• Student Projects and Theses

Michael Wentingmann vom IWES berät einen Studenten

At the Institute for Wind Energy Systems, students can conduct student projects and/or final theses. This includes interdisciplinary projects, project and seminar theses as well as Bachelor's and Master's Theses. The task descriptions are elaborated in discussion with interested students. We certainly take into account your personal interests and skills.

We supervise students from all engineering disciplines such as Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering or Computational Engineering. An interdisciplinary background is very welcome. A strong interest and affinity to topics all around wind energy are requirements.

Allocation of student projects and theses

Offers for students in their bachelor's.

The Institute for Wind Energy Systems offers the following topics for students in their Bachelor's studies. The proposed tasks can be adapted individually according to the respective type of thesis (student project or Bachelor's Thesis) and the respective volume of work. We are also open for ideas and proposals of the students. Please contact us and we discuss how to proceed.

Introduction and Scope of Work

Principle stress directions vary in time under multiaxial loads. In brittle matrials (e. g. adhesives in wind turbine rotor blades or cast iron in rotor hubs), this results in fatigue damage that is not evenly distributed among material planes, but is concentrated around a single plane, which is called the critical plane.

In fatigue life calculations of such materials, the damage on the critical plane is governing, and not the accumulation of damage on all material planes, as would be the case for ductile materials. The identification of the critical plane is thus of utmost importance. However, that is linked with very high computational cost. In order to reduce the computation times, different optimisation algorithms have to be tested in the context of this Bachelor's Thesis.

Prior knowledge on fatigue life analysis is not necessarily required. Further details are given in the offer (in German only).


  • Prior experience in Matlab is required.

Foto von Michael Wentingmann

For uni-axial fatigue analyses, rainflow counting is a standard method for the counting of cycles. It yields reliable results at low computational cost. For multi-axial loads, the traditional rainflow counting schemes do only offer meaningful information on the identified cycles, if the principle stress directions are approximately constant over time. In that case, we speak of proportional loads.

For non-proportional loads, traditional rainflow counting algorithms can yield severe inaccuracies in fatigue life estimations. In this case, multi-axial rainflow count algorithms are required in order to improve the prediction accuracy. In this work, different variants of multi-axial rainflow counting are to be compared in the framework of benchmark examples.

Offers for Students in their Master's

The Institute for Wind Energy Systems offers the following topics for students in their Master's studies. The proposed tasks can be adapted individually according to the respective type of thesis (student project or Master's Thesis) and the respective volume of work. We are also open for ideas and proposals of the students. Please contact us and we discuss how to proceed.

In fatigue life calculations of such materials, the damage on the critical plane is governing, and not the accumulation of damage on all material planes, as would be the case for ductile materials. The identification of the critical plane is thus of utmost importance. However, that is linked with very high computational cost. In order to reduce the computation times, different optimisation algorithms have to be tested in the context of this work.

Buckling is a mechanism of stability failure in thin-walled structures which are exposed to compressive stresses. Buckling is a bifurcation problem, where large displacements perpendicular to the structure plane occur instantaneously. This phenomenon reduces the structural integrity of the respective structures dramatically, hence it is understood as failure. Since the growth in size of rotor blades is an ongoing trend, increasingly large structural parts are loaded by increasing loads. Consequently, the risk of buckling increases as well.

In the framework of this work, selected rotor blades in the multi-MW class have to be analysed with respect to their buckling resistance. For this purpose, 3D finite element analyses have to be carried out, including linear and nonlinear buckling analyses. If the task is conducted as a Master's Thesis, additional subtasks have to be investigated.

Further details are given in the offer.

  • Ideal candidates have some basic experience in finite element application.

Foto von Claudio Balzani

Contact for General Questions on Student Projects and Theses

Foto von Claudio Balzani

Last Change: 08.09.22 Print

master thesis topics in wind energy

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master thesis topics in wind energy

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Course - wind turbine energy - offshore engineering, master thesis - tmr5950, course-details-portlet, tmr5950 - wind turbine energy - offshore engineering, master thesis, examination arrangement.

Examination arrangement: Master thesis Grade: Letter grades

Evaluation Weighting Duration Grade deviation Examination aids
Master thesis 100/100

Course content

Academic content must be agreed with assigned supervisor within the field.The master thesis is aimed at analysis, planning, design and manufacturing/transport and installation of offshore bottom-fixed and floating wind turbines. The master thesis work is related to research and/or development within a chosen area. The thesis may comprise theoretical, numerical, experimental or field studies; or development of novel wind turbine design or installation methods. When the focus is on theoretical/numerical studies the thesis work can be a specialization within aerodynamics, hydrodynamics, structural mechanics or geotechnics. Analytical or numerical studies of the interaction between the structure and air, water or soil; or an integrated global dynamic analysis of wind turbines in the permanent phase or under transport/as well as development and dimensioning of wind turbines are also relevant topics for the MSc thesis. The students have to attend a mandatory introduction seminar (in the fall semester) to the master thesis beyond the established ECTS. The content of the seminar prepares the student for writing their thesis; such as searching for literature, writing reports, scientific publishing and ethics.

Learning outcome

Students will complete a master thesis within the engineering field. Knowledge: Use scientific methods in the implementation of an independent work in the field. Skills: Students will be able to prepare a project plan with milestones, reporting partial results and write a thesis in accordance with established standards. General competence: Documented scientific qualifications through completion of a master thesis in the field.

Further on evaluation

A thesis defence with an oral presentation of the work is required. The final grade for MSc thesis will be based on an evaluation of the thesis report, taking into account the performance of the student in the thesis defence.

Specific conditions

Admission to a programme of study is required: Wind Energy (MSWIND)

Required previous knowledge

The subject is only open for students admitted to the master program EWEM , offshore track (2-year MSc program in cooperation with DTU, U. Oldenburg and TUDelft . The MSc thesis should be a continuation of the pre-project in the fall semester. Fundamental courses required for the thesis work.

Course materials

Given at the beginning of the semester.

Version: 1 Credits:  30.0 SP Study level: Second degree level

Term no.: 1 Teaching semester:  SPRING 2025

Language of instruction: English

Location: Trondheim

  • Technological subjects
  • Erin Elizabeth Bachynski-Polic
  • Amir Rasekhi Nejad
  • Bernt Johan Leira
  • Svein Sævik

Department with academic responsibility Department of Marine Technology


Examination arrangement: master thesis.

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  • * The location (room) for a written examination is published 3 days before examination date. If more than one room is listed, you will find your room at Studentweb.

For more information regarding registration for examination and examination procedures, see "Innsida - Exams"

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Solar energy

Master thesis: Open topics

  • Comparison of satellite based cloud products and surface irradiance estimates ( at TROPOS Leipzig )

Wind Energy

'Simulation of Wind Fields for Wind Turbine and Wind Farm Applications (SWIFT)' (Gerald Steinfeld):

  • Flow conditions at wind-energy relevant heights over realistic non-homogeneous forest canopies -an LES study
  • The impact of porous windbreaks on the power output of wind turbines – an LES study
  • Investigation of flow structures in the marine boundary layer generated by surface heterogeneities over the land with large-eddy simulation
  • Investigation of the wake of the island of Helgoland with the mesoscale model WRF
  • Simulations of low-level jets with the mesoscale model WRF
  • Validation of LES of wind farms flows by comparison with data from LIDAR measurements

Student Assistent Jobs

  • Developing a probabilistic wake steering model for controlling purposes  

master thesis topics in wind energy

Topics for master theses

master thesis topics in wind energy

Here is a list of possible topics to write a Master thesis under the supervision of ENE’s researchers:

  • Master's thesis

Master thesis in cooperation with Fjord Miljø AS in Nordfjordeid

Some highlights of the company:

  • Developer of equipment to the fish farming industry
  • Our mission is to provide equipment to protect fish from lice infection
  • Our products are for example protection shields, upwelling system, filtration of surface water and monitoring environmental conditions by the use of sensors
  • We are constantly seeking new developments to improve our solutions
  • We are also in a progress of making new partners to have the option to supply complementary products which will supplement our existing products
  • Main office is located in Nordfjordeid
  • Contact person: Arild Heggland

Some aspects that could be the foundation of a master thesis:

  • Market knowledge of Fjord Miljø and our products
  • Market rating of Fjord Miljø
  • How to improve knowledge and rating?
  • Estimate willingness to pay for protection against lice infection
  • Valuation of our products
  • How do fish farmers consider new products to be useful in the future, these products will be specified later
  • Where do fish farmers expect the industry to move on, landbased, closed containers in sea, continue as their producing today?
  • Other relevant topics.

Supervisor: Stein Ivar Steinshamn .

Finance as resource allocation: Does ESG build real assets?

This study complements the many that have asked whether ESG (environment, sustainability and governance) is associated with higher or lower return on investment: Finance also creates real assets. Is there evidence, in our time, that preferences or policies, regulation, raises resource flows and asset creation (builds windmills, for instance).

Supervisor: Gunnar S. Eskeland .

The potential in renewable power

Contact Eskeland for Study design, as many approaches are on the table. One is the role of taxes (incl the new 'grunnrenteskatt'), another is new concessions and the role and shape of auctions, including contracts of difference; a third is offshore installations and how they are placed in terms of access to markets, etc.

Political Economy and Social Perspectives on the Climate Transition

NHH works with technically oriented partners (industry, ntnu, ife) on scenarios for the transition to a low-carbon economy. This thesis will combine such scenarios for the transition with perspectives from political economy (as with: who pays, and industry interests, and rich vs poor) and social acceptance.

Electric vehicles and de-carbonizing transportation

This topic is in collaboration with ENOVA.

Norway has pledged to reach almost net zero emissions by 2050. The transport sector is responsible for almost one-third of the emissions in Norway, and the use of passenger cars alone is responsible for almost 10%. Therefore, to reach net zero, it is vital to de-carbonize the Norwegian car fleet. A key strategy to reduce emissions from the transport sector is to induce households to replace their fossil fuel cars with electric vehicles. Although most of the new cars sold in Norway are electric, the national fleet of cars still contains 'only' electric vehicles 20%. Will all cars in the future eventually be electric? Or are there barriers preventing the switch to electric vehicles?

In this topic, students will explore the sources of emissions from the Norwegian car fleet and how these emissions can be reduced. The thesis will focus on two main issues:

1. Emissions from the car fleet in Norway: Emissions from the transport sector have been steadily falling. But the car fleet is projected to increase in the coming years, and the share of transport with car is also increasing.

a) What are the drivers of emissions? For example, number of miles driven per car, age of the cars, geographical distribution, etc.

b) How will these emissions evolve over time?

2. Switching from fossil fuel cars to electric vehicles: Purchasing and driving electric vehicles have been heavily subsidized by the government. But people are still driving fossil fuel cars.

a) What are the barriers to replacing your fossil fuel car with an electric vehicle? For example, economic, behavioral, social, etc.

b) How can we induce households to make the switch to electric?

This topic can be approached from many different angles and is suitable for a wide range of empirical methods.

Supervisor: Isabel Hovdahl .

Electric vehicles in Norway: Emission reductions versus lost tax tax revenue

An analysis of electrical vehicles in  Norway where reduced emissions are measured against  reduced tax revenue.

A number of topics in collaboration with the Maritime Cleantech cluster administration

  • What branding effect will the use of green/emission-free logistics chains have for the fish farming industry?
  • What is the willingness to pay on the part of cargo owners for the use of low- and zero-emission vessels in their logistics operations?
  • Economic valuation of Maritime Cleantech as a cluster organisation.
  • Hydrogen and hydrogen-based fuels - how big a role can the production and distribution of these play for Norwegian value creation in 2050?
  • Joint Norwegian investment for the maritime industry: how to position ourselves for increased exports of green technology? (Strategic/Marketing)
  • Analysis of the market for green maritime technology in Southern Europe (can be built on research done by Innovation Norway in France, Spain and Italy)
  • Size, scope and framework of incentive schemes for contracts for difference.
  • Are end consumers willing to pay for green (maritime) transport? If so, how much?
  • Profitability analyzes and CO2 reduction for conversion of existing vessels vs. new construction.
  • Life cycle analyzes for ships - case speedboats and/or cargo ships - Lifetime of vessels - co2 emissions - conversion or measures that can reduce emissions during the ship's lifetime.
  • Return scheme/ circular economy model for ships.
  • Is there an update of the policy apparatus to support wider and more retrofit solutions for ships, to make them more energy efficient?

Possible topics in collaboration with Maritime Cleantech cluster partners with assistance from the cluster administration

  • Shipping aims to halve its emissions by 2050. How should a shipping company approach this goal in terms of investment and redevelopment programmes? (Shipping company)
  • How to market/sell green fuels and technologies that have not yet been demonstrated in the market? For example hydrogen, fuel cells etc. (fuel producers, FC producers and the like.)
  • Strategy for marketing hydrogen/ammonia as a safe and secure green fuel (producers).
  • Green innovation: How to change from traditional offshore to deliveries in new value chains (supplier industry, shipyards, shipping companies).
  • Efficient/appropriate incentive/public/industrial structure for the production and supply of new energy carriers from wind farms and other offshore locations.

Evaluation of various ways for Norway to fulfill the Paris-agreement

The objective is to compare various ways Norway can fulfill the Paris-agreement with respect to consequences for the Norwegian economy and for global emissions among other things.

Use high frequency satellite data to estimate economic and environmental outcomes of energy production processes

ESA’s Earth Online portal offers European research institutes direct and simple access to Earth Observation data coming from satellite missions operated directly by the European Space Agency and Third Party Missions. These data can be combined with ghgsat estimates to answer the following question: "How much carbon dioxide equivalent was released during the mining/extraction of a particular mine/oil & gas field?"

Supervisor: Giacomo Benini .

Airbnb in Norway & electricity prices

The risk of accepting Airbnb guests is that they might run up all of your utilities. Are renters sensitive to this concern? Estimate the relationship between listings and electricity prices.

Scrape the Data from http://insideairbnb.com/get-the-data/ and determine whether Airbnb listings in the last 2 years respond to electricity prices.

Supervisor: Evelina Gavrilova-Zoutman .

Can or will energy transition hold back development

Clean up and transition in the north sea, energy companies, esg and responsive strategies, esg in finance, and eus taxonomy, how suited are batteries to solve the intermittency problem.

A study of the efficiency and suitability of batteries in order to solve the intermittency problem associated with new renewable energy such as solar and wind power.

Hydrogen and its role in Europe's energy transition

Transport and co2 emission reductions (or any segment: maritime, aviation, cars, etc), war, crisis and energy in europe, green energy and guarantees of origin.

During the last years, governments around the world have implemented different policies to promote investments in renewable production capacity. One of the main instruments is a policy known as guarantees of origin. These guarantees operate as a guarantee for final consumers that the electricity they consume comes from renewable energy sources.

An important characteristic of the guarantees is that the producers are free to sell the electricity and guarantees separately. What we are observing is that while electricity from Norwegian hydropower is largely sold to consumers in Norway, the guarantees from Norwegian hydropower is sold to consumers in Germany and the Netherlands. Despite the growing importance of this policy, there are few studies of the impacts of guarantees of origin on renewable production capacity.

In this master thesis, the students will investigate the effect of this policy instrument on renewable electricity capacity in Europe. What has Norway’s role been in promoting renewable energy capacity through guarantees of origin? What has the interaction been between guarantees of origin and other incentives to boost investments in renewable production capacity? And what are the implications of the de-coupling of the sale of the electricity with the sale of the guarantees?

This topic of research is suitable for many different types of methods, depending on the interests and skills of the students. The thesis can be based on either a statistical analysis, case study or modelling exercise.

Supervisor: Isabel Hovdahl and  Mario Blázquez .

Detailing the Value of Climate- and Environmental Surveillance on Sea food production

What’s the cost-benefit for using an integrated climate and environment surveillance on seafood production? The student will assess the impact and values associated with using a detailed monitoring tool called Clarify, which currently is employed by many seafood producers. The student will be given access to unpublished data afforded by Clarify that can be directly compared to other chains of the seafood production, including feeding, fish welfare, loss to sickness and slaughter. Additional climate data can also be made available to the student depending on emerging needs. This Master opens for a relevant exploration of how monitoring can strengthen seafood sustainability and resilience to the changing climate conditions that remain the key premise for seafood production. The industry partner for this thesis is Clarify.

Supervisor: Geir Drage Berentsen .

Optimal placement and impact of offshore wind parks

In this thesis, the students will use historical weather data to investigate the potential of Norwegian wind power in a scenario where all the current offshore locations suggested by the NVE are in full production. Alternative locations derived from optimizing production output are available and can be compared to the sites suggested by NVE. A secondary goal is to use the results to investigate the impact on the European energy market. The industry partner for this thesis is Statkraft.

The black swans of climate risk: Compound events

Extreme weather events such as floods, heatwaves, droughts, and storms cause major economic losses to private and public sector alike. The latest IPCC report shows that the frequency, and to some extent the magnitude, of such events will continue to increase although there are exceptions. The probability of so-called ‘compound events’ – that two or more extreme events happen simultaneously or successively – will increase due to this ongoing trend.

Such events carry even more extreme economic losses and play a crucial role in evaluating climate risk, but they are not well constrained nor understood. In 2018, there was elevated risk for snow-driven flooding in central Norway, which was followed by one of the warmest and driest summers on record, which coincided with several climatically induced forest fires. Based on both historical data and climate predictions, the students will evaluate the probability and potential economic consequences of compound events today and in the future and provide insights and advice for the insurance industry. The industry partner for this thesis is Tryg.

What are the optimal sites for future seafood production?

Wind conditions, sea currents, -temperature and -salinity are all important factors when considering new locations for ocean-based aquaculture facilities. Moreover, locations that are considered optimal today may not be suitable locations in the future due to climate change. In this thesis, the students will investigate the current optimal placements of aquaculture based on detailed historical data. By considering state of the art climate predictions, it can be investigated how these placements will change on different time horizons. The students should also discuss placement conflicts with fisheries and coastal shipping routes. The industry partner for this thesis is Clarify.

Economic impacts of climate change

Many social and economic activities are heavily affected by weather variables such as temperatures and precipitation. In this master thesis, the students will explore the relationship between weather variables and economic decisions made by Norwegian households and/or businesses. In addition, the students will explore how climate change, through its effect on temperatures and precipitation, will affect these economic decisions into the future.

Examples of relationships to explore are the effects of heatwaves on human mortality rates, extreme precipitation on agricultural production, or drought on hydropower production. The exploration can be either on the macro or micro level and can be in the form of either a statistical analysis or modelling exercise. For the prediction exercise, the students will have access to novel climate forecasts from the Climate Futures project. An interesting question to explore is how access to improved seasonal weather forecasts can mitigate the harmful economic impacts of climate change.

Analysis of catch data in Norwegian fisheries

Organizing and analyzing data from the Norwegian directorate of fisheries.

Supervisor: Arnt Ove Hopland .

Econometric analysis of the sales of new cars in Norway

Supervisor:  Øyvind Thomassen .

Contact: [email protected] .

I have three data sets that you can use for the thesis: 1) price lists with car model variant and some technical characteristics, 2) new registrations of car model engine variants, by age and sex of the registered owner, 3) the annual rules for calculating the registration tax (engangsavgift). 

For most uses, you will want to merge data sets 1) and 2). This will entail some tedious data work (probably using Stata or R), because of a lack of exact common identifiers. 

The data go up to 2015, but it may be possible to obtain more recent data. 

There are many questions that could be answered with the data, including saying something about the effect of the favorable tax treatment given to electric vehicles, which probably explains their large market share in Norway. 

To choose this topic you must have taken a course in econometrics.

Econometric analysis of data from the government vehicle register

Like my topic ‘Econometric analysis of the sales of new cars in Norway’, this topic is based on data on cars in Norway. However, for this topic, I currently do not have the data, but I believe they can be obtained from Statens Vegvesen (Norwegian Public Roads Administration). See information here: https://www.vegvesen.no/om-oss/om-organisasjonen/apne-data/api-for-kjoretoyopplysninger/utvidet-utlevering-av-kjoretoyopplysninger/

My other topic uses data on the flow of new cars. This topic uses data on the stock of cars. The two data sources could conceivably be combined.

Background from a course in econometrics is needed.

Natural resource extraction nearby: opportunity or concern for non-resource firms?

How does natural resource extraction such as oil&gas production affect nearby firms in other sectors, such as manufacturing and services? Potential agglomeration effects could benefit firms, but increased competition for labor or more corruption might harm firms. Since firms are the backbone of every modern economy, these considerations are crucial to understand whether natural resources are a blessing or a curse.

Supervisor: Paul Pelzl .

Topics on Environmental Economics

Potential topics are:

  • Zero emissions (in shipping/buildings/road veh/airplanes): too much, or just right?
  • Certificates of Origin for Electricity; Stepchild or rising star?
  • A carbon cap for Norwegian farmers: Let forests do what cows and farmers cannot?
  • Carbon footprint and economic analysis for a firm/sector
  • Hydrogen: which part is failing: cars, hydrogen or filling and logistics
  • A new look at biomass and biofuels: can photosynthesis propel transport
  • Oceans in a sustainability strategy
  • Solar power: if a leap lies ahead, what can trigger it
  • Decentralized power generation in Norway: framework and business analysis
  • Renewable power in Norway: shall it expand, and with what instruments
  • A role for Norway as a battery for Europe’s intermittent power
  • A business analysis of Norway’s three proposed carbon capture and storage projects (cement, fertilizer, waste dump)
  • Analysis of emission reduction prospects in Norwegian transport
  • Econometric analysis of demand for energy (or carbon) intensive goods, transport
  • Forests: More wood and biomass in buildings: Economic analysis of climate prospects
  • Financial markets: is there evidence of ‘sin portfolios’ or ‘virtue’ (or green/fossil)? The value of fossil assets / promises in financial markets
  • Analysis of CO2 markets
  • Modeling energy exchange in Northern Europe

Analysis of electric batteries and improvements in electricity networks

In cooperation with ENOVA

Contact: Gunnar Eskeland  (NHH) and  Børge Nilssen Stafne (ENOVA)

Logistics: improvements in efficiency and greenhouse gas reductions

Contact: Gunnar Eskeland  (NHH) and  Arnt Gunnar Lium (ENOVA)

Electricity in the transport sector: Economic and environmental effects

Regulation and benchmarking of natural monopolies in the energy sector.

Supervisors: Endre Bjørndal and Mette Bjørndal .

Pricing and congestion management in wholesale electricity markets

Integration of renewable energy sources in electricity markets, local flexibility markets and demand response in the electricity sector, integration of regional electricity markets and use of hvdc interconnectors, european integration of intraday and balancing markets, sustainable energy and development.

Around the world, the governments are imple- menting policies to foster the introduction of renewable energy. In that context, there are different research questions to develop in a master thesis that could contribute to develop a sustainable economic system.

  • Which will be the relation between renewable energy and hydrogen?
  • Which are the policies introduced in cities to reduce carbon emissions?
  • Which will be the impact of the adoption of renewable energy in women unemploy- ment? Could the introduction of renewable energy increase the gender gap?
  • Which will be the changes in the design of electricity markets induced by the intro- duction of renewable energy?
  • Which is the relation between hydrogen and lithium batteries? Which is the best way to store electricity in the short-term and in the long-term?
  • Which policies could be implemented to promote energy effciency?
  • How do the electricity grid need to change to accommodate renewable energy?

Supervisor: Mario Blazques de Paz

Transmission constraints

Electricity markets are moving through the integration around the world. Moreover, the countries are increasing their investments in renewable production capacity to fulfil with the agreements in carbon emission reductions. In that context, the transmission grid plays a crucial role promoting the integration of electricity markets and accommodating the renewable production capacity into the system. In re- lation with this topic, there are different research questions that could be of interest to develop a master thesis.

  • Which should be design of electricity markets in the presence of transmission con- straints.
  • Could the integration of electricity markets in Europe increase competition? Which will be the impact of that integration in the investments in transmission capacity, and in renewable production capacity?
  • Which should be the relation between the spot and the redispatch market when the transmission lines are congested? How we can design those markets to increase com- petition?
  • How should the regulator design transmission tariffs to guarantee investments in trans- mission capacity, and transmission effciency?

Supervisor:  Mario Blazques de Paz

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Universität Rostock

Lehrstuhl für Windenergietechnik

  • Student Theses

Completed Theses and Student Projects

master thesis topics in wind energy

On this page, you’ll find a list of past seminar papers that have been submitted to the Department of Wind Energy Technology. Only bachelor theses, seminar papers and master’s dissertations have been processed to date.

You’ll find a list of open research questions for new seminar papers under the Open Topics for Theses and Student Projects menu.

Master Theses

  • Gold,Florian (2022): Umstellung von Fahrzeugflotten bei KMU auf nachhaltige Mobilität unter Berücksichtigung größtmöglicher Eigenversorgung
  • Vent, Heinrich (2022): Querschnittswerte von polygonalen dünnwandigen Querschnitten mit 3D-Grafik der Wölbfunktion - Realisierung in Python
  • Wilmes, Bruno (2022): Einbindung von Wasserstofferzeugung und -nutzung in ein Energiesystem und Vergleich unterschiedlicher Betriebsstrategien durch den Einsatz eines Energiemanagementsystems
  • Wiesner, Philipp (2022): Analysis of fabrication costs of project-specific Floating Offshore Wind concepts, considering material selection, local content and industrialization potential
  • Eichler, Elmar (2022): Aufbau eines dezentralen elektrischen Energiesystems und Vergleich unterschiedlicher Betriebsstrategien durch den Einsatz eines Energiemanagementsystems
  • Bauer, Julius (2021): Mechatronischer Entwurf eines Multisensor-Systems zur Detektion von Flugobjekten im Umfeld von Windenergieanlagen unter Verwendung einer Pan-Tilt-Zoom-Kamera
  • Kolbe, Felix (2021): Untersuchung zur Wirkung eines Turmdämpfers für eine Windenergieanlagen
  • Westphal, Timo (2021): Entwicklung von Integrationskonzepten für Energiespeicher in Türmen von Windenergieanlagen
  • Topp, Ronja Maria (2020): Universal gravity anchor solutions for floating substructures
  • Alam , Md Nura (2020): Combined power control of a grid connected wind turbine
  • Bahagat, Sonukumar (2020): Parametric study for the Tension Leg Buoy concepts and ist dynamic behavior under various environmental conditions (wind and waves)
  • Ehsan, Akbarzadeh (2020): Hydrodynamische Untersuchung des Absenkvorgangs von Schwergewichtsankern für schwimmende Offshore-Windenergieanlagen
  • Shahid, Adeel (2019): Virtual Inertia control of grid connected wind turbine
  • Chu, Linh Dang Phuong (2019): 3D Visual an Efficiency Optimization of a Wind Field for very high turbines (220-33m hub height)
  • Topp, Ronja Maria (2019): Universal gravity anchor solutions for floating substructures
  • Sisupalan, Anand (2019): Developmet of Improved Profiles for Straight Blade Darrieus Wind Turbines using CFD
  • Kaki, Anilkumar (2019): Studying Flow Curvature Effects in Darrieus VAWT using CFD Simulations
  • Barvaliya, Kaushikkumar (2019): CFD Analysis of Airfoils with Rotating Cylinder for Wind Turbines
  • Paramasivam, Gautam (2019): Studying Aerodynamic Characteristics of an airfoil in stall and post stall region
  • Janani, Kumar (2019): Load Alleviation of wind turbine blades using trailing edge flaps
  • Hinrichs, Christian (2019): Identifikation und Vergleich zukünftiger Geschäftsmodelle eines Windparks in Verbindung mit power-to-power und power-to-gas
  • Virupakshi, Siddik Reddy (2019): CFD simulation of offshore Rotor with 180 m Diameter Based on Multiple Reference Frame model and the Sliding Mesh Technique
  • Haridasan, Sujith Chengolil (2019): Simulation model of Testbed for scaled Wind Turbine Rotors
  • Ghattar, Nandish Mayurbhai (2019): CFD Simulation of 10 megawatt, 180-meter Wind Turbine Rotor with Double Winglets (MRF) Method
  • Vinakula, Vinay (2019): Numerical Investigation of the Aerodynamics and Aeromechanics in a High-Pressure Transonic Centrifugal Compressor
  • Vanjakula, Vinay Kumar (2019): Numrical Investigation of the Aerodynamics an Aerodynamics in High-Pressure Transonic Centrifugal Compressor
  • Ramani, Mitesh (2019): Load calculation and structural analysis of a SparBuoy with a 10 MW wind turbine (EEW - OpenFAST)
  • Chintala, Nani Ganesh (2019): Simulation and Optimation of a Savonius Type Vertical Axis Wind Turbine using CFD Simulation
  • Sai , Avanash Meesala (2019): Design an Optimization of a Hybrid Vertical Axis Wind Turbine with CFD Simulation
  • Zarncke, Till (2019): Business case for the Energyhub out of the Space@Sea project
  • Philip, Tim Alexander (2019): Modular Multilevel Converter Control an Grid Connection
  • Sankha, Subhra Pal (2019): Validation of orthotropic plate model for steam boiler membrane walls
  • Pienkny, Friedrich (2019): Entwicklung einer vereinfachten Methode zur Abschätzung von Designlasten in der Konzeptphase von Windenergieanlagen
  • Ojieabu, Nathan (2019): Potentials for PV-Wind-Hybrid Renewable Energy System in Nigeria
  • Kamineni, Akhil (2019): Implementation of Torsional eigenmodes into the structural model of a Rotor Blade in the Simulation Software SIWEC
  • Nandish, Ranjith (2019): Numerical Simulation of Buoyant Flows in a Diary Cattle House using the Porous Medium Approach in ABL
  • Kokkarachedu, Sreedhar (2019): Design of Cooling System for Electric Motor
  • Avworo, Onoriode Leslie (2019): The Prospects of Including Renewable Energy and Smart Grid in the Negarian Power System
  • Schürmann, Benjamin (2019): Anti-Kollisionssystem für wildlebende Flugtiere im Zusammenhang mit Windenergieanlagen
  • Qureshi, Muhammad Zeeshan (2019): Development of Virtual Inertia for a direct driven wind turbine
  • Chandregowda, Pavan Kanagal (2019): CFD Simulation of 10 Megawatt, 180-Meter Windturbine Rotor with and without Winglets
  • Arshad, Waleed (2019): Implementation of Torsional eigenmodes into the structural model of a Windtubine tower in the simulation software SiWEC
  • Tanveer, Muhammad Usman (2019): Investigation of ancillary services provided by wind turbines with induction generator
  • Guo, Liqing (2019): Development and Control of Inverter for 1.5MW PMSG
  • Barpute, Akshay (2019): Modelling and Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation on 6 MW Dutch Offshore Wind Turbine Energy Converers
  • Barpute, Akshay (2019): CFD analysis of a rotor of a generic 6MW wind turbine
  • Teja, Kota Srinivasa (2019): CFD analysis of a rotor of a generic 10MW wind turbine
  • Teja, Kota Srinivasa (2019): Modelling and CFD analysis of a DTU 10 MW Referece Wind Turbine
  • Mandani, Kaushik (2018): Crane Concept for a 125 KW Wind Turbine
  • Harkhani, Chiragbhai (2018): Design optimization of a wind turbine based on load calculations for different sites (CART)
  • Schröter, Matthias (2018): Basis-Design und Konstruktionsplanung einer schwimmenden Unterstruktur für eine Windenergieanlage mittlerer Größe für den südasiatischen Raum
  • Rentschler, Manuel Uli Tsambiko (2018): Dynamic Analysis of Inter-Array Cable Systems for Floating Offshore Wind Turbines
  • Jayavardhan Rayudu, Santapuri (2018): Aerolastic simulation and opimization of a vovel passive yaw concept for downwind oriented wind turbines
  • Hüsken, Clara (2018): Parametrische Untersuchung und Modellierung eines Wellenenergiekonverters
  • Jahn, Felix (2018): Evaluation der Rückbaukosten einer Windkraftanlage der Multi-Megawatt Klasse im 5 Jahres Turnus
  • Sudhanva , Kusuma Chandrashekhara (2018): Calculation of natural vibrations of wind turbine rotor blades using Timoshenko beam elements in the frame of MATLAB
  • Schmeißer, Patrick (2018): Flansch-Detailkonstruktion für ein Stahl-Betonrohr zur Anwendung bei einer schwimmenden Unterstruktur für Windenergieanlagen
  • Zwisele, Timo Alexander (2018): Bau und Vermessung eines skalierten WEA Blattes zur Anwendung bei einer skalierten WEA in einem Wind-Wellen-Kanal
  • Azizi, Pedram (2018): Simulation of a VAWT using CFD an influence of special purpose airfoils
  • Gerke, Thomas (2018): Untersuchungen zur Implementierung einer Jacket-Struktur für Offshore-WEA in das Simulationsprogramm SiWEC
  • Parlak, Can (2018): Lastenrechnung für eine WEA mittlerer Größe für den südasiatischen Raum
  • Berberich, Jascha Florian (2018): Optimierung einer mittelgroßen Windenergieanlage im Hinblick auf Stromgestehungskosten
  • Sripathi, Rakesh Reddy (2018): Analysis for offshore rotor with 180m diameter
  • Nyathikala, Sai Akhil (2018): Analysis for 60m stall rotor and comarison with BEM Theory
  • Tummalapalli, Srivalli (2018): Analysis for a model rotor at low Reynolds number
  • Vu, Thu Thuy (2017): Untersuchung zur Drehzahlbegrenzung bei Windenergieanlagen durch umrichtergeregelte Generatoren
  • Writschan, Georg (2017): Anwendbarkeitsstudie zu Leichtbaumaterialien für eine schwimmende Unterstruktur einer Windenergieanlage
  • Wittke, (2017): Konstruktion und Prototypenbau einer Kleinwindenergieanlage mit vertikaler Achse
  • Kopatzki, Tom (2017): Konzeptuntersuchung einer getriebelosen WEA unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Lagersituation
  • Nan, Li (2016): Berechnung der 3D-Eigenschwingungen des Rotorblatts einer WEA durch FE-Balkenmodelle mit Hilfe von MATLAB
  • Heimbuch, (2016): Erarbeitung eines validierten Struktursimulationsmodells für die Pitchdrehverbindung an WEA
  • Faustmann, Stephan (2016): Optimierung des schwimmenden Offshore-Fundaments durch Einsatz von Stahl-Beton/Beton-Leichtbaukomponenten
  • Warncke, Julia (2015): Untersuchung neuartiger Verfahren für die individuelle Blattwinkelverstellung bei Windenergieanlagen
  • Kolbatz, Jakob (2013): Einsatz von Schließringbolzen in Verbindungen von Turmschüssen einer Windkraftanlage undter Betrachtung konstruktiver, analytischer und wirtschaftlicher Aspekte

Student Research Projects

  • Heinrich, Tom (2022): Untersuchung des Windprofils in höheren Lagen über dem Boden mittels LiDAR Measurement
  • Kahouli, Nourhen (2022): Schallpegelmessung an Windenergieanlagen (WEA) in Abhängigkeit von Windgeschwindigkeit und Nabenhöhe
  • Vent, Heinrich (2022): Graphische 2D-Darstellung der Rotorblattquerschnitte einer WEA als Erweiterung eines C#-Programmcodes
  • Wilmes, Bruno (2021): Entwurf und Implementierung eines Reglers zum gleichmäßigen Vorspannen von Ankerseilen für eine schwimmende Windenergieanlagen
  • Birr, Vinzenz (2021): Entwurf und Implementierung eines Reglers zum kontrollierten Absenken eines Schwergewichtsankers für schwimmende Windenergieanlagen
  • Stroetmann, Nicco (2021): Entwicklung von parametrischen Simulationsmodellen für die statische Stabilitätsanalyse schwimmender Windenergieanlagen und Vergleich unterschiedlicher Designs
  • Wiesner, Philipp (2021): Entwurf einer Tension-Leg-Plattform für eine 15 MW Windenergieanlage und Simulation des Gesamtsystems in OpenFAST
  • Eichler, Elmar (2021): Kontaktlose Distanzmessung unter Wasser zur Integration in ein Regelungssystem
  • Bauer. Julius (2021): Regelungskonzepte für Windenergieanlagen in Bezug auf die Vermeidung von Vogelkollisionen
  • Westphal, Timo (2020): Energetische Standortentwicklung eines Gemeindequartiers und Technologievergleich zur Rückstromung von lokal erzeugtem Wasserstoff
  • Hinrichs, Christian (2019): Projektierung eines Windparks in Hafengebieten nach §11 der Benutzungsverordnung am Beispiel des Rostocker Überseehafens
  • Shahid, Adeel (2019): Simulation of Microgrid with a PMSG
  • Alam, Md Nura (2019): Development and control of Inverter for 1,5MW PMSG
  • Qureshi, Muhammad Zeeshan (2019): Investigation of virtual inertia of a 1.5MW PMSG
  • Vaghani, Manishkumar (2018): Control of Wind Turbine with Induction Generator for short overloads
  • Basak, Kaushik (2018): Simulation of virtual inertia for a 2MW PMSG
  • Renschler, Manuel (2018): Entwurf von Inter-Array Kabelsystemen für schwimmende Offshore-Windkraftanlagen
  • Pienkny, Friedrich (2018): Offshore-Kabelanbindung an eine schwimmende Unterstruktur
  • Tanveer, Muhammad Usman (2018): Stability considerations of converter and stall controlled wind turbine with asynchronous generator
  • Venugopal, Anjali (2018): Erstellung eines detailierten Synchrongeneratormodels
  • Schmeißer, Patrick (2017): Bemessung einer Ringflanschverbindung eines schwimmenden Offshore-Fundaments
  • Zwisele, Timo Alexander (2017): Entwurf eines skalierten WEA Blattes zur Anwendung bei einer skalierten WEA in einem Wind-Wellen-Kanal
  • Gabriel, Göran (2017): Stalling behaviour analysis of a wind turbine utilising CFD simulation methods
  • Flatow, René (2017): Wirtschaftlichkeit von Kleinwindanlagen unter Berücksichtigung des technischen Konzeptes
  • Porath, Marcus (2016): Konzeptuntersuchung einer getriebelosen WEA unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Lagersituation
  • Nan, Li (2015): Berechnung der Querschnittssteifigkeiten des Rotorblatts einer WEA durch ein FE-Verfahren für dünnwandige mehrzellige Profile mit Einsatz von MATLAB

Software Lab Project

  • Vishnukumar Patel/Bhavsar, Sachin /Manank (2018): Studying aerodynamic features of the wake of the turbine tower using CFD
  • Ravi, Akshay (2018): Predicting aerodynamic characteristics of wind turbine airfoils using CFD (NACA64_A17, SD2030_LWET)
  • Krishna, Shivakumar Gummekeri (2018): Predicting aerodynamic characteristics of a scaled wind turbine blade using CFD (Forces, Moments at Root of Scaled DOWEC Blade)
  • Subbaraju, Rakshith (2018): Predicting aerodynamic characteristics of a scaled wind turbine blade using CFD (Forces, Moments at Root of Scaled DOWEC Blade)
  • Amarnath, Veernala Surya (2018): Load calculation of a 125kW turbine under offshore conditions (CART)
  • Tanga, Vishnuvardhan Naidu (2018): Load calculation of a 125kW turbine under near-offshore conditions (CART)
  • Gandhi, Rajan (2018): Load calculation of a 125kW turbine under mountain conditions (CART)
  • Lakkakula, Sai Dev (2018): Analysis of Scaled Model of GICON-TLP and NREL 5MW Offshore Wind Turbine
  • Makwana / Bhagat, Abhishek / Sonukumar (2018): Hydrodynamics Analysis of Floating Substructure for a medium size Wind Energy Turbine
  • Mohan / Kiran, Boddeda / Vani Himaja Sarma (2018): Graphic presentation of eigenmodes of wind turbine rotor blades in MATLAB on the basis of 3D finite element beam models
  • Kumar/ Vamsi, Ramesh / Konikineni (2018): MATLAB-Tool for calculation of eigenmodes of wind turbine rotor blades including twist angle and pre-bending
  • Bravaliya/Pal, Kaushikkumar/ Sankha Subhra (2018): Calculation and visualization of airfoil properties for different Reynolds number of DU-96W180
  • Ramani/Nur, Mitesh/Abeed Hassan (2018): Predicting aerodynamic characteristics of NACA63-415 using CFD
  • Sisupalan/Abusali Mohideen, Anand/Asadullah Masthan (2018): Predicting aerodynamic characteristics of NACA0012 using CFD
  • Kaki/Chandregowda, Anilkumar/Pavan (2018): Predicting aerodynamic characteristics of S814 using CFD
  • Basavaraj/Modi, Anil Kumar/Shadrul (2018): Predicting aerodynamic characteristics of NACA0018 using CFD

Bachelor Theses

  • Lau, Henning (2022): Investigation of noise and infrasoound of wind turbines related to the tower passage of blades
  • Albrecht, Max (2021): Nutzraumkonzeption zur Wasserstoffproduktion in Gründungen von Offshore-Windenergieanlagen
  • Wilhelm, Paul (2021): Konstruktion einer Haltevorrichtung zur Materialprobenentnahme an Großwälzlagern der Windenergieindustrie
  • Busse, Alexander (2021): Kostenanalyse einer 400 Kilowatt Windenergieanlage mit einer schwimmenden Unterstruktur
  • Kiok, Anne (2020): Konzeptionierung eines skalierten Modells für eine selbstinstallierende schwimmende Windenergieanlage
  • Randow, Marcus (2020): Ökobilanzierung und Bewertung des Ressourcenverbrauchs von schwimmenden Windenergieanlagen
  • Günther, Nils (2020): Windparksimulation mit netzstabilisierenden Betrieb der Windenergieanlagen
  • Westphal, Timo (2018): Konzept zur Gesamtenergieversorgung eines Ingenieurzentrums auf Basis der erneuerbaren Energieträger Sonne und Wind
  • Draack, Leon (2018): Zusammenstellung des Stands der Technik von schwimmenden Unterstrukturen nach dem Spar Buoy Prinzip
  • Hussein, Ahmed (2018): CAPEX Berechnung für eine Windenergieanlage mit einer Nennleistung bis zu 200kW
  • Hinz, Maximilian (2018): Entwicklung eines wirtschaftlichen Serienfertigungskonzepts für ein schwimmendes Offshore Fundament
  • Herrmann, Tim (2017): Rückbau und Recycling von Windenergieanlagen und Einfluss auf die Stromgestehungskosten
  • Kolyadych, Yaroslav (2016): Entwicklung eines Wind- und Wellenkanals - Studie zu den Skalierungsgesetzen
  • Budde, Falko (2016): Modellierung von Energieversorgungskonzepten auf der Grundlage von Windenergie kombiniert mit Power-to-Gas-Verfahren
  • Berberich, Jascha Florian (2015): Einfluss aktueller Technologietrends auf die Stromgestehungskosten bei Windenergieanlagen
  • Kelting, Helge (2015): Untersuchung neuer Konstruktionskonzepte für Rotoren von Windenergieanlagen
  • Heye, Christoph (2015): Messung und Analyse von Geräuschen von Windenergieanlagen
  • Klemp, Anja (2014): Optimierung von Stahlrohrtürmen hoher Windenergieanlagen – Einfluss von Stahlsorte und Schweißnahtgüte auf das Design

master thesis topics in wind energy

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  • Master's theses

Thesis Topics

Solar energy.

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Market Strategy

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Energy Efficiency

master thesis topics in wind energy

Financial Appraisal & Financing

master thesis topics in wind energy

Energy Transition

master thesis topics in wind energy

Other Renewable Energy

master thesis topics in wind energy

Power Grids

master thesis topics in wind energy

Risk Management

master thesis topics in wind energy


master thesis topics in wind energy

Wind energy

master thesis topics in wind energy

Business Development

master thesis topics in wind energy


master thesis topics in wind energy

Economic Analysis

master thesis topics in wind energy

Energy Policy Analysis

master thesis topics in wind energy

master thesis topics in wind energy

Master's Theses - Selection with Abstracts

Solar energy.

master thesis topics in wind energy

Kumbirai Makanza, 2024

Andrey Tolkachev, 2023

Ernesto Rimari, 2022

Irina Lazzerini, 2022

Katharine Rushton, 2020

Jan Horvath, 2019

Ali A Ibrahim, 2021

Graham Major-Ex, 2019

Ömer Muhtaroglu, 2018

Naresh. K. Govindan, 2017

Edwin Ong, 2017

António Osvaldo Saíde, 2017

Ademola Samuel Abikinda, 2016

Michel Abi Nakad, 2016

Femi Alimi Ayeni, 2016

Michel Battikh, 2016

Sakthi Ganesh Jayakumar, 2016

 Bennie Muberwa Mushumbusi, 2015

Fadi Marji, 2015

Diana Maria Ramos Perez, 2015

David Rau, 2014

Market strategy

master thesis topics in wind energy

Sawsan Halawa, 2023

Alejandra Reyes, 2022

Matthieu Jaunatre, 2020

Graham Major-Ex, 2019

Jan Horvath, 2019

Ilona Koivunalho, 2018

Naresh. K. Govindan, 2017

Sebastian Riss, 2016

Michel Battikh, 2016

Hyazinth Immanuel Hennel, 2016

Fadi Marji, 2015

master thesis topics in wind energy

Tatiana Aleshkevich, 2022

Yunus Sönmez, 2022
Niko Staudacher, 2022

Kate Hansen, 2022

Alexander Ubl, 2022

Felizberto Mulhovo, 2022

Dirk Winkler, 2019

Quentin Blommaert, 2019

Alejandra Escobar Rubalcava, 2017

Sylvain Pichon, 2016

Zlatko Bacelic Medic, 2016

Mia Dragovic, 2016

Tim Greenaway, 2015

Albolfazl Hassanzadeh, 2014

Financial Appraisal & Financing

master thesis topics in wind energy

Savas Sahingöz, 2023

Isahac Esteve, 2020

Ademola Samuel Abikinda, 2017

Ali A Ibrahim, 2021

Rassim Hariz, 2016

Jean-Luc Jacob, 2016

Diana Maria Ramos Perez, 2015

David Rau, 2014

master thesis topics in wind energy

Jens Hauser, 2018

Mario Maras, 2018

Sani Salisu, 2016

Energy transition

master thesis topics in wind energy

Kumbirai Makanza, 2024

Lena Karsten, 2024

Yunus Sönmez, 2022

Alejandra Reyes, 2022

Katharine Rushton, 2020

Grigorios S. Georgakis, 2020

Dody^Firdaus, 2019

Barbara Boreta, 2019

Abolfazl Zolghadriha, 2019

Soodeh Rabbani, 2018

Henrik Personn, 2016

Terji Nielsen, 2016

Sylvain Pichon, 2016

Andrea Ranzanici, 2015

Dirk Kalusa, 2014

master thesis topics in wind energy

Luke Timmins, 2022

Jean-Luc Jacob, 2016

Crispen Norman Zvidzai Zana, 2014

Power grids

master thesis topics in wind energy

Katharine Rushton, 2020

Scott Spencer, 2019

Firas Saegh, 2018

Matthew Tutt, 2016

Marc Riudalbas, 2015

Min Chan Win, 2015

Dirk Kalusa, 2014

Risk management

master thesis topics in wind energy

Lena Karsten, 2024

Adithya Nataraj Ramalingam, 2021

Marc Riudalbas, 2015

Dirk Kalusa, 2014

master thesis topics in wind energy

David Naville, 2016

Silvia Zinetti, 2016

Dody Firdaus, 2019

Kareem Abu Eid, 2014

master thesis topics in wind energy

Robert Cole, 2022

Rassim Hariz, 2016

António Osvaldo Saíde, 2016

Sebastian Riss, 2016

Pedro Esteban, 2016

master thesis topics in wind energy

Kumbirai Makanza, 2024

Felizberto Mulhovo, 2022

Adithya Nataraj Ramalingam, 2021

Bennie Muberwa Mushumbusi, 2015

Daniela Floris, 2011

master thesis topics in wind energy

Lena Karsten, 2024

Yunus Sönmez, 2022

Alejandra Escobar Rubalcava, 2017

Pedro Esteban, 2016

master thesis topics in wind energy

Johnny Paul Lillis, 2022

Adithya Nataraj Ramalingam, 2021

Femi Alimi Ayeni, 2016

master thesis topics in wind energy

Lena Karsten, 2024

David Boerhof, 2022

Niko Staudacher, 2022

Ali M. Ali Al-Rubayei, 2022

Kate Hansen, 2022

Matthieu Jaunatre, 2020

Femi Alimi Ayeni, 2016

Abdelrahman Lesan, 2014

master thesis topics in wind energy

Savas Sahingöz, 2023

Isahac Esteve, 2020

Pierre-Emmanuel Guérin, 2019

Hyazinth Immanuel Hennel, 2016

Anna Katharina Meyer, 2014


master thesis topics in wind energy

Mia Dragovic, Croatia

"The workload is manageable and the programme is worth doing, just make sure you do set aside time for work all along the year, not only before the due dates. And definitely make use of group work and ability to meet many wonderful experts among your peers.”

master thesis topics in wind energy

Edwin Ong, Australia

“Initially it was challenging trying to balance part-time study with full-time work. You certainly have to make adjustments in your life, but you slowly get used to the arrangement. It was extremely helpful that the lectures were recorded and could be accessed at any time.”

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master thesis topics in wind energy

master thesis topics in wind energy

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Wind Energy - proposed master thesis projects

master thesis topics in wind energy

Wind Energy

On the Brightspace organization  Wind Energy - proposed master thesis projects  you can find all our thesis projects we are currently offering to students.You are of course also welcome to bring to us your suggestions for a project. In that case, please contact the staff member working in that subject area. Usually a master project is related to an ongoing research of the Wind Energy Research Group. Students who are registered in the Aerodynamics & Wind Energy MSc track, profile Aerodynamics, and in the FPP MSc track are also allowed to choose one of the wind energy thesis topics (and vice versa).

For general questions about thesis projects at the Wind Energy Group you can contact  Delphine de Tavernier .

Master Projects Aeroacoustics

Are you looking for a Master Thesis and have a solid background in Physics and Mathematics? Are you interested in aerodynamics, propulsion or wind‑energy and would like to work in Aeroacoustics?

Our group might be then a good choice for you! Aeroacoustics is becoming one of the most important challenges for engineers either approaching an industrial or an academic career in propulsion, wind energy and aerodynamics. Most of the companies working in collaboration with the AWEP department are increasingly asking for aeroacoustic knowledge and sponsoring studies for several applications ranging from wind‑turbine blades, aircraft design, jet noise etc.

We have a series of Master Projects available for you in the following subjects:

  • Trailing‑edge noise reduction in wind‑turbines
  • Porous materials for noise reduction
  • Mitigation of installation effects in propeller aircraft
  • Aeroacoustic of drones and engine noise reduction
  • Ducted wind‑turbines for on‑shore application
  • Noise reduction of future engines with boundary‑layer ingestion
  • Personal Air Vehicles (PAV) and drone aeroacoustics
  • Digital aircraft noise certification and flight-test uncertainties

Together with a growing interests in aeroacoustic studies of students of the Delft University of Technology, the master projects focusing on aeroacoustics are proposed to provide students with a broader knowledge of the noise sources and their measurements in wind tunnels by both lectures and laboratory activities. We have a team of faculty members and PhD candidates to help master students working with state of the art flow and noise measurement techniques. Are you looking for a fundamental study... for an industrial one... numerical or experimental and you just can’t decide? Do not hesitate, pass by for a short talk!

 ... need help or info? come visit us in Room 62‑5.07, Kluyverweg 1, 2629HS, Delft Experimental topics:  Dr. Daniele Ragni Numerical topics:  Dr. Francesco Avallone

M aster Projects Kite Power

Here  is the link to thesis projects related to kites.

Akshay Antrolia

Degradation Modelling Techniques for Offshore Power System Components

master thesis topics in wind energy

Axel Matavar

Wind Field Reconstruction from Data of Floating LiDARs

master thesis topics in wind energy

Aythel Ortega

Simplified design algorithm for an offshore monopile support structure

master thesis topics in wind energy

Bart Zweers

System design of Hybrid Power Plant using Airborne Wind Energy in Grid-connected scenarios

master thesis topics in wind energy

Numerical study of wind-farm gravity waves: Impact of wind-farm configuration

master thesis topics in wind energy

Chayaphol Siriuvithtaya

Investigation of large offshore wind turbine power performance in varying incident wind conditions, such as turbulence and shear.

master thesis topics in wind energy

Femke de Ridder

Comparison of the Lifting Line Free Vortex Wake method and the Blade Element Momentum method for the unsteady aerodynamics of a 15MW FOWT

master thesis topics in wind energy

Floortje van Gaalen

Quantifying the environmental footprint of offshore wind farm decommissioning

master thesis topics in wind energy

Frederik Rasmussen

A machine learning-based approach for long-distance wake modelling to assess the impact of wind park wakes on downstream wind farms

master thesis topics in wind energy

Georgios Kotsiras

Power Output Assessment of TetraSpar Floating Demonstrator: A Comparative Analysis between Actual Performance and Model Predictions

master thesis topics in wind energy

Hadi Hammoud

Load response model for site suitability and support structure design based on different wind models

master thesis topics in wind energy

Harika Gurram

Investigate Aerodynamic Performance of a Counter-Rotating Wind Turbine

master thesis topics in wind energy

Investigation of wind turbine blade faults using drivetrain signals

master thesis topics in wind energy

Jayant Mulay

Experimental study of the flow of a Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Wind Farm for Atmospheric Boundary Layer Control

master thesis topics in wind energy

Jonas Lohmann

Non-linear stall-induced instability analysis of a parked rotor

master thesis topics in wind energy

Joram de Vries

Mitigate the uncertainties associated with Turbulence Intensity predictions derived from ground-based LiDAR data

master thesis topics in wind energy

Julie Paddeu

A higher-order Finite Element solver for the axisymmetric and stationary Navier-Stokes equation with a prescribed eddy viscosity and the pressure term neglected (Ainslie model)

master thesis topics in wind energy

Jung-Ting Chang

Impacts of Climate Change on Wind Farms in Europe

master thesis topics in wind energy

Kirsten Coutinho

Life cycle assessment of a soft-wing airborne wind energy system and its application within an off-grid hybrid power plant configuration

master thesis topics in wind energy

Koen Rocour

Insight in the design and cost of underground hydrogen

master thesis topics in wind energy

Lennard Mascini

The Integration of Mooring System Design with Floating Wind Farm Layout Optimization

master thesis topics in wind energy

Lisette van Es

A techno-economic methodology and analysis of combining offshore solar and offshore wind farms worldwide

master thesis topics in wind energy

Lymperis Lymperopoulos

Mid-term storage strategies ensuring flexibility by using hybrid power system.

master thesis topics in wind energy

Mark van Spronsen

Rigidized Subscale Leading Edge Inflatable Kite Wind Tunnel Test

master thesis topics in wind energy

Marlon van Crugten

Turbulent boundary layer trailing edge noise reduction by employing a porous add-on

master thesis topics in wind energy

Marten de Vries

Assessing the feasibility and economic viability of a Hybrid Power Plant (HPP) for a baseload power provision

master thesis topics in wind energy

Mathieu van der Straeten

Dynamic wake modeling

master thesis topics in wind energy

Mathis Miroux

Computational Fluid Dynamics of a Floating Offshore Wind Turbine using OpenFoam: validation of the numerical model against test data

master thesis topics in wind energy

Matthijs de Ruiter

Design study of a double skinned composite tubular offshore wind turbine tower.

master thesis topics in wind energy

Mustafa Güverte

Experimental & Computational validation of Junction Flow for a Strut Braced Wing

master thesis topics in wind energy

Pascal Appel

Explainable AI for wind turbine fault detection

master thesis topics in wind energy

Pin Chun Yen

Numerical study of wind turbine wake control by tip vortex helix manipulation

master thesis topics in wind energy

Prasanna Srinivasan

Development and Optimization of an Integrated Nacelle Lifting and Blade Guiding Tool for Offshore Wind Turbine Installations

master thesis topics in wind energy

Roel Breure

The role of electrolysers in the ecosystem around the offshore wind landing sites in the Rotterdam port area beyond 2030.

master thesis topics in wind energy

Saiteja Ravi

Analysing and optimizing the value of Hybrid renewable power plant interaction with GreenNH3 production in Future energy markets.

master thesis topics in wind energy

Sasha Chernyavskii

Characterisation of wind turbine blade dynamic loads under normal and fault conditions.

master thesis topics in wind energy

Shakthi Thinakaran

Numerical modelling and optimization of the dynamics of FOWT given met-ocean conditions and turbineloadsfor HIL testing in wind tunnels

master thesis topics in wind energy

Stijn de Wilt

Energy System Modelling of the Baltic Sea Region: Offshore Wind Farms, Hydrogen Systems, and Grid Infrastructure

master thesis topics in wind energy

Suzanne Hendriks

The effect of the wake of a moving wind turbine on a second wind turbine using PIV.

master thesis topics in wind energy

Tanya Kashyap

Evaluation of climate change data for wind energy applications

master thesis topics in wind energy

Veerle Witkop

Wind Farm Cable Routing Optimization for Floating Offshore Wind

master thesis topics in wind energy

Vince van Deursen

Advances in Dynamic Simulation Techniques for AWE Systems

master thesis topics in wind energy

Yannis Paraskevopoulos

Modelling wake effects between wind turbines with varying hub heights

master thesis topics in wind energy

Deel deze pagina:


  1. Master Thesis Floating Wind Turbine

    master thesis topics in wind energy

  2. Wind Energy Production

    master thesis topics in wind energy

  3. Wind Power

    master thesis topics in wind energy

  4. The Future of Wind Energy

    master thesis topics in wind energy

  5. Thesis Wind Energy Potential of India

    master thesis topics in wind energy

  6. (PDF) Mitigating Power Fluctuations for Energy Storage in Wind Energy

    master thesis topics in wind energy


  1. Capturing economic opportunities from wind power in developing economies

  2. Wind power generator • DC Motor Project #shorts #generator

  3. Offshore wind: how it can become a truly global energy source

  4. Virtual Regatta. F50 Class Sailing. Fecamp France 2024

  5. Engineering Capstone Research Project Ideas



  1. Wind Energy

    Students who are registered in the Aerodynamics & Wind Energy MSc track, profile Aerodynamics, and in the FPP MSc track are also allowed to choose one of the wind energy thesis topics (and vice versa). For general questions about thesis projects at the Wind Energy Group you can contact Delphine de Tavernier. Master Projects Aeroacoustics

  2. Student Projects and Theses

    The Institute for Wind Energy Systems offers the following topics for students in their Master's studies. The proposed tasks can be adapted individually according to the respective type of thesis (student project or Master's Thesis) and the respective volume of work. We are also open for ideas and proposals of the students.

  3. PDF Master´s Thesis- master in Energy Sciences- Offshore wind energy cost

    The Annual Energy Production (AEP) of a wind turbine is the total amount of electrical energy that is produced over a year measured , in our case, in megawatt hours or terawatt hours (MWh or TWh) ("Annual Energy Production. Windspire," n.d.). The AEP depends on other important concept that is the Capacity Factor (CF).

  4. Open Topics for Theses and Student Projects

    Open Topics for Theses and Student Projects. The Chair of Wind Energy Technology proposes an ongoing stream of research subjects relating to wind energy which can be addressed in the context of. Master theses. A range of proposed topics for such theses is provided below. If you are interested in any of the proposed study topics, please get in ...

  5. PDF Master's thesis: Which actors drive innovation in wind energy projects?

    The master's student will work in close collaboration with , Anurag Paul Waidelich Gumber and Prof. Bjarne Steffen from the Climate Finance and Policy Group, and Prof. Tobias Schmidt from the Energy and Technology . The duration of the thesis is usually six months. The thesis project could start as early October 2023.

  6. PDF Optimization of wind farm power production using innovative control

    for the development, innovation and use of wind energy and provides the basis for advanced education at the education. We have more than 240 staff members of which approximately 60 are PhD students. Research is conducted within nine research programmes organized into three main topics: Wind energy systems, Wind turbine technology and Basics for ...

  7. PDF Offshore wind development in the case: the North Sea Wind Power Hub

    For my thesis I came into contact with the Dutch transmission system operator, TenneT, resulting in a graduation internship concerning the development of offshore windfarms. This research provided me the opportunity to combine both my interest of sustainable energy and international relations, resulting in the topic of multi-lateral

  8. PDF Department of Wind Energy Master Report

    into three main topics: Wind energy systems, Wind turbine technology and Basics for wind energy. Project Period: January - June 2017 ECTS: 30 Education: Master of Science Supervisors: Anca D. Hansen Kaushik Das Müfit Altin DTU Wind Energy Remarks: This report is submitted as partial fulfillment of the requirements for graduation in the above ...


    The wind energy sector is the highest trending renewable energy globally, both onshore and offshore. However, the potential for onshore wind power is limited due to some factors, such as ... His input helped to achieve the goal of this thesis. This master's program has been a fantastic experience; big thanks to my Industrial asset management ...

  10. TMR5950

    The master thesis work is related to research and/or development within a chosen area. The thesis may comprise theoretical, numerical, experimental or field studies; or development of novel wind turbine design or installation methods. When the focus is on theoretical/numerical studies the thesis work can be a specialization within aerodynamics ...

  11. PDF Master's Thesis in MSc. Wind Energy Systems

    Master's Thesis in MSc. Wind Energy Systems Analysis and Method Selection of a Measure-Correlate-Predict Methodology for a Digital Wind Buoy January 2022 University of Kassel Department: Mechanics and Dynamics1 Degree programme: ONLINE M.SC. WIND ENERGY SYSTEMS - WES.ONLINE First examiner : Dr. Julia Gottschall Second examiner: Prof. Dr.-Ing ...

  12. Any suggestions on research topics on wind power

    Research topics on wind power including a lot of subjects. Let us see. Offshore Wind: Funding research to develop and demonstrate effective turbine technologies and overcome key barriers to ...

  13. Theses // University of Oldenburg

    Master thesis: Open topics. Comparison of satellite based cloud products and surface irradiance estimates ( at TROPOS Leipzig ) ... Flow conditions at wind-energy relevant heights over realistic non-homogeneous forest canopies -an LES study; The impact of porous windbreaks on the power output of wind turbines - an LES study ...

  14. Searching for a master thesis topic in wind energy

    I propose the following topic of the master's thesis in the field of wind energy: Analysis of the determinants of the factors influencing the development of wind energy in a specific area and the ...

  15. Topics for master theses

    Here is a list of possible topics to write a Master thesis under the supervision of ENE's researchers: ... the efficiency and suitability of batteries in order to solve the intermittency problem associated with new renewable energy such as solar and wind power. Supervisor: Stein Ivar Steinshamn.

  16. Master Thesis Topics in Wind Energy

    Master Thesis Topics in Wind Energy - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Struggling to choose a master thesis topic in wind energy? You're not alone. Writing a thesis can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to selecting the right topic that aligns with your interests, expertise, and the current trends in the field.

  17. Completed Theses and Student Projects

    Completed Theses and Student Projects. On this page, you'll find a list of past seminar papers that have been submitted to the Department of Wind Energy Technology. Only bachelor theses, seminar papers and master's dissertations have been processed to date.

  18. MBA Renewables

    Master's thesis title. "Financial Feasibility of Hydrogen and Nitrogen Production from Renewable Energy Sources for Ammonia Production". Savas Sahingöz, 2023. "Distributed battery energy storage units for rural electrification in Sub-Sahara Africa. Niger Case Study - A Technical and Financial evaluation and comparison".

  19. Wind Energy

    Wind Energy - proposed master thesis projects. Course Information. Category MSc, UCO, Organization

  20. Thesis Topics Wind Energy

    Thesis Topics Wind Energy - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. This document discusses the challenges of writing a thesis on wind energy, including choosing a topic, navigating technical complexity, conducting extensive research, collecting and analyzing data, and managing time constraints. It recommends HelpWriting.net as a resource that provides ...

  21. Writing a thesis on an energy-related topic

    Below you will find helpful information on previous bachelor, master thesis topics and additional external energy data sources: Previous thesis topics: Electricity market. The relationship between reservoir levels and Nordic electricity spot price; The effect of wind and solar energy on the Dutch imbalance market

  22. Wind Energy

    Students who are registered in the Aerodynamics & Wind Energy MSc track, profile Aerodynamics, and in the FPP MSc track are also allowed to choose one of the wind energy thesis topics (and vice versa). For general questions about thesis projects at the Wind Energy Group you can contact Delphine de Tavernier. Master Projects Aeroacoustics

  23. Looking for master thesis in wind energy sector

    Cite. Anuradha Ramakanth. PES Institute of Technology. Refer recent literature related to reliability aspects of wind energy systems in isolation and integrated mode. Also you can look for papers ...