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Genesis vs. Thesis: The Best WordPress Framework

WordPress Thesis Framework Prices

Samyak Lalit is an Indian author and disability rights activist. He is the principal author and founder of projects like TechWelkin, WeCapable, Viklangta, Kavita Kosh among many others.

If you’re a professional blogger who is serious about his blogging business , I am sure you know the importance of having a cutting-edge website. WordPress platform and a good WordPress framework can provide you such a website or blog .

A couple of days ago TechWelkin was upgraded from the basic WordPress installation to the Genesis Framework. So far, I was using TwentyTwelve theme that comes along with WordPress . I had customized it heavily to meet my needs. Genesis, I believe, will certainly help my rapidly growing website. In past few years, there has been a lot of debate over the best WordPress framework . The top contestants for the entitlement of superlative have long been Thesis and Genesis . But such a comparison is history now.

I did a long research, read hundreds of articles and spent significant amount of time in thinking over pros and cons of Thesis and Genesis frameworks before coming to a final decision and implementation. To make things easier for you, here I will talk about a few reasons as to why I chose Genesis over Thesis. Here we go, Genesis vs. Thesis.

Genesis vs. Thesis: Comparison of Price

For established WordPress bloggers and companies, price tag may not be an important issue. But for relatively smaller websites, who are still testing the waters, investment in a paid service could pinch a bit. At around $60, Genesis is far less expensive than Thesis, which comes with a price tag of $87.

WordPress Thesis Framework Prices

Genesis vs. Thesis: Comparison of Support Duration

Thesis offers only 12 months of framework support through its user forum. In comparison, Genesis comes with lifetime support. Longer duration of support is very important, especially for users who are not very tech-savvy. These users will need to ask questions while setting up and modifying the framework they select.

It is true that after 12 months, one may not need support every now and then because even a novice user would have learned the tricks during this period. But lifetime support from Genesis will turn out to be of great significance when you’ll read the next section.

WordPress Genesis Framework Prices

WordPress Genesis Framework Prices

Genesis vs. Thesis: Comparison in Upgrade Availability

Genesis provides unlimited life-long updates after you purchase the framework. Thesis, on the other hand, will upgrade your installation of framework only for one year after the purchase is made. This means, unlike Genesis, Thesis will leave you out there in cold if you do not pay again for upgrade. Such a condition will hurt even more if there would be no upgrade during your eligibility period of 365 days –and bang on 366 th day a major upgrade of Thesis will appear on horizon!

Once bought, you can legally use Genesis on any number of domains. You are even allowed to develop websites based on your copy of Genesis and sell these websites to your clients! DIY, the developer of Thesis, however, binds your $87 copy of framework to just one domain. If you have, let’s say, ten WordPress websites for which you want the framework, you’ll have to buy $197 version of Thesis (this version comes with unlimited support, upgrade and domains).

Thesis 2.0 Factor

I can not really comment on how good or bad was the 2.0 version of Thesis because I never used it. What I am reporting here is based on the opinions of a few other tech bloggers. Version 2.0 was released in 2012. Initially it was lauded by users but soon they realized that this version had a number of loopholes. Many users removed this upgrade soon after installing it. Version 2.0 apparently caused great damage to the image of Thesis and helped even the most ardent supporters to look for alternatives.

Matt Cutts also shifted from Thesis to Genesis in June this year. Darren Rowse , Matt Mullenweg , Cali Lewis –they all began to use and support Genesis.

Genesis vs. Thesis: Comparison in Number of Visible Options

Although I knew beforehand how Genesis looks and works –but honestly, when I installed it –for a moment, I also felt that paying for Genesis was not worth it! You don’t see any big changes in your WordPress admin dashboard. After reading and hearing so much of praise in support and need of a framework, one begins to expect that installing a framework will make (and look) things ultra-easy.

Genesis does indeed makes things ultra-easy but it does not hijack appearance of WordPress. It simply adds an option “Genesis” to the dashboard sidebar. Thesis, on the other hand, makes a lot of changes in admin dashboard. It visually presents you with a barrage of options.

But nevertheless, Genesis again scores over Thesis because of well written documentation, tutorials and code snippets that become available to you from the website of StudioPress . While some people might like visual appeal of Thesis –Genesis folks chose to keep it neat and help users in a systematic way.

This is true; however, again from the viewpoint of a first-time user of a framework –I kind of feel that Genesis should make its power available for non-developrs rather easily. I suggest that they merge their Genesis Simple Hooks plug-in with the framework itself OR at least tell newbie users that such a plug-in is available which can be of use for a non-developer user.

I hope that this review will help you in making up your mind in case you are planning to go for a WordPress framework. Let me know your thoughts on the framework that you are already using or planning to buy.

Please feel free to ask if you have any questions on this topic. I will be happy to try and help. Thank you for using TechWelkin!

2 responses to “Genesis vs. Thesis: The Best WordPress Framework”

Good article Lalit. I feel if chosen between the two, one should go for Genesis because of its flexibility and robust set of features. Thesis on the other hand had a major downfall after its 2.0 version loopholes and controversy but some people are happy with it. If you want to try another framework go for templatetoaster or cherry framework. They work great as well. Do not stick around just a particular one. Explore others, what if you find more exciting features.

I want to make themes

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Chris Lema

Why a Genesis and Thesis Comparison is Still No Comparison

Reviews , Themes & Plugins


That said, since I received a “topic idea” ( here's where you can submit your own ), I thought I'd jot down some quick differences between Genesis 1.9 and Thesis 2.0.

The “Fits in the Ecosystem” Comparison

Even before you purchase and install the Genesis Framework , you'll see information on their site that suggests you buy two things – the framework and a child theme. These are terms, if you've never heard of them, that are well known and articulated in the WordPress community.

Even if you're not a theme developer yourself, if you've attended a WordCamp, visited a WordPress Meetup, or hung out with WordPress folks, you'll have heard of starter themes, frameworks and child themes. These are the building blocks of theming these days – and have been for a couple of years.

When you visit the Thesis site, you're invited to buy the framework, and it mentions skins, boxes, and packages. Raise your hand if you know what they are? Keep them up if you've heard them used at WordCamps, Meetups, and/or with WordPress folks. Anyone?

From a learning perspective, you want to learn what the rest of the community knows, so that they can help you.

Winner: Genesis Framework

The “Right Kind of Support” Comparison

When Thesis 2.0 was released, it came without any documentation – causing a lot of people a lot of anguish – especially users of earlier versions of Thesis. They've gotten better by actually publishing some documentation, but it's light.


When you step into the threaded discussions, you'll note that a lot of questions surround the development of skins, boxes, and css customization – basically a ton of requests to get help trying to use the system as intended.


Let's pause here for a second. Isn't the whole point of using Thesis  that you don't need to become a developer – writing box and skin code? So while I like the support it's getting, it seems like the wrong kind.

You can see what I'm talking about when you compare it with the Genesis Community Forums.


The “Extending the Framework” Comparison

When you activate  Genesis  you notice it's not a “big” framework, from a visual perspective. It doesn't take over your installation of WordPress with tons of options, panels, and screens to visit. It's a serious, heavy-duty framework, but most of its power is under the hood – kept away from where us mortals hang out.

So when you look at the Genesis menu item and only see “general options” and “SEO” menu options, you might think you've been swindled. Clearly this is different when you activate Thesis  – which does take over your world when you open the skin editor.

While we could debate the merits of a light weight set of options, don't mistake how simple things look from the Genesis perspective, or how complete things look from the Thesis one.

I spent more than a few minutes looking to see how I put a logo on a Thesis 2.0 theme (hint: you need to download a box first, which requires you to find it). I also spent more time than I care to imagine looking for a way to get the articles on the homepage to just show excerpts. Thesis looked powerful and complete but in the end, had some serious challenges in letting me do simple things.

Genesis, on the other hand, makes logos and excerpts easy to handle. In fact, it comes with pre-made widgets that can be used anywhere on your site.


The “How Fast Can I Learn” Comparison

I have friends who say that learning Genesis requires you to learn an entire new thing on top of WordPress. Mind you – they're speaking from a developer's perspective. They say that because Genesis introduces action and filter hooks that let you do additional and nuanced things. But you could adjust your Genesis-powered site without knowing any actions or filters.

The same can't be true for Thesis. If you want to change anything, you're going to have to know the ins and outs of their entire framework. Even changing something as simple as a line or two of CSS isn't straightforward. First you get to a screen like this. Any idea what to do? Or where to click?


And then, when you click on an item on the right, you are presented with this screen that also doesn't make clear you have to click to another tab, then click a drop down, and then see what tweaks you can make (hint: look at ‘options').


I've said it before, but if Genesis  doesn't  give you what you need in terms of simple ways to make GUI changes, you should check out the Dynamik child theme for Genesis , which comes from the guys that created Catalyst .

The Price Comparison

Ok, let's get to it – which would you rather?

  • A one-time, total support, complete upgrades, robust community, framework and child theme for $80. [Genesis]
  • A time-sensitive, 12 month limit on upgrades, framework without skins, but with a community to help you get started for $87. [Thesis]

I know when this post gets published there will be folks that think it's a negative post. They'll say it doesn't look good to pick on a framework like Thesis and that we should all take the high road. And I agree that bashing people isn't professional.

But I disagree that we should stay silent simply because one of these frameworks isn't doing well. Because the truth is that some people don't know how big a difference there is. A recent article compared the two, but compared it to the older version of Thesis because they didn't have enough data on 2.0. But today, if a user reads those articles out there and picks Thesis because of what they did in an earlier version, they'll be in for a rude awakening.

So I think it's better to highlight the differences in the Genesis and Thesis comparison and let you decide for yourself.

But in my mind, the winner, without question is  Genesis .

Let me know what you decide.

Meet Chris Lema

Chris Lema is a seasoned CEO, experienced product strategist, and respected business coach. Executives and entrepreneurs coach with Chris to achieve peak performance for themselves and their teams.

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Why I Moved From Thesis to Genesis – Detailed Comparison

Reading Time: 7 mins. Posted on January 7, 2014 , last updated on January 11, 2021 .

Thesis Vs Genesis feature by feature comparison and share why I moved over BizTips and other WordPress Blogs from Thesis Framework to Genesis Framework.

Why I Moved From Thesis to Genesis – Detailed Comparison

I have finally moved all my blogs from the Thesis Framework to Genesis framework, and there is a reason behind it. Let’s do a feature by feature comparison of Thesis Vs. Genesis and find out why everyone should move over to Genesis.

Long-time Thesis Customer

I purchased DIYThemes’ Thesis WordPress Framework in 2010 and liked it back then.


I used Thesis for all my blogs and recommended it to many clients and friends.


In September-ish 2012 (as far as I remember) Thesis 2.0 was out, and I wanted to be moving to Thesis 2.0 as soon as I could.

The first experiment with Thesis 2.0 on my localhost gave me a big shock. Thankfully I always do minor upgrades on live sites, but major upgrades are always on my development servers or localhost before going live. Saved me tons of time and energy handling Thesis 2.0+

Just to give you a hint – It took me hours to understand how to add a logo to the theme. There was very little to no documentation available to help me either. It was for me who has tons of experience using Thesis for my blogs and clients .

After a few hours of Thesis 2.0 experience, my verdict was not to move any site to Thesis 2.0 but wait for future releases of Thesis as well as wait for some more documentation before taking any decision. Being a developer, I know a product may need 2 to 3 release cycles for it to become stable. After almost a year, i.e. in October 2013 when I did not see things moving in the direction I wanted for Thesis, I finally decided enough is enough. Its time to move on with the Thesis theme.

Move over to Genesis

I had a couple of option to choose from.

Option 1 was to opt for a custom WordPress theme from the ground up. It would mean I have to be doing every bit an pieces of the design aspect of it. Being a developer, it always horrifies me. The option was immediately discarded.

I was looking for an alternative framework where most of the WordPress theme is taken care of. So I can focus on making the changes for my blog. Genesis became the obvious choice.

Thesis Vs. Genesis

So once I decided to make a move from Thesis to Genesis, I was trying to make myself doubly sure Genesis doesn’t end up the Thesis roadmap. Following points help me gain confidence with Genesis.

1. Development Time and Cost Comparison

Thesis 1.8.x to Thesis 2.0 move is not seamless, and anything that has designed or developed in Thesis 1.8.x has to be scrapped and redone for the latest version.

So the old design had to be redone in Thesis 2.0 and Genesis as well. The thesis had no advantage.

genesis vs thesis

On the other hand, Genesis had less development hassle because the code of custom_functions.php in Thesis 1.8x uses hooks that can be very easily imported into the Genesis framework but not in Thesis 2.0

Winner: Genesis

2. Marketplace Comparison

Thesis does not have any marketplace to buy third party themes, add-ons, or plugins for the framework . On the other hand, Studiopress (aka Genesis) has a very active marketplace with hundreds of themes and plugins built on the Genesis framework.

Thesis just provides one extra theme similar to Social Triggers.


Derek Halpern uses Thesis 1.8.4 and not Thesis 2.0. I am yet to see any reputed blog using Thesis 2.0

Note: I prefer a customized theme for my blogs and rarely use the theme or framework out of the box. You can see that when converting the Thesis version of BizTips to Genesis, where I adopted most of what Genesis offers out of the box and yet provide a personal touch to it.

3. Plugins Compatibility

The framework should be adaptable to popular plugins which earlier thesis used to be. If I remember correctly, the Thesis had front-end support for menus even before WordPress had menus, but then they could not just keep up with the pace. The current thesis does not support rich snippets like Google+ Authorship, rel=author, breadcrumbs. Whereas Genesis framework is making a move to remain ahead for support of the latest popular plugins as well as a recent development in SEO .

I was using Breadcrumb plugin on Thesis but when testing things for Genesis, found that Genesis was not using their Breadcrumbs when activated but the plugins’ breadcrumb. Was keen on how they did this and found the following code.


They have an eye on popular plugins, and support for those plugins are part of the core framework.

Thesis theme was SEO friendly and had support for a lot of SEO features. Yoast SEO added so much more functionality that it not only took over the SEO functionality from themes but even took away the market of All-in-One SEO Pack .

Thesis made sure it wasn’t compatible with Yoast, but Genesis readily disabled its SEO functions when Yoast SEO is ON.

4. Widgets and Widget Area Comparison

I liked Thesis Killer Recent Entries, but that was it. Thesis 2.0 had almost nothing extra to my liking, but Genesis comes with a lot more than what Thesis offers. Genesis Featured Posts is an excellent substitute for Thesis Killer Recent Entries Widgets.

On top of that Thesis only comes with a couple of sidebars widget area and Genesis six of them.

5. Price Comparison

Genesis Framework costs $59.95 for unlimited sites, but similar unlimited domain license of Thesis costs $197. The other price option, with 12 months of free theme upgrades, does not hold any value when the theme wasn’t being developed for almost three years.

6. Feature-by-Feature Comparison

I have used Thesis for a couple of years now. So knew almost all the frill that Thesis provided and Genesis may lag. It will be awesome to have them in Genesis. In the process of this comparison, I found some exciting frills in Genesis as well.

Feature Genesis Thesis Winner
Design Options in Admin Panel No Yes Thesis
Style Options in Admin Panel No Yes Thesis
Latest SEO Support* Yes No Genesis
Admin Option to Add JavaScript Libraries No Yes Thesis
Child Theme Support** Yes No Genesis
Change Logo In Admin Area*** No Yes Thesis
Change Favicon in Admin Area*** No Yes Thesis
Percentage Based Design Yes No Genesis
Category SEO **** Yes YES Genesis

* Thesis used to be the best SEO theme in town but has lagged to keep up with SEO and Google updates for last few years. ** Thesis 1.8.x could have moved to a child theme support, and that would have been more meaningful than Thesis 2.0. *** You have to upload logo image and favicon via FTP. **** Thesis and genesis both provide the introductory paragraph for category pages. However, Genesis also allows you to choose a different layout for your category pages and so is a winner here.

Two valuable lessons learned from Thesis – a great yesteryear Product

As a developer, there are some critical lessons one can learn from the Thesis framework and its move to Thesis 2.0. The story is much similar for vBulletin and its move from vBulletin 3.x to vBulletin 4.x and beyond.

1. Keep Evolving or Perish

If you have a great product, don’t take it for granted. It needs to be continually evolving and developed over time. Nothing is time tested and will work for ages. There is tons of history, which we can refer to on this, and Thesis was no difference.

Hi5 / MySpace / Digg are some of the recent examples of great social networking sites which we hardly remember now.

Google has been dominating the market for quite some time because they have their core product evolving. Webmasters keep complaining about the Panda’s and Penguin’s, but that makes Google what it is. Better search results for their users.

So if you have been building a product for your audience, its time to continue working on it to make it better for them.

2. Listen to your Customer

You may have a great product and your future releases according to you may be even greater. Make sure you have the customer in mind when developing things further.

Thesis 1.8.X was all hooks based code that needed to be added into custom_functions.php, and custom.css file which sounded was more for a developer fraternity. Thesis brainstorming session may have thought that the next big thing could be if everything can be designed with just a few drags and drops. Looks promising as a brainstorming idea but is it the right thing for your target audience.

Non-technical bloggers hire technical freelancers from a site like Elance to get their website designed. So a framework should not be for those non-technical webmasters who anyway will be hiring technical experts for designing their website. It is for those web designers who will use and recommend Thesis theme to their clients. Thesis changed a target audience of web designer group to non-technical webmasters who anyway prefer hiring an expert to get the theme designed for them.

So drag and drop based design in WordPress theme sounds good but does not have any target audience.

Final Thoughts

Moving your existing SEO Data from Thesis to Genesis is just a few clicks with the SEO Data Transporter plugin.

If you want to buy the Genesis Framework, you can use my affiliate link .

genesis vs thesis

About Shabbir Bhimani

Blogging Since 2009. If I can leave my high paying C# job in an MNC in the midst of global financial crisis of 2008, anybody can do it. @BizTips I guide programmers and developers to Start and Grow an Online Business. Read more about me here .

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Thesis Vs Genesis WordPress Framework Systems Compared

genesis vs thesis

For small business website owners, it is essential to find the right theme framework that will help boost your business. Currently, the two most powerful and popular theme frameworks available for WordPress are the Thesis Framework and Genesis Framework. These frameworks are great and easy to use but you must choose one and stick with it as it’s very difficult to change your framework especially when your site is already established. You can get a penalty from Google when you make the switch and frameworks have different HTMLs so switching is highly complicated.

It is important to note that both the Thesis and the Genesis platforms are from well respected developers. Studiopress is the developer of the Genesis Framework while DIYThemes developed Thesis. With that said, you know you can never go wrong with any of the two and your choice will be based only on your preference and need.

Features Comparison for Thesis Vs Genesis

One of the top considerations of website owners when looking for a premium wordpress theme is its price. If the price is too high many would run and hide. With Thesis and Genesis, their prices vary and each has its own pros and cons.

Starting with Thesis, the price is at $87 for its personal option and $164 for the Developers. With its Personal Option you are allowed to use it on your personal website with 1 development center that is localized. This option is great for beginners who only intend on using it with just one website. The Developer’s Option packs more as you can use the framework in as many sites as you want provided that these are your own personal or business sites. If it’s for a client then you are to pay an additional fee. The price for the fee can go as low as $32 per website if you buy 10 licenses. The Developers option is great for personal use with multiple websites but can get a bit more expensive when you use it for your clients. For 10 licenses at $32 each that already adds up to $320 plus $164.

With Genesis, the Framework alone costs $59.95 but if with theme then it’s at $79.97. Their Pro Plus is priced at $299.95. The $59.95 price allows you to use their Framework to as many sites as you want whether it’s your own personal websites or for your client. The $79.97 package option lets you use their Framework inclusive of a child theme to as many websites you want. Their Pro Plus Package costing $299.95 lets you use their Framework and all the themes that are also developed by StudioPress. The number of child themes continues to grow so you will get a lot of options to choose from. The big advantage is that these child themes developed by StudioPress are yours for free. In comparison, the Pro Plus Package is cheaper than the Developer’s Option if to be used with several clients.

To compare Thesis Vs Genesis in terms of their base designs is easy as each one has their own style. With Thesis you can choose from the skins available while Genesis calls these base designs as child themes. DIYThemes don’t offer skins so you will have to get them from a 3rd-party developer and the selection are plentiful. Some skins are available for free while many are priced from over $30 to as high as over $80. There are memberships available from these developers so you can get a cheaper rate for multiple skin purchases.

Child Themes are also made by StudioPress so you are not dependent on any third party developers to get your theme. The big advantage to this is that when StudioPress updates the Genesis Framework then all the child themes will already be supported. There are many Child Themes available for your selection but if StudioPress’ selection isn’t enough for you then they also have a marketplace wherein you can purchase Child Themes from other developers that are approved by StudioPress. The price for each Child Theme is $24.95.

Customer Support Comparison for Thesis Vs Genesis

The customer support of Thesis vs Genesis customer support is practically at par with each other. That’s because both are offering great support so customers are assured they won’t end up spending days to get a response from the team. Both have their support forums which is great as you can get answers from their representatives and from other webmasters as well.

If there’s one advantage Thesis has over Genesis in terms of customer support is with their online manual. You can even copy some of the snippets that you’d want to share in your websites. Genesis does not have a user manual.

All in all, Thesis and Genesis deserve their spots as the two most competitive Framework Systems for WordPress. Other similar Frameworks can’t compare. You can never go wrong whether you choose Thesis or you choose Genesis. What’s important is that when you choose one you got to make sure you already made up your mind as you have to stick with it until the end.

Guide in choosing the right Framework:

Choose Genesis – Click here to visit their site

  • If you are not an expert in PHP, CSS or HTML
  • If you don’t want to spend so much time in setting up your website
  • If you are happy with skins quite similar with other WordPress sites
  • If you have multiple client websites as choosing their Pro Plus package will save you money

Choose Thesis – Click here to visit their site

  • If you know PHP, CSS and HTML well
  • If you prefer to customize your sites to make it look unique
  • With lots of time and energy in personalizing the look of your site
  • If you only work on your own personal and business websites so you only pay $164 for unlimited use.

Your budget and need are really the two factors you have to consider when making a selection. By answering the guide listed above, you won’t go wrong in making the right choice for you.

' src=

About Scott Buehler

Scott is the owner and founder of Top Five Advisor. He specializes in business to business products and services. He offers digital marketing services to any local business that wants to drive traffic and customers from the Internet including search, pay per click and social media marketing. This page is maintained by Scott Buehler.

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Genesis vs Thesis – Theme Framework Review 2017

WordPress themes Dec 23, 2016 by Johnny

Time for an updated review of these two longstanding theme giants. What’s good, what’s bad, and who’s the winner. Let’s get on to it…

The WordPress theme market 5 years ago

The WordPress theme market at the time was evolved to the point where everyone was downloading themes that looked  close enough to the look they wanted and then they would customize the rest. This worked well for many theme publishers who would spend time created many different themes to suit the many different design needs out there. Users were happy to buy themes individually, or in packages, or by subscription. And theme publishers were happy to make money on each product.

Managing multiple themes however quickly grew out of control. This resulted in many forum posts for every theme and many conflicting ways of editing a theme. All the edits or design customizations you made on one theme may or may not be ported to another theme. There was also the confusion when certain themes came with their own widgets, plugins, skins, or other customizations or integrations. The line was blurring between what was a theme and what was an entire mini-CMS itself built inside a theme. Beginner users were confused and advanced users were annoyed.

One thing to keep in mind is that back then, most WordPress users were BLOGGERS. WordPress sites back then were hardly more than online journals of weekly writings. Articles, comments, pictures, and not much else.

Thesis Theme Framework (from DIYthemes)

Thesis entered the scene over 5 years ago and quickly established themselves as the industry-standard framework. They were the ultimate hype-beast in 2010. At the time, Thesis offered a fresh take on WordPress themes by providing a standardized framework that could be easily customized and designed a thousand different ways using the widely available documentation provided by the theme publishers as well as 3rd party.

Their theme was coded to be clean, fast-loading, easy to work with, and optimized for SEO. They had many raving fans and their users had plenty of support in the community. Their promise at the time was “Thesis is a great theme for beginners AND developers because it’s coded well and easy to customize.”

Other competitors like Genesis framework and Headway Themes started to come onto the scene but couldn’t quite attract enough market share. Genesis may have had a more intuitive code structure but was not as fast-loading, and not as optimized for SEO.  Headway Themes offered a newer take on creating a drag-and-drop interface not unlike the attempted pagebuilders that you see nowadays (i.e. Divi, Beaver, etc.) but was still not easy enough for beginners and considered overkill by coders who were already used to Thesis.

It also helped that Thesis priced themselves with a premium whereas Genesis came at a cheaper price and even included additional themes/skins. Thesis simply looked like the superior option.

As time passed, Thesis Theme support started to lag. Promised updates kept getting pushed back further and further. “Next week” would become “next year” and users felt jerked around by all the undelivered promises. The competition was catching up. And Thesis was showing it’s age.

In a time when WordPress themes and plugins were not as evolved, Thesis descended upon the WordPress eco-system like an alien, a visitor beyond our times. Technologically, we have never imagined before. But with time, WordPress plugins were truly starting to mature. You were no longer looking for a theme that could do everything, but one that would do only it’s purpose and get out of the way for everyone else.

Thesis failed to be the theme that got out of the way. It didn’t play nicely with SEO plugins, wouldn’t age gracefully with WordPress updates, ecommerce, etc. The list goes on. This was because Thesis took it upon itself to decide what was best for the user…and in doing so it often conflicted with user settings.

Users demanded an update and Chris Pearson enthusiastically boasted about how the new Thesis 2.0 would be like anything we’ve never imagined. It released sometime around 2012 (give or take a year), and it wasn’t like he promised. It was indeed a completely NEW framework system but it wasn’t the game-changer he promised.

Many fans were split. Some argued it was too hard to use and required too much work, and actually required knowledge of coding. Others were a bit more forgiving. They figured, “Oh, it’s just an advanced new system that will become the future, so let’s get adjusted.” Either way…the results were clear. Thesis was losing market share fast. Many new users began picking other frameworks and Thesis was not doing a good job. Many of the users on the old Thesis 1.x refused to upgrade to the new Thesis 2.x. Thesis 2.0 was a bust.

Thesis is still a great theme and has many satisfied users, I just feel you should only use it if you understand and like the way it functions. And/or you like their custom skins right out of the box. But honestly, I feel Genesis is the better theme framework for just about any function. If I could put it this way, I wouldn’t use Thesis even if it was free and Genesis costed $500.

Genesis Theme Framework (from StudioPress)

Genesis framework had a cult following. Their users were savvy programmers who saw the value in a cheaper framework that had just enough features and didn’t try to offer everything out of the box. They also didn’t need much help to code things and didn’t have to rely on forums as much.

As WordPress plugins started to evolve, it was important to have  a theme that kept it’s hands off all non-theme related matters and Genesis did that just fine. WordPress sites were no longer simple blogs but also more complex integrations of other functions such as shopping sites and membership sites. It was more crucial than ever to have a theme framework that kept itself INSIDE THE BOX instead of being completely different.

I was formerly a Thesis 1.x user all the way up until end of 2015. It was time to upgrade my site since Thesis 1.x had all sorts of compatibility issues with WordPress and other plugins and now really dated and hard to configure. Customizing anything felt like a “hack” that required a backup because you were afraid your site would never work again.

And so I tried the latest Thesis 2.x and was really disappointed. I still finished having my site built on it and appreciated what it COULD do but I knew for sure my next site sure as hell wasn’t going to be built on Thesis.

Enter Genesis. This was suggested by the coder who did a Thesis 2 site for me. He told me Genesis had caught up and was now the standard. After researching online, I saw that many big bloggers switched from Thesis over to Genesis.

Genesis was now the one that was coded better, better optimized for SEO, easier to use, played nicely with other plugins (and they’re so much more nowadays), and worked like a breeze right out of the box. Genesis is also the more popular and better supported plugin.

I had a recent Thesis 1.x site redesigned in Genesis couldn’t be any happier. It was by far the better decision. The code was easier to understand and make changes to. You also felt that Genesis was coded in-line with how WordPress is coded. It makes sense and doesn’t feel like an entirely new eco-system of code in itself.

Genesis now has a stronger community which is also built of more experienced coders. It seems any experienced programmer would much rather work in Genesis than in Thesis. The only demographic of users Genesis lacked was the beginners/non-coders market. They’re out there using the bloated junk such as AVADA/X-Theme-Divi and that sort.

Which was perfect because as a web developer, you do NOT want to use a theme/framework that is catered to newbies. Those products will always be bloated and over-written in order to make every option imaginable only a click away. But what many users don’t realize is that you not only pay for the options you use but also for the options you don’t use. Having a billion features built into your theme makes it bloated, slow, cumbersome, and far more likely to cause conflicts.

No sir, you want your framework built for developers and nothing else. Honestly, that’s the way it should be done. And how do you build upon that if you don’t know how to code? Hire someone else or use a skin and ask for help on the forums.

Genesis is the best WordPress theme framework now. Get it. – Affiliate link

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When to use Genesis vs Thesis

From everything I have seen Genesis and Thesis are the two most popular premium WordPress themes out there. I use both of them regularly (this site runs on Thesis) and regularly recommend both of them (and not just because I get an affiliate commission).

Overall both of these premium themes are very SEO friendly, somewhat easy to use, flexible. But what makes me decide to use one vs the other? Here are a few strengths and weaknesses I see in each for different applications. And yeah, I know there are probably ways to make each of them do what I want in certain situations and from time to time I do mess around with the PHP code and CSS but for the most part I usually want to just install it and go.  And keep in mind I am speaking in big generalities here. But here is when I use each theme and what makes me decide to use one vs. another:

1. If I am going to update the site on a regular basis (like this site) I will use Thesis. I think overall the layout is more conducive to a “real” blog. I like the nice,  clean layout, I like how everything is displayed, and I like the simplicity. Order Thesis today

2. If I want something that looks a bit more complex I will use Genesis. With Genesis when you get the “Pro Pack” you also get access to 45 different child themes. These all look quite different, all have some cool widgets and features, and are all suitable for different projects. BTW, on February 1st the price of the Pro Plus pack will be going up. For the next few days you can get the Pro Plus pack which includes Genesis and 45 child themes (plus all future child themes) for $299.95. And if you use the code TEN you can save 10%. So if you are thinking about getting it do it now and save yourself a few bucks. Order the Genesis Pro Pack today .

3. For a datafeed based site I will usually use Thesis. I like the way the archive pages are displayed in Thesis and the layout is a bit more functional for me when I am dealing with a bigger datafeed based site. I do have some datafeed sites using Genesis but for the most part I use Thesis for those ones.

4. For a hand written content based site I will usually use Genesis. I really like some of the fancy widgets and sliders and stuff you can use on the Genesis pages with many of their child themes and think that in many cases it can add a nice finishing touch to a site.

But then again a lot of what I use is just based on what I feel like at any given time. And many times I will start building on Genesis but switch over to Thesis and vice-versa. I really do like having the flexibility of both premium themes at my disposal and I would definitely recommend having multiple options to work with whether it is these two or some other premium themes.

The Genesis Pro Pack is a bit spendy at $299.95 vs. $164 for Thesis but the abundance of child themes makes the price much more tolerable.

Order Genesis Today

Order thesis today.

So what factors do you consider when deciding which theme to use for your affiliate sites? Leave a comment and let me know.

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What is the best WordPress theme and framework?

Genesis Framework vs Thesis Theme – Best WordPress Theme

December 21, 2023 by Reginald Chan

When I first started up this website, my first thought wasn’t about creating a good website . My thought was not choosing a good theme but instead, I wanted to find the best WordPress theme from scratch (or at least, I try to create one).

Yes! Good WordPress themes have many effects such as website loading speed, SEO abilities and even, attracting readers to come back for more! Of course, I am fully aware that I have so many WordPress themes to choose from. However, I need more than just a good WordPress theme; I need a great WordPress framework!

Sounds like I am over my head? Enjoy this short video below and find out the advantages of using premium WordPress themes.

Personally, I have been in this blogging industry for a few years now and I know when it comes to the best WordPress themes and frameworks, only two WordPress themes will make it through.

Drum roll please…

Genesis vs Thesis – The Best WordPress Theme

On the left corner, we have Genesis Framework and child themes driven by the mighty StudioPress team !

On the right corner, give a warm welcome to Thesis Theme and Framework created by famous, Chris Pearson and his DIYthemes team .

I know! This two have been in a long battle until today! Crazy huh?!

So, if you are very interested to make your own web design, I am pretty sure either one of this (or both WordPress themes) will be more than just a great start for you.

Now, I had a fair time with both the themes and allow me to share my personal opinion on both. At least, it could assist you when you’re making you ultimate choice.

Genesis Framework and Child Themes

For starters, Genesis framework is very solid for those who are looking to build or modify themes according to their liking. For bloggers who are not tech-savvy like me, creating a WordPress theme using Genesis framework is pretty easy.

Lots of documentations and what makes Genesis a worthwhile investment are as below:

Genesis framework is search optimized Genesis has inbuild SEO features which is ready out of the box Genesis framework has turn-key designs Being unlimited is all about Genesis framework

It would take you about a day to a week to master what Genesis has to offer … that’s if you want to create and understand completely what Genesis is all about. What makes Genesis different from the rest (even Thesis framework) is because it plays with many ‘˜hooks’ .

Okay, don’t bother what it means for now but the ‘hooking’ ability makes Genesis framework a very unique feature for bloggers and web developers.

So, what is Genesis Hook?

Genesis Hooks makes customizing your WordPress framework easier. What it actually offers is the ability for developers and bloggers to customize their sites without needing to find the specific code or area. Don’t get it? See below!

If you are thinking of changing the meta settings etc? Just look for genesis_meta. If you are thinking of changing the side bar, just look for genesis_sidebar.

Yes it is indeed pretty simple for developers and for newbie bloggers, it could take a bit of time to learn about it. However, Genesis hooks really bring blogging and web development to a whole new level. Trust me on this when I say that once you understand how Genesis framework works, it is going to offer you endless possibilities of customization  in blog template. Period.

Many premium and free Genesis child themes are available

Genesis child themes on the other hand is like the outlook of the template. For those who prefer buying a pre-made WordPress theme ( here’s the collection of themes in a very beautiful gallery ) instead of doing one from scratch, you can do so by at StudioPress website. For people who want more customization, StudioPress also has a market place where you can seek for reputed developers to design WordPress themes for you.

Tip: You need to buy Genesis framework first in order to have the child themes working.

Genesis is pretty flexible and thus, many developers have actually moved over to Genesis. Still not convinced? This is what Mashable said:

Mashable calls StudioPress the “best of the best” among WordPress premium frameworks.

Famous people who are using Genesis framework for their websites:

At the moment, Genesis framework is sold at $59.95 with unlimited support and updates. Genesis child themes are sold between $24.95 to $44.95. If you are a developer or handling multiple websites, you might want to consider going for the Professional version which offers unlimited upgrades and all past and future themes Genesis can offer.

How can I buy Genesis Framework or Genesis Child themes?

Head over to these links if you want to buy Genesis Framework, browse through Genesis Child themes or even purchase the StudioPress Pro Plus All-Theme Package.

Not yet make up your mind? Don’t worry!

You can check out StudioPress Community Themes  if you want to see what other themes freelance developers are developing with the Genesis Framework.

If you purchase from StudioPress, you are entitle for a 30-days money back guarantee in case if you want to have a refund. Zero commitment and absolutely risk free if you ask me.

If you are a developer or running several websites, you can have a look at Genesis Pro Package which offers all child themes and lifetime of update.

Thesis Theme and Skins

I wasn’t and will not be one sided to Genesis! I had personally used Thesis 2.0 (no experience in 1.x though) for several websites of mine as well in the early stages.

Now, what I can say about Thesis theme?

Thesis theme … honestly … is very, very good. At times, I believe it is that slight better (really narrow win) over Genesis framework. I knew about Thesis few years back but since I am already with Genesis, I wasn’t bothered much.

Since I was able to play with Thesis (bought the Professional package), I was pretty impressed with it but not at first.

When I first saw the promo, I thought I had hit the goal mine. N ot really. I hit … the other side.

Thesis 2.0 was released recently and it offers many advantages over Genesis framework. The list as follow below:

Easy way to deploy and tweak your WordPress themes Drag and drop feature Thesis boxes and packages Build in SEO features

Just like Genesis framework, Thesis framework has boxes and packages which works like Genesis’s hooks. DIYthemes do not offer free or skins for sale which means, they are selling the framework by itself only. Of course, if you are buying the bigger packages such as the developer’s package, then you will get several free skins.

I know you might be worrying now as you have no coding skills and knowledge . Don’t worry as Thesis 2.0 is pretty easy to configure (after you figure it out) and there are many developers who are willing to work with Thesis framework.

When it comes to mastering the Thesis 2.0 techniques, I would say it took me about a week as well to understanding how everything works. And for the record, Thesis theme works completely different from Genesis!

What makes Thesis 2.0 stand out against Genesis framework at this point of writing is because Thesis framework loads a fraction faster than Genesis. And when I mean a fraction faster, it only means about 1/10 of a second faster.

Important? Go figure!

As for the record, Thesis does not come with any skins for the standard package. However, if you purchase either the Plus or Professional package, then you will get some free skins along the way.

Now, let’s talk about Thesis theme pricing and how to buy Thesis theme?

You can gets your hands on Thesis theme and framework as low as $87 with a one year support which is called Thesis Basic. Of course, there are also Thesis Basic Plus which is $164 that comes with two extra skins and Thesis Professional which offers two skins and some Thesis boxes. Not to forget, Thesis Professional is a package which offers lifetime support and upgrades.

You can easily get Thesis themes and skins about $20 to $80 each. Well, of course it depends on the website though.

If you are interested to buy Thesis Framework, you can visit DIYthemes official website.

Why I decided to use Genesis Framework and not Thesis theme?

A few facts about me before I tell you why:

  • I am super particular with my themes and I want the theme to be developed my way!
  • Since many modifications will be done overtime, I need to find a theme where modification can be done easily.
  • I don’t have much time to work on my themes and therefore, I need the themes to be done fast!
  • I am always thinking of how to reduce my spending and therefore, a cost efficient framework would be great.

Do we have anything in common as of the above?

Reason 1: Genesis framework is easier to configure for a novice developer

Now, both Genesis framework and Thesis theme  fairly easy to configure . Don’t get me wrong as I am not a WordPress developer and all those CSS, HTML and codings really give me the headaches. However, I took some time learning them before I was able to use both without problem. I choose Genesis over Thesis theme simply because the time configuring Genesis is way faster than Thesis in my opinion and experience.

Reason 2: Genesis framework is cheaper

At the same time, Genesis is slightly easier on my pocket since I could just purchase the framework and develop my own WordPress theme. Well, a good debate which I asked myself is that the differences is very small. Though having a slightly cheaper investment is better, the biggest advantage was the lifetime upgrade and support offered by StudioPress.

Reason 3: Genesis framework offers unlimited support and availability of Child themes

I could easily buy one the framework and have 50 years of support while Thesis 2.0 only offer one year support and upgrade. Of course, you can earn unlimited support when you purchase the professional package.

Don’t forget, I could also save a lot of money since most of Genesis Child themes are sold at a very low price. For developers, I would highly recommend Genesis Pro package which offers life time support, upgrades and all past and future themes free for download. And yes, a 1-off payment method.

Reason 4: Long term investment and savings

With simple maths, I knew I was saving up more money when using Genesis framework compared to Thesis framework. Are you using any of frameworks on your blogs or websites? Talk to me and let’s share our experience. Maybe I could learn something from you as well!

So, what is your decision? Are you going for Genesis framework or Thesis theme for your WordPress blog? 

Does this article clears your doubt in terms the best WordPress theme? Tell me what you think using the comment form below.

Still not convinced of using premium WordPress themes? Listen my short podcast, Advantages of using premium WordPress themes or using SoundCloud below:

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About Reginald Chan

TEDx speaker and columnist from Asia, Reginald is a futurist founder and CEO of fvckmediocre.com , a personal blog about stepping out of comfort zone and dynamic co-founder of Marketing Lancers Consultancy Sdn Bhd , Reginald is a visionary in the digital marketing world. Empowering businesses to unlock their full potential, he creates bespoke digital solutions for substantial growth. Join him in this transformative journey.


Thesis Vs Genesis

The Thesis Vs Genesis framework or DIYthemes vs StudioPress debate has been going on for a long time. I don’t care what anyone says, when you want to have the best WordPress theme for your blog there is no other competition besides these two.

Thesis Vs Genesis Theme: 7 Things You Should Know

None of the themes on ThemeForest or other theme sites can compare. Believe it or not, your theme has a huge effect on your SEO rankings.

There are a lot of reviews out there that can make it confusing for beginner bloggers.

I will help you make the right choice for your blog today.

  • 1. Which theme am I using for this blog?

2. Which WordPress theme makes your blog faster?

3. popularity, 4. pricing , 5. difficulty, 8. every blog that gives genesis vs thesis reviews says the same thing. , blogging quotes .

I’ve used both the Genesis and Thesis themes before. They both give me exactly what I pay for which is a good performance. For this blog WP Vs Blogger, I am currently using the Effectus theme by Thesis. The reason I chose this theme for this blog is that I love their action box. Not only does it look good and it can attract readers to a particular page, but the Effectus theme is great for email signups, images, and videos if I choose to add them in the future.

Out of Thesis and Genesis, the faster framework is going to be Thesis. In no way am I saying that Genesis themes are slow because that would be ridiculous. Genesis is very fast. What I am saying though is that the Thesis is slightly faster than Genesis. How do I know you ask? I know because once again I’ve used both on the same hosting plan. I found that my PageSpeed Insights score and Pingdom tools score was slightly higher with Thesis. Is it really a big deal? No. It’s not a big deal because the site speed is still extremely close between the two.

It is no secret that in 2015 StudioPress is way more popular than DIYthemes. While there are some top bloggers who are using Thesis. You will find that most top bloggers are using the Genesis Framework such as Darren Rowse, Neil Patel, Harsh Agarwal, Brian Clark, and more. Thesis used to be at the top of the theme chain, but not anymore. Now Genesis has the crown. You have to understand that when the top guys switch from one theme to another, guess what their readers are going to do? There are a number of reasons why people left Thesis for Genesis.

1. The launch of Thesis 2.0 was difficult for many people to learn even for the best bloggers. People would rather have an easy set up especially if you have a lot of blogs, which is what you get with Genesis.

2. Matt Cutts who is the head of Google’s webspam team switched from Thesis to Genesis. When the leader of Google’s webspam team switches from one theme to another that makes people think maybe he knows something I don’t know.

3. Chris Pearson did not make a good impression on many people in the blogging community. There was a huge controversy with Thesis and the Yoast Plugin. I’m pretty sure that Chris Pearson will admit that he made a big mistake with his arrogant and selfish attitude. It really did cost him sales. After the huge controversy in 2010 sales started to plummet.

If you want one of the best themes and you are trying to save money then go with Genesis. You must remember that you have to buy the framework first.

The Genesis Framework is $59.95 . Most likely you are going to get the theme and the framework which costs $99.95. One of the things that I love about Genesis is that you have the option of getting the framework and all 38 child themes and any new ones made in the future for $499 with their Pro Package. This is good for people with multiple blogs.

The cheapest Thesis Framework plan is $87 . If you want more than the original skin option you have to either choose the Basic Plus plan which is for $164 or the Professional Plan, which is for $197. With Thesis there is not a wide choice of themes like with Genesis and you have to pay for upgrades.

One of the reasons why I will continue to use Genesis for some of my blogs is because of the simplicity. If you want to blog for a living it will be wise to have more than one blog. With Genesis all you have to do is install a child theme and you are good to go. I will admit that Thesis does scare a lot of people off.

Depending on what you are trying to do you might have to hire a developer to help you with your design. This is the top reason that I recommend Genesis for beginners. You don’t have to know coding or the different functions of your framework . It’s easy to set up and start blogging .

G – The great thing about Genesis is that there are many plugins that are made specifically for the Genesis Framework. You can check for yourself. All you have to do is go to your plugins search bar and type in Genesis. When you do this you will see a huge amount of plugins for Genesis such as the Genesis Connect for WooCommerce, Genesis Footer Builder, Genesis Optimized Social Share, Display Featured Image for Genesis, and more.

T- While most plugins work for Thesis, I will admit that Thesis does not have as many plugins that are specifically made for it as Genesis does. The reason for this is that the demand for Genesis is higher.

T – At first Thesis 2.0 came out with no documentation which made a lot of bloggers upset, but now Thesis has provided documentation. By far the best way to get support for a Thesis theme has to be the Thesis Forum. One thing I like about their forum support is that their associates are very fast, knowledgeable, and helpful.

G – Obviously if more people are using something that means there is going to be more support for it. Since most people use Genesis you can write other bloggers on social media or through their email to find out how to do things. Genesis is so easy that you will not need support often or at all. Between forums, I would say that the Genesis forum is simpler and it has a better interface.

It all comes down to this . Please take my word for it. I’ve had the pleasure of using both themes and I love them both. They are both SEO optimized. If you like everything to be simple and your coding knowledge is limited especially if you’re a newbie blogger then choose Genesis. It’s simple to use right out the box and it gives you various themes to work with. If you like coding and designing as some people do, then choose Thesis. Buy a theme today!

Check out your favorite Genesis theme here. – Great for people who like simplicity and pre-made themes.

Check out the Genesis Pro Plus package which gives you 38 free child themes – Great if you have a lot of blogs or plan on making other blogs.

Check Out the Thesis theme here – Great for people who like to play with codes, different functions, and hooks.

Child themes and a framework are the only way you should build your WordPress site and Genesis has great support for child themes and other WordPress functionality. Matt Mullenweg (WordPress founder)

As a web designer , the choices you made in building Thesis 2 make a lot of sense to me. Great job, particularly with HTML builder !

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genesis vs thesis

Genesis vs Thesis – Why do YOU Prefer Genesis?

If you purchase through a link on our site, we may earn a commission. Learn more.

Picture of Jean Galea

  • Edited by Mark Zahra
  • July 16, 2023
  • Read more about Theme Frameworks , WordPress Themes

WP Engine High Performance Hosting

During the last 2 weeks we’ve given some coverage to the Genesis  vs Thesis debate. On my own Genesis vs Thesis review I leaned towards a preference to Genesis, however the comments to that review showed that there are people who love Thesis too.

I got curious and made a poll so you could vote for Genesis or Thesis as your preferred theme. I anticipated a balanced outcome, perhaps with a slight advantage for Genesis, however the results have been very clear, with Genesis currently the clear favourite having garnered more than 80% of the total votes.

My next question is, therefore, why do people prefer Genesis over Thesis? This is a question aimed specifically to those who voted in favour of Genesis, or who think that Genesis is the superior theme when compared to Thesis.

Is it a user interface thing? Support quality maybe? The learning curve?

I’m very interested in what you have to say about your preference in the comments area!

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What Is a Thesis? | Ultimate Guide & Examples

Published on September 14, 2022 by Tegan George . Revised on April 16, 2024.

A thesis is a type of research paper based on your original research. It is usually submitted as the final step of a master’s program or a capstone to a bachelor’s degree.

Writing a thesis can be a daunting experience. Other than a dissertation , it is one of the longest pieces of writing students typically complete. It relies on your ability to conduct research from start to finish: choosing a relevant topic , crafting a proposal , designing your research , collecting data , developing a robust analysis, drawing strong conclusions , and writing concisely .

Thesis template

You can also download our full thesis template in the format of your choice below. Our template includes a ready-made table of contents , as well as guidance for what each chapter should include. It’s easy to make it your own, and can help you get started.

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Table of contents

Thesis vs. thesis statement, how to structure a thesis, acknowledgements or preface, list of figures and tables, list of abbreviations, introduction, literature review, methodology, reference list, proofreading and editing, defending your thesis, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about theses.

You may have heard the word thesis as a standalone term or as a component of academic writing called a thesis statement . Keep in mind that these are two very different things.

  • A thesis statement is a very common component of an essay, particularly in the humanities. It usually comprises 1 or 2 sentences in the introduction of your essay , and should clearly and concisely summarize the central points of your academic essay .
  • A thesis is a long-form piece of academic writing, often taking more than a full semester to complete. It is generally a degree requirement for Master’s programs, and is also sometimes required to complete a bachelor’s degree in liberal arts colleges.
  • In the US, a dissertation is generally written as a final step toward obtaining a PhD.
  • In other countries (particularly the UK), a dissertation is generally written at the bachelor’s or master’s level.

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The final structure of your thesis depends on a variety of components, such as:

  • Your discipline
  • Your theoretical approach

Humanities theses are often structured more like a longer-form essay . Just like in an essay, you build an argument to support a central thesis.

In both hard and social sciences, theses typically include an introduction , literature review , methodology section ,  results section , discussion section , and conclusion section . These are each presented in their own dedicated section or chapter. In some cases, you might want to add an appendix .

Thesis examples

We’ve compiled a short list of thesis examples to help you get started.

  • Example thesis #1:   “Abolition, Africans, and Abstraction: the Influence of the ‘Noble Savage’ on British and French Antislavery Thought, 1787-1807” by Suchait Kahlon.
  • Example thesis #2: “’A Starving Man Helping Another Starving Man’: UNRRA, India, and the Genesis of Global Relief, 1943-1947″ by Julian Saint Reiman.

The very first page of your thesis contains all necessary identifying information, including:

  • Your full title
  • Your full name
  • Your department
  • Your institution and degree program
  • Your submission date.

Sometimes the title page also includes your student ID, the name of your supervisor, or the university’s logo. Check out your university’s guidelines if you’re not sure.

Read more about title pages

The acknowledgements section is usually optional. Its main point is to allow you to thank everyone who helped you in your thesis journey, such as supervisors, friends, or family. You can also choose to write a preface , but it’s typically one or the other, not both.

Read more about acknowledgements Read more about prefaces

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An abstract is a short summary of your thesis. Usually a maximum of 300 words long, it’s should include brief descriptions of your research objectives , methods, results, and conclusions. Though it may seem short, it introduces your work to your audience, serving as a first impression of your thesis.

Read more about abstracts

A table of contents lists all of your sections, plus their corresponding page numbers and subheadings if you have them. This helps your reader seamlessly navigate your document.

Your table of contents should include all the major parts of your thesis. In particular, don’t forget the the appendices. If you used heading styles, it’s easy to generate an automatic table Microsoft Word.

Read more about tables of contents

While not mandatory, if you used a lot of tables and/or figures, it’s nice to include a list of them to help guide your reader. It’s also easy to generate one of these in Word: just use the “Insert Caption” feature.

Read more about lists of figures and tables

If you have used a lot of industry- or field-specific abbreviations in your thesis, you should include them in an alphabetized list of abbreviations . This way, your readers can easily look up any meanings they aren’t familiar with.

Read more about lists of abbreviations

Relatedly, if you find yourself using a lot of very specialized or field-specific terms that may not be familiar to your reader, consider including a glossary . Alphabetize the terms you want to include with a brief definition.

Read more about glossaries

An introduction sets up the topic, purpose, and relevance of your thesis, as well as expectations for your reader. This should:

  • Ground your research topic , sharing any background information your reader may need
  • Define the scope of your work
  • Introduce any existing research on your topic, situating your work within a broader problem or debate
  • State your research question(s)
  • Outline (briefly) how the remainder of your work will proceed

In other words, your introduction should clearly and concisely show your reader the “what, why, and how” of your research.

Read more about introductions

A literature review helps you gain a robust understanding of any extant academic work on your topic, encompassing:

  • Selecting relevant sources
  • Determining the credibility of your sources
  • Critically evaluating each of your sources
  • Drawing connections between sources, including any themes, patterns, conflicts, or gaps

A literature review is not merely a summary of existing work. Rather, your literature review should ultimately lead to a clear justification for your own research, perhaps via:

  • Addressing a gap in the literature
  • Building on existing knowledge to draw new conclusions
  • Exploring a new theoretical or methodological approach
  • Introducing a new solution to an unresolved problem
  • Definitively advocating for one side of a theoretical debate

Read more about literature reviews

Theoretical framework

Your literature review can often form the basis for your theoretical framework, but these are not the same thing. A theoretical framework defines and analyzes the concepts and theories that your research hinges on.

Read more about theoretical frameworks

Your methodology chapter shows your reader how you conducted your research. It should be written clearly and methodically, easily allowing your reader to critically assess the credibility of your argument. Furthermore, your methods section should convince your reader that your method was the best way to answer your research question.

A methodology section should generally include:

  • Your overall approach ( quantitative vs. qualitative )
  • Your research methods (e.g., a longitudinal study )
  • Your data collection methods (e.g., interviews or a controlled experiment
  • Any tools or materials you used (e.g., computer software)
  • The data analysis methods you chose (e.g., statistical analysis , discourse analysis )
  • A strong, but not defensive justification of your methods

Read more about methodology sections

Your results section should highlight what your methodology discovered. These two sections work in tandem, but shouldn’t repeat each other. While your results section can include hypotheses or themes, don’t include any speculation or new arguments here.

Your results section should:

  • State each (relevant) result with any (relevant) descriptive statistics (e.g., mean , standard deviation ) and inferential statistics (e.g., test statistics , p values )
  • Explain how each result relates to the research question
  • Determine whether the hypothesis was supported

Additional data (like raw numbers or interview transcripts ) can be included as an appendix . You can include tables and figures, but only if they help the reader better understand your results.

Read more about results sections

Your discussion section is where you can interpret your results in detail. Did they meet your expectations? How well do they fit within the framework that you built? You can refer back to any relevant source material to situate your results within your field, but leave most of that analysis in your literature review.

For any unexpected results, offer explanations or alternative interpretations of your data.

Read more about discussion sections

Your thesis conclusion should concisely answer your main research question. It should leave your reader with an ultra-clear understanding of your central argument, and emphasize what your research specifically has contributed to your field.

Why does your research matter? What recommendations for future research do you have? Lastly, wrap up your work with any concluding remarks.

Read more about conclusions

In order to avoid plagiarism , don’t forget to include a full reference list at the end of your thesis, citing the sources that you used. Choose one citation style and follow it consistently throughout your thesis, taking note of the formatting requirements of each style.

Which style you choose is often set by your department or your field, but common styles include MLA , Chicago , and APA.

Create APA citations Create MLA citations

In order to stay clear and concise, your thesis should include the most essential information needed to answer your research question. However, chances are you have many contributing documents, like interview transcripts or survey questions . These can be added as appendices , to save space in the main body.

Read more about appendices

Once you’re done writing, the next part of your editing process begins. Leave plenty of time for proofreading and editing prior to submission. Nothing looks worse than grammar mistakes or sloppy spelling errors!

Consider using a professional thesis editing service or grammar checker to make sure your final project is perfect.

Once you’ve submitted your final product, it’s common practice to have a thesis defense, an oral component of your finished work. This is scheduled by your advisor or committee, and usually entails a presentation and Q&A session.

After your defense , your committee will meet to determine if you deserve any departmental honors or accolades. However, keep in mind that defenses are usually just a formality. If there are any serious issues with your work, these should be resolved with your advisor way before a defense.

If you want to know more about AI for academic writing, AI tools, or research bias, make sure to check out some of our other articles with explanations and examples or go directly to our tools!

Research bias

  • Survivorship bias
  • Self-serving bias
  • Availability heuristic
  • Halo effect
  • Hindsight bias
  • Deep learning
  • Generative AI
  • Machine learning
  • Reinforcement learning
  • Supervised vs. unsupervised learning

 (AI) Tools

  • Grammar Checker
  • Paraphrasing Tool
  • Text Summarizer
  • AI Detector
  • Plagiarism Checker
  • Citation Generator

The conclusion of your thesis or dissertation shouldn’t take up more than 5–7% of your overall word count.

If you only used a few abbreviations in your thesis or dissertation , you don’t necessarily need to include a list of abbreviations .

If your abbreviations are numerous, or if you think they won’t be known to your audience, it’s never a bad idea to add one. They can also improve readability, minimizing confusion about abbreviations unfamiliar to your reader.

When you mention different chapters within your text, it’s considered best to use Roman numerals for most citation styles. However, the most important thing here is to remain consistent whenever using numbers in your dissertation .

A thesis or dissertation outline is one of the most critical first steps in your writing process. It helps you to lay out and organize your ideas and can provide you with a roadmap for deciding what kind of research you’d like to undertake.

Generally, an outline contains information on the different sections included in your thesis or dissertation , such as:

  • Your anticipated title
  • Your abstract
  • Your chapters (sometimes subdivided into further topics like literature review , research methods , avenues for future research, etc.)

A thesis is typically written by students finishing up a bachelor’s or Master’s degree. Some educational institutions, particularly in the liberal arts, have mandatory theses, but they are often not mandatory to graduate from bachelor’s degrees. It is more common for a thesis to be a graduation requirement from a Master’s degree.

Even if not mandatory, you may want to consider writing a thesis if you:

  • Plan to attend graduate school soon
  • Have a particular topic you’d like to study more in-depth
  • Are considering a career in research
  • Would like a capstone experience to tie up your academic experience

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If you want to cite this source, you can copy and paste the citation or click the “Cite this Scribbr article” button to automatically add the citation to our free Citation Generator.

George, T. (2024, April 16). What Is a Thesis? | Ultimate Guide & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved June 18, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/dissertation/thesis/

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Thesis vs Genesis: A Detailed Comparison

Updated on Dec 18, 2014 by Guest Authors

On the market, there are plenty of WordPress frameworks to look out for. But when it comes to versatility loaded with unique features, no one comes near Thesis and Genesis . These two frameworks are quite efficient for extensive publishing purposes and it’s tough to decide that between these two, which one is better. So I took up the challenge to find out myself that which of these two is better at different performance levels. But obviously your choice will change according to your needs.

Similarities-What’s common:

  • Both are solid frameworks.
  • Both of them load quite fast.
  • They are quite efficient for business purposes.
  • They are mainly used by those WordPress users who encashes maximum advantage from SEO.

Need of right framework:

You may ask – What is the need of selecting the most appropriate framework for your blog? I would say it forms the most important part of a blog as it will play a major role on the revenue earning part of your blog. Proper theme makes your blog very user friendly.

Again, changing from one framework to another is a tedious job and a costly affair too. So it is necessary to pick an appropriate theme that will suit your blog and to make the necessary settings to get optimum SEO traffic. Always have knowledge about all the frameworks and be absolutely careful while choosing, as majority of the things depends on your framework itself.


Loading of Frameworks:

The page loading time is almost same for Thesis and Genesis. However, they are much faster than its contemporary competitors. Loading of a webpage depends very much on the framework. So this is a n important point to look after while you choose theme for your blog.

When a webpage is loaded, a number of HTML requests are processed. They include CSS styles, HTML content, Javascripts, images and more.

When the number of style sheets is reduced, the page loads faster. Nowadays both Genesis and Thesis are trying to reduce their page load time as much as possible. So there is nothing to differentiate on this aspect except one that Thesis has some additional style sheets in Internet Explorer which genesis doesn’t possess.

Coding and Design:

First of all, you need to know some coding to give your blog a pro look. This is where Thesis fails to impress whereas Genesis just mesmerizes with its customizable ‘Child Themes’.

When you will install Thesis, it will give you a plain white blog in which you have to scribble and add uniqueness with your coding skills. If you don’t know coding and you have some money that you can spend, then you can hire someone to do the coding for you. But if you succeed in doing this, you can make your blog look totally unique and out of the crowd. It will give you better results than Genesis.

So if you are Thesis user, you need to code it all by yourself to make your blog look different from others.

For beginners, it’s the best framework I would say to kickstart their blog by just picking up one of the ‘Child Themes’ from its package.

You can also customize those child themes as per your wish- like changing the font, text colour.


SEO Options:

In terms of SEO options, both Thesis and Genesis is all the same. Both provides high chances for optimization. You can set 301 redirects for any post or URL for both of them. The best part is that both of them doesn’t need any third party SEO plugin.

But if we see as a whole, I would definitely rate Genesis higher in this case as it has more customizable options for single posts under its belt like its- layout, custom body, class and redirect, custom tracking code etc. These are much easy to implement in Genesis than that of Thesis.

The user always expects thorough support from whatever framework they choose. For both Thesis and Genesis, the support team and development team are quite efficient. But still, Genesis lags in attracting customers or community members.

On the other hand, Thesis buzzes with updates and activity with exhaustive tutorials to guide the users thoroughly. Genesis doesn’t give such support, maybe their users are happy with the ‘Child themes’ they offer with the package.

Note that Genesis has an auto-upgrade feature while upgrading Thesis is really a tough task because if something goes wrong during the update, your whole site will crash! That’s awful.

Pricing: (approx.)

  • For personal users- $87
  • Developer’s Version (for unlimited sites)- $164
  • For client sites, the user needs to pay $40 extra.
  • Framework only- $59.95
  • Child theme + Framework- $ 79.95
  • Genesis Pro Plus- $349.95
  • In Genesis, the best part is that for usage in client sites they will not charge you.

So in terms of pricing, Genesis clearly emerges as a winner.


Thesis and Genesis – both are fast growing giants in the blogging world. With all my experience, I can say both these frameworks are wonderful in their own way.

Like if you are kind of a person who wants to make a unique website and want to spent time and money on coding and themes, then Thesis is the best option for you.

And if you want to just start your blog with everything readymade, then Genesis is ‘the framework’ for you. The point is that your site won’t be unique as others also use same child themes, unless you highly customize it.

So it goes like this – choose a correct and appropriate theme considering all the constraints I mentioned. Choice varies from person to person and according to their business. So opt for the framework which suits and matches your business.

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Reader Interactions

Priya Shah says

Feb 13, 2014 at 11:19 am

Genesis is actually great for full customization because you can start by creating a child theme and customize it as much as you want. And if you have a good handle on PHP, I’d say the possibilities are endless! Thesis is a good framework and works for some people, but I couldn’t see myself investing that much time and energy just trying to input my own custom CSS. I’m really happy with Genesis!

hellnothesis says

Mar 29, 2014 at 10:34 am

Thesis is the most annoying theme ever. Very expensive and very incompatible with almost all popular plugins. If you wanna use yoast seo, woocommerce you need to pay extra. Breadcrumbs is luxury to have with thesis. Support team does not help you all they do recommend some paid extras. Genesis is freedom and cheaper..

Rahul Yadav says

Feb 15, 2015 at 9:38 am

Honestly after having tried both, I can say, I love genesis Genesis Framework.

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Genesis Vs Thesis Theme Framework – Which One is best for ME

Attraction in the world of Internet matters a lot. Each and every Blog/Website wants to be attractive, eye catchy and easy to use.

In WordPress attraction means a lot, so the simple way of attracting users is through the Theme and Design . Many simple theme frameworks are developed by the experts for the use in a WordPress Blog/Website. Most popular and most downloaded frameworks are the  Genesis  and the  Thesis   Framework. In this tutorial lets see which one is best among the leading two theme frameworks.

Genesis Vs Thesis Theme Framework – Comprehensive Guide


Genesis Theme Framework  :


As experts believe Genesis is mostly used and is built for Designers. Facts of the Framework are discussed below:

Design & Customization:

Genesis Framework comes with a set of astonishing Hooks which gives you the entire control of the design,look and pattern of the Blog/Website. It is designed to deliver a full and powerful performance. In the Dashboard of Genesis framework there are many inbuilt, easy and efficient options for a newbie to use. It comprises of many different layouts, breadcrumbs, numeric navigation  and many other features.

Child themes are pre-made in Genesis framework which are easy to use and edit. The best thing of a child theme in Genesis is that the while editing and customizing the theme, the actual framework doesn’t change at all.

Ease of Access:

Genesis is really very easy to use and customize. All the admin Dashboard options are very well defined, which makes it easy for a starter to use Genesis. In Genesis an admin can add any option if he needs, this develops a personal feeling towards a Blog/Website. You can add any extra widgets for fluent functionality of the website.

Adding a sidebar to add just a single click Social sharing buttons is also a cool feature in Genesis. Updating of Genesis framework is also quite easy and a short process.  Genesis is a fast framework as it takes approx 0.6-0.7 seconds to load a page. The access to FTP is also not required in the process of updation. Genesis is really easy to access and customize.

Search Engine Optimization:

Genesis tops the race when it comes to SEO of the Blog/Website. The framework is very well optimized for proper and wide SEO. Use of a plugin for SEO is not required at all. Custom title tags, adding canonical URL for posts, custom meta description, custom keywords etc. are some standard SEO options.Option of redirect URL for redirecting previous posts to any URL is also a awesome feature in Genesis. These options really boost the SEO of the website.

Costing & Pricing:

The Genesis framework costs only $59.95 , but if you want child themes with the framework it costs upto $80 (approx). The expensive package lets you use a child theme and the framework to as many website whether it is yours or its of your friend. The Genesis also offers a Pro Plus package which costs upto $330 (approx). In this package you can use all the child themes developed by StudioPress with the awesome framework.

Contact & Support:

The supporting team of the company standing behind matters a lot for a product user. Genesis has a very experienced and professional development team helping out their users any time. Genesis also has a support forum which provides complete support from the experts and the webmasters as well.

Thesis Theme Framework :


According to experts Thesis is basically built for programmers who believe in coding and programming but this doesn’t mean that non-coders can’t use Thesis.

Built in custom Hooks provide the admin the unified control over the design and look. Usually Thesis is a bit difficult to customize as it requires a proper knowledge of PHP, CSS, HTML . Thesis is based on DIYThemes, which is very powerful and efficient in use.

With Thesis skins you can Drag and Drop beautiful designs from the Dashboard itself. Thesis skins help you make your Blog/website effective and efficient.

The appreciated feature of Thesis is its Virtual Design Template Editor option. A new magazine style layout can also be created in Thesis using teasers.

For a Starter using Thesis would be a difficult and tough job. Its not Genesis as it comprises of programming and coding with a expertise in HTML, CSS, PHP, Hooks . A good and experienced coder and handle the Thesis framework quite nicely. The page loading time in Thesis is 0.647 seconds.

Built-in Tools like color picker, golden ratio typography controls etc. gives a Blog/Website great customization and flexibility which benefits the users of Thesis very much. You can now have full control on 404 page content without code.

SEO of Thesis is very handy and need a lot of praise. SEO is very much flexible with hundreds of powerful features to do. Options like meta tags, custom title tags, meta description, canonical URL, custom body class etc. play a vital role in the expansion of SEO.

Tools like Google Authorship, Markup Schema boosts the SEO part a lot.

The cost you have to pay to purchase Thesis Personal option pack framework is upto $87 and if you want to buy the Developer option pack framework you would have to pay upto $164 . A beneficial option for beginners is in the personal addition of the framework as you can use it only on your own website,with 12 months upgrade option. If you have many websites then Developer option pack is very much beneficial for you.

Contact & supporting:

Thesis also has a very good and reliable support . The development team behind Thesis is always ready to make their users a bit user friendly and provide ultimate support. Thesis forums are also available for all users where they can raise questions and acquire the complete knowledge from the Webmasters sitting there. There are Thesis tutorial for users  comfortably  on the DIYThemes Forums.

Apart from all the comparison listed above we have to say that both the Frameworks are really the most powerful, advanced Framework system built for WordPress. Most of the generation find Genesis useful and easy to access but using Thesis is also a very different experience. We are also using Thesis Framework, we are really happy and satisfied with the framework and support.

Genesis dominates the race as it is used by people who are in need of eminently professional theme framework. It costs and ease of access takes the framework to the top. “No need of coding” boosts the popularity of Genesis.

Overall Genesis is best for all beginners or expert. Its now on you which you like and find easy.

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About the author: dev rathi.

genesis vs thesis

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Where the world comes to study the Bible

You are here, recent articles, from the series: pentateuch, an analysis and synthesis previous page | next page, 1. analysis and synthesis of genesis.

The analysis and synthesis approach to biblical studies applied here to Genesis is a methodology developed by the author (DeCanio, 2007) in conjunction with his doctoral studies at the University of South Africa. An abbreviated version of this work entitled, Biblical Hermeneutics and a Methodology for Studying the Bible will be posted on bible.org.

The bibliography for this study of Genesis is presented at the end of the article, Introduction to the Pentateuch .

The aim of this analysis is to consider aspects of the context in which the book of Genesis was written, such as its authorship, recipients, time period of historical events and composition, and its biblical context, which may be useful in understanding the book as a whole.

The authorship of the Book of Genesis is, like the authorship of the other books of the Pentateuch, anonymous. Both internal and external evidence is lacking to reasonably establish the author of Genesis. While the NT speaks of the Law as 'Moses' or the 'books' or 'law' of Moses, it nowhere points specifically to Genesis by itself in these terms. Portions of the Pentateuch record the strategic role Moses played in its making. This is seen from his first written records of the curse against Amalek (Exod 17:14) and the book of the Sinai covenant (Exod 24:3–7) to the writing and safekeeping of his initial exposition of the law (Deut 31:24–26). It would seem that, as argued in the Introduction to the Pentateuch, the core and substance of the books of the Pentateuch from Exodus to Deuteronomy are the work of Moses. Yet the NT, in attributing the Pentateuch as a whole to Moses, would seem to imply Mosaic authorship for Genesis as it does for Exodus through Deuteronomy. Thus, Mosaic authorship of Genesis may be established on the basis of its unity with the other books of the Pentateuch and on the basis of the outstanding qualifications that Moses had for writing such a book which is foundational to an understanding of the remainder of the Pentateuch. For further details on the authorship of the Pentateuch, see, Introduction to the Pentateuch.

As discussed in the Introduction to the Pentateuch, the most immediate recipients of the Book of Genesis would likely have been the Exodus generation. Yet it is clear that the intended audience was to extend to all future generations of the elect seed of Abraham who would be born under the Mosaic covenant (see, Deut 29:14–15).

The events recorded in Genesis span from the creation of the world until the death of Joseph. While it is not at all possible to date the beginning of the world, the dating of events during the life of the patriarchs can be determined with reasonable accuracy with respect to modern reckoning. In the Introduction to the Pentateuch a discussion is presented on the chronological aspects of the Pentateuch. There it was determined that events beginning with Abram and ending with the death of Joseph span about 350 years going from about 2166 B.C. to 1806 B.C. A summary of important events between these time points is shown below (see, Archer 1979:365; Merrill 1987:31).

Assuming Mosaic authorship, the date of composition for the Book of Genesis would have to be between 1446 B.C. (the date of the Exodus) and 1406 B.C. (the death of Moses). A likely possibility is during the year that Israel spent encamped in the wilderness at Sinai when Moses probably composed most, if not all, of the Books of Exodus and Leviticus. Such an assumption would place the date of composition of Genesis between 1446 and 1445 B.C.

Summary of Important Events in the Pentateuch

The biblical context consists of three components; the historical element, the socio–cultural element, and the theological element.

Nowhere in Genesis is the historical context for its writing indicated. However, if the date of its composition is, as noted above, during the period of time Israel spent at Sinai, then the historical context for the writing of Genesis would necessarily have been Israel’s redemption and Exodus from Egypt, and Israel’s entering into covenant–relationship with Yahweh. The historical context for understanding Genesis, however, is not the occasion for its writing, but rather the historical circumstances which are revealed in the progress of the narrative as it moves from the Creation to the death of Joseph.

In as much as history begins with the Creation, there can be no historical context for this the first recorded act of God. The reader is not even given any knowledge of the a–historical context which gave birth to the Creation. From that point on, however, the historical context for succeeding circumstances is documented in Genesis to the extent needed to understand the narrative flow and theological progression of God’s relationship with man. It is important to recognize, therefore, that there is not one historical context for the book of Genesis. Rather, this context is changing as the Genesis narrative progresses from the beginning to the end. In view of the significant progressive development of this context, it will not be discussed here but will be noted and made use of to the extent needed in the process of understanding the book as a whole.

Aspects of the socio–cultural context of the Pentateuch can be determined from the text of the Pentateuch itself, and from any number of works such as Livingston (1974). Knowing this context is helpful in providing the reader with the socio–cultural framework for understanding more fully the lives and movements of the Patriarchs. It provides the setting for the narratives, and it is therefore helpful in understanding certain passages of the text more completely. However, it is not critical to understanding Genesis as a whole. Therefore, the socio–cultural data that comprises this element will not be set forth here, but will be brought into play to the extent needed to enhance an understanding of those passages which are socio–culturally dependent.

Of the three elements which comprise the biblical context, the theological element is by far most important for understanding the book of Genesis both as a whole and in part. This component is complex because there is a progression of theological revelation as the narrative moves from the Creation to the death of Joseph. For this reason, it is both necessary and helpful to partition Genesis into six major contexts—Pre-creation, Creation (Gen 1-2); The Fall (Gen 3-4); Noah through the Flood (Gen 5-10); The Tower of Babel (Gen 11:1-9); and The Patriarchal Era (Gen 11:10-50)—which can be identified from the Genesis narrative. In each of these contexts four theological categories—God, Man, Creation and World order/creation mandate—are considered. Note that there is a progression of theological revelation even within the framework of these contexts, and that a particular theological context comprises the prior theological contexts and the theological revelations for that particular context.

The goal of the analysis of the text of Genesis is to consider such aspects of this written document as a broad descriptive overview of it, its major theological themes, and its literary characteristics, in order to derive a synthetic structure of the text as a whole.

Broad descriptive overview

Descriptive Summary

The creation of the heavens and the earth;

The Creation mandate/world order for the heavens, the earth, and all living creatures;

The creation of the man and the woman in the image of God;

The planting of a garden in Eden as a habitat for the man and the woman ;

The fall of the man and the woman into a state of sin;

The judgment against the man , the woman , and the serpent;

The expulsion of the man and the woman from the Garden;

The murder of Abel by Cain ;

The judgment against Cain ;

The descendents of Cain ;

The birth of Seth ;

The descendents of Adam from Seth to Noah ;

The universal wickedness of all mankind except for Noah ;

The pronouncement of judgment against all mankind except for Noah ;

The deliverance provided for Noah , his family, and representative living creatures from the coming flood;

The building of the ark ;

The entry of Noah , his family, and the representative living creatures into the ark;

The coming of the flood and the destruction of all living beings and creatures except for Noah and his family;

The recession of the flood and drying of the land;

The coming out of Noah , his family, and all the representative animals from the ark ;

The sacrifice Noah offered to God;

The promise God made with Himself to never again destroy all living things by means of a flood;

The new world order ;

Confirmation of God’s covenant with Noah , his descendants, and with all living creatures;

The sign of the covenant ;

The sin of Ham;

The judgment against Canaan;

The descendants of Shem, Ham, and Japheth;

The Tower of Babel and the settling down of the people;

The judgment of confusion of languages, and the separation and scattering of the people;

The line of descent from Shem to Abram ;

The move of Terah, Abram , and Lot from Ur to Haran;

The call of Abram ;

The promises of seed and blessing to Abram ;

The obedience of Abram ;

The arrival of Abram and Lot in the land of Canaan;

The promise of the Land to Abram ;

The sojourn of Abram into Egypt due to famine in the Land;

The separation of Abram from Lot;

The confirmation of the promises to Abram ;

The rescue of Lot by Abram ;

The blessing of Abram by Melchizedek;

The promises made to Abram confirmed by God;

The promise of an son from Abram’s own body;

The covenant God cut with Abram as a guarantee of His promises to Abram ;

The informing of Abram that his descendants would be oppressed as slaves for 400 years in a foreign land;

The conception and birth of Ishmael through Hagar the Egyptian slave;

The confirmation of the covenant with Abram and his descendants;

The changing of Abram ’s name to Abraham to reflect the fulfillment of God’s promise to make Abram into a great nation;

The sign of the covenant God made with Abraham ;

The changing of Sari ’s name to Sarah ;

The promise of an son reaffirmed through Sarah ;

The visit of the Lord on the way to destroy Sodom and its surrounding towns;

The promise of a son through Sarah;

The intercession of Abraham for the righteous of Sodom;

The reaffirmation of a son through Sarah ;

The rescue of Lot and his daughters;

The sin of Lot’s daughters;

The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah;

The deceptiveness of Abraham toward Abimelech in his sojourn in Gerar;

The birth of Isaac in fulfillment of God’s promise ;

The casting out of Hagar and Ishmael ;

The covenant Abraham made with Abimelech ;

The testing of Abraham’s faith through God’s command to sacrifice Isaac as a burnt offering;

The reaffirmation of the covenant ;

The death and burial of Sarah ;

The purchase of a burial plot in Mamre by Abraham ;

The provision of a wife (Rebekah) for Isaac ;

The marriage of Abraham to Keturah;

The provisions Abraham made for his sons;

The death and burial of Abraham ;

The descendants of Ishmael ;

The births of Esau and Jacob ;

The contempt of Esau for his birthright;

The confirmation of the Covenant with Isaac ;

The deceptiveness of Isaac toward Abimelech ;

The conflict between Isaac and Abimelech over water rights;

The reaffirmation of the Covenant with Isaac ;

The witness to God’s blessings on Isaac ;

The covenant between Isaac and Abimelech;

The stealing of Esau’s blessing by Jacob ;

The hatred of Jacob by Esau ;

The sending of Jacob to Paddan–aram;

The dream of Jacob at Bethel;

The confirmation of the Covenant with Jacob ;

The arrival of Jacob at Paddan–aram;

The deception of Laban in Jacob’s marriage to Rachel;

The children born to Jacob through Leah ;

The children born to Jacob through Rachel’s maid Bilhah, Leah’s maid Zilpah, and then through Leah and Rachel;

The contention between Jacob and Laban ;

The increase of Jacob’s wealth;

The fleeing of Jacob with his family and wealth from Laban ;

The pursuit of Jacob by Laban ;

The treaty between Jacob and Laban ;

The preparations made by Jacob for meeting Esau ;

The prayer of humility and petition made by Jacob to God;

The wrestling of Jacob with God at Peniel ;

The meeting and reconciliation of Jacob with Esau ;

The safe arrival of Jacob at Shechem ;

The defilement of Dinah by Shechem;

The revenge taken against the men of Shechem by Simeon and Levi ;

The return of Jacob to Bethel ;

The reaffirmation of the Covenant with Jacob ;

The death of Rachel in giving birth to Benjamin;

The defilement of Bilhah by Reuben ;

The death of Isaac ;

The descendants of Esau who moved to the hill country of Seir;

The descendants of Seir , the original inhabitants of Seir later known as Edom ;

The account of Jacob and his family after he settled again in the land of Canaan;

The two dreams Joseph had when he was 17 years old;

The selling of Joseph into slavery;

The unrighteous behavior of Judah ;

The blessing of Joseph in Potiphar’s house;

The tempting of Joseph by Potiphar’s wife;

The casting of Joseph into prison by Potiphar;

The interpretation of the dreams of Pharaoh’s chief cupbearer and chief baker by Joseph ;

The interpretation of Pharaoh’s dreams by Joseph ;

The making of Joseph ruler over Egypt under Pharaoh;

The fulfillment of Pharaoh’s dreams just as Joseph had said;

The first visit of Joseph’s ten older brothers to Egypt to buy grain;

The appearing of Joseph’s brothers before him;

The testing of the brothers by Joseph ;

The return of Joseph’s brothers to Egypt after Judah offers himself personally responsible for Benjamin’s safety;

The dinning of Joseph with his brothers ;

The testing of the brothers by Joseph by means of his silver cup;

The offering of Judah as a substitute for Benjamin;

The revealing of Joseph to his brothers ;

The instruction given by Joseph to his brothers to return to Canaan, get their father Jacob , their families, and herds, and move to Egypt;

The setting out of Jacob to Egypt;

The assurance of God’s presence with Jacob in Egypt;

The arrival of Jacob in the region of Goshen;

The audience of Jacob with Pharaoh;

The management of Pharaoh’s resources by Joseph during the famine;

The blessing of God on the children of Jacob in Egypt;

The preparations made by Jacob for his death;

The reminder of Jacob to Joseph of the Covenant God made with Abraham and confirmed with him ( Jacob ) and which extends to his descendants;

The blessing of Jacob on Joseph’s sons, claiming Manasseh and Ephraim as two of his sons with an equal share in the inheritance of the Land ;

The prophecy of Jacob to his sons regarding what will happen to each of them in the days to come;

The charge of Jacob to his sons to bury him in the cave that Abraham had purchased in the land of Canaan;

The death of Jacob ;

The mourning for Jacob ;

The burial of Jacob in the land of Canaan;

The assurance of Joseph’s his good intentions to his brothers;

The charge of Joseph to his brothers concerning what to do with his body when he dies;

It is not the intent of this section to develop and discuss in detail all aspects of the major theological themes identified in Genesis. Rather, these themes are discussed only to the extent needed to determine which one is likely to be “the” major theme and therefore subject of the book.

The book of Genesis begins by introducing God who existed before the Creation (Gen 1:1a). Genesis does not argue for the existence of God, rather it is written with the fundamental presupposition that before the world was created, God was––“In the beginning God”. Genesis also claims that it was God who created the world (Gen 1:1b). The theological implication of Genesis 1:1 is that God is self–existing, that He is eternal, that everything exists because He created it, and that He transcends the Creation.

The Book of Genesis is clear that it was God who created the world and all that it comprises (Gen 1–2). This includes the heavens, consisting of the sun, moon, and stars, and, of noted prominence, the earth and all that it contains, including the land, seas, vegetation, animals, birds, and sea creatures. Genesis also is clear that God created man, and that He created man in His own image. While Genesis does not provide the details of God's act of creation, it makes it very clear that evolution was not a part of the process, and, in particular, that man did not evolve from other creatures.

Genesis further informs the reader that God created the world by the power and authority of His word; “Let there be . . . , and it was so” (Gen 1:3, 6, 9, 11, 14, 20, 24). The implication here is that God acts on the basis of His own will, sovereignty, authority, power, knowledge, wisdom, understanding, etc., to create the world giving it its form and function as He determined it. He is the One, therefore, the only One who is Sovereign and Lord over the universe, for He is the One who spoke the Creation into existence (Gen ch. 1). There can be no higher authority than the One who speaks and brings into existence what did not exist before except as a concept within His own understanding.

Genesis also reveals God as the One in whom life exists. The implication here is that life is inherent in God. “Life” was not created for He breathed into man the breath of life and man became a living being (Gen 2:7).

Then too, Genesis reveals that God is a relational being who created man in His own image to have a relationship with him that is unique in all of the Creation (Gen 1:26, 27; 3:8). Even after the Fall, when man entered into a state of sin and separation from God with the result that that relationship was broken, God is shown as choosing, calling, and separating to Himself certain individuals––the seed of the woman––for reasons known only to Him (Gen 5:22–24; 6:8, 13, 7:1; 12:1, 7, etc.; Gen 26:1–3, 23, 24; 28:10–22; 31:3; 32:24–30; 35:1, 9; 46:1–4). While God is mysterious to man, it is clear from the text of Genesis that He nevertheless wants man to know Him to the extent man can within the limitation of the capacities He has given man. We see this, for example, in God’s interactions with Adam, Cain, Enoch, Noah, and then especially with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob with whom He entered into a covenant–relationship, and through that, a unique relationship with all of Israel.

Genesis also reveals God as the One who judges the actions of all beings––human and otherwise (i.e., the serpent)––and executes judgment by pronouncing punishment upon those who violate His commands, decrees, order of life. This is seen in the case of Adam, Eve, and the serpent (Gen 3:8–19), Cain (Gen 4:9–15), all mankind in Noah’s generation (Gen 6:5–7, 12), all mankind in the generation after the Flood (Gen 11:5–9), and in the case of the people of Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen 18:20, 19:29).

The implication here is that it is God alone who establishes what is good and what is evil based on His own inherent nature. That it is God alone who has the authority and power to hold all beings accountable to Him. And that it is God alone who pronounces and executes judgment not through an army of angelic beings but through His word of judgment . Thus Genesis reveals God as the Judge, the One to whom all beings are accountable.

Genesis reveals God as “covenant maker.” He is the One who enters into an unconditional covenant with Noah and all mankind, promising that He would never again destroy the earth by flood (Gen 9:8–17). More significant is the revelation that God makes an unconditional covenant with Abraham promising to bless him and his descendants (Gen 12:1–3), and to bless all the nations of earth through his seed (Gen 12:3, 22:18). It is through this covenant that God works to reestablish His relationship with, not all mankind, but only with those whom He chooses. Thus God is revealed in Genesis as giving His word of promise in the outworking of His plan and purpose for the world and for man in particular. The major portion of the Genesis text is concerned with God’s word of promise to Abraham.

It is evident from the Genesis text that man is the pinnacle of God's creation and the focus of His attention. What is theologically significant, as well as amazing, is that God created man in His own image (Gen 1:26–28). Implied in the creation account of man, therefore, is that man is not only a material being, but a spiritual being as well in that God is a spiritual being. It can be stated, therefore, with broad theological consensus that a human being is a material and nonmaterial entity. Eichrodt (1967:131). has observed that the distinction between an inner, spiritual aspect and a physical aspect of human nature which was to be found in both creation stories is not simply an opinion peculiar to these accounts, but a constituent element of the whole Old Testament view of humanity. A biblically–based conceptualization of the immaterial aspect of human nature is generally characterized by three anthropological concepts; spirit, soul, and heart . Thus when God informs Adam that if he disobeyed His command not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil he would surely die, He had in mind not only physical death, which did not immediately occur, but spiritual death which did occur immediately and which can be understood broadly as separation from God.

Genesis also reveals that man was not created to be a free agent but was responsible to God for his actions. This is seen in the responsibility God gave him to rule over his habitat, to cultivate and keep the Garden, and to obey His command. Very significantly, in creating man in His own image, God created man with the capacity to choose between good and evil and thus able to rebel against Him.

Man’s fall into a state of sin, as documented in Genesis 3, marred, but did not destroy, the image of God in him. Further, the fall of man into a state of rebellion against God leads to the pronouncement and execution of judgment which forces man to live out his life under the immediate dominion of the evil one instead of under the immediate dominion of God. While man’s fall into a state of rebellion against God resulted in the breaking of his personal relationship with God, God made provision for the eventual restoration of that image and relationship.

Hope is promised through the seed of the woman who will enter into conflict with the seed of the serpent (the evil one). This is revealed in God’s judgment against the serpent—“And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel” (Gen 3:15). Conquest of the serpent (evil one), who led mankind from a state of fellowship and blessing into a state of separation and cursing, is guaranteed as the promise is given that the seed of the woman will mortally wound the serpent (evil one). The theological implication of this text is enormous. In effect it says that there will be a battle between good and evil in the history of man, and in that battle the seed of the woman will destroy the serpent (evil one). The one who led man into rebellion against God will be defeated by the seed of the woman, a man! Though not stated explicitly, there is in this the root of a redemption which would restore the original image of God in man, and, with that, restore man to that personal and unique relationship with God. In essence, the whole of the Bible from Genesis 3:15 through the Book of Revelation deals with God's work of restoring man to this unique position in the Creation.

With a new world order set in place, man embarks into a world in which personal relationship with God is no longer possible and man, in his state of sin, can do nothing to change it. Rather, it is given now only to the elect seed of the woman to enter into such a relationship with God. In the plan and purpose of God, He now elects a seed in every generation who can enter into personal relationship with Him, and to whom it has been appointed that he should stand against the serpent (evil one) and his seed. We see this starting with Abel and going through to Abraham. However, beginning with Abraham, the elect seed narrows down to the elect seed of Abraham.

It is through Abraham and his elect seed that God will now effect His plan to reestablish personal relationship with man and to rule over the Creation through man. Not just a seed through Abraham, but the chosen seed of promise through Sarah. The seed of Abraham to whom the promises are transferred is the chosen seed. Thus, God unilaterally promises Abraham that He will bless him and his seed, making him into a great nation by multiplying his seed, and giving to him and his descendants the land of Canaan as an everlasting inheritance, and that through Abraham and his chose seed all the nations of the earth will be blessed. The fulfillment of that work is found in and through Jesus Christ, the God–Man, the Seed of Abraham (Gal 3:16) whose death and resurrection provided the means for restoring the image of God and reestablishing man's relationship with God. The whole of redemptive history is moving in this direction.

Biblical evidence for relationships between God and man is extensive. The first is found in the beginning of the book of Genesis where God and Adam are shown to be in personal relationship in the Garden, and the last is found at end of the book of Revelation where God and all those whom He has redeemed are observed to be in relationship with Him in the new Jerusalem. Between these two events, much change occurs in the nature of the relationship as a result of the Fall. In spite of man’s fall into a state of sin and spiritual separation from God, God never abandons man but rather at critical points in history He redefines the basis for, and the nature of, God–man relationship. A most important aspect of that change is that God now enters into personal relationship only with those whom He calls to Himself.

Evidence of God–man relationships can be inferred from God's creation of man in His own image (Gen 1:26–27, 5:1, 9:6) as they came into being possessing qualities of life which are unique to God, though obviously not to the same extent (Erickson 1985:515). This has great implications with respect to God–man relationships, for man has been given the inherent capability to relate to and interact with God in a way that is unique in all of the creation. Since God reveals Himself as a social, relational being within the triunity of the Godhead (Gruenler 1986:1–3, and, 1989:178–179), the implication is that man is also a social, relational being, and able, therefore, to relate in this way not only to other humans but to God as well.

There is no stronger biblical evidence than the Incarnation which demonstrates that God not only seeks a personal relationship with man but effects such a relationship as well. This is seen in the mission of the Incarnate Son who proceeded from the Father (John 8:42) to reveal the Father to man (John 1:18, 12:45, 14:7–9, 17:6, 25–26; 1 John 5:20), and then to offer Himself as a sacrifice for sin (John 10:11, 15, 27–28) so that those who received Him might be reconciled to the Father (Rom 5:10; 2 Cor 5:18–20) through faith in the Son (John 1:12; Acts 16:30–31), and receive the right to become a child of God (John 1:12) and thus enter into a personal relationship with God. Christ spoke of this relationship in clear and certain terms in His so–called high priestly prayer. Among other things, He prayed for all who will believe in Him (John 17:20–26) asking the Father that they may be one just as the Father and Son are one —‘ just as you are in me and I am in you. ’ He then asked that in the same way they too may be in the Father and the Son. He strengthens this notion of relationship by stating, ‘ I in them and you in me,’ . . . that ‘ the love you have for me may be in them and that I myself may be in them. ’

Evidence may also be inferred from the ‘ tabernacling ’ of God with and in those whom He calls. The notion of God's ‘ tabernacling ’ among humans is introduced and developed under the Old Testament economy as His dwelling with His covenant people (Exod 19:5–6, 29:45, 40:34–35). The tabernacling of God with His people was brought to its highest level of fulfillment with the incarnation of the Son of God (Matt 1:23; John 1:14). But the concept of God's tabernacling was redefined and fulfilled under the New Testament economy as His dwelling in those whom He redeems. Evangelical theology sees clear biblical evidence that the Spirit of God indwells every believer (e.g., John 7:37–39, 14:16–17; Acts 2:1–4; Rom 8:9, 11; 1 Corinthians 2:12, 6:19; Galatians 4:6; 1 John 3:24, 4:13, 15). This indwelling is an abiding presence of the Spirit in the believer's heart (Gal 4:6) and includes the Spirit's witness to the believer's spirit about his/her relationship to God (Rom 8:16–17).

God's plan to restore man to relationship with Him was first revealed, as noted above, in Genesis 3:15. God’s efforts to accomplish this act of restoration took on more specific form with the call of Abraham and the covenant He made with him, for that covenant, though oriented toward the descendants of Abraham, had all mankind in view as God promised Abraham to bless all mankind through his seed (Gen 12:3; 22:18). That seed, the Apostle Paul has noted, was Christ (Gal 3:16). Thus on the grand scheme of the Bible as a whole, God is at work at restoring man to a right relationship with Him. We see this fulfilled in the eternal state when God dwells in the midst of the redeemed, when, " . . the dwelling of God is with men, and He will live with them. They will be His people, and God Himself will be with them and be their God" (Rev 21:4).

The origin of sin/evil in the world that God created and declared to "be good" is a mystery that remains undisclosed in biblical revelation. What is clear from the very beginning of the Book of Genesis is that rebellion against God existed in the Garden prior to the fall of man. This is manifested in the serpent's attitude toward God which questions God’s truthfulness and challenges His authority. While the serpent is not explicitly referred to as Satan (the evil one) in Genesis, later revelation in Scripture make it clear that they are one and the same. For example, Revelation 20:2 identifies Satan as "the serpent of old,” and John 8:44 declares Satan to be "the father of lies".

What is also clear from Genesis is that sin, in its most basic form, is rebellion against the revealed will of God and is manifested in disobedience to what He has commanded. Further, it is clear that there is a penalty associated with sin. In the case of the original sin, that penalty consisted of an awareness of guilt, a curse upon the creation, the man, and the woman, all of which brought pain and suffering into life through the broken relationships between the man and the woman and between man and God (which is seen in their expulsion from the Garden), and through the prospect and reality of physical death. Though all the descendants of Adam are judged for their individual sins, it is apparent that the judgment executed on Adam has been passed on to all of his descendants (see Rom 5:12–19).

Thus, what is clear from Genesis is that sin is a reality and that it alienated man from God. In some mysterious sense, man had become like God. "The man," God says, "has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil" (Gen 3:22). By attempting to reverse the roles and assert his independence of limitations, man became a marred and defective image, one who could no longer represent his sovereign in an unhampered and perfect way. Sin had introduced an alienation that affected not only the God–man relationship and the man–woman relationship, but also made man a dying creature who could never hope to fulfill the creation mandate as long as he remained in that condition. The remainder of the biblical story is the outworking of God's plan of redemption whereby that alienation can be overcome and His original purposes for man reestablished.

Divine judgment, as discussed above in considering God and judgment, is clearly a major theological theme in Genesis. This is seen, first of all, in the judgment that God executes on the man and the woman for their disobedience to His command, and on the serpent/evil one for his opposition to God as manifested in his deceiving and tempting of the woman (Gen 3:14–19). In this act of divine judgment God is not a distant participant but is present in some way holding all participants accountable and pronouncing judgment on them. This act of divine judgment resulted in radical change in the world order; the relationship between God and man is now broken; the relationship between the man and the woman is now strained, and the earth has become contrary to the man’s efforts in farming. In stead of work being a joyful act it now becomes one of tiresome toil. In addition to this, there is now a struggle between the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent that is to be carried out on the stage of world history. The scope of this judgment, though seemingly personal, falling as it were upon Adam and Eve, was in effect universal as from that point on it affected everyone born of Adam (Gen 5:1–31; Rom 5:12–19).

Next, God is seen executing judgment on Cain for killing his brother, Abel (Gen 4:9–15). Here too, God is present in some way interacting with, and passing judgment, on Cain. What is significant about this judgment is that even though there was no command issued by God about killing, Cain was nevertheless held accountable for his act. The scope of this judgment was individual and personal.

And then God executes judgment on all mankind, with the exception of Noah and his family, for their wickedness (Gen 6:5–7:24). In this case God is not acting directly to pronounce judgment, but indirectly through Noah of whom it is written in Hebrews 11:7 that, “By his faith he condemned the world . . .”. The scope of this divine judgment was universal, as it fell upon all of mankind in Noah’s generation except Noah and his family, all living things except the representative ones God directed to Noah, and the earth which likely was changed drastically as a result of the flood. This divine judgment also resulted in a change of world order as God gave man everything that lives and moves as food, and put the fear and dread of man upon every creature that moves on the ground, flies in air, or swims in the sea. Thus there was now a radical change in relationship between man and all the animals, birds, and fish. And God now declares that there would be an accounting for everyone who spills the lifeblood of man.

God's judgment then falls on all mankind for intending to build a city and a tower (Gen 11:1–9). Here God is seen as coming personally to investigate the situation and then passing judgment on the people, apparently without manifesting His presence. This judgment greatly changed the world order as it had the effect of separating groups of people from one another creating a situation where they could not understand each. The scope of this judgment appears to be universal.

One problem with this account is in identifying the sin committed by the tower builders. Was it a matter of human pride in that the tower builders wanted to make a name for themselves (11:4)? Or were the people on the plain of Shinar defying God's command to be fruitful, multiply and fill the earth (Gen 9:1) as the three references to being scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth (Gen 11:4, 8, 9) suggest? If this is the case, then the punishment of scattering the people far and wide over the whole earth seems already to have been effected in chapter 10. Thus, it would seem that the Tower of Babel episode took place prior to the dispersion of the families of the three sons of Noah and was the likely cause of their dispersion. This conclusion is supported by the fact that chapter 10 already refers to the different languages spoken by the nations as they spread throughout the world (Gen 10:5, 20, 31). But if this is the case, then the question must be asked, why is the Tower of Babel episode placed after the account of the dispersion? One possibility is that the Plain of Shinar is the likely geographic location for Ur of the Chaldeans, the home of Abraham whose story is next presented.

Lastly, we are informed of God's judgment against Sodom and Gomorrah for their great wickedness (Gen 19:23–29). Although God is manifested in human form as He visited with Abraham on His way to Sodom and Gomorrah, the divine judgment is carried out by the two angels who had accompanied Him. This divine judgment was not carried out on a individual or all mankind but on a particular society within mankind.

Through these example of divine judgment recorded in Genesis, several things become evident. First, there is a progression of evil as the human race multiplies and settles the earth. Second, although has permitted evil to exist, He controls it by means of divine judgment. There is implied in God’s judgment against the serpent (Gen 3:15––“And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.”) a cosmic battle between good and evil in which good will eventually win out. So the divine judgment against evil is seen to impact man both personally and corporately.

The result of sin was death, both physical and spiritual death. Physical death was delayed in coming, but the conditions which would bring about that death were immediately set in place through a process of physical deterioration. Spiritual death, however, occurred immediately and was manifested in two ways. First there was a separation from the presence of God as Adam and Eve were physically driven from the presence of God in the Garden and not permitted to return. And secondly, they were now in a spiritual state of enmity with God. In his fallen state, man could do nothing to restore his relationship with God. It was, however, in the plan and purpose of God to do so. But that plan did not include all mankind. Rather, God was now going to work out His plan and purpose through the seed of the woman, that is, through all those whom He elects/chooses, calls, and separates to Himself. The Genesis text reveals this implicitly up to Noah. However, beginning with Noah and continuing through Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the text explicitly reveals God's sovereignty in electing, calling, and separating to Himself a seed whom He will bless, and through whom He will bless all the nations.

In the course of events recorded in the Book of Genesis, God makes two unconditional covenants; one with Noah and all his descendants after him (9:8–17), and another with Abraham and all his elect seed after him (see, for example, Gen 12:1–3; 13:14–18; especially Gen 15 and Gen 17:1–14; 22:15–18). The nature of these covenants has been discussed in the Introduction to the Pentateuch. What is presented here are the specific details of the Noahic and Abrahamic covenants.

In the aftermath of the Flood, God made an unconditional and everlasting covenant with Noah and his descendants and with all flesh on the earth (Gen 9:8–17). The components of this (the Noahic) covenant include:

1. a unilateral declaration by God to fulfill what He promises (Gen 9:9–11a)

2. the covenant stipulation: the promise to never again destroy the earth and all flesh on it by flood (Gen 9:11b)

3. the covenant sign, the rainbow (Gen 9:12–17)

It is significant to note that the Noahic covenant is preceded by the command originally given to Adam to "Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the earth" (Gen 9:1, 7). The next part of the command given to Adam––"subdue it (the earth)" and "rule over the fish," and so forth––is, however, radically different in its Noahic form because now the earth was cursed and alienation had fractured the harmonious structures of sovereignty that had attended the pre–Fall creation. "Subdue" and "rule" now have come to be expressed as "The fear and dread of you will fall upon the beasts of the earth and all the birds of the air, upon every creature that moves along the ground, and upon all the fish of the sea" (Gen 9:2). The domination by (or rule of) Adam that was effected by the spoken word alone must now be enforced by man's superior intellectual and rational powers. Voluntary subservience in the animal world has been replaced by coercion, and man and animals now will live in uneasy coexistence.

The covenant made with Abraham in Genesis 12:1–3, and confirmed and enlarged to him in Genesis 12:6–7; 13:14–17; 15:1–21 (where it is formalized); 17:1–14; and 22:15–18, defined certain basic promises God made to Abraham:

1. that Abraham's name shall be great;

2. that a great nation would come from Abraham ;

3. that in Abraham all the families of the earth shall be blessed;

4. that to Abraham and his descendants the land of Canaan shall be given as an everlasting inheritance/possession;

5. that the multitude of Abraham's seed would be as the dust of the earth;

6. that whomever blessed Abraham would be blessed and whomever cursed Abraham would be cursed;

7. that Abraham would be the father of many nations;

8. that kings would proceed from Abraham;

9. that the covenant God made with Abraham would be an ever–lasting covenant;

10. that God would be the God of Abraham and his seed;

11. that Abraham's seed shall possess the gate of their enemies;

A consideration of these promises indicates that they consist of three fundamental components: land, seed, and blessing, and that they apply personally to Abraham, to national Israel and universally to all the nations. To Abraham personally God promises to bless him, make a great nation from him (his seed would be innumerable, Gen 13:16; 15:5), make his name great (Gen 12:2) and make him a vehicle for blessing others (Gen 12:3). Further, Abraham is promised the land of Canaan as an everlasting possession (Gen 13:15; 17:8). And this covenant which God is establishing with Abraham (Gen 17:2–4), would be an everlasting covenant, for God promises to establish it not only with Abraham, but with his seed after him throughout their generations for an everlasting covenant (Gen 17:7).

In Genesis, the nations are blessed through Joseph’s provision of food during the time of severe famine (Gen 41:57). This, however, is only a typical fulfillment of the Abrahamic covenant. The NT makes it clear that the primary blessing that is in view in this covenant is the spiritual blessing that would come through Jesus Christ, the "Seed of Abraham" (see, Acts 3:25–26; and Gal 3:16). Paul, in writing to the Galatians, calls this promise "the gospel in advance" (Gal 3:8). In this application of the promise, all those who have faith in Christ "are blessed along with Abraham" (Gal 3:6–9; 14) who believed God and God "reckoned it to him as righteousness" (Gen 15:6; Gal 3:6).

Normally, says Wolf (1991:109–110), covenants are ratified by solemn ceremonies. Genesis 15 contains an account of such a ceremony. In the words of Wolf, Abraham was instructed to kill a heifer, a goat, and a ram, and cut them in two, and arrange the halves in two rows. Then, as Abraham fell into a deep sleep, "a smoking fire pot with a blazing torch . . . passed between the pieces" (Gen 15:17). It would seem from the text that the "fire" passing between the slaughtered halves of the sacrifices was God. By passing between the pieces God was committing Himself to the terms of the covenant with a self–maledictory oath. If He violated the covenant, He would in effect be subject to the same fate as the animals. In this regard, it is significant that the Hebrew expression for "make a covenant" is literally "cut a covenant," an expression which likely has reference to the sacrifice of animals in connection with the ratification ceremony.

There is only one other reference in the Bible to the actual passing between the pieces of an animal from which biblical support for this understanding can be obtained. That is in Jeremiah 34:18–19, where Yahweh condemned the men of Judah for breaking a covenant guaranteeing freedom for the Hebrew slaves. For even though they cut a calf in two and "walked between the pieces," they violated their agreement and earned God's wrath in the process.

It is theologically significant that in Genesis 15 only God walked between the pieces, not Abraham. This is a clear indication that this was a unilateral covenant in which God unconditionally guaranteed that His promises to Abraham would be fulfilled.

The Abrahamic Covenant as presented in the Book of Genesis and referred to throughout all of Scripture is always treated as unconditional in nature. In a conditional covenant, that which was covenanted depended on the recipient of the covenant for its fulfillment, not on the one making the covenant. Certain obligations or conditions would need to be kept by the recipient of the covenant before the giver of the covenant would be obligated to fulfill what was promised. This type of covenant has an "if" attached to it. The Mosaic Covenant made by God with Israel is such a covenant.

In an unconditional covenant, on the other hand, that which was covenanted depended solely on the one making it for its fulfillment. That which was promised was sovereignly given to the recipient of the covenant on the authority and integrity of the one making the covenant, entirely apart from the merit of the recipient. It was a covenant with no "if" attached to it whatsoever. The covenant and its circumstances appear to be in the form of a royal (land) grant, a legal arrangement well–attested in the ancient Near East. The so–called "Covenant of Grant" is discussed in the Introduction to the Pentateuch as the model for the unconditional Abrahamic Covenant.

While the fulfillment of the covenantal promises is unconditional, it is important to recognize that an unconditional covenant may have blessings attached to it that are conditioned to the response of the recipient. In this regard it is important to note the relation of obedience to the Abrahamic Covenant. Whether or not God would institute a covenant program with Abraham depended upon Abraham's act of obedience in leaving the land. When once this act was accomplished, and Abraham did obey God, God instituted an irrevocable, unconditional program. Whether there would be a covenant program with Abraham depended upon Abraham's act of obedience. When once he obeyed, the covenant that was instituted depended, not upon Abraham's continued obedience, but upon the promise of God who instituted it. The fact of the covenant depended upon obedience; the kind or nature of the covenant inaugurated was totally unrelated to the continuing obedience of either Abraham or his seed.

This obedience, which became the basis of the institution of the covenant, is referred to in Genesis 22:18, where Abraham's obedient offering of Isaac is presented not so much as evidence of Abraham's response to God for blessing, but as a vindication of God's unconditional promise to Abraham. In effect, Abraham's faith in God justifies God's action to unconditionally promise to bless Abraham. This would suggest that while God promises unconditionally to fulfill His covenant with Abraham, faith in God and His covenant is necessary in order to enter into the blessings promised. That faith is required to enter into the unconditional blessings of the covenant is clearly seen in the sign of the covenant.

When Abraham was 99 years old, almost 25 years after the original promise, God appeared to him and reaffirmed His covenant again promising both the land and numerous descendants which would come through a seed born to be born to him by Sarah (Gen 17). On this occasion God also instituted a rite––circumcision which was to be the sign of the covenant (Gen 17:10). The circumcision of a child by his father was to be a sign of the father's faith in God and in the covenant He made with Abraham and his descendants. In circumcising a son the father indicated that he believed the covenant would be fulfilled if not in his own day, then in his son's day, and he wanted his son to bear the sign of faith that would bring him the blessings of the covenant.

Conversely, those without faith, those who did not submit to circumcision were excluded from the benefits of the covenant, for God commanded, "Any uncircumcised male . . . will be cut off from his people; he has broken My covenant" (17:14). Without the exercise of faith, one could not partake of the blessings of the covenant. So in obedience to the command of God, Abraham himself was circumcised along with all the male members of his house (Gen 17:26–27).

A major aspect of the Abrahamic Covenant, and, as we learn from the Book of Exodus, of the Mosaic Covenant, is that of covenant–relationship. The Abrahamic Covenant establishes a covenant–relationship between Yahweh and Abraham and his descendants after him; Yahweh will be their God and they will be His unique people. Whereas the Abrahamic covenant is unilateral and unconditional, and therefore can never be broken, the Mosaic covenant, which is bilateral and conditional, can be broken. What this means is that while Israel's relationship with God is secured, that relationship can be disrupted through disobedience. Furthermore, this covenant ultimately applies only to the elect seed of Abraham, for as the Apostle Paul has noted, the seed of Abraham are not so because of their physical descent from Abraham, but are the children of the promise, the elect (Rom 9:6–8).

A major theological theme introduced in Genesis is that of blessing. It is apparent from the Book of Genesis that God seeks to bless mankind, but such blessing is not unconditional for God does not tolerate disobedience and unbelief. It is evident from the creation narrative that God blessed man (Gen 1:28). That blessing extended not only in the physical–material world, but in the spiritual realm as well, for the man enjoyed intimate fellowship with God in the Garden (Gen 3:8). But with disobedience came a lack of blessing. Fellowship with God was broken (Gen 3:22–24), and the blessing of the earth was turned into a curse, as it no longer cooperated with the man but worked contrary to his desire (Gen 3:17–19). Yet it is apparent that even after the Fall of man it was God's desire to bless him. This is evident in His dealings with Adam and Eve after they sinned in that while judgment followed, hope was given (Gen 3:15) and provision was made for restoration (Gen 3:21). Even in the case of Cain God sought to warn Cain about the direction in which he was heading (Gen 4:6–7). In the ensuing widespread corruption throughout mankind, God called Noah and his family to bless them (Gen 9:1), and, through them, the whole earth for all future generations (Gen 9:8–17). Nowhere is God's desire to bless man more apparent than in His dealing with Abraham and his descendants to whom He unconditionally promised to bless and to be the means through which He would bless all the families of the earth (Gen 12:1–3).

While God's word of promise to Abraham concerns the building of a great nation and the possession of the land of Canaan, the immediate issue in the realization of the promise involves the provision of a seed, not just any seed, but an elect seed coming through Sarah, for if Abraham had no seed there could be no fulfillment of the promise. Consequently, in God's delay in providing a seed, the focus of attention becomes the giving of a seed for Abraham through Sarah. Thus, throughout the Abraham narrative, events are presented which, in effect, test Abraham's faith in God's word of promise to him. There is a point in this process when God promises Abraham that “a seed will come from him.” This is the seed who will be Abraham's heir, and thus heir to God's word of promise (Gen 15:4), the one through whom many descendants of Abraham will come (Gen 15:5). Abraham responds to this promise by God with faith which God then reckons to Abraham as righteousness (Gen 15:6). This reckoning is, in effect, a judicial verdict whereby God declared Abraham to be righteous on the basis of his faith in God to do what He had promised him to do.

The climax to this sequence of events comes when God commands Abraham to offer up Isaac as a burnt offering to Him. Not only does this command place Abraham in the position of killing his son whom he greatly loved, but also of destroying the heir to the covenant. But by this time in his walk with God, Abraham's faith in God has developed to the point where he believes that God must and will raise Isaac up from the dead in order to keep His word of promise. Evidence for this is seen in Abraham's statement to his men that he and Isaac would go and worship and return (Gen 22:5). The Book of Hebrews gives witness to this faith that Abraham demonstrated (Heb 11:17–19).

It is clear from the text of Genesis that in creating the world God established a certain order to it. For example, world order in the physical realm is seen in the separation of the heavens and the earth and in their movements so as to provided for day and night, and for signs for seasons, days and years. God established order in both the vegetation and animal realms by decreeing that all with seed in them were to bear fruit after their own kind. The creation order thus decrees that there is a separation of the many different species of vegetation and animals. World order is seen in the creation of man in the image of God. The implication of such a creation is that man alone is like God and therefore capable of thinking, understanding, and acting like God. Of all the creatures of God's creation, man alone is created with the necessary nature to enter into a personal relationship with God. World order is clearly established by man's relationship to God. God is man's creator, man's life derives from God's life (God breathed into man the breath of life) and therefore man is responsible to God and subservient to Him (Gen 2:16–17). Created in the image of God, man functions as God's agent on earth and is given the authority to rule over the creation (Gen 1:26–28). Thus in the creation order man stands over the rest of creation.

World order is also manifested in the relationship God established between the man and the woman—a man shall leave his father and mother and shall cleave to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh (Gen 2:24). Lastly, world order is seen in God's action to bless His creatures (man and animal), and in His decree that they should all be fruitful and multiply filling the earth and the seas.

The world order established by the relationship between man, the animals, and the rest of creation is such that although man has been given a mandate and authority to rule over the creation as an agent under God, there existed harmony between man and the animals/living creatures (Gen 1:29–30) and harmony between the man and the woman (Gen 2:25).

From the time of the Creation until the Fall a world order existed in which everything was good. Man was in harmony with God, man, and the creation. There was nothing but blessing and joy in the life of man as he lived in personal relationship with God and his wife, and the earth willingly brought forth its fruit for man. However, all that changed with the Fall.

As a result of sin man not only was in a process of dying physically, but also he became separated from God and was now spiritually dead. Thus, as a result of man's sin, the personal relationship that existed between God and man was, from man’s side of the relationship, irreparably damaged as God cursed the man and drove him from His presence. Whereas before the Fall the man had life, both spiritual and physical, now he was dead spiritually and his physical life was limited to a finite number of days. While it was the plan of God to reestablish a personal relationship with man, the basis for that relationship could no longer be same as it was before. A new basis must be established. That basis, which is at first implied by the text, is God's election, calling, and separation of a seed, the seed of the woman, to Himself. That election, calling, and separation of a seed manifests itself in the life of the individual by faith in God. This becomes explicitly clear in the calling of Abraham.

The relationship between the man and the woman was also drastically changed as there was now suspicion of motives between them (Gen 3:12) and a ruling of the man over the woman (Gen 3:16). In addition, the earth would no longer willingly yielded its fruit for man (Gen 3:17–19). Rather man would now have to toil with hard labor in order to get the land to produce the food needed to live. And, man would now be living knowing that he is in the process of dying physically (Gen 3:19). Lastly, man would now be living under the dominion of the evil one, and, in this environment, God decreed that there would be enmity between the seed of the woman and the seed of the evil one (Gen 3:15). There would no longer be harmony in the world that God had created.

The world order changes again in the aftermath of the Flood as God, in making an everlasting covenant with Noah, promises He would never again destroy the earth by flood. However, the harmony between man and the animal world was greatly changed as God put the fear of man on the animal world and gave every moving thing that is alive to man for food. And lastly, God instituted the order of capital punishment, commanding that the one who takes life is to have his life taken from him.

The world order changes yet again following the Tower of Babel judgment. Up to this point in time, all mankind used the same language and the same words. However, because of the nature of their sin—they refused to obey the creation mandate, “Be fruitful and increase in number ; fill the earth and subdue it.” (Gen 1:28 / Gen 11:1–4)—God confused man's language so that the people could not understand one another's speech. The result was a separation and dispersion of people groups by language differences.

Lastly, the world order changes with the call of Abraham as God promises unconditionally to bless all the nations of the earth through the seed of Abraham. We now know that that seed is Jesus Christ (Gal 3:8, 16). Thus, in this new world order, it will be through the seed of Abraham that God is going to not merely restore the world order that existed before the Fall, but establish an eternal world order in which sin is no longer possible and God Himself dwells among His redeemed people in personal relationship with them (Rev 21:1–22:5).

The literary characteristics of Genesis are considered in terms of its literary form and structure with a view toward determining a structural organization that represents the book as a unified and coherent whole, that is, as a synthesis of the book.

Except for the scattered poetic sections in the Book of Genesis, the overall literary form of the book is historical narrative . Recall from the discussion on history and narrative literature in, Introduction to Literary Forms found in the Bible , that the purpose of this narrative type of literature is not the recording of past events for the sake of presenting a complete history, but rather for the purpose of instruction through the development of a theological message based on the historical events. Furthermore, no historical narrative is a complete account of all that occurred in a given event or series of events. To accomplish his intent of instruction, the biblical author must select those events that most effectively relate not only what happened but also the meaning and theological significance of what happened.

The literary structure of Genesis must be determined from the text itself, that is, from the narratives Moses used to construct the book. There are several possibilities that arise naturally.

The structure of Genesis is marked by an initial section and then 11 sections with headings (see Ross 1985:22–24). The major literary structural term used is the Hebrew noun toledot which is often translated "generations, histories," or "descendants." In the context in which this term is generally used, toledot has the sense of "these are the generations of . . . ". The word has been traditionally viewed as the heading of a section. According to this view the book has the following structural arrangement:

Creation (1:1–2:3)

Toledot of the heavens and the earth (2:4–4:26)

Toledot of Adam (5:1–6:8)

Toledot of Noah (6:9–9:29)

Toledot of Shem, Ham, and Japheth (10:1–11:9)

Toledot of Shem (11:10–26)

Toledot of Terah (11:27–25:11)

Toledot of Ishmael (25:12–18)

Toledot of Isaac (25:19–35:29)

Toledot of Esau (36:1–8)

Toledot of Esau, father of the Edomites (36:9–37:1)

Toledot of Jacob (37:2–50:26)

The views on this understanding and arrangement, however, vary. Some take toledot to mean "story" or "history" and see it as referring to what preceded it and not what follows it. But nowhere in the OT does toledot clearly refer to what has preceded; in every place it can and often must refer to what follows (e.g., in Ruth 4:18 the word looks forward to Perez's line). This observation is justified on the basis of the root from which the noun comes. Since toledot is derived from a Hebrew verb which means, to bear, to generate, it refers to what is "brought forth." This formula word for Genesis, then, marks a starting point, combining narrative and genealogy to move from one point (or toledot) to the end (or the next toledot). It would seem, therefore, that it is used by Moses to move along the historical lines from a beginning to an ending. With this understanding, the toledot heading introduces the historical result of an ancestor and could be loosely rendered, "This is what became of . . . . ". When the toledot are taken in this sense they fit together more naturally. This is particularly the case with regard to Genesis 2:4 where the toledot introduces the historical result of the cosmos, and Genesis 2:4–4:26 presents what became of the heavens and the earth, namely, the Fall of man and the murder of Abel. The story does not present another Creation account; instead, it carries the account from the point of the climax of the Creation (the creation of man made in the image of God) to the corruption of the Creation as a result of sin; “This is what became of the heavens and the earth”.

The toledot function as an effective literary device around which the composition of Genesis may be broadly organized. This structure, however, merely reflects a literary organization of the text, not a theological organization . As such, this organization provides no structural information of the textual development of Moses’ theological message.

Alternatively, Genesis could be structured in terms of the major stories developed in the text. This literary organization, which is readily determined from the text, takes the following form:

Chapters 1–2

Creation Story

Chapters 3–11

Judgment Story

Chapters 12–24

Abraham Story

Chapters 24–26

Isaac Story

Chapters 27–36

Jacob Story (Pt. 1)

Chapters 37–45

Joseph Story

Chapters 46–50

Jacob Story (Pt. 2)

While this organization provides insight into the relationship of the narratives developed in Genesis, and in that sense is perhaps more appealing from a literary perspective, it too provides little if any understanding into the theological organization of the text and therefore of the theological message it develops. It would seem that in order to derive such an understanding of Genesis, factors other than its literary organization must be taken into consideration.

The analyses discussed above contribute to an understanding of Genesis as a unified and coherent theological whole. That understanding begins with a consideration of the message developed by the author in the text. Based on this information, a synthetic structure and synthesis of the text is then derived.

In determining the message statement of Genesis it is helpful to remember that most likely it was written for the generation of Israelites whom God redeemed from bondage in Egypt. From a theological perspective, it would seem, therefore, that Genesis serves the purpose of instructing the Exodus generation, and succeeding generations as well, concerning Israel's origins and the promises God made to the Patriarchs, promises that were now about to be fulfilled. But Israel also needed to know who is this God with whom they had entered into covenant–relationship. Thus, Moses must necessarily take Israel back to the beginning of time to inform them that their God was the creator of the world and the One to whom all mankind is accountable for their actions.

With this in mind, an examination of the “Broad Descriptive Overview” presented above reveals that from a theological perspective there are three pivotal events in Genesis which seem to be determining factors in the development of its message. They are:

  • the creation (chs. 1–2);
  • the fall of man (ch. 3)
  • the call of Abraham and the covenant God made with him (ch. 12)

More specifically, these pivotal events involve:

  • the creation of the world, and man made in the image of God to have a personal relationship with God and to rule over the earth under God (1:26–28);
  • the fall of man into a state of sin (3:1–13), and the ensuing judgment of God which established conflict between the seed of the evil one and the seed of the woman resulting in the eventual conquest over the evil one through the seed of the woman (3:14–19);
  • the promise of God to Abraham to bless him and his descendants, and to bless all the families of the earth through him (12:1–3; 13:14–17; 15:14–17; 17:1–21; 22:16–18).

In these three major events there is a progression from the "very good" world which God created purposefully, to the fallen world in which God is working to bring about His purposes in creating the world and man.

Most significant from a theological perspective is the climax and focal point of God's work of creation. Man was created in the “image of God.” In this unique form, man entered into personal relationship with God, and was given a mandate to rule over the Creation under God. This sets the stage for all of history which is to follow, for with the Fall of man, God sets about the task of reestablishing His relationship with man and His rule over the Creation through man. But this work of God is not for the benefit of all mankind but only for those whom God elects/chooses and calls to himself.

The fall of man into a state of rebellion against God leads to the pronouncement and execution of judgment which forces man to live out his life under the immediate dominion of the evil one instead of under the immediate dominion of God. Yet, while judgment is effected, hope is promised through the seed of the woman who will enter into conflict with the seed of the evil one (3:15). Conquest of the evil one, who, by deception, led mankind from a state of blessing into a state of cursing, is guaranteed as the promise is given that the seed of the woman will mortally wound the evil one (3:15).

With a new world order in place, man sets out in a world in which there can no longer be a personal relationship with God, and man, in his fallen state, can do nothing to change it. Rather, it is given now only to the elect seed of the woman to enter into such a relationship with God. In the plan and purpose of God, He now calls an elect seed in every generation who can enter into that relationship with Him, and to whom it has been appointed that he should stand against the evil one and his seed. This is seen starting with Abel and going through to Abraham (chs. 4–11).

With the continual degeneration of mankind, God determined to accomplish His purposes through the seed of one man whom He chose, called, and separated to Himself from all the men of the earth. It is through Abraham and his elect seed that God will now work to bring about His plan and purpose for man. Not just a seed through Abraham, but the chosen seed of promise through Sarah. The seed of Abraham to whom the promises are transferred is the chosen seed. Thus, God unilaterally promises Abraham that He will bless him and his seed, making him into a great nation by multiplying his seed, and giving to him and his descendants the land of Canaan as an everlasting inheritance, and that through Abraham all the nations of the earth will be blessed (12:3; 22:18).

Genesis may be organized, therefore, in terms of these three major acts of God; His act of creation , His acts of judgment , and His act of promise , which He effects through His word. This suggests the following broad theological organization of Genesis:

While this extended section is bounded by God's word of promise to Abraham and the typical fulfillment of that word of promise through Joseph, the focus of the section is on the theologically significant transfer of the promises first to Isaac and then to Jacob. The transfer of the promises to the elect line stands in sharp contrast to the non–elect line, of whom little is said except for its genealogy. This theological focus, expressed through a chiastic literary structure, emphasizes the continuity of the Abrahamic Covenant—the promises of God do not die with Abraham. Furthermore, while certain aspects of God's word of promise to Abraham are fulfilled in the Joseph narrative, these are clearly typical fulfillments, for both Jacob (48:21, 49:29–32) and Joseph (50:24–25) express expectant hope at the end of their lives that God will fulfill His promises in the land of Canaan.

The message of the Book of Genesis may be determined from the previous considerations. Most helpful is the broad theological organization proposed above. That organization suggests that a possible subject/major theological theme for Genesis is the Word of God which He speaks in response to his sovereign will. Specifically, Genesis records:

The Word of God in creation,

The Word of God in judgment,

The Word of God in promise.

These statements may be combined and more details added to form a more complex message statement which is an expression of Moses' theological judgment/evaluation of the events he selected and recorded in the text of Genesis:

Note that the verb irrupt, used to describe the action of God's word in creation has the meaning of:

"to break or burst in suddenly.”

It is used here (in contrast to erupt which has the meaning of “ to break forth, to break out of a pent–up state, usually in a sudden and violent manner”) to convey the idea that God is "outside of“ that which His action is accomplishing. Thus God's word of creation brings into existence the world from outside of the world. In part, this is saying that God transcends ( to exist above and independent of) the universe or world which He created, and so His word of creation comes from outside of the world He created.

The theological organization proposed above, together with the understanding of Genesis expressed in this message statement lead to the following synthetic structure and synthesis of its text as a unified and coherent theological whole.

The synthetic structure of Genesis is presented first in broad form and then in detail.

I. The Word of God in creation (1:1–2:25)

A. God’s words of creation in bringing into existence the heavens, the earth, and man (1:1–2:3)

B. God’s work of creation in making the man, the woman, and the Garden (2:4–25)

II. The Word of God in judgment against a fallen world in spiritual conflict (3:1–11:9)

A. God’s word of judgment against man and the serpent/evil one (3:1–24)

B. God’s word of judgment against Cain (4:1–26)

C. God’s word of judgment against the descendants of Adam in Noah’s generation (5:1–9:29)

D. God’s word of judgment against the descendants of Noah (10:1–11:9)

III. The Word of God in promise to Abraham and his elect seed (11:10–50:26)

A. God's word of promise to Abraham (11:10–25:18)

B. God’s word of promise to Isaac the elect seed of Abraham (25:19–26:35)

C. God's word of promise to Jacob the elect seed of Isaac (27:1–36:43)

D. The typical fulfillment of God's word of promise to Abraham through Joseph (37:1–47:26)

E. The expectant hope of the elect seed in the fulfillment of God's word of promise to Abraham (47:27–50:26)

I. The Word of God in creation (1:1–2:25

A. God's word of judgment against man and the serpent/evil one (Gen 3:1–24)

B. God's word of judgment against Cain (4:1–26)

C. God's word of judgment against the descendants of Adam in Noah’s generation (5:1–9:29)

D. God's word of judgment against the descendants of Noah (10:1–11:9)

B. God's word of promise to Isaac the elect seed of Abraham (25:19–26:35)

Based on the message statement and synthetic structure developed above, a synthesis of the text of Genesis may be constructed as follows.

I. The Word of God irrupts in power and authority to create the world and man whom He makes in his own image. (1:1–2:25)

A. God's words of creation irrupt in response to His sovereign will to bring into existence the heavens and the earth and their fullness, and man whom He makes in His own image to have personal relationship with him and to invest him with authority and power to rule over the earth. (1:1–2:3)

B. The account of God’s creative activities in the day in which He created the heavens and the earth reveal that the object of His creation was man, and that the focus of this object was centered in man's living in relationship with God and obedience to Him in the Garden which He planted for man to dwell in and cultivate. (2:4–25)

II. The Word of God responds in righteousness and justice to man’s act of disobedience by executing judgment on a world fallen under the dominion of the evil one , pronouncing the ultimate conquest over the evil one through conflict with the (elect) seed of the woman, and by limiting the immediate influence and spread of evil throughout the earth. (3:1–11:26)

A. God's word of judgment falls upon the world, now fallen and under the rule of the evil one as a result of man's sin, to pronounce a curse on man, the serpent/evil one, and the creation, yet in grace He provides hope by promising to preserve a seed of the woman through whom He will do conflict with the seed of the evil one, and through whom He will effect ultimate conquest over the evil one. (3:1–24)

B. God's word of judgment falls upon Cain (the seed of the evil one) to limit the immediate influence and spread of evil after he kills his brother Abel (the seed of the woman), but hope is provided as God gives Seth, the new seed of the woman, in place of Abel. (4:1–26)

C. God's word of judgment falls upon all the descendants of Adam removing the universal spread of wickedness and violence by destroying all flesh on the earth through the flood, yet hope continues as He delivers Noah and his family by means of the ark and establishes a new world order in the aftermath of the flood through Noah and his sons. (5:1–9:29)

D. God's word of judgment falls on the descendants of Noah halting their corporate rebellion through their unified action in the land of Shinar. (10:1–11:9)

III. The Word of God intervenes in history with grace and mercy, to promise unconditionally to bless Abraham and his elect seed and all the peoples of the earth through him, even as He intervened in history to use Joseph to bless the elect family and the families of the earth during an extended time of widespread and great famine. (11:10–50:26)

A. God's word of promise, sworn by oath to Abraham, intervenes in history to bless Abraham and his elect seed, whom He calls and separates to Himself to walk before Him in faith and obedience. (11:10–25:18)

B. God's word of promise to Isaac and His blessing him confirms him as the elect seed of Abraham to whom the covenant oath is transferred, while Isaac's faith in God's promises demonstrate that he is the elect seed. (25:19–26:35)

C. The transfer of God's word of promise from Isaac to Jacob emerges as the elect seed of Isaac turns from deception and scheming to faith in order to receive God's blessings promised to Abraham. (27:1–36:43)

(1) Jacob’s separation from Laban to return to the land of his father with his large family and great wealth with which God had blessed him in spite of Laban's attempts to cheat him, confirm he is the elect seed of Isaac and heir to the covenant. (31:1–55)

(2) Jacob's return to the land of his father, which he anticipated with great fear because of the anger which Esau had for him, becomes a joyful reunion with Esau as God fulfills His promise to return Jacob safely, but not before he wrestles with God through the night and repents and in humility asks God for deliverance. (32:1–33:20)

D. God's word to Joseph in a dream separates him to God to effect a typical fulfillment of His word of promise to Abraham by using him to bless the elect family and all peoples of the earth. (37:1–47:26)

(1) God's word to Joseph in a dream separates him from his family to rule over them, but jealousy and hatred turn his brothers against him in rejection. (37:1–11)

(2) Jealousy and hatred find expression in plans to kill God's chosen ruler, but God's providence overrules and Joseph is sold into slavery while deceit convinces Jacob that Joseph was killed and devoured by a beast of the field. (37:12–36)

(3) The unrighteous state of the elect family, seen in their contempt and hatred for God's chosen ruler, is confirmed by Judah's unjust behavior towards Tamar, the Canaanite woman he took as a wife for his son, and whom he declared to be more righteous than himself. (38:1–30)

(1) The continual advances of Potiphar's wife to seduce Joseph into having sexual intercourse with her prove vain as Joseph remains faithful to God and does not submit to unrighteous behavior. (39:1–18)

(2) The lies of Potiphar's wife cause Joseph to be unjustly cast into prison, yet God's blessing of Joseph causes him to find favor with the jailer while His providence causes Joseph to be in a position to interpret the dreams of Pharaoh's butler and baker. (39:19–40:23)

(1) The offering of Judah to be held personally responsible to Jacob for Benjamin's safety stands in sharp contrast to his previous proposal to sell Joseph into slavery for profit. (43:1–15)

(2) Benjamin's appearance before Joseph evokes strong emotions in Joseph and favored treatment of his full brother. (43:16–34)

(3) Joseph's plot to test the true repentance of his brothers seemingly places Benjamin in grave danger. (44:1–13)

(4) The true repentance of Joseph's brothers manifests itself in Judah's offering of himself as a substitute for Benjamin. (44:14–34)

(5) Joseph’s revealing of himself to his brothers displays his conviction that they had truly repented and his great love for them, while explaining to them that it was God who sent him before them into Egypt and not them, in order to bless and preserve them. (45:1–28)

E. The expectant hope of the elect seed in the complete fulfillment of God's word of promise to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, is expressed in both Jacob's and Joseph's instructions concerning their burial in the land God promised to Abraham. (47:27–50:26)

WordPress X Theme vs Thesis vs Genesis – 2017 Best ?

I have been blogging for almost 10 years now and I have been using all kinds of themes ranging from free themes on blogger to buying frameworks like Thesis Theme or Genesis Theme Framework. I was an ardent fan on Thesis theme for a very long time…due to the non-active development from them I decided to try out Genesis theme and finally once I stumbled upon X WordPress theme. I will try to compare each of them and give my suggestion.  I am not a developer and do NOT have a full time technical person to maintain anything. I try to do minor tweaks here and there and make things moving…

Thesis Theme

Comparison of X Theme vs Thesis vs. Genesis WordPress Themes

History, Release Cycles, InnovationThesis is a framework for WordPress and lets you do many things.
There were many versions from 1.x to 2.1.x that was released in 2016.  Has been in market since 2007, quite mature. Not many updates in few years, latest released in 2016
Genesis is also a framework and  has been in market since Thesis days about 2007 or so as well. This is quite mature as well. Updates come up here and there…but nothing ground breakingStarted much later than thesis and Genesis themes, but sold more than both of them in Themeforest. The innovation cycle is amazing….they do a lot of releases…The approach is not like a framework, but has all the features
Ease of Use for basic setupIt is quite easy to setup. Has all the SEO things can be configured quite easily, applying basic theme is quite easy.Same thing with Genesis as well, quite easy to setup, SEO options for home page, each of the pages is available.X theme is also in the same category, nothing specific required and quite easy to setup basics.
CustomizationsCustomizations like changing look and feel can be a little tricky and requires code changes.  some basic customizations like layout sizing, colors can be done easily, but good customizations require code changes.  You need to work with something called Boxes. You can download boxes from other developers and use free or paid onesYou work on the concept of Hooks in Genesis and you will need to get code to do the same.  It is more or less same or even complex than Thesis…Both thesis and genesis fall in the same boat…I had lot of hard time to get things moving as I am not a pure developerX theme is a little different than others. You can do many customizations and look and feel changes a little easier than the other two. If you want to change colors and give some special effects to pages, you can use the options like Cornerstone in X theme, which is quite amazing…This is a huge differentiator. Also, they have out of the box supported extensions that you can use to convert to ecommerce site, etc.
Templates, Child ThemesLess templates, less child themes, only 2 to 3 available. Community has a lot of paid themes and free as well.Decently large amount of templates and child themes…but many have not been updated…community has a lot of free and paid themesX theme has Stacks and quite easy to get different looks. It has a lot of options and each of them can look very different, You will never need to worry about a new version or option of theme…that’s how many options of themes and child themes are in X.
SupportGreat support, you have email support and community support as wellDecent support from the team. I never had to work with the supportGreat support. The forum is amazing and they will help you with anything that is not too much of code customizations. It is quite good.
Value for moneyI would say ok…but not many child themes and no innovationsstill better than Thesis, but less value for money compared to XX is the best value for money. You get a lot in X theme
SEOIt was known for SEO. there was some conflict with Yoast at times..but goodVery good, works well with Yoast tooVery good, works well with Yoast plugin.
Overall  Rating6.5 /107.5/109/10

Overall X Theme beats  Thesis and Genesis by a big factor.

What’s the verdict ?  Which is the Best Theme among three ?

I am not an affiliate or anything of any of the themes. I tried installing and working with all the three in various of my sites..My experience tells me that  X theme is probably the best in the market and you should go for it. The fundamental reason is the number of options you get with X are unlimited. I have been using Thesis theme for over 7 years and waited for 1 year or more always worried about the SEO and if my site will lose SEO if I move from Thesis to X theme…one final day in early part of 2016, a new WordPress update came in and  Thesis theme support was not able to help and it was not working…I was so fed up and I made the bold decision and moved to X theme. I can tell you that’s the best decision. I have bought about 3 more licenses of X and suggested to many. It is just the options available in X are unlimited…the mobile UX is great, the menu is great, there are so many options to customize pages with cornerstone…I can just tell you, there is no reason to even think…just buy X WordPress theme and you will be happy.

How was your experience  with X Theme ?

Going from Atahualpa to… well, that’s the question. I polled my developer friends and I find that most like Genesis, few even know about X. Divi is a winner by far – I don’t need a multi-license product or the infinite possibilities that come to a price (and I don’t need), Avada is a runner up in my polls.

However, Avada is too similar to Divi (except the price), so I’m going to drop it from my final list.

Now, between Genesis and X, I’m very much in favor of X (this article just confirmed a decision I’d already made), and now it’s a question of migration – will I have trouble migrating my site from Atahualpa to X?

I am an ex web-developer, so I do code, but I don’t want to do heavy coding. I would like to do the migration on my own (do I need a sandbox? Ouch!). Any help you can offer for this migration would be greatly appreciated. I didn’t buy the theme yet, but I can test it with a free version.

Thanks for this article, it was specific and vey helpful!

I cannot really speak for Atahualpa, but frankly it should not matter. It is another wordpress theme. It should be fine and easy. I actually have not much customization, I write to their help or post on forum and get snippets that I want. We do not really offer any services as such, if you have any question, please ask. I have moved all my sites to X and very happy with it. I have full life time licenses for Genesis and Thesis, but I prefer this over them, just the options are super cool and I do not ever need to look for anything.

I was using X in some of my site, but never using Cornerstone, mostly Visual Composer, it’s more easier, but make more query..

Overall in SEO i much like X, even Genesis not bad too.

Adding one more comment so I get the follow=ups. 🙂

If I change my Genesis theme to X theme, do you think it will be a hassle? Will I lose any benefits associated with the Genesis framework? I mean, will it cost me any SEO, etc?

Been using Genesis for about 5 years but debating either a new child theme from Genesis or X theme…

Matthew, I hear you. I have contemplated it for more than year. After I moved to X, I did not see any drop in SEO or rankings. In fact, the UX improved and I like it better, it is more friendly for search also, I feel. I have changed my genesis and Thesis sites to X theme.

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Thesis stands out in the wellness industry with its personalized nootropic supplements, designed to cater to the individual’s specific cognitive needs. It has been pushed by health and wellness celebrities, causing a wave of popularity.

Do Thesis nootropics live up to the hype?

  • Variety Of Blends: Various nootropic blends based on individual brain chemistry, maximizing effectiveness for each user.
  • Strong Advocacy and Support: Gained endorsements from notable wellness advocates and public figures, like Andrew Huberman, enhancing credibility.
  • Limited Clinical Research: While the company plans clinical trials, the current scientific backing may be limited.
  • Price: The ongoing cost of customized nootropics may be higher than standard off-the-shelf supplements or medications.
  • Dependence on Self-Reporting: The effectiveness of blends relies partly on user feedback, which may not always be accurate or consistent.
  • Many Underdosed Ingredients: As you’ll read below, many ingredients are dosed below what was used in human clinical trials.

Nooceptin Nootropic

Quick Verdict

Thesis has a range of suitable nootropic blends to cater to many needs.

However, our #1 nootropic of choice is Nooceptin. It’s designed for long-term brain changes, not short-term boosts in mental performance.

What Is Thesis Nootropics?

Thesis Nootropics is a company specializing in customized cognitive performance products. It was founded by Dan Freed in 2017.

Freed’s personal challenges with focusing, which he faced from a young age, led him to discover nootropics.

This personal journey of transformation through nootropics inspired him to create Thesis, aiming to help others find the right combination of nootropic ingredients that work for them.

The company’s unique approach involves allowing customers to experiment with high-quality nootropic ingredients to maximize results systematically.

Thesis has gained popularity primarily through word-of-mouth and a strong focus on personalization.

The company has raised over $13.5 million in funding and is reportedly profitable with a robust growth trajectory.

Thesis has garnered support from health and wellness advocates like Dr. Andrew Huberman, Rich Roll, Kevin Love, and Kate Bock.

Thesis Nootropics

Customized Blends For Cognitive Enhancement

Take the quiz and see which blends are right for you.

Thesis Nootropics

Thesis Nootropic Ingredients

Thesis have six unique blends designed to target various aspects of cognitive function. What’s similar between them is the option to include or exclude caffeine and L-theanine. The caffeine and l-theanine combination is the most potent instant nootropic, making each blend effective.

The caffeine L-theanine stack benefits physical and cognitive function. Some advantages include faster reaction time, faster visual processing speed, better working memory, increased awareness, and less tiredness and mental fatigue [1] [2] .

The research employs a 2:1 L-theanine to caffeine ratio, which Thesis has followed. Since this stack is available in every blend, I won’t include it in the ingredients breakdown below.

Thesis Clarity Blend

Alpha gpc (speculative).

Alpha GPC, a choline-containing phospholipid, improves cognitive function in neurological conditions like dementia [3] .

Research indicates it enhances memory and attention and may support brain health. Clinical trials show it can improve cognitive performance, especially when combined with other treatments like donepezil [4] .

It’s generally well-tolerated and safe. Alpha GPC increases acetylcholine levels in the brain, which is essential for memory and learning [5] .

It’s used both as a medicine and a nutritional supplement. Studies suggest Alpha GPC effectively boosts cognitive functions, particularly in adult-onset dementia disorders [6] .

Thesis Clarity Blend contains 500 mg, which is more than any other nootropic available.

Lions Mane Mushroom (Speculative)

The Lion’s Mane mushroom (Hericium erinaceus) includes chemicals that stimulate nerve growth factor (NGF) synthesis, which is necessary for nerve cell proliferation and differentiation [7] .

According to research, Lion’s Mane improves cognitive abilities, particularly memory and brain cell regeneration [8] .

It is renowned for its neuroprotective qualities, which may be effective in treating illnesses such as Alzheimer’s disease and cognitive impairment [9] .

Brain functioning, memory, and mood improvements have been linked to regular ingestion [10] .

While the mushroom does not directly improve cognitive skills, it does increase NGF, which improves brain health [11] . The dosage varies but is generally well-tolerated and has few negative effects.

Thesis Clarity contains 500 mg of Lions Mane, which may give a long-term nootropic effect.

Mycelium is typically avoided since the active chemicals are found in the primary mushroom. Jeff Chilton, a long-time mushroom researcher, discusses this in the podcast below:

Camellia Sinensis Tea Leaf (Speculative)

Camellia Sinensis, commonly known as tea, exhibits varying neuropharmacological effects based on the part of the plant used.

Seed extracts tend to be more stimulating, enhancing motor functions and showing potential as an antidepressant without causing drowsiness.

Leaf extracts, on the other hand, tend to produce a calming effect on the mind and mood. Both seeds and leaves have shown positive results in various tests assessing motor function and behavior in animal models [12] .

The study suggests these parts of the Camellia Sinensis plant have potential as cognitive enhancers, warranting further research, especially on seed extracts for their mode of action and possible new beneficial compounds.

I couldn’t find any human studies for this ingredient, so I can’t give you an efficacious dose range. But Thesis Clarity contains 278 mg of Camellia Sinensis Tea Leaf.


Dihydroxyflavone research is all performed in rodents, so extrapolating to humans is rather challenging. 7,8-Dihydroxyflavone (7,8-DHF) is a compound that acts as an agonist for the TrkB receptor, which is associated with brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF).

BDNF is crucial for neuronal survival and brain plasticity. Studies have shown that 7,8-DHF can improve memory and cognitive functions [13] .

It enhanced memory formation in healthy rats, and in Alzheimer’s disease mouse models, it improved spatial memory [14] .

Further, 7,8-DHF has been shown to counteract aging-related cognitive impairments in rats, improving spatial memory and synaptic plasticity in the hippocampus [15] .

This suggests that 7,8-DHF is a potential therapeutic agent for memory impairment and dementia, at least in rodents.

Thesis Energy Blend Ingredients

Citicoline is commonly mentioned in relation to memory enhancement. According to studies, 500 mg daily may improve episodic memory or the ability to recall personal experiences and specific events [16] .

According to other research, taking at least 500 mg of this supplement daily may provide cognitive benefits to healthy persons [17] .

The formulation of Thesis Energy Blend contains 300 mg of Citicoline. This dose may not achieve the full potential seen in studies proposing a higher dose.

Mango leaf extract, rich in the polyphenolic compound mangiferin, shows promise in neuropharmacology due to its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antidiabetic properties.

Studies indicate its potential in treating central complications associated with metabolic disorders like type 2 diabetes, which are risk factors for Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia [18] .

In animal models, mango leaf extract has demonstrated effects on reducing brain inflammation and spontaneous bleeding and improving cognitive functions [19] .

These findings suggest its utility in addressing symptoms of neurodegenerative diseases and cognitive impairments [20] .

Thesis Energy contains 300 mg of mango leaf.

Theacrine is a purine alkaloid similar to caffeine, found in the Camellia Kucha plant, and often included in dietary supplements.

Studies show that it can increase energy, focus, and cognitive performance, similar to caffeine, but without habituation [21] .

Theacrine’s impact on cognitive performance and physical endurance has been researched in athletes, indicating possible benefits in reaction time and endurance [22] .

It may work well alone or in combination with caffeine to enhance cognitive function and physical performance [23] .

Theacrine appears to be a promising supplement for improving mental alertness and physical capacity. Bear in mind the manufacturers of Theacrine fund some of these studies.

Thesis Energy contains 100 mg of Theacrine, which tends to be less than the dose used in these studies, suggesting it may have a weaker effect.

N-Acetyl Cysteine

N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) is explored for its potential to improve cognitive functions in psychosis and bipolar disorder due to its antioxidant, neurogenesis, and anti-inflammatory properties.

Studies show N-acetyl cysteine can improve working memory in psychosis [24] . However, results in bipolar disorder didn’t show significant cognitive improvements [25] .

Research indicates potential benefits for Alzheimer’s disease by promoting cognitive health and countering oxidative stress [26] .

The effectiveness of N-acetyl cysteine in various cognitive disorders still requires more targeted, larger studies to confirm its benefits [27] .

N-acetyl cysteine’s role is promising but not yet firmly established in cognitive enhancement.

In human trials, it seems a 600 – 2000 mg dose is needed for cognitive benefits. Thesis Energy contains 500 mg, being potentially underdosed.

Indian Trumpet Tree

Indian Trumpet Tree is known as Oroxylum indicum. In a 12-week study, older adults with memory complaints took 500 mg of Oroxylum indicum extract twice daily [28] .

Compared to a placebo, this supplementation led to improvements in episodic memory and numeric working memory. It also accelerated learning in location tasks.

However, there were no significant changes in other cognitive tests or overall cognitive and memory skills.

The study suggests that Oroxylum indicum, while well-tolerated, may primarily enhance specific memory functions.

Its potential effects could be linked to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and interactions with neurotransmitters like dopamine and GABA.

This is the only human study on the Indian Trumpet Tree, so more research is needed to fully understand its impact on cognitive health. Thesis Energy only contains 100 mg of this, making it potentially underdosed.

L-tyrosine, an amino acid, has been shown to increase dopamine levels in the brain. L-tyrosine supplementation has improved cognitive regulation, particularly in mentally demanding settings [29] .

It is especially helpful in improving cognitive flexibility, which is impacted by dopamine.

While L-Tyrosine’s promise for treating clinical problems and improving physical activity is limited, it is useful in stressful or cognitively taxing situations.

It has the greatest cognitive benefits when neurotransmitter activity is intact, but dopamine and norepinephrine levels are momentarily decreased [30] .

According to research, optimal doses for cognitive improvement begin at a minimum of 2 grams. That is more than six times the dose in Thesis Energy.

Thesis Creativity Blend Ingredients

Thesis Creativity contains 150 mg of Alpha GPC, yet their Clarity Blend contains 500 mg. I’m not sure why there is a large discrepancy, especially when 500 mg is likely a more efficacious dose.

Agmatine Sulfate

Currently, agmatine sulfate has only been tested in rodents. It is a central nervous system (CNS) neurotransmitter/neuromodulator that has been studied for its potential effects on stress-related conditions like depression, anxiety, and cognitive performance.

Research suggests that agmatine can have antidepressant and anxiolytic (anxiety-reducing) effects, possibly related to its influence on the nitric oxide pathway [31] .

It may reduce oxidative stress and corticosterone levels while increasing brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which is beneficial for brain health.

Agmatine sulfate has been shown to be safe and well-tolerated in animal studies, with oral administration effectively increasing its levels in the brain [32] .

This indicates potential for therapeutic use in neurological disorders, though more research is needed to fully understand its effects and mechanisms.

Thesis Creativity contains 250 mg. In these studies, patients were administered 15-600 mg per kg, which is a much higher dose.

Panax Ginseng

Panax ginseng is available in two varieties: white ginseng and red ginseng. It has vasorelaxant and moderately hypotensive effects on nitric oxide generation in the body [33] .

It increases antioxidant enzyme activity and may prevent oxidative damage associated with aging in rats [34] .

Ginseng has shown promise in boosting memory, particularly in age-related cognitive decline, as well as in improving mental and physical resilience, reducing fatigue, and assisting the body in adapting to stress [35] .

Daily doses of 200 mg extract or 0.5 to 2 g dry root are recommended. It is not suggested for persons with acute asthma or hypertension because it may cause overstimulation and elevate blood pressure in excessive dosages.

Thesis Creativity has an effective dose of 200 mg, which may provide you with these mental performance benefits.

Ashwagandha Root

Ashwagandha is a traditional herbal remedy used to improve various health conditions. Animal studies have shown that it can increase blood cell counts, which might enhance aerobic capacity [36] .

It also demonstrates the potential to reduce oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation, which could be beneficial in treating disorders like tardive dyskinesia [37] .

Additionally, Ashwagandha has shown nootropic effects and might be useful in treating Alzheimer’s disease [38] . Recommended dosages range from 6 to 10 grams of ground roots or 100 to 1250 mg of extract daily [39] [40] .

It’s generally safe but should be used cautiously, especially in cases of hyperthyroidism or pregnancy. High doses can have sedative effects and may cause gastrointestinal issues.

Thesis Creativity contains 300 mg of Ashwagandha, which is within the recommended range for cognitive benefits.

Sceletium Tortuosum

Sceletium tortuosum, also known as Kanna, is traditionally used for its mood-enhancing properties. It’s been studied for its potential in treating cognitive and neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s [41] .

Research suggests its constituents could target enzymes and receptors relevant to these diseases, offering neuroprotective benefits like antioxidant activity [42] .

Additionally, Sceletium Tortuosum is known for its antidepressant and anxiolytic effects, promoting relaxation and well-being, which could be beneficial in managing stress, anxiety, and depression [43] .

The plant’s bioactive alkaloids are also being explored for commercial medicinal use.

The 25 mg dose in Thesis Creativity is the same as used within the human trials.

Thesis Motivation Blend Ingredients


L-phenylalanine is a vital amino acid and has been explored for its potential benefits in managing conditions like attention deficit disorder and depression.

In studies, doses of up to 1200 mg showed initial improvements in mood and attention in individuals with attention deficit disorder, but tolerance developed over 2-4 months [44] .

In another study involving depressed patients, a dosage range of 75–200 mg/day for 20 days led to significant improvements in 12 out of 20 patients [45] .

However, the effectiveness and safety of L-phenylalanine can vary, and it is used in the treatment of various conditions, including depression and arthritis, and even as part of addiction recovery [46] .

Thesis Motivation has a 500 mg dose, which may provide some of these benefits. Will it improve motivation? I’m not sure.


Methylliberine is a purine alkaloid explored for its cognitive and mood-enhancing effects. Studies have shown it can improve concentration, motivation, and mood, especially when combined with caffeine.

Methylliberine also appears to positively affect energy levels and well-being without significantly impacting vital signs like heart rate and blood pressure [47] .

These findings suggest its potential as a nootropic supplement, particularly for enhancing cognitive function and mood in various contexts, such as gaming or in tactical scenarios [48] [49] .

However, it’s essential to consider the dosage and combination with other compounds like caffeine for optimal effects.

The 100 mg dose in Thesis Motivation aligns with the current research.

Vitamin B12 (Speculative)

Vitamin B12 is essential for cognitive health and may be linked to neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

Low levels of B12 are associated with cognitive impairment, but supplementation is only shown to be effective in improving cognition in cases of existing B12 deficiency [50] .

There is limited evidence that increasing B12 levels benefits people without B12 deficiency [51] .

B12’s impact on cognitive health may involve multiple mechanisms, including brain volume and function [52] . However, more extensive research is needed to fully understand its effects and potential as a cognitive enhancer.

Thesis Motivation contains 1000mcg. The research states that it may have no effect if you’re not Vitamin B12 deficient.

Forskolin (Speculative)

Forskolin has only been studied in rodents regarding cognitive function. Forskolin is an herbal extract that shows the potential to improve memory and reduce Alzheimer’s disease symptoms.

In studies, it restored nest-building and social behaviors in mice with Alzheimer-like symptoms, reduced amyloid plaque deposition, and regulated brain inflammation [53] .

Forskolin also influences memory and tau protein phosphorylation in the brain, which is relevant in Alzheimer’s [54] .

Additionally, forskolin has shown protective effects against Huntington’s disease-like neurodegeneration in rats by improving learning and memory and reducing oxidative stress [55] .

These findings indicate forskolin’s potential as a neuroprotective agent for certain neurological conditions, at least in rodents.

I’m skeptical whether 250 mg of Forskolin in Thesis Motivation will help you “feel” more motivated.

Artichoke (Speculative)

Artichoke extract is known for its prebiotic properties and promotes probiotic bacteria growth in the gut, potentially benefiting cognitive functions in mice [56] .

In elderly individuals with mild cognitive impairment, combining artichoke extract and aerobic training improved cognitive status and reduced blood glucose and insulin resistance [57] .

Artichoke varieties Spinoso Sardo and Romanesco Siciliano demonstrated antioxidant properties and potential protective effects against cardiovascular and neurodegenerative disorders, with Romanesco Siciliano showing higher antioxidant power [58] .

The 450 mg dose is well under the dose used in these studies.

Thesis Confidence Blend Ingredients

Saffron (speculative).

Saffron is traditionally used in herbal medicine and shows promise in improving cognitive function in individuals with Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) and Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) [59] .

Research indicates that saffron’s effectiveness is comparable to common drugs used for these conditions without increasing side effects. It’s also well-tolerated in cognitively normal individuals [60] .

However, most current studies have a high risk of bias. More comprehensive, low-bias clinical trials are needed to confirm saffron’s potential as a treatment for cognitive impairments like AD and MCI.

All of the research used 30 mg of saffron daily. Thesis Confidence has 28 mg, and I’m unsure why they formulated it without the extra 2 mg.

Magnesium Bisglycinate

Magnesium is essential for brain functions and has been researched for its potential cognitive benefits. Magnesium is particularly effective in increasing brain magnesium levels and has shown promise in improving memory and cognition in healthy adults [61] .

However, its role in anxiety and mood disorders is less clear [62] .

Studies indicate magnesium may help reduce symptoms of depression, but results are not consistent across all mental health conditions [63] .

Further research is needed to conclusively establish magnesium’s effectiveness and appropriate use as a therapeutic supplement in various psychiatric and cognitive disorders [64] .

500 mg of magnesium may help if you’re deficient, but there’s no clear benefit to making you more confident.

Sage (Speculative)

Sage is known as Salvia and has been traditionally known to enhance memory. A recent study supports this, showing that acute ingestion of sage oil can significantly improve immediate word recall in healthy young adults [65] .

This suggests that sage may positively influence cognitive functions like memory, potentially due to its acetylcholinesterase inhibition activity in the brain.

However, this has not been replicated.

While historically used for various mental disorders, such as depression and age-related memory loss, contemporary research is needed to fully understand its benefits and potential as a cognitive enhancer.

Regardless of the 333 mg dose, this is one of the more speculative ingredients in all Thesis blends.

Sceletium Tortuosum (Speculative)

As mentioned in the Creativity Blend, Sceletium Tortuosum is known for its mood-enhancing properties. It is the same dose of 25 mg, which is used in human trials.

Magnolia Bark (Speculative)

Magnolia officinalis is commonly used in traditional medicine for mental disorders like anxiety and depression and shows potential as a nootropic supplement.

Studies have demonstrated that its ethanol extract can improve cognitive function and memory in stress-induced situations. It also exhibits anxiolytic properties, reducing anxiety-related behaviors in rats [66] .

The extract’s effectiveness is also evident in lowering stress-induced increases in corticosterone and tyrosine hydroxylase levels.

Moreover, Magnolia officinalis, especially its component honokiol, has neuroprotective effects and can regulate mood disorders by modulating GABA and CB1 receptors in rats [67] .

These are rodent studies, so it’s impossible to extrapolate to humans. Regardless, it’s included based on the mechanistic data with the theory of doing the same thing in humans with the 10 mg dose.

Ashwagandha Leaf & Root

The 120 mg of root and leaf ashwagandha may be enough to have a nootropic effect as the extract dose is between 100-1200 mg, as stated in the Creativity Blend section. However, this is root and leaf, and the main benefits are derived from the root.

Thesis Logic Blend Ingredients

Ginko biloba.

Ginkgo biloba is extracted from the leaves and fruit to improve cognitive function. Its compounds include antioxidants, enhance blood flow, and have anti-inflammatory properties.

Ginkgo biloba extract has been shown in animal studies to help with chronic brain difficulties by modifying inflammatory mediators and the cholinergic system [68] .

It has been shown in clinical trials to improve working memory and processing speed [69] . However, its usefulness in healthy people under the age of 60 is debatable [70] .

Typical daily doses vary from 120 to 300 mg. Although side effects are uncommon, they can include stomach irritation and headaches, which may cause blood to thin, affecting people on certain drugs.

Thesis Logic contains 160 mg of Ginkgo Biloba, which is within the recommended dosage range.


Theobromine is a compound found in chocolate and has been studied for its potential cognitive effects.

Research indicates that theobromine might have a lesser immediate nootropic effect compared to caffeine but could have neuroprotective benefits with long-term consumption, possibly reducing Alzheimer’s disease-related pathology [71] .

Further studies are needed to fully understand its impact on cognition.

Additionally, theobromine’s effects on mood and vigilance appear to be different from caffeine, with some studies suggesting it might not significantly influence these aspects in nutritionally relevant doses [72] .

However, combining theobromine with caffeine could modify its effects, potentially offering cognitive and mood benefits without significant blood pressure increases [73] .

More research is required to confirm theobromine’s cognitive and mood-related effects.

Thesis Logic contains 100 mg of theobromine, but it seems doses greater than 400 mg are needed to enhance cognition.


Phosphatidylserine is essential for proper brain function. Phosphatidylserine has been proven to be critical for maintaining nerve cell membranes and myelin, which is required for successful neurotransmission [74] .

Phosphatidylserine can help reverse cognitive loss as the brain ages by boosting cognitive activities such as memory formation, learning, concentration, and problem-solving [75] .

It is well absorbed in humans and crosses the blood-brain barrier.

Supplements containing phosphatidylserine have been shown to increase cognitive functions and are generally well-tolerated, with dosages ranging from 100 to 800 mg per day advised for cognitive support [76] [77] .

Thesis Logic contains 400 mg of phosphatidylserine, which may provide you with these cognitive-enhancing effects.

High DHA Algae

DHA is a vital component of neuronal membranes and plays an important role in brain health and cognitive function.

Adult cognitive abilities are improved by DHA consumption, especially when paired with eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) [78] .

This impact is most noticeable in older people who have mild memory problems. Higher DHA and EPA doses (above 1 g per day) have been associated with better episodic memory.

Observational studies also show a link between DHA/EPA intake and memory performance in the elderly. DHA, both alone and in combination with EPA, improves memory in the elderly.

Thesis Logic contains 200 mg of DHA, suggesting insufficient DHA to provide a benefit.

Triacetyluridine (Speculative)

Triacetyluridine is being explored as a potential treatment for bipolar depression. In a study involving eleven patients with bipolar depression, high doses of triacetyluridine (up to 18 g per day) were administered over 6 weeks [79] .

The study measured the effects on depression symptoms using the Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS) and evaluated cellular bioenergetics using phosphorus magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging (P-MRSI).

Results indicated significant early improvement in depression symptoms.

Additionally, triacetyluridine responders showed notable differences in pH changes from baseline, suggesting triacetyluridine may improve mitochondrial function and reduce symptoms of depression.

Thesis Logic has 30 mg of triacetyluridine, which is well below the dose used in this study.

Bacopa Monnieri

Bacopa monnieri is a traditional plant that has been shown to improve cognitive performance, particularly memory.

Bacopa extract, namely bacosides A and B, has been demonstrated in studies to increase memory formation, recall, and cognitive function [80] .

It has neuroprotective properties and is used to treat cognitive dysfunctions such as Alzheimer’s disease.

Adults should take between 200 and 400 mg each day. Bacopa is generally well accepted, with only rare reports of mild drowsiness or stomach difficulties.

Clinical trials show that older people have better memory, attention, mood, and overall cognitive ability [81] [82] [83] . More research is needed, however, to thoroughly grasp its usefulness across many cognitive domains.

Thesis Logic contains 320 mg of Bacopa, giving you the efficacious dose to feel these benefits.

Thesis Nootropics Price

Thesis Nootropic Review

Thesis has two options: one time purchase or a subscription. Here’s how the prices break down:

  • Subscription = $79
  • One Time Purchase = $119

This is regardless of whether you purchase a personalized starter kit or build your own box.

You can’t buy them individually either. You must purchase 4 boxes. When building your own, you can choose if you want 4 of the same blend or mix and match.

They want you to try each blend for a week as part of the starter kit (there’s only a week’s worth of each blend in each container) to see which you like best.

Thesis has positioned itself as the most expensive nootropic available by adding the personalized element.

Is Thesis Nootropics Really Personalized?

I went through the initial quiz to see how they “personalize” their nootropic stack.

Thesis Baseline

Here is what they recommended me:

Thesis Picks

Look, I get the marketing angle. In no way is this a truly personalized nootropic product. It’d be nearly impossible to create custom formulations for every unique individual.

However, the fact they have multiple blends means people can experiment to find which works best for them.

I will say, though, if you choose the caffeine options, every blend will work. Many of the ingredients used in these blends are speculative and only based on animal research, with many being underdosed.

Benefits Of Thesis Nootropics

Multiple blends for different purposes.

To be honest, this benefit is more of a marketing tactic. However, some people may find certain blends jive well with them over others, giving you options within the same brand.

Further, Thesis claims the ingredients in each formulation work synergistically. There’s no research to back that claim, but at least know there are no negative side effects from their interaction.

Options For Stimulants Or Not

You can choose whether or not you want stimulants within your Thesis Blends. Every blend will provide similar benefits if you add the caffeine and L-theanine nootropic stack, which is the most potent synergistic brain booster.

However, if you’re already a coffee addict or plan to take Thesis in the evening, having no stimulants is the better option.

My Experience With Thesis

Based on my quiz, I was recommended Thesis Clarity, Logic, Motivation, and Confidence Blends. I tried each for a week to see if one stood out. I took them without caffeine as they all work if you have the caffeine L-theanine stack.

I have to say the Confidence and Motivation Blends did absolutely nothing for me. I didn’t “feel” any brain-boosting effects or feel more confident or motivated.

I felt the Logic and Clarity Blends had small positive effects when concentrating on mentally demanding tasks like writing, coaching, or podcasting.

If I were to continue taking Thesis, I’d opt for either of these two blends.

Who Is Thesis For?

Busy working professionals.

Thesis Nootropics are ideal for busy professionals facing demanding schedules and high-stress environments. These blends can help enhance focus, improve decision-making, and increase productivity.

They are designed to support sustained mental energy throughout the day, enabling professionals to manage their workload more effectively without the usual mental fatigue.

Creative Artists

For creative artists, Thesis offers blends that stimulate creativity and enhance divergent thinking. These nootropics can aid in breaking through creative blocks, fostering innovative thinking, and maintaining a heightened state of inspiration.

They are particularly beneficial for artists seeking longer periods of creative flow and those seeking fresh perspectives.

Students can significantly benefit from Thesis Nootropics, especially during intense studying or when facing challenging academic projects.

The blends are formulated to enhance memory retention, improve concentration, and boost learning capabilities. This makes them a valuable tool for students who need to absorb and retain large amounts of information and perform well in academic assessments.

Gamers find Thesis Nootropics beneficial for improving their gaming performance. The blends can enhance reaction times, increase focus, and improve strategic thinking skills.

They are particularly useful during long gaming sessions, helping gamers stay alert and responsive, which is crucial in competitive gaming scenarios.

Coffee Haters

Thesis Nootropics provides an excellent alternative for those who dislike coffee or want to avoid caffeine jitters.

These blends offer a way to boost mental energy and alertness without relying on caffeine. This makes them ideal for individuals sensitive to caffeine or those seeking to reduce caffeine intake while maintaining high cognitive function.

User Testimonials And Reviews

You can’t access the review database on the Thesis website, so I did some digging to find user reviews. Here’s a couple of positive reviews:

“I must admit that during the weeks that I consistently take them, I perform better & I generally feel better just knowing I’ve ingested something intended to positively alter my natural brain state. Minor tasks/chores no longer seem as daunting and I get this underlying kick to complete my work well.” – ParsnipExtreme2502 (Reddit)

“I didn’t find Weeks 1 and 4 to do anything for me, but Weeks 2 and 3 really helped avoid the post-lunch, post-work slumps I tend to get now that I’ve been working from home; Energy is especially useful for days when I haven’t gotten enough sleep the night before.” – leftylucy88 (Reddit)

I can’t find many negative reviews other than potential side effects like migraines, which can be caused by many different factors.

Thesis Side Effects

Side effects are rare from the ingredients in these blends. I personally didn’t have any adverse reactions to the four blends I tried. However, like any supplement, they may have potential side effects.

Consult with a healthcare provider before starting any nootropic regimen, especially if they have pre-existing health conditions, are pregnant or breastfeeding, or are taking other medications.

Thesis Alternatives

If Thesis Nootropics isn’t quite the right match for you or you’re just curious about other products, here are some alternatives I’ve tried and can provide an insider’s look into.

Nooceptin Nootropic

SAP Nutra nootropic Nooceptin improves memory, concentration, and cognitive performance without stimulants. It offers gradual brain health gains.

It improves memory and focus and provides a prolonged boost without a caffeine crash. Students, gamers, professionals, and seniors should use Nooceptin to boost cognition.

This brain supplement contains Lion’s Mane Extract, Citicoline, Rhodiola Rosea Extract, L-Theanine, Bacopa Monnieri, Ginkgo Biloba, and Panax Ginseng.

Some of these compounds have been shown to be useful, but others are experimental. Nooceptin, a non-stimulant method for long-term cognitive enhancement, usually works after 7-14 days.

Despite the risk of underdosed components and increased cost, Nooceptin may provide a stimulant-free cognitive boost.

Read more in our Nooceptin review .

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro is a popular nootropic that has gained appeal as a result of its alleged cognitive benefits.

Pure substances are used in its formulation, which is intended to improve mental clarity and attention. It is stimulant-free, making it an excellent choice for anyone seeking a well-rounded routine.

Its unique combination of 11 research-backed components distinguishes it from competitors in the brain health supplement sector.

These compounds were carefully chosen to help cognitive processes like memory, focus, mental clarity, mood, and cognitive processing speed.

Despite some criticism about the quantity of specific substances and the need for more scientific data, Mind Lab Pro has earned worldwide recognition for its ability to improve cognitive performance in professionals, students, the elderly, and athletes.

Our Mind Lab Pro review goes into great detail.


Braini distinguishes itself by being stimulant-free, providing long-term results, and having a short ingredient list focusing on long-term cognitive gains. It does not, however, deliver the immediate euphoric boost that some users may expect from a brain supplement.

Peptylin, a silk protein peptide with neuroprotective effects and potential benefits for executive function; NeurXcel, which is rich in omega fatty acids; and Wild Canadian Blueberry extract, which is known for its antioxidant characteristics and cognitive support, are all key ingredients in Braini.

Braini is backed by clinical trials, a 60-day money-back guarantee, and a 30-day challenge to scientifically quantify changes in brain function.

Our Braini review contains an in-depth breakdown.


Vyvamind is a nootropic supplement containing caffeine and L-theanine to help focus and improve cognitive performance. Users claim increased focus, vitality, and cognitive abilities without big crashes.

Vyvamind’s formulation, which contains less L-tyrosine and citicoline than some studies suggest, is intended to supplement the major nootropic duo of caffeine and L-theanine.

This combination is well-known for boosting concentration and cognitive function. The supplement is touted as a non-stimulant alternative, appealing to clients seeking a more natural and less intensive approach to cognitive growth.

Vyvamind is suitable for coffee-averse people, busy professionals who require a focus boost, and students during study sessions.

Our Vyvamind review goes into great detail.


Because of its purported fast cognitive effects, NooCube is a popular brain-boosting product. NooCube contains ingredients such as Bacopa Monnieri, L-Tyrosine, and L-Theanine.

These are well-known for their mental health advantages. Several compounds, such as Huperzine-A and Alpha GPC, remain speculative without additional investigation.

NooCube is intended to improve cognition and alertness without using stimulants, and the amounts of each ingredient are clearly labeled.

Because it gives different cognitive benefits without the jittery side effects associated with caffeine, NooCube is especially good for working professionals, students, elders, gamers, and combat athletes.

Our detailed analysis can be found in our NooCube review .

Frequently Asked Questions

What is thesis nootropic and what does it do.

Thesis Nootropic is a personalized supplement formulated to enhance cognitive functions. Users can expect improvements in focus, reduction in procrastination, stress management, and memory recall, depending on which blend you choose.

Does Thesis Work Like Adderall?

Thesis Nootropics and Adderall are used to enhance cognitive functions, but they are fundamentally different. Adderall is primarily prescribed for treating Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy.

Adderall is an amphetamine, classified as a controlled substance due to its strong stimulating effects and potential for abuse and dependency.

Thesis Nootropics are dietary supplements designed to enhance healthy individuals’ cognitive functions, such as memory, focus, and mental clarity. They are not intended to treat medical conditions like ADHD.

How Long Does It Take Thesis Nootropics To Work?

If you have the caffeine version, within 30 minutes. You may feel the non-stimulant blends kicking in just as quickly, but they won’t be as pronounced. Sometimes, they can take multiple weeks to feel them working.

I’ve taken a deep dive into the world of nootropics and shared my firsthand experience with Thesis Nootropic’s various blends. While the personalization is nothing more than a marketing tactic, the different blends are a nice touch for those who want to experiment with different ingredients.

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Weber Genesis vs. Genesis II: Hashing Out The Difference

two grilled chicken on a giant weber genesis grill rotisserie

In 2017, Weber updated its popular Genesis models with the introduction of the Genesis II line. What are the differences between these grills, and how might the changes affect your grilling experience? In our Weber Genesis vs Genesis II review, we’ll walk you through the answers.

Weber Genesis 6537001 E-330 637-Square-Inch 38,000-BTU Liquid-Propane Gas Grill, Green

The Genesis line dates back to the mid-’80s, when Weber debuted its first full-sized gas grills. These initial offerings featured a cart-style design, side shelving, and a handy grease management system. Over the years, the design evolved as Weber added grills of various sizes and styles to this iconic lineup.

The specifications listed below are for the Weber Genesis E-330. Though the original Genesis grills have been officially phased out of Weber’s lineup, they may still be available through some online retailers.


  • Dimensions (L x W x H): 30 x 60 x 64.5 inches (lid open)
  • Total Cooking Surface: 637 square inches
  • Number of Primary Burners: 3
  • BTU Output (Main Burners): 38,000
  • BTU Output (Side Burner): 12,000
  • BTU Output (Sear Station): 10,000
  • Warranty: 5 Years (Limited)
  • Rapid, easy assembly
  • Sturdy build
  • Capable of reaching high temperatures in a short period of time
  • Cooks food evenly
  • Cooking grates tend to wear through quickly
  • Secondary components may be prone to rusting when kept in humid environments

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Weber Genesis II E-330 Liquid Propane Grill, Smoke

With the Genesis II line, Weber has attempted to ramp up the quality of their products. In addition to updating the overall design, they’ve made the burners and ignition systems more efficient.

There are also two different product lines available. The regular Genesis II grills are designed to appeal to everyday grillers, while the II LX models are geared toward die-hard BBQ fans.

Because the Genesis E-330 was the forerunner to the Genesis II E-330, we’ll provide the specs for the updated version below.

  • Dimensions (L x W x H): 62 x 59 x 31 inches (lid open)
  • Total Cooking Surface: 669 square inches
  • BTU Output (Main Burners): 39,000
  • BTU Output (Sear Station): 9,000
  • Warranty: 10 Years
  • Reliable ignition
  • Easy to clean
  • Excellent heat retention; maintains a stable temperature throughout the cooking time
  • Powerful side burner
  • Relatively expensive model
  • Some parts reported missing in initial shipments

Weber Genesis vs Genesis II: Features Face to Face

weber logo


On the whole, any Genesis grill can be considered a mid-priced option. They’re definitely pricier than many of the grills you’ll find through online retailers, but not as expensive as some of the competition (or even Weber’s own Summit line). If you have a bit of money to invest in a quality unit, a Genesis grill could be the way to go.

Which of these alternatives is the more affordable choice? Since the original Genesis line is outdated, you’ll probably be able to score a better deal with one of these. However, be forewarned that they’re no longer available on Weber’s website, which means they can be difficult to find.

Winner: Genesis

The Genesis E-330 was designed with a cabinet-style construction, with a set of double cabinets beneath the firebox. The design is classic and elegant, and many of the grills in the E series were available in a variety of colors. ( Products with Weber’s “S” designation feature a stainless steel finish, while the “E” is used to denote enameling.)

The Genesis II E-330, on the other hand, has an open cart-style design. This might be more appealing if you prefer easy access to the catch pan. It also gives you a handy shelf for storing tools or other supplies . There are also multiple color choices available for the II E-330 model and for several other grills in the Genesis II E series.

Why the switch? With the updated line, it appears that Weber is attempting to designate the style based on the last number used in the model’s name. Grills that end in the number 5 have a cabinet-style design, while the number 0 designates an open-cart model. For example, the E-330 is cart-style, while the E-335 features closed cabinets.

All Genesis grills offer at least one side shelf for prep or storage. On models like the E-330, the right-hand side is outfitted with a second shelf that houses an additional burner. This is a convenient perk that’s shared by the original Genesis line and the upgraded II series.

The original Genesis grills have a straight-edged, block-like appearance with a small footprint. The legs end in four locking caster wheels, which improve their stability when they’re in position. However, the wheels aren’t the sturdiest aspect of the construction.

For the Genesis II units, Weber has shortened the shroud and widened the footprint, giving the units has a more graceful appearance. There are also two large wheels affixed to the legs on the right-hand side, which makes the grills easier to maneuver.

Each style has definite benefits, and which one you choose is a matter of personal preference. However, we prefer the ergonomic lids and durable oversized wheels that are available on the Genesis II models. Neither will affect the grill’s performance, but we think they’re easier on the eyes.

Winner: Genesis II


Weber’s Genesis grills feature a sturdy stainless-steel construction for the frame, side tables, and burners. All are equipped with heavy-duty steel lids, and the lids in the E series also feature a porcelain coating that helps to protect the grill while locking in the heat.

Porcelain-enameled cooking grates also come standard with grills in the E series. If the unit in question has an S before the number, the cooking grates will be made of stainless steel. This is true of both the original line and the updated version.

While the Flavorizer bars on the original Genesis E-330 have the same porcelain coating as the cooking grates, the ones on the Genesis II E-330 are made of stainless steel. We think the stainless steel ones deliver a stronger hit of smoke, in addition to being more durable. For that reason, the Genesis II wins this round.

If you use the Genesis E-330 vs the Genesis II E-330 as a template, you can expect the updated versions to be slightly larger than their predecessors. Because the original line has been discontinued by Weber, it’s difficult to tell whether this change is true of all the Genesis II models. However, based on what we’ve been able to find, it’s a good bet.

The main cooking surface of the E-330 comprises 507 square inches, with the remaining 130 inches taking up residence on the warming rack. For the II E-330, the main surface covers 513 square inches and the warming rack adds an additional 156.

Either one of these grills could be considered suitable for a family of 5 to 6 people. The difference in size is so small as to be barely noticeable. However, since the updated models are technically bigger, we’ll award them the top prize in this category.

Also of note: When Weber rolled out the Genesis II line, they began to offer a number of different sizing options. There are eight grills in the series, ranging in size from 2-burner to 6-burner models. Before, if you wanted a 2-burner unit, you had no choice but to choose one from the Spirit line , so the variety is a welcome change.

If you want to know how many burners a Weber grill has, take a look at the first number in the model’s name. The E-330 has three burners, while the S-435 offers four. Keep this in mind when you’re on the lookout for a new gas grill.

If you look at the specifications for the Weber Genesis vs Genesis II, you’ll notice that the E-330 has a slightly lower BTU output for the main grilling station, while the searing burner cranks out 10,000 BTUs as opposed to 9,000 on the E-330 II. Here’s what this means for your grilling experience.

While the numbers don’t point to any discernible difference, the burners on the updated model are more powerful overall. They also deliver a more efficient performance. The side burner on the Genesis E-330 II is particularly effective, to the point where you need to keep a close eye on it to avoid overcooking your ingredients.

To achieve this, Weber updated the burner design for the Genesis II models. The burner ports (or holes) have a rounded shape instead of narrow slits, and they’re also larger in size. This means that the ports are less likely to become clogged due to corrosion or grease buildup, which cuts down on maintenance.

The burners themselves feature a clever tapered design. They deliver steady pressure and precise front-to-back alignment, which ensures even heating.

With the original Genesis grills, the pressure toward the back of the grill would often be weak, making the front section much hotter as a result. The new design attempts to solve these problems with style as well as efficiency.

weber grill temp

The first Genesis grills, including the E-330, boasted an electronic ignition system with independent controls. This meant that users could control each burner individually, firing up the designated zones at the press of a button.

For the Genesis II grills, Weber introduced the new E2i ignition system. The principle is largely the same, but we find the newer models to be more efficient and reliable overall. In fact, we might argue that the E2i ignition system is one of Weber’s finest achievements to date.

The Genesis II LX series also offers high-heat options for each knob, along with an ambient light feature. For more detailed information on the LX models, see Standout Features, below.

Cleanup and Maintenance

All Genesis grills come with an angled grease tray, which directs any runoff into a disposable catch pan. Both the grease tray and the catch pan can be removed for easy cleaning, and the pan can be thrown out and replaced when it reaches its capacity.

If you select a Genesis II grill that has an open cart design, be forewarned that the catch tray will be left unprotected. That means it could be a target for leaves or other debris, especially if you don’t cover the grill in between uses. The grease tray might also attract rodents or raccoons if it isn’t cleaned out regularly.

The cooking grates on Genesis E models are made of porcelain-coated cast iron. These clean up easily and impart impressive-looking grill marks to boot.

If you purchase a Weber Genesis grill that has an S in the model number, the cooking grates will be made of stainless steel. Some grillers swear that this material is easier to clean, but we prefer the protection offered by the porcelain enameling.

Both the earlier Genesis units and the upgraded versions used high-quality materials for both grid types, so the choice is ultimately a matter of personal taste.

The Genesis II line has also made one significant change to the layout: They’ve designed the grill so that the gas tank is positioned on the right-hand side. While this might appear to be a minor cosmetic difference, it actually makes it much easier to replace the tank when it runs empty. This will cut down on maintenance time in the long run.

When the Genesis line was introduced, Weber offered a five-year limited warranty on those grills. However, the company implemented a 10-year warranty plan the same year that the Genesis II line made its appearance. All the components of the Genesis II grills are included in the warranty, which excludes the damage that comes about due to regular use.

If the burners or ignition fail anytime in the first 10 years, Weber will issue you with a free replacement. Likewise, if any components are damaged when they arrive, contact the company and they’ll be glad to rectify the situation.

Because the Genesis II models are covered for a full 10 years, and because any original Genesis grills would already be several years old by the time you could get your hands on them, the upgraded grills take the top prize in this department.

Weber Genesis vs Genesis II: Standout Features

Next, let’s find out whether the original Genesis line offered any perks that the Genesis II units don’t have. We’ll also explore the updates that Weber has included with the newer models.

  • Tight profile—Fits well on small decks and balconies
  • Locking caster wheels—To promote stability
  • Sizing Options—You’ll have more choices when you go for a Genesis II
  • Convenient Design—The right-side tank configuration is especially user-friendly
  • GS4 Grilling System—Featuring powerful burners, well-constructed Flavorizer bars, and improved ignition and grease management systems
  • Premium Line—The Genesis II LX series is geared toward grilling enthusiasts who strive to remain on the cutting edge, offering upgraded steel grates, extra burner power, LED control knobs, and additional storage space

The Bottom Line

Use a genesis grill if:.

  • You’re willing to settle for an older unit
  • It’s the only Genesis grill you can afford
  • You want a 3-burner grill with a smaller footprint

Check out the original Genesis grills if you don’t have the patio space for one of the broader Genesis II models.

Use the Genesis II series if:

  • You’re looking specifically for a 2-burner unit
  • You want a grill with the most reliable ignition system available
  • You want your grill to be a conversation piece as well as a cooking tool
  • You want the most intense smoke flavor that a gas grill can provide
  • You can afford the upgrade

Take a closer look at a Genesis II model if you’re ready for a top-notch grill that delivers on every level.

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The Voice Behind the Original Evangelion Takes a Stand Against AI Art


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Neon Genesis Evangelion was one of the most iconic anime of the 1990s, and this popularity extended to its music; its opening theme became easily one of the iconic songs in anime history, both domestically and internationally. Now the singer behind the show's classic OP is taking a firm stannce against the use of AI.

Via Yahoo Japan , Yoko Takahashi, the singer known for major hits including "A Cruel Angel's Thesis," will no longer appear at an event called "First Concert" (Sakura Hall, Shibuya) by the Ikebukuro Animation Philharmonic orchestra. Her absence is due to the show using promotional material that has been created by AI. This has not only further showcased the growing presence of AI art in the anime industry but also the solidarity of many within this industry, including its vocal and musical talents.

Evangelion Asuka and Rei cloth doll figures by Good Smile Company

Good Smile Company's Evangelion Asuka and Rei Dolls Are Dressed for School

Two of the newest Neon Genesis Evangelion collectible figures are super deformed doll versions of Rei and Asuka in school uniforms made of real cloth.

Evangelion's "Cruel Angel's Thesis" Singer Rejects the Use of Anime-Related AI Art

Yoko Takahashi was set to appear and perform at the Ikubukuro Animation Philharmonic's First Concert, which is currently scheduled for July 10, 2024. The singer is most well-known for "Zankoku na Tenshi no Tēze," or "Cruel Angel's Thesis"), the legendary and haunting theme song for the original Neon Genesis Evangelion anime series. The show and its opening song continue to be major hits, which is why Takahashi's presence had excited so many fans. However, Takahashi will no longer be attending due to the show's promotional image, which featured a banner with AI-generated artwork -- a fact that the singer felt to be distasteful given the concert's celebration of anime as a medium, stating that she "cannot face [the AI artwork] as an artist" and wants to "cherish the feelings of everyone who deeply loves anime above all else."

Takahashi and the Ikebukuro Animation Philharmonic both announced the former's upcoming absence from the show. Since then, many have come out in support of the decision and noted that it was a "courageous decision" on the part of Takahashi. The presence of AI art in anime has become an increasing concern, especially when it comes to the artistic integrity of the medium. Implementation of AI animation is already happening for several studios, and it will likely continue to grow and even phase out some elements of the animation process.

In response to fan backlash following Takahashi's publicly stated absence, the concert's official website released an official statement that read, in part: "Despite calling ourselves an orchestra that loves anime, we are ashamed that we were not aware enough of the recent issues surrounding generative AI. We also realized that we did not take into consideration the work and the feelings of everyone who loves anime and the creative aspects of it into account, and all the executive committee members deeply regret this. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused to many people due to our incompetence. We have temporarily replaced the images used on the flyer and website with works commissioned from an illustrator. We will continue to prepare for the concert using these visuals."

Evangelion creator Hideaki Anno with Asuka and Rei from the anime

Evangelion Creator Hideaki Anno's Studio Releases Statement After Gainax Bankruptcy

Neon Genesis Evangelion creator Hideaki Anno's studio, Khara, provides extra context to Gainax's bankruptcy in a newly released official statement.

Evangelion Remains a Classic to Generations of Anime & Mecha Fans

Even anime fans who weren't around when Neon Genesis Evangelion came out are aware of its legacy. Upending mecha anime with its psychological storytelling, the series launched a wave of dark deconstructions in the medium. The music was especially beloved, be it the show's theme song, its ending ("Fly Me to the Moon") or the equally angelic "Soul's Refrain," the theme song for the movie End of Evangelion . The latter was also sung by Yoko Takahashi, and it fit the franchise's motif of initially slow yet pulse-pounding tunes. Although the original show finished its run in the 1990s, it's remained a massive franchise in the years since. The most recent iteration was the movie series Rebuild of Evangelion , which acted as a semi-reboot, ending with Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon a Time in 2021.

Series creator Hideaki Anno has stated that a sequel or new Evangelion project could be a potential project in the future. He's also commented on how newer and younger audiences seemingly don't want new ideas in anime. This constant need for remakes and reboots has been coupled with concerns over AI and the integrity of art. Regardless of where the franchise goes, it's clear that its original iteration will remain acclaimed for years to come.

Cover Art for Neon Genesis Evangelion

Neon Genesis Evangelion

A teenage boy finds himself recruited as a member of an elite team of pilots by his father.

Source: Yahoo Japan , Oricon

  • neon genesis evangelion

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2024 Genesis GV80 vs. 2024 Infiniti QX60 Comparison

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The 2024 Genesis GV80 and Infiniti QX60 are midsize luxury SUVs with seating for up to seven. Their athletic exteriors, long list of standard comfort features, and approachable pricing help set them apart from their rivals.

We decided to compare them head-to-head to see which offers the better mix of value, performance, and everyday usability. To do this, we’re highlighting some key attributes of each SUV to see which comes out ahead.  

2024 Genesis GV80

2024 Genesis GV80 parked in front of an office building.

The 2024 Genesis GV80 has a starting price of $59,050, including a $1,350 delivery charge. That’s hardly chump change, though it’s considerably less than rivals from the likes of BMW, Mercedes-Benz, and Audi. A new range-topping variant called the Prestige Signature joins the lineup this model year, and an onboard Wi-Fi hot spot is now standard on all variants. Most trims are configured in a 2-row/5-passenger setup, but a third row is optional in the 3.5T.

Genesis GV80 Highlights 

Class-leading warranty:   Genesis offers a class-leading warranty to tempt shoppers into their vehicles. This includes a 5-year/60,000-mile basic warranty, along with 10 years/100,000 miles of powertrain coverage. And let’s not forget a Genesis GV80 buyer also gets three years/36,000 miles of free scheduled maintenance, plus five years of unlimited mileage roadside assistance.

Highway Driving Assist II: This semi-autonomous driving aid is ideal for anyone who frequently travels long distances. Using the adaptive cruise control system and lane-keeping assist, among many other safety-related systems, Highway Driving Assist II helps reduce stress and fatigue during extended highway drives in the Genesis GV80. Recent updates allow it to complete lane changes when the driver hits the turn signal to pass a slower vehicle. 

Strong turbo engines: A 300-horsepower 2.5-liter turbocharged 4-cylinder engine serves as the potent base drivetrain. This is one of the most powerful entry-level engines in the midsize luxury SUV market, and it beats the QX60 by exactly 5 horsepower. There is also a 375-hp twin-turbo V6 that comes with the 3.5T variant. Either engine is coupled to an 8-speed automatic, and all-wheel drive (AWD) is standard across the board. 

Check this week’s Fair Purchase Price or see the GV80 models near you.

2024 Infiniti QX60

2024 Infiniti QX60 in blue parked in front of columns.

The 2024 Infiniti QX60 starts at $51,000, including delivery charges. That makes it considerably less expensive than the base GV80, not to mention competing vehicles from European rivals. All models are powered by a 3.5-liter V6 engine that makes 295 hp. Front-wheel drive is standard, and all-wheel drive is optional.

This generation, available in four trims — Pure, Luxe, Sensory, and Autograph — is still fresh from debuting for the 2022 model year. The only notable change on the 2024 model is that the InTouch Services Premium bundle of tech features is now included on a 3-year trial, versus only one year previously.  All Infiniti QX60 models have three rows of seats and can accommodate six or seven people, depending on whether it’s equipped with a second-row bench or dual captain’s chairs.

Infiniti QX60 Highlights 

Standard features: The QX60 is packed with comfort, tech, and safety features. The base Pure trim includes leather upholstery, heated front seats, a heated steering wheel, a 12.3-inch touchscreen, wireless Apple CarPlay, wired Android Auto, a panoramic sunroof, tri-zone climate control, a power rear liftgate, and much more. Unlike the Genesis GV80, 3-row seating is also standard in the Infiniti.

Easily accessible third row:  Infiniti calls it the One-Touch second row. We call it a fantastic feature that makes accessing the third row so much easier. With the push of a button, the second-row seating slides and tilts forward to create a clear path to the third row.  

ProPilot Assist: Standard on all except the base Pure trim, this self-driving aid maintains speed, lane centering, and a safe distance to surrounding vehicles. Because it’s paired with the onboard navigation, it knows to slow down when it determines there are upcoming curves in the road ahead.

Check this week’s Fair Purchase Price or see the QX60 models near you.


The Genesis GV80 and Infiniti QX60 are sleek and stylish entries in the highly competitive midsize luxury SUV segment. During many miles of testing, they’ve both delivered refined driving manners in all types of scenarios. They also both have more approachable pricing compared to European rivals. Each also scores high marks in safety ratings. 

The decision here really could come down to how many passengers you regularly carry and a test drive. Both the Genesis GV80 and Infiniti QX60 possess many fine attributes that make them solid choices in a very crowded field. Most GV80 models have two rows of seats, making it great for families of five or fewer. The QX60, meanwhile, easily seats up to seven.

That considered, we’d give the Genesis GV80 a narrow win because of its two engine choices, classy cabin, and outstanding warranty coverage. 

Engine Turbo 2.5-liter 4-cylinder3.5-liter V6
Horsepower 300 hp @ 5,800 rpm295 @ 6,400 rpm
Torque 311 lb-ft @ 1,650 rpm270 lb-ft @ 4,800 rpm
Transmission 8-speed automatic  9-speed automatic  
Fuel economy MPG20 city/24 highway/22 combined21 city/26 highway/23 combined 
Also Available Twin-turbo 3.5-liter V6AWD
Basic Warranty 5 years/60,000 miles 4 years/60,000 miles 
Powertrain Warranty 10 years/100,000 miles 6 years/70,000 miles 
NHTSA Overall Safety 5-Stars 5-Star
Max Seating Capacity 
Wheelbase 116.3 inches 114.2 inches 
Overall Length 194.7 inches 198.2 inches 
Width 77.8 inches 78.0 inches 
Height 67.5 inches 69.7 inches 
Turning Diameter 39.3 feet 38.7 feet 
Headroom, Front 40.2 inches40.8 inches 
Headroom, 2nd Row 38.4 inches 37.5 inches 
Headroom, 3rd Row34.3 inches35.7 inches 
Legroom, Front 41.6 inches 42.1 inches 
Legroom, 2nd Row 38.7 inches 37.7 inches
Legroom, 3rd Row 30.3 inches 28.0 inches 
Shoulder Room, Front 60.2 inches 60.6 inches 
Shoulder Room, 2nd Row 58.2 inches59.7 inches
Shoulder Room, 3rd Row53.2 inches55.6 inches
Cargo Volume 11.6/34.9/84.0 cubic feet  14.5/41.6/75.4 cubic feet 

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Interest Evangelion Theme 'Cruel Angel's Thesis' Might Be Tops Globally, but Not in the U.S.

Time and again , the incomparable "A Cruel Angel's Thesis" theme song from Hideaki Anno 's classic Neon Genesis Evangelion TV series has topped the anisong rankings in Japan and around the world. It's so popular that Japanese karaoke goers are sick of hearing it over and over again. In 2015, composer Neko Oikawa disclosed that she earned over one hundred million yen (about $830,000 then) in royalties from the song every year.


Globally, it's almost the same story. In ANN's recent survey of over 1,000 of our readers, "A Cruel Angel's Thesis" was the number-one song worldwide outside the U.S. But in the U.S., Yoko Kanno 's "Tank!," the jazzy Cowboy Bebop opener, was voted the most popular anime theme song.


While Cowboy Bebop wasn't as big of a hit in Japan, it was a huge hit internationally, particularly in the United States, where it was a staple on the popular Adult Swim programming block. Not coincidentally, the FLCL theme song "Ride On Shooting Star," also fared much better among our U.S. readers than internationally. FLCL was, of course, another very successful Adult Swim title.


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2025 Genesis GV80 Coupe costs $81,300, or more than a BMW X6 or Audi Q8

Viknesh Vijayenthiran

  • The 2025 Genesis GV80 Coupe costs $81,300
  • Buyers will find the Genesis GV80 Coupe in showrooms this summer
  • The Genesis GV80 Coupe costs more than the BMW X6 and Audi Q8

The Genesis GV80 midsize SUV has been updated for the 2025 model year, and among the updates is the addition of a new coupe-like body style targeting vehicles such as the BMW X6, Audi Q8,  and Mercedes-Benz GLE-Class Coupe .

The rakish 2025 GV80 Coupe is due in showrooms this summer, and Genesis on Thursday announced a starting price of $81,300, including a $1,350 destination charge.

That starting price is $22,250 more than the starting price of the regular 2025 GV80 that went on sale this spring. It's even $5,625 more than the starting price of the BMW X6, the vehicle that ignited the coupe-like SUV craze. Genesis also priced the GV80 Coupe $6,405 higher than the Audi Q8. Mercedes-Benz's GLE-Class Coupe is more expensive than the Genesis, but is offered exclusively in AMG form, at least here in the U.S.

To help justify the high price of entry for the GV80 Coupe, Genesis has loaded the vehicle with a long list of standard features. This includes Genesis' mid-range twin-turbocharged 3.5-liter V-6 as the standard powertrain, good for 375 hp.

2025 Genesis GV80 Coupe

2025 Genesis GV80 Coupe

2025 Genesis GV80 Coupe

Standard features in the GV80 Coupe include an active suspension with adjustable dampers, all-wheel drive, an electronic limited-slip differential, 20-inch wheels, matrix LED headlights, a panoramic sunroof, and leather upholstery. Standard in-car technology includes a 27.0-inch display integrating a digital gauge cluster and an infotainment system, a Bang & Olufsen audio system, a surround-view camera system, a head-up display, heated and cooled power-adjustable second-row seats, wireless Apple CarPlay and Android Auto, and much more.

Buyers seeking more performance can opt for the twin-turbo 3.5-liter V-6 with a mild-hybrid system. This increases the peak output to 409 hp. The more powerful model also comes with more extras as standard, and adds $5,800 to the price tag. These include 22-inch wheels, quad-exhaust tips (instead of the standard twin tips), carbon-fiber cabin trim, and alloy pedals.

Buyers of the GV80 Coupe also have the option of a Bering Blue exterior paint finish that is exclusive to the coupe-like SUV.

Genesis isn't done with updates to the GV80 range. The automaker in March announced a new performance sub-brand called Magma , and confirmed that a Magma version of the GV80 Coupe is planned, though the vehicle's timing is uncertain.

2025 Genesis GV80 Coupe


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Marvel vs. Capcom Fighting Collection: Arcade Classics announced for PS4, Switch, and PC

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Capcom has announced fighting games collection Marvel vs. Capcom Fighting Collection: Arcade Classics for PlayStation 4 , Switch , and PC ( Steam ). it will launch both physically and digitally in 2024.

Here is an overview of the collection, via Capcom:

About Join fans from around the world in celebrating the legacy of some of the most beloved fighting games with the release of Marvel vs. Capcom Fighting Collection: Arcade Classics . This jam-packed collection includes seven timeless games in an all-in-one package, including: X-Men: Children of the Atom Marvel Super Heroes Marvel vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter X-Men vs. Street Fighter The Punisher

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Key Features Battle It Out Online – All of the fighting games in the collection will have online ranked, casual, and lobby matches unlocked for players to showcase their abilities with friends, family, and other players from around the world! Robust Rollback Netcode – Online play for the collection is supported with rollback netcode for a strong and stable online experience! Be the Best! – Global high score leaderboards come to every game in the collection so players can track their journey to the top of the list! Practice Makes Perfect – Training Mode comes to all fighting games in the collection so players can learn, practice, and master their moves! A Rare Gem – The classic beat ‘em up arcade game The Punisher comes to PC and modern consoles for the first time ever in the United States! Watch This! – Spectator Mode is available so you can enjoy watching your friends and co-combatants battle it out! Additional Features – Check out the collection’s enhanced features like a music jukebox, in-game Museum, new display filters, and more! For Capcom fans, fighting game enthusiasts, comic book and Super Hero aficionados, and everyone in between, Marvel vs. Capcom Fighting Collection: Arcade Classics offers a timeless celebration of a legacy fighting game series, delivering a diverse roster of iconic characters, enhanced features and competitive gameplay. Relive the nostalgia or discover enduring classics for the first time, uniting fans of all generations in celebration of Capcom’s legendary fighting game series.

Watch the announcement trailers below. View the first screenshots at the gallery .

Announce Trailer

X-Men: Children of the Atom

Marvel Super Heroes

Marvel vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes

Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes

Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter

X-Men vs. Street Fighter

The Punisher


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