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Speech On Social Media- Advantages, Disadvantages and Importance

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Speech On Social Media: In a world where clicks, likes, and shares have become the currency of our social interactions, there’s no denying the pervasive influence of social media. It’s a digital realm that has seamlessly woven itself into the fabric of our lives, altering how we connect, communicate, and consume information. From connecting with long-lost friends to voicing our opinions on global issues, social media has transformed the way we navigate our interconnected world. But what lies beneath the surface of those enticing timelines and trending hashtags?

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social media

Students often encounter the task of giving speeches on various topics, and social media is a fascinating subject for exploration. In this article, we will embark on a journey to explore the captivating and complex realm of social media. We have provided a few sample speech topics on social media, highlighting its advantages, disadvantages, and the profound impact it has on our lives.

Long and Short Speeches on Social Media in English

Speech on advantages and disadvantages of social media for students – sample 1.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Today, I stand before you to discuss a topic that has become an integral part of our lives – social media. It’s hard to imagine a world without platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok. Social media has transformed the way we connect, communicate, and share information. But, like every coin has two sides, social media has its advantages and disadvantages.

Let’s start with the positive aspects. Here are the pros of social media. Social media bridges geographical gaps, allowing us to connect with friends and family worldwide. It’s a powerful tool for sharing our thoughts, experiences, and achievements. Students benefit from it as a valuable resource for learning and research. Moreover, it’s a platform for raising social awareness, promoting businesses, and even finding job opportunities.

However, we must also acknowledge the downsides. Excessive use of social media can lead to addiction and affect mental health. It’s a breeding ground for cyberbullying, misinformation, and privacy invasion. Moreover, the constant exposure to idealized images and lives can negatively impact self-esteem.

In conclusion, social media is a double-edged sword. It has revolutionized the way we communicate and share, offering numerous advantages. Yet, we must navigate it cautiously, being mindful of its pitfalls. Let’s use it responsibly and harness its potential for good.

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Speech on Impact of Social Media – Sample 2

Good day, everyone,

The topic I’d like to address today is the impact of social media on our lives. There’s no denying that social media has become an inseparable part of our daily routine. From connecting with friends to keeping up with the latest trends, it’s all at our fingertips.

Let’s dive into the advantages of social media. Social media allows us to stay connected with friends and family, regardless of distance. It’s a treasure trove of information, news, and educational content. For students, it offers a platform to collaborate on projects and access a wealth of knowledge. Businesses utilize it for marketing and customer engagement.

However, there’s another side to the story. Social media can be addictive, leading to time wastage and reduced productivity. Privacy concerns are a pressing issue, with personal information often at risk. Cyberbullying and the spread of fake news are unfortunate consequences of its widespread use.

So, where do we stand? Social media is a tool, and its impact depends on how we use it. It can bring us closer or push us apart. It can educate or misinform. The choice is ours.

In conclusion, social media has its merits and demerits. It’s up to us to harness its advantages while being vigilant about its pitfalls. Let’s use it wisely, striking a balance between the virtual and real worlds.

Thank you for your attention.

Speech on Social Media Topic in English – Sample 3

I’m delighted to address you on a topic that has reshaped our world – social media. In today’s digital age, it’s nearly impossible to escape its influence. So, let’s explore the impact and significance of social media.

To begin with, social media has revolutionized communication. It connects people worldwide, making the world a smaller place. It’s a powerful tool for staying informed about current events and trends. For students, it’s a treasure trove of educational resources. Entrepreneurs and businesses leverage it for promotion and brand building.

Yet, there’s a flip side. The addictive nature of social media can lead to time wastage. Privacy concerns loom large, as our personal information is often shared and exploited. The spread of misinformation and cyberbullying are unfortunate consequences.

So, where do we go from here? It’s crucial to strike a balance. Use social media as a tool for enrichment, connection, and empowerment. But also, be mindful of its addictive nature and potential pitfalls. Let’s make informed choices in our digital journeys.

In conclusion, social media is a force that’s here to stay. It’s up to us to harness its advantages while being vigilant about its drawbacks. Let’s make our online presence a positive and enriching one.

Social media has become an integral part of our daily lives, revolutionizing the way we connect, communicate, and share information. From its myriad benefits to the nuanced drawbacks, understanding the multifaceted role of social platforms is crucial in today’s digital landscape.

Lets see the Advantages, Disadvantages and Importance of Online Networking

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1. Global Connectivity and Networking Social media bridges geographical barriers, enabling individuals to connect globally. It facilitates networking opportunities, fostering professional relationships and personal connections.

2. Information Dissemination and Awareness Instantaneous sharing allows for rapid dissemination of information. Be it news, trends, or educational content, social media serves as a powerful tool for spreading awareness and initiating discussions on various topics.

3. Business Growth and Marketing Businesses leverage social platforms to expand their reach, engage with audiences, and market their products/services. Targeted ads and analytics help businesses create effective strategies.

4. Community Building and Support Social media brings people together around common interests, creating spaces for support, self-expression, advice, and finding similar-minded individuals.


1. Privacy and Security Concerns Privacy breaches and data misuse remain significant concerns. Users often share sensitive information unknowingly, leading to potential security risks and exploitation by third parties.

2. Addiction and Mental Health Impact Excessive usage can lead to addiction and have adverse effects on mental health. Constant exposure to curated, often idealized content can fuel feelings of inadequacy and anxiety.

3. Spread of Misinformation False information can spread rapidly, impacting opinions and beliefs. Misleading content, rumors, and fake news pose a challenge in maintaining an informed society.

4. Online Harassment and Cyberbullying Social media platforms can be breeding grounds for cyberbullying and harassment. Anonymity and easy accessibility empower individuals to engage in harmful behaviors.

1. Communication Evolution Social media has transformed communication by providing instant connectivity across the globe. It has redefined how people interact, share ideas, and collaborate.

2. Information Accessibility It democratizes information, making knowledge accessible to diverse populations regardless of geographic or socioeconomic barriers.

3. Catalyst for Change It serves as a catalyst for societal change by amplifying voices, raising awareness about social issues, and mobilizing movements for positive causes.

4. Business Adaptation For businesses, social media is an indispensable tool, enabling them to adapt to changing consumer behaviors, innovate marketing strategies, and engage with their target audience effectively.

Also Read: Disadvantages of Using Social Media During Online classes

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Why is social media important speech.

A speech on the importance of social media can highlight its role in connecting people, facilitating communication, sharing information, and its impact on various aspects of our lives.

What is social media in easy words?

Social media is websites and applications that enable users to create and share content, connect with others, and participate in online communities by sharing thoughts, pictures, videos, and messages.

What is the importance of social media in students?

Social media offers students platforms for collaboration, learning, networking, and accessing information. It can aid in educational research, career opportunities, and building connections.

Why is social media important?

Social media is important as it helps in staying connected with friends and family, accessing news and information, promoting businesses, fostering communities, and providing a platform for self-expression.

Write a 1-minute speech on social media?

Social media has revolutionized the way we connect and communicate. It bridges distances, opens doors to new opportunities, and allows us to share our stories with the world. From keeping in touch with loved ones to exploring new interests, social media has become an integral part of our lives, shaping how we learn, work, and interact in today's digital age.

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Speech on social media [1, 2, 3, 5 minutes].

Speech on social Media

1 Minute Speech on social media

Hello to Everyone.

Social media has firmly established itself in our daily lives. We can stay in touch with friends and family, keep up with current affairs, and even learn new things thanks to technology. However, it’s crucial to keep in mind that anything we publish on social media is a reflection of who we are and could damage our reputation over time. Prior to posting, we should consider our words and the information we share. Let’s appropriately use social media and turn it into a beneficial influence on our lives. I’m grateful.

2 Minute Speech on social media

Social media has firmly established itself in our daily lives. We can stay in touch with friends and family, keep up with current affairs, and even learn new things thanks to technology. However, it’s crucial to keep in mind that anything we publish on social media is a reflection of who we are and could damage our reputation over time. Prior to posting, we should consider our words and the information we share.

It’s critical to be conscious of how much time we spend on social media in addition to how and what we share. The endless scroll makes it simple to lose track of time, and before we realise it, hours have passed. Finding a balance is crucial in order to prevent us from neglecting our offline obligations or connections in favour of social media.

Let’s appropriately use social media and turn it into a beneficial influence on our lives. I’m grateful.

Quotes of some internationally famous personalities for Speech on social media

  • “Change is never easy, but always possible.”
  • “We are the change we seek.”
  • “One child, one teacher, one book, one pen can change the world.”
  • “Let us remember: One book, one pen, one child, and one teacher can change the world.”
  • “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
  • “It always seems impossible until it’s done.”
  • “Follow your passion. Stay true to yourself. Never follow someone else’s path unless you’re in the woods and you’re lost, and you see a path. By all means, you should follow that.”
  • “The biggest risk is not taking any risk.”
  • “The question isn’t, ‘What do we want to know about people?’, It’s, ‘What do people want to know about themselves?'”
  • “If not me, who? If not now, when?”
  • “Don’t let anyone tell you what you can and can’t do or achieve. Do what you want to do and be who you want to be.”
  • “The internet, in particular, offers immense possibilities for encounter and solidarity. May it be a space for building a more inclusive and fraternal world.”
  • “Let us not forget that authentic power is service.”
  • “Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.”
  • “We always overestimate the change that will occur in the next two years and underestimate the change that will occur in the next ten. Don’t let yourself be lulled into inaction.”
  • “The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams.”
  • “Surround yourself with only people who are going to lift you higher.”
  • “If something is important enough, even if the odds are stacked against you, you should still do it.”
  • “When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor.”

3 Minute Speech on social media

Ladies and gentlemen!

I want to talk to you about social media  sites today and how it affects our daily life

On the one hand, social media  sites has greatly increased connectedness and made it simpler for us to communicate with friends and family, particularly during the epidemic when many of us were geographically separated.

Additionally, it has provided a forum for people and organisations to communicate information and ideas to a large audience.

But there are also drawbacks to take into account.

Social media  sites can be enticing and take up a lot of our time, which reduces productivity and in-person interaction.

As we compare ourselves to others and feel pressure to project a specific image online, it may also be a cause of anxiety and tension.

Concerns regarding privacy and the usage of personal information by social media  sites corporations are another issue.

When registering for these sites, it’s crucial that we read the terms of service and take precautions to protect our privacy.

Overall, even if social media sites offers numerous advantages, it’s crucial to utilise it carefully and sparingly.

I’m grateful.

5 Minute Speech on social media

Ladies and gentlemen! I want to talk to you about social media  sites today. Social media  sites has completely changed the way we engage and communicate with one another in our daily lives.

Social media sites offers a lot of advantages in our daily life including:

  • Connectivity: Social media enables us to maintain contact with loved ones who may be geographically separated.
  • Information access: We can keep up with current events and issues that interest us thanks to social media platforms, which are a great source of news and information.
  • Possibilities for self-expression: Social media provides us with a stage on which to communicate our ideas, emotions, and experiences to a large audience.
  • Marketing and advertising: Organizations can utilise social media to advertise and market their goods and services to a wide audience.
  • Networking: Professional networking and job prospects can be found using social media.
  • Community building: Social media enables users to interact and create online groups with shared interests.
  • Activism and social change: Social media has been utilised as a tool for activism and drawing attention to significant social and political concerns.
  • Amusement: The capacity to share and find fascinating stuff on social media makes it a potential source of entertainment.

But it’s crucial to keep in mind that social media  sites may also be harmful.

Additionally, there are a number of drawbacks to using social media, including;

Addiction: It is simple to develop a social media addiction and spend excessive amounts of time there, which reduces productivity and in-person interactions.

Cyberbullying: With the ability to reach a large audience, social media can serve as a breeding ground for this type of bullying.

Mental health: Regular social media use has been associated with detrimental effects on mental health, including elevated levels of anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem.

Lack of privacy: There are worries regarding privacy on social media due to the possibility of third parties receiving access to personal information and data.

Misinformation propagation: False or incorrect information can be transmitted fast and widely on social media, which can be a source of misinformation.

Time-consuming: Social media may be a time waster and a source of distraction from other, more crucial pursuits.

Comparison and FOMO: Viewing highlight reels of others on social media can cause feelings of comparison and FOMO, which can be detrimental to one’s self-esteem.

Distraction: It’s simple to get sucked into social media and lose focus on other pressing obligations and chores. At the last, I want to say that despite the fact that social media  sites has a lot of advantages, it is crucial to use it properly and to be aware of any potential drawbacks. I’m grateful.

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Speech on Social Media

  • Social Media Speech

A website or program that facilitates social interaction is known as social media. Information, ideas, opinions, images, and videos can all be shared. It is a "virtual space" where people may conduct business, follow their icons, and share information. Individuals like YouTubers, Instagram influencers, and others have made it their job to influence users on social media. A fresh avenue for self-expression is now available because of social media.

10 Lines Speech on Social Media

Short speech on social media, long speech on social media.

Speech on Social Media

Social Media refers to group interactions in which users build, share, or trade knowledge and concepts in online communities.

The ability to interact with others has evolved into a fundamental human need.

The remarkable advancements in communications and inventive, astounding entertainment have made knowledge more accessible and provided voices to those who otherwise would not have been heard.

The current generation has had the good fortune to experience some of the most astonishing technological advancements in human history.

Additionally, it is becoming increasingly obvious how significant social media has become in everyday life as the number of individuals using them keeps rising.

People can now purchase and talk to their friends about what they are buying easily due to B2B social, reviews, and travel sites on social media. To provide customers with an enjoyable shopping experience, certain websites provide group buying deals.

Because of the vast network of social media, distance is no longer a barrier. Through social media websites, you are consistently kept updated on the most recent events and news in the world.

The ability to teach from a distance is a benefit for academics and teachers.

It gives hackers the opportunity to conduct viral assaults and commit fraud.

Due to excessive usage and addiction to various social media platforms, people's productivity is being hindered.

Social media sites like WhatsApp, Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, and Twitter are becoming more and more essential as a result of their ability to link individuals all over the world.

Benefits of Social Media

Social media has several benefits, one of which is that it is a wealth of knowledge and contributes to education. For instance, kids use social media to find out what they want to know. It is an excellent tool for schooling. Online teaching is now available because of it. By simply sitting in front of a device in our country, we can attend a session taking place somewhere else in the world.

Social media is an excellent tool for keeping up with local news and events. Information can be found without us having to wait for the newspaper. There are numerous applications relating to news that can immediately inform us of any significant events taking place elsewhere in the world.

Drawbacks of Social Media

However, despite its several advantages, it has drawn criticism. Additionally, there are drawbacks. It is also regarded as one of society's darker sides. It is risky to share too much information online. Our privacy may be attacked. Additionally, excessive use results in hours spent on social media, which can divert kids from their education.

We can exchange our ideas and facts on social media, which is an interactive platform. In our everyday lives, we all use it. Our lives now revolve around it constantly. Both locally and internationally, they are used by every one of us for socializing and communication. Social networking offers both benefits and drawbacks.

Advantages of Social Media

We have countless options because of the social media platform's digital world, which is an entirely different world. The freedom of expression and action provided by social media is undoubtedly beneficial. The Internet has made everything possible, from communicating with our loved ones to posting happy moments and memories, learning from others and imparting information to our peers. We may collect money for charitable causes and public awareness of social issues via social media platforms.

Social media allows us to communicate with people all around the world, which is its main advantage. Today, anyone can voice their views on a national or international subject. People can promote their talents on social media, which is an additional advantage. Showing off their skills on social media has helped many people become famous. People can also make money from social media. The public can be made aware of issues by using social media. On this forum, those knowledgeable about issues like diet and health raise public awareness.

Disadvantages of Social Media

However, there are also restrictions and guidelines that each person must go by in order to use their rights on these platforms. Criminals conduct a vast list of crimes and wrongdoings that we innocent people become victims of, and such cases are growing daily. The issue is not the social media platform but rather our need for familiarity with how to interact with strangers.

The main disadvantage of social media is addiction. Checking one's social media profiles has become a frequent habit. Some information may be accurate, while other information may be false. Fake news may circulate over this medium like wildfire. On the Internet, many people have easy access to our personal information. Therefore, we must be careful against hackers. Another major downside of social media is cyberbullying. Some users annoy other accounts by leaving harmful and abusive comments.

The benefits of social interaction have made life easier and more convenient. A few drawbacks also exist. To maximize the potential of these new platforms, we must use them strategically and efficiently.

Real-Life Example

After the pandemic, I have lost my concentration and focus on my studies due to social media. I procrastinate, and because of this, I cannot manage my time correctly. Social media has impacted my academic life, and I had lost academic validation, which I used to have when I did not have an account on any social media applications, basically when I did not own a smartphone. Social media has created a trap that makes me spend hours just scrolling the whole day on Youtube or Instagram. I feel I have lost all my productivity; even when I want to learn or open some notes from my smartphone or laptop, I end up scrolling and watching unnecessary stuff which is of no benefit to me.

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Social Networking Sites Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on social networking sites.

Social networking sites are a great platform for people to connect with their loved ones. It helps in increasing communication and making connections with people all over the world. Although people believe that social networking sites are harmful, they are also very beneficial.

Social Networking Sites Essay

Furthermore, we can classify social networking sites as per blogging, vlogging, podcasting and more. We use social networking sites for various uses. It helps us greatly; however, it also is very dangerous. We must monitor the use of social networking sites and limit their usage so it does not take over our lives.

Advantage and Disadvantages of Social Networking Sites

Social networking sites are everywhere now. In other words, they have taken over almost every sphere of life. They come with both, advantages as well as disadvantages. If we talk about the educational field, these sites enhance education by having an influence on the learners. They can explore various topics for their projects.

Furthermore, the business field benefits a lot from social networking sites. The companies use social networking sites to connect better with their potential clients and business partners. Moreover, people in search of jobs use the sites to connect better with employers and firms. This gives them a great opportunity to seek better jobs.

Read 500+ Words Essay on Social Media here.

On the other hand, the disadvantages of social networking sites are also very high. They give birth to cybercrimes like cyberbullying , sexual exploitation, money scams and more. It is very harmful to kids as people make them victims of pornography and more. It also gives easy access to the pedophiles of children’s information.

Most importantly, social networking sites are very addictive. They drop the productivity levels of people. Students waste their time using it and get distracted easily from their studies. Moreover, it makes them inactive and limits their physical activities.

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Famous Social Networking Sites

Social networking sites have created a massive presence in today’s world. While there are many types of these sites, some are more famous than the others.

For instance, Facebook is the largest social networking site. It has more than 1 billion users which keep increasing every day. Moreover, it also helps you promote your business or brand through ads.

Secondly, there is Instagram. It is owned by Facebook only. Similarly, this app allows you to share photos and videos with your followers. It gives users a lot of filters to beautify your photos.

Furthermore, Twitter is also a great social networking site. It is mostly used by celebrities. This site allows you to post short messages called tweets to share your thoughts. Twitter is a great platform to convey your message in limited words.

Moreover, we have LinkedIn. This is one of the most sought after sites which allow professionals to locate and hire employees. Subsequently, it is available in more than twenty languages to give a user-friendly interface.

Finally, we have WhatsApp. Though it entered the game quite late, this instant messaging app made a place for itself instantaneously. Facebook acquired this app as well. It allows you to share text messages, images, videos, audios, documents and more.

In short, social networking sites are a bane and a boon. It depends on us how we use to. Anything in excess is harmful; likewise, social networking sites are too. Use them for your benefit and do not let them control your life.

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Social Media Bane Or Boon? Short and Long Speech for Students

short speech on social networking site

  • Updated on  
  • Nov 7, 2023

Social Media Bane or Boon

Social Media Bane or Boon: We open our cell phones and search for something, say a restaurant or coffee shop. Within seconds, all our questions are answered. This is the power of social media , where we get to know any and every information across the world. Sitting in an Asian country, we can easily find out what’s happening in South America or any other continent. But as they say, as long as there is light, there will be shadows also. Social media is also like that. It does offer us several benefits and serves as a fundamental tool for the modern world, but it also has several drawbacks. Let’s understand why the concept of Social Media Bane or Boon is so popular these days.

Table of Contents

  • 1 10 Lines on Social Media Bane or Boon
  • 2 1-Short Speech on Social Media Bane or Boon
  • 3 Long Speech on Social Media Bane or Book
  • 4 Popular Quotes and Slogans on Social Media Bane or Boon

Also Read: Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Media

10 Lines on Social Media Bane or Boon

Here are 10 lines on social media bane or boon.

  • Excessive use of social media has resulted in a decline in face-to-face interactions, leading to a sense of isolation and disconnection in society.
  • Social media has empowered marginalized communities to voice their opinions and advocate for social justice and equality.
  • False information on social media creates confusion and societal discord.
  • Social media platforms have facilitated the spread of information and ideas, fostering global awareness and activism.
  • Social media has facilitated online learning and education, providing access to a vast array of resources and knowledge.
  • Social media creates the fear of mission out (FOMO).
  • India has the highest number of social media users, approximately 550 million.
  • Social media has helped people connect with others living in a far-off country.
  • More than 100 million businesses are flourishing on social media.
  • Social media offers immense knowledge, from the evolution of the world to the present day.

Also Read: Social Media Giving Day 2023  

1-Short Speech on Social Media Bane or Boon

‘I greet you all present here. I’m here to present a short speech on Social Media Bane or Boon. We are all connected to social media, directly or indirectly. Social media has transformed the traditional way we communicate, share information, and connect with the world around us. However, social media has a dual nature, which we must not neglect. 

We all know that social media platforms operate as powerful tools for facilitating global awareness, promoting businesses, and enabling rapid communication during emergencies. It has created opportunities for individuals to express themselves, share their stories, and find communities that resonate with their interests and values.

But, the pervasive nature of social media has led to the rise of various concerns. Incidents like the dissemination of misinformation, fake news, cyberbullying, online harassment, etc. have brought the darker side of social media to the surface. These negative aspects have a profound impact on our mental health and societal well-being.’

Also Read: Speech on The Best Day of My Life  

Long Speech on Social Media Bane or Book

‘I welcome you all present here. Allow me to present myself on Speech on Social Media Bane or Boon. Social Media has become an integral part of our everyday lives. What’s going on around the world can all be figured out in seconds on the social media platforms. But social media is not meant for everyone and not everyone can operate it.

That was just one side of social media, for there is another, which must not be neglected. The increase in fake news, misinformation, and online scams has underscored the need for critical thinking and digital literacy to discern the authenticity of information shared on these platforms.

The addictive nature of social media leads to increased levels of anxiety, depression, and social isolation among users, highlighting the importance of fostering a healthy balance between online engagement and real-life interactions.

Social media’s algorithms create echo chambers, which reinforce our existing beliefs and perspectives while limiting exposure to diverse viewpoints, leading to heightened polarization and a decreased willingness to engage in constructive dialogue and compromise.

At last, the bane and boon of social media must be understood in equal measure to ensure a healthy and responsible digital environment, promote digital literacy, and encourage mindful and balanced use of these platforms.

Sometimes using social media is very simple; we open an application and search for any information or a product. Social media has allowed us to express ourselves, share our stories, and engage in meaningful dialogues.

There is no doubt that social media has democratized the flow of information, allowing marginalized communities to voice their concerns, advocate for social justice, and catalyze movements for positive change. 

Social media platforms have transformed the dynamics of business and marketing, providing organizations with an unprecedented opportunity to reach a vast audience and promote their products and services. 

Also Read: World Social Media Day

Popular Quotes and Slogans on Social Media Bane or Boon

Here are some popular quotes or slogans on social media bane or boon. Feel free to use them anywhere.

‘Real Connections, Not Just Reactions: Navigating Social Media Wisely.’

‘From Likes to Real Life: Embracing the True Meaning of Connection.’

‘Online Empowerment, Offline Engagement: Harnessing the Power of Social Media.’

‘Filtering Facts, Fighting Fake News: Unveiling the Truth Behind the Posts.’

‘Beyond the Screen: Cultivating Relationships That Transcend Social Media.’

Ans: The bane and boon concept has been highlighted by debate competitions. Social media Bane signifies something that causes negative sides of using it, which causes distress, harm, or ruin. Boon refers to the positive sides of social media, which are beneficial, advantageous, or favorable.

Ans: Social media platforms facilitate instant communication and connectivity, serve as a vital tool for sharing information, and news, offer businesses a powerful platform for marketing their products and services, and enable the creation of communities and networks based on shared interests, values, and goals. Also, Social media is an excellent platform for educational services.

Ans: Cyberbullying, online harassment, the spread of misinformation and false news, privacy breaches, data leaks, and increased rates of depression, anxiety, and feelings of inadequacy, due to its excessive use, are some of the major drawbacks of social media.

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Speech on Social Networking

Social networking is like a giant party online. You meet new friends, chat with old ones, and share exciting parts of your life.

Sometimes, you might feel worried about privacy. It’s normal but remember, social networks are fun if used safely and wisely.

1-minute Speech on Social Networking

Ladies and gentlemen, let’s talk about social networking. We all know Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, right? These are all platforms for social networking. They are like online homes where we can meet friends, share photos, and talk about our day.

Social networking is powerful. It helps us connect with people all over the world. You can have a friend in Brazil while sitting at home in Japan. It’s like having a magic carpet that flies you to different parts of the world.

But, like all magic, it can be good or bad. Good social networking is when we use it to learn, share happiness, and help others. It is when we use it to spread love, hope, and inspiration. It is like a sunny day, full of light and warmth.

Bad social networking is when we use it to hurt others, tell lies or spread hate. It is like a stormy night, dark and scary. We must always try to stay away from this.

Let’s use social networking wisely. Let’s use it to make the world a better place. Remember, every post, every comment, every like can make a difference. It can bring a smile or a tear. So, let’s use this power for good.

In the end, social networking is like a mirror. It shows us who we are. It shows us the world. Let’s make sure it reflects a world full of love, understanding, and kindness. Thank you.

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2-minute Speech on Social Networking

Good day, everyone! Today, let’s talk about social networking. It’s like a big party on the internet, where you can meet friends, share pictures, and talk about your day. It’s fun, right? But there’s more to it than just fun.

Let’s start by talking about how social networking can help us learn. Think about all the things you can find out on sites like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. There, you can see news from all over the world, learn about different cultures, and even pick up a new language. It’s like a huge library that never closes. It’s a place to learn, to grow, and to understand the world better.

But, social networking also helps us stay connected. With a simple click or tap, you can talk to a friend who lives in another city, or even another country. You can see pictures of your cousin’s new baby, or wish your grandma a happy birthday, even if she lives far away. It makes our big world feel a little bit smaller and closer.

Now, social networking can also be a powerful tool for good. It can bring people together to help others. Imagine if your pet cat goes missing. You can post a picture and ask for help. Or if there’s a big problem like a fire or flood in your city, people can use social networks to share information and help each other.

But just like anything else, social networks have a flip side too. It’s important to remember that not everything you see online is true. Sometimes people might share things that aren’t real, or they might pretend to be someone they’re not. Also, it’s crucial not to share too much about yourself online, like your address or phone number. It’s just like when you’re at a real party – you wouldn’t tell a stranger all your secrets, right?

Finally, let’s talk about how we can use social networks in a good way. It’s okay to spend time online, but not too much. Don’t let your online life take over your real life. Make sure to spend time with your friends and family in person, not just online. And remember, it’s okay to disagree with people online, but always be kind and respectful, just like you would in real life.

So, there you have it – the world of social networking. It’s a great place to learn, to connect, and to help others. But it’s also important to use it wisely and safely. It’s like a party that never ends, and we all have an invitation. Let’s make sure we’re the best guests we can be. Thank you!

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Speech on Social Media

Still thinking about what to include in your speech on social media? How to make your speech stand apart from others? This article will help you to give a good speech on social media. Social media is considered to be both a blessing and a curse. Let’s see how social media plays a role in inspiring and motivating people as well as demotivating and distracting people.

Table of Contents

What do you mean by social media, advantages of social media, disadvantages of social media.

  • FAQs on Speech on Social Media

We all have heard about the term ‘social media’ and are quite familiar with it, but what does the term mean? Social media is one of the mediums for communication and content development. Social media allows one to share information, opinions, ideas and many other things and also to create one. Now, there are two different views about social media. One group of people think that social media has a bad influence on people, whereas the other thinks that social media has a lot of positive outcomes. A good speech on social media will cover both aspects.

There are those who vouch for social media, these are the reasons why they do so:

  • It is through social media that one develops a large audience. If someone is all set to promote their art, business or work, social media turns out to be a tool to reach a large number of people easily.
  • Social media has a major role in connecting people. People who live far away from their families and friends who have grown apart with time can get connected to one another. With social media, the distance decreases between people.
  • It is through social media that people learn about events/happenings from around the world. Any news travels faster and reaches peoples’ ears within no time.

Apart from acting as a boon, social media has some disadvantages too. Some of them are mentioned below.

  • Frequent use of social media has increased the screen time, which in turn, has caused a rise in physical ailments.
  • Continuous use of social media can also make people lazy and lethargic.

Frequently Asked Questions on Speech on Social Media

Does social media have both pros and cons.

Yes, just like two faces of a coin, social media too, has both pros and cons.

What are the advantages of social media?

  • It is through social media that people learn about events/happenings from around the world. Any news travels faster and reaches peoples’ ears within no time.

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English Summary

5 Minute Speech on Craze of Social Networking in English for Students

Social media is taking the world of today by the wave. Everyone is so engrossed in their phones on social media. Rather our lives are dependent on social media. A picture to click is far more important than anything. It is almost as if it depends on whether the day will go well or bad. People are losing their mental health for social media and there are more than thousands of proof for that. It is scary. For some, it has helped them lead. A better life. For some, not. People are portraying another life out there on social media and a different one in reality. In most social media apps, Instagram has become the most popular. Through this, we can connect to different kinds of people from different states and countries. We should be careful of social media and not be taken away by this. It takes a lot out of all of us. It is no doubt very addictive. It can have. A strong impact on the mental health of some. There are many, according to research done. We must be aware of the consequences. We must learn to keep our limits. We should teach children and many other youths. Youths are most influenced by this. Social media has no doubt helped the world and society to a whole new level but it has also led to many problems. Therefore we need to learn how to use social media widely and practically. The youths of today are most at risk.  

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short speech on social networking site

Sample Informative Speech: Social Networking Websites And How They Work

In a borderless culture, networking has cultural mobility. Social networking guarantees communication, interaction, and social exchange of ideas, beliefs, and opinions without leaving your home. It becomes a remedy from loneliness and boredom. Social networking websites are numerous. You may be surprised at their huge number of users. The giants are Window Live Spaces (120 million registered users), hi 5 (80 million users, and (70 million users). These are global networking websites that provide Internet users with a great variety of Internet services. The other popular websites are (51 million users), Netlog (42 million users), Bebo (40 million users), Linkedin (35 million users), Odnokashniki (30 million users), Sky Rock (22 million users), Imeem (21 million users), Mixi (20 million users), Black Planet (20 million users), Live.Journal (18 million users), Xiaonei (15 million users), Plaxo (15 million users), and Bado (13 million users) (Wikipedia, referenced information). You might have already chosen one of these popular websites.

However, small social networking websites may be not less interesting to you. I will inform you of, which is a live webcam social network. I will rely on this website’s materials. provides its users with a wide range of services, including Broadcaster News created by Becky Bain, Seth Goldsmith, Andy Ryz, and Michael Miller. The daily show’s hostess is Amy Paffrath who features the latest gossip, red carpet events, music news, and the like. The site’s users may exchange their opinions in chat groups, create personal profiles, post pictures, and have a feeling of belonging that they need so much. Broadcaster is an entertainment community of about one hundred thousand users, ten percent of whom are logged in. Broadcaster filters out all the crap on YouTube and helps creators find their audience. Broadcaster views itself as the next generation community site that would outdo YouTube or MySpace in quality and popularity. It personalizes its users’ profiles, helping them create original podcasts, videos, and live webcasts, as well as offers tools edit videos, such as Studio Pro. Broadcaster distributes SD content as a credit card processor. You may find the website you have been looking for so long.

Social networking have gained popularity with Internet users. Although we have our favorites, it is always good to try new options, like Surfing the Internet is very time-consuming. Good advice about social networking is what we all desperately need.

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Speech On Social Media

Social media platforms have undoubtedly revolutionized the way we communicate. They have broken down barriers, allowing us to connect with friends, family, and even strangers around the world. It has bridged the gap between cultures while fostering a sense of global community. But with this great power also comes great responsibility.

Speech No.1: Speech on social media

Good morning

Respected principal, teachers, and my dear school fellows

Let me start my speech by asking a general question. How many of you are on Instagram?

So many hands are up, then you all must know that the short video clips that are on all platforms are called by different names, so for Instagram they are reels, for YouTube they are shorts, and for Snapchat they are highlights. Isn’t that surprising? To give different names to the same thing is what social media is all about.

As everyone is aware, social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and WhatsApp are becoming more and more significant as a result of their ability to instantly link individuals all over the world.

Let me ask everyone: What are your plans for Sunday? The most common answers from Gen Z are Netflix and Chill. Have you ever realized how social media platforms such as Netflix, Amazon Prime, etc. came to replace TVs? It now consists of multiple entertainment movies and a new buzzword web series. This is how we can get to know the presence of social media in today’s world.

So why do we use social media? Of course, there are some benefits to it. There are several benefits to social media when considering its positive effects. Social media has several benefits, one of which is that it is a wealth of knowledge and aids in education. Children, for instance, use social media to find knowledge on the desired subject. The way we engage and communicate with one another has surely altered as a result of social media. People have become closer and are able to connect with one another in ways that were before impossible. It is currently one of the most widely used forms of communication and is rising in popularity quickly. You may communicate ideas, content, information, news, etc. more quickly thanks to social media.

It is an excellent educational tool. It has enabled live instruction. By just sitting in front of a screen in our country, we can listen to a lecture taking place somewhere else in the world. You all must remember the time of COVID-19. When everything around us was shut down and we were left with nothing but to be at home, it was social media that made it possible to take classes from home. We see the development of a new normal. Even now, we can enroll in foreign universities and study at prestigious institutions just by sitting at home.

Not bad, right?

Social networking is a great way to keep informed about the world around us. Information is readily available without us having to wait for a newspaper. Numerous news-related applications are available that can immediately inform us of any significant events taking place nearby.

But social media is a contentious issue nowadays; while some people see it as a blessing, most people see it as a curse. Nowadays, using social networking sites is trendy. For some people, if you do not have a digital presence, you do not even exist. The pressure to be active on social networking sites and maintain an impressive profile is growing and it has a significant impact on young people.

Given that they must allocate time for studying, exercising, and other healthy activities like reading, this is a very high number. There isn’t much time left over for other activities, which leads to major problems like short attention spans, poor concentration, anxiety, and complex problems. We now have more online friends, but we also miss our everyday face-to-face interactions. Other risks include sex offenders, strangers getting access to personal information, etc. The spread of fake news at a fast pace is also one of the negative consequences of this media. Even the majority of people think that social media has drastically changed and ruined modern human interactions.

Others view it as a blessing because it allows us to interact with people everywhere; we may meet distant relatives, raise awareness, send security alerts, etc. Social media is capable of a lot. But there is no denying that social media has sped up and greatly improved the comfort and simplicity of our lives.

In conclusion, there are benefits and drawbacks to social networking. However, in the end, it’s up to the customer. In particular, young people must find a balance between their use of social media, physical activity, and academic performance. Social networking is just as deadly as anything else when used properly.

Speech No.2

Ladies and gentlemen, friends,

Today, I want to talk about social media, which has changed the way we communicate and connect with others. Social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter have made it easy for us to stay in touch with friends and family, wherever they are. It’s like having a huge virtual community at our fingertips!

For example, my friend Vishal lives in another country, but we talk and share pictures on social media all the time. It feels like he is here with me even though he is miles away.

But, we need to be careful while using social media. Sometimes, people share things that are not true and this can create problems. It’s like that time someone in our class shared a fake news story, and we all freaked out until our teacher pointed out that it wasn’t real.

Also, spending too much time on social media can sometimes make us feel sad or neglected. You might have seen posts from parties or events where you weren’t invited and it might have hurt your feelings. We must remember that what we see online is only a small part of one’s life, and it is important to be happy with who we are.

It is important to be responsible when sharing things online. Like, Commenting on religious things may trigger communal violence. Every time government banned the internet to stop the communal tension because of fake and misleading news on social media through the petrol fire. We should always treat others with kindness and respect, both online and offline.

(Add some real-life incidents/news)

But social media can be a force for good too! Remember that charity fundraiser we saw on Instagram? This helped raise funds to build a school for needy children. Social media can spread positive messages and support the issues we care about.

So, let’s use social media wisely and be kind to others. When we see something strange or are not sure whether it is true or not, let’s ask our parents or teachers for help. And remember, it’s not about how many followers or likes we have – what’s most important is how we treat each other and make a positive impact on the world.

Thanks for listening, and let’s make social media a place of joy, learning, and friendship!

Add In Your Speech

Movement on Social Media

You can quote any social media movement as per your audience.

  • #BlackLivesMatter
  • #MarchForOurLives
  • #NativeLivesMatter

Negative Activity on Social Media

  • Cyberbullying: Where people use hurtful words, threats, or humiliation to target others.
  • Spread of misinformation: False information, rumors, and fake news
  • Online harassment and trolling
  • Privacy concerns
  • Addiction and mental health issues:
  • Online scams and fraud
  • Decreased attention span
  • Social isolation

Positive Story of Social Media

Jashika Khan and Mohammed Ajazuddin from Kolkata, India, were filmed doing somersaults and jumps on their way to school one morning. He had no idea that this video would make him a viral sensation in 2019.

The video was posted by his teacher on TikTok, Facebook, and Twitter. As a result, it was eventually retweeted by Olympic gymnast Nadia Comaneci.

The attention from Twitter and Nadia resulted in the two teenagers receiving free gymnastics training, with meals paid for by the Sports Authority of India. With this excellent training, we may just see these two in the Olympics again someday!

Popularly known as Miracle Man in Manipur, IAS officer Armstrong Pame’s first claim to fame was when he got a 100 km stretch of road constructed in the state in 2012, and this, without any help from the government. Armstrong began gathering support through social media and received Rs 40 lakh in contributions.

Read Full Story

Social Media, especially TikTok, and now Instagram Reels, is known to have created unexpected stars every now and then.

Is there any need to tell about the ‘Kacha Badam’ song? Obviously, a big no. The Kacha Badam peanut seller Bhuban Badyakar is now a celebrity. Many people and celebs have been dancing and making reels to Kacha Badam’s song. Locals would whip out their camera phones and record his daily performance comprised of Badyakar stitching together words on the uses of peanuts, how to cook and eat them, and so on, all humming to a simple melody. One such video went viral earlier this year in January and was followed by digital creators remixing the song on Instagram reels (they even added a dancing flourish to the tune). To Badyakar’s earnest surprise, “Kacha Badam” soon took the Internet by storm. 

It is a shame that even in 2020, many women in rural (and urban) India are only expected to fulfill the duties of a wife, mother, cook, and cleaner. Project GOAL by the Digital Empowerment Foundation (DEF) seeks to challenge such conventions. In its pilot project, DEF selected a handful of women from a tribal village in Madhya Pradesh, introduced them to the internet and social media, and connected each with an urban female entrepreneur.

The weekly mentorship calls aim to help build connections that broaden the perspectives of both rural and urban women by learning about the challenges and aspirations of their counterparts. This year, Facebook has partnered with DEF to launch this unique mentorship project in a big way – and I hope to join as a mentor someday!

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Speech on Social Media

Speech generator.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Good [morning/afternoon/evening], and thank you for the opportunity to speak with you today. We are here to delve into a topic that has become as integral to our daily lives as the air we breathe: social media. In this digital age, social media is not just a tool; it’s a landscape where our identities, communities, and even our realities are constructed, contested, and celebrated.

The Genesis of Social Media

Let’s begin by acknowledging how social media started as a simple platform for connection. A way to bridge the geographical divide, to reconnect with long-lost friends, and to share moments that define the tapestry of our lives. It was a revolution that promised to make the world smaller, more connected, and in many ways, it has.

The Power of Connection

At its best, social media is a powerful tool for good. It has democratized information, giving a voice to the voiceless and shining a light on injustice. It has fueled movements, from the Arab Spring to #MeToo, showing us the power of collective action. It has created communities, allowing people with rare diseases to find support, and enabling marginalized groups to tell their stories.

The Double-Edged Sword

However, like any tool, the impact of social media depends on how we wield it. It can be a double-edged sword. On one hand, it can uplift and unite. On the other, it can divide and disenfranchise. We’ve seen the rise of misinformation, cyberbullying, and the erosion of privacy. The very platforms that connect us can also be platforms where we compare our lives to the highlight reels of others, often feeling inadequate by comparison.

The Challenge of Misinformation

One of the most pressing challenges we face in the age of social media is the spread of misinformation. The speed at which false information can spread is staggering, and its consequences are real. It can undermine public health, influence elections, and incite violence. Combating this requires vigilance, critical thinking, and a commitment from both platforms and users to prioritize truth.

The Responsibility of Users and Platforms

This brings us to the question of responsibility. Social media platforms have a duty to safeguard their spaces, to ensure they are not breeding grounds for hate, falsehood, or harm. But as users, we too have a responsibility. We must be discerning about the information we consume and share. We must strive to build communities that are inclusive and respectful. We must remember that behind every profile is a human being, deserving of dignity and respect.

Looking Forward: The Path Ahead

As we look to the future, the role of social media in our lives will only grow. The question is not whether it will be a part of our future, but how. We stand at a crossroads, with the power to shape this future. We can choose a path that leverages the power of social media for good, one that fosters connection, community, and understanding.

In conclusion, I urge each of you to consider your role in this digital ecosystem. Let us be architects of a digital world that we are proud to be a part of. A world where we lift each other up, rather than tearing each other down. A world where we share not just what is sensational, but what is true, kind, and meaningful.

Let us not forget that social media, at its core, is about us, the users. It reflects our choices, our values, and our humanity. Let’s commit to making those reflections as positive, truthful, and inclusive as possible.


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Free Persuasive Speech Example – Social networking sites

short speech on social networking site

Persuasive Speech Example – Do social networking sites do more harm than good?

Here is an example of a Free Persuasive Speech Topic sent in by Matteo Berto.

Ladies, gentlemen, there has recently been a debate as to whether social networking sites do more harm than good.

Personally, I believe social networking sites are harmful and do have consequences. I have solid evidence to support my statement and so I would like to start with a true story concerning Facebook – a popular social networking site.

Not too long ago, a girl in her teens made a friend on Facebook – a chat buddy. This other unidentified friend didn’t give any personal details and one day this girl and friend met up at the mall.  The girl was never seen again. This is a serious matter because let’s say this happened to all girls – it would be chaos. Another story is that of a suicide because a person couldn’t meet up with another person on another social networking site. People – is our nation known for its numerous social networks which invade privacy and prevent outdoor activity and exercise? Are our students to spend time chatting online instead of studying for future careers which make this country great?

The opposition argues that social networking sites give people their own space and that these blog sites represent fun and socialisation. Well, would we not prefer our children to go outside and socialise and meet friends that they know where they live and they know their gender? Did people in the 60s need social networking sites? In the olden days we didn’t express a need for an online high tech chatting system. Social networking sites prevent youths from spending time with their parents and their siblings. Another issue about social networking sites is what if your child comes across discrimination or cyber bullying? This only adds to depression. If we are to be a happy nation we should restrict these sites to people above the age of sixteen. This is a fairly easy alternative which I am sure the majority of you would vote for.

Overall, the benefits are few and the drawbacks are many – social networking sites are the centre of misconduct, less studying and unsafe blogs. Do we want our youths to have their eyes glued to computer screens or their ears plugged to headphones? We must restrict social networking sites to 16s or above! Get your children outside socialising and inside studying!

By Matteo Berto, aged 12.

Do you have any examples of speeches that you have given. Please send them in and we will publish them.

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short speech on social networking site

Speaking as a teenager myself, I find social network also very “unsocial” as it doesn’t allow us to get out into the real world. Everyone else at my school absolutely disagrees and I find it very heart warming that there are young people (in this case an intelligent 12 year old) who have seen the evidence and have produced an extended argument against it. Reading it made my day.

ow?,,,,,,,you make me more comfortable by reading this speeches of yours,,,,,,thank u for adding more informations,,,,

that topic is Wonderful

I think that this is quite a good, persuasive speech. It also looks like you have good points for your speech which you are using to influence others and think about them. I am in year 10, and have to write a speech, and this looks like a good topic. For a twelve year old, I think that you have done a great job. Well done!

this is very good – well done!

This was amazing i enjoyed it very good well done.

this was very good and changing as l’m a teenager my self.

very nice speech.’many students like this.’…

well done mate

i think it is very good to all other student ,i like very mach this writing stile

about why post secondary school should be free

I think this is extremely good, it helped me write a newspaprer article for english!:) xx

hi, do you have an outline for this speech?

Hi unofrtunately, No we dont have an outline

This is a good idea…..I just might use it for my english class!!!!! (:

thanks sooo much i was looking for this for 2hours

For me social networking have bad and good consequences, But its up for us kids if were on this side. for me this net working sites may be a bad idea.. We should experience,explore and enjoy the real world!

Do you have any informative and entertaining speech about this?

what a good idea , yes its true , actually it depends on how you use the social networking.


There are a lot of assumptions being made here. For one, personal examples do not necessitate a series of similar responses and are do not produce adequate evidence to suggest this phenomenon WILL happen to everyone. Secondly, while it can be agreed upon that Social Networking Sites do in fact distract and take time from other activities, websites themselves do not make choices, people make choices. The biggest assumption being made here is that if these sites exist, they must be used and will always produce the evidence presented here. Unfortunately, that’s just not the case. Solid work here, but check your assumptions.

I kinda’ bit unlike the speech, the words such as: “Social Networking Sites” is kinda’ bit over-used. But because a 12-year old kid made this, I think its considerable. :))

nic speech,vry good…support yaa 100%

i did this persuasion for my oral at my school lets just hope that i get 10 out of 10

how does it affect our speech though?

yes this presentation had opened the eyes of all youth

Its a great speech and its the truth these days

Word choice, format, and variety was established in that piece while I believe that you have done an outstanding job and should be commended for your talent, hats off to you!

Good, excellent

I think it is good when it is use wisely and not in the other way round . I find it good and nice for me when I use it wisely. Social networking is useful because it is use for searching things and charting

you can please write a persuasive essay about advirtisement more harm tan good…please please please

I liked your speech, it did have some great points, but honestly I disagree with it. You made very good points, but other than these small topics what do you have to back up your ideas. Yes, abduction is a big issue and does happen often nowadays, social media sites are used by various predators, but most parents have the sense to explain to their child the danger of this and these children should grasp an understanding and be able to use the social network safely. Another, the fact that you stated how many children are wasting time on social media instead of going out in the ‘real world’ and having real experiences. While this is a good point, there are many children or people in general who have anxiety disorders, or are just plain antisocial. Social media is a great way for them to experience life in their comfort zone. Sure, studying habits are not helped by these websites per say, but for me this is a great way to find help in school. Many of my social network friends are very intelligent and will often help me with my work, this has actually helped improve my grades in school. I did enjoy reading your speech, but if you do write something in a topic such as this please make sure you state all the facts, not just the ones that go along with your own argument.

wow FABULOUS What a nice speech.. u such a writer keep it going i really enjoyed your speech


i was finding speeches about keeping your grades up and this is what i found???? tf

it helps me alot in english and ofcourse it was so fabulous

hey this is so awesome,and about the one who disagreed with this speech i think you should go see a doctor

i think that social network is bad but not for the people who are aware of bad things happening today.

so,we should not just justify social networking sites bad .instead of that we should aware people .

I liked your speech, it did have some great points, but honestly I disagree with it. You made very good points, but other than these small topics what do you have to back up your ideas. Yes, abduction is a big issue and does happen often nowadays, social media sites are used by various predators, but most parents have the sense to explain to their child the danger of this and these children should grasp an understanding and be able to use the social network safely. Another, the fact that you stated how many children are wasting time on social media instead of going out in the ‘real world’ and having real experiences. While this is a good point, there are many children or people in general who have anxiety disorders, or are just plain antisocial. Social media is a great way for them to experience life in their comfort zone. Sure, studying habits are not helped by these websites per say, but for me this is a great way to find help in school. Many of my social network friends are very intelligent and will often help me with my work, this has actually helped improve my grades in school. I did enjoy reading your speech, but if you do write something in a topic such as this please make sure you state all the facts, not just the ones that go along with your own argument.

really helpful. i like alot!! thnks for a great speech #awesome!!!!!!!!!!

well it is good but i need a speech for my class activity

Really I like a lot !

hey, i found that this had many interesting information. it definitly persuaded me lol. but i was wondering could it use some of this for my own speech?

thahk you so much for the idea,,it helps me a lot”how blessed you are?,,

. I need a wow introduction for my speech about social media .. help me please . thanks in advance

When writing a Persuasive Essay, students should plan every aspect of the essay: • Choose a position. Students should think about the issue and pick the side they wish to advocate. • Understand the audience. … • Do the research. … • Identify the most convincing evidence, as well as the key points for the opposing view.


help me my speech about social maneger in spg in school

You wrote like a pro compared to another 12 year old… me. Sensational Skills from Matteo.

thank you ~

Thanks for a’ re such a big help!

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Speech on Social Media (Short & Long Speech) For Students

Speech on social media, introduction.

Respected Principal Sir/Madam, teachers and dear fellow students. Before this beautiful day I have been given a lucky chance to address the future of our digital world. In my full effort and love I intend to say a few words regarding my topic- “Social Media”.

You are a product of your surroundings and by surroundings I don’t mean just the physical world but also the virtual world. The virtual world of social media, a media platform that is social, and a different world in its own it offers us with limitlesspossibilities. Doors which once were non-existent now being born every day, one by one with almost the whole world on social media we are now witnessing our national boundaries vanish, we are more closer and communication is pretty much instant. But we must not forget our responsibilities when we use social media. No doubt social media gives us freedom of speech and action but there are certain limits and rules to which every citizen must oblige and must recognize his or her rights on social media platforms. I think and wonder we have a very powerful and potent tool as social media yet there exist no authority who teaches us how to use it. Well I know your reaction to this question, we know how to use it and it is simple, but May I need remind you of the long list of crimes and misdeeds which criminals commit and we innocent fall prey to, and the numbers are increasing day by day. We trust someone on social media we never met and provide them with all our private information, and mistakenly if that person happens to be a felon, you are up for a rude awakening. See the problem exist not in the social media platform but the knowledge we lack in  handling strangers. Of course technology has its limits and no felon is purely immune to his or her disguise but what remains of concern here is the fact we are very careless in ways we handle our private life on social media. Talk about the advantages of social media, there are many to count like we can talk with our friends and family, share good times and memories online, we can learn with our peers and share knowledge with them. We can use social media platforms to raise money for good cause, raise awareness on social topics, and watch worldwide news. The effects of social media are debatable but we must say, everybody likes to use social media platforms. It is indeed a good form of entertainment. One more important thing we must understand is we tend to binge the time too much at times and it also interferes with our daily lives and schedules. As I ‘ve mentioned earlier, adding to it one most important thing is the use of social media must be for rightful and education causes, occasional entertainment is alright but when children and even the adults binge their time carelessly, time which can used for something productive and better, what results is clearly not good.

On a good note I would like to tell you all that social media is here to stay, decision to be a part of isn’t the problem, only problem is our irresponsible use. So use social media responsibly. Thank you all for being such a good and patient crowd.

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Speech on Social Media for Students and Children in 800+ Words

August 2, 2020 by ReadingJunction 2 Comments

Speech on Social Media for Students and Children in 800+ Words

Here on this post you will read a Speech on Social Media for Students and Children in 800 Words. This speech educate people about social media advantages and disadvantages.

Speech on Social Media in 800+ Words

Dear Principal Teachers, our colleagues and guest. Good morning to all of you. Today on this day, I am going to share my thoughts through a short speech on Social Media. In our daily life, we see that advanced & new applications and platform are coming in use.

I am going to talk about them by name until we find that Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp and other apps which are connecting people in a very short time. Everybody, whether he is a child or adult everyone, is collected with these platforms. As a group, we all say these apps and websites as social media.

Web-based life is fundamentally the biggest methods for correspondence today. It has likewise become a significant piece of the present human life. It is a substantial method for keeping individuals associated.

Online networking attempts to make any episodes occurring in the nation and abroad right away. Online networking can be utilised utilising any methods, for example, PC, versatile, tablet, PC and so forth.

WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and so on is the significant foundation of internet-based life. Through this, any news can be spread the nation over and abroad in a second.

Online networking is utilised to perform numerous sorts of errands. Through this, any important news can be sent to many individuals in a moment, and data can be given to them.

Today, innovation has expanded in a great amount of that by sitting in one corner of one nation; we can converse with our relatives or companions living in another nation and cooperate.

These days, many sorts of instructive channels are being run on YouTube for training and information, through which anybody can get any kind of information as to offer his insight with others. These days through this, any individual can without stretch play out any undertaking by sitting at home.

Through this, any individual can learn things effectively by filling a structure, sending cash, sending or accepting messages, conversing with individuals, and so forth. On prior occasions, when there was no web and internet-based life, individuals get numerous data after months or after some time.

Earlier, individuals used to send a letter in the event of any occurrence; at that point some other individual would get data, which took a great deal of time. A significant number of the assignments that are done in seconds these days were done in the months.

Individuals run and advice about their business through web-based life, and this individual likewise gets the chance to gain cash on the web. These days, the web-based experience is progressively preferred by youngsters and educators.

Kids can gain so much from home, and instructors can spread their data to others through internet-based life while sitting at home. They can likewise win some cash through it. Individuals can likewise accomplish social work by sharing their data. 

These days, all individuals show their ability via web-based networking media and win cash from it. These days, if you need to get somebody’s photograph, video and so on., it very well may be acquired effectively through online life.

Online networking stays an intriguing diversion for all individuals nowadays. Individuals are associated with their family members and so on through it and appreciate it.

Dear listener, everything has its benefits or advantages and having some negative impacts or disadvantages in the world. Same social media has its advantages and disadvantages .

If we see from the student’s point of view, we find that all these networking sites and platforms now have become a big source of distractions for youngers and students. Teens also are getting the addition of these and busy on Facebook, Instagram day and night.

This habit affects the student’s life and career as well. Most of the time, students are busy with friends on social media tools. The new-age phone and fast internet connection played a critical role in this addition. The students and young waste their precious time thoughtlessly on these social media websites. To access these platforms is so easy for boys and girls.

Nowadays, students and youngers are more worried about their internet connections. They are so concerned about adding their network on Facebook than being familiar with their studies and education and other educational activities.

One worse thing which is increasing through these websites is an obscenity. In a young age, the minds of youngsters are so soft, and these sites affect the minds set of teens and leading them astray.

Dear listener, at the end of my speech, I can say that many individuals get addicted via web-based networking media. Because of this, they get apart from their reality and utilise online life over and over, which they likewise become mobile mania, and they escape from their reality.

This is the most noticeably terrible impact of web-based life.  We all should use this for our advantage and not waste our precious time unnecessarily.

Reader Interactions

short speech on social networking site

March 15, 2022 at 5:19 am


October 27, 2023 at 6:01 am

i just wanted to say that are you able to make a good benefits of social media if thats ok just saying.😊

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short speech on social networking site

7 Best Short Persuasive Speech Examples to Drive Change

Leah Nguyen • 08 April, 2024 • 8 min read

Are you looking for persuasive speches? Persuasion is power, and within a mere three minutes, you can move mountains – or at least change some minds.

But with brevity comes pressure to pack a maximum punch.

So how do you deliver impact concisely and command attention from the get-go? Let us show you some short persuasive speech examples that convince the audience in less than the time to microwave a pizza.

Table of Contents

1-minute short persuasive speech examples, 3-minute short persuasive speech examples, 5-minute short persuasive speech examples, bottom line, frequently asked questions.

Short persuasive speech examples

Tips for Audience Engagement

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  • How Do You Express Yourself?
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The 1-minute persuasive speeches are similar to a 30-second elevator pitch which constrain what you can do due to their limited time. Here are some examples that stick to a single, compelling call to action for a 1-minute window.

Short persuasive speech examples

#1. Title: Go Meatless on Mondays

Good afternoon everyone. I’m asking you to join me in adopting a simple change that can positively impact both our health and the planet – going meatless one day a week. On Mondays, commit to leaving meat off your plate and choosing vegetarian options instead. Research shows cutting back on red meat just a bit provides significant benefits. You’ll reduce your risk of chronic diseases while lessening your environmental footprint. Meatless Mondays are easy to incorporate into any lifestyle. So starting next week, I hope you’ll help raise awareness around sustainable eating by participating. Every small choice matters – will you make this one with me?

#2. Title: Volunteer at the Library

Hello, my name is X and I’m here today to tell you about an exciting opportunity to give back to the community. Our public library is seeking more volunteers to assist patrons and help keep its services running strong. As little as two hours per month of your time would be hugely appreciated. Tasks can include shelving books, reading to children, and assisting seniors with technology. Volunteering is a great way to build skills while feeling fulfilled through serving others. Please consider signing up at the front desk. Our library brings people together – help keep it open for all by offering your time and talents. Thank you for listening!

#3. “Invest in Your Career with Continued Education”

Friends, to stay competitive in today’s world we must commit to lifelong learning. A degree alone won’t cut it anymore. That’s why I’m encouraging you all to consider pursuing additional certifications or classes part-time. It’s a great way to boost your skills and open new doors. Just a few hours a week can make a big difference. Companies also love seeing employees who take the initiative to grow. So let’s support each other along the way. Who wants to further their career together starting this fall?

These persuasive speech examples clearly state the position and main information within 3 minutes. You can have a tad bit more freedom to express your points compared to the 1-minute speeches.

Short persuasive speech examples

#1. “Spring Clean Your Social Media”

Hey everyone, social media can be fun but it also eats up a lot of our time if we’re not careful. I know from experience – I was constantly scrolling instead of doing things I enjoy. But I had an epiphany last week – it’s time for a digital detox! So I did some spring cleaning and unfollowed accounts that didn’t spark joy. Now my feed is full of inspiring folks instead of distractions. I feel less pulled to mindlessly browse and more present. Who’s with me in lightening your online load so you can spend more high-quality time in real life? It takes just a few minutes to unsubscribe and you won’t miss the stuff that doesn’t serve you.

#2. “Visit Your Local Farmers Market”

Guys, have you been to the downtown farmers market on Saturdays? It’s one of my favourite ways to spend the morning. The fresh veggies and local goods are amazing, and you get to chat with friendly farmers growing their own stuff. I always walk away with breakfast and lunch sorted for days. Even better, shopping directly from farmers means more money goes back into our community. It’s a fun outing too – I see lots of neighbours there every weekend. So this Saturday, let’s go check it out. Who wants to join me on a trip to support locals? I promise you’ll leave full and happy.

#3. “Reduce Food Waste through Composting”

How can we help the planet while saving money? By composting our food scraps, that’s how. Did you know food rotting in landfills is a major source of methane gas? But if we compost it naturally, those scraps turn into nutrient-rich soil instead. It’s easy to get started with a backyard bin too. Just 30 minutes a week breaks down apple cores, banana peels, coffee grounds – you name it. I promise your garden or community garden will thank you. Who wants to do their part and compost with me from now on?

Covering your information in a few minutes is possible if you have a well-established persuasive speech outline .

Let’s look at this 5-minute example on life:

Short persuasive speech examples

We’ve all heard the saying “You only live once”. But how many of us truly understand this motto and appreciate each day to its maximum? I’m here to persuade you that carpe diem should be our mantra. Life is too precious to take for granted.

Too often we get caught up in daily routines and trivial worries, neglecting to fully experience each moment. We scroll mindlessly through phones instead of engaging with real people and surroundings. Or we work excessive hours without dedicating quality time to relationships and hobbies that feed our souls. What’s the point of any of this if not to genuinely live and find joy each day?

The truth is, we really don’t know how much time we have. An unforeseen accident or illness could end even the healthiest life in an instant. Yet we trudge through life on autopilot instead of embracing opportunities as they arise. Why not commit to living consciously in the present rather than the hypothetical future? We must make a habit of saying yes to new adventures, meaningful connections, and simple pleasures that spark life within us.

To wrap it up, let this be the era where we stop waiting to truly live. Each sunrise is a gift, so let’s open our eyes to experience this wonderful ride called life to its absolute fullest. You never know when it might end, so make each moment count from today forward.

👩‍💻 How to Make a 5 Minute Presentation with 30 Topic Ideas in 2024

We hope these exemplary short speech examples have inspired and equipped you to craft impactful persuasive openers of your own.

Remember, in just a minute or two, you have the potential to spark real change. So keep messages concise yet vivid, paint compelling pictures through well-chosen words, and above all, leave audiences eager to hear more.

Which is an example of a persuasive speech?

Persuasive speeches present a clear position and utilise arguments, facts and reasoning to convince an audience to accept that particular viewpoint. For example, a speech which is written to convince voters to approve local funding for park upgrades and maintenance.

How do you write a 5-minute persuasive speech?

Choose a specific topic that you are passionate and knowledgeable about. Write an attention-grabbing introduction and develop 2 to 3 main arguments or points to support your thesis/position. Time your practice runs and cut content to fit within 5 minutes, accounting for natural speech pacing

Leah Nguyen

Leah Nguyen

Words that convert, stories that stick. I turn complex ideas into engaging narratives - helping audiences learn, remember, and take action.

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171 Social Networking Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 best social networking topic ideas & essay examples, 👍 good essay topics on social networking, 🔎 simple & easy social networking essay titles, 💡 interesting topics to write about social networking, ❓ social networking questions.

  • The Effects of Social Networking Sites on an Individual’s Life Students are the most active lot on social networking sites and this means that they have been affected in a broad way.
  • The Impact of New Media and Social Networking on Entertainment the Entertainment Industry The major objective of the essay is to determine how social networking and new media have impacted the entertainment industry in general and the filmmaking industry in particular.
  • The Role of Blogs and Social Networking in Altering Our Daily Usage of the Internet The advanced use of the internet or the World Wide Web in the contemporary world has had a revolutionary impact to the people all over the world, thus helping to improve their lives in a […]
  • Security Issues in Social Networking The research paper attempts to examine the security issues in social networking The existence of social privacy and network security lapses largely stems from the huge amounts of information processed by these sites every day.
  • Online Social Networking in Job Search To the employee, the online social networking helps in easy identification of employment opportunities in different organizations in different parts of the world where the job vacancies and the qualifications and experience needed are stipulated […]
  • Overview of Social Networking This is achieved by raising the incentives of the internal research teams and reducing the resistance to changes in the organization. Thus, marketers have turned to the social media and are seeing success in the […]
  • Social Networking Letter of Request One of the major benefits of using Facebook is for marketing purposes; almost 80 percent of the target market is on this social network and this will enable the marketing of our services over the […]
  • Social Networking Sites Positive and Negative Contribution As it revealed in this paper, social networking sites are also associated with numerous negative implications that would tend to bring significant impacts to the lives of individuals and societies.
  • Social Networking Sites Problems and Benefits Despite the advantages documented by proponents of social networks, there have been increasing concerns regarding the harmful effects such networks have on users as a result of the personal information they provide in these networking […]
  • Cybersecurity and Social Networks Recently, there have been many trends the security of information and communication technologies, in particular, due to the expansion of the reach of social media which increase the size of social network, which has taken […]
  • Social Networking Games and Value of Entertainment In this case, Arkes and Blumer found that “the larger sunk cost of the Michigan trip is influencing many subjects’ choice”.
  • Internet and Social Networks’ Impact on Religion The issues surrounding the effects of the Internet on religion have been the center of controversy of the debate on the topic with scholars belonging to either of the sides seeking to substantiate their arguments.
  • Social Networks and Youth Empowerment The increasing use of the sites has made them good places to train and advertise for various youth programs and activities; ministries of youth have realized the new way of approaching the young and they […]
  • Social Networks and Recruitment The phenomenon of recruiting new employees through social networking both targeted at building work relationships and non-related to business has attracted researchers’ interest.
  • Social Networks’ Negative Impact on Relationships To communicate with a potential partner, they need to “swipe to the right,” and the person on the other side does.
  • Apple’s Marketing Strategies for the Social Network Instagram An additional, non-obvious metric is the number of characters in the text of the post. It is believed that the number of words is an essential parameter for the attractiveness of a post.
  • Policy Development Draft Assignment: Social Networks The presence of police officers on social networks in this way contributes to the solvability of criminal offenses in case the activity of criminals on social networks can be recorded.
  • Social Networks’ Positive and Negative Influences It is hard to control all the effects of social media and predict the formation of adverse effects on young people.
  • Freedom of Speech in Social Networks The recent case of blocking the accounts of former US President Donald Trump on Twitter and Facebook is explained by the violation of the rules and conditions of social platforms.
  • Social Network Influences and Issues Studies show that men use the Internet and social networks in particular to search for information, while women communicate more. Various studies on the visibility settings of profiles in social networks show that the desire […]
  • Are Social Networks an Unequivocally Positive or Negative Phenomenon? Nevertheless, the most effective in terms of the benefits of social media is the claim of reducing stigma for different individuals and social groups in general.
  • Understanding the Effect of Deplatforming on Social Networks Additionally, the study concludes that de-platforming is influencing the current status of critical social media research, including the ability to investigate extreme speech and the audience of such internet celebrities and ideologies on both mainstream […]
  • The Twitter Social Network and Sustainability Communication Basing itself on the communication study conducted via the Twitter use analysis, the article tries to identify the key communication themes tagged by the sustainability-related hashtags. This study contributes to the understanding and discussion of […]
  • News Gathering and the Role of Social Networks Compared to traditional journalism, the use of social networks in news gathering has drastically expanded the field of media and journalism.
  • The Study of the Social Networks Phenomenon: A Comparative Analysis Inextricably linked to the exploration of the social networks phenomenon in the two films, the second key motif is the problem of the lack of privacy.
  • Artificial Intelligence in Social Networks for Retail The use of social medial for retail is one of the most mature sectors of the economy in terms of the use of AI.
  • The Problem of Creating a False Self in the Social Networks The information presented in the article seems to be useful; most of all, the origin of the Ideal self is impressive.
  • LinkedIn: Great Social Network LinkedIn is one of the domains created to help employers and employees to find each other. In order to ensure the effective use of this resource, it is necessary to pay specific attention to some […]
  • Alone Together: Social Network for People Social media addresses and satisfies such basic human needs as the need to be listened to and to feel the presence of the Other, which may cause the degradation of social skills.
  • Marketing Jewelry: Using Social Networking Sites The main aspects of the collaboration tools are that they allow individuals to work as a team, share information and workspaces, and update each other on the current trends.
  • Social Networking: A Case for Integration Within a Learning Institution The aim of this presentation and project is to harness the power of social networking to the benefit of the university community.
  • Relevance and Importance to Businesses: Value of Social Networking Tools Restricting access to social media from now henceforth, will banish us to offering services and products to our customers that they may not like.
  • Loneliness and Social Networking Addiction in Students The hypothesis of the study was as follows: the higher the level of loneliness, the higher the likelihood of social networking addiction; conversely, the lower the level of loneliness, the lower the likelihood of social […]
  • EPatient, Social Networking, and Personal Health Record The paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the Health IT governance’s role in ensuring the maintenance, monitoring, and implementation of the ACA’s requirements.
  • The Social Networking Sites: Drawbacks in Recruiting As most of the experienced staffs rarely use social networks, organizations using it for recruitment may not have a chance to get them.
  • Social Networks: Functional Analysis and Conflict Theory Since the introduction of social networks a few years ago, social sites have gained popularity and, millions of people from all parts of the world use them on a daily basis.
  • Social Networks in Community Healthcare Support Research suggests that social networks have been regarded as a group of individuals who struggle to keep their social identity, receive emotional support, and social identity. The efficacy of social networks has been investigated to […]
  • Recruiting and Social Networking The main themes of the article identified in the memo can be summarized into three distinct points: Legal issues Authenticity of information available Personal profile management and self-marketing The first theme derived from the article […]
  • Data Mining in Social Networks: One of the ways to achieve the aim is to understand how users view data mining of their data on LinkedIn.
  • Social Network Analysis of COVID-19 The “framework” of those is, first of all, the idea of the essence of the virus and the dynamics of its spread, as well as the “knowledge” of how to stop or reduce the spread […]
  • “The Social Network” by David Fincher The aesthetic elements used in the movie, namely, the interior of the room in which the conversation takes place, emphasize the old-fashioned approach that Summers supports regarding the understanding of communication and the role that […]
  • The Movie ‘The Social Network’: Easier and Faster The use of mobile phones and the internet has made communication easier and faster; in addition, further inventions and innovations have led to efficient means of communicating including social networks like Facebook and LinkedIn. Social […]
  • Social Networks: Primary and Secondary Groups Considering a supply business activity whereby the business owner produces certain products and supplies to the market, the most appropriate social network to be used is the tweeter as a secondary source that belongs to […]
  • Privacy and Fair Use Issues in Social Networking Sites Conceptually, section 2i of the “Terms of Use” grants the sweeping right to use any and all personal information in advertising on third-party sites: “Classmates may create applications or other tools for use on […]
  • The Power of Social Networking It is through these social networking sites that researchers have had the ability to explain some of the realism phenomenon in the modern world, and unlocking many more opportunities.
  • Empirical Project: Social Networks and Lyme Disease The research is based on the results of the sociological survey, and the central aim of this report is the description and comparison of various networks to which people refer in quest of valuable guidelines.
  • Social Networking as a Problem in Education Process Some of the teachers state in their syllabuses that “use of sell phones, laptops, Ipods, or any other electronic gadgets is simply not allowed in class,” but the students still manage to use them communicating […]
  • Facebook Social Network: Participant Observation However, this viewing is limited to users who are approved friends or are in the same network, and individual users have the option of allowing their friends to view their information.
  • Cybersocialisation: Interacting and Communicating via Social Networking Websites With the upsurge of new technologies like the Internet, the interaction and socialisation of people have changed drastically not only to become technologically sophisticated but also fundamentally different than previous generations in their approaches to, […]
  • Online Social Networking and Critical Thinking The purpose of this paper is to assess whether this technology has helped to enhance the critical thinking ability and the effective writing skills of a person.”A social networking site is an online place where […]
  • Social Network Analysis as a Research Method The network consists of the nodes and the relationships between ‘actors’ the ties. Like roads that connect cities and provide the flow of resources between them, the social network comprising relationships allows the flow of […]
  • Social Network Sites’ Influence on Americans of Different Ages In this report, the authors provided a detailed overview of what SNS users look like, what SNS channels people use, and the relation between software uses, and the scale and scope of social networks across […]
  • Parmalee Music Band’s Marketing in Social Networks Though Parmalee is a music band, it will be crucial to integrate a range of well thought out and impressive imagery for the audience to relate to and to associate with the band, since most […]
  • Innovative Social Networking in Online High School The preparedness of the school is also critical towards the success of this innovative technology. The school should also examine the benefits and bottlenecks of the new technology.
  • Social Networking Services and Product Development As regards our particular case, where we wish to harness the power of social networking for the benefit of the university community, a number of considerations must be taken into account.
  • Informal Social Networks in Organizations According to the authors, it is easy to ignore and overlook the role of the central connector but this ‘go-to-person’ makes immense contributions to an organization. The authors of this article paint a vivid picture […]
  • JLM Enterprises: Social Network Site Feasibility Study In doing this, the project will be aiming at accomplishing the following objectives: Strengthening a new way of job hunting to the modern standards. It will be an online site connecting people from all corners […]
  • Online Social Networks and the Right to Fire Employees One of the foremost detrimental effects, concerned with the policy of monitoring employees online and using the obtained surveillance-data, as such that justifies the act of firing these employees, is the fact that the policy […]
  • The Rwandan Conflict and Social Network Approaches The structures and/or rules that the parties involved use to assemble and make interpretations of the conflicts provide a way in which people use the messages to achieve their goals concerning the issue of conflicts.
  • The Benefit From Social Network As a freelance web designer, I have been able to market my services and generate traffic to my newly created marketing websites with the help of Twitter.
  • Facebook as a Social Network and Its Privacy Policy The case study explains that the privacy policy and privacy settings on Facebook are such that they considerably violate the privacy of the social network’s users by selling their data to third parties for a […]
  • Modern Advertising and Social Networking Services That is why they need to be explored and studied to understand the needs of consumers. Not to take away from the importance and usefulness of what Hunter presented, I found more useful information in […]
  • Financial Forecasting in Social Networks Earlier, the major sources of information for financial forecasting used to come from specialized publications, financial periodicals, and companies’ reports; however, with the development of technology and popularization of the Internet, specialized financial information became […]
  • Social Networking Threats for Children Inappropriate Content: The Internet offers easy access to all type of content, including pornography, horrific images, inducement to indulge in criminal acts etc, which may not be appropriate to children as they are not endowed […]
  • Social Networks as Social Psychological Determinants The researcher was interested in the connection between the expansion of narcissistic behaviour and the growth in the popularity of Internet.
  • Social Networking, Statistics and Interview This paper aims at two primary concerns with the question: the privacy security, and the usability and convenience, by analyzing the responses from three interviewed persons, and show that they display the concerns which are […]
  • Union National Bank’s Enterprise Social Networking According to the online interview the researcher had with the top management of this firm, it is apparent that the Union National Bank has been negatively affected in the past by system failures.
  • Human Resource Management and Social Network Screening The use of social media to screen job candidates is a common practice among many companies because of the online presence of many people.
  • Social Networking Evolution: GeoCities Analysis The company allowed consumers to create their own web pages by choosing the city that they preferred their web page to be classified in.
  • Social Networks in the Modern life I understood that the use of smartphones and the Internet was essential for the development of the information spread. Posting and reposting information, commenting other’s posts and sharing the data via the social platforms was […]
  • How Social Networking Can be Used to Encourage Education in UAE? Meanwhile, this research aimed at identifying how Social Networking Tools can be used in education in UAE. The major objective was to research on how social sites can be used to foster education in UAE.
  • WeChat Social Network Service Strategy This feature makes the app more valuable and useful because it can connect users in different social network services and thus increase the number of people it can reach.
  • Social Networking – Twitter Of importance is the capacity of SNSs to create an online community with common interests or ideas and have much influence on social capital.
  • Social Network Services: Privacy Issues Drip’s first point is that the owners of the SNS can use targeted advertisements to gather information about users for greedy marketers, and the user is not protected against this.
  • Effects of Social Networking on Privacy This has been attributed to the fact that on social networking sites, people do not need to meet physically to communicate.
  • Online Social Networking: Benefits and Drawbacks In spite of the fact that social networks are closely connected with the issues of free speech and negative changes in the role of the face-to-face communication, the development of social networking can be discussed […]
  • Instagram: Social Network CRM Plan The increase in the number of devices that could support the application has led to an increase in the number of users.
  • Social Networks and Online Communities By the time Angela travels to Hungary, she has a wealth of knowledge about the local weather, culture, restaurants as well as her expectation with respect to the study-abroad program.
  • Are Social Networking Sites Good Recruitment Sources Use of SNSs increases the speed of the recruitment process ensuring that the organization is able to hire new employees in a timely manner.
  • Social Networks in Modern Business Another advantage of using social networks for communication in organizations is enhancement of relationships and efficiency. Companies and organizations that were little known have become famous in many areas because of use of social networks.
  • Value of Twitter and Other Forms of Social Networking Tools They also learn new laws that are directly or indirectly related to the company’s business and in this case the company is not justified to cut off this form of communication as it could lead […]
  • Facebook: An Indispensable Social Networking Tool It is the responsibility of users to handle their privacy issues and not the responsibility of Facebook. It is necessary for people to learn to use Facebook effectively and appropriately.
  • Internet Communities and Social Networks For a social network to function effectively there is a need for a system that controls the flow of information from one member of the internet community to the other.
  • Social Networks and Economic Applications The article is titled “Social Capital and the Wages of Mexican Migrants: New Hypotheses and Tests” and it is a case study that focuses on the plight of Mexican migrant workers.
  • Censorship of Social Networking Sites in Developing Countries Censorship of social media sites is the control of information that is available to users. The aim of this paper was to discuss censorship of social media sites in third world countries.
  • Social Networking as Participatory Surveillance The move to ban the sale of these drinks to people under the age of eighteen is a pragmatic one and it should be embraced by all states and school boards. The best way for […]
  • Mobile Computing and Social Networks Fundamentally, the application is designed to give a room for the policy holders to take pictures of the scenes of accidents to be attached to the photos in the claim data.
  • Social Network Sites and Individuals In essence, the rate of social isolation is soaring due to relationship between users and SNSs. SNSs have worked to globalize the world.
  • Ethical Issues Surrounding Social Networking Sites Social media can also be used to track the activities of users. It is important that measures be taken to control some of the ethical issues associated with social media, especially issues of privacy.
  • Toms Company: Social Networking Sites As a result TOMS is capable of making profit, sustainably support itself, better the livelihood of the needy and educate the consumers on the role of providing to the needy The decision by Mycoskie to […]
  • Impact of Social Network in University Classes Extensive discussions and opinions have emerged in the field of e-learning, with special attention tied to the role of social networks to determine the administrative and educational approach of universities.
  • The Role of Social Networks in Public Organizations Whereas people have been able to create and maintain relationships via social networking as an enabler, it remains evident that the social networks have challenged the traditional definition of the term “friend”.
  • Effects Of Social Networking Networking also enhances a person’s power by ensuring that the confidence of the said person is boosted by the virtue of his working with people of great repute in an industry.
  • Social Networking: Benefits & Pitfalls to Education From a Cultural Perspective The social network, according to Brydolf, has emerged to be the public space that has permitted both students and teachers a sphere for their social interaction and development which is inherently comparable to the kind […]
  • Applications of Social Networks in Nonprofit Organizations The first step towards understanding the reasons for the delay in the adoption of a new technology in the nonprofit organizations involves assessing the importance of websites to organizations.
  • Social networking sites for recruiting and screening job candidates According to Parry and Wilson, most people in the world today especially the millennial generation have memberships access to at least one of the available social networking sites.
  • The Successful Implementation of Social Networks for Fashion Marketing Marketers in the fashion industry are involved in researching about the current trends in the fashion world, the industries and the people concerned and also the reason as to why the trends are so popular.
  • Using Social Networking Sites to Support Business The comments that the business receives through MySpace and Facebook can be used to give insights to improve services as well as create a positive word of mouth for the business.
  • Mobile Social Networks and Social Practice: Dodgeball The second question concerns the effects of the interactions to the thinking of and experience of the users in the public urban spaces.
  • Social Networks Application in Smartphone With the emergence and widespread use social networks applications, the challenge of distance should no longer be a hindrance in a relationship, especially in the wake of Smartphones.
  • The Use of Social Networking by Organizations Applying to the social networking, the companies should use the advantages of the issue and pay attention to the challenges which this service creates.
  • Social Networking and Web 2.0 At the same time the company is eager to announce that the organization generated a great deal of money due to its tie up with private firms eager to utilize the Facebook applications so that […]
  • Potential threats to children on social networking sites Statistics show that children are becoming victims of cyber bullying because they are constantly on social networking sites to socialize and on the internet to study. Criminal are targeting children and adolescents on the social […]
  • Social Networking Tools in Business Moreover, the manager pointed out that the social networks used in this company help the current and the former employees of the company to remain connected.
  • Ethical and Social Implications of Human Dependency on Online Social Networking In the paper, the author focuses on some of the ethical and social implications of dependency on OSN sites. The author works on the assumption that using the sites has both negative and positive effects […]
  • Society & Social Networking Sites However, the germane issue is the context-specific norms used to relate to online friends and if these norms could still be used in furtherance of offline interpersonal relationships that are key to the stability of […]
  • Social Networks From Utilitarian Perspective The issue of whether social networking services are appropriate in the society has therefore attracted a lot of controversy with both the supporters and opponents of social networking services giving good reasons for their standpoint.
  • Pinterest and Social Networks Prosperity Pinterest has recorded the fastest rate of growth in the social media industry having attained the level of receiving ten million original visitors per month within the shortest period.
  • Social Networking Pros and Cons To begin with, social networking has decreased the costs of get in touch with people because the social networking sites that people use are mostly free.
  • Online Social Networks and Deontology When talking about the social networking and the ethical issues concerning the business element in the given sphere, it is most appropriate to consider the existing controversies from the point of deontology, since the latter, […]
  • Pros and Cons of Social Networking The information that individuals present on the social networking sites might also be used to track them and cause them harm especially for potential victims that might have profiles that are similar to those of […]
  • Utilizing online social networking tools Connection and recognition from other internet groups will be inevitable within the human service industry especially with the use of social networking tools such as LinkedIn.
  • Enterprise Social Networks: A Study of Charity Corporation In order to build the basis for the need to develop and improve the advertising and marketing in social networks for a charity organization, it is essential to provide an evaluation of social networking in […]
  • Social Network Communication They are things that might be happening in the social networks but the way I put the matter in the form of language and tone of the posting is to ensure that I give my […]
  • How Social Networking Is Affecting the Work Place Communicating through the social networks helps in reducing the workload of some employees for instance if customers and the employees communicate through them the overload on emails would be greatly be reduced and the employees […]
  • Faux Friendship and Social Networking The modern-day relationships have dissolved the meaning of the word friendship; as aromatic lovers refer to each other as friends, parents want their children to think of them as friends, teachers, clergymen and bosses have […]
  • Analysis of the family social network The quantitive examination of the research data suggested that the degree of segregation of conjugal roles is related to connectedness in the total network of the family among other things affecting the way conjugal roles […]
  • Social Networks and Marketing It is also important to asses the popularity of the social network before using it to advertise a given product in order to ensure that it can reach the targeted customers. The social networks are […]
  • Social Networking & the Online Market In addition, it is also important to observe the reaction of consumers to innovation, in addition to forecasting the outcome of an interaction between the vendor and the customer.
  • Impact of social networks on capital markets Forms of social networks adopted in capital markets Various forms of social media have affected the capital markets. Building the reputation of the capital markets is also a factor that has resulted in the adoption […]
  • Negatives Effects of Social Network Sites Lack of trust between the spouses is the most dangerous issue in relationships that subsequently leads to breakups and more social problems to the individuals.
  • Social Network in Sports A social network refers to a group of individuals who have come together for a common purpose and the achievement of such a purpose depends on the social relationships among the different members of the […]
  • How Facebook and Other Social Networks Promote Narcissism Culture and Other Dangers in the U.S. S, the culture of narcissism is promoted by social networks; thus, the dangers of Facebook and other social networks outweigh the benefits involved.
  • The Power, Potential and Peril of Social Network: Exploring the depth of the Pool of New Opportunities Pannunzio, on the other hand, assures that social networks can and should be used as the key means to promote one’s business, and offers an extensive classification of the most popular sites, like YouTube, LinkedIn, […]
  • Social Network and Personal Loss Among Young Adults With Mental Illness and Their Parents: A Family Perspective This leaves the parents of young adults with mental illness depressed and hopeless. In fact, young adults with mental illness and their parents need support from all members of the society.
  • Opportunities of Social Networking for Second Language Learners Social networking contributes to the motivation of learners to gain proficiency in the second language. In some social networks, the learner has the opportunity to make friends with fellow learners and they can encourage and […]
  • Social Networks Are no More Just Fun Therefore, people should be aware of a variety of implications of using SNSs as spending time on chatting and sharing images is a mere waste of time in the contemporary world where people have to […]
  • Social Networking and Online security: Identity Theft in the Virtual World. Beware the Thieves Since in most social networks, users are to specify their actual personal information, starting from the date of birth to the place of residence, the people who have become a part of social networking become […]
  • Effective use of Social Networking Tools for Zappos.Com To conclude, it is suggested that SNSs represent the next frontier for growth and competitiveness in this organisation. As more people join SNSs, the organisation needs to put in place strategies that ensure its online […]
  • Social Networking Site: Facebook, YouTube and Twitter Today, social networking sites, such as Facebook, Orkut, YouTube, Tagged, Twitter, and MySpace, are some of the most important forms of communication, connecting billions of people from all corners of the world at the click […]
  • Global Technological Advancements of Social Networking Sites Despite the popularity of the social networking sites, I have not considered using any of them in the near future since the use of social networking sites has a negative effect on relationships.
  • Social Networks and Self-Esteem Due to this fact, the main aim of this paper it to determine the impacts that social networks have on people and the role they play in the determination of the self-esteem of an individual.
  • How Social Network Empowers Youths in the Society As it has been revealed, the engagement of youths in poster presentation is one of the most powerful strategies to enhance creativity and development of various communication skills.
  • The Significance of Social Networks on Young People’s Lives As young people turn to social network to conform to the peer culture and look for information, few are aware of silent risks these networks expose them to.
  • Has Social Networking Affected Social Skill of Today’s Generation? The research will involve a sample of 300 students currently in the university and the study will also be purposive since only the everyday users of social networks will be considered.
  • History of Online Social Networking in Saudi Arabia History of online social networking The history and development of the online social networking is closely interconnected with the development of the internet.
  • Social Networking and Marketing This is attributable to the capability and effectiveness of the social sites. The ability to use the social sites in providing clients with links to more information about the company is equally an advantage of […]
  • Social Networks Benefits and Disadvantages The articles under consideration prove that the use of social networks allows participants to carry out a psychological analysis and define a profile of a person socializing on the Internet.
  • The Best Social Networking Tool for Me Rating of each alternative It is better to explore each tool, analyze the benefits of each tool before making a decision. Nevertheless, a good decision process will always lead to the best social networking tool.
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IvyPanda. (2023, November 9). 171 Social Networking Essay Topic Ideas & Examples.

"171 Social Networking Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 9 Nov. 2023,

IvyPanda . (2023) '171 Social Networking Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 9 November.

IvyPanda . 2023. "171 Social Networking Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." November 9, 2023.

1. IvyPanda . "171 Social Networking Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." November 9, 2023.


IvyPanda . "171 Social Networking Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." November 9, 2023.

ASL Topic n Short Essays with Example on- Social Networking Sites among the Modern Youth


Social Networking Sites among the Modern Youth

(the following speech is perfect for 1 min. to 1.05 min).

Social media is one of the most popular mediums of interaction among groups or individuals in the present time.  It has gained astounding worldwide growth and popularity which has led to attracting attention from a variety of researchers globally. I think that this is one of the finest ways to produce, share, and sometimes exchange ideas over the internet and in virtual communities. Interactive social networking sites such as Twitter, MySpace, Facebook, Pinterest have made social media a vital aspect of lives. The social network is transforming the manner in which young people interact with their parents, peers, as well as how they make use of technology. It can be very clearly observed that social media is increasingly becoming part of people’s lives. Social networking sites assist people to become socially capable, expand their circle and become competent, as well. Social networking clearly portrays both positive and negative effects on the youth but it is the decision of an individual to make whether to use the sites in a positive way or negative.

Qu. Do you think that young minds will be able to differentiate the positive and negative impacts of ‘Social Media’? Ans.- No, It should be the responsibility of parents as well as teachers to at least inspiring students morally to go in the right direction to take the full advantage of this precious gift.

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The Regulatory Review

The Boundaries of Internet Speech

Tyler hoguet , julia englebert , and carson turner.

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Scholars debate current challenges in regulating offensive and harmful speech on the internet.

Hundreds of rioters stormed the U.S. Capitol Building on January 6, 2021, motivated in part by an online campaign calling for people to “stop the steal” of the 2020 election by any means necessary.

In 2015, a months-long coordinated online campaign of misogynistic threats and sexual harassment, known as “GamerGate,” forced a trio of high-profile female gamers offline.

In one ongoing criminal trial against former President Donald J. Trump, the judge has excused jurors from the trial due to fears they may be “doxed”—a term that refers to publishing someone’s sensitive personal information online without their consent.

As people increasingly interact with one another more online than offline, the impact of harmful speech on the internet has likewise increased . The growth of internet-based hate speech and harassment has prompted a debate among scholars and regulators on the best ways to regulate internet speech while upholding First Amendment principles.

Some scholars argue that courts should reform their approach to regulating violent speech to better address internet-specific concerns. These scholars emphasize that courts’ current practice of prohibiting only violent speech that poses an immediate threat allows most internet speech to go unregulated.

Other scholars blame Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act for the proliferation of harmful internet speech. Section 230 provides online communication platforms, including social media sites, with broad protection from liability stemming from content users post on the platforms’ websites. Critics of the policy argue that Section 230 provides internet platforms with too much protection and allows large internet companies to profit from the harmful speech they host.

But other scholars worry that proposed regulations of internet speech ultimately will infringe upon constitutionally protected speech. These scholars emphasize that concerns about harmful internet speech can often serve as a cover for attempts to suppress constitutionally protected endorsements of unpopular political opinions.

Advocates for free speech also allege that criminalizing or banning doxing would violate the First Amendment since it would require the censorship of entirely truthful speech.

Yet concerns over harmful internet speech have prompted regulatory interventions from both private and public actors. The social media site X—formerly known as Twitter— banned former-President Trump for more than a year because of his actions on January 6th, and Reddit has banned users who publish revenge porn on the site.

In each of the last two U.S. congressional sessions, Senator Mark R. Warner (D-Va.) introduced the SAFE TECH Act , which would reform Section 230’s immunity shield for social media companies. The bill has not gained much traction, however. At the state level, an Illinois anti-doxing law took effect in January 2024, making it illegal to publish another person’s personal information without their consent online with the intent to cause bodily harm, economic injury, or emotional distress. The effects of these policy interventions, however, remain unclear for both harmful and non-offensive speech.

In this week’s Saturday Seminar, scholars discuss the current regulatory boundaries, or lack thereof, for hateful and harassing internet speech and propose solutions to protect internet users.

  • In a forthcoming article in the New York University Law Review , Howard Schweber of the University of Wisconsin, Madison and graduate student Rebecca Anderson suggest courts eliminate First Amendment protections afforded to calls for political violence. Schweber and Anderson explain that under the test established in Brandenburg v. Ohio , the First Amendment protects calls for criminal wrongdoing unless that wrongdoing is imminent. The authors conclude that this test fails to adequately address increasingly common calls for political violence that take place online, far removed in time and space from the target of their speech.  Schweber and Anderson propose that courts develop an internet-specific Brandenburg standard to account for the unique dangers posed by web-based calls for lawlessness.
  • The First Amendment should not protect the sharing of sexually explicit content against candidates for political office, argue recent University of Virginia Law School graduates Zachary Starks-Taylor and Jamie Miller in a forthcoming article for the New York University Law Review . Starks-Taylor and Miller explain that internet and social media companies allow members of the public to share sexually explicit images and videos of candidates they dislike. The authors note , however, that 48 states have recently adopted laws criminalizing nonconsensual sharing of sexually explicit content, known as revenge porn. Starks-Taylor and Miller conclude that such statutes are adequate to protect political speech and do not erode the First Amendment’s traditionally robust protections for election-related speech .
  • Seeking to better understand public perceptions of online sexual harassment, Inbal Lam of Israel’s Western Galilee College and Gustavo S. Mesch of Israel’s University of Haifa discuss their survey of lay people in a working paper . The results show that respondents perceived online sexual harassment as less serious than offline sexual harassment. Lam and Mesch hypothesize that respondents’ perception of online sexual harassment may be influenced by the fact that it provokes only low levels of fear in most people due to the physical separation between victim and perpetrator. They argue that permissive public attitudes toward online sexual harassment, especially among men, allow such behavior to persist—despite its negative effect on mental health.
  • In a U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) report , Triana McNeil and several co-authors recommend that the Bureau of Justice Statistics take steps to measure “bias-motivated criminal victimization” on the internet. The GAO team finds that about one-third of internet users experience hate speech—which is often associated with hate crimes and domestic violence extremism. Yet the Department of Justice has incomplete information about such victimization because state law enforcement agencies are not required to report data, targeted communities often distrust law enforcement, and internet hate crimes are under-investigated due to the difficulty of proving that offenders are motivated by bias. The GAO team reports that the Bureau of Justice Statistics has agreed to pursue better measurement of bias-motivated criminal victimization.
  • Most state anti-doxing laws violate the First Amendment while failing to protect the most vulnerable potential victims of doxing, Frank D. LoMonte of the University of Georgia School of Law and Paola Fiku of the Brechner Center for the Advancement of the First Amendment contend in an article in the University of Missouri Kansas City Law Review . LoMonte and Fiku observe that, of the states that have passed anti-doxing laws, most laws focus on protecting politicians and public officials from exposure while providing little attention to vulnerable populations such as women subject to misogynistic internet attacks. Furthermore, because most state statutes purport to criminalize the publication of even mundane information, such as an office phone number, LoMonte and Fiku conclude they constitute an overbroad restriction on speech under the First Amendment.
  • In a recent paper , Avery Bartagna , a law student at the Texas Tech University School of Law , discusses the need to increase internet platform responsibilities for content moderation in the Metaverse. The Metaverse—a combination of virtual reality user interfaces that companies such as Meta are currently developing—expands the potential for harassing and harmful internet behavior, Bartagna argues . She points to the problems users experienced while playing Second Life, an existing virtual reality game with similarities to the Metaverse, to illustrate her point. Bartagna proposes that Meta and other platforms developing virtual reality interfaces adopt a “notice and takedown” system where a platform would remove offensive content once a user flagged it.

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DeSantis signs ban on kids using social media

T ALLAHASSEE — Gov. Ron DeSantis on Monday signed a bill blocking most kids from social media websites, setting up an expected court battle that could prevent the legislation from ever taking effect.

House Bill 3, passed by lawmakers with bipartisan support this month, forbids kids 13 and younger from creating social media accounts and requires the platforms to seek out and remove their profiles. Kids 14 and 15 would need parents’ consent.

The legislation also blocks all minors from adult websites, requiring all visitors to prove their age before viewing content.

Florida follows a handful of other states, from California to Arkansas, that have placed similar limits on kids’ social media use in response to rising rates of teen depression and suicide .

None of those states’ bans have yet taken effect, however. A coalition of social media companies, including Meta and TikTok, has sued , claiming the bans violate kids’ First Amendment right to free speech.

It’s not clear which media platforms would be affected by Florida’s legislation, which takes effect on Jan. 1, 2025.

HB 3 applies to platforms that have “addictive features” such as infinite scrolling and push alerts — and in which at least 10% of users are kids under 16 who spend at least two hours per day on the platform.

The legislation requires those platforms to automatically delete the accounts of people it “treats or categorizes as belonging” to someone under the age of 14.

Lawmakers expect the legislation to be challenged in court. House Speaker Paul Renner, who made the bill a priority this year, said Monday that he expected the social media coalition NetChoice to sue soon after the bill is signed.

“You know what? We’re going to beat ‘em,” Renner said.

Carl Szabo, NetChoice vice president and general counsel, called HB 3 “an unconstitutional law (that) will protect exactly zero Floridians.”

“We’re disappointed to see Gov. DeSantis sign onto this route,” Szabo said in a statement Monday. “There are better ways to keep Floridians, their families and their data safe and secure online without violating their freedoms.”

Lawmakers are also expecting a challenge to the part of the bill that would bar anyone under 18 from accessing adult websites. The bill requires those sites to adopt anonymous third-party age verification software, which could require visitors to show a government ID or submit to a facial scan.

After a federal appeals court upheld Texas’ age verification law this month, the website Pornhub blocked Texas users from accessing its site .

Balancing safety and free speech

As a parent of three young children, DeSantis said he and his wife have been weighing the use of phones and social media for their own kids. He noted that last year, lawmakers banned the use of cellphones during instructional time unless a teacher allows their use.

“It’s created huge problems,” DeSantis said of social media on Monday.

The legislation illustrates lawmakers’ difficulty trying to protect kids online without running afoul of the courts.

The rate of teen anxiety and depression has risen along with the prevalence of social media, and some studies have linked longer social media use to worse mental health. U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy warned about the effects of social media use last year.

Still, researchers say there is little data indicating that one is causing the other.

Lawmakers have used damning rhetoric against social media platforms, calling them “digital fentanyl.” On Monday, Renner accused such platforms of engaging in “digital trafficking” of children.

Lawmakers originally wanted a blanket ban on all kids under 16 from accessing social media, but DeSantis vetoed the legislation over legal questions and concerns that it took rights away from parents.

Lawmakers have acknowledged that social media platforms have some benefits for kids. During testimony, teens told how they communicated with their friends online or set up businesses.

Free speech groups including PEN America had condemned the legislation as a violation of the First Amendment and urged DeSantis to veto it. Federal judges have struck down similar limits on books, video games and the internet over the decades, even when governments passed those measures to protect kids.

“The Constitution states that lawmakers do not have the authority to dictate the ideas and information that parents may choose to allow their families to access,” PEN America Florida Director Katie Blankenship said in a statement earlier this month. “This bill is a blatant act of government overreach.”

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Two engineering graduates tackling equity locally and globally

Headshots of Dr. Pranav Shrestha and Coralie Tcheune

A new generation of engineers are graduating from UBC this week.

Over 1,800 Faculty of Applied Science graduands will be crossing the stage today through Friday, as they step into the next stage of their lives, ready to apply their hard-earned expertise to their chosen professions.

Here are two of these graduating students, whose efforts to build more inclusive places and solutions for people are improving lives around the world.

Dr. Pranav Shrestha, Doctor of Philosophy , Department of Mechanical Engineering

Headshot of Dr. Pranav Shrestha

Dr. Pranav Shrestha, who grew up in Nepal, seeks to understand first-hand the challenges facing people in rural and resource-constrained communities.

One of these is sickle cell disease, the most commonly inherited blood disorder , which disproportionately affects people in low and middle-income countries. Early screening and treatment are vital to improve the quality of life of patients, but can be difficult to obtain in communities that lack access to health care resources and diagnostic tools.

"Growing up in Nepal, then getting a chance to work with global experts to bring innovative technologies back to Nepal, was an absolutely rewarding full-circle moment for me," said Shrestha. "I believe researchers and organizations have a moral duty to ensure that innovations — especially related to health care — are accessible to communities in need to address the disparities in technology dissemination. Fortunately, there are many that are motivated to join such efforts."

To create a solution for communities with low resources, during his degree, Shrestha led a multi-disciplinary study involving members from Canada, the US and Nepal. Using microscopy and machine learning, he developed an innovative diagnostic tool as a suitable low-cost option, while additionally testing existing low-cost options to determine their viability in resource-constrained settings.

Pranav’s drive toward equitable access to health care and his ability to engage with a complex team spanning multiple countries is an incredible accomplishment, which he contributes in part to his connections made while at UBC.

Coralie Tcheune, Bachelor of Applied Science, School of Biomedical Engineering

Headshot of Coralie Tcheune

Coralie Tcheune’s interest in engineering began at a young age, spurred by natural childhood curiosity. She said, "I was a tiny menace who would rip apart anything I could get my hands on to figure out how it worked."

Her next building block of support came from her parents, both of whom hold degrees in STEM. Her mother earned a degree in Computer Science, which was virtually unheard of for women in Cameroon. Tcheune always has her mother’s experience to lean on when she encounters the challenges of being a Black woman in engineering.

In addition to excellent academic performance, Tcheune’s involvement at UBC has been widespread. She has been a member of UBC’s Black Student Union , a co-chair for the Engineering Undergraduate Society’s Equity, Diversity, Inclusivity and Indigeneity (EDI.I) Committee, and a Women in Engineering mentor, highlighting her dedication to supporting equity and diversity at UBC as an undergrad.

For her dedication and commitment to EDI.I, Tcheune is receiving this year’s Lieutenant Governor’s Medal for Inclusion, Democracy and Reconciliation . The medal recognizes students who excel in their studies and contribute to the life of their institution or community. She was presented the award during her Spring 2024 Graduation ceremony today .

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Duke students walk out of Jerry Seinfeld's commencement speech amid wave of graduation antiwar protests

Comedian Jerry Seinfeld was met with a wave of boos Sunday when students at Duke University in North Carolina walked out just before his commencement speech, the latest in a wave of antiwar protests at college graduations across the country this weekend.

Not only was Seinfeld, 70, delivering the speech at the school’s football stadium, but he was also receiving an honorary degree from the school, where his son is enrolled and from which his daughter graduated. As he was being introduced, boos could be heard on the official commencement livestream .

At least one person in a mortar hat could be seen walking in front of the camera before the stream switched to a different side view. Videos on social media showed a group of students with Palestinian flags walking down an aisle on the stadium field.

Other students and some attendees in the bleachers also stood up from their seats and began walking out of the stadium.

It’s unclear whether the booing was intended for Seinfeld or the student protest or both, but chants of “Jerry” were heard shortly after. Seinfeld was later able to deliver his speech uninterrupted.

“We’re excited and delighted for the Class of 2024 and their families. We understand the depth of feeling in our community, and as we have all year, we respect the right of everyone at Duke to express their views peacefully, without preventing graduates and their families from celebrating their achievement,” Duke spokesperson Frank Tramble said in a statement.

Jerry Seinfeld

Seinfeld, who is Jewish, has been vocally supportive of Israel, and he visited the country after the Oct. 7 attack on Israel that sparked the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas. More than 1,200 people, including civilians and soldiers, were killed in the Hamas-led attack on Oct. 7, and more than 35,000 people have been killed in Gaza in Israel’s subsequent counteroffensive in the Palestinian enclave.

Officials say 132 hostages remain captive in Gaza, including at least five American citizens. At least 37 of the hostages are believed to be dead, Israeli authorities have said.

Emerson College in Boston also had protests at its commencement Sunday. Some students ditched their graduation gowns, leaving them onstage, after they collected diplomas, while others emblazoned their graduation caps with "free Palestine." A student shouted "free Palestine" while accepting a diploma, and another crossed the stage with raised hands, "free Gaza" written across the palms.

Some students showed off Palestinian flags as they crossed the stage, and a number of graduates donned keffiyehs with their graduation garb.

Throughout the ceremony, speakers had to take long pauses during their speeches or speak loudly over chanting students.

Last month a wave of antiwar demonstrations began to take root on college campuses after students at Columbia University set up an encampment on their university’s lawn. The organizers cited previous university protests as their inspiration, including demonstrations against the Vietnam War and apartheid in South Africa.

Students demanded their universities divest from companies that profit either from war or from the occupation of Palestinian territories and cut ties to Israel, with many also asking their schools to call for an immediate cease-fire.

A crackdown by Columbia’s administration in the first week of the protest resulted in 108 arrests on campus. News of the arrests drew national attention and soon inspired solidarity protests all over the U.S. and at some international universities, as well.

Some universities also used police force to end the encampments, while others negotiated peaceful ends to the demonstrations with student leaders.

Columbia officials called police back to campus to disperse the protest after students took over Hamilton Hall , which student protesters also took over in the 1968 demonstration that inspired organizers. The university later canceled its commencement ceremony .

This weekend, graduations across the country were marked by their own antiwar demonstrations.

At the Virginia Commonwealth University ceremony Saturday, students walked out of Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin's commencement address. Though the school said disruptions would not be tolerated, the VCU chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine organized the silent walkout in protest of Youngkin’s policies, as well as his role in the arrests of pro-Palestinian student protesters last month .

Protests also erupted at different ceremonies at the University of California, Berkeley, on Friday and Saturday. During Friday’s law school graduation, students removed their gowns to reveal white shirts that read “UC Divest.” The school addressed the protest in a statement that said graduation was able to continue regardless.

The next day, chants of “Free Palestine” erupted as the student speaker tried to deliver her address at a different ceremony. A group of about 20 students stood up and waved Palestinian flags, as well, the San Francisco Chronicle reported .

About 300 others stood up and moved to a different area of the venue, according to the Chronicle, as counterprotesters chanted, “Kick them out.”

Over the past week, a new wave of concern for civilian life in Gaza has taken hold as Israeli forces took over the Palestinian-controlled area of the Rafah border crossing shared with Egypt. Airstrikes have frequently taken place in Rafah, killing many people over the course of months, but the Israel Defense Forces had not deployed troops there before last week.

President Joe Biden has warned against an intensified Israeli operation in the border city, where more than 1 million people have taken refuge. Cease-fire negotiations also took place last week after Hamas announced it would agree to a framework for a hostage exchange, but Israeli officials said that proposal was unacceptable.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other members of his government have insisted that a full assault on Rafah is necessary to eliminate Hamas, describing it as the militant group’s final stronghold in the Palestinian enclave. He accused Hamas of trying to sabotage the Rafah operations with its statement that it had agreed to a cease-fire.

Civilians were again told to evacuate areas of Rafah on Saturday , and the IDF published a map showing that sectors of the city were now considered a “dangerous combat zone.” The military warned civilians that it would “act with extreme force against terrorist organizations in your area of ​​residence.”

Doha Madani is a senior breaking news reporter for NBC News. Pronouns: she/her.

Rebecca Cohen is a breaking news reporter for NBC News.

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Trump’s social media account shares a campaign video with a headline about a ‘unified Reich’

Former President Donald Trump speaks to the media after attending the day's proceedings at his hush money trial, in New York, Monday, May 20, 2024. (Sarah Yenesel/Pool Photo via AP)

Former President Donald Trump speaks to the media after attending the day’s proceedings at his hush money trial, in New York, Monday, May 20, 2024. (Sarah Yenesel/Pool Photo via AP)

President Joe Biden walks to board Air Force One as he departs from Boston-Logan International Airport, Tuesday, May 21, 2024, in East Boston, Mass., to return to Washington. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

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NEW YORK (AP) — A video posted to Donald Trump’s account on his social media network included references to a “unified Reich” among hypothetical news headlines if he wins the election in November.

The headline appears among messages flashing across the screen such as “Trump wins!!” and “Economy booms!” Other headlines appear to be references to World War I. The word “Reich” is often largely associated with Nazi Germany’s Third Reich, though the references in the video Trump shared appear to be a reference to the formation of the modern pan-German nation, unifying smaller states into a single Reich, or empire, in 1871.

The 30-second video appeared Monday on Trump’s account at a time when the presumptive Republican nominee for president, while seeking to portray President Joe Biden as soft on antisemitism, has himself repeatedly faced criticism for using language and rhetoric associated with Nazi Germany.

It was posted and shared on the former president’s Truth Social account while he was on a lunch break from his Manhattan hush money trial Monday afternoon. On Tuesday morning, the post of the video had been deleted.

FILE - Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito Jr., left, and his wife Martha-Ann Alito, pay their respects at the casket of Reverend Billy Graham at the Rotunda of the U.S. Capitol Building in Washington, Feb. 28, 2018. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais, File)

“This was not a campaign video, it was created by a random account online and reposted by a staffer who clearly did not see the word, while the President was in court,” Karoline Leavitt, the campaign press secretary, said in a statement.

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Biden, speaking at a pair of Boston fundraisers Tuesday, highlighted Trump’s posting of the video, painting it as part of a pattern of incendiary comments sowing discord in the country, saying, “this is Hitler’s language — not America’s.” Biden’s campaign soon after released a short video online showing him appearing to watch the video on a cellphone, saying “Wow” and making a similar comment as he did at the fundraisers, adding, “He cares about holding on to power. I care about you.”

Biden told one group of donors that it’s not the first time Trump’s “gone down this road” and chided the former president for offering a “lame excuse that a staffer did it.”

“He attacks his opponents as vermin,” Biden said. “He says immigrants are poisoning the blood of America. That’s a line used in Hitler’s Germany, not an American president.”

Earlier this month, Trump said at a fundraiser that Biden is running a “Gestapo administration,” referring to the secret Nazi police force.

Trump previously used rhetoric echoing Adolf Hitler when he said immigrants entering the U.S. illegally are “poisoning the blood of our country,” and called his opponents “vermin.”

The former president has also drawn wide backlash for having dined with a Holocaust-denying white nationalist in 2022 and for downplaying the 2017 rally in Charlottesville , Virginia, where white nationalists chanted “Jews will not replace us!”

At least one of the headlines flashing in the video appears to be text copied verbatim from a Wikipedia entry on World War I: “German industrial strength and production had significantly increased after 1871, driven by the creation of a unified Reich.”

In one image, the headlines “Border Is Closed” and “15 Million Illegal Aliens Deported” appear above smaller text with the start and end dates of World War I.

The video appears to have been created by a meme creator who goes by the username Ramble_Rants.

The creator, who is part of a group of meme makers that The New York Times reported has previously collaborated with the Trump campaign, posted the video on the social platform X Monday morning.

In a post on X, Ramble_Rants defended the video, arguing it was about “American peace and prosperity.”

The user explained in a post that the newspaper clippings in the video were pre-selected as part of a template showing historical headlines from the stock video company Envato Elements.

Associated Press writers Ali Swenson and Seung Min Kim in Boston contributed to this report.


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New AI tool may help detect early signs of dementia

Published on: May 30, 2024  

UTSW-led study finds an automated speech analysis algorithm is able to recognize cognitive impairment in a Spanish-speaking population.

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Young granddaughter plays chess with her grandpa as her grandmother looks on.

DALLAS – May 30, 2024 – A novel speech analysis tool that uses artificial intelligence successfully detected mild cognitive impairment and dementia in a Spanish-speaking population, according to research led by UT Southwestern Medical Center. The study, published in Frontiers in Neurology , provides preliminary support for the algorithm as an early screening tool that may help identify patients at risk of developing dementia.

Dementia is an impaired ability to remember, think, or make decisions that mainly affects adults older than 65, but it is not a normal part of the aging process. Currently, an  estimated 6.9 million people in the U.S. have Alzheimer’s disease, which is the most common cause of dementia. Early recognition of cognitive decline presents a clinical challenge but is a critical part of classifying patients with the highest risk of dementia.

C. Munro Cullum, Ph.D.

“Analyzing a sample of speech obtained during some brief, routine neuropsychological tests shows promise in our ability to quickly screen for signs of cognitive impairment, particularly in population-based research studies. Machine learning-based tools such as this may play an increasingly important role in the future of cognitive screening for dementia,” said corresponding author C. Munro Cullum, Ph.D. , Professor of Psychiatry , Neurological Surgery , and  Neurology and Vice Chair and Chief of the Division of Psychology at UT Southwestern. Dr. Cullum is also an Investigator with the Peter O’Donnell Jr. Brain Institute .

Data for the study was collected from 195 Spanish speakers recruited as part of a multicenter clinical trial in Spain. All participants completed an initial evaluation and were categorized as either having normal cognition, mild cognitive impairment (MCI), or dementia. Data from 21 participants was excluded due to incomplete cognitive or demographic data, or poor audio transcription quality.

The final cohort of 174 participants had a mean age of 74; there were slightly more females (56%) than males. Participants were divided into a training group of 122 participants (70%) and a test group of 52 participants (30%).

Researchers used four language tasks to train independent machine learning (ML) models using data from the training group participants. Neuropsychological performance and audio recording variables were collected from each participant using the AcceXible platform – a proprietary web-based instrument developed for disease detection through speech analysis.

The final model of the speech analysis algorithm was then used for the test group and was able to differentiate cognitively normal participants from those with dementia or MCI with an overall accuracy of 88.4% and 87.5%, respectively. The final model outperformed one of the current standard-of-care screening measures known as the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE).

Findings from this study and  similar work with English speakers by UTSW researcher Ihab Hajjar, M.D. , Professor of Neurology and  Internal Medicine and in the O’Donnell Brain Institute, suggest that these tools may improve quality of life for patients at risk for dementia through early detection – an issue that most significantly affects marginalized racial and ethnic groups who often experience delayed diagnosis. Further research is needed to validate the accuracy of the model before the technology can be deployed for clinical use.

“Eventually, such technology may help identify patients who are showing signs of cognitive decline that may be in need of clinical evaluation and consideration for treatment,” Dr. Cullum noted.

Other UTSW researchers who contributed to this study include first author Alyssa N. Kaser, graduate student in clinical psychology; Laura Lacritz, Ph.D., Distinguished Teaching Professor of Psychiatry and Neurology; Leslie Rosenstein, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Psychiatry; Emmanuel Rosario Nieves, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Psychiatry; Jeffrey Schaffert, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Psychiatry; and Holly Paxton-Winiarski, Ph.D., postdoctoral fellow in Neuropsychology .

Dr. Cullum holds the Pam Blumenthal Distinguished Professor in Clinical Psychology. Dr. Hajjar holds the Pogue Family Distinguished University Chair in Alzheimer’s Disease Clinical Research and Care, in Memory of Maurine and David Weigers McMullan.

About UT Southwestern Medical Center 

UT Southwestern, one of the nation’s premier academic medical centers, integrates pioneering biomedical research with exceptional clinical care and education. The institution’s faculty members have received six Nobel Prizes and include 25 members of the National Academy of Sciences, 21 members of the National Academy of Medicine, and 13 Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigators. The full-time faculty of more than 3,100 is responsible for groundbreaking medical advances and is committed to translating science-driven research quickly to new clinical treatments. UT Southwestern physicians provide care in more than 80 specialties to more than 120,000 hospitalized patients, more than 360,000 emergency room cases, and oversee nearly 5 million outpatient visits a year.


Jury Deliberations Have Started in Trump’s Trial. Here’s How They Work.

The 12 unidentified jurors have retreated behind closed doors and started to debate whether the first president to be criminally prosecuted has committed felony crimes.

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Birds flying in front of the Manhattan Criminal Courthouse.

By Kate Christobek

  • Published May 29, 2024 Updated May 30, 2024, 1:44 p.m. ET

Follow our live coverage of Trump’s hush-money trial in Manhattan.

For more than five weeks, the 12 unidentified jurors in Donald J. Trump’s Manhattan criminal trial have listened to opening statements, witness testimony, closing arguments and the judge’s final instructions .

Now their deliberations have begun. The jurors retreated behind closed doors of an unremarkable rectangular room on Wednesday and started to debate whether the first president to be criminally prosecuted has committed felony crimes.

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Read the Jury Instructions

The first juror selected is the foreman and will likely lead the jury’s discussions during deliberations. His opinion and vote do not carry more importance than those of the others.

While the jury deliberates, it’s common to wait days, or even weeks, for a verdict. Prosecutors charged Mr. Trump with 34 felony charges of falsifying business records related to a $130,000 hush-money payment to the porn star Stormy Daniels on the eve of the 2016 election.

The jurors’ verdict on each count — guilty or not guilty — must be unanimous.

During their deliberations, the jury can send back notes, signed by the foreperson, to ask questions to the court or have a witness’s testimony read back to them. Jurors also have access to a laptop containing trial exhibits that they can refer to during their deliberations.

If one of the 12 jurors is unable to continue deliberating for any reason, an alternate will step in. The six alternates attended the trial and remain on site so they can join in if necessary.

Mr. Trump also must remain inside the courthouse while the jury is deliberating.

If the jury finds that he is guilty of even one of the counts, the judge will sentence Mr. Trump at a later date. But if they find that he is not guilty of all of the charges, Mr. Trump will be acquitted.

If the jurors cannot reach a verdict, they will inform the judge, who will urge them to continue their deliberations. If they remain deadlocked, the judge could declare a mistrial, and the prosecutors would then need to decide whether to bring the case again.

Kate Christobek is a reporter covering the civil and criminal cases against former president Donald J. Trump for The Times. More about Kate Christobek

Our Coverage of the Trump Hush-Money Trial

News and Analysis

The 12 jurors in Donald Trump’s criminal trial are deliberating again  after rehearing testimony and some of the judge’s instructions. This is what was read back in court .

If Trump is convicted, it will be up to the judge, Justice Juan Merchan, to decide whether his punishment will include prison time. Incarceration is not a given .

The scene outside Trump’s trial mellowed a bit as deliberations began, but even a more sedate day includes spectacle and confrontation .

More on the Trump Investigations

Case Tracker:  Trump is facing multiple criminal cases related to his business and political activities. Follow the latest developments .

What if Trump Is Convicted?: Will any of the proceedings hinder Trump’s presidential campaign? Here is what we know, and what we don’t know .

Election Interference Cases: In Arizona , Georgia , Michigan  and Nevada , several allies of Trump are facing charges  related to efforts to keep him in power after he lost in 2020.

Trump on Trial Newsletter: Sign up here  to get the latest news and analysis  on the cases in New York, Florida, Georgia and Washington, D.C.


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