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  • Tennis Essay for Students in English


What is an Essay?

We all know that a pen is always mightier than a sword but the pen is not always effective if the writer is not able to frame his thoughts in a broad aspect. Though we all feel that writing inspiring words that help us grow the mindset and knowledge about people's inspiration alone cannot be enough. We need to focus on the facts, grammar and a lot more things while writing and writing essays. And now we’ll be discussing such tips and tricks for writing an effective essay.

Steps for Writing an Inspiring Essay

Have a clear understanding of the topic: Read the topic and understand what is expected from you over those words. Know exactly what is expected from you over the title and then dissect the idea into parts to think of prompt ideas for writing.

Create a plan: Start brainstorming your ideas, organize your thoughts this will help you get a good overview of the topic and help you write an effective essay easily. A good idea is to make a hierarchical plan about the paragraphs you plan to write to support your ideas and give details about the same.

Research: Here comes the most enthralling part of writing an essay. You need to at least go through 8-7 well-cited resources to get a brief idea of how to write your content. Use more idioms. phrases and quotes to make your essay more informative and quality worthy. While doing this make sure you never use someone else’s ideas as it is in your essay. SAY NO TO PLAGIARISM.

Prepare a draft: Tadaaa! Now comes the part where we have to work our minds off and write down the brainstorming ideas into a well-formed informative essay. Usually, the first draft is considered as crap but if we work and organize our thoughts well using good informative words then our crappy ideas might turn out to be a gold gem.

Make a good thesis: Now comes the important part of writing our strong ideas into the essay.

Respond to the final prompts: The last moment kinks are always welcomed. If you’ve any last moment thoughts, add them up in the draft and get ready for the final round of writing your essay.

Proofreading: This is an essential part. You must always read your essay at least twice to check if the sentences are well-formed and there are no grammatical errors in them.

Essay on Tennis

Tennis is a widely popular outdoor game which is being played in all regions of the world. Tennis was first played in the mid 19 th century in Birmingham, England. Tennis has several variations in how it is played which include lawn tennis, table tennis, etc. Similar to cricket and soccer, tennis is a physically demanding sport. In this essay on tennis in English, how the sport influences one’s body and the effects it has on their body and mental health are discussed.


The Tennis Essay: All You Need to Know About the Sport 

Tennis is a kind of racket sport that is beneficial to one’s body in many regards. Although the majority of people concentrate on sports like cricket or football when they are young, oftentimes they cannot participate in those sports as they become older. However, tennis can be played and enjoyed by a wide group of people ranging from the very young to older people.

Here are Some of the Benefits of Playing Tennis

By playing tennis, one can acquire a better physique. Due to the several movements which are involved in the act of playing tennis, it is incredibly helpful in resulting in a better physique for one who plays tennis continually over a long period. 

Playing tennis results in a person having improved aerobic capacities as tennis is a physically demanding game that calls for an immense level of flexibility among its players.

Consistent practice of tennis helps in maintaining one’s blood pressure which further results in improved metabolism.

Tennis is a sport which can be played by people of different ages depending on their levels of stamina and the activeness of their bodies. Thus, tennis is a great physical activity for older people and it’s supremely enjoyable amongst people of all ages. 

One of the key advantages of a racket game like tennis is its list of required equipment which only includes a ball, a racket, and a net. Along with a ground to play in. Thus, it doesn’t require a ton of equipment or protective gear which makes tennis a readily playable sport. 

Tennis is an extremely helpful sport to reduce body weight, along with swimming. Because of the intense physical demand of this sport, tennis is considered one of the most effective sports for people with the desire of losing body weight.

Another advantage of playing tennis involves improving the reaction time of people. Because of the quick nature of the action, tennis helps increase the reaction time amongst its players.

Apart from these health benefits, tennis is also an effective way of reducing stress among people. According to various studies, playing tennis reduces stress and increases levels of happiness among people, especially older people. Studies prove that due to the physically demanding nature of tennis, it is helpful to people who experience stress. Tennis is also considered an extremely profitable career choice among people. 

Tennis players like Serena Williams, Venus Williams, Roger Federer, and Novak Djokovic are among the highest-earning sports persons in the world. Thus, the career of playing tennis is a profitable one as it can potentially earn its players relatively large amounts of wealth to establish and support their lifestyles. Along with considerable money, tennis also opens up several doors of recognition for its players. Professional tennis players are recognized and adored worldwide by legions of people which include those who admire them and are influenced by them. 


Types of Tennis Courts

Clay courts: These types of courts slow down the ball resulting in the ball bouncing higher compared to grass or hard courts. They are made from stone and crushed shale.

Grass courts: Fastest type of courts that consist of grass grown on hard-packed soil. These are high maintenance courts and have to be watered often and take a long time to dry. It’s difficult to play on such courts during the rainy season.

Hard courts: Made from a rigid material and are covered by acrylic surface layer thus offering higher consistency for bouncing of the ball.

Carpet courts: Any removable court covering. Used in the indoor arenas.

Interesting Facts

Tennis originated from ‘ Jeu de Paume' which was played in France. Jeu de paume was a game played in the 12th century in France and was known as the game of palm. It is believed to be the forerunner of the sport.

Do you know? The oldest tennis stadium is located in London. The name of the stadium is Royal Tennis Court, which is a court palace in Hampton.

The scoring system is based on the clock face at one end of the court. The origins are 15,30 and 40 respectively. 

The US Open was won by Jimmy Connors on three different surfaces.

In a standard match, a tennis ball is usually played in the stadium for straight 20 minutes.


The Essay on Tennis: A Wrap-up

From the points that have been discussed and presented in this tennis essay, the benefits of the sport are clear. Tennis benefits a multitude of people in several different ways, ranging from health to social relations. Regular practice of the game helps to maintain and improve the physical fitness of an individual and helps reduce stress.

A Short Essay on Tennis

An essay on my favorite game tennis.

Tennis is an outdoor game that is popular worldwide and played all over the globe. Several health benefits result from playing tennis, along with mental and social benefits. In this short essay on tennis, those benefits are discussed.

The Key Points

Due to its physically demanding nature, tennis is considered beneficial to the improvement of bodily fitness among people. Due to its various movements, tennis is proven to be helpful to people with stress reduction. The following part of my favorite sport tennis essay states the health benefits of the outdoor game:

Playing tennis results in achieving a better physique due to its various bodily movements.

Tennis results in better maintenance of human metabolism and blood pressure levels.

Tennis is incredibly helpful in losing body weight in people due to its intense physical nature.

Playing tennis helps increase aerobic capacities.

Tennis helps in improving muscle tone, strength and flexibility.

Tennis helps us improve reaction time as it makes us quite active people.

The above points in the tennis essay in English summarize the benefits of tennis in improving people’s physical agility and mental health.  

Tennis is a highly profitable career choice as professional players like Serena Williams and Roger Federer are among the highest-earning sports persons in the world.


FAQs on Tennis Essay for Students in English

1. Who Invented Tennis?

Major Walter Wingfield invented the current version of tennis in 1873.

2. What are the four Grand Slams in Tennis?

The four Grand Slam tournaments in tennis are the Australian Open, French Open, Wimbledon, and the US Open.

3. Who are the Top Three Singles Tennis Players in the World?

The top three rankings in Singles tennis are-

Novak Djokovic

Rafael Nadal

Dominic Thiem 

4. What are the cons of playing tennis?

The cons of playing tennis are:

1. The cost of tennis equipment can be costly.

2. There are a short number of tennis courts.

3. It takes time to learn and motivation might become a problem.

4. It's not a team sport and hence pressure can be high on an individual.

5. You can learn basics on your own but for next-level training, you need to hire a coach which can be expensive.

6. Talent plays an important factor and you may hate being active for way too long.

5. What are different types of tennis matches?

The tennis matches are played in 2 formats. The first ones are standard matches played casually or during official tournaments. They are played either as singles(Played between two men and two women but when played between a man and women then considered as informal), doubles(two teams consisting of two team players) or mixed doubles(similar to doubles but has one woman and one man in each team). The next is other formal matches and these are played as Canadian doubles.

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Tennis and Writers

By John Colapinto

In this brief caesura before the start of the men’s semifinals, I’d like to consider the question of how to write about tennis. John Updike once observed that golf lends itself “oddly well” to being written about. I’m not sure tennis does. Most writers have difficulty avoiding that handful of ready-made expressions to describe the game in action: laser-like backhands; wafting underspins; rocketing volleys and pounding serves. I’ve probably used most of these in this blog. The best tennis writing provides a passable simulacrum of actually watching, or playing, the game. John McPhee’s “Levels of the Game” is sports journalism that utterly transcends the genre. Published initially in 1969, in The New Yorker , it describes, almost point for point, a match between Arthur Ashe and Clark Graebner. Rather than focus purely on what he saw, McPhee got the two players to watch a video replay of the encounter and to describe what was going on in their heads at each moment. McPhee also folds in the backgrounds of both players—one black, one white; one Democrat, one Republican; one poor, one privileged—and the result is an essay that not only reveals, better than anything before or since, the deep connections between how someone plays tennis and who he fundamentally is but also illuminates the condition of the United States at that turbulent time. Here are the opening sentences:

Arthur Ashe, his feet apart, his knees slightly bent, lifts a tennis ball into the air. The toss is high and forward. If the ball were allowed to drop, it would, in Ashe’s words, “make a parabola and drop to the grass three feet in front of the baseline.” He has practiced tossing a ball just so thousands of times. But he is going to hit this one. His feet draw together. His body straightens and tilts forward far beyond the point of balance. He is falling.

In a 1972 piece about Wimbledon that McPhee published in Playboy , he writes about Rod Laver, who dominated the game then as Roger Federer does today. The following puts me in mind of Federer who, even when he has a match well in hand, will run down anything:

Laver is so far ahead that the match has long since become an exhibition. Nonetheless, he plays every point as if it were vital. He digs for gets. He sends up topspin lobs. He sprints and dives for Alexander’s smashes. He punches volleys toward the corners and, when they miss, he winces. He is not playing against Alexander. He is playing against perfection.

The British novelist Martin Amis is a fanatical tennis player and has worked the sport into a number of his novels, including “Money” and “The Information.” He also writes amusingly about the sport in an essay, “Tennis: The Women’s Game,” published first in Vogue , in 1988, and reprinted in his book “Visiting Mrs. Nabokov.” In that piece, Amis argues that the women’s game was at that time more compelling than the men’s. “The men have entrained a power struggle of outsize athleticism, machismo and foul temper. It’s all rat-a-tat-tat , or rat-a-tat , or, on fast courts, simply rat ”— aces. He also refers to Gabriela Sabatini as “this bronzed hallucination of fluency and youth.”

Back in 1995, when I was a reporter for Rolling Stone , I was trying to get Amis to agree to being profiled. We met for coffee at the Royalton Hotel, in midtown Manhattan. I seemed to be making progress, but he had not committed. Knowing of his tennis addiction, I mentioned that I play—not strictly true at the time; I’d given up the sport in frustration and shame. Amis’s eyes instantly kindled and he leaned forward, fully engaged for the first time that afternoon. “You play?” he rapped out. “Well, we’ll have to do the story. You come to London and we’ll play at my club.” He was practically digging out his cell phone to book a court. One look into Amis’s blazing eyes—I’ve seen that look before, and it’s always a precursor to my losing 6-0, 6-0—and I knew that I must back out not only of the game but of the story. Which I did.

Speaking of Mrs. Nabokov, it was her husband, Vladimir, who, for my money, wrote the best description of tennis anywhere. This is from “Lolita,” whose heroine proved a natural on the court:

She would wait and relax for a bar or two of white-lined time before going into the act of serving, and often bounced the ball once or twice, or pawed the ground a little, always at ease, always rather vague about the score….The exquisite clarity of all her movements had its auditory counterpart in the pure ringing sound of her every stroke. The ball when it entered her aura of control became somehow whiter, its resilience somehow richer, and the instrument of precision she used upon it seemed inordinately prehensile and deliberate at the moment of clinging contact.

Nabokov was a fine tennis player, and was not averse to using the game as a metaphor for writing itself—a solitary activity involving precision, strategy, and foresight. Once, when an interviewer persisted in drawing comparisons between Nabokov and Joyce, he replied, “Oh, yes, let people compare me to Joyce by all means, but my English is patball to Joyce’s champion game.”

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Saying Farewell to Rafael Nadal

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Zendaya’s “Challengers” Tennis Whisperer

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72 Tennis Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

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IvyPanda. (2023, September 27). 72 Tennis Essay Topic Ideas & Examples.

"72 Tennis Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 27 Sept. 2023,

IvyPanda . (2023) '72 Tennis Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 27 September.

IvyPanda . 2023. "72 Tennis Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." September 27, 2023.

1. IvyPanda . "72 Tennis Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." September 27, 2023.


IvyPanda . "72 Tennis Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." September 27, 2023.

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Home Essay Samples Sports

Essay Samples on Tennis

World record of the fastest tennis ball hit.

Tennis has been known as a game of inches, kings, game of lifetime…. It is incredible even today with its outstanding players, known with their incredible shots. Novak Djokovic is famous for his crazy shots from baseline to the edge of opponents service boxes. One...

Technological Advancements and the Future of Tennis

Among other sports, many would say that tennis has lagged behind in terms of technological advancements. Tennis players today would learn the same way, and use almost identical equipment as athletes and recreational players almost 50 years ago. The norm would be going to a...

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The Long History Of Tennis Through Centuries

Tennis has been a popular sport for many years. It was created many centuries ago, but has since developed greatly, and gained popularity worldwide. The origin of the sport dates back to the twelfth century. It is thought that the game was developed from a...

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The History and Design of Tennis Balls

Tennis is an old sport and has a long history. It was an ancient Arabic sport, and it became popular in France in the 1000s, and it was also romanticized by the English royalty as the Sport of Kings. In the 1400s, the first tennis...

Essay About Health Benefits Of Playing Tennis

Across the world, tennis is associated with rich people, and it has often been perceived as a sport for the privileged in the society. Nevertheless, tennis is a lifetime sports activity that can be played from the age of eight years to the age of...

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Understanding Tennis: The Rules of Tennis

My project is about tennis. I am going to tell you all about the sport and how it is played. You are all geared up with your racquet but still struggling with the crazy rules of the game. This project will help people with understanding...

Best topics on Tennis

1. World Record of the Fastest Tennis Ball Hit

2. Technological Advancements and the Future of Tennis

3. The Long History Of Tennis Through Centuries

4. The History and Design of Tennis Balls

5. Essay About Health Benefits Of Playing Tennis

6. Understanding Tennis: The Rules of Tennis

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Home / Essay Samples / Sports / Tennis

Tennis Essay Examples

The role of tennis in my life.

Playing Tennis and being a professional tennis athlete has always been an integral part of my life. From my first Tournament at the age of 8, to playing for the country, to being a full time professional on the international circuit, I have always felt...

A Report on Wimbledon Tennis Championship

Wimbledon is a very popular championship in the world of the sports. This competition is one of the most important ones. It is part of the “Grand Slam”. But, what is that? The Grand Slam is the set of the four most important tennis competitions,...

Andy Murry is a British Famous Tennis Player

A British famous tennis player who has an OBE for his remarkable talent, his name is Andy Murry a Scottish born. Its states he ranked number one in the world. It suggests Murray, learnt basic tennis inside the house with just cereal box ,biscuit tins...

Mental Imagery and Its Effects on Performance in Tennis

It should come as no surprise that physical training can greatly improve a person’s performance in sports. Attributes such as strength and stamina are essential in sports as they tend to be physically demanding. However, what people may not know is that besides physical properties,...

The First African American Tennis Tournament Winner

Arthur Ashe Jr. was the first African American to win many major tennis tournaments and to be ranked #1 in the world. He also was a great influence outside of the sport and established his own foundation called the Arthur Ashe Institute for Urban Health....

The Way Intrinsic Motivation Kept from Giving Up

Dylan Alcott was born on December 4th, 1990, in Melbourne, Australia. Just a week after he was born, doctors found that he had a tumour wrapped around his spine. An operation was performed on him to remove the tumour, which left him a paraplegic at...

Wimbledon Boss Cautions Other Tennis Players on Etiquette on the Field

Yesterday, the Wimbledon boss issued a caution to players, who spoke badly or gestured in a demeaning manner to towel boys and girls on the field because they need a towel. According to the Wimbledon Chief, there is a need for greater respect from tennis...

The Speed of the Process of Playing Tennis with the Help of Physics

Tennis is a sport enjoyed by people in all walks of life. It’s a game that I have been playing for almost a decade and understand this game very well. Tennis, just like any other sport uses various aspects of physics. Tennis encompasses many concepts...

Danger of Genetically Modified Foods

“Today we are fast approaching the day when the body can no longer be regarded as fixed, man will be able within a moderately short period to redesign not merely individual bodies but the entire world”, Alvin Toffler predicted decades ago. Many children all over...

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