Games for 5-Year-Olds

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Discover a World of Fun: Games for 5-Year-Olds!

Dive into our delightful collection of games designed especially for 5-Year-Olds, where interactive adventures and colorful journeys await! Our carefully curated selection ensures age-appropriate fun that stimulates creativity, enhances problem-solving skills, and nurtures a love for learning. From puzzles that challenge young minds to vibrant story-based games that spark imagination, there is something for every little explorer. Both online and soon-to-be-released web versions offer endless opportunities for fun, making it easy for kids to play and learn anytime, anywhere. Join us in a world where play and educational growth go hand in hand!

Sorting Puzzles for Kids image

In an era where digital interaction is ubiquitous, discerning the right kind of screen time for children, especially for 5-year-olds, has become paramount for parents and educators alike. Amidst a sea of digital content, our games emerge as a beacon of developmental aid, learning, and fun for young learners. Designed specifically with the cognitive and emotional growth of 5-year-olds in mind, these games blend entertainment with educational value, making them a unique asset in a child's developmental journey.

The interactive nature of our games serves as the cornerstone of their effectiveness. For 5-year-olds, the world is a sprawling canvas of questions and curiosities. Our interactive games are crafted to tap into this innate curiosity, transforming every click, swipe, or command into a learning opportunity. This interactivity is not merely about receiving immediate responses from the game but is deeply integrated with educational objectives that cater to developing critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and basic literacy and numeracy.

Moreover, the adaptability of these games to individual learning paces is a game-changer. Each child is unique, with their strengths, weaknesses, and speed of learning. Our games for 5-year-olds are designed to recognize and adapt to this variability, offering a personalized learning experience. This ensures that every child feels both challenged and supported, promoting a healthy learning curve without the pressure of competition.

Social-emotional development is another critical area our games address. Through storylines that involve cooperation, empathy, and understanding diverse perspectives, children learn invaluable life skills. These interactive stories and scenarios encourage children to think about how their actions affect others, fostering empathy and emotional intelligence from a young age.

The imminent launch of our games on the web broadens their accessibility, ensuring that the developmental benefits they offer are not limited by device availability. This move towards web-based gaming is especially significant in today’s world, where equitable access to educational resources is a pressing need. By making these games available online, we are taking a step towards democratizing educational resources, making them accessible to a wider audience of 5-year-olds across different backgrounds.

Furthermore, the safety of digital spaces is a top priority. Our web-based games for 5-year-olds are designed with stringent safety measures to ensure a secure online environment. Parents and educators can have peace of mind knowing that children are not only learning in a fun and interactive way but are also protected from the potential pitfalls of the internet.

In conclusion, our games stand out as a valuable tool in the developmental arsenal for 5-year-olds. By seamlessly integrating education with entertainment, they offer a balanced approach to screen time, promoting cognitive development, emotional growth, and social skills. With the expansion into web-based gaming, we are excited to reach more young learners, providing them with a foundation of skills and knowledge through the medium they love most – games.

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Parent Resources for Learning > Core Skills > 7 Fun And Easy Learning Activities For 5-Year-Olds

7 Fun And Easy Learning Activities For 5-Year-Olds

by Dr. Jody Sherman LeVos | May 18, 2021 | Core Skills

Learning activities play an important role in early childhood development. However, when parents come across this information, they often assume they need to create the most elaborate games to help maximize learning. That’s not the case.

For example, simple games and activities such as painting or playing house help develop language and emotional skills, creativity, and fine motor skills, among other things.

Also, when children engage in physical activities such as running, jumping, or skipping, it contributes to their gross motor development.

In addition, if an activity is challenging (think tricky puzzles or building a tall lego tower), it helps children learn how to follow through on a project and problem-solve. Ultimately, this helps build confidence and gives children a sense of ownership and accomplishment.

Learning activities for 5-year-olds are also great to help beat boredom. A child who has nothing to do for the day can often become irritable or display disruptive behavior. That’s not ideal for them (or you!), so it’s important to have some go-to activities at the ready.

Finding the right activities for your child is one way you can foster their continued growth and development. So where do you start?

Questions To Ask Before Choosing Activities

Mom doing activities for 5 year olds

Now that you understand the importance of activities for 5-year-olds, here are a few questions to ask yourself to ensure you’re choosing the right ones for your child.

What Will My Child Learn From This Activity?

There are many developmental milestones that are essential for your child to reach — from physical to mental, emotional, and social.

This is why it’s important to incorporate a variety of activities into your child’s play, rather than choosing similar games that help develop the same skills.

Are The Instructions Easy To Understand?

As children get older, the activities and games we introduce them to will naturally become more complex.

While it’s beneficial to keep challenging our children so they learn to think creatively and problem-solve, it’s equally important to not overwhelm them with games that are simply too complicated for their age group.

Will The Activity Engage My Child’s Senses?

From the moment they are born, our children are seeing, touching, tasting, hearing, and smelling the world around them.

Children use their senses to explore and understand things, so we encourage sensory play in early childhood because it plays a significant role in developing many essential language and cognitive development skills. It also helps children continue exploring and engaging.

7 Fun Activities For 5-year-olds

1) letter toss.

Letter toss set up for activities for 5 year olds

What You’ll Need:

  • Rolled-up sock or small beanbag

What To Do:

We love letter toss because it only requires about 10 minutes of set-up time, making it the perfect game to incorporate when you’ve had a busy day or week.

Start by writing uppercase and lowercase letters on individual Post-its (one per page). Then stick the Post-its onto the floor or playroom wall, making sure that there’s space between each one.

Next, have your child stand a few feet away and toss the rolled-up sock at the Post-it notes as you call them out.

You can also pick letters in a word and arrange them in random order. In this version, your child will need to hit the letters in their correct order to spell the word. (You can write the word on a piece of paper for them to have a reference if needed.)

This is a fun and engaging activity to help children practice their alphabet and spelling. All the aiming and throwing is also a great way to help them continue developing their gross motor skills.

2) Cupcake Tin Counting Game

Two kids baking in bakers hats and aprons

  • Cupcake tin
  • Cupcake liners
  • A snack with small pieces (e.g., cereal, puffs, blueberries, etc.)

In a nutshell, this activity involves having your child fill each numbered cupcake liner with the corresponding number of snack pieces. For more information on how to play cupcake tin counting, you can check out this link .

This simple activity is excellent for helping children develop their understanding of counting principles (and is a fun way to enjoy some delicious treats at the end!).

3) Create A Storytelling Map

Kids doing activities for 5 year olds

  • A huge piece of craft or butcher paper

The aim of this activity is simple: Create a giant storytelling map using a marker, crayons, and craft or butcher paper. (You can even take this activity outside and use your backyard layout as a guide for the map.)

Encourage your child to use their creativity and come up with their own ideas for this invented world. The map might lead to a magic castle, a haunted house, or even a mystical forest. Let their imagination run wild!

If you have multiple children, this is an excellent game for sibling or all-family play. And if you do take the activity outside, there’s the added benefit of sunshine and fresh air.

4) Draw To Music

little student girl drawing with pencils at school

What You’ll Need:

  • Markers, crayons, colored pencils, watercolor paints, etc.
  • Classical music playing in the background

Music — you listen to it, of course, but have you considered making drawings to match what you hear?

This is a simple but wonderful activity for many children. All you need is drawing and painting materials and, of course, music.

As the music plays in the background, encourage your child to draw or paint anything they want. To help them get started, you can ask questions like, “How does the music make you feel? What does it remind you of?”

This is one of those activities where the journey is much more important than the destination. It really doesn’t matter if the colors they choose clash or the lines are too harsh. We’re not talking about creating a Picasso here but, rather, engaging the senses with this experience.

Treat this activity as a great sensory (auditory and visual) learning opportunity that your child can enjoy for some uninterrupted quiet time.

5) HOMER Character Cut-Outs

Homer character cut outs for Activities For 5 Year Olds

  • This printable from HOMER
  • Crayons or markers
  • Cardboard or cardstock
  • Popsicle sticks (optional)

Start this activity by encouraging your child to color the characters. Once they’ve colored them how they’d like, have them cut the characters’ shapes out. Next, help your child glue the characters onto cardboard or cardstock.

Voila! It’s time to play!

This is a great way to encourage imaginative play, as your child can bring the characters to life (and even create a play). This really helps encourage creativity!

For some inspiration, check out this link .

6) Create A Rainbow Suncatcher

Little girl painting at easel in school.

  • Colored gift tissue paper
  • Cotton balls
  • Clear-drying school glue

Begin with cutting the colored tissue paper into squares. Then make the rainbow shape by drawing six lines on the wax paper with your glue.

Next, encourage your child to glue down the tissue paper onto each line in rainbow color order (you can hand your child a picture of the rainbow as a guide). Lastly, add cotton balls below the rainbow to represent clouds.

This is a great activity to teach your child the colors of the rainbow and to continue developing their fine motor skills.

7) Make An Ocean

  • Medium bin or deep tray
  • Dried pasta for coral
  • Scoops of cups for playing in the water
  • Ocean creature toys and loose parts like pebbles, shells, and starfish
  • Blue food coloring (optional)

For detailed instructions on creating your very own ocean, check out this link to our Ocean Sensory Bin.

After finishing the creation with your child, encourage them to touch and feel all the interesting ocean creatures. This is a great sensory activity to help children explore and investigate some of the amazing fish found in our seas.

Have Fun At Home With Activities For 5-Year-Olds

4 kids hanging on a jungle gym

We hope one thing’s clear from our above list of activities for 5-year-olds — your child can have so much fun learning right at home!

You also don’t have to bend over backward trying to get them the latest toys. There’s so much joy and learning that can come from using everyday household items.

For more fun, engaging, and learning activities to try out at home, check out our HOMER App!

Dr. Jody Sherman LeVos

Jody has a Ph.D. in Developmental Science and more than a decade of experience in the children’s media and early learning space.

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Dr. Jody Sherman LeVos

Dr. Jody Sherman LeVos

Chief Learning Officer at Begin

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25 Best Educational Games for 5 Year Olds That are SO FUN!

Young girl playing with building blocks

1. SplashLearn’s Online Educational Games for 5 Year Olds 

2. the rubik’s cube , 3. sequence cards, 4. tic-tac-toe , 5. knock the can, 6. alphabet bingo , engaging and easy board games, 7. chutes and ladders , 8. candy land, 9. scrabble jr. , 10. feed the woozle .

Parents of 5 year olds know that this age is a critical time in their child’s development, and finding the right way to help them learn can be challenging. Fortunately, there are plenty of fun learning games for 5 year olds that can make the process enjoyable for both parents and children.

Whether you’re looking for ways to teach your child the alphabet or basic math concepts, there are plenty of options. So, let’s get the ball rolling with our list of the best games for 5 year olds!

Looking for more online Math games and ELA games to educate and engage your kids? Here are more games to check out!

List of the Best Educational Games for 5 Year Olds!

Young child playing with wooden toys

With so many different games on the market, we’ve divided our list into categories to make it easier for you to find the perfect game for your child.

Learning Games That Kids Will Definitely Enjoy!

First on our list are classic learning games for 5 year olds that have been around for years. These time-tested games are perfect for helping your child learn the basics, including the alphabet, numbers, shapes, and colors.

Skill Development: Math and reading

Price: Free for teachers and a 7-day free trial for parents. Subscription starts at $4.99 per month

You can find various learning games for 5 year olds online. SplashLearn is a website that offers over 4,000 educational games for kids in grades prekindergarten to grade 5. The games teach children essential math, reading, and spelling concepts. And best of all, they’re fun and engaging.

One of the great things about SplashLearn is that the learning program creates a daily personalized learning plan for your child. This plan will ensure that your child is always working on the concepts they need to learn and they’re able to do so independently.

SplashLearn: Most Comprehensive Learning Program for PreK-5

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SplashLearn inspires lifelong curiosity with its game-based PreK-5 learning program loved by over 40 million children. With over 4,000 fun games and activities, it’s the perfect balance of learning and play for your little one.

Skill Development: Helps with cognitive development, motor skills and problem solving

What you need: Rubik’s cube

Not only is the Rubik’s Cube a classic game that’s perfect for helping your child learn about colors and patterns, but it’s also a great way to develop their problem-solving skills. You can help your child get started by teaching them how to solve the first layer of the cube. Once they’ve mastered that, they can move on to solving the entire cube.

Tip: Many online tutorials and how-to videos are available to help your child learn how to solve the Rubik’s Cube.

Skill Development: This game helps with critical thinking and problem-solving skills. It’s also a great way to teach your child how to count. 

What you need: A deck of cards

Sequence cards is a classic card game that is perfect for helping your child learn about numbers and patterns. The game aims to lay down cards in numerical order, from 1–10. Not only will they be having fun, but they’ll be learning essential math skills too!

Tip: Make sure to start with an easy level before moving on to the more difficult ones.

Skill Development: This game is a lot of fun and also a great way to teach your child about numbers and strategic thinking.

What you need: A piece of paper and a pencil.

This game is a classic for a reason—it’s easy to learn, and it’s a lot of fun! Draw a grid with nine squares, and label each square with a number from one to nine. Players take turns drawing Xs and Os in the squares, trying to get three in a row. The first player to do so wins the game!

Skill Development: It is a great way to teach your child about aiming and hand-eye coordination. It’s also a lot of fun! 

What you need: An empty can and a softball.

This is a classic outdoor game for active kids. Players take turns throwing the ball at the can, trying to knock it over. The first player to do so wins the game! Your child will love spending time outdoors while playing this game.

Tip: Set up the can at different distances to make the game more challenging.

Skill Development: This game helps with letter recognition and letter sounds.  

One of the most basic games you can play with your child is Alphabet Bingo. Write out the alphabet on each piece of paper, leaving a few spaces blank. The player then draws a letter from a bag or hat and fills the blank space. The first player to fill in all of their spaces wins the game!

What you need: A piece of paper for each player and a pen or pencil.

Tip: You can make the game more challenging by having the player fill in the spaces with words that start with the drawn letter.

Board games for children are a great way to teach them about different concepts. They’re also a lot of fun! Here are a few of our favorites:

Parents playing board game with kids sitting on floor

The game’s objective is to be the first player to finish by climbing up ladders and avoiding slides (chutes). This is a perfect math game for younger kids, as it doesn’t require any reading. It’s a great way to spend some quality time with your child while they learn important skills.

Skill Development: This classic game is a great way to teach your child about numbers and counting. 

What you need: Chutes and Ladders board, dice, and different colored counters

Tip: Use dice with pictures instead of numbers to make the game more accessible for younger kids.

Candy Land is a classic board game for children. The game is simple—players move their pieces around the board according to the colors of candies they draw from a deck of cards. It is a fun, easy game that young children will enjoy.

Skill Development: It is perfect for 5 year olds, as it helps to develop counting and color recognition skills.

What you need: Candy Land board game

Scrabble Jr. is a great way to introduce your child to spelling and vocabulary. The game is played with two to four players. Players take turns making words with the letter tiles they have been dealt. The player with the most points at the end of the game wins! You can even help them by teaching them the definitions of words they don’t know.

Skill Development: This game is perfect for helping your child expand their vocabulary and learn new words. 

What you need: Scrabble Jr. board game

Tip: Use smaller words and simpler rules when playing with younger children.

This game is about matching shapes and colors. The aim is to get the Woozle fed by matching the right colored food to his mouth. This is an extremely fun game for 5 year olds as it is both fun and educational. Your child will love playing this game, and you’ll love watching them learn!

Skill Development: It’s a great way to help your child learn about shapes and colors and develop their fine motor skills.

11. Guess Who?

Guess Who? is a classic board game that has been around for years. The game’s objective is to be the first player to guess which character their opponent has selected.

To play, each player chooses a card with a character on it. They then take turns asking yes or no questions about the other player’s character, such as “Do they have blue eyes?” The first player to guess correctly wins the game!

What you need: All you need is the game board pack of Guess Who?

Skill Development: It’s a great way to help your child learn about facial features and matching.  

12. Katamino 

A puzzle game that helps kids with spatial awareness. With eighty different challenges to solve, it’s a great way to keep little ones engaged and learning.

You can also play the game with multiple players, making it a great option to spend more quality time with your child.

Skill Development: Katamino is perfect for kids starting to get a handle on shapes and geometry

What you need: Katamino puzzle set

Exhausting Physical Games for Kids

Along with the indoor games, there are a lot of outdoor games for children they can play to have some physical activity in their daily routine. Here are some popular and fun games for 5 year olds.

Kids playing game with hula hoops in a field

13. Hula Hoop 

Hula hooping is not only a great workout but also a lot of fun! It’s the perfect game for 5 year olds to play to use up some of their boundless energy. Your kid can practice hula hooping in the backyard, at the park, or even indoors if you have enough space. With some practice, your kid will be a pro in no time!

Skill Development: This physical activity can also help improve coordination.

What you need: One or more Hula Hoops, and you’re good to go!

14. Scavenger Hunt 

A scavenger hunt is a great way to get kids moving and exploring. To play, hide different items around your backyard or house. Then, give your child a list of items they need to find. Once they find all the items on the list, they win the game! Depending on your child’s age and ability, you can make the game as easy or as difficult as you like.

Skill Development: It’s also a perfect opportunity to teach them about nature and the world around them.

What you need: Some items that can be hidden as treasures and some sheets do draw maps or write clues for the hunters.

15. Don’t Let the Balloon Touch the Ground 

All you need is a balloon and an outdoor space. The game’s objective is to keep the balloon from touching the ground. Players can use their hands, feet, or other body parts to keep the balloon aloft. If the balloon touches the ground, the player who last touched it is out! The last player standing wins the game.

Skill Development: This game is great for coordination and gross motor skills.

What you need: A balloon, that’s it!

16. Hide and Seek

Hide and seek is a classic game that children can play anywhere. It’s a great way to get kids moving and exploring their environment. 

Your child can play hide and seek with you, another adult, or even older kids. If you’re playing with younger children, be sure to provide them with some good hiding spots!

Skill Development: It’s the perfect opportunity to teach them about blending with environments and how to use their senses.

What you need: An enclosed area indoors or outdoors, like a small field or in a hall where players can hide

17. Bean Bag Toss 

A bean bag toss is a great game to engage children in physical activity. To play, have your child stand a few feet away from the target and try to toss the bean bag inside. If they succeed, move the target further away. 

If they miss, move the target closer. You can also make the game more challenging by having them toss the bean bag with their eyes closed or from a sitting position.

Skill Development: It is a great way to get kids moving and improve their coordination.

What you need: A bean bag and a target. You can make your target by drawing a circle on a piece of cardboard or using a hula hoop.

18. Ring Toss

Ring toss is a classic carnival game that children can play at home with a few simple supplies. Set up the target can in the middle of the room, and let your child take turns tossing the rings from a few feet away. 

As they get better at releasing the rings, move the target further away. Your 5 year old will love the challenge of getting all the rings on the target.

Skill Development: This game will help improve hand-eye coordination.

What you need: You only need a few small objects for rings and something to use as a “target”—like an empty soda can. 

19. Freeze Dance! 

Turn up the music and get moving! This is a great game to get kids up and active. When the music stops, everyone has to freeze in place. The last person to freeze is out of the game. To make it more challenging, ask kids to make different moves when the music is playing—like hopping on one foot or touching toes.

It would be best if you also tried different genres of music to keep the game interesting. Your child will love busting a move to their favorite songs!

Skill Development: This will enhance their improve their attention to detail as well as their body movement skills.

What you need: Speakers and some free space for the kids to dance.

Indoor Games For Kids to Stimulate Their Brain

Not everyone has access to an outdoor space, but that doesn’t mean your child can’t be active. There are plenty of games for 5 year olds that can be played indoors!

20. Tangram 

Tangram is a Chinese puzzle game that people of all ages can play. The game’s objective is to create different shapes using all seven pieces. 

You can help your child get started by showing them how to make basic shapes, like a square or triangle. They can try to make more complex shapes as they get better at the game.

Skill Development: This game is great for problem-solving and spatial awareness.

What you need: The Tangram puzzle set

21. Balloon Volleyball 

Set up a net in your living room or basement and play a game of indoor volleyball! To keep the game fair, you can have one person on each team hit the balloon three times before it goes over the net. The first team to reach 21 points wins the game!

Skill Development: This is a great way to get kids moving and improve their hand-eye coordination.

What you need: A balloon instead of a volleyball and if you don’t have a net you can use a rope or a laundry basket.

22. Cup Stacking

Cup stacking is an easy game and all you need is a set of plastic cups and some patience!

To play, have your child stack the cups into towers of different heights. As they get better at the game, they can try to stack the cups faster or in more complex patterns. 

Skill Development: Cup Stacking is a great way to improve your child’s hand-eye coordination and improve motor skills.

Tip: You can also turn cup stacking into a race by timing how fast your child can stack and unstack the cups.

What you need: Just a bunch of cups!

23. Dots and Boxes 

Dots and Boxes is a simple game that kids can play with a pencil and paper. The goal of the game is to create as many squares as possible by connecting the dots. 

However, one player can only make one line per move. To make the game more challenging, you can increase the grid size or have your child play with more than one person.

Skill Development: This game is great for honing problem-solving and planning skills.

What you need: A pencil or pen and a sheet of paper.

24. Frozen Words

Simply write down a bunch of words on slips of paper, and put them in a container. Then have your child draw a slip of paper out of the container and try to guess the word from the definition you give. If they guess correctly, they get to keep the word. The person with the most words at the end of the game wins!

Skill Development: This is an excellent game for teaching kids vocabulary. 

What you need: Some small chits of paper to write the words and a big sheet of paper or board for the kids to draw on.

25. Who’s the Baby? 

This game is a great way to introduce fundamental concepts like family and relationships. Players take turns asking questions about the baby in the picture, and the player who correctly guesses the baby’s identity wins the game.


  • To learn about family and relationships
  • To practice identifying people in pictures

Skill Development: This game will help your child practice their memory and observation skills.

What you need: Lots of photos of family and friends.

Let’s Make Learning Fun!

Young child playing with gardening tools in garden

Learning should be enjoyable for both you and your child. By incorporating games into your child’s learning, you can help them retain information while having fun! Try out some of these games the next time you’re looking for a learning activity. Your child is sure to love them! So get out there and make learning fun for your kids!

What are some benefits of playing games for 5 year olds?

Playing games has many benefits, including improved problem-solving skills, hand-eye coordination, and concentration. Games can also help to introduce new concepts and vocabulary words. Educational games for 5 year olds can also prepare them for the skills they’ll learn in school.

What should I do if my child isn’t interested in educational games?

Don’t worry! Not every child is interested in games, and that’s okay. There are plenty of other ways to help your child learn. Try reading books together, doing puzzles, or even just talking about the things that interest them. As long as you’re spending time together and engaging with your child, they’ll be learning!

How can I tell if my child is ready for some of these games?

The best way to know if your child is ready for a particular game is to try it out and see how they do. If they seem to be struggling, that’s okay! Just try an easier game or one that’s more tailored to their interests. With time and practice, they’ll be playing more complex games in no time!

Do I need to buy anything special to play these games?

No, you don’t need to buy anything special. There are various free games for 5 year olds to enhance their learning. Many of the games on this list can be played with items that you already have around the house!

Are there any games for kids that can be played quickly?

There is no need to worry if you don’t have much time to spend on these games. Just a few minutes here and there can make a big difference. If you’re short on time, try incorporating learning into everyday activities like cooking or cleaning. Add games to your weekly or monthly schedule since every little bit helps!

educational activities 5 year olds

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Happy Toddler Playtime

55+ Easy Activities for 5 Year Olds

Mandisa Watts

  • Kindergartner

UPDATED: Banish boredom in your house with these 55+ super fun hands on and easy activities and crafts for 5 year olds or kindergartners.

Do you have a 5 year old or kindergartner at home? Then this is the ultimate list for you. Here are 55+ amazing activity ideas to do with your 5 year old or kindergartner. From building an aquarium to making 2 ingredient silly putty to making paper houses and cork boats, there are tons and tons of really cool ideas your 5 year old will love.

educational activities 5 year olds

This amazing list is organized into 4 sections:

  • Boredom Busting Activities
  • Arts & Crafts
  • Fun Learning Activities
  • Sensory Activities

OK Let the fun begin!

Boredom Busting Activities for 5 Year Olds

  • Make a chalk maze – create a maze for toy cars using sidewalk chalk

educational activities 5 year olds

2. Build a backyard obstacle course outside .

educational activities 5 year olds

3. Build a fort – used blankets, cushions and chairs to build the ultimate retreat nook. Dontas forget to add lots and lots of books!

4. Build a marble Run – use cardboard, construction paper, tape and marbles. Roll the construction paper up to make a tube and tape them to the cardboard to make a marble run.

educational activities 5 year olds

5. Make silly putty .

educational activities 5 year olds

6. Giant Dots and Boxes .

educational activities 5 year olds

7. Play with giant water beads .

educational activities 5 year olds

8. Nature Tea Party – Collect things from your backyard like rocks, leaves, dirt and flowers to make a nature tea using your favourite tea set or a jug and cups.

educational activities 5 year olds

9. Spr ay Bottle Water Fights .

educational activities 5 year olds

10. Magnetic Tile Ramps .

educational activities 5 year olds

11. DIY Post-It Dominoes .

educational activities 5 year olds

Arts & Crafts for 5 Year Olds

12. Three Marker Colouring Challenge – Close your eyes and choose three markers from a pile. Use those colours and only those three colours to colour a favourite coloring page.

13. Make crazy hats – Construction paper, tape and scissors. Create the craziest looking hats you can using cut out lighten bolts, spirals, and different shapes.

educational activities 5 year olds

14. Make a paper house .

15. Build Easter Egg Boats

educational activities 5 year olds

16. Draw to music .

educational activities 5 year olds

17. Giant Nail Painting Activity .

educational activities 5 year olds

18. Make a garden sensory bottle.

educational activities 5 year olds

19. Paint Kindness Rocks – paint rocks using washable paints and brushes and once dry write kind messages on them.

educational activities 5 year olds

20. Textured Rainbow Sun Catcher Craft

educational activities 5 year olds

21. Family Portrait Sticky Wall .

educational activities 5 year olds

22. Make An Aquarium .

educational activities 5 year olds

23. Cardboard Picture Frame Craft

educational activities 5 year olds

24. Giant Baby Doll Colouring – Not into baby dolls? Trace cars and trucks to decorate them!

educational activities 5 year olds

25. Textured Heart Sun Catcher Craft

educational activities 5 year olds

26. Potato Masher Ice Cream Craft

educational activities 5 year olds

27. Gems and Water Colour Flower Craft

educational activities 5 year olds

Fun Learning Activities for 5 Year Olds

28. Baby Doll Haircuts .

educational activities 5 year olds

29. Colour by Addition – Parents write simple addition or subtraction problems in each section of a colouring paper. Then create a key idenifitin which colour each answer should be. For instance if the answer is 3 then colour that second red.

educational activities 5 year olds

30. Shaving Cream Sight Word Game .

educational activities 5 year olds

31. Build The Alphabet Sticky Wall

educational activities 5 year olds

32. Spray Bottle Letters – use a spray bottle to make letters on a fence or on a sidewalk.

educational activities 5 year olds

33. Ice Cream Skip Counting Sticky Wall – Supplies: contact paper, masking tape, foam sheets, scissors and black sharpie.

educational activities 5 year olds

34. Build A Magnetic Tile Clock – use magnetic tiles to make a giant clock. Use post it notes for the numbers or washable chalk markers.

educational activities 5 year olds

35. Rubber Duck Math Race

educational activities 5 year olds

36. DIY Egg Carton Ten-Frame Game

educational activities 5 year olds

37. Magnetic Tile Ten Frame Game

educational activities 5 year olds

38. Ocean Sight Word Sensory Bin

educational activities 5 year olds

39. Ten Frame Sensory Bag

educational activities 5 year olds

40. Dot Sticker Sight Words

educational activities 5 year olds

41. One More One Less with Dot Stickers

educational activities 5 year olds

42. Post-it Memory Game

educational activities 5 year olds

43. Mystery Math: A Crayon Resist Activity

educational activities 5 year olds

44. Toilet Paper Roll Skip Counting

educational activities 5 year olds

Sensory Activities for 5 Year olds

45. Cork Boat Sensory Bin – make boats out of corks, elastic bands, toothpicks and foam sheets for the sails. Fill a sensory bin with water and blue food colouring, fish, sharks and sea shells.

educational activities 5 year olds

46. Ocean Sensory Bottles

educational activities 5 year olds

47. Wash the Horses Sensory Bin – fill a sensory bin with water and bubble bath to make bubbles. Add horse toys, combs and wash clothes.

educational activities 5 year olds

48. Cloud Dough Kitchen

Cloud dough kitchen sensory bin for toddlers and preschoolers

49. Textured Playdough Activity

Textured autumn play dough invitation for kids

50. One- Step Slime Sensory Bin

one step slime bug sensory bin

51. Under The Sea Bath

educational activities 5 year olds

52. Make Shaving Cream Worms – use shaving cream, colander and a large bowl to make shaving cream worms. Turn large bowl upside down, cover the top with shaving cream, press colander down on the shaving cream to let it squeeze through the holes of the colander.

educational activities 5 year olds

53. Shaving Cream and Baby Doll Sensory Bin

educational activities 5 year olds

54. We’re Going on a Bear Hunt Sensory Bin

educational activities 5 year olds

55. PAW Patrol Play Dough Tray

educational activities 5 year olds

56. Colour Mixing Tea Party

educational activities 5 year olds


educational activities 5 year olds

Filed Under:

  • Fine Motor Skills
  • Five Year Olds
  • Gross Motor Skills
  • Sensory Bins, Bottles and Bags

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2 comments on “55+ Easy Activities for 5 Year Olds”

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Hii all activities are mind blowing. Can u please tell some activities for 3 years old boy baby

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Thank you! Yes I have a great post for 3 year olds. Search: 50+ THINGS TO DO AT HOME WITH YOUR 3 YEAR OLD

Practise phonics by matching the pictures to the vowel sounds.

Activity: Phonics guidance

educational activities 5 year olds

3. Memory games

  • Play ‘Kim’s game’. Put a few items on a tray (for example, a crayon, an apple, a building brick, a toy car). Then look, cover, remember and check!
  • Talk about, photograph or write out some ‘events’ from something you have done together – can your child remember the correct order?
  • Go shopping – try to remember the list together!

4. Listening games

  • Play games such as ‘Simon says’ – party games are often good ways to practice speaking, listening, and memory skills, without them even noticing!
  • Listen to music and talk about the instruments being played – find pictures on the internet together.

5. Action games

  • Make a puppet theatre with cardboard boxes or a towel over a chair and encourage your child to make up or retell a story to you (or any willing family members!).
  • Have lots of fun dressing up with clothes and props at home so that your child can dress up as a character and act out favourite stories. You can find lots of cheap props and clothes for dressing up in charity shops.
  • Play games such as ‘What’s the time Mr Wolf?’, but write the times down for them to read instead of saying them.

6. Tactile games

  • Use magnetic letters to spell names and simple words on the fridge or radiator.
  • Use modelling clay to make your child’s name or simple words like mum.
  • Enjoy jigsaws together and chat about finding the right pieces!

7. Screen games

  • Watch TV programmes linked to books and then read the books afterwards.  Little Princess , Katie Morag , and   Charlie and Lola are good places to start. Talk about what they like or don’t like about the characters.
  • Find story-telling sites like   Little Kingdom , story-telling TV programmes, or story apps for your phone.

8. Car journey games

  • Play ‘The cook’s cat is an amazing cat/beautiful cat/clever cat/daft cat … ‘ and so on, and then make up your own versions (for example, ‘The doctor’s dog … ‘).
  • Play this noisy version of the car game, ‘Who can spot … ?’. It’s great fun – but check out with the driver first before you start this one! Decide on a noise, or a word to call, when you spot the things you’re looking out for. For example, ‘Bang!’ for a yellow car, ‘Buzzz!’ for a bus, and ‘Wow!’ for a bird.
  • Listen to an audiobook.

Video: Car journey games

Get ideas for fun and educational car games for kids! Educational author and parent Isabel Thomas shares her ideas to relieve the boredom of long car journeys.

9. Out and about activities

  • Ask your child to find the things you need to buy when out shopping by reading the labels on products together.
  • Check out your local library or community centre to find out what special activities or clubs are running.
  • Try to do a few visits or find some information together to link with the topic or project work at school.

10. Reading books of all kinds together

  • Carry on reading books of all kinds to and with your child: picture, pop up, information, poetry, eBooks, print books … and the levelled books brought home from school. Video or record your child reading them for fun!
  • Why not  choose a book from our free eBook library   to share on-screen together?
  • Fun ideas for toddlers
  • Fun ideas for 4-year-olds
  • Fun ideas for 5-year-olds
  • Fun ideas for 6-year-olds
  • Fun ideas for 7-year-olds
  • Fun ideas for 8-year-olds
  • Fun ideas for 9-year-olds
  • Fun ideas for 10-year-olds
  • Fun ideas for 11-year-olds
  • Creative writing
  • Times tables

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At Starfall, children have fun while they learn.

Starfall was founded by Dr. Stephen Schutz, who had difficulty learning to read as a child due to dyslexia. He was motivated to create a learning platform with untimed, multisensory interactive games that allow children to see, hear, and touch as they learn. read more...

Starfall was developed in the classroom by teachers and opened in August 2002 as a free public service to teach children to read. Since then it has expanded to include standards in language arts and mathematics for preschool through fifth grade and above. The program emphasizes exploration, play, and positive reinforcement—encouraging children to become confident and intrinsically motivated. Due to the engaging content that “feels like play,” Starfall serves as an educational alternative to other entertainment choices for children. read more...

Starfall activities are research-based and align with state learning objectives for English language arts and mathematics. Its emphasis on phonemic awareness, systematic sequential phonics, and common sight words in conjunction with audiovisual interactivity is especially effective for teaching emergent readers, children of all ages with special needs or learning difficulties, as well as ELL (ESL) students. It is widely used in schools and homeschools.

Starfall’s low-cost membership program expands the free content to include additional animated songs, mathematics activities, and reading. Membership supports the production of new books, educational games, and movies.


  • Recognizing letter names and sounds
  • Recognizing lowercase and uppercase letters
  • Identifying vowels and consonants
  • Tracing letters and numbers
  • Understanding that written words are separated by spaces
  • Putting the letters of the alphabet in order
  • Matching letter sounds to beginning word sounds
  • Counting syllables
  • Reading common high-frequency sight words
  • Recognizing rhyming words
  • Recognizing consonant digraphs and blends
  • Spelling common words
  • Engaging in wordplay
  • Understanding and contributing to a short narrative
  • Identifying the basic parts of a storybook (front cover, title page, title, author, illustrator, back cover)
  • Identifying the main character and basic plot of a story
  • Answering questions about the key details of a story
  • Talking about likes, dislikes, and favorites
  • Creating and illustrating a story
  • Counting to 10
  • Counting to 100
  • Adding up to 10
  • Subtracting up to 10
  • Counting by base-10 blocks
  • Skip-counting by 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, 6s, 7s, 8s, 9s, and 10s up to 100
  • Recognizing written numbers from one to ten
  • Answering the question "How many?"
  • Sorting by number
  • Ordering by number
  • Tracing numbers
  • Sorting and organizing coins and bills
  • Recognizing shapes and patterns
  • Recognizing number bonds
  • Solving "more" and "less" word problems
  • Comparing numbers using greater than, less than, and equal to symbols
  • Comparing the length of two objects
  • Comparing the size of two objects
  • Completing a pattern
  • Estimating numbers
  • Completing a number grid
  • Recognizing the numbers on a set of dice
  • Recognizing shapes
  • Identifying shapes
  • Counting the number of sides and corners a shape hass
  • Painting and coloring
  • Illustrating a story
  • Identifying musical instruments
  • Expressing themselves through art and design
  • Recognizing and naming colors
  • Identifying the five senses
  • Naming and ordering the seasons
  • Naming and ordering the months of the year
  • Identifying food groups
  • Sorting money
  • Picking the right clothes for the weather
  • Identifying technological tools
  • Using a mouse, trackpad, or touchscreen
  • Using a keyboard

For a full list of aligned Common Core standards, visit our Common Core page:

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Top 36 Activities for 5 Year Olds

Top 36 Activities for 5 Year Olds

Importance of Activities for 5-Year-Olds

Educational and learning activities, art and craft activities, fine and gross motor activities, montessori activities, sensory activities, indoor activities, outdoor activities.

Engaging young children in activities is vital for their holistic growth and development. The combination of physical movement and creative endeavors provides the necessary stimuli for both the body and mind. Physical activities contribute to overall health and enhance brain development, while creative pursuits foster imagination, instill a sense of well-being, boost self-confidence, and nurture independence. These experiences play a pivotal role in shaping a child’s cognitive, emotional, and social capacities, laying a solid foundation for their future endeavors. In this article, we shall look at fun activities for 5-year-olds.

Engaging in activities is crucial for 5-year-olds as it promotes holistic development. Physical activities enhance health and cognitive functions, while creative pursuits boost imagination, self-confidence, and a sense of well-being. Activities also foster social skills , and emotional regulation, and lay the foundation for future learning, ensuring a well-rounded and thriving child.

Here are some educational and learning activities for 5-year-olds:

1. Word Board

This is one of the simple activities for 5-year-olds at home that can be done with the easily available material.

How to Play

Use a bulletin board and write down words on strips of paper. The words should be those that your child comes across in everyday life during playtime, mealtimes or in school. Put a picture next to the word to indicate what it means. For example, truck, car, bus, toy, daddy, mummy, rain, sun, etc.

What Does It Teach?

It improves their reading ability.

Word Board

2. Skip Counting

This activity is one of the simple math activities for 4-5-year-olds.

How to Play?

Draw or stick pictures of objects like apples, cars or butterflies on cards to help your child count in twos, threes, etc. For example, to do skip counting by twos, stick two apples on the first card, four apples on the second, six apples on the third, and so on.

What Does it Teach?

It improves their math skills.

3. Dice Game

This game for five-year-olds is a math activity that can be played with easily available items in the house.

You need an ice-cube tray, a couple of game dice, whiteboard markers, and kitchen tissue. Put one of the dice into one ice-cube hole and the other into the adjacent hole. Use the marker to make plus, minus, and equal-to signs between the holes where the dice are placed. Help your child add or subtract the number indicated on the dice to arrive at the answer.

Improved basic arithmetic skills

Dice Game

4. Butterfly life-cycle activity

This activity can be done using craft paper or different-shaped pasta.

Draw the stages of a butterfly’s life cycle on a chart paper. Use craft paper or pasta shapes to make the shapes of the egg, caterpillar, cocoon and butterfly.

Teaches kids about the life cycle of a butterfly.

5. Junior Scrabble

It is structurally similar to regular Scrabble but designed for young kids.

The words are already printed on the board. All your five years old has to do is match the tiled letters onto the letters on the board.

Improved vocabulary

Junior Scrabble

Here are some examples of art and crafts for 5-year-olds:

Origami or paper-folding is an activity that children will enjoy immensely.

How to Make

You can use coloured origami paper , craft paper or plain old white sheets coloured with crayons for this. Teach your child how to fold paper to make interesting shapes like aeroplanes, rockets, boats, birds, etc.

Improves spatial reasoning

2 . Craft Box

This is one of the fun 5-year-old activities that helps them explore their creativity.

Fill up a craft box with supplies like pipe cleaners, craft eyes, colourful yarn, safety scissors, coloured mini-puff balls, ice-cream sticks, felt squares, and tape. Let your child get creative with these. For example, your child can draw a garden scene or playground scene on paper and make it come alive by sticking green felt for grass, puff-balls for flowers and trees, etc.

Improve the imagination and creativity of the child.

Craft Box

3. Squeeze Paint

Kids love this activity as it is a lot of fun and they can let their imagination run wild.

How to Make?

Put plain white glue in several empty, squeezable plastic containers and add various watercolours to make bottles of different coloured glue. Now let your child squeeze out various coloured patterns onto white chart paper and let it dry. This will make a colourful display piece once the glue has dried.

It teaches them about colours and art.

4. Art with Seeds and Grains

This activity is fun to do for kids and can keep them engaged for hours.

Draw the shape of a flower or an animal like a dinosaur, duck or dog on a sheet of paper. Spread glue inside the shape and ask your child to fill it with seeds and grains to make the picture beautiful. You can use bird seeds, toor dal, masoor dal, moong dal, chana dal etc. to fill the picture.

Kids develop better hand-eye coordination when they pick up little seeds and glue them onto paper.

Art with Seeds and Grains

5. Parts of a Plant Craft

This is a simple craft idea that is also a learning activity.

Use markers, ice-cream sticks and coloured paper to make a picture of a plant on chart paper. Once this is done, label all the parts such as flower, petal, stem, leaf, root, etc. and teach your child the part of a plant.

This teaches the kids about the different parts of a plant.

Here are some activities that boost the development of your child’s fine and gross motor skills:

1. Lego City

This activity makes kids use their hands, wrists, and fingers, thus helping them develop their fine motor skills.

Use legos, regular building blocks, toy cars, trucks, aeroplanes, and small animal and human-shaped toys to build a city. You can let the children use the entire room, including the bed and study table . They can make a parking garage to park trucks and cars, use railway lines and trains to build a railway crossing. They can also put little shapes of animals and humans in various places in their toy city.

What Does it Teach

This activity makes kids use all the muscles of their body, thus helping them gross and fine motor skills.

Lego City

2. Barbie Dress-up

This is another activity that helps children develop their fine and gross motor skills.

Kids love to play with dolls. Create a theme such as a house party or day on the beach and help them dress up their dolls with dresses and accessories to suit the theme. Let them make up stories about each activity that the dolls are engaged in. They can also comb or braid the dolls’ hair and style it with tiny clips that come as doll accessories.

The kids develop their fine motor skills when they work with tiny doll accessories to dress up the dolls.

3. Sorting Coloured Candy

This activity is excellent for helping kids develop their fine motor skills.

Give your kids a bowl full of coloured candy like jelly beans or gems. Ask them to sort them colour-wise and arrange them in different cups.

This teaches kids about colours.

It also helps them develop their fine motor skills as they use their fingers and hands to sort the little candies.

Sorting Coloured Candy

4. Art Using Leaves and Petals

This is a fun activity that helps children develop both gross and fine motor skills.

First, ask your child to go out to the garden and collect different leaves, petals and tiny sticks. Next, use chart paper to draw an outline of scenery, flowers or a tree. Now spread glue over the outline and stick real petals, tiny branches and leaves to form a beautiful picture.

This helps kids develop both fine and gross motor skills.

It also teaches them about nature and plants.

5. Bubble Art Using Straws

This is an activity that 5-year-olds find immensely enjoyable as they love blowing bubbles!

Fill several cups with mild soap solution and add drops of different food colour to it to make colourful liquid soap. Let your child blow bubbles into the cup with a straw. Make sure the child does not sip or swallow the soap solution. When the bubbles rise to the surface of the cup, place a white card over them. As the bubbles burst, they leave a colourful imprint on the card, making beautiful patterns.

This helps kids use the muscles of their hands, fingers and lips, thus helping them develop fine motor skills.

Bubble Art Using Straws

Here are some Montessori activities for young children:

1. Things that Go

Young children love vehicles. This activity will keep them constructively engaged for hours.

Get them vehicles of various types, like cars, trains, trucks, diggers, buses, auto rickshaws, etc. Let them play with the toys.

This teaches kids about various means of transport and the types and uses of different vehicles.

2. Animal Habitats

Animal habitats are fun to make and can keep your child engrossed for a long time.

Collect plastic animal toys like bears, apes, lions, giraffes, polar bears etc. Help your child use cotton and thermocol balls to make an Arctic habitat covered with snow and icebergs. You can put toys such as polar bears and arctic foxes in the habitat and teach your kids about how these animals live in such places. Similarly, you can make an African or Amazonian jungle.

This teaches kids about animals and their habitats.

Animal Habitats

3. Study of Colours

This activity is fun for young children as they love learning about colours.

Cover one or two colours at a time. If you are studying red, collect various things that are red, like a picture of a ladybug, a strawberry, etc. teach your child about that colour.

This teaches kids about colours in nature.

Here are ten sensory activities specifically designed for 5-year-olds, offering a blend of fun and educational benefits.

1. Playdough Sculptures

Provide different colors of playdough and various tools like cookie cutters, rolling pins, and plastic knives. Let the child mold, shape, and create their own playdough sculptures.

Playdough activities enhance fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. Additionally, they encourage creativity and imagination as children transform simple materials into unique creations.

2. Scented Sensory Jars

Fill clear jars with different scented items, such as cinnamon sticks, lavender, or citrus peels. Seal the jars and let the child explore the various scents by shaking and smelling them.

Scented sensory jars engage the olfactory senses, promoting sensory awareness. This activity also introduces vocabulary related to different scents, enhancing language development.

3. Nature Scavenger Hunt

Take the child on a nature scavenger hunt, providing a checklist with items like leaves, rocks, and flowers. Encourage them to touch, smell, and observe each item on the list.

This activity promotes outdoor exploration and observation skills. It also connects children with nature, fostering an appreciation for the environment.

4. Texture Collage

Collect various textured materials like sandpaper, fabric, foil, and bubble wrap. Provide glue and a large sheet of paper for the child to create a texture collage by sticking different materials onto the paper.

Texture collage activities enhance tactile discrimination, helping children distinguish between different textures. It also encourages artistic expression and creativity.

5. Bubble Wrap Stomp

Secure a sheet of bubble wrap on a flat surface and apply paint on top. Let the child stomp on the bubble wrap, creating a unique and colorful piece of artwork.

Bubble wrap stomping combines gross motor skills with sensory input. It provides a sensory-rich experience while promoting physical activity and creative expression.

6. Mystery Bag Feel Test

Place different objects with varying textures inside a cloth bag. Blindfold the child and have them reach into the bag to feel and guess the objects based on touch alone.

The mystery bag feel test hones tactile discrimination skills, encouraging children to rely on their sense of touch. It also promotes concentration and focus.

7. Musical Sensory Shakers

Fill small containers with various materials like rice, beans, or beads, and seal them tightly. Attach the containers to a stick or ribbon to create sensory shakers. Play music and encourage the child to shake the shakers in rhythm.

Musical sensory shakers engage both auditory and tactile senses. This activity enhances rhythm perception and coordination, providing a multisensory experience through music and movement.

8. Taste Testing Adventure

Introduce a variety of foods with different tastes, textures, and temperatures. Let the children taste, describe, and compare the sensations of sweet, sour, salty, and savory flavors.

Taste testing activities foster sensory exploration through the sense of taste. It encourages descriptive language, expands taste preferences, and promotes awareness of different flavors.

9. Balloon Painting

Fill balloons with different textures, such as rice, flour, or sand. Dip the balloons in paint and let the children create textured paintings by pressing and rolling the balloons on paper.

Balloon painting combines tactile exploration with artistic expression. It enhances fine motor skills and provides a unique sensory experience through the feel of the textured balloons.

10. Mirror Reflection Play

Place a large mirror on a table and provide various objects with reflective surfaces. Children can explore reflections, experiment with angles, and create patterns using the reflective surface.

Mirror reflection play enhances visual-spatial awareness and introduces concepts of symmetry. It encourages exploration of light and reflection in a hands-on and engaging manner.

Here are some indoor activities for 5-year-olds that can be performed in the comfort of your home:

1. Story Time

This is one of the best quiet-time activities for 5-year-olds.

Use different voices, impressions and facial expressions to make the story more fun and animated.

This activity helps you bond better with your child and teaches a love of reading.

2. Watching Favourite Shows

This is one of the perfect rainy-day activities for 5-year-olds.

Pick a favourite animated movie such as Beauty and the Beast, Cinderella, Jack and the Beanstalk, etc. and watch it with your child.

The sad and happy moments in the movie will teach kids about emotions and how to handle them.

Watching Favourite Shows

3. Building Blocks

This is an indoor activity that can keep your child usefully occupied for hours.

Give your child legos or building blocks and ask her to make different constructs with them.

This can teach kids about the stability and balance of a construct and help them develop better hand-eye coordination.

Here are some outdoor activities for 5-year-olds:

1. Sand Pit

Children love playing in the sand, so this will be an enjoyable activity for your child.

Get your child a sand castle building set and let her play in a sand pit with other children, building sand castles and shapes.

It teaches kids about the feel and texture of dry and wet sand and also about how to share things and play well with others.

Sand Pit

2. Running through Sprinklers

This is a really fun thing to do for kids.

Turn on the garden sprinklers and let your child run through them, getting wet.

It teaches kids about water and balance. It also is immensely amusing for the children.

3. Bug Hunting

This is an interesting outdoor activity for young kids.

Go bug-hunting with your kid in the garden. Find different insects and explain them to your child.

It teaches children about nature and insects.

Bug Hunting

4. Gardening

This is an enjoyable activity and also is educational.

Get your child to help you with weeding the garden or planting a sapling.

It teaches kids about plants, soil and how plants grow.

5. Play Park

This is the best outdoor activity for kids.

Take your kids out to a play park and let them play with other children.

It teaches kids about how to behave with peers in a social setting and teaches them to get along with other kids of similar age.

Play Park

With these 36 activities, you’re bound to keep your kid occupied while at the same time taking care of their development.

1. How Shall I Encourage My 5-Year-Old to Play Independently?

Encouraging independent play in a 5-year-old involves creating a conducive environment and fostering self-reliance. Provide a variety of age-appropriate toys and activities that capture their interest. Set up designated play spaces, establish routines, and gradually increase playtime independence. Offer choices, praise their efforts, and allow them to explore their interests at their own pace, promoting confidence and creativity.

2. How to Improve the Behaviour of a 5-Year-Old?

Improving the behavior of a 5-year-old involves a combination of positive reinforcement, clear expectations, and effective communication. Establish consistent routines and boundaries, providing clear explanations for rules. Use positive reinforcement such as praise and rewards for good behavior. Address unwanted behavior with calm and consistent consequences, focusing on teaching alternatives. Foster open communication, actively listen to their feelings, and model appropriate behavior for them to emulate.

It is important to give your child different games for five-year-olds to play every now and then because each one has the ability to develop 8 different kinds of ‘smarts’ in your child. To help nurture these ‘smarts’, get your hands on FirstCry Intellikit – a fun activity box that encourages learning through play. To know more or subscribe to the Intellikit, click here.

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5 year old educational games.

5️⃣ Discover the fun of learning with our free online games for 5 year old preschoolers! They help children learn more before they start their elementary school years. Our games are didactic, educational and interactive, designed specifically for preschoolers and can be played online from your computer. They are easy to use, allowing children to enjoy a hassle-free gaming experience while learning and having fun.

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TIC-TAC-TOE Addition Game

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Hidden Objects: Tractor Game

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ROBO CAR: Police Car Coloring

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TEXTMATHS: Subtraction & Numbers in English

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FEED MY PET DOG NUMBER: Addition and Subtraction to 10

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ALIENS vs MATH: Fun Mental Maths Game

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PIXEL MOSAICS for Kids in Autumn / Fall

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ENGLISH NUMBERS 11-20 Listening Exercise

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ANIMAL PATTERNS for Kids / Preschool

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SHUT THE BOX: Dice Adding Game

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MATH BOY: Math Quiz Game

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COUNTING in SPRING: Game for Kids

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Shadow Challenge: SEA ANIMALS

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SHADOW GAME: Visual Perception

Learning topics for 5 years, maths for kinder.

  • Numbers 1 to 20
  • Simple Sums
  • Differences
  • Animal Sounds

Social Science

  • Days of the week
  • Means of Transport
  • Telling Time
  • Musical Instruments
  • Drag the Mouse

Board Games

  • Domino for Kids
  • Tic Tac Toe


  • Car Games for Toddlers
  • Kids Board Games

At age 5, children continue to develop their skills in various areas of knowledge. Here are some of the learning and concepts that children of this age tend to acquire:

What do 5-year-olds learn?

They expand their vocabulary and learn new words. They begin to understand and use more complex grammatical concepts, such as plurals and verb tenses. They develop early reading and writing skills, such as recognizing letters and writing their name.


They learn to count to higher numbers and understand the number sequence. They start adding and subtracting small numbers. They grasp concepts like ‘bigger,’ ‘smaller,’ ‘equal,’ and begin exploring geometric shapes and patterns.

They improve their ability to focus and concentrate, allowing them to tackle more complex and enduring tasks. They develop the skill of following more detailed instructions.

They learn about more advanced social norms, such as empathy, cooperation, and respect for diversity. They begin to understand concepts of time and routines, such as days of the week and months of the year.

Computer Science:

They can start using electronic devices more skillfully and engage in online activities designed for children their age, such as educational apps and interactive games.

Natural Sciences:

They develop a deeper understanding of their natural environment, learning about the life cycle of animals, the seasons, weather, and the importance of environmental conservation. They start exploring more advanced scientific concepts, such as gravity and the properties of matter.

It’s important to remember that children’s development varies from individual to individual, so some children may acquire these concepts earlier or later than age 5. Additionally, learning should be a fun and tailored experience to each child’s needs and interests to foster a lasting love for learning.”

  • 1-2 Years (80)
  • 2-3 Years (166)
  • 3-4 Years (260)
  • 4-5 Years (275)
  • Over 5 Years (206)
  • Alphabet (22)
  • Reading (9)
  • Writing (7)
  • Fine Motor (84)
  • Gross Motor (9)
  • Counting (33)
  • Geometry (2)
  • Measuring (18)
  • Numbers (46)
  • Birthdays (0)
  • Christmas (39)
  • Easter (11)
  • Father's Day (4)
  • Halloween (1)
  • Holidays (1)
  • Mother's Day (8)
  • New Year (6)
  • Valentine's Day (6)
  • Balloons (7)
  • Bottle Tops (15)
  • Buttons (14)
  • Cardboard (17)
  • Colours (45)
  • Paper Plates (11)
  • Pipe Cleaners (12)
  • Play Dough (87)
  • Pompoms (22)
  • Shapes (16)
  • Threading (2)
  • Dinosaurs (4)
  • Flowers (2)
  • Learning Trays (18)
  • Outdoor Play (3)
  • Rainbows (2)
  • Science (27)
  • Seasons (17)
  • Senses (69)
  • Sensory Bins (23)
  • Active Play (13)
  • Bath Time Play (5)
  • Book Activities (25)
  • Busy Bags (7)
  • Food and Cooking (17)
  • Messy Play (7)
  • Music Activities (12)
  • Play Room and Toys (14)
  • Pretend and Imagine (32)
  • Puzzles and Games (9)
  • Rainy Day Play (5)

4 Years – 5 Years

Recent activities.

educational activities 5 year olds

How to Set Up a Five Senses Investigation Centre

Printable Dot-to-Dot 2-D Shapes Drawing

Drawing and Sorting 2D Shapes Activity


Counting Collections Numbers 1-20 Activity

how to make gloop - easy recipe

Sensory Play with Gloop:  

If you haven’t made Gloop yet, then this is a must for any toddler or child to try. It is super fun and super messy, I am not sure who had the most fun, me or the kids!!   Gloop is an interesting mixture with a unique texture to explore and play with.  Playing with Gloop is a fabulous sensory and science activity to learn about the concepts of what a solid and liquid is.  Read more…….

Pre-writing skills actvities

A Rainbow Salt Tray : A great and fun activity to practice writing alphabet letters. Why would you need crayons, textas, pencils and paper to draw when you can have more fun with a Rainbow Salt Tray? Read more…..

Ice paint

Paint Pops:   Making painting fun using frozen paint on a pop stick.  Create endless paintings as the paint melts!  Read more……

educational activities 5 year olds

Back Yard Water Park : We set a range of different theme stations for the kids to play and explore, some were more sensory play based and others were imaginative play based. Altogether we had seven water play stations in our Back Yard Water Park. Read more…..

educational activities 5 year olds

Counting and Subitising:   We often recognise the number associated with a particular pattern straight away, even before we have had time to count the items.  These dice activities I have set up for Miss 4 is to practice and develop her subitising skills and to also involve Miss 2 to help her begin this learning of subitising and also counting. We have used a number of props and fun drawings to make the learning fun and motivating!  Read more…..

number activities for kindergarten and pre school

Number Sort : Number sort is a fun, hands on activity to play and learn with numbers. It sets a challenge of searching for specific numbers amongst a jumble of numbers. Read more…..

Alphabet hunt using rice for a sensory experience

Sensory Alphabet Hunt : Making learning your alphabet fun by searching for alphabet letters in a sensory tub with strawberry scented and pink coloured rice. This sensory play activity is a great game to motivate kids to learn their alphabet. Read more…..

educational activities 5 year olds

Create a Spring Play Dough Garden : Here is a great spring theme activity for the kids, creating a Spring Play Dough Garden. The play dough has been scented with a herbal shampoo to smell like flowers and is textured with small coloured flower petals. It is a great activity for kids to explore their creativity and imagination as they create their very own spring garden. Read more…..

Alphabet activities for kids

Stand Up Alphabet : The Stand Up Alphabet is one of my favourite activities here on learning4kids! Once you have made your own set, you can use them for a range of literacy activities Read more…..

homemade number chart

Homemade Number Chart and Memory Cards : Making a number wall chart and a set of memory game cards using number paintings from a previous number painting activity. Read more……

Imaginative Play - Planting a Garden

Imaginative Play – Planting a Garden : Coming Soon!!

Jelly Play Dough Critters

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educational activities 5 year olds

Coloured Felt Ice Creams : This is such a fun hands on activity for kids to promote the learning of colours while playing creatively and making felt ice creams. This activity involves kids to creatively stack coloured felt ice cream on top of felt cones and then label the colours with Velcro cards. Read on to find out more and print your own! Read more…..

educational activities 5 year olds

Hippity Hop Sight Word Game :  Hippity Hop Sight Word Game is a fun and interactive game to help motivate and encourage kids learn their sight words.  Read more…..

How to make a foaming monster

H ow to make a Foaming Monster?: Why does it bubble? The reaction between the vinegar and bicarb soda makes carbon dioxide, which causes tiny bubbles to form. Why does it come out its mouth? The dish liquid mixed with the vinegar/bicarb combination causes a reaction that makes the foam pour out of the monster’s mouth. Read more…..

imaginative play

Imaginative Play Wet Washing : Imaginative play washing line is so simple to put together but yet so effective for kids to pretend, engage and make sense of their world. Practising and experimenting with the various skills they will take into adulthood. Read more…..

educational activities 5 year olds

Marble Painting : Create some fun masterpieces with paint and marbles. Rolling marbles through paint on top of a sheet of paper creates some fun and interesting patterns. Read more……

baking with numbers

Number Cookies : An irresistibly yummy numeracy activity for kids! So much learning happens when we cook with our kids. The social interactions, processing information, following directions, problem solving and coordination. Read more…..

educational activities 5 year olds

Pompom Hockey : Getting active indoors when the weather is too hot or too cold and wet to go outside with Pompom Hockey. It will entertain the kids for hours!! It is a super simple activity you can set up at home for the kids, that is fun, challenging and exciting. It also gets little bodies moving! Read more….

educational activities 5 year olds

DIY Skittles & Games : Our Homemade Skittles would have to be one of the most played with toys in our house. My girls are continuously finding new and fun things to do with them. Read more….

caring for a baby activities for kids

Washing a Toy Baby : Watching Mum and Dad washing a baby sibling is an example of an experience that children copy and re-enact. Watching and learning from this experience then practising, imitating and experimenting this through imaginary play. Read more…..

painting activities to learn about shapes

Bubble Wrap Painting (shapes ): Bubble wrap is so much fun to explore for kids! Feeling the various textures of the puffy bubble pouches and hearing the noise of popping them. Bubble wrap is great for creating interesting patterns and shapes with paint. Here is an activity using bubble wrap painting and learning your shapes too! Read more….

Printable Alphabet Play dough Mats

Alphabet Play Dough : We had so much fun playing with our Alphabet Play Dough! It is a fun activity to help kids learn their alphabet letters and build up their fine motor skills at the same time. This activity involves using play dough to create letters in the alphabet, using the FREE Printable Alphabet Play Dough Mats as a guide. Read more…..

educational activities 5 year olds

Ice World : Ice World is a sensory activity for toddlers and pre-school children involving playing with ice, water and sea theme props. Read more…..

Sponge painting with kids and toddlers

Invitation to Play with Paint & Sp onges : Setting up an invitation to play with paint and cut up sponge pieces. It is always interesting to see the difference each child thinks creatively as they explore the paint and sponge pieces. Read more…..

educational activities 5 year olds

We’re Going On a Teddy Bear Hunt : We have a gorgeous book which comes with a CD that tells the story of the adventure of going on a bear hunt. My kids have played this CD over many times as I watch them pretend to walk through long, wavy grass and run away from a bear. So I thought I would bring this story to life some more by creating the different scenes in the book. Read more…..

educational activities 5 year olds

Number Play Dough : We had so much fun making numbers with our Orange Scented Play Dough . It is a fun activity to introduce or reinforce learning about numbers for kids and develop an understanding of ‘how many’ to make a number. Free printable number play dough mats. Read more…..

educational activities 5 year olds

Bottle Top Leaf Boats : What I love about winter is that there are lots of puddles to play in. Recently after days of rain and being stuck inside, we put our rain coats and gum boots on for a splash about in the puddles. Read more….

educational activities 5 year olds

Number Theme Play Room : The Numbers Theme Playroom Ideas was inspired and motivated by the current interests of my kids. Our play room was filled with games, activities, puzzles and other number related resources such as books and environmental print. Read more…..

How to make puffy paint?

P uffy Paint : There is something magical about Puffy Paint and it is a must try for any child or toddler to paint and play with. It is super easy to make with all the ingredients you need right in your pantry and after your child has finished painting, place it in the microwave for the magic to happen…….It is SO much FUN!! Read more……

educational activities 5 year olds

Play Dough and Buttons : Setting up an invitation to play with play dough, and buttons to inspire the imagination and creativity. Read more…..

educational activities 5 year olds

Sorting Coloured Match Sticks : In the early years, we often hear discussions about the importance of fine motor and gross motor development in kids. Here is a great activity that is fun and exercises those little muscles to develop strength! Read more…..

alphabet games and activities for kids

Alphabet Hide & Seek : My kids get very excited when we play this game. The challenge and anticipation of searching for something brings so much fun to learning your alphabet letters! The Hide and Seek Letter Hunt involves hiding the letter pairs around the house and your child goes around finding them. Free printable. Read more…..

simple number activities for kids

Counting Octopus : Octopus Counting is a fun and creative way to introduce numbers, learn to count, or for the older kids skip counting. Read more…..

fine motor activities for kids and toddlers

Pipe Cleaner Maze: Exploring and playing with pipe cleaners and beads with the Styrofoam while exercising the fine motor muscles. Read more…..

imaginative play with felt

Imaginary World of Felt : Felt is a sensory toy, brightly coloured, hands on playing, creative and great for storytelling. It brings so much imagination and learning to play times. Read more…..

number activities for kids

Painting with Homemade Number Stamps : These Homemade Number Stamps will make learning your numbers FUN for kids as they can make endless paintings of numbers prints and sing-a-long as they learn and play! The Number Stamps are low cost, require very little materials and are super easy to make! Read more…..

Maths games for school kids

Peg-A-Number-Facts: Peg-A-Number Fact is a fun maths game that allows kids to practise basic numbers sums and encourage the use of strategies to solve maths problems. Read more…..

educational activities 5 year olds

Play Dough – Bottle Tops and Straws : It is always fun to watch and see what kids will come up with when you give them simple props to promote play in an open-ended and unstructured way.

Here I have set up our activity table with play dough, bottle tops and straws to inspire the imagination and creativity. Read more…..

educational activities 5 year olds

Imaginative Play Baker’s Shop : Imaginative play bakers shop was inspired by our mini cupcakes which we made previously. They make a brilliant prop to encourage the imaginary world in a bakers shop. Read more…..

Dice games to get the body moving

Getting Active with Dice: Active Dice is a fun game to get little bodies moving! It is much like a blend of two games Simon Says and Twister. Free printable available to assist yo with making your own. Read more…..

educational activities 5 year olds

Bottle Top Money : Play/toy money just does not last; it either gets damaged or lost as the coins are normally quite small! My kids love to play with pretend money and use it in their imaginative play games, so we made our very own money using milk bottle tops and printable coins. Read more…..

painting me

Paint Me : Paint Me is a cute and quirky activity that kids will enjoy making!

I plan to use ours as keep sake to giggle at in years to come. It is a perfect snap shot of the size of your kids hands and feet to compare with when they get older. Read more…..

educational activities 5 year olds

Imaginative Play Ice Cream Shop : The fun and joy of exploring the imaginary world of an ice cream shop.

Today I am sharing some ideas for setting up an imaginative play ice cream shop. My girls had so much fun with this (and Dad) and took part in adding their own ideas of what they thought an Ice Cream Shop should have. Read more…..

educational activities 5 year olds

Colourful Cellophane Sticky Art : Cellophane Sticky Art is a great activity to introduce kids to colours!! I believe it is never too early to start learning about concepts such as colour and that through setting up opportunities to play and learn will begin the journey of developing an understanding. Read more…..

alphabet activities for kids

Alphabet Archaeologist : Taking on the role of an archaeologist looking for artifacts and bones in the sand or in this case searching for alphabet letters. It is a great activity to promote the learning of letter names and the sounds that they make. Read more…..

educational activities 5 year olds

Indoor Camping : It’s raining, it’s pouring…..and we have been stuck inside a fair bit lately with the weather.

To entertain the kids and give them something to do we set up an indoor camping trip to beat the boredom and promote imaginative play. Here are a few ideas for setting up your own Indoor Campsite. Read more…..

play dough activities for kids and toddlers

Play Dough and Cardboard Tubes : “Rolling play dough balls down a cardboard tube ramp!” Lots of fun with play dough. Read more…..

educational activities 5 year olds

Making Honeycomb, Exploring Bi-Carbonate Soda : After making our Homemade Volcano and watching the excitement on my kids’ faces as the vinegar and bicarbonate soda reacted together, I thought I would extend the fun, fizzing and frothing into the kitchen by making some simple homemade honeycomb. Read more…..

educational activities 5 year olds

Free Printable Number Tracing Cards : This is a great way for kids to practice writing their numbers!! The Number Tracing Cards are a free printable that can be laminated to allow kids to draw on with a white board marker as it wipes away easily with a tissue. Kids can practice writing their numbers correctly and wipe it away and try again. Read more…..

activities for learning your name

Name Collage :  Making a name collage using pom poms is an activity that will help your child become interested in their name and the letters that make up their name. Read more….

educational activities 5 year olds

Blackberry Finger Painting : An activity inspired by reading the children’s book Mr McGee and the Blackberry Jam by Pamela Allen. It had been a while since we have pulled out the paints so I thought we would get them out to do a little finger painting and incorporate it with our theme of blackberries. We made some blackberries using purple and black paint and our fingers. It is always so much fun painting with our fingers! Read more…..

educational activities 5 year olds

Imaginative Play Baby Care Corner : Encourage imaginative play by setting up a Babies Care Corner. This would be a fabulous imaginative play area to set up for families who are expecting or have a new baby and for children who have a younger sibling. Read more…..

make a rainbow with jelly

Colourful Sensory Play with Jelly : Ooey, gooey, slushy and messy! A fun sensory experience playing with Rainbow Jelly. Read more…..

Paint activity ideas for kids and toddlers

Nature’s Paint Brushes: With the weather warming up, I have been planning more activities to do with the kids outside and I thought these paint brushes would be perfect for textured painting on a large paper canvas fixed to the fence. Read more….

educational activities 5 year olds

Pasta Play dough : Let your child’s imagination run wild as they create and explore play dough and pasta. Read more…..

Ideas for using ice for sensory play and science

Ice Boats, Floating and Sinking : Water and ice are great for sensory play with kids as it engages children into a world of exploration and wonder. To make our water and ice sensory play experience a little more fun we turned the ice blocks into boats with a few simple materials. There is so much science to be explored with water and ice! Read more…..

green coloured activities

Painting with Toy Cars : Rolling toy cars into paint and creating pictures with the patterns transferred from the wheels. Read more…..

sensory play ideas for kids

Sensory Play Rice and Bottle Tops : Developing fine motor skills through sensory play with rainbow rice and bottle tops that will also inspire the imagination and creativity. Read more…..

snsory science activitiy for preschoolers

Make Your Own Solid Numbers : Combining science and learning numbers together in the one activities. Read more…..

Easy science experiments for kids

How to make Hanging Crystals ?: Stalactites and stalagmites are formed in caves by water dripping or flowing from fractures on the roof of the cave. To try and imitate this we set up an experiment to grow salt crystals hanging from a string of wool. Read more…..

ideas for play dough cupcakes

Play Dough Cupcakes : There is so much fun to be had creating pretend cupcakes as kids have the freedom to explore the imaginary world. This is a great activity to introduce and sing the Pat-a-Cake nursery rhyme. Read more……

how to set up an imagiantive play vet hospital

I maginative Play Vet Hospital : Imaginative play would have to be one of my most favourite kinds of play. Today I am sharing with you our imaginative play Vet Hospital and some simple ideas for setting one up in your home to encourage this play. Read more…..

2 thoughts on “4 Years – 5 Years”

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very helpful and i will surely try these activities with my 4.6 years old kid

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Thank you so much for these fantastic ideas!

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Hi and welcome to Learning 4 Kids!

My name is Janice and I am an Early Childhood Teacher in Australia.

I have a strong passion and love for teaching and creating meaningful learning experiences for my students. What I love most is watching children discover in those amazing light bulb moments. I hope Learning4kids brings you some useful ideas.

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  • Healthy Habits
  • Data and Statistics
  • Resources for Child Development
  • Positive Parenting Tips
  • Keeping Children with Disabilities Safe

Positive Parenting Tips: Preschoolers (3–5 years old)

  • As a parent you give your children a good start in life—you nurture, protect, and guide them.
  • Learn about developmental milestones, including emotional and social development, for preschoolers from 3 to 5 years old.
  • There are many things you can do to help your child stay safe and healthy.

A preschool-age boy standing and smiling

Developmental milestones

Skills such as naming colors, showing affection, and hopping on one foot are called developmental milestones. Most children achieve these milestones by a certain age. Children reach milestones in how they play, learn, speak, behave, and move.

As children grow into early childhood, their world will open up as they explore and ask about the things around them. They will become more independent and begin to focus more on adults and children outside of the family. Their interactions with those around them will help to shape their personality and their own ways of thinking and moving. During this stage, children should be able to help dress and undress themselves, recall part of a story, and sing songs. Other examples of activities at this stage include playing with other children, riding a tricycle, and using safety scissors.

Positive parenting tips

brother and sister laying on ground smiling

Following are some of the things you, as a parent, can do to help your preschooler during this time:

  • Continue to read to your child. Nurture their love for books by taking them to the library or bookstore.
  • Let your child help with simple chores.
  • Be clear and consistent when disciplining your child. Explain and show the behavior that you expect from them. Whenever you tell them no, follow up with what they should be doing instead.
  • Help your child develop good language skills by speaking to them in complete sentences and using "grown up" words. Help them to use the correct words and phrases.
  • Help your child through the steps to solve problems when they are upset.
  • Give your child a limited number of simple choices (for example, deciding what to wear, when to play, and what to eat for snack).

Child safety first

As your child becomes more independent, it is important that you and your child are aware of ways to stay safe. Here are a few tips to protect your child:

  • Tell your child why it is important to stay out of traffic. Tell them not to play in the street or run after stray balls.
  • Be cautious when letting your child ride their tricycle. Keep them on the sidewalk and away from the street and always have them wear a helmet.
  • Check outdoor playground equipment. Make sure there are no loose parts or sharp edges.
  • Watch your child at all times, especially when they are playing outside.
  • Be safe in the water. Teach your child to swim, but watch them at all times when they are in or around any body of water (this includes kiddie pools).
  • Teach your child how to be safe around strangers.

Car seat recommendations for children‎‎‎

Use a forward-facing car seat with a harness until your child reaches the top height or weight limit allowed by the car seat's manufacturer. Then it will be time to switch to a booster seat, but still in the back seat of the vehicle. Learn more:

Healthy bodies

Here are a few tips to help keep your growing child healthy:

  • Eat meals with your child whenever possible. Let your child see you enjoying fruits, vegetables, and whole grains at meals and snacks.
  • Your child should eat and drink only a limited amount of food and beverages that contain added sugars, solid fats, or salt.
  • Provide your child with age-appropriate play equipment, like balls and plastic bats, but let your preschooler choose what to play. This makes moving and being active fun for your preschooler.
  • Make sure your child gets the recommended amount of sleep each night: 10–13 hours per 24 hours (including naps) for preschoolers 3-5 years.

Screen time and preschoolers‎

For more information.

CDC's "Learn the Signs. Act Early." Program has more details on how to track your child's developmental milestones, and what to do if you're concerned about your child's development.

CDC's Parent Information (Children 4–11 years) has information to help you guide your child in leading a healthier life.

CDC's Essentials for Parenting Toddlers and Preschoolers has ways you can help build a safe, stable, and nurturing relationship with your child.

CDC's Healthy Weight Information has tips for parents – Ideas to help children maintain a healthy weight.

CDC's Youth Physical Activity Guidelines has information on how to help children be active and play.

CDC's Information on Vaccinations View the immunization schedule for infants and children and find out if your child's vaccinations are up to date.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture provides information on health and nutrition: My Plate for Preschoolers

AAP's Healthy Children website provides information on feeding, nutrition, and fitness for all developmental stages from infancy to young adulthood.

Just in Time Parenting (JITP) has quality, research-based information to families at the time it can be most useful.

Healthy Kids Healthy Future has information on physical activity for young children and ways to keep them moving.

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has information on safety recalls and safety tips for children riding in motor vehicles, walking, biking, playing outside, waiting at school bus stops, and more.

Child Development

The early years of a child’s life are very important for their health and development. Parents, health professionals, educators, and others can work together as partners to help children grow up to reach their full potential.

educational activities 5 year olds

15 Activities for One Year Olds That Are Exciting & Educational

From the moment your child turns one, they become a more amazing little person every day! They begin to mimic, explore, and communicate. Their personalities emerge, and they gain the constant urge to try new things. This creates the perfect opportunity to help them learn!

For the parents looking for some beneficial activities for one year olds that are both fun and educational, we have you covered with these ideas for the youngest toddlers.

Top Things to Do With One Year Olds to Keep Their Development on Track

Every child learns through observation and play . This makes these interactions extremely important. When it comes to one-year-old activities, there are a few milestones to keep in mind. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the top developmental markers  that children should achieve between the ages of one and two include:

  • Searching for things they see you hide (12 months)
  • Stacking small objects (15 months)
  • Clapping when excited (15 months)
  • Playing with toys in simple ways (18 months)
  • Scribbling (18 months)
  • Copying things you do (18 months)
  • Looking at book pages (18 months)
  • Climbing on low objects (18 months)
  • Playing with multiple toys at once (2 years)
  • Kicking balls (2 years)
  • Running (2 years) 

Since these are all skills that health experts expect children to be able to do at these specific ages, they can serve as the perfect inspiration for activities to do with one-year-old kids! 

Meet Milestones With These Fun Activities for One Year Olds 

Now that you know what to work on and when, we break down the best activities for one-year-old toddlers to help them learn and grow. 

Stacking is a simple activity that can bring hours of fun! Parents can start with basic stacking cups and work their way up to building blocks. This helps with both fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. It also facilitates creative play.

Helpful Hack As your child becomes more skilled at this activity, you can start to give them more difficult items to pile up. Stacking rocks for toddlers are an excellent challenge for little hands that can test their dexterity and build up their patience.

Splishing and splashing may not seem like a learning opportunity, but sensory water play has so many benefits! Not only is it calming, but it also helps your child make sense of this big, beautiful world.

Unlike on solid ground, water brings additional obstacles. Pouring, lifting, sifting, and balancing in and on water can all hone your child's dexterity and fine motor skills, as well as aid in their language development. 

Need to Know Water play can happen in the tub, a mini pool, a water table, or even in the kitchen sink! Just make sure to supervise this activity so that your child stays safe.

Color Matching

As mentioned above, one of the first milestones to work on after your child's first birthday is searching! This makes color sorting a great introduction to this concept. Start with three colored cups and three grippable objects for each of the chosen shades. Then, start sorting — hold a green object over the green cup, say "green goes in," and then drop it! 

This should trigger them to look in the cup. Repeat with the two other green objects, allowing them to search each time. Then, move to the next color until you run out of objects and cups to fill. Over time, this basic game will help them learn colors and associate the various shades with the words that represent them.

Everyone has a few spare dry noodles lying around! And if you don't, you can buy a bunch for less than five bucks. This one-year-old activity essentially lets your little one play chef for a day. First, grab some big bow ties, a pile of penne, a handful of rotelles, and whatever other large pasta noodles you fancy. Then, snag a few clear plastic Solo cups, some plastic Tupperware, wooden spoons and other large plastic kitchen utensils, as well as a large (unbreakable) mixing bowl. 

Put each type of noodle in a different cup and then ask your child to pour, mix, scoop, and transfer the noodles between the different containers that you have provided. This is another easy way to work on their fine motor skills and build their vocabulary. It can be a fantastic tool for pretend play as well! To make this happen, have them serve everyone their creation and let each person pretend to eat their food. 

Need to Know First, this activity does require supervision. Second, to enhance this experience, you can purchase colored noodles to use as another form of color-matching play. Finally, as your toddler's dexterity improves, give them a challenge! Tongs are an easy way to elevate this task and further their progress.

This is another searching game that young toddlers absolutely love. Start with your hands and then upgrade to blankets and other objects to hide yourself and reappear. You'll be surprised at how much fun you actually have while playing this silly game with your toddler!

Sensory Bins

Another opportunity for scooping, pouring, sifting, and exploring is a sensory bin. For those who don't know, these are containers that hold items with varying textures to stimulate your child's senses and allow them to explore in their own unique way. They are easy to make at home and can serve as another amazing learning space for little ones of varying ages.

Just make sure to supervise this type of activity to ensure that objects stay in the bin and don't make it into your little one's mouth!

Looking through picture books is another simple activity for one year olds that has many benefits. It introduces new vocabulary and gives them the opportunity to mimic sounds and expressions. It also improves their listening skills, bolsters their ability to focus for longer periods of time, and it can be a great bonding experience. 

Quick Tip If you want to elevate this experience, make it sensory! Buy simple textured board books for your toddler to touch while you read. Then, ask them questions, like "is the kitty soft?", as they pet the faux fur in the book. Even if they can't respond, this can help them with their language acquisition and keep them engaged for longer periods of time.

Musical Fun

Music is another calming activity that will not only build your child's language skills, but it can also help with coordination. How, you may ask? Dancing, of course! It may seem silly, but turn on some fun nursery rhymes, get down on your toddler's level, and have a mini dance party. Clap your hands, sway back and forth, and move to the music!

You can also give them small scarves to wave around, blow up some balloons to toss about, and blow some bubbles to motivate them to move. Parents can also invest in toy instruments like maracas, hand shakers, xylophones, and bells to introduce different sounds and rhythms and let their toddlers show off their creative side.

Sweeping Fun

One of the best Montessori activities for one year olds is sweeping! This is a skill that requires concentration and coordination. It is also something that we all have to do in our lives, so why not introduce it now? All you need is some painter's tape, a toddler sized broom, and something to sweep up!

Using the painter's tape, create large shapes on your floor, like triangles or squares. Then, sprinkle your fake leaves, cheerios, or colorful pom-poms on the ground outside of your shapes. Finally, instruct your tot to sweep the items into the spaces you have created. 

Go, Go, Go...Stop!

Coloring is another perfect activity for one year olds to build their fine motor skills, but did you know that it can also teach them the meaning of the words like "stop" and "go"? This easy activity was a game changer for getting my son's attention in different scenarios, like running out the door and dropping food on the floor.

All you have to do is get your kiddo scribbling and you do the same. As your hands move, repeat the phrase "go, go, go, go." When it is time to pause, yell "stop!" and immediately freeze. Your toddler will quickly join in on the fun, not realizing that they are learning the meanings of these important action words.

Water Painting

Is there anything better than a canvas that can be used over and over again? For this one-year-old activity, all you need is a bucket of water, some large paint brushes and sponges, and a bit of pavement on a warm, sunny day.

Then, let your little one show off their inner Picasso! They can color as they see fit and the sun will clear their canvas as they go, making room for more creativity.

Soccer Practice

Are you looking for things to do with one year olds that are fun for you as well? Running and kicking are both big goals for your child's second birthday and soccer is a fun way to build these skills.

Grab a ball and gently kick it back and forth with your significant other while your child is watching. Then, kick it their way and see what they do! As they get better at this, consider investing in a soccer net  or regularly visiting a local park. This can improve their foot control, concentration, and decision-making skills.

Ball Pit Fun

For the little ones who are less mobile around their first birthday, a ball bit is another fun option! All you need is a bunch of balls and a blow-up mini pool. Once assembled, plop them inside and watch them explore the space.

This can help with hand-eye coordination and balance. It is also another calming exercise and it can serve as one more spectacular way to introduce colors. 

Obstacle Course

Obstacle courses are excellent ways to improve your toddler's coordination, balance, spatial awareness, and other gross motor skills. Parents can easily craft a course with cardboard boxes, pillows, pop up crawl tunnels, stepping stones, and other items they may have lying around the house.

Challenge your toddler to a race and see who can make it to the finish line. No matter who wins, everyone is guaranteed to be giggling!

Just because the milestone involves playing with toys in simple ways doesn't mean that you can't bring a little excitement to the activity! For this game, grab a cardboard box and flatten it out (or a long piece of plywood), snag an ottoman or another box, and make a simple ramp.

Then, grab some cars and let the races begin! This one-year-old activity introduces cause and effect, gives them opportunities to practice walking and running to retrieve their car, and it is just downright fun.

Find Things to Do With One Year Olds While Doing Daily Tasks

These are just a few of the beneficial activities for one year olds that parents can try! Since toddlers love to mimic and help with daily tasks, get them involved in your day-to-day activities as well.

Hand them items as you grocery shop and then bring them in the house when you get home. Have them participate in cleaning up their toys. And let them pick out clothes and put their dirties in the hamper. These tasks not only make them feel valuable, but they are also important life skills that they need to learn for the near future!

young boy playing with 1 year old sibling

SPS aims to boost summer learning with free books, math workbooks for K-5 students

educational activities 5 year olds

It's that time of year again. Superintendent Grenita Lathan has been visiting elementary classes to pass out bags of free books.

This year, students are also receiving scholastic magazines and workbooks, including puzzles and games meant to boost math skills.

Lathan, an avid reader, started the tradition of giving away books to encourage summer reading and help students build a personal library at home.

"I love to read. Throughout my whole life, reading has been a favorite pastime. It has introduced me to fascinating people, transported me to exciting places and exposed me to memorable experiences," Lathan wrote in a letter to Springfield parents as part of the giveaway.

"The only thing I enjoy more than reading myself is encouraging others, especially children, to experience the joy of reading."

In the letter, Lathan said she hopes the books inspire young students to become confident, independent readers.

"From an educator's perspective, I believe reading is one of the best strategies to promote achievement and prevent students from falling behind," Lathan wrote. "Children who read regularly during the summer will be better prepared to enter the classroom in August."

Lathan's efforts have received strong support from the Springfield school board, which approved buying the books to give away. Board member Maryam Mohammadkhani suggested adding the math workbooks, an idea embraced by the rest of the governing body.

Here is a by-the-numbers look at the books and other materials being sent home:

  • 46,657 − Scholastic books, five each for students in grades K-3 and three each for students in grades 4-5;
  • 10,769 − Summer express workbooks, one each for students in K-5;
  • 7,188 − Scholastic STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) workbooks, two each for students in grades 4-5;
  • 3,715 − Math practice books, provided to students in grades K-5 who have scored below grade level.

The workbooks provide a way for students to practice math, reading, writing, phonics, vocabulary and grammar.

In a letter explaining the math practice books, Lathan said the lessons are tailored to the skills students are expected to acquire at their grade level.

More: Two Springfield high school seniors awarded funds in National Merit Scholarship Program

For example, in third grade, a student typically works on multiplication, division, geometry and measurement, fractions and solving problems.

"This math practice workbook will provide your child with ready-to-use, skill-building practice pages with easy-to-follow directions," Lathan wrote. "The practice pages incorporate challenging puzzles, inviting games and picture problems."

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Smartivity Pinball Machine Toy for Kids Ages 8-14 Years old | Global Award Winning Arcade Game| Cool Birthday Gifts Ideas for Boys & Girls| DIY STEM Toy for 8,9,10,11,12,13,14I Wooden Engineering Toys

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Smartivity Pinball Machine Toy for Kids Ages 8-14 Years old | Global Award Winning Arcade Game| Cool Birthday Gifts Ideas for Boys & Girls| DIY STEM Toy for 8,9,10,11,12,13,14I Wooden Engineering Toys

Purchase options and add-ons, about this item.

  • ACTION-PACKED FUN TIME: Bring the Arcade home with this exciting mechanical Pinball Machine. Our step-by-step instructional manual ensures a deeply engaging DIY experience, perfect for kids to construct and enjoy for hours. Designed for Boys and Girls for ages, 8,9,10,11,12,13,14 years old
  • DEVELOPS KEY SKILLS: Reduce screen time and boost confidence and creativity with 100% screen-free engagement. As kids build their own toys, they learn about the science around us, developing a lifelong love for science.
  • FREE PARTS LIFETIME: Enjoy hassle free fun with all parts included, plus a lifetime supply of replacement parts. Easy-to-follow instructions make building a breeze, ensuring uninterrupted playtime.
  • MADE FROM SUSTAINABLE WOOD: Made from the highest quality engineered wood, our toys are completely safe for kids and boast long-lasting durability.
  • ULTIMATE GIFT: Give the gift of entertainment and learning combined. Ideal for birthdays gifts for boys and girls, this makes for a thoughtful present that providing endless hours of enjoyment and learning for kids
  • LOVED BY KIDS AND PARENTS WORLDWIDE: Trusted by families in 33+ countries, our toys have received multiple accolades, including STEM org approval, the 2022 Innovative Toy of the Year in the Netherlands, and TOTY 2022 Finalist. Join a global community celebrating STEM education through play.
  • Brilliantly Engineered Design: Developed by a skilled team and rigorously kid-tested for over 1000 hours. Our experts brainstorm hundreds of ideas to create the most exciting and educational projects that are age-appropriate for children.

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Customers like the playability, fit, performance, labeling, ease of assembly, appearance, and quality of the science fundamentals kit. They mention that it's fun, addictive, and works better than expected. They appreciate the well-laid out and detailed instructions. Customers are also satisfied with appearance, quality and the fact that it works better then expected.

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Customers find the science fundamentals kit easy to assemble. They say the instructions are incredibly easy and complete. They also mention that the kit is fun and put together without any glue.

"...The instructions are well written and parts well labeled. I would suggest popping the pieces out one sheet at a time so you don' lose anything...." Read more

"...The assembly is extremely easy. The instructions were some of the most clear instructions I have ever seen on one of these wooden model kits, and I..." Read more

"Got this for my 11 year old son and he LOVED building it. The instructions are clear , all parts were well labeled, and it actually works...." Read more

"...Third, the steps to assemble were very logical in order , we never had to improvise or wiggle pieces too much, and on one step where we could have..." Read more

Customers find the science fundamentals kit wonderful fun to play once made. They say the game continues to be fun and challenging for them. Customers also mention that the kit is fun to build and satisfying to play.

"...Definitely a great buy and an amazing time spent with my son! Highly recommend!! 👍🏼🙌🏼..." Read more

"...It is so well engineered and satisfying to play ...." Read more

"...The end result is a very functional and super fun pinball game . Highly recommend!" Read more

"...The game is cool , but you know how kids are. If they still enjoy it after two years, that would be kind of odd...." Read more

Customers are impressed with the quality of the science fundamentals kit. They say the parts are solid, the mechanical engineering is impressive, and the build is enjoyable. They also say the wood is superior to kits assembled before and the instructions are well written.

"...Mechanics have all worked how they should. Bright color and sturdy pieces . A lot of left over parts which is perfect for back up...." Read more

"...It is so well engineered and satisfying to play...." Read more

"...Truly an enjoyable build if you like this sort of thing, and my son is enjoying playing with the end product." Read more

"... Very high quality , instructions are very easy to understand, and the final product is an incredible toy that he can’t get enough of...." Read more

Customers like the performance of the science fundamentals kit. They say that the mechanisms work well, it functions smoothly, and that it even works like a real pinball machine.

"All the pieces fit perfectly together. Mechanics have all worked how they should . Bright color and sturdy pieces...." Read more

"...All the pieces fit together well. The end result is a very functional and super fun pinball game. Highly recommend!" Read more

"...It functions far more smoothly than I thought it would, almost like a real pinball machine...." Read more

"...The instructions are clear, all parts were well labeled, and it actually works . Highly recommend for engineer minded kiddos" Read more

Customers are satisfied with the appearance of the science fundamentals kit. They mention it has a very clever design, looks really cool, and is well-designed. Some say the instructions are incredibly easy. Overall, most are happy with the product's appearance.

"...Mechanics have all worked how they should. Bright color and sturdy pieces. A lot of left over parts which is perfect for back up...." Read more

"...If you or your child really enjoys putting things together, this set is amazing . The instructions are well written and parts well labeled...." Read more

"...Yeah, they are really cool . But they shoot out of those tiny slots like rockets. The first one flew over my head to who knows where...." Read more

"This pinball game is well designed , well cut and the instructions were incredibly easy and complete...." Read more

Customers find the science fundamentals kit well-labeled, with many details thought of. They also say it's fascinating on many levels, and has lots of parts.

"...The instructions are well written and parts well labeled . I would suggest popping the pieces out one sheet at a time so you don' lose anything...." Read more

"...The instructions are clear, all parts were well labeled , and it actually works. Highly recommend for engineer minded kiddos" Read more

"...Instructions were clear, well made, challenging in a good way and works perfectly 🥰 she loves..." Read more

"Cool gift for my nine year old… lots of parts . Be careful your kid doesn’t loose any!" Read more

Customers are satisfied with the fit of the science fundamentals kit. They mention that all the pieces fit perfectly and work as expected.

" All the pieces fit perfectly together . Mechanics have all worked how they should. Bright color and sturdy pieces...." Read more

"... All the pieces fit together well . The end result is a very functional and super fun pinball game. Highly recommend!" Read more

"...This is put together without any glue. Everything fits nicely . Elastics hold it all together...." Read more

"...The wood material is strong, and the pieces fit well together (with the exception of that one lever)." Read more

Customers like the science fundamentals kit as a gift. They mention it's a great gift for a STEM kid.

" Excellent for gift - a lot of fun!" Read more

" Good gift ..." Read more

" Great gift for the STEM kid ..." Read more

" Great gift !..." Read more

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Minecraft is turning 15

Dive into 15 days of celebration with a major sale and a freebie!

Aren't birthdays just great? I still remember crying hysterically after my cousin blew out all the candles on my cake. Needless to say, my 30th birthday party ended on a somber note. But this isn’t about me, because Minecraft is turning 15! Did you start mining back in the good old days, when there was no crafting and you could flood the entire Overworld with one block of lava? Or have you yet to break your first block? Whether you remember Cave Game or you’re still wrapping your head around Minecraft, you’re invited to the celebration. That’s right, it might be Minecraft’s birthday, but this party is for you! 

Join us for 15 consecutive days of discounts, surprises, and celebrations as we look back on 15 years of Minecraft and get excited about what is to come. There’s something for everyone: experienced builders or seasoned adventurers, solo players or server socialites, content creators or avid watchers. Plus, every day at 10am PST/7pm CET we’ll release a new, exclusive Character Creator item that you can claim for free! It’s up to you how you shape your world. So let’s dive into the first day! 

Get up to 50% off Minecraft games

Whether you’re thinking of trying out Minecraft, diving deeper into its universe, or introducing it to a friend, now is the time to do it because every Minecraft game is up to half off*! Get Minecraft, Minecraft Dungeons, Minecraft Legends, and more (including Deluxe and Ultimate editions!) for up to 50% off on for a limited time. In fact, you can get Minecraft for 70% off on Android and iOS! Survive the night solo or build a work of art with friends, fight through action-packed levels or lead your allies in strategic battles – there’s something in the Minecraft universe for every player. There are also phantoms and wardens, but I’ll let you discover those yourself... 

Engage with Minecraft creators for rewards 

From May 15 to 31, head to and check out daily Minecraft streams right on the home page. Tune in to a stream for at least 15 minutes to earn the Purple Heart cape or donate a sub to a streamer during the celebration and get the Glitch Mask! 

From May 18 to June 18, we’re also celebrating on TikTok, where you can earn a unique TikTok-themed cape for Bedrock Edition and a custom helmet profile frame for your TikTok profile photo. Keep an eye out for more Minecraft-themed fun on social media, including Instagram chat wallpapers, official sweepstakes, and more. Both the Twitch and TikTok capes are available for Bedrock Edition now, and will be in Java Edition by July 8. Make sure you redeem your codes at by the June 30 expiration date!

Today’s free Character Creator item 

An image of the Cave Game Hoodie, today's free Character Creator item

Embrace wear the nostalgia and show off your knowledge of Minecraft history with the Cave Game hoodie! Nothing says that you’ve been crafting since alpha like this wearable piece of memorabilia. Who knows, maybe in a parallel universe Minecraft was never renamed and we’re all wearing “Cave Game” merch! Catchy. To claim today’s freebie, simply launch Minecraft: Bedrock Edition after 10am PST/7pm CET and open the Dressing Room, where you’ll find your new Character Creator item.  

And there you have it, the first of 15 exciting days filled with Minecrafty surprises! Check daily over the next couple of weeks to see what else we have in store for you because the fun has just begun. Remember, it’s our birthday but it’s your party – and we couldn’t be more excited! How will you shape your world during these 15 days? 

*Discounts may vary by region or platform. Limited time promotion. 

Cristina Anderca


Community creations.

Discover the best add-ons, mods, and more being built by the incredible Minecraft community!


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Transfer Centre

Rasmus Hojlund: Manchester United complete £72m deal with Atalanta for Denmark forward

Man Utd will pay Atalanta an initial £64m, with £8m in add-ons for Rasmus Hojlund; the 20-year-old has signed a five-year contract with the option of an additional 12 months; Hojlund joins fellow summer signings Andre Onana and Mason Mount at Old Trafford

Sunday 6 August 2023 07:11, UK


Manchester United have completed the £72m signing of Atalanta forward Rasmus Hojlund.

The 20-year-old - who will miss the start of the campaign as he continues his recovery from an injury sustained in pre-season - has signed a five-year deal at Old Trafford, with the option of a further 12 months.

Hojlund - who was unveiled to the United supporters ahead of their friendly against Lens at Old Trafford on Saturday - told the club's website: "It is no secret that I have been a fan of this great club since I was a small boy and I dreamed of walking out at Old Trafford as a Manchester United player.

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"I am incredibly excited by this opportunity to turn that dream into a reality and I am determined to repay the faith that the club has shown in me.

"It is still early in my career but I know that I am ready to make this step up and play with this group of world-class players.

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"Once I had spoken to the manager I knew that this environment would be perfect for my development.

"I am relishing the opportunity to work with one of the best coaches in the world. Under his guidance and support I know that I am capable of achieving great things, together with my new team-mates at this special club."

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Why Ten Hag pushed to sign Hojlund

Transfer Centre LIVE!

United will pay Atalanta an initial £64m for Hojlund, with a further £8m in add-ons.

Paris Saint-Germain also wanted to sign the Denmark international this summer but his desire to move to Old Trafford ensured United were confident of sealing the deal.

  • Why Erik ten Hag pushed to sign Rasmus Hojlund
  • Is Rasmus Hojlund the new Erling Haaland? Man Utd's new striker analysed

John Murtough, United's football director, added: "Rasmus is a truly exceptional talent. He possesses technical and physical attributes which rank him amongst the best players in the world for his age group.

"Working under Erik ten Hag and his coaches will provide Rasmus with the perfect development platform. Everyone across the club will ensure that he is given the time and all the support required to reach his immense potential.

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TV2 Danish Football Journalist Morten Bruun discusses what Manchester United fans can expect of Rasmus Hojlund.

"Throughout the summer, we have acted quickly and decisively to secure our primary targets early in the transfer window.

"This will ensure that Erik and his coaches have the best opportunity to prepare the squad to push for further success in the exciting campaign ahead."

Ten Hag: Hojlund is a real frontman

Credit - Manchester United

Ten Hag hailed new signing Hojlund after he was unveiled ahead of Manchester United's win against Lens on Saturday.

"He is a real frontman," Ten Hag said. "Very direct to the goal, very good presser, a physical presence.

"I think in the balance of this squad, we needed that, alongside (Marcus) Rashford, another player who is direct and can score a goal. That is all in his mind - he wants to score goals.

"I think he has huge potential. And now it's up to him first, to explore that and we will support him, all the coaches, the team, the team was waiting for a type like him. They will integrate him in the dressing room and in the pitch, they will help him."

United's incoming business is now largely done, with Andre Onana and Mason Mount also signed, and any more arrivals are likely to depend on departures.

There is interest in the likes of Harry Maguire, Scott McTominay, Fred and Donny van de Beek.

If there are exits, United are understood to be ready to go into the market to replace them and they hold a strong interest in Fiorentina midfielder Sofyan Amrabat.

'Man Utd have solved three core squad issues'

Sky Sports News senior reporter Melissa Reddy:

"United are conscious that Hojlund is more potential than the finished article but believe Erik ten Hag's coaching could help mould him into an elite player.

"Marcus Rashford may need to play some games as United's focal point while the 20-year-old adjusts and gains experience. Long-term, he is seen as a talent that has the potential to become world class under Ten Hag.

"United have now solved the three core squad issues the manager identified: a goalkeeper, forward and dynamic midfielder. This has been done within the budget the club set themselves, which was conditioned by Financial Fair Play regulations.

Sky Sports News chief reporter Kaveh Solhekol discusses Manchester United's hopes that new signing Rasmus Hojlund could turn out to be as prolific as Manchester City's Erling Haaland.

"Hojlund had made it very clear Old Trafford was his destination of choice, so even though PSG had registered their interest with a take-it-or-leave-it bid, there was no worry or concern at United's end because they knew the player wanted to join them.

"They knew they had done a lot of homework on this deal and they have still stayed within their budget.

"United have talked Atalanta down from what they initially wanted. The last asking price was £77m guaranteed. We know that United have gone for £64m guaranteed so they feel that is a win.

"We have to stress this is a 20-year-old who is still very inexperienced so it is quite a hefty price for United to pay.

"But they believe he has got such a high ceiling and that he can progress and become world class under Ten Hag, so it's basically backing their manager's coaching ability and what the scouts have seen in Hojlund.

"We're told it wasn't because of PSG coming into the race that United elevated their price point; it's simply because, to get the deal done in time for the player to have enough training sessions with the squad to be ready for the start of the season, they wanted to get an agreement in place.

"They feel a compromise has been reached even though they've gone higher than they probably would have liked to."

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Analysis: Hojlund has huge potential

Manchester United have signed striker Rasmus Hojlund

Sky Sports' football feature writer Adam Bate:

Rasmus Hojlund has captured the imagination after an encouraging season in Serie A and Manchester United are betting on the 20-year-old talent to be the next superstar striker in European football. But how can they get the best from the young Dane?

Why Hojlund can be total package

Former bosses at Sturm Graz explain the vast potential of Danish forward Rasmus Hojlund

Sturm Graz's tactics demanded Hojlund made penetrative runs in behind the opposition defence. "That needs a lot of sprints and a lot of quick decisions from our strikers, and I think those are big strengths of Rasmus," head coach Christian Ilzer told Sky Sports .

"I think it was key that our philosophy and style fitted his skillset perfectly so he came into a good environment. Ras was a great addition to our team with his abilities. It was his speed, his general physique and his willingness to work hard against the ball."

Ten Hag will welcome a pressing forward with pace but patience will be required. Hojlund has promise but United need to see significant progression to justify this outlay.

He made that progress at Sturm Graz and again with Atalanta. This next step is the key one.

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Keep up to date with all the latest transfer news and rumours in our dedicated Transfer Centre blog on Sky Sports' digital platforms. You can also catch up with the ins, outs and analysis on Sky Sports News.

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  28. Rasmus Hojlund: Manchester United complete £72m deal with Atalanta for

    Man Utd will pay Atalanta an initial £64m, with £8m in add-ons for Rasmus Hojlund; the 20-year-old has signed a five-year contract with the option of an additional 12 months; Hojlund joins ...