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50 Success Mantras to Motivate You

Success means different things to different people, but regardless of your personal definition, it’s essential to have a clear vision and mindset that supports your goals. One way to cultivate a success-oriented mindset is by adopting success mantras that resonate with your values, ambitions, and aspirations.

In this blog post, we’ll share 50 success mantras to help inspire and empower your personal growth journey. These mantras can be used as daily affirmations, guiding principles, or simply sources of motivation when you need a boost of inspiration.

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  • “Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle.”

This success mantra emphasizes the importance of self-belief and confidence in overcoming challenges and achieving your goals.

  • “Success is not final; failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts.”

This mantra, attributed to Winston Churchill, reminds us that both success and failure are temporary, and it’s our perseverance that truly matters.

  • “The best way to predict the future is to create it.”

Take charge of your destiny by actively working towards your goals and shaping your desired future.

  • “The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today.”

Don’t let self-doubt hold you back. Believe in your potential and strive to overcome any limitations you perceive.

  • “Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out.”

Consistency and dedication are key to achieving success. Keep working towards your goals, even when progress seems slow.

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  • “Do not wait for opportunity. Create it.”

Be proactive in creating the opportunities you desire, instead of waiting for them to come your way.

  • “Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny.”

Embrace challenges and learn from them, as they can lead to personal growth and open doors to new possibilities.

  • “The secret of success is to do the common things uncommonly well.”

Strive for excellence in all aspects of your life, even in the seemingly mundane tasks.

  • “Your life only gets better when you do. Work on yourself and the rest will follow.”

Invest in self-improvement and personal growth, and watch your life transform for the better.

  • “Success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.”

Resilience and determination are crucial in the face of failure. Stay committed to your goals and maintain a positive attitude.

  • “The biggest risk is not taking any risk. In a world that is changing quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.”

Embrace calculated risks and step outside of your comfort zone to reach your full potential.

  • “You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.”

Age is just a number. Keep setting new goals and pursuing your dreams, regardless of your stage in life.

  • “Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it.”

True success lies in self-acceptance, passion for your work, and satisfaction with your approach.

  • “The only way to do great work is to love what you do.”

Pursue your passions and strive to make a career out of what you truly love.

  • “The most successful people in life are the ones who ask questions. They’re always learning. They’re always growing. They’re always pushing.”

Stay curious and keep learning to foster growth and continuous improvement.

  • “The key to success is to focus on goals, not obstacles.”

Maintain a goal-oriented mindset, focusing on your aspirations rather than dwelling on the challenges you may face.

  • “Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.”

Find joy in your work and success will naturally follow.

  • “Your positive action, combined with positive thinking, results in success.”

Maintain a positive mindset and take action to create the success you desire.

  • “The secret of getting ahead is getting started.”

Overcome procrastination and take the first step towards your goals, no matter how small.

  • “Don’t watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going.”

Stay focused on your goals and keep moving forward, just as time does.

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  • “Success is not about being a genius. It is about being consistent.”

Consistency is crucial in achieving success, even more so than innate talent.

  • “The best revenge is massive success.”

Channel any negative energy into working towards your goals and achieving your dreams.

  • “It’s not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives. It’s what we do consistently.”

Develop healthy habits and routines that support your success journey and practice them consistently.

  • “Success is a journey, not a destination.”

Embrace the process and enjoy the journey towards success, rather than solely focusing on the end goal.

  • “It’s not about having the right opportunities. It’s about handling the opportunities right.”

Maximize the potential of every opportunity by approaching it with the right attitude and effort.

  • “Success is not about where you are, but the direction you’re moving.”

Measure your success by the progress you’re making, not just your current circumstances.

  • “Success is achieved and maintained by those who try and keep trying.”

Perseverance and tenacity are essential in achieving and sustaining success.

  • “Success is not built on success. It’s built on failure, frustration, and sometimes catastrophe.”

Embrace setbacks and failures as valuable learning experiences that contribute to your overall success.

  • “Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.”

Stay resilient in the face of failure and maintain a positive attitude on your journey to success.

  • “Your success is determined by your daily choices and habits.”

Make conscious choices and develop habits that support your goals and aspirations.

  • “The road to success is always under construction.”

Acknowledge that the path to success is filled with challenges and obstacles, and be prepared to adapt and grow.

  • “Success is not final; it is the courage to continue that counts.”

Recognize that success is an ongoing journey and that maintaining your achievements requires determination and commitment.

  • “The harder you work for something, the greater you’ll feel when you achieve it.”

Embrace the effort and hard work required to achieve your goals, as it will make your success even sweeter.

  • “The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary.”

Success requires effort, dedication, and hard work. Don’t expect it to come without putting in the necessary time and energy.

  • “The secret to success is to know something nobody else knows.”

Cultivate unique knowledge or skills that set you apart and contribute to your success.

  • “Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.”

Learn from your failures and keep moving forward with a positive outlook.

  • “Success is not about how high you have climbed, but how you make a positive difference to the world.”

Measure your success by the impact you have on others and the world around you.

  • “Success is achieved by ordinary people with extraordinary determination.”

Believe in your ability to achieve success, even if you don’t consider yourself extraordinary.

  • “Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.”

Acknowledge the importance of consistent effort and dedication in achieving your goals.

  • “Successful people do what unsuccessful people are not willing to do. Don’t wish it were easier; wish you were better.”

Strive for self-improvement and be willing to put in the work that others may shy away from.

  • “The difference between successful people and really successful people is that really successful people say no to almost everything.”

Learn to prioritize and focus on what truly matters in order to achieve greater success.

  • “Success is not about being competitive; it’s about being creative.”

Embrace your unique talents and abilities to create your own version of success.

  • “If you want to achieve greatness, stop asking for permission.”

Take initiative and trust your instincts on your path to success.

  • “Success is not about how much money you make, but about the difference you make in people’s lives.”

Focus on the positive impact you can have on others, rather than solely on financial gain.

  • “Success is not about finding yourself. It’s about creating yourself.”

Actively work on personal growth and development to create the person you want to be.

  • “Success is a state of mind. If you want success, start thinking of yourself as a success.”

Cultivate a success-oriented mindset and believe in your ability to achieve your goals.

  • “Success is not determined by the outcome. The outcome is the result of having already decided that you are successful.”

Commit to a mindset of success, and let this belief guide your actions and decisions.

  • “Success is the result of perfection, hard work, learning from failure, loyalty, and persistence.”

Acknowledge the many factors that contribute to success, including hard work, resilience, and dedication.

  • “Success is falling nine times and getting up ten.”

Stay determined and persistent, even in the face of setbacks and failures.

  • “The key to success is action, and the essential in action is perseverance.”

Take action towards your goals and maintain the persistence necessary to see them through.

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These 50 success mantras serve as powerful reminders and sources of inspiration to help you stay focused, motivated, and resilient on your personal growth journey.

By incorporating these mantras into your daily routine or using them as affirmations, you can cultivate a success-oriented mindset that empowers you to achieve your goals and aspirations.

Remember that success is a unique and personal journey, and it’s up to you to define what it means to you. Keep these mantras close to your heart and let them guide you on your path to greatness.

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17 Motivational Success Mantras

success mantra essay

Like a butterfly fluttering just above your fingertips, sometimes success might seem to only flirt with the chance of letting you catch it. Except it’s actually always within your reach, if you believe in yourself. Sometimes all it takes is having more crazy ideas, going on more adventures and really living your dreams to grab it.

Related: 7 Daily Habits of Exceptionally Successful People

If you’re close to catching your butterfly, let these 17 motivational mantras for success inspire you to rise to greatness.

17 Motivational Success Mantras

1. Have big dreams. You’ll grow into them.

2. if you want to achieve greatness , stop asking for permission., 3. no masterpiece was ever created by a lazy artist., 4. the tallest oak in the forest was once just a little nut that held its ground., 5. one year equals 365 possibilities., 6. don’t wish for it, work for it., 7. great things never came from comfort zones., 8. big journeys begin with the small steps., 9. say yes to new adventures., 10. the best way to get something done is to begin., 11. if the plan doesn’t work, change the plan—but never the goal., 12. as you know more, you grow more., 13. trust your crazy ideas., 14. don’t be afraid to be great., 15. let it all go. see what stays., 16. life is like photography. always look on the bright side of things., 17. you don’t have to go fast. you just have to go..

Related: 7 Steps to Achieve Your Dream

Lydia Sweatt

Lydia Sweatt

Lydia Sweatt is a freelance writer, bookworm, and bass guitar enthusiast. When she goes outside, a bicycle goes with her.

5473 Blair Road, Suite 100 PMB 30053 Dallas, TX 75231

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Essay on “Success Mantras” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Success Mantras

James Allen says in “As a Man Thinketh”, “A Man is literally what he thinks, his character being the complete sum of all his thoughts. As the plant springs from the seed, so every act of man springs from the hidden seeds of thought.”

What you make of your life and career depends mostly on your mental attitude and not so much on aptitude. Aptitude is readiness to learn or natural ability. Attitude is a collection of opinions hardened into a studied position. It is more important than aptitude in the matter of career advancement.

You can regard the routine Study and effort as a boring round of familiar, uninspiring chore. It is easy to brush it away as unnecessary framework for achievement. In the same way, you can take either a positive or negative attitude to your success and failure.

You can dismiss success as a fluke, unlikely to happen again. Or you may regard it as an opportunity for future and further achievement. It is your attitude that matters.

You can allow failures and setbacks to brake your progress, looking on them as proof that you cannot succeed. you may invent an alibi that you aimed too high.

Alternatively, you may take the positive line of learning. Obviously, the right attitude is the positive one. This attitude leads to achievement.

You can acquire this attitude. Yes. you have to break the hold of the negative. You cannot cultivate the positive attitude if your mind is dominated by the negative. You cannot achieve anything if you do nor have the courage to try. Try to throw the negative out. Replace it with the positive.

Assess your abilities. Know your strong as well as weak points. Strengthen your plus points. Fill in the deficiencies.

List the qualities that make you, in your own estimation, a unique person. This will make you feel more positive about yourself.

Watch your words. use bright, optimistic expressions about your own self; steer clear of discouraging and disparaging. Draw attention to the positive. Turn your back on back-biting. When a person is being painted black, do not join the chorus. Try to put in a good word.

Keep distance from chronic nags. They always speak destructively. Do not talk with them about your future plans and programmes. It is foolish to invite discouragement. Drop the chronophages, and the nags. They prove millstones round your neck.

Positive mental attitude means refusing to cave in when things go wrong. There is nothing bad in failing, but it is a disgrace failing and not trying again. Give yourself another chance, gaining from the experience of failure.

You can believe in success by acting as though you already had this valuable quality. The right attitude turns even the worst of negative, crippling failure to a positive, thrilling success. your mental attitude must be turned to achievement if you want to achieve.

Even the blazing sun cannot burn a hole in a tissue paper unless its rays are focused and concentrated on one spot! The fact is that you have the spark which can ignite success. You have the mental ability that can take you high. Then, what is wrong? What is holding you back? You are using only a fraction of your real brainpower. If you do not focus your mind, you lack determination to get to a goal. Your desire to get to the goal is not strong enough.

Concentration is another name of stickability. Improve your power of concentration by coming to a realisation of the cost of its opposite-inattention. Lack of concentration means failure to hit the bull’s eye which means waste of energy, time and effort. But more than that, it means shattering of self confidence.

Focus now on a course you had enrolled in but abandoned because you had a wandering mind. Incomplete or badly done tasks give you a let-down. They make you pay a high price for inattention and lack of concentration.

Discipline your mind to ward off distractions. Deal with one thing at a time. Be like the doctor who says, “One patient at a time.”

Harness imagination to accomplish your goal. Visualise to realize. See yourself enjoying the privileges and power which follow after you reach your goal.

Concentration means directing the wayward mind into a predetermined stream. You do it by assaulting your mind with questions that collect the wayward threats and put them on the main theme.

Shut out the irrelevant. This helps you reach the desired objective. You cannot concentrate effectively on something trivial or of no significance. Visualise the completed task. See yourself finishing it.

People who perform complicated tasks at work, tend to develop an intellectual flexibility that they carry to other parts of their life and are more independent-minded and open to new experiences than those who perform routine jobs. They also select intellectually activities for their leisure pursuits. A satisfied worker is more productive than one who is nor. Instead of satisfaction contributing to greater job accomplishment, it is the sense of accomplishment, doing well on the job that makes the one feel competent and contended.

For most, earning salary is the primary incentive for having a job. But other factors do play their role. Among them are the needs to feel productive, to meet challenges, and to be creative. These lead to inner wellness. A job can build a sense of competence and self-esteem. Individuals attain social status through their jobs.

Many people also cite the companionship of their coworkers as a reason to work. Which factors are most important, depend on the individual and his or her background, expectations and goals.

In most surveys, majority of professionals report enjoying their work. This is partly explained by the high income levels in such professions as medicine and law.

Experts now believe that instead of being the right kind of person, a successful executive is one who happens to be in the right place at the right time. Events then mould the individual into an effective one.

His capability depends on how his or her leadership style fits the work situation involved. The most revealing trait is Whether he tends to give priority to getting a job done or to having good relations with workers.

Job-oriented chiefs fare better in situations where workers already get along well with one another and the task to be done is clearly defined.

A chief is not likely to get the best out of employees, if he or she is constantly giving mixed signals, delegating responsibilities but not power, and failing to define the job to be done. A poor communicator makes a poor leader. So does a one-man company.

The effectiveness of a chief may change with circumstances. For example, an entrepreneur can be outstanding in spurring a small group to start a successful enterprise but may not be good at handling the complex organisational problems of an expanding organisation. One may be good at expanding but nor at handling.

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18 powerful mantras for success (and 3 that may secretly sabotage you)

  • April 10, 2024

Successful business woman

Success mantras can help us through tough times and give us a boost of energy to carry on. They can empower us to have the confidence to work toward our dreams.

However, many seemingly positive mantras are actually sabotaging us.

So before we jump into the list of mantras you can adopt to uplift your spirit daily, let’s clear the air.

Here’s how Mindvalley Coach co-founder Ajit Nawalkha breaks down three popularized mantras for success that may secretly sabotage your growth and progress.

3 Daily mantras for success that may be secretly sabotaging you

Though they seem to have a positive premise, these affirmations can limit your potential. Here’s why you should use them with caution.

1. Don’t quit

On the surface, this appears to be one of the most powerful mantras for success. To stay in the game and see things through is often associated with great qualities like perseverance and hard work.

But here’s something not many people talk about; not knowing when to quit leads to one of the biggest problems of the 21st century. And more often than not, it leads to burnout.

When you’re determined to stick to something no matter what, you’re blind to the signs that show you when you need to slow down. You could be sacrificing your health or time with your kids just so you can make a million dollars in 12 months instead of 24.

A much smarter and more effective approach is to create multiple milestones when you chart your plan for success .

Do this, and you’ll be able to reflect on how far you’ve come and whether you’re on the right track every time you hit a milestone.

You’ll also be able to change direction and choose a different goal that truly makes you fulfilled.  

2. Never blow your own horn

Think back to when you were growing up. Did your well-meaning parents tell you to never talk about your own achievements? Did they tell you your work would speak for itself?

Maybe it was your aunt or a godparent who told you that “good girls” or “good boys” never bragged about themselves.

The truth is, the world we live in now is very different from the world inhabited by previous generations.

Inventions and innovations we take for granted today could only have been found on the pages of science fiction magazines a few decades ago.

While there is more opportunity now to achieve success and happiness than at any other time in history, these same opportunities have also created a highly competitive marketplace.

In the 20th century, it was the norm to go to work for the same company from the time you joined the workforce to the day you retired.

Now, jobs come and go in a flash. Entire technologies become redundant overnight (remember the typewriter?)

The only way to stand out in this noisy, ever-changing world is to talk about yourself. You need to speak up about your achievements, wins, and abilities; otherwise, you run the risk of getting lost in the crowd.

It’s not about bragging. It’s about legitimately sharing what you can do and how you can serve others in your own, unique way.

3. Always do your best

There’s nothing wrong with trying your best. However, things can go wrong when motivational mantras like this turn into perfectionism . It’s a habit that’s hard to overcome because it appears to be a success mindset.

Why not try your best and get everything perfect before you hit publish, stand up in front of a crowd, or sell your art?

The problem is, perfection doesn’t exist in the real world.

You may end up spending years—maybe even decades—looking for it, but it will never come. You’ll remain an undiscovered genius with hidden talents.

The world will never know countless works of art and life-changing inventions because the people behind them are waiting for the day they finally achieve that elusive thing called “perfection.”

Sometimes, it’s better to listen to positive affirmations like “Done is better than perfect”—so long as you find the right balance between being meticulous and getting things done.

Happy young man

18 daily mantras for success

Following certain mantras for success and wealth without truly understanding them can lead to falling into the wrong mindset.

Instead, try adopting these affirmations that will move you toward the life you want.

Mantras to cultivate a growth mindset

  • I am capable and deserving of success.
  • Challenges are opportunities for growth.
  • Every step forward takes me closer to my goals.
  • I learn from my mistakes and keep moving forward.
  • Fear is temporary, but my potential to grow is unlimited.
  • Gratitude fuels my drive and joy in the journey.
  • I release negativity and embrace positive possibilities.
  • My thoughts shape my reality. I choose empowering thoughts.

Mantras for taking action

  • I take daily action, no matter how small, towards my goals.
  • I prioritize tasks and focus on what truly matters.
  • I break down large goals into manageable steps.
  • I seek support and collaboration when needed.
  • I celebrate my achievements, big and small.
  • I listen to my intuition and make decisions with confidence.

Mantras for challenging times

  • I embrace discomfort and step outside my comfort zone.
  • Today is a new day, filled with new possibilities.
  • I breathe deeply and find calm amid challenges.
  • I trust the process and surrender to the flow of life.

Remember, success is subjective, and finding the best mantras for success is individual. Choose the ones that resonate with your unique goals and values.

Turn your mantras into a game plan

If your life isn’t where you want it to be, take a close look at the beliefs and ideas that are driving your everyday decisions and behavior.

Reflect on whether the mantras you use make you feel empowered or trapped, and remember to be selective.

Affirmations are great for overcoming doubts, but there’s something even more effective: a clear roadmap.

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Annamaria Nagy

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Ajit Nawalkha is the co-founder of Mindvalley Coach (formerly known as Evercoach by Mindvalley) and a world-leading business coach. Ajit’s passion is to make the world a better place and empower entrepreneurs to be the change the world needs. With decades of experience distilled into bestselling books, Ajit now trains new coaches in both skills and entrepreneurship, unlocking the path from passion to profit.

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100+ Success Mantras For Achieving Your Biggest Goals

Believing in these success mantras will make the achievement of your goals inevitable. They will encourage you to choose the right path to your dreams.

100+ Success Mantras For Achieving Your Biggest Goals

In the previous blog posts, I’ve discussed affirmations and how self-declarations can help in motivating one’s self.

But today, I decided to show you success mantras, which have the same power as affirmations in making you feel empowered to achieve your dreams.

The only difference is that these mantras are like proverbs that never get old and maintain a universal theme like career development and motivational wisdom.

The reason it is sometimes better to use a mantra to help change your mindset rather than an affirmation is that sometimes it is hard to believe affirmations, whereas it is very difficult to argue with a mantra so they can be a bit more useful when it comes to training your brain.

Thus, if you find yourself needing a little dose of inspiration to get you going, you may browse my list of more than a hundred mantras that can spark a change in the way you think about reaching your goals.

Choose one of these and repeat it over and over in your mind for 2 minutes.  Do this on a daily basis to reset your brain and inspire change. 

Here’s another tip, try replacing the word ‘You’ with the word I to make them more personal. 

  • You don’t need anyone’s permission to be successful.
  • You are a success waiting to unfold.
  • You have the power to alter the future according to your will.
  • One year amounts to 365 opportunities. Make everyday count.
  • No one has achieved anything just by wishing.
  • Great things happen outside of your comfort zone.
  • You didn’t come this far only to come this far.
  • The journey towards success begins with little steps.
  • Nobody said it’s going to be easy, but that it’s definitely going to be worth it.
  • Say “Yes” to new opportunities.
  • You get what you focus on.
  •  You can pay the price of success with determination.
  • The best way to do something is to simply begin.
  • If Plan B didn’t work, there are 25 other letters in the alphabet—don’t give up.
  • Now is the best time to be the person you dream of becoming.
  • You can find an excuse or you can find a way.
  • No one has regretted becoming the best version of himself.
  • Where words fail, actions succeed.
  • You can put off work now and fail, or you can act now and succeed.
  • The universe is not a wish-granting factory. Act on your dreams.
  • Successful people didn’t just wish for it. Rather, they worked for it.
  • Success is not built overnight. Stay consistent and remember the compound effect.
  • You don’t have to be perfect to succeed.
  • You can have everything and still fail, or you can have nothing but still succeed.
  • If you don’t want to start over again, stop giving up.
  • Giving it a chance is better than not trying at all.
  • Tough times reveal the grit that you are made of.
  • Nothing will work unless you do.
  • A goal without action is just a wish.
  • If the plan doesn’t work, change the plan but not the goal.
  • You don’t need to get there quick, you just need to keep going.
  • Nothing worth having comes without challenges.
  • Little progress is better than no progress at all.
  • Yesterday you said you’ll do it, don’t postpone it today.
  • You learn more from failure than from success itself.
  • Sitting still generates fear, acting out overcomes it.
  • A future that is bright belongs to those who chase after it.
  • Don’t limit your potential with unnecessary doubts.
  • Great things happen to those who take action, not to those who wait.
  • No one is too old or too tired to set new goals.
  • The only way to excel is to actually love what you do.
  • You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.
  • You’ve got plenty of chances to try. Don’t stop when you fail twice.
  • Failures are the signs that you’re trying your best.
  • Luck isn’t going to work its magic unless you act on your intuition.
  • You don’t need much to achieve much, you just have to believe.
  • No challenge, no gain.
  • There are no shortcuts to success. You pave the way with sheer willpower.
  • You are what you think, so think great.
  • Victory belongs to the brave.
  • Your life is meant to be lived the way you want it.
  • Sometimes, later becomes never. Do what you must now.
  • All things are challenging before they come naturally.
  • There’s no better time to sow the seeds of success than now.
  • Always better your best.
  • Tomorrow doesn’t come to everybody. Make yours count.
  • The chance you take today will turn out to be a success for your tomorrow.
  • Life is not a race, but you have to run the track to get to the finish line.
  • Success is a journey that requires you to be persistent.
  • If you find yourself getting tired, think about why you even started.
  • Don’t wait for the opportunity. Just go and create it.
  • Opportunities don’t come knocking twice on the same person’s door, so don’t waste yours with doubts.
  • Every obstacle is a stepping stone leading to your success.
  • Your attitude determines your success potential.
  • Open up to possibilities and you’ll definitely succeed.
  • The only person who can help you achieve your goals is yourself.
  • Do what you can with what you have.
  • When in doubt, trust where your dreams can take you.
  • You’re sure to get to the top if you only climb further enough.
  • Work hard in silence and let success make the noise.
  • Be confident that you have what it takes to succeed.
  • The greater the challenge, the sweeter is your victory.
  • Don’t spoil success with self-sabotage.
  • Quitters never win.
  • Constant determination leads to a lifetime of satisfaction.
  • The distance between your dreams and reality is your discipline.
  • Tasks never change, but you just get better and find them easier.
  • You owe it to yourself to become successful.
  • Become so dedicated to your work that you’ll forget you’re already where you want to be.
  • Take inspired action like your success depends on it.
  • Always go back to the reason why you committed in the first place.
  • You can always turn any bad situation into a golden opportunity.
  • Your vision should be brighter than your doubts.
  • Your present state determines what you deserve in the future.
  • You are the captain of the ship sailing towards success. Steer clear of doubts and focus on getting there.
  • You have a whole lifetime to prove what you can do for your dreams.
  • If you want more luck, take more chances.
  • Each day presents a new chance to realize your dreams.
  • Courage is when you’re afraid to try, but decide to do it anyway.
  • You have unlimited shots at being successful, so take a chance now.
  • It’s not the strategy that makes you rich, it is the right mindset that does.
  • Tell your procrastination to come back tomorrow until it stops bothering you.
  • Your realized dream is made up of a combination of inspired action and unwavering faith.
  • You have only two choices today: to fail or to succeed.  It is you who chooses the label you give yourself.
  • Make your dreams be bigger than your fear of failure.
  • Either you rule the day or the day rules you.
  • The only chance you lose is the one you didn’t take. Seize every opportunity.
  • Dreams are made, not begged for.
  • When the going gets tough, visualize the fantastic view at the top.
  • Nothing is more fulfilling than being able to enjoy the things you take consistent action for.
  • Your success depends on how determined you are to break barriers.
  • You are made for greater things. Claim it.
  • You can change your future if you try.
  • Your actions speak of your capabilities.
  • No dream is too big if you have the guts to achieve it.
  • Go big or go home.  Or go big and stay at home if you choose to (or need to).
  • Set yourself up for success.
  • Create a new way when you can’t find one.
  • No goal is too difficult if you’re intent on reaching it.
  • Success is on the other side of fear.
  • If the opportunity doesn’t come knocking, build a door.
  • Keep doing the same routine until it grows on you.
  • Your load gets lighter the more you get used to its weight.
  • The only way to discover your limits is to go beyond them.
  • Now is the best time to do what you must.
  • Your fate is not determined by luck; it is determined by your actions and self-belief.
  • A little self-encouragement every now and then doesn’t hurt.
  • Nothing sounds better than being called self-made.
  • Success is something you make, not something you pick up from others.
  • Start with the right mindset towards work, and you’ll breeze through the process.
  • It’s okay to be a dreamer, as long as you’re also a planner and a doer.
  • Success favors the brave.
  • Small minds imitate. Big minds innovate.
  • Be a doer, not a whiner.
  • There is a solution to every problem
  • Say “No” to anything that doesn’t align with your goals
  • If you want more revenue, make more offers to more people
  • You can’t steer a parked car
  • If you don’t build your own dreams, someone else will use you to build theirs

Kath Kyle Mantras & Proverbs

And if you enjoyed these mantras, you might also like some of my totally personalized mantras and proverbs that define what I stand for with my business, brand, and personality. 

  • Don’t put all your followers in one basket.
  • The best tools in business are not free.
  • One email subscriber is worth ten social media followers.
  • Don’t put the launch before the plan.
  • Better on time than perfect
  • Don’t kill the creator who creates the killer content
  • Don’t put all your eggs in someone else’s basket.  Make your own basket.
  • Don’t throw the good results out with the failed goals
  • Scale-up while the going is good
  • They give you an inch and you go the extra mile
  • Good things come to those who believe
  • Plan for the best, be content during the worst
  • Keep your eyes shut and your mind open
  • Visualize running before you can walk
  • Money trees grow where you plant them
  • No gain without your brain
  • No gain when you complain
  • Once bitten twice wise
  • Don’t miss the strategy for the tactic
  • Inspired and steady wins the race
  • Launch while the trend is hot
  • The smarter you work, the luckier you get
  • The money tree is greener where you water it
  • The proof of the promise is in the results
  • Where there’s a problem there’s a way
  • You can lead a prospect to your product but you can’t make them buy
  • You can work less and smash your goals too
  • Don’t count your subscribers before they buy
  • Easy come, easy grow
  • Keep your friends close and your competitors closer
  • Laughter is the best success secret
  • Killing 2 problems with 1 question
  • The only way to stop a vicious snowball is to release and replace it

FREE Goal Achievement Planner For Businesses

Click here to get your free business goal planner.

Success mantras are half of the process towards achieving your goal.

Whenever you feel like your enthusiasm is waning, you can count on the wisdom these mantras offer to help you re-focus and boost your confidence.

After all, success is often a lonely struggle and you can only rely on yourself to finish what you’ve just begun.

By repeating these mantras daily, you become more convinced that you’re doing the right thing in the fulfillment of your dreams.


Related Resources You Will Love

  • 100+ Goal Setting Affirmations: Re-wire Your Brain For Success
  • 100+ Benefits Of Being An Entrepreneur: Gratitude List Examples
  • 100+ Secret Habits Of Successful Entrepreneurs You Can Copy
  • 100+ Millionaire Mindset Affirmations To Change Your Life
  • 100+ Success Mantras For Achieving Your Biggest Goals FREE Ultimate Passive Income Toolkit


Manifest Your Perfect Day

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About Kath Kyle

My Name is Kath Kyle. I lead the Hustle-Less, Manifest-More Movement.

I help conscious creators and change-makers manifest massive audiences, transform millions of lives, and be highly compensated for their work using my proven Dream Business Framework©.

I took my first business to over six figures within months of starting it, and I went on to replicate that success numerous times with different online businesses over the last 10 years using principles of manifestation. Read My Story.

I’ve helped thousands of customers to transform their lives and have built audiences of over 28 million people.

Now it's your turn! Get started manifesting business success here FREE.

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success mantra essay

success mantra essay

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33 success mantras for achieving your biggest goals.

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Success mantras are…

“Alex, you what, maybe you are some kind of aborigine, dancing to the rhythm of mantras?” one of the readers will ask. I have an answer for this person! Mantras saved my ass! Oh yes, thanks to mantras, I became unbreakable! I’ll tell you why soon! Let’s start with the information about what a mantra is.  

What is a mantra?

A mantra (also known as motivational poetry, inspirational poems, words that remind of values, motivational prayer, positive phrases) is a combination of certain words that helps to remember a certain value. The mantra is easier to remember and must be repeated many times.

“BUT do mantras really work?” you will ask.

Doubts and doubts again… Let’s take a look at research related to mantras.

Scientific research

The strength is that science doesn’t stand still. Some fascinating/solid research has been done. Researchers say that “ Mantras Help the General Psychological Well-Being , and could help ease their stress. ”

Plus, the findings reveal a clear improvement in the subjects’ general cheerfulness and clarity of mind.

You still don’t believe it?

Okay, let’s do an experiment.

Experiment with a mantra

I propose an experiment. From today on, repeat these words every day, “My life is shit. ”  

Repeat this mantra for 30 days in a row. Then go back to this article—we’ll see how you feel. 

I did this research. When I was little and stupid, I used to tell myself every day, “I’m not gonna be successful; I’m a fucking asshole, moron.” I believed it with all my heart, so I acted like a snob. 

It took me a long time to realize that I can only change through positive phrases (mantras). 

Therefore, it was very important to choose positive mantras from among the negative ones.

Everyone uses mantras, some use positive mantras, and others use negative ones! Which ones do you use?

Everyone uses mantras, but not everyone understands them. For example, some people use negative mantras daily. They keep telling themselves, “I’m ugly, and that man on the TV is so much more beautiful; he succeeds because he is more beautiful. He was born so beautiful!” 

But others use positive phrases. They repeat themselves, “I will succeed! I will definitely achieve success if I don’t give up. Because it’s not beauty that matters, but how hard you want to achieve the goal!” 

OH YES, I often use a similar mantra (motivational poetry, words that remind of values, motivational prayer)! I repeat to myself every day, “I will definitely achieve my goal if I keep working on my goals for a long time!”

That’s why I’m doing well! 

As you can see, I’m honest with you, dear reader! I have laid out the whole truth—I put my heart on the table, so I expect the same from you! 

Answer, do you have your own success mantras that will help you awaken your motivation, positive attitude?

For example, what do you say to yourself when you are in a bad mood? 

When I’m in a bad mood, I use the mantra of happiness, “It’s only temporary, everything always gets better,” and you?

What words, sentences, and questions do you use to work on your projects, wishes, desires? Are you using the mantras of success? 

Did you try to use mantras for reducing stress? For example, look at this infographic:

Try mantras to reduce stress

As for the mantras of success, I’ll share them right away!

33 success mantras for achieving your goals

1. I am successful because I have the ability to change everything! 

2. I don’t need anyone’s permission to reach success!

3. Everything depends only on me! How I will react to problems!

4. I won’t lower my hands! I simply won’t drop them, no matter how hard it gets! 

5. Great things only happen after people leave their comfort zone.

6. I don’t respect those who succeeded on the first time—I only appreciate those who have achieved everything by themselves by great effort. I want to be respected because I have gone through many problems, not because I won a million. Oh yes, I want people to see what a strong person I am!

7. Success takes a thousand steps, so today, I’m going to do at least ten! 

8. If my days are great, it means that I tried, which is wonderful! 

9. Today I will focus on success; I will be successful doesn’t matter what!

10. I don’t need to know everything to start. Zuckerberg didn’t know what he was creating in the beginning!

11. If Plan A and B didn’t work, there are 25 other letters in the alphabet—I will use all of them. If the letters end, I will create new ones! 

12. If success mantras do not work in 20 days, I will create a new one!

13. Success has no legs—it can’t come to me, so I have to find it myself!

14. Success is not what I achieve—success is what I call success. It means that if I find success in DRINKING TEA WITH FRIENDS, I will be successful!

15. I will succeed! I will definitely be successful if I don’t give up. Because it’s not beauty that matters, but how much I want to achieve my goal.

16. Let everyone say what they want—I will be successful, I promise it to myself! 

17. Alex Monaco was very unsuccessful, but now he is successful. It proves that people change, and it proves that I can change!

18. I don’t need immediate success because it’s impossible to build a house that stands securely during the day. 

19. Success doesn’t depend on how much money I have. Success depends on how I feel!  

20. A goal without action is just a wish.

21. I run not after success—I run after challenges because I aim to grow as a person. Real success is when you manage to improve each day! 

22. Little progress is 100 times better than no progress at all.

23. It’s impossible to win the Olympics in one day! Athletes have been preparing for years to achieve success, and I will work so hard!

24. Damn those doubts!

25. I don’t need to prove anything. I strive for great things because it’s fun to try myself out! 

26. No one is too old or too young for dreams! 

27. Everything I do is for the better. Because the more knowledge I have, the more experienced I will become! Those who have more experience win!

28. Challenges are the best tool to reach the sky.

29. If I don’t reach my goal tomorrow, I will do it after three years. But I will do it, for f*cking sake—nobody can stop me, only me!

30. Success requires stubbornness! 

31. While some wait for the opportunity—I will create it by myself!

32. No matter who I am, what I look like—it’s important what I believe and what I want! 

33. If I choose my favorite phrases and repeat them every day (30 days in a row), I’m sure that I will smell the success!

What can change if you will use mantras each day!  

Success mantras are great for changing mindset, attitude, mood. It takes a lot of work to feel the change. How much? At least three weeks, preferably 30 days! 

But only them are not enough. Yes, I’m open to you. 

Problems that arise for those who want to use mantras.

The biggest problem arises when people who want to use mantras of success forget to use them

Therefore, tools are needed to make sure you are repeating mantras. I suggest you promise that you will use this article, which you are reading right now!

Write in the comments section that you promise to repeat the mantras I have outlined in this article for thirty days in a row. Or use other mantras—motivational poetry, maybe even prayers for success, or quotes about success. They can have a similar effect!

Oh yes, if you decide to change for the better, print this article. I am sure that if you hang this article in a prominent place and commit to change, you will feel unforgettable emotions and evident changes! Personally checked! It worked! I believe in mantras 100%. 

  • Honest look at mantras by Andre Jack: “ Do Mantras Work? ”
  • Research about mantras: “ Mantras Help the General Psychological Well-Being of College Students: A Pilot Study ”
  • Article about simple words: “ What Can Wind Down Your Brain’s Default Mode ”
  • More about mantras (I found the idea for an infographic here): “ Mantras for Stress Infographic ”

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10 Powerful Mantras for Success in Exams

The powerful goddess  (Lakshmi, Parvati, and Saraswati) , Maa Saraswati is the mother goddess of music, arts & craft, knowledge, wisdom and all Vedas. It is said if you worship with full dedication and honesty for Goddess with the purest of emotions and true heart, she will bestow you with the power to overcome any obstacles in your education and career.

There are some special mantras mentioned below which can help you overcome the problems and remove the obstacles for memorizing things and preparing for exams.

Though there is no workaround for hard work and practice when it comes to studies, this simple mantra will aid you in studies. Let’s know how…

1.The Bija Mantra 

  • Chant this mantra for 45 times daily in the morning or before you sit for the studies.
  • This mantra helps to focus on studies and score well in exams. Very effective as well as improve the power of concentration of the student.
  • You can chant the mantra in the evening as well for better results.
  • The devotee will feel refresh and positive towards studies after chanting this mantra.

Students and fresher, even experienced professionals across the world, offer libations and try lots of mantras with and without the accurate procedure, but these mantras are directly from Vedas and more powerful for examination and career goals.

2. Vidya Mantra for Students 

The student who struggles for memorizing the subjects as well as not able to concentrate on studies properly this mantra is strong and most effective for these problems. Score more or pass their exams this mantra is known to develop your thought process and make positivity for your career.

  • Wear clean clothes and sit on a white mat.
  • Start worship of Maa Saraswati and recite this mantra for 102 times every day for one month before your exams.
  • For better results, you can choose a place where you practice meditation as well to make your focus more clear.
  • For seeking blessings from Maa Saraswati, you have to respect your stationery as well as all books.

3. Maa Saraswati Mantra for Exams 

This mantra is for those students who are weak in studies or are aspiring for higher studies.

  • It should be recited 21 times daily before studying.
  • This mantra increases confidence and ensures success in all career decisions and exams.
  • Choose your study place to recite this mantra and clean that place neatly.
  • Put your books in a proper manner to show respect to Maa Saraswati.
  • Many times students work really hard, but forget everything in the examination hall. This mantra is the perfect cure for people who suffer from low concentration.

4. Mantra for Success in Career 

  • This mantra is chanted to get the blessing from Maa Saraswati for growth in career and success in education.
  • Recite this mantra for 45 times daily and worship of Maa Saraswati with books.
  • Light daily a ghee lamp after bath for positive vibes and concentration.
  • This mantra provides your career and better education as well as more power to focus on growth.
  • This mantra is also known as  Gayathri of Saraswati.

5. Mantra to Gain Knowledge 

According to Bhagavad Geetha, doing actions is our right as well as not expecting the results of our actions. In the case of examinations, action means if you have done your studies well, writing exams well then surely you will get good results so don’t worry about the results. But still, if you have doubts then this mantra will give you the power to focus on career.

6. Maa Saraswati Mantra to Gain Wisdom

This mantra will help you to get wisdom, wealth and knowledge. Maa Saraswati will bless you with more money with success in your career. This mantra is so strong and gives you confidence for your education as well. This mantra came from ancient history which is truly inspiring and helpful for professional life.

  • This mantra should chant for 102 times a day after proper bathing and ready for studies.
  • Worship the sun and Maa Saraswati for better results.

7. Mantra to Gain Intelligence 

  • Recite this mantra for 45 times before you sit for exam preparations and studies.
  • Do meditation and morning exercise also for making your brain healthy and active for exam preparations.
  • Drink lots of water and donate old books to needy people.
  • This mantra will provide you more intelligence and power to memorize your entire syllabus.

To get intelligence, it needs a steady dose of motivation, constant support and calm mentoring to give your best in exams, but for side support and make your brain focused you need to worship also with these mantras.

8. Mantra to Top the Exam  

This is a divine mantra of Lord Ram; it has been taken from the Ramcharitmanas. It has been recited 108 times in a day or at least 21 times. This is a blessing of God and really working, chant this mantra and feel the effects.

9. Mantra for Best Results 

This mantra increases confidence & ensures success in exams. When losing confidence and feel low for the preparation, chant this mantra for 50 times and see the magic. These mantras remove fear from inner thoughts and connect to god directly. This helps to give more confidence in selves.

10. Mantra to Remove Anxiety and Fear 

Last but not least, the most powerful mantra to give the power to fight with anxiety and fear for examinations. This mantra is also useful for those seeking higher studies.

  • This mantra is to be recited at least 11 times before studying and before writing for exams
  • Do worship of Shree Ram and Maa Saraswati for blessings.

Believe in the power of God and concentrate on your goals, by using this mantra you will get top rank in your exams as well as new growth in your career. As per ancient knowledge, this is the real meditation and blessing of God, spirituality gives you another level of confidence about your life and hard work. By connecting with God and take blessing will surely help you to excel in your exams and professional life.

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The Mystical Bee will help you connect with God and imbibe the power of the Universe.

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Plz Can you translate it to Latin text? i can’t read it.

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Translating to Latin would not be possible; I apologize for this. Sending you love and light. OM Shiva OM Shakti ||

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You Can Post those mantras in english. I dont know much Hindi

Posting Mantras in English is not possible because these Mantras are supposed to be recited in Hindi and that too in a proper way. Sending you love and light. OM Shiva OM Shakti ||

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Is there any mantra for hair regrowth & prevention from disease like sugar, stones etc.

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I really love spiritual items so hope to gather the courage like others in the field.

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  • India Untold

From Dreams to Reality: Here’s the success mantra of an IAS officer

Ishwi Singh

Rajasthan’s Neha cracked JEE exams after grade 12 and graduated from IIT Kanpur. After that, she appeared for the UPSC exams but could not even clear the preliminary round. Neha distanced herself from social media and changed her learning strategies. Her dedication and commitment helped her achieve her dream. She became an IAS officer in 2021 batch by securing 260 th rank in 2020 UPSC exams.

Rajasthan: The realization of one’s purpose, makes life exceptionally beautiful. It is remarkable how people become so invincible in the pursuit of their dreams. Rajasthan’s Neha Byadwal distanced herself from plenty of things to crack UPSC exams. Let’s read about Neha’s story to seek inspiration from her journey.

Who is Neha Byadwal?

Neha Byadwal is a resident of Jamvaramgarh in Jaipur, Rajasthan. Her father, Prahlad Byadwal works as a Senior Accountant Divisional Officer in PHED. Neha’s mother Rajni Devi is a homemaker. Neha’s older sister is an officer in the Indian Engineering Service. 

After completing her schooling from Jaipur, Neha cleared the JEE exams and graduated from IIT Kanpur. She began preparing for the UPSC exams and failed in her first attempt. 

How did Neha do it?

Great success requires sacrifice. Neha devoted all her time to her studies and distanced herself from her social life. She deleted her social media accounts, stopped meeting her friends and did not attend family gatherings. Her hard work paid off when she secured 260th rank in 2020 UPSC exam. In 2021, she was appointed as an IAS officer. 

Success mantra

Neha shares that UPSC exams require dedication and commitment from the aspirants’ sides. The exams are relentless and therefore the aspirants need to prepare themselves accordingly. Fostering a fear for the preliminary or the interview rounds would not help in any way. So, one must be willing to stay strong minded in the face of adversities. Discipline and confidence are the keys that will lead you to success. 

Neha’s scores

Neha reactivated her Instagram account after receiving the final UPSC results. She proudly shared her marksheet in a post and people started congratulating her. Neha’s optional subject was Economics. She secured 128 marks in the essay writing section. She secured 809 and 151 marks in the written examination and personality test respectively. 960 was her final score.

Last Updated Sep 25, 2023, 8:38 AM IST

Neha Byadwal

Inspirational, success story.

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Success Mantras – Golden Steps for Sure Success

We are living in a world of Cut-throat Competition. Everybody is striving hard to outshine others to get success in the respective field. Getting success has become the only goal for all the people. They are craving to get it anyhow – by hook or by crook. Short -cuts are favorites for many of them. But they don’t know that success obtained using unfair means will inevitably elude them.

There are many people who don’t taste success despite their best efforts. These unlucky keep cursing themselves, their luck and circumstances. They get frustrated and pessimistic and in the end put on melancholic attire for the rest of life.

They don’t find way out. In this article, we are giving you some steps which may lead you to sure success in life. These are the steps followed by all the great men and women of the world. Now it’s your turn to follow them.

Tips for Success

Golden Steps for Great Success –

Set your Goal –

This is the first and foremost thing to do in the direction of success. Your life must not be aimless. First of all choose your goal. There are people who start the journey of life without having aim. Their life takes them nowhere. They keep changing their aims. So success becomes a far off dream for them.

Like Arjuna in Mahabharata, you must know what your aim is. What was Arjuna’s aim ? To become the world’s best archer. He knew his aim and that’s why kept sticking to that. He had fixed his eyes in the eyes of the fish. Arjuna never got distracted and the result was evident. So set your goal and fix your eyes on that.

Passion –

Passion is very important for success. After choosing your goal, you need to fall after it passionately. Passions are both short and long-lived. It depends upon the person what he is to choose – former or latter. If your aim is close to your heart, you will naturally be passionate about it.

If somebody has thrust it on you, you will get bored of it very soon. So choose the goal which you can achieve with passion, of your choice. You must love your goal. Take the example of Sachin Tendulkar . He was passionately in love with cricket. Even he sacrificed his studies for it. He used to practice from morning till evening. His passion was long-lived and you can see the result. World’s best cricketer.

Determination – Success Mantras/ Tips

Passion and determination are interconnected. You need to be resolute in what you wish to do. Most of the time you fail in your attempts. Your passion also doesn’t work. You get frustrated. You think that you are wasting your time . And you realize you must take another path. It means you are lacking determination.

You need to be strong, very strong if you have to taste success. Determination is a power capsule. It strengthens your immune power to face any of the difficulties. You must have heard of Dashrath Manjhi , the Mountain Man. He was a poor laborer from Bihar. When his wife died after slipping from a mountain, he firmly decided to remove that mountain and he did that. You know how many years he took in this task ? As many as 22 years! This is called iron will.

Strategy –

Great wars were won with great strategies. Strategy means, here, direction. If you start walking and you are in the wrong direction, you will never reach your goal. So strategy is must to ensure any success. That’s why the strategists like Vidur and Chanakya are still relevant for their invincible strategies.

If you are preparing for   IAS and don’t have strategy, reading one book or the other, you won’t be able to clear it. Make strategy, divide your time and make access to the proper syllabus, check last years’ question papers and then start preparation. This strategy will certainly work, I assure you.

Hard Work –

Hard work is the key to any success. Without hard work all the steps are useless. These said steps must be combined with hard work for sure success. In the Gita , Lord Krishana emphasises on Action ( Karma ), Selfless Action. Karma is actually work, hard work. The Fruits of labour are hard work. Hard work never goes waste.

It is true that no body wishes to work and every body is to work for survival. So you are not an exception if hard work scares you. It had also happened with the great people who believed in hard labor. But by practice, they made it a habit and started enjoying it. Learn from ants, one of the most hard working creatures of Nature.

Inspiration / Motivation

Without inspiration, you can’t do hard work and get your goal. You need motivation to go ahead. Everybody gets inspiration by somebody in his/her life. This inspiration provides fuel to work. Otherwise you will loose interest in your work.

For some this motivation comes in the form of money, for other great people of the world and so on. For me Swami Vivekananda Ji and my Father were a source of inspiration. So make somebody your ideal, source of inspiration so that you keep drawing energies from their life style and teachings.

Patience –

Rome was not built in a day. We can not grow mustard on the palm. It requires time for every work to be completed. We can’t achieve success  in a day. It takes time, months and years. We, bloggers, are very impatient about our success. We want big traffic in the very first month. It had also happened with me when I started my blogging. Now I have learnt to be patient.

Fun and Health –

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Your work must be the combination of fun and frolic otherwise life will become boring for you. Fun provides you mental rest. See movies, play with kids and read some interesting books. Health is the essential element for any success.

I must say it is the foremost element. Our Prime Minister Sh Narendra Modi despite his busy schedule gives time to health. Every morning he does yoga . He has become a centre of attraction because of his fitness. Even American President Obama is his fan.

Optimism –

You have to be optimistic in  your approach. The problem is that we find negative people with negative approach every where. They keep discouraging us with their remarks – You can’t do it. I had also tried but failed. You know that there is much competition here, bet me you can’t succeed.

Try some other thing, dear and so on. Don’t listen to them. Be optimistic. Here remember the story of the spider which kept climbing the wall despite its frequent falling from it. Ultimately it reached the place and made its web.

Education brings holy water to the educationist – Srimad Bhagwat Geeta

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Feel to good after reading this. Thanks a lot !

Very motivative, Sir.

be postive in life always kisi cheej se drna nhi vhaiye blki usse ladne k liue hmesha tyar rehna chaiye

Yes your thought is very inspirational by me.and other peoples. Good Thought

Thanku sir… its really a remarkable inspiration …. I have also set a determination n ready to face every challenges. … thanks once again :-)

Thank u so so much…keep posting such blogs sir..I have an aim in life but I don’t work hard for it but after reading your blog I’ll certainly start working rather than wasting time.

mam maine graduation kr rakhi h pls age ke liye mujhe bataye ki mujhe kis chhetra m naukri mil sakti h mujhe koi achi si job nhi mil rhi h pls mujhe koi hint de

very interesting thoughts

very usefull motivation sir

OMG ! its really a great motivation to every one. Thank you very much sir for such a motivational approach. It helped me a lot.

Thankuuu .nice and helpful in each and every aspect of life.

Thank you sir for your motivational approach. It worked a lot on me. Now I know what to do in my life. I am truely motivated and will try my best to overcome all the shortcomings in my life.

Good wishes for better life, Anannya.

Do the things you fear and fear will disappear.

Thanks sir very very useful for all applicants. I am an ex service man preparing for hpsc naib tehsildar exam. Pl Sir what is pattern said exam. Hpsc 1st time change this pattern.

Thanks and Best of luck for your Exam.

mam pls send me september current affaire

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Well-Being • Wisdom

13 Motivational Mantras for Career Success

Marina Khidekel

Marina Khidekel

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We all strive for success on our own terms, and achieving it takes ingenuity and perseverance. But sometimes a little extra kick can come in the form of a mantra that ignites our creativity, boosts our confidence, and helps us attain our goals .

We asked members of the Thrive Global community to share the mantras that have helped them achieve success in their careers. Which one will you try?

“A quitter never wins, and a winner never quits.”

“Completing my business degree while working full-time was exhausting at times. One night when I was revising for an upcoming exam, I really started seriously doubting my ability to do this. My housemate told me, ‘A quitter never wins, and a winner never quits.’ This became my mantra. So I scribbled it onto paper, stuck it to my wall, and pushed onward. This phrase saw me through my exam, my degree, and now fortifies me every day as I run my own business.”

— Chloe Burroughs, study skills coach, Bath, UK

“What will you do with your one wild and precious life?”

“In order to be an entrepreneur, you always have to be focused and inspired, but never complacent. I always refer back to my favorite Mary Oliver quote to stay focused: ‘Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?’ Each of us is gifted with a talent or desire to fulfill, and it shouldn’t be wasted. Using this quote as a mantra reminds me that I’m unique and special, and have much to contribute to the world. That’s success!”

—Lorie Gardner, CEO/founder, Chatham, NJ

“ Don’t judge your ability by what you can do now.”

“I was always comparing myself to others and wanting to do more with myself. I would look at how far ahead others were and feel like I wasn’t successful because I wasn’t as advanced. But now I tell myself, ‘Don’t judge your ability by what you can do now. Your ability is what you can do next and that’s pretty exciting. Look at where you’re going, not where you are.’ I like this one the most because it’s my own — not borrowed — and that makes it more tangible to me.”

—Tina Leigh McDonald, leadership facilitator and youth career coach, Milton Keynes, UK

“Find a way.”

“If I’m certain that I want to make something happen, I use the phrase ‘find a way,’ inspired by swimmer Diana Nyad . She used this mantra while swimming from Cuba to Miami. It’s a great reminder to relax, trust yourself, and allow possibilities to emerge. Repeat the phrase a few times before a mediation practice, nap, or walk. Then let go of thinking about the situation and allow your intelligence to organize and make connections.”

—Cara Bradley, body-mind teacher and author, Philadelphia, PA

“The only ones who are failures are the ones who never try.”

“My one and only mantra is an adage handed down from my father: ‘The only ones who are failures are the ones who never try.’ It’s simple and to the point. It gives me the courage to be creative, to extend myself beyond my cocoon of introversion.”

—Michael Ivers, diversity and inclusion, Lake Stevens, WA

“Purpose over position.”

“One of my core mantras is ‘purpose over position.’ It’s often tempting to look at success as movement up a ladder or as a specific salary, but knowing why I’m doing something and how it aligns with my values has always allowed me to gauge my success, whether in my career or other aspects of my life. When I can genuinely answer these questions, influence always seems to follow.”

—Andrew Gobran, people operations, Minneapolis, MN  

“The only voice I’m listening to is my own.”

“As a recovered people-pleaser and perfectionist, I have to remind myself that ‘the only voice I’m listening to is my own.’ I used to say ‘yes’ to too many things, underprice my services, or stress out about getting things right. But now I take a moment to decide what’s best for my business, my relationships, and our family. I also charge based on the value I deliver and tell myself that I have time.”  

—Lisa Pezik, business strategist and content expert, Ontario, Canada

“It’s business — don’t take it personally.”

“As a publicist, my days can be quite busy and change often. Clients make crazy demands and dealing with reporters can be stressful. When people are unpleasant or rude to me, I often remind myself that it’s business, so I shouldn’t take it personally. I remember that I’m built for this and tomorrow will be a better day!”

—Ashlee Simpson, publicist, New York, NY

“Small things done consistently in strategic places over time bring progress.”

“‘Small things done consistently in strategic places over time bring progress.’ This procrastination-busting mantra has kept me from ‘entrepreneur’s paralysis,’ the phenomena of being overwhelmed by the sheer breadth of the mission you’ve taken on to the point of not being able to begin. This is what prevents great ideas from seeing the light of day. The mantra reaffirms what we’ve heard over and over: Just begin with one wise step at a time.”

—Tommy Rosen, addiction recovery expert, Los Angeles, CA

“Light up the room.”

“This one works really well every time I’m either doing public speaking or attending a public event. I simply repeat the phrase ‘light up the room’ when I arrive at the venue, and say this to myself until I enter the room. It makes me feel more positive and happy, and gets me into the zone. When I’m competing in an Ironman, I use the lines of the dance track ‘ Tonight ’ by Danny Byrd: ‘Tonight is gonna be the night/When the moon and the stars and the stage/Are shining bright/So come and enjoy with me/A celebration tonight of all our history.’ It helps me dig deep in the tail of the marathon.”

—Ian Hacon, energy coach and CEO, Norfolk, UK

“I can change and transform the lives of others by sharing my story.”

“I cultivated a daily practice of meditation a couple of years ago. That’s when I crafted a mantra that keeps me motivated through the day, which I repeat whenever I take a break or need to refocus. One of the mantras that helped me achieve success in my career was ‘I can change and transform the lives of others by sharing my story.’ This empowered me to reach out and inspire others to live a more fulfilling personal and professional life by focusing on themselves and improving their well-being.”

—Sabrina Cadini, life-work balance strategist, San Diego, CA

“Will the world end?”

‘Will the world end?’ Too often, we neglect our downtime and core work because we’re busy doing reactive tasks that we think have to be done now. We make ourselves responsive to everyone, at any time. The effect is that when we are always reacting and working on everyone’s to-do list but our own, we’re actually less productive in the areas that count, and we burn out. When I feel compelled to give up my time, my task list, or creative space to do a task for someone else or answer an email, I ask myself if the world will end if I don’t reply or do it now. A little perspective can work wonders.”

—Sheena Ireland, communications specialist, Canberra, Australia

“You are more than enough. You do more than enough. You have more than enough.”

“For years, the negative self-talk that unceasingly ran in my head was the opposite of a success-boosting mantra. ‘You are not enough’ is what I knew to be true about myself. It may have been an erroneous interpretation from my childhood, but it reverberated within me until I learned to actively replace that mantra with the following: ‘You are enough. You do enough. You have enough.’ I repeated this over and over to myself, especially when shame and self-lambasting would rise up within me. And then I learned to replace that phrase with this: ‘You are more than enough. You do more than enough. You have more than enough.’ This new mantra has saved my life, and brought me both joy and success.”

—Lisa Kohn, author and executive coach, Wayne, PA

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125 Weekend Inspirational Quotes For An Inspired Life

For many people, the end of the week means freedom from work. And when the work week ends, there are endless opportunities ahead!

For some, the Saturday shine means relaxing and spending quality time with good friends and family. For others, the weekend is a time of solitude to focus on personal growth and preparing a positive mindset for the work week ahead. 

For me, I choose to spend my Saturday mornings reflecting on the week before enjoying some time with my family. In the evenings, I take in the beautiful Saturday sunset while spending some time focusing on my own personal passions and hobbies.

Regardless of how you choose to take advantage of the weekend vibes, the end of the work week is your chance to live your best and most inspired life!

To help you kick your weekend off, I have put together 125 weekend inspirational quotes! Whether you are spending your weekend relaxing, socializing, or hustling, this list of motivational weekend quotes will help you live your best and most intentional life all weekend long!

Weekend Inspirational Quotes

My favorite good morning routine is to enjoy a quiet block of personal reflection time. Using these weekend inspirational quotes is a great way to process the events of the work week in a positive way. Pair these wise words with a sunny day and you have yourself the recipe for a great weekend in the making!

  • “It’s okay if every weekend doesn’t lead to big moments and campfires and laughter that carries on for hours and hours. Some weekends might be quiet, still, with plenty of room to contemplate. And in that contemplation room, there is room to grow.” – Morgan Harper Nichols
  • “As the working week fades, embrace the wonderful weekend ahead, where better days and positive thoughts await.”
  • “Leave behind the worries of previous days and step into a weekend full of only good vibes and happy ends.”
  • “You have to be burning with an idea, or a problem, or a wrong that you want to right. If you’re not passionate enough from the start, you’ll never stick it out.” – Steve Jobs
  • “As the working week melts away, remember that the weekend is a precious gift where you can create the best stories and make every moment count.”
  • “You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it.” – Maya Angelou
  • “Don’t make a habit out of choosing what feels good over what’s actually good for you.” – Eric Thomas
  • “Those who continue to work at a job they hate for the money alone are more likely to be stressed, and very unhappy. … They live for their vacations and weekends. Unfortunately, they are sadly missing out on the happiness of everyday life.” – Catherine Pulsifer
  • “Be in the habit of getting up bright and early on the weekends. Why waste such precious time in bed?” – Marilyn Vos Savant
  • “Wishing you a good weekend filled with good vibes and the promise that bad things can be transformed into the best stories.”
  • “Let the weekend shine guide you towards the only way to recharge your soul and gather the strength for the days of the week to come.”

Best Weekend Quotes

  • “If you find yourself waiting for the weekend to approach, then it means that you are not happy for at least five days a week.” – Rakshit Shetty
  • “Does your life have a purpose? Are you contributing anything useful to this world, or just shuffling papers, banging on a keyboard, and coming home to a drunken existence on the weekends?” – Tim Ferris
  • “Sunday clears away the rust of the whole week.” – Joseph Addison
  • “Wishing you a lovely weekend ahead after your week of hard work. May it be filled with much fun and well-deserved relaxation.”
  • “The secret recipe for a perfect weekend? A lovely weekend getaway, a dash of hard work put aside, and a whole lot of fun!”
  • “Weekends are like a reward for your hard work throughout the week. So, here’s to a lovely weekend where you can have as much fun as you want!”
  • “As the week’s hard work winds down, let the prospect of a lovely weekend put a smile on your face. It’s time for some well-deserved rest!”
  • “When the lovely weekend knocks on your door, leave behind the stresses of hard work and embrace the opportunity to have fun and make lasting memories.”
  • “Typically a weekend retreat for the heart, soul and palate, brunch is the perfect way to unwind and reconnect.” – Marcela Valladolid
  •  “Always take some of the play, fun, freedom and wonder of the weekend into your week and your work.” – Rasheed Ogunlaru

Always take some of the play, fun, freedom and wonder of the weekend into your week and your work

Weekend Motivational Quotes

While many people choose to rest throughout the entire weekend, others use this time to work toward the big dreams and goals that they have for their lives. The time away from work provides focus and freedom to pursue interests and passions that give you life! Plan a weekend retreat into a hobby or side hustle with these weekend motivational quotes!

  • “The weekend is not just a time to rest; it’s a chance to recharge your spirit and refocus your goals for the better days ahead.”
  • “A long weekend isn’t just a break; it’s the perfect time to blend the happiness of everyday life with the pursuit of your dreams.”
  • “Embrace the first day of your two-day journey with a deep breath and a fresh start. The weekend retreat you create for yourself is a beacon of self-care and inspiration.”
  • “In the fine line between work and play, find the balance that allows you to enjoy the small things, cherish big moments, and embrace the weekend shine.”
  • “I try to treat each evening and weekend as little slices of retirement because no one is guaranteed a lengthy one at the end of their career.” – Mike Hammar
  • “On a lazy Saturday morning when you’re lying in bed, drifting in and out of sleep, there is a space where fantasy and reality become one.” – Lynn Johnston
  • “Weekends are sacred for me. They’re the perfect time to relax and spend time with family and friends.” – Marcus Samuelsson
  • “As the alarm clock silences on a Saturday morning, remember that the only reason it exists is to give you a break from Monday morning routines.”

Inspirational Weekend Quotes

Whether you are battling burnout from previous days in the week or developing a growth mindset to conquer a challenge, use these inspirational weekend quotes to inspire you toward victory!

  • “A blessed weekend is a canvas for writing the best stories of your life. Let each moment be a brushstroke of happiness, painted with the colors of self-care.”
  • “Embrace the lovely weekend as your personal retreat. Use this time to reconnect with your own life, finding inspiration in the touch of weekend magic.”
  • “In the slow motion of Sunday mornings, find the space to appreciate the good things around you. Sometimes, the most precious gifts come in the form of simple things.”
  • “The weekend getaway you’ve been craving isn’t just about exploring new places; it’s about discovering the unexplored corners of your own soul.”
  • “As the sun sets on Friday afternoon, step into the weekend with a heart full of gratitude. The crazy weekend adventures and quiet moments on the front porch are all part of your unique journey.”
  • “Without the weekend, where would the week be?” – Anthony T. Hincks
  • “My perfect weekend… anything to do with nature.” – Paul Walker
  • “A long weekend is like a reset button for your soul – press it, and you’ll find yourself in the happiness of everyday life.”

A long weekend is like a reset button for your soul – press it, and you'll find yourself in the happiness of everyday life

Happy Weekend Quotes

  • “Happiness is a hot bath on a Sunday afternoon.” – A.D. Posey
  • “Wishing you a wonderful weekend filled with laughter, relaxation, and all the good vibes you need.”
  • “As Saturday night lights up the sky, let your worries fade away and embrace the joy of a great weekend.”
  • “Happy Friday Night Fam! Time to free yourself from worries and stresses and focus on all of your blessings!! Spread love & be happy this weekend!” – Tracey Edmonds
  • “Friday night marks the start of a long-awaited journey – your own weekend adventure full of happiness and good times.”
  • “The alarm clock’s silence on a Saturday morning is the only reason you need to celebrate the prime time of the week – the weekend!”
  • “Happy Friday! The weekend is here, bringing with it the promise of relaxation, good weather, and moments to treasure.”
  • “Saturday’s the world is a better place again.” – Golden Flower
  • “A Sunday well spent brings a week of content.” – Proverb
  • “Although I understand that all days are equal with 24 hours each, most of us agree that Friday is the longest day of the week and Sunday the shortest!” – D.S. Mixell

Weekend Inspirational Quotes For Encouragement

  • “Spend some time this weekend on home improvement; improve your attitude toward your family.” – Bo Bennett
  • “In the midst of the working week’s hustle, remember that the weekend is a precious gift to recharge and embrace better days ahead.”
  • “The best way to appreciate your job is to imagine yourself without one.” – Oscar Wilde
  • “When the daily routine gets overwhelming, look forward to the weekend shine that guides you towards a happier and more fulfilling life.”
  • “Weekend planning is a prime time to apply the Deathbed Priority Test: On your deathbed, will you wish you’d spent more prime weekend hours grocery shopping or walking in the woods with your kids?” – Hal Borland
  • “As Sunday evenings approach, let them be a reminder that even the smallest moments and simple things contribute to the best stories of your life.”
  • “The weekend isn’t just a break from work; it’s a chance to slow down, find a touch of weekend magic, and connect with the people and things that truly matter.”
  • “Hard work during the week sets the stage for great things, but the quality time you invest in yourself over the weekend makes the journey worthwhile.”
  • “Sundays are for rest, relaxation, and realizing that you never quite finished that to-do list from last weekend.”

Funny Weekend Quotes

If you had a rough week, the first day of your two-day journey might just need to begin with a good laugh. Have a little fun with these funny weekend quotes and enjoy some positivity as you start a wonderful weekend.

  • “Always strive to excel, but only on weekends.” – Richard Rorty
  • “Weekends are a bit like rainbows; they look good from a distance but disappear when you get up close to them.” – John Shirley
  • “The only reason I set an alarm clock on weekends is to remind Monday that it can’t control my entire weekend.”
  • “Oldtimers, weekends, and airplane landings are alike. If you can walk away from them, they’re successful.” – Casey Stengel
  • “Nobody wants to give up a weekend-long excuse to dress up and attempt to outshine one another.” – Elizabeth Eulberg
  • “Give a man a fish and he has food for a day; teach him how to fish and you can get rid of him for the entire weekend.” – Zenna Schaffer
  • “Friday night is like a superhero that always arrives just in time to save the day – or in this case, the entire weekend!”
  • “Hands up if you’re ready to do something you’ll regret this weekend. Go forth! You have my blessing.” – Florence Welch
  • “Weekends are like coffee – they start with a jolt of excitement on Saturday morning and end with a ‘decaf’ feeling on Sunday evening.”
  • “Youth is like a long weekend on Friday night. Middle age is like a long weekend on Monday afternoon.” – Richard Nelson Bolles
  • “If ‘rest’ were a sport, I’d definitely be an Olympic champion every weekend.”
  • “The only reason why we ask other people how their weekend was is so we can tell them about our own weekend.” – Chuck Palahniuk
  • “I am always happy to meet my friend, and my friend is my weekend.” – Debasish Mridha
  • “Weekends: because dancing around in your pajamas with a snack is considered quality time.”
  • “Weekends don’t count unless you spend them doing something completely pointless.” – Bill Watterson
  • “Good weather all the week, but come the weekend the weather stinks. When the weather is too hot they complain, too cold they complain, and when it’s just right, they’re watching TV.” – Rita Rudner
  • “Men are simple things. They can survive a whole weekend with only three things: beer, boxer shorts, and batteries for the remote control.” – Diana Jordan
  • “The weekend is a time for no’s – no alarm clock, no rushing, no urgent phone calls, no working nights!” – Catherine Puslifer
  • “Don’t worry about letting the dogs out. It’s Friday! Let them have a great weekend, too.” – Anthony T. Hincks
  • “It’s a fine line between Saturday night and Sunday morning.” – Jimmy Buffett
  • “Sunday evenings often feel like the weekend is over before it’s even begun.” – Catherine McCormack
  • “People care about my personal life. But really I’m dorky! I drink beer and go to football games. And ya know, sit in my house in a t-shirt on the weekends and play with my dog!” – Sophia Bush
  • “The only happy END that I know: it’s the weekEND.”

the only happy end that i know its the weekend

Weekend Quotes About Relaxing

  • “The weekend is the perfect time to find that fine line between doing nothing and enjoying the simple things that bring you happiness.”
  • “Weekends are sacred for me. They’re the perfect time to relax and spend time with family and friends.” – Marcus Samuelsson
  • “Why not try to relax your troubled mind by taking a walk in the park, or going on a weekend hiking trip with family or friends and enjoy the view? It can surely do wonders for a tired mind and soul.” – E.L. Herndon
  • “Weekends are about replenishment and rejuvenation.” – Neil Morrissey
  • “There are 365 days and 52 weekends in a year. Even if you are short on time off, you can still take weekend getaways. Does that count as a vacation? Of course it does.” – Anita Kaltenbaugh
  • “A wild and crazy weekend involves sitting on the front porch, smoking a cigar, reading a book.” – Robert M. Gates
  • “Sunday! A family day with a touch of weekend thrown in for good measure.” – Anthony T. Hincks
  • “I have to be alone very often. I’d be quite happy if I spent from Saturday night until Monday morning alone in my apartment. That’s how I refuel.” – Audrey Hepburn
  • “In the working week’s chaos, don’t forget to reserve a little corner of the weekend just for yourself and your own relaxation.”
  • “I believe that it is a mandatory Law of the Universe that on Fridays, you have to do something a little fun.” – Hanna Rhoades
  • “When the weekend arrives, let the worries of the week be blown away like leaves on a windy Sunday morning – relaxation is here to stay.”
  • “Music always sounds better on Friday.” – Lou Brutus
  • “You know what I want to do? Wake up one weekend and not have to go anywhere and do nothing.” – Derek Jeter

Weekend Quotes About Self Care

As you think about your own weekend planning, remember that a little bit of self care  goes a long way. Taking care of yourself is important to prepare you for the challenges that await you on Monday morning !

  • “Amid the chaos of the week, the weekend offers a precious gift of self-care – a chance to nurture your well-being and recharge.”
  • “Why wait for the weekend to have fun?” – Loesje
  • “The weekend is not just about relaxation; it’s a prime time for self-care, where you can find the perfect balance between doing and being.”
  • “My Sunday is a leisure day in which I encourage myself to forget the responsibilities of my workdays and engage honestly with my friends and loved ones.” – Srinivas Mishra
  • “In the hustle of the working week, don’t forget that self-care isn’t a luxury; it’s a necessity that the weekend graciously provides.”
  • “Embrace this wonderful weekend as your own personal retreat, where you can indulge in self-care, enjoying the simple things and rejuvenating your soul.”
  • “As Sunday evenings gently approach, reflect on the weekend’s moments of self-care – those are the precious fragments of time that truly matter in the long run.”
  • “Weekends are special even if your schedule is all over the place. Something tells you the weekend has arrived, and you can indulge yourself a bit.” – Helen Mirren
  • “Being in love is what makes working all week bearable. It makes cruising with your windows rolled down feel like you’re riding in a convertible. It makes you dance to the rhythm of the copy machine and makes Friday night really feel like the weekend.” – Julie Hintz
  • “Friday afternoon feels like heaven…” – El Fuego
  • “I’m learning the power of going away for the weekend and keeping myself company.” – Zoe Saldana
  • “There aren’t enough days in the weekend.” – Rod Schmidt
  • “What can be better than to get out a book on Saturday afternoon and thrust all mundane considerations away till next week.” – C. S. Lewis

Inspirational Saturday Quotes

  • “The rhythm of the weekend, with its birth, its planned gaiety, and its announced end, followed the rhythm of life and was a substitute for it.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald
  • “May your Saturday be a haven of joy and relaxation, a blessed weekend where you find the time to heal your sad soul.”
  • “Saturdays are a reminder that you can find joy in the simplest moments.”
  • “Embrace the weekend with open arms and a grateful heart.”
  • “Saturday: a day to refuel your soul and be grateful for your blessings.”
  • “Let the magic of Saturday fill your heart with inspiration and possibilities.”
  • “Great things do not have to be big things, they may be small things that make a great difference in one person’s life.” – Catherine Pulsifer 
  • “Every Saturday is a chance to start anew and chase your dreams.”
  • “Take time to relax and reflect on the good things in life this Saturday.”
  • “Saturdays are for adventures, so go out and make some unforgettable memories.”
  • “Let the good vibe Sunday well spent to bring us a week of content.” – Napz Cherub Pellazo
  • “Breathe in the beauty of Saturday and let it invigorate your spirit.”
  • “Use this Saturday to recharge and set your intentions for a fulfilling week ahead.”
  • “Saturday is the perfect day to be happy and let your worries fade away.”
  • “In the precious gift of the weekend, find a moment of your life to escape the grind, take a deep breath, and enjoy some quality time.”
  • “You’ve worked hard all week, and now it’s time to bask in the weekend’s glow. Great work deserves wonderful weekends filled with good things.”
  • “Every new day is a fresh start, and the weekend is your chance for a much-needed reset. Embrace the first day of your two-day journey with open arms.”
  • “The weekend is a reminder that even amidst the chaos, you can find moments of tranquility. Take a deep breath and let the weekend’s positive thoughts uplift your spirit.”
  • “But you do have choices about how you spend your time. Balancing what you need to do with what you want to do can lead to happiness and success.” – Stephen Hall
  • “Sundays are like confetti floating in the air in slow motion, in the evening they reach the ground and you hope a bit of wind could blow on them so they could fly a bit longer.” – Alain Bremond-Torrent

Applying Weekend Inspirational Quotes in Your Life

As you start your weekend retreat from the chaos of the work week, take a deep breath and select your favorite weekend inspirational quotes from this list. Picking inspirational weekend quotes that align with your dreams and goals will help you make the most of your weekend!

There are so many ways that you can stay inspired throughout the weekend!

  • Repeat your favorite quotes to yourself throughout your morning routine to help you maintain a positive mindset throughout the day. 
  • Use motivational weekend quotes as journal prompts to help direct your thoughts and intentions.
  • Use sticky notes to place your favorite quotes throughout your house to remind you of your goals for this weekend!

Before you know it, Sunday morning will be here and you will be jumping into another work week. So take advantage of the freedom the weekend gives you to live your best and most inspired life!

To kick off the weekend, check our our list of Friday morning inspirational quotes! And while there is still some weekend left, check out this collection of  Sunday inspirational quotes and images !

Don’t forget to share this post with your friends and family on social media! If you know someone who could use help preparing to have a great weekend, this post could be just what they need!

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  • International
  • Foreign affairs

Out-compete, out-cooperate, out-innovate: Foreign Secretary calls for a harder edge for a tougher world

Foreign Secretary Lord Cameron gave his first major speech in the role at the National Cyber Security Centre.

success mantra essay

You can watch the Foreign Secretary’s speech on YouTube.

I have been Foreign Secretary for almost 6 months. And I have been determined to make every day count.  

I have visited 33 countries, 1 Overseas Territory, and criss-crossed 6 continents.  I lead a Department working hard to respond to crises, counter threats, champion development, and boost UK jobs.  

I like to say being Prime Minister was a great apprenticeship for this job. But being Foreign Secretary is not entirely the same. 

Indeed, precisely because you are so often on the road, leading a large organisation, you must make doubly sure not to confuse activity with action. 

So let me use this speech to take a step back. 

Economics, politics and foreign policy 

My starting point is that we cannot divorce foreign policy from economic performance. 

Investing more overseas requires a growing economy. And to be taken seriously, you need to show the dynamism of your own economy and its capacity for growth and renewal.  

From this room, you can see the four iconic chimneys of Battersea Power Station. I can remember standing there as Leader of the Opposition, launching the 2010 election manifesto. It was a derelict building, left vacant and crumbling for decades. 

Today, it is transformed. And that’s thanks to our drive to secure Malaysian investment and offer determined government support, hundreds of offices and flats, shops and restaurants now sit beneath those towers.  And it demonstrates our continued attractiveness to overseas investors.  

But nor can we divorce foreign and economic policy from domestic politics.  All over the western world, we see the rise of political movements that want us to pull up the drawbridge, claiming that we will be better off if we focus purely on domestic concerns.

I believe these movements are profoundly wrong.  Not just because Britain is an outward-facing nation, with almost 1 in 10 of us living abroad, and a set of interests and connections that are truly global, not limited to any one region or continent. But because what happens abroad matters directly to our citizens.  

However, our approach must not be to ignore the rise of these movements. It must be to deal with what has caused them to grow, so we can engage with the world and therefore safeguard our national interests.  

I believe the 2 biggest drivers are clear. One, failing to control borders properly and tackle illegal immigration. And second leaving too many people in too many places behind, cut off from the uneven benefits of globalisation.  

Any political party that fails to address these drivers will find itself incapable of governing effectively and getting things done.  

That’s why we’re fixing our immigration system, breaking the business model of smuggling gangs.  And why we need to ensure the whole country shares in the benefits of long-term growth.  

And the role of Foreign Secretary is not separate from this work: it is integral to it. Ultimately what guides everything I do as Foreign Secretary is Britain’s prosperity and Britain’s security.  

Earlier this year I returned to the Berlin Wall. I remember the days of its fall as if it was yesterday. Visiting Germany with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation. Meeting dissidents who had kept the flame of freedom alive behind the Iron Curtain. Hacking off a chunk of the Wall – a piece of history – for myself.  

Together with travelling in the Soviet Union between school and university, these were defining events in my political development.  As the era of state socialism was crumbling, the sense of optimism, of possibility, was infectious.  

Contrast that with today.   

War in the heart of Europe. From Tallinn to Warsaw, Prague to Bucharest, a chill has once more descended across the European continent. Those nations closest to Russia seeing what is happening in Ukraine and wondering if they will be next.  

And not far from Europe, war rages in the Middle East, as Israel seeks to defend itself and bring the hostages home, while innocent citizens in Gaza endure a crisis that will only worsen if aid cannot reach them, safely. 

All this while there are conflicts in 18 countries in Africa. This is a world more dangerous, more volatile, more confrontational, than most of us have ever known.  

We need to face up to that fact and act accordingly.  Not in a year or two.  Not in a few months.  But now.  

The courage to act 

Returning to frontline politics, what stands out to me is how many reasons are found for us not to act. It too often feels as if the fundamental change in the world has not yet been met with a fundamental change in how many in the free world are thinking and acting. 

Both in Britain and the wider world, there are too many who adopt a kind of defensive crouch. Not just those I’ve already mentioned who want to pull up the drawbridge. But also those who think we can’t act, claiming we have become too weak, not powerful enough militarily or effective enough economically.  Or those who won’t act, so fixated are they on the risks– be it of escalation, unintended consequences, legal jeopardy, or simply causing offence.  

Fear of making the wrong choice leads to another meeting or another strategy paper, even when not acting is actually the worst choice of all.  

While, as the Prime Minister said in Warsaw recently, an axis of authoritarian states – like Russia, Iran, North Korea and China – is increasingly acting together in an attempt to undermine us and our allies and the world order on which we depend.

My conviction is that we, with our partners, can choose to make a difference.   

Entering politics in the 1980s, it was not at all obvious how or when the West would prevail over the Soviet Union.  Some urged us to reduce our defences or abandon the nuclear deterrent. But we stood firm and it worked.

Similarly, towards the end of my time as Prime Minister, it was not obvious we could defeat Daesh. Some declared that an Islamic State in control of vast swathes of Iraq and the Levant was here to stay. That an intervention would only see us bogged down in the Middle East. But together with our friends and allies, we drove their so-called caliphate right back.  

We in Britain, and in the wider West, we have agency. The question is whether we have the courage to use it.  The courage to act.  

So how then should we act?  I see 6 points which really matter if we are to rise to the challenges we face.  

First, we need to make security our top priority.  

If you want a picture of the dangers in the world, you can actually look right here at home in the last few months. Attacks on our democracy from China, including spying on the Electoral Commission and cyber targeting of our Members of Parliament. Reminders of the wide-ranging, covert Russian playbook, including a suspected sabotage attack on a warehouse in east London just last week. And – as the Director General of MI5 has made clear – numerous Iranian plots to assassinate British or UK-based individuals perceived as enemies of the regime, again right here in the UK.

As Prime Minister, I was proud to host the 2014 NATO Summit in Wales , at which all Allies committed to spend at least 2% of GDP on defence. And I am proud to speak today at the National Cyber Security Centre , which we set up to make Britain the safest place to live and work online.  

Today, as the threat has grown and evolved, we in government need to do even more to prioritise security. 

And so we have passed the National Security Act and a new Investigatory Powers Act, so we can defend ourselves against espionage more effectively. We have introduced the National Security Investment Act, so we can screen investment into our critical national infrastructure. We have prepared the Foreign Influence Registration Scheme, so we can bolster our resilience here in Britain against covert foreign influence.  

And, crucially, the Prime Minister has committed to spend 2.5% of GDP on defence – the biggest investment in defence for a generation, and increased defence R&D get at least 5% of the defence budget, so we stay at the cutting edge of defence technology.  

It is vital we sustain this focus on security, doing what is required to harden our defences.

Second, we need to be bolder in standing up for what we believe in. 

The national interest defines our foreign policy. Some try to portray this as somehow unprincipled. As if by putting the national interest first, we will sacrifice important values.  

Nothing could be further from the truth. It is profoundly in our national interests to defend those core beliefs.  

Freedom. The rule of law. Respect for human rights and human dignity.  And to defend the core principles of an open international order. 

Right not might. Sovereignty and territorial integrity. Freedom of navigation.  

These principles are not some mere abstractions. Words solemnly proclaimed in the UN Charter, Sustainable Development Goals or other international agreements.  Rather they are vital foundations for British and global security and prosperity.  

All the world’s citizens benefit when freedoms are upheld. Sovereignty is respected. And commerce flows freely around the globe. 

So we, our allies and our partners must stand up and defend them.  

Our adversaries openly challenge these principles. They have no qualms at distortions and even outright lies in the media.  And they use new tools and techniques to distract and mislead. 

We must be bolder in combating their poisonous methods of deceit.  

That’s what Britain and America did by publicising of our intelligence before Putin’s illegal invasion. It was an unprecedented step. And made it absolutely clear what Putin was planning to do: assault a neighbour, without a scrap of justification. We in the West need to undermine and expose the malign networks that Russia uses to spread its lies.   

Over the last 5 years, Britain’s invested £600 million in this effort.  

Funding the BBC World Service, which reaches over 300 million listeners each week, backing free media and the free flow of information.  Supporting independent journalism in places like Moldova and Bosnia, where Russia seeks to bully and bribe their way to manipulating media and undermining politics. 

Our adversaries also strive to undermine global trust in these beliefs and principles by attacking our own record. They gleefully accuse the West of double standards.

I think we should be frank in our response. Yes, the suffering in Gaza is appalling. But an unprovoked war against an independent country like Ukraine that poses no threat is wholly different from the conflict that has grown from the brutal attacks of 7th October.  

And in each case, we are consistently pursuing the fastest route to a sustainable peace consistent with the principles of the UN Charter.  Every country in the world actually cares about principles like sovereignty and territorial integrity.  

And of course our adversaries say that we didn’t invest in the Global South. Nonsense. And it is the West who is funding the key parts of the global system doing the most to improve lives of people around the world.  

How much has Moscow given to the UN’s Central Emergency Relief Fund?  Seventy-four times less than Britain’s contribution.  

How much does Tehran invest in eradicating malaria?  Absolutely nothing to the Global Fund dedicated to eliminating this killer disease. Britain is the Fund’s third biggest donor – and has played a huge role in developing vaccines now poised to save many more lives.  

How much has Pyongyang do to protect our oceans?  Nothing like Britain’s Blue Belt , which is the largest marine protection area in the world – something that benefits not only our country, but our entire planet.  

And Britain is not alone in such generosity – our closest partners, big and small, give a huge amount as well.  

We are faced with a cynical assault on principles and programmes which have contributed so much to building a better world.  We must fight back – and never let that cynicism win.  

Third point – we need to adopt a harder edge for a tougher world. 

Pursuing our interests effectively means revisiting approaches to foreign policy born of good intentions and ask if they are truly fitting for the world of today. Prizing consensus over action. Not speaking out if it might upset others. Avoiding risks.  

Such attitudes perhaps seemed to cost us less in a more forgiving age. But if Putin’s illegal invasion teaches us anything, it must be that doing too little, too late, only spurs an aggressor on. 

And too often this lesson not having been learned.  Take the Red Sea, where ship after ship from a whole of countries have been attacked.  While many countries have criticised the Houthi attacks, it is actually only the US and Britain that have been willing and able to step up and strike back at them.  

Or defence spend in Europe, where still some seem unwilling to invest, even as war rages on our continent. Take women’s rights, where some are so cowed by accusations of neo-colonialism that they will not condemn practices like Female Genital Mutilation, ignoring survivors’ calls to eliminate it.   

This cannot go on. We need to be tougher and more assertive:  

  • degrading the Houthis’ capabilities
  • making 2.5% a new benchmark for NATO Allies’ defence spend
  • and using travel bans to stop politicians voting in favour of FGM in the morning, and then hopping on a plane to go shopping in London in the afternoon

And sometimes, a harder edge means being honest with ourselves.  Saying yes, we want to be a country that is ambitious and progressive. But no, we cannot afford to be naïve about how best to achieve our goals.  

So yes, we are open to the world, its people and ideas. But no, we will not permit criminal gangs to decide who can enter our country, and undermine voters’ trust in our ability to control our borders.  

By implementing our asylum partnership with Rwanda, we are acting in the national interest. And yes, we are committed to reaching net zero by 2050, and work globally to support others in meeting their own clean energy ambitions.  

But no, we will not refuse to grant new licences in the North Sea for vital oil and gas – nor will we demonise other countries using their own reserves – these things when they are vital for energy independence from the likes of Putin, and part of a responsible energy transition. 

Again by taking a proportionate, realistic approach to delivering our climate change goals, we are acting in the national interest.  

And yes, we support free trade. But no, we will not sign a free trade deal just for the sugar rush of the press release.  You only get one chance to do these properly, and it’s important to get it right. Via our patient negotiation of trade deals that are real wins, we are acting in the national interest.  

And yes again, we believe in free speech and freedom to protest. But no, we will not shy away from defending our democratic values. By doing things like the definition of extremism to ensure that the government does not legitimise those trying to overturn our principles, we are acting in the national interest.  

Fourth, we need to have a good dose of realism.  

In a much more competitive world, Britain must suffer no illusions about our place in it. 

I am proud to lead the FCDO , overseeing a diplomatic network in over 160 countries and territories, and a development budget of over 8 billion pounds not to mention our incredible intelligence and security services. I’m representing effectively a nation with a sovereign nuclear deterrent, a permanent seat on the UN Security Council, and a web of connections all over the world.  

But Britain is not a country like the US, whose every decision we make changes the world. There are vital areas where our action is decisive, but often we are a state whose decisions and adept diplomacy can influence the approaches of others. 

Realism is not defeatism – having less influence than the global superpower does not mean having no influence at all.  

While away from frontline politics, I heard a comment by a leading CEO that has stuck with me ever since. Britain, he said, is big enough to matter, but small enough to be nimble. That seems right to me.  

He was talking about regulation. But it can apply in so many other contexts. And it is an apt mantra for the modern world, in which new powers are emerging, and what matters is building coalitions to get things done.  

Why does Ukraine call us their number one ally? Not just for the level of our support and the speed in which we delivered it, but it’s how we’ve galvanised others.

I vividly recall my experiences in 2014. Imposing even some sanctions on Russia required painstaking negotiation. But, gradually, we have made the case for going so much further.  

We have imposed unprecedented sanctions – with our allies. We have provided game-changing kit like long-range missiles and battle tanks – with our allies.  We have sustained support for Kyiv into a third year of war – once more, following the vote in Congress, with our allies.  And we are now maintaining our military support to Ukraine – £3 billion a year – until 2030, and beyond if necessary, and calling on our allies to join us in that pledge.   

To persuade we also need to be active. A fortnight ago, I became the first Foreign Secretary to visit all 5 Central Asian states and Mongolia . 

In a more contested, more competitive world, Britain needs to get out there and compete. We need to say to potential partners all over the world, if you want to make that choice to be more open, be more independent, we can help you make that choice.  

We are fortunate in Britain that English is the world’s global language. For young people, speaking English acts as a passport for success, giving an edge in areas like business and finance, law and diplomacy.  

That is why for instance Mongolia, a country bordering Russia and China, has made the extraordinary and brilliant decision to make English their second official language. Ukraine has launched a programme so all their civil servants can learn it.  This is a great advantage for Britain – an opportunity to get the world speaking our language, in both senses of that phrase.  

But sometimes we seem hesitant to recognise just what a vital tool of influence the English language can be. Sixty million people from almost every country in the world used the British Council’s free Learn English site.  I have expanded the British Council’s online teaching offer in Central Asia, and today I can announce a new £1 million programme for the Council to teach English to Ukrainian civil servants.

But this should is only the beginning.  I believe it should be a core part of our foreign policy and the Foreign Office’s mission to lead this global change, we will champion English learning around the globe. This year next year, long into the future.

It is battle we are winning, and if we turn up and properly fight it we’ll win it faster and better.

There is a fifth point.  

A recognisably British attribute, but which we can sometimes fail to recognise in ourselves. That is the need to be ruthlessly practical.  

As was observed by one of my predecessors, Ernest Bevin, he combined “a powerful sense of direction… rooted in moral principle” with “a street-wise pragmatism in choosing the best route forward”.  

And the result, NATO, speaks for itself.  As this example shows, being practical can have a hard edge, a certain ruthlessness, too.  Focusing on delivering a strong, united defensive alliance, rather than hoping a newly formed UN alone could ensure our security. Facing the world as it is, not as it was or as we wish it to be.  

And so yes, for instance we want the fighting to end in Gaza. But calling for an immediate ceasefire makes it no more likely. It is more practical to focus – as we have done in the UN and elsewhere, with the Israelis, and with our partners – on securing a humanitarian pause, stopping the fighting right now, so we can see hostages released, more aid delivered, then turn this into a sustainable ceasefire without a return to fighting.  

And yes again, ruthlessly practical we support multilateral reform, because we want the UN and organisations like the World Trade Organisation and World Health Organisation to succeed. But we are also increasing our support for other, more nimbler organisations having impact on the ground, like GAVI or the Global Fund that does so much brilliant work on diseases.  

And yes, we have made our biggest contribution ever to the Green Climate Fund to tackle climate change. But we are also making it easier for small island developing states to access this funding, helping friends across the Caribbean, who I was meeting with yesterday, and in the Pacific like Samoa, hosts of this year’s Commonwealth Summit. 

I could add 2 personal examples of being practical.  

Yes, I supported remaining in the EU. But I am now laser-like focused on ensuring Britain and the EU have the best possible relationship, not as members, but as friends, neighbours and partners. And I am doing all I can also to ensure Britain invests in new partnerships, such as CPTPP , a trade deal with one of the fastest growing regions of the world – the Indo-Pacific.

And yes, I am a passionate believer in the power of aid and proud of my role in helping to design the sustainable development goals and boost Britain’s aid spending. But with our overseas aid budget under pressure, I also am proud to have led the Department in publishing a groundbreaking International Development white paper , and to be pressing for reform of the multilateral development banks and greater cooperation with the private sector – so others can also step up an provide the massive funding that’s going to be required to see those SDGs through.

Finally, we need to demonstrate political will and strategic patience.  

It is not enough merely to wish for a better world and hope for the best. Nor can we let talk of past failings or present risks paralyse us completely. We in the West need to see things through, and see them through together.  

Our adversaries today know all too well our underlying strengths. They see that the economies of Ukraine and her partners outmatch Russia’s by around 25 to 1. They can see that Sweden and Finland turned to NATO – an alliance that defends territory, not takes territory – at a moment of uncertainty. They can see the flows of talented people head in our direction from across the globe.  

But they think they have honed in our greatest weakness. They believe that it is they who are more determined to succeed. That they can outlast us, can endure more pain, make more sacrifices. 

We are in a battle of wills. We all must prove our adversaries wrong – Britain, and our allies and partners around the world. 

We need to out-compete.  

The upcoming NATO Summit must see all Allies on track to deliver their pledge made in Wales in 2014 to spend 2% on defence. And we then need to move quickly to establish 2.5% as the new benchmark for all NATO Allies.  

We need to out-cooperate. 

Investing in old alliances which have served us well – the transatlantic bond and our many friendships in Europe, the Five Eyes and G7, NATO and the Commonwealth.  

But we also need to forge new partnerships, like the AUKUS alliance with Australia and the US, the GCAP jet project with Italy and Japan , or our JEF security collaboration with like-minded nations in northern Europe.  

And, crucially, strengthening our bilateral partnerships with that great mass of countries such as those in Central Asia who, I visited last week.  Who while they may not all be democratic, they see the destructive, reactionary policies of our adversaries as a threat to their security and their prosperity.  

And we need to out-innovate.  

Using the legal route before us to use frozen Russian assets for the benefit of Ukraine.  And leaning into the modern technology that fuels both the operations in this building and much of the modern economy, as the Prime Minister did so skilfully by hosting the AI Safety Summit last year.  

I know from experience – it is not straightforward to deliver these points. Dissonant voices press for different paths, easier to tread in the short-term, even as they store up problems for years to come. But I am not disheartened.  

History is not pre-ordained. I am often reminded of this as Foreign Secretary. Entering my office, I pass portraits of my predecessors. The world of today looks very different to that of Bevin and Eden, Grey and Salisbury, Canning and Castlereagh. And yet each faced times of challenge and change.  

Looking back, one can detect common threads, fundamental traditions, in how they acted in response. Prioritising Britain’s security. Standing up for what they believed in. Being hard-edged, realistic and practical in their pursuit of the national interest. Showing always political will. The past cannot tell us what to do today. But it can offer some guidance.  

Today, we are being tested yet again.  In both foreign and domestic policy, in Britain and the wider West, we are at a crossroads. If we make the right choices, act now, a bright future awaits. But if we hesitate, our adversaries will write our future instead of us.  

We need to show courage. The courage to determine our own destiny. The courage to rise to this moment of peril. The courage to act.  

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