Create A Resumé Link

Easily share your resumé online, a free way to showcase and share your resumé.

When it comes to sending your resume to prospective employers, modern job seekers have more options than the traditional envelope stuffing of yesteryear. Leverage Tiiny Hosts in-built analytics to optimise your resumé for employers based on real-time metrics.

How to share your resumé In 3 easy steps

how to create resume link

1. Drag and drop your PDF resumé

Drag and drop the PDF resumé that you want to share.

how to create resume link

2. Name your resumé link

Name the link you want to share your PDF resumé under.

how to create resume link

3. Share With Recruiters

Click “launch” and that’s it! Your PDF resumé is ready to share with recruiters and agencies!

What else is there?

🔗 personalised link.

Say goodbye to random URLs. Choose your own unique and memorable link-name to share your resumé using a personalised URL.

📂️ Drag & Drop

Sharing your resumé couldn’t be easier. All you have to do with Tiiny Host is drag and drop your PDF resumé.

📊 Analytics

Automatically track and analyse who's viewing your CV or Resume

🔒 Password protection

Keep your resume private by restricting access with a password.

🆓 Free To Use

Use us for free, no need to subscribe to a paid plan to share your resumé.

⚙️ Reliable

Built upon Amazon Web Services, Tiiny Host provides a very reliable service to share your resumé.

Easier to share your resumé than popular hosting providers

how to create resume link, 3 types of resumés you can share on tiiny host.

how to create resume link

Chronological Order Resumé

The traditional resumé and the one we’ve all been using since school. Work experience and education are typically listed chronologically on chronological resumes.

how to create resume link

Skills Based Resumé

Focus on the abilities and qualities that employers in your specific industry value. If you’re an engineer or technical professional then this might be the CV format that recruiters want you to use.

how to create resume link

Combination Resumé

You guessed it from the name. This approach see’s you combine the strengths of the aforementioned 2. You might use fonts and comments to highlight specific sought after skills throughout the document.

How to share your resumé PDF as a link with a recruiter

Static websites: the ultimate résumé solution.

In today’s competitive job market, having a unique and eye-catching résumé is more critical than ever. What better way to stand out than by creating your own professional résumé website?...

How To Share A PDF As A Link

Why would you want to create link to a pdf? Great question! It’s very common to share a PDF via email. However, that requires the recipient to download and save the PDF to view it. It’s also difficult to share a PDF to a large audience (100+) through email...

Frequently Asked Questions

How do i share my cv, what should i say when sharing my cv, is it okay to share your cv with others, where can i advertise my cv, create a link to your resumé in less than 30 seconds.

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How to Create a Link to Your Resume: A Step-by-Step Guide

Are you looking for a way to easily share your resume with potential employers or clients? Look no further! In this article, we will guide you on how to create a link to your resume, making it accessible for anyone who wants to view it. Whether you are a job seeker, a freelancer, or simply want to showcase your skills, having a link to your resume can make a great impression. So, let’s dive in and learn how to create a link to your resume!

When it comes to creating a link to your resume, the process can seem daunting. However, it doesn’t have to be! With a few simple steps, you can have your resume link up and running in no time. In this article, we will walk you through the entire process, from choosing the right platform to uploading your document and generating the link. By the end of this article, you will have all the information you need to create a link to your resume effortlessly.

how to create a link to your resume

To create a link to your resume, you will need a platform that allows you to upload and store your document securely. There are many options available, such as Google Drive, Dropbox, or LinkedIn. Choose a platform that you are comfortable using and that provides the necessary features for sharing your resume. Once you have selected a platform, follow the steps provided to upload your resume. Make sure to give your document a clear and concise name so that it is easy to identify.

In summary, creating a link to your resume is a simple and effective way to share your professional achievements and skills with potential employers or clients. By selecting the right platform, uploading your resume, and generating the link, you can ensure that your document is easily accessible to anyone who wants to view it. So, don’t miss out on this opportunity to make a great impression – start creating your resume link today!

How to Create a Link to Your Resume

Let me share a personal experience with creating a link to my resume. When I was applying for jobs, I realized that sending my resume as an attachment in an email was not the most convenient way. Potential employers often prefer a more accessible format, and that’s when I discovered the power of creating a link to my resume. By simply storing my document on a cloud platform and generating a shareable link, I was able to reach a larger audience and increase my chances of securing interviews. Let me guide you through the process of creating a link to your resume step by step.

What is a Link to Your Resume?

A link to your resume is a URL that directs people to access and view your resume online. Instead of attaching your resume as a file, you can upload it to a secure cloud storage platform and generate a link that can be shared with anyone. This allows potential employers, clients, or recruiters to easily access your resume without the need for downloading or opening attachments. It provides a more professional and accessible way to showcase your skills and qualifications.

The History and Myth of Creating a Link to Your Resume

The concept of creating a link to your resume has evolved with the advancement of technology and the increasing use of online platforms for job searches and networking. In the past, job seekers would rely on physical copies of their resumes or send them via email as attachments. However, this approach had its limitations and often resulted in resumes being lost or overlooked. With the emergence of cloud storage platforms and online professional networks, it became easier for individuals to store and share their resumes digitally. Creating a link to your resume has now become the norm, revolutionizing the job application process.

The Hidden Secret of Creating a Link to Your Resume

Creating a link to your resume is not just about convenience – it also provides valuable insights into how your resume is being viewed and accessed. Many cloud storage platforms offer analytics and tracking features that allow you to see how many times your resume link has been clicked and by whom. This information can be invaluable when tailoring your resume to specific employers or measuring the effectiveness of your job search strategies. By leveraging this hidden secret, you can gain a competitive edge and make informed decisions about your career path.

Recommendation for Creating a Link to Your Resume

When it comes to creating a link to your resume, my top recommendation is to choose a platform that aligns with your needs and preferences. Consider factors such as the platform’s security features, ease of use, and integration with other tools or platforms. Additionally, pay attention to the file formats supported by the platform and ensure that your resume is saved in a compatible format. By selecting the right platform, you can create a seamless experience for potential employers or clients who want to view your resume.

Creating a Link to Your Resume and Related Keywords

To create a link to your resume, follow these steps:

  • Select a cloud storage platform that suits your needs and sign up for an account.
  • Upload your resume file to the platform and make sure it is saved in a compatible format (e.g., PDF or Word document).
  • Once your resume is uploaded, locate the option to share or generate a link.
  • Click on the link generation option to create a direct URL to your resume.
  • Copy the generated link and test it by opening it in a new browser window to ensure it works correctly.
  • You can now share this link with potential employers, clients, or include it in your online profiles.

Tips for Creating a Link to Your Resume

When creating a link to your resume, keep the following tips in mind:

  • Choose a platform that provides a user-friendly interface and offers reliable security measures.
  • Ensure that your resume is saved in a widely supported file format, such as PDF or Word document.
  • Give your resume file a clear and professional name that reflects its content.
  • Regularly update your resume and keep the link up to date.
  • Enable analytics or tracking features to gain insights into who is viewing your resume.

Additional Information about Creating a Link to Your Resume and Related Keywords

When creating a link to your resume, it is essential to consider the accessibility and compatibility of the platform you choose. Depending on your industry or target audience, you may need to tailor your resume link to specific requirements or preferences. Additionally, keep in mind that sharing your resume link on various online platforms can increase your visibility and attract more opportunities. Stay proactive and take advantage of the power of a resume link.

Fun Facts about Creating a Link to Your Resume

Did you know that creating a link to your resume can save you time and improve your chances of getting hired? By eliminating the hassle of sending attachments and allowing potential employers to access your resume with a single click, you can make a lasting impression. Additionally, with the help of analytics and tracking features, you can gain valuable insights into how your resume is performing and adjust your job search strategies accordingly. So, don’t miss out on the fun and exciting benefits of creating a link to your resume!

How to Create a Link to Your Resume and Related Keywords

Now that you understand the importance and benefits of creating a link to your resume, it’s time to put your knowledge into action. Follow the step-by-step instructions provided earlier in this article to create your resume link effortlessly. Remember to choose the right platform, upload your resume, generate the link, and test its accessibility. By doing so, you will be one step closer to landing your dream job or attracting potential clients. Good luck!

What If You Don’t Know How to Create a Link to Your Resume?

If you are still unsure about how to create a link to your resume, don’t worry! There are plenty of resources available online that can provide detailed tutorials and guides. Additionally, reach out to your network or seek help from professionals in the field. Don’t let a lack of knowledge or experience hold you back – embrace the opportunity to learn and grow. With a little effort and determination, you will soon be creating your resume link like a pro!

Listicle of How to Create a Link to Your Resume

Creating a link to your resume is as easy as 1, 2, 3! Follow these steps to get started:

  • Choose a secure and user-friendly platform for storing and sharing your resume.
  • Upload your resume and ensure it is saved in a compatible file format.
  • Generate a shareable link and start sharing it with potential employers, clients, or include it in your online profiles.

By following these simple steps, you can create a link to your resume and increase your chances of success in the job market. So, don’t wait any longer – start sharing your resume link today!

Question and Answer

Q: Can I create a link to my resume if it is stored on my personal computer? A: Unfortunately, you cannot create a direct link to a resume stored on your personal computer. You will need to upload your resume to a cloud storage platform or professional networking site and generate a link from there.

Q: Are there any limitations to the file size of the resume when creating a link? A: The file size limit for creating a link to your resume depends on the platform you choose. Most cloud storage platforms have generous file size limits, but it’s always a good idea to check the platform’s specifications before uploading your resume.

Q: Can I password-protect my resume link to ensure its privacy? A: Yes, many cloud storage platforms offer the option to password-protect your resume link. This allows you to control who can access your resume and adds an extra layer of security to your document.

Q: Can I edit my resume after creating a link to it? A: Yes, you can edit your resume even after creating a link to it. Simply make the necessary changes to your resume file, upload the updated version to the platform, and the link will automatically reflect the changes.

Closing Thoughts

Thank you for taking the time to read this article on how to create a link to your resume. We hope that you found the information provided useful in your professional journey. Remember, creating a resume link can significantly enhance your chances of securing job opportunities and leaving a lasting impression on potential employers. Don’t hesitate to put your newfound knowledge into action and start creating your resume link today. Best of luck, and we hope to see you again soon!

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How to Create a Link for your Resume

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In this guide, you will learn how to create a URL/Link for your Resume , so that can share it online for job applications.

Steps Create a Link for your Resume

To create a link for your resume, you can follow these steps:

Upload your resume to a file hosting service: There are many free file hosting services available, such as Google Drive, Dropbox, or OneDrive. Choose one of these services and upload your resume to it.

Get the shareable link: Once you have uploaded your resume, you can get a shareable link to it. In most file hosting services, you can right-click on the file and select “Get shareable link” or “Share.”

Shorten the link (optional): If the shareable link is long, you may want to use a link shortening service such as Bitly or TinyURL to create a shorter, more manageable link.

Add the link to your resume: Once you have your shareable link or shortened link, you can add it to your resume by including it in the contact information section or in a separate section for links or attachments.

By creating a link for your resume, you can easily share it with potential employers or colleagues online.

If you need further assistance with creating a professional resume, consider working with a professional resume writer. You can learn more about resume writing services here.

how to create resume link


How To Create a Resume Link?

You have to be extra vigilant when applying to different jobs, whether remote or on-site. Your efficiency in handling the tasks impacts your chances of being hired. The more you’re quick and responsive, your image lifts up.

While applying to remote jobs your resume link Plays an essential role in taking things to the next level. If your resume is easily accessible it makes your work easy. Keeping a link always in access helps you quickly respond to any employer or recruiter.

Now, know what a resume link is and how to create a connection. It’s pretty simple to make, and you can share it on your chat or a meeting.

What is a Resume Link?

In today's digital world, you need to do multiple things in less time; that’s where comes sharing your document or resume online. You create a resume link instead of uploading a file and making your recruiter wait for it to download.

It’s usually made in Google Drive, where you make a resume, and a link is assigned to your document. You can share this link on the go; anyone can see your resume in seconds!

How to Create a Resume Link?

A resume link links anyone to the resume template you’ve created in your drive with other documents.

Here’s how easily you can create a resume link:

  • Go on google chrome and start by typing “Google Drive”.
  • Next, you’ll be asked to choose an account to access.
  • After choosing your account, you can access the google drive.
  • To upload more than two files you can use this way to keep things organized and accessible.
  • Click on the “New” sign.
  • You’ll have to click on the “Folder” and assign it a name. 
  • If your resume is already downloaded or saved on your computer, you can click on the “Upload file”.
  • This option will take you to the folder where you’ve saved your folder. You can upload it into the drive now.
  • Select your folder and press “ok,” and you’re done with uploading your folder in Google Drive.

Create the link:

In the next step, you can copy the link for sharing.

  • Go to your folder
  • Click on the file of your resume/CV
  • “Right” click and you’ll get some options.
  • Click on the “CopyLink”
  • The link is copied to your clipboard, and you can paste it easily.

Why Is Creating a Resume Link Important?

The resume link is just a shortcut that makes your life easier. Instead of uploading the documents, finding your files, and making someone wait, you can share your folder’s link .

Easy access:

The link gives you and anyone quick access and display of your resume documents o. resume template . This saves you time and helps you get noticed and create an impression.

Anyone who wants to look at what you are can click a link. Remember you’ll have to keep the access updated of all your files.


Your resume link is managed effortlessly, as you don’t have to constantly find where your resume is. On the other hand, uploading documents or saving the folders and files on your device can put you in hassle. You’ll have to search for the files and then upload them individually. 

Creating a link saves you.

How to Create Your Resume?

You can choose any template from Google Docs or Word to create a resume in less time. This helps you create a quick layout of your resume. 

Creating a resume from scratch can take time and result in no significant output.

The templates have sample text, which helps you understand what the resume would look like. You can customize the template according to your content and add more pages.

What Should You Add in Your Resume ?

In your resume, you should use the spaces wisely. Making a good resume takes excellent creativity. 

What Should You Add Into It:

  • Your profile picture
  • Your Work experience
  • Your ambitions, your about me section
  • Contact Information
  • Jobs and accomplishments
  • Certificates

Stay on the Safe Side:

Generate duplicates of your resume in Google Drive.

After finalizing the construction of your resume utilizing the selected template, generate duplicates for every distinct job application through Google Drive.

 Tailor the details in your initially saved resume on Google Docs in alignment with the requirements of a new job posting. Subsequently, navigate to the "File" tab and name it different. This step saves your original and copy files in the google drive easily.

What More Options Do You Have Other Than Google Drive?

There are multiple options to create your resume link. You can either choose a website that creates a connection for you. You must log in to the website and share your resume. The rest makes your work easy. The websites are reliable and create a link free of cost.

Can You Share Your CV or Resume with everyone?

When sharing your CV, you should include "Resumé" or "CV" in the subject line, along with your name and the job title you're applying for. Before providing the CV link, introduce yourself and kindly request the recipient to review your CV at their convenience.

Sharing your CV with friends, colleagues, and individuals within your organization is entirely acceptable. There's no risk of them replicating your skills and achievements from your resum é.

What To Say Along With Resume Attachment?

To create a good impression, you need to say something along a resume. This makes a professional connection and strengthens you in front of the recruiter. You can start with greetings and then simply thank them for getting in touch. Next, you can share your link and include a powerful CTA (Call to action). For example:

                           “Hi, {Name}

Thanks for messaging me. Here’s the link to the resume you asked about. Check it out, and I’ll wait for your positive response.” 


Your resume link can help to manage things efficiently and save you a lot of time. A small move can make you look and sound more brilliant, and the chances of being noticed can increase visibly.

Most candidates need to work more smartly, which can give them an edge to stand out in the crowd.

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how to create resume link

Simply Hired

A Guide to Posting Your Resume Online With Google Docs

how to create resume link

So you’ve researched, prepped, streamlined and finalized your resume.  You’re now ready to start sending your work of professional art out into the career space to let it reap the rewards of a job offer.  When it comes to submitting your resume to potential employers, modern job-seekers have a wealth of options beyond the traditional envelope stuffing of yesteryear.

And sure, you’re more than welcome to send your resume off as an attachment to a potential employer, but that approach is far less advanced and convenient than modern sharing platforms, like Google Docs.

Posting your resume on Google Docs can yield a variety of benefits:

  • Easily send a link to your resume rather than bulk digital attachments
  • Collaborate with professional colleagues for resume review
  • Create a permanent, easily editable home for your resume for future additions and editing

Posting and sharing your resume via Google Docs is easier than you’d think.  All you’ll need is a Gmail email address and a little bit of know how. Don’t let any lack of knowledge of the Google platforms scare you away.  Read below for our step by step guide to posting your resume online.


  •  Head on over to the Google Docs main page ( ).  Here you’ll be prompted to either create an account or sign up for a new one.  Don’t have a Google account already? Never fear, we’ve got the handy link for Google sign up here.
  •  After you’re logged in, you’ll see the main Google docs page.  If you’ve recently created your account, you won’t see any specific items.  Now it’s time to get to creating and filling this space up. Click on the handy red circular plus sign to create a new doc.  Your default choice will be the word processor. Google Docs also has a wide selection of handy templates, including resumes.  You can also add existing files by selecting the file picker option and browsing your computer for your resume.
  •  Spend some time exploring the navigation bar located above the live typing area.  Here you’ll find plenty of plain sense formatting options as well as print and download features.  Google docs allows you to download your completed resume in a variety of popular formats, including Microsoft Word.
  • Once you’ve finished your edits, it’s time to choose the privacy options for your document.  Click on the “Share” button in the upper right corner of the page. Here is where you will be able to select who can view and/or edit your resume.  Here we break out the most common sharing options:
  • Private: Only yourself and people you have specifically invited can view the document.  If you’re in the drafting stages, this may be the best bet until your resume is shiny and polished.
  • You can enter email addresses directly for people who you’d like to receive the link to your document.  You can also create a custom link to our document which can be easily pasted into an email or message.
  • Anyone with Link Can: Use this to decide what people who have the link to your resume can do with it.  Can they view, edit, or only comment? Be sure to check out the advanced options for fine tuning your document privacy.
  •  When you’re ready to share your resume, simply ensure you have the correct sharing settings and copy the URL.  Your recipient will be able to easily access your document from any computer and most mobile devices.

See, that wasn’t so hard now, was it.  Now that you’re a Google Docs pro, get to sharing that resume!

Article Updated from the Original on April 19, 2018

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How Do I Share My Resume and Cover Letter?

When your resume is ready, you can use to share an online link to your resume for free. By default your materials are private and only shared if you choose to use our sharing features. You can easily download a PDF of your cover letter to be saved and shared with employers.

Sharing a link is a convenient and modern way to send your resume/and or cover letter via email, social media message, or even via text message. You can use our premium design themes online for free without upgrading to a premium account.

How to Share a Resume

Each version of your resume has its own unique URL that can be shared. If you have multiple versions of your resume, you'll have different URLs you can share as well. 

To share a resume, go to your resume dashboard and click “More” on the drop-down menu to access the “Share a link” option. You can also access the “Share a link” option by clicking on the “…” on the bottom right side of the preview page. See the screenshot below. 

how to create resume link

From there you'll see a page where you can:

  • Copy & paste the URL to send via email, message, or text or
  • Click the button to share on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn

How It Works

Sharing on social media.

If you share your resume on social media, we add formatting to your post to get you started but you can always edit anything about the post before you share it. 

Statistics Feature

Our unique Statistics feature that allows you to see your resume views over the short and long term. Find out how long someone viewed your resume and from what location. Being able to identify global opportunities based on the city/country of your resume viewers will help to ensure you don’t miss engaged recruiters! Track the changing trends in your resume views to gauge the interest of viewers and make changes when you feel necessary. 


Any updates or edits you make to your resume will be visible right away in the resume displayed on the public webpage. 

Deleting and/or Making a Resume Private 

Once you share a URL, your resume is no longer private. Technically, somebody can copy and share that URL in the future.

Don’t forget your Cover Letter

In addition to quickly creating your dream resume you can also draft the perfect Cover Letter to accompany it in just minutes. Choose from one of our professionally designed cover letter templates and take your application to the next level in no time. We offer 18 innovative and fresh Cover Letter Templates that have been carefully designed to match and compliment your resume. Achieving a winning and cohesive Resume and Cover Letter combo has truly never been easier! Simply look for the drop-down “Cover Letter” tab on our main page @ and follow the easy steps to have your Cover Letter finished today.  

If you have shared a URL but want to make sure that resume is no longer accessible at that URL, the best way to do this is to duplicate your resume that was shared and then delete it. That way your resume will be associated with a URL that hasn't been shared yet. 

Once a resume is deleted, the old URL will redirect to a 404 page. 

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The Answer to: What's the Right Way to Include Links on Your Resume?

person on laptop

When I was applying for editorial jobs, I desperately wanted to show off all the stuff I’d written. Of course, some applications asked for writing samples . But many didn’t, and I had to wonder—was not sharing my work holding me back from landing jobs?

So, as the story goes (if you read this article’s title, that is), I decided to link to my portfolio and author pages on my resume.

But of course, I wasn’t entirely sure if this was something I could or was supposed to do. And, did I even do it right? And the bigger question I had was: Do hiring managers even like and look at them?

So, I reached out to Muse career coach and job search expert Clayton Wert for his thoughts. Luckily, I was in the clear:

It’s acceptable to use links in your resume, cover letter, or any form of the job application—assuming you’re submitting it online. I’m of the belief that 90% of applications are now online, and you should be adding links to your portfolio, your LinkedIn page, and possibly more depending on your industry and the type of work that you’ve done. It’s best to put as much out there as possible when applying to jobs, because attention is everything in the job search.

Wert, who works primarily in the tech space, says that it’s essential to show off your work if you’re an engineer: “It’s imperative that an employer or recruiter knows that you’ve built out various projects, and that they can easily click to and from them on your resume, cover letter, portfolio, etc.” But that doesn’t mean it’s not important for other fields as well—editorial, production, marketing, PR, design, to name a few. Even webinars or speaking engagements you were a part of are sometimes worth including. And, as Wert suggests, it’s helpful for anyone to list their LinkedIn if it contains more helpful information.

The most important thing is to link to your proudest and best work, as well as projects that are the most relevant to the role you’re applying to.

But it’s key to note how you’re presenting your links. Like your resume’s font or format (a.k.a., whether it’s a doc or PDF ), this element is crucial not only for attracting a hiring manager’s attention and making it easy for them to navigate your application, but also for looking polished and professional.

Wert says, “When including links, you should be hyperlinking the links on your materials. This means instead of the long URL strand, it should be a hyperlink. If you’re going in-person for an interview, or you’re at a networking event where you’ve brought your resume, the alternative should be the entire URL written out—but I would recommend staying away from that for a cleaner format.”

For example, here’s a before-and-after of what my own resume might look like:

With this, it’s probably smart to shorten and personalize your LinkedIn URL , and make sure your website has an appropriate domain name . is also a great, free resource for shortening long links.

If you’re struggling to decide what to include, or you have a variety of work you want to showcase, consider condensing them into a portfolio or personal website and including that link instead. Don’t scatter the page with an abundance of links—no recruiter’s going to open them all.

Where should you put them? Wert suggests that you “place your links in the header or beside your contact information .” That said, if they apply to a specific job or highlight some of the work you did at past companies, you can also place them under that role’s heading, like my resume above.

Finally, make sure you can actually click on them. Download your resume and have a friend test it out to be sure.

Like your resume bullets and list of accomplishments on your cover letter, links are another great way to show your potential and expertise—and there’s little risk in adding them into your application. But like any other aspect of your job search, just be sure they’re professional, relevant, and presenting the best image of you.

how to create resume link

How to create an online resume

An online resume is a digital version of a resume.

It is an overview of your experience, skills, education, and achievements.

It can be used to apply for a job, freelancer gig, consultancy engagement, or apply to a school.

The value of having it online as a website is that people from all over the world can access it easily.

What is a resume

The resume is an overview of your experience, competence, and skills.

It is most known for being a document, used to apply for jobs.

Companies and hiring managers use the resume to get an understanding of who you are as a professional and what you are capable of doing.

Your online resume can be shared by its link to companies, hiring managers, and recruiters, so that they can notice you.

Why create an online resume

A resume is relevant for every professional.

Your resume as a website makes it easy for others to access and view your resume.

It can be used to E.G. get a job, freelancing gig, consultancy engagement, or apply to a school.

Having it online makes it possible for people from all over the world to find you.

The design of the resume gives the reader an impression of who you are. Make sure that it appears in a good and presentable way!

What do I need to know to create my resume as a website?

HTML, CSS and JavaScript are the basic languages to create a website.

You can come a long way just using these three!

  • Create the structure with HTML. The first thing you have to learn, is HTML, which is the standard markup language for creating web pages.
  • Style with CSS. The next step is to learn CSS, to set the layout of your web page with beautiful colors, fonts, and much more.
  • Make it interactive with JavaScript. After studying HTML and CSS, you should learn JavaScript to create dynamic and interactive web pages for your users.

How to create a resume step-by-step

Follow the steps to create your online resume from the ground up.


Decide which code editor to use and set up your environment.

W3Schools has created an easy to use code editor called W3Schools Spaces . Sign up and get started in a few clicks.

Create your index.html file. So that you are ready to enter the code.

All set up. Lets go!


Step One: Add a Website Layout

Create a responsive website from scratch.

Read here for how to create a website layout: How to create a Website Layout

A resume can be created in different ways.

There is not a one-size fits all .

Keep in mind why, how, and what , you are building it for.

Build the resume that is right for you.

Step Two: Plan your content

Think about how you want to design your resume.

  • What information do you want to include?
  • What impression do you want to give the reader?
  • How do you as a professional want to be presented?

Step Three: Add content

Include the essential sections:

  • Contact Information section
  • Key Summary section
  • Education section
  • Work Experience section

Check out our How To library for more code snippets: How To Library

1. Contact Information section.

Add your name and contact information.

The contact information section lets the reader know how to get in touch with you.

key summart section

2. Key Summary section.

Write a short summary that highlights your experience, competence, and skills.

Personalizing the text can make you stand out.

The key summary helps the reader to get an understanding of who you are as a professional.

Keep it short and simple.

key summart section

3. Education section.

Give an overview of your educational background.

Include details such as the institution, degree, and year.

Professional courses and certifications can also be listed as education.

education section

4. Work Experience section.

List the jobs that you have had.

Add details to each job, which includes what year, your role, and your responsibilities.

Other experiences such as projects and freelancing gigs can also be a part of this list.

work experience section

We have made you a template that you can use and build with.

You can load the CV template in W3Schools Spaces . Get started with publishing your online resume in a few clicks.

* no credit card required

CV Template

CV Template

W3Schools Spaces

Build and publish your online resume with w3schools spaces..

how to create resume link



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How to Include Hyperlinks on Your Resume: Best Practices and Examples

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In This Guide:

The pros and cons of including links on your resume, how to include links on your resume, which resume sections work best with links, links within the header of your resume, experience section and resume links, should you include resume links in the education and certifications sections, other resume sections for your links, key takeaways.

Take a stroll down the hyperlinks rabbit hole to face one of the BIGGEST debates in the resume-writing industry.

In the words of a modern-day Shakespearean candidate, it is: "To link or not to link?" That truly is the question.

Should or shouldn't you include hyperlinks on your resume?

On that school of thought, you should give the green light to any resume section that helps you build a consistent and enticing story to highlight that you're the best fit for the job.

If you decide on including links on your resume (apart from your email address) consider how they help you to

  • highlight expertise/ skill alignment to the role you're applying for;
  • display your achievements;
  • validate the legitimacy of your experience, accomplishments, and certifications;
  • stand out .

Be wise about how effective links would be to your overall resume writing strategy.

For example, if you're applying for:

  • the creative industry - your portfolio could be just the proof you need of your expertise;
  • academia - research, and publications definitely carry weight;
  • jobs in the IT sector - home labs would work to show your unique know-how and further interests.

Final words of warning, before we get into the how-to section of this Enhancv guide.

Never add links just for the sake of not having an empty resume section.

Consider whether the links would make a memorable impression on those assessing your resume - or not.

What you’ll learn in this Enhancv guide

  • Experts debate: the pros and cons of including links on your resume;
  • URLs vs Hyperlinks: which works best for your resume?
  • Tweaking your resume links: best practices and examples;
  • Advice on perfecting the links to your portfolio and projects;
  • Apart from your resume header, which other sections could be used to curate your links?

how to create resume link

Upload & Check Your Resume

Drop your resume here or choose a file . PDF & DOCX only. Max 2MB file size.

This is the exciting part of our guide: where we observe two sides of the same coin - or the pros and cons of links on resumes.

Let's start with the advantages of you including links on your resume.

Integrating them within resume sections allows recruiters to easily

With resume links, you'd ultimately be highlighting:

These are some pretty valid points to win your case. But, of course, you can't brush off the disadvantages of including links on your resume.

Links are sometimes seen as a distraction from the point you're trying to make with your resume: that you're the ideal fit for the job .

We need to also address these resume links-related issues that could be:

1. Technical

Your links could either break in between or be incorrect, making you look unprofessional. Ultimately, resulting in a lost job opportunity.

N.B. remember to always check all of your links, before sending your resume out.

2. ATS-related

Links affect the optimization of your resume; with fewer advert buzzwords appearing at the top.

3. Format-wise

If the hiring managers tend to print all documents that they receive, an HTTPS address would serve absolutely no purpose.

What is more, recruiters may not even click on your links due to the:

  • rising cyber threat of ransomware/ malware posed by external links;
  • other 200+ candidates they have to assess for the role.

Weighing in on both sides, be smart about the way you curate the links on your resume.

Candidates often ask, "How many links should my resume include?"

This depends on a few factors - the industry and role you're applying for; your achievements and expertise; etc.

So, think about how much sense the links would make to your experience , and move on from there.

We recommend a bare minimum that consists of your:

  • professional email
  • LinkedIn profile

Now that you've selected your relevant links, we'd like to highlight one aspect that most candidates tend to underestimate.

That is the format of the links. Or the URLs vs hyperlinks debate.

Use this resume below!

Mid Level Software Engineer resume example

“Most Fortune 500 companies use applicant tracking systems (ATS) to track candidate applications and screen resumes.”

Aditya Malik, Forbes Councils Member

Why are we all of a sudden mentioning the ATS ?

We know for a fact that top-notch ATS (e.g. Workable) can cope absolutely fine with your resume hyperlinks.

But other applicant tracking systems and CRMs do struggle. When they transform your resume into text-only files , they often lose your hyperlinks.

URLs remain intact no matter what. Hyperlinks are voided null when your resume is printed or converted by the ATS.

Our word of advice: enter your links as URLs.

One more thing about the ATS and hyperlinks.

The systems tend to assess your resumes for relevant keywords , with a focus on the top one-third of your document.

Imagine having links that are quite heavy and go on and on and on with symbols and numbers.

That would ultimately play a bad trick on your application.

To save spac e on your resume and make your links more readable via a link shortener (e.g.;;;

Some platforms even allow you to add custom name tags for an even more personalized experience.

If you want further "brownie points", select a link shortener platform that allows you to track clicks.

You'd ultimately be able to see just how many times recruiters viewed your portfolio of work.

If you’re looking for further how-to advice, we've included six best practices about resume links.

Now that you've considered the relevancy of the links to your application, comes the fun part - integrating them through your resume.

You could include links within your resume:

  • Header : add your professional email, LinkedIn profile, portfolio, or blog;
  • Experience : company publications that don't breach your NDA;
  • Education and certifications : to further highlight the legitimacy of your experience;
  • Projects and publications : link to the most notable achievement;

The best window of opportunity to include links on your resume is within its header .

The header is never "something nice to have", but an essential element of your professional presentation.

What is more, it allows for a links-focused approach within three core sections.

Professional Email

This one is pretty obvious, but make sure that the first link on your resume is your professional email .

Your platform of choice - whether it's Gmail or Yahoo - doesn't matter, as long as you have access to it.

Also, make sure that your email account name is a professional one.

Substitute your "[email protected]" with "[email protected]".

Want to help recruiters, who are assessing your digital resume, even further?

Add a "mailto:" hyperlink to your email address.

LinkedIn Profile

You've submitted your resume for the given role. Now, why would recruiters need your LinkedIn profile ?!

LinkedIn isn't just an online version of your resume. It's employers' and hiring managers' #1 research platform.

So, even if you think your LinkedIn profile is well hidden within the depths of the platform, trust us. Any recruiter could easily find you.

That's why it's a good idea to include your LinkedIn profile in your resume header.

For starters, make sure that your LinkedIn profile mirrors accurately the information on your resume. Pay specific focus on your experience items: start-and-end dates, companies, and expertise.

Be strategic about LinkedIn - use your profile to add more value to your application.

What we mean is that you shouldn't just copy and paste everything you have on your resume on LinkedIn.

Instead, use your profile to save space by

  • including a link to your portfolio in the featured section;
  • showcasing all the projects you'd like to bring to recruiters' attention;
  • detailing the impressive list of clients, you've worked with in the past;
  • pinpointing the referrals from past employers or clients;
  • highlighting your communication style with comments and posts.

Remember that your LinkedIn activity could be a vital instrument to hint at an array of your hard/ technical and soft skills.

Let's not forget the LinkedIn link formatting; it needs to be shortened as so: FirstName-LastName

You could also decide to hyperlink your LinkedIn profile. Just make sure that you've written out your full URL address, in case your resume is printed.

Portfolio link

Sometimes your resume isn't enough for hiring managers to understand your expertise. They need further evidence of your technical capabilities.

A link to your portfolio - that includes your projects and/or publications - can be the sole proof of your expertise.

Your portfolio link goes one step further to personalize the experience for your potential employers.

Turning the "I can do this and that" narrative into "Check out how I've done this".

How do you curate your project portfolio?

Best practices point that you could:

  • complement your resume with all past projects that showcase your know-how;
  • focus on just the biggest achievements of your career and highlight those;
  • create a dedicated landing page: to highlight the alignment between the job's required skills and your projects.

Entry-professionals who are still wondering whether they should include their portfolio - it's a big YES from us!

Even if your work or personal projects are not that glass-shattering, highlight them with an engaging, visual presentation.

It's extra effort, but at the end of the day, this demonstrates to hiring managers your desire to learn more.

Going about building your project portfolio: it doesn't have to be a thorn in your side.

There are plenty of free platforms (with portfolio templates) you could choose from, including

Just make sure to select the one that is most relevant to your industry and allows hiring managers to get the best feel of your work.

Within the next section of this guide, we'll focus on one standard and two innovative ways to present your work.

If you're in the IT industry, GitHub is the best platform to host your home labs, while demonstrating your unique know-how.

If you're looking to curate client work on your GitHub profile, be extra cautious about the legal framework and NDAs you've signed.

It's most often the case that your employers are the sole owners of the codes and programs you're working on.

Our best advice is to include personal projects you've developed (including apps, websites, etc.) to show that you're actively learning and growing your skills .

2. Social media

If you're looking for a job in social media/ digital marketing, you definitely have to demonstrate your brand presence on the expected platforms.

Employers don't expect to see your #slay #yasqueen #travelbuddies Instagram/ TikTok profiles as part of your professional resume.

Rather, they'd like to preview bespoke, professional accounts.

Ones, that are centered around your personal brand, that have nice KPIs (e.g. healthy amount of followers, likes, impressions, etc.).

Or, alternatively, hiring managers are looking to understand how your style of writing and content creation could fit their organization.

So, if you're to include a link to your social media channel on your resume, just make sure that it adds value to your application and isn't just another #instalikeforlike account.

3. Video portfolios

And for those outside-the-box thinkers - there's one more channel that could do wonders for your resume portfolio.

Including a link to your professional vlog could make your application even more interactive for recruiters.

Especially, if your channel focuses on teaching know-how within your area of expertise.

Even though YouTube (or even TikTok) portfolios may be less common - if you've invested the time to create quality content on the platform, use it as a trump card for your application.

To recap it all, here’s an example of how to curate links within the header of your resume:

how to create resume link

There are two schools of thought about links in the experience section of your resume.

Some say that it's nice to have links to your previous projects within the description of each experience item.

Those links could lead to either your current/ previous employer's website or your LinkedIn profile.

Candidates opt to do so to save space on their resume and at the same time - to showcase their work even further.

Whatever you decide to do, first check the NDA you've signed to see your copyright legal obligations.

The second school of thought - against including links - points out that URLs make each of your experience items less ATS-friendly and information-heavy.

The choice is entirely up to you.

Before you decide on including links in your experience, check out the below example to get a better sense of the potential look and feel of your resume.

how to create resume link

Long story short: it's entirely up to you. For starters, consider what value would the links (within these two separate resume sections) bring to your application.

Perhaps it could be the "social proof" recruiters need of your

  • remarkable publications and projects within your education section ;
  • certificates you've attained at the end of a given training session;
  • projects you've built, thanks to your certifications .

It’s not a definite, 100% must, but could be something extra to add to your resume.

how to create resume link

There are plenty more sections within which you could decide to curate your resume links, including

  • Projects - links to up to two projects that are really something (within the relevant industry);
  • Publications - to showcase the further effect you have on the academia and research environment.

But don’t get too caught up in including your proof for every single section of your resume. Instead, select the ones which you believe would really impress recruiters and take it a step further by curating a dedicated link.

It’s a win-win strategy for all.

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How to Include Your LinkedIn URL on Your Resume

how to create resume link

  • Before You Add a Link

What to Include in Your Profile

Linkedin custom url options, how to create a custom linkedin url.

  • List LinkedIn on Your Resume
  • List Your URL in Your Signature

Add Your Resume to LinkedIn

Frequently asked questions.

Shannon Fagan / Getty Images

One of the benefits of LinkedIn is that it gives prospective employers and professional connections a synopsis of your credentials. Viewing a LinkedIn profile is a quick and easy way to get insight into someone's career history.

You can create a custom LinkedIn URL to add to your resume, email signature, and anywhere else you'd like to market your credentials. Hiring managers will be able to easily access your LinkedIn profile and see recommendations and skill endorsements from your colleagues, clients, and managers.

Get advice on how to include your LinkedIn URL on your resume, create a custom URL, and make your profile stand out to employers.

Spiff Up LinkedIn Before You Add a Link to Your Resume 

You want your LinkedIn profile to be polished and robust. If your profile simply restates the same information that's included on your resume, it won't improve your chances of getting an interview.

A less-than-compelling LinkedIn could even hurt your candidacy. No one likes to feel that they've wasted a click, and hiring managers may assume that your sparse profile is an accurate picture of your qualifications.

Prospective employers can visit LinkedIn to learn more about you and your skills and credentials.

Here's what to include on your LinkedIn profile and how to give it a makeover, if it needs one.

Add a Summary

Along with listing your work experience, be sure to add a summary section to your profile. This is similar to a  resume summary statement ; it allows you to highlight your greatest strengths and work experience.

You can write your summary in the first person; this is an opportunity to be authentic and show a bit of personality.

Write a Headline

Be sure to write a headline at the top of your profile—this is like a  resume headline , which is a short phrase that summarizes who you are as a professional.

One element of a LinkedIn profile that makes it different from a resume is that people can give you recommendations.

Request Recommendations

LinkedIn recommendations are written references supporting your work. Job seekers should include a  variety of recommendations  with their profile to show that others respect the quality of their work. 

You can request these recommendations from clients, colleagues, professors, coaches, fellow volunteers, and subordinates as well as people who have supervised your work.

Include Skills

Skill endorsements are a way for your connections to verify that you have the skills and qualifications that hiring managers seek. LinkedIn does not provide a way to request skill endorsements, but you can encourage your connections to offer them by endorsing their skills first.

Add Samples

LinkedIn allows members to showcase samples of their work in the featured section of their profile. Incorporate writing samples, design samples, slide presentations, spreadsheets, websites, and other examples of your work. Include any information that demonstrates your skills. Of course, avoid sharing any proprietary information that would be damaging to your employer.

Creating a distinctive LinkedIn profile URL can help you to convey a strong brand as you network and job search. Unless you create a custom URL, LinkedIn will assign a URL that typically contains your name as well as some numbers and letters. It's much better to create your own short version for employers and connections to click on.

Here are options for creating an easy-to-remember URL.

Use Your Name

A custom URL can be as simple as just your name, which will be more memorable to prospective employers and networking contacts. If your name is taken, consider adding your middle initial or middle name to the URL.

Use a Phrase or Label

Another approach to customization is to include a phrase or label that might get picked up by search engines more readily. For example, someone who wants to establish an identity as a quantitative analyst might include "quantguy[name]" in their URL.

Here's how to customize your LinkedIn profile URL:

  • When you are logged in to LinkedIn, click on your own profile page. Then, click on the "Edit public profile & URL" link on the upper right corner of the page.
  • On the right side of your public profile page, you will see your current URL. Immediately underneath it, you will see a link to "Edit public profile URL." Click on the pencil icon, and you will see a box where you can fill in your new custom URL.
  • Type in a new URL composed of 3-100 letters or numbers, with no spaces, symbols, or special characters allowed.
  • Click on "Save" just below the box, and you will be all set with your new custom LinkedIn profile URL.

Once you have created a customized URL, it's a good idea to add it to your resume and to your  social networking profiles .

Where to List Your LinkedIn URL on Your Resume

List your LinkedIn URL in the contact section of your resume after your email address.

LinkedIn URL on Resume Example

Your Name Your address Your city, state, zip code Your phone number Your email address LinkedIn (or personal website) URL

How to List Your LinkedIn URL in Your Signature

Email signature with linkedin.

Your Name Email Address Phone LinkedIn URL

Be sure to upload a new version of your resume when you get promoted, change jobs, add to your education or certifications, or upgrade your skills.

In addition to showcasing your LinkedIn profile on your resume, you can add your resume to LinkedIn, by either linking to it or uploading it. This is an excellent way to provide in-depth information about your employment history and expertise to prospective employers and business contacts.

You can either upload a resume file directly to LinkedIn or link to your resume document on another site. Here's how:

  • When you are logged in to LinkedIn, go to your own profile page by clicking "Me" and then selecting "View Profile" from the dropdown menu.
  • Go to the introduction section in the top right corner of your screen. This is the part of the page listing your name, headline, and location. Click "Add Profile Section."
  • Open the "Featured" section, and select "Media."
  • Upload your resume from your computer.
  • Or: in the "Featured" section, select "Links" from the dropdown. Enter the URL of your online resume.
  • Edit the "Title" and "Description" in the pop-up window.
  • Click "Save."

How do I delete my resume from LinkedIn?

Deleting your resume from LinkedIn is just as easy as uploading the document in the first place. Scroll down to the featured section on your profile page. Click the pencil icon to edit. Then, click "Delete." This method works whether you've uploaded your document as a file or as a URL.

How do I update my resume on LinkedIn?

To update your resume, scroll down to the featured section on your profile page. Click the pencil icon to edit. Click "Edit" to tweak your title and description, or "Delete" to take down your existing resume and upload a new document.

Why is my resume blurry on LinkedIn?

Sometimes, resumes uploaded as PDFs to LinkedIn appear blurry due to image quality or compression issues. However, you can often work around this issue by hosting your resume on another site. Upload your PDF to your own website, then navigate to the featured section and add the URL instead of the document.

How do I list freelance work on LinkedIn?

There are several ways to highlight your freelance work on your LinkedIn profile:

  • List your title in your headline (e.g., "Independent Consultant").
  • Add descriptions of your work experience to your summary section.
  • Add contractor roles to your experience section. To do this, click the "Add" icon at the top of the experience section, and fill in the relevant fields.
  • Add work samples to your featured section by uploading links or documents.

LinkedIn. " Your LinkedIn Profile—Overview ." Accessed April 20, 2021.

LinkedIn. " Customize Your Public Profile URL ." Accessed April 20, 2021.

LinkedIn. " Skill Endorsements—Overview ." Accessed April 20, 2021.

LinkedIn. " Recommendations—Overview ." Accessed April 20, 2021.

LinkedIn. " Skill Endorsements and Recommendations ." Accessed April 20, 2021.

LinkedIn. " Feature Samples of Your Work on Your LinkedIn Profile ." Accessed April 20, 2021.

StackExchange. " Uploaded PDFs Are Blurry on LinkedIn Profile Page ." Accessed April 20, 2021.

LinkedIn. " Showing Self-Employed or Consultant on Your Profile ." Accessed April 20, 2021.

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Add LinkedIn to a Resume: Customize Your URL & Show Your Skills

Last Updated: February 1, 2024 Fact Checked

Customize Your LinkedIn URL

Add linkedin to your resume, what should my linkedin profile include, expert interview.

This article was written by James Pak and by wikiHow staff writer, Darlene Antonelli, MA . James Pak is a Career Coach and Founder of LA Career Coaching. With over eight years of industry experience, James specializes in career guidance, professional development, and graduate school and college admissions consulting for students. He offers one-on-one coaching services and works with students in college and high school. He received his MBA from Columbia Business School and a B.S. from Boston College. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 9,462 times.

Should you add your LinkedIn URL to your resume? If so, where? Adding your LinkedIn URL to your resume gives hiring managers another place to see you, rather than just your resume. This wikiHow article teaches you how to customize your LinkedIn URL and add it to your resume. We'll also give you tips on where to place your LinkedIn link and help you figure out what to add to your profile.

Things You Should Know

  • Before your add your LinkedIn profile URL to the header & contact info in your resume, make sure your URL is customized and that your profile is polished.
  • Customize your URL on your computer by going to "View Profile > Edit public profile & URL > Edit > Save."
  • Customize your URL on your phone by going to "View Profile > … > Contact info > Edit > Edit your custom URL > Save."

Step 1 Go to

  • For computers, click Edit public profile & URL on the far right side of the screen, then click the pencil icon in the "Edit your custom URL" tile.
  • In the mobile app, tap the three-dot menu icon (it's to the right of "Open to" and "Add section") and tap Contact info . Tap the pencil icon next to the "Contact" header then tap your current public profile URL. When the next page opens, tap the pencil icon in the "Edit your custom URL" tile.

Step 5 Edit your name.

  • To appear straight-foward you can use your name, but if you have a more common name try adding your current profession to the URL, like "jane-doe-developer."

Step 6 Click or tap Save.

  • Get the URL by going to your LinkedIn profile and copying it from the address bar. [1] X Research source

Step 1 Add your LinkedIn Profile URL in your header with your contact information.

  • Use this method if your LinkedIn profile has recently been updated or polished and your profile URL is customized. There's nothing more embarrassing than including an unfinished or out-of-date LinkedIn profile URL on your resume and then having hiring managers point it out.

Charbel Atala

Charbel Atala

Link your online profiles prominently to make them easy to access. Make professional profiles like LinkedIn easy to access by listing URLs clearly on resumes. Enable one-click background vetting checks for recruiters.

Step 2 Leave out the

  • If your resume is digital (meaning it's not printed on paper) make it a hyperlink . In that case, the person can click the link to visit your LinkedIn profile.
  • On the other hand, don't hyperlink the text if the resume is going to be printed. A hyperlink that's printed out will appear in a bright blue text that's distracting.
  • If the job is mobile, consider putting a QR code instead so the hiring manager can use that instead.

Step 3 Consider using a LinkedIn logo.

Expert Q&A

  • You can use a computer or the mobile app on Android to upload your resume. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • If you want to hide or delete a resume from your LinkedIn profile, scroll down to the "Featured" section of your profile, click the pencil icon next to your resume, and click Delete . Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

how to create resume link

Thanks for reading our article! If you’d like to learn more about finding a job, check out our in-depth interview with James Pak .

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How Do I Upload My Resume To Google Drive And Share a Link?

With Google Drive, you can easily back up your files to the cloud and view them from any device with an Internet connection. You may also edit files uploaded from compatible apps like Microsoft Word or Excel in Google Drive. Uploading a resume to google drive is a simple process. Here we will see about How Do I Upload My Resume To Google Drive And Share a Link?

Uploading a Resume to Google Drive

1. Access Your ACCMail Account

On the left side of the screen, click the up arrow immediately to the right of the “Create” option. Then pick the “Files…” menu option.

Choose a file to upload. Navigate to the file you want to link to and upload. Choose “Open.”

If requested, Google Drive will convert files to the native Google Drive format upon upload. ACC users are encouraged to leave these settings unchecked for the time being and maintain files in their original formats. When a file is uploaded, Google Drive will confirm or ask users if they want to use this option.

Choose the tiny checkbox to the left of your uploaded file. Then, pick the “More” menu item from the dropdown and travel to the “Share” menu item. From the fly-out menu, choose the

“Share…” menu item.

File Conversion to Google Drive Formats

You must first convert files to Google Drive format to edit them online. Converting a file lets you quickly modify it and communicate with others. Only specific file types, like Microsoft Office documents and PDF files, may be converted to Google Drive formats.

File Sharing

Select “Google Docs” You’ll be able to edit the file using this. Choose “Share” in the document’s top right corner to send it along. To send to specific people (employers, family members, friends, etc.), you may enter their email addresses. You may also choose “Copy link” to share a URL with anyone you wish.

Be extremely certain that you want your resume and any personal information accessible to anyone on the internet before making it public. Remember that once you make your resume public, anyone may access it. Through this article we have learned about How Do I Upload My Resume To Google Drive And Share a Link?

If you created your resume in Microsoft Word, take these steps to convert it to PDF: In the top left-hand corner, choose “File.” In the resulting menu, choose “Save As.” When the box appears, choose “file format” from the dropdown option. Select PDF from the options. Select “Save.”

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How to Add Your Résumé to LinkedIn

Alexandra Arici

Joining LinkedIn can open up new career opportunities for you, and uploading your résumé to your profile will improve your chances. Follow the instructions detailed in this tutorial to add your résumé to LinkedIn.

Good to know : not sure whether LinkedIn is for you ? Find out more details about the professional social network.

How to Upload Your Résumé to LinkedIn via Settings

How to upload your résumé to your linkedin profile, how to upload your résumé when applying for linkedin jobs.

If you wish to upload a CV that you’ve previously created to your LinkedIn account, follow these steps.

Press your profile picture in the top-right corner of the LinkedIn profile page.

Clicking on

Select Settings & Privacy .

Go to Data Privacy in the menu on the left. Select Job application settings on the right under the Job seeking preferences section.


Use the Upload resume button to add your résumé file to LinkedIn. Upload DOC, DOCX, or PDF files with the condition that they be under 5MB.

Clicking on

Note : you can have multiple résumés uploaded at a time.

Make sure you turn on the Share resume with recruiters toggle so that recruiters can view skills and experience from your saved résumés as they are searching and viewing profiles.

You can also upload your résumé from the LinkedIn mobile app.

Open the app, and press your profile image in the top left.

Tapping on profile picture in LinkedIn app for Android.

Tap Settings at the bottom.

Selecting Settings option in LinkedIn app for Android.

Go to Data privacy -> Job application settings, and upload your CV, just as explained in the previous section.

Tapping on

Tip : learn how to set up a LinkedIn profile for yourself or your company by checking out our detailed guide.

Your LinkedIn profile can double as your résumé. While you can add all your experience manually to your profile, you can also upload your full résumé for a more complete view of your skill set and education. The steps below apply to both PC and mobile apps.

Go to your LinkedIn profile, and click the Add profile section button.

Clicking the

Navigate to the Recommended sections, and click on Add featured .


On the next page, click the + button.

Adding media to Featured section in LinkedIn on PC.

Select Add media , and find your résumé on your local device to upload it.

Add a description, then press the Save button.

Adding description for LinkedIn resume and pressing Save button on PC.

On your profile, the résumé will appear in the Featured section.

Featured section view in LinkedIn on PC showing uploaded resume.

You can also add your résumé to your LinkedIn profile as a post. If you wish to add a few words about your CV, this may be the better option for you.

On your profile page, press the Create a post button.

Pressing on the

Type your text, then click the + button below.


Click on the Add a document icon to attach your CV.

Pressing the

Press the Post button.

Pressing on

Tip : protect your LinkedIn account by enabling two-factor authentication .

LinkedIn also lets you upload your résumé while in the process of applying for jobs, as some ads give you the option of attaching your resume. The steps below apply whether you’re using LinkedIn on a PC or the mobile app.

To start looking for opportunities, switch to the Jobs tab on LinkedIn.

Browse the job options, or use the Search bar to find a desirable job. Click on a job post that sounds appealing to you.


Press on Apply or Easy Apply on the right to begin the application process.

Click the Next button to agree to share your details with the recruiter.


Press the Upload resume button, and select your CV in DOC/DOCX or PDF form. (The file must not be larger than 2MB.) Click the Next button.

Pressing the

The recruiter may include some additional questions you are required to answer before you can submit your application.

Once you’ve applied to a job with your CV, the résumé will be visible in Settings & Privacy -> Data privacy -> Job application settings .

Good to know : starting a new job search? Check out these websites for remote work opportunities .

If you just started using the professional social network, you need to be aware of the most common LinkedIn scams to protect yourself. If you no longer wish to be on the app, learn how to delete your LinkedIn account .

Image credit: Unsplash . All screenshots by Alexandra Arici.

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Alexandra Arici

Alexandra is passionate about mobile tech and can be often found fiddling with a smartphone from some obscure company. She kick-started her career in tech journalism in 2013, after working a few years as a middle-school teacher. Constantly driven by curiosity, Alexandra likes to know how things work and to share that knowledge with everyone.

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How To: Create a Shareable Link to your Resume

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10 Best AI Resume Builders & CV Makers (June 2024)

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Table Of Contents

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In the rapidly evolving job market, AI-powered resume builders and CV makers are transforming how we approach career development. These tools offer customization, efficiency, and a sophisticated edge over traditional methods. They align the resume creation process with the specific demands of various industries, providing tailored suggestions and optimizing keyword usage to enhance a candidate's presentation.

This article delves into the best AI resume builders & CV makers on the market, showcasing platforms that combine intuitive interfaces, customizable templates, and AI-driven insights to help job seekers create visually appealing and impactful resumes and CVs.

1. VisualCV

The All-New VisualCV Dashboard

VisualCV emerges as a versatile online platform for job seekers, offering a suite of tools for crafting professional resumes, cover letters, and online portfolios. It's recognized for its comprehensive approach to professional presentation.

The platform features over 30 customizable resume templates, facilitating the creation of resumes tailored to different industries and career levels. VisualCV's AI resume builder takes the resume crafting process to the next level, enabling users to stand out in job applications.

Key Features of VisualCV:

  • Diverse Resume Templates: Over 30 customizable templates for various industries.
  • AI-Powered Resume Building: Revolutionizing resume creation with advanced AI technology.
  • Cover Letter Builder: For crafting customized cover letters.
  • Online Portfolio Creation: Showcases work and achievements in a personalized online portfolio.
  • Resume Analytics: Offers insights into resume performance with view and download tracking.
  • Global Platform: Supports nine languages, serving job seekers in over 100 countries.

Read Review →

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How to Use the Teal Resume Builder | Teal (free) vs. Teal+ (premium)

Teal stands out as a comprehensive career growth platform, offering an AI-powered resume builder and an intuitive job search management tool. Its innovative approach to resume building and job tracking makes it a valuable ally for job seekers looking to optimize their search.

The resume builder feature utilizes AI technology and pre-built “bricks” for various resume sections like summaries, achievements, and education. This tool scores the resume against job descriptions in the Job Tracker and provides real-time feedback on keyword optimization.

Teal's Job Tracker enhances the job search experience by enabling users to bookmark jobs, track applications, and manage job-related information. This tool is particularly useful for maintaining organization and focus during the job search process.

Key Features of Teal:

  • AI-Powered Resume Builder: Creates resumes with pre-built sections and AI feedback.
  • Job Tracker: Manages job searches with a comprehensive tracking system.
  • AI Integration in Freeform Fields: Generates tailored resumes and cover letters.
  • Statistics Feature: Provides insights on resume views and viewer locations.
  • Email Templates: Unlimited templates for sharing resources and job-related content.
  • Pricing Options: Offers a free version and a premium Teal+ subscription.

Visit Teal →

3. JobScan – AI Resume

February 2024 Jobscan Update | New Features to AUTOMATE Resume Writing

JobScan's AI resume editor aids job seekers in crafting applications that stand out by using AI to quickly generate relevant key phrases, tailor resumes, and identify critical skills. It features built-in templates that are friendly to Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) – software used by companies to filter, sort, and rank resumes based on job-specific keywords and criteria.

This ensures users' resumes match specific job requirements directly from a unified dashboard. The tool advises on keywords and skills aligned with job descriptions, optimizing resumes for ATS scanning, crucial for making it past initial screenings and capturing hiring managers' attention.

Essential functionalities include ATS-compatible PDF downloads, optimization for font size and headings, appropriate date formatting, and layouts that are easy to scan. By integrating insights from professional recruiters, JobScan enhances the resume's impact, combining AI's efficiency with the nuance of human expertise to present skills and experience in a way that significantly boosts visibility to recruiters and hiring managers.

  • Personalized resume tailoring and key phrase generation.
  • Includes ATS-friendly templates to enhance resume sorting and ranking.
  • Optimizes resumes with job-specific keywords and skills.
  • Include ATS-compatible PDFs , optimized font and layout guidance.
  • AI efficiency with recruiter insights to improve job application impact.

Visit JobScan →


Writing a resume to get hired at Google is much more than a typical resume builder; it's a comprehensive platform designed to streamline the resume creation process for job seekers worldwide. With its robust features and user-friendly interface, is a top choice for those looking to create impactful professional resumes.

This platform offers a diverse array of over 25 resume templates, ensuring that users can find the perfect match for their industry and personal style. Each template is crafted to meet professional standards and enhance the user's chances of catching an employer's eye. also understands the importance of versatility in document formats. Users can download their resumes in PDF, DOCX, and TXT formats, offering the flexibility needed for various job application requirements.

Key Features of

  • Wide Selection of Templates: Over 25 professional templates catering to different industries and styles.
  • Multiple Download Formats: Flexibility with PDF, DOCX, and TXT formats for various application needs.
  • User-Friendly Interface: An intuitive platform with drop-down menus for efficient resume building.
  • Email Feature: Easy sharing of resources like articles and resume examples via email.
  • Statistics Feature: Track resume views and viewer locations for targeted resume improvements.
  • Global Expansion: Services expanded to more countries with added features like a cover letter builder.

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5. Jasper Resume Generator

How To Use Jasper Chat

Jasper stands out as a versatile AI writing assistant, adept at assisting with various writing tasks, including resume creation. Known for its generative AI capabilities, Jasper is particularly useful for overcoming writer's block and generating high-quality content.

Users can select from a range of templates and input their details to get started. Jasper's outputs can be directly copied into the final document, or users can opt to download the completed resume in preferred formats.

Key Features of Jasper:

  • Generates Creative Content Ideas: Provides fresh ideas and sample content.
  • Prompt-Driven Guidance: Offers recommendations for essential resume information.
  • Real-Time Previews: Allows users to see how their resume will appear.
  • Flexible Download Options: Easy download in PDF or Word formats.

Visit Jasper →

6. Kickresume

Guide: Marketing & PR Resume (Any Level of Experience)

Kickresume steps up as a comprehensive resume-building tool, equipped with over 50 customizable templates suited for various industries and career levels. The platform's strength lies in its AI-powered content optimization, helping users to tailor their resumes precisely for specific job descriptions and ensuring ATS compatibility.

Notably, Kickresume extends its offerings to a cover letter builder, allowing for the creation of customized cover letters to accompany job applications. The tool also features import and export options in multiple formats like PDF and Word, adding to its versatility.

Key Features of Kickresume:

  • Extensive Template Collection: Over 50 industry-specific, customizable resume templates.
  • AI-Driven Content Optimization: Tailors resumes for specific jobs and ATS compatibility.
  • Cover Letter Builder: Enables creation of personalized cover letters.
  • Flexible Import and Export: Supports various file formats for ease of use.
  • Guided Writing Process: Provides suggestions and examples for crafting resumes.
  • Resume Analytics: Tracks resume views and downloads for strategic improvements.

Visit Kickresume →

7. ResumeGenius

Make Your Resume with Resume Genius | Builder Walkthrough

ResumeGenius offers an AI-enhanced resume building experience, featuring a collection of over 50 customizable templates. The platform stands out for its AI-driven content optimization, which ensures resumes are tailored to job descriptions and ATS-friendly.

The cover letter builder is a significant addition, providing users with the tools to create custom cover letters. ResumeGenius also facilitates the import and export of documents in various formats, including PDF and Word, catering to diverse application needs.

Key Features of ResumeGenius:

  • Wide Range of Templates: Offers over 50 templates for different industries and career stages.
  • Resume Content Optimization: AI-powered tool for tailoring resumes to job ads and ATS systems.
  • Cover Letter Builder: Assists in creating custom cover letters for job applications.
  • Import and Export Features: Supports multiple document formats for user convenience.
  • Guided Writing Assistance: Provides step-by-step guidance and examples.
  • Professional Review Service: Offers expert reviews of resumes for an additional fee.

Visit ResumeGenius →

8. Resumaker

Create a Resume That Stands Out |

Resumaker is an online resume builder that offers a range of features designed to assist job seekers in creating professional resumes. The platform is known for its AI-powered resume builder, which ensures that resumes are perfectly aligned with job descriptions and relevant keywords.

Resumaker includes customizable resume templates, enabling users to create industry-specific resumes. The addition of a cover letter builder further enhances its utility, allowing for the creation of personalized cover letters.

Key Features of Resumaker:

  • Customizable Resume Templates: A range of templates for different career levels.
  • AI Resume Builder: Analyzes job descriptions for optimal resume customization.
  • Cover Letter Builder: Creates custom cover letters for job applications.
  • Professional Resume Examples: Provides examples for effective resume crafting.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Simplifies the resume creation process.

Visit Resumaker →

9. Skillroads

Get a Job Using AI Resume Generator |

Skillroads positions itself as a key player in the AI-powered resume building and career services sector, offering an array of features to aid job seekers in crafting professional resumes and boosting their job search efforts.

The platform's free online resume builder, powered by AI, enables users to create and customize their resumes efficiently. Skillroads' AI technology assists users in highlighting their strengths, producing resumes that enhance their hiring prospects.

Key Features of Skillroads:

  • AI-Powered Resume Builder: Streamlines resume creation with AI efficiency.
  • Professional Resume Writing Services: Offers expertly crafted resumes with a high success rate.
  • Flexible Pricing: Free version available, with a premium option for additional features.

Visit Skillroads →

10. ResumeNerd

Get Started with ResumeNerd

ResumeNerd is an intelligent writing assistant designed to help users craft standout professional resumes.

The platform enables users to check how well their resumes align with job requirements and offers unique insights for optimizing their resumes. Additionally, it provides a unique opportunity to use your resume to find you the perfect job with the company that best matches your skillset.

Key Features of ResumeNerd:

  • Step-by-step process created by resume experts : Streamlines the resume-building process.
  • Pre-written resume examples to get you started : Offers a decent selection of templates.
  • Match your resume to job listings at top companies.: Enhances your odds of landing the perfect job.

Visit ResumeNerd →

Building the Best Resumes With AI

In the rapidly evolving job market, AI-driven resume builders like the ones in this blog are revolutionizing the way job seekers approach resume creation. These platforms offer more than just traditional writing assistance; they bring advanced AI capabilities, user-friendly interfaces, and expert insights into the resume crafting process.

From overcoming writer's block with creative content generation for your resume to ensuring resumes are ATS-friendly and impactful, these tools provide a significant advantage for job seekers striving to stand out. They represent the cutting edge of resume building technology, empowering users to present their professional stories more effectively and confidently navigate the competitive landscape of job applications.

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Alex McFarland is an AI journalist and writer exploring the latest developments in artificial intelligence. He has collaborated with numerous AI startups and publications worldwide.

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Resume Writing Guide

A resume is typically an employer’s first introduction to you. First impressions are crucial to establish yourself as professional, capable, and motivated. A strong resume demonstrates your transferrable skills, communication abilities, and achievements. A consistent, detailed, and concise resume can help your resume get noticed by recruiters. By formatting your resume professionally, you increase your chances of earning the interview.

Resume Components

Contact information, phone number.

Use a phone number you can answer readily, such as your cell phone. If you have a voice mail set-up, make sure it sounds professional with your name and the best times to contact you.

Your e-mail address should be professional. While you are enrolled at UMass Amherst, your UMass e-mail will work well. After graduation, consider creating a new e-mail address that contains your name. 

Always include phone and email, but consider if listing your address is helpful or harmful. Employers may give preference to people who are closer geographically - if you are applying from far away, they may be unsure whether you are serious about moving.

Additionally, while your city and state are helpful to list, you do not necessarily need to include your street address. Employers will need it to hire you, but it is not required to provide during the job application process.


This section is most useful when you hand your paper resume out at a career or networking event - unless you have something specific to highlight, consider leaving it off your resume. A cover letter will do a better job conveying your why, as well as your key abilities. When you submit electronically, many Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) will often skip the summary section and look for those key words to be in the body of your document instead.

For currently enrolled students, you will list your current degree first, and then work backwards in reverse chronological order. During your first few years of college, consider including your high school until you run out of space.

In addition to your college education, you may also highlight   study abroad or domestic exchange programs . When discussing these programs, think about including the following experiences to highlight your transferable skills: 

Class projects

Volunteering/internships/research applicable to your field

Independent travel

Learning to work with a more diverse group of people than you had previously been exposed to

Resolving conflicts based on misunderstandings of cultural differences

Learn new activities, languages, hobbies, or skills

Education Section Example 

University of Massachusetts, Amherst (Fall 2024 - Present)

Bachelor of Arts, Major: English

GPA (if over 3.0 and you feel comfortable sharing)

Relevant Coursework: 3-5 courses max

Awards (when including awards, include the reason for receiving it. Example: "21st Century Leadership Award for high academic achievement in first year")

Senior Project: (optional)

Portfolio of work (optional)

There are many types of experiences: volunteer, paid, unpaid, work study. If the experience is relevant and taught you transferrable skills, find a way to include it.

  • For each experience, include name of organization, your title or role, location, and dates
  • Action verbs (samples below) to help you write accomplishment statements, which prove you have the skills you say by leaning into outcomes and successes
  • Consider using multiple experience headings, such as: research experience, industry experience, or relevant experience. This can be a good way to move more relevant experiences up higher on your resume, even if they happened further in the past.
  • Quantifying your work can demonstrate your aptitude. Answering questions such as "How many?",   "How much?", and "How often?" will help recruiters understand the extent of your skills.  
  • Avoid “responsibilities included" and writing in a passive voice - using action verbs will make this easier.

Experience Example

Leverage, Incorporated: Boston, MA (September 2025 - Present)

Computer Science Intern

  • Developed an algorithm that identified patterns in white collar crime in the financial industries across the United States. Implementation of this program reduced company losses by 17% compared to the previous quarter.
  • Collaborated with supply chain division to design new packaging based on reduction of carbon footprint, leading to increased production distribution while reducing energy usage.
  • Established a training program to help connect interns with mentors at the organization and was awarded the Innovative Intern of Quarter for these efforts

This section is typically for "hard" skills, which are skills that can easily be measured. Soft skills (such as interpersonal skills) are better described in bullet points of your experience section so they can have the context they require. For a skills section, depending on your targeted field, you may add computer, language, laboratory skills, or performances. For languages, put your level of fluency (e.g., proficient, advanced, fluent, native).

Skills Example

Computer: Microsoft Office (Word, Excel), Adobe Suite (Photoshop, InDesign), Data Analysis (R-Studio, SPSS)

Resume Formatting and Layout

The average reading only spends 20 seconds reading a resume. Before that, an applicant tracking system may be utilized to select which resumes get reviewed by a human being.  Make sure your resume is easy to read and stands out. 

No single format works for everyone: the only rule is that you need to be honest, factual, and relevant

One page is ideal (especially for internships) and for students ages 18-25

Keep a longer master resume for future opportunities

List everything in reserve chronological order; start with your most recent experience work backwards

Use a legible sans serif  font size, keep it readable, 11 is a good place to start

1 column is better than 2; when you have two columns the reader may jump around and miss key information

No icons or images as they cannot be read by applicant tracking software

How Many Resume Versions Do I Need?

There is a big difference between customizing your resume for a specific position/industry versus creating different documents for each application.

  • If you are applying to jobs in drastically different industries, you will want to customize resumes for each industry. For example, a psychology major applying to jobs in Human Services as well as Human Resources will want to highlight different experiences and skills for each, and potentially format their resumes different as a business setting holds different expectations for job criteria compared to a mental health setting.
  • If you're pursuing a few different roles, but they're all related to one discipline or field, then you will not need multiple versions of your resume. However, you will still want to tweak each resume you send out based on the specific job description. 

Specialized Resumes/Sections

While resumes may follow the same general format, depending on your experience and industry, there may be other considerations to help your resume stand out.

Design Resumes

Design resumes can differ from traditional resumes in several tangible ways, reflecting the unique skills and creative nature of design professions.

Your document is an indication of your style aesthetic and may not need to conform to the same rules and standards as other professions.

Visual Layout

Design resumes often incorporate creative layouts that display the designer's skills in typography, layout, and visual communication.

  • Infographics: Use of icons, graphs, and other visual elements can represent skills, experience, and achievements.
  • Color and Typography: Thoughtful use of color and font choices creates an aesthetically pleasing document that aligns with your personal brand.

Content Presentation and Customization

Direct links to online portfolios or examples of work, are often included as part of the resume. Incorporation of personal logos, custom icons, and other branding elements that reflect a designer's style may be added here.

File Format and Compatibility

Designers create their resumes in online spaces varying from Latec to Adobe to Canva. While many resumes are shared as PDFs, design resumes especially should be shared in this format to preserve visual integrity across different devices.

Unique Layouts

Non-traditional formats such as infographics, timelines, or modular layouts may be acceptable.


For digital resumes, elements of interactivity can be incorporated, such as clickable links, hover effects, and embedded multimedia.

The most important rules still apply to ALL resumes; clean neat formatting, with consistency in where the reader will access key information continues to be your driving force.

Designers should contact their career centers to discuss what resume style might best suit their professional goals.

Digital Resumes

A digital resume is an electronic version of a traditional resume that highlights an individual's professional experience, skills, and achievements using digital formats.

Either shared as a PDF or hosted on a personal website, this format allows for enhanced interactivity and multimedia integration. Digital resumes often feature creative layouts, embedded links to portfolios, and interactive elements such as hover effects or animations.

They enable candidates to visually demonstrate their technical and design skills, making them particularly popular in creative and tech industries. The goal of a digital resume is to highlight qualifications, but also provide a dynamic and engaging avenue for potential employers to assess a candidate’s capabilities.

Student Athletes

As a UMass athlete, you learn incredible transferable skills in areas such as communication, leadership, and teamwork. You also spend more time at your activity than most, so make sure they see all your greatness in action.

“Effectively managed communications between 24 team members, served as liaison connecting team and coaching staff, and effectively resolved intra-group conflicts.”

“Excellent time management skills. Balanced a 30+ hour practice, training, competition, and travel schedule while balancing full academic course load.

University of Wisconsin-Madison

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Careers at UW–Madison Extension

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Extension is your opportunity to bring university resources to communities across Wisconsin. We bring research, solutions, guidance, and partnership to all areas of the state. Make a difference where you live by joining our team and supporting families, businesses, organizations, and more.

Application Information

Resume tips.

Before applying, be sure to update your resume to best reflect your experience and qualifications related to the job you are applying for.

  • Include experience – include your work history and lived experience that is relevant to the position. Highlight roles and responsibilities that are related to the qualifications on the job announcement.
  • Include relevant skills – provide a clear overview of your skills and how they fit the job.
  • Include training/education – describe any coursework that matches the job requirements.
  • Include any personal details in your resume that do not relate to the job. Examples include gender, ethnicity, photos, or political party.

Letter of Qualifications (cover letter)

A letter of qualifications is a document which highlights specific examples of your experience and/or training as they relate to each of the required and preferred qualifications listed in the position description.

Example: The job that you are applying for includes experience in planning and teaching educational programs and ability to work cooperatively with other agencies and community-based organizations. In your letter of qualifications, you would list these details:

  • My experience in planning and teaching educational programs is….
  • Examples of work I have performed that include planning and teaching educational programs are….
  • My experience working cooperatively with community-based organizations is….
  • Examples of work I have performed in cooperation with community-based organizations include….

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    how to create resume link

  2. Everything You Need To Know About Objectives For Your Resume + Examples

    how to create resume link

  3. Create shareable link of a file

    how to create resume link

  4. Click Here: Adding Links to Your Resume

    how to create resume link

  5. Jobs180 Sample Resume Link

    how to create resume link

  6. How to Make Resume? Make Professional CV Uttarakhand

    how to create resume link


  1. Learn how to upload resume on LinkedIn

  2. How To Create your perfect resume in minutes || AI Resume Writer Kickresume

  3. How To Write An ATS-Friendly Resume Using ChatGPT in 2024

  4. How add link in Resume

  5. Create a resume website in your browser

  6. How to Upload Your Resume/CV to LinkedIn


  1. Resume Link

    Tiiny Host lets you upload your PDF resumé and create a personalised link to share with employers. You can also track, analyse and protect your resumé with analytics and password features.

  2. How to Create a Link to Your Resume: A Step-by-Step Guide

    Learn how to upload your resume to a cloud platform and generate a shareable link that can be accessed by anyone. Find out the benefits, tips, and fun facts of creating a link to your resume for job searches and networking.

  3. Resume Sharing Made Easy: Create A Url For Your Resume

    Do you want to share your resume with potential employers or collaborators in a convenient way? Watch this video to learn how to create a url for your resume using various online platforms, such ...

  4. How to Create A URL For Your CV/Resume

    File Upload. * Double Click on the Folder to open. * Click on New. * Click on File Upload. * You will be taken to your File Explorer. * Select the CV/Resume file. * Click Enter. * Repeat this for ...

  5. How to Share Your Resume as a Link

    In this video, we'll guide you through the step-by-step process of sharing your resume as a link. Whether you're a seasoned professional looking to update yo...

  6. How to Create a Link for your Resume

    Get the shareable link: Once you have uploaded your resume, you can get a shareable link to it.In most file hosting services, you can right-click on the file and select "Get shareable link" or "Share." Shorten the link (optional): If the shareable link is long, you may want to use a link shortening service such as Bitly or TinyURL to create a shorter, more manageable link.

  7. How To Create a Resume Link? Easiest Options

    Here's how easily you can create a resume link: Go on google chrome and start by typing "Google Drive". Next, you'll be asked to choose an account to access. After choosing your account, you can access the google drive. To upload more than two files you can use this way to keep things organized and accessible.

  8. A Guide to Posting Your Resume Online With Google Docs

    Posting your resume on Google Docs can yield a variety of benefits: Easily send a link to your resume rather than bulk digital attachments. Collaborate with professional colleagues for resume review. Create a permanent, easily editable home for your resume for future additions and editing. Posting and sharing your resume via Google Docs is ...

  9. How To Make an Online Resume (With Video)

    Most online resumes start with an existing resume. Once you've finished writing your resume, you can use the following steps to make an online resume: Look for examples of resumes you like. Peruse job descriptions for keywords. Get familiar with on-page SEO. Focus "above the fold". Revisit your resume content.

  10. How Do I Share My Resume and Cover Letter?

    To share a resume, go to your resume dashboard and click "More" on the drop-down menu to access the "Share a link" option. You can also access the "Share a link" option by clicking on the "…" on the bottom right side of the preview page. See the screenshot below. From there you'll see a page where you can:

  11. How To Build an Online Resume Website

    Here are several steps to consider to when building a resume website: 1. Pick the process that's right for you. Determining how to set up your resume website requires choosing one of three options: Make a unique website on your own. Use a resume website template. Use a resume website builder.

  12. How To Make a Resume Website in 8 Steps (With Tips)

    Here are the steps to follow for how to make a resume website: 1. Select a method. Determine which method you want to use for creating your resume website. Think about which aligns with your preferences, experience, career field and skills. For example, if you want an easy way to share your resume online, creating a landing page may be right ...

  13. The Right Way to Include Links on Your Resume

    Finally, make sure you can actually click on them. Download your resume and have a friend test it out to be sure. Like your resume bullets and list of accomplishments on your cover letter, links are another great way to show your potential and expertise—and there's little risk in adding them into your application. But like any other aspect ...

  14. How To Include Links On Your Resume (With Benefits And Tips)

    10. Validate your links. The last step is to check whether all your links are active. Test them to ensure they direct you to the correct websites when you click on them. Hyperlink your email, URLs and profile links, and verify that every link is relevant and functional before sending your resume to the hiring manager.

  15. How To Create an Online Resume

    Step One: Add a Website Layout. Create a responsive website from scratch. Read here for how to create a website layout: How to create a Website Layout. A resume can be created in different ways. There is not a one-size fits all. Keep in mind why, how, and what, you are building it for.

  16. Boost Your Job Hunt: Learn How to Effectively Insert Links in Your Resume

    The resume header is the most popular section for links - apart from your contact details (email address), also include links to your developed LinkedIn profile and/or portfolio of work. Remember that recruiters may not have the time to click on every single link you've integrated, so think ahead about what would make their job easier in ...

  17. Free Online Resume Builder

    Choose a free resume template from our library or start from scratch. Edit the text to insert your skills, background, and qualifications. Add your professional photo or logo. Include graphic elements to make your CV visually engaging. Save and download in your preferred PDF or Word format, embed online, or transform into a responsive Canva Site.

  18. How to Include Your LinkedIn URL on Your Resume

    Upload your resume from your computer. Or: in the "Featured" section, select "Links" from the dropdown. Enter the URL of your online resume. Edit the "Title" and "Description" in the pop-up window. Click "Save."

  19. How to Add Linked to Your Resume (Examples & Tips)

    2. Write your LinkedIn profile username. Once you're settled on a profile username, add it specifying it belongs to the professional network, like so: LinkedIn: Profile Username. John Smith. [email protected] | (555) 555-5555 | LinkedIn: John Smith | Miami, Fl 33132. 3.

  20. Upload your resume to LinkedIn

    LinkedIn offers multiple methods to upload your resume to LinkedIn, including uploading it to job applications as well as displaying it on your profile. Create your resume. Upload your resume to ...

  21. How to Add Your LinkedIn URL to Your Resume: Tips & Tricks

    In the mobile app, tap the three-dot menu icon (it's to the right of "Open to" and "Add section") and tap Contact info. Tap the pencil icon next to the "Contact" header then tap your current public profile URL. When the next page opens, tap the pencil icon in the "Edit your custom URL" tile. 5. Edit your name.

  22. How Do I Upload My Resume To Google Drive And Share a Link?

    Choose a file to upload. Navigate to the file you want to link to and upload. Choose "Open.". Confirm upload options. Remember that Google Drive will upload the content to the folder you choose in "My Drive. To begin uploading the document, click "Upload and share.". If requested, Google Drive will convert files to the native Google ...

  23. How to Add Your Résumé to LinkedIn

    Note: you can have multiple résumés uploaded at a time.. Make sure you turn on the Share resume with recruiters toggle so that recruiters can view skills and experience from your saved résumés as they are searching and viewing profiles.. Mobile. You can also upload your résumé from the LinkedIn mobile app. Open the app, and press your profile image in the top left.

  24. How To: Create a Shareable Link to your Resume

    How To: Create a Shareable Link to your Resume. To search for an exact match, please use Quotation Marks. Example: "computer". Students and recent alums attending virtual career events this fall, during a 1:1 meeting with an employer/recruiter, you may want to quickly share your resume for the recruiter to take a look at.

  25. 10 Best AI Resume Builders & CV Makers (June 2024)

    Resumaker includes customizable resume templates, enabling users to create industry-specific resumes. The addition of a cover letter builder further enhances its utility, allowing for the creation of personalized cover letters. Key Features of Resumaker: Customizable Resume Templates: A range of templates for different career levels.

  26. Free online cover letter generator

    Finally, you don't have to build anything from scratch. That's always the most difficult part. And now it's the part you can just skip. Our free cover letter templates are ready to use and fill in with minimal effort. The attention-grabbing beautiful designs and organized structure have been tested and vetted.

  27. What is a Resume Builder? Benefits and Features

    Time savings: Create a professional-looking resume in minutes, rather than spending hours formatting and writing it from scratch.; Professional content: Make your resume look polished and professional with suggested content.; Customizable options: Easily modify the content and format of your resume to fit your needs and showcase your skills.; Useful guidance: Get suggestions on what to include ...

  28. Microsoft Copilot

    Microsoft Copilot is your everyday AI companion that helps you to be smarter, more productive, more creative, and more connected to the people and things around you. Whether you want to learn how to code, plan an Influencer level vacation, or just need a little help writing a hard email, your everyday AI companion is there to help you get the job done like a pro. If you missed that meeting and ...

  29. Resume Writing Guide : Career Development ...

    Direct links to online portfolios or examples of work, are often included as part of the resume. Incorporation of personal logos, custom icons, and other branding elements that reflect a designer's style may be added here. File Format and Compatibility. Designers create their resumes in online spaces varying from Latec to Adobe to Canva.

  30. Careers at UW-Madison Extension

    Before applying, be sure to update your resume to best reflect your experience and qualifications related to the job you are applying for. Do: Include experience - include your work history and lived experience that is relevant to the position. Highlight roles and responsibilities that are related to the qualifications on the job announcement.