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The Role of Biomimicry on Visual Design Education

The change and increasing diversity in communication tools with globalization have ensured the universal presentation of visual elements shaped by local cultural patterns. Today, design products have turned into a strategic tool for many countries in order to reach higher competitive power. As the visual design industry contributes as an important visual communication and marketing tool for different industries within and outside the creative sector, its role in ensuring sustainability becomes even more important. Graphic design is much more effective, direct, and fast than other means of information in order to develop environmental awareness and motivate desired behaviors. The biomimetic graphic is a design process and style that has been spread and passed along throughout today’s culture and society via various channels and networks of communication. In today's world, where globalization and associated social and environmental problems are increasing, design education plays an important role in the development of sustainable design products. In design education, the students should be taught the concepts of ecological material selection, environmentally friendly energy use, recycling, reconsideration, and reuse. In this study, the role of biomimicry in visual design education will be examined with sample applications. In addition to new skills and knowledge in design education, sustainability will emerge as an important feature sought in designers soon.

Cosmopolitan localism as a research framework for sustainability in graphic design practices

Investigation of the relationship between computer programs and foreign language used in graphic design process, pendampingan kegiatan pelatihan desain grafis untuk warga desa ciputri di kecamatan kaduhejo kabupaten pandeglang.

Abstract Pondok Pesantren, is an educational institution that provides formal education to students aged children. There are many Islamic boarding schools scattered in various villages in Ciputri Village. The low design ability of santri and students is very unfortunate even though they are the successors to the next civilization. Besides that, in Ciputri village there is no course institution for graphic design training, so graphic design training is held within 1 day. The purpose of this activity is to increase the creativity of students and students in the world of design. Make students and students independent so that they can make designs such as pamphlets, banners or banners themselves and do not use the services of a printing company. This training is carried out by delivering material and direct practice for students and students. Participants can get to know graphic design and can practice the applications used to create the graphic design.  

Pelatihan Editing Gambar dan Text menggunakan Photoshop sebagai bentuk Ekspresi Kreatifitas

Abstract- Graphic design is a form of work produced by art workers, with the development of increasingly advanced technology now can also be done by everyone, as long as they want to learn, because there are so many applications that can help someone to produce an interesting work. one of them is by using the photoshop application. Photoshop itself is one of the most popular applications today. So that the community service team provides training in the use of Photoshop applications. This service was carried out by providing video tutorials for the participants to practice directly. After this training was able to increase students' understanding by 53.72%, and students are able to express their creative ideas in editing images and text. Keywords — Photoshop, Student, Creatifity   Abstrak- Desain grafis adalah satu bentuk hasil karya yang dihasilkan oleh para pekerja seni, dengan perkembangan zaman teknologi yang maju saat ini, hal itupun juga bisa dilakukan oleh setiap orang, selama mau belajar, karena sudah banyak aplikasi yang bisa membantu seseorang untuk menghasilkan sebuah karya yang menarik salah satunya menggunakan aplikasi photoshop. Photoshop sendiri adalah salah satu aplikasi yang populer saat ini. Sehingga tima pengabdian memberikan pelatihan penggunaan aplikasi photoshop. pada pengabdian ini dilakukan dengan memberikan video tutorial untuk bisa di praktekkan langsung oleh peserta.Setelah dilakukan pelatihan ini mampu meningkatkan pemahanaman siswa sebesar 53,72%, dan siswa mampu menuangkan ide-ide kreatif nya dalam editing gambar dan text. Kata kunci—Photoshop, Siswa, Kreatifitas


In the midst of economic and consumer competition between companies and industrial ‎institutions, graphic design emerges as an active actor in the sustainability of the ‎advertising and media cycle alike, a role that would not have been important without the ‎tireless work carried out by designers in various design activities, especially after entering ‎into the digital experience. He benefited from it and kept pace with the new ‎developments of quality, and it is useful to point out that the motives of digital ‎development have reinforced the values that the design worked on, and today it is ‎witnessing many transformations in a digital world that is constantly evolving, ‎transformations related to the core of the designer’s work and what he offers in work ‎sites based on Decades of traditional experiences that designers have been working with, ‎and the trend towards traditions and modern digital frameworks that have been ‎reinforced by the increase in related digital applications and software in a remarkable ‎qualitative shift that indicates an important stage in the design process that extends to ‎centuries of work and technical development.‎ The current research explores some of the turning points of this procession with ‎important articulated transformations, based on the question that:‎ What is the status of graphic design in the age of digital transformation? The ‎importance of the research lies in the following:‎ ‎-Theoretical dimension: It can be useful in enhancing the theoretical framework of the ‎graphic design process and the transformations it has witnessed in the digital age.‎ ‎-Applied dimension: it can benefit those interested and working in the matter of graphic ‎design, and the research aims to: Identify the problems of graphic design in the age of ‎digital transformation. The theoretical framework includes the following topics:‎ ‎-What is digital transformation?‎ ‎-A brief history of graphic design ‎-Graphic design from traditional to digital The impact of digital technologies on graphic design.

Application of Color Language in Computer Graphic Design

Metacognitive transcendence in the learning of the project activity of design through the sketchbook visuality.

This article aims to report the transition from intuitive to intentional projective activities in design recorded in the visual modes of sketchbook to analyze the metacognitive processes of design students. Phenomenography was used as an empirical sampling method to diagnose the sketchbooks of industrial design and graphic design students. The observation criteria focused on describing the metacognitive characteristics of the students with respect to the way they recorded their ideas visually, which showed design-specific projective actions. This research demonstrated and codified how students externalize intentional approaches in their sketchbook iterations, which can be grouped into three representation strategies: technical, methodological, and reflective; they are related to their experiences in projective activity. Consequently, we propose a new category called metacognitive transcendence, which refers to a strategy for controlling and regulating cognitive processes to transform an intuitive action into an intentional action mediated by a cognitive artifact: the design sketchbook. Three ways of metacognitive transcendence are suggested: instrumental (technical aspects), procedural (related to projection), and comprehensive (own reflection about the project itself).

Zobo Tea Package Design Prototype Allied with Product Onomastics

The purpose of this design is to create a Zobo tea package design prototype allied with African indigenous onomastics. African indigenous products are effective in terms of functionality; however, industrialized products gained more attention because of aesthetics, safety, hygiene, and other advanced technology put into consideration during production. This seems to boost the inferiority of indigenous products. Hence, the present study focuses on indigenous Zobo tea in terms of creating a conceptual package design prototype enhanced with product onomastics. Twenty-two names are derived for indigenous Zobo tea by making use of linguistics techniques. These names are used as label for designing a conceptual package prototype for indigenous Zobo tea. A Delphi technique is adopted for the evaluation of this creative process. The findings show that homonym as an onomastics will enhance the branding and development of indigenous Zobo tea even in the international market. This will remodel the inferiority of the aesthetics of Zobo indigenous products. Hence, research on the choice of an appropriate name for a particular product should be a contemporary research area to improve the present situation of our indigenous product branding and graphic design. It is believed that the outcome of this research could provide guidelines for effective naming in product package design for indigenous product development; as creative designers must not only understand the vocabulary of graphic design but be aware of extraneous constraints that could affect their designs.

Development of Body Painting 3D Printing Techniques Using Fractal Design

With development of advanced technologies, the field of beauty is under strong pressure to try new approaches in line with the highly increasing interest in advance 3D printing based on 3D graphic design data. An increasing number of researches have been conducted to develop beauty and art design object using computer design programs. As part of this, three works were presented in this paper in which body painting designs and object were applied to mannequins by producing them with help of 3D printing techniques based on the motive of fractal that started from nature. This study examined how the generation principle of fractal geometry appears in the form of nature. The generation principle of fractal geometry models nature, fibonacci, and crystalline pattern by non-linearity, irregularity, and randomness around the iterative rule of self similarity. The present study is thought to be meaningful in that it suggests the possibility and practical value of a design method that can be technically and easily accessible to those majoring in beauty by means of its utility as a low-end 3D printing object.

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Graphic Design Dissertation Topics & Titles

Published by Grace Graffin at January 4th, 2023 , Revised On August 16, 2023

Looking for some exciting graphic design research topics for your dissertation? We’ve got you covered. Get your graphic design dissertation topics from our experts.

Whether you’re a student or an active professional, graphics design needs you to be spontaneous. This implies possessing the power to return with distinctive and original work once functioning on a client’s project or a graphic design thesis for your lecturer. It’s one profession that depends entirely on creativity.

Graphic design is in the spotlight everywhere in the United States of America. From easy ad ways that we might read on the TV to advanced animation styles and interactive deposit exhibitions.

This helps to produce an array of various opportunities for finishing a fascinating and innovative graphic design dissertation, with there being a variety of various topic square measures that are prone to more analyses.

A graphic design dissertation is conducted to check your information and learning capabilities. In graphic designing dissertations, you may complete your study on the impacts and effects of style components in varied business sectors of the globe. This may assist you in building an understanding of how things are operating within the skilled world.

If you’re dawdling pondering a groundbreaking graphic designing dissertation topic, then you should stop pondering this much. Bobbing up with a dissertation topic isn’t a piece of cake.

It needs considerable expertise and business information to search out that one drawback already there; however, no one highlighted it. Ideation is a robust method that comes before generating a subject for your dissertation.

Your graphic design thesis topic is barely nearly as good as your graphic-style dissertation plan. Each square measure is interconnected.

So, you’re a graphic designing student with complete command over all the main subjects of your field. However, you have got no clue about the way to write a dissertation. The bulk of graphic planning students can relate to it. To return with a graphic designing dissertation topic, you need information and knowledge of dissertation writing.

Another thing to be mindful of when selecting a topic is the availability of literature since undergraduate and graduate-level dissertations . Unlike PhD. Dissertations, have a smaller scope and do not aim to change course or invent a new concept, so the available literature can be of great help in determining the goal, content, and methodology .

The supporting evidence can help you to fortify and strengthen the arguments presented in your dissertation. At ResearchProspect, we make sure that you choose a topic that is relevant, recent, and interesting. We understand the challenges of being a media student, as with each passing day, something new comes up that takes the world by storm.

Considering the dynamic nature of your subject, our team suggests topics that will help in getting approval you’re your professors instantly. You can also get back to us to either edit the topic or add a few missing elements.

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2022 Graphic Design Dissertation Topics

Topic 1: critical interpretation of the effectiveness of using graphic designing in advanced marketing strategies to increase conversion of the target audience by the uk retailers..

Research Aim: The aim of this study is to critically interpret the effectiveness of using graphic design in advanced marketing strategies to increase conversion of the target audience by UK retailers.


  • To identify the suitability of graphic designing for marketing purposes.
  • To demonstrate the relevance of using graphic designing in advanced marketing to increase conversion of the target audience in the UK retail sector.
  • To provide valid recommendations to UK retailers about how they can strategically use graphic designing in advanced marketing practices aiming to increase conversion of the target audience.

Topic 2: Investigating the growing practice of graphic designing to use visual arts in healthcare, an initiative by the NHS.

Research Aim: The aim of this research study is to investigate the growing practice of graphic design to use visual arts in healthcare. For an insightful understanding, the study will focus on the initiative taken by the NHS.

  • To analyse the relevance of using graphic design to create visual arts specifically for healthcare purposes.
  • To describe the initiative taken by the NHS for creating visual arts with the help of graphic design and their purposeful utilisation in healthcare.
  • To recommend strategies to ensure the best level of use of graphic design for creating visual arts in healthcare thereby meeting the goals of the NHS.

Topic 3: A critical study on the current trend of graphic communication by using graphic designs to strengthen brand identity and recognition in the UK online fashion brands.

Research Aim: The present research study aims to describe the current trend of graphic communication by using graphic designs to strengthen brand identity and recognition in UK online fashion brands.

  • To study the ongoing trend of graphic communication by using graphic designs and their effectiveness.
  • To examine how the UK online fashion brands rely on graphic communication to strengthen brand identity and recognition by using the means of graphic designing.
  • To provide a set of recommendations for ensuring the best level utilisation of graphic designs for improved graphic communication.

Topic 4: Examining the benefits of extensive use of graphic designs in branding to ensure cost and time efficiency in UK SMEs.

Research Aim: The aim of this study is to examine the benefits of extensive use of graphic designs in branding that can ensure cost and time efficiency in UK SMEs.

  • To carry out a discussion on the advantageous effects of graphic designing in the area of marketing.
  • To determine how branding can be improved by using graphic designs, which leads towards cost and time efficiency in UK SMEs.
  • To suggest the best possible strategies and ways of using graphic designs to improve time and cost efficiency in UK SMEs.

Topic 5: Critically analyse the relevance of using 3d printing and CAD software by professional graphic designers referring to the practice in the UK construction industry.

Research Aim: The aim of this study is to analyse the relevance of using 3D printing and CAD software by professional graphic designers. The research study will focus on the activities and use of these technologies in the UK construction industry.

  • To make a clear idea about the use of 3D printing and CAD software by graphic designers.
  • To shed light on the use of 3D printing technology and CAD software used by graphic designers in the UK construction industry.
  • To provide valid recommendations to the UK construction companies for helping graphic designers with the use of 3D printing and CAD software.

Graphic Design Dissertation Topics

Topic 1: graphic design and commercial distinctiveness.

Research aim: This dissertation topic can elaborate on how organizations and companies rely on graphics to be distinctive and different brands in the town. You can also emphasize how significant graphic design is to mould your business and increase more sales.

Topic 2: Role of graphic design in web design development

Research Aim: Graphic design plays a vital role in web development. In your dissertation, you can tell how graphic design appeals to the audience and how it can bring traffic to your website. As a graphic designer, you can also tell the history of web development and the role played by a graphic designer.

Topic 3: Visual Hierarchy in Consumers Preception

Research Aim: Visual Hierarchy is one of the most necessary principles behind attractive web design is the distinction between a website that strategically influences user flow  that “looks nice.”  You can add the importance of visual hierarchy in the design.

Topic 4: Psychology and its effects on Designing:

Research Aim: Psychology data helps build the look which can make users perform the actions they’re expected, like creating an acquisition or contacting the team. Designers may see psychological science as an advanced approach to enhance the look.

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Topic 5: Challenges in graphic designing

Research Aim: There are many challenges that graphic design faces in the industry. You can highlight topics such as Visual Branding and Project direction in your dissertation.

Topic 6: Photographic theory and graphic design.

Research Aim: In this dissertation topic, you can explain which tools are used by graphic designers and photographers. For what purpose tools are used, and what are the similarities in them.

Topic 7: Graphic design in Great Britain of 1978.

Research Aim: In this dissertation topic, you can discuss the evolution of graphic design during this period of Great Britain in 1978. Discuss how these movements increased the passion for graphic design and what its impact was on youth.

Topic 8: The evolution of graphic design in the 20th century.

Research Aim: In this research paper, you can elaborate on how graphic designing was introduced in the 20th century. How people took it, and how did graphic designing become popular.

Topic 9: Graphic design and corporate identity

Research Aim: You can discuss how graphic designing helped in the evolution of corporate identity. Discuss how brand logos helped increase companies sales by graphic designing, also add a part to empower people towards graphic designing.

Topic 10: Graphic design and mass communication

Research Aim: In this dissertation topic, you can tell how graphic design helps send messages to others by different means, i-e: images or videos. You can also discuss how graphic design works in marketing and how far it is successful.

Topic 11: Graphic design with a low budget

Research Aim: Discuss in your dissertation paper the possibilities to create a graphic product with a low budget. You can also name some companies or individuals who make graphic design on a low budget.

Topic 12: Influence of TV on Graphic Design

Research Aim: There was a need for visual language at the time of TV birth .  Many individuals worked on this and set the standards that still influence what is shown on TV.

Topic 13: Computer graphic designers

Research Aim: This would be the best topic to discuss how computer graphic designers helped increase the scope of graphic designing. Does this profession still attract people? Does this profession still worth it?

Topic 14: Paul Rand and his graphic design

Research Aim: In this dissertation paper, you may write about this well-known graphic designer who created many memorable logos and made many contributions to graphic designing. You can also quote other designers too who can be an inspiration for others.

Topic 15: Trends in Graphic Designing

Research Aim: Graphic design has so much innovation from the last decade till now. In your dissertation topic, you can discuss some main trends like 3d design and typography, Art deco and Isometric design etc.

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Topic 16: Women and graphic designing

Research Aim: Women have fought for equal chances in every field, like leadership, economic platforms, and politics. You can elaborate on how women are more creative and how they are taking part in graphic designing and making marks.

Topic 17: Development of career path in graphic designing

Research Aim: In your dissertation paper, you can tell that the typical graphic designer career path starts with the junior designer, which leads to senior designers, art directors, motion artists, web developers, and many more careers. You can empower youth to opt for these professions.

Topic 18: Use Of Artificial Intelligence In Graphic Design

Research Aim: AI is one of the most demanding and latest niches in IT. You can elaborate on how AI to help designers to make designs faster, efficiently, and cheaply. Moreover, you can talk about how AI can also take over designing and neglect humanly efforts.

Topic 19: How Graphic Design Revolutionized Product Packaging

Research Aim: Appealing and fanaticizing product packaging can play an essential role in increasing your sales. You can tell how packaging can attract consumers to buy the product. For example, vibrant colours are used in cosmetic packaging

Topic 20: Website Design and Sales

Research Aim: Improving your website’s style will boost its credibility, which will cause multiplied sales for your company. You can add how an appealing website can make your sales double or more increased .

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Frequently Asked Questions

How to find graphic design dissertation topics.

To find graphic design dissertation topics:

  • Research recent design trends.
  • Analyze design challenges or innovations.
  • Explore cultural or social aspects.
  • Review design history and theory.
  • Consider cross-disciplinary ideas.
  • Select a topic that resonates with your passion and career aspirations.

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How to develop a graphical framework to chart your research

Graphic representations or frameworks can be powerful tools to explain research processes and outcomes. David Waller explains how researchers can develop effective visual models to chart their work

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David Waller

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Advice on developing graphical frameworks to explain your research

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While undertaking a study, researchers can uncover insights, connections and findings that are extremely valuable to anyone likely to read their eventual paper. Thus, it is important for the researcher to clearly present and explain the ideas and potential relationships. One important way of presenting findings and relationships is by developing a graphical conceptual framework.

A graphical conceptual framework is a visual model that assists readers by illustrating how concepts, constructs, themes or processes work. It is an image designed to help the viewer understand how various factors interrelate and affect outcomes, such as a chart, graph or map.

These are commonly used in research to show outcomes but also to create, develop, test, support and criticise various ideas and models. The use of a conceptual framework can vary depending on whether it is being used for qualitative or quantitative research.

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There are many forms that a graphical conceptual framework can take, which can depend on the topic, the type of research or findings, and what can best present the story.

Below are examples of frameworks based on qualitative and quantitative research.

Example 1: Qualitative Research

As shown by the table below, in qualitative research the conceptual framework is developed at the end of the study to illustrate the factors or issues presented in the qualitative data. It is designed to assist in theory building and the visual understanding of the exploratory findings. It can also be used to develop a framework in preparation for testing the proposition using quantitative research.

In quantitative research a conceptual framework can be used to synthesise the literature and theoretical concepts at the beginning of the study to present a model that will be tested in the statistical analysis of the research.

It is important to understand that the role of a conceptual framework differs depending on the type of research that is being undertaken.

So how should you go about creating a conceptual framework? After undertaking some studies where I have developed conceptual frameworks, here is a simple model based on “Six Rs”: Review, Reflect, Relationships, Reflect, Review, and Repeat.

Process for developing conceptual frameworks:

Review: literature/themes/theory.

Reflect: what are the main concepts/issues?

Relationships: what are their relationships?

Reflect: does the diagram represent it sufficiently?

Review: check it with theory, colleagues, stakeholders, etc.

Repeat: review and revise it to see if something better occurs.

This is not an easy process. It is important to begin by reviewing what has been presented in previous studies in the literature or in practice. This provides a solid background to the proposed model as it can show how it relates to accepted theoretical concepts or practical examples, and helps make sure that it is grounded in logical sense.

It can start with pen and paper, but after reviewing you should reflect to consider if the proposed framework takes into account the main concepts and issues, and the potential relationships that have been presented on the topic in previous works.

It may take a few versions before you are happy with the final framework, so it is worth continuing to reflect on the model and review its worth by reassessing it to determine if the model is consistent with the literature and theories. It can also be useful to discuss the idea with  colleagues or to present preliminary ideas at a conference or workshop –  be open to changes.

Even after you come up with a potential model it is good to repeat the process to review the framework and be prepared to revise it as this can help in refining the model. Over time you may develop a number of models with each one superseding the previous one.

A concern is that some students hold on to the framework they first thought of and worry that developing or changing it will be seen as a weakness in their research. However, a revised and refined model can be an important factor in justifying the value of the research.

Plenty of possibilities and theoretical topics could be considered to enhance the model. Whether it ultimately supports the theoretical constructs of the research will be dependent on what occurs when it is tested.  As social psychologist, Kurt Lewin, famously said “ There's nothing so practical as good theory ”.

The final result after doing your reviewing and reflecting should be a clear graphical presentation that will help the reader understand what the research is about as well as where it is heading.

It doesn’t need to be complex. A simple diagram or table can clarify the nature of a process and help in its analysis, which can be important for the researcher when communicating to their audience. As the saying goes: “ A picture is worth 1000 words ”. The same goes for a good conceptual framework, when explaining a research process or findings.

David Waller is an associate professor at the University of Technology Sydney .

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Best Graphical Abstract Examples with Free Templates

Creating engaging graphical abstracts can improve scientific publication rates and allows you to easily share your research in presentations and social media..

Graphical abstracts are becoming increasingly essential science communication tools for presentations and publications. Many academic journals now require scientists to submit graphical abstracts and the rise of social media has made summary images a standard expectation for communicating complex information. This article shows well-designed graphical abstract examples and also provides links to free templates.

graphic design research paper sample

What is a Graphical Abstract?

A graphical abstract is a visual representation of a research project. The goal of the abstract is to create a clear story of your scientific method and results that is quickly understood by your audience. The best graphical abstracts use a combination of data, illustrations, and formatting to make it easy to follow the main points of the research. Below is an example of a well-designed graphical abstract that uses left-to-right formatting to show the gathering initial data from TBI patients, treating patients with two treatment paths, and patient outcomes.

Graphical abstract example for patient data

Learn how to design good graphical abstracts using PowerPoint and Adobe Illustrator

Graphical Abstract Examples

One great way to start brainstorming for your own graphical abstract is to look at examples to see which ideas and formats might best fit your own research story. Below is a review of the best graphical abstract examples, as well as links to download these free templates for your own designs.

Left-to-Right Designs

My top recommended graphical abstract design uses bold title text with left-to-right formatting for the details below it. This format is easy for people to understand and can be used to compare methods to results, describe a sequence of events, or show a series of scientific conclusions. Below are examples of my recommended left-to-right designs with 1-4 columns.

Graphical abstract examples with left-to-right designs

Click here to download these free graphical abstract templates for Adobe Illustrator and PowerPoint

Top-to-Bottom Designs

Another good option is to use a top-to-bottom formatting. This is an especially good design idea if your data output goes from a large quantity to a small quantity or if the research results naturally go from top to bottom, such as north to south on a map or from the atmosphere to the Earth. Below are examples of top-to-bottom graphical abstract designs with 1-4 rows.

Graphical abstract examples with top-to-bottom designs

Circular and Unique Graphical Abstracts

The final recommended formats are circular and unique formats such as timelines and Venn diagrams. These are less commonly used and should only be selected if the summary of your research is easier to understand using one of these designs than the left-to-right formatting.

Graphical abstract examples with unique designs

Design Tools to Customize Graphical Abstracts

Knowing how to use design tools to create custom graphical abstracts has become an increasingly essential skill for researchers. Below is an example of a graphical abstract design that was customized using biological diagram templates and a list of the top design tools that scientists use to create graphical abstracts and scientific illustrations.

Graphical abstract example with cancer cell illustrations

Adobe Illustrator

  • Top recommended software for advanced scientific and graphic design. This is the digital design tool used by most professional scientific illustrators.
  • This tool allows for full customization of graphical abstracts by creating high resolution vector designs where every pixel can be adjusted to make the perfect final design.
  • Learn more about how to get Adobe Illustrator as a student or scientist .
  • Costs: $240-252 for annual subscription

Adobe Illustrator logo

Affinity Designer

  • Design software that is similar to Adobe Illustrator but with slightly fewer design features. This is a good affordable alternative to Adobe Illustrator.
  • This tool allows for customization of graphical abstracts by creating high resolution vector designs where every pixel can be adjusted to make the perfect final design.
  • Visit here to purchase the software:
  • Cost: $70 one time payment

Affinity Designer logo

  • PowerPoint is a commonly used software for scientists and has become increasingly good at allowing researchers to make custom designs using their shapes, lines and arrow features.
  • This tool has limited design features, but these are not always needed if you know how to use PowerPoint well.
  • Visit this page to learn more about purchase options.
  • Cost: Free versions and $70-160 for full software

Mind the Graph science image template example

  • Google Slides and Google Drawing are comparable tools to Microsoft PowerPoint. Scientists do not use these as often as PowerPoint, but it is still a good software to use if you are more familiar with Google products. 
  • The design features are limited compared to Adobe Illustrator and Affinity Designer, but you can still use this software to create high quality graphical abstracts.
  • Cost: Free with Google account

Google logo

There are also tools such as BioRender that allow you to create graphical abstracts with images that you can copy/paste into designs. However, this tool has limited customization options and is very expensive if you want to download your work as high resolution images that are used for publications and presentations. Read this article to learn more about the costs, pros, and cons of popular scientific design tools . 

Use Graphical Abstracts to Promote Research

There are many different options to share your research with the public and your peers. Having a well-designed graphical abstract makes it easy to format the designs to share via presentations, scientific websites, and social media. This is a great way to increase interest in and awareness of scientific research.

In order to share your graphical abstract via social media, you may need to adjust your designs so that the image can be best formatted for different platforms. Each social media platform has their own preferred dimensions for the images you share. For example, if you want to share your graphical abstract on both Instagram and LinkedIn, you will want to adjust one version to fit a square image for Instagram and you probably won't need many adjustments to share a landscape image on LinkedIn. Below are examples of graphical abstract image formatting for social media posts on Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. 

graphic design research paper sample

Graphical Abstract Design Summary

All of the examples and tools described in this article can help you design impressive graphical abstracts and share them with a wider audience. Use the simple process below to start your own design.

  • Step 1. Choose a design plan that looks good to you, best represents your data, and matches your intended scientific journal's formatting requirements. 
  • Step 2. Create a draft of your design by drawing on paper or use digital design tools such as Adobe Illustrator, Affinity Designer, or PowerPoint to arrange your illustrations, text, and graphs. Learn more about graphical abstract design options by clicking on the resources below:
  • Download free graphical abstract templates and view other science images  
  • Sign up for free courses on graphical abstract and scientific illustration
  • Step 3. Adjust the design formatting and colors until the main story of your research is clear.
  • Read articles to learn more about data visualization design best practices and data storytelling
  • Step 4. Share with scientists and the public via presentations, scientific websites, and social media. 

Create professional science figures with illustration services or use the online courses and templates to quickly learn how to make your own designs.

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Explore scientific illustration templates and courses by creating a Simplified Science Publishing Log In. Whether you are new to data visualization design or have some experience, these resources will improve your ability to use both basic and advanced design tools.

Interested in reading more articles on scientific design? Learn more below:

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Scientific Presentation Guide: How to Create an Engaging Research Talk

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Data Storytelling Techniques: How to Tell a Great Data Story in 4 Steps

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Best Science PowerPoint Templates and Slide Design Examples

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Thesis Helpers

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Find the best tips and advice to improve your writing. Or, have a top expert write your paper.

110 Fantastic Graphic Design Thesis Ideas To Succeed

graphic design thesis ideas

Graphic Design is an art where professionals plan and practice creating visual and textual content to deliver messages. In today’s world, it’s the most innovative and most effective way for businesses to connect with their consumers.

Graphic design has many forms, from a simple business logo to a complex page layout on a website. The magazine covers, posters, logos, business cards, websites, and mobile apps are only a few examples of what graphic design businesses can deliver as their concept to their clients and audience. A good graphic designer should know how to attract people by displaying innovative and appealing content. Hence, it’s crucial to master the ways to express ideas creatively.

Why Is Graphic Design Thesis Important for Students?

Creating an excellent thesis using some unique and intricate graphic design research topics is essential to have a successful career in this field. Also, it’s crucial to do graphic design research to wow potential employers for good prospects. The thesis paper is the gist of what you have learned for your bachelor’s degree in university life; therefore, it’s vital to showcase creative thinking and impressive skills. There are tons of thesis ideas for graphic design that allow the students to be creative and show their full potential. To help you ace your graphic design research paper, we will be discussing every step of creating the thesis in detail.

Creating A Winning Thesis Proposal for Graphic Design

For the best graphic designing thesis project, students should have strong writing skills and complete knowledge of visual design principles. Moreover, students should know the advanced application of the skills they have learned. Furthermore, choosing the topic according to your grade in school, college or university is essential. Senior students can choose a thesis topic from the several graphic design senior thesis topics available online. Sometimes people attend workshops to learn the art of creating an impressive graphic design research paper. We have simplified the thesis writing process for students who are not keen to participate in workshops. People who have some knowledge may also benefit from the blog as it provides simple tips that you can follow to get started. Here are some things to keep in mind when preparing and writing you graphic design dissertation:

  • Have a catchy introduction. A perfect intro will create a good impression and would encourage the reader to read on. Therefore, it’s essential to choose a passionate topic as anything written with heart can easily catch the reader’s attention. Unleash your artistic side to express yourself eloquently. It’s better to start with a short introduction. Keep it brief so that you can capture the reader’s attention.
  • Create a strong problem Statement. Knowing the background of the problem or the topic you are dealing with allows you to create a convincing problem statement. In this part of the thesis, you will highlight your research question around the cause of your research. You should write a page-long description of evaluating various options and choose the most suitable one. This part of the graphic design research doesn’t have to be elaborate.
  • Include an Aim and Objectives of the Study section. Use this part of the thesis to provide reasons why the chosen topic is significant. Let the reader know about your intent behind the research. These are the outcomes that you hope to achieve from your project. Also, use this part of the graphic design writing to display the objectives behind your research. The reader should have all the answers to why you want to address the highlighted graphic design issues.
  • Describe the method you use. In this section of your thesis, describe the methodology you will use to attain your goal. You should highlight all the methods available, compare them and select the most viable option. You can add details about the software, print media, or any other media platform you have used to complete your graphic design writing.
  • Prepare a literature review. Creating a literature review is an integral part of the project as it contains details of the type of research you carried out and how you conducted them. Also, it provides a theoretical framework for your dissertation, giving the reader an insight into where you started, the ideas you chose, and where the concepts have brought you.
  • Highlight the key ideas, scope, and limitations of the study. Coming towards the end of your research, you should specify the critical objectives attained from the project. Also, the project’s scope should identify the advanced uses and the limitation of the concept discussed in the thesis. Keep your content original and take as much thesis help you need from the sources available for an outstanding dissertation.

Graphic Design Thesis Topics

According to your interest, there are many topics you can look for on the internet for your graphic design thesis topic. We have researched to compile the 110 most interesting graphic design research paper topics; you are sure to find the best one for your thesis. From environment enthusiast to an art school student, our diverse topics will help you find the best topic for your thesis.

Best Graphic Design Thesis Topics

  • Uses Of Graphic Design To Create Environmental Awareness
  • Current And Future Trends In The Commonly Used Software For Graphic Designs
  • Design And Culture Expectations
  • Enhancing Understanding Through Visual Imaging
  • The New Graphic And Media Designs
  • The Fall Of Desktop Publishing
  • Development Of Web Animation.How The Internet Shaped Animation Content
  • The Evolution Of Newspaper Ads In The Technological Era
  • Role Of Personality In Arts
  • Set Creation In The Film Industry Using Graphic Design
  • Theme Design For Restaurants
  • Elements Of Persuasion And Graphic Design
  • Commercial Design: Dealing With The Clients To Facilitate Feedback
  • Organisationational Branding And Websites.
  • Role Of Visual Hierarchy To Create Customer Perception Of E-Commerce Stores
  • Art Directors: Transformational Heads
  • How Graphic Designs Are Used In The Making Of Directories
  • Role Of Graphic Design In The Evolution Of Modern Cinema
  • Creating A Colorful Classroom
  • Typeset: Principles And Techniques
  • How Color Theory Effects Graphic Design
  • How To Smartly Use Space In Design Esthetics
  • Effect Of Organizational Branding And Logos On Sales
  • Use Of Graphic Design For Social Commentary And Street Art
  • Use Of Graphic Design For Movie Festival Promotion
  • Newspaper Ads And Graphic Design. How They Mold Consumer Buying Behavior
  • Graphic Designing Tools And How The Industry They Have Impacted The Industry
  • How Does Color Psychology Trigger Emotions? A Case Study On Baker-Miller Pink

Top Graphic Design Thesis Ideas

  • A Case Study On Renowned Graphic Designers Of The Time
  • Influence Of Tv On Graphic Design
  • Role Of Computers In The Evolution Of Graphic Design
  • How Graphic Design Is Used In Game Interfaces To Attract Consumers
  • Importance Of Balance In Creating Impressive Visuals. A Graphic Design Basic
  • Conventional Designing Software Vs. Online Graphic Designing Tools. Which Is More Convenient?
  • How Does Visual Heuristics Help In Segmenting The Viewer’s Attention?
  • Use Of Graphic Design For Political Satire
  • How Brands Use Negative Spacing To Affect The Subconscious Minds Of Consumers
  • Role Of Web Graphics In Creating Visitor’s Trust
  • Defining Consumer Perceptions To Web Designs
  • Theories Of Graphic Design. Application And Importance In The Design Industry
  • Human Psychological Connections And Color Selection
  • How Online Gaming Trends Have Changed
  • Impact Of Theory Of Repetition On Consumer Buying Behavior
  • Multimedia Design And How It Has Changed The World Around Us
  • Importance Of Graphic Design To Generate Sales For Online Service Providers
  • Evolution Of Digital Art Over The Years
  • Graphic Design In The 20th Century
  • Advertisement And The Subliminal Messages
  • Use Of Powerpoint Presentations To Create Amazing Designs
  • Graphic Design Trends In The 21st Century

Excellent Thesis Ideas for Graphic Design

  • Propaganda Posters: Political Messages
  • How Email Marketing Has Changed
  • Development Of Career Paths In Graphic Design
  • Essentials Of Business Branding
  • How Graphic Design Revolutionized Product Packaging
  • Redesigning A Book Cover
  • Growth Of Graphic Design Over The Years
  • Evolution Of Vehicle Wraps Using Graphic Design
  • Cost-Benefit Analysis Of Investing In A Graphic Designer
  • Analyzing The Role Of Colors In Graphic Design
  • Trade Show Displays And Signage To Create Attention
  • Analyzing Various Techniques Used By Graphic Designers
  • Use Of Graphic Design To Create Infographics
  • Exploring How Service Design Impacts Visual Information
  • Studying The Application Of Graphic Design In Advanced Technology
  • How Does The Use Of Warm Colors Help Viewers Connect With Your Facebook Posts
  • A Case Study On Consumer Psychology-Difference Between Warm And Cool Colors
  • Use Of Graphic Design To Create Images For Blogs
  • Use Of Artificial Intelligence In Graphic Design
  • Photo Collages And Their Importance For Youngsters
  • Evaluating The Value Of The Visual Design Structure

Interesting Graphic Design Research Topics

  • Impact Of Artistic Sensibility In Graphic Design
  • How Banners To Aid In Conveying Messages
  • Analyzing Average Budget For Graphic Design Projects
  • Importance Of Graphic Design Education Across Borders
  • Impact Of Appealing Products On Consumer Choices
  • Retargeting Ads To Reach Out To The Target Market More Efficiently
  • Perspectives Of People On Visual Communication Design Education
  • Learning How To Apply The Theory To The Graphic Design Course
  • Analyzing The Trends In Graphic Design During The Past Decade
  • Graphic Novel-A Literature Review
  • Business Cards. An Essential For Businesses
  • Relationship Between Pop Culture And Graphic Design
  • Recognizing The Qualities Of A Professional Graphic Designer
  • Using Secondary Research To Explore The Various Features Of Web Design
  • Creative Coloring Books For Kids
  • Outcomes And Impact Of Graphic Design On The Consumer Market For The Top Brands Of The Country
  • Reinterpretation Of A Classic Book Cover
  • How Does The Design Language Trigger Brand Retention In The Minds Of Customers
  • Use Of Animation To Create Beautiful Postcards
  • 10-Minute Projects That Will Amaze You

Graphic Design Senior Thesis Topics

  • Use Of Graphic Design To Create A Plant Identifying App
  • Flat Logo Designs V/S Gradient Logo Designs. A Case Study On The Automobile Industry
  • Use Of Computer Graphics And Advertisement To Change Consumer Behavior
  • Effect Of Contrast Colors To Drive Consumer Buying Behavior
  • Passion Project: Following Your Dream
  • How Businesses Use Brochures To Attract Sales
  • Use Of Print Media And Advertisements To Change Consumer Buying Behavior
  • Logos. Essential For A Business Image
  • How Clothing Brands Use Graphic Design To Create Designs
  • 20th Century Evolution Of Computer Graphics
  • A Case Study On Computer Graphic Designers
  • Impact Of Using Filters In Videos To Gain Customer Attention And Sales
  • Use Of Psychological Triggers In Graphic Design To Create Customer Loyalty
  • Effect Of Limited Financial Plan On Graphics
  • Commercial Distinctiveness And Graphic Design
  • A Case Study On The Top Marketing Agencies Of The Country
  • A Case Study On Apple. How It Molds Consumer Buying Behavior
  • How Does The Consumer Remember Your Brand? A Case Study On Louis Vuitton
  • Impact Of Design To Create Sales For E-Commerce Stores

Is Your Graphic Design Thesis Due Soon?

When you start your thesis, you may encounter various graphic design issues, but keep your eyes on the master’s degree and keep working hard. You can also hire low-cost native writers for your project plan by googling “Do my research for graphic design thesis.” These professionals will provide complete research for your thesis topic, as well as high-quality content, and will also proofread your thesis when you are done. Moreover, writing professionals offer reliable services, so you don’t have to worry that your thesis idea will get stolen or hacked.

capstone project ideas

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Picturing Science: Design Patterns in Graphical Abstracts

  • Conference paper
  • First Online: 17 May 2018
  • Cite this conference paper

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  • Jessica Hullman 19 &
  • Benjamin Bach 20  

Part of the book series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science ((LNAI,volume 10871))

Included in the following conference series:

  • International Conference on Theory and Application of Diagrams

4660 Accesses

13 Citations

14 Altmetric

A graphical abstract (GA) provides a concise visual summary of a scientific contribution. GAs are increasingly required by journals to help make scientific publications more accessible to readers. We characterize the design space of GAs through a qualitative analysis of 54 GAs from a range of disciplines, and descriptions of GA design principles from scientific publishers. We present a set of design dimensions, visual structures, and design templates that describe how GAs communicate via pictorial and symbolic elements. By reflecting on how GAs employ visual metaphors, representational genres, and text relative to prior characterizations of how diagrams communicate, our work sheds light on how and why GAs may be distinct. We outline steps for future work at the intersection of HCI, AI, and scientific communication aimed at the creation of GAs.

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Language of Design Within Science and Engineering . .

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University of Washington, Seattle, WA, 98115, USA

Jessica Hullman

University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, EH8 9AB, UK

Benjamin Bach

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Correspondence to Jessica Hullman .

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Edinburgh Napier University, Edinburgh, UK

Peter Chapman

University of Brighton, Brighton, UK

Gem Stapleton

Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn, Estonia

Amirouche Moktefi

Mitre Corporation, McLean, VA, USA

Sarah Perez-Kriz

University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy

Francesco Bellucci

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© 2018 Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature

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Hullman, J., Bach, B. (2018). Picturing Science: Design Patterns in Graphical Abstracts. In: Chapman, P., Stapleton, G., Moktefi, A., Perez-Kriz, S., Bellucci, F. (eds) Diagrammatic Representation and Inference. Diagrams 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 10871. Springer, Cham.

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Published : 17 May 2018

Publisher Name : Springer, Cham

Print ISBN : 978-3-319-91375-9

Online ISBN : 978-3-319-91376-6

eBook Packages : Computer Science Computer Science (R0)

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Design Research Report Examples

a chart bar graph

Design research reports take on many different formats. Notice how each of these research reports (often referred to as “Case Studies”) tells a story. They aren’t just data, charts, and conclusions—they bring the human element into the story.

Research Report Examples

These examples specifically report research.

  • Oxford Commuters and the Efficacy of Political Advertising : xdMFA Fall 2016 Students, Mateus & Chen
  • Exploring Adult Satisfaction Within Healthcare Facilities : Comm Design Fall 2018 Students, Goheen, Cortez, Eshett
  • The Use of Plastic at Miami University Off-Campus Parties : Comm Design Fall 2019 Students, Troyer & Nguyen

Research Reports with Design Prototypes

These reports share research outcomes and take the next step—design prototyping. These students in the xdMFA program conducted research and created outcomes based on their research.

  • Conversation Groups & The Intersections of Language & Culture : xdMFA Fall 2018 Students Dean, Huffman, Mauk
  • The Anthropomorphizing of Technology : xdMFA 2016 Student Jerry Belich
  • Pokémon-Go AR Game: Designing To Match The Pokémon Fans Needs : xdMFA 2015 Students Cela, Chen, Mateus Forero, Mandke
  • Teaching Anatomy to Yoga Teacher Trainees : xdMFA Fall 2016 Student Ali Place

Case Studies

The rest of these reports show a wide range of types of reporting. Most are geared toward stakeholders/supporters of each project and their communities.

  • City of Owasso Character Initiative : Cheatham, Hicks, Keefer, Yang
  • The Design Difference : Japan Society, the Designers Accord, Common Ground, and GOOD
  • Valuing Design: Mapping Design Impact and Value in Six Public and 3rd Sector Projects : Yee, White, Lennon

Graphic Design

  • Design Principles
  • Color Schemes
  • Creative Commons
  • Accessibility
  • Free Design Tools & Resources
  • Adobe Design Tools
  • Research Posters
  • For Instructors

Printing Posters at the Library

Large format poster printing is available at the Student Multimedia Design Center (lower level of Morris Library)

You can print on:

  • 36" glossy paper
  • 36" matte paper
  • 35.5" canvas

Printing is available on demand during the SMDC desk hours (up until an hour before closing). You can wait for your poster to be printed or come back later to pick it up. Bring your poster as a PDF file in a USB flash drive and make sure the poster is sized correctly before printing!

Pricing is $5 per linear foot for glossy or matte, and $10 for canvas.

Common size/paper for research posters are usually 36"x24" glossy ($10) or 36"x48" glossy ($20).

For more information, visit the large format printing page.

For questions about printing, fill out the AskSMDC email form or call the SMDC desk at 302-831-8832.

Research Poster Resources

  • Best practices for poster and oral presentations
  • Poster Presentations- UCLA libguide

Research Poster Design

Dos and Don'ts of Designing a Research Poster by University of Guleph Library is licensed under a CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 international license.

Tips for Designing Academic Posters

  • Organize content into clearly labelled sections
  • Focus on key message for each section
  • Represent your research with tables, charts and pictures- the less text, the better!
  • Pick a color scheme
  • Maximize contrast between text and background
  • Use tools such as zoom and guides to align your content for a professional look.
  • Reduce text with bullet points
  • Use at least 18 pt font for body text.
  • Use high resolution images (aim for at least 300 pixels per inch)
  • Make sure you have proper permission to use the images on your poster, or...
  • Find Creative Commons or other openly-licensed images to use.

UD Research Poster Templates

How-to guides.

  • PowerPoint- Creating a Research Poster (Mac) Guide on formatting posters in PowerPoint
  • PowerPoint- Creating a Research Poster (Windows) Guide on formatting posters in PowerPoint

Undergrad Research Symposium Poster Template (34"X46")

  • Undergrad Research Symposium Poster Template (2024) Required size for Undergrad Research Symposium poster presentation. Designed to print on 36" glossy paper on the SMDC poster printer. Save as PDF before printing.

Traditional Research Poster Templates

  • Research Poster Template- Landscape (36 x 24) Designed to be printed on 36" glossy paper on the SMDC poster printer. Prints edge to edge.
  • Research Poster Template- Landscape (36x48) Designed to be printed on 36" glossy paper on the SMDC poster printer. Prints edge to edge.
  • Research Poster Template- Portrait (24x36) Designed to be printed on 36" glossy paper on the SMDC poster printer. Prints edge to edge.
  • Research Poster Template- Portrait (36x48) Designed to be printed on 36" glossy paper on the SMDC poster printer. Prints edge to edge.

#betterposter Research Poster Templates

  • Research Poster Template- Landscape (24x36) #betterposter Revised research poster template based on the #betterposter Billboard-style template that gained popularity in 2019.
  • Research Poster Template- Landscape (36x48) #betterposter Revised research poster template based on the #betterposter Billboard-style template that gained popularity in 2019.
  • Research Poster Template- Portrait (24x36) #betterposter Revised research poster template based on the #betterposter Billboard-style template that gained popularity in 2019.
  • Research Poster Template- Portrait (36x48) #betterposter Revised research poster template based on the #betterposter Billboard-style template that gained popularity in 2019.
  • << Previous: Adobe Design Tools
  • Next: For Instructors >>
  • Last Updated: Mar 13, 2024 12:49 PM
  • URL:

Graphic Design Paper Topics

Graphic design can be defined as the process by which images and text are combined for purposes of advertisement, storytelling and accentuating meaning. Images carry with them the ability to evoke emotion, influence and even manufacture consent within the political sphere. Even if one is not aware, individuals are inundated with purposeful creations facilitated by graphic designers daily. Reading signs, surfing the Internet, watching television, reading a book with graphic content and perusing a magazine in the waiting room of a doctor’s office all expose the beholder to graphic design. Understanding how graphic design can make meaning and influence is a study unto itself. From marketing gurus to political campaigns, the use of design is a major part of operations. Graphic design paper topics can range from individuals wanting to better understand design psychology to individuals who will actually themselves be designing. The topics are sufficiently robust to accommodate both of these positions and virtually everything in between.

The staff at are cognizant of how images and layouts are important in interdisciplinary pursuits. They are equally prepared to examine graphic design from the perspective of a specific interpretative lens as they are to explore specific attributes of color theory that would be most useful to future designers. From the theoretical to the specific articulation of industry standard graphic design computer programs,’s staff members can be reached by email for questions regarding potential paper topics or for placing an order from our secure server. are equipped to meet the graphic design paper topic needs of the individual student.

Interesting Graphic Design Topics for a Research Paper

Images have been used throughout human history to communicate messages, ideas and express various elements of emotion. Design has the profound ability to instantly attract or repel and individual from an idea or product through targeted suggestion. While art in an aesthetic capacity has been a human pursuit throughout recorded history, art as a political tool and art as a commercial force are newer adaptations. Modern graphic designers will find themselves in positions of web design, advertising layout, marketing teams, packaging creation, print design and a variety of other constructs that entail working for a client or reflecting the needs of a respective organization. Students with a firm grasp of graphic design will have to be able to separate their personal preferences and belief systems from those of their clients expectations in order to be successful.

Graphic design topics can be specific to graphic design majors and be focused more on application and production than theory. Equally as true, graphic design topics can be interdisciplinary and can focus on how graphic design is used in a variety of fields. When selecting a graphic design paper topic, students should be cognizant of their respective field of inquiry and focus on how design is impacting in that particular discipline. The following list has been crafted to illustrate potential interesting topics for graphic design research papers. The list can be used verbatim and custom papers can be crafted from this list to meet student needs or it can also be used as a tool to generate original ideas in which the student may wish to explore. 

  • Aesthetics and function
  • Graphic design trends in the 21st Century
  • Propaganda posters: Design and political messages
  • Subliminal messages in advertisement
  • A history of 20th century graphic design
  • Digital art evolution
  • Advertising and graphic design
  • Multimedia design and online gaming trends
  • Color selection and human psychological connections
  • Graphic design and album cover art
  • Judging a book by its cover: Graphic design and print publications
  • Political satire and design
  • Graphic design and modern architecture
  • Telling stories without words
  • Artists in times of war
  • The role of computers in the evolution of design
  • Color TV and its influence on graphic design
  • Influential graphic designers
  • Social media and graphic design
  • Street art and social commentary
  • Logos and organizational branding
  • Using text as images
  • The use of space in design aesthetics
  • Color theory
  • Design and modern cinema
  • Art in the classroom
  • Visual communications
  • Websites and organizational branding
  • Typeset: Techniques and principles
  • Art directors: Transformational leadership
  • Commercial Design: Dealing with clients and facilitating pro-active feedback
  • Graphic design and elements of persuasion
  • Graphic design and set creation in Broadway productions
  • Web animation
  • The role of personality in design
  • The decline of desktop publishing
  • The new media and graphic design
  • Culture and design expectations
  • Common software used for graphic design: Current and future trends
  • Enhancing meaning through visual imaging
  • Graphic design and environmental sustainability

Do you have any additional ideas or would like to further discuss your projects needs, simply email us here .

Click for more great research paper topics listed by discipline .

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Free Editable Graphic Organizer for Research Paper

If you are looking to learn more about how to come up with a graphic organizer for research papers , you are in the right place. In this post, along with looking at the basics of these organizers, we are also going to share some editable examples for free.

1. What is a Graphic Organizer for Research Paper

A graphic organizer in general can be defined as a graphical representation of the various elements in an activity/process. It also displays their relationship and/or chronological order. Not all organizers stick to the same pattern, but the gist remains the same. Similarly, a graphic organizer for research papers can be defined as a representation using which arguments, facts, and reasons pertaining to a research paper can be mapped out and displayed in an easily perusable form.

Coming up with a graphic organizer prior to actually writing out the research paper can be a highly useful and beneficial step. The quality of a research paper relies on being professionally and adroitly written, with little to be pointed out or corrected. In order to be written correctly, a proper pattern and order have to be followed. The arguments must be written one by one with their respective evidence and reasoning. This can be achieved if they (the arguments) are planned and assembled beforehand. Then the writer can simply tackle one part at a time. On the contrary, if the arguments are written all together, then the reasoning and the evidence can get jumbled up, leaving the reader confused.

2. The Graphic Organizer for Research Paper Examples

In order to better illustrate how these graphic organizers look like, we are going to look at some examples of the same. As we saw before, these organizers can be really important for the integrity and proficiency of the research paper. By giving the paper structure and order, the writer can make sure that each argument hits home and convinces the reader.

Example 1: Graphic Organizer for Research Paper

The core and crux of a graphic organizer for research papers can be understood from this example. This organizer features three sections in a vertical alignment. The top section is the introductory part where the title or topic of the discussion/research has to be mentioned. Similarly, the introduction points are also to be enumerated here. In the next segment, there are three columns. The details and evidence for each paragraph of the paper are to be filled in the spaces given in the columns.

In the end, there is a conclusion part where the summation of the arguments and their support can be given. This template is specifically for a paper that features three paragraphs. However, if you need to add more, you can simply increase the number of columns and structure your details according to your need.

Graphic Organizer for Research Paper

Example 2: Graphic Organizer Research Paper Outline

In this outline, there is firstly the introductory part where the name of the topic and the stance/perspective is mentioned. Then, in substantiation of the stance, three reasons can be given in the oval-shaped sections. Each reason is to be further supported by a concrete example, and an explanation pertaining to that example and its relevance to the reason.

The concrete examples/explanations are given in a rectangular section. You can add as many examples as you need to support your reason. Similarly, you can take inspiration from this design and come up with a similar layout that has a larger number of included reasons/arguments.

This outline can help you understand how a research paper organizer has to be created. It can also help you when you actually want to write one out, and you want to divide your content separately and tackle it part by part.

Graphic Organizer Research Paper Outline

Example 3: The Research Paper Graphic Organizer

This outline is much more elaborate and detail-oriented as compared to the last example. While the previous example was about planning and structuring the content of a research paper, this organizer focuses on the style, convention, and order that is to be featured in the paper.

The organizer starts off with the preliminary ‘Focus’ part, where the thesis statement has to be written. This is the part where the purpose of the paper and the aim of your argument is usually elucidated. Then there is the ‘Content’ part where the arguments or subtopics have to be separately mentioned and listed. Then comes the ‘Style’ section where you can plan out what sort of grabbers and zingers you are going to use in your content.

After that, there is the ‘Organization’ part where you can write out the order in which your arguments have to appear. The sequence of the arguments can have quite an impact on your paper. Last but not least, there is the ‘Conventions’ box that you can fill out.

The Research Paper Graphic Organizer

Example 4: Graphic Organizer for Research Paper

In this example, the primary purpose of the outline is not to plan out how the research paper has to be written. Instead, this example is labeled as a ‘Research Note Taker’. This outline can be defined as a form that is used to gather relevant information about the research.

This organizer can affect the quality of your research paper despite not being a planner in the strictest of sense. Using this organizer, you can list various notes and points about your research along with their sources. This can help you by a) making the referencing easy and b) by giving you an order to follow while writing out the paper. You can, while taking the notes, place them in the order you would like them to appear in the writing.

Graphic Organizer for Research Paper

Example 5: Research Paper Graphic Organizer

This research paper graphic organizer utilizes a distinct layout and method of planning. This organizer starts off with a ‘Sources’ section rather than jumping straight to the arguments, and the ‘why?’, ‘how?’ or ‘when?’ of the whole affair.

After mentioning the name of your topic in the upper right corner, you can write out the sources you are using for your research. By default, this layout has five boxes available for this purpose. Then follows the ‘Thesis Statement’. This is where the purpose and perspective of the arguments are mentioned. After that, the 'Notes' are to be mentioned, and then the paragraphs can be individually planned.

In the last example, we saw that the graphic organizer was about taking notes/quotes relevant to the research rather than organizing the paragraphs and content of the paper. In this Research Paper Graphic Organizer, we can see that it features both. It can be used as an organizer for the layout of the paper, and it can also be used to write the notes thanks to the dedicated ‘Notes’ section.

Research Paper Graphic Organizer

Example 6: Graphic Organizer for Research Paper PDF

Next comes the Research Paper Graphic Organizer PDF. This template can be used to plan out the various points and aspects of a particular research question. The drawing features a triangle in the middle, where the 'Main Research Question' has to be written. After that, there is a whole bunch of boxes circumscribing the center. This is where 'Questions' and 'Facts' have to be mentioned.

Unlike some other examples on this list, this organizer does not explain the order or sequence of the paper. It merely gives us the option of writing out different reasons and pieces of evidence in substantiation of our argument.

Graphic Organizer for Research Paper PDF

Source: EdrawMax Online Edit Now

Example 7: Graphic Organizer for Persuasive Writing

This template is a nice and simple example of what a graphic organizer should look like. There are three sections in this example. First is the part where the stance or opinion of the writer is mentioned. Then, there are three boxes underneath where the arguments will be listed and explained. And finally, the conclusion will wrap up the whole affair.

In contrast to some of the more complex structures we have seen in this list, this organizer looks really simple and straightforward. If you are just looking to create a plan for yourself using which you can organize different arguments and reasons in your research paper, this type of organizer can suffice for you.

Graphic Organizer for Persuasive Writing

Example 8: Graphic Organizer for Research Papers

If you are looking to plan out each paragraph of your paper with detail, this sort of graphic organizer is what you are looking for. Up till now, the examples we saw merely had a box or two for the paragraphs, where the contents could be lightly introduced and explained. However, in this organizer, each paragraph is written as a separate heading. For each paragraph, you can write the topic sentence, conclusion, and the included facts/details.

On the first page, you get a blank space which is where the crux or the introduction of the paper will go. After that, you can prepare your paragraphs in a sequence by numbering them and filling out their details one by one. In this particular example, the topic under discussion is ‘Natural Disasters’.

Graphic Organizer for Research Papers

Example 9: Graphic Organizer for Insect Research Papers

While this example focuses particularly on insects, the included layout can be used for any topic of your choice. There is not a particular order or sequence in this graphic organizer. It simply features various boxes and containers where different pieces of information can be written about the subject.

In the example, the boxes are labeled ‘Where does this insect live?’ ‘What does it look like?’ and ‘What does this insect like to eat?’ etcetera. Since the subject is a June bug, these boxes are for details related to it. If you want to come up with a similar graphic organizer, you can simply choose your desired topic and then arrange bits of information such as ‘How does it occur?’, ‘Why does it happen?’ etcetera.

Graphic Organizer for Insect Research Papers

3. Online Graphic Organizer for Research Paper Maker

EdrawMax Online is a cloud-based software that allows users to come up with a variety of different diagrams, charts, drawings, and graphic organizers. By simply signing up, you can get access to a canvas where you can draw any organizer of your choice by dragging and dropping various shapes and symbols from the included library. You can also use EdrawMax Online to come up with graphic organizers for research papers. You can choose to create one from scratch or just use a template, albeit the latter option relies on the presence of a template in the template gallery .

EdrawMax Online

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  • Create over 280 diagram types
  • Supports team collaboration
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4. Key Takeaways

Coming up with a graphic organizer for research papers can be very useful and beneficial. By organizing your ideas and arguments in a structured form, you can save yourself confusion and trouble when the time arrives to put everything in writing.

By using EdrawMax Online , you can create a graphic organizer easily by using existing shapes and symbols and filling them out with text. There are a bunch of features that you can use to personalize your drawings and give them a unique touch. The ease of use, availability and multiple-format support makes EdrawMax an excellent option for making drawings, diagrams, flowchart, UML diagram, graphic organizers and 280+ types of diagrams. You can find out more graphic organizer examples in the Template Gallery.

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8 Graphic Design Resume Examples to Land Your Next Job

Erica Santiago

Published: May 15, 2024

If you're a graphic designer, I have to give you praise because, without your creativity and your keen eye for design, it would be a struggle for marketing to create campaigns that catch their audience's attention.

A woman designs her graphic design resume on her laptop.

And what better way to show my appreciation to graphic designers than to write a post with helpful graphic design resume examples and tips that can help you land your next job?

You've come to the right place if you're a graphic designer looking for your next gig or want to refine your resume. Let's dive in!

Graphic Design Resume Best Practices

Graphic design resume examples, graphic design student resume examples.

→ Download Now: 12 Resume Templates [Free Download]

Before I discuss the graphic design resume examples below, I'll outline some best practices for putting your resume together.

Use a clean layout.

Graphic design is a field that naturally attracts creative people like yourself, so you might be tempted to create a colorful, unique layout that shows off your eye for design.

However, your resume should have a clean layout that is easy to read and won't confuse any applicant tracking systems (ATS) your potential employers use.

graphic design research paper sample

12 Free Customizable Resume Templates

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In her YouTube video, "The Resume That Got Me Hired As A Designer," graphic designer Victoria Gillerlain says a clean layout is the way to go.

"If your resume is hard to read, hard to look at, overly contrasted, or just makes people [wince] when they look at it because it's so overwhelming — that's not good," she explains. "[Recruiters] are probably not going to even bother to look into the content itself, and you want them to look at it!"

Gillerlain uses her own resume as an example of what to do, and she notes the absence of color in her document.

Victorial Gillerlain's resume; graphic design resume examples

Image Source

"The reason behind that is that your resume is a professional document, and although you're in a creative field, using this as a creative document—not everyone who is looking at your resume is going to necessarily be in a creative field," she says. "Lots of times, there are going to be HR managers or recruiters who are looking at your resume and have nothing to do with the creative field."

Gillerlain says those people may look at an overly colorful resume and think, "Why does it have so many colors and graphics?"

"On top of that, if you're going to be in an on-site role at all, a lot of times people will print out your resume … there's a chance that none of that is going to actually print, and they might just print it in black and white — so it might now look as you intended it," she says.

Include links to your portfolio.

Even the most well-put-together resume in the world can't replace a glowing portfolio.

So, make sure your resume includes links to your work. Graphic design is a creative and visual industry, and including links to your portfolio will allow recruiters to see your experience and qualifications in action.

Tailor your resume for every application.

This is golden advice for any industry. You should always tweak and tailor your resume for each job you're applying for. This means incorporating keywords from the job posting and highlighting relevant experiences and skills.

One graphic design job opportunity may require a skill that isn't as relevant in other opportunities in the industry, and you don't want your resume to leave out that key detail.

So, read the job description closely and tailor your resume so that it applies and sets you up for success.

Mention your education.

"If you have a degree, even if it's unrelated, list it," Gillerlain says. "Having a degree shows that you're credible and committed, and a lot of places like to see that you have one nowadays."

Gillerlain suggests listing your degree, your minor ("If you want," she says), where you got it, and when.

To learn more general resume best practices, regardless of industry, check you my colleague Martina Bretous's post about resume tips that will help you get hired.

1. Victoria Gillerlain's Graphic Design Resume

I mentioned this resume earlier, but I want to dig a little deeper. Notice how the resume is simple, easy to follow, and to the point.

It's not very colorful but still includes small, unique design elements (like the large V logo in the corner) that help it stand out without being distracting.

Gilerlain also includes a link to her website portfolio, so recruiters can find her work without having to do any additional digging.

Pro-Tip: It's okay to add unique elements to your resume to show your creativity, but keep those elements simple, like in the example above.

Cool-toned colors for headlines and a simple logo can be just enough to separate you from other applicants without overshading the contents of the document.

2. Anna Chen's Graphic Design Resume

Anna Chen's resume; graphic design resume examples

The above resume features a minimalist design that keeps the recruiter's focus squarely on the applicant's experience, qualifications, skills, and work history.

Pro Tip: While I like this resume for its simple design, I notice it doesn't include a space for Chen's education history, such as if she has a degree or is actively working toward one.

A simple design is excellent for resumes, but you should still include space for your education credentials.

Also, notice the most recent work experience is not bulleted. Applicants should include bullet points to make their resume more readable.

3. Charles Bloomberg's Graphic Design Resume

Charles Bloomberg's resume; graphic design resume examples

This resume is excellent because it's clean and includes all relevant information. I especially love how the applicant made sure to include his education and relevant certifications.

Pro Tip: Notice the small icons at the top symbolizing his location, email, phone number, and LinkedIn.

This information is a must-have, but icons and symbols can confuse applicant tracking systems and can harm the chances of your resume getting the attention of a recruiter.

So, avoid symbols and icons in your resume whenever possible.

4. Clara Thompson's Entry-Level Graphic Design Resume

Clara Thompson's resume; graphic design resume examples

This resume includes a pop of color that catches the eye without distracting from its contents. Thompson's contact information is listed neatly in the upper right corner of the page, leaving plenty of room for her work experience.

What I Love: The resume is an excellent example for individuals just starting their careers. I love how it highlights relevant projects the applicant completed before freelance work.

5. Samantha Angel's Senior Graphic Designer Resume Example

Samantha Angel's resume; graphic design resume examples

I'm biased because purple is my favorite color, but this is one of my favorite examples. Samantha's resume includes her work experience and a bulleted list of responsibilities. It also features her activities outside work and degree, adding more legitimacy to her application.

Pro Tip: Like Samantha, consider adding activities and certifications you've completed outside of your career to beef up your resume and show you're a well-rounded candidate.

If you're a student trying to break into the graphic design industry, here are some examples to get you going in the right direction.

1. Minimalist

Benjamin Matthews's resume; graphic design resume examples

The sample resume is an excellent example for graphic design students looking for entry-level opportunities. If you're new to the field but have internship or volunteer experience that applies to the role, include them as your work experience.

What I Love: The resume is simple and clean, with nearly all relevant information listed.

2. Black and White

Benjamin Matthews' black and white resume; graphic design resume examples

Like the previous example, this resume lacks color—that's okay! As I mentioned earlier, it's not essential to have color. A pop of color can show you creativity, but there's no guarantee a recruiter or hiring manager will see it or care.

What I Love: I can't emphasize enough the importance of having a clean, easy-to-read resume. This format will pass ATS without issues and neatly display your qualifications.

3. Traditional with a Pop of Color

Vanessa Ford's graphic design resum

If you want a pop of color in your resume, this example is an excellent template to emulate. It showcases the applicant's creative flair while highlighting all the essential information.

However, be mindful of adding odd symbols and icons. Again, they can pose a problem for ATS.

Pro Tip: If using color, use it sparingly and pick a color that isn't too jarring. Like the one in the example, a calming blue is a great choice.

Graphic design, like most creative fields, can be a harsh industry to break into. However, you have the best chance if you have a portfolio, skills, experience, and a clean resume to vouch for you. Good luck!

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