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Speech Analysis #1: How to Study and Critique a Speech

The Speech Analysis Series is a series of articles examining different aspects of presentation analysis. You will learn how to study a speech and how to deliver an effective speech evaluation. Later articles will examine Toastmasters evaluation contests and speech evaluation forms and resources.

  • How to Study and Critique a Speech
  • The Art of Delivering Evaluations
  • Modified Sandwich Technique for Evaluations
  • Evaluation Forms, Tools, and Resources
  • Toastmasters Evaluation Contests

The first in the series, this article outlines questions to ask yourself when assessing a presentation . Ask these questions whether you attend the presentation, or whether you view a video or read the speech text. These questions also apply when you conduct a self evaluation of your own speeches .

The Most Important Thing to Analyze: The Speech Objectives

Knowing the speaker’s objective is critical to analyzing the speech, and should certainly influence how you study it.

  • What is the speaker’s goal? Is it to educate , to motivate , to persuade , or to entertain ?
  • What is the primary message being delivered?
  • Why is this person delivering this speech ? Are they the right person?
  • Was the objective achieved ?

The Audience and Context for the Speech

A speaker will need to use different techniques to connect with an audience of 1500 than they would with an audience of 15. Similarly, different techniques will be applied when communicating with teenagers as opposed to communicating with corporate leaders.

  • Where and when is the speech being delivered?
  • What are the key demographic features of the audience ? Technical? Students? Elderly? Athletes? Business leaders?
  • How large is the audience?
  • In addition to the live audience, is there an external target audience ? (e.g. on the Internet or mass media)

Speech Content and Structure

The content of the speech should be selected and organized to achieve the primary speech objective. Focus is important — extraneous information can weaken an otherwise effective argument.

Before the Speech

  • Were there other speakers before this one ? Were their messages similar, opposed, or unrelated?
  • How was the speaker introduced ? Was it appropriate?
  • Did the introduction establish why the audience should listen to this speaker with this topic at this time ?
  • What body language was demonstrated by the speaker as they approached the speaking area? Body language at this moment will often indicate their level of confidence .

The Speech Opening

Due to the primacy effect , words, body language, and visuals in the speech opening are all critical to speaking success.

  • Was a hook used effectively to draw the audience into the speech? Or did the speaker open with a dry “ It’s great to be here today. “
  • Did the speech open with a story ? A joke ? A startling statistic ? A controversial statement ? A powerful visual ?
  • Did the speech opening clearly establish the intent of the presentation?
  • Was the opening memorable ?

The Speech Body

  • Was the presentation focused ? i.e. Did all arguments, stories, anecdotes relate back to the primary objective?
  • Were examples or statistics provided to support the arguments ?
  • Were metaphors and symbolism use to improve understanding?
  • Was the speech organized logically ? Was it easy to follow?
  • Did the speaker transition smoothly from one part of the presentation to the next?

The Speech Conclusion

Like the opening, the words, body language, and visuals in the speech conclusion are all critical to speaking success. This is due to the recency effect .

  • Was the conclusion concise ?
  • Was the conclusion memorable ?
  • If appropriate, was there a call-to-action ?

Delivery Skills and Techniques

Delivery skills are like a gigantic toolbox — the best speakers know precisely when to use every tool and for what purpose.

Enthusiasm and Connection to the Audience

  • Was the speaker enthusiastic ? How can you tell?
  • Was there audience interaction ? Was it effective?
  • Was the message you – and we-focused , or was it I- and me-focused ?
  • Was humor used?
  • Was it safe and appropriate given the audience?
  • Were appropriate pauses used before and after the punch lines, phrases, or words?
  • Was it relevant to the speech ?

Visual Aids

  • Were they designed effectively?
  • Did they complement speech arguments ?
  • Was the use of visual aids timed well with the speaker’s words?
  • Did they add energy to the presentation or remove it?
  • Were they simple and easy to understand ?
  • Were they easy to see ? e.g. large enough
  • Would an additional visual aid help to convey the message?

Use of Stage Area

  • Did the speaker make appropriate use of the speaking area?

Physical – Gestures and Eye Contact

  • Did the speaker’s posture display confidence and poise?
  • Were gestures natural, timely, and complementary ?
  • Were gestures   easy to see ?
  • Does the speaker have any distracting mannerisms ?
  • Was eye contact effective in connecting the speaker to the whole audience?

Vocal Variety

  • Was the speaker easy to hear ?
  • Were loud and soft variations used appropriately?
  • Was the speaking pace  varied? Was it slow enough overall to be understandable?
  • Were pauses used to aid understanding, heighten excitement, or provide drama?
  • Was the language appropriate for the audience?
  • Did the speaker articulate clearly?
  • Were sentences short and easy to understand?
  • Was technical jargon or unnecessarily complex language used?
  • What rhetorical devices were used? e.g. repetition, alliteration, the rule of three , etc.


Sometimes, a technically sound speech can still miss the mark. Likewise, technical deficiencies can sometimes be overcome to produce a must-see presentation. The intangibles are impossible to list, but here are a few questions to consider:

  • How did the speech make you feel ?
  • Were you convinced ?
  • Would you want to listen to this speaker again?
  • Were there any original ideas or techniques?

Next in the Speech Analysis Series

The next article in this series – The Art of Delivering Evaluations – examines how best to utilize speech evaluation skills as a teaching tool.

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Image credit: Cate by James Duncan Davidson ( CC BY 2.0 )

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I absolutely loved this article. It gave me a major idea of what to write on my speech critique. Great information, organized, and detailed!

Great post. I have to say, it was when I started to do exactly what you say that my skills took off.

If anyone wants to go farther, just teach a class on public speaking. You do not need a degree to teach continuing ed. It will help you, as some of my students who went on to teach to improve even more. This is because not only are you observing your students for these points. You are actually teaching them how to attain some of these skills.

oh my god….thank you!! i had no idea where to even start my speech analysis!

Excellent article. Will refer members of my club to it.

Dear Eugenia You refer to “members of your club” and I wanted to know an online public speaking club. Does this exist. Regards Berty

Your article is very informative. Hope you post more tips on writing a speech and how to analyse it!! 😎

Thanks for providing this information. I am writing an essay critiquing my own speech in third person. A tough task, but these pointers made it easier. Thank you.

i loved this information very much.now i am preparing for my examination and i think this article will help me to get good mark. thanks

Great summary/overview on basic things to evaluate while listening to a speech. Will be very much helpful when i have to do evaluations for speech class!

Thank you sooooo much for this article!! This is helping me soooo much for my speech analysis!

Thank you so so much! You are awesome and very helpful plus amazing too!

Great job once again! I liked the clarity with which these concepts were explained. Self explanatory and useful for both novice and advanced speakers. Keep it up!

Such a great article, thank you! It truly helped

I have to look at this for a class project and really learned some new tips from this.

This helped immensely; thank you so much!

thank you, you helped me a lot

Best article I found for speech critique and analysis. Definitely a place to come back for speech resource.

Thank you Andrew, great articles and valuable information. I recently joined a Toastmaster’s group and this will really help. Once I figure out how to “tweet” I will be “tweeting” this site to Kwantlen University Students and Alumni.

I absolutely loved this article it gave me a major idea of what to write on my speech critique great information, organized, and detailed!

Fantastic article. For someone that is new to Taostmasters this gives me at least an idea of how I should approach giving an evaluation…frigthening me more than giving a speech!! Thanks!

hi Andrew, this is a great article for someone who is a beginner to evaluate a speech. thanks a lot. -Venkat

very informative article will certainly help me to develop my speech technique.

Thus really helpful…we always read text resurfacely I gained alot from this article. now I know where to start when I want to present information through speech to the public

thank you this helped me vey much.

thanks a lot this just help me with my paper. you explain it better than my teacher

I am a toastmaster who loves to compete. I believe these articles will help me help other to deliver their speeches and both of us can grow.

Hi Andrew Dlugan, i am really happy to come across your site as new trainee in the public speaking and writing profession. i am programmer but i have passion for writing especially poems.Do you have any advice or resources to help me survive in the world of speaking and writing.

Thank You, Best Regards, Lawal Abdulateef Olawle

I came here looking for a speech review but reading this article helped me a lot in my opening speech. I hope many people who are having trouble in analysing there speech they should really open this website. Thank you

This is a helpful source to me. Thanks a lot

Great article. I am preparing to critique a public speaking competition this weekend and I found this article quite helpful Thanks a lot

Hi Andrew, May I use your article in our club newsletter? It is particularly timely as we approach the contest season in Toastmasters. I will source it to your web site and also include a link under the Articles about speaking of our club website.

John Sleigh Rockhampton, Queensland, Australia

Amazing breakdown of how to not only analysis a speech but to also push yourself that inch further to get more scope for marks. I really recommend this webpage. Thank you

Thank you for this amazing information, your 6 minutes guide is great and I am learning so much with it.

Really GREAT JOB! thanks so much! Best! Rasha

I really love this and would want more of this

This information was very informative and knowledgeable.Thank you.

Your articles are very thorough. I really enjoyed reading the first one.

Can you give me some examples of relevant puns used in speeches?

One more treasure trove on the internet. Thanks for sharing DLugan.

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How To Write A Speech Analysis Essay

A speech analysis essay is a type of writing where you analyze a speech and discuss its effectiveness. In order to write a good speech analysis essay, you’ll need to understand the four key elements of a speech: purpose, message, medium, and audience.

Purpose is the reason the speaker is giving the speech. Message is what the speaker wants the audience to remember. Medium is how the speaker delivers the speech. And audience is who the speech is aimed at.

Once you understand these four elements, you can start analyzing the speech. You’ll want to discuss how well the speaker achieved their purpose, how well the message was delivered, and how well the speech resonated with the audience.

Speech analysis essays can be challenging to write, but they’re a great way to learn more about public speaking and the art of persuasion.

Understanding the Purpose of a Speech Analysis Essay

A speech analysis essay is a paper that breaks a speech down into parts and explains how each part functions. It is important to understand the purpose of a speech analysis essay before writing one, as the purpose will dictate the structure and content of the essay.

The main purpose of a speech analysis essay is to help the reader understand the speech better. This can be done by explaining the purpose of each part of the speech and how it contributes to the overall message. Another purpose of a speech analysis essay is to identify the rhetorical devices used by the speaker and explain how they are used to convey the message.

The structure of a speech analysis essay will vary depending on the purpose of the essay. However, most essays will follow a basic structure. The introduction will introduce the speech and provide some context for it. The body of the essay will explain the purpose of each part of the speech and how it contributes to the overall message. The conclusion will summarize the main points of the essay and provide some final thoughts.

The introduction, provided by a “ write my book report ” service, will set the stage by introducing the speech in question and providing essential context for understanding it.

When writing a speech analysis essay, it is important to be aware of the rhetorical devices used by the speaker. Some of the most common rhetorical devices include:

-Anaphora: Repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of successive clauses -Apostrophe: Addressing a person or thing that is not present -Irony: Saying the opposite of what is meant -Metaphor: Comparing two things without using like or as -Simile: Comparing two things using like or as

These devices can be used to convey the speaker’s message in a powerful and memorable way. It is important to understand how these devices are used and what they mean in order to get the most out of a speech analysis essay.

Selecting an Appropriate Speech for Analysis

When writing a speech analysis essay, it is important to select an appropriate speech to analyze. A good speech to analyze is one that is well-organized, well-delivered, and has a clear message.

To begin, read the speech carefully, and make note of the main points the speaker is making. Next, analyze the speech’s structure. How well is the speech organized? Is it easy to follow? Are the main points clearly stated?

Next, analyze the speech’s delivery. How effective is the speaker’s delivery? Does the speaker sound confident and convincing? Are there any noticeable pauses or hesitations?

Finally, analyze the speech’s message. What is the main message the speaker is trying to communicate? Is the message clear and concise? Is it easy to understand?

When writing a speech analysis essay, it is important to be objective and critical. Be sure to present both the positive and negative aspects of the speech.

Analyzing the Rhetorical Strategies Used in the Speech

When writing a speech analysis essay, it is important to first read and understand the speech fully. After that, you can begin to analyze the rhetorical strategies that the speaker used.

In his speech, “The Price of Freedom is Eternal Vigilance,” George W. Bush used a variety of rhetorical strategies to make his point. He began by talking about the importance of freedom, and how the United States is fighting for freedom around the world. He then talked about the terrorist attacks on September 11, and how the United States is fighting a war against terrorism.

Bush then talked about the importance of staying vigilant, and how the United States will never let the terrorists win. He ended his speech by talking about the importance of the American people staying united, and how the United States will overcome this challenge.

Bush’s use of rhetorical strategies was very effective. He spoke about the importance of freedom, and how the United States is fighting for freedom around the world. He also talked about the terrorist attacks on September 11, and how the United States is fighting a war against terrorism.

Developing a Clear and Coherent Thesis Statement

A thesis statement is a sentence or two that states the main idea of your essay and helps to keep your argument organized. It is the “road map” of your essay, telling your reader what to expect from your writing.

In order to write a strong thesis statement, you must be able to reflect on your essay topic from multiple perspectives. Ask yourself the following questions:

What am I trying to say about this topic? What are the key points I want to make? What is the main argument I am trying to make?

Once you have answered these questions, you can begin to craft a thesis statement that reflects your main argument. Be sure to stay focused and concise, and make sure your thesis statement is clear and easy to understand.

Here is an example of a thesis statement for a speech analysis essay:

In his speech, “The Power of Words,” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. argues that words have the power to change the world.

This thesis statement clearly states the main argument of the essay, and it is easy to understand.

Structuring Your Speech Analysis Essay

When you are given an assignment to write a speech analysis essay, it is important to understand the structure of the essay. This will help you to organize your thoughts and present them in a cohesive manner.

The typical structure of a speech analysis essay is as follows:

1. Introduce the speech you are analyzing.

2. Discuss the main points of the speech.

3. Analyze the speech in terms of its purpose, audience, and delivery.

4. Summarize your thoughts on the speech.

5. Conclude your essay.

Incorporating Evidence and Quotations from the Speech

A good speech analysis essay incorporates evidence and quotations from the speech, illustrating how the speaker has developed their argument. In order to write a strong analysis, it is important to first read and understand the speech completely. After that, you can begin to look for the main points the speaker is making and how they are making them.

When writing your essay, be sure to include the following:

-An introduction that introduces the speech and provides some background information on the speaker -The body of the essay, which should discuss the main points of the speech and how they are developed -A conclusion that summarizes the main points of the essay and reflects on what the speech means for the audience

Additionally, you may want to use your own words to explain the main points of the speech, rather than simply quoting from the speech itself. This will help to ensure that your essay is clear and easy to read.

When analyzing a speech, it is important to consider the following factors:

-The context in which the speech was given -The audience for whom the speech was intended -The purpose of the speech -The tone of the speech -The main points the speaker is trying to make

By considering these factors, you can get a better understanding of the overall message the speaker is trying to convey.


Riley Wilson is a 31-year-old teacher and blogger who lives in the Midwest. Riley is a self-proclaimed bookworm and lover of all things geeky. He started her teaching career in 2007 and has been blogging since 2009.

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Voice and analysis in your essay, the tour guide approach.

This handout is available for download in DOCX format and PDF format .

Several people have asked me what I mean when I ask for more VOICE in your essay. This is a great question, and it gets to the heart of what analysis looks like in a research paper. The goal of a research paper is to use the literature (your research) to support your own unique argument. This is different from a literature review, which simply reviews what others have said about a topic. In a research paper, there is some literature review, typically towards the beginning, but the larger goal is to DO SOMETHING with this literature to show your own take on the topic . This is analysis and it is what gives voice to your essay. One way to think about voice is to see yourself as the TOUR GUIDE of your essay.

Imagine a tour of a city. The guide's job is to take people from place to place, showing them things that make the city special. A mediocre guide might just say, "This is Westminster Abbey," "This is Big Ben," etc. They might provide facts, such as who is buried at Westminster Abbey, but they don't put any of the information in context. You might as well do a self-guided tour. This is the equivalent of a literature review: you describe all of the studies and theories, but you don't tell the reader what to do with this new knowledge. The EVIDENCE is there, but the ANALYSIS is missing.

Comic titled "The Burned-Out Tour Guide" showing a guide on a tour bus tiredly pointing and saying "And over there is some stuff I've seen, like, a million times." Credit: azilliondollarscomics.com.

On the other hand, a good tour guide doesn't just show you the buildings. Instead, they tell you about how these monuments reflect the history and culture of the city. They put the buildings into context to tell a story and give you a sense of place, time, purpose, etc. This is the equivalent of a good research paper. It takes evidence (data, observations, theories) and does something with it to communicate a new angle to your reader. It argues something, using the literature as a foundation on which to build the new, original argument.

Good tour guides (writers) insert their voice often. The voice can be heard in topic sentences , where the writer tells the reader how the paragraph fits into the larger argument (i.e., how it connects to the thesis). The voice can be heard in the analysis in the paragraphs as the writer tells the reader what has been learned and what it means for the larger argument. The voice often gets stronger as the essay progresses—especially since earlier paragraphs often contain more background information and later paragraphs are more likely to contain argument built on that background information. A good tour guide also:

  • Doesn't tell the reader things they already know
  • Doesn't over-explain or provide unnecessary detail
  • Doesn't rush— if they move too fast, their tour won't be able to keep up
  • Keeps things interesting (doesn't visit boring sites!)
  • Keeps things organized (no backtracking to sites they've already visited)

How to use this in your writing:

Analysis is any moment in which you tell the reader your interpretation, how ideas fit together, why something matters, etc. It is when your voice comes through, as opposed to the authors of the articles you cite.

What might analysis / tour guiding look like in a research essay?

  • Critique of the literature (methodological flaws, different interpretations of findings, etc.)
  • Resolution of contradictory evidence
  • Analysis of differing theories (in light of the evidence)
  • Incorporation of various lenses, e.g., cultural or societal influences, cross-cultural similarities or differences, etc.
  • Historical changes
  • Fusion of literature or topics that are not obviously related
  • Transitional language that connects pieces of the argument

Credit: Elissa Jacobs, University Writing Program

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Home — Essay Samples — Government & Politics — Nelson Mandela — Nelson Mandela’s Speeches: A Rhetorical Analysis


Nelson Mandela's Speeches: a Rhetorical Analysis

  • Categories: Nelson Mandela Polite Speech

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Words: 767 |

Published: Feb 7, 2024

Words: 767 | Pages: 2 | 4 min read

Table of contents

Overview of the speech, analysis of the speech, rhetorical devices used in the speech, tone of the speech, historical context of the speech, key themes in the speech, impact of the speech.

  • Mandela, N. (1964). I am Prepared to Die. Retrieved from https://www.nelsonmandela.org/omalley/cis/omalley/OMalleyWeb/03_Speeches/03_Interviews_and_testimony/64/646_20_04_1964_I_am_prepared_to_die.htm
  • Mandela, N. (1994). Long Walk to Freedom. Little, Brown and Company.
  • Kotzé, H. (2014). The Rhetoric of Mandela’s Rivonia Trial Speech. Journal of Literary Studies, 30(2), 97-107.

Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson

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    Writing a speech analysis requires one to focus on numerous aspects, including organization, tone, and content. Learn how with the following tips and speech analysis examples.

  2. How to Write a Rhetorical Analysis | Key Concepts & Examples

    A rhetorical analysis is structured similarly to other essays: an introduction presenting the thesis, a body analyzing the text directly, and a conclusion to wrap up. This article defines some key rhetorical concepts and provides tips on how to write a rhetorical analysis.

  3. Speech Analysis #1: How to Study and Critique a Speech

    A helpful guide which shows how to critique a speech. Discusses objectives, audience analysis, speech content, and presentation delivery.

  4. Free Speech Analysis Essays Examples. Best Topics, Titles

    The purpose of a Speech Analysis essay is to critically analyze a speech, examining the speaker's persuasive techniques, argumentation, and the impact on the audience, and to provide insight into the effectiveness of the speech.

  5. Brutus and Antony's Speech Analysis: [Essay Example], 503 ...

    Both characters deliver their speeches at Caesar's funeral, and their speeches have a profound impact on the audience and the outcome of the play. This essay will analyze and compare the rhetorical strategies used by Brutus and Antony in their speeches, as well as the effectiveness of their arguments and appeals to the audience.

  6. How To Write A Speech Analysis Essay - healthywritinglife.com

    A speech analysis essay is a type of writing where you analyze a speech and discuss its effectiveness. In order to write a good speech analysis essay, you’ll need to understand the four key elements of a speech: purpose, message, medium, and audience.

  7. Voice and Analysis in Your Essay | Writing Handouts ...

    Analysis is any moment in which you tell the reader your interpretation, how ideas fit together, why something matters, etc. It is when your voice comes through, as opposed to the authors of the articles you cite.

  8. How to Write a Speech Essay - The Classroom

    Identify the type of speech you will deliver. Know if you will be giving a persuasive speech, an informative speech, a how-to speech, or an analytical or narrative speech.

  9. Speech Analysis Guidelines brief - Ohlone College

    In order to fulfill this requirement, you are expected to write a 2-3 page paper (unless noted) analyzing 1) The content of the speech, 2) the speaker’s delivery & speaking style and 3) your analysis of the overall effectiveness (strengths and areas of improvement) of the speech/presentation/meeting/event and your response to the speaker’s message.

  10. Nelson Mandela's Speeches: A Rhetorical Analysis: [Essay ...

    Analyzing his speeches can provide insights into his leadership style and the values he stood for. This essay aims to analyze one of his speeches to understand the rhetorical devices used, the tone, historical context, and key themes. The analysis will also examine the immediate and long-term impact of the speech on society.