Wellbeing in your Office

Wellbeing in Your Office

The art of living well in the workplace

Corporate Yoga: What Are the Benefits?

Corporate yoga: discover the benefits of it in reducing stress and promoting employee wellbeing. Implement it in the office or online.

Are you or the members of your team feeling overwhelmed and stressed at work? Corporate yoga might be the solution you’ve been looking for. We’ll explore the benefits of incorporating yoga into your workplace, how to implement it in the office, and even online classes that can cater to busy schedules. Discover how corporate yoga can help alleviate stress and improve mental wellbeing for employees. Let’s dive in!

Benefits of Corporate Yoga

Reduces stress and anxiety.

Corporate yoga is an effective solution for reducing stress and anxiety in employees. By incorporating regular yoga sessions into the workplace, individuals can experience a significant decrease in feelings of overwhelm and tension. This practice promotes mental wellbeing, providing employees with a valuable tool to manage daily pressures effectively.

Implementing corporate yoga reduces stress and anxiety, promoting mental well-being and helping employees manage daily pressures effectively. It also enhances physical health by improving fitness levels, flexibility, and energy levels while reducing absenteeism due to illness.

Corporate Yoga can Improve Physical Health

Incorporating corporate yoga into the workplace can have significant benefits for physical health. Some of the advantages include:

  • Increased flexibility and strength
  • Improved posture and alignment
  • Enhanced cardiovascular fitness
  • Reduced risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes

By offering yoga classes to employees, companies can prioritize their wellbeing and contribute to overall better physical health.

Enhances Mental Clarity and Focus

Regular practice of corporate yoga can significantly enhance mental clarity and focus among employees. By incorporating yoga into their routine, individuals experience improved concentration and productivity, enabling them to tackle tasks with greater efficiency. The combination of mindfulness techniques and physical movements in corporate yoga helps reduce distractions, promoting a calm state of mind that enhances cognitive abilities. This heightened mental clarity not only benefits individual employees but also contributes to the overall success and effectiveness of the workplace environment.

Additionally, yoga fosters flexibility in both body and mind. Through various poses and breathing exercises, employees develop a resilient mindset that enables them to adapt to changing circumstances with ease. This flexibility translates into better problem-solving skills as individuals become more open-minded and creative in finding solutions.

Furthermore, by promoting self-care practices like regular exercise through corporate yoga sessions, employers demonstrate their commitment to employee well-being while nurturing a positive work culture focused on holistic health care.

Boosts Employee Morale

Corporate yoga not only improves employees’ physical health but also boosts their morale. By providing regular yoga sessions, employers show that they prioritise their employees’ wellbeing and value work-life balance. This investment in employee health care positively impacts overall job satisfaction and productivity within the workplace.

Can Reduce Burnout and Absenteeism

Corporate yoga is a powerful tool for reducing burnout and absenteeism in the workplace. By providing employees with an opportunity to destress and unwind, yoga helps alleviate the pressures of work and promotes overall mental wellbeing. Regular practice can lead to increased productivity, decreased sick days, and a greater sense of fulfillment among team members.Incorporating corporate yoga into the office routine can have a profound impact on employee health and work-life balance.

Can Help Improve Work-Life Balance

Corporate yoga is a powerful tool for improving work-life balance. By incorporating yoga into the workplace, employees can experience reduced stress levels and increased personal well-being.

Promoting Team Building

Incorporating corporate yoga sessions can enhance team building within your organisation. By participating in these classes together, employees develop a sense of camaraderie and unity. The shared experience of practicing yoga promotes open communication and collaboration, fostering a positive work environment where teamwork thrives. Engaging in regular corporate yoga sessions can encourage trust and empathy among team members.

Implementing Corporate Yoga in the Office

Implementing corporate yoga can be relatively simple. There are some stepst to follow.

Finding a Qualified Yoga Instructor

When searching for a qualified yoga instructor for your corporate yoga program, consider their certification and experience in teaching workplace wellness classes. Look for instructors who have expertise in stress reduction techniques and can tailor their sessions to the needs of employees with different fitness levels.

Creating a Dedicated Yoga Space in the Workplace

  • Designate a specific area in the office solely for yoga practice.
  • Ensure the space is quiet, clean, and free from distractions.
  • Invest in yoga mats, blocks, and other necessary equipment, which can make it easier for participants to engage in yoga sessions.
  • Consider adding plants or natural elements to create a calming atmosphere.

Establishing a Regular Schedule of corporate yoga classes

Establishing a regular schedule for corporate yoga sessions is crucial for maximising the benefits. Consistency allows employees to prioritize their mental and physical wellbeing regularly, creating lasting positive effects. By incorporating yoga into the workweek routine, companies can foster a culture of self-care and stress reduction, leading to increased productivity and overall employee satisfaction.

  • Determine optimal times for yoga sessions that accommodate employees’ schedules.
  • Offer both morning and afternoon sessions to cater to different preferences.
  • Encourage employees to commit to attending regular classes for maximum benefits.

Communicate and Encourage Participation

Inform employees about the benefits of corporate yoga and encourage them to participate. Highlight the positive impact it can have on their physical and mental wellbeing, as well as their stress levels.

Online Corporate Yoga Classes

Convenience and flexibility.

Convenience and flexibility are key advantages of incorporating corporate yoga into the workplace. By offering onsite classes or online sessions, employees have the freedom to choose a time that suits their schedule and can participate from anywhere. This accessibility allows for increased participation and ensures that all employees can benefit from the stress-relieving effects of yoga.

  • Onsite classes cater to employees’ convenience
  • Online sessions allow for participation from anywhere

Accessible to Remote Employees

With the rise of remote work, it is crucial to ensure that wellness initiatives are accessible to all employees. Corporate yoga offers a solution by providing online classes that can be easily accessed from anywhere. This allows remote employees to participate in yoga sessions, promoting their mental health and wellbeing regardless of their location. With just a few clicks, remote workers can join in and experience the benefits of corporate yoga no matter where they are located.


Corporate yoga offers a cost-effective solution for promoting mental health and wellbeing in the workplace. By incorporating yoga into the daily routine, companies can reduce healthcare costs associated with stress-related illnesses while improving employee productivity and morale. The low cost of implementing corporate yoga programs makes it an affordable option for businesses of all sizes, providing long-term benefits without breaking the budget.

Privacy and Comfort

Some employees may feel more comfortable practicing yoga in the privacy of their own space. Online classes eliminate the need for a dedicated yoga room in the office, allowing employees to practice in a setting that feels safe and familiar.

Corporate Yoga: what types are there

When it comes to incorporating yoga into the office, there are various types of yoga that can be practiced to cater to different needs and preferences. Here are a few types of yoga that can be easily practiced in the office setting:

Chair yoga is a gentle form of yoga that can be done while sitting on a chair. It is a great option for those who have mobility issues or find it difficult to practice yoga on the floor. Chair yoga focuses on gentle stretches, breathing exercises, and relaxation techniques, making it perfect for a quick and rejuvenating session during work breaks. Learn more about Chair Yoga here .

Desk yoga involves simple stretches and movements that can be done while sitting at your desk. It is designed to release tension in the neck, shoulders, and back, which are common areas of discomfort for office workers. Desk yoga can help improve posture, increase circulation, and reduce muscle stiffness, all without the need for additional space or equipment.

Mindfulness Meditation

While not technically a type of yoga, mindfulness meditation is often incorporated into yoga classes and can be practiced in the office as well. Mindfulness meditation involves focusing your attention on the present moment, observing your thoughts and emotions without judgment. It can be done at your desk, during breaks, or even in a dedicated meditation room if available. Regular mindfulness practice can help reduce stress, improve mental clarity, and enhance overall well-being. Our flexible Mindfulness Meditation classes are available online.

Energizing Flow

For those who prefer a more dynamic practice, an energizing flowyoga session can be a great option. Energizing flows involve a series of fluid, continuous movements that help increase energy levels, improve flexibility, and build strength. This type of yoga session is ideal for boosting productivity and focus, especially during mid-day slumps or after long hours of sitting at a desk.

In conclusion, corporate yoga can be a valuable resource for promoting mental health and wellbeing in the workplace. By implementing yoga programs, companies can provide their employees with a means to alleviate stress, improve focus, and enhance overall wellness. Employees can practice yoga at their own convenience, fitting it into their busy schedules without added stress.

Corporate yoga not only benefits employees individually but also has a positive impact on the company as a whole. By reducing stress and promoting mental wellbeing, companies can experience improved employee morale, increased job satisfaction, and reduced absenteeism. Ultimately, this leads to higher levels of productivity and a healthier work environment.

What causes stress in the workplace?

While some stress can be positive and motivate employees to perform, excessive stress has been linked to reduced engagement, higher absenteeism, and increased health issues. Addressing what causes stress in the workplace and preventing it is critical for creating a psychologically safe environment where employees can thrive.

Mental Health Week – Your Guide

Raising awareness through campaigns like Mental Health Awareness Week can play a significant role in improving mental health outcomes on a societal level. It serves as a reminder of how vital our mental health is, and the role we all have in looking after our minds.

Health and Wellbeing Activities

The health and wellbeing activities we choose to engage in, or not engage in, determine our energy levels, mood, focus, and even lifespan.

Workplace Wellbeing Workshops – 7 Ideas to Boost Employee Wellbeing

Workplace Wellbeing Workshops are sessions focused on improving one or more aspects of employee health and satisfaction. They can cover everything from stress and time management to nutrition and ergonomics.

Bereavement Leave

Bereavement leave refers to time off from work that is granted to employees following the death of a close family member. The purpose of bereavement leave is to allow employees adequate time to grieve, make funeral arrangements, attend services, and handle various administrative tasks related to the death.

May Awareness Days

May Awareness days aim to raise public awareness and promote education around various health conditions, social issues, and causes. By designating specific times of the year to focus on particular topics, awareness events seek to increase knowledge, rally support, and inspire action.

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Brett Larkin Yoga

  • Our Expert Advice On How and Why To Teach Corporate Yoga

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Let’s be honest, it’s no secret that the average yoga instructor doesn’t get paid much for teaching at a studio or the gym ( the average rate is $31/per class ). Factor in the pay, preparation time, and teaching the actual class; that equates to one stressed-out yoga teacher! 

I’m here to inform you that there is a way to increase your income and diversify your client base as a corporate yoga teacher. What better way to spread the love of yoga for a population in great need of stress reduction while earning more money to support yourself and your dreams?

Let’s walk through the benefits of teaching corporate yoga for you and your new customer base so you can make some clear decisions on whether this teaching option is for you.

Jump ahead:

Helps Teachers Avoid Burnout

Corporate yoga is more profitable, how to find a job teaching corporate yoga, get your paperwork ready for teaching corporate yoga, pricing your private corporate classes , organize bookings and payment, marketing for your niche workplace, teaching challenges for corporate yoga, what is corporate yoga and why start teaching yoga in the workplace.

Corporate yoga is yoga classes that happen in the workplace. Teaching corporate yoga classes can create a steady source of income, a stable client base, and can help teachers avoid burnout . Does it sound too good to be true? Short answer: No! But it does require proper planning, patience, and diligence to be successful. 

The average salary of a full-time yoga instructor is $30,000/year . This figure is based on teaching three yoga classes per day, approximately 20 classes per week with no days off.  Consider the time it takes to plan the class and travel to multiple venues, not to mention maintaining your personal wellbeing and livelihood. The amount of pressure is not a sustainable way of living and can lead to high levels of burnout.  

Corporate yoga is beneficial for a variety of reasons. Companies typically pay upwards of $125 per yoga class as a part of their corporate wellness programs.  Securing a monthly contract with a company can provide you with a more reliable client base and the means to forecast your income so you can focus on the quality of your classes rather than the quantity to make ends meet.

Even though corporate yoga programs are a lucrative opportunity to pursue, yoga teachers tend to feel reluctant to contact companies. It can be challenging to know how to begin, who to contact, how to price the classes, and how to teach corporate yoga.

There are many ways to make a good living as a yoga instructor , and teaching corporates is just one. Read up!

Building Your Corporate Yoga Business 

corporate yoga students in office stretching

There are many ways to find corporate yoga jobs, but first, you have to be willing to hold space for a growth mindset. Finding clients may take time, but all your hard work will pay off. Consider these actionable tips.

  • Leverage your personal network . Make a list of friends and family who have extensive networks, or work in a company setting. Ask them if they have a workplace wellness program in place and if they would be willing to put you in touch with the appropriate point person to discuss corporate yoga offerings.
  • Get the word out . Let people know that you are offering yoga sessions to companies on community-based connection sites like Nextdoor or post your offerings on your social media pages . Ask people to connect you to people seeking a corporate yoga program. Provide an easy way for them to contact you.
  • Do some research . Research companies in your area and make a list of organizations within your driving radius. Find the HR or corporate wellness contact and send a short email pitch that outlines your yoga offerings. Ask if they would consider your session as part of their wellness programs. Describe the benefits of yoga for mental health and stress reduction in a way that is relatable. Include a scheduling link for them to have a conversation with you.
  • Search platforms . Yoga teaching jobs can be found on sites like Yoga Trade, Thumbtack, LinkedIn, Craigslist, and social media. Include your yoga resume when you send a response!

As an independent yoga professional in a corporate environment, proper paperwork must be in order to teach yoga. This is necessary for tax purposes and to ensure expectations are clear between you and your client. 

Be prepared for companies to ask you about your teaching experience, references, corporate yoga rates, if mats and props are offered, the type of space needed to teach, how often you can teach, and how many employees you can accommodate.

Prepare the following items to ensure you are organized and have all the paperwork you need to teach corporate yoga.

  • Yoga Teacher Resume . Your resume should detail your experience as a yoga teacher, associated professional or life experience, and how your teaching style incorporates stress management techniques
  • Corporate Yoga Proposal . Draft a professional proposal with the type of yoga sessions and/or other wellness programs that you offer, benefits of a corporate yoga program in a work environment, pricing, and terms. Tailor your proposal to meet the needs of each client.
  • Liability Insurance . Buy insurance before you teach yoga classes to protect yourself in the event of a lawsuit.
  • Tax Forms . If your client has not asked for a tax form prior to teaching your first yoga class, be proactive and send them the appropriate form with the first invoice.

corporate yoga presentation

Before contacting people on your list, consider the level of customization and VALUE that you are offering as a private yoga instructor. 

The general rule of thumb: factor in how much you would get paid at a studio or gym and multiply by two. Then, ask yourself, “Is this reasonable?” Whatever you do, do not undersell your services. You are your own boss. As a freelance yoga teacher, consider insurance fees, the costs of healthcare, and other operating costs needed to survive .

You have two ways to price your classes: charging a standard flat rate per class or charging per person.

If you are charging a flat rate consider using a price that is similar to your private yoga classes since you have factored in operating expenses, travel, and any additional costs.

If you decide to charge a per person rate, $20 is an average market price. Keep in mind that rates based on employee attendance will fluctuate, making pricing a little more complex to forecast for budgeting purposes.

Five questions to ask yourself as you price your yoga program for prospective companies.

  • What are my operating costs?
  • What is the going rate in my area?
  • How far am I willing to travel? 
  • How many people will I be teaching?
  • Will I need to bring yoga materials for employees?

Curious to learn more about pricing? Read: Private Yoga Lessons Cost: A Yoga Teacher’s Guide On How To Price Classes

There are a variety of yoga scheduling platforms available for teachers to seamlessly set up a class schedule, arrange for advance payments, and to provide clients with class updates. Some platforms keep a record of class attendance, manage memberships and signups, and offer scheduling services for online classes. Refer back to your goals and yoga business plan to decide whether these features are worth the expense. 

If these platforms feel too complicated or expensive, consider using Calendly, a free scheduling system that syncs bookings across calendars. After a booking takes place, be sure to send an invoice to the client and any additional information about the session.

Drafting a cancellation policy into your proposal terms and conditions and/or booking platform is necessary to protect yourself and your clients. It sets clear expectations, takes potential conflicts into account, and shows respect for you and your client’s time. Over time something is bound to happen, a last-minute cancellation by you or a client, and you want to make sure your professional reputation is in good standing and you get paid if a client cancels at the last minute.

Speaking of collecting payments, many secure services like PayPal or Quickbooks are available to clients who want to use credit cards or offer electronic payments to streamline the process. Checks are great because they don’t have processing fees, but this option may not be the most convenient. Learn about some of the options available to you here.

Many companies are looking to add yoga into their wellness programs. As you market your services , authenticity is key. 

Spend some time identifying your niche by thinking about why you have chosen to focus your time, energy, well-being, and expertise to help reduce stress for others. Think about what makes your yoga teacher program different from others, and how you are highly trained to offer your niche services.

Consider why different types of workplaces might hire a yoga teacher. The benefits range from increased productivity levels, reducing job stress, less employee turnover, and a reduction of health care costs and doctor visits. 

Research data to support your claims. The American Institute of Stress has some very good resources about how much job stress costs the workplace, the effects of high blood pressure as a result of physical stress or mental stress, and medically related productivity losses.

Be sure to find the right point of contact within the company. Friends or family employee referrals are always a good place to start. If you don’t have any contacts, find an HR contact in charge of benefits. Depending on the size of the company, CEOs are also a good point of contact.

Fall in love with my 300-Hour teacher training or …

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An office environment is different from a yoga studio or gym setting. You may have shorter classes, people have a variety of job-related ailments (like carpal tunnel syndrome from typing on a computer all day long,) and many may be trying yoga for the first time. 

Teaching a corporate class can come with many challenges but I have some tips on addressing these challenges like a pro!

  • You have a wide range of yogic abilities. Create a welcoming atmosphere at the beginning of class by letting employees know the class is for everyone. Offer a lot of modifications, simple instruction, and demonstrate a restorative pose they can always come back to as needed.
  • Class disruptions. Phones may ring, people may enter late / leave early, the lighting may not be right. The best advice I can offer you is to go with the flow. Start and end on time to respect the office environment, and hold a calming space for all who choose to participate.
  • Yoga doesn’t feel attainable or doable. Take time to set up your space before class and stay after to answer any questions. Ask employees how they feel after class, and if they have any feedback for you. Provide them with tools (like breathing techniques ) or inspiration to incorporate off the mat to make yoga feel more approachable.

Protip: Make sure to have a clear understanding of your client’s needs prior to planning your first class. This information will inform the class style, duration of class time, and how to prepare the room.

Most importantly, have fun! You are helping people de-stress in the midst of some very stressful situations!

Next Steps:

  • Explore my Yoga Teacher Resource knowledge hub for more tips about how to grow your yoga business.
  • Download my sequences for a jumpstart on your upcoming yoga classes!
  • For more detailed tips, processes, and worksheets to supercharge your yoga business, download my yoga business launchpad course !

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Corporate Yoga: Dos and Don’ts for Teaching in Offices & Workplaces

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Generally, when we think of yoga, we think of practicing in a yoga studio or outside in nature. But more recently, corporate yoga has become common around the world. 

The term corporate yoga generally refers to yoga classes that are taught within a workplace . 

For yoga teachers, this has opened up an entirely new avenue for them to build a corporate client base while teaching the same group of people from week to week. There’s also the benefits of steadier income and personalizing classes to suit the needs of clients you know well. 

Before we jump into the dos and don’ts of teaching corporate yoga, let’s explore some of the benefits that it has to offer. 

Benefits of Teaching Corporate Yoga

Benefits of Teaching Corporate Yoga

Corporate yoga is often the best-paid gig of all yoga teaching jobs. Most clients will book you out weekly or for a longer period of time with a guarantee of their continued practice. 

If you’re a yoga teacher who’s looking for a steady income, this can be a great option for you. 

But the joy of teaching corporate yoga is that you can tailor it to your needs and schedule. So if you want to do it as a hobby or keep it to a part-time venture, corporate yoga can also fit those needs. 

Some teachers can feel burnt out from having to sustain a rigid teaching schedule at a yoga studio. So being able to set your own schedule can truly be a blessing. 

Along with establishing your own time table, you can establish strong relationships with clients of varying backgrounds. 

Teaching the same group of students will allow you to witness their progress and understand their intentions, fear, and potentials. The yoga journey is often one that can tap deep into the inner world of its practitioner. Thus, creating a bond with a student is another unique gift that corporate yoga keeps giving. 

You also have the liberty to try out new ideas you have for other classes or workshops. 

With the same group of folks, a community will start to build and make for a supportive environment that benefits not only the students, but also the teacher. 

If you’ve decided that teaching corporate yoga is something you’d like to pursue, here’s a couple of dos and don’ts that will help guide your process and increase your chances of success. 

Do’s for Corporate Yoga

Do’s for Corporate Yoga

#1 Find Out in Advance What Style of Yoga Your Clientele Is Looking For

Most often, corporate yoga clients aren’t actually sure what they’re looking for. They might be beginners or not particularly into the spiritual components of yoga. But all of this information is so important to receive before you get in the room with them. 

A good motto to follow is “give them a little of what they want and a little of what they need.”

This way, if they want a super easy beginner class, you can still throw in a little challenge here and there without compromising their wishes. If they ask for a non-spiritual yoga class, you can still introduce the concept of chakras without pushing it too far beyond their comfort zones. 

Just make sure that you have a conversation about expectations for the class. 

This will ensure that everyone is on the same page and allow for a more transparent environment to grow. 

#2 Introduce Spirituality Slowly

Even if they say they don’t want a spiritual yoga class, it’s always okay to introduce it in small chunks. Often in corporate settings, this can actually be beneficial for the stresses that accompany their high-demanding jobs. 

The important rule of thumb is not to overplay it in the beginning. 

Once they feel more comfortable in the class and with you, you can begin introducing some spiritual aspects that might speak to them. Always make sure to give them permission not to participate. You don’t want to make it a mandatory activity, especially if they’ve already expressed their expectations. 

When you introduce spirituality, explain the meaning behind it and let them ultimately decide for themselves. 

#3 Offer a Lot of Modifications

Corporate yoga students are just like any other: they have a range of abilities. Just make sure to always offer important modifications when necessary. 

Remind your students to breathe and not push through the pain. Also, work with them on differentiating between what is pain and what is discomfort. 

Give them permission to stay in the modified position if that’s what’s best for them. 

And watch for red flags. Some might be overzealous in their postures and misalign placement. So always be on the lookout for students who will need some help modifying or pulling back. 

#4 Start On Time and Finish On Time

Start On Time and Finish On Time

Corporate yoga students are taking time out of their workday to take your class. Being respectful of their time is a must. 

Sometimes, they’ll have between 30 to 45 minutes to commit to their practice. So you need to make every minute count. 

Finishing on time is even more important than starting on time. Clients will have to rush back to their desks afterward, so always make sure to respect the time they have committed today. 

Always remember that each yoga student is doing their very best. 

Creating a non-judgmental and supportive environment will keep them coming back. 

#5 Address Common Concerns

If clients are sitting at a desk all day, they may be more prone to specific kinds of discomfort. They may have similar pains, including back pain, neck pain, wrist strain, poor posture, tight hips, or shallow breathing if their job isn’t physically demanding. 

Luckily, corporate yoga allows you to know your clients beforehand so you can anticipate their needs. 

Use this information to your advantage. Incorporate poses or stretches that will help them and their specific capacities. Knowing your client will do wonders for your relationship as an instructor. 

#6 Learn Everyone’s Name by the Second Class

Names are hard, and we often give each other slack about it. But we’re far more impressed with people who actually remember names well. 

Remembering your students’ names will help build a trusting relationship between you two. 

If it helps, you can repeat their names often and use their names in sentences when giving feedback on their postures. Repetition can help solidify your memory and strengthen the supportive environment that you are creating. 

#7 Keep Your Instructions Simple

Some clients may not know a ton of yoga terminology. So keeping your instructions simple will be far less intimidating. 

Always remember that less is more. 

#8 Roll With It

Corporate yoga clients might not show up in yoga clothes. They might show up late, or they might talk throughout the practice. 

Learn to roll with these small incidences. 

Sometimes, these behaviors fit within their corporate culture, and it’s important to remember that you’re there to serve them. 

If a client is doing something unsafe or disruptive, you absolutely have the right to speak up. But if their behavior is not othersome to anyone else but you, learn to let it go. 

#9 Do More Than Teach Them

With corporate yoga clients, you’re not only their teacher. You’re the manager of their account. 

Go above and beyond their expectations. Show them that the service you’re providing is worth it. Show up early and offer professional invoices to amp up your professionalism. And check in on your clients from time to time. 

You want them to feel secure and like they are adequately cared for. 

Especially since corporate yoga is a lot about networking, these behaviors will sustain a solid foundation of trust and guaranteed work. 

Don’ts for Corporate Yoga

Don’ts for Corporate Yoga

#1 Don’t Tell Companies Everything About You on the First Call

When you’re just starting out, try calling a few companies closeby to you. Do some research to determine who you should talk to or go to their HR department. 

On the first call, don’t tell them everything about what you do. The company is not looking for a sales pitch. 

If anything, create some curiosity around what you do. Offer a free yoga class and listen to their needs and what they’re looking for. 

And don’t get discouraged if they say no. Just move onto another company and try again. 

#2 Never Take Advice From Others if You Believe Something Bigger Is Possible

Corporate yoga can be enticing as it offers a steadier income. But don’t make that the focus of your aspirations. 

Do what you love, and the money will follow. 

Focus on helping people and being of service. Have a backup plan until you reach your goal. But don’t listen to anyone who tries to discourage you from what you truly want. 

#3 Avoid Partner Poses

If you’re gotten into the room to teach a corporate yoga class, try to avoid partner poses. 

Your clients are likely working with each other. Having them lean on each other or hold hands would be awkward. Just like their work environment, keep their yoga professional. 

If you’ve been with the same group of folks for a while, you can certainly try partner poses. Just know your audience before you jump right in. 

Final Tips for Corporate Yoga

Final Tips for Corporate Yoga

Corporate yoga offers a really unique experience for yoga teachers. You get to incorporate yoga in different environments you may never have envisioned like offices, museums, art galleries, restaurants, bookshops, or even theaters. 

And establishing a steady client base and getting to follow their progress is beyond rewarding. 

The relationships you develop will inform your career goals and arm you with a solid network. It might even help you find a greater purpose beyond teaching yoga. 

Always remember to be of service to your clients and be respectful of the fact that you are teaching yoga in their workplace. Still treat them like any other client, but understand that they are taking time out of their workday to come do yoga with you. This level of respect will do wonders for your working relationship with them. 

And lastly, make it what you want. Corporate yoga is a great way to make your own schedule and teach in your own ways. Figure out the best designed path for yourself and make each benefit count. 

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corporate yoga

Corporate yoga

  • Energize and integrate your mind, body and spirit
  • Improve self-awareness, health and flexibility
  • Get stronger and grounded with yoga’s poses, breath-work & insights

Why Corporate Yoga?

Deadlines, meetings, excel sheets, strategies, and diverse opinions often lead to stress and anxiety. And when they are not managed properly, you end up with Burnout, reduced efficiency, mental and physical illnesses. Yoga is a great tool to not just drive away stress, anxiety and other off-shoots, but also to improve your overall wellbeing and happiness. Setting aside a few minutes for Yoga at work can increase your bandwidth and productivity, leave you feeling fresh and light and empowered to do more with power and passion.

What is taught

Our integrated and comprehensive approach to Yoga includes several elements that address common workplace issues, and help you manage your mind and body better.

Healthy Body and Beyond

This program embeds a touch of classical asanas, pranayamas and meditations. It enhances mobility of all the joints in the body, and focuses on the chest opening, hip stretches, and simple methods to release tension from the neck and shoulders.

Enhanced State of Mind

Login to your MIND is a custom program consisting of simple yogic breathing, Sukshma Vyayama, relaxation techniques and meditation . It helps you learn how to manage stress at the physical, mental and intellectual level.

Profound Rest at your Desk

Experience the power of simple stretches, breathing exercises and guided meditations that can be practised right at your desk. It’s an effective solution for stress, back and shoulder pain, and strained eyes. Once learned, you can practice anywhere, anytime, even at your desk.

Make Yoga a part of your Life

Yoga exercises the entire body, tones muscles, reduces fatigue and lethargy, increases stamina and fitness. These sessions focus on healing the body and mind, to reduce tension and increase energy. Suited for beginners and experienced students.

Enhanced Fitness and Performance

This series of sessions consists of women focussed Yogic practices. This program not only improves flexibility, and harmonizes the body and mind, but also addresses women-specific health conditions and helps you manage them.

Think Clearly and Intuitively

Cognitive Yoga combines powerful asanas, yogic breathing, Energy Locks (Bandhas) and induces the energy channels (through Mudras) to bring harmony and energy in the body, whilst keeping the mind calm and focused. It can also help overcome jet lags, slow days, a busy mind.

Rejuvenate, Revive and Heal

The perfect vacation, a chance to pamper your body, some time to forget all your worries and relax in our retreat center. Detox your body and de-stress your mind.

Stretch your way out of stress

13 sessions with specialized modules to focus on specific needs of the employees and different aspects of the body and health in each session.

NCD Specific and Posture Management

Adopt the Yoga way of living. We can design programs to address specific needs- both physical and mental, such as Diabetes , Hyperthyroidism, Hypertension, etc.

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Become a registered yoga teacher

200h yoga teacher training.

Online: May 27 - Jun 30, In-Person: Jul 7 - Jul 14

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Corporate Yoga: Meaning, Types, And Benefits

Corporate Yoga: Meaning, Types, And Benefits

Do you feel stressed out at work? Many people do, and it can lead to several problems including decreased productivity. If you’re looking for a way to de-stress and boost your productivity, corporate yoga may be the answer. Corporate yoga is a form of yoga that is designed specifically for people who work in offices. It combines traditional yoga poses with breathing exercises and meditation. In this blog post, we will discuss the benefits of corporate yoga and how to get started.

What Is Corporate Yoga?

What Is Corporate Yoga?

Corporate Yoga can be conducted in a group setting or individually and can be customized to fit the needs of any organization. Some of the benefits of Corporate Yoga include reducing stress, improving concentration, and increasing energy levels.

If you are interested in incorporating Corporate Yoga into your workplace, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, it is important to find a qualified instructor who is familiar with the needs of corporate clients. Second, you will need to determine how often you would like to hold classes and what time of day would be best for your employees. Finally, you will need to set up a space in your office where employees can comfortably participate in the yoga class.

Types of Corporate Yoga Programs

Types of Corporate Yoga Programs

There are many types of corporate yoga programs that can be tailored to fit the needs of your organization. Some common types of programs include:

Yoga for Stress Relief

This type of program is designed to help employees reduce their stress levels. It can include a variety of yoga poses, breathing exercises, and relaxation techniques. There are many different ways to incorporate Yoga for Stress Relief into the workplace, so it is important to work with a qualified instructor to find the best program for your needs. Some of these yoga poses are the perfect way to de-stress:

– Cat/Cow Pose: This pose helps to stretch the back and neck, which can help to relieve tension headaches.

– Child’s Pose: This pose is a great way to relax the body and mind. It can also help to stretch the back and hips.

– Camel Pose: This pose opens up the chest and shoulders, which can help to reduce stress and anxiety. There may be some yoga poses that are not ideal for people who have back pain.

Yoga for Concentration and Focus

This type of program is designed to help employees improve their concentration and focus. It can include a variety of yoga poses, breathing exercises, and relaxation techniques. There are many different ways to incorporate Yoga for Concentration and Focus into the workplace, so it is important to work with a qualified instructor to find the best program for your needs. Some of these yoga poses are perfect for improving concentration and focus:

– Mountain Pose: This pose helps to improve posture and balance. It also helps to calm the mind.

– Warrior Pose: This pose helps to increase strength and stamina. It can also help to improve concentration and focus.

– Tree Pose: This pose helps to improve balance and concentration. It can also help to stretch the legs and hips.

Yoga for Energy and Vitality

This type of program is designed to help employees increase their energy levels. It can include a variety of yoga poses, breathing exercises, and relaxation techniques. There are many different ways to incorporate Yoga for Energy and Vitality into the workplace, so it is important to work with a qualified instructor to find the best program for your needs. Some of these yoga poses are perfect for increasing energy levels:

– Sun Salutation: This pose is a great way to start the day. It helps to increase energy and vitality.

– Downward Dog Pose: This pose helps to improve circulation and increase energy levels.

– Cobra Pose: This pose helps to open up the chest and lungs, which can help to improve breathing and increase energy levels.

Yoga For Overall Well-Being

This type of program is designed to help employees improve their overall well-being. It can include a variety of yoga poses, breathing exercises, and relaxation techniques. There are many different ways to incorporate Yoga for Overall Well-Being into the workplace, so it is important to work with a qualified instructor to find the best program for your needs. Some of these yoga poses are perfect for overall well-being:

– Triangle Pose: This pose helps to improve balance and flexibility. It can also help to strengthen the legs and hips.

– Half Camel Pose: This pose helps to open up the chest and shoulders. It can also help to improve digestion and relieve stress.

– Seated Forward Bend Pose: This pose helps to improve flexibility and stretch the back and legs. It can also help to calm the mind and relieve stress.

Yoga is a great way to de-stress, boost productivity, and improve overall well-being. There are many different types of programs available, so it is important to work with a qualified instructor to find the best program for your needs.

How To Incorporate Corporate Yoga?

How To Incorporate Corporate Yoga?

Incorporating corporate yoga is one of the best things you can do for your team. Not only does it promote healthy living, but it also has been shown to de-stress and boost productivity in the workplace.

So how can you get started?

Here are a few tips:

Offer classes At Different Times

You should always try to offer classes at different times so that everyone has an opportunity to participate. Some people may prefer to take a class before work, while others may prefer to take a class during their lunch break. There are also many online classes available that employees can take at their convenience.

Encourage Employees To Try Different Types Of Yoga

There are many different types of yoga, so it is important to encourage employees to try different types. Some people may prefer a more gentle type of yoga, while others may prefer a more challenging type. It is also important to offer classes for all levels so that everyone can find a class that is right for them.

Make Sure The Instructor Is Qualified

When you are looking for an instructor, make sure they are qualified and have experience teaching corporate yoga. You should also ask the instructor about their training and certifications. There can also be many benefits to working with a certified yoga therapist.

Offer Incentives

One of the best ways to encourage employees to participate in corporate yoga is to offer incentives. You can offer discounts on yoga classes or memberships, or you can give employees paid time off to attend classes. You can also offer prizes for employees who complete a certain number of classes.

Make It Optional

While it is important to promote healthy living, you should also make sure that your employees feel comfortable with the program. You can do this by making the program optional. This way, employees can choose whether or not they want to participate. There can also be many benefits to making the program voluntary. It can also have a positive impact on morale.

Try these tips to start with corporate yoga. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us. We would be happy to help you find the best program for your employee’s needs. Thanks for reading.

Benefits of Corporate Yoga

Benefits of Corporate Yoga

There are many benefits of corporate yoga such as:

Helps To Reduce Stress Levels

One of the most important benefits of corporate yoga is that it helps to reduce stress levels. With the hectic schedules that we have today, it’s very easy to get overwhelmed and stressed out. Yoga can help to calm and relax the mind, which will in turn help to reduce stress levels. It also makes it a lot easier to focus and concentrate, which can be very helpful in the workplace.

Boosts Energy Levels

Another great benefit of corporate yoga is that it can help to boost energy levels. If you’re feeling tired and sluggish, a few yoga poses can help to rejuvenate and energize your body. This can make it a lot easier to get through the workday without feeling exhausted. Many different yoga poses can help to boost energy levels, so it’s definitely worth trying out a few of them.

Improves Flexibility and Strength

Yoga can also help to improve flexibility and strength. This is beneficial because it can help to prevent injuries in the workplace. If you have a sedentary job, then you’re more likely to suffer from muscle aches and pains. By practicing yoga, you’ll be able to increase your range of motion and flexibility, which can help to reduce the risk of injuries. Yoga can also help to strengthen the muscles, which is helpful if you need to lift heavy objects at work.

Increases Productivity

Corporate yoga can also help to increase productivity. When you’re feeling stressed out and overwhelmed, it’s very difficult to focus and get work done. However, when you’re feeling calm and relaxed, it’s much easier to be productive. If you want to boost your productivity at work, then practicing yoga is a good idea. Many different yoga poses can help to increase productivity, so it’s worth trying out a few of them.

Makes You happier

Happiness is something that we all strive for. It’s what makes us feel good on the inside and it radiates to the outside. When we’re happy, we smile more, we’re more likely to engage with others, and our work performance is boosted. That’s why companies are increasingly offering yoga and meditation classes to their employees as a way to de-stress and boost productivity.

Gives You Sense of Accomplishment

One of the best things about corporate yoga is that it can help you to feel a sense of accomplishment. When you’re feeling stressed out and overwhelmed, it’s easy to feel like you’re not doing enough. However, when you take the time to practice yoga, you’ll be able to see how far you’ve come and how much progress you’ve made. This can help to boost your confidence and self-esteem, which can be very beneficial in the workplace.

Helps To Relieve Pain

If you suffer from any type of pain, then yoga can be a great way to relieve it. Many different yoga poses can help to relieve pain, so it’s worth trying out a few of them. Yoga can also help to improve circulation and increase range of motion, which can be very helpful if you’re suffering from pain. It also makes it a lot easier to relax and de-stress, which can help to reduce the amount of pain that you’re feeling.

Makes You More Aware

Yoga can also help to make you more aware. When you’re practicing yoga, you’ll be able to focus on your breath and your body. This can help to increase your awareness of how you’re feeling both physically and mentally. This increased awareness can be very beneficial in the workplace as it can help you to stay on task and avoid distractions. It can also help you to identify when you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed so that you can take steps to relax and de-stress.

Corporate yoga is a great way to de-stress and boost productivity. There are many different benefits of corporate yoga, so it’s worth trying out. If you’re looking for a way to improve your flexibility, strength, and productivity, then corporate yoga is a good option. Many different poses can help to relieve pain, so it’s worth trying out a few of them if you’re suffering from any type of pain. Yoga can also help to make you more aware of how you’re feeling both physically and mentally, which can be very beneficial in the workplace. So if you’re looking for a way to improve your health and well-being, then corporate yoga is something that you should consider. Thanks for reading.

Wanna know more about these corporate yoga programs? Contact MantraCare.

Mantra Care is a platform that helps you to find the perfect corporate yoga programs for your employee’s needs. With Mantra Care, you can customize your challenge, set reminders, and track your employee’s progress. Sign up today and start improving your health.

A Word From MantraCare Wellness

Employee wellness programs are the key to improving employee motivation, productivity, and retention. At MantraCare Wellness, we have a team of health experts, counselors, and coaches who serve corporate employees with 10+ wellbeing programs including  EAP ,  Employee Diabetes Reversal ,  Corporate MSK ,  PCOS ,  Employee Fitness ,  Corporate Yoga ,  Employee meditation , and  Employee Smoking Cessation .

MantraCare wellness is world’s leading corporate wellness solutions provider. We help both small and large companies keep their employees happy, healthy, and productive

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Setting up a Corporate Yoga class at your Workplace

Setting up a Corporate Yoga class at your Workplace

An in-house yoga class is becoming a popular perk for many businesses in the UK, enabling their employees to reap the plentiful benefits of yoga without having to even leave the office. But how do you go about setting up, filling and maintaining a weekly class in a professional workplace?

Sally Lovett, yoga teacher and founder of Stretching the City draws on her 8 years of experience delivering corporate yoga classes to share her top tips.

Creating your office yoga studio

Most corporate yoga classes take place in an office boardroom, but a decent sized meeting room or a clean canteen can also do the job. This is particularly prevalent for those who are looking to incorporate yoga classes in other hospitality environments outside of an office, such as a hotel or social club. When considering how many people you can fit in your corporate workspace, business owners should also bear in mind you typically need 21 sq feet per yogi (based on a standard sized 2 x 6 ft yoga mat.)

When it comes to creating the ideal ambience in a corporate space, lighting is often overlooked. As most office lighting is generally really bright and harsh – we would recommend paying close attention to this, as this may disrupt your practice. Whether that involves turning overhead lights off and investing in more ambient lighting, addressing your yoga spaces lighting will allow business owners to create a cosy, relaxing environment.

Unless your yoga teacher is travelling by car and able to bring a boot-full of mats (which is often unlikely), you’ll also need to consider investing in sanitary equipment ahead of your corporate yoga class. Here at Yogamatters, we recommend the Yogamatters sticky mat for a great quality, reasonably priced mat.

Sourcing your yoga teacher

There are a number of different teaching bodies and accreditations here in the UK and each of these often require a minimum of a 200 hour yoga teacher training to be certified. If you’re currently in the research phase of looking for a suitable corporate yoga teacher in the area, we would recommend asking to see copies of your teacher’s certification and insurance documents. As well as this, because your yoga environment is likely to be different from the standard yoga class – it’s also important to ensure your chosen teacher is properly insured for both professional indemnity and public liability. Whilst a number of yoga teachers often are, it’s not compulsory for teachers to be first aid trained either, which is another factor to consider, particularly if you’re planning on running the corporate yoga class outside of normal working hours. Check with your health and safety team to find out whether teachers running an out of office hours class will need to be first aid trained.

Planning your class

Planning the time of when your first corporate yoga class takes place is also often overlooked. For example, if you’re planning on hosting a yoga class during a working lunch hour, you many not receive as much reception as you would if you were to host this class later in the afternoon. While there are likely to be a number of yoga enthusiasts with conflicting schedules, it pays to be mindful of the culture of your whole company and consider a time that would best suit the majority of employees. For example, if your company is family-orientated and many employees tend to go straight home to children at 5pm every evening, a morning or lunchtime yoga class may prove to be more efficient.

What to wear

To practice yoga, simply wear something comfortable enough to move freely in. My favourite is a pair of yoga leggings and a vest. Yoga is practiced barefoot, but if you feel uncomfortable baring your feet to your colleagues, grab a pair of non-slip ToeSocks to practice safely. Take a look at our full range of yoga clothing for women and men online to source some inspiration.

Recruiting your classmates

Now you’ve organised your office yoga class, you need to fill it with some yogis!

Promote the classes on your company intranet, on posters on the back of loo doors or in the staff kitchen, send out calendar invites, mention it in meetings and get your colleagues on board to help spread the word. If you can, open the corporate yoga class up to your whole office and use this an as opportunity to get to know colleagues outside of your direct team.

Maintaining the momentum

To really reap the benefits of incorporating a corporate yoga class in the workplace, try your best to attend every weekly class. Give your teacher feedback along the way, letting them know your favourite, or less favourite parts of the class. Have an open mind to try new poses, pranayama (breathing practices) and meditation techniques and I have no doubt you will be hooked on yoga for life.

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Sally Lovett

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Business of Well-being

Corporate yoga ~ revive your wellness program.

corporate yoga presentation

We have come a long way from the days when corporate wellness programs were viewed as good-to-have rather than as a need-to-have. Indeed, employee wellness has become a strategic imperative for most organizations across the globe and not without reason. An increasing number of studies point to evidence that the returns on wellness programs go way beyond healthy and happy employees.

A study by Towers Watson Wyatt and the National Business Group on Health shows that organizations with highly effective wellness programs report significantly lower voluntary attrition than do those whose programs have low effectiveness (9% vs. 15%). On the other hand, an internal assessment by Johnson & Johnson found that the return on their wellness programs have been $2.71 for every dollar spent, resulting in cumulative savings of $250 million on health care costs for the company over the past decade. ‍

Thus, the question no longer is 'why employee wellness' but 'how?'

As workplace wellness gradually becomes the norm, offering membership passes to a fitness centre is no longer enough to generate and sustain employee interest in wellness.  Employers are now riddled with the need to offer creative and comprehensive wellness facilities in order to bring about a real difference in employee health and more importantly, motivation.

Reviving Workplace Wellness

The same study by The National Business Group on Health also found that there is now a trend towards enhancing onsite programs aimed at stress management and holistic wellness. Since almost about 50% of corporate healthcare costs are said to be lifestyle related and therefore, potentially preventable, organizations not only want to spend on cure but also invest on prevention and good health. It is in this respect that the ancient science of Yoga has found preference in the corporate world as a comprehensive wellness prerogative, replacing all other healthcare investments.

A growing number of businesses are finding that offering Yoga to their employees is a low-cost, preventive and holistic healthcare measure, making the discipline a resonating success with human resource teams looking for strategic returns on their wellness investments. Regular practitioners of Yoga would stress that its many benefits include emotional wellness, improved strength, flexibility, balance and postural alignment amongst others.  

In the boardrooms of companies, Yoga adds dimensions such as stress reduction, energy-enhancement, enhanced creativity and focus and healing for employees and convenience and increased productivity for the employer. ‍

Yoga is not just about being able to perform complicated poses and movements. It is a holistic approach to physical and mental health, as well as a person's well-being and personal growth. Corporate Yoga is the extended concept of working peacefully in the midst of a hectic corporate environment. An international report by the World Health Organization reveals that depression is the most disabling illness for the corporate sector, second only to cardio-vascular diseases.  

Long hours, multi-tasking, stiff competition, rigorous commute, irregular eating habits, sedentary desk jobs and bad sitting postures, all combine to create a pool of highly stressed, inefficient and thus despairing workforce. The National Institute of Mental Health estimates that U.S. employers lose $70 billion a year due to absenteeism, lost productivity and disability caused by mental distress.

The benefits of corporate Yoga to encounter this malaise are unmatched by other wellness programs, as the very crux of the Yogic discipline is a mind-body balance.  It is the only form of exercise known to increase flexibility, strength, balance, concentration and breath capacity while reducing stress and anxiety.  Yoga also helps boost morale and interpersonal communication - which for an employer means no more bickering teams or dissatisfied individuals, power struggles or dirty politics.

There is conclusive evidence supporting the fact that offering even one Yoga session in a week brings about noted changes in employee behavior by helping them manage stress better, enhance clarity and creative thinking, improve communication skills, cultivate leadership and teamwork, and increase overall effectiveness in the workplace. ‍

Yoga, Anytime, Anywhere

Perhaps the strongest reason for incorporating Yoga into your employees' wellness routine is the ease with which a corporate Yoga program can be implemented with any kind of resources. The only equipment required for a session of Yoga are some floor mats and a bunch of willing participants with a strong desire for a healthier, more fulfilled life.  A Yoga program can be conducted just about anywhere such as a conference room or an empty lunchroom.

What is even most interesting now is the development of online Yoga training that is fast gaining popularity with organizations across the globe.  The offering has added a new perspective to corporate wellness by making available world class Yoga training by experts in the confines of an office cubicle in any corner of the world.  Live and interactive Yoga sessions delivered right to the company's conference room with an assembly of participants is a glove-in-hand fit for most corporations as the sessions can be personalized to suit the timings and space constraints of companies as also the individual needs of participants.

Yoga in general is geared for people of all levels and age groups and can be tailored to address the needs of people with completely different fitness levels. Although it may sound simple, the creation of a yoga program, if you want it to be successful, requires serious commitment. ‍

Here is what you must keep in mind while developing a corporate Yoga program:

  • Assess Employee Interest This is to ensure that there is sufficient interest and that enough number of people will sign up for Yoga classes once organized. You could ascertain this by sending out an email on the intranet and asking employees to confirm attendance or send an expression of interest. ‍
  • Find a Yoga provider This is an extremely important process, as your Yoga instructor needs to be an experienced and capable person. It is recommended to find someone with at least five to ten years of experience in teaching Yoga. Once again, online Yoga sessions are highly beneficial since the issues of geographical and other boundaries become irrelevant on the worldwide web and one can choose to get trained by experts in the practice. Certain online offerings for example make it possible for one to organize a class instructed by gurus directly from India, the land of Yoga. If you can find someone to assist in nutrition and diet schedules as well, the overall benefits can be maximized. ‍
  • Personalized sessions Do ensure that participants get to spend individual time with the instructor. It is important for every employee to take back something positive at the end of each class. Continuous monitoring through pre-assessment and post-assessment measurements to track improvements is essential. ‍
  • Duration and length of sessions Six to eight week Yoga sessions with 15-20 classes work well but you could alter it depending on your budgets and requirements. For fresher's, signing up for even a one-week program with two or three classes is plausible. While it is possible to accommodate effective Yoga poses even in a 15-minute session, a 45 to 60-minute devoted practice works best for Yoga as it helps participants establish proper breathing and connect with the instructor. Eventually you need to remember that corporate Yoga should be designed to increase well-being for employees' optimal health, productivity and performance. It must thus be made accessible to people at all levels and offered in a safe and comfortable environment to pursue balance, healing and inner strength. ‍

About the Author

Divine Wellness , is an online service provider of natural health solutions based on Indian wellness traditions. With a focus on personalized health assessment, the services leverage modern technology to provide revolutionary offerings such as live and interactive Yoga classes via HD video conferencing, live Ayurveda and nutrition consulting, innovative corporate wellness programs and a lot more. Within the first two years of its inception, the site has seen tremendous interest from users across the US, Canada, Australia, UK, and the Middle East.

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Corporate yoga – reviving employee engagement with wellness modules.

Corporate Yoga – Reviving Employee Engagement with Wellness Modules

New-age and conscientious employers recognize the importance of happy employees in the workplace. This forward-thinking approach is as practical as it is humane. This is because employee morale is closely linked to productivity. It is to achieve this common goal that corporate yoga programs have been designed

The Concept of Yoga

Yoga is an age-old tradition that began in India about 5,000 years ago. Patanjali, the esteemed author of the classic yoga text, called as the ‘Yoga Sutra’, defined the practice as the quieting of the fluctuations of the mind. The relaxed concentration-the hallmark of yoga-comes inner peace, heightened creativity, and awareness of our essential nature. This practice is a time-tested practice that cultivates boundless levels of energetic and physical fitness. Scientific studies have proven that Yoga in the form of Physiotherapy can be followed to cure conditions like asthma, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and heart disease. Corporate Yoga is a new concept for the employees of this generation.

Your yoga mat is indeed a dress rehearsal for your real life. This mat acts as a stage through your journey of ups & downs. How we act while on the mat is a mirror for how we will handle both negative and positive experiences in our lives. When we learn to stay present on the mat, we learn to stay present in any given situation. When we sit with our discomfort on the mat, slowly, we begin to settle with the same discomfort in our lives. Don’t roll up your yoga practices with your mat, instead take it out into the world’s stage and live your yoga every day!

Do Millennial’s find Yoga Practices Cool?

Gen Y or Millennials are known as the Wellness Generation today. They are willing to prioritize their well-being and peace of mind over any other commitments. This is one of the prominent reasons why the digital fitness industry has been flourishing day in & day out. From custom-designed workouts to peaceful sleep-inducing lullabies and mindful meditations, everything is accessible in the palm of the user. Yoga is a lifestyle known to discover oneself & relieve stress. Most of them are aware that yoga is the best way to cope up with stress, anxiety, work pressures, and expectations of a sedentary lifestyle that they lead today.

Apart from all the work-related tensions, reduced period to focus on one’s well being, Fear of Missing Out on life, etc. Yoga is the best way out! While practicing Yoga, we raise serotonin and dopamine levels in our body and the feeling of happiness gushes through our body! Regularly practicing this elixir of life, it has also proven to reduces cortisol, which is the stress hormone. Thus making us calm, happy, and relaxed. Yoga grounds us, it makes us feel complete in our skin, the question of inferiority or superiority complex doesn’t seem to arise!

Read More on  Desktop Yoga Practice – A Perfect Stress Buster

Benefits of Corporate Yoga Practices

Boosts Business Productivity

Yoga benefits not only the physical health of your employees but also benefits your workplace culture in numerous ways. Yoga boosts energy levels and employee morale towards the brand, making them more productive at their desks. When your employees are free of stress or health ailments, they tend to be more inclined, focused, and productive. Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India states 53% of Cooperates in India undertake In-office Yoga sessions to boost productivity & reduce stress.

Lower Employee Stress Levels

Occasional stress can be a positive driver toward goals, but chronic stress takes a physical and mental toll. Constant stress means the body remains in fight-or-flight mode and is always exposed to the stress hormone. This overexposure can affect the body’s processes. Organizations recognize that work-related stress is a critical issue that impacts employee health, work performance as well as company productivity and financial performance. Thus the whopping increase in the number of employees from the corporate world who seek yoga classes have gone up by about 35-40% this year

Enhanced Dose of Creativity

Yoga increases concentration among employees towards various nuances & makes them more observant towards every situation. With an additional perspective in place, due to the calm & serene spot inculcated as you practice yoga, creativity expressions broaden their visions within. It helps refine inner emotions, balancing the mind, body, and soul. Once you set a routine of yoga practice, cognitive as well as the creative hemispheres of the brain tend to open up. This results in a clear animation of creative expression in an employee helping him to complete tasks creatively and innovatively.

Increases Focus & Immunity

A stressful corporate life with crunching deadlines, heavy workloads, and endless meetings can create mental clutter which can hinder your employees’ decision-making skills. It can impede their ability to concentrate on tasks in priority. The poses and meditation of yoga can help them get clarity from one’s clutter, helping them to be more alert, focused, and productive. Yoga also improves blood circulation in the brain, enhancing immunity levels. Moreover, yoga and meditation can teach your employees to have a still, focused mind along with a healthy body.

Promotes Confidence & Energy

Being physically fit and flexible creates confidence in a person, as they tend to observe the way they carry oneself. The exercises and poses of Yoga are designed to make people more flexible, with a well-maintained posture while improving their muscle strength and cardiovascular health. When a person becomes stronger and more flexible, he is confident in his own body & skin. This confidence slowly transfers over to all aspects of his life. Making an employee more confident at work, home, & life overall makes them a bursting bubble of energy.

Yoga is more than just poses

Yoga is normally stereotyped as just muscle & body stretches, whereas this practices more to it. Asanas are just one angle of this multi-dimensional chakra of Yoga.

  • HATHA Yoga : Hatha yoga is a beginner-friendly style of yoga that evolves from the roots of meditation & breathing practices. Though the Sanskrit word “Hatha” translates to physical yoga practice. A traditional Hatha yoga class will incorporate breathing, meditation, and basic postures.
  • VINYASA Yoga:  Vinyasa flow is to test your body endurance & incorporates more physical movement than Hatha yoga. The Sanskrit word “vinyasa” means “to place in a special way.” The western variety which includes Power Yoga, Restorative Yoga, Yin Yoga, etc. has been inspired by this peculiar form.
  • ASHTANGA Yoga:  Ashtanga means “eight limbs.” This practice demands an eight-part routine and is better for more experienced yogis, as it requires a great amount of stamina and synchronizing your breathing with a continuous series of postures.
  • BIKRAM Yoga:  Bikram yoga is for those who don’t mind straining & sweating. Bikram yogis practise this style in a sauna-like room, intended to replicate the climate of India, as the heat enhances flexibility and initiates an amazing detox. This session is made up of a 90-minute sequence of 26 poses.

Corporate Wellness Modules for Employee Engagement

Can I Adopt Corporate Yoga in my Organisation?

Surely, you can! Companies are beginning to realize that their employees need a structured wellness solution to manage stress at work. Industry leaders and employee-friendly companies have already set the ball in motion. The changes in the organizational culture are fast-paced and companies have become more open to trying out new methodologies to boost employee productivity and morale at work. Amongst all the 21st Century Gym Equipments, Zumba, Pilates, etc. Yoga is gaining acceptance as an effective tool. Initiate a health revolution in your office too. It’s better late than never.

Corporate Yoga Conduct Guide for You

Get your employees together for this wellness initiative. Ensure all of you are clothed in comfortable clothes and footwear to be removed before practice. Make sure you have relaxing music, aromatic candles to improve the ambiance. Several online manuals have Yoga asana’s that can be practiced one after the other. Start with the basics of breathing & pranayama techniques, to remain calm and focused. Moving on to certain stretches to release stress, muscle cramps, tensions from your bodies. The secret behind every posture is to Hold – Breath – Relax, to feel relieved, refreshed & energized. Always conclude the Yoga sessions with an interactive chat amongst colleagues to improve the employee engagement connect between them & the organization.

Can Corporate Yoga be organized Digitally?

Of course, you just need the zeal & motivation to opt for it. As employees work from remote locations, the sense of togetherness can be sensed and revered only when an employee engagement connect is attached to the same with the advantages of wellness solutions involved. Challenge your colleagues with various Yoga Asanas you have perfected through time. Practice Basic pranayama’s, Desktop Yoga, Armchair yoga to correct your posture in any ergonomic stature. Digital Desktop Yoga is a trending wellness offering during the phase of ‘Work from Home’ office cultures.

Take your first Step

Be it a wellness plug-in, while you plan for your next team outbound, or an in-office workshop post the phase of remote working, or be a digital solution to reconnect all your employees with an experiential session on Corporate Yoga, we have it all under one roof. Our Corporate Yoga solutions are crafted as per the objectives one wants to achieve through these sessions. Now, that we have understood the importance of the age-old traditional gem of Yoga, let’s inculcate the same in your organization to make your workplace a happy & healthy abode.

Contact your Employee Engagement Experts today for a tailored Corporate Yoga plan for your firm!

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Corporate Yoga Classes: How to Get Started and What to Expect

Corporate classes are nothing new. Big companies have been moving into improving the work-life balance of their employees since the early 2000s. Multinational establishments try to ensure that their employees have appropriate rest and leisure in order to perform at their best and reinforce company loyalty. Clubs are opened for different interests from weekend photography excursions to 5k fun runs and yoga classes for sportier types. This is where we come in. How do we get in on this avenue of teaching? Is it only through personal connections and referrals? It helps but it doesn’t mean that you can’t acquire a corporate yoga posting without having a friend on the inside. 

Corporate yoga classes do not only mean new clients, it’s also exposure for your brand in an out-of-studio setting making this a great opportunity to branch out. In 2019, I started teaching yoga in Banco Santander (a Spanish bank). While it was through a friend that got me in the door, I also asked her what it would take for a yoga teacher without connections to break into this type of clientele. Her answer was simple. Let the company know you exist. Which is what we’ll discuss today. In this article, we will show you how to present yourself as a corporate yoga instructor, and some of the things that you might expect as you start this path in your career. 

How to tap into the corporate yoga sector? 

There are many ways to get into teaching corporate yoga. You can either offer your services yourself by writing cover letters and proposals, look into corporate yoga job listings, expand your network by word-of-mouth referrals, use a platform or agency for corporate yoga to place you in a company, and if you’re a yoga studio, you can integrate with a corporate wellness platform like gym pass to get access to more than 20 large companies–although these platforms may take a cut from your normal rate even in a personal training capacity. In Canada and the United States, you have agencies like Innergy that can give you a job posting in California or Arizona while Canada has more widespread options. In the UK, you have Stretching the City which offers a wide variety of wellness services to large companies. For this article, we will focus on writing out your proposals and cover letters as it is the aspect of this process we have control over. 

Every journey is almost never a straight line. Let it take you where you need to be.

What type of yoga will you bring into the company? 

Clearly define the type of classes you’ll be teaching so the company will know what to expect. Whether you are a yoga studio or an individual teacher, it all starts with a detailed description of your offer. Going through this process also helps you in branding yourself as well as marketing your services whether it’s in the wellness sector in general or corporate yoga. Start with the basics. Introduce yourself–Who are you and what style of yoga do you teach? Define the type or types of yoga you have under your belt. How do your yogis benefit from this style of yoga? When you answer all of these questions, use them to create your proposal for different companies. What will this proposal cover? Including all of the above; The schedule and class duration that is ideal for the company and for you, the type of worker you’d prefer to be hired as (subcontractor, independent contractor or employee). You can present this as your proposal and put it up as a page on your website. Still, feeling a bit overwhelmed? Check out Swiss yoga teacher Karen KurzMeyer. She made an amazing website that shares all the necessary information to go into corporate yoga. 

Know your going rate

According to companies like Yoga Nomads and Yoga Netherlands, the average rates go from at least 50€-200€. You can have different payment plans set up so you know what you want to negotiate for. While this is the going rate, it helps to get to know the average prices in your city for corporate yoga and private clients or personal training. Usually, there will be at least 3-5 upper-level individuals who will ask for private classes because of their busy schedules. Have your prices set up for that too. Prepare for the worst but also for success.

Get ready to write proposals 

As we’ve said above, reaching out to the company of your choice is the aspect of this process that you can control. So take charge by creating your proposal and marketing it. It could be as simple as a flyer (although I wouldn’t recommend this as a first contact option), a small presentation to be emailed with a cover letter, or a featured page on your website for you to advertise on social media as well as your email list. Companies need to know you exist via direct or indirect contact. 

Be flexible, Prepared, and Camera-ready 

Let’s say that after going through the first contact process, you land a couple of offers or interviews with a company. Here are some things you can expect: companies will ask you about your availability and capacity to teach online and live. Most buildings will have their covid protocols set up and operate at half capacity or less. This means that half of the employees work from home while the other half work in the building. You will need to have your equipment ready to go for online classes in case you are called for a virtual posting. Another situation that can arise are hybrid classes wherein your live classes are filmed so that out-of-office clients feel a sense of connection with their colleagues and teacher. A tripod, camera, phone, or tablet with good video capability might be necessary. The point is, be ready for any situation you’ll be called for. 

Text Corporate yoga classes how to get started and what to expect

Be patient and work with what you have

Getting started is never easy. You can feel lost, overwhelmed, it will cross your mind to think of a plan b. More so, as you are writing proposals and your marketing campaign – you will doubt yourself. Just keep at it. Advertise it through social media, LinkedIn, or any platform of your choosing. Connect with other professionals that are already in the corporate wellness world. See how they handle this side of their business. Eventually, people will recognize you and you will eventually connect with the right people. Maybe in ways that you have planned for, or maybe something totally different but equally wonderful. Every journey is almost never a straight line. Let it take you where you need to be. 

Recap time! There are 2 ways to get your foot in the door of corporate yoga: direct or indirect contact. The second one will involve a platform or agency to integrate with. The primary one will include some work on your part but you will have control over the professional relationships you build. Write detailed proposals and market them. Whether on your website, a platform, or sending them out, all methods of putting yourself out there are good. Know the average rates but you also need to know your worth and your price. Factor all your efforts because all of it matters. Be prepared for all possible job postings online, live, or both. Be open to private classes. You’ll never know how success will look for you. Finally, stick to it. Go through your steps, work this part of your career well, let people know you exist. They will call you for the job.

Jennifer Yusi

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Savvino-storozhevsky monastery and museum.

Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery and Museum

Zvenigorod's most famous sight is the Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery, which was founded in 1398 by the monk Savva from the Troitse-Sergieva Lavra, at the invitation and with the support of Prince Yury Dmitrievich of Zvenigorod. Savva was later canonised as St Sabbas (Savva) of Storozhev. The monastery late flourished under the reign of Tsar Alexis, who chose the monastery as his family church and often went on pilgrimage there and made lots of donations to it. Most of the monastery’s buildings date from this time. The monastery is heavily fortified with thick walls and six towers, the most impressive of which is the Krasny Tower which also serves as the eastern entrance. The monastery was closed in 1918 and only reopened in 1995. In 1998 Patriarch Alexius II took part in a service to return the relics of St Sabbas to the monastery. Today the monastery has the status of a stauropegic monastery, which is second in status to a lavra. In addition to being a working monastery, it also holds the Zvenigorod Historical, Architectural and Art Museum.

Belfry and Neighbouring Churches

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Located near the main entrance is the monastery's belfry which is perhaps the calling card of the monastery due to its uniqueness. It was built in the 1650s and the St Sergius of Radonezh’s Church was opened on the middle tier in the mid-17th century, although it was originally dedicated to the Trinity. The belfry's 35-tonne Great Bladgovestny Bell fell in 1941 and was only restored and returned in 2003. Attached to the belfry is a large refectory and the Transfiguration Church, both of which were built on the orders of Tsar Alexis in the 1650s.  

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To the left of the belfry is another, smaller, refectory which is attached to the Trinity Gate-Church, which was also constructed in the 1650s on the orders of Tsar Alexis who made it his own family church. The church is elaborately decorated with colourful trims and underneath the archway is a beautiful 19th century fresco.

Nativity of Virgin Mary Cathedral

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The Nativity of Virgin Mary Cathedral is the oldest building in the monastery and among the oldest buildings in the Moscow Region. It was built between 1404 and 1405 during the lifetime of St Sabbas and using the funds of Prince Yury of Zvenigorod. The white-stone cathedral is a standard four-pillar design with a single golden dome. After the death of St Sabbas he was interred in the cathedral and a new altar dedicated to him was added.

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Under the reign of Tsar Alexis the cathedral was decorated with frescoes by Stepan Ryazanets, some of which remain today. Tsar Alexis also presented the cathedral with a five-tier iconostasis, the top row of icons have been preserved.

Tsaritsa's Chambers

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The Nativity of Virgin Mary Cathedral is located between the Tsaritsa's Chambers of the left and the Palace of Tsar Alexis on the right. The Tsaritsa's Chambers were built in the mid-17th century for the wife of Tsar Alexey - Tsaritsa Maria Ilinichna Miloskavskaya. The design of the building is influenced by the ancient Russian architectural style. Is prettier than the Tsar's chambers opposite, being red in colour with elaborately decorated window frames and entrance.

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At present the Tsaritsa's Chambers houses the Zvenigorod Historical, Architectural and Art Museum. Among its displays is an accurate recreation of the interior of a noble lady's chambers including furniture, decorations and a decorated tiled oven, and an exhibition on the history of Zvenigorod and the monastery.

Palace of Tsar Alexis

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The Palace of Tsar Alexis was built in the 1650s and is now one of the best surviving examples of non-religious architecture of that era. It was built especially for Tsar Alexis who often visited the monastery on religious pilgrimages. Its most striking feature is its pretty row of nine chimney spouts which resemble towers.

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Finalizing and giving a presentation.

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Client: We suggest to replace the green color with noble burgundy. Our associations: color of the Kremlin walls, theater curtains, color of theater seats, country manor interior, antique book binding, Moscow sunsets...

Developing the chosen direction.

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All that’s left is to choose the final shape and the color.

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Business Wire

SINGAPORE--( BUSINESS WIRE )--BW LPG Limited (“BW LPG”, the “Company”, OSE ticker code: “BWLPG.OL”, NYSE ticker code: “BWLP”) will release its Q1 2024 Financial Report at approximately 0700hrs CET/ 0100hrs EDT on 30 May 2024.

In connection with this release, BW LPG will hold an Earnings Presentation with Kristian Sørensen (CEO) and Samantha Xu (CFO). The details are as follows:

Date: Thursday, 30 May 2024

The financial results presentation will be held live via webcast and conference call. To attend the webcast, please register in advance at the link below:


Details to dial into the conference call are as follows: Access code: 204800 Norway: +47 815 03 308 USA: +1 646 664 1960 Singapore: +65 3163 4602

Other location dial in details: https://tinyurl.com/bwlpgconcall2024

A recording of the presentation will also be available after the event on the Company’s website at https://www.investor.bwlpg.com .

About BW LPG

BW LPG is the world's leading owner and operator of LPG vessels, owning and operating Very Large Gas Carriers (VLGC) with a total carrying capacity of over 3 million CBM. With five decades of operating experience in LPG shipping, experienced employees and an in-house LPG trading division, BW LPG offers an integrated, flexible, and reliable service to customers. More information about BW LPG can be found at www.bwlpg.com .

BW LPG is associated with BW Group, a leading global maritime company involved in shipping, floating infrastructure, deepwater oil & gas production, and new sustainable technologies. Founded in 1955 by Sir YK Pao, BW controls a fleet of over 490 vessels transporting oil, gas and dry commodities, with its 200 LNG and LPG ships constituting the largest gas fleet in the world. In the renewables space, the group has investments in solar, wind, batteries, biofuels and water treatment.

This information is subject to disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.

Kristian Sørensen, CEO Samantha Xu, CFO E-mail: [email protected]

corporate yoga presentation


  1. Elegant Yoga PPT Template PowerPoint Presentation Design

    corporate yoga presentation

  2. Corporate Yoga

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  3. Editable Yoga PPT Presentation Templates and Google Slides

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  4. Effective Yoga Presentation Slide With Portfolio Design

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  5. Corporate

    corporate yoga presentation

  6. Corporate Yoga Classes

    corporate yoga presentation


  1. 10th Annual Day




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  6. yoga presentation on the occasion of REPUBLIC DAY by ZPHS B ALWAL students


  1. Corporate Yoga

    Corporate Yoga can Improve Physical Health. Incorporating corporate yoga into the workplace can have significant benefits for physical health. Some of the advantages include: Increased flexibility and strength. Improved posture and alignment. Enhanced cardiovascular fitness. Reduced risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes.

  2. The How and Why of Corporate Yoga: Our Expert Advice

    Corporate yoga is beneficial for a variety of reasons. Companies typically pay upwards of $125 per yoga class as a part of their corporate wellness programs. Securing a monthly contract with a company can provide you with a more reliable client base and the means to forecast your income so you can focus on the quality of your classes rather ...

  3. Corporate Yoga: Dos and Don'ts for Teaching in Offices & Workplaces

    Corporate yoga students are taking time out of their workday to take your class. Being respectful of their time is a must. Sometimes, they'll have between 30 to 45 minutes to commit to their practice. So you need to make every minute count. Finishing on time is even more important than starting on time.

  4. Corporate yoga

    Experience the power of simple stretches, breathing exercises and guided meditations that can be practised right at your desk. It's an effective solution for stress, back and shoulder pain, and strained eyes. Once learned, you can practice anywhere, anytime, even at your desk. Make Yoga a part of your Life. Yoga exercises the entire body ...

  5. Employee Engagement: Wellness via Yoga, Meditation & Chair Yoga

    Case Study of a Successful Corporate Chair Yoga Program. Take the case of Tech Titan Inc., a fast-paced tech company where stress levels were skyrocketing due to long hours at workstations. They decided to integrate wellness workshops including corporate chair yoga classes, as part of their initiative towards improving workforce health wellbeing.

  6. Corporate Yoga for Employees

    Prabha Yadav. Yog Power Studio Pvt ltd corporate yoga seminars. How we conduct and why it is necessary for employees. This is a new start towards bright future of every employee. Read more. Healthcare. 1 of 17. Download now. Corporate Yoga for Employees - Download as a PDF or view online for free.

  7. What is Corporate Yoga?

    Corporate Yoga is a yoga practice that takes place exclusively in the workplace, often as part of an employee wellbeing scheme, or as part of a private yoga class. The idea of corporate yoga is to bring a team or department together, increase employee productivity and improve workplace morale. Corporate yoga sessions can be arranged so that ...

  8. Corporate Yoga: Meaning, Types, And Different Benefits

    Some of the benefits of Corporate Yoga include reducing stress, improving concentration, and increasing energy levels. If you are interested in incorporating Corporate Yoga into your workplace, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, it is important to find a qualified instructor who is familiar with the needs of corporate clients.

  9. Top Corporate Yoga and Mindfulness Programs

    Corporate yoga and mindfulness programs are invaluable assets in the pursuit of enhanced workplace wellness. By carefully selecting and implementing these programs, companies can foster a healthier, more productive, and more harmonious work environment. Elevating your workplace wellness strategy requires expert guidance and tailored solutions.

  10. Setting up a Corporate Yoga class at your Workplace

    To really reap the benefits of incorporating a corporate yoga class in the workplace, try your best to attend every weekly class. Give your teacher feedback along the way, letting them know your favourite, or less favourite parts of the class. Have an open mind to try new poses, pranayama (breathing practices) and meditation techniques and I ...

  11. How Yoga Can Benefit Your Business and Employees

    Corporate yoga can help to enhance productivity by teaching employees how to use breathing techniques and meditationmindfulness exercises to stay calm and focused. 4. Increases Morale. When employees are feeling stressed, uncomfortable, and unproductive, it can have a negative impact on morale.

  12. Corporate Yoga ~ Revive your Wellness Program

    Yoga is not just about being able to perform complicated poses and movements. It is a holistic approach to physical and mental health, as well as a person's well-being and personal growth. Corporate Yoga is the extended concept of working peacefully in the midst of a hectic corporate environment. An international report by the World Health ...

  13. Corporate Yoga

    It is to achieve this common goal that corporate yoga programs have been designed. The Concept of Yoga. Yoga is an age-old tradition that began in India about 5,000 years ago. Patanjali, the esteemed author of the classic yoga text, called as the 'Yoga Sutra', defined the practice as the quieting of the fluctuations of the mind. The relaxed ...

  14. Corporate Yoga Classes: How to Get Started and What to Expect

    Momoyoga is a simpler and easier way to manage your yoga classes, bookings, payments and yogis all in one place. Try Momoyoga 30 days for free. My name is Jennifer Yusi. Vinyasa/Aerial yoga instructor, writer for Momoyoga, founder of misfityoga.co. I believe in the fusion of yoga with different forms of movement.

  15. Read this before you organise a corporate yoga session

    Thanks to my experience of teaching yoga to employees at corporations, I have gained a few important insights that can help you in organising a corporate yoga session for your company's staff.

  16. Free Yoga templates for Google Slides and PowerPoint

    Yoga Essentials. Download the "Yoga Essentials" presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides and start impressing your audience with a creative and original design. Slidesgo templates like this one here offer the possibility to convey a concept, idea or topic in a clear, concise and visual way, by using different graphic resources.

  17. Yoga for corporate and professionals

    7. Yoga Instructor Presentation 7 Types of Yoga - for Corporate Note: Religiously or philosophically yoga is classified as Jnana(Knowledge), Karma(work), Bhakti(Worship) and Raja(scientific). Pranaya ma Hatha Yoga Meditat ion Work with Worship Nation Building. Serve the Humanity Contribute to the greater goal of creating a better place to live for you, all other around you and also for the ...

  18. Corporate Yoga

    Our team of Corporate Transformational Yoga is conducting corporate yoga and lifestyle sessions and workshops from 2015. The modules are designed by our founder " Swami Vidyanand ji" and our CEO "Arjun Goswami". With the expertise in this field and positive feedbacks, we have conducted corporate yoga sessions in most of the Fortune 500 companies.

  19. Free Yoga PowerPoint Templates & Google Slides Themes

    These yoga presentation templates are suitable for yoga instructors, fitness trainers, wellness coaches, and health enthusiasts. They can be used for yoga workshops, fitness classes, wellness retreats, and health-related presentations. Get these yoga templates to create serene and calming presentations that promote wellness and mindfulness.

  20. 180+ Presentation Topic Ideas [Plus Templates]

    First things first, let's talk about some presentation no-nos. You want to avoid these mistakes in any presentation you give—from a presentation for a grade in your middle school class all the way up to a business presentation. Key presentation don'ts are: Don't create slides full of text—your presentation is not a 30-page essay ...

  21. 15 Best Presentation Software for 2024 (Full Comparison Guide)

    Choosing the best presentation program for your business is a great first step towards better and more effective slide deck development. In this guide, you learned about 15 different types of presentation software and we gave you a checklist to help you decide.

  22. Naro-Fominsk

    History. The Fominskoye village was first mentioned in chronicles in 1339, while it was under the rule of Ivan I of Moscow. Napoleon's Grande Armée passed through Fominskoye on its retreat from Moscow in 1812. The modern Naro-Fominsk was established as an urban-type settlement as a result of the merger of the villages of Fominskoye, Malaya Nara and Malkovo in 1925.

  23. Lenovo Supercharges Copilot+ PCs with Latest Yoga Slim 7x ...

    These services are designed to safeguard sensitive information and provide the flexibility and control essential for meeting specific business needs for larger-scale deployments. US Availability and Pricing Lenovo Yoga Slim 7x will be available starting June 2024, with an expected starting price of $1,199.

  24. Elektrostal

    Elektrostal , lit: Electric and Сталь , lit: Steel) is a city in Moscow Oblast, Russia, located 58 kilometers east of Moscow. Population: 155,196 ; 146,294 ...

  25. Cherry Hill Mall adding six new tenants, including Alo Yoga

    The 1.3 million-square-foot Cherry Hill Mall is welcoming six new tenants in the next year as the South Jersey property maintains its status within PREIT's portfolio, referred to by the company ...

  26. OpenAI unveils newest AI model, GPT-4o

    OpenAi Chief Technology Officer Mira Murati introduced the company's product upgrades on stage and in a live-stream presentation on Monday.

  27. Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery and Museum

    Zvenigorod's most famous sight is the Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery, which was founded in 1398 by the monk Savva from the Troitse-Sergieva Lavra, at the invitation and with the support of Prince Yury Dmitrievich of Zvenigorod. Savva was later canonised as St Sabbas (Savva) of Storozhev. The monastery late flourished under the reign of Tsar ...

  28. The making of the Ministry of Culture of Moscow Oblast logo and

    The making of the Ministry of Culture of Moscow Oblast logo and corporate identity. Overview • Process. Sketching the first ideas. Continuing the search. Settling on one design. Finalizing and giving a presentation. Client: We suggest to replace the green color with noble burgundy. Our associations: color of the Kremlin walls, theater ...

  29. BW LPG Limited

    In connection with this release, BW LPG will hold an Earnings Presentation with Kristian Sørensen (CEO) and Samantha Xu (CFO). The details are as follows: Date: Thursday, 30 May 2024

  30. Waning Fed rate cut bets boost US Treasury yield forecasts: Reuters

    Bond strategists upgraded their U.S. Treasury yield forecasts for coming months to their highest since at least November amid sticky inflation and greater conviction in financial markets of fewer ...