
How to Make a Video Resume that’ll land you a Job in 2024 (With Examples and Templates)

  • video resume

how to make professional video resume

Did you know that video resumes have been around for a very long time and are a great way to get an edge over the competition?

A well-made video resume can give you a chance to present yourself creatively and allow a hiring manager to assess your personality, thus giving you an opportunity to better represent yourself over traditional CVs.

But there’s a catch- an unprofessional video resume can adversely hinder your chances too and hence, the real question is how do you create one that makes recruiters stand up and take notice, even if you don’t know how to edit videos? 

In this blog, we’ll cover everything you need to know about how to create pro video resumes + if you stick around till the end we will also share free templates you can use right away to create a stunning video resume using InVideo’s online editor .

Easily create professional resume videos

With the world’s easiest video resume creator

Easily create professional resume videos

Plan of action

1. Should you make a video resume? 2. What should be in a video resume? 3. How to make a video resume? 4. 10 amazing video resume examples to inspire you

1. Should you make a video resume?

Before we jump into whether or not you should make a video resume, it is important to understand that video resumes are not a substitute for traditional resumes. Hiring managers will always need a document for reference that has all of your details. However, a video resume can be an interesting way to break the fourth wall and get your future employer’s attention.

Infographics on video holds attention

Industries that depend on visual communication and engagement like media, design, fashion, advertising, and production would appreciate a video resume and it would add more weight to your profile. On the other hand, if you are applying to customer-facing roles like sales, a video resume will help you stand out from the other applications and give your hiring manager a better understanding of your skills.

2. What should be in a video resume?

A good video resume will introduce you, summarise your experiences and learnings, and lastly but most importantly, give a hiring manager reasons to reach out to you. To help you understand the building blocks of a video resume, let’s divide it into 3 sections: the introduction, the experience, and the call-to-action.

Graphics on What should be in a video resume

A. Introduction

Of course, you will start by introducing yourself but you can take it a notch higher and address the company you are applying to - for example, “Hello InVideo , I’m John Doe”. Not only does this get their attention but it makes them feel prioritized. The next thing you want to address is what profession you’re in or aspire to be in. So if you’re a filmmaker you can simply state that or be creative with words and say you’re a visual storyteller.

B. Experience

After the introduction, you want to talk about your passion for what you do and support it by referring to your past experiences and work. For example, building on the filmmaker’s introduction, you could talk about how meeting people from around the world and sharing their stories is something that deeply motivates you - and then you can share an experience that supports it. You don’t need to only talk about your work experience. You can also focus on life experiences that have led you to cultivate skills - like taking a year off to travel abroad, volunteering at a shelter, or a hobby that you actively pursue. You can also speak about your special achievements and awards that will add value to your profile, or you can get someone to speak on behalf of you as social proof.

C. Call-to-action

At the end of the video, you want to leave the ball in their court. However, you also want to give them a reason to call you for an interview. For example, you could end the video with this - “I have a lot more to me than I could fit in this short video and I hope you give me a chance to tell you about it over an interview”. Also make sure to list links to your social media profiles, your online portfolio or your resume website .

You must also check out the end of Mattias Larson’s video resume which fits so aptly for his role as a filmmaker.

Here’s a list of dos and don’ts for making a video resume: 

list of do's and don’ts for making a video resume

1. Always maintain eye contact with the viewer

You want to speak directly to the person viewing the video and have a conversation with them, and so it is essential that when you record yourself you look directly inside the camera lens.

2. Show your personality

Your video resume must reflect your personality - through your words and visuals. Make sure you script the video keeping your natural tone in mind. For example, if you’re someone who enjoys pop culture, use those references to describe yourself as an employee - “I am at level Monica when it comes to organising and planning but I can be a total Phoebe when I have to express myself creatively.” 

3. Dress appropriately

While you don’t have to dress formally to record your video resume - make sure you wear work-appropriate clothing.

4. Record in proper light conditions

Always shoot in good lighting conditions or else you will end up with dark and patchy footage. You can check out our equipment recommendations for lighting solutions here .

5. Keep it simple and short

You want to leave an impression with your video resume - so keep it simple and short. The maximum length of your video resume should be 2 minutes. Don’t add unnecessary details which can be covered in your traditional CV and cover email.


1. use of slang words and jargon.

One of the biggest no-nos of a video resume is using slang words or jargon. This may be perceived as disrespectful and lessen your chances to be shortlisted.

2. Avoid background noise

Shoot in a calm and quiet place so that you have clear audio and no distracting background noises. You can also use recorders and mics to ensure crystal clear audio - check our recommendations here .

3. Mug up the script and recite it

You want to have a conversation and not just spew out information. You don’t need to remember the script verbatim, instead, know the gist and let the words flow naturally when you record yourself.

4. Worry about not covering everything

Your video resume is not an alternative to your traditional resume - which means you will have to send in a written document too. So don’t worry about covering all the details of your work experience and schooling. Instead, use the video resume to summarise it and talk more about how it added value to your career and life.

Land your dream job!

With professional-looking video resumes

Land your dream job!

3. How to make a video resume?

If you want to create an impressive video resume you have to plan and execute it well. This is why we have jotted down a step-by-step plan for you to follow.

Let’s begin then!

A. Make a note of what you want to say

Make a note of what you want to say

Your traditional resume will have most of the details you want to speak about in your video resume - so start there. Make sure to keep the 3 sections discussed above in your notes so you can add as many interesting details to your video resume. You can also add interesting anecdotes that are very specific to the job role you are applying for. Once you have collated these notes and know what you want to exactly communicate through your video resume, you can move on to scripting it.

B. Write your video resume script

It is in this phase where the video actually starts taking shape. Your video resume script is the blueprint of the actual video. This is where you start visualising the flow of the video - what kind of visuals you want to add, do you want pop-up texts, and most importantly, what will you be speaking.

Writing a script for your video resume is the easiest way to put it in an audio-visual format. This simply means that in one column you will mention the visuals of the video, for example - working on the laptop, a person making a creative on Adobe Illustrator, etc., and in the adjacent column you write the audio that goes with it - whether it is a narration, someone speaking or even music.

Write your video resume script

Here’s a template you can start using to write your video resume script right away.

C. Shooting the visuals & recording the audio

After you are done writing your script , it’s time to execute the video . You can start by creating the first layer of your video resume which would be of you speaking into the camera. Set up the frame in a well-lit area with a clean background that is not too distracting - like a plain wall or your desk.

Shooting the visuals & recording the audio

Depending on the role you’re interviewing for, you can also set up your frame to support your story. For example, if you’re a photographer or filmmaker, you can shoot in a studio set up with lights and equipment in the background, and if you are a fashion designer or artist, you can showcase your work in the frame to make it more creative and interesting.

Once you’re done shooting the base layer of your video resume, it is time to start working on supporting footages or B-rolls . These can be images and videos that support your narrative, for example - when you talk about what college you graduated from you can show a video or photo of your college or of you at the graduation ceremony.

You must have enough B rolls to make your video resume visually engaging. We have written a complete guide that will help you master the art of shooting and editing B rolls. However, if you don’t want to spend time and shoot B rolls, we’ve got a superb hack for you that will let you use stock footage to make your video resume visually stunning. We’ll get to it in the next section.

D. Editing your video resume 

Now that you have your footage ready, it’s time to edit it.

We’ll be using InVideo to edit our video resume because it is super user-friendly, gets the work done quickly, and is free. In fact, if you have never created a video before, don’t worry, the editor is super intuitive and easy to use.

On InVideo, you can either start with a blank canvas (perfect if you know exactly how you want your video to look) or you can choose from our video resume templates and customize them to suit your style. Here’s a step-by-step guide to editing your video resume on InVideo:

Step 1: Sign up with InVideo for free

Log on to and sign up using your email ID. It is free and you don’t need to put in your credit card information.

Step 2: Choose a template or blank canvas

Once you have logged in on InVideo , you can either choose a blank canvas or search for a template using the search bar. For this example, we will be using a template. Simply type ‘video resume’ in the search bar and you will be directed to pre-made, fully customizable templates .

Edit video resume using InVideo - Step 2

Step 3: Upload your footage

Once you’re on the editor page, you can upload your video footage by clicking Upload Media on the left-hand side toolbar.

Edit video resume using InVideo - Step 3

Step 4: Add your videos to the timeline

Add the base layer of your video resume to the timeline. This is the footage of you speaking to the camera, or the footage that has your narration and dialogues recorded. You can simply drag your footage to the edit timeline in a sequence. Now start trimming out the sections that are not needed - like when you took a long pause or said the wrong word.

Step 5: Add B rolls to your video resume

Now that you have your base layer ready, it is time to add B rolls to make it more visually interesting. Start by adding B rolls where they fit - like if you have a video from college or your workplace, add it as a B roll to the base layer when you speak about it. The next thing you need to do is use B rolls to cover any remaining cuts to ensure that your video flows smoothly.

To add B rolls to your video , simply drag the video file you want to add above your base layer. This will prompt a pop-up that asks you if you want to add the file as a layer - click on Add as a layer and you can trim your B roll as per the length required before adding it on the base layer.

Edit video resume using InVideo - Step 5

Now for the hack - not everyone can shoot B rolls for their video resume but that doesn’t mean you can’t make your video unique and eye-catching. With InVideo you can choose from 8+ million premium stock videos and images for free. This will allow you to add B rolls to your video resume using stock footage without having to shoot it yourself.

You can follow the same steps to create your video resume but instead of uploading your B roll files, you can simply click on the media library and search for free stock footage. For example, if you want your B roll to support the narrative of you working as a beach cleaning volunteer, simply type the words ‘beach cleaning volunteer’ and you will get many stock videos to choose from.

Edit video resume using InVideo

You can try this with any other keywords and our media library will scout for the most relevant stock videos for you to add to your video resume.

Step 6: Final check before exporting

Once you’re done with adding B rolls to your video resume, preview the video by clicking on the play icon above the timeline. If you’re happy with what you see, click on Export and then Download your video resume once it is ready.

Edit video resume using InVideo - Step 6

Ready to make your own video resume? We’ve listed down 10 unique video resume examples to motivate you to create your own.

4. 10 amazing video resume examples to inspire you  

1. conversational video resume.

Mark Leruste ’ s creative video resume went viral in 2012 and it is no surprise why. The video is engaging, funny and uses quick cuts to effectively tell the story. Most importantly, the tone of the video is conversational and the visuals make it very interesting to watch. 

2. Scripted sketch video resume

This creative video resume by Alex is scripted in a way where she interviews herself, allowing her hiring managers to not only see her quirky personality but also assess her storytelling skills. She answers questions that are usually asked in the first interview meeting and uses her editing skills to visually represent her narrative.

3. Simple video resume

This extremely simple video resume by Arthur Coppens is a great example of how you can use video resumes to show your work and demonstrate your skillset. It has been shot in a simple setting with not a lot of snappy editing techniques but it does the job well.

Use this template to create your own video resume.

4. Experiential video resume

In her video resume, Shafira Attasha uses photos and videos to highlight her experiences and show her hiring managers what she has been doing. The video is filled with visual anecdotes of her internship, volunteering, and job experiences that bring out her versatile and creative personality.

5. Storytelling video resume

If you are a filmmaker, shooting an incredible video resume is a great way to showcase your skills. Being a filmmaker, Denny Kremblas has turned his video resume into a story of him and he narrates his experiences at the backdrop of stunning visuals. This is a great resume example to show how important it is to write a script for your video resume.

Here’s a video resume template for you to get started.

6. Motion graphics video resume

Kristiyan Despodov’s video resume shows off her strong editing skills even without her speaking in the video. The music plays an important role in this video resume because it leads the narrative and keeps the viewer hooked.

Use this template to create your own video resume for free.

7. Animated video resume

This animated video resume by Nick Gray is simple and creative. He speaks about his skills and experiences that make him a perfect fit for the job role and the interesting visuals keep you hooked to the video.

8. Self-pitch video resume

If you have a dream company that you have always wanted to work with, and you understand their culture - create a video resume specifically for them, as Erin Vondrak did. In her video resume, she talks about why she wants to work with valve and what makes her a good pick for the job.

9. Introduction video

This video curriculum vitae by Mattias Larsson is visually stunning and lets the hiring manager get a peek into the kind of work he can produce. His video resume does not list out his experience but is rather an introduction where he also talks about why he got into filmmaking.

10. Vlog-style video resume

Isa’s visually-driven video resume will have you hooked to her story from the very beginning. She not only introduces herself but also lists out her life and job experiences, her skill set, and what motivates her. This vlog-style video resume is engaging and gives you an insight into Isa’s life.

Use this template to create your own video resume. 

You know everything there is to know about creating a great video resume. We have also equipped you with tools and hacks to make your video resume visually stunning. So what are you waiting for? Start now.

You can start with the 5000+ templates available on InVideo’s online editor that allows you to create stunning videos in minutes, so sign up for a free account today. 

If you found this article helpful and you want to leverage videos for your business or brand, you should definitely check out this YouTube video ideas guide with more than 200 video ideas.

Want to be a part of a community of creators, just like yourself, and discuss video guides, strategies, and of course, inspire each other? Join the InVideo community – a place for you to connect and learn from 20,000+ other video creators like yourself.

1. What is a video resume?

A video resume is a short video created by a prospective employee to share with hiring managers. This not only helps them stand out from the crowd but also creates a lasting impression. A video resume is in no way an identical multimedia copy of your traditional resume, instead, it should be able to communicate why you should be hired. Check out Barney Stinson video resume from the popular TV series How I Met Your Mother .

2. Are video resumes a good idea?

Even though video resumes have been around for a while, many industries have not openly taken to it. You need to understand the culture of the industry you are applying to and then ask yourself if a video resume will help or hinder your chances. For example, a video resume will not fail in creative industries and even tech. However, industries like finance, hospitality, medicine, and teaching still operate traditionally. If you still feel like making one, you can create a short video resume to introduce yourself. Maybe your resume will be able to get you a video editors Job, who knows?

Let’s create superb videos

How to Make a Video Resume in 2024 [W/ Tips & Examples]

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If you've looked for creative ways to stay ahead of the competition when you’re applying for jobs, you’ve probably come across video resumes as an option. 

After all, a video resume is a creative way to show initiative and willingness to go the extra mile to land a job in a company that you love.

That said, unless you know a lot about video making and how the recruiting process works, you probably have a lot of questions regarding video resumes. 

For example, how long should a video resume be and what should it contain? Is a video resume more beneficial to some job applications than others? 

Or is it even worth making a video resume in the first place? 

In this article, we’ll try to answer all those questions (and then some). Read on to learn:

  • Types of Video Resumes
  • Benefits of Using a Video Resume
  • What Should Go in a Video Resume?

5 Tips to Make a Great Video Resume

  • 5 Inspiring Video Resume Examples

And much more! Let's dive in. 

What Is a Video Resume?

A video resume is a recording that highlights a person’s professional experience, skills, and qualifications. In a nutshell, a video resume is a creative way to showcase your abilities, emphasize your talents, and leave a great impression on recruiters.

Just like traditional resumes, video resumes are supposed to cover the following essentials:

  • Work experience
  • Skills and achievements

From a more strategic standpoint, though, the goal of any video resume is to answer one simple question:

“Why should the employer hire you?”

Well, contrary to what you may think, you don’t actually have to personally appear in the video for it to be successful.

Other than the conventional format (you speaking in front of a camera), video resumes can follow various styles, including: 

  • Whiteboard animation , a type of video that shows static images being drawn on the screen, typically accompanied by narration. You can even choose between these top 10 whiteboard animation software to easily create yours. 
  • Animation video , a type of video created with original designs, illustrations, drawings, or computer-generated effects that typically follow a particular style. 
  • Stop-motion video , a film-making process that makes inanimate objects “come to life” using a series of still photographs. 

If you’re a skilled video-maker, go for the style that best represents your experiences, skills , and interests. 

If, on the other hand, you’re not super experienced but still want to submit a video resume, then simply filming yourself is the way to go here.

When to Use a Video Resume

First things first. 

Before we get into explaining when to use a video resume and all the benefits that come with it, you should know that a video resume is NOT a substitute for the traditional resume , which you still need to apply for jobs in any field and industry. 

That said, video resumes can be a great supplement to your original resume, especially if:

  • The job application says that having a video resume is mandatory or optional. 
  • You’re applying for a very competitive position and want to stand out from the competition.
  • You’re applying for a position in a creative industry like design, advertising, film, fashion, etc.
  • You have video-making skills and want to add value to your application. 

If any of the above applies to you, a video resume can be really helpful, especially since it can reap the following benefits: 

  • It’s much more memorable. Considering that video resumes are not all that popular, submitting one is bound to make your application more memorable.  
  • Shows creativity. A well-made video resume can help you show off your creativity and originality, which is something that’s valued in all fields. 
  • Testifies to your technical skills. Creating a video resume from scratch takes some technical skills, which are usually welcomed by recruiters even if they’re not directly related to the position. 
  • Demonstrates communication skills. If you decide to record yourself as you address recruiters, you’ll be giving proof that your verbal communication skills are more than just a claim on your resume. 
  • Helps you stand out from the crowd. In a world where professional competition is growing (think, recruiters not spending more than 7 seconds skimming a resume to see if the candidate is relevant for the role), a video resume can help you stand out from other applicants. 

copywriter resume

A video resume is not a replacement for a conventional resume. Create a resume that shines in less than 5 minutes with the Novorésumé resume builder !

What Should Go In a Video Resume? 

A video resume may sound like an exciting idea at first, but creating one is hardly an easy task. 

On top of being visually and aesthetically appealing, a video resume should effectively introduce you as an applicant, highlight your experience and education, and motivate recruiters to choose you over other candidates. 

As such, here are three essential parts any video resume should contain: 

  • An introduction
  • Your experience
  • A call to action

#1. The Introduction 

Think of the introduction as the contact information or resume summary sections in the traditional resume. 

This is where you’re supposed to introduce yourself, offer some key information about your background, and, preferably, address the company to which you’re applying (e.g. “Hello company X, this is John Doe”). By doing so, you can effectively show your video resume was specifically tailored to the position, instead of using it to apply for several jobs. 

Here are some things you can mention in the introduction of your video resume: 

  • Your name and job title 
  • The position you’re applying for within the company
  • Your years of experience 
  • Where you’re from or where you’re based (especially if it’s not the same as the company location) 
  • Hello The Sun, I’m Joe Doe, a news reporter with more than 8 years of experience in journalism. I’m passionate about applying my skills in your newspaper, which I’ve been literally reading since I was 10 years old when I first decided I wanted to be a reporter. 

#2. Your Experience 

After introducing yourself, you want to back up your claim to the position with your professional experience and education history. 

Unlike in the traditional resume, where you typically offer a pretty detailed view of your work history, you can use your video resume to only highlight one or two of your most relevant work experiences. For example, if you’re applying for a job at a film production company, you can talk about your experience with making an independent movie and what you learned from it. 

At the same time, you can use this part of your video resume to describe other types of experience that might be valuable to your application, including life and college experiences. If you're applying to be a journalist, for example, describing your experience in making a school newspaper might be more beneficial than listing your journalism classes. 

Remember that your video resume is supplemental to your traditional resume, so the point here isn't to be as detailed as possible, but as memorable as possible. 

As such, aim for quality over quantity. 

  • I received my Master's Degree in Journalism from Boston University, where I was also the Editor of the university newspaper and received practical experience in reporting different social issues on campus. Since graduating, I’ve worked with many household names in journalism, including The Wallstreet Journal, USA Today, the Washington Post, and the Chicago Tribune. My passion is reporting on complex social issues, including taxation policies, the US healthcare system, poverty, unemployment, and racism.

#3. A call to action

In any movie, the ending scene is always the most memorable. 

Well, the same goes with the ending of your video resume, which should give recruiters a reason to remember you and call you back for an interview. 

As such, the best way to do that is to conclude with a call to action . 

For example, instead of concluding your video resume only with a picture of your phone number, email address, and LinkedIn, you could accompany it with a voice-over saying something like:

  • There's more to my experience than I can share in this short video, which I'd love to tell you about over an interview.

There are do-s and don't-s in video making that you should keep in mind during the process of creating your video resume - especially if you don't have any previous experience. 

Here are some important tips to follow for a great video resume:

  • Create a script. Your video resume should add value to your job application, which means you should think in advance about the things that you’ll say there. After all, a video resume isn’t an elevator pitch . Creating a script to follow in advance can help you visually communicate all the right things, instead of just swinging it. 
  • Tailor it to the position. Just like with the traditional resume, your video resume will be more effective if it’s tailored to the position you’re applying for. If your video resume is too generic, it’s unlikely to impress recruiters. 
  • Keep it brief. Recruiters are busy people who have to go through hundreds of resumes daily, which means they don’t have time to watch a biography of your life. As such, make sure your video resume doesn’t exceed 2 minutes . 
  • Be creative but professional. Simply putting a 2-minute video together won’t cut it. You need to think outside the box so that your video resume doesn’t just repeat the information you shared on your resume or cover letter . At the same time, you have to make sure your video resume is of professional quality and doesn’t look like something you put together 2 hours before submitting your job application. 
  • Show it to people. Feedback from people can help you spot mistakes that you missed, give you different perspectives on your video resume, and even offer you some original ideas to incorporate. So, don’t hesitate to share your video resume with your friends and family before sending it over to recruiters. 

What NOT To Do in a Video Resume

As for the don’t-s of video resumes, here are our top picks: 

  • Don't use slang. A video resume is not a place to use slang or jargon, as it might make you look unprofessional and careless. In the spirit of professionalism, keep your language as “official” as possible. 
  • Omit background noise. Background (or even music) is likely to distract recruiters from your video resume. To avoid that, make sure your video’s audio is clear and the background music - if you use one - is not too distracting. 
  • Don't recite the script. Although a script can be super helpful, simply reciting it might undermine your interpersonal skills - especially if you’re recording yourself. Instead of looking as if you’re simply saying something you learned by heart, practice the script in advance in front of a mirror to make sure you keep eye contact with the camera and establish a connection. 
  • Don't try to cover everything. The worst thing you could do is try to squeeze all your work experience or education history into a 2-minute video. You’ll end up talking too fast, and the information you’ll cover won’t be detailed enough for the hiring manager to care.

5 Amazing Video Resume Examples to Get Inspired

Enough with the theory - the best way to get started with your video resume is by seeing some examples to inspire your creativity. 

Below, you can 5 of the most impressive video resumes we’ve found on the internet:

Example #1. CPA Video Resume

A short and to-the-point video resume that combines the applicant speaking and the use of text to reinforce specific important elements of his video resume, such as his name, age, degree, and the position to which he’s applying. 

Example #2. Entrepreneur Video Resume

A very creative video resume that combines a number of video-making elements, sure to captivate any recruiter who lays eyes on it. Use this video resume as inspiration; even if you can’t produce the same end result, you can sure do something similar when it comes to the catchy script and the applicant’s natural behavior in front of the camera. 

Example #3. Travel Manager Video Resume

This awesome video resume combines voiceovers, animation, and the candidate’s own narration in front of the camera, making it nice to watch even though it exceeds the optimal 2-minute-length. Our suggestion? Keep the details of your personal life out of your resume video to save time and make it as relevant as possible for the recruiter. 

Example #4. Stop Motion Video Resume

This stop motion video resume might be tricky to create, but it’s sure to inspire your creative side and give you some awesome ideas on all the different directions video resumes can take. 

Example #5. Web Designer Video Resume

Yes, the music on this one is quite dramatic, but there’s no denying that the video itself is inspired. Not to mention, the candidate focuses on all the right things - a short introduction of himself, his skills, and his competencies - and concludes with a strong call to action that is very likely to have anyone watching the video want to contact him. 

Video Resume FAQ

If we haven't covered everything you need to know about video resumes, check out our answers to the most frequently asked questions on the topic below:

#1. What should I say in a video resume? 

Video resumes are all about originality, uniqueness, and creativity. As such, it’s important that you don’t simply use them to repeat what you’ve already written on your resume or cover letter. 

Use your video resume to:

  • Introduce yourself in a creative light
  • Reinforce your skills and achievements so that they’re more memorable to recruiters
  • Wrap up the video interview with a call to action, urging the recruiter to get in touch

#2. Is a video resume a good idea? 

A video resume can be an excellent addition to your job application and your traditional resume, especially if you're applying for a highly competitive position, a job in a creative industry, or if you're skilled in video creation. 

Just remember that a video resume cannot act as a substitute for the traditional resume and your cover letter.

#3. What is the difference between a video resume and a traditional resume?

Typically, the traditional resume is a 1-page document that lists everything a recruiter needs to know about you, including your contact information, professional experience (including responsibilities and achievements), education history, skills, and even optional resume sections like awards and certifications, memberships, and hobbies. 

The traditional resume is a mandatory part of every job application, whereas a video resume is a supplement to your traditional resume and it serves as a creative way to showcase your abilities, emphasize your talents, and make a great impression on recruiters. Oftentimes, adding a video resume to your application will show recruiters you really care about the position and that you put a lot of time and effort into the application.

Key Takeaways 

And that’s a wrap! You’re now ready to start creating your own video resume. 

Before you go, here are the most important things we covered in this article:

  • A video resume is a recording that highlights a person’s professional experience, skills, and qualifications.
  • Your video resume doesn’t necessarily have to feature you addressing the recruiters. On the contrary, there exist different styles of video resumes, including whiteboards, animations, and stop-motion videos.  
  • A video resume can come particularly handy when you’re applying for a very competitive position, you’re applying for a position in a creative industry, or you have awesome video-making skills and want to add value to your application.
  • Some of the benefits of adding a video resume to your application are that it attests to your creativity, communication skills, and tech skills, that it’s much more memorable, and that it helps you stand out from the crowd. 
  • When you’re making a video resume, make sure to write a script in advance, tailor the video resume to the position, keep it short and to the point, be creative but professional, and share it with people for feedback.

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Outstanding video resume examples to get you hired.

Woman in glasses and white blazer smiling during a meeting with a male colleague in a modern office setting.

  • 29 Jul 2019

For the majority of workers out there, a video resume (AKA a video CV) seems like a scary prospect. But when you’ve been job hunting for a while, you start to yearn for ways to stand out, a simple solution for bottling your x-factor and dousing your potential employer in it.

Enter:  video resumes .

But how do you make good video resume? And equally important, where do you find video resume examples to inspire and guide you?

Biteable is one of the most popular online tools for  creating video resumes  and we’ve seen some cracking video resume examples recently. We gathered them all here, along with our favorite tips for making your own.

After you’ve soaked up all that inspiration, get started with one of the ready-to-edit video resume templates we included.

Create videos that drive action

Activate your audience with impactful, on-brand videos. Create them simply and collaboratively with Biteable.

What makes a good video resume?

A video resume (or video CV for you Brits and Aussies) isn’t a verbatim list of your accomplishments and employment history turned into an awkward movie. Paper resumes still do a good job of summing up your quantifiable achievements.

A video resume should make an impression and show off your undefinable qualities. It should convey the strengths you can’t put on a paper resume, qualities such as warmth, clear communication, charisma, humor, and your off-the-cuff chatter.

Here are some of our favorite examples of excellent video resumes.

The internet’s best video resume examples

Before you jump into making your own video resume, check out some video resume examples (or video CV examples, for those of you who speak the Queen’s English), to get you inspired.

1. A novel format

how to make professional video resume

Alex creates a scenario in this video where she interviews herself all the while showing off her editing, storytelling and presentation skills, painting the story of a determined, aware and creative young person ready to work. If you’re trying to get into the video or creative industry, this approach can show off your creative thinking.

2. Precise (and concise)

how to make professional video resume

Sajita doesn’t mince words, she’s well rehearsed and speaks clearly with limited vague business jargon because she knows this isn’t open mic night at the Chuckle Shack. Get it right, get it tight. Get the key points you’d like to discuss down on paper and avoid awkward pauses.

3. Skills on display

how to make professional video resume

People are busy. Kristiyan Despodov gets to the point immediately with this punchy video resume that doesn’t even show his face. He gives you an introduction to his skills rather than the full suite of abilities and shows them in action. You want to intrigue the viewer, so only show the best bits.

4. Design prowess

how to make professional video resume

Are you an in-front-of-the-camera or a behind-the-scenes person? Josep Maria Arroyo managed to make a video resume without actually using any video. He works his magic in post-production, formatting photography of himself into a video resume that shows off his design chops, with clean layouts and a minimal color palette.

5. Multimedia all the way

how to make professional video resume

If there’s a way to include snippets of yourself actually working, do it! Laura Harris uses snippets of screen recordings to show her skills in-situ while also rattling off a list of development languages she’s familiar with. It’s a great way to emphasise your skills and will break the video up with different types of content.

6. Creative showcase

how to make professional video resume

Cristina Castro  took an even more creative approach to the video resume — she literally got crafty. It might sound cheesy but creative problem solving and self-expression will benefit you in almost all industries. And it’ll definitely benefit your resume.

Showing some creative flair in your video resume, even if it’s just a thoughtful intro screen (like the ones we make at  Biteable ), can add an element of polish to your video resume.

7. Crystal clear CTA

how to make professional video resume

In just one minute, Graeme Anthony tells you exactly who he is, what he’s good at, and what he’s trained to do. Then he links you off to his website to find more information which is something a lot of people forget – you have to give the viewer a path to find out more. Even though this video is only 60 seconds, it does the job, shows flair, and gives you somewhere to go.

Video resume templates

As promised, we’ve lined up some ready-to-edit video resume templates to help you in your quest for a job-search home run.

Perfectly polished

how to make professional video resume

You don’t have to be a video editor to create tasty visuals. Achieve polished results with a professional template. Edit this Biteable video resume template with your own content and bada bing, bada boom — you’re the proud owner of a beautiful video resume.

Visual prompts

how to make professional video resume

A good video never drags. Use visual prompts to accompany your points rather than monologuing to the camera. Complementary video footage (whether it’s stock imagery or video content you’ve shot yourself) can work together with text to convey more emotion and break up the dialogue of your video resume.

Not ready for a resume but #OpenToWork?

LinkedIn’s #OpenToWork feature helps connect job-seekers with recruiters by letting everyone know you’re…open to work. Stand out from the crowd with an #OpenToWork video that gets to the heart of who you are and what you offer in 30 seconds.

Show off your most hireable skills to a broader audience than your typical video resume, and watch as new connections make themselves.

Use a snappy, fun, and professional option like this one:

how to make professional video resume

Or a more traditionally corporate-style video like this one:

how to make professional video resume

Is a video resume right for me?

You might be left wondering if a video resume is the right move for you. Video resumes have been a ‘thing’ for years but some industries and employers still see them as wacky.

You need to decide if a video resume can help or hinder your chances by deep diving into the culture of the industry or company you’re trying to break into.

What are the cultural expectations? What is the average hiring manager like? Are they more traditional or do they embrace difference?

If you’re trying to get into the creative field, go for it. Don’t hesitate. Tech is also an area where a video resume would be a safe bet.

For more traditional industries (such as teaching, finance, and nursing) think about what angle your video resume could take that would give you an edge over the competition. It could be as simple as introducing yourself and saying hello or demonstrating your skills in-situ.

What are the benefits of a video resume?

Well. You’re watching the video resumes of these people but how often do you sit down to read people’s paper  resume ? Literally never.

Video resumes are a potent tool if done well. Companies talk big game about merit-based employment, but when you’re faced with a pile of resumes that list equal achievements, awards, and all brag about conversational French, who has the edge? The culture match does. The person who will get the job done and elevate the office culture.

We don’t often let our personalities shine on our resumes but remember: there’s a person, not a robot, on the other side of the Seek link.

As simple as it sounds, that person will connect with you more by seeing your face and hearing your voice than reading your two-page, Arial, size 12 font description of your career. There’s a lot of unspoken cues you can take from the way a person speaks, moves, dresses, and the words they use that can indicate if they’d be a good culture fit.

Make a video resume with Biteable

Now you’ve seen what the competition is doing, go out and break a leg! But not really. Unless you’re applying for a job at Leg Breaking Inc. in which case carry on. Try out  Biteable’s rejection-proof templates  to get you started.

Biteable makes it easy for anyone to create a video with customizable templates and done-for-you editing features. Add your own footage (or record new footage directly in the app), or choose from over 1.8 million stock clips, images, and unique animations.

With Biteable, you’ll make your first video faster than they can say “you’re hired”.

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Video Resume Guide: How to Make a Good Video Resume (Tips & Examples)

  • Noel Rojo , 
  • Updated January 11, 2024 7 min read

Want to stand out from the crowd and get more job interviews? Depending on your industry, learning how to make a good video resume might be the way. 

That’s because a video resume or video CV can allow you to highlight sought-after personality traits, such as charisma, humor, and confidence, which don’t often come across in a traditional resume. 

If you have such traits and want to learn how to make a video resume, then this article is perfect for you.

Start with an engaging video introduction, get inspired from video ideas and create a job landing video profile!

Table of Contents

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What is a video resume and when to use one

How to make a good video resume, what should i say in a video resume, great video resume examples, more video resume tips, best video resume websites, editors and apps, tiktok resume.

Video resumes are more akin to a cover letter than a resume and should really be called video cover letters.

They are mostly used by those in creative professions, as it's a perfect way to demonstrate talents that would otherwise be hidden on a traditional resume. If your field of work requires strong communication skills, then a video resume might be a great way to showcase them. However, it’s important that you read the room properly and that you’re sure that a video CV is actually appropriate for the occasion. 

As a video CV is normally kept short and it's an entirely different medium, there are a few video resume pros and cons, such as: 

  • Soft skills such as communication skills are put on display.
  • Hard skills such as video editing are also showcased.
  • Uniqueness can give you an edge against an equally qualified
  • Shows dedication
  • Not able to cram as much information
  • Can be informal
  • Can open you up to discrimination
  • Hides your grammar skills

Related: Recruiter Reveals: Video Resumes, Pros and Cons & How to Make One

Let’s get the big red elephant out of the room first — a badly done video resume will  kill your chances of getting hired. 

If you’re to create a half-baked video resume, then stop here and just submit a regular resume. It’s often the best option anyways. 

However, if you think your qualities will shine through in a video and are applying to an industry where a video CV can work, such as the entertainment, marketing, and design industries. Then let’s continue. 

Just follow these 6 steps when creating your video resume:

1. Test your equipment

A clear picture and excellent quality audio is a must if you want to create a professional looking video.

2. Create a script

The last thing you want to be asking yourself while filming your video CV is, “what should I say in a video resume?” . Plan before you begin recording, create a script, but use it more as a guide and avoid reading it word by word. 

As to what you should say in a video resume, it will depend on your industry. However, try to highlight personality traits which are otherwise hard to showcase on a traditional resume.

3. Dress appropriately

Although you want to show off your personality, try to keep your attire on the formal side. Treat it similar to a virtual job interview . No pajamas or stained/wrinkled clothing, etc. 

4. Don’t recite your resume

A video resume is its own kinda beast. If you have nothing extra to show on one, then just send in your resume and call it good. Simply reciting your resume verbatim is likely to be a detriment to you instead of a plus. 

5. Rewatch your video

It’s important that you don’t have any inconsistencies when submitting your video resume. Also, it’s easy to miss our own mistakes, if you can share it with a friend or family member. Even better, if you have a job mentor to share it with. 

6. Edit your video

You want to make sure you cut any distracting noises or empty moments from your video. Now, how long is a video CV? Try to keep it between 90 seconds in length.  There are many tutorials online that can help you make a professional-looking  video edit .

Now that you know the practicalities on how to make a video resume, it's time to move on to the most important question, “ What should I say in a video resume? ”. 

Apart from highlighting your personality traits, it’s important to have a clear message in mind when creating a video CV.

Knowing what you need to say is more akin to knowing what they need to hear. This is the key to creating a sound video resume script and an overall great video resume. 

You can do so by dividing your video into these 5 parts:

  • Self-introduction : Your name, the position you're applying for and experience level. Something as simple as, “Hello, my name is Matt and I'm a graphic designer with 7 years of experience in the travel industry" should be enough . 
  • Say why you're applying for the position: Tell them why you're interested in the role you're applying for and show your passion for the job. Make it specific, not generic.
  • Include key accomplishments: Give a quick summary of relevant accomplishments throughout your career. Keep it brief (1-2 achievements) and make sure to quantify your accomplishments .
  • Add recommendations (optional) . If you have good feedback from previous employers or clients, use a snippet as proof of the expertise and accomplishments you just mentioned.
  • Closing : Re-iterate why you're interested on the position and re-share your contact information. Try adding this information on the screen, as it can be easily removed when uploading it publicly". 

In the end, your script should look something along these lines: 

Video resume script example

Video resume script.

Hello, my name is  [your name]  and i’m a  [job title]  with  [X]  years of experience in the  [job industry] .

I’m applying for the  [job position]  role at  [company name]  because I believe my core values and skills align perfectly with what  [company name]  is searching for.

I’ve had a passion for  [your career field]  for as long as I can remember and have pursued this passion by volunteering at  [name of organizations] , getting a degree in  [career role] ,  [list certifications] , as well as many personal projects, such as  [list related personal projects] .

Also, apart from meeting the requirements for the position, I can also bring other skills that are sure to benefit  [company name]  bottom line.

For example,  [list of relevant quantified results and accomplishments throughout your career] .

Honestly, as you can see from the video I get excited from just talking about the possibilities of working for  [company name] . It has always been a dream of mine.

Thank you so much for your time, and am looking forward to hearing from you.

Of course, a script is not enough when we're talking about video resumes.

Here are 5 great examples that will fuel your inspiration:

1. Visual designer video resume example

2. Internship video resume example 

3.  Student video resume example 

4. Mass communication video resume example 

5.  Film maker video resume example

As you can see from these examples, some careers are a better fit for a video CV. However, regardless of your career, so long as you have qualities that shine through on a video, you should be good to go. 

One thing to note is that even if you decide to create a video CV, it's important that you always accompany a video resume with a traditional resume.  

Other video resume tips to keep in mind are:

  • Use a video resume maker : Seriously, unless you’re a designer, using a tool specifically made for video resume is the way to go. The last thing you want to do is show your potential employer your bad editing skills. 
  • Talk clearly and slowly : Yes, you'll have less to say because of this. You just have to make sure you only add the best bits of information. 
  • Understand company culture : This is important because the overall tone of your video should change depending on the company and career field. Hard to keep an overly enthusiastic tone when you're applying as a data analyst. It just wouldn't be genuine. 
  • Add background music : I mean, don't add anything with vocals as it will distract from your voice. But adding a mellow background can help eliminate unwanted background noise.

And lastly, prepare, prepare, prepare. Create that script! Can't emphasize this enough. 

Video not for you?

Get creative with a traditional resume.

There are a plethora of video CV applications on the web. Yet, not all are created equal.

Some are clunky to navigate, others overpriced and many of them are jacks of all trades that excel at nothing. 

And as you’re aware, you might only get one chance to impress an employer. Hence, it’s important that you have the right software for the job. 

Here are 9 of the best video resume apps that will ensure you ease of use so that you can concentrate on the actual message : 

  • Biteable 
  • Movavi Video Editor
  • VistaCreate

Also, apart from these video resume editors, remember that in a creative field, many things are valid. You can even use your social media accounts, such as Instagram, Snapchat, or TikTok to deliver a job landing video resume.

It’s always good to keep up with the times. Just a few months ago the new social media giant launched a pilot program designed for recruitment and job discovery called TikTok Resumes. 

TikTok teamed up with companies such as Chipotle, Target, Shopify and many others to invite job seekers to apply for entry-level to experience-level positions through its platform. 

What a great way to showcase your creative video resume.

Here are a few TikTok resume tips if you decide to go the TikTok route: 

  • Avoid sharing personal information
  • Create a video outline
  • Film vertically
  • Highlight key-points with text boxes
  • Add soft music

Oh, and don't forget to use #TikTokResumes in your caption when publishing it. 

FAQ: Popular questions about video resumes

Video resumes can be effective in distinguishing you from the rest. However, whether it makes an impact or not depends on the industry you work in. If you’re in the entertainment, marketing, or design industries, then it’s likely to be effective. Otherwise, it might not be as beneficial and might even be detrimental due to liabilities.

Video resumes are important because they allow employers to quickly glance at a potential employee’s personality, dedication, and other soft skills such as communication. It can also serve as a way to weed out fake applicants.

There are a few advantages you get when you create a video resume, such as having the ability to showcase your personality traits, your communication skills, as well as your ability to go above and beyond to get the job. However, it is important to keep in mind that a video CV does not replace a traditional resume and it’s more like an addition.

When creating a video CV it’s important to keep it relevant, specific, and to the point. Hence, a good video resume is rarely longer than 90 seconds.

Companies might ask for video resumes due to many factors such as wanting to know more about your personality and creativity.

Unless you’re applying as an impromptu comedian, the best way to sell yourself in a video resume is by preparing thoroughly. That means, creating a script, tailoring it to the job description, being brief, and showcasing traits that would otherwise remain hidden in a traditional resume.

First you need to be aware that a video resume is unlike a traditional resume and you should not attempt to recite your paper resume verbatim. Treat it more like a cover letter in which you summarise your best skills and qualities and reasons why you are the best fit for the role.

A documentary photographer and writer. Noel has worked for International publications like Deutsche Welle in Germany to News Deeply in New York. He also co-founded the global multimedia project Women Who Stay and collaborated as a journalist fellow with the University of Southern California. He went from traveling around the world to sitting on a couch thanks to the pandemic, but he got a nice job working for Kickresume thanks to that, so he won't complain.

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How to Make a Video Resume (Plus Top Examples)

Written by samantha ferguson.

Last updated on 22nd April 2024

In today’s competitive job market, it’s essential to stand out from the crowd when applying for a new role.

While traditional resumes are still widely used, video resumes are becoming an increasingly popular way to showcase your skills and personality to potential employers.

A well-made video resume can give you an edge over other candidates and help you land your dream job.

But how do you make a video resume?

What should you include, and how can you ensure that it’s professional and effective?

In this post, we’ll guide you through the process of creating a video resume step-by-step, and share some of the best video resume examples to inspire you.

Whether you’re a recent graduate, changing careers, or simply looking to refresh your job search, this guide will help you create a standout video resume that gets you noticed by employers.

So grab your camera and let’s get started!

What is a resume video?

But it’s more than just transforming your paper resume into a video format. It’s a way for you to showcase your personality, create a great first impression, and emphasise your talent and skills.

Just like a paper resume, you need to cover the essentials:

And, above all, make sure you answer one simple question: Why should the employer hire you?

If you’re a little uncomfortable in front of a camera, no problem! Not all video resumes need to show a candidate talking directly to a camera. Other styles include:

Whiteboard video


Choose a style that is going to best represent you and your skills.

Why create a video resume?

A video resume can help you stand out in a competitive job market. In a world where attention spans are shrinking , video is the perfect way to get your message across succinctly and effectively.

With studies finding that visuals are processed 60,000x faster than text, a video resume will get your message across straight away and could pique the interest of a recruiter who has been filtering through paper resumes all day.

In addition to that, a video resume is likely to leave a lasting impression. According to a Wyzowl infographic about the power of visual communication, people remember 10% of what they hear, 20% of what they read, and 80% of what they see and do . So, by watching your resume instead of reading it, recruiters are more likely to remember you when the time comes to hire a candidate.

Video resume: Pros and cons

How to make a video resume: 6 top tips.

Here are our top 6 tips for making a video resume.

  • Write a script
  • Make it relevant
  • Keep it short
  • Get creative
  • Make it professional
  • Collect feedback

Let’s drill into each of these in more detail!

1. Write a script

First things first: Do not wing it. To ensure your video includes everything that you need to cover, write a script out first . This will give you time to perfect what you want to say and phrase everything in the best way.

If you’re going to be on camera then it’s also best to memorise the script. You don’t want to be reading from it while filming as this could come across as unprofessional and detract from how you want to portray yourself to potential employers.

Check out this article for our expert guide to writing a script (based on creating 4,000+ videos for clients all around the world.)


2. Make it relevant

Just like a paper resume, your video resume should be specific to the role you are applying for. A generic video is unlikely to impress potential employers, but personalisation will show them how much the role means to you and will make for a more memorable application!

3. Keep it short

Recruiters are busy people. They have a lot of resumes to get through and they want to be able to do it as quickly as possible. If you send in a feature-length biopic about your life so far, it’s safe to say that they aren’t going to watch it in its entirety.

4. Get creative

Unfortunately, a video alone is not going to make you stand out. Tons of people are making video resumes now, so you need to make yours worth watching.

Think outside-the-box and get creative when it comes to filming your video. We’re going to take a look at 3 awesome video resumes a little further down so be sure to watch those to gain some inspiration!

5. Make it professional

This might seem like stating the obvious, but your video should be of a professional quality. Thankfully, most smartphones these days are capable of filming in HD. It’s fine to shoot it (or animate it) yourself, but make sure that the lighting, framing and editing are akin to that of a video made by a professional.

Also, make sure that your voice can be heard clearly – whether you’re speaking directly to the camera or recording a voiceover.

6. Collect feedback

Before sending your video resume out to employers, ask your family and friends to critique it. It’s always better to get feedback from others because they may spot a mistake that you missed, or they might even suggest a fantastic idea that didn’t occur to you.

3 awesome video resumes

Before creating your own video resume, it could help to gather some inspiration by looking at some awesome examples.

Denny Kremblas

This is a filmmaker’s resume so, as you’d expect, it’s beautiful and professionally-shot. Aside from that, it gives an insight into the candidate’s past to let potential employers know more about him and his journey.

The video ends strong with the candidate’s contact details and also links to his other videos – so potential employers can view more of his work before getting in touch.

Maria Rodriguez

This lovingly crafted animation would really stand out in an employer’s inbox. It’s bright, colourful and fun, and it covers all points succinctly. The candidate covers her education, past experience, special skills, and also some of her personal interests.

Pay close attention to the script when watching it. A great script, like this one, can really intrigue potential employers and make them want to find out more.

Mark Leruste

You may think that making a comedic resume video is a little bit risky, and perhaps it is. But, after trawling through applicant after applicant, a recruiter might really appreciate some light humour to break up their day. Plus, it’s one way to get them to remember you!

This candidate does a great job of mixing humour with the facts that every employer wants to know.

Thanks for reading

Video resumes are fast becoming the new norm, so it’s important to make one and start sending it out to potential employers – Good luck!

For more tips, tricks, and ideas on all things video, head to the Wyzowl blog .

Written by <a href="" target="_self">Samantha Ferguson</a>

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how to make professional video resume

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How to create a video resume to land your dream job


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What’s a video resume?

Should you create a video resume, how to make a video resume: 7 steps, video resume examples: scripts and videos, tools for creating video resumes, time to make your mark.

You're at a crossroads in your career. Seeking a new opportunity, you understand the need to stand out. And as optimized as it is, you feel like your traditional paper resume isn’t cutting it. 

Maybe it’s time to consider a new job search tool: the video resume. In an increasingly digital world, job seekers are turning to video resumes to gain employer attention. These dynamic resumes allow you to showcase your interview skills and personality in a unique and compelling way.

A video resume, aka a video CV, is a short video where you describe your professional knowledge, skills, and abilities. You might also outline any completed education and career achievements. While this content resembles a traditional resume, instead of words on paper, it’s you in front of the camera. 

In this digital age, video resumes are increasingly popular with recruiters and hiring managers . They’re a creative way to showcase your strong communication skills and make a good first impression .

A video resume offers your job application a personal touch. It's a great way to show potential employers your creativity and innovative thinking . And according to a 2021 study by the Canadian research institute Cirano, video resumes increased call-back rates by more than 10% .

Employers enjoyed gaining a more thorough understanding of who they’d be hiring, feeling more confident about whether or not applicants would fit in with the company culture .

That said, if you work in a more technical and formal industry, you might want to send the more traditional CV and digital resume. If not properly executed, a video resume can come across as unprofessional.

Creating a video resume isn't daunting when broken into manageable steps. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to create CV videos that showcase your professional experience and reveal your personality and communication skills.

1. Make a script

This isn't just about writing down your work experience. You're crafting an elevator pitch and must find a way to sell yourself quickly and effectively. Identify key points from your work history, in-demand skills , and achievements, and weave them into a compelling narrative filled with action verbs . Keep it concise and engaging. Remember, you're not writing a simple paper resume, you’re telling a story .

2. Prepare filming space

Your environment reflects your professionalism. Make it neat, free of distractions, and well-lit. Natural light is best, but if that’s unavailable, use a well-placed lamp or external light source. The space should also be quiet to ensure clear audio.


3. Set up recording media

Whether you're using a smartphone or a professional camera, the quality of your recording makes all the difference. Nobody wants to sit through a wobbly, blurry video. For any camera type, consider using a tripod for stability. And position the camera at eye level for a more direct human connection with potential employers.

4. Record, then record again

Here's where your script comes to life. When recording, look directly into the camera. This mimics in-person eye contact and symbolizes care and engagement. Speak clearly, ensuring your audio is crisp. And remember to be yourself and let your personality shine through. 

Public speaking is challenging, even for a self-recorded video, so don’t be afraid to make multiple recordings until you get the take you're happy with.

5. Add visuals

Consider adding visual elements, like graphics, animations, and cutaways, to make your resume more entertaining. But don’t add irrelevant, unprofessional content that distracts from the video’s main subject: your employee strengths . 

6. Edit the video

Use video editing software to piece together your video resume, trimming excess footage, fixing minor issues, and adding effects or background music to enhance the overall feel of the video. Remember, your edits should improve clarity and engagement, not distract or irritate the viewer.

7. Get feedback

Don't just rely on your own judgment. Get second and third opinions from friends, career coaches , and workplace mentors , implementing their constructive feedback . These recommendations could be the difference between a good video resume and a great one.


Tips to make your video resume stand out

Creating a video resume is one thing — making it truly unforgettable is another. On average, a job candidate will only get one interview for every six applications they complete , so creating a video that separates you from the rest is crucial.

Much like traditional resume dos and don’ts , you need to follow some best practices while also having fun with it. Here are some tips to help you create this balance:

  • Make it relevant: Each job and company is unique, so your video resume should be, too. Review the job description closely and tailor your video content to match the required skills and qualifications. This shows potential employers you've done your homework and perfectly fit their needs.
  • Keep it simple: Although a video resume offers a lot of creative freedom, it's essential not to overcrowd it with too much information or flashy effects. You want to tell a clear, concise story. Stick to key points and make sure that any graphics or animations you use support your narrative and don't distract from your message.
  • Be creative: A video resume is a chance to showcase your uniqueness. Showcase your personal style to make your video resume more engaging and reflect your creative thinking . This could mean using a unique filter, adding a bit of humor like an ice-breaker , or incorporating elements that represent your personal brand .
  • Be professional: Despite the more stylized format, a video resume is still a professional form of media. Dress as you would for an interview, maintain a respectful tone, and be mindful of your body language . This gives potential employers a preview of your professionalism in the workplace .
  • Strategically highlight skills: Instead of just telling prospective employers about your best skills , show them. If you're applying for a job that requires excellent presentation skills , deliver your script in a way that showcases that, maybe by speaking clearly and using engaging gestures. And if you're a graphic designer, integrate your designs into the video, perhaps by creating a beautiful background image or showcasing graphics you’ve designed on a white backdrop.


Venturing into the realm of video resumes is daunting, especially if you're unsure where to start. But gaining inspiration from successful examples makes exploring that uncharted territory much more manageable.

To aid your creation process, here are some video resume examples featuring creative approaches and effective scripting.

Jane Doe's video resume

Jane effectively showcases her communication and project management skills with various visual aids, including diagrams, charts, and snippets from previous projects.

In the video, Jane narrates her experiences, presenting scenarios where she resolved complex issues using conflict resolution and attention-to-detail skills . Her storytelling is so engaging that it brings life to her application.

Her transitions and background score emphasize her ability to harmonize diverse elements to create cohesion, which symbolizes an important team leadership trait. And she uses an intuitive color scheme, matching the tone and context of the narrative, to guide the viewer's attention to on-screen text that outlines key career achievements.

Her unique style of visually representing her experiences keeps the viewer captivated, while her well-articulated narration demonstrates her impeccable communication skills, making the video resume a compelling watch. This approach showcases Jane's qualifications, creativity, and her ability to present complex information in an easily digestible format.

John Doe's video resume script

“Hey hiring team, 

I’m John Doe, a highly-skilled communicator deeply interested in contributing to the success of your organization as a communication strategist. I know that the lifeblood of any role lies in delivering clear, succinct, and meaningful messages — a skill set I possess and have demonstrated throughout my career.

My most recent position was with X company, where I successfully used advanced communication strategies to bridge the gap between several diverse teams and departments, enhancing collaboration and productivity .

A particularly noteworthy accomplishment was when I led a cross-functional project, streamlining the logistics process, which resulted in an impressive 25% reduction in delivery time. This was achieved largely due to the comprehensive and effective communication channels I established and maintained among all parties involved.

Beyond communication, I've also developed a strong skill set in project management. During my time at Y corporation, I managed a complex project involving multiple stakeholders and delivered it on time and 15% under budget.

This experience honed my skills in strategic planning, resource allocation, and team management , all of which I’m eager to bring to your organization.

Armed with strong communication skills, a rich professional background, and proven project management abilities, I’m confident I’d be a valuable asset.

Best regards!”


If you’ve decided to create a video resume for your next application, here are some of the best resume builders to help you out:

  • Animaker is perfect for beginners and those wanting to create a video resume quickly. It offers a simple drag-and-drop interface and a vast library of graphics and animations. You can also add voiceovers, adjust timing, and export your video in various formats.
  • Biteable stands out with its diverse range of video resume templates you can customize to fit your style. The platform also provides an extensive collection of stock footage, animations, and soundtracks. And its user-friendly editor lets you adjust colors, text, and music, making it easy to produce a polished, professional video resume.
  • is a robust editing platform that provides a wider range of editing options. In addition to the standard trimming and cutting features, it also includes color grading, audio mixing, and advanced effects. And you can import your footage or use their extensive library of resources.
  • InVideo is an easy-to-use platform with a wide array of resume templates. It also comes with a library of images, videos, and music to enhance your video resume even if you don't have your own visuals. With its intuitive interface, you can effortlessly add text overlays, transition effects, and even automated voiceovers.
  • FlexClip is known for its simplicity and user-friendly features. It offers an assortment of templates and a rich media library. And you can quickly trim or split your footage, add text, music, or voiceovers, and apply transitions or animations. Plus, you can download the finished video in various resolutions according to your needs.

Remember: a good video resume isn’t about glitz and glamor. It’s about expressing your true self in a professional way. This is your opportunity to showcase your experience, skills, and unique personality. 

Embrace this creative process, knowing each step reflects your personal brand and professional journey. Take the time to plan, record, and edit your video, and you'll have a tool that sets you apart.

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Elizabeth Perry, ACC

Elizabeth Perry is a Coach Community Manager at BetterUp. She uses strategic engagement strategies to cultivate a learning community across a global network of Coaches through in-person and virtual experiences, technology-enabled platforms, and strategic coaching industry partnerships. With over 3 years of coaching experience and a certification in transformative leadership and life coaching from Sofia University, Elizabeth leverages transpersonal psychology expertise to help coaches and clients gain awareness of their behavioral and thought patterns, discover their purpose and passions, and elevate their potential. She is a lifelong student of psychology, personal growth, and human potential as well as an ICF-certified ACC transpersonal life and leadership Coach.

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how to make professional video resume

How to Make a Professional Video Resume That Stands Out

how to make professional video resume

Getting a job is tough. The entire process of updating your resume and applying for jobs can be tiring! 

But you can stay ahead of other candidates by creating a video resume. 

Video resumes are becoming increasingly popular as job seekers seek new and innovative ways to stand out. 

Thanks to online video makers, creating a video resume is easier than ever before. 

In this blog post, we will explore what a video resume is, whether you should make one, what should be included in it, and so much more.

What is a video resume?

how to make professional video resume

A video resume is a short video that showcases your skills, qualification, experience, and personality to potential employers. 

It's like a traditional resume but in video form. Video resumes can be used in addition to conventional resumes or instead of them.

You can use a video resume and Cover Letter, and you have a winning combo. 

It's one of the best ways to stand out and catch the eye of your potential employers. 

Should you make a video resume?

The answer to this question depends on the industry you're in. 

If you want to work in a creative field, such as advertising or media, a video resume can help showcase your creativity and personality.

However, a traditional resume may be more appropriate if you're in a more conservative field, such as finance or law.

But, if you want to, you can still create a video resume even if you are in a conservative field. 

If you want to showcase your achievements and talents in an inventive and new way, the hiring managers may get impressed.

If you decide to make a video resume, ensure it's professional and showcases your skills and accomplishments clearly and concisely. 

What should be in a video resume?

A. introduction.

how to make professional video resume

The introduction is the most crucial part of your video resume. It should grab the viewer's attention and introduce yourself and why you're interested in the work.

Use this time to show your personality and communicate your passion for the field you are working in. 

If you want to make just one video resume for all jobs, you better talk about yourself and your role rather than a specific job/company. 

That way, you can use the video resume when applying to various job postings. 

Here are the things you should mention in an introduction -

  • Your job role
  • Why you became an (X)
  • Your passion for the field 

B. Experience

A good video resume will include your experience. You can add your job titles and period with each company. 

If your work requires samples, you can highlight them as well. 

In the experience section, you can highlight the following:

  • Your relevant work experience, 
  • Samples if required
  • Any other qualifications or certificates that make you a good fit for the job

Use examples to show how your skills and experience make you the best candidate.

C. Call-to-action

End your video with a call-to-action, asking the employer to contact you for an interview. 

You can mention your LinkedIn profile, email id, or social media handle to contact you. 

Make it clear that you're excited about the position and eager to discuss your qualifications further.

Do's and don'ts to consider creating your own video resume:

Creating a video resume is an innovative way to stand out to potential employers and showcase your skills and personality. 

However, Dos and Don'ts should be considered when creating your video profile. 

Recommended Practices

Maintain constant eye contact with your audience

Maintaining direct eye contact with your audience helps establish a connection with them, conveying confidence and sincerity. 

Besides, keeping eye contact portrays professionalism and attentiveness. It will help how the recruiters will perceive you. Eye contact oozes confidence and can impress your audience. 

Let your unique personality shine through

Your video resume should depict your personality, showcasing who you are beyond the resume. 

Being authentic, enthusiastic, and engaging is essential to portraying your true self on the screen. 

The better you showcase your personality, the more you can win over your audience. 

Many people will be as qualified as you, but you can stand out by depicting your personality in the video resume. 

Ensure your attire is suitable for the video

Presenting a professional image to your potential employers is essential, and the attire you choose plays a significant role. 

Dress appropriately for the job industry you are applying for, and choose colors that complement your skin tone. 

Make sure the colors don't wash you out and the background. 

Record under adequate lighting conditions

Lighting is crucial for a successful video resume. Try to avoid shadows or dark corners. 

Use natural daylight or a decent lighting kit to obtain a clear and well-lit video.

Keep your content concise and straightforward

Remember, your video should supplement your existing resume, not replace it. 

The aim is to keep it concise, straightforward, and relevant. 

Your video should last between 60 and 120 seconds, showcasing your skills and personality. 

Do not stretch it out longer than needed. 

Practices to Avoid

Avoid incorporating slang or industry-specific jargon

Using industry-specific jargon can hinder your audience's understanding of your video and potentially damage your chances of securing a job. 

Try using straightforward language with an emphatic tone. 

Avoid using informal slang and simple and concise language to convey your message. 

Keep the background noise to a minimum

Avoid recording your video resume in a noisy environment, and keep any background noise to a minimum. 

Noise can disrupt your audience's attention, causing them to miss critical points. 

You can use a noise-canceling microphone when recording your video. Or you can work on the audio disturbances during the editing process.

Don't merely memorize and recite your script

While preparing a script and practicing before recording is essential, reciting your script from memory makes your video come across as too rehearsed and insincere. 

Instead, have a general idea of what you want to say and let your personality guide the conversation. 

For a great video, resume, write a script, and remember the sequence in which you would like to talk. 

It will help your video look more natural. 

Don't stress about covering every single detail

Remember, your video resume is designed to supplement your existing resume and not vice versa. 

Thus, it's essential to focus on your strengths and make any necessary connections to the job you are applying for without getting lost in the details. 

Mention the crucial things like your name, education, experience, and skills rather than going into details. 

When to use a video resume

how to make professional video resume

The media industry values creativity and storytelling. A video resume can allow job seekers to showcase their creativity, communication skills, and video editing skills. 

You can make an animated video resume or shoot a well-edited video resume. It allows employers to see the potential candidates' personalities and brands.

Fashion industry recruiters are looking for highly creative individuals with exceptional styles. 

A video resume can help fashion job seekers showcase their style and creativity, fashion knowledge, and ability to market their designs. 

Whether you are a model or a videographer in the industry, a video resume will be far better than a traditional resume. 

It can showcase your skills and experience better. 

A video resume can help marketing job-seekers highlight their communication skills, creativity, and ability to sell a product or service. 

A video resume can highlight past marketing projects and their results better than a traditional resume.

how to make professional video resume

The tech industry is evolving rapidly, and companies always look for highly skilled individuals with excellent communication and problem-solving skills. 

An impressive video resume can help a tech job seeker showcase their skills and projects while demonstrating their personality. 

Moreover, you can add a splash of creativity while making a video resume to make you stand out. 

A video resume can be beneficial for design job seekers. It lets them showcase their essential creative skills and best design projects. 

Additionally, the video can show their design process and share insights into their work. The video resume itself will be an endorsement of their work. The best way to show off their skills!

How to make a creative video resume

1. refine your message.

Before you start filming, take the time to refine your message. 

Decide your goals for the video and what you want to communicate to your potential employer. 

List all the points you want to make to take advantage of everything. 

Ensure your message is clear and concise and reflects who you are as a person and potential employee.

The goal of your video should be defined before you even start filming it.

Understand what you want to communicate to your potential employers and tailor it to your target company.

2. Decide on a format

You can use many formats for a traditional resume, like chronological, functional, and combination. 

Similarly, your video resume can also be in a different format. You can decide on one that works best for you. 

You can create a traditional video resume with you talking directly to the camera or use animation, graphics, or even experimental formats to grab attention.

3. Keep your video structured

Create a structure or an outline of your video so it has a smooth delivery. 

Start with an introduction introducing you, your skills, and qualifications, then move on to your work experience and education, and finish with a solid Call To Action that leaves a lasting impression. 

Creating a haphazard video resume without any structure will not impress recruiters, so plan your video ahead of time. 

4. Write your video resume script

While it's important to be authentic and natural, preparing a script beforehand can help you stay on track and deliver your message. 

It will provide a structure to your video. 

Rehearse your script several times to sound confident and comfortable in front of the camera. 

If you are making an animated video resume, make sure to storyboard and describe the scenes. 

Follow a format like - introduction, education, experience, skills, added certifications, and CTA. Try to write your video resume script in this order. 

5. Get the right equipment

Invest in the right equipment, like a camera , microphone, and lighting. These are essential to create a video. 

You can always use your iPhone to shoot videos if you don't own a camera. 

You don't need to spend a lot of money on expensive equipment, but you do need to ensure that you're using a good-quality camera and audio device. 

Lighting is also vital to ensure the quality of your video. 

Try to shoot in natural lighting; if that doesn't work, you can get a ring light. 

7. Shoot your video resume

Find a quiet, distraction-free area to film your video resume. 

Ensure you're well-lit, and use a stable tripod to eliminate camera shakes.

Remember that your video's tone should be professional, but remember to showcase your personality and enthusiasm.

Use a professional-quality camera and a mic to improve the quality of your video. 

Seven Remarkable Examples of Video Resumes

Captivating opening in a video resume.

This video resume by Mattias Larsson is a fantastic resume with a stunning introduction. 

The camera spans the landscape and shows the creative skills of Mattias Larsson. 

Even though he doesn't speak about his experience, the video speaks volumes about his talent. 

The breathtaking introduction steals the show and can impress any prospective clients.  

Video Resume with Impactful Visual Elements

This video resume created by Erin for Valve is a humourous take on the interview process. 

It is an animated attempt by Erin to request Valve for a great job. 

It was her dream company, and making this visually appealing and fun resume video got her an interview. 

Video Resume Displaying a Variety of Footage

This video, by Motion Graphic Designer Kristiyan, is a kaleidoscopic delight of one scene after another. 

He has created an impressive video resume portraying his skills and experience without bragging about it.  Hint: A video joiner will be helpful if you want to create something like this.

Video Resume Exhibiting Expressive Content

This video resume is the best we have on the list. It is by Denny Krembkas. 

One of the reasons it stands out is that Danny is a filmmaker, and he knows how to tell a story. 

It shows creativity, and he speaks about previous experience as well. 

A Direct and Clear Pitch in a Resume Video

This video resume by Arthur Coppens is the most simple and direct resume you will find. 

He maintains his calm and does not go into unnecessary details. 

But he mentions his education and professional experience. 

Advice for Crafting an Outstanding Video Resume

Maintain brevity.

We've all heard the saying "less is more," which holds true when creating a video resume. 

Ensure that your video is short and sweet. Keep it under two minutes, highlighting your skills, experiences, and achievements. 

Refrain from trying to go into details and mention everything about your career; adding every piece of information will be impossible. 

Just highlight the much-needed ones that will get you a job.

Ensure Appropriateness

Make sure that you dress appropriately for the video. Keep it professional, and avoid wearing anything too flashy or distracting. 

Even the tone of your video should be taken to notice. Do not go overboard by using slang; try to be fun without being unprofessional. 

Infuse Creativity

One surefire way to grab the attention of any potential employer is by infusing your creativity into your video resume. 

This will showcase your personality and demonstrate your willingness to go the extra mile. 

Try to make your video stand out by doing something new and unique, as Erin did with Valve. 

Showcase Your Unique Personality

Employers want to work with people they get along with and can see themselves getting along with, and the video resume is a great platform to showcase your personality. 

Be yourself, let your personality shine through in the video, and showcase your interests and hobbies to build a connection with the employer. 

Exude Positivity and Confidence

Positivity and confidence go a long way in creating a lasting impression on potential employers. 

Speak clearly, confidently, and assertively to build rapport. Practice your script before hitting the record button; make sure you speak without any pauses. 

Have it Reviewed by a Third Party

Lastly, have someone review your video resume and give honest feedback on areas that need improvement. 

This will ensure that you present yourself in the best possible light and that your video leaves an outstanding impression! 

If they provide any feedback, try to improve your video accordingly rather than getting disheartened. 

FAQs: video resume

What should a video resume include.

A video resume should include:

  • An introduction(your name and profession).
  • Your education and experience.
  • Your skillset.
  • A CTA(Call to action). 

Is a video resume a good idea?

Yes, a video resume is an excellent idea, especially for people in creative fields like graphic design, film-making, etc. 

How much does a video resume cost?

A video resume can be made simple by hitting record on your camera or phone. But if you want to create an animated video or hire a professional videographer, it can cost anywhere from $200-$1000. 

What do you say in a video resume?

You can begin your video resume by saying your name, profession, education, and experience and then end with contact. 

Do we really need a video resume?

A video resume is unnecessary for a few professionals like traders or writers. But a video resume is an excellent addition to the profile. 

How do you introduce yourself in a video resume?

You can introduce yourself in a video resume by saying your name and profession. 

How do I make a video resume online?

You can make a video resume online using tools like OFFEO, VEED, Animaker, etc.

How do you start a video resume script?

You can start a video resume script by sorting out what you want to highlight in the resume, like - your name, what you do, who you have worked for, why you should be hired, etc.

Conclusion: video resume

Creating a creative video resume takes time, effort, and practice. 

But if you're willing to put in the effort, a video resume can be a fantastic way to showcase your skills, personality, and creativity. 

Moreover, it makes you stand out in today's job market. 

Remember to keep your message clear and concise while showcasing your unique qualities. 

However, remember that it's not just about the content; it's also about how you present yourself. 

We hope this article inspired you to create a stunning video resume. 

how to make professional video resume

Create Stunning Videos Easily

Offeo video templates.

how to make professional video resume

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how to make professional video resume

How to Make a Video Resume or Video CV (Guide + Examples)

Summary: This article covers a comprehensive guide on how to make a video resume, including what is it, why need to make it, how to make it and tips for making good video CVs.

how to make a video resume

Feeling lost among all the paper resumes in today's tough job market? Since people often see us first through their devices, it's important to show off what makes you special. A video resume lets you share your personality, abilities, and creative side in a memorable way.

Our easy-to-follow guide will teach you how to create an amazing video resume that not only lists your skills but also gives a real sense of who you are at work. We'll cover everything from planning, scripting to filming and editing. Get set to learn the secrets of making a video resume that can help land your dream job.

Table of Content

  • What Is a Video Resume? ï»ż
  • Benefits of Using a Video Resume ï»ż
  • How to Make a Video Resume? ï»ż
  • Tips for Making a Video Resume ï»ż
  • Don't Do in a Video Resume ï»ż
  • Video Resume Examples ï»ż
  • Final Thoughts ï»ż

What Is a Video Resume?

A video resume is a creative way for job applicants to present themselves to potential employers using a video format. It goes beyond the traditional written resume by allowing you to personally introduce yourself, demonstrate your communication skills, and share your professional story with more personality and flair.

In a video resume, you typically discuss your background, skills, experiences, and why you're a good fit for the job, all while giving the viewer a sense of your character and work style. This visual approach helps you stand out from other candidates and leaves a more lasting impression in today's digital job application market.

Benefits of Using a Video Resume

Using a video resume can offer several benefits to job seekers, including:

  • Stand Out : In a sea of written video CVs, a video resume can make you stand out, demonstrating your creativity and willingness to go the extra mile.
  • Showcase Your Personality : It allows your personality, enthusiasm, and communication skills to shine through, giving recruiters a better sense of who you are and how you might fit within their company culture.
  • Enhance Engagement : Videos are more engaging than text, potentially keeping the reviewer's attention longer and leaving a lasting impression.
  • Demonstrate Your Skills : For roles requiring public speaking, teaching, presenting, or on-camera work, a video resume enables you to demonstrate these skills directly.
  • Efficient and Convenient : A well-crafted video resume can convey a lot of information in a concise manner, potentially reducing the need for multiple rounds of interviews.

How to Make a Video Resume?

1. write a script.

First of all, make a plan for your resume video. Consider whether to speak in front of the camera or incorporate action shots of your demonstrating skills. If you intend to add actions, write down every step within your video to understand well its time order.

In addition, try to list what you'd like to say. If you want to sound more conversational rather than rehearsed, consider focusing on your specific skills, experience, and qualifications. If you prefer to sound rehearsed and be more professional, write out exactly what you want to say.

What to include in a video resume?

  • Introduction : Begin with a strong opening, stating your name, the position you're applying for, and a brief overview of your background.
  • Body : Highlight your key achievements, skills relevant to the job, and any unique qualities that set you apart. Use anecdotes and specific examples.
  • Conclusion : Express your enthusiasm for the role and the company. End with a clear call-to-action, inviting them to contact you.

2. Preparations Before the Recording

  • Background : Choose a clean, uncluttered, and neutral backdrop.
  • Lighting : Position yourself facing a natural light source or use soft artificial lights to avoid shadows and enhance clarity.
  • Camera : Use a smartphone with a stable camera or a webcam. Ensure the device can record in high definition.
  • Audio : Use a microphone or the device’s built-in mic, ensuring there's minimal background noise.

Use script and outline to record every video clip. Record several footage using different expressions and vocal tones, ensuring you appear comfortable, engaged, and polished. If you're keeping still in the speech, consider dividing the speech into several short clips. In this way, you can easily start or try new content. And it can help you effortlessly choose the best part, and simplify your editing process.

If you're recording actions, you can record a long footage of repeated actions, instead of stopping to reshot. Whatever, rehearse your script several times to sound natural and confident. Adjust the script if necessary for better flow.

Recording Tips

  • Eye Contact : Look directly into the camera to simulate eye contact.
  • Pace and Tone : Speak clearly and at a moderate pace, with appropriate pauses for emphasis.
  • Variety : Record multiple takes with slight variations to choose the best later.
  • Trimming : Trim videos ï»ż to remove any mistakes, ums, and ahs, aiming for a video length of 1-2 minutes.
  • Polish : Add transitions, adjust lighting and color, and ensure audio quality.
  • Incorporate Visuals : Integrate your work samples, charts, and testimonials into the narrative.
  • Background Music : Consider subtle background music that doesn't overpower your voice.

How to Edit Video CV Easily and Quickly?

Edit videos online easily with Fotor video editor

Create a professional video by dragging and dropping images, videos, stickers, audio, text, etc. Making YouTube videos, Instagram Reels, and TikToks has never been easier. No expertise needed.

It seems that making a video resume requires a number of fussy steps. But here in Fotor, you can make everything easy and high efficient. Fotor's online video editor ï»ż supports you to import your footage, and customize it with fancy fonts, text overlays, playful stickers, aesthetic filters, stunning animations and effects, etc.

In addition, you can also split your video into multiple parts and trim those unnecessary to highlight the best part. Merge your video clips with an engaging intro or outro. As to the captions, our AI subtitle generator can automatically detect and generate captions for your video, simplifying your later-stage editing work. Fotor provides one-stop solution for your video editing job.

Now let's see how to edit a video resume on Fotor:

edit a video resume with fotor online video editor

1. Upload all of your video files to our video editor. Also, you can upload images, as it supports various image file formats.

2. Edit your video on the timeline, and crop, trim, and rotate it like a pro. Add your video with text, stickers, effects, filters and transitions from our stock media to enhance your video.

3. Select music from our audio library or upload your own tracks to enrich your video.

4. Review your resume video, and click the "Export" button to store your video in the cloud. And download the video to your device.

5. Review and Finalize

  • Show your video to someone you trust for constructive criticism.
  • Make adjustments based on feedback.
  • Ensure your video is professional, error-free, and engaging.

Tips for Making a Video Resume

1. spotlight a specific skill or expertise.

Emphasize one or two core skills that are highly relevant to the job you're applying for. Instead of just mentioning these skills in your script, find creative ways to visually demonstrate them. For example, if you're applying for a graphic design position, briefly showcase your design process by sketching out an idea or presenting a time-lapse of you working on a project.

2. Demonstrate Something Not in Your Resume

Use your video resume to provide insights into your character, work ethic, or additional talents that may not be included in a written resume. If you're known for your public speaking skills, include a snippet of you addressing an audience. This personal touch help enrich your professional profile and differentiate you from other candidates.

3. Dress Appropriately

Dress clothes that fits the job and company vibe. For corporate roles, choose a business suit or professional attire that matches the company culture. In more creative fields, a smart casual look might be more appropriate. Well-neated appearance and clothing that fits well can leave a positive first impression.

4. Follow the Employer's Instructions

If the job posting specifically provides guidelines for creating a video resume, adhere strictly to those instructions. Some companies may specify the maximum length, format, or content they expect. Tailor your video to their requirements. As it demonstrates your adaptability and respect for their process.

5. Keep It Concise

Aim for a video length of 60 to 120 seconds max. Condense your message to highlight only the most impactful points. Focus on your uniqueness, recent achievements, and why you're the ideal candidate for the position. Remember, the goal is to arouse their interest enough to invite you for an interview, not to tell your entire career story.

Don'ts of Making a Video Resume

1. Avoid Slang : Using slang or informal language can make your video resume seem unprofessional. Stick to clear, concise language that demonstrates your communication skills and shows respect for the viewer.

2. Minimize Background Noise : Ensure your recording environment is quiet. Loud background sounds can distract from your message. Find a peaceful setting or use noise removal features if available to keep the focus on what you're saying.

3. Don't Rely on a Script Word-for-Word : While preparing talking points is smart, sounding overly rehearsed or reading from a script can come across as insincere. Practice your key messages but allow for natural pauses and variations in tone to maintain authenticity.

4. Don't Attempt to Cover Every Detail : Your video resume should be a snapshot, not an exhaustive autobiography. Highlight your most relevant achievements, skills, and experiences. Encourage viewers to review your traditional resume or reach out for more information, keeping them interested without overwhelming them with details.

Video Resume Examples

However, your knowledge about how to make a video resume might still lay on the theory aspect. You can check the following video resume examples from diverse industries to get inspired.

1. CPA Video Resume

This is a video resume from a graduate majored in CPA. During this one-minute video, he makes a brief introduction, including his name, age, degree, and the position he's applying for. This can help employers know about his basic information, and lead them to contact him for further interviewing.

2. Financial Management Video Resume

This is a short video resume with a duration of 2 minutes. In this video, the applicant lists her interests and hobbies, working skills, and personality. We can see that she is a positive and energetic young girl, and she is eager to learn fresh new things. In the end, she makes a clear call-to-action by sharing her email and phone numbers.

3. Entrepreneur Video Resume

Making a comedy video resume sounds like you're taking adventures, maybe it is indeed. But, after scrolling through the job seekers in sequence, a recruiter may really like some light humor to break up their day. And this is another way to let them remember you.

4. Mass Communication Video Resume

This is a video resume from a student whose major is in mass communication. He divides this video into several parts. At the beginning, he lists his academic background and experience, along with video clips to showcase his work, like making music video, public service short film, and television commercials.

Then he talks about his personal hobbies, we can know that he's fond of making and editing video, and he is a content creator aiming for creating viral content on social media. This video resume can help employers know his creativity and ability clearly.

5. Civil Engineer Video Resume

This video CV is quite creative. At the very beginning, the job seeker uses a transition to start introducing his background and experience. He selects the outdoor as backdrop, which fresh the eyes of employers. Every scene transition is seamlessly align with his speech content, infusing personal and humorous flair into his video.

Final Thoughts

You know everything about how to make a video resume. So what are you waiting for yet? Start making your own with these steps, tips, and examples. But keep in mind that, although there are many resources you can use for a great video CV, keep it personal and professional by adding your self-introduction, academic achievements, working experiences, etc. Hope you can successfully get the offer to your desired company.

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Create a winning video resume online

Land your dream job as a

Introduce yourself and present your best qualities with a modern video resume.

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Renderforest video resume maker allows you to craft professional animated resumes that will demonstrate your experience and qualifications. From designed templates to a large selection of sounds, color options, and stylish transitions, you have all the tools you need to make an outstanding video resume.

Trending video resume templates

Video Resume

Video Resume

Modern Graphic Design Portfolio

Modern Graphic Design Portfolio

Model Portfolio

Model Portfolio

Successful Video Resume

Successful Video Resume

Creative Video Resume

Creative Video Resume

Animated Video CV

Animated Video CV

Creative Video CV

Creative Video CV

Minimal Video Resume

Minimal Video Resume

Graphic Designer Video Portfolio

Graphic Designer Video Portfolio

How to make a video resume, pick a video resume template.

Go through the ever-growing catalog of our specialized video resume templates ranging from designer CVs to marketing specialist resumes, and pick the one best matching your professional needs. Manually add scenes showcasing your education and experience, or streamline the creation by selecting ready-made presets and adding your own information.

step image

Personalize the template

Customize the template by swapping colors, fonts, styles, and music to get a video CV that will highlight your achievements to the fullest. Add your media, adjust the video duration, and have your unique video resume ready in a matter of clicks.

Export and share your video resume

Go to the “Preview” to watch the final version of your video resume before exporting it. If you are happy with your video, export it in your preferred quality. Share your project on different social media platforms, or download it to your device.

step image

Why do you need a video resume?

Stand out and impress the recruiters

In contrast with traditional CVs, animated resumes are not skimmable, and the recruiters need to watch them fully to understand your profile. This will focus the attention of the recruiters on you, and give you a leg-up on the competition.

Visualize your background and qualifications

With a video resume, you can visualize and showcase your talents, skills, and experience. This can come in especially handy if you are applying for a creative position — you can incorporate some of your best works right into your resume.

Let your personality shine

While traditional resumes may sometimes limit the opportunities for creative self-expression, a video resume allows you to show the real you. Whether you choose to be casual or formal, a video resume is a powerful way to give a feel of your personality.

What our customers say about us

Renderforest is an essential creative tool. It allows me to bring my ideas to life in a quick and convenient format. There are endless high-quality video templates to choose from in various categories, each with a unique look and feel.

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Renderforest is a cost-effective solution to create customized professional-grade videos in a fraction of time. Using it has cut my production time and increased production quality compared to other video solutions we have tried.

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Easy to use and great quality of pre-made animations. The best I've found in the market and very good customer service. Another major point to note is their student discount and how they strive to look after us!

Civil Engineering Student

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Can I import my videos and images to a video resume created with Renderforest?

Yes, our resume creator allows you to add your media to videos. For this, select scenes with image and video holders, and upload your files. You can even add your own voiceover and adjust it with each scene. The allowed file size for each file is 30 MB for free users, and 500 MB for subscribers. For the voiceover, the maximum allowed file size is 50 MB.

What is the recommended resolution for my media?

For the best look of your video CV, we recommend using 1920*1080 JPG images and 1920*1080 MP4 videos. If you plan to add a logo to your resume, our advice would be to go with 1000x1000 transparent PNG files. In case you need to crop or resize your visuals, you can use the in-built cropping tools of our resume creator.

In what quality can I export my animated resume?

The allowed quality of your export will depend on your subscription package. Currently, our editor offers exports in three qualities: 360p, HD720, and HD1080. For more detailed information, you can take a look at our pricing page . If you need only one video, you can make use of our pay-per-export option to download your video resume in your preferred quality.

How long can video resumes created on Renderforest be?

Based on your subscription plan, you can create video resumes ranging from 3 minutes to 60 minutes. More information on the allowed maximum duration for each package can be found on our pricing page . What comes to the pay-per-export option, it allows users to create up to 3-minute videos.

Useful tips and tutorials on Renderforest blog

How to create a video resume with Renderforest

How to create a video resume with Renderforest

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Tips for Creating a Video Resume (and When You Need One)

how to make professional video resume

How a Video Resume Can Help

  • Should You Create a Video Resume?

Tips for Creating a Video Resume

  • Video Resume Don'ts

A video resume is a short video created by a candidate for employment and uploaded to the internet (or emailed to a hiring manager) for prospective employers to review. In the video, the candidate shares detailed information about their skills and experience.

Typically, this video is used to supplement, not replace, a paper resume. As with a print resume, it's possible for the video resume to be either general or  targeted  toward a particular position or company. It can be created by a professional for you, or you can create your own. Some job search and networking sites provide a means for users to incorporate video resumes into their profiles.

Depending on your industry, a video resume could be a helpful add-on to your job application. It's important to keep in mind that a video resume isn't going to get you a job. However, it can assist you in marketing yourself to prospective employers—if it's done right. ï»ż ï»żÂ 

Should You Create a Video Resume? 

Creating a video resume is an optional task for job seekers. It's quite rare for companies to require or request a video resume from candidates. A Robert Half survey reports that most companies (78%) prefer traditional resumes, either a Word Document or PDF. Only 3% were interested in video resumes or infographics. ï»ż ï»ż

For some job seekers, particularly ones in visual or creative fields, a video resume can highlight valuable skills. For instance, a video resume is useful for showing any type of performance-based work, whether it involves acting on stage, teaching a class, or presenting quarterly numbers.

Also, a video resume can be an excellent way to show off your personality; for people in client-facing roles, whose work involves charming prospective buyers, a video resume may be beneficial.

However, if your role is not very visual, then a video resume might not help further your candidacy. You should also be mindful that it's easy to miscalculate in a video resume—that is, there's a high risk of the script, filming style, or location being inappropriate.

If you make your video resume yourself and have little filming experience, your video might come across as unprofessional.

Keep in mind that, as with anything on the internet, once your video file is out there, you cannot control how it's shared. 

An unprofessional or inappropriate video resume can hinder your chances of getting an interview. In a worst-case scenario, a poorly conceived and executed video resume can knock you out of contention and embarrass you.

Some hiring managers will not even view video resumes since they fear claims of discrimination in the hiring process. So, while a video resume can be a great way to get noticed, consider your options carefully before getting started to ensure that a video resume is the right fit for you, and a good use of your time. ï»ż ï»ż

If you're considering creating a video resume as part of your job search, keep these tips in mind:

  • Be professional:  Dress as you would for an interview and maintain a professional demeanor. Avoid slang and, of course, cursing. Be cautious when it comes to jokes. What's funny to you may not make others laugh. 
  • Find a good background:  Pay attention to the background of shots: make sure it looks tidy and that there are no noises in the background. You'll also want to make sure the lighting is good. A shadow across half of your face can be distracting.  
  • Prepare a script:  Don't ad-lib your video. You want to seem natural and off the cuff, but should have a sense of what you want to say and how you want to phrase it. Do not read directly from a script or from your resume, as that leads to a dull video. Think of the video as a pitch for  why a particular company should hire you . As such, your main objective should be to express what benefits you'll provide the company, as well as your goals,  skills , and accomplishments. 
  • Know your audience:  As you plan your script and filming location, consider who will watch the video and calibrate accordingly. For instance, a video prepared for a position at a bank might differ from a video created for a start-up.
  • Show, don't tell:  Use visuals to illustrate what you're saying in the video script, ones that showcase your talents and skills. For instance, if you're applying for a job where presentations are a significant part of the role, you can film B-roll of yourself assembling a PowerPoint. If any of your presentations were recorded, use that footage in your video resume.
  • Keep it brief:  Videos should be between 30 and 90 seconds. Anything longer than that is unlikely to be watched.
  • Share with friends and family:  Getting feedback from others is an important step. Ask a few people to watch your video, and make edits and changes based on their comments. 

Always keep in mind that once your video is on the internet, you no longer have control over who sees it or how it's shared. Take feedback from friends and family seriously. If they think it's a misfire, do not send the video to potential employers. 

Video Resume Don'ts

  • Don't mix your personal life with your professional one.  If you have information on your Facebook or Twitter page that you'd prefer employers don't see, don't link your video resume to them.
  • Don't expect your video resume to replace your traditional resume.  Not all employers are interested in a video resume, and others are worried about discrimination issues, such as hiring candidates because of how they look and sound rather than their qualifications. However, a well-done video can bolster your candidacy for employment. 

Key Takeaways

  • A video resume may not be necessary:  Consider your industry, your target role, and the companies you're applying to before creating one. 
  • Be professional:  If you do create a resume, keep it professional, from your outfit to the production value. Make sure it's short and will ultimately benefit your application instead of detracting from it. 
  • Get feedback:  Share your video with your mentors, trusted colleagues, and friends and family. Ask for opinions and revise the video accordingly. 

FlexJobs. " Why Video Resumes Are on the Rise ." Accessed Jan. 13, 2020.

Robert Half. " Best Resume Format ." Accessed Jan. 13, 2020.

GobalHR. " Are Video Resumes a Good Idea? " Accessed Jan. 13, 2020.

How to Create a Video Resume (And Why You Should)


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Finding a job is a competitive activity, and job seekers always look for ways to stand out. Video resumes are a great way to demonstrate your technical capabilities and give potential employers a sense of your personality.

Recording a video resume may sound simple, but if you want to create one that will get you noticed by potential employers and secure your next job, there are things you need to keep in mind. Here are the steps you can take to create a video resume for your next job application.

1. Create a Script

image of someone typing on laptop with notepad, pens and a drink

Before recording your video resume, you should prepare what you plan to say. If you're demonstrating a particular skill, you may want to outline the chronological steps you will display in the video, so you don't forget anything.

Consider what kind of approach you want to take in the video. If you're going to come across as conversational, you may wish to write bullet points of the critical skills and qualifications you want to highlight. If you want to come across as more polished, you must write exactly what you want to say.

Ensure you practice and are comfortable with the script. You don't want to read from a piece of paper when recording. Remember to refer to the job description to see what skills the employer is looking for, and tailor your video to demonstrate that you have the capabilities they're looking for.

2. Prepare the Area Where You'll Be Filming

man in front of green screen for video shoot

Prepare a neutral background if you're planning to sit in front of the camera to record your interview. You don't want the viewer distracted by any clutter or objects other than what you may be demonstrating in the video. You also want to be sure that the lighting is complementary and use props like plants or books to add something to the video other than your talking head.

If you're planning to do a demonstration, ensure you have the necessary items or equipment accessible when you're ready for them while filming. If you're looking for equipment that will provide the lighting you need, you may be interested in the best ring lights for selfies and videos .

3. Ensure You Set Up the Recording Device the Way You Want

Digital camera image

What are you using to record your video? Whether you use a camera, computer, tablet, or smartphone, you'll want to set the device, so it captures your face and shoulders. Your entire profile should be in the frame of the video.

If you're planning to demonstrate something that requires walking around, you must ensure that the video recorder will capture your movements. It would help if you also consider whether you'll use a separate microphone or the mic on the device.

Test the audio to confirm the sound is clear. Your audio and video should be high quality. If you're using an Apple device to record your video, you may want to learn how to pause and resume a video recording on an iPhone or iPad .

4. Record as Many Takes as Possible

Don't feel pressured to go through your script or outline the way you want in the first take. Try recording several variations, changing how you say things and your facial expressions, and seeing how it changes the delivery of what you're conveying.

Consider splitting large speaking sections into small segments, since this can help make the editing process more manageable. If the idea of recording yourself makes you anxious, you might be interested in learning how to get over your fear of speaking on camera .

5. Prepare Supporting Visuals

woman sitting with laptop with charts beside her

Depending on the position you're applying for, it may be beneficial to add visuals to your video that illustrate or refer to what you're saying in the audio. These supporting visuals can be in the form of infographics, photographs, informational slides, or clippings. Adding visuals to your video can provide information to the viewer engagingly and dynamically.

6. Edit the Video

laptop with video editing software running with video camera on tripod beside it

After reviewing the video you've recorded, choose the best takes. Organize the footage to tell the story you want your resume to tell. Add supporting visuals to your video, including screen references to achievements or awards you're mentioning in the audio.

You can use video editing software or an app on your device that enables you to organize, cut, and save videos for your resume. Apple users may be interested in the best free video editing apps for iPhones and iPads .

7. Ask for Feedback

Image of the word feedback written in chalk on a blackboard

Before asking for feedback, you should watch the finished video resume several times to be confident it is well organized and clear. You can ask a mentor, colleague, coworker, or friend to watch the video and provide constructive feedback on improving the video and creating a stronger impression.

Reasons Why You Should Create a Video Resume

If you're not sure if the work required to create a video resume is worth it, here are some reasons you should consider making one:

  • A video resume allows you to explain employment gaps in ways your resume and cover letter can't.
  • It provides you with the ability to show off your language skills.
  • You can tell your entire story, including information not in your resume or cover letter that may help you stand out.
  • You get to demonstrate your video editing capabilities.
  • Hiring managers get a better sense of your personality before the interview.
  • You get to exhibit your communication skills.
  • It illustrates your creativity.
  • It shows your willingness to take a risk.

Get Camera Ready

Video resumes are a great way to put a personality to the resume and cover letter you send for a job application. Since the video shouldn't be longer than two minutes, you don't have the script as a screenplay. It's an excellent way to stand out and get noticed, regardless of the type of work you're seeking.

It's a versatile tool because you can post it on your professional website or LinkedIn profile to increase the number of eyes that see your skills, talent, and personality. If you're looking for help creating yours, there are websites where you can make free customized video resumes.

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Video Resume Maker

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how to make professional video resume

Create your video resume, or video CV, online

Do you want to create a professional-looking video resume for your job applications and interviews? Have you been asked to put together a video CV to answer questions about why you would be suited to a particular role? Well, with VEED you can create professional video resumes and CVs, with text, images, subtitles, and more.

How to Create a Video Resume:

Upload your videos, just drag and drop. You can even include images of your typed resume, to refer to, in your video.

You can use VEED’s suite of online editing tools to ensure your resume stands head and shoulders above the rest

All done? Hit ‘Download’, and your video resume will render in seconds. You’re ready to dazzle future employers with your new video resume.

‘Resume Video Maker’ Tutorial

‘Resume Video Maker’ Tutorial

Make a professional video CV

With VEED, you can start creating your video resume straight away. No software, and no account required. You want your video resume to represent your most professional side. With VEED, you can add filters, crop, trim, and resize, with ease, so your video looks as pro as you are.

Add text, stickers, and more

With our handy Text tool, you can include information about your previous work history, to support the answers you are giving in your video. You can even include the logos of companies you’ve worked for, with our easy-to-use Sticker tool.

Show off using our easy-to-use video editor

Demonstrate not only your professional skills but also your video skills, by adding subtitles to your video. VEED is so clever and helpful, we can even do this automatically. VEED’s online creative toolbox is so easy to use, anyone can do it. Upload your video now, to try our user-friendly editor.

How do you create a video resume?

  • Upload your video to VEED; just drag and drop it into the Timeline. 2. Personalize your video resume by adding text, images, and more. 3. Download and share!

How do I make resume videos for free?

VEED’s online video resume maker is free to use. You don’t even need to create an account. Do it straight from your browser. ‍

How can I edit my video on my resume?

You can start editing straight away after you’ve uploaded your video. Add text, images, and even music to make your video resume look incredibly stunning.

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How to Write a Professional Resume Summary? [+Examples]

Kaja Jurčiơinová — Staff Writer

Do you want to land more job interviews? The easiest way to achieve this is by attracting a recruiter’s attention straight away by summarizing the highlights of your career right at the start of your resume — in a section called the resume summary. 

The purpose of this resume section, which is also known as a professional summary or resume statement, is to create a good first impression. It sums up your work experience , skills, and achievements into a short and concise sales pitch where you are the product. 

Do it well, and your future employers will be more inclined to read the rest of your resume.

Without further ado, let’s show you how to write an exceptional professional summary that will not only get you to more job interviews but will also help you land a job. 

This guide will show you:

What is a professional summary?

Why do you need a professional summary, how to write a professional summary.

  • What to do when you don’t have any experience in the field?
  • What are a resume objective and a resume profile?
  • Examples of professional summaries from real professionals.

TL;DR video guide: How to write a professional summary for a resume 

A professional summary gives the hiring manager a quick overview of your skills and achievements without them having to dive into the rest of your resume. It sits at the top of your resume, beneath your name and contact information. You can think of it as a teaser for the rest of your resume.

It should sum up your top skills, experiences, and achievements as they pertain to the job description.

Take a look at the sample below to see what it looks like in practice: 

The professional summary section is also known as a:  

  • Resume summary 
  • Qualifications summary 
  • Resume statement 
  • Heading statement 
  • Competencies 
  • Career summary
  • Experience summary
  • Personal statement 

However, don’t mistake a professional summary for a resume objective or profile . We’ll discuss the differences between them later in this guide. 

How long should a professional summary be? 

Generally speaking, a resume summary should be quite short. The most common length is 3-5 sentences or bullet points. It shouldn't be longer than 5-6 concise bullet points , but it also shouldn't be shorter than 2 bullet points. 

You can also replace the first bullet point with a short introductory paragraph that includes your job title, years of experience, and specialization. 

professional summary on a resume

While many people still don't include the resume profile section in their resumes, it's a mistake. But why is it a mistake?

  • You want to grab the recruiter's attention from the get-go.
  • You'll make their life a bit easier because you'll immediately tell them who you are.

The thing is, recruiters are busy people , they go through dozens, sometimes hundreds of resumes before they can find a few qualified candidates. 

Do you know what this means? Shortcuts. At first, recruiters will be skimming resumes in search of specific keywords and phrases that align with what the company is searching for.

That’s why you want to include the best resume summary you can come up with because a good summary section consists of nothing but these juicy bite-size phrases and keywords that a recruiter can spot at a glance. 

In short, a professional summary allows you to turn a recruiter's time limitation into an advantage. 

Christy's word of advice

While recruiters are indeed busy, did you know that the information that recruiters only give each resume 6 seconds of their time isn't true? 

“This one's a little bit of a myth. It takes about six seconds to screen the resume for the key information that I'm looking for, such as location, summary, keywords, or if there's a skills section. Within this time frame, I should be able to get a feel for who you are and what you're looking for. But it's mainly about six seconds for me to pick out the basic information I need. It doesn't mean that I'm going to spend just six seconds on it or that I won't continue reading after. ” —   Christy Morgan , Kickresume's Resident HR Expert

resume summary kickresume

As we said before, a good professional summary should compel an employer to read the next section of your resume — that’s all. If it manages to do that, then it has accomplished its purpose. 

However, doing this is easier said than done, as it can be tricky to cram the most exciting bits of your career into a 3-5 bullet points summary. 

Luckily, there are a few tips and tricks you can use to craft an impressive resume summary.

Before you start writing:

  • Write other resume sections, and then write your professional summary last. It’s surprisingly easy once you’ve already written other sections of your resume. All you have to do is cherry-pick the most impressive facts and stats.
  • Pick the essential keywords from the job listing, so you can tailor your summary. Start with the job listing that made you apply for the job. Carefully reread it and find the most important keywords. These are the nouns or phrases that best describe the job position, related skills, as well as the ideal candidate. Before you begin to write, think about how they intersect with your own skills and experiences. In this way, you also have a higher chance to get through the ATS systems which companies use .

Once you start writing:

  • In the first bullet point, write your professional title. Don’t forget to add the number of years of experience. You want to communicate your professional identity immediately. You can also write it in bold. It can look something like this: “Certified Project Management Professional with over 4 years of experience”.
  • Pick the 3-4 most impressive parts of your resume and reword them into snappy bullet points. Tease your potential employer into reading further. Did you earn a recognition for the best customer service? Or hit 95% of sales targets for five consecutive years? These are the things that deserve a mention at the top of your resume!
  • Translate each achievement into numbers. Each bullet point should contain at least one piece of quantifiable data. Use percentages, numbers, or impressive sales figures. It gives the hiring manager a better idea of how you performed in your previous jobs. Numbers attract attention. Take advantage of that.
  • Sum up what you have to offer. Instead of saying what you want, keep in mind what they want. Make clear what values you can bring to the company. Look for common threads in your work history and for skills that apply most to the job.

How to use keywords in a resume summary

A professional summary can do more than catch the attention of the recruiter. It can also make your resume more ATS-friendly. 

It's a great place where you can squeeze in one or two ATS-friendly keywords , and it will still look natural.

Such keywords can be your industry-relevant hard skills, previous job positions, notable clients, certificates and courses from notable institutions, or a note-worthy university (if you recently finished your degree). 

Moreover, you should add keywords and relevant skills from the job listing.

Don't get too creative with the heading, though. While replacing the professional summary headline with “Snapshot” sounds great, ATS doesn't know what it means and therefore wouldn't recognize it.

Pro tip: Remember, while it's important to incorporate keywords into your resume summary, it's crucial to ensure these keywords align with your abilities and experiences. The ATS might shortlist your resume, but the hiring manager will quickly realize in an interview if those keywords were merely resume filler. Always maintain honesty and authenticity while drafting your summary.

summary resume example

Professional resume summary examples for most common careers

Now that you know the ins and outs of writing a resume summary, here are a few examples that can inspire you when writing your summary:

Professional summary example for customer service

Performance-driven and motivated customer service rep offering 4+ years of relevant experience. Eager to join the Techia team and contribute to the growth of the company. In the previous role, the ability to make customers comfortable and relaxed allowed for 98% customer service survey results and had 25% more sales than the average employer. 

Professional resume summary example for retail

Dedicated and hard-working storekeeper with a Business Administration degree. Eager to bring my strong attention to detail and accuracy to J&R inc. Adept at communicating with vendors and suppliers, coordinating various business operations, and maintaining documents and files in order. In the past jobs brought an extra $50k of sales per quarter and increased customer satisfaction by 20%. 

Professional summary example for nursing resume

Motivational and resourceful Orthopedic Nurse with 10 years of experience with in-depth knowledge in trauma recovery, aggressive pain management techniques, and post-surgical recovery. Especially proficient in providing external fixation care and continuous motion therapy along with neuromuscular status monitoring. Committed to work as an orthopedic nurse for people who are struggling with mobility issues due to accidental injuries and degenerative disease affecting bones and muscles.

Professional summary example for administrative assistant

Self-driven and accurate Executive Assistant skilled at performing various office/administrative duties, such as coordinating meetings, maintaining calendar and schedule, filing documents, and managing company correspondence. Highly self-motivated with a solid work ethic and multitasking abilities.

Professional summary example for data analyst

A graduate in Information Systems with two years of hands-on data analytics experience. Passionate about working with large amounts of data and to turn this data into information, information into insight and insight into business decisions. I also have a keen interest in the field of data visualization and am fascinated by the power to compress complex datasets into approachable and appealing graphics.

Professional summary example for warehouse worker

Hard-working and dedicated Warehouse Worker with 2+ years of extensive experience in inspecting incoming shipments, preparing and processing orders, and performing various administrative duties. The Employee of the Month Award winner with a strong attention to detail and accuracy and determination to achieve exceptional results. Offers excellent time management skills and important ability to work independently or in a team.

Professional summary example for receptionist 

Customer-oriented and performance-driven Front Desk Assistant skilled at performing various administrative tasks, improving all office processes and procedures, and providing support to Office Managers. Great communicator with a Business Administration degree from a well-known university and an exceptional ability to remain calm in stressful situations. Possess well-developed communication skills and excellent time management abilities.

Resume summary example for management

A Project Manager with 16 years of experience in IT projects. Responsible for the management of teams of up to 15 direct and 7 indirect employees. Has High level knowledge in project execution using best practices of waterfall and agile methodologies. High level knowledge of Jupyter Notebook, MS Project, MS Excel, MS Word. 

Professional summary example for project manager

Logistics & Planning PMO for Anheuser-Busch InBev with +7 years of experience in Supply Chain Operations & Project Management. Lived and worked for ABI in 6 cities in past years, managed +300 direct & indirect employees and +0.5 billion BRL over the years. At ABI experienced the routines in breweries operations & urban distribution. As Project Manager build the Zone Logistics Project area for ABI LAN, being responsible for 4.0 Supply Chain, integrating the technologies WMS, YMS, TMS and Tracking.

Resume summary example for stay-at-home mother

Performance-driven and knowledgeable Stay At Home Mother skilled at conducting detailed market research, developing new sales tools, creating reports, and promoting products and services. Certified Marketing Management Professional with an extensive knowledge of multiple marketing software programmes, great communication skills, and excellent teamwork abilities. Currently looking for any Marketing related remote part-time job.

Professional summary example for student

Self-driven and knowledgeable computer science student with demonstrated experience in developing user-friendly software applications, coding and testing features, and providing engineering support. Oracle Certified Professional with extensive knowledge of multiple programming languages and software development tools, excellent problem-solving skills, and ability to perform well in a team.

fresh graduate resume summary example

How to write a resume summary if you're a fresh graduate/student?

If you’re a student or a fresh graduate, you probably don’t have much to brag about in your resume yet.

But that’s true only to some extent. Even as an entry-level candidate, you already have at least some experience and skills. You just have to find the right way to articulate them.

What’s more, it’s quite likely that the other candidates are just as inexperienced as you are. After all, experienced professionals rarely apply for entry-level positions. 

Because of that, your primary goal is to stand out and make the employer remember you . And you can do that even if your experience is limited.

It’s not like you’ve just spent most of your life at school and learned nothing. You just need to understand how your studies intersect with the job’s requirements.

 Here’s how you can write your professional resume summary as a student/fresh graduate:

  • State your field of study, degree, and GPA (if it’s above 3.0).
  • Mention relevant skills gained in internships, part-time jobs, and volunteer work.
  • Add related coursework or school projects.
  • Also, try to translate your most notable achievements into numbers. Maybe you were on the student council. You can mention how you received 800 votes and helped organize 5 large school events that were attended by 2,000 students.

In the end, a fresh graduate resume summary should look a bit like this: 

Hired by Bupa — Business Administration Intern

  • An adaptable and responsible graduate seeking an entry-level position in the Business Analytics market, Business Consultancy or Financial market.
  • My double degree in Business and Law and my previous job as a financial controller have provided me with a well-rounded background and enabled me to develop an analytical/logical approach to tasks, software skills, and the ability to work under pressure.
  • In short, I am reliable, hard-working with strong attention to detail and eager to learn about new technologies and business issues. I am able to work well both on my own initiative and as a part of a team. I’m also able to travel abroad.

How to write a resume summary as an experienced professional?

If you have 10 to 15 years of professional experience under your belt, you’ve probably developed a long list of job-related accomplishments. Your qualifications summary is the ideal place to showcase the most impressive of them. 

On the other, with that extent of experience, it may be quite challenging to pick and choose the right information for your professional summary. 

So what should you do? 

  • Start by carefully rereading the job advertisement.
  • Highlight any skills you already possess that match this job offer.
  • See if you can think of any past accomplishments that show how you successfully used those skills in your previous job.

For instance, are you an experienced sales and customer service professional? Sell it. Mention how you developed strategies that resulted in an over 15 % increase in new customers. Or how your rewards program reached a customer success rate of over 45 %. Numbers can be much more persuasive than words . 

Also, always remember to use action words and relevant keywords.

Here’s a professional summary resume example from an experienced professional: 

HubSpot — Director of Business Development Resume Summary Example

  • Passionate Business Amplifier.
  • Thrives in complex market segment entry and sales and marketing launch plans for technical products and services. Founder of the highly-impactful "HubSpot for Veterans" initiative. 
  • Proven Growth Consultant and Entrepreneurial Coach for over 200 organizations. Advocate of lean startup and data-backed strategy. 
  • Leadership spans career with direct application towards startups, Techstar accelerators, corporate business development, and government. ROI-focused relationship builder.
  • Lifelong teacher and learner: Startup Institute, Techstarts, HubSpot Partner programs.

How to write a professional summary if you’re changing careers?

As a career changer , try to show how your past experience relates to the position you’re applying for or how it can help your future employer grow.

Are you a software developer who wants to work with a new programming language, let’s say Python? You can mention how you’ve already developed 7 mobile apps using JavaScript and HTML. Even something as small as completing a Python online course on CodeAcademy can work wonders.

But if you still feel like you don’t have any relevant job experience, consider writing a resume objective instead. Instead of past achievements and experiences, it highlights your transferable skills and motivation. Moreover, it explains why you seek to switch to a different industry.

On the other hand, make sure that you have absolutely no other solution, as a resume summary always makes a better impression than a resume objective . To learn more about a resume objective just scroll to the following chapter. 

Here’s an example of a professional summary for someone changing careers:

  • Marketing professional with over three years of experience in digital advertising, aiming to transition from marketing to human resources
  • Certified Human Resources Assistant with a working knowledge of all software programs needed for the position such as Bamboo HR and Zenefits.
  • Was in charge of recruiting and supervising summer interns and co-managing marketing budgets.
  • Won the Employee of the Month Award for completing all assigned tasks and projects in a timely manner.

How to write a professional summary for a resume with no work experience? 

A lot of people with no work experience default to writing a resume objective because they think they have nothing to summarize.

However, this usually ends up backfiring as the resume objective brings little to the table. That’s because the resume objective’s main focus is on you as opposed to a professional summary which focuses on solving the needs of a company.

Also, writing a summary objective can make you appear more inexperienced than you truly are. 

Instead, as someone with no work experience, you can write a professional summary by including: 

  • Your education level;
  • Adjectives that emphasize your work ethic (such as competent, decisive, and accountable);
  • Relevant skills gained at school, volunteering , or internships; 
  • Professional hobbies (for example if applying for an IT position, include that app side project you worked on). 

In addition, if you have volunteered or interned, know that regardless of whether they were paid or not, they're still considered work experience. As the skills and knowledge gained as a volunteer or intern can be quite valuable to an employer. 

With that said, here’s an example of a professional summary for someone with no work experience:

People United Foundation – Fundraiser Volunteer 

  • Resourceful and talented fundraiser who uses new forms of technology and existing techniques to help raise money for organizations and groups. 
  • Experienced in raising funds for various charitable and nonprofit institutes. 
  • Adept at researching and presenting an array of innovative fundraising ideas to a variety of donor audiences. 
  • Keen negotiator with exceptional communication time management and networking abilities. 

what is a resume objective

Resume summary vs resume objective and resume profile

While these terms are often interchangeable, a resume summary, a resume objective, and a resume profile are all slightly different things. Scroll below to see how. 

What is a resume objective?

First of all, a resume objective isn't the same thing as a resume summary. They share several common features but each serves a different purpose.

Like a resume summary, a resume objective also sits at the top of your resume. Though, it’s a bit shorter — usually about one to two sentences long . 

The biggest difference is that instead of your past accomplishments, it details your future goals.

Although a resume objective might not help hiring managers decide whether you’re qualified enough to solve their company’s problems, it may help you shift their attention away from your lack of experience.

With that said, resume objectives are a bit old-fashioned as they used to be more common in past. So it should only be written as a last resort.

resume objective sample

What is a resume profile?

Most people think that the resume profile and resume summary are the same exact thing. And they aren't that wrong. 

However, there are some slight differences between the two. 

A resume profile tends to be a little longer than a resume summary. Still, you should try to keep it under 500 characters. Additionally, while a resume summary is simply a condensed version of your resume placed at the top of it, a resume profile focuses more on your professional accomplishments and successes. 

Still — a resume summary and a resume profile are basically the same thing. So don't worry too much about the difference between the two. Just make sure you'll include either of them in your resume. 

Final tips and tricks

We've already mentioned almost everything you need to write an effective professional summary. These are some of the final tips that didn't fit anywhere else in this guide:

  • Emphasize proven experience. Instead of simply listing your skills , mention your previous accomplishments. For example, it’s much more impactful to say that you had your articles published in Forbes than to plainly claim that you’re a skilled writer.
  • Try to avoid using the word “I” . It's not really necessary, especially if you write in bullet points. 
  • Structure it well. Take it from a professional writer — bullet points are a godsend when you need to structure your text clearly without giving it too much effort. Not only will they naturally order your resume statement into clearly delineated logical parts, but they'll also make it look good and read well. Also, make sure to write your current job title in bold.
  • Keep it short. Your summary shouldn’t be longer than 5 short sentences (or bullet points). Having a long summary sort of defeats the point of having a resume summary at all. Don’t add random things. The key is to be specific.
  • Read it after yourself. When you’re finished writing, read through your summary from the perspective of a hiring manager, asking “Why should we hire you?” .

Oh, and if you want to turn your LinkedIn profile into a polished resume with just one click, we've got you covered.

How to write a resume summary?

Write your professional summary last. It’s surprisingly easy once you’ve already written other sections of your resume. In the first bullet point, include your job title and years of experience. Then cherry-pick the most impressive achievements and cram them into 4–5 bullet points.

There are some slight differences between a resume profile and a resume summary. A resume profile tends to be a little longer than a resume summary. Still, you should try to keep it under 500 characters. A resume profile also focuses more on your professional accomplishments and successes than a resume summary. 

Kaja Jurčiơinová — Staff Writer

Kaja Jurčiơinová

Kaja Jurcisinova is a fresh graduate and a junior copywriter at Kickresume. Kaja completed her undergraduate degree in Art History at the University of St Andrews in 2018 and graduated with a Master’s in Arts and Culture from the University of Groningen in 2021. She was an intern at multiple cultural institutions across Europe, including the Dutch Museum Association in Amsterdam, the Matter of Art Biennale in Prague, and the European Cultural Centre in Venice. At the moment, she resides in Visby on the Swedish island of Gotland.

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  • Resume Templates

Choose a free Resume Template and build your resume. Use our intuitive drag-and-drop resume builder and save it as a PDF in minutes. Start building your resume right now.

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Double Column

Free, Two Column resume template. The most popular choice for most roles, including programming & marketing.

A single column, classic resume template with grey accent colors.

The classic Harvard template, updated for the 21st century with a refined design that recruiters love and an optimized structure for improved ATS performance.

A two column resume template with a wider column for experience and a narrower, blue colored column for your highlights.

Elegant template with a beautiful design and compact, easy-to-read layout that highlights your strengths and achievements.

A resume with two columns and a photo in the resume header and aqua accent color. A long summary and an experience section in focus.

The most popular template for upper management roles, project managers and product owners.

A polished template with a focus on key achievements and skills. Aqua colored left column for highlights.

A refined template, especially great for positions where presentation is paramount: business development managers, sales leaders & other customer-facing roles.

A double column resume template with a navy colored resume header.

A creative template that accents your header and makes recruiters want to read the rest. Built for any industry.

A single column timeline resume template with blue and orange accent colors.

A timeline resume template. Organized neatly with a Timeline to show your career progress. For experienced professionals.

A double column resume template perfect for people with a lot of experience and skills. Blue accent color.

Are you a software engineer or a data scientist with a lot of skills & projects to list on your resume? This template allows you to create a perfect one-page resume.

A single column resume template perfect for all industries. Blue accent color.

Single Column

Free, simple resume template. Easily readable by both humans and ATS bots.

A compact resume template perfect for fitting a lot of information yet keeping your resume on a single page. Blue accent color.

Designed as a one-page resume template for mid-level roles with 3-10 years of experience.

A three column resume template with an image in the header. Perfect if you have lots of experience to show on your resume. Blue colored accents.


Multicolumn resume template. Made for executives to fit additional info in a third column.

Grey single column classic resume template with a focus on experience and side projects.

Traditional resume template. Fitting for conservative industries.

Template Image

High Performer

Data-focused resume template. Perfect for project and product managers.

Template Image

Minimalistic resume template. Blends whitespace and content, without clutter.

Resume Templates by job

Unleash the full potential of your career with professionally vetted resume templates. Take a look at samples from real resumes that helped people get hired at top companies in your field, and build a job-winning resume yourself.

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Resume Template

Business Analyst

Resume Template

Managing Director

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Data Scientist

Resume templates by experience.

Junior resume template

(1-3 years of experience)

Senior resume template with a solid right column for your skills and achievements, and a wider left column for your experience bullet points

(3-7+ years of experience)

Executive resume template with a dark green accent color for headings, and a single column outline that outlines the content in a reverse chronological order

10+ years of experience)

Intern resume template with an accented header and two column outline. Features a creative section to help it stand out

Entry Level

(no prior experience)

Career pivot resume template with a solid dark orange coloredd left column. Right column contains skills summary typical of career change resume templates, and experience bullet points below.

Career Change

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Resume Template

Combination Resume Templates

Resume Template

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Resume Template

Infographic Resume Templates

Resume Template

One Page Resume Templates

Resume Template

Timeline Resume Templates

Resume Template

Chronological Resume Templates

Resume Template

Functional Resume Templates

Resume Template

Minimalist Resume Templates

Resume Template

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Full color header in brown modern resume template.

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Job-winning simple resume templates

Embrace simplicity! Our simple resume templates blend ease and professionalism: perfect for the no-nonsense, efficient job seeker.

Modern resume template Toronto

Reviewed by the community. Trusted by professionals

Simple resume templates.

A clean and timeless presentation that stands out in almost any situation.

Simple or basic doesn’t have to be a bad thing. In fact, sometimes a simple resume template is the best approach for a variety of positions. Our simple styles keep the focus on your accomplishments , experience, education and everything in between. After all, shouldn’t you be the star of the show?

Just because your resume template is simple doesn’t mean your resume has to be. In general, it’s best to leave off “obvious” or “expected” skills like MS Word or internet research. Same goes with unrelated, outdated or irrelevant experience.

Simple templates are versatile and work well across a variety of fields and job titles . In fact, some hiring managers prefer these stripped-down designs because it allows them to really evaluate the candidate’s qualifications. So check out this classic collection of templates and don’t be afraid to keep things simple!

When to pick a basic or simple resume template

Basic or Simple templates are best for situations where your experience needs to speak for itself. Candidates applying for positions in transport and logistics , maintenance and repair , retail or food service can all benefit from simple resume templates. A basic or simple template sends the message that you’re a clean and organized candidate who’s ready to get the job done.

Simple resume templates

While professions involving physical activity and labor can benefit from a simple layout, these templates are also great for students and those applying to entry-level positions. Before you go bold with loud colors and untraditional fonts, you may want to test the application pool waters with a simple template that keeps the focus on your experience.

To make the most out of your basic template, make sure to keep the writing clean and professional. Since you don’t have many pictures or colors to catch a recruiter’s eye, you’ll want to use strong action verbs that accurately capture your accomplishments. As always, proofreading your resume for grammar and spelling errors is a must.

Top 5 why choose a simple layout

  • You are looking for a clean and streamlined resume
  • You work in a technical or physical field
  • You want to keep the focus on the content of your resume
  • You are applying for an entry-level position
  • You are a student or new to the workforce

What makes a simple resume/ CV template

A simple or basic resume template is defined by a clean and consistent look with strong lines separating categories and leading the eye through the template. Most of these templates use a grayscale color scheme to create a subdued feel where the focus is on the actual content of the resume. Compared with other types of free templates, simple resumes place more emphasis on the body of the resume instead of the top.

Why a visual resume is essential in 2024

The importance of a visual elements in your resume is as important as its content. Effective job searches start with visually striking, technically functional and a content-optimized Resume

Top 10 parts of a simple resume template

  • Limited color scheme
  • Timeless, classic feel
  • Smaller header and more focus on resume body
  • All sections of roughly equal size
  • No icons or text flourishes
  • Strong lines to separate sections
  • Less space for headshot or logo
  • Traditional font styles
  • Great balance of white space to text
  • A lot of room to add many lines of experience

Free to download and use in Microsoft Word, as a PDF, or in Google Docs

The power of a simple resume template is that it allows you to focus on your unique qualities and get hired in the shortest amount of time possible. So don’t get hung up on the last step. Once you choose your perfect template, try out our easy-to-use builder tool to add your work experience, soft skills, hard skills and achievements. Our builder tool has already been tested by thousands of satisfied customers who have found their dream jobs hassle-free.

Finish your application strong by choosing the right file format to keep your resume consistent no matter how you send it. Within our builder tool, you can download your resume as a MS Word or Google Doc version completely free. You can also download your resume as a PDF. 

When you’re ready to submit your resume, you want to be sure that the format you created is the format the hiring manager sees. That’s why our templates give you the option to download your resume as a PDF or Word docx file without changing the formatting. A PDF guarantees your resume will look the same on any screen or device. However, docx files are requested by some online application systems and are useful if you need to adjust your resume offline. Our docx file downloads match the exact layout of the PDF, so whichever file type you choose you can rest assured that a perfectly formatted resume is in your hands.

So what are you waiting for? It’s time to find the best resume templates, add your personal touches and land your dream position in a few easy clicks! Don't forget to add matching simple cover letters to your resume. Each CV template has a matching cover letter template you can use to send along with your resume. Benefit from having access to the best resume examples and an easy to use system that does the work for you!

Create a great resume from scratch with the assistance of our resume builder that walks you through the process.  With the help of our experts, breaks down the right formula for writing your resume with our writing guides/writing tips. Our mission is to help job seekers grow careers. We love helping people stand out in their job search and get hired faster. Feel free to check out our Youtube resume template video show you the way to your new job. 

Try our professional Resume builder now!


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    8. Self-pitch video resume. If you have a dream company that you have always wanted to work with, and you understand their culture - create a video resume specifically for them, as Erin Vondrak did. In her video resume, she talks about why she wants to work with valve and what makes her a good pick for the job. 9.

  2. How to Make a Video Resume: Guide & Examples

    Natural lighting is cheapest and easiest, but it should be soft and look professional. Alternatively, ring lights are relatively inexpensive and provide professional-looking results. 6. Shoot your video resume. When shooting your video, make sure to do several takes, even if you think the first one went over perfectly.

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    Example #1. CPA Video Resume. A short and to-the-point video resume that combines the applicant speaking and the use of text to reinforce specific important elements of his video resume, such as his name, age, degree, and the position to which he's applying. Example #2. Entrepreneur Video Resume.

  4. How to Make a Video Resume: Tips and Examples

    Here are the steps to making a video resume: 1. Write a script. In this first step, make a plan for what you want the video to look like. Consider whether you want to just sit in front of the camera a speak or if you'd like to add action shots of you demonstrating skills.

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    Add your video resume to your profile: First, click on the Me icon in the top right corner and choose View profile. In the About section, click on the blue pencil icon in the top right corner. Now, you can either upload your video resume to your LinkedIn account, or add a link to your video resume hosted on YouTube.

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    Provide a brief overview of your professional background, mentioning your current role or recent relevant experience. 2. Show Them You're the Best Candidate for the Job. Now that you know how to start a video resume correctly, it's time to show hiring managers what you bring to the table.

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  9. How to Make a Video Resume or Video CV (With Examples)

    Write a script. First things first: Do not wing it. To ensure your video includes everything that you need to cover, write a script out first. This will give you time to perfect what you want to say and phrase everything in the best way. If you're going to be on camera then it's also best to memorise the script.

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    6. Edit the video. Use video editing software to piece together your video resume, trimming excess footage, fixing minor issues, and adding effects or background music to enhance the overall feel of the video. Remember, your edits should improve clarity and engagement, not distract or irritate the viewer. 7.

  11. How to Create Professional Video Resumes in 2024

    How to Make a Video Resume. Now that we've examined the structure of a video resume, let's go through a step-by-step process on how to make one. #1. Prepare a Script. It's vital to have a concise, engaging, and professional script before you start filming.

  12. How to Make a Professional Video Resume That Stands Out

    Creating a haphazard video resume without any structure will not impress recruiters, so plan your video ahead of time. 4. Write your video resume script. While it's important to be authentic and natural, preparing a script beforehand can help you stay on track and deliver your message.

  13. How to Make a Video Resume or Video CV (Guide + Examples)

    Summary: This article covers a comprehensive guide on how to make a video resume, including what is it, why need to make it, how to make it and tips for making good video CVs. Make a Video Resume. Everything you need to know about how to make a video resume. Make and edit a standout video resume with online video editor, tips and examples.

  14. How to make Video Resumes (with sample)

    In this video, learning everything about video resumes. Learn what is a video resume, then what is the length of the video resume and how to write its script...

  15. Video Resume: How to Make it Great ·

    Keep the video resume to 1-2 minutes. Be ultra-specific in your messaging. If personality is important for the role, a video resume may help your cause. Get to the point within the first 15 seconds - recruiter attention spans are short. Write a script, use professional equipment, film many takes and edit carefully.

  16. Video Resume Maker

    Yes, our resume creator allows you to add your media to videos. For this, select scenes with image and video holders, and upload your files. You can even add your own voiceover and adjust it with each scene. The allowed file size for each file is 30 MB for free users, and 500 MB for subscribers. For the voiceover, the maximum allowed file size ...

  17. Tips for Creating a Video Resume (and When You Need One)

    A video resume may not be necessary: Consider your industry, your target role, and the companies you're applying to before creating one. Be professional: If you do create a resume, keep it professional, from your outfit to the production value.Make sure it's short and will ultimately benefit your application instead of detracting from it.

  18. How to Create a Video Resume (And Why You Should)

    7. Ask for Feedback. Before asking for feedback, you should watch the finished video resume several times to be confident it is well organized and clear. You can ask a mentor, colleague, coworker, or friend to watch the video and provide constructive feedback on improving the video and creating a stronger impression.

  19. Video Resume: 3 Steps on How to Create a Video Resume + Example

    Get every job hunt email template you need, as simple as copy and paste. Own your copy of "Fill in the Blank Job Hunt: Essential Email Templates for the Job ...

  20. Video Resume Maker

    Make a professional video CV. With VEED, you can start creating your video resume straight away. No software, and no account required. You want your video resume to represent your most professional side. With VEED, you can add filters, crop, trim, and resize, with ease, so your video looks as pro as you are.

  21. How To Make a Video Resume (With Tips and Example)

    1. Prepare a script. Preparing a script before filming your video can help you more effectively organise your thoughts and ensure that you mention each of your important talking points. Writing bullet points that are short, concise and easy to read may help you sound natural, confident and approachable in your video.

  22. How to Make a Video Resume Presentation & PowerPoint Template

    đŸ”„ How to Make a Video Resume Presentation?  Visit us:🕑 More resume templates: ...

  23. How to Make a Resume: 2024 Resume Writing Guide

    3. Write your resume sections. Guided by your keyword list and format, you're ready to start filling out your resume sections. You'll typically want to include sections for your header, work experience, education, and skills, but there are optional sections you can add to amplify the story you want to tell.

  24. How to Write a Professional Resume Summary? [+Examples]

    Do you want to land more job interviews? The easiest way to achieve this is by attracting a recruiter's attention straight away by summarizing the highlights of your career right at the start of your resume — in a section called the resume summary.. The purpose of this resume section, which is also known as a professional summary or resume statement, is to create a good first impression.

  25. CV Maker

    Get a free CV critique from an expert. We want to help you get more interviews, and ultimately the job you're aiming for. After creating your CV, try our exclusive "Ask an Expert" service, featuring a real-time 1-on-1 Certified Professional Resume & CV Expert ().Our online CPRW will review your CV for accuracy and clarity, and provide clear recommendations for how to improve your CV ...

  26. 40+ Professional Resume Templates

    Tested on all major ATS software, Enhancv resume templates help you create a professional resume fast. Choose from 40+ free & premium modern, basic, traditional and minimalist resume templates for a job-winning resume! ... A professional resume template is a job-application document that outlines your work history, education, skills, and ...

  27. Basic or Simple Resume Templates [Word & PDF] Free Download

    Create a great resume from scratch with the assistance of our resume builder that walks you through the process. ... Feel free to check out our Youtube resume template video show you the way to your ... Build your resume in 15 minutes. Use professional field-tested resume templates that follow the exact 'resume rules' employers look for ...

  28. Effective Resume Summary Examples & Writing Tips

    Create a professional resume quickly with our easy to use builder. CV Builder. Make a stand out CV in no time using our CV builder as your guide. ... Video: Master Resume Building in 3 Minutes with MyPerfectResume. Now, let's dive into the art of crafting a compelling resume summary, and know that our resume builder is here to support you ...