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Short Essay: Corruption Free India

Three short essay examples on corruption free India.

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Corruption Free India Essay Example 1

Corruption is a pervasive problem in India that has far-reaching consequences for its citizens. It undermines economic growth, perpetuates poverty and inequality, and erodes public trust in government institutions. Despite numerous efforts to combat corruption, it remains a major challenge for India’s development. In this essay, we will explore the impact of corruption on India, strategies for a corruption-free India, and the challenges that must be overcome to achieve this goal.

Corruption has a significant impact on India’s economic growth and development. It diverts resources away from productive activities and towards rent-seeking behavior, leading to inefficient allocation of resources. This, in turn, hinders economic growth and development. For example, studies have shown that corruption in the construction industry raises the cost of infrastructure projects by up to 40%. This not only increases the financial burden on taxpayers but also delays the completion of projects, leading to further economic losses. Furthermore, corruption perpetuates poverty and inequality. It creates a system in which those with power and influence can bypass laws and regulations, leaving the poor and marginalized at a disadvantage. For instance, corruption in the delivery of public services such as healthcare and education often results in poor quality services or even denial of access to these services for the poor. Moreover, corruption undermines public trust in government institutions. It erodes the legitimacy of these institutions and creates a perception that they are serving the interests of the corrupt rather than the public. This, in turn, leads to a lack of public confidence in the government and its ability to deliver on its promises.

To combat corruption, India must adopt a multi-pronged approach. Firstly, it must strengthen anti-corruption laws and enforcement agencies. This includes enacting stronger laws that criminalize corrupt practices and creating specialized anti-corruption agencies to investigate and prosecute cases of corruption. Secondly, promoting transparency and accountability in government institutions is crucial. This can be achieved by implementing measures such as open procurement processes, mandatory disclosure of assets by public officials, and strengthening whistleblower protection laws. Finally, creating awareness and mobilizing public support against corruption is essential. This involves educating citizens on the negative impact of corruption and encouraging them to report instances of corruption.

Creating a corruption-free India is not without its challenges. Deep-rooted corruption in political and bureaucratic systems poses a significant obstacle. Corruption has become so ingrained in these systems that it is often seen as an accepted norm. This makes it difficult to root out corrupt practices and hold those responsible accountable. Resistance from vested interests and powerful lobbies is another challenge. These groups often have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo and will resist any efforts to change it. They may use their influence to undermine anti-corruption measures or even intimidate those who seek to expose corruption. Finally, a lack of political will and commitment to anti-corruption measures is a significant challenge. Corruption is often tied to political power, and those in power may be reluctant to take action against their own or their supporters. This creates a culture of impunity, where corrupt practices go unchecked.

Corruption Free India Essay Example 2

Corruption is a pervasive problem that has plagued India for decades. It has become a major obstacle to the country’s economic growth and development. Corruption not only undermines public trust in government institutions but also leads to the misallocation of resources, increases transaction costs, and discourages foreign investment. In this essay, we will explore the impact of corruption on India’s economy and society, and discuss the measures that can be taken to eradicate it.

Corruption hinders economic growth. It diverts resources from productive uses to rent-seeking activities, which are aimed at extracting wealth from others rather than creating it. This misallocation of resources can lead to inefficiencies, reduced competitiveness, and lower economic growth. Moreover, corruption increases transaction costs, making it more expensive to do business in India. This can discourage foreign investment, as investors prefer to invest in countries with transparent and predictable legal systems. Additionally, corruption undermines public trust in government institutions, which can erode social cohesion and political stability.

Measures to eradicate corruption in India are essential to promote economic growth and development. Strengthening anti-corruption laws and enforcement agencies can help to deter corrupt practices. Promoting transparency and accountability in government processes can increase public trust in institutions and reduce opportunities for corruption. Encouraging citizen participation in monitoring and reporting corruption cases can also help to expose corrupt practices and hold corrupt officials accountable.

However, there are several challenges in eradicating corruption in India. Deep-rooted corruption exists in various sectors such as politics, bureaucracy, and business. It is often difficult to detect and punish corrupt officials due to their influence and power. Moreover, there is a lack of political will and commitment to anti-corruption efforts. Some politicians may be reluctant to tackle corruption as they benefit from it. Resistance from powerful interest groups that benefit from corruption practices can also hinder anti-corruption efforts.

In conclusion, corruption is a major obstacle to India’s economic growth and development. It undermines public trust in government institutions, leads to the misallocation of resources, increases transaction costs, and discourages foreign investment. To eradicate corruption, measures such as strengthening anti-corruption laws and enforcement agencies, promoting transparency and accountability in government processes, and encouraging citizen participation in monitoring and reporting corruption cases are essential. However, there are several challenges in eradicating corruption, including deep-rooted corruption, lack of political will, and resistance from powerful interest groups. It is important to address these challenges and work towards a corruption-free India.

Corruption Free India Essay Example 3

Corruption is a pervasive issue in India that has hindered the country’s development for decades. It undermines economic growth, erodes public trust in government institutions, and perpetuates poverty and inequality. In this essay, we will explore the impact of corruption on India’s development, strategies to curb corruption, and the challenges in achieving a corruption-free India.

Corruption has a significant impact on India’s development, hindering economic growth and investment. The World Economic Forum estimates that corruption costs India around 1.5% of its GDP annually. Corruption also erodes public trust in government institutions, leading to a lack of confidence in the government’s ability to deliver public services effectively. This lack of trust can discourage investment and hinder economic growth. Moreover, corruption perpetuates poverty and inequality by diverting resources away from public services and into private pockets.

To combat corruption, India needs to strengthen its anti-corruption laws and enforcement. The government needs to promote transparency and accountability in its institutions, making it easier for citizens to hold officials accountable for their actions. Encouraging citizen participation and whistleblowing can also help expose corrupt practices and hold officials accountable. For example, the Right to Information Act has empowered citizens to access information and report corruption. Moreover, the government needs to promote ethical behavior and values in society to reduce the cultural and societal acceptance of corruption.

Achieving a corruption-free India is not an easy task. India’s deep-rooted cultural and societal acceptance of corruption poses a significant challenge. Corruption has been an accepted practice in Indian society for a long time, and changing this mindset will take time. Moreover, corrupt officials and vested interests resist efforts to curb corruption. They use their power and influence to protect themselves and undermine anti-corruption efforts. Additionally, inadequate resources and capacity to combat corruption remain a significant challenge. The government needs to invest in building the capacity of anti-corruption agencies and institutions to effectively tackle corruption.

In conclusion, corruption remains a significant challenge to India’s development, hindering economic growth, eroding public trust, and perpetuating poverty and inequality. The government needs to strengthen anti-corruption laws and enforcement, promote transparency and accountability, and encourage citizen participation and whistleblowing. However, achieving a corruption-free India will require a significant shift in cultural and societal norms, which will take time. Nonetheless, with sustained efforts and investment, India can overcome the challenges and achieve a corruption-free future.

About Mr. Greg

Mr. Greg is an English teacher from Edinburgh, Scotland, currently based in Hong Kong. He has over 5 years teaching experience and recently completed his PGCE at the University of Essex Online. In 2013, he graduated from Edinburgh Napier University with a BEng(Hons) in Computing, with a focus on social media.

Mr. Greg’s English Cloud was created in 2020 during the pandemic, aiming to provide students and parents with resources to help facilitate their learning at home.

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essay on corruption free india for developed nation in english


Essay on Corruption Free India

Students are often asked to write an essay on Corruption Free India in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Corruption Free India


Corruption Free India is a dream that every Indian cherishes. Corruption is a major issue that hampers our country’s growth and development.

Impact of Corruption

Corruption affects India’s economy, reduces social development, and increases poverty. It creates inequality and injustice in society.

Steps Towards Corruption Free India

To make India corruption-free, we need strong laws, transparent governance, and educated citizens. People should refuse to give bribes and report corruption.

A Corruption Free India is possible when each citizen takes responsibility. This will lead to a prosperous and fair society.

250 Words Essay on Corruption Free India

Corruption, a societal cancer, has long plagued India, hindering its development and progress. The dream of a Corruption Free India is not merely a utopian vision but a necessity for the nation’s growth.

The Corruption Conundrum

Corruption in India is deeply ingrained and pervasive, impacting every sphere of life. It manifests in various forms, from petty bribes to large-scale embezzlements, obstructing the path of sustainable development. The Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index 2020 ranks India 86th out of 180 countries, underlining the severity of the issue.

Implications of Corruption

The implications of corruption are multifaceted. Economically, it deters foreign investments and drains national resources. Socially, it exacerbates inequality, erodes trust in public institutions, and undermines the rule of law.

Corruption Free India: A Path Forward

Achieving a Corruption Free India requires a comprehensive approach. Strengthening institutional integrity is crucial. This can be achieved through reforms in bureaucracy, judiciary, and political systems.

Transparency and accountability in public administration should be promoted. Digitalization of services can significantly reduce human discretion, thereby curbing corruption.

Citizen participation in governance is another significant aspect. Encouraging whistleblowing and protecting whistleblowers can deter corrupt practices.

A Corruption Free India is not an unattainable dream. It requires collective effort, political will, and systemic reforms. As future leaders, it is incumbent upon us, the youth, to foster a culture of integrity and honesty. Only then can we realize the vision of a prosperous, inclusive, and corruption-free nation.

500 Words Essay on Corruption Free India

India, a country with a rich cultural heritage and diverse demography, has been grappling with the issue of corruption for several decades. Corruption, a deep-rooted malaise, has pervaded all spheres of life, from politics to public services, and from education to healthcare. The dream of a corruption-free India remains elusive, but it is a goal worth striving for, as it is integral to the nation’s progress and prosperity.

The Magnitude of Corruption in India

Corruption in India is a widespread phenomenon, impacting the nation’s development and standing in the global arena. It is a complex issue, deeply entrenched in the socio-political fabric of the country. According to Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index 2020, India ranks 86th out of 180 countries, indicating the severity of the problem. The root causes of corruption range from poor governance, lack of transparency, inadequate legal framework, and low public sector salaries to societal acceptance and lack of accountability.

The Consequences of Corruption

Corruption has far-reaching impacts on the socio-economic landscape of the country. It undermines the rule of law, distorts market mechanisms, hampers economic development, and exacerbates inequality. It erodes public trust in institutions and hinders foreign investments. Moreover, it disproportionately affects the poor and marginalized, who are often deprived of essential services due to corruption.

Path Towards a Corruption-Free India

The journey towards a corruption-free India requires a comprehensive and multi-pronged approach.

Strengthening Institutions

Firstly, there is a need to strengthen institutions. This includes enhancing the capacity and integrity of the judiciary, law enforcement agencies, and regulatory bodies. Effective and impartial institutions can act as a deterrent to corruption by ensuring swift and sure punishment for corrupt practices.

Enhancing Transparency and Accountability

Secondly, enhancing transparency and accountability in public administration is crucial. This can be achieved through digitalization of public services, implementation of Right to Information Act, and promoting citizen participation in governance.

Reforming Political Financing

Thirdly, reforming political financing is critical to curb corruption. Transparent political funding would prevent illicit money from influencing policy-making and electoral processes.

Changing Social Norms

Lastly, changing social norms and attitudes towards corruption is vital. This involves promoting a culture of integrity, honesty, and ethical behavior through education and awareness campaigns.

A corruption-free India is not a distant dream, but a feasible reality that requires collective efforts from the government, civil society, and citizens. By addressing the root causes of corruption and fostering a culture of integrity and transparency, India can move towards a future where corruption is not a norm but an exception. This journey, though challenging, is essential for India to realize its full potential and ensure equitable and sustainable development for all its citizens.

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ಮೊದಲು ಲಂಚವತಾರ ಹೆಚ್ಚಾದರೆ ಮುಂದಿನ ದಿನಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಭಾರತ ಆರ್ಥಿಕತೆಯಲ್ಲಿ ಯಾವ ದಿಕ್ಕಿಗೆ ಹೋಗುತ್ತದೆ ವಿದೇಶಿ ಕಂಪನಿಗಳ ಪಾತ್ರ ಏನಾಗಬಹುದು ಅನ್ನುವುದು ಬಹುತೇಕ ಹಳ್ಳಿಗಳೆ ಇರುವ ನಮ್ಮ ದೇಶ ಹಳ್ಳಿಗರಿಗೆ ವಿದ್ಯಾರ್ಥಿಗಳಿಗೆ ಹರಿವು ಮೂಡಿಸಬೇಕು

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In India, the epidemic of corruption is spreading rapidly in every field and department. Contractors and builders are constructing weak and low standard roads, bridges and houses. Students are engaged in mass copying. Teachers and examining bodies are indulged in leaking out question papers, doctors prescribe unnecessary medicines and traders are engaged in overcharging, adulteration and under weighing. Government officials take bribe for doing or sanctioning any work or contracts. Scams in banks, financial institutions, sports, defense department, religious places, and government projects are the order of the day. Hence, it has become biggest threat to the social and economic development of India. There is tremendous loss of national wealth due to various scams. In order to cure society from this deadly social evil, we should know its causes, consequences and remedies. So, the present paper will be an attempt to put stress on the need to keep the issue of corruption in development agenda. It will discuss various sectors of society involved in corruption, causes and consequences of corruption and remedies to snub this evil for a national dream of Corruption Free India to come true.

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IPL and cricket scandals has again boiled our blood and started debate that the evil of corruption and its auto narcotic effect pose great threat to the welfare of society and continue to grow in menacing proportion..[2] We may have two perspective regarding it. The first perspective is that there is corruption in every alleyway in India, so wise up , why should cricket be exception. The second perspective is that corruption is increasing the world over. Why corruption become so pervasive all over . we know about Indian and their greasy fingers, but the glass is no cleaner on the other table . corruption in China is nearly as monumental as its Great wall. France’s ex President , Nicolas Sarkozy, faces charges for taking cash from a L’Oreal heiress. In Russia, the mafia is close to being state-run. Britain was recently shaken by parliamentary expenses scandal. In America from the ex- governor of illionois to Jesse Jackson Jr, the civil rights leader, the rich, the powerful and holy are stained.[3]

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Corruption Free India Essay

Corruption Free India Essay | Essay on Corruption Free India for Students and Children in English

Corruption Free India Essay:  A long lost dream for many Indians, a corruption-free India is something that every Indian always dreams of. But how do we achieve a corruption-free India? Is it just India or the rest world also has problems with corruption. Is there are a country that has zero corruption? Most importantly, what is corruption exactly? How long has corruption been part of our lives? Are politicians solely responsible for corruption in India? How do we prevent corruption in India?

These are some burning questions that one always ponders upon when the issue of corruption in India comes up. Through this particular essay on corruption free India , we hope some of the questions will be answered.

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Long and Short Essays on Corruption Free India for Students and Kids in English

Find below a long essay on corruption free India with a word limit of 600. Also, we have provided a similar essay on corruption free India with a word limit of 200. Both of these essays can be used by schoolchildren and college students for various purposes like essay writing, assignments, tests and project work.

Long Essay On Corruption Free India 600 Words in English

Find below a 600-word long essay on corruption-free India is helpful for students of classes 7,8,9 and 10.

India, mostly in recent years, has become popular around the world because of the various scandals and corruption issues that have broken out in the power corridors of the country. Corruption has been a part of India ever since its birth. Corruption is not just something that is associated with politicians and businessmen, corruption is a problem in India that exists in all the levels, right from ministers to watchmen. Basically let us answer a few questions,

What is corruption?

Corruption is an act of dishonesty and a criminal offense conducted by a person or a group of people or an organisation by abusing and taking advantage of their power and position of authority. This means that anything unethical done, for the greed of money, which is beyond the boundaries of the legality of the land, will be termed as corruption. Corruption can be on various levels. A minister taking bribes to provide a license for a businessman, a pion taking kickbacks and bribes to let you inside a government office, a doctor taking a bribe from you to provide you with a fake medical certificate are all the different levels of corruption. One thing we should remember is, giving bribe is as bad and unethical as taking a bribe. Whether the bribe is Rs. 10 or Rs. 10,000 crore does not matter, a bribe is a bribe.

While it is easy to say that we shouldn’t pay bribes, the ground relates to it are far from easy. Imagine your loved one has severe health issues and you don’t have enough money to go to a private hospital. So you have taken them to a government hospital, where you are required to pay a bribe for the authorities to get your loved admitted into the hospital. The question of ethical dilemma becomes faded here and saving the life of our loved one takes precedence. One can’t expect to follow rules and integrity in a time of crisis like this. So how do we tackle corruption in India?

The tacking of corruption should come from higher authorities and the strongest laws and regulations should be in place. There are many laws in places such as the Prevention of corruption act and Jan Lokpal to name a few. While laws are robust in nature, its implementation is somehow weakened. This essay on corruption free India is mostly confined to corruption in the public sector. There is massive corruption in private sectors as well who circumvent the law of the land to make quick money.

To prevent corruption, we have to understand why corruption takes place in the first place.

Why does corruption take place in India?

  • Low salaries for government employees
  • An additional side income
  • Lack of fear of authorities and the law of the land
  • The mentality of “everyone takes a bribe, so why not me?”
  • In times of urgency, bribing might be the only way out. But,

Whose responsibility is to prevent corruption

We simply can’t expect everything to be done by the government when in some cases, the government leaders are themselves involved in massive corruption scandals. The responsibility lies equally with everyone, right from top-level ministers to mid-level government employees and low-level watchmen and workers. The responsibility also lies with the customer and common citizen of the country. He or she should be vigilant and record the acts of corruption and expose such people in accordance with the law.

How to prevent corruption?

While there is no one good answer to that question, here are some steps that should be taken to prevent corruption.

  • Accountability- A sense of accountability of income should be given by all the worker at all levels to prevent taking bribes
  • Vigilance- The anti-corruption officers should be vigilant
  • A sense of responsibility by the bribe givers should be inculcated by conducting anti-corruption awareness campaigns
  • String and robust laws in place
  • Constant monitoring and surveillance of office premises
  • Monitoring and following the irregular financial levels of the employees in question.

Long Essay On Corruption Free India

Short Essay On Corruption Free India 200 Words in English

Find below a 200-word short essay on corruption free India in English is helpful for students of classes 1,2,3,4,5 and 6.

A corruption-free India is a dream that every politician promises his voters during elections but forgets it during the regime. While corruption is usually associated with public sector employees and politicians, we cannot deny the fact that massive corruption and criminal offences exist even in the private sector of India.

Preventing corruption is not an easy task, especially in a democratic country like India. India is a free-market country with strong laws on privacy and human rights. But this is not the case in authoritarian regimes like North Korea or China. When a state is a complete police state, it becomes easier to tackle corruption since there would be no resistance. But in India, even the anti-corruption officers need to follow the course of the law to prevent corruption.

It is a tricky situation since the criminals circumvent the law while the people catching them has to follow the law. Red tape bureaucracy, lack of accountability and inefficient leadership are some of the reasons for the rising corruption rates in Inda. For India to become truly corruption free, strong laws, the autonomy of power to government officers and good awareness campaigns for the general public should be done.

10 Lines on Corruption Free India Essay

  • The dream of a corruption-free India is a long road ahead
  • Corruption in India exists on all levels, from ministers to watchmen
  • Corruption has cost the taxpayers thousands of crores in revenue for the country
  • A thorough unbiased investigation should be conducted when a corruption scandal breaks out
  • Corruption in India exists both in the private sector and public sector
  • Anti-corruption Bureau (ACB) is a governmental autonomous body that is responsible for the prevention of corruption and catching the culprits
  • Lack of transparency, greed for money and ignorance of the people are some of the reasons for corruption in India
  • Bribe giver is as much accountable to corruption as a bribe-taker
  • Lack of accountability and efficient system in place is the reason for high corruption rate in India
  • The lack of development in India is directly related to the amount of corruption that takes place in the country at every level.

10 Lines on Corruption Free India

FAQ’s on Corruption Free India Essay

Question 1. Which is the most corrupt country in the world

Answer: South Sudan is considered as the most corrupt country in the world

Question 2. Which is the biggest corruption scandal in India?

Answer: The Common Wealth Games, popularly known as CWG scam is the biggest scam in India

Question 3. What are the types of corruption?

Answer: Bribery, extortion, embezzlement, graft and peddling are few types of corruption

Question 4. What is the effect of corruption?

Answer: The effect of corruption is seen in the development and economic distress

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Corruption free India for a developed nation Essay

Corruption free India for a developed nation Essay

Essay on Corruption free India for a developed nation

Corruption free India for a developed nation Essay :


Corruption free India for a developed nation Essay

All of us are aware of the need for a nation to be free of corruption, especially in this fast progressing era of technology and online payments. The need for a corruption-free India is essential for the country to develop and progress. Let it be any field, if one digs deep enough, one can find enough corruption to talk about it for a lifetime! In this essay we will discuss about the significance of being corruption free to build a developed nation.

India has been plagued by corruption for centuries, and it has become an entrenched part of society. It is common knowledge that many government jobs can only be obtained through making payments, which are nothing but bribes. Some bribes are more than many lakhs. And when a person gives a bribe to join a job, his or her first objective would be to recover that money from someone else and that someone else is no one but the common citizens of India. Corruption only breeds more corruption and that is blatantly visible in our modern day India where one can be seen giving bribes in a corner for some reason or the other.

While there have been some efforts to combat corruption, they have been largely unsuccessful. There’s a common phrase where the criminal is always one step ahead of the police and that is true here too. Corruption has always found a way to thrive and it has done so by becoming a part of the system. It has grown like a parasite with the host being our system which is full of loopholes. The loopholes in our legal system is just one of the main reasons why corruption lives fully fledged in a developing economy such as our country. Hence, we can arrive at an inescapable conclusion – that the current system is corrupt and needs to be reformed. India needs to develop a new system that is fair and just, and that will root out corruption. For this to happen, the existing system needs to be uprooted fully – along with all its corrupt officers and people.

For corruption to not take place again, strict laws have to be framed and with that, enforcement should be done accordingly. The punishment should be merciless and when one corrupt person sees another corrupt individual being punished, they should get the fear of god in them and should abandon any further ideas of indulging in corruption. For this to happen, both the giver and taker of bribes need to be punished and punishment should be swift and decisive for both the giver and taker, so that all people who are willing to take part in corruption, get discouraged.


Only when corruption is completely abolished, India can hope to develop and progress as a country. Only then can India say proudly, that it is truly developed. Until then, we shall all strive to move forwards as one in this united struggle for a freedom of a different kind. So let us start by taking the first step and be corruption free ourselves. Once we are corruption free, we can inspire others to do the same and set in motion a revolution that speaks for itself.

FAQs on Corruption free India for a developed nation Essay :

(1) What will be the effect in corruption free developed nation?

Answer. People will experience development in every aspect of their living which will give them a positive attitude towards life.

(2) What is every citizen’s duty to build India corruption free?

Answer. All Indians must adopt the changes and improvement that are connected to make India corruption free with fresh mind.

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essay on corruption free india for developed nation in english

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essay on corruption free india for developed nation in english

  • The Path to a Corruption-Free India: A Blueprint for Development

Table of Contents

The impact of corruption on india’s development, economic consequences, social implications, strategies for building a corruption-free india, strengthening institutions, promoting transparency, fostering a culture of integrity, case studies of successful anti-corruption initiatives, the road ahead: building a corruption-free india, key takeaways, q: what are the economic consequences of corruption in india, q: how can india promote transparency in government processes, q: what role can civil society play in combating corruption, q: how can india foster a culture of integrity among public officials, q: what are the social implications of corruption in india.

essay on corruption free india for a developed nation

Corruption has long been a pervasive issue in India, hindering its progress and development. In order to transform into a developed nation, India must address the root causes of corruption and implement effective measures to eradicate it. This essay will delve into the importance of a corruption-free India for its journey towards becoming a developed nation.

Corruption is like a cancer that eats away at the fabric of society, undermining trust in institutions, hindering economic growth, and perpetuating inequality. According to Transparency International, India ranks 86th out of 180 countries in its Corruption Perceptions Index, indicating a high level of corruption in the country.

  • Corruption leads to misallocation of resources, inefficiency, and increased costs for businesses.
  • It deters foreign investment and hampers economic growth.
  • Corruption distorts markets and creates barriers to entry for small businesses.
  • Corruption erodes trust in government institutions and undermines the rule of law.
  • It perpetuates poverty and inequality, as resources are siphoned off by corrupt officials.
  • Corruption hampers the delivery of essential services such as healthcare and education.

In order to combat corruption effectively, India must adopt a multi-faceted approach that targets both the supply and demand sides of corruption. This includes strengthening institutions, promoting transparency, and fostering a culture of integrity.

  • Implementing anti-corruption laws and regulations that are enforced impartially.
  • Strengthening oversight mechanisms such as the Central Vigilance Commission and the Comptroller and Auditor General.
  • Promoting accountability and transparency in government procurement and decision-making processes.
  • Implementing e-governance initiatives to reduce opportunities for corruption.
  • Establishing a robust whistleblower protection mechanism to encourage reporting of corruption.
  • Enhancing access to information through the Right to Information Act.
  • Strengthening ethics training for public officials and promoting ethical leadership.
  • Engaging civil society and the private sector in anti-corruption efforts.
  • Raising awareness about the detrimental effects of corruption on society.

Several countries have successfully tackled corruption through innovative initiatives and reforms. For example, Singapore’s Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau has been instrumental in combating corruption through rigorous enforcement and public education campaigns. Similarly, Rwanda has made significant strides in reducing corruption by implementing a zero-tolerance policy and leveraging technology to enhance transparency.

As India aspires to become a developed nation, it must prioritize the fight against corruption as a key pillar of its development agenda. By implementing comprehensive anti-corruption measures, strengthening institutions, and fostering a culture of integrity, India can pave the way for sustainable growth and prosperity.

  • Corruption poses a significant obstacle to India’s development and must be addressed effectively.
  • Building a corruption-free India requires a multi-faceted approach that targets both the supply and demand sides of corruption.
  • Successful anti-corruption initiatives in other countries provide valuable lessons for India’s own efforts.

A: Corruption leads to misallocation of resources, inefficiency, and increased costs for businesses, hindering economic growth.

A: India can promote transparency through e-governance initiatives, whistleblower protection mechanisms, and the Right to Information Act.

A: Civil society can play a crucial role in raising awareness about the detrimental effects of corruption and holding government officials accountable.

A: India can foster a culture of integrity through ethics training, promoting ethical leadership, and engaging the private sector in anti-corruption efforts.

A: Corruption erodes trust in government institutions, perpetuates poverty and inequality, and hampers the delivery of essential services such as healthcare and education.

Siddharth Rao

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Corruption Free India Essay

In this Corruption Free India Essay , we had described corruption-free India, types of corruption in India & much more.

India faces the problem of corruption at various levels, it is destroying the country internally.

It is often said that Indian politicians are corrupt, but this is not the only zone where there is corruption, it is in every region.

It is time when each of us should realize the negative impact of corruption on our country and should contribute to making our country corruption-free .

In this article ‘ Essay on Corruption Free India ‘, we had provided the essays in different word limits, which you can use as per your need:

Essay on Corruption Free India 200 words:

I dream of a corruption-free India, where everyone works hard and gets what they deserve & gives equal opportunities, irrespective of their caste, color, creed, or religion; depending on their knowledge and skills.

The country in which people do not use other people to fulfil their selfish motives.

But still, India is far from the ideal place that I imagine, everyone is so engrossed in earning money and enhancing their lifestyle by underhanded methods to fulfill their dreams and ambitions.

It is a common belief that people who work with integrity do not reach anywhere; they rarely get any promotion and continue to earn meagre salaries.

On the other hand, those who seek bribes, and use unfair means to carry out their tasks, climb the ladder of success and make a better life.

It is required to understand that although using underhanded methods is an easy way to make money in most cases, but it does not make you happy.

You can do well using such illusions, but will you ever get peace of mind?

You may get temporary happiness, but in the long lane, you will remain dissatisfied and unhappy.

If each of us should resolve to give up the corrupt practices, then our life will get better, and our country will become a much better.

Essay on My Vision Corruption Free India 300 words:

India is a country claiming high values, morals, and traditions ironically faces the problem of corruption.

This is one of the various practices that our country is grappling with, the entire system of the country is based on corruption at multiple levels.

The government and political parties in India are known for their corrupt habits.

Instead of indulging in corrupt practices, they should work to overcome the problem of corruption.

They should set an example for citizens and motivate them to work with honesty and dedication to reach their goals instead of using corrupt means.

Selection of Political Parties and Ministers:

In India, anyone can stand for election and form a political party; eligibility criteria do not include an individual’s educational qualification.

Some ministers have not attended school and have zero knowledge about the political system, and they are from previous criminal records.

When such people are ruling the country, corruption is bound to happen; a minimum educational qualification criterion must be set.

Only those candidates who meet the educational criteria and have a clean record should be allowed to contest the election.

The candidates who win the election should then be trained to handle the various duties and responsibilities assigned to them.

An educated and trained person can certainly run the country better.

There should be a set protocol for everything, and the activities of the ministers should be monitored by a higher official to see if it is being followed.


Though every one of us wants a corruption-free India, no one is willing to contribute for this purpose.

We are instead adding it, to free our country from this evil practice, we must unite and be honest in our efforts.

Essay on Corruption Free India 500 words:

The corruption rate in India is quite high; among other things, corruption negatively affects the growth and development of the country.

Most of the developing countries are facing this problem and may benefit to some extent from corrupt conduct. Still, it impedes the development of the entire country and is ultimately harmful to them.

Causes of Corruption in India:

There are many reasons for the high level of corruption in our country; here is a brief look at these reasons:

  • Lack of job opportunities
  • There are fewer jobs in the marketplace than the number of qualified youth.
  • While many youngsters wander without jobs these days, others do work that does not fit their qualifications.
  • Dissatisfaction among these individuals and their quest for more earnings leads them to take corrupt means.

Lack of Strict Punishment:

People in our country getaway from corrupt practices like paying and taking bribes, non-payment of income tax, following evil means for running a business, etc.

There is no strict law to monitor the movements of people, even if people are caught, they are not punished severely.

This is why corruption is high in the country.

Lack of Eeducation:

A society full of educated people is likely to face less corruption.

When people are not educated, they use unfair and corrupt means to earn their livelihood.

In our country, the lower classes reduce the importance of education, and this increases corruption.

Greed and Increasing Competition:

Greed and increased competition in the market are also reasons for increased corruption.

These days’ people have become very greedy & want to earn more than their relatives and friends.

In this furious hurry, they do not hesitate to employ corrupt means to appreciate their dreams.

Lack of Initiative:

Everyone wants the country to be corruption free and criticize the government for not doing anything in this direction.

But are we trying to curb this issue at our level?

No, we do not.

Knowingly or unknowingly, we are all giving rise to corruption & nobody is willing to take the initiative and work as a team to remove this evil from the country.

Building a Corruption Free India:

Everyone knows the reasons for corruption & it is time to seek a solution instead of discussing the problem repeatedly.

The government should take this as a responsibility for a corruption-free India because our country cannot progress if this problem persists.

Every problem that leads to corruption has to be removed from its roots, i.e., the lack of excellent employment opportunities, which leads to corruption, is due to the increasing rate of population.

The government should take strict steps to control the population of the country. Similarly, every aspect will have to be worked out for the creation of a corruption-free India.

If we get rid of the problem of corruption, then our country can flourish and get better. Therefore, all of us do whatever we can to resolve this significant issue.

Corruption Free India Essay 600 words:

Corruption is prevalent in every region and every level in the country.

Corrupt means and improper methods are used by the government as well as private sector people to carry out many big and small tasks.

This is because people want to earn big money without working hard, but where are we going by employing such ill practices?

Definitely towards destruction!

Not every one of us should be in any kind of corrupt behaviour; this will be the first step towards building a corruption-free India.

Government’s role in establishing a corruption-free India:

While individual efforts can work towards freeing the country from corruption, government interference is necessary if the problem is to be removed from its roots.

The Government of India should enact strict laws to get rid of this problem & those involved in any kind of corrupt conduct should be punished severely.

Government officials in the country are known for their uncertain attitude towards work.

They take bribes without any hesitation to provide various government services to the people, and there is no restriction on these evil practices.

Taking bribes and doing favours for the people in power is a common practice in government offices.

Some of them perform their duties faithfully, but the satire that those who use good earn moderately and those who use corrupt methods earn good and live a better life.

Given the monetary benefits involved, even those who are reluctant to follow corrupt means are attracted to this path.

The main reason is that no investigate or punish those involved in these practices.

These practices can only end if the government closely monitors and punishes the actions of these employees.

We cannot deny the fact that we have engaged in giving bribes or have seen our parents or relatives giving the same at one point or another.

It is a common practice to give money to the traffic police for crossing the signals when red lights are on or to submit some forms after the due date.

Even though we know that it is morally wrong and we will only add corruption by doing so, we still do it thinking that it will benefit us in the long run and hardly have any significant impact.

However, we will not engage in it if we know that doing so may put us in trouble if we know that we can be fined or our license can be removed or we can be put behind bars for any such thing then we would not dare to indulge in it.

So, the government plays a huge role; it should be taken as the responsibility of freeing the country from corruption.

Role of Media in Establishing Corruption Free India:

The media is powerful in our country to speak and express opinions.

This right should be fully utilized to expose corrupt officials.

The media should conduct sting operations regularly and bring people who are corrupt in conduct to the limelight.

This will not only expose the culprits but also create fear in the general public & they will think twice before using any corrupt means.

Also, read 1. Corruption Essay 2. Essay on Indian Farmer 3. Corruption in India Essay

It is a joint effort of individuals, media as well as the government that can help in building a corruption-free India.

To make the country a better place to live, they should take responsibility for doing better work.

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1 thought on “Corruption Free India Essay”

Overall, this essay serves as a call to action, reminding us that the fight against corruption is essential for India’s development and progress. The author’s insightful analysis and practical recommendations provide a valuable contribution to the discourse on corruption and its impact on nation-building.

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Corruption In India Essay

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Corruption refers to dishonest or fraudulent behaviour by individuals in positions of power or authority, such as government officials, politicians, business leaders, or law enforcement officers. Corruption can take many forms, including bribery, embezzlement, nepotism, abuse of power, and fraud. Here are a few sample essays on corruption in India.

100 Words Essay On Corruption In India

200 words essay on corruption in india, 500 words essay on corruption in india, addressing the problem of corruption.

Corruption In India Essay

Corruption is a significant problem in India that has been prevalent for decades. It affects all levels of society, from the poorest to the richest. Corruption in India can take many forms, including bribery, embezzlement, nepotism, and misuse of public resources. Corruption in India has resulted in the misallocation of resources, poor governance, and a lack of accountability. It also leads to a loss of trust in public institutions, weakens the rule of law, and hinders economic development. Despite various efforts to curb corruption, it remains a significant challenge for India, requiring continued vigilance and strong political will to address this issue.

Corruption is a widespread problem in India that has been a matter of concern for several decades. It is a menace that plagues all levels of society, from the poorest to the richest. Corruption in India takes various forms, such as bribery, embezzlement, nepotism, and misuse of public resources. The root cause of corruption in India is a lack of transparency, accountability, and a weak legal system.

Consequences | Corruption in India has severe consequences on the country's social and economic development. It has resulted in the misallocation of resources, poor governance, and a lack of essential services to the people. Corruption has also undermined democracy and the rule of law, with political parties and leaders using corruption as a means to maintain power and control.

Measures | The Indian government has taken several measures to address corruption, such as setting up anti-corruption agencies, enacting laws and regulations, and promoting transparency and accountability in public institutions. However, corruption remains a significant challenge in India, requiring continued efforts and political will to combat.

Citizens also have a crucial role to play in fighting corruption by refusing to participate in corrupt practices, reporting corruption, and demanding accountability from their leaders. Addressing corruption in India requires a collective effort from all stakeholders, including the government, civil society, and citizens, to build a more transparent, accountable, and fair society.

Corruption has been a rampant problem in India for decades, plaguing all levels of society, from the poorest to the richest. Corruption in India takes many forms, such as bribery, embezzlement, nepotism, and misuse of public resources. It undermines the country's democratic institutions, weakens the rule of law, and has severe consequences on social and economic development.

Causes For Corruption

Lack of transparency in public institutions provides an environment conducive to corruption. When there is no transparency in government functioning, it is easier for officials to engage in corrupt practices without fear of detection or punishment.

The weak legal system in India is also a significant contributor to corruption. Corrupt officials can evade justice, and the lack of severe punishments acts as a deterrent to corrupt practices.

Political influence is another significant cause of corruption in India. Politicians use their power and influence to benefit themselves and their associates, often at the expense of the public interest.

Poverty and a lack of economic opportunities create an environment where corruption thrives. People in positions of power often exploit the vulnerable to engage in corrupt practices.

Despite various anti-corruption measures, a lack of political will to tackle corruption remains a significant challenge. Corruption often goes unchecked because of a lack of will to enforce laws and regulations.

Addressing the root causes of corruption in India requires a comprehensive approach that involves structural reforms, strengthening of institutions, and a change in societal attitudes towards corruption. It requires a concerted effort from all stakeholders, including the government, civil society, and citizens, to build a more transparent, accountable, and fair society.

Reducing corruption in India is a complex and challenging task that requires a multi-faceted approach. Here are some steps that can be taken to decrease corruption in India.

Strengthening institutions such as the judiciary, law enforcement agencies, and anti-corruption bodies can help reduce corruption. These institutions should be provided with adequate resources, training, and autonomy to perform their functions effectively.

Greater transparency in government functioning can help prevent corruption. Measures such as public disclosure of government contracts, budgets, and decision-making processes can help reduce opportunities for corruption.

Encouraging citizen participation and creating channels for feedback is another method that can help in the eradication of corruption. This can be done by promoting citizen engagement in decision-making processes, creating whistleblower protection laws, and establishing grievance redressal mechanisms.

Strict enforcement of laws and regulations is critical to reducing corruption. This requires political will to prosecute corrupt officials and to ensure that they are held accountable for their actions.

Promoting ethical leadership can help reduce corruption by ensuring that leaders at all levels of government are selected based on their integrity and track record of ethical behavior.

The use of technology can help reduce corruption. For example, e-governance systems, online portals for filing complaints, and digital payment systems can reduce opportunities for corruption.

Educating the public about the negative effects of corruption and promoting ethical behavior is crucial to reduce corruption. This can be done through awareness campaigns, education in schools and colleges, and public service announcements.

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Corruption free India for a Developed Nation

Explore the path to a Corruption free India for a Developed Nation and its crucial role in achieving developed nation status. Learn about strategies, reforms, and societal changes needed for sustainable growth and progress.

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Essay on Corruption Free India for a Developed Nation

300 words corruption free india for a developed nation.

Achieving a corruption-free India is a noble and challenging goal that can significantly contribute to the nation’s development. Corruption can hinder economic growth, distort resource allocation, undermine public trust, and hinder the effective functioning of government institutions. To work towards a corruption-free India and facilitate its journey towards becoming a developed nation, several steps and strategies can be considered:

  • Strengthen Legal and Regulatory Frameworks : Enact and enforce comprehensive anti-corruption laws and regulations that cover all sectors and levels of government. This includes measures to prevent, detect, and punish corrupt practices.
  • Transparency and Accountability : Promote transparency in government operations, decision-making, and financial transactions. Implement mechanisms for citizens to easily access information about government activities and expenditures. Hold public officials accountable for their actions.
  • Use of Technology : Leverage technology to minimize human interaction in administrative processes and public service delivery. This can reduce opportunities for bribery and streamline services, making them more efficient and accessible.
  • Whistleblower Protection : Establish robust mechanisms to protect and encourage whistleblowers to report corruption without fear of retaliation. Whistleblower protection laws can be crucial in uncovering and addressing corrupt practices.
  • E-governance and Digital Payments : Expand the use of e-governance platforms and digital payment systems to reduce the need for physical interactions and cash transactions, both of which can be avenues for corruption.
  • Public Awareness and Education : Conduct campaigns and educational programs to raise awareness about the negative impacts of corruption on society and the economy. Encourage a culture of ethics and integrity.
  • Strengthening Law Enforcement : Equip law enforcement agencies with the necessary resources and training to effectively investigate and prosecute corruption cases. Ensure independence, impartiality, and professionalism in these agencies.
  • Judicial Reforms : Expedite the judicial process and reduce delays in corruption-related cases. This can enhance the effectiveness of legal actions against corrupt individuals.
  • Political and Electoral Reforms : Implement reforms that promote transparency in political funding, election processes, and campaign financing. This can help reduce the influence of money in politics and prevent corruption.
  • Citizen Participation and Oversight : Encourage active citizen engagement in government processes and decision-making. Empower civil society organizations and media to play a watchdog role in exposing corruption.
  • International Cooperation : Collaborate with international organizations and other countries to share best practices, expertise, and resources in the fight against corruption.
  • Ethics and Integrity Training : Provide regular ethics and integrity training to public officials and employees at all levels of government. Foster a sense of duty and responsibility towards the nation.

It’s important to note that eradicating corruption entirely may be a long and complex process, and it requires sustained efforts across multiple fronts. The key is to create a comprehensive and holistic approach that addresses the root causes of corruption while fostering a culture of accountability, transparency, and ethical behavior at all levels of society.

Long Essay on Corruption free India for a Developed Nation

Title: building a corruption-free india: paving the path to a developed nation.

Introduction: Corruption, a cancer that eats away at the very core of a nation’s development, has plagued India for decades. The insidious effects of corruption are felt across all aspects of society, hindering economic progress, eroding public trust, and impeding the efficient functioning of institutions. However, envisioning a corruption-free India is not a utopian dream but a realistic goal that can pave the way for the country’s transformation into a fully developed nation. This essay explores the multifaceted approach required to achieve a corruption-free India, laying the foundation for its growth and development.

  • Legal and Institutional Reforms: To realize a corruption-free India, comprehensive legal and institutional reforms are imperative. Strengthening existing anti-corruption laws and enacting stringent new legislation can act as a powerful deterrent. The establishment of an independent anti-corruption agency with the authority to investigate and prosecute corruption cases is vital. This agency should have the resources, autonomy, and expertise to operate effectively and without political interference.
  • Transparency and Accountability: Transparency and accountability are the cornerstones of a corruption-free society. India should promote transparency in government operations, financial transactions, and decision-making processes. Implementing mechanisms such as the Right to Information Act and digital platforms for public service delivery can ensure that citizens have access to information and can hold public officials accountable for their actions.
  • Technology and E-governance: Harnessing technology and e-governance initiatives can reduce opportunities for corruption by minimizing human interaction in administrative processes. Digital payment systems and online service delivery can eliminate the need for intermediaries, reducing the chances of bribery and extortion. Moreover, the implementation of blockchain technology in public procurement and financial transactions can enhance transparency and traceability.
  • Whistleblower Protection: Encouraging whistleblowers to come forward is crucial for unveiling corruption. Robust whistleblower protection laws should be enacted to shield individuals from retaliation and provide incentives for reporting corrupt practices. Such protections can empower individuals with valuable information to expose corruption without fear.
  • Education and Awareness: Raising public awareness about the detrimental impacts of corruption is essential. Educational programs, media campaigns, and workshops can enlighten citizens about the far-reaching consequences of corruption on society and the economy. Schools and universities can integrate ethics and integrity courses into their curricula to instill a sense of responsibility and citizenship.
  • Effective Law Enforcement: Law enforcement agencies must be equipped with the necessary resources, training, and modern investigative techniques to combat corruption effectively. Specialized anti-corruption units can focus solely on investigating and prosecuting corruption cases, ensuring that justice is served swiftly and impartially.
  • Political and Electoral Reforms: Political and electoral processes should be reformed to minimize the influence of money in politics. Transparent political funding, campaign financing regulations, and stringent accountability measures can reduce the likelihood of corruption in the political sphere.
  • Judicial Reforms: Efforts to expedite the judicial process and reduce case backlogs are essential. Establishing dedicated courts or fast-track mechanisms for corruption cases can ensure that justice is not delayed or denied.
  • Citizen Participation and Civil Society Engagement: Empowering citizens to actively engage in governance and decision-making processes can create a collective demand for transparency and accountability. Civil society organizations, media, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) play a crucial role in monitoring government activities, exposing corruption, and advocating for reform.
  • International Collaboration: Collaborating with international organizations and other countries can provide access to best practices, technical expertise, and resources in the fight against corruption. Sharing experiences and learning from successful anti-corruption efforts worldwide can accelerate India’s progress.

Conclusion: A corruption-free India is not merely an idealistic aspiration; it is a necessary prerequisite for the nation’s development and progress. The journey toward a corruption-free society requires a comprehensive and multi-pronged approach, involving legal reforms, transparency and accountability measures, technological advancements, and the active involvement of citizens and institutions. As India works tirelessly to eradicate corruption, it lays the foundation for a prosperous, equitable, and fully developed nation where the rule of law, integrity, and ethical values prevail.

Corruption free India for a developed nation drawing

Corruption free india for a developed nation slogan.

Zero Corruption, Unlimited Development: Paving India’s Path to Prosperity!

  • “Stamp Out Corruption, Steer Towards Development!”
  • “Clean Hands, Bright Future: India’s Journey to Development.”
  • “Corruption-Free India: Building Blocks for a Developed Nation.”
  • “From Integrity Springs Prosperity: India’s Road to Development.”
  • “Eradicate Corruption, Elevate India: A Pathway to Progress.”
  • “Unshackle Progress, Break the Chains of Corruption.”
  • “Transparency Today, Developed India Tomorrow.”
  • “Corruption-Free Zone: Cultivating a Developed India.”
  • “Corruption’s End is India’s Development’s Begin.”
  • “Corruption-Free India: Where Growth and Integrity Converge.”

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Essay on Corruption Free India for a Developed Nation

Corruption free india for a developed nation.

Corruption can be described in its simplest terms as an act of bribery or the misuse of public position or power for the fulfilment of selfish purposes or the pursuit of personal gain. It has also been described as “ misuse of authority motivated by personal benefit, which need not be monetary .”

In recent centuries, India has risen to become one of the THREE most corrupt nations on earth. Bureaucracy, politics, and criminals are interconnected in India, which leads to corruption. India is no longer regarded a fragile nation. It is now a consideration state in which everything is available for a price. Today, it is possible to count on one hand the number of ministers with a reputation for honesty. Once upon a time, bribes were paid to have incorrect things done, but now they are paid to get right things done at the right time.

It is a well-known fact that politicians throughout the world are exceedingly corrupt. In actuality, it is uncommon to discover an honest politician. These crooked politicians walk away unscathed and unpunished. Leaders such as Lal Bahadur Shastri and Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel who had a little money balance at the time of their deaths are now an extremely rare species. The country’s list of frauds and scandals is exhaustive. Corruption is playing a significant part in the 2010 Commen Wealth Games. In 1986, the Army purchased firearms from a Swedish company for a total of Rs 1,750 crore as part of the Bofors payment controversy. The Cement Scandal of 1982 involved the Chief Minister of Maharashtra, the Sugar Scandal of 1994 involved a Union Minister of State for food, the Urea Scam, and of course nobody can forget the Hawala Scandal of 1991, the Coffin-gate, fodder scam in Bihar, or the Stamp Scandal, which shocked not only the political arena but also society.

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Is it feasible to limit corruption in our society?

Corruption is a cancer that every Indian must endeavour to cure. Numerous new leaders, upon assuming office, declare their intention to combat corruption, yet they quickly become corrupt and begin collecting enormous fortune.

If we are serious about combating corruption, we must dispel the numerous fallacies around it. Among these misconceptions are the following: corruption is a way of life and nothing can be done about it. Corruption is only prevalent among citizens of undeveloped or developing nations. While planning anti-corruption measures, we will have to avoid all of these blatant falsehoods.

Improving the socioeconomic conditions of a country cannot eliminate or eradicate corruption. Since it is common knowledge that the majority of corrupt individuals are not economically or socially disadvantaged, it is certain that they will have a prominent social rank.

Despite a decade of progress in implementing anti-corruption rules and regulations, these statistics indicate that there is still more work to be done before the lives of the world’s poorest residents experience significant improvement.

Measures to Eradicate Corruption

If we do not eradicate corruption at its source, the term developing country will forever be associated with India. Consequently, we, the regular people, are the answer to eradicating corruption in INDIA, and we will also contribute to the development of our nation.

It is conceivable; the generation of today is willing to alter this system. And corruption will soon be eradicated from India. Everyone should be responsible for preventing corruption.

Former President Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam stated that corruption can only be eradicated by a powerful youth movement in the country, and that each student should make a promise to begin this courageously from their own household.

For a developed nation and the genuine advancement of our country, we must all combat corruption. To prevent corruption, we must limit our desires and actions, as corruption is the outcome of our greed.

If we eliminate the problem of corruption, our nation will blossom and prosper faster. Therefore, let us all do whatever we can to combat corruption and grow India into a developed nation.

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Speech on Corruption Free India in Simple and Easy Words – Infinity Learn

essay on corruption free india for developed nation in english

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To live in Corruption Free India is a dream of every Indian. Isn’t it? Therefore, it’s such a glaring issue for our country that it has become a centre of discussion for almost everyone – whether it’s our political leaders, news media, students, or the public. Keeping this in mind, we have covered some Speech on Corruption Free India here so that students or people who have to cover a speech on Corruption for any possible reason can benefit from it. Both the short speech on Corruption Free India and the long speech on Corruption Free India have been covered by us, keeping in mind different contexts under which we can place the topic called corruption. So please browse through our website’s pages and find relevant and useful material for your help.

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Corruption Free India Speech

Speech on corruption free india 1.

A Very Warm, Good Evening, Ladies and Gentlemen!

Before I begin with my speech on ‘Corruption Free India,’ please allow me to welcome you all to our seminar hall. I also want to congratulate everyone for the successful completion of our previous gatherings, where we not only engaged in serious discussions, but our NGO committee also decided on certain measures and tried well to work towards the betterment of our society. This is our 21 st gathering for discussing yet another pertinent issue that rakes havoc in our society and country at large.

Now, as your host for today, I, Rajeev Khanna, owe the responsibility to deliver a speech on ‘Corruption Free India’ so that today’s discussion can be initiated after that. I have no shame in admitting that when we talk about our nation India and the serious issues, it is grappling with, one cannot fail to mention Corruption, which is rampant here. As a citizen of our country, our lives surely cannot remain untouched by this issue. I am sure you will all agree that no matter where we go, particularly any public sector, whether an educational institution or any administrative department, corruption always follows. Our no query or problem would be resolved without loading the pocket of a public official. The hypocrisy or double standards of our government officials have been exposed time and again by various journalists.

Moreover, if you approach any educational institute, private institutions in particular, for admission, it will not be possible until and unless you bribe the department head with a hefty amount. It is so unfortunate that it’s only the middle class or poor class who face the brunt, and instead of rising high on the ladder of society, they become victims of social ills, and the affluent classes go unscathed. This is primarily why the gulf between rich and poor becomes impossible to traverse, the rich continue to become richer, and the poor continue to become poorer. This is the sad reality of our nation as, despite many initiatives by the government and NGOs, it gets tougher with the ever-passing time to uproot social evils from our motherland.

However, having said that, we cannot give up on our dream of a corruption-free India; hence, we should work relentlessly towards making our country a better place to live in. The major onus of freeing India from all its social evils lies on the shoulder of our youth, who are the torchbearer of our nation. If our youth are taught good values and encourage holistic growth of their personalities, we can certainly raise our nation’s growth many notches. Secondly, it is very important to raise the status of the marginalized section of our society and give them equal opportunity to grow in terms of education as well as job opportunities; then, it will not only be possible to eradicate poverty from our nation but also to accelerate its all-round development.

Now, I would request all the members to share their thoughts on the same and suggest some concrete measures which can be taken to combat corruption.

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Speech on Corruption Free India 2

Hon’ble Principal, Vice Principal, Committee Members, Respected Teachers, and My Dear Friends!

I welcome everyone to our school auditorium and extend my special thanks to our respected principal, vice principal, and teachers for making this event possible and gracing the occasion with their presence.

Dear Fellow Students, I, Monika Saha – the head girl of our school, have taken this wonderful opportunity on the eve of Independence Day to talk about the most pertinent issue that our country is grappling with, i.e., Corruption and how we can fight this issue so that a firm foundation for Corruption Free India can be laid down.

I am not here to give you a dark, bleak picture of our motherland, but we also cannot turn a blind eye towards the social evils of our society of which corruption forms an indispensable part. We indeed live in a multicultural land where people from different religions live together and rejoice in each other’s festivities and celebrations. We as a nation are culturally and historically rich, having great artifacts and monuments for the world to look at with amazement and wonder. But of course, we cannot fail to lament our country’s sad political and economic state, where corruption has adversely impacted its economy and hence the credibility of our local, state, and central government organizations. Corruption has not only prevented the economy of our country from achieving new heights, but its pervasiveness has stunted India’s growth policies and measures.

Do we even realize how and in what forms corruption makes inroads in our lives where we become victims or facilitators of corrupt activities? The chief causes of corruption in India consist of unwarranted regulations, the want for transparent processes and laws, intricate tax and licensing systems, various public departments functioning with opaque discretionary and bureaucratic powers, and the hegemony of government-controlled agencies on the delivery of goods and services. There are striking disparities in the corruption level and in the efforts of the government to curb the severity of corruption across the nation-state.

In our day-to-day lives, we come across many facets of corruption. For instance, if we are seeking admission to a good school or renowned institution, it cannot happen until we bribe the administrative officials or the working staff. Or else, if we are eligible to work as a public officer, we cannot get the entry, despite coming on the merit list, unless we give the officials their desired amount.

However, many anti-corruption acts are being passed by the government to address this situation, such as Right to Information Act, Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002; Prosecution Section of Income Tax Act, 1961; Indian Penal Code, 1860, etc. It depends on the government officials and, of course, the people of our country how they act upon these preventive measures and immediately report to the police or the concerned authority any unlawful activity that takes place right under our nose.

There is no second thought on the fact that if we as a nation can work together to uproot corruption from our land or even reduce it to the levels of such flourishing economies as the UK or Singapore, for that matter, then that day will not be far behind when we could witness India’s GDP growth increasing at a fast pace like never before.

Speech on Corruption Free India 3

Warm Greetings to our hon’ble Principal, Vice Principal, Dear Colleagues, and My Dear Students!

Today in the assembly hall, I, your Social Science Teacher, have been asked to deliver a speech on Corruption Free India for all the students so that each and every child can take the onus of eradicating corruption from our society on his/her shoulder and make this place a better place to live in.

Corruption is undeniably one of the most menacing evils deeply entrenched in our society ever since India gained its independence and is weakening our country’s economic base. At every level of Indian administration, unfortunately, corruption has taken a heavy toll and is wearing down the structure of our economy. Whether it’s the public or private sector, Indian people are prone to misuse their position or power to fulfill their unwarranted desires and make a fortune out of it. However, little do they realize that they are causing serious harm to our nation and its growth because such people are increasing in numbers daily and eating our nation’s wealth like a moth.

Building a corruption-free India is certainly not easy, but it’s neither impossible too. Firstly, it is important to identify the gaps and loopholes in our administration, examine the causes behind them, and try to fill them by imposing strict checks and measures at every level. If preventive measures are not taken on time, then the machinery of our nation-state will one day come crashing down completely.

Corruption not only deeply impacts the potential of a nation but also augments the poverty level and worsens the labor resource quality. For our country to achieve its dream of a corruption-free India, it will have to form its policies on a firm moral ground where there should be a zero tolerance level for corrupt activities and an absolute ‘No’ to giving or taking bribes. Even though right from the time when we bribe the school officials to send our kids to school marks the beginning of our corrupt activities, slowly and gradually, it gains massive proportions. Ask yourself how many times you have bribed any public official to make your way through, and you’ll realize to what extent the situation has become so menacing for a layman to live comfortably in our society.

Under such a compelling situation, I seriously exhort everybody presents here not to sit back and relax as every person’s contribution counts towards building a corruption-free India and laying the foundation for a better tomorrow for the next generation. I feel India has a strong potential for getting rid of corruption if everyone works in unison, pledges not to take or give bribe and also undertake some serious measures to uproot corruption from our society.

Luckily, we live in the 21 st century, where we have the requisite knowledge and proven means to deal with the present scenario. Besides, we are constantly supported by both technology and media to spread awareness and messages amongst millions of the population within no time. So unleash its power and work towards it because if you aren’t affected today, you’ll be affected in the days to come.

Speech on Corruption Free India 4

Good evening and I welcome all the society members to our weekly gathering!

As we are seeing so much untoward news making rounds these days, I, as a secretary of our society, considered it appropriate to host a small program so that I could deliver a speech on Corruption Free India, which I am sure a vision of almost each and every conscientious citizen of India.

India is undoubtedly one of the most attractive places on this earth, whose natural and cultural wealth is a great centre of attraction for many. However, the greatness and goodwill of our nation are spoilt by the corrupt activities which go on unabashedly. Almost in every working division, we come across corrupt activities holding sway over people’s lives as it allows them to make a fortune in no time, making them insensitive towards the sad plight of other people.

Money has ruled over men, and it has now come to a level where if a common man needs help from the ruling party, he/she will have to resort to corrupt means to get his/her work done.

Even though a lot has been said about morals, values, and principles, behind closed doors, it is only money that dictates everything. If anyone desires to get some work done, then one should learn to take the back door and please the public officials by warming their pockets. There is no dearth of such politicians and bureaucrats who easily get influenced by money and spoil the whole working of their division. Therefore, work efficiency gets so hampered in such places that it destabilizes the country’s economy, and our GDP suffers a steep fall.

Corruption begins from the top most level and gets carried down to the bottom. From the senior official to the junior-level working executives and even to the clerks, there develops a complete chain of corrupt people, and it becomes difficult for a common man to bypass it and voice his/her concern for immediate action. To our dismay, the situation has aggravated to an extent where there are no severe laws to keep a check on morally perverted people. The common man is constantly being exploited by such people in power as he doesn’t have enough means to fight against corruption, so his existence becomes quite miserable.

I still feel that all this can be curbed and brought to an end if and only if every Indian citizen does not choose to run away from his/her conscience and vows to build a corruption-free India on sound moral principles and ethical values for which India has been known since ages.

Nothing is impossible if we believe in ourselves and work with all our strength towards realizing that goal – oul objectives or making India a peaceful haven to live in and rejoice.

Now, please allow me to end my speech here, and I would request others to join me on stage and say a few words in this context.

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FAQs on Speech on Corruption Free India

How to make india corruption free speech.

To make India corruption-free, we must promote transparency, ethical leadership, and enforce strict anti-corruption laws.

How do you write a corruption speech?

Writing a corruption speech involves addressing its causes, effects, and solutions, emphasizing the importance of collective action.

How to stop corruption in India essay?

An essay on stopping corruption in India should outline measures like strengthening institutions, enhancing public awareness, and fostering a culture of integrity.

What is corruption in 5 lines?

Corruption is dishonest or fraudulent behavior involving abuse of power for personal gain, leading to a loss of trust and resources.

What are 6 examples of corruption?

Examples of corruption include bribery, embezzlement, nepotism, cronyism, extortion, and money laundering.

What are 5 ways to stop corruption?

Ways to stop corruption include implementing transparent systems, empowering whistleblowers, educating citizens, enforcing strict penalties, promoting ethical leadership, and utilizing technology for accountability.

How can we reduce corruption in our country?

Reducing corruption in our country requires a concerted effort through education, strong institutions, public vigilance, and a commitment to ethical values.

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Corruption Free India Speech for Students and Children in English

Corruption-Free India: Corruption is not a new word for all the citizens of our country. In fact, it is the

Reported by Pankaj Bhatt

Published on 30 April 2024

Corruption-Free India : Corruption is not a new word for all the citizens of our country. In fact, it is the most common word and everyone is familiar with the problem we have faced after the corruption. Corruption is basically the use of public power, property and influence to obtain money or personal advantages. Corruption is not only a problem in India but is also a problem for the whole world. However, the difference is that in our country India it is being performed at the most extreme level due to which the growth of our country has been slowed down very much. On the other, if we talk about corruption in developed countries we will definitely find that corruption in those countries is least but not eliminated completely .

In this article, we will describe the incidents of corruption that happened in our country and its repercussions on our country as well as on society. Furthermore, we will also discuss the laws that help to eliminate corruption in our country. Eventually, we will provide a conclusion regarding the topic.

Incidents of Corruption in India

Many incidents of corruption have rocked India so far. In this section, we will present some famous incidents of corruption which undeniably led to a major blow to our economy also. The incident of corruption are as follows:

Choppergate Scam -This scam is also known by the name AugustaWestland VVIP Chopper deal. In this scam, the main accused was the UPA government which was at that time led by congress. According to the CBI, in 2006 and 2007, the UPA government paid money to the agent or the middleman and Indian officials to buy choppers for politicians. Furthermore, this scam was of Rs 3600 Crore and several politicians and military officials were involved in this scam.

Scam of Vijay Mallya In 2016 , Vijay Mallya a famous business tycoon, fled from the country and sought refuge in the United Kingdom. He allegedly took a loan of Rs 9000 Cr from various Indian banks and mainly from PNB. Furthermore, he was also accused of fraud as well as money laundering in India.

Many more scandals are on the list such as the Bofors scandal in 1980 to 1990 of Rs 64 crore, the Rafale deal scam in the same year of Rs 58,000 crores and not to forget the Coalgate scam of Rs 1.856 lakh crore. There were many scams like this that have badly impacted our country.

Impression of Corruption in our Community

Corruption-free India can not be visualized without realising the impression that corruption has made in our society. The scams mentioned above have made our country financially feeble because the same money could have been used for the development of schools, the development of roads and many projects that could have given employment to the youths of our country. Furthermore, the use of power and resources by government officials for personal gain is one of the reasons for inequality in India.

For many years, we have seen many people lose their lives in road accidents. Many people only think about the fault of the driver but do not go down to the root cause of the problem. Here also the problem is corruption. Many people get their four-wheeler or two-wheeler driving license through an agent without giving any test. They only pay money to the agent and government official and get the license. This same driver does not know how to drive on road by following the rules and does rash driving killing so many innocent people. This is the impact of corruption on our community. Like this, corruption has devoured the whole country over the years.

Reasons for India need to be Corruption Free

There are many reasons for India to be corruption free. We have tried to identify them and have also listed them below:

  • All of us have been to the villages. We must have noticed that they even do not have the basic amenities such as drinking water , roads, drainage facilities and above all most important education for the children. So, this is happening because of corruption only. Government officials receive money from the government but they simply do not provide the complete funds to the workers which result in low quality of the project build.
  • One of the major problems in our country is unemployment . Many government officials disclose the entrance exam paper and due to this many undeserving candidates get selected. It leads to the hardworking people again being left unemployed and many times the examination gets cancelled. Due to this the candidates lose their crucial time and resulting in more unemployment.

There are many reasons like this that have compelled us to think about making our nation corruption free.

Anti-Corruption Laws for Corruption-Free India

One of the most important laws against corruption-free India was passed in 2005. It is known as the ‘Right to Information Act ‘.According to this act, the employees working in government departments have to give information if a citizen requests any information from that office or from the department regarding the services they are providing.

This law has not been completely implemented in all countries. According to the reports it has been ratified in nineteen states of India. Furthermore, this act also binds government employees to provide information in a limited time period. This act has reduced corruption in the government department significantly.

The Lokpal and Lokayukta Act was also passed in parliament in 2013 and came into force in the year 2014. Under this act, the government has established an entity that will be called Lokpal and will only look into matters of corruption. In other words, it will check into the allegations which have been made against public servants.

Our government as well as the country is making many efforts to make our country corruption free. The government has passed many laws and taking action on them on short notice. Over the years, corruption has also come down, improving the economy and making the life of people easier. It will not be pragmatic to think that we can make India corruption free in 2 years or 3 years. Definitely, eliminating or reducing corruption will take time as we have to be more patient and vigilant against corruption. Eventually, we the people of India also have to take responsibility for making our country corruption free.

Pankaj Bhatt

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Essay on Corruption Free India For Developed Nation| 500-600 words

Find high quality Essay on corruption Free India for a developed nation . Today we share a long and short essay on Corruption Free India for a developed nation 500 600 words . Find below a long essay on corruption free India for developed nation with a word limit of 600. Also, we have provided a similar essay on corruption free India for a developed nation with a word limit of 1000. Both of these essays can be used by school children and college students for various purposes like essay writing, assignments, tests and project work.

Table of Contents

Essay on Corruption Free India For Developed Nation 

India faces the problem of corruption at various levels. This problem is eating our country internally. It is time each one of us must realize the negative impact of corruption on our country and contribute our bit to make our country corruption free. It is often said that Indian politicians are corrupt but that is not the only arena where corruption lies. Corruption lies in every sector and it is ruining our country.

Essay on Corruption Free India for a Developed Nation 500 600 words 

The essays have been written in simple English to make them easily memorable and presentable on need. After going through the essays you will know about the status of corruption in India; its impact on the society and nation’s growth; laws against corruption and what could be done to eliminate it.

You can use these corruption free India for a developed nation essay in your school/college events of essay writing, debates or speech giving.

Find below a 600-word long essay on corruption free India for a developed nation is helpful for students of classes 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, 11th and 12th.

essay on corruption free india for developed nation in english

Let’s Start….

Corruption Free India for a Developed Nation Essay in English 

“Corruption is Social Evil”


In recent centuries India has earned a place among the three most corrupt Countries in the world. Corruption in India is a consequence of the nexus between Bureacacy, politics and criminals. India is now no longer Considered a soft state. India is currently far behind to become developed nation because of Corruption.

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  • Corruption Free India for Developed Nation Essay PDF – Click Here
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  • Corruption Free India for Developed Nation Essay 600 words PDF – Click Here
  • Slogan on Corruption Free India For Developed Nation in English- Click Here

Corruption in India :

In india, Corruption is rampant and is present in every nook and corner starting from business, education, Security and research, politics, public life and administrative. In India, there is no tradition or system to bring the corrupt persons to trial and make the person pay for the Guime. It is the principal feature of Indian Corruption.

Meaning of Corruption :

The term “corruption” is commonly used in everyday language, so most of us are familiar with it. What is the definition of corruption? In our minds, various images emerge. “Corruption is just another type of tyranny,” said Joe Bidden, America’s 47th Vice President. According to the statement, corruption is on par with cruel and tyrannical government rule. Corruption, on the other hand, is a struggle that a common man or woman encounters every day in order to maintain his or her fundamental rights and other benefits as human beings granted by the Constitution.

Causes Of Corruption In India:

Corruption is a global phenomenon and it is omnipotent. It has progressively increased and is now rampart in our society. Corruption in India has wings not wheels. As the nation grows, the corruption also grow to invent new methods of cheating the government and public. The case of corruption are many and complex. The following are some other causes of corruption:

  • Emergence of a political dite which believes in interest oriented rather than ration oriented programmes and policies. 
  • Artificial scarcity crested by people with malevolent intention wrecks the fabrics of the economy.
  • Corruption is caused as well as increased because of the charge in the value system and ethical.
  • qualities of men who administer. The old ideals of morality, services and honesty are regarded as anachuonistic. 
  • Tolerance of people towards corruption complete lack of intense public outcry against Acomption and the absence of a strong public forumto oppose comption allow comption to reign our people.
  •  Vast size of population coupled with widespread literacy and the poor economic infrastructure A lead to endemic corrption in public life.

Ways to Make Corruption Free India developed nation 

Analysing the reasons for corruption was a preliminary step, but the main step is working towards its elimination, and taking some major steps against it. These include:

1)Exercising the power of Right to Information, we have to be active citizens, ask questions about where our income taxes are utilised, what is the budget of a certain government scheme, and to what extent the scheme succeeded. The Public Information Officer (PIO) has to make sure they provide answers to all the queries when and where asked by the citizens.

2)There is a checkpoint for corruption called the Central Vigilance Commission; it keeps an eye on corruption.

3)Setting up fast track courts to speed up the judgement on important issues because it is rightly said that “justice delayed is justice denied.”

4)By maintaining transparency in every government action, selection procedures, and by maximising digitalisation and cashless transactions.

Corruption Free India for Developed Nation Essay Conclusion : 

We, the youth of this nation, have to shoulder the responsibility to eradicate corruption completely by joining politics and giving it the right direction. Every voice holds weight. Evil cannot destroy the system, but watching evil silently can definitely destroy it.

  • Speech on corruption Free India – Click Here

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