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Harvard Style Guide: Case studies

  • Introduction
  • Harvard Tutorial
  • In-text citations
  • Book with one author
  • Book with two or three authors
  • Book with four or more authors
  • Book with a corporate author
  • Book with editor
  • Chapter in an edited book
  • Translated book
  • Translated ancient texts
  • Print journal article, one author
  • Print journal article, two or three authors
  • Print journal article, four or more authors
  • eJournal article
  • Journal article ePublication (ahead of print)
  • Secondary sources
  • Generative AI
  • Images or photographs
  • Lectures/ presentations
  • Film/ television
  • YouTube Film or Talk
  • Music/ audio
  • Encyclopaedia and dictionaries
  • Email communication
  • Conferences
  • Official publications
  • Book reviews

Case studies

  • Group or individual assignments
  • Legal Cases (Law Reports)
  • No date of publication
  • Personal communications
  • Repository item
  • Citing same author, multiple works, same year

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Reference : Author/editor Last name, Initials. (Year) 'Title of case study' [Case Study], Journal Title, Volume (Issue), pp. page numbers. Available at: URL [Accessed Day Month Year].

Ofek, E., Avery, J., Rudolph, S., Martins Gomes, V., Saadat, N., Tsui, A., & Shroff, Y. (2014) 'Case study second thoughts about a strategy shift' [Case Study], Harvard Business Review , 92(12), pp. 125-129. Available at: [Accessed 10 December 2014].

In-Text-Citation :

  • (Author last name, Year)
  • Author last name (Year)...
  • In their case study Ofek et al. (2014) describe how marketing to the young generation...

Still unsure what in-text citation and referencing mean? Check here . 

Still unsure why you need to reference all this information? Check here . 

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Harvard Referencing Style: Case Studies & Standards

  • Introduction to In-text Citations
  • Introduction to Referencing
  • Internet Sources
  • Dissertations & Theses
  • Legal Sources & Government Publications
  • Study Guides
  • Reference Material
  • Corporate Bodies
  • Audio-visual Materials
  • E-Mail & Personal Communication
  • Powerpoint Presentations
  • Case Studies & Standards
  • Images or Diagrams

Referencing Case Studies


Spar and Burns (2000) ...

.... (Spar & Burns, 2000)

"....." (Spar & Burns, 2000:8)


Author’s surname, Initials. Year. ‘Title.’ Case number. Place: Publisher or Institution.

Note that the title is not italicised.


Spar, D. and Burns, J. 2000. ‘Hitting the wall: Nike and International Labor Practices.’ HBS 700047.  Boston: Harvard Business School Publishing.


Mathu, K.M. and Scheepers, C . 2016.  'L eading change towards sustainable green coal mining'. Available from: Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, < EEMCS-01-2016-0007> [Accessed on: 7 June 2017].

Referencing Standards

South African Bureau of Standards (2013) ...

... (South African Bureau of Standards, 2013).

"....." (South African Bureau of Standards, 2013: 3).


Name of the Authorizing Body. Year.  Number and Title of Standard.  Place of Publication: Publisher.


British Standards Institute.2015.  ​BS ISO 14001:Environmental management systems. Requirements with guidance for use.  ​London: British Standards Institute.


South African Bureau of Standards. 2013.  SANS 1300​: Quality management — Customer satisfaction — Guidelines for monitoring and measuring ​. [online]. Pretoria: South African Bureau of Standards. Available from:<> [ Accessed on: 17 March 2014].

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  • Last Updated: Feb 12, 2024 11:44 AM
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reference a case study harvard

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Case Companion: Build Students’ Confidence in Case Analysis

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Book: Teaching with Cases: A Practical Guide

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Webinar: How ChatGPT and Other AI Tools Can Maximize the Learning Potential of Your Case-Based Classes

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Supplements: Inside the Case

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Guide: Teaching Cases Online

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Educator Training: Selecting Cases to Use in Your Classes

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Educator Training: Teaching with Cases

Key strategies and practical advice for engaging students using the case method.

Frequently Asked Questions

What support can I offer my students around analyzing cases and preparing for discussion?

Case discussions can be a big departure from the norm for students who are used to lecture-based classes. The Case Analysis Coach is an interactive tutorial on reading and analyzing a case study. The Case Study Handbook covers key skills students need to read, understand, discuss and write about cases. The Case Study Handbook is also available as individual chapters to help your students focus on specific skills.

How can I transfer my in-person case teaching plan to an online environment?

The case method can be used in an online environment without sacrificing its benefits. We have compiled a few resources to help you create transformative online learning experiences with the case method. Learn how HBS brought the case method online in this podcast , gather some quick guidance from the article " How to Teach Any Case Online ", review the Teaching Cases Online Guide for a deep dive, and check out our Teaching Online Resources Page for more insights and inspiration.

After 35 years as an academic, I have come to the conclusion that there is a magic in the way Harvard cases are written. Cases go from specific to general, to show students that business situations are amenable to hard headed analysis that then generalize to larger theoretical insights. The students love it! Akshay Rao Professor, General Mills Chair in Marketing at the University of Minnesota

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Referencing styles - a Practical Guide

Harvard referencing style.

Used by: Archaeology, Biochemistry (as well as Vancouver), Biology (as well as Vancouver), Economics, Environment, Health Sciences, HYMS (as well as Vancouver), International Pathway College, Management, Philosophy (as well as MLA), Politics, Sociology, Social Policy and Social Work, Theatre, Film, Television and Interactive Media (as well as MHRA)

Introduction to Harvard referencing style

The Harvard style originated at Harvard University. It's been adapted by individual institutions, and there is no set manual or formatting rules, so it is extremely important to check and follow your department's specific regulations.

In-text citations

Information from sources in the text is shown with in-text citations that include the author's surname and the publication year  (and a page number in some situations). These can appear after the information, or integrated into the sentence:

The in-text citation examples given throughout this guide use the (Neville, 2010) version.

Reference list

The reference list at the end of the document includes the full details of each source so the reader can find them themselves. The list is organised alphabetically by author surname. 

The information to include depends on the types of source - see the examples on this page.

Departmental variations

Some departments use their own variations on the Harvard style - if this is the case, details will usually be given on course materials.

Here are some departmental variations:

close all accordion sections


Archaeology prefer students to use page numbers for all in-text citations unless students are referring to a complete book in a very general sense. Anything more specific should have a page number. Archaeology also require the following in-text citation punctuation: (Lee 2012, 236) for in-text citation with page number and (Lee 2012) for in-text citation without page number.


Environment ask that for multi-authored sources, given in the reference list, that the first 10 named authors are listed before the use of 'et al.' to indicate additional named authors.

Useful resources

reference a case study harvard

Guidance for all source types

Formatting for one, two or more authors.

This guidance applies to all source types.

In-text:  (Becker, 2007)

Bibliography/ Reference List:

List both authors in the order they appear in the publication. Use 'and' between names.

In-text:  (Peck and Coyle, 2005)

3 authors

In the reference list and the first citation, list all authors in the order they appear in the publication. Use 'and' between names. In subsequent citations, give the first author's name followed by  et al.  (the full stop is important!).

  • first citation: (Fillit, Rockwood and Woodhouse, 2010)
  • subsequent citations: (Fillit et al., 2010)

In all in-text citations, give the first author's name followed by  et al.  (the full stop is important!). In the reference list, you can either include all author names or include the first author name followed by et al. - be consistent in what you choose.

In-text:  (Moore et al., 2010)

In-text citations with multiple sources

If you are synthesising a number of sources to support your argument you may want to use a number of sources in one in-text citation. For example:

They should appear in date order , the most recent one first. 

Author(s) with 2+ sources in the same year

If an author (or a group of authors) have more than one publications in the same year, add lower-case letters (a, b, c, etc.) to the year to differentiate between them. Add a to the first source cited, b to the second course and so on.  For example:

In-text:  (Carroll, 2007a; Carroll 2007b)

Bibliography/ reference list:

No author name or publication date

No author name.

It is important to use quality sources to support your arguments and so you should carefully consider the value of using any source when you cannot identify its author.

For online sources, look carefully for named contributors, such as in the ‘about us’ sections. For printed material look carefully at the publication/ copyright information, which is often on the inside cover of a book or back page of a report. If you can't locate the information you could use the name of the organisation (eg, OECD) for the author. Don't include a URL in a citation.

If there is no individual or organisational author, it is acceptable to use 'Anon' in your Bibliography/ Reference List. You should also use 'Anon' for your in-text citation.

No publication date

Knowing when a source was created, published, or last updated is important as this helps you to determine the relevance and reliability of the source. 

For online sources look carefully for created and/ or last updated dates on the page(s) you are using and similarly look carefully for named contributors, such as in the ‘about us’ sections. For printed material, especially historical sources where the exact date is unclear you could use ‘circa’ or ‘c’ before the date to indicate the approximate date of publication. For example:

Direct quotes

Quotations are word-for-word text included in your work and must be clearly distinguished from your own words and ideas. Quotations are word-for-word text included in your work and must be clearly distinguished from your own words and ideas. You must also include the page number(s) in the in-text citation.

Short quotations (less than 40 words)

Use a brief phrase within your paragraph or sentence to introduce the quotation before including it inside double quotation marks “ “. For example:

Longer quotations (of 40 words or more)

Use block quotation, without quotation marks, but clearly indented to indicate these words are not your own. For example:

Citing a source you've read about in a different source (secondary referencing)

A secondary reference is given when you are referring to a source which you have not read yourself, but have read about in another source, for example referring to Jones’ work that you have read about in Smith. 

Avoid using secondary references wherever possible  and locate the original source and reference that. Only give a secondary reference where this is not possible and you deem it essential to use the material. It is important to think carefully about using secondary references as the explanation or interpretation of that source by the author you have read may not be accurate.

If it is essential to use a secondary reference follow:

In-text : Campell (1976) highlighted…(as cited in Becker, 2007, p.178)

Only the source you have actually read is referenced in the bibliography/ reference list

When to include page numbers in in-text citations

It is important to give a page number to an in-text citation in the following circumstances:

  • when quoting directly
  • when referring to a specific detail in a text (for example, a specific theory or idea, an illustration, a table, a set of statistics).

This might mean giving an individual page number or a small range of pages from which you have taken the information. Giving page numbers enables the reader to locate the specific item to which you refer.

When to use capital letters in titles

You should only capitalise the first letter of the first word of a book, journal article etc. The exception is the names of organisations.

Including citations or footnotes in word count

Usually in-text citations will be included in your word count as they are integral to your argument. This may vary depending on the assignment you are writing and you should confirm this with your module tutor. If in-text citations are included this does not mean you should leave out citations where they are appropriate.

Using abbreviations

You can use the following abbreviations in Harvard style citations and references:

  • ch./chap. (chapter)
  • ed. (edition)
  • Ed./Eds. (editor/editors)
  • et al. (and others)
  • n.d. (no date)
  • no. (issue number)
  • p. (single page)
  • pp. (page range)
  • ser. (series)
  • supp. (supplement)
  • tab. (table)
  • vol. (volume)

The difference between a reference list and a bibliography

References are the items you have read and specifically referred to (or cited) in your assignment. You are expected to list these references at the end of your assignment, this is called a reference list or bibliography.

These terms are sometimes used in slightly different ways:

  • a reference list will include all the references that you have cited in the text.
  • a bibliography is sometimes used to refer to a list of everything you consulted in preparation for writing your assignment, whether or not you referred specifically to it in the assignment.

You would normally only have one list, headed ‘references’ or ‘bibliography’, and you should check with your department which you are required to provide.

Questions about referencing?

Contact your Faculty Librarians if you have any questions about referencing.

Commonly used sources

Examples of in-text citations and reference list entries for key source types.

Use these examples alongside the information given in the 'Guidance for all source types' box. Pay particular attention to the guidance on formatting for one, two or more authors.

In-text citation: (Peck and Coyle, 2005)

Reference list:

Information to include Author(s) name, initials. (year).  Name of book . Place: Publisher name.

For a translated book or a book published in another language, see the examples below.

Edited book (& chapters)

Chapter in an edited book.

In-text citation:  (Dobel, 2005)

Information to include Chapter author(s) surname, initials. (year). Title of chapter. In editor(s) surname, initials (Ed/Eds.),  Title of edited book . Place: Publisher name, pp. page numbers

Edited book as a whole

In-text citation: first citation (Daniels, Lauder, & Porter, 2009), subsequent citation (Daniels et al., 2009)

Information to include Editor(s) surname, initials (Ed/Eds.). (year).  Title of edited book . Place: Publisher name.

Interview (conducted by another person)

If referring to an interview conducted by someone else that has been published in such as a newspaper or journal you can reference in the following way

In-text:  (Beard, 2012) 

Interview (conducted yourself)

If referring to an interview you have conducted as part of your research you should give a citation, perhaps also signposting the reader to a transcript attached as an appendix, and a full reference. Consideration also needs to be given to confidentiality and interviewee anonymity as appropriate.

In-text:  (Smith, 2012)

Journal article / paper

In-text:  (Selman, 2012)

Information to include Author(s) surname, initials. (year). Title of article / paper.  Name of journal , volume(issue), page numbers. Available at: DOI.

In the absence of a DOI add a URL instead.

If you are citing the print copy of a journal article / paper and not accessing it online, omit the DOI and end the reference after the page numbers.

Newspaper or magazine article

Newspaper or magazine article.

Include the most precise date of publication given - usually full date for newspaper articles, month and year for magazines.

In-text:  (Brady and Dutta, 2012; Clarkson, 2008)

Information to include Author surname and initial. (year). Title of article.  Name of newspaper/magazine . day month year, pp. page numbers.

Articles without named author

Give the name of the newspaper or magazine in place of the author name.

In-text:  (The Guardian, 2012)

Information to include Name of newspaper/magazine (year).  Editorial: Title of article,  day month year, pp. page numbers.

Online articles

In-text:  (Laurance, 2013)

Information to include Author surname and initial. (year). Title of article.  Name of newspaper/magazine . [Online] day month year. Available at: URL  [Accessed day month year].

Include Last updated: if the page is likely to be updated (eg, news sites)

Website with author

In-text:  (Peston, 2012)

Information needed: Author(s) name, initial. (year). Name of specific webpage.  [Online]. Name of full website. Last updated: day month year. Available at: URL [Accessed day month year].

Website without named author

In-text:  (St John Ambulance, 2011)

Information needed: Organisation. (year). Name of specific webpage.  [Online]. Name of full website. Last updated: day month year. Available at: URL [Accessed day month year].

Further sources

Examples of in-text citations and reference list entries for other source types.

Use these examples alongside the information given in the 'Guidance for all source types' box. Pay particular attention to the guidance on formatting for one, two or more authors.

Act of Parliament

In-text : (Education Act, 2011)

The (c.21) refers to the chapter, the number of the Act according to those passed during the parliamentary session.

Archival material

Archival material can include a broad range of different types of sources, such as photographs, letters, manuscripts, maps. The following advice is intended as a guide and should be adapted where necessary to include key information about your source. Consult examples given elsewhere in the guide for other format types which constitute archival materials to help you construct your reference.

Bibliography/ Reference list:

Note: (Date) is the year or date range of the creation of the material. If the archival material is undated use (no date) in your reference.

If an older manuscript is numbered by signatures or by folios (fol. or fols.), these should be used in place of page numbers, after the item title. If you use page numbers, the abbreviations p. and pp. should be used to avoid ambiguity. If a manuscript collection has identifying series or file numbers, these may be included in a citation.

In-text:  ( Master Atlas of Greater London , 2007)

Bibliography/ Reference List: 

In-text:  (Carswell, 2012)

Book illustration

In-text:  (Schwortz, 1978)

Book (translated to English)

If you are reading an English language version of a book originally published in another language follow this example.

In-text:  (Larsson, 2009)

Book (read in another language)

Follow this example if you need to reference a book that you read in another language.

In-text:  (Hoops, 1932)

To reference an example of case law you will need to know the abbreviation for the law report in which the case was published. This is usually provided in the citation for the case.

In-text:  ('Gray v Thames Trains Ltd', 2009)

Case study within a textbook or website

If the case study is within another publication, such as a textbook or website, you can either cite it as a chapter or a range of pages within that publication.

In-text:  (Burns, 2018)

Standalone case study

In-text:  (Graf and Wentland, 2017)

Computer application/program/software

In-text:  (Autodesk, 2011)

Conference papers & proceedings

Conference proceedings (full).

In-text:  (ALT-C, 2011)

Conference paper (unpublished)

In-text:  (Pettitt, 2008)

CD, CD-Rom or DVD

In-text:  (Gavin and Stacey, 2007)

Either cite the name of the film or the director

In-text:  (Lloyd, 2008) OR ( Mamma Mia , 2008)

In-text:  ( Beauty and the Beast , 2012)

Database (online, DVD or CD) with author

Change [Online] to [CD] or [DVD] if necessary.

In-text:  (Ralchenko, Kramida and Reader, 2011)

Database (online, DVD or CD) without named author

In-text:  ( Oxford language dictionaries online,  2007)

In-text:  (Larkham, 2011)

Dictionary or reference book

Dictionary/reference book with editor.

In-text:  (Marcovitch, 2005)

Dictionary/reference book without editor

In-text:  ( Paperback Oxford English dictionary , 2006)

E-book (online)

If page markers are not available on the e-book version you are using cite the chapter for specific references to the source (eg “…” (Schlick, 2010, ch.1)).

In-text: (Schlick, 2010)

E-book (using e-reader)

If viewing an e-book using an e-book reader it is important to reference the specific version of the publication for this reader. If page markers are not available on the e-book version you are using cite the chapter for specific references to the source (eg “quote” (Collins, 2011, ch.3)).

In-text:  (Collins, 2011)

In-text:  (Johnson, 2009)

Encyclopedia (full book or individual entry)

Encyclopedia (full book).

In-text:  ( Encyclopedia of consciousness,  2009)

Encyclopedia (single entry)

In-text:  (Brooks, 2004)

European Court of Justice case

In-text:  According to 'Karl Heinz Bablok and Others v. Freistaat Bayern' (2011)

European Union regulation

In-text:  This issue is covered in 'Council directive 1999/2/EC' (1999)

Film (movie)

Government publication (command paper, eg white paper, green paper).

In-text:  (Great Britain. Defra, 2007)

You can omit ‘Great Britain’ if you are only referring to UK central government publications and this will be clear to your reader. If you are referring to publications by devolved government bodies or to international government publications you should state the jurisdictions. The 'Cm. 7086' refers to the reference number given to this particular document. If you can locate the Cm. number you should include it.

Graph, chart, figure or table

Graph/chart/table/figure (print copy).

Give the title for the table/ figure etc and include a full in-text citation

In-text:  [INSERT IMAGE] The ‘Soloman four-group’ design (Field and Hole, 2010, p. 79, fig. 3.7)

Graph/Chart/Table/Figure (online)

In-text:  [INSERT IMAGE] Youths 16-24 claiming, March 2012 rate ( The Guardian,  2012).

In-text:  (HL Deb 23 July 2019)

In-text:  (Jones, 2011).

Lecture notes

In-text:  (Jones, 2011)

In-text:  (Johnson, 2011)

Each one will have titles and references within it or you can refer to the actual microfiche record number, where it is stored and when accessed. This is an example of conference proceedings.

In-text:  In-text: (AFIPS, 1968)

Musical performance (live)

In-text:  (Copland ,  2012)

Musical score

In-text:  (Puccini, 1980)

Online video (eg YouTube) & other online digital media

In-text:  (Cambridgeshire County Council/BBC, 2010)

Painting or visual work

In-text:  (Monet, 1889)

Pamphlet or booklet

In-text (first mention) : (Graduate Students' Association, 2011)

Parliamentary bill

In-text:  (Finance (No. 4) Bill, 2010-2012)

The HC stands for House of Commons, with HL being used for Bills originating in the House of Lords. The date represents the parliamentary session and the number in [ ] the number of the bill.

In-text:  (Berberet and Bates, 2008)

In-text:  (Jarche, 1931)

Play (live performance)

In-text:  (Lynn & Jay ,  2012)

Play (published script)

In-text:  (Webster, 1998)

Poem (in an anthology)

In-text:  (Bairstow, 1980)

In-text:   Waters admits in his interview on the WTF podcast (Maron, 2016) that his trip to Lebanon had a significant impact on him...

Works cited/ bibliography:

Preprint server

Journal article on a preprint server:

In-text:  (Basilio et al., 2023)

Radio programme

In-text:  (BBC Radio 4, 2008).

Religious, sacred & classical texts

Neville (2010, p.161) suggests the following process for using religious or sacred works in your writing:

These include the Bible, Talmud, Koran, Upanishads, and major classical works, such as the ancient Greek and Roman works. If you are simply quoting a verse or extract, you do not need to give full reference entries. Instead, you should include the detail in the text of your assignment, for example:

The film script at this point echoes the Bible: ‘And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth’.

(Gen. 6:12) [the in-text citation is for the book of Genesis, chapter 6, verse 12]

However, if you were referring to a particular edition for a significant reason, it could be listed in full in the main references, eg:

Report (online)

In-text:  (Nursing and Midwifery Council, 2008)

Report (hard copy)

In-text:  (Higher Education Academy, 2008)

Republished source

This format is for when you read a more recent version of an older work. In-text, the date of the original publication is given first, with the later version in [ ], with any page reference to this newer version following. In the bibliography/ reference list you give the date and details of the version you read, with the original publisher and date at the end of the reference.

In-text:  (Dickens, 1846 [2005], p.29)

In-text:  (Warner, 2008)

Sound recording (CD, vinyl, cassette)

In-text:  (Belle & Sebastian, 2003, track 8)

Source material where confidentiality is maintained

This should be used where it is important the institution from which the source originates should not be named, in to order protect corporate or individual confidentiality. For example, where a policy, procedure or care plan is being used.

In-text: (NHS Trust, 1999) or, for example: “This was in accordance with the NHS Trust's (Name withheld, 1999) disciplinary policy”.

Bibliography/ Reference List :

In-text:  (British Standards Institute, 2006)

Statutory instrument

In-text:  (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 1988)

Telephone conversation

In-text:  (Johnson, 2012)

Television programme

In-text:  ( Panorama : Britain's Crimes of Honour, 2012)

Text message

In-text:  (Johnson, 2007)

In-text:  (Chen, 2011)

In-text:  (ELDT, 2012)

In-text:  (Appropedia, 2011)

Use either the proper name of the author or X pseudonym. In the following example either (Trump, 2012) or (@realDonaldTrump, 2012) can be used in-text and in the Bibliography/ Reference List reference.

In-text: Trump (2012) went as far as to claim that the Chinese invented climate change in a post in 2012.

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Home / Guides / Citation Guides / How to Cite Sources / How to Cite a Case Study in APA, MLA, or Chicago

How to Cite a Case Study in APA, MLA, or Chicago

When citing a case study, the format in MLA and APA is similar to that of a report, and in Chicago style, it is similar to that of a book. For all three citation styles, you will need the name of the author(s), the title of the case study, the year it was published, the publishing organization/publisher, and URL (if applicable). The templates and examples below will demonstrate how to cite a case study in MLA, APA, and Chicago styles.

Author Last Name, Author First Name.  Title of Case Study . Edition (if applicable), volume number (if applicable), Publisher, year of publication, URL without http:// or https:// (if applicable).

Hill, Linda A., et al. HCL Technologies (A). Rev. edition, Harvard Business School, 2008,

In-text Citation:

(Author Last Name(s) page #)

(Hill et al. 8)

Author Last Name, Author Initial. (Publication Year). Title of Case Study (Case # if applicable). Publishing Organization. URL

Hill, L., Khanna, T., & Stecker, E. (2008). HCL Technologies (A) (Case 408-004). Harvard Business School.

(Author Last Name, Publication Year)

(Hill et al., 2008)

Notes-bibliography style

Author Last Name, First Name.  Title of the Case Study . Publishing City: Publishing Organization, Publication Year. URL.

Hill, Linda A., Tarun Khanna, and Emily Stecker. HCL Technologies (A).  Boston: Harvard Business School, 2008.

1. Author First Name Last Name, Title of the Case Study (Publishing City: Publishing Organization, Publication Year), URL.

1. Linda A. Hill, Tarun Khanna, and Emily Stecker, HCL Technologies (A) ( Boston: Harvard Business School, 2008),

Author-date style

Author Last Name, First Name. Publication Year. Title of the Case Study . Publishing City: Publishing Organization. URL.

Hill, Linda A., Tarun Khanna, and Emily Stecker. 2008. HCL Technologies (A).  Boston: Harvard Business School.

In-text citation: 

(Author Last Name Publication Date)

(Holl, Khanna, and Stecker 2008)

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Author’s surname, initials. Year. Title (in italics) . Case number. Place: Publisher or institution.

Spar, D. & Burns, J. 2017. Hitting the wall: Nike and International Labor Practices . HBS 700047. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Publishing.

reference a case study harvard

Author’s surname, initials. Year. Title (in italics). Case number. Place: Publisher or Institution.

Mathu, K.M. & Scheepers, C. 2016. Leading change towards sustainable green coal mining. Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies. Available at: https ://www.e mer [Accessed: 7 June 2017].

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Answered By: Katie Hutchison Last Updated: Mar 27, 2020     Views: 23887

Newspaper Articles and Case Studies If a newspaper article or case study has an obvious author, the procedure described for journals should be followed, volume and series information being replaced by the day and month. If the article has no obvious author, it should be identified by means of the title. Such a citation should also be included alphabetically in the list of references.

Examples Brandis, G. 1987, ‘The Liberals: Just who is forgetting whom?’, Weekend Australian, 24-25 Jan, p. 19. ‘Killing bin Laden won’t end the terror’, 2001, The Age, 19/10/01, p. 26. Legge, K. 1987, ‘Labor to cost the “Keating Factor”’, Times on Sunday, 1st Feb, p. 2. (Financial Review, (1987) 23 Jan, editorial)

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Last Updated: Jun 22, 2023 Views: 74680

When citing case studies in APA style you'll want to include the typical citation elements and apply general formatting guidelines. The following are examples of how case studies could be cited in APA style, but be sure to check with your professor about how they'd like you to cite case studies in your work.

In-Text Citations

Kotter (1990) explains the steps British Airways took to reverse a horrible customer service atmosphere and financial crisis.

… as the case study concluded (Bisell & Tram, 2007) .

Groysberg and Connolly (2015) concluded in their case study that….

Reference List

Example (don't forget to indent the second and subsequent lines):

Author(s). (Year). Title of case study . HBS No. number of case study. Publisher.

Example, one author:

Kotter, J. (1990). Changing the culture at British Airways . HBS No. 491-009. Harvard Business School Publishing.

Example, two authors:

Groysberg, B., & Connolly, K. (2015). BlackRock: Diversity as a driver for success . HBS No. 415-047. Harvard Business School Publishing.

More Information

  • APA Guide  (Shapiro Library)
  • APA Style Blog This link opens in a new window (APA)

Further Help

This information is intended to be a guideline, not expert advice. Please be sure to speak to your professor about the appropriate way to cite sources in your class assignments and projects.

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🤔 What is a Harvard Referencing Generator?

A Harvard Referencing Generator is a tool that automatically generates formatted academic references in the Harvard style.

It takes in relevant details about a source -- usually critical information like author names, article titles, publish dates, and URLs -- and adds the correct punctuation and formatting required by the Harvard referencing style.

The generated references can be copied into a reference list or bibliography, and then collectively appended to the end of an academic assignment. This is the standard way to give credit to sources used in the main body of an assignment.

👩‍🎓 Who uses a Harvard Referencing Generator?

Harvard is the main referencing style at colleges and universities in the United Kingdom and Australia. It is also very popular in other English-speaking countries such as South Africa, Hong Kong, and New Zealand. University-level students in these countries are most likely to use a Harvard generator to aid them with their undergraduate assignments (and often post-graduate too).

🙌 Why should I use a Harvard Referencing Generator?

A Harvard Referencing Generator solves two problems:

  • It provides a way to organise and keep track of the sources referenced in the content of an academic paper.
  • It ensures that references are formatted correctly -- inline with the Harvard referencing style -- and it does so considerably faster than writing them out manually.

A well-formatted and broad bibliography can account for up to 20% of the total grade for an undergraduate-level project, and using a generator tool can contribute significantly towards earning them.

⚙️ How do I use MyBib's Harvard Referencing Generator?

Here's how to use our reference generator:

  • If citing a book, website, journal, or video: enter the URL or title into the search bar at the top of the page and press the search button.
  • Choose the most relevant results from the list of search results.
  • Our generator will automatically locate the source details and format them in the correct Harvard format. You can make further changes if required.
  • Then either copy the formatted reference directly into your reference list by clicking the 'copy' button, or save it to your MyBib account for later.

MyBib supports the following for Harvard style:

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Daniel is a qualified librarian, former teacher, and citation expert. He has been contributing to MyBib since 2018.

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Cite A Court case in Harvard style

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  • Religious text

Use the following template or our Harvard Referencing Generator to cite a court case. For help with other source types, like books, PDFs, or websites, check out our other guides. To have your reference list or bibliography automatically made for you, try our free citation generator .

Reference list

Place this part in your bibliography or reference list at the end of your assignment.

In-text citation

Place this part right after the quote or reference to the source in your assignment.

Popular Harvard Citation Guides

  • How to cite a Book in Harvard style
  • How to cite a Website in Harvard style
  • How to cite a Journal in Harvard style
  • How to cite a DVD, video, or film in Harvard style
  • How to cite a Online image or video in Harvard style

Other Harvard Citation Guides

  • How to cite a Archive material in Harvard style
  • How to cite a Artwork in Harvard style
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  • How to cite a Chapter of an edited book in Harvard style
  • How to cite a Conference proceedings in Harvard style
  • How to cite a Court case in Harvard style
  • How to cite a Dictionary entry in Harvard style
  • How to cite a Dissertation in Harvard style
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  • How to cite a Edited book in Harvard style
  • How to cite a Email in Harvard style
  • How to cite a Encyclopedia article in Harvard style
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Reference a Website in Harvard Style | Templates & Examples

Published on 19 May 2020 by Jack Caulfield . Revised on 7 November 2022.

To reference a website in Harvard style , include the name of the author or organization, the year of publication, the title of the page, the URL, and the date on which you accessed the website.

Different formats are used for other kinds of online source, such as articles, social media posts and multimedia content. You can generate accurate Harvard references for all kinds of sources with our free reference generator:

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Online articles, social media posts, images, videos and podcasts, referencing websites with missing information, frequently asked questions about harvard website references.

Blog posts and online newspaper articles are both referenced in the same format: include the title of the article in quotation marks, the name of the blog or newspaper in italics, and the date of publication.

The format for a magazine article is slightly different. Instead of a precise date, include the month, season, or volume and issue number, depending on what the magazine uses to identify its issues.

The URL and access date information are included only when the article is online-exclusive.

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To reference posts from social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, include the username and the platform in square brackets. Write usernames the way they appear on the platform, with the same capitalization and symbols.

If the post has a title, use it (in quotation marks). If the post is untitled, use the text of the post instead. Do not use italics. If the text is long, you can replace some of it with an ellipsis.

Online content is referenced differently if it is in video, audio or image form.

To cite an image found online, such as an artwork, photograph, or infographic, include the image format (e.g. ‘Photograph’, ‘Oil on canvas’) in square brackets.

Online videos, such as those on YouTube, Instagram, Vimeo and Dailymotion, are cited similarly to general web pages. Where a video is uploaded under the name of an individual, write the name in the usual format. Otherwise, write the username of the uploader as it appears on the site.

If you want to locate a specific point in a video in an in-text citation, you can do so using a timestamp.

For a podcast reference, you just need the name of the individual episode, not of the whole series. The word ‘Podcast’ is always included in square brackets. As with videos, you can use a timestamp to locate a specific point in the in-text citation.

Online sources are often missing information you would usually need for a citation: author, title or date. Here’s what to do when these details are not available.

When a website doesn’t list a specific individual author, you can usually find a corporate author to list instead. This is the organisation responsible for the source:

In cases where there’s no suitable corporate author (such as online dictionaries or Wikis), use the title of the source in the author position instead:

In Harvard style, when a source doesn’t list a specific date of publication, replace it with the words ‘no date’ in both the in-text citation and the reference list. You should still include an access date:

It’s important to assess the reliability of information found online. Look for sources from established publications and institutions with expertise (e.g. peer-reviewed journals and government agencies).

The CRAAP test (currency, relevance, authority, accuracy, purpose) can aid you in assessing sources, as can our list of credible sources . You should generally avoid citing websites like Wikipedia that can be edited by anyone – instead, look for the original source of the information in the “References” section.

You can generally omit page numbers in your in-text citations of online sources which don’t have them. But when you quote or paraphrase a specific passage from a particularly long online source, it’s useful to find an alternate location marker.

For text-based sources, you can use paragraph numbers (e.g. ‘para. 4’) or headings (e.g. ‘under “Methodology”’). With video or audio sources, use a timestamp (e.g. ‘10:15’).

In Harvard referencing, up to three author names are included in an in-text citation or reference list entry. When there are four or more authors, include only the first, followed by ‘ et al. ’

A Harvard in-text citation should appear in brackets every time you quote, paraphrase, or refer to information from a source.

The citation can appear immediately after the quotation or paraphrase, or at the end of the sentence. If you’re quoting, place the citation outside of the quotation marks but before any other punctuation like a comma or full stop.

Cite this Scribbr article

If you want to cite this source, you can copy and paste the citation or click the ‘Cite this Scribbr article’ button to automatically add the citation to our free Reference Generator.

Caulfield, J. (2022, November 07). Reference a Website in Harvard Style | Templates & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved 31 May 2024, from

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Jack Caulfield

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What the Case Study Method Really Teaches

  • Nitin Nohria

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Seven meta-skills that stick even if the cases fade from memory.

It’s been 100 years since Harvard Business School began using the case study method. Beyond teaching specific subject matter, the case study method excels in instilling meta-skills in students. This article explains the importance of seven such skills: preparation, discernment, bias recognition, judgement, collaboration, curiosity, and self-confidence.

During my decade as dean of Harvard Business School, I spent hundreds of hours talking with our alumni. To enliven these conversations, I relied on a favorite question: “What was the most important thing you learned from your time in our MBA program?”

  • Nitin Nohria is the George F. Baker Jr. and Distinguished Service University Professor. He served as the 10th dean of Harvard Business School, from 2010 to 2020.

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Citing and referencing legal resources using Harvard

An explanation about uk case law.

  • What is a neutral citation?
  • Cases with neutral citations

UK cases without a neutral citation

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The United Kingdom courts formulate law in the form of court decisions, i.e. case law. The most important cases are written up by a court reporter: these are called 'law reports'.

Cite them right gives advice on how to cite and reference law reports (cases) . There is a distinction made between:

  • Citing and referencing cases from 2001 onwards, where a neutral citation is available for the case.
  • Pre-2001 cases or any other case where there is no neutral citation .

What is a neutral citation and how do you know a case has got one?

From approximately 2001 onwards, the courts started to allocate 'neutral citations' to cases. Neutral citations enable people to find cases online more easily. Each neutral citation is made up of:

  • an abbreviation for the relevant court (e.g. UKSC for the Supreme Court; EWCA Crim for the Court of Appeal Criminal Division)
  • a number (i.e. the number 4 would mean the fourth case heard in that particular court that year)

As a general rule, if you are looking at a case on the British and Irish Legal Information Institute (BAILII) webpage , the neutral citation (if there is one) will be listed at the top right hand side of the page. See for example the 2001 Court of Appeal case of Mills v Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries & Food . You will see at the top right of the BAILII webpage that this case has a neutral citation of [2001] EWCA Civ 1346.

This neutral citation will be useful for you when you are constructing your reference (see section below entitled 'UK cases with neutral citations').

UK cases with neutral citations

If a case has a neutral citation, Cite them right says that you should include in your reference list: 'Name of the case' (year) court, case number. Database or website [Online]. Available at: URL (Accessed: date).

In-text citation: A recent case ( ' R (on the application of Newby Foods Ltd) v. Food Standards Agency', 2017) states that...

Reference list: 'R (on the application of Newby Foods Ltd) v. Food Standards Agency' (2017) Court of Appeal, Civil Division, case 431. Westlaw  [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 24 August 2018).

Cases without a neutral citation tend to be cases which pre-date the year 2001, i.e. older cases.

In your reference, you need to include 'Name of case' (year) title of law report , volume number, page numbers.

In-text citation: It was decided in the case of 'Bibby Cheshire v. Golden Wonder Ltd' (1972) that...

Reference list:   'Bibby Cheshire v. Golden Wonder Ltd' (1972) Weekly Law Reports , 1, pp. 1487-1492.

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HBS Citation Guide

Guidelines for citing sources for written work at HBS. ​

This guide describes citation conventions for HBS students to use when writing research papers.

Citation Type

Phase 3: Develop Reference Case Guidelines

The final product is guidelines for implementing the benefit‐cost analysis reference case, which can be downloaded using the link below. To view our introductory video, please click here . Materials from related workshops are provided at the bottom of this page.

  • Reference Case Guidelines for Benefit-Cost Analysis in Global Health and Development (May 2019 final), by Lisa A. Robinson, James K. Hammitt, Michele Cecchini, Kalipso Chalkidou, Karl Claxton, Maureen Cropper, Patrick Hoang-Vu Eozenou, David de Ferranti, Anil B. Deolalikar, Frederico Guanais, Dean T. Jamison, Soonman Kwon, Jeremy A. Lauer, Lucy O’Keeffe, Damian Walker, Dale Whittington, Thomas Wilkinson, David Wilson, and Brad Wong. (Also available at SSRN: ).

To download only the Guidelines summary and recommendations, please click here .

These guidelines build on the methods papers and case studies prepared for this project. The draft guidelines were posted for public comment and then revised in response to the feedback we received. We greatly appreciate the careful review and thoughtful advice provided by the commenters.

Guidelines Workshops

The reference case guidelines have been discussed in two workshops: one in Basel, Switzerland on July 14, 2019, and a second in Washington D.C. on October 22, 2019. The agenda and slides are posted below.

The Benefit-Cost Analysis Reference Case: What It Is and How to Use It July 14, 2019 International Health Economics Association Pre-Congress Session Basel, Switzerland This half-day session provided an opportunity to learn more about new reference case guidance for conducting benefit-cost analysis, including case study examples. It covered the underlying concepts, approaches for valuing changes in health and longevity, and practical implementation.


  • Introductions and Overview (Lisa A. Robinson) ( slides )
  • Reference Case Purpose and Goals (David Wilson) ( slides )
  • Benefit-Cost Analysis Concepts and Framework (Lisa A. Robinson) ( slides )
  • Valuing Statistical Lives (Lisa A. Robinson) ( slides )
  • Sanitation Case Study (Joseph Cook) ( slides )
  • Tuberculosis Case Study (Thomas Wilkinson) ( slides )

Reference Case Guidelines for Benefit-Cost Analysis Workshop October 22, 2019 Eaton Hotel, Washington, DC During this full‐day workshop, we discussed the final guidance that resulted from this project, including underlying concepts, approaches for valuing changes in health and longevity, and practical implementation. The agenda is available here .

  • Introductions and Agenda (Lisa A. Robinson) ( slides )
  • General Framework (Lisa A. Robinson) ( slides )
  • Valuing Health and Longevity (James K. Hammitt) ( slides )
  • Air Pollution Case Study (Maureen Cropper) ( slides )
  • Sanitation Case Study (Mark Radin) ( slides )

Whole Grains

Whole Grain vs Refined Grain Diagram

Choose whole grains instead of refined grains.

Whole grains offer a “complete package” of health benefits, unlike refined grains, which are stripped of valuable nutrients in the refining process.

All whole grain kernels contain three parts: the bran, germ, and endosperm. Each section houses health-promoting nutrients. The bran is the fiber -rich outer layer that supplies B vitamins , iron , copper, zinc , magnesium , antioxidants , and phytochemicals. Phytochemicals are natural chemical compounds in plants that have been researched for their role in disease prevention. The germ is the core of the seed where growth occurs; it is rich in healthy fats, vitamin E , B vitamins, phytochemicals, and antioxidants. The endosperm is the interior layer that holds carbohydrates, protein, and small amounts of some B vitamins and minerals.

These components have various effects on our bodies:

  • Bran and fiber slow the breakdown of starch into glucose—thus maintaining a steady blood sugar rather than causing sharp spikes.
  • Fiber helps lower cholesterol as well as move waste through the digestive tract.
  • Fiber may also help prevent the formation of small blood clots that can trigger heart attacks or strokes.
  • Phytochemicals and essential minerals such as magnesium, selenium and copper found in whole grains may protect against some cancers.

The invention of industrialized roller mills in the late 19th century changed the way we process grains. Milling strips away the bran and germ and leaves only the soft, easy-to-digest endosperm. Without the fibrous bran, the grain is easier to chew. The germ is removed because of its fat content, which can limit the shelf life of processed wheat products. The resulting highly processed grains are much lower in nutritional quality. Refining wheat creates fluffy flour that makes light, airy breads and pastries, but the process strips away more than half of wheat’s B vitamins, 90 percent of the vitamin E, and virtually all of the fiber. Although some nutrients may be added back by fortification, other health-promoting components of whole grains such as phytochemicals cannot be replaced.

A growing body of research shows that choosing whole grains and other less-processed, higher-quality sources of carbohydrates, and cutting back on refined grains, improves health in many ways. For a closer look at carbohydrates, check out our  Carbohydrate Guide .

The 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends eating 6 ounces of grain foods daily (based on a 2000-calorie diet) and getting at least half or 3 ounces of that grain intake from 100% whole grains. [1] However, due to an increasing amount of research showing the various health benefits derived from whole grains, and even a possible detrimental effect when eating mostly refined grains, it is recommended to choose mostly whole grains instead of refined grains. An easy way to tell if a food product is high in 100% whole grains is to make sure it is listed first or second in the ingredient list. Or better yet, choose unprocessed whole grains:

Be careful when choosing foods labeled as whole grains: “Whole grain” doesn’t always mean healthy.

One study revealed that inconsistent food labeling means that foods identified as “whole grain” are not always healthy. [2]

  • The Whole Grain Stamp is a widely used marker on food products. The stamp, while designed to steer consumers towards healthy whole grains, identified products with more fiber and less sodium and trans fat but that were higher in sugar and calories than whole grain foods without the stamp.
  • The other three USDA criteria had mixed results in identifying healthier whole grain products, but (criterion 4) the carbohydrate-to-fiber ratio of less than 10:1 proved to be the most effective measure of healthfulness. However, it is unclear whether this ratio is more predictive of chronic disease risk than other measures of carbohydrate quality—such as the amount/type of fiber or overall dietary glycemic index/load . Foods that met this criterion were higher in fiber and less likely to contain trans fats, sodium, and sugar.
  • Because calculating the carbohydrate-to-fiber ratio may be difficult and not readily available for a consumer reading a label, the study suggests that labeling guidelines appearing on whole-grain foods should be improved.

Consumers should steer towards whole grain foods that are high in fiber and that have few ingredients in addition to whole grain. Moreover, eating whole grains in their whole forms—such as brown rice , barley, oats , corn, and rye—are healthy choices because they pack in the nutritional benefits of whole grains without any additional ingredients.

Whole Grains and Disease

As researchers have begun to look more closely at carbohydrates and health, they are learning that  the quality of the carbohydrates  you eat is at least as important as the quantity. Most studies, including some from several different Harvard teams, show a connection between whole grains and better health. [3]

  • A report from the Iowa Women’s Health Study linked whole grain consumption with fewer deaths from inflammatory and infectious causes, excluding cardiac and cancer causes. Examples are rheumatoid arthritis, gout, asthma, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, and neurodegenerative diseases. Compared with women who rarely or never ate whole-grain foods, those who had at least two or more servings a day were 30% less likely to have died from an inflammation-related condition over a 17-year period. [4]
  • A meta-analysis combining results from studies conducted in the U.S., the United Kingdom, and Scandinavian countries (which included health information from over 786,000 individuals), found that people who ate 70 grams/day of whole grains—compared with those who ate little or no whole grains—had a 22% lower risk of total mortality, a 23% lower risk of cardiovascular disease mortality, and a 20% lower risk of cancer mortality. [5]

Cardiovascular Disease

Eating whole instead of refined grains substantially lowers total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDL, or bad) cholesterol, triglycerides, and insulin levels.

  • In the Harvard-based Nurses’ Health Study, women who ate 2 to 3 servings of whole-grain products each day were 30% less likely to have a heart attack or die from heart disease over a 10-year period than women who ate less than 1 serving per week. [6]
  • A meta-analysis of seven major studies showed that cardiovascular disease (heart attack, stroke, or the need for a procedure to bypass or open a clogged artery) was 21% less likely in people who ate 2.5 or more servings of whole-grain foods a day compared with those who ate less than 2 servings a week. [7]

Type 2 Diabetes

Replacing refined grains with whole grains and eating at least 2 servings of whole grains daily may help to reduce type 2 diabetes risk. The fiber, nutrients, and phytochemicals in whole grains may improve insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism and slow the absorption of food, preventing blood sugar spikes. [8] In contrast, refined grains tend to have a high glycemic index and glycemic load with less fiber and nutrients.

  • In a study of more than 160,000 women whose health and dietary habits were followed for up to 18 years, those who averaged 2 to 3 servings of whole grains a day were 30% less likely to have developed type 2 diabetes than those who rarely ate whole grains. [9] When the researchers combined these results with those of several other large studies, they found that eating an extra 2 servings of whole grains a day decreased the risk of type 2 diabetes by 21%.
  • A follow-up to that study including men and women from the Nurses’ Health Studies I and II and the Health Professionals Follow-Up Study found that swapping white rice for whole grains could help lower diabetes risk. Those who ate the most white rice—five or more servings a week—had a 17% higher risk of diabetes than those who ate white rice less than one time a month. Those who ate the most brown rice —two or more servings a week—had an 11% lower risk of diabetes than those who rarely ate brown rice. Researchers estimate that swapping whole grains in place of even some white rice could lower diabetes risk by 36%. [10]
  • A large study of more than 72,000 postmenopausal women without diabetes at the start of the study found that the higher the intake of whole grains, the greater the risk reduction of type 2 diabetes. A 43% reduced risk was found in women eating the highest amount of whole grains (2 or more servings daily) as compared with those who ate no whole grains. [11]

The data on cancer are mixed, with some studies showing a protective effect of whole grains and others showing none. [12,13]

  • A large five-year study among nearly 500,000 men and women suggests that eating whole grains, but not dietary fiber, offers modest protection against colorectal cancer. [14,15] A review of four large population studies also showed a protective effect of whole grains from colorectal cancer, with a cumulative risk reduction of 21%. [16]

Digestive Health

By keeping the stool soft and bulky, the fiber in whole grains helps prevent constipation, a common, costly, and aggravating problem. It also helps prevent diverticular disease (diverticulosis) by decreasing pressure in the intestines. [17]

  • A study of 170,776 women followed for more than 26 years looked at the effect of different dietary fibers, including that from whole grains, on Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. Though a reduced risk of Crohn’s disease was found in those eating high intakes of fruit fiber, there was no reduced risk of either disease found from eating whole grains. [18]

Some grains contain the naturally-occurring protein, gluten. While gluten can cause side effects in certain individuals, such as those with celiac disease, most people can and have eaten gluten most of their lives—without any adverse reaction. However, negative media attention on wheat and gluten has caused some people to doubt its place in a healthful diet, though there is little published research to support such claims. For further information on gluten and health, see: Gluten: A Benefit or Harm to the Body?

  • U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and U.S. Department of Agriculture. 2015 – 2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. 8th Edition. December 2015. Available at
  • Mozaffarian RS, Lee RM, Kennedy MA, Ludwig DS, Mozaffarian D, Gortmaker SL. Identifying whole grain foods: a comparison of different approaches for selecting more healthful whole grain products. Public Health Nutr . 2013;16:2255-64.
  • Wu H, Flint AJ, Qi Q, et al. Association between dietary whole grain intake and risk of mortality: two large prospective studies in US men and women. JAMA Intern Med . 2015;175:373-84.
  • Jacobs DR, Jr., Andersen LF, Blomhoff R. Whole-grain consumption is associated with a reduced risk of noncardiovascular, noncancer death attributed to inflammatory diseases in the Iowa Women’s Health Study. Am J Clin Nutr . 2007;85:1606-14.
  • Zong G, Gao A, Hu FB, Sun Q. Whole Grain Intake and Mortality From All Causes, Cardiovascular Disease, and Cancer: A Meta-Analysis of Prospective Cohort Studies. Circulation . 2016;133:2370-80.
  • Liu S, Stampfer MJ, Hu FB, et al. Whole-grain consumption and risk of coronary heart disease: results from the Nurses’ Health Study. Am J Clin Nutr . 1999;70:412-9.
  • Mellen PB, Walsh TF, Herrington DM. Whole grain intake and cardiovascular disease: a meta-analysis. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis . 2008;18:283-90.
  • Aune D, Norat T, Romundstad P, Vatten LJ. Whole grain and refined grain consumption and the risk of type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis of cohort studies. Eur J Epidemiol . 2013;28:845-58.
  • de Munter JS, Hu FB, Spiegelman D, Franz M, van Dam RM. Whole grain, bran, and germ intake and risk of type 2 diabetes: a prospective cohort study and systematic review. PLoS Med . 2007;4:e261.
  • Sun Q, Spiegelman D, van Dam RM, et al. White rice, brown rice, and risk of type 2 diabetes in US men and women. Arch Intern Med . 2010;170:961-9.
  • Parker ED, Liu S, Van Horn L, et al. The association of whole grain consumption with incident type 2 diabetes: the Women’s Health Initiative Observational Study. Ann Epidemiol . 2013;23:321-7.
  • Aune D, Keum N, Giovannucci E, et al. Whole grain consumption and risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, and all cause and cause specific mortality: systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis of prospective studies. BMJ . 2016;353:i2716.
  • Jacobs DR, Jr., Marquart L, Slavin J, Kushi LH. Whole-grain intake and cancer: an expanded review and meta-analysis. Nutr Cancer . 1998;30:85-96.
  • Schatzkin A, Mouw T, Park Y, et al. Dietary fiber and whole-grain consumption in relation to colorectal cancer in the NIH-AARP Diet and Health Study. Am J Clin Nutr . 2007;85:1353-60.
  • Strayer L, Jacobs DR, Jr., Schairer C, Schatzkin A, Flood A. Dietary carbohydrate, glycemic index, and glycemic load and the risk of colorectal cancer in the BCDDP cohort. Cancer Causes Control . 2007;18:853-63.
  • Aune D, Chan DS, Lau R, et al. Dietary fibre, whole grains, and risk of colorectal cancer: systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis of prospective studies. BMJ . 2011;343:d6617.
  • Strate LL, Keeley BR, Cao Y, Wu K, Giovannucci EL, Chan AT. Western Dietary Pattern Increases, and Prudent Dietary Pattern Decreases, Risk of Incident Diverticulitis in a Prospective Cohort Study. Gastroenterology . 2017;152:1023-30 e2.
  • Ananthakrishnan AN, Khalili H, Konijeti GG, et al. A prospective study of long-term intake of dietary fiber and risk of Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. Gastroenterology . 2013;145:970-7.

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The contents of this website are for educational purposes and are not intended to offer personal medical advice. You should seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. The Nutrition Source does not recommend or endorse any products.

Neuromarketing — Predicting Consumer Behavior to Drive Purchasing Decisions 

Buying decisions can be driven by unconscious choices. Learn about how neuromarketing uncovers what drives decisions to increase conversions and revenue.

Valerie Kirk

What drives a person to not only buy something, but to choose one product or service over the other? The usual answers that come to a marketer’s mind when asked that question include need, price, availability, and brand familiarity.

But what if it goes deeper than that? What if consumer decision-making is driven by biology — specifically neural activity in the brain?

This idea is the basis of neuromarketing — sometimes known as consumer neuroscience — a field of study that incorporates biology and brain activity to predict and even influence consumer behavior and purchase decisions.

The Science Behind Neuromarketing

While the term neuromarketing was first introduced in the early 2000s, consumer neuroscience began to emerge in the 1990s, when measuring brain activity using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) machines became more accessible. 

Consumer neuroscience examines fMRI scans and electroencephalogram measurements of people’s brain activity when they are given or shown stimuli, such as an advertisement, product packaging, or something to drink. It could also include verbal prompts to monitor reactions. The brain activity seen on the scans shows what a person is feeling in that moment. 

Consumer neuroscience also includes physiological tracking — measuring facial expressions, eye movements, pupil dilation, heart rate, or other physical reactions people experience when given the stimuli. With eye tracking software, marketers can use heat maps to see what consumers are most drawn to in ad campaigns or websites and the journey they take to ultimately purchase something or disengage with digital assets. 

Examples of neuromarketing research include: 

  • Serving Coca-Cola and Pepsi to subjects in an fMRI machine. When the drinks weren’t identified, the researchers noted a consistent neural response. But when subjects could see the brand, the part of their brains associated with emotions, memories, and unconscious processing showed enhanced activity, demonstrating that knowledge of the brand altered how the brain perceived the beverage. 
  • Scanning the brains of test subjects while they tasted three wines, each labeled with a different price. Their brains registered the wines differently, with neural signatures indicating a preference for the most expensive wine. In actuality, all three wines were the same. 

Why is Neuromarketing Important?

By understanding what people react to based on biology and not conscious choices, marketers can essentially predict consumer behavior. When marketers can predict behavior, they can take steps to market their products — from the price to packaging to product marketing campaigns — in ways that elicit emotional responses and compel consumers to buy, thus increasing sales and revenue. 

There is a truth to neuromarketing that can’t be replicated by traditional marketing research tactics like focus groups. People may not always tell the truth in focus groups, or they say things they think others want to hear. 

Neuromarketing techniques remove the human choice element in market research and expose a person’s real and unfiltered responses. This helps marketers gain a more complete understanding of consumer motivation and buying behavior, which drives marketing decisions and budget spending.

How is Neuromarketing Used in Business Today?

Businesses are turning to neuromarketing to guide critical marketing decisions. In many cases, neuromarketing techniques are replacing traditional marketing research tactics. 

Here are five ways businesses are using neuromarketing to improve their marketing efforts and drive sales. 

1. Testing Ads 

Marketers can get true, unbiased responses to ad campaigns by showing different ads to test subjects and scanning their brain activity or tracking their eye movement while they view the ads. Based on the scans and other physiological and emotional reactions, they can determine which campaign — or which campaign elements — resonate more with consumers.  

2. Improving Packaging Design

When test subjects are given early prototypes of a product packaging, brain scans can help marketing and design teams gain insights into which version people are more likely to pick up and buy. Package design includes color, images, and size and shape. 

3. Enhancing Website and App Design 

Neuromarketing can help guide website and app design. Brain scans can show which design elements are more likely to engage users and drive clicks and purchases. Facial coding can also show how people view websites and apps, which can inform where to put different pieces of content. 

4. Informing Rebranding

From start to finish, neuromarketing can guide decisions on rebranding. This includes whether a rebrand is needed, which visual elements and messages work better for the new brand, and how to use the new identity in marketing tools and other brand assets. 

5. Optimizing Conversion Rates 

It’s estimated that 95 percent of decision-making is made unconsciously. Neuromarketing can help marketers understand what drives a person to make those unconscious choices to buy or not buy a product. Brands can then adapt their marketing materials and tactics to enhance elements that inspire people to buy.

DCE Professional & Executive Development Consumer Behavior Course:

Using Neuromarketing to Predict and Influence Customers

Examples of Neuromarketing in Action

  • Through neuromarketing techniques, Frito-Lay learned that matte bags with pictures of potatoes did not trigger a negative consumer response, whereas shiny bags with pictures did. Based on those insights, they changed their chip packaging design. 
  • The National Cancer Institute used fMRI scans to test three anti-smoking commercials that included a telephone hotline. The subjects were heavy smokers who indicated they wanted to quit. The National Cancer Institute ran all three ads, but the ad to which the test group reacted favorably corresponded to an increased hotline call volume when it ran.
  • IKEA has designed their stores in a way that showcases everything they sell before a consumer can actually leave the store, thus increasing the likelihood of a purchase. The layout was developed using neuromarketing research.
  • Neuromarketing research has shown that people react favorably to movement and speed. This knowledge guided FedEx to include a hidden arrow in its logo that represents quickness, which garners favorable reactions — and subconscious brand trust — among consumers.
  • People also react favorably to color. Through research on brain activity, businesses know that the color red signifies strength. It’s easy to see why red is the favored logo color of so many iconic brands, including Coca-Cola, Target, McDonald’s, and Netflix.  

The Ethics of Neuromarketing

In general, people like to think that they make purchasing decisions — and really any decision — consciously after considering all of the options and facts. Neuromarketing exposes the fact that people can be influenced on an unconscious level. This realization can lead not only to privacy concerns but also to people feeling like they are being manipulated by brands they trust, which could make them avoid those brands entirely. 

For example , in 2015, one of the main political parties in Mexico used neuromarketing to learn more about voters’ interests and reactions to campaign ads. When the information leaked, there was a backlash from Mexican citizens. The candidate apologized, but the revelation likely cost him votes. 

Since the very first advertisement, businesses have been trying to persuade people to buy products. Neuromarketing uses the technology of the time to help marketers understand their customers better and deliver a more favorable experience. Currently, brain scans and physiological responses are being performed on test subjects who all have likely signed an informed consent document.

While it may seem like a logical progression of the marketing and advertising discipline, companies that use neuromarketing techniques should have robust and ethical protocols and a crisis communication plan in place in case of public backlash.

How to Study Neuromarketing

People working across marketing disciplines could benefit from understanding what drives consumer behavior. Harvard Division of Continuing Education Professional & Executive Development offers a 2-day Consumer Behavior Course: Using Neuromarketing to Predict and Influence Customers.

The course covers a wide range of topics to help participants understand the psychology of consumer behavior and how to apply it. Participants will come away with a new set of tools for creating marketing campaigns that effectively resonate with the consumer base, capture market share, and ultimately drive profits and sales.

The program includes a discussion on corporate responsibility, marketing ethics, and specific guidelines for utilizing psychological techniques while safeguarding consumer and societal well-being.

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About the Author

Valerie Kirk is a freelance writer and corporate storyteller specializing in customer and community outreach and topics and trends in education, technology, and healthcare. Based in Maryland near the Chesapeake Bay, she spends her free time exploring nature by bike, paddle board, or on long hikes with her family.

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HKS Case Program

Winning Abortion Rights in Argentina: Building Blocks of a Long, Hard Fight

  • Advocacy and Lobbying
  • Government - Federal
  • Government - International
  • Health and Health Care
  • Human Rights

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Abstract: After an uphill battle of many decades , abortion rights activists in Argentina won a stunning victory in 2020, when the National Congress approved a law that set out the  legal right to free, safe, elective abortion in the first 14 weeks of pregnancy , and thereafter when the pregnancy was the product of rape or when the life of the pregnant person was in danger.   It was a remarkable turnaround in a country that had, for the previous century, been governed by a highly restrictive abortion polic y. U ntil 2018, abortion was a taboo topic in much of society and a “ third rail ” issue for elected officials, even those with a progressive voting record. But between 2018 and 2020, the politics of abortion changed in Argentina . How that change occurred is the topic of this multimedia case. Told in nine “chapters” of intersperse d text and eight short videos (ranging in length from 2 to 13 minutes) , the case features compelling accounts from prominent leaders in the movement alongside archival images and footage that bring the high emotion of the abortion debate to life .  In particular, the case showcases issues of messaging and coalition building in the Argentina abortion rights movement. For example, the case d escribes  the  choice to place more emphasi s on social justice issues than on women’s right to bodily autonomy . The case also describes the  roles and interactions of a coalition of activists, spearheaded by a National Campaign to legalize abortion, but including a varied array of  grassroots volunteers, legal activists, international advisers, feminist journalists and, finally , the mass mobilization of young people , widely credited with supplying the movement with a power and momentum that would ultimately prove unstoppable.    

Learning Objectives: T h is political strategy  case is both rich and flexible, and could be taught in a number of different settings . It  is especially well-suited to support discussions about framing an argument , choosing venues (e.g., legislature vs. courts), and effective coalition work. It c ould also be used to look comparatively at the abortion movement in Argentina and in other countries, including the United States . It is not designed to support a policy debate about abortion per se.   

Other Details

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    Revised on 7 November 2022. To reference a website in Harvard style, include the name of the author or organization, the year of publication, the title of the page, the URL, and the date on which you accessed the website. In-text citation example. (Google, 2020) Reference template. Author surname, initial.

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    UK cases without a neutral citation. Cases without a neutral citation tend to be cases which pre-date the year 2001, i.e. older cases.. In your reference, you need to include 'Name of case' (year) title of law report, volume number, page numbers.. In-text citation: It was decided in the case of 'Bibby Cheshire v. Golden Wonder Ltd' (1972) that... Reference list: 'Bibby Cheshire v.

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    Hours. Friday, May 24, 2024. Baker Library | Bloomberg Center. 9:00am - 5:00pm. Main Desk (Stamps Reading Room) 9:00am - 5:00pm. Research Help (Stamps Reading Room) 9:00am - 5:00pm. Quiet Study - HBS Tap Access Only (Stamps Reading Room)

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