Medical School Expert

Medicine Essay Prizes (7 Competitions For Year 12 and 13’s)

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Having a medical essay prize on your CV looks absolutely fantastic when it comes time for you to apply to medical school.

In such an overcrowded marketplace, anything that sets you apart from the crowd in a positive manner is sure to drastically increase your chances of getting an offer.

Although when I was applying to medical school I hadn’t managed to win an essay competition (despite my best efforts!) hopefully you’ll have more luck than me!

To save you some research time, I’ve compiled a list of 7 medicine essay competitions that you can enter this year.

Competitions that if you win will skyrocket your chances of application success.


The Libra Essay Prize

Open toYears 12 & 13
Word count1,500 – 2,000 words

The Libra essay prize is an annual essay prize for all students in years 12 and 13 looking to prepare for university.

Libra Education themselves describe it as:

“An excellent way for 6th-form students to demonstrate that they have the makings of a scholar, the Libra Essay Prize offers a chance to prepare for the academic rigour required by university assignments and provides a great accomplishment to discuss on a personal statement or at an interview.”

Students are free to choose any subject from a list of categories (one of which being science) and then have to write an essay with a title containing a chosen word.

The small pool of words you can choose from change each year but are all generally quite abstract so you can connect and use them in creative ways.

The essay has to be between 1,500 – 2,000 words, with Harvard style referencing which isn’t included in the word count.

Libra accept entries from all over the world, but the essays must be written in English.

First prize wins £50, second prize £30, and third £20, all paid out in book vouchers. There’s also Commended and Highly Commended entries for each category.

Minds Underground Essay Competition

Open toYear 12 and younger
Word count1,000 – 1,500 words
Prize£30 voucher

Minds Underground is an online learning platform, designed to support and enhance the learning and problem-solving of determined young students.

Every year they run a medicine essay competition, primarily aimed at year 12’s (although they do say younger or older students are also welcome to apply).

To enter, you have a choice of three questions, to which you need to write a 1,000 – 1,500 word answer.

“Should all healthcare be free? Discuss.” “What goes wrong for cancers to develop?” “Tell us about a key development/invention that you think has been most influential to medicine.” – Past Minds Underground medicine essay questions

If you’re feeling ambitious, students are permitted to enter an essay for more than one subject- so you could have a crack at the psychology or science one too!

Helpfully, under each question Minds also give you a few pointers to get your creative juices flowing.

Newnham Essay Prizes

Open toFemale students in year 12
Word count1,500 – 2,500 words

Newnham College of the University of Cambridge runs a medicine essay competition with a twist:

Only female students are allowed to enter.

Again, students have a choice of three differing questions.

For example, the questions in the 2021-22 competition were:

  • How realistic is it to develop a small molecule therapy for Covid-19? Could such a therapy be rolled out in a timeframe that it could have an impact on the current pandemic?
  • Sleep deprivation in clinical health settings. Does it matter?
  • Looking to the future. Will stem cell therapies be outpaced by machine-brain interfaces for the treatment of retinal disease?

Newnham do give you a bit more of a range when it comes to the word count, accepting anything from 1,500 to 2,500 words.

There’s a generous £400 prize for first place, £200 for second and £100 for third.

Unfortunately for you as an individual though, prize money is split 50:50 between the essay prize winner and the funding of resources for their school…

John Locke Institute Essay Competition

Open toCandidates must be 18 years old or younger
Word countLess than 2,000 words
PrizeA scholarship worth $2,000

“The John Locke Institute encourages young people to cultivate the characteristics that turn good students into great writers: independent thought, depth of knowledge, clear reasoning, critical analysis and persuasive style. “

The John Locke Institute arguably gives away the most generous prize out of any competition on this list.

You get a scholarship worth $2,000 towards the cost of attending any John Locke Institute program, as well as an invitation to their prize-giving ceremony in Oxford.

The essay questions for each subject are published in January, with the deadline for submission generally being in late June.

As well as the opportunity to secure the prize for medicine, the candidate who submits the best essay overall will be awarded an honorary John Locke Institute Junior Fellowship- which comes with a $10,000 scholarship to attend one or more of their courses!

American Society Of Human Genetics Essay Contest

Open toStudents in grades 9-12
Word countLess than 750 words
Prize$1,000 for the student
$1,000 genetics materials grant

Although this next essay competition comes from America, it’s open to students worldwide.

The American Society Of Human Genetics supports national DNA day through its annual DNA day essay contest: commemorating the completion of the Human Genome Project in April 2003 and the discovery of the double helix of DNA in 1953.

The contest is open to students in grades 9-12 worldwide and asks students to “examine, question, and reflect on important concepts in genetics.”

With a limit of only 750 words, not including reference lists, this is a short but sweet chance to bag yourself a considerable cash prize for your efforts.

In addition to the personal prize money, the ASHG will also provide you with a $1,000 grant towards genetics research or teaching materials.

Although it is a worldwide contest, so undoubtedly will have plenty of entries, there are also 10 honorable mentions up for grabs (in addition to 1st, 2nd and 3rd place) that all come with a $100 prize too.

Immerse Education Essay Competition

Open toPeople aged 12-18
Word countLess than 500 words (+/- 10%)
Prize100% scholarship to Immerse summer school

Immerse Education run summer programs for over 20 different subjects in Oxford, Cambridge, London and Sydney.

The reason why students get so much value from these courses is because they’re immersed in centers of academic excellence whilst learning from experts in their chosen field.

The good news for you is that their essay competition gives you the chance to attend one of their summer school programs for free.

10 winners receive a 100% scholarship and runners up are awarded partial scholarships of up to 50% to study their chosen subject.

According to Immerse, around 7% of entrants receive scholarship funding to attend a program- which is pretty good odds if you ask me!

“There is no downside to entering the competition. If you win, it is awesome. If you don’t win, you gained an experience. Entering the competition and working as hard as I did for it was one of the most gratifying experiences.” – Pedro L (100% scholarship winner)

You can find the full list of essay questions, in addition to top tips for writing academic essays (as well as the terms and conditions for the competition), simply by signing up via Immerse’s website.

The RCSU Science Challenge

Open toUK years 10-13
Word countLess than 1,000 words
PrizeVaries from year to year

The Royal College of Science Union (RCSU) is a student union at Imperial College London and run an annual science challenge open to both home and international school students.

The focus of the challenge is communicating scientific concepts in a non-technical manner, so that people without a science background could still understand and enjoy the content.

The big twist with this essay competition is that you don’t actually have to enter an essay!

The idea is to produce a ‘short piece of science communication’ which can be an essay or can be a short video in answer to one of the four questions set by the judges.

Written entries must be less than 1,000 words, whilst video entries must be less than 3 minutes and 30 seconds long.

For this competition, it’s really all about short and snappy responses that will captivate the reader whilst answering the question in a precise but easy to understand manner.

We hope to inspire those who take part in the Science Challenge to explore, develop and use their scientific skills along with their passion for their corner of science to help others see what all the excitement is about.

Why You Should Enter Medicine Essay Competitions

I think it’s fair to say that competition to get into medical school in the UK is insanely high- and it’s only getting worse.

With such large numbers of incredibly qualified candidates, medical schools have to find some way of differentiating them.

One way to make it easy for a university to pick you is to stand out from the crowd by having a medical essay prize on your application.

An essay prize demonstrates your dedication to the subject, scientific knowledge and an ability to write expressively and persuasively- all ideal qualities when it comes to being a doctor.

You may surprise yourself.

Often, not as many people as you might think enter these competitions.

medicine essay competition year 12 2024

Simply by writing the essay, you’re also going to greatly increase your knowledge about that particular topic, which can still come in really handy at interview.

Even if you don’t win, just discussing the fact you entered still looks good in the eyes of an interviewer.

It shows that you’re willing to go above and beyond your school curriculum, to explore subjects you’re interested in and that you’re a highly motivated candidate.

How To Increase Your Chances Of Winning An Essay Prize

Although when I was applying to medical school I didn’t manage to win an essay prize, there are a couple of things I did that would have greatly increased my chances of doing so.

First and foremost, I think you’ve got to cast your net wide.

Don’t limit yourself to just one shot at the target: if you’ve got the time then I’d recommend trying to enter at least a couple of different competitions.

More entries will mean more chances for you to have your essay officially recognised.

Secondly, if you have the choice between entering a local or national competition, I’d always go with the local one.

Although a national prize would look slightly better on your CV, simply due to the number of entries, you’ll have a much higher chance of winning the more local competition.

By local I mean this could be a more regional charity, nearby hospital or university, or even your school.

Even better yet, you could always enter both!

Lastly, I think one of the best ways you can increase your odds of winning a prize is by entering a competition around a topic that you’re genuinely passionate about.

If you’ve no interest in genetics, then I wouldn’t enter the American Society Of Human Genetics’ contest!

Your interest in the subject will come through in your language, depth of knowledge and motivation to go above and beyond for your essay- all of which will put you in a much better position for winning.

Where You Can Find Further Essay Competitions

In addition to the essay prizes described above, there are tonnes of other opportunities available for you to distinguish yourself as a medicine applicant.

Loads of the Royal Colleges run an ever changing variety of prizes and competitions, usually to encourage interest in their specialty.

The opening dates and deadlines for these prizes are always changing so it’s worth keeping an eye out for the perfect essay question or new prize that’s just been announced.

Some of these organisations that run their own competitions include:

  • The Royal Society of Medicine
  • Royal College of Emergency Medicine
  • British Orthopaedic Association
  • British Society for Haematology
  • Royal College of Pathologists
  • Royal College of Psychiatrists
  • British Association of Dermatologists

But there are many more out there. If you have a particular interest in one specialty or area of science then I’d definitely recommend doing a bit of digging to see if there’s a society or organisation related to that field that runs their own competitions!

Final Thoughts

There really aren’t many downsides to entering one of these competitions.

You get a shot at winning, gain a talking point at interview and develop your scientific knowledge (not to mention technical writing skills).

Although you might feel that some of the smaller prizes aren’t worth your time and effort to write the essay, the real value comes from the boost one of these prizes would give your medicine application.

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medicine essay competition year 12 2024

Essay Prize

Dukes Plus Essay Competition 2024

Showcase your academic talent and critical thinking in fields like education, law, healthcare, and more. Prizes include £300, a consultation with an education advisor, and publication in Insight magazine. Submit your essay by August 14th, 2024.

  • Win a £300 prize or magazine publication
  • Showcase your academic talent & critical thinking
  • Write about field such as education, law, healthcare, and more
  • Open to students aged 15-17
  • Submit your essay by August 14th, 2024

Dukes Education has held an annual essay prize since 2015. Open to students 15-17 years old, the prestigious competition provides a platform for students to showcase their academic prowess, creativity, and critical thinking.

We anticipate that some students will use the experience of entering the essay competition as evidence of their super-curricular engagement and plan to profile it on their future university applications. With that in mind, this year we are running four essay competitions, aligned to our four university consultancy brands. Whilst all students are welcome to enter, we particularly encourage those who are considering university applications in the following fields to enter the competitions:  

Describe and justify what the ideal schools, existing in the year 2100, would be like

Useful for those students who are planning an application to a US university; this title encourages entrants to consider what makes an institution special and how that might change in the future. The competition is a great warm-up for the supplemental essays students will write when applying.

“Essays no longer demonstrate a student’s academic potential.” Discuss. 

Useful for those students who are considering a competitive UK university pathway, such as Oxford or Cambridge.

To what extent is there a legal justification for extreme climate change protest? 

Useful for students who are planning to apply for Law as their undergraduate degree. 

Identify the world’s best healthcare system and justify your choice. 

Useful for students who are applying to the medical field.

Details of the competition 

  • Maximum word count: 1,500 words 
  • Deadline: Midday on Wednesday 14th August 2024 
  • Prizes: £300, a complimentary consultation with an education advisor worth £395, and publication in Dukes Education’s Insight magazine. 

Submission Guidelines 

  • Format: Essays must be submitted as an attachment in Microsoft Word or PDF format. 
  • Details: Include your name and school in the submission. 
  • Email: Submit your essay using the form below by the deadline. 
  • Eligibility: Open to students aged 15-17 years old on Wednesday 14 th August 2024. 
  • Deadline: Midday on Wednesday 14th August 2024. 
  • Winners Announced: By 1st October 2024. 

Marking Criteria 

  • Writing Quality: Clarity, coherence, and correctness of language. 
  • Structure: Logical flow and organisation of content. 
  • Quality of Argument: Strength and relevance of arguments presented. 
  • Creativity: Originality and innovative thinking. 
  • Referencing: Appropriate and accurate referencing (excluded from the word count). 

This competition is a fantastic opportunity for students to engage in thought-provoking topics, enhance their writing skills, and gain recognition for their efforts. We look forward to receiving your insightful essays! 

Submit Your Essay

Please note: essays will be run through plagiarism and ai-detection software. ai-written essays will not be considered..

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School Competitions And Prizes For Aspiring Medics

Learn about all of the competitions and prizes you can enter at school to boost your Medicine application.

If you’re an aspiring medic at school, you can boost your Medicine application by entering competitions and prizes. Regardless of whether you win or not, you’ll be able to include the experience in your Personal Statement and talk about it at Med School interviews . Here are some Medicine competitions you can enter to be proactive and make your application stand out.

Imperial College London – Science in Medicine School Teams Prize

Imperial College London has three team competitions to choose from:

  • The British Heart Foundation Cardiovascular Prize – Submissions should focus on a topic with interactions between the cardiovascular system and the nervous system.
  • The Lung Prize – Submissions can focus on any aspect of the prevention or treatment of respiratory disease.
  • The Scleroderma and Raynaud’s UK Prize – Submissions should focus on promoting the health and wellbeing of individuals with Scleroderma and/or Raynaud’s.

For each competition, the challenge is to design an ePoster. A team can have up to six members (they recommend assembling a team with varied interests) and schools can enter one team per prize.

The top ten shortlisted teams in each contest will be invited to present their ePosters at an online finals event. In each stream, first, second and third prizes of £3,000, £2,000 and £1,000 will be awarded to schools in order to support science-related activities.

Deadline – midnight on 30th June 2023.

University of Cambridge – Robinson College Essay Prize

The Robinson College Essay Prize is open to Year 12 students in the UK, providing an opportunity to develop and showcase independent study and writing skills. It also allows students to experience the type of work that they might be expected to do at Cambridge.

Entrants submit an essay (no more than 2,000 words) answering a question from various options. Last year, one of the possible titles was ‘Can science tell us how we should live?’. Up to three entries can be submitted per school, so you should discuss your application with your school before entering.

Five prizes are awarded, with each winner receiving book tokens to the value of £50. Winners will also be invited to Robinson College for a prize-giving ceremony.

The 2023 prize will open with more info in June.

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Medic Mentor – National Essay Competition

Medic Mentor’s National Essay Competition requires students to write an essay (up to 1,500 words) from the perspective of a medical professional.

There are essay titles available for Medicine, Dentistry , Veterinary Medicine and Allied Health .

For 2023, the essay questions are:

  • Medicine – Should the patient be viewed as part of the multidisciplinary team?
  • Dentistry – How can the holistic approach minimise periodontal disease in patients?
  • Veterinary – What is the importance of a holistic approach when caring for livestock?
  • Allied Heath – How can the multidisciplinary team optimise the care of the older person in hospital?

Deadline – midday on 1st May 2023.

Minds Underground Medicine Essay Competition

Minds Underground Medicine Essay Competition is aimed at students in Year 12, but younger students are also welcome to enter, and there are various essay title options to choose from. For the 2023 competition, one of the possible titles was ‘Should all healthcare be free? Discuss.’

The competition is designed to give students an opportunity to engage in research, hone their writing and argumentative skills, and prepare for university interviews. Minds Underground also runs essay competitions for other science subjects like Psychology and STEM.

The submission deadline is typically around March/April. Get more info here.

The Libra Essay Prize

The Libra Essay Prize is for students in Years 12 and 13 who are looking to prepare for university. Inspired by the admissions process at All Souls College, Oxford, entrants write an essay (1,500-2,000 words) responding to a single-word title.

For the 2023 prize, the single-word options were: Control, Collaboration, Exchange, Freedom, Claim.

Entrants are encouraged to use imagination in their essays to build interesting links between their chosen title and their school learning. There are prizes available of £50 for first place, £30 for second place and £20 for third place.

The deadline has varied from year-to-year: it was June in 2022 and April in 2023, so keep an eye on their website for more details.

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2024 WPA Medical Student Essay Competition

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The World Psychiatry Association (WPA) announces its 2024 Medical Student Essay Competition, a WPA Presidential initiative with the support of the United Nations Secretariat – Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Division for Sustainable Development Goals.

The WPA invites medical students from around the world to write and submit an essay of up to 3000 words on this year’s theme: " Improving Mental Health in the Global World Using the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals ."

This competition is now closed

All Finalists and the full text of their essays will be showcased on the WPA website, spotlighting both the authors and their ideas, and the winning essay will also be translated into all six WHO official languages. The Winner will be acknowledged at the 24th World Congress of Psychiatry (WCP) in Mexico City, will receive a Travel Award to cover his/her costs of WCP travel and accommodation (up to 1500 USD), and will have his/her Congress registration fee waived.


Essay Formatting and Submission Requirements:

Please download and read  about the competition deadlines and the essay formatting and submission requirements.

Submission Deadline and Schedule:

All submissions must be made via the online submission page before midnight on May 15, 2024. We cannot accept any entries received after this date. The Winner will be announced by 30 July, 2024.


The 2024 Holdstock-Piachaud Student Essay Prize

About the prize.

The Holdstock-Piachaud Essay Prize was set up to encourage students to explore the themes covered by the journal  Medicine, Conflict and Survival , in memory of Douglas Holdstock and Jack Piachaud who were for many years inspirational editors of the Journal.

We are keen to receive essays that explore insights, concerns and original perspectives on issues relevant to the aims of the journal, from students who will be shaping the future. We encourage you to base your argument on relevant literature and to develop it drawing on your own experience and reflections.

The Holdstock-Piachaud Prize is made possible through the generosity of the Lionel Penrose Trust.

Read this blog post with previous winners’ reflections.

Medicine, Conflict and Survival   is an international journal for all those interested in the health aspects of violence and human rights. Founded in 1985 it is a designated journal of IPPNW and Medact. Published quarterly by Taylor and Francis/Routledge, the Journal plays an important role in debates around health, peace and violence.

Titles for 2024 Holdstock-Piachaud Student Essay Prize :

  • How can the protection of medical personnel and facilities under international humanitarian law be strengthened?
  • In what ways might the concept of ‘planetary health’ lead us to think differently about contemporary global challenges? How could the resulting insights promote the changing of current practices?
  • What are the political and ethical challenges that health professionals face in providing care to undocumented migrants? How should they respond to these challenges?
  • The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) has said that “Climate change and nuclear weapons are both man-made threats that put humanity’s very survival at risk”. What responsibilities do health workers have to address these “twin existential threats”?

The entries will be judged by members of the MCS editorial board and the Medact board. The winning entries may be selected by the editors for publication in MCS.

First prize: £500, three second prizes: £300; winners will also receive a year’s subscription to MCS and, optionally, may serve as a student representative on the MCS editorial board for a year.

Entry details

To get an application form and for answers to any queries, contact:  [email protected]

Entries close at 17:00 GMT on 28th February, 2024.

The competition is open to all students, including those completing their studies in 2023.

The word limit is 2500 and essays should be submitted in Word.

Entrants whose first language is not English may have their entry checked by a fluent English speaker.

Entries by more than one author are acceptable, but should have only one corresponding author.

Entrants can use AI systems to help frame their entry, but what they submit must be their own original work.

The essay should be fully referenced, using the Chicago Author-Date system.

Entries must not have been previously published elsewhere.

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National essay & art competitions.

Prepare to unleash your creativity and make a lasting impression in the medical world. We invite you to take part in the highly esteemed national medical essay and art competitions, held four times a year. This is your chance to showcase your unique talents, whether through captivating essays or awe-inspiring artworks. As a winner, your outstanding work will be published in the national Mentor Magazine, reaching a wide audience of prospective healthcare students across the UK. Imagine the impact of seeing your name in print, alongside other talented individuals, as your ideas and artwork inspire others on their medical journey. Participating in these competitions not only allows you to express your creativity but also provides a platform for personal growth, skill development, and increased confidence.

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Join Medic Mentor For Free and start your journey!

Why is it important to participate in medical competitions.

By securing a prize in these competitions, you showcase a range of desirable qualities that are highly sought after in the medical field. Firstly, it demonstrates your ability to think critically and articulate complex ideas effectively, whether through a well-crafted essay or an impactful piece of artwork. Medical schools recognise the value of participating in extracurricular activities that go beyond academic requirements, and these competitions exemplify your passion for medicine and your commitment to personal and professional growth.

Winning a prize in these competitions highlights your dedication to research, innovation, and staying abreast of the latest developments in healthcare. It showcases your willingness to go the extra mile, delve deeper into medical topics, and contribute meaningful insights to the field. This ability to engage in research and critical analysis is an essential skill for doctors, as they are constantly challenged with solving complex medical issues and staying updated with the latest advancements.

Moreover, the recognition and publication of your work in the esteemed Mentor Magazine provide invaluable exposure and credibility. It demonstrates that your ideas and artistic creations have been acknowledged by experts in the medical community, establishing you as a promising candidate in the eyes of medical school admissions committees. These achievements speak volumes about your potential as a future doctor and your ability to make a lasting impact in the field.

Medical Essay Competition!

We are thrilled to announce our current essay competition, centered around thought-provoking topics that are shaping the landscape of modern healthcare.

Theme : Incision

Essay competition titles:

Medicine: Does surgery have an image problem? How stereotypes about surgeons affect the profession and patient care

Dental: How has the integration of lasers influenced the field of dental surgery?

Allied Health: How do healthcare students influence the operating theatre environment?

medicine essay competition year 12 2024

The deadline for submission is 1st August 2024 at 11:59pm, giving you ample time to craft a compelling essay that reflects your unique perspectives and critical insights. As a prospective doctor, dentist, or healthcare professional, this competition provides the perfect opportunity to enhance your reflective skills for your university application. It’s your chance to stand out and demonstrate your commitment to making a positive difference in the field of healthcare

With a maximum word count of 1500 words, including the title and subheadings, you have the freedom to delve into your chosen topic with depth and clarity. Feel free to draw upon references to support your arguments, as we value evidence-based insights. Remember, the use of personal experiences and your own thoughts is encouraged, as it adds a unique dimension to your essay.

Our expert panel will be looking for essays that deliver a powerful message, offering critical insights into the chosen topic. We value creativity, originality, and a fresh perspective. By structuring your essay with clear paragraphs and utilising appropriate headings, you can effectively present your ideas and engage readers. Please use Calibri font size 12 for the main body of text, and feel free to experiment with larger font sizes for headings to make them stand out. And remember, your references are not a part of the 1500 word count.

We eagerly await your compelling essay submissions!

Medical Art Competition!

Get ready to showcase your creative flair and make a lasting impact through the National Artwork Competition. If you possess artistic talent and a passion for healthcare, this is the perfect opportunity for you to shine. Imagine having your artwork featured on the front page of our prestigious national wider reading magazine, reaching countless healthcare enthusiasts and professionals across the country. 

The theme for our upcoming issue is “Incision, ” providing a fascinating and thought-provoking subject for you to explore and express through your artwork. We invite you to submit Artwork on ‘Incision’ for September’s front cover. Whether you prefer paintbrushes, pencils, or digital mediums, let your creativity soar as you create an A4 masterpiece that resonates with the theme. We encourage you to unleash your imagination, captivate our judges, and leave a lasting impression.

Please do not submit AI art.

medicine essay competition year 12 2024

The deadline for submission is 1st August 2024 at 11:59pm, giving you ample time to channel your artistic vision and produce a piece that truly embodies the essence of the theme. Don’t forget to scan your artwork at the highest possible quality to ensure its full glory is captured.

Participating in this competition is a fantastic opportunity for applying students in any healthcare-related specialty. By entering, you not only have the chance to have your artwork featured on the front cover but also to appear on the back cover, receive a certificate of recognition, and have your work showcased on the Medic Mentor website and social media platforms. It’s an incredible way to gain exposure, build your portfolio, and connect with a wide audience of healthcare professionals and enthusiasts.

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Chris Geddie


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Honor Kitson

Senior medical editor.

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Scarlett Debbage

Senior dental editor, meet the whole editorial team, let's get that medical school, application sorted.

Medic Mentor is an all-in-one solution to your medical school application.  We bring only the best resources for tackling every single component of your medical school application to one place.  We are here to help you work efficiently, by balancing the UCAS application process alongside your school work and extracurricular activities.  One of the best ways to save you time is to direct you to the best advice and resources so that you do not have to waste time searching for them yourselves.

We know what you are going through, as doctors and medical students who were in your position!  By combining application knowledge, extracurricular opportunities, platforms to up-skill and boost confidence, it is not a surprise that Medic Mentor students are successful.  Will it be difficult? Yes, applying to medical school is not easy.  But through Medic Mentor it will be less stressful, and even fun.  Let’s get started!

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2024 AAP Medical Student Essay Contest

Medical Student Education Mar 12, 2024

The Association for Academic Psychiatry (AAP) wants to see your entry for its 2024 Medical Student Essay Contest. The 2024 theme is "The Art of Communication in Psychiatry: Connecting with the Patient."

Complete and submit your essay by June 1. The winner will attend the 2024 AAP Annual Meeting in September in Washington, D.C. and present their essay, which will also be prominently displayed.

  • Complimentary 2024 AAP Annual Meeting Registration
  • Up to $1,000 reimbursement for meeting-related travel, hotel, and meal expenses
  • Essay presented as a poster at Annual Meeting 

Deadline for Submission: June 1, 2024

Submission Requirements:

The contest is open to any student who is both currently enrolled in an accredited medical school in the United States, Canada or around the world and will be enrolled at the time of the Annual Meeting September 11-14, 2024. The work must be an original unpublished essay of 1,000 words or less. Only one submission per student will be accepted.   The top essay may be considered for publication in the Academic Psychiatry Journal in "The Learners' Voice" section. Essay winner does not guarantee publication in the Academic Psychiatry Journal. Please review the publication criteria when writing your essay, including MANUSCRIPT TYPE & GUIDELINES #8 The Learners' Voice.   Students: Apply Online Here   Essays should be submitted electronically and request the following information:

  • Student’s Name
  • Name of Medical School where enrolled, year in school
  • Mailing Address, Phone Number, Email Address

Selection Criteria:

  • Judges will be blinded to the participant and affiliated medical school. Judging will be based on originality, uniqueness, flow of thought, and appropriateness to the theme.

For questions only, contact James Haliburton, MD , Medical Student Essay Subcommittee Chair. All essay submissions must be made through the Award portal.

If you have questions or comments concerning this email contact Association for Academic Psychiatry (AAP) at [email protected] .

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Suggested for you

  • College of Medicine Student Essay Prize 2024

Every year, The College of Medicine Student Essay Prize recognises and celebrates the integration of conventional and complementary approaches to healthcare.

The award is open to UK students studying any healthcare discipline at degree level or above. Entries for 2025 will open in September – keep checking here for more details!

We’re delighted to include the essays of our winners in 2024 below…you can follow our Young Fellows on social media at , and check out  the  Student Conference 2024 highlights here .

medicine essay competition year 12 2024

Two of the College of Medicine Student Essay prize winners for 2024 pictured with our CEO, Amanda King. Left: Pihu Tewari, right: Raina Xing


According to the “Women’s Health – Let’s Talk About It Survey” approximately 84% feel that they are not listened to by healthcare professionals. What is going wrong? How can this be remedied and what are the health gains of doing so?





2019 essay prize

2018 essay prize

2017 essay prize

2016 essay prize

2015 essay prize

2014 essay prize

2013 essay prize

2012 essay prize

  • ← How we marked Social Prescribing Day 2024
  • The College of Medicine publishes new report calling for more school nurses →


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Medical Womens Federation

MWF Katherine Branson Essay Prize 2024 - Now Open

MWF Katherine Branson Essay Prize 2024 - Now Open

Katherine Branson Essay Prize 2024

Open to: All Medical Students

Prize: £100

Submission Deadline: Sunday 17th March 2024 

We are delighted to announce that the annual Katherine Branson Essay Competition is now open! Undergraduate medical students are invited to submit a 600 - 800 word essay on the following question:

The Medical Women’s Federation sees barriers for women doctors and for good health - which should we fight about?

The winner will win £100

Please Note:  Competition entry for MWF members is free of charge and non-members will be charged £5 to enter at the point of submission. Submissions that do not follow the entry requirements will not be accepted and the entry fee is non-refundable.

Kindly Note : All entries should be anonymized and include your essay title

Closing date for all entries is strictly: Sunday 17th March 2024 at Midnight .

You don't have to be a member of MWF to enter this prize but for just £5 a year, you might as well become a student member!  Join here .

Upon completion of the form below, essay entries should be submitted to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Royal Medical Benevolent Fund

Royal Medical Benevolent Fund

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Essay competitions, awards and prizes

If you have a flair for essay writing, then look out for competitions run by the Royal Colleges and many other professional medical associations, usually to encourage interest in their specialty. Closing dates for submission fall throughout the year so keep your eyes open!

Some organisations that run competitions include:

British Association of Dermatologists

  • British Association of Forensic Medicine
  • General Medical Council
  • Medical Women’s Federation
  • Pain Relief Foundation
  • Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
  • Royal College of Ophthalmologists
  • Royal College of Pathologists
  • Royal College of General Practitioners
  • Royal College of Radiologists
  • Royal Society of Medicine (for members only, costs £25 a year to join)
  • Institute of Medical Ethics (for F1 & F2 UK doctors)

Project Funding

Some organisations and Trusts offer funding for research projects, vacation research work experience and intercalated degree year research. We’ve compiled a list of these, again it isn’t exhaustive so we do encourage further research.

Some of these applications may require a supporting statement from a member of academic staff. Check criteria carefully before applying.

The Biochemical Society

Grants are available for stipends of £200 per week for 6 – 8 weeks, and up to £1,600 in total, to support a summer placement in a lab for an undergraduate student. Applications must be made on behalf of and in association with a named student.

Website: Email: [email protected]

The British Association of Dermatologists offer a range of awards between £250 and £3,000 towards fees and living expenses for an intercalated year project related to dermatology and skin biology. It also offers £500 undergraduate project grants.

Website: Email: [email protected]

Association for the Study of Medical Education

The Association for the Study of Medical Education offers awards related to the development of excellent medical education. Applications are welcomed from anyone on the continuum of medical education (UG, PG or qualified and studying professional development) and will be assessed against their criteria. They also have a number of other essay prizes available and awards so it is worth researching their website.

Tel: 0131 225 9111 Website: Email: [email protected]

The Genetics Society

The Genetics Society Summer Studentship scheme offers grants of up to £3,000 for undergraduate students interested in gaining research experience in any area of genetics by carrying out a research project over the long vacation ( more information ). They also have a range of competitions and awards that you can look into on their website.

Website:  Email: [email protected]

The Institute of Medical Ethics

The Institute of Medical Ethics (IME) offers grants, student elective bursaries, and scholarships (covering the next academic year) for students wishing to do an intercalated degree in medical ethics or an allied subject.


The Physiological Society

Vacation Studentships offer undergraduates the opportunity to undertake a research project on an area of physiology over their summer break. Working under an academic supervisor, they can get to experience day-to-day life in the laboratory first-hand. Funding of £150 a week, to cover living costs, is on offer for up to eight weeks.

Website: Email: [email protected]

The Pathological Society

Funding for students wanting to intercalate a BSc in Pathology but who do not have LEA or other government support. Also offer awards to fund electives and vacation studies in pathology.


The Paget’s Association

The Paget’s Association awards Student Research Bursaries of up to £6,000 to promising UK medical or science students (MRes, MSc, BSc or equivalent higher degree) to pursue research into any aspects of Paget’s Disease of Bone.

Tel: 0161 799 4646 Website

Other resources

The list above is not exhaustive so we do encourage further research.

A good place to start is RD Learning , a database of health-related research funding opportunities.

Please contact us if you notice any broken links, of any other funding opportunities or if any options are no longer running.

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Medicine & the Muse Program

Paul kalanithi writing award, paul kalanithi was a physician writer and neurosurgery resident at stanford university. in the final years of his training, he was diagnosed with metastatic lung cancer. his memoir,  when breath becomes air , beautifully chronicles his reflections on living with illness and the meaning of legacy. the paul kalanithi writing award was created in his memory. , open for submissions: november 11, 2024.

This short documentary by Stanford videographer Mark Hanlon captures Paul Kalanithi’s shifting perception of time while living with terminal cancer.

‘I love Paul forever’ Lucy Kalanithi

Lucy Kalanithi often visits the gravesite of her husband, Paul Kalanithi, with the couple’s daughter, Cady, to picnic and leave flowers. (Photo by Timothy Archibald)

Prize Winners

2023 prize winners.

First place essay:   A Good Death |  Heather Alva, MD

First place short story:   Home Videos | Tatyana Singh

First place poetry:  Bulbs |  Lana Corrales 

First place poetry (tie):  Lunch Break/Brave Face |  Aidan Theepura Kunju

2022 Prize Winners

First place:  Sick Girl Goes on a Date  | Alyson Lee

Second place: To Sit With   | Brian Zhao

Third place:   What That Poem was About   | Fiona Miller

Fourth place: I Wear You Like a Memory | Nicolas Seranio

Honorable Mention

  Junk Journal  | James Hyun Lee

2021 Prize Winners

First place:  Sliding Down  | Michael Rabow, MD

Second place:   Silver   | Hannah Joyner

Third place:   Of Seeds  | Rachael Peckham, PhD Honorable Mention

How to Deal with Charon  | Brian Smith, Medical Student

2020 Prize Winners

1st Place: My Father's Brain is on the Kitchen Counter by Laura Pritchett

2nd Place: The Last Shower by Leilani Graham

3rd Place: Code Yellow by Kushal Kadakia

Honorable Mentions

Spilling Stardust  by Richard Wu

*** : Meditations of a Medical Oncology Scribe  by Brian Smith

2019 Prize Winners

1st Place: RUNNING MCCOY'S  by Heather Cariou

2nd Place: Time Like Water  by Grace Li

3rd Place: Dark Rides  by Amy Haddad

The Ward is the World  by Laurie Kutchins

2018 Prize Winners

1st Place: Pulseless  by David James Bell

2nd Place: How Fishele Died  by Nathan Szajnberg

3rd Place: Broken  by Lucia Gagliese

Hair  by Joanne Howard

2017 Prize Winners

1st Place: Borderline Disability: A Life Diagnose by Eli Cahan

2nd Place: In Photographs by Dorothy Rice

3rd Place: Under the Bridge by Tyson West

Recommendation by Marissa McNamara

Two Notes by Cassie Myers

2016 Prize Winners

1st Place: Perestroika  by Petr Vitkovskiy

2nd Place: Parlor Talk  by Catherine Wong

3rd place:  Mercy  by Erik Norbie

When Breath Becomes Air

Submissions Open: November 11, 2024 - January 6, 2025

Medicine & the Muse is pleased to announce an open call for unpublished short stories, essays or poetry addressing patients and providers facing chronic or life limiting illness.

Entries will be evaluated within their own genre: poetry, fiction and non-fiction. 

Contest Guidelines Short Stories/Essays/Fiction/Non-fiction: Less than 2500 words Poetry: Less than 50 lines

Dual submissions permitted, if they are in different genres. No more than two submissions. Simultaneous submissions permitted, but please withdraw your piece if it gets published elsewhere. Collections of poems are permitted, but please adhere to the line limit. The submission fee is $35 per entry. There is no charge for students, residents and fellows.


Submit here (students, residents, fellows).

Submission Deadline January 6, 2025 Winners announced on March 21, 2025 

Judges have Included  Drs. Lucy Kalanithi and Daniel Mason, Stanford physician writers, Dr. Jay Baruch, Brown University Alpert School of Medicine physician writer, Dr. Irène Mathieu, Assistant Director, Program in Health Humanities,  University of Virginia, Grace Li, MD candidate and author, and Executive Director of Stanford Medical Humanities & Arts program, Jacqueline Genovese

Award Total of 3 winners, one from each genre will be awarded a cash prize of $300. 

Honorarium made possible by the generosity of a Stanford Palliative Care benefactor.

Winners will be published in Anastomosis , Stanford University School of Medicine’s humanities and literary journal. 

Open to all. Please share widely. 

British Association for Holistic Medicine & Health Care Logo

Kilsby student essay competition

We are listening to the voice of the next generation of healthcare professionals..

The BHMA runs an annual student essay competition to broadcast the voice of the best and most innovative thinking from those about to embark on a career in healthcare. We want your fresh insight and opinion on how to transform the health service into a more compassionate and caring version of its current self.

Our title for 2024 (BHMA’s 40th Anniversary):

‘Holistic Healthcare in Action: Reflections on the Past, Directions for the Future’ 

Please use 2 or 3 examples to illustrate your answer.

Essay option:

Essay of 1000-1500 words.

Creative Inquiry option:

The assignment should be in the form of a creative text (please submit photographs/DVD/music file as appropriate) alongside a written reflection of up to 1000 words. Marks will be allocated in four categories: Impact, Perception, Aesthetics and Reflection.

Please complete the form below along with your submission

Deadline June 30th

FIRST PRIZE – Essay and Creative Enquiry

  • Your essay published in our journal and online
  • Ticket to our conference & awards reception
  • Free membership to the BHMA or free journal subscription for 1 year
  • Your essay published online

For just £17 per annum, your student membership enables you to access our entire online library of the Journal of Holistic Healthcare plus 10-20% discounts on selected events, courses and other membership packages.

medicine essay competition year 12 2024

Many Ways of Knowing

medicine essay competition year 12 2024

JHH 20.3 Journeys into Medicine

medicine essay competition year 12 2024

Journeys Into Medicine

medicine essay competition year 12 2024

Health Creation and Creative Health

medicine essay competition year 12 2024

Holism and Medical Education

medicine essay competition year 12 2024

What’s missing from medical education?

medicine essay competition year 12 2024

Embodiment and bodywork

medicine essay competition year 12 2024

Integrative Medicine

medicine essay competition year 12 2024

Shifting the paradigm

medicine essay competition year 12 2024

Frontiers of self-care

medicine essay competition year 12 2024

Flourishing in Medical Education

medicine essay competition year 12 2024

Beyond COVID

medicine essay competition year 12 2024

Mind-body self-care

medicine essay competition year 12 2024

Stories in medicine

medicine essay competition year 12 2024

The Real Food Issue

medicine essay competition year 12 2024

Faith, hope and love in healthcare

medicine essay competition year 12 2024

Nature Connections

medicine essay competition year 12 2024

Social Prescribing

medicine essay competition year 12 2024

Healing Journeys

medicine essay competition year 12 2024

Transformative innovation in healthcare

medicine essay competition year 12 2024

Men’s Health

medicine essay competition year 12 2024

Women’s Health

medicine essay competition year 12 2024

Children’s Health

medicine essay competition year 12 2024

Saving the NHS

medicine essay competition year 12 2024

Nutrition and Lifestyle

medicine essay competition year 12 2024

Become an  Ambassador

How can a holistic perspective benefit practitioners, patients, and the planet? First Prize Essay

How can a holistic perspective benefit practitioners, patients, and the planet first prize creative enquiry, previous winners & runners-up.

Note that we have recently started publishing winners and a few other choice essays as blog posts. These appear in the side bar above.

2023: Sayed Adam Bukhari , King’s College London, How can a holistic perspective benefit practitioners, patients, and the planet?

2023: Felicity Smith , Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry, Arts and Crafts in Healthcare: What William Morris can Teach us About the Benefits of a Holistic Perspective for Practitioners, Patients and the Planet

2023: Kate Eustace , University College Dublin, How can a holistic perspective benefit practitioners, patients, and the planet?

2023: Alton Ajay Mathew , Medical University of Lodz, How can a holistic perspective benefit practitioners, patients, and the planet?

2022: Jonathan De Oliveira , St. George’s, University of London ‘What is missing in our clinical education’?

2022: Karla Hamlet , Canterbury Christ Church University – Creative Enquiry ‘What is missing in our clinical education?’ – The Student Voice

2022: Hamaad Khan , University College London ‘What is missing in our clinical education?’

2022: Lucy Butterfield , University of Manchester – Creative Enquiry ‘What is missing in our clinical education?’

2022: Andrew Zhou , University of Cambridge – Creative Enquiry ‘What is missing in our clinical education?’

2022: Pervana Kaur , University of Karol Marnkowski ‘What is missing in our clinical education?’

2021: Deeya Kotecha , Cambridge ‘ How can holistic healthcare influence health inequalities ‘

2021: Jabin Chowdhury , Birmingham ‘ If holistic healthcare is the answer what is the question? A take on healthcare inequality ‘

2021: Annie McKirgan , Liverpool ‘ All Animals are Equal … Or are They? ‘

2020: Lauren Wheeler, Imperial College London Faculty of Medicine ‘Holistic lessons from a pandemic…prevention is better than cure’

2020: Isabel Allison, University of Birmingham ‘Holistic lessons from a pandemic’

2020: Megan, University of Southampton: ‘Holistic lessons from a pandemic: Does anyone have a spare pen?’

2020: Simran , University of Southampton ‘Holistic Lessons from a pandemic: ‘All Lives Can’t Truly Matter Until Black Lives Matter’ ‘

2019: Jessica Frost Birmingham Medical School Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food

2019: Aaron Morjaria King’s College, London Is food the foundation for good health?

2019: Josephine Elliot University College, London Is food the foundation for good health?

2018: Thomas Christie Templeton College, Oxford Social Prescribing – are drugs or people the better cure?

2017: Fiona Field Imperial College London Re-imagining healthcare – in partnership with nature

2017: James Bevan University of Southampton Re-imagining healthcare – in partnership with nature

2017: Maddie Leadon University of Cambridge Re-imagining healthcare – in partnership with nature

2016: Robbie Newman Imperial College London Are we medicalising human experience? A radical review

2016: Alice Redfern University of Oxford Are we medicalising human experience? A radical review

2016: Vinay Mandagere University of Bristol Diagnosis: Are we medicalising human experience? A radical review

2015 Julius Kremling Germany, Why connection matters: Understanding patients’ illness by understanding their reality

2015: Tamar Witztum University of Bristol, Resilience in holistic care: Learning from Alice Herz-Sommer

2015: Lucy Brenner Brighton and Sussex Medical School, Cultivating compassion – students to lead the way?

2015: Eleanor Tanner University of Birmingham The Star of Compassion

2014: Olivia Sjökvist University of Hull, Coping with your own vulnerability in caring for a person who has a long-term condition

2014: Laura Clapham King’s College, London Coping with your own vulnerability in caring for a person who has a long-term condition

2014: Chiara Catterwell-Sinkeldam, King’s College London Coping with your own vulnerability in caring for a person who has a long-term condition

2013 Kundan Iqbal The importance of holism in medical care today and ways this can be promoted

2012 Reanne Jones Tears of Joy, tears of sorrow

2011 Thea Collins 2030: What made the NHS sustainable?

2010 Jason Ferdjani Improving global well being, improving personal well being

2009 Krishna Steedhar Student’s health matters

2008 Phoebe Votolato Being a Medical student

2007 Lewis Morgan A good holistic practitioner

Previous winners came from:

medicine essay competition year 12 2024

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Learn more about this year's exciting essay prize

Cottrell essay prize for medicine and veterinary medicine.

. To keep updated on other opportunities for prospective Medicine and Veterinary Medicine applicants from Lucy Cavendish College and the University of Cambridge, please sign-up for our .

As a College, we aim to tackle the pressing issues of the twenty-first century, and we have designed this year’s questions to get to the heart of the most important issues affecting Medicine and Veterinary Medicine during this extraordinary time.

Students in Year 12 (S5 - Scotland, Y13 - N.I.) attending a UK state school  are invited to choose one question from either Medicine and Veterinary and submit an essay of between 1,000-1,500 words by the 6th June 2022 .

We will award one £100 first prize and two £50 second place prizes in both Medicine and Veterinary Medicine. Both Medicine and Veterinary Medicine will also have an unlimited number of highly commended prizes available.

Select only one question and answer from either a medical perspective or a veterinary perspective, or a perspective that considers both:

  • Assess how successfully the government has mitigated the impact of the COVID 19 pandemic on the profession and the sector.
  • There is a strong ecological case for becoming a vegan. Consider the implications if everyone did.
  • ‘Diet plays a far greater role in determining health than we like to admit. Practitioners should be far more honest about this, and far less concerned about causing offence.’ Discuss. If discussing from a veterinary perspective, consider within your answer the recent increase in popularity of raw meat-based diets (RMBDs).
  • Should people who refuse vaccination for themselves/their pets be denied treatment for any associated illnesses they develop?
  • ‘The fact that we can prolong life does not mean that we always should.’  Discuss.
  • Microbial resistance to antibiotics is an increasing cause of morbidity and mortality. How should we reduce our dependence upon antibiotics?

How to Enter

Read our guidance document for full details on the Cottrell Essay Prize 2022

All completed entries must be received no later than 9am on Monday 6th June 2022 . Your entry must be verified by your teacher by 9am on Monday 13th June 2022 . 

Once you are ready to submit your entry, you can do so using the link below. Please ensure you have fully read and understood our guidance document before writing and submitting your essay.

Submit your essay

Support Sessions

This year, we are running a programme of support sessions to provide guidance to students entering the Cottrell Essay Prize. These sessions will offer you the opportunity to develop your essay-writing skills and gain an insight into university-level study. The live sessions have now taken place, but recordings and slides for each session can be found in the dropdown boxes below.

Date: Monday 9th May, 4pm-5pm

In this session, the Lucy Cavendish College Librarian provides advice on how to research and explore available materials in preparation for your essay, and offers an introduction to referencing.

Date: Monday 16th May, 5pm-6pm

In this session, our Outreach Officer will discuss how to think analytically about your chosen essay question and the resources you have engaged with. The session will also provide advice on how to evaluate material and make compelling arguments. 

Date: Monday 23rd May, 5pm-6pm

In this session, our Outreach Officer will discuss how to thread together your research and critical thinking into an engaging essay. 

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch with our Outreach & Admissions Team at [email protected].

Exploring your subject

Interested in finding resources to explore Medicine or Veterinary Medicine?

Applying to study in October 2020?

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Nuffield Department of Orthopaedics, Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal Sciences

  • Accessibility
  • Research groups
  • Oxford Trauma

University of Oxford Sixth-form prize in Medicine

This is an annual competition for Year 12 (Lower 6th) students who are considering applying to study medicine. The competition is open to all students currently studying at a state-funded school, college or sixth-form.

The Essay Prize aims to raise awareness of the interesting and multifaceted subject of medicine related to traumatic-injury. It is hoped that the Prize will encourage students with an interest in medicine to explore this further and to apply for a University course in this subject. In addition, the Prize aims to recognise the achievements of high-calibre students, as well as the achievements of those who teach them.

The competition carries a First Prize of a 7 day work-experience placement within the Major Trauma Centre, Oxford. In addition, up to three further essays of a high quality will be commended. For students living more than 20 miles from the John Radcliffe hospital, Oxford there is also a prize of £100, which will contribute to travel expenses anticipated in the attendance of the work-experience placement.  Accommodation will not be provided although some facilities are available when shadowing the ‘on call’ team.

The topic for the 2021 competition is as follows

"Sometimes when the broken bone heals, the trauma continues". Discuss the possible biopsyhchosocial effects of orthopaedic trauma in the first year after injury. 

Candidates are invited to submit an essay of between 750 and 1000 words. Essays should be submitted to the email address below by the deadline of  the end (23:59 BST) of 1 July 2021.  Late submissions cannot be accepted.   

All candidates will be notified with the results of the competition in early August.

Any queries should be directed to Mrs Jackie Harris at  [email protected]

How information about you will be used

Your email address will only be used for the purposes of contacting you in regards to your submission. It will not be used for any other reason or given or sold to any other company or organization.  

Notes for applicants:

This prize is hosted jointly by the University of Oxford and Oxford University Hospitals NHS foundation trust.

Clinical placements will be dependent on satisfactory completion of the trusts standard observership process.  Successful candidates will not be eligible to cite this award if clinical placements are not conducted.

Unsuccessful candidates should not refer to this prize in the prizes/awards section of applications.

Entry Guidelines 

  • Only entries that are submitted via email, in word format to the published email address will be accepted. Submissions made in PDF format will not be accepted.
  • Entries must be no longer than 1000 words. 
  • Entries should be submitted in Arial size 12 font, excluding title .
  • The word limit does not include the published title/question or references
  • References should be presented as endnotes
  • Entries will be judged by academic orthopaedic surgeons

The manuscript should be organised in the following format;

Authors name and email address

Body of text

References if appropriate 

  • Entries will be judged on the following attributes:
  • A clear, concise and well presented answer to the question posed by the essay title
  • Style of writing
  • Content / understanding
  • Originality

medicine essay competition year 12 2024

Prizes for students

The RSM has numerous prizes and awards aimed at students. By submitting an application, you will have the chance to present at a meeting, add to your CV and open up more career opportunities.

Please note this page is updated regularly.

All submissions must be sent in by 11.59pm on the stated deadline date.

Generally prizes, awards or travel grants must be claimed before the end of the academic year in which they are gained (30 September).

For more information or help please contact [email protected]

General Practice with Primary Healthcare

John Fry prize

Deadline:   Thursday 1 August 2024

Open to:   Medical, nursing and allied healthcare students with an interest in general practice and primary care

CAIPE John Horder Team Award and John Horder Student Award

Deadline: Wednesday 31 July 2024

Open to: Individuals or teams working within the community who can demonstrate outstanding principles of collaborative working and the Student annual essay award offered to a student who has been involved with interprofessional learning or working, within the community.

Team Award prize:  Certificate of achievement and £600, Student Award prize:  Certificate of achievement and £150

History of Medicine Society

History of Medicine Society: Sarah Hughes Trust Prize in conjunction with the Medical Journalist Association

Deadline: Sunday 1 September 2024 

Open to: Any emerging or established journalist and/ or healthcare practitioner who has written a piece or made a broadcast that debunks fake news in the field of medical journalism over the last 12 months.

Prize:  £1000

Obstetrics & Gynaecology

Dame Josephine Barnes Award

Deadline: Tuesday 1 August 2024 at 11:59pm

Open to: All medical undergraduate students

Prize: £100

Students Section: Doubleday Prize

Submission Deadline: Friday 21 June 2024

Open to: Medical Students attending UK Medical Schools

Student section: Tomorrow's Doctors Conference Poster Prize 2024

Open to: Medical Students, entrants must register for the Tomorrow's Doctors Conference to be considered

Surgery section: MIA Prize

Deadline : Sunday 22 September 2024

Open to : Surgical trainees, pre-doctoral surgical researchers and students. 

Surgery Section: Adrian Tanner Prize

Deadline : Sunday 22 September 2024  

Open to : All surgical trainees and foundation doctors (Medical students should apply for the John Dawson prize)

Surgery Section: John Dawson Medical Student Prize

Deadline : Sunday 22 September 2024 

Open to : Medical students (Qualified doctors should apply for the Adrian Tanner Prize)

"It’s a great privilege for our team to have been recognised by this prestigious award from the RSM Surgery Section and reflects the dedicated work behind this exciting innovation."

See more from prizes and awards  or hear from  previous prize winners.

medicine essay competition year 12 2024

Student Essay Prize

medicine essay competition year 12 2024

YPHSIG Student Essay Prize 2022

The winner of the YPHSIG Student Essay prize 2022 is Barbara Chow, a fourth-year medical student at King’s College London with a keen interest in Paediatrics and critical care.

Her essay “ What impact can chronic illness have on adolescent development and how can adolescent development effect chronic illness?” impressed our panel of judges with its clearly presented ideas and consideration of the biopsychosocial model.

You can read her full essay below.

Congratulations also to runners up: Rebecca Nock (University of Sheffield) and Daniella Bae (Imperial College London) who both showed great insight in their reflections on young people's healthcare.

Read the winning essay prize for 2022

Medical Student Essay Prize 2022 Guidance and Regulations

Guidance and Regulations

1. Eligibility

1.1 The competition is open to all those currently enrolled at a UK Medical School at the time of submission.

1.1.1 Entrants must detail their medical school and course year in their submission email.

1.2 Entries are invited one of the following essay titles:

· What impact can chronic illness have on adolescent development and how can adolescent development effect chronic illness? (1500 words)

· Case study: the patient that changed my outlook on adolescent healthcare. (1500 words)

· what are the advantages and disadvantages of digital healthcare for adolescents (1500 words).

2. Essay submission

2.1 Candidates must nominate themselves for entry by submitting a short essay on the specified topic to the judging panel.

2.2 Entries must be made to the following email address: [email protected]

2.3 Only essays that are submitted via email, in Word format to the published email address will be accepted.

2.4 Entries in PDF format will not be accepted

2.5 The deadline for submission is 23.59 GMT on Monday 31 January 2022 . Submissions after this time will not be accepted.

2.6 Essays must be up to 1500 words . Entries over the word limit will not be accepted.

2.6.1 The word limit does not include the title or references.

2.6.2 References should be presented as footnotes and endnotes; references presented in alternative formats may be considered to be part of the limit.

3. Judges and judging criteria

3.1 Essays will marked by both senior members of YPHSIG and the YPHSIG student representatives.

3.2 The panel will mark essays against the following criteria:

Style of writing

Punctuation, spelling and grammar



3.3 It is the entrant’s responsibility to ensure submission has been received by YPHSIG. The student representatives will email to confirm receipt of applications within 5 working days of submission.

3.4 The judge’s decision is final.

4. The Prize

4.1 The 1 st place winner will receive a prize of £100 and free entry to the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) Annual Conference (28 th -30 th June 2022) in Liverpool. The winner will receive a certificate during the YPHSIG organised session at the conference. The winning essay will be published on the YPHSIG website.

4.1.1 The conference ticket itself is non-redeemable or exchangeable with no cash alternative. Individuals are expected to cover the cost of their own travel and accommodation during the conference.

4.2 The winners of 2 nd and 3 rd place will each receive a prize of £25 and a certificate by post.

Updated 23/11/21

medicine essay competition year 12 2024

YPHSIG Student Essay Prize 2021

The winner of the YPHSIG Student Essay prize 2021 is Rebecca Howitt, a third-year medical student at the University of Oxford.

Her essay “What improvements should be made to adolescent healthcare in the UK over the next decade and what steps could be taken to reduce socio-economic heath inequalities?” impressed our panel of judges with its ideas for increasing service accessibility and improving transition to adult services.

Congratulations also to runners up: Ishika Bansal (University College London) and Monica Mangoro (University of Nottingham) who both showed great insight in their reflections on young people's healthcare.

Winning essay 2021 (click to expand/collapse)

What improvements should be made to adolescent healthcare in the uk over the next decade and what steps could be taken to reduce socio-economic health inequalities, introduction.

Adolescents form a unique group within healthcare as they transition from children to adults. It is a time where behaviour shifts towards risk-taking, many individuals become sexually active and habits which have long-term health implications such as drinking and smoking begin . Moreover, it is a time period associated with a steep increase in depression and anxiety diagnoses. Therefore, ensuring adolescents can easily access healthcare, particularly sexual health clinics and mental health support, is vital for the wellbeing of this age-group. Additionally, ameliorating the transition from adolescent to adult services and the shift to self-management of conditions, is crucial to preserving the future health of young people. Such improvements over the next decade can be achieved through a variety of ways but given the growing awareness of socioeconomic health inequality in this age-group, ensuring such changes target these disparities, rather than heightening them, is crucial to improve health outcomes for all adolescents.

Community-Based Healthcare

A key change to improve adolescent healthcare over the next decade would be to make it easier for adolescents to access primary care services. One way to achieve this would be to run clinics within schools or colleges so adolescents can receive care in a safe setting, but in the absence of their parents from whom they may not wish to disclose their health concerns. These could be generic GP or nurse clinics, or those with specific foci such as reproductive health. Given that under-18 conception rates in the poorest areas of England and Wales are over double those of the richest areas , making it easier for young people to access contraception at school could help tackle this health inequality, and pilot schemes have shown such drop-in services attract ‘hard-to-reach’ young people .

In addition, improving health education in schools, and other initiatives such as targeted social media campaigns, could also tackle behaviours which promote poor health. Two-thirds of smokers begin by the age of 18 and smoking rates in under 18s follow a socioeconomic gradient . Also, the UK has the highest obesity rate for 15-19 year-olds (8.1%) compared to 14 other European countries, and bar Finland, the highest inequality in obesity rates between those from affluent and deprived backgrounds . Whilst promoting individual behaviour change through targeted education campaigns is useful, it is important to recognise how deeply intertwined the issues of obesity and deprivation are, and so tackling upstream factors such as food poverty will also be key in promoting change over the next decade.

However, school-based clinics are not the only example of how adolescents can be better reached. Young people often reside at more than one address, in particular first-year university students, but also adolescents with separated parents. Therefore, allowing them to register at more than one GP practice would make it easier for them to access care when they need it, rather than waiting until they return near their registered GP or repeatedly switching practices, resulting in a lack of joined-up care.

Another solution would be to increase telemedicine for the adolescent population. Not only has the notion of increased reliance on technology for communicating with healthcare providers proved popular with adolescents , but it has been necessitated in many cases by the COVID-19 pandemic. An adolescent and young adult medicine clinic in San Francisco reported a shift from 0% to 97% of consultations being carried out via telemedicine, and these were well-received by patients . Whilst some difficulties were encountered such as it being hard to find a private space, these were often resolved, e.g. using the Zoom chat function to reply to questions if they felt uncomfortable when near other household members. However, whilst potentially a revolutionary tool for some aspects of adolescent healthcare, it is important to note that factors such as crowded housing and poor internet connectivity are higher in lower socioeconomic status households and may make telemedicine unsuitable for these patients. Therefore, implementing telemedicine alongside easy to access face-to-face clinics would prevent the health inequality gap being widened, instead of narrowed.

Hospital-Based Care for Adolescents

As well as improving primary care, steps should be taken to improve the experiences of adolescents receiving hospital treatment. From small steps such as ensuring there are adequate numbers of adult-sized chairs at outpatient clinics, to larger ones such as the creation of teenage wards/bays within paediatric inpatient units, ensuring adolescents feel acknowledged, and not treated like small children, is vital. Indeed, patients report higher satisfaction when being treated on adolescent specific cancer wards , such as those run by the Teenage Cancer Trust, and so extending this across both general and specialist units may improve patient experience.

Mental Health Support

Adolescents present their own health needs and requirements. Of particular note is the need for mental health support, with 75% of mental health problems emerging in adolescence . Moreover, the risk of mental health problems is four times higher for children growing up in adverse socioeconomic circumstances and socioeconomic disadvantage increases the risk of suicide . Together these highlight that although improving mental health care for all adolescents is important over the next decade, there needs to be a particular focus on outreach to those most at risk.

As highlighted previously, school-based approaches can be useful, and a survey of school leaders by the mental health charity Place2Be highlighted that 66% of schools already provide external professional support for mental health . However, extending this universally would be a good improvement to make over the next decade. Additionally, linking school support systems with Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) may help children receive more specialist support before issues escalate further. This is currently not the case, with only 4% of those school leaders surveyed feeling that CAHMS responded quickly to requests for support15.

In addition, self-referral schemes would make it easier for young people to request support from CAHMS. Whilst these mechanisms are in place in some regions, e.g. Buckinghamshire, they are not in others, e.g. Oxfordshire, creating regional disparities in access to mental health support for adolescents. Regional disparities are also seen in waiting times and referral rejections (17% of CAHMS referrals were rejected in London in 2019, compared to 22% in the North) and specific mental health services for looked after children are not available in all areas on the country . Addressing these differences is important in ensuring that all adolescents across the UK can receive adequate mental health support, particularly those who are the most vulnerable and who may not be in school to receive support there.

Finally, online resources and apps for mental wellbeing could be beneficial to adolescents, who as a patient group are more likely to engage with technology . These not only would provide ongoing support between appointments, but adolescents may discuss usage among peers and recommend them to one another, furthering their effectiveness. However, a recent review highlighted that despite their promise, no mental health apps have been specifically designed for adolescents , so this could be an avenue for improvement in the future.

Improving Transition from Adolescent to Adult Services

Finally, ensuring that adolescents receive adequate support when moving from child to adult services is a key change to be made over the next decade. Whilst NICE guidance recommends that transition planning should begin in Year 9 , only 4% of adolescents report experiencing a smooth transition from CAHMS to adult services . Therefore, having handover consultations where healthcare professionals from both services meet to discuss the continuation of care could potentially see a reduction in the rate of adolescents disengaging with adult mental health services upon transition, which currently stands at 50% . This is particularly important for vulnerable patients and care-leavers.

Improved care transition is also important for adolescents with chronic health conditions. Not only is there a shift in service provision, but also a shift from parental management of conditions, to self-management. In the UK, the asthma mortality rate for young people is 0.3 per 100,0008 which compares poorly with other high-income countries. Whilst the reasons underpinning this are not entirely clear, a survey by Asthma UK suggests that adolescents have relatively poor understanding of their symptoms and struggle with managing their health independently . Especially given patients living in more deprived postcodes have higher rates of hospital admissions with acute asthma , engaging young people in taking an active role in managing their conditions is crucial in improving healthcare outcomes for adolescents both whilst they are under child and adult services.

In conclusion, adolescents present their own healthcare needs, particularly surrounding sexual, reproductive, and mental health. Ensuring easier access to services over the next decade, such as through schools or via an increased reliance on technology, would improve care for this unique subgroup of patients. Moreover, ensuring the transition from adolescent to adult care is as smooth as possible is also of paramount importance. Yet achieving this in a way which reduces, and not further increases, socioeconomic health inequality is vital to improve both the current and future health of young people.


1. Hagell A, Shah R and Coleman J (2017) Key Data on Young People 2017. Association for Young People’s Health. Accessed 29 January 2021

2. Hankin B et. al. (1998) Development of depression from preadolescence to young adulthood: emerging gender differences in a 10-year longitudinal study. J Abnormal Psychology, 107(1), 128-140

3. Gregory AM et. al. (2007). Juvenile mental health histories of adults with anxiety disorders. American Journal of Psychiatry, 164, 301-308

4. Office for National Statistics (2018) Conceptions in England and Wales: 2018. Office for National Statistics. Accessed 31 January 2021.

5. Ingram J, Salmon D (2010) Young people's use and views of a school-based sexual health drop-in service in areas of high deprivation. Health Educ J. 69, 227–235

6. Health and Social Care Information Centre (2015) Statistics on Smoking, England – 2015. Health and Social Care Information Centre. Accessed 30 January 2021.

7. NHS Digital (2014) Health and Wellbeing of 15-year-olds in England: Main findings from the What About YOUth? Survey 2014. NHS Digital. Accessed 29 January 2021.

8. Shah R, Hagell A and Cheung R (2019) International comparisons of health and wellbeing in adolescence and early adulthood. Research report, Nuffield Trust and Association for Young People’s Health.

9. Radovic A, McCarty CA, Katzman K, Richardson LP (2018) Adolescents' Perspectives on Using Technology for Health: Qualitative Study. JMIR Pediatr Parent. 1(1), e2.

10. Barney A, Buckelew S, Mesheriakova V and Raymond-Flesch M (2020) The COVID-19 Pandemic and Rapid Implementation of Adolescent and Young Adult Telemedicine: Challenges and Opportunities for Innovation. Journal of Adolescent Health 67(2): 164–171.

11. Reynolds BC, Windebank KP, Leonard RC, et al. (2005) A comparison of self-reported satisfaction between adolescents treated in a “teenage” unit with those treated in adult or paediatric units. Pediatr Blood Cancer 44, 259–63

12. Kessler RC, Berglund P, Demla O, Merikangas KR and Walters EE (2005) Lifetime prevalence and age-of-onset distributions of DSM-IV disorders in the National Comorbidity Survey Replication, Archives of General Psychiatry 62(6), 593

13. Straatmann, V. S. et. al. (2019) How do early-life factors explain social inequalities in adolescent mental health? Findings from the UK Millennium Cohort Study. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 73, 1049–1060

14. Samaritans (2017) Dying from Inequality: Socioeconomic disadvantage and suicidal behaviour. Samaritans. Accessed 31 January 2021

15. Place2Be and NAHT (2020) Huge rise in school-based counsellors over past three years. Place2Be. Accessed 30 January 2021

16. Crenna-Jennings W and Hutchinson J (2020) Access to child and adolescent mental health services in 2019. Research report, Education Policy Institute.

17. Bakker D, Kazantzis N, Rickwood D, Rickard N (2016) Mental health smartphone apps: review and evidence-based recommendations for future developments. JMIR Ment Health 3(1):e7

18. Grist R, Porter J, and Stallard, P (2017) Mental Health Mobile Apps for Preadolescents and Adolescents: A Systematic Review. Journal of Medical Internet Research 19(5): e176.

19. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (2016), Transition from children’s to adults’ for young people using health or social care services, National Institute for Health and Care Excellence Accessed 31 January 2021

20. Appleton R, Connell C, Fairclough E, Tuomainen H, and Singh SP (2019) Outcomes of young people who reach the transition boundary of child and adolescent mental health services: a systematic review. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 28(11), 1431-1446

21. Care Quality Commission (2018) Brief guide: Transitions out of children and young people’s mental health services CQUIN. Care Quality Commission. Accessed January 31 2021

22. Asthma UK (2019) The reality of asthma care in the UK: Annual asthma survey 2018.

23. Grecian S et. al. (2013) The relationship between social deprivation and hospital admissions with asthma. European Respiratory Journal 42(Suppl 57), 957

medicine essay competition year 12 2024

Previous Winners

Yphsig student essay prize 2020.

The winner of the YPHSIG Student Essay prize 2020 was Jessica O'Logbon, 2nd year medical student at Kings College London,.

Her essay "‘How should adolescent health services change by 2040 to better accommodate young people?" impressed our panel of judges with its ideas for patient participation in healthcare. You can read the full essay below.

Congratulations also to runners up: Daisy Lu (University College London) and Triya Chakravo (University of Oxford) who both showed great insight in their reflections on young people's healthcare.

Winning Essay 2020 (Click to expand/collapse)

How should adolescent health services change by 2040 to better accommodate young people, introduction.

Adolescence is a period of increasing freedom, personal autonomy and risk-taking behaviours that lead to preventable morbidity and mortality [1]. This makes it a critical time for engaging this population in their health. Until recently, adolescents were seen as being relatively healthy and were not considered to be a priority in terms of health service delivery [2]. A number of factors have now changed this perception. The rate of mortality in adolescents is declining much slower than other age groups with increasing morbidity [3]. It is also of great concern that there has been no reduction in rates of deaths from intentional injury among 10-18-year olds in three decades with suicide rates rising [4, 5]. This highlights important contributors to morbidity such as mental health and substance abuse [6]. Literature review, focus groups and workshops have sought the views of children and adolescents in regard to what they felt was important for their health and well-being. Key areas emerged such as being more informed and involved in decisions about health services; for schools to play a greater role in their health and better access to age-appropriate services when needed [7]. This essay explores innovative ways that adolescent health services can improve in these areas to better accommodate young people in the next 20 years.


“Adolescents and youth should be supported and empowered to contribute to designing, implementing and assessing policies, programs and systems that contribute to their health and wellbeing” was considered the single most important theme by youth advocates across the world [8]. Working with young people, youth workers and other professionals can achieve more accessible, appropriate services. This can be improved further by fostering close relationships with voluntary and community sectors. NHS trusts should open a dialogue with youth organisations like the UK Youth Parliament to take account of young people’s concerns and ideas regarding health matters, with a particular focus on barriers to access.

There is a much higher rate of success where use of resources or services has been planned jointly with young people [9] and The GP Champions Project is an example of this. The project aimed to find unique ways of improving the health of young people aged 10 to 24 years. Some of these included weekly pop-up GP services for students attending Lewisham Southwark College and supporting young people to produce their own leaflets for every GP in Sheffield and Cornwall. Additionally, young people have created training materials such as videos on young people’s needs around mental health and wellbeing for GPs, pharmacists and reception staff [10]. These initiatives empower adolescents to take control of their care and allow professionals to form a deeper understanding of young people’s thoughts and feelings when accessing services. Similar videos have been used in the e-learning Adolescent Health Programme which is available for free to all health professionals working within the NHS, but more awareness needs to be raised amongst staff about undertaking this programme and its importance in practice.

Establishing systems for the training, mentoring and participation of youth health advocates has the potential to transform traditional models of healthcare delivery to create adolescent-responsive health systems [8]. This is particularly important for marginalised adolescents such as those who are homeless, looked after by the state, young offenders or LGBTQ+ and who often experience inequalities in health. As these groups are less able to access health services in any event, there is an even greater urgency in ensuring their unique needs are identified and met [2]. This can only be known through dialogue and more effort must be made in order to listen to and consult with young people about the effectiveness and suitability of adolescent health services [11].


Adolescents spend most of their time in education, employment or at home. They are often surrounded by their peers and family members and the majority of teenagers have access to the Internet and are using it daily. This presents a range of opportunities to increase accessibility.

Many young people would like health services to be provided within their school [12]. Health drop-ins in schools are easy to access and enable young people to attend without the knowledge of their parents. This is particularly important for young people from rural areas [13. It can also appear less stigmatising than a ‘problem specific’ service. School health drop-ins can reduce unnecessary delays and deliver basic care, especially for sexual, reproductive and mental health concerns with a clearer understanding of young people’s needs in ways that work better for them [14]. Most services are held during the lunch break to avoid young people missing teaching time, but this results in short consultations when many students attend. Therefore, clinic opening hours before or after school should be made available and this should also be applied to primary care opening times to make them more adolescent-friendly.

In addition to this, adolescents’ wide use of technology can pave the way for the integration of technology into their health care. Teens are comfortable on the Internet and use it for a variety of reasons such as social and emotional support, relationship creation and maintenance, entertainment and information seeking [15]. They can investigate topics they consider embarrassing or that might arouse their parents' suspicions without adult interference or supervision. Adolescents are attracted to customisation, interactivity and multimedia formats such as games, quizzes, and personalised health check tools so health care providers can utilise these methods to ensure health information is reaching them.

Digital health interventions are a promising way to intervene early and promote health and wellness among adolescents. They are most effective when they focus on an adolescent’s strengths and their online peer interactions [16]. Evidence suggests that adolescents would like to use technology-based communication tools with their health care providers [17]. To streamline this process, collaborating with adolescents to provide the patient perspective is vital, such as establishing a young people’s panel to advise on ways in which digital technologies might be used to provide health information, improve access to services and encourage engagement and participation. With health experts to inform content, technological experts to develop software and research teams to measure effectiveness with data collection tools built into media platforms, teens and young adults can begin using evidence-based, secure and seamlessly integrated social media sites to prepare for their upcoming doctor's visit – and then tell their friends to use it too [18].


Limited health literacy can reduce opportunities for young people to develop the capabilities needed to be actively involved in decisions about their health and care.

Peer and parent influences are especially relevant for youth. Families provide the primary structure within which children are born, grow, and develop, and from which adolescents transition to adult lives. Considering the complexity and variety of UK health services available, it can be difficult for adults to navigate through the health care system let alone adolescents. Consequently, many parents themselves have only basic health literacy skills and find it difficult to guide their children about health matters. Public Health England reports that 42% of working-age adults (aged 16-65 years) in England are unable to understand and make use of everyday health information, rising to 61% when numeracy skills are also required for comprehension [19]. Therefore, it is crucial that parents as well as children are informed about health services.

Alternative ways to disseminate information such as open engagement events held at hospitals or local GPs, similar to parent-teacher association meetings held at schools, can foster active engagement from parents and break down barriers to navigating through the healthcare system. School, community and family-based interventions to promote health literacy have shown promising results. For example, the Adult Education Trust’s ‘Talk about Alcohol’ intervention, delivered in UK secondary schools, has reported a statistically significant delay in the age young people start drinking alcohol, as well as increased knowledge about the effects of alcohol [20].

Peer education is also an effective tool for promoting healthy behaviours and teaching skills among adolescents [21]. Adolescents who have been through the healthcare system themselves and students who understand how it works and the services available (e.g. healthcare students) means that there is already a reserve of accumulated experience and knowledge which can be shared with others. Embracing this new concept can help the way adolescents view healthcare and address their worries about accessing it.

The most powerful actions to improve adolescent health arise from directly learning from adolescents as individuals. More time spent understanding what they need and want from healthcare services can be scaled-up with funding and support given to youth health initiatives to create more adolescent-responsive healthcare services. Ensuring that there are high-quality health services provided in UK schools and better educational strategies to raise health literacy can reduce barriers to accessibility. Technology provides an exceptional opportunity for coordinating actions between health services as well as bringing them closer to adolescents.

(Abridged version of winning essay) Updated 09/07/2020

Message from the YPHSIG student link representatives

It has been a pleasure to organise the first YPHSIG Student Essay Prize. We received such a high standard of entries from medical students across the UK last year. It was a joy to read their insightful and innovative views on different aspects of adolescent health. Our entries varied from incredibly thoughtful reflections on a specific case that impacted the author to broad ranging and inspiring ideas on what adolescent healthcare might look like in 2040.

The YPHSIG student essay prize has allowed us to explore what thoughts and perceptions medical students have about adolescent health. The engagement of medical students nationally has demonstrated that they are engaging with adolescent health at an early stage in their careers. We hope that this annual essay prize and other future YPHSIG student events can continue to encourage medical students to get involved in adolescent healthcare and develop their interest.

Robbie Bain and Francesca Neale

YPHSIG student link representatives

medicine essay competition year 12 2024


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    medicine essay competition year 12 2024


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  1. Medicine Essay Competition

    The Minds Underground™ Medicine Essay Competition is open to students in Year 12. The competition provides students with an opportunity to engage in university-level research, hone their writing & argumentative skills and prepare for university interviews. ... 3rd April 2024. View Competition Guidelines. Submission Form

  2. Medicine Essay Prizes (7 Competitions For Year 12 and 13's)

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  3. Dukes Plus Essay Competition 2024

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    Our annual student essay competition for medical, nursing and other healthcare students. ... Student Essay Competition jodie 2024-04-18T10:19:48+01:00. Kilsby student essay competition ... Free membership to the BHMA or free journal subscription for 1 year; Your essay published online; For just £17 per annum, ...

  18. Learn more about this year's exciting essay prize

    Students in Year 12 (S5 - Scotland, Y13 - N.I.) attending a UK state school are invited to choose one question from either Medicine and Veterinary and submit an essay of between 1,000-1,500 words by the 6th June 2022. We will award one £100 first prize and two £50 second place prizes in both Medicine and Veterinary Medicine.

  19. University of Oxford Sixth-form prize in Medicine

    This is an annual competition for Year 12 (Lower 6th) students who are considering applying to study medicine. The competition is open to all students currently studying at a state-funded school, college or sixth-form.

  20. Medicine Essay Prizes

    UNOFFICIAL GUIDE TO MEDICINE ESSAY PRIZE. The competition is open to all students who are in Year 11, 12, or 13 of secondary education. The word count is 1,500 words. While all entrants receive a certificate, one winner will be selected and will receive a winner's certificate and a copy of all the books in the UGTM series worth over £250.

  21. Oxford and Cambridge Essay Competitions

    This essay competition is designed to give students the opportunity to develop and showcase their independent study and writing skills. Unfortunately, for external reasons, the essay won't be running in 2023, but may well be running in 2024 so do keep an eye out so you don't miss it! Sample Essay Questions from 2020.

  22. Prizes for Students

    Deadline: Sunday 22 September 2024. Open to: All surgical trainees and foundation doctors (Medical students should apply for the John Dawson prize) Apply here. Surgery Section: John Dawson Medical Student Prize. Deadline: Sunday 22 September 2024. Open to: Medical students (Qualified doctors should apply for the Adrian Tanner Prize) Apply here.

  23. Student Essay Prize

    The winner of the YPHSIG Student Essay prize 2022 is Barbara Chow, a fourth-year medical student at King's College London with a keen interest in Paediatrics and critical care. ... An adolescent and young adult medicine clinic in San Francisco reported a shift from 0% to 97% of consultations being carried out via telemedicine, and these were ...