourself.

Example: “…to interview for the [Job Title] position.”

6. Offer a Brief Teaser:

Give a brief teaser or hint about what you’ll be discussing. This can generate interest and set the stage for the rest of the introduction.

Example: “I’ll be sharing my experiences as a [Your Profession] and how my background aligns with the requirements of the role.”

7. Keep It Concise:

Keep your introduction concise, especially in professional settings. You can provide more details as the conversation progresses.

8. Be Confident and Maintain Eye Contact:

Deliver your introduction with confidence and maintain eye contact with the audience or the person you’re addressing.

How can I start my self introduction example?

Hi, I’m [Your Name]. It’s a pleasure to meet all of you. I come from [Your Hometown], and today, I’m excited to tell you a bit about myself. I have a background in [Your Education or Profession], and I’m here to share my experiences, skills, and passions. But before I dive into that, let me give you a glimpse into the person behind the resume. So, here’s a little about me…”

For more insights on crafting a compelling self-introduction, the University of Nevada, Reno’s Writing & Speaking Center provides valuable resources. These can enhance your essay-writing skills, especially in crafting introductions that make a lasting impression.


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Rifqi lives with his parents in Bandung.




One of Rifqi’s hobbies is writing a novel.




In the weekend, Rifqi is used to doing exercise.




Rifqi wants to be a writer in the future.

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Free Samples To Introduce Yourself in an Essay


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  • Dec 13, 2023

Introduce Yourself in an Essay

Have you ever wondered what is the reason behind introduction essays? We can give a speech or self-introduction on ourselves. Then why write a self-introduction essay? Introducing yourself in an essay allows the audience or reviewer to understand your writing skills and self-awareness about yourself. However, how you introduce yourself can set the tone for the rest of your essay and leave a lasting impression on your readers. Further, a good introduction will also ensure you can hold the attention of the reader. This blog will explore some good ways to introduce yourself in an essay.

This Blog Includes:

Start with a hook, provide some background information, state your thesis, explain the purpose of your essay , conclude with a call to action, personal narrative essay, persuasive essay.

Also Read: Self Introduction Samples for Master’s Degree

How to Introduce Yourself in an Essay?

A strong introduction can grab your reader’s attention and make them interested in reading more. Here are some tips to introduce yourself in a good way for an essay: 

The first sentence of your essay should grab your reader’s attention and make them want to keep reading. You can achieve this by starting it with a hook, which can be a surprising fact, an interesting quote, or a provocative statement. 

After you have hooked your reader, you can provide some background information about yourself. This can include your name where you are from, your educational background, or any relevant experiences that relate to the topic of your essay.

Also Read: Best Way to Start an Introduction About Yourself

Your thesis statement is the most important part of your essay and should be introduced early on in your introduction. Your thesis statement should clearly state your main argument or point of view on the topic you are writing about.

After you have introduced yourself and stated your thesis,  you should explain the purpose of your essay. This can include why you are writing the essay, what you hope to achieve with your writing, and what your readers can expect from your essay. 

Finally, you can conclude your introduction with a call to action. This can be a sentence or two that encourages your readers to take action or think about your topic in a new way.  


Here are some sample introductions for different types of essays:

Growing up, I never imagined that a single moment could change the trajectory of my life. But that’s exactly what happened on a hot summer day when I was twelve years old.

Imagine a world where everyone had access to clean drinking water. It’s a simple concept, yet millions of people around the globe are still without this basic necessity. 

Here is a sample of how to introduce yourself in an essay.

Hello! My name is [Your Name], and I am delighted to have the opportunity to introduce myself to you.

I was born and raised in [Your Birthplace], a place that holds a special corner in my heart for its rich cultural heritage and warm community. Growing up, I was surrounded by a loving family that instilled in me the values of honesty, perseverance, and kindness.

From an early age, I developed a keen interest in [Your Passion or Hobby], which has become a significant part of my life. Whether it’s [describe a specific experience or achievement related to your passion], I find immense joy and fulfilment in pursuing my passion.

In terms of education, I completed my [Your Degree] at [Your University]. During my academic journey, I not only gained valuable knowledge in my field but also cultivated essential skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and effective communication.

On the professional front, I have had the privilege of working in [Your Industry or Field] for the past [Number of Years]. My experiences have allowed me to collaborate with diverse teams, tackle challenging projects, and continuously learn and grow. I am particularly proud of [mention a specific accomplishment or project], which showcased my ability to [highlight a skill or quality you possess].

In my leisure time, you can often find me [Your Hobbies or Interests]. Whether it’s [specific activities or hobbies], I cherish these moments as they allow me to recharge and maintain a healthy work-life balance

At last, I would like to say that I am someone who values integrity, embraces lifelong learning, and seeks to make a meaningful difference in the world. I am eager to connect, collaborate, and learn from the diverse experiences and perspectives that others bring to the table.

Thank you for taking the time to get to know me a little better. I look forward to the exciting journey ahead and the chance to learn more about you as well.

Related Articles

Your introduction should be long enough to introduce yourself, provide some background information, state your thesis, and explain the purpose of your essay. However, it should not be too long and should not contain any unnecessary information.

Yes, using a quote can be a great way to start your essay, especially if it relates to the topic you are writing about. Just make sure to cite the source of the quote properly.

No, a call to action is not necessary in every essay. However, if your essay is meant to inspire action or change, including a call to action can be a powerful way to end your introduction.

By following these steps, you can create a strong introduction that will grab your reader’s attention and set the stage for the rest of your essay. We hope you can implement the tips provided here and set the tone for your next essay.

For more information on such related topics to level up your interview preparations, visit our  interview preparation  page. Check out our  career counselling  blogs and follow  Leverage edu.

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Simran Popli

An avid writer and a creative person. With an experience of 1.5 years content writing, Simran has worked with different areas. From medical to working in a marketing agency with different clients to Ed-tech company, the journey has been diverse. Creative, vivacious and patient are the words that describe her personality.

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  • Self-introduction essay writing guide: how to...

Self-introduction essay writing guide: how to guide + samples


A self-introduction essay briefly describes you as a person. It gives the reader a figurative view of your personality, achievements and belief system. This guide offers everything you need to know about a self-introduction essay. 

Self-introduction essay

How do I write a 500 words essay about myself? The contents of the self-introduction essay should include your name, age, academic qualification, and professional achievements. This guide provides tips on how to write an impressive self-introduction essay. 

My self-introduction essay writing guide

How do you start a self-introduction essay? Like any other essay, a self-introduction essay has four main parts: the introduction, an opening statement, the body, and the conclusion. 

The introduction

Your essay introduction determines whether the reader will read the rest of the piece. Therefore, strive to make it appealing, precise, and brief. Begin with an attention-grabbing opening statement. Introduce facts that create curiosity within the reader's mind regarding your demeanor. 

The opening statement

The length of the opening statement should be five sentences, at most. It should include brief details about your educational background and achievements in your field of study or employment. You can introduce hints about your hobbies and interests, which will help the reader know you more.

Self-introduction essays are meant to be short and precise. So, do not struggle to try to make your paper lengthy by introducing information that might sound unnecessary to the reader. 

How do you write a 250-word essay about yourself? Presenting facts about yourself gives the reader an easier time making a good impression about who you are. It also expresses your confidence.

The body should be comprised of specific facts about who you are. You could include details like the number of languages you speak. When mentioning details about your academic qualifications, give detailed information on the papers you have published, if any. 

When mentioning your career, including information about the organization you are working with and the positions you have served. Include details on your level of experience and snippets of your job description. 

All these details can form a factual and reliable body paragraph. They are also enough for the reader to understand who you are and what you are passionate about. They are also sufficient for the reader to have a rough impression of your personality.

The conclusion

The conclusion is the last paragraph in a self-introductory essay. It sums up all the information in the write-up. Therefore, it should contain affirmative facts about yourself. For instance, you could mention highlights of your experience while working in your field. 

How you piece up your ideas speaks volumes about your personality. Nonetheless, strive to make your essay short. So, if were worried about writing an introduction essay, this guide provides the ins and outs of what you ought to bear in mind. 

Introduction essay examples

How do you write a 500-word essay about yourself? The thought of briefly describing yourself in 500 words might strike off as daunting. However, this self-introduction example proves that it is possible. 

I would best describe myself as a sleep coach. I offer consulting services to help clients get a better quality night's rest. I also train children to develop a predictable sleeping pattern.

I have spent six years of my higher academic learning studying human behaviour and its relation to the environment. My study has opened my eyes to the world of holistic living. After dedicating three years to studying the relationship between holistic living and human behaviour, I can confidently conclude that the two go hand in hand. As a result, I render this service to my clients, hoping to improve their quality of life by tackling their night's sleep.

I am Ella Summer, a thirty-year-old sleep coach with a master in clinical psychology from the Philadelphia School of Psychoanalysis. As a sleep coach in private practice, I often find myself frustrated by the limitations of traditional psychotherapy. As a result, I studied the efficiency of holistic psychology in sleep training. 

For the past three years, I have worked as a private consultant. My English, French and German proficiency has significantly impacted my scope of work. My three years of practice have also enlightened me to the need for a paradigm shift in how we live. It has emphasized the need for holistic living. Holistic living involves taking care of all the aspects of yourself, not just your body. A holistic approach means that all the aspects of your life are connected, and you are taking care of them. 

I found a purpose in helping people attain quality night's sleep. The joy in assisting new mothers to have a set schedule for their bundles of joy is what keeps me going. I also derive fulfilment from the positive reviews from my clients who were before dependent on other regimens but could not attain optimal sleep. I believe I am living in my purpose.

How do you write 10 lines about yourself? This assignment might be confusing, and in most cases, students are unsure about what information include or leave out. Nonetheless, you do not need to fret. The team at Acemyhomework will help you tackle your assignment with confidence and ultimately boost your performance.

Acemyhomework is a team of reliable and competent experts. We are committed to helping students improve their academic performance by scoring highly in their papers, essays and assignments. We handle short deadlines and guarantee quality work. Our rates are student-friendly, and we tailor-make your assignment to suit your preference. 

Our site gives you the liberty to work with your preferred tutor since the experts bid to work on your paper after sharing your assignment. Our team is also equipped with qualified members offering services at different academic levels and fields. We guarantee that there is someone to work on your task. So, if you are looking for creative self-introduction examples, we are one click away!

So, if you are looking for creative self-introduction examples, we are one click away!


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Materi Introducing Oneself and Others, Contoh Dialog, dan Soal Latihan Kelas X

  • My name is Kartika  (Nama saya Kartika)
  • My full name is Kartika Kirana  (Nama lengkap saya Kartika Kirana)
  • My nick name is Kartika  (Nama panggilan saya adalah Kartika)
  • Hi, I am Kartika (Hai, saya Kartika)
  • Hello, my name is Kartika (Halo, nama saya Kartika)
  • Good morning. My name is Kartika (Selamat pagi. Nama saya Kartika)
  • May I introduce myself? My name is Kartika (Bolehkah saya memperkenalkan diri? Nama saya Kartika)
  • Let me introduce myself. My name is Kartika. (Ijinkan saya memperkenalkan diri. Nama saya Kartika)
  • First of all, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Kartika (Sebelumnya, saya ingin memperkenalkan diri dulu. Nama saya Kartika)
  • How do you do? My name is Kartika (How do you do?. Nama saya Kartika)
  • Hi, I'm Okki. Glad to meet you. (Hai, saya Okki. Senang bertemu dengan anda)
  • Hello, My name is Okki Pleased to meet you (Halo, nama saya Okki. Senang bertemu dengan anda)
  • Good morning. I am Okki How do you do?. (Selamat pagi. Nama saya Okki. How do you do?)
  • How do you do? My name is Okki. Nice to meet you (How do you do?. Nama saya Okki. Senang bertemu dengan anda)
  • Do you know Kartika? (Apakah anda tahu Kartika?)
  • Have you met Kartika? (Pernahkah anda bertemu Kartika?)
  • This is a friend of mine,Okki. (Ini teman saya, Okki)
  • Ika, this is Okki, my friend. (Ika, ini Okki, teman saya)
  • May I introduce my friend, Mrs. Suryani? (Bolehkan saya memperkenalkan teman saya, Ibu Suryani?)
  • Please allow me to introduce our new Administration Manager. (Ijinkan saya untuk memperkenalkan manajer administrasi kita yang baru)
  • Let me introduce you to Mrs. Lina our new Marketing Manager.  Mrs. Lina. this is Mr. Lutfi from Java Plantation Company. (Ijinkan saya untuk memperkenalkan anda kepada Ibu Lina, Manajer Marketing baru kita. Ibu Lina, Ini adalah Bapak Lutfi dari perusahaan Java Plantation) .
  • No, I don't think so. (Sepertinya tidak)
  • No, I haven't. (Tidak, aku belum pernah)
  • Hi, glad to meet you. I am Okki. (Hai, senang bertemu dengan anda. Saya Okki)
  • Hello, Okki. Pleased to meet you. (Halo Okki. Senang bertemu denganmu)
  • I am glad to know you (Saya senang bisa mengenal anda)
  • It is nice to see you . (Senang bisa melihat anda)
  • How do you do? (Ungkapan saat baru bertemu pertama kalinya)
  • How do you do? It is very nice to meet you. (How do you do? senang sekali bisa bertemu dengan anda) 

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How to Write About Yourself in a College Essay | Examples

Published on September 21, 2021 by Kirsten Courault . Revised on May 31, 2023.

An insightful college admissions essay requires deep self-reflection, authenticity, and a balance between confidence and vulnerability. Your essay shouldn’t just be a resume of your experiences; colleges are looking for a story that demonstrates your most important values and qualities.

To write about your achievements and qualities without sounding arrogant, use specific stories to illustrate them. You can also write about challenges you’ve faced or mistakes you’ve made to show vulnerability and personal growth.

Table of contents

Start with self-reflection, how to write about challenges and mistakes, how to write about your achievements and qualities, how to write about a cliché experience, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about college application essays.

Before you start writing, spend some time reflecting to identify your values and qualities. You should do a comprehensive brainstorming session, but here are a few questions to get you started:

  • What are three words your friends or family would use to describe you, and why would they choose them?
  • Whom do you admire most and why?
  • What are the top five things you are thankful for?
  • What has inspired your hobbies or future goals?
  • What are you most proud of? Ashamed of?

As you self-reflect, consider how your values and goals reflect your prospective university’s program and culture, and brainstorm stories that demonstrate the fit between the two.

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Writing about difficult experiences can be an effective way to show authenticity and create an emotional connection to the reader, but choose carefully which details to share, and aim to demonstrate how the experience helped you learn and grow.

Be vulnerable

It’s not necessary to have a tragic story or a huge confession. But you should openly share your thoughts, feelings, and experiences to evoke an emotional response from the reader. Even a cliché or mundane topic can be made interesting with honest reflection. This honesty is a preface to self-reflection and insight in the essay’s conclusion.

Don’t overshare

With difficult topics, you shouldn’t focus too much on negative aspects. Instead, use your challenging circumstances as a brief introduction to how you responded positively.

Share what you have learned

It’s okay to include your failure or mistakes in your essay if you include a lesson learned. After telling a descriptive, honest story, you should explain what you learned and how you applied it to your life.

While it’s good to sell your strengths, you also don’t want to come across as arrogant. Instead of just stating your extracurricular activities, achievements, or personal qualities, aim to discreetly incorporate them into your story.

Brag indirectly

Mention your extracurricular activities or awards in passing, not outright, to avoid sounding like you’re bragging from a resume.

Use stories to prove your qualities

Even if you don’t have any impressive academic achievements or extracurriculars, you can still demonstrate your academic or personal character. But you should use personal examples to provide proof. In other words, show evidence of your character instead of just telling.

Many high school students write about common topics such as sports, volunteer work, or their family. Your essay topic doesn’t have to be groundbreaking, but do try to include unexpected personal details and your authentic voice to make your essay stand out .

To find an original angle, try these techniques:

  • Focus on a specific moment, and describe the scene using your five senses.
  • Mention objects that have special significance to you.
  • Instead of following a common story arc, include a surprising twist or insight.

Your unique voice can shed new perspective on a common human experience while also revealing your personality. When read out loud, the essay should sound like you are talking.

If you want to know more about academic writing , effective communication , or parts of speech , make sure to check out some of our other articles with explanations and examples.

Academic writing

  • Writing process
  • Transition words
  • Passive voice
  • Paraphrasing


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  • Ms, mrs, miss
  • How to start an email
  • I hope this email finds you well
  • Hope you are doing well

 Parts of speech

  • Personal pronouns
  • Conjunctions

First, spend time reflecting on your core values and character . You can start with these questions:

However, you should do a comprehensive brainstorming session to fully understand your values. Also consider how your values and goals match your prospective university’s program and culture. Then, brainstorm stories that illustrate the fit between the two.

When writing about yourself , including difficult experiences or failures can be a great way to show vulnerability and authenticity, but be careful not to overshare, and focus on showing how you matured from the experience.

Through specific stories, you can weave your achievements and qualities into your essay so that it doesn’t seem like you’re bragging from a resume.

Include specific, personal details and use your authentic voice to shed a new perspective on a common human experience.

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Courault, K. (2023, May 31). How to Write About Yourself in a College Essay | Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved June 20, 2024, from

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Self Introduction Essay

500 words essay on self introduction.

Writing about oneself is not a very difficult task. One of the reasons for this is that no one knows better about you than your own self. Keeping this in mind, let us explore more on this topic with this self introduction essay.

self introduction essay

                                                                                                                               Self Introduction Essay

Understanding Oneself

An important point to remember writing about self-introduction is that every individual is different. So, when one writes about oneself, it is actually about showing one’s uniqueness. Furthermore, your self-introduction shows how well you know about yourself.

Self-introduction is a way of coming up with things you know about yourself. Furthermore, everyone around a person has different things to say about that person. Moreover, the person’s own personal perception may or may not match with the opinion of others.

When one begins to write, a small introduction is a good way of briefly explaining who the person is and what the profession of this individual is. Afterwards, one can write about one’s hobbies and talents. Moreover, if there is a desire to go into more details, then one can explain how these hobbies were acquired.

One advantage of writing about self-introduction is that one would be able to know oneself better. Among billions of people on Earth, you are the most suitable person to tell what’s best for you. Thinking this way, one would not lose any interest during the self-introduction writing.

Each person has a different mission in life and a different journey to follow. Therefore, writing about the self-introduction, an individual must explain oneself with honesty , without deviating from the truth. Most noteworthy, honestly revealing such information would build up self confidence .

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Interests and Inspirations

Each person on this planet has different interests and hobbies. Furthermore, people derive happiness and satisfaction from doing different things. While cooking gives comfort to some, others find pleasure in reading books.

Due to self-introduction, one would be able to better understand all the various hobbies and find out which of them suits the person most. For example, a man may go through all his interests and ultimately discover the hobby that provides him with maximum satisfaction. As such, self-introduction may give rise to the process of self-introspection.

Dreams,  ambition , and aspirations are also very important parts of self-introduction. While many people have dreams of acquiring success in the field of science, others may have more interest in sports. It all comes down to the attitude and personality of a person.

So think hard about what you want to become in life and make sure to mention it in the self-introduction. Psychologically speaking, what one mentions in the self-introduction can remain in that individual’s sub-conscious.  Most noteworthy, the person may ultimately start living his dream.

Conclusion of Self Introduction Essay

The self introduction essay shows that each individual is different from one another. Furthermore, each person has got a set of personal ideas, tastes, hobbies, passions, behaviours, and inspirations that is not shared by others. As such, self-introduction is a way of showing the unique side of each individual.

FAQs For Self Introduction Essay

Question 1: What is the importance of self-introduction?

Answer 1: The importance of self-introduction is that it brings out the uniqueness of each individual. This is because each individual is different and no two individuals can be alike. Moreover, it is a way of showing people what one knows about oneself.

Question 2: What are some aspects of one’s personality that can be revealed during self-introduction?

Answer 2: The aspects of one’s personality that can be revealed during self-introduction are interests, hobbies, ambitions, and aspirations.

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Introduce Yourself Essay | Essay on Effective Self-Introduction, How To Introduce Yourself in Work Place, College and Party?

December 4, 2021 by Prasanna

Introduce Yourself Essay: Introducing yourself is one of the first things you do when meeting people. It’s also one of the first impressions you make. When you introduce yourself, you are not only telling them your name, but also what you do for a living. By introducing yourself, you are opening the door to other conversations. You are showing them that you are interested in who they are and what they have to offer. The introduction sets the tone for the conversation and it also sets an expectation of whether or not this person is worth your time.

But why should you care about introducing yourself? When you start a new job, the first thing that you should do is introduce yourself. Introducing yourself not only sets a positive impression on your new employer, but it also sets a tone for the workplace. Introducing yourself also sets the tone for how people will interact with each other and how they will perceive you. When people introduce themselves, they are more likely to listen to what someone has to say and be receptive to what the person has to offer. This essay will guide you through all the stages of introducing yourself, from getting to know your audience to answer questions about yourself.

You can also find more  Essay Writing  articles on events, persons, sports, technology and many more.

Why it’s Important To Your Career?

It is important to introduce oneself in a professional setting because it is how we make our first impression. Introducing ourselves will also help the person we are introducing ourselves to remember our names and who we are. Self-introductions should be brief, and it is important to provide information such as your name, position, and a company you work for.

How to Introduce Yourself?

This section will provide general guidelines for your introduction. As you are introducing yourself, you want to make sure that you are being clear and concise about who you are, what you do, and why the audience should care. It is important to establish credibility by giving some background information about yourself which could include your education, experience, or affiliations. Lastly, it is always best to end with a call-to-action that provides the audience with a reason to take action.

However, there are a lot more other things to note when introducing yourself, such as eye contact, posture, facial expression and handshakes. Eye contact is important because it shows sincerity and interest. When you are talking with someone you should have eye contact with them the majority of the time. However, it is also important not to stare someone down too long as that can be seen as strange or intimidating. Posture is also important when introducing yourself because it reflects how confident you are in yourself and how much energy you have for this conversation.A person’s posture will show whether they are relaxed, alert, or anxious. A slumped-over person may also indicate a fatigued state.

How to introduce yourself in the workplace?

There are many ways to introduce yourself in the workplace. One of the most common ways is by introducing yourself to someone you don’t know. This can be done by saying “Hello, my name is Jane.” Another way to introduce yourself would be by introducing yourself at an event or company meeting. You might want to say “Hello, I am Jane and I work for AplusTopper.”

How to introduce yourself in college?

Introducing yourself to others in the college environment is a great way to get to know new people and be known by them. One of the most effective ways to introduce yourself is by stating your name, major, and what you want to do in the future – “Hi, my name is Jane. I am a UCLA student majoring in sociology. After I graduate, I hope to become a social worker.”

How to introduce yourself at a formal party?

It is important to introduce yourself at a formal party to make a good first impression. The best way to introduce yourself, and get to know others, is by starting a conversation. If you are seated at a table (say for dinner), then once seated, introduce yourself to the person next to you. Next, introduce yourself to the people around the table. A conversation can be initiated by asking the person questions about themselves or about current events, hobbies or culture in general. Parties are all about meeting new people and learning more about them.

What are Some Dos and Don’ts for Introducing Yourself?

The first impression you make is very important, and the first impression is usually made in an introduction. It’s not easy to make a good first impression on new people and it’s even harder on new people you’ve never met before. However, there are some things you can do to make a better first impression and there are some things you should avoid doing. Consider adopting the following tips:

  • Do stand up straight – The way you stand has a huge impact on how confident and authoritative you look. The ‘power pose’ is a position that people adopt to make themselves appear more powerful. In this position, people stand tall with their arms out in front of them, hands together, and take up as much space as they can. However, it might not be appropriate for all situations.
  • Don’t shake hands too hard – When meeting someone new, it can be tempting to shake hands with a forceful grip. However, the handshake is an expression of confidence and respect. When you shake hands with someone else, you are saying that they are worth your time and energy. Doing it with excessive force can send the wrong message.
  • Do be mindful of your surroundings – When you introduce yourself to a stranger, it’s important to be mindful of their surroundings. For example, if they’re in a busy place, don’t shout “Hi my name is ___” because it might startle them. Rather use a quieter voice and let the person get closer to hear your introduction.
  • Don’t forget to smile – People who smile when they introduce themselves are more likely to be considered friendly and competent. Smiling can create a sense of attraction and rapport, as well as open the door for better opportunities.
  • Dress the part – When applying for jobs, it is important to take into consideration the way you dress. The way you dress for an interview says a lot about your personality, skills and what kind of impression you want to make on the interviewer. In order to ensure that you are meeting all of the standards set by the company, it is important to dress accordingly.

The Importance of Professionalism in the Modern Age

Professionalism is the quality of behaving, dressing, or conducting oneself in a way that conforms to standards appropriate for one’s occupation or social position. Other definitions of professionalism include “Conducting oneself with propriety and good taste.” “Behaving according to social expectations especially with respect to matters of dress and language.” Regardless, professionalism is an integral part of self-introduction. Another important aspect of self introduction is that the introduction should be about oneself and not an introduction about one’s occupation. In other words, most people do not care about your job title, unless you are the CEO of a company. In such cases too, the title is self-explanatory.

Conclusion on Introduce Yourself Essay

In conclusion, introducing oneself is one of the first steps to professional success. It is not only about telling people who you are, but also demonstrating your skills and experience. Also, it is important to introduce yourself in a way that leaves a positive impression.

FAQ’s on Self Introduction

Question 1. How do you introduce yourself?

Answer: A common way to introduce oneself is with a one-liner, which can be used to break the ice. In a professional setting, however, self-introductions must be very formal and professional. Moreover, many components such as body language, tone of voice, and attire also affect how effective your self-introduction is.

Question 2. How can I introduce myself in English?

Answer: A person can present themselves to others in a variety of ways. A handshake, a smile, eye contact, and an open-ended question are common starting points.

Question 3. How can I introduce myself in an interview?

Answer: Generally, in an interview, you should introduce yourself by describing your skills, education and experience. For example, a self-introduction of a professional writer would be as follows: “I am a professional writer with over five years of writing experience. I have an MA in English and Creative Writing with an emphasis in journalism, which led to me working closely with news media companies. I also have experience in working with social media marketing agencies to produce content for companies on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and more.”

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Soal Kelas 7 Introduction, Identity, Pronouns

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Soal Kelas 7 Introduction, Identity, Pronouns

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introducing oneself and others

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Tata is a new member of Teratai English Club. She introduced herself

Tata : Ladies and gentlemen...........

a. Allow me to introduce myself.

b. I am happy to meet you.

c. Let me Introduce you to the audiences

d. May I introduce you to the audiences

Deni : Hello , Ahmad.

Ahmad : Hi , Deni. Nice to see you.

Deni : Nice to see you, too. How are you?

Ahmad : Fine, thank you. And you?

Deni : I am quite well, thanks.

The italicized expressions above to express....

a. an advice

b. a complaint

c. an introduction myself

d. a informal greeting

Nadin : Good morning, First of all I would like to introduce my self. my full name is Nadina Salsabillah Putri, and may I know your name?

Fairuz : Good morning too, I would like to introduce my self to you. My name is Fairuz Athallah Huda.

What form of introducing above ?

a. Informal introduction

b. Formal introduction

c. a and b right

d. Ordinary conversation

Andy : ______ .

Mona : Not so bad

To complete the dialogue, the suitable expression is ?

b. Nice to meet you

d. How is everything with you?

Dani: Ratih, this is my sister, Dina.

Ratih : Hi, nice to meet you.

Dina : " ..... "

a. I hope you fine

b. Thanks you for you

c. Nice to meet you, too

What is your expression to introduce yourself if you meet someone for the first time?

a. Ayu, this is Galih, my friend here

b. Have you meet my friend. Via?

c. Hello, may introduce my self

d. Hello, nice to meet you friend.

Rosa : Hello, my name is Rosa. Are you new student ?

Zahra : Yes, I’m Zahra . Nice to meet you

Rosa : Nice to meet you, too. I’m in that class

Zahra : Me too

What do we learn from the dialogue ?

a. They are in the same class

. b. They have known each other

c. They have met before

d. They are not new students

Roni : Hi, my name is Roni.

Silvi : Hello, my name is Silvi.

Roni : Where do you........Silvi?

Silvi : I live at Garuda Street no: 18

Sant i: How old is your father, Kim?

Kimberly: .........

He has curly hair

He is 170 cm tall

He is 50 years old

Toki : My name is Toki. How do you do?

Riko : ...........

How are you?

My name is Riko

My name is Riko. How do you do

Sani : Tyo, let me introduce to my friend.

This is Anita.

Tyo : Hi, I am Tyo, nice to meet you.

Anita: Hi, I am Anita. .............

Nice to meet you

Nice to see you

It's nice to see you.

Nice to meet you too

Andin : What is your name?

Andre : ........Is Andre.

The word "greet" in Indonesian is.......

memberi salam


memberi selamat

You want to introduce your father to your friend.

How do you express it?

My father is teaching now.

This is Mr. Abdullah. He is my father.

My father's name is Mr. Abdullah. He is a teacher.

Is my father Mr. Abdullah?

Asri : Hello, I am Asri and this is Mark.

Mary: .......

Thank you very much

Hi, pleased to meet you

I'm sorry to hear that

I'm glad to see you again

John : Dad, this is Allen, my friend.

Father: ..........

Allen : How do you do.

I'm fine thank you

See you soon

How do you do

Hello! (A) is Hatta. I........a student. I live on Cocak 2 street. .........father is an accountant and my mother is.......housewife. I go to school by bicycle. My

Hello! is Hatta. I (B)........a student. I live on Cocak 2 street. .........father is an accountant and my mother is.......housewife. I go to school by bicycle. My

Hello! is Hatta. I........a student. I live on Cocak 2 street. (C) .........father is an accountant and my mother is.......housewife. I go to school by bicycle. My

Hello! is Hatta. I........a student. I live on Cocak 2 street. .........father is an accountant and my mother is (D).......housewife. I go to school by bicycle. My

Hello! is Hatta. I........a student. I live on Cocak 2 street. .........father is an accountant and my mother is.......housewife. I go to school by bicycle. My bicycle (E)

I can't see Mary. I can't see......

Karen is next to Peter. Karen is next to........

Can you help Peter and Ann? Can you help.....

Drink your apple juice! Drink.......!

We are going to the cinema. Come with.......!

Carol is at school. She can't come with........

The cat is under the chair. Can you see.........?

Dave can't swim. Help........!

1.What is the introducing expressions?

a. Happy to be with you.

b. You can call me Joy..

c. Hey guy.

d. How do you do?

2.What is the greeting expression?

a. Good morning, Ladies and Gentlemen.

b. See you again.

c.I graduated in Auto Mechanic.

d. Let me introduce my family.

4.What is the finishing expression?

a. Good bye.

b. May i introduce myself.

c. Morning every body.

d. My major subject is construction.

5.I would like to _________myself.

a. greeting

b. introduce

c. exchange

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Introducing self

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    Latihan Soal Pilihan Ganda & Essay Expression Of Self-Introduction And Introducing Others (Ungkapan Perkenalan Diri Dan Memperkenalkan Orang Lain), ... Introduce yourself and include the information, such as name, date of birth, address, hobby, occupation, family, and future dream!

  8. Soal PG Self Introduction

    15. The following is not self introduction expression. a. Let me introduce myself. b. Hi guys. My name is . . . c. I would like to introduce my friend by myself. d. Allow me to introduce myself. Terimakasih sudah berkunjung ke kita sedang membahas soal pilihan ganda self introduction, mari kita lanjut ke bagian ...

  9. Free Samples To Introduce Yourself in an Essay

    Introducing yourself in an essay allows the audience or reviewer to understand your writing skills and self-awareness about yourself. However, how you introduce yourself can set the tone for the rest of your essay and leave a lasting impression on your readers. Further, a good introduction will also ensure you can hold the attention of the reader.

  10. Self-introduction essay writing guide: how to guide + samples

    The conclusion is the last paragraph in a self-introductory essay. It sums up all the information in the write-up. Therefore, it should contain affirmative facts about yourself. For instance, you could mention highlights of your experience while working in your field. How you piece up your ideas speaks volumes about your personality.

  11. Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10

    Soal berikut terdiri dari 20 soal pilihan ganda yang telah diambil dari materi self introduction, pronouns, congratulation dan complimenting someone, dan showing intention (simple future tense). Selain pilihan ganda, soal berikut juga dilengkapi dengan 10 soal essay dari materi introduction dan congratulations.

  12. Materi Introducing Oneself and Others, Contoh Dialog, dan Soal Latihan

    Materi, Dialog, dan Soal Latihan Introducing (Perkenalan) dalam Bahasa Inggris Kita semua pasti pernah berada di dalam lingkungan yang belum pernah kita kenal sebelumnya. contohnya ketika berada di sekolah baru, kelas baru, lingkungan komplek atau tetangga yang baru maupun lingkungan kerja yang baru. Di dalam situasi itu tentunya kita harus ...

  13. Materi Introduction Kelas 7 + Latihan Soal Beserta Jawaban

    Materi Introduction Kelas 7 + Latihan Soal Beserta Jawaban. 12 Juni 2021 Diupdate: 26 Agustus 2022. 3 menit membaca. Introduce myself/yourself (memperkenalkan diri) adalah materi introduction kelas 7 SMP semester 1. Dalam materi bahasa Inggris introduce yourself ini kita akan sering menggunakan frasa seperti: Let me introduce myself, My name is ...

  14. Introduction My Self dan Contohnya

    Pertama, kita akan mempelajari Introducing Myself. Dalam materi Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 ini, kita akan mempelajari cara memperkenalkan diri, mulai dari nama, umur, alamat, dan lain-lainnya. 1. Nama. Nah, untuk memperkenalkan nama, terdapat banyak kalimat yang bisa digunakan.

  15. Materi Introduction Kelas 10: Talking About Self and Others + Contoh

    Materi Talking About Self Kelas 10. Sebagaimana materi Introduce Yourself di SMP, di SMA kelas 10 bernama Talking About Self and Others. Keduanya sama-sama materi Introduction, lebih tepatnya self introduction. Materi introduction kelas 10 ini biasanya menceritakan diri sendiri (Introducing Ourself), termasuk menyebutkan hobi, mata pelajaran ...

  16. How to Write About Yourself in a College Essay

    Focus on a specific moment, and describe the scene using your five senses. Mention objects that have special significance to you. Instead of following a common story arc, include a surprising twist or insight. Your unique voice can shed new perspective on a common human experience while also revealing your personality.

  17. Self Introduction Essay in English for Students

    Question 1: What is the importance of self-introduction? Answer 1: The importance of self-introduction is that it brings out the uniqueness of each individual. This is because each individual is different and no two individuals can be alike. Moreover, it is a way of showing people what one knows about oneself.

  18. Introduce Yourself Essay

    Introduce Yourself Essay: Introducing yourself is one of the first things you do when meeting people. It's also one of the first impressions you make. When you introduce yourself, you are not only telling them your name, but also what you do for a living. By introducing yourself, you are opening the door to other conversations.

  19. Soal Kelas 7 Introduction, Identity, Pronouns

    Soal Kelas 7 Introduction, Identity, Pronouns. Perkenalan adalah salah satu langkah awal untuk membangun sebuah hubungan seperti hubungan persahabatan. Kemampuan kita dalam memperkenalkan diri akan sangat menentukan hubungan persahabatan kita dengan orang lain. Kita dapat memepelajari cara memperkenalkan diri dalam Bahasa Inggris pada postingan ...

  20. Soal Introducing Oneself

    Soal Introducing Oneself quiz for 10th grade students. Find other quizzes for English and more on Quizizz for free! ... Please introduce yourself. I'd like you to meet my friend, Doni. 5. Multiple Choice. Edit. 30 seconds. 1 pt. Hi, I am Sarah Jenny. My friends call_____Sarah. I. Me. You. She. 6. Multiple Choice

  21. introducing oneself and others

    3. Multiple Choice. 10 seconds. 1 pt. Nadin : Good morning, First of all I would like to introduce my self. my full name is Nadina Salsabillah Putri, and may I know your name? Fairuz : Good morning too, I would like to introduce my self to you. My name is Fairuz Athallah Huda. What form of introducing above ? a.

  22. Introducing Yourself

    Introducing Yourself - Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD. Saat bertemu dengan orang baru, otomatis kita mengenalkan diri dengan lawan bicara. Nah, enggak hanya pakai bahasa Indonesia saja, tetapi ada kalanya juga perlu mengenalkan diri dengan bahasa Inggris. Pengenalan inilah yang dinamakan dengan introducing yourself.

  23. Introducing self

    Hopes, Dreams and Self Esteem Spin the wheel. by Danhoffmana. Kindergarten 1st Grade 2nd Grade 3rd Grade 4th Grade 5th Grade Social studies Self Esteem. Introducing yourself Group sort. by Flicananalise20. Self-Esteem Activity Open the box. by Kirstenwelch. Challenge Negative Self-Talk Matching pairs. by Kdeyoe.