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Remote Proofreading Jobs and 26 Places to Find Them

With working from home becoming more common than ever before, remote proofreading jobs are gaining a lot of traction. Amongst the online jobs you can do, checking grammatical and spelling mistakes sounds like one of the easiest ones to pick up. But what exactly  does this kind of work entail, how much would it earn, and most importantly, how do you search for legitimate as well as rewarding proofreader jobs? These are all valid questions, the answers to which you can find right here.

What is proofreading?

To proofread is to go over a document’s final draft with a fine-tooth comb, searching for grammatical, spelling, punctuation, and formatting errors. Unlike the job of a copy editor, you don't have to concern yourself with language style or voice. It may seem simple, but it requires a thorough understanding of not just the English language but also the appropriate manuscript formatting styles.

Web content, academic papers, and many other types of writing — To proofread and correct each of these kinds of content requires a thorough understanding of its preferred language and formats.

Because of their project-by-project nature, it is common for the gigs you get in this sector to be online, freelance proofreading jobs.

Becoming a proofreader and securing remote jobs

Luckily, you don’t have to go through intensive training or education to become a proofreader. Preferably, you'd have a bachelor's degree in English, Journalism, or a field relevant to the kind of content your hope of proofread. (To proofread for a medical company, you'd need background in medicine, for example.) Other than that, a certificate of completion for a proofreading course can make your profile much more appealing to potential clients. To get started on the right foot, consider:

🎓 Taking a training course via societies such as the  Editorial Freelancers Association ;

📝 Brushing up on style guides (APA, Chicago, and AP Styles);

💻 Creating a profile and following relevant groups/hashtags (this may include creating your own website, a LinkedIn, or a professional Twitter account);

✅ Being flexible about the kind of job you take on (work from different industries, projects involving copy editing ).

You can get more tips in our comprehensive guide on how to become a proofreader . If you’re all clear about the set up, let’s discover all the places that you can find remote jobs for proofreaders.

26 places to find remote proofreading jobs

Below are all the sites that offer legitimate freelance proofreading jobs. We’ve divided the list into two parts: one for those with experience and qualifications, and one for those without.

If you’re going into proofreading with certificates, graduate qualifications, or expert experience, here are the sites that you should check out. 

1. ProofreadingPal

Specializing in academic proofreading,  ProofreadingPal  prides itself on having a highly experienced staff. Because its scholarly projects, the editing skills required by this site are very advanced and specific. To secure a remote proofreading job on this site, you need to be a postgraduate student with a minimum GPA of 3.5 or have a graduate degree along with minimum five years of experience.

Remote job for proofreaders | Proofreading Pals

If you have a PhD in a writing-intensive discipline,  Edit911  is a good candidate for some remote work. Its proofreading services also tend toward high-level academic editing, so experience is crucial. And as it caters to a worldwide audience, having a strong grasp of a few manuscript styles will be plus.

WordsRU  is great for those who work from home, because it welcomes job applicants from all over the world, as long as they have at least a Master’s degree or higher. It offers a wider range of services for customers, including fiction manuscripts and web content, so its proofreaders receive a variety of projects.

4. American Journal Experts

Similar to WordsRU,  AJE  offers online proofreading jobs for those who have been or are currently enrolled in higher education at universities approved by  the Carnegie Classification . And as the name suggests, this online proofreading opportunity is more suitable for those based in America.

You may or may not have a PhD or a Master’s degree, but if you do have a strong track record in book editing and proofreading,  Reedsy  is the place to be. Our marketplace connects thousands of indie authors with publishing experts (like you!) who can help them produce high quality titles. On average, our professionals set a  proofreading rate  of around $600-$750 per manuscript, though each project varies. (Note that you can set your rates per hour, per word, or per project.)



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6. Polished Paper

Focusing on business and academic editing,  Polished Paper 's proofreader jobs are also suitable for experienced professionals. Instead of proving their qualifications, applicants are asked to complete a 35-question test to demonstrate their editing skills before getting accepted.

7. Managed Editing

Having worked mainly with non-profit organizations and prestigious institutes,  Managed Editing  chooses its freelance proofreaders carefully. A successful applicant will have at least five years of experience and a Bachelor’s degree, although most of its editors and proofreaders have higher qualifications.

8. Wordvice

Apply to  Wordvice  for a more international experience: the company offers editing and proofreading services on essays and business documents for second-language English users. You must have a minimum of two years of experience and a graduate degree to join this team of freelancers. (And needless to say, the remote jobs they have are available to proofreaders across the world!)

9. Start your own freelance business

This basically means creating your own website (don't forget to have a contact section with your email address in it!) along with a LinkedIn, Twitter, or Facebook account to spread the word about it. As you are your own boss, you can work from home, a coffee shop, or wherever else you want! Use your credentials and professional connections to attract customers. Combine that with impeccable proofreading services and you’ll grow your freelance business  in no time.

If you’re just starting out or don’t have higher education qualifications — don’t worry, there are plenty of beginner-friendly sites where you can find proofreading gigs and begin amassing professional experience. 

10. Scribendi

If you do have some experience in content production, i.e. you’ve been a copywriter or have edited your university newspaper, you can apply to  Scribendi . Its online proofreading jobs are focused on academic writing from high school to university level, so having a Bachelor’s degree is a must.

11. Scribbr

Scribbr ’s services are tailored to a younger academic audience, and while it doesn’t ask for specific qualifications, applicants do go through a thorough vetting process. To become a remote proofreader at Scribbr, you have to pass a language test and complete several assignments for evaluation (for which you will receive feedback). If you’ve taken an editing course, you should be able to do well.

Remote Proofreading Jobs | Scribbr

12. Proofreading Services

Every remote proofreading job available here focuses on academic and business writing. Prospective proofreaders can join the staff part-time or full-time by getting at least 95% on  the site’s 20-minute test , which mainly focuses on grammar and spelling.

As an education-oriented publication,  CACTUS Communications  is constantly on the lookout for academic editors who can help it produce clear, engaging content. It does require at least a Bachelor’s degree in a relevant discipline, but you don’t need any prior work experience in editing and proofreading to find exciting opportunities.

14. Writer’s Relief

A resourceful website for authors,  Writer’s Relief  also provides book editing and publishing services which you as a remote proofreader can get involved in. Since they have  copy editors  going over everything beforehand, you’ll just have to focus on catching the little mistakes that slipped through.

Prompt  provides coaching services for college applicants, helping them with personal statements and essays. You will need to have been a university student yourself, and as the coach you’re expected to give more feedback than just online proofreading. It’s a good opportunity if you want to start with academic editing.

16. OneSpace Freelancers

OneSpace is a site made for new freelancers. There aren’t as many job postings on this site as on other proofreading services, but you do get support and feedback from their staff. They provide advice on how you can work better as a freelancer and build your business. So while you would't necessarily find remote work on this space, it's a good way to learn the craft of maintaining your freelance proofreading business in the long run.

Looking to find proofreading services at OneSpace Resources

17. Gramlee

From their tagline ("You write, we edti edit.") and service email address, you can already get a sense of how laid-back the staff at  Gramlee  would be. They welcome proofreaders with no qualifications, as long as they work hard to learn and fulfill the team’s guarantee of 24-hour turnover.

Upwork  is one of the biggest marketplaces for freelancers, and the remote jobs for editors and proofreaders you can find on here are often for technical and copy writing. Projects are usually on the smaller side, which means there isn’t always demand for highly experienced workers. Still, it's a good place to get started on your online proofreading career.

19. Flexjobs

Short for  flexible jobs ,  this job board  only posts work that you can do from home, so you don’t have to narrow the search yourself. There are plenty of proofreading jobs across many industries and countries for you to choose from, some of which are even full-time collaborations.

Indeed ’s interface is probably a familiar sight if you’ve looked for work before — it’s a platform that has everything from full-time positions to freelance gigs in all kinds of industries. Though it might take some digging, there are good remote jobs proofreaders can discover.

21. MediaBistro

MediaBistro  is a job board made specific for media-related jobs. You can filter your search to show only remote entry-level editing jobs to see if there’s anything available. Signing up also gets you a job alert round-up when new relevant jobs are posted.

22. Get Editing Jobs

Here’s another  editing-focused job posting site . You can search for remote proofreading jobs and it will automatically show you recent postings that fit the bill. You’ll then have to apply to the jobs on your own.

23. Domainite

Domainite  provides digital marketing services, from web designing to content writing and editing to its clients. You can easily sign up by filling in its form and sending in a writing sample. The scope of the work might go a little beyond the proofreading job, though you will acquire more skills that way!

Are you interested in marketing books? Visit our post on where to find book marketing jobs . 

24. Freelancer

This site  allows you to bid on a proofreading opportunity you can do remotely, and try to win the client over. There are a lot of projects available, so if you lose out on a bid for one, you can always find another!

❗ Note: Some of the rates you see here are much lower than the average as freelancers try to undercut to appeal to clients. Keep that in mind in formulating your own freelance quote .

25. Lionbridge

Lionbridge  is an international platform that offers marketing and business content creation services for firms across the globe. Specifically, its freelancers “test out” firms’ content — giving them feedback, not just on a linguistic point of view but also user experience and SEO. It's a bit of technical proofreading, if you’re interested.

Remote Proofreading Jobs | Lionbridge

Though it does not provide the highest paying remote proofreading jobs,  Fiverr is still a good opportunity for new freelancers to start their careers. It’s relatively easy to sign up to and create a profile that will attract customers, most of whom will be searching for competent beginners rather than experienced experts.

Hopefully this list will help you find your next remote job and kickstart your career, whether you’re a full-timer looking for side jobs or an aspiring freelancer. Remember to do your research and know what your proofreading service is worth to avoid being undercharged. With that, and a wish of good luck, we’ll send you into the world of freelance proofreading!



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13 Online Proofreading Jobs That Pay Well

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What is Proofreading?

Pros of choosing online proofreading as a career .

  • You can work remotely.
  • You’re in charge of your own pace and working environment, with no micromanaging supervisor around!
  • You are in control of your own schedule and can fit proofreading in around your other commitments.
  • You’ll work effortlessly as a proofreader if you have a keen attention to details.
  • Taking up as many proofreading assignments as you like is completely up to you 
  • There are many earning opportunities for newbies in proofreading.

Cons of Choosing Online Proofreading As A Career 

  • Some of the sites aren’t very easy to understand and it might take you some time to figure out available projects.
  • High-paying proofreading jobs only come with experience. If you’re a beginner, you’ll have to start relatively small and gain more opportunities in the working world. 
  • Proofreading project deadlines are usually strict and if you take up more projects than you can deliver on time, you’ll face negative reviews and lose clients.
  • If you get easily distracted while working from home, online proofreading jobs aren’t for you as they need you to be focused and pay attention to the piece you’re working on.

Are Online Proofreaders In Demand?

  • According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics , the demand for online proofreaders is growing every year. The businesses on the Internet are always on the rise which leads to more demand for content writers and proofreaders. 
  • According to a recruiter.com research , the demand for proofreaders and copy markers is expected to go up with around 3510 new jobs by 2029.

13 Well-Paying Online Proofreading Jobs For Beginners


2. ProofreadingServices.com

Proofreading services

3. LinkedIn 


4. Polished Paper

Polished paper

5. Wordvice


6. CACTUS Communications

CACTUS communications

7. Get Editing Jobs

Get Editing Jobs

8. Proofreading Pal


9. Managed Editing


10. Book Editing

Book Editing

12. SmartBrief


13. Lionbridge


What Skills Do You Need To Become A Proofreader

  • A strong command of the language you’re planning to work with, including spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
  • A keen eye for detail and the capacity to concentrate for extended periods of time.
  • The ability to work with accuracy and speed.
  • Planning, organizing and time management skills are necessary to meet project deadlines.
  • Good communication skills to interact with prospective clients and for networking.
  • Basic IT skills since you’ll be working from home.
  • Familiarity with the methods of production and publishing of books, other printed products, and websites.

How To Prepare For A Proofreading Career?

Proofread your way to success.

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31 Online Proofreading Jobs for Beginners (Up to $35 Per Hour)

31 Online Proofreading Jobs for Beginners (Up to $35 Per Hour)

*This post may contain affiliate links. Please read the full disclosure here . 

Proofreading Jobs from Home No Experience

Table of Contents

Do you have the skill to correct punctuation and spelling errors?

If yes, then you have what it takes to become an online proofreader with an income potential between $36k-$60k a year.

Online proofreading jobs are in demand, because there is an increase in online content and marketing, which means more job opportunities for proofreaders.

A good number of bloggers and online businesses need help to proofread blogs, books and other digital content. They require a second pair of eyes to check and correct mistakes and edit errors before the article is published and goes live.

There are many online proofreading jobs for beginners who are interested in working either full-time or part-time.

If want to begin online proofreading jobs from home, you will find this to be a flexible work from home option that is not country-specific.

Online Proofreader Job Role

It’s a known fact that businesses and individuals need writing.

Writing covers tons of digital space, from emails to website “About Us” pages to product descriptions to eBooks and more. But what about the rest of the writing process?

Companies don’t just need someone to put pen to paper; they need someone to make sure the writing is clear, clean, and error-free. That’s where proofreaders come in.

Proofreaders make sure that writing is concise and accurate.

It’s great work for a detail-oriented individual who likes a challenge. Knowing what goes into solid proofreading is important, as it lets you earn more and helps you build a stable career.

What is Proofreading?

Proofreading is a vital part of editing.

It’s the process of reading through a piece of writing and marking any errors you find so that they can be fixed before publication.

Proofreading is normally one of the last steps before a piece is published, and it’s used to catch smaller errors that might not have been caught in the initial drafts or developmental edits.

Proofreading jobs require you to take a piece of content written by someone (like a blog post or an email) and make it perfect.

It’s the final stage of editing, which involves correcting grammatical errors like misplaced commas and spelling errors.

freelance proofreader

Proofreaders look for:

  • Simple grammar mistakes like improper spelling or punctuation errors.
  • Strange sentence structure or word choice which makes the writing hard to read.
  • Factual inconsistencies or small plot holes.

Catching and fixing these errors adds polish to pieces and gets them ready for professional publication.

It can make the work appear more authoritative and trustworthy, which is especially important to businesses and individuals looking to be seen as experts on a particular topic.

Here are a few types of online content that require proofreading:

  • Blogs/websites
  • eBooks, novels
  • Email Newsletters
  • Online Marketing Material – advertisements and brochures
  • Social Media Posts
  • Essay editing
  • Research papers
  • Resumes and cover letters

How Do You Make Money Proofreading?

While some publishing companies will hire in-house proofreaders, most people who make money from proofreading are freelancers.

Freelancers work on a project-by-project basis with a variety of clients; they aren’t full-time employees of a particular agency, and instead, work for themselves.

Getting started as a freelance proofreader is as simple as signing up for a job listing site (or multiple sites) and putting together a proofreading resume, which should focus on your experience and expertise with the English language.

In today’s post we will be taking a look at some proofreading companies that offer online proofreading jobs for beginners.

These sites let companies post listings for individual projects or longer-term contracts that you can apply to work on remotely.

Do You Need Qualifications to Become a Proofreader?

Since proofreading is often done on a freelance basis, there’s no one set of qualifications a proofreader needs to start working in the field.

Findings on Indeed suggest that proofreaders should be proficient in various academic writing styles, as well as familiar with editing software like Adobe Acrobat and Microsoft Word.

Many employers will administer their own proofreading competency tests to applicants, which on its own is enough to get many entry-level proofreading jobs.

How Do You Become a Proofreader?

If you are good with the red marker and can spot errors easily, you are halfway there.

The next half requires you to learn about the proofreading industry, how to run a proofreading business from home and to land clients.

For that I would recommend you take a look at this online training – Proofread Anywhere . It teaches you everything you need to become a proofreader.

Don’t forget to check out this free online proofreading workshop , so you can learn to use your word skills to make money from home.

How Much Do Online Proofreaders Make Per Hour as a Beginner?

According to Salary.com , the hourly rate for entry-level proofreaders are $20 an hour, the average pay rate is $26 an hour and the highest level of pay is $33 an hour.

So, a proofreader with no experience can still expect to make at least $20 an hour, making it more lucrative than many entry-level jobs.

Read our interview with a stay-at-home mom earning $1,000+/month with Proofread Anywhere’s online training .  

How to Land Entry Level Proofreading Jobs Online

proofread anywhere online training.

Caitlin Pyle, creator and owner of Proofread Anywhere , has created a comprehensive online training suitable for aspiring proofreaders with no proofreading background or experience.

She has taught over 15,000 students in the last 7 years to become online proofreaders.

If you would like a taster session, feel free to watch Caitlin’s introductory video on proofreading, to see if this is the career  you are interested to pursue.


Proofread Anywhere’s online training teaches:

  • How to proofread research papers, blogs and books
  • Everything you need to know about proofreading
  • How to find potential prospects
  • Avoid common mistakes made by beginner proofreaders
  • Practical step-by-step lessons
  • Everything from basics to marketing!

The training also gives you access to a support team and a student community to help provide guidance and answer question as a new proofreader. 

For proofreaders not knowing where to start, this would be the best way to land entry level proofreading jobs online, with support and assistance to help you along the way.

Check out Cailtin’s free online video workshop to understand how to start and run a proofreading business at home.

31 Legitimate Online Proofreading jobs from home

The first few on the list are entry-level online proofreading jobs, while the options further down are for more experienced proofreaders.

While these are just some places to find remote proofreading jobs, social media and networking can land you more gigs. Joining Facebook blogger groups can help you connect with online business owners – a great way to network and find clients.

Let’s now take a look at these proofreading jobs that you can do either part-time or as a full time career.

1. Click Worker

At Click Worker, you get to work on a freelance basis in content creation, proofreading, editing or app testing. With the freedom to work whenever you like, this can be a flexible work at home job for stay at home moms.

Payments to you are made by PayPal either weekly or monthly.

Upwork is one of the best online platforms to find any type of freelance work, including proofreading jobs. 

They offer both short term and long term projects that can last up to 6 months.

Glancing at Upwork, you will see the pay rate for proofreaders are $16-$30 an hour. Definitely a worth checking out Upwork.

Fiverr is the best place to search for online proofreading jobs for beginners.

While the pay can be on the low scale, this makes a good starting point for entry-level proofreading to find work and experience.

Another freelance job board when you can use their search box to narrow down results for online proofreading jobs.

At Guru, jobs are offered at a fixed price or an hourly rate.

5. We Work Remotely

Offering a number of writing and copyediting jobs, We Work Remotely is another site to keep track, when searching for remote jobs.

6. Lionbridge

Lionbridge offer proofreading jobs online. Most of their job openings have very basic requirements which include a high school diploma.

7. Clear Voice

Clear Voice offers freelance proofreading jobs that hire worldwide.

The type of jobs they have available range from writing to proofreading. You get the opportunity to work as a freelancer, following a flexible work schedule.

Payments are made to you weekly or monthly by PayPal.

8. Polished Paper

To apply for an opportunity with Polished Paper, you will need to submit an application form and upload your resume. And the final stage is a 35 questionnaire editor test.

9. Kirkus Media

They are looking for freelance book reviewers in English and Spanish.

Reviews need to be 350 words and due 2 weeks after the book is assigned. Submit some of your writing samples to increase your chance of being accepted.

10. Babbletype

The criteria for eligibility is that you are a native English speaker with a fluency in English and basic grammar knowledge.

They pay weekly via PayPal and is a great place to start for beginner proofreaders.

11. Proofreadingservices.com

Pay is between $19-$46 an hour and you can apply from any country.

You will need to complete a 20-minute preliminary test to begin the application process. They have both full-time and part-time work opportunities.

12. Get Editing

They offer freelance editing and proofreading jobs.

If you sign up to their email listing, you will receive weekly new job openings in your inbox.

13. Writing Jobz

Writing Jobz offer a wide range of work for writers such as copywriting, essay writing and proofreading.

With over 100 jobs posted daily on a variety of topics, Writing Jobz can be the best place for freelancers to find proofreading work.

14. Ubiqus On Demand

Primarily a job site for transcriptionists, Ubiqus also offer jobs for proofreaders and copywriters.

15. Cambridge Proofreading

They are actively recruiting remote academic editors.

A bachelor’s degree is a minimum requirement due to the academic nature of the work.

You can expect to be proofreading and editing a wide range of materials but predominantly dissertations and theses from ESL students and academics.

Typical rates of pay are $20-30 per hour, depending on your editing speed.

16. Domainite Editing Jobs

You can apply by filling out an online application form. They require you to edit a sample as part of the application process.

17. Gramlee Jobs

Their website accepts clients that need editing completed within 24 hours. 

This means there is constant work coming in through the door – more opportunity for you. You can submit your application form right here .

18. Edit Fast

Edit Fast offers part-time proofreading jobs from home.

They will send you notifications when there is potential work available from clients, so you need to sign up with them to be notified.

19. English Trackers

They have a job board directory that you can check regularly to see if there is a suitable job vacancy.

You can also sign up with them to get weekly job listings delivered to your inbox.

20. eCorrectors

Whether you are a professional proofreader or a translator, you can apply with eCorrector. Just email them your resume to be eligible.

They occasionally hire proofreaders and freelance editors. Good to check them out to see if they are hiring.

You can choose to work either full time or as a freelance proofreader. If you see a job that doesn’t suit you, subscribe to get email alerts to be notified of new job openings.

They have been on the top 20 list of the best telecommuting jobs by Forbes in 2016.

To apply you need to have a degree in the subjects listed here.  Prior editing experience is not necessary but can be an advantage.

24. ProofreadingPal

They require you to have a minimum of 5 years of work experience and you can earn up to $3,000 a month.

If you are eligible to apply, there is an online independent contractor form that needs to be completed and you should hear back from them within 5-10 business days.

25. Scribbr

Scribbr offers a wide range of essay editing jobs online.

They provide work from home proofreading jobs with a flexible schedule – accept/decline job offers according to your preference.

You will also need to be a native English speaker and be available for work at least 10 hours a week.

If you are interested in editing papers online – try Scribbr.

26. Wordvice

You need to be a qualified and experienced freelance editor to apply.

They don’t specify how many years of experience is needed, although typical work involves editing research articles, thesis, and essays.

27. Sibia Proofreading

Currently not accepting new applications. But be sure to check back to apply.

28. Proofread Now

They require you to have a minimum of 5 years of work experience to apply. You can sign up to their newsletter to be notified of new job openings.

29. Words RU

They are looking for highly qualified proofreaders from any country. They are currently hiring, so you can apply if you meet their requirements.

30. Scribendi

Experience is required for editors and proofreaders to apply.

31. Managed Editing

You will need to have a college degree and at least 5 years of editing experience in order to apply.

How to Find Online Proofreading Jobs?

If you are looking for freelance proofreading jobs on a large platform, here are a couple of places you can find work.

Freelancing is a great way for entry level proofreaders to build a portfolio.

While searching for a job, apart from using online proofreading companies, also browse the internet using keywords such as editing jobs, copy editing jobs, or remote proofreading jobs to broaden your search results.

Job boards:

Job board directories are also great to find new jobs on a regular basis. Because of their massive reach and database, you have more jobs to choose from, with new vacancies added frequently. Here are two of the biggest websites that hire remote workers.

  • People Per Hour
  • Pro Blogger
  • Virtual Vocations

Start your own website

If you want to ride solo and be your own boss, the best thing to do is to  start your own website .

It costs less than $100 a year to have your own site, which you can use to promote your proofreading services.

You can set your own rates, offer discounted pricing and also provide special offers on certain services.

Create a blog section on your website to showcase samples of your work. You can also post reviews of customer satisfaction on your site.

How do you promote your work?

It’s great when you own your business, but the big question is where can you find clients especially if you are just getting started?

  • Start a Facebook page and promote it to family and friends. Word of mouth is the best way to get started as a beginner.
  • You can share your services on relevant Facebook groups.
  • My best option is Pinterest. It can get the word out a lot faster. You can create pin images of your website and direct readers from Pinterest to site. Here is a more detailed post on how you can do this.

Enroll in Caitlin’s FREE proofreading workshop to see if this is the right career for you.

3 simple ways to tell if proofreading is for you..

  • Are you good at catching typos and misplaced punctuation ?
  • Do you often correct texts on social media?
  • Cringe when a restaurant menu has a misspelled word?

Want to explore further?

Use your proofreading skills to branch out into these 4 online editing jobs that are also high paying.

  • Transcription – As a transcriber, you will need to convert a set of live or pre-recorded audio files into text. You can put your proofreading skills to use in this career, as it requires you to type out an error-free document.  Transcribers earn up to $45,000 a year.
  • Freelance writing  – Every writer needs their content to be proofread, and as a proofreader, you are going to be able to spot errors instantly. You can offer your writing service on freelance websites or on blogs and websites. Highlighting your proofreading skills will land you high paying gigs, and give you higher chances of being accepted.
  • Blogging – Start your own website and put your writing skills to use. There are many bloggers making a 6 figure income working from home, blogging.
  • Sell a book  – As a proofreader, you will be able to create an error-free book. You can consider this option if you are looking to make a passive income from home. 

Get Paid to Proofread Online

Proofreading for money is a relatively simple field to break into.

As long as you’re able to prove your mastery of the language, give consistent work of high quality, and manage your own schedule, finding proofreading jobs from home is a great way to earn money on your own schedule.

If you are happy to edit papers for money, this is definitely the career to consider.

Online Proofreading Jobs



Great info! Thanks for sharing!

Saranya Ramanathan

Thanks Brittany!

Dr. Poonam

Thanks for such a gorgeous piece of information. I am new in this world and want to start an online job. But I don’t know how to do. Pls tell me how to join/ start. I did PhD in textiles and apparel designing. This site gives me a inspiration. Thank you once again for such sincere effort.

P gupta

Thank you for the great info it helps a lot specially on my part I’m a newbie in this and don’t have any idea what kind of work is proofreading. Thank you thank you


Thanks for such a gorgeous piece of information. I am new in this world and want to start an online job. But I don’t know what to do. This site gives me a inspiration. Thank you once again for such sincere effort.

Danie Scholtz

I want to become a reviewer of books


Wow that’s a really great list, so many companies, I didn’t know that there is so many who can hire you. Definitely saving this list : )


Great info, Awesome content , thanks for sharing.


Great content, I’ll be trying some of those things out, thanks a lot

Fakhry Botros

Thank you so much for your very helpful info , which is of great assistance for me , it is somewhat difficult for a person who spent much of his life as a regular full time employee . Thank you again .


Your blog is very informative for a person who has punctuation correction skills but they don’t have an idea about proofreading but they are seeking for a job. I found your blog very helpful. Thanks!


Very informative.Thank you for sharing.More power and God bless!!!

Gabriel ikwulono

Nice. How can I register. I need a link please


The link for 7. Clear Voice opens to Click Worker.

Thanks Brittany, I have updated the link.

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26 Easy Proofreading Jobs Online (NO Experience Needed)

By: Author Mitch Glass

Posted on Last updated: December 14, 2023

Online proofreading jobs come with many perks — especially for all you grammar snobs out there.

You can work:

✔️ Wherever you want (one of the best jobs for digital nomads ) ✔️ Whenever you want ✔️ As much (or as little) as you want.

And the pay isn’t too shabby either. 

There’s just one problem:


Many work-from-home proofreading jobs ask for loads of it, which begs the question…

Is it possible to find proofreading jobs online with no experience?

You bet it is.

Here’s exactly how to do it.

Table of Contents

What is a proofreader?

Who uses proofreaders, is it hard to get proofreading jobs from home with no experience, freelance proofreading vs. freelancing writing: which is better, how to find proofreading jobs online (no experience), 1. polished paper, 2. edit my english, 3. other companies to find entry-level proofreading jobs online (no experience), “recommended” proofreading companies that do not actually hire proofreaders without experience, 2. flexjobs, 3. other job boards to find proofreading jobs for beginners, facebook groups to find proofreading jobs online without experience, how to become a proofreader online, step-by-step, frequently asked questions.

online proofreading part time jobs

A proofreader is an expert at correcting written language. They’re the ones tearing apart documents in red pen, hunting for mistakes, grammar mishaps, and formatting issues. 

Proofreaders are often confused with copy editors. Proofreaders focus on grammar, spelling, and formatting — the objective stuff. Editors, on the other hand, also scrutinize the structure, flow, and accuracy of the writing.

As a proofreader, you can work as a generalist or specialize in certain niches. 

You might feel like niching down will limit your number of potential clients. But specializing in one area — like medical, legal, or academic papers — can often make it easier to land work. 

Becoming an expert in certain proofreading niches can also lead to higher-paying jobs.

Proofreading is similar to transcription and scoping. Before diving headfirst into the world of proofreading, it’s worth investigating transcriptionist jobs and scopist jobs as well. 

Proofreading is a big deal for companies. If they publish content with errors, they instantly lose credibility with potential customers. 

Because of this, many do not trust software to catch mistakes for them. They want a second set of human eyeballs. 

Some examples of people who hire proofreaders include:

  • Authors (books, magazines, newspapers, etc.) 
  • Businesses (brand content, manuals, reports, etc.)
  • Brands on social media
  • Bloggers and content writers
  • Marketing companies
  • Entrepreneurs writing website copy
  • Job seekers writing resumes and cover letters
  • Academics publishing studies and research papers

laptop on a table with a cup of coffee

Work-from-home proofreading jobs are flexible and low-stress, but is it really possible to start with no experience?

Of course it is. Every successful proofreader had no experience at one point.

The trick is finding ways to build that experience. The more you have, the easier it gets to find work. 

That said, there is a difference between no experience and no skills. 

To get proofreading jobs, you need to actually know how to proofread. 

That means memorizing spelling and grammar rules like the back of your hand. This is the hardest part. 

But if you learned it once upon a time in elementary school, you can learn it again. 

Just grab an English proofreading book , start studying, and — when you’ve mastered the skills — search for freelance proofreading jobs from home using the strategies below. 

If you want to cut down on the learning curve and start earning faster, you can also take an online proofreading course . 

That said, before paying for anything, it’s a good idea to take this free proofreading class . It’ll help you decide if proofreading is really for you, then show you tricks for attracting your first clients.

I’ve dug through various proofreading courses, so before pulling your wallet, check out my reviews to choose the best one.

  • Proofread Anywhere review
  • Knowadays review

If you decide proofreading is not for you, don’t fret. There are plenty of awesome freelance job options for beginners . 

If it is for you, here’s everything you need to know. 

How much do proofreaders make an hour?

According to salary data collected by Indeed, the average proofreader in the United States earns roughly $25 per hour (or almost $60,000 per year).

As a proofreading beginner, your rates depend on the quality of your clients and your work speed. 

You’ll likely have to work up to that $25-per-hour rate, but it’s doable. 


The maximum pay for freelance proofreaders is generally less than for freelance writers. 

This is because a good freelance writer is much harder to replace than a good proofreader. 

In a way, proofreading is easier than writing because you don’t have to “create” anything. All you have to do is modify what someone else already created. 

If you’re number one priority is a high income, look into freelance writing. 

I’ve personally made as much as $100/hour (after years of experience), so I can attest to the income potential.

I even made a free course to help you earn your first $1,000 as a freelance writer.


Learn the simple step-by-step process I used to easily land my first freelance clients and build a business I can run while traveling the world.

By signing up, you'll also be added to my legendary email list and receive exclusive travel lifesyle tips I don't share anywhere else. 

That said, if the idea of staring at a blank page sounds daunting to you, then writing might not be your jam.

In that case, proofreading is an awesome option — here’s how to find proofreading jobs online.

There’s more than one way to find proofreading jobs online with no experience.

You can either work for a proofreading agency that sends you work and acts as a “middleman” between you and clients. Or you can use job boards and other resources to find and work with clients directly. 

Both options are viable ways to get proofreading jobs from home fast, but let’s start with proofreading agencies. 

Companies that hire proofreaders

If you don’t want to do the grunt work of finding clients on your own, you can join a proofreading company that finds work for you. 

Since you’re essentially working with a middleman, your rates won’t be quite as high. But if you consider the time you save searching for clients (time you’re not paid for), then it may work out in your favor. 

There’s a handful of companies that hire proofreaders with no experience, which makes it a great place to find entry-level proofreading jobs online.

But wait — do you need qualifications to be a proofreader online? 

Some companies may not require previous experience, but they do require a college degree of some sort. (Those are usually the academic proofreading jobs.)

Here’s a list of companies to find proofreading jobs for beginners.

online proofreading part time jobs

Polished Paper is an awesome company for work-at-home proofreading jobs. They offer proofreading and editing services to clients who need a second set of eyes on:

✔️ Novels ✔️ Blog entries ✔️ Screenplays ✔️ Dissertations ✔️ Journal articles ✔️ Application essays ✔️ Personal statements  ✔️ Business documents ✔️ Resumes/cover letters

Their website doesn’t say anything requiring prior experience. But you will need to pass a 35-question test that shows you know your stuff. 

online proofreading part time jobs

Edit My English is another online proofreader job that doesn’t require experience.

To proofread for Edit My English, you must be a U.S. citizen and have a degree from a U.S.-based university. 

All editors set their own hours, typically from 10 to 40 hours per week. You earn per page and receive 60% of the client payment. The faster you work, the higher your hourly rate.

There’s a whole slew of proofreading companies that don’t require experience.

To start your job search, check out:

  • Kibin . A proofreading company that specializes in academic editing. Kibin needs freelance proofreaders who can offer fast, overnight turnaround times. You must pass a grammar/editing test to be approved. (Note: Kibin mentions that they hire “experienced editors” on their editor’s page, but experience is not mentioned as a requirement on their application page).
  • Gramlee . A proofreading company for editing dissertations, copywriting, and other documents. Prior experience is not specified as a requirement.

Many articles online recommend proofreading companies to new proofreaders looking for jobs without experience. 

The problem is, most of the companies they recommend actually DO require experience. Some don’t even offer proofreading services at all!

That’s annoying. And it can end up wasting loads of your time.

To avoid that, here’s a list of recommended proofreading companies that require experience. 

Most of them do not specify how much proofreading experience you need, so feel free to check them out anyway if you have a little experience.

Note: You can save these as potential companies to work for in the future. Just not as your very first job.

  • Sibia Proofreading . Proofreading company for fiction manuscripts, job applications, business memos, and doctoral dissertations. 
  • Proofreading Pal . Proofreading services for authors, students, businesses, resumes, cover letters, etc.
  • Proofreading Services . Proofreading company with 10K+ clients in over 100 countries.
  • Edit Fast . Proofreading company for any type of document.
  • Words RU . Proofreading company for any type of document. 
  • Reedsy . Proofreading for fiction and non-fiction books.
  • Wordvice . Proofreading for academic documents written by students, researchers, and business professionals.
  • Proofreading.org/Cambridge Proofreading . UK-based company that hires US and UK editors. Purely academic proofreading. Several years of experience is required, plus a college degree and subject matter expertise. 
  • Scribbr . Proofreading services for essays, theses, dissertations, etc. Must be a native English speaker with at least a bachelor’s degree, work a minimum of 10 hours a week, and have previous experience proofreading academic texts.
  • Scribendi . Proofreading services for academics/students, authors, businesses, and individuals (resumes, cover letters, etc.). 3+ years of experience required in editing, writing, document production, or language-teaching, and an average proofreading speed of 1,000-1,500 words per hour to apply. 
  • Quality Proofreading . Proofreading services for students, businesses, and individuals (resumes, cover letters, etc.). Must have an advanced degree from a UK/US institution and 3+ years of proofreading experience.
  • Proofread Now . Offers proofreading services in both English and Spanish. “Rigorous” testing is required. 
  • Wordy . Hires both editors and proofreaders, but the hiring process is temporarily paused. 

Finally, these companies are commonly recommended to new proofreaders, but in reality, they’re not actually proofreading companies:

  • Lifetips. A site where you can share tips and knowledge on various topics.
  • Kirkus. A book review company.
  • Scribe Media (AKA Book in a Box). A publisher and coach for novelists.
  • Babbletype. A translation and transcription service
  • Domainite. An editing company (different skill set than proofreading).
  • Cactus Global. An editing company (different skill set than proofreading).
  • Jobsforeditors.com. An editing company (different skill set than proofreading).

Alrighty, now that we have those time-wasters out of the way, let’s dive into some job boards for proofreaders. 

Job boards to find proofreading jobs from home (no experience) 

hands typing on laptop

Some of these job boards are specific for proofreaders. But most of them are general freelance marketplaces where you can search for proofreading gigs.

On these marketplaces, each job listing has its own specific experience requirements. Some require it; others don’t. Before applying, read each description carefully. 

scheenshot of upwork homepage

Upwork is one of the most popular job boards to find online proofreading jobs – or any freelance jobs, for that matter. 

Upwork was originally formed in 2015 after Elance and O-Desk merged. 

Upwork has job postings for nearly every type of freelancing service, including graphic designers, IT specialists, writers, and you guessed it — proofreaders.

Clients post jobs in the marketplace, then freelancers compete against each other to win the job. 

The platform is known to be a bit oversaturated, so you’ll have to decide if Upwork is worth it to you or not. 

It’s full of opportunity, but also competition. Some people have made $10K/mo and even six-figure salaries on Upwork alone. 

Upwork takes a 20% cut of your pay until you make $500. After that, the fee lowers to 10%. 

online proofreading part time jobs

Flexjobs is a curated job board specifically for remote and flexible online jobs — including proofreading jobs for beginners.

The nice thing about Flexjobs is that all the job postings on Flexjobs are reviewed by editors to catch scams and sketchy-looking ads.

Flexjobs charges a small monthly fee to use the platform, but you can request a refund if you’re not satisfied (like if you don’t find a job). 

That said, you can see all the proofreading job listings for free . Just type it into the search bar. 

Many listings on these job boards require no experience, but some opportunities do require experience.

  • Problogger . Writing and editing jobs.
  • Fiverr . Freelance opportunities, including proofreading and editing.
  • Freelancer . Freelance opportunities, including proofreading and editing.
  • LinkedIn . World’s largest business social site where you can connect with potential employers in your industry.
  • Remote.co . Remote job listings in many different fields, including proofreading and editing.
  • Indeed.com . Job board for all types of jobs, including remote proofreading and editing opportunities.
  • Guru . Freelance opportunities, including proofreading and editing.
  • People Per Hour . Freelance opportunities, including proofreading and editing.
  • MediaBistro . Editing, proofreading, copywriting, graphic design, and other creative jobs.
  • WritingJobz . Writing-related job opportunities, including editing and proofreading.
  • The Editorial Freelancers Association . Matches businesses with proofreaders, editors, and writers.
  • Kelly Services . Job board for a variety of industries, including proofreading and editing positions.
  • Virtual Vocations . Job board for specific remote work niches, including editing and proofreading.

Recommended job boards that do not offer proofreading jobs online

Just like with the “proofreading companies” we covered that aren’t actually proofreading companies, there are also job boards that some sites recommend that don’t actually have proofreading jobs. 

  • Lionbridge . Translation and interpretation services only.
  • Toogit . Job board that does not have proofreading or editing job postings.

Facebook groups are always a great place to find legitimate proofreading jobs online. 

You can either post your offer and wait for opportunities to come your way, or you can search for clients searching for help. 

It’s worth hanging around the following groups to see if you attract some clients:

  • Proofreaders Group . Proofreaders trading tips and news, as well as a place where clients come to find proofreading services.
  • Beta Reading/Editing/Proofreading . Independent authors, blog writers, and artists post job opportunities for proofreading services.
  • Proofreader Needed Today (general proofreaders and editors) . For proofreaders/editors to post their services and writers to post proofreading job opportunities.
  • Binders Full of Remote Proofreading and Editing Jobs . A group where members can share proofreading and editing job opportunities.
  • Freelance Content Writers, Content Editor, Proofreader & Digital Marketers . Group to offer job opportunities to content writers, digital marketers, editors, and proofreaders.
  • Proofreading and Editing Services . Members can either post job opportunities or request them.
  • Transcribing, Editing & Proofreading Services. Find or post job opportunities for transcribing, editing, and proofreading.

Remember, the goal isn’t to spam these groups with your services — that won’t fly.

Instead, interact with the group, help people, build relationships, and mention that you are a freelance proofreader. 

person working online with laptop

Alrighty, now that I’ve firehosed you with information. Let’s revamp how to become a proofreader online, step by step.

  • Commit. Take this free course to be 100% sure proofreading is right for you (and learn how to grab your first clients). 
  • Master your grammar. Pick up some proofreading books on Amazon or sign up for an online course.
  • Build a minimal portfolio. Do a couple free or cheap projects for people in your network, or create sample projects of your own. You can showcase these in a nicely formatted Google doc, or create a simple website. 
  • Cast your lines. Treat finding your first clients like a full-time job. Cast your line in all the places mentioned in this guide.

Once you find your first proofreading clients, give them amazing service, then ask for testimonials and referrals.

The bigger you build your portfolio, reputation, and network, the easier it gets to fill your pipeline with work.

Proofreading is a perfect job for students, especially because the rules of grammar are fresh in your mind. Freelance proofreading is also flexible, so you can work around your school schedule. When freelancing, there is no need to share how young you are unless a client asks. 

Proofreading doesn’t require experience, but the more experience you have, the easier it is to find work. Everyone starts somewhere, and the most important thing is having the skills to be a proofreader. Your main goal is to prove to clients that you can complete the job. 

You do not need any special qualifications to be a proofreader, but if you are specialized in certain areas, it may help you find jobs. A proofreading portfolio showcasing your skills can be more convincing to clients than qualifications that they probably have never heard of. 

The key to becoming a skilled proofreader is practice. The more you proofread, the easier it is to spot mistakes. The easier it is to spot mistakes, the faster you finish projects. And the faster you finish projects, the more you can earn per hour.

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Mitch is your typical nomadic backpacker. Or at least, he was . But after stopping in Colombia to take “one week” of salsa lessons, his life took a sharp left turn. He met a cute Colombian girl in dance class, fell in love, and got married. Over half a decade has passed since he left his career to travel the world as a digital nomad, and he’s never looked back.

Nowadays, he’s the blogger behind Project Untethered — where he runs an awesome email newsletter and Youtube channel teaching adventure-craved wanderlusters how to escape the rat race, earn money from anywhere, and build an “untethered life”.

His advice has been featured in Forbes, USA Today, Yahoo, MSN, Reader’s Digest, Condé Nast Traveler, and more.

Mitch's Travel Recommendations: Travel Planning Resources - Everything you need to plan your trip on one convenient page. Going Cheap Flights Newsletter - Get flight deals from your airport up to 90% off sent straight to your inbox. Safetywing Insurance - This cheap travel insurance has saved me over $15,000 in medical bills. Booking.com - Book accommodation without adding your credit card (in case you need to cancel). Trusted House Sitters - Take care of pets in exchange for free (sometimes luxury) accommodation. Flexjobs - Find remote jobs without having to sift through crappy ones. Skillshare - Free trial to take unlimited classes that teach digital nomad skills. Wise - Send and receive money abroad cheaply (great for freelancers).

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3 part-time job opportunities for foreign students in Russia

online proofreading part time jobs

Life in Russia might be less expensive compared to another popular study abroad destinations, but living here is still not cheap. If you’re a student wondering how to make some extra cash on the side, it might at first seem there’s not that much you can do on a student visa, but don’t despair: Russia Beyond has gathered all the best insider tips for finding a part-time job in Russia.

Why foreign students have limited opportunities for working while studying

According to Russian law, international students need a special permit to be able to work legally in the country. The permit is only issued to full-time students at state universities, so if you’re on exchange or your school isn’t accredited by the state, sorry, no permit for you.

Even if you are eligible to get one, it’s a complicated bureaucratic procedure and the permit only allows you to work in one professional field specified in the document, and only in the region where the university is located. And if you’re thinking of working on the black, you better think twice: if you get caught, you’ll be fined up to 5,000 rubles ($82) and might even get deported.

Another common difficulty for foreign students is the language barrier. Even though in big cities like Moscow and St. Petersburg, where most internationals choose to study, there are hundreds of international companies that offer internships, they almost always require fluency in Russian. As for part-time jobs in the service sector, perfect spoken Russian is obviously mandatory.

It might sound like finding a student job in Russia is mission impossible, but nothing is impossible in this country: You just have to know what to look for. Here are some of the best ways to make an extra buck, without getting in trouble with the immigration services:

1. Working for your university

online proofreading part time jobs

One exception to the no work without permit rule is if you work for your university. You might think that there isn’t much you can do if you don’t speak Russian, but if your school offers courses in English, there’s a high chance that they may be hiring, too.

The most popular university job offers are usually for teaching assistant or research assistant. If you have previous experience as a teaching assistant and you have a particular interest in a certain course, it is worth contacting the professor well in advance and asking if they are looking for an assistant .

Th e job mostly consists in being an intermediary between the students and the teacher and helping prepare the materials for the class. You won’t be paid a lot, but it’s still a nice and relatively easy way to earn some pocket money. It will also look good on your CV.

2. Language tutoring

online proofreading part time jobs

If being the teacher’s pet isn’t really your thing, another way to turn your foreign student status to your advantage is to teach a foreign language. In Russia, especially in big cities, there is a constant demand for native speakers as tutors.

Tutoring is a type of informal teaching, usually in the form of several hours of lessons at the client’s home. So if your native language is one of the popular foreign languages for Russians – English, French, German, Spanish, or Italian, or if you’re a native in a language such as Chinese for example, you have a very good chance of finding a tutoring job .

An d the best part? Russians are willing to pay a lot of money to learn a language from a native. Depending on your previous experience, the level of the student and in some cases, on your luck, you could get paid up to 50$ an hour .

I f you’re wondering where you can find these lucrative tutoring offers, the answer is simple: Facebook. Just look up keywords such as “tutoring,” and “native teachers” and add the name of your city or the language you wish to teach. You’re most certainly going to find more than one Facebook groups, where you can either respond to offers or post your own CV and wait for someone to contact you.

3. Freelance writing

online proofreading part time jobs

Finally, an idea for the more literary-minded: Being a freelance writer. While you probably won’t be authorized to write for a Russia-based media company, since it would be considered as working in Russia without a permit, you could make contributions to online magazines, culture guides, or newspapers in your own country.

Russia is a fascinating destination and it definitely doesn’t lack material for inspiring travel or lifestyle pieces, but there isn’t that much written about the country on foreign websites, so you will have a competitive advantage. What better way to practice your writing and make money while working on your own flexible timetable, and all this without even having to get out of your bed.

When it comes to student jobs, Russia is full of opportunities, you just need to dig a bit deeper to find them. Just don’t forget that, between all the travels, international parties and part-time hustles, you should also show up to class every once in a while.

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  • Strategic thinker 
  • Ability to thrive in fast-paced environment
  • Attention to detail for executing in-market promotions and events involving team partners 
  • Ability to commute to Commanders Front Office(Riverdale, MD),  OrthoVirginia Training Center at Commanders Park (Ashburn, VA) and Commanders Field (Landover, MD)
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills
  • Above average skills in Microsoft Suite (PowerPoint, Word and Excel), KORE/Dynamics, Photoshop a plus 
  • Proven experience to appropriately work with and around confidential information
  • Ability to work all Commanders home preseason and regular season games
  • Ability to work events outside of normal business hours/days (i.e. evenings and weekends
  • Access to car is required

online proofreading part time jobs


  1. 25 Online Proofreading Jobs for Beginners (Legitimate Proofreader Jobs

    online proofreading part time jobs

  2. 20 Online Proofreading Jobs for Beginners (2024 Guide)

    online proofreading part time jobs

  3. Ultimate Guide to Finding Online Proofreading Jobs in 2024

    online proofreading part time jobs

  4. Work From Home As A Proofreader With Proofreadingservices.com

    online proofreading part time jobs

  5. Proofreading Online, 34 Best Online Proofreading Jobs for Beginners & Pros

    online proofreading part time jobs

  6. Best Online Proofreading Jobs (7 Legit & Free Options)

    online proofreading part time jobs


  1. Make $46/HR Online Proofreading

  2. 2 Beginner-Friendly Work From Home Jobs That Pay Up to $22/hour

  3. Online Proofreading Jobs

  4. Do Correction & Earn Money Online| Work From Home Jobs 2024| Online Jobs At Home| Jobs For Students

  5. Earn $575/Month: 5 Typing jobs for beginners worldwide

  6. Proofreading jobs online No experience


  1. Online Proofreading Jobs and Services

    We hire part-time and full-time proofreaders who demonstrate superlative proofreading and editing skills. You are welcome to apply from any country. Here are some of the benefits of working for ProofreadingServices.com: Competitive pay ranging from USD 19 to 46 per hour depending on turnaround time, with the highest pay for the most urgent ...

  2. Part Time Proofreading jobs in Remote

    Legal Transcriptionist Formatting (Proofing) Specialist. Format Services. Remote in Austin, TX. $18 - $20 an hour. Full-time. Weekends as needed + 2. Easily apply. Please note at this time we are only seeking full-time positions - you must be able to work 40 hours per week and specific shift availability in the evenings…. Active 9 days ago.

  3. Part Time Proofreader Jobs, Employment

    Hybrid work in New Plymouth, ID 83655. From $15 an hour. Part-time. 20 to 30 hours per week. Monday to Friday + 1. Easily apply. This is a part-time position with opportunity for full-time and advancement. The ideal candidate will have experience in various administrative tasks and…. Posted 1 day ago.

  4. Part Time Online Proofreading Jobs, Employment

    Part Time Online Proofreading jobs. Sort by: relevance - date. 134 jobs. Part-Time Student Writer. Indiana University. Bloomington, IN. $16 - $20 an hour. ... Job Types: Full-time, Part-time. You will be responsible for managing your time and meeting the established goals. Pay: $56,374.00 - $60,986.00 per year. ...

  5. Remote Proofreading Jobs and 26 Places to Find Them

    10. Scribendi. If you do have some experience in content production, i.e. you've been a copywriter or have edited your university newspaper, you can apply to Scribendi. Its online proofreading jobs are focused on academic writing from high school to university level, so having a Bachelor's degree is a must. 11.

  6. Proofreading Jobs

    Check out a sample of the 1,508 Proofreading jobs posted on Upwork. Find freelance jobs ». Proofreading Jobs. Proofreading of English to Swedish (SV) auto-translated fields us…. Fixed-price ‐ Posted 1 day ago. $115. Fixed-price. Intermediate. Experience level.

  7. Proofreading Jobs

    Proofreader. 10 days ago. 100% Remote Work. Full-Time. Employee. A range of 53,862.00 - 63,000.00 USD Annually. Warrenville, IL. Review graphic communications pieces and marketing materials to ensure finished products are in line with company Brand and desired look and feel.

  8. Proofreader Jobs

    Proofreader New! 6 days ago. 100% Remote Work. Part-Time. Freelance. A range of 35.00 - 40.00 USD Hourly. US National. Proofread and edit US-based proposal documents with precision and efficiency, ensure adherence to AP style guidelines, and maintain quality and accuracy in all proofreading and editing tasks.

  9. 13 Online Proofreading Jobs That Pay Well

    1. UpWork. UpWork is an excellent site for newcomers to get proofreading projects online. You can use UpWork remotely and you'll find all kinds of amazing freelance and full-time projects to work on. Apply for entry-level editing gigs on UpWork to build yourself a solid portfolio. 2.

  10. 10 Best Proofreading Jobs Online (Earn $45/hour)

    Get paid to proofread with these 10 legitimate proofreading jobs online: 1. Upwork. Upwork is not only one of the best websites to find entry-level proofreading jobs, but it's one of the largest websites for freelancers in general and a good place to find the best online proofreading jobs. With an abundance of freelance job listings, editing ...

  11. $20-$40/hr Part Time Proofreader Jobs (NOW HIRING) May 2024

    Proofreader. Stuart Strategic Management Services Colorado Springs, CO. Quick Apply. Remote. $24.20 to $27.50 Hourly. Vision Medical Life Insurance Dental. Full-Time. We are on the lookout for a proofreader extraordinaire to join our team. If you can spot a misplaced comma from a mile away, turn typos into triumphs, and have an insatiable love ...

  12. Remote Part Time Proofreading jobs

    Remote Part Time Proofreading jobs. Sort by: relevance - date. 100+ jobs. Proofreader (Part-time) Bob Jones University. Hybrid work in Greenville, SC 29614. ... Job Types: Part-time, Contract. Pay rate: $30-50 USD per hour, based on expertise, experience, and proofreading speed.

  13. 27 Best Online Proofreading Jobs in 2024 (Earn $25/Hour)

    4. Proofreading Services. Proofreading Services is a helpful proofreading website to find full and part-time remote proofreading jobs, with pay ranging from $19 - $46 per hour. To sign up, you'll need to complete a 20-minute test on this site before applying for a proofreading job.

  14. 31 Online Proofreading Jobs for Beginners (Up to $35 Per Hour)

    2. Upwork. Upwork is one of the best online platforms to find any type of freelance work, including proofreading jobs. They offer both short term and long term projects that can last up to 6 months. Glancing at Upwork, you will see the pay rate for proofreaders are $16-$30 an hour. Definitely a worth checking out Upwork.

  15. 20 Online Proofreading Jobs for Beginners (2024 Guide)

    2. FlexJobs. FlexJobs is a job site that offers high-quality remote proofreading jobs (amongst others) for freelancers and employees. You can easily search jobs by keyword, category, or title. Rest assured, all job listings are legitimate since FlexJobs takes extra precautions to protect job seekers from scams.

  16. 26 Easy Proofreading Jobs Online (NO Experience Needed)

    Some people have made $10K/mo and even six-figure salaries on Upwork alone. Upwork takes a 20% cut of your pay until you make $500. After that, the fee lowers to 10%. 2. Flexjobs. Flexjobs is a curated job board specifically for remote and flexible online jobs — including proofreading jobs for beginners.

  17. 39 Best Online Proofreading Jobs (Earn $50k No Degree)

    FlexJobs is an online job board that lists work-from-home opportunities on a flexible basis, including remote, freelance, and part-time roles. It's the perfect website to use if you want to start a freelance career. They have a section in which they list all proofreading jobs here.. All job opportunities are carefully screened and checked for scams before they are approved, which means all ...

  18. Part Time Online Proofreader jobs

    Part Time Online Proofreader jobs. Sort by: relevance - date. 177 jobs. Assistant Copy Editor: Medical. New. Physician's Weekly 4.0. Remote in Basking Ridge, NJ 07920. ... Job Types: Full-time, Part-time. Part base pay, part commission based (bonus for every call, and bonus per contract).

  19. part time proofreading jobs in From Home

    Teacher's Discovery. Remote. From $25 an hour. Part-time + 1. Weekends as needed + 1. Easily apply. Applicants who have applied in the past and failed the proofreading tests will not be considered. Must pass proofreading test, to be supplied by recruiter ….

  20. Proofreader jobs in Moscow, ID

    Search and apply for the latest Proofreader jobs in Moscow, ID. Verified employers. Competitive salary. Full-time, temporary, and part-time jobs. Job email alerts. Free, fast and easy way find a job of 1.502.000+ postings in Moscow, ID and other big cities in USA.

  21. The most in-demand work-from-anywhere jobs companies are hiring ...

    To help job-seekers find the best remote, flexible gigs, FlexJobs has identified the most in-demand work-from-anywhere jobs companies are hiring for right now.

  22. 3 part-time job opportunities for foreign students in Russia

    2. Language tutoring. Getty Images. If being the teacher's pet isn't really your thing, another way to turn your foreign student status to your advantage is to teach a foreign language. In ...

  23. Partnerships Intern

    The Partnerships Team at the Washington Commanders is looking for a full-time intern to join the Partnerships Department, which focuses on partnership Sales, Solutions and Success for the 2024 season. Our Intern will be an integral part of t...

  24. Remote Part Time Proofreading Jobs jobs

    PT Sports Newspaper Writer - Remote. Nelson Media Company. Denmark, WI. $12 - $15 an hour. Part-time. 10 to 20 hours per week. Easily apply. Proficiency in copywriting, copy editing, and proofreading. Research and gather information on sports events, teams, and athletes.

  25. work from home proofreader jobs in Moscow, MO

    9 Work From Home Proofreader jobs available in Moscow, MO on Indeed.com. Apply to Technical Writer, Copy Editor, Assistant and more! ... or in our digital solutions space ・Flexible scheduling-full-time and part-time positions ・Connections with universities, career advisors, and professional schools ・Comprehensive Health Insurance, and ...