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How to Say “Do Homework” in French: A Comprehensive Guide

Learning how to say “do homework” in French is essential for anyone studying the language or planning to communicate with French speakers. In this guide, we will explore the formal and informal ways to express this phrase, providing tips, examples, and even regional variations when necessary. Whether you’re a student or just curious about the language, let’s dive in and expand your French vocabulary!

Formal Ways to Say “Do Homework”

When it comes to formal language, it’s crucial to choose the words carefully. For instance, if you want to express “do homework” in a more formal manner, you can use the following options:

  • “Faire les devoirs” – This is the most common and straightforward way to say “do homework” in French. It’s a simple and widely accepted phrase that works in any formal setting. For example, “Je dois faire les devoirs ce soir” translates to “I have to do my homework tonight.”
  • “Effectuer les devoirs” – While less commonly used than “faire les devoirs,” this phrase is still appropriate in formal contexts. It conveys a sense of performing or executing the task of homework. An example would be “Il doit effectuer ses devoirs avant demain” meaning “He must do his homework before tomorrow.”
  • “Réaliser les devoirs” – This option adds a touch of sophistication and implies an accomplishment or realization of homework. It’s often used in educational or professional settings. For instance, you could say “Les étudiants doivent réaliser les devoirs assignés” to mean “The students must complete the assigned homework.”

Informal Ways to Say “Do Homework”

When you’re in a casual or informal setting, there are alternative phrases that you can use to convey the same meaning. These expressions are colloquial and commonly used in everyday conversation between friends or family members:

  • “Faire ses devoirs” – This is the informal counterpart of the formal phrase “faire les devoirs.” It’s a shortened version often used in day-to-day conversations. For example, you might say “Je vais faire mes devoirs” meaning “I’m going to do my homework.”
  • “Bosser” – This slang term is widely used by French students, especially among younger generations. It is derived from the word “bosser” meaning to work or study intensively. For instance, you could say “J’ai passé la soirée à bosser mes devoirs” which translates to “I spent the evening doing my homework.”
  • “Travailler sur ses devoirs” – This is a more descriptive way to say “work on homework” and can be used in both formal and informal contexts. It emphasizes the act of working on the assignments. An example would be “J’ai besoin de travailler sur mes devoirs ce soir” meaning “I need to work on my homework tonight.”

Regional Variations

French is spoken in various regions, and there may be some local variations in vocabulary. However, when it comes to expressing “do homework” in French, the phrases mentioned earlier are widely understood and accepted throughout the French-speaking world. Therefore, you don’t need to worry about regional variations regarding this specific phrase.

Useful Tips and Examples

Here are some additional tips and examples to help you understand how to use the phrases mentioned above:

  • Use context: Always consider the context before choosing the right phrase. Pay attention to whether you are in a formal or informal environment.
  • Modify verbs: You can modify the verbs used in the phrases to match the subject or tense. For example, instead of “faire,” you can use “ferai” to express “will do” or “doing” in the future tense.
  • Combine with adverbs: Add adverbs to provide more information about the intensity or timeframe of doing homework. For instance, “Je dois faire rapidement mes devoirs” translates to “I have to do my homework quickly.”
  • Learn related vocabulary: Expand your knowledge by learning related vocabulary such as “assignments” (les devoirs à rendre) or “studying” (étudier) to express yourself more precisely.
“J’ai passé la journée à faire mes devoirs et je suis épuisé(e)!” (Translation: “I spent the whole day doing my homework, and I’m exhausted!”)

Remember, practice is key when it comes to mastering a language. Use these phrases regularly, listen to native speakers, and immerse yourself in French culture to improve your language skills.

Now that you have a better understanding of how to say “do homework” in French, you can confidently communicate this concept in both formal and informal situations. Best of luck with your journey in learning French!

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French Classroom Commands – Phrases For Teachers & Students

French Classroom Commands – Phrases For Teachers & Students

Whether you’re a student learning how to speak French or a classroom teacher you’ll definitely want to learn some useful classroom commands and expressions. This list includes common phrases and vocabulary words for both teachers and students. 

Teacher in classroom with students

Phrases for teachers

Homework, assignments.

  • Where is your paper? Où est votre papier ?
  • Turn in your homework. Rendez vos devoirs.
  • Who wants to correct the work? Qui veux corriger le travail ?
  • Make the corrections. Faites les corrections.
  • Did you finish? Vous avez fini?
  • Good job! C’est bien! Bravo !

During the class

  • Show me . Montrez-moi .
  • Repeat. Répétez !
  • Repeat three times. Répétez trois fois.
  • Take your book. Prenez votre livre.
  • Open your book to page __ . Ouvrez votre livre à la page __.
  • Close your books. Fermez vos livres.
  • Do you understand? Vous comprenez…?
  • What does that mean? Qu’est-ce que ça veut dire?
  • Raise your hand. Levez la main.
  • Look at the blackboard. Regardez le tableau noir.
  • Take a sheet of paper. Prenez une feuille de papier.
  • Read __ . Lisez __ .
  • Listen and repeat. Écoutez et répétez.
  • Write this word. Écrivez ce mot.
  • Spell this word, sentence. Épelez ce mot, cette phrase.
  • You understand this word, sentence? Vous comprenez ce mot, cette phrase ?
  • How do you say _ in French? Comment on dit _ en français ?
  • I’ll explain the word. J’explique le mot.
  • Speak louder. Parlez plus fort.
  • Ask the question. P osez la question.
  • Who can reply/answer? Qui peut répondre?
  • What’s the right answer? Quelle est la bonne réponse?
  • Who can answer? Qui peut répondre?
  • Who wants to read aloud? Qui veut lire à voix haute ?
  • Do the exercise. Faites l’exercise.
  • Work alone. Travaillez seul.
  • Work with a partner, in pairs. Travaillez deux par deux.
  • Work in small groups. Travaillez en petits groupes.
  • Sit down! Asseyez-vous !
  • Who’s absent (not in class)? Qui est absent ?
  • Pay attention! Faites attention !
  • Leave the room! Sortez de la salle !
  • Silence! Silence !
  • Stand up! On your feet! Levez-vous ! Debout !
  • Shut up at the back of the class! Taisez-vous au fond de la classe !

Phrases for students

Relating to homework.

  • Here’s my homework. Voici mes devoirs.
  • I forgot my homework. J’ai oublié mes devoirs.
  • I haven’t done my homework. Je n’ai pas fait mes devoirs.
  • My dog ate my homework. Mon chien a mangé mes devoirs.

During class

  • What page? Quelle page
  • Where’s my textbook. Où est mon manuel scolaire.
  • I lost my notebook. J’ai perdu mon cahier.
  • I don’t have a book, a pen. Je n’ai pas de livre, de stylo
  • How do you write this word? Comment écrit-on ce mot ?
  • How do you say _ in French? Comment dit-on _ en français?
  • I’m having a hard time ___ . J’ai du mal à ___.
  • Can you teach ? Pouvez-vous enseigner ?
  • I already learned this word. J’ai déjà appris ce mot.
  • What does that mean? Qu’est-ce que ça veut dire ?
  • I don’t understand. Je ne comprends pas.
  • I understand. Je comprends.
  • How do you pronounce this word? Comment prononce-t-on ce mot?
  • Could you repeat, please? Vous pouvez répéter, s’il vous plaît ?
  • You’re speaking to fast. Vous parlez trop vite.
  • Speak slower. Parlez moins vite.

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More resources:

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David Issokson

David Issokson is a lifelong language enthusiast. His head is swimming with words and sounds as he speaks over six languages. Of all the languages he speaks, he's the most passionate about French! David has helped hundreds of students to improve their French in his private online lessons. When procrastinating working on FrenchLearner, David enjoys his time skiing and hiking in Teton Valley, Idaho.

See all posts by David Issokson

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How do you say “I will” in French?

Learn how to say “i will” in french:.

Bonjour! In this blog post, we’ll explore how to say “I will” in French. This phrase is a great starting point for anyone looking to communicate their future plans and intentions in the language.

  • “Je vais”: One of the most common ways to say “I will” in French is “Je vais”. For example, “Je vais faire du shopping” (I will go shopping).
  • “Je vais faire”: Another common way to express “I will” in French is “Je vais faire”. For example, “Je vais faire la cuisine” (I will cook).
  • “Je vais aller”: “Je vais aller” can also be used to say “I will” in French, particularly when referring to physical movements or actions. For example, “Je vais aller à la plage” (I will go to the beach).
  • “Je serai”: “Je serai” is another way to say “I will” in French, but with a more formal or definite tone. For example, “Je serai là à l’heure” (I will be there on time).
  • “Je ferai”: “Je ferai” is another way to express “I will” in French, with an emphasis on the intended action or task. For example, “Je ferai mes devoirs” (I will do my homework).

In conclusion, there are several ways to say “I will” in French, each with its own specific usage and context. Familiarizing yourself with these different forms will help you communicate your future plans and intentions more effectively in the language. Bonne chance!


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Related phrases.

  • Do you have anything to say?
  • I should have listened to my Mom.
  • I haven't heard from him these several months.
  • Do you have one a little smaller?
  • May I have a napkin, please?
  • You have a way with women.
  • I have nothing better to do.
  • You have no good reason for thinking as you do.
  • You yourself have to finish it.
  • We still have plenty of time left.
  • Do you have any good news?
  • Go downstairs and have a wash.
  • How can you have a laptop and not a cell phone?
  • You have foul breath.
  • What does it mean to have an educated mind in the 21st century?
  • We have a traitor among us.
  • I have to keep my mind on this important question.

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  1. Google Translate

    Google's service, offered free of charge, instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages.

  2. French translation of 'homework'

    French Translation of "HOMEWORK" | The official Collins English-French Dictionary online. Over 100,000 French translations of English words and phrases.

  3. homework translation in French

    mes devoirs de géographie. to do one's homework. exp. bien se renseigner avant. ***. 'homework' also found in translations in French-English dictionary. devoir d'école.

  4. homework

    Anglais. Français. do homework vtr + n. (do after-hours schoolwork) faire ses devoirs loc v. The children have to do homework before they can go out to play. Les enfants doivent faire leurs devoirs avant de pouvoir aller jouer dehors. do your homework v expr.

  5. HOMEWORK in French

    HOMEWORK translate: devoirs [masculine, plural], devoirs (à la maison). Learn more in the Cambridge English-French Dictionary.

  6. How to say "I do my homework." in French.

    Tu fais tes devoirs. You do your homework (formal) Vous faites vos devoirs. He does his homework. Il fait ses devoirs. We do our homework. Nous faisons nos devoirs. You all do your homework. Vous faites tous vos devoirs.

  7. How to Say "Do Homework" in French: A Comprehensive Guide

    Formal Ways to Say "Do Homework" When it comes to formal language, it's crucial to choose the words carefully. For instance, if you want to express "do homework" in a more formal manner, you can use the following options: "Faire les devoirs" - This is the most common and straightforward way to say "do homework" in French. It ...

  8. Top 8 Words for I do my homework in French.

    You may know how to say "I do my homework." in French, but do you know the words for I do my homework? Learn the Top 8 words for I do my homeworkwith their pronunciation.

  9. Translation of "I'm doing homework" in French

    I'm doing homework. Je fais mes devoirs. Mom, I'm doing homework. Je fais mes devoirs. My friends think I'm doing homework. Mes amis croient que je travaille chez moi. That I'm doing homework on Friday night. Que je fasse mes devoirs un vendredi soir. I'm doing homework!

  10. Translation of "I do my homework" in French

    Voilà pourquoi je fais mes devoirs le samedi. In the afternoon, I do my homework and relax. Le dimanche après-midi, je fais mes devoirs et je me repose. And at night, I study, I do my homework. Et le soir même, j'étudie, je fais mes devoirs. When I do my homework, he sits on the table and closely follows my movements.

  11. Reverso Context

    Discover and learn these English words with Reverso Context. English leak apron yeast fret rake snitch burden faint nagging stubble. French pleurer grief sentier déraisonnable règle chair pelouse pare-brise recueillir pierre. Discover all the exciting features of Reverso Context, the AI-based dictionary that redefines the way you translate ...

  12. do homework

    Anglais. Français. do homework vtr + n. (do after-hours schoolwork) faire ses devoirs loc v. The children have to do homework before they can go out to play. Les enfants doivent faire leurs devoirs avant de pouvoir aller jouer dehors.

  13. i do my homework translation in French

    J'ai fait mes devoirs. I do my homework, too, captain. Je fais mes devoirs aussi capitaine. See how "i do my homework " is translated from English to French with more examples in context. Helping millions of people and large organizations communicate more efficiently and precisely in all languages.

  14. How to say homework in French

    What's the French word for homework? Here's a list of translations. French Translation. devoirs. More French words for homework. le devoir à la maison noun. housework. le devoir de la maison noun.

  15. do homework

    person that you need to go to work, or do homework, or have dinner. [...] que v ous devez all er travaill er, faire vos devoirs ou aller dî ner. Around three-quarters of kids this age use instant messaging (77 percent), download music (78 perce nt), do homework (79 percent) and play online games (72 percent) on an average school day. Près des ...

  16. Collins French Dictionary

    The official Collins English-French Dictionary online. Over 100,000 French translations of English words and phrases.

  17. i did my homework

    I can do my homework at s chool and receive help. seis-deutschland.de. seis-deutschland.de. Je peux faire mes devoirs à l'école et me faire aider. seis-deutschland.de. seis-deutschland.de. I can play, eat, sl eep, do my homework, and go to school. aea-education.org. aea-education.org.

  18. Translation of "do your homework" in French

    Billy, go do your homework. Billy, va faire tes devoirs. Marcos, come do your homework. Marcos, viens faire tes devoirs. Go on, do your homework. Allez, va faire tes devoirs. Translations in context of "do your homework" in English-French from Reverso Context: However, you should first do your homework.

  19. French Classroom Commands

    Here's my homework. Voici mes devoirs. I forgot my homework. J'ai oublié mes devoirs. I haven't done my homework. Je n'ai pas fait mes devoirs. My dog ate my homework. Mon chien a mangé mes devoirs. During class. What page? Quelle page; Where's my textbook. Où est mon manuel scolaire. I lost my notebook. J'ai perdu mon cahier.

  20. How do you say "I will" in French?

    This phrase is a great starting point for anyone looking to communicate their future plans and intentions in the language. "Je vais": One of the most common ways to say "I will" in French is "Je vais". For example, "Je vais faire du shopping" (I will go shopping). "Je vais faire": Another common way to express "I will ...

  21. to do homework translation in French

    Les chasseurs de bonnes affaires sérieux se renseigneront bien avant de choisir un voyage. to do one's homework on sth bien se renseigner sur qch. → Do your homework on the agency you're applying to, know about current campaigns and advertisements: read the trade press, talk to people in the industry. modif. a homework assignment un devoir.

  22. How do you say I did my homework in French?

    The phrase 'I did my homework' translates as J'ai fait mes devoirs (pronounced: zheh feh meh duh-VWAHR). Let's take a look at the explanation: We... See full answer below. Start today. Try it now. Our experts can answer your tough homework and study questions.

  23. How to say "I have a lot of homework to do" in French?

    HUMAN TRANSLATION. 1. J'ai beaucoup de devoirs à faire. I have a lot of homework to do. HELP US MAKE THIS SITE BETTER. Please, take a survey and help us make a better site for you. How to say I have a lot of homework to do in French. Includes translation from English and pronunciation.

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