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Essay on “A Rainy Day” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Essay No. 01

A Rainy Day in Rainy Season

How threading is nature on a rainy day. Yet she is lovely to look at. It is thrilling to move about on a day like this.

The day is dark and the sky is overcast with cloud. Rain comes down in torrents. Small muddy pools of water are here and there and everywhere. Trees bath themselves. Drops of water bang mother branches of the tree and drip on the earth below. A wander caught unaware is found taking shelter under the wide spreading branches of tall trees. No animal stress out. The whole region in drenched with rain.

Farmers with their bullocks, plough the fields. All are in ankle deep mud. It is steadily raining. They give up plugging. Mother earth is ready for fresh yield.

I walk up to the river bank on a day like this. Rain drops merge themselves into waves. Muddy waves throws their whole might against the bank. They oppose the movements of the boats. A blinding wind adds to the misery of the boatman. And the blinding rain obscures everything beyond.

I stand drenched under a tree. A few hours pass and streams came rushing down the sloppy places. Very soon they find level ground on and on the water flows sweeping away dirt and filth.

The incessant under a tree. Trees bath themselves. Drops of water bang mother branches of the tree and drip on the earth below. A wander caught unaware is found taking shelter under the wide spreading branches of tall trees. No animal stress out. The whole region in drenched with rain.

The rain stops and the clouds sail across the sky. The sun too shows it face but rather timidly. It seems frightened by the change that has came over nature. The nun hides again. The rainbow makes its appearance. Its beautiful colors lend a charm to the dull back ground of the sky. I see a flash of lighting and hear a distant rumbling and it rain.

The evening draws near. The rain pattes against the windows. Everyone is confined to his room. It rains hard and the wind hisses. The fury of nature goes on for hours.

(366 Words)

Essay No. 02

A Rainy Day

In summer the heat in intense. Hot winds blow. A dark cloud or a shower of rain is always welcome. If the rain does not fall people pray for it. They do Yoga exercise. It is difficult to go out in burning  heat.

In summer a rainy day is a day of enjoyment. When dark clouds cover the sky, we begin to dance with joy. When breeze blows and rain falls every  heart is filled with delight. People go  out to the canal or the river to hold picnic. Some people go out to enjoy sight of Nature. Young girls gather under some big tree to enjoy swing. They enjoy going up and down on the swing. They sing sweet songs. These songs give us great pleasure. Thus they make merry. Little children come out with lion clothes. They bathe in the rain water. Some of the m roll in dirty rain water.  They float paper boats in the running water. How they shout when their boas sink or are carried away by the current of water !

Everything in nature has fresh look after rain. The grass which looked withered in summer’s heat a day before, rises it head proudly. It moves to and fro when the wind blows. The cuckoo sings its sweet songs from mango tree. It hails the rain. How sweet are its songs!

There are pools of water here and there. Houses and streets wash off their dirt. Trees and plants are bathed in rain water. They look gay and green Animals and   birds also enjoy the rain. The frogs make a very pleasant noise after the rain. They begin to croak.

After rain roads, lanes and streets are covered with mud. It causes much trouble. We cannot walk without spoiling our clothes. Everybody feels uncomfortable for some time. Boys have to stop out- door games. People become bored and inactive. At some places railway track is damaged when it rains heavily. Mud huts begin to leak. Some are damaged under heavy rains. Boys and girls get completely wet. Sometimes they fall ill. They fall a prey to skin diseases.

On the whole a rainy day in the summer is generally full of joy. It brings comfort to us. It is fully enjoyable if the sun does not appear. But if the clouds break up the sun begins to shine more brightly. Then our joy disappears. The wind fails. Oh ! there is close again. The heat becomes more intense. How miserable we feel! The roads get muddy. Here and there the careless passers- by slip down. How people make fun of them! They spoil their clothes. But all the same rain is a must in a country like India.  

(458 Words)

Essay No. 03

A Rainy Day Makes Me Feel Happy

 My brother, sister and I love rainy days. We enjoy playing in the rain very much. There is a very shallow stream near our house. Each time it rains, we go there to sail our paper boats and watch them being swept away. The rain makes the water in the stream deeper and it is exciting to watch the swift currents flow over the stones, carrying away leaves, grass from our garden. We watch intently as our paper boats are tossed about in the water. They down the stream and we often wonder where then sail swifdy they finally end up.

During the rain, we also love to sit and watch the puddles of water in our garden. As pools of water are formed, our ducks start splashing about in them, quacking noisily. Sometimes, we run out in the rain, throw stones into the puddles of water and watch the ripples of water growing bigger and bigger. The water looks like rings of silver as the shining raindrops fall onto its surface. I think the rain is better than the burning heat of the sun. Once in a while, we enjoy ourselves playing ball games in the rain. It is fun, provided we do not catch a cold or a chill. I like playing in the rain when there is no thunder or lightning.

(230 Words)

Essay No. 04

Outline: The shortage of water in June — the sky overcast — street scenes —children were happy.

The month of June came to an end without a drop of rain. There was an acute shortage of water. Crowds of people formed queues near public taps anxiously waiting to fill their pots with precious water!

It was a hopeful sign when one day we saw the gathering clouds becoming darker and darker. Suddenly there was a gust accompanied by rain. The rain pelted down so vigorously that soon the drains were full and overflowing. The low-lying areas were flooded, confining several families in their homes.

In the streets one witnessed another sight. Pedestrians ran helter-skelter for safety and shelter. Those who anticipated rain were well armed with umbrellas and waterproof coats. As the rain poured, traffic slowed down and at certain places it almost came to a standstill. Life in the city was disorganized, several trains were held up as the track lay under water, and almost all public vehicles ceased plying. In these conditions the plight of the people going to offices, students to schools and colleges, and businessmen to their working places, was pitiable. It was very difficult for them to reach their destinations.

In spite of the gloom cast by the grey sky, there were some scenes of merriment. School-going children hailed the day with shouts of joy. It turned out to be a holiday, and scores of children were seen romping and wading knee-deep in puddles of water, playing at ducks and drakes, or splashing water at one another. There were some amusing ‘scenes which sent the bystanders into roars of laughter. Some umbrellas were blown off, while others had their covering turned inside out. Someone sprawled on the slippery ground or tumbled in the miry pool.

When the rain ceased after an incessant downpour of two or three days, the air was clean and the sky looked clear. temperature dropped, relieving the’ city of the sweltering heat which caused so much discomfort to the people.

Difficult Words: Gust – sudden rush of wind. pedestrian – one journeying on foot. helter-skelter – in a hurry, in disorder. anticipated-expected. ducks & drakes – a game in which one makes the surface of water.

(376 Words)

Essay No. 05

The monsoons in India are heralded with great joy because they provide respite to a tropical country from the intense heat it is cloaked in the whole year around. The ideal rainy day of course, is, when it rains steadily for hours on end. Rainy days might appear gloomy and depressing to many, but to those living in the tropics the rains are a welcome change. All of a sudden the earth is transformed from this dry, dusty, parched piece of land in to a gorgeous, green beauty that is full of life and vigor. The sky may be overcast, but the flowers are in full bloom. All around, it is like the earth is coming alive, celebrating life itself. The smell of rain when it hits the hot earth is what memories are made of in the subcontinent.

A rainy day is a lot of fun for kids. As they step out of their homes, umbrellas in hand and make their way down to school, the roads are transformed in to a rainbow of colors. Elbowing each other with their umbrellas, stealinga few raindrops here and there, jumping in puddles; a rainy day is a time to rejoice for the young. Nothing can be more fun than playing football in the rain. Slipping, falling, and sliding with the occasional goal thrown in while the rain pours on to you incessantly is possible only on a rainy day and it is the stuff that youth fun is made up of. As for the adults, a rainy day when one has to go to work can be unwelcome. Circling the puddles, while hanging on to an umbrella and a briefcase, all the while keeping an eye on the road to make sure that a passing vehicle does not splash you with muck can be both grueling and cumbersome. It could take away the magic from a rainy day but of course nothing that a steaming cup of tea, a mug of coffee, and a plate of hot snacks (bhajjis) wouldn’t remedy. The pitter patter of raindrops makes for soothing music to the soul and many music albums have been inspired by it.

In Indian music, a raga is a melody which is based on a series of notes. Raga Megha and Raga Malhar are associated with rainy season and when they are sung on a rainy day they create magic. Such is the impact of rains on our senses that no Bollywood movie is complete without at least one scene of the hero and heroine frolicking in the rain.

On a serious note, rain means everything to farmers. In an agricultural country like India rains can affect the economy. No rain could mean water shortage and a famine too. While rain is good for the crops and they thrive on it, several rainy days could mean excess rain to the extent that the crops could be destroyed. A rainy day in the monsoon season is welcome, but a rainy day in warm weather could mean destruction of fruits like the mango. It could spell the ruin of certain crops. The true delight of a rainy day is when one sees a rainbow. Rainbows cause a spectrum of light to appear in the sky when the sun shines on to droplets of moisture. This multicolored arc, which has seven colors in all, is a pleasure for the eyes to behold for both the young and old. All in all a rainy day is a day that fills you with joy and calm and soothes your soul even if it might sometimes be inconvenient.

(604 Words)

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rainy day essay in english for class 10


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Essay on Rainy days for Students and Children

500+ words essay on rainy days.

Essay on Rainy Days – Rainy days are different from any other day. They hold great importance for everyone differently. People have different reasons to wait for the Rainy Season eagerly. After all, it brings a sigh relief for everyone. No matter what the weather may be, a rainy day relaxes and soothes our soul. There is no age limit to enjoy rainy days people of almost every age enjoy it equally. Thus, rainy days are very important for a number of reasons.

Essay on Rainy Days

Importance of Rainy Days

As stated earlier, rainy days are enjoyed by people of all ages. The kids are probably the most excited lot of all. Rainy days bring pleasant weather and uplift the moods of kids. Moreover, it gives them a chance to step out and play in the rain, jump in the puddles and make paper boats.

Similarly, for students, a rainy day means a break from school. It gives them a break from their monotonous routine as the school declares a holiday. The joy of going to school on a rainy day enjoying the weather and then realizing the school is closed is one of a kind experience. The students become relaxed and spend their day doing other activities like going out with friends and more.

If we look at rainy days from the perspective of a common man, we see how it brings them relief from the heat. It changes their mood and also their dull routine. In other words, rainy days give them a chance for rejuvenation amidst the stress.

Most importantly, we see rainy days are of utmost importance for farmers. It is quite essential for the production of crops. It provides them with adequate water to make their crops flourish which will eventually benefit them.

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My Rainy Day Experience

When I think of rainy days, it brings back very special memories for me. However, one memory is such which is the closest to my heart. I remember our teacher scheduled a test for us when it started raining heavily.

rainy day essay in english for class 10

I woke up in the morning with the fear of taking the test for which I was not prepared. I prayed to God for the cancellation of the test. As I was getting ready, it started raining heavily. I got dressed up and went to school with my father, and to my surprise, we came to know the school was closed that day due to a rainy day.

I was on top of the world when I came to know about it. I returned with my father and came back then undressed. Immediately, I changed into my home clothes to go f\and bathe in the rain on my terrace. I played with my siblings a lot in the rain; we made paper boats as well. After we were done, we saw that my mother was making onion fritters. She served them burning hot with chili chutney. We relished the fritters as we watched the rainfall. It was truly one of the most memorable rainy days of mine.

{ “@context”: “https://schema.org”, “@type”: “FAQPage”, “mainEntity”: [{ “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “How do rainy days benefit farmers?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “Rainy days benefit farmers the most. They bring a sigh of relief for them. As it waters their crops free of cost and helps them flourish. They give them good produce which, in turn, benefits them eventually.” } }, { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “How can one enjoy rainy days?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”:”There are various ways to enjoy their rainy days. You can sit in your balcony and sip on tea while enjoying the weather. Moreover, you may go out in the garden or terrace and bathe in it. Make paper boats and take a long drive on the road as well.”} }] }

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A Rainy Day Essay: 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 Words

A rainy day is a really important topic for essays in all classes in school and colleges. Here we have added five essays on a rainy day. I hope these essays will be really amazing for you. These essays will be able to teach you detailed about that topic. You can choose any of them, according to your needs. Students from class 1 to 10 and even higher secondary students can use these contents too.

In This Blog We Will Discuss

A Rainy Day: 100 Words Short Essay for Class 1, 2

A Rainy Day Essay

After the hot summer, the rainy season starts and it that time we experienced lots of days with huge rain. I have experienced lots of rainy days in my life. Sometimes there are heavy rains and sometimes, there is really low raining. Rainy day is really enjoyable for the students like me.

We don’t need to go to school. Sometimes we go out and get wet. But it’s not good for the people who need to go to work. The cattle can’t go out, and they face lacking food. Overall a rainy day has good and bad both sides.

A Rainy Day Essay: 200 Words for Class 3, 4

A Rainy Day Essay in 200 Words

Introduction: A rainy day is the best time for me. I enjoy those types of day lot. We see lots of changes and differences in the environment on a rainy day. Before the rain comes, everything becomes dark because of lots of clouds in the sky. It’s beautiful scenery to me. Especially in the evening, it becomes too beautiful.  

Why I Like a Rainy Day: I said that I like rainy days a lot. Let me tell you, why I like that a lot? On a rainy day, I never go to school, because the road becomes unable to walk. We don’t have a car so it’s really hard for me and my siblings to go to school on a rainy day. We stay in the house.

Most of the time my father also stays with us. That becomes a really good time for our family. My mother cooks different types of food for us. My parents usually watch TV and we play video games. Sometimes we study a bit and sleep.  

Conclusion: Rainy day is really hard for people like me in the village. After all, I really enjoy rainy days.    

Essay on A Rainy Day: 300 Words for Class 5, 6

A Rainy Day Essay in 300 Words

Introduction: Most of the time in the rainy season , we face lots of day with huge rain. That type of day is called as a rainy day. It’s just a particular day, not a season. We all have experienced lots of rainy days. In this essay, we will talk about some important things about a rainy day.  

Comfortable for Some People: A rainy day becomes really awesome and comfortable for lots of people. The people who don’t need to go out for work, they feel really comfortable. In that case, the students are among them. The students never want to go to school on a rainy day.

They love to stay at home and play with their siblings and cousins. Sometimes they watch TV too. The housewives always cook something special in those days. The most favorite dish is ‘Bhuna Khichuri’. It is a really known food item in Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan.  

Suffering for Some People: All people don’t enjoy those types of day. Some peoples really suffer a lot. There are lots of people who need to join their work regularly. These days are tough for them. They do really hard work. Sometimes they need to go out in the rain. They get wet and fall sick.  

Changes in the Environment: You will feel a huge change in the environment in the rainy time. It becomes really cool and the breeze is really enjoyable. Before the rain, you will see some beautiful clouds in the sky that covered everything. That’s a sign of rain.  

Conclusion: I love rainy days a lot. I love to wet in the rain, and that’s why it is the most favorite season of mine.    

A Rainy Day Essay: 400 Words for Class 7, 8

A Rainy Day Essay in 400 Words

Introduction: Sometimes a rainy day becomes really funny and enjoyable for some people and sometimes, it becomes really tough. Overall, it’s a thing that happens with us very often. Most of us have experienced a lot of days with rain. Sometimes, it is raining heavily and sometimes there are really low rains. In this essay, we will talk about some important sides of a rainy day.  

A Rainy Day in Village: There is no doubt that the rain has its biggest impact on the village. The villagers suffer the most. But sometimes, it’s important for them. After a long summer, they want some cool breeze with rain. In that time, rain comes as blessings for them. They need water to cultivate and they need water to plant trees . As you know it’s the best time to seed any types of vegetables and trees.

So it’s an important time in the village. Students in the village really enjoy the rain. They don’t have to go to school. I am a student and I read in class 8 and I live in a village. When it is raining, it’s an unofficial holiday for us. We spend the entire day with our family. My mother cooks so many types of food. My father stays in the home.  

A Rainy Day for a Day Labor: A day labor life is really tough on a rainy day. Most of the time, they have to work regularly to maintain their families. But for the rain, they miss their work and they don’t get paid. And sometimes, they have to work wetting in the rain. They could fall sick for that type of activity. So overall, it’s a really hard time for day labor.  

Bad Side of a Rainy Day: Over raining could make a flood too. So it could become really hard to control for the people. In the flood, lots of people and animal dies. People face a huge loss of their property too. In the countryside area and the low layered area has the highest risk for flood.

People of these types of area face the flood almost every year. The government should take proper steps to keep the people safe. In the cities, some area gets flooded and people become close to their house. They can’t come out and their normal life becomes hampered.  

Conclusion: A rainy day is good for some people and bad for some people.    

Essay on A Rainy Day: 500 Words for Class 9, 10

A Rainy Day Essay in 500 Words

Introduction: A rainy day is a regular part of our life. We all have experienced lots of rainy days in our life. Today we will talk about lots of sides of a day with rains. In the hot summer, people become restless and so much disturbed due to overheating weather. In that time, rain comes as blessings. People love rains lots, even its personally my favorite. I love spending on a rainy day.  

A Rainy Day for Students: For the students, the rainy day is really special. Most of the time, they don’t have to arrive at school. So it’s an unofficial holiday. Sometimes students in cities have to go to school, even it’s raining. But in the village, the students never arrive at the school while it’s raining.

The students spend their time in the house, and most of the time they watch TV, play with siblings or cousins. Their mom and aunties make delicious foods for them. Most of the family member remains in the house.  

Advantages of a Rainy Day: There is lots of good side on a rainy day. Let me share some of them. First of all, I want to mention, it helps to remove all the heat weather and make people really cool. It comes with a cold breeze and makes people really happy. Overheat become a big reason for different kinds of diseases too. Prickly heat becomes a common problem for most people.

But when the rain starts, these problems go away. And the rainy season is the best season for starting tree plantation . If you want to plant some trees, then this season is best for you. Besides these, there are other big advantages, of a rainy day. It makes the environment neat and clean. All the dust goes away.  

Disadvantages of a Rainy Day: Within lots of advantages, there are few bad sides too for a rainy day. Most of the people in the village suffer a lot. Especially who has a muddy road. Those types of roads become unable to use. People can’t go out and the vehicle can’t move from one place to another.

It makes a huge problem in the transportation system and it’s a loss for the business owners. In some cities, there is no proper water drainage system, that’s why water freezes in a specific place and it becomes really bad for the people. Some low-layered area goes under the water.  

A Rainy Day in City: A rainy in the city is totally different than the villages. The people life is really busy in cities. The rain can’t stop them. Most of the people have to join their offices or other workplaces. Most of the students also joined their school, if there is no heavy rain.

People really enjoy rain in cities. They go to their roof and enjoy the rainwater. Sometimes, they come out, sing, and spend time with friends. But the people, who have to work regularly to maintain their family, they face a huge problem.  

Conclusion: A rainy day has bad and good sides. Overall, sometimes it is important for us.

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rainy day essay in english for class 10

V 1-3: Essay on a Rainy Day for Class 10 with Quotations, 12th

Tips to score maximum marks in the essay on a rainy day for class 10 with quotations.

Attention, please! The last 2 versions of the easy, standardized essay on a rainy day for class 10 with quotations can also be used for class 12, i.e., Intermediate Part II. Versions 2 and 3 have a word count of over 400 words each, thus fulfilling the need for a standard essay for intermediate classes. You can score maximum marks in the exams if you attempt the essay with care and accuracy.

Also read: English essay on health with quotations for 10 th class

In the essay writing question in the 10th class, the candidates are asked to compose an essay of 150 to 200 words. However, the students aspiring to get higher marks go to some extra length and also use quotations. These quotations should be highly relevant and serve an explanatory and argumentative purpose.

Also read: Unit 10, A World Without Books Class 10 Translation in Urdu

Let’s clear out a misconception before you go through the essay on a rainy day for 10 th class with quotations.

It’s wrong to say, “Essay writing is the least scoring question in the exams”.

It is a wrong and unjustified perception that a student is bound to lose marks in a subjective-type, essay writing task in English test or annual exam. It is the question that carries maximum marks, i.e. 15. And you can score 100 percent here too.

Also read: Easiest 2nd Year English Notes Book 2 Question Answer

Then why do students keep perceiving that they cannot get higher marks in the essay on a rainy day or the monsoon for 10 th class and the same thing actually happens in the end?

A logical and fact-based answer is: They do not invest as much time and effort to this area as to others under the fear that it will not pay back. Do you agree? If not, give your own opinion in the comments box below.

Important Note:

            Don’t use headings in your essay on a rainy day for class 10 with quotations.

Things to Take Care of While Writing an Essay on a Rainy Day for Class 10 with Quotations

  • Make an outline first
  • Be direct and relevant
  • Put your ideas in a logical sequence
  • Give proper introduction and conclusion
  • Write in simple, easy language
  • Use to power of expression to grab the attention of the reader/examiner
  • Avoid grammar and spelling mistakes
  • Give different ideas in separate paragraphs
  • Make use of appropriate quotations and adjust them logically in the text
  • Re-read/review the essay once finished writing

Also read: 6 Easy Direct to Indirect Speech Rules Exercise Class 10

Outline (Version 1): English Essay on a Rainy Day for Class 10 with Quotations

  • Introduction
  • The Monsoon in Pakistan
  • An Account of a Rainy Day
  • Gale and Windstorm
  • The Scene After the Rain
  • Unpleasant Aspect of Rain

V1, Outline: English essay on a rainy day for class 10 with quotations.

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Text (Version 1): Essay on a Rainy Day for Class 10 with Quotations

Quotations: Essay on the Monsoon for 10th class with quotations.

“And [He] sent down from the sky rain and brought forth thereby fruits as provision for you.” ( The Holy Quran: 2:22 )

“اور (اللہ تعالٰی) نے آسمان سے پانی برسایا اور اس سے تمہارے کھانے کے لیے پھل نکالے (اگائے)”

The Monsoon in Pakistan generally lasts from June through September. This period is also called the summer rainy season. Rains are very common in Pakistan during Monsoon.

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It was the first week of July. The earth seemed to be burning. Everybody perspired (پسینے میں شرابور) from head to toe. The sky became red and overcast with the clouds. The wind was blowing faster and faster. Then there came a very powerful puff (جھونکا) of wind (ہوا). This puff of wind was full of dust (گرد). Nothing was visible. Soon there was a gale (آندھی). A complete darkness (ندھیرا) fell (چھا گیا) over the entire area. The roofs of the huts (جھونپڑیاں) were blown away.

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In the meantime, the thunder (بادل کی گرج) was heard. Soon it started raining. After some time, the dust in the atmosphere settled down. Water poured down the spouts (نالیاں). It began to flow like a stream (ندی) through every street. Boys began to run about from lane to lane (ایک گلی سے دوسری گلی).

The rain stopped after an hour. The weather (موسم) became very pleasant (خوشگوار). A rainbow appeared in the sky. The leaves of the trees began to glitter (چمکنا). Nature looked very beautiful. The change in the weather was welcomed.

“Rain is grace. Rain is the sky descending to the earth. Without rain, there would be no life.” (John Updike)

Also read: 11 Tips to Translate English to Urdu, Translation Exercises

The rain storm also caused heavy damages (نقصان). The map of the earth changed around us. The destruction caused by the rain storm was incalculable (جس کا اندازہ نہ لگایا جا سکے). Valuable property and cattle (مویشی) were lost. At certain places, the road was blocked by the fallen trees. Despite all that, it was a day of merry-making (خوشی منانا).

“Predicting rain doesn’t count. Building arks does.”

( بارش کی پیشین گوئی کرنا اتنا اہم نہیں جتنا کشتیاں بنانا اہم ہے۔ ) (Warren Buffet)

Version 2: English Essay on a Rainy Day for Class 10 with Quotations

Version 2: Quotations for essay on a rainy day (450 words)

A 450 Words Essay on a Rainy Day in Summer

“Rain is an impressive natural phenomenon that transforms scorching heat of summer into a blessed treat for humans.”

Our province lies in the tropical regions of the Asian continent and mostly consists of vast plains. We enjoy four seasons in the year. Generally, spring is regarded as the best season. The summer season in most of our areas is hard to bear. Temperature my shoot up to 50 degrees centigrade. Human beings, animals, and birds all look towards the sky for the rain.

This heat causes a change in the direction of winds and they bring with them rains. This process is called the Monsoon. The Summer Monsoons in our region are extremely wet. Usually, in July and August, the whole province is under a wave of severe rainfall. Sometimes, these rains are so heavy that they cause floods in the rivers. The result is a heavy loss of life and property.

“When rain is in rage, it takes mercy on people of no age and inundates everything.”

Anyhow, the rainy day in summer is always a pleasant thing. If by chance it is the holiday also, its charm doubles. A rainy day is regarded as a fine day. People generally do not go to work and enjoy having a shower in the rain. Attendance is in offices is thin. People come out of their homes and have fun in the streets.

The young boys and girls make merry. They roll in the rainwater in the streets. They shout and sing songs. They use every possible means to express their joy. Streets are full of people enjoying the rain shower. Birds and animals also have a sigh of relief. The cuckoo shouts its melodies from a distance. In our areas, the cuckoo is always associated with the rainy season.

“Rain brings out a positive change in the moods of both people and environment, and everything is full of fun.”

Ladies in the houses go to the kitchens and prepare delicious and spicy things like samosas, pakoras, kababs, or other snacks. In this wet atmosphere, these hot and spicy things add to the beauty and pleasantness of the weather. Sometimes, the youngsters go to the nearest picnic spots carrying with them baskets full of mangoes and cold drinks. They play outdoor games and then have refreshments.

“Rainy season is a healthy spice for the food and a stimulator of hidden joys.”

The rainy day in summer brings with it some problems as well. In our cities and villages, there is no proper and efficient system of drainage. Streets are filled with dirty water. This water stays there for many days. Movement becomes very difficult. Water and Power Development Authority shuts down the power supply for many hours. Houses in villages are not well constructed, so they get damaged if the rain is heavy.

“The Monsoon is a blessing that needs attention and reception. If you ignore it, it turns awry.”

Overall, there is a healthy change in the atmosphere on a rainy day in summer. Everyone feels charged and everything wears a new look. People forget the hot weather. The pollution-free air becomes available to breathe. Trees get rid of dust and shine attractively. In short, a rainy day in summer is a great blessing for the people of this area.

“Everything has pros and cons. When it comes to rain, the advantages outdo and overpower the disadvantages.”

Version 3: English Essay on a Rainy Day for Class 10 with Quotations

Version 3: Quotations for essay on a rainy day (500 words)

A 500 Words Essay on a Rainy Day in Winter

“A rainy day is the loveliest day when it comes to refreshing and breathing in nature.”

Rainy weather is worth enjoying in each of the four seasons in our country. However, the rainy days are fewer in winter than in summer. While the summer is known for its scorching heat, the winter is usually cold, dry, and rough. In winter, the days are short, and nights are long.

This heat and cold generally changes the direction of the winds. This process is called the Monsoon. The summer Monsoons in our area are extremely wet while the winter Monsoons have little rain. December and January are the usual months of rain in winter. This is also the sowing season of the wheat crops. For us, wheat is really very important because the poor and the rich all depend on this crop. This crop depends on the supply of water for its growth.

“Rainwater is an elixir that enlivens dead seeds and the dying out vegetation.”

The farmers look anxiously towards the sky and wish the drizzle to come in time. The common man also wishes for the rain because the dry weather brings with it so many diseases. Our water sources become minimum during these months and we offer prayers in mosques for rain. The rain in this situation is a health-giving factor.

The rainy day in winter is entirely different from the one in summer. In summer, the rain usually falls heavily while in winter it falls in the form of a sweet-sounding drizzle. The raindrops look like beads and pearls. Vast stretches of clouds cover the sky, and the sun disappears for many days.

“The Monsoon deserves a warm welcome as it makes the entry with full pomp and dignity.”

The light drizzle on a rainy day mostly confines people to their homes. Outdoor activities are suspended and attendance in offices is very thin. It is very cold outside and little children are not sent to schools. The streets are muddy and dirty. People prefer to remain indoors. They like to remain in cozy beds whose warmth brings drowsiness and laziness. The raindrops falling on the roof produce rhythmic music.

“The music produced by rain is the sweets of all melodies that nature can engender.”

The members of the family love to sit together in one room. TV is on and tea is served regularly. The dry fruit tray is the center of attention. Elderly members of the family find this time proper to relate past adventures. So many matters are discussed, and new planning is made.

For a student, the rainy day in winter has its blessings. He is unable to go out, so he remains seated in his room before his books and studies with full attention. Outdoor games and sports are not possible, and his time is saved in this way too. This is really the most suitable time for a student to prepare his lessons well.

“While ordinary students pass their pastime in all enjoyment, the wiser ones turn it into a worthwhile activity.”

On the other hand, the rainy day in winter brings so many problems for a poor man. A man who earns his bread on daily basis finds it difficult to get work on a rainy day. Most of the time, he becomes gloomy to see clouds in winter. He knows very well that the rain once started will continue for hours and in such a situation no work is possible.

(Conclusion: Essay on a Rainy Day for Class 10 with Quotations)

To sum up, a rainy day in winter is a boon for some while a bane for others. Overall, it carries huge advantages for humans, birds, animals, and crops.

“A rain day is all that you think of it to be. It is a boon for some while a bane for others.”

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rainy day essay in english for class 10

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rainy day essay in english for class 10

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rainy day essay in english for class 10

there are no quotations in these essays except the first one . : (

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rainy day essay in english for class 10

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Essay on Rainy Day

A day when it rains off-season, and usually without warning is called a rainy day. As much, a rainy day is a surprise, it is also pleasing and a welcomed occurrence. The several advantages and effects of a rainy day on people and nature are discussed in these essays.

Also Read: Essay on Rainy Season

Short and Long Essays on Rainy Day in English

Given below are some essays on Rainy Day under various words limit of 100 to 120 words, 250 words, 400 words and 600 words including some important FAQs on rainy day to help you more. These essays are written in such a way that range of students may use them:

Rainy Day Essay 10 Lines (100 – 150 Words)

1) A day when it’s raining outside is termed as a rainy day.

2) A rainy day makes the surroundings pleasing and beautiful.

3) People feel it difficult to go outside on a rainy day.

4) A rainy day cools down the weather with a soothing breeze.

5) Everyone loves rainy days, especially children.

6) A rainy day has many advantages for humans and nature.

7) A rainy day helps the farmer with their crops.

8) A rainy day replenishes the soil and helps new plants to grow.

9) Many working people don’t like a rainy day as it creates delay.

10) People usually enjoy spicy snacks on a rainy days.

Essay 1 (250 Words) – Rainy Day: A Respite from Heat


Whenever a rainy day occurs it brings a smile to the faces, especially the children. They are the ones who enjoy it the most and take the maximum out of a single day of the shower and cool breeze.

A Respite from Heat

This is one of the greatest advantages of a rainy day. As it usually occurs in non-monsoon months, it brings relief from the heat of the sun. The air gets cooler and the gust cool breeze could be felt everywhere. After long and continuous sunny days, the feel of cool wind is just heavenly and a moment that you wouldn’t like to pass away.

The shift in temperature is quite replenishing for humans as well as other living creatures. Everyone comes out to enjoy the drizzle and the breeze.

Replenishing Nature

Rainy day acts as a kind of booster dose for the health of nature. Rain touches everything in nature, be it lifeless of living. It fills the natural reserves of water so that the water can be used by humans and animals alike. Animals and birds depend only on rain for their water requirements and a rainy day refills their much essential water reserves. New plants and vegetation also sprout up during the rainy day.

Rainy day is the best thing that could happen to the earth and its creatures, amid heat and sweat. It is indeed a much-awaited and welcomed by all the living creatures as well as the earth also.

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Essay 2 (400 Words) – Advantages of Rainy Day

‘Rainy day’ is the term used for the day when it rains out in or off-season. Usually, a rainy day witnesses the occurrence of continuous or intermittent rain for the full day. Rainy day is advantageous for everyone as we will discuss in this essay.

Advantages of Rainy Day

Rainy day is good news for everyone in society for some reason or the other. It benefits the farmers; the animals and birds seem to love it; children also enjoy and love it. The benefits of rainy days for each member of the society are described below.

  • For Farmers

Rainy day benefits the farmers as it waters their fields, which is good for the crops. Many crops need a certain amount of water to be retained by the soil, which is met by a rainy day. Without rain, the field would require water to be artificially taken to them using tunnels or waterways. It certainly saves a good amount of labor, time and money of the farmers.

  • For Students

Students love rainy days because most of the schools declare a holiday due to rains. It gives the children a day off to play and enjoy the rain. They can stay back home and watch the rain wash off the land and vegetation. Children love the drizzle and the joy of playing with paper boats is also an unforgettable experience for them.

  • For Nature Lovers

For nature lovers also, the rainy day is a much-awaited event. Suddenly the earth which had been lying dead in the sweltering heat of the sun comes back to life and reveals its hidden beauty. All the creatures come back to life. The animals, the birds, all seem to love and enjoy the rain. Also, the trees and grass get cleaned and look greener.

The elderly and the aged also love the rain and seem to enjoy it. For them, it is a relaxing moment to enjoy with other family members and children. There is nothing as good as simply sitting on the window and enjoying the drizzle and the cool wind.

Rainy day is not only loved by all but is also beneficial for nature, vegetation, and the people as well. They all seem to welcome the rain, even if it lasts for only a single day. The best way to enjoy a rainy day is to admire the beauty of nature.

Essay on Rainy Day

Essay 3 (600 Words) – Effects of Rainy Day

Rainy Day is loved by the children and elders and it seems to make their life a little less boring even if it is for only a day. As the drops of water fall on earth so do the creatures become swell with life and joy. In this essay we will go through the effects of a rainy day on rural and urban life, its advantages and also the inconveniences caused.

Effects of Rainy Day

Be it village life or urban life; rainy day affects each one of them in its own way. We go briefly on how the rainy day affects the life of a common villager and a city dweller.

  • On Village Life

Usual days in villages look a bit sleepy than the cities. That’s because, the main occupation of villagers is agriculture, so you don’t have people rushing out to reach offices on time, as in the cities. There are only farmers tending to their fields and a bunch of students headed for their school. If rain occurs, it doesn’t affect everyone much in a village; though it might delay them a little.

Farmers can easily wait for the rain to subside without fearing for any loss; unless the rain is too much to damage their crops. Also, the village residents seem to take a rainy day as usual activity. The children also don’t seem to fear to get wet and enjoy the shower. Unlike the children in the cities, the village children could be easily spotted playing in rain and enjoying the rainy day.

  • On Urban Life

The effects of a rainy day, as felt in urban settlements, are completely different from that of the villages. People here get delayed to their offices and businesses by a good amount of time. In cities time means money; therefore; quite a few city dwellers don’t like a rainy day much. The office goers and the shopkeepers don’t welcome an out of season rainy day, because it means a long delay or loss for them.

Also, the cities having poor infrastructure planning may face water clogging, causing further inconvenience to the people. Also, the essential emergency services get delayed due to water clogging and traffic jams. But, despite the complaints, the people still seem to admire and love the rainy day for the sheer beauty of nature that it reveals.

Advantages of a Rainy Day

The following are the advantages of a rainy day as felt by different sections of the society as well as nature and other living creatures.

  • It replenishes the soil and provides nourishment to the plants.
  • Refills the natural water reserves as well as the groundwater.
  • Provides a much-welcomed respite from the heat for the humans and animals as well.
  • Children get a day off from school and to play in rain.
  • A rainy day is also welcomed by the farmers as it waters their vegetation and replenishes the soil.
  • It provides an opportunity to conserve water through rainwater harvesting.
  • Refills the ponds deep inside natural forests, which is very important for the wildlife.
  • Even a day’s rain could help grow new plants and vegetation.
  • Acts as a natural cleansing agent by washing off dust and dirt from the surface of the earth as well as the air.
  • Gives relief from the heat and make the weather more pleasing.
  • It becomes more easy and enjoyable to work on a rainy day than in sweltering heat.

Rainy day is loved by children as well as elders from all walks of society. Though it causes a little discomfort on several fronts, people still seem to a rainy day.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions on Rainy Day

Ans . We can see the rainbow after rains in the sky.

Ans . We can see violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, and red colors in a rainbow.

Ans . We wear raincoats, rain caps, and gumboots on a rainy day to go outside.

Ans . The occurrence of the rainy season after the summer season gives us relief from the scorching heat of summer.

Ans . Sikkim is the state in India that receives the highest average annual rainfall.

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Essay on Rainy Day in English for class 10

The blessings of summer, winter, spring, autumn, and the monsoon—also known as the rainy season—have been bestowed upon us by God. Each season has its own charms and attractions which affect the well-being and propensities of individuals going through or getting a charge out of it. Every season has also got some specific features regarding fruits, vegetables, clothes, etc. Rainy drops of pouring down from the sky are a blessing of God that tears away the blazing heat and brings glee to all faces. It is the blessing of Allah that he bestows upon the people, tired and exhausted with the summer’s heat.

“Rain is grace; rain is the sky condescending to the earth; without rain, there would be no life.” (Quotation)                                                                         

People in Pakistan experience exhaustion as a result of the severe weather during the months of April, May, and June each year. They naturally want a change and this they are granted in the mid of July when the sky often gets heavily overcast and rain clouds are swept across the sky. This is due to the South-westerly winds that blow over the Indian Ocean and bring the monsoon clouds which cause a lot of rain. The gasping and heat-stricken people thank God for this blessing and they feel quite refreshed and energetic after this very change in the usual Weather. South-westerly winds are refreshingly cool and they bring relief to all the heat-stricken creatures.

“Rain showers my spirit and waters my soul.” (Quotation)                

Everything that has a benefit also has a disadvantage, the same as with the rain. The rain, which can sustain life and food, can also cause chaos and damage. Rain is not only a source of life, but it is also a cause of chaos and destruction. Accommodations, fields, crops, and shelters can all be destroyed by rain. Hurricanes, tornadoes, and devastating floods are all possible outcomes. Anything that comes its way can be wiped away. Rain can be beneficial as well as detrimental.

“Some people walk in the rain, others just get wet.” (Quotation)

It was quite humid as well and both the animals and the human beings were feeling much disturbed and upset due to the alarming heat and high temperature all around. Everyone hoped for a pleasant shift in the weather. Surprisingly, the trees’ swaying tops were beautifully and magnificently ruffled by the wind. Perhaps, nature had decided, after all, to please the heat-affected persons with a cool, refreshing, and soothing change. Due to the fast-blowing South-Westerly wind, the humid heat was gone in no time. Along with this, a rolling mass of black clouds began to appear in the sky, and in a matter of seconds, the sun hid behind this veil of dark clouds. The sky was heavily overcast and there were flashes of lightning, quickly followed by claps of thunder, the roaring clouds created an atmosphere of a horror film. All of a sudden, large raindrops began to fall. The dry earth sucks these if it were thirsty for centuries.

“Anyone who says sunshine brings happiness has never danced in rain.” (Quotation)

 The steady raindrops soon got converted into a heavy shower which lasted for almost an hour, making everything refreshed and bright having been washed thoroughly. The rain was making the seemingly lifeless and inert plants dance. The most radiant shades of green appeared on their leaves. Everyone was thrilled and happy. The sadness and sorrow all vanished. Nobody was bothered by wet clothing or shoes.

“The best thing one can do when it’s raining is to let it rain.” (Quotation)

When the rain stopped, I came into my street which presented the sight of a stream because the drainage system had got locked. There were a lot of children who had been playing in the rain and were still enjoying themselves by floating paper boats in the rainwater. They were laughing, cheering, screaming, and shouting gladly and their happiness knew no bounds. The young and the old all were overjoyed and feeling much relieved and quite grateful to Allah Almighty for his benevolence. There were a number of scenes of jubilation all around.

“One touch of nature maketh the whole world kin.” (Quotation)      

Essay on Rainy day in English with Quotations                                                                                        

In addition to the effects of rain on human beings, rain also had a dominating and prevailing impact on non-living things. The rooftops of all the houses, for instance, had got full and the high walls were thoroughly drenched. The tree and plants were presenting a totally new look as their leaves had got washed and were then sparkling in glee. Moreover, low-lying areas were flooded and public transport was having a lot of trouble while passing through them. A number of vehicles had got stuck in the water and their drivers were trying hard to get them started once again. In spite of all the hurdles, everybody was happy inwardly and was taking things in a very relaxed way without any kind of tension. In short, it was a gala day. In a nutshell, Allah’s creatures rejoice and delight during the rainy season or rainy day.

“A thing of beauty is a joy forever.” (Quotation)

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Essay on Rainy Day in English for Children and Students

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Table of Contents

Essay on Rainy Day: The monsoon season is considered the best season among all the seasons. Rainy day is awaited by one and all as the weather on such a day is pleasant. A Rainy Day is a perfect day to enjoy the nature and be one with it. The entire atmosphere fills with joy on a rainy day. Be it kids, adults or elderly people – everyone loves this day. The term “Rainy Day” is typically used for a day when it rains. While monsoon has a definite arrival time, duration and exit pattern; a rainy day on the other hand, can occur anytime of the year, though, it is also more likely to occur during monsoon. Rainy day is advantageous to both the urban as well as rural population. Apart from the human population rainy day is also beneficial to flora and fauna of a place. Despite being beneficial to the ecology of a place, rainy day might cause little discomfort in some cases. In the essay below we will go through the benefits of a rainy day as well as its disadvantages.

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Long and Short Essay on Rainy Day in English

Here are essay on Rainy Day of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exam. We have provided both, long and short Essay on Rainy Day in English. All the Rainy Day essays are written in simple English, providing all the information about how rainy day occurs, how it feels on a rainy day, what are the advantages and disadvantages of a rainy day, how can you spend a rainy day, etc. You can select any Rainy Day essay as per your need:

Short Essay on Rainy Day is My Favorite Day 200 words

There are various seasons like summer, winter and monsoon. But out of all my favourite season is monsoon season or the rainy season. I live in a joint family. I and my cousins wait all year round for rainfall and when it rains our eyes sparkle with joy. On the first rain of the season we just run out of our house into the rain giggling and smiling with delight. It feels so refreshing after the sunny days to take cool natural shower in rain. We like to play in the garden as the rain showers pour on us. We sing songs and jump in the muddy puddles to splash water on each other. We fight like cats and dogs on the ground splashing water and sticky mud on each other. Our mothers always shout on us but we just like to ignore and enjoy. I hate it when the rain stops and we need to get back. My mother cooks moong dal and onion pakoras with mint chutney on these days. I just love this combination. After taking shower we enjoy eating pakoras together. Enjoying the rain with cousins is the best part. We have so much fun together. I simply love rainy day.

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Essay on Benefits of Rainy Day for Farmers and School Kids 300 words

A rainy day spreads instant joy and calmness in the atmosphere. It brings a smile on everyone’s face and also gives a reason to celebrate. Inviting friends and celebrating with them on a rainy day is all the more enjoyable.

Farmers Await Rain A rainy day is a special day for everyone however rains hold a special significance particularly for the farmers. The growth of their crops depends largely on the rains. The right amount of rain is what they yearn for each year. Monsoon season these days gets delayed often and rains have become quite erratic. The farmers in such a situation wish and pray that the rain falls at the right time. The first rainy day of the season is especially a day to rejoice for the farmers. This is because it marks the beginning of the monsoon season that promotes the growth of crops. There is greenery all around. The fields seem to appear full of life on a rainy day.

Rainy Day is Special in the Life of School Kids School kids are overjoyed on a rainy day. Rainy day for them means a day full of fun. Small kids are seen holding colourful umbrellas and wearing beautiful raincoats on rainy days. There is colour all around. If the rain is heavy, many kids get the privilege to go to school with their parents and not by auto rickshaws or buses. Kids usually look forward to this change. If the rain is heavier, many parents refrain from sending their kids to the school. At times, the schools also declare holiday on such a day. What more can a school going child ask for? They get a chance to stay home and play in the rain with their siblings and friends.

Conclusion A rainy day is certainly not an ordinary day. It impacts our lives in some way or the other. It mostly brings a positive note.

Essay on My Fondest Memory of Rainy Day 400 words

Monsoons in India are welcomed with joy as rains provide fresh and breezy atmosphere after the sunny climate. Earth is transformed into a rich green land with blooming flowers dancing and celebrating monsoon. The soothing smell of rain and cooling showers of rain make us feel so fresh.

My Fondest Memory of Rainy Day Last year when I was in 5 th standard, one morning I woke up for school and was getting ready to attend my classes. It was during the monsoon season, the month of July. The weather outside was dark and gloomy. In my mind I was praying to God constantly that if it rains and I don’t have to go to school. After I had my milk and my mother packed my lunchbox, I was ready to leave for school. But it did not rain and I had to go. My dad dropped me to the school. In the classroom, I sat on a seat by the window still expecting it to rain. I felt lazy and sad in the classroom and all my attention was outside the window wishing it rains. My class teacher scolded me for staring outside the window constantly. As the second period that is the Maths class, got over, my wish came true. It started raining and the bonus was that there was no teacher in the class. My eyes sparkled with joy and I jumped off my seat to peep out of the window to enjoy the droplets of rain. I was trying to grasp the drops of rain and it made me extremely happy. Everyone in the class was happy and cheerful. Everyone was jumping, chit-chatting and smiling with joy. Me and some of my classmates tore some pages from our books and made paper boats. Outside the window there were small puddles and we dropped our boats in to the puddles to float. It made us jump and giggle as our boats floated in water. We were grasping the drops of rain from the window and splashing at each other. After a while our Science teacher came in the classroom and every one settled back to their seats. She declared a holiday as the rain was expected to get heavier in some time. We all hopped from our seats with excitement. We packed our bags, got into our raincoats and ran outside the classroom to enjoy the rain. We went back home jumping and dancing in rain.

Conclusion It was one of the best days of my life. Rainy days really bring joy and happiness in everyone’s life.

Essay on How to Spend Rainy Day 500 words

Rainy day is one such day that is awaited by everyone. People of every age group love and cherish this day. In my family everyone from my grandfather to my younger sister gets overjoyed on such a day. Rains transform the weather from blazing hot and dry to refreshing. Plants, birds and human beings, everyone participates in celebrating rains. Trees turn greener, peacocks begin to dance, farmers turn cheerful and we all relish the rain party on the earth.

How the Weather Impacts Our Mood? We live in Delhi, a state which is famous for its extreme weather conditions. Heat waves engulf this part of the country for most part of the year. Rains offer the much needed respite from the hot weather. Monsoon is thus one of the most awaited times of the year in Delhi. Weather has a strange way of impacting our mood. During the hot sunny summer days, people often tend to get angry and aggressive very quickly. The sweat and scorching heat during such a day gives rise to violence and fury. People are often seen in a bad mood and tend to get into arguments and fights easily. On the other hand, a pleasant rainy day uplifts the mood automatically. It is a treat for the senses. Everything around appears joyful. People plan outings with their loved ones on such a day just because of the awesomeness it offers.

An Ideal Rainy Day A rainy day is loved by everyone. There would hardly be anyone who despises it. Everyone has his own way of rejoicing the rain. While some love walking in the rain, others love to drench and dance while yet others love the view sitting on their window sill. My ideal rainy day would be sitting by the window and watching rain, catching some droplets of rain and feeling the chilly breeze on my cheeks. I enjoy writing in my diary sitting by the window. It calms my heart and brings new and creative thoughts in my mind. My mother gets me hot cup of coffee and we enjoy our coffee together. I often turn on soft music and relax on an armchair sipping my coffee. After spending my afternoon and relaxing with my mom, I love to go on a drive with my dad in the evening to explore the city and relish the beauty of nature. We visit our favourite restaurant during the rains and enjoy having crunchy onion and mirchi pakoras with mint chutney. By the time we drive back home, it’s usually dark. I feel so weary and sleepy as I return home. All I do on my return is just change and go to my bed. I really have a sound sleep on a rainy day as the weather is extremely chilly.

Conclusion So my idea of rainy day is to spend my day with my family and enjoy the beauty of nature. It is so much fun to spend time with family during rains. I love my family and I love rains too.

Essay on Importance of Rainy Day 600 words

How rhythmic and soothing the nature is on a rainy day. Dark clouds marching in the sky and showering the droplets of rain, trees rinsing and dancing with charming bliss, dark and gloomy day gleaming our hearts, frogs popping here and there, kids jumping with joy in the muddy pools of water, beautiful peacocks spreading feathers and dancing to compose an art attracting their mates, farmers sway with cheer and new hopes gleaming their eyes – everyone participates to celebrate the joy of rains.

Rainy Day Spent at the Seashore It is so calming to be out in the nature to enjoy its beauty on a rainy day. I walk up to the seashore to relish a day like this in my white dress. White dress, as I like the contrast it gives, the dark weather and a white dress is a pretty combination and I love it. As soon as I reach there, I remove my flip-flops and throw away my pink umbrella on the sand and run towards the sea. I walk bare feet at the edge of sea with my chin up to feel the chilling breeze on my cheeks. I grasp the tiny-mini droplets of rain. The glimpse of droplets blending in to the sea waves, soothe my eyes. The refreshing aroma of rain calms my heart. The melodies of droplets make me sway along with the beat. I fantasize like I am the mermaid at the edge of sea. Me and my fantasies…! I stand still drenched in water shivering and clutching myself smiling at the lure of nature.

Rainy Day at Home On the weekends when it is raining I just love to spend my day inside my home. Something about rainy days makes me feel so lazy and so cozy. I just love to snuggle into my blanket reading a love story. My mom loves to make delicious chocolate cookies for me on rainy days. The aroma of hot cookies in the chilled weather, spells some kind of magic on me. I really feel very hungry during these days and I keep on munching all day long. I prefer having my hot chocolate cookies dipped in milk, I just love it. I later spend my whole day lying on sofa in my pajamas and watching my favorite movies.

Rainy Day Serves an Inspiration for Writers and Poets We all read poems, stories and books. There is so much and so beautifully written about the scenic beauty of nature. Writings about rains are obviously more alluring than writings about sunny days or winters. Rainy day is an inspiration for poets primarily because it gives the world, a fresh and new perspective. The everyday world that seems so conventional and colorless suddenly turns so diverse, refreshing, colorful and magical. Poetry is as alluring as the rainy day. Or maybe rains just create the poetic mood, the beautiful scenery, rainbows, background music of raindrops, hot cup of coffee everything inspires writers. Other than the poets, the rainy season is an inspiration for all writers as we have been reading about the beauty and effects of rain in stories and books as well.

Conclusion Thus, everyone has his/ her own ideal way of enjoying a rainy day however some might even just hate rainy days. For some, it’s an excuse to just be at home and for others to take up new adventures. Some might get too lazy while others might just get creative. Some spend their time cooking aromatic food while others like me spend time eating and gaining weight. All in all, rains are beautiful and bring cheer to life but too much of rain can even be harmful for our nature.

Long Essay on Rainy Day 800 Words

A “Rainy Day” is a day on which the clouds cover the sky and it rains for almost throughout the day. Just a couple of hours of rain isn’t enough to declare a day as “Rainy Day”. It must rain or drizzle for a greater part of the day. Technically, any day when it is raining, could be termed as a rainy day. It need not to be necessarily in monsoon, rather it could occur anytime of the year, depending on the moisture and climatic conditions.

How Does a Rainy Day Feels? A rainy day feels calm, peaceful and serene despite the occasional burst of thunder which it might bring. A rainy day washes the earth, revealing its inner beauty and the life that lay underneath. It’s like that it gives a new lease of life to the whole place. Getting up on a rainy day is like getting up with the beautiful sound of raindrops falling and a cool breeze buzzing past your ears. Such pleasant atmosphere, compels one to cancel all the prior engagements and just relax, letting the cool drizzle fall on your face.

Advantages of a Rainy Day There are several advantages of a rainy day. Firstly it cleans the earth, making everything look fresh and new. The trees those have been looking dull and covered in dust, suddenly become lively, reflecting lush green colour. The same happens with grass, flower, plants etc. They all seem to reveal their inner beauty, thanks to the rain. On the other note, a rainy day is beneficial to the fauna and also for the agricultural activities. Non domesticated animals, especially those living in forested areas; depend on natural water resources for their supply of water. On a rainy day, the ponds and lakes get a new supply of fresh water, which proves to be a blessing for the thirsty animals. Occasional rainy day is also beneficial to the crops. Farmers also equate one or two spells of shower as equivalent to a couple of bags of fertilizers for crops and fruit plants. It also saves the farmers a couple of days’ labour of watering the fields. Another advantage of a rainy day is that it cleans the air. When rain drops fall from the sky, they bring down with them, all the dust and other unwanted minute impurities to ground. This indeed makes the air free from impurities and clean and healthy to breathe.

Disadvantages of Rainy Day Despite having several advantages, a rainy day also has certain amount of disadvantages associated with it. It may cause discomfort to daily commuters, and abstain them from getting on time to wherever they are headed. School children, office goers or other commuters might have to delay or even postpone their commute, because of rain. On the other hand, considering the scenario of a populated urban city, with a network of interlinked streets, roads and adjacently constructed buildings; a rainy day could cause discomfort to many with streets submerged in water and overflowing drains. It would be impossible to commute through the streets without getting your shoes wet. Next, those who are most affected by a rainy day are street vendors and small shopkeepers. With the majority of population preferring to stay indoors on a rainy day, these small businessmen suffer financially due to considerably less footfalls than on any usual day.

Things to Do On a Rainy Day If you have decided to postpone your prior engagements and to enjoy the rain, then there are actually plenty of things you can do to spend your own rainy day. The beauty of the rainy day is that it could also be enjoyed sitting in the comforts of your house in the company of family and friends. You just have to choose a spot which offers a full view of the rain with cool breeze swirling through your body. A hot cup of coffee or tea will be an added compliment. You can also cook some hot snacks of your liking, to go with the coffee. If you don’t want to stay indoors, then step out of the house or on to the terrace to let the rain fall over you. This way you get hands on experience of the rain and also will enjoy it as well. But remember to be careful, as sudden exposure to too much of rain can get you sick. If you live in a place with any forest, agricultural field nearby; plan a trip there, to witness the full beauty of the rain and also the earth as it gets cleaned.

Conclusion Rainy Day is like a blessing for the parched earth and its thirsty inhabitants. It gives a new lease of life to earth, animals, humans, trees, crops, plants etc and replenishes the fresh water resources. A rainy day might not have much influence on an individual’s life, but it sure has tremendous usefulness for the nature. The little discomfort that a rainy day causes to some, is weighed much low against the benefits it brings. Therefore, it is wise to spend a rainy day, admiring the beauty of nature and not complaining about the little discomforts.

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FAQs on Rainy Day

What is rainy season.

The rainy season is the time of year when most of a region's average annual rainfall occurs.

Write a rainy day essay.

There are various seasons like summer, winter and monsoon. But out of all my favourite season is monsoon season or the rainy season. I live in a joint family. My cousins and I wait all year round for rainfall and when it rains our eyes sparkle with joy. On the first rain of the season we just run out of our house into the rain giggling and smiling with delight. It feels so refreshing after the sunny days to take cool natural shower in rain.

What are the seasons in India?

There are 6 seasons in India, namely, Spring, Summer, Monsoon, Autumn, Pre-winter and Winter seasons.

What is rain?

Rain is a form of precipitation that falls to the ground when moist air rises and cools.

What is rain water harvesting?

Rainwater harvesting is the process of collecting and storing rainwater for future use. This can be done by using rain barrels or cisterns to collect water from rain gutters, or by constructing ponds or other water storage systems. The collected water can be used for irrigation, domestic use, or even for drinking water in some cases.

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Essay on “A Rainy Day” for School, College Students, Long and Short English Essay, Speech for Class 10, Class 12, College and Competitive Exams.

A Rainy Day

Total Essay –  3

Essay No. 01

The scorching heat of the summer months is unbearable and torturing. The earth gets parched and cracked. All living creatures look towards the sky and pray to God to send rain. Rains come and one and all make merry and dance with joy.

One day in the month of July when I left my bed I found that a pleasant breeze was blowing. Clouds were gathering. Soon there was lightning and thunder. I left for my school and there was no rain. Hardly had I covered half the distance when raindrops began to fall. I hurried along and soon it was raining in torrents.

Attendance was very thin and the students who had reached the school were fully drenched. The downpour continued. The school was closed for the day.

Rain was in full fury. We waited in the gallery. Dark clouds had covered the whole sky in no time the gutters and low-lying streets were all overflowing. We had to wade through the overflowing water. I was wet to the skin when I reached home. I changed my clothes. Now there was only a light drizzle. My heart was leaping to go out and once again enjoy the soft slaps of rain.

The rains made the atmosphere cool and pleasant. It was a sin to shut myself in my home. Ignoring my mother’s call I headed for the company garden to enjoy various scenes and sights.

Rainwater had accumulated in the form of shallow pools. Seeing kids floating paper boats in them I remembered my childhood. A soft breeze was blowing. It and the beauty of the garden refreshed my mind and soul. Plants and trees after a bath looked just beautiful. Flowers with their drooping heads welcomed the visitors. Birds were chirping again and they were bathing in the pool water. The clouds had nearly cleared by now. There appeared a rainbow. Its beauty just enthralled everybody. The sunset looked different that day.

The weather became colder. From a tea stall, I got a hot cup of tea and sipped it. I enjoyed each sip. It was getting dark. I was shivering but was enjoying each moment. A rainy day is a great blessing.

Essay No. 02

A rainy day in summer is the greatest blessing. This year the summer was very long. Everyone was waiting for the rain. They were praying to God. One day, the sky was covered with black clouds. When it rained, everybody was happy. The children started playing in the rain. I sat by the window and looked out on the road. I could see the rainbow in the sky. It was very pleasant. I enjoyed the cool air.

Essay No. 03

Rains are a great blessing for mankind. They are welcomed by all, young and old alike, especially in the summer season. Rains are the backbone of our agricultural economy. The farmers in our country also welcome them. Sometimes they may also prove to be a curse when they cause floods in many parts of our country, bringing untold miseries to our people. Untimely rains may ruin the standing crops also. But there is no doubt that the prosperity of our country depends greatly on the rains.

It has been rightly said that Indian agriculture is a gamble in the rains. The prosperity of our farmers greatly depends on them. If the rains are sufficient, then we have a good agricultural crop and if they are scanty then famine takes place in many parts of our country. On the other hand, if there are more rains than needed they bring ruination for the people. Thus we can say that rains are both a blessing and a curse for our countrymen.

In the summer season when it is very hot the people pray for rains, so that they can get some relief from the scorching heat of the sun. At such time when the clouds appear on the sky everybody becomes happy. I remember one such day last June when it was very hot, but all of a sudden the sky was overcast with dark and thick clouds. After sometime a cool breeze began to blow, bringing down the high temperature.

It now looked that rain was quite imminent. The clouds also started thundering and we could understand that there would be a heavy downpour. Then suddenly it started raining heavily. The joy of the people knew no bounds. At that time I was going to the market and got wet. But I took shelter immediately in a shop lest I should be fully drenched.

Thereafter it started raining in torrents. It must have rained for three hours continuously. All the roads and the streets were flooded with water. It looked as if there was water and water everywhere.

There was knee deep water on certain roads and low lying areas in the city. The traffic on these roads had been closed for some time.

The children were very happy and were running in the rain water after removing their clothes. Many small children started swimming in the streets. They would play and shout with joy. The small children also started playing with paper-boats which they had made with multicoloured paper.

Of course the rains also brought misery to certain people. Many huts in the low lying slums were washed away. Many houses also collapsed due to the continuous rains. The roots of many old houses started leaking. The streets and roads had become quite slippery. I saw one fat person who slipped and feel down in the muddy water. The naughty children started laughing at him. Some people helped him to clean his clothes and stand on his feet again.

No doubt the trees looked as if they were washed by nature. The leaves now looked green and pleasant, as if they had changed their clothes. The farmers were also very happy as they hoped to have good crops now. Even the animals and birds were full of joy and mirth. Some ladies and old men could also be seen moving with their umbrellas after rain was over.

When the rain stopped ultimately the people started moving out. · The traffic which had come to a standstill now started moving on the roads. The buses also started moving and the people who had taken shelter under the roofs of shops and buildings now started moving out to their destinations. Thus, the rain made all the people happy as they had got rid of the scorching heat of summer. I also moved out of my shelter and came back home to change my clothes which had become wet and dirty.

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  • Take short breaks between your exam preparation: Students are always advised to take short breaks between their exam preparation as it will ensure effective learning. Taking short breaks while studying 702. Describe a Rainy Day Class 10 Notes also improves memory and recalling power. So, make sure to follow this revision tip while doing exam preparation. 
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There are various tips which students should follow to prepare from 702. Describe a Rainy Day Class 10 Notes. The tips are:

  • Start reading or rewriting your Notes: The first tip which students should follow is that they should start reading their 702. Describe a Rainy Day Notes repeatedly. After reading, they can write them to stick in their memory and remember them for a longer period of time. There are also various ways which you can use to rewrite them.
  • Start studying in advance: It is always advisable for all the students to start studying for their examinations in advance from 702. Describe a Rainy Day Class 10 Notes. If they study at the last moment, they will not be able to study effectively and chances of getting stressed and anxious will also increase. Studying in advance also helps to create a strong base of each and every concept. 
  • Always take food breaks in between your exam preparation: Students are advised to take short food breaks of 15-20 minutes in between their exam preparation to revive their energy levels and also to improve their memory. 
  • Get a good night’s sleep: All the students are advised to get a good night’s sleep as it will help the students to improve their brain function which will automatically improve the learning power of all the students. 

What are the Advantages of Having 702. Describe a Rainy Day Class 10 Notes? 

There are various Advantages of Class 10 702. Describe a Rainy Day Notes. Some of the most important of them are:

  • Boost in Confidence: By studying from 702. Describe a Rainy Day Class 10 Notes, a student can boost their confidence as they will find out that they are aware of the majority of the topics and will do well in the final examinations. This will not only enhance their self-confidence but will also motivate them to do better in exams. 
  • Forces the student to level up: 702. Describe a Rainy Day Class 10 Notes are written in a way which includes various HOTS (High Order Thinking Skills) questions which will force the students to think at a higher level. 
  • Access to Detailed Explanations: The subject matter experts at selfstudys have created these Notes in a detailed way which will help the students to increase their conceptual knowledge and also build a strong foundation of all the concepts in their minds. 
  • As per the latest syllabus: 702. Describe a Rainy Day Class 10 Notes are created as per the latest syllabus to ensure that the student covers each and every topic and does not miss even a single topic. 
  • Diagrammatically Explained Resources: Apart from the easy theoretical language which is used in explaining the students through the Notes, various diagrams, tables etc. are also used to help the students understand all the concepts in a better way. 
  • Mobile Friendly: One of the biggest advantages of 702. Describe a Rainy Day English Essay Class 10 Notes is that they can be easily accessed on mobile phones. One does not need a laptop or PC to access them. 

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  • Rainy Season Essay


Essay on Rainy Season

India is known for its rainy season. The major portion of our country falls in the tropical region. It means that we enjoy a tropical season where the southwest winds carry down clouds from June till September. Torrential rain occurs in this season in my city. This season behaves differently in different locations in India. Rajasthan gets the least rain whereas Meghalaya receives the highest rain every year. It all depends on the topography of our country. 

The Himalayan Ranges stop the moisture-containing winds and transform them into clouds. These clouds then travel down to the northeastern states to shower their blessings. Monsoon winds from the oceans reach different states and shed loads of water as rain on the other states.

We enjoy our rainy season for 3 to 4 months every year. Heavy clouds are formed in the sky when the southwest monsoon winds invade with a lot of moisture from the sea. By losing temperature, these clouds start getting heavier. Once the motion of the clouds slows down due to increased weight, raindrops form, and shower from the sky. The cool breeze and rain make our atmosphere quite enjoyable. 

Dark clouds and lightning are the symbols of heavy rainfall. Thunderstorms are also quite common in India. Due to our diverse landforms and huge area, the behaviour of the rainy season is also diverse. We have learned how to harvest rainwater and tackle droughts. Villages and cities are also learning how to harvest it and recycle it for future use and to naturally increase the level of the water table in the earth.

In our villages, farmers start working on the fields before the rainy season hits. Using the natural water supply, the farmers irrigate their lands and grow various crops relevant to this season. Rain fills our ponds, rivers, and streams. It also gets settled down and increases the freshwater reserve underground. This freshwater reserve is then used as a drinking and irrigation source for the rest of the year. A major part of the northern and southern states in India prefers the rainy season for growing different crops and vegetables.

My city turns out quite beautiful and soothing. After the hot gloomy days of summer, the rainy season hits and removes the dusty look of my city. The trees seem very happy when their leaves are washed clean. The environment becomes greener and pleasant. Excessive rainfall also causes water logging. The municipal corporation takes care of the logged water and drains it out using pumps. Due to excessive construction and dumping of natural water reserves, water logging is common these days.

The rainy season is important for our crops. It also keeps the surrounding flora healthy and thus takes care of the fauna living with it. Without it, our planet will turn barren. Life will not survive as we see around us. The onset of the rainy season brings freshness and peace of mind. We all eagerly wait for it during the summer days. A rainy day is always the most exciting day for a child playing outside. You will also find rainbows in the sky quite amazing. 

Ways To Stay Safe During The Rainy Season

Monsoon indeed gives relief from the scorching sun and hot and dry climate but it also brings lots of diseases with it. Due to heavy rains, humid climate and strong winds, many infectious diseases are spread among people. Some of the common health problems during the rainy season are swine flu, colds, viral fever and stomach infections.

Underneath are some tips which must be followed by everyone to keep themselves healthy and safe during monsoon season:

Use rain gears: While going out in the rainy season, people must use their rain gear like waterproof boots, hooded raincoats and umbrellas. As children have a weak immune system, they should not step out in the rain without proper rain equipment otherwise they might catch a cold.

A warm shower: People are advised to take a warm shower if they are drenched. This will help their bodies to get stabilized and return to the normal temperature. Also, they should use hot water for bathing as the temperature is very low during the monsoons.

Basic safety: Children or adults who are doing outdoor activities like swimming should go inside the campus if they hear any thunder and even if it has not started raining yet. They should avoid open areas like playgrounds and metal objects like light poles when they hear thunder.

Avoid stagnant water: Stagnant water is a breeding place for mosquitoes that spreads diseases like malaria and dengue. To avoid this situation, people should regularly empty the still water sources like pet water bowls, planters trays and plates and inflatable pools around the homes.

Keep away from floodwaters: Wading in flood water, especially barefoot, is a fun activity for kids. Children should not go in floodwater as they might get infected by a bacterial disease called leptospirosis. Also, they should disinfect their toys that are contaminated by this water before playing with them.

Cleanliness is important: During the rainy season, people catch a common cold. They should always sanitize their hand before doing any work or eating. People should always wash their hands and feet when they come home, especially after getting in contact with floodwater.

Don't eat junk food: As the monsoon brings many diseases with it, therefore, everyone should avert eating junk or oily food. They should eat homemade food as it will help them in boosting their immunity. People can also eat fruits and green vegetables after washing them properly.

Avoid sharing things: Viral fever is a communicable disease. Therefore, people suffering from viral fever should not share their things with other people as they may also get infected. 

  Significance Of Rain

A human needs freshwater to maintain his immune system and digestive system. The availability of fresh water helps in supporting the existence of human life. The toxins of the human body come out in the form of urine and sweat.

All plants, grass, trees and flowers need water for their survival and flourishment. When the rainy season comes, the rainwater gets stored in the ground which is used by the seeds for their growth and nourishment.

The rainy season changes the atmosphere of the surroundings. The temperature gets lower and the environment becomes cool. The rainfall increases the water level in the rivers and lakes so that animals can use this water for drinking. The soil soaks the rainwater which plants use to convert solar energy into nutrition.

People can store this rainwater by using the technique of rainwater harvesting. From the rooftop, the water moves down through the pipe and gets collected in the tanks or cisterns. 

Rainwater can also become a source for generating electricity which is known as hydroelectricity. Due to rainfall, there is an increment in the water level of the ponds and lakes. People also make small ponds to collect this rainwater and use this water to generate electricity.


FAQs on Rainy Season Essay

1.Why is the rainy season important?

The rainy season is one of the most important seasons in the year that helps our farmers to cultivate lands and grow new harvests. India is a country where the prime occupation is agriculture. It means that many crops depend on the rainwater collected in the ponds, canals, rivers, and beneath the soil. The elevated water table in the rainy season also becomes the prime source of drinking water in many rural areas in different states. Apart from the agricultural benefits, this season also relieves the flora and fauna from the scorching heat of the summer days. New plants grow and the food chain becomes more fortified again. Plants are the base of a food chain as they establish the base by producing food. This is why the rainy season is so important for every living being.

2.Why does the Rainy Season differ from One State to the Other?

Due to the diverse topographical features of India, the rainy season varies from one state to the other. Winds containing heavy moisture accumulate and get obstructed by the Himalayan Ranges. This is the first phase of the formation of clouds. In other states, moisture containing clouds originate in the oceans and shower torrentially for a few months. Even though many states fall in the same tropical region, the rainfall varies a lot. Rajasthan gets very little rainfall whereas West Bengal receives a lot of rainfall during the monsoon season. It is all about the geographical significance of our country that determines the amount of rainfall in every state. Meghalaya receives heavy rainfall across the year due to its intertwined position among the Himalayan Ranges.

3.How Rainwater is being harvested in the cities?

Rainwater is harvested by digging ponds in shallow places in rural areas. In cities also, shallow ponds accumulate rainwater and contribute to the escalation of the water table beneath the superficial soil. Due to the over-construction of concrete buildings, it is hard to accommodate water leading to water-logging and floods in different cities. Nowadays, big communities and complexes are learning to use rainwater and store or let it pass in the soil by using different means. It not only makes the water table regain its level but also makes a metropolitan complex sustainable in terms of water usage.

4. What is the southwest monsoon and which factors influence this monsoon?

The heavy rainfall brought by the winds of the southwest to southern Asia is known as the southwest monsoon. This monsoon comes in June, strikes the Malabar coast and leaves the country in November. In India, food production depends on this monsoon. The factors that influence the southwest monsoon are listed below:

Tropical easterly jet

Intertropical convergence zone

Subtropical jet stream

Formation of low pressure over the Tibetan Plateau

High pressure in the south of the Indian ocean


Essay on A Rainy Day

Students are often asked to write an essay on A Rainy Day in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on A Rainy Day


Rainy days are a welcome break from the usual sunny days. They bring joy, happiness, and relief from the scorching heat of the sun, especially during the summer season.

The Beauty of Rain

On a rainy day, the sky is covered with dark clouds. Raindrops fall from the sky, making a pleasant sound. Everything becomes fresh and clean.

Playing in the Rain

Children love rainy days as they get a chance to play in the rain, jumping in puddles and making paper boats.

Rainy days are a gift of nature. They remind us to appreciate the beauty of the world around us.

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  • Paragraph on A Rainy Day

250 Words Essay on A Rainy Day

A rainy day is an experience of its own kind, bringing a unique blend of emotions, feelings, and changes in the natural environment. It is a phenomenon that evokes a sense of tranquility, nostalgia, and often, a profound reflection on the cyclical nature of life.

The Aesthetic Appeal

Rainy days possess an inexplicable aesthetic appeal. As the raindrops fall, they create a rhythmic pattern, a melody that resonates with the deepest chords of our hearts. The grey clouds form a canvas in the sky, and the rain paints a beautiful picture, an artwork of nature that is both soothing and stimulating. The petrichor, the smell of the wet earth, has an intoxicating effect that transcends us to a realm of peace and serenity.

Symbolism and Reflection

Rain is also a powerful symbol in literature and art, often representing cleansing, renewal, and rebirth. It is a reminder of the cyclical nature of life, the constant ebb and flow, the cycle of creation and destruction. A rainy day can be a moment of introspection, an opportunity to reflect on our lives, our actions, and our place in the grand scheme of things.

The Social Perspective

From a social perspective, a rainy day can be a collective experience that brings people together. It can be a shared moment of enjoyment, an excuse to pause the daily hustle, enjoy a hot cup of coffee, and engage in meaningful conversations.

In essence, a rainy day is more than just a change in weather. It’s a sensory, emotional, and philosophical experience that touches every aspect of our lives, making us appreciate the beauty in the transient, the ephemeral, and the cyclical. It’s a reminder to pause, reflect, and appreciate the world around us.

500 Words Essay on A Rainy Day

Rainy days hold a unique charm, a blend of melancholy and joy that stirs the soul. They are a break from the monotony of clear skies, a time of respite and reflection, a chance to relish the beauty of nature in its most primal state. This essay delves into the essence of a rainy day, exploring the myriad emotions it evokes, and the impact it has on the environment and human life.

Rainy days are a visual and auditory spectacle. The sky, usually a vast expanse of blue, transforms into a canvas of grey, streaked with silvery threads of rain. The sound of raindrops hitting the ground, the rooftops, and the leaves, creates a symphony that soothes the mind. The fresh, earthy scent that follows a downpour, known as petrichor, is a sensory delight that is often associated with feelings of calm and rejuvenation.

Symbolism and Emotional Resonance

Rain is rich in symbolism. It signifies renewal and cleansing, washing away the old and making way for the new. It is a metaphor for tears and sadness, but also for relief and joy. A rainy day can be a time of introspection and creativity, inspiring poets, writers, and artists across cultures and time. The sight of rain can evoke a sense of nostalgia, bringing back memories of childhood days spent jumping in puddles or sipping hot cocoa by the window.

The Ecological Impact

Rain is essential for the sustenance of life on Earth. It replenishes groundwater reserves, nourishes the soil, and sustains the flora and fauna. A rainy day brings relief during a hot summer, reducing temperatures and increasing humidity. It plays a crucial role in the water cycle, maintaining the balance of our ecosystem.

The Socio-Economic Perspective

While rain is generally viewed positively, it also has its drawbacks. Excessive rain can lead to flooding, causing loss of life and property. It can disrupt daily life, causing power outages and hindering transportation. For farmers, rain can be both a boon and a bane. While it is vital for crops, unseasonal or excessive rain can destroy the yield.

A rainy day is a multifaceted phenomenon, a source of joy and sorrow, a symbol of renewal and destruction. It is an integral part of our lives and our environment, impacting us in ways we often overlook. The next time it rains, let us not just seek shelter from it. Let us appreciate its beauty, its significance, and its power, and let it remind us of our connection to nature and our responsibility towards it.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

  • Essay on Why Do You Want to Become a Teacher
  • Essay on Class Teacher
  • Essay on Role of Teacher in Society

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

Happy studying!

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A Rainy Day Essay For Class 10

“A Rainy Day Essay For Class 10 in English” It was the day of 15 th July and it was the day when my school was about to open after the summer vacation. I was very excited and energetic to visit the school after such so long time. The whole sky was overcast with thick dark clouds. There was little expectation of the likelihood of rain in the sky. Therefore, my parents advised me to take along the umbrella with me or I should stay back at home. But as I was so excited to visit the school after so a long break I decided to take an umbrella with me. I held my school bag and made my way toward the school.

I walked with fast footsteps so that the rain could not catch me. But I just covered a few of the yards when the rain started to put drops on me. And in just a matter of a few minutes, the rain drenched my entire clothes! I decided to find a better shelter for myself so that I could get myself protected from the rain. It was raining so heavily that I could not think about taking my step outside on the road.  By this time all my clothes were completely wet. I loved my books so I tried my best to protect them from water so I held them close to my heart.

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A Rainy Day Essay For Class 10

A Rainy Day Essay For Class 10 In English

 The rain was not stopping. So I decided to rush to school by running as fast as I could.  Strong winds were coming from opposite directions that stopped me from running fast too.  My shoes were completely wet and it even made me fall on the ground so many times that made my nose hurt as well. All my books were floating in the water and they were completely spoiled.

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After so much effort finally, I entered the school with all my wet clothes.  I placed my books on the placed and started to squeeze the clothes so that they could get dry as quickly as possible. Just a few of the students had attended school that day because of the heavy rainfall.

It was a memorable experience on a rainy day at my school!

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A Rainy Day Essay For Class 10 2024

Rainy days can either be a blessing or a curse depending on one’s perspective. For me, it’s a time to snuggle up with a good book or watch my favorite movie. It’s also a chance to slow down and take a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. But for others, it can be a frustrating and miserable experience.

A Rainy Day Essay For Class 10 Annual & Supply Exams 2024 Download

On a typical rainy day, the sky is overcast, and the rain falls steadily, creating a soothing rhythm that can be quite calming. The air smells fresh, and the world seems to come to a standstill as people stay indoors to avoid getting wet. Traffic slows down, and the sound of raindrops hitting the pavement fills the air.

A Rainy Day Essay In Simple English For 10th Class

It’s a day for comfort food, warm beverages, and cozy blankets. I love to brew a pot of tea and curl up with a good book, losing myself in the pages as the rain patters against the windowpane. Or I might put on a favorite movie, letting the story transported me to another world while the rain continues to fall outside.


A Rainy Day Essay For Class 10 In English

But for those who have to be out and about on a rainy day, it can be a very different experience. The streets are slippery, and the traffic is slow, making commuting a nightmare. People rush around with umbrellas, trying to avoid getting drenched, while puddles of water accumulate everywhere.

10th Class Essay A Rainy Day

Despite the inconvenience that rainy day can bring, I still find them to be a welcome change from the usual routine. They force us to slow down, take a breath, and appreciate the simple things in life. And when the rain finally stops, and the sun comes out, there’s a sense of renewal in the air, as if the world has been washed clean.

A Rainy Day Essay For Class 10th Download Online

In conclusion, rainy days may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but I find them to be a delightful change of pace. They offer a chance to slow down, relax, and appreciate the simple things in life. So the next time you’re caught in a downpour, try to see the beauty in it and embrace the moment.

Kumail Raza

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Mr Greg's English Cloud

10 Paragraphs: A Rainy Day

A rainy day conjures up a unique atmosphere filled with a symphony of raindrops, the earthy scent of petrichor, and a sense of tranquility. Writing a paragraph on a rainy day allows us to capture and express the emotions, sensations, and experiences associated with this captivating weather phenomenon. Whether it’s the cozy feeling of being indoors, the beauty of rain-kissed landscapes, or the reflective mood it evokes, describing a rainy day enables us to immerse ourselves in its charm and share it with others. 

Table of Contents

Tips On Writing A Paragraph On A Rainy Day

Use descriptive language: Incorporate vivid and evocative adjectives, adverbs, and sensory details to bring the rainy day to life in the reader’s mind. Capture the sights, sounds, smells, and feelings associated with the rain to create a rich and immersive experience.

Set the mood: Convey the atmosphere and mood of a rainy day through your writing. Reflect on the emotions and sensations that the rain evokes, whether it’s a sense of tranquility, melancholy, coziness, or inspiration. Create a mood that resonates with your readers.

Highlight the impact on surroundings: Describe how the rain affects the environment around you. Discuss the changes in nature, such as the glistening raindrops on leaves, the fresh scent of wet earth, or the way rain transforms landscapes. Consider the impact on urban settings, such as the bustling activity of people seeking shelter or the reflections on city streets.

Explore personal experiences: Share your own experiences and observations of rainy days. Discuss how the rain makes you feel, any memories or associations it brings to mind, or specific activities or rituals you enjoy during rainy weather. Personal anecdotes can add depth and authenticity to your paragraph.

Conclude with a reflection or takeaway: Wrap up your paragraph by reflecting on the significance or takeaway of a rainy day. Consider the symbolism of rain, its role in renewal or cleansing, or the lessons it can teach us about embracing change or finding beauty in the ordinary. Leave the reader with a final thought or impression to ponder.

Paragraph 1

A rainy day paints the world in hues of gray and infuses the air with a sense of tranquility. As raindrops fall gently from the sky, they create a soothing melody that resonates through the surroundings. The rhythm of the rain invites introspection, as if nature itself is whispering secrets to those who take the time to listen. Embracing the stillness and surrendering to the rain’s gentle touch, one finds solace and a renewed appreciation for the simple joys of life.

Paragraph 2

On a rainy day, the world seems to slow down, as if caught in a suspended moment of time. The streets are bathed in a soft glow, reflecting the shimmering lights of the city. Umbrellas dot the sidewalks, creating a colorful mosaic against the gray backdrop. It’s a day for seeking shelter in cozy cafes, sipping warm beverages, and losing oneself in the pages of a book. The rain’s gentle patter against the windows provides a soothing soundtrack, comforting and cocooning all who are fortunate enough to be indoors.

Paragraph 3

The rain breathes new life into nature, transforming the landscape into a lush and vibrant tapestry. Leaves dance as raindrops cascade upon them, creating a symphony of nature’s own making. Puddles become mirrors, reflecting the world above and below with delightful clarity. The earth drinks greedily, quenching its thirst and nourishing the roots of plants and trees. It’s a reminder of nature’s resilience and its ability to find beauty even in the midst of storms.

Paragraph 4

With each raindrop that falls, a sense of cleansing fills the air. The rain washes away the dust and grime, leaving everything fresh and renewed. The world appears sharper, as if every color is more vivid against the wet backdrop. Raindrops cling to windows and blades of grass like tiny jewels, glistening with a fleeting brilliance. It’s a reminder that even amidst life’s challenges, there is always the possibility of starting anew.

Paragraph 5

A rainy day invites introspection, as if the pitter-patter of raindrops against the roof awakens dormant thoughts and emotions. It’s a time for turning inward, for delving into the depths of one’s soul. Memories resurface, evoking a bittersweet blend of nostalgia and longing. The rain becomes a companion, listening to whispered secrets and unspoken dreams. In the quiet moments of a rainy day, the mind finds solace and the heart finds clarity.

Paragraph 6

Children laugh and play, embracing the rain with unbridled joy. They jump in puddles, their laughter mingling with the sound of raindrops splashing against the ground. Raincoats and colorful umbrellas become their shields against the downpour. A simple walk in the rain becomes an adventure, where every droplet holds the promise of excitement and wonder. Their innocence and unyielding spirit remind us to find joy in the simplest of moments.

Paragraph 7

A rainy day is a muse for creativity, inspiring artists, writers, and dreamers alike. The gray canvas of the sky becomes a backdrop for imagination to unfold. Writers find solace in the rhythmic tapping of keys, as words flow like the rain outside. Artists capture the beauty of rain-soaked streets and umbrellas in vibrant strokes of paint. Musicians compose melodies that mirror the rain’s cadence, evoking emotions that words cannot express. On a rainy day, creativity finds its voice.

Paragraph 8

In the midst of a torrential downpour, there is a certain romance that fills the air. Lovers seek shelter together, finding warmth in each other’s embrace. They walk hand in hand, raindrops clinging to their intertwined fingers. The rain becomes a backdrop to stolen kisses and whispered promises. The world around them fades away, and in that moment, it’s just the two of them, connected by love amidst the chaos of the storm.

Paragraph 9

A rainy day is an invitation to pause, to slow down and appreciate the simple pleasures of life. It’s a time for curling up with a blanket and a hot cup of tea, losing oneself in the pages of a beloved book. The rain’s gentle patter against the window creates a soothing soundtrack, providing a peaceful respite from the demands of everyday life. It’s a moment to recharge, to find stillness in a fast-paced world.

Paragraph 10

The rain is a reminder of our interconnectedness with the world around us. It falls indiscriminately, nourishing the earth and sustaining life. On a rainy day, we are reminded of the shared experience of humanity, as everyone seeks shelter or shares a knowing smile. It’s a time to reflect on our common bonds, to recognize that despite our differences, we are all touched by the same rain, united under its gentle embrace.

About Mr. Greg

Mr. Greg is an English teacher from Edinburgh, Scotland, currently based in Hong Kong. He has over 5 years teaching experience and recently completed his PGCE at the University of Essex Online. In 2013, he graduated from Edinburgh Napier University with a BEng(Hons) in Computing, with a focus on social media.

Mr. Greg’s English Cloud was created in 2020 during the pandemic, aiming to provide students and parents with resources to help facilitate their learning at home.

Whatsapp: +85259609792

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rainy day essay in english for class 10

A Rainy Day Essay for Students and Kids | Short & Long

A Rainy Day Essay: Get essay on a rainy day in 500, 300, 250, 200, and 150 words for class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,8 9, 10 and above. This rainy day composition will help you enhance your writing skill. A rainy day, with its gentle pitter-patter on the windowpane and the earthy aroma that fills the air, has a unique charm that captivates our hearts.

It offers us a chance to slow down, find solace indoors, and appreciate the beauty that comes with precipitation. In this essay, we will embark on a journey to explore the delights and wonders of a rainy day, from the cozy indoor activities to the poetic inspiration it invokes. Let’s dive into the tranquil world of a rainy day and embrace nature’s tears.

Table of Contents

A Rainy Day Essay in English

A rainy day is a gift from nature, a symphony of clouds and raindrops orchestrating a captivating ambiance. The raindrops cascade from the heavens, painting the world in various shades of gray, while we seek refuge indoors, savoring the comfort it offers. Let us now explore this enchanting day, where nature’s tears become a melody that resonates within our souls.

The Melancholic Beauty of Rain

The Melody of Raindrops: As raindrops fall on rooftops, they create a soothing melody that lulls us into tranquility. The rhythmic tapping on the windows acts as a symphony, composing a song that connects us with the elements of nature.

Earthy Aroma: With each raindrop, the earth releases a sweet and earthy fragrance, commonly known as petrichor. This unique scent awakens our senses, reminding us of the raw and untamed beauty of the natural world.

Refreshing Cleansing: Rain showers cleanse the world around us, washing away the dust and grime and leaving behind a fresh and vibrant landscape. The rejuvenating effect of rain instills a sense of renewal and invigoration within our souls.

Cozy Indoor Activities

Cocooning in Warmth: A rainy day is the perfect opportunity to indulge in cozy indoor activities. Wrapping ourselves in soft blankets and sipping a warm cup of tea or coffee, we can escape the outside world and find solace in the comforting embrace of our homes.

The Joy of Reading: Rainy days beckon us to dive into the world of books. We can explore new realms, embark on thrilling adventures, or indulge in thought-provoking literature. The sound of raindrops against the windowpane creates a symphony that harmonizes with the words on the pages, enhancing the reading experience.

Unleashing Creativity: Rainy days inspire creativity and introspection. Engaging in artistic pursuits such as painting, writing, or playing a musical instrument can provide an outlet for our emotions and allow us to express our innermost thoughts.

Baking Delights: The aroma of freshly baked goods permeates the air on rainy days. Channeling our inner baker, we can create delectable treats like warm cookies, fragrant bread, or a comforting pie. The baking process not only fills our homes with delightful scents but also satisfies our taste buds with homemade goodness.

Movie Marathons: Rainy days are the perfect excuse to indulge in a movie marathon. Curling up on the couch with loved ones, we can lose ourselves in a series of films that transport us to different worlds, evoke laughter, or stir deep emotions.

Rainy Day Fashion

The Comfort of Hoodies and Sweaters: Fashion takes a cozy turn when raindrops fall. Donning our favorite hoodies and sweaters, we feel their warmth and comfort, wrapping ourselves from the chill outside. The soft fabric against our skin becomes a gentle reminder of the embrace of a loved one.

Rain Boots and Umbrellas: Practicality meets style on a rainy day. Adorned in vibrant rain boots and a whimsical umbrella, we can navigate the wet terrain gracefully and with flair. These accessories protect us from the rain and add a touch of personality to our appearance.

Layering Elegance: Layering clothing becomes an art form on rainy days. Combining different textures, colors, and patterns, we can create a fashionable ensemble that protects us from the elements while exuding effortless style.

In conclusion, a rainy day is an irrefutable allure that captivates our senses and ignites our creativity. It invites us to embrace the cozy indoors, indulge in delightful activities, and find inspiration in the melancholic beauty of nature’s tears. Let us revel in the enchantment of rainy days, for they give us moments of reflection, joy, and the serenity that comes from connecting with the world around us.

Long Essay on a Rainy Day in 500 Words

A rainy day is a delightful gift from nature. It brings respite from the sun’s scorching heat, creates a soothing ambiance, and adds a touch of enchantment to the world around us. In this essay, we will explore the beauty and significance of a rainy day.

When the clouds gather, and the first droplets of rain start to fall, there is a sense of anticipation in the air. The sky turns gray, and the atmosphere becomes cooler. The rhythmic sound of raindrops hitting the ground and the rooftops create a soothing melody that calms the mind and uplifts the spirit.

One of the most enchanting aspects of a rainy day is the earthy fragrance that fills the air. The rainwater combines with the soil, releasing a unique scent known as petrichor . This aroma is reminiscent of freshly dampened earth and has a calming effect on the senses. It evokes a sense of nostalgia and connects us to the beauty of the natural world.

A rainy day offers a respite from the hustle and bustle of daily life. It allows one to slow down, take a break, and indulge in cozy indoor activities. Curling up with a good book and a warm cup of tea, listening to the raindrops tapping on the window, is a perfect way to spend a rainy day. The sound of rain against the windowpane creates a serene backdrop that enhances the reading experience.

For creative people, a rainy day is a wellspring of inspiration. The sad beauty of the raindrops falling from the sky can evoke deep emotions and spark the imagination. It is a time when artists, writers, and musicians find solace and a renewed sense of creativity. The quiet ambiance and the gentle patter of raindrops provide the perfect backdrop for introspection and self-expression.

Children, too, find joy on a rainy day. Jumping in puddles, splashing around, and feeling the rain on their skin brings a sense of adventure and playfulness. It allows them to connect with nature uniquely, exploring the wonders of rain and embracing the freedom of getting wet.

While a rainy day may seem gloomy to some, it has a unique charm that can brighten even the darkest moods. It teaches us to appreciate the beauty in simplicity and find joy in the little things. It reminds us of the cyclical nature of life, where rain gives way to sunshine, and storms eventually clear.

In conclusion, a rainy day is a precious gift that brings with it a multitude of delights. From the rhythmic sound of raindrops to the earthy fragrance of petrichor, it envelops us in tranquility. It offers an opportunity to connect with ourselves and the world around us. So, the next time the sky darkens, and raindrops fall, embrace the beauty of a rainy day and let it wash away your worries and rejuvenate your spirit.

Short Essay on a Rainy Day 250 / 300 Words

A rainy day is a gift from the heavens above. When the dark clouds gather, and raindrops start to fall, there is a sense of serenity in the air. The rhythmic sound of rain hitting the ground creates a soothing melody that washes away the day’s worries.

A rainy day brings a refreshing change from the bright and sunny weather. It offers a chance to slow down and enjoy life’s simple pleasures. The pitter-patter of raindrops against the window creates a cozy ambiance, perfect for staying indoors and indulging in quiet activities.

For some, a rainy day is a time for introspection and reflection. The peaceful atmosphere and gentle rain inspire deep thoughts and contemplation. It’s a moment to pause, breathe, and reconnect with oneself.

Children find delight in a rainy day as well. They put on their rain boots and jump into puddles, laughing and splashing joyfully. The rain becomes a playground, a source of fun and adventure. It brings out their playful spirit and allows them to experience the wonders of nature.

Nature also benefits from the rain. The earth is nourished, and plants come alive with vibrant colors. The air feels crisp and clean, and the scent of wet earth fills the surroundings. It’s a time when nature rejuvenates and thrives.

In conclusion, a rainy day brings peace, joy, and renewal. It’s a chance to slow down, reflect, and appreciate the beauty of the world. So, the next time the rain falls, take a moment to embrace its calming embrace and find solace in the magic of a rainy day.

Essay on a Rainy Day 150 / 200 Words

A rainy day is a welcome respite from the usual sunny weather. The sound of raindrops falling creates a soothing atmosphere that brings a sense of calm. It’s a day to slow down and enjoy life’s simple pleasures.

Staying indoors on a rainy day can be cozy and comforting. It’s a perfect time to curl up with a good book, watch a movie, or engage in creative activities. The rain outside creates a peaceful backdrop that enhances relaxation.

Children often find joy on a rainy day, jumping into puddles and playing in the rain. It’s time for them to let their imaginations run wild and embrace the carefree nature of childhood.

Nature also benefits from the rain, as it nourishes the earth and helps plants grow. The scent of rain in the air is invigorating and refreshing.

In conclusion, a rainy day brings a sense of tranquility and offers an opportunity to appreciate the simple joys of life. Whether spending time indoors or embracing the rain outside, a rainy day has a unique charm. So, the next time it rains, take a moment to enjoy the beauty of a rainy day.

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Essay on a Rainy Day: FAQs

1. what activities can children enjoy on a rainy day.

Answer: Children can indulge in creative indoor activities such as painting, drawing, or building forts using blankets and pillows. Playing board games or puzzles can also provide entertainment and foster cognitive skills. Encouraging children to create stories or engage in imaginative play can spark their creativity

2. How can one find inspiration on a rainy day?

Answer: Observing raindrops trickling down the window can inspire introspection and explore one’s thoughts and emotions. Listening to the rhythmic sound of raindrops can ignite a creative spark, leading to poetry, writing, or artistic endeavors. Stepping outside and feeling the rain on one’s skin can create a connection with nature and offer inspiration through its raw beauty.

3. Can a rainy day affect one’s mood?

Answer: Rainy days can have a profound impact on one’s mood. Some individuals find solace and tranquility in the rain, which can uplift their spirits. Conversely, others may experience feelings of melancholy or sadness during rainy weather. Acknowledging and addressing these emotions is essential, seeking comfort and engaging in activities that bring joy.

4. Is it safe to venture outside on a rainy day?

Answer: While venturing outside on a rainy day, it is crucial to take necessary precautions. Wearing appropriate rain gear, such as waterproof jackets and footwear, can ensure protection from the elements. Being mindful of slippery surfaces and reduced visibility is essential to prevent accidents. Using umbrellas or seeking shelter during heavy downpours or thunderstorms is advisable.

5. Can a rainy day improve productivity?

Answer: For some individuals, the calming ambiance of a rainy day can enhance focus and productivity. The cozy indoor atmosphere can be conducive to tasks that require concentration, such as writing, studying, or organizing. However, each person’s productivity levels may vary. Finding a balance that suits individual preferences and work styles is essential.

6. How does a rainy day affect nature?

Answer: Rain is essential for the growth and vitality of plants and ecosystems. It replenishes water sources, nourishes vegetation, and sustains various life forms. Rainy days promote vibrant greenery that blankets landscapes, offering picturesque views and creating habitats for diverse flora and fauna.

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Essay On Rainy Day For Class 10

Welcome to our essay on rainy day for class 10! Rainy days are special times when the sky is covered with gray clouds and raindrops fall from above. They bring a feeling of freshness and renewal to the world around us. In this blog post, we’ll explore the beauty, challenges, and joys of rainy days, and discover how they can bring us closer to nature and to ourselves. So grab a cozy blanket and a warm cup of tea, and let’s embark on a journey through the soothing rhythms of a rainy day.

Table of Contents

A rainy day is when it rains a lot. Rain comes from clouds in the sky. Rain drops fall on the ground. Rain makes everything wet. On a rainy day, we see gray clouds in the sky. These clouds bring rain. When it rains, we are happy because it waters the plants. Plants need water to grow big and strong.

When it rains, we stay indoors. We don’t go out because we don’t want to get wet. We can hear the rain on the roof. It sounds like the music is playing slowly. If we need to go out on a rainy day, we wear raincoats and carry an umbrella. Raincoats keep us dry, and umbrellas keep the rain off our heads.

Sometimes, craters form on the ground. Pits are like small pools of water. We can splash in piles with our shoes and have fun. Rainy days are good for nature. They help plants and trees grow. Rain makes flowers bloom and the grass turns green. Although rainy days make us feel sleepy, they are also relaxing. We can stay in, wrap ourselves in blankets, and read books. We can also watch movies or play games with our family.

Finally, rainy days are plain and simple. They water the plants and keep everything looking fresh. We can enjoy the sound of rain and stay indoors comfortably. Rainy days are a natural part of life, and we can appreciate them for their beauty and serenity.

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English Compositions

An Essay on My Experience on a Rainy Day [PDF]

Hello readers! I hope you are good, today we came with an interesting essay named My experience on a Rainy Day. So let’s dive into the essay!

rainy day experience essay feature image

Whether you admit it or not, the weather influences a person’s day. Warm and sunny days tend to go rather well and for some reason, a person does not have as many problems take place when the sun is out brightening up the landscape.

On the other hand, when it clouds over and the rain begins to fall problems seem to fall with the raindrops making it a very bad day for everyone. Then those days seem to get especially bad for me.

While I like to see the rainfall, it provides us with drinking water, and gives us a break from the heat, for some reason my worst days are when it rains. Nothing seems to go right and I experience some humbling events that just make it hard to be grateful that I am alive.

Take for example when it rained last week. I had some important assignments to turn in that accounted for half my grade. As soon as I saw the rain start to fall I knew I was in trouble. I wanted to stay home and ride the storm out there but that day was my deadline so I had to go outside.

I carefully packed my assignments in a waterproof folder and then put the folder in my water-resistant case. As I walked to school, I stopped briefly to get a chocolate bar and a newspaper at the local newsstand.

Unknown to me, I did not lock my case up correctly and picked it up upside down. And wouldn’t you know it, there was a large muddy puddle sitting right where my folder landed.

The folder may have been waterproof but the clasp was not and there was a little gap between it and the folder which let in some of that muddy water. Fortunately, I was able to rescue the folder before too much water got inside.

When I opened up the folder to look at the damage, some of the rain started to hit my pages and make them even wetter. It turns out my umbrella was not positioned right so the rain had free access.

Too fr from home, I could not turn back and print out another copy. Oh, I could but I would be late for class and our professor tortures latecomers and no one wanted to be late. The best I could do was dry the pages off and hurry on to class.

If it were not for bad luck, I would have no luck at all on rainy days. Just as I had everything secured again and dried off, a car came by and hit that muddy puddle with its tire.

It goes without saying that I was within the target range and got the full brunt of the muddy wave the car sent towards the sidewalk. The papers may have stayed dried, thanks to the folder and the case, but now I was soaked, muddy and running out of time.

I did not dwell on the situation but steeled my mind and ran for class. The good news is that I was not that far away from the building that held my classroom if I was lucky, yea right, I would have no further incidents and could make it to class on time.

I must say that I was actually having a streak of good luck for a change as I was able to avoid puddles and cars spraying up the water for the rest of the trip. Of course, I did not see that big puddle at the entrance to the college and my feet got a good bath.

With most of the risks now out of my way, it seemed that I would make it to the classroom before my professor arrived. And when I got into the classroom I felt my failure. He had already been there and left a message for the latecomer like me, on that big whiteboard, where it was clearly declared that the class got dismissed.

How was the essay on My Experience on a Rainy Day, I hope you like it if so do comment below your thoughts and let me know.

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10th Class English Grammar Nots PDF 2024

Latest update.

Updated February 2024 The 10th Class English Grammar Notes 2024 have been uploaded on the Ilmkidunya website, along with their PDF files now available for download. This update provides valuable resources to students seeking assistance with their math studies.

10th Class English Grammar PDF Notes

English is the most widely spoken language in the world, and having a good command of the language is essential. English is a compulsory subject for  Matriculation Board exams.  The subject is the blend of grammar, compositions, essay writing, letter writing, stories, and much more. The  English Board exam for SSC Part-II  consists of a total of 100 marks.

On this page, you can easily download essays and stories for matric in pdf format. A rainy day essay for class 10 and  my house essay for class 10  have been given here. The grammar part of the subject includes the following:


Essay writing is generally referred to as the writer’s perspective of writing a story regarding an event. Essays can be formal or informal depending upon the topic. The formal essays generally include the academic portion and raise some serious events, or topics whereas, the informal essays include the humorous side of the writer perceiving any event. My self essay for class 10 and Quaid e azam essay in english for class 10 have also been give at Ilmkidunya.

Essays are of different types:

  • Narrative Essays: These types of essays include the writer’s narration of any story or incident. 
  • Descriptive Essays: Descriptive essays are a way to convey an event in such a way that the reader may feel the story at the moment.

Some important essays for matriculation board exams include:

  • A Rainy Day
  • Technical Education
  • My House 
  • Sports and Games
  • Health is Wealth 

Few tips to enhance your essay writing:

  • Attract the readers through an interesting title
  • Make your essays simple and easy to understand 
  • Do not fall for complex sentences
  • Quotations make the draft look more interesting
  • Draft a rough draft to make the essay an organized way
  • Have a grip on grammar to avoid mistakes that might distract the reader’s attention

Grammar is the main component of English subjects. Grammar helps to form various structural sentences for different types of writing. With a grip on grammar, students can ace their essay writing, stories, and various others. The English paper includes some questions regarding grammatical errors in which the students have to identify the correct grammatical approach. 

A story is usually written to entertain or to convey a point. It is mainly a narration of real or imaginary events providing some sort of a moral lesson. A story is shorter as compared to essay writing. Story writing helps enhance your thinking and creative ability. Some common moral lesson stories for 10th grade are:

  • No Pain, No Gain
  • Honesty is the best policy
  • A friend in need is a friend indeed
  • Haste makes waste
  • Kindness is a Virtue
  • All that glitter is not Gold

The students who have to appear for SSC Part-II board exams can visit our website to learn more English essays and stories.

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Rainy Day Essay

The monsoon season is considered the best season among all the seasons. Rainy day is awaited by one and all as the weather on such a day is pleasant. A Rainy Day is a perfect day to enjoy the nature and be one with it. The entire atmosphere fills with joy on a rainy day. Be it kids, adults or elderly people – everyone loves this day.

The term “Rainy Day” is typically used for a day when it rains. While monsoon has a definite arrival time, duration and exit pattern; a rainy day on the other hand, can occur anytime of the year, though, it is also more likely to occur during monsoon.

Rainy Season Essay | Paragraph on Rainy Day | Paragraph on Rainy Season

Rainy day is advantageous to both the urban as well as rural population. Apart from the human population rainy day is also beneficial to flora and fauna of a place. Despite being beneficial to the ecology of a place, rainy day might cause little discomfort in some cases. In the essay below we will go through the benefits of a rainy day as well as its disadvantages.

Long and Short Essay on Rainy Day in English

Here are essay on Rainy Day of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exam.

We have provided both, long and short Essay on Rainy Day in English.

All the Rainy Day essays are written in simple English, providing all the information about how rainy day occurs, how it feels on a rainy day, what are the advantages and disadvantages of a rainy day, how can you spend a rainy day, etc.

You can select any Rainy Day essay as per your need:

Short Essay on Rainy Day is My Favorite Day – Essay 1 (200 words)

There are various seasons like summer, winter and monsoon. But out of all my favourite season is monsoon season or the rainy season. I live in a joint family. I and my cousins wait all year round for rainfall and when it rains our eyes sparkle with joy. On the first rain of the season we just run out of our house into the rain giggling and smiling with delight. It feels so refreshing after the sunny days to take cool natural shower in rain.

We like to play in the garden as the rain showers pour on us. We sing songs and jump in the muddy puddles to splash water on each other. We fight like cats and dogs on the ground splashing water and sticky mud on each other. Our mothers always shout on us but we just like to ignore and enjoy. I hate it when the rain stops and we need to get back. My mother cooks moong dal and onion pakoras with mint chutney on these days. I just love this combination. After taking shower we enjoy eating pakoras together.

Enjoying the rain with cousins is the best part. We have so much fun together. I simply love rainy day.

Essay on Benefits of Rainy Day for Farmers and School Kids – Essay 2 (300 words)


A rainy day spreads instant joy and calmness in the atmosphere. It brings a smile on everyone’s face and also gives a reason to celebrate. Inviting friends and celebrating with them on a rainy day is all the more enjoyable.

Farmers Await Rain

A rainy day is a special day for everyone however rains hold a special significance particularly for the farmers. The growth of their crops depends largely on the rains. The right amount of rain is what they yearn for each year. Monsoon season these days gets delayed often and rains have become quite erratic.

The farmers in such a situation wish and pray that the rain falls at the right time. The first rainy day of the season is especially a day to rejoice for the farmers. This is because it marks the beginning of the monsoon season that promotes the growth of crops. There is greenery all around. The fields seem to appear full of life on a rainy day.

Rainy Day is Special in the Life of School Kids

School kids are overjoyed on a rainy day. Rainy day for them means a day full of fun. Small kids are seen holding colourful umbrellas and wearing beautiful raincoats on rainy days. There is colour all around. If the rain is heavy, many kids get the privilege to go to school with their parents and not by auto rickshaws or buses.

Kids usually look forward to this change. If the rain is heavier, many parents refrain from sending their kids to the school. At times, the schools also declare holiday on such a day. What more can a school going child ask for? They get a chance to stay home and play in the rain with their siblings and friends.

A rainy day is certainly not an ordinary day. It impacts our lives in some way or the other. It mostly brings a positive note.

Essay on My Fondest Memory of Rainy Day – Essay 3 (400 words)

Monsoons in India are welcomed with joy as rains provide fresh and breezy atmosphere after the sunny climate. Earth is transformed into a rich green land with blooming flowers dancing and celebrating monsoon. The soothing smell of rain and cooling showers of rain make us feel so fresh.

My Fondest Memory of Rainy Day

Last year when I was in 5 th standard, one morning I woke up for school and was getting ready to attend my classes. It was during the monsoon season, the month of July. The weather outside was dark and gloomy. In my mind I was praying to God constantly that if it rains and I don’t have to go to school. After I had my milk and my mother packed my lunchbox, I was ready to leave for school. But it did not rain and I had to go. My dad dropped me to the school.

In the classroom, I sat on a seat by the window still expecting it to rain. I felt lazy and sad in the classroom and all my attention was outside the window wishing it rains. My class teacher scolded me for staring outside the window constantly. As the second period that is the Maths class, got over, my wish came true. It started raining and the bonus was that there was no teacher in the class. My eyes sparkled with joy and I jumped off my seat to peep out of the window to enjoy the droplets of rain. I was trying to grasp the drops of rain and it made me extremely happy.

Everyone in the class was happy and cheerful. Everyone was jumping, chit-chatting and smiling with joy. Me and some of my classmates tore some pages from our books and made paper boats. Outside the window there were small puddles and we dropped our boats in to the puddles to float. It made us jump and giggle as our boats floated in water. We were grasping the drops of rain from the window and splashing at each other.

After a while our Science teacher came in the classroom and every one settled back to their seats. She declared a holiday as the rain was expected to get heavier in some time. We all hopped from our seats with excitement. We packed our bags, got into our raincoats and ran outside the classroom to enjoy the rain. We went back home jumping and dancing in rain.

It was one of the best days of my life. Rainy days really bring joy and happiness in everyone’s life.

Essay on How to Spend Rainy Day – Essay 4 (500 words)

Rainy day is one such day that is awaited by everyone. People of every age group love and cherish this day. In my family everyone from my grandfather to my younger sister gets overjoyed on such a day. Rains transform the weather from blazing hot and dry to refreshing. Plants, birds and human beings, everyone participates in celebrating rains. Trees turn greener, peacocks begin to dance, farmers turn cheerful and we all relish the rain party on the earth.

How the Weather Impacts Our Mood?

We live in Delhi, a state which is famous for its extreme weather conditions. Heat waves engulf this part of the country for most part of the year. Rains offer the much needed respite from the hot weather. Monsoon is thus one of the most awaited times of the year in Delhi.

Weather has a strange way of impacting our mood. During the hot sunny summer days, people often tend to get angry and aggressive very quickly. The sweat and scorching heat during such a day gives rise to violence and fury. People are often seen in a bad mood and tend to get into arguments and fights easily. On the other hand, a pleasant rainy day uplifts the mood automatically. It is a treat for the senses. Everything around appears joyful. People plan outings with their loved ones on such a day just because of the awesomeness it offers.

An Ideal Rainy Day

A rainy day is loved by everyone. There would hardly be anyone who despises it. Everyone has his own way of rejoicing the rain. While some love walking in the rain, others love to drench and dance while yet others love the view sitting on their window sill.

My ideal rainy day would be sitting by the window and watching rain, catching some droplets of rain and feeling the chilly breeze on my cheeks. I enjoy writing in my diary sitting by the window. It calms my heart and brings new and creative thoughts in my mind. My mother gets me hot cup of coffee and we enjoy our coffee together. I often turn on soft music and relax on an armchair sipping my coffee.

After spending my afternoon and relaxing with my mom, I love to go on a drive with my dad in the evening to explore the city and relish the beauty of nature. We visit our favourite restaurant during the rains and enjoy having crunchy onion and mirchi pakoras with mint chutney. By the time we drive back home, it’s usually dark. I feel so weary and sleepy as I return home. All I do on my return is just change and go to my bed. I really have a sound sleep on a rainy day as the weather is extremely chilly.

So my idea of rainy day is to spend my day with my family and enjoy the beauty of nature. It is so much fun to spend time with family during rains. I love my family and I love rains too.

Essay on Importance of Rainy Day – Essay 5 (600 words)

How rhythmic and soothing the nature is on a rainy day. Dark clouds marching in the sky and showering the droplets of rain, trees rinsing and dancing with charming bliss, dark and gloomy day gleaming our hearts, frogs popping here and there, kids jumping with joy in the muddy pools of water, beautiful peacocks spreading feathers and dancing to compose an art attracting their mates, farmers sway with cheer and new hopes gleaming their eyes – everyone participates to celebrate the joy of rains.

Rainy Day Spent at the Seashore

It is so calming to be out in the nature to enjoy its beauty on a rainy day. I walk up to the seashore to relish a day like this in my white dress. White dress, as I like the contrast it gives, the dark weather and a white dress is a pretty combination and I love it. As soon as I reach there, I remove my flip-flops and throw away my pink umbrella on the sand and run towards the sea.

I walk bare feet at the edge of sea with my chin up to feel the chilling breeze on my cheeks. I grasp the tiny-mini droplets of rain. The glimpse of droplets blending in to the sea waves, soothe my eyes. The refreshing aroma of rain calms my heart. The melodies of droplets make me sway along with the beat. I fantasize like I am the mermaid at the edge of sea. Me and my fantasies…! I stand still drenched in water shivering and clutching myself smiling at the lure of nature.

Rainy Day at Home

On the weekends when it is raining I just love to spend my day inside my home. Something about rainy days makes me feel so lazy and so cozy. I just love to snuggle into my blanket reading a love story. My mom loves to make delicious chocolate cookies for me on rainy days. The aroma of hot cookies in the chilled weather, spells some kind of magic on me. I really feel very hungry during these days and I keep on munching all day long. I prefer having my hot chocolate cookies dipped in milk, I just love it. I later spend my whole day lying on sofa in my pajamas and watching my favorite movies.

Rainy Day Serves an Inspiration for Writers and Poets

We all read poems, stories and books. There is so much and so beautifully written about the scenic beauty of nature. Writings about rains are obviously more alluring than writings about sunny days or winters. Rainy day is an inspiration for poets primarily because it gives the world, a fresh and new perspective. The everyday world that seems so conventional and colorless suddenly turns so diverse, refreshing, colorful and magical.

Poetry is as alluring as the rainy day. Or maybe rains just create the poetic mood, the beautiful scenery, rainbows, background music of raindrops, hot cup of coffee everything inspires writers. Other than the poets, the rainy season is an inspiration for all writers as we have been reading about the beauty and effects of rain in stories and books as well.

Thus, everyone has his/ her own ideal way of enjoying a rainy day however some might even just hate rainy days. For some, it’s an excuse to just be at home and for others to take up new adventures. Some might get too lazy while others might just get creative. Some spend their time cooking aromatic food while others like me spend time eating and gaining weight. All in all, rains are beautiful and bring cheer to life but too much of rain can even be harmful for our nature.

Long Essay on Rainy Day – Essay 6 (800 Words)

A “Rainy Day” is a day on which the clouds cover the sky and it rains for almost throughout the day. Just a couple of hours of rain isn’t enough to declare a day as “Rainy Day”. It must rain or drizzle for a greater part of the day. Technically, any day when it is raining, could be termed as a rainy day. It need not to be necessarily in monsoon, rather it could occur anytime of the year, depending on the moisture and climatic conditions.

How Does a Rainy Day Feels?

A rainy day feels calm, peaceful and serene despite the occasional burst of thunder which it might bring. A rainy day washes the earth, revealing its inner beauty and the life that lay underneath. It’s like that it gives a new lease of life to the whole place.

Getting up on a rainy day is like getting up with the beautiful sound of raindrops falling and a cool breeze buzzing past your ears. Such pleasant atmosphere, compels one to cancel all the prior engagements and just relax, letting the cool drizzle fall on your face.

Advantages of a Rainy Day

There are several advantages of a rainy day. Firstly it cleans the earth, making everything look fresh and new. The trees those have been looking dull and covered in dust, suddenly become lively, reflecting lush green colour. The same happens with grass, flower, plants etc. They all seem to reveal their inner beauty, thanks to the rain.

On the other note, a rainy day is beneficial to the fauna and also for the agricultural activities. Non domesticated animals, especially those living in forested areas; depend on natural water resources for their supply of water. On a rainy day, the ponds and lakes get a new supply of fresh water, which proves to be a blessing for the thirsty animals.

Occasional rainy day is also beneficial to the crops. Farmers also equate one or two spells of shower as equivalent to a couple of bags of fertilizers for crops and fruit plants. It also saves the farmers a couple of days’ labour of watering the fields.

Another advantage of a rainy day is that it cleans the air. When rain drops fall from the sky, they bring down with them, all the dust and other unwanted minute impurities to ground. This indeed makes the air free from impurities and clean and healthy to breathe.

Disadvantages of Rainy Day

Despite having several advantages, a rainy day also has certain amount of disadvantages associated with it. It may cause discomfort to daily commuters, and abstain them from getting on time to wherever they are headed. School children, office goers or other commuters might have to delay or even postpone their commute, because of rain.

On the other hand, considering the scenario of a populated urban city, with a network of interlinked streets, roads and adjacently constructed buildings; a rainy day could cause discomfort to many with streets submerged in water and overflowing drains. It would be impossible to commute through the streets without getting your shoes wet.

Next, those who are most affected by a rainy day are street vendors and small shopkeepers. With the majority of population preferring to stay indoors on a rainy day, these small businessmen suffer financially due to considerably less footfalls than on any usual day.

Things to Do On a Rainy Day

If you have decided to postpone your prior engagements and to enjoy the rain, then there are actually plenty of things you can do to spend your own rainy day.

The beauty of the rainy day is that it could also be enjoyed sitting in the comforts of your house in the company of family and friends. You just have to choose a spot which offers a full view of the rain with cool breeze swirling through your body. A hot cup of coffee or tea will be an added compliment. You can also cook some hot snacks of your liking, to go with the coffee.

If you don’t want to stay indoors, then step out of the house or on to the terrace to let the rain fall over you. This way you get hands on experience of the rain and also will enjoy it as well. But remember to be careful, as sudden exposure to too much of rain can get you sick.

If you live in a place with any forest, agricultural field nearby; plan a trip there, to witness the full beauty of the rain and also the earth as it gets cleaned.

Rainy Day is like a blessing for the parched earth and its thirsty inhabitants. It gives a new lease of life to earth, animals, humans, trees, crops, plants etc and replenishes the fresh water resources. A rainy day might not have much influence on an individual’s life, but it sure has tremendous usefulness for the nature. The little discomfort that a rainy day causes to some, is weighed much low against the benefits it brings. Therefore, it is wise to spend a rainy day, admiring the beauty of nature and not complaining about the little discomforts.

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