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Watch TED-Ed videos

The TED-Ed project — TED's education initiative — makes short video lessons worth sharing, aimed at educators and students. Within TED-Ed’s growing library of lessons, you will find carefully curated educational videos, many of which are collaborations between educators and animators nominated through the TED-Ed platform.

In the first of a TED-Ed series designed to catalyze curiosity, TED Curator Chris Anderson shares his boyhood obsession with quirky questions that seem to have no answers.

Using the fundamentals of set theory, explore the mind-bending concept of the “infinity of infinities” — and how it led mathematicians to conclude that math itself contains unanswerable questions.

How do metaphors help us better understand the world? And, what makes a good metaphor? Explore these questions with writers like Langston Hughes and Carl Sandburg.

Featured TED-Ed videos

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Einstein's miracle year

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The unexpected math behind Van Gogh's "Starry Night"

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The science of stage fright and how to overcome it

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animated educational video

Animated educational videos and how to create them

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Dhivyasshri Krishna - September 14, 2022 - Leave your thoughts. 12 min read

2D educational video , animated educational video , animated videos , Animation video , cartoon videos , educational video

Are you a teacher aiming to impress your students?

Or, are you a student trying to get straight A’s for your assignments?

Student or teacher, all we have is one goal in mind. We want to stand out!

But due to workload or laziness, we end up making the same old boring presentations!

If you want to 

  • Take your lecture/assignment to the next level,
  • Make your point heard, 
  • Make an everlasting impression,

You will need a presentation unlike any other.

But, presentations are sooo 90s! Let’s do things the 2K way!

Let’s bring Animated educational videos into the picture!

Why make those mundane presentations when you can make cool videos to explain a topic?

Why use robotic clipart when you can have characters and properties zooming across the scene in your videos?

Imagine the look on your students’/classmates’ faces when they see those awesome animations!

And the best part is, your points get registered on their head in no time without you trying hard!

So, let’s get started and get our hands on making the perfect animated educational video!

Wait, I can see you sulking! Are you thinking about the hours you need to put in to make a great animated video?

Haha… Don’t worry! We are giving you this solution cuz we have a great tool in hand that lets you create breathtaking animated videos in less than 10 minutes!

To create your stunning educational video, we will use Animaker, a DIY video-making platform that helps even a beginner create fascinating animated videos quickly and easily. 

Check out this video to learn how to create educational videos through a video tutorial.

Alternatively, continue reading if you want to learn how from a textual guide.

How to make Animated Educational Videos using Animaker?

Even the most complex concepts can be fun when we deliver them correctly!

Follow these steps to create an awesome animated educational video and make learning fun and effortless for the audience!

Step 1 - Create an Account

Step 2 - exploring the animaker dashboard and interface.

  • Adding a Character
  • Adding a Background
  • Adding Text
  • Adding Properties
  • Adding voice-over to the character
  • Adding Background narration voice

Controlling the scene duration

Step 4 - add/delete/duplicate scenes.

  • Step 5 - Creating the second scene
  • Step 6 - Add transition effects
  • Step 7 - Add Music tracks

Step 8 - Preview and Download the video

Now, let’s check out how to create animated educational videos for school projects. With a concept ready in mind, let’s proceed.

Visit Animaker . Login if you’ve already created an account. If not, create a new account and log in.

Once you log in, you will be taken to the Dashboard.

animated educational videos

If you’re unsure about starting a project from scratch, don’t worry, we’ve got your back. Let our Animaker pre-built templates do the job for you.

Go to the templates page and preview any template to get an idea about how it looks. Then, if you like any template, click on it to launch it as a project and customize it to your needs.

Or, if you would like to create a video from scratch, we’re here to help you create one.

To create a new project, click on the ‘Create’ option from the left and follow as instructed in the image below. 

animated educational videos

Before jumping into creating an educational animated video, let us get you accustomed to the Animaker interface. 

There are five sections in the app:

2D cartoon video

Library – The Library of the Animaker app is where you will find all the assets needed for your video, including characters, props, icons, stock assets, music files, and more.

Workspace – The whitespace at the center is called the workspace. This is where your animated educational video will come to life.

Scenes – This section houses all the scenes of the video. Just like how many slides come together to form a presentation, the scenes come together to form your awesome video. 

Menu bar – You can preview the video, change its title, and share and publish the video from the menu.

Timeline – At the bottom of the screen is the timeline. The timeline helps you monitor the time limits and effects of the assets you have added to the scenes. 

Step 3 - Creating the first scene. 

Adding a character:.

Let’s start by creating an animated character. You can either add a pre-made character from the library or create custom characters by clicking on the ‘Create your own’ under the character tab. 

Using this option, you can create a character that resembles you and features your doppelganger in your video! Now, wouldn’t that be exciting?

2D cartoon video

Click on the link to learn how to create animated characters .

Add your character to the workspace by simply clicking on it. Once you add the character, click on it to find a bunch of options above. 

Click on the ‘Action’ button and explore 500+ actions for the character.

Animation Video

Now, let’s click on the action, which seems like talking.

2D / Cartoon

Adding a Background:

Now, it’s time to add a background to the scene. Click anywhere on the workspace. You will notice a new color palette opening in the library section.

Click on the ‘edit’ option to change the color. 

You can add multiple colors as a gradient to your background by clicking on the plus button. 

You can also change the direction of the shades like this... 

Apart from the solid color or gradient color BGs, Animaker also houses many animated, image, and video BGs. You can change the background using the library's BG/Image/Video tabs, as shown in the GIF below.

Adding Text:

This is the first scene, the introductory scene. Let’s tell the viewers what the video is about. Open the text section from the library and click on one of the text boxes. Add your text. 


Now, click on the text. This opens the text settings on top. Here, you can customize the font, text color, and add effects and animations to your texts.

animated educational video

Scroll down the “Edit Text” option and click on one of the ‘Effects’ options to enhance your text.

animation videos

When you click on the text, you will see a yellow-colored bar in the timeline. This bar represents the duration for which your text will be visible.

educational cartoon video

Let’s make the text appear a little later. So, we’re going to drag the left edge of the yellow bar and place it as ‘2s’, which makes the text appear after the first 2 seconds. 

Now, we are going to add some animation to the text. 

Click on the text to find the ‘Animation’ option on the top. 

Animation Video

Click on any of the entry animations from the ‘Enter’ tab. Next, adjust the duration of the animation effects in the timeline by adjusting the dark yellow bar. 

animation videos for students

Adding Properties:

To add a property to the scene, click on the properties section (from the library). Since the video is about the Human respiratory system, I will search for the word ‘lungs.’ 

Click on one of the search results to add it to the workspace. Then, just like you did for the text, you can adjust the property’s duration in the timeline and add an effect to it by clicking on the ‘Animation’ option.

educational videos

Adding voice-over to the character:

To add a voice-over to this character, click on the character and select the ‘Lip-sync’ option. You can see a bunch of options appearing. 

animation education videos

  • You can directly record your voice using the ‘ Record Voice’ option. 
  • If you already have a script, you can simply upload your text and convert it to a voiceover using the ‘ Text to Speech ’ option.
  • The ‘ Upload ’ option allows you to upload any pre-recorded voices.

I have a script ready, so I will use the “Text to Speech” option. Animaker easily converts the text into a voice that automatically lip-syncs with the character. Here, you can change the gender, language, and voice to differentiate between two characters.

educational animation video

When you want to convert the text into speech, you can use features such as sound, pitch & volume to make it sound better and natural. Click on the button to the left of the text (rounded red in the screenshot above) to access these options.

Not just that, you can control the break and breath in the sentence by clicking on the grey dot between each word.

animating videos teachers

Once you’re okay with the audio, click on the ‘Add to Timeline’ option, and the audio will automatically sync with the character.

Adding Background narration voice:

We just saw how to add a voiceover and lip-sync it to the character. Now, let’s add it as a background voice instead of adding it to the character. 

teachers videos animation

As you see in the above screenshot, there is an option to add a voice from the timeline. Click on the voice-over symbol and choose ‘Text to Speech’ to paste the ready-made script. 

After you adjust the volume, pitch, and other options, click on the ‘Add to Timeline’ option to add the voiceover to the scene.

teacher animation video

You’ll get a pop-up (as shown in the below image) once you have added a voice-over.

animation student

By default, the scene duration is 10 seconds. Let’s make it 5 seconds. To adjust the scene duration, click the plus or minus buttons on the bottom right.

Once you click the minus button five times, you will notice the scene’s duration is reduced to five seconds.

animation student video

From the scenes tab, click on the three dots on any scene. You will see three options appear. 

Add scene - This lets you create a new blank scene.

Duplicate - This lets you duplicate the current scene. This is the easiest way to apply the properties of one scene to another.

Delete - This deletes the current scene. 

Since I want all my scenes to have the same background, I use the duplicate option. 

animation science

Step 5 - Creating the second scene.

Since I duplicated the scene, the second scene comes with all the elements from the first scene.

In this scene, let’s show how the oxygen molecules move through the lungs. 

First, let’s add the lungs. So, go to the properties section and search for the term ‘lungs’.

science animation video

Now, let’s add the oxygen molecules. But first, we need a property that resembles oxygen molecules. Since the molecular structure of oxygen resembles dumbbells, we are using a dumbbell to represent the oxygen molecules. 

After adding the dumbbell, click on the ‘color’ option to change its color.

school animation video

Now, let’s make the O2 molecules move through the lungs! The idea is to make the O2 molecule enter the trachea pipe and move into the left lung. For this, we will use the ‘Smart Move’ option.

Place the dumbbell at the beginning (top) of the lungs and click on the ‘Smart Move’ option. Now, you will notice two frames appear on the timeframe. By adjusting these frames, we can make the O2 molecule move.

One frame must be at the top of the pipe. Click on the second frame and drag it to the end of the pipe. In the timeline, click on the second frame and move it away from the first frame.

This is how the molecule moves now.

Now, let’s make the molecule enter the left lung. For this, we add another frame of the dumbbell. To do this, drag the black playhead on the timeline slightly to the right and click on the ‘+’ symbol. This adds the third frame. 

Now, drag the third frame to the end of the left lung’s nerves. 

Instead of making the molecule move straight, you can adjust its path by moving the dotted lines between the second and the third point (as shown in the GIF below).

It’s showtime now! Look at how the O2 molecule moves. 

Instead of recreating the animation for the right lung, you can simply copy-paste it and adjust the directions. 

That was easy, wasn’t it?

Like how we created the first two scenes, you can create the other scenes too.

Step 6 - Add transition effects. 

Let’s add a transition effect between each scene. Click on the transition effect in the scene section to open the transition tab. From here, you can add different transitions between scenes.

transition effects

Step 7 - Add Music tracks 

To add a music track, go to the music section in the library. There are 30,000+ copyright-free music tracks that you can use. You can hover over the music tracks to hear the music. 

Click on any of the tracks to apply to your video.

animation music

Let’s reduce the volume of the track so that it doesn’t affect the voice-over tracks that we added earlier. To reduce the volume of a music track or voice-over, go to the ‘Overall Timeline’ and click on the three dots present in the middle of the track.

cartoon videos music

As you see in the image below, you will see a set of options to control the track’s volume, play the track, work on advanced edits, duplicate it, or delete it.

Use the volume slider to control the track’s volume.

animation music track

To preview the video, click on the preview option at the top. 

play animation

To download the video, click on the ‘Publish’ button on the top and select the ‘Download Video’ option.

animation 2D

This will take you to a page where you can manage your exports.

Now, you know how to create animated educational videos. 

So, don’t wait further! 

Get hands-on experience in creating an amazing animated educational video & excite your class! 

Create an animated educational video now!

Got questions? Add them to the comments section below. We will be more than happy to help!

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Our drag-and-drop builder makes it easy for anyone to create pro-level animated videos using pre-made templates and ready-to-go assets with zero technical skills.

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8 Best Free Education Animation Software for Teachers to Create Animated Learning Videos

  • May 24, 2023
  • Animated Educational Videos , Education Animation Software , Educational Video

As technology continues to advance, teachers are finding new ways to engage their students in the classroom. One of the most effective ways to do this is through animated learning videos. These videos can help students understand complex concepts in a fun and interactive way. In this article, we will explore the 8 best free education animation software for teachers to create animated educational videos .

Top 8 Free Education Animation Software Options

1. mango whiteboard animation maker.

Developed by Mango Animate, Mango Whiteboard Animation Maker is also well-known as Mango WM among its loyal users. It is an education animation software program that allows teachers to create animated videos quickly and easily. With its user-friendly interface and easy-to-use features, you are able to create engaging videos that explain complex concepts in a simple and easy-to-understand way.

education animation software, animated learning video

To see some of its features that help you make high-quality animated educational videos.

  • Hand-drawing Feature: This is a built-in and distinctive feature of Mango WM. You can choose from a variety of hand types to create the effect of drawing as if by hand. This feature helps you create illustrations and animate your ideas in a more personalized way, making your animated video more authentic and personalized.
  • Animated Characters : This education animation software offers a library of animated characters that can be added to your whiteboard animations. These characters can be customized with different poses, expressions, and movements to create a more dynamic animation. You can make full use of them to capture students’ attention and achieve good teaching results.
  • Multiple Export Formats : Mango WM allows you to export animated learning videos in multiple formats, including MP4, AVI, WMV, and GIF. You are free to share the video via different platforms like chat groups. Students can play the video and learn by themselves.

Start Creating Whiteboard Animation Videos Easily

Vyond is a powerful education animation software program that offers a wide range of features and tools that allow educators to create professional-quality animated videos quickly and easily. A variety of pre-made templates, the drag-and-drop interface, a library of characters and animations, a range of collaboration tools, and more are all useful tools to help you create animated educational videos. The collaboration tools let educators work together on video projects, making it an excellent choice for team-based projects.

The next education animation software is Powtoon. It allows teachers to create animated educational videos quickly and easily, even with no prior animation experience. You can choose from a variety of pre-made templates or create your own custom designs to fit your specific needs. Its drag-and-drop interface makes it easy to add text, images, and animations to your videos, allowing you to create engaging and interactive content that will keep your students interested and motivated. A library of pre-made characters and animations will help bring your lessons to life.

Moovly is a cloud-based education animation software program that enables teachers to create animated videos for learning purposes. It offers an easy-to-use interface that allows you to create engaging and interactive content that helps to reinforce learning concepts. Moovly provides you with access to a vast library of templates, images, and sounds that they can use to create professional-looking videos. You can use this software to transform complex ideas and concepts into animations and videos that are easy to understand. Additionally, it allows you to add voiceovers, making it possible to create multimedia content that caters to multiple learning styles.

Toonly is an ideal education animation software program for teachers who want to create visually appealing and informative videos to help their students learn. The software offers a wide range of templates, images, and audio tracks that can be used to create customized videos that cater to different learning styles. Animated videos can help to break down difficult topics into simple, easy-to-understand concepts. By visualizing ideas and concepts, Toonly makes it easier for learners to grasp new information and remember it long-term. Whether you’re teaching math, science, history, or any other subject, Toonly makes it easy to create animated learning videos that are both informative and entertaining.

6. Renderforest

Next up is the cloud-based educational animation software Renderforest, which means that videos can be accessed from anywhere and at any time. This makes it an ideal tool for creating e-learning courses and tutorials that students can access online. Renderforest offers a range of tools and features that allow you to create customized videos that cater to different learning styles. Whether you’re teaching a complex topic or a simple concept, it can help you to create animated videos that make learning fun and interactive. You are able to add voiceovers and subtitles to their videos, making it easier for learners to understand and follow along.

7. Biteable

Biteable is an ideal tool for teachers who want to create instructional videos that students can watch at their own pace. The education animation software offers customizable templates that can be tailored to suit different learning objectives and target audiences. With Biteable, you can create animated learning videos that reinforce learning concepts, help students review critical information, and provide overviews of important topics. The drag-and-drop interface enables you to create captivating visuals, helping learners understand concepts better. You can also incorporate audio files into videos to explain complex topics in a concise and easy-to-understand manner.

8. Animatron

Animatron is an education animation software program that enables educators to create high-quality animated videos for educational purposes. With its easy-to-use interface, Animatron allows you to create animated educational videos without any technical expertise. This education animation software helps make lessons more visually engaging, reinforcing learning concepts and making them more accessible to students. Animatron’s cloud-based platform means that you can collaborate simultaneously on the same project with other teachers, regardless of location.

In conclusion, the use of animated learning videos is becoming increasingly popular in the education sector. It is an effective way to engage students, make concepts more accessible, and reinforce learning objectives. The availability of free education animation software has made it even easier for teachers to create professional-quality videos that supplement traditional teaching methods. Whether you’re a teacher, educator, or student, with the advent of different animation software available, creating animated learning videos has never been easier. You can try to quickly create an engaging, interactive whiteboard video by using Mango Whiteboard Animation Maker.

Make Your Own Doodle Videos

Create your best animation.

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Free animation maker to make explainer videos, promo videos, training videos, whiteboard videos, character videos, and text videos.

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Free Classroom Video Maker

Animoto is a free classroom tool for educators, students, and administrators. Easily create and share videos with your class, with parents, and beyond. No software downloads required.

What to expect from Animoto

Quickly create introductions, recaps, educational videos, and more with our fast and easy video maker.

Students can create unlimited videos on their free accounts. Assign projects and promote higher-order thinking in your classroom.

School administrators can create and share marketing videos for social media, email lists, and school fundraising events in a matter of minutes.

What you can create with Animoto


Introduce yourself to students and parents with an “About Me” video. Easily share the link, and get your class excited for the semester ahead.


Foster multidisciplinary skills by having students create video trailers for classroom reading assignments.


Celebrate student achievements and update parents on recent events in your classroom with a newsletter video.

Everything you need to get started

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Best Educational Websites for Kids: Top Picks for Learning and Fun

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Melanie Smith

free animated education

The best educational websites for kids are so fun that children don’t even realize they’re learning! These platforms typically offer lots of ways to support kids’ classroom learning, and even help them get ready for their first day at school.

Below we’re going to round up the best options for your children to enjoy, including free learning websites for kids and a look at some of the most popular platforms.

The Best Educational Websites for Kids

More educational websites for kids, khan academy.

free learning websites for kids


  • For Ages: Pre-Kindergarteners to College Students

Khan Academy is a non-profit platform that offers learners, teachers, and parents a vast library of standards-aligned lessons, videos, articles, and practice questions. You can find everything here from pre-Kindergarten math activities all the way through to college-level programming lessons—and everything in between.

Whether you’d like an introduction to philosophy for your third grader, some science practice questions for your ninth grader, or an internet safety lesson for the whole family, you’ll find an amazing array of resources on the Khan Academy website. All of the content is geared towards kids and designed to be immersive—plus, the personalized learning model means that children can learn at their own pace, without pressure.

Starfall Education

free educational websites


  • Cost: Free basic access, subscription required to access all content
  • For Ages: Kindergarteners to Grade Five

This educational website offers games-based learning for kindergarteners to fifth graders and features plenty of resources for parents and teachers to help support children’s learning, too. The focus is very much on fun and accessibility, and it’s quick and easy to get started with the platform.

Starfall was originally developed by teachers and has been operating for over twenty years. It’s founded on the belief that play, exploration, and positive reinforcement are the keys to engaging and motivating kids to learn. As well as helping children develop their reading skills, the platform also provides lessons and resources in languages, arts, and math.

PBS Education

free educational websites for students


  • For Ages: Pre-Kindergarteners to Grade Twelve

Although designed for teachers, this is one of those free educational websites that are super useful for parents and kids, too. The platform offers a wide range of curated and curriculum-aligned lesson plans, interactive activities, and resources on topics including English, maths, science, art, the social sciences, engineering and technology, health and physical education, and world languages.

Topical collections focused on specific learning objectives can also be found on the platform, to help really get your child interested and engaged in a subject. These collections include American Sign Language, the US History Collection, and Election Central.

website for kids


LogicLike is an engaging educational platform designed for children from kindergarten to fifth grade. This website offers a variety of logic puzzles and games that help develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills in a fun and interactive way. With a focus on logical reasoning, the platform provides resources for both parents and teachers to support children’s learning journeys.

LogicLike is developed by a team of educators and experts in child development, ensuring that the content is both educational and enjoyable. The platform aims to make learning an adventure, encouraging kids to explore different types of puzzles and challenges that stimulate their minds. From math problems to language puzzles, LogicLike covers a broad spectrum of educational topics that keep children engaged and motivated.

Unlock your child’s potential with LogicLike . Start their journey towards better logical reasoning and problem-solving skills today by signing up for free!

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  • For Ages: Kindergarteners to Grade Eight

The great thing about educational games is that kids are so busy having a blast that they don’t even notice how much they’re learning at the same time! The popular education platform Funbrain hosts a huge range of vibrant games designed specifically to be age-appropriate and support kids’ learning. As well as games, you’ll also find videos, worksheets, and stories on the site, and a math zone and virtual playground for younger children.

Funbrain offers lots of opportunities to support your child’s reading, with a library of online kid-friendly books including Diary of a Wimpy Kid , My Father’s Dragon , The Cat That Broke the Internet’s Back , and Judy Moody Predicts the Future .

ABCYa! Learning Games and Apps

learning sites for kids


  • Cost: Free, or subscribe to unlock additional content
  • For Ages: Pre-Kindergarteners to Grade Six+

ABCYa! is one of the top platforms for educational games and apps, and has been featured in The New York Times , Scholastic , and Parents . You’ll find over three hundred games on the site, all of which have been designed by parents and teachers, and underpinned by the idea that kids learn better when they’re having fun. All of the games are categorized by subject and age, with topics available including math, pattern recognition, typing, and much more.

Kids will love apps such as Create a Car, Donut Drop, and Word Bingo, which are effective ways to solidify school learning and introduce new subjects. Although there is plenty of free content to enjoy, to unlock all the platform’s apps and games you’ll need to purchase a subscription, which starts at $9.99 a month.

National Geographic Kids

free educational websites for elementary students


  • For Ages: Pre-Kindergarteners to Grade Eight

Educational websites don’t get much more exciting than National Geographic Kids! Your child will relish exploring the extensive array of resources about countries, cultures, habitats, and animals which include interactive games and maps, articles, video clips, and Homework Help. The latter is a great way to support children with their school projects or research.

The best thing about this platform is that the resources available are continually expanding, so kids will always find new content to delve into. The site is friendly, engaging, user-friendly, and designed to be entertaining, making learning about the world around them a breeze.

Read also: Mastering Milestones: What Do Kids Learn in Kindergarten?

Sesame Street Pre-School Games

online learning platforms for kids


  • For Ages: Pre-School

The Sesame Street show has been entertaining young kids and helping them learn for generations, and its online platform, packed with games for pre-schoolers, is continuing the tradition. On the site, kids will find podcasts, games, interactive activities, and much more, all designed to enhance their learning and boost their well-being.

Parents love the fact that they can create their own playlists of videos and games for their kids to navigate, and the podcasts make for educating entertainment even on the go. As well as plenty of content designed to help kids get started with math and reading, there are sections on emotional well-being, autism, and even financial education, all geared specifically to the needs of very young children.


kids websites for learning


  • For Ages: Grades One to Twelve

For kids needing a quick refresher on a math topic they’ve already studied, or an introduction to a new math subject, CoolMath4Kids could be really helpful. The platform boasts loads of math games, activities, quizzes, and brain teasers, and the content covers addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and fractions.

The site developed back in 1994, remains committed to making math enjoyable and fun—and even cool—and over the years has helped millions of visitors get to grips with the subject. The printable flashcards available are also a great resource for kids studying for a test or exam.

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  • For Ages: Pre-Kindergarten to Grade Twelve

A veritable treasure trove of educational resources for kids of all ages, PBS Games covers an extensive range of topics from science and math to reading support to world languages to health. The site is extremely user-friendly and searchable by grade and subject, with content also helpfully linked to national and state standards, so you can see exactly how each activity will support your kid’s school learning.

The variety of resource types will keep kids engaged; they can discover videos, lessons, audio recordings, images, games, and other materials on the platform to pique their interest. As a parent, you can curate content for your child, to create a unique learning experience that’s most suitable for them.

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  • Cost: $16.50 a month, free thirty-day trial period available
  • For Ages: Kindergarteners to Grade Two

An eye-popping ten thousand educational activities can be found on ABCmouse including puzzles, games, read-to-me books, songs, and loads more. Subjects covered are reading, math, science, and art and colors and the site has been certified as kid-safe by Coppa, for parental peace of mind.

The platform deploys a step-by-step learning path model that guides and motivates children as they move through the levels, with the rewards system providing further encouragement. Even the most reluctant of learners will be keen to engage with the site’s content. Parents appreciate that there are no distracting ads or external links on the ABCmouse website—and the Adventure Academy offers further learning adventures for older kids who are ready to move on.

Mystery Science

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  • Cost: $119 a year for home use

Especially useful for those homeschooling their kids, the Mystery Science platform offers a comprehensive and complete standards-aligned curriculum, designed to teach each subject in full. However, its resources can also be used to support school learning or as a refresher course. Mystery Science really stands out with its innovative approach designed to get kids excited by and engaged in science; it’s all about engaging investigations, fun experiments, and both written and 3D assessments.

Each lesson comprises a combination of hands-on learning tasks and assessments, along with videos and e-books that can be used to continue learning. Shorter videos paired with writing prompts are available, too, as mini-lessons, for ultimate flexibility and adaptability.

TED Talks for Kids

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  • For Ages: Kindergarteners to Grade Twelve

TED Talks have long been known for their ability to inspire, engage, and educate, and there’s a whole TED Talk platform specifically geared to kids. The subjects of the talks are dizzyingly varied, and whether you’d like to give your kid a grounding in a new subject or simply open their minds to something entirely unexpected, you’ll find it on this site.

Some of the highlights on TED Talks for Kids include A Performance of Mathemagic, which sees mathemagician Arthur Benjamin have a race with calculators to solve a math problem and tackle a brain-busting mental equation, Hands-On Science with Squishy Circuits, and Underwater Astonishments.

Art for Kids Hub on Youtube

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  • For Ages: Kindergarteners+

Kids will love Youtube’s Art for Kids Hub, for its huge range of how-to videos, guiding them through creating everything from painting a Mother’s Day bouquet to sketching a fun cartoon character. Each video is full of positive energy, and designed to get kids excited about art and confident to try out new techniques. Videos follow a simple, kids’-pace, step-by-step format, with one of the host’s kids usually joining in the lesson, too. Budding artists that are ready for a challenge will find harder videos to try.

Whether you’d like to get your kid interested in art, are looking for a rainy day activity , or are seeking some how-to art videos that you can enjoy as a family, the Art for Kids Hub could be the perfect platform.

How Stuff Works

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  • For Ages: Grade 8+

Kids ask the best questions. As parents, we’re regularly caught out by inquiries such as ‘Why are deserts hot?’, ‘What causes certain smells?’ and ‘What’s a subpoena?’ Happily, help is at hand with the brilliant educational website which has in-depth answers to all these questions and hundreds more! The content is largely geared towards older kids, and covers a wide range of subjects from science to engineering, from ethics to culture, and from history to legal systems.

As well as the entertaining articles, kids will also enjoy the videos, crosswords, riddles, puzzles, and quizzes, to help consolidate what they’ve learned and encourage them to keep learning.

And as for why deserts are hot? It has to do with several factors, the key of which is the low specific heat capacity of rock and sand, meaning they retain little heat during the day, causing temperatures to rise quickly once the sun rises.

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  • For Ages: Pre-Kindergarteners to Grade Six

The Scholastic website is packed full of resources for parents to help their kids learn at home, with the aim of developing key skills, boosting their understanding, and reaching their full potential. Topics and areas of learning are clearly organized, allowing parents to easily find the right content for their child.

As well as educational games, standalone worksheets, and arts and crafts projects, Scholastic offers a comprehensive library of resources to help children get ready for school for the first time, designed to build self-esteem and essential skills. Reading lists and book activity packs are also a useful addition, to help expand kids’ classroom learning or at-home studies.

Old Farmer’s Almanac for Kids

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  • For Ages: Grade Two+

An educational platform with a difference, the Old Farmer’s Almanac for Kids is focused on the natural world and our interactions with it. Children will enjoy finding out about things like moon phases, and what to look out for in the night sky month-by-month, how to get started growing their own fruit and vegetables, and exploring the many kid-friendly recipes.

This site is a wonderful way to help kids reconnect with the world around them, and understand how natural cycles fundamentally affect the foods we grow and eat. The Old Farmer’s Almanac has been regularly published since 1792 and, in its new digital format, is set to keep going for the foreseeable future.

Gus on the Go

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  • Cost: $3.99
  • For Ages: Pre-Kindergartener and Kindergartener

Young children can dive into a fun adventure learning Spanish, French, Greek, Hebrew, or one of the platform’s other thirty available languages, via the Gus on the Go app. Ten interactive lessons for each language include vocabulary reviews and exciting games to keep kids’ attention on their learning. While the app costs $3.99, the Ingush version, as an endangered language, is free. This is part of the company’s drive to protect vulnerable languages and promote language diversity.

Parents highly rate the educational, intuitive, and interactive nature of the app, reporting that their kids have enjoyed learning via the platform and have been keen to discover more. On the Gus on the Go website, you’ll also find a library of free printables, to further help your child as they gain proficiency in a new language.

Daria — World Music for Children

kindergarten learning websites


  • Cost: Free, with additional resources available to purchase
  • For Ages: Pre-Kindergartener+

This award-winning website is all about making exploring and playing music fun for kids of all ages, from kindergarten to elementary school to middle school and upward! On the platform, children can discover interesting instruments from around the world, and not only have the opportunity to hear how they sound but even make their own versions at home. These include didgeridoos from Australia, box drums from Latin America, and shekeres from Africa.

Daria — World Music for Children may be particularly helpful for bilingual kids or those who are learning another language, as there are many songs on the platform with lyrics in both English and Spanish, Hebrew, Zulu, Yiddish, Arabic, and Quechua.

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  • For Ages: Pre-Schooler

Want to help your pre-schooler start their learning to read adventure? Check out the StoryPlace website to find stories and activities they’ll love, helpfully arranged by theme. The site aims to act as a virtual library for children and, as well as all the fun content on offer for kids, parents can find plenty of information here on early literacy.

To give you an idea of how the platform works, say you choose the Pet theme for your child. They’ll have access to an online story to enjoy, and a related activity, video, and reading list, to keep the learning and exploring going.

To ensure your child’s safety while they explore these educational resources, consider using the Findmykids app . It allows you to monitor their online activity and keep track of their whereabouts, giving you peace of mind. Download Findmykids today and keep your child’s learning journey safe and secure!

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Kaspars Grinvalds/

Looking for more educational inspiration for your little learners? These websites are also all worth checking out:

  • Night Zookeeper , from $9.92 a month. Free trial available.
  • Brainscape , some free content, subscription is required to unlock all content, which costs from $9.99 a month.
  • Quizlet , limited version free, subscriptions cost from $7.99 a month.
  • CodeWizardsHQ , $149 per course.
  • LeapFrog , $7.99 a month, free trial available.
  • SplashLearn , from $7.99 a month.
  • TIME for Kids , free.
  • Nick Jr , free.
  • Exploratorium , free.
  • CoolMath , free.
  • DOGOnews , free.
  • Monterey Bay Aquarium Learning from Home , free.

Get Set for Happy Little (and Big!) Learners

educational websites for kids


The best educational websites are immersive and fuse fun activities with high-quality learning, combining games, videos, interactivities, and more. Whether you want to support your kid’s in-class learning, give them an introduction to a new topic, inspire them, or simply offer them some educational entertainment, use the list above to find the right platform. When kids are motivated, engaged, and having fun, they not only learn more effectively—but are keen to learn more.

Is there a particular educational platform or website your kids use that you’ve been really impressed with? Are there any your child loves that don’t feature in our list? We’d be interested to know about them—drop us a line in the comments box below.

Which website is best for kids’ learning?

While the best educational website for your child will depend on their age, needs, and preferences, some of the most popular are Khan Academy, Starfall Education, and ABCYa!

Which website is best for learning for free?

There are many free educational websites out there, including Sesame Street, PBS Kids, Starfall, and National Geographic Kids. All of these platforms are completely free to use.

What is similar to ABCMouse but free?

Khan Academy is a similar platform to ABCMouse, but parents and kids can access its content for free. PBS Education is also a good alternative to Khan Academy.

Is Khan Academy Kids free?

All of the content, including lessons, videos, and resources on the Khan Academy platform is totally free to access and use.

The picture on the front page: Inside Creative House/

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While bringing up their child, parents pay special attention to the development of positive moral…

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Maybe you’ve heard stories of children becoming computer geniuses overnight with coding instruction. If you’re…

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Understanding time is a key skill for kids to learn, and the good news is…


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15 Best Educational YouTube Channels You Didn’t Know You Needed

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What’s the first site you visit when you:

  • either want to learn a new subject
  • or more about a subject you’re passionate about?

If you’re anything like me, YouTube is the first website that comes to mind.

In this article, I’ll share the best educational YouTube channels covering various topics.

From science and technology to history and arts, there’s something for everyone.

By the way, I have my own YouTube channel with over 190,000 subscribers.

I know what makes a YouTube channel great – you can trust me to point you to the best ones for learning new things!

What Are the Best Educational Channels on YouTube?

Here are the best educational YouTube channels.

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Over five million people have joined TheDadLab ‘s YouTube journey.

The creator dives into the fascinating world of child-centric educational experiments and crafting sessions..

He also dabbles in hands-on sensory play or creating art from mere sheets of paper.

TheDadLab excels at breaking down complex concepts into bite-sized, easy-to-understand activities.

The best part is that he uses common household materials, proving that science can be unbelievably fun when explored through playful experimentation.

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The official Netflix Jr. channel is aimed at kids and features characters and content from Netflix shows/movies.

It has 16.6 million subscribers and over 2,000 uploaded videos.

Many educational videos feature songs, stories, and activities for preschool/early elementary-aged kids.

Popular uploads include full episodes, “Try Not to Laugh” compilations, sing-alongs, toy play videos, and trailers for new shows.

Study with Jess

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Jessica Holsman stands out both online and onstage.

People flock to her channel for wisdom on organizing their days effectively and improving efficiency at work or home – all while keeping stress at bay.

With her videos, you’ll uncover proven methods to enhance studying efficiency, engage deeper with personal goals, and establish refreshing lifestyle patterns.

Jessica speaks directly to anyone who wants to juggle daily demands.

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From boosting productivity to personal growth, entrepreneurship insights, or just plain old life hacks – Ali ‘s your go-to guy.

While the core content seems geared toward students and young professionals, he also offers some evergreen career and business advice that appeals to a broad audience.

Many video titles promise “evidence-based” or science-backed tips.

In his videos, he provides well-researched, practical advice to back up his claims.

In addition to the how-to style videos, he also gives peeks into personal life updates, book reviews, product reviews, and income reports.

For anyone eager to improve their life Ali also shares valuable lessons from his early achievements that hit home.

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Imagine picking up a brand-new skill in record time. That’s what Mike Boyd shows you how to do.

It’s also why he’s considered one of the best YouTube channels in the educational space.

He shows his desire to teach people how to learn quickly by doing it himself.

Month after month, he throws himself into something completely different.

It could be scaling walls with nothing but his grip strength in rock climbing or strategizing moves on the chessboard.

Even better – have you ever watched someone make mistakes look like part of the fun?

That’s Mike for you – he learns out loud, crafting informative yet entertaining experiences along the way.

Self Publishing TV

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Self Publishing TV is a channel dedicated to helping entrepreneurs, freelancers, coaches, and writers.

The video contents help these individuals go from a blank page to becoming bestselling authors in as little as 90 days.

You can kick-start your journey with fun writing exercises.

Then, you’ll get down to brass tacks with character creation tips and learn tricks for making the most out of novel-writing apps.

There’s also advice on pushing your book into readers’ hands via strategic marketing moves.

If you’ve ever wanted to self-publish, this is the channel for you.


Vsauce tackles the tough stuff—science mysteries, philosophical debates, mathematical puzzles.

He does it all in engaging videos that are as fun as they are brainy.

With an engaging mix (from solving perplexing riddles to revealing stunning optical tricks) Vsauce hooks viewers by making complex topics accessible and fun.

In addition to the main Vsauce channel, Vsauce2 and Vsauce3 channels cover additional content.

With every video, Vsauce manages to educate and entertain, urging us to question our reality.

Simple History

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Simple History transforms complex history lessons into easily digestible bites.

The channel aims to “visualize the past, bringing history to life through animation.”

It has over 4.7 million subscribers and nearly 1,000 uploaded videos at the time I’m writing this.

Some recent popular video topics include PTSD from the Vietnam War, life inside medieval castles/tanks, famous assassinations, accidents in war, and unique military deceptions.

These videos really help make history engaging and accessible to a broad audience.

I would sum up Simple History as the channel where lively animation meets intriguing historic stories.



Is English not your first language?

If you want to improve your linguistic skills, EngishClass101 can become your compass.

They offer tailor-made lessons and cutting-edge resources designed around their subscribers’ needs.

They teach English by helping students live the language.

As a learner, you get word lists, flashy cards for memorizing vocabulary, and exercises.

If you want more, you can also visit their site.

Their site offers audio/video lessons, pronunciation practice tools, grammar explanations, and much more.

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For those hungry young minds seeking adventure through learning, look no further than PBS KIDS .

This channel entertains with its range of educational videos.

It offers full-length videos and shows, brain-boosting games, and reviews must-have apps.

The channel even gives indispensable advice for those taking care of children.

This is practical advice teachers can implement to increase their young leader’s curiosity.


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When you visit SmarterEveryDay , get ready for a journey through science like no other.

The channel is filled with hands-on experiments, breathtaking slow-motion footage, and simple yet insightful breakdowns.

Every episode hosted by Destin Sanderson allows viewers to discover something they never knew.

Imagine a place where you can explore the vastness of space, understand complex engineering concepts, unravel biological mysteries, and get lost in the world of physics.

That’s what this channel offers.

Physics Girl

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Over three million people have subscribed to watch Dianna Cowern talk about the mysteries of physics on her hit YouTube channel, Physics Girl .

For example, have you ever wondered about the magic behind gravity or what black holes are?

This place is your go-to for experimental adventures and insights into recent scientific wonders.

Her videos unpack phenomena such as rainbow formation, explain vortex rings, and simplify quantum physics concepts.

Whether you’re just getting started with physics or ready to tackle advanced concepts like an AP student, these videos have you covered.

Crash Course

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CrashCourse is an incredibly popular educational YouTube channel.

They have over 15 million subscribers and 1,500 videos across various disciplines.

Their goal?

To open the doors wide to quality learning resources, making them available for free to all comers.

Their channel offers richly designed courses that cover biology and chemistry (along with explosive experiments), epic historical battles, and much more.

From bite-sized two-minute gems to full-on fifty-minute deep dives, this channel is the go-to spot for learners of all knowledge levels.

Khan Academy

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If you want access to an educational goldmine with over 8 million fellow learners, Khan Academy is worth checking out.

This channel is packed with topics ranging from calculus problems to historical events.

They take big ideas apart and put them back together in short videos, engaging quizzes, and straightforward talk that gets straight to the point.

The secret sauce behind Khan Academy is its unwavering dedication to keeping education within reach.

To do this, they have a collection of resources that meets learners right where they are.

Every video they publish celebrates how opening doors to knowledge can transform student paths.


Want to get insider tips on acing your studies?

That’s what Sareena offers on Studyign .

Practical advice for boosting your productivity and snapshots from her own journey through college.

These videos are student life hacks wrapped in digital form.

Dive into a day with Sareena as she navigates through lectures on her laptop, hits the books hard, and tackles every college student’s share of bumps in one of her real-talk vlogs.

What truly shines about studying with Sareena is how down-to-earth and real she comes across.

Tackling online learning curves and graduate school applications?

She spills all, making no part of her experience a mystery.

Finding the Best Educational YouTube Channels

Finding the best YouTube channel for your education isn’t a one-size-fits-all situation.

Everyone has their unique way of learning and the best educational YouTube channels understand this.

As a result, these channels offer a bit of everything, ensuring a match for everyone’s learning style.

Let’s consider the various learning styles in terms of learning.

Visual Learners

For those who learn best through visual aids, plenty of channels use animation, simulations, demonstrations, and experiments.

These methods are great at showing complex concepts in an easy-to-understand manner.

Auditory Learners

Some people prefer to learn by listening.

If you find yourself lost in the vivid storytelling, gripped by a video’s clear-cut explanations and dynamic narration, chances are you are mainly this type of learner.

When looking for channels that suit auditory learners, pay attention to the quality of the audio and the presenter’s voice.

It can make a big difference in how well the information is absorbed.

Kinesthetic Learners

For those who learn best by doing, some channels encourage hands-on activities and practical applications.

Forget about just reading or listening.

These channels demonstrate that getting involved directly is often the best teacher.

As you keep your learning style in mind, you’ll be able to understand why some channels resonate with you (and others don’t).

Using The Right Search Strategies

By thinking outside the box when searching on YouTube, you’ll be able to find the educational resource that suits you the most.

Here are some ideas to get this done.

Use Keywords

One of the most effective ways to find educational content on YouTube is by using specific keywords in your searches.

For instance, if you’re interested in learning about history, try searching for “history documentaries ” or “ancient civilizations explained .”

If you want to improve your math skills, search for “calculus tutorials ” or “geometry lessons .”

Aspiring programmers can find helpful content by searching for “how to code for beginners” or “ programming tutorials for \[language\].”

By being specific in your search terms, you’ll be more likely to find channels that cater to your exact learning needs.

Another helpful search strategy combines your topic of interest with the words “explained” or “crash course.”

This will help you find YouTube videos that provide concise and informative overviews of various subjects.

For example, searching for “quantum physics explained ” or “philosophy crash course ” can lead you to channels that break down complex topics into easily digestible videos.

Educational Institutions

Don’t forget that many reputable educational institutions have their own YouTube channels.

These channels offer a wealth of high-quality educational content.

To find these channels, try searching for “\[University name\] lectures” or “\[Museum name\] online exhibits.”

Searching for “Harvard University lectures” or “The Smithsonian online exhibits” can lead you to channels filled with credible and informative content from some of the world’s leading educational institutions.

Imagine learning from the best minds in academia—professors, researchers, and even curators—all ready to spill their secrets on video channels tailored just for you.

This is all just a search query away.

Here are a few final tips to find the best educational YouTube channel for your needs.

Explore Playlists

When you find a channel that resonates with your learning style, don’t stop at just watching individual videos.

Many educational YouTube channels create carefully curated playlists that guide you through a specific topic – from start to finish.

Diving into these playlists might just give you an edge.

It’s almost like sitting through a full-blown course but with the freedom to explore at your own pace.

Be a Discerning Viewer

With so much content out there, you need to be picky at the content you consume.

A smart move isn’t just checking out the content – it’s looking at a creator’s history to see if they’re legit.

Dive into their background, checking if they’re recognized experts, dedicated educators, or just profoundly passionate about the subject.

Creators who are transparent about their background and expertise are more likely to provide reliable information.

Also, it’s important not to overlook a channel’s “circle”.

If a channel is associated with reputable institutions like universities, museums, or scientific organizations, it’s a good sign that the content is credible and well-researched.

Pay Attention to the Comunity Engagement

Engaging with viewers also shows how much (or how little) a creator values community.

Peek into the comments section to see if the creator responds to their audience with answers that help and teach something new.

A creator who actively engages with their audience and fosters a positive learning community is more likely to be a credible source.

However, even with these credibility indicators, it’s always a good idea to fact-check the information presented.

This is even more so when dealing with sensitive or controversial topics.

YouTube isn’t just for fun videos.

It’s a powerful tool for learning new things in a way that’s engaging and easy to understand.

Why not pick one of the channels above and start learning a new skill?

After all, knowledge is just a click away.

Dive in, explore, and let these educational YouTube channels transform your learning experience.

Happy learning!

Further Reading On Do you run a kids-based channel?

If you’re searching for creative inspiration for your next video, check out these YouTube video ideas for kids .

For those looking to get into YouTube with a partner, explore the best couples YouTube channels .

And if you’re curious about how to name your channel or you’re someone who prefers to stay off-camera, look no further.

Discover a variety of YouTube channel name ideas and faceless channel concepts for introverts , perfect for crafting a presence that feels right for you.

Lastly, don’t forget about our extensive list of YouTube lifestyle video ideas .

Whether you’re into fashion, daily vlogging, or anything in between, these ideas will help keep your content fresh and engaging.

Editorial Process:

Our reviews are made by a team of experts before being written and come from real-world experience. Read our editorial process here .

Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links, which can provide compensation to us at no cost to you if you decide to purchase a paid plan. These are products we’ve personally used and stand behind. This site is not intended to provide financial advice. You can read our affiliate disclosure in our privacy policy .

Adam Enfroy

Adam Enfroy

We test and review software products based on an independent, multi-point methodology. If you use our links to purchase something, we earn a commission. Read our editorial process and disclosures .

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NGOs and Government Organizations

  • Develop impactful posters for awareness drives, fundraising events, and community outreach programs.
  • Attract volunteers, highlighting the roles, benefits, and the difference they can make.
  • Announce charity events, workshops, and seminars.

business owner

  • Create informative posters on health topics, wellness tips, and medical advisories.
  • Showcase healthcare services, specialist departments, and new medical technologies available at healthcare facilities.
  • Display important health and safety protocols within healthcare settings.

How to Make a Digital Poster

1. Define Your Story

Briefly describe (within 120 characters) the purpose behind your poster. Whether it’s for promotion, making an announcement, driving awareness, or sharing health information.

2. Select from Our Varied Poster Designs

Jumpstart your project with our array of ready-to-use poster templates, perfect for shining a spotlight on any subject. After picking your preferred design, you’ll find yourself in our editing suite.

3. Tweak the Design with Piktochart Editor

With your template chosen, hitting the “Edit” button grants you entry into the Piktochart editor. This is your playground to adjust, alter, and align the design to reflect your personal touch and message.

4. Enhance with Visual Elements

Piktochart’s user-friendly drag-and-drop editor makes personalization a breeze. Tap into our rich collection of complimentary photos, icons, illustrations, and text options to craft a poster that stands out. Enhancing and tailoring colors is just a click away with our versatile design tool.

5. Publish and Promote

Once your poster is exactly as you envisioned, it’s time to save and share your work. Export in various formats like JPG, PNG, or PDF, catering to both digital platforms and print materials.

AI-Powered Visualization for Any Topic

What kinds of posters can be generated using this AI tool?

Navigating design elements and finding the right visual style can be daunting. With Piktochart AI, it’s easy to transform data into high-quality posters . Excellence made simple, just for you.

Event posters

Drum up buzz and awareness for an upcoming event. Piktochart AI transform dense data and information into engaging invitational posters for your events.

Advertising posters

Spark emotions that incite action – whether it is to make a purchase, improve brand opinion, donate to a cause, or make a lifestyle change. With Piktochart AI, it’s achievable at the click of a button.

Conference posters

Inform your audience with a glance about an upcoming conference. Whether it’s for a medical conference, marketing conference, or any conferences, Piktochart AI’s user-friendly poster maker helps you catch the attention of your audience effortlessly.

Ready to use AI to design posters like a pro?

Join more than 11 million people who already use Piktochart to create stunning posters.

Is it possible to personalize my poster with my own photos and diagrams?

What’s the limit on poster creation, how do i enhance the quality of my posters, is signing up mandatory to use piktochart, poster resources.

how to make a poster, how to make an eye-catching and effective poster

How to Make a Poster in 6 Easy Steps [2023 Guide With Templates]

featured image for poster ideas and templates

25 Poster Ideas, Templates, and Tips for Creative Inspiration

types of posters


7 Types of Posters and What Makes Them Stand Out

What else can you create with piktochart ai.


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  7. Animated educational videos and how to create them

    Even the most complex concepts can be fun when we deliver them correctly! Follow these steps to create an awesome animated educational video and make learning fun and effortless for the audience! Step 1 - Create an Account. Step 2 - Exploring the Animaker Dashboard and Interface. Step 3 - Creating the first scene.

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    Microsoft is working with Khan Academy to make Khanmigo Tools for teachers freely available. Today, Microsoft and Khan Academy announced a collaboration that will provide teachers with free access ...

  26. Profile: concept artist Andrei Riabovitchev

    Andrei Riabovitchev was born in Apsheronsk, South Russia. He moved to Moscow to study engineering then found his way into the animation industry, working initially as a traditional animator on movies including Prince Vladimir.In 2008, Andrei moved to the UK and began working in the film and VFX industry, including periods as senior concept artist at both MPC and Framestore on movies including ...

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    Founded: in 2011. Number of employees: 200. TUMO Center for Creative Technologies is a new kind of after-school educational centers that gives children tools to succeed in the modern world. The TUMO learning program is free-of-charge activities for the children age 12 up to 18 focused around 14 learning spheres: programming, game development ...

  28. Free AI Poster Maker—Piktochart AI

    4. Enhance with Visual Elements. Piktochart's user-friendly drag-and-drop editor makes personalization a breeze. Tap into our rich collection of complimentary photos, icons, illustrations, and text options to craft a poster that stands out. Enhancing and tailoring colors is just a click away with our versatile design tool. 5.

  29. Application of Artificial Intelligence Visual Communication in Digital

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  30. It's Official, Netflix Is Working On An Animated Minecraft Series

    According to the announcement, the show is currently "in the works," though no cast, creatives or release date has been confirmed yet. NETFLIX & CRAFT! ⛏️. From Netflix & Mojang Studios, an ...