
Guide to The NY Times’ Five Best College Essays on Work, Money and Class

Ivy Divider

So, you might ask, “What can I learn from this year’s crop of college essays about money, work and class? And how can they help me craft my own memorable, standout essays?”  To help get to the bottom of what made the Times ‘ featured essays so exceptional, we made you a guide on  w hat worked, and what you can emulate in your own essays to make them just as memorable for admissions.

  • Contradictions are the stuff of great literature . “I belong to the place where opposites merge in a…heap of beautiful contradictions,” muses Tillena Treborn in her lyrical essay on straddling rural and urban life in Flagstaff, AZ, one of the five pieces selected by t he Times this year. Each of the highlighted essays mined contradictions: immigrant versus citizen; service worker versus client; insider versus outsider; urban versus rural; poverty versus wealth; acceptance versus rebellion; individual versus family. Every day, we navigate opposing forces in our lives. These struggles—often rich, and full of tension—make for excellent essay topics. Ask yourself this: Do you straddle the line between ethnicities, religions, generations, languages, or locales? If so, how? In what ways do you feel like you are stuck between two worlds, or like you are an outsider? Examining the essential contradictions in your own life will provide you with fodder for a fascinating, insightful college essay.  
  • The magic is in the details — especially the sensory ones. Sensory details bring writing to life by allowing readers to experience how something looks, sounds, smells, tastes, or feels. In his American dream-themed essay about his immigrant mother cleaning the apartment of two professors, Jonathan Ababiy describes “the whir,” “suction,” and “squeal” of her “blue Hoover vacuum” as it leaps across “miles of carpet.” These descriptions allow us to both hear and see the symbolic vacuum in action. The slice-of-life familial essay by Idalia Felipe–the only essay to be published in The Times’ Snapchat Discover feature–opens with a scene: “As I sit facing our thirteen-year old refrigerator, my stomach growls at the scent of handmade tortillas and meat sizzling on the stove.” Immediately, we are brought inside Felipe’s home with its distinctive smells and sounds; our stomach seems to growl alongside hers. Use descriptive, sensory language to engage your reader, bring them into your world, and make your writing shine.
  • One-sentence paragraphs are catchy . A one-sentence paragraph, as I’m sure you’ve gleaned, is a paragraph that is only one sentence long. The form has been employed by everyone from Tim O’Brien to Charles Dickens and, now, the writers of this year’s featured Times college essays. “I live on the edge,” Ms. Treborn declares at the beginning of her poetic essay on the differences between her mother and father’s worlds. “The most exciting part was the laptop,” asserts Zoe Sottile, the recipient of the Tang Scholarship at Phillips Academy in her essay about the mutability and complexity of class identity. Starting your essay with a one-sentence paragraph—a line of description, a scene, or a question, for example—is a great way to hook the reader. You could also use a one-sentence paragraph mid-essay to emphasize a point, as Ms. Treborn does, or in your conclusion. A one-sentence paragraph is one of many tricks that you have in your writing toolkit to make your reader pause and take notice.
  • The Familiar Can Be Fascinating. The most daring essay this year, a rant on the imbalances of power embedded in the service industry by Caitlin McCormick, delivers us into the world of a family bed and breakfast with its clinking silverware and cantankerous guests demanding twice-a-day room cleanings. In Ms. Felipe’s more atmospheric piece, we enter her home before dinnertime where we see her attempting to study while her sisters giggle and watch Youtube cat videos. These are the environments these students grew up in, and they inspired everything from frustration at glaring class inequalities to gratitude for the dream of a better life. Rather than feeling like you have to write about something monumental, focus on the familiar, and consider how your environment has shaped you. How did you grow up—in the restaurant business, on a farm, in a house full of artists, construction workers, or judges? Bring us into your world, describing it meticulously and thoughtfully. Tease out the connection between your environment and who you are/what you strive for today and you will be embarking on the path of meaningful self-discovery, which is the key to college essay success.

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Written by Nina Bailey

Category: advice , Essay Tips , Essay Writing , New York Times , Uncategorized

Tags: advice , college admissions , college admissions essay , college essay , college essay advisors , common application , tips , writing


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new york times best college essays 2019

From the Heart to Higher Education: The 2021 College Essays on Money

Each year, we ask high school seniors to send us college application essays that touch on money, work or social class. Here are five from this year’s incoming college freshmen.

Credit... Robert Neubecker

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Ron Lieber

By Ron Lieber

  • June 18, 2021

When the most selective — or, even better, rejective — schools in the United States are accepting under 10 percent of the people pleading for a spot in the next freshman class, it eventually becomes impossible to know why any one person receives an offer, or why a student chooses a particular school.

So in this particularly unpredictable season — as we publish a selection of application essays about money, work or social class for the ninth time — we’ve made one small but permanent change: We (and they) are going to tell you where the writers come from, but not where they are headed.

Our overarching point in publishing their essays isn’t to crack the code on writing one’s way into Yale or Michigan, as if that were even possible. Instead, it’s to celebrate how meaningful it can be to talk openly about money and write about it in a way that makes a reader stop and wonder about someone else’s life and, just maybe, offers a momentary bit of enlightenment and delight.

One writer this year helps her mother find a new way of bringing joy into the world, while another discovers the cost of merely showing up if you’re a female employee. A young man reflects on his own thrift, while a young woman accepts a gift of ice cream and pays a price for it. Finally, caregiving becomes a source of pride for someone young enough to need supervision herself.

Each of the writers will make you smile, eventually. And this year in particular, we — and they — deserve to.

new york times best college essays 2019

“She began to cry and told me it was too late for her. I could not bear to watch her struggle between ambition and doubt.”

New York — Bronx High School of Science

My mom finds a baffling delight from drinking from glass, hotel-grade water dispensers. Even when three-day-old lemon rinds float in stale water, drinking from the dispenser remains luxurious. Last year for her birthday, I saved enough to buy a water dispenser for our kitchen counter. However, instead of water, I filled it with handwritten notes encouraging her to chase her dreams of a career.

As I grew older, I noticed that my mom yearned to pursue her passions and to make her own money. She spent years as a stay-at-home mom and limited our household chores as much as she could, taking the burden upon herself so that my brothers and I could focus on our education. However, I could tell from her curiosity of and attitudes toward working women that she envied their financial freedom and the self-esteem that must come with it. When I asked her about working again, she would tell me to focus on achieving the American dream that I knew she had once dreamed for herself.

For years, I watched her effortlessly light up conversations with both strangers and family. Her empathy and ability to understand the needs, wants and struggles of a diverse group of people empowered her to reach the hearts of every person at a dinner table, even when the story itself did not apply to them at all. She could make anyone laugh, and I wanted her to be paid for it. “Mom, have you ever thought about being a stand-up comedian?”

She laughed at the idea, but then she started wondering aloud about what she would joke about and how comedy shows were booked. As she began dreaming of a comedy career, the reality of her current life as a stay-at-home mom sank in. She began to cry and told me it was too late for her. I could not bear to watch her struggle between ambition and doubt.

Her birthday was coming up. Although I had already bought her a present, I realized what I actually wanted to give her was the strength to finally put herself first and to take a chance. I placed little notes of encouragement inside the water dispenser. I asked my family and her closest friends to do the same. These friends told her other friends, and eventually I had grown a network of supporters who emailed me their admiration for my mom. From these emails, I hand wrote 146 notes, crediting all of these supporters that also believed in my mom. Some provided me with sentences, others with five-paragraph-long essays. Yet, each note was an iteration of the same sentiment: “You are hilarious, full of life, and ready to take on the stage.”

On the day of her birthday, my mom unwrapped my oddly shaped present and saw the water dispenser I bought her. She was not surprised, as she had hinted at it for many years. But then as she kept unwrapping, she saw that inside the dispenser there were these little notes that filled the whole thing. As she kept picking out and reading the notes, I could tell she was starting to believe what they said. She started to weep with her hands full of notes. She could not believe the support was real, that everyone knew she had a special gift and believed in her.

Within two months, my mom performed her first set in a New York comedy club. Within a year, my mom booked a monthly headlining show at the nation’s premier comedy club.

I am not sure what happened to the water dispenser. But I have read the notes with my mom countless times. They are framed and line the walls of her new office space that she rented with the profits she made from working as a professional comedian . For many parents, their children’s careers are their greatest accomplishment, but for me my mom’s is mine.

Adrienne Coleman

“The intense Saturday night crucible of the restaurant, with all the unwanted phone numbers, catcalls and wandering hands, jolted me into an unavoidable reckoning with feminism in a professional world.”

Locust Valley, N.Y. — Friends Academy

“Pull down your mask, sweetheart, so I can see that pretty smile.”

I returned a well-practiced smile with just my eyes, as the eight guys started their sixth bottle of Brunello di Montalcino. Their carefree banter bordered on heckling. Ignoring their comments, I stacked dishes heavy with half-eaten rib-eye steaks and truffle risotto. As I brought their plates to the dish pit, I warned my female co-workers about the increasingly drunken rowdiness at Table 44.

This was not the first time I’d felt uncomfortable at work. When I initially presented my résumé to the restaurant manager, he scanned me up and down, barely glancing at the piece of paper. “Well, you’ve got no restaurant experience, but you know, you package well. When can you start?” I felt his eyes burn through me. That’s it? No pretense of a proper interview? “Great,” I said, thrilled at the prospect of earning good money. At the same time, reduced to the way I “package,” I felt degraded.

I thought back to my impassioned feminist speech that won the eighth-grade speech contest. I lingered on the moments that, as the leader of my high school’s F-Word Club, I had redefined feminism for my friends who initially rejected the word as radical. But in these instances, I realized how my notions of equality had been somewhat theoretical — a passion inspired by the words of Malala and R.B.G. — but not yet lived or compromised.

The restaurant has become my real-world classroom, the pecking order transparent and immutable. All the managers, the decision makers, are men. They set the schedules, determine the tip pool, hire pretty young women to serve and hostess, and brazenly berate those below them. The V.I.P. customers are overwhelmingly men, the high rollers who drop thousands of dollars on drinks, and feel entitled to palm me, a 17-year-old, their phone numbers rolled inside a wad of cash.

Angry customers, furious they had mistakenly received penne instead of pane, initially rattled me. I have since learned to assuage and soothe. I’ve developed the confidence to be firm with those who won’t wear a mask or are breathtakingly rude. I take pride in controlling my tables, working 13-hour shifts and earning my own money. At the same time, I’ve struggled to navigate the boundaries of what to accept and where to draw the line. When a staff member continued to inappropriately touch me, I had to summon the courage to address the issue with my male supervisor. Then, it took weeks for the harasser to get fired, only to return to his job a few days later.

When I received my first paycheck, accompanied by a stack of cash tips, I questioned the compromises I was making. In this physical and mental space, I searched for my identity. It was simple to explore gender roles in a classroom or through complex characters in a Kate Chopin novel. My heroes, trailblazing women such as Simone de Beauvoir and Gloria Steinem, had paved the road for me. In my textbooks, their crusading is history. But the intense Saturday night crucible of the restaurant, with all the unwanted phone numbers, catcalls and wandering hands, jolted me into an unavoidable reckoning with feminism in a professional world.

Often, I’ve felt shame; shame that I wasn’t as vocal as my heroes; shame that I feigned smiles and silently pocketed the cash handed to me. Yet, these experiences have been a catalyst for personal and intellectual growth. I am learning how to set boundaries and to use my professional skills as a means of empowerment.

Constantly re-evaluating my definition of feminism, I am inspired to dive deeply into gender studies and philosophy to better pursue social justice. I want to use politics as a forum for activism. Like my female icons, I want to stop the burden of sexism from falling on young women. In this way, I will smile fully — for myself.

Hoseong Nam

“I feel haunted, cursed by the compulsion to diligently subtract pennies from purchases hoping it will eventually pile up into a mere dollar.”

Hanoi, Vietnam — British Vietnamese International School

Despite the loud busking music, arcade lights and swarms of people, it was hard to be distracted from the corner street stall serving steaming cupfuls of tteokbokki — a medley of rice cake and fish cake covered in a concoction of hot sweet sauce. I gulped when I felt my friend tugging on the sleeve of my jacket, anticipating that he wanted to try it. After all, I promised to treat him out if he visited me in Korea over winter break.

The cups of tteokbokki, garnished with sesame leaves and tempura, was a high-end variant of the street food, nothing like the kind from my childhood. Its price of 3,500 Korean won was also nothing like I recalled, either, simply charged more for being sold on a busy street. If I denied the purchase, I could console my friend and brother by purchasing more substantial meals elsewhere. Or we could spend on overpriced food now to indulge in the immediate gratification of a convenient but ephemeral snack.

At every seemingly inconsequential expenditure, I weigh the pros and cons of possible purchases as if I held my entire fate in my hands. To be generously hospitable, but recklessly drain the travel allowance we needed to stretch across two weeks? Or to be budgetarily shrewd, but possibly risk being classified as stingy? That is the question, and a calculus I so dearly detest.

Unable to secure subsequent employment and saddled by alimony complications, there was no room in my dad’s household to be embarrassed by austerity or scraping for crumbs. Ever since I was taught to dilute shampoo with water, I’ve revised my formula to reduce irritation to the eye. Every visit to a fast-food chain included asking for a sheet of discount coupons — the parameters of all future menu choice — and a past receipt containing the code of a completed survey to redeem for a free cheeseburger. Exploiting combinations of multiple promotions to maximize savings at such establishments felt as thrilling as cracking war cryptography, critical for minimizing cash casualties.

However, while disciplined restriction of expenses may be virtuous in private, at outings, even those amongst friends, spending less — when it comes to status — paradoxically costs more. In Asian family-style eating customs, a dish ordered is typically available to everyone, and the total bill, regardless of what you did or did not consume, is divided evenly. Too ashamed to ask for myself to be excluded from paying for dishes I did not order or partake in, I’ve opted out of invitations to meals altogether. I am wary even of meals where the inviting host has offered to treat everyone, fearful that if I only attended “free meals” I would be pinned as a parasite.

Although I can now conduct t-tests to extract correlations between multiple variables, calculate marginal propensities to import and assess whether a developing country elsewhere in the world is at risk of becoming stuck in the middle-income trap, my day-to-day decisions still revolve around elementary arithmetic. I feel haunted, cursed by the compulsion to diligently subtract pennies from purchases hoping it will eventually pile up into a mere dollar, as if the slightest misjudgment in a single buy would tip my family’s balance sheet into irrecoverable poverty.

Will I ever stop stressing over overspending?

I’m not sure I ever will.

But I do know this. As I handed over 7,000 won in exchange for two cups of tteokbokki to share amongst the three of us — my friend, my brother and myself — I am reminded that even if we are not swimming in splendor, we can still uphold our dignity through the generosity of sharing. Restricting one’s conscience only around ruminating which roads will lead to riches risks blindness toward rarer wealth: friends and family who do not measure one’s worth based on their net worth. Maybe one day, such rigorous monitoring of financial activity won’t be necessary, but even if not, this is still enough.

Neeya Hamed

“In America, we possess all the tangible resources. Why is it, then, that we fruitlessly struggle to connect with one another?”

New York — Brooklyn Friends School

Sitting on monobloc chairs of various colors, the Tea Ladies offer healing. Henna-garnished hands deliver four cups of tea, each selling for no more than 10 cents. You may see them as refugees who fled the conflict in western Sudan, passionately working to make ends meet by selling tea. I see them as messengers bearing the secret ingredients necessary to truly welcome others.

On virtually every corner in Sudan, you can find these Tea Ladies. They greet you with open hearts and colorful traditional Sudanese robes while incense fills the air, singing songs of ancient ritual. Their dexterous ability to touch people’s lives starts with the ingredients behind the tea stand: homegrown cardamom, mint and cloves. As they skillfully prepare the best handmade tea in the world, I look around me. Melodies of spirited laughter embrace me, smiles as bright as the afternoon sun. They have a superpower. They create a naturally inviting space where boundless hospitality thrives.

These humble spaces are created by people who do not have much. Meanwhile, in America, we possess all the tangible resources. Why is it, then, that we fruitlessly struggle to connect with one another? On some corners of Mill Basin, Brooklyn, I discovered that some people don’t lead their lives as selflessly.

I never imagined that the monobloc chair in my very own neighborhood would be pulled out from under me. Behind this stand, the ingredients necessary to touch my life were none but one: a friendly encounter gone wrong. While waiting for ice cream, a neighbor offered to pay for me. This deeply offended the shop owner glaring behind the glass; he resented my neighbor’s compassion because his kindness is reserved for those who do not look like me. The encounter was potent enough to extract the resentment brewing within him and compelled him to project that onto me.

“I guess Black lives do matter then,” he snarked.

His unmistakably self-righteous smirk was enough to deny my place in my community. It was enough to turn a beautiful sentiment of kindness into a painfully retentive memory; a constant reminder of what is to come.

Six thousand three hundred and fifty-eight miles away, Sudan suddenly felt closer to me than the ice cream shop around the corner. As I walked home, completely shaken and wondering what I did to provoke him, I struggled to conceptualize the seemingly irrelevant comment. When I walk into spaces, be it my school, the bodega or an ice cream shop, I am conscious of the cardamom mint, and cloves that reside within me; the ingredients, traits and culmination of thoughts that make up who I am, not what I was reduced to by that man. I learned, however, that sometimes the color of my skin speaks before I can.

I realized that the connotations of ignorance in his words weren’t what solely bothered me. My confusion stemmed more from the complete lack of care toward others in his community, a notion completely detached from everything I believe in. For the Tea Ladies and the Sudanese people, it isn’t about whether or not people know their story. It isn’t about solidarity in uniformity, but rather seeing others for who they truly are.

Back in Khartoum, Sudan, I looked at the talents of the Tea Ladies in awe. They didn’t necessarily transform people with their tea, they did something better. Every cup was a silent nod to each person’s dignity.

To the left of me sat a husband and father, complaining about the ridiculous bread prices. To the right of me sat a younger worker who spent his days sweeping the quarters of the water company next door. Independent of who you were or what you knew before you got there, their tea was bridging the gap between lives and empowering true companionship, all within the setting of four chairs and a small plastic table.

Sometimes, that is all it takes.

“I was the memory keeper, privy to the smallest snippets that go forgotten in a lifetime.”

Lafayette, Calif. — Miramonte High School

I was the ultimate day care kid — I never left.

From before I could walk to the start of middle school, Kimmy’s day care was my second home. While my classmates at school went home with stay-at-home moms to swim team and Girl Scouts, I traveled to the town next door where the houses are smaller, the parched lawns crunchy under my feet from the drought.

At school, I stuck out. I was one of the few brown kids on campus. Both of my parents worked full time. We didn’t spend money on tutors when I got a poor test score. I’d never owned a pair of Lululemon leggings, and my mom was not versed in the art of Zumba, Jazzercise or goat yoga. At school, I was a blade of green grass in a California lawn, but at day care, I blended in.

The kids ranged from infants to toddlers. I was the oldest by a long shot, but I liked it that way. As an only child, this was my window into a sibling relationship — well, seven sibling relationships. I played with them till we dropped, held them when they cried, got annoyed when they took my things. And the kids did the same for me. They helped as I sat at the counter drawing, and starred in every play I put on. They watched enviously as I climbed to the top of the plum tree in the backyard.

Kimmy called herself “the substitute mother,” but she never gave herself enough credit. She listened while I gushed about my day, held me when I had a fever and came running when I fell out of the tree. From her, I learned to feed a baby a bottle, and recognize when a child was about to walk. I saw dozens of first steps, heard hundreds of first words, celebrated countless birthdays. Most importantly, I learned to let the bottle go when the baby could feed herself.

And I collected all the firsts, all the memories and stories of each kid, spinning elaborate tales to the parents who walked through the door at the end of the day. I was the memory keeper, privy to the smallest snippets that go forgotten in a lifetime.

I remember when Alyssa asked me to put plum tree flowers in her pigtails, and the time Arlo fell into the toilet. I remember the babies we bathed in the kitchen sink, and how Kimmy saved Gussie’s life with the Heimlich maneuver. I remember the tears at “graduation,” when children left for preschool, and each time our broken family mended itself when new kids arrived.

When I got home, I wrote everything down in my pink notebook. Jackson’s first words, the time Lolly fell off the couch belting “Let It Go.” Each page titled with a child’s name and the moments I was afraid they wouldn’t remember.

I don’t go to day care anymore. Children don’t hide under the table, keeping me company while I do homework. Nursing a baby to sleep is no longer part of my everyday routine, and running feet don’t greet me when I return from school. But day care is infused in me. I can clean a room in five minutes, and whip up lunch for seven. I remain calm in the midst of chaos. After taming countless temper tantrums, I can work with anyone. I continue to be a storyteller.

When I look back, I remember peering down from the top of the plum tree. I see a tiny backyard with patches of dead grass. But I also see Kimmy and my seven “siblings.” I see the beginnings of lives, and a place that quietly shapes the children who run across the lawn below. The baby stares curiously up at me from the patio, bouncing in her seat. She will be walking soon, Kimmy says. As will I.

Ron Lieber has been the Your Money columnist since 2008 and has written five books, most recently “The Price You Pay for College.” More about Ron Lieber


'The secret to my success': A college student shares the essay that got her accepted to top-rated New York University

  • Personal essays are a crucial part of college admissions and are often one of the best ways students can stand out in a crowded applicant field where acceptance is increasingly dictated by numbers and test scores. 
  • No two essays are the same, and it can be difficult to determine what specific colleges and universities want out of their essays.
  • To shed some light on this process, Insider is reaching out to students all around the world and asking them share the essay that got them into college.
  • This week, Insider spoke to a junior at New York University who shared her success story. 
  • Visit Insider's homepage for more stories.

Insider Today

The dreaded college essay. For many high school seniors, those few hundred words can manifest into an unyielding sense of existential, unwavering angst. They might seem daunting, but these few paragraphs often present one of the best opportunities for students to write honestly and express themselves in a college application process dominated by standardized tests, high school transcripts, and other numbers first metrics. 

Knowing what to write about, or how to write it, can be challenging. Luckily, millions of other students have already gone through the process. To shed some much-needed light on what types of essays work for which schools, Insider is reaching out to students from all around the world and publishing the essays that got them into their dream schools. The first school on our list: New York University.

NYU had over 75,000 applicants last year. Only 16% were accepted. 

New York University's main campus is located in the heart of downtown Manhattan and has a total student body of just over 60,000. 

But just because there are lots of students doesn't mean its acceptance rates are high.  NYU's acceptance rate for the class of 2023 dropped drown to 16 percent , the lowest admissions rate in the school's history. The school received over 75,000 applications last year but says it still manages to review each one individually. 

Students applying to NYU will have to complete the common app, submit test scores ( or other approved documents ) and complete a supplemental essay question. Here's the essay question NYU class of 2021 student Vanessa Ting was asked:

We would like to know more about your interest in NYU. We are particularly interested in knowing what motivated you to apply to NYU and more specifically, why you have applied or expressed interest in a particular campus, school, college, program, and/or area of study?  If you have applied to more than one, please tell us why you are interested in each of the campuses, schools, colleges, or programs to which you have applied. You may be focused or undecided, or simply open to the options within NYU's global network; regardless, we want to understand - Why NYU? (400 word maximum)  

While there's no one size fits all approach to any essay questions, and the specific questions change from year to year, NYU's essay tends to favor students who weave personal narratives into a short but compelling story that explains their path to finally deciding on NYU. 

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Tang's essay starts with a fun, personal anecdote and uses the following 450 words to fluidly incorporate her past work. She's comprehensive without simultaneously sounding like a boring resume. Scroll down below to read Vanessa's essay from start to finish. 

As a nine-year-old clutching a crispy chicken taco, I proclaimed that NYU was the school for me. After all, the myriad of dining options were unparalleled by any other college I had visited with my sister. I had already carefully examined each school according to my own food standards, and NYU was perfect!

Seven years later, as I returned to NYU to inquire about its intellectual opportunities, student community, and overall experience, I was again strikingly impressed. I realized that NYU's academic and cultural life was even more vibrant than the colorful food trucks dotting each corner.

One year later, it is 8:00 a.m. I attend a seminar of the Stern Cohort Leadership Program. I look forward to using my problem-solving skills to propose solutions to community issues, skills that I have learned through my Better World Collective internship to creatively engage the business community. Most importantly, I'm looking forward to diving into one of the many innovative learning experiences Stern offers.

I leave the session as I stride to MGMT-UB. I'm looking forward to extending my experience with business growth and analysis in Professor Schaumberg's class, experience I developed when I directed Launchpad by FBLA and helped over 30 student entrepreneurs thrive. I am prepared to analyze an organization's strategic challenges and propose a solution in the final project, and I'm ready to learn the leadership techniques to do so. Whatever the task may be, I have a passion for developing the businesses of tomorrow, and I am glad I can continue that passion at Stern.

I enjoy the afternoon with my cohort, my community. Perhaps we'll enjoy a CACE event, or participate in Stern Spirit Week by pieing our club president. Whatever it may be, I know I'll enjoy it with my friends, at the school I call home.

Today, I hope to pursue a career in management.  So why Stern? The cultural hub and diversity at Stern will help me be an empathetic manager who can work with employees of all backgrounds. Through the innovative academics, collaborative community, and interdisciplinary nature, I'll be ready to forge any managerial career I choose.

Today, I am still 17 years old and still in high school, but I can well imagine the possibilities Stern offers. And – I am still hungry, hungry for that crispy chicken taco, and hungry for the unique experience only NYU can provide.

Did your college essay help you snag a spot at your dream school? If so, we'd love to hear about it. Email this reporter at mdegeurin@businessinsider to discuss sharing your story. 

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  • Oxford University offers the 'world's hardest test' — here's how to answer the questions
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Alex Wennberg scores the game-winner

Rangers’ depth saves scuffling stars again with Game 3 heroics

Arizona teen injured by bear

'This is not normal' Bear mauls teen with rare disorder as he watched TV in cabin

“This is not what you would expect, this is not normal. For whatever reason, there was something wrong with this bear, something was off.”

Blond madman laughed as he stabbed 4 girls at Mass. movie theater before McDonald’s attack: report

Blond madman laughed as he stabbed 4 girls at Mass. movie theater before McDonald’s attack: report

Georgia alligator takes ride in police cruiser after driveway ‘arrest’: video

Alligator takes ride in police cruiser after driveway ‘arrest’: video

Most people taking GLP-1 drugs like Ozempic and Wegovy do not stay on their prescribed treatment for a minimum of 12 weeks — more than 30% of patients ditch it after just four weeks, a new report from the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association finds.

The No. 1 mistake that weight-loss drug users are making is revealed in new study

Sun-worshippers flock to NJ beach as it opens on Sunday morning for first time in 155 years

Holiday miracle Sun-worshippers flock to NJ beach as it opens on Sunday morning for first time in 155 years

Beach-hungry throngs took advantage of the holiday weekend miracle after the Methodist group that began shutting the beach off on Sunday mornings to worship in 1869 grudgingly agreed to open its sunny shores to the public, at least for now.

Jax Taylor, 44, grabs lunch with model Paige Woolen, 32, following Brittany Cartwright split

Jax Taylor, 44, grabs lunch with model Paige Woolen, 32, following Brittany Cartwright split

Senator demands answers after American flag reportedly banned from beloved national park: ‘This is an outrage’

Senator demands answers after American flag reportedly banned from beloved national park: ‘This is an outrage’

Golfer’s tragic death.

Grayson Murray

Love and support Grayson Murray once credited ‘beautiful’ fiancée for helping him through struggles

After being open about his battles with depression and alcoholism, Murray said at the time he was in a better place and credited his fiancée as being a reason why.

Deceased Grayson Murray talked about his past depression, alcohol issues

Two-time PGA tour winner often talked about his past depression, alcohol issues before his death at 30

Grayson Murray’s parents reveal he died by suicide

PGA Tour golfer Grayson Murray’s heartbroken parents reveal he died by suicide

PGA Tour players honor Grayson Murray with red and black ribbons at Charles Schwab Challenge

How PGA Tour players are honoring Grayson Murray at Charles Schwab Challenge

‘Bachelorette’ star Trista Sutter says she’s ‘safe and sound’ amid husband’s cryptic posts about her absence

Speaking out ‘Bachelorette’ star breaks silence after husband’s cryptic posts about her absence

The former reality star revealed that she chose to pursue an “opportunity for perspective and personal growth” that took her away from her family.

Travis Kelce and Patrick Mahomes

Travis Kelce booed, trolled by Mavericks sitting next to Patrick Mahomes at Game 3

RFK Jr.’s bid for Libertarian nod implodes after garnering pitiful 2.07% delegate support

RFK Jr.’s bid for Libertarian nod implodes after garnering pitiful 2.07% delegate support

NYC’s ‘Hot Dog King’ and disabled Vietnam vet has cart shut down again,  claims city out to get him

The wurst NYC’s ‘Hot Dog King’ and disabled Vietnam vet has cart shut down again, claims city out to get him

“This is not the first time they did it, but this time it’s right in front of the Memorial Day weekend,” vendor Dan Rossi said, adding the timing of this closure is like “spitting” on veterans both living and dead.

Common sense. no nonsense

Donald Trump

Trump’s sham ‘hush money’ case is a trial that has exposed New York’s corrupt justice system


Trump’s Sun Belt surge contains a Rust Belt danger

a military soldier and spouse

Why military spouses are also Memorial Day heroes

Alan Dershowitz likened antisemitism and anti-Israel protests on college campuses to the early days of Nazi Germany — and he's worried that these "Hitler Youth" could become America's future leaders.

Dark future Alan Dershowitz compares anti-Israel campus protests by ‘Hitler Youth’ to Nazi Germany: ‘They are our future leaders’

“What worries me is 10, 15 years from now, these Hitler Youth will be members of Congress, will be on the editorial board of the New York Times, will be owning media stations …”

City grocery-store owners are blasting Big Apple officials for allowing licensed fruit and vegetable vendors on the same block as their shops -- in some cases fewer than 30 feet away -- eating into their profits.

NYC grocers gripe over fruit vendors so close to stores: ‘Pick off our customers’

Nyc flooded with illegal flavored vapes from china despite ban to protect kids: study, migrant stabbed to death outside nyc shelter converted from dorm space.

A European woman recently stumbled upon buried treasure from the Middle Ages in what archaeologists are calling a once-in-a-decade discovery.

Heavy metal Walker stumbles upon rare treasure buried during the Middle Ages in once-in-a-decade discovery

A European woman recently stumbled upon buried treasure from the Middle Ages in what archaeologists are calling a once-in-a-decade discovery.

gen z driving a car

Gen Z teens largely put the brakes on driving, signaling ‘seismic’ shift in US car culture: study

A new study out of Sweden finds that people with tattoos have a 21% higher risk of developing lymphoma, a type of blood cancer.

Possible link between tattoos and lymphoma revealed in new study

Daniel Stern recalls being a whistleblower on ‘90s sitcom over costars’ alleged harassment in new memoir 

Daniel Stern recalls being a whistleblower on ‘90s sitcom over costars’ alleged harassment in new memoir 

Dominican actress Massiel Taveras has spoken out on social media after she was filmed shoving a security guard at the Cannes Film Festival.

Scene stealer Actress addresses shoving same Cannes security guard involved in Kelly Rowland incident

Dominican actress Massiel Taveras has spoken out on social media after she was filmed shoving a security guard at the Cannes Film Festival.

An emergency room physician is sharing the five foods he would never bring to the beach for fear of food poisoning — cold cuts, fresh salads, anything with mayo, raw meat, and pre-cut fruits.

I’m an ER doctor — don’t bring these 5 foods to the beach

Best Spray Sunscreens

The 13 best spray sunscreens to use in 2024, per dermatologists and our testing

The Yankees lost to the Padres on Sunday to end their series in San Diego.

Schmidt happens Yankees unravel in four-run sixth inning that sinks chance to sweep Padres

The Yankees spent most of the weekend suffocating the Padres’ offense, and then San Diego broke out for a four-run rally in the sixth inning Sunday.

The Mavericks took a 3-0 series lead in the Western Conference Final with their win against the Timberwolves on Sunday.

Luka Doncic, Kyrie Irving power Mavericks to Game 3 win that puts Timberwolves on the brink

Igor Shesterkin helped the Rangers escape with a win in Game 3 of the Eastern Conference Final.

Igor Shesterkin bails out Rangers again to prevent Game 3 collapse

Isiah Thomas, Stephen A. Smith, Jaylen Brown

Stephen A. Smith, NBA legend feud about ‘slander’ of Celtics star

Red Sox, Brewers benched clear

Brawl crew Red Sox, Brewers clear benches after pitcher, coach dispute sparks heated scene

The Brewers found themselves in yet another bench-clearing incident.

Goalie interference led to what appeared to be the championship-winning goal getting disallowed in the PWHL Final on Sunday night.

Women’s pro hockey team has championship taken away in heartbreaking fashion

Anthony Volpe is expected to remain in the Yankees' leadoff spot even after DJ LeMahieu returns to the lineup.

How Yankees are approaching their leadoff spot when DJ LeMahieu returns

Israel strikes back at Hamas in Rafah after terrorists launched first major missile barrage in months

Counter-strike Israel strikes back at Hamas in Rafah after terrorists launched first major missile barrage in months

Israel said it launched a counterattack “against legitimate targets under international law, through the use of precise munitions and on the basis of precise intelligence that indicated Hamas’ use of the area.” 

Lizzo reacts to ‘South Park’ poking fun at her in Ozempic episode: ‘My worst fear has been actualized’

Lizzo reacts to ‘South Park’ poking fun at her in Ozempic episode: ‘My worst fear has been actualized’

Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton praises ‘tremendously impressive’ GOP tactics, lamenting Dems have ‘nothing like it’

Tragedy of John and Carolyn: New book reveals surprising truth about doomed Kennedy marriage

Tragedy of John and Carolyn: New book reveals surprising truth about doomed Kennedy marriage

Teen stabbed on NJ shore boardwalk, sparking panic on Memorial Day weekend

Holiday horror Teen stabbed on NJ shore boardwalk, sparking panic on Memorial Day weekend

A 15-year-old boy was stabbed on New Jersey’s Ocean City boardwalk Saturday night, triggering crowds of beachgoers to flee the area during the Memorial Day weekend.

Seattle museum shut down after staff walkout to protest exhibit on antisemitic hatred

Seattle museum shut down after staff walks out to protest exhibit on antisemitic hatred

New York Giants center Billy Price observing game against Miami Dolphins on the football field at Hard Rock Stadium

Ex-Giants star announces abrupt retirement following emergency surgery

Danny Masterson’s estranged wife, Bijou Phillips, enjoys girls’ trip with Paris Jackson and Nicky Hilton to South of France

Ooh la la Danny Masterson’s estranged wife, Bijou Phillips, enjoys girls’ trip with Paris Jackson and Nicky Hilton to South of France

“Best Girls trip ever! Had sooooo much fun!” Phillips gushed on Instagram Saturday amid her divorce from the actor.

Crosswords and Games

Daily Word Search

Daily Word Search: Use your noggin to find the hidden words

Headline Hunters: Sports Edition

Headline Hunters — Sports Edition: Guess the back page headline and score!

Headline hunters: can you guess today’s new york post front page headline.

Maniac who set NYC straphanger on fire was behind earlier similar incident: cops

Smoke signals Maniac who set NYC straphanger on fire was behind earlier similar incident: cops

The deranged nut who tossed flaming liquid at an unsuspecting straphanger also tried to torch a group of commuters at a Manhattan subway station earlier this year, cops said Sunday.

Rashida Tlaib twists the knife on ‘enabler’ Biden, warns of November backlash over handling of Israel-Hamas war

Rashida Tlaib twists the knife on ‘enabler’ Biden, warns of November backlash over handling of Israel-Hamas war

Ayesha and Steph Curry welcome their fourth baby

Ayesha and Steph Curry welcome their fourth baby

Inside Olivia Culpo's dreamy bridal shower before Christian McCaffrey wedding

Picture perfect Inside Olivia Culpo’s dreamy bridal shower before wedding to NFL star

Olivia Culpo’s loved ones toasted to the bride-to-be this weekend as her wedding to Christian McCaffrey nears.


Walmart Memorial Day sale 2024: We found deals on mowers, grills, and more

The Walmart Memorial Day sale is sizzling with deals so low you won’t be able to resist

A white air conditioner with red and blue stripes on sale at PC Richard and Sons for Memorial Day

Save over 50% on ACs during P.C. Richard & Son’s super-cool Memorial Day Sale

Abstract painting background featuring varying shapes and textures with a pair of sandals and a swimsuit depicted

Save up to 60% on Anthropologie, J.Crew, and more clothing brands this Memorial Day Weekend

At least 15 killed as powerful tornadoes devastate Texas town, blast Oklahoma and Arkansas

Deadly storm At least 15 killed as powerful tornadoes devastate Texas town, blast Oklahoma and Arkansas

At least two children, a 2-year-old and a 5-year-old were among the dead, Cooke County Sheriff Ray Sappington said Sunday morning, according to Fox 4 News. 

John Fetterman

Fetterman claims credit for freeing American dad who was arrested in Turks and Caicos over ammo in his luggage

Comet seen in the night sky

Newly discovered comet brightens, grows tail as it heads toward Earth: report

Rage rituals are one of the latest trends circulating on the internet, where women pay thousands of dollars to participate in screaming ceremonies and breaking objects. 

Primal scream Viral ‘rage rituals’ allow women to ‘get angry,’ while spending thousands to break things, shriek in the woods

“There’s no place where you can see women be able to be angry like that, and it not be condemned. ‘She’s just hormonal. She’s just unhinged. She’s just crazy. She’s just on her period. She’s just, whatever.'”

Disputed 19th century US flag bought by Abraham Lincoln museum sparks Illinois state probe

Disputed 19th century US flag bought by Abraham Lincoln museum sparks Illinois state probe

Leading advocate for big families smacked son, 2, during an interview — now he says trolls want to take his kids away

Leading advocate for big families smacked son, 2, during an interview — now he says trolls want to take his kids away

Memorial Day Weekend's severe weather seen across the US

Relentless severe weather — including deadly tornadoes — targets multiple states ahead of Memorial Day

Mara Naaman Dalton teacher

Dalton's dilemma English teacher at posh $61K-per-year NYC school resigns after sex abuse claims by her former student

A high school English teacher at the prestigious Dalton school on the Upper East Side resigned after being accused of sexually abusing a former student, The Post has learned.

Adrian Houser of the Mets fields a bunt during the seventh inning Sunday at Citi Field.

Beleaguered starter gives Mets a shot with four innings of sharp relief

japan spy satellite

Japan says North Korea will launch a military spy satellite by June 3

‘General Hospital’ actor Johnny Wactor dead at 37 after shooting in downtown Los Angeles

‘General Hospital’ actor Johnny Wactor dead at 37 after shooting in downtown Los Angeles

Wactor was killed early Saturday morning after he allegedly caught three suspects trying to steal a catalytic converter from his car.

Massiel Taveras praises ‘queen’ Kelly Rowland after shoving Cannes security guard on red carpet: ‘We need respect’

Massiel Taveras praises ‘queen’ Kelly Rowland after shoving Cannes security guard on red carpet: ‘We need respect’

Pro golfer Grayson Murray died by suicide at age 30, parents reveal

Pro golfer Grayson Murray died by suicide at age 30, parents reveal

Kourtney Kardashian and Scott Disick’s all grown up son Mason, 14, joins Instagram: See his first pics

Kourtney Kardashian and Scott Disick’s all grown up son Mason, 14, joins Instagram: See his first pics

Tiffani Thiessen is ‘heartbroken’ over death of her father: ‘I loved making you proud’

Tiffani Thiessen is ‘heartbroken’ over death of her father: ‘I loved making you proud’

‘Furiosa,’ ‘Garfield’ lead slowest Memorial Day weekend box office in decades

Maxed out ‘Furiosa,’ ‘Garfield’ lead slowest Memorial Day weekend box office in decades

Movie theaters are looking more and more like a wasteland this summer. Neither “ Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga ” nor “ The Garfield Movie ” could save Memorial Day weekend, which is cruising towards a two-decade low.

Argentina travel influencer Leonel Esteban Borroni was discovered dead just hours after getting accused of possessing child porn.

Travel influencer discovered dead amid child porn allegations

Dennis Quaid on Jesse Watters' show, Donald Trump at Bronx rally

Dennis Quaid ‘really admires’ Trump’s visits to NYC neighborhoods after historic Bronx rally

Nicki Minaj performs during the 2024 Dreamville Music Festival at Dorothea Dix Park on April 07, 2024.

Nicki Minaj apologizes to fans following drug arrest, blames Amsterdam cops for concert cancellation

Charles, Prince of Wales, standing in a kitchen with a goat statue

A young King Charles sculpted this ‘unique’ pottery goat 55 years ago — here’s how much it will fetch at auction

New York teens ‘go big or go home’ with over-the-top promposals

From Yankee Stadium to the Empire State Building, New York teens ‘go big or go home’ with over-the-top promposals

Gigi Hadid and Bradley Cooper adorably dance to Stevie Nicks at BottleRock music festival

Gold dust couple Gigi Hadid and Bradley Cooper adorably dance to Stevie Nicks at BottleRock music festival

The moment came about two weeks after the duo was also caught grooving to Taylor Swift during her Eras Tour concert in Paris.

Composite image: For rent sign, housing market graph

House rules Locked out of the US housing market? Here’s how to win ‘revenge’ in the meantime

Hacked off with soaring housing costs and stubborn mortgage rates? Disgusted by skimpy supply and the fierce bidding wars that are now required to find a decent place to live?  If you’re looking for revenge, buy mortgage-backed…

Jamie Dimon, CEO of JPMorgan Chase, arriving at a Senate Banking Committee hearing on Capitol Hill in 2012

JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon’s retirement is getting closer – and the succession plan is anyone’s guess

Tesla shareholders advised to reject elon musk’s ‘excessive’ $56 billion pay package, ‘little mermaid’ director says disney needs ‘course correction’ from woke message, alexa .cls-1{fill:#fff}, the best of everything.

A collage of a house and a pool

Be Our Guest: The Hamptons hotel scene heats up for summer

Last year was a tough one for commercial real estate, and those headwinds blew all the way out to Montauk. Unlike the previous few summers, which saw quite a few new Hamptons hotel openings, this year is relatively quiet.  But 2024 still…

A woman in a blue and white dress shopping at a luxury boutique in the Hamptons.

The best new luxury shopping in the Hamptons for summer

Various foods from the Hamptons and a man holding a burger.

The 6 best restaurants and eateries in the Hamptons for summer

Collage of celebrities Zendaya, Billie Eilish, and Gigi Hadid endorsing Thom Browne's designs

Designer Thom Browne is tailored to perfection on Billie Eilish, Zendaya

Side by side of pricey summer rentals.

The best designer rental homes in the Hamptons for 2024

Post wanted.

A couch and a pair of shoes

Commemorate huge savings! The 73 best Memorial Day 2024 sales to shop

All the best Memorial Day sales (and none of the rest) courtesy of Post Wanted!

This printer with 2 years of ink is under $200 during the HP Memorial Day Sale

Buy a printer with 2 years of ink for under $200 during the HP Memorial Day Sale

Best Amazon Memorial Day Sales

We found 25+ Amazon Memorial Day sales you don’t want to miss

Shop 24 best Memorial Day furniture sales for your indoor and outdoor space

Memorial Day sales have arrived — save hundreds on top furniture brands to give your home a refresh

A vacuum cleaner with a purple handle

Walmart has a Dyson V8 Origin+ for less than those on Amazon, now $120 off

No stanley, no problem: shop tumblers for less on amazon.

Patricia Richardson Says ‘Home Improvement’ Ended Because ABC Wouldn’t Give Her Equal Pay to Tim Allen

Patricia Richardson Says ‘Home Improvement’ Ended Because ABC Wouldn’t Give Her Equal Pay to Tim Allen

She said she turned down $25M which created tension between her and Allen.

Susan Lucci Says She Turned Down ABC For ‘The Golden Bachelorette’

Susan Lucci Says She Turned Down ABC For ‘The Golden Bachelorette’

‘Bridgerton’ Showrunner Jess Brownell Explains Why We Didn’t Get Penelope and Lady Danbury’s Friendship in Season 3

‘Bridgerton’ Showrunner Jess Brownell Explains Why We Didn’t Get Penelope and Lady Danbury’s Friendship in Season 3

Police attempt to arrest Nicki Minaj in Amsterdam for allegedly carrying drugs

Police attempt to arrest Nicki Minaj in Amsterdam

Will Kodai Senga pitch for the Mets this season? | The Injury Report

Will Kodai Senga pitch for the Mets this season? | The Injury Report

What it’s like to be a hostage in Hamas’s tunnels | Reporter Replay

What it’s like to be a hostage in Hamas’s tunnels | Reporter Replay

‘Wheel of Fortune’ contestant goes viral for hilariously obscene guess

‘Wheel of Fortune’ contestant goes viral for hilariously obscene guess

Judge Michael Ponsor, a sitting federal judge appointed by Bill Clinton, weighed in on the upside-down flag flying at Justice Samuel Alito's home.

Sitting federal judge hits Justice Alito for eroding ‘trust,’ taking ‘sides’ after upside-down flag controversy

Nyc’s ‘sanctuary’ laws still a hurdle to deport illegal immigrants charged with crimes, but ice official sees progress in adams admin, trump lawyer is worried hush-money jurors will be exposed to ‘trump derangement syndrome’ over memorial day, democratic rep. blasts icc as ‘ministry of magic’ for israel warrant push, calls for sanctions.

Barclay Goodrow scored twice for the Rangers in their win Sunday.

Fourth-line forward becoming Rangers’ Mr. May after two Game 3 goals

Josef newgarden wins second straight indy 500 in stunning fashion after lengthy rain delay, first-time pga tour winner holds off scottie scheffler at colonial as golf mourns grayson murray, rangers star’s playoffs adds ‘spectacular’ new chapter.

Trump’s well-attended Bronx rally should be ‘wake-up call’ for Biden:  Dem ex-Gov. Paterson

Trump’s well-attended Bronx rally should be ‘wake-up call’ for Biden: Dem ex-Gov. Paterson

Cops shut brazen illegal brooklyn pot shop for second time — after dealers returned in weed truck, nypd cops fatally shoot ’emotionally disturbed’ man who charged them with knife: police, millions of dollars worth of marijuana products found in brooklyn warehouse, entertainment.

Ari Emanuel

Gala attendees boo, walk out after Hollywood super-agent Ari Emanuel demands Netanyahu ouster

Meghan, harry may embark on another tour after ‘high-profile success’ of nigeria visit: source, ‘furiosa: a mad max saga’ takes no. 1 in friday’s box off, american director, nj native stunned after winning top prize at cannes film festival.

Suspended as Biden Special Envoy, now teaching at the Ivies

Suspended as Biden Special Envoy, now teaching at the Ivies

Trump’s historic bronx rally: letters to the editor — may 27, 2024, thank green fanatics for new york’s looming summer blackouts, the biden admin is closing the hatch act loophole — but why now.

Elon Musk addresses participants at Vivatech in Paris.

Elon Musk expects AI will replace all human jobs,  lead to ‘universal high income’

Blackstone ceo to back trump, cites economic concerns, rise of antisemitism, housekeepers make $150k a year in these florida cities — here’s why salaries have skyrocketed, citi asks 600 staffers to return to office full-time as wall street reinstates pre-pandemic rules.

Sofia Hublitz posing in Rag & Bone's denim sweatpants from their Miramar line, a trending item on TikTok.

Comfy sweatpant jeans are the new chic — and nobody can tell they’re not real: ‘It’s the Gen Z jegging’

Teletubbies get ‘x-rated’ makeover for gen z and millennials, but not all are thrilled: ‘this is sacrilegious’, ‘corpcore’ takes 9-to-5 chic to the streets: how ‘business formal’ became hot again, i gave my wife a champagne shower at our wedding — haters say i ruined our $200k ceremony but i know she loved it.

A group of knives next to a box of vegetables

Make Memorial Day meal prep easier with this Japanese knife set, now $110

Study a new language ahead of summer travels with memorial day savings on babbel, now $140, memorial day sale-abration this $80 ai-powered travel app can help you save on flights for life, these summer bags are all you need from weekends to girls’ night, real estate.

Girl Scouts and Brownies holding American flags and cheering at Miami Beach, Florida, Veterans Day Parade

Want to buy a new home but keep your low-interest rate? Try this simple mortgage hack

Daniel daggers of ‘buying london’ its ‘gold standard’ uk real estate against us market: ‘if you own a home in london, then you’ve made it’, here’s who bought that record-breaking $150m private island in palm beach, 64 nyc office buildings are looking to transform into residential units.

Flight attendant accident

I’m a flight attendant — I broke my leg in seven places because of extreme turbulence

I got third-degree burns on my face after eating a fruit, youtube star says ‘terrorist’ streamers ‘ruined’ tourist hotspot: ‘they’re the worst’, food truck nonprofit helps veterans get their culinary chops.

Silicon Valley investors embrace Trump after years of leaning left: ‘Impossible to support Biden’

Silicon Valley investors embrace Trump after years of leaning left: ‘Impossible to support Biden’

Ether etf gets surprise approval from regulators in ‘exciting moment’ for crypto industry, nyc startup plans to line streets with stylish ‘trees’ that can charge an electric car in 5 minutes, ex-google ceo eric schmidt predicts ai data centers will be ‘on military bases surrounded by machine guns’.

Charles Barkley

Charles Barkley slams CNN ‘boneheads’ after ‘King Charles’ show with Gayle King flops: ‘Full of s–t’

Influencer turns the tables on anti-israel protesters with quiz on basic gaza war knowledge: ‘no one knew anything’, charlamagne tha god tells megyn kelly he’s ‘not a fan’ of joe biden, laments lack of third-party options, media matters hit with sweeping layoffs after defamation suit by elon musk, federal probes, never miss a story.

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'General Hospital' actor, 37, shot dead in downtown LA during attempted catalytic converter theft

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May 27, 2024 New York Post Front Cover

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Opinion | NYC needs a new world-class college

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NYC needs a new world-class college

One idea worth considering is to establish a prestigious new undergraduate university here.

Creating a new university — or helping an existing university to significantly expand into a world-class institution — would help the city achieve two critical objectives. It would enable the city to continue attracting the highly educated, creative, and entrepreneurial young people who drive success in today’s economy. And it will help New York cultivate an engine of job growth, helping to offset employment declines in industries like retail, the arts, and manufacturing.

Adding another top-tier university would create hundreds — if not thousands — of new jobs, from administrators and professors to building maintenance staff and food service workers. Private colleges and universities may be the city’s most underappreciated jobs engine, employing 178,000 people and accounting for 3.5% of all jobs, nearly double the share from 30 years ago.

Critically, it would also bring talented young people to New York, many of whom would stay after graduation. New York’s ability to attract highly educated young people from elsewhere has been vital to the city’s economic resurgence. Employers choose to come here so they can access our talent pool, even though it means paying higher rents, taxes, and labor costs.

But we can’t take the presence of these young people for granted. New York faces increasing competition for college graduates from other cities, and affordability challenges are making the city less attractive to young people. Between 2020 and 2021, New York lost 130,000 residents in their late 20s and 30s — the largest net loss of any age group. A new university would create a powerful new magnet for talented young people from around the world.

To be sure, New York already boasts many excellent colleges and universities, including the vital City University (CUNY) . But perhaps surprisingly, New York is home to fewer top-tier universities than several of its global competitors. New York has just two colleges among the world’s 100 leading universities — NYU and Columbia . In contrast, Los Angeles and London both have four, while Boston and Hong Kong each have three.

There is untapped demand from young people who would like to study in New York. In 2023, NYU and Columbia received nearly 120,000 and 57,000 applications respectively — up from 46,000 and 26,000 in 2013 — admitting just 12.5% and 3.9% of applicants.

Universities are also clamoring to be here. In 2010, when the Bloomberg administration solicited bids for building a new applied sciences campus, 18 institutions expressed interest, and more recently, more than 30 institutions expressed interest in developing a new climate research center on Governors Island.

Both projects have involved hundreds of millions of dollars in investment from the universities, with the city mainly providing the land. The Adams administration should follow a similar blueprint to establish a new undergraduate university.

The city’s Economic Development Corp. should identify potential development sites for a new university campus — perhaps including the abandoned Naval Hospital Campus in Brooklyn, Sunnyside Yards, or even a cluster of mostly vacant office buildings.

City officials should then gauge interest from existing universities and philanthropists interested in creating — and financially supporting — a major new institution on one of these sites.

In return for city land and support, the new university should commit to ensuring a major public benefit, including a minimum campus size, financial investment benchmarks, and scholarships for city residents from low-income backgrounds. The city could give preference to institutions that promise free tuition to low-income city students, or that offer majors in career tracks that are ripe for growth, including artificial intelligence, data science and personalized medicine.

New York has impressively bounced back from the depths of the pandemic. Now is the time to take bold, creative steps to strengthen the foundations of the economy for what’s shaping up to be a vastly different economic landscape. Establishing a new top-tier university here would help do this, sparking new job growth and strengthening the city’s talent pipeline for years to come.

Bowles is the executive director of the Center for an Urban Future . Fisher is a partner at Fisher Brothers and CEO of AREA15 .

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Lithium ion (LI) batteries power everything from e-bikes and scooters to electric cars and buses. They have revolutionized personal transportation and could be key to decarbonizing the electric grid.

Opinion | The danger of a Li-ion battery: Finding a safer means for power storage

Since 2022, 25 New Yorkers have died — and nearly 350 were injured — due to faulty lithium-ion batteries found in e-bikes, e-scooters and electric mopeds and the explosive fires they cause. In just a few short years, these types of incidents have become a leading cause of fire deaths in New York City, leaving behind a massive toll of human suffering and property damage that is simply unacceptable. It’s why, under the Adams administration, the FDNY and the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection (DCWP) have taken enforcement to the next level.

Opinion | The danger of a Li-ion battery: They are a leading cause of NYC fire deaths

Getting help to the mentally ill

Opinion | Getting help to the mentally ill: Dan Goldman and Nicole Malliotakis are right to fix this Medicaid problem

Some FAQs related to our essay writer service

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Look up our reviews and see what our clients have to say! We have thousands of returning clients that use our writing services every chance they get. We value your reputation, anonymity, and trust in us.

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Customer Reviews

Dr.Jeffrey (PhD)

Transparency through our essay writing service

Transparency is unique to our company and for my writing essay services. You will get to know everything about 'my order' that you have placed. If you want to check the continuity of the order and how the overall essay is being made, you can simply ask for 'my draft' done so far through your 'my account' section. To make changes in your work, you can simply pass on your revision to the writers via the online customer support chat. After getting ‘my’ initial draft in hand, you can go for unlimited revisions for free, in case you are not satisfied with any content of the draft. We will be constantly there by your side and will provide you with every kind of assistance with our best essay writing service.

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Our team of writers is native English speakers from countries such as the US with higher education degrees and go through precise testing and trial period. When working with EssayService you can be sure that our professional writers will adhere to your requirements and overcome your expectations. Pay your hard-earned money only for educational writers.

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I work with the same writer every time. He knows my preferences and always delivers as promised. It’s like having a 24/7 tutor who is willing to help you no matter what. My grades improved thanks to him. That’s the story.

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Niamh Chamberlain

You may be worried that your teacher will know that you took an expert's assistance to write my essay for me, but we assure you that nothing like that will happen with our write essay service. Taking assistance to write from PenMyPaper is both safe and private. We respect your privacy and thus do not ask for credentials like your name, college, location, or your phone number. To pay for the essay writing, you can either use your debit or credit cards to pay via PayPal or use your wallet balance from our website. All we would need is your card details and your email-id. This is our responsibility that your information will be kept all safe. This is what makes our service the best essay writing service to write with.

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Once your essay writing help request has reached our writers, they will place bids. To make the best choice for your particular task, analyze the reviews, bio, and order statistics of our writers. Once you select your writer, put the needed funds on your balance and we'll get started.

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How do essay writing services work?

In the modern world, any company is trying to modernize its services. And services for writing scientific papers are no exception. Therefore, now it is very easy to order work and does not take time:

  • First, you need to choose a good site that you can trust. Read their privacy policies, guarantees, payment methods and of course reviews. It will be a big plus that examples of work are presented on the online platform.
  • Next, you need to contact a manager who will answer all the necessary questions and advise on the terms of cooperation. He will tell you about the acceptable writing deadlines, provide information about the author, and calculate the price of the essay.
  • After that, you sign the contract and during the indicated days stay in touch with the employee of the company.
  • Then you receive the file, read it attentively and transfer a certain amount to the company's bank card. After payment, the client downloads the document to his computer and can write a review and suggestions.

On the site Essayswriting, you get guarantees, thanks to which you will be confident and get rid of the excitement. The client can ask any questions about the writing and express special preferences.

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There are questions about essay writing services that students ask about pretty often. So we’ve decided to answer them in the form of an F.A.Q.

Is essay writing legitimate?

As writing is a legit service as long as you stick to a reliable company. For example, is a great example of a reliable essay company. Choose us if you’re looking for competent helpers who, at the same time, don’t charge an arm and a leg. Also, our essays are original, which helps avoid copyright-related troubles.

Are your essay writers real people?

Yes, all our writers of essays and other college and university research papers are real human writers. Everyone holds at least a Bachelor’s degree across a requested subject and boats proven essay writing experience. To prove that our writers are real, feel free to contact a writer we’ll assign to work on your order from your Customer area.

Is there any cheap essay help?

You can have a cheap essay writing service by either of the two methods. First, claim your first-order discount – 15%. And second, order more essays to become a part of the Loyalty Discount Club and save 5% off each order to spend the bonus funds on each next essay bought from us.

Can I reach out to my essay helper?

Contact your currently assigned essay writer from your Customer area. If you already have a favorite writer, request their ID on the order page, and we’ll assign the expert to work on your order in case they are available at the moment. Requesting a favorite writer is a free service.


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Gombos Zoran

What if I can’t write my essay?

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Earl M. Kinkade

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Megan Sharp

Finished Papers

How can I be sure you will write my paper, and it is not a scam?

Can you write my essay fast?

Our company has been among the leaders for a long time, therefore, it modernizes its services every day. This applies to all points of cooperation, but we pay special attention to the speed of writing an essay.

Of course, our specialists who have extensive experience can write the text quickly without losing quality. The minimum lead time is three hours. During this time, the author will find the necessary information, competently divide the text into several parts so that it is easy to read and removes unnecessary things. We do not accept those customers who ask to do the work in half an hour or an hour just because we care about our reputation and clients, so we want your essay to be the best. Without the necessary preparation time, specialists will not be able to achieve an excellent result, and the user will remain dissatisfied. For the longest time, we write scientific papers that require exploratory research. This type of work takes up to fourteen days.

We will consider any offers from customers and advise the ideal option, with the help of which we will competently organize the work and get the final result even better than we expected.

Customer Reviews


Finished Papers

The narration in my narrative work needs to be smooth and appealing to the readers while writing my essay. Our writers enhance the elements in the writing as per the demand of such a narrative piece that interests the readers and urges them to read along with the entire writing.

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If you can’t write your essay, then the best solution is to hire an essay helper. Since you need a 100% original paper to hand in without a hitch, then a copy-pasted stuff from the internet won’t cut it. To get a top score and avoid trouble, it’s necessary to submit a fully authentic essay. Can you do it on your own? No, I don’t have time and intention to write my essay now! In such a case, step on a straight road of becoming a customer of our academic helping platform where every student can count on efficient, timely, and cheap assistance with your research papers, namely the essays.

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