Apr 10, 2023

How To Write Essays About Immigration (With Examples)

Immigrants bring diverse perspectives and skills that can enrich our societies and economies. If you want to gain insight into the impact of immigration on society and culture, keep reading!

Immigration, a subject deeply woven into the fabric of global discussions, touches on political, economic, and social nuances. As globalization propels many to seek new horizons, understanding the multifaceted impacts of migration is crucial. Crafting a compelling essay on such a vast topic requires more than just research; it demands the delicate weaving of insights into a coherent narrative. For those keen on delivering a polished essay on immigration, considering assistance from a reliable essay writing tool can be a game-changer. This tool not only refines the craft of writing but ensures your perspectives on immigration are articulated with clarity and precision.

Here are our Top 5 Essay Examples and Ideas about Immigration:

The economic impact of immigration on host countries, introduction.

In many nations, immigration has been a hotly debated issue, with supporters and opponents disputing how it would affect the home nation. The economic impact of immigration on host countries is one of the essential components of this discussion. Immigration's economic effects may be favorable or harmful, depending on many circumstances.

This article will examine the economic effects of immigration on the receiving nations, examining both the advantages and disadvantages that immigration may have. You will better know how immigration impacts a nation's economy and the variables that influence it after this article.

Immigration's effects on labor markets

An essential component of the total economic impact of immigration is how it affects labor markets. Immigration may affect labor markets, including shifting labor supply and demand, opening new job possibilities, and perhaps affecting local employees' earnings and prospects. This section will examine how immigration affects labor markets in receiving nations.

The shift in the labor supply is one of immigration's most apparent effects on labor markets. When more employees are available in the host nation due to immigration, there may be more competition for open positions. In fields that serve immigrant populations, such as ethnic food shops or language schools, immigrants can also generate new jobs.

Another significant impact of immigration on labor markets is its effect on wages and income distribution. Some studies have suggested that immigration can reduce wages for native workers, particularly those who are less educated or have lower skill levels. 

Immigrants can also contribute to economic growth and innovation, which can positively impact labor markets. Immigrants often have unique skills, experiences, and perspectives that can help drive innovation and create new job opportunities in the host country. Furthermore, immigrants are often more entrepreneurial and more likely to start businesses, which can generate new jobs and contribute to economic growth.

The effect of immigration on wages and income distribution

The effect of immigration on wages and income distribution is a crucial area of concern in the overall economic impact of immigration. Immigration can affect wages and income distribution in various ways, which can have significant implications for both native workers and immigrants. In this section, we will explore the effect of immigration on wages and income distribution in host countries.

One of the primary ways that immigration can impact wages and income distribution is by changing the supply and demand of labor. With an influx of immigrants, the labor supply increases, which can lead to increased competition for jobs. Some studies suggest that immigration harms wages for native workers, while others offer no significant effect.

Another way that immigration can impact wages and income distribution is through its effect on the composition of the workforce. Immigrants often fill low-skilled jobs in industries such as agriculture, construction, and hospitality, which tend to pay lower wages. 

Immigration can also impact income distribution by contributing to the overall level of economic inequality in a host country. While immigration can lead to lower wages for some native workers, it can also lead to higher wages and increased economic mobility for some immigrants. Furthermore, immigrants may face various barriers to upward mobility, such as discrimination or lack of access to education and training. This can lead to increased income inequality between native and immigrant workers.

The contribution of immigrants to economic growth and innovation

Immigrants have historically played a significant role in driving economic growth and innovation in host countries. In this section, we will explore the contribution of immigrants to economic growth and innovation and the factors that enable them to do so.

One of the primary ways that immigrants contribute to economic growth is through their entrepreneurial activities. Immigrants are often more likely to start their businesses than native-born individuals, and these businesses can create jobs and drive economic growth. Immigrant entrepreneurs have contributed to developing industries such as technology, healthcare, and hospitality. Additionally, immigrants are often overrepresented in STEM fields, which is critical to driving innovation and economic growth.

Another way that immigrants contribute to economic growth is through their impact on the labor force. Immigrants tend to be more mobile than native-born individuals, which can lead to a more flexible and adaptable workforce. Immigrants also tend to fill critical roles in industries such as healthcare and agriculture, which are essential to maintaining the functioning of the economy. By filling these roles, immigrants contribute to the overall productivity and growth of the economy.

The costs and benefits of social welfare programs for immigrants

The issue of social welfare programs for immigrants has been a controversial topic in many host countries. In this section, we will explore the costs and benefits of social welfare programs for immigrants and the policy implications.

One of the primary benefits of social welfare programs for immigrants is that they can help reduce poverty and promote social inclusion. Immigrants often face significant barriers to economic mobility, such as language barriers and discrimination. Social welfare programs can help provide a safety net for those struggling to make ends meet and promote social cohesion by reducing inequalities.

However, social welfare programs for immigrants also come with costs. One concern is that these programs may attract immigrants primarily seeking to access social welfare benefits rather than contributing to the economy. This can strain public finances and create resentment among native-born individuals who feel their tax dollars are being used to support immigrants.

Another concern is that social welfare programs may create disincentives for immigrants to work and contribute to the economy. If the benefits of social welfare programs are too generous, some immigrants may choose to rely on them rather than seek employment. This can create long-term dependence and reduce overall economic productivity.

The impact of immigration on public finances and fiscal policies

The effect of immigration on public finances and fiscal policies is a topic of significant interest and debate. This section will explore how immigration affects public finances and how host countries can implement budgetary policies to manage the impact.

One way that immigration can impact public finances is through taxes. Immigrants who are employed and pay taxes can contribute to the tax base of the host country, which can provide additional revenue for public services and infrastructure. However, immigrants who are not employed or earn low wages may contribute fewer taxes, which can strain public finances. 

Fiscal policies can be used to manage the impact of immigration on public finances. One guideline is to increase taxes on immigrants to offset the costs of public services they use. However, this can create a disincentive for highly skilled and educated immigrants to migrate to the host country. Another policy is to increase spending on public services to accommodate the needs of immigrants. However, this can strain public finances and lead to resentment among native-born individuals who feel their tax dollars are being used to support immigrants.

In conclusion, the economic impact of immigration is a complex issue with both costs and benefits for host countries. Immigration can impact labor markets, wages and income distribution, economic growth and innovation, social welfare programs, public finances, and fiscal policies. 

The social and cultural implications of immigration

Immigration has social and cultural implications that affect both immigrants and host countries. The movement of people from one place to another can result in a blending of cultures, traditions, and ideas. At the same time, immigration can also result in social and cultural tensions as different groups struggle to integrate and adjust to new environments. 

The social and cultural implications of immigration have become increasingly important in today's globalized world as the movement of people across borders has become more common. In this article, we will explore the various social and cultural implications of immigration and how they impact immigrants and host communities.

The impact of immigration on social cohesion and integration

Immigration has a significant impact on social cohesion and integration in host countries. Social cohesion refers to the degree to which members of a society feel connected and share a sense of belonging. In contrast, integration refers to the process by which immigrants become a part of the host society. Immigration can either enhance or hinder social cohesion and integration, depending on how it is managed and perceived by the host society.

Another factor that can impact social cohesion and integration is the level of diversity within the host society. Increased diversity can lead to greater cultural exchange and understanding but also social tensions and the formation of segregated communities. Promoting social interaction and cooperation among diverse groups can help mitigate these tensions and promote social cohesion.

The perception of immigrants by the host society also plays a significant role in social cohesion and integration. Negative stereotypes and discriminatory attitudes can hinder integration and create barriers to social cohesion. On the other hand, positive attitudes towards immigrants and their contributions to society can facilitate integration and promote social cohesion.

The role of language and communication in the integration of immigrants

Language and communication play a crucial role in integrating immigrants into host societies. Immigrants may need the ability to communicate effectively with others to overcome significant barriers to social and economic integration. Language and communication skills are essential for accessing education, finding employment, and participating in civic life.

Language is one of the primary barriers immigrants face when integrating into a new society. Without proficiency in the host country's language, immigrants may struggle to understand instructions, participate in conversations, and access essential services. This can lead to social isolation and hinder economic opportunities.

Language training programs are one way to address this issue. Effective language training programs can help immigrants learn the host country's language and develop the communication skills necessary for successful integration. These programs can also give immigrants the cultural knowledge and understanding essential to navigate the host society.

The effect of immigration on cultural diversity and identity

Immigration can significantly impact the cultural diversity and identity of both host societies and immigrant communities. The cultural exchange resulting from immigration can enrich societies and provide opportunities for learning and growth. However, immigration can also pose challenges to preserving cultural identities and maintaining social cohesion.

One of the primary ways in which immigration affects cultural diversity and identity is through the introduction of new customs, traditions, and beliefs. Immigrant communities often bring unique cultural practices, such as food, music, and art, that can enhance the cultural landscape of the host society. Exposure to new cultures can broaden the perspectives of individuals and communities, leading to greater tolerance and understanding.

The challenges and benefits of multiculturalism in host countries

Multiculturalism refers to the coexistence of different cultural groups within a society. It is a concept that has become increasingly important in modern societies characterized by race, ethnicity, religion, and language diversity. 

Multiculturalism is often promoted to promote tolerance, social cohesion, and the celebration of diversity. 

Challenges of multiculturalism

Multiculturalism presents a range of challenges that can impact host societies. These challenges include social division, discrimination, language barriers, and cultural clashes. For example, when immigrants share different values or traditions than the host society, this can lead to misunderstandings and conflict. Similarly, language barriers can limit communication and make it difficult for immigrants to integrate into the host society.

Benefits of multiculturalism

Multiculturalism can also bring a range of benefits to host societies. These benefits include increased cultural awareness and sensitivity, economic growth, and exchanging ideas and perspectives. For example, cultural diversity can provide opportunities for host societies to learn from different cultural practices and approaches to problem-solving. This can lead to innovation and growth.

Social cohesion

Social cohesion refers to the ability of a society to function harmoniously despite differences in culture, ethnicity, religion, and language. Multiculturalism can pose a challenge to social cohesion, but it can also promote it. Host societies can foster social cohesion by promoting the acceptance and understanding of different cultural groups. This can be achieved through policies and programs that promote intercultural dialogue, education, and community-building.

Discrimination and prejudice

Multiculturalism can also increase the risk of discrimination and prejudice. Discrimination can take many forms, including racial, religious, and cultural bias. Host societies can combat discrimination by implementing anti-discrimination laws and policies and promoting diversity and inclusion.

Economic benefits

Multiculturalism can also bring economic benefits to host societies. The presence of a diverse range of skills and talents can lead to innovation and economic growth. Immigrants can also get various skills and experiences contributing to the host society's economic development.

In conclusion, immigration has significant social and cultural implications for both host countries and immigrants. It affects social cohesion, integration, cultural diversity, and identity. Host countries face challenges and benefits of multiculturalism, including economic growth, innovation, and social change.

The role of immigration in shaping national identity

Immigration has always been a significant driver of cultural and social change, with immigrants often bringing their unique identities, values, and traditions to their new homes. As a result, immigration can play a crucial role in shaping national identity, as it challenges existing cultural norms and values and introduces new ideas and perspectives. 

In this article, we will explore the role of immigration in shaping national identity, including its effects on cultural diversity, social cohesion, and political discourse. We will also discuss the challenges and opportunities presented by immigration to national identity and the importance of embracing a diverse and inclusive national identity in today's globalized world.

Immigration and the evolution of national identity

The relationship between immigration and national identity is complex, as immigration can challenge and reinforce existing national identities. As immigrants bring new cultural practices and values, they challenge the existing norms and values of the host society, prompting a re-evaluation of what it means to be part of that society. This can create a more inclusive and diverse national identity as different cultural traditions and practices are recognized and celebrated.

At the same time, the influx of new immigrants can also create a sense of fear and anxiety among some members of the host society, who may view the changes brought about by immigration as a threat to their cultural identity. This can lead to calls for stricter immigration policies and a more limited definition of national identity, which can exclude or marginalize certain groups.

The role of immigrants in shaping cultural diversity

Immigrants have played a significant role in shaping cultural diversity in many countries. Their arrival in a new land brings their customs, traditions, beliefs, and practices, which contribute to society's richness and vibrancy. 

One of the key ways in which immigrants have shaped cultural diversity is through their contributions to the local community. Immigrants bring a wealth of knowledge, skills, and talents that can benefit the societies they move to. For example, they may introduce new cuisines, music, art, and literature that add to the cultural landscape of their new home. This can create a more diverse and inclusive society where different cultures are celebrated and appreciated.

Another important aspect of cultural diversity is the challenges immigrants face when adapting to a new culture. Moving to a new country can be a daunting experience, especially if the culture is vastly different from one's own. Immigrants may struggle with language barriers, cultural norms, and social customs that are unfamiliar to them. This can lead to feelings of isolation and exclusion, which can negatively impact their mental health and well-being.

The challenges of maintaining social cohesion amidst diversity

Strengthening social cohesion amidst diversity is a complex challenge many societies face today. Cultural, ethnic, religious, and language diversity can lead to tensions and conflicts if managed poorly. 

One of the main challenges of maintaining social cohesion amidst diversity is the need to balance the interests of different groups. This involves recognizing and respecting the cultural, religious, and linguistic diversity of society while also promoting a sense of shared identity and common values. This can be particularly challenging in contexts with competing interests and power imbalances between different groups.

Another challenge is the need to address discrimination and prejudice. Discrimination can take many forms, including unequal access to education, employment, housing, hate speech, and violence. Prejudice and stereotypes can also lead to social exclusion and marginalization of certain groups. Addressing these issues requires a concerted effort from the government, civil society, and individuals to promote tolerance and respect for diversity.

Promoting inclusive policies is another crucial factor in maintaining social cohesion amidst diversity. This includes policies promoting equal opportunities for all, regardless of background. This can involve affirmative action programs, targeted social policies, and support for minority groups. Inclusive policies can also create a sense of belonging and ownership among different groups, which helps foster social cohesion.

In conclusion, immigration profoundly influences the formation of national identity. As individuals from various backgrounds merge into a new country, they not only introduce their distinct cultural and ethnic traits but also embark on a journey of personal growth and adaptation. This process mirrors the development of key skills such as leadership, character, and community service, essential for thriving in diverse environments. These attributes are not only vital for immigrants as they integrate into society but are also exemplified in successful National Honor Society essays , where personal growth and societal contribution are celebrated. Thus, the experiences of immigrants significantly enrich the societal tapestry, reflecting in our collective values, beliefs, and practices.

To sum it all up:

To recapitulate writing a five-paragraph essay about immigration can be challenging, but with the right approach and resources, it can be a rewarding experience. Throughout this article, we have discussed the various aspects of immigration that one can explore in such an essay, including the economic impact, social and cultural implications, and the evolution of national identity. 

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Essay Samples on Immigration

Negative effects of illegal immigration.

Illegal immigration has long been a contentious issue with far-reaching implications for societies. This essay delves into the negative effects of illegal immigration, exploring its social, economic, and political consequences. By analyzing these impacts, we can better understand the complexities associated with illegal immigration and...

  • Illegal Immigration
  • Immigration

Causes of Illegal Immigration: Unveiling Complex Factors

Illegal immigration is a multifaceted issue driven by a combination of economic, social, political, and personal factors. This essay explores the causes of illegal immigration, shedding light on the complex circumstances that lead individuals to leave their home countries and seek better opportunities abroad. By...

Against Illegal Immigration: Examining Concerns and Perspectives

Illegal immigration is a complex and contentious issue that elicits a range of opinions and viewpoints. This essay explores arguments against illegal immigration, focusing on the concerns raised by critics and the perspectives that contribute to the opposition. By examining these viewpoints, we can gain...

The Effects of Moving to Another Country

Moving to another country is a transformative experience that brings about a range of effects on individuals and their lives. Whether driven by opportunities for work, education, or personal growth, the decision to relocate to a different country entails both exciting prospects and challenges. In...

Analysis of How Immigration Affects the Economy

Immigration is a topic that has captured the attention of governments, economists, and citizens around the world. The question of how immigration affects the economy is a complex and multi-dimensional one, with both positive and negative implications. This essay explores the various ways in which...

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The Vital Role of Immigration in Sustaining Canada's Strength and Prosperity

Take a minute and sit down. See the community around you. Now imagine nothing, none of these people surrounding you, no buildings, empty and desolate . This is what most of Canada would look like, if it wasn't for the backs of immigrants in the...

The Growth of Restrictive Australian Immigration Policy

Julia Bishop, the former Minister for Foreign Affairs, once described Australia as being “the most successful multicultural nation on Earth'. In that very same night, Sir Frank Lowy spoke about the benefits immigration has brought us, and urged our politicians for a more “ambitious immigration...

Immigration as a Boost for Economic Growth Productivity in America

When discussing immigration, it is a controversy filled with myths and is overall a touchy topic in today’s society, along with it being a relevant issue to this day. Many argue that immigrants in America are criminals, steal jobs, and are burdens some native-born. On...

  • Economic Growth

Problems of Immigration: The Challenges Immigrants Face

With the increase in poverty, disease, persecution, famine, and war in different parts of the world, people are left with no choice but to leave their homeland. They flee their countries in hopes of providing a better future for themselves and their children. My family...

Benefits of Immigration: How Immigrants Help the Economy

Immigrants coming from the Northern Triangle have been fleeing their country not for economic opportunity, but for asylum. Gangs and groups in the Northern Triangle (Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador) have pretty much taken over the countries and struck fear in the populations. Nearly forty percent...

  • Human Migration

Best topics on Immigration

1. Negative Effects of Illegal Immigration

2. Causes of Illegal Immigration: Unveiling Complex Factors

3. Against Illegal Immigration: Examining Concerns and Perspectives

4. The Effects of Moving to Another Country

5. Analysis of How Immigration Affects the Economy

6. The Vital Role of Immigration in Sustaining Canada’s Strength and Prosperity

7. The Growth of Restrictive Australian Immigration Policy

8. Immigration as a Boost for Economic Growth Productivity in America

9. Problems of Immigration: The Challenges Immigrants Face

10. Benefits of Immigration: How Immigrants Help the Economy

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Essays on Immigration

Immigration reform: overpopulation of the country.

The United States of America is profoundly painted with the image of being the land opportunity and living the “American Dream”. The American Dream is a motivating factor for why many foreigners migrate the U.S to receive the social, economic and political benefits that their country of origin is unable to provide. However, there are […]

Immigration Reform Article

This paper will cover a topic that at times consumes the national (and international) conversation: Immigration. This topic in my opinion is the most talked about with the most run around than many other issues in the US. The government has made immigration more worse then better. Although through the years our government has tried […]

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Immigration Status Case Inquiry

Immigration officers at USCIS AmericaDear Ms. /Mr.I am writing this letter regarding the I-485 application, I have been waiting for my green card to be processed for a very long time. I would be grateful if my inquiries were considered. , I registered for permanent American resident, went for the interview with my family, waited […]

Immigration As a Solution to Poverty

Lastly, The economic need and extreme poverty in Central America should not lead parents to migrate to United States children can suffer from emotional damage without their parents. The article “Parent-Child Separation, Trauma, PTSD and Recovery in Children” by Alissa Jerud states that, “The separation of children from their parents can cause stress and emotional […]

Immigration or Travel to Portugal: What Are The Benefits?

1. Hospitable people and wonderful climate in Portugal If you want to be surrounded by easy-going and hospitable people, you should choose Portugal to immigrate or to travel to. In this country, you will never feel lonely. You might not find it easy to assimilate but on the other hand, you will always find locals […]

Immigration Laws and Policies, and Their Negative Effects in The History of The United States

The documentary, “Lost in Detention,” is about the negative affects of immigration laws and policies in the United States throughout recent history. One of the social and cultural factors associated with this issue is familial separation. When undocumented immigrants are caught in America, whether it is from a traffic stop or a criminal offense, they […]

Immigration and The American Dream Essay

The American Dream is a symbol for people all around the globe. The American Dream is an idea that in America, everyone has an equal opportunity to have success, and can improve their status through hard work. Immigrants come from the other side of the world in search for it. However, the American Dream is […]

American Immigration Controversy

Spare Parts did change the way I see the American immigration controversy. “Spare Parts” pursue to put a human face onto the faceless amount of undocumented people living in the U.S. this Based on a true story, “Spare Parts” tells a story of 4 young adults at a high school in Phoenix — all of […]

The Strengths and Weaknesses of The Implementation of The Dream Act on Immigration in The United States of America

The United States of America will have finally accepted the Dream Act that will be used to empower the illegal immigrants that can now acquire permanent citizenship in various States. However, the Act may lead to some threats both the economy and the welfare of the country. This section provides an overview of the strength […]

Issues With Immigration in The United States

America has always been a land of immigrants, a land in which individuals migrate to in an effort to achieve a better life or the quintessential “American Dream”. With Native Americans comprising only about 2% of the United States population as of 2014, the majority of American citizens are not native to the land in […]

Facts About Immigration in America

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The Japanese Immigration to American Soil in 1900S

The American Dream is a concept that was chased by many in the 1900s. Consisting of owning a home, having a family, and working a nice job, these formulated the ideal lifestyle. For many Japanese immigrants, the American Dream was a significant incentive to move to America as the idea of owning land and being […]

Immigration Reform: Why Immigration Is Good

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Immigration Reform: U.S. Immigration Policy

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Immigration and Illegal Immigration

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The Problem of Immigration in The United States

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The Benefits of Immigration to Refugees

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History and Effects of Immigration in The United States

The United States laws have had unanticipated changes regarding immigration flows since the 1700s. Everything started in a small island located in the New York Harbor, just off the New Jersey Coast. The now famous Ellis Island, formerly called the oyster Island was habituated only by Native Americans until the beginning of migration. According to […]

The Mexican-American Issue of Immigration

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The Major Problem of Immigration in The United States in The Wilson Four Case

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The Major Problem of Immigration in America and Its Real Solution

American Society today, faces a threat called the immigration crisis. Being able to solve this issue is crucial both for economic and security purposes. Since illegal immigration not only hurts our economy, but endangers our own security, and our future as a strong and unite community. Following the latest political news, our 45th president of […]

A Personal Opinion on Immigration, The American Dream, Conformity, and Race

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The Sensitive Topic of Immigration in America, The Land of Immigrants

America is and always has been a land of immigrants. In current media, immigration reform is a hot button issue, and throughout history, humans have battled against those who come to a country when others are there first. Ever since immigrants first stepped foot on American soil in 1607, immigrants have been in the country […]

The Controversial Issue of Immigration in The United States of America

Millions of immigrants come the United States from all places for a better life and future, either legally or illegally. I myself am an immigrant from Colombia, and although I obtained permanent residency, I’m still considered an immigrant or alien in this country, There really is no difference between a legal and illegal immigrant besides […]

Affecting Immigration Policy and Immigration

Introduction: Consistently, numerous migrants, lawful and unlawful from nations around the globe ,come into the United States. These settlers have a wide range of purposes behind their movements; some enter the U.S. wanting to get an opportunity at a better life; others are exiles, getting away from the injustice of their country and government. A […]

The Hot Topic of Illegal Immigration in America Today

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The American Problem of Immigration and Donald Trump’S Solution to The Growing Issue of Illegal Immigration in The Country

Immigration, a topic within blurred lines. Its significance to the American public so magnificent, creates confusion, anger and reflects upon America’s pride and prized heritage. Originating with hundreds of years of tradition, love of country, and cultural determination, one nation must stand strong against the invasion of alien people. Whatever built this nation must keep […]

The 20Th Century to Modern Day Immigration in California

California is notorious for our thriving and booming agriculture industry, captivating landscapes, diverse populations and housing plenty of immigrants, California became the destination spot for immigrants from all over the globe due to California’s promising economy. African Americans and Native Americans faced oppression and degradation. Immigration in California began to pick up in the early […]

Being an immigrant from any country can have its troubles and issues. Junot Diaz’s essay, “The Money,” is a perfect example to the immigrant experience. Inside his essay, he discusses three broad themes of poverty, family, and justice, to which all are perfectly illustrated. Diaz’s family struggled from moving from the Dominican Republic to the […]

Definition of Ethnocentrism and Its Consequences

Introduction It is common for us to have the feeling that our own culture is somehow better than the people around us. You might step back and say, “I wouldn’t ever think I’m better than someone else.” But our society has taught us to think that we are without us even knowing it. Of course, […]

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  • The Gender Pay Gap: Challenges and Solutions for Companies in the United States
  • The Gender Pay Gap: An Ongoing Battle for Equality in the Workplace
  • A Discussion on the Issues Surrounding Immigration and Affirmative Action
  • The Affirmative Action Speech and the Necessity for the Affirmative Action in the United States
  • Transparency and Accountability Within the American College Admission System and the Idea of Affirmative Action
  • An Examination of the Supporters and Opponents of Affirmative Action
  • Affirmative Action in the Education System of the United States

Argumentative essays about Immigration

Immigration is another social issue that affects millions of people across the globe. The migration crisis worsens with undocumented immigrants pursuing a better life for themselves. The United States fights a constant battle trying to address the problem and relieve the negative effects on its residents.

American citizenship is one of the most craved worldwide. That’s why authorities try to reform the law to meet the demand of their people. And since the benefits and implications are multiple, there are many angles you can take in your argumentative essay about immigration. Popular immigration essay examples and topics include the reasons for immigration, a unique experience of a migrant, or the consequences of the issue.

Above all, you must draft a thesis statement followed by an outline, introduction, and conclusion. Moreover, every speech and persuasive essay on immigration must showcase your opinion supported by arguments and evidence. Finally, your paper should be cohesive and free of typos and grammar errors.

If you feel perplexed about how to start a research paper on immigration, try SupremeStudy. This writing platform abounds with papers about immigration issues. All samples are written from scratch and can be the perfect basis for your next masterpiece.

Your heart beats against your chest as you clutched your little sister’s small hand. The smoke filled your lungs as the two of you ran through the devastated town you used to live in. You both witnessed the cruel death of your parents. Where do you go now? Home is not an option; there is nothing left of it. Your parents spoke of the United States where war is nonexistent. The journey will be long and difficult, but you know it will be worth it. This story represents the struggle many immigrants encountered before coming to the United States. As a result, America does not need tougher immigration laws. Immigration allows for people from war bound countries to escape, it allows for an expansion of skills on a society that is proudly ethnically diverse, and it provides protection for individuals who were wrongly accused or expatriated.

First, immigration allows for people to escape war bound countries, Many people in the United States do not realize how lucky they are to not be constantly in war with another state. Some of us are lucky to not worry about where our next meal will come from, or whether if we will eat at all. We do not have to worry about when and where the next terrorist attack will be. Although access to the US does not guarantee financial stability, immigrants will be much safer than they were in their home countries. I know that neither us could stand watching a child no older than six fight for their own.

Next, immigration allows for an expansion of diverse skills on a society that is proudly ethnically diverse. Our nation is built upon various cultures from across the globe. We are even called a “nation of immigrants’ to many other countries. Recognize the words café? It is borrowed from the French language as a ‘coffeehouse’ or ‘coffee.’ Many living in the US has a connection to family living abroad. Culture to them is as important as life itself. They value what makes them stand out without being worried of punishment from the government. Instead, we embrace distinct cultures through holidays, celebrations, events, performances and many other ways. Also, you know those jobs which no one likes to do? Slaughterhouse workers, coal miners, farm workers and fishing workers are just a few to point out. Most immigrants are suck with these jobs. They will be forced to take these jobs to pay for their families’ while being away from home for weeks or even months. This should not be the ‘American life’ many dream of. The skills immigrants have should be used in jobs they excel in and could inspire others as well.

Lastly, immigration provides protection for individuals who were wrongly accused in their home country. Imagine being imprisoned because you fought for what you believe in. In the United States, this is unthinkable. Many countries do not have this luxury we take for granted. Also in our country, we are protected from false accusations that are not proven by law. This is not the case in many third world countries, especially when an individual is of a higher social class. Being stripped away from your family because of a false accusation is something we do not honor here. Giving them a proper life in the United States will potentially save thousands of lives.

On the other hand, loose immigration laws may increase the chance of terrorism in the US. Terrorism tends to occur from mostly Muslim countries not only in the United States but in European countries as well. Although some of these facts are true, tougher immigration laws will not prevent all forms of terrorism in the United States. There is research proven that most terrorist attacks in our country are due to American-born citizens. With that in mind, more Americans cause terrorist attacks than immigrants. If we think solely of terrorism in our country, we are not providing the help we have available for others in need.

In conclusion, America does not need tougher immigration laws. Instead, we need to focus on in-state issues such as gun violence and food deserts. Immigrations allows for citizens of other countries to escape violence. Here, we are lucky to not worry of war or waking up to see your parents slaughtered for defying the government. Immigration also brings unique cultures and expertise to the United States. It improves the diversity of occupations in the country and exposes innovative ways of thinking to children. It also provides protection for those who do not deserve to be imprisoned. Although many are afraid of possible terrorist threats, the danger is simply not present. Our children will be safe if we protect ourselves from the inside first. The same person who has lost almost everything in another country has an opportunity in ours. Before you assume the worst of someone, think about what they may have gone through to breathe the same air you do.

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Perhaps many people, after watching the bright and luxurious life of US citizens, dreamt about being in their place. Some, more decisive, packed their things, hit the road to the desired destination, and took citizenship in the United States. But cases of illegal immigration are not so prosperous. People have no legal rights in their dream country and may spend their life anticipating reforms or adequate immigration laws.

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Immigration and Citizenship


The complex and multidimensional question of immigration and citizenship in the United States reveals the interplay between economic demands, political choices, and social attitudes. The assigned readings explore the complex process of immigration to the United States, spanning several eras and exposing the difficulties and challenges experienced by immigrants. The readings provide a critical analysis of the paradoxical treatment of immigrants, which is characterized by their acceptance of their work contributions while also subjecting them to prejudice and marginalization. The simple connection between immigration and economic necessity is challenged by this dichotomy. The books and films that were assigned further explore the Phases of immigration to the United States as well as the unfair treatment of Latin American immigrants in Maricopa County, Arizona. These phases show how immigration patterns have changed over time, influenced by societal reactions and economic changes. In this essay, I’ll talk about how the prescribed readings made me rethink my preconceptions, how they apply to current problems, and give a cross-cultural example.

Challenging Assumptions

Dealing with the topic has made me reevaluate my presumptions by illuminating the intricate interplay between cultural attitudes, political beliefs, and economic demands in determining immigration patterns to the United States. The common idea that the Statue of Liberty welcomes immigrants while also subjecting them to prejudice is at odds with the paradox of inviting immigrant labor while still subjecting them to discrimination, as shown in the Maricopa County case. The texts highlight how economic concerns frequently take precedence over humanitarian principles, resulting in policies that disadvantage immigrant groups. The idea that immigration trends are purely influenced by labor demand is further contested by the discussion of the stages of immigration headed for the United States. While economic variables are important, the readings show that political changes, such as nativist views, have a significant impact on immigration policies. This casts doubt on the notion that immigration patterns are only the result of market factors and highlights the complex relationship between governmental choices and public perceptions.

Relevance to Contemporary Issues

The topics covered are still very relevant in the current environment because of ongoing public dialogue shaping issues like citizenship, immigration, and how marginalized people are treated. The emphasis on the Three Phases of Immigration to the United States provides insights into the historical factors that have shaped the current immigration landscape (Portes & Rumbaut, 2014). The depiction of immigrants as both potential threats and economic benefits recalls current discussions about immigration policy and border security. Furthermore, the interconnections of political forces, cultural responses, and economic reasons illustrated in the readings continue to be significant elements affecting immigration laws today.

Personal Connection

Despite not being an immigrant to the US, I do know people who have gone through the immigration process. Their experiences frequently parallel the difficulties and possibilities outlined in the recommended texts. For instance, one of my close friends immigrated to the country as a skilled nurse in search of better job opportunities. His experience is consistent with the Post-industrial Labor Market stage when immigrants like him come to fill skills gaps in the labor market. Because of his experience, I now have a deeper understanding of the complexities of immigration that go beyond statistics and emphasize the human side of the process.

Additionally, I have seen firsthand how crucial education is to helping immigrant families integrate. Just as Portes & Rumbaut (2014) note that immigrant children frequently thrive in American schools, I have witnessed how education transforms into a potent weapon for social and economic mobility. The readings’ emphasis on how important education is in immigrant communities aligns with the sacrifices made by immigrant parents to give their kids a high-quality education.

Cross-Cultural Illustration

The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) nations, particularly the United Arab Emirates (UAE), provide a cross-cultural example that is similar to the U.S. immigrant experience. Due to the considerable economic expansion these nations have enjoyed as a result of their oil wealth, there is a need for foreign workers to support a variety of businesses. The GCC nations, like the US, have relied on migrant labor for both high- and low-skilled occupations. There are similarities between these unfair behaviors and those covered in the assigned readings; South Asian migrants working in the UAE frequently encounter difficulties like limited rights, subpar working conditions, and few options for citizenship. Despite these workers’ proven economic contributions, their treatment is still under investigation and criticism.

The studies on immigration and citizenship in the United States have uncovered a nuanced web of political, social, and economic forces that influence immigrant experiences. They cast doubt on the notion that there is a clear connection between labor demand and immigration patterns, underlining the significance of discrimination and political choices. As someone who can relate to the content, I recognize the struggles and contributions of immigrants, both skilled professionals and manual laborers, in various societies. The cross-cultural example emphasizes how common these topics are. In the end, the readings underscore how important it is to recognize the experiences and contributions of immigrants since they have always been crucial to the development and success of American and other civilizations.

Portes, A., & Rumbaut, R. G. (2014). Front Matter. In  Immigrant America: A Portrait  (4th ed., pp. i–vi). University of California Press. http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.1525/j.ctt7zw0nw.1

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Immigration and the United States Essay

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Gelatt, Julia et al. “Navigating the Future of Work: The Role of Immigrant-Origin Workers in the Changing U.S. Economy”. Migration Policy Institute , 2020, Web.

The report illustrates the role immigrants play in the evolving U.S economy. The authors begin the text by indicating that the foreign nationals were responsible for the 83% country’s labor force growth between 2010 and 2018. The document projects that the group is crucial to the developments in the working-age population through 2035. The strength of the information lies in its in-depth analysis of immigrants’ racial and ethnic challenges and their effect on the country’s future workforce. The authors are policy analysts at the Migration Policy Institute (MPI) and, therefore, make the contents credible.

MPI. “Amid U.S. Demand for Higher Skills and Education, Credentialing Immigrant-Origin Adult Workers Could Be Key” . 2019, Web.

The press release by MPI attempts to explain the increasing importance of adult immigrants in the United States’ workforce. The document predicts that the country will be short of about 8 million workers by 2027 because the current native employees are aging. On the other hand, the approximated number of immigrants in the region is 58 million, and the group is projected to be the main source of the future labor force. Unfortunately, more than half of this population lacks post-secondary education, which is crucial for an effective workforce. The source is essential to the study because it gives statistical evidence of the need for education among immigrants to improve their contribution to America’s human resource.

Sherman, Arloc et al. “Immigrants Contribute Greatly to U.S. Economy, Despite Administration’s “Public Charge” Rule Rationale” . Center on Budget and Policy Priorities , 2019, Web.

The “Public Charge” rule was developed to deny immigrants who have the potential of being a liability to the county from gaining entry. This law assumes that most foreigners are poor and are likely to cause financial constraints for the government. However, it does not consider the positive contributions the foreign nationals make to the country. Consequently, the report evaluates the impacts they have on the economy. The authors illustrate that immigrants work at higher rates than the natives and occupy close to two-thirds of most industries. The authors are professionals in immigration services and policies, and therefore are classified as credible sources.

According to Gelatt et al., the United States is ranked as the largest hub for immigrants globally. However, even though it is faster and easier for foreigners to assimilate in the U.S, the immigration policy has become a matter of debate in the region. Most of the arguments revolve around the cultural and financial implications of the movement. However, economic analysts argue that there is little evidence to show that the increase in foreign labor has reduced the number of jobs in the country. On the contrary, immigration has more positive impacts as it leads to better occupational specialization. However, most foreign nationals have insufficient education and find it hard to maximize their potential in America’s workforce. Therefore, the federal government needs to integrate learning opportunities into immigrant policies to equip them fully.

The primary objective of education is to give individuals the required knowledge to help them contribute effectively to a country’s economy. Consequently, highly educated immigrants are assets in the United States’ labor force. According to Gelatt et al., foreign employees are the future of the U.S. human resources because they work at higher rates and represent the highest number of staff members in most industries. Consequently, placing them at the same educational level as the native population will improve their efficiency and create a reliable workforce. Similarly, MPI’s report suggests a link between degree and non-degree credentials and the economic results among adult immigrants. Workers who are not of American origin will improve their skills with the attainment of the right education.

Conversely, immigrants with low or no educational qualifications are a liability to the American economy. One of the greatest challenges among U.S residents is communication because the inhabitants are from various parts of the world, yet the official and national language is English. According to Gelatt et al., most food restaurants and hotels are run by foreigners, particularly Latina. Unfortunately, the lack of education makes it difficult for these individuals to speak eloquently, slowing down businesses. MPI agrees with concern and indicates that English proficiency is another hindrance to obtaining credentials among immigrants besides legal status. Lack of education makes it difficult for foreign nationals to survive in America, which further affects their contributions to the economy.

Consequently, there is a need for sustainable solutions that will empower immigrants with regard to education. Gelatt et al. acknowledge that the future of American jobs will require middle and high-skilled individuals and, therefore, suggest affordable vocational schooling for minority families. This strategy will ensure all immigrants get a chance to take their children through schools comfortably. The press release by MPI, on the other hand, indicates that 16.7 million immigrant adults lack proficiency in English because they have not attained post-secondary education. The institution suggests that employers offer skills training that focuses on the English language. Creating affordable learning programs and training immigrant employees positively impacts the U.S. workforce.

From the report and press release by the MPI, it is clear that the future of the job market will be more demanding, affecting immigrants in the workforce. Gelatt et al. state that industries are bound to embrace automation, reducing low-skilled jobs. Unfortunately, Sherman et al. indicate that the birth rate among Native Americans is low, which means that the country’s future economy is in the hands of foreign nationals. Consequently, the government must develop strategies to ensure the immigrants gain middle and high-level job skills.

Immigrants do not have to go to public and private universities to be profitable in the U.S. economy. MPI suggests that non-degree credentials are enough to make positive labor returns. Additionally, according to Sherman et al., foreign nationals with licenses and certifications in occupations, including chefs and barbers, demonstrate higher labor force involvement levels. The immigrant federal department is responsible for ensuring the members acquire the credentials they require to participate in the nation’s economic developments.

The hard work among foreign nationals in America is seen in the increased competition level among them and Native Americans in the job market. Gelatt et al. attribute this development to the increased equal learning opportunities in academic institutions. Research indicates that immigrants’ children are attaining more education and even earning more than their parents (Sherman et al.). Second-generation foreign nationals are the future of the United States’ economy, and the government must ensure they are presented with equal opportunities in schools and the job market.

The American government has the responsibility to ensure immigrants have sufficient learning experiences to equip them for America’s future economy. Highly educated foreigners have proven to be competitive occupying the same positions as natives in the job industry. On the other hand, those who have not attained post-secondary education struggle to survive because they lack English proficiency and cannot express themselves well in the workplace. The future of the U.S. economy appears to be bright, but this dream’s actualization highly depends on empowering and educating immigrants.

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IvyPanda. (2022, February 25). Immigration and the United States. https://ivypanda.com/essays/immigration-and-the-united-states/

"Immigration and the United States." IvyPanda , 25 Feb. 2022, ivypanda.com/essays/immigration-and-the-united-states/.

IvyPanda . (2022) 'Immigration and the United States'. 25 February.

IvyPanda . 2022. "Immigration and the United States." February 25, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/immigration-and-the-united-states/.

1. IvyPanda . "Immigration and the United States." February 25, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/immigration-and-the-united-states/.


IvyPanda . "Immigration and the United States." February 25, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/immigration-and-the-united-states/.

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Migration Essay Examples

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